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English language - Dictionaries U...Oxford English ReferenceBritish Library Cataloguing Data The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed. 1. English language--Dictionaries I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423 ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain 1.0 U... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- U(1) n. (also u) (pl. Us or U's) 1 the twenty-first letter of the alphabet. 2 a U-shaped object or curve (esp. in comb.: U-bolt). U(2) adj. esp. Brit. colloq. 1 upper class. 2 supposedly characteristic of the upper class. [abbr.] U(3) adj. a Burmese title of respect before a man's name. [Burmese] U(4) abbr. (also U.) 1 Brit. universal (of films classified as suitable without restriction). 2 university. U(5) symb. Chem. the element uranium. u prefix = MU 2 (ж). 2.0 UAE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UAE abbr. United Arab Emirates. 3.0 ubiety... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ubiety n. the fact or condition of being in a definite place; local relation. [med.L ubietas f. L ubi where] -ubility suffix forming nouns from, or corresponding to, adjectives in -uble (solubility; volubility). [L -ubilitas: cf. -ITY] ubiquitarian adj. & n. Theol. --adj. relating to or believing in the doctrine of the omnipresence of Christ's body. --n. a believer in this. ЬЬubiquitarianism n. [mod.L ubiquitarius (as UBIQUITOUS)] ubiquitous adj. 1 present everywhere or in several places simultaneously. 2 often encountered. ЬЬubiquitously adv. ubiquitousness n. ubiquity n. [mod.L ubiquitas f. L ubique everywhere f. ubi where] -uble suffix forming adjectives meaning 'that may or must be' (see -ABLE) (soluble; voluble). [F f. L -ubilis] -ubly suffix forming adverbs corresponding to adjectives in -uble. U-boat n. hist. a German submarine. [G U-boot = Unterseeboot under-sea boat] 4.0 UC... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UC abbr. University College. u.c. abbr. upper case. UCATT abbr. (in the UK) Union of Construction, Allied Trades, and Technicians. UCCA abbr. (in the UK) Universities Central Council on Admissions. UCW abbr. (in the UK) Union of Communication Workers. 5.0 UDA... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UDA abbr. Ulster Defence Association (a loyalist paramilitary organization). udal n. (also odal) the kind of freehold right based on uninterrupted possession prevailing in N. Europe before the feudal system and still in use in Orkney and Shetland. [ON ўthal f. Gmc] UDC abbr. hist. (in the UK) Urban District Council. udder n. the mammary gland of cattle, sheep, etc., hanging as a baglike organ with several teats. ЬЬuddered adj. (also in comb.). [OE uder f. WG] UDI abbr. unilateral declaration of independence. udometer n. formal a rain-gauge. [F udomЉtre f. L udus damp] UDR abbr. Ulster Defence Regiment. 6.0 UEFA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UEFA abbr. Union of European Football Associations. 7.0 UFO... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UFO n. (also ufo) (pl. UFOs or ufos) unidentified flying object. [abbr.] ufology n. the study of UFOs. ЬЬufologist n. 8.0 ugh... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ugh int. 1 expressing disgust or horror. 2 the sound of a cough or grunt. [imit.] Ugli n. (pl. Uglis or Uglies) propr. a mottled green and yellow citrus fruit, a hybrid of a grapefruit and tangerine. [UGLY] uglify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) make ugly. ЬЬuglification n. ugly adj. (uglier, ugliest) 1 unpleasing or repulsive to see or hear (an ugly scar; spoke with an ugly snarl). 2 unpleasantly suggestive; discreditable (ugly rumours are about). 3 threatening, dangerous (the sky has an ugly look). 4 morally repulsive; vile (ugly vices). Ьugly customer an unpleasantly formidable person. ugly duckling a person who turns out to be beautiful or talented etc. against all expectations (with ref. to a cygnet in a brood of ducks in a tale by Andersen). ЬЬuglily adv. ugliness n. [ME f. ON uggligr to be dreaded f. ugga to dread] Ugrian adj. & n. (also Ugric) --adj. of or relating to the eastern branch of Finnic peoples, esp. the Finns and Magyars. --n. 1 a member of this people. 2 the language of this people. [Russ. Ugry name of a race dwelling E. of the Urals] 9.0 UHF... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UHF abbr. ultra-high frequency. uh-huh int. colloq. expressing assent. [imit.] uhlan n. hist. a cavalryman armed with a lance in some European armies, esp. the former German army. [F & G f. Pol. (h)ulan f. Turk. oglan youth, servant] UHT abbr. ultra heat treated (esp. of milk, for long keeping). 10.0 Uitlander =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Uitlander n. S.Afr. a foreigner or alien, esp. before the Boer War. [Afrik. f. Du. uit out + land land] 11.0 UK... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UK abbr. United Kingdom. UKAEA abbr. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. ukase n. 1 an arbitrary command. 2 hist. an edict of the Tsarist Russian government. [Russ. ukaz ordinance, edict f. ukazat' show, decree] Ukrainian n. & adj. --n. 1 a native of the Ukraine in the USSR. 2 the language of the Ukraine. --adj. of or relating to the Ukraine or its people or language. [Ukraine f. Russ. ukraina frontier region f. u at + krai edge] ukulele n. a small four-stringed Hawaiian (orig. Portuguese) guitar. [Hawaiian, = jumping flea] 12.0 ular... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -ular suffix forming adjectives, sometimes corresp. to nouns in -ule (pustular) but often without diminutive force (angular; granular). ЬЬ-ularity suffix forming nouns. [from or after L -ularis (as -ULE, -AR(1))] ulcer n. 1 an open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, often forming pus. 2 a a moral blemish. b a corroding or corrupting influence etc. ЬЬulcered adj. ulcerous adj. [ME f. L ulcus -eris, rel. to Gk helkos] ulcerate v.tr. & intr. form into or affect with an ulcer. ЬЬulcerable adj. ulceration n. ulcerative adj. [ME f. L ulcerare ulcerat- (as ULCER)] -ule suffix forming diminutive nouns (capsule; globule). [from or after L - ulus, -ula, -ulum] ulema n. 1 a body of Muslim doctors of sacred law and theology. 2 a member of this. [Arab. ' ulama pl. of ' alim learned f. ' alama know] -ulent suffix forming adjectives meaning 'abounding in, full of' (fraudulent; turbulent). ЬЬ-ulence suffix forming nouns. [L -ulentus] uliginose adj. (also uliginous) Bot. growing in wet or swampy places. [L uliginosus f. uligo -ginis moisture] ullage n. 1 the amount by which a cask etc. falls short of being full. 2 loss by evaporation or leakage. [ME f. AF ulliage, OF ouillage f. ouiller fill up, ult. f. L oculus eye, with ref. to the bung-hole] ulna n. (pl. ulnae) 1 the thinner and longer bone in the forearm, on the side opposite to the thumb (cf. RADIUS 3). 2 Zool. a corresponding bone in an animal's foreleg or a bird's wing. ЬЬulnar adj. [L, rel. to Gk olene and ELL] ulotrichan adj. & n. --adj. (also ulotrichous) having tightly-curled hair, esp. denoting a human type. --n. a person having such hair. [mod.L Ulotrichi f. Gk oulos woolly, crisp + thrix trikhos hair] -ulous suffix forming adjectives (fabulous; populous). [L -ulosus, -ulus] ulster n. a man's long loose overcoat of rough cloth. [Ulster in Ireland, where it was orig. sold] Ulsterman n. (pl. -men; fem. Ulsterwoman; pl. -women) a native of Ulster. ult. abbr. ultimo. ulterior adj. 1 existing in the background, or beyond what is evident or admitted; hidden, secret (esp. ulterior motive). 2 situated beyond. 3 more remote; not immediate; in the future. ЬЬulteriorly adv. [L, = further, more distant] ultima n. the last syllable of a word. [L ultima (syllaba), fem. of ultimus last] ultimata pl. of ULTIMATUM. ultimate adj. & n. --adj. 1 last, final. 2 beyond which no other exists or is possible (the ultimate analysis). 3 fundamental, primary, unanalysable (ultimate truths). 4 maximum (ultimate tensile strength). --n. 1 (prec. by the) the best achievable or imaginable. 2 a final or fundamental fact or principle. ЬЬultimately adj. ultimateness n. [LL ultimatus past part. of ultimare come to an end] ultima Thule n. a far-away unknown region. [L, = furthest Thule, a remote northern region] ultimatum n. (pl. ultimatums or ultimata) a final demand or statement of terms by one party, the rejection of which by another could cause a breakdown in relations, war, or an end of cooperation etc. [L neut. past part.: see ULTIMATE] ultimo adj. Commerce of last month (the 28th ultimo). [L ultimo mense in the last month] ultimogeniture n. a system in which the youngest son has the right of inheritance (cf. PRIMOGENITURE 2). [L ultimus last, after PRIMOGENITURE] ultra adj. & n. --adj. favouring extreme views or measures, esp. in religion or politics. --n. an extremist. [orig. as abbr. of F ultra-royaliste: see ULTRA-] ultra- comb. form 1 beyond; on the other side of (opp. CIS-). 2 extreme(ly), excessive(ly) (ultra-conservative; ultra-modern). [L ultra beyond] ultracentrifuge n. a high-speed centrifuge used to separate small particles and large molecules by their rate of sedimentation from sols. ultra-high adj. (of a frequency) in the range 300 to 3000 megahertz. ultraist n. the holder of extreme positions in politics, religion, etc. ЬЬultraism n. ultramarine n. & adj. --n. 1 a a brilliant blue pigment orig. obtained from lapis lazuli. b an imitation of this from powdered fired clay, sodium carbonate, sulphur, and resin. 2 the colour of this. --adj. 1 of this colour. 2 archaic situated beyond the sea. [obs. It. oltramarino & med.L ultramarinus beyond the sea (as ULTRA-, MARINE), because lapis lazuli was brought from beyond the sea] ultramicroscope n. an optical microscope used to reveal very small particles by means of light scattered by them. ultramicroscopic adj. 1 too small to be seen by an ordinary optical microscope. 2 of or relating to an ultramicroscope. ultramontane adj. & n. --adj. 1 situated on the other side of the Alps from the point of view of the speaker. 2 advocating supreme papal authority in matters of faith and discipline. --n. 1 a person living on the other side of the Alps. 2 a person advocating supreme papal authority. [med.L ultramontanus (as ULTRA-, L mons montis mountain)] ultramundane adj. lying beyond the world or the solar system. [L ultramundanus (as ULTRA-, mundanus f. mundus world)] ultrasonic adj. of or involving sound waves with a frequency above the upper limit of human hearing. ЬЬultrasonically adv. ultrasonics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) the science and application of ultrasonic waves. ultrasound n. 1 sound having an ultrasonic frequency. 2 ultrasonic waves. Ьultrasound cardiography = ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY. ultrastructure n. Biol. fine structure not visible with an optical microscope. ultraviolet adj. Physics 1 having a wavelength (just) beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum. 2 of or using such radiation. ultra vires adv. & predic.adj. beyond one's legal power or authority. [L] ululate v.intr. howl, wail; make a hooting cry. ЬЬululant adj. ululation n. [L ululare ululat- (imit.)] 13.0 um... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- um int. expressing hesitation or a pause in speech. [imit.] -um var. of -IUM 1. umbel n. Bot. a flower-cluster in which stalks nearly equal in length spring from a common centre and form a flat or curved surface, as in parsley. ЬЬumbellar adj. umbellate adj. umbellule adj. [obs. F umbelle or L umbella sunshade, dimin. of UMBRA] umbellifer n. any plant of the family Umbelliferae bearing umbels, including parsley and parsnip. ЬЬumbelliferous adj. [obs. F umbellifЉre f. L (as UMBEL, - fer bearing)] umber n. & adj. --n. 1 a natural pigment like ochre but darker and browner. 2 the colour of this. --adj. 1 of this colour. 2 dark, dusky. [F (terre d') ombre or It. (terra di) ombra = shadow (earth), f. L UMBRA or Umbra fem. of Umber Umbrian] umbilical adj. 1 of, situated near, or affecting the navel. 2 centrally placed. Ьumbilical cord 1 a flexible cordlike structure attaching a foetus to the placenta. 2 Astronaut. a supply cable linking a missile to its launcher, or an astronaut in space to a spacecraft. [obs. F umbilical or f. UMBILICUS] umbilicate adj. 1 shaped like a navel. 2 having an umbilicus. umbilicus n. (pl. umbilici or umbilicuses) 1 Anat. the navel. 2 Bot. & Zool. a navel-like formation. 3 Geom. a point in a surface through which all cross-sections have the same curvature. [L, rel. to Gk omphalos and to NAVEL] umbles n.pl. the edible offal of deer etc. (cf. humble pie). [ME var. of NUMBLES] umbo n. (pl. -os or umbones) 1 the boss of a shield, esp. in the centre. 2 Bot. & Zool. a rounded knob or protuberance. ЬЬumbonal adj. umbonate adj. [L umbo -onis] umbra n. (pl. umbras or umbrae) Astron. 1 a total shadow usu. cast on the earth by the moon during a solar eclipse. 2 the dark central part of a sunspot (cf. PENUMBRA). ЬЬumbral adj. [L, = shade] umbrage n. 1 offence; a sense of slight or injury (esp. give or take umbrage at). 2 archaic a shade. b what gives shade. [ME f. OF ult. f. L umbraticus f. umbra: see UMBRA] umbrella n. 1 a light portable device for protection against rain, strong sun, etc., consisting of a usu. circular canopy of cloth mounted by means of a collapsible metal frame on a central stick. 2 protection or patronage. 3 (often attrib.) a coordinating or unifying agency (umbrella organization). 4 a screen of fighter aircraft or a curtain of fire put up as a protection against enemy aircraft. 5 Zool. the gelatinous disc of a jellyfish etc., which it contracts and expands to move through the water. Ьumbrella bird any S. American bird of the genus Cephalopterus, with a black radiating crest and long wattles. umbrella pine 1 = stone pine. 2 a tall Japanese evergreen conifer, Sciadopitys verticillata, with leaves in umbrella-like whorls. umbrella stand a stand for holding closed upright umbrellas. umbrella tree a small magnolia, Magnolia tripetala, with leaves in a whorl like an umbrella. ЬЬumbrellaed adj. umbrella-like adj. [It. ombrella, dimin. of ombra shade f. L umbra: see UMBRA] Umbrian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Umbria in central Italy. --n. 1 the language of ancient Umbria, related to Latin. 2 an inhabitant of ancient Umbria. ЬUmbrian school a Renaissance school of Italian painting, to which Raphael and Perugino belonged. umbriferous adj. formal providing shade. [L umbrifer f. umbra shade: see -FEROUS] umiak n. an Eskimo skin-and-wood open boat propelled by women with paddles. [Eskimo] umlaut n. & v. --n. 1 a mark used over a vowel, esp. in Germanic languages, to indicate a vowel change. 2 such a vowel change, e.g. German Mann, M„nner, English man, men, due to i, j, etc. (now usu. lost or altered) in the following syllable. --v.tr. modify (a form or a sound) by an umlaut. [G f. um about + Laut sound] umpire n. & v. --n. 1 a person chosen to enforce the rules and settle disputes in various sports. 2 a person chosen to arbitrate between disputants, or to see fair play. --v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by for, in, etc.) act as umpire. 2 tr. act as umpire in (a game etc.). ЬЬumpirage n. umpireship n. [ME, later form of noumpere f. OF nonper not equal (as NON-, PEER(2)): for loss of n- cf. ADDER] umpteen adj. & pron. sl. --adj. indefinitely many; a lot of. --pron. indefinitely many. ЬЬumpteenth adj. umpty adj. [joc. form. on -TEEN] 14.0 UN... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UN abbr. United Nations. un-(1) prefix 1 added to adjectives and participles and their derivative nouns and adverbs, meaning: a not: denoting the absence of a quality or state (unusable; uncalled-for; uneducated; unfailing; unofficially; unhappiness). b the reverse of, usu. with an implication of approval or disapproval, or with some other special connotation (unselfish; unsociable; unscientific). °Words formed in this way often have neutral counterparts in non- (see NON- 6) and counterparts in -in (see IN-(1)), e.g. unadvisable. 2 (less often) added to nouns, meaning 'a lack of' (unrest; untruth). °The number of words that can be formed with this prefix (and similarly with un-(2)) is potentially as large as the number of adjectives in use; consequently only a selection, being considered the most current or semantically noteworthy, can be given here. [OE f. Gmc, rel. to L in-] un-(2) prefix added to verbs and (less often) nouns, forming verbs denoting: 1 the reversal or cancellation of an action or state (undress; unlock; unsettle). 2 deprivation or separation (unmask). 3 release from (unburden; uncage). 4 causing to be no longer (unman). °See the note at un-(1). Both un-(1) and un-(2) can be understood in some forms in -able, -ed (especially), and -ing: for example, undressed can mean either 'not dressed' or 'no longer dressed'. [OE un-, on- f. Gmc] 'un pron. colloq. one (that's a good 'un). [dial. var.] UNA abbr. United Nations Association. unabashed adj. not abashed. ЬЬunabashedly adv. unabated adj. not abated; undiminished. ЬЬunabatedly adv. unable adj. (usu. foll. by to + infin.) not able; lacking ability. unabridged adj. (of a text etc.) complete; not abridged. unabsorbed adj. not absorbed. unacademic adj. 1 not academic (esp. not scholarly or theoretical). 2 (of a person) not suited to academic study. unaccented adj. not accented; not emphasized. unacceptable adj. not acceptable. ЬЬunacceptableness n. unacceptably adv. unacclaimed adj. not acclaimed. unaccommodating adj. not accommodating; disobliging. unaccompanied adj. 1 not accompanied. 2 Mus. without accompaniment. unaccomplished adj. 1 not accomplished; uncompleted. 2 lacking accomplishments. unaccountable adj. 1 unable to be explained. 2 unpredictable or strange in behaviour. 3 not responsible. ЬЬunaccountability n. unaccountableness n. unaccountably adv. unaccounted adj. of which no account is given. Ьunaccounted for unexplained; not included in an account. unaccustomed adj. 1 (usu. foll. by to) not accustomed. 2 not customary; unusual (his unaccustomed silence). ЬЬunaccustomedly adv. unacknowledged adj. not acknowledged. unacquainted adj. (usu. foll. by with) not acquainted. unadaptable adj. not adaptable. unadapted adj. not adapted. unaddressed adj. (esp. of a letter etc.) without an address. unadjacent adj. not adjacent. unadopted adj. 1 not adopted. 2 Brit. (of a road) not taken over for maintenance by a local authority. unadorned adj. not adorned; plain. unadulterated adj. 1 not adulterated; pure; concentrated. 2 sheer, complete, utter (unadulterated nonsense). unadventurous adj. not adventurous. ЬЬunadventurously adv. unadvertised adj. not advertised. unadvisable adj. 1 not open to advice. 2 (of a thing) inadvisable. unadvised adj. 1 indiscreet; rash. 2 not having had advice. ЬЬunadvisedly adv. unadvisedness n. unaffected adj. 1 (usu. foll. by by) not affected. 2 free from affectation; genuine; sincere. ЬЬunaffectedly adv. unaffectedness n. unaffiliated adj. not affiliated. unafraid adj. not afraid. unaided adj. not aided; without help. unalienable adj. Law = INALIENABLE. unaligned adj. 1 = NON-ALIGNED. 2 not physically aligned. unalike adj. not alike; different. unalive adj. 1 lacking in vitality. 2 (foll. by to) not fully susceptible or awake to. unalleviated adj. not alleviated; relentless. unallied adj. not allied; having no allies. unallowable adj. not allowable. unalloyed adj. 1 not alloyed; pure. 2 complete; utter (unalloyed joy). unalterable adj. not alterable. ЬЬunalterableness n. unalterably adv. unaltered adj. not altered; remaining the same. unamazed adj. not amazed. unambiguous adj. not ambiguous; clear or definite in meaning. ЬЬunambiguity n. unambiguously adv. unambitious adj. not ambitious; without ambition. ЬЬunambitiously adv. unambitiousness n. unambivalent adj. (of feelings etc.) not ambivalent; straightforward. ЬЬunambivalently adv. un-American adj. 1 not in accordance with American characteristics etc. 2 contrary to the interests of the US; (in the US) treasonable. ЬЬun-Americanism n. unamiable adj. not amiable. unamplified adj. not amplified. unamused adj. not amused. unanalysable adj. not able to be analysed. unanalysed adj. not analysed. unaneled adj. archaic not having received extreme unction. unanimous adj. 1 all in agreement (the committee was unanimous). 2 (of an opinion, vote, etc.) held or given by general consent (the unanimous choice). ЬЬunanimity n. unanimously adv. unanimousness n. [LL unanimis, L unanimus f. unus one + animus mind] unannounced adj. not announced; without warning (of arrival etc.). unanswerable adj. 1 unable to be refuted (has an unanswerable case). 2 unable to be answered (an unanswerable question). ЬЬunanswerableness n. unanswerably adv. unanswered adj. not answered. unanticipated adj. not anticipated. unapparent adj. not apparent. unappealable adj. esp. Law not able to be appealed against. unappealing adj. not appealing; unattractive. ЬЬunappealingly adv. unappeasable adj. not appeasable. unappeased adj. not appeased. unappetizing adj. not appetizing. ЬЬunappetizingly adv. unapplied adj. not applied. unappreciated adj. not appreciated. unappreciative adj. not appreciative. unapproachable adj. 1 not approachable; remote, inaccessible. 2 (of a person) unfriendly. ЬЬunapproachability n. unapproachableness n. unapproachably adv. unappropriated adj. 1 not allocated or assigned. 2 not taken into possession by anyone. unapproved adj. not approved or sanctioned. unapt adj. 1 (usu. foll. by for) not suitable. 2 (usu. foll. by to + infin.) not apt. ЬЬunaptly adv. unaptness n. unarguable adj. not arguable; certain. unarm v.tr. deprive or free of arms or armour. unarmed adj. not armed; without weapons. unarresting adj. uninteresting, dull. ЬЬunarrestingly adv. unarticulated adj. not articulated or distinct. unartistic adj. not artistic, esp. not concerned with art. ЬЬunartistically adv. unascertainable adj. not ascertainable. unascertained adj. not ascertained; unknown. unashamed adj. 1 feeling no guilt, shameless. 