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English language - Dictionaries R...Oxford English ReferenceBritish Library Cataloguing Data The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed. 1. English language--Dictionaries I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423 ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain 1.0 R... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- R(1) n. (also r) (pl. Rs or R's) the eighteenth letter of the alphabet. Ьthe r months the months with r in their names (September to April) as the season for oysters. R(2) abbr. (also R.) 1 Regina (Elizabeth R). 2 Rex. 3 River. 4 (also °) registered as a trademark. 5 (in names of societies etc.) Royal. 6 Chess rook. 7 Railway. 8 rand. 9 Regiment. 10 R‚aumur. 11 radius. 12 roentgen. r. abbr. (also r) 1 right. 2 recto. 3 run(s). 4 radius. 2.0 RA... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RA abbr. 1 a (in the UK) Royal Academy. b (in the UK) Royal Academician. 2 (in the UK) Royal Artillery. 3 right ascension. Ra symb. Chem. the element radium. RAAF abbr. Royal Australian Air Force. rabbet n. & v. --n. a step-shaped channel etc. cut along the edge or face or projecting angle of a length of wood etc., usu. to receive the edge or tongue of another piece. --v.tr. (rabbeted, rabbeting) 1 join or fix with a rabbet. 2 make a rabbet in. Ьrabbet plane a plane for cutting a groove along an edge. [ME f. OF rab(b)at abatement, recess f. rabattre REBATE] rabbi n. (pl. rabbis) 1 a Jewish scholar or teacher, esp. of the law. 2 a person appointed as a Jewish religious leader. ЬChief Rabbi the religious head of the Jewish communities in Britain. ЬЬrabbinate n. [ME & OE f. eccl.L f. Gk rhabbi f. Heb. rabbЊ my master f. rab master + pronominal suffix] rabbinical adj. of or relating to rabbis, or to Jewish law or teaching. ЬЬrabbinically adv. rabbit n. & v. --n. 1 a any of various burrowing gregarious plant-eating mammals of the hare family, esp. Oryctolagus cuniculus, with long ears and a short tail, varying in colour from brown in the wild to black and white, and kept as a pet or for meat. b US a hare. c the fur of the rabbit. 2 Brit. colloq. a poor performer in any sport or game. --v.intr. (rabbited, rabbiting) 1 hunt rabbits. 2 (often foll. by on, away) Brit. colloq. talk excessively or pointlessly; chatter (rabbiting on about his holiday). Ьrabbit punch a short chop with the edge of the hand to the nape of the neck. rabbit warren an area in which rabbits have their burrows, or are kept for meat etc. ЬЬrabbity adj. [ME perh. f. OF: cf. F dial. rabotte, Walloon robЉte, Flem. robbe] rabble(1) n. 1 a disorderly crowd; a mob. 2 a contemptible or inferior set of people. 3 (prec. by the) the lower or disorderly classes of the populace. Ьrabble-rouser a person who stirs up the rabble or a crowd of people in agitation for social or political change. rabble-rousing adj. tending to arouse the emotions of a crowd. --n. the act or process of doing this. [ME: orig. uncert.] rabble(2) n. an iron bar with a bent end for stirring molten metal etc. [F rѓble f. med.L rotabulum, L rutabulum fire-shovel f. ruere rut- rake up] Rabelaisian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or like Rabelais or his writings. 2 marked by exuberant imagination and language, coarse humour, and satire. --n. an admirer or student of Rabelais. [F. Rabelais, Fr. satirist d. 1553] rabid adj. 1 furious, violent (rabid hate). 2 unreasoning; headstrong; fanatical (a rabid anarchist). 3 (esp. of a dog) affected with rabies; mad. 4 of or connected with rabies. ЬЬrabidity n. rabidly adv. rabidness n. [L rabidus f. rabere rave] rabies n. a contagious and fatal viral disease esp. of dogs, transmissible through the saliva to humans etc. and causing madness and convulsions; hydrophobia. [L f. rabere rave] RAC abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal Automobile Club. 2 (in the UK) Royal Armoured Corps. raccoon var. of RACOON. race(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a contest of speed between runners, horses, vehicles, ships, etc. 2 (in pl.) a series of these for horses, dogs, etc. at a fixed time on a regular course. 3 a contest between persons to be first to achieve something. 4 a a strong or rapid current flowing through a narrow channel in the sea or a river (a tide race). b the channel of a stream etc. (a mill-race). 5 each of two grooved rings in a ball-bearing or roller bearing. 6 Austral. a fenced passageway for drafting sheep etc. 7 a passageway along which football players etc. run to enter the field. 8 (in weaving) the channel along which the shuttle moves. 9 archaic a the course of the sun or moon. b the course of life (has run his race). --v. 1 intr. take part in a race. 2 tr. have a race with. 3 tr. try to surpass in speed. 4 intr. (foll. by with) compete in speed with. 5 tr. cause (a horse, car, etc.) to race. 6 a intr. go at full or (of an engine, propeller, the pulse, etc.) excessive speed. b tr. cause (a person or thing) to do this (raced the bill through the House). 7 intr. (usu. as racing adj.) follow or take part in horse-racing (a racing man). Ьnot in the race Austral. sl. having no chance. race meeting a sequence of horse-races at one place. racing car a motor car built for racing on a prepared track. [ME, = running, f. ON r s] race(2) n. 1 each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics. 2 a tribe, nation, etc., regarded as of a distinct ethnic stock. 3 the fact or concept of division into races (discrimination based on race). 4 a genus, species, breed, or variety of animals, plants, or micro-organisms. 5 a group of persons, animals, or plants connected by common descent. 6 any great division of living creatures (the feathered race; the four-footed race). 7 descent; kindred (of noble race; separate in language and race). 8 a class of persons etc. with some common feature (the race of poets). Ьrace relations relations between members of different races usu. in the same country. race riot an outbreak of violence due to racial antagonism. [F f. It. razza, of unkn. orig.] race(3) n. a ginger root. [OF rais, raiz f. L radix radicis root] racecard n. a programme of races. racecourse n. a ground or track for horse-racing. racegoer n. a person who frequents horse-races. racehorse n. a horse bred or kept for racing. racemate n. Chem. a racemic mixture. raceme n. Bot. a flower cluster with the separate flowers attached by short equal stalks at equal distances along a central stem (cf. CYME). [L racemus grape-bunch] racemic adj. Chem. composed of equal numbers of dextrorotatory and laevorotatory molecules of a compound. ЬЬracemize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). [RACEME + -IC, orig. of tartaric acid in grape-juice] racemose adj. 1 Bot. in the form of a raceme. 2 Anat. (of a gland etc.) clustered. [L racemosus (as RACEME)] racer n. 1 a horse, yacht, bicycle, etc., of a kind used for racing. 2 a circular horizontal rail along which the traversing-platform of a heavy gun moves. 3 a person or thing that races. racetrack n. 1 = RACECOURSE. 2 a track for motor-racing. raceway n. 1 a track or channel along which something runs, esp.: a a channel for water. b a groove in which ball-bearings run. c a pipe or tubing enclosing electrical wires. 2 esp. US a a track for trotting, pacing, or harness racing. b a racecourse. rachis n. (pl. rachides) 1 Bot. a a stem of grass etc. bearing flower-stalks at short intervals. b the axis of a compound leaf or frond. 2 Anat. the vertebral column or the cord from which it develops. 3 Zool. a feather-shaft, esp. the part bearing the barbs. ЬЬrachidial adj. [mod.L f. Gk rhakhis spine: the E pl. -ides is erron.] rachitis n. rickets. ЬЬrachitic adj. [mod.L f. Gk rhakhitis (as RACHIS)] Rachmanism n. Brit. the exploitation and intimidation of slum tenants by unscrupulous landlords. [P. Rachman, London landlord of the early 1960s] racial adj. 1 of or concerning race (racial diversities; racial minority). 2 on the grounds of or connected with difference in race (racial discrimination; racial tension). ЬЬracially adv. racialism n. = RACISM 1. ЬЬracialist n. & adj. racism n. 1 a a belief in the superiority of a particular race; prejudice based on this. b antagonism towards other races, esp. as a result of this. 2 the theory that human abilities etc. are determined by race. ЬЬracist n. & adj. rack(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a framework usu. with rails, bars, hooks, etc., for holding or storing things. b a frame for holding animal fodder. 2 a cogged or toothed bar or rail engaging with a wheel or pinion etc., or using pegs to adjust the position of something. 3 hist. an instrument of torture stretching the victim's joints by the turning of rollers to which the wrists and ankles were tied. --v.tr. 1 (of disease or pain) inflict suffering on. 2 hist. torture (a person) on the rack. 3 place in or on a rack. 4 shake violently. 5 injure by straining. 6 oppress (tenants) by exacting excessive rent. 7 exhaust (the land) by excessive use. Ьon the rack in distress or under strain. rack one's brains make a great mental effort (racked my brains for something to say). rack-railway a railway with a cogged rail between the bearing rails. rack-rent n. 1 a high rent, annually equalling the full value of the property to which it relates. 2 an extortionate rent. --v.tr. exact this from (a tenant) or for (land). rack-renter a tenant paying or a landlord exacting an extortionate rent. rack-up US achieve (a score etc.). rack-wheel a cog-wheel. [ME rakke f. MDu., MLG rak, rek, prob. f. recken stretch] rack(2) n. destruction ( esp. rack and ruin). [var. of WRACK, WRECK] rack(3) n. a joint of lamb etc. including the front ribs. [perh. f. RACK(1)] rack(4) v.tr. (often foll. by off) draw off (wine, beer, etc.) from the lees. [ME f. Prov. arracar f. raca stems and husks of grapes, dregs] rack(5) n. & v. --n. driving clouds. --v.intr. (of clouds) be driven before the wind. [ME, prob. of Scand. orig.: cf. Norw. and Sw. dial. rak wreckage etc. f. reka drive] rack(6) n. & v. --n. a horse's gait between a trot and a canter. --v.intr. progress in this way. racket(1) n. (also racquet) 1 a bat with a round or oval frame strung with catgut, nylon, etc., used in tennis, squash, etc. 2 (in pl.) a ball game for two or four persons played with rackets in a plain four-walled court. 3 a snow shoe resembling a racket. Ьracket-ball a small hard orig. kid-covered ball of cork and string. racket-press a press for keeping rackets taut and in shape. racket-tail a S. American humming-bird, Loddigesia mirabilis, with a racket-shaped tail. [F racquette f. It. racchetta f. Arab. raha palm of the hand] racket(2) n. 1 a a disturbance; an uproar; a din. b social excitement; gaiety. 2 sl. a a scheme for obtaining money or attaining other ends by fraudulent and often violent means. b a dodge; a sly game. 3 colloq. an activity; a way of life; a line of business (starting up a new racket). ЬЬrackety adj. [16th c.: perh. imit.] racketeer n. a person who operates a dishonest business. ЬЬracketeering n. racon n. esp. US a radar beacon that can be identified and located by its response to a radar signal from a ship etc. [radar + bea con] raconteur n. (fem. raconteuse) a teller of anecdotes. [F f. raconter relate, RECOUNT] racoon n. (also raccoon) 1 any greyish-brown furry N. American nocturnal flesh-eating mammal of the genus Procyon, with a bushy tail and sharp snout. 2 the fur of the racoon. [Algonquian dial.] racquet var. of RACKET(1). racy adj. (racier, raciest) 1 lively and vigorous in style. 2 risqu‚, suggestive. 3 having characteristic qualities in a high degree (a racy flavour). ЬЬracily adv. raciness n. [RACE(2) + -Y(1)] rad(1) n. (pl. same) radian. [abbr.] rad(2) n. sl. a political radical. [abbr.] rad(3) n. Physics a unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation, corresponding to the absorption of 0.01 joule per kilogram of absorbing material. [radiation absorbed dose] RADA abbr. (in the UK) Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. radar n. 1 a system for detecting the direction, range, or presence of aircraft, ships, and other (usu. moving) objects, by sending out pulses of high frequency electromagnetic waves. 2 the apparatus used for this. Ьradar trap the use of radar to detect vehicles exceeding a speed limit. [radio detection and ranging] RADC abbr. (in the UK) Royal Army Dental Corps. raddle n. & v. --n. red ochre (often used to mark sheep). --v.tr. 1 colour with raddle or too much rouge. 2 (as raddled adj.) worn out; untidy, unkempt. [var. of RUDDLE] radial adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, concerning, or in rays. 2 a arranged like rays or radii; having the position or direction of a radius. b having spokes or radiating lines. c acting or moving along lines diverging from a centre. 3 Anat. relating to the radius (radial artery). 4 (in full radial-ply) (of a vehicle tyre) having the core fabric layers arranged radially at right angles to the circumference and the tread strengthened. --n. 1 Anat. the radial nerve or artery. 2 a radial-ply tyre. Ьradial engine an engine having cylinders arranged along radii. radial symmetry symmetry occurring about any number of lines or planes passing through the centre of an organism etc. radial velocity esp. Astron. the speed of motion along a radial line, esp. between a star etc. and an observer. ЬЬradially adv. [med.L radialis (as RADIUS)] radian n. Geom. a unit of angle, equal to an angle at the centre of a circle the arc of which is equal in length to the radius. [RADIUS + -AN] radiant adj. & n. --adj. 1 emitting rays of light. 2 (of eyes or looks) beaming with joy or hope or love. 3 (of beauty) splendid or dazzling. 4 (of light) issuing in rays. 5 operating radially. 6 extending radially; radiating. --n. 1 the point or object from which light or heat radiates, esp. in an electric or gas heater. 2 Astron. a radiant point. Ьradiant heat heat transmitted by radiation, not by conduction or convection. radiant heater a heater that works by this method. radiant point 1 a point from which rays or radii proceed. 2 Astron. the apparent focal point of a meteor shower. ЬЬradiance n. radiancy n. radiantly adv. [ME f. L radiare (as RADIUS)] radiate v. & adj. --v. 1 intr. a emit rays of light, heat, or other electromagnetic waves. b (of light or heat) be emitted in rays. 2 tr. emit (light, heat, or sound) from a centre. 3 tr. transmit or demonstrate (life, love, joy, etc.) (radiates happiness). 4 intr. & tr. diverge or cause to diverge or spread from a centre. 5 tr. (as radiated adj.) with parts arranged in rays. --adj. having divergent rays or parts radially arranged. ЬЬradiately adv. radiative adj. [L radiare radiat- (as RADIUS)] radiation n. 1 the act or an instance of radiating; the process of being radiated. 2 Physics a the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving particles. b the energy transmitted in this way, esp. invisibly. 3 (in full radiation therapy) treatment of cancer and other diseases using radiation, such as X-rays or ultraviolet light. Ьradiation chemistry the study of the chemical effects of radiation on matter. radiation sickness sickness caused by exposure to radiation, such as X-rays or gamma rays. ЬЬradiational adj. radiationally adv. [L radiatio (as RADIATE)] radiator n. 1 a person or thing that radiates. 2 a a device for heating a room etc., consisting of a metal case through which hot water or steam circulates. b a usu. portable oil or electric heater resembling this. 3 an engine-cooling device in a motor vehicle or aircraft with a large surface for cooling circulating water. Ьradiator grille a grille at the front of a motor vehicle allowing air to circulate to the radiator. radical adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the root or roots; fundamental (a radical error). 2 far-reaching; thorough; going to the root (radical change). 3 a advocating thorough reform; holding extreme political views; revolutionary. b (of a measure etc.) advanced by or according to principles of this kind. 4 forming the basis; primary (the radical idea). 5 Math. of the root of a number or quantity. 6 (of surgery etc.) seeking to ensure the removal of all diseased tissue. 7 of the roots of words. 8 Mus. belonging to the root of a chord. 9 Bot. of, or springing direct from, the root. 10 hist. belonging to an extreme section of the Liberal party. 11 US hist. seeking extreme anti-South action at the time of the Civil War. --n. 1 a person holding radical views or belonging to a radical party. 2 Chem. a a free radical. b an element or atom or a group of these normally forming part of a compound and remaining unaltered during the compound's ordinary chemical changes. 3 the root of a word. 4 a fundamental principle; a basis. 5 Math. a a quantity forming or expressed as the root of another. b a radical sign. Ьradical sign indicating the square, cube, etc., root of the number following. ЬЬradicalism n. radicalize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). radicalization n. radically adv. radicalness n. [ME f. LL radicalis f. L radix radicis root] radicchio n. (pl. -os) a variety of chicory with dark red-coloured leaves. [It., = chicory] radices pl. of RADIX. radicle n. 1 the part of a plant embryo that develops into the primary root; a rootlet. 2 a rootlike subdivision of a nerve or vein. ЬЬradicular adj. [L radicula (as RADIX)] radii pl. of RADIUS. radio n. & v. --n. (pl. -os) 1 (often attrib.) a the transmission and reception of sound messages etc. by electromagnetic waves of radio-frequency (cf. WIRELESS). b an apparatus for receiving, broadcasting, or transmitting radio signals. c a message sent or received by radio. 2 a sound broadcasting in general (prefers the radio). b a broadcasting station or channel (Radio One). --v. (-oes, -oed) 1 tr. a send (a message) by radio. b send a message to (a person) by radio. 2 intr. communicate or broadcast by radio. Ьradio astronomy the branch of astronomy concerned with the radio-frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. radio cab (or car) a cab or car equipped with a two-way radio. radio fix the position of an aircraft, ship, etc., found by radio. radio galaxy a galaxy emitting radiation in the radio-frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. radio ham see HAM. radio star a small star etc. emitting strong radio waves. radio telescope a directional aerial system for collecting and analysing radiation in the radio-frequency range from stars etc. [short for radio-telegraphy etc.] radio- comb. form 1 denoting radio or broadcasting. 2 a connected with radioactivity. b denoting artificially prepared radioisotopes of elements (radio-caesium). 3 connected with rays or radiation. 4 Anat. belonging to the radius in conjunction with some other part (radio-carpal). [RADIUS + -O- or f. RADIO] radioactive adj. of or exhibiting radioactivity. ЬЬradioactively adv. radioactivity n. the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nucleii, with the emission of usu. penetrating radiation or particles. radio-assay n. an analysis of a substance based on radiation from a sample. radiobiology n. the biology concerned with the effects of radiation on organisms and the application in biology of radiological techniques. ЬЬradiobiological adj. radiobiologically adv. radiobiologist n. radiocarbon n. a radioactive isotope of carbon. Ьradiocarbon dating = carbon dating. radiochemistry n. the chemistry of radioactive materials. ЬЬradiochemical adj. radiochemist n. radio-controlled adj. (of a model aircraft etc.) controlled from a distance by radio. radio-element n. a natural or artificial radioactive element or isotope. radio-frequency n. (pl. -ies) the frequency band of telecommunication, ranging from 10(4)-10(11) or 10(12) Hz. radiogenic adj. 1 produced by radioactivity. 2 suitable for broadcasting by radio. ЬЬradiogenically adv. radio-goniometer n. an instrument for finding direction using radio waves. radiogram n. 1 Brit. a combined radio and record-player. 2 a picture obtained by X-rays, gamma rays, etc. 3 a radio-telegram. [RADIO- + -GRAM, GRAMOPHONE] radiograph n. & v. --n. 1 an instrument recording the intensity of radiation. 2 = RADIOGRAM 2. --v.tr. obtain a picture of by X-ray, gamma ray, etc. ЬЬradiographer n. radiographic adj. radiographically adv. radiography n. radioimmunology n. the application of radiological techniques in immunology. radioisotope n. a radioactive isotope. ЬЬradioisotopic adj. radioisotopically adv. radiolarian n. any marine protozoan of the order Radiolaria, having a siliceous skeleton and radiating pseudopodia. [mod.L radiolaria f. L radiolus dimin. of RADIUS] radiology n. the scientific study of X-rays and other high-energy radiation, esp. as used in medicine. ЬЬradiologic adj. radiological adj. radiologist n. radiometer n. an instrument for measuring the intensity or force of radiation. ЬЬradiometry n. radiometric adj. of or relating to the measurement of radioactivity. Ьradiometric dating a method of dating geological specimens by determining the relative proportions of the isotopes of a radioactive element present in a sample. radionics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) the study and interpretation of radiation believed to be emitted from substances, esp. as a form of diagnosis. [RADIO- + - onics, after ELECTRONICS] radionuclide n. a radioactive nuclide. radiopaque adj. (also radio-opaque) opaque to X-rays or similar radiation. ЬЬradiopacity n. [RADIO- + OPAQUE] radiophonic adj. of or relating to synthetic sound, esp. music, produced electronically. radioscopy n. the examination by X-rays etc. of objects opaque to light. ЬЬradioscopic adj. radiosonde n. a miniature radio transmitter broadcasting information about pressure, temperature, etc., from various levels of the atmosphere, carried esp. by balloon. [RADIO- + G Sonde probe] radio-telegram n. a telegram sent by radio, usu. from a ship to land. radio-telegraphy n. telegraphy using radio transmission. ЬЬradio-telegraph n. radio-telephony n. telephony using radio transmission. ЬЬradio-telephone n. radio-telephonic adj. radiotelex n. a telex sent usu. from a ship to land. radiotherapy n. the treatment of disease by X-rays or other forms of radiation. ЬЬradiotherapeutic adj. radiotherapist n. radish n. 1 a cruciferous plant, Raphanus sativus, with a fleshy pungent root. 2 this root, eaten esp. raw in salads etc. [OE r‘dic f. L radix radicis root] radium n. Chem. a radioactive metallic element orig. obtained from pitchblende etc., used esp. in luminous materials and in radiotherapy. °Symb.: Ra. Ьradium bomb a container holding a large quantity of radium and used in radiotherapy as a source of gamma rays. radium emanation = RADON. radium therapy the treatment of disease by the use of radium. [L radius ray] radius n. & v. --n. (pl. radii or radiuses) 1 Math. a a straight line from the centre to the circumference of a circle or sphere. b a radial line from the focus to any point of a curve. c the length of the radius of a circle etc. 2 a usu. specified distance from a centre in all directions (within a radius of 20 miles; has a large radius of action). 3 a the thicker and shorter of the two bones in the human forearm (cf. ULNA). b the corresponding bone in a vertebrate's foreleg or a bird's wing. 4 any of the five arm-like structures of a starfish. 5 a any of a set of lines diverging from a point like the radii of a circle. b an object of this kind, e.g. a spoke. 6 a the outer rim of a composite flower-head, e.g. a daisy. b a radiating branch of an umbel. --v.tr. give a rounded form to (an edge etc.). Ьradius vector Math. a variable line drawn from a fixed point to an orbit or other curve, or to any point as an indication of the latter's position. [L, = staff, spoke, ray] radix n. (pl. radices) 1 Math. a number or symbol used as the basis of a numeration scale (e.g. ten in the decimal system). 2 (usu. foll. by of) a source or origin. [L, = root] radome n. a dome or other structure, transparent to radio waves, protecting radar equipment, esp. on the outer surface of an aircraft. [radar + dome] radon n. Chem. a gaseous radioactive inert element arising from the disintegration of radium, and used in radiotherapy. °Symb.: Rn. [RADIUM after argon etc.] radula n. (pl. radulae) a filelike structure in molluscs for scraping off food particles and drawing them into the mouth. ЬЬradular adj. [L, = scraper f. radere scrape] RAF abbr. colloq. (in the UK) Royal Air Force. Rafferty's rules n. Austral. & NZ colloq. no rules at all, esp. in boxing. [E dial. corrupt. of refractory] raffia n. (also raphia) 1 a palm-tree, Raphia ruffia, native to Madagascar, having very long leaves. 2 the fibre from its leaves used for making hats, baskets, etc., and for tying plants etc. [Malagasy] raffinate n. Chem. a refined liquid oil produced by solvent extraction of impurities. [F raffiner + -ATE(1)] raffish adj. 1 disreputable; rakish. 2 tawdry. ЬЬraffishly adv. raffishness n. [as RAFT(2) + -ISH(1)] raffle(1) n. & v. --n. a fund-raising lottery with goods as prizes. --v.tr. (often foll. by off) dispose of by means of a raffle. [ME, a kind of dice-game, f. OF raf(f)le, of unkn. orig.] raffle(2) n. 1 rubbish; refuse. 2 lumber; debris. [ME, perh. f. OF ne rifle, ne rafle nothing at all] raft(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a flat floating structure of timber or other materials for conveying persons or things. 2 a lifeboat or small (often inflatable) boat, esp. for use in emergencies. 3 a floating accumulation of trees, ice, etc. --v. 1 tr. transport as or on a raft. 2 tr. cross (water) on a raft. 3 tr. form into a raft. 4 intr. (often foll. by across) work a raft (across water etc.). [ME f. ON raptr RAFTER] raft(2) n. colloq. 1 a large collection. 2 (foll. by of) a crowd. [raff rubbish, perh. of Scand. orig.] rafter(1) n. each of the sloping beams forming the framework of a roof. ЬЬraftered adj. [OE r‘fter, rel. to RAFT(1)] rafter(2) n. 1 a person who rafts timber. 2 a person who travels by raft. raftsman n. (pl. -men) a worker on a raft. rag(1) n. 1 a a torn, frayed, or worn piece of woven material. b one of the irregular scraps to which cloth etc. is reduced by wear and tear. 2 (in pl.) old or worn clothes. 3 (collect.) scraps of cloth used as material for paper, stuffing, etc. 4 derog. a a newspaper. b a flag, handkerchief, curtain, etc. 5 (usu. with neg.) the smallest scrap of cloth etc. (not a rag to cover him). 6 an odd scrap; an irregular piece. 7 a jagged projection, esp. on metal. Ьin rags 1 much torn. 2 in old torn clothes. rag-and-bone man Brit. an itinerant dealer in old clothes, furniture, etc. rag-bag 1 a bag in which scraps of fabric etc. are kept for use. 2 a miscellaneous collection. 3 sl. a sloppily-dressed woman. rag bolt a bolt with barbs to keep it tight when it has been driven in. rag book a children's book made of untearable cloth. rag doll a stuffed doll made of cloth. rag paper paper made from rags. rag-picker a collector and seller of rags. rags to riches poverty to affluence. rag trade colloq. the business of designing, making, and selling women's clothes. [ME, prob. back-form. f. RAGGED] rag(2) n. & v. sl. --n. Brit. 1 a fund-raising programme of stunts, parades, and entertainment organized by students. 2 colloq. a prank. 3 a a rowdy celebration. b a noisy disorderly scene. --v. (ragged, ragging) 1 tr. tease; torment; play rough jokes on. 2 tr. scold; reprove severely. 3 intr. Brit. engage in rough play; be noisy and riotous. [18th c.: orig. unkn.: cf. BALLYRAG] rag(3) n. 1 a large coarse roofing-slate. 2 any of various kinds of hard coarse sedimentary stone that break into thick slabs. [ME: orig. unkn., but assoc. with RAG(1)] rag(4) n. Mus. a ragtime composition or tune. [perh. f. RAGGED: see RAGTIME] raga n. (also rag) Ind. Mus. 1 a pattern of notes used as a basis for improvisation. 2 a piece using a particular raga. [Skr., = colour, musical tone] ragamuffin n. a person in ragged dirty clothes, esp. a child. [prob. based on RAG(1): cf. 14th-c. ragamoffyn the name of a demon] rage n. & v. --n. 1 fierce or violent anger. 2 a fit of this (flew into a rage). 3 the violent action of a natural force (the rage of the storm). 4 (foll. by for) a a vehement desire or passion. b a widespread temporary enthusiasm or fashion. 5 poet. poetic, prophetic, or martial enthusiasm or ardour. 6 sl. a lively frolic. --v.intr. 1 be full of anger. 2 (often foll. by at, against) speak furiously or madly; rave. 3 (of wind, battle, fever, etc.) be violent; be at its height; continue unchecked. 4 Austral. sl. seek enjoyment; go on a spree. Ьall the rage popular, fashionable. [ME f. OF rager ult. f. L RABIES] ragee n. (also raggee) a coarse cereal, Eleusine coracana, forming a staple food in parts of India etc. [Hindi ragi] ragged adj. 1 (of clothes etc.) torn; frayed. 2 rough; shaggy; hanging in tufts. 3 (of a person) in ragged clothes. 4 with a broken or jagged outline or surface. 5 faulty; imperfect. 6 lacking finish, smoothness, or uniformity (ragged rhymes). 7 exhausted (esp. be run ragged). Ьragged robin a pink-flowered campion, Lychnis flos-cuculi, with tattered petals. ЬЬraggedly adv. raggedness n. raggedy adj. [ME f. ON roggvathr tufted] raggee var. of RAGEE. raggle-taggle adj. (also wraggle-taggle) ragged; rambling, straggling. [app. fanciful var. of RAGTAG] raglan n. (often attrib.) an overcoat without shoulder seams, the sleeves running up to the neck. Ьraglan sleeve a sleeve of this kind. [Lord Raglan, Brit. commander d. 1855] ragout n. & v. --n. meat in small pieces stewed with vegetables and highly seasoned. --v.tr. cook (food) in this way . [F rago–t f. rago–ter revive the taste of] ragstone n. = RAG(3) 2. ragtag n. (in full ragtag and bobtail) derog. the rabble or common people. [earlier tag-rag, tag and rag, f. RAG(1) + TAG(1)] ragtime n. & adj. --n. music characterized by a syncopated melodic line and regularly-accented accompaniment, evolved by American Black musicians in the 1890s and played esp. on the piano. --adj. sl. disorderly, disreputable, inferior (a ragtime army). [prob. f. RAG(4)] raguly adj. Heraldry like a row of sawn-off branches. [perh. f. RAGGED after nebuly] ragweed n. 1 = RAGWORT. 2 US any plant of the genus Ambrosia, with allergenic pollen. ragwort n. any yellow-flowered ragged-leaved plant of the genus Senecio. rah int. esp. US colloq. an expression of encouragement, approval, etc. [shortening of HURRAH] raid n. & v. --n. 1 a rapid surprise attack, esp.: a by troops, aircraft, etc. in warfare. b to commit a crime or do harm. 2 a surprise attack by police etc. to arrest suspected persons or seize illicit goods. 3 Stock Exch. an attempt to lower prices by the concerted selling of shares. 4 (foll. by on, upon) a forceful or insistent attempt to make a person or thing provide something. --v.tr. 1 make a raid on (a person, place, or thing). 2 plunder, deplete . ЬЬraider n. [ME, Sc. form of OE rad ROAD(1)] rail(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a level or sloping bar or series of bars: a used to hang things on. b running along the top of a set of banisters. c forming part of a fence or barrier as protection against contact, falling over, etc. 2 a steel bar or continuous line of bars laid on the ground, usu. as one of a pair forming a railway track. 3 (often attrib.) a railway (send it by rail; rail fares). 4 (in pl.) the inside boundary fence of a racecourse. 5 a horizontal piece in the frame of a panelled door etc. (cf. STILE(2)). --v.tr. 1 furnish with a rail or rails. 2 (usu. foll. by in, off) enclose with rails (a small space was railed off). 3 convey (goods) by rail. Ьoff the rails disorganized; out of order; deranged. over the rails over the side of a ship. rail fence esp. US a fence made of posts and rails. rail gun an electromagnetic projectile launcher used esp. as an anti-missile weapon. ЬЬrailage n. railless adj. [ME f. OF reille iron rod f. L regula RULE] rail(2) v.intr. (often foll. by at, against) complain using abusive language; rant. ЬЬrailer n. railing n. & adj. [ME f. F railler f. Prov. ralhar jest, ult. f. L rugire bellow] rail(3) n. any bird of the family Rallidae, often inhabiting marshes, esp. the corncrake and water rail. [ME f. ONF raille f. Rmc, perh. imit.] railcar n. a railway vehicle consisting of a single powered coach. railcard n. Brit. a pass entitling the holder to reduced rail fares. railhead n. 1 the farthest point reached by a railway under construction. 2 the point on a railway at which road transport of goods begins. railing n. 1 (usu. in pl.) a fence or barrier made of rails. 2 the material for these. raillery n. (pl. -ies) 1 good-humoured ridicule; rallying. 2 an instance of this. [F raillerie (as RAIL(2))] railman n. (pl. -men) = RAILWAYMAN. railroad n. & v. --n. esp. US = RAILWAY. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by to, into, through, etc.) rush or coerce (a person or thing) (railroaded me into going too). 2 send (a person) to prison by means of false evidence. railway n. 1 a track or set of tracks made of steel rails upon which goods trucks and passenger trains run. 2 such a system worked by a single company (Great Western Railway). 3 the organization and personnel required for its working. 4 a similar set of tracks for other vehicles etc. Ьrailway-yard the area where rolling-stock is kept and made up into trains. railwayman n. (pl. -men) a railway employee. raiment n. archaic clothing. [ME f. obs. arrayment (as ARRAY)] rain n. & v. --n. 1 a the condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling visibly in separate drops. b the fall of such drops. 2 (in pl.) a rainfalls. b (prec. by the) the rainy season in tropical countries. 3 a falling liquid or solid particles or objects. b the rainlike descent of these. c a large or overwhelming quantity (a rain of congratulations). --v. 1 intr. (prec. by it as subject) rain falls (it is raining; if it rains). 2 a intr. fall in showers or like rain (tears rained down their cheeks; blows rain upon him). b tr. (prec. by it as subject) send in large quantities (it rained blood; it is raining invitations). 3 tr. send down like rain; lavishly bestow (rained benefits on us; rained blows upon him). 4 intr. (of the sky, the clouds, etc.) send down rain. Ьrain cats and dogs see CAT. rain check US 1 a ticket given for later use when a sporting fixture or other outdoor event is interrupted or postponed by rain. 2 a promise that an offer will be maintained though deferred. rain-cloud a cloud bringing rain. rain forest luxuriant tropical forest with heavy rainfall. rain-gauge an instrument measuring rainfall. rain-making the action of attempting to increase rainfall by artificial means. rain off (or US out) (esp. in passive) cause (an event etc.) to be terminated or cancelled because of rain. rain or shine whether it rains or not. rain-shadow a region shielded from rain by mountains etc. rain-wash 1 loose material carried away by rain. 2 the movement of this. rain-worm the common earthworm. ЬЬrainless adj. raintight adj. [OE regn, ren, regnian f. Gmc] rainbird n. a bird said to foretell rain by its cry, esp. the green woodpecker. rainbow n. & adj. --n. 1 an arch of colours (conventionally red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) formed in the sky (or across a cataract etc.) opposite the sun by reflection, twofold refraction, and dispersion of the sun's rays in falling rain or in spray or mist. 2 a similar effect formed by the moon's rays. --adj. many-coloured. Ьrainbow lorikeet a small brightly coloured Polynesian parrot, Trichoglossus haematodus. rainbow trout a large trout, Salmo gairdneri, orig. of the Pacific coast of N. America. secondary rainbow an additional arch with the colours in reverse order formed inside or outside a rainbow by twofold reflection and twofold refraction. [OE regnboga (as RAIN, BOW(1))] raincoat n. a waterproof or water-resistant coat. raindrop n. a single drop of rain. [OE regndropa] rainfall n. 1 a fall of rain. 2 the quantity of rain falling within a given area in a given time. rainproof adj. (esp. of a building, garment, etc.) resistant to rainwater. rainstorm n. a storm with heavy rain. rainwater n. water obtained from collected rain, as distinct from a well etc. rainy adj. (rainier, rainiest) 1 (of weather, a climate, day, region, etc.) in or on which rain is falling or much rain usually falls. 2 (of cloud, wind, etc.) laden with or bringing rain. Ьrainy day a time of special need in the future. ЬЬrainily adv. raininess n. [OE renig (as RAIN)] raise v. & n. --v.tr. 1 put or take into a higher position. 2 (often foll. by up) cause to rise or stand up or be vertical; set upright. 3 increase the amount or value or strength of (raised their prices). 4 (often foll. by up) construct or build up. 5 levy or collect or bring together (raise money; raise an army). 6 cause to be heard or considered (raise a shout; raise an objection). 7 set going or bring into being; rouse (raise a protest; raise hopes). 8 bring up; educate. 9 breed or grow (raise one's own vegetables). 10 promote to a higher rank. 11 (foll. by to) Math. multiply a quantity to a specified power. 12 cause (bread) to rise with yeast. 13 Cards a bet more than (another player). b increase (a stake). c Bridge make a bid contracting for more tricks in the same suit as (one's partner); increase (a bid) in this way. 14 abandon or force an enemy to abandon (a siege or blockade). 15 remove (a barrier or embargo). 16 cause (a ghost etc.) to appear (opp. LAY(1) 6b). 17 colloq. find (a person etc. wanted). 18 establish contact with (a person etc.) by radio or telephone. 19 (usu. as raised adj.) cause (pastry etc.) to stand without support (a raised pie). 20 Naut. come in sight of (land, a ship, etc.). 21 make a nap on (cloth). 22 extract from the earth. --n. 1 Cards an increase in a stake or bid (cf. sense 13 of v.). 2 esp. US an increase in salary. Ьraise Cain see CAIN. raised beach Geol. a beach lying above water level owing to changes since its formation. raise the devil colloq. make a disturbance. raise a dust 1 cause turmoil. 2 obscure the truth. raise one's eyebrows see EYEBROW. raise one's eyes see EYE. raise from the dead restore to life. raise one's glass to drink the health of. raise one's hand to make as if to strike (a person). raise one's hat (often foll. by to) remove it momentarily as a gesture of courtesy or respect. raise hell colloq. make a disturbance. raise a laugh cause others to laugh. raise a person's spirits give him or her new courage or cheerfulness. raise one's voice speak, esp. louder. raise the wind Brit. procure money for a purpose. ЬЬraisable adj. [ME f. ON reisa, rel. to REAR(2)] raisin n. a partially dried grape. ЬЬraisiny adj. [ME f. OF ult. f. L racemus grape-bunch] raison d'€tre n. (pl. raisons d'€tre pronunc. same) a purpose or reason that accounts for or justifies or originally caused a thing's existence. [F, = reason for being] raj n. (prec. by the) hist. British sovereignty in India. [Hindi raj reign] raja n. (also rajah) hist. 1 an Indian king or prince. 2 a petty dignitary or noble in India. 3 a Malay or Javanese chief. ЬЬrajaship n. [Hindi raja f. Skr. rajan king] raja yoga n. a form of yoga intended to achieve control over the mind and emotions. [Skr. f. rajan king + YOGA] Rajput n. (also Rajpoot) a member of a Hindu soldier caste claiming Kshatriya descent. [Hindi rajput f. Skr. rajan king + putr son] rake(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a an implement consisting of a pole with a crossbar toothed like a comb at the end, or with several tines held together by a crosspiece, for drawing together hay etc. or smoothing loose soil or gravel. b a wheeled implement for the same purpose. 2 a similar implement used for other purposes, e.g. by a croupier drawing in money at a gaming-table. --v. 1 tr. collect or gather or remove with or as with a rake. 2 tr. make tidy or smooth with a rake (raked it level). 3 intr. use a rake. 4 tr. & intr. search with or as with a rake, search thoroughly, ransack. 5 tr. a direct gunfire along (a line) from end to end. b sweep with the eyes. c (of a window etc.) have a commanding view of. 6 tr. scratch or scrape. Ьrake in colloq. amass (profits etc.). rake-off colloq. a commission or share, esp. in a disreputable deal. rake up (or over) revive the memory of (past quarrels, grievances, etc.). ЬЬraker n. [OE raca, racu f. Gmc, partly f. ON raka scrape, rake] rake(2) n. a dissolute man of fashion. Ьrake's progress a progressive deterioration, esp. through self-indulgence (the title of a series of engravings by Hogarth 1735). [short for archaic rakehell in the same sense] rake(3) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. set or be set at a sloping angle. 2 intr. a (of a mast or funnel) incline from the perpendicular towards the stern. b (of a ship or its bow or stern) project at the upper part of the bow or stern beyond the keel. --n. 1 a raking position or build. 2 the amount by which a thing rakes. 3 the slope of the stage or the auditorium in a theatre. 4 the slope of a seat-back etc. 5 the angle of the edge or face of a cutting tool. [17th c.: prob. rel. to G ragen project, of unkn. orig.] raki n. (pl. rakis) any of various spirits made in E. Europe and the Middle East. [Turk. raqi] rakish(1) adj. of or like a rake (see RAKE(2)); dashing; jaunty. ЬЬrakishly adv. rakishness n. rakish(2) adj. (of a ship) smart and fast-looking, seemingly built for speed and therefore open to suspicion of piracy. [RAKE(3), assoc. with RAKE(2)] raku n. a kind of Japanese earthenware, usu. lead-glazed. [Jap., lit. enjoyment] rale n. an abnormal rattling sound heard in the auscultation of unhealthy lungs. [F f. rѓler to rattle] rall. adv. & adj. & n. = RALLENTANDO. [abbr.] rallentando adv., adj., & n. Mus. --adv. & adj. with a gradual decrease of speed. --n. (pl. -os or rallentandi) a passage to be performed in this way. [It.] ralli car n. (also ralli cart) hist. a light two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle for four persons. [Ralli, name of the first purchaser 1885] ralline adj. of the bird-family Rallidae (see RAIL(3)). [mod.L rallus RAIL(3)] rally(1) v. & n. --v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by round, behind, to) bring or come together as support or for concentrated action. 2 tr. & intr. bring or come together again after a rout or dispersion. 3 a intr. renew a conflict. b tr. cause to do this. 4 a tr. revive (courage etc.) by an effort of will. b tr. rouse (a person or animal) to fresh energy. c intr. pull oneself together. 5 intr. recover after illness or prostration or fear, regain health or consciousness, revive. 6 intr. (of share-prices etc.) increase after a fall. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 an act of reassembling forces or renewing conflict; a reunion for fresh effort. 2 a recovery of energy after or in the middle of exhaustion or illness. 3 a mass meeting of supporters or persons having a common interest. 4 a competition for motor vehicles, usu. over public roads. 5 (in lawn tennis etc.) an extended exchange of strokes between players. Ьrally-cross motor racing over roads and cross-country. ЬЬrallier n. [F rallier (as RE-, ALLY(1))] rally(2) v.tr. (-ies, -ied) subject to good-humoured ridicule. [F railler: see RAIL(2)] RAM abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal Academy of Music. 2 Computing random-access memory. ram n. & v. --n. 1 an uncastrated male sheep, a tup. 2 (the Ram) the zodiacal sign or constellation Aries. 3 hist. a = battering ram (see BATTER(1)). b a beak projecting from the bow of a battleship, for piercing the sides of other ships. c a battleship with such a beak. 4 the falling weight of a pile-driving machine. 5 a a hydraulic water-raising or lifting machine. b the piston of a hydrostatic press. c the plunger of a force-pump. --v.tr. (rammed, ramming) 1 force or squeeze into place by pressure. 2 (usu. foll. by down, in, into) beat down or drive in by heavy blows. 3 (of a ship, vehicle, etc.) strike violently, crash against. 4 (foll. by against, at, on, into) dash or violently impel. Ьram home stress forcefully (an argument, lesson, etc.). ЬЬrammer n. [OE ram(m), perh. rel. to ON rammr strong] Ramadan n. (also Ramadhan) the ninth month of the Muslim year, during which strict fasting is observed from sunrise to sunset. [Arab. ramadan f. ramada be hot; reason for name uncert.] ramal adj. Bot. of or proceeding from a branch. [L ramus branch] Raman effect n. the change of frequency in the scattering of radiation in a medium, used in spectroscopic analysis. [Sir C. V. Raman, Ind. physicist d. 1970] ramble v. & n. --v.intr. 1 walk for pleasure, with or without a definite route. 2 wander in discourse, talk or write disconnectedly. --n. a walk taken for pleasure. [prob. f. MDu. rammelen (of an animal) wander about in sexual excitement, frequent. of rammen copulate with, rel. to RAM] rambler n. 1 a person who rambles. 2 a straggling or climbing rose (crimson rambler). rambling adj. 1 peripatetic, wandering. 2 disconnected, desultory, incoherent. 3 (of a house, street, etc.) irregularly arranged. 4 (of a plant) straggling, climbing. ЬЬramblingly adv. rambunctious adj. US colloq. 1 uncontrollably exuberant. 2 unruly. ЬЬrambunctiously adv. rambunctiousness n. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] rambutan n. 1 a red plum-sized prickly fruit. 2 an East Indian tree, Nephelium lappaceum, that bears this. [Malay rambutan f. rambut hair, in allusion to its spines] RAMC abbr. (in the UK) Royal Army Medical Corps. ramekin n. 1 (in full ramekin case or dish) a small dish for baking and serving an individual portion of food. 2 food served in such a dish, esp. a small quantity of cheese baked with breadcrumbs, eggs, etc. [F ramequin, of LG or Du. orig.] ramie n. 1 any of various tall East Asian plants of the genus Boehmeria, esp. B. nivea. 2 a strong fibre obtained from this, woven into cloth. [Malay rami] ramification n. 1 the act or an instance of ramifying; the state of being ramified. 2 a subdivision of a complex structure or process comparable to a tree's branches. [F f. ramifier: see RAMIFY] ramify n. (-ies, -ied) 1 intr. form branches or subdivisions or offshoots, branch out. 2 tr. (usu. in passive) cause to branch out; arrange in a branching manner. [F ramifier f. med.L ramificare f. L ramus branch] ramin n. 1 any Malaysian tree of the genus Gonystylus, esp. G. bancanus. 2 the light-coloured hardwood obtained from this tree. [Malay] ramjet n. a type of jet engine in which air is drawn in and compressed by the forward motion of the engine. rammer see RAM. rammy n. (pl. -ies) Sc. sl. a brawl, a fight (esp. between gangs); a quarrel. [perh. f. Sc. rammle row, uproar, var. of RAMBLE] ramose adj. branched; branching. [L ramosus f. ramus branch] ramp(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a slope or inclined plane, esp. for joining two levels of ground, floor, etc. 2 movable stairs for entering or leaving an aircraft. 3 an upward bend in a stair-rail. 4 Brit. a transverse ridge in a road to control the speed of vehicles. --v. 1 tr. furnish or build with a ramp. 2 intr. a assume or be in a threatening posture. b (often foll. by about) storm, rage, rush. c Heraldry be rampant. 3 intr. Archit. (of a wall) ascend or descend to a different level. [ME (as verb in heraldic sense) f. F rampe f. OF ramper creep, crawl] ramp(2) n. & v. Brit. sl. --n. a swindle or racket, esp. one conducted by the levying of exorbitant prices. --v. 1 intr. engage in a ramp. 2 tr. subject (a person etc.) to a ramp. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] rampage v. & n. --v.intr. 1 (often foll. by about) rush wildly or violently about. 2 rage, storm. --n. often wild or violent behaviour. Ьon the rampage rampaging. ЬЬrampageous adj. rampager n. [18th c., perh. f. RAMP(1)] rampant adj. 1 (placed after noun) Heraldry (of an animal) standing on its left hind foot with its forepaws in the air (lion rampant). 2 unchecked, flourishing excessively (rampant violence). 3 violent or extravagant in action or opinion (rampant theorists). 4 rank, luxuriant. ЬЬrampancy n. rampantly adv. [ME f. OF, part. of ramper: see RAMP(1)] rampart n. & v. --n. 1 a a defensive wall with a broad top and usu. a stone parapet. b a walkway on top of such a wall. 2 a defence or protection. --v.tr. fortify or protect with or as with a rampart. [F rempart, rempar f. remparer fortify f. emparer take possession of, ult. f. L ante before + parare prepare] rampion n. 1 a bellflower, Campanula rapunculus, with white tuberous roots used as a salad. 2 any of various plants of the genus Phyteuma, with clusters of hornlike buds and flowers. [ult. f. med.L rapuncium, rapontium, prob. f. L rapum RAPE(2)] ramrod n. 1 a rod for ramming down the charge of a muzzle-loading firearm. 2 a thing that is very straight or rigid. ramshackle adj. (usu. of a house or vehicle) tumbledown, rickety. [earlier ramshackled past part. of obs. ransackle RANSACK] ramsons n. (usu. treated as sing.) 1 a broad-leaved garlic, Allium ursinum, with elongate pungent-smelling bulbous roots. 2 the root of this, eaten as a relish. [OE hramsan pl. of hramsa wild garlic, later taken as sing.] RAN abbr. Royal Australian Navy. ran past of RUN. ranch n. & v. --n. 1 a a cattle-breeding establishment esp. in the US and Canada. b a farm where other animals are bred (mink ranch). 2 US a single-storey or split-level house. --v.intr. farm on a ranch. [Sp. rancho group of persons eating together] rancher n. 1 a person who farms on a ranch. 2 US a modern single-storey house. ranchero n. (pl. -os) a person who farms or works on a ranch, esp. in Mexico. [Sp. (as RANCH)] rancid adj. smelling or tasting like rank stale fat. ЬЬrancidity n. rancidness n. [L rancidus stinking] rancour n. (US rancor) inveterate bitterness, malignant hate, spitefulness. ЬЬrancorous adj. rancorously adv. [ME f. OF f. LL rancor -oris (as RANCID)] rand(1) n. 1 the chief monetary unit of South Africa and some neighbouring countries. 2 S.Afr. a ridge of high ground on either side of a river. [Afrik., = edge, rel. to RAND(2): sense 1 f. the Rand, gold-field district near Johannesburg] rand(2) n. a levelling-strip of leather between the heel and sides of a shoe or boot. [OE f. Gmc] R & B abbr. (also R. & B.) rhythm and blues. R & D abbr. (also R. & D.) research and development. random adj. 1 made, done, etc., without method or conscious choice (random selection). 2 Statistics a with equal chances for each item. b given by a random process. 3 (of masonry) with stones of irregular size and shape. Ьat random without aim or purpose or principle. random-access Computing (of a memory or file) having all parts directly accessible, so that it need not read sequentially. random error Statistics an error in measurement caused by factors which vary from one measurement to another. ЬЬrandomize v.tr. (also -ise). randomization n. randomly adv. randomness n. [ME f. OF randon great speed f. randir gallop] R and R abbr. (also R. and R.) 1 rescue and resuscitation. 2 rest and recreation. 3 rock and roll. randy adj. (randier, randiest) 1 lustful; eager for sexual gratification. 2 Sc. loud-tongued, boisterous, lusty. ЬЬrandily adv. randiness n. [perh. f. obs. rand f. obs. Du. randen, ranten RANT] ranee n. (also rani) hist. a raja's wife or widow; a Hindu queen. [Hindi rani = Skr. rajni fem. of rajan king] rang past of RING(2). rangatira n. NZ a Maori chief or noble. [Maori] range n. & v. --n. 1 a the region between limits of variation, esp. as representing a scope of effective operation (a voice of astonishing range; the whole range of politics). b such limits. c a limited scale or series (the range of the thermometer readings is about 10 degrees). 2 the area included in or concerned with something. 3 a the distance attainable by a gun or projectile (the enemy are out of range). b the distance between a gun or projectile and its objective. 4 a row, series, line, or tier, esp. of mountains or buildings. 5 a an open or enclosed area with targets for shooting. b a testing-ground for military equipment. 6 a a fireplace with ovens and hotplates for cooking. b US an electric or gas cooker. 7 the area over which a thing, esp. a plant or animal, is distributed (gives the ranges of all species). 8 the distance that can be covered by a vehicle or aircraft without refuelling. 9 the distance between a camera and the subject to be photographed. 10 the extent of time covered by a forecast etc. 11 a a large area of open land for grazing or hunting. b a tract over which one wanders. 12 lie, direction (the range of the strata is east and west). --v. 1 intr. a reach; lie spread out; extend; be found or occur over a specified district; vary between limits (ages ranging from twenty to sixty). b run in a line (ranges north and south). 2 tr. (usu. in passive or refl.) place or arrange in a row or ranks or in a specified situation or order or company (ranged their troops; ranged themselves with the majority party; trees ranged in ascending order of height). 3 intr. rove, wander (ranged through the woods; his thoughts range over past, present, and future). 4 tr. traverse in all directions (ranging the woods). 5 Printing a tr. Brit. make (type) lie flush at the ends of successive lines. b intr. (of type) lie flush. 6 intr. a (often foll. by with) be level. b (foll. by with, among) rank; find one's right place (ranges with the great writers). 7 intr. a (of a gun) send a projectile over a specified distance (ranges over a mile). b (of a projectile) cover a specified distance. c obtain the range of a target by adjustment after firing past it or short of it. Ьranging-pole (or -rod) Surveying a pole or rod for setting a straight line. [ME f. OF range row, rank f. ranger f. rang RANK(1)] rang‚ adj. (fem. rang‚e) domesticated, orderly, settled. [F] rangefinder n. an instrument for estimating the distance of an object, esp. one to be shot at or photographed. ranger n. 1 a keeper of a royal or national park, or of a forest. 2 a member of a body of armed men, esp.: a a mounted soldier. b US a commando. 3 (Ranger) Brit. a senior Guide. 4 a wanderer. ЬЬrangership n. rangy adj. (rangier, rangiest) (of a person) tall and slim. rani var. of RANEE. rank(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a position in a hierarchy, a grade of advancement. b a distinct social class, a grade of dignity or achievement (people of all ranks; in the top rank of performers). c high social position (persons of rank). d a place in a scale. 2 a row or line. 3 a single line of soldiers drawn up abreast. 4 Brit. a place where taxis stand to await customers. 5 order, array. 6 Chess a row of squares across the board (cf. FILE(2)). --v. 1 intr. have rank or place (ranks next to the king). 2 tr. classify, give a certain grade to. 3 tr. arrange (esp. soldiers) in a rank or ranks. 4 US a tr. take precedence of (a person) in respect to rank. b intr. have the senior position among the members of a hierarchy etc. Ьbreak rank fail to remain in line. close ranks maintain solidarity. keep rank remain in line. other ranks soldiers other than commissioned officers. rank and fashion high society. rank and file ordinary undistinguished people (orig. = the ranks). the ranks the common soldiers, i.e. privates and corporals. rise from the ranks 1 (of a private or a non-commissioned officer) receive a commission. 2 (of a self-made man or woman) advance by one's own exertions. [OF ranc, renc, f. Gmc, rel. to RING(1)] rank(2) adj. 1 too luxuriant, coarse; choked with or apt to produce weeds or excessive foliage. 2 a foul-smelling, offensive. b loathsome, indecent, corrupt. 3 flagrant, virulent, gross, complete, unmistakable, strongly marked (rank outsider). ЬЬrankly adv. rankness n. [OE ranc f. Gmc] ranker n. 1 a soldier in the ranks. 2 a commissioned officer who has been in the ranks. ranking n. & adj. --n. ordering by rank; classification. --adj. US having a high rank or position. rankle v.intr. 1 (of envy, disappointment, etc., or their cause) cause persistent annoyance or resentment. 2 archaic (of a wound, sore, etc.) fester, continue to be painful. [ME (in sense 2) f. OF rancler f. rancle, draoncle festering sore f. med.L dranculus, dracunculus dimin. of draco serpent] ransack v.tr. 1 pillage or plunder (a house, country, etc.). 2 thoroughly search (a place, a receptacle, a person's pockets, one's conscience, etc.). ЬЬransacker n. [ME f. ON rannsaka f. rann house + -saka f. soekja seek] ransom n. & v. --n. 1 a sum of money or other payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner. 2 the liberation of a prisoner in return for this. --v.tr. 1 buy the freedom or restoration of; redeem. 2 hold to ransom. 3 release for a ransom. ЬЬransomer n. (in sense 1 of v.). [ME f. OF ransoun(er) f. L redemptio -onis REDEMPTION] rant v. & n. --v. 1 intr. use bombastic language. 2 tr. & intr. declaim, recite theatrically. 3 tr. & intr. preach noisily. --n. 1 a piece of ranting, a tirade. 2 empty turgid talk. ЬЬranter n. rantingly n. [Du. ranten rave] ranunculaceous adj. of or relating to the family Ranunculaceae of flowering plants, including clematis and delphiniums. ranunculus n. (pl. ranunculuses or ranunculi) any plant of the genus Ranunculus, usu. having bowl-shaped flowers with many stamens and carpels, including buttercups and crowfoots. [L, orig. dimin. of rana frog] RAOC abbr. (in the UK) Royal Army Ordnance Corps. rap(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a smart slight blow. 2 a knock, a sharp tapping sound. 3 sl. blame, censure, or punishment. 4 sl. a conversation. 5 a a rhyming monologue recited rhythmically to prerecorded music. b (in full rap music) a style of rock music with a pronounced beat and words recited rather than sung. --v. (rapped, rapping) 1 tr. strike smartly. 2 intr. knock; make a sharp tapping sound (rapped on the table). 3 tr. criticize adversely. 4 intr. sl. talk. Ьbeat the rap US escape punishment. rap on (or over) the knuckles a reprimand or reproof. rap out 1 utter (an oath, order, pun, etc.) abruptly or on the spur of the moment. 2 Spiritualism express (a message or word) by raps. take the rap suffer the consequences. ЬЬrapper n. [ME, prob. imit.] rap(2) n. a small amount, the least bit (don't care a rap). [Ir. ropaire Irish counterfeit coin] rapacious adj. grasping, extortionate, predatory. ЬЬrapaciously adv. rapaciousness n. rapacity n. [L rapax -acis f. rapere snatch] RAPC abbr. (in the UK) Royal Army Pay Corps. rape(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a the act of forcing a woman to have sexual intercourse against her will. b forcible sodomy. 2 (often foll. by of) violent assault, forcible interference, violation. 3 poet. carrying off (esp. of a woman) by force. 4 an instance of rape. --v.tr. 1 commit rape on (a person, usu. a woman). 2 violate, assault, pillage. 3 poet. take by force. [ME f. AF rap(er) f. L rapere seize] rape(2) n. a plant, Brassica napus, grown as food for sheep and for its seed, from which oil is made. Also called COLZA, COLE. Ьrape-cake rape-seed pressed into a flat shape after the extraction of oil and used as manure or cattle food. rape-oil an oil made from rape-seed and used as a lubricant and in foodstuffs. [ME f. L rapum, rapa turnip] rape(3) n. hist. (in the UK) any of the six ancient divisions of Sussex. [OE, var. of rap ROPE, with ref. to the fencing-off of land] rape(4) n. 1 the refuse of grapes after wine-making, used in making vinegar. 2 a vessel used in vinegar-making. [F rѓpe, med.L raspa] raphia var. of RAFFIA. raphide n. a needle-shaped crystal of an irritant substance such as oxalic acid formed in a plant. [back-form. f. raphides pl. of raphis f. Gk rhaphis -idos needle] rapid adj. & n. --adj. (rapider, rapidest) 1 quick, swift. 2 acting or completed in a short time. 3 (of a slope) descending steeply. 4 Photog. fast. --n. (usu. in pl.) a steep descent in a river-bed, with a swift current. Ьrapid eye-movement a type of jerky movement of the eyes during periods of dreaming. rapid-fire (attrib.) fired, asked, etc., in quick succession. rapid transit (attrib.) denoting high-speed urban transport of passengers. ЬЬrapidity n. rapidly adv. rapidness n. [L rapidus f. rapere seize] rapier n. a light slender sword used for thrusting. [prob. f. Du. rapier or LG rappir, f. F rapiЉre, of unkn. orig.] rapine n. rhet. plundering, robbery. [ME f. OF or f. L rapina f. rapere seize] rapist n. a person who commits rape. rapparee n. hist. a 17th-c. Irish irregular soldier or freebooter. [Ir. rapaire short pike] rappee n. a coarse kind of snuff. [F (tabac) rѓp‚ rasped (tobacco)] rappel n. & v.intr. (rappelled, rappelling; US rappeled, rappeling) = ABSEIL. [F, = recall, f. rappeler (as RE-, APPEAL)] rapport n. 1 relationship or communication, esp. when useful and harmonious (in rapport with; establish a rapport). 2 Spiritualism communication through a medium. [F f. rapporter (as RE-, AP-, porter f. L portare carry)] rapporteur n. a person who prepares an account of the proceedings of a committee etc. for a higher body. [F (as RAPPORT)] rapprochement n. the resumption of harmonious relations, esp. between States. [F f. rapprocher (as RE-, APPROACH)] rapscallion n. archaic or joc. a rascal, scamp, or rogue. [earlier rascallion, perh. f. RASCAL] rapt adj. 1 fully absorbed or intent, enraptured (listen with rapt attention). 2 carried away with feeling or lofty thought. 3 carried away bodily. ЬЬraptly adv. raptness n. [ME f. L raptus past part. of rapere seize] raptor n. any bird of prey, e.g. an owl, falcon, etc. [L, = ravisher, plunderer f. rapere rapt- seize] raptorial adj. & n. --adj. (of a bird or animal) adapted for seizing prey; predatory. --n. 1 = RAPTOR. 2 a predatory animal. [L raptor: see RAPTOR] rapture n. 1 a ecstatic delight, mental transport. b (in pl.) great pleasure or enthusiasm or the expression of it. 2 archaic the act of transporting a person from one place to another. Ьgo into (or be in) raptures be enthusiastic; talk enthusiastically. ЬЬrapturous adj. rapturously adv. rapturousness n. [obs. F rapture or med.L raptura (as RAPT)] rara avis n. (pl. rarae aves) a rarity; a kind of person or thing rarely encountered. [L, = rare bird] rare(1) adj. (rarer, rarest) 1 seldom done or found or occurring, uncommon, unusual, few and far between. 2 exceptionally good (had a rare time). 3 of less than the usual density, with only loosely packed substance (the rare atmosphere of the mountain tops). Ьrare bird = RARA AVIS. rare earth 1 a lanthanide element. 2 an oxide of such an element. rare gas = noble gas. ЬЬrareness n. [ME f. L rarus] rare(2) adj. (rarer, rarest) (of meat) underdone. [var. of obs. rear half-cooked (of eggs), f. OE hrer] rarebit n. = Welsh rabbit. [RARE(1) + BIT(1)] raree-show n. 1 a show or spectacle. 2 a show carried about in a box; a peep-show. [app. = rare show as pronounced by Savoyard showmen] rarefy v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. & intr. make or become less dense or solid (rarefied air). 2 tr. purify or refine (a person's nature etc.). 3 tr. make (an idea etc.) subtle. ЬЬrarefaction n. rarefactive adj. rarefication n. [ME f. OF rarefier or med.L rarificare f. L rarefacere f. rarus rare + facere make] rarely adv. 1 seldom; not often. 2 in an unusual degree; exceptionally. 3 exceptionally well. raring adj. (foll. by to + infin.) colloq. enthusiastic, eager (raring to go). [part. of rare, dial. var. of ROAR or REAR(2)] rarity n. (pl. -ies) 1 rareness. 2 an uncommon thing, esp. one valued for being rare. [F raret‚ or L raritas (as RARE(1))] rascal n. often joc. a dishonest or mischievous person, esp. a child. ЬЬrascaldom n. rascalism n. rascality n. (pl. -ies). rascally adj. [ME f. OF rascaille rabble, prob. ult. f. L radere ras- scrape] rase var. of RAZE. rash(1) adj. reckless, impetuous, hasty; acting or done without due consideration. ЬЬrashly adv. rashness n. [ME, prob. f. OE r‘sc (unrecorded) f. Gmc] rash(2) n. 1 an eruption of the skin in spots or patches. 2 (usu. foll. by of) a sudden widespread phenomenon, esp. of something unwelcome (a rash of strikes). [18th c.: prob. rel. to OF ra(s)che eruptive sores, = It. raschia itch] rasher n. a thin slice of bacon or ham. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] rasp n. & v. --n. a coarse kind of file having separate teeth. --v. 1 tr. a scrape with a rasp. b scrape roughly. c (foll. by off, away) remove by scraping. 2 a intr. make a grating sound. b tr. say gratingly or hoarsely. 3 tr. grate upon (a person or a person's feelings), irritate. ЬЬraspingly adv. raspy adj. [ME f. OF raspe(r) ult. f. WG] raspberry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a bramble, Rubus idaeus, having usu. red berries consisting of numerous drupels on a conical receptacle. b this berry. 2 any of various red colours. 3 colloq. a a sound made with the lips expressing dislike, derision, or disapproval (orig. raspberry tart, rhyming sl. = fart). b a show of strong disapproval (got a raspberry from the audience). Ьraspberry-cane a raspberry plant. raspberry vinegar a kind of syrup made from raspberries. [16th-c. rasp (now dial.) f. obs. raspis, of unkn. orig., + BERRY] rasper n. 1 a person or thing that rasps. 2 Hunting a high difficult fence. Rasta n. & adj. = RASTAFARIAN. [abbr.] Rastafarian n. & adj. --n. a member of a sect of Jamaican origin regarding Blacks as a chosen people and the former Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia (d. 1975, entitled Ras Tafari) as God. --adj. of or relating to this sect. ЬЬRastafarianism n. raster n. a pattern of scanning lines for a cathode-ray tube picture. [G, = screen, f. L rastrum rake f. radere ras- scrape] rat n. & v. --n. 1 a any of several rodents of the genus Rattus (brown rat). b any similar rodent (muskrat; water-rat). 