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The Official Phreaker's ManualThe Official Phreaker's Manual V2.5 Updated 11/01/93 Compiled, Wordprocessed, and Distributed by: The Jammer and Jack the Ripper Page 1 The Official Phreaker's Manual Introduction Congratulations, now you have again a new update of "official phreakers manual". This is still the informative file the authors from which I have gathered info. We are still alive. This publication is not released on any schedule. Past attempts at scheduling issues have failed miserably. The editors refuse to release issues which are not up to our self-defined standards. We have in the past, and will continue in the future, to accept articles from anyone as long as the articles adhere to our basic format and style. The editors review all articles to verify accuracy and integrity however it may not be possible in all cases to check every fact. Plagiarized material is not acceptable and we make every attempt to verify an article's originality. The more articles we receive the sooner each issue is released. There is a minimum 2 month review and editing period for each article. If you want to contribute articles contact any member and they will forward articles to the editors. Warning: Use of this material may shorten your life in the free world! :) Ok enough of the bullshit, I readily admit that this is mainly a compilation of available phreak material and public resources. What I have done is to gather it all together and edit, compile, check for errors, put in a readable form, and finally to write what I know without echoing what others have said. I have set this up that it is good for all levels of phreaks, going from novice to advanced, and references and tables for easy reference in the back. This manual is constantly being updated! If you have any contributions or corrections or comments, please leave messages to me (Jack the Ripper) on any BBS's I am on (probably where you got it). Thanks! Page 2 The Official Phreaker's Manual ********************************************************************** Table of Contents ********************************************************************** I....... 004 Chapter 1 I.1..... 004 Glossary of Phreaking terms II...... 008 Chapter 2 II.1.... 008 Custom Local Area Signalling Services (CLASS) III..... 014 Chapter 3 III.1... 014 The Traffic Service Position System (TSPS) IV...... 023 Chapter 4 IV.1.... 023 Building your own Blue Box (Includes Schematic) V....... 030 Chapter 5 V.1..... 030 The Outside Loop Distribution Plant: Part A V.2..... 034 The Outside Loop Distribution Plant: Part B VI...... 043 Chapter 6 VI.1.... 043 Step By Step (SXS) Switching System Notes VII..... 047 Chapter 7 VII.1... 047 Understanding Automatic Message Accounting Part A VII.2... 054 Understanding Automatic Message Accounting Part B VIII.... 063 Chapter 8 VIII.1.. 063 An Introduction to Teradyne's 4TEL System IX...... 068 Chapter 9 IX.1.... 068 A Guide to Coin Control Systems X....... 071 Chapter 10 X.1..... 071 War against the phone hacking XI...... 075 Chapter 11 XI.1.... 075 The AT&T BILLDATS Collector System XII..... 082 Chapter 12 XII.1... 082 Central Office Operations XIII.... 096 Chapter 13 XIII.1.. 096 The personal Thanx to autors! Page 3 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 1 The Bell Glossary by Mad Marvin ACD: Automatic Call Distributor - A system that automatically distributes calls to operator pools (providing services such as intercept and directory assistance), to airline ticket agents, etc. Administration: The tasks of record-keeping, monitoring, rearranging, prediction need for growth, etc. AIS: Automatic Intercept System - A system employing an audio-response unit under control of a processor to automatically provide pertinent info to callers routed to intercept. Alert: To indicate the existence of an incoming call, (ringing). ANI: Automatic Number Identification - Often pronounced "Annie," a facility for automatically identify the number of the calling party for charging purposes. Appearance: A connection upon a network terminal, as in "the line has two network appearances." Attend: The operation of monitoring a line or an incoming trunk for off-hook or seizure, respectively. Audible: The subdued "image" of ringing transmitted to the calling party during ringing; not derived from the actual ringing signal in later systems. Backbone Route: The route made up of final-group trunks between end offices in different regional center areas. BHC: Busy Hour Calls - The number of calls placed in the busy hour. Blocking: The ratio of unsuccessful to total attempts to use a facility; expresses as a probability when computed a priority. Blocking Network: A network that, under certain conditions, may be unable to form a transmission path from one end of the network to the other. In general, all networks used within the Bell Systems are of the blocking type. Blue Box: Equipment used fraudulently to synthesize signals, gaining access to the toll network for the placement of calls without charge. BORSCHT Circuit: A name for the line circuit in the central office. It functions as a mnemonic for the functions that must be performed by the circuit: Battery, Overvoltage, Ringing, Supervision, Coding, Hybrid, and Testing. Page 4 The Official Phreaker's Manual Busy Signal: (Called-line-busy) An audible signal which, in the Bell System, comprises 480hz and 620hz interrupted at 60IPM. Bylink: A special high-speed means used in crossbar equipment for routing calls incoming from a step-by-step office. Trunks from such offices are often referred to as "bylink" trunks even when incoming to noncrossbar offices; they are more properly referred to as "dc incoming trunks." Such high-speed means are necessary to assure that the first incoming pulse is not lost. Cable Vault: The point which phone cable enters the Central Office building. CAMA: Centralized Automatic Message Accounting - Pronounced like Alabama. CCIS: Common Channel Interoffice Signaling - Signaling information for trunk connections over a separate, nonspeech data link rather that over the trunks themselves. CCITT: International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee- An International committee that formulates plans and sets standards for intercountry communication means. CDO: Community Dial Office - A small usually rural office typically served by step-by-step equipment. CO: Central Office - Comprises a switching network and its control and support equipment. Occasionally improperly used to mean "office code." Centrex: A service comparable in features to PBX service but implemented with some (Centrex CU) or all (Centrex CO) of the control in the central office. In the later case, each station's loop connects to the central office. Customer Loop: The wire pair connecting a customer's station to the central office. DDD: Direct Distance Dialing - Dialing without operator assistance over the nationwide intertoll network. Direct Trunk Group: A trunk group that is a direct connection between a given originating and a given terminating office. EOTT: End Office Toll Trunking - Trunking between end offices in different toll center areas. ESB: Emergency Service Bureau - A centralized agency to which 911 "universal" emergency calls are routed. ESS: Electronic Switching System - A generic term used to identify as a class, stored-program switching systems such as the Bell System's No.1 No.2, No.3, No.4, or No.5. ETS: Electronic Translation Systems - An electronic replacement for the card translator in 4A Crossbar systems. Makes use of the SPC 1A Processor. Page 5 The Official Phreaker's Manual False Start: An aborted dialing attempt. Fast Busy: (often called reorder) - An audible busy signal interrupted at twice the rate of the normal busy signal; sent to the originating station to indicate that the call blocked due to busy equipment. Final Trunk Group: The trunk group to which calls are routed when available high-usage trunks overflow; these groups generally "home" on an office next highest in the hierarchy. Full Group: A trunk group that does not permit rerouting off-contingent foreign traffic; there are seven such offices. Glare: The situation that occurs when a two-way trunk is seized more or less simultaneously at both ends. High Usage Trunk Group: The appellation for a trunk group that has alternate routes via other similar groups, and ultimately via a final trunk group to a higher ranking office. Intercept: The agency (usually an operator) to which calls are routed when made to a line recently removed from a service, or in some other category requiring explanation. Automated versions (ASI) with automatic voiceresponse units are growing in use. Interrupt: The interruption on a phone line to disconnect and connect with another station, such as an Emergence Interrupt. MF: Multifrequency - The method of signaling over a trunk making use of the simultaneous application of two out of six possible frequencies. NPA: Numbering Plan Area. ONI: Operator Number Identification - The use of an operator in a CAMA office to verbally obtain the calling number of a call originating in an office not equipped with ANI. PBX: Private Branch Exchange - (PABX: Private Automatic Branch Exchange) An telephone office serving a private customer, Typically , access to the outside telephone network is provided. POTS: Plain Old Telephone Service - Basic service with no extra "frills". ROTL: Remote Office Test Line - A means for remotely testing trunks. RTA: Remote Trunk Arrangement - An extension to the TSPS system permitting its services to be provided up to 200 miles from the TSPS site. SF: Single Frequency. A signaling method for trunks: 2600hz is impressed upon idle trunks. SxS: (Step-by-Step or Strowger switch) - An electromechanical office type utilizing a gross-motion stepping switch as a combination network and distributed control. Talkoff: The phenomenon of accidental synthesis of a machine-intelligible Page 6 The Official Phreaker's Manual signal by human voice causing an unintended response. "whistling a tone". Trunk: A path between central offices; in general 2-wire for interlocal, 4-wire for intertoll. TSPS: Traffic Service Position System - A system that provides, under stored- program control, efficient operator assistance for toll calls. It does not switch the customer, but provides a bridge connection to the operator. X-bar: (Crossbar) - An electromechanical office type utilizing a "fine-motion" coordinate switch and a multiplicity of central controls (called markers). There are four varieties: No.1 Crossbar: Used in large urban office application; (1938) No 3 Crossbar: A small system started in (1974). No.4A/4M Crossbar: A 4-wire toll machine; (1943). No.5 Crossbar: A machine originally intended for relatively small suburban applications; (1948) Crossbar Tandem: A machine used for interlocal office switching. Page 7 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 2 Custom Local Area Signalling Services This article will explain the newly developed LASS system (AT&T Bell Labs), and how it may affect us in the near future. Note that the service as it appears for customers is called "CLASS", the C standing for Custom. I assume this is just for looks. LASS The telephone was destined to become a well used and powerful tool for otherwise tedious tasks. Gas meters and other metered services would be surveyed through the use of automatic data retrieval employing telephone communications. All in all, some have big plans for the uses one could put the telephone system up to, and CLASS is one plan that is going to drop an innovative bombshell on the telecommunicating world. At this moment, a local CCIS network feature is being developed by Bell Laboratories. This feature will change the way people use fones, and will also change the attitude in which they use them. It will give far more control of the telephone to the user than ever before. This feature is called CLASS (Custom Local Area Signalling Services). Everyone will find something useful in this newly developed telephone feature. What are all these fantastic features? These features will include call back of the last caller, regardless of whether you have their telephone number or not. Another will be distinct call waiting tones, and preselected call forwarding (only those people whom you wish to speak to will be forwarded). This is a rudimentary list of CLASS features to come. It is a very powerful system, and it all relys on LCCIS (Local Common Channel Interoffice Signalling), an intra-LATA version of the ever-popular CCIS. CCIS Background CCIS was originally introduced in 1976 as, basically, the signalling system to end all signalling systems. Instead of using the voice grade trunks to carry signalling information on, a data network would be used. This network is comprised of data links from each TO [involved with CCIS] to the appropriate STP (signal transfer point). Signalling information is sent through these links at 4800 bps to the STPs (Note that baud rates may increase due to the economic availability of faster data communications hardware), where stored program control routes the signalling information to the needed offices in order to open and complete the call path. SPC checks automatically for on-hook/off-hook status before opening the path, and if the status is off-hook (in this case the customer does not have the call waiting custom calling feature), returns information to the originating CO to apply a busy signal to the customer. This is but one of many features toll CCIS provides the network with. Since this text is not centered on the topic of toll CCIS, technical aspects aren't as important (except for the comparison between the local and toll networks for observational purposes): yet it is important to notice how automated and flexible this type of signalling method is, as well as its speed and efficiency. All the software control involved with local and toll networks is called, fittingly, the "stored program control network." or ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network). LCCIS will be addressed in a future article. Page 8 The Official Phreaker's Manual CLASS/LCCIS Features -------------------- LCCIS would look like this: /--X CO-2 ESS# /----I-T-G-----1A-----I-T-G----X | X--/ | | | | | LCCIS | | | | | ---------- | /--X--LCCIS--|CCIS/SPC|--LCCIS--/--X CO-1 ---------- CO-3 ESS# ESS# -1A----interoffice trunk group---1A- NPA - Dial 1223 213 NPA (GTE) - Dial 114 SPC = Stored Program Control (Network control and Signal Transfer Point) ITG = Interoffice Trunk Group Using a high-speed data link between local offices creates a much more flexible and more effecient way for intra-LATA central offices to communi- cate. Instead of using per-trunk signalling (using the same trunk used for voice transmission to send routing and billing information), such data would be sent thru a 2400 bps dedicated data link, which interacts with a local signal processing and transfer point. From that point, signalling information is distributed to appropriate central offices or tandem switches. At the during which this article was being initially researched, CLASS was only being developed for the #1A ESS switch due to the flexibility of it's memory handling, it's speed and what Bell Labs called 'cost efficiency'. At the end of the research involved with this article, CLASS was already implemented in data stage on ESS#5. LCCIS will work with the local switches using stored program con- trol, keeping track of call data. The 1A switches will use what is called "scratch pad" memory (also known as call store), in conjuction with LCCIS's database, to accomplish all the features that LASS provides. This memory will hold such data as "line history", and a "screening list". That information will make it possible for autoredial, selective call forwarding, nuisance call rejection, and distinctive call waiting tones. Page 9 The Official Phreaker's Manual Selective CF ------------ Selective call forwarding is defined by the subscriber (the sub- scriber must have conventional call forwarding to request this service). Using call store, or more specifically the screening list, one will be able to selectively forward a call to another directory number by executing a few simple commands on the friendly home-bound telephone (unlike migrating telephones most frequently found in hotel rooms). An access code (a list will appear at the end of the file) will be entered, and a special tone will be issued from the subscriber's CO. The cus- tomer will then dial in the numbers he wants forwarded to the particular number. After each number, a tone will sound indicating the acceptance of the number. Individual BOC's (Bell Operating Companies) will be able to define the amount of numbers which may be screened. Once this is done, the cusomter hangs up and the ESS takes over. Now, whenever some one calls this particular customer, the customer's switch will compare the calling line's directory number with those stored in scratch pad memory. If the CLID matches one of the numbers in 1A memory associated with the called directory number, the number is forwarded. If not, the phone will ring at the original destination. This in particular could make it very difficult on system hackers, as you could probably imagine. A company can subscribe to this CLASS feature, and enter only the numbers of authorized users to be forwarded to a computer. Bureaus inside the various telephone companies and other sensitive operations can screen calls to particular numbers by using this service. This is a security that's hard to beat, but of course there is a way (simple law of nature: nothing is fail-safe). There will always be the obvious way of finding numbers which are being forwarded to, like auto- dialing entire exchanges (one after the other). Unfortunetly, CLASS will be providing other services which might make "scanning" seem less attractive. Distinctive Ringing ------------------- Distinctive ringing is handled in the same fashion as selective call forwarding is: the screen list in scratch pad memory. The customer may enter numbers which the ESS should give special precedence to, and when- ever a call is placed to this particular customer's number, ESS checks to see whether the CLID matches a directory number listed in the switch's memory. If a match is made, the subscriber's CO gives the off-hook line a special call waiting tone, or the on-hook phone a distinctive ring (possibly using abnormally timed ringing voltage... some readers may picture a British Telecom ring as an example, although many foreign audible rings tend to be different). Page 10 The Official Phreaker's Manual Call Rejection -------------- Nuisance call rejection, a feature making it possible to block certain idiots from ringing your fone (a feature we can all benefit from at one time or another... or all the time), uses the information retrieved from LCCIS (CLID). Let's say customer A calls customer B: ----LCCIS---- A ---> CO< >CO ---> B ----trunk---- Customer B happens to despise customer A, and keys in a special *## code. ESS again takes over and looks at the CLID information, and stores the calling line directory number in a special screen list associated with with customer B. The next time customer A tries calling customer B, the terminating office will reroute the call to a local (the originating CO) digitized recording telling customer A that the call he made cannot be completed due to customer B's request ("I'm sorry, but the customer you have tried to reach wishes you were eaten by a rabid canibal on drugs"). Dial Back --------- To create such a feature as "dial back" (for called or calling party), the ESS scratch pad memory is used again. The same principles are used as are employed in the already established custom calling feature, auto-redial. CLID will be used in this way: (received from CLID) last-called-mem last-caller-mem ---------- ---------- |###-####| |###-####| ---------- ---------- Your ESS switch will keep track of who you called last, and who called you last, thru the retrieval of calling line information provided by LCCIS in conjunction with your switch (Your switch will know what number you called last by directly storing the digits you dialed previously. Local signalling will provide calling line information via LCCIS call information forwarding using the data link mentioned). This way, with your access code (*##), you will have total re-dial service. Page 11 The Official Phreaker's Manual Customer Trace -------------- This type of memory handling and signalling method will also allow the feature that everyone was afraid would abolish "phreaking". Subscriber initiated tracing, using the last caller directory number stored at your CO, will be available as far as Bell Laboratories is concerned. There seems to be two types of "customer originated trace". One will forward the number to local authorities, at which it will be handled through the police. The other feature AT&T/Bell Labs is working on will be a display module that will sit by your fone, and will display calling directory numbers. All other CLASS features that use the calling line information are used at the descretion of the caller. The customer originated trace, however, using the individual or bulk calling line identification features ("trace") allow the customer to view the calling number. The world is not ending... yet, in any case. Individual customers will be able to employ a special "privacy code", which when dialed, tells the far-end switch not to forward the calling number to a desk display. Whether there will be a way to override this or not is obvious: of course. The police, the military and government agencies are all likely to have a higher priority level than your privacy. It seems that long distance carriers could benefit greatly from CLASS. Why Bell/AT&T should give any type of special services to OCCs not given to other non-telephone companies, especially after equal access is fully implemented, I don't know (but then again, it is EQUAL access). It's always possible. It is also possible that there will be no desk display. There are those phone phreaks who feel that BOC's will never give the end party the priviledge of retrieving the calling party's number directly, if not due to plain old Bell policy on the issue of privacy. We'll have to wait and see about that point: the desk display is, in fact, operational and is being used in test stage. Whether Bell Labs feels that this feature can and will be used in a full scale non-beta stage BOC situation is a different story. The economic feasability is questionable. Page 12 The Official Phreaker's Manual End Notes --------- CLASS, using local CCIS, will not function on inter-LATA calls. The local CCIS network is exactly that: local, and does not extend into the realm of "toll network". This will eventually be corrected (allowing toll CCIS to interact with LCCIS as far as CLID information is concerned). How the various long distance networks will exchange information with the local BOC network has not been determined [by the writer of this article]. It would seem like a monumental task to try to integrate the emerging long distance companies into the AT&T/BOC ISDN, be it because of equipment inconsistancies or lack of cooperation on the part of the OCC, etc. This will be discussed in an upcoming article dealing with toll CCIS. Although CLASS has been built around the ESS #1A switch, it has, as has been mentioned, been co-developed for use with the ESS #5 switching machine. CLASS is going to cause problems, as well as create a new environment for telephone users. Of course, those problems are only problems to people who will generally be reading this article, but the more you know about CLASS the more comfortable you'll feel about the service. It can be used to one's advantage, even as a telecommunications hobbyist. Just as a corporation will be able to set up a complete history of who is calling their system, and eventually keep people off the system using the screen list in memory, the same features can be applied to bulletin board systems and the like. Imagine being able to keep all the local bozos off your board, or being able to screen all but your private local users (making your system completely inaccessible through the PSTN network from any telephone but that of one of your users). It would seem to be a useful feature, if nothing else but an easy feature, to implement. It is a little difficult, if not plain awkward, to write an article about a topic which is subject to change at the researcher's ignorance. I think that CLASS is enough of a momentous issue that at least some text by a hobbyist should be released for public knowledge purposes. Yet my awareness of the fact that some of this text may be outdated, or inaccurate, by the time CLASS is released as a BOC service, is in itself the explanation of why there is a version number at the head of this article. Most likely, when CLASS becomes public, the second version will be released with update notes (if need be...most probably so). I hope you enjoyed it. --------------------------------------- Test stage defaults for some features: NPA - Dial 760 914 NPA - Dial 990 DTMF ! Pulse ! Description of Service --------------------------------------- *66 ! 1166 ! Reconnect last caller --------------------------------------- *63 ! 1163 ! Selective Call Forward --------------------------------------- *60 ! 1160 ! Nuisance Call Blocking --------------------------------------- *57 ! 1157 ! Customer "Trace" --------------------------------------- Note: These command codes may vary from BOC to BOC. The codes listed above were found in a general description of CLASS and did not specify a particular implementation of these services. Page 13 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 3 Understanding the Traffic Services Position System (TSPS) Part I - The Console By The Marauder * Special thanks to Bill from RNOC, Phucked Agent 04, and The (602) Scorpion for their help in acquiring & compiling this information. In this article I will discuss the basic layout description, and use of the keys, found on the standard AT&T 100-B TSPS Console. Possible uses for the information contained herein (besides for just wanting to know about the TSPS Console) are primarily for social engineering purposes. The more you know about operators and their jobs, the more you can get them to do things for you... Page 14 The Official Phreaker's Manual I. Basic Console layout ==================== +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! +---------------------+ +-------------------------------------+ ! ! ! (Ticket Box) ! ! ( Display ) ! ! ! +---------------------+ +-------------------------------------+ ! ! ! ! (NonCoin) (--- Coin 1-----) (-- Hotel --) ! ! VFY OVR SCN INW EMR Sta 0+ 0- Sta 0+ 0- Pst Tne Sta 0+ 0- Gst ! ! SES INT Pay ! ! ! ! (Outgoing trunk) (--- Ring Designation --- ) (Release) ! ! DA R&R SWB OGT BAK FWD CAL T&C Nfy Chg Key BAK FWD SR MB Mt PT ! ! BAK due clg ! ! ! ! +-----+ Cw (Station) PA CL SP SP AT DDD ! ! ! M B ! CG CD CT ! ! ! u u ! ! ! ! l l ! (Person ) PA CL SP SP NO ! ! ! t l ! CG CD AMA ! ! ! i e ! ! ! ! t ! (Coin 2) (AMA Timing) (Loop Ctl) ! ! ! L i ! COL RET CA ST Cg Cg Cg ! ! ! e n ! TMG TMG (Kpls key) (Num pad) ! ! ! a ! Cd Cd Cd KP KP KP 1 2 3 ! ! ! f T ! CA REC TB RT HO ! ! ! r ! CAL MSG HD HD HD 4 5 6 ST ! ! ! a ! KP KP ! out - 54"H x 40"W x12"D), with some newer size F, H, and some 3M series- ! ! ! RLS ! ! ! ! (Display Ctrl) KP KP 0 ! ! +-----+ tim chg CLG CLD SPL BK FD +--------! ! min NUM NUM NUM ! Number ! ! ! Plate ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Figure 1. 