2 blatant; bold. ЬЬunashamedly adv. unashamedness n. unasked adj. (often foll. by for) not asked, requested, or invited. unassailable adj. unable to be attacked or questioned; impregnable. ЬЬunassailability n. unassailableness n. unassailably adv. unassertive adj. (of a person) not assertive or forthcoming; reticent. ЬЬunassertively adv. unassertiveness n. unassignable adj. not assignable. unassigned adj. not assigned. unassimilated adj. not assimilated. ЬЬunassimilable adj. unassisted adj. not assisted. unassuaged adj. not assuaged. ЬЬunassuageable adj. unassuming adj. not pretentious or arrogant; modest. ЬЬunassumingly adv. unassumingness n. unatoned adj. not atoned for. unattached adj. 1 (often foll. by to) not attached, esp. to a particular body, organization, etc. 2 not engaged or married. unattackable adj. unable to be attacked or damaged. unattainable adj. not attainable. ЬЬunattainableness n. unattainably adv. unattempted adj. not attempted. unattended adj. 1 (usu. foll. by to) not attended. 2 (of a person, vehicle, etc.) not accompanied; alone; uncared for. unattractive adj. not attractive. ЬЬunattractively adv. unattractiveness n. unattributable adj. (esp. of information) that cannot or may not be attributed to a source etc. ЬЬunattributably adv. unauthentic adj. not authentic. ЬЬunauthentically adv. unauthenticated adj. not authenticated. unauthorized adj. (also unauthorised) not authorized. unavailable adj. not available. ЬЬunavailability n. unavailableness n. unavailing adj. not availing; achieving nothing; ineffectual. ЬЬunavailingly adv. unavoidable adj. not avoidable; inevitable. ЬЬunavoidability n. unavoidableness n. unavoidably adv. unavowed adj. not avowed. unaware adj. & adv. --adj. 1 (usu. foll. by of, or that + clause) not aware; ignorant (unaware of her presence). 2 (of a person) insensitive; unperceptive. --adv. = UNAWARES. ЬЬunawareness n. unawares adv. 1 unexpectedly (met them unawares). 2 inadvertently (dropped it unawares). [earlier unware(s) f. OE unw‘r(es): see WARE(2)] unbacked adj. 1 not supported. 2 (of a horse etc.) having no backers. 3 (of a chair, picture, etc.) having no back or backing. unbalance v. & n. --v.tr. 1 upset the physical or mental balance of (unbalanced by the blow; the shock unbalanced him). 2 (as unbalanced adj.) a not balanced. b (of a mind or a person) unstable or deranged. --n. lack of balance; instability, esp. mental. unbar v.tr. (unbarred, unbarring) 1 remove a bar or bars from (a gate etc.). 2 unlock, open. unbearable adj. not bearable. ЬЬunbearableness n. unbearably adv. unbeatable adj. not beatable; excelling. unbeaten adj. 1 not beaten. 2 (of a record etc.) not surpassed. 3 Cricket (of a player) not out. unbeautiful adj. not beautiful; ugly. ЬЬunbeautifully adv. unbecoming adj. 1 (esp. of clothing) not flattering or suiting a person. 2 (usu. foll. by to, for) not fitting; indecorous or unsuitable. ЬЬunbecomingly adv. unbecomingness n. unbefitting adj. not befitting; unsuitable. ЬЬunbefittingly adv. unbefittingness n. unbefriended adj. not befriended. unbegotten adj. not begotten. unbeholden predic.adj. (usu. foll. by to) under no obligation. unbeknown adj. (also unbeknownst) (foll. by to) without the knowledge of (was there all the time unbeknown to us). [UN-(1) + beknown (archaic) = KNOWN] unbelief n. lack of belief, esp. in religious matters. ЬЬunbeliever n. unbelieving adj. unbelievingly adv. unbelievingness n. unbelievable adj. not believable; incredible. ЬЬunbelievability n. unbelievableness n. unbelievably adv. unbeloved adj. not beloved. unbelt v.tr. remove or undo the belt of (a garment etc.). unbend v. (past and past part. unbent) 1 tr. & intr. change from a bent position; straighten. 2 intr. relax from strain or severity; become affable (likes to unbend with a glass of beer). 3 tr. Naut. a unfasten (sails) from yards and stays. b cast (a cable) loose. c untie (a rope). unbending adj. 1 not bending; inflexible. 2 firm; austere (unbending rectitude). 3 relaxing from strain, activity, or formality. ЬЬunbendingly adv. unbendingness n. unbiased adj. (also unbiassed) not biased; impartial. unbiblical adj. 1 not in or authorized by the Bible. 2 contrary to the Bible. unbiddable adj. Brit. disobedient; not docile. unbidden adj. not commanded or invited (arrived unbidden). unbind v.tr. (past and past part. unbound) release from bonds or binding. unbirthday n. (often attrib.) joc. any day but one's birthday (an unbirthday party). unbleached adj. not bleached. unblemished adj. not blemished. unblessed adj. (also unblest) not blessed. unblinking adj. 1 not blinking. 2 steadfast; not hesitating. 3 stolid; cool. ЬЬunblinkingly adv. unblock v.tr. 1 remove an obstruction from (esp. a pipe, drain, etc.). 2 (also absol.) Cards allow the later unobstructed play of (a suit) by playing a high card. unblown adj. 1 not blown. 2 archaic (of a flower) not yet in bloom. unblushing adj. 1 not blushing. 2 unashamed; frank. ЬЬunblushingly adv. unbolt v.tr. release (a door etc.) by drawing back the bolt. unbolted adj. 1 not bolted. 2 (of flour etc.) not sifted. unbonnet v. (unbonneted, unbonneting) 1 tr. remove the bonnet from. 2 intr. archaic remove one's hat or bonnet esp. in respect. unbookish adj. 1 not academic; not often inclined to read. 2 free from bookishness. unboot v.intr. & tr. remove one's boots or the boots of (a person). unborn adj. 1 not yet born (an unborn child). 2 never to be brought into being (unborn hopes). unbosom v.tr. 1 disclose (thoughts, secrets, etc.). 2 (refl.) unburden (oneself) of one's thoughts, secrets, etc. unbothered adj. not bothered; unconcerned. unbound(1) adj. 1 not bound or tied up. 2 unconstrained. 3 a (of a book) not having a binding. b having paper covers. 4 (of a substance or particle) in a loose or free state. unbound(2) past and past part. of UNBIND. unbounded adj. not bounded; infinite (unbounded optimism). ЬЬunboundedly adv. unboundedness n. unbrace v.tr. 1 (also absol.) free from tension; relax (the nerves etc.). 2 remove a brace or braces from. unbreachable adj. not able to be breached. unbreakable adj. not breakable. unbreathable adj. not able to be breathed. unbribable adj. not bribable. unbridgeable adj. unable to be bridged. unbridle v.tr. 1 remove a bridle from (a horse). 2 remove constraints from (one's tongue, a person, etc.). 3 (as unbridled adj.) unconstrained (unbridled insolence). unbroken adj. 1 not broken. 2 not tamed (an unbroken horse). 3 not interrupted (unbroken sleep). 4 not surpassed (an unbroken record). ЬЬunbrokenly adv. unbrokenness n. unbruised adj. not bruised. unbuckle v.tr. release the buckle of (a strap, shoe, etc.). unbuild v.tr. (past and past part. unbuilt) 1 demolish or destroy (a building, theory, system, etc.). 2 (as unbuilt adj.) not yet built or (of land etc.) not yet built on. unburden v.tr. 1 relieve of a burden. 2 (esp. refl.; often foll. by to) relieve (oneself, one's conscience, etc.) by confession etc. ЬЬunburdened adj. unburied adj. not buried. unbury v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 remove from the ground etc. after burial. 2 unearth (a secret etc.). unbusinesslike adj. not businesslike. unbutton v.tr. 1 a unfasten (a coat etc.) by taking the buttons out of the buttonholes. b unbutton the clothes of (a person). 2 (absol.) colloq. relax from tension or formality, become communicative. 3 (as unbuttoned adj.) a not buttoned. b colloq. communicative; informal. uncage v.tr. 1 release from a cage. 2 release from constraint; liberate. uncalled adj. not summoned or invited. Ьuncalled-for (of an opinion, action, etc.) impertinent or unnecessary (an uncalled-for remark). uncandid adj. not candid; disingenuous. uncanny adj. (uncannier, uncanniest) seemingly supernatural; mysterious. ЬЬuncannily adv. uncanniness n. [(orig. Sc. & N.Engl.) f. UN-(1) + CANNY] uncanonical adj. not canonical. ЬЬuncanonically adv. uncap v.tr. (uncapped, uncapping) 1 remove the cap from (a jar, bottle, etc.). 2 remove a cap from (the head or another person). uncared-for adj. disregarded; neglected. uncase v.tr. remove from a cover or case. uncashed adj. not cashed. uncaught adj. not caught. unceasing adj. not ceasing; continuous (unceasing effort). ЬЬunceasingly adv. uncensored adj. not censored. uncensured adj. not censured. unceremonious adj. 1 lacking ceremony or formality. 2 abrupt; discourteous. ЬЬunceremoniously adv. unceremoniousness n. uncertain adj. 1 not certainly knowing or known (uncertain what it means; the result is uncertain). 2 unreliable (his aim is uncertain). 3 changeable, erratic (uncertain weather). Ьin no uncertain terms clearly and forcefully. ЬЬuncertainly adv. uncertainty n. (pl. -ies) 1 the fact or condition of being uncertain. 2 an uncertain matter or circumstance. Ьuncertainty principle (in full Heisenberg uncertainty principle after W. Heisenberg, Ger. physicist d. 1976) Physics the principle that the momentum and position of a particle cannot both be precisely determined at the same time. uncertified adj. 1 not attested as certain. 2 not guaranteed by a certificate of competence etc. 3 not certified as insane. unchain v.tr. 1 remove the chains from. 2 release; liberate. unchallengeable adj. not challengeable; unassailable. ЬЬunchallengeably adv. unchallenged adj. not challenged. unchangeable adj. not changeable; immutable, invariable. ЬЬunchangeability n. unchangeableness n. unchangeably adv. unchanged adj. not changed; unaltered. unchanging adj. not changing; remaining the same. ЬЬunchangingly adv. unchangingness n. unchaperoned adj. without a chaperone. uncharacteristic adj. not characteristic. ЬЬuncharacteristically adv. uncharged adj. not charged (esp. in senses 3, 7, 8 of CHARGE v.). uncharitable adj. censorious, severe in judgement. ЬЬuncharitableness n. uncharitably adv. uncharted adj. not charted, mapped, or surveyed. unchartered adj. 1 not furnished with a charter; not formally privileged or constituted. 2 unauthorized; illegal. unchaste adj. not chaste. ЬЬunchastely adv. unchasteness n. unchastity n. unchecked adj. 1 not checked. 2 freely allowed; unrestrained (unchecked violence). unchivalrous adj. not chivalrous; rude. ЬЬunchivalrously adv. unchosen adj. not chosen. unchristian adj. 1 a contrary to Christian principles, esp. uncaring or selfish. b not Christian. 2 colloq. outrageous. ЬЬunchristianly adv. unchurch v.tr. 1 excommunicate. 2 deprive (a building) of its status as a church. uncial adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or written in majuscule writing with rounded unjoined letters found in manuscripts of the 4th-8th c., from which modern capitals are derived. 2 of or relating to an inch or an ounce. --n. 1 an uncial letter. 2 an uncial style or MS. [L uncialis f. uncia inch: sense 1 in LL sense of unciales litterae, the orig. application of which is unclear] unciform n. = UNCINATE. uncinate adj. esp. Anat. hooked; crooked. [L uncinatus f. uncinus hook] uncircumcised adj. 1 not circumcised. 2 spiritually impure; heathen. ЬЬuncircumcision n. uncivil adj. 1 ill-mannered; impolite. 2 not public-spirited. ЬЬuncivilly adv. uncivilized adj. (also uncivilised) 1 not civilized. 2 rough; uncultured. unclad adj. not clad; naked. unclaimed adj. not claimed. unclasp v.tr. 1 loosen the clasp or clasps of. 2 release the grip of (a hand etc.). unclassifiable adj. not classifiable. unclassified adj. 1 not classified. 2 (of State information) not secret. uncle n. 1 a the brother of one's father or mother. b an aunt's husband. 2 colloq. a name given by children to a male family friend. 3 sl. esp. hist. a pawnbroker. ЬUncle Sam colloq. the federal government or citizens of the US (will fight for Uncle Sam). Uncle Tom derog. a Black man considered to be servile, cringing, etc. (from the hero of H. B. Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1852). [ME f. AF uncle, OF oncle f. LL aunculus f. L avunculus maternal uncle: see AVUNCULAR] -uncle suffix forming nouns, usu. diminutives (carbuncle). [OF -uncle, -oncle or L -unculus, -la, a special form of -ulus -ULE] unclean adj. 1 not clean. 2 unchaste. 3 unfit to be eaten; ceremonially impure. 4 Bibl. (of a spirit) wicked. ЬЬuncleanly adv. uncleanly adj. uncleanliness n. uncleanness n. [OE uncl‘ne (as UN-(1), CLEAN)] unclear adj. 1 not clear or easy to understand; obscure, uncertain. 2 (of a person) doubtful, uncertain (I'm unclear as to what you mean). ЬЬunclearly adv. unclearness n. unclench v. 1 tr. release (clenched hands, features, teeth, etc.). 2 intr. (of clenched hands etc.) become relaxed or open. unclinch v.tr. & intr. release or become released from a clinch. uncloak v.tr. 1 expose, reveal. 2 remove a cloak from. unclog v.tr. (unclogged, unclogging) unblock (a drain, pipe, etc.). unclose v. 1 tr. & intr. open. 2 tr. reveal; disclose. unclothe v.tr. 1 remove the clothes from. 2 strip of leaves or vegetation (trees unclothed by the wind). 3 expose, reveal. ЬЬunclothed adj. unclouded adj. 1 not clouded; clear; bright. 2 untroubled (unclouded serenity). uncluttered adj. not cluttered; austere, simple. unco adj., adv., & n. Sc. --adj. strange, unusual; notable. --adv. remarkably; very. --n. (pl. -os) 1 a stranger. 2 (in pl.) news. Ьthe unco guid esp. derog. the rigidly religious. [ME, var. of UNCOUTH] uncoil v.tr. & intr. unwind. uncoloured adj. (US uncolored) 1 having no colour. 2 not influenced; impartial. 3 not exaggerated. uncombed adj. (of hair or a person) not combed. uncome-at-able adj. colloq. inaccessible; unattainable. [UN-(1) + come-at-able: see COME] uncomely adj. 1 improper; unseemly. 2 ugly. uncomfortable adj. 1 not comfortable. 2 uneasy; causing or feeling disquiet (an uncomfortable silence). ЬЬuncomfortableness n. uncomfortably adv. uncommercial adj. 1 not commercial. 2 contrary to commercial principles. uncommitted adj. 1 not committed. 2 unattached to any specific political cause or group. uncommon adj. & adv. --adj. 1 not common; unusual; remarkable. 2 remarkably great etc. (an uncommon fear of spiders). --adv. archaic uncommonly (he was uncommon fat). ЬЬuncommonly adv. uncommonness n. uncommunicative adj. not wanting to communicate; taciturn. ЬЬuncommunicatively adv. uncommunicativeness n. uncompanionable adj. unsociable. uncompensated adj. not compensated. uncompetitive adj. not competitive. uncomplaining adj. not complaining; resigned. ЬЬuncomplainingly adv. uncompleted adj. not completed; incomplete. uncomplicated adj. not complicated; simple; straightforward. uncomplimentary adj. not complimentary; insulting. uncompounded adj. not compounded; unmixed. uncomprehending adj. not comprehending. ЬЬuncomprehendingly adv. uncomprehension n. uncompromising adj. unwilling to compromise; stubborn; unyielding. ЬЬuncompromisingly adv. uncompromisingness n. unconcealed adj. not concealed; obvious. unconcern n. lack of concern; indifference; apathy. ЬЬunconcerned adj. unconcernedly adv. unconcluded adj. not concluded. unconditional adj. not subject to conditions; complete (unconditional surrender). ЬЬunconditionality n. unconditionally adv. unconditioned adj. 1 not subject to conditions or to an antecedent condition. 2 (of behaviour etc.) not determined by conditioning; natural. Ьunconditioned reflex an instinctive response to a stimulus. unconfined adj. not confined; boundless. unconfirmed adj. not confirmed. unconformable adj. 1 not conformable or conforming. 2 (of rock strata) not having the same direction of stratification. 3 hist. not conforming to the provisions of the Act of Uniformity. ЬЬunconformableness n. unconformably adv. unconformity n. uncongenial adj. not congenial. unconjecturable adj. not conjecturable. unconnected adj. 1 not physically joined. 2 not connected or associated. 3 (of speech etc.) disconnected; not joined in order or sequence (unconnected ideas). 4 not related by family ties. ЬЬunconnectedly adv. unconnectedness n. unconquerable adj. not conquerable. ЬЬunconquerableness n. unconquerably adv. unconquered adj. not conquered or defeated. unconscionable adj. 1 a having no conscience. b contrary to conscience. 2 a unreasonably excessive (an unconscionable length of time). b not right or reasonable. ЬЬunconscionableness n. unconscionably adv. [UN-(1) + obs. conscionable f. conscions obs. var. of CONSCIENCE] unconscious adj. & n. --adj. not conscious (unconscious of any change; fell unconscious on the floor; an unconscious prejudice). --n. that part of the mind which is inaccessible to the conscious mind but which affects behaviour, emotions, etc. (cf. collective unconscious). ЬЬunconsciously adv. unconsciousness n. unconsecrated adj. not consecrated. unconsenting adj. not consenting. unconsidered adj. 1 not considered; disregarded. 2 (of a response etc.) immediate; not premeditated. unconsolable adj. unable to be consoled; inconsolable. ЬЬunconsolably adv. unconstitutional adj. not in accordance with the political constitution or with procedural rules. ЬЬunconstitutionality n. unconstitutionally adv. unconstrained adj. not constrained or compelled. ЬЬunconstrainedly adv. unconstraint n. freedom from constraint. unconstricted adj. not constricted. unconsumed adj. not consumed. unconsummated adj. not consummated. uncontainable adj. not containable. uncontaminated adj. not contaminated. uncontested adj. not contested. ЬЬuncontestedly adv. uncontradicted adj. not contradicted. uncontrollable adj. not controllable. ЬЬuncontrollableness n. uncontrollably adv. uncontrolled adj. not controlled; unrestrained, unchecked. uncontroversial adj. not controversial. ЬЬuncontroversially adv. uncontroverted adj. not controverted. ЬЬuncontrovertible adj. unconventional adj. not bound by convention or custom; unusual; unorthodox. ЬЬunconventionalism n. unconventionality n. unconventionally adv. unconverted adj. not converted. unconvinced adj. not convinced. unconvincing adj. not convincing. ЬЬunconvincingly adv. uncooked adj. not cooked; raw. uncool adj. sl. 1 unrelaxed; unpleasant. 2 (of jazz) not cool. uncooperative adj. not cooperative. ЬЬuncooperatively adv. uncoordinated adj. 1 not coordinated. 2 (of a person's movements etc.) clumsy. uncopiable adj. not able to be copied. uncord v.tr. remove the cord from. uncork v.tr. 1 draw the cork from (a bottle). 2 allow (feelings etc.) to be vented. uncorroborated adj. (esp. of evidence etc.) not corroborated. uncorrupted adj. not corrupted. uncountable adj. 1 inestimable, immense (uncountable wealth). 2 Gram. (of a noun) that cannot form a plural or be used with the indefinite article (e.g. happiness). ЬЬuncountability n. uncountably adv. uncounted adj. 1 not counted. 2 very many; innumerable. uncouple v.tr. 1 release (wagons) from couplings. 2 release (dogs etc.) from couples. ЬЬuncoupled adj. uncourtly adj. not courteous; ill-mannered. uncouth adj. 1 (of a person, manners, appearance, etc.) lacking in ease and polish; uncultured, rough (uncouth voices; behaviour was uncouth). 2 archaic not known; desolate; wild; uncivilized (an uncouth place). ЬЬuncouthly adv. uncouthness n. [OE uncuth unknown (as UN-(1) + cuth past part. of cunnan know, CAN(1))] uncovenanted adj. 1 not bound by a covenant. 2 not promised by or based on a covenant, esp. God's covenant. uncover v. 1 tr. a remove a cover or covering from. b make known; disclose (uncovered the truth at last). 2 intr. archaic remove one's hat, cap, etc. 3 tr. (as uncovered adj.) a not covered by a roof, clothing, etc. b not wearing a hat. uncreate v.tr. literary annihilate. uncreated adj. existing without having been created; not created. [UN-(1) + obs. create f. L creatus past part. of creare: see CREATE] uncreative adj. not creative. uncritical adj. 1 not critical; complacently accepting. 2 not in accordance with the principles of criticism. ЬЬuncritically adv. uncropped adj. not cropped. uncross v.tr. 1 remove (the limbs, knives, etc.) from a crossed position. 2 (as uncrossed adj.) a Brit. (of a cheque) not crossed. b not thwarted or challenged. c not wearing a cross. uncrown v.tr. 1 deprive (a monarch etc.) of a crown. 2 deprive (a person) of a position. 3 (as uncrowned adj.) a not crowned. b having the status but not the name of (the uncrowned king of boxing). uncrushable adj. not crushable. uncrushed adj. not crushed. UNCSTD abbr. United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development. UNCTAD abbr. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. unction n. 1 a the act of anointing with oil etc. as a religious rite. b the oil etc. so used. 2 a soothing words or thought. b excessive or insincere flattery. 3 a the act of anointing for medical purposes. b an ointment so used. 4 a a fervent or sympathetic quality in words or tone caused by or causing deep emotion. b a pretence of this. [ME f. L unctio f. ung(u)ere unct- anoint] unctuous adj. 1 (of behaviour, speech, etc.) unpleasantly flattering; oily. 2 (esp. of minerals) having a greasy or soapy feel; oily. ЬЬunctuously adv. unctuousness n. [ME f. med.L unctuosus f. L unctus anointing (as UNCTION)] unculled adj. not culled. uncultivated adj. (esp. of land) not cultivated. uncultured adj. 1 not cultured, unrefined. 2 (of soil or plants) not cultivated. uncurb v.tr. remove a curb or curbs from. ЬЬuncurbed adj. uncured adj. 1 not cured. 2 (of pork etc.) not salted or smoked. uncurl v.intr. & tr. relax from a curled position, untwist. uncurtailed adj. not curtailed. uncurtained adj. not curtained. uncut adj. 1 not cut. 2 (of a book) with the pages not cut open or with untrimmed margins. 3 (of a book, film, etc.) complete; uncensored. 4 (of a stone, esp. a diamond) not shaped by cutting. 5 (of fabric) having its pile-loops intact (uncut moquette). undamaged adj. not damaged; intact. undated adj. not provided or marked with a date. undaunted adj. not daunted. ЬЬundauntedly adv. undauntedness n. undecagon n. = HENDECAGON. [L undecim eleven, after decagon] undeceive v.tr. (often foll. by of) free (a person) from a misconception, deception, or error. undecided adj. 1 not settled or certain (the question is undecided). 2 hesitating; irresolute (undecided about their relative merits). ЬЬundecidedly adv. undecipherable adj. not decipherable. undeclared adj. not declared. undefeated adj. not defeated. undefended adj. (esp. of a lawsuit) not defended. undefiled adj. not defiled; pure. undefined adj. 1 not defined. 2 not clearly marked; vague, indefinite. ЬЬundefinable adj. undefinably adv. undelivered adj. 1 not delivered or handed over. 2 not set free or released. 3 a (of a pregnant woman) not yet having given birth. b (of a child) not yet born. undemanding adj. not demanding; easily satisfied. ЬЬundemandingness n. undemocratic adj. not democratic. ЬЬundemocratically adv. undemonstrated adj. not demonstrated. undemonstrative adj. not expressing feelings etc. outwardly; reserved. ЬЬundemonstratively adv. undemonstrativeness n. undeniable adj. 1 unable to be denied or disputed; certain. 