2 a deserter from a party, cause, difficult situation, etc.; a turncoat (from the superstition that rats desert a sinking ship). 3 colloq. an unpleasant person. 4 a worker who refuses to join a strike, or who blacklegs. 5 (in pl.) sl. an exclamation of contempt, annoyance, etc. --v.intr. (ratted, ratting) 1 (of a person or dog) hunt or kill rats. 2 colloq. desert a cause, party, etc. 3 (foll. by on) a betray; let down. b inform on. Ьrat-catcher a person who rids buildings of rats etc. rat kangaroo Austral. any of various small ratlike marsupials of the family Potoroidae, having kangaroo-like hind limbs for jumping. rat race a fiercely competitive struggle for position, power, etc. rat's tail a thing shaped like a rat's tail, e.g. a tapering cylindrical file. rat-tail 1 the grenadier fish. 2 a horse with a hairless tail. 3 such a tail. rat-tail (or -tailed) spoon a spoon with a tail-like moulding from the handle to the back of the bowl. [OE r‘t & OF rat] rata n. any large tree of the genus Metrosideros, esp. M. robusta of New Zealand, with crimson flowers and hard red wood. [Maori] ratable var. of RATEABLE. ratafia n. 1 a liqueur flavoured with almonds or kernels of peach, apricot, or cherry. 2 a kind of biscuit similarly flavoured. [F, perh. rel. to TAFIA] ratan var. of RATTAN. rataplan n. & v. --n. a drumming sound. --v. (rataplanned, rataplanning) 1 tr. play (a tune) on or as on a drum. 2 intr. make a rataplan. [F: imit.] ratatat (also rat-a-tat) var. of RAT-TAT. ratatouille n. a vegetable dish made of stewed onions, courgettes, tomatoes, aubergines, and peppers. [F dial.] ratbag n. sl. an unpleasant or disgusting person. ratch n. 1 a ratchet. 2 a ratchet-wheel. [perh. f. G Ratsche: cf. RATCHET] ratchet n. & v. --n. 1 a set of teeth on the edge of a bar or wheel in which a device engages to ensure motion in one direction only. 2 (in full ratchet-wheel) a wheel with a rim so toothed. --v. (ratcheted, ratcheting) 1 tr. a provide with a ratchet. b make into a ratchet. 2 tr. & intr. move as under the control of a ratchet. [F rochet blunt lance-head, bobbin, ratchet, etc., prob. ult. f. Gmc] rate(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a stated numerical proportion between two sets of things (the second usu. expressed as unity), esp. as a measure of amount or degree (moving at a rate of 50 miles per hour) or as the basis of calculating an amount or value (rate of taxation). 2 a fixed or appropriate charge or cost or value; a measure of this (postal rates; the rate for the job). 3 rapidity of movement or change (travelling at a great rate; prices increasing at a dreadful rate). 4 class or rank (first-rate). 5 Brit. a an assessment levied by local authorities at so much per pound of the assessed value of buildings and land owned or leased. b (in pl.) the amount payable by this. --v. 1 tr. a estimate the worth or value of (I do not rate him very highly). b assign a fixed value to (a coin or metal) in relation to a monetary standard. c assign a value to (work, the power of a machine, etc.). 2 tr. consider; regard as (I rate them among my benefactors). 3 intr. (foll. by as) rank or be rated. 4 tr. Brit. a subject to the payment of a local rate. b value for the purpose of assessing rates. 5 tr. be worthy of, deserve. 6 tr. Naut. place in a specified class (cf. RATING(1)). Ьat any rate in any case, whatever happens. at this (or that) rate if this example is typical or this assumption is true. rate-capping Brit. the imposition of an upper limit on the rate leviable by a local authority. [ME f. OF f. med.L rata f. L pro rata parte or portione according to the proportional share f. ratus past part. of reri reckon] rate(2) v.tr. scold angrily. [ME: orig. unkn.] rate(3) var. of RET. rateable adj. (also ratable) 1 Brit. liable to payment of rates. 2 able to be rated or estimated. Ьrateable value the value at which a house etc. is assessed for payment of rates. ЬЬrateability n. rateably adv. ratel n. an African and Indian nocturnal flesh-eating burrowing mammal, Mellivora capensis. Also called honey-badger. [Afrik., of unkn. orig.] ratepayer n. Brit. a person liable to pay rates. rathe adj. poet. coming, blooming, etc., early in the year or day. Ьrathe-ripe 1 ripening early. 2 precocious. [OE hr‘th, hr‘d f. Gmc] rather adv. 1 (often foll. by than) by preference; for choice (would rather not go; would rather stay than go). 2 (usu. foll. by than) more truly; as a more likely alternative (is stupid rather than honest). 3 more precisely (a book, or rather, a pamphlet). 4 slightly; to some extent; somewhat (became rather drunk; I rather think you know him). 5 Brit. (as an emphatic response) indeed, assuredly (Did you like it? - Rather!). Ьhad rather would rather. [ME f. OE hrathor, compar. of hr‘the (adv.) f. hr‘th (adj.): see RATHE] rathskeller n. US a beer-saloon or restaurant in a basement. [G, = (restaurant in) town-hall cellar] ratify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) confirm or accept (an agreement made in one's name) by formal consent, signature, etc. ЬЬratifiable adj. ratification n. ratifier n. [ME f. OF ratifier f. med.L ratificare (as RATE(1))] rating(1) n. 1 the act or an instance of placing in a rank or class or assigning a value to. 2 the estimated standing of a person as regards credit etc. 3 Naut. a Brit. a non-commissioned sailor. b a person's position or class on a ship's books. 4 Brit. an amount fixed as a local rate. 5 the relative popularity of a broadcast programme as determined by the estimated size of the audience. 6 Naut. any of the classes into which racing yachts are distributed by tonnage. rating(2) n. an angry reprimand. ratio n. (pl. -os) the quantitative relation between two similar magnitudes determined by the number of times one contains the other integrally or fractionally (in the ratio of three to two; the ratios 1:5 and 20:100 are the same). [L (as RATE(1))] ratiocinate v.intr. literary go through logical processes, reason, esp. using syllogisms. ЬЬratiocination n. ratiocinative adj. ratiocinator n. [L ratiocinari (as RATIO)] ration n. & v. --n. 1 a fixed official allowance of food, clothing, etc., in a time of shortage. 2 (foll. by of) a single portion of provisions, fuel, clothing, etc. 3 (usu. in pl.) a fixed daily allowance of food, esp. in the armed forces (and formerly of forage for animals). 4 (in pl.) provisions. --v.tr. 1 limit (persons or provisions) to a fixed ration. 2 (usu. foll. by out) share out (food etc.) in fixed quantities. Ьgiven out with the rations Mil. sl. awarded without regard to merit. ration book (or card) a document entitling the holder to a ration. [F f. It. razione or Sp. raciўn f. L ratio -onis reckoning, RATIO] rational adj. 1 of or based on reasoning or reason. 2 sensible, sane, moderate; not foolish or absurd or extreme. 3 endowed with reason, reasoning. 4 rejecting what is unreasonable or cannot be tested by reason in religion or custom. 5 Math. (of a quantity or ratio) expressible as a ratio of whole numbers. Ьrational dress hist. a style of dress adopted by some women in the late nineteenth century, including bloomers or knickerbockers. rational horizon see HORIZON 1c. ЬЬrationality n. rationally adv. [ME f. L rationalis (as RATION)] rationale n. 1 (often foll. by of) the fundamental reason or logical basis of anything. 2 a reasoned exposition; a statement of reasons. [mod.L, neut. of L rationalis: see RATIONAL] rationalism n. 1 Philos. the theory that reason is the foundation of certainty in knowledge (opp. EMPIRICISM (see EMPIRIC), SENSATIONALISM). 2 Theol. the practice of treating reason as the ultimate authority in religion. 3 a belief in reason rather than religion as a guiding principle in life. ЬЬrationalist n. rationalistic adj. rationalistically adv. rationalize v. (also -ise) 1 a tr. offer or subconsciously adopt a rational but specious explanation of (one's behaviour or attitude). b intr. explain one's behaviour or attitude in this way. 2 tr. make logical and consistent. 3 tr. make (a business etc.) more efficient by reorganizing it to reduce or eliminate waste of labour, time, or materials. 4 tr. (often foll. by away) explain or explain away rationally. 5 tr. Math. clear of surds. 6 intr. be or act as a rationalist. ЬЬrationalization n. rationalizer n. ratite adj. & n. --adj. (of a bird) having a keelless breastbone, and unable to fly (opp. CARINATE). --n. a flightless bird, e.g. an ostrich, emu, cassowary, etc. [L ratis raft] ratline n. (also ratlin) (usu. in pl.) any of the small lines fastened across a sailing-ship's shrouds like ladder-rungs. [ME: orig. unkn.] ratoon n. & v. --n. a new shoot springing from a root of sugar cane etc. after cropping. --v.intr. send up ratoons. [Sp. reto¤o sprout] ratsbane n. anything poisonous to rats, esp. a plant. rattan n. (also ratan) 1 any East Indian climbing palm of the genus Calamus etc. with long thin jointed pliable stems. 2 a piece of rattan stem used as a walking stick etc. [earlier rot(t)ang f. Malay rotan prob. f. raut pare] rat-tat n. (also rat-tat-tat, ratatat, rat-a-tat) a rapping sound, esp. of a knocker. [imit.] ratter n. 1 a dog or other animal that hunts rats. 2 sl. a person who betrays a cause, party, friend, etc. rattle v. & n. --v. 1 a intr. give out a rapid succession of short sharp hard sounds. b tr. make (a chair, window, crockery, etc.) do this. c intr. cause such sounds by shaking something (rattled at the door). 2 a intr. move with a rattling noise. b intr. drive a vehicle or ride or run briskly. c tr. cause to move quickly (the bill was rattled through Parliament). 3 a tr. (usu. foll. by off) say or recite rapidly. b intr. (usu. foll. by on) talk in a lively thoughtless way. 4 tr. colloq. disconcert, alarm, fluster, make nervous, frighten. --n. 1 a rattling sound. 2 an instrument or plaything made to rattle esp. in order to amuse babies or to give an alarm. 3 the set of horny rings in a rattlesnake's tail. 4 a plant with seeds that rattle in their cases when ripe (red rattle; yellow rattle). 5 uproar, bustle, noisy gaiety, racket. 6 a a noisy flow of words. b empty chatter, trivial talk. 7 archaic a lively or thoughtless incessant talker. Ьrattle the sabre threaten war. ЬЬrattly adj. [ME, prob. f. MDu. & LG ratelen (imit.)] rattlebox n. 1 a rattle consisting of a box with objects inside. 2 a rickety old vehicle etc. rattler n. 1 a thing that rattles, esp. an old or rickety vehicle. 2 colloq. a rattlesnake. 3 sl. a remarkably good specimen of anything. rattlesnake n. any of various poisonous American snakes of the family Viperidae, esp. of the genus Crotalus or Sistrurus, with a rattling structure of horny rings in its tail. rattletrap n. & adj. colloq. --n. a rickety old vehicle etc. --adj. rickety. rattling adj. & adv. --adj. 1 that rattles. 2 brisk, vigorous (a rattling pace). --adv. remarkably (a rattling good story). ratty adj. (rattier, rattiest) 1 relating to or infested with rats. 2 colloq. irritable or angry. 3 colloq. wretched, nasty. ЬЬrattily adv. rattiness n. raucous adj. harsh-sounding, loud and hoarse. ЬЬraucously adv. raucousness n. [L raucus] raunchy adj. (raunchier, raunchiest) colloq. 1 coarse, earthy, boisterous; sexually provocative. 2 esp. US slovenly, grubby. ЬЬraunchily adv. raunchiness n. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] ravage v. & n. --v.tr. & intr. devastate, plunder. --n. 1 the act or an instance of ravaging; devastation, damage. 2 (usu. in pl.; foll. by of) destructive effect (survived the ravages of winter). ЬЬravager n. [F ravage(r) alt. f. ravine rush of water] rave(1) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. talk wildly or furiously in or as in delirium. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by about, of, over) speak with rapturous admiration; go into raptures. 3 tr. bring into a specified state by raving (raved himself hoarse). 4 tr. utter with ravings (raved their grief). 5 intr. (of the sea, wind, etc.) howl, roar. 6 tr. & intr. colloq. enjoy oneself freely ( esp. rave it up). --n. 1 (usu. attrib.) colloq. a highly enthusiastic review of a film, play, etc. (a rave review). 2 sl. an infatuation. 3 (also rave-up) colloq. a lively party. 4 the sound of the wind etc. raving. [ME, prob. f. ONF raver, rel. to (M)LG reven be senseless, rave] rave(2) n. 1 a rail of a cart. 2 (in pl.) a permanent or removable framework added to the sides of a cart to increase its capacity. [var. of dial. rathe (15th c., of unkn. orig.)] ravel v. & n. --v. (ravelled, ravelling; US raveled, raveling) 1 tr. & intr. entangle or become entangled or knotted. 2 tr. confuse or complicate (a question or problem). 3 intr. fray out. 4 tr. (often foll. by out) disentangle, unravel, distinguish the separate threads or subdivisions of. --n. 1 a tangle or knot. 2 a complication. 3 a frayed or loose end. [prob. f. Du. ravelen tangle, fray out, unweave] ravelin n. hist. an outwork of fortifications, with two faces forming a salient angle. [F f. obs. It. ravellino, of unkn. orig.] ravelling n. a thread from fabric which is frayed or unravelled. raven(1) n. & adj. --n. a large glossy blue-black crow, Corvus corax, feeding chiefly on carrion etc., having a hoarse cry. --adj. glossy black (raven tresses). [OE hr‘fn f. Gmc] raven(2) v. 1 intr. a plunder. b (foll. by after) seek prey or booty. c (foll. by about) go plundering. d prowl for prey (ravening beast). 2 a tr. devour voraciously. b intr. (usu. foll. by for) have a ravenous appetite. c intr. (often foll. by on) feed voraciously. [OF raviner ravage ult. f. L rapina RAPINE] ravenous adj. 1 very hungry, famished. 2 (of hunger, eagerness, etc., or of an animal) voracious. 3 rapacious. ЬЬravenously adv. ravenousness n. [ME f. OF ravineus (as RAVEN(2))] raver n. 1 colloq. an uninhibited pleasure-loving person. 2 a person who raves; a madman or madwoman. ravin n. poet. or rhet. 1 robbery, plundering. 2 the seizing and devouring of prey. 3 prey. Ьbeast of ravin a beast of prey. [ME f. OF ravine f. L rapina RAPINE] ravine n. a deep narrow gorge or cleft. ЬЬravined adj. [F (as RAVIN)] raving n., adj., & adv. --n. (usu. in pl.) wild or delirious talk. --adj. delirious, frenzied. --adj. & adv. colloq. as an intensive (a raving beauty; raving mad). ЬЬravingly adv. ravioli n. small pasta envelopes containing minced meat etc. [It.] ravish v.tr. 1 commit rape on (a woman). 2 enrapture; fill with delight. 3 archaic a carry off (a person or thing) by force. b (of death, circumstances, etc.) take from life or from sight. ЬЬravisher n. ravishment n. [ME f. OF ravir ult. f. L rapere seize] ravishing adj. entrancing, delightful. ЬЬravishingly adv. raw adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of food) uncooked. 2 in the natural state; not processed or manufactured (raw sewage). 3 (of alcoholic spirit) undiluted. 4 (of statistics etc.) not analysed or processed. 5 (of a person) inexperienced, untrained; new to an activity (raw recruits). 6 a stripped of skin; having the flesh exposed. b sensitive to the touch from having the flesh exposed. 7 (of the atmosphere, day, etc.) chilly and damp. 8 crude in artistic quality; lacking finish. 9 (of the edge of cloth) without hem or selvage. 10 (of silk) as reeled from cocoons. 11 (of grain) unmalted. --n. a raw place on a person's or horse's body. Ьcome the raw prawn Austral. sl. attempt to deceive. in the raw 1 in its natural state without mitigation (life in the raw). 2 naked. raw-boned gaunt and bony. raw deal harsh or unfair treatment. raw material that from which the process of manufacture makes products. raw sienna a brownish-yellow ferruginous earth used as a pigment. raw umber umber in its natural state, dark yellow in colour. touch on the raw upset (a person) on a sensitive matter. ЬЬrawish adj. rawly adv. rawness n. [OE hreaw f. Gmc] rawhide n. 1 untanned hide. 2 a rope or whip of this. Rawlplug n. propr. a thin cylindrical plug for holding a screw or nail in masonry. [Rawlings, name of the engineers who introduced it] ray(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a single line or narrow beam of light from a small or distant source. 2 a straight line in which radiation travels to a given point. 3 (in pl.) radiation of a specified type (gamma rays; X-rays). 4 a trace or beginning of an enlightening or cheering influence (a ray of hope). 5 a any of a set of radiating lines or parts of things. b any of a set of straight lines passing through one point. 6 the marginal portion of a composite flower, e.g. a daisy. 7 a a radial division of a starfish. b each of a set of bones etc. supporting a fish's fin. --v. 1 intr. (foll. by forth, out) (of light, thought, emotion, etc.) issue in or as if in rays. 2 intr. & tr. radiate. Ьray gun (esp. in science fiction) a gun causing injury or damage by the emission of rays. ЬЬrayed adj. rayless adj. raylet n. [ME f. OF rai f. L radius: see RADIUS] ray(2) n. a large cartilaginous fish of the order Batoidea, with a broad flat body, winglike pectoral fins and a long slender tail, used as food. [ME f. OF raie f. L raia] ray(3) n. (also re) Mus. 1 (in tonic sol-fa) the second note of a major scale. 2 the note D in the fixed-doh system. [ME re f. L resonare: see GAMUT] rayon n. any of various textile fibres or fabrics made from cellulose. [arbitrary f. RAY(1)] raze v.tr. (also rase) 1 completely destroy; tear down (esp. raze to the ground). 2 erase; scratch out (esp. in abstract senses). [ME rase = wound slightly f. OF raser shave close ult. f. L radere ras- scrape] razor n. & v. --n. an instrument with a sharp blade used in cutting hair esp. from the skin. --v.tr. 1 use a razor on. 2 shave; cut down close. Ьrazor-back an animal with a sharp ridged back, esp. a rorqual. razor-bill an auk, Alca torda, with a sharp-edged bill. razor-blade a blade used in a razor, esp. a flat piece of metal with a sharp edge or edges used in a safety razor. razor-cut a haircut made with a razor. razor- (or razor's) edge 1 a keen edge. 2 a sharp mountain-ridge. 3 a critical situation (found themselves on a razor-edge). 4 a sharp line of division. razor-fish (or -shell) any of various bivalve molluscs of the family Solenidae, with a shell like the handle of a cutthroat razor. [ME f. OF rasor (as RAZE)] razz n. & v. US sl. --n. = RASPBERRY 3. --v.tr. tease, ridicule. [razzberry, corrupt. of RASPBERRY] razzle-dazzle n. (also razzle) sl. 1 a glamorous excitement; bustle. b a spree. 2 extravagant publicity. [redupl. of DAZZLE] razzmatazz n. (also razzamatazz) colloq. 1 = RAZZLE-DAZZLE. 2 insincere actions; humbug. [prob. alt. f. RAZZLE-DAZZLE] 3.0 Rb =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rb symb. Chem. the element rubidium. 4.0 RC... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RC abbr. 1 Roman Catholic. 2 Red Cross. 3 reinforced concrete. RCA abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal College of Art. 2 (in the US) Radio Corporation of America. RCAF abbr. Royal Canadian Air Force. RCM abbr. (in the UK) Royal College of Music. RCMP abbr. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. RCN abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal College of Nursing. 2 Royal Canadian Navy. RCP abbr. (in the UK) Royal College of Physicians. RCS abbr. (in the UK): 1 Royal College of Scientists. 2 Royal College of Surgeons. 3 Royal Corps of Signals. RCVS abbr. (in the UK) Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. 5.0 RD... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RD abbr. 1 refer to drawer. 2 (in the UK) Royal Naval Reserve Decoration. Rd. abbr. Road (in names). RDC abbr. Brit. hist. Rural District Council. RDF abbr. radio direction-finder. 6.0 RE... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RE abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal Engineers. 2 religious education. Re symb. Chem. the element rhenium. re(1) prep. 1 in the matter of (as the first word in a heading, esp. of a legal document). 2 colloq. about, concerning. [L, ablat. of res thing] re(2) var. of RAY(3). re- prefix 1 attachable to almost any verb or its derivative, meaning: a once more; afresh, anew (readjust; renumber). b back; with return to a previous state (reassemble; reverse). °A hyphen is normally used when the word begins with e (re-enact), or to distinguish the compound from a more familiar one-word form (re-form = form again). 2 (also red- before a vowel, as in redolent) in verbs and verbal derivatives denoting: a in return; mutually (react; resemble). b opposition (repel; resist). c behind or after (relic; remain). d retirement or secrecy (recluse; reticence). e off, away, down (recede; relegate; repress). f frequentative or intensive force (redouble; refine; resplendent). g negative force (recant; reveal). [L re-, red-, again, back, etc.] reabsorb v.tr. absorb again. ЬЬreabsorption n. reaccept v.tr. accept again. ЬЬreacceptance n. reaccustom v.tr. accustom again. reach v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. (often foll. by out) stretch out; extend. 2 intr. stretch out a limb, the hand, etc.; make a reaching motion or effort. 3 intr. (often foll. by for) make a motion or effort to touch or get hold of, or to attain (reached for his pipe). 4 tr. get as far as; arrive at (reached Lincoln at lunch-time; your letter reached me today). 5 tr. get to or attain (a specified point) on a scale (the temperature reached 90ш; the number of applications reached 100). 6 intr. (foll. by to) attain to; be adequate for (my income will not reach to it). 7 tr. succeed in achieving; attain (have reached agreement). 8 tr. make contact with the hand etc., or by telephone etc. (was out all day and could not be reached). 9 tr. succeed in influencing or having the required effect on (could not manage to reach their audience). 10 tr. hand, pass (reach me that book). 11 tr. take with an outstretched hand. 12 intr. Naut. sail with the wind abeam or abaft the beam. --n. 1 the extent to which a hand etc. can be reached out, influence exerted, motion carried out, or mental powers used. 2 an act of reaching out. 3 a continuous extent, esp. a stretch of river between two bends, or the part of a canal between locks. 4 Naut. a distance traversed in reaching. Ьout of reach not able to be reached or attained. reach-me-down ready-made. ЬЬreachable adj. reacher n. [OE r‘can f. WG] reacquaint v.tr. & refl. (usu. foll. by with) make (a person or oneself) acquainted again. ЬЬreacquaintance n. reacquire v.tr. acquire anew. ЬЬreacquisition n. react v. 1 intr. (foll. by to) respond to a stimulus; undergo a change or show behaviour due to some influence (how did they react to the news?). 2 intr. (often foll. by against) be actuated by repulsion to; tend in a reverse or contrary direction. 3 intr. (often foll. by upon) produce a reciprocal or responsive effect; act upon the agent (they react upon each other). 4 intr. (foll. by with) Chem. & Physics (of a substance or particle) be the cause of activity or interaction with another (nitrous oxide reacts with the metal). 5 tr. (foll. by with) Chem. cause (a substance) to react with another. 6 intr. Mil. make a counter-attack. 7 intr. Stock Exch. (of shares) fall after rising. [RE- + ACT or med.L reagere react- (as RE-, L agere do, act)] re-act v.tr. act (a part) again. reactance n. Electr. a component of impedance in an AC circuit, due to capacitance or inductance or both. reactant n. Chem. a substance that takes part in, and undergoes change during a reaction. reaction n. 1 the act or an instance of reacting; a responsive or reciprocal action. 2 a a responsive feeling (what was your reaction to the news?). b an immediate or first impression. 3 the occurrence of a (physical or emotional) condition after a period of its opposite. 4 a bodily response to an external stimulus, e.g. a drug. 5 a tendency to oppose change or to advocate return to a former system, esp. in politics. 6 the interaction of substances undergoing chemical change. 7 propulsion by emitting a jet of particles etc. in the direction opposite to that of the intended motion. ЬЬreactionist n. & adj. [REACT + -ION or med.L reactio (as RE-, ACTION)] reactionary adj. & n. --adj. tending to oppose (esp. political) change and advocate return to a former system. --n. (pl. -ies) a reactionary person. reactivate v.tr. restore to a state of activity; bring into action again. ЬЬreactivation n. reactive adj. 1 showing reaction. 2 of or relating to reactance. ЬЬreactivity n. reactor n. 1 a person or thing that reacts. 2 (in full nuclear reactor) an apparatus or structure in which a controlled nuclear chain reaction releases energy. 3 Electr. a component used to provide reactance, esp. an inductor. 4 an apparatus for the chemical reaction of substances. 5 Med. a person who has a reaction to a drug etc. read v. & n. --v. (past and past part. read) 1 tr. (also absol.) reproduce mentally or (often foll. by aloud, out, off, etc.) vocally the written or printed words of (a book, author, etc.) by following the symbols with the eyes or fingers. 2 tr. convert or be able to convert into the intended words or meaning (written or other symbols or the things expressed in this way). 3 tr. interpret mentally. 4 tr. deduce or declare an (esp. accurate) interpretation of (read the expression on my face). 5 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) find (a thing) recorded or stated in print etc. (I read somewhere that you are leaving). 6 tr. interpret (a statement or action) in a certain sense (my silence is not to be read as consent). 7 tr. (often foll. by into) assume as intended or deducible from a writer's words; find (implications) (you read too much into my letter). 8 tr. bring into a specified state by reading (read myself to sleep). 9 tr. (of a meter or other recording instrument) show (a specified figure etc.) (the thermometer reads 20ш). 10 intr. convey meaning in a specified manner when read (it reads persuasively). 11 intr. sound or affect a hearer or reader as specified when read (the book reads like a parody). 12 a tr. study by reading (esp. a subject at university). b intr. carry out a course of study by reading (is reading for the Bar). 13 tr. (as read adj.) versed in a subject (esp. literature) by reading (a well-read person; was widely read in law). 14 tr. a (of a computer) copy or transfer (data). b (foll. by in, out) enter or extract (data) in an electronic storage device. 15 tr. a understand or interpret (a person) by hearing words or seeing signs, gestures, etc. b interpret (cards, a person's hand, etc.) as a fortune-teller. c interpret (the sky) as an astrologer or meteorologist. 16 tr. Printing check the correctness of and emend (a proof). 17 tr. (of an editor or text) give as the word or words probably used or intended by an author. --n. 1 a spell of reading. 2 colloq. a book etc. as regards its readability (is a really good read). Ьread between the lines look for or find hidden meaning (in a document etc.). read-in the entry of data in an electronic storage device. read a person like a book understand a person's motives etc. read-only memory Computing a memory read at high speed but not capable of being changed by program instructions. read out 1 read aloud. 2 US expel from a political party etc. read-out information retrieved from a computer. read up make a special study of (a subject). read-write Computing capable of reading existing data and accepting alterations or further input (cf. read-only memory). [OE r‘dan advise, consider, discern f. Gmc] readable adj. 1 able to be read; legible. 2 interesting or pleasant to read. ЬЬreadability n. readableness n. readably adv. readapt v.intr. & tr. become or cause to become adapted anew. ЬЬreadaptation n. readdress v.tr. 1 change the address of (a letter or parcel). 2 address (a problem etc.) anew. 3 speak or write to anew. reader n. 1 a person who reads or is reading. 2 a book of extracts for learning, esp. a language. 3 a device for producing an image that can be read from microfilm etc. 4 Brit. a university lecturer of the highest grade below professor. 5 a publisher's employee who reports on submitted manuscripts. 6 a printer's proof-corrector. 7 a person appointed to read aloud, esp. parts of a service in a church. 8 a person entitled to use a particular library. [OE (as READ)] readership n. 1 the readers of a newspaper etc. 2 the number or extent of these. readily adv. 1 without showing reluctance; willingly. 2 without difficulty. reading n. 1 a the act or an instance of reading or perusing (the reading of the will). b matter to be read (have plenty of reading with me). c the specified quality of this (it made exciting reading). 2 (in comb.) used for reading (reading-lamp; reading-room). 3 literary knowledge (a person of wide reading). 4 an entertainment at which a play, poems, etc., are read (poetry reading). 5 a figure etc. shown by a meter or other recording instrument. 6 an interpretation or view taken (what is your reading of the facts?). 7 an interpretation made (of drama, music, etc.). 8 each of the successive occasions on which a bill must be presented to a legislature for acceptance (see also first reading, second reading, third reading). 9 the version of a text, or the particular wording, conjectured or given by an editor etc. Ьreading age reading ability expressed as the age for which the same ability is calculated as average (has a reading age of eight). [OE (as READ)] readjust v.tr. adjust again or to a former state. ЬЬreadjustment n. readmit v.tr. (readmitted, readmitting) admit again. ЬЬreadmission n. readopt v.tr. adopt again. ЬЬreadoption n. ready adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. (readier, readiest) (usu. predic.) 1 with preparations complete (dinner is ready). 2 in a fit state (are you ready to go?). 3 willing, inclined, or resolved (he is always ready to complain; I am ready for anything). 4 within reach; easily secured (a ready source of income). 5 fit for immediate use (was ready to hand). 6 immediate, unqualified (found ready acceptance). 7 prompt, quick, facile (is always ready with excuses; has a ready wit). 8 (foll. by to + infin.) about to do something (a bud just ready to burst). 9 provided beforehand. --adv. 1 beforehand. 2 so as not to require doing when the time comes for use (the cases are ready packed). --n. (pl. -ies) sl. 1 (prec. by the) = ready money. 2 (in pl.) bank notes. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) make ready; prepare. Ьat the ready ready for action. make ready prepare. ready-made (or -to-wear) (esp. of clothes) made in a standard size, not to measure. ready-mix (or -mixed) (of concrete, paint, food, etc.) having some or all of the constituents already mixed together. ready money 1 actual coin or notes. 2 payment on the spot. ready reckoner a book or table listing standard numerical calculations as used esp. in commerce. ready, steady (or get set), go the usual formula for starting a race. ЬЬreadiness n. [ME r‘di(g), re(a)di, f. OE r‘de f. Gmc] reaffirm v.tr. affirm again. ЬЬreaffirmation n. reafforest v.tr. replant (former forest land) with trees. ЬЬreafforestation n. reagency n. reactive power or operation. reagent n. Chem. 1 a substance used to cause a reaction, esp. to detect another substance. 2 a reactive substance or force. [RE- + AGENT: cf. REACT] real(1) adj. & adv. --adj. 1 actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact. 2 genuine; rightly so called; not artificial or merely apparent. 3 Law consisting of or relating to immovable property such as land or houses (real estate) (cf. personal property). 4 appraised by purchasing power; adjusted for changes in the value of money (real value; income in real terms). 5 Philos. having an absolute and necessary and not merely contingent existence. 6 Math. (of a quantity) having no imaginary part (see IMAGINARY 2). 7 Optics (of an image etc.) such that light actually passes through it. --adv. Sc. & US colloq. really, very. Ьfor real colloq. as a serious or actual concern; in earnest. real ale beer regarded as brewed in a traditional way, with secondary fermentation in the cask. real life that lived by actual people, as distinct from fiction, drama, etc. real live (attrib.) often joc. actual; not pretended or simulated (a real live burglar). the real McCoy see MCCOY. real money current coin or notes; cash. real tennis the original form of tennis played on an indoor court. the real thing (of an object or emotion) genuine, not inferior. real time the actual time during which a process or event occurs. real-time (attrib.) Computing (of a system) in which the response time is of the order of milliseconds, e.g. in an airline booking system. ЬЬrealness n. [AF = OF reel, LL realis f. L res thing] real(2) n. hist. a former coin and monetary unit of various Spanish-speaking countries. [Sp., noun use of real (adj.) (as ROYAL)] realgar n. a mineral of arsenic sulphide used as a pigment and in fireworks. [ME f. med.L f. Arab. rahj al-gar dust of the cave] realign v.tr. 1 align again. 2 regroup in politics etc. ЬЬrealignment n. realism n. 1 the practice of regarding things in their true nature and dealing with them as they are. 2 fidelity to nature in representation; the showing of life etc. as it is in fact. 3 Philos. a the doctrine that universals or abstract concepts have an objective existence (opp. NOMINALISM). b the belief that matter as an object of perception has real existence. ЬЬrealist n. realistic adj. 1 regarding things as they are; following a policy of realism. 2 based on facts rather than ideals. ЬЬrealistically adv. reality n. (pl. -ies) 1 what is real or existent or underlies appearances. 2 (foll. by of) the real nature of (a thing). 3 real existence; the state of being real. 4 resemblance to an original (the model was impressive in its reality). Ьin reality in fact. [med.L realitas or F r‚alit‚ (as REAL(1))] realize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 (often foll. by that + clause) be fully aware of; conceive as real. 2 understand clearly. 3 present as real; make realistic; give apparent reality to (the story was powerfully realized on stage). 4 convert into actuality; achieve (realized a childhood dream). 5 a convert into money. b acquire (profit). c be sold for (a specified price). 6 Mus. reconstruct (a part) in full from a figured bass. ЬЬrealizable adj. realizability n. realization n. realizer n. reallocate v.tr. allocate again or differently. ЬЬreallocation n. reallot v.tr. (reallotted, reallotting) allot again or differently. ЬЬreallotment n. really adv. 1 in reality; in fact. 2 positively, assuredly (really useful). 3 (as a strong affirmative) indeed, I assure you. 4 an expression of mild protest or surprise. 5 (in interrog.) (expressing disbelief) is that so? (They're musicians. -- Really?). realm n. 1 formal esp. Law a kingdom. 2 a sphere or domain (the realm of imagination). [ME f. OF realme, reaume, f. L regimen -minis (see REGIMEN): infl. by OF reiel ROYAL] realpolitik n. politics based on realities and material needs, rather than on morals or ideals. [G] realtor n. US a real-estate agent, esp. (Realtor) a member of the National Association of Realtors. realty n. Law real estate (opp. PERSONALTY). ream(1) n. 1 twenty quires or 500 (formerly 480) sheets of paper (or a larger number, to allow for waste). 2 (in pl.) a large quantity of paper or writing (wrote reams about it). [ME rem, rim f. OF raime etc., ult. f. Arab. rizma bundle] ream(2) v.tr. 1 widen (a hole in metal etc.) with a borer. 2 turn over the edge of (a cartridge-case etc.). 3 Naut. open (a seam) for caulking. 4 US squeeze the juice from (fruit). ЬЬreamer n. [19th c.: orig. uncert.] reanimate v.tr. 1 restore to life. 2 restore to activity or liveliness. ЬЬreanimation n. reap v.tr. 1 cut or gather (a crop, esp. grain) as a harvest. 2 harvest the crop of (a field etc.). 3 receive as the consequence of one's own or others' actions. [OE ripan, reopan, of unkn. orig.] reaper n. 1 a person who reaps. 2 a machine for reaping. Ьthe Reaper (or grim Reaper) death personified. reappear v.intr. appear again or as previously. ЬЬreappearance n. reapply v.tr. & intr. (-ies, -ied) apply again, esp. submit a further application (for a position etc.). ЬЬreapplication n. reappoint v.tr. appoint again to a position previously held. ЬЬreappointment n. reapportion v.tr. apportion again or differently. ЬЬreapportionment n. reappraise v.tr. appraise or assess again. ЬЬreappraisal n. rear(1) n. & adj. --n. 1 the back part of anything. 2 the space behind, or position at the back of, anything (a large house with a terrace at the rear). 3 the hindmost part of an army or fleet. 4 colloq. the buttocks. --adj. at the back. Ьbring up the rear come last. in the rear behind; at the back. rear admiral a naval officer ranking below vice admiral. rear commodore a yacht-club officer below vice commodore. rear-lamp (or -light) a usu. red light at the rear of a vehicle. rear sight the sight nearest to the stock on a firearm. rear-view mirror a mirror fixed inside the windscreen of a motor vehicle enabling the driver to see traffic etc. behind. take in the rear Mil. attack from behind. [prob. f. (in the) REARWARD or REARGUARD] rear(2) v. 1 tr. a bring up and educate (children). b breed and care for (animals). c cultivate (crops). 2 intr. (of a horse etc.) raise itself on its hind legs. 3 tr. a set upright. b build. c hold upwards (rear one's head). 4 intr. extend to a great height. ЬЬrearer n. [OE r‘ran f. Gmc] rearguard n. 1 a body of troops detached to protect the rear, esp. in retreats. 2 a defensive or conservative element in an organization etc. Ьrearguard action 1 Mil. an engagement undertaken by a rearguard. 2 a defensive stand in argument etc., esp. when losing. [OF rereguarde (as RETRO-, GUARD)] rearm v.tr. (also absol.) arm again, esp. with improved weapons. ЬЬrearmament n. rearmost adj. furthest back. rearrange v.tr. arrange again in a different way. ЬЬrearrangement n. rearrest v. & n. --v.tr. arrest again. --n. an instance of rearresting or being rearrested. rearward n., adj., & adv. --n. rear, esp. in prepositional phrases (to the rearward of; in the rearward). --adj. to the rear. --adv. (also rearwards) towards the rear. [AF rerewarde = REARGUARD] reascend v.tr. & intr. ascend again or to a former position. ЬЬreascension n. reason n. & v. --n. 1 a motive, cause, or justification (has good reasons for doing this; there is no reason to be angry). 2 a fact adduced or serving as this (I can give you my reasons). 3 the intellectual faculty by which conclusions are drawn from premisses. 4 sanity (has lost his reason). 5 Logic a premiss of a syllogism, esp. a minor premiss when given after the conclusion. 6 a faculty transcending the understanding and providing a priori principles; intuition. 7 sense; sensible conduct; what is right or practical or practicable; moderation. --v. 1 intr. form or try to reach conclusions by connected thought. 2 intr. (foll. by with) use an argument (with a person) by way of persuasion. 3 tr. (foll. by that + clause) conclude or assert in argument. 4 tr. (foll. by why, whether, what + clause) discuss; ask oneself. 5 tr. (foll. by into, out of) persuade or move by argument (I reasoned them out of their fears). 6 tr. (foll. by out) think or work out (consequences etc.). 7 tr. (often as reasoned adj.) express in logical or argumentative form. 8 tr. embody reason in (an amendment etc.). Ьby reason of owing to. in (or within) reason within the bounds of sense or moderation. it stands to reason (often foll. by that + clause) it is evident or logical. listen to reason be persuaded to act sensibly. see reason acknowledge the force of an argument. with reason justifiably. ЬЬreasoner n. reasoning n. reasonless adj. [ME f. OF reisun, res(o)un, raisoner, ult. f. L ratio -onis f. reri rat- consider] reasonable adj. 1 having sound judgement; moderate; ready to listen to reason. 2 in accordance with reason; not absurd. 3 a within the limits of reason; not greatly less or more than might be expected. b inexpensive; not extortionate. c tolerable, fair. 4 archaic endowed with the faculty of reason. ЬЬreasonableness n. reasonably adv. [ME f. OF raisonable (as REASON) after L rationabilis] reassemble v.intr. & tr. assemble again or into a former state. ЬЬreassembly n. reassert v.tr. assert again. ЬЬreassertion n. reassess v.tr. assess again, esp. differently. ЬЬreassessment n. reassign v.tr. assign again or differently. ЬЬreassignment n. reassume v.tr. take on oneself or undertake again. ЬЬreassumption n. reassure v.tr. 1 restore confidence to; dispel the apprehensions of. 2 confirm in an opinion or impression. ЬЬreassurance n. reassurer n. reassuring adj. reassuringly adv. reattach v.tr. attach again or in a former position. ЬЬreattachment n. reattain v.tr. attain again. ЬЬreattainment n. reattempt v.tr. attempt again, esp. after failure. R‚aumur adj. expressed in or related to the scale of temperature at which water freezes at 0ш and boils at 80ш under standard conditions. ЬR‚aumur scale this scale. [R. de R‚aumur, Fr. physicist d. 1757] reave v. (past and past part. reft) archaic 1 tr. a (foll. by of) forcibly deprive of. b (foll. by away, from) take by force or carry off. 2 intr. make raids; plunder; = REIVE. [OE reafian f. Gmc: cf. ROB] reawaken v.tr. & intr. awaken again. rebarbative adj. literary repellent, unattractive. [F r‚barbatif -ive f. barbe beard] rebate(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a partial refund of money paid. 2 a deduction from a sum to be paid; a discount. --v.tr. pay back as a rebate. ЬЬrebatable adj. rebater n. [earlier = diminish: ME f. OF rabattre (as RE-, ABATE)] rebate(2) n. & v.tr. = RABBET. [respelling of RABBET, after REBATE(1)] rebec n. (also rebeck) Mus. a medieval usu. three-stringed instrument played with a bow. [F rebec var. of OF rebebe rubebe f. Arab. rabab] rebel n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a person who fights against, resists, or refuses allegiance to, the established government. 2 a person or thing that resists authority or control. --adj. (attrib.) 1 rebellious. 2 of or concerning rebels. 3 in rebellion. --v.intr. (rebelled, rebelling; US rebeled, rebeling) (usu. foll. by against) 1 act as a rebel; revolt. 2 feel or display repugnance. [ME f. OF rebelle, rebeller f. L rebellis (as RE-, bellum war)] rebellion n. open resistance to authority, esp. organized armed resistance to an established government. [ME f. OF f. L rebellio -onis (as REBEL)] rebellious adj. 1 tending to rebel, insubordinate. 2 in rebellion. 3 defying lawful authority. 4 (of a thing) unmanageable, refractory. ЬЬrebelliously adv. rebelliousness n. [ME f. REBELLION + -OUS or f. earlier rebellous + -IOUS] rebid v. & n. --v. also (rebidding; past and past part. rebid) Cards 1 intr. bid again. 2 tr. bid (a suit) again at a higher level. --n. 1 the act of rebidding. 2 a bid made in this way. rebind v.tr. (past and past part. rebound) bind (esp. a book) again or differently. rebirth n. 1 a new incarnation. 2 spiritual enlightenment. 3 a revival (the rebirth of learning). ЬЬreborn adj. reboot v.tr. (often absol.) Computing boot up (a system) again. rebore v. & n. --v.tr. make a new boring in, esp. widen the bore of (the cylinder in an internal-combustion engine). --n. 1 the process of doing this. 2 a rebored engine. rebound(1) v. & n. --v.intr. 1 spring back after action or impact. 2 (foll. by upon) (of an action) have an adverse effect upon (the doer). --n. 1 the act or an instance of rebounding; recoil. 2 a reaction after a strong emotion. Ьon the rebound while still recovering from an emotional shock, esp. rejection by a lover. ЬЬrebounder n. [ME f. OF rebonder, rebondir (as RE-, BOUND(1))] rebound(2) past and past part. of REBIND. rebroadcast v. & n. --v.tr. (past rebroadcast or rebroadcasted; past part. rebroadcast) broadcast again. --n. a repeat broadcast. rebuff n. & v. --n. 1 a rejection of one who makes advances, proffers help or sympathy, shows interest or curiosity, makes a request, etc. 2 a repulse; a snub. --v.tr. give a rebuff to. [obs. F rebuffe(r) f. It. ribuffo, ribuffare, rabbuffo, rabbuffare (as RE-, buffo puff)] rebuild v.tr. (past and past part. rebuilt) build again or differently. rebuke v. & n. --v.tr. reprove sharply; subject to protest or censure. --n. 1 the act of rebuking. 2 the process of being rebuked. 3 a reproof. ЬЬrebuker n. rebukingly adv. [ME f. AF & ONF rebuker (as RE-, OF buchier beat, orig. cut down wood f. busche log)] rebury v.tr. (-ies, -ied) bury again. ЬЬreburial n. rebus n. 1 an enigmatic representation of a word (esp. a name), by pictures etc. suggesting its parts. 2 Heraldry a device suggesting the name of its bearer. [F r‚bus f. L rebus, ablat. pl. of res thing] rebut v.tr. (rebutted, rebutting) 1 refute or disprove (evidence or a charge). 2 force or turn back; check. ЬЬrebutment n. rebuttable adj. rebuttal n. [ME f. AF rebuter, OF rebo(u)ter (as RE-, BUTT(1))] rebutter n. 1 a refutation. 2 Law a defendant's reply to the plaintiff's surrejoinder. [AF rebuter (as REBUT)] recalcitrant adj. & n. --adj. 1 obstinately disobedient. 2 objecting to restraint. --n. a recalcitrant person. ЬЬrecalcitrance n. recalcitrantly adv. [L recalcitrare (as RE-, calcitrare kick out with the heels f. calx calcis heel)] recalculate v.tr. calculate again. ЬЬrecalculation n. recalesce v.intr. grow hot again (esp. of iron allowed to cool from white heat, whose temperature rises at a certain point for a short time). ЬЬrecalescence n. [L recalescere (as RE-, calescere grow hot)] recall v. & n. --v.tr. 1 summon to return from a place or from a different occupation, inattention, a digression, etc. 2 recollect, remember. 3 bring back to memory; serve as a reminder of. 4 revoke or annul (an action or decision). 5 cancel or suspend the appointment of (an official sent overseas etc.). 6 revive, resuscitate. 7 take back (a gift). --n. also 1 the act or an instance of recalling, esp. a summons to come back. 2 the act of remembering. 3 the ability to remember. 4 the possibility of recalling, esp. in the sense of revoking (beyond recall). 5 US removal of an elected official from office. ЬЬrecallable adj. recant v. 1 tr. withdraw and renounce (a former belief or statement) as erroneous or heretical. 2 intr. disavow a former opinion, esp. with a public confession of error. ЬЬrecantation n. recanter n. [L recantare revoke (as RE-, cantare sing, chant)] recap v. & n. colloq. --v.tr. & intr. (recapped, recapping) recapitulate. --n. recapitulation. [abbr.] recapitalize v.tr. (also -ise) capitalize (shares etc.) again. ЬЬrecapitalization n. recapitulate v.tr. 1 go briefly through again; summarize. 2 go over the main points or headings of. ЬЬrecapitulative adj. recapitulatory adj. [L recapitulare (as RE-, capitulum CHAPTER)] recapitulation n. 1 the act or an instance of recapitulating. 2 Biol. the reappearance in embryos of successive type-forms in the evolutionary line of development. 3 Mus. part of a movement, esp. in sonata form, in which themes from the exposition are restated. [ME f. OF recapitulation or LL recapitulatio (as RECAPITULATE)] recapture v. & n. --v.tr. 1 capture again; recover by capture. 2 re-experience (a past emotion etc.). --n. the act or an instance of recapturing. recast v. & n. --v.tr. (past and past part. recast) 1 put into a new form. 2 improve the arrangement of. 3 change the cast of (a play etc.). --n. 1 the act or an instance of recasting. 2 a recast form. recce n. & v. colloq. --n. a reconnaisance. --v.tr. & intr. (recced, recceing) reconnoitre. [abbr.] recd. abbr. received. recede v.intr. 1 go or shrink back or further off. 2 be left at an increasing distance by an observer's motion. 3 slope backwards (a receding chin). 4 decline in force or value. 5 (foll. by from) withdraw from (an engagement, opinion, etc.). 6 (of a man's hair) cease to grow at the front, sides, etc. [ME f. L recedere (as RE-, cedere cess- go)] re-cede v.tr. cede back to a former owner. receipt n. & v. --n. 1 the act or an instance of receiving or being received into one's possession (will pay on receipt of the goods). 2 a written acknowledgement of this, esp. of the payment of money. 3 (usu. in pl.) an amount of money etc. received. 4 archaic a recipe. --v.tr. place a written or printed receipt on (a bill). [ME receit(e) f. AF & ONF receite, OF re‡oite, recete f. med.L recepta fem. past part. of L recipere RECEIVE: -p- inserted after L] receive v.tr. 1 take or accept (something offered or given) into one's hands or possession. 2 acquire; be provided with or given (have received no news; will receive a small fee). 3 accept delivery of (something sent). 4 have conferred or inflicted on one (received many honours; received a heavy blow on the head). 5 a stand the force or weight of. b bear up against; encounter with opposition. 6 consent to hear (a confession or oath) or consider (a petition). 7 (also absol.) accept or have dealings with (stolen property knowing of the theft). 8 admit; consent or prove able to hold; provide accommodation for (received many visitors). 9 (of a receptacle) be able to hold (a specified amount or contents). 10 greet or welcome, esp. in a specified manner (how did they receive your offer?). 11 entertain as a guest etc. 12 admit to membership of a society, organization, etc. 13 be marked more or less permanently with (an impression etc.). 14 convert (broadcast signals) into sound or pictures. 15 Tennis be the player to whom the server serves (the ball). 16 (often as received adj.) give credit to; accept as authoritative or true (received opinion). 17 eat or drink (the Eucharistic bread and wine). Ьbe at (or on) the receiving end colloq. bear the brunt of something unpleasant. received pronunciation (or Received Standard) the form of spoken English based on educated speech in southern England. receiving-order Brit. an order of a court authorizing a receiver (see RECEIVER 3) to act. ЬЬreceivable adj. [ME f. OF receivre, re‡oivre f. L recipere recept- (as RE-, capere take)] receiver n. 1 a person or thing that receives. 2 the part of a machine or instrument that receives sound, signals, etc. (esp. the part of a telephone that contains the earpiece). 3 (in full official receiver) a person appointed by a court to administer the property of a bankrupt or insane person, or property under litigation. 4 a radio or television receiving apparatus. 5 a person who receives stolen goods. 6 Chem. a vessel for collecting the products of distillation, chromatography, etc. receivership n. 1 the office of official receiver. 2 the state of being dealt with by a receiver ( esp. in receivership). recension n. 1 the revision of a text. 2 a particular form or version of a text resulting from such revision. [L recensio f. recensere revise (as RE-, censere review)] recent adj. & n. --adj. 1 not long past; that happened, appeared, began to exist, or existed lately. 2 not long established; lately begun; modern. 3 (Recent) Geol. = HOLOCENE. --n. Geol. = HOLOCENE. ЬЬrecency n. recently adv. recentness n. [L recens recentis or F r‚cent] receptacle n. 1 a containing vessel, place, or space. 2 Bot. a the common base of floral organs. b the part of a leaf or thallus in some algae where the reproductive organs are situated. [ME f. OF receptacle or L receptaculum (as RECEPTION)] reception n. 1 the act or an instance of receiving or the process of being received, esp. of a person into a place or group. 2 the manner in which a person or thing is received (got a cool reception). 3 a social occasion for receiving guests, esp. after a wedding. 4 a formal or ceremonious welcome. 5 a place where guests or clients etc. report on arrival at a hotel, office, etc. 6 a the receiving of broadcast signals. b the quality of this (we have excellent reception). Ьreception order an order authorizing the entry of a patient into a mental hospital. reception room a room available or suitable for receiving company or visitors. [ME f. OF reception or L receptio (as RECEIVE)] receptionist n. a person employed in a hotel, office, etc., to receive guests, clients, etc. receptive adj. 1 able or quick to receive impressions or ideas. 2 concerned with receiving stimuli etc. ЬЬreceptively adv. receptiveness n. receptivity n. [F r‚ceptif -ive or med.L receptivus (as RECEPTION)] receptor n. (often attrib.) Biol. 1 an organ able to respond to an external stimulus such as light, heat, or a drug, and transmit a signal to a sensory nerve. 2 a region of a cell, tissue, etc., that responds to a molecule or other substance. [OF receptour or L receptor (as RECEPTIVE)] recess n. & v. --n. 1 a space set back in a wall; a niche. 2 (often in pl.) a remote or secret place (the innermost recesses). 3 a temporary cessation from work, esp. of Parliament, or US of a lawcourt or during a school day. 4 Anat. a fold or indentation in an organ. 5 Geog. a receding part of a mountain chain etc. --v. 1 tr. make a recess in. 2 tr. place in a recess; set back. 3 US a intr. take a recess; adjourn. b tr. order a temporary cessation from the work of (a court etc.). [L recessus (as RECEDE)] recession n. 1 a temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity. 2 a receding or withdrawal from a place or point. 3 a receding part of an object; a recess. ЬЬrecessionary adj. [L recessio (as RECESS)] recessional adj. & n. --adj. sung while the clergy and choir withdraw after a service. --n. a recessional hymn. recessive adj. 1 tending to recede. 2 Phonet. (of an accent) falling near the beginning of a word. 3 Genetics (of an inherited characteristic) appearing in offspring only when not masked by a dominant characteristic inherited from one parent. ЬЬrecessively adv. recessiveness n. [RECESS after excessive] recharge v. & n. --v.tr. 1 charge again. 2 reload. --n. 1 a renewed charge. 2 material etc. used for this. ЬЬrechargeable adj. r‚chauff‚ n. 1 a warmed-up dish. 2 a rehash. [F past part. of r‚chauffer (as RE-, CHAFE)] recheck v. & n. --v.tr. & intr. check again. --n. a second or further check or inspection. recherch‚ adj. 1 carefully sought out; rare or exotic. 2 far-fetched, obscure. [F, past part. of rechercher (as RE-, chercher seek)] rechristen v.tr. 1 christen again. 2 give a new name to. recidivist n. a person who relapses into crime. ЬЬrecidivism n. recidivistic adj. [F r‚cidiviste f. r‚cidiver f. med.L recidivare f. L recidivus f. recidere (as RE-, cadere fall)] recipe n. 1 a statement of the ingredients and procedure required for preparing cooked food. 2 an expedient; a device for achieving something. 3 a medical prescription. [2nd sing. imper. (as used in prescriptions) of L recipere take, RECEIVE] recipient n. & adj. --n. a person who receives something. --adj. 1 receiving. 2 receptive. ЬЬrecipiency n. [F r‚cipient f. It. recipiente or L recipiens f. recipere RECEIVE] reciprocal adj. & n. --adj. 1 in return (offered a reciprocal greeting). 2 mutual (their feelings are reciprocal). 3 Gram. (of a pronoun) expressing mutual action or relation (as in each other). 4 inversely correspondent; complementary (natural kindness matched by a reciprocal severity). --n. Math. an expression or function so related to another that their product is unity (« is the reciprocal of 2). ЬЬreciprocality n. reciprocally adv. [L reciprocus ult. f. re- back + pro forward] reciprocate v. 1 tr. return or requite (affection etc.). 2 intr. (foll. by with) offer or give something in return (reciprocated with an invitation to lunch). 3 tr. give and receive mutually; interchange. 4 a intr. (of a part of a machine) move backwards and forwards. b tr. cause to do this. Ьreciprocating engine an engine using a piston or pistons moving up and down in cylinders. ЬЬreciprocation n. reciprocator n. [L reciprocare reciprocat- (as RECIPROCAL)] reciprocity n. 1 the condition of being reciprocal. 2 mutual action. 3 give and take, esp. the interchange of privileges between countries and organizations. [F r‚ciprocit‚ f. r‚ciproque f. L reciprocus (as RECIPROCATE)] recirculate v.tr. & intr. circulate again, esp. make available for reuse. ЬЬrecirculation n. recital n. 1 the act or an instance of reciting or being recited. 2 the performance of a programme of music by a solo instrumentalist or singer or by a small group. 3 (foll. by of) a detailed account of (connected things or facts); a narrative. 4 Law the part of a legal document that states the facts. ЬЬrecitalist n. recitation n. 1 the act or an instance of reciting. 2 a thing recited. [OF recitation or L recitatio (as RECITE)] recitative n. 1 musical declamation of the kind usual in the narrative and dialogue parts of opera and oratorio. 2 the words or part given in this form. [It. recitativo (as RECITE)] recite v. 1 tr. repeat aloud or declaim (a poem or passage) from memory, esp. before an audience. 2 intr. give a recitation. 3 tr. mention in order; enumerate. ЬЬreciter n. [ME f. OF reciter or L recitare (as RE-, CITE)] reck v. archaic or poet. (only in neg. or interrog.) 1 tr. (foll. by of) pay heed to; take account of; care about. 2 tr. pay heed to. 3 intr. (usu. with it as subject) be of importance (it recks little). [OE reccan, rel. to OHG ruohhen] reckless adj. disregarding the consequences or danger etc.; lacking caution; rash. ЬЬrecklessly adv. recklessness n. [OE recceleas (as RECK)] reckon v. 1 tr. count or compute by calculation. 2 tr. (foll. by in) count in or include in computation. 3 tr. (often foll. by as or to be) consider or regard (reckon him wise; reckon them to be beyond hope). 4 tr. a (foll. by that + clause) conclude after calculation; be of the considered opinion. b colloq. (foll. by to + infin.) expect (reckons to finish by Friday). 5 intr. make calculations; add up an account or sum. 6 intr. (foll. by on, upon) rely on, count on, or base plans on. 7 intr. (foll. by with) a take into account. b settle accounts with. Ьreckon up 1 count up; find the total of. 2 settle accounts. to be reckoned with of considerable importance; not to be ignored. [OE (ge)recenian f. WG] reckoner n. = ready reckoner. reckoning n. 1 the act or an instance of counting or calculating. 2 a consideration or opinion. 3 a the settlement of an account. b an account. Ьday of reckoning the time when something must be atoned for or avenged. reclaim v. & n. --v.tr. 1 seek the return of (one's property). 2 claim in return or as a rebate etc. 3 bring under cultivation, esp. from a state of being under water. 4 a win back or away from vice or error or a waste condition; reform. b tame, civilize. --n. the act or an instance of reclaiming; the process of being reclaimed. ЬЬreclaimable adj. reclaimer n. reclamation n. [ME f. OF reclamer reclaim- f. L reclamare cry out against (as RE-, clamare shout)] reclassify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) classify again or differently. ЬЬreclassification n. reclinate adj. Bot. bending downwards. [L reclinatus, past part. of reclinare (as RECLINE)] recline v. 1 intr. assume or be in a horizontal or leaning position, esp. in resting. 2 tr. cause to recline or move from the vertical. ЬЬreclinable adj. [ME f. OE recliner or L reclinare bend back, recline (as RE-, clinare bend)] recliner n. 1 a comfortable chair for reclining in. 2 a person who reclines. reclothe v.tr. clothe again or differently. recluse n. & adj. --n. a person given to or living in seclusion or isolation, esp. as a religious discipline; a hermit. --adj. favouring seclusion; solitary. ЬЬreclusion n. reclusive adj. [ME f. OF reclus recluse past part. of reclure f. L recludere reclus- (as RE-, claudere shut)] recognition n. the act or an instance of recognizing or being recognized. ЬЬrecognitory adj. [L recognitio (as RECOGNIZE)] recognizance n. 1 a bond by which a person undertakes before a court or magistrate to observe some condition, e.g. to appear when summoned. 2 a sum pledged as surety for this. [ME f. OF recon(n)issance (as RE-, COGNIZANCE)] recognizant adj. (usu. foll. by of) 1 showing recognition (of a favour etc.). 2 conscious or showing consciousness (of something). recognize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 identify (a person or thing) as already known; know again. 2 realize or discover the nature of. 3 (foll. by that) realize or admit. 4 acknowledge the existence, validity, character, or claims of. 5 show appreciation of; reward. 6 (foll. by as, for) treat or acknowledge. 7 (of a chairperson etc.) allow (a person) to speak in a debate etc. ЬЬrecognizable n. recognizability n. recognizably adv. recognizer n. [OF recon(n)iss- stem of reconnaistre f. L recognoscere recognit- (as RE-, cognoscere learn)] recoil v. & n. --v.intr. 1 suddenly move or spring back in fear, horror, or disgust. 2 shrink mentally in this way. 3 rebound after an impact. 4 (foll. by on, upon) have an adverse reactive effect on (the originator). 5 (of a gun) be driven backwards by its discharge. 6 retreat under an enemy's attack. 7 Physics (of an atom etc.) move backwards by the conservation of momentum on emission of a particle. --n. also 1 the act or an instance of recoiling. 2 the sensation of recoiling. [ME f. OF reculer (as RE-, L culus buttocks)] recollect v.tr. 1 remember. 2 succeed in remembering; call to mind. [L recolligere recollect- (as RE-, COLLECT(1))] re-collect v.tr. 1 collect again. 2 (refl.) recover control of (oneself). recollection n. 1 the act or power of recollecting. 2 a thing recollected. 3 a a person's memory (to the best of my recollection). b the time over which memory extends (happened within my recollection). ЬЬrecollective adj. [F recollection or med.L recollectio (as RECOLLECT)] recolonize v.tr. (also -ise) colonize again. ЬЬrecolonization n. recolour v.tr. colour again or differently. recombinant adj. & n. Biol. --adj. (of a gene etc.) formed by recombination. --n. a recombinant organism or cell. Ьrecombinant DNA DNA that has been recombined using constituents from different sources. recombination n. Biol. the rearrangement, esp. by crossing over in chromosomes, of nucleic acid molecules forming a new sequence of the constituent nucleotides. recombine v.tr. & intr. combine again or differently. recommence v.tr. & intr. begin again. ЬЬrecommencement n. recommend v.tr. 1 suggest as fit for some purpose or use. 2 (often foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) advise as a course of action etc. (I recommend that you stay where you are). 3 (of qualities, conduct, etc.) make acceptable or desirable. 4 (foll. by to) commend or entrust (to a person or a person's care). ЬЬrecommendable adj. recommendation n. recommendatory adj. recommender n. [ME (in sense 4) f. med.L recommendare (as RE-, COMMEND)] recommit v.tr. (recommitted, recommitting) 1 commit again. 2 return (a bill etc.) to a committee for further consideration. ЬЬrecommitment n. recommittal n. recompense v. & n. --v.tr. 1 make amends to (a person) or for (a loss etc.). 2 requite; reward or punish (a person or action). --n. 1 a reward; requital. 2 retribution; satisfaction given for an injury. [ME f. OF recompense(r) f. LL recompensare (as RE-, COMPENSATE)] recompose v.tr. compose again or differently. reconcile v.tr. 1 make friendly again after an estrangement. 2 (usu. in refl. or passive; foll. by to) make acquiescent or contentedly submissive to (something disagreeable or unwelcome) (was reconciled to failure). 3 settle (a quarrel etc.). 4 a harmonize; make compatible. b show the compatibility of by argument or in practice (cannot reconcile your views with the facts). ЬЬreconcilable adj. reconcilability n. reconcilement n. reconciler n. reconciliation n. reconciliatory adj. [ME f. OF reconcilier or L reconciliare (as RE-, conciliare CONCILIATE)] recondite adj. 1 (of a subject or knowledge) abstruse; out of the way; little known. 2 (of an author or style) dealing in abstruse knowledge or allusions; obscure. ЬЬreconditely adv. reconditeness n. [L reconditus (as RE-, conditus past part. of condere hide)] recondition v.tr. 1 overhaul, refit, renovate. 2 make usable again. ЬЬreconditioner n. reconfigure v.tr. configure again or differently. ЬЬreconfiguration n. reconfirm v.tr. confirm, establish, or ratify anew. ЬЬreconfirmation n. reconnaissance n. 1 a survey of a region, esp. a military examination to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features. 2 a preliminary survey or inspection. [F (earlier -oissance) f. stem of reconnaЊtre (as RECONNOITRE)] reconnect v.tr. connect again. ЬЬreconnection n. reconnoitre v. & n. (US reconnoiter) --v. 1 tr. make a reconnaissance of (an area, enemy position, etc.). 2 intr. make a reconnaissance. --n. a reconnaissance. [obs. F reconnoЊtre f. L recognoscere RECOGNIZE] reconquer v.tr. conquer again. ЬЬreconquest n. reconsider v.tr. & intr. consider again, esp. for a possible change of decision. ЬЬreconsideration n. reconsign v.tr. consign again or differently. ЬЬreconsignment n. reconsolidate v.tr. & intr. consolidate again. ЬЬreconsolidation n. reconstitute v. & tr. 1 build up again from parts; reconstruct. 2 reorganize. 3 restore the previous constitution of (dried food etc.) by adding water. ЬЬreconstitution n. reconstruct v.tr. 1 build or form again. 2 a form a mental or visual impression of (past events) by assembling the evidence for them. b re-enact (a crime). 