2000 Tips
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Beyond the Basics Create a Password-Protected
Site It's easy to set
up a password-protected Web site with
FrontPage. With your project open, select Tools/Security/Permissions.
Click the Settings tab of the Permissions dialog box and activate the Use
Unique Permissions For This Web option. Click the Users tab, select Only
Registered Users Have Browse Access, then click OK. Your site is now
configured so that only authorized users have
Every time you want
to add a new user to the authorized list just select the
Tools/Security/Permissions menu. Click the Users tab and then click the
Add button. Type in a username and password. You can also change the list
using the Edit and Remove buttons.
Target Specific Browsers and Technologies
Keeping your Web site
compatible with the many different versions of browsers available
these days is a intimidating task. Another problem, specific to
FrontPage, is developing a site without utilizing the server
extensions. In either case, FrontPage 98 leaves you working blind,
but FrontPage 2000 has a new compatibility feature that lets you
target specific browsers and technologies. Once you select the level
of compatibility you want, FrontPage will automatically disable any incompatible
To access the compatibility settings, select Tools/Page Options
and click the Compatibility tab. If you are creating a site that
won't be using the FrontPage server extensions, disable the Enabled
With Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions option. You can also
target specific browsers by selecting the type and version from the
drop-down lists. Or you can just select what technologies your Web
site will support from the options at the bottom: ActiveX controls,
VBScript, JavaScript, Java applets, Dynamic HTML, frames, CSS 1.0,
CSS 2.0, and Active Server Pages.
Premature File Publishing There may be times when you don't want to publish a file or group
of files along with the rest of your site. If you want to change the status of individual files, select
View/Reports/Publish Status, which displays a list of every file in your
site with a number of their parameters, including a column for Publish
Status. To change the status of a file, click once to select the file,
then click again in the Publish column to activate the drop-down list for
that file, where you can choose either Publish or Don't Publish.
If you need to change the status of a group of
files, select View/Folders to display a folder hierarchy of
your site. Find the group of files you want to change and select them.
Next, right-click any file in the selected group and choose Properties
from the pop-up menu. Click the Workgroup tab in the dialog box that
appears and select the Exclude This File When Publishing The Rest Of The
Web option. Click OK and all of the files' publishing status will change.
Get Organized With File Properties Organizing all your files for a Web
project can be a daunting chore. Many times you'll have large groups
of files that relate to each other--whether by the person assigned
to the file, the topic, or the status. FrontPage 2000 has a number
of different ways you can keep your files in order.
In the Folders view, select a batch of files that you want
grouped together. Right-click any one of the selected files and
choose Properties from the pop-up menu. This will bring up the File
Properties dialog box. Under the Summary tab, you can type a comment
that will be added to every file that you've selected. Under the
Workgroup tab, you can assign categories--such as Business, VIP, or
any user-defined category--to your group of files. You can also
assign the files to a specific user in your workgroup, along with a
review status.
When it comes time to find the files that you've assigned to a
certain category or user in your workgroup, you can use the Reports
view to display an organized list sorted according to Review Status,
Assigned To User, and Categories.
Find and
Replace HTML FrontPage 98 provides a nice way to find and replace text within
all the pages in a Web site. This is a great feature for changing the name
of a product or some other text that might be found on many pages in a
site, but what about the underlying source code? FrontPage 98 doesn't let
you do a global find and replace for the HTML in a web, but FrontPage 2000
You can find and replace HTML in all the pages in a site or in a
selected group of pages. To limit your global changes to a group of pages,
first go to the Folders view and select the pages you want. After that,
the procedure is the same for processing all the pages in a site. Select
the Edit/Replace menu to bring up the Replace dialog box. Type the code
you want to find and then the replacement code. Under Search Options,
choose either All Pages or Selected Pages. Be sure to also select the Find
In HTML option. Click the Find In Web button to find every occurrence of
the code you're looking for. Then click the Replace All button, and every
instance of your code will be replaced.
You can use this technique to change anything in the underlying source
code of a page, including tags, attributes, values, comments, and scripts.
It's also very helpful for changing email addresses or any other
hyperlinks. Author:
From Web