2 excellent (was of undeniable character). ЬЬundeniableness n. undeniably adv. undenied adj. not denied. undependable adj. not to be depended upon; unreliable. under prep., adv., & adj. --prep. 1 a in or to a position lower than; below; beneath (fell under the table; under the left eye). b within, on the inside of (a surface etc.) (wore a vest under his shirt). 2 a inferior to; less than (a captain is under a major; is under 18). b at or for a lower cost than (was under њ20). 3 a subject or liable to; controlled or bound by (lives under oppression; under pain of death; born under Saturn; the country prospered under him). b undergoing (is under repair). c classified or subsumed in (that book goes under biology; goes under many names). 4 at the foot of or sheltered by (hid under the wall; under the cliff). 5 planted with (a crop). 6 powered by (sail, steam, etc.). 7 following (another player in a card game). 8 archaic attested by (esp. under one's hand and seal = signature). --adv. 1 in or to a lower position or condition (kept him under). 2 colloq. in or into a state of unconsciousness (put him under for the operation). --adj. lower (the under jaw). Ьunder age see AGE. under one's arm see ARM(1). under arms see ARM(2). under one's belt see BELT. under one's breath see BREATH. under canvas see CANVAS. under a cloud see CLOUD. under control see CONTROL. under the counter see COUNTER(1). under cover see COVER n. 4. under fire see FIRE. under foot see FOOT. under hatches see HATCH(1). under a person's nose see NOSE. under the rose see ROSE(1). under separate cover in another envelope. under the sun anywhere in the world. under water in and covered by water. under way in motion; in progress. under the weather see WEATHER. ЬЬundermost adj. [OE f. Gmc] under- prefix in senses of UNDER: 1 below, beneath (undercarriage; underground). 2 lower in status; subordinate (under-secretary). 3 insufficiently, incompletely (undercook; underdeveloped). [OE (as UNDER)] underachieve v.intr. do less well than might be expected (esp. scholastically). ЬЬunderachievement n. underachiever n. underact v. 1 tr. act (a part etc.) with insufficient force. 2 intr. act a part in this way. underarm adj. & adv. 1 Sport, esp. Cricket with the arm below shoulder-level. 2 under the arm. 3 in the armpit. underbelly n. (pl. -ies) the under surface of an animal, vehicle, etc., esp. as an area vulnerable to attack. underbid v. & n. --v.tr. (-bidding; past and past part. -bid) 1 make a lower bid than (a person). 2 (also absol.) Bridge etc. bid less on (one's hand) than its strength warrants. --n. 1 such a bid. 2 the act or an instance of underbidding. underbidder n. 1 the person who makes the bid next below the highest. 2 Bridge etc. a player who underbids. underbody n. (pl. -ies) the under surface of the body of an animal, vehicle, etc. underbred adj. 1 ill-bred, vulgar. 2 not of pure breeding. underbrush n. US undergrowth in a forest. undercarriage n. 1 a wheeled structure beneath an aircraft, usu. retracted when not in use, to receive the impact on landing and support the aircraft on the ground etc. 2 the supporting frame of a vehicle. undercart n. Brit. colloq. the undercarriage of an aircraft. undercharge v.tr. 1 charge too little for (a thing) or to (a person). 2 give less than the proper charge to (a gun, an electric battery, etc.). underclass n. a subordinate social class. underclay n. a clay bed under a coal seam. undercliff n. a terrace or lower cliff formed by a landslip. underclothes n.pl. clothes worn under others, esp. next to the skin. underclothing n. underclothes collectively. undercoat n. 1 a a preliminary layer of paint under the finishing coat. b the paint used for this. 2 an animal's under layer of hair or down. 3 a coat worn under another. ЬЬundercoating n. undercover adj. (usu. attrib.) 1 surreptitious. 2 engaged in spying, esp. by working with or among those to be observed (undercover agent). undercroft n. a crypt. [ME f. UNDER- + croft crypt f. MDu. crofte cave f. med.L crupta for L crypta: see CRYPT] undercurrent n. 1 a current below the surface. 2 an underlying often contrary feeling, activity, or influence (an undercurrent of protest). undercut v. & n. --v.tr. (-cutting; past and past part. -cut) 1 sell or work at a lower price or lower wages than. 2 Golf strike (a ball) so as to make it rise high. 3 a cut away the part below or under (a thing). b cut away material to show (a carved design etc.) in relief. 4 render unstable or less firm, undermine. --n. 1 Brit. the underside of a sirloin. 2 US a notch cut in a tree-trunk to guide its fall when felled. 3 any space formed by the removal or absence of material from the lower part of something. underdeveloped adj. 1 not fully developed; immature. 2 (of a country etc.) below its potential economic level. 3 Photog. not developed sufficiently to give a normal image. ЬЬunderdevelopment n. underdog n. 1 a dog, or usu. a person, losing a fight. 2 a person who is in a state of inferiority or subjection. underdone adj. 1 not thoroughly done. 2 (of food) lightly or insufficiently cooked. underdress v.tr. & intr. dress too plainly or too lightly. underemphasis n. (pl. -emphases) an insufficient degree of emphasis. ЬЬunderemphasize v.tr. (also -ise). underemployed adj. not fully employed. ЬЬunderemployment n. underestimate v. & n. --v.tr. form too low an estimate of. --n. an estimate that is too low. ЬЬunderestimation n. underexpose v.tr. Photog. expose (film) for too short a time or with insufficient light. ЬЬunderexposure n. underfed adj. insufficiently fed. underfelt n. felt for laying under a carpet. underfloor attrib.adj. situated or operating beneath the floor (underfloor heating). underflow n. an undercurrent. underfoot adv. 1 under one's feet. 2 on the ground. 3 in a state of subjection. 4 so as to obstruct or inconvenience. undergarment n. a piece of underclothing. undergird v.tr. 1 make secure underneath. 2 strengthen, support. underglaze adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of painting on porcelain etc.) done before the glaze is applied. 2 (of colours) used in such painting. --n. underglaze painting. undergo v.tr. (3rd sing. present -goes; past -went; past part. -gone) be subjected to; suffer; endure. [OE undergan (as UNDER-, GO(1))] undergrad n. colloq. = UNDERGRADUATE. [abbr.] undergraduate n. a student at a university who has not yet taken a first degree. underground adv., adj., n., & v. --adv. 1 beneath the surface of the ground. 2 in or into secrecy or hiding. --adj. 1 situated underground. 2 secret, hidden, esp. working secretly to subvert a ruling power. 3 unconventional, experimental (underground press). --n. 1 an underground railway. 2 a secret group or activity, esp. aiming to subvert the established order. --v.tr. lay (cables) below ground level. undergrowth n. a dense growth of shrubs etc., esp. under large trees. underhand adj. & adv. --adj. 1 secret, clandestine, not above-board. 2 deceptive, crafty. 3 Sport, esp. Cricket underarm. --adv. in an underhand manner. [OE (as UNDER-, HAND)] underhanded adj. & adv. = UNDERHAND. underhung adj. 1 (of the lower jaw) projecting beyond the upper jaw. 2 having an underhung jaw. underlay(1) v. & n. --v.tr. (past and past part. -laid) lay something under (a thing) to support or raise it. --n. a thing laid under another, esp. material laid under a carpet or mattress as protection or support. [OE underlecgan (as UNDER-, LAY(1))] underlay(2) past of UNDERLIE. underlease n. & v.tr. = SUBLEASE. underlet v.tr. (-letting; past and past part. -let) 1 sublet. 2 let at less than the true value. underlie v.tr. (-lying; past -lay; past part. -lain) 1 (also absol.) lie or be situated under (a stratum etc.). 2 (also absol.) (esp. as underlying adj.) (of a principle, reason, etc.) be the basis of (a doctrine, law, conduct, etc.). 3 exist beneath the superficial aspect of. [OE underlicgan (as UNDER-, LIE(1))] underline v. & n. --v.tr. 1 draw a line under (a word etc.) to give emphasis or draw attention or indicate italic or other special type. 2 emphasize, stress. --n. 1 a line drawn under a word etc. 2 a caption below an illustration. underlinen n. underclothes esp. of linen. underling n. usu. derog. a subordinate. underlying pres. part. of UNDERLIE. undermanned adj. having too few people as crew or staff. undermentioned adj. Brit. mentioned at a later place in a book etc. undermine v.tr. 1 injure (a person, reputation, influence, etc.) by secret or insidious means. 2 weaken, injure, or wear out (health etc.) imperceptibly or insidiously. 3 wear away the base or foundation of (rivers undermine their banks). 4 make a mine or excavation under. ЬЬunderminer n. underminingly adv. [ME f. UNDER- + MINE(2)] underneath prep., adv., n., & adj. --prep. 1 at or to a lower place than, below. 2 on the inside of, within. --adv. 1 at or to a lower place. 2 inside. --n. the lower surface or part. --adj. lower. [OE underneothan (as UNDER + neothan: cf. BENEATH)] undernourished adj. insufficiently nourished. ЬЬundernourishment n. underpaid past and past part. of UNDERPAY. underpants n.pl. an undergarment, esp. men's, covering the lower part of the body and part of the legs. under-part n. 1 a lower part, esp. of an animal. 2 a subordinate part in a play etc. underpass n. 1 a road etc. passing under another. 2 a crossing of this form. underpay v.tr. (past and past part. -paid) pay too little to (a person) or for (a thing). ЬЬunderpayment n. underpin v.tr. (-pinned, -pinning) 1 support from below with masonry etc. 2 support, strengthen. underplant v.tr. (usu. foll. by with) plant or cultivate the ground about (a tall plant) with smaller ones. underplay v. 1 tr. play down the importance of. 2 intr. & tr. Theatr. a perform with deliberate restraint. b underact. underplot n. a subordinate plot in a play etc. underpopulated adj. having an insufficient or very small population. underprice v.tr. price lower than what is usual or appropriate. underprivileged adj. 1 less privileged than others. 2 not enjoying the normal standard of living or rights in a society. underproduction n. production of less than is usual or required. underproof adj. containing less alcohol than proof spirit does. underprop v.tr. (-propped, -propping) 1 support with a prop. 2 support, sustain. underquote v.tr. 1 quote a lower price than (a person). 2 quote a lower price than others for (goods etc.). underrate v.tr. have too low an opinion of. underscore v. & n. --v.tr. = UNDERLINE v. --n. = UNDERLINE n. 1. undersea adj. below the sea or the surface of the sea, submarine. underseal v. & n. --v.tr. seal the under-part of (esp. a motor vehicle against rust etc.). --n. a protective coating for this. under-secretary n. (pl. -ies) a subordinate official, esp. a junior minister or senior civil servant. undersell v.tr. (past and past part. -sold) 1 sell at a lower price than (another seller). 2 sell at less than the true value. underset v. & n. --v.tr. (-setting; past and past part. -set) place something under (a thing). --n. Naut. an undercurrent. undersexed adj. having unusually weak sexual desires. under-sheriff n. a deputy sheriff. undershirt n. esp. US an undergarment worn under a shirt; a vest. undershoot v. & n. --v.tr. (past and past part. -shot) 1 (of an aircraft) land short of (a runway etc.). 2 shoot short of or below. --n. the act or an instance of undershooting. undershorts n. US short underpants; trunks. undershot adj. 1 (of a water-wheel) turned by water flowing under it. 2 = UNDERHUNG. undershrub n. = SUBSHRUB. underside n. the lower or under side or surface. undersigned adj. whose signature is appended (we, the undersigned, wish to state...). undersized adj. of less than the usual size. underskirt n. a skirt worn under another; a petticoat. underslung adj. 1 supported from above. 2 (of a vehicle chassis) hanging lower than the axles. undersold past and past part. of UNDERSELL. undersow v.tr. (past part. -sown) 1 sow (a later-growing crop) on land already seeded with another crop. 2 (foll. by with) sow land already seeded with (a crop) with a later-growing crop. underspend v. (past and past part. -spent) 1 tr. spend less than (a specified amount). 2 intr. & refl. spend too little. understaffed adj. having too few staff. understand v. (past and past part. -stood) 1 tr. perceive the meaning of (words, a person, a language, etc.) (does not understand what you say; understood you perfectly; cannot understand French). 2 tr. perceive the significance or explanation or cause of (do not understand why he came; could not understand what the noise was about; do not understand the point of his remark). 3 tr. be sympathetically aware of the character or nature of, know how to deal with (quite understand your difficulty; cannot understand him at all; could never understand algebra). 4 tr. a (often foll. by that + clause) infer esp. from information received, take as implied, take for granted (I understand that it begins at noon; I understand him to be a distant relation; am I to understand that you refuse?). b (absol.) believe or assume from knowledge or inference (he is coming tomorrow, I understand). 5 tr. supply (a word) mentally (the verb may be either expressed or understood). 6 intr. have understanding (in general or in particular). Ьunderstand each other 1 know each other's views or feelings. 2 be in agreement or collusion. ЬЬunderstandable adj. understandably adv. understander n. [OE understandan (as UNDER-, STAND)] understanding n. & adj. --n. 1 a the ability to understand or think; intelligence. b the power of apprehension; the power of abstract thought. 2 an individual's perception or judgement of a situation etc. 3 an agreement; a thing agreed upon, esp. informally (had an understanding with the rival company; consented only on this understanding). 4 harmony in opinion or feeling (disturbed the good understanding between them). 5 sympathetic awareness or tolerance. --adj. 1 having understanding or insight or good judgement. 2 sympathetic to others' feelings. ЬЬunderstandingly adv. [OE (as UNDERSTAND)] understate v.tr. 1 express in greatly or unduly restrained terms. 2 represent as being less than it actually is. ЬЬunderstatement n. understater n. understeer n. & v. --n. a tendency of a motor vehicle to turn less sharply than was intended. --v.intr. have such a tendency. understood past and past part. of UNDERSTAND. understorey n. (pl. -eys) 1 a layer of vegetation beneath the main canopy of a forest. 2 the plants forming this. understudy n. & v. esp. Theatr. --n. (pl. -ies) a person who studies another's role or duties in order to act at short notice in the absence of the other. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 study (a role etc.) as an understudy. 2 act as an understudy to (a person). undersubscribed adj. without sufficient subscribers, participants, etc. undersurface n. the lower or under surface. undertake v.tr. (past -took; past part. -taken) 1 bind oneself to perform, make oneself responsible for, engage in, enter upon (work, an enterprise, a responsibility). 2 (usu. foll. by to + infin.) accept an obligation, promise. 3 guarantee, affirm (I will undertake that he has not heard a word). undertaker n. 1 a person whose business is to make arrangements for funerals. 2 also a person who undertakes to do something. 3 hist. an influential person in 17th-century England who undertook to procure particular legislation, esp. to obtain supplies from the House of Commons if the king would grant some concession. undertaking n. 1 work etc. undertaken, an enterprise (a serious undertaking). 2 a pledge or promise. 3 the management of funerals as a profession. undertenant n. a subtenant. ЬЬundertenancy n. (pl. -ies). underthings n.pl. colloq. underclothes. undertint n. a subdued tint. undertone n. 1 a subdued tone of sound or colour. 2 an underlying quality. 3 an undercurrent of feeling. undertook past of UNDERTAKE. undertow n. a current below the surface of the sea moving in the opposite direction to the surface current. undertrick n. Bridge a trick by which the declarer falls short of his or her contract. undervalue v.tr. (-values, -valued, -valuing) 1 value insufficiently. 2 underestimate. ЬЬundervaluation n. undervest n. Brit. an undergarment worn on the upper part of the body; a vest. underwater adj. & adv. --adj. situated or done under water. --adv. under water. underwear n. underclothes. underweight adj. & n. --adj. weighing less than is normal or desirable. --n. insufficient weight. underwent past of UNDERGO. underwhelm v.tr. joc. fail to impress. [after OVERWHELM] underwing n. a wing placed under or partly covered by another. underwood n. undergrowth. underwork v. 1 tr. impose too little work on. 2 intr. do too little work. underworld n. 1 the part of society comprising those who live by organized crime and immorality. 2 the mythical abode of the dead under the earth. 3 the antipodes. underwrite v. (past -wrote; past part. -written) 1 a tr. sign, and accept liability under (an insurance policy, esp. on shipping etc.). b tr. accept (liability) in this way. c intr. practice (marine) insurance. 2 tr. undertake to finance or support. 3 tr. engage to buy all the stock in (a company etc.) not bought by the public. 4 tr. write below (the underwritten names). ЬЬunderwriter n. undescended adj. Med. (of a testicle) remaining in the abdomen instead of descending normally into the scrotum. undeserved adj. not deserved (as reward or punishment). ЬЬundeservedly adv. undeserving adj. not deserving. ЬЬundeservingly adv. undesigned adj. unintentional. ЬЬundesignedly adv. undesirable adj. & n. --adj. not desirable, objectionable, unpleasant. --n. an undesirable person. ЬЬundesirability n. undesirableness n. undesirably adv. undesired adj. not desired. undesirous adj. not desirous. undetectable adj. not detectable. ЬЬundetectability n. undetectably adv. undetected adj. not detected. undetermined adj. = UNDECIDED. undeterred adj. not deterred. undeveloped adj. not developed. undeviating adj. not deviating; steady, constant. ЬЬundeviatingly adv. undiagnosed adj. not diagnosed. undid past of UNDO. undies n.pl. colloq. (esp. women's) underclothes. [abbr.] undifferentiated adj. not differentiated; amorphous. undigested adj. 1 not digested. 2 (esp. of information, facts, etc.) not properly arranged or considered. undignified adj. lacking dignity. undiluted adj. not diluted. undiminished adj. not diminished or lessened. undine n. a female water-spirit. [mod.L undina (word invented by Paracelsus) f. L unda wave] undiplomatic adj. tactless. ЬЬundiplomatically adv. undischarged adj. (esp. of a bankrupt or a debt) not discharged. undiscipline n. lack of discipline. undisciplined adj. lacking discipline; not disciplined. undisclosed adj. not revealed or made known. undiscoverable adj. that cannot be discovered. undiscovered adj. not discovered. undiscriminating adj. not showing good judgement. undisguised adj. not disguised. ЬЬundisguisedly adv. undismayed adj. not dismayed. undisputed adj. not disputed or called in question. undissolved adj. not dissolved. undistinguishable adj. (often foll. by from) indistinguishable. undistinguished adj. not distinguished; mediocre. undistributed adj. not distributed. Ьundistributed middle Logic a fallacy resulting from the failure of the middle term of a syllogism to refer to all the members of a class. undisturbed adj. not disturbed or interfered with. undivided adj. not divided or shared; whole, entire (gave him my undivided attention). undo v.tr. (3rd sing. present -does; past -did; past part. -done) 1 a unfasten or untie (a coat, button, parcel, etc.). b unfasten the clothing of (a person). 2 annul, cancel (cannot undo the past). 3 ruin the prospects, reputation, or morals of. [OE undon (as UN-(2), DO(1))] undock v.tr. 1 (also absol.) separate (a spacecraft) from another in space. 2 take (a ship) out of a dock. undocumented adj. 1 US not having the appropriate document. 2 not proved by or recorded in documents. undoing n. 1 ruin or a cause of ruin. 2 the process of reversing what has been done. 3 the action of opening or unfastening. undomesticated adj. not domesticated. undone adj. 1 not done; incomplete (left the job undone). 2 not fastened (left the buttons undone). 3 archaic ruined. undoubtable adj. that cannot be doubted; indubitable. undoubted adj. certain, not questioned, not regarded as doubtful. ЬЬundoubtedly adv. undrained adj. not drained. undraped adj. 1 not covered with drapery. 2 naked. undreamed adj. (also undreamt) (often foll. by of) not dreamed or thought of or imagined. undress v. & n. --v. 1 intr. take off one's clothes. 2 tr. take the clothes off (a person). --n. 1 ordinary dress as opposed to full dress or uniform. 2 casual or informal dress. undressed adj. 1 not or no longer dressed; partly or wholly naked. 2 (of leather etc.) not treated. 3 (of food) not having a dressing. undrinkable adj. unfit for drinking. undue adj. 1 excessive, disproportionate. 2 not suitable. 3 not owed. Ьundue influence Law influence by which a person is induced to act otherwise than by his or her own free will, or without adequate attention to the consequences. ЬЬunduly adv. undulant adj. moving like waves; fluctuating. Ьundulant fever brucellosis in humans. [L undulare (as UNDULATE)] undulate v. & adj. --v. intr. & tr. have or cause to have a wavy motion or look. --adj. wavy, going alternately up and down or in and out (leaves with undulate margins). ЬЬundulately adv. [LL undulatus f. L unda wave] undulation n. 1 a wavy motion or form, a gentle rise and fall. 2 each wave of this. 3 a set of wavy lines. undulatory adj. 1 undulating, wavy. 2 of or due to undulation. undutiful adj. not dutiful. ЬЬundutifully adv. undutifulness n. undyed adj. not dyed. undying adj. 1 immortal. 2 never-ending (undying love). ЬЬundyingly adv. unearned adj. not earned. Ьunearned income income from interest payments etc. as opposed to salary, wages, or fees. unearned increment an increase in the value of property not due to the owner's labour or outlay. unearth v.tr. 1 a discover by searching or in the course of digging or rummaging. b dig out of the earth. 2 drive (a fox etc.) from its earth. unearthly adj. 1 supernatural, mysterious. 2 colloq. absurdly early or inconvenient (an unearthly hour). 