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English language - Dictionaries V...Oxford English ReferenceBritish Library Cataloguing Data The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed. 1. English language--Dictionaries I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423 ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain 1.0 V... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- V(1) n. (also v) (pl. Vs or V's) 1 the twenty-second letter of the alphabet. 2 a V-shaped thing. 3 (as a Roman numeral) five. V(2) abbr. (also V.) volt(s). V(3) symb. Chem. the element vanadium. v. abbr. 1 verse. 2 verso. 3 versus. 4 very. 5 vide. 2.0 VA... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VA abbr. 1 US Veterans' Administration. 2 Vicar Apostolic. 3 Vice Admiral. 4 US Virginia (in official postal use). 5 (in the UK) Order of Victoria and Albert. Va. abbr. Virginia. vac n. Brit. colloq. vacation (esp. of universities). [abbr.] vacancy n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state of being vacant or empty. 2 an unoccupied post or job (there are three vacancies for typists). 3 an available room in a hotel etc. 4 emptiness of mind; idleness, listlessness. vacant adj. 1 not filled or occupied; empty. 2 not mentally active; showing no interest (had a vacant stare). Ьvacant possession Brit. ownership of a house etc. with any previous occupant having moved out. ЬЬvacantly adv. [ME f. OF vacant or L vacare (as VACATE)] vacate v.tr. 1 leave vacant or cease to occupy (a house, room, etc.). 2 give up tenure of (a post etc.). 3 Law annul (a judgement or contract etc.). ЬЬvacatable adj. [L vacare vacat- be empty] vacation n. & v. --n. 1 a fixed period of cessation from work, esp. in universities and lawcourts. 2 US a holiday. 3 the act of vacating (a house or post etc.). --v.intr. US take a holiday. Ьvacation land US an area providing attractions for holidaymakers. ЬЬvacationer n. vacationist n. [ME f. OF vacation or L vacatio (as VACATE)] vaccinate v.tr. inoculate with a vaccine to procure immunity from a disease; immunize. ЬЬvaccination n. vaccinator n. vaccine n. & adj. --n. 1 an antigenic preparation used to stimulate the production of antibodies and procure immunity from one or several diseases. 2 hist. the cowpox virus used in vaccination against smallpox. --adj. of or relating to cowpox or vaccination. ЬЬvaccinal adj. [L vaccinus f. vacca cow] vaccinia n. Med. a virus used as a vaccine against smallpox. [mod.L (as VACCINE)] vacillate v.intr. 1 fluctuate in opinion or resolution. 2 move from side to side; oscillate, waver. ЬЬvacillation n. vacillator n. [L vacillare vacillat- sway] vacua pl. of VACUUM. vacuole n. Biol. a tiny space within the cytoplasm of a cell containing air, fluid, food particles, etc. ЬЬvacuolar adj. vacuolation n. [F, dimin. of L vacuus empty] vacuous adj. 1 lacking expression (a vacuous stare). 2 unintelligent (a vacuous remark). 3 empty. ЬЬvacuity n. vacuously adv. vacuousness n. [L vacuus empty (as VACATE)] vacuum n. & v. --n. (pl. vacuums or vacua) 1 a space entirely devoid of matter. 2 a space or vessel from which the air has been completely or partly removed by a pump etc. 3 a the absence of the normal or previous content of a place, environment, etc. b the absence of former circumstances, activities, etc. 4 (pl. vacuums) colloq. a vacuum cleaner. 5 a decrease of pressure below the normal atmospheric value. --v. colloq. 1 tr. clean with a vacuum cleaner. 2 intr. use a vacuum cleaner. Ьvacuum brake a brake in which pressure is caused by the exhaustion of air. vacuum-clean clean with a vacuum cleaner. vacuum cleaner an apparatus for removing dust etc. by suction. vacuum flask Brit. a vessel with a double wall enclosing a vacuum so that the liquid in the inner receptacle retains its temperature. vacuum gauge a gauge for testing the pressure after the production of a vacuum. vacuum-packed sealed after the partial removal of air. vacuum pump a pump for producing a vacuum. vacuum tube a tube with a near-vacuum for the free passage of electric current. [mod.L, neut. of L vacuus empty] VAD abbr. 1 Voluntary Aid Detachment. 2 a member of this. vade-mecum n. a handbook etc. carried constantly for use. [F f. mod.L, = go with me] vagabond n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a wanderer or vagrant, esp. an idle one. 2 colloq. a scamp or rascal. --adj. having no fixed habitation; wandering. --v.intr. wander about as a vagabond. ЬЬvagabondage n. [ME f. OF vagabond or L vagabundus f. vagari wander] vagal see VAGUS. vagary n. (pl. -ies) a caprice; an eccentric idea or act (the vagaries of Fortune). ЬЬvagarious adj. [L vagari wander] vagi pl. of VAGUS. vagina n. (pl. vaginas or vaginae) 1 the canal between the uterus and vulva of a woman or other female mammal. 2 a sheath formed round a stem by the base of a leaf. ЬЬvaginal adj. vaginitis n. [L, = sheath, scabbard] vaginismus n. a painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina, usu. in response to pressure. [mod.L (as VAGINA)] vagrant n. & adj. --n. 1 a person without a settled home or regular work. 2 a wanderer or vagabond. --adj. 1 wandering or roving (a vagrant musician). 2 being a vagrant. ЬЬvagrancy n. vagrantly adv. [ME f. AF vag(a)raunt, perh. alt. f. AF wakerant etc. by assoc. with L vagari wander] vague adj. 1 of uncertain or ill-defined meaning or character (gave a vague answer; has some vague idea of emigrating). 2 (of a person or mind) imprecise; inexact in thought, expression, or understanding. ЬЬvaguely adv. vagueness n. vaguish adj. [F vague or L vagus wandering, uncertain] vagus n. (pl. vagi) Anat. either of the tenth pair of cranial nerves with branches to the heart, lungs, and viscera. ЬЬvagal adj. [L: see VAGUE] vail v. archaic 1 tr. lower or doff (one's plumes, pride, crown, etc.) esp. in token of submission. 2 intr. yield; give place; remove one's hat as a sign of respect etc. [ME f. obs. avale f. OF avaler to lower f. a val down, f. val VALE(1)] vain adj. 1 excessively proud or conceited, esp. about one's own attributes. 2 empty, trivial, unsubstantial (vain boasts; vain triumphs). 3 useless; followed by no good result (in the vain hope of dissuading them). Ьin vain without result or success (it was in vain that we protested). take a person's name in vain use it lightly or profanely. ЬЬvainly adv. vainness n. [ME f. OF f. L vanus empty, without substance] vainglory n. literary boastfulness; extreme vanity. ЬЬvainglorious adj. vaingloriously adv. vaingloriousness n. [ME, after OF vaine gloire, L vana gloria] vair n. 1 archaic or hist. a squirrel-fur widely used for medieval linings and trimmings. 2 Heraldry fur represented by small shield-shaped or bell-shaped figures usu. alternately azure and argent. [ME f. OF f. L (as VARIOUS)] Vaishnava n. Hinduism a devotee of Vishnu. [Skr. vaisnav ] Vaisya n. 1 the third of the four great Hindu castes, comprising the merchants and agriculturalists. 2 a member of this caste. [Skr. vaisya peasant, labourer] valance n. (also valence) a short curtain round the frame or canopy of a bedstead, above a window, or under a shelf. ЬЬvalanced adj. [ME ult. f. OF avaler descend: see VAIL] vale(1) n. archaic or poet. (except in place-names) a valley (Vale of the White Horse). Ьvale of tears literary the world as a scene of life, trouble, etc. [ME f. OF val f. L vallis, valles] vale(2) int. & n. --int. farewell. --n. a farewell. [L, imper. of valere be well or strong] valediction n. 1 the act or an instance of bidding farewell. 2 the words used in this. [L valedicere valedict- (as VALE(2), dicere say), after benediction] valedictorian n. US a person who gives a valedictory, esp. the highest-ranking member of a graduating class. valedictory adj. & n. --adj. serving as a farewell. --n. (pl. -ies) a farewell address. valence(1) n. Chem. esp. US = VALENCY. Ьvalence electron an electron in the outermost shell of an atom involved in forming a chemical bond. valence(2) var. of VALANCE. Valenciennes n. a rich kind of lace. [Valenciennes in NE France, where it was made in the 17th and 18th c.] valency n. (pl. -ies) Brit. Chem. the combining power of an atom measured by the number of hydrogen atoms it can displace or combine with. [LL valentia power, competence f. valere be well or strong] valentine n. 1 a card or gift sent, often anonymously, as a mark of love or affection on St Valentine's Day (14 Feb.). 2 a sweetheart chosen on this day. [ME f. OF Valentin f. L Valentinus, name of two saints] valerian n. 1 any of various flowering plants of the family Valerianaceae. 2 the root of any of these used as a medicinal sedative. Ьcommon valerian 1 a valerian, Valeriana officinalis, with pink or white flowers and a strong smell liked by cats: also called SETWALL. 2 the root of this used as a medicinal sedative. [ME f. OF valeriane f. med.L valeriana (herba), app. fem. of Valerianus of Valerius] valeric acid n. Chem. = PENTANOIC ACID. [VALERIAN + -IC] valet n. & v. --n. 1 a gentleman's personal attendant who looks after his clothes etc. 2 a hotel etc. employee with similar duties. --v. (valeted, valeting) 1 intr. work as a valet. 2 tr. act as a valet to. 3 tr. clean or clean out (a car). [F, = OF valet, vaslet, VARLET: rel. to VASSAL] valeta var. of VELETA. valetudinarian n. & adj. --n. a person of poor health or unduly anxious about health. --adj. 1 of or being a valetudinarian. 2 of poor health. 3 seeking to recover one's health. ЬЬvaletudinarianism n. [L valetudinarius in ill health f. valetudo -dinis health f. valere be well] valetudinary adj. & n. (pl. -ies) = VALETUDINARIAN. valgus n. a deformity involving the outward displacement of the foot or hand from the midline. [L, = knock-kneed] Valhalla n. 1 (in Norse mythology) a palace in which the souls of slain heroes feasted for eternity. 2 a building used for honouring the illustrious. [mod.L f. ON Valh”ll f. valr the slain + h”ll HALL] valiant adj. (of a person or conduct) brave, courageous. ЬЬvaliantly adv. [ME f. AF valiaunt, OF vailant ult. f. L valere be strong] valid adj. 1 (of a reason, objection, etc.) sound or defensible; well-grounded. 2 a executed with the proper formalities (a valid contract). b legally acceptable (a valid passport). c not having reached its expiry date. ЬЬvalidity n. validly adv. [F valide or L validus strong (as VALIANT)] validate v.tr. make valid; ratify, confirm. ЬЬvalidation n. [med.L validare f. L (as VALID)] valine n. Biochem. an amino acid that is an essential nutrient for vertebrates and a general constituent of proteins. [VALERIC (ACID) + -INE(4)] valise n. 1 a kitbag. 2 US a small portmanteau. [F f. It. valigia corresp. to med.L valisia, of unkn. orig.] Valium n. propr. the drug diazepam used as a tranquillizer and relaxant. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] Valkyrie n. (in Norse mythology) each of Odin's twelve handmaidens who selected heroes destined to be slain in battle. [ON Valkyrja, lit. 'chooser of the slain' f. valr the slain + (unrecorded) kur-, kuz- rel. to CHOOSE] vallecula n. (pl. valleculae) Anat. & Bot. a groove or furrow. ЬЬvallecular adj. valleculate adj. [LL, dimin. of L vallis valley] valley n. (pl. -eys) 1 a low area more or less enclosed by hills and usu. with a stream flowing through it. 2 any depression compared to this. 3 Archit. an internal angle formed by the intersecting planes of a roof. [ME f. AF valey, OF valee ult. f. L vallis, valles: cf. VALE(1)] vallum n. Rom. Antiq. a rampart and stockade as a defence. [L, collect. f. vallus stake] valonia n. acorn-cups of an evergreen oak, Quercus macrolepsis, used in tanning, dyeing, and making ink. [It. vallonia ult. f. Gk balanos acorn] valor US var. of VALOUR. valorize v.tr. (also -ise) raise or fix the price of (a commodity etc.) by artificial means, esp. by government action. ЬЬvalorization n. [back-form. f. valorization f. F valorisation (as VALOUR)] valour n. (US valor) personal courage, esp. in battle. ЬЬvalorous adj. [ME f. OF f. LL valor -oris f. valere be strong] valse n. a waltz. [F f. G (as WALTZ)] valuable adj. & n. --adj. of great value, price, or worth (a valuable property; valuable information). --n. (usu. in pl.) a valuable thing, esp. a small article of personal property. ЬЬvaluably adv. valuation n. 1 a an estimation (esp. by a professional valuer) of a thing's worth. b the worth estimated. 2 the price set on a thing. ЬЬvaluate v.tr. esp. US. valuator n. a person who makes valuations; a valuer. value n. & v. --n. 1 the worth, desirability, or utility of a thing, or the qualities on which these depend (the value of regular exercise). 2 worth as estimated; valuation (set a high value on my time). 3 the amount of money or goods for which a thing can be exchanged in the open market; purchasing power. 4 the equivalent of a thing; what represents or is represented by or may be substituted for a thing (paid them the value of their lost property). 5 (in full value for money) something well worth the money spent. 6 the ability of a thing to serve a purpose or cause an effect (news value; nuisance value). 7 (in pl.) one's principles or standards; one's judgement of what is valuable or important in life. 8 Mus. the duration of the sound signified by a note. 9 Math. the amount denoted by an algebraic term or expression. 10 (foll. by of) a the meaning (of a word etc.). b the quality (of a spoken sound). 11 the relative rank or importance of a playing-card, chess-piece, etc., according to the rules of the game. 12 the relation of one part of a picture to others in respect of light and shade; the part being characterized by a particular tone. 13 Physics & Chem. the numerical measure of a quantity or a number denoting magnitude on some conventional scale (the value of gravity at the equator). --v.tr. (values, valued, valuing) 1 estimate the value of; appraise (esp. professionally) (valued the property at њ200,000). 2 have a high or specified opinion of; attach importance to (a valued friend). Ьvalue added tax a tax on the amount by which the value of an article has been increased at each stage of its production. value judgement a subjective estimate of quality etc. value received money or its equivalent given for a bill of exchange. [ME f. OF, fem. past part. of valoir be worth f. L valere] valueless adj. having no value. ЬЬvaluelessness n. valuer n. a person who estimates or assesses values, esp. professionally. valuta n. 1 the value of one currency with respect to another. 2 a currency considered in this way. [It., = VALUE] valve n. 1 a device for controlling the passage of fluid through a pipe etc., esp. an automatic device allowing movement in one direction only. 2 Anat. & Zool. a membranous part of an organ etc. allowing a flow of blood etc. in one direction only. 3 Brit. = thermionic valve. 4 a device to vary the effective length of the tube in a brass musical instrument. 5 each of the two shells of an oyster, mussel, etc. 6 Bot. each of the segments into which a capsule or dry fruit dehisces. 7 archaic a leaf of a folding door. ЬЬvalvate adj. valved adj. (also in comb.). valveless adj. valvule n. [ME f. L valva leaf of a folding door] valvular adj. 1 having a valve or valves. 2 having the form or function of a valve. [mod.L valvula, dimin. of L valva] valvulitis n. inflammation of the valves of the heart. vambrace n. hist. defensive armour for the forearm. [ME f. AF vaunt-bras, OF avant-bras f. avant before (see AVAUNT) + bras arm] vamoose v.intr. US (esp. as int.) sl. depart hurriedly. [Sp. vamos let us go] vamp(1) n. & v. --n. 1 the upper front part of a boot or shoe. 2 a patched-up article. 3 an improvised musical accompaniment. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up) repair or furbish. 2 tr. (foll. by up) make by patching or from odds and ends. 3 a tr. & intr. improvise a musical accompaniment (to). b tr. improvise (a musical accompaniment). 4 tr. put a new vamp to (a boot or shoe). [ME f. OF avantpi‚ f. avant before (see AVAUNT) + pied foot] vamp(2) n. & v. colloq. --n. 1 an unscrupulous flirt. 2 a woman who uses sexual attraction to exploit men. --v. 1 tr. allure or exploit (a man). 2 intr. act as a vamp. [abbr. of VAMPIRE] vampire n. 1 a ghost or reanimated corpse supposed to leave its grave at night to suck the blood of persons sleeping. 2 a person who preys ruthlessly on others. 3 (in full vampire bat) any tropical (esp. South American) bat of the family Desmodontidae, with incisors for piercing flesh and feeding on blood. 4 Theatr. a small spring trapdoor used for sudden disappearances. ЬЬvampiric adj. [F vampire or G Vampir f. Magyar vampir perh. f. Turk. uber witch] vampirism n. 1 belief in the existence of vampires. 2 the practices of a vampire. vamplate n. hist. an iron plate on a lance protecting the hand when the lance was couched. [ME f. AF vauntplate (as VAMBRACE, PLATE)] van(1) n. 1 a covered vehicle for conveying goods etc. 2 Brit. a railway carriage for luggage or for the use of the guard. 3 Brit. a gypsy caravan. [abbr. of CARAVAN] van(2) n. 1 a vanguard. 2 the forefront (in the van of progress). [abbr. of VANGUARD] van(3) n. 1 the testing of ore quality by washing on a shovel or by machine. 2 archaic a winnowing fan. 3 archaic or poet. a wing. [ME, southern & western var. of FAN(1), perh. partly f. OF van or L vannus] van(4) n. Brit. Tennis colloq. = ADVANTAGE. [abbr.] vanadium n. Chem. a hard grey metallic transition element occurring naturally in several ores and used in small quantities for strengthening some steels. °Symb.: V. ЬЬvanadate n. vanadic adj. vanadous adj. [mod.L f. ON VanadЎs name of the Scand. goddess Freyja + -IUM] Van Allen belt n. (also Van Allen layer) each of two regions of intense radiation partly surrounding the earth at heights of several thousand kilometres. [J. A. Van Allen, US physicist b. 1914] V. & A. abbr. Victoria & Albert Museum (in London). vandal n. & adj. --n. 1 a person who wilfully or maliciously destroys or damages property. 2 (Vandal) a member of a Germanic people that ravaged Gaul, Spain, N. Africa, and Rome in the 4th-5th c., destroying many books and works of art. --adj. of or relating to the Vandals. ЬЬVandalic adj. (in sense 2 of n.). [L Vandalus f. Gmc] vandalism n. wilful or malicious destruction or damage to works of art or other property. ЬЬvandalistic adj. vandalistically adv. vandalize v.tr. (also -ise) destroy or damage wilfully or maliciously. van de Graaff generator n. Electr. a machine devised to generate electrostatic charge by means of a vertical endless belt collecting charge from a voltage source and transferring it to a large insulated metal dome, where a high voltage is produced. [R. J. van de Graaff, US physicist d. 1967] van der Waals forces n.pl. Chem. short-range attractive forces between uncharged molecules arising from the interaction of dipole moments. [J. van der Waals, Dutch physicist d. 1923] vandyke n. & adj. --n. 1 each of a series of large points forming a border to lace or cloth etc. 2 a cape or collar etc. with these. --adj. (Vandyke) in the style of dress, esp. with pointed borders, common in portraits by Van Dyck. ЬVandyke beard a neat pointed beard. Vandyke brown a deep rich brown. [Sir A. Van Dyck, Anglicized Vandyke, Flem. painter d. 1641] vane n. 1 (in full weather-vane) a revolving pointer mounted on a church spire or other high place to show the direction of the wind (cf. WEATHERCOCK). 