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English language - Dictionaries P...Oxford English ReferenceBritish Library Cataloguing Data The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed. 1. English language--Dictionaries I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423 ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain 1.0 P... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- P(1) n. (also p) (pl. Ps or P's) the sixteenth letter of the alphabet. P(2) abbr. (also P.) 1 (on road signs) parking. 2 Chess pawn. 3 Physics poise (unit). 4 proprietary. P(3) symb. Chem. the element phosphorus. p abbr. (also p.) 1 Brit. penny, pence. 2 page. 3 pico-. 4 piano (softly). 2.0 PA... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PA abbr. 1 personal assistant. 2 public address (esp. PA system). 3 Press Association. 4 US Pennsylvania (in official postal use). Pa symb. Chem. the element protactinium. pa n. colloq. father. [abbr. of PAPA] p.a. abbr. per annum. pabulum n. food, esp. for the mind (mental pabulum). [L f. pascere feed] PABX abbr. Brit. private automatic branch exchange. paca n. any tailless rodent of the genus Cuniculus, esp. the spotted cavy of S. and Central America. [Sp. & Port., f. Tupi] pace(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a single step in walking or running. b the distance covered in this (about 75 cm or 30 in.). c the distance between two successive stationary positions of the same foot in walking. 2 speed in walking or running. 3 Theatr. & Mus. speed or tempo in theatrical or musical performance (played with great pace). 4 a rate of progression. 5 a a manner of walking or running; a gait. b any of various gaits, esp. of a trained horse etc. (rode at an ambling pace). --v. 1 intr. a walk (esp. repeatedly or methodically) with a slow or regular pace (pacing up and down). b (of a horse) = AMBLE. 2 tr. traverse by pacing. 3 tr. set the pace for (a rider, runner, etc.). 4 tr. (foll. by out) measure (a distance) by pacing. Ьkeep pace (often foll. by with) advance at an equal rate (as). pace bowler Cricket a bowler who delivers the ball at high speed without spin. pace-setter 1 a leader. 2 = PACEMAKER 1. put a person through his (or her) paces test a person's qualities in action etc. set the pace determine the speed, esp. by leading. stand (or stay) the pace be able to keep up with others. ЬЬ-paced adj. pacer n. [ME f. OF pas f. L passus f. pandere pass- stretch] pace(2) prep. (in stating a contrary opinion) with due deference to (the person named). [L, ablat. of pax peace] pacemaker n. 1 a competitor who sets the pace in a race. 2 a natural or artificial device for stimulating the heart muscle and determining the rate of its contractions. pacha var. of PASHA. pachinko n. a Japanese form of pinball. [Jap.] pachisi n. a four-handed Indian board-game with six cowries used like dice. [Hindi, = of 25 (the highest throw)] pachyderm n. any thick-skinned mammal, esp. an elephant or rhinoceros. ЬЬpachydermatous adj. [F pachyderme f. Gk pakhudermos f. pakhus thick + derma -matos skin] pacific adj. & n. --adj. 1 characterized by or tending to peace; tranquil. 2 (Pacific) of or adjoining the Pacific. --n. (the Pacific) the generally placid expanse of ocean between America to the east and Asia to the west. ЬPacific Time the standard time used in the Pacific region of Canada and the US. ЬЬpacifically adv. [F pacifique or L pacificus f. pax pacis peace] pacification n. the act of pacifying or the process of being pacified. ЬЬpacificatory adj. [F f. L pacificatio -onis (as PACIFY)] pacifier n. 1 a person or thing that pacifies. 2 US a baby's dummy. pacifism n. the belief that war and violence are morally unjustified and that all disputes can be settled by peaceful means. ЬЬpacifist n. & adj. [F pacifisme f. pacifier PACIFY] pacify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 appease (a person, anger, etc.). 2 bring (a country etc.) to a state of peace. [ME f. OF pacifier or L pacificare (as PACIFIC)] pack(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a collection of things wrapped up or tied together for carrying. b = BACKPACK. 2 a set of items packaged for use or disposal together. 3 usu. derog. a lot or set (of similar things or persons) (a pack of lies; a pack of thieves). 4 Brit. a set of playing cards. 5 a a group of hounds esp. for foxhunting. b a group of wild animals, esp. wolves, hunting together. 6 an organized group of Cub Scouts or Brownies. 7 Rugby Football a team's forwards. 8 a a medicinal or cosmetic substance applied to the skin; = face-pack. b a hot or cold pad of absorbent material for treating a wound etc. 9 = pack ice. 10 a quantity of fish, fruit, etc., packed in a season etc. 11 Med. a the wrapping of a body or part of a body in a wet sheet etc. b a sheet etc. used for this. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up) a fill (a suitcase, bag, etc.) with clothes and other items. b put (things) together in a bag or suitcase, esp. for travelling. 2 intr. & tr. come or put closely together; crowd or cram (packed a lot into a few hours; passengers packed like sardines). 3 tr. (in passive; often foll. by with) be filled (with); contain extensively (the restaurant was packed; the book is packed with information). 4 tr. fill (a hall, theatre, etc.) with an audience etc. 5 tr. cover (a thing) with something pressed tightly round. 6 intr. be suitable for packing. 7 tr. colloq. a carry (a gun etc.). b be capable of delivering (a punch) with skill or force. 8 intr. (of animals or Rugby forwards) form a pack. Ьpack-animal an animal for carrying packs. pack-drill a military punishment of marching up and down carrying full equipment. packed lunch a lunch carried in a bag, box, etc., esp. to work, school, etc. packed out colloq. full, crowded. pack ice an area of large crowded pieces of floating ice in the sea. pack it in (or up) colloq. end or stop it. pack off send (a person) away, esp. abruptly or promptly. pack-rat US a large hoarding rodent. pack-saddle a saddle adapted for supporting packs. pack up colloq. 1 (esp. of a machine) stop functioning; break down. 2 retire from an activity, contest, etc. send packing colloq. dismiss (a person) summarily. ЬЬpackable adj. [ME f. MDu., MLG pak, pakken, of unkn. orig.] pack(2) v.tr. select (a jury etc.) or fill (a meeting) so as to secure a decision in one's favour. [prob. f. obs. verb pact f. PACT] package n. & v. --n. 1 a a bundle of things packed. b a parcel, box, etc., in which things are packed. 2 (in full package deal) a set of proposals or items offered or agreed to as a whole. 3 Computing a piece of software suitable for various applications rather than one which is custom-built. 4 colloq. = package holiday. --v.tr. make up into or enclose in a package. Ьpackage holiday (or tour etc.) a holiday or tour etc. with all arrangements made at an inclusive price. ЬЬpackager n. [PACK(1) + -AGE] packaging n. 1 a wrapping or container for goods. 2 the process of packing goods. packer n. a person or thing that packs, esp. a dealer who prepares and packs food for transportation and sale. packet n. 1 a small package. 2 colloq. a large sum of money won, lost, or spent. 3 (in full packet-boat) hist. a mail-boat or passenger ship. [PACK(1) + -ET(1)] packhorse n. a horse for carrying loads. packing n. 1 the act or process of packing. 2 material used as padding to pack esp. fragile articles. 3 material used to seal a join or assist in lubricating an axle. Ьpacking-case a case (usu. wooden) or framework for packing goods in. packthread n. stout thread for sewing or tying up packs. pact n. an agreement or a treaty. [ME f. OF pact(e) f. L pactum, neut. past part. of pacisci agree] pad(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of soft material used to reduce friction or jarring, fill out hollows, hold or absorb liquid, etc. 2 a number of sheets of blank paper fastened together at one edge, for writing or drawing on. 3 = ink-pad. 4 the fleshy underpart of an animal's foot or of a human finger. 5 a guard for the leg and ankle in sports. 6 a flat surface for helicopter take-off or rocket-launching. 7 colloq. a lodging, esp. a bedsitter or flat. 8 the floating leaf of a water lily. --v.tr. (padded, padding) 1 provide with a pad or padding; stuff. 2 (foll. by out) lengthen or fill out (a book etc.) with unnecessary material. Ьpadded cell a room with padded walls in a mental hospital. [prob. of LG or Du. orig.] pad(2) v. & n. --v. (padded, padding) 1 intr. walk with a soft dull steady step. 2 a tr. tramp along (a road etc.) on foot. b intr. travel on foot. --n. the sound of soft steady steps. [LG padden tread, pad PATH] padding n. soft material used to pad or stuff with. paddle(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a short broad-bladed oar used without a rowlock. 2 a paddle-shaped instrument. 3 Zool. a fin or flipper. 4 each of the boards fitted round the circumference of a paddle-wheel or mill-wheel. 5 the action or a spell of paddling. --v. 1 intr. & tr. move on water or propel a boat by means of paddles. 2 intr. & tr. row gently. 3 tr. esp. US colloq. spank. Ьpaddle-boat (or -steamer etc.) a boat, steamer, etc., propelled by a paddle-wheel. paddle-wheel a wheel for propelling a ship, with boards round the circumference so as to press backwards against the water. ЬЬpaddler n. [15th c.: orig. unkn.] paddle(2) v. & n. --v.intr. walk barefoot or dabble the feet or hands in shallow water. --n. the action or a spell of paddling. ЬЬpaddler n. [prob. of LG or Du. orig.: cf. LG paddeln tramp about] paddock n. 1 a small field, esp. for keeping horses in. 2 a turf enclosure adjoining a racecourse where horses or cars are assembled before a race. 3 Austral. & NZ a field; a plot of land. [app. var. of (now dial.) parrock (OE pearruc): see PARK] Paddy n. (pl. -ies) colloq. often offens. an Irishman. [pet-form of the Irish name Padraig (= Patrick)] paddy(1) n. (pl. -ies) 1 (in full paddy-field) a field where rice is grown. 2 rice before threshing or in the husk. [Malay padi] paddy(2) n. (pl. -ies) Brit. colloq. a rage; a fit of temper. [PADDY] pademelon n. any small wallaby of the genus Thylogale, inhabiting the coastal scrub of Australia. [corrupt. of an Aboriginal name] padlock n. & v. --n. a detachable lock hanging by a pivoted hook on the object fastened. --v.tr. secure with a padlock. [ME f. LOCK(1): first element unexpl.] padouk n. 1 any timber tree of the genus Pterocarpus, esp. P. indicus. 2 the wood of this tree, resembling rosewood. [Burmese] padre n. a chaplain in any of the armed services. [It., Sp., & Port., = father, priest, f. L pater patris father] padsaw n. a saw with a narrow blade, for cutting curves. paean n. (US pean) a song of praise or triumph. [L f. Doric Gk paian hymn of thanksgiving to Apollo (under the name of Paian)] paederast var. of PEDERAST. paederasty var. of PEDERASTY. paediatrics n.pl. (treated as sing.) (US pediatrics) the branch of medicine dealing with children and their diseases. ЬЬpaediatric adj. paediatrician n. [PAEDO- + Gk iatros physician] paedo- comb. form (US pedo-) child. [Gk pais paid- child] paedophile n. (US pedophile) a person who displays paedophilia. paedophilia n. (US pedophilia) sexual desire directed towards children. paella n. a Spanish dish of rice, saffron, chicken, seafood, etc., cooked and served in a large shallow pan. [Catalan f. OF paele f. L patella pan] paeon n. a metrical foot of one long syllable and three short syllables in any order. ЬЬpaeonic adj. [L f. Gk paion, the Attic form of paian PAEAN] paeony var. of PEONY. pagan n. & adj. --n. a person not subscribing to any of the main religions of the world, esp. formerly regarded by Christians as unenlightened or heathen. --adj. 1 a of or relating to or associated with pagans. b irreligious. 2 identifying divinity or spirituality in nature; pantheistic. ЬЬpaganish adj. paganism n. paganize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). [ME f. L paganus villager, rustic f. pagus country district: in Christian L = civilian, heathen] page(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a leaf of a book, periodical, etc. b each side of this. c what is written or printed on this. 2 a an episode that might fill a page in written history etc.; a record. b a memorable event. --v.tr. paginate. [F f. L pagina f. pangere fasten] page(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a boy or man, usu. in livery, employed to run errands, attend to a door, etc. 2 a boy employed as a personal attendant of a person of rank, a bride, etc. 3 hist. a boy in training for knighthood and attached to a knight's service. --v.tr. 1 (in hotels, airports, etc.) summon by making an announcement or by sending a messenger. 2 summon by means of a pager. Ьpage-boy 1 = PAGE(2) n. 2. 2 a woman's hairstyle with the hair reaching to the shoulder and rolled under at the ends. [ME f. OF, perh. f. It. paggio f. Gk paidion, dimin. of pais paidos boy] pageant n. 1 a a brilliant spectacle, esp. an elaborate parade. b a spectacular procession, or play performed in the open, illustrating historical events. c a tableau etc. on a fixed stage or moving vehicle. 2 an empty or specious show. [ME pagyn, of unkn. orig.] pageantry n. (pl. -ies) 1 elaborate or sumptuous show or display. 2 an instance of this. pager n. a radio device with a bleeper, activated from a central point to alert the person wearing it. paginal adj. 1 of pages (of books etc.). 2 corresponding page for page. ЬЬpaginary adj. [LL paginalis (as PAGE(1))] paginate v.tr. assign numbers to the pages of a book etc. ЬЬpagination n. [F paginer f. L pagina PAGE(1)] pagoda n. 1 a Hindu or Buddhist temple or sacred building, esp. a many-tiered tower, in India and the Far East. 2 an ornamental imitation of this. Ьpagoda-tree any of various trees, esp. Sophora japonica, resembling a pagoda in shape. [Port. pagode, prob. ult. f. Pers. butkada idol temple] pah int. expressing disgust or contempt. [natural utterance] Pahlavi n. (also Pehlevi) the writing system of Persia from the 2nd c. BC to the advent of Islam in the 7th c. AD. [Pers. pahlawi f. pahlav f. parthava Parthia] paid past and past part. of PAY(1). pail n. 1 a bucket. 2 an amount contained in this. ЬЬpailful n. (pl. -fuls). [OE p‘gel gill (cf. MDu. pegel gauge), assoc. with OF paelle: see PAELLA] paillasse var. of PALLIASSE. paillette n. 1 a piece of bright metal used in enamel painting. 2 a spangle. [F, dimin. of paille f. L palea straw, chaff] pain n. & v. --n. 1 a the range of unpleasant bodily sensations produced by illness or by harmful physical contact etc. b a particular kind or instance of this (often in pl.: suffering from stomach pains). 2 mental suffering or distress. 3 (in pl.) careful effort; trouble taken (take pains; got nothing for my pains). 4 (also pain in the neck) colloq. a troublesome person or thing; a nuisance. --v.tr. 1 cause pain to. 2 (as pained adj.) expressing pain (a pained expression). Ьin pain suffering pain. on (or under) pain of with (death etc.) as the penalty. [ME f. OF peine f. L poena penalty] painful adj. 1 causing bodily or mental pain or distress. 2 (esp. of part of the body) suffering pain. 3 causing trouble or difficulty; laborious (a painful climb). ЬЬpainfully adv. painfulness n. painkiller n. a medicine or drug for alleviating pain. ЬЬpainkilling adj. painless adj. not causing or suffering pain. ЬЬpainlessly adv. painlessness n. painstaking adj. careful, industrious, thorough. ЬЬpainstakingly adv. painstakingness n. paint n. & v. --n. 1 a colouring matter, esp. in liquid form for imparting colour to a surface. b this as a dried film or coating (the paint peeled off). 2 joc. or archaic cosmetic make-up, esp. rouge or nail varnish. --v.tr. 1 a cover the surface of (a wall, object, etc.) with paint. b apply paint of a specified colour to (paint the door green). 2 depict (an object, scene, etc.) with paint; produce (a picture) by painting. 3 describe vividly as if by painting (painted a gloomy picture of the future). 4 joc. or archaic a apply liquid or cosmetic to (the face, skin, etc.). b apply (a liquid to the skin etc.). Ьpainted lady an orange-red butterfly, esp. Cynthia cardui, with black and white spots. paint out efface with paint. paint shop the part of a factory where goods are painted, esp. by spraying. paint-stick a stick of water-soluble paint used like a crayon. paint the town red colloq. enjoy oneself flamboyantly. ЬЬpaintable adj. [ME f. peint past part. of OF peindre f. L pingere pict- paint] paintbox n. a box holding dry paints for painting pictures. paintbrush n. a brush for applying paint. painter(1) n. a person who paints, esp. an artist or decorator. [ME f. OF peintour ult. f. L pictor (as PAINT)] painter(2) n. a rope attached to the bow of a boat for tying it to a quay etc. [ME, prob. f. OF penteur rope from a masthead: cf. G Pentertakel f. pentern fish the anchor] painterly adj. 1 a using paint well; artistic. b characteristic of a painter or paintings. 2 (of a painting) lacking clearly defined outlines. painting n. 1 the process or art of using paint. 2 a painted picture. paintwork n. 1 a painted surface or area in a building etc. 2 the work of painting. painty adj. (paintier, paintiest) 1 of or covered in paint. 2 (of a picture etc.) overcharged with paint. pair n. & v. --n. 1 a set of two persons or things used together or regarded as a unit (a pair of gloves; a pair of eyes). 2 an article (e.g. scissors, trousers, or pyjamas) consisting of two joined or corresponding parts not used separately. 3 a an engaged or married couple. b a mated couple of animals. 4 two horses harnessed side by side (a coach and pair). 5 the second member of a pair in relation to the first (cannot find its pair). 6 two playing cards of the same denomination. 7 Parl. either or both of two MPs etc. on opposite sides absenting themselves from voting by mutual arrangement. --v.tr. & intr. 1 (often foll. by off) arrange or be arranged in couples. 2 a join or be joined in marriage. b (of animals) mate. 3 Parl. form a pair. Ьin pairs in twos. pair production Physics the conversion of a radiation quantum into an electron and a positron. pair royal a set of three cards of the same denomination. [ME f. OF paire f. L paria neut. pl. of par equal] paisa n. (pl. paise) a coin and monetary unit of India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh, equal to one-hundredth of a rupee or taka. [Hindi] Paisley n. (often attrib.) 1 a distinctive detailed pattern of curved feather-shaped figures. 2 a soft woollen garment having this pattern. [Paisley in Scotland] pajamas US var. of PYJAMAS. pakeha n. NZ a White person as opposed to a Maori. [Maori] Paki n. (pl. Pakis) Brit. sl. offens. a Pakistani, esp. an immigrant in Britain. [abbr.] Pakistani n. & adj. --n. 1 a native or national of Pakistan. 2 a person of Pakistani descent. --adj. of or relating to Pakistan. [Hindu] pakora n. a piece of cauliflower, carrot, or other vegetable, coated in seasoned batter and deep-fried. [Hind.] pal n. & v. --n. colloq. a friend, mate, or comrade. --v.intr. (palled, palling) (usu. foll. by up) associate; form a friendship. [Romany = brother, mate, ult. f. Skr. bhratr BROTHER] palace n. 1 the official residence of a sovereign, president, archbishop, or bishop. 2 a splendid mansion; a spacious building. Ьpalace revolution (or coup) the (usu. non-violent) overthrow of a sovereign, government, etc. at the hands of senior officials. [ME f. OF palais f. L Palatium Palatine (hill) in Rome where the house of the emperor was situated] paladin n. hist. 1 any of the twelve peers of Charlemagne's court, of whom the Count Palatine was the chief. 2 a knight errant; a champion. [F paladin f. It. paladino f. L palatinus: see PALATINE(1)] Palaearctic adj. Zool. of the Arctic and temperate parts of the old world. [PALAEO- + ARCTIC] palaeo- comb. form (US paleo-) ancient, old; of ancient (esp. prehistoric) times. [Gk palaios ancient] palaeobotany n. the study of fossil plants. Palaeocene adj. & n. (US Paleocene) Geol. --adj. of or relating to the earliest epoch of the Tertiary period with evidence of the emergence and development of mammals. --n. this epoch or system. °Cf. Appendix II. [PALAEO- + Gk kainos new] palaeoclimatology n. (US paleoclimatology) the study of the climate in geologically past times. palaeogeography n. (US paleogeography) the study of the geographical features at periods in the geological past. palaeography n. (US paleography) the study of writing and documents from the past. ЬЬpalaeographer n. palaeographic adj. palaeographical adj. palaeographically adv. [F pal‚ographie f. mod.L palaeographia (as PALAEO-, -GRAPHY)] palaeolithic adj. (US paleolithic) Archaeol. of or relating to the early part of the Stone Age. [PALAEO- + Gk lithos stone] palaeomagnetism n. (US paleomagnetism) the study of the magnetism remaining in rocks. palaeontology n. (US paleontology) the study of life in the geological past. ЬЬpalaeontological adj. palaeontologist n. [PALAEO- + Gk onta neut. pl. of on being, part. of eimi be + -LOGY] Palaeozoic adj. & n. (also Paleozoic) Geol. --adj. of or relating to an era of geological time marked by the appearance of marine and terrestrial plants and animals, esp. invertebrates. °Cf. Appendix II. --n. this era (cf. CENOZOIC, MESOZOIC). [PALAEO- + Gk zoe life, zoos living] palaestra n. (also palestra) Gk & Rom. Antiq. a wrestling-school or gymnasium. [ME f. L palaestra f. Gk palaistra f. palaio wrestle] palais n. colloq. a public hall for dancing. [F palais (de danse) (dancing) hall] palanquin n. (also palankeen) (in India and the East) a covered litter for one passenger. [Port. palanquim: cf. Hindi palki f. Skr. palyanka bed, couch] palatable adj. 1 pleasant to taste. 2 (of an idea, suggestion, etc.) acceptable, satisfactory. ЬЬpalatability n. palatableness n. palatably adv. palatal adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the palate. 2 (of a sound) made by placing the surface of the tongue against the hard palate (e.g. y in yes). --n. a palatal sound. ЬЬpalatalize v.tr. (also -ise). palatalization n. palatally adv. [F (as PALATE)] palate n. 1 a structure closing the upper part of the mouth cavity in vertebrates. 2 the sense of taste. 3 a mental taste or inclination; liking. [ME f. L palatum] palatial adj. (of a building) like a palace, esp. spacious and splendid. ЬЬpalatially adv. [L (as PALACE)] palatinate n. territory under the jurisdiction of a Count Palatine. palatine(1) adj. (also Palatine) hist. 1 (of an official or feudal lord) having local authority that elsewhere belongs only to a sovereign (Count Palatine). 2 (of a territory) subject to this authority. [ME f. F palatin -ine f. L palatinus of the PALACE] palatine(2) adj. & n. --adj. of or connected with the palate. --n. (in full palatine bone) each of two bones forming the hard palate. [F palatin -ine (as PALATE)] palaver n. & v. --n. 1 fuss and bother, esp. prolonged and tedious. 2 profuse or idle talk. 3 cajolery. 4 colloq. an affair or business. 5 esp. hist. a parley between African or other natives and traders. --v. 1 intr. talk profusely. 2 tr. flatter, wheedle. [Port. palavra word f. L (as PARABLE)] pale(1) adj. & v. --adj. 1 (of a person or complexion) of a whitish or ashen appearance. 2 a (of a colour) faint; not dark or deep. b faintly coloured. 3 of faint lustre; dim. --v. 1 intr. & tr. grow or make pale. 2 intr. (often foll. by before, beside) become feeble in comparison (with). ЬЬpalely adv. paleness n. palish adj. [ME f. OF pale, palir f. L pallidus f. pallere be pale] pale(2) n. 1 a pointed piece of wood for fencing etc.; a stake. 2 a boundary or enclosed area. 3 Heraldry a vertical stripe in the middle of a shield. Ьbeyond the pale outside the bounds of acceptable behaviour. in pale Heraldry arranged vertically. [ME f. OF pal f. L palus stake] palea n. (pl. paleae) Bot. a chafflike bract, esp. in a flower of grasses. [L, = chaff] paled adj. having palings. paleface n. a name supposedly used by the N. American Indians for the White man. paleo- comb. form US var. of PALAEO-. Paleocene US var. of PALAEOCENE. Paleozoic US var. of PALAEOZOIC. Palestinian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Palestine, a region (in ancient and modern times) and former mandated territory on the E. Mediterranean coast. --n. 1 a native of Palestine in ancient or modern times. 2 an Arab, or a descendant of one, born or living in the area formerly called Palestine. palestra var. of PALAESTRA. palette n. 1 a thin board or slab or other surface, usu. with a hole for the thumb, on which an artist lays and mixes colours. 2 the range of colours used by an artist. Ьpalette-knife 1 a thin steel blade with a handle for mixing colours or applying or removing paint. 2 a kitchen knife with a long blunt round-ended flexible blade. [F, dimin. of pale shovel f. L pala spade] palfrey n. (pl. -eys) archaic a horse for ordinary riding, esp. for women. [ME f. OF palefrei f. med.L palefredus, LL paraveredus f. Gk para beside, extra, + L veredus light horse, of Gaulish orig.] Pali n. an Indic language used in the canonical books of Buddhists. [Skr. pali-bhasa f. pali canon + bhasa language] palimony n. esp. US colloq. an allowance made by one member of an unmarried couple to the other after separation. [PAL + ALIMONY] palimpsest n. 1 a piece of writing-material or manuscript on which the original writing has been effaced to make room for other writing. 2 a monumental brass turned and re-engraved on the reverse side. [L palimpsestus f. Gk palimpsestos f. palin again + psestos rubbed smooth] palindrome n. a word or phrase that reads the same backwards as forwards (e.g. rotator, nurses run). ЬЬpalindromic adj. palindromist n. [Gk palindromos running back again f. palin again + drom- run] paling n. 1 a fence of pales. 2 a pale. palingenesis n. Biol. the exact reproduction of ancestral characteristics in ontogenesis. ЬЬpalingenetic adj. [Gk palin again + genesis birth, GENESIS] palinode n. 1 a poem in which the writer retracts a view or sentiment expressed in a former poem. 2 a recantation. [F palinode or LL palinodia f. Gk palinoidia f. palin again + oide song] palisade n. & v. --n. 1 a a fence of pales or iron railings. b a strong pointed wooden stake used in a close row for defence. 2 US (in pl.) a line of high cliffs. --v.tr. enclose or provide with a palisade. Ьpalisade layer Bot. a layer of elongated cells below the epidermis. [F palissade f. Prov. palissada f. palissa paling ult. f. L palus stake] pall(1) n. 1 a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb. 2 a shoulder-band with pendants, worn as an ecclesiastical vestment and sign of authority. 3 a dark covering (a pall of darkness; a pall of smoke). 4 Heraldry a Y-shaped bearing charged with crosses representing the front of an ecclesiastical pall. [OE p‘ll, f. L pallium cloak] pall(2) v. 1 intr. (often foll. by on) become uninteresting (to). 2 tr. satiate, cloy. [ME, f. APPAL] palladia pl. of PALLADIUM(2). Palladian adj. Archit. in the neoclassical style of Palladio. ЬЬPalladianism n. [A. Palladio, It. architect d. 1580] palladium(1) n. Chem. a white ductile metallic element occurring naturally in various ores and used in chemistry as a catalyst and for making jewellery. °Symb.: Pd. [mod.L f. Pallas, an asteroid discovered (1803) just before the element, + -IUM; cf. CERIUM] palladium(2) n. (pl. palladia) a safeguard or source of protection. [ME f. L f. Gk palladion image of Pallas (Athene), a protecting deity] pallbearer n. a person helping to carry or officially escorting a coffin at a funeral. pallet(1) n. 1 a straw mattress. 2 a mean or makeshift bed. [ME pailet, paillet f. AF paillete straw f. OF paille f. L palea] pallet(2) n. 1 a flat wooden blade with a handle, used in ceramics to shape clay. 2 = PALETTE. 3 a portable platform for transporting and storing loads. 4 a projection transmitting motion from an escapement to a pendulum etc. 5 a projection on a machine-part, serving to change the mode of motion of a wheel. ЬЬpalletize v.tr. (also -ise) (in sense 3). [F palette: see PALETTE] pallia pl. of PALLIUM. palliasse n. (also paillasse) a straw mattress. [F paillasse f. It. pagliaccio ult. f. L palea straw] palliate v.tr. 1 alleviate (disease) without curing it. 2 excuse, extenuate. ЬЬpalliation n. palliator n. [LL palliare to cloak f. pallium cloak] palliative n. & adj. --n. anything used to alleviate pain, anxiety, etc. --adj. serving to alleviate. ЬЬpalliatively adv. [F palliatif -ive or med.L palliativus (as PALLIATE)] pallid adj. pale, esp. from illness. ЬЬpallidity n. pallidly adv. pallidness n. [L pallidus PALE(1)] pallium n. (pl. palliums or pallia) 1 an ecclesiastical pall, esp. that sent by the Pope to an archbishop as a symbol of authority. 2 hist. a man's large rectangular cloak esp. as worn in antiquity. 3 Zool. the mantle of a mollusc or brachiopod . [L] pall-mall n. hist. a game in which a ball was driven through an iron ring suspended in a long alley. [obs. F pallemaille f. It. pallamaglio f. palla ball + maglio mallet] pallor n. pallidness, paleness. [L f. pallere be pale] pally adj. (pallier, palliest) colloq. like a pal; friendly. palm(1) n. 1 any usu. tropical tree of the family Palmae, with no branches and a mass of large pinnate or fan-shaped leaves at the top. 2 the leaf of this tree as a symbol of victory. 3 a supreme excellence. b a prize for this. 4 a branch of various trees used instead of a palm in non-tropical countries, esp. in celebrating Palm Sunday. Ьpalm oil oil from the fruit of any of various palms. Palm Sunday the Sunday before Easter, celebrating Christ's entry into Jerusalem. palm wine an alcoholic drink made from fermented palm sap. ЬЬpalmaceous adj. [OE palm(a) f. Gmc f. L palma PALM(2), its leaf being likened to a spread hand] palm(2) n. & v. --n. 1 the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers. 2 the part of a glove that covers this. 3 the palmate part of an antler. --v.tr. conceal in the hand. Ьin the palm of one's hand under one's control or influence. palm off 1 (often foll. by on) a impose or thrust fraudulently (on a person). b cause a person to accept unwillingly or unknowingly (palmed my old typewriter off on him). 2 (often foll. by with) cause (a person) to accept unwillingly or unknowingly (palmed him off with my old typewriter). ЬЬpalmar adj. palmed adj. palmful n. (pl. -fuls). [ME paume f. OF paume f. L palma: later assim. to L] palmate adj. 1 shaped like an open hand. 2 having lobes etc. like spread fingers. [L palmatus (as PALM(2))] palmer n. 1 hist. a a pilgrim returning from the Holy Land with a palm branch or leaf. b an itinerant monk under a vow of poverty. 2 a hairy artificial fly used in angling. 3 (in full palmer-worm) a destructive hairy caterpillar of a European moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea. [ME f. AF palmer, OF palmier f. med.L palmarius pilgrim] palmette n. Archaeol. an ornament of radiating petals like a palm-leaf. [F, dimin. of palme PALM(1)] palmetto n. (pl. -os) a small palm tree, e.g. any of various fan palms of the genus Sabal or Chamaerops. [Sp. palmito, dimin. of palma PALM(1), assim. to It. words in -etto] palmiped adj. & n. (also palmipede) --adj. web-footed. --n. a web-footed bird. [L palmipes -pedis (as PALM(2), pes pedis foot)] palmistry n. supposed divination from lines and other features on the palm of the hand. ЬЬpalmist n. [ME (orig. palmestry) f. PALM(2): second element unexpl.] palmy adj. (palmier, palmiest) 1 of or like or abounding in palms. 2 triumphant, flourishing (palmy days). palmyra n. an Asian palm, Borassus flabellifer, with fan-shaped leaves used for matting etc. [Port. palmeira palm-tree, assim. to Palmyra in Syria] palomino n. (pl. -os) a golden or cream-coloured horse with a light-coloured mane and tail, orig. bred in the south-western US. [Amer. Sp. f. Sp. palomino young pigeon f. paloma dove f. L palumba] paloverde n. any yellow-flowered thorny tree of the genus Cercidium in Arizona etc. [Amer. Sp., = green tree] palp n. (also palpus) (pl. palps or palpi) a segmented sense-organ at the mouth of an arthropod; a feeler. ЬЬpalpal adj. [L palpus f. palpare feel] palpable adj. 1 that can be touched or felt. 2 readily perceived by the senses or mind. ЬЬpalpability n. palpably adv. [ME f. LL palpabilis (as PALPATE)] palpate v.tr. examine (esp. medically) by touch. ЬЬpalpation n. [L palpare palpat- touch gently] palpebral adj. of or relating to the eyelids. [LL palpebralis f. L palpebra eyelid] palpitate v.intr. 1 pulsate, throb. 2 tremble. ЬЬpalpitant adj. [L palpitare frequent. of palpare touch gently] palpitation n. 1 throbbing, trembling. 2 (often in pl.) increased activity of the heart due to exertion, agitation, or disease. [L palpitatio (as PALPITATE)] palpus var. of PALP. palsgrave n. a Count Palatine. [Du. paltsgrave f. palts palatinate + grave count] palstave n. Archaeol. a type of chisel made of bronze etc. shaped to fit into a split handle. [Da. paalstav f. ON p lstavr f. p ll hoe (cf. L palus stake) + stafr STAFF(1)] palsy n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 paralysis, esp. with involuntary tremors. 2 a a condition of utter helplessness. b a cause of this. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 affect with palsy. 2 render helpless. [ME pa(r)lesi f. OF paralisie ult. f. L paralysis: see PARALYSIS] palter v.intr. 1 haggle or equivocate. 2 trifle. ЬЬpalterer n. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] paltry adj. (paltrier, paltriest) worthless, contemptible, trifling. ЬЬpaltriness n. [16th c.: f. paltry trash app. f. palt, pelt rubbish + -RY (cf. trumpery): cf. LG paltrig ragged] paludal adj. 1 of a marsh. 2 malarial. ЬЬpaludism n. (in sense 2). [L palus -udis marsh + -AL] paly adj. Heraldry divided into equal vertical shapes. [OF pal‚ f. pal PALE(2)] palynology n. the study of pollen, spores, etc., for rock-dating and the study of past environments. ЬЬpalynological adj. palynologist n. [Gk paluno sprinkle + -LOGY] pampas n.pl. large treeless plains in S. America. Ьpampas-grass a tall grass, Cortaderia selloana, from S. America, with silky flowering plumes. [Sp. f. Quechua pampa plain] pamper v.tr. 1 overindulge (a person, taste, etc.), cosset. 2 spoil (a person) with luxury. ЬЬpamperer n. [ME, prob. of LG or Du. orig.] pampero n. (pl. -os) a strong cold SW wind in S. America, blowing from the Andes to the Atlantic. [Sp. (as PAMPAS)] pamphlet n. & v. --n. a small, usu. unbound booklet or leaflet containing information or a short treatise. --v.tr. (pamphleted, pamphleting) distribute pamphlets to. [ME f. Pamphilet, the familiar name of the 12th-c. Latin love poem Pamphilus seu de Amore] pamphleteer n. & v. --n. a writer of (esp. political) pamphlets. --v.intr. write pamphlets. pan(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a vessel of metal, earthenware, or plastic, usu. broad and shallow, used for cooking and other domestic purposes. b the contents of this. 2 a panlike vessel in which substances are heated etc. 3 any similar shallow container such as the bowl of a pair of scales or that used for washing gravel etc. to separate gold. 4 Brit. the bowl of a lavatory. 5 part of the lock that held the priming in old guns. 6 a hollow in the ground (salt-pan). 7 a hard substratum of soil. 8 US sl. the face. --v. (panned, panning) 1 tr. colloq. criticize severely. 2 a tr. (foll. by off, out) wash (gold-bearing gravel) in a pan. b intr. search for gold by panning gravel. c intr. (foll. by out) (of gravel) yield gold. Ьpan out (of an action etc.) turn out in a specified way. ЬЬpanful n. (pl. -fuls). panlike adj. [OE panne, perh. ult. f. L patina dish] pan(2) v. & n. --v. (panned, panning) 1 tr. swing (a cine-camera) horizontally to give a panoramic effect or to follow a moving object. 2 intr. (of a cine-camera) be moved in this way. --n. a panning movement. [abbr. of PANORAMA] pan(3) n. Bot. 1 a leaf of the betel. 2 this enclosing lime and areca-nut parings, chewed in India etc. [Hindi f. Skr. parna feather, leaf] pan- comb. form 1 all; the whole of. 2 relating to the whole or all the parts of a continent, racial group, religion, etc. (pan-American; pan-African; pan-Hellenic; pan-Anglican). [Gk f. pan neut. of pas all] panacea n. a universal remedy. ЬЬpanacean adj. [L f. Gk panakeia f. panakes all-healing (as PAN-, akos remedy)] panache n. 1 assertiveness or flamboyant confidence of style or manner. 2 hist. a tuft or plume of feathers, esp. as a head-dress or on a helmet. [F f. It. pennacchio f. LL pinnaculum dimin. of pinna feather] panada n. 1 a thick paste of flour etc. 2 bread boiled to a pulp and flavoured. [Sp. ult. f. L panis bread] panama n. a hat of strawlike material made from the leaves of a pine-tree. [Panama in Central America] Panamanian n. & adj. --n. 1 a native or national of the Republic of Panama in Central America. 2 a person of Panamanian descent. --adj. of or relating to Panama. panatella n. a long thin cigar. [Amer. Sp. panatela, = long thin biscuit f. It. panatella dimin. of panata (as PANADA)] pancake n. & v. --n. 1 a thin flat cake of batter usu. fried and turned in a pan and rolled up with a filling. 2 a flat cake of make-up etc. --v. 1 intr. make a pancake landing. 2 tr. cause (an aircraft) to pancake. Ьflat as a pancake completely flat. Pancake Day Shrove Tuesday (on which pancakes are traditionally eaten). pancake landing an emergency landing by an aircraft with its undercarriage still retracted, in which the pilot attempts to keep the aircraft in a horizontal position throughout. [ME f. PAN(1) + CAKE] panchayat n. a village council in India. [Hindi f. Skr. pancha five] Panchen lama n. a Tibetan lama ranking next after the Dalai lama. [Tibetan panchen great learned one] panchromatic adj. Photog. (of a film etc.) sensitive to all visible colours of the spectrum. pancreas n. a gland near the stomach supplying the duodenum with digestive fluid and secreting insulin into the blood. ЬЬpancreatic adj. pancreatitis n. [mod.L f. Gk pagkreas (as PAN-, kreas -atos flesh)] pancreatin n. a digestive extract containing pancreatic enzymes, prepared from animal pancreases. panda n. 1 (also giant panda) a large bearlike mammal, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, native to China and Tibet, having characteristic black and white markings. 2 (also red panda) a Himalayan racoon-like mammal, Ailurus fulgens, with reddish-brown fur and a long bushy tail. Ьpanda car Brit. a police patrol car (orig. white with black stripes on the doors). [Nepali name] pandect n. (usu. in pl.) 1 a complete body of laws. 2 hist. a compendium in 50 books of the Roman civil law made by order of Justinian in the 6th c. [F pandecte or L pandecta pandectes f. Gk pandektes all-receiver (as PAN-, dektes f. dekhomai receive)] pandemic adj. & n. --adj. (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world. --n. a pandemic disease. [Gk pandemos (as PAN-, demos people)] pandemonium n. 1 uproar; utter confusion. 2 a scene of this. [mod.L (place of all demons in Milton's Paradise Lost) f. PAN- + Gk daimon DEMON] pander v. & n. --v.intr. (foll. by to) gratify or indulge a person, a desire or weakness, etc. --n. 1 a go-between in illicit love affairs; a procurer. 2 a person who encourages coarse desires. [Pandare, a character in Boccaccio and in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, f. L Pandarus f. Gk Pandaros] pandit var. of PUNDIT 1. P. & O. abbr. Peninsular and Oriental Shipping Company (or Line). Pandora's box n. a process that once activated will generate many unmanageable problems. [in Gk Mythol. the box from which the ills of mankind were released, Hope alone remaining: f. Gk Pandora all-gifted (as PAN-, doron gift)] p. & p. abbr. Brit. postage and packing. pane n. 1 a single sheet of glass in a window or door. 2 a rectangular division of a chequered pattern etc. [ME f. OF pan f. L pannus piece of cloth] panegyric n. a laudatory discourse; a eulogy. ЬЬpanegyrical adj. [F pan‚gyrique f. L panegyricus f. Gk panegurikos of public assembly (as PAN-, eguris = agora assembly)] panegyrize v.tr. (also -ise) speak or write in praise of; eulogize. ЬЬpanegyrist n. [Gk panegurizo (as PANEGYRIC)] panel n. & v. --n. 1 a a distinct, usu. rectangular, section of a surface (e.g. of a wall, door, or vehicle). b a control panel (see CONTROL n. 5). c = instrument panel. 2 a strip of material as part of a garment. 3 a group of people forming a team in a broadcast game, discussion, etc. 4 Brit. hist. a list of medical practitioners registered in a district as accepting patients under the National Insurance Act. 5 a a list of available jurors; a jury. b Sc. a person or persons accused of a crime. --v.tr. (panelled, panelling; US paneled, paneling) 1 fit or provide with panels. 2 cover or decorate with panels. Ьpanel-beater one whose job is to beat out the metal panels of motor vehicles. panel game a broadcast quiz etc. played by a panel. panel heating the heating of rooms by panels in the wall etc. containing the sources of heat. panel pin a thin nail with a very small head. panel saw a saw with small teeth for cutting thin wood for panels. panel truck US a small enclosed delivery truck. [ME & OF, = piece of cloth, ult. f. L pannus: see PANE] panelling n. (US paneling) 1 panelled work. 2 wood for making panels. panellist n. (US panelist) a member of a panel (esp. in broadcasting). pang n. (often in pl.) a sudden sharp pain or painful emotion. [16th c.: var. of earlier prange pinching f. Gmc] panga n. a bladed African tool like a machete. [native name in E. Africa] pangolin n. any scaly anteater of the genus Manis, native to Asia and Africa, having a small head with elongated snout and tongue, and a tapering tail. [Malay peng-goling roller (from its habit of rolling itself up)] panhandle n. & v. US --n. a narrow strip of territory extending from one State into another. --v.tr. & intr. colloq. beg for money in the street. ЬЬpanhandler n. panic(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a sudden uncontrollable fear or alarm. b (attrib.) characterized or caused by panic (panic buying). 