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English language - Dictionaries Q...Oxford English ReferenceBritish Library Cataloguing Data The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed. 1. English language--Dictionaries I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423 ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain 1.0 Q... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Q(1) n. (also q) (pl. Qs or Q's) the seventeenth letter of the alphabet. Q(2) abbr. (also Q.) 1 Queen, Queen's. 2 question. 2.0 Qantas... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Qantas n. the international airline of Australia. [abbr. of Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services] QARANC abbr. Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps. 3.0 QB =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- QB abbr. Queen's Bench. 4.0 QC =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- QC abbr. Law Queen's Counsel. 5.0 QED =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- QED abbr. quod erat demonstrandum. 6.0 Q fever =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Q fever n. a mild febrile disease caused by rickettsiae. [Q = query] 7.0 qibla =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- qibla var. of KIBLAH. 8.0 Qld. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Qld. abbr. Queensland. 9.0 QM... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- QM abbr. quartermaster. QMG abbr. Quartermaster General. QMS abbr. Quartermaster Sergeant. 10.0 QPM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- QPM abbr. (in the UK) Queen's Police Medal. 11.0 qr. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- qr. abbr. quarter(s). 12.0 Q-ship... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Q-ship n. an armed and disguised merchant ship used as a decoy or to destroy submarines. [Q = query] 13.0 QSO =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- QSO abbr. quasi-stellar object, quasar. 14.0 qt.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- qt. abbr. quart(s). q.t. n. colloq. quiet (esp. on the q.t.). [abbr.] 15.0 qu.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- qu. abbr. 1 query. 2 question. qua conj. in the capacity of; as being (Napoleon qua general). [L, ablat. fem. sing. of qui who (rel. pron.)] quack(1) v. & n. --n. the harsh sound made by ducks. --v.intr. 1 utter this sound. 2 colloq. talk loudly and foolishly. [imit.: cf. Du. kwakken, G quacken croak, quack] quack(2) n. 1 a an unqualified practiser of medicine. b (attrib.) of or characteristic of unskilled medical practice ( quack cure). 2 a charlatan. 3 sl. any doctor or medical officer. ЬЬquackery n. quackish adj. [abbr. of quacksalver f. Du. (prob. f. obs. quacken prattle + salf SALVE(1))] quad(1) n. colloq. a quadrangle. [abbr.] quad(2) n. colloq. = QUADRUPLET 1. [abbr.] quad(3) n. Printing a piece of blank metal type used in spacing. [abbr. of earlier QUADRAT] quad(4) n. & adj. --n. quadraphony. --adj. quadraphonic. [abbr.] quadragenarian n. & adj. --n. a person from 40 to 49 years old. --adj. of this age. [LL quadragenarius f. quadrageni distrib. of quadraginta forty] Quadragesima n. the first Sunday in Lent. [LL, fem. of L quadragesimus fortieth f. quadraginta forty, Lent having 40 days] quadragesimal adj. 1 (of a fast, esp. in Lent) lasting forty days. 2 Lenten. quadrangle n. 1 a four-sided plane figure, esp. a square or rectangle. 2 a a four-sided court, esp. enclosed by buildings, as in some colleges. b such a court with the buildings round it. ЬЬquadrangular adj. [ME f. OF f. LL quadrangulum square, neut. of quadrangulus (as QUADRI-, ANGLE(1))] quadrant n. 1 a quarter of a circle's circumference. 2 a plane figure enclosed by two radii of a circle at right angles and the arc cut off by them. 3 a quarter of a sphere etc. 4 a a thing, esp. a graduated strip of metal, shaped like a quarter-circle. b an instrument graduated (esp. through an arc of 90ш) for taking angular measurements. ЬЬquadrantal adj. [ME f. L quadrans -antis quarter f. quattuor four] quadraphonic adj. (also quadrophonic) (of sound reproduction) using four transmission channels. ЬЬquadraphonically adv. quadraphonics n.pl. quadraphony n. [QUADRI- + STEREOPHONIC] quadrat n. Ecol. a small area marked out for study. [var. of QUADRATE] quadrate adj., n., & v. --adj. esp. Anat. & Zool. square or rectangular (quadrate bone; quadrate muscle). --n. 1 a quadrate bone or muscle. 2 a rectangular object. --v. 1 tr. make square. 2 intr. & tr. (often foll. by with) conform or make conform. [ME f. L quadrare quadrat- make square f. quattuor four] quadratic adj. & n. Math. --adj. 1 involving the second and no higher power of an unknown quantity or variable (quadratic equation). 2 square. --n. 1 a quadratic equation. 2 (in pl.) the branch of algebra dealing with these. [F quadratique or mod.L quadraticus (as QUADRATE)] quadrature n. 1 Math. the process of constructing a square with an area equal to that of a figure bounded by a curve, e.g. a circle. 2 Astron. a each of two points at which the moon is 90ш from the sun as viewed from earth. b the position of a heavenly body in relation to another 90ш away. [F quadrature or L quadratura (as QUADRATE)] quadrennial adj. 1 lasting four years. 2 recurring every four years. ЬЬquadrennially adv. [as QUADRENNIUM] quadrennium n. (pl. quadrenniums or quadrennia) a period of four years. [L quadriennium (as QUADRI-, annus year)] quadri- comb. form denoting four. [L f. quattuor four] quadric adj. & n. Geom. --adj. (of a surface) described by an equation of the second degree. --n. a quadric surface. [L quadra square] quadriceps n. Anat. a four-headed muscle at the front of the thigh. [mod.L (as QUADRI-, BICEPS)] quadrifid adj. Bot. having four divisions or lobes. [L quadrifidus (as QUADRI-, findere fid- cleave)] quadrilateral adj. & n. --adj. having four sides. --n. a four-sided figure. [LL quadrilaterus (as QUADRI-, latus lateris side)] quadrille(1) n. 1 a square dance containing usu. five figures. 2 the music for this. [F f. Sp. cuadrilla troop, company f. cuadra square or It. quadriglia f. quadra square] quadrille(2) n. a card game for four players with forty cards, fashionable in the 18th c. [F, perh. f. Sp. cuartillo f. cuarto fourth, assim. to QUADRILLE(1)] quadrillion n. (pl. same or quadrillions) a thousand raised to the fifth (or formerly, esp. Brit., the eighth) power (10(15) and 10(24) respectively). [F (as QUADRI-, MILLION)] quadrinomial n. & adj. Math. --n. an expression of four algebraic terms. --adj. of or being a quadrinomial. [QUADRI- + Gk nomos part, portion] quadripartite adj. 1 consisting of four parts. 