2 a blade of a screw propeller or a windmill etc. 3 the sight of surveying instruments, a quadrant, etc. 4 the flat part of a bird's feather formed by the barbs. ЬЬvaned adj. vaneless adj. [ME, southern & western var. of obs. fane f. OE fana banner f. Gmc] vanessa n. any butterfly of the genus Vanessa, including the red admiral and the painted lady. [mod.L] vang n. Naut. each of two guy-ropes running from the end of a gaff to the deck. [earlier fang = gripping-device: OE f. ON fang grasp f. Gmc] vanguard n. 1 the foremost part of an army or fleet advancing or ready to advance. 2 the leaders of a movement or of opinion etc. [earlier vandgard, (a)vantgard, f. OF avan(t)garde f. avant before (see AVAUNT) + garde GUARD] vanilla n. 1 a any tropical climbing orchid of the genus Vanilla, esp. V. planifolia, with fragrant flowers. b (in full vanilla-pod) the fruit of these. 2 a substance obtained from the vanilla-pod or synthesized and used to flavour ice-cream, chocolate, etc. [Sp. vainilla pod, dimin. of vaina sheath, pod, f. L VAGINA] vanillin n. the fragrant principle of vanilla. vanish v. 1 intr. a disappear suddenly. b disappear gradually; fade away. 2 intr. cease to exist. 3 intr. Math. become zero. 4 tr. cause to disappear. Ьvanishing cream an ointment that leaves no visible trace when rubbed into the skin. vanishing-point 1 the point at which receding parallel lines viewed in perspective appear to meet. 2 the state of complete disappearance of something. [ME f. OF e(s)vaniss- stem of e(s)vanir ult. f. L evanescere (as EX-(1), vanus empty)] Vanitory n. (pl. -ies) propr. = vanity unit. vanity n. (pl. -ies) 1 conceit and desire for admiration of one's personal attainments or attractions. 2 a futility or unsubstantiality (the vanity of human achievement). b an unreal thing. 3 ostentatious display. 4 US a dressing-table. Ьvanity bag (or case) a bag or case carried by a woman and containing a small mirror, make-up, etc. Vanity Fair the world (allegorized in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress) as a scene of vanity. vanity unit a unit consisting of a wash-basin set into a flat top with cupboards beneath. [ME f. OF vanit‚ f. L vanitas -tatis (as VAIN)] vanquish v.tr. literary conquer or overcome. ЬЬvanquishable adj. vanquisher n. [ME venkus, -quis, etc., f. OF vencus past part. and venquis past tenses of veintre f. L vincere: assim. to -ISH(2)] vantage n. 1 (also vantage point or ground) a place affording a good view or prospect. 2 Tennis = ADVANTAGE. 3 archaic an advantage or gain. [ME f. AF f. OF avantage ADVANTAGE] vapid adj. insipid; lacking interest; flat, dull (vapid moralizing). ЬЬvapidity n. vapidly adv. vapidness n. [L vapidus] vapor US var. of VAPOUR. vaporific adj. concerned with or causing vapour or vaporization. vaporimeter n. an instrument for measuring the amount of vapour. vaporize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise) convert or be converted into vapour. ЬЬvaporizable adj. (also vaporable). vaporization n. vaporizer n. a device that vaporizes substances, esp. for medicinal inhalation. vapour n. & v. (US vapor) --n. 1 moisture or another substance diffused or suspended in air, e.g. mist or smoke. 2 Physics a gaseous form of a normally liquid or solid substance (cf. GAS). 3 a medicinal agent for inhaling. 4 (in pl.) archaic a state of depression or melancholy thought to be caused by exhalations of vapour from the stomach. --v.intr. 1 rise as vapour. 2 make idle boasts or empty talk. Ьvapour density the density of a gas or vapour relative to hydrogen etc. vapour pressure the pressure of a vapour in contact with its liquid or solid form. vapour trail a trail of condensed water from an aircraft or rocket at high altitude, seen as a white streak against the sky. ЬЬvaporous adj. vaporously adv. vaporousness n. vapourer n. vapouring n. vapourish adj. vapoury adj. [ME f. OF vapour or L vapor steam, heat] var. abbr. 1 variant. 2 variety. varactor n. a semiconductor diode with a capacitance dependent on the applied voltage. [varying re actor] varec n. 1 seaweed. 2 = KELP. [F varec(h) f. ON: rel. to WRECK] variable adj. & n. --adj. 1 a that can be varied or adapted (a rod of variable length; the pressure is variable). b (of a gear) designed to give varying speeds. 2 apt to vary; not constant; unsteady (a variable mood; variable fortunes). 3 Math. (of a quantity) indeterminate; able to assume different numerical values. 4 (of wind or currents) tending to change direction. 5 Astron. (of a star) periodically varying in brightness. 6 Bot. & Zool. (of a species) including individuals or groups that depart from the type. 7 Biol. (of an organism or part of it) tending to change in structure or function. --n. 1 a variable thing or quantity. 2 Math. a variable quantity. 3 Naut. a a shifting wind. b (in pl.) the region between the NE and SE trade winds. ЬЬvariability n. variableness n. variably adv. [ME f. OF f. L variabilis (as VARY)] variance n. 1 difference of opinion; dispute, disagreement; lack of harmony (at variance among ourselves; a theory at variance with all known facts). 2 Law a discrepancy between statements or documents. 3 Statistics a quantity equal to the square of the standard deviation. [ME f. OF f. L variantia difference (as VARY)] variant adj. & n. --adj. 1 differing in form or details from the main one (a variant spelling). 2 having different forms (forty variant types of pigeon). 3 variable or changing. --n. a variant form, spelling, type, reading, etc. [ME f. OF (as VARY)] variate n. Statistics 1 a quantity having a numerical value for each member of a group. 2 a variable quantity, esp. one whose values occur according to a frequency distribution. [past part. of L variare (as VARY)] variation n. 1 the act or an instance of varying. 2 departure from a former or normal condition, action, or amount, or from a standard or type (prices are subject to variation). 3 the extent of this. 4 a thing that varies from a type. 5 Mus. a repetition (usu. one of several) of a theme in a changed or elaborated form. 6 Astron. a deviation of a heavenly body from its mean orbit or motion. 7 Math. a change in a function etc. due to small changes in the values of constants etc. 8 Ballet a solo dance. ЬЬvariational adj. [ME f. OF variation or L variatio (as VARY)] varicella n. Med. = CHICKENPOX. [mod.L, irreg. dimin. of VARIOLA] varices pl. of VARIX. varicocele n. a mass of varicose veins in the spermatic cord. [formed as VARIX + -CELE] varicoloured adj. (US varicolored) 1 variegated in colour. 2 of various or different colours. [L varius VARIOUS + COLOURED] varicose adj. (esp. of the veins of the legs) affected by a condition causing them to become dilated and swollen. ЬЬvaricosity n. [L varicosus f. VARIX] varied adj. showing variety; diverse. ЬЬvariedly adv. variegate v.tr. 1 mark with irregular patches of different colours. 2 diversify in appearance, esp. in colour. 3 (as variegated adj.) Bot. (of plants) having leaves containing two or more colours. ЬЬvariegation n. [L variegare variegat- f. varius various] varietal adj. 1 esp. Bot. & Zool. of, forming, or designating a variety. 2 (of wine) made from a single designated variety of grape. ЬЬvarietally adv. varietist n. a person whose habits etc. differ from what is normal. variety n. (pl. -ies) 1 diversity; absence of uniformity; many-sidedness; the condition of being various (not enough variety in our lives). 2 a quantity or collection of different things (for a variety of reasons). 3 a a class of things different in some common qualities from the rest of a larger class to which they belong. b a specimen or member of such a class. 4 (foll. by of) a different form of a thing, quality, etc. 5 Biol. a a subspecies. b a cultivar. c an individual or group usually fertile within the species to which it belongs but differing from the species type in some qualities capable of perpetuation. 6 a mixed sequence of dances, songs, comedy acts, etc. (usu. attrib.: a variety show). Ьvariety store US a shop selling many kinds of small items. [F vari‚t‚ or L varietas (as VARIOUS)] varifocal adj. & n. --adj. having a focal length that can be varied, esp. of a lens that allows an infinite number of focusing distances for near, intermediate, and far vision. --n. (in pl.) varifocal spectacles. variform adj. having various forms. [L varius + -FORM] variola n. Med. smallpox. ЬЬvariolar adj. varioloid adj. variolous adj. [med.L, = pustule, pock (as VARIOUS)] variole n. 1 a shallow pit like a smallpox mark. 2 a small spherical mass in variolite. [med.L variola: see VARIOLA] variolite n. a rock with embedded small spherical masses causing on its surface an appearance like smallpox pustules. ЬЬvariolitic adj. [as VARIOLE + -ITE(1)] variometer n. 1 a device for varying the inductance in an electric circuit. 2 a device for indicating an aircraft's rate of change of altitude. [as VARIOUS + -METER] variorum adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of an edition of a text) having notes by various editors or commentators. 2 (of an edition of an author's works) including variant readings. --n. a variorum edition. [L f. editio cum notis variorum edition with notes by various (commentators): genit. pl. of varius VARIOUS] various adj. 1 different, diverse (too various to form a group). 2 more than one, several (for various reasons). ЬЬvariously adv. variousness n. [L varius changing, diverse] varistor n. a semiconductor diode with resistance dependent on the applied voltage. [varying res istor] varix n. (pl. varices) 1 Med. a a permanent abnormal dilation of a vein or artery. b a vein etc. dilated in this way. 2 each of the ridges across the whorls of a univalve shell. [ME f. L varix -icis] varlet n. archaic or joc. 1 a menial or rascal. 2 hist. a knight's attendant. ЬЬvarletry n. [ME f. OF, var. of vaslet: see VALET] varmint n. US or dial. a mischievous or discreditable person or animal, esp. a fox. [var. of varmin, VERMIN] varna n. each of the four Hindu castes. [Skr., = colour, class] varnish n. & v. --n. 1 a resinous solution used to give a hard shiny transparent coating to wood, metal, paintings, etc. 2 any other preparation for a similar purpose (nail varnish). 3 external appearance or display without an underlying reality. 4 artificial or natural glossiness. 5 a superficial polish of manner. --v.tr. 1 apply varnish to. 2 gloss over (a fact). ЬЬvarnisher n. [ME f. OF vernis f. med.L veronix fragrant resin, sandarac or med.Gk berenike prob. f. Berenice in Cyrenaica] varsity n. (pl. -ies) 1 Brit. colloq. (esp. with ref. to sports) university. 2 US a university etc. first team in a sport. [abbr.] varus n. a deformity involving the inward displacement of the foot or hand from the midline. [L, = bent, crooked] varve n. annually deposited layers of clay and silt in a lake used to determine the chronology of glacial sediments. ЬЬvarved adj. [Sw. varv layer] vary v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. make different; modify, diversify (seldom varies the routine; the style is not sufficiently varied). 2 intr. a undergo change; become or be different (the temperature varies from 30ш to 70ш). b be of different kinds (his mood varies). 3 intr. (foll. by as) be in proportion to. ЬЬvaryingly adv. [ME f. OF varier or L variare (as VARIOUS)] vas n. (pl. vasa) Anat. a vessel or duct. Ьvas deferens (pl. vasa deferentia) Anat. the spermatic duct from the testicle to the urethra. ЬЬvasal adj. [L, = vessel] vascular adj. of, made up of, or containing vessels for conveying blood or sap etc. (vascular functions; vascular tissue). Ьvascular plant a plant with conducting tissue. ЬЬvascularity n. vascularize v.tr. (also -ise). vascularly adv. [mod.L vascularis f. L VASCULUM] vasculum n. (pl. vascula) a botanist's (usu. metal) collecting-case with a lengthwise opening. [L, dimin. of VAS] vase n. a vessel, usu. tall and circular, used as an ornament or container, esp. for flowers. ЬЬvaseful n. (pl. -fuls). [F f. L VAS] vasectomy n. (pl. -ies) the surgical removal of part of each vas deferens esp. as a means of sterilization. ЬЬvasectomize v.tr. (also -ise). Vaseline n. & v. --n. propr. a type of petroleum jelly used as an ointment, lubricant, etc. --v.tr. (vaseline) treat with Vaseline. [irreg. f. G Wasser + Gk elaion oil] vasiform adj. 1 duct-shaped. 2 vase-shaped. [L vasi- f. VAS + -FORM] vaso- comb. form a vessel, esp. a blood-vessel (vasoconstrictive). [L vas: see VAS] vasoactive adj. = VASOMOTOR. vasoconstrictive adj. causing constriction of blood-vessels. vasodilating adj. causing dilatation of blood-vessels. ЬЬvasodilation n. vasomotor adj. causing constriction or dilatation of blood-vessels. vasopressin n. a pituitary hormone acting to reduce diuresis and increase blood pressure. Also called ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE. vassal n. 1 hist. a holder of land by feudal tenure on conditions of homage and allegiance. 2 rhet. a humble dependant. ЬЬvassalage n. [ME f. OF f. med.L vassallus retainer, of Celt. orig.: the root vassus corresp. to OBret. uuas, Welsh gwas, Ir. foss: cf. VAVASOUR] vast adj. & n. --adj. 1 immense, huge; very great (a vast expanse of water; a vast crowd). 2 colloq. great, considerable (makes a vast difference). --n. poet. or rhet. a vast space (the vast of heaven). ЬЬvastly adv. vastness n. [L vastus void, immense] VAT abbr. (in the UK) value added tax. vat n. & v. --n. 1 a large tank or other vessel, esp. for holding liquids or something in liquid in the process of brewing, tanning, dyeing, etc. 2 a dyeing liquor in which a textile is soaked to take up a colourless soluble dye afterwards coloured by oxidation in air. --v.tr. (vatted, vatting) place or treat in a vat. ЬЬvatful n. (pl. -fuls). [ME, southern & western var. of fat, OE f‘t f. Gmc] vatic adj. formal prophetic or inspired. [L vates prophet] Vatican n. 1 the palace and official residence of the Pope in Rome. 2 papal government. ЬVatican City an independent Papal State in Rome, instituted in 1929. Vatican Council an ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church, esp. that held in 1869-70 or that held in 1962-5. ЬЬVaticanism n. Vaticanist n. [F Vatican or L Vaticanus name of a hill in Rome] vaticinate v.tr. & intr. formal prophesy. ЬЬvaticinal adj. vaticination n. vaticinator n. [L vaticinari f. vates prophet] VATman n. (pl. -men) colloq. a customs and excise officer who administers VAT. vaudeville n. 1 esp. US variety entertainment. 2 a stage play on a trivial theme with interspersed songs. 3 a satirical or topical song with a refrain. ЬЬvaudevillian adj. & n. [F, orig. of convivial song esp. any of those composed by O. Basselin, 15th-c. poet born at Vau de Vire in Normandy] Vaudois(1) n. & adj. --n. (pl. same) 1 a native of Vaud in W. Switzerland. 2 the French dialect spoken in Vaud. --adj. of or relating to Vaud or its dialect. [F] Vaudois(2) n. & adj. --n. (pl. same) a member of the Waldenses. --adj. of or relating to the Waldenses. [F, repr. med.L Valdensis: see WALDENSES] vault n. & v. --n. 1 a an arched roof. b a continuous arch. c a set or series of arches whose joints radiate from a central point or line. 2 a vaultlike covering (the vault of heaven). 3 an underground chamber: a as a place of storage (bank vaults). b as a place of interment beneath a church or in a cemetery etc. (family vault). 4 an act of vaulting. 5 Anat. the arched roof of a cavity. --v. 1 intr. leap or spring, esp. while resting on one or both hands or with the help of a pole. 2 tr. spring over (a gate etc.) in this way. 3 tr. (esp. as vaulted) a make in the form of a vault. b provide with a vault or vaults. ЬЬvaulter n. [OF voute, vaute, ult. f. L volvere roll] vaulting n. 1 arched work in a vaulted roof or ceiling. 2 a gymnastic or athletic exercise in which participants vault over obstacles. Ьvaulting-horse a wooden block to be vaulted over by gymnasts. vaunt v. & n. literary --v. 1 intr. boast, brag. 2 tr. boast of; extol boastfully. --n. a boast. ЬЬvaunter n. vauntingly adv. [ME f. AF vaunter, OF vanter f. LL vantare f. L vanus VAIN: partly obs. avaunt (v.) f. avanter f. a- intensive + vanter] vavasory n. (pl. -ies) hist. the estate of a vavasour. [OF vavasorie or med.L vavasoria (as VAVASOUR)] vavasour n. hist. a vassal owing allegiance to a great lord and having other vassals under him. [ME f. OF vavas(s)our f. med.L vavassor, perh. f. vassus vassorum VASSAL of vassals] 3.0 VC... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VC abbr. 1 Victoria Cross. 2 Vice-Chairman. 3 Vice-Chancellor. 4 Vice-Consul. VCR abbr. video cassette recorder. 4.0 VD... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VD abbr. venereal disease. VDU abbr. visual display unit. 5.0 VE... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VE abbr. Victory in Europe (in 1945). ЬVE day 8 May, the day marking this. 've abbr. (chiefly after pronouns) = HAVE (I've; they've). veal n. calf's flesh as food. ЬЬvealy adj. [ME f. AF ve(e)l, OF veiaus veel f. L vitellus dimin. of vitulus calf] vector n. & v. --n. 1 Math. & Physics a quantity having direction as well as magnitude, esp. as determining the position of one point in space relative to another (radius vector). 2 a carrier of disease. 3 a course to be taken by an aircraft. --v.tr. direct (an aircraft in flight) to a desired point. ЬЬvectorial adj. vectorize v.tr. (also -ise) (in sense 1 of n.). vectorization n. [L, = carrier, f. vehere vect- convey] Veda n. (in sing. or pl.) the most ancient Hindu scriptures, esp. four collections called Rig-Veda, Sama-Veda, Yajur-Veda, and Atharva-Veda. [Skr. veda, lit. (sacred) knowledge] Vedanta n. 1 the Upanishads. 2 the Hindu philosophy based on these, esp. in its monistic form. ЬЬVedantic adj. Vedantist n. [Skr. vedanta (as VEDA, anta end)] Vedda n. a Sri Lankan aboriginal. [Sinh. vedda hunter] vedette n. a mounted sentry positioned beyond an army's outposts to observe the movements of the enemy. [F, = scout, f. It. vedetta, veletta f. Sp. vela(r) watch f. L vigilare] Vedic adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to the Veda or Vedas. --n. the language of the Vedas, an older form of Sanskrit. [F V‚dique or G Vedisch (as VEDA)] vee n. 1 the letter V. 2 a thing shaped like a V. [name of the letter] veer(1) v. & n. --v.intr. 1 change direction, esp. (of the wind) clockwise (cf. BACK v. 5). 2 change in course, opinion, conduct, emotions, etc. 3 Naut. = WEAR(2). --n. a change of course or direction. [F virer f. Rmc, perh. alt. f. L gyrare GYRATE] veer(2) v.tr. Naut. slacken or let out (a rope, cable, etc.). [ME f. MDu. vieren] veg n. colloq. a vegetable or vegetables. [abbr.] Vega n. Astron. a brilliant blue star in the constellation of the Lyre. [Sp. or med.L Vega f. Arab., = the falling vulture] vegan n. & adj. --n. a person who does not eat or use animal products. --adj. using or containing no animal products. [contr. of VEGETARIAN] vegetable n. & adj. --n. 1 Bot. any of various plants, esp. a herbaceous plant used wholly or partly for food, e.g. a cabbage, potato, turnip, or bean. 2 colloq. a a person who is incapable of normal intellectual activity, esp. through brain injury etc. b a person lacking in animation or living a monotonous life. --adj. 1 of, derived from, relating to, or comprising plants or plant life, esp. as distinct from animal life or mineral substances. 2 of or relating to vegetables as food. 3 a unresponsive to stimulus (vegetable behaviour). b uneventful, monotonous (a vegetable existence). Ьvegetable butter a vegetable fat with the consistency of butter. vegetable ivory see IVORY. vegetable marrow see MARROW 1. vegetable oyster = SALSIFY. vegetable parchment see PARCHMENT 2. vegetable spaghetti 1 a variety of marrow with flesh resembling spaghetti. 2 its flesh. vegetable sponge = LOOFAH. vegetable tallow see TALLOW. vegetable wax an exudation of certain plants such as sumac. [ME f. OF vegetable or LL vegetabilis animating (as VEGETATE)] vegetal adj. 1 of or having the nature of plants (vegetal growth). 