2 infectious apprehension or fright esp. in commercial dealings. --v.tr. & intr. (panicked, panicking) (often foll. by into) affect or be affected with panic (was panicked into buying). Ьpanic button a button for summoning help in an emergency. panic-monger a person who fosters a panic. panic stations a state of emergency. panic-stricken (or -struck) affected with panic; very apprehensive. ЬЬpanicky adj. [F panique f. mod.L panicus f. Gk panikos f. Pan a rural god causing terror] panic(2) n. any grass of the genus Panicum, including millet and other cereals. [OE f. L panicum f. panus thread on bobbin, millet-ear f. Gk penos web] panicle n. Bot. a loose branching cluster of flowers, as in oats. ЬЬpanicled adj. [L paniculum dimin. of panus thread] panjandrum n. 1 a mock title for an important person. 2 a pompous or pretentious official etc. [app. invented in nonsense verse by S. Foote 1755] panne n. (in full panne velvet) a velvet-like fabric of silk or rayon with a flattened pile. [F] pannier n. 1 a basket, esp. one of a pair carried by a beast of burden. 2 each of a pair of bags or boxes on either side of the rear wheel of a bicycle or motor cycle. 3 hist. a part of a skirt looped up round the hips. b a frame supporting this. [ME f. OF panier f. L panarium bread-basket f. panis bread] pannikin n. Brit. 1 a small metal drinking-cup. 2 the contents of this. [PAN(1) + -KIN, after cannikin] panoply n. (pl. -ies) 1 a complete or splendid array. 2 a complete suit of armour. ЬЬpanoplied adj. [F panoplie or mod.L panoplia full armour f. Gk (as PAN-, oplia f. hopla arms)] panoptic adj. showing or seeing the whole at one view. [Gk panoptos seen by all, panoptes all-seeing] panorama n. 1 an unbroken view of a surrounding region. 2 a complete survey or presentation of a subject, sequence of events, etc. 3 a picture or photograph containing a wide view. 4 a continuous passing scene. ЬЬpanoramic adj. panoramically adv. [PAN- + Gk horama view f. horao see] pan-pipes n.pl. a musical instrument orig. associated with the Greek rural god Pan, made of a series of short pipes graduated in length and fixed together with the mouthpieces in line. pansy n. (pl. -ies) 1 any garden plant of the genus Viola, with flowers of various rich colours. 2 colloq. derog. a an effeminate man. b a male homosexual. [F pens‚e thought, pansy f. penser think f. L pensare frequent. of pendere pens- weigh] pant v. & n. --v. 1 intr. breathe with short quick breaths. 2 tr. (often foll. by out) utter breathlessly. 3 intr. (often foll. by for) yearn or crave. 4 intr. (of the heart etc.) throb violently. --n. 1 a panting breath. 2 a throb. ЬЬpantingly adv. [ME f. OF pantaisier ult. f. Gk phantasioo cause to imagine (as FANTASY)] pantalets n.pl. (also pantalettes) hist. 1 long underpants worn by women and girls in the 19th c., with a frill at the bottom of each leg. 2 women's cycling trousers. [dimin. of PANTALOON] pantaloon n. 1 (in pl.) a hist. men's close-fitting breeches fastened below the calf or at the foot. b esp. US trousers. 2 (Pantaloon) a character in Italian comedy wearing pantaloons (in sense 1a). [F pantalon f. It. pantalone, a character in Italian comedy] pantechnicon n. Brit. a large van for transporting furniture. [PAN- + TECHNIC orig. as the name of a bazaar and then a furniture warehouse] pantheism n. 1 the belief that God is identifiable with the forces of nature and with natural substances. 2 worship that admits or tolerates all gods. ЬЬpantheist n. pantheistic adj. pantheistical adj. pantheistically adv. [PAN- + Gk theos god] pantheon n. 1 a building in which illustrious dead are buried or have memorials. 2 the deities of a people collectively. 3 a temple dedicated to all the gods, esp. the circular one at Rome. [ME f. L f. Gk pantheion (as PAN-, theion holy f. theos god)] panther n. 1 a leopard, esp. with black fur. 2 US a puma. [ME f. OF pantere f. L panthera f. Gk panther] pantie-girdle n. a woman's girdle with a crotch shaped like pants. panties n.pl. colloq. short-legged or legless underpants worn by women and girls. [dimin. of PANTS] pantihose n. (US panty hose) (usu. treated as pl.) women's tights. [PANTIES + HOSE] pantile n. a roof-tile curved to form an S-shaped section, fitted to overlap. [PAN(1) + TILE] panto n. (pl. -os) Brit. colloq. = PANTOMIME 1. [abbr.] panto- comb. form all, universal. [Gk pas pantos all] pantograph n. 1 Art & Painting an instrument for copying a plan or drawing etc. on a different scale by a system of jointed rods. 2 a jointed framework conveying a current to an electric vehicle from overhead wires. ЬЬpantographic adj. [PANTO- + Gk -graphos writing] pantomime n. 1 Brit. a theatrical entertainment based on a fairy tale, with music, topical jokes, etc., usu. produced about Christmas. 2 the use of gestures and facial expression to convey meaning, esp. in drama and dance. 3 colloq. an absurd or outrageous piece of behaviour. ЬЬpantomimic adj. [F pantomime or L pantomimus f. Gk pantomimos (as PANTO-, MIME)] pantothenic acid n. a vitamin of the B complex, found in rice, bran, and many other foods, and essential for the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates. [Gk pantothen from every side] pantry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a small room or cupboard in which crockery, cutlery, table linen, etc., are kept. 2 a larder. [ME f. AF panetrie, OF paneterie f. panetier baker ult. f. LL panarius bread-seller f. L panis bread] pantryman n. (pl. -men) a butler or a butler's assistant. pants n.pl. colloq. 1 Brit. underpants or knickers. 2 US trousers or slacks. Ьbore (or scare etc.) the pants off colloq. bore, scare, etc., to an intolerable degree. pants (or pant) suit esp. US a trouser suit. with one's pants down colloq. in an embarrassingly unprepared state. [abbr. of PANTALOONS] panty hose US var. of PANTIHOSE. panzer n. 1 (in pl.) armoured troops. 2 (attrib.) heavily armoured (panzer division). [G, = coat of mail] pap(1) n. 1 a soft or semi-liquid food for infants or invalids. b a mash or pulp. 2 light or trivial reading matter; nonsense. ЬЬpappy adj. [ME prob. f. MLG, MDu. pappe, prob. ult. f. L pappare eat] pap(2) n. archaic or dial. the nipple of a breast. [ME, of Scand. orig.: ult. imit. of sucking] papa n. archaic father (esp. as a child's word). [F f. LL f. Gk papas] papabile adj. suitable for high office. [It., = suitable to be pope, f. L papa pope] papacy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a pope's office or tenure. 2 the papal system. [ME f. med.L papatia f. papa pope] papain n. an enzyme obtained from unripe pawpaws, used to tenderize meat and as a food supplement to aid digestion. [PAPAYA + -IN] papal adj. of or relating to a pope or to the papacy. ЬPapal States hist. the temporal dominions belonging to the Pope, esp. in central Italy. ЬЬpapally adv. [ME f. OF f. med.L papalis f. eccl.L papa POPE(1)] paparazzo n. (pl. paparazzi) a freelance photographer who pursues celebrities to get photographs of them. [It.] papaverous adj. like or related to the poppy. ЬЬpapaveraceous adj. [L papaver poppy] papaw var. of PAWPAW. papaya n. = PAWPAW 1. [earlier form of PAWPAW] paper n. & v. --n. 1 a material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing or drawing or printing on, or as wrapping material etc. 2 (attrib.) a made of or using paper. b flimsy like paper. 3 = NEWSPAPER. 4 a a document printed on paper. b (in pl.) documents attesting identity or credentials. c (in pl.) documents belonging to a person or relating to a matter. 5 Commerce a negotiable documents, e.g. bills of exchange. b (attrib.) recorded on paper though not existing (paper profits). 6 a a set of questions to be answered at one session in an examination. b the written answers to these. 7 = WALLPAPER. 8 an essay or dissertation, esp. one read to a learned society or published in a learned journal. 9 a piece of paper, esp. as a wrapper etc. 10 Theatr. sl. free tickets or the people admitted by them (the house is full of paper). --v.tr. 1 apply paper to, esp. decorate (a wall etc.) with wallpaper. 2 (foll. by over) a cover (a hole or blemish) with paper. b disguise or try to hide (a fault etc.). 3 Theatr. sl. fill (a theatre) by giving free passes. Ьon paper 1 in writing. 2 in theory; to judge from written or printed evidence. paper-boy (or -girl) a boy or girl who delivers or sells newspapers. paper-chase a cross-country run in which the runners follow a trail marked by torn-up paper. paper-clip a clip of bent wire or of plastic for holding several sheets of paper together. paper-hanger a person who decorates with wallpaper, esp. professionally. paper-knife a blunt knife for opening letters etc. paper-mill a mill in which paper is made. paper money money in the form of banknotes. paper mulberry a small Asiatic tree, Broussonetia papyrifera, of the mulberry family, whose bark is used for making paper and cloth. paper nautilus see NAUTILUS 2. paper round 1 a job of regularly delivering newspapers. 2 a route taken doing this. paper tape Computing tape made of paper, esp. that on which data or instructions are represented by means of holes punched in it, for conveying to a processor etc. paper tiger an apparently threatening, but ineffectual, person or thing. ЬЬpaperer n. paperless adj. [ME f. AF papir, = OF papier f. L papyrus: see PAPYRUS] paperback adj. & n. --adj. (of a book) bound in stiff paper not boards. --n. a paperback book. paperweight n. a small heavy object for keeping loose papers in place. paperwork n. routine clerical or administrative work. papery adj. like paper in thinness or texture. papier mѓch‚ n. paper pulp used for moulding into boxes, trays, etc. [F, = chewed paper] papilionaceous adj. (of a plant) with a corolla like a butterfly. [mod.L papilionaceus f. L papilio -onis butterfly] papilla n. (pl. papillae) 1 a small nipple-like protuberance in a part or organ of the body. 2 Bot. a small fleshy projection on a plant. ЬЬpapillary adj. papillate adj. papillose adj. [L, = nipple, dimin. of papula: see PAPULA] papilloma n. (pl. papillomas or papillomata) a wartlike usu. benign tumour. papillon n. 1 a toy dog of a breed with ears suggesting the form of a butterfly. 2 this breed. [F, = butterfly, f. L papilio -onis] papist n. & adj. often derog. --n. 1 a Roman Catholic. 2 hist. an advocate of papal supremacy. --adj. of or relating to Roman Catholics. ЬЬpapistic adj. papistical adj. papistry n. [F papiste or mod.L papista f. eccl.L papa POPE(1)] papoose n. a N. American Indian young child. [Algonquin] pappus n. (pl. pappi) a group of hairs on the fruit of thistles, dandelions, etc. ЬЬpappose adj. [L f. Gk pappos] paprika n. 1 Bot. a red pepper. 2 a condiment made from it. [Magyar] pap test n. a test done by a cervical smear. [abbr. of G. N. Papanicolaou, US scientist d. 1962] papula n. (also papule) (pl. papulae) 1 a pimple. 2 a small fleshy projection on a plant. ЬЬpapular adj. papulose adj. papulous adj. [L] papyrology n. the study of ancient papyri. ЬЬpapyrological adj. papyrologist n. papyrus n. (pl. papyri) 1 an aquatic plant, Cyperus papyrus, with dark green stems topped with fluffy inflorescences. 2 a a writing-material prepared in ancient Egypt from the pithy stem of this. b a document written on this. [ME f. L papyrus f. Gk papuros] par(1) n. 1 the average or normal amount, degree, condition, etc. (feel below par; be up to par). 2 equality; an equal status or footing (on a par with). 3 Golf the number of strokes a first-class player should normally require for a hole or course. 4 Stock Exch. the face value of stocks and shares etc. (at par). 5 (in full par of exchange) the recognized value of one country's currency in terms of another's. Ьabove (or below) par Stock Exch. at a premium (or discount). at par Stock Exch. at face value. par for the course colloq. what is normal or expected in any given circumstances. [L (adj. & n.) = equal, equality] par(2) n. Brit. esp. Journalism colloq. paragraph. [abbr.] par. abbr. (also para.) paragraph. par- prefix var. of PARA-(1) before a vowel or h; (paraldehyde; parody; parhelion). para n. colloq. 1 a paratrooper. 2 a paragraph. [abbr.] para-(1) prefix (also par-) 1 beside (paramilitary). 2 beyond (paranormal). 3 Chem. a modification of (paraldehyde). b relating to diametrically opposite carbon atoms in a benzene ring (paradichlorobenzene). [from or after Gk para- f. para beside, past, beyond] para-(2) comb. form protect, ward off (parachute; parasol). [F f. It. f. L parare defend] parabiosis n. Biol. the natural or artificial joining of two individuals. ЬЬparabiotic adj. [mod.L, formed as PARA-(1) + Gk biosis mode of life f. bios life] parable n. 1 a narrative of imagined events used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. 2 an allegory. [ME f. OF parabole f. LL sense 'allegory, discourse' of L parabola comparison] parabola n. an open plane curve formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to its side, resembling the path of a projectile under the action of gravity. [mod.L f. Gk parabole placing side by side, comparison (as PARA-(1), bole a throw f. ballo)] parabolic adj. 1 of or expressed in a parable. 2 of or like a parabola. ЬЬparabolically adv. [LL parabolicus f. Gk parabolikos (as PARABOLA)] parabolical adj. = PARABOLIC 1. paraboloid n. 1 (in full paraboloid of revolution) a solid generated by the rotation of a parabola about its axis of symmetry. 2 a solid having two or more non-parallel parabolic cross-sections. ЬЬparaboloidal adj. paracetamol n. 1 a drug used to reduce pain and relieve fever. 2 a tablet of this. [para-a cetyl aminophen ol] parachronism n. an error in chronology, esp. by assigning too late a date. [PARA-(1) + Gk khronos time, perh. after anachronism] parachute n. & v. --n. 1 a rectangular or umbrella-shaped apparatus allowing a person or heavy object attached to it to descend slowly from a height, esp. from an aircraft, or to retard motion in other ways. 2 (attrib.) dropped or to be dropped by parachute (parachute troops; parachute flare). --v.tr. & intr. convey or descend by parachute. [F (as PARA-(2), CHUTE(1))] parachutist n. 1 a person who uses a parachute. 2 (in pl.) parachute troops. Paraclete n. the Holy Spirit as advocate or counsellor (John 14:16, 26, etc.). [ME f. OF paraclet f. LL paracletus f. Gk parakletos called in aid (as PARA-(1), kletos f. kaleo call)] parade n. & v. --n. 1 a a formal or ceremonial muster of troops for inspection. b = parade-ground. 2 a public procession. 3 ostentatious display (made a parade of their wealth). 4 a public square, promenade, or row of shops. --v. 1 intr. assemble for parade. 2 a tr. march through (streets etc.) in procession. b intr. march ceremonially. 3 tr. display ostentatiously. Ьon parade 1 taking part in a parade. 2 on display. parade-ground a place for the muster of troops. ЬЬparader n. [F, = show, f. Sp. parada and It. parata ult. f. L parare prepare, furnish] paradiddle n. a drum roll with alternate beating of sticks. [imit.] paradigm n. an example or pattern, esp. a representative set of the inflections of a noun, verb, etc. ЬЬparadigmatic adj. paradigmatically adv. [LL paradigma f. Gk paradeigma f. paradeiknumi show side by side (as PARA-(1), deiknumi show)] paradise n. 1 (in some religions) heaven as the ultimate abode of the just. 2 a place or state of complete happiness. 3 (in full earthly paradise) the abode of Adam and Eve in the biblical account of the Creation; the garden of Eden. ЬЬparadisaical adj. paradisal adj. paradisiacal adj. paradisical adj. [ME f. OF paradis f. LL paradisus f. Gk paradeisos f. Avestan pairidaeza park] parados n. an elevation of earth behind a fortified place as a protection against attack from the rear, esp. a mound along the back of a trench. [F (as PARA-(2), dos back f. L dorsum)] paradox n. 1 a a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement, even if actually well-founded. b a self-contradictory or essentially absurd statement. 2 a person or thing conflicting with a preconceived notion of what is reasonable or possible. 3 a paradoxical quality or character. [orig. = a statement contrary to accepted opinion, f. LL paradoxum f. Gk paradoxon neut. adj. (as PARA-(1), doxa opinion)] paradoxical adj. 1 of or like or involving paradox. 2 fond of paradox. ЬЬparadoxically adv. paraffin n. 1 an inflammable waxy or oily substance obtained by distillation from petroleum or shale, used in liquid form (also paraffin oil) esp. as a fuel. 2 Chem. = ALKANE. Ьparaffin wax paraffin in its solid form. [G (1830) f. L parum little + affinis related, from the small affinity it has for other substances] paragoge n. the addition of a letter or syllable to a word in some contexts or as a language develops (e.g. t in peasant). ЬЬparagogic adj. [LL f. Gk paragoge derivation (as PARA-(1), agoge f. ago lead)] paragon n. 1 a a model of excellence. b a supremely excellent person or thing. 2 (foll. by of) a model (of virtue etc.). 3 a perfect diamond of 100 carats or more. [obs. F f. It. paragone touchstone, f. med.Gk parakone whetstone] paragraph n. & v. --n. 1 a distinct section of a piece of writing, beginning on a new usu. indented line. 2 a symbol (usu. X!X!) used to mark a new paragraph, and also as a reference mark. 3 a short item in a newspaper, usu. of only one paragraph. --v.tr. arrange (a piece of writing) in paragraphs. ЬЬparagraphic adj. [F paragraphe or med.L paragraphus f. Gk paragraphos short stroke marking a break in sense (as PARA-(1), grapho write)] parakeet n. (US also parrakeet) any of various small usu. long-tailed parrots. [OF paroquet, It. parrocchetto, Sp. periquito, perh. ult. f. dimin. of Pierre etc. Peter: cf. PARROT] paralanguage n. elements or factors in communication that are ancillary to language proper, e.g. intonation and gesture. paraldehyde n. a cyclic polymer of acetaldehyde, used as a narcotic and sedative. [PARA-(1) + ALDEHYDE] paralegal adj. & n. esp. US --adj. of or relating to auxiliary aspects of the law. --n. a person trained in subsidiary legal matters. [PARA-(1) + LEGAL] paralipomena n.pl. (also -leipomena) 1 things omitted from a work and added as a supplement. 2 Bibl. the books of Chronicles in the Old Testament, containing particulars omitted from Kings. [ME f. eccl.L f. Gk paraleipomena f. paraleipo omit (as PARA-(1), leipo leave)] paralipsis n. (also -leipsis) (pl. -ses) Rhet. 1 the device of giving emphasis by professing to say little or nothing of a subject, as in not to mention their unpaid debts of several millions. 2 an instance of this. [LL f. Gk paraleipsis passing over (as PARA-(1), leipsis f. leipo leave)] parallax n. 1 the apparent difference in the position or direction of an object caused when the observer's position is changed. 2 the angular amount of this. ЬЬparallactic adj. [F parallaxe f. mod.L parallaxis f. Gk parallaxis change f. parallasso to alternate (as PARA-(1), allasso exchange f. allos other)] parallel adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 a (of lines or planes) side by side and having the same distance continuously between them. b (foll. by to, with) (of a line or plane) having this relation (to another). 2 (of circumstances etc.) precisely similar, analogous, or corresponding. 3 a (of processes etc.) occurring or performed simultaneously. b Computing involving the simultaneous performance of operations. --n. 1 a person or thing precisely analogous or equal to another. 2 a comparison (drew a parallel between the two situations). 3 (in full parallel of latitude) Geog. a each of the imaginary parallel circles of constant latitude on the earth's surface. b a corresponding line on a map (the 49th parallel). 4 Printing two parallel lines (ll) as a reference mark. --v.tr. (paralleled, paralleling) 1 be parallel to; correspond to. 2 represent as similar; compare. 3 adduce as a parallel instance. Ьin parallel (of electric circuits) arranged so as to join at common points at each end. parallel bars a pair of parallel rails on posts for gymnastics. ЬЬparallelism n. [F parallЉle f. L parallelus f. Gk parallelos (as PARA-(1), allelos one another)] parallelepiped n. Geom. a solid body of which each face is a parallelogram. [Gk parallelepipedon (as PARALLEL, epipedon plane surface)] parallelogram n. Geom. a four-sided plane rectilinear figure with opposite sides parallel. Ьparallelogram of forces 1 a parallelogram illustrating the theorem that if two forces acting at a point are represented in magnitude and direction by two sides of a parallelogram meeting at that point, their resultant is represented by the diagonal drawn from that point. 2 this theorem. [F parall‚logramme f. LL parallelogrammum f. Gk parallelogrammon (as PARALLEL, gramme line)] paralogism n. Logic 1 a fallacy. 2 illogical reasoning (esp. of which the reasoner is unconscious). ЬЬparalogist n. paralogize v.intr. (also -ise). [F paralogisme f. LL paralogismus f. Gk paralogismos f. paralogizomai reason falsely f. paralogos contrary to reason (as PARA-(1), logos reason)] paralyse n. (US paralyze) 1 affect with paralysis. 2 render powerless; cripple. ЬЬparalysation n. paralysingly adv. [F paralyser f. paralysie: cf. PALSY] paralysis n. (pl. paralyses) 1 a nervous condition with impairment or loss of esp. the motor function of the nerves. 2 a state of utter powerlessness. [L f. Gk paralusis f. paraluo disable (as PARA-(1), luo loosen)] paralytic adj. & n. --adj. 1 affected by paralysis. 2 sl. very drunk. --n. a person affected by paralysis. ЬЬparalytically adv. [ME f. OF paralytique f. L paralyticus f. Gk paralutikos (as PARALYSIS)] paramagnetic adj. (of a body or substance) tending to become weakly magnetized so as to lie parallel to a magnetic field force. ЬЬparamagnetism n. paramatta var. of PARRAMATTA. paramecium n. (also paramoecium) any freshwater protozoan of the genus Paramecium, of a characteristic slipper-like shape covered with cilia. [mod.L f. Gk paramekes oval (as PARA-(1), mekos length)] paramedic n. a paramedical worker. paramedical adj. (of services etc.) supplementing and supporting medical work. parameter n. 1 Math. a quantity constant in the case considered but varying in different cases. 2 a an (esp. measurable or quantifiable) characteristic or feature. b (loosely) a constant element or factor, esp. serving as a limit or boundary. ЬЬparametric adj. parametrize v.tr. (also -ise). [mod.L f. Gk para beside + metron measure] paramilitary adj. (of forces) ancillary to and similarly organized to military forces. paramnesia n. Psychol. = DђJ° VU. [PARA-(1) + AMNESIA] paramo n. (pl. -os) a high treeless plateau in tropical S. America. [Sp. & Port. f. L paramus] paramoecium var. of PARAMECIUM. paramount adj. 1 supreme; requiring first consideration; pre-eminent (of paramount importance). 2 in supreme authority. ЬЬparamountcy n. paramountly adv. [AF paramont f. OF par by + amont above: cf. AMOUNT] paramour n. archaic or derog. an illicit lover of a married person. [ME f. OF par amour by love] parang n. a large heavy Malayan knife used for clearing vegetation etc. [Malay] paranoia n. 1 a mental disorder esp. characterized by delusions of persecution and self-importance. 2 an abnormal tendency to suspect and mistrust others. ЬЬparanoiac adj. & n. paranoiacally adv. paranoic adj. paranoically adv. paranoid adj. & n. [mod.L f. Gk f. paranoos distracted (as PARA-(1), noos mind)] paranormal adj. beyond the scope of normal objective investigation or explanation. ЬЬparanormally adv. parapet n. 1 a low wall at the edge of a roof, balcony, etc., or along the sides of a bridge. 2 a defence of earth or stone to conceal and protect troops. ЬЬparapeted adj. [F parapet or It. parapetto breast-high wall (as PARA-(2), petto breast f. L pectus)] paraph n. a flourish after a signature, orig. as a precaution against forgery. [ME f. F paraphe f. med.L paraphus for paragraphus PARAGRAPH] paraphernalia n.pl. (also treated as sing.) miscellaneous belongings, items of equipment, accessories, etc. [orig. = property owned by a married woman, f. med.L paraphernalia f. LL parapherna f. Gk parapherna property apart from a dowry (as PARA-(1), pherna f. pherne dower)] paraphrase n. & v. --n. a free rendering or rewording of a passage. --v.tr. express the meaning of (a passage) in other words. ЬЬparaphrastic adj. [F paraphrase or L paraphrasis f. Gk paraphrasis f. paraphrazo (as PARA-(1) phrazo tell)] paraplegia n. paralysis of the legs and part or the whole of the trunk. ЬЬparaplegic adj. & n. [mod.L f. Gk paraplegia f. paraplesso (as PARA-(1), plesso strike)] parapsychology n. the study of mental phenomena outside the sphere of ordinary psychology (hypnosis, telepathy, etc.). ЬЬparapsychological adj. parapsychologist n. paraquat n. a quick-acting herbicide, becoming inactive on contact with the soil. [PARA-(1) + QUATERNARY (from the position of the bond between the two parts of the molecule relative to quaternary nitrogen atom)] parascending n. a sport in which participants wearing open parachutes are towed behind a vehicle or motor boat to gain height before release for a conventional descent, usu. towards a predetermined target. ЬЬparascender n. paraselene n. (pl. paraselenae) a bright spot, esp. an image of the moon, on a lunar halo. Also called mock moon. [mod.L (as PARA-(1), Gk selene moon)] parasite n. 1 an organism living in or on another and benefiting at the expense of the other. 2 a person who lives off or exploits another or others. 3 Philol. an inorganic sound or letter developing from an adjacent one. ЬЬparasitic adj. parasitical adj. parasitically adv. parasiticide n. parasitism n. parasitology n. parasitologist n. [L parasitus f. Gk parasitos one who eats at another's table (as PARA-(1), sitos food)] parasitize v.tr. (also -ise) infest as a parasite. ЬЬparasitization n. parasol n. a light umbrella used to give shade from the sun. [F f. It. parasole (as PARA-(2), sole sun f. L sol)] parasympathetic adj. Anat. relating to the part of the nervous system that consists of nerves leaving the lower end of the spinal cord and connecting with those in or near the viscera (cf. SYMPATHETIC 9). [PARA-(1) + SYMPATHETIC, because some of these nerves run alongside sympathetic nerves] parasynthesis n. Philol. a derivation from a compound, e.g. black-eyed from black eye(s) + -ed. ЬЬparasynthetic adj. [Gk parasunthesis (as PARA-(1), SYNTHESIS)] parataxis n. Gram. the placing of clauses etc. one after another, without words to indicate coordination or subordination, e.g. Tell me, how are you? ЬЬparatactic adj. paratactically adv. [Gk parataxis (as PARA-(1), taxis arrangement f. tasso arrange)] parathion n. a highly toxic agricultural insecticide. [PARA-(1) + THIO- + -ON] parathyroid n. & adj. Anat. --n. a gland next to the thyroid, secreting a hormone that regulates calcium levels in the body. --adj. of or associated with this gland. paratroop n. (attrib.) of or consisting of paratroops (paratroop regiment). paratrooper n. a member of a body of paratroops. paratroops n.pl. troops equipped to be dropped by parachute from aircraft. [contr. of PARACHUTE + TROOP] paratyphoid n. & adj. --n. a fever resembling typhoid but caused by various different though related bacteria. --adj. of, relating to, or caused by this fever. paravane n. a torpedo-shaped device towed at a depth regulated by its vanes or planes to cut the moorings of submerged mines. par avion adv. by airmail. [F, = by aeroplane] parboil v.tr. partly cook by boiling. [ME f. OF parbo(u)illir f. LL perbullire boil thoroughly (as PER-, bullire boil: confused with PART)] parbuckle n. & v. --n. a rope arranged like a sling, for raising or lowering casks and cylindrical objects. --v.tr. raise or lower with this. [earlier parbunkle, of unkn. orig.: assoc. with BUCKLE] parcel n. & v. --n. 1 a goods etc. wrapped up in a single package. b a bundle of things wrapped up, usu. in paper. 2 a piece of land, esp. as part of an estate. 3 a quantity dealt with in one commercial transaction. 4 archaic part. --v.tr. (parcelled, parcelling; US parceled, parceling) 1 (foll. by up) wrap as a parcel. 2 (foll. by out) divide into portions. 3 cover (rope) with strips of canvas. Ьparcel post the branch of the postal service dealing with parcels. [ME f. OF parcelle ult. f. L particula (as PART)] parch v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become hot and dry. 2 tr. roast (peas, corn, etc.) slightly. [ME perch, parche, of unkn. orig.] parched adj. 1 hot and dry; dried out with heat. 2 colloq. thirsty. parchment n. 1 a an animal skin, esp. that of a sheep or goat, prepared as a writing or painting surface. b a manuscript written on this. 2 (in full vegetable parchment) high-grade paper made to resemble parchment. [ME f. OF parchemin, ult. a blend of LL pergamina writing material from Pergamum (in Asia Minor) with Parthica pellis Parthian skin (leather)] parclose n. a screen or railing in a church, separating a side chapel. [ME f. OF parclos -ose past part. of parclore enclose] pard n. archaic or poet. a leopard. [ME f. OF f. L pardus f. Gk pardos] pardalote n. any small brightly-coloured Australian bird of the genus Pardalotus, with spotted plumage. Also called diamond-bird. [mod.L Pardalotus f. Gk pardalotos spotted like a leopard (as PARD)] pardner n. US colloq. a partner or comrade. [corrupt.] pardon n., v., & int. --n. 1 the act of excusing or forgiving an offence, error, etc. 2 (in full free pardon) a remission of the legal consequences of a crime or conviction. 3 RC Ch. an indulgence. --v.tr. 1 release from the consequences of an offence, error, etc. 2 forgive or excuse a person for (an offence etc.). 3 make (esp. courteous) allowances for; excuse. --int. (also pardon me or I beg your pardon) 1 a formula of apology or disagreement. 2 a request to repeat something said. ЬЬpardonable adj. pardonably adv. [ME f. OF pardun, pardoner f. med.L perdonare concede, remit (as PER-, donare give)] pardoner n. hist. a person licensed to sell papal pardons or indulgences. [ME f. AF (as PARDON)] pare v.tr. 1 a trim or shave (esp. fruit and vegetables) by cutting away the surface or edge. b (often foll. by off, away) cut off (the surface or edge). 2 (often foll. by away, down) diminish little by little. ЬЬparer n. [ME f. OF parer adorn, peel (fruit), f. L parare prepare] paregoric n. (in full paregoric elixir) hist. a camphorated tincture of opium used to reduce pain. [LL paregoricus f. Gk paregorikos soothing (as PARA-(1), -agoros speaking f. agora assembly)] pareira n. a drug from the root of a Brazilian shrub, Chondrodendron tomentosum, used as a muscle relaxant in surgery etc. [Port. parreira vine trained against a wall] parenchyma n. 1 Anat. the functional part of an organ as distinguished from the connective and supporting tissue. 2 Bot. the cellular material, usu. soft and succulent, found esp. in the softer parts of leaves, pulp of fruits, bark and pith of stems, etc. ЬЬparenchymal adj. parenchymatous adj. [Gk paregkhuma something poured in besides (as PARA-(1), egkhuma infusion f. egkheo pour in)] parent n. & v. --n. 1 a person who has begotten or borne offspring; a father or mother. 2 a person who has adopted a child. 3 a forefather. 4 an animal or plant from which others are derived. 5 a source or origin. 6 an initiating organization or enterprise. --v.tr. (also absol.) be a parent of. Ьparent company a company of which other companies are subsidiaries. parent-teacher association a local organization of parents and teachers for promoting closer relations and improving educational facilities at a school. ЬЬparental adj. parentally adv. parenthood n. [ME f. OF f. L parens parentis f. parere bring forth] parentage n. lineage; descent from or through parents (their parentage is unknown). [ME f. OF (as PARENT)] parenteral adj. Med. administered or occurring elsewhere than in the alimentary canal. ЬЬparenterally adv. [PARA-(1) + Gk enteron intestine] parenthesis n. (pl. parentheses) 1 a a word, clause, or sentence inserted as an explanation or afterthought into a passage which is grammatically complete without it, and usu. marked off by brackets or dashes or commas. b (in pl.) a pair of round brackets () used for this. 2 an interlude or interval. Ьin parenthesis as a parenthesis or afterthought. [LL f. Gk parenthesis f. parentithemi put in beside] parenthesize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 (also absol.) insert as a parenthesis. 2 put into brackets or similar punctuation. parenthetic adj. 1 of or by way of a parenthesis. 2 interposed. ЬЬparenthetical adj. parenthetically adv. [PARENTHESIS after synthesis, synthetic, etc.] parenting n. the occupation or concerns of parents. parergon n. (pl. parerga) 1 work subsidiary to one's main employment. 2 an ornamental accessory. [L f. Gk parergon (as PARA-(1), ergon work)] paresis n. (pl. pareses) Med. partial paralysis. ЬЬparetic adj. [mod.L f. Gk f. pariemi let go (as PARA-(1), hiemi let go)] par excellence adv. as having special excellence; being the supreme example of its kind (the short story par excellence). [F, = by excellence] parfait n. 1 a rich iced pudding of whipped cream, eggs, etc. 2 layers of ice-cream, meringue, etc., served in a tall glass. [F parfait PERFECT adj.] pargana n. (also pergunnah, pergana) (in India) a group of villages or a subdivision of a district. [Urdu pargana district] parget v. & n. --v.tr. (pargeted, pargeting) 1 plaster (a wall etc.) esp. with an ornamental pattern. 2 roughcast. --n. 1 plaster applied in this way; ornamental plasterwork. 2 roughcast. [ME f. OF pargeter, parjeter f. par all over + jeter throw] parhelion n. (pl. parhelia) a bright spot on the solar halo. Also called mock sun, sun-dog. ЬЬparheliacal adj. parhelic adj. [L parelion f. Gk (as PARA-(1), helios sun)] pariah n. 1 a social outcast. 2 hist. a member of a low caste or of no caste in S. India. Ьpariah-dog = PYE-DOG. [Tamil paraiyar pl. of paraiyan hereditary drummer f. parai drum] parietal adj. 1 Anat. of the wall of the body or any of its cavities. 2 Bot. of the wall of a hollow structure etc. 3 US relating to residence within a college. Ьparietal bone either of a pair of bones forming the central part of the sides and top of the skull. [F pari‚tal or LL parietalis f. L paries -etis wall] pari-mutuel n. 1 a form of betting in which those backing the first three places divide the losers' stakes (less the operator's commission). 2 a totalizator. [F, = mutual stake] paring n. a strip or piece cut off. pari passu adv. 1 with equal speed. 2 simultaneously and equally. [L] Paris commune see COMMUNE(1). Paris green n. a poisonous chemical used as a pigment and insecticide. [Paris in France] parish n. 1 an area having its own church and clergy. 2 (in full civil parish) a district constituted for purposes of local government. 3 the inhabitants of a parish. 4 US a county in Louisiana. Ьparish clerk an official performing various duties concerned with the church. parish council Brit. the administrative body in a civil parish. parish pump (often attrib.) a symbol of a parochial or restricted outlook. parish register a book recording christenings, marriages, and burials, at a parish church. [ME paroche, parosse f. OF paroche, paroisse f. eccl.L parochia, paroechia f. Gk paroikia sojourning f. paroikos (as PARA-(1), -oikos -dwelling f. oikeo dwell)] parishioner n. an inhabitant of a parish. [obs. parishen f. ME f. OF parossien, formed as PARISH] Parisian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Paris in France. --n. 1 a native or inhabitant of Paris. 2 the kind of French spoken in Paris. [F parisien] parison n. a rounded mass of glass formed by rolling immediately after taking it from the furnace. [F paraison f. parer prepare f. L parare] parity(1) n. 1 equality or equal status, esp. as regards status or pay. 2 parallelism or analogy (parity of reasoning). 3 equivalence of one currency with another; being at par. 4 (of a number) the fact of being even or odd. 5 Physics (of a quantity) the fact of changing its sign or remaining unaltered under a given transformation of coordinates etc. [F parit‚ or LL paritas (as PAR(1))] parity(2) n. Med. 1 the fact or condition of having borne children. 2 the number of children previously borne. [formed as -PAROUS + -ITY] park n. & v. --n. 1 a large public garden in a town, for recreation. 2 a large enclosed piece of ground, usu. with woodland and pasture, attached to a country house etc. 3 a a large area of land kept in its natural state for public recreational use. b a large enclosed area of land used to accommodate wild animals in captivity (wildlife park). 4 an area for motor vehicles etc. to be left in (car park). 5 the gear position or function in automatic transmission in which the gears are locked, preventing the vehicle's movement. 6 an area devoted to a specified purpose (industrial park). 7 a US a sports ground. b (usu. prec. by the) a football pitch. --v.tr. 1 (also absol.) leave (a vehicle) usu. temporarily, in a car park, by the side of the road, etc. 2 colloq. deposit and leave, usu. temporarily. Ьparking-light a small light at the side of a vehicle, for use when the vehicle is parked at night. parking-lot US an outdoor area for parking vehicles. parking-meter a coin-operated meter which receives fees for vehicles parked in the street and indicates the time available. parking-ticket a notice, usu. attached to a vehicle, of a penalty imposed for parking illegally. park oneself colloq. sit down. [ME f. OF parc f. med.L parricus of Gmc orig., rel. to pearruc: see PADDOCK] parka n. 1 a skin jacket with hood, worn by Eskimos. 2 a similar windproof fabric garment worn by mountaineers etc. [Aleutian] parkin n. Brit. a cake or biscuit made with oatmeal, ginger, and treacle or molasses. [perh. f. the name Parkin, dimin. of Peter] Parkinsonism n. = PARKINSON'S DISEASE. Parkinson's disease n. a progressive disease of the nervous system with tremor, muscular rigidity, and emaciation. Also called PARKINSONISM. [J. Parkinson, Engl. surgeon d. 1824] Parkinson's law n. the notion that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. [C. N. Parkinson, Engl. writer b. 1909] parkland n. open grassland with clumps of trees etc. parkway n. 1 US an open landscaped highway. 2 Brit. a railway station with extensive parking facilities. parky adj. (parkier, parkiest) Brit. colloq. chilly. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] Parl. abbr. Brit. 1 Parliament. 2 Parliamentary. parlance n. a particular way of speaking, esp. as regards choice of words, idiom, etc. [OF f. parler speak, ult. f. L parabola (see PARABLE): in LL = 'speech'] parlay v. & n. US --v.tr. 1 use (money won on a bet) as a further stake. 2 increase in value by or as if by parlaying. --n. 1 an act of parlaying. 2 a bet made by parlaying. [F paroli f. It. f. paro like f. L par equal] parley n. & v. --n. (pl. -eys) a conference for debating points in a dispute, esp. a discussion of terms for an armistice etc. --v.intr. (-leys, -leyed) (often foll. by with) hold a parley. [perh. f. OF parlee, fem. past part. of parler speak: see PARLANCE] parliament n. 1 (Parliament) a (in the UK) the highest legislature, consisting of the Sovereign, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. b the members of this legislature for a particular period, esp. between one dissolution and the next. 2 a similar legislature in other nations and States. [ME f. OF parlement speaking (as PARLANCE)] parliamentarian n. & adj. --n. 1 a member of a parliament, esp. one well-versed in its procedures. 2 hist. an adherent of Parliament in the English Civil War of the 17th c. --adj. = PARLIAMENTARY. parliamentary adj. 1 of or relating to a parliament. 2 enacted or established by a parliament. 3 (of language) admissible in a parliament; polite. ЬParliamentary Commissioner for Administration the official name of the ombudsman in the UK. parliamentary private secretary a member of parliament assisting a government minister. parlour n. (US parlor) 1 a sitting-room in a private house. 2 a room in a hotel, convent, etc., for the private use of residents. 3 esp. US a shop providing specified goods or services (beauty parlour; ice-cream parlour). 4 a room or building equipped for milking cows. 5 (attrib.) derog. denoting support for political views by those who do not try to practise them (parlour socialist). Ьparlour game an indoor game, esp. a word game. parlour-maid hist. a maid who waits at table. [ME f. AF parlur, OF parleor, parleur: see PARLANCE] parlous adj. & adv. archaic or joc. --adj. 1 dangerous or difficult. 2 hard to deal with. --adv. extremely. ЬЬparlously adv. parlousness n. [ME, = PERILOUS] Parma violet n. a variety of sweet violet with heavy scent and lavender-coloured flowers often crystallized for food decoration. [Parma in Italy] Parmesan n. a kind of hard dry cheese made orig. at Parma and used esp. in grated form. [F f. It. parmegiano of Parma in Italy] Parnassian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of Parnassus, a mountain in C. Greece, in antiquity sacred to the Muses. 2 poetic. 3 of or relating to a group of French poets in the late 19th c., emphasizing strictness of form, named from the anthology Le Parnasse contemporain (1866). --n. a member of this group. parochial adj. 1 of or concerning a parish. 2 (of affairs, views, etc.) merely local, narrow or restricted in scope. ЬЬparochialism n. parochiality n. parochially adv. [ME f. AF parochiel, OF parochial f. eccl.L parochialis (as PARISH)] parody n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a humorous exaggerated imitation of an author, literary work, style, etc. 2 a feeble imitation; a travesty. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 compose a parody of. 2 mimic humorously. ЬЬparodic adj. parodist n. [LL parodia or Gk paroidia burlesque poem (as PARA-(1), oide ode)] parol adj. & n. Law --adj. 1 given orally. 2 (of a document) not given under seal. --n. an oral declaration. [OF parole (as PAROLE)] parole n. & v. --n. 1 a the release of a prisoner temporarily for a special purpose or completely before the expiry of a sentence, on the promise of good behaviour. b such a promise. 2 a word of honour. --v.tr. put (a prisoner) on parole. Ьon parole released on the terms of parole. ЬЬparolee n. [F, = word: see PARLANCE] paronomasia n. a play on words; a pun. [L f. Gk paronomasia (as PARA-(1), onomasia naming f. onomazo to name f. onoma a name)] paronym n. 1 a word cognate with another. 2 a word formed from a foreign word. ЬЬparonymous adj. [Gk paronumon, neut. of paronumos (as PARA-(1), onuma name)] parotid adj. & n. --adj. situated near the ear. --n. (in full parotid gland) a salivary gland in front of the ear. Ьparotid duct a duct opening from the parotid gland into the mouth. [F parotide or L parotis parotid- f. Gk parotis -idos (as PARA-(1), ous otos ear)] parotitis n. 1 inflammation of the parotid gland. 2 mumps. [PAROTID + -ITIS] -parous comb. form bearing offspring of a specified number or kind (multiparous; viviparous). [L -parus -bearing f. parere bring forth] Parousia n. Theol. the supposed second coming of Christ. [Gk, = presence, coming] paroxysm n. 1 (often foll. by of) a sudden attack or outburst (of rage, laughter, etc.). 2 a fit of disease. ЬЬparoxysmal adj. [F paroxysme f. med.L paroxysmus f. Gk paroxusmos f. paroxuno exasperate (as PARA-(1), oxuno sharpen f. oxus sharp)] paroxytone adj. & n. --adj. (esp. in ancient Greek) having an acute accent on the last syllable but one. --n. a word of this kind. [mod.L f. Gk paroxutonos (as PARA-(1), OXYTONE)] parpen n. a stone passing through a wall from side to side, with two smooth vertical faces. [ME f. OF parpain, prob. ult. f. L per through + pannus piece of cloth, in Rmc 'piece of wall'] parquet n. & v. --n. 1 a flooring of wooden blocks arranged in a pattern. 2 US the stalls of a theatre. --v.tr. (parqueted; parqueting) furnish (a room) with a parquet floor. [F, = small compartment, floor, dimin. of parc PARK] parquetry n. the use of wooden blocks to make floors or inlay for furniture. parr n. a young salmon with blue-grey finger-like markings on its sides, younger than a smolt. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] parrakeet US var. of PARAKEET. parramatta n. (also paramatta) a light dress fabric of wool and silk or cotton. [Parramatta in New South Wales, Australia] parricide n. 1 the killing of a near relative, esp. of a parent. 2 an act of parricide. 3 a person who commits parricide. ЬЬparricidal adj. [F parricide or L parricida (= sense 3), parricidium (= sense 1), of uncert. orig., assoc. in L with pater father and parens parent] parrot n. & v. --n. 1 any of various mainly tropical birds of the order Psittaciformes, with a short hooked bill, often having vivid plumage and able to mimic the human voice. 2 a person who mechanically repeats the words or actions of another. --v.tr. (parroted, parroting) repeat mechanically. Ьparrot-fashion (learning or repeating) mechanically without understanding. parrot-fish any fish of the genus Scarus, with a mouth like a parrot's bill and forming a protective mucous cocoon against predators. [prob. f. obs. or dial. F perrot parrot, dimin. of Pierre Peter: cf. PARAKEET] parry v. & n. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 avert or ward off (a weapon or attack), esp. with a countermove. 2 deal skilfully with (an awkward question etc.). --n. (pl. -ies) an act of parrying. [prob. repr. F parez imper. of parer f. It. parare ward off] parse v.tr. 1 describe (a word in context) grammatically, stating its inflection, relation to the sentence, etc. 2 resolve (a sentence) into its component parts and describe them grammatically. ЬЬparser n. esp. Computing [perh. f. ME pars parts of speech f. OF pars, pl. of part PART, infl. by L pars part] parsec n. a unit of stellar distance, equal to about 3.25 light years (3.08 x 10(16) metres), the distance at which the mean radius of the earth's orbit subtends an angle of one second of arc. [PARALLAX + SECOND(2)] Parsee n. 1 an adherent of Zoroastrianism. 2 a descendant of the Persians who fled to India from Muslim persecution in the 7th-8th c. 3 = PAHLAVI. ЬЬParseeism n. [Pers. parsi Persian f. pars Persia] parsimony n. 1 carefulness in the use of money or other resources. 2 meanness, stinginess. Ьlaw of parsimony the assertion that no more causes or forces should be assumed than are necessary to account for the facts. ЬЬparsimonious adj. parsimoniously adv. parsimoniousness n. [ME f. L parsimonia, parcimonia f. parcere pars- spare] parsley n. a biennial herb, Petroselinum crispum, with white flowers and crinkly aromatic leaves, used for seasoning and garnishing food. Ьparsley fern a fern, Cryptogramma crispa, with leaves like parsley. parsley-piert a dwarf annual herb, Aphanes arvensis. [ME percil, per(e)sil f. OF peresil, and OE petersilie ult. f. L petroselinum f. Gk petroselinon; parsley-piert prob. corrupt. of F perce-pierre pierce stone] parsnip n. 1 a biennial umbelliferous plant, Pastinaca sativa, with yellow flowers and a large pale-yellow tapering root. 2 this root eaten as a vegetable. [ME pas(se)nep (with assim. to nep turnip) f. OF pasnaie f. L pastinaca] parson n. 1 a rector. 2 a vicar or any beneficed member of the clergy. 3 colloq. any (esp. Protestant) member of the clergy. Ьparson's nose the piece of fatty flesh at the rump of a fowl. ЬЬparsonical adj. [ME person(e), parson f. OF persone f. L persona PERSON (in med.L rector)] parsonage n. a church house provided for a parson. part n., v., & adv. --n. 1 some but not all of a thing or number of things. 2 an essential member or constituent of anything (part of the family; a large part of the job). 3 a component of a machine etc. (spare parts; needs a new part). 4 a a portion of a human or animal body. b (in pl.) = private parts. 5 a division of a book, broadcast serial, etc., esp. as much as is issued or broadcast at one time. 6 each of several equal portions of a whole (the recipe has 3 parts sugar to 2 parts flour). 7 a a portion allotted; a share. b a person's share in an action or enterprise (will have no part in it). c one's duty (was not my part to interfere). 8 a a character assigned to an actor on stage. b the words spoken by an actor on stage. c a copy of these. 9 Mus. a melody or other constituent of harmony assigned to a particular voice or instrument. 10 each of the sides in an agreement or dispute. 11 (in pl.) a region or district (am not from these parts). 12 (in pl.) abilities (a man of many parts). 13 US = PARTING 2. --v. 1 tr. & intr. divide or separate into parts (the crowd parted to let them through). 2 intr. a leave one another's company (they parted the best of friends). b (foll. by from) say goodbye to. 3 tr. cause to separate (they fought hard and had to be parted). 4 intr. (foll. by with) give up possession of; hand over. 5 tr. separate (the hair of the head on either side of the parting) with a comb. --adv. to some extent; partly (is part iron and part wood; a lie that is part truth). Ьfor the most part see MOST. for one's part as far as one is concerned. in part (or parts) to some extent; partly. look the part appear suitable for a role. on the part of on the behalf or initiative of (no objection on my part). part and parcel (usu. foll. by of) an essential part. part company see COMPANY. part-exchange n. a transaction in which goods are given as part of the payment for other goods, with the balance in money. --v.tr. give (goods) in such a transaction. part of speech n. each of the categories to which words are assigned in accordance with their grammatical and semantic functions (in English esp. noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, verb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection). part-song a song with three or more voice-parts, often without accompaniment, and harmonic rather than contrapuntal in character. part time less than the full time required by an activity. part-time adj. occupying or using only part of one's working time. part-timer a person employed in part-time work. part-work Brit. a publication appearing in several parts over a period of time. play a part 1 be significant or contributory. 2 act deceitfully. 3 perform a theatrical role. take in good part see GOOD. take part (often foll. by in) assist or have a share (in). take the part of support; back up. three parts three quarters. [ME f. OF f. L pars partis (n.), partire, partiri (v.)] partake v.intr. (past partook; past part. partaken) 1 (foll. by of, in) take a share or part. 2 (foll. by of) eat or drink some or colloq. all (of a thing). 3 (foll. by of) have some (of a quality etc.) (their manner partook of insolence). ЬЬpartakable adj. partaker n. [16th c.: back-form. f. partaker, partaking = part-taker etc.] parterre n. 1 a level space in a garden occupied by flower-beds arranged formally. 2 US the ground floor of a theatre auditorium, esp. the pit overhung by balconies. [F, = par terre on the ground] parthenogenesis n. Biol. reproduction by a male gamete without fertilization, esp. as a normal process in invertebrates and lower plants. ЬЬparthenogenetic adj. parthenogenetically adv. [mod.L f. Gk parthenos virgin + genesis as GENESIS] Parthian shot n. a remark or glance etc. reserved for the moment of departure. [Parthia, an ancient kingdom in W. Asia: from the custom of a retreating Parthian horseman firing a shot at the enemy] partial adj. & n. --adj. 1 not complete; forming only part (a partial success). 2 biased, unfair. 3 (foll. by to) having a liking for. --n. Mus. any of the constituents of a musical sound. Ьpartial eclipse an eclipse in which only part of the luminary is covered or darkened. partial verdict a verdict finding a person guilty of part of a charge. ЬЬpartially adv. partialness n. [ME f. OF parcial f. LL partialis (as PART)] partiality n. 1 bias, favouritism. 2 (foll. by for) fondness. [ME f. OF parcialit‚ f. med.L partialitas (as PARTIAL)] participant n. a participator. participate v.intr. 1 (foll. by in) take a part or share (in). 2 literary or formal (foll. by of) have a certain quality (the speech participated of wit). ЬЬparticipation n. participator n. participatory adj. [L participare f. particeps - cipis taking part, formed as PART + -cip- = cap- stem of capere take] participle n. Gram. a word formed from a verb (e.g. going, gone, being, been) and used in compound verb-forms (e.g. is going, has been) or as an adjective (e.g. working woman, burnt toast). ЬЬparticipial adj. participially adv. [ME f. OF, by-form of participe f. L participium (as PARTICIPATE)] particle n. 1 a minute portion of matter. 2 the least possible amount (not a particle of sense). 3 Gram. a a minor part of speech, esp. a short undeclinable one. b a common prefix or suffix such as in-, -ness. [ME f. L particula (as PART)] particoloured adj. partly of one colour, partly of another or others. [PARTY(2) + COLOURED] particular adj. & n. --adj. 1 relating to or considered as one thing or person as distinct from others; individual (in this particular instance). 2 more than is usual; special, noteworthy (took particular trouble). 3 scrupulously exact; fastidious. 4 detailed (a full and particular account). 5 Logic (of a proposition) in which something is asserted of some but not all of a class (opp. UNIVERSAL). --n. 1 a detail; an item. 2 (in pl.) points of information; a detailed account. Ьin particular especially, specifically. [ME f. OF particuler f. L particularis (as PARTICLE)] particularism n. 1 exclusive devotion to one party, sect, etc. 2 the principle of leaving political independence to each State in an empire or federation. 3 the theological doctrine of individual election or redemption. ЬЬparticularist n. [F particularisme, mod.L particularismus, and G Partikularismus (as PARTICULAR)] particularity n. 1 the quality of being individual or particular. 2 fullness or minuteness of detail in a description. particularize v.tr. (also -ise) tr. (also absol.) 1 name specially or one by one. 2 specify (items). ЬЬparticularization n. [F particulariser (as PARTICULAR)] particularly adv. 1 especially, very. 2 specifically (they particularly asked for you). 3 in a particular or fastidious manner. particulate adj. & n. --adj. in the form of separate particles. --n. matter in this form. [L particula PARTICLE] parting n. 1 a leave-taking or departure (often attrib.: parting words). 2 Brit. the dividing line of combed hair. 3 a division; an act of separating. Ьparting shot = PARTHIAN SHOT. parti pris n. & adj. --n. a preconceived view; a bias. --adj. prejudiced, biased. [F, = side taken] partisan n. & adj. (also partizan) --n. 1 a strong, esp. unreasoning, supporter of a party, cause, etc. 2 Mil. a guerrilla in wartime. --adj. 1 of or characteristic of partisans. 2 loyal to a particular cause; biased. ЬЬpartisanship n. [F f. It. dial. partigiano etc. f. parte PART] partita n. (pl. partite) Mus. 1 a suite. 2 an air with variations. [It., fem. past part. of partire divide, formed as PART] partite adj. 1 divided (esp. in comb.: tripartite). 2 Bot. & Zool. divided to or nearly to the base. [L partitus past part. of partiri PART v.] partition n. & v. --n. 1 division into parts, esp. Polit. of a country with separate areas of government. 2 a structure dividing a space into two parts, esp. a light interior wall. --v.tr. 1 divide into parts. 2 (foll. by off) separate (part of a room etc.) with a partition. ЬЬpartitioned adj. partitioner n. partitionist n. [ME f. OF f. L partitio -onis (as PARTITE)] partitive adj. & n. Gram. --adj. (of a word, form, etc.) denoting part of a collective group or quantity. --n. a partitive word (e.g. some, any) or form. Ьpartitive genitive a genitive used to indicate a whole divided into or regarded in parts, expressed in English by of as in most of us. ЬЬpartitively adv. [F partitif -ive or med.L partitivus (as PARTITE)] partizan var. of PARTISAN. partly adv. 1 with respect to a part or parts. 2 to some extent. partner n. & v. --n. 1 a person who shares or takes part with another or others, esp. in a business firm with shared risks and profits. 2 a companion in dancing. 3 a player (esp. one of two) on the same side in a game. 4 either member of a married couple, or of an unmarried couple living together. --v.tr. 1 be the partner of. 2 associate as partners. ЬЬpartnerless adj. [ME, alt. of parcener joint heir, after PART] partnership n. 1 the state of being a partner or partners. 2 a joint business. 3 a pair or group of partners. partook past of PARTAKE. partridge n. (pl. same or partridges) 1 any game-bird of the genus Perdix, esp. P. perdix of Europe and Asia. 2 any other of various similar birds of the family Phasianidae, including the snow partridge. [ME partrich etc. f. OF perdriz etc. f. L perdix -dicis: for -dge cf. CABBAGE] parturient adj. about to give birth. [L parturire be in labour, incept. f. parere part- bring forth] parturition n. formal the act of bringing forth young; childbirth. [LL parturitio (as PARTURIENT)] party(1) n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a social gathering, usu. of invited guests. 2 a body of persons engaged in an activity or travelling together (fishing party; search party). 3 a group of people united in a cause, opinion, etc., esp. a political group organized on a national basis. 4 a person or persons forming one side in an agreement or dispute. 5 (foll. by to) Law an accessory (to an action). 6 colloq. a person. --v.tr. & intr. (-ies, -ied) entertain at or attend a party. Ьparty line 1 the policy adopted by a political party. 2 a telephone line shared by two or more subscribers. party-wall a wall common to two adjoining buildings or rooms. [ME f. OF partie ult. f. L partire: see PART] party(2) adj. Heraldry divided into parts of different colours. [ME f. OF parti f. L (as PARTY(1))] parvenu n. & adj. --n. (fem. parvenue) 1 a person of obscure origin who has gained wealth or position. 2 an upstart. --adj. 1 associated with or characteristic of such a person. 2 upstart. [F, past part. of parvenir arrive f. L pervenire (as PER-, venire come)] parvis n. (also parvise) 1 an enclosed area in front of a cathedral, church, etc. 2 a room over a church porch. [ME f. OF parvis ult. f. LL paradisus PARADISE, a court in front of St Peter's, Rome] pas n. (pl. same) a step in dancing, esp. in classical ballet. Ь pas de chat a leap in which each foot in turn is raised to the opposite knee. pas de deux a dance for two persons. pas gliss‚ see GLISSђ. pas seul a solo dance. [F, = step] pascal n. 1 the SI unit of pressure, equal to one newton per square metre. 2 (Pascal) Computing a programming language esp. used in education. [B. Pascal, Fr. scientist d. 1662: sense 2 so named because he built a calculating machine] paschal adj. 1 of or relating to the Jewish Passover. 2 of or relating to Easter. Ьpaschal lamb 1 a lamb sacrificed at Passover. 2 Christ. [ME f. OF pascal f. eccl.L paschalis f. pascha f. Gk paskha f. Aram. pasha, rel. to Heb. pesah PASSOVER] pash n. sl. a brief infatuation. [abbr. of PASSION] pasha n. (also pacha) hist. the title (placed after the name) of a Turkish officer of high rank, e.g. a military commander, the governor of a province, etc. [Turk. pasa, prob. = basa f. bas head, chief] pashm n. the under-fur of some Tibetan animals, esp. that of goats as used for Cashmere shawls. Pashto n. & adj. --n. the official language of Afghanistan, also spoken in areas of Pakistan. --adj. of or in this language. [Pashto] paso doble n. 1 a ballroom dance based on a Latin American style of marching. 2 this style of marching. [Sp., = double step] pasque-flower n. a ranunculaceous plant, Pulsatilla vulgaris, with bell-shaped purple flowers and fernlike foliage. Also called ANEMONE. [earlier passe-flower f. F passe-fleur: assim. to pasque = obs. pasch (as PASCHAL), Easter] pasquinade n. a lampoon or satire, orig. one displayed in a public place. [It. pasquinata f. Pasquino, a statue in Rome on which abusive Latin verses were annually posted] pass(1) v. & n. --v. (past part. passed) (see also PAST). 1 intr. (often foll. by along, by, down, on, etc.) move onward; proceed, esp. past some point of reference (saw the procession passing). 2 tr. a go past; leave (a thing etc.) on one side or behind in proceeding. b overtake, esp. in a vehicle. c go across (a frontier, mountain range, etc.). 3 intr. & tr. be transferred or cause to be transferred from one person or place to another (pass the butter; the title passes to his son). 4 tr. surpass; be too great for (it passes my comprehension). 5 intr. get through; effect a passage. 6 intr. a be accepted as adequate; go uncensored (let the matter pass). b (foll. by as, for) be accepted or currently known as. c US (of a person with some Black ancestry) be accepted as White. 7 tr. move; cause to go (passed her hand over her face; passed a rope round it). 8 a intr. (of a candidate in an examination) be successful. b tr. be successful in (an examination). c tr. (of an examiner) judge the performance of (a candidate) to be satisfactory. 9 a tr. (of a bill) be examined and approved by (a parliamentary body or process). b tr. cause or allow (a bill) to proceed to further legislative processes. c intr. (of a bill or proposal) be approved. 10 intr. a occur, elapse (the remark passed unnoticed; time passes slowly). b happen; be done or said (heard what passed between them). 11 a intr. circulate; be current. b tr. put into circulation (was passing forged cheques). 12 tr. spend or use up (a certain time or period) (passed the afternoon reading). 13 tr. (also absol.) (in field games) send (the ball) to another player of one's own side. 14 intr. forgo one's turn or chance in a game etc. 15 intr. (foll. by to, into) change from one form (to another). 16 intr. come to an end. 17 tr. discharge from the body as or with excreta. 18 tr. (foll. by on, upon) a utter (criticism) about. b pronounce (a judicial sentence) on. 19 intr. (often foll. by on, upon) adjudicate. 20 tr. not declare or pay (a dividend). 21 tr. cause (troops etc.) to go by esp. ceremonially. --n. 1 an act or instance of passing. 2 a success in an examination. b Brit. the status of a university degree without honours. 3 written permission to pass into or out of a place, or to be absent from quarters. 4 a a ticket or permit giving free entry or access etc. b = free pass. 5 (in field games) a transference of the ball to another player on the same side. 6 a thrust in fencing. 7 a juggling trick. 8 an act of passing the hands over anything, as in conjuring or hypnotism. 9 a critical position (has come to a fine pass). Ьin passing 1 by the way. 2 in the course of speech, conversation, etc. make a pass at colloq. make amorous or sexual advances to. pass away 1 euphem. die. 2 cease to exist; come to an end. pass by 1 go past. 2 disregard, omit. passed pawn Chess a pawn that has advanced beyond the pawns on the other side. pass one's eye over read (a document etc.) cursorily. pass muster see MUSTER. pass off 1 (of feelings etc.) disappear gradually. 2 (of proceedings) be carried through (in a specified way). 3 (foll. by as) misrepresent (a person or thing) as something else. 4 evade or lightly dismiss (an awkward remark etc.). pass on 1 proceed on one's way. 2 euphem. die. 3 transmit to the next person in a series. pass out 1 become unconscious. 2 Brit. Mil. complete one's training as a cadet. 3 distribute. pass over 1 omit, ignore, or disregard. 2 ignore the claims of (a person) to promotion or advancement. 3 euphem. die. pass round 1 distribute. 2 send or give to each of a number in turn. pass through experience. pass the time of day see TIME. pass up colloq. refuse or neglect (an opportunity etc.). pass water urinate. ЬЬpasser n. [ME f. OF passer ult. f. L passus PACE(1)] pass(2) n. 1 a narrow passage through mountains. 2 a navigable channel, esp. at the mouth of a river. Ьsell the pass betray a cause. [ME, var. of PACE(1), infl. by F pas and by PASS(1)] passable adj. 1 barely satisfactory; just adequate. 2 (of a road, pass, etc.) that can be passed. ЬЬpassableness n. passably adv. [ME f. OF (as PASS(1))] passacaglia n. Mus. an instrumental piece usu. with a ground bass. [It. f. Sp. pasacalle f. pasar pass + calle street: orig. often played in the streets] passage(1) n. 1 the process or means of passing; transit. 2 = PASSAGEWAY. 3 the liberty or right to pass through. 4 a the right of conveyance as a passenger by sea or air. b a journey by sea or air. 5 a transition from one state to another. 6 a a short extract from a book etc. b a section of a piece of music. 7 the passing of a bill etc. into law. 8 (in pl.) an interchange of words etc. 9 Anat. a duct etc. in the body. Ьpassage of (or at) arms a fight or dispute. work one's passage earn a right (orig. of passage) by working for it. [ME f. OF (as PASS(1))] passage(2) v. 1 intr. (of a horse or rider) move sideways, by the pressure of the rein on the horse's neck and of the rider's leg on the opposite side. 2 tr. make (a horse) do this. [F passager, earlier pass‚ger f. It. passeggiare to walk, pace f. passeggio walk f. L passus PACE(1)] passageway n. a narrow way for passing along, esp. with walls on either side; a corridor. passant adj. Heraldry (of an animal) walking and looking to the dexter side, with three paws on the ground and the right forepaw raised. [ME f. OF, part. of passer PASS(1)] passband n. a frequency band within which signals are transmitted by a filter without attenuation. passbook n. a book issued by a bank or building society etc. to an account-holder recording sums deposited and withdrawn. pass‚ adj. (fem. pass‚e) 1 behind the times; out of date. 2 past its prime. [F, past part. of passer PASS(1)] passementerie n. a trimming of gold or silver lace, braid, beads, etc. [F f. passement gold lace etc. f. passer PASS(1)] passenger n. 1 a traveller in or on a public or private conveyance (other than the driver, pilot, crew, etc.). 2 colloq. a member of a team, crew, etc., who does no effective work. 3 (attrib.) for the use of passengers (passenger seat). Ьpassenger-mile one mile travelled by one passenger, as a unit of traffic. passenger-pigeon an extinct wild pigeon of N. America, capable of long flight. [ME f. OF passager f. OF passager (adj.) passing (as passage(1)): -n- as in messenger etc.] passe-partout n. 1 a master-key. 2 a picture-frame (esp. for mounted photographs) consisting of two pieces of glass stuck together at the edges with adhesive tape. 3 adhesive tape or paper used for this. [F, = passes everywhere] passer-by n. (pl. passers-by) a person who goes past, esp. by chance. passerine n. & adj. --n. any perching bird of the order Passeriformes, having feet with three toes pointing forward and one pointing backwards, including sparrows and most land birds. --adj. 1 of or relating to this order. 2 of the size of a sparrow. [L passer sparrow] passible adj. Theol. capable of feeling or suffering. ЬЬpassibility n. [ME f. OF passible or LL passibilis f. L pati pass- suffer] passim adv. (of allusions or references in a published work) to be found at various places throughout the text. [L f. passus scattered f. pandere spread] passing adj. & n. --adj. 1 in senses of PASS v. 2 transient, fleeting (a passing glance). 3 cursory, incidental (a passing reference). --n. 1 in senses of PASS v. 2 euphem. the death of a person (mourned his passing). Ьpassing note Mus. a note not belonging to the harmony but interposed to secure a smooth transition. passing shot Tennis a shot aiming the ball beyond and out of reach of the other player. ЬЬpassingly adv. passion n. 1 strong barely controllable emotion. 2 an outburst of anger (flew into a passion). 3 intense sexual love. 4 a strong enthusiasm (has a passion for football). b an object arousing this. 5 (the Passion) a Relig. the suffering of Christ during his last days. b a narrative of this from the Gospels. c a musical setting of any of these narratives. Ьpassion-flower any climbing plant of the genus Passiflora, with a flower that was supposed to suggest the instruments of the Crucifixion. passion-fruit the edible fruit of some species of passion-flower, esp. Passiflora edulis: also called GRANADILLA. passion-play a miracle play representing Christ's Passion. Passion Sunday the fifth Sunday in Lent. Passion Week 1 the week between Passion Sunday and Palm Sunday. 2 = Holy Week. ЬЬpassionless adj. [ME f. OF f. LL passio -onis f. L pati pass- suffer] passional adj. & n. --adj. literary of or marked by passion. --n. a book of the sufferings of saints and martyrs. passionate adj. 1 dominated by or easily moved to strong feeling, esp. love or anger. 2 showing or caused by passion. ЬЬpassionately adv. passionateness n. [ME f. med.L passionatus (as PASSION)] Passiontide n. the last two weeks of Lent. passivate v.tr. make (esp. metal) passive (see PASSIVE). ЬЬpassivation n. passive adj. 1 suffering action; acted upon. 2 offering no opposition; submissive. 3 a not active; inert. b (of a metal) abnormally unreactive. 4 Gram. designating the voice in which the subject undergoes the action of the verb (e.g. in they were killed). 5 (of a debt) incurring no interest payment. Ьpassive obedience 1 surrender to another's will without cooperation. 2 compliance with commands irrespective of their nature. passive resistance a non-violent refusal to cooperate. passive smoking the involuntary inhaling, esp. by a non-smoker, of smoke from others' cigarettes etc. ЬЬpassively adv. passiveness n. passivity n. [ME f. OF passif -ive or L passivus (as PASSION)] passkey n. 1 a private key to a gate etc. for special purposes. 2 a master-key. passmark n. the minimum mark needed to pass an examination. Passover n. 1 the Jewish spring festival commemorating the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, held from the 14th to the 21st day of the seventh month of the Jewish year. 2 = paschal lamb. [pass over = pass without touching, with ref. to the exemption of the Israelites from the death of the first-born (Exod. 12)] passport n. 1 an official document issued by a government certifying the holder's identity and citizenship, and entitling the holder to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries. 2 (foll. by to) a thing that ensures admission or attainment (a passport to success). [F passeport (as PASS(1), PORT(1))] password n. a selected word or phrase securing recognition, admission, etc., when used by those to whom it is disclosed. past adj., n., prep., & adv. --adj. 1 gone by in time and no longer existing (in past years; the time is past). 2 recently completed or gone by (the past month; for some time past). 3 relating to a former time (past president). 4 Gram. expressing a past action or state. --n. 1 (prec. by the) a past time. b what has happened in past time (cannot undo the past). 2 a person's past life or career, esp. if discreditable (a man with a past). 3 a past tense or form. --prep. 1 beyond in time or place (is past two o'clock; ran past the house). 2 beyond the range, duration, or compass of (past belief; past endurance). --adv. so as to pass by (hurried past). Ьnot put it past a person believe it possible of a person. past it colloq. incompetent or unusable through age. past master 1 a person who is especially adept or expert in an activity, subject, etc. 2 a person who has been a master in a guild, Freemason's lodge, etc. past perfect = PLUPERFECT. [past part. of PASS(1) v.] pasta n. 1 a dried flour paste used in various shapes in cooking (e.g. lasagne, spaghetti). 2 a cooked dish made from this. [It., = PASTE] paste n. & v. --n. 1 any moist fairly stiff mixture, esp. of powder and liquid. 2 a dough of flour with fat, water, etc., used in baking. 3 an adhesive of flour, water, etc., esp. for sticking paper and other light materials. 4 an easily spread preparation of ground meat, fish, etc. (anchovy paste). 5 a hard vitreous composition used in making imitation gems. 6 a mixture of clay, water, etc., used in making ceramic ware, esp. a mixture of low plasticity used in making porcelain. --v.tr. 1 fasten or coat with paste. 2 sl. a beat or thrash. b bomb or bombard heavily. Ьpaste-up a document prepared for copying etc. by combining and pasting various sections on a backing. ЬЬpasting n. (esp. in sense 2 of v.). [ME f. OF f. LL pasta small square medicinal lozenge f. Gk paste f. pastos sprinkled] pasteboard n. 1 a sheet of stiff material made by pasting together sheets of paper. 2 (attrib.) a flimsy, unsubstantial. b fake. pastel n. 1 a crayon consisting of powdered pigments bound with a gum solution. 2 a work of art in pastel. 3 a light and subdued shade of a colour. ЬЬpastelist n. pastellist n. [F pastel or It. pastello, dimin. of pasta PASTE] pastern n. 1 the part of a horse's foot between the fetlock and the hoof. 2 a corresponding part in other animals. [ME pastron f. OF pasturon f. pasture hobble ult. f. L pastorius of a shepherd: see PASTOR] pasteurize v.tr. (also -ise) subject (milk etc.) to the process of partial sterilization by heating. ЬЬpasteurization n. pasteurizer n. [L. Pasteur, Fr. chemist d. 1895] pasticcio n. (pl. -os) = PASTICHE. [It.: see PASTICHE] pastiche n. 1 a medley, esp. a picture or a musical composition, made up from or imitating various sources. 2 a literary or other work of art composed in the style of a well-known author. [F f. It. pasticcio ult. f. LL pasta PASTE] pastille n. 1 a small sweet or lozenge. 2 a small roll of aromatic paste burnt as a fumigator etc. Ьpastille-burner an ornamental ceramic container in which an aromatic pastille may be burnt. [F f. L pastillus little loaf, lozenge f. panis loaf] pastime n. 1 a pleasant recreation or hobby. 2 a sport or game. [PASS(1) + TIME] pastis n. an aniseed-flavoured aperitif. [F] pastor n. 1 a minister in charge of a church or a congregation. 2 a person exercising spiritual guidance. 3 a pink starling, Sturnus roseus. ЬЬpastorship n. [ME f. AF & OF pastour f. L pastor -oris shepherd f. pascere past- feed, graze] pastoral adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, relating to, or associated with shepherds or flocks and herds. 2 (of land) used for pasture. 3 (of a poem, picture, etc.) portraying country life, usu. in a romantic or idealized form. 4 of or appropriate to a pastor. --n. 1 a pastoral poem, play, picture, etc. 2 a letter from a pastor (esp. a bishop) to the clergy or people. Ьpastoral staff a bishop's crosier. pastoral theology that considering religious truth in relation to spiritual needs. ЬЬpastoralism n. pastorality n. pastorally adv. [ME f. L pastoralis (as PASTOR)] pastorale n. (pl. pastorales or pastorali) 1 a slow instrumental composition in compound time, usu. with drone notes in the bass. 2 a simple musical play with a rural subject. [It. (as PASTORAL)] pastoralist n. Austral. a farmer of sheep or cattle. pastorate n. 1 the office or tenure of a pastor. 2 a body of pastors. pastrami n. seasoned smoked beef. [Yiddish] pastry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a dough of flour, fat, and water baked and used as a base and covering for pies etc. 2 a food, esp. cake, made wholly or partly of this. b a piece or item of this food. Ьpastry-cook a cook who specializes in pastry, esp. for public sale. [PASTE after OF pastaierie] pasturage n. 1 land for pasture. 2 the process of pasturing cattle etc. [OF (as PASTURE)] pasture n. & v. --n. 1 land covered with grass etc. suitable for grazing animals, esp. cattle or sheep. 2 herbage for animals. --v. 1 tr. put (animals) to graze in a pasture. 2 intr. & tr. (of animals) graze. [ME f. OF f. LL pastura (as PASTOR)] pasty(1) n. (pl. -ies) a pastry case with a sweet or savoury filling, baked without a dish to shape it. [ME f. OF past‚ ult. f. LL pasta PASTE] pasty(2) adj. (pastier, pastiest) 1 of or like or covered with paste. 2 unhealthily pale (esp. in complexion) (pasty-faced). ЬЬpastily adv. pastiness n. Pat n. a nickname for an Irishman. [abbr. of the name Patrick] Pat. abbr. Patent. pat(1) v. & n. --v. (patted, patting) 1 tr. strike gently with the hand or a flat surface. 2 tr. flatten or mould by patting. 3 tr. strike gently with the inner surface of the hand, esp. as a sign of affection, sympathy, or congratulation. 4 intr. (foll. by on, upon) beat lightly. --n. 1 a light stroke or tap, esp. with the hand in affection etc. 2 the sound made by this. 3 a small mass (esp. of butter) formed by patting. Ьpat-a-cake a child's game with the patting of hands (the first words of a nursery rhyme). pat on the back a gesture of approval or congratulation. pat a person on the back congratulate a person. [ME, prob. imit.] pat(2) adj. & adv. --adj. 1 known thoroughly and ready for any occasion. 2 apposite or opportune, esp. unconvincingly so (gave a pat answer). --adv. 1 in a pat manner. 2 appositely, opportunely. Ьhave off pat know or have memorized perfectly. stand pat esp. US 1 stick stubbornly to one's opinion or decision. 2 Poker retain one's hand as dealt; not draw other cards. ЬЬpatly adv. patness n. [16th c.: rel. to PAT(1)] pat(3) n. Ьon one's pat Austral. sl. on one's own. [Pat Malone, rhyming slang for own] patagium n. (pl. patagia) Zool. 1 the wing-membrane of a bat or similar animal. 2 a scale covering the wing-joint in moths and butterflies. [med.L use of L patagium f. Gk patageion gold edging] patball n. 1 a simple game of ball played between two players. 2 derog. lawn tennis. patch n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of material or metal etc. used to mend a hole or as reinforcement. 2 a pad worn to protect an injured eye. 3 a dressing etc. put over a wound. 4 a large or irregular distinguishable area on a surface. 5 colloq. a period of time in terms of its characteristic quality (went through a bad patch). 6 a piece of ground. 7 colloq. an area assigned to or patrolled by an authorized person, esp. a police officer. 8 a number of plants growing in one place (brier patch). 9 a scrap or remnant. 10 a temporary electrical connection. 11 hist. a small disc etc. of black silk attached to the face, worn esp. by women in the 17th-18th c. for adornment. 12 Mil. a piece of cloth on a uniform as the badge of a unit. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by up) repair with a patch or patches; put a patch or patches on. 2 (of material) serve as a patch to. 3 (often foll. by up) put together, esp. hastily or in a makeshift way. 4 (foll. by up) settle (a quarrel etc.) esp. hastily or temporarily. Ьnot a patch on colloq. greatly inferior to. patch cord an insulated lead with a plug at each end, for use with a patchboard. patch panel = PATCHBOARD. patch pocket one made of a piece of cloth sewn on a garment. patch test a test for allergy by applying to the skin patches containing allergenic substances. ЬЬpatcher n. [ME pacche, patche, perh. var. of peche f. OF pieche dial. var. of piece PIECE] patchboard n. a board with electrical sockets linked to enable changeable permutations of connection. patchouli n. 1 a strongly scented E. Indian plant, Pogostemon cablin. 2 the perfume obtained from this. [a native name in Madras] patchwork n. 1 needlework using small pieces of cloth with different designs, forming a pattern. 2 a thing composed of various small pieces or fragments. patchy adj. (patchier, patchiest) 1 uneven in quality. 2 having or existing in patches. ЬЬpatchily adv. patchiness n. pate n. archaic or colloq. the head, esp. representing the seat of intellect. [ME: orig. unkn.] pѓte n. the paste of which porcelain is made. [F, = PASTE] pѓt‚ n. a rich paste or spread of mashed and spiced meat or fish etc. Ь pѓt‚ de foie gras a paste of fatted goose liver. [F f. OF past‚ (as PASTY(1))] patella n. (pl. patellae) the kneecap. ЬЬpatellar adj. patellate adj. [L, dimin. of patina: see PATEN] paten n. 1 a shallow dish used for the bread at the Eucharist. 2 a thin circular plate of metal. [ME ult. f. OF patene or L patena, patina shallow dish f. Gk patane a plate] patent n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a government authority to an individual or organization conferring a right or title, esp. the sole right to make or use or sell some invention. 2 a document granting this authority. 3 an invention or process protected by it. --adj. 1 obvious, plain. 2 conferred or protected by patent. 3 a made and marketed under a patent; proprietary. b to which one has a proprietary claim. 4 such as might be patented; ingenious, well-contrived. 5 (of an opening etc.) allowing free passage. --v.tr. obtain a patent for (an invention). Ьletters patent an open document from a sovereign or government conferring a patent or other right. patent leather leather with a glossy varnished surface. patent medicine medicine made and marketed under a patent and available without prescription. patent office an office from which patents are issued. Patent Roll (in the UK) a list of patents issued in a year. ЬЬpatency n. patentable adj. patently adv. (in sense 1 of adj.). [ME f. OF patent and L patere lie open] patentee n. 1 a person who takes out or holds a patent. 2 a person for the time being entitled to the benefit of a patent. patentor n. a person or body that grants a patent. pater n. Brit. colloq. father. °Now only in jocular or affected use. [L] paterfamilias n. the male head of a family or household. [L, = father of the family] paternal adj. 1 of or like or appropriate to a father. 2 fatherly. 3 related through the father. 4 (of a government etc.) limiting freedom and responsibility by well-meant regulations. ЬЬpaternally adv. [LL paternalis f. L paternus f. pater father] paternalism n. the policy of governing in a paternal way, or behaving paternally to one's associates or subordinates. ЬЬpaternalist n. paternalistic adj. paternalistically adv. paternity n. 1 fatherhood. 2 one's paternal origin. 3 the source or authorship of a thing. Ьpaternity test a blood test to determine whether a man may be or cannot be the father of a particular child. [ME f. OF paternit‚ or LL paternitas] paternoster n. 1 a the Lord's Prayer, esp. in Latin. b a rosary bead indicating that this is to be said. 2 a lift consisting of a series of linked doorless compartments moving continuously on a circular belt. [OE f. L pater noster our father] path n. (pl. paths) 1 a way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading. 2 the line along which a person or thing moves (flight path). 3 a course of action or conduct. 4 a sequence of movements or operations taken by a system. ЬЬpathless adj. [OE p‘th f. WG] -path comb. form forming nouns denoting: 1 a practitioner of curative treatment (homoeopath; osteopath). 2 a person who suffers from a disease (psychopath). [back-form. f. -PATHY, or f. Gk -pathes -sufferer (as PATHOS)] Pathan n. a member of a Pashto-speaking people inhabiting NW Pakistan and SE Afghanistan. [Hindi] pathetic adj. 1 arousing pity or sadness or contempt. 2 Brit. colloq. miserably inadequate. 3 archaic of the emotions. Ьpathetic fallacy the attribution of human feelings and responses to inanimate things, esp. in art and literature. ЬЬpathetically adv. [F path‚tique f. LL patheticus f. Gk pathetikos (as PATHOS)] pathfinder n. 1 a person who explores new territory, investigates a new subject, etc. 2 an aircraft or its pilot sent ahead to locate and mark the target area for bombing. patho- comb. form disease. [Gk pathos suffering: see PATHOS] pathogen n. an agent causing disease. ЬЬpathogenic adj. pathogenous adj. [PATHO- + -GEN] pathogenesis n. (also pathogeny) the manner of development of a disease. ЬЬpathogenetic adj. pathological adj. 1 of pathology. 