3 reorganize. ЬЬreconstructable adj. (also reconstructible). reconstruction n. reconstructive adj. reconstructor n. reconvene v.tr. & intr. convene again, esp. (of a meeting etc.) after a pause in proceedings. reconvert v.tr. convert back to a former state. ЬЬreconversion n. record n. & v. --n. 1 a a piece of evidence or information constituting an (esp. official) account of something that has occurred, been said, etc. b a document preserving this. 2 the state of being set down or preserved in writing or some other permanent form (is a matter of record). 3 a (in full gramophone record) a thin plastic disc carrying recorded sound in grooves on each surface, for reproduction by a record-player. b a trace made on this or some other medium, e.g. magnetic tape. 4 a an official report of the proceedings and judgement in a court of justice. b a copy of the pleadings etc. constituting a case to be decided by a court (see also court of record). 5 a the facts known about a person's past (has an honourable record of service). b a list of a person's previous criminal convictions. 6 the best performance (esp. in sport) or most remarkable event of its kind on record (often attrib.: a record attempt). 7 an object serving as a memorial of a person or thing; a portrait. 8 Computing a number of related items of information which are handled as a unit. --v.tr. 1 set down in writing or some other permanent form for later reference, esp. as an official record. 2 convert (sound, a broadcast, etc.) into permanent form for later reproduction. 3 establish or constitute a historical or other record of. Ьbreak (or beat) the record outdo all previous performances etc. for the record as an official statement etc. go on record state one's opinion or judgement openly or officially, so that it is recorded. have a record be known as a criminal. a matter of record a thing established as a fact by being recorded. off the record as an unofficial or confidential statement etc. on record officially recorded; publicly known. put (or get or set etc.) the record straight correct a misapprehension. recorded delivery a Post Office service in which the dispatch and receipt of a letter or parcel are recorded. recording angel an angel that supposedly registers each person's good and bad actions. record-player an apparatus for reproducing sound from gramophone records. ЬЬrecordable adj. [ME f. OF record remembrance, recorder record, f. L recordari remember (as RE-, cor cordis heart)] recorder n. 1 an apparatus for recording, esp. a tape recorder. 2 a a keeper of records. b a person who makes an official record. 3 Brit. a a barrister or solicitor of at least ten years' standing, appointed to serve as a part-time judge. b hist. a judge in certain courts. 4 Mus. a woodwind instrument like a flute but blown through the end and having a more hollow tone. ЬЬrecordership n. (in sense 3). [ME f. AF recordour, OF recordeur & f. RECORD (in obs. sense 'practise a tune')] recording n. 1 the process by which audio or video signals are recorded for later reproduction. 2 material or a programme recorded. recordist n. a person who records sound. recount v.tr. 1 narrate. 2 tell in detail. [ONF & AF reconter (as RE-, COUNT(1))] re-count v. & n. --v. tr. count again. --n. a re-counting, esp. of votes in an election. recoup v.tr. 1 recover or regain (a loss). 2 compensate or reimburse for a loss. 3 Law deduct or keep back (part of a sum due). Ьrecoup oneself recover a loss. ЬЬrecoupable adj. recoupment n. [F recouper (as RE-, couper cut)] recourse n. 1 resorting to a possible source of help. 2 a person or thing resorted to. Ьhave recourse to turn to (a person or thing) for help. without recourse a formula used by the endorser of a bill etc. to disclaim responsibility for payment. [ME f. OF recours f. L recursus (as RE-, COURSE)] recover v. & n. --v. 1 tr. regain possession or use or control of, reclaim. 2 intr. return to health or consciousness or to a normal state or position (have recovered from my illness; the country never recovered from the war). 3 tr. obtain or secure (compensation etc.) by legal process. 4 tr. retrieve or make up for (a loss, setback, etc.). 5 refl. regain composure or consciousness or control of one's limbs. 6 tr. retrieve (reusable substances) from industrial waste. --n. the recovery of a normal position in fencing etc. ЬЬrecoverable adj. recoverability n. recoverer n. [ME f. AF recoverer, OF recovrer f. L recuperare RECUPERATE] re-cover v.tr. 1 cover again. 2 provide (a chair etc.) with a new cover. recovery n. (pl. -ies) 1 the act or an instance of recovering; the process of being recovered. 2 Golf a stroke bringing the ball out of a bunker etc. [ME f. AF recoverie, OF reco(u)vree (as RECOVER)] recreant adj. & n. literary --adj. 1 craven, cowardly. 2 apostate. --n. 1 a coward. 2 an apostate. ЬЬrecreancy n. recreantly adv. [ME f. OF, part. of recroire f. med.L (se) recredere yield in trial by combat (as RE-, credere entrust)] re-create v.tr. create over again. ЬЬre-creation n. recreation n. 1 the process or means of refreshing or entertaining oneself. 2 a pleasurable activity. Ьrecreation-ground public land for games etc. ЬЬrecreational adj. recreationally adv. recreative adj. [ME f. OF f. L recreatio -onis f. recreare create again, renew] recriminate v.intr. make mutual or counter accusations. ЬЬrecrimination n. recriminative adj. recriminatory adj. [med.L recriminare (as RE-, criminare accuse f. crimen CRIME)] recross v.tr. & intr. cross or pass over again. recrudesce v.intr. (of a disease or difficulty etc.) break out again, esp. after a dormant period. ЬЬrecrudescence n. recrudescent adj. [back-form. f. recrudescent, -ence f. L recrudescere (as RE-, crudus raw)] recruit n. & v. --n. 1 a serviceman or servicewoman newly enlisted and not yet fully trained. 2 a new member of a society or organization. 3 a beginner. --v. 1 tr. enlist (a person) as a recruit. 2 tr. form (an army etc.) by enlisting recruits. 3 intr. get or seek recruits. 4 tr. replenish or reinvigorate (numbers, strength, etc.). ЬЬrecruitable adj. recruiter n. recruitment n. [earlier = reinforcement, f. obs. F dial. recrute ult. f. F recroЊtre increase again f. L recrescere] recrystallize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise) crystallize again. ЬЬrecrystallization n. recta pl. of RECTUM. rectal adj. of or by means of the rectum. ЬЬrectally adv. rectangle n. a plane figure with four straight sides and four right angles, esp. one with the adjacent sides unequal. [F rectangle or med.L rectangulum f. LL rectiangulum f. L rectus straight + angulus ANGLE(1)] rectangular adj. 1 a shaped like a rectangle. b having the base or sides or section shaped like a rectangle. 2 a placed at right angles. b having parts or lines placed at right angles. Ьrectangular coordinates coordinates measured along axes at right angles. rectangular hyperbola a hyperbola with rectangular asymptotes. ЬЬrectangularity n. rectangularly adv. recti pl. of RECTUS. rectifier n. 1 a person or thing that rectifies. 2 Electr. an electrical device that allows a current to flow preferentially in one direction by converting an alternating current into a direct one. rectify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 adjust or make right; correct, amend. 2 purify or refine, esp. by repeated distillation. 3 find a straight line equal in length to (a curve). 4 convert (alternating current) to direct current. ЬЬrectifiable adj. rectification n. [ME f. OF rectifier f. med.L rectificare f. L rectus right] rectilinear adj. (also rectilineal) 1 bounded or characterized by straight lines. 2 in or forming a straight line. ЬЬrectilinearity n. rectilinearly adv. [LL rectilineus f. L rectus straight + linea LINE(1)] rectitude n. 1 moral uprightness. 2 righteousness. 3 correctness. [ME f. OF rectitude or LL rectitudo f. L rectus right] recto n. (pl. -os) 1 the right-hand page of an open book. 2 the front of a printed leaf of paper or manuscript (opp. VERSO). [L recto (folio) on the right (leaf)] rector n. 1 (in the Church of England) the incumbent of a parish where all tithes formerly passed to the incumbent (cf. VICAR). 2 RC Ch. a priest in charge of a church or religious institution. 3 a the head of some schools, universities, and colleges. b (in Scotland) an elected representative of students on a university's governing body. ЬЬrectorate n. rectorial adj. rectorship n. [ME f. OF rectour or L rector ruler f. regere rect- rule] rectory n. (pl. -ies) 1 a rector's house. 2 (in the Church of England) a rector's benefice. [AF & OF rectorie or med.L rectoria (as RECTOR)] rectrix n. (pl. rectrices) a bird's strong tail-feather directing flight. [L, fem. of rector ruler: see RECTOR] rectum n. (pl. rectums or recta) the final section of the large intestine, terminating at the anus. [L rectum (intestinum) straight (intestine)] rectus n. (pl. recti) Anat. a straight muscle. [L, = straight] recumbent adj. lying down; reclining. ЬЬrecumbency n. recumbently adv. [L recumbere recline (as RE-, cumbere lie)] recuperate v. 1 intr. recover from illness, exhaustion, loss, etc. 2 tr. regain (health, something lost, etc.). ЬЬrecuperable adj. recuperation n. recuperative adj. recuperator n. [L recuperare recuperat- recover] recur v.intr. (recurred, recurring) 1 occur again; be repeated. 2 (of a thought, idea, etc.) come back to one's mind. 3 (foll. by to) go back in thought or speech. Ьrecurring decimal a decimal fraction in which the same figures are repeated indefinitely. [L recurrere recurs- (as RE-, currere run)] recurrent adj. 1 recurring; happening repeatedly. 2 (of a nerve, vein, branch, etc.) turning back so as to reverse direction. ЬЬrecurrence n. recurrently adv. recursion n. 1 the act or an instance of returning. 2 Math. the repeated application of a procedure or definition to a previous result to obtain a series of values. Ьrecursion formula Math. an expression giving successive terms of a series etc. ЬЬrecursive adj. [LL recursio (as RECUR)] recurve v.tr. & intr. bend backwards. ЬЬrecurvate adj. recurvature n. [L recurvare recurvat- (as RE-, curvare bend)] recusant n. & adj. --n. a person who refuses submission to an authority or compliance with a regulation, esp. hist. one who refused to attend services of the Church of England. --adj. of or being a recusant. ЬЬrecusance n. recusancy n. [L recusare refuse] recycle v.tr. return (material) to a previous stage of a cyclic process, esp. convert (waste) to reusable material. ЬЬrecyclable adj. red adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or near the colour seen at the least-refracted end of the visible spectrum, of shades ranging from that of blood to pink or deep orange. 2 flushed in the face with shame, anger, etc. 3 (of the eyes) bloodshot or red-rimmed with weeping. 4 (of the hair) reddish-brown, orange, tawny. 5 involving or having to do with bloodshed, burning, violence, or revolution. 6 colloq. communist or socialist. 7 (Red) Russian, Soviet (the Red Army). 8 (of wine) made from dark grapes and coloured by their skins. --n. 1 a red colour or pigment. 2 red clothes or material (dressed in red). 3 colloq. a communist or socialist. 4 a a red ball, piece, etc., in a game or sport. b the player using such pieces. 5 the debit side of an account (in the red). 6 a red light. Ьred admiral a butterfly, Vanessa atalanta, with red bands on each pair of wings. red bark a red kind of cinchona. red biddy colloq. a mixture of cheap wine and methylated spirits. red-blooded virile, vigorous. red-bloodedness vigour, spirit. red card Football a card shown by the referee to a player being sent off the field. red carpet privileged treatment of an eminent visitor. red cedar an American juniper, Juniperus virginiana. red cell (or corpuscle) an erythrocyte. red cent US the smallest (orig. copper) coin; a trivial sum. Red Crescent an organization like the Red Cross in Muslim countries. red cross 1 St George's cross, the national emblem of England. 2 the Christian side in the crusades. Red Cross 1 an international organization (originally medical) bringing relief to victims of war or natural disaster. 2 the emblem of this organization. red deer a deer, Cervus elaphus, with a rich red-brown summer coat turning dull-brown in winter. red duster Brit. colloq. = red ensign. red dwarf an old relatively cool star. red ensign see ENSIGN. red-eye 1 = RUDD. 2 US sl. cheap whisky. red-faced embarrassed, ashamed. red flag 1 the symbol of socialist revolution. 2 a warning of danger. red fox a native British fox, Vulpes vulpes, having a characteristic deep red or fawn coat. red giant a relatively cool giant star. red grouse a subspecies of the willow grouse, native to Britain and familiar as a game-bird. Red Guard hist. a member of a militant youth movement in China (1966-76). red gum 1 a teething-rash in children. 2 a a reddish resin. b any of various kinds of eucalyptus yielding this. red-handed in or just after the act of committing a crime, doing wrong, etc. red hat 1 a cardinal's hat. 2 the symbol of a cardinal's office. red-headed 1 (of a person) having red hair. 2 (of birds etc.) having a red head. red heat 1 the temperature or state of something so hot as to emit red light. 2 great excitement. red herring 1 dried smoked herring. 2 a misleading clue or distraction (so called from the practice of using the scent of red herring in training hounds). red-hot 1 heated until red. 2 highly exciting. 3 (of news) fresh; completely new. 4 intensely excited. 5 enraged. red-hot poker any plant of the genus Kniphofia, with spikes of usually red or yellow flowers. Red Indian offens. an American Indian. red lead a red form of lead oxide used as a pigment. red-letter day a day that is pleasantly noteworthy or memorable (orig. a festival marked in red on the calendar). red light 1 a signal to stop on a road, railway, etc. 2 a warning or refusal. red-light district a district containing many brothels. red man = Red Indian. red meat meat that is red when raw (e.g. beef or lamb). red mullet a marine fish, Mullus surmuletus, valued as food. red pepper 1 cayenne pepper. 2 the ripe fruit of the capsicum plant, Capsicum annuum. red rag something that excites a person's rage (so called because red is supposed to provoke bulls). red rattle a pink-flowered marsh plant, Pedicularis palustris. red roan see ROAN(1). red rose the emblem of Lancashire or the Lancastrians. red shift the displacement of the spectrum to longer wavelengths in the light coming from distant galaxies etc. in recession. red spider any of various mites of the family Tetranychidae infesting hothouse plants esp. vines. red squirrel a native British squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris, with reddish fur. Red Star the emblem of some Communist countries. red tape excessive bureaucracy or adherence to formalities esp. in public business. red-water 1 a bacterial disease of calves, a symptom of which is the passing of reddish urine. 2 a mass of water made red by pigmented plankton, esp. Gonyanlax tamarensis. ЬЬreddish adj. reddy adj. redly adv. redness n. [OE read f. Gmc] redact v.tr. put into literary form; edit for publication. ЬЬredactor n. [L redigere redact- (as RE-, agere bring)] redaction n. 1 preparation for publication. 2 revision, editing, rearrangement. 3 a new edition. ЬЬredactional adj. [F r‚daction f. LL redactio (as REDACT)] redan n. a fieldwork with two faces forming a salient angle. [F f. redent notching (as RE-, dent tooth)] redbreast n. colloq. a robin. redbrick adj. esp. Brit. (of a university) founded relatively recently. redbud n. any American tree of the genus Cercis, with pale pink flowers. redcap n. 1 Brit. a member of the military police. 2 US a railway porter. redcoat n. hist. a British soldier (so called from the scarlet uniform of most regiments). redcurrant n. 1 a widely cultivated shrub, Ribes rubrum. 2 a small red edible berry of this plant. redd v.tr. (past and past part. redd) dial. 1 clear up. 2 arrange, tidy, compose, settle. [ME: cf. MLG, MDu. redden] redden v.tr. & intr. make or become red. reddle n. red ochre; ruddle. [var. of RUDDLE] rede n. & v. archaic --n. advice, counsel. --v.tr. 1 advise. 2 read (a riddle or dream). [OE r‘d f. Gmc, rel. to READ (of which the verb is a ME var. retained for archaic senses)] redecorate v.tr. decorate again or differently. ЬЬredecoration n. redeem v.tr. 1 buy back; recover by expenditure of effort or by a stipulated payment. 2 make a single payment to discharge (a regular charge or obligation). 3 convert (tokens or bonds etc.) into goods or cash. 4 (of God or Christ) deliver from sin and damnation. 5 make up for; be a compensating factor in (has one redeeming feature). 6 (foll. by from) save from (a defect). 7 refl. save (oneself) from blame. 8 purchase the freedom of (a person). 9 save (a person's life) by ransom. 10 save or rescue or reclaim. 11 fulfil (a promise). ЬЬredeemable adj. [ME f. OF redimer or L redimere redempt- (as RE-, emere buy)] redeemer n. a person who redeems. Ьthe Redeemer Christ. redefine v.tr. define again or differently. ЬЬredefinition n. redemption n. 1 the act or an instance of redeeming; the process of being redeemed. 2 man's deliverance from sin and damnation. 3 a thing that redeems. ЬЬredemptive adj. [ME f. OF f. L redemptio (as REDEEM)] redeploy v.tr. send (troops, workers, etc.) to a new place or task. ЬЬredeployment n. redesign v.tr. design again or differently. redetermine v.tr. determine again or differently. ЬЬredetermination n. redevelop v.tr. develop anew (esp. an urban area, with new buildings). ЬЬredeveloper n. redevelopment n. redfish n. 1 a male salmon in the spawning season. 2 a rose-fish. redhead n. a person with red hair. redial v.tr. & intr. (redialled, redialling; US redialed, redialing) dial again. redid past of REDO. rediffusion n. the relaying of broadcast programmes esp. by cable from a central receiver. redingote n. a woman's long coat with a cutaway front or a contrasting piece on the front. [F f. E riding-coat] redintegrate v.tr. 1 restore to wholeness or unity. 2 renew or re-establish in a united or perfect state. ЬЬredintegration n. redintegrative adj. [ME f. L redintegrare (as RE-, INTEGRATE)] redirect v.tr. direct again, esp. change the address of (a letter). ЬЬredirection n. rediscover v.tr. discover again. ЬЬrediscovery n. (pl. -ies). redissolve v.tr. & intr. dissolve again. ЬЬredissolution n. redistribute disp. v.tr. distribute again or differently. ЬЬredistribution n. redistributive adj. redivide v.tr. divide again or differently. ЬЬredivision n. redivivus adj. (placed after noun) come back to life. [L (as RE-, vivus living)] redneck n. US often derog. a working-class White in the southern US, esp. a politically conservative one. redo v.tr. (3rd sing. present redoes; past redid; past part. redone) 1 do again or differently. 2 redecorate. redolent adj. 1 (foll. by of, with) strongly reminiscent or suggestive or mentally associated. 2 fragrant. 3 having a strong smell; odorous. ЬЬredolence n. redolently adv. [ME f. OF redolent or L redolere (as RE-, olere smell)] redouble v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or grow greater or more intense or numerous; intensify, increase. 2 intr. Bridge double again a bid already doubled by an opponent. --n. Bridge the redoubling of a bid. [F redoubler (as RE-, DOUBLE)] redoubt n. Mil. an outwork or fieldwork usu. square or polygonal and without flanking defences. [F redoute f. obs. It. ridotta f. med.L reductus refuge f. past part. of L reducere withdraw (see REDUCE): -b- after DOUBT (cf. REDOUBTABLE)] redoubtable adj. formidable, esp. as an opponent. ЬЬredoubtably adv. [ME f. OF redoutable f. redouter fear (as RE-, DOUBT)] redound v.intr. 1 (foll. by to) (of an action etc.) make a great contribution to (one's credit or advantage etc.). 2 (foll. by upon, on) come as the final result to; come back or recoil upon. [ME, orig. = overflow, f. OF redonder f. L redundare surge (as RE-, unda wave)] redox n. Chem. (often attrib.) oxidation and reduction. [reduction + oxidation] redpoll n. a finch, Acanthis flammea, with a red forehead, similar to a linnet. redraft v.tr. draft (a writing or document) again. redraw v.tr. (past redrew; past part. redrawn) draw again or differently. redress v. & n. --v.tr. 1 remedy or rectify (a wrong or grievance etc.). 2 readjust; set straight again. --n. 1 reparation for a wrong. 2 (foll. by of) the act or process of redressing (a grievance etc.). Ьredress the balance restore equality. ЬЬredressable adj. redressal n. redresser n. (also redressor). [ME f. OF redresse(r), redrecier (as RE-, DRESS)] re-dress v.tr. & intr. dress again or differently. redshank n. either of two sandpipers, Tringa totanus and T. erythropus, with bright-red legs. redskin n. colloq. offens. an American Indian. redstart n. 1 any European red-tailed songbird of the genus Phoenicurus. 2 any of various similar American warblers of the family Parulidae. [RED + OE steort tail] reduce v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become smaller or less. 2 tr. (foll. by to) bring by force or necessity (to some undesirable state or action) (reduced them to tears; were reduced to begging). 3 tr. convert to another (esp. simpler) form (reduced it to a powder). 4 tr. convert (a fraction) to the form with the lowest terms. 5 tr. (foll. by to) bring or simplify or adapt by classification or analysis (the dispute may be reduced to three issues). 6 tr. make lower in status or rank. 7 tr. lower the price of. 8 intr. lessen one's weight or size. 9 tr. weaken (is in a very reduced state). 10 tr. impoverish. 11 tr. subdue; bring back to obedience. 12 Chem. intr. & tr. a combine or cause to combine with hydrogen. b undergo or cause to undergo addition of electrons. 13 tr. Chem. convert (oxide etc.) to metal. 14 tr. a (in surgery) restore (a dislocated etc. part) to its proper position. b remedy (a dislocation etc.) in this way. 15 tr. Photog. make (a negative or print) less dense. 16 tr. Cookery boil off excess liquid from. Ьreduced circumstances poverty after relative prosperity. reduce to the ranks demote (an NCO) to the rank of private. reducing agent Chem. a substance that brings about reduction by oxidation and losing electrons. ЬЬreducer n. reducible adj. reducibility n. [ME in sense 'restore to original or proper position', f. L reducere reduct- (as RE-, ducere bring)] reductio ad absurdum n. a method of proving the falsity of a premiss by showing that the logical consequence is absurd; an instance of this. [L, = reduction to the absurd] reduction n. 1 the act or an instance of reducing; the process of being reduced. 2 an amount by which prices etc. are reduced. 3 a reduced copy of a picture etc. 4 an arrangement of an orchestral score for piano etc. ЬЬreductive adj. [ME f. OF reduction or L reductio (as REDUCE)] reductionism n. 1 the tendency to or principle of analysing complex things into simple constituents. 2 often derog. the doctrine that a system can be fully understood in terms of its isolated parts, or an idea in terms of simple concepts. ЬЬreductionist n. reductionistic adj. redundant adj. 1 superfluous; not needed. 2 that can be omitted without any loss of significance. 3 (of a person) no longer needed at work and therefore unemployed. 4 Engin. & Computing (of a component) not needed but included in case of failure in another component. ЬЬredundancy n. (pl. -ies). redundantly adv. [L redundare redundant- (as REDOUND)] reduplicate v.tr. 1 make double. 2 repeat. 3 repeat (a letter or syllable or word) exactly or with a slight change (e.g. hurly-burly, see-saw). ЬЬreduplication n. reduplicative adj. [LL reduplicare (as RE-, DUPLICATE)] redwing n. a thrush, Turdus iliacus, with red underwings showing in flight. redwood n. 1 an exceptionally large Californian conifer, Sequoia sempervirens, yielding red wood. 2 any tree yielding red wood. reebok n. (also rhebok) a small S. African antelope, Pelea capreolus, with sharp horns. [Du., = roebuck] re-echo v.intr. & tr. (-oes, -oed) 1 echo. 2 echo repeatedly; resound. reed(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a any of various water or marsh plants with a firm stem, esp. of the genus Phragmites. b a tall straight stalk of this. 2 (collect.) reeds growing in a mass or used as material esp. for thatching. 3 Brit. wheat-straw prepared for thatching. 4 a pipe of reed or straw. 5 a the vibrating part of the mouthpiece of some wind instruments, e.g. the oboe and clarinet, made of reed or other material and producing the sound. b (esp. in pl.) a reed instrument. 6 a weaver's comblike implement for separating the threads of the warp and correctly positioning the weft. 7 (in pl.) a set of semicylindrical adjacent mouldings like reeds laid together. --v.tr. 1 thatch with reed. 2 make (straw) into reed. 3 fit (a musical instrument) with a reed. 4 decorate with a moulding of reeds. Ьreed bunting a small brown bird, Emberiza schoeniclus, frequenting reed-beds. reed-mace a tall reedlike water-plant, Typha latifolia, with straplike leaves and a head of numerous tiny red-brown flowers. reed-organ a harmonium etc. with the sound produced by metal reeds. reed-pipe 1 a wind instrument with sound produced by a reed. 2 an organ-pipe with a reed. reed-stop a reeded organ-stop. reed-warbler any bird of the genus Acrocephalus, esp. A. scirpaceus, frequenting reed-beds. [OE hreod f. WG] reed(2) n. the fourth stomach of a ruminant; the abomasum. [OE reada] reedbuck n. an antelope, Redunca redunca, native to W. Africa. reeded adj. Mus. (of an instrument) having a vibrating reed. reeding n. Archit. a small semicylindrical moulding or ornamentation (cf. REED(1) n. 7). re-edit v.tr. (-edited, -editing) edit again or differently. ЬЬre-edition n. reedling n. a bearded tit. [REED(1)] re-educate v.tr. educate again, esp. to change a person's views or beliefs. ЬЬre-education n. reedy adj. (reedier, reediest) 1 full of reeds. 2 like a reed, esp. in weakness or slenderness. 3 (of a voice) like a reed instrument in tone; not full. ЬЬreediness n. reef(1) n. 1 a ridge of rock or coral etc. at or near the surface of the sea. 2 a a lode of ore. b the bedrock surrounding this. [earlier riff(e) f. MDu., MLG rif, ref, f. ON rif RIB] reef(2) n. & v. Naut. --n. each of several strips across a sail, for taking it in or rolling it up to reduce the surface area in a high wind. --v.tr. 1 take in a reef or reefs of (a sail). 2 shorten (a topmast or a bowsprit). Ьreefing-jacket a thick close-fitting double-breasted jacket. reef-knot a double knot made symmetrically to hold securely and cast off easily. reef-point each of several short pieces of rope attached to a sail to secure it when reefed. [ME riff, refe f. Du. reef, rif f. ON rif RIB, in the same sense: cf. REEF(1)] reefer n. 1 sl. a marijuana cigarette. 2 = reefing-jacket (see REEF(2)). 3 a a person who reefs. b colloq. a midshipman. [REEF(2) (in sense 1, = a thing rolled) + -ER(1)] reek v. & n. --v.intr. (often foll. by of) 1 smell strongly and unpleasantly. 2 have unpleasant or suspicious associations (this reeks of corruption). 3 give off smoke or fumes. --n. 1 a foul or stale smell. 2 esp. Sc. smoke. 3 vapour; a visible exhalation (esp. from a chimney). ЬЬreeky adj. [OE reocan (v.), rec (n.), f. Gmc] reel n. & v. --n. 1 a cylindrical device on which thread, silk, yarn, paper, film, wire, etc., are wound. 2 a quantity of thread etc. wound on a reel. 3 a device for winding and unwinding a line as required, esp. in fishing. 4 a revolving part in various machines. 5 a a lively folk or Scottish dance, of two or more couples facing each other. b a piece of music for this. --v. 1 tr. wind (thread, a fishing-line, etc.) on a reel. 2 tr. (foll. by in, up) draw (fish etc.) in or up by the use of a reel. 3 intr. stand or walk or run unsteadily. 4 intr. be shaken mentally or physically. 5 intr. rock from side to side, or swing violently. 6 intr. dance a reel. Ьreel off say or recite very rapidly and without apparent effort. ЬЬreeler n. [OE hreol, of unkn. orig.] re-elect v.tr. elect again, esp. to a further term of office. ЬЬre-election n. re-eligible adj. re-embark v.intr. & tr. go or put on board ship again. ЬЬre-embarkation n. re-emerge v.intr. emerge again; come back out. ЬЬre-emergence n. re-emergent adj. re-emphasize v.tr. place renewed emphasis on. ЬЬre-emphasis n. re-employ v.tr. employ again. ЬЬre-employment n. re-enact v.tr. act out (a past event). ЬЬre-enactment n. re-enlist v.intr. enlist again, esp. in the armed services. ЬЬre-enlister n. re-enter v.tr. & intr. enter again; go back in. ЬЬre-entrance n. re-entrant adj. & n. --adj. 1 esp. Fortification (of an angle) pointing inwards (opp. SALIENT). 2 Geom. reflex. --n. a re-entrant angle. re-entry n. (pl. -ies) 1 the act of entering again, esp. (of a spacecraft, missile, etc.) re-entering the earth's atmosphere. 2 Law an act of retaking or repossession. re-equip v.tr. & intr. (-equipped, -equipping) provide or be provided with new equipment. re-erect v.tr. erect again. re-establish v.tr. establish again or anew. ЬЬre-establishment n. re-evaluate v.tr. evaluate again or differently. ЬЬre-evaluation n. reeve(1) n. 1 hist. a the chief magistrate of a town or district. b an official supervising a landowner's estate. c any of various minor local officials. 2 Can. the president of a village or town council. [OE (ge)refa, giroefa] reeve(2) v.tr. (past rove or reeved) Naut. 1 (usu. foll. by through) thread (a rope or rod etc.) through a ring or other aperture. 2 pass a rope through (a block etc.). 3 fasten (a rope or block) in this way. [prob. f. Du. reven REEF(2)] reeve(3) n. a female ruff (see RUFF(1)). [17th c.: orig. unkn.] re-examine v.tr. examine again or further (esp. a witness after cross-examination). ЬЬre-examination n. re-export v. & n. --v.tr. export again (esp. imported goods after further processing or manufacture). --n. 1 the process of re-exporting. 2 something re-exported. ЬЬre-exportation n. re-exporter n. ref n. colloq. a referee in sports. [abbr.] ref. abbr. 1 reference. 2 refer to. reface v.tr. put a new facing on (a building). refashion v.tr. fashion again or differently. refection n. literary 1 refreshment by food or drink (we took refection). 2 a light meal. [ME f. OF f. L refectio -onis f. reficere (as REFECTORY)] refectory n. (pl. -ies) a room used for communal meals, esp. in a monastery or college. Ьrefectory table a long narrow table. [LL refectorium f. L reficere refresh (as RE-, facere make)] refer v. (referred, referring) (usu. foll. by to) 1 tr. trace or ascribe (to a person or thing as a cause or source) (referred their success to their popularity). 2 tr. consider as belonging (to a certain date or place or class). 3 tr. send on or direct (a person, or a question for decision) (the matter was referred to arbitration; referred him to her previous answer). 4 intr. make an appeal or have recourse to (some authority or source of information) (referred to his notes). 5 tr. send (a person) to a medical specialist etc. 6 tr. (foll. by back to) send (a proposal etc.) back to (a lower body, court, etc.). 7 intr. (foll. by to) (of a person speaking) make an allusion or direct the hearer's attention (decided not to refer to our other problems). 8 intr. (foll. by to) (of a statement etc.) have a particular relation; be directed (this paragraph refers to the events of last year). 9 tr. (foll. by to) interpret (a statement) as being directed to (a particular context etc.). 10 tr. fail (a candidate in an examination). Ьreferred pain pain felt in a part of the body other than its actual source. refer to drawer a banker's note suspending payment of a cheque. ЬЬreferable adj. referrer n. [ME f. OF referer f. L referre carry back (as RE-, ferre bring)] referee n. & v. --n. 1 an umpire esp. in football or boxing. 2 a person whose opinion or judgement is sought in some connection, or who is referred to for a decision in a dispute etc. 3 a person willing to testify to the character of an applicant for employment etc. --v. (referees, refereed) 1 intr. act as referee. 2 tr. be the referee of (a game etc.). reference n. & v. --n. 1 the referring of a matter for decision or settlement or consideration to some authority. 2 the scope given to this authority. 3 (foll. by to) a a relation or respect or correspondence (success seems to have little reference to merit). b an allusion (made no reference to our problems). c a direction to a book etc. (or a passage in it) where information may be found. d a book or passage so cited. 4 a the act of looking up a passage etc. or looking in a book for information. b the act of referring to a person etc. for information. 5 a a written testimonial supporting an applicant for employment etc. b a person giving this. --v.tr. provide (a book etc.) with references to authorities. Ьreference book a book intended to be consulted for information on individual matters rather than read continuously. reference library a library in which the books are for consultation not loan. with (or in) reference to regarding; as regards; about. without reference to not taking account of. ЬЬreferential adj. referendum n. (pl. referendums or referenda) 1 the process of referring a political question to the electorate for a direct decision by general vote. 2 a vote taken by referendum. [L, gerund or neut. gerundive of referre: see REFER] referent n. the idea or thing that a word etc. symbolizes. [L referens (as REFERENDUM)] referral n. the referring of an individual to an expert or specialist for advice, esp. the directing of a patient by a GP to a medical specialist. refill v. & n. --v.tr. 1 fill again. 2 provide a new filling for. --n. 1 a new filling. 2 the material for this. ЬЬrefillable adj. refine v. 1 tr. free from impurities or defects; purify, clarify. 2 tr. & intr. make or become more polished or elegant or cultured. 3 tr. & intr. make or become more subtle or delicate in thought, feelings, etc. ЬЬrefinable adj. [RE- + FINE(1) v.] refined adj. characterized by polish or elegance or subtlety. refinement n. 1 the act of refining or the process of being refined. 2 fineness of feeling or taste. 3 polish or elegance in behaviour or manner. 4 an added development or improvement (a car with several refinements). 5 a piece of subtle reasoning. 6 a fine distinction. 7 a subtle or ingenious example or display (all the refinements of reasoning). [REFINE + -MENT, after F raffinement] refiner n. a person or firm whose business is to refine crude oil, metal, sugar, etc. refinery n. (pl. -ies) a place where oil etc. is refined. refit v. & n. --v.tr. & intr. (refitted, refitting) make or become fit or serviceable again (esp. of a ship undergoing renewal and repairs). --n. the act or an instance of refitting; the process of being refitted. ЬЬrefitment n. reflag v.tr. (reflagged, reflagging) change the national registration of (a ship). reflate v.tr. cause reflation of (a currency or economy etc.). [RE- after inflate, deflate] reflation n. the inflation of a financial system to restore its previous condition after deflation. [RE- after inflation, deflation] reflect v. 1 tr. a (of a surface or body) throw back (heat, light, sound, etc.). b cause to rebound (reflected light). 2 tr. (of a mirror) show an image of; reproduce to the eye or mind. 3 tr. correspond in appearance or effect to; have as a cause or source (their behaviour reflects a wish to succeed). 4 tr. a (of an action, result, etc.) show or bring (credit, discredit, etc.). b (absol.; usu. foll. by on, upon) bring discredit on. 5 a intr. (often foll. by on, upon) meditate on; think about. b tr. (foll. by that, how, etc. + clause) consider; remind oneself. 6 intr. (usu. foll. by upon, on) make disparaging remarks. Ьreflecting telescope = REFLECTOR. [ME f. OF reflecter or L reflectere (as RE-, flectere flex- bend)] reflection n. (also reflexion) 1 the act or an instance of reflecting; the process of being reflected. 2 a reflected light, heat, or colour. b a reflected image. 3 reconsideration (on reflection). 4 (often foll. by on) discredit or a thing bringing discredit. 5 (often foll. by on, upon) an idea arising in the mind; a comment or apophthegm. Ьangle of reflection Physics the angle made by a reflected ray with a perpendicular to the reflecting surface. ЬЬreflectional adj. [ME f. OF reflexion or LL reflexio (as REFLECT), with assim. to reflect] reflective adj. 1 (of a surface etc.) giving a reflection or image. 2 (of mental faculties) concerned in reflection or thought. 3 (of a person or mood etc.) thoughtful; given to meditation. ЬЬreflectively adv. reflectiveness n. reflector n. 1 a piece of glass or metal etc. for reflecting light in a required direction, e.g. a red one on the back of a motor vehicle or bicycle. 2 a a telescope etc. using a mirror to produce images. b the mirror itself. reflet n. lustre or iridescence, esp. on pottery. [F f. It. riflesso reflection, REFLEX] reflex adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of an action) independent of the will, as an automatic response to the stimulation of a nerve (e.g. a sneeze). 2 (of an angle) exceeding 180ш. 3 bent backwards. 4 (of light) reflected. 5 (of a thought etc.) introspective; directed back upon itself or its own operations. 6 (of an effect or influence) reactive; coming back upon its author or source. --n. 1 a reflex action. 2 a sign or secondary manifestation (law is a reflex of public opinion). 3 reflected light or a reflected image. 4 a word formed by development from an earlier stage of a language. Ьreflex arc Anat. the sequence of nerves involved in a reflex action. reflex camera a camera with a ground-glass focusing screen on which the image is formed by a combination of lens and mirror, enabling the scene to be correctly composed and focused. ЬЬreflexly adv. [L reflexus (as REFLECT)] reflexible adj. capable of being reflected. ЬЬreflexibility n. reflexion Brit. var. of REFLECTION. reflexive adj. & n. Gram. --adj. 1 (of a word or form) referring back to the subject of a sentence (esp. of a pronoun, e.g. myself). 2 (of a verb) having a reflexive pronoun as its object (as in to wash oneself). --n. a reflexive word or form, esp. a pronoun. ЬЬreflexively adv. reflexiveness n. reflexivity n. reflexology n. 1 a system of massage through reflex points on the feet, hands, and head, used to relieve tension and treat illness. 2 Psychol. the scientific study of reflexes. ЬЬreflexologist n. refloat v.tr. set (a stranded ship) afloat again. refluent adj. flowing back (refluent tide). ЬЬrefluence n. [ME f. L refluere (as RE-, fluere flow)] reflux n. & v. --n. 1 a backward flow. 2 Chem. a method of boiling a liquid so that any vapour is liquefied and returned to the boiler. --v.tr. & intr. Chem. boil or be boiled under reflux. refocus v.tr. (refocused, refocusing or refocussed, refocussing) adjust the focus of (esp. a lens). reforest v.tr. = REAFFOREST. ЬЬreforestation n. reforge v.tr. forge again or differently. reform v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become better by the removal of faults and errors. 2 tr. abolish or cure (an abuse or malpractice). 3 tr. US correct (a legal document). 4 tr. Chem. convert (a straight-chain hydrocarbon) by catalytic reaction to a branched-chain form for use as petrol. --n. 1 the removal of faults or abuses, esp. of a moral or political or social kind. 2 an improvement made or suggested. ЬReformed Church a Church that has accepted the principles of the Reformation, esp. a Calvinist Church (as distinct from Lutheran). Reform Judaism a simplified and rationalized form of Judaism. reform school an institution to which young offenders are sent to be reformed. ЬЬreformable adj. [ME f. OF reformer or L reformare (as RE-, FORM)] re-form v.tr. & intr. form again. ЬЬre-formation n. reformat v.tr. (reformatted, reformatting) format anew. reformation n. the act of reforming or process of being reformed, esp. a radical change for the better in political or religious or social affairs. Ьthe Reformation hist. a 16th-c. movement for the reform of abuses in the Roman Church ending in the establishment of the Reformed and Protestant Churches. ЬЬReformational adj. [ME f. OF reformation or L reformatio (as REFORM)] re-formation n. the process or an instance of forming or being formed again. reformative adj. tending or intended to produce reform. [OF reformatif -ive or med.L reformativus (as REFORM)] reformatory n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) US & hist. = reform school. --adj. reformative. reformer n. a person who advocates or brings about (esp. political or social) reform. reformism n. a policy of reform rather than abolition or revolution. ЬЬreformist n. reformulate v.tr. formulate again or differently. ЬЬreformulation n. refract v.tr. 1 (of water, air, glass, etc.) deflect (a ray of light etc.) at a certain angle when it enters obliquely from another medium. 2 determine the refractive condition of (the eye). [L refringere refract- (as RE-, frangere break)] refraction n. the process by which or the extent to which light is refracted. Ьangle of refraction the angle made by a refracted ray with the perpendicular to the refracting surface. [F r‚fraction or LL refractio (as REFRACT)] refractive adj. of or involving refraction. Ьrefractive index the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in a specified medium. refractometer n. an instrument for measuring a refractive index. ЬЬrefractometric adj. refractometry n. refractor n. 1 a refracting medium or lens. 2 a telescope using a lens to produce an image. refractory adj. & n. --adj. 1 stubborn, unmanageable, rebellious. 2 a (of a wound, disease, etc.) not yielding to treatment. b (of a person etc.) resistant to infection. 3 (of a substance) hard to fuse or work. --n. (pl. -ies) a substance especially resistant to heat, corrosion, etc. ЬЬrefractorily adv. refractoriness n. [alt. of obs. refractary f. L refractarius (as REFRACT)] refrain(1) v.intr. (foll. by from) avoid doing (an action) (refrain from smoking). ЬЬrefrainment n. [ME f. OF refrener f. L refrenare (as RE-, frenum bridle)] refrain(2) n. 1 a recurring phrase or number of lines, esp. at the ends of stanzas. 2 the music accompanying this. [ME f. OF refrain (earlier refrait) ult. f. L refringere (as RE-, frangere break), because the refrain 'broke' the sequence] refrangible adj. that can be refracted. ЬЬrefrangibility n. [mod.L refrangibilis f. refrangere = L refringere: see REFRACT] refreeze v.tr. & intr. (past refroze; past part. refrozen) freeze again. refresh v.tr. 1 a (of food, rest, amusement, etc.) give fresh spirit or vigour to. b (esp. refl.) revive with food, rest, etc. (refreshed myself with a short sleep). 2 revive or stimulate (the memory), esp. by consulting the source of one's information. 3 make cool. [ME f. OF refreschi(e)r f. fres fresche FRESH] refresher n. 1 something that refreshes, esp. a drink. 2 Law an extra fee payable to counsel in a prolonged case. Ьrefresher course a course reviewing or updating previous studies. refreshing adj. 1 serving to refresh. 2 welcome or stimulating because sincere or untypical (refreshing innocence). ЬЬrefreshingly adv. refreshment n. 1 the act of refreshing or the process of being refreshed in mind or body. 2 (usu. in pl.) food or drink that refreshes. 3 something that refreshes or stimulates the mind. [ME f. OF refreschement (as REFRESH)] refrigerant n. & adj. --n. 1 a substance used for refrigeration. 2 Med. a substance that cools or allays fever. --adj. cooling. [F r‚frig‚rant or L refrigerant- (as REFRIGERATE)] refrigerate v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become cool or cold. 2 tr. subject (food etc.) to cold in order to freeze or preserve it. ЬЬrefrigeration n. refrigerative adj. [L refrigerare (as RE-, frigus frigoris cold)] refrigerator n. a cabinet or room in which food etc. is kept cold. refrigeratory adj. & n. --adj. serving to cool. --n. (pl. -ies) hist. a cold-water vessel attached to a still for condensing vapour. [mod.L refrigeratorium (n.), L refrigeratorius (adj.) (as REFRIGERATE)] refringent adj. Physics refracting. ЬЬrefringence n. refringency n. [L refringere: see REFRACT] refroze past of REFREEZE. refrozen past part. of REFREEZE. reft past part. of REAVE. refuel v. (refuelled, refuelling; US refueled, refueling) 1 intr. replenish a fuel supply. 2 tr. supply with more fuel. refuge n. 1 a shelter from pursuit or danger or trouble. 2 a person or place etc. offering this. 3 a person, thing, or course resorted to in difficulties. 4 a traffic island. [ME f. OF f. L refugium (as RE-, fugere flee)] refugee n. a person taking refuge, esp. in a foreign country from war or persecution or natural disaster. [F r‚fugi‚ past part. of (se) r‚fugier (as REFUGE)] refulgent adj. literary shining; gloriously bright. ЬЬrefulgence n. refulgently adv. [L refulgere (as RE-, fulgere shine)] refund v. & n. --v. tr. (also absol.) 1 pay back (money or expenses). 2 reimburse (a person). --n. 1 an act of refunding. 2 a sum refunded; a repayment. ЬЬrefundable adj. refunder n. [ME in sense 'pour back', f. OF refonder or L refundere (as RE-, fundere pour), later assoc. with FUND] re-fund v.tr. fund (a debt etc.) again. refurbish v.tr. 1 brighten up. 2 restore and redecorate. ЬЬrefurbishment n. refurnish v.tr. furnish again or differently. refusal n. 1 the act or an instance of refusing; the state of being refused. 2 (in full first refusal) the right or privilege of deciding to take or leave a thing before it is offered to others. refuse(1) v. 1 tr. withhold acceptance of or consent to (refuse an offer; refuse orders). 2 tr. (often foll. by to + infin.) indicate unwillingness (I refuse to go; the car refuses to start; I refuse!). 3 tr. (often with double object) not grant (a request) made by (a person) (refused me a day off; I could not refuse them). 4 tr. (also absol.) (of a horse) be unwilling to jump (a fence etc.). ЬЬrefusable adj. refuser n. [ME f. OF refuser prob. ult. f. L recusare (see RECUSANT) after refutare REFUTE] refuse(2) n. items rejected as worthless; waste. [ME, perh. f. OF refus‚ past part. (as REFUSE)] re-fuse v.tr. fuse again; provide with a new fuse. refusenik n. a Jew in the Soviet Union who has been refused permission to emigrate to Israel. [REFUSE(1) + -NIK] refute v.tr. 1 prove the falsity or error of (a statement etc. or the person advancing it). 2 rebut or repel by argument. 3 disp. deny or contradict (without argument). °Often confused in this sense with repudiate. ЬЬrefutable adj. refutal n. refutation n. refuter n. [L refutare (as RE-: cf. CONFUTE)] reg n. colloq. = registration mark. [abbr.] regain v.tr. obtain possession or use of after loss (regain consciousness). [F regagner (as RE-, GAIN)] regal adj. 1 royal; of or by a monarch or monarchs. 2 fit for a monarch; magnificent. ЬЬregally adv. [ME f. OF regal or L regalis f. rex regis king] regale v.tr. 1 entertain lavishly with feasting. 2 (foll. by with) entertain or divert with (talk etc.). 3 (of beauty, flowers, etc.) give delight to. ЬЬregalement n. [F r‚galer f. OF gale pleasure] regalia n.pl. 1 the insignia of royalty used at coronations. 2 the insignia of an order or of civic dignity. [med.L, = royal privileges, f. L neut. pl. of regalis REGAL] regalism n. the doctrine of a sovereign's ecclesiastical supremacy. regality n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state of being a king or queen. 2 an attribute of sovereign power. 3 a royal privilege. [ME f. OF regalit‚ or med.L regalitas (as REGAL)] regard v. & n. --v.tr. 1 gaze on steadily (usu. in a specified way) (regarded them suspiciously). 2 give heed to; take into account; let one's course be affected by. 3 look upon or contemplate mentally in a specified way (I regard them kindly; I regard it as an insult). 4 (of a thing) have relation to; have some connection with. --n. 1 a gaze; a steady or significant look. 2 (foll. by to, for) attention or care. 3 (foll. by for) esteem; kindly feeling; respectful opinion. 4 a respect; a point attended to (in this regard). 5 (in pl.) an expression of friendliness in a letter etc.; compliments (sent my best regards). Ьas regards about, concerning; in respect of. in (or with) regard to as concerns; in respect of. [ME f. OF regard f. regarder (as RE-, garder GUARD)] regardant adj. Heraldry looking backwards. [AF & OF (as REGARD)] regardful adj. (foll. by of) mindful of; paying attention to. regarding prep. about, concerning; in respect of. regardless adj. & adv. --adj. (foll. by of) without regard or consideration for (regardless of the expense). --adv. without paying attention (carried on regardless). ЬЬregardlessly adv. regardlessness n. regather v.tr. & intr. 1 gather or collect again. 2 meet again. regatta n. a sporting event consisting of a series of boat or yacht races. [It. (Venetian)] regd. abbr. registered. regelate v.intr. freeze again (esp. of pieces of ice etc. frozen together after temporary thawing of the surfaces). ЬЬregelation n. [RE- + L gelare freeze] regency n. (pl. -ies) 1 the office of regent. 2 a commission acting as regent. 3 a the period of office of a regent or regency commission. b (Regency) a particular period of a regency, esp. (in Britain) from 1811 to 1820, and (in France) from 1715 to 1723 (often attrib.: Regency costume). [ME f. med.L regentia (as REGENT)] regenerate v. & adj. --v. 1 tr. & intr. bring or come into renewed existence; generate again. 2 tr. improve the moral condition of. 3 tr. impart new, more vigorous, and spiritually greater life to (a person or institution etc.). 4 intr. reform oneself. 5 tr. invest with a new and higher spiritual nature. 6 intr. & tr. Biol. regrow or cause (new tissue) to regrow to replace lost or injured tissue. 7 tr. & intr. Chem. restore or be restored to an initial state of reaction or process. --adj. 1 spiritually born again. 2 reformed. ЬЬregeneration n. regenerative adj. regeneratively adv. regenerator n. [L regenerare (as RE-, GENERATE)] regent n. & adj. --n. 1 a person appointed to administer a State because the monarch is a minor or is absent or incapacitated. 2 US a member of the governing body of a State university. --adj. (placed after noun) acting as regent (Prince Regent). Ьregent-bird an Australian bower bird, Sericulus chrysocephalus. [ME f. OF regent or L regere rule] regerminate v.tr. & intr. germinate again. ЬЬregermination n. reggae n. a W. Indian style of music with a strongly accented subsidiary beat. [W.Ind.] regicide n. 1 a person who kills or takes part in killing a king. 2 the act of killing a king. ЬЬregicidal adj. [L rex regis king + -CIDE] regild v.tr. gild again, esp. to renew faded or worn gilding. regime n. (also r‚gime) 1 a a method or system of government. b derog. a particular government. 2 a prevailing order or system of things. 3 the conditions under which a scientific or industrial process occurs. [F r‚gime (as REGIMEN)] regimen n. 1 esp. Med. a prescribed course of exercise, way of life, and diet. 2 archaic a system of government. [L f. regere rule] regiment n. & v. --n. 1 a a permanent unit of an army usu. commanded by a colonel and divided into several companies or troops or batteries and often into two battalions. b an operational unit of artillery etc. 2 (usu. foll. by of) a large array or number. 3 archaic rule, government. --v.tr. 1 organize (esp. oppressively) in groups or according to a system. 2 form into a regiment or regiments. ЬЬregimentation n. [ME (in sense 3) f. OF f. LL regimentum (as REGIMEN)] regimental adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to a regiment. --n. (in pl.) military uniform, esp. of a particular regiment. ЬЬregimentally adv. Regina n. the reigning queen (following a name or in the titles of lawsuits, e.g. Regina v. Jones the Crown versus Jones). [L, = queen f. rex regis king] region n. 1 an area of land, or division of the earth's surface, having definable boundaries or characteristics (a mountainous region; the region between London and the coast). 2 an administrative district esp. in Scotland. 3 a part of the body round or near some organ etc. (the lumbar region). 4 a sphere or realm (the region of metaphysics). 5 a a separate part of the world or universe. b a layer of the atmosphere or the sea according to its height or depth. Ьin the region of approximately. ЬЬregional adj. regionalism n. regionalist n. & adj. regionalize v.tr. (also -ise). regionally adv. [ME f. OF f. L regio -onis direction, district f. regere direct] regisseur n. the director of a theatrical production, esp. a ballet. [F r‚gisseur stage-manager] register n. & v. --n. 1 an official list e.g. of births, marriages, and deaths, of shipping, of professionally qualified persons, or of qualified voters in a constituency. 2 a book in which items are recorded for reference. 3 a device recording speed, force, etc. 4 (in electronic devices) a location in a store of data, used for a specific purpose and with quick access time. 5 a the compass of a voice or instrument. b a part of this compass (lower register). 6 an adjustable plate for widening or narrowing an opening and regulating a draught, esp. in a fire-grate. 7 a a set of organ pipes. b a sliding device controlling this. 8 = cash register (see CASH(1)). 9 Linguistics each of several forms of a language (colloquial, formal, literary, etc.) usually used in particular circumstances. 10 Printing the exact correspondence of the position of printed matter on the two sides of a leaf. 11 Printing & Photog. the correspondence of the position of colour-components in a printed positive. --v. 1 tr. set down (a name, fact, etc.) formally; record in writing. 2 tr. make a mental note of; notice. 3 tr. enter or cause to be entered in a particular register. 4 tr. entrust (a letter etc.) to a post office for transmission by registered post. 5 intr. & refl. put one's name on a register, esp. as an eligible voter or as a guest in a register kept by a hotel etc. 6 tr. (of an instrument) record automatically; indicate. 7 a tr. express (an emotion) facially or by gesture (registered surprise). b intr. (of an emotion) show in a person's face or gestures. 8 intr. make an impression on a person's mind (did not register at all). 9 intr. & tr. Printing correspond or cause to correspond exactly in position. Ьregistered nurse a nurse with a State certificate of competence. registered post a postal procedure with special precautions for safety and for compensation in case of loss. register office Brit. a State office where civil marriages are conducted and births, marriages, and deaths are recorded with the issue of certificates. °The name in official use, and generally preferred to registry office. ЬЬregistrable adj. [ME & OF regestre, registre or med.L regestrum, registrum, alt. of regestum f. LL regesta things recorded (as RE-, L gerere gest- carry)] registrar n. 1 an official responsible for keeping a register or official records. 2 the chief administrative officer in a university. 3 a middle-ranking hospital doctor undergoing training as a specialist. 4 (in the UK) the judicial and administrative officer of the High Court etc. ЬRegistrar General a government official responsible for holding a population census. ЬЬregistrarship n. [med.L registrarius f. registrum REGISTER] registrary n. (pl. -ies) the registrar of Cambridge University. registration n. the act or an instance of registering; the process of being registered. Ьregistration mark (or number) a combination of letters and figures identifying a motor vehicle etc. [obs. F r‚gistration or med.L registratio (as REGISTRAR)] registry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a place or office where registers or records are kept. 2 registration. Ьregistry office = register office. [obs. registery f. med.L registerium (as REGISTER)] Regius professor n. Brit. the holder of a chair founded by a sovereign (esp. one at Oxford or Cambridge instituted by Henry VIII) or filled by Crown appointment. [L, = royal, f. rex regis king] reglaze v.tr. glaze (a window etc.) again. reglet n. 1 Archit. a narrow strip separating mouldings. 2 Printing a thin strip of wood or metal separating type. [F r‚glet dimin. of rЉgle (as RULE)] regnal adj. of a reign. Ьregnal year a year reckoned from the date or anniversary of a sovereign's accession. [AL regnalis (as REIGN)] regnant adj. 1 reigning (Queen regnant). 2 (of things, qualities, etc.) predominant, prevalent. [L regnare REIGN] regolith n. Geol. unconsolidated solid material covering the bedrock of a planet. [erron. f. Gk rhegos rug, blanket + -LITH] regorge v. 1 tr. bring up or expel again after swallowing. 2 intr. gush or flow back from a pit, channel, etc. [F regorger or RE- + GORGE] regrade v.tr. grade again or differently. regress v. & n. --v. 1 intr. move backwards, esp. (in abstract senses) return to a former state. 2 intr. & tr. Psychol. return or cause to return mentally to a former stage of life, esp. through hypnosis or mental illness. --n. 1 the act or an instance of going back. 2 reasoning from effect to cause. [ME (as n.) f. L regressus f. regredi regress- (as RE-, gradi step)] regression n. 1 a backward movement, esp. a return to a former state. 2 a relapse or reversion. 3 Psychol. a return to an earlier stage of development, esp. through hypnosis or mental illness. 4 Statistics a measure of the relation between the mean value of one variable (e.g. output) and corresponding values of other variables (e.g. time and cost). [L regressio (as REGRESS)] regressive adj. 1 regressing; characterized by regression. 2 (of a tax) proportionally greater on lower incomes. ЬЬregressively adv. regressiveness n. regret v. & n. --v.tr. (regretted, regretting) (often foll. by that + clause) 1 feel or express sorrow or repentance or distress over (an action or loss etc.) (I regret that I forgot; regretted your absence). 2 (often foll. by to + infin. or that + clause) acknowledge with sorrow or remorse (I regret to say that you are wrong; regretted he would not be attending). --n. 1 a feeling of sorrow, repentance, disappointment, etc., over an action or loss etc. 2 (often in pl.) an (esp. polite or formal) expression of disappointment or sorrow at an occurrence, inability to comply, etc. (refused with many regrets; heard with regret of her death). Ьgive (or send) one's regrets formally decline an invitation. [ME f. OF regreter bewail] regretful adj. feeling or showing regret. ЬЬregretfully adv. regretfulness n. regrettable adj. (of events or conduct) undesirable, unwelcome; deserving censure. ЬЬregrettably adv. regroup v.tr. & intr. group or arrange again or differently. ЬЬregroupment n. regrow v.intr. & tr. grow again, esp. after an interval. ЬЬregrowth n. Regt. abbr. Regiment. regulable adj. able to be regulated. regular adj. & n. --adj. 1 conforming to a rule or principle; systematic. 2 (of a structure or arrangement) harmonious, symmetrical (regular features). 3 acting or done or recurring uniformly or calculably in time or manner; habitual, constant, orderly. 4 conforming to a standard of etiquette or procedure; correct; according to convention. 5 properly constituted or qualified; not defective or amateur; pursuing an occupation as one's main pursuit (cooks as well as a regular cook; has no regular profession). 6 Gram. (of a noun, verb, etc.) following the normal type of inflection. 7 colloq. complete, thorough, absolute (a regular hero). 8 Geom. a (of a figure) having all sides and all angles equal. b (of a solid) bounded by a number of equal figures. 9 Eccl. (placed before or after noun) a bound by religious rule. b belonging to a religious or monastic order (canon regular). 10 (of forces or troops etc.) relating to or constituting a permanent professional body (regular soldiers; regular police force). 11 (of a person) defecating or menstruating at predictable times. 12 Bot. (of a flower) having radial symmetry. --n. 1 a regular soldier. 2 colloq. a regular customer, visitor, etc. 3 Eccl. one of the regular clergy. 4 colloq. a person permanently employed. Ьkeep regular hours do the same thing, esp. going to bed and getting up, at the same time each day. ЬЬregularity n. regularize v.tr. (also -ise). regularization n. regularly adv. [ME reguler, regular f. OF reguler f. L regularis f. regula RULE] regulate v.tr. 1 control by rule. 2 subject to restrictions. 3 adapt to requirements. 4 alter the speed of (a machine or clock) so that it may work accurately. ЬЬregulative adj. regulator n. regulatory adj. [LL regulare regulat- f. L regula RULE] regulation n. 1 the act or an instance of regulating; the process of being regulated. 2 a prescribed rule; an authoritative direction. 3 (attrib.) a in accordance with regulations; of the correct type etc. (the regulation speed; a regulation tie). b colloq. usual (the regulation soup). regulo n. (usu. foll. by a numeral) each of the numbers of a scale denoting temperature in a gas oven (cook at regulo 6). [Regulo, propr. term for a thermostatic gas oven control] regulus n. (pl. reguluses or reguli) Chem. 1 the purer or metallic part of a mineral that separates by sinking on reduction. 2 an impure metallic product formed during the smelting of various ores. ЬЬreguline adj. [L, dimin. of rex regis king: orig. of a metallic form of antimony, so called because of its readiness to combine with gold] regurgitate v. 1 tr. bring (swallowed food) up again to the mouth. 2 tr. cast or pour out again (required by the exam to regurgitate facts). 3 intr. be brought up again; gush back. ЬЬregurgitation n. [med.L regurgitare (as RE-, L gurges gurgitis whirlpool)] rehab n. colloq. rehabilitation. [abbr.] rehabilitate v.tr. 1 restore to effectiveness or normal life by training etc., esp. after imprisonment or illness. 2 restore to former privileges or reputation or a proper condition. ЬЬrehabilitation n. rehabilitative adj. [med.L rehabilitare (as RE-, HABILITATE)] rehandle v.tr. 1 handle again. 2 give a new form or arrangement to. rehang v.tr. (past and past part. rehung) hang (esp. a picture or a curtain) again or differently. rehash v. & n. --v.tr. put (old material) into a new form without significant change or improvement. --n. 1 material rehashed. 2 the act or an instance of rehashing. rehear v.tr. (past and past part. reheard) hear again. rehearsal n. 1 the act or an instance of rehearsing. 2 a trial performance or practice of a play, recital, etc. rehearse v. 1 tr. practise (a play, recital, etc.) for later public performance. 2 intr. hold a rehearsal. 3 tr. train (a person) by rehearsal. 4 tr. recite or say over. 5 tr. give a list of; enumerate. ЬЬrehearser n. [ME f. AF rehearser, OF reherc(i)er, perh. formed as RE- + hercer to harrow f. herse harrow: see HEARSE] reheat v. & n. --v.tr. heat again. --n. the process of using the hot exhaust to burn extra fuel in a jet engine and produce extra power. ЬЬreheater n. reheel v.tr. fit (a shoe etc.) with a new heel. rehoboam n. a wine bottle of about six times the standard size. [Rehoboam King of Israel (1 Kings 11-14)] rehouse v.tr. provide with new housing. rehung past and past part. of REHANG. rehydrate v. 1 intr. absorb water again after dehydration. 2 tr. add water to (esp. food) again to restore to a palatable state. ЬЬrehydratable adj. rehydration n. Reich n. the former German State, esp. the Third Reich. ЬFirst Reich the Holy Roman Empire, 962-1806. Second Reich the German Empire 1871-1918. Third Reich the Nazi regime, 1933-45. °Only Third Reich is normal historical terminology. [G, = empire] Reichstag n. hist. 1 the main legislature of the German State under the Second and Third Reichs. 2 the building in which this met. [G] reify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) convert (a person, abstraction, etc.) into a thing; materialize. ЬЬreification n. reificatory adj. [L res thing + -FY] reign v. & n. --v.intr. 1 hold royal office; be king or queen. 2 prevail; hold sway (confusion reigns). 3 (as reigning adj.) (of a winner, champion, etc.) currently holding the title etc. --n. 1 sovereignty, rule. 2 the period during which a sovereign rules. [ME f. OF reigne kingdom f. L regnare f. rex regis king] reignite v.tr. & intr. ignite again. Reilly var. of RILEY. reimburse v.tr. 1 repay (a person who has expended money). 2 repay (a person's expenses). ЬЬreimbursable adj. reimbursement n. reimburser n. [RE- + obs. imburse put in a purse f. med.L imbursare (as IM-, PURSE)] reimport v. & n. --v.tr. import (goods processed from exported materials). --n. 1 the act or an instance of reimporting. 2 a reimported item. ЬЬreimportation n. reimpose v.tr. impose again, esp. after a lapse. ЬЬreimposition n. rein n. & v. --n. (in sing. or pl.) 1 a long narrow strap with each end attached to the bit, used to guide or check a horse etc. in riding or driving. 2 a similar device used to restrain a young child. 3 a means of control. --v.tr. 1 check or manage with reins. 2 (foll. by up, back) pull up or back with reins. 3 (foll. by in) hold in as with reins; restrain. 4 govern, restrain, control. Ьdraw rein 1 stop one's horse. 2 pull up. 3 abandon an effort. give free rein to remove constraints from; allow full scope to. keep a tight rein on allow little freedom to. ЬЬreinless adj. [ME f. OF rene, reigne, earlier resne, ult. f. L retinere RETAIN] reincarnation n. (in some beliefs) the rebirth of a soul in a new body. ЬЬreincarnate v.tr. reincarnate adj. reincorporate v.tr. incorporate afresh. ЬЬreincorporation n. reindeer n. (pl. same or reindeers) a subarctic deer, Rangifer tarandus, of which both sexes have large antlers, used domestically for drawing sledges and as a source of milk, flesh, and hide. Ьreindeer moss an arctic lichen, Cladonia rangiferina, with short branched stems growing in clumps. [ME f. ON hreind°ri f. hreinn reindeer + d°r DEER] reinfect v.tr. infect again. ЬЬreinfection n. reinforce v.tr. strengthen or support, esp. with additional personnel or material or by an increase of numbers or quantity or size etc. Ьreinforced concrete concrete with metal bars or wire etc. embedded to increase its tensile strength. ЬЬreinforcer n. [earlier renforce f. F renforcer] reinforcement n. 1 the act or an instance of reinforcing; the process of being reinforced. 