2 vegetative. [med.L vegetalis f. L vegetare animate] vegetarian n. & adj. --n. a person who abstains from animal food, esp. that from slaughtered animals, though often not eggs and dairy products. --adj. excluding animal food, esp. meat (a vegetarian diet). ЬЬvegetarianism n. [irreg. f. VEGETABLE + -ARIAN] vegetate v.intr. 1 live an uneventful or monotonous life. 2 grow as plants do; fulfil vegetal functions. [L vegetare animate f. vegetus f. vegere be active] vegetation n. 1 plants collectively; plant life (luxuriant vegetation; no sign of vegetation). 2 the process of vegetating. ЬЬvegetational adj. [med.L vegetatio growth (as VEGETATE)] vegetative adj. 1 concerned with growth and development as distinct from sexual reproduction. 2 of or relating to vegetation or plant life. ЬЬvegetatively adv. vegetativeness n. [ME f. OF vegetatif -ive or med.L vegetativus (as VEGETATE)] vegie n. (also veggie) colloq. a vegetarian. [abbr.] vehement adj. showing or caused by strong feeling; forceful, ardent (a vehement protest; vehement desire). ЬЬvehemence n. vehemently adv. [ME f. F v‚h‚ment or L vehemens -entis, perh. f. vemens (unrecorded) deprived of mind, assoc. with vehere carry] vehicle n. 1 any conveyance for transporting people, goods, etc., esp. on land. 2 a medium for thought, feeling, or action (the stage is the best vehicle for their talents). 3 a liquid etc. as a medium for suspending pigments, drugs, etc. 4 the literal meaning of a word or words used metaphorically (opp. TENOR 6). ЬЬvehicular adj. [F v‚hicule or L vehiculum f. vehere carry] veil n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of usu. more or less transparent fabric attached to a woman's hat etc., esp. to conceal the face or protect against the sun, dust, etc. 2 a piece of linen etc. as part of a nun's head-dress, resting on the head and shoulders. 3 a curtain, esp. that separating the sanctuary in the Jewish Temple. 4 a disguise; a pretext; a thing that conceals (under the veil of friendship; a veil of mist). 5 Photog. slight fogging. 6 huskiness of the voice. 7 = VELUM. --v.tr. 1 cover with a veil. 2 (esp. as veiled adj.) partly conceal (veiled threats). Ьbeyond the veil in the unknown state of life after death. draw a veil over avoid discussing or calling attention to. take the veil become a nun. ЬЬveilless adj. [ME f. AF veil(e), OF voil(e) f. L vela pl. of VELUM] veiling n. light fabric used for veils etc. vein n. & v. --n. 1 a any of the tubes by which blood is conveyed to the heart (cf. ARTERY). b (in general use) any blood-vessel (has royal blood in his veins). 2 a nervure of an insect's wing. 3 a slender bundle of tissue forming a rib in the framework of a leaf. 4 a streak or stripe of a different colour in wood, marble, cheese, etc. 5 a fissure in rock filled with ore or other deposited material. 6 a source of a particular characteristic (a rich vein of humour). 7 a distinctive character or tendency; a cast of mind or disposition; a mood (spoke in a sarcastic vein). --v.tr. fill or cover with or as with veins. ЬЬveinless n. veinlet n. veinlike adj. veiny adj. (veinier, veiniest). [ME f. OF veine f. L vena] veining n. a pattern of streaks or veins. veinstone n. = GANGUE. vela pl. of VELUM. velamen n. (pl. velamina) an enveloping membrane esp. of an aerial root of an orchid. [L f. velare cover] velar adj. 1 of a veil or velum. 2 Phonet. (of a sound) pronounced with the back of the tongue near the soft palate. [L velaris f. velum: see VELUM] Velcro n. propr. a fastener for clothes etc. consisting of two strips of nylon fabric, one looped and one burred, which adhere when pressed together. ЬЬVelcroed adj. [F velours croch‚ hooked velvet] veld n. (also veldt) S.Afr. open country; grassland. [Afrik. f. Du., = FIELD] veldskoen n. a strong suede or leather shoe or boot. [Afrik., = field-shoe] veleta n. (also valeta) a ballroom dance in triple time. [Sp., = weather-vane] velitation n. archaic a slight skirmish or controversy. [L velitatio f. velitari skirmish f. veles velitis light-armed skirmisher] velleity n. literary 1 a low degree of volition not conducive to action. 2 a slight wish or inclination. [med.L velleitas f. L velle to wish] vellum n. 1 a fine parchment orig. from the skin of a calf. b a manuscript written on this. 2 smooth writing-paper imitating vellum. [ME f. OF velin (as VEAL)] velocimeter n. an instrument for measuring velocity. velocipede n. 1 hist. an early form of bicycle propelled by pressure from the rider's feet on the ground. 2 US a child's tricycle. ЬЬvelocipedist n. [F v‚locipЉde f. L velox -ocis swift + pes pedis foot] velocity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the measure of the rate of movement of a usu. inanimate object in a given direction. 2 speed in a given direction. 3 (in general use) speed. Ьvelocity of escape = escape velocity. [F v‚locit‚ or L velocitas f. velox -ocis swift] velodrome n. a special place or building with a track for cycle-racing. [F v‚lodrome f. v‚lo bicycle (as VELOCITY, -DROME)] velour n. (also velours) 1 a plushlike woven fabric or felt. 2 archaic a hat of this felt . [F velours velvet f. OF velour, velous f. L villosus hairy f. villus: see VELVET] velout‚ n. a sauce made from a roux of butter and flour with white stock. [F, = velvety] velum n. (pl. vela) a membrane, membranous covering, or flap. [L, = sail, curtain, covering, veil] velutinous adj. covered with soft fine hairs. [perh. f. It. vellutino f. velluto VELVET] velvet n. & adj. --n. 1 a closely woven fabric of silk, cotton, etc., with a thick short pile on one side. 2 the furry skin on a deer's growing antler. 3 anything smooth and soft like velvet. --adj. of, like, or soft as velvet. Ьon velvet in an advantageous or prosperous position. velvet glove outward gentleness, esp. cloaking firmness or strength (cf. iron hand). ЬЬvelveted adj. velvety adj. [ME f. OF veluotte f. velu velvety f. med.L villutus f. L villus tuft, down] velveteen n. 1 a cotton fabric with a pile like velvet. 2 (in pl.) trousers etc. made of this. Ven. abbr. Venerable (as the title of an archdeacon). vena cava n. (pl. venae cavae) each of usu. two veins carrying blood into the heart. [L, = hollow vein] venal adj. 1 (of a person) able to be bribed or corrupted. 2 (of conduct etc.) characteristic of a venal person. ЬЬvenality n. venally adv. [L venalis f. venum thing for sale] venation n. the arrangement of veins in a leaf or an insect's wing etc., or the system of venous blood vessels in an organism. ЬЬvenational adj. [L vena vein] vend v.tr. 1 offer (small wares) for sale. 2 Law sell. Ьvending-machine a machine that dispenses small articles for sale when a coin or token is inserted. ЬЬvender n. (usu. in comb.). vendible adj. [F vendre or L vendere sell (as VENAL, dare give)] vendace n. a small delicate fish, Coregonus albula, found in some British lakes. [OF vendese, - oise f. Gaulish] vendee n. Law the buying party in a sale, esp. of property. vendetta n. 1 a a blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer's family. b this practice as prevalent in Corsica and Sicily. 2 a prolonged bitter quarrel. [It. f. L vindicta: see VINDICTIVE] vendeuse n. a saleswoman, esp. in a fashionable dress-shop. [F] vendor n. 1 Law the seller in a sale, esp. of property. 2 = vending-machine (see VEND). [AF vendour (as VEND)] vendue n. US a public auction. [Du. vendu(e) f. F vendue sale f. vendre VEND] veneer n. & v. --n. 1 a a thin covering of fine wood or other surface material applied to a coarser wood. b a layer in plywood. 2 (often foll. by of) a deceptive outward appearance of a good quality etc. --v.tr. 1 apply a veneer to (wood, furniture, etc.). 2 disguise (an unattractive character etc.) with a more attractive manner etc. [earlier fineer f. G furni(e)ren f. OF fournir FURNISH] veneering n. material used as veneer. venepuncture n. (also venipuncture) Med. the puncture of a vein esp. with a hypodermic needle to withdraw blood or for an intravenous injection. [L vena vein + PUNCTURE] venerable adj. 1 entitled to veneration on account of character, age, associations, etc. (a venerable priest; venerable relics). 2 as the title of an archdeacon in the Church of England. 3 RC Ch. as the title of a deceased person who has attained a certain degree of sanctity but has not been fully beatified or canonized. ЬЬvenerability n. venerableness n. venerably adv. [ME f. OF venerable or L venerabilis (as VENERATE)] venerate v.tr. 1 regard with deep respect. 2 revere on account of sanctity etc. ЬЬveneration n. venerator n. [L venerari adore, revere] venereal adj. 1 of or relating to sexual desire or intercourse. 2 relating to venereal disease. Ьvenereal disease any of various diseases contracted chiefly by sexual intercourse with a person already infected. ЬЬvenereally adv. [ME f. L venereus f. venus veneris sexual love] venereology n. the scientific study of venereal diseases. ЬЬvenereological adj. venereologist n. venery(1) n. archaic sexual indulgence. [med.L veneria (as VENEREAL)] venery(2) n. archaic hunting. [ME f. OF venerie f. vener to hunt ult. f. L venari] venesection n. (also venisection) phlebotomy. [med.L venae sectio cutting of a vein (as VEIN, SECTION)] Venetian n. & adj. --n. 1 a native or citizen of Venice in NE Italy. 2 the Italian dialect of Venice. 3 (venetian) = venetian blind. --adj. of Venice. Ьvenetian blind a window-blind of adjustable horizontal slats to control the light. Venetian glass delicate glassware made at Murano near Venice. Venetian red a reddish pigment of ferric oxides. Venetian window a window with three separate openings, the central one being arched and highest. ЬЬvenetianed adj. (in sense 3 of n.). [ME f. OF Venicien, assim. to med.L Venetianus f. Venetia Venice] vengeance n. punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for wrong to oneself or to a person etc. whose cause one supports. Ьwith a vengeance in a higher degree than was expected or desired; in the fullest sense (punctuality with a vengeance). [ME f. OF f. venger avenge f. L (as VINDICATE)] vengeful adj. vindictive; seeking vengeance. ЬЬvengefully adv. vengefulness n. [obs. venge avenge (as VENGEANCE)] venial adj. (of a sin or fault) pardonable, excusable; not mortal. ЬЬveniality n. venially adv. venialness n. [ME f. OF f. LL venialis f. venia forgiveness] venipuncture var. of VENEPUNCTURE. venisection var. of VENESECTION. venison n. a deer's flesh as food. [ME f. OF veneso(u)n f. L venatio -onis hunting f. venari to hunt] Venite n. 1 a canticle consisting of Psalm 95. 2 a musical setting of this. [ME f. L, = 'come ye', its first word] Venn diagram n. a diagram of usu. circular areas representing mathematical sets, the areas intersecting where they have elements in common. [J. Venn, Engl. logician d. 1923] venom n. 1 a poisonous fluid secreted by snakes, scorpions, etc., usu. transmitted by a bite or sting. 2 malignity; virulence of feeling, language, or conduct. ЬЬvenomed adj. [ME f. OF venim, var. of venin ult. f. L venenum poison] venomous adj. 1 a containing, secreting, or injecting venom. b (of a snake etc.) inflicting poisonous wounds by this means. 2 (of a person etc.) virulent, spiteful, malignant. ЬЬvenomously adv. venomousness n. [ME f. OF venimeux f. venim: see VENOM] venose adj. having many or very marked veins. [L venosus f. vena vein] venous adj. of, full of, or contained in veins. ЬЬvenosity n. venously adv. [L venosus VENOSE or L vena vein + -OUS] vent(1) n. & v. --n. 1 (also vent-hole) a hole or opening allowing motion of air etc. out of or into a confined space. 2 an outlet; free passage or play (gave vent to their indignation). 3 the anus esp. of a lower animal, serving for both excretion and reproduction. 4 the venting of an otter, beaver, etc. 5 an aperture or outlet through which volcanic products are discharged at the earth's surface. 6 a touch-hole of a gun. 7 a finger-hole in a musical instrument. 8 a flue of a chimney. --v. 1 tr. a make a vent in (a cask etc.). b provide (a machine) with a vent. 2 tr. give vent or free expression to (vented my anger on the cat). 3 intr. (of an otter or beaver) come to the surface for breath. Ьvent one's spleen on scold or ill-treat without cause. ЬЬventless adj. [partly F vent f. L ventus wind, partly F ‚vent f. ‚venter expose to air f. OF esventer ult. f. L ventus wind] vent(2) n. a slit in a garment, esp. in the lower edge of the back of a coat. [ME, var. of fent f. OF fente slip ult. f. L findere cleave] ventiduct n. Archit. an air-passage, esp. for ventilation. [L ventus wind + ductus DUCT] ventifact n. a stone shaped by wind-blown sand. [L ventus wind + factum neut. past part. of facere make] ventil n. Mus. 1 a valve in a wind instrument. 2 a shutter for regulating the air-flow in an organ. [G f. It. ventile f. med.L ventile sluice f. L ventus wind] ventilate v.tr. 1 cause air to circulate freely in (a room etc.). 2 submit (a question, grievance, etc.) to public consideration and discussion. 3 Med. a oxygenate (the blood). b admit or force air into (the lungs). ЬЬventilation n. ventilative adj. [L ventilare ventilat- blow, winnow, f. ventus wind] ventilator n. 1 an appliance or aperture for ventilating a room etc. 2 Med. = RESPIRATOR 2. ventral adj. 1 Anat. & Zool. of or on the abdomen (cf. DORSAL). 2 Bot. of the front or lower surface. Ьventral fin either of the ventrally placed fins on a fish. ЬЬventrally adv. [obs. venter abdomen f. L venter ventr-] ventre … terre adv. at full speed. [F, lit. with belly to the ground] ventricle n. Anat. 1 a cavity in the body. 2 a hollow part of an organ, esp. in the brain or heart. ЬЬventricular adj. [ME f. L ventriculus dimin. of venter belly] ventricose adj. 1 having a protruding belly. 2 Bot. distended, inflated. [irreg. f. VENTRICLE + -OSE(1)] ventriloquism n. the skill of speaking or uttering sounds so that they seem to come from the speaker's dummy or a source other than the speaker. ЬЬventriloquial adj. ventriloquist n. ventriloquize v.intr. (also -ise). [ult. f. L ventriloquus ventriloquist f. venter belly + loqui speak] ventriloquy n. = VENTRILOQUISM. venture n. & v. --n. 1 a an undertaking of a risk. b a risky undertaking. 2 a commercial speculation. --v. 1 intr. dare; not be afraid (did not venture to stop them). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by out etc.) dare to go (out), esp. outdoors. 3 tr. dare to put forward (an opinion, suggestion, etc.). 4 a tr. expose to risk; stake (a bet etc.). b intr. take risks. 5 intr. (foll. by on, upon) dare to engage in etc. (ventured on a longer journey). Ьat a venture at random; without previous consideration. venture capital = risk capital. Venture Scout Brit. a member of the Scout Association aged between 16 and 20. [aventure = ADVENTURE] venturer n. hist. a person who undertakes or shares in a trading venture. venturesome adj. 1 disposed to take risks. 2 risky. ЬЬventuresomely adv. venturesomeness n. venturi n. (pl. venturis) a short piece of narrow tube between wider sections for measuring flow-rate or exerting suction. [G. B. Venturi, It. physicist d. 1822] venue n. 1 a an appointed meeting-place esp. for a sports event, meeting, concert, etc. b a rendezvous. 2 Law hist. the county or other place within which a jury must be gathered and a cause tried (orig. the neighbourhood of the crime etc.). [F, = a coming, fem. past part. of venir come f. L venire] venule n. Anat. a small vein adjoining the capillaries. [L venula dimin. of vena vein] Venus n. (pl. Venuses) 1 the planet second from the sun in the solar system. 2 poet. a a beautiful woman. b sexual love; amorous influences or desires. ЬVenus (or Venus's) fly-trap a flesh-consuming plant, Dionaea muscipula, with leaves that close on insects etc. Venus's comb = shepherd's needle (see SHEPHERD). Venus's looking-glass any of various plants of the genus Legousia with small blue flowers. ЬЬVenusian adj. & n. [OE f. L Venus Veneris, the goddess of love] veracious adj. formal 1 speaking or disposed to speak the truth. 2 (of a statement etc.) true or meant to be true. ЬЬveraciously adv. veraciousness n. [L verax veracis f. verus true] veracity n. 1 truthfulness, honesty. 2 accuracy (of a statement etc.). [F veracit‚ or med.L veracitas (as VERACIOUS)] veranda n. (also verandah) 1 a portico or external gallery, usu. with a roof, along the side of a house. 2 Austral. & NZ a roof over a pavement in front of a shop. [Hindi varanda f. Port. varanda] veratrine n. a poisonous compound obtained from sabadilla etc., and used esp. as a local irritant in the treatment of neuralgia and rheumatism. [F v‚ratrine f. L veratrum hellebore] verb n. Gram. a word used to indicate an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence (e.g. hear, become, happen). [ME f. OF verbe or L verbum word, verb] verbal adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 of or concerned with words (made a verbal distinction). 2 oral, not written (gave a verbal statement). 3 Gram. of or in the nature of a verb (verbal inflections). 4 literal (a verbal translation). 5 talkative, articulate. --n. 1 Gram. a a verbal noun. b a word or words functioning as a verb. 2 sl. a verbal statement, esp. one made to the police. 3 sl. an insult; abuse (gave them the verbal). --v.tr. (verballed, verballing) Brit. sl. attribute a damaging statement to (a suspect). Ьverbal noun Gram. a noun formed as an inflection of a verb and partly sharing its constructions (e.g. smoking in smoking is forbidden: see -ING(1)). ЬЬverbally adv. [ME f. F verbal or LL verbalis (as VERB)] verbalism n. 1 minute attention to words: verbal criticism. 2 merely verbal expression. ЬЬverbalist n. verbalistic adj. verbalize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. express in words. 2 intr. be verbose. 3 tr. make (a noun etc.) into a verb. ЬЬverbalizable adj. verbalization n. verbalizer n. verbatim adv. & adj. in exactly the same words; word for word (copied it verbatim; a verbatim report). [ME f. med.L (adv.), f. L verbum word: cf. LITERATIM] verbena n. any plant of the genus Verbena, bearing clusters of fragrant flowers. [L, = sacred bough of olive etc., in med.L vervain] verbiage n. needless accumulation of words; verbosity. [F f. obs. verbeier chatter f. verbe word: see VERB] verbose adj. using or expressed in more words than are needed. ЬЬverbosely adv. verboseness n. verbosity n. [L verbosus f. verbum word] verboten adj. forbidden, esp. by an authority. [G] verb. sap. int. expressing the absence of the need for a further explicit statement. [abbr. of L verbum sapienti sat est a word is enough for the wise person] verdant adj. 1 (of grass etc.) green, fresh-coloured. 2 (of a field etc.) covered with green grass etc. 3 (of a person) unsophisticated, raw, green. ЬЬverdancy n. verdantly adv. [perh. f. OF verdeant part. of verdoier be green ult. f. L viridis green] verd-antique n. 1 ornamental usu. green serpentine. 2 a green incrustation on ancient bronze. 3 green porphyry. [obs. F, = antique green] verderer n. Brit. a judicial officer of royal forests. [AF (earlier verder), OF verdier ult. f. L viridis green] verdict n. 1 a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal cause or an inquest. 2 a decision; a judgement. [ME f. AF verdit, OF voirdit f. voir, veir true f. L verus + dit f. L DICTUM saying] verdigris n. 1 a a green crystallized substance formed on copper by the action of acetic acid. b this used as a medicine or pigment. 2 green rust on copper or brass. [ME f. OF verte-gres, vert de Grece green of Greece] verdure n. 1 green vegetation. 