2 of or caused by a physical or mental disorder (a pathological fear of spiders). ЬЬpathologically adv. pathology n. 1 the science of bodily diseases. 2 the symptoms of a disease. ЬЬpathologist n. [F pathologie or mod.L pathologia (as PATHO-, -LOGY)] pathos n. a quality in speech, writing, events, etc., that excites pity or sadness. [Gk pathos suffering, rel. to paskho suffer, penthos grief] pathway n. 1 a path or its course. 2 Biochem. etc. a sequence of reactions undergone in a living organism. -pathy comb. form forming nouns denoting: 1 curative treatment (allopathy; homoeopathy). 2 feeling (telepathy). [Gk patheia suffering] patience n. 1 calm endurance of hardship, provocation, pain, delay, etc. 2 tolerant perseverance or forbearance. 3 the capacity for calm self-possessed waiting. 4 esp. Brit. a game for one player in which cards taken in random order have to be arranged in certain groups or sequences. Ьhave no patience with 1 be unable to tolerate. 2 be irritated by. [ME f. OF f. L patientia (as PATIENT)] patient adj. & n. --adj. having or showing patience. --n. a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment. ЬЬpatiently adv. [ME f. OF f. L patiens -entis pres. part. of pati suffer] patina n. (pl. patinas) 1 a film, usu. green, formed on the surface of old bronze. 2 a similar film on other surfaces. 3 a gloss produced by age on woodwork. ЬЬpatinated adj. patination n. [It. f. L patina dish] patio n. (pl. -os) 1 a paved usu. roofless area adjoining and belonging to a house. 2 an inner court open to the sky in a Spanish or Spanish-American house. [Sp.] patisserie n. 1 a shop where pastries are made and sold. 2 pastries collectively. [F pѓtisserie f. med.L pasticium pastry f. pasta PASTE] Patna rice n. a variety of rice with long firm grains. [Patna in India, where it was orig. grown] patois n. (pl. same) the dialect of the common people in a region, differing fundamentally from the literary language. [F, = rough speech, perh. f. OF patoier treat roughly f. patte paw] patrial adj. & n. Brit. hist. --adj. having the right to live in the UK through the British birth of a parent or a grandparent. --n. a person with this right. ЬЬpatriality n. [obs. F patrial or med.L patrialis f. L patria fatherland f. pater father] patriarch n. 1 the male head of a family or tribe. 2 (often in pl.) Bibl. any of those regarded as fathers of the human race, esp. the sons of Jacob, or Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their forefathers. 3 Eccl. a the title of a chief bishop, esp. those presiding over the Churches of Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, and (formerly) Rome; now also the title of the heads of certain autocephalous Orthodox Churches. b (in the Roman Catholic Church) a bishop ranking next above primates and metropolitans, and immediately below the pope. c the head of a Uniate community. 4 a the founder of an order, science, etc. b a venerable old man. c the oldest member of a group. ЬЬpatriarchal adj. patriarchally adv. [ME f. OF patriarche f. eccl.L patriarcha f. Gk patriarkhes f. patria family f. pater father + -arkhes -ruler] patriarchate n. 1 the office, see, or residence of an ecclesiastical patriarch. 2 the rank of a tribal patriarch. [med.L patriarchatus (as PATRIARCH)] patriarchy n. (pl. -ies) a system of society, government, etc., ruled by a man and with descent through the male line. ЬЬpatriarchism n. [med.L patriarchia f. Gk patriarkhia (as PATRIARCH)] patrician n. & adj. --n. 1 hist. a member of the ancient Roman nobility (cf. PLEBEIAN). 2 hist. a nobleman in some Italian republics. 3 an aristocrat. --adj. 1 noble, aristocratic. 2 hist. of the ancient Roman nobility. [ME f. OF patricien f. L patricius having a noble father f. pater patris father] patriciate n. 1 a patrician order; an aristocracy. 2 the rank of patrician. [L patriciatus (as PATRICIAN)] patricide n. = PARRICIDE (esp. with reference to the killing of one's father). ЬЬpatricidal adj. [LL patricida, patricidium, alt. of L parricida, parricidium (see PARRICIDE) after pater father] patrilineal adj. of or relating to, or based on kinship with, the father or descent through the male line. [L pater patris father + LINEAL] patrimony n. (pl. -ies) 1 property inherited from one's father or ancestor. 2 a heritage. 3 the endowment of a church etc. ЬЬpatrimonial adj. [ME patrimoigne f. OF patrimoine f. L patrimonium f. pater patris father] patriot n. a person who is devoted to and ready to support or defend his or her country. ЬЬpatriotic adj. patriotically adv. patriotism n. [F patriote f. LL patriota f. Gk patriotes f. patrios of one's fathers f. pater patros father] patristic adj. of the early Christian writers or their work. ЬЬpatristics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.). [G patristisch f. L pater patris father] patrol n. & v. --n. 1 the act of walking or travelling around an area, esp. at regular intervals, in order to protect or supervise it. 2 one or more persons or vehicles assigned or sent out on patrol, esp. a detachment of guards, police, etc. 3 a a detachment of troops sent out to reconnoitre. b such reconnaissance. 4 a routine operational voyage of a ship or aircraft. 5 a routine monitoring of astronomical or other phenomena. 6 Brit. an official controlling traffic where children cross the road. 7 a unit of six to eight Scouts or Guides. --v. (patrolled, patrolling) 1 tr. carry out a patrol of. 2 intr. act as a patrol. Ьpatrol car a police car used in patrolling roads and streets. patrol wagon esp. US a police van for transporting prisoners. ЬЬpatroller n. [F patrouiller paddle in mud f. patte paw: (n.) f. G Patrolle f. F patrouille] patrolman n. (pl. -men) US a policeman of the lowest rank. patrology n. (pl. -ies) 1 the study of the writings of the Fathers of the Church. 2 a collection of such writings. ЬЬpatrological adj. patrologist n. [Gk pater patros father] patron n. (fem. patroness) 1 a person who gives financial or other support to a person, cause, work of art, etc., esp. one who buys works of art. 2 a usu. regular customer of a shop etc. 3 Rom. Antiq. a the former owner of a freed slave. b the protector of a client. 4 Brit. a person who has the right of presenting a member of the clergy to a benefice. Ьpatron saint the protecting or guiding saint of a person, place, etc. [ME f. OF f. L patronus protector of clients, defender f. pater patris father] patronage n. 1 the support, promotion, or encouragement given by a patron. 2 a patronizing or condescending manner. 3 Rom. Antiq. the rights and duties or position of a patron. 4 Brit. the right of presenting a member of the clergy to a benefice etc. 5 a customer's support for a shop etc. [ME f. OF (as PATRON)] patronal adj. of or relating to a patron saint (the patronal festival). [F patronal or LL patronalis (as PATRON)] patronize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 treat condescendingly. 2 act as a patron towards (a person, cause, artist, etc.); support; encourage. 3 frequent (a shop etc.) as a customer. ЬЬpatronization n. patronizer n. patronizing adj. patronizingly adv. [obs. F patroniser or med.L patronizare (as PATRON)] patronymic n. & adj. --n. a name derived from the name of a father or ancestor, e.g. Johnson, O'Brien, Ivanovich. --adj. (of a name) so derived. [LL patronymicus f. Gk patronumikos f. patronumos f. pater patros father + onuma, onoma name] patroon n. US hist. a landowner with manorial privileges under the Dutch governments of New York and New Jersey. [Du., = PATRON] patsy n. (pl. -ies) esp. US sl. a person who is deceived, ridiculed, tricked, etc. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] patt‚e adj. (of a cross) having almost triangular arms becoming very broad at the ends so as to form a square. [F f. patte paw] patten n. hist. a shoe or clog with a raised sole or set on an iron ring, for walking in mud etc. [ME f. OF patin f. patte paw] patter(1) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. make a rapid succession of taps, as of rain on a window-pane. 2 intr. run with quick short steps. 3 tr. cause (water etc.) to patter. --n. a rapid succession of taps, short light steps, etc. [PAT(1)] patter(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a the rapid speech used by a comedian or introduced into a song. b the words of a comic song. 2 the words used by a person selling or promoting a product; a sales pitch. 3 the special language or jargon of a profession, class, etc. --v. 1 tr. repeat (prayers etc.) in a rapid mechanical way. 2 intr. talk glibly or mechanically. [ME f. pater = PATERNOSTER] pattern n. & v. --n. 1 a repeated decorative design on wallpaper, cloth, a carpet, etc. 2 a regular or logical form, order, or arrangement of parts (behaviour pattern; the pattern of one's daily life). 3 a model or design, e.g. of a garment, from which copies can be made. 4 an example of excellence; an ideal; a model (a pattern of elegance). 5 a wooden or metal figure from which a mould is made for a casting. 6 a sample (of cloth, wallpaper, etc.). 7 the marks made by shots, bombs, etc. on a target or target area. 8 a random combination of shapes or colours. --v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by after, on) model (a thing) on a design etc. 2 decorate with a pattern. Ьpattern bombing bombing over a large area, not on a single target. [ME patron (see PATRON): differentiated in sense and spelling since the 16th-17th c.] patty n. (pl. -ies) 1 a little pie or pastry. 2 US a small flat cake of minced meat etc. [F pѓt‚ PASTY(1)] pattypan n. a pan for baking a patty. patulous adj. 1 (of branches etc.) spreading. 2 formal open; expanded. ЬЬpatulously adj. patulousness n. [L patulus f. patere be open] paua n. 1 a large edible New Zealand shellfish of the genus Haliotis. 2 its ornamental shell. 3 a fish-hook made from this. [Maori] paucity n. smallness of number or quantity. [ME f. OF paucit‚ or f. L paucitas f. paucus few] Pauli exclusion principle n. Physics the assertion that no two fermions can have the same quantum number. [W. Pauli, Austrian physicist d. 1958] Pauline adj. of or relating to St Paul (the Pauline epistles). [ME f. med.L Paulinus f. L Paulus Paul] Paul Jones n. a ballroom dance in which partners are exchanged according to a pattern. [the name of an Amer. naval officer d. 1792] paulownia n. any Chinese tree of the genus Paulownia, with fragrant purple flowers. [Anna Paulovna, Russian princess d. 1865] paunch n. & v. --n. 1 the belly or stomach, esp. when protruding. 2 a ruminant's first stomach; the rumen. 3 Naut. a thick strong mat. --v.tr. disembowel (an animal). ЬЬpaunchy adj. (paunchier, paunchiest). paunchiness n. [ME f. AF pa(u)nche, ONF panche ult. f. L pantex panticis bowels] pauper n. 1 a person without means; a beggar. 2 hist. a recipient of poor-law relief. 3 Law a person who may sue in forma pauperis. ЬЬpauperdom n. pauperism n. pauperize v.tr. (also -ise). pauperization n. [L, = poor] pause n. & v. --n. 1 an interval of inaction, esp. when due to hesitation; a temporary stop. 2 a break in speaking or reading; a silence. 3 Mus. a mark (3! 3!) over a note or rest that is to be lengthened by an unspecified amount. --v.intr. 1 make a pause; wait. 2 (usu. foll. by upon) linger over (a word etc.). Ьgive pause to cause (a person) to hesitate. [ME f. OF pause or L pausa f. Gk pausis f. pauo stop] pavage n. 1 paving. 2 a tax or toll towards the paving of streets. [ME f. OF f. paver PAVE] pavane n. (also pavan) hist. 1 a stately dance in elaborate clothing. 2 the music for this. [F pavane f. Sp. pavana, perh. f. pavon peacock] pave v.tr. 1 a cover (a street, floor, etc.) with paving etc. b cover or strew (a floor etc.) with anything (paved with flowers). 2 prepare (paved the way for her arrival). Ьpaving-stone a large flat usu. rectangular piece of stone etc. for paving. ЬЬpaver n. paving n. pavior n. (also paviour). [ME f. OF paver, back-form. (as PAVEMENT)] pav‚ n. 1 a paved street, road, or path. 2 a setting of jewels placed closely together. [F, past part. of paver: see PAVE] pavement n. 1 Brit. a paved path for pedestrians at the side of and a little higher than a road. 2 the covering of a street, floor, etc., made of tiles, wooden blocks, asphalt, and esp. of rectangular stones. 3 US a roadway. 4 Zool. a pavement-like formation of close-set teeth, scales, etc. Ьpavement artist 1 Brit. an artist who draws on paving-stones with coloured chalks, hoping to be given money by passers-by. 2 US an artist who displays paintings for sale on a pavement. [ME f. OF f. L pavimentum f. pavire beat, ram] pavilion n. & v. --n. 1 Brit. a building at a cricket or other sports ground used for changing, refreshments, etc. 2 a summerhouse or other decorative building in a garden. 3 a tent, esp. a large one with crenellated decorations at a show, fair, etc. 4 a building used for entertainments. 5 a temporary stand at an exhibition. 6 a detached building at a hospital. 7 a usu. highly decorated subdivision of a building. 8 the part of a cut gemstone below the girdle. --v.tr. enclose in or provide with a pavilion. [ME f. OF pavillon f. L papilio -onis butterfly, tent] pavior, paviour see PAVE. pavlova n. a meringue cake with cream and fruit. [A. Pavlova, Russ. ballerina d. 1931] Pavlovian adj. of or relating to I. P. Pavlov, Russian physiologist d. 1936, or his work, esp. on conditioned reflexes. pavonine adj. of or like a peacock. [L pavoninus f. pavo -onis peacock] paw n. & v. --n. 1 a foot of an animal having claws or nails. 2 colloq. a person's hand. --v. 1 tr. strike or scrape with a paw or foot. 2 intr. scrape the ground with a paw or hoof. 3 tr. colloq. fondle awkwardly or indecently. [ME pawe, powe f. OF poue etc. ult. f. Frank.] pawky adj. (pawkier, pawkiest) Sc. & dial. 1 drily humorous. 2 shrewd. ЬЬpawkily adv. pawkiness n. [Sc. & N.Engl. dial. pawk trick, of unkn. orig.] pawl n. & v. --n. 1 a lever with a catch for the teeth of a wheel or bar. 2 Naut. a short bar used to lock a capstan, windlass, etc., to prevent it from recoiling. --v.tr. secure (a capstan etc.) with a pawl. [perh. f. LG & Du. pal, rel. to pal fixed] pawn(1) n. 1 Chess a piece of the smallest size and value. 2 a person used by others for their own purposes. [ME f. AF poun, OF peon f. med.L pedo -onis foot-soldier f. L pes pedis foot: cf. PEON] pawn(2) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 deposit an object, esp. with a pawnbroker, as security for money lent. 2 pledge or wager (one's life, honour, word, etc.). --n. 1 an object left as security for money etc. lent. 2 anything or any person left with another as security etc. Ьin (or at) pawn (of an object etc.) held as security. [ME f. OF pan, pand, pant, pledge, security f. WG] pawnbroker n. a person who lends money at interest on the security of personal property pawned. ЬЬpawnbroking n. pawnshop n. a shop where pawnbroking is conducted. pawpaw n. (also papaw, papaya) 1 a an elongated melon-shaped fruit with edible orange flesh and small black seeds. b a tropical tree, Carica papaya, bearing this and producing a milky sap from which papain is obtained. 2 US a N. American tree, Asimina triloba, with purple flowers and edible fruit. [earlier papay(a) f. Sp. & Port. papaya, of Carib orig.] PAX abbr. private automatic (telephone) exchange. pax n. 1 the kiss of peace. 2 (as int.) Brit. sl. a call for a truce (used esp. by schoolchildren). [ME f. L, = peace] pay(1) v. & n. --v.tr. (past and past part. paid) 1 (also absol.) give (a person etc.) what is due for services done, goods received, debts incurred, etc. (paid him in full; I assure you I have paid). 2 a give (a usu. specified amount) for work done, a debt, a ransom, etc. (they pay њ6 an hour). b (foll. by to) hand over the amount of (a debt, wages, recompense, etc.) to (paid the money to the assistant). 3 a give, bestow, or express (attention, respect, a compliment, etc.) (paid them no heed). b make (a visit, a call, etc.) (paid a visit to their uncle). 4 (also absol.) (of a business, undertaking, attitude, etc.) be profitable or advantageous to (a person etc.). 5 reward or punish (can never pay you for what you have done for us; I shall pay you for that). 6 (usu. as paid adj.) recompense (work, time, etc.) (paid holiday). 7 (usu. foll. by out, away) let out (a rope) by slackening it. --n. wages; payment. Ьin the pay of employed by. paid holidays an agreed holiday period for which wages are paid as normal. paid-up member (esp. of a trade-union member) a person who has paid the subscriptions in full. pay-as-you-earn Brit. the deduction of income tax from wages at source. pay-bed a hospital bed for private patients. pay-claim a demand for an increase in pay, esp. by a trade union. pay-day a day on which payment, esp. of wages, is made or expected to be made. pay dearly (usu. foll. by for) 1 obtain at a high cost, great effort, etc. 2 suffer for a wrongdoing etc. pay dirt (or gravel) US 1 Mineral. ground worth working for ore. 2 a financially promising situation. pay envelope US = pay-packet. pay for 1 hand over the price of. 2 bear the cost of. 3 suffer or be punished for (a fault etc.). pay in pay (money) into a bank account. paying guest a boarder. pay its (or one's) way cover costs; not be indebted. pay one's last respects show respect towards a dead person by attending the funeral. pay off 1 dismiss (workers) with a final payment. 2 colloq. yield good results; succeed. 3 pay (a debt) in full. 4 (of a ship) turn to leeward through the movement of the helm. pay-off n. sl. 1 an act of payment. 2 a climax. 3 a final reckoning. pay out (or back) punish or be revenged on. pay-packet Brit. a packet or envelope containing an employee's wages. pay phone a coin-box telephone. pay the piper and call the tune pay for, and therefore have control over, a proceeding. pay one's respects make a polite visit. pay station US = pay phone. pay through the nose colloq. pay much more than a fair price. pay up pay the full amount, or the full amount of. put paid to colloq. 1 deal effectively with (a person). 2 terminate (hopes etc.). ЬЬpayee n. payer n. [ME f. OF paie, payer f. L pacare appease f. pax pacis peace] pay(2) v.tr. (past and past part. payed) Naut. smear (a ship) with pitch, tar, etc. as a defence against wet. [OF peier f. L picare f. pix picis PITCH(2)] payable adj. 1 that must be paid; due (payable in April). 2 that may be paid. 3 (of a mine etc.) profitable. payback n. 1 a financial return; a reward. 2 the profit from an investment etc., esp. one equal to the initial outlay. Ьpayback period the length of time required for an investment to pay for itself in terms of profits or savings. PAYE abbr. Brit. pay-as-you-earn. payload n. 1 the part of an aircraft's load from which revenue is derived. 2 a the explosive warhead carried by an aircraft or rocket. b the instruments etc. carried by a spaceship. paymaster n. 1 an official who pays troops, workmen, etc. 2 a person, organization, etc., to whom another owes duty or loyalty because of payment given. 3 (in full Paymaster General) Brit. the minister at the head of the Treasury department responsible for payments. payment n. 1 the act or an instance of paying. 2 an amount paid. 3 reward, recompense. [ME f. OF paiement (as PAY(1))] paynim n. archaic 1 a pagan. 2 a non-Christian, esp. a Muslim. [ME f. OF pai(e)nime f. eccl.L paganismus heathenism (as PAGAN)] payola n. esp. US 1 a bribe offered in return for unofficial promotion of a product etc. in the media. 2 the practice of such bribery. [PAY(1) + -ola as in Victrola, make of gramophone] payroll n. a list of employees receiving regular pay. paysage n. 1 a rural scene; a landscape. 2 landscape painting. ЬЬ paysagist n. [F f. pays country: see PEASANT] 3.0 Pb... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Pb symb. Chem. the element lead. [L plumbum] PBX abbr. private branch exchange (private telephone switchboard). 4.0 PC... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PC abbr. 1 (in the UK) police constable. 2 (in the UK) Privy Counsellor. 3 personal computer. p.c. abbr. 1 per cent. 2 postcard. PCB abbr. 1 Computing printed circuit board. 2 Chem. polychlorinated biphenyl, any of several toxic aromatic compounds containing two benzene molecules in which hydrogens have been replaced by chlorine atoms, formed as waste in industrial processes. PCM abbr. pulse code modulation. pct. abbr. US per cent. 5.0 PD... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PD abbr. US Police Department. Pd symb. Chem. the element palladium. pd. abbr. paid. p.d.q. abbr. colloq. pretty damn quick. PDT abbr. US Pacific Daylight Time. 6.0 PE... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PE abbr. physical education. p/e abbr. price/earnings (ratio). pea n. 1 a a hardy climbing plant, Pisum sativum, with seeds growing in pods and used for food. b its seed. 2 any of several similar plants (sweet pea; chick-pea). Ьpea-brain colloq. a stupid or dim-witted person. pea-green bright green. pea-souper Brit. colloq. a thick yellowish fog. [back-form. f. PEASE (taken as pl.: cf. CHERRY)] peace n. 1 a quiet; tranquillity (needs peace to work well). b mental calm; serenity (peace of mind). 2 a (often attrib.) freedom from or the cessation of war (peace talks). b (esp. Peace) a treaty of peace between two States etc. at war. 3 freedom from civil disorder. 4 Eccl. a ritual liturgical greeting. Ьat peace 1 in a state of friendliness. 2 serene. 3 euphem. dead. hold one's peace keep silence. keep the peace prevent, or refrain from, strife. make one's peace (often foll. by with) re-establish friendly relations. make peace bring about peace; reconcile. the peace (or the queen's peace) peace existing within a realm; civil order. Peace Corps US an organization sending young people to work as volunteers in developing countries. peace-offering 1 a propitiatory or conciliatory gift. 2 Bibl. an offering presented as a thanksgiving to God. peace-pipe a tobacco-pipe as a token of peace among US Indians. [ME f. AF pes, OF pais f. L pax pacis] peaceable adj. 1 disposed to peace; unwarlike. 2 free from disturbance; peaceful. ЬЬpeaceableness n. peaceably adv. [ME f. OF peisible, plaisible f. LL placibilis pleasing f. L placere please] peaceful adj. 1 characterized by peace; tranquil. 2 not violating or infringing peace (peaceful coexistence). 3 belonging to a state of peace. ЬЬpeacefully adv. peacefulness n. peacemaker n. a person who brings about peace. ЬЬpeacemaking n. & adj. peacetime n. a period when a country is not at war. peach(1) n. 1 a a round juicy stone-fruit with downy cream or yellow skin flushed with red. b the tree, Prunus persica, bearing it. 2 the yellowish-pink colour of a peach. 3 colloq. a a person or thing of superlative quality. b an attractive young woman. Ьpeach-bloom an oriental porcelain-glaze of reddish pink, usu. with green markings. peach-blow 1 a delicate purplish-pink colour. 2 = peach-bloom. peaches and cream (of a complexion) creamy skin with downy pink cheeks. peach Melba see MELBA. ЬЬpeachy adj. (peachier, peachiest). peachiness n. [ME f. OF peche, pesche, f. med.L persica f. L persicum (malum), lit. Persian apple] peach(2) v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by against, on) colloq. turn informer; inform. 2 tr. archaic inform against. [ME f. appeach f. AF enpecher, OF empechier IMPEACH] pea-chick n. a young peafowl. [formed as PEACOCK + CHICK(1)] peacock n. 1 a male peafowl, having brilliant plumage and a tail (with eyelike markings) that can be expanded erect in display like a fan. 2 this type of ostentatious display. Ьpeacock blue the lustrous greenish blue of a peacock's neck. peacock butterfly a butterfly, Inachis io, with eyelike markings on its wings. [ME pecock f. OE pea f. L pavo + COCK(1)] peafowl n. 1 a peacock or peahen. 2 a pheasant of the genus Pavo. peahen n. a female peafowl. pea-jacket n. a sailor's short double-breasted overcoat of coarse woollen cloth. [prob. f. Du. pijjakker f. pij coat of coarse cloth + jekker jacket: assim. to JACKET] peak(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a projecting usu. pointed part, esp.: a the pointed top of a mountain. b a mountain with a peak. c a stiff brim at the front of a cap. d a pointed beard. e the narrow part of a ship's hold at the bow or stern (forepeak; after-peak). f Naut. the upper outer corner of a sail extended by a gaff. 2 a the highest point in a curve (on the peak of the wave). b the time of greatest success (in a career etc.). c the highest point on a graph etc. --v.intr. reach the highest value, quality, etc. (output peaked in September). Ьpeak hour the time of the most intense traffic etc. peak-load the maximum of electric power demand etc. ЬЬpeaked adj. peaky adj. peakiness n. [prob. back-form. f. peaked var. of dial. picked pointed (PICK(2))] peak(2) v.intr. 1 waste away. 2 (as peaked adj.) sharp-featured; pinched. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] peaky adj. (peakier, peakiest) 1 sickly; puny. 2 white-faced. peal(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a the loud ringing of a bell or bells, esp. a series of changes. b a set of bells. 2 a loud repeated sound, esp. of thunder, laughter, etc. --v. 1 intr. sound forth in a peal. 2 tr. utter sonorously. 3 tr. ring (bells) in peals. [ME pele f. apele APPEAL] peal(2) n. a salmon grilse. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] pean(1) n. Heraldry fur represented as sable spotted with or. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] pean(2) US var. of PAEAN. peanut n. 1 a leguminous plant, Arachis hypogaea, bearing pods that ripen underground and contain seeds used as food and yielding oil. 2 the seed of this plant. 3 (in pl.) colloq. a paltry or trivial thing or amount, esp. of money. Ьpeanut butter a paste of ground roasted peanuts. pear n. 1 a yellowish or brownish-green fleshy fruit, tapering towards the stalk. 2 any of various trees of the genus Pyrus bearing it, esp. P. communis. Ьpear-drop a small sweet with the shape of a pear. [OE pere, peru ult. f. L pirum] pearl(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a (often attrib.) a usu. white or bluish-grey hard mass formed within the shell of a pearl-oyster or other bivalve mollusc, highly prized as a gem for its lustre (pearl necklace). b an imitation of this. c (in pl.) a necklace of pearls. d = mother-of-pearl (cf. seed-pearl). 2 a precious thing; the finest example. 3 anything resembling a pearl, e.g. a dewdrop, tear, etc. --v. 1 tr. poet. a sprinkle with pearly drops. b make pearly in colour etc. 2 tr. reduce (barley etc.) to small rounded grains. 3 intr. fish for pearl-oysters. 4 intr. poet. form pearl-like drops. Ьcast pearls before swine offer a treasure to a person unable to appreciate it. pearl ash commercial potassium carbonate. pearl barley barley reduced to small round grains by grinding. pearl bulb a translucent electric light bulb. pearl button a button made of mother-of-pearl or an imitation of it. pearl-diver a person who dives for pearl-oysters. pearl millet a tall cereal, Pennisetum typhoides. pearl onion a very small onion used in pickles. pearl-oyster any of various marine bivalve molluscs of the genus Pinctada, bearing pearls. ЬЬpearler n. [ME f. OF perle prob. f. L perna leg (applied to leg-of-mutton-shaped bivalve)] pearl(2) n. Brit. = PICOT. [var. of PURL(1)] pearled adj. 1 adorned with pearls. 2 formed into pearl-like drops or grains. 3 pearl-coloured. pearlescent adj. having or producing the appearance of mother-of-pearl. pearlite var. of PERLITE. pearlized adj. treated so as to resemble mother-of-pearl. pearlware n. a fine white glazed earthenware. pearlwort n. Bot. any small herbaceous plant of the genus Sagina, inhabiting rocky and sandy areas. pearly adj. & n. --adj. (pearlier, pearliest) 1 resembling a pearl; lustrous. 2 containing pearls or mother-of-pearl. 3 adorned with pearls. --n. (pl. -ies) (in pl.) Brit. 1 pearly kings and queens. 2 a pearly king's or queen's clothes or pearl buttons. ЬPearly Gates colloq. the gates of Heaven. pearly king (or queen) Brit. a London costermonger (or his wife) wearing clothes covered with pearl buttons. pearly nautilus see NAUTILUS. ЬЬpearliness n. pearmain n. a variety of apple with firm white flesh. [ME, = warden pear, f. OF parmain, permain, prob. ult. f. L parmensis of Parma in Italy] peart adj. US lively; cheerful. [var. of PERT] peasant n. 1 esp. colloq. a countryman or countrywoman; a rustic. 2 a a worker on the land, esp. a labourer or smallholder. b hist. a member of an agricultural class dependent on subsistence farming. 3 derog. a lout; a boorish person. ЬЬpeasantry n. (pl. -ies). peasanty adj. [ME f. AF paisant, OF pa‹sent, earlier pa‹sence f. pa‹s country ult. f. L pagus canton] pease n.pl. archaic peas. Ьpease-pudding boiled split peas (served esp. with boiled ham). [OE pise pea, pl. pisan, f. LL pisa f. L pisum f. Gk pison: cf. PEA] peashooter n. a small tube for blowing dried peas through as a toy. peat n. 1 vegetable matter decomposed in water and partly carbonized, used for fuel, in horticulture, etc. 2 a cut piece of this. ЬЬpeaty adj. [ME f. AL peta, perh. f. Celt.: cf. PIECE] peatbog n. a bog composed of peat. peatmoss n. 1 a peatbog. 2 any of various mosses of the genus Sphagnum, which grow in damp conditions and form peat as they decay. peau-de-soie n. a smooth finely-ribbed satiny fabric of silk or rayon. [F, = skin of silk] pebble n. 1 a small smooth stone worn by the action of water. 2 a a type of colourless transparent rock-crystal used for spectacles. b a lens of this. c (attrib.) colloq. (of a spectacle-lens) very thick and convex. 3 an agate or other gem, esp. when found as a pebble in a stream etc. Ьnot the only pebble on the beach (esp. of a person) easily replaced. pebble-dash mortar with pebbles in it used as a coating for external walls. ЬЬpebbly adj. [OE papel-stan pebble-stone, pyppelripig pebble-stream, of unkn. orig.] p.e.c. abbr. photoelectric cell. pecan n. 1 a pinkish-brown smooth nut with an edible kernel. 2 a hickory, Carya illinoensis, of the southern US, producing this. [earlier paccan, of Algonquian orig.] peccable adj. formal liable to sin. ЬЬpeccability n. [F, f. med.L peccabilis f. peccare sin] peccadillo n. (pl. -oes or -os) a trifling offence; a venial sin. [Sp. pecadillo, dimin. of pecado sin f. L (as PECCANT)] peccant adj. formal 1 sinning. 2 inducing disease; morbid. ЬЬpeccancy n. [F peccant or L peccare sin] peccary n. (pl. -ies) any American wild pig of the family Tayassuidae, esp. Tayassu tajacu and T. pecari. [Carib pakira] peccavi int. & n. --int. expressing guilt. --n. (pl. peccavis) a confession of guilt. [L, = I have sinned] p€che Melba n. = peach Melba (see MELBA). [F] peck(1) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 strike or bite (something) with a beak. 2 kiss (esp. a person's cheek) hastily or perfunctorily. 3 a make (a hole) by pecking. b (foll. by out, off) remove or pluck out by pecking. 4 colloq. (also absol.) eat (food) listlessly; nibble at. 5 mark with short strokes. 6 (usu. foll. by up, down) break with a pick etc. --n. 1 a a stroke or bite with a beak. b a mark made by this. 2 a hasty or perfunctory kiss. 3 sl. food. Ьpeck at 1 eat (food) listlessly; nibble. 2 carp at; nag. 3 strike (a thing) repeatedly with a beak. pecking (or peck) order a social hierarchy, orig. as observed among hens. [ME prob. f. MLG pekken, of unkn. orig.] peck(2) n. 1 a measure of capacity for dry goods, equal to 2 gallons or 8 quarts. 2 a vessel used to contain this amount. Ьa peck of a large number or amount of (troubles, dirt, etc.). [ME f. AF pek, of unkn. orig.] pecker n. 1 a bird that pecks (woodpecker). 2 US coarse sl. the penis. Ьkeep your pecker up Brit. colloq. remain cheerful. peckish adj. colloq. 1 hungry. 2 US irritable. pecorino n. (pl. -os) an Italian cheese made from ewes' milk. [It. f. pecorino (adj.) of ewes f. pecora sheep] pecten n. (pl. pectens or pectines) Zool. 1 a comblike structure of various kinds in animal bodies. 2 any bivalve mollusc of the genus Pecten. Also called SCALLOP. ЬЬpectinate adj. pectinated adj. pectination n. (all in sense 1). [L pecten pectinis comb] pectin n. Biochem. any of various soluble gelatinous polysaccharides found in ripe fruits etc. and used as a setting agent in jams and jellies. ЬЬpectic adj. [Gk pektos congealed f. pegnumi make solid] pectoral adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to the breast or chest; thoracic (pectoral fin; pectoral muscle). 2 worn on the chest (pectoral cross). --n. 1 (esp. in pl.) a pectoral muscle. 2 a pectoral fin. 3 an ornamental breastplate esp. of a Jewish high priest. [ME f. OF f. L pectorale (n.), pectoralis (adj.) f. pectus pectoris breast, chest] pectose n. Biochem. an insoluble polysaccharide derivative found in unripe fruits and converted into pectin by ripening, heating, etc. [pectic (see PECTIN) + -OSE(2)] peculate v.tr. & intr. embezzle (money). ЬЬpeculation n. peculator n. [L peculari rel. to peculium: see PECULIAR] peculiar adj. & n. --adj. 1 strange; odd; unusual (a peculiar flavour; is a little peculiar). 2 a (usu. foll. by to) belonging exclusively (a fashion peculiar to the time). b belonging to the individual (in their own peculiar way). 3 particular; special (a point of peculiar interest). --n. 1 a peculiar property, privilege, etc. 2 a parish or church exempt from the jurisdiction of the diocese in which it lies. [ME f. L peculiaris of private property f. peculium f. pecu cattle] peculiarity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a idiosyncrasy; unusualness; oddity. b an instance of this. 2 a characteristic or habit (meanness is his peculiarity). 3 the state of being peculiar. peculiarly adv. 1 more than usually; especially (peculiarly annoying). 2 oddly. 3 as regards oneself alone; individually (does not affect him peculiarly). pecuniary adj. 1 of, concerning, or consisting of, money (pecuniary aid; pecuniary considerations). 2 (of an offence) entailing a money penalty or fine. ЬЬpecuniarily adv. [L pecuniarius f. pecunia money f. pecu cattle] pedagogue n. archaic or derog. a schoolmaster; a teacher. ЬЬpedagogic adj. pedagogical adj. pedagogically adv. pedagogism n. (also pedagoguism). [ME f. L paedagogus f. Gk paidagogos f. pais paidos boy + agogos guide] pedagogy n. the science of teaching. ЬЬpedagogics n. [F p‚dagogie f. Gk paidagogia (as PEDAGOGUE)] pedal(1) n. & v. --n. 1 any of several types of foot-operated levers or controls for mechanisms, esp.: a either of a pair of levers for transmitting power to a bicycle or tricycle wheel etc. b any of the foot-operated controls in a motor vehicle. c any of the foot-operated keys of an organ used for playing notes, or for drawing out several stops at once etc. d each of the foot-levers on a piano etc. for making the tone fuller or softer. e each of the foot-levers on a harp for altering the pitch of the strings. 2 a note sustained in one part, usu. the bass, through successive harmonies, some of which are independent of it. --v. (pedalled, pedalling; US pedaled, pedaling) 1 intr. operate a cycle, organ, etc. by using the pedals. 2 tr. work (a bicycle etc.) with the pedals. Ьpedal cycle a bicycle. [F p‚dale f. It. pedale f. L (as PEDAL(2))] pedal(2) adj. Zool. of the foot or feet (esp. of a mollusc). [L pedalis f. pes pedis foot] pedalo n. (pl. -os) a pedal-operated pleasure-boat. pedant n. 1 a person who insists on strict adherence to formal rules or literal meaning at the expense of a wider view. 2 a person who rates academic learning or technical knowledge above everything. 3 a person who is obsessed by a theory; a doctrinaire. ЬЬpedantic adj. pedantically adv. pedantize v.intr. & tr. (also -ise). pedantry n. (pl. -ies). [F p‚dant f. It. pedante: app. formed as PEDAGOGUE] pedate adj. 1 Zool. having feet. 2 Bot. (of a leaf) having divisions like toes or a bird's claws. [L pedatus f. pes pedis foot] peddle v. 1 tr. a sell (goods), esp. in small quantities, as a pedlar. b advocate or promote (ideas, a philosophy, a way of life, etc.). 2 tr. sell (drugs) illegally. 3 intr. engage in selling, esp. as a pedlar. [back-form. f. PEDLAR] peddler n. 1 a person who sells drugs illegally. 2 US var. of PEDLAR. pederast n. (also paederast) a man who performs pederasty. pederasty n. (also paederasty) anal intercourse between a man and a boy. [mod.L paederastia f. Gk paiderastia f. pais paidos boy + erastes lover] pedestal n. & v. --n. 1 a base supporting a column or pillar. 2 the stone etc. base of a statue etc. 3 either of the two supports of a knee-hole desk or table, usu. containing drawers. --v.tr. (pedestalled, pedestalling; US pedestaled, pedestaling) set or support on a pedestal. Ьpedestal table a table with a single central support. put (or set) on a pedestal regard as highly admirable, important, etc.; venerate. [F pi‚destal f. It. piedestallo f. piЉ foot f. L pes pedis + di of + stallo STALL(1)] pedestrian n. & adj. --n. 1 (often attrib.) a person who is walking, esp. in a town (pedestrian crossing). 2 a person who walks competitively. --adj. prosaic; dull; uninspired. Ьpedestrian crossing Brit. a specified part of a road where pedestrians have right of way to cross. pedestrian precinct an area of a town restricted to pedestrians. ЬЬpedestrianism n. pedestrianize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). pedestrianization n. [F p‚destre or L pedester -tris] pediatrics US var. of PAEDIATRICS. pedicab n. a pedal-operated rickshaw. pedicel n. (also pedicle) 1 a small (esp. subordinate) stalklike structure in a plant or animal (cf. PEDUNCLE). 2 Surgery part of a graft left temporarily attached to its original site. ЬЬpedicellate adj. pediculate adj. [mod.L pedicellus & L pediculus dimin. of pes pedis foot] pedicular adj. (also pediculous) infested with lice. ЬЬpediculosis n. [L pedicularis, -losus f. pediculus louse] pedicure n. & v. --n. 1 the care or treatment of the feet, esp. of the toenails. 2 a person practising this, esp. professionally. --v.tr. treat (the feet) by removing corns etc. [F p‚dicure f. L pes pedis foot + curare: see CURE] pedigree n. 1 (often attrib.) a recorded line of descent of a person or esp. a pure-bred domestic or pet animal. 2 the derivation of a word. 3 a genealogical table. 4 colloq. the 'life history' of a person, thing, idea, etc. ЬЬpedigreed adj. [ME pedegru etc. f. AF f. OF pie de grue (unrecorded) crane's foot, a mark denoting succession in pedigrees] pediment n. 1 a the triangular front part of a building in Grecian style, surmounting esp. a portico of columns. b a similar part of a building in Roman or Renaissance style. 2 Geol. a broad flattish rock surface at the foot of a mountain slope. ЬЬpedimental adj. pedimented adj. [earlier pedament, periment, perh. corrupt. of PYRAMID] pedlar n. (US peddler) 1 a travelling seller of small items esp. carried in a pack etc. 2 (usu. foll. by of) a retailer of gossip etc. ЬЬpedlary n. [ME pedlere alt. of pedder f. ped pannier, of unkn. orig.] pedo- comb. form US var. of PAEDO-. pedology n. the scientific study of soil, esp. its formation, nature, and classification. ЬЬpedological adj. pedologist n. [Russ. pedologiya f. Gk pedon ground] pedometer n. an instrument for estimating the distance travelled on foot by recording the number of steps taken. [F p‚domЉtre f. L pes pedis foot] peduncle n. 1 Bot. the stalk of a flower, fruit, or cluster, esp. a main stalk bearing a solitary flower or subordinate stalks (cf. PEDICEL). 2 Zool. a stalklike projection in an animal body. ЬЬpeduncular adj. pedunculate adj. [mod.L pedunculus f. L pes pedis foot: see -UNCLE] pee v. & n. colloq. --v. (pees, peed) 1 intr. urinate. 2 tr. pass (urine, blood, etc.) from the bladder. --n. 1 urination. 2 urine. [initial letter of PISS] peek v. & n. --v.intr. (usu. foll. by in, out, at) look quickly or slyly; peep. --n. a quick or sly look. [ME pike, pyke, of unkn. orig.] peekaboo adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a garment etc.) transparent or having a pattern of small holes. 2 (of a hairstyle) concealing one eye with a fringe or wave. --n. US = BO-PEEP. [PEEK + BOO] peel(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a strip the skin, rind, bark, wrapping, etc. from (a fruit, vegetable, tree, etc.). b (usu. foll. by off) strip (skin, peel, wrapping, etc.) from a fruit etc. 2 intr. a (of a tree, an animal's or person's body, a painted surface, etc.) become bare of bark, skin, paint, etc. b (often foll. by off) (of bark, a person's skin, paint, etc.) flake off. 3 intr. (often foll. by off) colloq. (of a person) strip for exercise etc. 4 tr. Croquet send (another player's ball) through the hoops. --n. the outer covering of a fruit, vegetable, prawn, etc.; rind. Ьpeel off 1 veer away and detach oneself from a group of marchers, a formation of aircraft, etc. 2 colloq. strip off one's clothes. ЬЬpeeler n. (in sense 1 of v.). [earlier pill, pele (orig. = plunder) f. ME pilien etc. f. OE pilian (unrecorded) f. L pilare f. pilus hair] peel(2) n. a shovel, esp. a baker's shovel for bringing loaves etc. into or out of an oven. [ME & OF pele f. L pala, rel. to pangere fix] peel(3) n. (also pele) hist. a small square tower built in the 16th c. in the border counties of England and Scotland for defence against raids. [ME pel stake, palisade, f. AF & OF pel f. L palus stake: cf. PALE(2)] peeler n. Brit. archaic sl. or dial. a policeman. [Sir Robert Peel, Engl. statesman d. 1850] peeling n. a strip of the outer skin of a vegetable, fruit, etc. (potato peelings). peen n. & v. --n. the wedge-shaped or thin or curved end of a hammer-head (opp. FACE n. 5a). --v.tr. 1 hammer with a peen. 2 treat (sheet metal) with a stream of metal shot in order to shape it. [17th c.: also pane, app. f. F panne f. Du. pen f. L pinna point] peep(1) v. & n. --v.intr. 1 (usu. foll. by at, in, out, into) look through a narrow opening; look furtively. 