3 not earthly. ЬЬunearthliness n. unease n. lack of ease, discomfort, distress. uneasy adj. (uneasier, uneasiest) 1 disturbed or uncomfortable in mind or body (passed an uneasy night). 2 disturbing (had an uneasy suspicion). ЬЬuneasily adv. uneasiness n. uneatable adj. not able to be eaten, esp. because of its condition (cf. INEDIBLE). uneaten adj. not eaten; left undevoured. uneconomic adj. not economic; incapable of being profitably operated etc. ЬЬuneconomically adv. uneconomical adj. not economical; wasteful. unedifying adj. not edifying, esp. uninstructive or degrading. ЬЬunedifyingly adv. unedited adj. not edited. uneducated adj. not educated. ЬЬuneducable adj. unelectable adj. (of a candidate, party, etc.) holding views likely to bring defeat at an election. unembellished adj. not embellished or decorated. unemotional adj. not emotional; lacking emotion. ЬЬunemotionally adv. unemphatic adj. not emphatic. ЬЬunemphatically adv. unemployable adj. & n. --adj. unfitted for paid employment. --n. an unemployable person. ЬЬunemployability n. unemployed adj. 1 not having paid employment; out of work. 2 not in use. unemployment n. 1 the state of being unemployed. 2 the condition or extent of this in a country or region etc. (the North has higher unemployment). Ьunemployment benefit a payment made by the State or (in the US) a trade union to an unemployed person. unenclosed adj. not enclosed. unencumbered adj. 1 (of an estate) not having any liabilities (e.g. a mortgage) on it. 2 having no encumbrance; free. unending adj. having or apparently having no end. ЬЬunendingly adv. unendingness n. unendowed adj. not endowed. unendurable adj. that cannot be endured. ЬЬunendurably adv. unengaged adj. not engaged; uncommitted. un-English adj. 1 not characteristic of the English. 2 not English. unenjoyable adj. not enjoyable. unenlightened adj. not enlightened. unenterprising adj. not enterprising. unenthusiastic adj. not enthusiastic. ЬЬunenthusiastically adv. unenviable adj. not enviable. ЬЬunenviably adv. unenvied adj. not envied. unequal adj. 1 (often foll. by to) not equal. 2 of varying quality. 3 lacking equal advantage to both sides (an unequal bargain). ЬЬunequally adv. unequalize v.tr. (also -ise) make unequal. unequalled adj. superior to all others. unequipped adj. not equipped. unequivocal adj. not ambiguous, plain, unmistakable. ЬЬunequivocally adv. unequivocalness n. unerring adj. not erring, failing, or missing the mark; true, certain. ЬЬunerringly adv. unerringness n. unescapable adj. inescapable. UNESCO abbr. (also Unesco) United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. unescorted adj. not escorted. unessential adj. & n. --adj. 1 not essential (cf. INESSENTIAL). 2 not of the first importance. --n. an unessential part or thing. unestablished adj. not established. unethical adj. not ethical, esp. unscrupulous in business or professional conduct. ЬЬunethically adv. unevangelical adj. not evangelical. uneven adj. 1 not level or smooth. 2 not uniform or equable. 3 (of a contest) unequal. ЬЬunevenly adv. unevenness n. [OE unefen (as UN-(1), EVEN(1))] uneventful adj. not eventful. ЬЬuneventfully adv. uneventfulness n. unexamined adj. not examined. unexampled adj. having no precedent or parallel. unexceptionable adj. with which no fault can be found; entirely satisfactory. ЬЬunexceptionableness n. unexceptionably adv. unexceptional adj. not out of the ordinary; usual, normal. ЬЬunexceptionally adv. unexcitable adj. not easily excited. ЬЬunexcitability n. unexciting adj. not exciting; dull. unexecuted adj. not carried out or put into effect. unexhausted adj. 1 not used up, expended, or brought to an end. 2 not emptied. unexpected adj. not expected; surprising. ЬЬunexpectedly adv. unexpectedness n. unexpired adj. that has not yet expired. unexplainable adj. inexplicable. ЬЬunexplainably adv. unexplained adj. not explained. unexploited adj. (of resources etc.) not exploited. unexplored adj. not explored. unexposed adj. not exposed. unexpressed adj. not expressed or made known (unexpressed fears). unexpurgated adj. (esp. of a text etc.) not expurgated; complete. unfaceable adj. that cannot be faced or confronted. unfading adj. that never fades. ЬЬunfadingly adv. unfailing adj. 1 not failing. 2 not running short. 3 constant. 4 reliable. ЬЬunfailingly adv. unfailingness n. unfair adj. 1 not equitable or honest (obtained by unfair means). 2 not impartial or according to the rules (unfair play). ЬЬunfairly adv. unfairness n. [OE unf‘ger (as UN-(1), FAIR(1))] unfaithful adj. 1 not faithful, esp. adulterous. 2 not loyal. 3 treacherous. ЬЬunfaithfully adv. unfaithfulness n. unfaltering adj. not faltering; steady, resolute. ЬЬunfalteringly adv. unfamiliar adj. not familiar. ЬЬunfamiliarity n. unfashionable adj. not fashionable. ЬЬunfashionableness n. unfashionably adv. unfashioned adj. not made into its proper shape. unfasten v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become loose. 2 tr. open the fastening(s) of. 3 tr. detach. unfastened adj. 1 that has not been fastened. 2 that has been loosened, opened, or detached. unfathered adj. 1 having no known or acknowledged father; illegitimate. 2 of unknown origin (unfathered rumours). unfatherly adj. not befitting a father. ЬЬunfatherliness n. unfathomable adj. incapable of being fathomed. ЬЬunfathomableness n. unfathomably adv. unfathomed adj. 1 of unascertained depth. 2 not fully explored or known. unfavourable adj. (US unfavorable) not favourable; adverse, hostile. ЬЬunfavourableness n. unfavourably adv. unfavourite adj. (US unfavorite) colloq. least favourite; most disliked. unfazed adj. colloq. untroubled; not disconcerted. unfeasible adj. not feasible; impractical. ЬЬunfeasibility n. unfeasibly adv. unfed adj. not fed. unfeeling adj. 1 unsympathetic, harsh, not caring about others' feelings. 2 lacking sensation or sensitivity. ЬЬunfeelingly adv. unfeelingness n. [OE unfelende (as UN-(1), FEELING)] unfeigned adj. genuine, sincere. ЬЬunfeignedly adv. unfelt adj. not felt. unfeminine adj. not in accordance with, or appropriate to, female character. ЬЬunfemininity n. unfenced adj. 1 not provided with fences. 2 unprotected. unfermented adj. not fermented. unfertilized adj. (also unfertilised) not fertilized. unfetter v.tr. release from fetters. unfettered adj. unrestrained, unrestricted. unfilial adj. not befitting a son or daughter. ЬЬunfilially adv. unfilled adj. not filled. unfiltered adj. 1 not filtered. 2 (of a cigarette) not provided with a filter. unfinished adj. not finished; incomplete. unfit adj. & v. --adj. (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) not fit. --v.tr. (unfitted, unfitting) (usu. foll. by for) make unsuitable. ЬЬunfitly adv. unfitness n. unfitted adj. 1 not fit. 2 not fitted or suited. 3 not provided with fittings. unfitting adj. not fitting or suitable, unbecoming. ЬЬunfittingly adv. unfix v.tr. 1 release or loosen from a fixed state. 2 detach. unfixed adj. not fixed. unflagging adj. tireless, persistent. ЬЬunflaggingly adv. unflappable adj. colloq. imperturbable; remaining calm in a crisis. ЬЬunflappability n. unflappably adv. unflattering adj. not flattering. ЬЬunflatteringly adv. unflavoured adj. not flavoured. unfledged adj. 1 (of a person) inexperienced. 2 (of a bird) not yet fledged. unfleshed adj. 1 not covered with flesh. 2 stripped of flesh. unflinching adj. not flinching. ЬЬunflinchingly adv. unfocused adj. (also unfocussed) not focused. unfold v. 1 tr. open the fold or folds of, spread out. 2 tr. reveal (thoughts etc.). 3 intr. become opened out. 4 intr. develop. ЬЬunfoldment n. US. [OE unfealdan (as UN-(2), FOLD(1))] unforced adj. 1 not produced by effort; easy, natural. 2 not compelled or constrained. ЬЬunforcedly adv. unfordable adj. that cannot be forded. unforeseeable adj. not foreseeable. unforeseen adj. not foreseen. unforetold adj. not foretold; unpredicted. unforgettable adj. that cannot be forgotten; memorable, wonderful (an unforgettable experience). ЬЬunforgettably adv. unforgivable adj. that cannot be forgiven. ЬЬunforgivably adv. unforgiven adj. not forgiven. unforgiving adj. not forgiving. ЬЬunforgivingly adv. unforgivingness n. unforgotten adj. not forgotten. unformed adj. 1 not formed. 2 shapeless. 3 not developed. unformulated adj. not formulated. unforthcoming adj. not forthcoming. unfortified adj. not fortified. unfortunate adj. & n. --adj. 1 having bad fortune; unlucky. 2 unhappy. 3 regrettable. 4 disastrous. --n. an unfortunate person. unfortunately adv. 1 (qualifying a whole sentence) it is unfortunate that. 2 in an unfortunate manner. unfounded adj. having no foundation (unfounded hopes; unfounded rumour). ЬЬunfoundedly adv. unfoundedness n. unframed adj. (esp. of a picture) not framed. unfreeze v. (past unfroze; past part. unfrozen) 1 tr. cause to thaw. 2 intr. thaw. 3 tr. remove restrictions from, make (assets, credits, etc.) realizable. unfrequented adj. not frequented. unfriended adj. literary without friends. unfriendly adj. (unfriendlier, unfriendliest) not friendly. ЬЬunfriendliness n. unfrock v.tr. = DEFROCK. unfroze past of UNFREEZE. unfrozen past part. of UNFREEZE. unfruitful adj. 1 not producing good results, unprofitable. 2 not producing fruit or crops. ЬЬunfruitfully adv. unfruitfulness n. unfulfilled adj. not fulfilled. ЬЬunfulfillable adj. unfunded adj. (of a debt) not funded. unfunny adj. (unfunnier, unfunniest) not amusing (though meant to be). ЬЬunfunnily adv. unfunniness n. unfurl v. 1 tr. spread out (a sail, umbrella, etc.). 2 intr. become spread out. unfurnished adj. 1 (usu. foll. by with) not supplied. 2 without furniture. ungainly adj. (of a person, animal, or movement) awkward, clumsy. ЬЬungainliness n. [UN-(1) + obs. gainly graceful ult. f. ON gegn straight] ungallant adj. not gallant. ЬЬungallantly adv. ungenerous adj. not generous; mean. ЬЬungenerously adv. ungenerousness n. ungenial adj. not genial. ungentle adj. not gentle. ЬЬungentleness n. ungently adv. ungentlemanly adj. not gentlemanly. ЬЬungentlemanliness n. unget-at-able adj. colloq. inaccessible. ungifted adj. not gifted or talented. ungird v.tr. 1 release the girdle, belt, or girth of. 2 release or take off by undoing a belt or girth. unglazed adj. not glazed. ungloved adj. not wearing a glove or gloves. ungodly adj. 1 impious, wicked. 2 colloq. outrageous (an ungodly hour to arrive). ЬЬungodliness n. ungovernable adj. uncontrollable, violent. ЬЬungovernability n. ungovernably adv. ungraceful adj. not graceful. ЬЬungracefully adv. ungracefulness n. ungracious adj. 1 not kindly or courteous; unkind. 2 unattractive. ЬЬungraciously adv. ungraciousness n. ungrammatical adj. contrary to the rules of grammar. ЬЬungrammaticality n. ungrammatically adv. ungrammaticalness n. ungraspable adj. that cannot be grasped or comprehended. ungrateful adj. 1 not feeling or showing gratitude. 2 not pleasant or acceptable. ЬЬungratefully adv. ungratefulness n. ungrounded adj. 1 having no basis or justification; unfounded. 2 Electr. not earthed. 3 (foll. by in a subject) not properly instructed. 4 (of an aircraft, ship, etc.) no longer grounded. ungrudging adj. not grudging. ЬЬungrudgingly adv. ungual adj. of, like, or bearing a nail, hoof, or claw. [L UNGUIS] unguard v.tr. Cards discard a low card that was protecting (a high card) from capture. unguarded adj. 1 incautious, thoughtless (an unguarded remark). 2 not guarded; without a guard. ЬЬunguardedly adv. unguardedness n. unguent n. a soft substance used as ointment or for lubrication. [L unguentum f. unguere anoint] unguessable adj. that cannot be guessed or imagined. unguiculate adj. 1 Zool. having one or more nails or claws. 2 Bot. (of petals) having an unguis. [mod.L unguiculatus f. unguiculus dimin. of UNGUIS] unguided adj. not guided in a particular path or direction; left to take its own course. unguis n. (pl. ungues) 1 Bot. the narrow base of a petal. 2 Zool. a nail or claw. [L] ungula n. (pl. ungulae) a hoof or claw. [L, dimin. of UNGUIS] ungulate adj. & n. --adj. hoofed. --n. a hoofed mammal. [LL ungulatus f. UNGULA] unhallowed adj. 1 not consecrated. 2 not sacred; unholy, wicked. unhampered adj. not hampered. unhand v.tr. rhet. or joc. 1 take one's hands off (a person). 2 release from one's grasp. unhandsome adj. not handsome. unhandy adj. 1 not easy to handle or manage; awkward. 2 not skilful in using the hands. ЬЬunhandily adv. unhandiness n. unhang v.tr. (past and past part. unhung) take down from a hanging position. unhappy adj. (unhappier, unhappiest) 1 not happy, miserable. 2 unsuccessful, unfortunate. 3 causing misfortune. 4 disastrous. 5 inauspicious. ЬЬunhappily adv. unhappiness n. unharbour v.tr. Brit. dislodge (a deer) from a covert. unharmed adj. not harmed. unharmful adj. not harmful. unharmonious adj. not harmonious. unharness v.tr. remove a harness from. unhasp v.tr. free from a hasp or catch; unfasten. unhatched adj. (of an egg etc.) not hatched. unhealthful adj. harmful to health, unwholesome. ЬЬunhealthfulness n. unhealthy adj. (unhealthier, unhealthiest) 1 not in good health. 2 a (of a place etc.) harmful to health. b unwholesome. c sl. dangerous to life. ЬЬunhealthily adv. unhealthiness n. unheard adj. 1 not heard. 2 (usu. unheard-of) unprecedented, unknown. unheated adj. not heated. unheeded adj. not heeded; disregarded. unheedful adj. heedless; taking no notice. unheeding adj. not giving heed; heedless. ЬЬunheedingly adv. unhelpful adj. not helpful. ЬЬunhelpfully adv. unhelpfulness n. unheralded adj. not heralded; unannounced. unheroic adj. not heroic. ЬЬunheroically adv. unhesitating adj. without hesitation. ЬЬunhesitatingly adv. unhesitatingness n. unhindered adj. not hindered. unhinge v.tr. 1 take (a door etc.) off its hinges. 2 (esp. as unhinged adj.) unsettle or disorder (a person's mind etc.), make (a person) crazy. unhistoric adj. not historic or historical. unhistorical adj. not historical. ЬЬunhistorically adv. unhitch v.tr. 1 release from a hitched state. 2 unhook, unfasten. unholy adj. (unholier, unholiest) 1 impious, profane, wicked. 2 colloq. dreadful, outrageous (made an unholy row about it). 3 not holy. ЬЬunholiness n. [OE unhalig (as UN-(1), HOLY)] unhonoured adj. not honoured. unhook v.tr. 1 remove from a hook or hooks. 2 unfasten by releasing a hook or hooks. unhoped adj. (foll. by for) not hoped for or expected. unhorse v.tr. 1 throw or drag from a horse. 2 (of a horse) throw (a rider). 3 dislodge, overthrow. unhouse v.tr. deprive of shelter; turn out of a house. unhuman adj. 1 not human. 2 superhuman. 3 inhuman, brutal. unhung(1) adj. 1 not (yet) executed by hanging. 2 not hung up (for exhibition). unhung(2) past and past part. of UNHANG. unhurried adj. not hurried. ЬЬunhurriedly adv. unhurt adj. not hurt. unhusk v.tr. remove a husk or shell from. unhygienic adj. not hygienic. ЬЬunhygienically adv. unhyphenated adj. not hyphenated. uni n. (pl. unis) esp. Austral. & NZ colloq. a university. [abbr.] uni- comb. form one; having or consisting of one. [L f. unus one] Uniat adj. & n. (also Uniate) --adj. of or relating to any community of Christians in E. Europe or the Near East that acknowledges papal supremacy but retains its own liturgy etc. --n. a member of such a community. [Russ. uniyat f. uniya f. L unio UNION] uniaxial adj. having a single axis. ЬЬuniaxially adv. unicameral adj. with a single legislative chamber. UNICEF abbr. United Nations Children's (orig. International Children's Emergency) Fund. unicellular adj. (of an organism, organ, tissue, etc.) consisting of a single cell. unicolour adj. (also unicoloured) of one colour. unicorn n. 1 a a fabulous animal with a horse's body and a single straight horn. b a heraldic representation of this, with a twisted horn, a deer's feet, a goat's beard, and a lion's tail. c used in old translations of the Old Testament for the Hebrew re'em, a two-horned animal, probably a wild ox. 2 a a pair of horses and a third horse in front. b an equipage with these. 3 (in full unicorn whale or sea-unicorn) the narwhal. [ME f. OF unicorne f. L unicornis f. UNI- + cornu horn, transl. Gk monoceros] unicuspid adj. & n. --adj. with one cusp. --n. a unicuspid tooth. unicycle n. a single-wheeled cycle, esp. as used by acrobats. ЬЬunicyclist n. unidea'd adj. having no ideas. unideal adj. not ideal. unidentifiable adj. unable to be identified. unidentified adj. not identified. unidimensional adj. having (only) one dimension. unidirectional adj. having only one direction of motion, operation, etc. ЬЬunidirectionality n. unidirectionally adv. unification n. the act or an instance of unifying; the state of being unified. ЬUnification Church a religious organization founded in 1954 in Korea by Sun Myung Moon (cf. MOONIE). ЬЬunificatory adj. uniflow adj. involving flow (esp. of steam or waste gases) in one direction only. uniform adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 not changing in form or character; the same, unvarying (present a uniform appearance; all of uniform size and shape). 2 conforming to the same standard, rules, or pattern. 3 constant in the course of time (uniform acceleration). 4 (of a tax, law, etc.) not varying with time or place. --n. uniform distinctive clothing worn by members of the same body, e.g. by soldiers, police, and schoolchildren. --v.tr. 1 clothe in uniform (a uniformed officer). 2 make uniform. ЬЬuniformly adv. [F uniforme or L uniformis (as UNI-, FORM)] uniformitarian adj. & n. --adj. of the theory that geological processes are always due to continuously and uniformly operating forces. --n. a holder of this theory. ЬЬuniformitarianism n. uniformity n. (pl. -ies) 1 being uniform; sameness, consistency. 2 an instance of this. ЬAct of Uniformity hist. any of four acts (esp. that of 1662) for securing uniformity in public worship and the use of a particular Book of Common Prayer. [ME f. OF uniformit‚ or LL uniformitas (as UNIFORM)] unify v.tr. (also absol.) (-ies, -ied) reduce to unity or uniformity. Ьunified field theory Physics a theory that seeks to explain all the field phenomena (e.g. gravitation and electromagnetism: see FIELD n. 9) formerly treated by separate theories. ЬЬunifier n. [F unifier or LL unificare (as UNI-, -FY)] unilateral adj. 1 performed by or affecting only one person or party (unilateral disarmament; unilateral declaration of independence). 2 one-sided. 3 (of the parking of vehicles) restricted to one side of the street. 4 (of leaves) all on the same side of the stem. 5 (of a line of descent) through ancestors of one sex only. ЬЬunilaterally adv. unilateralism n. 1 unilateral disarmament. 2 US the pursuit of a foreign policy without allies. ЬЬunilateralist n. & adj. unilingual adj. of or in only one language. ЬЬunilingually adv. uniliteral adj. consisting of one letter. unilluminated adj. not illuminated. unillustrated adj. (esp. of a book) without illustrations. unilocular adj. Bot. & Zool. single-chambered. unimaginable adj. impossible to imagine. ЬЬunimaginably adv. unimaginative adj. lacking imagination; stolid, dull. ЬЬunimaginatively adv. unimaginativeness n. unimpaired adj. not impaired. unimpassioned adj. not impassioned. unimpeachable adj. giving no opportunity for censure; beyond reproach or question. ЬЬunimpeachably adv. unimpeded adj. not impeded. ЬЬunimpededly adv. unimportance n. lack of importance. unimportant adj. not important. unimposing adj. unimpressive. ЬЬunimposingly adv. unimpressed adj. not impressed. unimpressionable adj. not impressionable. unimpressive adj. not impressive. ЬЬunimpressively adv. unimpressiveness n. unimproved adj. 1 not made better. 2 not made use of. 3 (of land) not used for agriculture or building; not developed. unincorporated adj. 1 not incorporated or united. 2 not formed into a corporation. uninfected adj. not infected. uninflamed adj. not inflamed. uninflammable adj. not inflammable. uninflected adj. 1 Gram. (of a language) not having inflections. 2 not changing or varying. 3 not bent or deflected. uninfluenced adj. (often foll. by by) not influenced. uninfluential adj. having little or no influence. uninformative adj. not informative; giving little information. uninformed adj. 1 not informed or instructed. 2 ignorant, uneducated. uninhabitable adj. that cannot be inhabited. ЬЬuninhabitableness n. uninhabited adj. not inhabited. uninhibited adj. not inhibited. ЬЬuninhibitedly adv. uninhibitedness n. uninitiated adj. not initiated; not admitted or instructed. uninjured adj. not injured. uninspired adj. 1 not inspired. 2 (of oratory etc.) commonplace. uninspiring adj. not inspiring. ЬЬuninspiringly adv. uninstructed adj. not instructed or informed. uninsurable adj. that cannot be insured. uninsured adj. not insured. unintelligent adj. not intelligent. ЬЬunintelligently adv. unintelligible adj. not intelligible. ЬЬunintelligibility n. unintelligibleness n. unintelligibly adv. unintended adj. not intended. unintentional adj. not intentional. ЬЬunintentionally adv. uninterested adj. 1 not interested. 2 unconcerned, indifferent. ЬЬuninterestedly adv. uninterestedness n. uninteresting adj. not interesting. ЬЬuninterestingly adv. uninterestingness n. uninterpretable adj. that cannot be interpreted. uninterruptable adj. that cannot be interrupted. uninterrupted adj. not interrupted. ЬЬuninterruptedly adv. uninterruptedness n. uninucleate adj. Biol. having a single nucleus. uninventive adj. not inventive. ЬЬuninventively adv. uninventiveness n. uninvestigated adj. not investigated. uninvited adj. not invited. ЬЬuninvitedly adv. uninviting adj. not inviting, unattractive, repellent. ЬЬuninvitingly adv. uninvoked adj. not invoked. uninvolved adj. not involved. union n. 1 a the act or an instance of uniting; the state of being united. b (the Union) hist. the uniting of the English and Scottish crowns in 1603, of the English and Scottish parliaments in 1707, or of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801. 2 a a whole resulting from the combination of parts or members. b a political unit formed in this way, esp. the US, the UK, the USSR, or South Africa. 3 = trade union. 4 marriage, matrimony. 5 concord, agreement (lived together in perfect union). 6 (Union) a a general social club and debating society at some universities and colleges. b the buildings or accommodation of such a society. 7 Math. the totality of the members of two or more sets. 8 Brit. hist. a two or more parishes consolidated for the administration of the poor laws. b (in full union workhouse) a workhouse erected by this. 9 Brit. an association of independent (esp. Congregational or Baptist) churches for purposes of cooperation. 