2 the greenness of this. 3 poet. freshness. ЬЬverdured adj. verdurous adj. [ME f. OF f. verd green f. L viridis] verge(1) n. 1 an edge or border. 2 an extreme limit beyond which something happens (on the verge of tears). 3 Brit. a grass edging of a road, flower-bed, etc. 4 Archit. an edge of tiles projecting over a gable. 5 a wand or rod carried before a bishop, dean, etc., as an emblem of office. [ME f. OF f. L virga rod] verge(2) v.intr. 1 incline downwards or in a specified direction (the now verging sun; verge to a close). 2 (foll. by on) border on; approach closely (verging on the ridiculous). [L vergere bend, incline] verger n. (also virger) 1 an official in a church who acts as caretaker and attendant. 2 an officer who bears the staff before a bishop etc. ЬЬvergership n. [ME f. AF (as VERGE(1))] verglas n. a thin coating of ice or frozen rain. [F] veridical adj. 1 formal truthful. 2 Psychol. (of visions etc.) coinciding with reality. ЬЬveridicality n. veridically adv. [L veridicus f. verus true + dicere say] veriest adj. (superl. of VERY). archaic real, extreme (the veriest fool knows that). verification n. 1 the process or an instance of establishing the truth or validity of something. 2 Philos. the establishment of the validity of a proposition empirically. 3 the process of verifying procedures laid down in weapons agreements. verify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 establish the truth or correctness of by examination or demonstration (must verify the statement; verified my figures). 2 (of an event etc.) bear out or fulfil (a prediction or promise). 3 Law append an affidavit to (pleadings); support (a statement) by testimony or proofs. ЬЬverifiable adj. verifiably adv. verifier n. [ME f. OF verifier f. med.L verificare f. verus true] verily adv. archaic really, truly. [ME f. VERY + -LY(2), after OF & AF] verisimilitude n. 1 the appearance or semblance of being true or real. 2 a statement etc. that seems true. ЬЬverisimilar adj. [L verisimilitudo f. verisimilis probable f. veri genit. of verus true + similis like] verism n. realism in literature or art. ЬЬverist n. veristic adj. [L verus or It. vero true + -ISM] verismo n. (esp. of opera) realism. [It. (as VERISM)] veritable adj. real; rightly so called (a veritable feast). ЬЬveritably adv. [OF (as VERITY)] verity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a true statement, esp. one of fundamental import. 2 truth. 3 a really existent thing. [ME f. OF verit‚, vert‚ f. L veritas -tatis f. verus true] verjuice n. 1 an acid liquor obtained from crab-apples, sour grapes, etc., and formerly used in cooking and medicine. 2 bitter feelings, thoughts, etc. [ME f. OF vertjus f. VERT green + jus JUICE] verkrampte adj. & n. S.Afr. --adj. politically or socially conservative or reactionary, esp. as regards apartheid. --n. a person holding such views. [Afrik., lit. narrow, cramped] verligte adj. & n. S.Afr. --adj. progressive or enlightened, esp. as regards apartheid. --n. a person holding such views. [Afrik., = enlightened] vermeil n. 1 silver gilt. 2 an orange-red garnet. 3 poet. vermilion. [ME f. OF: see VERMILION] vermi- comb. form worm. [L vermis worm] vermian adj. of worms; wormlike. [L vermis worm] vermicelli n. 1 pasta made in long slender threads. 2 shreds of chocolate used as cake decoration etc. [It., pl. of vermicello dimin. of verme f. L vermis worm] vermicide n. a substance that kills worms. vermicular adj. 1 like a worm in form or movement; vermiform. 2 Med. of or caused by intestinal worms. 3 marked with close wavy lines. [med.L vermicularis f. L vermiculus dimin. of vermis worm] vermiculate adj. 1 = VERMICULAR. 2 wormeaten. [L vermiculatus past part. of vermiculari be full of worms (as VERMICULAR)] vermiculation n. 1 the state or process of being eaten or infested by or converted into worms. 2 a vermicular marking. 3 a wormeaten state. [L vermiculatio (as VERMICULATE)] vermiculite n. a hydrous silicate mineral usu. resulting from alteration of mica, and expandable into sponge by heating, used as an insulation material. [as VERMICULATE + -ITE(1)] vermiform adj. worm-shaped. Ьvermiform appendix see APPENDIX 1. vermifuge adj. & n. --adj. that expels intestinal worms. --n. a drug that does this. vermilion n. & adj. --n. 1 cinnabar. 2 a a brilliant red pigment made by grinding this or artificially. b the colour of this. --adj. of this colour. [ME f. OF vermeillon f. vermeil f. L vermiculus dimin. of vermis worm] vermin n. (usu. treated as pl.) 1 mammals and birds injurious to game, crops, etc., e.g. foxes, rodents, and noxious insects. 2 parasitic worms or insects. 3 vile persons. ЬЬverminous adj. [ME f. OF vermin, -ine ult. f. L vermis worm] verminate v.intr. 1 breed vermin. 2 become infested with parasites. ЬЬvermination n. [L verminare verminat- f. vermis worm] vermivorous adj. feeding on worms. vermouth n. a wine flavoured with aromatic herbs. [F vermout f. G Wermut WORMWOOD] vernacular n. & adj. --n. 1 the language or dialect of a particular country (Latin gave place to the vernacular). 2 the language of a particular clan or group. 3 homely speech. --adj. 1 (of language) of one's native country; not of foreign origin or of learned formation. 2 (of architecture) concerned with ordinary rather than monumental buildings. ЬЬvernacularism n. vernacularity n. vernacularize v.tr. (also -ise). vernacularly adv. [L vernaculus domestic, native f. verna home-born slave] vernal adj. of, in, or appropriate to spring (vernal equinox; vernal breezes). Ьvernal grass a sweet-scented European grass, Anthoxanthum odoratum, grown for hay. ЬЬvernally adv. [L vernalis f. vernus f. ver spring] vernalization n. (also -isation) the cooling of seed before planting, in order to accelerate flowering. ЬЬvernalize v.tr. (also -ise). [(transl. of Russ. yarovizatsiya) f. VERNAL] vernation n. Bot. the arrangement of leaves in a leaf-bud (cf. AESTIVATION). [mod.L vernatio f. L vernare bloom (as VERNAL)] vernicle n. = VERONICA 2. [ME f. OF (earlier ver(o)nique), f. med.L VERONICA] vernier n. a small movable graduated scale for obtaining fractional parts of subdivisions on a fixed main scale of a barometer, sextant, etc. Ьvernier engine an auxiliary engine for slight changes in the motion of a space rocket etc. [P. Vernier, Fr. mathematician d. 1637] veronal n. propr. a sedative drug, a derivative of barbituric acid. [G, f. Verona in Italy] veronica n. 1 any plant of the genus Veronica or Hebe, esp. speedwell. 2 a a cloth supposedly impressed with an image of Christ's face. b any similar picture of Christ's face. 3 Bullfighting the movement of a matador's cape away from a charging bull. [med.L f. the name Veronica: in sense 2 from the association with St Veronica] verruca n. (pl. verrucae or verrucas) a wart or similar growth. ЬЬverrucose adj. verrucous adj. [L] versant n. 1 the extent of land sloping in one direction. 2 the general slope of land. [F f. verser f. L versare frequent. of vertere vers- turn] versatile adj. 1 turning easily or readily from one subject or occupation to another; capable of dealing with many subjects (a versatile mind). 2 (of a device etc.) having many uses. 3 Bot. & Zool. moving freely about or up and down on a support (versatile antenna). 4 archaic changeable, inconstant. ЬЬversatilely adv. versatility n. [F versatile or L versatilis (as VERSANT)] verse n. & v. --n. 1 a metrical composition in general (wrote pages of verse). b a particular type of this (English verse). 2 a a metrical line in accordance with the rules of prosody. b a group of a definite number of such lines. c a stanza of a poem or song with or without refrain. 3 each of the short numbered divisions of a chapter in the Bible or other scripture. 4 a a versicle. b a passage (of an anthem etc.) for solo voice. --v.tr. 1 express in verse. 2 (usu. refl.; foll. by in) instruct; make knowledgeable. ЬЬverselet n. [OE fers f. L versus a turn of the plough, a furrow, a line of writing f. vertere vers- turn: in ME reinforced by OF vers f. L versus] versed(1) adj. (foll. by in) experienced or skilled in; knowledgeable about. [F vers‚ or L versatus past part. of versari be engaged in (as VERSANT)] versed(2) adj. Math. reversed. Ьversed sine unity minus cosine. [mod.L (sinus) versus turned (sine), formed as VERSE] verset n. Mus. a short prelude or interlude for organ. [F: dimin. of vers VERSE] versicle n. each of the short sentences in a liturgy said or sung by a priest etc. and alternating with responses. ЬЬversicular adj. [ME f. OF versicule or L versiculus dimin. of versus: see VERSE] versicoloured adj. 1 changing from one colour to another in different lights. 2 variegated. [L versicolor f. versus past part. of vertere turn + color colour] versify v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. turn into or express in verse. 2 intr. compose verses. ЬЬversification n. versifier n. [ME f. OF versifier f. L versificare (as VERSE)] versin n. (also versine) Math. = versed sine (see VERSED(2)). version n. 1 an account of a matter from a particular person's point of view (told them my version of the incident). 2 a book or work etc. in a particular edition or translation (Authorized Version). 3 a form or variant of a thing as performed, adapted, etc. 4 a piece of translation, esp. as a school exercise. 5 Med. the manual turning of a foetus in the womb to improve presentation. ЬЬversional adj. [F version or med.L versio f. L vertere vers- turn] vers libre n. irregular or unrhymed verse in which the traditional rules of prosody are disregarded. [F, = free verse] verso n. (pl. -os) 1 a the left-hand page of an open book. b the back of a printed leaf of paper or manuscript (opp. RECTO). 2 the reverse of a coin. [L verso (folio) on the turned (leaf)] verst n. a Russian measure of length, about 1.1 km (0.66 mile). [Russ. versta] versus prep. against (esp. in legal and sports use). °Abbr.: v., vs. [L, = towards, in med.L against] vert n. & (usu. placed after noun) adj. Heraldry green. [ME f. OF f. L viridis green] vertebra n. (pl. vertebrae) 1 each segment of the backbone. 2 (in pl.) the backbone. ЬЬvertebral adj. [L f. vertere turn] vertebrate n. & adj. --n. any animal of the subphylum Vertebrata, having a spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes. --adj. of or relating to the vertebrates. [L vertebratus jointed (as VERTEBRA)] vertebration n. division into vertebrae or similar segments. vertex n. (pl. vertices or vertexes) 1 the highest point; the top or apex. 2 Geom. a each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, etc. b a meeting-point of two lines that form an angle. c the point at which an axis meets a curve or surface. 3 Anat. the crown of the head. [L vertex -ticis whirlpool, crown of a head, vertex, f. vertere turn] vertical adj. & n. --adj. 1 at right angles to a horizontal plane, perpendicular. 2 in a direction from top to bottom of a picture etc. 3 of or at the vertex or highest point. 4 at, or passing through, the zenith. 5 Anat. of or relating to the crown of the head. 6 involving all the levels in an organizational hierarchy or stages in the production of a class of goods (vertical integration). --n. a vertical line or plane. Ьout of the vertical not vertical. vertical angles Math. each pair of opposite angles made by two intersecting lines. vertical fin Zool. a dorsal, anal, or caudal fin. vertical plane a plane at right angles to the horizontal. vertical take-off the take-off of an aircraft directly upwards. ЬЬverticality n. verticalize v.tr. (also -ise). vertically adv. [F vertical or LL verticalis (as VERTEX)] verticil n. Bot. & Zool. a whorl; a set of parts arranged in a circle round an axis. ЬЬverticillate adj. [L verticillus whorl of a spindle, dimin. of VERTEX] vertiginous adj. of or causing vertigo. ЬЬvertiginously adv. [L vertiginosus (as VERTIGO)] vertigo n. a condition with a sensation of whirling and a tendency to lose balance; dizziness, giddiness. [L vertigo -ginis whirling f. vertere turn] vertu var. of VIRTU. vervain n. Bot. any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Verbena, esp. V. officinalis with small blue, white, or purple flowers. [ME f. OF verveine f. L VERBENA] verve n. enthusiasm, vigour, spirit, esp. in artistic or literary work. [F, earlier = a form of expression, f. L verba words] vervet n. a small grey African monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops. [F] very adv. & adj. --adv. 1 in a high degree (did it very easily; had a very bad cough; am very much better). 2 in the fullest sense (foll. by own or superl. adj.: at the very latest; do your very best; my very own room). --adj. 1 real, true, actual; truly such (usu. prec. by the, this, his, etc. emphasizing identity, significance, or extreme degree: the very thing we need; those were his very words). 2 archaic real, genuine (very God). Ьnot very 1 in a low degree. 2 far from being. very good (or well) a formula of consent or approval. very high frequency (of radio frequency) in the range 30-300 megahertz. Very Reverend the title of a dean. the very same see SAME. [ME f. OF verai ult. f. L verus true] Very light n. a flare projected from a pistol for signalling or temporarily illuminating the surroundings. [E. W. Very, Amer. inventor d. 1910] Very pistol n. a gun for firing a Very light. vesica n. 1 Anat. & Zool. a bladder, esp. the urinary bladder. 2 (in full vesica piscis or piscium) Art a pointed oval used as an aureole in medieval sculpture and painting. ЬЬvesical adj. [L] vesicate v.tr. raise blisters on. ЬЬvesicant adj. & n. vesication n. vesicatory adj. & n. [LL vesicare vesicat- (as VESICA)] vesicle n. 1 Anat., Zool., & Bot. a small bladder, bubble, or hollow structure. 2 Geol. a small cavity in volcanic rock produced by gas bubbles. 3 Med. a blister. ЬЬvesicular adj. vesiculate adj. vesiculation n. [F v‚sicule or L vesicula dimin. of VESICA] vesper n. 1 Venus as the evening star. 2 poet. evening. 3 (in pl.) a the sixth of the canonical hours of prayer. b evensong. [L vesper evening (star): sense 3 partly f. OF vespres f. eccl.L vesperas f. L vespera evening] vespertine adj. 1 Bot. (of a flower) opening in the evening. 2 Zool. active in the evening. 3 Astron. setting near the time of sunset. 4 of or occurring in the evening. [L vespertinus f. vesper evening] vespiary n. (pl. -ies) a nest of wasps. [irreg. f. L vespa wasp, after apiary] vespine adj. of or relating to wasps. [L vespa wasp] vessel n. 1 a hollow receptacle esp. for liquid, e.g. a cask, cup, pot, bottle, or dish. 2 a ship or boat, esp. a large one. 3 a Anat. a duct or canal etc. holding or conveying blood or other fluid, esp. = blood-vessel. b Bot. a woody duct carrying or containing sap etc. 4 Bibl. or joc. a person regarded as the recipient or exponent of a quality (a weak vessel). [ME f. AF vessel(e), OF vaissel(le) f. LL vascellum dimin. of vas vessel] vest n. & v. --n. 1 an undergarment worn on the upper part of the body. 2 US & Austral. a waistcoat. 3 a usu. V-shaped piece of material to fill the opening at the neck of a woman's dress. --v. 1 tr. (esp. in passive; foll. by with) bestow or confer (powers, authority, etc.) on (a person). 2 tr. (foll. by in) confer (property or power) on (a person) with an immediate fixed right of immediate or future possession. 3 intr. (foll. by in) (of property, a right, etc.) come into the possession of (a person). 4 a tr. poet. clothe. b intr. Eccl. put on vestments. Ьvested interest 1 Law an interest (usu. in land or money held in trust) recognized as belonging to a person. 2 a personal interest in a state of affairs, usu. with an expectation of gain. [(n.) F veste f. It. veste f. L vestis garment: (v.) ME, orig. past part. f. OF vestu f. vestir f. L vestire vestit- clothe] vesta n. hist. a short wooden or wax match. [Vesta, Roman goddess of the hearth and household] vestal adj. & n. --adj. 1 chaste, pure. 2 of or relating to the Roman goddess Vesta. --n. 1 a chaste woman, esp. a nun. 2 Rom. Antiq. a vestal virgin. Ьvestal virgin Rom. Antiq. a virgin consecrated to Vesta and vowed to chastity, who shared the charge of maintaining the sacred fire burning on the goddess's altar. [ME f. L vestalis (adj. & n.) (as VESTA)] vestee n. = VEST n. 3. vestiary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a vestry. 2 a robing-room; a cloakroom. --adj. of or relating to clothes or dress. [ME f. OF vestiarie, vestiaire: see VESTRY] vestibule n. 1 a an antechamber, hall, or lobby next to the outer door of a building. b a porch of a church etc. 2 US an enclosed entrance to a railway-carriage. 3 Anat. a a chamber or channel communicating with others. b part of the mouth outside the teeth. c the central cavity of the labyrinth of the inner ear. ЬЬvestibular adj. [F vestibule or L vestibulum entrance-court] vestige n. 1 a trace or piece of evidence; a sign (vestiges of an earlier civilization; found no vestige of their presence). 2 a slight amount; a particle (without a vestige of clothing; showed not a vestige of decency). 3 Biol. a part or organ of an organism that is reduced or functionless but was well developed in its ancestors. [F f. L vestigium footprint] vestigial adj. 1 being a vestige or trace. 2 Biol. (of an organ) atrophied or functionless from the process of evolution (a vestigial wing). ЬЬvestigially adv. vestiture n. 1 Zool. hair, scales, etc., covering a surface. 2 archaic a clothing. b investiture. [ME f. med.L vestitura f. L vestire: see VEST] vestment n. 1 any of the official robes of clergy, choristers, etc., worn during divine service, esp. a chasuble. 2 a garment, esp. an official or state robe. [ME f. OF vestiment, vestement f. L vestimentum (as VEST)] vestry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a room or building attached to a church for keeping vestments in. 2 hist. a a meeting of parishioners usu. in a vestry for parochial business. b a body of parishioners meeting in this way. ЬЬvestral adj. [ME f. OF vestiaire, vestiarie, f. L vestiarium (as VEST)] vestryman n. (pl. -men) a member of a vestry. vesture n. & v. --n. poet. 1 garments, dress. 2 a covering. --v.tr. clothe. [ME f. OF f. med.L vestitura (as VEST)] vet(1) n. & v. --n. colloq. a veterinary surgeon. --v.tr. (vetted, vetting) 1 make a careful and critical examination of (a scheme, work, candidate, etc.). 2 examine or treat (an animal). [abbr.] vet(2) n. US colloq. a veteran. [abbr.] vetch n. any plant of the genus Vicia, esp. V. sativa, largely used for silage or fodder. ЬЬvetchy adj. [ME f. AF & ONF veche f. L vicia] vetchling n. any of various plants of the genus Lathyrus, related to vetch. veteran n. 1 a person who has grown old in or had long experience of esp. military service or an occupation (a war veteran; a veteran of the theatre; a veteran marksman). 2 US an ex-serviceman or servicewoman. 3 (attrib.) of or for veterans. Ьveteran car Brit. a car made before 1916, or (strictly) before 1905. [F v‚t‚ran or L veteranus (adj. & n.) f. vetus -eris old] veterinarian n. US a veterinary surgeon. [L veterinarius (as VETERINARY)] veterinary adj. & n. --adj. of or for diseases and injuries of farm and domestic animals, or their treatment. --n. (pl. -ies) a veterinary surgeon. Ьveterinary surgeon Brit. a person qualified to treat diseased or injured animals. [L veterinarius f. veterinae cattle] vetiver n. = CUSCUS(1). [F v‚tiver f. Tamil vettiveru f. ver root] veto n. & v. --n. (pl. -oes) 1 a a constitutional right to reject a legislative enactment. b the right of a permanent member of the UN Security Council to reject a resolution. c such a rejection. d an official message conveying this. 2 a prohibition (put one's veto on a proposal). --v.tr. (-oes, -oed) 1 exercise a veto against (a measure etc.). 