2 (usu. foll. by out) a (of daylight, a flower beginning to bloom, etc.) come slowly into view; emerge. b (of a quality etc.) show itself unconsciously. --n. 1 a furtive or peering glance. 2 the first appearance (at peep of day). Ьpeep-bo = BO-PEEP. peep-hole a small hole that may be looked through. peeping Tom a furtive voyeur. peep-show a small exhibition of pictures etc. viewed through a lens or hole set into a box etc. peep-sight the aperture backsight of some rifles. peep-toe (or -toed) (of a shoe) leaving the toes partly bare. [ME: cf. PEEK, PEER(1)] peep(2) v. & n. --v.intr. make a shrill feeble sound as of young birds, mice, etc.; squeak; chirp. --n. such a sound. [imit.: cf. CHEEP] peeper n. 1 a person who peeps. 2 colloq. an eye. 3 US sl. a private detective. peepul n. (also pipal) = BO-TREE. [Hindi pipal f. Skr. pippala] peer(1) v.intr. 1 (usu. foll. by into, at, etc.) look keenly or with difficulty (peered into the fog). 2 appear; peep out. 3 archaic come into view. [var. of pire, LG piren; perh. partly f. APPEAR] peer(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a (fem. peeress) a member of one of the degrees of the nobility in Britain, i.e. a duke, marquis, earl, viscount, or baron. b a noble of any country. 2 a person who is equal in ability, standing, rank, or value; a contemporary (tried by a jury of his peers). --v.intr. & tr. (usu. foll. by with) rank or cause to rank equally. Ьpeer group a group of people of the same age, status, interests, etc. peer of the realm (or the United Kingdom) any of the class of peers whose adult members may all sit in the House of Lords. ЬЬpeerless adj. [ME f. AF & OF pe(e)r, perer f. LL pariare f. L par equal] peerage n. 1 peers as a class; the nobility. 2 the rank of peer or peeress (was given a life peerage). 3 a book containing a list of peers with their genealogy etc. peeve v. & n. colloq. --v.tr. (usu. as peeved adj.) annoy; vex; irritate. --n. 1 a cause of annoyance. 2 vexation. [back-form. f. PEEVISH] peevish adj. querulous; irritable. ЬЬpeevishly adv. peevishness n. [ME, = foolish, mad, spiteful, etc., of unkn. orig.] peewit n. (also pewit) 1 a lapwing. 2 its cry. [imit.] peg n. & v. --n. 1 a a usu. cylindrical pin or bolt of wood or metal, often tapered at one end, and used for holding esp. two things together. b such a peg attached to a wall etc. and used for hanging garments etc. on. c a peg driven into the ground and attached to a rope for holding up a tent. d a bung for stoppering a cask etc. e each of several pegs used to tighten or loosen the strings of a violin etc. f a small peg, matchstick, etc. stuck into holes in a board for calculating the scores at cribbage. 2 Brit. = clothes-peg. 3 Brit. a measure of spirits or wine. --v.tr. (pegged, pegging) 1 (usu. foll. by down, in, out, etc.) fix (a thing) with a peg. 2 Econ. a stabilize (prices, wages, exchange rates, etc.). b prevent the price of (stock etc.) from falling or rising by freely buying or selling at a given price. 3 mark (the score) with pegs on a cribbage-board. Ьoff the peg (of clothes) ready-made. peg away (often foll. by at) work consistently and esp. for a long period. peg down restrict (a person etc.) to rules, a commitment, etc. peg-leg 1 an artificial leg. 2 a person with an artificial leg. peg on = peg away. peg out 1 sl. die. 2 score the winning point at cribbage. 3 Croquet hit the peg with the ball as the final stroke in a game. 4 mark the boundaries of (land etc.). a peg to hang an idea etc. on a suitable occasion or pretext etc. for it. a round (or square) peg in a square (or round) hole a misfit. take a person down a peg or two humble a person. [ME, prob. of LG or Du. orig.: cf. MDu. pegge, Du. dial. peg, LG pigge] pegboard n. a board having a regular pattern of small holes for pegs, used for commercial displays, games, etc. pegmatite n. a coarsely crystalline type of granite. [Gk pegma -atos thing joined together f. pegnumi fasten] pegtop n. a pear-shaped spinning-top with a metal pin or peg forming the point, spun by the rapid uncoiling of a string wound round it. Pehlevi var. of PAHLAVI. PEI abbr. Prince Edward Island. peignoir n. a woman's loose dressing-gown. [F f. peigner to comb] pejorative adj. & n. --adj. (of a word, an expression, etc.) depreciatory. --n. a depreciatory word. ЬЬpejoratively adv. [F p‚joratif -ive f. LL pejorare make worse (pejor)] pekan n. a N. American flesh-eating mammal, Martes pennanti, valued for its fur. [Can.F f. Abnaki p‚kan‚] peke n. colloq. a Pekingese dog. [abbr.] Pekingese n. & adj. (also Pekinese) --n. (pl. same) 1 a a lap-dog of a short-legged breed with long hair and a snub nose. b this breed. 2 a citizen of Peking (Beijing) in China. 3 the form of the Chinese language used in Beijing. --adj. of or concerning Beijing or its language or citizens. pekoe n. a superior kind of black tea. [Chin. dial. pek- ho f. pek white + ho down, leaves being picked young with down on them] pelage n. the fur, hair, wool, etc. of a mammal. [F f. poil hair] Pelagian adj. & n. --adj. of or concerning the monk Pelagius (4th-5th c.) or his theory denying the doctrine of original sin. --n. a follower of Pelagius. ЬЬPelagianism n. [eccl.L Pelagianus f. Pelagius] pelagian adj. & n. --adj. inhabiting the open sea. --n. an inhabitant of the open sea. [L pelagius f. Gk pelagios of the sea (pelagos)] pelagic adj. 1 of or performed on the open sea (pelagic whaling). 2 (of marine life) belonging to the upper layers of the open sea. [L pelagicus f. Gk pelagikos (as PELAGIAN)] pelargonium n. any plant of the genus Pelargonium, with red, pink, or white flowers and fragrant leaves. Also called GERANIUM. [mod.L f. Gk pelargos stork: cf. GERANIUM] pele var. of PEEL(3). pelf n. derog. or joc. money; wealth. [ME f. ONF f. OF pelfre, peufre spoils, of unkn. orig.: cf. PILFER] pelham n. a horse's bit combining a curb and a snaffle. [the surname Pelham] pelican n. any large gregarious waterfowl of the family Pelecanidae with a large bill and a pouch in the throat for storing fish. Ьpelican crossing (in the UK) a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights operated by pedestrians. [OE pellican & OF pelican f. LL pelicanus f. Gk pelekan prob. f. pelekus axe, with ref. to its bill] pelisse n. hist. 1 a woman's cloak with armholes or sleeves, reaching to the ankles. 2 a fur-lined cloak, esp. as part of a hussar's uniform. [F f. med.L pellicia (vestis) (garment) of fur f. pellis skin] pelite n. a rock composed of claylike sediment. [Gk pelos clay, mud] pellagra n. a disease caused by deficiency of nicotinic acid, characterized by cracking of the skin and often resulting in insanity. ЬЬpellagrous adj. [It. f. pelle skin, after PODAGRA] pellet n. & v. --n. 1 a small compressed ball of paper, bread, etc. 2 a pill. 3 a a small mass of bones, feathers, etc. regurgitated by a bird of prey. b a small hard piece of animal, usu. rodent, excreta. 4 a a piece of small shot. b an imitation bullet for a toy gun. --v.tr. (pelleted, pelleting) 1 make into a pellet or pellets. 2 hit with (esp. paper) pellets. ЬЬpelletize v.tr. (also -ise). [ME f. OF pelote f. L pila ball] pellicle n. a thin skin, membrane, or film. ЬЬpellicular adj. [F pellicule f. L pellicula, dimin. of pellis skin] pellitory n. any of several wild plants, esp.: 1 (in full pellitory of Spain) a composite plant, Anacyclus pyrethrum, with a pungent-flavoured root, used as a local irritant etc. 2 (in full pellitory of the wall) a low bushy plant, Parietaria judaica, with greenish flowers growing on or at the foot of walls. [(sense 1) alt. f. ME f. OF peletre, peretre f. L pyrethrum f. Gk purethron feverfew: (sense 2) ult. f. OF paritaire f. LL parietaria f. L paries -etis wall] pell-mell adv., adj., & n. --adv. 1 headlong, recklessly (rushed pell-mell out of the room). 2 in disorder or confusion (stuffed the papers together pell-mell). --adj. confused, tumultous. --n. confusion; a mixture. [F p€le-m€le, OF pesle mesle, mesle pesle, etc., redupl. of mesle f. mesler mix] pellucid adj. 1 (of water, light, etc.) transparent, clear. 2 (of style, speech, etc.) not confused; clear. 3 mentally clear. ЬЬpellucidity n. pellucidly adv. [L pellucidus f. perlucere (as PER-, lucere shine)] Pelmanism n. 1 a system of memory-training orig. devised by the Pelman Institute. 2 a card-game based on this. ЬЬPelmanize v.tr. (also -ise). pelmet n. a narrow border of cloth, wood, etc. above esp. a window, concealing the curtain rail. [prob. f. F PALMETTE] pelorus n. a sighting device like a ship's compass for taking bearings. [perh. f. Pelorus, reputed name of Hannibal's pilot] pelota n. a Basque or Spanish game played in a walled court with a ball and basket-like rackets attached to the hand. [Sp., = ball, augment. of pella f. L pila] pelt(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by with) a hurl many small missiles at. b strike repeatedly with missiles. c assail (a person etc.) with insults, abuse, etc. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by down) (of rain etc.) fall quickly and torrentially. 3 intr. run fast. 4 intr. (often foll. by at) fire repeatedly. --n. the act or an instance of pelting. Ьat full pelt as fast as possible. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] pelt(2) n. 1 the undressed skin of a fur-bearing mammal. 2 the skin of a sheep, goat, etc. with short wool, or stripped ready for tanning. 3 joc. the human skin. ЬЬpeltry n. [ME f. obs. pellet skin, dimin. of pel f. AF pell, OF pel, or back-form. f. peltry, AF pelterie, OF peleterie f. peletier furrier, ult. f. L pellis skin] pelta n. (pl. peltae) 1 a small light shield used by the ancient Greeks, Romans, etc. 2 Bot. a shieldlike structure. ЬЬpeltate adj. [L f. Gk pelte] pelvic adj. of or relating to the pelvis. Ьpelvic girdle the bony or cartilaginous structure in vertebrates to which the posterior limbs are attached. pelvis n. (pl. pelvises or pelves) 1 a basin-shaped cavity at the lower end of the torso of most vertebrates, formed from the innominate bone with the sacrum and other vertebrae. 2 the basin-like cavity of the kidney. [L, = basin] Pembs. abbr. Pembrokeshire (a former county in Wales). pemmican n. 1 a cake of dried pounded meat mixed with melted fat, orig. made by N. American Indians. 2 beef so treated and flavoured with currants etc. for use by Arctic travellers etc. [Cree pimecan f. pime fat] pemphigus n. Med. the formation of watery blisters or eruptions on the skin. ЬЬpemphigoid adj. pemphigous adj. [mod.L f. Gk pemphix -igos bubble] PEN abbr. International Association of Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, and Novelists. Pen. abbr. Peninsula. pen(1) n. & v. --n. 1 an instrument for writing or drawing with ink, orig. consisting of a shaft with a sharpened quill or metal nib, now more widely applied. 2 a (usu. prec. by the) the occupation of writing. b a style of writing. 3 Zool. the internal feather-shaped cartilaginous shell of certain cuttlefish, esp. squid. --v.tr. (penned, penning) 1 write. 2 compose and write. Ьpen and ink n. 1 the instruments of writing. 2 writing. pen-and-ink adj. drawn or written with ink. pen-feather a quill-feather of a bird's wing. pen-friend a friend communicated with by letter only. pen-light a small electric torch shaped like a fountain-pen. pen-name a literary pseudonym. pen-pal colloq. = pen-friend. pen-pusher colloq. derog. a clerical worker. pen-pushing colloq. derog. clerical work. put pen to paper begin writing. [ME f. OF penne f. L penna feather] pen(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a small enclosure for cows, sheep, poultry, etc. 2 a place of confinement. 3 an enclosure for sheltering submarines. 4 a Jamaican farm or plantation. --v.tr. (penned, penning) (often foll. by in, up) enclose or shut in a pen. [OE penn, of unkn. orig.] pen(3) n. a female swan. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] pen(4) n. US sl. = PENITENTIARY n. 1. [abbr.] penal adj. 1 a of or concerning punishment or its infliction (penal laws; a penal sentence; a penal colony). b (of an offence) punishable, esp. by law. 2 extremely severe (penal taxation). Ьpenal servitude hist. imprisonment with compulsory labour. ЬЬpenally adv. [ME f. OF penal or L poenalis f. poena PAIN] penalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 subject (a person) to a penalty or comparative disadvantage. 2 make or declare (an action) penal. ЬЬpenalization n. penalty n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a punishment, esp. a fine, for a breach of law, contract, etc. b a fine paid. 2 a disadvantage, loss, etc., esp. as a result of one's own actions (paid the penalty for his carelessness). 3 a a disadvantage imposed on a competitor or side in a game etc. for a breach of the rules etc. b (attrib.) awarded against a side incurring a penalty (penalty kick; penalty goal). 4 Bridge etc. points gained by opponents when a contract is not fulfilled. Ьpenalty area Football the ground in front of the goal in which a foul by defenders involves the award of a penalty kick. penalty box Ice Hockey an area reserved for penalized players and some officials. the penalty of a disadvantage resulting from (a quality etc.). penalty rate Austral. an increased rate of pay for overtime. under (or on) penalty of under the threat of (dismissal etc.). [AF penalte (unrecorded), F p‚nalit‚ f. med.L penalitas (as PENAL)] penance n. & v. --n. 1 an act of self-punishment as reparation for guilt. 2 a (in the RC and Orthodox Church) a sacrament including confession of and absolution for a sin. b a penalty imposed esp. by a priest, or undertaken voluntarily, for a sin. --v.tr. impose a penance on. Ьdo penance perform a penance. [ME f. OF f. L paenitentia (as PENITENT)] penannular adj. almost ringlike. [L paene almost + ANNULAR] penates n.pl. (in Roman mythology) the household gods, esp. of the storeroom (see LARES). [L f. penus provision of food] pence pl. of PENNY. penchant n. an inclination or liking (has a penchant for old films). [F, pres. part. of pencher incline] pencil n. & v. --n. 1 (often attrib.) a an instrument for writing or drawing, usu. consisting of a thin rod of graphite etc. enclosed in a wooden cylinder (a pencil sketch). b a similar instrument with a metal or plastic cover and retractable lead. c a cosmetic in pencil form. 2 (attrib.) resembling a pencil in shape (pencil skirt). 3 Optics a set of rays meeting at a point. 4 Geom. a figure formed by a set of straight lines meeting at a point. 5 a draughtsman's art or style. --v.tr. (pencilled, pencilling; US penciled, penciling) 1 tint or mark with or as if with a pencil. 2 (usu. foll. by in) a write, esp. tentatively or provisionally (have pencilled in the 29th for our meeting). b (esp. as pencilled adj.) fill (an area) with soft pencil strokes (pencilled in her eyebrows). Ьpencil-case a container for pencils etc. pencil-sharpener a device for sharpening a pencil by rotating it against a cutting edge. ЬЬpenciller n. [ME f. OF pincel ult. f. L penicillum paintbrush, dimin. of peniculus brush, dimin. of penis tail] pendant n. (also pendent) 1 a hanging jewel etc., esp. one attached to a necklace, bracelet, etc. 2 a light fitting, ornament, etc., hanging from a ceiling. 3 Naut. a a short rope hanging from the head of a mast etc., used for attaching tackles. b = PENNANT 1. 4 the shank and ring of a pocket-watch by which it is suspended. 5 (usu. foll. by to) a match, companion, parallel, complement, etc. [ME f. OF f. pendre hang f. L pendere] pendent adj. (also pendant) 1 a hanging. b overhanging. 2 undecided; pending. 3 Gram. (esp. of a sentence) incomplete; not having a finite verb (pendent nominative). ЬЬpendency n. [ME (as PENDANT)] pendente lite adv. Law during the progress of a suit. [L] pendentive n. Archit. a curved triangle of vaulting formed by the intersection of a dome with its supporting arches. [F pendentif -ive (adj.) (as PENDANT)] pending adj. & prep. --predic.adj. 1 awaiting decision or settlement, undecided (a settlement was pending). 2 about to come into existence (patent pending). --prep. 1 during (pending these negotiations). 2 until (pending his return). Ьpending-tray a tray for documents, letters, etc., awaiting attention. [after F pendant (see PENDENT)] pendragon n. hist. an ancient British or Welsh prince (often as a title). [Welsh, = chief war-leader, f. pen head + dragon standard] penduline adj. 1 (of a nest) suspended. 2 (of a bird) of a kind that builds such a nest. [F (as PENDULOUS)] pendulous adj. 1 (of ears, breasts, flowers, bird's nests, etc.) hanging down; drooping and esp. swinging. 2 oscillating. ЬЬpendulously adv. [L pendulus f. pendere hang] pendulum n. a weight suspended so as to swing freely, esp. a rod with a weighted end regulating the movement of a clock's works. Ьswing of the pendulum the tendency of public opinion to oscillate between extremes, esp. between political parties. [L neut. adj. (as PENDULOUS)] peneplain n. Geol. a fairly flat area of land produced by erosion. [L paene almost + PLAIN(1)] penetralia n.pl. 1 innermost shrines or recesses. 2 secret or hidden parts; mysteries. [L, neut. pl. of penetralis interior (as PENETRATE)] penetrate v. 1 tr. a find access into or through, esp. forcibly. b (usu. foll. by with) imbue (a person or thing) with; permeate. 2 tr. see into, find out, or discern (a person's mind, the truth, a meaning, etc.). 3 tr. see through (darkness, fog, etc.) (could not penetrate the gloom). 4 intr. be absorbed by the mind (my hint did not penetrate). 5 tr. (as penetrating adj.) a having or suggesting sensitivity or insight (a penetrating remark). b (of a voice etc.) easily heard through or above other sounds; piercing. 6 tr. (of a man) put the penis into the vagina of (a woman). 7 intr. (usu. foll. by into, through, to) make a way. ЬЬpenetrable adj. penetrability n. penetrant adj. & n. penetratingly adv. penetration n. penetrative adj. penetrator n. [L penetrare place or enter within f. penitus interior] penguin n. any flightless sea bird of the family Spheniscidae of the southern hemisphere, with black upper-parts and white under-parts, and wings developed into scaly flippers for swimming underwater. [16th c., orig. = great auk: orig. unkn.] penholder n. the esp. wooden shaft of a pen with a metal nib. penicillate adj. Biol. 1 having or forming a small tuft or tufts. 2 marked with streaks as of a pencil or brush. [L penicillum: see PENCIL] penicillin n. any of various antibiotics produced naturally by moulds of the genus Penicillium, or synthetically, and able to prevent the growth of certain disease-causing bacteria. [mod.L Penicillium genus name f. L penicillum: see PENCIL] penile adj. of or concerning the penis. [mod.L penilis] penillion pl. of PENNILL. peninsula n. a piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting far into a sea or lake etc. ЬЬpeninsular adj. [L paeninsula f. paene almost + insula island] penis n. (pl. penises or penes) 1 the male organ of copulation and (in mammals) urination. 2 the male copulatory organ in lower vertebrates. [L, = tail, penis] penitent adj. & n. --adj. regretting and wishing to atone for sins etc.; repentant. --n. 1 a repentant sinner. 2 a person doing penance under the direction of a confessor. 3 (in pl.) various RC orders associated for mutual discipline etc. ЬЬpenitence n. penitently adv. [ME f. OF f. L paenitens f. paenitere repent] penitential adj. of or concerning penitence or penance. Ьpenitential psalms seven psalms (6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143) expressing penitence. ЬЬpenitentially adv. [OF penitencial f. LL paenitentialis f. paenitentia penitence (as PENITENT)] penitentiary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 US a reformatory prison. 2 an office in the papal court deciding questions of penance, dispensations, etc. --adj. 1 of or concerning penance. 2 of or concerning reformatory treatment. 3 US (of an offence) making a culprit liable to a prison sentence. ЬGrand Penitentiary a cardinal presiding over the penitentiary. [ME f. med.L paenitentiarius (adj. & n.) (as PENITENT)] penknife n. a small folding knife, esp. for carrying in a pocket. penman n. (pl. -men) 1 a person who writes by hand with a specified skill (a good penman). 2 an author. ЬЬpenmanship n. Penn. abbr. (also Penna.) Pennsylvania. pennant n. 1 Naut. a tapering flag, esp. that flown at the masthead of a vessel in commission. 2 = PENDANT 3a. 3 = PENNON. 4 US a flag denoting a sports championship etc. [blend of PENDANT and PENNON] penniless adj. having no money; destitute. ЬЬpennilessly adv. pennilessness n. pennill n. (pl. penillion) (usu. in pl.) an improvised stanza sung to a harp accompaniment at an eisteddfod etc. [Welsh f. penn head] pennon n. 1 a long narrow flag, triangular or swallow-tailed, esp. as the military ensign of lancer regiments. 2 Naut. a long pointed streamer on a ship. 3 a flag. ЬЬpennoned adj. [ME f. OF f. L penna feather] penn'orth var. of PENNYWORTH. Pennsylvania Dutch n. 1 a dialect of High German spoken by descendants of 17th-18th-c. German and Swiss immigrants to Pennsylvania etc. 2 (as pl.) these settlers or their descendants. Pennsylvanian n. & adj. --n. 1 a native or inhabitant of Pennsylvania, a State of the US. 2 (prec. by the) esp. US Geol. the upper Carboniferous period or system. --adj. 1 of or relating to Pennsylvania. 2 esp. US Geol. of or relating to the upper Carboniferous period or system. penny n. (pl. for separate coins -ies, for a sum of money pence) 1 a British coin and monetary unit equal to one-hundredth of a pound. °Abbr.: p. 2 hist. a former British bronze coin and monetary unit equal to one-two-hundred-and-fortieth of a pound. °Abbr.: d. 3 US colloq. a one-cent coin. 4 Bibl. a denarius. Ьin for a penny, in for a pound an exhortation to total commitment to an undertaking. like a bad penny continually returning when unwanted. pennies from heaven unexpected benefits. penny black the first adhesive postage stamp (1840, value one penny). penny cress Bot. a plant, Thlaspi arvense, with flat round pods. penny dreadful Brit. a cheap sensational comic or story-book. the penny drops colloq. one begins to understand at last. penny farthing Brit. an early type of bicycle with one large and one small wheel. a penny for your thoughts a request to a thoughtful person to confide in the speaker. penny-in-the-slot (of a machine) activated by a coin pushed into a slot. penny-pincher a niggardly person. penny-pinching n. meanness. --adj. mean. penny post Brit. hist. the system of carrying letters etc. at a standard charge of 1d. regardless of distance. penny whistle a tin pipe with six holes giving different notes. penny wise too careful in saving small amounts. penny wise and pound foolish mean in small expenditures but wasteful of large amounts. a pretty penny a large sum of money. two a penny almost worthless though easily obtained. [OE penig, penning f. Gmc, perh. rel. to PAWN(2)] -penny comb. form Brit. forming attributive adjectives meaning 'costing ... pence' (esp. in pre-decimal currency) (fivepenny). pennyroyal n. 1 a creeping mint, Mentha pulegium, cultivated for its supposed medicinal properties. 2 US an aromatic plant, Hedeoma pulegioides. [app. f. earlier puliol(e) ryall f. AF puliol, OF pouliol ult. f. L pulegium + real ROYAL] pennyweight n. a unit of weight, 24 grains or one-twentieth of an ounce troy. pennywort n. any of several wild plants with rounded leaves, esp.: 1 (wall pennywort) Umbilicus rupestris, growing in crevices. 2 (marsh or water pennywort) Hydrocotyle vulgaris, growing in marshy places. [ME, f. PENNY + WORT] pennyworth n. (also penn'orth) 1 as much as can be bought for a penny. 2 a bargain of a specified kind (a bad pennyworth). Ьnot a pennyworth not the least bit. penology n. the study of the punishment of crime and of prison management. ЬЬpenological adj. penologist n. [L poena penalty + -LOGY] pens‚e n. a thought or reflection put into literary form; an aphorism. [F] pensile adj. 1 hanging down; pendulous. 2 (of a bird etc.) building a pensile nest. [L pensilis f. pendere pens- hang] pension(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a regular payment made by a government to people above a specified age, to widows, or to the disabled. b similar payments made by an employer etc. on the retirement of an employee. 2 a a pension paid to a scientist, artist, etc. for services to the state, or to fund work. b any pension paid esp. by a government on charitable grounds. --v.tr. 1 grant a pension to. 2 bribe with a pension. Ьpension off 1 dismiss with a pension. 2 cease to employ or use. ЬЬpensionless adj. [ME f. OF f. L pensio -onis payment f. pendere pens- pay] pension(2) n. a European, esp. French, boarding-house providing full or half board at a fixed rate. Ь en pension as a boarder. [F: see PENSION(1)] pensionable adj. 1 entitled to a pension. 2 (of a service, job, etc.) entitling an employee to a pension. ЬЬpensionability n. pensionary adj. & n. --adj. of or concerning a pension. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a pensioner. 2 a creature; a hireling. ЬGrand Pensionary hist. the first minister of Holland and Zealand (1619-1794). [med.L pensionarius (as PENSION(1))] pensioner n. a recipient of a pension, esp. the retirement pension. [ME f. AF pensionner, OF pensionnier (as PENSION(1))] pensive adj. 1 deep in thought. 2 sorrowfully thoughtful. ЬЬpensively adv. pensiveness n. [ME f. OF pensif, -ive f. penser think f. L pensare frequent. of pendere pens- weigh] penstemon var. of PENTSTEMON. penstock n. 1 a sluice; a floodgate. 2 US a channel for conveying water to a water-wheel. [PEN(2) in sense 'mill-dam' + STOCK] pent adj. (often foll. by in, up) closely confined; shut in (pent up feelings). [past part. of pend var. of PEN(2) v.] penta- comb. form 1 five. 2 Chem. (forming the names of compounds) containing five atoms or groups of a specified kind (pentachloride; pentoxide). [Gk f. pente five] pentachord n. 1 a musical instrument with five strings. 2 a series of five musical notes. pentacle n. a figure used as a symbol, esp. in magic, e.g. a pentagram. [med.L pentaculum (as PENTA-)] pentad n. 1 the number five. 2 a group of five. [Gk pentas -ados f. pente five] pentadactyl adj. Zool. having five toes or fingers. pentagon n. 1 a plane figure with five sides and angles. 2 (the Pentagon) a the pentagonal Washington headquarters of the US defence forces. b the leaders of the US defence forces. ЬЬpentagonal adj. [F pentagone or f. LL pentagonus f. Gk pentagonon (as PENTA-, -GON)] pentagram n. a five-pointed star formed by extending the sides of a pentagon both ways until they intersect, formerly used as a mystic symbol. [Gk pentagrammon (as PENTA-, -GRAM)] pentagynous adj. Bot. having five pistils. pentahedron n. a solid figure with five faces. ЬЬpentahedral adj. pentamerous adj. 1 Bot. having five parts in a flower-whorl. 2 Zool. having five joints or parts. pentameter n. 1 a verse of five feet, e.g. English iambic verse of ten syllables. 2 a form of Gk or Latin dactylic verse composed of two halves each of two feet and a long syllable, used in elegiac verse. [L f. Gk pentametros (as PENTA-, -METER)] pentandrous adj. Bot. having five stamens. pentane n. Chem. a hydrocarbon of the alkane series. °Chem. formula: C[5]H[12]. [Gk pente five + ALKANE] pentangle n. = PENTAGRAM. [ME perh. f. med.L pentaculum PENTACLE, assim. to L angulus ANGLE] pentanoic acid n. Chem. a colourless liquid carboxylic acid used in making perfumes. [PENTANE] pentaprism n. a five-sided prism with two silvered surfaces used in a viewfinder to obtain a constant deviation of all rays of light through 90ш. Pentateuch n. the first five books of the Old Testament, traditionally ascribed to Moses. ЬЬpentateuchal adj. [eccl.L pentateuchus f. eccl.Gk pentateukhos (as PENTA-, teukhos implement, book)] pentathlon n. an athletic event comprising five different events for each competitor. ЬЬpentathlete n. [Gk f. pente five + athlon contest] pentatonic adj. Mus. 1 consisting of five notes. 2 relating to such a scale. pentavalent adj. Chem. having a valency of five; quinquevalent. Pentecost n. 1 a Whit Sunday. b a festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on Whit Sunday. 2 a the Jewish harvest festival, on the fiftieth day after the second day of Passover (Lev. 23:15-16). b a synagogue ceremony on the anniversary of the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai. [OE pentecosten & OF pentecoste, f. eccl.L pentecoste f. Gk pentekoste (hemera) fiftieth (day)] Pentecostal adj. & n. --adj. (also pentecostal) 1 of or relating to Pentecost. 2 of or designating Christian sects and individuals who emphasize the gifts of the Holy Spirit, are often fundamentalist in outlook, and express religious feelings by clapping, shouting, dancing, etc. --n. a Pentecostalist. ЬЬPentecostalism n. Pentecostalist adj. & n. penthouse n. 1 a house or flat on the roof or the top floor of a tall building. 2 a sloping roof, esp. of an outhouse built on to another building. 3 an awning, a canopy. [ME pentis f. OF apentis, -dis, f. med.L appendicium, in LL = appendage, f. L (as APPEND): infl. by HOUSE] pentimento n. (pl. pentimenti) the phenomenon of earlier painting showing through a layer or layers of paint on a canvas. [It., = repentance] pentobarbitone n. (US pentobarbital) a narcotic and sedative barbiturate drug formerly used to relieve insomnia. [PENTA-, BARBITONE, BARBITAL] pentode n. a thermionic valve having five electrodes. [Gk pente five + hodos way] pentose n. Biochem. any monosaccharide containing five carbon atoms, including ribose. [PENTA- + -OSE(2)] pent-roof n. a roof sloping in one direction only. [PENTHOUSE + ROOF] pentstemon n. (also penstemon) any American herbaceous plant of the genus Penstemon, with showy flowers and five stamens, one of which is sterile. [mod.L, irreg. f. PENTA- + Gk stemon warp, used for 'stamen'] pentyl n. = AMYL. [PENTANE + -YL] penult n. & adj. --n. the last but one (esp. syllable). --adj. last but one. [abbr. of L paenultimus (see PENULTIMATE) or of PENULTIMATE] penultimate adj. & n. --adj. last but one. --n. 1 the last but one. 2 the last syllable but one. [L paenultimus f. paene almost + ultimus last, after ultimate] penumbra n. (pl. penumbrae or penumbras) 1 a the partly shaded region around the shadow of an opaque body, esp. that around the total shadow of the moon or earth in an eclipse. b the less dark outer part of a sunspot. 2 a partial shadow. ЬЬpenumbral adj. [mod.L f. L paene almost + UMBRA shadow] penurious adj. 1 poor; destitute. 2 stingy; grudging. 3 scanty. ЬЬpenuriously adv. penuriousness n. [med.L penuriosus (as PENURY)] penury n. (pl. -ies) 1 destitution; poverty. 2 a lack; scarcity. [ME f. L penuria, perh. rel. to paene almost] peon n. 1 a a Spanish American day labourer or farm-worker. b a poor or destitute South American. 2 an Indian office messenger, attendant, or orderly. 3 a bullfighter's assistant. 4 hist. a worker held in servitude in the southern US. ЬЬpeonage n. [Port. peao & Sp. peon f. med.L pedo -onis walker f. L pes pedis foot: cf. PAWN(1)] peony n. (also paeony) (pl. -ies) any herbaceous plant of the genus Paeonia, with large globular red, pink, or white flowers, often double in cultivated varieties. [OE peonie f. L peonia f. Gk paionia f. Paion, physician of the gods] people n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. as pl.) a persons composing a community, tribe, race, nation, etc. (the English people; a warlike people; the peoples of the Commonwealth). b a group of persons of a usu. specified kind (the chosen people; these people here; right-thinking people). 2 (prec. by the; treated as pl.) a the mass of people in a country etc. not having special rank or position. b these considered as an electorate (the people will reject it). 3 parents or other relatives (my people are French). 4 a subjects, armed followers, a retinue, etc. b a congregation of a parish priest etc. 5 persons in general (people do not like rudeness). --v.tr. (usu. foll. by with) 1 fill with people, animals, etc.; populate. 2 (esp. as peopled adj.) inhabit; occupy; fill (thickly peopled). Ьpeople's democracy a political system, esp. in E. Europe, with power regarded as invested in the people. [ME f. AF poeple, people, OF pople, peuple, f. L populus] PEP abbr. Brit. 1 Political and Economic Planning. 2 Personal Equity Plan. pep n. & v. colloq. --n. vigour; go; spirit. --v.tr. (pepped, pepping) (usu. foll. by up) fill with vigour. Ьpep pill a pill containing a stimulant drug. pep talk a usu. short talk intended to enthuse, encourage, etc. [abbr. of PEPPER] peperino n. a light porous (esp. brown) volcanic rock formed of small grains of sand, cinders, etc. [It. f. pepere pepper] peperoni var. of PEPPERONI. peplum n. 1 a short flounce etc. at waist level, esp. of a blouse or jacket over a skirt. 2 Gk Antiq. a woman's outer garment. [L f. Gk peplos] pepo n. (pl. -os) any fleshy fruit of the melon or cucumber type, with numerous seeds and surrounded by a hard skin. [L, = pumpkin, f. Gk pepon abbr. of pepon sikuos ripe gourd] pepper n. & v. --n. 1 a a hot aromatic condiment from the dried berries of certain plants used whole or ground. b any climbing vine of the genus Piper, esp. P. nigrum, yielding these berries. 2 anything hot or pungent. 3 a any plant of the genus Capsicum, esp. C. annuum. b the fruit of this used esp. as a vegetable or salad ingredient. 4 = CAYENNE. --v.tr. 1 sprinkle or treat with or as if with pepper. 2 a pelt with missiles. b hurl abuse etc. at. 3 punish severely. Ьblack pepper the unripe ground or whole berries of Piper nigrum as a condiment. green pepper the unripe fruit of Capsicum annuum. pepper-mill a device for grinding pepper by hand. pepper-pot 1 a small container with a perforated lid for sprinkling pepper. 2 a W. Indian dish of meat etc. stewed with cayenne pepper. 3 colloq. a Jamaican. red (or yellow) pepper the ripe fruit of Capsicum annuum. sweet pepper a pepper with a relatively mild taste. white pepper the ripe or husked ground or whole berries of Piper nigrum as a condiment. [OE piper, pipor f. L piper f. Gk peperi f. Skr. pippali- berry, peppercorn] pepperbox n. = pepper-pot. peppercorn n. 1 the dried berry of Piper nigrum as a condiment. 2 (in full peppercorn rent) a nominal rent. peppermint n. 1 a a mint plant, Mentha piperita, grown for the strong-flavoured oil obtained from its leaves. b the oil from this. 2 a sweet flavoured with peppermint. 3 Austral. any of various eucalyptuses yielding oil with a similar flavour. ЬЬpepperminty adj. pepperoni n. (also peperoni) beef and pork sausage seasoned with pepper. [It. peperone chilli] pepperwort n. any cruciferous plant of the genus Lepidium, esp. garden cress. peppery adj. 1 of, like, or containing much, pepper. 2 hot-tempered. 3 pungent; stinging. ЬЬpepperiness n. peppy adj. (peppier, peppiest) colloq. vigorous, energetic, bouncy. ЬЬpeppily adv. peppiness n. pepsin n. an enzyme contained in the gastric juice, which hydrolyses proteins. [G f. Gk pepsis digestion] peptic adj. concerning or promoting digestion. Ьpeptic glands glands secreting gastric juice. peptic ulcer an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum. [Gk peptikos able to digest (as PEPTONE)] peptide n. Biochem. any of a group of organic compounds consisting of two or more amino acids bonded in sequence. [G Peptid, back-form. (as POLYPEPTIDE)] peptone n. a protein fragment formed by hydrolysis in the process of digestion. ЬЬpeptonize v.tr. (also -ise). [G Pepton f. Gk peptos, neut. pepton cooked] per prep. 1 for each; for every (two sweets per child; five miles per hour). 2 by means of; by; through (per post; per rail). 3 (in full as per) in accordance with (as per instructions). 4 Heraldry in the direction of. Ьas per usual colloq. as usual. [L] per- prefix 1 forming verbs, nouns, and adjectives meaning: a through; all over (perforate; perforation; pervade). b completely; very (perfervid; perturb). c to destruction; to the bad (pervert; perdition). 2 Chem. having the maximum of some element in combination, esp.: a in the names of binary compounds in -ide (peroxide). b in the names of oxides, acids, etc. in -ic (perchloric; permanganic). c in the names of salts of these acids (perchlorate; permanganate). [L per- (as PER)] peradventure adv. & n. archaic or joc. --adv. perhaps. --n. uncertainty; chance; conjecture; doubt (esp. beyond or without peradventure). [ME f. OF per or par auenture by chance (as PER, ADVENTURE)] perambulate v. 1 tr. walk through, over, or about (streets, the country, etc.). 2 intr. walk from place to place. 3 tr. a travel through and inspect (territory). b formally establish the boundaries of (a parish etc.) by walking round them. ЬЬperambulation n. perambulatory adj. [L perambulare perambulat- (as PER-, ambulare walk)] perambulator n. Brit. formal = PRAM. [PERAMBULATE] per annum adv. for each year. [L] percale n. a closely woven cotton fabric like calico. [F, of uncert. orig.] per capita adv. & adj. (also per caput) for each person. [L, = by heads] perceive v.tr. 1 apprehend, esp. through the sight; observe. 2 (usu. foll. by that, how, etc. + clause) apprehend with the mind; understand. 3 regard mentally in a specified manner (perceives the universe as infinite). ЬЬperceivable adj. perceiver n. [ME f. OF per‡oivre, f. L percipere (as PER-, capere take)] per cent adv. & n. (US percent) --adv. in every hundred. --n. 1 percentage. 2 one part in every hundred (half a per cent). 3 (in pl.) Brit. public securities yielding interest of so much per cent (three per cents). percentage n. 1 a rate or proportion per cent. 2 a proportion. 3 colloq. personal benefit or advantage. percentile n. Statistics one of 99 values of a variable dividing a population into 100 equal groups as regards the value of that variable. percept n. Philos. 1 an object of perception. 2 a mental concept resulting from perceiving, esp. by sight. [L perceptum perceived (thing), neut. past part. of percipere PERCEIVE, after concept] perceptible adj. capable of being perceived by the senses or intellect. ЬЬperceptibility n. perceptibly adv. [OF perceptible or LL perceptibilis f. L (as PERCEIVE)] perception n. 1 a the faculty of perceiving. b an instance of this. 2 (often foll. by of) a the intuitive recognition of a truth, aesthetic quality, etc. b an instance of this (a sudden perception of the true position). 3 Philos. the ability of the mind to refer sensory information to an external object as its cause. ЬЬperceptional adj. perceptual adj. perceptually adv. [ME f. L perceptio (as PERCEIVE)] perceptive adj. 1 capable of perceiving. 2 sensitive; discerning; observant (a perceptive remark). ЬЬperceptively adv. perceptiveness n. perceptivity n. [med.L perceptivus (as PERCEIVE)] perch(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a usu. horizontal bar, branch, etc. used by a bird to rest on. 2 a usu. high or precarious place for a person or thing to rest on. 3 a measure of length, esp. for land, of 5« yards (see also ROD, POLE). --v.intr. & tr. (usu. foll. by on) settle or rest, or cause to settle or rest on or as if on a perch etc. (the bird perched on a branch; a town perched on a hill). Ьknock a person off his perch 1 vanquish, destroy. 2 make less confident or secure. square perch 30¬ sq. yards. [ME f. OF perche, percher f. L pertica pole] perch(2) n. (pl. same or perches) any spiny-finned freshwater edible fish of the genus Perca, esp. P. fluviatilis of Europe. [ME f. OF perche f. L perca f. Gk perke] perchance adv. archaic or poet. 1 by chance. 2 possibly; maybe. [ME f. AF par chance f. par by, CHANCE] percher n. any bird with feet adapted for perching; a passerine. percheron n. a powerful breed of cart-horse. [F, orig. bred in le Perche, a district of N. France] perchlorate n. Chem. a salt or ester of perchloric acid. perchloric acid n. Chem. a strong liquid acid containing heptavalent chlorine. [PER- + CHLORINE] percipient adj. & n. --adj. 1 able to perceive; conscious. 2 discerning; observant. --n. a person who perceives, esp. something outside the range of the senses. ЬЬpercipience n. percipiently adv. [L (as PERCEIVE)] percolate v. 1 intr. (often foll. by through) a (of liquid etc.) filter or ooze gradually (esp. through a porous surface). b (of an idea etc.) permeate gradually. 2 tr. prepare (coffee) by repeatedly passing boiling water through ground beans. 3 tr. ooze through; permeate. 4 tr. strain (a liquid, powder, etc.) through a fine mesh etc. ЬЬpercolation n. [L percolare (as PER-, colare strain f. colum strainer)] percolator n. a machine for making coffee by circulating boiling water through ground beans. per contra adv. on the opposite side (of an account, assessment, etc.); on the contrary. [It.] percuss v.tr. Med. tap (a part of the body) gently with a finger or an instrument as part of a diagnosis. [L percutere percuss- strike (as PER-, cutere = quatere shake)] percussion n. 1 Mus. a (often attrib.) the playing of music by striking instruments with sticks etc. (a percussion band). b the section of such instruments in an orchestra (asked the percussion to stay behind). 2 Med. the act or an instance of percussing. 