2 shared by or involving four parties. quadriplegia n. Med. paralysis of all four limbs. ЬЬquadriplegic adj. & n. [mod.L (as QUADRI-, Gk plege blow, strike)] quadrivalent adj. Chem. having a valency of four. quadrivium n. hist. a medieval university course of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. [L, = the place where four roads meet (as QUADRI-, via road)] quadroon n. the offspring of a White person and a mulatto; a person of one quarter Negro blood. [Sp. cuarterўn f. cuarto fourth, assim. to QUADRI-] quadrophonic var. of QUADRAPHONIC. quadrumanous adj. (of primates other than humans) four-handed, i.e. with opposable digits on all four limbs. [mod.L quadrumana neut. pl. of quadrumanus (as QUADRI-, L manus hand)] quadruped n. & adj. --n. a four-footed animal, esp. a four-footed mammal. --adj. four-footed. ЬЬquadrupedal adj. [F quadrupЉde or L quadrupes -pedis f. quadru- var. of QUADRI- + L pes ped- foot] quadruple adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 fourfold. 2 a having four parts. b involving four participants (quadruple alliance). 3 being four times as many or as much. 4 (of time in music) having four beats in a bar. --n. a fourfold number or amount. --v.tr. & intr. multiply by four; increase fourfold. ЬЬquadruply adv. [F f. L quadruplus (as QUADRI-, -plus as in duplus DUPLE)] quadruplet n. 1 each of four children born at one birth. 2 a set of four things working together. 3 Mus. a group of four notes to be performed in the time of three. [QUADRUPLE, after triplet] quadruplicate adj. & v. --adj. 1 fourfold. 2 of which four copies are made. --v.tr. 1 multiply by four. 2 make four identical copies of. Ьin quadruplicate in four identical copies. ЬЬquadruplication n. [L quadruplicare f. quadruplex -plicis fourfold: cf. QUADRUPED, DUPLEX] quadruplicity n. the state of being fourfold. [L quadruplex -plicis (see QUADRUPLICATE), after duplicity] quaestor n. either of two ancient Roman magistrates with mainly financial responsibilities. ЬЬquaestorial adj. quaestorship n. [ME f. L f. quaerere quaesit- seek] quaff v. literary 1 tr. & intr. drink deeply. 2 tr. drain (a cup etc.) in long draughts. ЬЬquaffable adj. quaffer n. [16th c.: perh. imit.] quag n. a marshy or boggy place. ЬЬquaggy adj. [rel. to dial. quag (v.) = shake: prob. imit.] quagga n. an extinct zebra-like mammal, Equus quagga, formerly native to S. Africa, with yellowish-brown stripes on the head, neck, and forebody. [Xhosa-Kaffir iqwara] quagmire n. 1 a soft boggy or marshy area that gives way underfoot. 2 a hazardous or awkward situation. [QUAG + MIRE] quahog n. (US quahaug) any of various edible clams of the Atlantic coast of N. America. [Narraganset Indian] quaich n. (also quaigh) Sc. a kind of drinking-cup, usu. of wood and with two handles. [Gael. cuach cup, prob. f. L caucus] quail(1) n. (pl. same or quails) any small migratory bird of the genus Coturnix, with a short tail and allied to the partridge. [ME f. OF quaille f. med.L coacula (prob. imit.)] quail(2) v.intr. flinch; be apprehensive with fear. [ME, of unkn. orig.] quaint adj. 1 piquantly or attractively unfamiliar or old-fashioned. 2 daintily odd. ЬЬquaintly adv. quaintness n. [earlier senses 'wise, cunning': ME f. OF cointe f. L cognitus past part. of cognoscere ascertain] quake v. & n. --v.intr. 1 shake, tremble. 2 rock to and fro. 3 (of a person) shake or shudder (was quaking with fear). --n. 1 colloq. an earthquake. 2 an act of quaking. Ьquaking-grass any grass of the genus Briza, having slender stalks and trembling in the wind: also called dodder-grass. ЬЬquaky adj. (quakier, quakiest). [OE cwacian] Quaker n. a member of the Society of Friends, a Christian movement devoted to peaceful principles and eschewing formal doctrine, sacraments, and ordained ministers. ЬЬQuakerish adj. Quakerism n. [QUAKE + -ER(1)] qualification n. 1 the act or an instance of qualifying. 2 an accomplishment fitting a person for a position or purpose. 3 a a circumstance, condition, etc., that modifies or limits (the statement had many qualifications). b a thing that detracts from completeness or absoluteness (their relief had one qualification). 4 a condition that must be fulfilled before a right can be acquired etc. 5 an attribution of a quality (the qualification of our policy as opportunist is unfair). ЬЬqualificatory adj. [F qualification or med.L qualificatio (as QUALIFY)] qualify v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. make competent or fit for a position or purpose. 2 tr. make legally entitled. 3 intr. (foll. by for) (of a person) satisfy the conditions or requirements (for a position, award, competition, etc.). 4 tr. add reservations to; modify or make less absolute (a statement or assertion). 5 tr. Gram. (of a word, esp. an adjective) attribute a quality to another word, esp. a noun. 6 tr. moderate, mitigate; make less severe or extreme. 7 tr. alter the strength or flavour of. 8 tr. (foll. by as) attribute a specified quality to, describe as (the idea was qualified as absurd). 9 tr. (as qualifying adj.) serving to determine those that qualify (qualifying examination). ЬЬqualifiable adj. qualifier n. [F qualifier f. med.L qualificare f. L qualis such as] qualitative adj. concerned with or depending on quality (led to a qualitative change in society). Ьqualitative analysis Chem. detection of the constituents, as elements, functional groups, etc., present in a substance (opp. quantitative analysis). ЬЬqualitatively adv. [LL qualitativus (as QUALITY)] quality n. (pl. -ies) 1 the degree of excellence of a thing (of good quality; poor in quality). 2 a general excellence (their work has quality). b (attrib.) of high quality ( a quality product). 3 a distinctive attribute or faculty; a characteristic trait. 4 the relative nature or kind or character of a thing (is made in three qualities). 5 the distinctive timbre of a voice or sound. 6 archaic high social standing (people of quality). 7 Logic the property of a proposition's being affirmative or negative. Ьquality control a system of maintaining standards in manufactured products by testing a sample of the output against the specification. [ME f. OF qualit‚ f. L qualitas -tatis f. qualis of what kind] qualm n. 1 a misgiving; an uneasy doubt esp. about one's own conduct. 2 a scruple of conscience. 3 a momentary faint or sick feeling. ЬЬqualmish adj. [16th c.: orig. uncert.] quandary n. (pl. -ies) 1 a state of perplexity. 2 a difficult situation; a practical dilemma. [16th c.: orig. uncert.] quango n. (pl. -os) a semi-public body with financial support from and senior appointments made by the government. [abbr. of quasi (or quasi-autonomous) non-government(al) organization] quant n. & v. --n. Brit. a punting-pole with a prong at the bottom to prevent it sinking into the mud, as used by Norfolk bargemen etc. --v.tr. (also absol.) propel (a boat) with a quant. [15th c.: perh. f. L contus f. Gk kontos boat-pole] quanta pl. of QUANTUM. quantal adj. 1 composed of discrete units; varying in steps, not continuously. 2 of or relating to a quantum or quantum theory. ЬЬquantally adv. [L quantus how much] quantic n. Math. a rational integral homogeneous function of two or more variables. quantify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 determine the quantity of. 2 measure or express as a quantity. 3 Logic define the application of (a term or proposition) by the use of all, some, etc., e.g. 