Simple redirection
The time may come when you have to close up shop at
your current Web server location and move to a nicer and more affordable host.
But then what happens to all your visitors who have already bookmarked your old
URL? Well, your best bet is to keep your old Web hosting account open for a
while and do a little automatic redirecting.
By using <META refresh>,
you can automatically redirect a user's browser to your new Web location. In
FrontPage, it's easy. Just open your home page in the FrontPage Editor,
right-click the page, and select Page Properties from the pop-up menu. Click the
Custom Tab and then the Add button located to the right of the System Variables
section. For this example, type refresh for the Name. Then enter the
following for the Value:
5; URL=
For your own use, change the 5 to the
number of seconds you want the browser to wait until it refreshes, and change
the URL to your new location.
When a visitor arrives at your old home page,
their browser will wait for the specified number of seconds and then
automatically redirect them to the new URL. With this tip, you won't lose your
guests along the way.
Add alternate fonts
Whenever you use FrontPage's Font command to change
the typeface of your text, you may be doing a bit of damage to the way your site
works. You can't always be sure the font you specify will be available on your
visitors' machines. If you make sure there's more than one choice, you increase
the chances your Web pages will display the way you want them to. If the browser
can't find the first font specified, it will go on to the second, and then the
third, and so on.
Another thing to look out for is whether the
choices you provide are available on both Windows and Macintosh machines. For
instance, if you start with the Verdana font and then list Arial as a second
choice, you'll be leaving out the Mac folks because both those fonts are
Windows-based. If you add Helvetica (which is available on the Mac) as a third
choice, you can rest assured that's what your Mac visitors will see.
Here are some commonly installed fonts:
Courier New
Times New Roman
To specify alternate fonts, you need to do some
editing in the FrontPage Editor's HTML view. First, select the text you want to
format in the Editor's normal view and choose your main font from the Font
drop-down list. In keeping with our example, this should be Verdana. Now switch
to HTML view and you should see your selected text with a new <FONT>
tag and face attribute. Position the cursor right
after Verdana and add Arial and Helvetica to the
list. The resulting code should look like this:
<FONT face="Verdana,
Arial, Helvetica"><i>Some text goes here.</i></FONT>
You can add as many font alternatives as you'd
like, but don't go too crazy or you'll defeat the purpose of using a specific
font in the first place.
Author: From Web Building