3 the forcible striking of one esp. solid body against another. Ьpercussion cap a small amount of explosive powder contained in metal or paper and exploded by striking, used esp. in toy guns and formerly in some firearms. ЬЬpercussionist n. percussive adj. percussively adv. percussiveness n. [F percussion or L percussio (as PERCUSS)] percutaneous adj. esp. Med. made or done through the skin. [L per cutem through the skin] per diem adv., adj. & n. --adv. & adj. for each day. --n. an allowance or payment for each day. [L] perdition n. eternal death; damnation. [ME f. OF perdiciun or eccl.L perditio f. L perdere destroy (as PER-, dere dit- = dare give)] perdurable adj. formal permanent; eternal; durable. ЬЬperdurability n. perdurably adv. [ME f. OF f. LL perdurabilis (as PER-, DURABLE)] pЉre n. (added to a surname to distinguish a father from a son) the father, senior (cf. FILS). [F, = father] PЉre David's deer n. a large slender-antlered deer, Elaphurus davidianus. [after Father A. David, Fr. missionary d. 1900] peregrinate v.intr. archaic or joc. travel; journey, esp. extensively or at leisure. ЬЬperegrination n. peregrinator n. [L peregrinari (as PEREGRINE)] peregrine n. & adj. --n. (in full peregrine falcon) a kind of falcon much used for hawking. --adj. archaic imported from abroad; foreign; outlandish. [L peregrinus f. peregre abroad f. per through + ager field] peremptory adj. 1 (of a statement or command) admitting no denial or refusal. 2 (of a person, a person's manner, etc.) dogmatic; imperious; dictatorial. 3 Law not open to appeal or challenge; final. 4 absolutely fixed; essential. Ьperemptory challenge Law a defendant's objection to a proposed juror, made without needing to give a reason. ЬЬperemptorily adv. peremptoriness n. [AF peremptorie, OF peremptoire f. L peremptorius deadly, decisive, f. perimere perempt- destroy, cut off (as PER-, emere take, buy)] perennial adj. & n. --adj. 1 lasting through a year or several years. 2 (of a plant) lasting several years (cf. ANNUAL). 3 lasting a long time or for ever. 4 (of a stream) flowing through all seasons of the year. --n. a perennial plant (a herbaceous perennial). ЬЬperenniality n. perennially adv. [L perennis (as PER-, annus year)] perestroika n. (in the Soviet Union) the policy or practice of restructuring or reforming the economic and political system. [Russ. perestroika = restructuring] perfect adj., v., & n. --adj. 1 complete; not deficient. 2 faultless (a perfect diamond). 3 very satisfactory (a perfect evening). 4 exact; precise (a perfect circle). 5 entire; unqualified (a perfect stranger). 6 Math. (of a number) equal to the sum of its divisors. 7 Gram. (of a tense) denoting a completed action or event in the past, formed in English with have or has and the past participle, as in they have eaten. 8 Mus. (of pitch) absolute. 9 Bot. a (of a flower) having all four types of whorl. b (of a fungus) in the stage where the sexual spores are formed. 10 (often foll. by in) thoroughly trained or skilled (is perfect in geometry). --v.tr. 1 make perfect; improve. 2 carry through; complete. 3 complete (a sheet) by printing the other side. --n. Gram. the perfect tense. Ьperfect binding a form of bookbinding in which the leaves are attached to the spine by gluing rather than sewing. perfect interval Mus. a fourth or fifth as it would occur in a major or minor scale starting on the lower note of the interval, or octave. perfect pitch = absolute pitch 1. ЬЬperfecter n. perfectible adj. perfectibility n. perfectness n. [ME and OF parfit, perfet f. L perfectus past part. of perficere complete (as PER-, facere do)] perfecta n. US a form of betting in which the first two places in a race must be predicted in the correct order . [Amer. Sp. quiniela perfecta perfect quinella] perfection n. 1 the act or process of making perfect. 2 the state of being perfect; faultlessness, excellence. 3 a perfect person, thing, or example. 4 an accomplishment. 5 full development; completion. Ьto perfection exactly; completely. [ME f. OF f. L perfectio -onis (as PERFECT)] perfectionism n. 1 the uncompromising pursuit of excellence. 2 Philos. the belief that religious or moral perfection is attainable. ЬЬperfectionist n. & adj. [PERFECT] perfective adj. & n. Gram. --adj. (of an aspect of a verb etc.) expressing the completion of an action (opp. IMPERFECTIVE). --n. the perfective aspect or form of a verb. [med.L perfectivus (as PERFECT)] perfectly adv. 1 completely; absolutely (I understand you perfectly). 2 quite, completely (is perfectly capable of doing it). 3 in a perfect way. perfecto n. (pl. -os) orig. US a large thick cigar pointed at each end. [Sp., = perfect] perfervid adj. literary very fervid. ЬЬperfervidly adv. perfervidness n. [mod.L perfervidus (as PER-, FERVID)] perfidy n. breach of faith; treachery. ЬЬperfidious adj. perfidiously adv. [L perfidia f. perfidus treacherous (as PER-, fidus f. fides faith)] perfoliate adj. (of a plant) having the stalk apparently passing through the leaf. [mod.L perfoliatus (as PER-, FOLIATE)] perforate v. & adj. --v. 1 tr. make a hole or holes through; pierce. 2 tr. make a row of small holes in (paper etc.) so that a part may be torn off easily. 3 tr. make an opening into; pass into or extend through. 4 intr. (usu. foll. by into, through, etc.) penetrate. --adj. perforated. ЬЬperforation n. perforative adj. perforator n. [L perforare (as PER-, forare pierce)] perforce adv. archaic unavoidably; necessarily. [ME f. OF par force by FORCE(1)] perform v. 1 tr. (also absol.) carry into effect; be the agent of; do (a command, promise, task, etc.). 2 tr. (also absol.) go through, execute (a public function, play, piece of music, etc.). 3 intr. act in a play; play music, sing, etc. (likes performing). 4 intr. (of a trained animal) execute tricks etc. at a public show. ЬЬperformable adj. performability n. performatory adj. & n. (pl. -ies). performer n. performing adj. [ME f. AF parfourmer f. OF parfournir (assim. to forme FORM) f. par PER- + fournir FURNISH] performance n. 1 (usu. foll. by of) a the act or process of performing or carrying out. b the execution or fulfilment (of a duty etc.). 2 a staging or production (of a drama, piece of music, etc.) (the afternoon performance). 3 a person's achievement under test conditions etc. (put up a good performance). 4 colloq. a fuss; a scene; a public exhibition (made such a performance about leaving). 5 a the capabilities of a machine, esp. a car or aircraft. b (attrib.) of high capability (a performance car). performative adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to performance. 2 denoting an utterance that effects an action by being spoken or written (e.g. I bet, I apologize). --n. a performative utterance. performing arts n.pl. the arts, such as drama, music, and dance, that require performance for their realization. perfume n. & v. --n. 1 a sweet smell. 2 fluid containing the essence of flowers etc.; scent. --v.tr. also (usu. as perfumed adj.) impart a sweet scent to; impregnate with a sweet smell. ЬЬperfumy adj. [F parfum, parfumer f. obs. It. parfumare, perfumare (as PER-, fumare smoke, FUME): orig. of smoke from a burning substance] perfumer n. a maker or seller of perfumes. ЬЬperfumery n. (pl. -ies). perfunctory adj. 1 done merely for the sake of getting through a duty. 2 superficial; mechanical. ЬЬperfunctorily adv. perfunctoriness n. [LL perfunctorius careless f. L perfungi perfunct- (as PER-, fungi perform)] perfuse v.tr. 1 (often foll. by with) a besprinkle (with water etc.). b cover or suffuse (with radiance etc.). 2 pour or diffuse (water etc.) through or over. 3 Med. cause a fluid to pass through (an organ etc.). ЬЬperfusion n. perfusive adj. [L perfundere perfus- (as PER-, fundere pour)] pergana var. of PARGANA. pergola n. an arbour or covered walk, formed of growing plants trained over trellis-work. [It. f. L pergula projecting roof f. pergere proceed] pergunnah var. of PARGANA. perhaps adv. 1 it may be; possibly (perhaps it is lost). 2 introducing a polite request (perhaps you would open the window?). [PER + HAP] peri n. (pl. peris) 1 (in Persian mythology) a fairy; a good (orig. evil) genius. 2 a beautiful or graceful being. [Pers. pari] peri- prefix 1 round, about. 2 Astron. the point nearest to (perigee; perihelion). [Gk peri around, about] perianth n. the outer part of a flower. [F p‚rianthe f. mod.L perianthium (as PERI- + Gk anthos flower)] periapt n. a thing worn as a charm; an amulet. [F p‚riapte f. Gk periapton f. hapto fasten] pericardium n. (pl. pericardia) the membranous sac enclosing the heart. ЬЬpericardiac adj. pericardial adj. pericarditis n. [mod.L f. Gk perikardion (as PERI- + kardia heart)] pericarp n. the part of a fruit formed from the wall of the ripened ovary. [F p‚ricarpe f. Gk perikarpion pod, shell (as PERI-, karpos fruit)] perichondrium n. the membrane enveloping cartilage tissue (except at the joints). [PERI- + Gk khondros cartilage] periclase n. a pale mineral consisting of magnesia. [mod.L periclasia, erron. f. Gk peri exceedingly + klasis breaking, from its perfect cleavage] periclinal adj. Geol. (of a mound etc.) sloping down in all directions from a central point. [Gk periklines sloping on all sides (as PERI-, CLINE)] pericope n. a short passage or paragraph, esp. a portion of Scripture read in public worship. [LL f. Gk perikope (as PERI-, kope cutting f. kopto cut)] pericranium n. the membrane enveloping the skull. [mod.L f. Gk (as PERI-, kranion skull)] peridot n. a green variety of olivine, used esp. as a semiprecious stone. [ME f. OF peritot, of unkn. orig.] perigee n. the point in a celestial body's orbit where it is nearest the earth (opp. APOGEE). ЬЬperigean adj. [F p‚rig‚e f. mod.L f. Gk perigeion round the earth (as PERI-, ge earth)] periglacial adj. of or relating to a region adjoining a glacier. perigynous adj. (of stamens) situated around the pistil or ovary. [mod.L perigynus (as PERI-, -GYNOUS)] perihelion n. (pl. perihelia) the point of a planet's or comet's orbit nearest to the sun's centre. [Graecized f. mod.L perihelium (as PERI-, Gk helios sun)] peril n. & v. --n. serious and immediate danger. --v.tr. (perilled, perilling; US periled, periling) threaten; endanger. Ьat one's peril at one's own risk. in peril of with great risk to (in peril of your life). peril point US Econ. a critical threshold or limit. [ME f. OF f. L peric(u)lum] perilous adj. 1 full of risk; dangerous; hazardous. 2 exposed to imminent risk of destruction etc. ЬЬperilously adv. perilousness n. [ME f. OF perillous f. L periculosus f. periculum: see PERIL] perilune n. the point in a body's lunar orbit where it is closest to the moon's centre (opp. APOLUNE). [PERI- + L luna moon, after perigee] perilymph n. the fluid in the labyrinth of the ear. perimeter n. 1 a the circumference or outline of a closed figure. b the length of this. 2 a the outer boundary of an enclosed area. b a defended boundary. 3 an instrument for measuring a field of vision. ЬЬperimetric adj. [F p‚rimЉtre or f. L perimetrus f. Gk perimetros (as PERI-, metros f. metron measure)] perinatal adj. of or relating to the time immediately before and after birth. perineum n. the region of the body between the anus and the scrotum or vulva. ЬЬperineal adj. [LL f. Gk perinaion] period n. & adj. --n. 1 a length or portion of time (showers and bright periods). 2 a distinct portion of history, a person's life, etc. (the Georgian period; Picasso's Blue Period). 3 Geol. a time forming part of a geological era (the Quaternary period). 4 a an interval between recurrences of an astronomical or other phenomenon. b the time taken by a planet to rotate about its axis. 5 the time allowed for a lesson in school. 6 an occurrence of menstruation. 7 a a complete sentence, esp. one consisting of several clauses. b (in pl.) rhetorical language. 8 esp. US a = full stop (see FULL(1)). b used at the end of a sentence etc. to indicate finality, absoluteness, etc. (we want the best, period). 9 a a set of figures marked off in a large number to assist in reading. b a set of figures repeated in a recurring decimal. c the smallest interval over which a function takes the same value. 10 Chem. a sequence of elements between two noble gases forming a row in the periodic table. --adj. belonging to or characteristic of some past period (period furniture). Ьof the period of the era under discussion (the custom of the period). period piece an object or work whose main interest lies in its historical etc. associations. [ME f. OF periode f. L periodus f. Gk periodos (as PERI-, odos = hodos way)] periodate n. Chem. a salt or ester of periodic acid. periodic adj. 1 appearing or occurring at regular intervals. 2 of or concerning the period of a celestial body (periodic motion). 3 (of diction etc.) expressed in periods (see PERIOD n. 7a). Ьperiodic decimal Math. a set of figures repeated in a recurring decimal. periodic function Math. a function returning to the same value at regular intervals. periodic table an arrangement of elements in order of increasing atomic number and in which elements of similar chemical properties appear at regular intervals. ЬЬperiodicity n. [F p‚riodique or L periodicus f. Gk periodikos (as PERIOD)] periodic acid n. Chem. a hygroscopic solid acid containing heptavalent iodine. [PER- + IODINE] periodical n. & adj. --n. a newspaper, magazine, etc. issued at regular intervals, usu. monthly or weekly. --adj. 1 published at regular intervals. 2 periodic, occasional. ЬЬperiodically adv. periodization n. the division of history into periods. periodontics n.pl. (treated as sing.) the branch of dentistry concerned with the structures surrounding and supporting the teeth. ЬЬperiodontal adj. periodontist n. [PERI- + Gk odous odont- tooth] periodontology n. = PERIODONTICS. periosteum n. (pl. periostea) a membrane enveloping the bones where no cartilage is present. ЬЬperiosteal adj. periostitis n. [mod.L f. Gk periosteon (as PERI-, osteon bone)] peripatetic adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a teacher) working in more than one school or college etc. 2 going from place to place; itinerant. 3 (Peripatetic) Aristotelian (from Aristotle's habit of walking in the Lyceum whilst teaching). --n. a peripatetic person, esp. a teacher. ЬЬperipatetically adv. peripateticism n. [ME f. OF peripatetique or L peripateticus f. Gk peripatetikos f. peripateo (as PERI-, pateo walk)] peripeteia n. a sudden change of fortune in a drama or in life. [Gk (as PERI-, pet- f. pipto fall)] peripheral adj. & n. --adj. 1 of minor importance; marginal. 2 of the periphery; on the fringe. 3 Anat. near the surface of the body, with special reference to the circulation and nervous system. 4 (of equipment) used with a computer etc. but not an integral part of it. --n. a peripheral device or piece of equipment. Ьperipheral nervous system Anat. the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord. ЬЬperipherally adv. periphery n. (pl. -ies) 1 the boundary of an area or surface. 2 an outer or surrounding region (built on the periphery of the old town). [LL peripheria f. Gk periphereia circumference (as PERI-, phereia f. phero bear)] periphrasis n. (pl. periphrases) 1 a roundabout way of speaking; circumlocution. 2 a roundabout phrase. [L f. Gk f. periphrazo (as PERI-, phrazo declare)] periphrastic adj. Gram. 1 of or involving periphrasis. 2 (of a case, tense, etc.) formed by combination of words rather than by inflection (e.g. did go, of the people rather than went, the people' s). ЬЬperiphrastically adv. [Gk periphrastikos (as PERIPHRASIS)] peripteral adj. (of a temple) surrounded by a single row of columns. [Gk peripteron (as PERI-, Gk pteron wing)] periscope n. an apparatus with a tube and mirrors or prisms, by which an observer in a trench, submerged submarine, or at the rear of a crowd etc., can see things otherwise out of sight. periscopic adj. of a periscope. Ьperiscopic lens a lens allowing distinct vision over a wide angle. ЬЬperiscopically adv. perish v. 1 intr. be destroyed; suffer death or ruin. 2 a intr. (esp. of rubber, a rubber object, etc.) lose its normal qualities; deteriorate, rot. b tr. cause to rot or deteriorate. 3 tr. (in passive) suffer from cold or exposure (we were perished standing outside). Ьperish the thought an exclamation of horror against an unwelcome idea. ЬЬperishless adj. [ME f. OF perir f. L perire pass away (as PER-, ire go)] perishable adj. & n. --adj. liable to perish; subject to decay. --n. a thing, esp. a foodstuff, subject to speedy decay. ЬЬperishability n. perishableness n. perisher n. Brit. sl. an annoying person. perishing adj. & adv. colloq. --adj. 1 confounded. 2 freezing cold, extremely chilly. --adv. confoundedly. ЬЬperishingly adv. perisperm n. a mass of nutritive material outside the embryo-sac in some seeds. [PERI- + Gk sperma seed] peristalsis n. an involuntary muscular wavelike movement by which the contents of the alimentary canal etc. are propelled along. ЬЬperistaltic adj. peristaltically adv. [mod.L f. Gk peristello wrap around (as PERI-, stello place)] peristome n. 1 Bot. a fringe of small teeth around the mouth of a capsule in mosses and certain fungi. 2 Zool. the parts surrounding the mouth of various invertebrates. [mod.L peristoma f. PERI- + Gk stoma mouth] peristyle n. a row of columns surrounding a temple, court, cloister, etc.; a space surrounded by columns. [F p‚ristyle f. L peristylum f. Gk peristulon (as PERI-, stulos pillar)] peritoneum n. (pl. peritoneums or peritonea) the double serous membrane lining the cavity of the abdomen. ЬЬperitoneal adj. [LL f. Gk peritonaion (as PERI-, tonaion f. -tonos stretched)] peritonitis n. an inflammatory disease of the peritoneum. periwig n. esp. hist. a wig. ЬЬperiwigged adj. [alt. of PERUKE, with -wi- for F -u- sound] periwinkle(1) n. 1 any plant of the genus Vinca, esp. an evergreen trailing plant with blue or white flowers. 2 a tropical shrub, Catharanthus roseus, native to Madagascar. [ME f. AF pervenke, OF pervenche f. LL pervinca, assim. to PERIWINKLE(2)] periwinkle(2) n. = WINKLE. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] perjure v.refl. Law 1 wilfully tell an untruth when on oath. 2 (as perjured adj.) guilty of or involving perjury. ЬЬperjurer n. [ME f. OF parjurer f. L perjurare (as PER-, jurare swear)] perjury n. (pl. -ies) Law 1 a breach of an oath, esp. the act of wilfully telling an untruth when on oath. 2 the practice of this. ЬЬperjurious adj. [ME f. AF perjurie f. OF parjurie f. L perjurium (as PERJURE)] perk(1) v. & adj. --v.tr. raise (one's head etc.) briskly. --adj. perky; pert. Ьperk up 1 recover confidence, courage, life, or zest. 2 restore confidence or courage or liveliness in (esp. another person). 3 smarten up. [ME, perh. f. var. of PERCH(1)] perk(2) n. Brit. colloq. a perquisite. [abbr.] perk(3) v. colloq. 1 intr. (of coffee) percolate, make a bubbling sound in the percolator. 2 tr. percolate (coffee). [abbr. of PERCOLATE] perky adj. (perkier, perkiest) 1 self-assertive; saucy; pert. 2 lively; cheerful. ЬЬperkily adv. perkiness n. perlite n. (also pearlite) a glassy type of vermiculite, expandable to a solid form by heating, used for insulation etc. [F f. perle pearl] perm(1) n. & v. --n. a permanent wave. --v.tr. give a permanent wave to (a person or a person's hair). [abbr.] perm(2) n. & v. colloq. --n. a permutation. --v.tr. make a permutation of. [abbr.] permafrost n. subsoil which remains below freezing-point throughout the year, as in polar regions. [PERMANENT + FROST] permalloy n. an alloy of nickel and iron that is easily magnetized and demagnetized. [PERMEABLE + ALLOY] permanent adj. lasting, or intended to last or function, indefinitely (opp. TEMPORARY). Ьpermanent magnet a magnet retaining its magnetic properties without continued excitation. Permanent Secretary (or Under-secretary etc.) Brit. a senior grade in the Civil Service, often a permanent adviser to a minister. permanent set 1 the irreversible deformation of a substance after being subjected to stress. 2 the amount of this. permanent tooth a tooth succeeding a milk tooth in a mammal, and lasting most of the mammal's life. permanent wave an artificial wave in the hair, intended to last for some time. permanent way Brit. the finished roadbed of a railway. ЬЬpermanence n. permanency n. permanentize v.tr. (also -ise). permanently adv. [ME f. OF permanent or L permanere (as PER-, manere remain)] permanganate n. Chem. any salt of permanganic acid, esp. potassium permanganate. permanganic acid n. Chem. an acid containing heptavalent manganese. [PER- + MANGANIC: see MANGANESE] permeability n. 1 the state or quality of being permeable. 2 a quantity measuring the influence of a substance on the magnetic flux in the region it occupies. permeable adj. capable of being permeated. [L permeabilis (as PERMEATE)] permeate v. 1 tr. penetrate throughout; pervade; saturate. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by through, among, etc.) diffuse itself. ЬЬpermeance n. permeant adj. permeation n. permeator n. [L permeare permeat- (as PER-, meare pass, go)] Permian adj. & n. Geol. --adj. of or relating to the last period of the Palaeozoic era with evidence of the development of reptiles and amphibians, and deposits of sandstone. °Cf. Appendix II. --n. this period or system. [Perm in Russia] per mille adv. (also per mil) in every thousand. [L] permissible adj. allowable. ЬЬpermissibility n. permissibly adv. [ME f. F or f. med.L permissibilis (as PERMIT)] permission n. (often foll. by to + infin.) consent; authorization. [ME f. OF or f. L permissio (as PERMIT)] permissive adj. 1 tolerant; liberal, esp. in sexual matters (the permissive society). 2 giving permission. Ьpermissive legislation legislation giving powers but not enjoining their use. ЬЬpermissively adv. permissiveness n. [ME f. OF (-if -ive) or med.L permissivus (as PERMIT)] permit v. & n. --v. (permitted, permitting) 1 tr. give permission or consent to; authorize (permit me to say). 2 a tr. allow; give an opportunity to (permit the traffic to flow again). b intr. give an opportunity (circumstances permitting). 3 intr. (foll. by of) admit; allow for. --n. 1 a a document giving permission to act in a specified way (was granted a work permit). b a document etc. which allows entry into a specified zone. 2 formal permission. ЬЬpermittee n. permitter n. [L permittere (as PER-, mittere miss- let go)] permittivity n. Electr. a quantity measuring the ability of a substance to store electrical energy in an electric field. permutate v.tr. change the order or arrangement of. [as PERMUTE, or back-form. f. PERMUTATION] permutation n. 1 a an ordered arrangement or grouping of a set of numbers, items, etc. b any one of the range of possible groupings. 2 any combination or selection of a specified number of things from a larger group, esp. Brit. matches in a football pool. ЬЬpermutational adj. [ME f. OF or f. L permutatio (as PERMUTE)] permute v.tr. alter the sequence or arrangement of. [ME f. L permutare (as PER-, mutare change)] Permutit n. propr. an artificial zeolite used as an ion exchanger esp. for the softening of water. [G f. L permutare to exchange] pernicious adj. destructive; ruinous; fatal. Ьpernicious anaemia see ANAEMIA. ЬЬperniciously adv. perniciousness n. [L perniciosus f. pernicies ruin f. nex necis death] pernickety adj. colloq. 1 fastidious. 2 precise or over-precise. 3 ticklish, requiring tact or careful handling. [19th-c. Sc.: orig. unkn.] pernoctate v.intr. formal pass or spend the night. ЬЬpernoctation n. [LL pernoctatio f. L pernoctare pernoctat- (as PER-, noctare f. nox noctis night)] peroneal adj. Anat. relating to or near the fibula. [mod.L peronaeus peroneal muscle f. perone fibula f. Gk perone pin, fibula] perorate v.intr. 1 sum up and conclude a speech. 2 speak at length. [L perorare perorat- (as PER-, orare speak)] peroration n. the concluding part of a speech, forcefully summing up what has been said. peroxidase n. Biochem. any of a class of enzymes found esp. in plants, which catalyze the oxidation of a substrate by hydrogen peroxide. peroxide n. & v. --n. Chem. 1 a = hydrogen peroxide. b (often attrib.) a solution of hydrogen peroxide used to bleach the hair or as an antiseptic. 2 a compound of oxygen with another element containing the greatest possible proportion of oxygen. 3 any salt or ester of hydrogen peroxide. --v.tr. bleach (the hair) with peroxide. [PER- + OXIDE] perpendicular adj. & n. --adj. 1 a at right angles to the plane of the horizon. b (usu. foll. by to) Geom. at right angles (to a given line, plane, or surface). 2 upright, vertical. 3 (of a slope etc.) very steep. 4 (Perpendicular) Archit. of the third stage of English Gothic (15th-16th c.) with vertical tracery in large windows. 5 joc. in a standing position. --n. 1 a perpendicular line. 2 a plumb-rule or a similar instrument. 3 (prec. by the) a perpendicular line or direction (is out of the perpendicular). ЬЬperpendicularity n. perpendicularly adv. [ME f. L perpendicularis f. perpendiculum plumb-line f. PER- + pendere hang] perpetrate v.tr. commit or perform (a crime, blunder, or anything outrageous). ЬЬperpetration n. perpetrator n. [L perpetrare perpetrat- (as PER-, patrare effect)] perpetual adj. 1 eternal; lasting for ever or indefinitely. 2 continuous, uninterrupted. 3 colloq. frequent, much repeated (perpetual interruptions). 4 permanent during life (perpetual secretary). Ьperpetual calendar a calendar which can be adjusted to show any combination of day, month, and year. perpetual check Chess the position of play when a draw is obtained by repeated checking of the king. perpetual motion the motion of a hypothetical machine which once set in motion would run for ever unless subject to an external force or to wear. ЬЬperpetualism n. perpetually adv. [ME f. OF perpetuel f. L perpetualis f. perpetuus f. perpes -etis continuous] perpetuate v.tr. 1 make perpetual. 2 preserve from oblivion. ЬЬperpetuance n. perpetuation n. perpetuator n. [L perpetuare (as PERPETUAL)] perpetuity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state or quality of being perpetual. 2 a perpetual annuity. 3 a perpetual possession or position. Ьin (or to or for) perpetuity for ever. [ME f. OF perpetuit‚ f. L perpetuitas -tatis (as PERPETUAL)] perpetuum mobile n. 1 = perpetual motion. 2 Mus. = MOTO PERPETUO. [L perpetuus continuous + mobilis movable, after PRIMUM MOBILE] perplex v.tr. 1 puzzle, bewilder, or disconcert (a person, a person's mind, etc.). 2 complicate or confuse (a matter). 3 (as perplexed adj.) archaic entangled, intertwined. ЬЬperplexedly adv. perplexingly adv. [back-form. f. perplexed f. obs. perplex (adj.) f. OF perplexe or L perplexus (as PER-, plexus past part. of plectere plait)] perplexity n. (pl. -ies) 1 bewilderment; the state of being perplexed. 2 a thing which perplexes. 3 archaic an entangled state. [ME f. OF perplexit‚ or LL perplexitas (as PERPLEX)] per pro. abbr. through the agency of (used in signatures). °The correct sequence is A per pro. B, where B is signing on behalf of A. [L per procurationem] perquisite n. 1 an extra profit or allowance additional to a main income etc. 2 a customary extra right or privilege. 3 an incidental benefit attached to employment etc. 4 a thing which has served its primary use and to which a subordinate or servant has a customary right. [ME f. med.L perquisitum f. L perquirere search diligently for (as PER-, quaerere seek)] Perrier n. propr. an effervescent natural mineral water. [the name of a spring at VergЉze, France, its source] perron n. an exterior staircase leading up to a main entrance to a church or other (usu. large) building. [ME f. OF ult. f. L petra stone] perry n. (pl. -ies) Brit. a drink like cider, made from the fermented juice of pears. [ME pereye etc. f. OF per‚, ult. f. L pirum pear] per se adv. by or in itself; intrinsically. [L] persecute v.tr. 1 subject (a person etc.) to hostility or ill-treatment, esp. on the grounds of political or religious belief. 2 harass; worry. 3 (often foll. by with) bombard (a person) with questions etc. ЬЬpersecutor n. persecutory adj. [ME f. OF persecuter back-form. f. persecuteur persecutor f. LL persecutor f. L persequi (as PER-, sequi secut- follow, pursue)] persecution n. the act or an instance of persecuting; the state of being persecuted. Ьpersecution complex (or mania) an irrational obsessive fear that others are scheming against one. perseverance n. 1 the steadfast pursuit of an objective. 2 (often foll. by in) constant persistence (in a belief etc.). [ME f. OF f. L perseverantia (as PERSEVERE)] perseverate v.intr. 1 continue action etc. for an unusually or excessively long time. 2 Psychol. tend to prolong or repeat a response after the original stimulus has ceased. ЬЬperseveration n. [L perseverare (as PERSEVERE)] persevere v.intr. (often foll. by in, at, with) continue steadfastly or determinedly; persist. [ME f. OF perseverer f. L perseverare persist f. perseverus very strict (as PER-, severus severe)] Persian n. & adj. --n. 1 a a native or inhabitant of ancient or modern Persia (now Iran). b a person of Persian descent. 2 the language of ancient Persia or modern Iran. °With modern reference the preferred terms are Iranian and Farsi. 3 (in full Persian cat) a a cat of a breed with long silky hair and a thick tail. b this breed. --adj. of or relating to Persia or its people or language. ЬPersian carpet (or rug) a carpet or rug of a traditional pattern made in Persia. Persian lamb the silky tightly curled fur of a young karakul, used in clothing. [ME f. OF persien f. med.L] persiennes n.pl. window shutters, or outside blinds, with louvres. [F, fem. pl. of obs. persien Persian] persiflage n. light raillery, banter. [F persifler banter, formed as PER- + siffler whistle] persimmon n. 1 any usu. tropical evergreen tree of the genus Diospyros bearing edible tomato-like fruits. 2 the fruit of this. [corrupt. of an Algonquian word] persist v.intr. 1 (often foll. by in) continue firmly or obstinately (in an opinion or a course of action) esp. despite obstacles, remonstrance, etc. 2 (of an institution, custom, phenomenon, etc.) continue in existence; survive. [L persistere (as PER-, sistere stand)] persistent adj. 1 continuing obstinately; persisting. 2 enduring. 3 constantly repeated (persistent nagging). 4 Biol. (of horns, leaves, etc.) remaining instead of falling off in the normal manner. ЬЬpersistence n. persistency n. persistently adv. person n. 1 an individual human being (a cheerful and forthright person). 2 the living body of a human being (hidden about your person). 3 Gram. any of three classes of personal pronouns, verb-forms, etc.: the person speaking (first person); the person spoken to (second person); the person spoken of (third person). 4 (in comb.) used to replace -man in offices open to either sex (salesperson). 5 (in Christianity) God as Father, Son, or Holy Ghost (three persons in one God). 6 euphem. the genitals (expose one's person). 7 a character in a play or story. Ьin one's own person oneself; as oneself. in person physically present. person-to-person 1 between individuals. 2 (of a phone call) booked through the operator to a specified person. [ME f. OF persone f. L persona actor's mask, character in a play, human being] persona n. (pl. personae) 1 an aspect of the personality as shown to or perceived by others (opp. ANIMA). 2 Literary criticism an author's assumed character in his or her writing. Ь persona grata a person, esp. a diplomat, acceptable to certain others. persona non grata a person not acceptable. [L (as PERSON)] personable adj. pleasing in appearance and behaviour. ЬЬpersonableness n. personably adv. personage n. 1 a person, esp. of rank or importance. 2 a character in a play etc. [ME f. PERSON + -AGE, infl. by med.L personagium effigy & F personnage] personal adj. 1 one's own; individual; private. 2 done or made in person (made a personal appearance; my personal attention). 3 directed to or concerning an individual (a personal letter). 4 referring (esp. in a hostile way) to an individual's private life or concerns (making personal remarks; no need to be personal). 5 of the body and clothing (personal hygiene; personal appearance). 6 existing as a person, not as an abstraction or thing (a personal God). 7 Gram. of or denoting one of the three persons (personal pronoun). Ьpersonal column the part of a newspaper devoted to private advertisements or messages. personal computer a computer designed for use by a single individual, esp. in an office or business environment . personal equation 1 the allowance for an individual person's time of reaction in making observations, esp. in astronomy. 2 a bias or prejudice. personal equity plan a scheme for limited personal investment in shares, unit trusts, etc. personal identification number a number allocated to an individual, serving as a password esp. for a cash dispenser, computer, etc. personal pronoun a pronoun replacing the subject, object, etc., of a clause etc., e.g. I, we, you, them, us. personal property (or estate) Law all one's property except land and those interests in land that pass to one's heirs (cf. REAL(1) adj. 3). personal service individual service given to a customer. personal stereo a small portable audio cassette player, often with radio, or compact disc player, used with lightweight headphones. personal touch a way of treating a matter characteristic of or designed for an individual. [ME f. OF f. L personalis (as PERSON)] personality n. (pl. -ies) 1 the distinctive character or qualities of a person, often as distinct from others (an attractive personality). 2 a famous person; a celebrity (a TV personality). 3 a person who stands out from others by virtue of his or her character (is a real personality). 4 personal existence or identity; the condition of being a person. 5 (usu. in pl.) personal remarks. Ьhave personality have a lively character or noteworthy qualities. personality cult the extreme adulation of an individual. [ME f. OF personalit‚ f. LL personalitas -tatis (as PERSONAL)] personalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make personal, esp. by marking with one's name etc. 2 personify. ЬЬpersonalization n. personally adv. 1 in person (see to it personally). 2 for one's own part (speaking personally). 3 as a person (a God existing personally). 4 in a personal manner (took the criticism personally). personalty n. (pl. -ies) Law one's personal property or estate (opp. REALTY). [AF personalt‚ (as PERSONAL)] personate v.tr. 1 play the part of (a character in a drama etc.; another type of person). 2 pretend to be (another person), esp. for fraudulent purposes; impersonate. ЬЬpersonation n. personator n. [LL personare personat- (as PERSON)] personhood n. the quality or condition of being an individual person. personification n. 1 the act of personifying. 2 (foll. by of) a person or thing viewed as a striking example of (a quality etc.) (the personification of ugliness). personify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 attribute a personal nature to (an abstraction or thing). 2 symbolize (a quality etc.) by a figure in human form. 3 (usu. as personified adj.) embody (a quality) in one's own person; exemplify typically (has always been kindness personified). ЬЬpersonifier n. [F personnifier (as PERSON)] personnel n. a body of employees, persons involved in a public undertaking, armed forces, etc. Ьpersonnel carrier an armoured vehicle for transporting troops etc. personnel department etc. the part of an organization concerned with the appointment, training, and welfare of employees. [F, orig. adj. = personal] perspective n. & adj. --n. 1 a the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of relative positions, size, etc. b a picture drawn in this way. 2 the apparent relation between visible objects as to position, distance, etc. 3 a mental view of the relative importance of things (keep the right perspective). 4 a geographical or imaginary prospect. --adj. of or in perspective. Ьin perspective 1 drawn or viewed according to the rules of perspective. 2 correctly regarded in terms of relative importance. ЬЬperspectival adj. perspectively adv. [ME f. med.L perspectiva (ars art) f. perspicere perspect- (as PER-, specere spect- look)] Perspex n. propr. a tough light transparent acrylic thermoplastic used instead of glass. [L perspicere look through (as PER-, specere look)] perspicacious adj. having mental penetration or discernment. ЬЬperspicaciously adv. perspicaciousness n. perspicacity n. [L perspicax -acis (as PERSPEX)] perspicuous adj. 1 easily understood; clearly expressed. 2 (of a person) expressing things clearly. ЬЬperspicuity n. perspicuously adv. perspicuousness n. [ME, = transparent f. L perspicuus (as PERSPECTIVE)] perspiration n. 1 = SWEAT. 2 sweating. ЬЬperspiratory adj. [F (as PERSPIRE)] perspire v. 1 intr. sweat or exude perspiration, esp. as the result of heat, exercise, anxiety, etc. 2 tr. sweat or exude (fluid etc.). [F perspirer f. L perspirare (as PER-, spirare breathe)] persuade v.tr. & refl. 1 (often foll. by of, or that + clause) cause (another person or oneself) to believe; convince (persuaded them that it would be helpful; tried to persuade me of its value). 2 a (often foll. by to + infin.) induce (another person or oneself) (persuaded us to join them; managed to persuade them at last). b (foll. by away from, down to, etc.) lure, attract, entice, etc. (persuaded them away from the pub). ЬЬpersuadable adj. persuadability n. persuasible adj. [L persuadere (as PER-, suadere suas- advise)] persuader n. 1 a person who persuades. 2 sl. a gun or other weapon. persuasion n. 1 persuading (yielded to persuasion). 2 persuasiveness (use all your persuasion). 3 a belief or conviction (my private persuasion). 4 a religious belief, or the group or sect holding it (of a different persuasion). 5 colloq. any group or party (the male persuasion). [ME f. L persuasio (as PERSUADE)] persuasive adj. able to persuade. ЬЬpersuasively adv. persuasiveness n. [F persuasif -ive or med.L persuasivus, (as PERSUADE)] PERT abbr. programme evaluation and review technique. pert adj. 1 saucy or impudent, esp. in speech or conduct. 2 (of clothes etc.) neat and suggestive of jauntiness. 3 = PEART. ЬЬpertly adv. pertness n. [ME f. OF apert f. L apertus past part. of aperire open & f. OF aspert f. L expertus EXPERT] pertain v.intr. 1 (foll. by to) a relate or have reference to. b belong to as a part or appendage or accessory. 2 (usu. foll. by to) be appropriate to. [ME f. OF partenir f. L pertinere (as PER-, tenere hold)] pertinacious adj. stubborn; persistent; obstinate (in a course of action etc.). ЬЬpertinaciously adv. pertinaciousness n. pertinacity n. [L pertinax (as PER-, tenax tenacious)] pertinent adj. 1 (often foll. by to) relevant to the matter in hand; apposite. 2 to the point. ЬЬpertinence n. pertinency n. pertinently adv. [ME f. OF pertinent or L pertinere (as PERTAIN)] perturb v.tr. 1 throw into confusion or disorder. 2 disturb mentally; agitate. 3 Physics & Math. subject (a physical system, or a set of equations, or its solution) to a perturbation. ЬЬperturbable adj. perturbative adj. perturbingly adv. [ME f. OF pertourber f. L (as PER-, turbare disturb)] perturbation n. 1 the act or an instance of perturbing; the state of being perturbed. 2 a cause of disturbance or agitation. 3 Physics a slight alteration of a physical system, e.g. of the electrons in an atom, caused by a secondary influence. 4 Astron. a minor deviation in the course of a celestial body, caused by the attraction of a neighbouring body. pertussis n. whooping cough. [mod.L f. PER- + L tussis cough] peruke n. hist. a wig. [F perruque f. It. perrucca parrucca, of unkn. orig.] peruse v.tr. 1 (also absol.) read or study, esp. thoroughly or carefully. 2 examine (a person's face etc.) carefully. ЬЬperusal n. peruser n. [ME, orig. = use up, prob. f. AL f. Rmc (as PER-, USE)] Peruvian n. & adj. --n. 1 a native or national of Peru. 2 a person of Peruvian descent. --adj. of or relating to Peru. ЬPeruvian bark the bark of the cinchona tree. [mod.L Peruvia Peru] perv n. & v. (also perve) sl. --n. 1 a sexual pervert. 2 Austral. an erotic gaze. --v.intr. 1 act like a sexual pervert. 2 (foll. by at, on) Austral. gaze with erotic interest. [abbr.] pervade v.tr. 1 spread throughout, permeate. 2 (of influences etc.) become widespread among or in. 3 be rife among or through. ЬЬpervasion n. [L pervadere (as PER-, vadere vas- go)] pervasive adj. 1 pervading. 2 able to pervade. ЬЬpervasively adv. pervasiveness n. perve var. of PERV. perverse adj. 1 (of a person or action) deliberately or stubbornly departing from what is reasonable or required. 2 persistent in error. 3 wayward; intractable; peevish. 4 perverted; wicked. 5 (of a verdict etc.) against the weight of evidence or the judge's direction. ЬЬperversely adv. perverseness n. perversity n. (pl. -ies). [ME f. OF pervers perverse f. L perversus (as PERVERT)] perversion n. 1 an act of perverting; the state of being perverted. 2 a perverted form of an act or thing. 3 a preference for an abnormal form of sexual activity. b such an activity. [ME f. L perversio (as PERVERT)] pervert v. & n. --v.tr. 1 turn (a person or thing) aside from its proper use or nature. 2 misapply or misconstrue (words etc.). 3 lead astray (a person, a person's mind, etc.) from right opinion or conduct, or esp. religious belief. 4 (as perverted adj.) showing perversion. --n. 1 a perverted person. 2 a person showing sexual perversion. ЬЬperversive adj. pervertedly adv. perverter n. [ME f. OF pervertir or f. L pervertere (as PER-, vertere vers- turn): cf. CONVERT] pervious adj. 1 permeable. 2 (usu. foll. by to) a affording passage. b accessible (to reason etc.). ЬЬperviousness n. [L pervius (as PER-, vius f. via way)] Pesach n. the Passover festival. [Heb. Pesah] peseta n. the chief monetary unit of Spain, orig. a silver coin. [Sp., dimin. of pesa weight f. L pensa pl. of pensum: see POISE(1)] pesky adj. (peskier, peskiest) esp. US colloq. troublesome; confounded; annoying. ЬЬpeskily adv. peskiness n. [18th c.: perh. f. PEST] peso n. (pl. -os) 1 the chief monetary unit of several Latin American countries and of the Philippines. 