100-B TSPS Console layout (Due to 80 col width, picture is a little distorted vertically) Legend: o Abbreviations in all capital letters are ILLUMINATED KEYS o Abbreviations in all lower case letters are NON-ILLUMINATED KEYS o Abbreviations in upper & lower case letters are LAMPS ONLY ie: VFY = Lighted VERIFY key, tim = Unlighted TIME key, Cg = CALLING Lamp Page 15 The Official Phreaker's Manual -- Above is the standard AT&T 100-B console layout, while there may be additional or different keys on the various consoles, they will generally resemble the above layout closely. In the lower right hand corner you will notice the numbers 0-9 laid out into what resembles a keypad, this is exactly what it appears to be. The TSPS Operator uses this keypad for keying in not only routing information (Phone numbers, Inward routings, etc..) but as a multi purpose tool for entering various numeric codes recognized by the TSPS software itself. Routing information applied onto the trunks from the TSPS position is of course in MF (Multi-Frequency). When a TSO keys in a number or routing, the console buffers the KP+INFORMATION DIGITS until the ST key is pressed, at which time it plays the buffered KP+INFO DIGITS+ST onto the trunk in a uniformly spaced sequence. So if you were somehow able to listen in on a TSO actually routing a call, it would not sound like someone placing a call on a standard Touch-Tone telephone (or homemade blue box), but more like someone pressing a "Redial key" on a Touch-Tone (TT) phone. The duration of the tone and space between the tones are a network-wide standard, although the network in most cases is quite tolerant to deviations of this standard. (This "loose" tolerance is what allows us to simulate In-band signalling with our blue boxes). -- At the upper left hand side of the diagram you will see the Ticket box, This box has 4 slots marked New, Cancel, Scratch and Completed. I believe this is used for manually filled out trouble and/or time tickets. As far as I know manually filled time tickets are a thing of the past, however in case of equipment failure the tickets are available I assume. TSO would manually fill out a trouble ticket to report trouble reaching a number out of her LAN (Local Area Network - or, The area directly served by her particular TSPS position), whereas to report trouble with a number in her LAN she would simply key in a trouble code (utilizing the KP-TRBL (Trouble) key). to automatically place a trouble report. -- To the right of the Ticket box you will see the DISPLAY. The display works in conjunction with certain keys on the console, and is used to display timing information (hours, mins, sec's), Cost per minute, Calling number identification (what most people refer to as TSPS ANI), numbers called, and various special codes. The console display can be in one of two states, either 1) displaying digits, or 2) displaying nothing (dark). Both of which have different meanings when resulting from certain procedures attempted by a TSO. LIGHTED KEYS, and LAMPS on the console can be in one of three states either 1) NOT ILLUMINATED (dark), 2) ILLUMINATED, or 3) FLASHING. Again the state of a lamp/lamp-key meaning different things under different conditions. Page 16 The Official Phreaker's Manual II. KEY DESCRIPTIONS & USES ======================= -- Below the Ticket box you will see a row of 5 keys starting with the key labeled "VFY" (Verify), these are various special purpose keys used by TSPS that have no real "grouping" unlike the other "Key groups". These are: (VFY) - Verify, Illuminated key. Used in conjunction with the keypad, allows the TSO to verify (listen in) on a telephone call that is in progress, although any conversation taking place on that call is scrambled to the TSO, and despite popular belief THE SCRAMBLING PROCESS IS DONE AT THE CONSOLE LEVEL, AND NOT ON THE TRUNK LEVEL, SO FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO SEEN REFERENCE TO THE "BLV SCRAMBLING SHUT OFF TONE" PLEASE IGNORE IT, IF YOU WERE TO SOMEHOW GAIN ACCESS TO A VERIFICATION TRUNK FROM A NON-TSPS POSITION, THE CONVERSATION WOULD NOT BE SCRAMBLED. (OVR SES) - Over Seas, Illuminated key. Used in overseas call completion through an Overseas Toll Completion Center/Server (IOCC). I believe it also allows the TSO to key in more than 10 digits (standard POTS) for IDDD call completion. (SCN) - Screen, Illuminated key - Lights to notify TSO that incoming call has an associated screening code, (ie: 74=collect calls only, 93=special billing). Depressing this key causes the code to show on display, and it's up to the TSO to decipher the code and explain its meaning to the customer if he/she is attempting something forbidden by his associated screening code. (ie: Prison phones have a screening code of 74, allowing them to place collect calls only.) (INW) - Inward, Illuminated key - Lights to notify the TSO that the incoming call is "Operator to Operator", therefore she answers by pressing the key and answering "Inward!". In most cases Inward Operators are actually TSPS, with their INWARD lamps lit. (EMR INT) - Emergency Interrupt, Illuminated key. Used in conjunction with the VFY key, to interrupt a call in progress while a line Verification is being done, pressing this key causes an audible "beep" to be applied to the line, and de-activates the console scrambling (for roughly 30 seconds) , allowing the TSO to talk to the parties being verified/interrupted. Use of this key & the VFY key, is constantly kept track of via various security & maintenance TTY's and any abuse/misuse will set off alarms. -- To the right of the above set of keys you will see three groups of LAMPS/Keys labled "Non-coin", "Coin 1", and "Hotel". The TSO utilizes the condition of these lamps to identify the status of incoming calls. There are three lamps that are common to each of the three groups, these are: "Sta", "0+", and "0-" their meaning is identical in each case as you will see below. (Sta) - Lamp, NON-COIN STA lamp lights when a non-coin caller requires TSPS assistance in placing an otherwise direct-dialable call (in some rural areas that have limited DDD features). COIN STA lamp lights on direct dialed coin calls that are sent to TSPS for payment collection. HOTEL STA lights on Hotel originated DDD calls, TSPS also receives room number call is being originated from. Page 17 The Official Phreaker's Manual (0+) - Lamp, Lights to signify that the incoming call was originated by a customer dialing a "0+telephone number" for an operator assisted call in each of the three groups (coin, non-coin, hotel/motel). (ie. if a customer were to place a "person to person (op assisted) call from a payphone, this would cause the "0+" lamp in the "coin" group to light, one placed from a residential phone would cause the "0+" lamp in the "non-coin" group to light, etc..) (0-) - aka "Dial Zero", Lamp. Lights to signify that the incoming call was originated by a customer simply dialing 0 (zero), in each of the three categories (non-coin, coin, hotel/motel). (PST PAY) - Post Pay, Illuminated key. Coin group only, Depressed by TSPS when a customer requests a "post pay" call from a payphone, allowing him to deposit the full charge at the completion of the call. (Tne) - Tone, Lamp. I believe this lamp lights to inform the TSO that a coin customer has flashed his/her switchook during a call in progress, requesting operator assistance, although I'm not positive of this. (GST) - Guest, Illuminated key lights on all hotel originated calls. -- Below the above rows of keys and to the far left you will see a row of keys labled "Outgoing Trunks". TSPS utilizes this group of keys to select various outgoing trunk groups the keys are used as follows: (DA) - Directory Assistance, Illuminated key. Used by TSO to place calls to the directory assistance group. (R&R) - Rate & Route, Illuminated key. Used to place calls to rate and route, I believe TSPS now goes to the Universal Rate and Route position known to all you boxers to be found at KP+800+141+1212+ST. (SWB) - Switchboard, Illuminated key. I believe this key is used to reach a cord-board position, although I have no evidence of this. (OGT) - Outgoing Trunk, Illuminated key. Depressed by TSO to select an outgoing trunk to be used to place operator assisted calls, special purpose calls (ie. Inward), etc.. -- To the right of this row of keys you will find the group labled "Ring", these keys are utilized by TSPS to activate special purpose ring features and line handling. (BAK) - Ring Back, Illuminated key. Used by TSO to ring the originating party's line while holding the forward line in the event that the originating party looses his connection (FWD) - Ring Forward, Illuminated Key. Exactly the opposite of ring back. (CAL BAK) - Call Back, Illuminated key. Used in special operator call back situations on person to person calls where the called party is not available but a message is left anyway, I really don't understand it's full potential and most positions I have spoken with don't either. Page 18 The Official Phreaker's Manual (T&C) - Time and Charges, Illuminated key. (Nfy) - Lamp. Used in Non-ACTS (Automatic Coin Toll Service) originated calls, lights to inform TSPS to notify caller of expiration if initial n minute period (n = number of minutes entered via the KP NFY key at the origination of the call). (Chg Due) - Lamp. Lights to inform TSO that more money is needed at the completion of a TSO assisted coin call, the usual procedure is to ring the coin station back and attempt to frighten the customer into making the proper deposit ("If you don't pay we'll bill the called party..."). (Key Clg) - Key Calling, Lamp. This lamp is used by TSPS to determine the status of an incoming "Operator Number Identification" (ONI) marked caller or an incoming caller that was routed to TSPS due to an "ANI Failure" (ANIF) Both call conditions come to as a "0+" call (hotel, non-coin, coin - see above), if the calling party is marked as "ONI Required" the appropriate "0+" lamp will light, and the "Key Calling" lamp will be LIT STEADY. If the incoming call was due to an ANIF, the "0+" lamp will be lit, and the "Key Calling" lamp will be LIT & FLASHING. -- Directly to the right of the "Ring" group of key's you will find the RELEASE set of key's, these two Illuminated key's allow the TSO to selectively release (disconnect from) either the calling, or called parties by pressing either the "Release Back" (BAK), or "Release Forward" (FWD) key respectively. -- To the right of the release set, you will see a group of four key's with no particular "group designation", these again are various multi-purpose key's that serve the following: (SR) - Service (assistance) Required, Illuminated Key. Pressed by TSO to Forward calling party to a supervisory console (ie. Irate Customers demanding supervisor), can also be used if she is confused and needs assistance. (MB) - Make Busy, Illuminated key. Used to "Busy out" her console, lights when pressed, console will not take any incoming calls until it is pressed again. (ie: Useful when gabbing, doing nails, or filling out time/trouble tickets). (Mt) - Maintenance, Lamp. This lamp Illuminates to warn the TSO that her console has been placed into remote maintenance/testing mode. A flashing MTNC lamp indicates a faulty console. (PT) - Position Transfer, Illuminated Key. A TSO depresses this key to transfer the call in progress from her console (position) to another console. -- Below the "Outgoing Trunk" keygroup, you will see a Lamp marked "Cw" Call Waiting - This lamp lights on every active console to inform a TSO that there are incoming calls waiting. Page 19 The Official Phreaker's Manual -- To the far right of the "Cw" lamp, you will find the AMA group of keys, broken into two sub-groups, which are "Station" and "Person", a complete description of each key in this group would require more room than I have available here, so if there's sufficient interest I will devote another article to the use of these key's. Basically these key's are used in conjunction with the "KP" and "AMA Timing" groups of key's (see below), for attaching the appropriate class of charge to the call being originated. The keys in the "Station" sub-class from left to right are "Paid" (PA), which is used to attach a "Station to Station" originating caller paid class of charge, "Collect" (COL) to attach "Station to Station" Collect Call. "Special Calling" (SP CG), and "Special Called" (SC CD) which are both used in "Special" Station to Station billing procedures, such as third party, or credit card calls. "Auto Collect" (AT CT), used in coin billing procedures and "Direct Distance Dialing" (DDD), Attaches a DDD class of charge in cases where you have trouble dialing a number and require operator assistance in completing a call. Below this row of keys you will find the "Person" sub-group of AMA keys, their uses are identical to those in the "Station to Station" group only they attach a "Person to Person" rate of charge. The "No AMA" (NO AMA), key is pressed to eliminate a charge for a person to person call where the called party is unavailable. Although all the key's in this group can take on different meanings under different conditions, the above definitions are suitable for the sake of this article. All key's in this group are Illuminated keys. -- Below the "Cw" lamp you will find two keys under the heading "Coin 2", their uses on "Coin originated (payphone)" calls are: "Coin Collect" (COL) - which causes the payphone to collect coin, and the "Coin Return" (RET), causes it to return a coin. Both are Illuminated Key's. -- To the right of the "Coin 2" group, you will find the "AMA Timing" group. These key's are used in conjunction with the "AMA", and "KP" groups for: (CA TMG) - Cancel Timing, Illuminated Key. Cancels AMA timing charges and also allows TSO to change the class of charge on a call. (ST TMG) - Start Timing, Illuminated Key. Used to start AMA timing after appropriate class of charge has been entered, and the calling party has reached the called party in person to person calls (or in station to station DDD calls, destination ring has been established). (CA CAL) - Cancel Call, Illuminated Key. Used in conjunction with the Cancel Timing key to Cancel a call and mark a "NON-COMPLETED" call on the AMA tapes (ie. A person to person call where the called party is not available). (REC MSG) - Record (AMA) Message, Illuminated Key. Used at the completion of (completion meaning calling & called party are done talking), to record the time of the call and the appropriate class of charge onto the AMA tapes and releases their forward connection. -- To the right of the AMA timing group you will see three columns of four buttons under the heading of Loop Control. These allow the TSO to access any of the three loops available to her for placing calls. The keys have identical meaning in each set they are used in the following manner: Page 20 The Official Phreaker's Manual (CLG) - Calling Party, Lamp. Lights to signify person on said loop is a calling party. (CLD) - Called Party, Lamp. Lights to signify that person on loop is a called party. (HLD) - Hold, Illuminated key. Places a loop into a hold state, the calling and called party can talk to each other, and AMA timing can be started. The call is held at the console. (ACS) - Access, Illuminated key. Used by TSO to initially access a loop. Pressing this key selects an outgoing loop, and readies the console for placing a call onto it. It is also used to allow TSO back into a loop(s) in a HOLD state. -- To the right of the loop control group you will see the "Keypulse Key" group, these key's are pressed by the TSO to initialize the keypad parser into the proper mode for entering information, which is completed/entered by pressing the ST (START) key (to right of keypad). Their uses are as follows: (KP TB) - KP Trouble, Illuminated key. Used to enter various TSO encountered trouble codes such as noisy line, customer(s) were cut off, couldn't complete call, etc. I believe the format for entering a trouble code is as follows: "KP TBL + TC + NTE + CN + ST" where KP TBL = KP Trouble Key, TC = 2 Digit Trouble code, NTE = Number of times Trouble was encountered (1 Digit), CN = Callers (phone) Number, and ST = the START key. a record of the trouble is made on the AMA tapes and the calling party is usually given credit. (KP RT) - KP Rate, Illuminated. Used to enter and display Rate (Charge) information. Can also be used to display rate information at a customer request. (KP HO) - KP Hotel, Illuminated Key. Used for manually entering a verbally requested room number on Hotel/Motel originated calls. (KP NY) - KP Notify, Illuminated key. Used for entering time in Minutes on a NON-ACTS originated Coin call, when entered time duration is up, it causes the NFY Lamp (See above) to Flash. (KP SP) - KP Special, Illuminated Key. Used for entering Special numbers such as credit card id's and third party billing numbers, causes TSPS software to automatically query the BVA (Billing Validation) database to check validity of number/CC, will flash if billing to an illegal card or number is attempted. (KP BK) - KP Back, Illuminated Key. Used in entering the calling number in ANI failures (ANIF), and ONI (Operator Number Identification) required situations. (KP FD) - KP Forward, Illuminated. Most commonly used KP Key. Used to enter called party's number on all TSO assisted calls. Pressing the ST (START) key causes the entered number to be applied onto the accessed trunks in MF. Page 21 The Official Phreaker's Manual (ST) - Start, Illuminated Key (Found to the right of the keypad). Used in completing all KP+number sequences listed above. -- Below the "Coin 2" set of key's you will see the (POS RLS) - Position Release key, this key is used by the TSO to release her position from the call. She would hit POS RLS after completing a call, and also to release a person calling to ask her questions and not actually requesting a call be placed (ie. Name/place requests, etc..) -- Below the Position Release key you will see a set of 5 key's labeled "Display Control", these key's are used to make the console display show various information. Their use is as follows: (TIM) - Time, Unlighted Key. Displays time of day in Military format. (CHG MIN) - Charge per Minute, Unlighted Key. Displays the $ charge per minute on a call in progress. (CLG NUM) - Calling Number, Illuminated Key. Displays the number of the calling party. (CLD NUM) - Called number, Illuminated Key. Displays the number of the called party. (SPL NUM) - Special Number, Illuminated Key. Display's various special numbers such as Calling Card numbers, and third party billed numbers. Use of this key in displaying Calling Card numbers is as follows: Press it once you get first 10 digits of 16 digit Calling Card, press it a second time and get the second 6 digits of the Calling Card, press it again and it darkens the display. -- That's it for the key's on the console, on the left hand side of the diagram you will see the "Multi Leaf Bulletin Tray", this is an all purpose holder for information leaflets that contain information on special numbers, Rate & Route information, special non-standard assistance routes, and various other TSPS related information. At the lower right hand side of the console is the "Number Plate", this is simply the console's Position number and ID number. It is a stamped metal plate, I haven't figured out any way to abuse it yet, other than scaring a TSO by knowing of it's existence. ** That's about it for this article, if there is sufficient interest in TSPS I will write further articles with more detail on the actual procedures used by the TSPS operator in call handling and such, I will also be writing an article on the BOC TOPS (Toll Operator Position Service) operators that have begun to pop up since the divestiture when I get some better information on the position itself. It seems that AT&T inwards no longer handle only long distance assistance in TOPS services areas and the TOPS op's handle all local area assistance. Page 22 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 4 Building Your Own Blue Box This Blue Box is based on the Exar 2207 Voltage Controlled Oscillator. There are other ways to build Blue Boxes, some being better and some not as good, but I chose to do it this way. My reason for doing so: because at the time I started this project, about the only schematic available on BBS's was the one written by Mr. America and Nickie Halflinger. Those plans soon (in about 90 seconds) became very vague in their context with a couple in- consistencies, but I decided to "rough it out" using those plans (based on the Exar 2207 VCO) and build the Blue Box using that as my guide. During the construction of the Blue Box, I decided to type-up a "more complete and clear" set of Blue Box schematics than the file that I based mine on, in order to help others who may be trying/thinking of building a Blue Box. I hope these help. Note: You should get a copy of the Mr. America/Nickie Halflinger Blue Box plans. Those plans may be of help to anyone who may have difficulty understanding these plans. Also, these plans currently do not support CCITT. Why should I build a Blue Box ? Many of you may have that question, and here's my answer. Blue Boxing was the origin of phreaking (excluding whistling). Without the advent of Blue Boxes, I feel that some of the advances in the telecommunications industry would've taken longer to develop (The need to stop the phone phreaks forced AT+T Bell Laboratories to "step up" their development to stop those thieves!). There is no harm in building a Blue Box (except the knowledge you will gain in the field of electronics). Although there are software programs (Soft Blue Boxes) available for many micro's that will produce the Blue Box Multi-Frequency (MF) tones, they are not as portable as an actual Blue Box (you can't carry your computer to a telephone, so you must use it from home which could possibly lead to danger). Many phreaks are announcing the end of the Blue Box Era, but due to discoveries I have made (even on ESS 1A and possibly ESS 5), I do not believe this to be true. Although many people consider Blue Boxing "a pain in the ass", I consider Blue Boxing to be "phreaking in its' purest form". There is much to learn on the current fone network that has not been written about, and Blue Boxes are necessary for some of these discoveries. The gift of free fone calls tends to be a bonus. Note: Blue Boxes also make great Christmas gifts! Page 23 The Official Phreaker's Manual Items needed to construct a Blue Box. Here is the list of items you will need and where you can get them. It may be a good idea to gather some of the key parts (the chips, and especially the potentiometers, they took about 6 months to back order through Digi-key. A whole 6 fucking months!) before you start this project. Also, basic electronics tools will be necessary, and you might want to test the circuit on a bread board, then wire-wrap the final project. Also, you will need a box of some sort to put it in (like the blue plastic kind at Radio Shack that cost around $5.00). Note: An oscilliscope should be used when tuning in the potentiometers because the Bell system allows only a 7-10% tolerance in the precision of the frequencies. Qty. Item Part No. Place --------------------------------------------------- 1 | 4 x 4 Keypad | | Digi-Key 6 | Inverter Chip | 74C04 | 32 | Potentiometer | | 1 | 4-16 Converter Chip| 74LS154 | 1 | 16 Key Decoder | 74C922 | 2 | 2207 VCO | XR2207CP | Exar Corp. 3 | .01 uf Capacitor | 272-1051 | Radio Shack 5 | .1 uf Capacitor | 272-135 | Radio Shack 2 | 1.5K Ohn Resistor | | Radio Shack 2 | 1.0K Ohm Resistor | | Radio Shack 1 | Speaker | | From an old Autovon fone. 1 | 9 Volt Battery | | Anywhere The resistors should be a +/- 5% tolerance. The speaker can be from a regular telephone (mine just happened to be from an old Autovon phone). But make sure that you remove the diode. The Potentiometers should have a 100K Ohm range (but you may want to make the calculations yourself to double check). The 9-volt battery can be obtained for free if you use your Radio Shack Free Battery Club card. The Exar 2207 VCO can be found if you call the Exar Corp. located in Sunnyvale, California. Call them, and tell them the state you live in, and they'll give the name and phone number to the distributor that is located closest to you. The 2207 will vary from about $3.00 for the silicon-grade (which is the one you'll want to use) to about $12.00 for the high-grade Military chip. Note: When you call Exar, you may want to ask them to send you the spec-sheets that gives greater detail as to the operation and construction of the chip. Page 24 The Official Phreaker's Manual Schematic Diagram +--------------+ +-------------+ | 1 2 3 A | | Figure #1 | | 4 5 6 B | +-------------+ | 7 8 9 C | | Logic Side | | * 0 # D | +-------------+ ++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | (VCC) | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 (+5 Volts) +----+ | | | | | | | | [+] | _|_ | | | | | | | | | | X_/GND +--+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+----+ +--+----------+---+ | 2 | 11| 10| 7 | | | 14 7 | (.01C) | | 3 | 4 | 8 | 1 12+------+1 | +--||---+5 13+------+2 (*74C04*) | _|_ | | | | X_/GND | (*74C922*) | +-----------------+ +--||-+6 | |(.1C)| | _|_ | | X_/GND | 9 17 16 15 14 18| +--+--+--+--+--+---+--+ | | | | | | _|_ A B C D | GNDX_/ | | | | [+] (VCC) [+] (VCC) | | | | (+5 volts) | (+5 volts) | | | | | -------+--+--+--+------------------+----------------- | 23 22 21 20 24 18+-+ +-----+12 | +--+ | | (*74LS154*) 19+-+ _|_ _|_ | | X_/ X_/GND | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 | GND +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+-+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (Connects) | +----------> +------------------------+ | (Figure 2) | +--+ +-------+ | | | | +--+-------+--+-------+---+ | 3--|>o--4 5--|>o--6 | | (Invtr.) (Invtr.) | +---------------+7 | _|_ | (*74C04*) | GNDX_/ (VCC) [+]--+14 | (+5 volts) | | +-------------------------+ Page 25 The Official Phreaker's Manual +-------------+ _ | Figure #2 | / | +---+-------------+----+ +----------------+ | | Tone Generation Side | _|_ | | SPKR +----------------------+ GNDX_/ +---+--+---+ | | | X_| | | | | +---------------+ +-------+ | | | | | _|_ | +--+14 | | X_/GND | | (Repeat of) | | | | (First) | ----- (.1C) | | (Circuit) | ----- | | | | | | (*XR2207CP*) | | +-----------------+ | +--+6 | | | | | | | | [+]-----+-------+1 14+--+ | +---------------+ (VCC) | | +--------------------+ (+9 Volts) +----+2 | | | | 12+---------------------+ | (.01C) ----- | | _|_ | ----- | (*XR2207CP*) | X_/GND | | | | 1.5K Ohms | +----+3 11+---+---X/XRx/X/---+--+ | | | | | _|_ | | | +---X/XRx/X/---+ X_/GND | | | 1.0K Ohms | | 10+----+ | +-------------+6 9+----+---+ | | | 8+----+ | | | | | ----- (.1C) | | +-----------------+ ----- | +---------+ _|_ +----------+ | | Pot. GNDX_/ Pot. | | | X/X/X/X/--+-----------------------X/X/X/X/ | | 1400 Hz. | 1600 Hz. | +---------+ | +----------+ | | Pot. | Pot. | | | X/X/X/X/--+----------------+------X/X/X/X/ | | 1500 Hz. | | 900 Hz. | | | | | | 14 more | | 14 More | | Potentiometers | | Potentiometers | | in this | | in this | | area left out | | area left out | | for simplicity | | for simplicity | | | | | | | | | | (Connects) | <-------------+ (Figure 1) Page 26 The Official Phreaker's Manual Multiplex Keypad System First, the multiplex pattern used in the 4x4 keypad layout. I suggest that keys 0-9 be used as the Blue Box's 0-9 keys, and then you can assign A-D, *, # keys to your comfort (ie. * = Kp, # = St, D = 2600, and A-C as Kp1, Kp2 or however you want). Note: On your 2600 Hz. key (The D key in example above) it may be a good idea to tune in a second potentiometer to 3700 Hz. (Pink Noise). Keypad Key Assignments Multiplex Pattern +---------+ +-------------+ +------------+ | 1 2 3 A | | 1 2 3 4 | | 1 2 3 A |----Y1=8 X1=3 | 4 5 6 B | | 5 6 7 8 | | 4 5 6 B |----Y2=1 X2=5 | 7 8 9 C | | 9 10 11 12 | | 7 8 9 C |----Y3=2 X3=6 | * 0 # D | | 13 14 15 16 | | * 0 # D |----Y4=4 X4=7 +---------+ +-------------+ +------------+ | | | | X1 X2 X3 X4 Blue Box Frequencies This section is taken directly from Mark Tabas's "Better Homes and Blue Boxing" file Part 1. Frequenies (Hz) Domestic Int'l ---------------------------------- 700+900 1 1 700+1100 2 2 900+1100 3 3 700+1300 4 4 900+1300 5 5 1100+1300 6 6 700+1500 7 7 900+1500 8 8 1100+1500 9 9 1300+1500 0 0 700+1700 ST3p Code 11 900+1700 STp Code 12 1100+1700 KP KP1 1300+1700 ST2p KP2 1500+1700 ST ST 2600+3700 *Trunking Frequency* Note: For any further information about the uses or duration of the frequencies, read the Mark Tabas files. Page 27 The Official Phreaker's Manual Schematic Help This is the Key to the diagrams in the schematic. I hope that they help more then they might hurt. _|_ X_/GND is the Ground symbol | | ---| |-- is the Capacitor symbol | | (.1C) stands for a .1 uf Capacitor (.01C) stands for a .01 uf Capacitor | ----- ----- is another Capacitor symbol | --X/XRx/X/-- is the Resistor symbol (The 1.5K Ohm and 1.0K Ohm Resistors are at +/- 5% ) ---+ | X/X/X/X/-- is the Potentiometer symbol (The frequncies I supplied above are just examples.) --|>o-- is the Inverter symbol Conclusion This is just one way to build a Blue Box. If you choose this way, then I hope this file is adequate enough to aid you in the construction. Although these are not the best plans, they do work. This file does not tell you how to use it or what to do once it's built. For that information I mention that you read Mark Tabas's "Better Homes and Blue Boxing" files, or any other files/BBS subboards that deal with that realm. Page 28 The Official Phreaker's Manual Credentials At last, this article would not be possible without the help of the following people/places whom contributed to it in one way or another (it may not be apparent to them, but every minute bit helps). Deserted Surfer (Who helped immensly from Day 1 of this project.) (Without his help this file would not be.) Mark Tabas (For the BHBB files which inspired my interests.) Nickie Halflinger (For the original Blue Box plans I used.) Mr. America (For the original Blue Box plans I used.) Lex Luthor Cheap Shades Exar Corp. Lastly, I would like to thank the United States government for furnishing federal grants to this project. Without their financial help, I would have had to dish out the money from my own pocket (Approximately $80.00. Egads!) Page 29 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 5 Outside Loop Distribution Plant INTRODUCTION / OUTLINE Basically, the outside local loop distribution plant consists of all of the facilities necessary to distribute telephone service from the central office (CO) out to the subscribers. These facilities include all wire, cable, and terminal points along the distribution path. In this article, we shall follow this path from the CO to the subscriber, examining in depth each major point along the route and how it is used. This is especially useful for checking if any 'unauthorized equipment' is attached to your line, which would not be attached at the Central Office. I suppose this article can also be interpreted to allow someone to do just the opposite of its intended purpose... Note that this article is intended as a reference guide for use by persons familiar with the basics of either LMOS/MLT or the operation of the ARSB/CRAS (or hopefully both), because several references will be made to information pertaining to the above systems/bureaus. I have no manuals on this topic, all information has been obtained through practical experience and social engineering. Page 30 The Official Phreaker's Manual Serving Area Concepts (SAC) plan In order to standardize the way loop distribution plants are set up in the Bell System of the U.S. (and to prevent chaos), a reference standard design was created. For urban and suburban areas, this plan was called the Serving Area Concepts (SAC) plan. Basically, in the SAC plan, each city is divided into one or more Wire Centers (WC) which are each handled by a local central office switch. A typical WC will handle 41,000 subscriber lines. Each WC is divided into about 10 or so Serving Areas (depending on the size and population of the city), with an average size of 12 square miles each (compare this to the RAND (Rural Area Network Design) plan where often a rural Serving Area may cover 130 square miles with only a fraction of the number of lines). Each Serving Area may handle around 500-1000 lines or more for maybe 200-400 hous- ing units (typically a tract of homes). From the CO, a feeder group goes out to each Serving Area. This con- sists of cable(s) which contain the wire pairs for each line in the SA, and it is almost always underground (unless it is physically impossible). These feeder cables surface at a point called the Serving Area Interface (SAI) in a pedestal cabinet (or "box"). From the SAI, the pairs (or individual phone lines) are crossed over into one or several distribution cables which handle different sections of the SA (ie. certain streets). These distribution cables are either of the aerial or underground type. The modern trend is to use buried distribution cables all the way to the subscriber premises, but there are still a very large number of existing loop plants using aerial distribu- tion cables (which we will concentrate mainly upon in this article). These distribution cables are then split up into residence aerial drop wires (one per phone line) at a pole closure (in aerial plant), or at a cable pair to service wire cross box (in buried plant). The cable pairs then end up at the station protector at the customer's premises, where they are spliced into the premise "inside wire" (IW) which services each phone in the customer's premi- ses (and is also the customer's responsibility). Although this is the "standard" design, it is by no means the only one! Every telco makes it's own modifications to this standard, depending on the geographic area or age of the network, so it's good to keep your eyes and your mind open. At this point, we will detail each point along the Loop Distribution Plant. Page 31 The Official Phreaker's Manual Cable Facility F1 - CO Feeder The F1 cable is the feeder cable which originates at the Main Distribu- tion Frame (MDF) and cable vault at the local CO and terminates at the SAI. This cable can contain from 600 to over 2000 pairs, and often more than one physical F1 cable is needed to service a single Serving Area (at an SAI). The F1 is almost always located underground, because the size, weight, and number of feeders leaving the CO makes it impossible to put them on normal telephone poles. Since is is also impractical to use one single piece of cable, the F1 usually consists of several pieces of large, pressurized or armored cable spliced together underground (this will be covered later) into a single cable. Cable Numbering In order to make locating cables and pairs easier (or possible, for that matter), all of the cables in the loop distribution plant are numbered, and these numbers are stored in databases such as LMOS at the ARSB or other records at the LAC (Loop Assignment Center) or maintenance center. When trying to locate someone's cable pair, it helps a great deal to know these numbers (although it can be done without them with experience and careful observa- tion). Probably the most common place to find these numbers is on a BOR, in the "Cable & Assignment Data" block. The F1 is usually assigned a number from 00 to 99 (although 000-999 is sometimes used in large offices). Cable >pair< numbering is different however, especially in older offices; typical F1 pair numbers range from 0000 to 9999. Keep in mind that the pair number is not concrete -- it is merely nominal, it can change, and it doesn't necessarily have any special meaning (in some well organized offices, however, the cables and pairs may be arranged in a certain way where you can determine what area it serves by its number (such as in my area...heh heh); in any case, it's up to you to figure out your area's layout). Anyway, the cable-pair number is usually written in a format such as 02-1495, where 02 is the cable and 1495 is the pair (incidentally, since this is the CO Feeder cable pair that is connect- ed to the MDF, it is the one that will be listed in COSMOS). F1 Access Points Although the F1 is run underground, there is really not a standard access point down there where a certain pair in a cable can be singled out and accessed (as will be explained next). There is, however, a point above ground where all the pairs in the F1 can be accessed -- this point is known as the Serving Area Interface (SAI), and it will be detailed later. In LMOS or other assignment records, the address of the SAI will be listed as the TErminal Address (TEA) for the F1 cable handling a certain pair in question; therefore, it is where facility F1 stops. Page 32 The Official Phreaker's Manual Underground Plant The term "Underground Plant" refers to any facilities located below the surface of the earth; this includes truly "buried" cables, which are located 6-or-so feet underground surrounded basically by a conduit and dirt, as well as cables placed in underground cement tunnels along with other "below-ground" equipment (such as seen in most urban areas). Whereas the first type is really impossible to access (unless, of course, you want to dig for a day or so and then hack into an armored, jelly-filled PIC cable-- then you should take a bit of advice from our resident Icky-PIC "Goo" advisor, The Marauder), the latter type can be accessed through manholes which lead to the underground tunnel. Manholes Bell System manholes are usually found along a main street or area where a feeder cable group passes through. Using an underground cable location map is the best method for locating cable paths and manhole appear- ances, although it may not always be available. These maps can be acquired from the Underground Service Alert (USA) (at 800-422-4133), but often a "cable locator" will be dispatched instead (usually he will just mark off how far down or where you can dig without hitting a cable), so this is not a very practical method. Of course, you can always follow the warning signs on telephone poles ("call before you dig", etc) and the spans between SAI bridging heads until you find a manhole. The F1 for the SAI nearest the manhole should be found down there along with others en route to the areas they serve. There are several types of manhole covers, both round and rectangular. The rectangular ones are sometimes just hinged metal plates covering an under- ground terminal or cable closure, and these are easily opened by one person. A non-hinged one may require two people. Round manhole covers (which, by the way, are round so that a lineman can't accidentally drop the cover down the hole) are basically all the same, except for the types known as "C" and "D" type manhole covers which utilize locking bolts (these can be removed using a standard crescent or hex socket wrench). These covers are the same as the order. This is aided even further by the fact that since F1's usually last longer than F2 facilities, there are often more spare provisional F2 facili- ties in the loop plant (ie. 100 feeders in, 300 F2 out (200 aren't cross- connected to F1's)). So there is a good chance that you will find one that is distributed to your area. Other spare facilities include "floaters", which are like spare feeder pairs, except they are ACTIVE lines. Often, a telco will extend whole feeder groups to more than one SAI in provision for future expan- sion, including active cable pairs. If you find a working pair on a feeder panel which is not cross-connected to a distribution pair, that pair is a floater. This is by far the best way to covertly access a certain pair, because most linemen will probably not be aware of the pair's presence (it looks unused on the surface). Beware! If you think you can hook up to someone's floater and get free service, you're probably wrong (so many other people have been wrong, in fact, that Pacific Bell has a special "Form K-33" to report this type of fraud), because the telco is more aware of this than you may think. Obviously any toll call you make will show up on the bill for that line. A do-it-yourself spare pair activation can avoid this problem, if done correctly. End of First half, attach second half here. Page 33 The Official Phreaker's Manual *** Second half of The Outside Loop Distribution Plant starts here. *** Cable Facility F2 - Distribution The F2 distribution cable is the cable which originates from the F1 feeder in the SAI and distributes individual cable pairs to each subscriber. This cable can be one of two types: aerial or buried. The most common is the aerial distribution cable, although buried cable is the modern trend. In the case of aerial F2, the cable or cables leave the SAI underground, and at the first telephone pole on the distribution span, the cable is routed up the pole. It then is suspended on the span, such as down a street, and at each group of houses there is a terminal on the span. This terminal is the aerial drop split- ter, and it's purpose is to break off several pairs from the distribution cable in order to distribute them (in the form of aerial drop wires) to each house or premise. The location or address of the premise nearest this aerial drop splitter is the TErminal Address of the F2 serving a certain pair (each group of pairs in the F2 will have it's own terminal address, unlike the one address for the F1 terminal (SAI)). The F2 cable is always the lowest cable on the telephone pole, and it is usually a great deal larger than the electric power distribution cables above it. Often more than one F2 can be seen on a single pole span. In this case, the top F2 will usually be the one which is being distributed to the subscribers on that street, and the lower (and most often larger) cables are other F2's coming from an SAI and going to the streets which they service: These cables consist of multiple spliced spans, and they will not have any drop wires coming off them (they are marked every few poles or so at a splicing point called a "bullet closure" which is fully enclosed and can be quite large (ie. 6" dia, 20" long) as compared to the normal drop splitters (ie. or similar 4"w x 5"h x 12"l) -- these closures are clamp press- urized and are not meant to be opened unless the cable is being replaced or splicing work is being done. They are not standard cable/pair access points). Buried F2 plant is similar to aerial, except that the cable is not visible because it is underground. Instead of going to a pole from the SAI, the cable continues underground. The drop wires are also underground, and the method of breaking them from the distribution cable is similar to that of the aerial drop splitter, except it is a small pedestal or box located on the ground near the houses it serves. This address closest to this pedestal is the TEA for the F2. Page 34 The Official Phreaker's Manual F2 Cable Numbering The F2 distribution cable is usually given a 4 or 5 digit number, depending on the office. The first 2 or 3 digits should be the number of the F1 that the F2 was branched off of, and the last 2 or 3 digits identify the distribution cable. Example- F1 Cable F2 Cable 25 2531 This F2 cable came from feeder #25^^ The cable >pair< numbers may be set in a similar way, with the last 3 or 4 digits identifying the pair, and the first digit (usually a 1) identifying the pair as a feeder or a distribution pair. Example - F1 Cable Pair F2 Cable Pair 25 1748 2531 748 ^--signifies F1 (feeder) cable pair Generally, the F1 cable pairs are numbered higher than the F2 cable pairs, due to the fact that a feeder cable may contain several distribution cables' worth of cable pairs. Note once again that all of this numbering plan is the STANDARD, and it may be far from real life! As soon as one dist- ribution pair is replaced, crossed over to another feeder pair, or taken from service, the set order is interrupted. In real life, it is most always nece- ssary to get both F1 and F2 cable assignment data. Page 35 The Official Phreaker's Manual Facilities F3-F5, Rural Area Interface (RAI) Although cable facilities F3, F4, and F5 may be specified in any loop plant, they are rarely seen anywhere except in rural areas under the RAND plan (Rural Area Network Design). Basically, plants using these extra facilities are similar to F1/F2 plants, except there are extra cable spans and/or terminals in the path. When locating cables, the highest numbered facility will be at the end of the path, terminating near the subscriber's end (like a "normal" F2), and the lowest numbered facility will be the feeder from the CO (like a "normal" F1). The extra spans will be somewhere in between, like an intermediate feeder or extra distribution cable with separate cable access terminals. One such facility is the Rural Area Interface (RAI), which can be used in a "feeder-in, feeder-out" arrangement. This is usually seen on cable routes of 50 pairs or greater, with a length of longer than 30 kft (about 6 miles). In this case, there will be two terminal cabinets in the feeder path, labelled RAI-A and RAI-B. The RAI-A is special because it has a two-part terminal block: the top has switching panels with 108-type connectors which cross-connect feeder-in and feeder-out pairs using jumper plugs, and the bottom has standard 76-type binding posts which cross-connect feeders to distribution cables for subscribers in the local area of the RAI-A. The jumper plugs can only be connected in one way to the switching panels, so random cross-connection of feeder-in/feeder-out pairs is prevented. In this way, the cable and pair numbers stay the same as if the feeder cable was uninterrupted. This is used a lot in rural areas; it allows part of a feeder group to be split off at the RAI-A like a distribution cable near a town along the route, and the rest of the feeder group continues on to a town further away, to the RAI-B where it is terminated as in a "normal" SAI. In order to access a pair, just use the last RAI in the span (whichever it is) and treat it just like an SAI. If the pair terminates at RAI-B, you can also access it at RAI-A! (if you can locate the pair using color code, BP number, or (ughh) ANI, there should be test terminals on top of the jumper plugs connecting the 108's on the switching panel where you can hook your test set -- you can't hook onto a raw 108 connector very easily). Anyway, the RAI terminal is usually a ground pedestal with a cabinet such as a 40-type, but it can be aerial mounted on a pole (hard to access). Page 36 The Official Phreaker's Manual Pair-Gain, Carried Derived Feeder Another common facility in rural areas (and in cities or suburbs, es- pecially near large housing complexes, etc.) is the pair-gain system. It is basically a system which consists of a digital link which is distributed, almost like a normal cable pair, out to a terminal cabinet called a Remote Terminal (RT) which contains equipment which demultiplexes the digital line into many "normal" metallic analog telephone lines which go to each subscriber in the area. Because the digital line can transmit the audio from several separate lines and multiplex them onto one cable, only one special cable pair is needed to come from the CO as a feeder, instead of several separate ones; this is why it is called a "pair gain" system. The remote terminal (RT) contains both the demultiplexing electronics as well as a small "SAI" type terminal block for connecting the pairs to distribution cables on the side of the path toward the subscriber. Because the "feeder" is not a multipair cable but a digital link (ie. T-carrier), this arrangement is known as a "carrier-derived feeder." The SAI part of the RT is used just like a normal SAI on the distribution side (BLUE), but the feeder side will be slightly different. Carrier-derived feeders are always marked with YELLOW labels, and their pairs will be crossed over to distribution cables just like in an SAI. So, in order to access a pair in a system like this, you must do so on the DISTRIBUTION side, because you can't hook an analog test set to a 1.544 Mbps digital T-carrier line! (or worse yet, a fiber optic cable). This may be difficult, because these cabinets are always locked (with few exceptions), so you'll have to find a terminal closer to the subscriber -- also be aware that many RT's are equipped with silent intrusion alarms. Anyway, some common pair-gain systems are the Western Electric SLC-8, 40, 96, and GTE's MXU, ranging in size from 8 to over 96 lines. RT cabinets can often be identified by the ventillation grilles (with or without a fan inside) which are not present on SAI's or other non-RT cabinets. Aerial Distribution Splice Closure, Drop Wire Splitter This terminal is the point where the individual cable pair for a certain subscriber is split from the F2 distribution cable and spliced onto an aerial drop or "messenger" wire which goes to the subscriber's premises. In an aerial distribution plant, 2 types of this terminal are common: 1> Western Electric 49-type Ready Access Closure / Cable Terminal 2> Western Electric 53A4, N-type Pole Mount Cable Terminals Page 37 The Official Phreaker's Manual Type 1> The 49-type, 1A1, 1B1, and 1C1 closures are all functionally similar. This terminal is a semi-rectangular closure, about 15"L x 3"W x 5"H, usually black, which is connected directly to the aerial cable itself; it is coaxial with the cable, so the cable passes straight through it. It splits up to 12 pairs from the distribution cable to a small bin- ding post terminal block inside the closure. Aerial drop wires are then connected to these binding posts, and the wires exit the term- inal through holes on the bottom. These wires are strung via strain relief clamps on the pole down to the subscriber's site. The terminal closure is opened by pulling out and lifting either the whole cover or the front panel after removing the cover fasteners on the bottom and/or the sides (the closure is a thick neoprene cover over an alum- inum frame). Inside the case, there is a terminal block and there may be some sort of loading coil as well. The cable and this coil are not openable, but the terminal block is. Since the F2 pair terminates in this closure, the F2 BP number (cable/assignment data) corresponds to a binding post on this terminal block. As mentioned earlier, this terminal will also contain spare pairs, in case a subscriber wants another line. In order to use one of these pairs, you must either get an F2 (and then F1) CP number from LAC using the BP, or you can put a trace tone on the pair at the aerial closure and then locate the pair at the SAI. Then a cross-connect would have to be made to an active F1 pair, and a drop wire (ughh) would have to be added back at the aerial closure. Anyway, both the binding posts as well as the holes (inside + out) are numbered left to right, so you may not even have to open the closure if you are just looking for an F2 BP number -- just trace the drop wire from the house into the numbered hole on the closure. The TErminal Address for the F2 is the address of the house or premise closest to the pole near this closure. These terminals (esp. 1A1, etc) are also used for straight and branch splices for aerial cables, so you may see one cable in / two out; also, the closure can be used for splicing only, so there may not be drop wires (in this case, it wont be listed in LMOS because it is not a terminal point). There is generally one of these every pole near a quad of houses or so, mounted on the cable about an arm's length from the pole. Type 2> Both the 53A4 and the N-type terminals serve the same function as the 49-type just described, except they are used in situations where there are more than 4 houses (8 lines, including provisional pairs). This terminal is mounted directly on the pole, about a foot down from the aerial cable. It is not connected in line with the cable, so there is no F2 splicing area in the cabinet (rather, a cable stub comes from the terminal block and is spliced onto the span close to where it touches the pole). It is about 22"H x 9"W x 4"D, rectan- gular, and silver (unpainted). The door is similar to that of a 40- type cabinet, but it's much smaller; it is opened using a 7/16" tool in the same manner as before, except that the door must be lifted before it can be opened or closed. In this way, the door slides down on it's hinges when opened, so it locks in the open position and you wont have to worry about it (especially nice because hanging onto a pole is enough of a problem). The terminal block can handle from 25 to 50 pairs, with 32 holes in the back for aerial drop wires. Just as in the Ready Access Closure, this is the F2 terminal, and the numbered binding posts and holes correspond to F2 BP numbers. The TEA will be the address nearest the terminal (just as before). This terminal is common at the first pole on a street, on cul-de-sacs, apartments, marinas & harbors, or anywhere there are many drop wires. Page 38 The Official Phreaker's Manual Buried Distribution Cross Box and Other Pedestals This terminal serves the same function as the aerial