10 a part of a flag with a device emblematic of union, normally occupying the upper corner next to the staff. 11 a joint or coupling for pipes etc. 12 a fabric of mixed materials, e.g. cotton with linen or silk. Ьunion-bashing Brit. colloq. active opposition to trade unions and their rights. union catalogue a catalogue of the combined holdings of several libraries. union down (of a flag) hoisted with the union below as a signal of distress. Union Jack (or flag) the national ensign of the United Kingdom formed by the union of the crosses of St George, St Andrew, and St Patrick. union jack (in the US) a jack consisting of the union from the national flag. union shop a shop, factory, trade, etc., in which employees must belong to a trade union or join one within an agreed time. union suit US a single undergarment for the body and legs; combinations. [ME f. OF union or eccl.L unio unity f. L unus one] unionist n. 1 a a member of a trade union. b an advocate of trade unions. 2 (usu. Unionist) an advocate of union, esp.: a a person opposed to the rupture of the parliamentary union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland (formerly between Great Britain and Ireland). b hist. a person who opposed secession during the American Civil War. ЬЬunionism n. unionistic adj. unionize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise) bring or come under trade-union organization or rules. ЬЬunionization n. un-ionized adj. (also -ised) not ionized. uniparous adj. 1 producing one offspring at a birth. 2 Bot. having one axis or branch. uniped n. & adj. --n. a person having only one foot or leg. --adj. one-footed, one-legged. [UNI- + pes pedis foot] unipersonal adj. (of the Deity) existing only as one person. uniplanar adj. lying in one plane. unipod n. a one-legged support for a camera etc. [UNI-, after TRIPOD] unipolar adj. 1 (esp. of an electric or magnetic apparatus) showing only one kind of polarity. 2 Biol. (of a nerve cell etc.) having only one pole. ЬЬunipolarity n. unique adj. & n. --adj. 1 of which there is only one; unequalled; having no like, equal, or parallel (his position was unique; this vase is considered unique). 2 disp. unusual, remarkable (the most unique man I ever met). --n. a unique thing or person. ЬЬuniquely adv. uniqueness n. [F f. L unicus f. unus one] unironed adj. (esp. of clothing, linen, etc.) not ironed. uniserial adj. Bot. & Zool. arranged in one row. unisex adj. (of clothing, hairstyles, etc.) designed to be suitable for both sexes. unisexual adj. 1 a of one sex. b Bot. having stamens or pistils but not both. 2 unisex. ЬЬunisexuality n. unisexually adv. unison n. & adj. --n. 1 Mus. a coincidence in pitch of sounds or notes. b this regarded as an interval. 2 Mus. a combination of voices or instruments at the same pitch or at pitches differing by one or more octaves (sang in unison). 3 agreement, concord (acted in perfect unison). --adj. Mus. coinciding in pitch. Ьunison string a string tuned in unison with another string and meant to be sounded with it. ЬЬunisonant adj. unisonous adj. [OF unison or LL unisonus (as UNI-, sonus SOUND(1))] unissued adj. not issued. unit n. 1 a an individual thing, person, or group regarded as single and complete, esp. for purposes of calculation. b each of the (smallest) separate individuals or groups into which a complex whole may be analysed (the family as the unit of society). 2 a quantity chosen as a standard in terms of which other quantities may be expressed (unit of heat; SI unit; mass per unit volume). 3 Brit. the smallest share in a unit trust. 4 a device with a specified function forming part of a complex mechanism. 5 a piece of furniture for fitting with others like it or made of complementary parts. 6 a group with a special function in an organization. 7 a group of buildings, wards, etc., in a hospital. 8 the number 'one'. Ьunit cell Crystallog. the smallest repeating group of atoms, ions, or molecules in a crystal. unit cost the cost of producing one item of manufacture. unit-holder Brit. a person with a holding in a unit trust. unit price the price charged for each unit of goods supplied. unit trust Brit. an investment company investing combined contributions from many persons in various securities and paying them dividends in proportion to their holdings. [L unus, prob. after DIGIT] Unitarian n. & adj. --n. 1 a person who believes that God is not a Trinity but one person. 2 a member of a religious body maintaining this and advocating freedom from formal dogma or doctrine. --adj. of or relating to the Unitarians. ЬЬUnitarianism n. [mod.L unitarius f. L unitas UNITY] unitary adj. 1 of a unit or units. 2 marked by unity or uniformity. ЬЬunitarily adv. unitarity n. unite v. 1 tr. & intr. join together; make or become one; combine. 2 tr. & intr. join together for a common purpose or action (united in their struggle against injustice). 3 tr. & intr. join in marriage. 4 tr. possess (qualities, features, etc.) in combination (united anger with mercy). 5 intr. & tr. form or cause to form a physical or chemical whole (oil will not unite with water). ЬUnited Brethren Eccl. the Moravians. United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland (until 1922, Great Britain and Ireland). United Nations (orig., in 1942) those united against the Axis powers in the war of 1939-45, (later) a supranational peace-seeking organization of these and many other States. United Provinces hist. 1 the seven provinces united in 1579 and forming the basis of the republic of the Netherlands. 2 an Indian administrative division formed by the union of Agra and Oudh and called Uttar Pradesh since 1950. United Reformed Church a Church formed in 1972 from the English Presbyterian and Congregational Churches. United States (in full United States of America) a federal republic of 50 States, mostly in N. America and including Alaska and Hawaii. ЬЬunitedly adv. unitive adj. unitively adv. [ME f. L unire unit- f. unus one] unity n. (pl. -ies) 1 oneness; being one, single, or individual; being formed of parts that constitute a whole; due interconnection and coherence of parts (disturbs the unity of the idea; the pictures lack unity; national unity). 2 harmony or concord between persons etc. (lived together in unity). 3 a thing forming a complex whole (a person regarded as a unity). 4 Math. the number 'one', the factor that leaves unchanged the quantity on which it operates. 5 Theatr. each of the three dramatic principles requiring limitation of the supposed time of a drama to that occupied in acting it or to a single day (unity of time), use of one scene throughout (unity of place), and concentration on the development of a single plot (unity of action). [ME f. OF unit‚ f. L unitas -tatis f. unus one] Univ. abbr. University. univalent adj. & n. --adj. 1 Chem. having a valency of one. 2 Biol. (of a chromosome) remaining unpaired during meiosis. --n. Biol. a univalent chromosome. [UNI- + valent- pres. part. stem (as VALENCE(1))] univalve adj. & n. Zool. --adj. having one valve. --n. a univalve mollusc. universal adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, belonging to, or done etc. by all persons or things in the world or in the class concerned; applicable to all cases (the feeling was universal; met with universal approval). 2 Logic (of a proposition) in which something is asserted of all of a class (opp. PARTICULAR). --n. 1 Logic a universal proposition. 2 Philos. a a term or concept of general application. b a nature or essence signified by a general term. Ьuniversal agent an agent empowered to do all that can be delegated. universal compass a compass with legs that may be extended for large circles. universal coupling (or joint) a coupling or joint which can transmit rotary power by a shaft at any selected angle. universal language an artificial language intended for use by all nations. universal proposition Logic a proposition in which the predicate is affirmed or denied of all members of a class (opp. particular proposition). universal suffrage a suffrage extending to all adults with minor exceptions. universal time = GREENWICH MEAN TIME. ЬЬuniversality n. universalize v.tr. (also -ise). universalization n. universally adv. [ME f. OF universal or L universalis (as UNIVERSE)] universalist n. Theol. 1 a person who holds that all mankind will eventually be saved. 2 a member of an organized body of Christians who hold this. ЬЬuniversalism n. universalistic adj. universe n. 1 all existing things; the whole creation; the cosmos. 2 all mankind. 3 Statistics & Logic all the objects under consideration. Ьuniverse of discourse Logic = sense 3. [F univers f. L universum neut. of universus combined into one, whole f. UNI- + versus past part. of vertere turn] university n. (pl. -ies) 1 an educational institution designed for instruction, examination, or both, of students in many branches of advanced learning, conferring degrees in various faculties, and often embodying colleges and similar institutions. 2 the members of this collectively. 3 a team, crew, etc., representing a university. Ьat university studying at a university. [ME f. OF universit‚ f. L universitas -tatis the whole (world), in LL college, guild (as UNIVERSE)] univocal adj. & n. --adj. (of a word etc.) having only one proper meaning. --n. a univocal word. ЬЬunivocality n. univocally adv. unjoin v.tr. detach from being joined; separate. unjoined adj. not joined. unjoint v.tr. 1 separate the joints of. 2 disunite. unjust adj. not just, contrary to justice or fairness. ЬЬunjustly adv. unjustness n. unjustifiable adj. not justifiable. ЬЬunjustifiably adv. unjustified adj. not justified. unkempt adj. 1 untidy, of neglected appearance. 2 uncombed, dishevelled. ЬЬunkemptly adv. unkemptness n. [UN-(1) + archaic kempt past part. of kemb comb f. OE cemban] unkept adj. 1 (of a promise, law, etc.) not observed; disregarded. 2 not tended; neglected. unkillable adj. that cannot be killed. unkind adj. 1 not kind. 2 harsh, cruel. 3 unpleasant. ЬЬunkindly adv. unkindness n. unking v.tr. 1 deprive of the position of king; dethrone. 2 deprive (a country) of a king. unkink v. 1 tr. remove the kinks from; straighten. 2 intr. lose kinks; become straight. unknit v.tr. (unknitted, unknitting) separate (things joined, knotted, or interlocked). unknot v.tr. (unknotted, unknotting) release the knot or knots of, untie. unknowable adj. & n. --adj. that cannot be known. --n. 1 an unknowable thing. 2 (the Unknowable) the postulated absolute or ultimate reality. unknowing adj. & n. --adj. (often foll. by of) not knowing; ignorant, unconscious. --n. ignorance (cloud of unknowing). ЬЬunknowingly adv. unknowingness n. unknown adj. & n. --adj. (often foll. by to) not known, unfamiliar (his purpose was unknown to me). --n. 1 an unknown thing or person. 2 an unknown quantity (equation in two unknowns). Ьunknown country see COUNTRY. unknown quantity a person or thing whose nature, significance, etc., cannot be determined. Unknown Soldier an unidentified representative member of a country's armed forces killed in war, given burial with special honours in a national memorial. unknown to without the knowledge of (did it unknown to me). Unknown Warrior = Unknown Soldier. ЬЬunknownness n. unlabelled adj. (US unlabeled) not labelled; without a label. unlaboured adj. (US unlabored) not laboured. unlace v.tr. 1 undo the lace or laces of. 2 unfasten or loosen in this way. unlade v.tr. 1 take the cargo out of (a ship). 2 discharge (a cargo etc.) from a ship. unladen adj. not laden. Ьunladen weight the weight of a vehicle etc. when not loaded with goods etc. unladylike adj. not ladylike. unlaid(1) adj. not laid. unlaid(2) past and past part. of UNLAY. unlamented adj. not lamented. unlash v.tr. unfasten (a thing lashed down etc.). unlatch v. 1 tr. release the latch of. 2 tr. & intr. open or be opened in this way. unlawful adj. not lawful; illegal, not permissible. ЬЬunlawfully adv. unlawfulness n. unlay v.tr. (past and past part. unlaid) Naut. untwist (a rope). [UN-(2) + LAY(1)] unleaded adj. 1 (of petrol etc.) without added lead. 2 not covered, weighted, or framed with lead. 3 Printing not spaced with leads. unlearn v.tr. (past and past part. unlearned or unlearnt) 1 discard from one's memory. 2 rid oneself of (a habit, false information, etc.). unlearned(1) adj. not well educated; untaught, ignorant. ЬЬunlearnedly adv. unlearned(2) adj. (also unlearnt) that has not been learnt. unleash v.tr. 1 release from a leash or restraint. 2 set free to engage in pursuit or attack. unleavened adj. not leavened; made without yeast or other raising agent. unless conj. if not; except when (shall go unless I hear from you; always walked unless I had a bicycle). [ON or IN + LESS, assim. to UN-(1)] unlettered adj. 1 illiterate. 2 not well educated. unliberated adj. not liberated. unlicensed adj. not licensed, esp. without a licence to sell alcoholic drink. unlighted adj. 1 not provided with light. 2 not set burning. unlike adj. & prep. --adj. 1 not like; different from (is unlike both his parents). 2 uncharacteristic of (such behaviour is unlike him). 3 dissimilar, different. --prep. differently from (acts quite unlike anyone else). Ьunlike signs Math. plus and minus. ЬЬunlikeness n. [perh. f. ON ЈlЎkr, OE ungelic: see LIKE(1)] unlikeable adj. (also unlikable) not easy to like; unpleasant. unlikely adj. (unlikelier, unlikeliest) 1 improbable (unlikely tale). 2 (foll. by to + infin.) not to be expected to do something (he's unlikely to be available). 3 unpromising (an unlikely candidate). ЬЬunlikelihood n. unlikeliness n. unlimited adj. without limit; unrestricted; very great in number or quantity (has unlimited possibilities; an unlimited expanse of sea). ЬЬunlimitedly adv. unlimitedness n. unlined(1) adj. 1 (of paper etc.) without lines. 2 (of a face etc.) without wrinkles. unlined(2) adj. (of a garment etc.) without lining. unlink v.tr. 1 undo the links of (a chain etc.). 2 detach or set free by undoing or unfastening a link or chain. unliquidated adj. not liquidated. unlisted adj. not included in a published list, esp. of Stock Exchange prices or of telephone numbers. unlit adj. not lit. unlivable adj. that cannot be lived or lived in. unlived-in adj. 1 appearing to be uninhabited. 2 unused by the inhabitants. unload v.tr. 1 (also absol.) remove a load from (a vehicle etc.). 2 remove (a load) from a vehicle etc. 3 remove the charge from (a firearm etc.). 4 colloq. get rid of. 5 (often foll. by on) colloq. a divulge (information). b (also absol.) give vent to (feelings). ЬЬunloader n. unlock v.tr. 1 a release the lock of (a door, box, etc.). b release or disclose by unlocking. 2 release thoughts, feelings, etc., from (one's mind etc.). unlocked adj. not locked. unlooked-for adj. unexpected, unforeseen. unloose v.tr. (also unloosen) loose; set free. unlovable adj. not lovable. unloved adj. not loved. unlovely adj. not attractive; unpleasant, ugly. ЬЬunloveliness n. unloving adj. not loving. ЬЬunlovingly adv. unlovingness n. unlucky adj. (unluckier, unluckiest) 1 not fortunate or successful. 2 wretched. 3 bringing bad luck. 4 ill-judged. ЬЬunluckily adv. unluckiness n. unmade adj. 1 not made. 2 destroyed, annulled. unmake v.tr. (past and past part. unmade) undo the making of; destroy, depose, annul. unmalleable adj. not malleable. unman v.tr. (unmanned, unmanning) 1 deprive of supposed manly qualities (e.g. self-control, courage); cause to weep etc., discourage. 2 deprive (a ship etc.) of men. unmanageable adj. not (easily) managed, manipulated, or controlled. ЬЬunmanageableness n. unmanageably adv. unmanly adj. not manly. ЬЬunmanliness n. unmanned adj. 1 not manned. 2 overcome by emotion etc. unmannerly adj. 1 without good manners. 2 (of actions, speech, etc.) showing a lack of good manners. ЬЬunmannerliness n. unmarked adj. 1 not marked. 2 not noticed. unmarketable adj. not marketable. unmarried adj. not married; single. unmask v. 1 tr. a remove the mask from. b expose the true character of. 2 intr. remove one's mask. ЬЬunmasker n. unmatchable adj. that cannot be matched. ЬЬunmatchably adv. unmatched adj. not matched or equalled. unmatured adj. not yet matured. unmeaning adj. having no meaning or significance; meaningless. ЬЬunmeaningly adv. unmeaningness n. unmeant adj. not meant or intended. unmeasurable adj. that cannot be measured. ЬЬunmeasurably adv. unmeasured adj. 1 not measured. 2 limitless. unmelodious adj. not melodious; discordant. ЬЬunmelodiously adv. unmelted adj. not melted. unmemorable adj. not memorable. ЬЬunmemorably adv. unmentionable adj. & n. --adj. that cannot (properly) be mentioned. --n. 1 (in pl.) joc. a undergarments. b archaic trousers. 2 a person or thing not to be mentioned. ЬЬunmentionability n. unmentionableness n. unmentionably adv. unmentioned adj. not mentioned. unmerchantable adj. not merchantable. unmerciful adj. merciless. ЬЬunmercifully adv. unmercifulness n. unmerited adj. not merited. unmet adj. (of a quota, demand, goal, etc.) not achieved or fulfilled. unmetalled adj. Brit. (of a road etc.) not made with road-metal. unmethodical adj. not methodical. ЬЬunmethodically adv. unmetrical adj. not metrical. unmilitary adj. not military. unmindful adj. (often foll. by of) not mindful. ЬЬunmindfully adv. unmindfulness n. unmissable adj. that cannot or should not be missed. unmistakable adj. that cannot be mistaken or doubted, clear. ЬЬunmistakability n. unmistakableness n. unmistakably adv. unmistaken adj. not mistaken; right, correct. unmitigated adj. 1 not mitigated or modified. 2 absolute, unqualified (an unmitigated disaster). ЬЬunmitigatedly adv. unmixed adj. not mixed. Ьunmixed blessing a thing having advantages and no disadvantages. unmodified adj. not modified. unmodulated adj. not modulated. unmolested adj. not molested. unmoor v.tr. 1 (also absol.) release the moorings of (a vessel). 2 weigh all but one anchor of (a vessel). unmoral adj. not concerned with morality (cf. IMMORAL). ЬЬunmorality n. unmorally adv. unmotherly adj. not motherly. unmotivated adj. without motivation; without a motive. unmounted adj. not mounted. unmourned adj. not mourned. unmoved adj. 1 not moved. 2 not changed in one's purpose. 3 not affected by emotion. ЬЬunmovable adj. (also unmoveable). unmown adj. not mown. unmuffle v.tr. 1 remove a muffler from (a face, bell, etc.). 2 free of something that muffles or conceals. unmurmuring adj. not complaining. ЬЬunmurmuringly adv. unmusical adj. 1 not pleasing to the ear. 2 unskilled in or indifferent to music. ЬЬunmusicality n. unmusically adv. unmusicalness n. unmutilated adj. not mutilated. unmuzzle v.tr. 1 remove a muzzle from. 2 relieve of an obligation to remain silent. unnail v.tr. unfasten by the removal of nails. unnameable adj. that cannot be named, esp. too bad to be named. unnamed adj. not named. unnatural adj. 1 contrary to nature or the usual course of nature; not normal. 2 a lacking natural feelings. b extremely cruel or wicked. 3 artificial. 4 affected. ЬЬunnaturally adv. unnaturalness n. unnavigable adj. not navigable. ЬЬunnavigability n. unnecessary adj. & n. --adj. 1 not necessary. 2 more than is necessary (with unnecessary care). --n. (pl. -ies) (usu. in pl.) an unnecessary thing. ЬЬunnecessarily adv. unnecessariness n. unneeded adj. not needed. unneighbourly adj. not neighbourly. ЬЬunneighbourliness n. unnerve v.tr. deprive of strength or resolution. ЬЬunnervingly adv. unnoticeable adj. not easily seen or noticed. ЬЬunnoticeably adv. unnoticed adj. not noticed. unnumbered adj. 1 not marked with a number. 2 not counted. 3 countless. UNO abbr. United Nations Organization. unobjectionable adj. not objectionable; acceptable. ЬЬunobjectionableness n. unobjectionably adv. unobliging adj. not obliging; unhelpful, uncooperative. unobscured adj. not obscured. unobservable adj. not observable; imperceptible. unobservant adj. not observant. ЬЬunobservantly adv. unobserved adj. not observed. ЬЬunobservedly adv. unobstructed adj. not obstructed. unobtainable adj. that cannot be obtained. unobtrusive adj. not making oneself or itself noticed. ЬЬunobtrusively adv. unobtrusiveness n. unoccupied adj. not occupied. unoffending adj. not offending; harmless, innocent. ЬЬunoffended adj. unofficial adj. 1 not officially authorized or confirmed. 2 not characteristic of officials. Ьunofficial strike a strike not formally approved by the strikers' trade union. ЬЬunofficially adv. unoiled adj. not oiled. unopened adj. not opened. unopposed adj. not opposed. unordained adj. not ordained. unordinary adj. not ordinary. unorganized adj. (also -ised) not organized (cf. DISORGANIZE). unoriginal adj. lacking originality; derivative. ЬЬunoriginality n. unoriginally adv. unornamental adj. not ornamental; plain. unornamented adj. not ornamented. unorthodox adj. not orthodox. ЬЬunorthodoxly adv. unorthodoxy n. unostentatious adj. not ostentatious. ЬЬunostentatiously adv. unostentatiousness n. unowned adj. 1 unacknowledged. 2 having no owner. unpack v.tr. 1 (also absol.) open and remove the contents of (a package, luggage, etc.). 2 take (a thing) out from a package etc. ЬЬunpacker n. unpaged adj. with pages not numbered. unpaid adj. (of a debt or a person) not paid. unpainted adj. not painted. unpaired adj. 1 not arranged in pairs. 2 not forming one of a pair. unpalatable adj. 1 not pleasant to taste. 2 (of an idea, suggestion, etc.) disagreeable, distasteful. ЬЬunpalatability n. unpalatableness n. unparalleled adj. having no parallel or equal. unpardonable adj. that cannot be pardoned. ЬЬunpardonableness n. unpardonably adv. unparliamentary adj. contrary to proper parliamentary usage. Ьunparliamentary language oaths or abuse. unpasteurized adj. not pasteurized. unpatented adj. not patented. unpatriotic adj. not patriotic. ЬЬunpatriotically adv. unpaved adj. not paved. unpeeled adj. not peeled. unpeg v.tr. (unpegged, unpegging) 1 unfasten by the removal of pegs. 2 cease to maintain or stabilize (prices etc.). unpeople v. & n. --v.tr. depopulate. --n.pl. unpersons. unperceived adj. not perceived; unobserved. unperceptive adj. not perceptive. ЬЬunperceptively adv. unperceptiveness n. unperfected adj. not perfected. unperforated adj. not perforated. unperformed adj. not performed. unperfumed adj. not perfumed. unperson n. a person whose name or existence is denied or ignored. unpersuadable adj. not able to be persuaded; obstinate. unpersuaded adj. not persuaded. unpersuasive adj. not persuasive. ЬЬunpersuasively adv. unperturbed adj. not perturbed. ЬЬunperturbedly adv. unphilosophical adj. (also unphilosophic) 1 not according to philosophical principles. 