2 a note or coin worth one peso. [Sp., = weight, f. L pensum: see POISE(1)] pessary n. (pl. -ies) Med. 1 a device worn in the vagina to support the uterus or as a contraceptive. 2 a vaginal suppository. [ME f. LL pessarium, pessulum f. pessum, pessus f. Gk pessos oval stone] pessimism n. 1 a tendency to take the worst view or expect the worst outcome. 2 Philos. a belief that this world is as bad as it could be or that all things tend to evil (opp. OPTIMISM). ЬЬpessimist n. pessimistic adj. pessimistically adv. [L pessimus worst, after OPTIMISM] pest n. 1 a troublesome or annoying person or thing; a nuisance. 2 a destructive animal, esp. an insect which attacks crops, livestock, etc. 3 archaic a pestilence; a plague. Ьpest-house hist. a hospital for sufferers from the plague etc. [F peste or L pestis plague] pester v.tr. trouble or annoy, esp. with frequent or persistent requests. ЬЬpesterer n. [prob. f. impester f. F empestrer encumber: infl. by PEST] pesticide n. a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals. ЬЬpesticidal adj. pestiferous adj. 1 noxious; pestilent. 2 harmful; pernicious; bearing moral contagion. [L pestifer, -ferus (as PEST)] pestilence n. a fatal epidemic disease, esp. bubonic plague. [ME f. OF f. L pestilentia (as PESTILENT)] pestilent adj. 1 destructive to life, deadly. 2 harmful or morally destructive. 3 colloq. troublesome; annoying. ЬЬpestilently adv. [L pestilens, pestilentus f. pestis plague] pestilential adj. 1 of or relating to pestilence. 2 dangerous; troublesome; pestilent. ЬЬpestilentially adv. [ME f. med.L pestilentialis f. L pestilentia (as PESTILENT)] pestle n. & v. --n. 1 a club-shaped instrument for pounding substances in a mortar. 2 an appliance for pounding etc. --v. 1 tr. pound with a pestle or in a similar manner. 2 intr. use a pestle. [ME f. OF pestel f. L pistillum f. pinsare pist- to pound] pestology n. the scientific study of pests (esp. harmful insects) and of methods of dealing with them. ЬЬpestological adj. pestologist n. Pet. abbr. Peter (New Testament). pet(1) n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a domestic or tamed animal kept for pleasure or companionship. 2 a darling, a favourite (often as a term of endearment). --attrib.adj. 1 kept as a pet (pet lamb). 2 of or for pet animals (pet food). 3 often joc. favourite or particular (pet aversion). 4 expressing fondness or familiarity (pet name). --v.tr. (petted, petting) 1 treat as a pet. 2 (also absol.) fondle, esp. erotically. ЬЬpetter n. [16th-c. Sc. & N.Engl. dial.: orig. unkn.] pet(2) n. a feeling of petty resentment or ill-humour (esp. be in a pet). [16th c.: orig. unkn.] peta- comb. form denoting a factor of 10(15). [perh. f. PENTA-] petal n. each of the parts of the corolla of a flower. ЬЬpetaline adj. petalled adj. (also in comb.). petal-like adj. petaloid adj. [mod.L petalum, in LL metal plate f. Gk petalon leaf f. petalos outspread] petard n. hist. 1 a small bomb used to blast down a door etc. 2 a kind of firework or cracker. Ьhoist with one's own petard affected oneself by one's schemes against others. [F p‚tard f. p‚ter break wind] petasus n. 1 an ancient Greek hat with a low crown and broad brim, esp. (in Greek mythology) as worn by Hermes. 2 the winged hat of Hermes. [L f. Gk petasos] petaurist n. any flying squirrel of the genus Petaurista, native to E. Asia. [Gk petauristes performer on a springboard (petauron)] Pete n. Ьfor Pete's sake see SAKE(1). [abbr. of the name Peter] petechia n. (pl. petechiae) Med. a small red or purple spot as a result of bleeding into the skin. ЬЬpetechial adj. [mod.L f. It. petecchia a freckle or spot on one's face] peter(1) v. & n. --v.intr. 1 (foll. by out) (orig. of a vein of ore etc.) diminish, come to an end. 2 Bridge play an echo. --n. Bridge an echo. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] peter(2) n. sl. 1 a prison cell. 2 a safe. [perh. f. the name Peter] peterman n. (pl. -men) sl. a safe-breaker. Peter Pan n. a person who retains youthful features, or who is immature. [hero of J. M. Barrie's play of the same name (1904)] Peter Principle n. joc. the principle that members of a hierarchy are promoted until they reach the level at which they are no longer competent. [L. J. Peter, its propounder, b. 1919] petersham n. thick corded silk ribbon used for stiffening in dressmaking etc. [Lord Petersham, Engl. army officer d. 1851] Peter's pence n.pl. RC Ch. 1 hist. an annual tax of one penny, formerly paid to the papal see. 2 (since 1860) a voluntary payment to the papal treasury. [St Peter, as first pope] pethidine n. a synthetic soluble analgesic used esp. in childbirth. [perh. f. PIPERIDINE (from which the drug is derived) + ETHYL] petiole n. the slender stalk joining a leaf to a stem. ЬЬpetiolar adj. petiolate adj. [F p‚tiole f. L petiolus little foot, stalk] petit adj. esp. Law petty; small; of lesser importance. Ьpetit jury = petty jury. [ME f. OF, = small, f. Rmc, perh. imit. of child's speech] petit bourgeois n. (pl. petits bourgeois pronunc. same) a member of the lower middle classes. [F] petite adj. (of a woman) of small and dainty build. Ь petite bourgeoisie the lower middle classes. [F, fem. of PETIT] petit four n. (pl. petits fours) a very small fancy cake, biscuit, or sweet. [F, = little oven] petition n. & v. --n. 1 a supplication or request. 2 a formal written request, esp. one signed by many people, appealing to authority in some cause. 3 Law an application to a court for a writ etc. --v. 1 tr. make or address a petition to (petition your MP). 2 intr. (often foll. by for, to) appeal earnestly or humbly. ЬPetition of Right 1 hist. a parliamentary declaration of rights and liberties of the people assented to by Charles I in 1628. 2 Law a common-law remedy against the crown for the recovery of property. ЬЬpetitionable adj. petitionary adj. petitioner n. [ME f. OF f. L petitio -onis] petitio principii n. a logical fallacy in which a conclusion is taken for granted in the premiss; begging the question. [L, = assuming a principle: see PETITION] petit-maЊtre n. a dandy or coxcomb. [F, = little master] petit mal n. a mild form of epilepsy with only momentary loss of consciousness (cf. GRAND MAL). [F, = little sickness] petit point n. 1 embroidery on canvas using small stitches. 2 tent-stitch. [F, = little point] petits pois n.pl. small green peas. [F] Petrarchan adj. denoting a sonnet of the kind used by the Italian poet Petrarch (d. 1374), with an octave rhyming abbaabba, and a sestet usu. rhyming cdcdcd or cdecde. petrel n. any of various sea birds of the family Procellariidae or Hydrobatidae, usu. flying far from land. [17th c. (also pitteral), of uncert. orig.: later assoc. with St Peter (Matt. 14:30)] Petri dish n. a shallow covered dish used for the culture of bacteria etc. [J. R. Petri, Ger. bacteriologist d. 1921] petrifaction n. 1 the process of fossilization whereby organic matter is turned into a stony substance. 2 a petrified substance or mass. 3 a state of extreme fear or terror. [PETRIFY after stupefaction] petrify v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. paralyse with fear, astonishment, etc. 2 tr. change (organic matter) into a stony substance. 3 intr. become like stone. 4 tr. deprive (the mind, a doctrine, etc.) of vitality; deaden. [F p‚trifier f. med.L petrificare f. L petra rock f. Gk] petro- comb. form 1 rock. 2 petroleum (petrochemistry). [Gk petros stone or petra rock] petrochemical n. & adj. --n. a substance industrially obtained from petroleum or natural gas. --adj. of or relating to petrochemistry or petrochemicals. petrochemistry n. 1 the chemistry of rocks. 2 the chemistry of petroleum. petrodollar n. a notional unit of currency earned by a petroleum-exporting country. petroglyph n. a rock-carving, esp. a prehistoric one. [PETRO- + Gk glyphe carving] petrography n. the scientific description of the composition and formation of rocks. ЬЬpetrographer n. petrographic adj. petrographical adj. petrol n. Brit. 1 refined petroleum used as a fuel in motor vehicles, aircraft, etc. 2 (attrib.) concerned with the supply of petrol (petrol pump; petrol station). Ьpetrol bomb a simple bomb made of a petrol-filled bottle and a wick. [F p‚trole f. med.L petroleum: see PETROLEUM] petrolatum n. US petroleum jelly. [mod.L f. PETROL + -atum] petroleum n. a hydrocarbon oil found in the upper strata of the earth, refined for use as a fuel for heating and in internal-combustion engines, for lighting, dry-cleaning, etc. Ьpetroleum ether a volatile liquid distilled from petroleum, consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons. petroleum jelly a translucent solid mixture of hydrocarbons used as a lubricant, ointment, etc. [med.L f. L petra rock f. Gk + L oleum oil] petrolic adj. of or relating to petrol or petroleum. petrology n. the study of the origin, structure, composition, etc., of rocks. ЬЬpetrologic adj. petrological adj. petrologist n. petrous adj. 1 Anat. denoting the hard part of the temporal bone protecting the inner ear. 2 Geol. of, like, or relating to rock. [L petrosus f. L petra rock f. Gk] petticoat n. 1 a woman's or girl's skirted undergarment hanging from the waist or shoulders. 2 sl. a a woman or girl. b (in pl.) the female sex. 3 (attrib.) often derog. feminine; associated with women (petticoat pedantry). ЬЬpetticoated adj. petticoatless adj. [ME f. petty coat] pettifog v.intr. (pettifogged, pettifogging) 1 practise legal deception or trickery. 2 quibble or wrangle about petty points. [back-form. f. PETTIFOGGER] pettifogger n. 1 a rascally lawyer; an inferior legal practitioner. 2 a petty practitioner in any activity. ЬЬpettifoggery n. pettifogging adj. [PETTY + fogger underhand dealer, prob. f. Fugger family of merchants in Augsburg in the 15th-16th c.] pettish adj. peevish, petulant; easily put out. ЬЬpettishly adv. pettishness n. [PET(2) + -ISH(1)] petty adj. (pettier, pettiest) 1 unimportant; trivial. 2 mean, small-minded; contemptible. 3 minor; inferior; on a small scale (petty princes). 4 Law (of a crime) of lesser importance (petty sessions) (cf. COMMON, GRAND). Ьpetty bourgeois = PETIT BOURGEOIS. petty bourgeoisie = petite bourgeoisie. petty cash money from or for small items of receipt or expenditure. petty jury a jury of 12 persons who try the final issue of fact in civil or criminal cases and pronounce a verdict. petty officer a naval NCO. petty treason see TREASON. ЬЬpettily adv. pettiness n. [ME pety, var. of PETIT] petulant adj. peevishly impatient or irritable. ЬЬpetulance n. petulantly adv. [F p‚tulant f. L petulans -antis f. petere seek] petunia n. 1 any plant of the genus Petunia with white, purple, red, etc., funnel-shaped flowers. 2 a dark violet or purple colour. [mod.L f. F petun f. Guarani pety tobacco] petuntse n. a white variable feldspathic mineral used for making porcelain. [Chin. baidunzi f. bai white + dun stone + suffix -zi] pew n. & v. --n. 1 (in a church) a long bench with a back; an enclosed compartment. 2 Brit. colloq. a seat (esp. take a pew). --v.tr. furnish with pews. ЬЬpewage n. pewless adj. [ME pywe, puwe f. OF puye balcony f. L podia pl. of PODIUM] pewit var. of PEEWIT. pewter n. 1 a grey alloy of tin with lead, copper, or antimony or various other metals. 2 utensils made of this. 3 sl. a tankard etc. as a prize. ЬЬpewterer n. [ME f. OF peutre, peualtre f. Rmc, of unkn. orig.] peyote n. 1 any Mexican cactus of the genus Lophophora, esp. L. williamsii having no spines and button-like tops when dried. 2 a hallucinogenic drug containing mescaline prepared from this. [Amer. Sp. f. Nahuatl peyotl] 7.0 Pf.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Pf. abbr. pfennig. Pfc. abbr. US Private First Class. pfennig n. a small German coin, worth one-hundredth of a mark. [G, rel. to PENNY] 8.0 PG =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PG abbr. 1 (of films) classified as suitable for children subject to parental guidance. 2 paying guest. 9.0 pH... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- pH n. Chem. a logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen-ion concentration in moles per litre of a solution, giving a measure of its acidity or alkalinity. [G, f. Potenz power + H (symbol for hydrogen)] phaeton n. 1 a light open four-wheeled carriage, usu. drawn by a pair of horses. 2 US a touring-car. [F pha‚ton f. L Phaethon f. Gk Phaethon, son of Helios the sun god who was allowed to drive the sun-chariot for a day, with disastrous results] phage n. = BACTERIOPHAGE. [abbr.] phagocyte n. a type of cell capable of engulfing and absorbing foreign matter, esp. a leucocyte ingesting bacteria in the body. ЬЬphagocytic adj. [Gk phag- eat + -CYTE] phagocytosis n. the ingestion of bacteria etc. by phagocytes. ЬЬphagocytize v.tr. (also -ise). phagocytose v.tr. -phagous comb. form that eats (as specified) (ichthyophagous). [L -phagus f. Gk -phagos f. phagein eat] -phagy comb. form the eating of (specified food) (ichthyophagy). [Gk -phagia (as -PHAGOUS)] phalange n. 1 Anat. = PHALANX 4. 2 (Phalange) a right-wing activist Maronite party in Lebanon (cf. FALANGE). [F f. L phalanx: see PHALANX] phalangeal adj. Anat. of or relating to a phalanx. phalanger n. any of various marsupials of the family Phalangeridae, including cuscuses and possums. [F f. Gk phalaggion spider's web, f. the webbed toes of its hind feet] phalanx n. (pl. phalanxes or phalanges) 1 Gk Antiq. a line of battle, esp. a body of Macedonian infantry drawn up in close order. 2 a set of people etc. forming a compact mass, or banded for a common purpose. 3 a bone of the finger or toe. 4 Bot. a bundle of stamens united by filaments. [L f. Gk phalagx -ggos] phalarope n. any small wading or swimming bird of the subfamily Phalaropodidae, with a straight bill and lobed feet. [F f. mod.L Phalaropus, irreg. f. Gk phalaris coot + pous podos foot] phalli pl. of PHALLUS. phallic adj. 1 of, relating to, or resembling a phallus. 2 Psychol. denoting the stage of male sexual development characterized by preoccupation with the genitals. ЬЬphallically adv. [F phallique & Gk phallikos (as PHALLUS)] phallocentric adj. centred on the phallus or on male attitudes. ЬЬphallocentricity n. phallocentrism n. phallus n. (pl. phalli or phalluses) 1 the (esp. erect) penis. 2 an image of this as a symbol of generative power in nature. ЬЬphallicism n. phallism n. [LL f. Gk phallos] phanariot n. hist. a member of a class of Greek officials in Constantinople under the Ottoman Empire. [mod.Gk phanariotes f. Phanar the part of the city where they lived f. Gk phanarion lighthouse (on the Golden Horn)] phanerogam n. Bot. a plant that has stamens and pistils, a flowering plant (cf. CRYPTOGAM). ЬЬphanerogamic adj. phanerogamous adj. [F phan‚rogame f. Gk phaneros visible + gamos marriage] phantasize var. of FANTASIZE. phantasm n. 1 an illusion, a phantom. 2 (usu. foll. by of) an illusory likeness. 3 a supposed vision of an absent (living or dead) person. ЬЬphantasmal adj. phantasmic adj. [ME f. OF fantasme f. L f. Gk phantasma f. phantazo make visible f. phaino show] phantasmagoria n. 1 a shifting series of real or imaginary figures as seen in a dream. 2 an optical device for rapidly varying the size of images on a screen. ЬЬphantasmagoric adj. phantasmagorical adj. [prob. f. F fantasmagorie (as PHANTASM + fanciful ending)] phantast var. of FANTAST. phantasy var. of FANTASY. phantom n. & adj. --n. 1 a ghost; an apparition; a spectre. 2 a form without substance or reality; a mental illusion. 3 Med. a model of the whole or part of the body used to practise or demonstrate operative or therapeutic methods. --adj. merely apparent; illusory. Ьphantom circuit an arrangement of telegraph or other electrical wires equivalent to an extra circuit. phantom limb a continuing sensation of the presence of a limb which has been amputated. phantom pregnancy Med. the symptoms of pregnancy in a person not actually pregnant. [ME f. OF fantosme ult. f. Gk phantasma (as PHANTASM)] Pharaoh n. 1 the ruler of ancient Egypt. 2 the title of this ruler. ЬPharaoh's serpent an indoor firework burning and uncoiling in serpentine form. ЬЬPharaonic adj. [OE f. eccl.L Pharao f. Gk Pharao f. Heb. par' oh f. Egypt. pr-' o great house] Pharisee n. 1 a member of an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and commonly held to have pretensions to superior sanctity. 2 a self-righteous person; a hypocrite. ЬЬPharisaic adj. Pharisaical adj. Pharisaism n. [OE fariseus & OF pharise f. eccl.L pharisaeus f. Gk Pharisaios f. Aram. p' risayyѓ pl. f. Heb. par–s separated] pharmaceutical adj. 1 of or engaged in pharmacy. 2 of the use or sale of medicinal drugs. ЬЬpharmaceutically adv. pharmaceutics n. [LL pharmaceuticus f. Gk pharmakeutikos f. pharmakeutes druggist f. pharmakon drug] pharmacist n. a person qualified to prepare and dispense drugs. pharmacognosy n. the science of drugs, esp. relating to medicinal products in their natural or unprepared state. [Gk pharmakon drug + gnosis knowledge] pharmacology n. the science of the action of drugs on the body. ЬЬpharmacological adj. pharmacologically adv. pharmacologist n. [mod.L pharmacologia f. Gk pharmakon drug] pharmacopoeia n. 1 a book, esp. one officially published, containing a list of drugs with directions for use. 2 a stock of drugs. ЬЬpharmacopoeial adj. [mod.L f. Gk pharmakopoiia f. pharmakopoios drug-maker (as PHARMACOLOGY + -poios making)] pharmacy n. (pl. -ies) 1 the preparation and the (esp. medicinal) dispensing of drugs. 2 a pharmacist's shop, a dispensary. [ME f. OF farmacie f. med.L pharmacia f. Gk pharmakeia practice of the druggist f. pharmakeus f. pharmakon drug] pharos n. a lighthouse or a beacon to guide sailors. [L f. Gk Pharos island off Alexandria where a famous lighthouse stood] pharyngo- comb. form denoting the pharynx. pharyngotomy n. (pl. -ies) an incision into the pharynx. pharynx n. (pl. pharynges) a cavity, with enclosing muscles and mucous membrane, behind the nose and mouth, and connecting them to the oesophagus. ЬЬpharyngal adj. pharyngeal adj. pharyngitis n. [mod.L f. Gk pharugx -ggos] phase n. & v. --n. 1 a distinct period or stage in a process of change or development. 2 each of the aspects of the moon or a planet, according to the amount of its illumination, esp. the new moon, the first quarter, the last quarter, and the full moon. 3 Physics a stage in a periodically recurring sequence, esp. of alternating electric currents or light vibrations. 4 a difficult or unhappy period, esp. in adolescence. 5 a genetic or seasonal variety of an animal's coloration etc. 6 Chem. a distinct and homogeneous form of matter separated by its surface from other forms. --v.tr. carry out (a programme etc.) in phases or stages. Ьin phase having the same phase at the same time. out of phase not in phase. phase in (or out) bring gradually into (or out of) use. phase rule Chem. a rule relating numbers of phases, constituents, and degrees of freedom. three-phase (of an electric generator, motor, etc.) designed to supply or use simultaneously three separate alternating currents of the same voltage, but with phases differing by a third of a period. ЬЬphasic adj. [F phase & f. earlier phasis f. Gk phasis appearance f. phaino phan- show] phatic adj. (of speech etc.) used to convey general sociability rather than to communicate a specific meaning, e.g. 'nice morning, isn't it?'. [Gk phatos spoken f. phemi phan- speak] Ph.D. abbr. Doctor of Philosophy. [L philosophiae doctor] pheasant n. any of several long-tailed game-birds of the family Phasianidae, orig. from Asia. ЬЬpheasantry n. (pl. -ies). [ME f. AF fesaunt f. OF faisan f. L phasianus f. Gk phasianos (bird) of the river Phasis in Asia Minor] phenacetin n. an acetyl derivative of phenol used to treat fever etc. [PHENO- + ACETYL + -IN] pheno- comb. form 1 Chem. derived from benzene (phenol; phenyl). 2 showing (phenocryst). [Gk phaino shine (with ref. to substances used for illumination), show] phenobarbitone n. (US phenobarbital) a narcotic and sedative barbiturate drug used esp. to treat epilepsy. phenocryst n. a large or conspicuous crystal in porphyritic rock. [F ph‚nocryste (as PHENO-, CRYSTAL)] phenol n. Chem. 1 the monohydroxyl derivative of benzene used in dilute form as an antiseptic and disinfectant. Also called CARBOLIC. °Chem. formula: C[6]H[5]OH. 2 any hydroxyl derivative of an aromatic hydrocarbon. ЬЬphenolic adj. [F ph‚nole f. phЉne benzene (formed as PHENO-)] phenolphthalein n. Chem. a white crystalline solid used in solution as an acid-base indicator and medicinally as a laxative. [PHENOL + phthal f. NAPHTHALENE + -IN] phenomena pl. of PHENOMENON. phenomenal adj. 1 of the nature of a phenomenon. 2 extraordinary, remarkable, prodigious. 3 perceptible by, or perceptible only to, the senses. ЬЬphenomenalize v.tr. (also -ise). phenomenally adv. phenomenalism n. Philos. 1 the doctrine that human knowledge is confined to the appearances presented to the senses. 2 the doctrine that appearances are the foundation of all our knowledge. ЬЬphenomenalist n. phenomenalistic adj. phenomenology n. Philos. 1 the science of phenomena. 2 the description and classification of phenomena. ЬЬphenomenological adj. phenomenologically adv. phenomenon n. (pl. phenomena) 1 a fact or occurrence that appears or is perceived, esp. one of which the cause is in question. 2 a remarkable person or thing. 3 Philos. the object of a person's perception; what the senses or the mind notice. [LL f. Gk phainomenon neut. pres. part. of phainomai appear f. phaino show] phenotype n. Biol. a set of observable characteristics of an individual or group as determined by its genotype and environment. ЬЬphenotypic adj. phenotypical adj. phenotypically adv. [G Phaenotypus (as PHENO-, TYPE)] phenyl n. Chem. the univalent radical formed from benzene by the removal of a hydrogen atom. [PHENO- + -YL] phenylalanine n. Biochem. an amino acid widely distributed in plant proteins and essential in the human diet. [PHENYL + ALANINE] phenylketonuria n. an inherited inability to metabolize phenylalanine, ultimately leading to mental deficiency if untreated. [PHENYL + KETONE + -URIA] pheromone n. a chemical substance secreted and released by an animal for detection and response by another usu. of the same species. ЬЬpheromonal adj. [Gk phero convey + HORMONE] phew int. an expression of impatience, discomfort, relief, astonishment, or disgust. [imit. of puffing] phi n. the twenty-first letter of the Greek alphabet. ЬPhi Beta Kappa 1 (in the US) an intercollegiate honorary society to which distinguished scholars may be elected (from the initial letters of a Greek motto, = philosophy is the guide to life). 2 a member of this society. [Gk] phial n. a small glass bottle, esp. for liquid medicine. [ME f. OF fiole f. L phiola phiala f. Gk phiale, a broad flat vessel: cf. VIAL] Phil. abbr. 1 Philadelphia. 2 Philharmonic. 3 Philippians (New Testament). 4 Philosophy. phil- comb. form var. of PHILO-. -phil comb. form var. of -PHILE. philabeg var. of FILIBEG. philadelphus n. any highly-scented deciduous flowering shrub of the genus Philadelphus, esp. the mock orange. [mod.L f. Gk philadelphon] philander v.intr. (often foll. by with) flirt or have casual affairs with women; womanize. ЬЬphilanderer n. [philander (n.) used in Gk literature as the proper name of a lover, f. Gk philandros fond of men f. aner male person: see PHIL-] philanthrope n. = PHILANTHROPIST (see PHILANTHROPY). [Gk philanthropos (as PHIL-, anthropos human being)] philanthropic adj. loving one's fellow men; benevolent. ЬЬphilanthropically adv. [F philanthropique (as PHILANTHROPE)] philanthropy n. 1 a love of mankind. 2 practical benevolence, esp. charity on a large scale. ЬЬphilanthropism n. philanthropist n. philanthropize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). [LL philanthropia f. Gk philanthropia (as PHILANTHROPE)] philately n. the collection and study of postage stamps. ЬЬphilatelic adj. philatelically adv. philatelist n. [F philat‚lie f. Gk ateleia exemption from payment f. a- not + telos toll, tax] -phile comb. form (also -phil) forming nouns and adjectives denoting fondness for what is specified (bibliophile; Francophile). [Gk philos dear, loving] Philem. abbr. Philemon (New Testament). philharmonic adj. 1 fond of music. 2 used characteristically in the names of orchestras, choirs, etc. (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra). [F philharmonique f. It. filarmonico (as PHIL-, HARMONIC)] philhellene n. (often attrib.) 1 a lover of Greece and Greek culture. 2 hist. a supporter of the cause of Greek independence. ЬЬphilhellenic adj. philhellenism n. philhellenist n. [Gk philellen (as PHIL-, HELLENE)] -philia comb. form 1 denoting (esp. abnormal) fondness or love for what is specified (necrophilia). 2 denoting undue inclination (haemophilia). ЬЬ-philiac comb. form forming nouns and adjectives. -philic comb. form forming adjectives. -philous comb. form forming adjectives. [Gk f. philos loving] philippic n. a bitter verbal attack or denunciation. [L philippicus f. Gk philippikos the name of Demosthenes' speeches against Philip II of Macedon and Cicero's against Mark Antony] Philippine adj. of or relating to the Philippine Islands or their people; Filipino. [Philip II of Spain] Philistine n. & adj. --n. 1 a member of a people opposing the Israelites in ancient Palestine. 2 (usu. philistine) a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture, or one whose interests or tastes are commonplace or material. --adj. hostile or indifferent to culture, commonplace, prosaic. ЬЬphilistinism n. [ME f. F Philistin or LL Philistinus f. Gk Philistinos = Palaistinos f. Heb. pelistЊ] Phillips n. (usu. attrib.) propr. denoting a screw with a cross-shaped slot for turning, or a corresponding screwdriver. [name of the original US manufacturer] phillumenist n. a collector of matchbox labels. ЬЬphillumeny n. [PHIL- + L lumen light] Philly n. US sl. Philadelphia. [abbr.] philo- comb. form (also phil- before a vowel or h) denoting a liking for what is specified. philodendron n. (pl. philodendrons or philodendra) any tropical American climbing plant of the genus Philodendron, with bright foliage. [PHILO- + Gk dendron tree] philogynist n. a person who likes or admires women. [PHILO- + Gk gune woman] philology n. 1 the science of language, esp. in its historical and comparative aspects. 2 the love of learning and literature. ЬЬphilologian n. philologist n. philological adj. philologically adv. philologize v.intr. (also -ise). [F philologie f. L philologia love of learning f. Gk (as PHILO-, -LOGY)] Philomel n. (also Philomela) poet. the nightingale. [earlier philomene f. med.L philomena f. L philomela nightingale f. Gk philomela: cap. with ref. to the myth of Philomela] philoprogenitive adj. 1 prolific. 2 loving one's offspring. philosopher n. 1 a person engaged or learned in philosophy or a branch of it. 2 a person who lives by philosophy. 3 a person who shows philosophic calmness in trying circumstances. Ьphilosophers' (or philosopher's) stone the supreme object of alchemy, a substance supposed to change other metals into gold or silver. [ME f. AF philosofre var. of OF, philosophe f. L philosophus f. Gk philosophos (as PHILO-, sophos wise)] philosophical adj. (also philosophic) 1 of or according to philosophy. 2 skilled in or devoted to philosophy or learning; learned (philosophical society). 3 wise; serene; temperate. 4 calm in adverse circumstances. ЬЬphilosophically adv. [LL philosophicus f. L philosophia (as PHILOSOPHY)] philosophize v. (also -ise) 1 intr. reason like a philosopher. 2 intr. moralize. 3 intr. speculate; theorize. 4 tr. render philosophic. ЬЬphilosophizer n. [app. f. F philosopher] philosophy n. (pl. -ies) 1 the use of reason and argument in seeking truth and knowledge of reality, esp. of the causes and nature of things and of the principles governing existence, the material universe, perception of physical phenomena, and human behaviour. 2 a a particular system or set of beliefs reached by this. b a personal rule of life. 3 advanced learning in general (doctor of philosophy). 4 serenity; calmness; conduct governed by a particular philosophy. [ME f. OF filosofie f. L philosophia wisdom f. Gk (as PHILO-, sophos wise)] philtre n. (US philter) a drink supposed to excite sexual love in the drinker. [F philtre f. L philtrum f. Gk philtron f. phileo to love] -phily comb. form = -PHILIA. phimosis n. a constriction of the foreskin, making it difficult to retract. ЬЬphimotic adj. [mod.L f. Gk, = muzzling] phiz n. (also phizog) Brit. colloq. 1 the face. 2 the expression on a face. [abbr. of phiznomy = PHYSIOGNOMY] phlebitis n. inflammation of the walls of a vein. ЬЬphlebitic adj. [mod.L f. Gk f. phleps phlebos vein] phlebotomy n. 1 the surgical opening or puncture of a vein. 2 esp. hist. blood-letting as a medical treatment. ЬЬphlebotomist n. phlebotomize v.tr. (also -ise). [ME f. OF flebothomi f. LL phlebotomia f. Gk f. phleps phlebos vein + -TOMY] phlegm n. 1 the thick viscous substance secreted by the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages, discharged by coughing. 2 a coolness and calmness of disposition. b sluggishness or apathy (supposed to result from too much phlegm in the constitution). 3 archaic phlegm regarded as one of the four bodily humours. ЬЬphlegmy adj. [ME & OF fleume f. LL phlegma f. Gk phlegma -atos inflammation f. phlego burn] phlegmatic adj. stolidly calm; unexcitable, unemotional. ЬЬphlegmatically adv. phloem n. Bot. the tissue conducting food material in plants (cf. XYLEM). [Gk phloos bark] phlogiston n. a substance formerly supposed to exist in all combustible bodies, and to be released in combustion. [mod.L f. Gk phlogizo set on fire f. phlox phlogos flame] phlox n. any cultivated plant of the genus Phlox, with scented clusters of esp. white, blue, and red flowers. [L f. Gk phlox, the name of a plant (lit. flame)] -phobe comb. form forming nouns and adjectives denoting fear or dislike of what is specified (xenophobe). [F f. L -phobus f. Gk -phobos f. phobos fear] phobia n. an abnormal or morbid fear or aversion. ЬЬphobic adj. & n. [-PHOBIA used as a separate word] -phobia comb. form forming abstract nouns denoting fear or aversion of what is specified (agoraphobia; xenophobia). ЬЬ-phobic comb. form forming adjectives. [L f. Gk] phoebe n. any American flycatcher of the genus Sayornis. [imit.: infl. by the name] Phoenician n. & adj. --n. a member of a Semitic people of ancient Phoenicia in S. Syria or of its colonies. --adj. of or relating to Phoenicia. [ME f. OF phenicien f. L Phoenicia f. L Phoenice f. Gk Phoinike Phoenicia] phoenix n. 1 a mythical bird, the only one of its kind, that after living for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert, burnt itself on a funeral pyre and rose from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle. 2 a unique person or thing. [OE & OF fenix f. L phoenix f. Gk phoinix Phoenician, purple, phoenix] pholas n. a piddock, esp. of the genus Pholas. [mod.L f. Gk pholas that lurks in a hole (pholeos)] phon n. a unit of the perceived loudness of sounds. [Gk phone sound] phonate v.intr. utter a vocal sound. ЬЬphonation n. phonatory adj. [Gk phone voice] phone(1) n. & v.tr. & intr. colloq. = TELEPHONE. Ьphone book = telephone directory. phone-in n. a broadcast programme during which the listeners or viewers telephone the studio etc. and participate. [abbr.] phone(2) n. a simple vowel or consonant sound. [formed as PHONEME] -phone comb. form forming nouns and adjectives meaning: 1 an instrument using or connected with sound (telephone; xylophone). 2 a person who uses a specified language (anglophone). [Gk phone voice, sound] phonecard n. a card containing prepaid units for use with a Cardphone. phoneme n. any of the units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another (e.g. p, b, d, t as in pad, pat, bad, bat, in English). ЬЬphonemic adj. phonemics n. [F phonЉme f. Gk phonema sound, speech f. phoneo speak] phonetic adj. 1 representing vocal sounds. 2 (of a system of spelling etc.) having a direct correspondence between symbols and sounds. 3 of or relating to phonetics. ЬЬphonetically adv. phoneticism n. phoneticist n. phoneticize v.tr. (also -ise). [mod.L phoneticus f. Gk phonetikos f. phoneo speak] phonetics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) 1 vocal sounds and their classification. 2 the study of these. ЬЬphonetician n. phonetist n. 1 a person skilled in phonetics. 2 an advocate of phonetic spelling. phoney adj. & n. (also phony) colloq. --adj. (phonier, phoniest) 1 sham; counterfeit. 2 fictitious; fraudulent. --n. (pl. -eys or -ies) a phoney person or thing. ЬЬphonily adv. phoniness n. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] phonic adj. & n. --adj. of sound; acoustic; of vocal sounds. --n. (in pl.) a method of teaching reading based on sounds. ЬЬphonically adv. [Gk phone voice] phono- comb. form denoting sound. [Gk phone voice, sound] phonogram n. a symbol representing a spoken sound. phonograph n. 1 Brit. an early form of gramophone using cylinders and able to record as well as reproduce sound. 2 US a gramophone. phonography n. 1 writing in esp. shorthand symbols, corresponding to the sounds of speech. 2 the recording of sounds by phonograph. ЬЬphonographic adj. phonology n. the study of sounds in a language. ЬЬphonological adj. phonologically adv. phonologist n. phonon n. Physics a quantum of sound or elastic vibrations. [Gk phone sound, after PHOTON] phony var. of PHONEY. phooey int. an expression of disgust or disbelief. [imit.] -phore comb. form forming nouns meaning 'bearer' (ctenophore; semaphore). ЬЬ-phorous comb. form forming adjectives. [mod.L f. Gk -phoros -phoron bearing, bearer f. phero bear] phoresy n. Biol. an association in which one organism is carried by another, without being a parasite. ЬЬphoretic adj. [F phor‚sie f. Gk phoresis being carried] phormium n. 1 a liliaceous plant, Phormium tenax, yielding a leaf-fibre that is used commercially. 2 New Zealand flax. [mod.L f. Gk phormion a species of plant] phosgene n. a colourless poisonous gas (carbonyl chloride), formerly used in warfare. °Chem. formula: COCl[2]. [Gk phos light + -GEN, with ref. to its orig. production by the action of sunlight on chlorine and carbon monoxide] phosphatase n. Biochem. any enzyme that catalyses the synthesis or hydrolysis of an organic phosphate. phosphate n. 1 any salt or ester of phosphoric acid, esp. used as a fertilizer. 2 an effervescent drink containing a small amount of phosphate. ЬЬphosphatic adj. [F f. phosphore PHOSPHORUS] phosphene n. the sensation of rings of light produced by pressure on the eyeball due to irritation of the retina. [irreg. f. Gk phos light + phaino show] phosphide n. Chem. a binary compound of phosphorus with another element or group. phosphine n. Chem. a colourless ill-smelling gas, phosphorus trihydride. °Chem. formula: PH[3]. ЬЬphosphinic adj. [PHOSPHO- + -INE(4), after amine] phosphite n. Chem. any salt or ester of phosphorous acid. [F (as PHOSPHO-)] phospho- comb. form denoting phosphorus. [abbr.] phospholipid n. Biochem. any lipid consisting of a phosphate group and one or more fatty acids. phosphor n. 1 = PHOSPHORUS. 2 a synthetic fluorescent or phosphorescent substance esp. used in cathode-ray tubes. Ьphosphor bronze a tough hard bronze alloy containing a small amount of phosphorus, used esp. for bearings. [G f. L phosphorus PHOSPHORUS] phosphorate v.tr. combine or impregnate with phosphorus. phosphorescence n. 1 radiation similar to fluorescence but detectable after excitation ceases. 2 the emission of light without combustion or perceptible heat. ЬЬphosphoresce v.intr. phosphorescent adj. phosphorite n. a non-crystalline form of apatite. phosphorus n. Chem. a non-metallic element occurring naturally in various phosphate rocks and existing in allotropic forms, esp. as a poisonous whitish waxy substance burning slowly at ordinary temperatures and so appearing luminous in the dark, and a reddish form used in matches, fertilizers, etc. °Symb.: P. ЬЬphosphoric adj. phosphorous adj. [L, = morning star, f. Gk phosphoros f. phos light + -phoros -bringing] phosphorylate v.tr. Chem. introduce a phosphate group into (an organic molecule etc.). ЬЬphosphorylation n. phossy jaw n. colloq. hist. gangrene of the jawbone caused by phosphorus poisoning. [abbr.] phot n. a unit of illumination equal to one lumen per square centimetre. [Gk phos photos light] photic adj. 1 of or relating to light. 2 (of ocean layers) reached by sunlight. photism n. a hallucinatory sensation or vision of light. [Gk photismos f. photizo shine f. phos photos light] photo n. & v. --n. (pl. -os) = PHOTOGRAPH n. --v.tr. (-oes, -oed) = PHOTOGRAPH v. Ьphoto-call an occasion on which theatrical performers, famous personalities, etc., pose for photographers by arrangement. photo finish a close finish of a race or contest, esp. one where the winner is only distinguishable on a photograph. [abbr.] photo- comb. form denoting: 1 light (photosensitive). 2 photography (photocomposition). [Gk phos photos light, or as abbr. of PHOTOGRAPH] photobiology n. the study of the effects of light on living organisms. photocell n. = photoelectric cell. photochemistry n. the study of the chemical effects of light. ЬЬphotochemical adj. photocomposition n. = FILMSETTING. photoconductivity n. conductivity due to the action of light. ЬЬphotoconductive adj. photoconductor n. photocopier n. a machine for producing photocopies. photocopy n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) a photographic copy of printed or written material produced by a process involving the action of light on a specially prepared surface. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) make a photocopy of. ЬЬphotocopiable adj. photodiode n. a semiconductor diode responding electrically to illumination. photoelectric adj. marked by or using emissions of electrons from substances exposed to light. Ьphotoelectric cell a device using this effect to generate current. ЬЬphotoelectricity n. photoelectron n. an electron emitted from an atom by interaction with a photon, esp. one emitted from a solid surface by the action of light. photoemission n. the emission of electrons from a surface by the action of light incident on it. ЬЬphotoemitter n. photofit n. a reconstructed picture of a person (esp. one sought by the police) made from composite photographs of facial features (cf. IDENTIKIT). photogenic adj. 1 (esp. of a person) having an appearance that looks pleasing in photographs. 2 Biol. producing or emitting light. ЬЬphotogenically adv. photogram n. 1 a picture produced with photographic materials but without a camera. 2 archaic a photograph. photogrammetry n. the use of photography for surveying. ЬЬphotogrammetrist n. photograph n. & v. --n. a picture taken by means of the chemical action of light or other radiation on sensitive film. --v.tr. (also absol.) take a photograph of (a person etc.). ЬЬphotographable adj. photographer n. photographic adj. photographically adv. photography n. the taking and processing of photographs. photogravure n. 1 an image produced from a photographic negative transferred to a metal plate and etched in. 2 this process . [F (as PHOTO-, gravure engraving)] photojournalism n. the art or practice of relating news by photographs, with or without an accompanying text, esp. in magazines etc. ЬЬphotojournalist n. photolithography n. (also photolitho) lithography using plates made photographically. ЬЬphotolithographer n. photolithographic adj. photolithographically adv. photolysis n. decomposition or dissociation of molecules by the action of light. ЬЬphotolyse v.tr. & intr. photolytic adj. photometer n. an instrument for measuring light. ЬЬphotometric adj. photometry n. photomicrograph n. a photograph of an image produced by a microscope. ЬЬphotomicrography n. photon n. a quantum of electromagnetic radiation energy, proportional to the frequency of radiation. [Gk phos photos light, after electron] photo-offset n. offset printing with plates made photographically. photoperiod n. the period of daily illumination which an organism receives. ЬЬphotoperiodic adj. photoperiodism n. the response of an organism to changes in the lengths of the daily periods of light. photophobia n. an abnormal fear of or aversion to light. ЬЬphotophobic adj. photoreceptor n. any living structure that responds to incident light. photosensitive adj. reacting chemically, electrically, etc., to light. ЬЬphotosensitivity n. photosetting n. = FILMSETTING. ЬЬphotoset v.tr. (past and past part. -set). photosetter n. photosphere n. the luminous envelope of a star from which its light and heat radiate. ЬЬphotospheric adj. Photostat n. & v. --n. propr. 1 a type of machine for making photocopies. 2 a copy made by this means. --v.tr. (photostat) (-statted, -statting) make a Photostat of. ЬЬphotostatic adj. photosynthesis n. the process in which the energy of sunlight is used by organisms, esp. green plants to synthesize carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. ЬЬphotosynthesize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). photosynthetic adj. photosynthetically adv. phototransistor n. a transistor that responds to incident light by generating and amplifying an electric current. phototropism n. the tendency of a plant etc. to bend or turn towards or away from a source of light. ЬЬphototropic adj. photovoltaic adj. relating to the production of electric current at the junction of two substances exposed to light. phrasal adj. Gram. consisting of a phrase. Ьphrasal verb an idiomatic phrase consisting of a verb and an adverb (e.g. break down) or a verb and a preposition (e.g. see to). phrase n. & v. --n. 1 a group of words forming a conceptual unit, but not a sentence. 2 an idiomatic or short pithy expression. 3 a manner or mode of expression (a nice turn of phrase). 