closures, except it is used in areas with a buried distribution plant. This cable assignment for this terminal will be the F2 terminal, and the BP numbers and TEA will be the same as for the aerial terminals. Probably the most common cross-boxes are the PC4,6, and 12; these are around 50" tall by 4, 6, or 12" square respec- tively, and they are painted gray-green like SAI cabinets. These are the smallest pedestals in the distribution plant, and they don't have doors (they look like waist-high square poles). In order to open one of these pedestals, the two bolts on either side half way down the pedestal must be loosened with a 7/16 hex wrench; then the front cover can be lifted up, out, and off the rest of the closure. These terminals are located generally near small groups of houses (up to about 12 lines usually) on the ground, often near other utility cabinets (such as electric power transformers, etc). These are becoming more common as the new housing tracts use buried distribution plant. The F2 cable will enter as a cable stub, and it is split into service wires which go back underground to the subscribers. All small pedestals are not necessarily the above type of terminal; these pedestal closures are often used for other purposes, such as splicing points in underground distribution, loading coil mounting, and even used as temporary wire storage containers. If the terminal contains a terminal block or it is a significant point on the line, however, it will be listed in LMOS. An example of this is a distribution path found by Mark Tabas in a Mountain Bell area -- there was a small PC12-type closure on the ground near a street in a remote suburb, and it was serving as a terminal point for a whole F1 cable. It was listed as the F1 terminal, and it was at the right TEA; however, there was no terminal block because it was a splicing point (just a bunch of pairs connected with Scotchlok plastic connectors which are hung on a bar in the pedestal closure), so LMOS had no BP number. Instead, a color code was listed (see appendix) for the pair in the splice. Anyway, the WHOLE F1 went up to an N-type closure on a pole and was split into drop wires. Page 39 The Official Phreaker's Manual Multi-Line Building Entrance Terminals This terminal takes the aerial drop or service wires and cross-connects them over to the Inside Wire (IW) in the subscriber's building (hotels, busi- nesses, etc). There are many different types of terminal blocks for this terminal, although by far the most common is the Western Electric 66 block. The 66-type terminal uses a block of metal clips; the wire is pushed onto the clip with a punch-down tool which also strips the wire. The block is divided into horizontal rows which can have from 2 to over 6 clips each. Since each row group terminates one pair, two rows are needed for x-connect, one on top of the other. The service or drop wire usually enters on the left, and the inside wire is connected to the far right. In order to locate a pair, usually you can visually trace either the service wire or the inside wire to the block, and often the inside wire side wil be numbered or labelled with an address, phone number, etc. It is also possible for this terminal to serve as an F2 terminal point, if there are a lot of lines. In this case, LMOS will list the TEA usually with some physical direction as to where to find it. The left side will then be numbered as F2 BP's. This terminal is also the demarca- tion point which separates the customer's equipment from the telco's. The new terminals often have an RJ-21 connector on the service wire side, such as a 25-pair for PABX or a Bell 1A2 Key, etc. There are also "maintenance termina- ting units" (MTU) which are electronic units connected to the line(s) at the entrance protector; these are sometimes seen in some telcos. Basically, they provide functions such as party ANI on multi-party lines, remote disconnect (for testing or (click!) non-payment), or half ringers (the most common -- they prevent ringing continuity failures on switches like ESS when there are no phones hooked to the line when it rings). MTU terminals are often locked. Single Pair Station Protector There's really not much to say about this terminal. Basically, it takes the service or drop wire and connects it to the inside wire in a single line residence (houses with 2 lines will have 2 of these). These are at every house on an outside wall or basement, and there are two main types: the Western Electric 123 (with a "150-type" rubber cover), and the old WE 305 and new AT&T 200 Network interface (metal and plastic, respectively). These terminals have one binding post pair and they will have either gas discharge tubes or carbon blocks to protect the line from lightning or excess current. Obviously, there is no BP number (you just have to visually trace the drop wire to find the protector). This is also the demarcation point marking the end of the telco's responsibility, as well as the end of our tour. Page 40 The Official Phreaker's Manual Bell System Standard Color Code Use: ----------------------------------- Take the #, and find it's closest Pair # Tip Ring multiple of 5. Use that number to find ----------------------------------- the Tip color, and the remainder to find 01-05 White Blue the Ring color (remainder 0 = Slate). 06-10 Red Orange (e.g. Pair #1 = White/Brown, Pair #14 = 11-15 Black Green Black/Brown, Pair #24 = Violet/Brown). 16-20 Yellow Brown 21-25 Violet Slate Usually if a color code is needed (such as in a splice case) you can get it from LAC or the testboard; if it's really essential, it will be in LMOS as well. This color code is also used a lot on cable ties (usually with white stripes and ring colors only), although these are often used randomly. Test Sets This is the "right hand" of both the professional and the amatuer lineman. Basically, it is a customized portable telephone which is designed to be hooked onto raw cable terminals in the field and used to monitor the line, talk, or dial out. The monitor function is usually the main difference between the "butt-in" test set and the normal phone. If you don't have a real test set already, the following circuit can convert a normal $4 made-in- taiwan phone into a working test set. The "all-in-one" handset units without bases are the best (I tend to like QUIK's and GTE Flip Phone II's). Anyway- OFFICIAL Agent 04 Generic Test Set Modification (tm) Ring >---------------------------------> to "test set" phone Tip >------! SPST Switch !--------> !-----/ ----------! >from !-------/!/!/!/!--! C = 0.22 uF 200 WVDC Mylar cable pair ! C R ! R = 10 kOhm 1/2 W (alligators) !--! (------------! SPST = Talk / Monitor When SPST is closed, you are in talk mode; when you lift the switch- hook on the "test set" phone, you will get a dial tone as if you were a standard extension of the line you are on. You will be able to dial out and receive calls. When the SPST is opened, the resistor and capacitor are no longer shunted, and they become part of the telephone circuit. When you lift the switchhook on the test set, you will not receive dial tone, due to the fact that the cap blocks DC, and the resistor passes less than 4 mA nominally (far below the amount necessary to saturate the supervisory ferrod on ESS or close the line relay on any other switch). However, you will be able to silently monitor all audio on the line. The cap reactance + the phone's impedance insure that you won't cut the signal too much on the phone line, which might cause a noticeable change (..expedite the shock force, SOMEONE'S ON MY LINE!!). It's also good to have a VOM handy when working outside to rapidly check for active lines or supervision states. Also, you can buy test equipment from these companies: Techni Tool - 5 Apollo Road, Box 368. Plymouth Meeting, PA. 19462. Specialized Products Company - 2117 W. Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX. 75229. Page 41 The Official Phreaker's Manual I am not going to include a disclaimer, because a true communications hobbyist does not abuse nor does he tamper with something he doesn't under- stand. This article is intended as a reference guide for responsible people. Also, this article was written mainly from first-hand experience and information gained from maintenance technicians, test boards, as well as technical literature, so it is as accurate as possible. Keep in mind that it is mainly centered upon the area served by Pacific Telephone, so there may be some differences in the loop plant of your area. I would be happy to answer the questions of anyone interested, so feel free to contact me c/o the Technical Journal regarding anything in this article or on related topics such as ESS, loop electronics, telephone surveillance / countersurveillance, etc. I hope the article was informative. Page 42 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 6 STEP BY STEP SWITCHING NOTES BY PHANTOM PHREAKER The following research was done on a class 5 Step By Step switching system. Items mentioned in this article are not guaranteed to work with your particular office. The following interesting topics about Step By Step switching are for informational and educational purposes only. This article is aimed at people who wish to learn more about telephone switching systems. I realize step-by-step switching is dwindling every day, with many electromechanical SxS offices being replaced with newer electronic/digital switches and Remote Switching Systems (RSS's). However, rural areas of the U.S. still use Step, so if you are ever in an area served by a SxS CO you may be able to use this information. 1:ANI Failure/ONI To understand this technique, you must understand how ANI functions in the Step-by-Step switching system. Your CO sends ANI, with your number, in MF or DP to recievers that collect the ANI information and store it, along with the called number, on the appropriate form of AMA tape. ANI outpulsing in MF can use either LAMA (Local Automatic Message Accounting) or CAMA (Centralized Automatic Message Accounting). ANI sent in DP type signalling can also be used, but is rare. DP vs MF trunk signalling is similar to the difference between DTMF and pulse dialing, except on a trunk. DP signalling sends all information in short bursts of 2600Hz tones. Causing ANIF's/ONI is an easy task in SxS (and some versions of Xbar), because the customer's link to the CO will allow the customer to input MF tones to influence a calls completion. This can be done by dialing a long distance number and listening to the clicks that follow. After the first click when you are done dialing, you will hear a few more. They will be timed very close to one another, and the last click occurs right before the called telephone rings. The number and speed of the clicks probably varies. Basically what these clicks are is the Toll Office that serves your CO setting up a route for your call. In order to abuse this knowledge, you need access to a MF source, whether it be a blue box, a computer with a good sound chip, tape recording, etc. Right before you hear the series of clicks, send one of the following sequences in MF: KP+1 (Repeatedly) For Automatic Number Identification Failure (ANIF) -or- KP+2 (Repeatedly) For Operator Number Identification (ONI) (Note:these will not work if your CO uses DP signalling.) Page 43 The Official Phreaker's Manual Play these tones into the phone at a sufficient volume so that they 'drown out' the series of clicks. Do not send an ST signal, as you are not actually dialing on a trunk. You must send these MF sequences quickly for this method to work correctly. After you have played your 'routing' a few times, you will hear a TSPS operator intercept your call and ask for the number you are calling FROM. When an ANIF is recognized, the call is cut through to a TSPS site that serves your area. Now, you can give the operator any number in your exchange and she will enter the billing information manually, and put the call through. The toll charges will appear on the customer who owns the number you gave. You can also accomplish a similar feat by merely flashing the switchook during the series of clicks. This will send DC pulses that scramble the ANI outpulsing and cause your call to be sent to a TSPS operator before the dialed number. Be sure to stop sending the MF 'routing' after the operator attaches or she may know that something's up. Use this method sparingly and with caution. It would also be a good idea not to use the same number for billing more than one time. Don't use this method in excess, because a toll office report will list the number of ANI failures for a specific time period. The ONI method works better because it is assumed ONI is needed to identify a caller's DN upon a multi-party line. Too many ANI failures will generate a report upon a security/maintenance TTY, so if you plan on using this method, use the ONI method instead of just ANI Failure. The basic idea behind the ANIF is to scrramble your ANI information by using MF (or the switchhook) to send your LD call to a TSPS operator for Operator Number Identification (ONI) due to ANI Failure. The idea behind the ONI method is that you are fooling the switch into thinking you are calling from a multi-party line and ONI is needed to identify your DN. 2:Test numbers Some other interesting things in the Step By Step system can be found by dialing test numbers. Test numbers in SxS switching systems are usually hidden in the XX99 area, as opposed to 99XX, which is common for other types of switching systems. These types of numbers are possibly physical limitations of a SxS switch, and thus a milliwatt tone or other test numbers will be placed there, because a normal DN can't be assigned such a number. However, these XX99 numbers are usually listed in COSMOS as test numbers. Another interesting note about XX99 numbers is that they seem (at least in some offices) to be on the same circuit. (That is, if one person calls an XX99 number and recieves a test tone, and another person calls any other XX99 number in that same prefix, the second caller will recieve a busy signal). Here we must examine the last four digits of a telephone number in detail. XXXX=WXYZ W=Thousands digit X=Hundreds digit Y=Tens digit Z=Units digit Dialing your prefix followed by an XX99 may result in a busy signal test number, a network overflow (reorder), miilliwatt tones, or other type of error messages encountered when dialing. Page 44 The Official Phreaker's Manual Not every XX99 number is a test number, but many are. Try looking for these in a known Step by Step office. The numbers that return a busy signal are the ones that incoming callers are connected to when the Sleeve lead of the called Directory Number is in a voltage present state, which means the line is in use or off-hook. More about this in the next topic. 3:Busy signal confrencing Another interesting feature of the Step-By-Step system is the way busy tones (60 IPM) are generated. In ESS and DMS central offices, busy signals that are sent by the terminating switch are computer generated and sound very even and clear with no signal irregularity. In SxS, all calls to a particular DN are sent to the same busy signal termination number, which can be reached most of the time by a POTS number. These busy tones are not computer generated and the voice path is not cut-off. You can take advantage of this and possibly have a 'busy signal confrence'. This can be achieved by having several people dial the same busy DN that is served by a Step office, or by dialing an always-busy termination number. When you are connected to the busy signal, you will also be able to hear anyone else who has dialed the same busy number. Connection quality is very poor however, so this is not a good way to communicate. As an added bonus, answering supervision is not returned on busy numbers, and thus the call will be toll-free for all parties involved. However, you must be using AT&T as your inter-LATA carrier if the call to the busy number is an inter-LATA call for you. So if your IC is US Sprint, you must first dial the AT&T Carrier Access Code (10ATT) before the busy number. If your IC doesn't detect answer supervision, and begins billing immediately or after a certain amount of time, then you will be billed for the length of the call. 4:Temporarily 'freezing' a line A SxS switching system that operates on the direct control principle is controlled directly by what the subscriber dials. Jamming a line on SxS to prevent service is possible by simply flashing the switchook a number of times. Or you may find after serveral aborted dialing attempts, the line will freeze until it is reset, either manually or by some time-out mechanism. Usually the time the line is out of action is only a few minutes. The line will return a busy signal to all callers, and the subscriber who has a 'dead' phone will not even hear sidetone. This happens when one of the elements in the switch train gets jammed. The switch train consists of the linefinder, which sends a dial tone to the subscriber who lifted his telephone, and places voltage on the S (Sleeve) lead as to mark that given DN as busy. Next in the switch train are the selectors. The selectors are what recieve the digits you dial and move accordingly. The last step in the switch train is the connector. The connector is what connects calls that are intraoffie, and sends calls to a Toll office when necessary. Other types of devices can be used in the switch train, such as Digit Absorbing Selectors, where needed. Page 45 The Official Phreaker's Manual 5:Toll/Operator assisted dialing You may be able to dial 1/0+ numbers with your prefix included in some areas. You can dial any call that you could normally reach by dialing 1+ or 0+. For example, to dial an operator-assisted call to a number in Chicago, you could dial NXX+0312+555+1000 where NXX is your prefix, and you would recieve the usual TSPS bong tone, and the number you dialed, 312+555+1000, would show up on the TSPS consoles LED readout board. You can also use a 1 in place of the 0 in the above example to put the call through as a normal toll call. This method does not bypass any type of billing, so don't get your hopes up high. The reason this works is twofold. The first reason is that the thousandths digit in many SxS offices determines the type of call. A 0 or a 1 in place of another number (which would represent a local call) is handled accordingly. The other reason is due to a Digit Absorbing Selector that can be installed in some SxS offices to 'absorb' the prefix on intraoffice calls when it is not needed to process the call. A DAS can absorb either two or three digits, depending on whether the CO needs any prefix digit(s) for intraoffice call completion. 6:Hunting prefixes SxS switches may also translate an improperly dialed local call and send it to the right area over interoffice trunks. Take for instance, you need to make a local call to 492-1000. You could dial 292-1000 and reach the exact same number, provided that there is no 292 prefix within your local calling area. However, only the first digit of a prefix may be modified or the call will not go through correctly unless you happen to have dialed a valid local prefix. You also cannot use a 1 or a 0 in place of the first prefix digit, because the switch would interpet that as either dialing a toll or an operator assisted call. 7:Trunks Step by Step switching system incoming and outgoing trunks are very likely to use In-band supervisory signalling. This means you could possibly use numbers served by a SxS CO to blue box off of. But, some older step areas may not use MF signalling, but DP signalling. DP signalling uses short bursts of 2600Hz to transfer information as opposed to Multi-Frequency tones. In DP signalling, there are no KP or ST equivalents. Boxing may be accomplished from DP trunks by sending short bursts of 2600Hz (2 bursts would be the digit 2). Acceptablepulse rates are 7.5 to 12 pulses per second, but the normal rate is 10 pulsesper second. A pulse consists of an 'on hook' (2600Hz) tone and an off-hook (no tone). So, at 10 pulses per second, a digit might be .04 seconds of tone and .06 seconds of silence. DP is rarely used today, but some direct-control Step offices still use it. Common Control Step offices are much more likely to use MF trunk signalling. As said at the start of this file, some of the things mentioned here may have no practical use, but are being exposed to the public and to those who did not know about any one of the procedures mentioned here previously. References and acknowledgements =============================================================================== Basic Telephone Switching Systems-By David Talley, Hayden publishers No. 1 AMARC-Bell System Technical Journal Mark Tabas for information about CAMA and DP, The Marauder, and Doom Prophet. =============================================================================== Page 46 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 7 AUTOMATIC MESSAGE ACCOUNTING (AMA) An overview Written by Phantom Phreaker This article is meant to provide an explanation of Automatic Message Accounting (AMA) and how it was/is used in the past and present. All information included in this file is correct to my knowledge, however, if anyone notices any errors or has anything interesting to add, try to get in touch with me one way or another and let me know. Hopefully this article will clear up any misconceptions about AMA that have been circulating around on bulletin boards and by word of mouth. Keep in mind, however, that the information here may not be applicable to your specific area or telco. The information contained herein generally applies to the BOC's, and if you are served by an independent telco, your method of billing may differ. This article is aimed more towards the more experienced telecommunications enthusiast. People with limited knowledge may have a hard time understanding the information presented here. However, if you can contact me I will try to answer any questions or clarify anything included in this article that isn't understood. Information will be included in this article concerning the use of AMA in the past. This is being done for people in older areas or areas served by an independent telco that may still be using the old technology. HISTORY In the past, Call Detail Record (CDR) information was collected and recorded by cordboard operators in a process known as manual ticketing. The operator recorded this information by writing it down manually upon a formatted record called a ticket. These tickets were sent to the appropriate office where billing was handled. This manual ticketing process was time-consuming, and was phased out with the introduction of electromechanical switching. Page 47 The Official Phreaker's Manual Before the advent of AMA, a magnetically operated counter called a message register was associated with each subscribers line in a given central office. This counter was responsible for counting the number of calls that each subscriber made, for billing purposes. This message register was caused to operate one or more times when the called party answered the telephone. The way this works is when the called party answers, a reverse battery signal was sent back over the trunk circuit to activate a relay in the originating office which was responsible for the application of a 48-volt battery to advance the message register the appropriate number of units. A local call is/was usually one message unit, regardless of how long the call lasted. Local calls to further away areas were/are usually two message units. Long distance calls were handled either by cordboard operators, using manual ticketing, or by a method not involving operators known as zone registration. With zone registration, calls to different zones would cause the message register to operate two or more times per time period. This would make the cost higher for longer calls, and less for shorter calls. At the end of the billing period, each message register had to be manually photographed to keep track of the number of calls made by that specific subscriber. These photos were taken by a 35 millimeter camera that was known as a Traffic Usage Recorder, and then sent to the same place that manual tickets (prepared by operators) were. However, this method of billing soon grew costly and inefficient, so a new method, LAMA (Local Automatic Message Accounting) was developed. Additional and more specific information shall be included later in the article. In the late 1940's, the Bell System developed LAMA, which recorded the billing information in a much more efficient manner. However, some end offices did not have enough call traffic to warrant the installation of LAMA equipment. To solve this problem, CAMA (Centralized Automatic Message Accounting) was developed in the mid 1950's. CAMA was different from LAMA in that it was based in a toll or tandem office and could record the AMA information for every end office that it served. More on LAMA and CAMA will be included later in the article. Another development concerning AMA is the computerization of the system, named LAMA-C or CAMA-C, for 'LAMA-Computerized' or 'CAMA-Computerized'. CAMA had used paper tape perforators for a time before the magnetic tape method was introduced with CAMA-C. LAMA-C is a computerized version of LAMA which also uses magnetic tape (LAMA-C is still used today). LAMA and LAMA-A (previous versions) used paper tape, although LAMA-A was more efficient. LAMA, LAMA-A, CAMA, and CAMA-C were all part of the AMARS, the Automatic Message Accounting Recording System. However, a newer term for more modern setups is the AMACS, for Automatic Message Accounting Collection System. The AMACS includes end office AMA systems, a recent introduction called the AMARC (AMA Recording Center), AMARC sensors from end offices to the AMARC, the data links used to transmit billing information, and data recievers located at the AMARC site. The AMARC is a product of the new age of computerized technology as it applies to the telecommunications systems used in our society. Still, LAMA and CAMA and their different versions shall be described and explained to help people understand how they were/are used. Page 48 The Official Phreaker's Manual LAMA LAMA is described by Notes on the Network (1983) as 'A process using equipment located in a local office for automatically recording billing data for message rate calls and for customer-dialed station to station toll calls'. What this is means is that if your CO uses LAMA, and you are on a single party line (most people are), all 1+ toll calls will be billable by LAMA equipment, and all calls coming from message rate lines. A message rate line, for those of you not familiar with the term, is a telephone line that has the ability to receive incoming calls, but all outgoing calls will cost the subscriber. The subscriber pays for basic service (the ability to receive calls) with the consideration that all other calls (even local ones) will cost a certain amount of money per call. Many subscribers in several major cities get this feature automatically, and thus phone bills are generally higher in these areas. LAMA originally recorded billing information on punched paper tape, in a version known as LAMA-A, but now magnetic tape is generally the format used in places where LAMA-C equipment is used. The paper tape perforators that recorded the CDR data in LAMA-A were noisy, and they needed maintenance due to their electromechanical construction. The magnetic tape method is much more reliable, and quieter as well. If a persons End Office uses LAMA, then all toll calls from all lines and all local calls from metered rate lines are recorded on the LAMA tape, with a few exceptions. LAMA can only be used to record AMA information for one and two party lines. On other party lines such as three and four party, the originating caller has his/her number identified by an operator via the ONI (Operator Number Identification) method. It is not been determined by the author if the BOC (Bell Operating Company) operators such as TOPS (Traffic Operator Position System, made by Northen Telecom Inc. of Canada) or MPOW (Multi-Purpose Operator Workstation, by US West) operators would be used for this ONI or not. I would guess that AT&T TSPS operators would handle an inter-LATA toll call, and that the BOC TOPS/MPOW operators would handle the ONI for an intra-LATA call (my reasoning behind this statement is the fact that whenever I have had an ONI due to equipment failure, which is similar to ONI needed, only the ANI outpulsing was garbled, the called number was still transmitted in the correct fashion. I am assuming that the end office switching system would route the call to the correct operator position by matching the NPA-NXX with some sort of internal table which makes a distinction between intra and inter-LATA calls). Anyway, these calls had their AMA information sent from the appropriate operator position to the toll office that served the 3+ party line, onto CAMA tape. Another instance in which a LAMA office may use CAMA instead is when an ANIF (ANI Failure) occurs. If the ANIF is sent to TSPS, then that TSPS will record billing information upon CAMA tape by using ONI. It seems that AMA information that has been recorded by an operator is buffered and stored until it is time to send the information to the appropriate places for processing. In the case of AT&T TSPS operators, the TSPS had it's own magnetic tape which was sent to the RAO (Regional Accounting Office, formerly called Revenue Accounting Office) on a regular basis. I am not sure if this method is still used or if TSPS AMA has been updated or enhanced in some way. Page 49 The Official Phreaker's Manual EXAMPLES OF LAMA USAGE The following is the call flow procedure in a LAMA-A (paper tape) system. After a customer completes dialing, the dialed number (the called number), the originating class of service, Line Equipment Number (LEN), and call type are sent from the switch to the AMA equipment. Translations, such as figuring the billing telephone number from the Line Equipment Number, are done. The information that comes from the translations procedures determines which paper tape perforator shall be used to record the data for this specific call. A record of the initial information gathered is called the initial entry. The last line of the initial entry contains a two digit code called a Call Identity Index, which identifies telco equipment such as the trunk or district junctor that will be used for that call. When the call is answered, another entry is made, called the answer entry. This entry is a single line on the paper tape and has the CII and the exact time that the call was answered on it. The last entry on the paper tape is known as the disconnect entry. This entry contains the CII and the exact time that the call ended. The CII is important because it is what the RAO used to group together all the data about a given call. Entries are recorded at different times in a LAMA system, they are not in sequential order, so the CII makes it easier to find all three entries for a specific call. This method of recording AMA information required the RAO to 'unshuffle the deck' when it came time to organize the AMA information. The variations in the AMA recording formats used by different switching systems eventually led Bellcore to develop a standard AMA format, named the Bellcore AMA Format (BAF). More information will be included about this format later in the article. In a No. 5 Crossbar switching system, the AMA setup used special purpose 3 inch wide paper tape on which AMA records were recorded by CO equipment. This method of recording is for the stone ages, as it has been phased out by almost every BOC. Similar to the LAMA-A call flow, this method of AMA used three AMA entries. The first one was the customers service information, which included the calling and called telephone numbers, the second one was recorded when the telephone was answered, and the third one was recorded at disconnect. This also made the job at the RAO a bit harder, as again, they had to 'unshuffle the deck'. The No. 2 ESS introduced the latest magnetic tape recording technology that was available at that time. The 2E used 200 BPI, 7 track mag tapes, and it introduced special data coding conventions. It's technology and conventions are still in use today, but I think that the BPI and number of tracks have been increased. The 2E mimics the No. 5 Crossbar AMA method by recording three entries and interleaving them on the magnetic tape. Data common to all calls on a tape (such as date, CO info, etc.) are recorded in special tape headers. The No. 2B ESS was introduced with the same AMA technology as the 2E, but a 2B that provides equal access capabilities for interexchange carriers adds a new data entry to the three used by the 2E. This new entry reports the time of connection of a carrier to the local network, which is needed for carrier access billing. Page 50 The Official Phreaker's Manual The No. 1 ESS modernized the AMA process even more. The 1E used 200 BPI, nine track tape. The 1E provides data collection memory registers for AMA information on applicable calls. A register is assigned to an AMA call and kept open for the call's duration. This register collected most of the billing data that was needed. The AMA information was then written to magtape at the time of disconnect. This made it easier for the RAO to process. The AMA format used by the 1E uses variable length records whose fields occur for the most part in a general, preset pattern. Eventually, though, even the 1E AMA method was found to be slightly faulty. This was due to high processing costs at the RAO and the problem of tape headers getting erased from the tape. The BAF was made to solve the problems that are associated with other AMA setups. An update to the BAF is called the EBAF, or Extended Bellcore AMA Format. The main difference between the BAF and EBAF is that EBAF is more flexible and can be used easier, as the BAF uses a defined structure for storing data. The EBAF can append other information to the end of an AMA record, and this makes it more flexible. ANI FORMATS The ANI formats outpulsed in a LAMA arrangement are as follows (assume that the call being shown for an example is being dialed from a home telephone, as dialing from coinphones would cause different ST signals to be sent; also the type of signaling in this case is SF in-band): CALLED number:KP+(NPA)+NXX+XXXX+ST CALLING number:KP+I+NXX+XXXX+ST The second format is the ANI associated with LAMA and is sent to the LAMA equipment after the ANI receiving trunk winks. The NPA included in this example is optional and only needed if the subscriber is making a call to a Foreign NPA (FNPA). The complete called number is not included in all cases, as when an AMA setup is configured for bulk-billing. In bulk-billing, the entire called number is not recorded, but just enough for billing purposes. The CALLING number is the number that the subscriber is dialing from. These two numbers are sent in Multi Frequency (MF) tones to MF receivers located within a CO. The I in the ANI is an information digit, and these shall be explained later in the article. One may wonder how a CO knows which lines it serves are message rate lines and which are flat rate. On electromechanical switches such as Step by Step, No. 1 and No. 5 Crossbar (it should be noted that there are no remaining panel switches within the Bell System), there is an electronic line card associated with each Directory Number which holds information relevant to that line. These cards have to have any type of change hardwired into them. However, in digital/ electronic switching systems, there are Line Class Codes which reflect information about each subscribers line. There are many, many of these codes. Some of the more common and interesting ones are listed below: Page 51 The Official Phreaker's Manual LCC EXPLANATION --- ----------- 1FR Single party Flat rate Residential line 1MR Single party Metered rate residential line 1CF Single party Coin First coin telephone 1OF Single party Official (telco) line 1FB Single party Flat rate Business line 1MB Single party Metered rate Business line These codes can be found for a line in several places, such as certain fields in telco computer output reports. COSMOS and LMOS are two such computers that hold this information. If you find COSMOS printouts or have access to COSMOS, these Line Class Codes will be listed under the 'LCC' field in an ISH, INQ, or other inquiry. Sometimes the data in the LCC field will match or be similar to the data in the US field, which is a USOC (Universal Service Order Code). A USOC and an LCC aren't the same thing though. CAMA CAMA operates along the same basic principle that LAMA does, except that CAMA is based in a toll or tandem office (class 4). CAMA is made to be used in areas where it would be costly to implement a LAMA arrangement for each and every class 5 office. This is because some end offices did not have enough traffic to warrant the cost and work required to install LAMA equipment. LAMA setups can/could be found in abundance in rural areas near large cities. The first letter in each of the acronyms (L)AMA and (C)AMA describes the usage of each. (L)AMA, for Localized, in a local central office, and (C)AMA for Centralized, in a toll office. The outpulsing formats to CAMA are similar to the LAMA ANI outpulsing. The outgoing trunk to the serving CAMA office from the end office sends the called DN in the format of KP+(NPA)+NXX+XXXX+ST. Next, the incoming CAMA trunk requests the end office to send the calling number. This is sent as KP+I+(NPA)+NXX+XXXX+ST, where the I is an information digit which gives information about the status of the process, and the NPA may or may not be needed, depending upon the setup. The information digits that follow are used in ANI outpulsing to Local and Centralized AMA. They are: Page 52 The Official Phreaker's Manual 0-Automatic Identification (a normal call, with no special treatment); 1-Operator Identification (ONI-call is sent to an operator who requests the customer to give the number they are calling from); 2-Identification Failure (ANI Failure, handled the same way as ONI). The ONI due to ANIF and normal ONI which is used on certain party lines are kept track of. If too many ANI Failures happen, then a report will be generated indicating this fact. ONI needed is more standard and ordinary, and thus safer for the telecommunications enthusiast. This information can be put to a good use, as if you find an outgoing CAMA trunk when you are boxing, you can place calls over it by using the above CAMA formats. The only limiting factor is that the NXX of the calling number that you sent for ANI must be an office that is served by the particular CAMA offices trunk that you are using. Note that CAMA is not used much anymore, it was mainly used with Electro- Mechanical toll switches such as the No. 4A Crossbar, and the Crossbar Tandem (XBT). I don't think there are any XBTs or 4As in operation in the AT&T toll network, but CAMA may be used by independent telcos, or by telcos in rural areas that serve only a small number of central offices. In an independent telco setup, a CAMA arrangement may be used, but not in the same way as AT&T has used it. The centralized location may not be a toll office, it may just be the largest CO in that companies network. There can be several variations. CAMA was originally introduced to work with and in conjunction with ANI, thus the original term for the process, CAMA/ANI. For a complete description of ANI in electromechanical switching systems, see one of the older issues of Phrack Inc. newsletter for a file written by Doom Prophet and myself, titled 'Automatic Number Identification'. I have seen CAMA mentioned in recent telco information, so I assume that CAMA is still in use, at least in some places. Supposedly a way to determine if you are on CAMA is to dial local numbers, and send 2600Hz. If you can seize a trunk, then it is likely that you are served by CAMA. You can then pick local exchange codes, (NXX), dial them, seize a trunk, and then MF using the CAMA format included above, sending a false ANI for one of the local exchanges. If you do this, I suggest that you don't send the ANI of a resident. Use non-working numbers, disconnected numbers, payphone numbers. I am not sure if there is any check done upon the number sent in ANI by the toll office or not, but it is probable that the local switch is responsible for screening out invalid numbers and such. So if you can get on a CAMA trunk then you have the power to bill calls to anyone else who is served by a CO that homes in on the same toll office and uses the same CAMA equipment. Page 53 The Official Phreaker's Manual AUTOMATIC MESSAGE ACCOUNTING (AMA) An overview Written by Phantom Phreaker The standard AT&T Toll office switch, the No. 4 ESS, is also equipped to handle CAMA if necessary. The CAMA procedure is as follows: Call data for the CAMA call is kept in a buffer (technically called an Accounting Block (AB)) which then stores the entry upon a nine track 800-bpi (bits per inch) AMA tape (note: the information used in research for this part of the article was rather old, so the bits per inch has probably increased). The data that are kept in this buffer and put on the tape are as follows: the calling DN, the called DN, answer and disconnect times accurate to 0.1 second, and other misc. information. The callers DN can be entered into the 4ESS in two ways, ANI or ONI. ANI is of course the normal method for identifying a callers DN for billing purposes. ONI is used when there is an ANIF, or when it is needed (the other equipment cannot get the DN with ANI). When the 4E gets an ANIF or an ONI needed, it sends the call to a TSPS operator, who should ask the caller for their number. When an operator gets an ONI situation 'from' a 4E, she uses two types of trunks, a talking trunk, and a keying trunk. The talking trunk is what the subscriber comes in upon and is the line over which the operator asks for the callers DN. The keying trunk originates at the 4E and terminatates at TSPS, and is what is used to send the callers DN (in MF) to the 4ESS office. The operator has access to both trunks at the same time, thus she can enter the number in a quick and orderly fashion. When a line classification does not fit into the 'one information digit' (KP+I+NNX+XXXX+ST) category, two information digits are used. When two are used, they are called screening codes. Screening codes are outpulsed along with the ANI for certain types of telephone lines, and when ANI is being sent to an alternate carrier via 'Equal Access' (Feature Group D, 1+ dialing). These screening codes are two digits and precede the subscribers DN. An example of screening code outpulsing is as follows: KP+II+NNX+XXXX+ST The II represents two information digits that precede the callers number. Some of the more common screening codes are as follows: KP+00+NXX+XXXX+ST Normal telephone call, identified POTS line; KP+01+NXX+XXXX+ST ONI needed on a multiparty line; KP+02+NXX+XXXX+ST ONI needed due to ANI Failure; KP+07+NXX+XXXX+ST Hospital, inmate type telephone; KP+08+NXX+XXXX+ST Line restricted from dialing inter-LATA; KP+10+NNX+XXXX+ST Telco test call; KP+20+NNX+XXXX+ST Automatic Identified Outward Dialing centrex call; KP+27+NNX+XXXX+ST Coin telephone call. Page 54 The Official Phreaker's Manual These double digit outpulsing formats are used in Equal Access areas, and a similar method of outpulsing is used when customers deal with TSPS operators. For more information, see the July, 1987 issue of 2600 Magazine, an article entitled 'How phreaks are caught'. AMARC The AMARC, or Automatic Message Accounting Recording Center, is a fairly modern development toward recording billing information. It offers the telco several advantages to the older electromechanical setups, such as increased revenue (always a plus in their eyes), reduced RAO processing costs, a new computerized format that stores data on 1600 bpi, industry compatible magnetic tape, elimination of loss due to paper tapes being destroyed, and elimination of per-office paper tape pickup and delivery. THE NO. 1 AMARC The first version of the AMARC was the No. 1 AMARC, which received billing data on a real-time basis over dedicated data links. It was based on two DEC PDP-11/40 minicomputers. The No. 1 AMARC controls and recieves data from a maximum of thirty dedicated channels. A channel consisted of a dedicated line (probably a Private Line service) equipped with a 202T data set, operating asynchronously at 1.2 kbps. The No. 1 AMARC had a feature which allowed it to call, over the DDD network, a backup channel in case one of the normal channels experienced a failure. This backup channel could be reached by anyone who had the phone number. It has not been determined by the author if there was/is any security on these backup channels. THE NO. 1A AMARC Eventually, it was decided that more data channels were needed, and that the AMARC computer could be centralized, and not clustered in administrative centers, as was the procedure. The No. 1A AMARC fulfilled the telco's needs. The No. 1A AMARC uses a higher capacity minicomputer, the DEC PDP-11/70, and Western Electric peripheral equipment to provide ninety input channels, improved maintenance capabilities, and room for growth in several areas. The first No. 1A AMARC began operation in 1981 in the Chicago area. An important feature common to both the No. 1 and No. 1A AMARC was the ability to recieve billing information electronically over dedicated lines from central office switches. Equipment located in central offices called sensors send this data. There are different types of sensors for different types of switching equipment, but the most common AMARC sensors shall be listed here. Page 55 The Official Phreaker's Manual The Call Data Transmitter (CDT). The newest AMARC sensor. The CDT is a microprocessor based system which is used to collect data from No. 5 crossbar offices. It is designed to be used in systems that do not have LAMA-A and do not have enough traffic to warrant the expense of installing the No. 5 ETS. It can be used with other sensors, and is not the only kind used in No. 5 crossbars. The first one was cut over in Illinois in 1980. The Call Data Accumulator (CDA). Similar to the CDT, but uses wired logic control. The CDA, which collects AMA information from SxS switches, was the first sensor to be made for use with the AMARC. This sensor is connected to the ring, tip, and sleeve leads in a SxS switch, probably at the MDF. The first CDA was cut over into service in New York in 1975. The Billing Data Transmitter (BDT). Used in electromechanical offices, such as the Nos. 1, 5, 4, and 4A Crossbar, SxS CAMA, and the Crossbar Tandem (XBT). The BDT replaced up to 10 paper tape perforators that were previously used. Provides a newer alternative to LAMA-A. The BDT recieves billing data from the older LAMA-A paper tape recorder circuits and sends them to the AMARC. The first BDT was cut over in New York in 1976. The No. 5 Electronic Translator System (ETS). The No. 5 ETS was added to No. 5 Crossbar systems to provide some electronic switching functions that were not present before. These functions are things such as line, trunk, and routing translations provided by software methods rather than wired cross connections. The No. 5 ETS consists of duplicated Western Electric 3A auxillary processors with associated scanners and distributors. The first No. 5 ETS was installed in Ohio in 1977. VIDAR, a special sensor used in Crossbar No. 1 offices. VIDAR does not interface with the AMARC but instead sends data to it's own tape. This tape is then sent to the RAO on a regular basis. These various sensors are specially designed electronic units which are part of or connected to class 5 offices. These sensors collect and generate billing data from the office they are used with. The billing data consist of answer and disconect times, call type, and the amount of measured local and toll calls made. Some offices have added sensors, but exceptions include several ESS systems which use SPC (Stored Program Control) to send data to the AMARC. SPC means that the sensor is built into the switch software and that no other equipment is needed. An example of this is the NTI DMS-100 switch. Nos. 2, 2B, 3, 3B, and No. 5 ESS also do not have special AMARC sensors, but send data to the AMARC over a synchronous connection via a SPUC/DL (Serial Peripheral Unit Controller /Data Link) at speeds of 2.4 and 4.8 kbps. There is another part in the 2B ESS AMARC data link, called the AMARC Protocol Converter (APC). The APC is a medium between the SPUC/DL and the AMARC. The No. 4 ESS, TSPS, 1ESS, 1AESS, and 2ESS switches don't have AMARC sensors, and aren't even connected to the AMARC. These switches all have their own AMA systems, from which the data is sent to the RAO regularly. Another exception is the DMS-10 Remote Switch, which is connected to a device at the RAO called a collector. There are other options possible when dealing with AMA collection, such as the Distributed Call Measurement System (DCMS) made by a telco equipment vendor, which acts like a mini-AMARC, and Northern Telecom's Distributed Processing Peripheral system, which is used to collect billing data from NTI's DMS switches. These systems can be used where applicable. Page 56 The Official Phreaker's Manual RECENT DEVELOPMENTS In places where magnetic tape has been phased out, a new method of storing the AMA data called AMA TeleProcessing Systems (AMATPS) has been implemented. AMATPS overcomes the disadvantages of magnetic tape (such as the sequential way the data is recorded, the high-density data losses that may happen, and the sometimes unseen problems with the tape unit) by using random access disk drives. AMATPS also adds some new system parts which can make the job easier. Still, some AMATPS are not used to their full capability and can still present problems to the telco. One of the parts that AMATPS adds to the overall AMACS is the use of AMA Transmitters (AMAT's). These transmitters are added to the sensors, and increase the power of the overall setup by providing things such as temporary storage areas and programming applications. AMAT's are generally PC-sized machines with two disk drives, and 50-150 megabyte hard disks. The second important addition is the collector. The collector acts like the AMARC by polling the AMAT over data links. The collector, like AMARC, is a centrally located computer system, usuallly running on an IBM Series 1, an HP-1000, or an AT&T 3B5. Teleprocessing systems are made to understand a common AMA language format made by Bellcore, the Bellcore AMA Format and Extended Bellcore AMA Format. These were mentioned in part A of this article. Page 57 The Official Phreaker's Manual BOC/AT&T INTERACTION Since the majority of people are served by AT&T, one may wonder how inter- LATA call data gets to the given Inter-LATA Carrier (IC), in this case, AT&T. AT&T has its own AMA collection system, which is called BILDATS (BILling DATa System), and this is what collects the AT&T data. I would guess that each AT&T toll office has some sort of interface with this computer system, but I have no solid proof of this. It has also been suggested to me from a reliable source that AT&T sends each BOC their own magnetic tapes, which the BOC's then fill with AT&T's billing information. I am not sure which of these methods is used. The BOC billing information takes a different route, however. On a regular basis (I believe each day), AMARC tapes are sent to the Regional Accounting Office (RAO) or billing office, where each customers intra-LATA traffic is calculated and their telephone bill printed and mailed. The customer then recieves the bill and goes about whatever method of payment he chooses. Telephone bills can usually be paid in person in many different places in large cities, or they can be mailed in directly if the customer wishes. In my area, the customer pays once, which is a total of his AT&T and BOC bill. This is payable to the BOC, and AT&T then gets their payment from the BOC. In the case of independent carriers such as US Sprint, MCI, ALC Communications, and the like, I cannot say for sure what they all do as there seems to be no standard procedure for this interaction, but in two instances, two specific RBOC's (US West and BellSouth) handle FG-D Equal Access style billing for MCI throughout their serving areas. There is a computer system involved in this alternate carrier billing cycle, called the Carrier Access Billing System (CABS). This system calculates the prices bases on tariffs in use, and bills the carriers on a monthly basis accordingly. I am not sure how widespread the use of this sytem is, though. When the customer receives his MCI bill along with his BOC bill he can pay them both at once. I would imagine that the larger long distance services would be able to afford getting this service from the RBOC's, while the smaller ones with less money would do it by themselves, which would probably be a slow, drawn out process. In some cases, dialing via an alternate carrier (other then your primary one) will cause the billing cycle to take anywhere up to three months to complete, or even more. Another interesting note about alternate carrier dialing, some carriers do not start billing until a specific amount of time has elapsed. This is known as buffer-zone billing. I know of one company that uses a 45 second buffer zone, but I am not sure what the other companies use. You can find this information out by talking to a customer service department, however some companies CS departments either don't know, or they do not wish to tell the customer (or 'potential' customer). With buffer zone billing (assume 45 seconds in this case), you will be billed for the call if you let the phone ring, listen to a busy signal, etc. if the duration of the call is greater than or equal to 45 seconds. Many of the ICs that use this type of billing do not have the equipment to detect answer supervision, so if you can keep a conversation very short, you may get away with a free call, without breaking any laws. Page 58 The Official Phreaker's Manual CALL CREDITING When you receive credit for improperly placed long distance calls from an operator or a telco business office (after you receive your phone bill) certain things happen. Operator crediting involves the operator entering a special flag on an AMA tape to deduct the specific amount of given charge from the subscriber's telephone number. I believe that this process involves (with AT&T TSPS) the KP TRBL key, and (with NTI's TOPS) the KP TRBL and the CHG ADJ (charge adjust) keys. Business office crediting happens when you call the business office and talk to a BOC 'service representative'. This person will then enter your telephone number into a terminal, using the DOE (Direct Order Entry) system, which is in use in my area. The billing record information comes from a computer called CRIS (Customer Record Information System), which is accessed by BOSS (Billing and Order Support System). BOSS has a link to computer systems at the RAO, as this is how the customer's toll data gets to the business office. A service representative can then pull up your toll charges and correct them with appropriate credit entries. SECURITY (EVERYONE READ THIS PART) There have been several rumors going around about AMA and it's relation to people who commit toll fraud, and I will attempt to clarify these rumors. It is possible that a billing tape could be used to try to find out who called a certain number at a given time. Another way AMA tapes/disks could be used as a record of someone committing toll fraud would be if this person would happen to be under a newer switch, such as the DMS-100, and they attempted to use a blue box without knowing the dangers of it (I will speak only on the DMS-100 because when a older switching system is replaced with a new one, the most common replacements are the AT&T No. 5 ESS and the Northern Telecom DMS-100 Family of switching systems). DMS-100 does indeed have the capability to record a blue boxer's MF tones in an AMA record if the boxer doesn't know what he is doing. 