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7.5 SubstitutionsWe've already talked about the simplest form of the substitution operator: If you want the replacement to operate on all possible matches instead of just the first match, append a $_ = "foot fool buffoon"; s/foo/bar/g; # $_ is now "bart barl bufbarn" The replacement string is variable interpolated, allowing you to specify the replacement string at run-time: $_ = "hello, world"; $new = "goodbye"; s/hello/$new/; # replaces hello with goodbye Pattern characters in the regular expression allow patterns to be matched, rather than just fixed characters: $_ = "this is a test"; s/(\w+)/<$1>/g; # $_ is now "<this> <is> <a> <test>" Recall that An As with the match operator, an alternate delimiter can be selected if the slash is inconvenient. Just use the same character three times:[7] s#fred#barney#; # replace fred with barney, like s/fred/barney/
Also as with the match operator, you can specify an alternate target with the =~ operator. In this case, the selected target must be something you can assign a scalar value to, such as a scalar variable or an element of an array. Here's an example: $which = "this is a test"; $which =~ s/test/quiz/; # $which is now "this is a quiz" $someplace[$here] =~ s/left/right/; # change an array element $d{"t"} =~ s/^/x /; # prepend "x " to hash element |