'for all x if x is A then x is B'. ЬЬquantifiable adj. quantifiability n. quantification n. quantifier n. [med.L quantificare (as QUANTAL)] quantitative adj. 1 a concerned with quantity. b measured or measurable by quantity. 2 of or based on the quantity of syllables. Ьquantitative analysis Chem. measurement of the amounts of the constituents of a substance (opp. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS). ЬЬquantitatively adv. [med.L quantitativus (as QUANTITY)] quantitive adj. = QUANTITATIVE. ЬЬquantitively adv. quantity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the property of things that is measurable. 2 the size or extent or weight or amount or number. 3 a specified or considerable portion or number or amount (buys in quantity; the quantity of heat in a body). 4 (in pl.) large amounts or numbers; an abundance (quantities of food; is found in quantities on the shore). 5 the length or shortness of vowel sounds or syllables. 6 Math. a a value, component, etc. that may be expressed in numbers. b the figure or symbol representing this. Ьquantity mark a mark put over a vowel etc. to indicate its length. quantity surveyor a person who measures and prices building work. quantity theory the hypothesis that prices correspond to changes in the monetary supply. [ME f. OF quantit‚ f. L quantitas -tatis f. quantus how much] quantize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 form into quanta. 2 apply quantum mechanics to. ЬЬquantization n. quantum n. (pl. quanta) 1 Physics a a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of radiation it represents. b an analogous discrete amount of any other physical quantity. 2 a a required or allowed amount. b a share or portion. Ьquantum jump (or leap) 1 a sudden large increase or advance. 2 Physics an abrupt transition in an atom or molecule from one quantum state to another. quantum mechanics (or theory) Physics a system or theory using the assumption that energy exists in discrete units. [L, neut. of quantus how much] quaquaversal adj. Geol. pointing in every direction. [LL quaquaversus f. quaqua wheresoever + versus towards] quarantine n. & v. --n. 1 isolation imposed on persons or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to, and might spread, infectious or contagious disease. 2 the period of this isolation. --v.tr. impose such isolation on, put in quarantine. [It. quarantina forty days f. quaranta forty] quark(1) n. Physics any of several postulated components of elementary particles. [invented word, assoc. with 'Three quarks for Muster Mark' in Joyce's Finnegans Wake (1939)] quark(2) n. a type of low-fat curd cheese. [G] quarrel(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a violent contention or altercation between individuals or with others. 2 a rupture of friendly relations. 3 an occasion of complaint against a person, a person's actions, etc. --v.intr. (quarrelled, quarrelling; US quarreled, quarreling) 1 (often foll. by with) take exception; find fault. 2 fall out; have a dispute; break off friendly relations. ЬЬquarreller n. [ME f. OF querele f. L querel(l)a complaint f. queri complain] quarrel(2) n. hist. a short heavy square-headed arrow or bolt used in a crossbow or arbalest. [ME f. OF quar(r)el ult. f. LL quadrus square] quarrelsome adj. given to or characterized by quarrelling. ЬЬquarrelsomely adv. quarrelsomeness n. quarrian n. (also quarrion) a cockatiel. [prob. Aboriginal] quarry(1) n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 an excavation made by taking stone etc. for building etc. from its bed. 2 a place from which stone etc. may be extracted. 3 a source of information, knowledge, etc. --v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. extract (stone) from a quarry. 2 tr. extract (facts etc.) laboriously from books etc. 3 intr. laboriously search documents etc. [ME f. med.L quare(r)ia f. OF quarriere f. L quadrum square] quarry(2) n. (pl. -ies) 1 the object of pursuit by a bird of prey, hounds, hunters, etc. 2 an intended victim or prey. [ME f. AF f. OF cuiree, couree (assim. to cuir leather and curer disembowel) ult. f. L cor heart: orig. = parts of deer placed on hide and given to hounds] quarry(3) n. (pl. -ies) 1 a diamond-shaped pane of glass as used in lattice windows. 2 (in full quarry tile) an unglazed floor-tile. [a later form of QUARREL(2) in the same sense] quarryman n. (pl. -men) a worker in a quarry. quart n. 1 a liquid measure equal to a quarter of a gallon; two pints. 2 a vessel containing this amount. 3 US a unit of dry measure, equivalent to one-thirty-second of a bushel (1.1 litre). 4 (also quarte) the fourth of eight parrying positions in fencing. Ьa quart into a pint pot 1 a large amount etc. fitted into a small space. 2 something difficult or impossible to achieve. [ME f. OF quarte f. L quarta fem. of quartus fourth f. quattuor four] quartan adj. (of a fever etc.) recurring every fourth day. [ME f. OF quartaine f. L (febris fever) quartana f. quartus fourth] quarte var. of QUART 4. quarter n. & v. --n. 1 each of four equal parts into which a thing is or might be divided. 2 a period of three months, usu. for which payments become due on the quarter day. 3 a point of time 15 minutes before or after any hour. 4 a school or US university term. 5 a 25 US or Canadian cents. b a coin of this denomination. 6 a part of a town, esp. as occupied by a particular class or group (residential quarter). 7 a a point of the compass. b a region at such a point. 8 the direction, district, or source of supply etc. (help from any quarter; came from all quarters). 9 (in pl.) a lodgings; an abode. b Mil. the living accommodation of troops etc. 10 a one fourth of a lunar month. b the moon's position between the first and second (first quarter) or third and fourth (last quarter) of these. 11 a each of the four parts into which an animal's or bird's carcass is divided, each including a leg or wing. b (in pl.) hist. the four parts into which a traitor etc. was cut after execution. c (in pl.) = HINDQUARTERS. 12 mercy offered or granted to an enemy in battle etc. on condition of surrender. 13 a Brit. a grain measure equivalent to 8 bushels. b one-fourth of a hundredweight (28 lb. or US 25 lb.). 14 a each of four divisions on a shield. b a charge occupying this, placed in chief. 15 either side of a ship abaft the beam. 16 (in American and Australian football) each of four equal periods into which a match is divided. --v.tr. 1 divide into quarters. 2 hist. divide (the body of an executed person) in this way. 3 a put (troops etc.) into quarters. b station or lodge in a specified place. 4 (foll. by on) impose (a person) on another as a lodger. 5 cut (a log) into quarters, and these into planks so as to show the grain well. 6 (esp. of a dog) range or traverse (the ground) in every direction. 7 Heraldry a place or bear (charges or coats of arms) on the four quarters of a shield's surface. b add (another's coat) to one's hereditary arms. c (foll. by with) place in alternate quarters with. d divide (a shield) into four or more parts by vertical and horizontal lines. Ьquarter-binding the type of bookbinding in which the spine is bound in one material (usu. leather) and the sides in another. quarter day one of four days on which quarterly payments are due, tenancies begin and end, etc. quarter-final a match or round preceding the semifinal. quarter-hour 1 a period of 15 minutes. 