1AESS also has blue box detection features. I am not sure about other switching systems, but I would guess that most of the newer switches have some sort of blue box fraud detection features, of course the end user of these switches (the telco) does not have to use them. However it is difficult to find out if your CO uses anything of this nature unless you are a good social engineer or have access in some way to the switch or switch output messages and know what to look for. For instance on the Northern Telecom DMS-100 switching system, there are a series of reports known as BLUEBOX reports which (if in use) will inform the telco of blue boxing activity. The DMS-100 also has AMA options that can detect certain forms of electronic toll fraud, such as black and blue boxing. These options can be set any way the telco wants. These AMA options can be printed on a DMS-100 switching system,onto hardcopy terminals, or onto a data channel which may send the Output Messages (OMs) to a telco computer system such as the Switching Control Center System (SCCS). These options are printed in an AMA118 OM at midnight. If an AMA option is in use by that particular switching system, after the name of the option will be a data field that says ACTIVE. If the option is not in use, the field will say INACTIVE. An example of an AMA118 OM is reproduced here. Page 59 The Official Phreaker's Manual AMA118 JUL23 12:00:00 2234 INFO AMA-OPTIONS AUDIT: ACTIVE CALL-FWD: ACTIVE CDAR: INACTIVE CHG411: ACTIVE CHG555: ACTIVE COIN: INACTIVE DA411: ACTIVE ENFIA-B-C: INACTIVE FREECALL: INACTIVE HIGHREV: INACTIVE INWATS: ACTIVE LNID: INACTIVE LOGAMA: INACTIVE LOGOPT: ACTIVE LONGCALL: ACTIVE LUSORIG: INACTIVE LUSTERM: INACTIVE OBSERVED: INACTIVE OCCOVFL: ACTIVE OCCTERM: ACTIVE OUTWATS: ACTIVE OVERFLOW: ACTIVE SST: ACTIVE TIMECHANGE: ACTIVE TRACER: ACTIVE TRKID: INACTIVE TWC: INACTIVE UNANS-LOCAL: INACTIVE UNANS-TOLL: ACTIVE Page 60 The Official Phreaker's Manual The most important ones for phreaks to know about are INWATS, LONGCALL, SST, UNANS-LOCAL, and UNANS-TOLL. INWATS means that calls to 800 numbers are noted in an AMA record. As far as I know, this option is a required one, at least since Bulk Change Supplement 23 (BCS23). LONGCALL will flag long calls in an AMA record. So if it seems to the switch that someone has been on the phone for a long time, this will be logged. A possible use for this would be to detect trouble conditions. This option, used in past switching systems, may have been the cause of many blue box busts. Someone would box for several hours using the same number (for instance, Directory Assistance) and this may have been noted by the switch. Another way I think old time boxers may have been nailed is from boxing off of DA. As you can see in the above listing, there are several options that probably make AMA entries for calls to DA. If the length of a call to DA lasts longer than a certain amount of time, the telco could possibly detect this and attach a monitoring device upon the suspected persons telephone line. The AMA option 'SST' may also be responsible for blue box busts in the recent past. SST stands for Short Supervisory Transition, and an SST is known to the phreak world as a wink. SSTs are generated when a blue boxer seizes a trunk. The switch can detect these and log them in an AMA record if the option is set to ACTIVE. SSTs are not solely caused by boxers, though, as equal access offices can generate a lot of SSTs in normal operation. I believe that trunking arrangements with ICs (InterLATA Carriers) are often responsible for triggering these. One toll office I knew of had thousands of SSTs on a plant measurement report, so if this option is ACTIVE, it may not be EXTREMELY dangerous, but it can't hurt to know about this. One possible way around the SST detect is to make your 2600Hz tone last several seconds. I do not remember the exact figure, but after a certain number of seconds an SST ceases to be an SST ceases to be an SST. I am not sure if these longer transitions are logged or not, or if there is even an option for this. However I believe that the BLUEBOX feature could not be fooled by doing this. BLUEBOX, if activated, will detect any foreign winks after a necessary one (necessary for call completion) occurs. Of course you can always avoid having your DN associated with anything like this by re-directing your call flow, which can be accomplished easily. Another AMA option that could be used to catch black boxers is the UNANS-TOLL option. When this option is ACTIVE, toll calls ringing longer than a specific period of time can be logged in an AMA record. Someone calling toll from a DMS-100 to a person using a black box (does anyone still use devices like the black box anyway?) in a no. 5 crossbar may trigger this option to be logged. I say 'may' because I am not positive about this, the option could also be used in other ways, I imagine. The ENFIA-B-C option is one that could possibly present a problem to a telecom enthusiast. I have seen the term ENFIA (Exchange Network Features for Interstate Access) associated with a Feature Group A (POTS dialup) long distance service. ENFIA-B and C mean FG-B and FG-C service. FG-A and B (POTS and 950+1/0xxx respectively) could possibly be used to record information concerning toll fraud. For instance, I know of one service (FG-D and FG-B) that has the ability to check a telcos' magnetic tape to see what numbers have been accessing their service. If a large amount of fraud became a problem, the carrier could get the AMA information to try and determine who is committing toll fraud. I'm not sure if other companies have this option, I would guess that almost all of the major companies (MCI, Sprint, Allnet, etc.) have the ability to use something of this nature to track down security problems. Page 61 The Official Phreaker's Manual Have you ever wondered why many of the old blue boxers were caught? It is due to the use of AMA. AMA records can reveal boxing patterns, and this info can be used by the telco to track down blue/red/black box users. So if you are a person who practices any of these methods, be aware of what you are up against. Boxing has been around for a very long time and the telco knows all about what goes on and the different methods that people use. So use care. An informed phreak is a free phreak. SUMMARY Hopefully this article has helped clear up any misconceptions about AMA that anyone might have had, as well as provide a reference to be looked back on. The information contained in this article can also be used for social engineering purposes, if you so desire. However, I do not intend for any of this information to go into harmful purposes, such as billing calls to other people, or causing confusion and disorder at any internal points in the telco. Such actions do not make a person a phone phreak. However, if you find out anything interesting concerning AMA that isn't included here, or anything about independent telcos billing systems, feel free to let me know. If you wish to contact me concerning this article, you can find me on a few BBS's. I will attempt to answer any questions anyone might have, and would like to hear from anyone who has a valid interest in the workings of the phone systems. =============================================================================== Thanks go out to all the people (too many to mention) who have contributed any information (no matter how small or large) to this article. Other information for this article has been taken from switching system messages, Bell System Technical Journals, Bell Labs RECORDs, Bellcore documents, and various other technical literature and information. I hope someone likes this article because it took a very long time to complete. =============================================================================== Page 62 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 8 An Overview of the Teradyne 4Tel System 4TEL is a loop testing system mainly used by General Telephone (GTE) that consists of a Voice Response System and a Craft Dispatch Section as well as the facilities and equipment used for testing functions. The following text will attempt to dispell many of the 4TEL myths that have been created in the past years, such as the idea that it can be used to eavesdrop on lines within its serving area. The information provided has been gained from company publications and from personal experience. A 4TEL is not the same thing as a REMOBS, which stands for REmote service OBservation System. The portion of the system that some of the phreak/hack population is familiar with is the Voice Response System, which has normal POTS dialups. This system greets the user with an announcement message and then asks for a password, which is entered in DTMF tones. The legitimate use of these dialups are for outside craft personnel (linemen) to call in, perform tests and receive the results for subscribers' lines. The VRS is provided so craft personnel can access the 4TEL system at times when no one is at the testboard (at nights or weekends). Through the VRS, up to 8 craft/technicians can access 4TEL at the same time, enabling them to get more done in a smaller amount of time. After a password has been accepted by the system, the electronic voice will ask for the line number that the user wishes to be tested. The number entered will be read back to ensure correct entry. The system will then ask for the user to enter the mode. The modes are: 1: Calling on other line 2: Calling on test line 3: Line test results Page 63 The Official Phreaker's Manual It is possible on some VRS's to get a listing of the modes by dialing 0 when the voice prompts. Line tests are possible from both modes 1 and 2 by dialing the octothorpe (#) key. The results of the test will be announced along with the length of the cable in miles. Bridged ringers, if any, will also be noted. Mode 3, the line test results section, will tell the user there are no test results available unless they have beeen previously entered. The 7 key is the monitor command from both test modes. If there is speech on the line, it will be detected electronically but will NOT be heard by the user. The monitor command is not 'REMOBS' (Remote Observation) but a method of determining if the line is busy due to normal means (conversation) or due to some trouble condition at the switch. When the system asks for the ID code for a monitor command, the system will accept the line number as well as the initial password, and even a secondary password before dialing, but it has not been determined by the author if this is a standard for every 4TEL. Not just anything will work for the monitor password however as it will announce if the ID code entered is invalid or not. If mode 1 is entered, these commands are available: MODE ONE COMMANDS: 1-Fault location 2-Other Testing 7-Test OK, monitor 8-Hang up 9-Enter next line number If option 7 is chosen, another menu will be available if the line tests busy. 2-Monitor test 3-Overide and test 4-Wait for idle If suboption one (Fault location), mode one, is chosen, these commands are available: 1-Open location 3-Short location 4-Cross location 5-Ground location 8-Hang up Page 64 The Official Phreaker's Manual If suboption two (Other testing), mode one, is chosen, these commands are available: 2-Loop ground Ohms 3-Dial tone test 4-Pair ID 8-Hang up MODE TWO COMMANDS: 2-Other testing 7-Test OK, monitor 8-Hang up 9-Enter next line number If suboption 2 (Other testing), mode two, is selected, these commands are available: 2-Loop ground Ohms 8-Hang up The 4TEL system's main use is for standard testing, which is done nightly upon every line in an exchange. This locates faults and problems before they have to be reported by customers. All lines that have trouble detected upon them are printed out in a report at the repair center the next morning where the proper fault location and dispatching can be done. The measurement and test unit of the 4TEL system is called a COLT, Central Office Line Tester, which performs all nightly and on demand testsupon the exchange through local test trunks. There are a few different types of COLTs. The standard version will serve any CO for up to 10,000 subscribers. The COLT RS is used in rural step by step offices (referred to as 'steppers' also) for up to 1,300 lines. The Digital COLT is used for digital Central Offices. These can have remote Colt Measurement Units (CMU's) for remote switches which are controlled by the Colt Computer Unit (CCU) at the host switch. The CMU speed calls the CCU at night to start the testing and direct the operations. The CMUs in regular end offices have digital links (over the normal telephone network) with the SAC, which is how the line test results are distributed to the repair center. Page 65 The Official Phreaker's Manual The 4TEL system can also test lines upon command by a human operator at the SAC (Service Area Computer). The CRT operator enters the line number in the proper field and 4TEL runs a full series of tests as well as displaying past line history, fault summary, volts and current information, and the cable length. The results of the testing are displayed in plain english, as opposed to decimal or other format, on the screen. A dispatch decision is also displayed after every line test to determine if a dispatch is needed. SAC's The SAC is the centralized focal point for 4TEL control and reporting. This computer is located in the repair center and distributes test/work information between CRT's and COLT's. The SAC formats the results of routine testing into a daily advisory report as mentioned earlier. There are several types of 4TEL reports that are worth noting. The DISPATCH report lists troubles that can have an immediate dispatch for them. These also tell the location of the fault (cable, CO, station, etc.) and are classified into two types, moderate and severe, relating to how service affecting the problem may be. The CABLE report lists all new cable faults. A Plant Status report summarizes the condition of the outside plant and totals them per individual exchange. In these reports, trouble conditions can be listed in a variety of ways. CROSSES and WETS refer to line insulation faults and may indicate water penetration of the cable. SHORTS and GROUNDS are insulation faults at the station set. OPENS refer to a broken, or 'open' Ring or Tip lead in a Cable Pair. BACKGROUND refers to electrical noise caused by power lines being nearby. ABNORMAL VOLTAGE indicates high voltage conditions. There are others, but the reader will hopefully get the idea from the ones listed above. CDS Another major part of the 4TEL system is the Craft Dispatch System, which is a DTMF and speech response setup used to exchange report and schedule information between the repair center staff and outside craftspersons. Linemen call in to get dispatch information that has been previously entered by the dispatcher. CDS plays back the info one field at a time. When the craft personnel is ready to receive the next field of information, he simply says 'Go' and the system continues. A printer at the repair center informs the dispatcher when a craftsperson has received a report. When the trouble is taken care of, a completion report is done on the CDS in which it asks for the closeout and schedule one field at a time to be entered in DTMF and in speech. The clerk at the repair center then closes the trouble on the SAC/4TEL system after the line is tested a final time to ensure proper operation. Page 66 The Official Phreaker's Manual CDS may also have audit trails of every transaction for a certain time period. So to summarize the work flow for involving the CDS: Irate customer calls the clerk at the repair center. The information is forwarded to the dispatcher who enters it into CDS. Craft personnel call in and receive the messages, do the required work, then file a completion report. The clerk then closes out the trouble in SAC/4TEL. The Digital Concentrator Measurement Unit is another component of the 4TEL testing equipment that is used to test lines in digital concentrators such as the GTE MXU and the NTI-OPM. They are located inside Digital Loop Carrier system remote terminals or huts and consist of a circuit board and measuring system. It provides AC and DC measurements of subscriber loops, as well as all the normal test/measurement functions such as fault description and location , dispatch messages, and special tests. The DCMU can test the lines of an individual DLC remote terminal, or a group of terminals that are located together. The capacity of terminals that the DCMU can test is determined by analysis of test traffic and economic factors as well. Both the CRT at the SAC and the VRS are compatible with the DCMU. These units are self calibrating, unlike the PMU's of an LMOS supported Loop Testing System. The 4TEL CCU is linked to the DCMU via either a 1200 baud dial up or a dedicated link, depending upon the size of the office. Some of the tests that 4TEL performs are loop and ground resistance (which detects resistance faults and sheath ground problems), dial tone test (in which the number of times dial tone can be drawn during a certain period is recorded) , busy line monitoring (not BLV or REMOBS), coin station tests (totalizer, coin relay, etc), as well as all the standard tests which were covered above. A pair identification can also be done, in which a tone is placed on the pair to help those at terminal cabinets locate that specific one, similar to the LMOS/MLT tone applique function. Miscellaneous notes If a user enters the number of the 4TEL system they have dialed in upon, the system will announce an intercept. A user cannot monitor/test Directory Assistance through 4TEL. Lines that are out of the system's NPA can be tested also, but a 1 has to be dialed before the number just like an ordinary toll call. The 4TEL VRS will give the user a 'beep' tone after a few seconds of waiting for input. If the user doesn't enter anything, the VRS will disconnect. A version of 4TEL is also used by Rochester Telephone in New York, and there may be other independent companies that use the system. Try to find out what system you're served by. If you're in a Bell area, it will most likely not be 4TEL, but LMOS. I hope that this article has helped readers to better understand the way the 4TEL system operates. Again, there may be some differences depending upon the area and the company. Thanks go to Taran King, Phantom Phreaker, and Lucifer 666 for supplying information in one way or another that contributed to this file. Page 67 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 9 Coin Service, The Central Office, and You In this file I will attempt to give a basic overview of how various central offices handle coin service. If you feel your interest grows due to this file there are other good technical documents about coin service, i.e. Bell System Practices, CDs, PDs ect.. Coin service is differentiated from other services by a special class of service. All switching systems give -48 volt battery toward the coin phone on the ring side of the line. Coin-First lines have an open TIP during a normal receiver-on-hook condition. When a line goes off hook the central office takes no action and in fact can not detect the off hook condition due to the line's conditioning-for-ground start. When the customer deposits money the coin ground is extended to the ring side of the line. The ground signals the line equipment in the central office as a to give a dial tone. Dial-Tone First offices give both the battery and ground to the coin station, thus providing a dial tone equivalent to a POTS phone. All coin service is super current sensitive. (The central office must give at least 23 milliamps of line current and 41 milliamps of coin control current to the farthest coin station.) The switching systems differ in the method which calls are handled. No. 5 Crossbar The No. 5 crossbar coin-first offices must have a dual wound line relay with both windings in series when dealing with a coin first situation. If any Coin-First lines are served in a No. 5 crossbar office the originating registers must be able to desensitize the (pulsing) L relay by providing a resistive ground throgh its tertiary winding via the coin class of service relay. Crossbar offices can give coin return from Originating Registers, TSPS/Cordboard trunks, Ring and Tone trunks, Announcement trunks, and Coin Supervisory circuits. Coin collect current is only given through TSPS/Cordboard trunks and Coin Supervisory circuits. The only circuit that can handle a stuck coin test is the coin supervisory circuit. Page 68 The Official Phreaker's Manual Crossbar offices handle coin actions on locally completed calls in the coin supervisory circuit (CS). All trunks must have access to the CS circuit or use coin junctors or coin 1A0 trunks that have such access. The use of coin junctors or coin 1A0 trunks elimnate the need for other trunks to be hard wired to the Coin Supervisory Link. When the trunk's supervisory relays show a coin action is needed the trunk searches for an idle Coin Supervisory Circuit through the Coin Supervisory Link. The bridged connection allows the Coin Supervisory Circuit to give the proper collect or return current toward the coin telephone and test to see if the action was successful. Crossbar offices handle coin actions required by DDD calls or TSPS operators in the No. 5 crossbar TSPS trunk. The TSPS base unit signals the No. 5 office by either frequencies or multiwinks. The No. 5 office receives these signals and the trunk applies one pulse of coin collect or return or ring back. The No. 5 TSPS trunk dose not make a test to see if the required coin action is successful. If the coin is still present the call is dropped and the coin remains in the trap. ESS ESS offices provide all coin control actions from the Coin Control Circuit. The Coin Control Circuit is switched to a customers line under program control. The Coin Control Circuits always make a stuck coin test at the end of a call. ESS offices handle coin actions required by DDD or TSPS operators by scanning the TSPS trunk looking for any control signals from the TSPS base unit. When the ESS office sees a request on the TSPS trunk the ESS office opens the talking path and attaches a multifrequency (MF) reciever. The MF reciever looks at the tones being sent from the TSPS base unit transmitter and checks if the signal requested is a coin collect, coin return, ring back, or operator attached. Dial-Tone First (DTF) offices not equipped with expanded In-Band Signaling give +48V talk battery during operator attached and 48V talk batttery during the rest of the call. If the TSPS signals for coin return the ESS office will open the talk path again, release the MF receiver and switch the line to the Coin Control Circuit which applies -130V coin return potential. After the coin control function is finished the system will make on recycle attempt if the coin ground is still present. Local calls are handled within the ESS machine. When a coin control function is required the program momentarily opens the talk path and switches the line to a Coin Control C cuit which applies the required current. Step By Step Coin lines in a Step By Step area are served on dedicated Line Finder groups. The Line Finders are hardwired to a coin box trunk and then cabled to a first selector appearance. Step By Step offices can give coin return from coin box trunks, TSPS/Cordboard trunks, and other miscellaneous trunks. (My knowledge of Step By Step is vague, it's kind of like trying to research dinosaurs.) Page 69 The Official Phreaker's Manual Step By Step offices handle coin actions on local calls in the coin box trunks. The coin box trunk applies the coin control current through the winding of a relay to the coin station hopper trigger ground. When the coin station ground disappears, the coin box trunk relay releases and allows the connection to restore to normal. Some Step By Step offices have a timed release circuit that will time out after about eight attempts of coin control action, peg the stuck coin register, then release. If the timed release circuit is not provided and a coin ground can not be removed, the circuit must be manually released. Step By Step offices handle coin actions required by DDD calls or TSPS operators in the Step By Step TSPS trunk. The TSPS base unit signals the Step office by either frequencies or multiwinks. The Step office trunk recicves these signals and trunk applies one pulse of coin collect, coin return or ring back. The trunk does not make a test to see if the action was successful. If