2 lacking philosophy. ЬЬunphilosophically adv. unphysiological adj. (also unphysiologic) not in accordance with normal physiological functioning. ЬЬunphysiologically adv. unpick v.tr. undo the sewing of (stitches, a garment, etc.). unpicked adj. 1 not selected. 2 (of a flower) not plucked. unpicturesque adj. not picturesque. unpin v.tr. (unpinned, unpinning) 1 unfasten or detach by removing a pin or pins. 2 Chess release (a piece that has been pinned). unpitied adj. not pitied. unpitying adj. not pitying. ЬЬunpityingly adv. unplaceable adj. that cannot be placed or classified (his accent was unplaceable). unplaced adj. not placed, esp. not placed as one of the first three finishing in a race etc. unplanned adj. not planned. unplanted adj. not planted. unplausible adj. not plausible. unplayable adj. 1 Sport (of a ball) that cannot be struck or returned. 2 that cannot be played. ЬЬunplayably adv. unpleasant adj. not pleasant; displeasing; disagreeable. ЬЬunpleasantly adv. unpleasantness n. unpleasing adj. not pleasing. ЬЬunpleasingly adv. unploughed adj. not ploughed. unplucked adj. not plucked. unplug v.tr. (unplugged, unplugging) 1 disconnect (an electrical device) by removing its plug from the socket. 2 unstop. unplumbed adj. 1 not plumbed. 2 not fully explored or understood. ЬЬunplumbable adj. unpoetic adj. (also unpoetical) not poetic. unpointed adj. 1 having no point or points. 2 a not punctuated. b (of written Hebrew etc.) without vowel points. 3 (of masonry or brickwork) not pointed. unpolished adj. 1 not polished; rough. 2 without refinement; crude. unpolitic adj. impolitic, unwise. unpolitical adj. not concerned with politics. ЬЬunpolitically adv. unpolled adj. 1 not having voted at an election. 2 not included in an opinion poll. unpolluted adj. not polluted. unpopular adj. not popular; not liked by the public or by people in general. ЬЬunpopularity n. unpopularly adv. unpopulated adj. not populated. unpossessed adj. 1 (foll. by of) not in possession of. 2 not possessed. unpractical adj. 1 not practical. 2 (of a person) not having practical skill. ЬЬunpracticality n. unpractically adv. unpractised adj. (US unpracticed) 1 not experienced or skilled. 2 not put into practice. unprecedented adj. 1 having no precedent; unparalleled. 2 novel. ЬЬunprecedentedly adv. unpredictable adj. that cannot be predicted. ЬЬunpredictability n. unpredictableness n. unpredictably adv. unpredicted adj. not predicted or foretold. unprejudiced adj. not prejudiced. unpremeditated adj. not previously thought over, not deliberately planned, unintentional. ЬЬunpremeditatedly adv. unprepared adj. not prepared (in advance); not ready. ЬЬunpreparedly adv. unpreparedness n. unprepossessing adj. not prepossessing; unattractive. unprescribed adj. (esp. of drugs) not prescribed. unpresentable adj. not presentable. unpressed adj. not pressed, esp. (of clothing) unironed. unpresuming adj. not presuming; modest. unpresumptuous adj. not presumptuous. unpretending adj. unpretentious. ЬЬunpretendingly adv. unpretendingness n. unpretentious adj. not making a great display; simple, modest. ЬЬunpretentiously adv. unpretentiousness n. unpriced adj. not having a price or prices fixed, marked, or stated. unprimed adj. not primed. unprincipled adj. lacking or not based on good moral principles. ЬЬunprincipledness n. unprintable adj. that cannot be printed, esp. because too indecent or libellous or blasphemous. ЬЬunprintably adv. unprinted adj. not printed. unprivileged adj. not privileged. unproblematic adj. causing no difficulty. ЬЬunproblematically adv. unproclaimed adj. not proclaimed. unprocurable adj. that cannot be procured. unproductive adj. not productive. ЬЬunproductively adv. unproductiveness n. unprofessional adj. 1 contrary to professional standards of behaviour etc. 2 not belonging to a profession; amateur. ЬЬunprofessionally adv. unprofitable adj. not profitable. ЬЬunprofitableness n. unprofitably adv. unprogressive adj. not progressive. unpromising adj. not likely to turn out well. ЬЬunpromisingly adv. unprompted adj. spontaneous. unpronounceable adj. that cannot be pronounced. ЬЬunpronounceably adv. unpropitious adj. not propitious. ЬЬunpropitiously adv. unprosperous adj. not prosperous. ЬЬunprosperously adv. unprotected adj. not protected. ЬЬunprotectedness n. unprotesting adj. not protesting. ЬЬunprotestingly adv. unprovable adj. that cannot be proved. ЬЬunprovability n. unprovableness n. unproved adj. (also unproven) not proved. unprovided adj. (usu. foll. by with) not furnished, supplied, or equipped. unprovoked adj. (of a person or act) without provocation. unpublished adj. not published. ЬЬunpublishable adj. unpunctual adj. not punctual. ЬЬunpunctuality n. unpunctuated adj. not punctuated. unpunishable adj. that cannot be punished. unpunished adj. not punished. unpurified adj. not purified. unputdownable adj. colloq. (of a book) so engrossing that one has to go on reading it. unqualified adj. 1 not competent (unqualified to give an answer). 2 not legally or officially qualified (an unqualified practitioner). 3 not modified or restricted; complete (unqualified assent; unqualified success). unquenchable adj. that cannot be quenched. ЬЬunquenchably adv. unquenched adj. not quenched. unquestionable adj. that cannot be disputed or doubted. ЬЬunquestionability n. unquestionableness n. unquestionably adv. unquestioned adj. 1 not disputed or doubted; definite, certain. 2 not interrogated. unquestioning adj. 1 asking no questions. 2 done etc. without asking questions. ЬЬunquestioningly adv. unquiet adj. 1 restless, agitated, stirring. 2 perturbed, anxious. ЬЬunquietly adv. unquietness n. unquotable adj. that cannot be quoted. unquote v.tr. (as int.) (in dictation, reading aloud, etc.) indicate the presence of closing quotation marks (cf. QUOTE v. 5 b). unquoted adj. not quoted, esp. on the Stock Exchange. unravel v. (unravelled, unravelling; US unraveled, unraveling) 1 tr. cause to be no longer ravelled, tangled, or intertwined. 2 tr. probe and solve (a mystery etc.). 3 tr. undo (a fabric, esp. a knitted one). 4 intr. become disentangled or unknitted. unreachable adj. that cannot be reached. ЬЬunreachableness n. unreachably adv. unread adj. 1 (of a book etc.) not read. 2 (of a person) not well-read. unreadable adj. 1 too dull or too difficult to be worth reading. 2 illegible. ЬЬunreadability n. unreadably adv. unready(1) adj. 1 not ready. 2 not prompt in action. ЬЬunreadily adv. unreadiness n. unready(2) adj. archaic lacking good advice; rash (Ethelred the Unready). [UN-(1) + REDE, assim. to UNREADY(1)] unreal adj. 1 not real. 2 imaginary, illusory. 3 US & Austral. sl. incredible, amazing. ЬЬunreality n. unreally adv. unrealistic adj. not realistic. ЬЬunrealistically adv. unrealizable adj. that cannot be realized. unrealized adj. not realized. unreason n. lack of reasonable thought or action. [ME, = injustice, f. UN-(1) + REASON] unreasonable adj. 1 going beyond the limits of what is reasonable or equitable (unreasonable demands). 2 not guided by or listening to reason. ЬЬunreasonableness n. unreasonably adv. unreasoned adj. not reasoned. unreasoning adj. not reasoning. ЬЬunreasoningly adv. unreceptive adj. not receptive. unreciprocated adj. not reciprocated. unreckoned adj. not calculated or taken into account. unreclaimed adj. not reclaimed. unrecognizable adj. (also -isable) that cannot be recognized. ЬЬunrecognizableness n. unrecognizably adv. unrecognized adj. (also -ised) not recognized. unrecompensed adj. not recompensed. unreconciled adj. not reconciled. unreconstructed adj. 1 not reconciled or converted to the current political orthodoxy. 2 not rebuilt. unrecorded adj. not recorded. ЬЬunrecordable adj. unrectified adj. not rectified. unredeemable adj. that cannot be redeemed. ЬЬunredeemably adv. unredeemed adj. not redeemed. unredressed adj. not redressed. unreel v.tr. & intr. unwind from a reel. unreeve v.tr. (past unrove) withdraw (a rope etc.) from being reeved. unrefined adj. not refined. unreflecting adj. not thoughtful. ЬЬunreflectingly adv. unreflectingness n. unreformed adj. not reformed. unregarded adj. not regarded. unregenerate adj. not regenerate; obstinately wrong or bad. ЬЬunregeneracy n. unregenerately adv. unregistered adj. not registered. unregulated adj. not regulated. unrehearsed adj. not rehearsed. unrelated adj. not related. ЬЬunrelatedness n. unrelaxed adj. not relaxed. unrelenting adj. 1 not relenting or yielding. 2 unmerciful. 3 not abating or relaxing. ЬЬunrelentingly adv. unrelentingness n. unreliable adj. not reliable; erratic. ЬЬunreliability n. unreliableness n. unreliably adv. unrelieved adj. 1 lacking the relief given by contrast or variation. 2 not aided or assisted. ЬЬunrelievedly adv. unreligious adj. 1 not concerned with religion. 2 irreligious. unremarkable adj. not remarkable; uninteresting. ЬЬunremarkably adv. unremembered adj. not remembered; forgotten. unremitting adj. never relaxing or slackening, incessant. ЬЬunremittingly adv. unremittingness n. unremorseful adj. lacking remorse. ЬЬunremorsefully adv. unremovable adj. that cannot be removed. unremunerative adj. bringing no, or not enough, profit or income. ЬЬunremuneratively adv. unremunerativeness n. unrenewable adj. that cannot be renewed. ЬЬunrenewed adj. unrepealed adj. not repealed. unrepeatable adj. 1 that cannot be done, made, or said again. 2 too indecent to be said again. ЬЬunrepeatability n. unrepentant adj. not repentant, impenitent. ЬЬunrepentantly adv. unreported adj. not reported. unrepresentative adj. not representative. ЬЬunrepresentativeness n. unrepresented adj. not represented. unreproved adj. not reproved. unrequested adj. not requested or asked for. unrequited adj. (of love etc.) not returned. ЬЬunrequitedly adv. unrequitedness n. unreserve n. lack of reserve; frankness. unreserved adj. 1 not reserved (unreserved seats). 2 without reservations; absolute (unreserved confidence). 3 free from reserve (an unreserved nature). ЬЬunreservedly adv. unreservedness n. unresisted adj. not resisted. ЬЬunresistedly adv. unresisting adj. not resisting. ЬЬunresistingly adv. unresistingness n. unresolvable adj. (of a problem, conflict, etc.) that cannot be resolved. unresolved adj. 1 a uncertain how to act, irresolute. b uncertain in opinion, undecided. 2 (of questions etc.) undetermined, undecided, unsolved. 3 not broken up or dissolved. ЬЬunresolvedly adv. unresolvedness n. unresponsive adj. not responsive. ЬЬunresponsively adv. unresponsiveness n. unrest n. 1 lack of rest. 2 restlessness, disturbance, agitation. unrested adj. not refreshed by rest. unrestful adj. not restful. ЬЬunrestfully adv. unresting adj. not resting. ЬЬunrestingly adv. unrestored adj. not restored. unrestrained adj. not restrained. ЬЬunrestrainedly adv. unrestrainedness n. unrestricted adj. not restricted. ЬЬunrestrictedly adv. unrestrictedness n. unreturned adj. 1 not reciprocated or responded to. 2 not having returned or been returned. unrevealed adj. not revealed; secret. unreversed adj. (esp. of a decision etc.) not reversed. unrevised adj. not revised; in an original form. unrevoked adj. not revoked or annulled; still in force. unrewarded adj. not rewarded. unrewarding adj. not rewarding or satisfying. unrhymed adj. not rhymed. unrhythmical adj. not rhythmical. ЬЬunrhythmically adv. unridable adj. that cannot be ridden. unridden adj. not ridden. unriddle v.tr. solve or explain (a mystery etc.). ЬЬunriddler n. unrig v.tr. (unrigged, unrigging) 1 remove the rigging from (a ship). 2 dial. undress. unrighteous adj. not righteous; unjust, wicked, dishonest. ЬЬunrighteously adv. unrighteousness n. [OE unrihtwis (as UN-(1), RIGHTEOUS)] unrip v.tr. (unripped, unripping) open by ripping. unripe adj. not ripe. ЬЬunripeness n. unrisen adj. that has not risen. unrivalled adj. (US unrivaled) having no equal; peerless. unrivet v.tr. (unriveted, unriveting) 1 undo, unfasten, or detach by the removal of rivets. 2 loosen, relax, undo, detach. unrobe v.tr. & intr. 1 disrobe. 2 undress. unroll v.tr. & intr. 1 open out from a rolled-up state. 2 display or be displayed in this form. unromantic adj. not romantic. ЬЬunromantically adv. unroof v.tr. remove the roof of. unroofed adj. not provided with a roof. unroot v.tr. 1 uproot. 2 eradicate. unrope v. 1 tr. detach by undoing a rope. 2 intr. Mountaineering detach oneself from a rope. unrounded adj. not rounded. unrove past of UNREEVE. unroyal adj. not royal. unruffled adj. 1 not agitated or disturbed; calm. 2 not physically ruffled. unruled adj. 1 not ruled or governed. 2 not having ruled lines. unruly adj. (unrulier, unruliest) not easily controlled or disciplined, disorderly. ЬЬunruliness n. [ME f. UN-(1) + ruly f. RULE] UNRWA abbr. United Nations Relief and Works Agency. unsaddle v.tr. 1 remove the saddle from (a horse etc.). 2 dislodge from a saddle. unsafe adj. not safe. ЬЬunsafely adv. unsafeness n. unsaid(1) adj. not said or uttered. unsaid(2) past and past part. of UNSAY. unsalaried adj. not salaried. unsaleable adj. not saleable. ЬЬunsaleability n. unsalted adj. not salted. unsanctified adj. not sanctified. unsanctioned adj. not sanctioned. unsanitary adj. not sanitary. unsatisfactory adj. not satisfactory; poor, unacceptable. ЬЬunsatisfactorily adv. unsatisfactoriness n. unsatisfied adj. not satisfied. ЬЬunsatisfiedness n. unsatisfying adj. not satisfying. ЬЬunsatisfyingly adv. unsaturated adj. 1 Chem. (of a compound, esp. a fat or oil) having double or triple bonds in its molecule and therefore capable of further reaction. 2 not saturated. ЬЬunsaturation n. unsaved adj. not saved. unsavoury adj. (US unsavory) 1 disagreeable to the taste, smell, or feelings; disgusting. 2 disagreeable, unpleasant (an unsavoury character). 3 morally offensive. ЬЬunsavourily adv. unsavouriness n. unsay v.tr. (past and past part. unsaid) retract (a statement). unsayable adj. that cannot be said. unscalable adj. that cannot be scaled. unscarred adj. not scarred or damaged. unscathed adj. without suffering any injury. unscented adj. not scented. unscheduled adj. not scheduled. unscholarly adj. not scholarly. ЬЬunscholarliness n. unschooled adj. 1 uneducated, untaught. 2 not sent to school. 3 untrained, undisciplined. 4 not made artificial by education. unscientific adj. 1 not in accordance with scientific principles. 2 not familiar with science. ЬЬunscientifically adv. unscramble v.tr. restore from a scrambled state, esp. interpret (a scrambled transmission etc.). ЬЬunscrambler n. unscreened adj. 1 a (esp. of coal) not passed through a screen or sieve. b not investigated or checked, esp. for security or medical problems. 2 not provided with a screen. 3 not shown on a screen. unscrew v. 1 tr. & intr. unfasten or be unfastened by turning or removing a screw or screws or by twisting like a screw. 2 tr. loosen (a screw). unscripted adj. (of a speech etc.) delivered without a prepared script. unscriptural adj. against or not in accordance with Scripture. ЬЬunscripturally adv. unscrupulous adj. having no scruples, unprincipled. ЬЬunscrupulously adv. unscrupulousness n. unseal v.tr. break the seal of; open (a letter, receptacle, etc.). unsealed adj. not sealed. unsearchable adj. inscrutable. ЬЬunsearchableness n. unsearchably adv. unsearched adj. not searched. unseasonable adj. 1 not appropriate to the season. 2 untimely, inopportune. ЬЬunseasonableness n. unseasonably adv. unseasoned adj. 1 not flavoured with salt, herbs, etc. 2 (esp. of timber) not matured. 3 not habituated. unseat v.tr. 1 remove from a seat, esp. in an election. 2 dislodge from a seat, esp. on horseback. unseaworthy adj. not seaworthy. unsecured adj. not secured. unseeable adj. that cannot be seen. unseeded adj. Sport (of a player) not seeded. unseeing adj. 1 unobservant. 2 blind. ЬЬunseeingly adv. unseemly adj. (unseemlier, unseemliest) 1 indecent. 2 unbecoming. ЬЬunseemliness n. unseen adj. & n. --adj. 1 not seen. 2 invisible. 3 (of a translation) to be done without preparation. --n. Brit. an unseen translation. unsegregated adj. not segregated. unselect adj. not select. unselective adj. not selective. unselfconscious adj. not self-conscious. ЬЬunselfconsciously adv. unselfconsciousness n. unselfish adj. mindful of others' interests. ЬЬunselfishly adv. unselfishness n. unsensational adj. not sensational. ЬЬunsensationally adv. unsentimental adj. not sentimental. ЬЬunsentimentality n. unsentimentally adv. unseparated adj. not separated. unserviceable adj. not serviceable; unfit for use. ЬЬunserviceability n. unset adj. not set. unsettle v. 1 tr. disturb the settled state or arrangement of; discompose. 2 tr. derange. 3 intr. become unsettled. ЬЬunsettlement n. unsettled adj. 1 not (yet) settled. 2 liable or open to change or further discussion. 3 (of a bill etc.) unpaid. ЬЬunsettledness n. unsewn adj. not sewn. Ьunsewn binding = perfect binding. unsex v.tr. deprive (a person, esp. a woman) of the qualities of her or his sex. unsexed adj. having no sexual characteristics. unshackle v.tr. 1 release from shackles. 2 set free. unshaded adj. not shaded. unshakeable adj. that cannot be shaken; firm, obstinate. ЬЬunshakeability unshakeably adv. unshaken adj. not shaken. ЬЬunshakenly adv. unshapely adj. not shapely. ЬЬunshapeliness n. unshared adj. not shared. unsharp adj. Photog. not sharp. ЬЬunsharpness n. unshaved adj. not shaved. unshaven adj. not shaved. unsheathe v.tr. remove (a knife etc.) from a sheath. unshed adj. not shed. unshell v.tr. (usu. as unshelled adj.) extract from its shell. unsheltered adj. not sheltered. unshielded adj. not shielded or protected. unship v.tr. (unshipped, unshipping) 1 remove or discharge (a cargo or passenger) from a ship. 2 esp. Naut. remove (an object, esp. a mast or oar) from a fixed position. unshockable adj. that cannot be shocked. ЬЬunshockability n. unshockably adv. unshod adj. not wearing shoes. unshorn adj. not shorn. unshrinkable adj. (of fabric etc.) not liable to shrink. ЬЬunshrinkability n. unshrinking adj. unhesitating, fearless. ЬЬunshrinkingly adv. unsighted adj. 1 not sighted or seen. 2 prevented from seeing, esp. by an obstruction. unsightly adj. unpleasant to look at, ugly. ЬЬunsightliness n. unsigned adj. not signed. unsinkable adj. unable to be sunk. ЬЬunsinkability n. unsized(1) adj. 1 not made to a size. 2 not sorted by size. unsized(2) adj. not treated with size. unskilful adj. (US unskillful) not skilful. ЬЬunskilfully adv. unskilfulness n. unskilled adj. lacking or not needing special skill or training. unskimmed adj. (of milk) not skimmed. unslakeable adj. (also unslakable) that cannot be slaked or quenched. unsleeping adj. not or never sleeping. ЬЬunsleepingly adv. unsliced adj. (esp. of a loaf of bread when it is bought) not having been cut into slices. unsling v.tr. (past and past part. unslung) free from being slung or suspended. unsmiling adj. not smiling. ЬЬunsmilingly adv. unsmilingness n. unsmoked adj. 1 not cured by smoking (unsmoked bacon). 2 not consumed by smoking (an unsmoked cigar). unsnarl v.tr. disentangle. [UN-(2) + SNARL(2)] unsociable adj. not sociable, disliking the company of others. ЬЬunsociability n. unsociableness n. unsociably adv. unsocial adj. 1 not social; not suitable for, seeking, or conforming to society. 2 outside the normal working day (unsocial hours). 3 antisocial. ЬЬunsocially adv. unsoiled adj. not soiled or dirtied. unsold adj. not sold. unsolder v.tr. undo the soldering of. unsoldierly adj. not soldierly. unsolicited adj. not asked for; given or done voluntarily. ЬЬunsolicitedly adv. unsolvable adj. that cannot be solved, insoluble. ЬЬunsolvability n. unsolvableness n. unsolved adj. not solved. unsophisticated adj. 1 artless, simple, natural, ingenuous. 2 not adulterated or artificial. ЬЬunsophisticatedly adv. unsophisticatedness n. unsophistication n. unsorted adj. not sorted. unsought adj. 1 not searched out or sought for. 2 unasked; without being requested. unsound adj. 1 unhealthy, diseased. 2 rotten, weak. 3 a ill-founded, fallacious. b unorthodox, heretical. 4 unreliable. 5 wicked. Ьof unsound mind insane. ЬЬunsoundly adv. unsoundness n. unsounded(1) adj. 1 not uttered or pronounced. 2 not made to sound. unsounded(2) adj. unfathomed. unsoured adj. not soured. unsown adj. not sown. unsparing adj. 1 lavish, profuse. 2 merciless. ЬЬunsparingly adv. unsparingness n. unspeakable adj. 1 that cannot be expressed in words. 2 indescribably bad or objectionable. ЬЬunspeakableness n. unspeakably adv. unspecialized adj. not specialized. unspecified adj. not specified. unspectacular adj. not spectacular; dull. ЬЬunspectacularly adv. unspent adj. 1 not expended or used. 2 not exhausted or used up. unspilled adj. not spilt. unspilt adj. not spilt. unspiritual adj. not spiritual; earthly, worldly. ЬЬunspirituality n. unspiritually adv. unspiritualness n. unspoiled adj. 1 unspoilt. 2 not plundered. unspoilt adj. not spoilt. unspoken adj. 1 not expressed in speech. 2 not uttered as speech. unsporting adj. not sportsmanlike; not fair or generous. ЬЬunsportingly adv. unsportingness n. unsportsmanlike adj. unsporting. unspotted adj. 1 a not marked with a spot or spots. b morally pure. 2 unnoticed. unsprung adj. not provided with a spring or springs; not resilient. unstable adj. (unstabler, unstablest) 1 not stable. 2 changeable. 3 showing a tendency to sudden mental or emotional changes. Ьunstable equilibrium a state in which a body when disturbed tends to move farther from equilibrium. ЬЬunstableness n. unstably adv. unstained adj. not stained. unstamped adj. 1 not marked by stamping. 2 not having a stamp affixed. unstarched adj. not starched. unstated adj. not stated or declared. unstatesmanlike adj. not statesmanlike. unstatutable adj. contrary to a statute or statutes. ЬЬunstatutably adv. unsteadfast adj. not steadfast. unsteady adj. (unsteadier, unsteadiest) 1 not steady or firm. 2 changeable, fluctuating. 3 not uniform or regular. ЬЬunsteadily adv. unsteadiness n. unstick v. & n. --v. (past and past part. unstuck) 1 tr. separate (a thing stuck to another). 