2 forbid authoritatively. ЬЬvetoer n. [L, = I forbid, with ref. to its use by Roman tribunes of the people in opposing measures of the Senate] vex v.tr. 1 anger by a slight or a petty annoyance; irritate. 2 archaic grieve, afflict. ЬЬvexer n. vexing adj. vexingly adv. [ME f. OF vexer f. L vexare shake, disturb] vexation n. 1 the act or an instance of vexing; the state of being vexed. 2 an annoying or distressing thing. [ME f. OF vexation or L vexatio -onis (as VEX)] vexatious adj. 1 such as to cause vexation. 2 Law not having sufficient grounds for action and seeking only to annoy the defendant. ЬЬvexatiously adv. vexatiousness n. vexed adj. 1 irritated, angered. 2 (of a problem, issue, etc.) difficult and much discussed; problematic. ЬЬvexedly adv. vexillology n. the study of flags. ЬЬvexillological adj. vexillologist n. [L vexillum flag + -LOGY] vexillum n. (pl. vexilla) 1 Rom. Antiq. a a military standard, esp. of a maniple. b a body of troops under this. 2 Bot. the large upper petal of a papilionaceous flower. 3 Zool. the vane of a feather. 4 Eccl. a a flag attached to a bishop's staff. b a processional banner or cross. [L f. vehere vect- carry] 6.0 VG =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VG abbr. 1 very good. 2 Vicar-General. 7.0 VHF =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VHF abbr. very high frequency. 8.0 VI... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VI abbr. Virgin Islands. via prep. by way of; through (London to Rome via Paris; send it via your secretary). [L, ablat. of via way, road] viable adj. 1 (of a plan etc.) feasible; practicable esp. from an economic standpoint. 2 a (of a plant, animal, etc.) capable of living or existing in a particular climate etc. b (of a foetus or newborn child) capable of maintaining life. 3 (of a seed or spore) able to germinate. ЬЬviability n. viably adv. [F f. vie life f. L vita] viaduct n. 1 a long bridgelike structure, esp. a series of arches, carrying a road or railway across a valley or dip in the ground. 2 such a road or railway. [L via way, after AQUEDUCT] vial n. a small (usu. cylindrical glass) vessel esp. for holding liquid medicines. ЬЬvialful n. (pl. -fuls). [ME, var. of fiole etc.: see PHIAL] via media n. literary a middle way or compromise between extremes. [L] viand n. formal 1 an article of food. 2 (in pl.) provisions, victuals. [ME f. OF viande food, ult. f. L vivenda, neut. pl. gerundive of vivere to live] viaticum n. (pl. viatica) 1 the Eucharist as given to a person near or in danger of death. 2 provisions or an official allowance of money for a journey. [L, neut. of viaticus f. via road] vibes n.pl. colloq. 1 vibrations, esp. in the sense of feelings or atmosphere communicated (the house had bad vibes). 2 = VIBRAPHONE. [abbr.] vibraculum n. (pl. vibracula) Zool. a whiplike structure of bryozoans used to bring food within reach by lashing movements. ЬЬvibracular adj. [mod.L (as VIBRATE)] vibrant adj. 1 vibrating. 2 (often foll. by with) (of a person or thing) thrilling, quivering (vibrant with emotion). 3 (of sound) resonant. ЬЬvibrancy n. vibrantly adv. [L vibrare: see VIBRATE] vibraphone n. a percussion instrument of tuned metal bars with motor-driven resonators and metal tubes giving a vibrato effect. ЬЬvibraphonist n. [VIBRATO + -PHONE] vibrate v. 1 intr. & tr. move or cause to move continuously and rapidly to and fro; oscillate. 2 intr. Physics move unceasingly to and fro, esp. rapidly. 3 intr. (of a sound) throb; continue to be heard. 4 intr. (foll. by with) quiver, thrill (vibrating with passion). 5 intr. (of a pendulum) swing to and fro. ЬЬvibrative adj. [L vibrare vibrat- shake, swing] vibratile adj. 1 capable of vibrating. 2 Biol. (of cilia etc.) used in vibratory motion. [VIBRATORY, after pulsatile etc.] vibration n. 1 the act or an instance of vibrating; oscillation. 2 Physics (esp. rapid) motion to and fro esp. of the parts of a fluid or an elastic solid whose equilibrium has been disturbed or of an electromagnetic wave. 3 (in pl.) a a mental (esp. occult) influence. b a characteristic atmosphere or feeling in a place, regarded as communicable to people present in it. ЬЬvibrational adj. [L vibratio (as VIBRATE)] vibrato n. Mus. a rapid slight variation in pitch in singing or playing a stringed or wind instrument, producing a tremulous effect (cf. TREMOLO). [It., past part. of vibrare VIBRATE] vibrator n. 1 a device that vibrates or causes vibration, esp. an electric or other instrument used in massage or for sexual stimulation. 2 Mus. a reed in a reed-organ. vibratory adj. causing vibration. vibrissae n.pl. 1 stiff coarse hairs near the mouth of most mammals (e.g. a cat's whiskers) and in the human nostrils. 2 bristle-like feathers near the mouth of insect-eating birds. [L (as VIBRATE)] viburnum n. Bot. any shrub of the genus Viburnum, usu. with white flowers, e.g. the guelder rose and wayfaring-tree. [L, = wayfaring-tree] Vic. abbr. Victoria. vicar n. 1 a (in the Church of England) an incumbent of a parish where tithes formerly passed to a chapter or religious house or layman (cf. RECTOR). b (in an Episcopal Church) a member of the clergy deputizing for another. 2 RC Ch. a representative or deputy of a bishop. 3 (in full lay vicar or vicar choral) a cleric or choir member appointed to sing certain parts of a cathedral service. Ьvicar apostolic RC Ch. a Roman Catholic missionary or titular bishop. vicar-general (pl. vicars-general) 1 an Anglican official assisting or representing a bishop esp. in administrative matters. 2 RC Ch. a bishop's assistant in matters of jurisdiction etc. Vicar of Christ the Pope. ЬЬvicariate n. vicarship n. [ME f. AF viker(e), OF vicaire f. L vicarius substitute f. vicis: see VICE(3)] vicarage n. the residence or benefice of a vicar. vicarial adj. of or serving as a vicar. vicarious adj. 1 experienced in the imagination through another person (vicarious pleasure). 2 acting or done for another (vicarious suffering). 3 deputed, delegated (vicarious authority). ЬЬvicariously adv. vicariousness n. [L vicarius: see VICAR] vice(1) n. 1 a evil or grossly immoral conduct. b a particular form of this, esp. involving prostitution, drugs, etc. 2 a depravity, evil. b an evil habit; a particular form of depravity (has the vice of gluttony). 3 a defect of character or behaviour (drunkenness was not among his vices). 4 a fault or bad habit in a horse etc. Ьvice ring a group of criminals involved in organizing illegal prostitution. vice squad a police department enforcing laws against prostitution, drug abuse, etc. ЬЬviceless adj. [ME f. OF f. L vitium] vice(2) n. & v. --n. (US vise) an instrument, esp. attached to a workbench, with two movable jaws between which an object may be clamped so as to leave the hands free to work on it. --v.tr. secure in a vice. ЬЬvicelike adj. [ME, = winding stair, screw, f. OF vis f. L vitis vine] vice(3) prep. in the place of; in succession to. [L, ablat. of vix (recorded in oblique forms in vic-) change] vice(4) n. colloq. = VICE-PRESIDENT, VICE ADMIRAL , etc. [abbr.] vice- comb. form forming nouns meaning: 1 acting as a substitute or deputy for (vice-president). 2 next in rank to (vice admiral). [as VICE(3)] vice admiral n. a naval officer ranking below admiral and above rear admiral. ЬЬvice-admiralty n. (pl. -ies). vice-chamberlain n. a deputy chamberlain, esp. the deputy of the Lord Chamberlain. vice-chancellor n. a deputy chancellor (esp. of a British university, discharging most of the administrative duties). vicegerent adj. & n. --adj. exercising delegated power. --n. a vicegerent person; a deputy. ЬЬvicegerency n. (pl. -ies). [med.L vicegerens (as VICE(3), L gerere carry on)] vicennial adj. lasting for or occurring every twenty years. [LL vicennium period of 20 years f. vicies 20 times f. viginti 20 + annus year] vice-president n. an official ranking below and deputizing for a president. ЬЬvice-presidency n. (pl. -ies). vice-presidential adj. viceregal adj. of or relating to a viceroy. ЬЬviceregally adv. vicereine n. 1 the wife of a viceroy. 2 a woman viceroy. [F (as VICE-, reine queen)] viceroy n. a ruler exercising authority on behalf of a sovereign in a colony, province, etc. ЬЬviceroyal adj. viceroyalty n. viceroyship n. [F (as VICE-, roy king)] vicesimal adj. = VIGESIMAL. [L vicesimus twentieth] vice versa adj. with the order of the terms or conditions changed; the other way round (could go from left to right or vice versa). [L, = the position being reversed (as VICE(3), versa ablat. fem. past part. of vertere turn)] vichyssoise n. a creamy soup of leeks and potatoes, usu. served chilled. [F vichyssois -oise of Vichy (in France)] Vichy water n. an effervescent mineral water from Vichy in France. vicinage n. 1 a neighbourhood; a surrounding district. 2 relation in terms of nearness etc. to neighbours. [ME f. OF vis(e)nage ult. f. L vicinus neighbour] vicinal adj. 1 neighbouring, adjacent. 2 of a neighbourhood; local. [F vicinal or L vicinalis f. vicinus neighbour] vicinity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a surrounding district. 2 (foll. by to) nearness or closeness of place or relationship. Ьin the vicinity (often foll. by of) near (to). [L vicinitas (as VICINAL)] vicious adj. 1 bad-tempered, spiteful (a vicious dog; vicious remarks). 2 violent, severe (a vicious attack). 3 of the nature of or addicted to vice. 4 (of language or reasoning etc.) faulty or unsound. Ьvicious circle see CIRCLE n. 11. vicious spiral continual harmful interaction of causes and effects, esp. as causing repeated rises in both prices and wages. ЬЬviciously adv. viciousness n. [ME f. OF vicious or L vitiosus f. vitium VICE(1)] vicissitude n. 1 a change of circumstances, esp. variation of fortune. 2 archaic or poet. regular change; alternation. ЬЬvicissitudinous adj. [F vicissitude or L vicissitudo -dinis f. vicissim by turns (as VICE(3))] victim n. 1 a person injured or killed as a result of an event or circumstance (a road victim; the victims of war). 2 a person or thing injured or destroyed in pursuit of an object or in gratification of a passion etc. (the victim of their ruthless ambition). 3 a prey; a dupe (fell victim to a confidence trick). 4 a living creature sacrificed to a deity or in a religious rite. [L victima] victimize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 single out (a person) for punishment or unfair treatment, esp. dismissal from employment. 2 make (a person etc.) a victim. ЬЬvictimization n. victimizer n. victor n. a winner in battle or in a contest. [ME f. AF victo(u)r or L victor f. vincere vict- conquer] victoria n. 1 a low light four-wheeled carriage with a collapsible top, seats for two passengers, and a raised driver's seat. 2 a gigantic S. American water lily, Victoria amazonica. 3 a a species of crowned pigeon. b a variety of domestic pigeon. 4 (also victoria plum) Brit. a large red luscious variety of plum. [Queen Victoria, d. 1901] Victoria Cross n. a decoration awarded for conspicuous bravery in the armed services, instituted by Queen Victoria in 1856. Victorian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or characteristic of the time of Queen Victoria. 2 associated with attitudes attributed to this time, esp. of prudery and moral strictness. --n. a person, esp. a writer, of this time. ЬЬVictorianism n. Victoriana n.pl. 1 articles, esp. collectors' items, of the Victorian period. 2 attitudes characteristic of this period. Victoria sandwich n. (also Victoria sponge) a sponge cake consisting of two layers of sponge with a jam filling. victorious adj. 1 having won a victory; conquering, triumphant. 2 marked by victory (victorious day). ЬЬvictoriously adv. victoriousness n. [ME f. AF victorious, OF victorieux, f. L victoriosus (as VICTORY)] victor ludorum n. the overall champion in a sports competition. [L, = victor of the games] victory n. (pl. -ies) 1 the process of defeating an enemy in battle or war or an opponent in a contest. 2 an instance of this; a triumph. [ME f. AF victorie, OF victoire, f. L victoria (as VICTOR)] victual n. & v. --n. (usu. in pl.) food, provisions, esp. as prepared for use. --v. (victualled, victualling; US victualed, victualing) 1 tr. supply with victuals. 2 intr. obtain stores. 3 intr. eat victuals. ЬЬvictualless adj. [ME f. OF vitaille f. LL victualia, neut. pl. of L victualis f. victus food, rel. to vivere live] victualler n. (US victualer) 1 a a person etc. who supplies victuals. b (in full licensed victualler) Brit. a publican etc. licensed to sell alcoholic liquor. 2 a ship carrying stores for other ships. [ME f. OF vitaill(i)er, vitaillour (as VICTUAL)] vicu¤a n. 1 a S. American mammal, Vicugna vicugna, related to the llama, with fine silky wool. 2 a cloth made from its wool. b an imitation of this. [Sp. f. Quechua] vide v.tr. (as an instruction in a reference to a passage in a book etc.) see, consult. [L, imper. of videre see] videlicet adv. = VIZ. [ME f. L f. videre see + licet it is permissible] video adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 relating to the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of visual images on magnetic tape. 2 relating to the broadcasting of television pictures. --n. (pl. -os) 1 the process of recording, reproducing, or broadcasting visual images on magnetic tape. 2 the visual element of television broadcasts. 3 colloq. = video recorder. 4 a film etc. recorded on a videotape. --v.tr. (-oes, -oed) make a video recording of. Ьvideo cassette a cassette of videotape. video frequency a frequency in the range used for video signals in television. video game a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen. video nasty colloq. an explicitly horrific or pornographic video film. video (or video cassette) recorder an apparatus for recording and playing videotapes. video signal a signal containing information for producing a television image. [L videre see, after AUDIO] videodisc n. a metal-coated disc on which visual material is recorded for reproduction on a television screen. videophone n. a telephone device transmitting a visual image as well as sound. videotape n. & v. --n. magnetic tape for recording television pictures and sound. --v.tr. make a recording of (broadcast material etc.) with this. Ьvideotape recorder = video recorder. videotex n. (also videotext) any electronic information system, esp. teletext or viewdata. vidimus n. an inspection or certified copy of accounts etc. [L, = we have seen f. videre see] vie v.intr. (vying) (often foll. by with) compete; strive for superiority (vied with each other for recognition). [prob. f. ME (as ENVY)] vielle n. a hurdy-gurdy. [F f. OF viel(l)e: see VIOL] Vienna schnitzel see SCHNITZEL. Viennese adj. & n. --adj. of, relating to, or associated with Vienna in Austria. --n. (pl. same) a native or citizen of Vienna. Vietnamese adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Vietnam in SE Asia. --n. (pl. same) 1 a native or national of Vietnam. 2 the language of Vietnam. vieux jeu adj. old-fashioned, hackneyed. [F, lit. old game] view n. & v. --n. 1 range of vision; extent of visibility (came into view; in full view of the crowd). 2 a what is seen from a particular point; a scene or prospect (a fine view of the downs; a room with a view). b a picture etc. representing this. 3 an inspection by the eye or mind; a visual or mental survey. 4 an opportunity for visual inspection; a viewing (a private view of the exhibition). 5 a an opinion (holds strong views on morality). b a mental attitude (took a favourable view of the matter). c a manner of considering a thing (took a long-term view of it). --v. 1 tr. look at; survey visually; inspect (we are going to view the house). 2 tr. examine; survey mentally (different ways of viewing a subject). 3 tr. form a mental impression or opinion of; consider (does not view the matter in the same light). 4 intr. watch television. 5 tr. see (a fox) break cover. Ьhave in view 1 have as one's object. 2 bear (a circumstance) in mind in forming a judgement etc. in view of having regard to; considering. on view being shown (for observation or inspection); being exhibited. view halloo Hunting a shout on seeing a fox break cover. with a view to 1 with the hope or intention of. 2 with the aim of attaining (with a view to marriage). ЬЬviewable adj. [ME f. AF v(i)ewe, OF veue fem. past part. f. veoir see f. L videre] viewdata n. a news and information service from a computer source to which a television screen is connected by telephone link. viewer n. 1 a person who views. 2 a person watching television. 3 a device for looking at film transparencies etc. viewfinder n. a device on a camera showing the area covered by the lens in taking a photograph. viewing n. 1 an opportunity or occasion to view; an exhibition. 2 the act or practice of watching television. viewless adj. 1 not having or affording a view. 2 lacking opinions. viewpoint n. a point of view, a standpoint. vigesimal adj. 1 of twentieths or twenty. 2 reckoning or reckoned by twenties. ЬЬvigesimally adv. [L vigesimus f. viginti twenty] vigil n. 1 a keeping awake during the time usually given to sleep, esp. to keep watch or pray (keep vigil). b a period of this. 2 Eccl. the eve of a festival or holy day. 3 (in pl.) nocturnal devotions. [ME f. OF vigile f. L vigilia f. vigil awake] vigilance n. watchfulness, caution, circumspection. Ьvigilance committee US a self-appointed body for the maintenance of order etc. [F vigilance or L vigilantia f. vigilare keep awake (as VIGIL)] vigilant adj. watchful against danger, difficulty, etc. ЬЬvigilantly adv. [L vigilans -antis (as VIGILANCE)] vigilante n. a member of a vigilance committee or similar body. [Sp., = vigilant] vigneron n. a vine-grower. [F f. vigne VINE] vignette n. & v. --n. 1 a short descriptive essay or character sketch. 2 an illustration or decorative design, esp. on the title-page of a book, not enclosed in a definite border. 3 a photograph or portrait showing only the head and shoulders with the background gradually shaded off. --v.tr. 1 make a portrait of (a person) in vignette style. 2 shade off (a photograph or portrait). ЬЬvignettist n. [F, dimin. of vigne VINE] vigor US var. of VIGOUR. vigoro n. Austral. a team ball game combining elements of cricket and baseball. [app. f. VIGOROUS] vigorous adj. 1 strong and active; robust. 2 (of a plant) growing strongly. 3 forceful; acting or done with physical or mental vigour; energetic. 4 full of vigour; showing or requiring physical strength or activity. ЬЬvigorously adv. vigorousness n. [ME f. OF f. med.L vigorosus f. L vigor (as VIGOUR)] vigour n. (US vigor) 1 active physical strength or energy. 2 a flourishing physical condition. 3 healthy growth; vitality; vital force. 4 a mental strength or activity shown in thought or speech or in literary style. b forcefulness; trenchancy, animation. ЬЬvigourless adj. [ME f. OF vigour f. L vigor -oris f. vigere be lively] vihara n. a Buddhist temple or monastery. [Skr.] Viking n. & adj. --n. any of the Scandinavian seafaring pirates and traders who raided and settled in parts of NW Europe in the 8th-11th c. --adj. of or relating to the Vikings or their time. [ON vЎkingr, perh. f. OE wicing f. wic camp] vile adj. 1 disgusting. 2 morally base; depraved, shameful. 3 colloq. abominably bad (vile weather). 4 archaic worthless. ЬЬvilely adv. vileness n. [ME f. OF vil vile f. L vilis cheap, base] vilify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) defame; speak evil of. ЬЬvilification n. vilifier n. [ME in sense 'lower in value', f. LL vilificare (as VILE)] vill n. hist. a feudal township. [AF f. OF vile, ville farm f. L (as VILLA)] villa n. 1 Rom. Antiq. a large country house with an estate. 