a DDD call was completed to a busy number the Step By Step TSPS trunk will apply one quick pu e of coin return toward the coin station, then the coin box will check to see if the coin ground has disappeared. If the ground is still present the coin box trunk will repeat the attempt to collect the coin. Page 70 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 10 WAR AGAINST PHONE HACKING HEATS UP BY GREGG PEARLMAN, ANTIC ASSISTANT EDITOR Computer break-ins are no longer viewed as harmless pranks. For example, unauthorized computer access is a misdemeanor under 502PC of the California Penal Code if you just trespass and browse around -- and if it's your first offense. But: "Any person who maliciously accesses, alters, deletes, damages, destroys or disrupts the operation of any computer system, computer network, computer program or data is guilty of public offense" -- a felony under Section C of that code. Even changing a password to "Gotcha" is a felony if it can be proven that it was a "malicious access." In California, the maximum punishment is state imprisonment, a $10,000 fine and having your equipment confiscated. The penalty depends on who you are, your prior record and the seriousness of the crime. And you don't have to, for instance, breach national security to be guilty of a felony. Accessing even a simple system of a small company could damage vital data for more than a year's worth of business, especially if that company didn't properly back up its data. There are all kinds of computer crime. Stealing an automated teller machine card and withdrawing money from an account is a computer crime because you're using a computer to get money out of a system. But simply trespassing in a system and not doing any damage is normally a misdemeanor, according to Sgt. John McMullen of the Stanford University Police Services. This kind of crime has become very common. "Every kid with a computer is tempted," he said. Unfortunately, it can take months to complete an investigation. For instance, the so-called "LEGION OF DOOM" case, beginning in September, 1986, took 10 months to solve and involved people in Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon and California. If someone breaks into the computers of, for example, California's Pacific Bell, and the break-in is severe, Pacific Bell Security gets warrants issued, and then, with the police, confiscates computers, manuals, telephone lists and directories -- all related equipment. It's common for the computer to be tied up for a few months as evidence. (And by the time Pacific Bell Security does get involved, the evidence is usually overwhelming -- the conviction rate is extremely high.) "Whenever I'm involved in a case," said McMullen, "I ask the judge for permission to confiscate the equipment. That's one big incentive for hackers not to do this kind of stuff. I haven't had any repeaters, but I know of one case where the guy probably WILL do it again when he gets out. "Usually the shock of what happens to a juvenile's parents -- who bought the equipment and watched it get confiscated -- is enough to make them stop. But we don't really have enough cases to know what the parents do." Page 71 The Official Phreaker's Manual ACCESS "It's easy for hackers to find company phone numbers," said Daniel Suthers, Atari user and operations manager at Pacific Bell in Concord, California. "Most large companies have a block of 500 to 1,000 phone numbers set aside for their own use. At least one line will have a modem. "People post messages on hacker/phreaker bases on some BBS's and say 'I don't know who this phone number belongs to, but it's a business, judging by the prefix, and has a 1200-baud tone.' Then it's open season for the hackers and phreakers." Phreakers aren't much different than hackers -- they're just specifically telephone-oriented. In "CompuTalk: Texas-Sized BBS" (Antic, August 1987), sysop Kris Meier discussed phreakers who appear to have called from phone numbers other than the ones they were actually using. A computer isn't needed to do this -- it's usually done with a "blue box." "The blue boxes were used mostly in the late 1960s and early '70s," said McMullen. "They fool the network and let people make free long distance calls -- a tone generator simulates the signalling codes used by long distance operators. The boxes were phased out a couple of years ago, though: they no longer let hackers access AT&T, but Sprint and MCI can be accessed by something similar. However, computer programs are normally used now." To get long-distance phone service, hackers now use one of several programs passed among other hackers (on bulletin boards, for example). They find the local access number for Sprint or MCI and then run the program -- perhaps for a few days. It generates and dials new phone numbers, and the hackers can check to see how many new or free codes they've turned up. They can post the codes on a BBS, and their friends will use them until they get stopped by the long-distance company -- depending on how long it takes the company to realize that these numbers hadn't been issued yet -- or until the customers discover that their numbers have been accessed by someone who isn't "authorized." Bulletin boards can be especially easy prey. "If a hacker knew your BBS program intimately, he could probably figure it out, but that's messy," said Suthers. "If he can find a back door, it's easier. Sysops are notorious for putting in their own back doors because, though they have all the security under the sun on the FRONT doors, they still want to get in without problems. It's just like what happened in the films Tron and Wargames -- which probably taught a whole generation a lot of things." Meier had said in the August, 1987 issue of Antic that someone once called his board COLLECT. Simply put, the caller fooled the operator. McMullen says that's been around for a long time. "It's common in prisons and situations where the phones are restricted." McMullen also said that if the timing is just right, as soon as the modem answers, the phreaker can wait for an operator to say "Will you accept the charges," then say "Yes." The operator can't tell which end said yes, and if the modem has a long delay before the connect tone, the phreaker can get away with it. It couldn't be done entirely electronically -- the voice contact is needed. Page 72 The Official Phreaker's Manual "I've never run across people accessing online services such as CompuServe in this way, but I'm sure it happens," said McMullen. "People suddenly get strange charges on their phone bills. "The hackers I've dealt with are very brilliant and good at what they do. Of course, when you do something all day that you're really interested in, you're GOING to be good at it." DOOM McMullen's most recent hacker case at Stanford University dealt with the Legion of Doom, an elite group of hackers who broke into computers -- some containing national defense-related items. "As I understand it, they're supposed to be the top hackers in the nation," McMullen said. "I started investigating the case when it began crossing state lines, getting a bit too big. I contacted the FBI, who said that because of the Secret Service's jurisdiction over credit card and telephone access fraud, they'd taken over computer crime investigations that go across state lines -- actually, anything involving a telephone access code. This case, of course, involved access codes, because the Sprint and AT&T systems were used, and it was the Secret Service, not the FBI, that made the arrests. "I think that the publicity from this case will scare people, and there'll be a lot less hacking for a while. Some hackers are afraid to do anything: they're afraid that the Secret Service is watching them, too." TRACING AT&T, Sprint and MCI now have ANI -- Automatic Number Identification -- as does Pacific Bell. It aids a great deal in detecting hackers. Pacific Bell usually just assists in this type of investigation and identifies the hackers. "It's easy to trace a call if the caller logs in more than once," said Suthers. "The moment they dial in, a message is printed out -- before the phone even answers -- pinpointing where it came from, where it went to, the whole shmeer. "A blue box made it much harder to detect, but if a hacker used it consistently, we could eventually trace it back. So if someone is in California and makes it look as if he'd called from New York, we can trace it across the country one way, and then back across. Generally, though if the call IS billed to a New York number, the caller is actually somewhere like Florida. But we can back-trace the call itself, especially if it's extremely long." But recently someone broke into Pacific Bell "through a fluke of circumstances." Suthers said, "We closed down that whole area, so they can't get back in that way, but if they dial the number again, they're in trouble." If Pacific Bell Security detects a break-in, the area is secured immediately. Sometimes hackers are steered toward a kind of "pseudo-system" that makes them THINK they've broken in -- but in fact they're being monitored and traced. As to how many hackers there are, who knows? There's a lot of misuse and inside work that's never detected or reported. Page 73 The Official Phreaker's Manual SECURITY Security systems are expensive, but someone with a lot of data and an important system should seriously look into one. Very few hackers are caught, simply because few corporations have good security systems. "Passwords should never be names, places or anything that can be found in a dictionary," said Suthers. "People shouldn't be able to just write a program to send words from their AtariWriter Plus dictionary disk. Normally there should be a letter here, a few numbers there -- garbage. Thus, if someone writes a program to generate random symbols and keeps calling back until he breaks in, he'll probably be traced. "Some corporations aren't very computer literate and don't worry about things like passwords until they've been hit, which is a shame. But it's all out there in the books. TRICKS OF THE UNIX MASTER (by Russell Sage, published by SAMS Publications, $22.95) is a beautiful book that tells you exactly what to do to avoid break-ins." McMullen said that Stanford is trying to tighten up security by emphasizing the importance of better passwords. "When researchers want to do their work, however, they don't want to mess with passwords and codes," he said. "Universities seem to want to make their systems easier for researchers to use. The more accessible it is, obviously, the less security there is in terms of passwords. It's easier to use your name as a password than some complicated character string. "So any hacker worth his salt can go onto any computer system and pull out an account. Especially with UNIX, it's very easy to access it, entering as the password the first name of the person who has the account. These Legion of Doom hackers used a program that actually found out what the passwords were: it began by just checking the names. They were very successful -- it was just unbelievable." But McMullen feels that security fell way behind the advances made in computers, and several avenues were left open for people to explore. "Often these hackers don't mean to be malicious or destructive," he said, "but I think they really feel triumphant at getting on. Sometimes they do damage without realizing it, just by tramping through the system: shutting down phone lines, programs and accounting systems." However, the strides made in security since then have accounted for arrests, confiscations and convictions all over the country -- but there are still many more to come. Page 74 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 11 The AT&T BILLDATS Collector NOTES: This article will hopefully give you a better understanding of how the billing process occurs. BILLDATS is just one part of the billing picture. Before I began working for the government, I was a Telco employee and thus, the information within this article has been learned through experience. Unfortunately, I was only employed for a few months (including training on BILLDATS) and am still learning more about the many systems that a telco uses. There are however, a couple of lists that were compiled and slightly modified from what little reference material I could smuggle out and my notes from the training class. This article does require a cursory knowledge of telco and computer operations (ie. switching, SCCS, UNIX). INTRODUCTION BILLDATS - BILLing DATa System BILLDATS can be explained in a nutshell by the acronym listed above. If it's one thing telecommunications providers do well, it's creating acronyms. Basically, BILLDATS collects billing information (that's why they call it a Collector) from AMATs (Automatic Message Accounting Transmitters). The AMATs are situated in or close to switching offices and are connected to BILLDATS either through dedicated or dial-up lines. BILLDATS can be considered as the "middleman" in the billing process. The system collects, validates, and adds identification information regarding origination and destination. This is then transferred to tape (or transmitted directly) to the RPC (Regional Processing Center) or the RAO (Revenue Accounting Office). The RPC/RAO actually processes the billing information. Typically the BILLDATS system is located in the same or adjoining building (but can be across town) to the RPC/RAO. BILLDATS is similar to many other phone company systems (ie. SCCS) as it uses a combination of software. The software base is UNIX and the BILLDATS Generic program runs on it. The hardware used is an AT&T 3B20 (this is what 5ESS switches use). Some of the more interesting features BILLDATS possesses are: * Can be accessed via dialup (always a plus). * Runs under UNIX (another plus). * Interface with SCCS (yet another plus). * Can store about 12 million calls for the first two disks and about 8 million calls for each additional disk. A total of 6 (675 MB) disks can be used. * Inserts the sensor type and ID and recording office type and ID onto every AMA record that it collects. * Capable of collecting information from nearly 600 AMATs. Page 75 The Official Phreaker's Manual To better understand how/why you get a bill after making long distance phone calls, I have delineated the steps involved. You call Hacker X and tell him all about the latest busts that have occurred, he exclaims "Oh Shit!" hangs up on you and throws all his hacking information into the fireplace. The actual call is referred to as a call event. As each event happens (upon termination of the call) the event is recorded by the switch. This information is then sent via an AMA Transmitter which formats the information and then sends it to BILLDATS (commonly called a "Host Collector"). BILLDATS then provides the information to the RAO/RPC. The billing computer is located at the RAO/RPC. Do not confuse the actual billing system with BILLDATS! The billing computer: * Contains customer records * Credit ratings (in some telcos) * Totals and prints the bill * Generates messages when customers do not pay (ie. last chance and temporary termination of service) When the billing period is over, (typically 25-30 days), many events (it depends on how many calls you have made) have accumulated. A bill is then generated and mailed to you. COLLECTION BILLDATS collects information in two ways: 1. AMATs 2. Users AMAT input BILLDATS collects data from the AMAT either directly from the switch, or from a front end which performs some processing on the data before giving it to BILLDATS. The data I am talking about here is usually AMA billing information. The information is in the usual AMA format. As I said earlier, the recording office and sensor types and IDs have to be added by BILLDATS. The other information that is transmitted is usually maintenance data. The data that is transferred between BILLDATS and an AMAT is accomplished over either dedicated or dialup lines using the BX.25 protocol. This protocol has been adopted by the telecommunications industry as a whole. It is basically a modified version of X.25. User input This is simply sysadmin and sysop information. Page 76 The Official Phreaker's Manual INSERTED INFORMATION Once the information is collected, additional data (mentioned earlier) must be inserted. The information that BILLDATS inserts into the AMA records it receives depends on whether the AMAT is a single or multi-switch AMAT. Either way, the data is passed through the DEP. The DEP is a module which is part of the LHS (Link Handler Subsystem) that actually inserts the additional data. It also performs other functions which are rather uninteresting to the hacker. The LHS manages the x-mission of all the collected information. This is either through dedicated or dialup lines. The LHS is responsible for: * Logging of statistics as related to the performance of links. * Polling of remote switches for maintenance and billing information. * Passing information to the DEP in which additional information is inserted. * Storing billing information. * Other boring stuff. AMATS Basically an AMAT is a front end to the switch. The AMAT: * Gets AMA information from the switch. * Formats and processes the information. * Transmits it to BILLDATS. * An AMAT can also store information for up to 1 week. The following is a list of switches and their related AMAT equipment that BILLDATS obtains billing information from: 1A ESS: This is usually connected to a 3B APS (Attached Processor System) or BILLDATS AMAT. 2ESS: This is connected to an IBM Series 1 AMAT. 2BESS: Connected to a BILLDATS AMAT. 4ESS: Connects to 3B APS. 5ESS: Direct connection. TSPS 3B:Direct connection. DMS-10: Connects to IBM Series 1 AMAT. There are other AMATs/Switches but they must be compatible with the BILLDATS interface. Page 77 The Official Phreaker's Manual ACCESSING BILLDATS Even though a system is UNIX based, that doesn't mean that it is a piece of cake to get into. Surprisingly (when you think about the average Intelligence Quotient of telco personnel) but not surprisingly (when you consider that the information contained on the system is BILLING information--the life blood of the phone company) BILLDATS is a little more secure than your average telco system, except for the fact the all login IDs are 5 lower case characters or less. BILLDATS can usually be identified by: bcxxxx 3bunix SV_R2+ where: bc = B(ILLDATS) C(ollector). xxxx = The node suffix. This is entered when the current Generic is installed. 3bunix = This simply indicates that UNIX is running on an AT&T 3Bxx system. SV_R2+ = Software Version. The good news is that there is a default username when the system is installed. The bad news is that upon logon, the system forces you to choose a password. The default username is not passworded initially. The added security feature is simply that the system forces all usernames to have passwords. If it doesn't have an associated password, the system will give you the message: "Your password has expired. Choose a new one" A 6-8 character password must then be entered. After this you will be asked to enter the terminal type. The ones provided are AT&T terminals (615, 4425, and 5420 models). Once entered a welcome message will probably be displayed: "Welcome to the South Western Bell BILLDATS Collector" "Generic 3, Issue 1" "Tuesday 01 Aug 1989 12:44:44 PM" dallas> The BILLDATS prompt was displayed "dallas>" where dallas is the node name. There are 3 privilege levels within BILLDATS: 1. Administrator 2. Operator 3. UUCP * Administrator privs are basically root privs. * An account with Operator privs can still do about anything an Admin can do except make data base changes. * UUCP privs are the lowest and allow file transfer. Page 78 The Official Phreaker's Manual Commands Just like SCCS, UNIX commands can be entered while using BILLDATS. The format is: dallas>run-unx:$unix cmd; All unix commands must be preceded by "run-unx:" and end with a semicolon ";". The semicolon is the command terminator character (just like Carriage Return). BILLDATS isn't exactly user friendly, but it does have on-line help. There are a number of ways that it can be obtained: dallas> help-?; or help-??; or ?-help; or ??-help; If you want specific help: dallas> help-(command name); I can list commands forever, but between UNIX (commands every hacker should be familiar with) and help (any moron can use it), you can figure out which ones are important. Error Messages Just like SCCS, BILLDATS has some rather cryptic error messages. There are thousands of error messages, once you know a little about the format they are easier to understand. When a mistake is made, something similar to the following will appear: UI0029 (attempted command) is not a valid input string. ^ ^- error message information | |-- This is the subsystem and error message number Page 79 The Official Phreaker's Manual The following is a brief description of subsystem abbreviations: BD: BILLDATS system utilities. Errors associated with the use of utility programs will be displayed. DB: Data Base manager. These messages are generated when accessing or attempting to access the various Data Bases (explained later) within BILLDATS. DM: Disk Manager. Basically, information pertaining to the system disk(s). EA: Error and Alarm. As the name implies, system errors and alarms. LH: Link Handler. Messages related to data link activity, either between BILLDATS and the AMAT or BILLDATS and the RAO/RPC. SC: Scheduler. The scheduler is BILLDATS' version of the UNIX cron daemon. BILLDATS uses cron to schedule things like when to access remote systems. TW: Tape Writer. Messages related to storing billing information on tapes which will then be transported to the RAO/RPC. UI: User Interface. This was used in the above example. Displays syntax, range or status errors when entering commands. DL: Direct Link. Instead of BILLDATS information being written to tape, a direct link to the RPC/RAO mainframe (the actual billing system computer) can be accomplished. This is usually done when BILLDATS is located far away from the RPC/RAO office as there is always some risk involved in transporting tapes, and that risk increases the farther away the two offices are. Another neat thing about Direct Link is that the billing data can be sent across a LAN (Local Area Network) also. Obviously this incurs some concerns regarding security, but from what I have heard and seen, AT&T and the BOC's typically choose to ignore the security of their systems which suits me just fine. The Direct Link is an optional BILLDATS feature and if it is in use, messages related to its operation are displayed with the DL prefix. BILLDATS DATA BASES The databases contain all kinds of useful information such as usernames, switch types, scheduled polling times, etc. The AMAT Data Base contains: * Type of switch * Sensor type and identification * AMAT phone number * Channel and port number/group * Other boring information The Port Data Base contains: * Communications information (like L-Dialers on UNIX Sys. V) * Channel and port information * Other boring information Page 80 The Official Phreaker's Manual The Collector Data Base contains: * Collector office ID * Version number of the Data Base * Number and speed of any remote terminals * When reports are scheduled for output * Other boring information CONCLUSION If you are not technically oriented, I hope this article helped you understand how you get your bill. I assumed that you would skip over the commands for using BILLDATS and similar information. If you are technically oriented, I hope I not only helped you understand more about the billing process, but also increased your awareness of how detailed the whole process is. And if you do happen to stumble onto a BILLDATS system, you have been pointed in the right direction as far as using it correctly is concerned. I tried to leave out all the boring details, but some may have slipped by me. I reserved the right to omit specific details and instructions regarding any alteration or deletion of calls/charges for my own use/abuse. Page 81 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 12 Central Office Operations Western Electric 1ESS,1AESS, The end office network environment Topics covered in this article will be: Call tracing RCMAC Input/output messages SCC and SCCS COSMOS and LMOS BLV, (REMOB) and "No test trunks" Recent change messages Equal Access Did I get your attention? Good, everyone should read this. With the time, effort, and balls it has taken me compile this knowledge it is certainly worth your time. I hope you appreciate me taking the time to write this. I should point out that the information in this article is correct to the best of my knowledge. I'm sure there are going to be people that disagree with me on some of it, particularly the references to tracing. However, I have been involved in telecommunications and computers for 12+ years. I'm basing this article around the 1AESS since it is the most common switch in use today. ** OUTSIDE PLANT ** This is the wiring between your telephone and the central office. That is another topic in itself. ** CABLE VAULT ** All of the cables from other offices and from subscribers enter the central office underground. They enter into a room called the cable vault. This is a room generally in the basement located at one end or another of the building. The width of the room varies but runs the entire length of the building. Outside cables appear through holes in the wall. The cables then run up through holes in the ceiling to the frame room. Page 82 The Official Phreaker's Manual Understand that each of these cables consist of an average of 3600 pairs of wires. That's 3600 telephone lines. The amount of cables obviously depends on the size of the office. All cables (e.g. interoffice, local lines, fiber optic, coaxial) enter through the cable vault. ** FRAME ROOM ** The frame is where the cable separates into individual pairs and attach to connectors. The frame runs the length of the building, from floor to ceiling. There are two sides to the frame, the horizontal side and the vertical side. The vertical side is where the outside wiring attaches and the protector fuses reside. The horizontal side is where the connectors to the switching system reside. Multi-conductor cables run from the connectors to actual switching equipment. So what we have is a large frame called the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) running the entire length of the building. From floor to ceiling it is 5 feet thick. The MDF consists of two sides, the VDF and the HDF. Cables from outside connect on one side and cables from the switching equipment connect to the other side and jumper wires connect the two. This way any piece of equipment can be connected to any incoming "cable pair". These jumper wires are simply 2 conductor twisted pair, running between the VDF and the HDF. What does all this mean? Well if you had access to COSMOS you would