2 a thing that reinforces. 3 (in pl.) reinforcing personnel or equipment etc. reinsert v.tr. insert again. ЬЬreinsertion n. reinstate v.tr. 1 replace in a former position. 2 restore (a person etc.) to former privileges. ЬЬreinstatement n. reinsure v.tr. & intr. insure again (esp. of an insurer securing himself by transferring some or all of the risk to another insurer). ЬЬreinsurance n. reinsurer n. reintegrate v.tr. 1 = REDINTEGRATE. 2 integrate back into society. ЬЬreintegration n. reinter v.tr. inter (a corpse) again. ЬЬreinterment n. reinterpret v.tr. (reinterpreted, reinterpreting) interpret again or differently. ЬЬreinterpretation n. reintroduce v.tr. introduce again. ЬЬreintroduction n. reinvest v.tr. invest again (esp. money in other property etc.). ЬЬreinvestment n. reinvigorate v.tr. impart fresh vigour to. ЬЬreinvigoration n. reissue v. & n. --v.tr. (reissues, reissued, reissuing) issue again or in a different form. --n. a new issue, esp. of a previously published book. reiterate v.tr. say or do again or repeatedly. ЬЬreiteration n. reiterative adj. [L reiterare (as RE-, ITERATE)] reive v.intr. esp. Sc. make raids; plunder. ЬЬreiver n. [var. of REAVE] reject v. & n. --v.tr. 1 put aside or send back as not to be used or done or complied with etc. 2 refuse to accept or believe in. 3 rebuff or snub (a person). 4 (of a body or digestive system) cast up again; vomit, evacuate. 5 Med. show an immune response to (a transplanted organ or tissue) so that it fails to survive. --n. a thing or person rejected as unfit or below standard. ЬЬrejectable adj. rejecter n. (also rejector). rejection n. rejective adj. [ME f. L rejicere reject- (as RE-, jacere throw)] rejig v.tr. (rejigged, rejigging) 1 re-equip (a factory etc.) for a new kind of work. 2 rearrange. rejoice v. 1 intr. feel great joy. 2 intr. (foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) be glad. 3 intr. (foll. by in, at) take delight. 4 intr. celebrate some event. 5 tr. cause joy to. ЬЬrejoicer n. rejoicingly adv. [ME f. OF rejoir rejoiss- (as RE-, JOY)] rejoin(1) v. 1 tr. & intr. join together again; reunite. 2 tr. join (a companion etc.) again. rejoin(2) v. 1 tr. say in answer, retort. 2 intr. Law reply to a charge or pleading in a lawsuit. [ME f. OF rejoindre rejoign- (as RE-, JOIN)] rejoinder n. 1 what is said in reply. 2 a retort. 3 Law a reply by rejoining. [AF rejoinder (unrecorded: as REJOIN(2))] rejuvenate v.tr. make young or as if young again. ЬЬrejuvenation n. rejuvenator n. [RE- + L juvenis young] rejuvenesce v. 1 intr. become young again. 2 Biol. a intr. (of cells) gain fresh vitality. b tr. impart fresh vitality to (cells). ЬЬrejuvenescent adj. rejuvenescence n. [LL rejuvenescere (as RE-, L juvenis young)] rekindle v.tr. & intr. kindle again. -rel suffix with diminutive or derogatory force (cockerel; scoundrel). [from or after OF -erel(le)] relabel v.tr. (relabelled, relabelling; US relabeled, relabeling) label (esp. a commodity) again or differently. relapse v. & n. --v.intr. (usu. foll. by into) fall back or sink again (into a worse state after an improvement). --n. also the act or an instance of relapsing, esp. a deterioration in a patient's condition after a partial recovery. Ьrelapsing fever a bacterial infectious disease with recurrent periods of fever. ЬЬrelapser n. [L relabi relaps- (as RE-, labi slip)] relate v. 1 tr. narrate or recount (incidents, a story, etc.). 2 tr. (in passive; often foll. by to) be connected by blood or marriage. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by to, with) bring into relation (with one another); establish a connection between (cannot relate your opinion to my own experience). 4 intr. (foll. by to) have reference to; concern (see only what relates to themselves). 5 intr. (foll. by to) bring oneself into relation to; associate with. ЬЬrelatable adj. [L referre relat- bring back: see REFER] related adj. connected, esp. by blood or marriage. ЬЬrelatedness n. relater n. (also relator) a person who relates something, esp. a story; a narrator. relation n. 1 a what one person or thing has to do with another. b the way in which one person stands or is related to another. c the existence or effect of a connection, correspondence, contrast, or feeling prevailing between persons or things, esp. when qualified in some way (bears no relation to the facts; enjoyed good relations for many years). 2 a relative; a kinsman or kinswoman. 3 (in pl.) a (foll. by with) dealings (with others). b sexual intercourse. 4 = RELATIONSHIP. 5 a narration (his relation of the events). b a narrative. 6 Law the laying of information. Ьin relation to as regards. [ME f. OF relation or L relatio (as RELATE)] relational adj. 1 of, belonging to, or characterized by relation. 2 having relation. Ьrelational database Computing a database structured to recognize the relation of stored items of information. relationship n. 1 the fact or state of being related. 2 colloq. a a connection or association (enjoyed a good working relationship). b an emotional (esp. sexual) association between two people. 3 a condition or character due to being related. 4 kinship. relative adj. & n. --adj. 1 considered or having significance in relation to something else (relative velocity). 2 (foll. by to) having existence only as perceived or considered by (beauty is relative to the eye of the beholder). 3 (foll. by to) proportioned to (something else) (growth is relative to input). 4 implying comparison or contextual relation ('heat' is a relative word). 5 comparative; compared one with another (their relative advantages). 6 having mutual relations; corresponding in some way; related to each other. 7 (foll. by to) having reference or relating (the facts relative to the issue). 8 involving a different but corresponding idea (the concepts of husband and wife are relative to each other). 9 Gram. a (of a word, esp. a pronoun) referring to an expressed or implied antecedent and attaching a subordinate clause to it, e.g. which, who. b (of a clause) attached to an antecedent by a relative word. 10 Mus. (of major and minor keys) having the same key signature. 11 (of a service rank) corresponding in grade to another in a different service. 12 pertinent, relevant; related to the subject (need more relative proof). --n. 1 a person connected by blood or marriage. 2 a species related to another by common origin (the apes, man's closest relatives). 3 Gram. a relative word, esp. a pronoun. 4 Philos. a relative thing or term. Ьrelative atomic mass the ratio of the average mass of one atom of an element to one twelfth of the mass of an atom of carbon-12: also called atomic weight. relative density Chem. the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a standard, usu. water for a liquid or solid, and air for a gas. relative molecular mass the ratio of the average mass of one molecule of an element or compound to one twelfth of the mass of an atom of carbon-12: also called molecular weight. ЬЬrelatival adj. (in sense 3 of n.). relatively adv. relativeness n. [ME f. OF relatif -ive or LL relativus having reference or relation (as RELATE)] relativism n. the doctrine that knowledge is relative, not absolute. ЬЬrelativist n. relativistic adj. Physics (of phenomena etc.) accurately described only by the theory of relativity. ЬЬrelativistically adv. relativity n. 1 the fact or state of being relative. 2 Physics a (special theory of relativity) a theory based on the principle that all motion is relative and that light has constant velocity, regarding space-time as a four-dimensional continuum, and modifying previous conceptions of geometry. b (general theory of relativity) a theory extending this to gravitation and accelerated motion. relator n. 1 var. of RELATER. 2 Law a person who makes a relation (see RELATION 6). [L (as RELATE)] relax v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become less stiff or rigid or tense. 2 tr. & intr. make or become less formal or strict (rules were relaxed). 3 tr. reduce or abate (one's attention, efforts, etc.). 4 intr. cease work or effort. 5 tr. (as relaxed adj.) at ease; unperturbed. ЬЬrelaxedly adv. relaxedness n. relaxer n. [ME f. L relaxare (as RE-, LAX)] relaxant n. & adj. --n. a drug etc. that relaxes and reduces tension. --adj. causing relaxation. relaxation n. 1 the act of relaxing or state of being relaxed. 2 recreation or rest, esp. after a period of work. 3 a partial remission or relaxing of a penalty, duty, etc. 4 a lessening of severity, precision, etc. 5 Physics the restoration of equilibrium following disturbance. [L relaxatio (as RELAX)] relay n. & v. --n. 1 a fresh set of people or horses substituted for tired ones. 2 a gang of workers, supply of material, etc., deployed on the same basis (operated in relays). 3 = relay race. 4 a device activating changes in an electric circuit etc. in response to other changes affecting itself. 5 a a device to receive, reinforce, and transmit a telegraph message, broadcast programme, etc. b a relayed message or transmission. --v.tr. 1 receive (a message, broadcast, etc.) and transmit it to others. 2 a arrange in relays. b provide with or replace by relays. Ьrelay race a race between teams of which each member in turn covers part of the distance. [ME f. OF relai (n.), relayer (v.) (as RE-, laier ult. f. L laxare): cf. RELAX] re-lay v.tr. (past and past part. re-laid) lay again or differently. relearn v.tr. learn again. release v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by from) set free; liberate, unfasten. 2 allow to move from a fixed position. 3 a make (information, a recording, etc.) publicly or generally available. b issue (a film etc.) for general exhibition. 4 Law a remit (a debt). b surrender (a right). c make over (property or money) to another. --n. 1 deliverance or liberation from a restriction, duty, or difficulty. 2 a handle or catch that releases part of a mechanism. 3 a document or item of information made available for publication (press release). 4 a a film or record etc. that is released. b the act or an instance of releasing or the process of being released in this way. 5 Law a the act of releasing (property, money, or a right) to another. b a document effecting this. ЬЬreleasable adj. releasee n. (in sense 4 of v.). releaser n. releasor n. (in sense 4 of v.). [ME f. OF reles (n.), relesser (v.), relaiss(i)er f. L relaxare: see RELAX] relegate v.tr. 1 consign or dismiss to an inferior or less important position; demote. 2 transfer (a sports team) to a lower division of a league etc. 3 banish or send into exile. 4 (foll. by to) a transfer (a matter) for decision or implementation. b refer (a person) for information. ЬЬrelegable adj. relegation n. [L relegare relegat- (as RE-, legare send)] relent v.intr. 1 abandon a harsh intention. 2 yield to compassion. 3 relax one's severity; become less stern. [ME f. med.L relentare (unrecorded), formed as RE- + L lentare bend f. lentus flexible] relentless adj. 1 unrelenting; insistent and uncompromising. 2 continuous; oppressively constant (the pressure was relentless). ЬЬrelentlessly adv. relentlessness n. re-let v.tr. (-letting; past and past part. -let) let (a property) for a further period or to a new tenant. relevant adj. (often foll. by to) bearing on or having reference to the matter in hand. ЬЬrelevance n. relevancy n. relevantly adv. [med.L relevans, part. of L relevare RELIEVE] reliable adj. 1 that may be relied on. 2 of sound and consistent character or quality. ЬЬreliability n. reliableness n. reliably adv. reliance n. 1 (foll. by in, on) trust, confidence (put full reliance in you). 2 a thing relied upon. ЬЬreliant adj. relic n. 1 an object interesting because of its age or association. 2 a part of a deceased holy person's body or belongings kept as an object of reverence. 3 a surviving custom or belief etc. from a past age. 4 a memento or souvenir. 5 (in pl.) what has survived destruction or wasting or use. 6 (in pl.) the dead body or remains of a person. [ME relike, relique, etc. f. OF relique f. L reliquiae: see RELIQUIAE] relict n. 1 a a geological or other object surviving in its primitive form. b an animal or plant known to have existed in the same form in previous geological ages. 2 (foll. by of) archaic a widow. [L relinquere relict- leave behind (as RE-, linquere leave): sense 2 f. OF relicte f. L relicta] relief n. 1 a the alleviation of or deliverance from pain, distress, anxiety, etc. b the feeling accompanying such deliverance. 2 a feature etc. that diversifies monotony or relaxes tension. 3 assistance (esp. financial) given to those in special need or difficulty (rent relief). 4 a the replacing of a person or persons on duty by another or others. b a person or persons replacing others in this way. 5 (usu. attrib.) a thing supplementing another in some service, esp. an extra vehicle providing public transport at peak times. 6 a a method of moulding or carving or stamping in which the design stands out from the surface, with projections proportioned and more (high relief) or less (low relief) closely approximating to those of the objects depicted (cf. ROUND n. 9). b a piece of sculpture etc. in relief. c a representation of relief given by an arrangement of line or colour or shading. 7 vividness, distinctness (brings the facts out in sharp relief). 8 (foll. by of) the reinforcement (esp. the raising of a siege) of a place. 9 esp. Law the redress of a hardship or grievance. Ьrelief map 1 a map indicating hills and valleys by shading etc. rather than by contour lines alone. 2 a map-model showing elevations and depressions, usu. on an exaggerated relative scale. relief printing = LETTERPRESS 2. relief road a road taking traffic around a congested (esp. urban) area. [ME f AF relef, OF relief (in sense 6 F relief f. It. rilievo) f. relever: see RELIEVE] relieve v.tr. 1 bring or provide aid or assistance to. 2 alleviate or reduce (pain, suffering, etc.). 3 mitigate the tedium or monotony of. 4 bring military support for (a besieged place). 5 release (a person) from a duty by acting as or providing a substitute. 6 (foll. by of) take (a burden or responsibility) away from (a person). 7 bring into relief; cause to appear solid or detached. Ьrelieve one's feelings use strong language or vigorous behaviour when annoyed. relieve oneself urinate or defecate. ЬЬrelievable adj. reliever n. [ME f. OF relever f. L relevare (as RE-, levis light)] relieved predic.adj. freed from anxiety or distress (am very relieved to hear it). ЬЬrelievedly adv. relievo n. (also rilievo) (pl. -os) = RELIEF 6. [It. rilievo RELIEF 6] relight v.tr. light (a fire etc.) again. religio- comb. form 1 religion. 2 religious. religion n. 1 the belief in a superhuman controlling power, esp. in a personal God or gods entitled to obedience and worship. 2 the expression of this in worship. 3 a particular system of faith and worship. 4 life under monastic vows (the way of religion). 5 a thing that one is devoted to (football is their religion). Ьfreedom of religion the right to follow whatever religion one chooses. ЬЬreligionless adj. [ME f. AF religiun, OF religion f. L religio -onis obligation, bond, reverence] religionism n. excessive religious zeal. ЬЬreligionist n. religiose adj. excessively religious. [L religiosus (as RELIGIOUS)] religiosity n. the condition of being religious or religiose. [ME f. L religiositas (as RELIGIOUS)] religious adj. & n. --adj. 1 devoted to religion; pious, devout. 2 of or concerned with religion. 3 of or belonging to a monastic order. 4 scrupulous, conscientious (a religious attention to detail). --n. (pl. same) a person bound by monastic vows. ЬЬreligiously adv. religiousness n. [ME f. AF religius, OF religious f. L religiosus (as RELIGION)] reline v.tr. renew the lining of (a garment etc.). relinquish v.tr. 1 surrender or resign (a right or possession). 2 give up or cease from (a habit, plan, belief, etc.). 3 relax hold of (an object held). ЬЬrelinquishment n. [ME f. OF relinquir f. L relinquere (as RE-, linquere leave)] reliquary n. (pl. -ies) esp. Relig. a receptacle for relics. [F reliquaire (as RELIC)] reliquiae n.pl. 1 remains. 2 Geol. fossil remains of animals or plants. [L f. reliquus remaining, formed as RE- + linquere liq- leave] relish n. & v. --n. 1 (often foll. by for) a great liking or enjoyment. b keen or pleasurable longing (had no relish for travelling). 2 a an appetizing flavour. b an attractive quality (fishing loses its relish in winter). 3 a condiment eaten with plainer food to add flavour, esp. a piquant sauce, pickle, etc. 4 (foll. by of) a distinctive taste or tinge. --v.tr. 1 a get pleasure out of; enjoy greatly. b look forward to, anticipate with pleasure (did not relish what lay before her). 2 add relish to. ЬЬrelishable adj. [alt. (with assim. to -ISH(2)) of obs. reles f. OF reles, relais remainder f. relaisser: see RELEASE] relive v.tr. live (an experience etc.) over again, esp. in the imagination. reload v.tr. (also absol.) load (esp. a gun) again. relocate v. 1 tr. locate in a new place. 2 tr. & intr. move to a new place (esp. to live or work). ЬЬrelocation n. reluctant adj. (often foll. by to + infin.) unwilling or disinclined (most reluctant to agree). ЬЬreluctance n. reluctantly adv. [L reluctari (as RE-, luctari struggle)] rely v.intr. (-ies, -ied) (foll. by on, upon) 1 depend on with confidence or assurance (am relying on your judgement). 2 be dependent on (relies on her for everything). [ME (earlier senses 'rally, be a vassal of') f. OF relier bind together f. L religare (as RE-, ligare bind)] REM abbr. rapid eye-movement. rem n. (pl. same) a unit of effective absorbed dose of ionizing radiation in human tissue, equivalent to one roentgen of X-rays. [roentgen equivalent man] remade past and past part. of REMAKE. remain v.intr. 1 be left over after others or other parts have been removed or used or dealt with. 2 be in the same place or condition during further time; continue to exist or stay; be left behind (remained at home; it will remain cold). 3 (foll. by compl.) continue to be (remained calm; remains President). [ME f. OF remain- stressed stem of remanoir or f. OF remaindre ult. f. L remanere (as RE-, manere stay)] remainder n. & v. --n. 1 a part remaining or left over. 2 remaining persons or things. 3 a number left after division or subtraction. 4 the copies of a book left unsold when demand has fallen. 5 Law an interest in an estate that becomes effective in possession only when a prior interest (devised at the same time) ends. --v.tr. dispose of (a remainder of books) at a reduced price. [ME (in sense 5) f. AF, = OF remaindre: see REMAIN] remains n.pl. 1 what remains after other parts have been removed or used etc. 2 relics of antiquity, esp. of buildings (Roman remains). 3 a person's body after death. 4 an author's (esp. unpublished) works left after death. remake v. & n. --v.tr. (past and past part. remade) make again or differently. --n. a thing that has been remade, esp. a cinema film. reman v.tr. (remanned, remanning) 1 equip (a fleet etc.) with new personnel. 2 make courageous again. remand v. & n. --v.tr. return (a prisoner) to custody, esp. to allow further inquiries to be made. --n. a recommittal to custody. Ьon remand in custody pending trial. remand centre (in the UK) an institution to which accused persons are remanded pending trial. [ME f. LL remandare (as RE-, mandare commit)] remanent adj. 1 remaining, residual. 2 (of magnetism) remaining after the magnetizing field has been removed. ЬЬremanence n. [ME f. L remanere REMAIN] remark v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) a say by way of comment. b take notice of; regard with attention. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by on, upon) make a comment. --n. 1 a written or spoken comment; anything said. 2 a the act of noticing or observing (worthy of remark). b the act of commenting (let it pass without remark). [F remarque, remarquer (as RE-, MARK(1))] remarkable adj. 1 worth notice; exceptional. 2 striking, conspicuous. ЬЬremarkableness n. remarkably adv. [F remarquable (as REMARK)] remarry v.intr. & tr. (-ies, -ied) marry again. ЬЬremarriage n. remaster v.tr. make a new master of (a recording), esp. to improve the sound quality. rematch n. a return match or game. REME abbr. (in the UK) Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. remeasure v.tr. measure again. ЬЬremeasurement n. remedial adj. 1 affording or intended as a remedy (remedial therapy). 2 (of teaching) for slow or backward children. ЬЬremedially adv. [LL remedialis f. L remedium (as REMEDY)] remedy n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) (often foll. by for, against) 1 a medicine or treatment (for a disease etc.). 2 a means of counteracting or removing anything undesirable. 3 redress; legal or other reparation. 4 the margin within which coins as minted may differ from the standard fineness and weight. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) rectify; make good. ЬЬremediable adj. [ME f. AF remedie, OF remede or L remedium (as RE-, mederi heal)] remember v.tr. 1 keep in the memory; not forget. 2 a (also absol.) bring back into one's thoughts, call to mind (knowledge or experience etc.). b (often foll. by to + infin. or that + clause) have in mind (a duty, commitment, etc.) (will you remember to lock the door?). 3 think of or acknowledge (a person) in some connection, esp. in making a gift etc. 4 (foll. by to) convey greetings from (one person) to (another) (remember me to your mother). 5 mention (in prayer). Ьremember oneself recover one's manners or intentions after a lapse. ЬЬrememberer n. [ME f. OF remembrer f. LL rememorari (as RE-, L memor mindful)] remembrance n. 1 the act of remembering or process of being remembered. 2 a memory or recollection. 3 a keepsake or souvenir. 4 (in pl.) greetings conveyed through a third person. ЬRemembrance Day 1 = Remembrance Sunday. 2 hist. Armistice Day. Remembrance Sunday (in the UK) the Sunday nearest 11 Nov., when those who were killed in the wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45 are commemorated. [ME f. OF (as REMEMBER)] remex n. (pl. remiges) a primary or secondary feather in a bird's wing. [L, = rower, f. remus oar] remind v.tr. 1 (foll. by of) cause (a person) to remember or think of. 2 (foll. by to + infin. or that + clause) cause (a person) to remember (a commitment etc.) (remind them to pay their subscriptions). reminder n. 1 a thing that reminds, esp. a letter or bill. 2 (often foll. by of) a memento or souvenir. remindful adj. (often foll. by of) acting as a reminder; reviving the memory. reminisce v.intr. indulge in reminiscence. ЬЬreminiscer n. [back-form. f. REMINISCENCE] reminiscence n. 1 the act of remembering things past; the recovery of knowledge by mental effort. 2 a a past fact or experience that is remembered. b the process of narrating this. 3 (in pl.) a collection in literary form of incidents and experiences that a person remembers. 4 Philos. (esp. in Platonism) the theory of the recovery of things known to the soul in previous existences. 5 a characteristic of one thing reminding or suggestive of another. ЬЬreminiscential adj. [LL reminiscentia f. L reminisci remember] reminiscent adj. 1 (foll. by of) tending to remind one of or suggest. 2 concerned with reminiscence. 3 (of a person) given to reminiscing. ЬЬreminiscently adv. remise v. & n. --v.intr. 1 Law surrender or make over (a right or property). 2 Fencing make a remise. --n. Fencing a second thrust made after the first has failed. [F f. remis, remise past part. of remettre put back: cf. REMIT] remiss adj. careless of duty; lax, negligent. ЬЬremissly adv. remissness n. [ME f. L remissus past part. of remittere slacken: see REMIT] remissible adj. that may be remitted. [F r‚missible or LL remissibilis (as REMIT)] remission n. 1 the reduction of a prison sentence on account of good behaviour. 2 the remitting of a debt or penalty etc. 3 a diminution of force, effect, or degree (esp. of disease or pain). 4 (often foll. by of) forgiveness (of sins etc.). ЬЬremissive adj. [ME f. OF remission or L remissio (as REMIT)] remit v. & n. --v. (remitted, remitting) 1 tr. cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment etc.). 2 intr. & tr. abate or slacken; cease or cease from partly or entirely. 3 tr. send (money etc.) in payment. 4 tr. cause to be conveyed by post. 5 tr. a (foll. by to) refer (a matter for decision etc.) to some authority. b Law send back (a case) to a lower court. 6 tr. a (often foll. by to) postpone or defer. b (foll. by in, into) send or put back into a previous state. 7 tr. Theol. (usu. of God) pardon (sins etc.). --n. 1 the terms of reference of a committee etc. 2 an item remitted for consideration. ЬЬremittable adj. remittal n. remittee n. remitter n. [ME f. L remittere remiss- (as RE-, mittere send)] remittance n. 1 money sent, esp. by post, for goods or services or as an allowance. 2 the act of sending money. Ьremittance man hist. an emigrant subsisting on remittances from home. remittent adj. (of a fever) that abates at intervals. [L remittere (as REMIT)] remix v. & n. --v.tr. mix again. --n. a sound recording that has been remixed. remnant n. 1 a small remaining quantity. 2 a piece of cloth etc. left when the greater part has been used or sold. 3 (foll. by of) a surviving trace (a remnant of empire). [ME (earlier remenant) f. OF remenant f. remenoir REMAIN] remodel v.tr. (remodelled, remodelling; US remodeled, remodeling) 1 model again or differently. 2 reconstruct. remodify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) modify again. ЬЬremodification n. remold US var. of REMOULD. remonetize v.tr. (also -ise) restore (a metal etc.) to its former position as legal tender. ЬЬremonetization n. remonstrance n. 1 the act or an instance of remonstrating. 2 an expostulation or protest. [ME f. obs. F remonstrance or med.L remonstrantia (as REMONSTRATE)] remonstrate v. 1 intr. (foll. by with) make a protest; argue forcibly (remonstrated with them over the delays). 2 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) urge protestingly. ЬЬremonstrant adj. remonstration n. remonstrative adj. remonstrator n. [med.L remonstrare (as RE-, monstrare show)] remontant adj. & n. --adj. blooming more than once a year. --n. a remontant rose. [F f. remonter REMOUNT] remora n. Zool. any of various marine fish of the family Echeneidae, which attach themselves by modified sucker-like fins to other fish and to ships. [L, = hindrance (as RE-, mora delay, from the former belief that the fish slowed ships down)] remorse n. 1 deep regret for a wrong committed. 2 compunction; a compassionate reluctance to inflict pain ( esp. in without remorse). [ME f. OF remors f. med.L remorsus f. L remordere remors- vex (as RE-, mordere bite)] remorseful adj. filled with repentance. ЬЬremorsefully adv. remorseless adj. without compassion or compunction. ЬЬremorselessly adv. remorselessness n. remortgage v. & n. --v.tr. (also absol.) mortgage again; revise the terms of an existing mortgage on (a property). --n. a different or altered mortgage. remote adj. (remoter, remotest) 1 far away in place or time. 2 out of the way; situated away from the main centres of population, society, etc. 3 distantly related (a remote ancestor). 4 slight, faint ( esp. in not the remotest chance, idea , etc.). 5 (of a person) aloof; not friendly. 6 (foll. by from) widely different; separate by nature (ideas remote from the subject). Ьremote control control of a machine or apparatus from a distance by means of signals transmitted from a radio or electronic device. remote-controlled (of a machine etc.) controlled at a distance. ЬЬremotely adv. remoteness n. [ME f. L remotus (as REMOVE)] remould v. & n. (US remold) --v.tr. 1 mould again; refashion. 2 re-form the tread of (a tyre). --n. a remoulded tyre. remount v. & n. --v. 1 a tr. mount (a horse etc.) again. b intr. get on horseback again. 2 tr. get on to or ascend (a ladder, hill, etc.) again. 3 tr. provide (a person) with a fresh horse etc. 4 tr. put (a picture) on a fresh mount. --n. 1 a fresh horse for a rider. 2 a supply of fresh horses for a regiment. removal n. 1 the act or an instance of removing; the process of being removed. 2 the transfer of furniture and other contents on moving house. remove v. & n. --v. 1 tr. take off or away from the place or position occupied (remove the top carefully). 2 tr. a move or take to another place; change the situation of (will you remove the tea things?). b get rid of; eliminate (will remove all doubts). 3 tr. cause to be no longer present or available; take away (all privileges were removed). 4 tr. (often foll. by from) dismiss (from office). 5 tr. colloq. kill, assassinate. 6 tr. (in passive; foll. by from) distant or remote in condition (the country is not far removed from anarchy). 7 tr. (as removed adj.) (esp. of cousins) separated by a specified number of steps of descent (a first cousin twice removed = a grandchild of a first cousin). 8 formal a intr. (usu. foll. by from, to) change one's home or place of residence. b tr. conduct the removal of. --n. 1 a degree or remoteness; a distance. 2 a stage in a gradation; a degree (is several removes from what I expected). 3 Brit. a form or division in some schools. ЬЬremovable adj. removability n. remover n. (esp. in sense 8b of v.). [ME f. OF removeir f. L removere remot- (as RE-, movere move)] remunerate v.tr. 1 reward; pay for services rendered. 2 serve as or provide recompense for (toil etc.) or to (a person). ЬЬremuneration n. remunerative adj. remuneratory adj. [L remunerari (as RE-, munus muneris gift)] Renaissance n. 1 the revival of art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th-16th c. 2 the period of this. 3 the culture and style of art, architecture, etc. developed during this era. 4 (renaissance) any similar revival. [F renaissance (as RE-, F naissance birth f. L nascentia or F naЊtre naiss- be born f. Rmc: cf. NASCENT)] renal adj. of or concerning the kidneys. [F r‚nal f. LL renalis f. L renes kidneys] rename v.tr. name again; give a new name to. renascence n. 1 rebirth; renewal. 2 = RENAISSANCE. [RENASCENT] renascent adj. springing up anew; being reborn. [L renasci (as RE-, nasci be born)] rencontre n. archaic = RENCOUNTER. [F (as RENCOUNTER)] rencounter n. & v. --n. 1 an encounter; a chance meeting. 2 a battle, skirmish, or duel. --v.tr. encounter; meet by chance. [F rencontre(r) (as RE-, ENCOUNTER)] rend v. (past and past part. rent) archaic or rhet. 1 tr. (foll. by off, from, away, etc.; also absol.) tear or wrench forcibly. 2 tr. & intr. split or divide in pieces or into factions (a country rent by civil war). 3 tr. cause emotional pain to (the heart etc.). Ьrend the air sound piercingly. rend one's garments (or hair) display extreme grief or rage. [OE rendan, rel. to MLG rende] render v.tr. 1 cause to be or become; make (rendered us helpless). 2 give or pay (money, service, etc.), esp. in return or as a thing due (render thanks; rendered good for evil). 3 (often foll. by to) a give (assistance) (rendered aid to the injured man). b show (obedience etc.). c do (a service etc.). 4 submit; send in; present (an account, reason, etc.). 5 a represent or portray artistically, musically, etc. b act (a role); represent (a character, idea, etc.) (the dramatist's conception was well rendered). c Mus. perform; execute. 6 translate (rendered the poem into French). 7 (often foll. by down) melt down (fat etc.) esp. to clarify; extract by melting. 8 cover (stone or brick) with a coat of plaster. 9 archaic a give back; hand over; deliver, give up, surrender (render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's). b show (obedience). Ьrender-set v.tr. (-setting; past and past part. -set) plaster (a wall etc.) with two coats. --n. a plastering of two coats. --adj. of two coats. ЬЬrenderer n. [ME f. OF rendre ult. f. L reddere reddit- (as RE-, dare give)] rendering n. 1 a the act or an instance of performing music, drama, etc.; an interpretation or performance (an excellent rendering of the part). b a translation. 2 a the act or an instance of plastering stone, brick, etc. b this coating. 3 the act or an instance of giving, yielding, or surrendering. rendezvous n. & v. --n. (pl. same) 1 an agreed or regular meeting-place. 2 a meeting by arrangement. 3 a place appointed for assembling troops, ships, etc. --v.intr. (rendezvouses; rendezvoused; rendezvousing) meet at a rendezvous. [F rendez-vous present yourselves f. rendre: see RENDER] rendition n. (often foll. by of) 1 an interpretation or rendering of a dramatic role, piece of music, etc. 2 a visual representation. [obs. F f. rendre RENDER] renegade n. & v. --n. 1 a person who deserts a party or principles. 2 an apostate; a person who abandons one religion for another. --v.intr. be a renegade. [Sp. renegado f. med.L renegatus (as RE-, L negare deny)] renegado n. (pl. -oes) archaic = RENEGADE. [Sp. (as RENEGADE)] renege v. (also renegue) 1 intr. a go back on one's word; change one's mind; recant. b (foll. by on) go back on (a promise or undertaking or contract). 2 tr. deny, renounce, abandon (a person, faith, etc.). 3 intr. Cards revoke. ЬЬreneger n. reneguer n. [med.L renegare (as RE-, L negare deny)] renegotiate v.tr. (also absol.) negotiate again or on different terms. ЬЬrenegotiable adj. renegotiation n. renew v.tr. 1 revive; regenerate; make new again; restore to the original state. 2 reinforce; resupply; replace. 3 repeat or re-establish, resume after an interruption (renewed our acquaintance; a renewed attack). 4 get, begin, make, say, give, etc. anew. 5 (also absol.) grant or be granted a continuation of or continued validity of (a licence, subscription, lease, etc.). 6 recover (one's youth, strength, etc.). ЬЬrenewable adj. renewability n. renewal n. renewer n. reniform adj. esp. Med. kidney-shaped. [L ren kidney + -FORM] rennet n. 1 curdled milk found in the stomach of an unweaned calf, used in curdling milk for cheese, junket, etc. 2 a preparation made from the stomach-membrane of a calf or from certain fungi, used for the same purpose. [ME, prob. f. an OE form rynet (unrecorded), rel. to RUN] rennin n. Biochem. an enzyme secreted into the stomach of unweaned mammals causing the clotting of milk. [RENNET + -IN] renominate v.tr. nominate for a further term of office. ЬЬrenomination n. renounce v. 1 tr. consent formally to abandon; surrender; give up (a claim, right, possession, etc.). 2 tr. repudiate; refuse to recognize any longer (renouncing their father's authority). 3 tr. a decline further association or disclaim relationship with (renounced my former friends). b withdraw from; discontinue; forsake. 4 intr. Law refuse or resign a right or position esp. as an heir or trustee. 5 intr. Cards follow with a card of another suit when having no card of the suit led (cf. REVOKE). Ьrenounce the world abandon society or material affairs. ЬЬrenounceable adj. renouncement n. renouncer n. [ME f. OF renoncer f. L renuntiare (as RE-, nuntiare announce)] renovate v.tr. 1 restore to good condition; repair. 2 make new again. ЬЬrenovation n. renovative adj. renovator n. [L renovare (as RE-, novus new)] renown n. fame; high distinction; celebrity (a city of great renown). [ME f. AF ren(o)un, OF renon, renom f. renomer make famous (as RE-, L nominare NOMINATE)] renowned adj. famous; celebrated. rent(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a tenant's periodical payment to an owner or landlord for the use of land or premises. 2 payment for the use of a service, equipment, etc. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by from) take, occupy, or use at a rent (rented a cottage from the local farmer). 2 tr. (often foll. by out) let or hire (a thing) for rent. 3 intr. (foll. by at) be let or hired out at a specified rate (the land rents at њ100 per month). Ьfor rent US available to be rented. rent-a- (in comb.) often joc. denoting availability for hire (rent-a-van; rent-a-crowd). rent-boy a young male prostitute. rent-free with exemption from rent. rent-roll the register of a landlord's lands etc. with the rents due from them; the sum of one's income from rent. [ME f. OF rente f. Rmc (as RENDER)] rent(2) n. 1 a large tear in a garment etc. 2 an opening in clouds etc. 3 a cleft, fissure, or gorge. [obs. rent var. of REND] rent(3) past and past part. of REND. rentable adj. 1 available or suitable for renting. 2 giving an adequate ratio of profit to capital. ЬЬrentability n. rental n. 1 the amount paid or received as rent. 2 the act of renting. 3 an income from rents. 4 US a rented house etc. Ьrental library US a library which rents books for a fee. [ME f. AF rental or AL rentale (as RENT(1))] renter n. 1 a person who rents. 2 Cinematog. (in the UK) a person who distributes cinema films. 3 sl. a male prostitute. rentier n. a person living on dividends from property, investments, etc. [F f. rente dividend] renumber v.tr. change the number or numbers given or allocated to. renunciation n. 1 the act or an instance of renouncing or giving up. 2 self-denial. 3 a document expressing renunciation. ЬЬrenunciant n. & adj. renunciative adj. renunciatory adj. [ME f. OF renonciation or LL renuntiatio (as RENOUNCE)] renvoi n. Law the act or an instance of referring a case, dispute, etc. to a different jurisdiction. [F f. renvoyer send back] reoccupy v.tr. (-ies, -ied) occupy again. ЬЬreoccupation n. reoccur v.intr. (reoccurred, reoccurring) occur again or habitually. ЬЬreoccurrence n. reopen v.tr. & intr. open again. reorder v. & n. --v.tr. order again. --n. a renewed or repeated order for goods. reorganize v.tr. (also -ise) organize differently. ЬЬreorganization n. reorganizer n. reorient v.tr. 1 give a new direction to (ideas etc.); redirect (a thing). 2 help (a person) find his or her bearings again. 3 change the outlook of (a person). 4 (refl., often foll. by to) adjust oneself to or come to terms with something. reorientate v.tr. = REORIENT. ЬЬreorientation n. Rep. abbr. US 1 a Representative in Congress. 2 a Republican. rep(1) n. colloq. a representative, esp. a commercial traveller. [abbr.] rep(2) n. colloq. 1 repertory. 2 a repertory theatre or company. [abbr.] rep(3) n. (also repp) a textile fabric with a corded surface, used in curtains and upholstery. [F reps, of unkn. orig.] rep(4) n. US sl. reputation. [abbr.] repack v.tr. pack again. repackage v.tr. 1 package again or differently. 2 present in a new form. ЬЬrepackaging n. repaginate v.tr. paginate again; renumber the pages of. ЬЬrepagination n. repaid past and past part. of REPAY. repaint v. & n. --v.tr. 1 paint again or differently. 2 restore the paint or colouring of. --n. 1 the act of repainting. 2 a repainted thing, esp. a golf ball. repair(1) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 restore to good condition after damage or wear. 2 renovate or mend by replacing or fixing parts or by compensating for loss or exhaustion. 3 set right or make amends for (loss, wrong, error, etc.). --n. 1 the act or an instance of restoring to sound condition (in need of repair; closed during repair). 2 the result of this (the repair is hardly visible). 3 good or relative condition for working or using (must be kept in repair; in good repair). ЬЬrepairable adj. repairer n. [ME f. OF reparer f. L reparare (as RE-, parare make ready)] repair(2) v. & n. --v.intr. (foll. by to) resort; have recourse; go often or in great numbers or for a specific purpose (repaired to Spain). --n. archaic 1 resort (have repair to). 2 a place of frequent resort. 3 popularity (a place of great repair). [ME f. OF repaire(r) f. LL repatriare REPATRIATE] repairman n. (pl. -men) a man who repairs machinery etc. repand adj. Bot. with an undulating margin; wavy. [L repandus (as RE-, pandus bent)] repaper v.tr. paper (a wall etc.) again. reparable adj. (of a loss etc.) that can be made good. ЬЬreparability n. reparably adv. [F f. L reparabilis (as REPAIR(1))] reparation n. 1 the act or an instance of making amends. 2 a compensation. b (esp. in pl.) compensation for war damage paid by the defeated State. 3 the act or an instance of repairing or being repaired. ЬЬreparative adj. [ME f. OF f. LL reparatio -onis (as REPAIR)] repartee n. 1 the practice or faculty of making witty retorts; sharpness or wit in quick reply. 2 a a witty retort. b witty retorts collectively. [F repartie fem. past part. of repartir start again, reply promptly (as RE-, partir PART)] repartition v.tr. partition again. repass v.tr. & intr. pass again, esp. on the way back. [ME f. OF repasser] repast n. formal 1 a meal, esp. of a specified kind (a light repast). 2 food and drink supplied for or eaten at a meal. [ME f. OF repaistre f. LL repascere repast- feed] repat n. colloq. 1 a repatriate. 2 repatriation. [abbr.] repatriate v. & n. --v. 1 tr. restore (a person) to his or her native land. 2 intr. return to one's own native land. --n. a person who has been repatriated. ЬЬrepatriation n. [LL repatriare (as RE-, L patria native land)] repay v. (past and past part. repaid) 1 tr. pay back (money). 2 tr. return (a blow, visit, etc.). 3 tr. make repayment to (a person). 4 tr. make return for; requite (a service, action, etc.) (must repay their kindness; the book repays close study). 5 tr. (often foll. by for) give in recompense. 6 intr. make repayment. ЬЬrepayable adj. repayment n. [OF repaier (as RE-, PAY(1))] repeal v. & n. --v.tr. revoke, rescind, or annul (a law, act of parliament, etc.). --n. the act or an instance of repealing. ЬЬrepealable adj. [ME f. AF repeler, OF rapeler (as RE-, APPEAL)] repeat v. & n. --v. 1 tr. say or do over again. 2 tr. recite, rehearse, report, or reproduce (something from memory) (repeated a poem). 3 tr. imitate (an action etc.). 4 intr. recur; appear again, perhaps several times (a repeating pattern). 5 tr. used for emphasis (am not, repeat not, going). 6 intr. (of food) be tasted intermittently for some time after being swallowed as a result of belching or indigestion. 7 intr. (of a watch etc.) strike the last quarter etc. over again when required. 8 intr. (of a firearm) fire several shots without reloading. 9 intr. US illegally vote more than once in an election. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of repeating. b a thing repeated (often attrib.: repeat prescription). 2 a repeated broadcast. 3 Mus. a a passage intended to be repeated. b a mark indicating this. 4 a pattern repeated in wallpaper etc. 5 Commerce a a consignment similar to a previous one. b an order given for this; a reorder. Ьrepeating decimal a recurring decimal. repeat itself recur in the same form. repeat oneself say or do the same thing over again. ЬЬrepeatable adj. repeatability n. repeatedly adv. [ME f. OF repeter f. L repetere (as RE-, petere seek)] repeater n. 1 a person or thing that repeats. 2 a firearm which fires several shots without reloading. 3 a watch or clock which repeats its last strike when required. 4 a device for the automatic re-transmission or amplification of an electrically transmitted message. 5 a signal lamp indicating the state of another that is invisible. rep€chage n. (in rowing etc.) an extra contest in which the runners-up in the eliminating heats compete for a place in the final. [F rep€cher fish out, rescue] repel v.tr. (repelled, repelling) 1 drive back; ward off; repulse. 2 refuse admission or approach or acceptance to (repel an assailant). 3 be repulsive or distasteful to. ЬЬrepeller n. [ME f. L repellere (as RE-, pellere puls- drive)] repellent adj. & n. --adj. 1 that repels. 2 disgusting, repulsive. --n. a substance that repels esp. insects etc. ЬЬrepellence n. repellency n. repellently adv. [L repellere (as REPEL)] repent(1) v. 1 intr. (often foll. by of) feel deep sorrow about one's actions etc. 2 tr. (also absol.) wish one had not done, regret (one's wrong, omission, etc.); resolve not to continue (a wrongdoing etc.). 3 refl. (often foll. by of) archaic feel regret or penitence about (now I repent me). ЬЬrepentance n. repentant adj. repenter n. [ME f. OF repentir (as RE-, pentir ult. f. L paenitere)] repent(2) adj. Bot. creeping, esp. growing along the ground or just under the surface. [L repere creep] repeople v.tr. people again; increase the population of. repercussion n. 1 (often foll. by of) an indirect effect or reaction following an event or action (consider the repercussions of moving). 2 the recoil after impact. 3 an echo or reverberation. ЬЬrepercussive adj. [ME f. OF repercussion or L repercussio (as RE-, PERCUSSION)] repertoire n. 1 a stock of pieces etc. that a company or a performer knows or is prepared to give. 2 a stock of regularly performed pieces, regularly used techniques, etc. (went through his repertoire of excuses). [F r‚pertoire f. LL (as REPERTORY)] repertory n. (pl. -ies) 1 = REPERTOIRE. 2 the theatrical performance of various plays for short periods by one company. 3 a a repertory company. b repertory theatres regarded collectively. 4 a store or collection, esp. of information, instances, etc. Ьrepertory company a theatrical company that performs plays from a repertoire. [LL repertorium f. L reperire repert- find] repetend n. 1 the recurring figures of a decimal. 2 the recurring word or phrase; a refrain. [L repetendum (as REPEAT)] r‚p‚titeur n. 1 a tutor or coach of musicians, esp. opera singers. 2 a person who supervises ballet rehearsals etc. [F] repetition n. 1 a the act or an instance of repeating or being repeated. b the thing repeated. 2 a copy or replica. 3 a piece to be learned by heart. 4 the ability of a musical instrument to repeat a note quickly. ЬЬrepetitional adj. repetitionary adj. [F r‚p‚tition or L repetitio (as REPEAT)] repetitious adj. characterized by repetition, esp. when unnecessary or tiresome. ЬЬrepetitiously adv. repetitiousness n. repetitive adj. = REPETITIOUS. ЬЬrepetitively adv. repetitiveness n. rephrase v.tr. express in an alternative way. repine v.intr. (often foll. by at, against) fret; be discontented. [RE- + PINE(2), after repent] repique n. & v. --n. (in piquet) the winning of 30 points on cards alone before beginning to play. --v. (repiques, repiqued, repiquing) 1 intr. score repique. 2 tr. score repique against (another person). [F repic (as RE-, PIQUE(2))] replace v.tr. 1 put back in place. 2 take the place of; succeed; be substituted for. 3 find or provide a substitute for. 4 (often foll. by with, by) fill up the place of. 5 (in passive, often foll. by by) be succeeded or have one's place filled by another; be superseded. ЬЬreplaceable adj. replacer n. replacement n. 1 the act or an instance of replacing or being replaced. 2 a person or thing that takes the place of another. replan v.tr. (replanned, replanning) plan again or differently. replant v.tr. 1 transfer (a plant etc.) to a larger pot, a new site, etc. 2 plant (ground) again; provide with new plants. replay v. & n. --v.tr. play (a match, recording, etc.) again. --n. the act or an instance of replaying a match, a recording, or a recorded incident in a game etc. replenish v.tr. 1 (often foll. by with) fill up again. 2 renew (a supply etc.). 3 (as replenished adj.) filled; fully stored or stocked; full. ЬЬreplenisher n. replenishment n. [ME f. OF replenir (as RE-, plenir f. plein full f. L plenus)] replete adj. (often foll. by with) 1 filled or well-supplied with. 2 stuffed; gorged; sated. ЬЬrepleteness n. repletion n. [ME f. OF replet replete or L repletus past part. of replere (as RE-, plere plet- fill)] replevin n. Law 1 the provisional restoration or recovery of distrained goods pending the outcome of trial and judgement. 2 a writ granting this. 3 the action arising from this process. [ME f. AF f. OF replevir (as REPLEVY)] replevy v.tr. (-ies, -ied) Law recover by replevin. [OF replevir recover f. Gmc] replica n. 1 a duplicate of a work made by the original artist. 2 a facsimile, an exact copy. 3 a copy or model, esp. on a smaller scale. [It. f. replicare REPLY] replicate v., adj., & n. --v.tr. 1 repeat (an experiment etc.). 2 make a replica of. 3 fold back. --adj. Bot. folded back on itself. --n. Mus. a tone one or more octaves above or below the given tone. ЬЬreplicable adj. (in sense 1 of v.). replicability n. (in sense 1 of v.). replicative adj. [L replicare (as RE-, plicare fold)] replication n. 1 a reply or response, esp. a reply to an answer. 2 Law the plaintiff's reply to the defendant's plea. 3 a the act or an instance of copying. b a copy. c the process by which genetic material or a living organism gives rise to a copy of itself. [ME f. OF replicacion f. L replicatio -onis (as REPLICATE)] reply v. & n. --v. (-ies, -ied) 1 intr. (often foll. by to) make an answer, respond in word or action. 2 tr. say in answer (he replied, 'Please yourself'). --n. (pl. -ies) 1 the act of replying (what did they say in reply?). 2 what is replied; a response. 3 Law = REPLICATION. Ьreply coupon a coupon exchangeable for stamps in any country for prepaying the reply to a letter. reply paid 1 hist. (of a telegram) with the cost of a reply prepaid by the sender. 2 (of an envelope etc.) for which the addressee undertakes to pay postage. ЬЬreplier n. [ME f. OF replier f. L (as REPLICATE)] repoint v.tr. point (esp. brickwork) again. repolish v.tr. polish again. repopulate v.tr. populate again or increase the population of. ЬЬrepopulation n. report v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a bring back or give an account of. b state as fact or news, narrate or describe or repeat, esp. as an eyewitness or hearer etc. c relate as spoken by another. 2 tr. make an official or formal statement about. 3 tr. (often foll. by to) name or specify (an offender or offence) (shall report you for insubordination; reported them to the police). 4 intr. (often foll. by to) present oneself to a person as having returned or arrived (report to the manager on arrival). 5 tr. (also absol.) take down word for word or summarize or write a description of for publication. 6 intr. make or draw up or send in a report. 7 intr. (often foll. by to) be responsible (to a superior, supervisor, etc.) (reports directly to the managing director). 8 tr. Parl. (of a committee chairman) announce that the committee has dealt with (a bill). 9 intr. (often foll. by of) give a report to convey that one is well, badly, etc. impressed (reports well of the prospects). --n. 1 an account given or opinion formally expressed after investigation or consideration. 2 a description, summary, or reproduction of a scene or speech or law case, esp. for newspaper publication or broadcast. 3 common talk; rumour. 4 the way a person or thing is spoken of (I hear a good report of you). 5 a periodical statement on (esp. a school pupil's) work, conduct, etc. 6 the sound of an explosion. Ьreport back deliver a report to the person, organization, etc. for whom one acts etc. reported speech the speaker's words with the changes of person, tense, etc. usual in reports, e.g. he said that he would go (opp. direct speech). report progress state what has been done so far. report stage (in the UK) the debate on a bill in the House of Commons or House of Lords after it is reported. ЬЬreportable adj. reportedly adv. [ME f. OF reporter f. L reportare (as RE-, portare bring)] reportage n. 1 the describing of events, esp. the reporting of news etc. for the press and for broadcasting. 2 the typical style of this. 3 factual presentation in a book etc. [REPORT, after F] reporter n. 1 a person employed to report news etc. for newspapers or broadcasts. 2 a person who reports. reportorial adj. US of newspaper reporters. ЬЬreportorially adv. [REPORTER, after editorial] repose(1) n. & v. --n. 1 the cessation of activity or excitement or toil. 2 sleep. 3 a peaceful or quiescent state; stillness; tranquillity. 4 Art a restful effect; harmonious combination. 5 composure or ease of manner. --v. 1 intr. & refl. lie down in rest (reposed on a sofa). 2 tr. (often foll. by on) lay (one's head etc.) to rest (on a pillow etc.). 3 intr. (often foll. by in, on) lie, be lying or laid, esp. in sleep or death. 4 tr. give rest to; refresh with rest. 5 intr. (foll. by on, upon) be supported or based on. 6 intr. (foll. by on) (of memory etc.) dwell on. ЬЬreposal n. reposeful adj. reposefully adv. reposefulness n. [ME f. OF repos(er) f. LL repausare (as RE-, pausare PAUSE)] repose(2) v.tr. (foll. by in) place (trust etc.) in. ЬЬreposal n. [RE- + POSE(1) after L reponere reposit-] reposition v. 1 tr. move or place in a different position. 2 intr. adjust or alter one's position. repository n. (pl. -ies) 1 a place where things are stored or may be found, esp. a warehouse or museum. 2 a receptacle. 3 (often foll. by of) a a book, person, etc. regarded as a store of information etc. b the recipient of confidences or secrets. [obs. F repositoire or L repositorium (as REPOSE(2))] repossess v.tr. regain possession of (esp. property or goods on which repayment of a debt is in arrears). ЬЬrepossession n. repossessor n. repot v.tr. (repotted, repotting) put (a plant) in another, esp. larger, pot. repouss‚ adj. & n. --adj. hammered into relief from the reverse side. --n. ornamental metalwork fashioned in this way. [F, past part. of repousser (as RE-, pousser PUSH)] repp var. of REP(3). repped adj. having a surface like rep. repr. abbr. 1 represent, represented, etc. 2 reprint, reprinted. reprehend v.tr. rebuke; blame; find fault with. ЬЬreprehension n. [ME f. L reprehendere (as RE-, prehendere seize)] reprehensible adj. deserving censure or rebuke; blameworthy. ЬЬreprehensibility n. reprehensibly adv. [LL reprehensibilis (as REPREHEND)] represent v.tr. 1 stand for or correspond to (the comment does not represent all our views). 2 (often in passive) be a specimen or example of; exemplify (all types of people were represented in the audience). 3 act as an embodiment of; symbolize (the sovereign represents the majesty of the State; numbers are represented by letters). 4 call up in the mind by description or portrayal or imagination; place a likeness of before the mind or senses. 5 serve or be meant as a likeness of. 6 a state by way of expostulation or persuasion (represented the rashness of it). b (foll. by to) try to bring (the facts influencing conduct) home to (represented the risks to his client). 7 (often foll. by as, to be) describe or depict as; declare or make out (represented them as martyrs; not what you represent it to be). 8 (foll. by that + clause) allege. 9 show, or play the part of, on stage. 10 fill the place of; be a substitute or deputy for; be entitled to act or speak for (the Queen was represented by the Princess of Wales). 11 be elected as a member of Parliament, a legislature, etc. by (represents a rural constituency). ЬЬrepresentable adj. representability n. [ME f. OF representer or f. L repraesentare (as RE-, PRESENT(2))] representation n. 1 the act or an instance of representing or being represented. 2 a thing (esp. a painting etc.) that represents another. 3 (esp. in pl.) a statement made by way of allegation or to convey opinion. [ME f. OF representation or L repraesentatio (as REPRESENT)] representational adj. of representation. Ьrepresentational art art seeking to portray the physical appearance of a subject. ЬЬrepresentationalism n. representationalist adj. & n. representationism n. the doctrine that perceived objects are only a representation of real external objects. ЬЬrepresentationist n. representative adj. & n. --adj. 1 typical of a class or category. 2 containing typical specimens of all or many classes (a representative sample). 3 a consisting of elected deputies etc. b based on the representation of a nation etc. by such deputies (representative government). 4 (foll. by of) serving as a portrayal or symbol of (representative of their attitude to work). 5 that presents or can present ideas to the mind (imagination is a representative faculty). --n. 1 (foll. by of) a sample, specimen, or typical embodiment or analogue of. 2 a the agent of a person or society. b a commercial traveller. 3 a delegate; a substitute. 4 a deputy in a representative assembly. 5 (of art) representational. ЬЬrepresentatively adv. representativeness n. [ME f. OF representatif -ive or med.L repraesentativus (as REPRESENT)] repress v.tr. 1 a check; restrain; keep under; quell. b suppress; prevent from sounding, rioting, or bursting out. 2 Psychol. actively exclude (an unwelcome thought) from conscious awareness. 3 (usu. as repressed adj.) subject (a person) to the suppression of his or her thoughts or impulses. ЬЬrepresser n. repressible adj. repression n. repressive adj. repressively adv. repressiveness n. repressor n. [ME f. L reprimere (as RE-, premere PRESS(1))] reprice v.tr. price again or differently. reprieve v. & n. --v.tr. 1 remit, commute, or postpone the execution of (a condemned person). 2 give respite to. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of reprieving or being reprieved. b a warrant for this. 2 respite; a respite or temporary escape. [ME as past part. repryed f. AF & OF repris past part. of reprendre (as RE-, prendre f. L prehendere take): 16th-c. -v- unexpl.] reprimand n. & v. --n. (often foll. by for) an official or sharp rebuke (for a fault etc.). --v.tr. administer this to. [F r‚primande(r) f. Sp. reprimenda f. L reprimenda neut. pl. gerundive of reprimere REPRESS] reprint v. & n. --v.tr. print again. --n. 1 the act or an instance of reprinting a book etc. 2 the book etc. reprinted. 3 the quantity reprinted. ЬЬreprinter n. reprisal n. 1 an act of retaliation. 2 hist. the forcible seizure of a foreign subject or his or her goods as an act of retaliation. [ME (in sense 2) f. AF reprisaille f. med.L reprisalia f. repraehensalia (as REPREHEND)] reprise n. 1 a repeated passage in music. 2 a repeated item in a musical programme. [F, fem. past part. of reprendre (see REPRIEVE)] repro n. (pl. -os) (often attrib.) a reproduction or copy. [abbr.] reproach v. & n. --v.tr. 1 express disapproval to (a person) for a fault etc. 2 scold; rebuke; censure. 3 archaic rebuke (an offence). --n. 1 a rebuke or censure (heaped reproaches on them). 2 (often foll. by to) a thing that brings disgrace or discredit (their behaviour is a reproach to us all). 3 a disgraced or discredited state (live in reproach and ignominy). 4 (in pl.) RC Ch. a set of antiphons and responses for Good Friday representing the reproaches of Christ to his people. Ьabove (or beyond) reproach perfect. ЬЬreproachable adj. reproacher n. reproachingly adv. [ME f. OF reproche(r) f. Rmc (as RE-, L prope near)] reproachful adj. full of or expressing reproach. ЬЬreproachfully adv. reproachfulness n. reprobate n., adj., & v. --n. 1 an unprincipled person; a person of highly immoral character. 2 a person who is condemned by God. --adj. 1 immoral. 2 hardened in sin. --v.tr. 1 express or feel disapproval of; censure. 2 (of God) condemn; exclude from salvation. ЬЬreprobation n. [ME f. L reprobare reprobat- disapprove (as RE-, probare approve)] reprocess v.tr. process again or differently. reproduce v. 1 tr. produce a copy or representation of. 2 tr. cause to be seen or heard etc. again (tried to reproduce the sound exactly). 3 intr. produce further members of the same species by natural means. 4 refl. produce offspring (reproduced itself several times). 5 intr. give a specified quality or result when copied (reproduces badly in black and white). 6 tr. Biol. form afresh (a lost part etc. of the body). ЬЬreproducer n. reproducible adj. reproducibility n. reproducibly adv. reproduction n. 1 the act or an instance of reproducing. 2 a copy of a work of art, esp. a print or photograph of a painting. 3 (attrib.) (of furniture etc.) made in imitation of a certain style or of an earlier period. ЬЬreproductive adj. reproductively adv. reproductiveness n. reprogram v.tr. (also reprogramme) (reprogrammed, reprogramming; US reprogramed, reprograming) program (esp. a computer) again or differently. ЬЬreprogramable adj. (also reprogrammable). reprography n. the science and practice of copying documents by photography, xerography, etc. ЬЬreprographer n. reprographic adj. reprographically adv. [REPRODUCE + -GRAPHY] reproof(1) n. 1 blame (a glance of reproof). 2 a rebuke; words expressing blame. [ME f. OF reprove f. reprover REPROVE] reproof(2) v.tr. 1 render (a coat etc.) waterproof again. 2 make a fresh proof of (printed matter etc.). reprove v.tr. rebuke (a person, a person's conduct, etc.). ЬЬreprovable adj. reprover n. reprovingly adv. [ME f. OF reprover f. LL reprobare disapprove: see REPROBATE] reptant adj. (of a plant or animal) creeping. [L reptare reptant- frequent. of repere crawl] reptile n. & adj. --n. 1 any cold-blooded scaly animal of the class Reptilia, including snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, tortoises, etc. 2 a mean, grovelling, or repulsive person. --adj. 1 (of an animal) creeping. 2 mean, grovelling. ЬЬreptilian adj. & n. [ME f. LL reptilis f. L repere rept- crawl] republic n. 1 a State in which supreme power is held by the people or their elected representatives or by an elected or nominated president, not by a monarch etc. 2 a society with equality between its members (the literary republic). ЬRepublic Day the day on which the foundation of a republic is commemorated; in India 26 January. [F r‚publique f. L respublica f. res concern + publicus PUBLIC] republican adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or constituted as a republic. 2 characteristic of a republic. 3 advocating or supporting republican government. --n. 1 a person advocating or supporting republican government. 2 (Republican) (in the US) a member or supporter of the Republican Party. 3 an advocate of a united Ireland. ЬRepublican Party one of the two main US political parties, favouring only a moderate degree of central power (cf. Democratic Party). ЬЬrepublicanism n. republish v.tr. (also absol.) publish again or in a new edition etc. ЬЬrepublication n. repudiate v.tr. 1 a disown; disavow; reject. b refuse dealings with. c deny. 2 refuse to recognize or obey (authority or a treaty). 3 refuse to discharge (an obligation or debt). 4 (esp. of the ancients or non-Christians) divorce (one's wife). ЬЬrepudiable adj. repudiation n. repudiator n. [L repudiare f. repudium divorce] repugnance n. (also repugnancy) 1 (usu. foll. by to, against) antipathy; aversion. 2 (usu. foll. by of, between, to, with) inconsistency or incompatibility of ideas, statements, etc. [ME (in sense 2) f. F r‚pugnance or L repugnantia f. repugnare oppose (as RE-, pugnare fight)] repugnant adj. 1 (often foll. by to) extremely distasteful. 2 (often foll. by to) contradictory. 3 (often foll. by with) incompatible. 4 poet. refractory; resisting. ЬЬrepugnantly adv. [ME f. F r‚pugnant or L (as REPUGNANCE)] repulse v. & n. --v.tr. 1 drive back (an attack or attacking enemy) by force of arms. 2 a rebuff (friendly advances or their maker). b refuse (a request or offer or its maker). 3 be repulsive to, repel. 4 foil in controversy. --n. 1 the act or an instance of repulsing or being repulsed. 2 a rebuff. [L repellere repuls- drive back (as REPEL)] repulsion n. 1 aversion; disgust. 2 esp. Physics the force by which bodies tend to repel each other or increase their mutual distance (opp. ATTRACTION). [LL repulsio (as REPEL)] repulsive adj. 1 causing aversion or loathing; loathsome, disgusting. 2 Physics exerting repulsion. 3 archaic (of behaviour etc.) cold, unsympathetic. ЬЬrepulsively adv. repulsiveness n. [F r‚pulsif -ive or f. REPULSE] repurchase v. & n. --v.tr. purchase again. --n. the act or an instance of purchasing again. repurify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) purify again. ЬЬrepurification n. reputable adj. of good repute; respectable. ЬЬreputably adv. [obs. F or f. med.L reputabilis (as REPUTE)] reputation n. 1 what is generally said or believed about a person's or thing's character or standing (has a reputation for dishonesty). 2 the state of being well thought of; distinction; respectability (have my reputation to think of). 3 (foll. by of, for + verbal noun) credit or discredit (has the reputation of driving hard bargains). [ME f. L reputatio (as REPUTE)] repute n. & v. --n. reputation (known by repute). --v.tr. 1 (as reputed adj.) (often foll. by to + infin.) be generally considered or reckoned (is reputed to be the best). 2 (as reputed adj.) passing as being, but probably not being (his reputed father). ЬЬreputedly adv. [ME f. OF reputer or L reputare (as RE-, putare think)] request n. & v. --n. 1 the act or an instance of asking for something; a petition (came at his request). 2 a thing asked for. 3 the state of being sought after; demand (in great request). 4 a letter etc. asking for a particular record etc. to be played on a radio programme, often with a personal message. --v.tr. 1 ask to be given or allowed or favoured with (request a hearing; requests your presence). 2 (foll. by to + infin.) ask a person to do something (requested her to answer). 3 (foll. by that + clause) ask that. Ьby (or on) request in response to an expressed wish. request programme a programme composed of items requested by the audience. request stop a bus-stop at which a bus stops only on a passenger's request. ЬЬrequester n. [ME f. OF requeste(r) ult. f. L requaerere (as REQUIRE)] requiem n. 1 (Requiem) (also attrib.) chiefly RC Ch. a mass for the repose of the souls of the dead. 2 Mus. the musical setting for this. [ME f. accus. of L requies rest, the initial word of the mass] requiescat n. a wish or prayer for the repose of a dead person. [L, = may he or she rest (in peace)] require v.tr. 1 need; depend on for success or fulfilment (the work requires much patience). 