2 a country residence. 3 Brit. a detached or semi-detached house in a residential district. 4 a rented holiday home, esp. abroad. [It. & L] village n. 1 a a group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, esp. in a rural area. b the inhabitants of a village regarded as a community. 2 Brit. a self-contained district or community within a town or city, regarded as having features characteristic of village life. 3 US a small municipality with limited corporate powers. 4 Austral. a select suburban shopping centre. ЬЬvillager n. villagey adj. [ME f. OF f. L villa] villain n. 1 a person guilty or capable of great wickedness. 2 colloq. usu. joc. a rascal or rogue. 3 (also villain of the piece) (in a play etc.) a character whose evil actions or motives are important in the plot. 4 Brit. colloq. a professional criminal. 5 archaic a rustic; a boor. [ME f. OF vilein, vilain ult. f. L villa: see VILLA] villainous adj. 1 characteristic of a villain; wicked. 2 colloq. abominably bad; vile (villainous weather). ЬЬvillainously adv. villainousness n. villainy n. (pl. -ies) 1 villainous behaviour. 2 a wicked act. [OF vilenie (as VILLAIN)] villanelle n. a usu. pastoral or lyrical poem of 19 lines, with only two rhymes throughout, and some lines repeated. [F f. It. villanella fem. of villanello rural, dimin. of villano (as VILLAIN)] -ville comb. form colloq. forming the names of fictitious places with ref. to a particular quality etc. (dragsville; squaresville). [F ville town, as in many US town-names] villein n. hist. a feudal tenant entirely subject to a lord or attached to a manor. [ME, var. of VILLAIN] villeinage n. hist. the tenure or status of a villein. villus n. (pl. villi) 1 Anat. each of the short finger-like processes on some membranes, esp. on the mucous membrane of the small intestine. 2 Bot. (in pl.) long soft hairs covering fruit, flowers, etc. ЬЬvilliform adj. villose adj. villosity n. villous adj. [L, = shaggy hair] vim n. colloq. vigour. [perh. f. L, accus. of vis energy] vimineous adj. Bot. of or producing twigs or shoots. [L vimineus f. vimen viminis osier] vina n. an Indian four-stringed musical instrument with a fretted finger-board and a gourd at each end. [Skr. & Hindi vina] vinaceous adj. wine-red. [L vinaceus f. vinum wine] vinaigrette n. 1 (in full vinaigrette sauce) a salad dressing of oil, wine vinegar, and seasoning. 2 a small ornamental bottle for holding smelling-salts. [F, dimin. of vinaigre VINEGAR] vincible adj. literary that can be overcome or conquered. ЬЬvincibility n. [L vincibilis f. vincere overcome] vinculum n. (pl. vincula) 1 Algebra a horizontal line drawn over a group of terms to show they have a common relation to what follows or precedes (e.g. a + b x c = ac + bc, but a + b x c = a + bc). 2 Anat. a ligament; a fraenum. [L, = bond, f. vincire bind] vindicate v.tr. 1 clear of blame or suspicion. 2 establish the existence, merits, or justice of (one's courage, conduct, assertion, etc.). 3 justify (a person, oneself, etc.) by evidence or argument. ЬЬvindicable adj. vindication n. vindicative adj. vindicator n. [L vindicare claim, avenge f. vindex -dicis claimant, avenger] vindicatory adj. 1 tending to vindicate. 2 (of laws) punitive. vindictive adj. 1 tending to seek revenge. 2 spiteful. Ьvindictive damages Law damages exceeding simple compensation and awarded to punish the defendant. ЬЬvindictively adv. vindictiveness n. [L vindicta vengeance (as VINDICATE)] vine n. 1 any climbing or trailing woody-stemmed plant, esp. of the genus Vitis, bearing grapes. 2 a slender trailing or climbing stem. Ьvine-dresser a person who prunes, trains, and cultivates vines. ЬЬviny adj. [ME f. OF vi(g)ne f. L vinea vineyard f. vinum wine] vinegar n. 1 a sour liquid obtained from wine, cider, etc., by fermentation and used as a condiment or for pickling. 2 sour behaviour or character. ЬЬvinegarish adj. vinegary adj. [ME f. OF vyn egre ult. f. L vinum wine + acer, acre sour] vinery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a greenhouse for grapevines. 2 a vineyard. vineyard n. 1 a plantation of grapevines, esp. for wine-making. 2 Bibl. a sphere of action or labour (see Matt. 20:1). [ME f. VINE + YARD(2)] vingt-et-un n. = PONTOON(1). [F, = twenty-one] vini- comb. form wine. [L vinum] viniculture n. the cultivation of grapevines. ЬЬvinicultural adj. viniculturist n. vinification n. the conversion of grape-juice etc. into wine. vining n. the separation of leguminous crops from their vines and pods. vino n. sl. wine, esp. of an inferior kind. [Sp. & It., = wine] vin ordinaire n. cheap (usu. red) wine as drunk in France mixed with water. [F, = ordinary wine] vinous adj. 1 of, like, or associated with wine. 2 addicted to wine. ЬЬvinosity n. [L vinum wine] vin ros‚ n. = ROSђ. [F] vint(1) v.tr. make (wine). [back-form. f. VINTAGE] vint(2) n. a Russian card-game like auction bridge. [Russ., = screw] vintage n. & adj. --n. 1 a a season's produce of grapes. b the wine made from this. 2 a the gathering of grapes for wine-making. b the season of this. 3 a wine of high quality from a single identified year and district. 4 a the year etc. when a thing was made etc. b a thing made etc. in a particular year etc. 5 poet. or rhet. wine. --adj. 1 of high quality, esp. from the past or characteristic of the best period of a person's work. 2 of a past season. Ьvintage car Brit. a car made between 1917 and 1930. vintage festival a carnival to celebrate the beginning of the vintage. [alt. (after VINTNER) of ME vendage, vindage f. OF vendange f. L vindemia f. vinum wine + demere remove] vintager n. a grape-gatherer. vintner n. a wine-merchant. [ME f. AL vintenarius, vinetarius f. AF vineter, OF vinetier f. med.L vinetarius f. L vinetum vineyard f. vinum wine] viny see VINE. vinyl n. any plastic made by polymerizing a compound containing the vinyl group, esp. polyvinyl chloride. Ьvinyl group the organic radical or group CH[2]CH. [L vinum wine + -YL] viol n. a medieval stringed musical instrument, played with a bow and held vertically on the knees or between the legs. [ME viel etc. f. OF viel(l)e, alt. of viole f. Prov. viola, viula, prob. ult. f. L vitulari be joyful: cf. FIDDLE] viola(1) n. 1 a an instrument of the violin family, larger than the violin and of lower pitch. b a viola-player. 2 a viol. Ьviola da braccio a viol corresponding to the modern viola. viola da gamba a viol held between the player's legs, esp. one corresponding to the modern cello. viola d'amore a sweet-toned tenor viol. [It. & Sp., prob. f. Prov.: see VIOL] viola(2) n. 1 any plant of the genus Viola, including the pansy and violet. 2 a cultivated hybrid of this genus. [L, = violet] violaceous adj. 1 of a violet colour. 2 Bot. of the violet family Violaceae. [L violaceus (as VIOLA(2))] violate v.tr. 1 disregard; fail to comply with (an oath, treaty, law, etc.). 2 treat (a sanctuary etc.) profanely or with disrespect. 3 break in upon, disturb (a person's privacy etc.). 4 assault sexually; rape. ЬЬviolable adj. violation n. violator n. [ME f. L violare treat violently] violence n. 1 the quality of being violent. 2 violent conduct or treatment, outrage, injury. 3 Law a the unlawful exercise of physical force. b intimidation by the exhibition of this. Ьdo violence to act contrary to; outrage. [ME f. OF f. L violentia (as VIOLENT)] violent adj. 1 involving or using great physical force (a violent person; a violent storm; came into violent collision). 2 a intense, vehement, passionate, furious (a violent contrast; violent dislike). b vivid (violent colours). 3 (of death) resulting from external force or from poison (cf. NATURAL adj. 2). 4 involving an unlawful exercise of force (laid violent hands on him). ЬЬviolently adv. [ME f. OF f. L violentus] violet n. & adj. --n. 1 a any plant of the genus Viola, esp. the sweet violet, with usu. purple, blue, or white flowers. b any of various plants resembling the sweet violet. 2 the bluish-purple colour seen at the end of the spectrum opposite red. 3 a pigment of this colour. b clothes or material of this colour. --adj. of this colour. [ME f. OF violet(te) dimin. of viole f. L VIOLA(2)] violin n. 1 a musical instrument with four strings of treble pitch played with a bow. 2 a violin-player. ЬЬviolinist n. [It. violino dimin. of VIOLA(1)] violist n. a viol- or viola-player. violoncello n. (pl. -os) formal = CELLO. ЬЬvioloncellist n. [It., dimin. of VIOLONE] violone n. a double-bass viol. [It., augment. of VIOLA(1)] VIP abbr. very important person. viper n. 1 any venomous snake of the family Viperidae, esp. the common viper (see ADDER). 2 a malignant or treacherous person. Ьviper in one's bosom a person who betrays those who have helped him or her. viper's bugloss a stiff bristly blue-flowered plant, Echium vulgare. viper's grass scorzonera. ЬЬviperine adj. viperish adj. viper-like adj. viperous adj. [F vipЉre or L vipera f. vivus alive + parere bring forth] virago n. (pl. -os) 1 a fierce or abusive woman. 2 archaic a woman of masculine strength or spirit. [OE f. L, = female warrior, f. vir man] viral adj. of or caused by a virus. ЬЬvirally adv. virelay n. a short (esp. old French) lyric poem with two rhymes to a stanza variously arranged. [ME f. OF virelai] virement n. the transfer of items from one financial account to another. [F f. virer turn: see VEER(1)] vireo n. (pl. -os) any small American songbird of the family Vireonidae. [L, perh. = greenfinch] virescence n. 1 greenness. 2 Bot. abnormal greenness in petals etc. normally of some bright colour. ЬЬvirescent adj. [L virescere, incept. of virere be green] virgate(1) adj. Bot. & Zool. slim, straight, and erect. [L virgatus f. virga rod] virgate(2) n. Brit. hist. a varying measure of land, esp. 30 acres. [med.L virgata (rendering OE gierd- land yard-land) f. L virga rod] virger var. of VERGER. Virgilian adj. of, or in the style of, the Roman poet Virgil (d. 19 BC). [L Vergilianus f. P. Vergilius Maro, Virgil] virgin n. & adj. --n. 1 a person (esp. a woman) who has never had sexual intercourse. 2 a (the Virgin) Christ's mother the Blessed Virgin Mary. b a picture or statue of the Virgin. 3 (the Virgin) the zodiacal sign or constellation Virgo. 4 colloq. a na‹ve, innocent, or inexperienced person (a political virgin). 5 a member of any order of women under a vow to remain virgins. 6 a female insect producing eggs without impregnation. --adj. 1 that is a virgin. 2 of or befitting a virgin (virgin modesty). 3 not yet used, penetrated, or tried (virgin soil). 4 undefiled, spotless. 5 (of clay) not fired. 6 (of metal) made from ore by smelting. 7 (of wool) not yet, or only once, spun or woven. 8 (of an insect) producing eggs without impregnation. Ьvirgin birth 1 the doctrine of Christ's birth without a human father. 2 parthenogenesis. virgin comb a honeycomb that has been used only once for honey and never for brood. virgin forest a forest in its untouched natural state. virgin honey honey taken from a virgin comb, or drained from the comb without heat or pressure. virgin queen an unfertilized queen bee. the Virgin Queen Queen Elizabeth I of England. virgin's bower a clematis, Clematis viticella. ЬЬvirginhood n. [ME f. AF & OF virgine f. L virgo -ginis] virginal adj. & n. --adj. that is or befits or belongs to a virgin. --n. (usu. in pl.) (in full pair of virginals) an early form of spinet in a box, used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. ЬЬvirginalist n. virginally adv. [ME f. OF virginal or L virginalis (as VIRGIN): name of the instrument perh. from its use by young women] Virginia n. 1 tobacco from Virginia. 2 a cigarette made of this. ЬVirginia creeper a N. American vine, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, cultivated for ornament. Virginia reel US a country dance. Virginia (or Virginian) stock a cruciferous plant, Malcolmia maritima, with white or pink flowers. ЬЬVirginian n. & adj. [Virginia in US, orig. the first English settlement (1607), f. Virgin Queen] virginity n. the state of being a virgin. [OF virginit‚ f. L virginitas (as VIRGIN)] Virgo n. (pl. -os) 1 a constellation, traditionally regarded as contained in the figure of a woman. 2 a the sixth sign of the zodiac (the Virgin). b a person born when the sun is in this sign. ЬЬVirgoan n. & adj. [OE f. L, = virgin] virgule n. 1 a slanting line used to mark division of words or lines. 2 = SOLIDUS 1. [F, = comma, f. L virgula dimin. of virga rod] viridescent adj. greenish, tending to become green. ЬЬviridescence n. [LL viridescere f. L viridis: see VIRIDIAN] viridian n. & adj. --n. 1 a bluish-green chromium oxide pigment. 2 the colour of this. --adj. bluish-green. [L viridis green f. virere be green] viridity n. literary greenness, verdancy. [ME f. OF viridit‚ or L viriditas f. viridis: see VIRIDIAN] virile adj. 1 of or characteristic of a man; having masculine (esp. sexual) vigour or strength. 2 of or having procreative power. 3 of a man as distinct from a woman or child. ЬЬvirility n. [ME f. F viril or L virilis f. vir man] virilism n. Med. the development of secondary male characteristics in a female or precociously in a male. viroid n. an infectious entity affecting plants, similar to a virus but smaller and consisting only of nucleic acid without a protein coat. virology n. the scientific study of viruses. ЬЬvirological adj. virologically adv. virologist n. virtu n. (also vertu) 1 a knowledge of or expertise in the fine arts. 2 virtuosity. Ьarticle (or object) of virtu an article interesting because of its workmanship, antiquity, rarity, etc. [It. virt— VIRTUE, virtu] virtual adj. 1 that is such for practical purposes though not in name or according to strict definition (is the virtual manager of the business; take this as a virtual promise). 2 Optics relating to the points at which rays would meet if produced backwards (virtual focus; virtual image). 3 Mech. relating to an infinitesimal displacement of a point in a system. 4 Computing not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so (virtual memory). ЬЬvirtuality n. virtually adv. [ME f. med.L virtualis f. L virtus after LL virtuosus] virtue n. 1 moral excellence; uprightness, goodness. 2 a particular form of this (patience is a virtue). 3 chastity, esp. of a woman. 4 a good quality (has the virtue of being adjustable). 5 efficacy; inherent power (no virtue in such drugs). 6 an angelic being of the seventh order of the celestial hierarchy (see ORDER n. 19). Ьby (or in) virtue of on the strength or ground of (got the job by virtue of his experience). make a virtue of necessity derive some credit or benefit from an unwelcome obligation. ЬЬvirtueless adj. [ME f. OF vertu f. L virtus -tutis f. vir man] virtuoso n. (pl. virtuosi or -os) 1 a a person highly skilled in the technique of a fine art, esp. music. b (attrib.) displaying the skills of a virtuoso. 2 a person with a special knowledge of or taste for works of art or virtu. ЬЬvirtuosic adj. virtuosity n. virtuosoship n. [It., = learned, skilful, f. LL (as VIRTUOUS)] virtuous adj. 1 possessing or showing moral rectitude. 2 chaste. Ьvirtuous circle a beneficial recurring cycle of cause and effect (cf. vicious circle (see CIRCLE n. 11)). ЬЬvirtuously adv. virtuousness n. [ME f. OF vertuous f. LL virtuosus f. virtus VIRTUE] virulent adj. 1 strongly poisonous. 2 (of a disease) violent or malignant. 3 bitterly hostile (virulent animosity; virulent abuse). ЬЬvirulence n. virulently adv. [ME, orig. of a poisoned wound, f. L virulentus (as VIRUS)] virus n. 1 a microscopic organism consisting mainly of nucleic acid in a protein coat, multiplying only in living cells and often causing diseases. 2 Computing = computer virus. 3 archaic a poison, a source of disease. 4 a harmful or corrupting influence. [L, = slimy liquid, poison] Vis. abbr. Viscount. visa n. & v. --n. an endorsement on a passport etc. showing that it has been found correct, esp. as allowing the holder to enter or leave a country. --v.tr. (visas, visaed or visa'd, visaing) mark with a visa. [F f. L visa neut. pl. past part. of videre see] visage n. literary a face, a countenance. ЬЬvisaged adj. (also in comb.). [ME f. OF f. L visus sight (as VISA)] vis-…-vis prep., adv., & n. --prep. 1 in relation to. 2 opposite to. --adv. facing one another. --n. (pl. same) 1 a person or thing facing another, esp. in some dances. 2 a person occupying a corresponding position in another group. 3 US a social partner. [F, = face to face, f. vis face f. L (as VISAGE)] Visc. abbr. Viscount. viscacha n. (also vizcacha) any S. American burrowing rodent of the genus Lagidium, having valuable fur. [Sp. f. Quechua (h)uiscacha] viscera n.pl. the interior organs in the great cavities of the body (e.g. brain, heart, liver), esp. in the abdomen (e.g. the intestines). [L, pl. of viscus: see VISCUS] visceral adj. 1 of the viscera. 2 relating to inward feelings rather than conscious reasoning. Ьvisceral nerve a sympathetic nerve (see SYMPATHETIC adj. 9). ЬЬviscerally adv. viscid adj. 1 glutinous, sticky. 2 semifluid. ЬЬviscidity n. [LL viscidus f. L viscum birdlime] viscometer n. an instrument for measuring the viscosity of liquids. ЬЬviscometric adj. viscometrically adv. viscometry n. [var. of viscosimeter (as VISCOSITY)] viscose n. 1 a form of cellulose in a highly viscous state suitable for drawing into yarn. 2 rayon made from this. [LL viscosus (as VISCOUS)] viscosity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the quality or degree of being viscous. 2 Physics a (of a fluid) internal friction, the resistance to flow. b a quantity expressing this. Ьdynamic viscosity a quantity measuring the force needed to overcome internal friction. kinematic viscosity a quantity measuring the dynamic viscosity per unit density. ЬЬviscosimeter n. [ME f. OF viscosit‚ or med.L viscositas (as VISCOUS)] viscount n. a British nobleman ranking between an earl and a baron. ЬЬviscountcy n. (pl. -ies). viscountship n. viscounty n. (pl. -ies). [ME f. AF viscounte, OF vi(s)conte f. med.L vicecomes -mitis (as VICE-, COUNT(2))] viscountess n. 1 a viscount's wife or widow. 2 a woman holding the rank of viscount in her own right. viscous adj. 1 glutinous, sticky. 2 semifluid. 3 Physics having a high viscosity; not flowing freely. ЬЬviscously adv. viscousness n. [ME f. AF viscous or LL viscosus (as VISCID)] viscus n. (pl. viscera) (usu. in pl.) any of the soft internal organs of the body. [L] vise US var. of VICE(2). Vishnu n. a Hindu god regarded by his worshippers as the supreme deity and saviour, by others as the second member of a triad with Brahma and Siva. ЬЬVishnuism n. Vishnuite n. & adj. [Skr. Vishnu] visibility n. 1 the state of being visible. 2 the range or possibility of vision as determined by the conditions of light and atmosphere (visibility was down to 50 yards). [F visibilit‚ or LL visibilitas f. L visibilis: see VISIBLE] visible adj. 1 a that can be seen by the eye. b (of light) within the range of wavelengths to which the eye is sensitive. 2 that can be perceived or ascertained; apparent, open (has no visible means of support; spoke with visible impatience). 3 (of exports etc.) consisting of actual goods (cf. invisible exports). Ьthe Church visible the whole body of professed Christian believers. visible horizon see HORIZON 1b. ЬЬvisibleness n. visibly adv. [ME f. OF visible or L visibilis f. videre vis- see] Visigoth n. a West Goth, a member of the branch of the Goths who settled in France and Spain in the 5th c. and ruled much of Spain until 711. [LL Visigothus] vision n. & v. --n. 1 the act or faculty of seeing, sight (has impaired his vision). 2 a a thing or person seen in a dream or trance. b a supernatural or prophetic apparition. 