2 Aeron. colloq. a intr. take off. b tr. cause (an aircraft) to take off. --n. Aeron. colloq. the moment of take-off. Ьcome unstuck colloq. come to grief, fail. unstinted adj. not stinted. ЬЬunstintedly adv. unstinting adj. ungrudging, lavish. ЬЬunstintingly adv. unstirred adj. not stirred. unstitch v.tr. undo the stitches of. unstop v.tr. (unstopped, unstopping) 1 free from obstruction. 2 remove the stopper from. unstoppable adj. that cannot be stopped or prevented. ЬЬunstoppability n. unstoppably adv. unstopper v.tr. remove the stopper from. unstrained adj. 1 not subjected to straining or stretching. 2 not injured by overuse or excessive demands. 3 not forced or produced by effort. 4 not passed through a strainer. unstrap v.tr. (unstrapped, unstrapping) undo the strap or straps of. unstreamed adj. Brit. (of schoolchildren) not arranged in streams. unstressed adj. 1 (of a word, syllable, etc.) not pronounced with stress. 2 not subjected to stress. unstring v.tr. (past and past part. unstrung) 1 remove or relax the string or strings of (a bow, harp, etc.). 2 remove from a string. 3 (esp. as unstrung adj.) unnerve. unstructured adj. 1 not structured. 2 informal. unstuck past and past part. of UNSTICK. unstudied adj. easy, natural, spontaneous. ЬЬunstudiedly adv. unstuffed adj. not stuffed. unstuffy adj. 1 informal, casual. 2 not stuffy. unsubdued adj. not subdued. unsubjugated adj. not subjugated. unsubstantial adj. having little or no solidity, reality, or factual basis. ЬЬunsubstantiality n. unsubstantially adv. unsubstantiated adj. not substantiated. unsuccess n. 1 lack of success; failure. 2 an instance of this. unsuccessful adj. not successful. ЬЬunsuccessfully adv. unsuccessfulness n. unsugared adj. not sugared. unsuggestive adj. not suggestive. unsuitable adj. not suitable. ЬЬunsuitability n. unsuitableness n. unsuitably adv. unsuited adj. 1 (usu. foll. by for) not fit for a purpose. 2 (usu. foll. by to) not adapted. unsullied adj. not sullied. unsummoned adj. not summoned. unsung adj. 1 not celebrated in song; unknown. 2 not sung. unsupervised adj. not supervised. unsupportable adj. 1 that cannot be endured. 2 indefensible. ЬЬunsupportably adv. unsupported adj. not supported. ЬЬunsupportedly adv. unsure adj. not sure. ЬЬunsurely adv. unsureness n. unsurpassable adj. that cannot be surpassed. ЬЬunsurpassably adv. unsurpassed adj. not surpassed. unsurprising adj. not surprising. ЬЬunsurprisingly adv. unsusceptible adj. not susceptible. ЬЬunsusceptibility n. unsuspected adj. not suspected. ЬЬunsuspectedly adv. unsuspecting adj. not suspecting. ЬЬunsuspectingly adv. unsuspectingness n. unsuspicious adj. not suspicious. ЬЬunsuspiciously adv. unsuspiciousness n. unsustained adj. not sustained. unswathe v.tr. free from being swathed. unswayed adj. uninfluenced, unaffected. unsweetened adj. not sweetened. unswept adj. not swept. unswerving adj. 1 steady, constant. 2 not turning aside. ЬЬunswervingly adv. unsworn adj. 1 (of a person) not subjected to or bound by an oath. 2 not confirmed by an oath. unsymmetrical adj. not symmetrical. ЬЬunsymmetrically adv. unsympathetic adj. not sympathetic. ЬЬunsympathetically adv. unsystematic adj. not systematic. ЬЬunsystematically adv. untack v.tr. detach, esp. by removing tacks. untainted adj. not tainted. untalented adj. not talented. untameable adj. that cannot be tamed. untamed adj. not tamed, wild. untangle v.tr. 1 free from a tangled state. 2 free from entanglement. untanned adj. not tanned. untapped adj. not (yet) tapped or wired (untapped resources). untarnished adj. not tarnished. untasted adj. not tasted. untaught adj. 1 not instructed by teaching; ignorant. 2 not acquired by teaching; natural, spontaneous. untaxed adj. not required to pay or not attracting taxes. unteach v.tr. (past and past part. untaught) 1 cause (a person) to forget or discard previous knowledge. 2 remove from the mind (something known or taught) by different teaching. unteachable adj. 1 incapable of being instructed. 2 that cannot be imparted by teaching. untearable adj. that cannot be torn. untechnical adj. not technical. ЬЬuntechnically adv. untempered adj. (of metal etc.) not brought to the proper hardness or consistency. untenable adj. not tenable; that cannot be defended. ЬЬuntenability n. untenableness n. untenably adv. untended adj. not tended; neglected. untested adj. not tested or proved. untether v.tr. release (an animal) from a tether. untethered adj. not tethered. unthanked adj. not thanked. unthankful adj. not thankful. ЬЬunthankfully adv. unthankfulness n. unthinkable adj. 1 that cannot be imagined or grasped by the mind. 2 colloq. highly unlikely or undesirable. ЬЬunthinkability n. unthinkableness n. unthinkably adv. unthinking adj. 1 thoughtless. 2 unintentional, inadvertent. ЬЬunthinkingly adv. unthinkingness n. unthought adj. (often foll. by of) not thought of. unthoughtful adj. unthinking, unmindful; thoughtless. ЬЬunthoughtfully adv. unthoughtfulness n. unthread v.tr. 1 take the thread out of (a needle etc.). 2 find one's way out of (a maze). unthrifty adj. 1 wasteful, extravagant, prodigal. 2 not thriving or flourishing. ЬЬunthriftily adv. unthriftiness n. unthrone v.tr. dethrone. untidy adj. (untidier, untidiest) not neat or orderly. ЬЬuntidily adv. untidiness n. untie v.tr. (pres. part. untying) 1 undo (a knot etc.). 2 unfasten the cords etc. of (a package etc.). 3 release from bonds or attachment. [OE untigan (as UN-(2), TIE)] untied adj. not tied. until prep. & conj. = TILL(1). °Used esp. when beginning a sentence and in formal style, e.g. until you told me, I had no idea; he resided there until his decease. [orig. northern ME untill f. ON und as far as + TILL(1)] untilled adj. not tilled. untimely adj. & adv. --adj. 1 inopportune. 2 (of death) premature. --adv. archaic 1 inopportunely. 2 prematurely. ЬЬuntimeliness n. untinged adj. not tinged. untiring adj. tireless. ЬЬuntiringly adv. untitled adj. having no title. unto prep. archaic = TO prep. (in all uses except as the sign of the infinitive); (do unto others; faithful unto death; take unto oneself). [ME f. UNTIL, with TO replacing northern TILL(1)] untold adj. 1 not told. 2 not (able to be) counted or measured (untold misery). [OE unteald (as UN-(1), TOLD)] untouchable adj. & n. --adj. that may not or cannot be touched. --n. a member of a hereditary Hindu group held to defile members of higher castes on contact. °Use of the term, and social restrictions accompanying it, were declared illegal under the Indian constitution in 1949. ЬЬuntouchability n. untouchableness n. untouched adj. 1 not touched. 2 not affected physically, not harmed, modified, used, or tasted. 3 not affected by emotion. 4 not discussed. untoward adj. 1 inconvenient, unlucky. 2 awkward. 3 perverse, refractory. 4 unseemly. ЬЬuntowardly adv. untowardness n. untraceable adj. that cannot be traced. ЬЬuntraceably adv. untraced adj. not traced. untrained adj. not trained. untrammelled adj. not trammelled, unhampered. untransferable adj. not transferable. untranslatable adj. that cannot be translated satisfactorily. ЬЬuntranslatability n. untranslatably adv. untransportable adj. that cannot be transported. untravelled adj. (US untraveled) 1 that has not travelled. 2 that has not been travelled over or through. untreatable adj. (of a disease etc.) that cannot be treated. untreated adj. not treated. untried adj. 1 not tried or tested. 2 inexperienced. 3 not yet tried by a judge. untrodden adj. not trodden, stepped on, or traversed. untroubled adj. not troubled; calm, tranquil. untrue adj. 1 not true, contrary to what is the fact. 2 (often foll. by to) not faithful or loyal. 3 deviating from an accepted standard. ЬЬuntruly adv. [OE untreowe etc. (as UN-(1), TRUE)] untruss v.tr. unfasten (a trussed fowl). untrustworthy adj. not trustworthy. ЬЬuntrustworthiness n. untruth n. (pl. untruths) 1 the state of being untrue, falsehood. 2 a false statement (told me an untruth). [OE untreowth etc. (as UN-(1), TRUTH)] untruthful adj. not truthful. ЬЬuntruthfully adv. untruthfulness n. untuck v.tr. free (bedclothes etc.) from being tucked in or up. untunable adj. (of a piano etc.) that cannot be tuned. untuned adj. 1 not in tune, not made tuneful. 2 (of a radio receiver etc.) not tuned to any one frequency. 3 not in harmony or concord, disordered. untuneful adj. not tuneful. ЬЬuntunefully adv. untunefulness n. unturned adj. 1 not turned over, round, away, etc. 2 not shaped by turning. untutored adj. uneducated, untaught. untwine v.tr. & intr. untwist, unwind. untwist v.tr. & intr. open from a twisted or spiralled state. untying pres. part. of UNTIE. unusable adj. not usable. unused adj. 1 a not in use. b never having been used. 2 (foll. by to) not accustomed. unusual adj. 1 not usual. 2 exceptional, remarkable. ЬЬunusually adv. unusualness n. unutterable adj. inexpressible; beyond description (unutterable torment; an unutterable fool). ЬЬunutterableness n. unutterably adv. unuttered adj. not uttered or expressed. unvaccinated adj. not vaccinated. unvalued adj. 1 not regarded as valuable. 2 not having been valued. unvanquished adj. not vanquished. unvaried adj. not varied. unvarnished adj. 1 not varnished. 2 (of a statement or person) plain and straightforward (the unvarnished truth). unvarying adj. not varying. ЬЬunvaryingly adv. unvaryingness n. unveil v. 1 tr. remove a veil from. 2 tr. remove a covering from (a statue, plaque, etc.) as part of the ceremony of the first public display. 3 tr. disclose, reveal, make publicly known. 4 intr. remove one's veil. unventilated adj. 1 not provided with a means of ventilation. 2 not discussed. unverifiable adj. that cannot be verified. unverified adj. not verified. unversed adj. (usu. foll. by in) not experienced or skilled. unviable adj. not viable. ЬЬunviability n. unviolated adj. not violated. unvisited adj. not visited. unvitiated adj. not vitiated. unvoiced adj. 1 not spoken. 2 Phonet. not voiced. unwaged adj. not receiving a wage; out of work. unwanted adj. not wanted. unwarlike adj. not warlike. unwarmed adj. not warmed. unwarned adj. not warned or forewarned. unwarrantable adj. indefensible, unjustifiable. ЬЬunwarrantableness n. unwarrantably adv. unwarranted adj. 1 unauthorized. 2 unjustified. unwary adj. 1 not cautious. 2 (often foll. by of) not aware of possible danger etc. ЬЬunwarily adv. unwariness n. unwashed adj. 1 not washed. 2 not usually washed or clean. Ьthe great unwashed colloq. the rabble. unwatched adj. not watched. unwatchful adj. not watchful. unwatered adj. not watered. unwavering adj. not wavering. ЬЬunwaveringly adv. unweaned adj. not weaned. unwearable adj. that cannot be worn. unwearied adj. 1 not wearied or tired. 2 never becoming weary, indefatigable. 3 unremitting. ЬЬunweariedly adv. unweariedness n. unweary adj. not weary. unwearying adj. 1 persistent. 2 not causing or producing weariness. ЬЬunwearyingly adv. unwed adj. unmarried. unwedded adj. unmarried. ЬЬunweddedness n. unweeded adj. not cleared of weeds. unweighed adj. 1 not considered; hasty. 2 (of goods) not weighed. unwelcome adj. not welcome or acceptable. ЬЬunwelcomely adv. unwelcomeness n. unwell adj. 1 not in good health; (somewhat) ill. 2 indisposed. unwept adj. 1 not wept for. 2 (of tears) not wept. unwetted adj. not wetted. unwhipped adj. 1 not punished by or as by whipping. 2 Brit. not subject to a party whip. unwholesome adj. 1 not promoting, or detrimental to, physical or moral health. 2 unhealthy, insalubrious. 3 unhealthy-looking. ЬЬunwholesomely adv. unwholesomeness n. unwieldy adj. (unwieldier, unwieldiest) cumbersome, clumsy, or hard to manage, owing to size, shape, or weight. ЬЬunwieldily adv. unwieldiness n. [ME f. UN-(1) + wieldy active (now dial.) f. WIELD] unwilling adj. not willing or inclined; reluctant. ЬЬunwillingly adv. unwillingness n. [OE unwillende (as UN-(1), WILLING)] unwind v. (past and past part. unwound) 1 a tr. draw out (a thing that has been wound). b intr. become drawn out after having been wound. 2 intr. & tr. colloq. relax. unwinking adj. 1 not winking. 2 watchful, vigilant. ЬЬunwinkingly adv. unwinnable adj. that cannot be won. unwisdom n. lack of wisdom, folly, imprudence. [OE unwisdom (as UN-(1), WISDOM)] unwise adj. 1 foolish, imprudent. 2 injudicious. ЬЬunwisely adv. [OE unwis (as UN-(1), WISE(1))] unwished adj. (usu. foll. by for) not wished for. unwithered adj. not withered; still vigorous or fresh. unwitnessed adj. not witnessed. unwitting adj. 1 unaware of the state of the case (an unwitting offender). 2 unintentional. ЬЬunwittingly adv. unwittingness n. [OE unwitende (as UN-(1), WIT(2))] unwomanly adj. not womanly; not befitting a woman. ЬЬunwomanliness n. unwonted adj. not customary or usual. ЬЬunwontedly adv. unwontedness n. unwooded adj. not wooded, treeless. unworkable adj. not workable; impracticable. ЬЬunworkability n. unworkableness n. unworkably adv. unworked adj. 1 not wrought into shape. 2 not exploited or turned to account. unworkmanlike adj. badly done or made. unworldly adj. 1 spiritually-minded. 2 spiritual. ЬЬunworldliness n. unworn adj. not worn or impaired by wear. unworried adj. not worried; calm. unworthy adj. (unworthier, unworthiest) 1 (often foll. by of) not worthy or befitting the character of a person etc. 2 discreditable, unseemly. 3 contemptible, base. ЬЬunworthily adv. unworthiness n. unwound(1) adj. not wound or wound up. unwound(2) past and past part. of UNWIND. unwounded adj. not wounded, unhurt. unwoven adj. not woven. unwrap v. (unwrapped, unwrapping) 1 tr. remove the wrapping from. 2 tr. open or unfold. 3 intr. become unwrapped. unwrinkled adj. free from wrinkles, smooth. unwritable adj. that cannot be written. unwritten adj. 1 not written. 2 (of a law etc.) resting originally on custom or judicial decision, not on statute. unwrought adj. (of metals) not hammered into shape or worked into a finished condition. unyielding adj. 1 not yielding to pressure etc. 2 firm, obstinate. ЬЬunyieldingly adv. unyieldingness n. unyoke v. 1 tr. release from a yoke. 2 intr. cease work. unzip v.tr. (unzipped, unzipping) unfasten the zip of. 15.0 up... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- up adv., prep., adj., n., & v. --adv. 1 at, in, or towards a higher place or position (jumped up in the air; what are they doing up there?). 2 to or in a place regarded as higher, esp.: a northwards (up in Scotland). b Brit. towards a major city or a university (went up to London). 3 colloq. ahead etc. as indicated (went up front). 4 a to or in an erect position or condition (stood it up). b to or in a prepared or required position (wound up the watch). c in or into a condition of efficiency, activity, or progress (stirred up trouble; the house is up for sale; the hunt is up). 5 Brit. in a stronger or winning position or condition (our team was three goals up; am њ10 up on the transaction). 6 (of a computer) running and available for use. 7 to the place or time in question or where the speaker etc. is (a child came up to me; went straight up to the door; has been fine up till now). 8 at or to a higher price or value (our costs are up; shares are up). 9 a completely or effectually (burn up; eat up; tear up; use up). b more loudly or clearly (speak up). 10 in a state of completion; denoting the end of availability, supply, etc. (time is up). 11 into a compact, accumulated, or secure state (pack up; save up; tie up). 12 out of bed (are you up yet?). 13 (of the sun etc.) having risen. 14 happening, esp. unusually or unexpectedly (something is up). 15 taught or informed (is well up in French). 16 (usu. foll. by before) appearing for trial etc. (was up before the magistrate). 17 (of a road etc.) being repaired. 18 (of a jockey) in the saddle. 19 towards the source of a river. 20 inland. 21 (of the points etc. in a game): a registered on the scoreboard. b forming the total score for the time being. 22 upstairs, esp. to bed (are you going up yet?). 23 (of a theatre-curtain) raised etc. to reveal the stage. 24 (as int.) get up. 25 (of a ship's helm) with rudder to leeward. 26 in rebellion. --prep. 1 upwards along, through, or into (climbed up the ladder). 2 from the bottom to the top of. 3 along (walked up the road). 4 a at or in a higher part of (is situated up the street). b towards the source of (a river). --adj. 1 directed upwards (up stroke). 2 Brit. of travel towards a capital or centre (the up train; the up platform). 3 (of beer etc.) effervescent, frothy. --n. a spell of good fortune. --v. (upped, upping) 1 intr. colloq. start up; begin abruptly to say or do something (upped and hit him). 2 intr. (foll. by with) raise; pick up (upped with his stick). 3 tr. increase or raise, esp. abruptly (upped all their prices). Ьbe all up with be disastrous or hopeless for (a person). on the up and up colloq. 1 Brit. steadily improving. 2 esp. US honest(ly); on the level. something is up colloq. something unusual or undesirable is afoot or happening. up against 1 close to. 2 in or into contact with. 3 colloq. confronted with (up against a problem). up against it colloq. in great difficulties. up-anchor Naut. weigh anchor. up and about (or doing) having risen from bed; active. up-and-coming colloq. (of a person) making good progress and likely to succeed. up and down 1 to and fro (along). 2 in every direction. 3 colloq. in varying health or spirits. up-and-over (of a door) opened by being raised and pushed back into a horizontal position. up draught an upward draught, esp. in a chimney. up for available for or being considered for (office etc.). up hill and down dale up and down hills on an arduous journey. up in arms see ARM(2). up-market adj. & adv. towards or relating to the dearer or more affluent sector of the market. up the pole see POLE(1). ups and downs 1 rises and falls. 2 alternate good and bad fortune. up the spout see SPOUT. up stage at or to the back of a theatre stage. up sticks see STICK(1). up-stroke a stroke made or written upwards. up to 1 until (up to the present). 2 not more than (you can have up to five). 3 less than or equal to (sums up to њ10). 4 incumbent on (it is up to you to say). 5 capable of or fit for (am not up to a long walk). 6 occupied or busy with (what have you been up to?). up to date see DATE(1). up to the mark see MARK(1). up to the minute see MINUTE(1). up to snuff see SNUFF(2). up to one's tricks see TRICK. up to a person's tricks see TRICK. up with int. expressing support for a stated person or thing. what's up? colloq. 1 what is going on? 2 what is the matter? [OE up(p), uppe, rel. to OHG uf] up- prefix in senses of UP, added: 1 as an adverb to verbs and verbal derivations, = 'upwards' (upcurved; update). 2 as a preposition to nouns forming adverbs and adjectives (up-country; uphill). 3 as an adjective to nouns (upland; up-stroke). [OE up(p)-, = UP] Upanishad n. each of a series of philosophical compositions concluding the exposition of the Vedas. [Skr. f. upa near + ni-sad sit down] upas n. 1 (in full upas-tree) a a Javanese tree, Antiaris toxicaria, yielding a milky sap used as arrow-poison. b Mythol. a Javanese tree thought to be fatal to whatever came near it. c a pernicious influence, practice, etc. 2 the poisonous sap of upas and other trees. [Malay upas poison] upbeat n. & v. --n. an unaccented beat in music. --adj. colloq. optimistic or cheerful. upbraid v.tr. (often foll. by with, for) chide or reproach (a person). ЬЬupbraiding n. [OE upbredan (as UP-, bredan = bregdan BRAID in obs. sense 'brandish')] upbringing n. the bringing up of a child; education. [obs. upbring to rear (as UP-, BRING)] upcast n. & v. --n. 1 the act of casting up; an upward throw. 2 Mining a shaft through which air leaves a mine. 3 Geol. = UPTHROW. --v.tr. (past and past part. upcast) cast up. upcoming adj. esp. US forthcoming; about to happen. up-country adv. & adj. inland; towards the interior of a country. update v. & n. --v.tr. bring up to date. --n. 1 the act or an instance of updating. 2 an updated version; a set of updated information. ЬЬupdater n. up-end v.tr. & intr. set or rise up on end. upfield adv. in or to a position nearer to the opponents' end of a football etc. field. upfold n. Geol. an anticline. upfront adv. & adj. colloq. --adv. (usu. up front) 1 at the front; in front. 2 (of payments) in advance. --adj. 1 honest, open, frank. 2 (of payments) made in advance. 3 at the front or most prominent. upgrade v. & n. --v.tr. 1 raise in rank etc. 2 improve (equipment, machinery, etc.) esp. by replacing components. --n. 1 the act or an instance of upgrading. 2 an upgraded piece of equipment etc. Ьon the upgrade 1 improving in health etc. 2 advancing, progressing. ЬЬupgrader n. upgrowth n. the process or result of growing upwards. upheaval n. 1 a violent or sudden change or disruption. 2 Geol. an upward displacement of part of the earth's crust. 3 the act or an instance of heaving up. upheave v. 1 tr. heave or lift up, esp. forcibly. 2 intr. rise up. uphill adv., adj., & n. --adv. in an ascending direction up a hill, slope, etc. --adj. 1 sloping up; ascending. 2 arduous, difficult (an uphill task). --n. an upward slope. uphold v.tr. (past and past part. upheld) 1 confirm or maintain (a decision etc., esp. of another). 2 give support or countenance to (a person, practice, etc.). ЬЬupholder n. upholster v.tr. 1 provide (furniture) with upholstery. 2 furnish (a room etc.) with furniture, carpets, etc. Ьwell-upholstered joc. (of a person) fat. [back-form. f. UPHOLSTERER] upholsterer n. a person who upholsters furniture, esp. professionally. [obs. upholster (n.) f. UPHOLD (in obs. sense 'keep in repair') + -STER] upholstery n. 1 textile covering, padding, springs, etc., for furniture. 2 an upholsterer's work. upkeep n. 1 maintenance in good condition. 2 the cost or means of this. upland n. & adj. --n. the higher or inland parts of a country. --adj. of or relating to these parts. uplift v. & n. --v.tr. 1 raise; lift up. 2 elevate or stimulate morally or spiritually. --n. 1 the act or an instance of being raised. 2 Geol. the raising of part of the earth's surface. 3 colloq. a morally or spiritually elevating influence. 4 support for the bust etc. from a garment. ЬЬuplifter n. uplifting adj. (esp. in sense 2 of v.). upmost var. of UPPERMOST. upon prep. = ON. ° Upon is sometimes more formal, and is preferred in once upon a time and upon my word, and in uses such as row upon row of seats and Christmas is almost upon us. [ME f. UP + ON prep., after ON upp ] upper(1) adj. & n. --adj. 1 higher in place; situated above another part (the upper atmosphere; the upper lip). 