2 = sense 3 of n. quarter-light Brit. a window in the side of a motor vehicle, closed carriage, etc. other than the main door-window. quarter-line Rugby Football a space enclosed by a line across the ground 22 metres from the goal-line. quarter note esp. US Mus. a crotchet. quarter-plate 1 a photographic plate or film 8.3 x 10.8 cm. 2 a photograph reproduced from it. quarter sessions hist. (in the UK) a court of limited criminal and civil jurisdiction and of appeal, usu. held quarterly. quarter-tone Mus. half a semitone. [ME f. AF quarter, OF quartier f. L quartarius fourth part (of a measure) f. quartus fourth] quarterage n. 1 a quarterly payment. 2 a quarter's wages, allowance, pension, etc. quarterback n. a player in American football who directs attacking play. quarterdeck n. 1 part of a ship's upper deck near the stern, usu. reserved for officers. 2 the officers of a ship or the navy. quartering n. 1 (in pl.) the coats of arms marshalled on a shield to denote the alliances of a family with the heiresses of others. 2 the provision of quarters for soldiers. 3 the act or an instance of dividing, esp. into four equal parts. 4 timber sawn into lengths, used for high-quality floor-boards etc. quarterly adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 produced or occurring once every quarter of a year. 2 (of a shield) quartered. --adv. 1 once every quarter of a year. 2 in the four, or in two diagonally opposite, quarters of a shield. --n. (pl. -ies) a quarterly review or magazine. quartermaster n. 1 a regimental officer in charge of quartering, rations, etc. 2 a naval petty officer in charge of steering, signals, etc. ЬQuartermaster General the head of the army department in charge of quartering etc. quartermaster sergeant a sergeant assisting an army quartermaster. quartern n. Brit. archaic a quarter of a pint. Ьquartern loaf a four-pound loaf. [ME, = quarter f. AF quartrun, OF quart(e)ron f. QUART fourth or quartier QUARTER] quarterstaff n. hist. a stout pole 6-8 feet long, formerly used as a weapon. quartet n. (also quartette) 1 Mus. a a composition for four voices or instruments. b the performers of such a piece. 2 any group of four. [F quartette f. It. quartetto f. quarto fourth f. L quartus] quartic adj. & n. Math. --adj. involving the fourth and no higher power of an unknown quantity or variable. --n. a quartic equation. [L quartus fourth] quartile adj. & n. --adj. Astrol. relating to the aspect of two celestial bodies 90ш apart. --n. 1 a quartile aspect. 2 Statistics one of three values of a variable dividing a population into four equal groups as regards the value of that variable. [med.L quartilis f. L quartus fourth] quarto n. (pl. -os) Printing 1 the size given by folding a (usu. specified) sheet of paper twice. 2 a book consisting of sheets folded in this way. °Abbr.: 4to. Ьquarto paper paper folded in this way and cut into sheets. [L (in) quarto (in) the fourth (of a sheet), ablat. of quartus fourth] quartz n. a mineral form of silica that crystallizes as hexagonal prisms. Ьquartz clock a clock operated by vibrations of an electrically driven quartz crystal. quartz lamp a quartz tube containing mercury vapour and used as a light source. [G Quarz f. WSlav. kwardy] quartzite n. a metamorphic rock consisting mainly of quartz. quasar n. Astron. any of a class of starlike celestial objects having a spectrum with a large red-shift. [quasi-stellar] quash v.tr. 1 annul; reject as not valid, esp. by a legal procedure. 2 suppress; crush (a rebellion etc.). [ME f. OF quasser, casser annul f. LL cassare f. cassus null, void or f. L cassare frequent. of quatere shake] quasi adv. (introducing an exclamation) that is to say; as it were. [L, = as if, almost] quasi- comb. form 1 seemingly; apparently but not really (quasi-scientific). 2 being partly or almost (quasi-independent). [L quasi as if, almost] quassia n. 1 an evergreen tree, Quassia amara, native to S. America. 2 the wood, bark, or root of this tree, yielding a bitter medicinal tonic and insecticide. [G. Quassi, 18th-c. Surinam slave, who discovered its medicinal properties] quatercentenary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a four-hundredth anniversary. 2 a festival marking this. --adj. of this anniversary. [L quater four times + CENTENARY] quaternary adj. & n. --adj. 1 having four parts. 2 (Quaternary) Geol. of or relating to the most recent period in the Cenozoic era with evidence of many species of present-day plants and animals (cf. PLEISTOCENE, HOLOCENE). °Cf. Appendix II. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a set of four things. 2 (Quaternary) Geol. the Quaternary period or system. [ME f. L quaternarius f. quaterni distrib. of quattuor four] quaternion n. 1 a set of four. 2 Math. a complex number of the form w + xi + yj + zk, where w, x, y, z are real numbers and i, j, k are imaginary units that satisfy certain conditions. [ME f. LL quaternio -onis (as QUATERNARY)] quatorzain n. any fourteen-line poem; an irregular sonnet. [F quatorzaine f. quatorze fourteen f. L quattuordecim] quatorze n. a set of four aces, kings, queens, or jacks, in one hand at piquet, scoring fourteen. [F: see QUATORZAIN] quatrain n. a stanza of four lines, usu. with alternate rhymes. [F f. quatre four f. L quattuor] quatrefoil n. a four-pointed or four-leafed figure, esp. as an ornament in architectural tracery, resembling a flower or clover leaf. [ME f. AF f. quatre four: see FOIL(2)] quattrocento n. the style of Italian art of the 15th c. ЬЬquattrocentist n. [It., = 400 used with reference to the years 1400-99] quaver v. & n. --v. 1 intr. a (esp. of a voice or musical sound) vibrate, shake, tremble. b use trills or shakes in singing. 2 tr. a sing (a note or song) with quavering. b (often foll. by out) say in a trembling voice. --n. 1 Mus. a note having the time value of an eighth of a semibreve or half a crotchet and represented by a large dot with a hooked stem. Also called eighth note. 2 a trill in singing. 3 a tremble in speech. ЬЬquaveringly adv. [ME f. quave, perh. f. OE cwafian (unrecorded: cf. cwacian QUAKE)] quavery adj. (of a voice etc.) tremulous. ЬЬquaveriness n. quay n. a solid stationary artificial landing-place lying alongside or projecting into water for loading and unloading ships. ЬЬquayage n. [ME key(e), kay f. OF kay f. Gaulish caio f. OCelt.] quayside n. the land forming or near a quay. Que. abbr. Quebec. quean n. archaic an impudent or ill-behaved girl or woman. [OE cwene woman: cf. QUEEN] queasy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 a (of a person) feeling nausea. b (of a person's stomach) easily upset, weak of digestion. 