see information regarding cable and pair and "OE" (Office Equipment). With this information you could find your line on the frame and on the switch. The VDF side is clearly marked by cable and pair at the top of the frame, however the HDF side is a little more complicated and varies in format from frame to frame and from switch to switch. Since I am writing this article around the 1AESS, I will describe the OE format used for that switch. OE ABB-CDD-EFF Where.. A = Control Group (when more than one switch exists in that C.O.) B = LN Line Link Network C = LS Line Switching Frame D = CONC or CONCentrator E = Switch (individual, not the big one) F = Level Page 83 The Official Phreaker's Manual There is one more frame designation called LOC or LOCation. This gives the location of the connector block on the HDF side. Very simply, looking at the frame: H --------------------------------------------------------------------- G --------------------------------------------------------------------- F --------------------------------------------------------------------- E --------------------------------------------------------------------- D --------------------------------------------------------------------- C --------------------------------------------------------------------- B --------------------------------------------------------------------- A --------------------------------------------------------------------- 123456789 etc. Please note that what you are looking at here represents the HDF side of the MDF, being up to 100 feet long, and 20 feet high. Each "-" represents a connector block containing connections for 4 x 24 (which is 96) pairs. So far I've covered how the wires get from you to the switching equipment. Now we get to the switching system itself. ** SWITCHING SYSTEMS ** Writing an article that covers them all would be lengthy indeed. So I am only going to list the major ones and a brief description of each. - Step by Step Strowger 1889 First automatic, required no operators for local calls No custom calling or touch tone Manufactured by many different companies in different versions Hard wire routing instructions, could not choose an alternate route if programed route was busy Each dial pulse tripped a "stepper" type relay to find its path - No.1 Crossbar 1930 - No.5 Crossbar 1947 (faster, more capacity) Western Electric First ability to find idle trunks for call routing No custom calling, or equal access Utilized 10x20 cross point relay switches Hard wired common control logic for program control Also copied by other manufactures Page 84 The Official Phreaker's Manual - No.4 Crossbar Used as a toll switch for AT&T's long lines network 4 wire tandem switching Not usually used for local loop switching - No.1ESS 1966 - No.1AESS 1973 Western Electric Described in detail later - No.1EAX GTE Automatic Electric GTE's version of the 1AESS Slower and louder - No.2ESS 1967 - No.2BESS 1974 Western Electric Analog switching under digital control Very similar to the No.1ESS and No.1AESS Downsized for smaller applications _ No.3ESS Western Electric Analog switching under digital control Even smaller version of No.1AESS Rural applications for up to 4500 lines - No.2EAX GTE Automatic Electric Smaller version of 1EAX Analog switch under digital control - No.4ESS Western Electric Toll switch, 4 wire tandem Digital switching Uses the 1AESS processor - No.3EAX Gee is there a pattern here? No GTE Digital Toll switch 4 wire tandem switching - No.5ESS AT&T Network Systems Full scale computerized digital switching ISDN compatibility Utilizes time sharing technology Toll or end office - DMS 100 Digital Matrix Switch Northern Telecom Similar to 5ESS Runs slower Considerably less expensive Page 85 The Official Phreaker's Manual - DMS 200 Toll and Access Tandem Optional operator services - DMS 250 Toll switch designed for common carriers - DMS 300 Toll switch for international gateways - No.5EAX GTE Automatic Electric Same as above How much does a switch cost? A fully equipped 5ESS for a 40,000 subscriber end office can cost well over 3 million dollars. Now you know why your phone bill is so much. Well...maybe you parents bill. ** The 1ESS and 1AESS ** This was the first switch of it's type put into widespread use by Bell. Primarily an analog switch under digital control, the switch is no longer being manufactured. The 1ESS has been replaced by the 5ESS and other full scale digital switches, however, it is still by far the most common switch used in today's Class 5 end offices. The #1 and 1A use a crosspoint matrix similar to the X-bar. The primary switch used in the matrix is the ferreed (remreed in the 1A). It is a two state magnetic alloy switch. It is basically a magnetic switch that does not require voltage to stay in it's present position. A voltage is only required to change the state of the switch. The No. 1 utilized a computer style, common control and memory. Memory used by the #1 changed with technology, but most have been upgraded to RAM. Line scanners monitor the status of customer lines, crosspoint switches, and all internal, outgoing, and incoming trunks, reporting their status to the central control. The central control then either calls upon program or call store memories to chose which crosspoints to activate for processing the call. The crosspoint matrices are controlled via central pulse distributors which in turn are controlled by the central control via data buses. All of the scanner's AMA tape controllers, pulse distro, x-point matrix, etc., listen to data buses for their address and command or report their information on the buses. The buses are merely cables connecting the different units to the central control. Page 86 The Official Phreaker's Manual The 1E was quickly replaced by the 1A due to advances in technology. So 1A's are more common, also many of the 1E's have been upgraded to a 1A. This meant changing the ferreed to the remreed relay, adding additional peripheral component controllers (to free up central controller load) and implementation of the 1A processor. The 1A processor replaced older style electronics with integrated circuits. Both switches operate similarly. The primary differences were speed and capacity. The #1ESS could process 110,000 calls per hour and serve 128,000 lines. Most of the major common control elements are either fully or partially duplicated to ensure reliability. Systems run simultaneously and are checked against each other for errors. When a problem occurs the system will double check, reroute, or switch over to auxiliary to continue system operation. Alarms are also reported to the maintenance console and are in turn printed out on a printer near the control console. Operation of the switch is done through the Master Control Center (MCC) panel and/or a terminal. Remote operation is also done through input/output channels. These channels have different functions and therefore receive different types of output messages and have different abilities as for what type of commands they are allowed to issue. Here is a list of the commonly used TTY channels. Maintenance - Primary channel for testing, enable, disable etc. Recent Change - Changes in class of service, calling features etc. Administrative - Traffic information and control Supplementary - Traffic information supplied to automatic network control SCC Maint. - Switching Control Center interface Plant Serv.Cent.- Reports testing information to test facilities At the end of this article you will find a list of the most frequently seen Maintenance channel output messages and a brief description of their meaning. You will also find a list of frequently used input messages. There are other channels as well as back ups but the only ones to be concerned with are Recent Change and SCC maint. These are the two channels you will most likely want to get access to. The Maintenance channel doesn't leave the C.O. and is used by switch engineers as the primary way of controlling the switch. During off hours and weekends the control of the switch is transferred to the SCC. The SCC is a centrally located bureau that has up to 16 switches reporting to it via their SCC maint. channel. The SCC has a mini computer running SCCS that watches the output of all these switches for trouble conditions that require immediate attention. The SCC personnel then have the ability to input messages to that particular switch to try and correct the problem. If necessary, someone will be dispatched to the C.O. to correct the problem. I should also mention that the SCC mini, SCCS has dialups and access to SCCS means access to all the switches connected to it. The level of access however, may be dependent upon the privileges of the account you are using. Page 87 The Official Phreaker's Manual The Recent Change channels also connect to a centrally located bureau referred to as the RCMAC. These bureaus are responsible for activating lines, changing class of service etc. RCMAC has been automated to a large degree by computer systems that log into COSMOS and look for pending orders. COSMOS is basically an order placement and record keeping system for central office equipment, but you should know that already, right? So this system, called Work Manager running MIZAR logs into COSMOS, pulls orders requiring recent change work, then in one batch several times a day, transmits the orders to the appropriate switch via it's Recent Change Channel. Testing of the switch is done by many different methods. Bell Labs has developed a number of systems, many accomplishing the same functions. I will only attempt to cover the ones I know fairly well. The primary testing system is the trunk test panels located at the switch itself. There are three and they all pretty much do the same thing, which is to test trunk and line paths through the switch. Trunk and Line Test Panel Supplementary Trunk Test Panel Manual Trunk Test Panel MLT (Mechanized Loop Testing) is another popular one. This system is often available through the LMOS data base and can give very specific measurements of line levels and losses. The "TV Mask" is also popular giving the user the ability to monitor lines via a call back number. DAMT (Direct Access Mechanized Testing) is used by line repairmen to put tone on numbers to help them find lines. This was previously done by Frame personnel, so DAMT automated that task. DAMT can also monitor lines, but unfortunately, the audio is scrambled in a manor that allows one only to tell what type of signal is present on the line, or whether it is busy or not. All of these testing systems have one thing in common: they access the line through a "No Test Trunk". This is a switch which can drop in on a specific path or line and connect it to the testing device. It depends on the device connected to the trunk, but there is usually a noticeable "click" heard on the tested line when the No Test Trunk drops in. Also the testing devices I have mentioned here will seize the line, busying it out. This will present problems when trying to monitor calls, as you would need to drop in during the call. The No Test Trunk is also the method in which operator consoles perform verifications and interrupts. Page 88 The Official Phreaker's Manual ** INTEROFFICE SIGNALLING ** Calls coming into and leaving the switch are routed via trunks. The switches select which trunk will route the call most effectively and then retransmits the dialed number to the distant switch. There are several different ways this is done. The two most common are Loop Signaling and CCIS, Common Channel Interoffice Signaling. The predecessor to both of these is the famous and almost extinct "SF Signaling". This utilized the presence of 2600hz to indicate trunks in use. If one winks 2600Hz down one of these trunks, the distant switch would think you hung up. Remove the 2600, and you have control of the trunk and you could then MF a number. This worked great for years. Assuming you had dialed a toll free number to begin with, there was no billing generated at all. The 1AESS does have a program called SIGI that looks for any 2600 winks after the original connection of a toll call. It then proceeds to record on AMA and output any MF digits received. However due to many long distant carriers using signaling that can generate these messages it is often overlooked and "SIG IRR" output messages are quite common. Loop signaling still uses MF to transmit the called number to distant switches, however, the polarity of the voltage on the trunk is reversed to indicate trunk use. CCIS sometimes referred to CCS#6 uses a separate data link sending packets of data containing information regarding outgoing calls. The distant switch monitors the information and connects the correct trunk to the correct path. This is a faster and more efficient way of call processing and is being implemented everywhere. The protocol that AT&T uses is CCS7 and is currently being accepted as the industry standard. CCS6 and CCS7 are somewhat similar. Interoffice trunks are multiplexed together onto one pair. The standard is 24 channels per pair. This is called T-1 in it's analog format and D-1 in its digital format. This is often referred to as carrier or CXR. The terms frame error and phase jitter are part of this technology which is often a world in itself. This type of transmission is effective for only a few miles on twisted pair. It is often common to see interoffice repeaters in manholes or special huts. Repeaters can also be found within C.O.s, amplifying trunks between offices. This equipment is usually handled by the "carrier" room, often located on another floor. Carrier also handles special circuits, private lines, and foreign exchange circuits. After a call reaches a Toll Switch, the transmit and receive paths of the calling and called party are separated and transmitted on separate channels. This allows better transmission results and allows more calls to be placed on any given trunk. This is referred to as 4 wire switching. This also explains why during a call, one person can hear crosstalk and the other cannot. Crosstalk will bleed over from other channels onto the multiplexed T-Carrier transmission lines used between switches. Page 89 The Official Phreaker's Manual ** CALL TRACING So with the Loop Signaling standard format there is no information being transmitted regarding the calling number between switches. This therefore causes the call tracing routine to be at least a two step process. This is assuming that you are trying to trace an anticipated call, not one in progress. When call trace "CLID" is placed on a number, a message is output every time someone calls that number. The message shows up on most of the ESS output channels and gives information regarding the time and the number of the incoming trunk group. If the call came from within that office, then the calling number is printed in the message. Once the trunk group is known, it can usually be determined what C.O. the calls are coming from. This is also assuming that the calls are coming from within that Bell company and not through a long distance carrier (IEC). So if Bell knows what C.O. the calls are coming from, they simply put the called number on the C.I. list of that C.O. Anytime anyone in that C.O. calls the number in question another message is generated showing all the pertinent information. Now if this were a real time trace it would only require the assistance of the SCC and a few commands sent to the appropriate switches (i.e. NET-LINE). This would give them the path and trunk group numbers of the call in progress. Naturally the more things the call is going through, the more people that will need to be involved in the trace. There seems to be a common misconception about the ability to trace a call through some of the larger packet networks i.e. Telenet and TYMNET. Well I can assure you, they can track a call through their network in seconds (assuming multiple systems and/or network gateways are not used) and then all that is needed is the cooperation of the Bell companies. Call tracing in itself it not that difficult these days. What is difficult is getting the different organizations together to cooperate. You have to be doing something relatively serious to warrant tracing in most cases, however, not always. So if tracing is a concern, I would recommend using as many different companies at one time as you think is necessary, especially US Sprint, since they can't even bill people on time much less trace a call. But...it is not recommended to call Sprint direct, more on that in the Equal Access section. ** EQUAL ACCESS The first thing you need to understand is that every IEC Inter Exchange Carrier (long distance company) needs to have an agreement with every LEC Local Exchange Carrier (your local phone company) that they want to have access to and from. They have to pay the LEC for the type of service they receive and the amount of trunks, and trunk use. The cost is high and the market is a zoo. The LECs have the following options: - Feature Group A - This was the first access form offered to the IECs by the LECs. Basically whenever you access an IEC by dialing a regular 7 digit number (POTS line) this is FGA. The IECs' equipment would answer the line and interpret your digits and route your call over their own network. Then they would pick up an outgoing telephone line in the city you were calling and dial your number locally. Basically a dial in, dial out situation similar to Telenet's PC pursuit service. Page 90 The Official Phreaker's Manual - Feature Group B - FGB is 950-xxxx. This is a very different setup from FGA. When you dial 950, your local switch routes the call to the closest Access Tandem (AT) (Toll Switch) in your area. There the IECs have direct trunks connected between the AT and their equipment. These trunks usually use a form of multiplexing like T-1 carrier with wink start (2600Hz). On the incoming side, calls coming in from the IEC are basically connected the same way. The IEC MFs into the AT and the AT then connects the calls. There are many different ways FGB is technically setup, but this is the most common. Tracing on 950 calls has been an area of controversy and I would like to clear it up. The answer is yes, it is possible. But like I mentioned earlier, it would take considerable manpower which equals expensive to do this. It also really depends on how the IEC interface is set up. Many IECs have trunks going directly to Class 5 end offices. So, if you are using a small IEC, and they figure out what C.O. you are calling from, it wouldn't be out of the question to put CLID on the 950 number. This is highly unlikely and I have not heard from reliable sources of it ever being done. Remember, CLID generates a message every time a call is placed to that number. Excessive call trace messages can crash a switch. However, I should mention that brute force hacking of 950s is easily detected and relatively easy to trace. If the IEC is really having a problem in a particular area they will pursue it. - Feature Group C - FGC is reserved for and used exclusively by AT&T. - Feature Group D - FGD is similar to FGB with the exception that ANI is MF'ed to the IEC. The end office switch must have Equal Access capability in order to transmit the ANI. Anything above a X-bar can have it. FGD can only be implemented on 800 numbers and if an IEC wants it, they have to buy the whole prefix. For a list of FGD prefixes see 2600 Magazine. You should also be aware that MCI, Sprint, and AT&T are offering a service where they will transmit the ANI to the customer as well. You will find this being used as a security or marketing tool by an increasing amount of companies. A good example would be 800-999-CHAT. ** OUTPUT MESSAGES ** The following is a compiled list of common switch messages. The list was compiled from various reference materials that I have at my disposal. Page 91 The Official Phreaker's Manual 1AESS COMMON OUTPUT MESSAGES -------------------------------------- MSG. DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- ** ALARM ** AR01 Office alarm AR02 Alarm retired or transferred AR03 Fuse blown AR04 Unknown alarm scan point activated AR05 Commercial power failure AR06 Switchroom alarm via alarm grid AR07 Power plant alarm AR08 Alarm circuit battery loss AR09 AMA bus fuse blown AR10 Alarm configuration has been changed (retired,inhibited) AR11 Power converter trouble AR13 Carrier group alarm AR15 Hourly report on building and power alarms ** AUTOMATIC TRUNK TEST ** AT01 Results of trunk test ** CARRIER GROUP ** CG01 Carrier group in alarm CG03 Reason for above ** COIN PHONE ** CN02 List of pay phones with coin disposal problems CN03 Possible Trouble CN04 Phone taken out of restored service because of possible coin fraud ** COPY ** COPY Data copied from one address to another ** CALL TRACE ** CT01 Manually requested trace line to line, information follows CT02 Manually requested trace line to trunk, information follows CT03 Intraoffice call placed to a number with CLID CT04 Interoffice call placed to a number with CLID CT05 Call placed to number on the CI list CT06 Contents of the CI list CT07 ACD related trace CT08 ACD related trace CT09 ACD related trace ** DIGITAL CARRIER TRUNK ** DCT COUNTS Count of T carrier errors ** MEMORY DIAGNOSTICS ** DGN Memory failure in cs/ps diagnostic program Page 92 The Official Phreaker's Manual ** DIGITAL CARRIER "FRAME" ERRORS ** FM01 DCT alarm activated or retired FM02 Possible failure of entire bank not just frame FM03 Error rate of specified digroup FM04 Digroup out of frame more than indicated FM05 Operation or release of the loop terminal relay FM06 Result of digroup circuit diagnostics FM07 Carrier group alarm status of specific group FM08 Carrier group alarm count for digroup FM09 Hourly report of carrier group alarms FM10 Public switched digital capacity failure FM11 PUC counts of carrier group errors ** MAINTENANCE ** MA02 Status requested, print out of MACII scratch pad MA03 Hourly report of system circuits and units in trouble MA04 Reports condition of system MA05 Maintenance interrupt count for last hour MA06 Scanners,network and signal distributors in trouble MA07 Successful switch of duplicated unit (program store etc.) MA08 Excessive error rate of named unit MA09 Power should not be removed from named unit MA10 OK to remove paper MA11 Power manually removed from unit MA12 Power restored to unit MA13 Indicates central control active MA15 Hourly report of # of times interrupt recovery program acted MA17 Centrex data link power removed MA21 Reports action taken on MAC-REX command MA23 4 minute report, emergency action phase triggers are inhibited ** MEMORY ** MN02 List of circuits in trouble in memory ** NETWORK TROUBLE ** NT01 Network frame unable to switch off line after fault detection NT02 Network path trouble Trunk to Line NT03 Network path trouble Line to Line NT04 Network path trouble Trunk to Trunk NT06 Hourly report of network frames made busy NT10 Network path failed to restore ** OPERATING SYSTEM STATUS ** OP:APS-0 OP:APSTATUS OP:CHAN OP:CISRC Source of critical alarm, automatic every 15 minutes OP:CSSTATUS Call store status OP:DUSTATUS Data unit status OP:ERAPDATA Error analysis database output OP:INHINT Hourly report of inhibited devices OP:LIBSTAT List of active library programs OP:OOSUNITS Units out of service OP:PSSTATUS Program store status Page 93 The Official Phreaker's Manual ** PLANT MEASUREMENTS ** PM01 Daily report PM02 Monthly report PM03 Response to a request for a specific section of report PM04 Daily summary of IC/IEC irregularities ** REPORT ** REPT:ADS FUNCTION Reports that a ADS function is about to occur REPT:ADS FUNCTION DUPLEX FAILED No ADS assigned REPT:ADS FUNCTION SIMPLEX Only one tape drive is assigned REPT:ADS FUNCTION STATE CHANGE Change in state of ADS REPT:ADS PROCEDURAL ERROR You fucked up REPT:LINE TRBL Too many permanent off hooks, may indicate bad cable REPT:PROG CONT OFF-NORMAL System programs that are off or on REPT:RC CENSUS Hourly report on recent changes REPT:RC SOURCE Recent change system status (RCS=1 means RC Channel inhibited) ** RECENT CHANGE ** RC18 RC message response ** REMOVE ** RMV Removed from service ** RESTORE ** RST Restored to service status ** RINGING AND TONE PLANT ** RT04 Status of monitors ** SOFTWARE AUDIT ** SA01 Call store memory audit results SA03 Call store memory audit results ** SIGNAL IRREGULARITY ** SIG IRR Blue box detection SIG IRR INHIBITED Detector off SIG IRR TRAF Half hour report of traffic data ** TRAFFIC CONDITION ** TC15 Reports overall traffic condition TL02 Reason test position test was denied TL03 Same as above ** TRUNK NETWORK ** TN01 Trunk diagnostic found trouble TN02 Dial tone delay alarm failure TN04 Trunk diag request from test panel TN05 Trunk test procedural report or denials TN06 Trunk state change TN07 Response to a trunk type and status request TN08 Failed incoming or outgoing call TN09 Network relay failures TN10 Response to TRK-LIST input, usually a request from test position TN11 Hourly, status of trunk undergoing tests TN16 Daily summary of precut trunk groups Page 94 The Official Phreaker's Manual ** TRAFFIC OVERLOAD CONDITION ** TOC01 Serious traffic condition TOC02 Reports status of less serious overload conditions ** TRANSLATION ** (shows class of service, calling features etc.) TR01 Translation information, response to VFY-DN TR03 Translation information, response to VFY-LEN TR75 Translation information, response to VF:DNSVY ** ** TW02 Dump of octal contents of memory 1AESS COMMON INPUT MESSAGES ------------------------------------- Messages always terminate with ". ctrl d " x=number or trunk network # MSG. DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NET-LINE-xxxxxxx0000 Trace of path through switch NET-TNN-xxxxxx Same as above for trunk trace T-DN-MBxxxxxxx Makes a # busy TR-DEACTT-26xxxxxxx Deactivates call forwarding VFY-DNxxxxxxx Displays class of service, calling features etc. VFY-LENxxxxxxxx Same as above for OE VFY-LIST-09 xxxxxxx Displays speed calling 8 list ************************************************************************ There are many things I didn't cover in this article and many of the things I covered, I did so very briefly. My intention was to write an article that explains the big picture, how everything fits together. I hope I helped. Special thanks to all the stupid people, for without them some of us wouldn't be so smart and might have to work for a living. Also all the usual Bell Labs, AT&T bla bla bla etc. etc. I can usually be reached on any respectable board, ha! Page 95 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 13 The personal Thanx to autors! Atlantis board, Metal Shop private board, Digital Logic board, Taran King, Hell Phrozen Over board, Mark Tabas, The Videosmith, Lex Luthor, The Marauder, Jester Sluggo, Phucked Agent 04, Gary Seven, Rogue Fed and others. Page 96 The Official Phreaker's Manual Well, this is just a page to protect the other pages. I hope you enjoyed the book! Page 97 |