2 lay down as an imperative (did all that was required by law). 3 command; instruct (a person etc.). 4 order; insist on (an action or measure). 5 (often foll. by of, from, or that + clause) demand (of or from a person) as a right. 6 wish to have (is there anything else you require?). ЬЬrequirer n. requirement n. [ME f. OF requere ult. f. L requirere (as RE-, quaerere seek)] requisite adj. & n. --adj. required by circumstances; necessary to success etc. --n. (often foll. by for) a thing needed (for some purpose). ЬЬrequisitely adv. [ME f. L requisitus past part. (as REQUIRE)] requisition n. & v. --n. 1 an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials. 2 a formal written demand that some duty should be performed. 3 being called or put into service. --v.tr. demand the use or supply of, esp. by requisition order. Ьunder (or in) requisition being used or applied. ЬЬrequisitioner n. requisitionist n. [F r‚quisition or L requisitio (as REQUIRE)] requite v.tr. 1 make return for (a service). 2 (often foll. by with) reward or avenge (a favour or injury). 3 (often foll. by for) make return to (a person). 4 (often foll. by for, with) repay with good or evil (requite like for like; requite hate with love). ЬЬrequital n. [RE- + quite var. of QUIT] reran past of RERUN. reread v. & n. --v.tr. (past and past part. reread) read again. --n. an instance of reading again. ЬЬre-readable adj. reredos n. Eccl. an ornamental screen covering the wall at the back of an altar. [ME f. AF f. OF areredos f. arere behind + dos back: cf. ARREARS] re-release v. & n. --v.tr. release (a record, film, etc.) again. --n. a re-released record, film, etc. re-route v.tr. (-routeing) send or carry by a different route. rerun v. & n. --v.tr. (rerunning; past reran; past part. rerun) run (a race, film, etc.) again. --n. 1 the act or an instance of rerunning. 2 a film etc. shown again. resale n. the sale of a thing previously bought. Ьresale price maintenance a manufacturer's practice of setting a minimum resale price for goods. ЬЬresalable adj. resat past and past part. of RESIT. reschedule v.tr. alter the schedule of; replan. rescind v.tr. abrogate, revoke, cancel. ЬЬrescindable adj. rescindment n. rescission n. [L rescindere resciss- (as RE-, scindere cut)] rescript n. 1 a Roman emperor's written reply to an appeal for guidance, esp. on a legal point. 2 RC Ch. the Pope's decision on a question of doctrine or papal law. 3 an official edict or announcement. 4 a the act or an instance of rewriting. b the thing rewritten. [L rescriptum, neut. past part. of rescribere rescript- (as RE-, scribere write)] rescue v. & n. --v.tr. (rescues, rescued, rescuing) 1 (often foll. by from) save or set free or bring away from attack, custody, danger, or harm. 2 Law a unlawfully liberate (a person). b forcibly recover (property). --n. the act or an instance of rescuing or being rescued; deliverance. Ьrescue bid Bridge a bid made to get one's partner out of a difficult situation. ЬЬrescuable adj. rescuer n. [ME rescowe f. OF rescoure f. Rmc, formed as RE- + L excutere (as EX-(1), quatere shake)] reseal v.tr. seal again. ЬЬresealable adj. research disp. n. & v. --n. 1 a the systematic investigation into and study of materials, sources, etc., in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. b (usu. in pl.) an endeavour to discover new or collate old facts etc. by the scientific study of a subject or by a course of critical investigation. 2 (attrib.) engaged in or intended for research (research assistant). --v. 1 tr. do research into or for. 2 intr. make researches. Ьresearch and development (in industry etc.) work directed towards the innovation, introduction, and improvement of products and processes. ЬЬresearchable adj. researcher n. [obs. F recerche (as RE-, SEARCH)] reseat v.tr. 1 (also refl.) seat (oneself, a person, etc.) again. 2 provide with a fresh seat or seats. resect v.tr. Surgery 1 cut out part of (a lung etc.). 2 pare down (bone, cartilage, etc.). ЬЬresection n. resectional adj. resectionist n. [L resecare resect- (as RE-, secare cut)] reseda n. 1 any plant of the genus Reseda, with sweet-scented flowers, e.g. a mignonette. 2 also the pale green colour of mignonette flowers. [L, perh. f. imper. of resedare assuage, with ref. to its supposed curative powers] reselect v.tr. select again or differently. ЬЬreselection n. resell v.tr. (past and past part. resold) sell (an object etc.) after buying it. resemblance n. (often foll. by to, between, of) a likeness or similarity. ЬЬresemblant adj. [ME f. AF (as RESEMBLE)] resemble v.tr. be like; have a similarity to, or features in common with, or the same appearance as. ЬЬresembler n. [ME f. OF resembler (as RE-, sembler f. L similare f. similis like)] resent v.tr. show or feel indignation at; be aggrieved by (a circumstance, action, or person) (we resent being patronized). [obs. F resentir (as RE-, L sentire feel)] resentful adj. feeling resentment. ЬЬresentfully adv. resentfulness n. resentment n. (often foll. by at, of) indignant or bitter feelings; anger. [It. risentimento or F ressentiment (as RESENT)] reserpine n. an alkaloid obtained from plants of the genus Rauwolfia, used as a tranquillizer and in the treatment of hypertension. [G Reserpin f. mod.L Rauwolfia (f. L. Rauwolf, Ger. botanist d. 1596) serpentina] reservation n. 1 the act or an instance of reserving or being reserved. 2 a booking (of a room, berth, seat, etc.). 3 the thing booked, e.g. a room in a hotel. 4 an express or tacit limitation or exception to an agreement etc. (had reservations about the plan). 5 Brit. a strip of land between the carriageways of a road. 6 an area of land reserved for occupation by American Indians, African Blacks, or Australian Aboriginals, etc. 7 a a right or interest retained in an estate being conveyed. b the clause reserving this. 8 Eccl. a the practice of retaining for some purpose a portion of the Eucharistic elements (esp. the bread) after celebration. b RC Ch. the power of absolution reserved to a superior. c RC Ch. the right reserved to the Pope of nomination to a vacant benefice. [ME f. OF reservation or LL reservatio (as RESERVE)] reserve v. & n. --v.tr. 1 postpone, put aside, keep back for a later occasion or special use. 2 order to be specially retained or allocated for a particular person or at a particular time. 3 retain or secure, esp. by formal or legal stipulation (reserve the right to). 4 postpone delivery of (judgement etc.) (reserved my comments until the end). --n. 1 a thing reserved for future use; an extra stock or amount (a great reserve of strength; huge energy reserves). 2 a limitation, qualification, or exception attached to something (accept your offer without reserve). 3 a self-restraint; reticence; lack of cordiality (difficult to overcome his reserve). b (in artistic or literary expression) absence from exaggeration or ill-proportioned effects. 4 a company's profit added to capital. 5 (in sing. or pl.) assets kept readily available as cash or at a central bank, or as gold or foreign exchange (reserve currency). 6 (in sing. or pl.) a troops withheld from action to reinforce or protect others. b forces in addition to the regular army, navy, airforce, etc., but available in an emergency. 7 a member of the military reserve. 8 an extra player chosen to be a possible substitute in a team. 9 a place reserved for special use, esp. as a habitat for a native tribe or for wildlife (game reserve; nature reserve). 10 the intentional suppression of the truth (exercised a certain amount of reserve). 11 (in the decoration of ceramics or textiles) an area which still has the original colour of the material or the colour of the background. Ьin reserve unused and available if required. reserve grade Austral. a second-grade team. reserve price the lowest acceptable price stipulated for an item sold at an auction. with all (or all proper) reserve without endorsing. ЬЬreservable adj. reserver n. [ME f. OF reserver f. L reservare (as RE-, servare keep)] re-serve v.tr. & intr. serve again. reserved adj. 1 reticent; slow to reveal emotion or opinions; uncommunicative. 2 a set apart, destined for some use or fate. b (often foll. by for, to) left by fate for; falling first or only to. Ьreserved occupation an occupation from which a person will not be taken for military service. ЬЬreservedly adv. reservedness n. reservist n. a member of the reserve forces. reservoir n. 1 a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply. 2 a any natural or artificial receptacle esp. for or of fluid. b a place where fluid etc. collects. 3 a part of a machine etc. holding fluid. 4 (usu. foll. by of) a reserve or supply esp. of information. [F r‚servoir f. r‚server RESERVE] reset v.tr. (resetting; past and past part. reset) set (a broken bone, gems, a mechanical device, etc.) again or differently. ЬЬresettable adj. resettability n. resettle v.tr. & intr. settle again. ЬЬresettlement n. reshape v.tr. shape or form again or differently. reshuffle v. & n. --v.tr. 1 shuffle (cards) again. 2 interchange the posts of (government ministers etc.). --n. the act or an instance of reshuffling. reside v.intr. 1 (often foll. by at, in, abroad, etc.) (of a person) have one's home, dwell permanently. 2 (of power, a right, etc.) rest or be vested in. 3 (of an incumbent official) be in residence. 4 (foll. by in) (of a quality) be present or inherent in. [ME, prob. back-form. f. RESIDENT infl. by F r‚sider or L residere (as RE-, sedere sit)] residence n. 1 the act or an instance of residing. 2 a the place where a person resides; an abode. b a mansion; the official house of a government minister etc. c a house, esp. one of considerable pretension (returned to their London residence). Ьin residence dwelling at a specified place, esp. for the performance of duties or work. [ME f. OF residence or med.L residentia f. L residere: see RESIDE] residency n. (pl. -ies) 1 = RESIDENCE 1, 2a. 2 US a period of specialized medical training; the position of a resident. 3 hist. the official residence of the Governor-General's representative or other government agent at an Indian native court; the territory supervised by this official. 4 a musician's regular engagement at a club etc. 5 a group or organization of intelligence agents in a foreign country. resident n. & adj. --n. 1 (often foll. by of) a a permanent inhabitant (of a town or neighbourhood). b a bird belonging to a species that does not migrate. 2 a guest in a hotel etc. staying overnight. 3 hist. a British government agent in any semi-independent State, esp. the Governor-General's agent at an Indian native court. 4 US a medical graduate engaged in specialized practice under supervision in a hospital. 5 an intelligence agent in a foreign country. --adj. 1 residing; in residence. 2 a having quarters on the premises of one's work etc. (resident housekeeper; resident doctor). b working regularly in a particular place. 3 located in; inherent (powers of feeling are resident in the nerves). 4 (of birds etc.) non-migratory. ЬЬresidentship n. (in sense 3 of n.). [ME f. OF resident or L: see RESIDE] residential adj. 1 suitable for or occupied by private houses (residential area). 2 used as a residence (residential hotel). 3 based on or connected with residence (the residential qualification for voters; a residential course of study). ЬЬresidentially adv. residentiary adj. & n. --adj. of, subject to, or requiring, official residence. --n. (pl. -ies) an ecclesiastic who must officially reside in a place. [med.L residentiarius (as RESIDENCE)] residua pl. of RESIDUUM. residual adj. & n. --adj. 1 remaining; left as a residue or residuum. 2 Math. resulting from subtraction. 3 (in calculation) still unaccounted for or not eliminated. --n. 1 a quantity left over or Math. resulting from subtraction. 2 an error in calculation not accounted for or eliminated. ЬЬresidually adv. residuary adj. 1 of the residue of an estate (residuary bequest). 2 of or being a residuum; residual; still remaining. residue n. 1 what is left over or remains; a remainder; the rest. 2 Law what remains of an estate after the payment of charges, debts, and bequests. 3 esp. Chem. a residuum. [ME f. OF residu f. L residuum: see RESIDUUM] residuum n. (pl. residua) 1 Chem. a substance left after combustion or evaporation. 2 a remainder or residue. [L, neut. of residuus remaining f. residere: see RESIDE] resign v. 1 intr. a (often foll. by from) give up office, one's employment, etc. (resigned from the Home Office). b (often foll. by as) retire (resigned as chief executive). 2 tr. (often foll. by to, into) relinquish; surrender; hand over (a right, charge, task, etc.). 3 tr. give up (hope etc.). 4 refl. (usu. foll. by to) a reconcile (oneself, one's mind, etc.) to the inevitable (have resigned myself to the idea). b surrender (oneself to another's guidance). 5 intr. Chess etc. discontinue play and admit defeat. ЬЬresigner n. [ME f. OF resigner f. L resignare unseal, cancel (as RE-, signare sign, seal)] re-sign v.tr. & intr. sign again. resignation n. 1 the act or an instance of resigning, esp. from one's job or office. 2 the document etc. conveying this intention. 3 the state of being resigned; the uncomplaining endurance of a sorrow or difficulty. [ME f. OF f. med.L resignatio (as RESIGN)] resigned adj. (often foll. by to) having resigned oneself; submissive, acquiescent. ЬЬresignedly adv. resignedness n. resile v.intr. 1 (of something stretched or compressed) recoil to resume a former size and shape; spring back. 2 have or show resilience or recuperative power. 3 (usu. foll. by from) withdraw from a course of action. [obs. F resilir or L resilire (as RE-, salire jump)] resilient adj. 1 (of a substance etc.) recoiling; springing back; resuming its original shape after bending, stretching, compression, etc. 2 (of a person) readily recovering from shock, depression, etc.; buoyant. ЬЬresilience n. resiliency n. resiliently adv. [L resiliens resilient- (as RESILE)] resin n. & v. --n. 1 an adhesive inflammable substance insoluble in water, secreted by some plants, and often extracted by incision, esp. from fir and pine (cf. GUM(1)). 2 (in full synthetic resin) a solid or liquid organic compound made by polymerization etc. and used in plastics etc. --v.tr. (resined, resining) rub or treat with resin. ЬЬresinate n. resinate v.tr. resinoid adj. & n. resinous adj. [ME resyn, rosyn f. L resina & med.L rosina, rosinum] resist v. & n. --v. 1 tr. withstand the action or effect of; repel. 2 tr. stop the course or progress of; prevent from reaching, penetrating, etc. 3 tr. abstain from (pleasure, temptation, etc.). 4 tr. strive against; try to impede; refuse to comply with (resist arrest). 5 intr. offer opposition; refuse to comply. --n. a protective coating of a resistant substance, applied esp. to parts of calico that are not to take dye or to parts of pottery that are not to take glaze or lustre. Ьcannot (or could not etc.) resist 1 (foll. by verbal noun) feel obliged or strongly inclined to (cannot resist teasing me about it). 2 is certain to be amused, attracted, etc., by (can't resist children's clothes). ЬЬresistant adj. resister n. resistible adj. resistibility n. [ME f. OF resister or L resistere (as RE-, sistere stop, redupl. of stare stand)] resistance n. 1 the act or an instance of resisting; refusal to comply. 2 the power of resisting (showed resistance to wear and tear). 3 Biol. the ability to withstand adverse conditions. 4 the impeding, slowing, or stopping effect exerted by one material thing on another. 5 Physics a the property of hindering the conduction of electricity, heat, etc. b the measure of this in a body. °Symb.: R. 6 a resistor. 7 (in full resistance movement) a secret organization resisting authority, esp. in an occupied country. [ME f. F r‚sistance, r‚sistence f. LL resistentia (as RESIST)] resistive adj. 1 able to resist. 2 Electr. of or concerning resistance. resistivity n. Electr. a measure of the resisting power of a specified material to the flow of an electric current. resistless adj. archaic poet. 1 irresistible; relentless. 2 unresisting. ЬЬresistlessly adv. resistor n. Electr. a device having resistance to the passage of an electrical current. resit v. & n. --v.tr. (resitting; past and past part. resat) sit (an examination) again after failing. --n. 1 the act or an instance of resitting an examination. 2 an examination held specifically to enable candidates to resit. re-site v.tr. place on another site; relocate. resold past and past part. of RESELL. resoluble adj. 1 that can be resolved. 2 (foll. by into) analysable. [F r‚soluble or L resolubilis (as RESOLVE, after soluble)] re-soluble adj. that can be dissolved again. resolute adj. (of a person or a person's mind or action) determined; decided; firm of purpose; not vacillating. ЬЬresolutely adv. resoluteness n. [L resolutus past part. of resolvere (see RESOLVE)] resolution n. 1 a resolute temper or character; boldness and firmness of purpose. 2 a thing resolved on; an intention (New Year's resolutions). 3 a a formal expression of opinion or intention by a legislative body or public meeting. b the formulation of this (passed a resolution). 4 (usu. foll. by of) the act or an instance of solving doubt or a problem or question (towards a resolution of the difficulty). 5 a separation into components; decomposition. b the replacing of a single force etc. by two or more jointly equivalent to it. 6 (foll. by into) analysis; conversion into another form. 7 Mus. the act or an instance of causing discord to pass into concord. 8 Physics etc. the smallest interval measurable by a scientific instrument; the resolving power. 9 Med. the disappearance of inflammation etc. without suppuration. 10 Prosody the substitution of two short syllables for one long. [ME f. L resolutio (as RESOLVE)] resolutive adj. Med. having the power or ability to dissolve. Ьresolutive condition Law a condition whose fulfilment terminates a contract etc. [med.L resolutivus (as RESOLVE)] resolve v. & n. --v. 1 intr. make up one's mind; decide firmly (resolve to do better). 2 tr. (of circumstances etc.) cause (a person) to do this (events resolved him to leave). 3 tr. (foll. by that + clause) (of an assembly or meeting) pass a resolution by vote (the committee resolved that immediate action should be taken). 4 intr. & tr. (often foll. by into) separate or cause to separate into constituent parts; disintegrate; analyse; dissolve. 5 tr. (of optical or photographic equipment) separate or distinguish between closely adjacent objects. 6 tr. & intr. (foll. by into) convert or be converted. 7 tr. & intr. (foll. by into) reduce by mental analysis into. 8 tr. solve; explain; clear up; settle (doubt, argument, etc.). 9 tr. & intr. Mus. convert or be converted into concord. 10 tr. Med. remove (inflammation etc.) without suppuration. 11 tr. Prosody replace (a long syllable) by two short syllables. 12 tr. Mech. replace (a force etc.) by two or more jointly equivalent to it. --n. 1 a a firm mental decision or intention; a resolution (made a resolve not to go). b US a formal resolution by a legislative body or public meeting. 2 resoluteness; steadfastness. Ьresolving power an instrument's ability to distinguish very small or very close objects. ЬЬresolvable adj. resolvability n. resolver n. [ME f. L resolvere resolut- (as RE-, SOLVE)] resolved adj. resolute, determined. ЬЬresolvedly adv. resolvedness n. resolvent adj. & n. esp. Med. --adj. (of a drug, application, substance, etc.) effecting the resolution of a tumour etc. --n. such a drug etc. resonance n. 1 the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection or synchronous vibration. 2 Mech. a condition in which an object or system is subjected to an oscillating force having a frequency close to its own natural frequency. 3 Chem. the property of a molecule having a structure best represented by two or more forms rather than a single structural formula. 4 Physics a short-lived elementary particle that is an excited state of a more stable particle. [OF f. L resonantia echo (as RESONANT)] resonant adj. 1 (of sound) echoing, resounding; continuing to sound; reinforced or prolonged by reflection or synchronous vibration. 2 (of a body, room, etc.) tending to reinforce or prolong sounds esp. by synchronous vibration. 3 (often foll. by with) (of a place) resounding. 4 of or relating to resonance. ЬЬresonantly adv. [F r‚sonnant or L resonare resonant- (as RE-, sonare sound)] resonate v.intr. produce or show resonance; resound. [L resonare resonat- (as RESONANT)] resonator n. Mus. 1 an instrument responding to a single note and used for detecting it in combinations. 2 an appliance for giving resonance to sound or other vibrations. resorb v.tr. absorb again. ЬЬresorbence n. resorbent n. [L resorbere resorpt- (as RE-, sorbere absorb)] resorcin n. = RESORCINOL. [RESIN + ORCIN] resorcinol n. Chem. a crystalline organic compound usu. made by synthesis and used in the production of dyes, drugs, resins, etc. resorption n. 1 the act or an instance of resorbing; the state of being resorbed. 2 the absorption of tissue within the body. ЬЬresorptive adj. [RESORB after absorption] resort n. & v. --n. 1 a place frequented esp. for holidays or for a specified purpose or quality (seaside resort; health resort). 2 a a thing to which one has recourse; an expedient or measure (a taxi was our best resort). b (foll. by to) recourse to; use of (without resort to violence). 3 a tendency to frequent or be frequented (places of great resort). --v.intr. 1 (foll. by to) turn to as an expedient (resorted to threats). 2 (foll. by to) go often or in large numbers to. Ьin the (or as a) last resort when all else has failed. ЬЬresorter n. [ME f. OF resortir (as RE-, sortir come or go out)] re-sort v.tr. sort again or differently. resound v. 1 intr. (often foll. by with) (of a place) ring or echo (the hall resounded with laughter). 2 intr. (of a voice, instrument, sound, etc.) produce echoes; go on sounding; fill the place with sound. 3 intr. a (of fame, a reputation, etc.) be much talked of. b (foll. by through) produce a sensation (the call resounded through Europe). 4 tr. (often foll. by of) proclaim or repeat loudly (the praises) of a person or thing (resounded the praises of Greece). 5 tr. (of a place) re-echo (a sound). [ME f. RE- + SOUND(1) v., after OF resoner or L resonare: see RESONANT] resounding adj. 1 in senses of RESOUND. 2 unmistakable; emphatic (was a resounding success). ЬЬresoundingly adv. resource n. 1 an expedient or device (escape was their only resource). 2 (usu. in pl.) a the means available to achieve an end, fulfil a function, etc. b a stock or supply that can be drawn on. c US available assets. 3 (in pl.) a country's collective wealth or means of defence. 4 a leisure occupation (reading is a great resource). 5 a skill in devising expedients (a person of great resource). b practical ingenuity; quick wit (full of resource). 6 archaic the possibility of aid (lost without resource). Ьone's own resources one's own abilities, ingenuity, etc. ЬЬresourceful adj. resourcefully adv. resourcefulness n. resourceless adj. resourcelessness n. [F ressource, ressourse, fem. past part. of OF dial. resourdre (as RE-, L surgere rise)] respect n. & v. --n. 1 deferential esteem felt or shown towards a person or quality. 2 a (foll. by of, for) heed or regard. b (foll. by to) attention to or consideration of (without respect to the results). 3 an aspect, detail, particular, etc. (correct except in this one respect). 4 reference, relation (a morality that has no respect to religion). 5 (in pl.) a person's polite messages or attentions (give my respects to your mother). --v.tr. 1 regard with deference, esteem, or honour. 2 a avoid interfering with, harming, degrading, insulting, injuring, or interrupting. b treat with consideration. c refrain from offending, corrupting, or tempting (a person, a person's feelings, etc.). Ьin respect of as concerns; with reference to. in respect that because. with (or with all due) respect a mollifying formula preceding an expression of one's disagreement with another's views. ЬЬrespecter n. [ME f. OF respect or L respectus f. respicere (as RE-, specere look at) or f. respectare frequent. of respicere] respectability n. 1 the state of being respectable. 2 those who are respectable. respectable adj. 1 deserving respect. 2 a of fair social standing. b having the qualities necessary for such standing. 3 honest and decent in conduct etc. 4 of some merit or importance. 5 tolerable, passable, fairly good or competent (a respectable try). 6 (of activities, clothes, etc.) presentable; befitting a respectable person. 7 reasonably good in condition or appearance. 8 appreciable in number, size, amount, etc. 9 primly conventional. ЬЬrespectably adv. respectful adj. showing deference (stood at a respectful distance). ЬЬrespectfully adv. respectfulness n. respecting prep. with reference or regard to; concerning. respective adj. concerning or appropriate to each of several individually; proper to each (go to your respective places). [F respectif -ive f. med.L respectivus (as RESPECT)] respectively adv. for each separately or in turn, and in the order mentioned (she and I gave њ10 and њ1 respectively). respell v.tr. (past and past part. respelt or respelled) spell again or differently, esp. phonetically. respirable adj. (of air, gas, etc.) able or fit to be breathed. [F respirable or LL respirabilis (as RESPIRE)] respirate v.tr. subject to artificial respiration. [back-form. f. RESPIRATION] respiration n. 1 a the act or an instance of breathing. b a single inspiration or expiration; a breath. 2 Biol. in living organisms, the process involving the release of energy and carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances. [ME f. F respiration or L respiratio (as RESPIRE)] respirator n. 1 an apparatus worn over the face to prevent poison gas, cold air, dust particles, etc., from being inhaled. 2 Med. an apparatus for maintaining artificial respiration. respire v. 1 intr. breathe air. 2 intr. inhale and exhale air. 3 intr. (of a plant) carry out respiration. 4 tr. breathe (air etc.). 5 intr. breathe again; take a breath. 6 intr. get rest or respite; recover hope or spirit. ЬЬrespiratory adj. [ME f. OF respirer or f. L respirare (as RE-, spirare breathe)] respite n. & v. --n. 1 an interval of rest or relief. 2 a delay permitted before the discharge of an obligation or the suffering of a penalty. --v.tr. 1 grant respite to; reprieve (a condemned person). 2 postpone the execution or exaction of (a sentence, obligation, etc.). 3 give temporary relief from (pain or care) or to (a sufferer). [ME f. OF respit f. L respectus RESPECT] resplendent adj. brilliant, dazzlingly or gloriously bright. ЬЬresplendence n. resplendency n. resplendently adv. [ME f. L resplendere (as RE-, splendere glitter)] respond v. & n. --v. 1 intr. answer, give a reply. 2 intr. act or behave in an answering or corresponding manner. 3 intr. (usu. foll. by to) show sensitiveness to by behaviour or change (does not respond to kindness). 4 intr. (of a congregation) make answers to a priest etc. 5 intr. Bridge make a bid on the basis of a partner's preceding bid. 6 tr. say (something) in answer. --n. 1 Archit. a half-pillar or half-pier attached to a wall to support an arch, esp. at the end of an arcade. 2 Eccl. a responsory; a response to a versicle. ЬЬrespondence n. respondency n. responder n. [ME f. OF respondre answer ult. f. L respondere respons- answer (as RE-, spondere pledge)] respondent n. & adj. --n. 1 a defendant, esp. in an appeal or divorce case. 2 a person who makes an answer or defends an argument etc. --adj. 1 making answer. 2 (foll. by to) responsive. 3 in the position of defendant. response n. 1 an answer given in word or act; a reply. 2 a feeling, movement, change, etc., caused by a stimulus or influence. 3 (often in pl.) Eccl. any part of the liturgy said or sung in answer to the priest; a responsory. 4 Bridge a bid made in responding. [ME f. OF respons(e) or L responsum neut. past part. of respondere RESPOND] responsibility n. (pl. -ies) 1 a (often foll. by for, of) the state or fact of being responsible (refuses all responsibility for it; will take the responsibility of doing it). b authority; the ability to act independently and make decisions (a job with more responsibility). 2 the person or thing for which one is responsible (the food is my responsibility). Ьon one's own responsibility without authorization. responsible adj. 1 (often foll. by to, for) liable to be called to account (to a person or for a thing). 2 morally accountable for one's actions; capable of rational conduct. 3 of good credit, position, or repute; respectable; evidently trustworthy. 4 (often foll. by for) being the primary cause (a short circuit was responsible for the power failure). 5 (of a ruler or government) not autocratic. 6 involving responsibility (a responsible job). ЬЬresponsibleness n. responsibly adv. [obs. F f. L respondere: see RESPOND] responsive adj. 1 (often foll. by to) responding readily (to some influence). 2 sympathetic; impressionable. 3 a answering. b by way of answer. 4 (of a liturgy etc.) using responses. ЬЬresponsively adv. responsiveness n. [F responsif -ive or LL responsivus (as RESPOND)] responsory n. (pl. -ies) an anthem said or sung by a soloist and choir after a lesson. [ME f. LL responsorium (as RESPOND)] respray v. & n. --v.tr. spray again (esp. to change the colour of the paint on a vehicle). --n. the act or an instance of respraying. rest(1) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. cease, abstain, or be relieved from exertion, action, movement, or employment; be tranquil. 2 intr. be still or asleep, esp. to refresh oneself or recover strength. 3 tr. give relief or repose to; allow to rest (a chair to rest my legs). 4 intr. (foll. by on, upon, against) lie on; be supported by; be spread out on; be propped against. 5 intr. (foll. by on, upon) depend, be based, or rely on. 6 intr. (foll. by on, upon) (of a look) alight or be steadily directed on. 7 tr. (foll. by on, upon) place for support or foundation. 8 intr. (of a problem or subject) be left without further investigation or discussion (let the matter rest). 9 intr. a lie in death. b (foll. by in) lie buried in (a churchyard etc.). 10 tr. (as rested adj.) refreshed or reinvigorated by resting. 11 intr. US conclude the calling of witnesses in a law case (the prosecution rests). 12 intr. (of land) lie fallow. 13 intr. (foll. by in) repose trust in (am content to rest in God). --n. 1 repose or sleep, esp. in bed at night (get a good night's rest). 2 freedom from or the cessation of exertion, worry, activity, etc. (give the subject a rest). 3 a period of resting (take a 15-minute rest). 4 a support or prop for holding or steadying something. 5 Mus. a an interval of silence of a specified duration. b the sign denoting this. 6 a place of resting or abiding, esp. a lodging place or shelter provided for sailors, cabmen, etc. 7 a pause in elocution. 8 a caesura in verse. Ьat rest not moving; not agitated or troubled; dead. be resting Brit. euphem. (of an actor) be out of work. rest-baulk a ridge left unploughed between furrows. rest one's case conclude one's argument etc. rest-cure a rest usu. of some weeks as a medical treatment. rest-day 1 a day spent in rest. 2 = day of rest. rest (or God rest) his (or her) soul may God grant his (or her) soul repose. rest-home a place where old or frail people can be cared for. rest-house Ind. a house for travellers to rest in. resting-place a place provided or used for resting. rest mass Physics the mass of a body when at rest. rest on one's laurels see LAUREL. rest on one's oars see OAR. rest room esp. US a public lavatory in a factory, shop, etc. rest up US rest oneself thoroughly. set at rest settle or relieve (a question, a person's mind, etc.). ЬЬrester n. [OE r‘st, rest (n.), r‘stan, restan (v.)] rest(2) n. & v. --n. (prec. by the) 1 the remaining part or parts; the others; the remainder of some quantity or number (finish what you can and leave the rest). 2 Brit. Econ. the reserve fund, esp. of the Bank of England. 3 hist. a rally in tennis. --v.intr. 1 remain in a specified state (rest assured). 2 (foll. by with) be left in the hands or charge of (the final arrangements rest with you). Ьand all the rest (or the rest of it) and all else that might be mentioned; etcetera. for the rest as regards anything else. [ME f. OF reste rester f. L restare (as RE-, stare stand)] restart v. & n. --v.tr. & intr. begin again. --n. a new beginning. restate v.tr. express again or differently, esp. more clearly or convincingly. ЬЬrestatement n. restaurant n. public premises where meals or refreshments may be had. Ьrestaurant car Brit. a dining-car on a train. [F f. restaurer RESTORE] restaurateur n. a restaurant-keeper. [F (as RESTAURANT)] restful adj. 1 favourable to quiet or repose. 2 free from disturbing influences. 3 soothing. ЬЬrestfully adv. restfulness n. rest-harrow n. any tough-rooted plant of the genus Ononis, native to Europe and the Mediterranean. [obs. rest (v.) = ARREST (in sense 'stop') + HARROW] restitution n. 1 (often foll. by of) the act or an instance of restoring a thing to its proper owner. 2 reparation for an injury ( esp. make restitution). 3 esp. Theol. the restoration of a thing to its original state. 4 the resumption of an original shape or position because of elasticity. ЬЬrestitutive adj. [ME f. OF restitution or L restitutio f. restituere restitut- restore (as RE-, statuere establish)] restive adj. 1 fidgety; restless. 2 (of a horse) refusing to advance, stubbornly standing still or moving backwards or sideways; jibbing; refractory. 3 (of a person) unmanageable; rejecting control. ЬЬrestively adv. restiveness n. [ME f. OF restif -ive f. Rmc (as REST(2))] restless adj. 1 finding or affording no rest. 2 uneasy; agitated. 3 constantly in motion, fidgeting, etc. ЬЬrestlessly adv. restlessness n. [OE restleas (as REST, -LESS)] restock v.tr. (also absol.) stock again or differently. restoration n. 1 the act or an instance of restoring or being restored. 2 a model or drawing representing the supposed original form of an extinct animal, ruined building, etc. 3 a the re-establishment of a monarch etc. b the period of this. 4 (Restoration) hist. a (prec. by the) the re-establishment of Charles II as king of England in 1660. b (often attrib.) the literary period following this (Restoration comedy). [17th-c. alt. (after RESTORE) of restauration, ME f. OF restauration or LL restauratio (as RESTORE)] restorative adj. & n. --adj. tending to restore health or strength. --n. a restorative medicine, food, etc. (needs a restorative). ЬЬrestoratively adv. [ME var. of obs. restaurative f. OF restauratif -ive (as RESTORE)] restore v.tr. 1 bring back or attempt to bring back to the original state by rebuilding, repairing, repainting, emending, etc. 2 bring back to health etc.; cure. 3 give back to the original owner etc.; make restitution of. 4 reinstate; bring back to dignity or right. 5 replace; put back; bring back to a former condition. 6 make a representation of the supposed original state of (a ruin, extinct animal, etc.). 7 reinstate by conjecture (missing words in a text, missing pieces, etc.). ЬЬrestorable adj. restorer n. [ME f. OF restorer f. L restaurare] restrain v.tr. 1 (often refl., usu. foll. by from) check or hold in; keep in check or under control or within bounds. 2 repress; keep down. 3 confine; imprison. ЬЬrestrainable adj. restrainer n. [ME f. OF restrei(g)n- stem of restreindre f. L restringere restrict- (as RE-, stringere tie)] re-strain v.tr. strain again. restrainedly adv. with self-restraint. restraint n. 1 the act or an instance of restraining or being restrained. 2 a stoppage; a check; a controlling agency or influence. 3 a self-control; avoidance of excess or exaggeration. b austerity of literary expression. 4 reserve of manner. 5 confinement, esp. because of insanity. 6 something which restrains or holds in check. Ьin restraint of in order to restrain. restraint of trade action seeking to interfere with free-market conditions. [ME f. OF restreinte fem. past part. of restreindre: see RESTRAIN] restrict v.tr. (often foll. by to, within) 1 confine, bound, limit (restricted parking; restricted them to five days a week). 2 subject to limitation. 3 withhold from general circulation or disclosure. Ьrestricted area 1 Brit. an area in which there is a special speed limit for vehicles. 2 US an area which military personnel are not allowed to enter. ЬЬrestrictedly adv. restrictedness n. [L restringere: see RESTRAIN] restriction n. 1 the act or an instance of restricting; the state of being restricted. 2 a thing that restricts. 3 a limitation placed on action. ЬЬrestrictionist adj. & n. [ME f. OF restriction or L restrictio (as RESTRICT)] restrictive adj. imposing restrictions. Ьrestrictive clause Gram. a relative clause, usu. without surrounding commas. restrictive practice Brit. an agreement to limit competition or output in industry. ЬЬrestrictively adv. restrictiveness n. [ME f. OF restrictif -ive or med.L restrictivus (as RESTRICT)] restring v.tr. (past and past part. restrung) 1 fit (a musical instrument) with new strings. 2 thread (beads etc.) on a new string. restructure v.tr. give a new structure to; rebuild; rearrange. restudy v.tr. (-ies, -ied) study again. restyle v.tr. 1 reshape; remake in a new style. 2 give a new designation to (a person or thing). result n. & v. --n. 1 a consequence, issue, or outcome of something. 2 a satisfactory outcome; a favourable result (gets results). 3 a quantity, formula, etc., obtained by calculation. 4 (in pl.) a list of scores or winners etc. in an examination or sporting event. --v.intr. 1 (often foll. by from) arise as the actual consequence or follow as a logical consequence (from conditions, causes, etc.). 2 (often foll. by in) have a specified end or outcome (resulted in a large profit). Ьwithout result in vain; fruitless. ЬЬresultful adj. resultless adj. [ME f. med.L resultare f. L (as RE-, saltare frequent. of salire jump)] resultant adj. & n. --adj. resulting, esp. as the total outcome of more or less opposed forces. --n. Math. a force etc. equivalent to two or more acting in different directions at the same point. resume v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. begin again or continue after an interruption. 2 tr. & intr. begin to speak, work, or use again; recommence. 3 tr. get back; take back; recover; reoccupy (resume one's seat). --n. = RђSUMђ. ЬЬresumable adj. [ME f. OF resumer or L resumere resumpt- (as RE-, sumere take)] r‚sum‚ n. 1 a summary. 2 US a curriculum vitae. [F past part. of r‚sumer (as RESUME)] resumption n. the act or an instance of resuming (ready for the resumption of negotiations). ЬЬresumptive adj. [ME f. OF resumption or LL resumptio (as RESUME)] resupinate adj. (of a leaf etc.) upside down. [L resupinatus past part. of resupinare bend back: see SUPINE] resurface v. 1 tr. lay a new surface on (a road etc.). 2 intr. rise or arise again; turn up again. resurgent adj. 1 rising or arising again. 2 tending to rise again. ЬЬresurgence n. [L resurgere resurrect- (as RE-, surgere rise)] resurrect v. 1 tr. colloq. revive the practice, use, or memory of. 2 tr. take from the grave; exhume. 3 tr. dig up. 4 tr. & intr. raise or rise from the dead. [back-form. f. RESURRECTION] resurrection n. 1 the act or an instance of rising from the dead. 2 (Resurrection) a Christ's rising from the dead. b the rising of the dead at the Last Judgement. 3 a revival after disuse, inactivity, or decay. 4 exhumation. 5 the unearthing of a lost or forgotten thing; restoration to vogue or memory. Ьresurrection plant any of various plants, including clubmosses of the genus Selaginella and the Rose of Jericho, unfolding when moistened after being dried. ЬЬresurrectional adj. [ME f. OF f. LL resurrectio -onis (as RESURGENT)] resurvey v. & n. --v.tr. survey again; reconsider. --n. the act or an instance of resurveying. resuscitate v.tr. & intr. 1 revive from unconsciousness or apparent death. 2 return or restore to vogue, vigour, or vividness. ЬЬresuscitation n. resuscitative adj. resuscitator n. [L resuscitare (as RE-, suscitare raise)] ret v. (also rate) (retted, retting) 1 tr. soften (flax, hemp, etc.) by soaking or by exposure to moisture. 2 intr. (often as retted adj.) (of hay etc.) be spoilt by wet or rot. [ME, rel. to ROT] ret. abbr. retired; returned. retable n. 1 a frame enclosing decorated panels above the back of an altar. 2 a shelf. [F r‚table, retable f. Sp. retablo f. med.L retrotabulum rear table (as RETRO-, TABLE)] retail n., adj., adv., & v. --n. the sale of goods in relatively small quantities to the public, and usu. not for resale (cf. WHOLESALE). --adj. & adv. by retail; at a retail price (do you buy wholesale or retail?). --v. also 1 tr. sell (goods) in retail trade. 2 intr. (often foll. by at, of) (of goods) be sold in this way (esp. for a specified price) (retails at њ4.95). 3 tr. recount; relate details of. Ьretail price index an index of the variation in the prices of retail goods. ЬЬretailer n. [ME f. OF retaille a piece cut off f. retaillier (as RE-, TAIL(2))] retain v.tr. 1 a keep possession of; not lose; continue to have, practise, or recognize. b not abolish, discard, or alter. 2 keep in one's memory. 3 keep in place; hold fixed. 4 secure the services of (a person, esp. a barrister) with a preliminary payment. Ьretaining fee a fee paid to secure a person, service, etc. retaining wall a wall supporting and confining a mass of earth or water. ЬЬretainable adj. retainability n. retainment n. [ME f. AF retei(g)n- f. stem of OF retenir ult. f. L retinere retent- (as RE-, tenere hold)] retainer n. 1 a person or thing that retains. 2 Law a fee for retaining a barrister etc. 3 a hist. a dependant or follower of a person of rank. b joc. an old and faithful friend or servant ( esp. old retainer). 4 Brit. a reduced rent paid to retain accommodation during a period of non-occupancy. retake v. & n. --v.tr. (past retook; past part. retaken) 1 take again. 2 recapture. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of retaking. b a thing retaken, e.g. an examination. 2 a the act or an instance of filming a scene or recording music etc. again. b the scene or recording obtained in this way. retaliate v. 1 intr. repay an injury, insult, etc., in kind; attack in return; make reprisals. 2 tr. a (usu. foll. by upon) cast (an accusation) back upon a person. b repay (an injury or insult) in kind. ЬЬretaliation n. retaliative adj. retaliator n. retaliatory adj. [L retaliare (as RE-, talis such)] retard v. & n. --v.tr. 1 make slow or late. 2 delay the progress, development, arrival, or accomplishment of. --n. retardation. Ьin retard delayed, in the rear. ЬЬretardant adj. & n. retardation n. retardative adj. retardatory adj. retarder n. retardment n. [F retarder f. L retardare (as RE-, tardus slow)] retardate adj. & n. US --adj. mentally retarded. --n. a mentally retarded person. [L retardare: see RETARD] retarded adj. backward in mental or physical development. retch v. & n. --v.intr. make a motion of vomiting esp. involuntarily and without effect. --n. such a motion or the sound of it. [var. of (now dial.) reach f. OE hr‘can spit, ON hr‘kja f. Gmc, of imit. orig.] retd. abbr. 1 retired. 2 returned. rete n. (pl. retia) Anat. an elaborate network or plexus of blood vessels and nerve cells. [L rete net] reteach v.tr. (past and past part. retaught) teach again or differently. retell v.tr. (past and past part. retold) tell again or in a different version. retention n. 1 a the act or an instance of retaining; the state of being retained. b the ability to retain things experienced or learned; memory. 2 Med. the failure to evacuate urine or another secretion. [ME f. OF retention or L retentio (as RETAIN)] retentive adj. 1 (often foll. by of) tending to retain (moisture etc.). 2 (of memory or a person) not forgetful. 3 Surgery (of a ligature etc.) serving to keep something in place. ЬЬretentively adv. retentiveness n. [ME f. OF retentif -ive or med.L retentivus (as RETAIN)] retexture v.tr. treat (material, a garment, etc.) so as to restore its original texture. rethink v. & n. --v.tr. (past and past part. rethought) think about (something) again, esp. with a view to making changes. --n. a reassessment; a period of rethinking. retia pl. of RETE. retiarius n. (pl. retiarii) a Roman gladiator using a net to trap his opponent. [L f. rete net] reticence n. 1 the avoidance of saying all one knows or feels, or of saying more than is necessary; reserve in speech. 2 a disposition to silence; taciturnity. 3 the act or an instance of holding back some fact. 4 abstinence from overemphasis in art. ЬЬreticent adj. reticently adv. [L reticentia f. reticere (as RE-, tacere be silent)] reticle n. a network of fine threads or lines in the focal plane of an optical instrument to help accurate observation. [L reticulum: see RETICULUM] reticula pl. of RETICULUM. reticulate v. & adj. --v.tr. & intr. 1 divide or be divided in fact or appearance into a network. 2 arrange or be arranged in small squares or with intersecting lines. --adj. reticulated. ЬЬreticulately adv. reticulation n. [L reticulatus reticulated (as RETICULUM)] reticule n. 1 = RETICLE. 2 usu. hist. a woman's netted or other bag, esp. with a drawstring, carried or worn to serve the purpose of a pocket. [F r‚ticule f. L (as RETICULUM)] reticulum n. (pl. reticula) 1 a netlike structure; a fine network, esp. of membranes etc. in living organisms. 2 a ruminant's second stomach. ЬЬreticular adj. reticulose adj. [L, dimin. of rete net] retie v.tr. (retying) tie again. retiform adj. netlike, reticulated. [L rete net + -FORM] retina n. (pl. retinas, retinae) a layer at the back of the eyeball sensitive to light, and triggering nerve impulses via the optic nerve to the brain where the visual image is formed. ЬЬretinal adj. [ME f. med.L f. L rete net] retinitis n. inflammation of the retina. retinol n. a vitamin found in green and yellow vegetables, egg-yolk, and fish-liver oil, essential for growth and vision in dim light. Also called vitamin A. [RETINA + -OL(1)] retinue n. a body of attendants accompanying an important person. [ME f. OF retenue fem. past part. of retenir RETAIN] retiral n. esp. Sc. retirement from office etc. retire v. 1 a intr. leave office or employment, esp. because of age (retire from the army; retire on a pension). b tr. cause (a person) to retire from work. 2 intr. withdraw; go away; retreat. 3 intr. seek seclusion or shelter. 4 intr. go to bed. 5 tr. withdraw (troops). 6 intr. & tr. Cricket (of a batsman) voluntarily end or be compelled to suspend one's innings (retired hurt). 7 tr. Econ. withdraw (a bill or note) from circulation or currency. Ьretire from the world become a recluse. retire into oneself become uncommunicative or unsociable. retiring age the age at which most people normally retire from work. ЬЬretirer n. [F retirer (as RE-, tirer draw)] retired adj. 1 a having retired from employment (a retired teacher). b relating to a retired person (received retired pay). 2 withdrawn from society or observation; secluded (lives a retired life). ЬЬretiredness n. retirement n. 1 a the act or an instance of retiring. b the condition of having retired. 2 a seclusion or privacy. b a secluded place. Ьretirement pension Brit. a pension paid by the State to retired people above a certain age. retiring adj. shy; fond of seclusion. ЬЬretiringly adv. retold past and past part. of RETELL. retook past of RETAKE. retool v.tr. equip (a factory etc.) with new tools. retort(1) n. & v. --n. 1 an incisive or witty or angry reply. 2 the turning of a charge or argument against its originator. 3 a piece of retaliation. --v. 1 a tr. say by way of a retort. b intr. make a retort. 2 tr. repay (an insult or attack) in kind. 3 tr. (often foll. by on, upon) return (mischief, a charge, sarcasm, etc.) to its originator. 4 tr. (often foll. by against) make (an argument) tell against its user. 5 tr. (as retorted adj.) recurved; twisted or bent backwards. [L retorquere retort- (as RE-, torquere twist)] retort(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a vessel usu. of glass with a long recurved neck used in distilling liquids. 2 a vessel for heating mercury for purification, coal to generate gas, or iron and carbon to make steel. --v.tr. purify (mercury) by heating in a retort. [F retorte f. med.L retorta fem. past part. of retorquere: see RETORT(1)] retortion n. 1 the act or an instance of bending back; the condition of being bent back. 2 retaliation by a State on the subjects of another. [RETORT(1), perh. after contortion] retouch v. & n. --v.tr. improve or repair (a composition, picture, photographic negative or print, etc.) by fresh touches or alterations. --n. the act or an instance of retouching. ЬЬretoucher n. [prob. f. F retoucher (as RE-, TOUCH)] retrace v.tr. 1 go back over (one's steps etc.). 2 trace back to a source or beginning. 3 recall the course of in one's memory. [F retracer (as RE-, TRACE(1))] retract v. 1 tr. (also absol.) withdraw or revoke (a statement or undertaking). 2 a tr. & intr. (esp. with ref. to part of the body) draw or be drawn back or in. b tr. draw (an undercarriage etc.) into the body of an aircraft. ЬЬretractable adj. retraction n. retractive adj. [L retrahere or (in sense 1) retractare (as RE-, trahere tract- draw)] retractile adj. capable of being retracted. ЬЬretractility n. [RETRACT, after contractile] retractor n. 1 a muscle used for retracting. 2 a device for retracting. retrain v.tr. & intr. train again or further, esp. for new work. retral adj. Biol. hinder, posterior; at the back. [RETRO- + -AL] retranslate v.tr. translate again, esp. back into the original language. ЬЬretranslation n. retransmit v.tr. (retransmitted, retransmitting) transmit (esp. radio signals or broadcast programmes) back again or to a further distance. ЬЬretransmission n. retread v. & n. --v.tr. (past retrod; past part. retrodden) 1 tread (a path etc.) again. 2 put a fresh tread on (a tyre). --n. a retreaded tyre. retreat v. & n. --v. 1 a intr. (esp. of military forces) go back, retire; relinquish a position. b tr. cause to retreat; move back. 2 intr. (esp. of features) recede; slope back. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of retreating. b Mil. a signal for this. 2 withdrawal into privacy or security. 3 a place of shelter or seclusion. 4 a period of seclusion for prayer and meditation. 5 Mil. a bugle-call at sunset. 6 a place for the reception of the elderly or others in need of care. [ME f. OF retret (n.), retraiter (v.) f. L retrahere: see RETRACT] retrench v. 1 a tr. reduce the amount of (costs). b intr. cut down expenses; introduce economies. 2 tr. shorten or abridge. ЬЬretrenchment n. [obs. F retrencher (as RE-, TRENCH)] retrial n. a second or further (judicial) trial. retribution n. requital usu. for evil done; vengeance. ЬЬretributive adj. retributory adj. [ME f. LL retributio (as RE-, tribuere tribut- assign)] retrieve v. & n. --v.tr. 1 a regain possession of. b recover by investigation or effort of memory. 2 a restore to knowledge or recall to mind. b obtain (information stored in a computer etc.). 3 (of a dog) find and bring in (killed or wounded game etc.). 4 (foll. by from) recover or rescue (esp. from a bad state). 5 restore to a flourishing state; revive. 6 repair or set right (a loss or error etc.) (managed to retrieve the situation). --n. the possibility of recovery (beyond retrieve). ЬЬretrievable adj. retrieval n. [ME f. OF retroeve- stressed stem of retrover (as RE-, trover find)] retriever n. 1 a a dog of a breed used for retrieving game. b this breed. 2 a person who retrieves something. retro- comb. form 1 denoting action back or in return (retroact; retroflex). 2 Anat. & Med. denoting location behind. [L retro backwards] retroact v.intr. 1 operate in a backward direction. 2 have a retrospective effect. 3 react. ЬЬretroaction n. retroactive adj. (esp. of legislation) having retrospective effect. ЬЬretroactively adv. retroactivity n. retrocede v. 1 intr. move back; recede. 2 tr. cede back again. ЬЬretrocedence n. retrocedent adj. retrocession n. retrocessive adj. [L retrocedere (as RETRO-, cedere cess- go)] retrochoir n. the part of a cathedral or large church behind the high altar. [med.L retrochorus (as RETRO-, CHOIR)] retrod past of RETREAD. retrodden past part. of RETREAD. retrofit v.tr. (-fitted, -fitting) modify (machinery, vehicles, etc.) to incorporate changes and developments introduced after manufacture. [RETROACTIVE + REFIT] retroflex adj. (also retroflexed) 1 Anat., Med., & Bot. turned backwards. 2 Phonet. = CACUMINAL. ЬЬretroflexion n. [L retroflectere retroflex- (as RETRO-, flectere bend)] retrogradation n. Astron. 1 the apparent backward motion of a planet in the zodiac. 2 the apparent motion of a celestial body from east to west. 3 backward movement of the lunar nodes on the ecliptic. [LL retrogradatio (as RETRO-, GRADATION)] retrograde adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 directed backwards; retreating. 2 reverting esp. to an inferior state; declining. 3 inverse, reversed (in retrograde order). 4 Astron. in or showing retrogradation. --n. a degenerate person. --v.intr. 1 move backwards; recede, retire. 2 decline, revert. 3 Astron. show retrogradation. ЬЬretrogradely adv. [ME f. L retrogradus (as RETRO-, gradus step, gradi walk)] retrogress v.intr. 1 go back; move backwards. 2 deteriorate. ЬЬretrogressive adj. [RETRO-, after PROGRESS v.] retrogression n. 1 backward or reversed movement. 2 a return to a less advanced state; a reversal of development; a decline or deterioration. 3 Astron. = RETROGRADATION. ЬЬretrogressive adj. [RETRO-, after progression] retroject v.tr. throw back (usu. opp. PROJECT). [RETRO-, after PROJECT v.] retro-rocket n. an auxiliary rocket for slowing down a spacecraft etc., e.g. when re-entering the earth's atmosphere. retrorse adj. Biol. turned back or down. ЬЬretrorsely adv. [L retrorsus = retroversus (as RETRO-, versus past part. of vertere turn)] retrospect n. 1 (foll. by to) regard or reference to precedent or authority, or to previous conditions. 2 a survey of past time or events. Ьin retrospect when looked back on. [RETRO-, after PROSPECT n.] retrospection n. 1 the action of looking back esp. into the past. 2 an indulgence or engagement in retrospect. [prob. f. retrospect (v.) (as RETROSPECT)] retrospective adj. & n. --adj. 1 looking back on or dealing with the past. 2 (of an exhibition, recital, etc.) showing an artist's development over his or her lifetime. 3 (of a statute etc.) applying to the past as well as the future; retroactive. 4 (of a view) lying to the rear. --n. a retrospective exhibition, recital, etc. ЬЬretrospectively adv. retrosternal adj. Anat. & Med. behind the breastbone. retrouss‚ adj. (of the nose) turned up at the tip. [F, past part. of retrousser tuck up (as RE-, TRUSS)] retrovert v.tr. 1 turn backwards. 2 Med. (as retroverted adj.) (of the womb) having a backward inclination. ЬЬretroversion n. [LL retrovertere (as RETRO-, vertere vers- turn)] retrovirus n. Biol. any of a group of RNA viruses which form DNA during the replication of their RNA. [mod.L f. initial letters of reverse transcriptase + VIRUS] retry v.tr. (-ies, -ied) try (a defendant or lawsuit) a second or further time. ЬЬretrial n. retsina n. a Greek white wine flavoured with resin. [mod. Gk] retune v.tr. 1 tune (a musical instrument) again or differently. 2 tune (a radio etc.) to a different frequency. returf v.tr. provide with new turf. return v. & n. --v. 1 intr. come or go back. 2 tr. bring or put or send back to the person or place etc. where originally belonging or obtained (returned the fish to the river; have you returned my scissors?). 3 tr. pay back or reciprocate; give in response (decided not to return the compliment). 4 tr. yield (a profit). 5 tr. say in reply; retort. 6 tr. (in cricket or tennis etc.) hit or send (the ball) back after receiving it. 7 tr. state or mention or describe officially, esp. in answer to a writ or formal demand. 8 tr. (of an electorate) elect as an MP, government, etc. 9 tr. Cards a lead (a suit) previously led or bid by a partner. b lead (a suit or card) after taking a trick. 10 tr. Archit. continue (a wall etc.) in a changed direction, esp. at right angles. --n. 1 the act or an instance of coming or going back. 2 a the act or an instance of giving or sending or putting or paying back. b a thing given or sent back. 3 (in full return ticket) esp. Brit. a ticket for a journey to a place and back to the starting-point. 4 (in sing. or pl.) a the proceeds or profit of an undertaking. b the acquisition of these. 5 a formal report or statement compiled or submitted by order (an income-tax return). 6 (in full return match or game) a second match etc. between the same opponents. 7 Electr. a conductor bringing a current back to its source. 8 Brit. a sheriff's report on a writ. 9 esp. Brit. a a person's election as an MP etc. b a returning officer's announcement of this. 10 Archit. a part receding from the line of the front, e.g. the side of a house or of a window-opening. Ьby return (of post) by the next available post in the return direction. in return as an exchange or reciprocal action. many happy returns (of the day) a greeting on a birthday. return crease Cricket each of two lines joining the popping-crease and bowling-crease at right angles to the bowling-crease and extending beyond it. returning officer Brit. an official conducting an election in a constituency and announcing the results. return thanks express thanks esp. in a grace at meals or in response to a toast or condolence. ЬЬreturnable adj. returner n. returnless adj. [ME f. OF returner (as RE-, TURN)] returnee n. a person who returns home from abroad, esp. after war service. retuse adj. esp. Bot. having a broad end with a central depression. [L retundere retus- (as RE-, tundere beat)] retying pres. part. of RETIE. retype v.tr. type again, esp. to correct errors. reunify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) restore (esp. separated territories) to a political unity. ЬЬreunification n. reunion n. 1 a the act or an instance of reuniting. b the condition of being reunited. 2 a social gathering esp. of people formerly associated. [F r‚union or AL reunio f. L reunire unite (as RE-, UNION)] reunite v.tr. & intr. bring or come back together. reupholster v.tr. upholster anew. ЬЬreupholstery n. reuse v. & n. --v.tr. use again or more than once. --n. a second or further use. ЬЬreusable adj. reutilize v.tr. (also -ise) utilize again or for a different purpose. ЬЬreutilization n. Rev. abbr. 1 Reverend. 2 Revelation (New Testament). rev n. & v. colloq. --n. (in pl.) the number of revolutions of an engine per minute (running at 3,000 revs). --v. (revved, revving) 1 intr. (of an engine) revolve; turn over. 2 tr. (also absol.; often foll. by up) cause (an engine) to run quickly. Ьrev counter = revolution counter. [abbr.] revaccinate v.tr. vaccinate again. ЬЬrevaccination n. revalue v.tr. (revalues, revalued, revaluing) Econ. give a different value to, esp. give a higher value to, (a currency) in relation to other currencies or gold (opp. DEVALUE). ЬЬrevaluation n. revamp v.tr. 1 renovate, revise, improve. 2 patch up. [RE- + VAMP(1)] revanchism n. Polit. a policy of seeking to retaliate, esp. to recover lost territory. ЬЬrevanchist n. & adj. [F revanche (as REVENGE)] revarnish v.tr. varnish again. Revd abbr. Reverend. reveal(1) v.tr. 1 display or show; allow to appear. 2 (often as revealing adj.) disclose, divulge, betray (revealed his plans; a revealing remark). 3 tr. (in refl. or passive) come to sight or knowledge. 4 Relig. (esp. of God) make known by inspiration or supernatural means. Ьrevealed religion a religion based on revelation (opp. natural religion). ЬЬrevealable adj. revealer n. revealingly adv. [ME f. OF reveler or L revelare (as RE-, velum veil)] reveal(2) n. an internal side surface of an opening or recess, esp. of a doorway or window-aperture. [obs. revale (v.) lower f. OF revaler f. avaler (as RE-, VAIL)] reveille n. a military waking-signal sounded in the morning on a bugle or drums etc. [F r‚veillez imper. pl. of r‚veiller awaken (as RE-, veiller f. L vigilare keep watch)] revel v. & n. --v. (revelled, revelling; US reveled, reveling) 1 intr. have a good time; be extravagantly festive. 2 intr. (foll. by in) take keen delight in. 3 tr. (foll. by away) throw away (money or time) in revelry. --n. (in sing. or pl.) the act or an instance of revelling. ЬЬreveller n. revelry n. (pl. -ies). [ME f. OF reveler riot f. L rebellare REBEL v.] revelation n. 1 a the act or an instance of revealing, esp. the supposed disclosure of knowledge to humankind by a divine or supernatural agency. b knowledge disclosed in this way. 2 a striking disclosure (it was a revelation to me). 3 (Revelation or colloq. Revelations) (in full the Revelation of St John the Divine) the last book of the New Testament, describing visions of heaven. ЬЬrevelational adj. [ME f. OF revelation or LL revelatio (as REVEAL(1))] revelationist n. a believer in divine revelation. revelatory adj. serving to reveal, esp. something significant. [L revelare: see REVEAL(1)] revenant n. a person who has returned, esp. supposedly from the dead. [F, pres. part. of revenir: see REVENUE] revenge n. & v. --n. 1 retaliation for an offence or injury. 2 an act of retaliation. 3 the desire for this; a vindictive feeling. 4 (in games) a chance to win after an earlier defeat. --v. 1 tr. (in refl. or passive; often foll. by on, upon) inflict retaliation for an offence. 2 tr. take revenge for (an offence). 3 tr. avenge (a person). 4 intr. take vengeance. ЬЬrevenger n. [ME f. OF revenger, revencher f. LL revindicare (as RE-, vindicare lay claim to)] revengeful adj. eager for revenge. ЬЬrevengefully adv. revengefulness n. revenue n. 1 a income, esp. of a large amount, from any source. b (in pl.) items constituting this. 2 a State's annual income from which public expenses are met. 3 the department of the civil service collecting this. Ьrevenue tax a tax imposed to raise revenue, rather than to affect trade. [ME f. OF revenu(e) past part. of revenir f. L revenire return (as RE-, venire come)] reverb n. Mus. colloq. 1 reverberation. 2 a device to produce this. [abbr.] reverberate v. 1 a intr. (of sound, light, or heat) be returned or echoed or reflected repeatedly. b tr. return (a sound etc.) in this way. 2 intr. (of a story, rumour, etc.) be heard much or repeatedly. Ьreverberating furnace a furnace constructed to throw heat back on to the substance exposed to it. ЬЬreverberant adj. reverberantly adv. reverberation n. reverberative adj. reverberator n. reverberatory adj. [L reverberare (as RE-, verberare lash f. verbera (pl.) scourge)] revere v.tr. hold in deep and usu. affectionate or religious respect; venerate. [F r‚v‚rer or L revereri (as RE-, vereri fear)] reverence n. & v. --n. 1 a the act of revering or the state of being revered (hold in reverence; feel reverence for). b the capacity for revering (lacks reverence). 2 archaic a gesture showing that one reveres; a bow or curtsy. 3 (Reverence) a title used of or to some members of the clergy. --v.tr. regard or treat with reverence. [ME f. OF f. L reverentia (as REVERE)] reverend adj. & n. --adj. (esp. as the title of a clergyman) deserving reverence. --n. colloq. a clergyman. ЬMost Reverend the title of an archbishop or an Irish Roman Catholic bishop. Reverend Mother the title of the Mother Superior of a convent. Right Reverend the title of a bishop. Very Reverend the title of a dean etc. [ME f. OF reverend or L reverendus gerundive of revereri: see REVERE] reverent adj. feeling or showing reverence. ЬЬreverently adv. [ME f. L reverens (as REVERE)] reverential n. of the nature of, due to, or characterized by reverence. ЬЬreverentially adv. [med.L reverentialis (as REVERE)] reverie n. 1 a fit of abstracted musing (was lost in a reverie). 2 archaic a fantastic notion or theory; a delusion. 3 Mus. an instrumental piece suggesting a dreamy or musing state. [obs. F resverie f. OF reverie rejoicing, revelry f. rever be delirious, of unkn. orig.] revers n. (pl. same) 1 the turned-back edge of a garment revealing the under-surface. 2 the material on this surface. [F, = REVERSE] reverse v., adj., & n. --v. 1 tr. turn the other way round or up or inside out. 2 tr. change to the opposite character or effect (reversed the decision). 3 intr. & tr. travel or cause to travel backwards. 4 tr. make (an engine etc.) work in a contrary direction. 5 tr. revoke or annul (a decree, act, etc.). 6 intr. (of a dancer, esp. in a waltz) revolve in the opposite direction. --adj. 1 placed or turned in an opposite direction or position. 2 opposite or contrary in character or order; inverted. --n. 1 the opposite or contrary (the reverse is the case; is the reverse of the truth). 2 the contrary of the usual manner. 3 an occurrence of misfortune; a disaster, esp. a defeat in battle (suffered a reverse). 4 reverse gear or motion. 5 the reverse side of something. 6 a the side of a coin or medal etc. bearing the secondary design. b this design (cf. OBVERSE). 