2 (of the conscience etc.) overscrupulous, tender. ЬЬqueasily adv. queasiness n. [ME queysy, coisy perh. f. AF & OF, rel. to OF coisir hurt] Quechua n. (also Quichua) a S. American Indian language widely spoken in Peru and neighbouring countries. ЬЬQuechuan adj. [Sp. f. Quechua] queen n. & v. --n. 1 (as a title usu. Queen) a female sovereign etc., esp. the hereditary ruler of an independent State. 2 (in full queen consort) a king's wife. 3 a woman, country, or thing pre-eminent or supreme in a specified area or of its kind (tennis queen; the queen of roses). 4 the fertile female among ants, bees, etc. 5 the most powerful piece in chess. 6 a court card with a picture of a queen. 7 sl. a male homosexual, esp. an effeminate one. 8 a an honoured female, e.g. the Virgin Mary (Queen of Heaven). b an ancient goddess (Venus, Queen of love). 9 a belle or mock sovereign on some occasion (beauty queen; queen of the May). 10 a person's sweetheart, wife, or mistress. 11 (the Queen) (in the UK) the national anthem when there is a female sovereign. --v.tr. 1 make (a woman) queen. 2 Chess convert (a pawn) into a queen when it reaches the opponent's side of the board. ЬQueen-Anne in the style of English architecture, furniture, etc., in or about Queen Anne's time, the early 18th c. Queen Anne's lace cow-parsley. queen bee 1 the fertile female in a hive. 2 the chief or controlling woman in an organization or social group. queen-cake a small soft cake often with raisins etc. queen dowager the widow of a king. queen it play the queen. queen mother the dowager who is mother of the sovereign. queen of the meadows meadowsweet. queen of puddings a pudding made with bread, jam, and meringue. queen-post one of two upright timbers between the tie-beam and principal rafters of a roof-truss. Queen's bench see BENCH. queen's bishop, knight , etc. Chess (of pieces which exist in pairs) the piece starting on the queen's side of the board. Queen's bounty see BOUNTY. Queen's colour see COLOUR. Queen's Counsel see COUNSEL. the Queen's English see ENGLISH. Queen's evidence see EVIDENCE. Queen's Guide see GUIDE. Queen's highway see HIGHWAY. queen-size (or -sized) of an extra-large size, usu. smaller than king-size. Queen's Messenger see MESSENGER. queen's pawn Chess the pawn in front of the queen at the beginning of a game. Queen's Proctor see PROCTOR. Queen's Scout see SCOUT(1). Queen's speech see SPEECH. queen's-ware cream-coloured Wedgwood. ЬЬqueendom n. queenhood n. queenless adj. queenlike adj. queenship n. [OE cwen f. Gmc; cf. QUEAN] queenie n. sl. = QUEEN n. 7. queenly adj. (queenlier, queenliest) 1 fit for or appropriate to a queen. 2 majestic; queenlike. ЬЬqueenliness n. Queensberry Rules n.pl. the standard rules, esp. of boxing. [the 8th Marquis of Queensberry, Engl. nobleman d. 1900, who supervised the preparation of boxing laws in 1867] queer adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 strange; odd; eccentric. 2 shady; suspect; of questionable character. 3 a slightly ill; giddy; faint. b Brit. sl. drunk. 4 derog. sl. (esp. of a man) homosexual. --n. derog. sl. a homosexual. --v.tr. sl. spoil; put out of order. Ьin Queer Street sl. in a difficulty, in debt or trouble or disrepute. queer a person's pitch spoil a person's chances, esp. secretly or maliciously. ЬЬqueerish adj. queerly adv. queerness n. [perh. f. G quer oblique (as THWART)] quell v.tr. 1 a crush or put down (a rebellion etc.). b reduce (rebels etc.) to submission. 2 suppress (fear, anger, etc.). ЬЬqueller n. (also in comb.). [OE cwellan kill f. Gmc] quench v.tr. 1 satisfy (thirst) by drinking. 2 extinguish (a fire or light etc.). 3 cool, esp. with water (heat, a heated thing). 4 esp. Metallurgy cool (a hot substance) in cold water, air, oil, etc. 5 a stifle or suppress (desire etc.). b Physics & Electronics inhibit or prevent (oscillation, luminescence, etc.) by counteractive means. 6 sl. reduce (an opponent) to silence. ЬЬquenchable adj. quencher n. quenchless adj. [ME f. OE -cwencan causative f. -cwincan be extinguished] quenelle n. a seasoned ball or roll of pounded fish or meat. [F, of unkn. orig.] querist n. literary a person who asks questions; a questioner. [L quaerere ask] quern n. 1 a hand-mill for grinding corn. 2 a small hand-mill for pepper etc. Ьquern-stone a millstone. [OE cweorn(e) f. Gmc] querulous adj. complaining, peevish. ЬЬquerulously adj. querulousness n. [LL querulosus or L querulus f. queri complain] query n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a question, esp. expressing doubt or objection. 2 a question mark, or the word query spoken or written to question accuracy or as a mark of interrogation. --v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. (often foll. by whether, if, etc. + clause) ask or inquire. 2 tr. call (a thing) in question in speech or writing. 3 tr. dispute the accuracy of. 4 intr. put a question. [Anglicized form of quaere f. L quaerere ask, after INQUIRY] quest n. & v. --n. 1 a search or the act of seeking. 2 the thing sought, esp. the object of a medieval knight's pursuit. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by about) a (often foll. by for) go about in search of something. b (of a dog etc.) search about for game. 2 tr. poet. search for, seek out. Ьin quest of seeking. ЬЬquester n. questingly adv. [ME f. OF queste, quester ult. f. L quaerere quaest- seek] question n. & v. --n. 1 a sentence worded or expressed so as to seek information. 2 a doubt about or objection to a thing's truth, credibility, advisability, etc. (allowed it without question). b the raising of such doubt etc. 3 a matter to be discussed or decided or voted on. 4 a problem requiring an answer or solution. 5 (foll. by of) a matter or concern depending on conditions (it's a question of money). --v.tr. 1 ask questions of; interrogate. 2 subject (a person) to examination. 3 throw doubt upon; raise objections to. 4 seek information from the study of (phenomena, facts). Ьbe a question of time be certain to happen sooner or later. beyond all question undoubtedly. come into question be discussed; become of practical importance. in question that is being discussed or referred to (the person in question). is not the question is irrelevant. out of the question too impracticable etc. to be worth discussing; impossible. put the question require supporters and opponents of a proposal to record their votes, divide a meeting. question mark a punctuation mark (?) indicating a question. question-master Brit. a person who presides over a quiz game etc. question time Parl. a period during parliamentary proceedings when MPs may question ministers. ЬЬquestioner n. questioningly adv. questionless adj. [ME f. AF questiun, OF question, questionner f. L quaestio -onis f. quaerere quaest- seek] questionable adj. 1 doubtful as regards truth or quality. 2 not clearly in accordance with honesty, honour, wisdom, etc. ЬЬquestionability n. questionableness n. questionably adv. questionary n. (pl. -ies) = QUESTIONNAIRE. [med.L quaestionarium or F (as QUESTIONNAIRE)] questionnaire n. 1 a formulated series of questions, esp. for statistical study. 