2 higher in rank or dignity etc. (the upper class). 3 situated on higher ground (Upper Egypt). --n. the part of a boot or shoe above the sole. Ьon one's uppers colloq. extremely short of money. upper case see CASE(2). upper class the highest class of society, esp. the aristocracy. upper-class adj. of the upper class. the upper crust colloq. the aristocracy. upper-cut n. an upwards blow delivered with the arm bent. --v.tr. hit with an upper-cut. the upper hand dominance or control. Upper House the higher house in a legislature, esp. the House of Lords. the upper regions 1 the sky. 2 heaven. upper works the part of a ship that is above the water when fully laden. [ME f. UP + -ER(2)] upper(2) n. sl. a stimulant drug, esp. an amphetamine. [UP v. + -ER(1)] uppermost adj. & adv. --adj. (also upmost) 1 highest in place or rank. 2 predominant. --adv. at or to the highest or most prominent position. uppish adj. esp. Brit. colloq. self-assertive or arrogant. ЬЬuppishly adv. uppishness n. uppity adj. colloq. uppish, snobbish. [fanciful f. UP] upraise v.tr. raise to a higher level. upright adj. & n. --adj. 1 erect, vertical (an upright posture; stood upright). 2 (of a piano) with vertical strings. 3 (of a person or behaviour) righteous; strictly honourable or honest. 4 (of a picture, book, etc.) greater in height than breadth. --n. 1 a post or rod fixed upright esp. as a structural support. 2 an upright piano. ЬЬuprightly adv. uprightness n. [OE upriht (as UP, RIGHT)] uprise v.intr. (uprose, uprisen) rise (to a standing position, etc.). uprising n. a rebellion or revolt. uproar n. a tumult; a violent disturbance. [Du. oproer f. op up + roer confusion, assoc. with ROAR] uproarious adj. 1 very noisy. 2 provoking loud laughter. ЬЬuproariously adv. uproariousness n. uproot v.tr. 1 pull (a plant etc.) up from the ground. 2 displace (a person) from an accustomed location. 3 eradicate, destroy. ЬЬuprooter n. uprose past of UPRISE. uprush n. an upward rush, esp. Psychol. from the subconscious. ups-a-daisy var. of UPSY-DAISY. upset v., n., & adj. --v. (upsetting; past and past part. upset) 1 tr. & intr. overturn or be overturned. 2 tr. disturb the composure or digestion of (was very upset by the news; ate something that upset me). 3 tr. disrupt. 4 tr. shorten and thicken (metal, esp. a tire) by hammering or pressure. --n. 1 a condition of upsetting or being upset (a stomach upset). 2 a surprising result in a game etc. --adj. disturbed (an upset stomach). Ьupset price the lowest acceptable selling price of a property in an auction etc.; a reserve price. ЬЬupsetter n. upsettingly adv. upshot n. the final or eventual outcome or conclusion. upside down adv. & adj. --adv. 1 with the upper part where the lower part should be; in an inverted position. 2 in or into total disorder (everything was turned upside down). --adj. (also upside-down attrib.) that is positioned upside down; inverted. Ьupside-down cake a sponge cake baked with fruit in a syrup at the bottom, and inverted for serving. [ME, orig. up so down, perh. = 'up as if down'] upsides adv. Brit. colloq. (foll. by with) equal with (a person) by revenge, retaliation, etc. [upside = top part] upsilon n. the twelfth letter of the Greek alphabet. [Gk, = slender U f. psilos slender, with ref. to its later coincidence in sound with Gk oi] upstage adj., adv., & v. --adj. & adv. 1 nearer the back of a theatre stage. 2 snobbish(ly). --v.tr. 1 (of an actor) move upstage to make (another actor) face away from the audience. 2 divert attention from (a person) to oneself; outshine. upstairs adv., adj., & n. --adv. to or on an upper floor. --adj. (also upstair) situated upstairs. --n. an upper floor. upstanding adj. 1 standing up. 2 strong and healthy. 3 honest or straightforward. upstart n. & adj. --n. a person who has risen suddenly to prominence, esp. one who behaves arrogantly. --adj. 1 that is an upstart. 2 of or characteristic of an upstart. upstate n., adj., & adv. US --n. part of a State remote from its large cities, esp. the northern part. --adj. of or relating to this part. --adv. in or to this part. ЬЬupstater n. upstream adv. & adj. --adv. against the flow of a stream etc. --adj. moving upstream. upsurge n. an upward surge; a rise (esp. in feelings etc.). upswept adj. 1 (of the hair) combed to the top of the head. 2 curved or sloped upwards. upswing n. an upward movement or trend. upsy-daisy int. (also ups-a-daisy) expressing encouragement to a child who is being lifted or has fallen. [earlier up-a-daisy: cf. LACKADAISICAL] uptake n. 1 colloq. understanding; comprehension (esp. quick or slow on the uptake). 2 the act or an instance of taking up. upthrow n. 1 the act or an instance of throwing upwards. 2 Geol. an upward dislocation of strata. upthrust n. 1 upward thrust, e.g. of a fluid on an immersed body. 2 Geol. = UPHEAVAL. uptight adj. colloq. 1 nervously tense or angry. 2 US rigidly conventional. uptown adj., adv., & n. US --adj. of or in the residential part of a town or city. --adv. in or into this part. --n. this part. ЬЬuptowner n. upturn n. & v. --n. 1 an upward trend; an improvement. 2 an upheaval. --v.tr. turn up or upside down. UPU abbr. Universal Postal Union. upward adv. & adj. --adv. (also upwards) towards what is higher, superior, larger in amount, more important, or earlier. --adj. moving, extending, pointing, or leading upward. Ьupwards of more than (found upwards of forty specimens). [OE upweard(es) (as UP, -WARD)] upwardly adv. in an upward direction. Ьupwardly mobile able or aspiring to advance socially or professionally. upwarp n. Geol. a broad surface elevation; an anticline. upwind adj. & adv. against the direction of the wind. 16.0 ur... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ur- comb. form primitive, original, earliest. [G] uracil n. Biochem. a pyrimidine derivative found in living tissue as a component base of RNA. [UREA + ACETIC] uraemia n. (US uremia) Med. a morbid condition due to the presence in the blood of urinary matter normally eliminated by the kidneys. ЬЬuraemic adj. [Gk ouron urine + haima blood] uraeus n. the sacred serpent as an emblem of power represented on the head-dress of Egyptian divinities and sovereigns. [mod.L f. Gk ouraios, repr. the Egypt. word for 'cobra'] Ural-Altaic n. & adj. --n. Philol. a family of Finno-Ugric, Turkic, Mongolian, and other agglutinative languages of N. Europe and Asia. --adj. 1 of or relating to this family of languages. 2 of or relating to the Ural and Altaic mountain ranges in the USSR and central Asia. uranium n. Chem. a radioactive grey dense metallic element occurring naturally in pitchblende, and capable of nuclear fission and therefore used as a source of nuclear energy. °Symb.: U. ЬЬuranic adj. [mod.L, f. URANUS: cf. tellurium] urano-(1) comb. form the heavens. [Gk ouranos heaven(s)] urano-(2) comb. form uranium. uranography n. the branch of astronomy concerned with describing and mapping the stars, planets, etc. ЬЬuranographer n. uranographic adj. Uranus n. a planet discovered by Herschel in 1781, the outermost of the solar system except Neptune and Pluto. [L f. Gk Ouranos heaven, Uranus, in Gk Mythol. the son of Gaea (Earth) and father of Kronos (Saturn), the Titans, etc.] urban adj. of, living in, or situated in a town or city (an urban population) (opp. RURAL). Ьurban district Brit. hist. a group of urban communities governed by an elected council. urban guerrilla a terrorist operating in an urban area. urban renewal slum clearance and redevelopment in a city or town. urban sprawl the uncontrolled expansion of urban areas. [L urbanus f. urbs urbis city] urbane adj. courteous; suave; elegant and refined in manner. ЬЬurbanely adv. urbaneness n. [F urbain or L urbanus: see URBAN] urbanism n. 1 urban character or way of life. 2 a study of urban life. ЬЬurbanist n. urbanite n. a dweller in a city or town. urbanity n. 1 an urbane quality; refinement of manner. 2 urban life. [F urbanit‚ or L urbanitas (as URBAN)] urbanize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make urban. 2 destroy the rural quality of (a district). ЬЬurbanization n. [F urbaniser (as URBAN)] urceolate adj. Bot. having the shape of a pitcher, with a large body and small mouth. [L urceolus dimin. of urceus pitcher] urchin n. 1 a mischievous child, esp. young and raggedly dressed. 2 = sea urchin. 3 archaic a a hedgehog. b a goblin. [ME hirchon, urcheon f. ONF herichon, OF heri‡on ult. f. L (h)ericius hedgehog] Urdu n. a language related to Hindi but with many Persian words, an official language of Pakistan and also used in India. [Hind. (zaban i) urdu (language of the) camp, f. Pers. urdu f. Turki ordu: see HORDE] -ure suffix forming: 1 nouns of action or process (censure; closure; seizure). 2 nouns of result (creature; scripture). 3 collective nouns (legislature; nature). 4 nouns of function (judicature; ligature). [from or after OF -ure f. L -ura] urea n. Biochem. a soluble colourless crystalline nitrogenous compound contained esp. in the urine of mammals. ЬЬureal adj. [mod.L f. F ur‚e f. Gk ouron urine] uremia US var. of URAEMIA. ureter n. the duct by which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder or cloaca. ЬЬureteral adj. ureteric adj. ureteritis n. [F uretЉre or mod.L ureter f. Gk oureter f. oureo urinate] urethane n. Chem. a crystalline amide, ethyl carbamate, used in plastics and paints. [F ur‚thane (as UREA, ETHANE)] urethra n. (pl. urethrae or urethras) the duct by which urine is discharged from the bladder. ЬЬurethral adj. urethritis n. [LL f. Gk ourethra (as URETER)] urge v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by on) drive forcibly; impel; hasten (urged them on; urged the horses forward). 2 (often foll. by to + infin. or that + clause) encourage or entreat earnestly or persistently (urged them to go; urged them to action; urged that they should go). 3 (often foll. by on, upon) advocate (an action or argument etc.) pressingly or emphatically (to a person). 4 adduce forcefully as a reason or justification (urged the seriousness of the problem). 5 ply (a person etc.) hard with argument or entreaty. --n. 1 an urging impulse or tendency. 2 a strong desire. ЬЬurger n. [L urgere press, drive] urgent adj. 1 requiring immediate action or attention (an urgent need for help). 2 importunate; earnest and persistent in demand. ЬЬurgency n. urgently adv. [ME f. F (as URGE)] URI abbr. upper respiratory infection. -uria comb. form forming nouns denoting that a substance is (esp. excessively) present in the urine. [mod.L f. Gk -ouria (as URINE)] uric adj. of or relating to urine. Ьuric acid a crystalline acid forming a constituent of urine. [F urique (as URINE)] urinal n. 1 a sanitary fitting, usu. against a wall, for men to urinate into. 2 a place or receptacle for urination. [ME f. OF f. LL urinal neut. of urinalis (as URINE)] urinalysis n. (pl. urinalyses) the chemical analysis of urine esp. for diagnostic purposes. urinary adj. 1 of or relating to urine. 2 affecting or occurring in the urinary system (urinary diseases). urinate v.intr. discharge urine. ЬЬurination n. [med.L urinare (as URINE)] urine n. a pale-yellow fluid secreted as waste from the blood by the kidneys, stored in the bladder, and discharged through the urethra. ЬЬurinous adj. [ME f. OF f. L urina] urn n. & v. --n. 1 a vase with a foot and usu. a rounded body, esp. for storing the ashes of the cremated dead or as a vessel or measure. 2 a large vessel with a tap, in which tea or coffee etc. is made or kept hot. 3 poet. anything in which a dead body or its remains are preserved, e.g. a grave. --v.tr. enclose in an urn. ЬЬurnful n. (pl. -fuls). [ME f. L urna, rel. to urceus pitcher] uro-(1) comb. form urine. [Gk ouron urine] uro-(2) comb. form tail. [Gk oura tail] urochord n. the notochord of a tunicate. urodele n. any amphibian of the order Urodela, having a tail when in the adult form, including newts and salamanders. [URO-(2) + Gk delos evident] urogenital adj. of or relating to urinary and genital products or organs. urology n. the scientific study of the urinary system. ЬЬurologic adj. urologist n. uropygium n. the rump of a bird. [med.L f. Gk ouropugion] uroscopy n. Med. hist. the examination of urine, esp. in diagnosis. Ursa Major n. = the Great Bear (see BEAR(2)). [L, = greater bear] Ursa Minor n. = the Little Bear (see BEAR(2)). [L, = lesser bear] ursine adj. of or like a bear. [L ursinus f. ursus bear] Ursuline n. & adj. --n. a nun of an order founded by St Angela in 1535 for nursing the sick and teaching girls. --adj. of or relating to this order. [St Ursula, the founder's patron saint] urticaria n. Med. nettle-rash. [mod.L f. L urtica nettle f. urere burn] urticate v.tr. sting like a nettle. ЬЬurtication n. [med.L urticare f. L urtica: see URTICARIA] urus n. = AUROCHS. [L f. Gmc] 17.0 US... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- US abbr. 1 United States (of America). 2 Under-Secretary. 3 unserviceable. us pron. 1 objective case of WE (they saw us). 2 colloq. = WE (it's us again). 3 colloq. = ME(1) (give us a kiss). [OE us f. Gmc] USA abbr. 1 United States of America. 2 US United States Army. usable adj. that can be used. ЬЬusability n. usableness n. USAF abbr. United States Air Force. usage n. 1 a manner of using or treating; treatment (damaged by rough usage). 2 habitual or customary practice, esp. as creating a right, obligation, or standard. [ME f. OF f. us USE n.] usance n. the time allowed by commercial usage for the payment of foreign bills of exchange. [ME f. OF (as USE)] USDAW abbr. (in the UK) Union of Shop, Distributive, and Allied Workers. use v. & n. --v.tr. 1 cause to act or serve for a purpose; bring into service; avail oneself of (rarely uses the car; use your discretion). 2 treat (a person) in a specified manner (they used him shamefully). 3 exploit for one's own ends (they are just using you). 4 (in past; foll. by to + infin.) did or had in the past (but no longer) as a customary practice or state (I used to be an archaeologist; it used not (or did not use) to rain so often). 5 (as used adj.) second-hand. 6 (as used predic. adj.) (foll. by to) familiar by habit; accustomed (not used to hard work). 7 apply (a name or title etc.) to oneself. --n. 1 the act of using or the state of being used; application to a purpose (put it to good use; is in daily use; worn and polished with use). 2 the right or power of using (lost the use of my right arm). 3 a the ability to be used (a torch would be of use). b the purpose for which a thing can be used (it's no use talking). 4 custom or usage (long use has reconciled me to it). 5 the characteristic ritual and liturgy of a church or diocese etc. 6 Law hist. the benefit or profit of lands, esp. in the possession of another who holds them solely for the beneficiary. Ьcould use colloq. would be glad to have; would be improved by having. have no use for 1 be unable to find a use for. 2 dislike or be impatient with. make use of 1 employ, apply. 2 benefit from. use and wont established custom. use a person's name quote a person as an authority or reference etc. use up 1 consume completely, use the whole of. 2 find a use for (something remaining). 3 exhaust or wear out e.g. with overwork. [ME f. OF us, user, ult. f. L uti us- use] useful adj. 1 a of use; serviceable. b producing or able to produce good results (gave me some useful hints). 2 colloq. highly creditable or efficient (a useful performance). Ьmake oneself useful perform useful services. useful load the load carried by an aircraft etc. in addition to its own weight. ЬЬusefully adv. usefulness n. useless adj. 1 serving no purpose; unavailing (the contents were made useless by damp; protest is useless). 2 colloq. feeble or ineffectual (am useless at swimming). ЬЬuselessly adv. uselessness n. user n. 1 a person who uses (esp. a particular commodity or service, or a computer). 2 colloq. a drug addict. 3 Law the continued use or enjoyment of a right etc. Ьright of user Law 1 a right to use. 2 a presumptive right arising from the user. user-friendly esp. Computing (of a machine or system) designed to be easy to use. usher n. & v. --n. 1 a person who shows people to their seats in a hall or theatre etc. 2 a doorkeeper at a court etc. 3 Brit. an officer walking before a person of rank. 4 archaic or joc. an assistant teacher. --v.tr. 1 act as usher to. 2 (usu. foll. by in) announce or show in etc. (ushered us into the room; ushered in a new era). ЬЬushership n. [ME f. AF usser, OF uissier, var. of huissier f. med.L ustiarius for L ostiarius f. ostium door] usherette n. a female usher esp. in a cinema. USM abbr. Stock Exch. Unlisted Securities Market. USN abbr. United States Navy. usquebaugh n. esp. Ir. & Sc. whisky. [Ir. & Sc. Gael. uisge beatha water of life: cf. WHISKY] USS abbr. United States Ship. USSR abbr. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. usual adj. 1 such as commonly occurs, or is observed or done; customary, habitual (the usual formalities; it is usual to tip them; forgot my keys as usual). 2 (prec. by the, my, etc.) colloq. a person's usual drink etc. ЬЬusually adv. usualness n. [ME f. OF usual, usuel or LL usualis (as USE)] usucaption n. (also usucapion) (in Roman and Scots law) the acquisition of a title or right to property by uninterrupted and undisputed possession for a prescribed term. [OF usucap(t)ion or L usucap(t)io f. usucapere acquire by prescription f. usu by use + capere capt- take] usufruct n. & v. --n. (in Roman and Scots law) the right of enjoying the use and advantages of another's property short of the destruction or waste of its substance. --v.tr. hold in usufruct. ЬЬusufructuary adj. & n. [med.L usufructus f. L usus (et) fructus f. usus USE + fructus FRUIT] usurer n. a person who practises usury. [ME f. AF usurer, OF usureor f. usure f. L usura: see USURY] usurious adj. of, involving, or practising usury. ЬЬusuriously adv. usurp v. 1 tr. seize or assume (a throne or power etc.) wrongfully. 2 intr. (foll. by on, upon) encroach. ЬЬusurpation n. usurper n. [ME f. OF usurper f. L usurpare seize for use] usury n. 1 the act or practice of lending money at interest, esp. Law at an exorbitant rate. 2 interest at this rate. Ьwith usury rhet. or poet. with increased force etc. [ME f. med.L usuria f. L usura (as USE)] 18.0 UT... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UT abbr. 1 universal time. 2 US Utah (in official postal use). ute n. Austral. & NZ sl. a utility truck. [abbr.] utensil n. an implement or vessel, esp. for domestic use (cooking utensils). [ME f. OF utensile f. med.L, neut. of L utensilis usable (as USE)] uterine adj. 1 of or relating to the uterus. 2 born of the same mother but not the same father (sister uterine). [ME f. LL uterinus (as UTERUS)] uterus n. (pl. uteri) the womb. ЬЬuteritis n. [L] utile adj. useful; having utility. [ME f. OF f. L utilis f. uti use] utilitarian adj. & n. --adj. 1 designed to be useful for a purpose rather than attractive; severely practical. 2 of utilitarianism. --n. an adherent of utilitarianism. utilitarianism n. 1 the doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority. 2 the doctrine that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct. utility n. (pl. -ies) 1 the condition of being useful or profitable. 2 a useful thing. 3 = public utility. 4 (attrib.) a severely practical and standardized (utility furniture). b made or serving for utility. Ьutility room a room equipped with appliances for washing, ironing, and other domestic work. utility vehicle (or truck etc.) a vehicle capable of serving various functions. [ME f. OF utilit‚ f. L utilitas -tatis (as UTILE)] utilize v.tr. (also -ise) make practical use of; turn to account; use effectively. ЬЬutilizable adj. utilization n. utilizer n. [F utiliser f. It. utilizzare (as UTILE)] -ution suffix forming nouns, = -ATION (solution). [F f. L -utio] utmost adj. & n. furthest, extreme, or greatest (the utmost limits; showed the utmost reluctance). --n. (prec. by the) the utmost point or degree etc. Ьdo one's utmost do all that one can. [OE ut(e)mest (as OUT, -MOST)] Utopia n. an imagined perfect place or state of things. [title of a book (1516) by Thomas More: mod.L f. Gk ou not + topos place] Utopian adj. & n. (also utopian) --adj. characteristic of Utopia; idealistic. --n. an idealistic reformer. ЬЬUtopianism n. utricle n. a small cell or sac in an animal or plant, esp. one in the inner ear. ЬЬutricular adj. [F utricule or L utriculus dimin. of uter leather bag] utter(1) attrib.adj. complete, total, absolute (utter misery; saw the utter absurdity of it). ЬЬutterly adv. utterness n. [OE utera, uttra, compar. adj. f. ut OUT: cf. OUTER] utter(2) v.tr. 1 emit audibly (uttered a startled cry). 2 express in spoken or written words. 3 Law put (esp. forged money) into circulation. ЬЬutterable adj. utterer n. [ME f. MDu. uteren make known, assim. to UTTER(1)] utterance n. 1 the act or an instance of uttering. 2 a thing spoken. 3 a the power of speaking. b a manner of speaking. 4 Linguistics an uninterrupted chain of spoken or written words not necessarily corresponding to a single or complete grammatical unit. uttermost adj. furthest, extreme. U-turn n. 1 the turning of a vehicle in a U-shaped course so as to face in the opposite direction. 2 a reversal of policy. 19.0 UV... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UV abbr. ultraviolet. uvea n. the pigmented layer of the eye, lying beneath the outer layer. [med.L f. L uva grape] uvula n. (pl. uvulae) 1 a fleshy extension of the soft palate hanging above the throat. 2 a similar process in the bladder or cerebellum. [ME f. LL, dimin. of L uva grape] uvular adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to the uvula. 2 articulated with the back of the tongue and the uvula, as in r in French. --n. a uvular consonant. 20.0 uxorial... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- uxorial adj. of or relating to a wife. uxoricide n. 1 the killing of one's wife. 2 a person who does this. ЬЬuxoricidal adj. [L uxor wife + -CIDE] uxorious adj. 1 greatly or excessively fond of one's wife. 2 (of behaviour etc.) showing such fondness. ЬЬuxoriously adv. uxoriousness n. [L uxoriosus f. uxor wife] 21.0 Uzbek... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Uzbek n. (also Uzbeg) 1 a member of a Turkic people living mainly in Uzbekistan in the USSR. 2 the language of this people. [Uzbek] Яндекс.Реклама: Качественная фольга для холодного и горячего тиснения pro-markirovka.ru. |