7 the verso of a leaf. Ьreverse arms hold a rifle with the butt upwards. reverse the charges Brit. make the recipient of a telephone call responsible for payment. reverse gear a gear used to make a vehicle etc. travel backwards. reversing light a white light at the rear of a vehicle operated when the vehicle is in reverse gear. reverse Polish notation see Polish notation. reverse strata Geol. a fault in which the overlying side of a mass of rock is displaced upward in relation to the underlying side. ЬЬreversal n. reversely adv. reverser n. reversible adj. reversibility n. reversibly adv. [ME f. OF revers (n.), reverser (v.), f. L revertere revers- (as RE-, vertere turn)] reversion n. 1 a the legal right (esp. of the original owner, or his or her heirs) to possess or succeed to property on the death of the present possessor. b property to which a person has such a right. 2 Biol. a return to ancestral type. 3 a return to a previous state, habit, etc. 4 a sum payable on a person's death, esp. by way of life insurance. ЬЬreversional adj. reversionary adj. [ME f. OF reversion or L reversio (as REVERSE)] revert v. 1 intr. (foll. by to) return to a former state, practice, opinion, etc. 2 intr. (of property, an office, etc.) return by reversion. 3 intr. fall back into a wild state. 4 tr. turn (one's eyes or steps) back. ЬЬreverter n. (in sense 2). [ME f. OF revertir or L revertere (as REVERSE)] revertible adj. (of property) subject to reversion. revet v.tr. (revetted, revetting) face (a rampart, wall, etc.) with masonry, esp. in fortification. [F rev€tir f. OF revestir f. LL revestire (as RE-, vestire clothe f. vestis)] revetment n. a retaining wall or facing. [F rev€tement (as REVET)] review n. & v. --n. 1 a general survey or assessment of a subject or thing. 2 a retrospect or survey of the past. 3 revision or reconsideration (is under review). 4 a display and formal inspection of troops etc. 5 a published account or criticism of a book, play, etc. 6 a periodical publication with critical articles on current events, the arts, etc. 7 a second view. --v.tr. 1 survey or look back on. 2 reconsider or revise. 3 hold a review of (troops etc.). 4 write a review of (a book, play, etc.). 5 view again. Ьcourt of review a court before which sentences etc. come for revision. ЬЬreviewable adj. reviewal n. reviewer n. [obs. F reveue f. revoir (as RE-, voir see)] revile v. 1 tr. abuse; criticize abusively. 2 intr. talk abusively; rail. ЬЬrevilement n. reviler n. reviling n. [ME f. OF reviler (as RE-, VILE)] revise v. & n. --v.tr. 1 examine or re-examine and improve or amend (esp. written or printed matter). 2 consider and alter (an opinion etc.). 3 (also absol.) Brit. read again (work learnt or done) to improve one's knowledge, esp. for an examination. --n. Printing a proof-sheet including corrections made in an earlier proof. ЬRevised Standard Version a revision in 1946-52 of the Authorized Version of the Bible. Revised Version a revision in 1881-5 of the Authorized Version of the Bible. ЬЬrevisable adj. revisal n. reviser n. revisory adj. [F r‚viser look at, or L revisere (as RE-, visere intensive of videre vis- see)] revision n. 1 the act or an instance of revising; the process of being revised. 2 a revised edition or form. ЬЬrevisionary adj. [OF revision or LL revisio (as REVISE)] revisionism n. often derog. a policy of revision or modification, esp. of Marxism on evolutionary socialist (rather than revolutionary) or pluralist principles. ЬЬrevisionist n. & adj. revisit v.tr. (revisited, revisiting) visit again. revitalize v.tr. (also -ise) imbue with new life and vitality. ЬЬrevitalization n. revival n. 1 the act or an instance of reviving; the process of being revived. 2 a new production of an old play etc. 3 a revived use of an old practice, custom, etc. 4 a a reawakening of religious fervour. b a series of evangelistic meetings to promote this. 5 restoration to bodily or mental vigour or to life or consciousness. revivalism n. belief in or the promotion of a revival, esp. of religious fervour. ЬЬrevivalist n. revivalistic adj. revive v.intr. & tr. 1 come or bring back to consciousness or life or strength. 2 come or bring back to existence, use, notice, etc. ЬЬrevivable adj. [ME f. OF revivre or LL revivere (as RE-, L vivere live)] reviver n. 1 a person or thing that revives. 2 colloq. a stimulating drink. 3 a preparation used for restoring faded colours etc. revivify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) restore to animation, activity, vigour, or life. ЬЬrevivification n. [F revivifier or LL revivificare (as RE-, VIVIFY)] revoke v. & n. --v. 1 tr. rescind, withdraw, or cancel (a decree or promise etc.). 2 intr. Cards fail to follow suit when able to do so. --n. Cards the act of revoking. ЬЬrevocable adj. revocability n. revocation n. revocatory adj. revoker n. [ME f. OF revoquer or L revocare (as RE-, vocare call)] revolt v. & n. --v. 1 intr. a rise in rebellion against authority. b (as revolted adj.) having revolted. 2 a tr. (often in passive) affect with strong disgust; nauseate (was revolted by the thought of it). b intr. (often foll. by at, against) feel strong disgust. --n. 1 an act of rebelling. 2 a state of insurrection (in revolt). 3 a sense of loathing. 4 a mood of protest or defiance. [F r‚volter f. It. rivoltare ult. f. L revolvere (as REVOLVE)] revolting adj. disgusting, horrible. ЬЬrevoltingly adv. revolute adj. Bot. etc. having a rolled-back edge. [L revolutus past part. of revolvere: see REVOLVE] revolution n. 1 a the forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system. b (in Marxism) the replacement of one ruling class by another; the class struggle which is expected to lead to political change and the triumph of communism. 2 any fundamental change or reversal of conditions. 3 the act or an instance of revolving. 4 a motion in orbit or a circular course or round an axis or centre; rotation. b the single completion of an orbit or rotation. c the time taken for this. 5 a cyclic recurrence. Ьrevolution counter a device for indicating the number or rate of revolutions of an engine etc. ЬЬrevolutionism n. revolutionist n. [ME f. OF revolution or LL revolutio (as REVOLVE)] revolutionary adj. & n. --adj. 1 involving great and often violent change. 2 of or causing political revolution. 3 (Revolutionary) of or relating to a particular revolution, esp. the War of American Independence. --n. (pl. -ies) an instigator or supporter of political revolution. revolutionize v.tr. (also -ise) introduce fundamental change to. revolve v. 1 intr. & tr. turn or cause to turn round, esp. on an axis; rotate. 2 intr. move in a circular orbit. 3 tr. ponder (a problem etc.) in the mind. Ьrevolving credit credit that is automatically renewed as debts are paid off. revolving door a door with usu. four partitions turning round a central axis. ЬЬrevolvable adj. [ME f. L revolvere (as RE-, volvere roll)] revolver n. a pistol with revolving chambers enabling several shots to be fired without reloading. revue n. a theatrical entertainment of a series of short usu. satirical sketches and songs. [F, = REVIEW n.] revulsion n. 1 abhorrence; a sense of loathing. 2 a sudden violent change of feeling. 3 a sudden reaction in taste, fortune, trade, etc. 4 Med. counterirritation; the treatment of one disordered organ etc. by acting upon another. [F revulsion or L revulsio (as RE-, vellere vuls- pull)] revulsive adj. & n. Med. --adj. producing revulsion. --n. a revulsive substance. reward n. & v. 1 a a return or recompense for service or merit. b requital for good or evil; retribution. 2 a sum offered for the detection of a criminal, the restoration of lost property, etc. --v.tr. give a reward to (a person) or for (a service etc.). ЬЬrewardless adj. [ME f. AF, ONF reward = OF reguard REGARD] rewarding adj. (of an activity etc.) well worth doing; providing satisfaction. ЬЬrewardingly adv. rewarewa n. a tall red-flowered tree, Knightia excelsa, of New Zealand. [Maori] rewash v.tr. wash again. reweigh v.tr. weigh again. rewind v.tr. (past and past part. rewound) wind (a film or tape etc.) back to the beginning. ЬЬrewinder n. rewire v.tr. provide (a building etc.) with new wiring. ЬЬrewirable adj. reword v.tr. change the wording of. rewound past and past part. of REWIND. rewrap v.tr. (rewrapped, rewrapping) wrap again or differently. rewrite v. & n. --v.tr. (past rewrote; past part. rewritten) write again or differently. --n. 1 the act or an instance of rewriting. 2 a thing rewritten. Rex n. the reigning king (following a name or in the titles of lawsuits, e.g. Rex v. Jones the Crown versus Jones). [L] Rexine n. propr. an artificial leather used in upholstery, bookbinding, etc. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] Reynard n. a fox (esp. as a proper name in stories). [ME f. OF Renart name of a fox in the Roman de Renart] Reynolds number n. Physics a quantity indicating the degree of turbulence of flow past an obstacle etc. [O. Reynolds, Engl. physicist d. 1912] 7.0 Rf... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rf symb. Chem. the element rutherfordium. r.f. abbr. radio frequency. RFA abbr. (in the UK) Royal Fleet Auxiliary. RFC abbr. 1 Rugby Football Club. 2 hist. Royal Flying Corps. 8.0 RGS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RGS abbr. Royal Geographical Society. 9.0 Rh... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rh(1) symb. Chem. the element rhodium. Rh(2) abbr. 1 Rhesus. 2 Rhesus factor. r.h. abbr. right hand. RHA abbr. (in the UK) Royal Horse Artillery. rhabdomancy n. the use of a divining-rod, esp. for discovering subterranean water or mineral ore. [Gk rhabdomanteia f. rhabdos rod: see -MANCY] Rhadamanthine adj. stern and incorruptible in judgement. [Rhadamanthus f. L f. Gk Rhadamanthos, name of a judge in the underworld] Rhaeto-Romance adj. & n. (also Rhaeto-Romanic) --adj. of or in any of the Romance dialects of SE Switzerland and Tyrol, esp. Romansh and Ladin. --n. any of these dialects. [L Rhaetus of Rhaetia in the Alps + ROMANIC] rhapsode n. a reciter of epic poems, esp. of Homer in ancient Greece. [Gk rhapsoidos f. rhapto stitch + oide song, ODE] rhapsodist n. 1 a person who rhapsodizes. 2 = RHAPSODE. rhapsodize v.intr. (also -ise) talk or write rhapsodies. rhapsody n. (pl. -ies) 1 an enthusiastic or extravagant utterance or composition. 2 Mus. a piece of music in one extended movement, usu. emotional in character. 3 Gk Antiq. an epic poem, or part of it, of a length for one recitation. ЬЬrhapsodic adj. rhapsodical adj. (in senses 1, 2). [L rhapsodia f. Gk rhapsoidia (as RHAPSODE)] rhatany n. (pl. -ies) 1 either of two American shrubs, Krameria trianda and K. argentea, having an astringent root when dried. 2 the root of either of these. [mod.L rhatania f. Port. ratanha, Sp. ratania, f. Quechua rata¤a] rhea n. any of several S. American flightless birds of the family Rheidae, like but smaller than an ostrich. [mod.L genus name f. L f. Gk Rhea mother of Zeus] rhebok var. of REEBOK. Rhenish adj. & n. --adj. of the Rhine and the regions adjoining it. --n. wine from this area. [ME rynis, rynisch etc., f. AF reneis, OF r(a)inois f. L Rhenanus f. Rhenus Rhine] rhenium n. Chem. a rare metallic element of the manganese group, occurring naturally in molybdenum ores and used in the manufacture of superconducting alloys. °Symb.: Re. [mod.L f. L Rhenus Rhine] rheology n. the science dealing with the flow and deformation of matter. ЬЬrheological adj. rheologist n. [Gk rheos stream + -LOGY] rheostat n. Electr. an instrument used to control a current by varying the resistance. ЬЬrheostatic adj. [Gk rheos stream + -STAT] rhesus n. (in full rhesus monkey) a small catarrhine monkey, Macaca mulatta, common in N. India. Ьrhesus baby an infant with a haemolytic disorder caused by the incompatibility of its own rhesus-positive blood with its mother's rhesus-negative blood. rhesus factor an antigen occurring on the red blood cells of most humans and some other primates (as in the rhesus monkey, in which it was first observed). rhesus negative lacking the rhesus factor. rhesus positive having the rhesus factor. [mod.L, arbitrary use of L Rhesus f. Gk Rhesos, mythical King of Thrace] rhetor n. 1 an ancient Greek or Roman teacher or professor of rhetoric. 2 usu. derog. an orator. [ME f. LL rethor f. L rhetor f. Gk rhetor] rhetoric n. 1 the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing. 2 language designed to persuade or impress (often with an implication of insincerity or exaggeration etc.). [ME f. OF rethorique f. L rhetorica, -ice f. Gk rhetorike (tekhne) (art) of rhetoric (as RHETOR)] rhetorical adj. 1 expressed with a view to persuasive or impressive effect; artificial or extravagant in language. 2 of the nature of rhetoric. 3 a of or relating to the art of rhetoric. b given to rhetoric; oratorical. Ьrhetorical question a question asked not for information but to produce an effect, e.g. who cares? for nobody cares. ЬЬrhetorically adv. [ME f. L rhetoricus f. Gk rhetorikos (as RHETOR)] rhetorician n. 1 an orator. 2 a teacher of rhetoric. 3 a rhetorical speaker or writer. [ME f. OF rethoricien (as RHETORICAL)] rheum n. a watery discharge from a mucous membrane, esp. of the eyes or nose. [ME f. OF reume ult. f. Gk rheuma -atos stream f. rheo flow] rheumatic adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, relating to, or suffering from rheumatism. 2 producing or produced by rheumatism. --n. a person suffering from rheumatism. Ьrheumatic fever a non-infectious fever with inflammation and pain in the joints. ЬЬrheumatically adv. rheumaticky adj. colloq. [ME f. OF reumatique or L rheumaticus f. Gk rheumatikos (as RHEUM)] rheumatics n.pl. (treated as sing.; often prec. by the) colloq. rheumatism. rheumatism n. any disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, or fibrous tissue, esp. rheumatoid arthritis. [F rhumatisme or L rheumatismus f. Gk rheumatismos f. rheumatizo f. rheuma stream] rheumatoid adj. having the character of rheumatism. Ьrheumatoid arthritis a chronic progressive disease causing inflammation and stiffening of the joints. rheumatology n. the study of rheumatic diseases. ЬЬrheumatological adj. rheumatologist n. RHG abbr. (in the UK) Royal Horse Guards. rhinal adj. Anat. of a nostril or the nose. [Gk rhis rhin-: see RHINO-] rhinestone n. an imitation diamond. [Rhine, river and region in Germany + STONE] rhinitis n. inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. [Gk rhis rhinos nose] rhino(1) n. (pl. same or -os) colloq. a rhinoceros. [abbr.] rhino(2) n. Brit. sl. money. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] rhino- comb. form Anat. the nose. [Gk rhis rhinos nostril, nose] rhinoceros n. (pl. same or rhinoceroses) any of various large thick-skinned plant-eating ungulates of the family Rhinocerotidae of Africa and S. Asia, with one horn or in some cases two horns on the nose and plated or folded skin. Ьrhinoceros bird = ox-pecker. rhinoceros horn a mass of keratinized fibres, reputed to have medicinal or aphrodisiac powers. ЬЬrhinocerotic adj. [ME f. L f. Gk rhinokeros (as RHINO-, keras horn)] rhinopharyngeal adj. of or relating to the nose and pharynx. rhinoplasty n. plastic surgery of the nose. ЬЬrhinoplastic adj. rhizo- comb. form Bot. a root. [Gk rhiza root] rhizocarp n. a plant with a perennial root but stems that wither. [RHIZO- + Gk karpos fruit] rhizoid adj. & n. Bot. --adj. rootlike. --n. a root-hair or filament in mosses, ferns, etc. rhizome n. an underground rootlike stem bearing both roots and shoots. [Gk rhizoma f. rhizoo take root (as RHIZO-)] rhizopod n. any protozoa of the class Rhizopodea, forming rootlike pseudopodia. rho n. the seventeenth letter of the Greek alphabet (P). [Gk] rhodamine n. Chem. any of various red synthetic dyes used to colour textiles. [RHODO- + AMINE] Rhode Island Red n. an orig. American breed of reddish-black domestic fowl. Rhodes Scholarship n. any of several scholarships awarded annually and tenable at Oxford University by students from certain Commonwealth countries, South Africa, the United States, and W. Germany. ЬЬRhodes Scholar n. [Cecil Rhodes, Brit. statesman d. 1902, who founded them] rhodium n. Chem. a hard white metallic element of the platinum group, occurring naturally in platinum ores and used in making alloys and plating jewellery. °Symb.: Rh. [Gk rhodon rose (from the colour of the solution of its salts)] rhodo- comb. form esp. Mineral. & Chem. rose-coloured. [Gk rhodon rose] rhodochrosite n. a mineral form of manganese carbonate occurring in rose-red crystals. [Gk rhodokhrous rose-coloured] rhododendron n. any evergreen shrub of the genus Rhododendron, with large clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers. [L, = oleander, f. Gk (as RHODO-, dendron tree)] rhodopsin n. = visual purple. [Gk rhodon rose + opsis sight] rhodora n. a N. American pink-flowered shrub, Rhodora canadense. [mod.L f. L plant-name f. Gk rhodon rose] rhomb n. = RHOMBUS. ЬЬrhombic adj. [F rhombe or L rhombus] rhombi pl. of RHOMBUS. rhombohedron n. (pl. -hedrons or -hedra) 1 a solid bounded by six equal rhombuses. 2 a crystal in this form. ЬЬrhombohedral adj. [RHOMBUS, after polyhedron etc.] rhomboid adj. & n. --adj. (also rhomboidal) having or nearly having the shape of a rhombus. --n. a quadrilateral of which only the opposite sides and angles are equal. [F rhombo‹de or LL rhomboides f. Gk rhomboeides (as RHOMB)] rhomboideus n. (pl. rhomboidei) Anat. a muscle connecting the shoulder-blade to the vertebrae. [mod.L rhomboideus RHOMBOID] rhombus n. (pl. rhombuses or rhombi) Geom. a parallelogram with oblique angles and equal sides. [L f. Gk rhombos] RHS abbr. 1 Royal Historical Society. 2 Royal Horticultural Society. 3 Royal Humane Society. rhubarb n. 1 a any of various plants of the genus Rheum, esp. R. rhaponticum, producing long fleshy dark-red leaf-stalks used cooked as food. b the leaf-stalks of this. 2 a a root of a Chinese and Tibetan plant of the genus Rheum. b a purgative made from this. 3 a colloq. a murmurous conversation or noise, esp. the repetition of the word 'rhubarb' by crowd actors. b sl. nonsense; worthless stuff. 4 US sl. a heated dispute. [ME f. OF r(e)ubarbe, shortening of med.L r(h)eubarbarum, alt. (by assoc. with Gk rheon rhubarb) of rhabarbarum foreign 'rha', ult. f. Gk rha + barbaros foreign] rhumb n. Naut. 1 any of the 32 points of the compass. 2 the angle between two successive compass-points. 3 (in full rhumb-line) a a line cutting all meridians at the same angle. b the line followed by a ship sailing in a fixed direction. [F rumb prob. f. Du. ruim room, assoc. with L rhombus: see RHOMBUS] rhumba var. of RUMBA. rhyme n. & v. --n. 1 identity of sound between words or the endings of words, esp. in verse. 2 (in sing. or pl.) verse having rhymes. 3 a the use of rhyme. b a poem having rhymes. 4 a word providing a rhyme. --v. 1 intr. a (of words or lines) produce a rhyme. b (foll. by with) act as a rhyme (with another). 2 intr. make or write rhymes; versify. 3 tr. put or make (a story etc.) into rhyme. 4 tr. (foll. by with) treat (a word) as rhyming with another. Ьrhyming slang slang that replaces words by rhyming words or phrases, e.g. stairs by apples and pears, often with the rhyming element omitted (as in TITFER). without rhyme or reason lacking discernible sense or logic. ЬЬrhymeless adj. rhymer n. rhymist n. [ME rime f. OF rime f. med.L rithmus, rythmus f. L f. Gk rhuthmos RHYTHM] rhymester n. a writer of (esp. simple) rhymes. rhyolite n. a fine-grained volcanic rock of granitic composition. [G Rhyolit f. Gk rhuax lava-stream + lithos stone] rhythm n. 1 a measured flow of words and phrases in verse or prose determined by various relations of long and short or accented and unaccented syllables. 2 the aspect of musical composition concerned with periodical accent and the duration of notes. 3 Physiol. movement with a regular succession of strong and weak elements. 4 a regularly recurring sequence of events. 5 Art a harmonious correlation of parts. Ьrhythm and blues popular music with a blues theme and a strong rhythm. rhythm method birth control by avoiding sexual intercourse when ovulation is likely to occur. rhythm section the part of a dance band or jazz band mainly supplying rhythm, usu. consisting of piano, bass, and drums. ЬЬrhythmless adj. [F rhythme or L rhythmus f. Gk rhuthmos, rel. to rheo flow] rhythmic adj. (also rhythmical) 1 relating to or characterized by rhythm. 2 regularly occurring. ЬЬrhythmically adv. [F rhythmique or L rhythmicus (as RHYTHM)] rhythmicity n. 1 rhythmical quality or character. 2 the capacity for maintaining a rhythm. 10.0 RI... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RI abbr. 1 King and Emperor. 2 Queen and Empress. 3 US Rhode Island (also in official postal use). 4 Royal Institute or Institution. [sense 1 f. L rex et imperator: sense 2 f. L regina et imperatrix] ria n. Geog. a long narrow inlet formed by the partial submergence of a river valley. [Sp. rЎa estuary] rial n. (also riyal) the monetary unit of Iran, equal to 100 dinars. [Pers. f. Arab. riyal f. Sp. real ROYAL] rib n. & v. --n. 1 each of the curved bones articulated in pairs to the spine and protecting the thoracic cavity and its organs. 2 a joint of meat from this part of an animal. 3 a ridge or long raised piece often of stronger or thicker material across a surface or through a structure serving to support or strengthen it. 4 any of a ship's transverse curved timbers forming the framework of the hull. 5 Knitting a combination of plain and purl stitches producing a ribbed somewhat elastic fabric. 6 each of the hinged rods supporting the fabric of an umbrella. 7 a vein of a leaf or an insect's wing. 8 Aeron. a structural member in an aerofoil. --v.tr. (ribbed, ribbing) 1 provide with ribs; act as the ribs of. 2 colloq. make fun of; tease. 3 mark with ridges. 4 plough with spaces between the furrows. ЬЬribless adj. [OE rib, ribb f. Gmc] RIBA abbr. Royal Institute of British Architects. ribald adj. & n. --adj. (of language or its user) coarsely or disrespectfully humorous; scurrilous. --n. a user of ribald language. [ME (earlier sense 'low-born retainer') f. OF ribau(l)d f. riber pursue licentious pleasures f. Gmc] ribaldry n. ribald talk or behaviour. riband n. a ribbon. [ME f. OF riban, prob. f. a Gmc compound of BAND(1)] ribbed adj. having ribs or riblike markings. ribbing n. 1 ribs or a riblike structure. 2 colloq. the act or an instance of teasing. ribbon n. 1 a a narrow strip or band of fabric, used esp. for trimming or decoration. b material in this form. 2 a ribbon of a special colour etc. worn to indicate some honour or membership of a sports team etc. 3 a long narrow strip of anything, e.g. impregnated material forming the inking agent in a typewriter. 4 (in pl.) ragged strips (torn to ribbons). Ьribbon development the building of houses along a main road, usu. one leading out of a town or village. ribbon worm a nemertean. ЬЬribboned adj. [var. of RIBAND] ribbonfish n. any of various long slender flat fishes of the family Trachypteridae. ribcage n. the wall of bones formed by the ribs round the chest. riboflavin n. (also riboflavine) a vitamin of the B complex, found in liver, milk, and eggs, essential for energy production. Also called vitamin B[2]. [RIBOSE + L flavus yellow] ribonucleic acid n. a nucleic acid yielding ribose on hydrolysis, present in living cells, esp. in ribosomes where it is involved in protein synthesis. °Abbr.: RNA. [RIBOSE + NUCLEIC ACID] ribose n. a sugar found in many nucleosides and in several vitamins and enzymes. [G, alt. f. Arabinose a related sugar] ribosome n. Biochem. each of the minute particles consisting of RNA and associated proteins found in the cytoplasm of living cells, concerned with the synthesis of proteins. ЬЬribosomal adj. [RIBONUCLEIC (ACID) + -SOME(3)] ribwort n. a kind of plantain (see PLANTAIN(1)) with long narrow ribbed leaves. rice n. & v. n. 1 a swamp grass, Oryza sativa, cultivated in marshes, esp. in Asia. 2 the grains of this, used as cereal food. --v.tr. US sieve (cooked potatoes etc.) into thin strings. Ьrice-bowl an area producing much rice. rice-paper edible paper made from the pith of an oriental tree and used for painting and in cookery. ЬЬricer n. [ME rys f. OF ris f. It. riso, ult. f. Gk oruza, of oriental orig.] ricercar n. (also ricercare) an elaborate contrapuntal instrumental composition in fugal or canonic style, esp. of the 16th-18th c. [It., = seek out] rich adj. 1 having much wealth. 2 (often foll. by in, with) splendid, costly, elaborate (rich tapestries; rich with lace). 3 valuable (rich offerings). 4 copious, abundant, ample (a rich harvest; a rich supply of ideas). 5 (often foll. by in, with) (of soil or a region etc.) abounding in natural resources or means of production; fertile (rich in nutrients; rich with vines). 6 (of food or diet) containing much fat or spice etc. 7 (of the mixture in an internal-combustion engine) containing a high proportion of fuel. 8 (of colour or sound or smell) mellow and deep, strong and full. 9 a (of an incident or assertion etc.) highly amusing or ludicrous; outrageous. b (of humour) earthy. ЬЬrichen v.intr. & tr. richness n. [OE rice f. Gmc f. Celt., rel. to L rex king: reinforced in ME f. OF riche rich, powerful, of Gmc orig.] riches n.pl. abundant means; valuable possessions. [ME richesse f. OF richeise f. riche RICH, taken as pl.] richly adv. 1 in a rich way. 2 fully, thoroughly (richly deserves success). Richter scale n. a scale of 0 to 10 for representing the strength of an earthquake. [C. F. Richter, Amer. seismologist d. 1985] ricin n. a toxic substance obtained from castor oil beans and causing gastroenteritis, jaundice, and heart failure. [mod.L ricinus communis castor oil] rick(1) n. & v. --n. a stack of hay, corn, etc., built into a regular shape and usu. thatched. --v.tr. form into a rick or ricks. [OE hreac, of unkn. orig.] rick(2) n. & v. (also wrick) --n. a slight sprain or strain. --v.tr. sprain or strain slightly. [ME wricke f. MLG wricken move about, sprain] rickets n. (treated as sing. or pl.) a disease of children with softening of the bones (esp. the spine) and bow-legs, caused by a deficiency of vitamin D. [17th c.: orig. uncert., but assoc. by medical writers with Gk rhakhitis RACHITIS] rickettsia n. a parasitic micro-organism of the genus Rickettsia causing typhus and other febrile diseases. ЬЬrickettsial adj. [mod.L f. H. T. Ricketts, Amer. pathologist d. 1910] rickety adj. 1 a insecure or shaky in construction; likely to collapse. b feeble. 2 a suffering from rickets. b resembling or of the nature of rickets. ЬЬricketiness n. [RICKETS + -Y(1)] rickey n. (pl. -eys) a drink of spirit (esp. gin), lime-juice, etc. [20th c.: prob. f. the surname Rickey] rickrack var. of RICRAC. rickshaw n. (also ricksha) a light two-wheeled hooded vehicle drawn by one or more persons. [abbr. of jinricksha, jinrikshaw f. Jap. jinrikisha f. jin person + riki power + sha vehicle] ricochet n. & v. --n. 1 the action of a projectile, esp. a shell or bullet, in rebounding off a surface. 2 a hit made after this. --v.intr. (ricocheted; ricocheting or ricochetted; ricochetting) (of a projectile) rebound one or more times from a surface. [F, of unkn. orig.] ricotta n. a soft Italian cheese. [It., = recooked, f. L recoquere (as RE-, coquere cook)] ricrac n. (also rickrack) a zigzag braided trimming for garments. [redupl. of RACK(1)] RICS abbr. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. rictus n. Anat. & Zool. the expanse or gape of a mouth or beak. ЬЬrictal adj. [L, = open mouth f. ringi rict- to gape] rid v.tr. (ridding; past and past part. rid or archaic ridded) (foll. by of) make (a person or place) free of something unwanted. Ьbe (or get) rid of be freed or relieved of (something unwanted); dispose of. [ME, earlier = 'clear (land etc.)' f. ON rythja] riddance n. the act of getting rid of something. Ьgood riddance welcome relief from an unwanted person or thing. ridden past part. of RIDE. riddle(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a question or statement testing ingenuity in divining its answer or meaning. 2 a puzzling fact or thing or person. --v. 1 intr. speak in or propound riddles. 2 tr. solve or explain (a riddle). ЬЬriddler n. [OE r‘dels, r‘delse opinion, riddle, rel. to READ] riddle(2) v. & n. --v.tr. (usu. foll. by with) 1 make many holes in, esp. with gunshot. 2 (in passive) fill; spread through; permeate (was riddled with errors). 3 pass through a riddle. --n. a coarse sieve. [OE hriddel, earlier hrider: cf. hridrian sift] riddling adj. expressed in riddles; puzzling. ЬЬriddlingly adv. ride v. & n. --v. (past rode; past part. ridden) 1 tr. travel or be carried on (a bicycle etc.) or esp. US in (a vehicle). 2 intr. (often foll. by on, in) travel or be conveyed (on a bicycle or in a vehicle). 3 tr. sit on and control or be carried by (a horse etc.). 4 intr. (often foll. by on) be carried (on a horse etc.). 5 tr. be carried or supported by (the ship rides the waves). 6 tr. a traverse on horseback etc., ride over or through (ride 50 miles; rode the prairie). b compete or take part in on horseback etc. (rode a good race). 7 intr. a lie at anchor; float buoyantly. b (of the moon) seem to float. 8 intr. (foll. by in, on) rest in or on while moving. 9 tr. yield to (a blow) so as to reduce its impact. 10 tr. give a ride to; cause to ride (rode the child on his back). 11 tr. (of a rider) cause (a horse etc.) to move forward (rode their horses at the fence). 12 tr. a (in passive; foll. by by, with) be oppressed or dominated by; be infested with (was ridden with guilt). b (as ridden adj.) infested or afflicted (usu. in comb.: a rat-ridden cellar). 13 intr. (of a thing normally level or even) project or overlap. 14 tr. mount (a female) in copulation. 15 tr. US annoy or seek to annoy. --n. 1 an act or period of travel in a vehicle. 2 a spell of riding on a horse, bicycle, person's back, etc. 3 a path (esp. through woods) for riding on. 4 the quality of sensations when riding (gives a bumpy ride). Ьlet a thing ride leave it alone; let it take its natural course. ride again reappear, esp. unexpectedly and reinvigorated. ride down overtake or trample on horseback. ride for a fall act recklessly risking defeat or failure. ride herd on see HERD. ride high be elated or successful. ride out come safely through (a storm etc., or a danger or difficulty). ride roughshod over see ROUGHSHOD. ride to hounds see HOUND. ride up (of a garment, carpet, etc.) work or move out of its proper position. take for a ride colloq. hoax or deceive. ЬЬridable adj. [OE ridan] rider n. 1 a person who rides (esp. a horse). 2 a an additional clause amending or supplementing a document. b Brit. Parl. an addition or amendment to a bill at its third reading. c a corollary. d Brit. a recommendation etc. added to a judicial verdict. 3 Math. a problem arising as a corollary of a theorem etc. 4 a piece in a machine etc. that surmounts or bridges or works on or over others. 5 (in pl.) an additional set of timbers or iron plates strengthening a ship's frame. ЬЬriderless adj. [OE ridere (as RIDE)] ridge n. & v. --n. 1 the line of the junction of two surfaces sloping upwards towards each other (the ridge of a roof). 2 a long narrow hilltop, mountain range, or watershed. 3 any narrow elevation across a surface. 4 Meteorol. an elongated region of high barometric pressure. 5 Agriculture a raised strip of arable land, usu. one of a set separated by furrows. 6 Hort. a raised hotbed for melons etc. --v. 1 tr. mark with ridges. 2 tr. Agriculture break up (land) into ridges. 3 tr. Hort. plant (cucumbers etc.) in ridges. 4 tr. & intr. gather into ridges. Ьridge-piece (or -tree) a beam along the ridge of a roof. ridge-pole 1 the horizontal pole of a long tent. 2 = ridge-piece. ridge-tile a tile used in making a roof-ridge. ЬЬridgy adj. [OE hrycg f. Gmc] ridgeway n. a road or track along a ridge. ridicule n. & v. --n. subjection to derision or mockery. --v.tr. make fun of; subject to ridicule; laugh at. [F or f. L ridiculum neut. of ridiculus laughable f. ridere laugh] ridiculous adj. 1 deserving or inviting ridicule. 2 unreasonable, absurd. ЬЬridiculously adv. ridiculousness n. [L ridiculosus (as RIDICULE)] riding(1) n. 1 in senses of RIDE v. 2 the practice or skill of riders of horses. 3 = RIDE n. 3. Ьriding-light (or -lamp) a light shown by a ship at anchor. riding-school an establishment teaching skills in horsemanship. riding(2) n. 1 each of three former administrative divisions (East Riding, North Riding, West Riding) of Yorkshire. 2 an electoral division of Canada. [OE thriding (unrecorded) f. ON thrithjungr third part f. thrithi THIRD: th- was lost owing to the preceding -t or -th of east etc.] Riesling n. 1 a kind of dry white wine produced in Germany, Austria, and elsewhere. 2 the variety of grape from which this is produced. [G] rife predic.adj. 1 of common occurrence; widespread. 2 (foll. by with) abounding in; teeming with. ЬЬrifeness n. [OE ryfe prob. f. ON rЎfr acceptable f. reifa enrich, reifr cheerful] riff n. & v. --n. a short repeated phrase in jazz etc. --v.intr. play riffs. [20th c.: abbr. of RIFFLE n.] riffle v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a turn (pages) in quick succession. b shuffle (playing-cards) esp. by flexing and combining the two halves of a pack. 2 intr. (often foll. by through) leaf quickly (through pages). --n. 1 the act or an instance of riffling. 2 (in gold-washing) a groove or slat set in a trough or sluice to catch gold particles. 3 US a a shallow part of a stream where the water flows brokenly. b a patch of waves or ripples on water. [perh. var. of RUFFLE] riff-raff n. (often prec. by the) rabble; disreputable or undesirable persons. [ME riff and raff f. OF rif et raf] rifle(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a gun with a long rifled barrel, esp. one fired from shoulder-level. 2 (in pl.) riflemen. --v.tr. make spiral grooves in (a gun or its barrel or bore) to make a bullet spin. Ьrifle bird any dark green Australian bird of paradise of the genus Ptiloris. rifle-range a place for rifle-practice. rifle-shot 1 the distance coverable by a shot from a rifle. 2 a shot fired with a rifle. [OF rifler graze, scratch f. Gmc] rifle(2) v.tr. & (foll. by through) intr. 1 search and rob, esp. of all that can be found. 2 carry off as booty. [ME f. OF rifler graze, scratch, plunder f. ODu. riffelen] rifleman n. (pl. -men) 1 a soldier armed with a rifle. 2 a small yellow and green New Zealand bird, Acanthisitta chloris. rifling n. the arrangement of grooves on the inside of a gun's barrel. rift n. & v. --n. 1 a a crack or split in an object. b an opening in a cloud etc. 2 a cleft or fissure in earth or rock. 3 a disagreement; a breach in friendly relations. --v.tr. tear or burst apart. Ьrift-valley a steep-sided valley formed by subsidence of the earth's crust between nearly parallel faults. ЬЬriftless adj. rifty adj. [ME, of Scand. orig.] rig(1) v. & n. --v.tr. (rigged, rigging) 1 a provide (a sailing ship) with sails, rigging, etc. b prepare ready for sailing. 2 (often foll. by out, up) fit with clothes or other equipment. 3 (foll. by up) set up hastily or as a makeshift. 4 assemble and adjust the parts of (an aircraft). --n. 1 the arrangement of masts, sails, rigging, etc., of a sailing ship. 2 equipment for a special purpose, e.g. a radio transmitter. 3 = oil rig. 4 a person's or thing's look as determined by clothing, equipment, etc., esp. uniform. Ьin full rig colloq. smartly or ceremonially dressed. rig-out Brit. colloq. an outfit of clothes. ЬЬrigged adj. (also in comb.). [ME, perh. of Scand. orig.: cf. Norw. rigga bind or wrap up] rig(2) v. & n. --v.tr. (rigged, rigging) manage or conduct fraudulently (they rigged the election). --n. 1 a trick or dodge. 2 a way of swindling. Ьrig the market cause an artificial rise or fall in prices. ЬЬrigger n. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] rigadoon n. 1 a lively dance in duple or quadruple time for two persons. 2 the music for this. [F rigodon, rigaudon, perh. f. its inventor Rigaud] rigger n. 1 a person who rigs or who arranges rigging. 2 (of a rowing-boat) = OUTRIGGER 5a. 3 a ship rigged in a specified way. 4 a worker on an oil rig. rigging n. 1 a ship's spars, ropes, etc., supporting and controlling the sails. 2 the ropes and wires supporting the structure of an airship or biplane. right adj., n., v., adv., & int. --adj. 1 (of conduct etc.) just, morally or socially correct (it is only right to tell you; I want to do the right thing). 2 true, correct; not mistaken (the right time; you were right about the weather). 3 less wrong or not wrong (which is the right way to town?). 4 more or most suitable or preferable (the right person for the job; along the right lines). 5 in a sound or normal condition; physically or mentally healthy; satisfactory (the engine doesn't sound right). 6 a on or towards the side of the human body which corresponds to the position of east if one regards oneself as facing north. b on or towards that part of an object which is analogous to a person's right side or (with opposite sense) which is nearer to a spectator's right hand. 7 (of a side of fabric etc.) meant for display or use (turn it right side up). 8 colloq. or archaic real; properly so called (made a right mess of it; a right royal welcome). --n. 1 that which is morally or socially correct or just; fair treatment (often in pl.: the rights and wrongs of the case). 2 (often foll. by to, or to + infin.) a justification or fair claim (has no right to speak like that). 3 a thing one may legally or morally claim; the state of being entitled to a privilege or immunity or authority to act (a right of reply; human rights). 4 the right-hand part or region or direction. 5 Boxing a the right hand. b a blow with this. 6 (often Right) Polit. a a group or section favouring conservatism (orig. the more conservative section of a continental legislature, seated on the president's right). b such conservatives collectively. 7 the side of a stage which is to the right of a person facing the audience. 8 (esp. in marching) the right foot. 9 the right wing of an army. --v.tr. 1 (often refl.) restore to a proper or straight or vertical position. 2 a correct (mistakes etc.); set in order. b avenge (a wrong or a wronged person); make reparation for or to. c vindicate, justify, rehabilitate. --adv. 1 straight (go right on). 2 colloq. immediately; without delay (I'll be right back; do it right now). 3 a (foll. by to, round, through, etc.) all the way (sank right to the bottom; ran right round the block). b (foll. by off, out, etc.) completely (came right off its hinges; am right out of butter). 4 exactly, quite (right in the middle). 5 justly, properly, correctly, truly, satisfactorily (did not act right; not holding it right; if I remember right). 6 on or to the right side. 7 archaic very; to the full (am right glad to hear it; dined right royally). --int. colloq. expressing agreement or assent. Ьas right as rain perfectly sound and healthy. at right angles placed to form a right angle. by right (or rights) if right were done. do right by act dutifully towards (a person). in one's own right through one's own position or effort etc. in the right having justice or truth on one's side. in one's right mind sane; competent to think and act. of (or as of) right having legal or moral etc. entitlement. on the right side of 1 in the favour of (a person etc.). 2 somewhat less than (a specified age). put (or set) right 1 restore to order, health, etc. 2 correct the mistaken impression etc. of (a person). put (or set) to rights make correct or well ordered. right about (or about-turn or about-face) 1 a right turn continued to face the rear. 2 a reversal of policy. 3 a hasty retreat. right and left (or right, left, and centre) on all sides. right angle an angle of 90ш, made by lines meeting with equal angles on either side. right-angled 1 containing or making a right angle. 2 involving right angles, not oblique. right arm one's most reliable helper. right ascension see ASCENSION. right away (or off) immediately. right bank the bank of a river on the right facing downstream. right bower see BOWER(3). right field Baseball the part of the outfield to the right of the batter as he faces the pitcher. right hand 1 = right-hand man. 2 the most important position next to a person (stand at God's right hand). right-hand adj. 1 on or towards the right side of a person or thing (right-hand drive). 2 done with the right hand (right-hand blow). 3 (of a screw) = RIGHT-HANDED 4b. right-hand man an indispensable or chief assistant. Right Honourable Brit. a title given to certain high officials, e.g. Privy Counsellors. right-minded (or -thinking) having sound views and principles. right of search Naut. see SEARCH. right of way 1 a right established by usage to pass over another's ground. 2 a path subject to such a right. 3 the right of one vehicle to proceed before another. right oh! (or ho!) = RIGHTO. right on! colloq. an expression of strong approval or encouragement. a right one Brit. colloq. a silly or foolish person. Right Reverend see REVEREND. right sphere Astron. see SPHERE. right turn a turn that brings one's front to face as one's right side did before. right whale any large-headed whale of the family Balaenidae, rich in whalebone and easily captured. right wing 1 the right side of a football etc. team on the field. 2 the conservative section of a political party or system. right-wing adj. conservative or reactionary. right-winger a person on the right wing. right you are! colloq. an exclamation of assent. she's (or she'll be) right Austral. colloq. that will be all right. too right sl. an expression of agreement. within one's rights not exceeding one's authority or entitlement. ЬЬrightable adj. righter n. rightish adj. rightless adj. rightlessness n. rightness n. [OE riht (adj.), rihtan (v.), rihte (adv.)] righten v.tr. make right or correct. righteous adj. (of a person or conduct) morally right; virtuous, law-abiding. ЬЬrighteously adv. righteousness n. [OE rihtwis (as RIGHT n. + -WISE or RIGHT adj. + WISE(2)), assim. to bounteous etc.] rightful adj. 1 a (of a person) legitimately entitled to (a position etc.) (the rightful heir). b (of status or property etc.) that one is entitled to. 2 (of an action etc.) equitable, fair. ЬЬrightfully adv. rightfulness n. [OE rihtful (as RIGHT n.)] right-handed adj. 1 using the right hand by preference as more serviceable than the left. 2 (of a tool etc.) made to be used with the right hand. 3 (of a blow) struck with the right hand. 4 a turning to the right; towards the right. b (of a screw) advanced by turning to the right (clockwise). ЬЬright-handedly adv. right-handedness n. right-hander n. 1 a right-handed person. 2 a right-handed blow. rightism n. Polit. the principles or policy of the right. ЬЬrightist n. & adj. rightly adv. justly, properly, correctly, justifiably. rightmost adj. furthest to the right. righto intr. Brit. colloq. expressing agreement or assent. rightward adv. & adj. --adv. (also rightwards) towards the right. --adj. going towards or facing the right. rigid adj. 1 not flexible; that cannot be bent (a rigid frame). 2 (of a person, conduct, etc.) inflexible, unbending, strict, harsh, punctilious (a rigid disciplinarian; rigid economy). ЬЬrigidity n. rigidly adv. rigidness n. [F rigide or L rigidus f. rigere be stiff] rigidify v.tr. & intr. (-ies, -ied) make or become rigid. rigmarole n. 1 a lengthy and complicated procedure. 2 a a rambling or meaningless account or tale. b such talk. [orig. ragman roll = a catalogue, of unkn. orig.] rigor(1) n. Med. 1 a sudden feeling of cold with shivering accompanied by a rise in temperature, preceding a fever etc. 2 rigidity of the body caused by shock or poisoning etc. [ME f. L f. rigere be stiff] rigor(2) US var. of RIGOUR. rigor mortis n. stiffening of the body after death. [L, = stiffness of death] rigorous adj. 1 characterized by or showing rigour; strict, severe. 2 strictly exact or accurate. 3 (of the weather) cold, severe. ЬЬrigorously adv. rigorousness n. [OF rigorous or LL rigorosus (as RIGOR(1))] rigour n. (US rigor) 1 a severity, strictness, harshness. b (in pl.) harsh measures or conditions. 2 logical exactitude. 3 strict enforcement of rules etc. (the utmost rigour of the law). 4 austerity of life; puritanical discipline. [ME f. OF rigour f. L rigor (as RIGOR(1))] Rig-Veda n. the oldest and principal of the Hindu Vedas (see VEDA). [Skr. rigveda f. ric praise + veda VEDA] rile v.tr. 1 colloq. anger, irritate. 2 US make (water) turbulent or muddy. [var. of ROIL] Riley n. (also Reilly) Ьthe life of Riley colloq. a carefree existence. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] rilievo var. of RELIEVO. rill n. 1 a small stream. 2 a shallow channel cut in the surface of soil or rocks by running water. 3 var. of RILLE. [LG ril, rille] rille n. (also rill) Astron. a cleft or narrow valley on the moon's surface. [G (as RILL)] rim n. & v. --n. 1 a a raised edge or border. b a margin or verge, esp. of something circular. 2 the part of a pair of spectacles surrounding the lenses. 3 the outer edge of a wheel, on which the tyre is fitted. 4 a boundary line (the rim of the horizon). --v.tr. (rimmed, rimming) 1 a provide with a rim. b be a rim for or to. 2 edge, border. Ьrim-brake a brake acting on the rim of a wheel. ЬЬrimless adj. rimmed adj. (also in comb.). [OE rima edge: cf. ON rimi ridge (the only known cognate)] rime(1) n. & v. --n. 1 frost, esp. formed from cloud or fog. 2 poet. hoar-frost. --v.tr. cover with rime. [OE hrim] rime(2) archaic var. of RHYME. rimose adj. (also rimous) esp. Bot. full of chinks or fissures. [L rimosus f. rima chink] rimu n. NZ a softwood tree, Dacrydium cupressinum, native to New Zealand. [Maori] rimy adj. (rimier, rimiest) frosty; covered with frost. rind n. & v. --n. 1 the tough outer layer or covering of fruit and vegetables, cheese, bacon, etc. 2 the bark of a tree or plant. --v.tr. strip the bark from. ЬЬrinded adj. (also in comb.). rindless adj. [OE rind(e)] rinderpest n. a virulent infectious disease of ruminants (esp. cattle). [G f. Rinder cattle + Pest PEST] ring(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a circular band, usu. of precious metal, worn on a finger as an ornament or a token of marriage or betrothal. 2 a circular band of any material. 3 the rim of a cylindrical or circular object, or a line or band round it. 4 a mark or part having the form of a circular band (had rings round his eyes; smoke rings). 5 = annual ring. 6 a an enclosure for a circus performance, betting at races, the showing of cattle, etc. b (prec. by the) bookmakers collectively. c a roped enclosure for boxing or wrestling. 7 a a group of people or things arranged in a circle. b such an arrangement. 8 a combination of traders, bookmakers, spies, politicians, etc. acting together usu. illicitly for the control of operations or profit. 9 a circular or spiral course. 10 = gas ring. 11 Astron. a a thin band or disc of particles etc. round a planet. b a halo round the moon. 12 Archaeol. a circular prehistoric earthwork usu. of a bank and ditch. 13 Chem. a group of atoms each bonded to two others in a closed sequence. 14 Math. a set of elements with two binary operations, addition and multiplication, the second being distributive over the first and associative. --v.tr. 1 make or draw a circle round. 2 (often foll. by round, about, in) encircle or hem in (game or cattle). 3 put a ring on (a bird etc.) or through the nose of (a pig, bull, etc.). 4 cut (fruit, vegetables, etc.) into rings. Ьring-binder a loose-leaf binder with ring-shaped clasps that can be opened to pass through holes in the paper. ring circuit an electrical circuit serving a number of power points with one fuse in the supply to the circuit. ring-dove 1 the woodpigeon. 2 the collared dove. ringed plover either of two small plovers, Charadrius hiaticula and C. dubius. ring finger the finger next to the little finger, esp. of the left hand, on which the wedding ring is usu. worn. ring main 1 an electrical supply serving a series of consumers and returning to the original source, so that each consumer has an alternative path in the event of a failure. 2 = ring circuit. ring-neck any of various ring-necked birds esp. a type of pheasant, Phasianus colchicus, with a white neck-ring. ring-necked Zool. having a band or bands of colour round the neck. ring ouzel a thrush, Turdus torquatus, with a white crescent across its breast. ring-pull (of a tin) having a ring for pulling to break its seal. ring road a bypass encircling a town. ring-tailed 1 (of monkeys, lemurs, racoons, etc.) having a tail ringed in alternate colours. 2 with the tail curled at the end. run (or make) rings round colloq. outclass or outwit (another person). ЬЬringed adj. (also in comb.). ringless adj. [OE hring f. Gmc] ring(2) v. & n. --v. (past rang; past part. rung) 1 intr. (often foll. by out etc.) give a clear resonant or vibrating sound of or as of a bell (a shot rang out; a ringing laugh; the telephone rang). 2 tr. a make (esp. a bell) ring. b (absol.) call for service or attention by ringing a bell (you rang, madam?). 3 tr. (also absol.; often foll. by up) Brit. call by telephone (will ring you on Monday; did you ring?). 4 intr. (usu. foll. by with, to) (of a place) resound or be permeated with a sound, or an attribute, e.g. fame (the theatre rang with applause). 5 intr. (of the ears) be filled with a sensation of ringing. 6 tr. a sound (a peal etc.) on bells. b (of a bell) sound (the hour etc.). 7 tr. (foll. by in, out) usher in or out with bell-ringing (ring in the May; rang out the Old Year). 8 intr. (of sentiments etc.) convey a specified impression (words rang hollow). --n. 1 a ringing sound or tone. 2 a the act of ringing a bell. b the sound caused by this. 3 colloq. a telephone call (give me a ring). 4 a specified feeling conveyed by an utterance (had a melancholy ring). 5 a set of esp. church bells. Ьring back make a return telephone call to (a person who has telephoned earlier). ring a bell see BELL(1). ring the changes (on) see CHANGE. ring down (or up) the curtain 1 cause the curtain to be lowered or raised. 2 (foll. by on) mark the end or the beginning of (an enterprise etc.). ring in 1 report or make contact by telephone. 2 Austral. & NZ sl. substitute fraudulently. ring in one's ears (or heart etc.) linger in the memory. ringing tone a sound heard by a telephone caller when the number dialled is being rung. ring off Brit. end a telephone call by replacing the receiver. ring true (or false) convey an impression of truth or falsehood. ring up 1 Brit. call by telephone. 2 record (an amount etc.) on a cash register. ЬЬringed adj. (also in comb.). ringer n. ringing adj. ringingly adv. [OE hringan] ringbark v.tr. cut a ring in the bark of (a tree) to kill it or retard its growth and thereby improve fruit production. ringbolt n. a bolt with a ring attached for fitting a rope to etc. ringer n. sl. 1 a esp. US an athlete or horse entered in a competition by fraudulent means, esp. as a substitute. b a person's double, esp. an imposter. 2 Austral. a the fastest shearer in a shed. b a stockman or station hand. 3 a person who rings, esp. a bell-ringer. Ьbe a ringer (or dead ringer) for resemble (a person) exactly. [RING(2) + -ER(1)] ringhals n. a large venomous snake, Hemachatus hemachatus, of Southern Africa, with a white ring or two across the neck. [Afrik. rinkhals f. ring RING(1) + hals neck] ringleader n. a leading instigator in an illicit or illegal activity. ringlet n. 1 a curly lock of hair, esp. a long one. 2 a butterfly, Aphantopus hyperantus, with spots on its wings. ЬЬringleted adj. ringlety adj. ringmaster n. the person directing a circus performance. ringside n. the area immediately beside a boxing ring or circus ring etc. (often attrib.: a ringside seat; a ringside view). ЬЬringsider n. ringster n. a person who participates in a political or commercial ring (see RING(1) n. 8). ringtail n. 1 a ring-tailed opossum, lemur, or phalanger. 2 a golden eagle up to its third year. 3 a female hen-harrier. ringworm n. any of various fungous infections of the skin causing circular inflamed patches, esp. on a child's scalp. rink n. 1 an area of natural or artificial ice for skating or the game of curling etc. 2 an enclosed area for roller-skating. 3 a building containing either of these. 4 Bowls a strip of the green used for playing a match. 5 a team in bowls or curling. [ME (orig. Sc.), = jousting-ground: perh. orig. f. OF renc RANK(1)] rinse v. & n. --v.tr. (often foll. by through, out) 1 wash with clean water. 2 apply liquid to. 3 wash lightly. 4 put (clothes etc.) through clean water to remove soap or detergent. 5 (foll. by out, away) clear (impurities) by rinsing. --n. 1 the act or an instance of rinsing (give it a rinse). 2 a solution for cleansing the mouth. 3 a dye for the temporary tinting of hair (a blue rinse). ЬЬrinser n. [ME f. OF rincer, raincier, of unkn. orig.] riot n. & v. --n. 1 a a disturbance of the peace by a crowd; an occurrence of public disorder. b (attrib.) involved in suppressing riots (riot police; riot shield). 2 uncontrolled revelry; noisy behaviour. 3 (foll. by of) a lavish display or enjoyment (a riot of emotion; a riot of colour and sound). 4 colloq. a very amusing thing or person. --v.intr. 1 make or engage in a riot. 2 live wantonly; revel. Ьread the Riot Act put a firm stop to insubordination etc.; give a severe warning (from the name of a former act partly read out to disperse rioters). run riot 1 throw off all restraint. 2 (of plants) grow or spread uncontrolled. ЬЬrioter n. riotless adj. [ME f. OF riote, rioter, rihoter, of unkn. orig.] riotous adj. 1 marked by or involving rioting. 2 characterized by wanton conduct. 3 wildly profuse. ЬЬriotously adv. riotousness n. [ME f. OF (as RIOT)] RIP abbr. may he or she or they rest in peace. [L requiescat (pl. requiescant) in pace] rip(1) v. & n. --v.tr. & intr. (ripped, ripping) 1 tr. tear or cut (a thing) quickly or forcibly away or apart (ripped out the lining; ripped the book up). 2 tr. a make (a hole etc.) by ripping. b make a long tear or cut in. 3 intr. come violently apart; split. 4 intr. rush along. --n. 1 a long tear or cut. 2 an act of ripping. Ьlet rip colloq. 1 act or proceed without restraint. 2 speak violently. 3 not check the speed of or interfere with (a person or thing). rip-cord a cord for releasing a parachute from its pack. rip into attack (a person) verbally. rip off colloq. defraud, steal. rip-off n. colloq. 1 a fraud or swindle. 2 financial exploitation. [ME: orig. unkn.] rip(2) n. a stretch of rough water in the sea or in a river, caused by the meeting of currents. Ьrip current (or tide) 1 a strong surface current from the shore. 2 a state of conflicting psychological forces. [18th c.: perh. rel. to RIP(1)] rip(3) n. 1 a dissolute person. 2 a rascal. 3 a worthless horse. [perh. f. rep, abbr. of REPROBATE] riparian adj. & n. esp. Law --adj. of or on a river-bank (riparian rights). --n. an owner of property on a river-bank. [L riparius f. ripa bank] ripe adj. 1 (of grain, fruit, cheese, etc.) ready to be reaped or picked or eaten. 2 mature; fully developed (ripe in judgement; a ripe beauty). 3 (of a person's age) advanced. 4 (often foll. by for) fit or ready (when the time is ripe; land ripe for development). 5 (of the complexion etc.) red and full like ripe fruit. ЬЬripely adv. ripeness n. [OE ripe f. WG] ripen v.tr. & intr. make or become ripe. ripieno n. (pl. -os or ripieni) Mus. a body of accompanying instruments in baroque concerto music. [It. (as RE-, pieno full)] riposte n. & v. --n. 1 a quick sharp reply or retort. 2 a quick return thrust in fencing. --v.intr. deliver a riposte. [F ri(s)poste, ri(s)poster f. It. risposta RESPONSE] ripper n. 1 a person or thing that rips. 2 a murderer who rips the victims' bodies. ripping adj. Brit. archaic colloq. very enjoyable (a ripping good yarn). ЬЬrippingly adv. ripple(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a ruffling of the water's surface, a small wave or series of waves. 2 a gentle lively sound that rises and falls, e.g. of laughter or applause. 3 a wavy appearance in hair, material, etc. 4 Electr. a slight variation in the strength of a current etc. 5 ice-cream with added syrup giving a coloured ripple effect (raspberry ripple). 6 US a riffle in a stream. --v. 1 a intr. form ripples; flow in ripples. b tr. cause to do this. 2 intr. show or sound like ripples. Ьripple mark a ridge or ridged surface left on sand, mud, or rock by the action of water or wind. ЬЬripplet n. ripply adj. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] ripple(2) n. & v. --n. a toothed implement used to remove seeds from flax. --v.tr. treat with a ripple. [corresp. to MDu. & MLG repel(en), OHG riffila, rifilon] riprap n. US a collection of loose stone as a foundation for a structure. [redupl. of RAP(1)] rip-roaring adj. 1 wildly noisy or boisterous. 2 excellent, first-rate. ЬЬrip-roaringly adv. ripsaw n. a coarse saw for sawing wood along the grain. ripsnorter n. colloq. an energetic, remarkable, or excellent person or thing. ЬЬripsnorting adj. ripsnortingly adv. rise v. & n. --v.intr. (past rose; past part. risen) 1 move from a lower position to a higher one; come or go up. 2 grow, project, expand, or incline upwards; become higher. 3 (of the sun, moon, or stars) appear above the horizon. 4 a get up from lying or sitting or kneeling (rose to their feet; rose from the table). b get out of bed, esp. in the morning (do you rise early?). 5 recover a standing or vertical position; become erect (rose to my full height). 6 (of a meeting etc.) cease to sit for business; adjourn (Parliament rises next week; the court will rise). 7 reach a higher position or level or amount (the flood has risen; prices are rising). 8 develop greater intensity, strength, volume, or pitch (the colour rose in her cheeks; the wind is rising; their voices rose with excitement). 9 make progress; reach a higher social position (rose from the ranks). 10 a come to the surface of liquid (bubbles rose from the bottom; waited for the fish to rise). b (of a person) react to provocation (rise to the bait). 11 become or be visible above the surroundings etc., stand prominently (mountains rose to our right). 12 a (of buildings etc.) undergo construction from the foundations (office blocks were rising all around). b (of a tree etc.) grow to a (usu. specified) height. 13 come to life again (rise from the ashes; risen from the dead). 14 (of dough) swell by the action of yeast etc. 15 (often foll. by up) cease to be quiet or submissive; rebel (rise in arms). 16 originate; have as its source (the river rises in the mountains). 17 (of wind) start to blow. 18 (of a person's spirits) become cheerful. 19 (of a barometer) show a higher atmospheric pressure. 20 (of a horse) rear (rose on its hind legs). 21 (of a bump, blister, etc.) form. 22 (of the stomach) show nausea. --n. 1 an act or manner or amount of rising. 2 an upward slope or hill or movement (a rise in the road; the house stood on a rise; the rise and fall of the waves). 3 an increase in sound or pitch. 4 a an increase in amount, extent, etc. (a rise in unemployment). b Brit. an increase in salary, wages, etc. 5 an increase in status or power. 6 social, commercial, or political advancement; upward progress. 7 the movement of fish to the surface. 8 origin. 9 a the vertical height of a step, arch, incline, etc. b = RISER 2. Ьget (or take) a rise out of colloq. provoke an emotional reaction from (a person), esp. by teasing. on the rise on the increase. rise above 1 be superior to (petty feelings etc.). 2 show dignity or strength in the face of (difficulty, poor conditions, etc.). rise and shine (usu. as imper.) colloq. get out of bed smartly; wake up. rise in the world attain a higher social position. rise to develop powers equal to (an occasion). rise with the sun (or lark) get up early in the morning. [OE risan f. Gmc] riser n. 1 a person who rises esp. from bed (an early riser). 2 a vertical section between the treads of a staircase. 3 a vertical pipe for the flow of liquid or gas. rishi n. (pl. rishis) a Hindu sage or saint. [Skr. risi] risible adj. 1 laughable, ludicrous. 2 inclined to laugh. 3 Anat. relating to laughter (risible nerves). ЬЬrisibility n. risibly adv. [LL risibilis f. L ridere ris- laugh] rising adj. & n. --adj. 1 going up; getting higher. 2 increasing (rising costs). 3 advancing to maturity or high standing (the rising generation; a rising young lawyer). 4 approaching a specified age (the rising fives). 5 (of ground) sloping upwards. --n. a revolt or insurrection. Ьrising damp moisture absorbed from the ground into a wall. risk n. & v. --n. 1 a chance or possibility of danger, loss, injury, or other adverse consequences (a health risk; a risk of fire). 2 a person or thing causing a risk or regarded in relation to risk (is a poor risk). --v.tr. 1 expose to risk. 2 accept the chance of (could not risk getting wet). 3 venture on. Ьat risk exposed to danger. at one's (own) risk accepting responsibility, agreeing to make no claims. at the risk of with the possibility of (an adverse consequence). put at risk expose to danger. risk capital money put up for speculative business investment. risk one's neck put one's own life in danger. run a (or the) risk (often foll. by of) expose oneself to danger or loss etc. take (or run) a risk chance the possibility of danger etc. [F risque, risquer f. It. risco danger, riscare run into danger] risky adj. (riskier, riskiest) 1 involving risk. 2 = RISQUђ. ЬЬriskily adv. riskiness n. Risorgimento n. hist. a movement for the unification and independence of Italy (achieved in 1870). [It., = resurrection] risotto n. (pl. -os) an Italian dish of rice cooked in stock with meat, onions, etc. [It.] risqu‚ adj. (of a story etc.) slightly indecent or liable to shock. [F, past part. of risquer RISK] rissole n. a compressed mixture of meat and spices, coated in breadcrumbs and fried. [F f. OF ruissole, roussole ult. f. LL russeolus reddish f. L russus red] rit. abbr. Mus. ritardando. ritardando adv. & n. Mus. (pl. -os or ritardandi) = RALLENTANDO. [It.] rite n. 1 a religious or solemn observance or act (burial rites). 2 an action or procedure required or usual in this. 3 a body of customary observances characteristic of a Church or a part of it (the Latin rite). Ьrite of passage (often in pl.) a ritual or event marking a stage of a person's advance through life, e.g. marriage. ЬЬriteless adj. [ME f. OF rit, rite or L ritus (esp. religious) usage] ritenuto adv. & n. Mus. --adv. with immediate reduction of speed. --n. (pl. -os or ritenuti) a passage played in this way. [It.] ritornello n. Mus. (pl. -os or ritornelli) a short instrumental refrain, interlude, etc., in a vocal work. [It., dimin. of ritorno RETURN] ritual n. & adj. --n. 1 a prescribed order of performing rites. 2 a procedure regularly followed. --adj. of or done as a ritual or rites (ritual murder). ЬЬritualize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). ritualization n. (also -isation). ritually adv. [L ritualis (as RITE)] ritualism n. the regular or excessive practice of ritual. ЬЬritualist n. ritualistic adj. ritualistically adv. ritzy adj. (ritzier, ritziest) colloq. 1 high-class, luxurious. 2 ostentatiously smart. ЬЬritzily adv. ritziness n. [Ritz, the name of luxury hotels f. C. Ritz, Swiss hotel-owner d. 1918] rival n. & v. --n. 1 a person competing with another for the same objective. 2 a person or thing that equals another in quality. 3 (attrib.) being a rival or rivals (a rival firm). --v.tr. (rivalled, rivalling; US rivaled, rivaling) 1 be the rival of or comparable to. 2 seem or claim to be as good as. [L rivalis, orig. = using the same stream, f. rivus stream] rivalry n. (pl. -ies) the state or an instance of being rivals; competition. rive v. (past rived; past part. riven) archaic or poet. 1 tr. split or tear apart violently. 2 a tr. split (wood or stone). b intr. be split. [ME f. ON rЎfa] river n. 1 a copious natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea or a lake etc. 2 a copious flow (a river of lava; rivers of blood). 3 (attrib.) (in the names of animals, plants, etc.) living in or associated with the river. Ьriver blindness a tropical disease of the skin caused by a parasitic worm, the larvae of which can migrate into the eye and cause blindness. river capture the diversion of the upper headwaters of a mountain stream into a more powerful one. sell down the river colloq. betray or let down. ЬЬrivered adj. (also in comb.). riverless adj. [ME f. AF river, rivere, OF riviere river or river-bank ult. f. L riparius f. ripa bank] riverine adj. of or on a river or river-bank; riparian. riverside n. the ground along a river-bank. rivet n. & v. --n. a nail or bolt for holding together metal plates etc., its headless end being beaten out or pressed down when in place. --v.tr. (riveted, riveting) 1 a join or fasten with rivets. b beat out or press down the end of (a nail or bolt). c fix; make immovable. 2 a (foll. by on, upon) direct intently (one's eyes or attention etc.). b (esp. as riveting adj.) engross (a person or the attention). ЬЬriveter n. [ME f. OF f. river clench, of unkn. orig.] riviera n. a coastal region with a subtropical climate, vegetation, etc., esp. that of SE France and NW Italy. [It., = sea-shore] riviЉre n. a gem necklace, esp. of more than one string. [F, = RIVER] rivulet n. a small stream. [obs. riveret f. F, dimin. of riviЉre RIVER, perh. after It. rivoletto dimin. of rivolo dimin. of rivo f. L rivus stream] riyal var. of RIAL. 11.0 RL... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RL abbr. Rugby League. rly. abbr. railway. 12.0 RM... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RM abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal Marines. 2 Resident Magistrate. 3 (in the UK) Royal Mail. rm. abbr. room. RMA abbr. Royal Military Academy. r.m.s. abbr. Math. root-mean-square. 13.0 RN... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RN abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal Navy. 2 (in the UK) Registered Nurse. Rn symb. Chem. the element radon. RNA abbr. ribonucleic acid. RNAS abbr. (in the UK) Royal Naval Air Service (or Station). RNLI abbr. (in the UK) Royal National Lifeboat Institution. RNZAF abbr. Royal New Zealand Air Force. RNZN abbr. Royal New Zealand Navy. 14.0 roach... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- roach(1) n. (pl. same) a small freshwater fish, esp. Rutilus rutilus, allied to the carp. [ME f. OF roc(h)e, of unkn. orig.] roach(2) n. 1 US colloq. a cockroach. 2 sl. the butt of a marijuana cigarette. [abbr.] roach(3) n. Naut. an upward curve in the foot of a square sail. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] road(1) n. 1 a a path or way with a specially prepared surface, used by vehicles, pedestrians, etc. b the part of this used by vehicles (don't step in the road). 2 one's way or route (our road took us through unexplored territory). 3 an underground passage in a mine. 4 US a railway. 5 (usu. in pl.) a partly sheltered piece of water near the shore in which ships can ride at anchor. Ьby road using transport along roads. get out of the (or my etc.) road colloq. cease to obstruct a person. in the (or my etc.) road colloq. obstructing a person or thing. one for the road colloq. a final (esp. alcoholic) drink before departure. on the road travelling, esp. as a firm's representative, itinerant performer, or vagrant. road fund Brit. hist. a fund for the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. road fund licence Brit. a disc displayed on a vehicle certifying payment of road tax. road-hog colloq. a reckless or inconsiderate road-user, esp. a motorist. road-holding the capacity of a moving vehicle to remain stable when cornering at high speeds etc. road-house an inn or club on a major road. road hump = sleeping policeman (see SLEEP). road-manager the organizer and supervisor of a musicians' tour. road-map a map showing the roads of a country or area. road-metal broken stone used in road-making or for railway ballast. road sense a person's capacity for safe behaviour on the road, esp. in traffic. road show 1 a a performance given by a touring company, esp. a group of pop musicians. b a company giving such performances. 2 a radio or television programme done on location. road sign a sign giving information or instructions to road users. road tax a periodic tax payable on road vehicles. road test a test of the performance of a vehicle on the road. road-test v.tr. test (a vehicle) on the road. the road to the way of getting to or achieving (the road to London; the road to ruin). road train a large lorry pulling one or more trailers. rule of the road the custom or law regulating which side of the road is to be taken by vehicles (also riders or ships) meeting or passing each other. take the road set out. ЬЬroadless adj. [OE rad f. ridan RIDE] road(2) v.tr. (also absol.) (of a dog) follow up (a game-bird) by the scent of its trail. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] roadbed n. 1 the foundation structure of a railway. 2 the material laid down to form a road. 3 US the part of a road on which vehicles travel. roadblock n. a barrier or barricade on a road, esp. one set up by the authorities to stop and examine traffic. roadie n. colloq. an assistant employed by a touring band of musicians to erect and maintain equipment. roadman n. (pl. -men) a man employed to repair or maintain roads. roadroller n. a motor vehicle with a heavy roller, used in road-making. roadrunner n. a bird of Mexican and US deserts, Geococcyx californianus, related to the cuckoo, and a poor flier but fast runner. roadside n. the strip of land beside a road. roadstead n. = ROAD(1) 5. [ROAD(1) + stead in obs. sense 'place'] roadster n. 1 an open car without rear seats. 2 a horse or bicycle for use on the road. roadway n. 1 a road. 2 = ROAD(1) 1b. 3 the part of a bridge or railway used for traffic. roadwork n. 1 (in pl.) the construction or repair of roads, or other work involving digging up a road surface. 2 athletic exercise or training involving running on roads. roadworthy adj. 1 fit to be used on the road. 2 (of a person) fit to travel. ЬЬroadworthiness n. roam v. & n. --v. 1 intr. ramble, wander. 2 tr. travel unsystematically over, through, or about. --n. an act of roaming; a ramble. ЬЬroamer n. [ME: orig. unkn.] roan(1) adj. & n. --adj. (of an animal, esp. a horse or cow) having a coat of which the prevailing colour is thickly interspersed with hairs of another colour, esp. bay or sorrel or chestnut mixed with white or grey. --n. a roan animal. Ьblue roan adj. black mixed with white. --n. a blue roan animal. red roan adj. bay mixed with white or grey. --n. a red roan animal. strawberry roan adj. chestnut mixed with white or grey. --n. a strawberry roan animal. [OF, of unkn. orig.] roan(2) n. soft sheepskin leather used in bookbinding as a substitute for morocco. [ME, perh. f. Roan, old name of Rouen in N. France] roar n. & v. --n. 1 a loud deep hoarse sound, as made by a lion, a person in pain or rage or excitement, thunder, a loud engine, etc. 2 a loud laugh. --v. 1 intr. a utter or make a roar. b utter loud laughter. c (of a horse) make a loud noise in breathing as a symptom of disease. 2 intr. travel in a vehicle at high speed, esp. with the engine roaring. 3 tr. (often foll. by out) say, sing, or utter (words, an oath, etc.) in a loud tone. ЬЬroarer n. [OE rarian, of imit. orig.] roaring adj. in senses of ROAR v. Ьroaring drunk very drunk and noisy. roaring forties stormy ocean tracts between lat. 40ш and 50ш S. roaring trade (or business) very brisk trade or business. roaring twenties the decade of the 1920s (with ref. to its postwar buoyancy). ЬЬroaringly adv. roast v., adj., & n. --v. 1 tr. a cook (food, esp. meat) in an oven or by exposure to open heat. b heat (coffee beans) before grinding. 2 tr. heat (the ore of metal) in a furnace. 3 tr. a expose (a torture victim) to fire or great heat. b tr. & refl. expose (oneself or part of oneself) to warmth. 4 tr. criticize severely, denounce. 5 intr. undergo roasting. --attrib.adj. (of meat or a potato, chestnut, etc.) roasted. --n. 1 a roast meat. b a dish of this. c a piece of meat for roasting. 2 the process of roasting. 3 US a party where roasted food is eaten. [ME f. OF rost, rostir, f. Gmc] roaster n. 1 a person or thing that roasts. 2 a an oven or dish for roasting food in. b an ore-roasting furnace. c a coffee-roasting apparatus. 3 something fit for roasting, e.g. a fowl, a potato, etc. roasting adj. & n. --adj. very hot. --n. 1 in senses of ROAST v. 2 a severe criticism or denunciation. rob v.tr. (robbed, robbing) (often foll. by of) 1 take unlawfully from, esp. by force or threat of force (robbed the safe; robbed her of her jewels). 2 deprive of what is due or normal (was robbed of my sleep). 3 (absol.) commit robbery. Ьrob Peter to pay Paul take away from one to give to another, discharge one debt by incurring another. [ME f. OF rob(b)er f. Gmc: cf. REAVE] robber n. a person who commits robbery. Ьrobber baron 1 a plundering feudal lord. 2 an unscrupulous plutocrat. [ME f. AF & OF (as ROB)] robbery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the act or process of robbing, esp. with force or threat of force. b an instance of this. 2 excessive financial demand or cost (set us back њ20 - it was sheer robbery). [ME f. OF roberie (as ROB)] robe n. & v. --n. 1 a long loose outer garment. 2 esp. US a dressing-gown. 3 a baby's outer garment esp. at a christening. 4 (often in pl.) a long outer garment worn as an indication of the wearer's rank, office, profession, etc.; a gown or vestment. 5 US a blanket or wrap of fur. --v. 1 tr. clothe (a person) in a robe; dress. 2 intr. put on one's robes or vestments. [ME f. OF f. Gmc (as ROB, orig. sense 'booty')] robin n. 1 (also robin redbreast) a small brown European bird, Erithacus rubecula, the adult of which has a red throat and breast. 2 US a red-breasted thrush, Turdus migratorius. 3 a bird similar in appearance etc. to either of these. ЬRobin Hood (with ref. to the legend of the medieval forest outlaw) a person who acts illegally or unfavourably towards the rich for the benefit of the poor. [ME f. OF, familiar var. of the name Robert] robinia n. any N. American tree or shrub of the genus Robinia, e.g. a locust tree or false acacia. [mod.L, f. J. Robin, 17th-c. French gardener] roborant adj. & n. Med. --adj. strengthening. --n. a strengthening drug. [L roborare f. robur -oris strength] robot n. 1 a machine with a human appearance or functioning like a human. 2 a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically. 3 a person who works mechanically and efficiently but insensitively. 4 S.Afr. an automatic traffic-signal. ЬЬrobotic adj. robotize v.tr. (also -ise). [Czech (in K. C.apek'.s play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) 1920), f. robota forced labour] robotics n.pl. the study of robots; the art or science of their design and operation. robust adj. (robuster, robustest) 1 (of a person, animal, or thing) strong and sturdy, esp. in physique or construction. 2 (of exercise, discipline, etc.) vigorous, requiring strength. 3 (of intellect or mental attitude) straightforward, not given to nor confused by subtleties. 4 (of a statement, reply, etc.) bold, firm, unyielding. 5 (of wine etc.) full-bodied. ЬЬrobustly adv. robustness n. [F robuste or L robustus firm and hard f. robus, robur oak, strength] ROC abbr. (in the UK) Royal Observer Corps. roc n. a gigantic bird of Eastern legend. [Sp. rocho ult. f. Arab ruk] rocaille n. 1 an 18th-c. style of ornamentation based on rock and shell motifs. 2 a rococo style. [F f. roc (as ROCK(1))] rocambole n. an alliaceous plant, Allium scorodoprasum, with a garlic-like bulb used for seasoning. [F f. G Rockenbolle] roche moutonn‚e n. Geol. a small bare outcrop of rock shaped by glacial erosion. [F, = fleecy rock] rochet n. a vestment resembling a surplice, used chiefly by bishops and abbots. [ME f. OF, dimin. f. Gmc] rock(1) n. 1 a the hard material of the earth's crust, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil. b a similar material on other planets. 2 Geol. any natural material, hard or soft (e.g. clay), consisting of one or more minerals. 3 a a mass of rock projecting and forming a hill, cliff, reef, etc. b (the Rock) Gibraltar. 4 a large detached stone. 5 US a stone of any size. 6 a firm and dependable support or protection. 7 a source of danger or destruction. 8 Brit. a hard usu. cylindrical stick of confectionery made from sugar with flavouring esp. of peppermint. 9 (in pl.) US sl. money. 10 sl. a precious stone, esp. a diamond. 11 sl. a solid form of cocaine. 12 (in pl.) coarse sl. the testicles. Ьget one's rocks off coarse sl. 1 achieve sexual satisfaction. 2 obtain enjoyment. on the rocks colloq. 1 short of money. 2 broken down. 3 (of a drink) served undiluted with ice-cubes. rock-bed a base of rock or a rocky bottom. rock-bottom adj. (of prices etc.) the very lowest. --n. the very lowest level. rock-bound (of a coast) rocky and inaccessible. rock-cake a small currant cake with a hard rough surface. rock-candy US = sense 8 of n. rock cress = ARABIS. rock-crystal transparent colourless quartz usu. in hexagonal prisms. rock-dove a wild dove, Columba livia, frequenting rocks, supposed ancestor of the domestic pigeon. rock-face a vertical surface of natural rock. rock-fish a rock-frequenting goby, bass, wrasse, catfish, etc. rock-garden an artifical mound or bank of earth and stones planted with rock-plants etc.; a garden in which rockeries are the chief feature. rock-pigeon = rock-dove. rock-pipit a species of pipit, Anthus spinoletta, frequenting rocky shores. rock-plant any plant growing on or among rocks. rock python any large snake of the family Boidae, esp. the African python Python sebae. rock-rabbit any of several species of hyrax. rock rose any plant of the genus Cistus, Helianthemum, etc., with rose-like flowers. rock-salmon 1 any of several fishes, esp. Brit. (as a commercial name) the catfish and dogfish. 2 US an amberjack. rock-salt common salt as a solid mineral. rock-wool inorganic material made into matted fibre esp. for insulation or soundproofing. ЬЬrockless adj. rocklet n. rocklike adj. [ME f. OF ro(c)que, roche, med.L rocca, of unkn. orig.] rock(2) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. move gently to and fro in or as if in a cradle; set or maintain such motion (rock him to sleep; the ship was rocked by the waves). 2 intr. be or continue in such motion (sat rocking in his chair; the ship was rocking on the waves). 3 a intr. sway from side to side; shake, oscillate, reel (the house rocks). b tr. cause to do this (an earthquake rocked the house). 4 tr. distress, perturb. 5 intr. dance to or play rock music. --n. 1 a rocking movement (gave the chair a rock). 2 a spell of rocking (had a rock in his chair). 3 a = rock and roll. b any of a variety of types of modern popular music with a rocking or swinging beat, derived from rock and roll. Ьrock and (or rock 'n') roll a type of popular dance-music originating in the 1950s, characterized by a heavy beat and simple melodies, often with a blues element. rock and (or rock 'n') roller a devotee of rock and roll. rock the boat colloq. disturb the equilibrium of a situation. rocking-chair a chair mounted on rockers or springs for gently rocking in. rocking-horse a model of a horse on rockers or springs for a child to rock on. rocking-stone a poised boulder easily rocked. rock-shaft a shaft that oscillates about an axis without making complete revolutions. [OE roccian, prob. f. Gmc] rockabilly n. a type of popular music combining elements of rock and roll and hill-billy music. [blend of rock and roll and hill-billy] rockburst n. a sudden rupture or collapse of highly stressed rock in a mine. rocker n. 1 a person or thing that rocks. 2 a curved bar or similar support, on which something can rock. 3 a rocking-chair. 4 Brit. a young devotee of rock music, characteristically associated with leather clothing and motor cycles. 5 a skate with a highly curved blade. 6 a switch constructed on a pivot mechanism operating between the 'on' and 'off' positions. 7 any rocking device forming part of a mechanism. Ьoff one's rocker sl. crazy. rockery n. (pl. -ies) a heaped arrangement of rough stones with soil between them for growing rock-plants on. rocket(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a cylindrical projectile that can be propelled to a great height or distance by combustion of its contents, used esp. as a firework or signal. 2 an engine using a similar principle but not dependent on air intake for its operation. 3 a rocket-propelled missile, spacecraft, etc. 4 Brit. sl. a severe reprimand. --v. (rocketed, rocketing) 1 tr. bombard with rockets. 2 intr. a move rapidly upwards or away. b increase rapidly (prices rocketed). [F roquette f. It. rochetto dimin. of rocca ROCK(2), with ref. to its cylindrical shape] rocket(2) n. 1 (also sweet rocket) any of various fast-growing plants, esp. of the genus Hesperis or Sisymbrium. 2 a cruciferous annual plant, Eruca sativa, grown for salad. Ьwall-rocket a yellow-flowered weed, Diplotaxis muralis, emitting a foul smell when crushed. yellow rocket winter cress. [F roquette f. It. rochetta, ruchetta dimin. of ruca f. L eruca downy-stemmed plant] rocketeer n. 1 a discharger of rockets. 2 a rocket expert or enthusiast. rocketry n. the science or practice of rocket propulsion. rockfall n. 1 a descent of loose rocks. 2 a mass of fallen rock. rockhopper n. a small penguin, Eudyptes crestatus, of the Antarctic and New Zealand, with a crest of feathers on the forehead. rockling n. any of various small marine fish of the cod family, esp. of the genus Ciliata and Rhinomenus, found in pools among rocks. rocky(1) adj. & n. --adj. (rockier, rockiest) 1 of or like rock. 2 full of or abounding in rock or rocks (a rocky shore). --n. (the Rockies) the Rocky Mountains in western N. America. ЬЬrockiness n. rocky(2) adj. (rockier, rockiest) colloq. unsteady, tottering. ЬЬrockily adv. rockiness n. [ROCK(2)] rococo adj. & n. --adj. 1 of a late baroque style of decoration prevalent in 18th-c. continental Europe, with asymmetrical patterns involving scroll-work, shell motifs, etc. 2 (of literature, music, architecture, and the decorative arts) highly ornamented, florid. --n. the rococo style. [F, joc. alt. f. ROCAILLE] rod n. 1 a slender straight bar esp. of wood or metal. 2 this as a symbol of office. 3 a a stick or bundle of twigs used in caning or flogging. b (prec. by the) the use of this. 4 a = fishing-rod. b an angler using a rod. 5 a a slender straight round stick growing as a shoot on a tree. b this when cut. 6 (as a measure) a perch or square perch (see PERCH(1)). 7 US sl. = hot rod. 8 US sl. a pistol or revolver. 9 Anat. any of numerous rod-shaped structures in the eye, detecting dim light. Ьmake a rod for one's own back act in a way that will bring one trouble later. ЬЬrodless adj. rodlet n. rodlike adj. [OE rodd, prob. rel. to ON rudda club] rode(1) past of RIDE. rode(2) v.intr. 1 (of wildfowl) fly landwards in the evening. 2 (of woodcock) fly in the evening during the breeding season. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] rodent n. & adj. --n. any mammal of the order Rodentia with strong incisors and no canine teeth, e.g. rat, mouse, squirrel, beaver, porcupine. --adj. 1 of the order Rodentia. 2 gnawing (esp. Med. of slow-growing ulcers). Ьrodent officer Brit. an official dealing with rodent pests. ЬЬrodential adj. [L rodere ros- gnaw] rodenticide n. a poison used to kill rodents. rodeo n. (pl. -os) 1 an exhibition or entertainment involving cowboys' skills in handling animals. 2 an exhibition of other skills, e.g. in motor cycling. 3 a a round-up of cattle on a ranch for branding etc. b an enclosure for this. [Sp. f. rodear go round ult. f. L rotare ROTATE(1)] rodham n. a raised bank in the Fen district of E. Anglia, formed on the bed of a dry river-course. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] rodomontade n., adj., & v. --n. 1 boastful or bragging talk or behaviour. 2 an instance of this. --adj. boastful or bragging. --v.intr. brag, talk boastfully. [F f. obs. It. rodomontada f. F rodomont & It. rodomonte f. the name of a boastful character in the Orlando epics] roe(1) n. 1 (also hard roe) the mass of eggs in a female fish's ovary. 2 (also soft roe) the milt of a male fish. Ьroe-stone oolite. ЬЬroed adj. (also in comb.). [ME row(e), rough, f. MLG, MDu. roge(n), OHG rogo, rogan, ON hrogn] roe(2) n. (pl. same or roes) (also roe-deer) a small European and Asian deer, Capreolus capreolus. [OE ra(ha)] roebuck n. a male roe. roentgen n. a unit of ionizing radiation, the amount producing one electrostatic unit of positive or negative ionic charge in one cubic centimetre of air under standard conditions. Ьroentgen rays X-rays. [W. C. R”ntgen, Ger. physicist d. 1923, discoverer of X-rays] roentgenography n. photography using X-rays. roentgenology n. = RADIOLOGY. rogation n. (usu. in pl.) Eccl. a solemn supplication consisting of the litany of the saints chanted on the three days before Ascension day. ЬRogation Days the three days before Ascension Day. Rogation Sunday the Sunday preceding these. ЬЬrogational adj. [ME f. L rogatio f. rogare ask] roger int. & v. --int. 1 your message has been received and understood (used in radio communication etc.). 2 sl. I agree. --v. coarse sl. 1 intr. have sexual intercourse. 2 tr. have sexual intercourse with (a woman). [the name Roger, code for R] rogue n. & v. --n. 1 a dishonest or unprincipled person. 2 joc. a mischievous person, esp. a child. 3 (usu. attrib.) a a wild animal driven away or living apart from the herd and of fierce temper (rogue elephant). b a stray, irresponsible, or undisciplined person or thing (rogue trader). 4 an inferior or defective specimen among many acceptable ones. --v.tr. remove rogues (sense 4 of n.) from. Ьrogues' gallery a collection of photographs of known criminals etc., used for identification of suspects. [16th-c. cant word: orig. unkn.] roguery n. (pl. -ies) conduct or an action characteristic of rogues. roguish adj. 1 playfully mischievous. 2 characteristic of rogues. ЬЬroguishly adv. roguishness n. roil v.tr. 1 make (a liquid) turbid by agitating it. 2 US = RILE 1. [perh. f. OF ruiler mix mortar f. LL regulare regulate] roister v.intr. (esp. as roistering adj.) revel noisily; be uproarious. ЬЬroisterer n. roistering n. roisterous adj. [obs. roister roisterer f. F rustre ruffian var. of ruste f. L rusticus RUSTIC] Roland n. Ьa Roland for an Oliver 1 an effective retort. 2 a well-balanced combat or exchange. [name of the legendary nephew of Charlemagne celebrated with his comrade Oliver in the Chanson de Roland] role n. (also r“le) 1 an actor's part in a play, film, etc. 2 a person's or thing's characteristic or expected function (the role of the tape recorder in language-learning). Ьrole model a person looked to by others as an example in a particular role. role-playing an exercise in which participants act the part of another character, used in psychotherapy, language-teaching, etc. [F r“le and obs. F roule, rolle, = ROLL n.] roll v. & n. --v. 1 a intr. move or go in some direction by turning over and over on an axis (the ball rolled under the table; a barrel started rolling). b tr. cause to do this (rolled the barrel into the cellar). 2 tr. make revolve between two surfaces (rolled the clay between his palms). 3 a intr. (foll. by along, by, etc.) move or advance on or (of time etc.) as if on wheels etc. (the bus rolled past; the pram rolled off the pavement; the years rolled by). b tr. cause to do this (rolled the tea trolley into the kitchen). c intr. (of a person) be conveyed in a vehicle (the farmer rolled by on his tractor). 4 a tr. turn over and over on itself to form a more or less cylindrical or spherical shape (rolled a newspaper). b tr. make by forming material into a cylinder or ball (rolled a cigarette; rolled a huge snowball). c tr. accumulate into a mass (rolled the dough into a ball). d intr. (foll. by into) make a specified shape of itself (the hedgehog rolled into a ball). 5 tr. flatten or form by passing a roller etc. over or by passing between rollers (roll the lawn; roll pastry; roll thin foil). 6 intr. & tr. change or cause to change direction by rotatory movement (his eyes rolled; he rolled his eyes). 7 intr. a wallow, turn about in a fluid or a loose medium (the dog rolled in the dust). b (of a horse etc.) lie on its back and kick about, esp. in an attempt to dislodge its rider. 8 intr. a (of a moving ship, aircraft, or vehicle) sway to and fro on an axis parallel to the direction of motion. b walk with an unsteady swaying gait (they rolled out of the pub). 9 a intr. undulate, show or go with an undulating surface or motion (rolling hills; rolling mist; the waves roll in). b tr. carry or propel with such motion (the river rolls its waters to the sea). 10 a intr. (of machinery) start functioning or moving (the cameras rolled; the train began to roll). b tr. cause (machinery) to do this. 11 intr. & tr. sound or utter with a vibratory or trilling effect (words rolled off his tongue; thunder rolled in the distance; he rolls his rs). 12 US sl. a tr. overturn (a car etc.). b intr. (of a car etc.) overturn. 13 tr. US throw (dice). 14 tr. sl. rob (esp. a helpless victim). --n. 1 a rolling motion or gait; undulation (the roll of the hills). 2 a a spell of rolling (a roll in the mud). b a gymnastic exercise in which the body is rolled into a tucked position and turned in a forward or backward circle. c (esp. a roll in the hay) colloq. an act of sexual intercourse or erotic fondling. 3 the continuous rhythmic sound of thunder or a drum. 4 Aeron. a complete revolution of an aircraft about its longitudinal axis. 5 a a cylinder formed by turning flexible material over and over on itself without folding (a roll of carpet; a roll of wallpaper). b a filled cake or pastry of similar form (fig roll; sausage roll). 6 a a small portion of bread individually baked. b this with a specified filling (ham roll). 7 a more or less cylindrical or semicylindrical straight or curved mass of something (rolls of fat; a roll of hair). 8 a an official list or register (the electoral roll). b the total numbers on this (the schools' rolls have fallen). c a document, esp. an official record, in scroll form. 9 a cylinder or roller, esp. to shape metal in a rolling-mill. 10 Archit. a a moulding of convex section. b a spiral scroll of an Ionic capital. 11 US & Austral. money, esp. as banknotes rolled together. Ьbe rolling colloq. be very rich. be rolling in colloq. have plenty of (esp. money). on a roll US sl. experiencing a bout of success or progress; engaged in a period of intense activity. roll back US cause (esp. prices) to decrease. roll-back n. a reduction (esp. in price). roll bar an overhead metal bar strengthening the frame of a vehicle (esp. in racing) and protecting the occupants if the vehicle overturns. roll-call a process of calling out a list of names to establish who is present. rolled gold gold in the form of a thin coating applied to a baser metal by rolling. rolled into one combined in one person or thing. rolled oats oats that have been husked and crushed. roll in arrive in great numbers or quantity. rolling barrage = creeping barrage. rolling drunk swaying or staggering from drunkenness. rolling-mill a machine or factory for rolling metal into shape. rolling-pin a cylinder for rolling out pastry, dough, etc. rolling-stock 1 the locomotives, carriages, or other vehicles, used on a railway. 2 US the road vehicles of a company. rolling stone a person who is unwilling to settle for long in one place. rolling strike industrial action through a series of limited strikes by consecutive groups. roll-neck (of a garment) having a high loosely turned-over neck. roll of honour a list of those honoured, esp. the dead in war. roll on v.tr. 1 put on or apply by rolling. 2 (in imper.) colloq. (of a time, in eager expectation) come quickly (roll on Friday!). roll-on (attrib.) (of deodorant etc.) applied by means of a rotating ball in the neck of the container. --n. a light elastic corset. roll-on roll-off (of a ship, a method of transport, etc.) in which vehicles are driven directly on at the start of the voyage and off at the end of it. roll over 1 send (a person) sprawling or rolling. 2 Econ. finance the repayment of (maturing stock etc.) by an issue of new stock. roll-over n. 1 Econ. the extension or transfer of a debt or other financial relationship. 2 colloq. the overturning of a vehicle etc. roll-top desk a desk with a flexible cover sliding in curved grooves. roll up 1 colloq. arrive in a vehicle; appear on the scene. 2 make into or form a roll. 3 Mil. drive the flank of (an enemy line) back and round so that the line is shortened or surrounded. roll-up (or roll-your-own) n. a hand-rolled cigarette. roll up one's sleeves see SLEEVE. strike off the rolls debar (esp. a solicitor) from practising after dishonesty etc. ЬЬrollable adj. [ME f. OF rol(l)er, rouler, ro(u)lle f. L rotulus dimin. of rota wheel] rollaway adj. US (of a bed etc.) that can be removed on wheels or castors. roller n. 1 a a hard revolving cylinder for smoothing the ground, spreading ink or paint, crushing or stamping, rolling up cloth on, hanging a towel on, etc., used alone or as a rotating part of a machine. b a cylinder for diminishing friction when moving a heavy object. 2 a small cylinder on which hair is rolled for setting. 3 a long swelling wave. 4 (also roller bandage) a long surgical bandage rolled up for convenient application. 5 a kind of tumbler-pigeon. 6 a any brilliantly plumaged bird of the family Coraciidae, with characteristic tumbling display-flight. b a breed of canary with a trilling song. Ьroller bearing a bearing like a ball-bearing but with small cylinders instead of balls. roller-coaster n. a switchback at a fair etc. --adj. that goes up and down, or changes, suddenly and repeatedly. --v.intr. (or roller-coast) go up and down or change in this way. roller-skate see SKATE(1). roller-skater a person who roller-skates. roller towel a towel with the ends joined, hung on a roller. rollerball n. a ball-point pen using thinner ink than other ball-points. rollick v. & n. --v.intr. (esp. as rollicking adj.) be jovial or exuberant, indulge in high spirits, revel. --n. 1 exuberant gaiety. 2 a spree or escapade. [19th-c., prob. dial.: perh. f. ROMP + FROLIC] rollmop n. a rolled uncooked pickled herring fillet. [G Rollmops] roly-poly n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 (also roly-poly pudding) a pudding made of a strip of suet pastry covered with jam etc., formed into a roll, and boiled or baked. 2 US a tumbler toy. 3 Austral. a bushy plant, esp. Salsola kali, that breaks off and is rolled by the wind. --adj. (usu. of a child) podgy, plump. [prob. formed on ROLL] ROM n. Computing read-only memory. [abbr.] Rom n. (pl. Roma) a male gypsy. [Romany, = man, husband] Rom. abbr. Romans (New Testament). rom. abbr. roman (type). Romaic n. & adj. --n. the vernacular language of modern Greece. --adj. of or relating to this language. [Gk Rhomaikos Roman (used esp. of the Eastern Empire)] romaine n. US a cos lettuce. [F, fem. of romain (as ROMAN)] romaji n. a system of Romanized spelling used to transliterate Japanese. [Jap.] Roman adj. & n. --adj. 1 a of ancient Rome or its territory or people. b archaic of its language. 2 of medieval or modern Rome. 3 of papal Rome, esp. = ROMAN CATHOLIC. 4 of a kind ascribed to the early Romans (Roman honesty; Roman virtue). 5 surviving from a period of Roman rule (Roman road). 6 (roman) (of type) of a plain upright kind used in ordinary print. 7 (of the alphabet etc.) based on the ancient Roman system with letters A-Z. --n. 1 a a citizen of the ancient Roman Republic or Empire. b a soldier of the Roman Empire. 2 a citizen of modern Rome. 3 = ROMAN CATHOLIC. 4 (roman) roman type. 5 (in pl.) the Christians of ancient Rome. ЬHoly Roman Empire the Western part of the Roman Empire as revived by Charlemagne in 800. Roman candle a firework discharging a series of flaming coloured balls and sparks. Roman Empire hist. that established by Augustus in 27 BC and divided by Theodosius in AD 395 into the Western or Latin and Eastern or Greek Empire. Roman holiday enjoyment derived from others' discomfiture. Roman law the law-code developed by the ancient Romans and forming the basis of many modern codes. Roman nose one with a high bridge; an aquiline nose. roman numeral any of the Roman letters representing numbers: I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000. [ME f. OF Romain (n. & adj.) f. L Romanus f. Roma Rome] roman-…-clef n. (pl. romans-…-clef pronunc. same) a novel in which real persons or events appear with invented names. [F, = novel with a key] Roman Catholic adj. & n. --adj. of the part of the Christian Church acknowledging the Pope as its head. --n. a member of this Church. ЬЬRoman Catholicism n. [17th-c. transl. L (Ecclesia) Romana Catholica (et Apostolica), app. orig. as a conciliatory term: see ROMAN, CATHOLIC] romance n., adj., & v. --n. also disp. 1 an atmosphere or tendency characterized by a sense of remoteness from or idealization of everyday life. 2 a a prevailing sense of wonder or mystery surrounding the mutual attraction in a love affair. b sentimental or idealized love. c a love affair. 3 a a literary genre with romantic love or highly imaginative unrealistic episodes forming the central theme. b a work of this genre. 4 a medieval tale, usu. in verse, of some hero of chivalry, of the kind common in the Romance languages. 5 a exaggeration or picturesque falsehood. b an instance of this. 6 (Romance) the languages descended from Latin regarded collectively. 7 Mus. a short informal piece. --adj. (Romance) of any of the languages descended from Latin (French, Italian, Spanish, etc.). --v. 1 intr. exaggerate or distort the truth, esp. fantastically. 2 tr. court, woo. [ME f. OF romanz, -ans, -ance, ult. f. L Romanicus ROMANIC] romancer n. 1 a writer of romances, esp. in the medieval period. 2 a liar who resorts to fantasy. Romanesque n. & adj. --n. a style of architecture prevalent in Europe c. 900-1200, with massive vaulting and round arches (cf. NORMAN). --adj. of the Romanesque style of architecture. [F f. roman ROMANCE] roman-fleuve n. (pl. romans-fleuves pronunc. same) 1 a novel featuring the leisurely description of the lives of members of a family etc. 2 a sequence of self-contained novels. [F, = river novel] Romanian n. & adj. (also Rumanian) --n. 1 a a native or national of Romania in E. Europe. b a person of Romanian descent. 2 the language of Romania. --adj. of or relating to Romania or its people or language. Romanic n. & adj. --n. = ROMANCE n. 6. --adj. 1 a of or relating to Romance. b Romance-speaking. 2 descended from the ancient Romans or inheriting aspects of their social or political life. [L Romanicus (as ROMAN)] Romanism n. Roman Catholicism. Romanist n. 1 a student of Roman history or law or of the Romance languages. 2 a a supporter of Roman Catholicism. b a Roman Catholic. [mod.L Romanista (as ROMAN)] romanize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make Roman or Roman Catholic in character. 2 put into the Roman alphabet or into roman type. ЬЬromanization n. Romano n. a strong-tasting hard cheese, orig. made in Italy . [It.,= ROMAN] Romano- comb. form Roman; Roman and (Romano-British). Romansh n. & adj. (also Rumansh) --n. the Rhaeto-Romanic dialects, esp. as spoken in the Swiss canton of Grisons. --adj. of these dialects. [Romansh Ruman(t)sch, Roman(t)sch f. med.L romanice (adv.) (as ROMANCE)] romantic adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, characterized by, or suggestive of an idealized, sentimental, or fantastic view of reality; remote from experience (a romantic picture; a romantic setting). 2 inclined towards or suggestive of romance in love (a romantic woman; a romantic evening; romantic words). 3 (of a person) imaginative, visionary, idealistic. 4 a (of style in art, music, etc.) concerned more with feeling and emotion than with form and aesthetic qualities; preferring grandeur or picturesqueness to finish and proportion. b (also Romantic) of or relating to the 18th-19th-c. romantic movement or style in the European arts. 5 (of a project etc.) unpractical, fantastic. --n. 1 a romantic person. 2 a romanticist. ЬЬromantically adv. [romant tale of chivalry etc. f. OF f. romanz ROMANCE] romanticism n. (also Romanticism) adherence to a romantic style in art, music, etc. romanticist n. (also Romanticist) a writer or artist of the romantic school. romanticize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. a make or render romantic or unreal (a romanticized account of war). b describe or portray in a romantic fashion. 2 intr. indulge in romantic thoughts or actions. ЬЬromanticization n. Romany n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a Gypsy. 2 the Indo-European language of the Gypsies. --adj. 1 of or concerning Gypsies. 2 of the Romany language. [Romany Romani fem. and pl. of Romano (adj.) (ROM)] Romeo n. (pl. -os) a passionate male lover or seducer. [the hero of Shakesp. Romeo and Juliet] Romish adj. usu. derog. Roman Catholic. romneya n. any shrub of the genus Romneya, bearing poppy-like flowers. [T. Romney Robinson, Brit. astronomer d. 1882] romp v. & n. --v.intr. 1 play about roughly and energetically. 2 (foll. by along, past, etc.) colloq. proceed without effort. --n. a spell of romping or boisterous play. Ьromp in (or home) colloq. finish as the easy winner. ЬЬrompingly adv. rompy adj. (rompier, rompiest). [perh. var. of RAMP(1)] romper n. (usu. in pl.) (also romper suit) a young child's one-piece garment covering legs and trunk. rondavel n. S.Afr. 1 a round tribal hut usu. with a thatched conical roof. 2 a similar building, esp. as a holiday cottage, or as an outbuilding on a farm etc. [Afrik. rondawel] ronde n. 1 a dance in which the dancers move in a circle. 2 a course of talk, activity, etc. [F, fem. of rond ROUND adj.] rondeau n. (pl. rondeaux pronunc. same or) a poem of ten or thirteen lines with only two rhymes throughout and with the opening words used twice as a refrain. [F, earlier rondel: see RONDEL] rondel n. a rondeau, esp. one of special form. [ME f. OF f. rond ROUND: cf. ROUNDEL] rondo n. (pl. -os) Mus. a form with a recurring leading theme, often found in the final movement of a sonata or concerto etc. [It. f. F rondeau: see RONDEAU] rone n. Sc. a gutter for carrying off rain from a roof. ronin n. hist. (in feudal Japan) a lordless wandering samurai; an outlaw. [Jap.] r”ntgen etc. var. of ROENTGEN etc. roo n. (also 'roo) Austral. colloq. a kangaroo. [abbr.] rood n. 1 a crucifix, esp. one raised on a screen or beam at the entrance to the chancel. 2 a quarter of an acre. Ьrood-loft a gallery on top of a rood-screen. rood-screen a wooden or stone carved screen separating nave and chancel. [OE rod] roof n. & v. --n. (pl. roofs or disp. rooves) 1 a the upper covering of a building, usu. supported by its walls. b the top of a covered vehicle. c the top inner surface of an oven, refrigerator, etc. 2 the overhead rock in a cave or mine etc. 3 the branches or the sky etc. overhead. 4 (of prices etc.) the upper limit or ceiling. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by in, over) cover with or as with a roof. 2 be the roof of. Ьgo through the roof colloq. (of prices etc.) reach extreme or unexpected heights. hit (or go through or raise) the roof colloq. become very angry. roof-garden a garden on the flat roof of a building. roof of the mouth the palate. a roof over one's head somewhere to live. roof-rack a framework for carrying luggage etc. on the roof of a vehicle. roof-tree the ridge-piece of a roof. under one roof in the same building. under a person's roof in a person's house (esp. with ref. to hospitality). ЬЬroofed adj. (also in comb.). roofless adj. [OE hrof] roofage n. the expanse of a roof or roofs. roofer n. a person who constructs or repairs roofs. roofing n. 1 material for constructing a roof. 2 the process of constructing a roof or roofs. roofscape n. a scene or view of roofs. rooftop n. 1 the outer surface of a roof. 2 (esp. in pl.) the level of a roof. rooibos n. S.Afr. 1 an evergreen shrub of the genus Aspalathus, with leaves used to make tea. 2 a shrub or small tree, Combretum apiculatum, with spikes of scented yellow flowers. [Afrik., = red bush] rooinek n. S.Afr. sl. offens. a British or English-speaking South African. [Afrik., = red-neck] rook(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a black European and Asiatic bird, Corvus frugilegus, of the crow family, nesting in colonies in tree-tops. 2 a sharper, esp. at dice or cards; a person who lives off inexperienced gamblers etc. --v.tr. 1 charge (a customer) extortionately. 2 win money from (a person) at cards etc. esp. by swindling. [OE hroc] rook(2) n. a chess piece with its top in the shape of a battlement. [ME f. OF roc(k) ult. f. Arab. rukk, orig. sense uncert.] rookery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a colony of rooks. b a clump of trees having rooks' nests. 2 a colony of sea birds (esp. penguins) or seals. rookie n. sl. 1 a new recruit, esp. in the army or police. 2 US a new member of a sports team. [corrupt. of recruit, after ROOK(1)] room n. & v. --n. 1 a space that is or might be occupied by something; capaciousness or ability to accommodate contents (it takes up too much room; there is plenty of room; we have no room here for idlers). b space in or on (houseroom; shelf-room). 2 a a part of a building enclosed by walls or partitions, floor and ceiling. b (in pl.) a set of these occupied by a person or family; apartments or lodgings. c persons present in a room (the room fell silent). 3 (in comb.) a room or area for a specified purpose (auction-room). 4 (foll. by for, or to + infin.) opportunity or scope (room to improve things; no room for dispute). --v.intr. US have a room or rooms; lodge, board. Ьmake room (often foll. by for) clear a space (for a person or thing) by removal of others; make way, yield place. not (or no) room to swing a cat a very confined space. rooming-house a lodging house. room-mate a person occupying the same room as another. room service (in a hotel etc.) service of food or drink taken to a guest's room. ЬЬ-roomed adj. (in comb.). roomful n. (pl. -fuls). [OE rum f. Gmc] roomer n. US a lodger occupying a room or rooms without board. roomette n. US 1 a private single compartment in a sleeping-car. 2 a small bedroom for letting. roomie n. US colloq. a room-mate. roomy adj. (roomier, roomiest) having much room, spacious. ЬЬroomily adv. roominess n. roost(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a branch or other support on which a bird perches, esp. a place where birds regularly settle to sleep. 2 a place offering temporary sleeping-accommodation. --v. 1 intr. a (of a bird) settle for rest or sleep. b (of a person) stay for the night. 2 tr. provide with a sleeping-place. Ьcome home to roost (of a scheme etc.) recoil unfavourably upon the originator. [OE hrost] roost(2) n. a tidal race in the Orkneys and Shetlands. [ON r”st] rooster n. esp. US a domestic cock. root(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a the part of a plant normally below the ground, attaching it to the earth and conveying nourishment to it from the soil. b (in pl.) such a part divided into branches or fibres. c the corresponding organ of an epiphyte; the part attaching ivy to its support. d the permanent underground stock of a plant. e any small plant with a root for transplanting. 2 a any plant, e.g. a turnip or carrot, with an edible root. b such a root. 3 (in pl.) the sources of or reasons for one's long-standing emotional attachment to a place, community, etc. 4 a the embedded part of a bodily organ or structure, e.g. hair, tooth, nail, etc. b the part of a thing attaching it to a greater or more fundamental whole. c (in pl.) the base of a mountain etc. 5 a the basic cause, source, or origin (love of money is the root of all evil; has its roots in the distant past). b (attrib.) (of an idea etc.) from which the rest originated. 6 the basis of something, its means of continuance or growth (has its root(s) in selfishness; has no root in the nature of things). 7 the essential substance or nature of something (get to the root of things). 8 Math. a a number or quantity that when multiplied by itself a usu. specified number of times gives a specified number or quantity (the cube root of eight is two). b a square root. c a value of an unknown quantity satisfying a given equation. 9 Philol. any ultimate unanalysable element of language; a basis, not necessarily surviving as a word in itself, on which words are made by the addition of prefixes or suffixes or by other modification. 10 Mus. the fundamental note of a chord. 11 Bibl. a scion, an offshoot (there shall be a root of Jesse). 12 Austral. & NZ coarse sl. a an act of sexual intercourse. b a (female) sexual partner. --v. 1 a intr. take root or grow roots. b tr. cause to do this (take care to root them firmly). 2 tr. a fix firmly; establish (fear rooted him to the spot). b (as rooted adj.) firmly established (her affection was deeply rooted; rooted objection to). 3 tr. (usu. foll. by out, up) drag or dig up by the roots. 4 tr. Austral. coarse sl. a have sexual intercourse with (a woman). b exhaust, frustrate. Ьpull up by the roots 1 uproot. 2 eradicate, destroy. put down roots 1 begin to draw nourishment from the soil. 2 become settled or established. root and branch thorough(ly), radical(ly). root beer US an effervescent drink made from an extract of roots. root-mean-square Math. the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares of a set of values. root out find and get rid of. root sign Math. = radical sign. strike at the root (or roots) of set about destroying. strike (or take) root 1 begin to grow and draw nourishment from the soil. 2 become fixed or established. ЬЬrootage n. rootedness n. rootless adj. rootlet n. rootlike adj. rooty adj. [OE rot f. ON rўt, rel. to WORT & L radix: see RADIX] root(2) v. 1 a intr. (of an animal, esp. a pig) turn up the ground with the snout, beak, etc., in search of food. b tr. (foll. by up) turn up (the ground) by rooting. 2 a intr. (foll. by around, in, etc.) rummage. b tr. (foll. by out or up) find or extract by rummaging. 3 intr. (foll. by for) US sl. encourage by applause or support. ЬЬrooter n. (in sense 3). [earlier wroot f. OE wrotan & ON rўta: rel. to OE wrot snout] rootle v.intr. & tr. Brit. = ROOT(2) 1, 2. [ROOT(2)] rootstock n. 1 a rhizome. 2 a plant into which a graft is inserted. 3 a primary form from which offshoots have arisen. rooves see ROOF. rope n. & v. --n. 1 a stout cord made by twisting together strands of hemp, sisal, flax, cotton, nylon, wire, or similar material. b a piece of this. c US a lasso. 2 (foll. by of) a quantity of onions, ova, or pearls strung together. 3 (in pl., prec. by the) a the conditions in some sphere of action (know the ropes; show a person the ropes). b the ropes enclosing a boxing- or wrestling-ring or cricket ground. 4 (prec. by the) a a halter for hanging a person. b execution by hanging. --v. 1 tr. fasten, secure, or catch with rope. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by off, in) enclose (a space) with rope. 3 Mountaineering a tr. connect (a party) with a rope; attach (a person) to a rope. b (absol.) put on a rope. c intr. (foll. by down, up) climb down or up using a rope. Ьgive a person plenty of rope (or enough rope to hang himself or herself) give a person enough freedom of action to bring about his or her own downfall. on the rope Mountaineering roped together. on the ropes 1 Boxing forced against the ropes by the opponent's attack. 2 near defeat. rope in persuade to take part. rope into persuade to take part in (was roped into doing the washing-up). rope-ladder two long ropes connected by short crosspieces, used as a ladder. rope-moulding a moulding cut spirally in imitation of rope-strands. rope of sand delusive security. rope's end hist. a short piece of rope used to flog (formerly, esp. a sailor) with. rope-walk a long piece of ground where ropes are made. rope-walker a performer on a tightrope. rope-walking the action of performing on a tightrope. rope-yard a rope-making establishment. rope-yarn 1 material obtained by unpicking rope-strands, or used for making them. 2 a piece of this. 3 a mere trifle. [OE rap f. Gmc] ropeable adj. (also ropable) 1 capable of being roped. 2 Austral. & NZ sl. angry. ropemanship n. skill in rope-walking or climbing with ropes. ropeway n. a cable railway. roping n. a set or arrangement of ropes. ropy adj. (also ropey) (ropier, ropiest) 1 Brit. colloq. poor in quality. 2 (of wine, bread, etc.) forming viscous or gelatinous threads. 3 like a rope. ЬЬropily adv. ropiness n. roque n. US croquet played on a hard court surrounded by a bank. [alt. form of ROQUET] Roquefort n. propr. 1 a soft blue cheese made from ewes' milk. 2 a salad-dressing made of this. [Roquefort in S. France] roquet v. & n. Croquet --v. (roqueted, roqueting) 1 tr. a cause one's ball to strike (another ball). b (of a ball) strike (another). 2 intr. strike another ball thus. --n. an instance of roqueting. [app. arbitr. f. CROQUET v., orig. used in the same sense] ro-ro adj. roll-on roll-off. [abbr.] rorqual n. any of various whales of the family Balaenopteridae esp. Balaenoptera musculus, having a dorsal fin. Also called fin-back, fin whale. [F f. Norw. rнyrkval f. OIcel. reythr the specific name + hvalr WHALE(1)] Rorschach test n. Psychol. a type of personality test in which a standard set of ink-blots is presented one by one to the subject, who is asked to describe what they suggest or resemble. [H. Rorschach, Swiss psychiatrist d. 1922] rort n. Austral. sl. 1 a trick, a fraud; a dishonest practice. 2 a wild party. [back-form. f. RORTY] rorty adj. (rortier, rortiest) Brit. sl. 1 splendid; boisterous, rowdy (had a rorty time). 2 coarse, earthy. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] rosace n. 1 a rose-window. 2 a rose-shaped ornament or design. [F f. L rosaceus: see ROSACEOUS] rosaceous adj. Bot. of the large plant family Rosaceae, which includes the rose. [L rosaceus f. rosa rose] rosaline n. a variety of fine needlepoint or pillow lace. [prob. F] rosaniline n. 1 a an organic base derived from aniline. b a red dye obtained from this. 2 fuchsine. [ROSE(1) + ANILINE] rosarian n. a person who cultivates roses, esp. professionally. [L rosarium ROSARY] rosarium n. a rose-garden. [L (as ROSARY)] rosary n. (pl. -ies) 1 RC Ch. a a form of devotion in which five (or fifteen) decades of Hail Marys are repeated, each decade preceded by an Our Father and followed by a Glory Be. b a string of 55 (or 165) beads for keeping count in this. c a book containing this devotion. 2 a similar form of bead-string used in other religions. 3 a rose-garden or rose-bed. [ME f. L rosarium rose-garden, neut. of rosarius (as ROSE(1))] roscoe n. US sl. a gun, esp. a pistol or revolver. [the name Roscoe] rose(1) n., adj., & v. --n. 1 any prickly bush or shrub of the genus Rosa, bearing usu. fragrant flowers generally of a red, pink, yellow, or white colour. 2 this flower. 3 any flowering plant resembling this (Christmas rose; rock rose). 4 a a light crimson colour, pink. b (usu. in pl.) a rosy complexion (roses in her cheeks). 5 a a representation of the flower in heraldry or decoration (esp. as the national emblem of England). b a rose-shaped design, e.g. on a compass card or on the sound-hole of a lute etc. 6 the sprinkling-nozzle of a watering-can or hose. 7 a circular mounting on a ceiling through which the wiring of an electric light passes. 8 a a rose diamond. b a rose-window. 9 (in pl.) used in various phrases to express favourable circumstances, ease, success, etc. (roses all the way; everything's roses). 10 an excellent person or thing, esp. a beautiful woman (English rose; rose between two thorns; not the rose but near it). --adj. = rose-coloured 1. --v.tr. (esp. as rosed adj.) make (one's face, a snow-slope, etc.) rosy. Ьrose-apple 1 a tropical tree of the genus Eugenia, cultivated for its foliage and fragrant fruit. 2 this fruit. rose-bush a rose plant. rose-chafer a green or copper-coloured beetle, Cetonia aurata, frequenting roses. rose-colour the colour of a pale red rose, warm pink. rose-coloured 1 of rose-colour. 2 optimistic, sanguine, cheerful (takes rose-coloured views). rose comb a flat fleshy comb of a fowl. rose-cut cut as a rose diamond. rose diamond a hemispherical diamond with the curved part cut in triangular facets. rose-engine an appendage to a lathe for engraving curved patterns. rose-fish a bright red food fish, Sebastes marinus, of the N. Atlantic. rose geranium a pink-flowered sweet-scented pelargonium, Pelargonium graveolus. rose-hip = HIP(2). rose-leaf (pl. -leaves) 1 a petal of a rose. 2 a leaf of a rose. rose madder a pale pink pigment. rose-mallow = HIBISCUS. rose nail a nail with a head shaped like a rose diamond. rose of Jericho a resurrection plant, Anastatica hierochuntica. rose of Sharon 1 a species of hypericum, Hypericum calycinum, with dense foliage and golden-yellow flowers: also called AARON'S BEARD. 2 Bibl. a flowering plant of unknown identity. rose-pink = rose-colour, rose-coloured. rose-point a point lace with a design of roses. rose-red adj. red like a rose, rose-coloured. --n. this colour. rose-root a yellow-flowered plant, Rhodiola rosea, with roots smelling like a rose when dried or bruised. rose-tinted = rose-coloured. rose-tree a rose plant, esp. a standard rose. rose-water perfume made from roses. rose-window a circular window, usu. with roselike or spokelike tracery. see through rose-coloured (or -tinted ) spectacles regard (circumstances etc.) with unfounded favour or optimism. under the rose in confidence; under pledge of secrecy. Wars of the Roses hist. the 15th-c. civil wars between Yorkists with a white rose as an emblem and Lancastrians with a red rose. ЬЬroseless adj. roselike adj. [ME f. OE rose f. L rosa] rose(2) past of RISE. ros‚ n. any light pink wine, coloured by only brief contact with red grape-skins. [F, = pink] roseate adj. 1 = rose-coloured (see ROSE(1)). 2 having a partly pink plumage (roseate spoonbill; roseate tern). [L roseus rosy (as ROSE(1))] rosebay n. an oleander, rhododendron, or willow-herb. rosebowl n. a bowl for displaying cut roses. rosebud n. 1 a bud of a rose. 2 a pretty young woman. rosella n. 1 any brightly coloured Australian parakeet of the genus Platycercus. 2 Austral. an easily-shorn sheep. [corrupt. of Rosehill, NSW, where the bird was first found] rosemaling n. the art of painting wooden furniture etc. with flower motifs. [Norw., = rose painting] rosemary n. an evergreen fragrant shrub, Rosmarinus officinalis, with leaves used as a culinary herb, in perfumery, etc., and taken as an emblem of remembrance. [ME, earlier rosmarine ult. f. L ros marinus f. ros dew + marinus MARINE, with assim. to ROSE(1) and Mary name of the Virgin] roseola n. 1 a rosy rash in measles and similar diseases. 2 a mild febrile disease of infants. ЬЬroseolar adj. roseolous adj. [mod. var. of RUBEOLA f. L roseus rose-coloured] rosery n. (pl. -ies) a rose-garden. Rosetta stone n. a key to previously unattainable understanding. [a stone found near Rosetta in Egypt, with a trilingual inscription of the 2nd c. BC in Egyptian hieroglyphs, demotic, and Greek, important in the decipherment of hieroglyphs] rosette n. 1 a rose-shaped ornament made usu. of ribbon and worn esp. as a supporter's badge, or as an award or the symbol of an award in a competition, esp. by a prizewinning animal. 2 Archit. a a carved or moulded ornament resembling or representing a rose. b a rose-window. 3 an object or symbol or arrangement of parts resembling a rose. 4 Biol. a a roselike cluster of parts. b markings resembling a rose. 5 a rose diamond. ЬЬrosetted adj. [F dimin. of rose ROSE(1)] rosewood n. any of several fragrant close-grained woods used in making furniture. Rosh Hashana n. (also Rosh Hashanah) the Jewish New Year. [Heb., = beginning (lit. 'head') of the year] Roshi n. (pl. Roshis) the spiritual leader of a community of Zen Buddhist monks. [Jap.] Rosicrucian n. & adj. --n. 1 hist. a member of a 17th-18th-c. society devoted to the study of metaphysical and mystical lore (said to have been founded in 1484 by Christian Rosenkreuz). 2 a member of any of several later organizations deriving from this. --adj. of or relating to the Rosicrucians. ЬЬRosicrucianism n. [mod.L rosa crucis (or crux), as Latinization of G Rosenkreuz] rosin n. & v. --n. resin, esp. the solid residue after distillation of oil of turpentine from crude turpentine. --v.tr. (rosined, rosining) 1 rub (esp. the bow of a violin etc.) with rosin. 2 smear or seal up with rosin. ЬЬrosiny adj. [ME, alt. f. RESIN] rosolio n. (also rosoglio) (pl. -os) a sweet cordial of spirits, sugar, and flavouring. [It., f. mod.L ros solis dew of the sun] RoSPA abbr. (in the UK) Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. roster n. & v. --n. a list or plan showing turns of duty or leave for individuals or groups esp. of a military force. --v.tr. place on a roster. [Du. rooster list, orig. gridiron f. roosten ROAST, with ref. to its parallel lines] rostra pl. of ROSTRUM. rostral adj. 1 Zool. & Bot. of or on the rostrum. 2 Anat. a nearer the hypophysial area in the early embryo. b nearer the region of the nose and mouth in post-embryonic life. 3 (of a column etc.) adorned with the beaks of ancient war-galleys or with representations of these. ЬЬrostrally adv. rostrated adj. 1 Zool. & Bot. having or ending in a rostrum. 2 = ROSTRAL 3. [L rostratus (as ROSTRUM)] rostrum n. (pl. rostra or rostrums) 1 a a platform for public speaking. b a conductor's platform facing the orchestra. c a similar platform for other purposes, e.g. for supporting a film or television camera. 2 Zool. & Bot. a beak, stiff snout, or beaklike part, esp. of an insect or arachnid. 3 Rom. Antiq. the beak of a war-galley. ЬЬ(all in sense 2) rostrate adj. rostriferous adj. rostriform adj. [L, = beak f. rodere ros- gnaw: orig. rostra (pl., in sense 1a) in the Roman forum adorned with beaks of captured galleys] rosy adj. (rosier, rosiest) 1 coloured like a pink or red rose (esp. of the complexion as indicating good health, of a blush, wine, the sky, light, etc.). 2 optimistic, hopeful, cheerful (a rosy future; a rosy attitude to life). ЬЬrosily adv. rosiness n. rot v., n., & int. --v. (rotted, rotting) 1 intr. a (of animal or vegetable matter) lose its original form by the chemical action of bacteria, fungi, etc.; decay. b (foll. by off, away) crumble or drop from a stem etc. through decomposition. 2 intr. a (of society, institutions, etc.) gradually perish from lack of vigour or use. b (of a prisoner etc.) waste away (left to rot in prison); (of a person) languish. 3 tr. cause to rot, make rotten. 4 tr. Brit. sl. tease, abuse, denigrate. 5 intr. Brit. sl. joke. --n. 1 the process or state of rotting. 2 sl. nonsense; an absurd or foolish statement, argument, or proposal. 3 a sudden series of (usu. unaccountable) failures; a rapid decline in standards etc. (a rot set in; we must try to stop the rot). 4 (often prec. by the) a virulent liver-disease of sheep. --int. expressing incredulity or ridicule. Ьrot-gut sl. cheap harmful alcoholic liquor. [OE rotian (v.): (n.) ME, perh. f. Scand.: cf. Icel., Norw. rot] rota n. 1 esp. Brit. a list of persons acting, or duties to be done, in rotation; a roster. 2 (Rota) RC Ch. the supreme ecclesiastical and secular court. [L, = wheel] Rotarian n. & adj. --n. a member of Rotary. --adj. of Rotary. [ROTARY + -AN] rotary adj. & n. --adj. acting by rotation (rotary drill; rotary pump). --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a rotary machine. 2 US a traffic roundabout. 3 (Rotary) (in full Rotary International) a worldwide charitable society of businessmen, orig. named from members entertaining in rotation. ЬRotary club a local branch of Rotary. rotary-wing (of an aircraft) deriving lift from rotary aerofoils. [med.L rotarius (as ROTA)] rotate(1) v. 1 intr. & tr. move round an axis or centre, revolve. 2 a tr. take or arrange in rotation. b intr. act or take place in rotation (the chairmanship will rotate). ЬЬrotatable adj. rotative adj. rotatory adj. [L rotare f. rota wheel] rotate(2) adj. Bot. wheel-shaped. [formed as ROTA] rotation n. 1 the act or an instance of rotating or being rotated. 2 a recurrence; a recurrent series or period; a regular succession of various members of a group in office etc. 3 a system of growing different crops in regular order to avoid exhausting the soil. ЬЬrotational adj. rotationally adv. [L rotatio] rotator n. 1 a machine or device for causing something to rotate. 2 Anat. a muscle that rotates a limb etc. 3 a revolving apparatus or part. [L (as ROTATE(1))] Rotavator n. (also Rotovator) propr. a machine with a rotating blade for breaking up or tilling the soil. ЬЬrotavate v.tr. [ROTARY + CULTIVATOR] rote n. (usu. prec. by by) mechanical or habitual repetition (with ref. to acquiring knowledge). [ME: orig. unkn.] rotenone n. a toxic crystalline substance obtained from the roots of derris and other plants, used as an insecticide. [Jap. rotenon f. roten derris] rotifer n. any minute aquatic animal of the phylum Rotifera, with rotatory organs used in swimming and feeding. [mod.L rotiferus f. L rota wheel + -fer bearing] rotisserie n. 1 a restaurant etc. where meat is roasted or barbecued. 2 a cooking appliance with a rotating spit for roasting and barbecuing meat. [F r“tisserie (as ROAST)] rotogravure n. 1 a printing system using a rotary press with intaglio cylinders, usu. running at high speed. 2 a sheet etc. printed with this system. [G Rotogravur (name of a company) assim. to PHOTOGRAVURE] rotor n. 1 a rotary part of a machine, esp. in the distributor of an internal-combustion engine. 2 a set of radiating aerofoils round a hub on a helicopter, providing lift when rotated. [irreg. for ROTATOR] Rotovator var. of ROTAVATOR. rotten adj. (rottener, rottenest) 1 rotting or rotted; falling to pieces or liable to break or tear from age or use. 2 morally, socially, or politically corrupt. 3 sl. a disagreeable, unpleasant (had a rotten time). b (of a plan etc.) ill-advised, unsatisfactory (a rotten idea). c disagreeably ill (feel rotten today). Ьrotten borough hist. (before 1832) an English borough able to elect an MP though having very few voters. rotten-stone decomposed siliceous limestone used as a powder for polishing metals. ЬЬrottenly adv. rottenness n. [ME f. ON rotinn, rel. to ROT, RET] rotter n. esp. Brit. sl. an objectionable, unpleasant, or reprehensible person. [ROT] Rottweiler n. 1 a dog of a tall black-and-tan breed. 2 this breed. [G f. Rottweil in SW Germany] rotund adj. 1 a circular, round. b (of a person) large and plump, podgy. 2 (of speech, literary style, etc.) sonorous, grandiloquent. ЬЬrotundity n. rotundly adv. [L rotundus f. rotare ROTATE(1)] rotunda n. 1 a building with a circular ground-plan, esp. one with a dome. 2 a circular hall or room. [earlier rotonda f. It. rotonda (camera) round (chamber), fem. of rotondo round (as ROTUND)] rouble n. (also ruble) the chief monetary unit of the USSR. [F f. Russ. rubl'] rou‚ n. a debauchee, esp. an elderly one; a rake. [F, past part. of rouer break on wheel, = one deserving this] rouge n. & v. --n. 1 a red powder or cream used for colouring the cheeks. 2 powdered ferric oxide etc. as a polishing agent esp. for metal. --v. 1 tr. colour with rouge. 2 intr. a apply rouge to one's cheeks. b become red, blush. Ьrouge-et-noir a gambling game using a table with red and black marks, on which players place stakes. [F, = red, f. L rubeus, rel. to RED] rough adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. 1 a having an uneven or irregular surface, not smooth or level or polished. b Tennis applied to the side of a racket from which the twisted gut projects. 2 (of ground, country, etc.) having many bumps, obstacles, etc. 3 a hairy, shaggy. b (of cloth) coarse in texture. 4 a (of a person or behaviour) not mild or quiet or gentle; boisterous, unrestrained (rough manners; rough play). b (of language etc.) coarse, indelicate. c (of wine etc.) sharp or harsh in taste. 5 (of the sea, weather, etc.) violent, stormy. 6 disorderly, riotous (a rough part of town). 7 harsh, insensitive, inconsiderate (rough words; rough treatment). 8 a unpleasant, severe, demanding (had a rough time). b unfortunate, unreasonable, undeserved (had rough luck). c (foll. by on) hard or unfair towards. 9 lacking finish, elaboration, comfort, etc. (rough lodgings; a rough welcome). 10 incomplete, rudimentary (a rough attempt; a rough makeshift). 11 a inexact, approximate, preliminary (a rough estimate; a rough sketch). b (of stationery etc.) for use in writing rough notes etc. 12 colloq. a ill, unwell (am feeling rough). b depressed, dejected. --adv. in a rough manner (the land should be ploughed rough; play rough). --n. 1 (usu. prec. by the) a hard part or aspect of life; hardship (take the rough with the smooth). 2 rough ground (over rough and smooth). 3 a rough or violent person (met a bunch of roughs). 4 Golf rough ground off the fairway between tee and green. 5 an unfinished or provisional or natural state (have written it in rough; shaped from the rough). 6 (prec. by the) the general way or tendency (is true in the rough). --v.tr. 1 (foll. by up) ruffle (feathers, hair, etc.) by rubbing against the grain. 2 a (foll. by out) shape or plan roughly. b (foll. by in) sketch roughly. 3 give the first shaping to (a gun, lens, etc.). Ьrough-and-ready rough or crude but effective; not elaborate or over-particular. rough-and-tumble adj. irregular, scrambling, disorderly. --n. a haphazard fight; a scuffle. rough breathing see BREATHING. rough coat a first coat of plaster applied to a surface. rough copy 1 a first or original draft. 2 a copy of a picture etc. showing only the essential features. rough deal hard or unfair treatment. rough diamond 1 an uncut diamond. 2 a person of good nature but rough manners. rough-dry (-dries, -dried) dry (clothes) without ironing. the rough edge (or side) of one's tongue severe or harsh words. rough-handle treat or handle roughly. rough-hew (past part. -hewed or -hewn) shape out roughly; give crude form to. rough-hewn uncouth, unrefined. rough house sl. a disturbance or row; boisterous play. rough-house v. sl. 1 tr. handle (a person) roughly. 2 intr. make a disturbance; act violently. rough it do without basic comforts. rough justice 1 treatment that is approximately fair. 2 treatment that is not at all fair. rough passage 1 a crossing over rough sea. 2 a difficult time or experience. rough ride a difficult time or experience. rough-rider a person who breaks in or can ride unbroken horses. rough stuff colloq. boisterous or violent behaviour. rough tongue a habit of rudeness in speaking. rough trade sl. a tough or sadistic element among male homosexuals. rough up sl. treat (a person) with violence; attack violently. rough work 1 preliminary or provisional work. 2 colloq. violence. 