2 a document containing these. [F f. questionner QUESTION + -aire -ARY(1)] quetzal n. 1 any of various brilliantly coloured birds of the family Trogonidae, esp. the Central and S. American Pharomachrus mocinno, the male of which has long green tail coverts. 2 the chief monetary unit of Guatemala. [Sp. f. Aztec f. quetzalli the bird's tail-feather] queue n. & v. esp. Brit. --n. 1 a line or sequence of persons, vehicles, etc., awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed. 2 a pigtail or plait of hair. --v.intr. (queues, queued, queuing or queueing) (often foll. by up) (of persons etc.) form a queue; take one's place in a queue. Ьqueue-jump Brit. push forward out of turn in a queue. [F f. L cauda tail] quibble n. & v. --n. 1 a petty objection; a trivial point of criticism. 2 a play on words; a pun. 3 an evasion; an insubstantial argument which relies on an ambiguity etc. --v.intr. use quibbles. ЬЬquibbler n. quibbling adj. quibblingly adv. [dimin. of obs. quib prob. f. L quibus dative & ablat. pl. of qui who (familiar from use in legal documents)] quiche n. an open flan or tart with a savoury filling. [F] Quichua var. of QUECHUA. quick adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 taking only a short time (a quick worker). 2 arriving after a short time, prompt (quick action; quick results). 3 with only a short interval (in quick succession). 4 lively, intelligent. 5 acute, alert (has a quick ear). 6 (of a temper) easily roused. 7 archaic living, alive (the quick and the dead). --adv. 1 quickly, at a rapid rate. 2 (as int.) come, go, etc., quickly. --n. 1 the soft flesh below the nails, or the skin, or a sore. 2 the seat of feeling or emotion (cut to the quick). Ьbe quick act quickly. quick-fire 1 (of repartee etc.) rapid. 2 firing shots in quick succession. quick-freeze 1 freeze (food) rapidly so as to preserve its natural qualities. 2 this process. quick march Mil. 1 a march in quick time. 2 the command to begin this. quick one colloq. a drink taken quickly. quick step Mil. a step used in quick time (cf. QUICKSTEP). quick time Mil. marching at about 120 paces per minute. quick trick Bridge 1 a trick in the first two rounds of a suit. 2 the card that should win this. quick with child archaic at a stage of pregnancy when movements of the foetus have been felt. ЬЬquickly adv. quickness n. [OE cwic(u) alive f. Gmc] quicken v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become quicker; accelerate. 2 tr. give life or vigour to; rouse; animate; stimulate. 3 intr. a (of a woman) reach a stage in pregnancy when movements of the foetus can be felt. b (of a foetus) begin to show signs of life. 4 tr. archaic kindle; make (a fire) burn brighter. 5 intr. come to life. quickie n. colloq. 1 a thing done or made quickly or hastily. 2 a drink taken quickly. quicklime n. = LIME(1) n. 1. quicksand n. 1 loose wet sand that sucks in anything placed or falling into it. 2 a bed of this. quickset adj. & n. --adj. (of a hedge) formed of slips of plants, esp. hawthorn set in the ground to grow. --n. 1 such slips. 2 a hedge formed in this way. quicksilver n. & v. --n. 1 mercury. 2 mobility of temperament or mood. --v.tr. coat (a mirror-glass) with an amalgam of tin. quickstep n. & v. --n. a fast foxtrot (cf. quick step). --v.intr. (-stepped, -stepping) dance the quickstep. quickthorn n. a common hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna. quick-witted adj. quick to grasp a situation, make repartee, etc. ЬЬquick-wittedness n. quid(1) n. (pl. same) Brit. sl. one pound sterling. Ьnot the full quid Austral. sl. mentally deficient. quids in sl. in a position of profit. [prob. f. quid the nature of a thing f. L quid what, something] quid(2) n. a lump of tobacco for chewing. [dial. var. of CUD] quiddity n. (pl. -ies) 1 Philos. the essence of a person or thing; what makes a thing what it is. 2 a quibble; a trivial objection. [med.L quidditas f. L quid what] quidnunc n. archaic a newsmonger, a person given to gossip. [L quid what + nunc now] quid pro quo n. 1 a thing given as compensation. 2 return made (for a gift, favour, etc.). [L, = something for something] quiescent adj. 1 motionless, inert. 2 silent, dormant. ЬЬquiescence n. quiescency n. quiescently adv. [L quiescere f. quies QUIET] quiet adj., n., & v. --adj. (quieter, quietest) 1 with little or no sound or motion. 2 of gentle or peaceful disposition. 3 (of a colour, piece of clothing, etc.) unobtrusive; not showy. 4 not overt; private; disguised (quiet resentment). 5 undisturbed; uninterrupted; free or far from vigorous action (a quiet time for prayer). 6 informal; simple (just a quiet wedding). 7 enjoyed in quiet (a quiet smoke). 8 tranquil; not anxious or remorseful. --n. 1 silence; stillness. 2 an undisturbed state; tranquillity. 3 a state of being free from urgent tasks or agitation (it is very quiet at work). 4 a peaceful state of affairs (all quiet along the frontier). --v. 1 tr. sooth, make quiet. 2 intr. (often foll. by down) become quiet or calm. Ьbe quiet (esp. in imper.) cease talking etc. keep quiet 1 refrain from making a noise. 2 (often foll. by about) suppress or refrain from disclosing information etc. on the quiet unobtrusively; secretly. ЬЬquietly adv. quietness n. [ME f. AF quiete f. OF quiet(e), quiet‚ f. L quietus past part. of quiescere: see QUIESCENT] quieten v.tr. & intr. Brit. (often foll. by down) = QUIET v. quietism n. 1 a passive attitude towards life, with devotional contemplation and abandonment of the will, as a form of religious mysticism. 2 the principle of non-resistance. ЬЬquietist n. & adj. quietistic adj. [It. quietismo (as QUIET)] quietude n. a state of quiet. quietus n. 1 something which quiets or represses. 2 discharge or release from life; death, final riddance. [med.L quietus est he is quit (QUIET) used as a form of receipt] quiff n. Brit. 1 a man's tuft of hair, brushed upward over the forehead. 2 a curl plastered down on the forehead. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] quill n. & v. --n. 1 (in full quill-feather) a large feather in a wing or tail. 2 the hollow stem of this. 3 (in full quill pen) a pen made of a quill. 4 (usu. in pl.) the spines of a porcupine. 5 a musical pipe made of a hollow stem. --v.tr. form into cylindrical quill-like folds; goffer. Ьquill-coverts the feathers covering the base of quill-feathers. ЬЬquilling n. [ME prob. f. (M)LG quiele] quilt(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a bed-covering made of padding enclosed between layers of cloth etc. and kept in place by cross lines of stitching. 2 a bedspread of similar design (patchwork quilt). --v.tr. 1 cover or line with padded material. 2 make or join together (pieces of cloth with padding between) after the manner of a quilt. 3 sew up (a coin, letter, etc.) between two layers of a garment etc. 4 compile (a literary work) out of extracts or borrowed ideas. ЬЬquilter n. quilting n. [ME f. OF coilte, cuilte f. L culcita mattress, cushion] quilt(2) v.tr. Austral. sl. thrash; clout. [perh. f. QUILT(1)] quim n. coarse sl. the female genitals. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] quin n. esp. Brit. colloq. a quintuplet. [abbr.] quinacrine n. an anti-malarial drug derived from acridine. [quinine + acridine] quinary adj. 1 of the number five. 2 having five parts. [L quinarius f. quini distrib. of quinque five] quinate adj. Bot. (of a leaf) having five leaflets. [L quini (as QUINARY)] quince n. 1 a hard acid pear-shaped fruit used as a preserve or flavouring. 2 any shrub or small tree of the genus Cydonia, esp. C. oblonga, bearing this fruit. [ME, orig. collect. pl. of obs. quoyn, coyn, f. OF cooin f. L cotoneum var. of cydoneum (apple) of Cydonia in Crete] quincentenary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a five-hundredth anniversary. 2 a festival marking this. --adj. of this anniversary. ЬЬquincentennial adj. & n. [irreg. f. L quinque five + CENTENARY] quincunx n. 1 five objects set so that four are at the corners of a square or rectangle and the fifth is at its centre, e.g. the five on dice or cards. 2 this arrangement, esp. in planting trees. ЬЬquincuncial adj. quincuncially adv. [L, = five-twelfths f. quinque five, uncia twelfth] quinella n. a form of betting in which the better must select the first two place-winners in a race, not necessarily in the correct order. [Amer. Sp. quiniela] quinine n. 1 an alkaloid found esp. in cinchona bark. 2 a bitter drug containing this, used as a tonic and to reduce fever. [quina cinchona bark f. Sp. quina f. Quecha kina bark] quinol n. = HYDROQUINONE. quinoline n. Chem. an oily amine obtained from the distillation of coal tar or by synthesis and used in the preparation of drugs etc. quinone n. Chem. 1 a yellow crystalline derivative of benzene with the hydrogen atoms on opposite carbon atoms replaced by two of oxygen. 2 any in a class of similar compounds. quinquagenarian n. & adj. --n. a person from 50 to 59 years old. --adj. of or relating to this age. [L quinquagenarius f. quinquageni distrib. of quinquaginta fifty] Quinquagesima n. (in full Quinquagesima Sunday) the Sunday before the beginning of Lent. [med.L, fem. of L quinquagesimus fiftieth f. quinquaginta fifty, after QUADRAGESIMA] quinque- comb. form five. [L f. quinque five] quinquennial adj. 1 lasting five years. 2 recurring every five years. ЬЬquinquennially adv. [L quinquennis (as QUINQUENNIUM)] quinquennium n. (pl. quinquenniums or quinquennia) a period of five years. [L f. quinque five + annus year] quinquereme n. an ancient Roman galley with five files of oarsmen on each side. [L quinqueremis (as QUINQUE-, remus oar)] quinquevalent adj. having a valency of five. quinsy n. an inflammation of the throat, esp. an abscess in the region around the tonsils. ЬЬquinsied adj. [ME f. OF quinencie f. med.L quinancia f. Gk kunagkhe f. kun- dog + agkho throttle] quint n. 1 a sequence of five cards in the same suit in piquet etc. 2 US a quintuplet. Ьquint major a quint headed by an ace. [F quinte f. L quinta fem. of quintus fifth f. quinque five] quintain n. hist. 1 a post set up as a mark in tilting, and often provided with a sandbag to swing round and strike an unsuccessful tilter. 2 the medieval military exercise of tilting at such a mark. [ME f. OF quintaine perh. ult. f. L quintana camp market f. quintus (manipulus) fifth (maniple)] quintal n. 1 a weight of about 100 lb. 2 a hundredweight (112 lb.). 3 a weight of 100 kg. [ME f. OF quintal, med.L quintale f. Arab. kintar] quintan adj. (of a fever etc.) recurring every fifth day. [L quintana f. quintus fifth] quinte n. the fifth of eight parrying positions in fencing. [F: see QUINT] quintessence n. 1 the most essential part of any substance; a refined extract. 2 (usu. foll. by of) the purest and most perfect, or most typical, form, manifestation, or embodiment of some quality or class. 3 (in Ancient Philosophy) a fifth substance (beside the four elements) forming heavenly bodies and pervading all things. ЬЬquintessential adj. quintessentially adv. [ME (in sense 3) f. F f. med.L quinta essentia fifth ESSENCE] quintet n. (also quintette) 1 Mus. a a composition for five voices or instruments. b the performers of such a piece. 2 any group of five. [F quintette f. It. quintetto f. quinto fifth f. L quintus] quintillion n. (pl. same or quintillions) a thousand raised to the sixth (or formerly, esp. Brit., the tenth) power (10(18) and 10(30) respectively). ЬЬquintillionth adj. & n. [L quintus fifth + MILLION] quintuple adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 fivefold; consisting of five parts. 2 involving five parties. 3 (of time in music) having five beats in a bar. --n. a fivefold number or amount. --v.tr. & intr. multiply by five; increase fivefold. ЬЬquintuply adv. [F quintuple f. L quintus fifth, after QUADRUPLE] quintuplet n. 1 each of five children born at one birth. 2 a set of five things working together. 3 Mus. a group of five notes to be performed in the time of three or four. [QUINTUPLE, after QUADRUPLET, TRIPLET] quintuplicate adj. & v. --adj. 1 fivefold. 2 of which five copies are made. --v.tr. & intr. multiply by five. Ьin quintuplicate 1 in five identical copies. 2 in groups of five. [F quintuple f. L quintus fifth, after QUADRUPLICATE] quip n. & v. --n. 1 a clever saying; an epigram; a sarcastic remark etc. 2 a quibble; an equivocation. --v.intr. (quipped, quipping) make quips. ЬЬquipster n. [abbr. of obs. quippy perh. f. L quippe forsooth] quipu n. the ancient Peruvians' substitute for writing by variously knotting threads of various colours. [Quechua, = knot] quire n. 1 four sheets of paper etc. folded to form eight leaves, as often in medieval manuscripts. 2 any collection of leaves one within another in a manuscript or book. 3 25 (also 24) sheets of paper. Ьin quires unbound; in sheets. [ME f. OF qua(i)er ult. f. L quaterni set of four (as QUATERNARY)] quirk n. 1 a peculiarity of behaviour. 2 a trick of fate; a freak. 3 a flourish in writing. 4 (often attrib.) Archit. a hollow in a moulding. ЬЬquirkish adj. quirky adj. (quirkier, quirkiest). quirkily adv. quirkiness n. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] quirt n. & v. --n. a short-handled riding-whip with a braided leather lash. --v.tr. strike with this. [Sp. cuerda CORD] quisling n. 1 a person cooperating with an occupying enemy; a collaborator or fifth-columnist. 2 a traitor. ЬЬquislingite adj. & n. [V. Quisling, renegade Norwegian Army officer d. 1945] quit v. & adj. --v.tr. (quitting; past and past part. quitted or quit) 1 (also absol.) give up; let go; abandon (a task etc.). 2 US cease; stop (quit grumbling). 3 a leave or depart from (a place, person, etc.). b (absol.) (of a tenant) leave occupied premises ( esp. notice to quit). 4 (refl.) acquit; behave ( quit oneself well). --predic.adj. (foll. by of) rid (glad to be quit of the problem). Ьquit hold of loose. [ME f. OF quitte, quitter f. med.L quittus f. L quietus QUIET] quitch n. (in full quitch-grass) = COUCH(2). [OE cwice, perh. rel. to QUICK] quite adv. 1 completely; entirely; wholly; to the utmost extent; in the fullest sense. 2 somewhat; rather; to some extent. 