3 a thing or idea perceived vividly in the imagination (the romantic visions of youth; had visions of warm sandy beaches). 4 imaginative insight. 5 statesmanlike foresight; sagacity in planning. 6 a person etc. of unusual beauty. 7 what is seen on a television screen; television images collectively. --v.tr. see or present in or as in a vision. Ьfield of vision all that comes into view when the eyes are turned in some direction. vision-mixer a person whose job is to switch from one image to another in television broadcasting or recording. ЬЬvisional adj. visionless adj. [ME f. OF f. L visio -onis (as VISIBLE)] visionary adj. & n. --adj. 1 given to seeing visions or to indulging in fanciful theories. 2 existing only in a vision or in the imagination. 3 not practicable. --n. (pl. -ies) a visionary person. ЬЬvisionariness n. visit v. & n. --v. (visited, visiting) 1 a tr. (also absol.) go or come to see (a person, place, etc.) as an act of friendship or ceremony, on business or for a purpose, or from interest. b tr. go or come to see for the purpose of official inspection, supervision, consultation, or correction. 2 tr. reside temporarily with (a person) or at (a place). 3 intr. be a visitor. 4 tr. (of a disease, calamity, etc.) come upon, attack. 5 tr. Bibl. a (foll. by with) punish (a person). b (often foll. by upon) inflict punishment for (a sin). 6 intr. US a (foll. by with) go to see (a person) esp. socially. b (usu. foll. by with) converse, chat. 7 tr. archaic (often foll. by with) comfort, bless (with salvation etc.). --n. 1 a an act of visiting, a call on a person or at a place (was on a visit to some friends; paid him a long visit). b temporary residence with a person or at a place. 2 (foll. by to) an occasion of going to a doctor, dentist, etc. 3 a formal or official call for the purpose of inspection etc. 4 US a chat. Ьright of visit = right of visitation (see VISITATION). ЬЬvisitable adj. [ME f. OF visiter or L visitare go to see, frequent. of visare view f. videre vis- see: (n.) perh. f. F visite] visitant n. & adj. --n. 1 a visitor, esp. a supposedly supernatural one. 2 = VISITOR 2. --adj. archaic or poet. visiting. [F visitant or L visitare (as VISIT)] visitation n. 1 an official visit of inspection, esp. a bishop's examination of a church in his diocese. 2 trouble or difficulty regarded as a divine punishment. 3 (Visitation) a the visit of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth related in Luke 1:39-56. b the festival commemorating this on 2 July. 4 colloq. an unduly protracted visit or social call. 5 the boarding of a vessel belonging to another State to learn its character and purpose. Ьright of visitation the right to conduct a visitation of a vessel, not including the right of search. [ME f. OF visitation or LL visitatio (as VISIT)] visitatorial adj. of an official visitor or visitation. [ult. f. L visitare (see VISIT)] visiting n. & adj. --n. paying a visit or visits. --attrib.adj. (of an academic) spending some time at another institution (a visiting professor). Ьvisiting-card a card with a person's name etc., sent or left in lieu of a formal visit. visiting fireman (pl. -men) US sl. a visitor given especially cordial treatment. visitor n. 1 a person who visits a person or place. 2 a migratory bird present in a locality for part of the year (winter visitor). 3 Brit. (in a college etc.) an official with the right or duty of occasionally inspecting and reporting. Ьvisitors' book a book in which visitors to a hotel, church, embassy, etc., write their names and addresses and sometimes remarks. [ME f. AF visitour, OF visiteur (as VISIT)] visitorial adj. of an official visitor or visitation. visor n. (also vizor) 1 a a movable part of a helmet covering the face. b hist. a mask. c the projecting front part of a cap. 2 a shield (fixed or movable) to protect the eyes from unwanted light, esp. one at the top of a vehicle windscreen. ЬЬvisored adj. visorless adj. [ME f. AF viser, OF visiere f. vis face f. L visus: see VISAGE] vista n. 1 a long narrow view as between rows of trees. 2 a mental view of a long succession of remembered or anticipated events (opened up new vistas to his ambition). ЬЬvistaed adj. [It., = view, f. visto seen, past part. of vedere see f. L videre] visual adj. & n. --adj. of, concerned with, or used in seeing. --n. (usu. in pl.) a visual image or display, a picture. Ьvisual aid a film, model, etc., as an aid to learning. visual angle the angle formed at the eye by rays from the extremities of an object viewed. visual display unit Computing a device displaying data as characters on a screen and usu. incorporating a keyboard. visual field field of vision. visual purple a light-sensitive pigment in the retina, rhodopsin. visual ray Optics a line extended from an object to the eye. ЬЬvisuality n. visually adv. [ME f. LL visualis f. L visus sight f. videre see] visualize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make visible esp. to one's mind (a thing not visible to the eye). 2 make visible to the eye. ЬЬvisualizable adj. visualization n. vital adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, concerned with, or essential to organic life (vital functions). 2 essential to the existence of a thing or to the matter in hand (a vital question; secrecy is vital). 3 full of life or activity. 4 affecting life. 5 fatal to life or to success etc. (a vital error). 6 disp. important. --n. (in pl.) the body's vital organs, e.g. the heart and brain. Ьvital capacity the volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs after taking the deepest possible breath. vital force 1 (in Bergson's philosophy) life-force. 2 any mysterious vital principle. vital power the power to sustain life. vital statistics 1 the number of births, marriages, deaths, etc. 2 colloq. the measurements of a woman's bust, waist, and hips. ЬЬvitally adv. [ME f. OF f. L vitalis f. vita life] vitalism n. Biol. the doctrine that life originates in a vital principle distinct from chemical and other physical forces. ЬЬvitalist n. vitalistic adj. [F vitalisme or f. VITAL] vitality n. 1 liveliness, animation. 2 the ability to sustain life, vital power. 3 (of an institution, language, etc.) the ability to endure and to perform its functions. [L vitalitas (as VITAL)] vitalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 endow with life. 2 infuse with vigour. ЬЬvitalization n. vitally adv. essentially, indispensably. vitamin n. any of a group of organic compounds essential in small amounts for many living organisms to maintain normal health and development. Ьvitamin A = RETINOL. vitamin B complex (or B vitamins) any of a group of vitamins which, although not chemically related, are often found together in the same foods. vitamin B[1] = THIAMINE. vitamin B[2] = RIBOFLAVIN. vitamin B[6] = PYRIDOXINE. vitamin B[12] = CYANOCOBALAMIN. vitamin C = ASCORBIC ACID. vitamin D any of a group of vitamins found in liver and fish oils, essential for the absorption of calcium and the prevention of rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. vitamin D[2] = CALCIFEROL. vitamin D[3] = CHOLECALCIFEROL. vitamin E = TOCOPHEROL. vitamin K any of a group of vitamins found mainly in green leaves and essential for the blood-clotting process. vitamin K[1] = PHYLLOQUINONE. vitamin K[2] = MENAQUINONE. vitamin M esp. US = FOLIC ACID. [orig. vitamine f. L vita life + AMINE, because orig. thought to contain an amino acid] vitaminize v.tr. (also -ise) add vitamins to. vitellary adj. of or relating to the vitellus. vitelli pl. of VITELLUS. vitellin n. Chem. the chief protein constituent of the yolk of egg. [VITELLUS + -IN] vitelline adj. of the vitellus. Ьvitelline membrane the yolk-sac. [med.L vitellinus (as VITELLUS)] vitellus n. (pl. vitelli) 1 the yolk of an egg. 2 the contents of the ovum. [L, = yolk] vitiate v.tr. 1 impair the quality or efficiency of; corrupt, debase, contaminate. 2 make invalid or ineffectual. ЬЬvitiation n. vitiator n. [L vitiare f. vitium VICE(1)] viticulture n. the cultivation of grapevines; the science or study of this. ЬЬviticultural adj. viticulturist n. [L vitis vine + CULTURE] vitreous adj. 1 of, or of the nature of, glass. 2 like glass in hardness, brittleness, transparency, structure, etc. (vitreous enamel). Ьvitreous humour (or body) Anat. a transparent jelly-like tissue filling the eyeball. ЬЬvitreousness n. [L vitreus f. vitrum glass] vitrescent adj. tending to become glass. ЬЬvitrescence n. vitriform adj. having the form or appearance of glass. vitrify v.tr. & intr. (-ies, -ied) convert or be converted into glass or a glasslike substance esp. by heat. ЬЬvitrifaction n. vitrifiable adj. vitrification n. [F vitrifier or med.L vitrificare (as VITREOUS)] vitriol n. 1 sulphuric acid or a sulphate, orig. one of glassy appearance. 2 caustic or hostile speech, criticism, or feeling. Ьcopper vitriol copper sulphate. oil of vitriol concentrated sulphuric acid. [ME f. OF vitriol or med.L vitriolum f. L vitrum glass] vitriolic adj. (of speech or criticism) caustic or hostile. vitta n. (pl. vittae) 1 Bot. an oil-tube in the fruit of some plants. 2 Zool. a stripe of colour. ЬЬvittate adj. [L, = band, chaplet] vituperate v.tr. & intr. revile, abuse. ЬЬvituperation n. vituperative adj. vituperator n. [L vituperare f. vitium VICE(1)] viva(1) n. & v. Brit. colloq. --n. = VIVA VOCE n. --v.tr. (vivas, vivaed or viva'd, vivaing) = VIVA VOCE v. [abbr.] viva(2) int. & n. --int. long live. --n. a cry of this as a salute etc. [It., 3rd sing. pres. subj. of vivere live f. L] vivace adv. Mus. in a lively brisk manner. [It. f. L (as VIVACIOUS)] vivacious adj. lively, sprightly, animated. ЬЬvivaciously adv. vivaciousness n. vivacity n. [L vivax -acis f. vivere live] vivarium n. (pl. vivaria) a place artificially prepared for keeping animals in (nearly) their natural state. [L, = warren, fishpond, f. vivus living f. vivere live] vivat int. & n. = VIVA(2). [L, 3rd sing. pres. subj. of vivere live] viva voce adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. oral. --adv. orally. --n. an oral examination for an academic qualification. --v.tr. (viva-voce) (-vocees, -voceed, -voceing) examine orally. [med.L, = with the living voice] viverrid n. & adj. --n. any mammal of the family Viverridae, including civets, mongooses, and genets. --adj. of or relating to this family. [L viverra ferret + -ID(3)] vivers n.pl. Sc. food, victuals. [F vivres f. vivre live f. L vivere] vivid adj. 1 (of light or colour) strong, intense, glaring (a vivid flash of lightning; of a vivid green). 2 (of a mental faculty, impression, or description) clear, lively, graphic (has a vivid imagination; have a vivid recollection of the scene). 3 (of a person) lively, vigorous. ЬЬvividly adv. vividness n. [L vividus f. vivere live] vivify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) enliven, animate, make lively or living. ЬЬvivification n. [F vivifier f. LL vivificare f. L vivus living f. vivere live] viviparous adj. 1 Zool. bringing forth young alive, not hatching them by means of eggs (cf. OVIPAROUS). 2 Bot. producing bulbs or seeds that germinate while still attached to the parent plant. ЬЬviviparity n. viviparously adv. viviparousness n. [L viviparus f. vivus: see VIVIFY] vivisect v.tr. perform vivisection on. [back-form. f. VIVISECTION] vivisection n. 1 dissection or other painful treatment of living animals for purposes of scientific research. 2 unduly detailed or ruthless criticism. ЬЬvivisectional adj. vivisectionist n. vivisector n. [L vivus living (see VIVIFY), after DISSECTION (as DISSECT)] vixen n. 1 a female fox. 2 a spiteful or quarrelsome woman. ЬЬvixenish adj. vixenly adj. [ME fixen f. OE, fem. of FOX] viz. adv. (usu. introducing a gloss or explanation) namely; that is to say; in other words (came to a firm conclusion, viz. that we were right). [abbr. of VIDELICET, z being med.L symbol for abbr. of -et] vizard n. archaic a mask or disguise. [VISOR + -ARD] vizcacha var. of VISCACHA. vizier n. hist. a high official in some Muslim countries, esp. in Turkey under Ottoman rule. ЬЬvizierate n. vizierial adj. viziership n. [ult. f. Arab. wazir caliph's chief counsellor] vizor var. of VISOR. 9.0 Vlach... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Vlach n. & adj. --n. a member of a people inhabiting Romania and parts of the Soviet Union. --adj. of or relating to this people. [Bulg. f. OSlav. Vlachu Romanian etc. f. Gmc, = foreigner] vlei n. S.Afr. a hollow in which water collects during the rainy season. [Du. dial. f. Du. vallei valley] 10.0 V-neck =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- V-neck n. (often attrib.) 1 a neck of a pullover etc. with straight sides meeting at an angle in the front to form a V. 2 a garment with this. 11.0 VO... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VO abbr. (in the UK) Royal Victorian Order. vocable n. a word, esp. with reference to form rather than meaning. [F vocable or L vocabulum f. vocare call] vocabulary n. (pl. -ies) 1 the (principal) words used in a language or a particular book or branch of science etc. or by a particular author (scientific vocabulary; the vocabulary of Shakespeare). 2 a list of these, arranged alphabetically with definitions or translations. 3 the range of words known to an individual (his vocabulary is limited). 4 a set of artistic or stylistic forms or techniques, esp. a range of set movements in ballet etc. [med.L vocabularius, -um (as VOCABLE)] vocal adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or concerned with or uttered by the voice (a vocal communication). 2 expressing one's feelings freely in speech (was very vocal about his rights). 3 Phonet. voiced. 4 poet. (of trees, water, etc.) endowed with a voice or a similar faculty. 5 (of music) written for or produced by the voice with or without accompaniment (cf. INSTRUMENTAL). --n. 1 (in sing. or pl.) the sung part of a musical composition. 2 a musical performance with singing. Ьvocal cords folds of the lining membrane of the larynx near the opening of the glottis, with edges vibrating in the air-stream to produce the voice. vocal score a musical score showing the voice parts in full. ЬЬvocality n. vocally adv. [ME f. L vocalis (as VOICE)] vocalic adj. of or consisting of a vowel or vowels. vocalism n. 1 the use of the voice in speaking or singing. 2 a vowel sound or system. vocalist n. a singer, esp. of jazz or popular songs. vocalize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. a form (a sound) or utter (a word) with the voice. b make sonant (f is vocalized into v). 2 intr. utter a vocal sound. 3 tr. write (Hebrew etc.) with vowel points. 4 intr. Mus. sing with several notes to one vowel. ЬЬvocalization n. vocalizer n. vocation n. 1 a strong feeling of fitness for a particular career or occupation (in religious contexts regarded as a divine call). 2 a a person's employment, esp. regarded as requiring dedication. b a trade or profession. [ME f. OF vocation or L vocatio f. vocare call] vocational adj. 1 of or relating to an occupation or employment. 2 (of education or training) directed at a particular occupation and its skills. ЬЬvocationalism n. vocationalize v.tr. (also -ise). vocationally adv. vocative n. & adj. Gram. --n. the case of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives used in addressing or invoking a person or thing. --adj. of or in this case. [ME f. OF vocatif -ive or L vocativus f. vocare call] vociferate v. 1 tr. utter (words etc.) noisily. 2 intr. shout, bawl. ЬЬvociferance n. vociferant adj. & n. vociferation n. vociferator n. [L vociferari f. vox voice + ferre bear] vociferous adj. 1 (of a person, speech, etc.) noisy, clamorous. 2 insistently and forcibly expressing one's views. ЬЬvociferously adv. vociferousness n. vocoder n. a synthesizer that produces sounds from an analysis of speech input. [VOICE + CODE] vodka n. an alcoholic spirit made esp. in Russia by distillation of rye etc. [Russ., dimin. of voda water] voe n. a small bay or creek in Orkney or Shetland. [Norw. vaag, ON v gr] vogue n. 1 (prec. by the) the prevailing fashion. 2 popular use or currency (has had a great vogue). Ьin vogue in fashion, generally current. vogue-word a word currently fashionable. ЬЬvoguish adj. [F f. It. voga rowing, fashion f. vogare row, go well] voice n. & v. --n. 1 a sound formed in the larynx etc. and uttered by the mouth, esp. human utterance in speaking, shouting, singing, etc. (heard a voice; spoke in a low voice). b the ability to produce this (has lost her voice). 2 a the use of the voice; utterance, esp. in spoken or written words (esp. give voice). b an opinion so expressed. c the right to express an opinion (I have no voice in the matter). d an agency by which an opinion is expressed. 3 Gram. a form or set of forms of a verb showing the relation of the subject to the action (active voice; passive voice). 4 Mus. a a vocal part in a composition. b a constituent part in a fugue. 5 Phonet. sound uttered with resonance of the vocal cords, not with mere breath. 6 (usu. in pl.) the supposed utterance of an invisible guiding or directing spirit. --v.tr. 1 give utterance to; express (the letter voices our opinion). 2 (esp. as voiced adj.) Phonet. utter with vibration of the vocal cords (e.g. b, d, g, v, z). 3 Mus. regulate the tone-quality of (organ-pipes). Ьin voice (or good voice) in proper vocal condition for singing or speaking. voice-box the larynx. the voice of God the expression of God's will, wrath, etc. voice-over narration in a film etc. not accompanied by a picture of the speaker. voice-print a visual record of speech, analysed with respect to frequency, duration, and amplitude. voice vote US a vote taken by noting the relative strength of calls of aye and no. with one voice unanimously. ЬЬ-voiced adj. voicer n. (in sense 3 of v.). [ME f. AF voiz, OF vois f. L vox vocis] voiceful adj. poet. or rhet. 1 vocal. 2 sonorous. voiceless adj. 1 dumb, mute, speechless. 2 Phonet. uttered without vibration of the vocal cords (e.g. f, k, p, s, t). ЬЬvoicelessly adv. voicelessness n. void adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 a empty, vacant. b (foll. by of) lacking; free from (a style void of affectation). 2 esp. Law (of a contract, deed, promise, etc.) invalid, not binding (null and void). 3 useless, ineffectual. 4 (often foll. by in) Cards (of a hand) having no cards in a given suit. 5 (of an office) vacant (esp. fall void). --n. 1 an empty space, a vacuum (vanished into the void; cannot fill the void made by death). 2 an unfilled space in a wall or building. 3 (often foll. by in) Cards the absence of cards in a particular suit. --v.tr. 1 render invalid. 2 (also absol.) excrete. ЬЬvoidable adj. voidness n. [ME f. OF dial. voide, OF vuide, vuit, rel. to L vacare VACATE: v. partly f. AVOID, partly f. OF voider] voidance n. 1 Eccl. a vacancy in a benefice. 2 the act or an instance of voiding; the state of being voided. [ME f. OF (as VOID)] voided adj. Heraldry (of a bearing) having the central area cut away so as to show the field. voile n. a thin semi-transparent dress-material of cotton, wool, or silk. [F, = VEIL] vol. abbr. volume. volant adj. 1 Zool. flying, able to fly. 2 Heraldry represented as flying. 3 literary nimble, rapid. [F f. voler f. L volare fly] volar adj. Anat. of the palm or sole. [L vola hollow of hand or foot] volatile adj. & n. --adj. 1 evaporating rapidly (volatile salts). 2 changeable, fickle. 3 lively, light-hearted. 4 apt to break out into violence. 5 transient. --n. a volatile substance. Ьvolatile oil = essential oil. ЬЬvolatileness n. volatility n. [OF volatil or L volatilis f. volare volat- fly] volatilize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. cause to evaporate. 