3 a task requiring the use of force. sleep rough sleep outdoors, or not in a proper bed. ЬЬroughness n. [OE ruh f. WG] roughage n. 1 coarse material with a high fibre content, the part of food which stimulates digestion. 2 coarse fodder. [ROUGH + -AGE 3] roughcast n., adj., & v. --n. plaster of lime and gravel, used on outside walls. --adj. 1 (of a wall etc.) coated with roughcast. 2 (of a plan etc.) roughly formed, preliminary. --v.tr. (past and past part. -cast) 1 coat (a wall) with roughcast. 2 prepare (a plan, essay, etc.) in outline. roughen v.tr. & intr. make or become rough. roughie n. dial. sl. 1 a rough; a hooligan. 2 Austral. a an outsider. b an unfair or unreasonable act. roughish adj. somewhat rough. roughly adv. 1 in a rough manner. 2 approximately (roughly 20 people attended). Ьroughly speaking in an approximate sense (it is, roughly speaking, a square). roughneck n. colloq. 1 a rough or rowdy person. 2 a worker on an oil rig. roughshod adj. (of a horse) having shoes with nail-heads projecting to prevent slipping. Ьride roughshod over treat inconsiderately or arrogantly. roughy n. (pl. -ies) Austral. & NZ a fish, Arripis georgianus, of the perch family. [perh. f. ROUGH] roulade n. 1 a dish cooked or served in the shape of a roll, esp. a rolled piece of meat or sponge with a filling. 2 a florid passage of runs etc. in solo vocal music, usu. sung to one syllable. [F f. rouler to roll] rouleau n. (pl. rouleaux or rouleaus) 1 a cylindrical packet of coins. 2 a coil or roll of ribbon etc., esp. as trimming. [F f. r“le ROLL n.] roulette n. 1 a gambling game using a table in which a ball is dropped on to a revolving wheel with numbered compartments, players betting on the number at which the ball comes to rest. 2 Math. a curve generated by a point on a curve rolling on another. 3 a a revolving toothed wheel used in engraving. b a similar wheel for making perforations between postage stamps in a sheet. ЬЬrouletted adj. (in sense 3b). [F, dimin. of rouelle f. LL rotella dimin. of L rota wheel] round adj., n., adv., prep., & v. --adj. 1 shaped like or approximately like a circle, sphere, or cylinder; having a convex or circular outline or surface; curved, not angular. 2 done with or involving circular motion. 3 a entire, continuous, complete (a round dozen); fully expressed or developed; all together, not broken or defective or scanty. b (of a sum of money) considerable. 4 genuine, candid, outspoken; (of a statement etc.) categorical, unmistakable. 5 (usu. attrib.) (of a number) expressed for convenience or as an estimate in fewer significant numerals or with a fraction removed (spent њ297.32, or in round figures њ300). 6 a (of a style) flowing. b (of a voice) not harsh. 7 Phonet. (of a vowel) pronounced with rounded lips. --n. 1 a round object or form. 2 a a revolving motion, a circular or recurring course (the earth in its yearly round). b a regular recurring series of activities or functions (one's daily round; a continuous round of pleasure). c a recurring succession or series of meetings for discussion etc. (a new round of talks on disarmament). 3 a a fixed route on which things are regularly delivered (milk round). b a route or sequence by which people or things are regularly supervised or inspected (a watchman's round; a doctor's rounds). 4 an allowance of something distributed or measured out, esp.: a a single provision of drinks etc. to each member of a group. b ammunition to fire one shot; the act of firing this. 5 a a slice across a loaf of bread. b a sandwich made from whole slices of bread. c a thick disc of beef cut from the haunch as a joint. 6 each of a set or series, a sequence of actions by each member of a group in turn, esp. a one spell of play in a game etc. b one stage in a competition. 7 Golf the playing of all the holes in a course once. 8 Archery a fixed number of arrows shot from a fixed distance. 9 (the round) a form of sculpture in which the figure stands clear of any ground (cf. RELIEF 6a). 10 Mus. a canon for three or more unaccompanied voices singing at the same pitch or in octaves. 11 (in pl.) Mil. a a watch that goes round inspecting sentries. b a circuit made by this. 12 a rung of a ladder. 13 (foll. by of) the circumference, bounds, or extent of (in all the round of Nature). --adv. 1 with circular motion (wheels go round). 2 with return to the starting-point or an earlier state (summer soon comes round). 3 a with rotation, or change to an opposite position (he turned round to look). b with change to an opposite opinion etc. (they were angry but I soon won them round). 4 to, at, or affecting all or many points of a circumference or an area or the members of a company etc. (tea was then handed round; may I look round?). 5 in every direction from a centre or within a radius (spread destruction round; everyone for a mile round). 6 by a circuitous way (will you jump over or go round?; go a long way round). 7 a to a person's house etc. (ask him round; will be round soon). b to a more prominent or convenient position (brought the car round). 8 measuring a (specified distance) in girth. --prep. 1 so as to encircle or enclose (tour round the world; has a blanket round him). 2 at or to points on the circumference of (sat round the table). 3 with successive visits to (hawks them round the caf‚s). 4 in various directions from or with regard to (towns round Birmingham; shells bursting round them). 5 having as an axis of revolution or as a central point (turns round its centre of gravity; write a book round an event). 6 a so as to double or pass in a curved course (go round the corner). b having passed in this way (be round the corner). c in the position that would result from this (find them round the corner). 7 so as to come close from various sides but not into contact. --v. 1 a tr. give a round shape to. b intr. assume a round shape. 2 tr. double or pass round (a corner, cape, etc.). 3 tr. express (a number) in a less exact but more convenient form (also foll. by down when the number is decreased and up when it is increased). 4 tr. pronounce (a vowel) with rounded lips. Ьgo the round (or rounds) (of news etc.) be passed on from person to person. in the round 1 with all features shown; all things considered. 2 Theatr. with the audience round at least three sides of the stage. 3 (of sculpture) with all sides shown; not in relief. make the round of go round. make (or go) one's rounds take a customary route for inspection etc. round about 1 in a ring (about); all round; on all sides (of). 2 with a change to an opposite position. 3 approximately (cost round about њ50). round and round several times round. round-arm Cricket (of bowling) with the arm swung horizontally. round the bend see BEND(1). round brackets brackets of the form (). round dance 1 a dance in which couples move in circles round the ballroom. 2 a dance in which the dancers form one large circle. round down see sense 3 of v. round off (or out) 1 bring to a complete or symmetrical or well-ordered state. 2 smooth out; blunt the corners or angles of. round on a person make a sudden verbal attack on or unexpected retort to a person. round out = round off 1. round peg in a square hole = square peg in a round hole (see PEG). round robin 1 a petition esp. with signatures written in a circle to conceal the order of writing. 2 US a tournament in which each competitor plays in turn against every other. round-shouldered with shoulders bent forward so that the back is rounded. Round Table (in allusion to that at which King Arthur and his knights sat so that none should have precedence) 1 an international charitable association which holds discussions, debates, etc., and undertakes community service. 2 (round table) an assembly for discussion, esp. at a conference (often attrib.: round-table talks). round trip a trip to one or more places and back again (esp. by a circular route). round the twist see TWIST. round up collect or bring together, esp. by going round (see also sense 3 of v.). round-up n. 1 a systematic rounding up of people or things. 2 a summary; a r‚sum‚ of facts or events. ЬЬroundish adj. roundness n. [ME f. OF ro(u)nd- stem of ro(o)nt, reont f. L rotundus ROTUND] roundabout n. & adj. --n. 1 Brit. a road junction at which traffic moves in one direction round a central island. 2 Brit. a a large revolving device in a playground, for children to ride on. b = MERRY-GO-ROUND 1. --adj. circuitous, circumlocutory, indirect. roundel n. 1 a small disc, esp. a decorative medallion. 2 a circular identifying mark painted on military aircraft, esp. the red, white, and blue of the RAF. 3 a poem of eleven lines in three stanzas. [ME f. OF rondel(le) (as ROUND)] roundelay n. a short simple song with a refrain. [F rondelet (as RONDEL), with assim. to LAY(3) or virelay] rounder n. 1 (in pl.; treated as sing.) a game with a bat and ball in which players after hitting the ball run through a round of bases. 2 a complete run of a player through all the bases as a unit of scoring in rounders. Roundhead n. hist. a member of the Parliamentary party in the English Civil War. [f. their custom of wearing the hair cut short] roundhouse n. 1 a circular repair-shed for railway locomotives, built round a turntable. 2 sl. a a blow given with a wide sweep of the arm. b US Baseball a pitch made with a sweeping sidearm motion. 3 hist. a prison; a place of detention. 4 Naut. a cabin or set of cabins on the after part of the quarterdeck, esp. on a sailing-ship. roundly adv. 1 bluntly, in plain language, severely (was roundly criticized; told them roundly that he refused). 2 in a thoroughgoing manner (go roundly to work). 3 in a circular way (swells out roundly). roundsman n. (pl. -men) 1 Brit. a tradesman's employee going round delivering and taking orders. 2 US a police officer in charge of a patrol. 3 Austral. a journalist covering a specified subject (political roundsman). roundworm n. a worm, esp. a nematode, with a rounded body. roup(1) n. & v. Sc. & N.Engl. --n. an auction. --v.tr. sell by auction. [ME 'to shout', of Scand. orig.] roup(2) n. an infectious poultry-disease, esp. of the respiratory tract. ЬЬroupy adj. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] rouse v. 1 a tr. (often foll. by from, out of) bring out of sleep, wake. b intr. (often foll. by up) cease to sleep, wake up. 2 (often foll. by up) a tr. stir up, make active or excited, startle out of inactivity or confidence or carelessness (roused them from their complacency; was roused to protest). b intr. become active. 3 tr. provoke to anger (is terrible when roused). 4 tr. evoke (feelings). 5 tr. (usu. foll. by in, out, up) Naut. haul vigorously. 6 tr. startle (game) from a lair or cover. 7 tr. stir (liquid, esp. beer while brewing). Ьrouse oneself overcome one's indolence. ЬЬrousable adj. rouser n. [orig. as a hawking and hunting term, so prob. f. AF: orig. unkn.] rouseabout n. Austral. & NZ an unskilled labourer or odd jobber, esp. on a farm. rousing adj. 1 exciting, stirring (a rousing cheer; a rousing song). 2 (of a fire) blazing strongly. ЬЬrousingly adv. roust v.tr. 1 (often foll. by up, out) a rouse, stir up. b root out. 2 US sl. jostle, harass, rough up. Ьroust around rummage. [perh. alt. of ROUSE] roustabout n. 1 a labourer on an oil rig. 2 an unskilled or casual labourer. 3 US a dock labourer or deck hand. 4 Austral. = ROUSEABOUT. rout(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a disorderly retreat of defeated troops. 2 a an assemblage or company esp. of revellers or rioters. b Law an assemblage of three or more persons who have made a move towards committing an illegal act. 3 riot, tumult, disturbance, clamour, fuss. 4 Brit. archaic a large evening party or reception. --v.tr. put to rout. Ьput to rout put to flight, defeat utterly. [ME f. AF rute, OF route ult. f. L ruptus broken] rout(2) v. 1 intr. & tr. = ROOT(2). 2 tr. cut a groove, or any pattern not extending to the edges, in (a wooden or metal surface). Ьrout out force or fetch out of bed or from a house or hiding-place. [var. of ROOT(2)] route Mil. also n. & v. --n. 1 a way or course taken (esp. regularly) in getting from a starting-point to a destination. 2 US a round travelled in delivering, selling, or collecting goods. 3 Mil. archaic marching orders. --v.tr. (routeing) send or forward or direct to be sent by a particular route. Ьroute man US = ROUNDSMAN 1. route march a training-march for troops. [ME f. OF r(o)ute road ult. f. L ruptus broken] router n. a type of plane with two handles used in routing. routine n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a regular course or procedure, an unvarying performance of certain acts. 2 a set sequence in a performance, esp. a dance, comedy act, etc. 3 Computing a sequence of instructions for performing a task. --adj. 1 performed as part of a routine (routine duties). 2 of a customary or standard kind. --v.tr. organize according to a routine. ЬЬroutinely adv. [F (as ROUTE)] routinism n. the prevalence of routine. ЬЬroutinist n. & adj. routinize v.tr. (also -ise) subject to a routine; make into a matter of routine. ЬЬroutinization n. roux n. (pl. same) a mixture of fat (esp. butter) and flour used in making sauces etc. [F, = browned (butter): see RUSSET] rove(1) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. wander without a settled destination, roam, ramble. 2 intr. (of eyes) look in changing directions. 3 tr. wander over or through. --n. an act of roving (on the rove). Ьrove-beetle any long-bodied beetle of the family Staphylinidae, usu. found in decaying animal and vegetable matter. roving commission authority given to a person or persons conducting an inquiry to travel as may be necessary. roving eye a tendency to ogle or towards infidelity. [ME, orig. a term in archery = shoot at a casual mark with the range not determined, perh. f. dial. rave stray, prob. of Scand. orig.] rove(2) past of REEVE(2). rove(3) n. & v. --n. a sliver of cotton, wool, etc., drawn out and slightly twisted. --v.tr. form into roves. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] rove(4) n. a small metal plate or ring for a rivet to pass through and be clenched over, esp. in boat-building. [ON rў, with excrescent v] rover(1) n. 1 a roving person; a wanderer. 2 Croquet a a ball that has passed all the hoops but not pegged out. b a player whose ball is a rover. 3 Archery a a mark chosen at undetermined range. b a mark for long-distance shooting. 4 (Rover) Brit. a senior Scout. °Now called Venture Scout. rover(2) n. a sea robber, a pirate. [ME f. MLG, MDu. rover f. roven rob, rel. to REAVE] rover(3) n. a person or machine that makes roves of fibre. row(1) n. 1 a number of persons or things in a more or less straight line. 2 a line of seats across a theatre etc. (in the front row). 3 a street with a continuous line of houses along one or each side. 4 a line of plants in a field or garden. 5 a horizontal line of entries in a table etc. Ьa hard row to hoe a difficult task. in a row 1 forming a row. 2 colloq. in succession (two Sundays in a row). row-house US a terrace house. [ME raw, row, f. OE f. Gmc] row(2) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. propel (a boat) with oars. 2 tr. convey (a passenger) in a boat in this way. 3 intr. propel a boat in this way. 4 tr. make (a stroke) or achieve (a rate of striking) in rowing. 5 tr. compete in (a race) by rowing. 6 tr. row a race with. --n. 1 a spell of rowing. 2 an excursion in a rowing-boat. Ьrow-boat US = rowing-boat. row down overtake in a rowing, esp. bumping, race. rowing-boat Brit. a small boat propelled by oars. rowing-machine a device for exercising the muscles used in rowing. row out exhaust by rowing (the crew were completely rowed out at the finish). row over complete the course of a boat race with little effort, owing to the absence or inferiority of competitors. ЬЬrower n. [OE rowan f. Gmc, rel. to RUDDER, L remus oar] row(3) n. & v. colloq. --n. 1 a loud noise or commotion. 2 a fierce quarrel or dispute. 3 a a severe reprimand. b the condition of being reprimanded (shall get into a row). --v. 1 intr. make or engage in a row. 2 tr. reprimand. Ьmake (or kick up) a row 1 raise a noise. 2 make a vigorous protest. [18th-c. sl.: orig. unkn.] rowan n. (in full rowan-tree) 1 Sc. & N.Engl. the mountain ash. 2 US a similar tree, Sorbus americana, native to America. 3 (in full rowan-berry) the scarlet berry of either of these trees. [Scand., corresp. to Norw. rogn, raun, Icel. reynir] rowdy adj. & n. --adj. (rowdier, rowdiest) noisy and disorderly. --n. (pl. -ies) a rowdy person. ЬЬrowdily adv. rowdiness n. rowdyism n. [19th-c. US, orig. = lawless backwoodsman: orig. unkn.] rowel n. & v. --n. 1 a spiked revolving disc at the end of a spur. 2 a circular piece of leather etc. with a hole in the centre inserted between a horse's skin and flesh to discharge an exudate. --v.tr. (rowelled, rowelling; US roweled, roweling) 1 urge with a rowel. 2 insert a rowel in. [ME f. OF roel(e) f. LL rotella dimin. of L rota wheel] rowen n. (in sing. or pl.) US a second growth of grass, an aftermath. [ME f. OF regain (as GAIN)] rowlock n. a device on a boat's gunwale, esp. a pair of thole-pins, serving as a fulcrum for an oar and keeping it in place. [alt. of earlier OARLOCK, after ROW(2)] Rowton house n. Brit. hist. a type of lodging-house for poor men, providing better conditions than a common lodging-house. [Lord Rowton, English social reformer d. 1903] royal adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or suited to or worthy of a king or queen. 2 in the service or under the patronage of a king or queen. 3 belonging to the king or queen (the royal hands; the royal anger). 4 of the family of a king or queen. 5 kingly, majestic, stately, splendid. 6 on a great scale, of exceptional size or quality, first-rate (gave us royal entertainment; in royal spirits; had a royal time). --n. 1 colloq. a member of the royal family. 2 a royal sail or mast. 3 a royal stag. 4 a size of paper, about 620 x 500 mm (25 x 20 in.). 5 (the Royals) the Royal Marines. ЬRoyal Air Force the British air force. royal assent see ASSENT. royal blue Brit. a deep vivid blue. Royal British Legion a national association of ex-members of the armed forces, founded in 1921. royal burgh hist. (in Scotland) a burgh holding a charter from the Crown. Royal Commission see COMMISSION. royal duke see DUKE. Royal Engineers the engineering branch of the British army. royal family the family to which a sovereign belongs. royal fern a fern, Osmunda regalis, with huge spreading fronds. royal flush see FLUSH(3). royal icing a hard white icing made from icing sugar and egg-whites. Royal Institution a British society founded in 1799 for the diffusion of scientific knowledge. royal jelly a substance secreted by honey-bee workers and fed by them to future queen bees. Royal Marine a British marine (see MARINE n. 2). royal mast a mast above a topgallant mast. Royal Navy the British navy. royal oak a sprig of oak worn on 29 May to commemorate the restoration of Charles II (1660), who hid in an oak after the battle of Worcester (1651). royal plural the first person plural 'we' used by a single person. royal road to way of attaining without trouble. royal sail a sail above a topgallant sail. Royal Society (in full Royal Society of London) a society founded in 1662 to promote scientific discussion. royal stag a stag with a head of 12 or more points. royal standard a banner bearing royal heraldic arms. royal tennis real tennis. Royal Victorian Chain (in the UK) an order founded by Edward VII in 1902 and conferred by the sovereign on special occasions. Royal Victorian Order (in the UK) an order founded by Queen Victoria in 1896 and conferred usu. for great service rendered to the sovereign. royal warrant a warrant authorizing a tradesperson to supply goods to a specified royal person. ЬЬroyally adv. [ME f. OF roial f. L regalis REGAL] royalist n. 1 a a supporter of monarchy. b hist. a supporter of the royal side in the English Civil War. 2 US a reactionary, esp. a reactionary business tycoon. ЬЬroyalism n. royalty n. (pl. -ies) 1 the office or dignity or power of a king or queen, sovereignty. 2 a royal persons. b a member of a royal family. 3 a sum paid to a patentee for the use of a patent or to an author etc. for each copy of a book etc. sold or for each public performance of a work. 4 a a royal right (now esp. over minerals) granted by the sovereign to an individual or corporation. b a payment made by a producer of minerals, oil, or natural gas to the owner of the site or of the mineral rights over it. [ME f. OF roialt‚ (as ROYAL)] rozzer n. Brit. sl. a policeman. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] 15.0 RP... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RP abbr. received pronunciation. RPI abbr. retail price index. r.p.m. abbr. 1 revolutions per minute. 2 resale price maintenance. RPO abbr. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. 16.0 RR =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RR abbr. US 1 railroad. 2 rural route. 17.0 RS... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RS abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal Society. 2 US Received Standard. 3 (in the UK) Royal Scots. Rs. abbr. rupee(s). RSA abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal Society of Arts. 2 Royal Scottish Academy; Royal Scottish Academician. RSC abbr. 1 (in the UK) Royal Shakespeare Company. 2 (in the UK) Royal Society of Chemistry. RSFSR abbr. Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. RSJ abbr. rolled steel joist. RSM abbr. Regimental Sergeant-Major. RSPB abbr. (in the UK) Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. RSPCA abbr. (in the UK) Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. RSV abbr. Revised Standard Version (of the Bible). RSVP abbr. (in an invitation etc.) please answer. [F r‚pondez s'il vous plaЊt] 18.0 RT... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RT abbr. 1 radio telegraphy. 2 radio telephony. rt. abbr. right. Rt. Hon. abbr. Brit. Right Honourable. Rt. Revd. abbr. (also Rt. Rev.) Right Reverend. 19.0 RU... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RU abbr. Rugby Union. Ru symb. Chem. the element ruthenium. rub(1) v. & n. --v. (rubbed, rubbing) 1 tr. move one's hand or another object with firm pressure over the surface of. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by against, in, on, over) apply (one's hand etc.) in this way. 3 tr. clean or polish or make dry or bare by rubbing. 4 tr. (often foll. by over) apply (polish, ointment, etc.) by rubbing. 5 tr. (foll. by in, into, through) use rubbing to make (a substance) go into or through something. 6 tr. (often foll. by together) move or slide (objects) against each other. 7 intr. (foll. by against, on) move with contact or friction. 8 tr. chafe or make sore by rubbing. 9 intr. (of cloth, skin, etc.) become frayed or worn or sore or bare with friction. 10 tr. reproduce the design of (a sepulchral brass or a stone) by rubbing paper laid on it with heelball or coloured chalk etc. 11 tr. (foll. by to) reduce to powder etc. by rubbing. 12 intr. Bowls (of a bowl) be slowed or diverted by the unevenness of the ground. --n. 1 a spell or an instance of rubbing (give it a rub). 2 a an impediment or difficulty (there's the rub). b Bowls an inequality of the ground impeding or diverting a bowl; the diversion or hindering of a bowl by this. Ьrub along colloq. cope or manage without undue difficulty. rub down dry or smooth or clean by rubbing. rub-down n. an instance of rubbing down. rub elbows with US = rub shoulders with. rub one's hands rub one's hands together usu. in sign of keen satisfaction, or for warmth. rub it in (or rub a person's nose in it) emphasize or repeat an embarrassing fact etc. rub noses rub one's nose against another's in greeting. rub off 1 (usu. foll. by on) be transferred by contact, be transmitted (some of his attitudes have rubbed off on me). 2 remove by rubbing. rub of (or on) the green Golf an accidental interference with the course or position of a ball. rub on colloq. = rub along. rub out 1 erase with a rubber. 2 esp. US sl. kill, eliminate. rub shoulders with associate or come into contact with (another person). rub up 1 polish (a tarnished object). 2 brush up (a subject or one's memory). 3 mix (pigment etc.) into paste by rubbing. rub-up n. the act or an instance of rubbing up. rub up the wrong way irritate or repel as by stroking a cat against the lie of its fur. [ME rubben, perh. f. LG rubben, of unkn. orig.] rub(2) n. = RUBBER(2). [abbr.] rubato adj. & n. Mus. --n. (pl. -os or rubati) the temporary disregarding of strict tempo. --adj. performed with a flexible tempo. [It., = robbed] rubber(1) n. 1 a tough elastic polymeric substance made from the latex of plants or synthetically. 2 esp. Brit. a piece of this or another substance for erasing pencil or ink marks. 3 colloq. a condom. 4 (in pl.) US galoshes. 5 a person who rubs; a masseur or masseuse. 6 a an implement used for rubbing. b part of a machine operating by rubbing. Ьrubber band a loop of rubber for holding papers etc. together. rubber plant 1 an evergreen plant, Ficus elastica, with dark-green shiny leaves, often cultivated as a house-plant. 2 (also rubber tree) any of various tropical trees yielding latex, esp. Hevea brasiliensis. rubber solution a liquid drying to a rubber-like material, used esp. as an adhesive in mending rubber articles. rubber stamp 1 a device for inking and imprinting on a surface. 2 a a person who mechanically copies or agrees to others' actions. b an indication of such agreement. rubber-stamp v.tr. approve automatically without proper consideration. ЬЬrubbery adj. rubberiness n. [RUB(1) + -ER(1), from its early use to rub out pencil marks] rubber(2) n. 1 a match of three or five successive games between the same sides or persons at whist, bridge, cricket, lawn tennis, etc. 2 (prec. by the) a the act of winning two games in a rubber. b a third game when each side has won one. [orig. unkn.: used as a term in bowls from c. 1600] rubberize v.tr. (also -ise) treat or coat with rubber. rubberneck n. & v. colloq. --n. a person who stares inquisitively or stupidly. --v.intr. act in this way. rubbing n. 1 in senses of RUB(1) v. 2 an impression or copy made by rubbing (see RUB(1) v. 10). rubbish n. & v. --n. esp. Brit. 1 waste material; debris, refuse, litter. 2 worthless material or articles; trash. 3 (often as int.) absurd ideas or suggestions; nonsense. --v.tr. colloq. 1 criticize severely. 2 reject as worthless. ЬЬrubbishy adj. [ME f. AF rubbous etc., perh. f. RUBBLE] rubble n. 1 waste or rough fragments of stone or brick etc. 2 pieces of undressed stone used, esp. as filling-in, for walls. 3 Geol. loose angular stones etc. as the covering of some rocks. 4 water-worn stones. ЬЬrubbly adj. [ME robyl, rubel, of uncert. orig.: cf. OF robe spoils] rube n. US colloq. a country bumpkin. [abbr. of the name Reuben] rubefy v.tr. (also rubify) (-ies, -ied) 1 make red. 2 Med. (of a counterirritant) stimulate (the skin etc.) to redness. ЬЬrubefacient adj. & n. rubefaction n. [ME f. OF rubifier, rubefier f. med.L rubificare f. L rubefacere f. rubeus red] rubella n. Med. an acute infectious virus disease with a red rash; German measles. [mod.L, neut. pl. of L rubellus reddish] rubellite n. a red variety of tourmaline. [L rubellus reddish] rubeola n. Med. measles. [med.L f. L rubeus red] Rubicon n. 1 a boundary which once crossed betokens irrevocable commitment; a point of no return. 2 (rubicon) the act of winning a game in piquet before an opponent has scored 100. [the ancient name of a stream forming the boundary of Julius Caesar's province and crossed by him in 49 BC as the start of a war with Pompey] rubicund adj. (of a face, complexion, or person in these respects) ruddy, high-coloured. ЬЬrubicundity n. [F rubicond or L rubicundus f. rubere be red] rubidium n. Chem. a soft silvery element occurring naturally in various minerals and as the radioactive isotope rubidium-87. °Symb.: Rb. [L rubidus red (with ref. to its spectral lines)] rubify var. of RUBEFY. rubiginous adj. formal rust-coloured. [L rubigo- inis rust] Rubik's cube n. a puzzle in which the aim is to restore the faces of a composite cube to single colours by rotating layers of constituent smaller cubes. [E. Rubik, its Hung. inventor] ruble var. of ROUBLE. rubric n. 1 a direction for the conduct of divine service inserted in a liturgical book. 2 a heading or passage in red or special lettering. 3 explanatory words. 4 an established custom. ЬЬrubrical adj. [ME f. OF rubrique, rubrice or L rubrica (terra) red (earth or ochre) as writing-material, rel. to rubeus red] rubricate v.tr. 1 mark with red; print or write in red. 2 provide with rubrics. ЬЬrubrication n. rubricator n. [L rubricare f. rubrica: see RUBRIC] ruby n., adj., & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a rare precious stone consisting of corundum with a colour varying from deep crimson or purple to pale rose. 2 a glowing purple-tinged red colour. --adj. of this colour. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) dye or tinge ruby-colour. Ьruby glass glass coloured with oxides of copper, iron, lead, tin, etc. ruby-tail a wasp, Chrysis ignita, with a ruby-coloured hinder part. ruby wedding the fortieth anniversary of a wedding. [ME f. OF rubi f. med.L rubinus (lapis) red (stone), rel. to L rubeus red] RUC abbr. Royal Ulster Constabulary. ruche n. a frill or gathering of lace etc. as a trimming. ЬЬruched adj. ruching n. [F f. med.L rusca tree-bark, of Celt. orig.] ruck(1) n. 1 (prec. by the) the main body of competitors not likely to overtake the leaders. 2 an undistinguished crowd of persons or things. 3 Rugby Football a loose scrum with the ball on the ground. 4 Austral. Rules a group of three mobile players. [ME, = stack of fuel, heap, rick: app. Scand., = Norw. ruka in the same senses] ruck(2) v. & n. --v.tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) make or become creased or wrinkled. --n. a crease or wrinkle. [ON hrukka] ruckle v. & n. Brit. = RUCK(2). rucksack n. a bag slung by straps from both shoulders and resting on the back. [G f. rucken dial. var. of RЃcken back + Sack SACK(1)] ruckus n. esp. US a row or commotion. [cf. RUCTION, RUMPUS] ruction n. colloq. 1 a disturbance or tumult. 2 (in pl.) unpleasant arguments or reactions. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] rudaceous adj. (of rock) composed of fragments of relatively large size. [L rudus rubble] rudbeckia n. a composite garden plant of the genus Rudbeckia, native to N. America. [mod.L f. O. Rudbeck, Sw. botanist d. 1740] rudd n. (pl. same) a freshwater fish, Scardinius erythrophthalmus, resembling a roach and having red fins. [app. rel. to rud red colour f. OE rudu, rel. to RED] rudder n. 1 a a flat piece hinged vertically to the stern of a ship for steering. b a vertical aerofoil pivoted from the tailplane of an aircraft, for controlling its horizontal movement. 2 a guiding principle etc. ЬЬrudderless adj. [OE rother f. WG rothra- f. the stem of ROW(2)] ruddle n. & v. --n. a red ochre, esp. of a kind used for marking sheep. --v.tr. mark or colour with or as with ruddle. [rel. to obs. rud: see RUDD] ruddock n. dial. the robin redbreast. [OE rudduc (as RUDDLE)] ruddy adj. & v. --adj. (ruddier, ruddiest) 1 a (of a person or complexion) freshly or healthily red. b (of health, youth, etc.) marked by this. 2 reddish. 3 Brit. colloq. bloody, damnable. --v.tr. & intr. (-ies, -ied) make or grow ruddy. ЬЬruddily adv. ruddiness n. [OE rudig (as RUDD)] rude adj. 1 (of a person, remark, etc.) impolite or offensive. 2 roughly made or done; lacking subtlety or accuracy (a rude plough). 3 primitive or uneducated (rude chaos; rude simplicity). 4 abrupt, sudden, startling, violent (a rude awakening; a rude reminder). 5 colloq. indecent, lewd (a rude joke). 6 vigorous or hearty (rude health). Ьbe rude to speak impolitely to; insult. ЬЬrudely adv. rudeness n. rudery n. rudish adj. [ME f. OF f. L rudis unwrought] ruderal adj. & n. --adj. (of a plant) growing on or in rubbish or rubble. --n. a ruderal plant. [mod.L ruderalis f. L rudera pl. of rudus rubble] rudiment n. 1 (in pl.) the elements or first principles of a subject. 2 (in pl.) an imperfect beginning of something undeveloped or yet to develop. 3 a part or organ imperfectly developed as being vestigial or having no function (e.g. the breast in males). [F rudiment or L rudimentum (as RUDE, after elementum ELEMENT)] rudimentary adj. 1 involving basic principles; fundamental. 2 incompletely developed; vestigial. ЬЬrudimentarily adv. rudimentariness n. rue(1) v. & n. --v.tr. (rues, rued, rueing or ruing) repent of; bitterly feel the consequences of; wish to be undone or non-existent (esp. rue the day). --n. archaic 1 repentance; dejection at some occurrence. 2 compassion or pity. [OE hreow, hreowan] rue(2) n. a perennial evergreen shrub, Ruta graveolens, with bitter strong-scented leaves formerly used in medicine. [ME f. OF f. L ruta f. Gk rhute] rueful adj. expressing sorrow, genuine or humorously affected. ЬЬruefully adv. ruefulness n. [ME, f. RUE(1)] rufescent adj. Zool. etc. reddish. ЬЬrufescence n. [L rufescere f. rufus reddish] ruff(1) n. 1 a projecting starched frill worn round the neck esp. in the 16th c. 2 a projecting or conspicuously coloured ring of feathers or hair round a bird's or animal's neck. 3 a domestic pigeon like a jacobin. 4 (fem. reeve) a wading bird, Philomachus pugnax, of which the male has a ruff and ear-tufts in the breeding season. ЬЬrufflike adj. [perh. f. ruff = ROUGH] ruff(2) n. (also ruffe) any of various fish, esp. a perch-like freshwater fish, Gymnocephalus cernua, found in European lakes and rivers. [ME, prob. f. ROUGH] ruff(3) v. & n. --v.intr. & tr. trump at cards. --n. an act of ruffing. [orig. the name of a card-game: f. OF roffle, rouffle, = It. ronfa (perh. alt. of trionfo TRUMP(1))] ruffian n. a violent lawless person. ЬЬruffianism n. ruffianly adv. [F ruf(f)ian f. It. ruffiano, perh. f. dial. rofia scurf] ruffle v. & n. --v. 1 tr. disturb the smoothness or tranquillity of. 2 tr. upset the calmness of (a person). 3 tr. gather (lace etc.) into a ruffle. 4 tr. (often foll. by up) (of a bird) erect (its feathers) in anger, display, etc. 5 intr. undergo ruffling. 6 intr. lose smoothness or calmness. --n. 1 an ornamental gathered or goffered frill of lace etc. worn at the opening of a garment esp. round the wrist, breast, or neck. 2 perturbation, bustle. 3 a rippling effect on water. 4 the ruff of a bird etc. (see RUFF(1) 2). 5 Mil. a vibrating drum-beat. [ME: orig. unkn.] rufous adj. (esp. of animals) reddish-brown. [L rufus red, reddish] rug n. 1 a floor-mat of shaggy material or thick pile. 2 a thick woollen coverlet or wrap. Ьpull the rug from under deprive of support; weaken, unsettle. [prob. f. Scand.: cf. Norw. dial. rugga coverlet, Sw. rugg ruffled hair: rel. to RAG(1)] Rugby n. (in full Rugby football) a team game played with an oval ball that may be kicked, carried, and passed from hand to hand. ЬRugby League partly professional Rugby football with teams of 13. Rugby Union amateur Rugby football with teams of 15. [Rugby School in S. England, where it was first played] rugged adj. 1 (of ground or terrain) having a rough uneven surface. 2 (of features) strongly marked; irregular in outline. 3 a unpolished; lacking gentleness or refinement (rugged grandeur). b harsh in sound. c austere, unbending (rugged honesty). d involving hardship (a rugged life). 4 (esp. of a machine) robust, sturdy. ЬЬruggedly adv. ruggedness n. [ME, prob. f. Scand.: cf. RUG, and Sw. rugga, roughen] rugger n. Brit. colloq. Rugby football. rugose adj. esp. Biol. wrinkled, corrugated. ЬЬrugosely adv. rugosity n. [L rugosus f. ruga wrinkle] ruin n. & v. --n. 1 a destroyed or wrecked state. 2 a person's or thing's downfall or elimination (the ruin of my hopes). 3 a the complete loss of one's property or position (bring to ruin). b a person who has suffered ruin. 4 (in sing. or pl.) the remains of a building etc. that has suffered ruin (an old ruin; ancient ruins). 5 a cause of ruin (will be the ruin of us). --v. 1 tr. a bring to ruin (your extravagance has ruined me). b utterly impair or wreck (the rain ruined my hat). 2 tr. (esp. as ruined adj.) reduce to ruins. 3 intr. poet. fall headlong or with a crash. Ьin ruins 1 in a state of ruin. 2 completely wrecked (their hopes were in ruins). [ME f. OF ruine f. L ruina f. ruere fall] ruination n. 1 the act of bringing to ruin. 2 the act of ruining or the state of being ruined. [obs. ruinate (as RUIN)] ruinous adj. 1 bringing ruin; disastrous (at ruinous expense). 2 in ruins; dilapidated. ЬЬruinously adv. ruinousness n. [ME f. L ruinosus (as RUIN)] rule n. & v. --n. 1 a principle to which an action conforms or is required to conform. 2 a prevailing custom or standard; the normal state of things. 3 government or dominion (under British rule; the rule of law). 4 a graduated straight measure used in carpentry etc.; a ruler. 5 Printing a a thin strip of metal for separating headings, columns, etc. b a thin line or dash. 6 a code of discipline of a religious order. 7 Law an order made by a judge or court with reference to a particular case only. 8 (Rules) Austral. = Australian Rules. --v. 1 tr. exercise decisive influence over; keep under control. 2 tr. & (foll. by over) intr. have sovereign control of (rules over a vast kingdom). 3 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) pronounce authoritatively (was ruled out of order). 4 tr. a make parallel lines across (paper). b make (a straight line) with a ruler etc. 5 intr. (of prices or goods etc. in regard to price or quality etc.) have a specified general level; be for the most part (the market ruled high). 6 tr. (in passive; foll. by by) consent to follow (advice etc.); be guided by. Ьas a rule usually; more often than not. by rule in a regulation manner; mechanically. rule of the road see ROAD(1). rule of three a method of finding a number in the same ratio to one given as exists between two others given. rule of thumb a rule for general guidance, based on experience or practice rather than theory. rule out exclude; pronounce irrelevant or ineligible. rule the roost (or roast) be in control. run the rule over examine cursorily for correctness or adequacy. ЬЬruleless adj. [ME f. OF reule, reuler f. LL regulare f. L regula straight stick] ruler n. 1 a person exercising government or dominion. 2 a straight usu. graduated strip or cylinder of wood, metal, etc., used to draw lines or measure distance. ЬЬrulership n. ruling n. & adj. --n. an authoritative decision or announcement. --adj. prevailing; currently in force (ruling prices). Ьruling passion a motive that habitually directs one's actions. rum(1) n. 1 a spirit distilled from sugar-cane residues or molasses. 2 US intoxicating liquor. Ьrum baba see BABA. [17th c.: perh. abbr. of contemporary forms rumbullion, rumbustion, of unkn. orig.] rum(2) adj. Brit. colloq. 1 odd, strange, queer. 2 difficult, dangerous. Ьrum go (or start) colloq. a surprising occurrence or unforeseen turn of affairs. ЬЬrumly adv. rumness n. [16th-c. cant, orig. = fine, spirited, perh. var. of ROM] Rumanian var. of ROMANIAN. Rumansh var. of ROMANSH. rumba n. & v. (also rhumba) --n. 1 a Cuban Negro dance. 2 a a ballroom dance imitative of this. b the music for it. --v.tr. (rumbas, rumbaed or rumba'd, rumbaing) dance the rumba. [Amer. Sp.] rumble v. & n. --v. 1 intr. make a continuous deep resonant sound as of distant thunder. 2 intr. (foll. by along, by, past, etc.) (of a person or vehicle) move with a rumbling noise. 3 tr. (often foll. by out) utter or say with a rumbling sound. 4 tr. Brit. sl. find out about (esp. something illicit). --n. 1 a rumbling sound. 2 US sl. a street-fight between gangs. Ьrumble seat US an uncovered folding seat in the rear of a motor car. ЬЬrumbler n. [ME romble, prob. f. MDu. rommelen, rummelen (imit.)] rumbustious adj. colloq. boisterous, noisy, uproarious. ЬЬrumbustiously adv. rumbustiousness n. [prob. var. of robustious boisterous, ROBUST] rumen n. (pl. rumens or rumina) the first stomach of a ruminant, in which food, esp. cellulose, is partly digested by bacteria. [L rumen ruminis throat] ruminant n. & adj. --n. an animal that chews the cud regurgitated from its rumen. --adj. 1 of or belonging to ruminants. 2 contemplative; given to or engaged in meditation. [L ruminari ruminant- (as RUMEN)] ruminate v. 1 tr. & (foll. by over, on, etc.) intr. meditate, ponder. 2 intr. (of ruminants) chew the cud. ЬЬrumination n. ruminative adj. ruminatively adv. ruminator n. rummage v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & (foll. by in, through, among) intr. search, esp. untidily and unsystematically. 2 tr. (foll. by out, up) find among other things. 3 tr. (foll. by about) disarrange; make untidy in searching. --n. 1 an instance of rummaging. 2 things found by rummaging; a miscellaneous accumulation. Ьrummage sale esp. US a jumble sale. ЬЬrummager n. [earlier as noun in obs. sense 'arranging of casks etc. in a hold': OF arrumage f. arrumer stow (as AD-, run ship's hold f. MDu. ruim ROOM)] rummer n. a large drinking-glass. [rel. to Du. roemer, LG r”mer f. roemen praise, boast] rummy(1) n. a card-game played usu. with two packs, in which the players try to form sets and sequences of cards. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] rummy(2) adj. Brit. colloq. = RUM(2). rumour n. & v. (US rumor) --n. 1 general talk or hearsay of doubtful accuracy. 2 (often foll. by of, or that + clause) a current but unverified statement or assertion (heard a rumour that you are leaving). --v.tr. (usu. in passive) report by way of rumour (it is rumoured that you are leaving; you are rumoured to be leaving). [ME f. OF rumur, rumor f. L rumor -oris noise] rump n. 1 the hind part of a mammal, esp. the buttocks. 2 a a small or contemptible remnant of a parliament or similar body. b (the Rump) hist. the remnant of the English Long Parliament 1648-53 or after its restoration in 1659. Ьrump steak a cut of beef from the rump. ЬЬrumpless adj. [ME, prob. f. Scand.] rumple v.tr. & intr. make or become creased or ruffled. ЬЬrumply adj. [obs. rumple (n.) f. MDu. rompel f. rompe wrinkle] rumpus n. colloq. a disturbance, brawl, row, or uproar. Ьrumpus room US a room in the basement of a house for games and play. [18th c.: prob. fanciful] run v. & n. --v. (running; past ran; past part. run) 1 intr. go with quick steps on alternate feet, never having both or all feet on the ground at the same time. 2 intr. flee, abscond. 3 intr. go or travel hurriedly, briefly, etc. 4 intr. a advance by or as by rolling or on wheels, or smoothly or easily. b be in action or operation (left the engine running). 5 intr. be current or operative; have duration (the lease runs for 99 years). 6 intr. (of a bus, train, etc.) travel or be travelling on its route (the train is running late). 7 intr. (of a play, exhibition, etc.) be staged or presented (is now running at the Apollo). 8 intr. extend; have a course or order or tendency (the road runs by the coast; prices are running high). 9 a intr. compete in a race. b intr. finish a race in a specified position. c tr. compete in (a race). 10 intr. (often foll. by for) seek election (ran for president). 11 a intr. (of a liquid etc. or its container) flow or be wet; drip. b tr. flow with. 12 tr. a cause (water etc.) to flow. b fill (a bath) with water. 13 intr. spread rapidly or beyond the proper place (ink ran over the table; a shiver ran down my spine). 14 intr. Cricket (of a batsman) run from one wicket to the other in scoring a run. 15 tr. traverse or make one's way through or over (a course, race, or distance). 16 tr. perform (an errand). 17 tr. publish (an article etc.) in a newspaper or magazine. 18 a tr. cause (a machine or vehicle etc.) to operate. b intr. (of a mechanism or component etc.) move or work freely. 19 tr. direct or manage (a business etc.). 20 tr. own and use (a vehicle) regularly. 21 tr. take (a person) for a journey in a vehicle (shall I run you to the shops?). 22 tr. cause to run or go in a specified way (ran the car into a tree). 23 tr. enter (a horse etc.) for a race. 24 tr. smuggle (guns etc.). 25 tr. chase or hunt. 26 tr. allow (an account) to accumulate for a time before paying. 27 intr. Naut. (of a ship etc.) go straight and fast. 28 intr. (of salmon) go up river from the sea. 29 intr. (of a colour in a fabric) spread from the dyed parts. 30 a intr. (of a thought, the eye, the memory, etc.) pass in a transitory or cursory way (ideas ran through my mind). b tr. cause (one's eye) to look cursorily (ran my eye down the page). 31 intr. (of hosiery) ladder. 32 intr. (of a candle) gutter. 33 intr. (of an orifice, esp. the eyes or nose) exude liquid matter. 34 tr. sew (fabric) loosely or hastily with running stitches. 35 tr. turn (cattle etc.) out to graze. --n. 1 an act or spell of running. 2 a short trip or excursion, esp. for pleasure. 3 a distance travelled. 4 a general tendency of development or movement. 5 a rapid motion. 6 a regular route. 7 a continuous or long stretch or spell or course (a metre's run of wiring; had a run of bad luck). 8 (often foll. by on) a a high general demand (for a commodity, currency, etc.) (a run on the dollar). b a sudden demand for repayment by a large number of customers of (a bank). 9 a quantity produced in one period of production (a print run). 10 a general or average type or class (not typical of the general run). 11 a Cricket a point scored by the batsmen each running to the other's wicket, or an equivalent point awarded for some other reason. b Baseball a point scored usu. by the batter returning to the plate after touching the other bases. 12 (foll. by of) free use of or access to (had the run of the house). 13 a an animal's regular track. b an enclosure for fowls. c a range of pasture. 14 a ladder in hosiery. 15 Mus. a rapid scale passage. 16 a class or line of goods. 17 a batch or drove of animals born or reared together. 18 a shoal of fish in motion. 19 a trough for water to run in. 20 US a small stream or brook. 21 a a single journey, esp. by an aircraft. b (of an aircraft) a flight on a straight and even course at a constant speed before or while dropping bombs. c an offensive military operation. Ьat a (or the) run running. on the run 1 escaping, running away. 2 hurrying about from place to place. run about 1 bustle; hurry from one person or place to another. 2 (esp. of children) play or wander without restraint. run across 1 happen to meet. 2 (foll. by to) make a brief journey or a flying visit (to a place). run after 1 pursue with attentions; seek the society of. 2 give much time to (a pursuit etc.). 3 pursue at a run. run against happen to meet. run along colloq. depart. run around 1 Brit. take from place to place by car etc. 2 deceive or evade repeatedly. 3 (often foll. by with) sl. engage in sexual relations (esp. casually or illicitly). run-around n. (esp. in phr. give a person the run-around) deceit or evasion. run at attack by charging or rushing. run away 1 get away by running; flee, abscond. 2 elope. 3 (of a horse) bolt. run away with 1 carry off (a person, stolen property, etc.). 2 win (a prize) easily. 3 accept (a notion) hastily. 4 (of expense etc.) consume (money etc.). 5 (of a horse) bolt with (a rider, a carriage or its occupants). run a blockade see BLOCKADE. run down 1 knock down or collide with. 2 reduce the strength or numbers of (resources). 3 (of an unwound clock etc.) stop. 4 (of a person or a person's health) become feeble from overwork or underfeeding. 5 discover after a search. 6 disparage. run-down n. 1 a reduction in numbers. 2 a detailed analysis. --adj. 1 decayed after prosperity. 2 enfeebled through overwork etc. run dry cease to flow, be exhausted. run for it seek safety by fleeing. a run (or a good run) for one's money 1 vigorous competition. 2 pleasure derived from an activity. run foul of collide or become entangled with (another vessel etc.). run the gauntlet see GAUNTLET(2). run a person hard (or close) press a person severely in a race or competition, or in comparative merit. run high 1 (of the sea) have a strong current with a high tide. 2 (of feelings) be strong. run in 1 run (a new engine or vehicle) carefully in the early stages. 2 colloq. arrest. 3 (of a combatant) rush to close quarters. 4 incur (a debt). run-in n. 1 the approach to an action or event. 2 a quarrel. run in the family (of a trait) be common in the members of a family. run into 1 collide with. 2 encounter. 3 reach as many as (a specified figure). 4 fall into (a practice, absurdity, etc.). 5 be continuous or coalesce with. run into the ground colloq. bring (a person) to exhaustion etc. run it fine see FINE(1). run its course follow its natural progress; be left to itself. run low (or short) become depleted, have too little (our tea ran short; we ran short of tea). run off 1 flee. 2 produce (copies etc.) on a machine. 3 decide (a race or other contest) after a series of heats or in the event of a tie. 4 flow or cause to flow away. 5 write or recite fluently. 6 digress suddenly. run-off n. 1 an additional competition, election, race, etc., after a tie. 2 an amount of rainfall that is carried off an area by streams and rivers. 3 NZ a separate area of land where young animals etc. are kept. run off one's feet very busy. run-of-the-mill ordinary, undistinguished. run on 1 (of written characters) be joined together. 2 continue in operation. 3 elapse. 4 speak volubly. 5 talk incessantly. 6 Printing continue on the same line as the preceding matter. run out 1 come to an end; become used up. 2 (foll. by of) exhaust one's stock of. 3 put down the wicket of (a batsman who is running). 4 escape from a containing vessel. 5 (of rope) pass out; be paid out. 6 jut out. 7 come out of a contest in a specified position etc. or complete a required score etc. (they ran out worthy winners). 8 complete (a race). 9 advance (a gun etc.) so as to project. 10 exhaust oneself by running. run-out n. the dismissal of a batsman by being run out. run out on colloq. desert (a person). run over 1 overflow. 2 study or repeat quickly. 3 (of a vehicle or its driver) pass over, knock down or crush. 4 touch (the notes of a piano etc.) in quick succession. 5 (often foll. by to) go quickly by a brief journey or for a flying visit. run ragged exhaust (a person). run rings round see RING(1). run riot see RIOT. run a (or the) risk see RISK. run the show colloq. dominate in an undertaking etc. run a temperature be feverish. run through 1 examine or rehearse briefly. 2 peruse. 3 deal successively with. 4 consume (an estate etc.) by reckless or quick spending. 5 traverse. 6 pervade. 7 pierce with a sword etc. 8 draw a line through (written words). run-through n. 1 a rehearsal. 2 a brief survey. run to 1 have the money or ability for. 2 reach (an amount or number). 3 (of a person) show a tendency to (runs to fat). 4 a be enough for (some expense or undertaking). b have the resources or capacity for. 5 fall into (ruin). run to earth 1 Hunting chase to its lair. 2 discover after a long search. run to meet anticipate (one's troubles etc.). run to seed see SEED. run up 1 accumulate (a debt etc.) quickly. 2 build or make hurriedly. 3 raise (a flag). 4 grow quickly. 5 rise in price. 6 (foll. by to) amount to. 7 force (a rival bidder) to bid higher. 8 add up (a column of figures). 9 (foll. by to) go quickly by a brief journey or for a flying visit. run-up n. 1 (often foll. by to) the period preceding an important event. 2 Golf a low approach shot. run up against meet with (a difficulty or difficulties). run upon (of a person's thoughts etc.) be engrossed by; dwell upon. run wild grow or stray unchecked or undisciplined or untrained. ЬЬrunnable adj. [OE rinnan] runabout n. a light car or aircraft. runaway n. 1 a fugitive. 2 an animal or vehicle that is running out of control. 3 (attrib.) a that is running away or out of control (runaway inflation; had a runaway success). b done or performed after running away (a runaway wedding). runcible spoon n. a fork curved like a spoon, with three broad prongs, one edged. [nonsense word used by E. Lear, Engl. humorist d. 1888, perh. after rouncival large pea] runcinate adj. Bot. (of a leaf) saw-toothed, with lobes pointing towards the base. [mod.L runcinatus f. L runcina PLANE(2) (formerly taken to mean saw)] rune n. 1 any of the letters of the earliest Germanic alphabet used by Scandinavians and Anglo-Saxons from about the 3rd c. and formed by modifying Roman or Greek characters to suit carving. 2 a similar mark of mysterious or magic significance. 3 a Finnish poem or a division of it. Ьrune-staff 1 a magic wand inscribed with runes. 2 a runic calendar. ЬЬrunic adj. [ON rЈn (only in pl. rЈnar) magic sign, rel. to OE run] rung(1) n. 1 each of the horizontal supports of a ladder. 2 a strengthening crosspiece in the structure of a chair etc. ЬЬrunged adj. rungless adj. [OE hrung] rung(2) past part. of RING(2). runlet n. a small stream. runnel n. 1 a brook or rill. 2 a gutter. [later form (assim. to RUN) of rinel f. OE rynel (as RUN)] runner n. 1 a person who runs, esp. in a race. 2 a a creeping plant-stem that can take root. b a twining plant. 3 a rod or groove or blade on which a thing slides. 4 a sliding ring on a rod etc. 5 a messenger, scout, collector, or agent for a bank etc.; a tout. 6 hist. a police officer. 7 a running bird. 8 a a smuggler. b = blockade-runner. 9 a revolving millstone. 10 Naut. a rope in a single block with one end round a tackle-block and the other having a hook. 11 (in full runner bean) Brit. a twining bean plant, Phaseolus multiflorus, with red flowers and long green seed pods. Also called scarlet runner. 12 each of the long pieces on the underside of a sledge etc. that forms the contact in sliding. 13 a roller for moving a heavy article. 14 a long narrow ornamental cloth or rug. Ьdo a runner sl. leave hastily; flee. runner-up (pl. runners-up or runner-ups) the competitor or team taking second place. running n. & adj. --n. 1 the action of runners in a race etc. 2 the way a race etc. proceeds. --adj. 1 continuing on an essentially continuous basis though changing in detail (a running battle). 2 consecutive; one after another (three days running). 3 done with a run (a running jump). Ьin (or out of) the running (of a competitor) with a good (or poor) chance of winning. make (or take up) the running take the lead; set the pace. running account a current account. running-board a footboard on either side of a vehicle. running commentary an oral description of events as they occur. running fire successive shots from a line of troops etc. running gear the moving or running parts of a machine, esp. the wheels and suspension of a vehicle. running hand writing in which the pen etc. is not lifted after each letter. running head (or headline) a heading printed at the top of a number of consecutive pages of a book etc. running knot a knot that slips along the rope etc. and changes the size of a noose. running light 1 = navigation light. 2 each of a small set of lights on a motor vehicle that remain illuminated while the vehicle is running. running mate US 1 a candidate for a secondary position in an election. 2 a horse entered in a race in order to set the pace for another horse from the same stable which is intended to win. running repairs minor or temporary repairs etc. to machinery while in use. running rope a rope that is freely movable through a pulley etc. running sore a suppurating sore. running stitch 1 a line of small non-overlapping stitches for gathering etc. 2 one of these stitches. running water water flowing in a stream or from a tap etc. take a running jump (esp. as int.) sl. go away. runny adj. (runnier, runniest) 1 tending to run or flow. 2 excessively fluid. runt n. 1 a small pig, esp. the smallest in a litter. 2 a weakling; an undersized person. 3 a large domestic pigeon. 4 a small ox or cow, esp. of various Scottish Highland or Welsh breeds. ЬЬrunty adj. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] runway n. 1 a specially prepared surface along which aircraft take off and land. 2 a trail to an animals' watering-place. 3 an incline down which logs are slid. 4 a raised gangway in a theatre, fashion display, etc. rupee n. the chief monetary unit of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Mauritius, and the Seychelles. [Hind. rupiyah f. Skr. rupya wrought silver] rupiah n. the chief monetary unit of Indonesia. [as RUPEE] rupture n. & v. --n. 1 the act or an instance of breaking; a breach. 2 a breach of harmonious relations; a disagreement and parting. 3 Med. an abdominal hernia. --v. 1 tr. break or burst (a cell or membrane etc.). 2 tr. sever (a connection). 3 intr. undergo a rupture. 4 tr. & intr. affect with or suffer a hernia. ЬЬrupturable adj. [ME f. OF rupture or L ruptura f. rumpere rupt- break] rural adj. in, of, or suggesting the country (opp. URBAN); pastoral or agricultural (in rural seclusion; a rural constituency). Ьrural dean see DEAN(1). rural district Brit. hist. a group of country parishes governed by an elected council. ЬЬruralism n. ruralist n. rurality n. ruralize v. (also -ise). ruralization n. rurally adv. [ME f. OF rural or LL ruralis f. rus ruris the country] Ruritanian adj. relating to or characteristic of romantic adventure or its setting. [Ruritania, an imaginary setting in SE Europe in the novels of Anthony Hope (d. 1933)] rusa n. any of various E. Indian deer of the genus Cervus, esp. a sambur. [mod.L f. Malay] ruse n. a stratagem or trick. [ME f. OF f. ruser drive back, perh. ult. f. L rursus backwards: cf. RUSH(1)] rush(1) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. go, move, or act precipitately or with great speed. 2 tr. move or transport with great haste (was rushed to hospital). 3 intr. (foll. by at) a move suddenly and quickly towards. b begin impetuously. 4 tr. perform or deal with hurriedly (don't rush your dinner; the bill was rushed through Parliament). 5 tr. force (a person) to act hastily. 6 tr. attack or capture by sudden assault. 7 tr. sl. overcharge (a customer). 8 tr. US pay attentions to (a person) with a view to securing acceptance of a proposal. 9 tr. pass (an obstacle) with a rapid dash. 10 intr. flow, fall, spread, or roll impetuously or fast (felt the blood rush to my face; the river rushes past). --n. 1 an act of rushing; a violent advance or attack. 2 a period of great activity. 3 (attrib.) done with great haste or speed (a rush job). 4 a sudden migration of large numbers. 5 (foll. by on, for) a sudden strong demand for a commodity. 6 (in pl.) colloq. the first prints of a film after a period of shooting. 7 Football a a combined dash by several players with the ball. b US the act of carrying the ball. Ьrush one's fences act with undue haste. rush hour a time each day when traffic is at its heaviest. ЬЬrusher n. rushingly adv. [ME f. AF russher, = OF ruser, russer: see RUSE] rush(2) n. 1 a any marsh or waterside plant of the family Juncaceae, with naked slender tapering pith-filled stems (properly leaves) formerly used for strewing floors and still used for making chair-bottoms and plaiting baskets etc. b a stem of this. c (collect.) rushes as a material. 2 archaic a thing of no value (not worth a rush). Ьrush candle a candle made by dipping the pith of a rush in tallow. ЬЬrushlike adv. rushy adj. [OE rysc, rysce, corresp. to MLG, MHG rusch] rushlight n. a rush candle. rusk n. a slice of bread rebaked usu. as a light biscuit, esp. as food for babies. [Sp. or Port. rosca twist, coil, roll of bread] russet adj. & n. --adj. 1 reddish-brown. 2 archaic rustic, homely, simple. --n. 1 a reddish-brown colour. 2 a kind of rough-skinned russet-coloured apple. 3 hist. a coarse homespun reddish-brown or grey cloth used for simple clothing. ЬЬrussety adj. [ME f. AF f. OF rosset, rousset, dimin. of roux red f. Prov. ros, It. rosso f. L russus red] Russia leather n. a durable bookbinding leather from skins impregnated with birch-bark oil. [Russia in E. Europe] Russian n. & adj. --n. 1 a a native or national of Russia or the Soviet Union. b a person of Russian descent. 2 the language of Russia and the official language of the Soviet Union. --adj. 1 of or relating to Russia. 2 of or in Russian. ЬRussian boot a boot that loosely encloses the calf. Russian olive = OLEASTER. Russian roulette 1 an act of daring in which one (usu. with others in turn) squeezes the trigger of a revolver held to one's head with one chamber loaded, having first spun the chamber. 2 a potentially dangerous enterprise. Russian salad a salad of mixed diced vegetables with mayonnaise. ЬЬRussianize v.tr. (also -ise). Russianization n. Russianness n. [med.L Russianus] Russify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) make Russian in character. ЬЬRussification n. Russki n. (also Russky) (pl. Russkis or -ies) often offens. a Russian or Soviet. [RUSSIAN after Russ. surnames ending in -ski] Russo- comb. form Russian; Russian and. Russophile n. a person who is fond of Russia or the Russians. rust n. & v. --n. 1 a a reddish or yellowish-brown coating formed on iron or steel by oxidation, esp. as a result of moisture. b a similar coating on other metals. 2 a any of various plant-diseases with rust-coloured spots caused by fungi of the order Uredinales. b the fungus causing this. 3 an impaired state due to disuse or inactivity. --v. 1 tr. & intr. affect or be affected with rust; undergo oxidation. 2 intr. (of bracken etc.) become rust-coloured. 3 intr. (of a plant) be attacked by rust. 4 intr. lose quality or efficiency by disuse or inactivity. ЬЬrustless adj. [OE rust f. Gmc] rustic adj. & n. --adj. 1 having the characteristics of or associations with the country or country life. 2 unsophisticated, simple, unrefined. 3 of rude or country workmanship. 4 made of untrimmed branches or rough timber (a rustic bench). 5 (of lettering) freely formed. 6 Archit. with rough-hewn or roughened surface or with sunk joints. 7 archaic rural. --n. a person from or living in the country, esp. a simple unsophisticated one. ЬЬrustically adv. rusticity n. [ME f. L rusticus f. rus the country] rusticate v. 1 tr. send down (a student) temporarily from university. 2 intr. retire to or live in the country. 3 tr. make rural. 4 tr. mark (masonry) with sunk joints or a roughened surface. ЬЬrustication n. [L rusticari live in the country (as RUSTIC)] rustle v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. make or cause to make a gentle sound as of dry leaves blown in a breeze. 2 intr. (often foll. by along etc.) move with a rustling sound. 3 tr. (also absol.) steal (cattle or horses). 4 intr. US colloq. hustle. --n. a rustling sound or movement. Ьrustle up colloq. produce quickly when needed. ЬЬrustler n. (esp. in sense 3 of v.). [ME rustel etc. (imit.): cf. obs. Flem. ruysselen, Du. ritselen] rustproof adj. & v. --adj. (of a metal) not susceptible to corrosion by rust. --v.tr. make rustproof. rustre n. Heraldry a lozenge with a round hole. [F] rusty adj. (rustier, rustiest) 1 rusted or affected by rust. 2 stiff with age or disuse. 3 (of knowledge etc.) faded or impaired by neglect (my French is a bit rusty). 4 rust-coloured. 5 (of black clothes) discoloured by age. 6 a of antiquated appearance. b antiquated or behind the times. 7 (of a voice) croaking or creaking. ЬЬrustily adv. rustiness n. [OE rustig (as RUST)] rut(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a deep track made by the passage of wheels. 2 an established (esp. tedious) mode of practice or procedure. --v.tr. (rutted, rutting) mark with ruts. Ьin a rut following a fixed (esp. tedious or dreary) pattern of behaviour that is difficult to change. ЬЬrutty adj. [prob. f. OF rote (as ROUTE)] rut(2) n. & v. --n. the periodic sexual excitement of a male deer, goat, ram, etc. --v.intr. (rutted, rutting) be affected with rut. ЬЬruttish adj. [ME f. OF rut, ruit f. L rugitus f. rugire roar] rutabaga n. a swede. [Sw. dial. rotabagge] ruthenium n. Chem. a rare hard white metallic transition element, occurring naturally in platinum ores, and used as a chemical catalyst and in certain alloys. °Symb.: Ru. [med.L Ruthenia Russia (from its discovery in ores from the Urals)] rutherfordium n. Chem. an artificially made transuranic metallic element produced by bombarding an isotope of Californium. °Symb.: Rf. Also called KURCHATOVIUM. [E. Rutherford, Engl. physicist d. 1937] ruthless adj. having no pity or compassion. ЬЬruthlessly adv. ruthlessness n. [ME, f. ruth compassion f. RUE(1)] rutile n. a mineral form of titanium dioxide. [F rutile or G Rutil f. L rutilus reddish] 20.0 RV =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RV abbr. Revised Version (of the Bible). 21.0 Ry.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ry. abbr. Railway. -ry suffix = -ERY (infantry; rivalry). [shortened f. -ERY, or by analogy] rye n. 1 a a cereal plant, Secale cereale, with spikes bearing florets which yield wheatlike grains. b the grain of this used for bread and fodder. 2 (in full rye whisky) whisky distilled from fermented rye. [OE ryge f. Gmc] ryegrass n. any forage or lawn grass of the genus Lolium, esp. L. perenne. [obs. ray-grass, of unkn. orig.] ryokan n. a traditional Japanese inn. [Jap.] ryot n. an Indian peasant. [Urdu ra'iyat f. Arab. ra' iya flock, subjects f. ra'a to pasture] Яндекс.Реклама: контрольные на заказ |