3 (often foll. by so) said to indicate agreement. Ьquite another (or other) very different (that's quite another matter). quite a few colloq. a fairly large number of. quite something a remarkable thing. [ME f. obs. quite (adj.) = QUIT] quits predic.adj. on even terms by retaliation or repayment (then we'll be quits). Ьcall it (or cry) quits acknowledge that things are now even; agree not to proceed further in a quarrel etc. [perh. colloq. abbr. of med.L quittus: see QUIT] quittance n. archaic or poet. 1 (foll. by from) a release. 2 an acknowledgement of payment; a receipt. [ME f. OF quitance f. quiter QUIT] quitter n. 1 a person who gives up easily. 2 a shirker. quiver(1) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. tremble or vibrate with a slight rapid motion, esp.: a (usu. foll. by with) as the result of emotion (quiver with anger). b (usu. foll. by in) as the result of air currents etc. (quiver in the breeze). 2 tr. (of a bird, esp. a skylark) make (its wings) quiver. --n. a quivering motion or sound. ЬЬquiveringly adv. quivery adj. [ME f. obs. quiver nimble: cf. QUAVER] quiver(2) n. a case for holding arrows. Ьhave an arrow (or shaft) left in one's quiver not be resourceless. [ME f. OF quivre f. WG (cf. OE cocor)] quiverful n. (pl. -fuls) 1 as much as a quiver can hold. 2 many children of one parent (Ps. 127:5). [QUIVER(2)] qui vive n. Ьon the qui vive on the alert; watching for something to happen. [F, = lit. '(long) live who?', i.e. on whose side are you?, as a sentry's challenge] quixotic adj. 1 extravagantly and romantically chivalrous; regardless of material interests in comparison with honour or devotion. 2 visionary; pursuing lofty but unattainable ideals. ЬЬquixotically adv. quixotism n. quixotry n. [Don Quixote, hero of Cervantes' romance f. Sp. quixote thigh armour] quiz(1) n. & v. --n. (pl. quizzes) 1 a test of knowledge, esp. between individuals or teams as a form of entertainment. 2 an interrogation, examination, or questionnaire. --v.tr. (quizzed, quizzing) examine by questioning. Ьquiz-master a person who presides over a quiz. [19th-c. dial.: orig. unkn.] quiz(2) v. & n. archaic --v.tr. (quizzed, quizzing) 1 look curiously at; observe the ways or oddities of; survey through an eyeglass. 2 make sport of; regard with a mocking air. --n. (pl. quizzes) 1 a hoax, a thing done to burlesque or expose another's oddities. 2 a an odd or eccentric person; a person of ridiculous appearance. b a person given to quizzing. ЬЬquizzer n. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] quizzical adj. 1 expressing or done with mild or amused perplexity. 2 strange; comical. ЬЬquizzicality n. quizzically adv. quizzicalness n. quod n. Brit. sl. prison. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] quod erat demonstrandum (esp. at the conclusion of a proof etc.) which was the thing to be proved. °Abbr.: QED. [L] quodlibet n. 1 hist. a a topic for philosophical or theological discussion. b an exercise on this. 2 a light-hearted medley of well-known tunes. ЬЬquodlibetarian n. quodlibetical adj. quodlibetically adv. [ME f. L f. quod what + libet it pleases one] quod vide which see (in cross-references etc.). °Abbr.: q.v. [L] quoin n. & v. --n. 1 an external angle of a building. 2 a stone or brick forming an angle; a cornerstone. 3 a wedge used for locking type in a forme. 4 a wedge for raising the level of a gun, keeping the barrel from rolling, etc. --v.tr. secure or raise with quoins. ЬЬquoining n. [var. of COIN] quoit n. & v. --n. 1 a heavy flattish sharp-edged iron ring thrown to encircle an iron peg or to land as near as possible to the peg. 2 (in pl.) a game consisting of aiming and throwing these. 3 a ring of rope, rubber, etc. for use in a similar game. 4 a the flat stone of a dolmen. b the dolmen itself. --v.tr. fling like a quoit. [ME: orig. unkn.] quokka n. a small Australian short-tailed wallaby, Setonix brachyurus. [Aboriginal name] quondam predic.adj. that once was; sometime; former. [L (adv.), = formerly] Quonset n. US propr. a prefabricated metal building with a semicylindrical corrugated roof. [Quonset Point, Rhode Island, where it was first made] quorate adj. Brit. (of a meeting) attended by a quorum. [QUORUM] quorum n. the fixed minimum number of members that must be present to make the proceedings of an assembly or society valid. [L, = of whom (we wish that you be two, three, etc.), in the wording of commissions] quota n. 1 the share that an individual person or company is bound to contribute to or entitled to receive from a total. 2 a quantity of goods etc. which under official controls must be manufactured, exported, imported, etc. 3 the number of yearly immigrants allowed to enter a country, students allowed to enrol for a course, etc. [med.L quota (pars) how great (a part), fem. of quotus f. quot how many] quotable adj. worth, or suitable for, quoting. ЬЬquotability n. quotation n. 1 the act or an instance of quoting or being quoted. 2 a passage or remark quoted. 3 Mus. a short passage or tune taken from one piece of music to another. 4 Stock Exch. an amount stated as the current price of stocks or commodities. 5 a contractor's estimate. Ьquotation mark each of a set of punctuation marks, single (' ') or double (" "), used to mark the beginning and end of a quoted passage, a book title, etc., or words regarded as slang or jargon. [med.L quotatio (as QUOTE)] quote v. & n. --v.tr. 1 cite or appeal to (an author, book, etc.) in confirmation of some view. 2 repeat a statement by (another person) or copy out a passage from (don't quote me). 3 (often absol.) a repeat or copy out (a passage) usu. with an indication that it is borrowed. b (foll. by from) cite (an author, book, etc.). 4 (foll. by as) cite (an author etc.) as proof, evidence, etc. 5 a enclose (words) in quotation marks. b (as int.) (in dictation, reading aloud, etc.) indicate the presence of opening quotation marks (he said, quote, 'I shall stay'). 6 (often foll. by at) state the price of (a commodity, bet, etc.) (quoted at 200 to 1). 7 Stock Exch. regularly list the price of. --n. colloq. 1 a passage quoted. 2 a price quoted. 3 (usu. in pl.) quotation marks. [ME, earlier 'mark with numbers', f. med.L quotare f. quot how many, or as QUOTA] quoth v.tr. (only in 1st and 3rd person) archaic said. [OE cw‘th past of cwethan say f. Gmc] quotidian adj. & n. --adj. 1 daily, of every day. 2 commonplace, trivial. --n. (in full quotidian fever) a fever recurring every day. [ME f. OF cotidien & L cotidianus f. cotidie daily] quotient n. a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another. [ME f. L quotiens how many times f. quot how many, by confusion with -ENT] Qur'an var. of KORAN. 16.0 q.v. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- q.v. abbr. quod vide. 17.0 qwerty =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- qwerty attrib.adj. denoting the standard keyboard on English-language typewriters, word processors, etc., with q, w, e, r, t, and y as the first keys on the top row of letters. 18.0 qy. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- qy. abbr. query. Яндекс.Реклама: Ìèð Ïàðêåòà. Ëàìèíàò Quick Step ñâîé âûáîð. |