2 intr. evaporate. ЬЬvolatilizable adj. volatilization n. vol-au-vent n. a (usu. small) round case of puff pastry filled with meat, fish, etc., and sauce. [F, lit. 'flight in the wind'] volcanic adj. (also vulcanic) of, like, or produced by a volcano. Ьvolcanic bomb a mass of ejected lava usu. rounded and sometimes hollow. volcanic glass obsidian. ЬЬvolcanically adv. volcanicity n. [F volcanique f. volcan VOLCANO] volcano n. (pl. -oes) 1 a mountain or hill having an opening or openings in the earth's crust through which lava, cinders, steam, gases, etc., are or have been expelled continuously or at intervals. 2 a a state of things likely to cause a violent outburst. b a violent esp. suppressed feeling. [It. f. L Volcanus Vulcan, Roman god of fire] volcanology var. of VULCANOLOGY. vole(1) n. any small ratlike or mouselike plant-eating rodent of the family Cricetidae. [orig. vole-mouse f. Norw. f. voll field + mus mouse] vole(2) n. archaic the winning of all tricks at cards. [F f. voler fly f. L volare] volet n. a panel or wing of a triptych. [F f. voler fly f. L volare] volitant adj. Zool. volant. [L volitare frequent. of volare fly] volition n. 1 the exercise of the will. 2 the power of willing. Ьof (or by) one's own volition voluntarily. ЬЬvolitional adj. volitionally adv. volitive adj. [F volition or med.L volitio f. volo I wish] V”lkerwanderung n. a migration of peoples, esp. that of Germanic and Slavic peoples into Europe from the second to the eleventh centuries. [G] volley n. & v. --n. (pl. -eys) 1 a the simultaneous discharge of a number of weapons. b the bullets etc. discharged in a volley. 2 (usu. foll. by of) a noisy emission of oaths etc. in quick succession. 3 Tennis the return of a ball in play before it touches the ground. 4 Football the kicking of a ball in play before it touches the ground. 5 Cricket a a ball pitched right up to the batsman or the stumps without bouncing. b the pitching of the ball in this way. --v. (-eys, -eyed) 1 tr. (also absol.) Tennis & Football return or send (a ball) by a volley. 2 tr. & absol. discharge (bullets, abuse, etc.) in a volley. 3 intr. (of bullets etc.) fly in a volley. 4 intr. (of guns etc.) sound together. 5 intr. make a sound like a volley of artillery. ЬЬvolleyer n. [F vol‚e ult. f. L volare fly] volleyball n. a game for two teams of six hitting a large ball by hand over a net. volplane n. & v. Aeron. --n. a glide. --v.intr. glide. [F vol plan‚ f. vol flight + plan‚ past part. of planer hover, rel. to PLANE(1)] vols. abbr. volumes. volt(1) n. the SI unit of electromotive force, the difference of potential that would carry one ampere of current against one ohm resistance. °Abbr.: V. [A. Volta, It. physicist d. 1827] volt(2) v. & n. --v.intr. Fencing make a volte. --n. var. of VOLTE. [F volter (as VOLTE)] voltage n. electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts. voltaic adj. archaic of electricity from a primary battery; galvanic (voltaic battery). voltameter n. an instrument for measuring an electric charge. volte n. (also volt) 1 Fencing a quick movement to escape a thrust. 2 a sideways circular movement of a horse. [F f. It. volta turn, fem. past part. of volgere turn f. L volvere roll] volte-face n. 1 a complete reversal of position in argument or opinion. 2 the act or an instance of turning round. [F f. It. voltafaccia, ult. f. L volvere roll + facies appearance, face] voltmeter n. an instrument for measuring electric potential in volts. voluble adj. 1 speaking or spoken vehemently, incessantly, or fluently (voluble spokesman; voluble excuses). 2 Bot. twisting round a support, twining. ЬЬvolubility n. volubleness n. volubly adv. [F voluble or L volubilis f. volvere roll] volume n. 1 a a set of sheets of paper, usu. printed, bound together and forming part or the whole of a work or comprising several works (issued in three volumes; a library of 12,000 volumes). b hist. a scroll of papyrus etc., an ancient form of book. 2 a solid content, bulk. b the space occupied by a gas or liquid. c (foll. by of) an amount or quantity (large volume of business). 3 a quantity or power of sound. b fullness of tone. 4 (foll. by of) a a moving mass of water etc. b (usu. in pl.) a wreath or coil or rounded mass of smoke etc. ЬЬvolumed adj. (also in comb.). [ME f. OF volum(e) f. L volumen -minis roll f. volvere to roll] volumetric adj. of or relating to measurement by volume. ЬЬvolumetrically adv. [VOLUME + METRIC] voluminous adj. 1 large in volume; bulky. 2 (of drapery etc.) loose and ample. 3 consisting of many volumes. 4 (of a writer) producing many books. ЬЬvoluminosity n. voluminously adv. voluminousness n. [LL voluminosus (as VOLUME)] voluntarism n. 1 the principle of relying on voluntary action rather than compulsion. 2 Philos. the doctrine that the will is a fundamental or dominant factor in the individual or the universe. 3 hist. the doctrine that the Church or schools should be independent of the State and supported by voluntary contributions. ЬЬvoluntarist n. [irreg. f. VOLUNTARY] voluntary adj. & n. --adj. 1 done, acting, or able to act of one's own free will; not constrained or compulsory, intentional (a voluntary gift). 2 unpaid (voluntary work). 3 (of an institution) supported by voluntary contributions. 4 Brit. (of a school) built by a voluntary institution but maintained by a local education authority. 5 brought about, produced, etc., by voluntary action. 6 (of a movement, muscle, or limb) controlled by the will. 7 (of a confession by a criminal) not prompted by a promise or threat. 8 Law (of a conveyance or disposition) made without return in money or other consideration. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a an organ solo played before, during, or after a church service. b the music for this. c archaic an extempore performance esp. as a prelude to other music. 2 (in competitions) a special performance left to the performer's choice. 3 hist. a person who holds that the Church or schools should be independent of the State and supported by voluntary contributions. ЬVoluntary Aid Detachment (in the UK) a group of organized voluntary first-aid and nursing workers. Voluntary Service Overseas a British organization promoting voluntary work in underdeveloped countries. ЬЬvoluntarily adv. voluntariness n. [ME f. OF volontaire or L voluntarius f. voluntas will] voluntaryism n. hist. = VOLUNTARISM 1, 3. ЬЬvoluntaryist n. volunteer n. & v. --n. 1 a person who voluntarily undertakes a task or enters military or other service, esp. Mil. hist. a member of any of the corps of voluntary soldiers formerly organized in the UK and provided with instructors, arms, etc., by the State. 2 (usu. attrib.) a self-sown plant. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by to + infin.) undertake or offer (one's services, a remark or explanation, etc.) voluntarily. 2 intr. (often foll. by for) make a voluntary offer of one's services; be a volunteer. [F volontaire (as VOLUNTARY), assim. to -EER] voluptuary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) a person given up to luxury and sensual pleasure. --adj. concerned with luxury and sensual pleasure. [L volupt(u)arius (as VOLUPTUOUS)] voluptuous adj. of, tending to, occupied with, or derived from, sensuous or sensual pleasure. ЬЬvoluptuously adv. voluptuousness n. [ME f. OF voluptueux or L voluptuosus f. voluptas pleasure] volute n. & adj. --n. 1 Archit. a spiral scroll characteristic of Ionic capitals and also used in Corinthian and composite capitals. 2 a any marine gastropod mollusc of the genus Voluta. b the spiral shell of this. --adj. esp. Bot. rolled up. ЬЬvoluted adj. [F volute or L voluta fem. past part. of volvere roll] volution n. 1 a rolling motion. 2 a spiral turn. 3 a whorl of a spiral shell. 4 Anat. a convolution. [as VOLUTE, after REVOLUTION etc.] vomer n. Anat. the small thin bone separating the nostrils in man and most vertebrates. [L, = ploughshare] vomit v. & n. --v.tr. (vomited, vomiting) 1 (also absol.) eject (matter) from the stomach through the mouth. 2 (of a volcano, chimney, etc.) eject violently, belch forth. --n. 1 matter vomited from the stomach. 2 archaic an emetic. ЬЬvomiter n. [ME ult. f. L vomere vomit- or frequent. L vomitare] vomitorium n. (pl. vomitoria) Rom. Antiq. a vomitory. [L; see VOMITORY] vomitory adj. & n. --adj. emetic. --n. (pl. -ies) Rom. Antiq. each of a series of passages for entrance and exit in an amphitheatre or theatre. [L vomitorius (adj.), -um (n.) (as VOMIT)] V-1 n. hist. a type of German flying bomb used in the war of 1939-45. [abbr. of G Vergeltungswaffe reprisal weapon] voodoo n. & v. --n. 1 use of or belief in religious witchcraft as practised among Blacks esp. in the W. Indies. 2 a person skilled in this. 3 a voodoo spell. --v.tr. (voodoos, voodooed) affect by voodoo; bewitch. ЬЬvoodooism n. voodooist n. [Dahomey vodu] voracious adj. 1 greedy in eating, ravenous. 2 very eager in some activity (a voracious reader). ЬЬvoraciously adv. voraciousness n. voracity n. [L vorax f. vorare devour] -vorous comb. form forming adjectives meaning 'feeding on' (carnivorous). ЬЬ-vora comb. form forming names of groups. -vore comb. form forming names of individuals. [L -vorus f. vorare devour] vortex n. (pl. vortexes or vortices) 1 a mass of whirling fluid, esp. a whirlpool or whirlwind. 2 any whirling motion or mass. 3 a system, occupation, pursuit, etc., viewed as swallowing up or engrossing those who approach it (the vortex of society). 4 Physics a portion of fluid whose particles have rotatory motion. Ьvortex-ring a vortex whose axis is a closed curve, e.g. a smoke-ring. ЬЬvortical adj. vortically adv. vorticity n. vorticose adj. vorticular adj. [L vortex -icis eddy, var. of VERTEX] vorticella n. any sedentary protozoan of the family Vorticellidae, consisting of a tubular stalk with a bell-shaped ciliated opening. [mod.L, dimin. of VORTEX] vorticist n. 1 Art a painter, writer, etc., of a school influenced by futurism and using the 'vortices' of modern civilization as a basis. 2 Metaphysics a person regarding the universe, with Descartes, as a plenum in which motion propagates itself in circles. ЬЬvorticism n. votary n. (pl. -ies; fem. votaress) (usu. foll. by of) 1 a person vowed to the service of God or a god or cult. 2 a devoted follower, adherent, or advocate of a person, system, occupation, etc. ЬЬvotarist n. [L vot-: see VOTE] vote n. & v. --n. 1 a formal expression of choice or opinion by means of a ballot, show of hands, etc., concerning a choice of candidate, approval of a motion or resolution, etc. (let us take a vote on it; gave my vote to the independent candidate). 2 (usu. prec. by the) the right to vote, esp. in a State election. 3 a an opinion expressed by a majority of votes. b Brit. money granted by a majority of votes. 4 the collective votes that are or may be given by or for a particular group (will lose the Welsh vote; the Conservative vote increased). 5 a ticket etc. used for recording a vote. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by for, against, or to + infin.) give a vote. 2 tr. a (often foll. by that + clause) enact or resolve by a majority of votes. b grant (a sum of money) by a majority of votes. c cause to be in a specified position by a majority of votes (was voted off the committee). 3 tr. colloq. pronounce or declare by general consent (was voted a failure). 4 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) colloq. announce one's proposal (I vote that we all go home). Ьput to a (or the) vote submit to a decision by voting. vote down defeat (a proposal etc.) in a vote. vote in elect by votes. vote of censure = vote of no confidence. vote of confidence (or no confidence) a vote showing that the majority support (or do not support) the policy of the governing body etc. vote with one's feet colloq. indicate an opinion by one's presence or absence. voting-machine (esp. in the US) a machine for the automatic registering of votes. voting-paper a paper used in voting by ballot. voting stock stock entitling the holder to a vote. ЬЬvotable adj. voteless adj. [ME f. past part. stem vot- of L vovere vow] voter n. 1 a person with the right to vote at an election. 2 a person voting. votive adj. offered or consecrated in fulfilment of a vow (votive offering; votive picture). Ьvotive mass Eccl. a mass celebrated for a special purpose or occasion. [L votivus (as VOTE)] vouch v. 1 intr. (foll. by for) answer for, be surety for (will vouch for the truth of this; can vouch for him; could not vouch for his honesty). 2 tr. archaic cite as an authority. 3 tr. archaic confirm or uphold (a statement) by evidence or assertion. [ME f. OF vo(u)cher summon etc., ult. f. L vocare call] voucher n. 1 a document which can be exchanged for goods or services as a token of payment made or promised by the holder or another. 2 a document establishing the payment of money or the truth of accounts. 3 a person who vouches for a person, statement, etc. [AF voucher (as VOUCH) or f. VOUCH] vouchsafe v.tr. formal 1 condescend to give or grant (vouchsafed me no answer). 2 (foll. by to + infin.) condescend. [ME f. VOUCH in sense 'warrant' + SAFE] voussoir n. each of the wedge-shaped or tapered stones forming an arch. [OF vossoir etc. f. pop.L volsorium ult. f. L volvere roll] vow n. & v. --n. 1 Relig. a solemn promise esp. in the form of an oath to God or another deity or to a saint. 2 (in pl.) the promises by which a monk or nun is bound to poverty, chastity, and obedience. 3 a promise of fidelity (lovers' vows; marriage vows). 4 (usu. as baptismal vows) the promises given at baptism by the baptized person or by sponsors. --v.tr. 1 promise solemnly (vowed obedience). 2 dedicate to a deity. 3 (also absol.) archaic declare solemnly. Ьunder a vow having made a vow. [ME f. AF v(o)u, OF vo(u), f. L (as VOTE): (v.) f. OF vouer, in sense 2 partly f. AVOW] vowel n. 1 a speech-sound made with vibration of the vocal cords but without audible friction, more open than a consonant and capable of forming a syllable. 2 a letter or letters representing this, as a, e, i, o, u, aw, ah. Ьvowel gradation = ABLAUT. vowel mutation = UMLAUT 2. vowel-point each of a set of marks indicating vowels in Hebrew etc. ЬЬvowelled adj. (also in comb.). vowelless adj. vowelly adj. [ME f. OF vouel, voiel f. L vocalis (littera) VOCAL (letter)] vowelize v.tr. (also -ise) insert the vowels in (shorthand, Hebrew, etc.). vox angelica n. an organ-stop with a soft tremulous tone. [LL, = angelic voice] vox humana n. an organ-stop with a tone supposed to resemble a human voice. [L, = human voice] vox pop n. Broadcasting colloq. popular opinion as represented by informal comments from members of the public; statements or interviews of this kind. [abbr. of VOX POPULI] vox populi n. public opinion, the general verdict, popular belief or rumour. [L, = the people's voice] voyage n. & v. --n. 1 a journey, esp. a long one by water, air, or in space. 2 an account of this. --v. 1 intr. make a voyage. 2 tr. traverse, esp. by water or air. ЬЬvoyageable adj. voyager n. [ME f. AF & OF veiage, voiage f. L viaticum] voyageur n. a Canadian boatman, esp. hist. one employed in transporting goods and passengers between trading posts. [F, = voyager (as VOYAGE)] voyeur n. a person who obtains sexual gratification from observing others' sexual actions or organs. ЬЬvoyeurism n. voyeuristic adj. voyeuristically adj. [F f. voir see] 12.0 VP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VP abbr. Vice-President. 13.0 VR =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VR abbr. 1 Queen Victoria. 2 variant reading. [sense 1 f. L Victoria Regina] 14.0 VS... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VS abbr. Veterinary Surgeon. vs. abbr. versus. V-sign n. 1 Brit. a sign of the letter V made with the first two fingers pointing up and the back of the hand facing outwards, as a gesture of abuse, contempt, etc. 2 a similar sign made with the palm of the hand facing outwards, as a symbol of victory. VSO abbr. Voluntary Service Overseas. VSOP abbr. Very Special Old Pale (brandy). 15.0 VT... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VT abbr. US Vermont (in official postal use). Vt. abbr. Vermont. VTO abbr. vertical take-off. VTOL abbr. vertical take-off and landing. V-2 n. a type of German rocket-powered missile used in the war of 1939-45. [abbr. of G Vergeltungswaffe reprisal weapon] 16.0 vug... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- vug n. a rock-cavity lined with crystals. ЬЬvuggy adj. vugular adj. [Corn. vooga] vulcanic var. of VOLCANIC. vulcanite n. a hard black vulcanized rubber, ebonite. [as VULCANIZE] vulcanize v.tr. (also -ise) treat (rubber or rubberlike material) with sulphur etc. esp. at a high temperature to increase its strength. ЬЬvulcanizable adj. vulcanization n. vulcanizer n. [Vulcan, Roman god of fire and metal-working] vulcanology n. (also volcanology) the scientific study of volcanoes. ЬЬvulcanological adj. vulcanologist n. vulgar adj. 1 a of or characteristic of the common people, plebeian. b coarse in manners; low (vulgar expressions; vulgar tastes). 2 in common use; generally prevalent (vulgar errors). Ьvulgar fraction a fraction expressed by numerator and denominator, not decimally. vulgar Latin informal Latin of classical times. the vulgar tongue the national or vernacular language, esp. formerly as opposed to Latin. ЬЬvulgarly adv. [ME f. L vulgaris f. vulgus common people] vulgarian n. a vulgar (esp. rich) person. vulgarism n. 1 a word or expression in coarse or uneducated use. 2 an instance of coarse or uneducated behaviour. vulgarity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the quality of being vulgar. 2 an instance of this. vulgarize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make (a person, manners, etc.) vulgar, infect with vulgarity. 2 spoil (a scene, sentiment, etc.) by making it too common, frequented, or well known. 3 popularize. ЬЬvulgarization n. Vulgate n. 1 a the Latin version of the Bible prepared mainly by St Jerome in the late fourth century. b the official Roman Catholic Latin text as revised in 1592. 2 (vulgate) the traditionally accepted text of any author. 3 (vulgate) common or colloquial speech. [L vulgata (editio edition), fem. past part. of vulgare make public f. vulgus: see VULGAR] vulnerable adj. 1 that may be wounded or harmed. 2 (foll. by to) exposed to damage by a weapon, criticism, etc. 3 Bridge having won one game towards rubber and therefore liable to higher penalties. ЬЬvulnerability n. vulnerableness n. vulnerably adv. [LL vulnerabilis f. L vulnerare to wound f. vulnus -eris wound] vulnerary adj. & n. --adj. useful or used for the healing of wounds. --n. (pl. -ies) a vulnerary drug, plant, etc. [L vulnerarius f. vulnus: see VULNERABLE] vulpine adj. 1 of or like a fox. 2 crafty, cunning. [L vulpinus f. vulpes fox] vulture n. 1 any of various large birds of prey of the family Cathartidae or Accipitridae, with the head and neck more or less bare of feathers, feeding chiefly on carrion and reputed to gather with others in anticipation of a death. 2 a rapacious person. ЬЬvulturine adj. vulturish adj. vulturous adj. [ME f. AF vultur, OF voltour etc., f. L vulturius] vulva n. (pl. vulvas) Anat. the external female genitals, esp. the external opening of the vagina. ЬЬvulvar adj. vulvitis n. [L, = womb] 17.0 vv. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- vv. abbr. 1 verses. 2 volumes. 18.0 vying =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- vying pres. part. of VIE. Яндекс.Реклама: олимп инвест 2000 |