4 Mus. a group of notes forming a distinct unit within a larger piece. --v.tr. 1 express in words (phrased the reply badly). 2 (esp. when reading aloud or speaking) divide (sentences etc.) into units so as to convey the meaning of the whole. 3 Mus. divide (music) into phrases etc. in performance. Ьphrase book a book for tourists etc. listing useful expressions with their equivalent in a foreign language. ЬЬphrasing n. [earlier phrasis f. L f. Gk f. phrazo declare, tell] phraseogram n. a written symbol representing a phrase, esp. in shorthand. phraseology n. (pl. -ies) 1 a choice or arrangement of words. 2 a mode of expression. ЬЬphraseological adj. [mod.L phraseologia f. Gk phraseon genit. pl. of phrasis PHRASE] phreatic adj. Geol. 1 (of water) situated underground in the zone of saturation; ground water. 2 (of a volcanic eruption or explosion) caused by the heating and expansion of underground water. [Gk phrear phreatos well] phrenetic adj. 1 frantic. 2 fanatic. ЬЬphrenetically adv. [ME, var. of FRENETIC] phrenic adj. Anat. of or relating to the diaphragm. [F phr‚nique f. Gk phren phrenos diaphragm, mind] phrenology n. hist. the study of the shape and size of the cranium as a supposed indication of character and mental faculties. ЬЬphrenological adj. phrenologist n. Phrygian n. & adj. --n. 1 a native or inhabitant of ancient Phrygia in central Asia Minor. 2 the language of this people. --adj. of or relating to Phrygia or its people or language. ЬPhrygian bonnet (or cap) an ancient conical cap with the top bent forwards, now identified with the cap of liberty. Phrygian mode Mus. the mode represented by the natural diatonic scale E-E. phthalic acid n. Chem. one of three isomeric dicarboxylic acids derived from benzene. ЬЬphthalate n. [abbr. of NAPHTHALIC: see NAPHTHALENE] phthisis n. any progressive wasting disease, esp. pulmonary tuberculosis. ЬЬphthisic adj. phthisical adj. [L f. Gk f. phthino to decay] phut n. a dull abrupt sound as of an impact or explosion. Ьgo phut colloq. (esp. of a scheme or plan) collapse, break down. [perh. f. Hindi phatna to burst] phycology n. the study of algae. ЬЬphycological adj. phycologist n. [Gk phukos seaweed + -LOGY] phycomycete n. any of various fungi which typically form non-septate mycelium. [Gk phukos seaweed + pl. of Gk mukes mushroom] phyla pl. of PHYLUM. phylactery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a small leather box containing Hebrew texts on vellum, worn by Jewish men at morning prayer as a reminder to keep the law. 2 an amulet; a charm. 3 a usu. ostentatious religious observance. 4 a fringe; a border. [ME f. OF f. LL phylacterium f. Gk phulakterion amulet f. phulasso guard] phyletic adj. Biol. of or relating to the development of a species or other group. [Gk phuletikos f. phuletes tribesman f. phule tribe] phyllo- comb. form leaf. [Gk phullo- f. phullon leaf] phyllode n. a flattened leaf-stalk resembling a leaf. [mod.L phyllodium f. Gk phullodes leaflike (as PHYLLO-)] phyllophagous adj. feeding on leaves. phylloquinone n. one of the K vitamins, found in cabbage, spinach, and other leafy green vegetables, and essential for the blood clotting process. Also called vitamin K[1]. phyllostome n. any bat of the family Phyllostomatidae having a nose leaf. [PHYLLO- + Gk stoma mouth] phyllotaxis n. (also phyllotaxy) the arrangement of leaves on an axis or stem. ЬЬphyllotactic adj. phylloxera n. any plant-louse of the genus Phylloxera, esp. of a species attacking vines. [mod.L f. Gk phullon leaf + xeros dry] phylo- comb. form Biol. denoting a race or tribe. [Gk phulon, phule] phylogenesis n. (also phylogeny) 1 the evolutionary development of an organism or groups of organisms. 2 a history of this. ЬЬphylogenetic adj. phylogenic adj. phylum n. (pl. phyla) Biol. a taxonomic rank below kingdom comprising a class or classes and subordinate taxa. [mod.L f. Gk phulon race] physalis n. any plant of the genus Physalis, bearing fruit surrounded by lantern-like calyxes (see Chinese lantern 2). [Gk physallis bladder, with ref. to the inflated calyx] physic n. & v. esp. archaic. --n. 1 a medicine (a dose of physic). 2 the art of healing. 3 the medical profession. --v.tr. (physicked, physicking) dose with physic. Ьphysic garden a garden for cultivating medicinal herbs etc. [ME f. OF fisique medicine f. L physica f. Gk phusike (episteme) (knowledge) of nature] physical adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or concerning the body (physical exercise; physical education). 2 of matter; material (both mental and physical force). 3 a of, or according to, the laws of nature (a physical impossibility). b belonging to physics (physical science). --n. (in full physical examination) a medical examination to determine physical fitness. Ьphysical chemistry the application of physics to the study of chemical behaviour. physical geography geography dealing with natural features. physical jerks colloq. physical exercises. physical science the sciences used in the study of inanimate natural objects, e.g. physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc. physical training exercises promoting bodily fitness and strength. ЬЬphysicality n. physically adv. physicalness n. [ME f. med.L physicalis f. L physica (as PHYSIC)] physician n. 1 a a person legally qualified to practise medicine and surgery. b a specialist in medical diagnosis and treatment. c any medical practitioner. 2 a healer (work is the best physician). [ME f. OF fisicien (as PHYSIC)] physicist n. a person skilled or qualified in physics. physico- comb. form 1 physical (and). 2 of physics (and). [Gk phusikos (as PHYSIC)] physico-chemical adj. relating to physics and chemistry or to physical chemistry. physics n. the science dealing with the properties and interactions of matter and energy. [pl. of physic physical (thing), after L physica, Gk phusika natural things f. phusis nature] physio n. (pl. -os) colloq. a physiotherapist. [abbr.] physio- comb. form nature; what is natural. [Gk phusis nature] physiocracy n. (pl. -ies) hist. 1 government according to the natural order, esp. as advocated by some 18th-c. economists. 2 a society based on this. ЬЬphysiocrat n. physiocratic adj. [F physiocratie (as PHYSIO-, -CRACY)] physiognomy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the cast or form of a person's features, expression, body, etc. b the art of supposedly judging character from facial characteristics etc. 2 the external features of a landscape etc. 3 a characteristic, esp. moral, aspect. ЬЬphysiognomic adj. physiognomical adj. physiognomically adv. physiognomist n. [ME fisnomie etc. f. OF phisonomie f. med.L phisonomia f. Gk phusiognomonia judging of a man's nature (by his features) (as PHYSIO-, gnomon judge)] physiography n. the description of nature, of natural phenomena, or of a class of objects; physical geography. ЬЬphysiographer n. physiographic adj. physiographical adj. physiographically adv. [F physiographie (as PHYSIO-, -GRAPHY)] physiological adj. (also physiologic) of or concerning physiology. Ьphysiological salt solution a saline solution having a concentration about equal to that of body fluids. ЬЬphysiologically adv. physiology n. 1 the science of the functions of living organisms and their parts. 2 these functions. ЬЬphysiologist n. [F physiologie or L physiologia f. Gk phusiologia (as PHYSIO-, -LOGY)] physiotherapy n. the treatment of disease, injury, deformity, etc., by physical methods including manipulation, massage, infrared heat treatment, remedial exercise, etc., not by drugs. ЬЬphysiotherapist n. physique n. the bodily structure, development, and organization of an individual (an undernourished physique). [F, orig. adj. (as PHYSIC)] -phyte comb. form forming nouns denoting a vegetable or plantlike organism (saprophyte; zoophyte). ЬЬ-phytic comb. form forming adjectives. [Gk phuton plant f. phuo come into being] phyto- comb. form denoting a plant. phytochemistry n. the chemistry of plant products. ЬЬphytochemical adj. phytochemist n. phytochrome n. Biochem. a blue-green pigment found in many plants, and regulating various developmental processes according to the nature and timing of the light it absorbs. [PHYTO- + Gk khroma colour] phytogenesis n. (also phytogeny) the science of the origin or evolution of plants. phytogeography n. the geographical distribution of plants. phytopathology n. the study of plant diseases. phytophagous adj. feeding on plants. phytoplankton n. plankton consisting of plants. phytotomy n. the dissection of plants. phytotoxic adj. poisonous to plants. phytotoxin n. 1 any toxin derived from a plant. 2 a substance poisonous or injurious to plants, esp. one produced by a parasite. 10.0 pi... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- pi(1) n. 1 the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. 2 (as &pi.) the symbol of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (approx. 3.14159). Ьpi-meson = PION. [Gk: sense 2 f. Gk periphereia circumference] pi(2) adj. Brit. sl. pious. Ьpi jaw a long moralizing lecture or reprimand. [abbr.] pi(3) US var. of PIE(3). piacular adj. formal 1 expiatory. 2 needing expiation. [L piacularis f. piaculum expiation f. piare appease] piaffe v.intr. (of a horse etc.) move as in a trot, but slower. [F piaffer to strut] piaffer n. the action of piaffing. pia mater n. Anat. the delicate innermost membrane enveloping the brain and spinal cord (see MENINX). [med.L, = tender mother, transl. of Arab. al-' umm al-rakika: cf. DURA MATER] piani pl. of PIANO(2). pianism n. 1 the art or technique of piano-playing. 2 the skill or style of a composer of piano music. ЬЬpianistic adj. pianistically adv. pianissimo adj., adv., & n. Mus. --adj. performed very softly. --adv. very softly. --n. (pl. -os or pianissimi) a passage to be performed very softly. [It., superl. of PIANO(2)] pianist n. the player of a piano. [F pianiste (as PIANO(1))] piano(1) n. (pl. -os) a large musical instrument played by pressing down keys on a keyboard and causing hammers to strike metal strings, the vibration from which is stopped by dampers when the keys are released. Ьpiano-accordion an accordion with the melody played on a small vertical keyboard like that of a piano. piano organ a mechanical piano constructed like a barrel-organ. piano-player 1 a pianist. 2 a contrivance for playing a piano automatically. [It., abbr. of PIANOFORTE] piano(2) adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 Mus. performed softly. 2 subdued. --adv. 1 Mus. softly. 2 in a subdued manner. --n. (pl. -os or piani) Mus. a piano passage . [It. f. L planus flat, (of sound) soft] pianoforte n. Mus. formal or archaic a piano. [It., earlier piano e forte soft and loud, expressing its gradation of tone] Pianola n. 1 propr. a kind of automatic piano; a player-piano. 2 (pianola) Bridge an easy hand needing no skill. 3 (pianola) an easy task. [app. dimin. of PIANO(1)] piano nobile n. Archit. the main storey of a large house. [It., = noble floor] piassava n. 1 a stout fibre obtained from the leaf-stalks of various American and African palm-trees. 2 any of these trees. [Port. f. Tupi pia‡ ba] piastre n. (US piaster) a small coin and monetary unit of several Middle Eastern countries. [F piastre f. It. piastra (d'argento) plate (of silver), formed as PLASTER] piazza n. 1 a public square or market-place esp. in an Italian town. 2 US the veranda of a house. [It., formed as PLACE] pibroch n. a series of esp. martial or funerary variations on a theme for the bagpipes. [Gael. piobaireachd art of piping f. piobair piper f. piob f. E PIPE] pic n. colloq. a picture, esp. a cinema film. [abbr.] pica(1) n. Printing 1 a unit of type-size (1/6 inch). 2 a size of letters in typewriting (10 per inch). [AL pica 15th-c. book of rules about church feasts, perh. formed as PIE(2)] pica(2) n. Med. the eating of substances other than normal food. [mod.L or med.L, = magpie] picador n. a mounted man with a lance who goads the bull in a bullfight. [Sp. f. picar prick] picaresque adj. (of a style of fiction) dealing with the episodic adventures of rogues etc. [F f. Sp. picaresco f. pЎcaro rogue] picaroon n. 1 a a rogue. b a thief. 2 a a pirate. b a pirate ship. [Sp. picarўn (as PICARESQUE)] picayune n. & adj. US --n. 1 colloq. a small coin of little value, esp. a 5-cent piece. 2 an insignificant person or thing. --adj. mean; contemptible; petty. [F picaillon Piedmontese coin, cash, f. Prov. picaioun, of unkn. orig.] piccalilli n. (pl. piccalillis) a pickle of chopped vegetables, mustard, and hot spices. [18th c.: perh. f. PICKLE + CHILLI] piccaninny n. & adj. (US pickaninny) --n. (pl. -ies) often offens. a small Black or Australian Aboriginal child. --adj. archaic very small. [W.Ind. Negro f. Sp. peque¤o or Port. pequeno little] piccolo n. (pl. -os) 1 a small flute sounding an octave higher than the ordinary one. 2 its player. [It., = small (flute)] pichiciago n. (pl. -os) a small S. American armadillo, Chlamyphorus truncatus. [Sp. pichiciego perh. f. Guarani pichey armadillo + Sp. ciego blind f. L caecus] pick(1) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (also absol.) choose carefully from a number of alternatives (picked the pink one; picked a team; picked the right moment to intervene). 2 detach or pluck (a flower, fruit, etc.) from a stem, tree, etc. 3 a probe (the teeth, nose, ears, a pimple, etc.) with the finger, an instrument, etc. to remove unwanted matter. b clear (a bone, carcass, etc.) of scraps of meat etc. 4 (also absol.) (of a person) eat (food, a meal, etc.) in small bits; nibble without appetite. 5 (also absol.) esp. US pluck the strings of (a banjo etc.). 6 remove stalks etc. from (esp. soft fruit) before cooking. 7 a select (a route or path) carefully over difficult terrain by foot. b place (one's steps etc.) carefully. 8 pull apart (pick oakum). 9 (of a bird) take up (grains etc.) in the beak. --n. 1 the act or an instance of picking. 2 a a selection or choice. b the right to select (had first pick of the prizes). 3 (usu. foll. by of) the best (the pick of the bunch). Ьpick and choose select carefully or fastidiously. pick at 1 eat (food) without interest; nibble. 2 = pick on 1 (see PICK(1)). pick a person's brains extract ideas, information, etc., from a person for one's own use. pick holes (or a hole) in 1 make holes in (material etc.) by plucking, poking, etc. 2 find fault with (an idea etc.). pick a lock open a lock with an instrument other than the proper key, esp. with intent to steal. pick-me-up 1 a tonic for the nerves etc. 2 a good experience, good news, etc. that cheers. pick off 1 pluck (leaves etc.) off. 2 shoot (people etc.) one by one without haste. 3 eliminate (opposition etc.) singly. pick on 1 find fault with; nag at. 2 select. pick out 1 take from a larger number (picked him out from the others). 2 distinguish from surrounding objects or at a distance (can just pick out the church spire). 3 play (a tune) by ear on the piano etc. 4 (often foll. by in, with) a highlight (a painting etc.) with touches of another colour. b accentuate (decoration, a painting, etc.) with a contrasting colour (picked out the handles in red). 5 make out (the meaning of a passage etc.). pick over select the best from. pick a person's pockets steal the contents of a person's pockets. pick a quarrel start an argument or a fight deliberately. pick to pieces = take to pieces (see PIECE). pick up 1 grasp and raise (from the ground etc.) (picked up his hat). 2 gain or acquire by chance or without effort (picked up a cold). 3 a fetch (a person, animal, or thing) left in another person's charge. b stop for and take along with one, esp. in a vehicle (pick me up on the corner). 4 make the acquaintance of (a person) casually, esp. as a sexual overture. 5 (of one's health, the weather, share prices, etc.) recover, prosper, improve. 6 (of a motor engine etc.) recover speed; accelerate. 7 (of the police etc.) take into charge; arrest. 8 detect by scrutiny or with a telescope, searchlight, radio, etc. (picked up most of the mistakes; picked up a distress signal). 9 (often foll. by with) form or renew a friendship. 10 accept the responsibility of paying (a bill etc.). 11 (refl.) raise (oneself etc.) after a fall etc. 12 raise (the feet etc.) clear of the ground. 13 Golf pick up one's ball, esp. when conceding a hole. pick-up 1 sl. a person met casually, esp. for sexual purposes. 2 a small open motor truck. 3 a the part of a record-player carrying the stylus. b a detector of vibrations etc. 4 a the act of picking up. b something picked up. pick-your-own (usu. attrib.) (of commercially grown fruit and vegetables) dug or picked by the customer at the place of production. take one's pick make a choice. ЬЬpickable adj. [ME, earlier pike, of unkn. orig.] pick(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a long-handled tool having a usu. curved iron bar pointed at one or both ends, used for breaking up hard ground, masonry, etc. 2 colloq. a plectrum. 3 any instrument for picking, such as a toothpick. --v.tr. 1 break the surface of (the ground etc.) with or as if with a pick. 2 make (holes etc.) in this way. [ME, app. var. of PIKE(2)] pickaback var. of PIGGYBACK. pickaninny US var. of PICCANINNY. pickaxe n. & v. (US pickax) --n. = PICK(2) n. 1. --v. 1 tr. break (the ground etc.) with a pickaxe. 2 intr. work with a pickaxe. [ME pikois f. OF picois, rel. to PIKE(2): assim. to AXE] pickelhaube n. hist. a German soldier's spiked helmet. [G] picker n. 1 a person or thing that picks. 2 (often in comb.) a person who gathers or collects (hop-picker; rag-picker). pickerel n. (pl. same or pickerels) a young pike. [ME, dimin. of PIKE(1)] picket n. & v. --n. 1 a person or group of people outside a place of work, intending to persuade esp. workers not to enter during a strike etc. 2 a pointed stake or peg driven into the ground to form a fence or palisade, to tether a horse, etc. 3 (also picquet, piquet) Mil. a a small body of troops sent out to watch for the enemy, held in readiness, etc. b a party of sentries. c an outpost. d a camp-guard on police duty in a garrison town etc. --v. (picketed, picketing) 1 a tr. & intr. station or act as a picket. b tr. beset or guard (a factory, workers, etc.) with a picket or pickets. 2 tr. secure (a place) with stakes. 3 tr. tether (an animal). Ьpicket line a boundary established by workers on strike, esp. at the entrance to the place of work, which others are asked not to cross. ЬЬpicketer n. [F piquet pointed stake f. piquer prick, f. pic PICK(2)] pickings n.pl. 1 perquisites; pilferings (rich pickings). 2 remaining scraps; gleanings. pickle n. & v. --n. 1 a (often in pl.) food, esp. vegetables, preserved in brine, vinegar, mustard, etc. and used as a relish. b the brine, vinegar, etc. in which food is preserved. 2 colloq. a plight (a fine pickle we are in!). 3 Brit. colloq. a mischievous child. 4 an acid solution for cleaning metal etc. --v.tr. 1 preserve in pickle. 2 treat with pickle. 3 (as pickled adj.) sl. drunk. [ME pekille, pykyl, f. MDu., MLG pekel, of unkn. orig.] pickler n. 1 a person who pickles vegetables etc. 2 a vegetable suitable for pickling. picklock n. 1 a person who picks locks. 2 an instrument for this. pickpocket n. a person who steals from the pockets of others. Pickwickian adj. 1 of or like Mr Pickwick in Dickens's Pickwick Papers, esp. in being jovial, plump, etc. 2 (of words or their sense) misunderstood or misused, esp. to avoid offence. picky adj. (pickier, pickiest) colloq. excessively fastidious; choosy. ЬЬpickiness n. picnic n. & v. --n. 1 an outing or excursion including a packed meal eaten out of doors. 2 any meal eaten out of doors or without preparation, tables, chairs, etc. 3 (usu. with neg.) colloq. something agreeable or easily accomplished etc. (it was no picnic organizing the meeting). --v.intr. (picnicked, picnicking) take part in a picnic. ЬЬpicnicker n. picnicky adj. colloq. [F pique-nique, of unkn. orig.] pico- comb. form denoting a factor of 10(-12) (picometre). [Sp. pico beak, peak, little bit] picot n. a small loop of twisted thread in a lace edging etc. [F, dimin. of pic peak, point] picotee n. a type of carnation of which the flowers have a light ground and dark-edged petals. [F picot‚ -‚e past part. of picoter prick (as PICOT)] picquet var. of PICKET 3. picric acid n. a very bitter yellow compound used in dyeing and surgery and in explosives. ЬЬpicrate n. [Gk pikros bitter] Pict n. a member of an ancient people of N. Britain. ЬЬPictish adj. [ME f. LL Picti perh. f. pingere pict- paint, tattoo] pictograph n. (also pictogram) 1 a a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase. b an ancient record consisting of these. 2 a pictorial representation of statistics etc. on a chart, graph, etc. ЬЬpictographic adj. pictography n. [L pingere pict- paint] pictorial adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or expressed in a picture or pictures. 2 illustrated. 3 picturesque. --n. a journal, postage stamp, etc., with a picture or pictures as the main feature. ЬЬpictorially adv. [LL pictorius f. L pictor painter (as PICTURE)] picture n. & v. --n. 1 a (often attrib.) a painting, drawing, photograph, etc., esp. as a work of art (picture frame). b a portrait, esp. a photograph, of a person (does not like to have her picture taken). c a beautiful object (her hat is a picture). 2 a a total visual or mental impression produced; a scene (the picture looks bleak). b a written or spoken description (drew a vivid picture of moral decay). 3 a a film. b (in pl.) Brit. a showing of films at a cinema (went to the pictures). c (in pl.) films in general. 4 an image on a television screen. 5 colloq. a esp. iron. a person or thing exemplifying something (he was the picture of innocence). b a person or thing resembling another closely (the picture of her aunt). --v.tr. 1 represent in a picture. 2 (also refl.; often foll. by to) imagine, esp. visually or vividly (pictured it to herself). 3 describe graphically. Ьget the picture colloq. grasp the tendency or drift of circumstances, information, etc. in the picture fully informed or noticed. out of the picture uninvolved, inactive; irrelevant. picture-book a book containing many illustrations. picture-card a court-card. picture-gallery a place containing an exhibition or collection of pictures. picture-goer a person who frequents the cinema. picture hat a woman's wide-brimmed highly decorated hat as in pictures by Reynolds and Gainsborough. picture-moulding 1 woodwork etc. used for framing pictures. 2 a rail on a wall used for hanging pictures from. picture-palace (or -theatre) Brit. archaic a cinema. picture postcard a postcard with a picture on one side. picture window a very large window consisting of one pane of glass. picture-writing a mode of recording events etc. by pictorial symbols as in early hieroglyphics etc. [ME f. L pictura f. pingere pict- paint] picturesque adj. 1 (of landscape etc.) beautiful or striking, as in a picture. 2 (of language etc.) strikingly graphic; vivid. ЬЬpicturesquely adv. picturesqueness n. [F pittoresque f. It. pittoresco f. pittore painter f. L (as PICTORIAL): assim. to PICTURE] piddle v. & n. --v.intr. 1 colloq. urinate (used esp. to or by children). 2 work or act in a trifling way. 3 (as piddling adj.) colloq. trivial; trifling. --n. colloq. 1 urination. 2 urine (used esp. to or by children). ЬЬpiddler n. [sense 1 prob. f. PISS + PUDDLE: sense 2 perh. f. PEDDLE] piddock n. any rock-boring bivalve mollusc of the family Pholadidae, used for bait. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] pidgin n. a simplified language containing vocabulary from two or more languages, used for communication between people not having a common language. Ьpidgin English a pidgin in which the chief language is English, used orig. between Chinese and Europeans. [corrupt. of business] pi-dog var. of PYE-DOG. pie(1) n. 1 a baked dish of meat, fish, fruit, etc., usu. with a top and base of pastry. 2 anything resembling a pie in form (a mud pie). Ьeasy as pie very easy. pie chart a circle divided into sectors to represent relative quantities. pie-eater Austral. sl. a person of little account. pie-eyed sl. drunk. pie in the sky an unrealistic prospect of future happiness after present suffering; a misleading promise. [ME, perh. = PIE(2) f. miscellaneous contents compared to objects collected by a magpie] pie(2) n. archaic 1 a magpie. 2 a pied animal. [ME f. OF f. L pica] pie(3) n. & v. (US pi) --n. 1 a confused mass of printers' type. 2 chaos. --v.tr. (pieing) muddle up (type). [perh. transl. F P&AC.T&EA. = PIE(1)] pie(4) n. hist. a former monetary unit of India equal to one-twelfth of an anna. [Hind. etc. pa' i f. Skr. pad, padi quarter] piebald adj. & n. --adj. 1 (usu. of an animal, esp. a horse) having irregular patches of two colours, esp. black and white. 2 motley; mongrel. --n. a piebald animal, esp. a horse. piece n. & v. --n. 1 a (often foll. by of) one of the distinct portions forming part of or broken off from a larger object; a bit; a part (a piece of string). b each of the parts of which a set or category is composed (a five-piece band; a piece of furniture). 2 a coin of specified value (50p piece). 3 a a usu. short literary or musical composition or a picture. b a theatrical play. 4 an item, instance, or example (a piece of impudence; a piece of news). 5 a any of the objects used to make moves in board-games. b a chessman (strictly, other than a pawn). 6 a definite quantity in which a thing is sold. 7 (often foll. by of) an enclosed portion (of land etc.). 8 derog. sl. a woman. 9 US (foll. by of) sl. a financial share or investment in (has a piece of the new production). --v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by together) form into a whole; put together; join (finally pieced his story together). 2 (usu. foll. by out) a eke out. b form (a theory etc.) by combining parts etc. 3 (usu. foll. by up) patch. 4 join (threads) in spinning. Ьbreak to pieces break into fragments. by the piece (paid) according to the quantity of work done. go to pieces collapse emotionally; suffer a breakdown. in one piece 1 unbroken. 2 unharmed. in pieces broken. of a piece (often foll. by with) uniform, consistent, in keeping. piece-goods fabrics, esp. Lancashire cottons, woven in standard lengths. a piece of cake see CAKE. piece of eight hist. a Spanish dollar, equivalent to 8 reals. piece of goods sl. derog. a woman. a piece of one's mind a sharp rebuke or lecture. piece of water a small lake etc. piece of work a thing made by working (cf. nasty piece of work). piece-rates a rate paid according to the amount produced. piece-work work paid for by the amount produced. say one's piece give one's opinion or make a prepared statement. take to pieces 1 break up or dismantle. 2 criticize harshly. ЬЬpiecer n. (in sense 4 of v.). [ME f. AF pece, OF piece f. Rmc, prob. of Gaulish orig.: cf. PEAT] piЉce de r‚sistance n. (pl. piЉces de r‚sistance pronunc. same) 1 the most important or remarkable item. 2 the most substantial dish at a meal. [F] piecemeal adv. & adj. --adv. piece by piece; gradually. --adj. partial; gradual; unsystematic. [ME f. PIECE + - meal f. OE m‘lum (instr. dative pl. of m‘l MEAL(1))] piecrust n. the baked pastry crust of a pie. Ьpiecrust table a table with an indented edge like a piecrust. pied adj. particoloured. ЬPied Piper a person enticing followers esp. to their doom. [ME f. PIE(2), orig. of friars] pied-…-terre n. (pl. pieds-…-terre pronunc. same) a usu. small flat, house, etc. kept for occasional use. [F, lit. 'foot to earth'] piedmont n. a gentle slope leading from the foot of mountains to a region of flat land. [It. piemonte mountain foot, name of a region at the foot of the Alps] pie-dog var. of PYE-DOG. pieman n. (pl. -men) a pie seller. pier n. 1 a a structure of iron or wood raised on piles and leading out to sea, a lake, etc., used as a promenade and landing-stage, and often with entertainment arcades etc. b a breakwater; a mole. 2 a a support of an arch or of the span of a bridge; a pillar. b solid masonry between windows etc. Ьpier-glass a large mirror, used orig. to fill wall-space between windows. [ME per f. AL pera, of unkn. orig.] pierce v. 1 tr. a (of a sharp instrument etc.) penetrate the surface of. b (often foll. by with) prick with a sharp instrument, esp. to make a hole in. c make (a hole etc.) (pierced a hole in the belt). d (of cold, grief, etc.) affect keenly or sharply. e (of a light, glance, sound, etc.) penetrate keenly or sharply. 2 (as piercing adj.) (of a glance, intuition, high noise, bright light, etc.) keen, sharp, or unpleasantly penetrating. 3 tr. force (a way etc.) through or into (something) (pierced their way through the jungle). 4 intr. (usu. foll. by through, into) penetrate. ЬЬpiercer n. piercingly adv. [ME f. OF percer f. L pertundere bore through (as PER-, tundere tus- thrust)] pierrot n. (fem. pierrette) Theatr. 1 a white-faced entertainer in pier shows etc. with a loose white clown's costume. 2 a French pantomime character so dressed. [F, dimin. of Pierre Peter] piet… n. a picture or sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Christ on her lap or in her arms. [It. f. L (as PIETY)] pietas n. respect due to an ancestor, a forerunner, etc. [L: see PIETY] pietism n. 1 a pious sentiment. b an exaggerated or affected piety. 2 (esp. as Pietism) hist. a movement for the revival of piety in the Lutheran Church in the 17th c. ЬЬpietist n. pietistic adj. pietistical adj. [G Pietismus (as PIETY)] piety n. (pl. -ies) 1 the quality of being pious. 2 a pious act. [ME f. OF piet‚ f. L pietas -tatis dutifulness (as PIOUS)] piezoelectricity n. electric polarization in a substance resulting from the application of mechanical stress, esp. in certain crystals. ЬЬpiezoelectric adj. piezoelectrically adv. [Gk piezo press + ELECTRIC] piezometer n. an instrument for measuring the magnitude or direction of pressure. piffle n. & v. colloq. --n. nonsense; empty speech. --v.intr. talk or act feebly; trifle. ЬЬpiffler n. [imit.] piffling adj. colloq. trivial; worthless. pig n. & v. --n. 1 a any omnivorous hoofed bristly mammal of the family Suidae, esp. a domesticated kind, Sus scrofa. b US a young pig; a piglet. c (often in comb.) any similar animal (guinea-pig). 2 the flesh of esp. a young or sucking pig as food (roast pig). 3 colloq. a a greedy, dirty, obstinate, sulky, or annoying person. b an unpleasant, awkward, or difficult thing, task, etc. 4 an oblong mass of metal (esp. iron or lead) from a smelting-furnace. 5 sl. derog. a policeman. --v. (pigged, pigging) 1 tr. (also absol.) (of a sow) bring forth (piglets). 2 tr. colloq. eat (food) greedily. 3 intr. herd together or behave like pigs. Ьbleed like a pig (or stuck pig) bleed copiously. buy a pig in a poke buy, accept, etc. something without knowing its value or esp. seeing it. in pig (of a sow) pregnant. in a pig's eye colloq. certainly not. make a pig of oneself overeat. make a pig's ear of colloq. make a mess of; bungle. pig in the middle a person who is placed in an awkward situation between two others (after a ball game for three with one in the middle). pig-iron crude iron from a smelting-furnace. Pig Island Austral. & NZ sl. New Zealand. pig it live in a disorderly, untidy, or filthy fashion. pig-jump Austral. sl. n. a jump made by a horse from all four legs. --v.intr. (of a horse) jump in this manner. pig Latin a made-up jargon. pig-meat Brit. pork, ham, or bacon. pig out (often foll. by on) esp. US sl. eat gluttonously. pigs might fly iron. an expression of disbelief. pig-sticker a long sharp knife. pig's wash = PIGSWILL. ЬЬpiggish adj. piggishly adv. piggishness n. piglet n. piglike adj. pigling n. [ME pigge f. OE pigga (unrecorded)] pigeon(1) n. 1 any of several large usu. grey and white birds of the family Columbidae, esp. Columba livia, often domesticated and bred and trained to carry messages etc.; a dove (cf. rock-pigeon). 2 a person easily swindled; a simpleton. Ьpigeon-breast (or -chest) a deformed human chest with a projecting breastbone. pigeon-breasted (or -chested) having a pigeon-breast. pigeon-fancier a person who keeps and breeds fancy pigeons. pigeon-fancying this pursuit. pigeon-hawk = MERLIN. pigeon-hearted cowardly. pigeon-hole n. 1 each of a set of compartments in a cabinet or on a wall for papers, letters, etc. 2 a small recess for a pigeon to nest in. --v.tr. 1 deposit (a document) in a pigeon-hole. 2 put (a matter) aside for future consideration or to forget it. 3 assign (a person or thing) to a preconceived category. pigeon pair Brit. 1 boy and girl twins. 2 a boy and girl as sole children. pigeon's milk 1 a secretion from the oesophagus with which pigeons feed their young. 2 an imaginary article for which children are sent on a fool's errand. pigeon-toed (of a person) having the toes turned inwards. ЬЬpigeonry n. (pl. -ies). [ME f. OF pijon f. LL pipio -onis (imit.)] pigeon(2) n. 1 = PIDGIN. 2 colloq. a particular concern, job, or business (that's not my pigeon). piggery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a pig-breeding farm etc. 2 = PIGSTY. 3 piggishness. piggy n. & adj. --n. (also piggie) colloq. 1 a little pig. 2 a a child's word for a pig. b a child's word for a toe. 3 Brit. the game of tipcat. --adj. (piggier, piggiest) 1 like a pig. 2 (of features etc.) like those of a pig (little piggy eyes). Ьpiggy bank a pig-shaped money box. piggy in the middle = pig in the middle. piggyback n. & adv. (also pickaback) --n. a ride on the back and shoulders of another person. --adv. 1 on the back and shoulders of another person. 2 on the back or top of a larger object. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] pigheaded adj. obstinate. ЬЬpigheadedly adv. pigheadedness n. pigment n. & v. --n. 1 colouring-matter used as paint or dye, usu. as an insoluble suspension. 2 the natural colouring-matter of animal or plant tissue, e.g. chlorophyll, haemoglobin. --v.tr. colour with or as if with pigment. ЬЬpigmental adj. pigmentary adj. [ME f. L pigmentum f. pingere paint] pigmentation n. 1 the natural colouring of plants, animals, etc. 2 the excessive colouring of tissue by the deposition of pigment. pigmy var. of PYGMY. pignut n. = earth-nut. pigpen n. US = PIGSTY. pigskin n. 1 the hide of a pig. 2 leather made from this. 3 US a football. pigsticking n. 1 the hunting of wild boar with a spear on horseback. 2 the butchering of pigs. pigsty n. (pl. -ies) 1 a pen or enclosure for a pig or pigs. 2 a filthy house, room, etc. pigswill n. kitchen refuse and scraps fed to pigs. pigtail n. 1 a plait of hair hanging from the back of the head, or either of a pair at the sides. 2 a thin twist of tobacco. ЬЬpigtailed adj. pigwash n. = PIGSWILL. pigweed n. any herb of the genus Amaranthus, grown for grain or fodder. pika n. any small rabbit-like mammal of the genus Ochotona, with small ears and no tail. [Tungus piika] pike(1) n. (pl. same) 1 a large voracious freshwater fish, Esox lucius, with a long narrow snout and sharp teeth. 2 any other fish of the family Esocidae. Ьpike-perch any of various pikelike perches of the genus Lucioperca or Stizostedion. [ME, = PIKE(2) (because of its pointed jaw)] pike(2) n. & v. --n. 1 hist. an infantry weapon with a pointed steel or iron head on a long wooden shaft. 2 N.Engl. the peaked top of a hill, esp. in names of hills in the Lake District. --v.tr. thrust through or kill with a pike. Ьpike on colloq. withdraw timidly from. [OE pic point, prick: sense 2 perh. f. ON] pike(3) n. 1 a toll-gate; a toll. 2 a turnpike road. [abbr. of TURNPIKE] pike(4) n. a jackknife position in diving or gymnastics. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] pikelet n. N.Engl. a thin kind of crumpet. [Welsh (bara) pyglyd pitchy (bread)] pikeman n. (pl. -men) the keeper of a turnpike. piker n. a cautious, timid, or mean person. pikestaff n. 1 the wooden shaft of a pike. 2 a walking-stick with a metal point. Ьplain as a pikestaff quite plain or obvious (orig. packstaff, a smooth staff used by a pedlar). pilaster n. a rectangular column, esp. one projecting from a wall. ЬЬpilastered adj. [F pilastre f. It. pilastro f. med.L pilastrum f. L pila pillar] pilau n. (also pilaff, pilaw) a Middle Eastern or Indian dish of spiced rice or wheat with meat, fish, vegetables, etc. [Turk. pilѓv] pilch n. archaic a baby's usu. waterproof garment worn over a nappy. [OE pyl(e)ce f. LL pellicia: see PELISSE] pilchard n. a small marine fish, Sardinia pilchardus of the herring family (see SARDINE). [16th-c. pilcher etc.: orig. unkn.] pile(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a heap of things laid or gathered upon one another (a pile of leaves). 2 a a large imposing building (a stately pile). b a large group of tall buildings. 3 colloq. a a large quantity. b a large amount of money; a fortune (made his pile). 4 a a series of plates of dissimilar metals laid one on another alternately to produce an electric current. b = atomic pile. 5 a funeral pyre. --v. 1 tr. a (often foll. by up, on) heap up (piled the plates on the table). b (foll. by with) load (piled the bed with coats). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by in, into, on, out of, etc.) crowd hurriedly or tightly (all piled into the car; piled out of the restaurant). Ьpile arms hist. place (usu. four) rifles with their butts on the ground and the muzzles together. pile it on colloq. exaggerate. pile on the agony colloq. exaggerate for effect or to gain sympathy etc. pile up 1 accumulate; heap up. 2 colloq. run (a ship) aground or cause (a vehicle etc.) to crash. pile-up n. colloq. a multiple crash of road vehicles. [ME f. OF f. L pila pillar, pier, mole] pile(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a heavy beam driven vertically into the bed of a river, soft ground, etc., to support the foundations of a superstructure. 2 a pointed stake or post. 3 Heraldry a wedge-shaped device. --v.tr. 1 provide with piles. 2 drive (piles) into the ground etc. Ьpile-driver a machine for driving piles into the ground. pile-dwelling a dwelling built on piles, esp. in a lake. [OE pil f. L pilum javelin] pile(3) n. 1 the soft projecting surface on velvet, plush, etc., or esp. on a carpet; nap. 2 soft hair or down, or the wool of a sheep. [ME prob. f. AF pyle, peile, OF poil f. L pilus hair] piles n.pl. colloq. haemorrhoids. [ME prob. f. L pila ball, f. the globular form of external piles] pileus n. (pl. pilei) the caplike part of a mushroom or other fungus. ЬЬpileate adj. pileated adj. [L, = felt cap] pilewort n. the lesser celandine. [PILES, f. its reputed efficacy against piles] pilfer v.tr. (also absol.) steal (objects) esp. in small quantities. ЬЬpilferage n. pilferer n. [ME f. AF & OF pelfrer pillage, of unkn. orig.: assoc. with archaic pill plunder: PELF] pilgrim n. & v. --n. 1 a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons. 2 a person regarded as journeying through life etc. 3 a traveller. --v.intr. (pilgrimed, pilgriming) wander like a pilgrim. ЬPilgrim Fathers English Puritans who founded the colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620. ЬЬpilgrimize v.intr. (also -ise). [ME pilegrim f. Prov. pelegrin f. L peregrinus stranger: see PEREGRINE] pilgrimage n. & v. --n. 1 a pilgrim's journey (go on a pilgrimage). 2 life viewed as a journey. 3 any journey taken for nostalgic or sentimental reasons. --v.intr. go on a pilgrimage. [ME f. Prov. pilgrinatge (as PILGRIM)] Pilipino n. the national language of the Philippines. [Tagalog f. Sp. Filipino] pill n. 1 a solid medicine formed into a ball or a flat disc for swallowing whole. b (usu. prec. by the) colloq. a contraceptive pill. 2 an unpleasant or painful necessity; a humiliation (a bitter pill; must swallow the pill). 3 colloq. or joc. a ball, e.g. a football, a cannon-ball. Ьsugar (or sweeten) the pill make an unpleasant necessity acceptable. [MDu., MLG pille prob. f. L pilula dimin. of pila ball] pillage v. & n. --v.tr. (also absol.) plunder; sack (a place or a person). --n. the act or an instance of pillaging, esp. in war. ЬЬpillager n. [ME f. OF f. piller plunder] pillar n. 1 a a usu. slender vertical structure of wood, metal, or esp. stone used as a support for a roof etc. b a similar structure used for ornament. c a post supporting a structure. 2 a person regarded as a mainstay or support (a pillar of the faith; a pillar of strength). 3 an upright mass of air, water, rock, etc. (pillar of salt). 4 a solid mass of coal etc. left to support the roof of a mine. Ьfrom pillar to post (driven etc.) from one place to another; to and fro. pillar-box Brit. a public postbox shaped like a pillar. pillar-box red a bright red colour, as of pillar-boxes. Pillars of Hercules 1 two rocks on either side of the Strait of Gibraltar. 2 the ultimate limit. ЬЬpillared adj. pillaret n. [ME & AF piler, OF pilier ult. f. L pila pillar] pillbox n. 1 a small shallow cylindrical box for holding pills. 2 a hat of a similar shape. 3 Mil. a small partly underground enclosed concrete fort used as an outpost. pillion n. 1 seating for a passenger behind a motor cyclist. 2 hist. a a woman's light saddle. b a cushion attached to the back of a saddle for a usu. female passenger. Ьride pillion travel seated behind a motor cyclist etc. [Gael. pillean, pillin dimin. of pell cushion f. L pellis skin] pilliwinks n. hist. an instrument of torture used for squeezing the fingers. [ME pyrwykes, pyrewinkes, of unkn. orig.] pillock n. Brit. sl. a stupid person; a fool. [16th c., = penis (var. of pillicock): 20th c. in sense defined] pillory n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) hist. a wooden framework with holes for the head and hands, enabling the public to assault or ridicule a person so imprisoned. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 expose (a person) to ridicule or public contempt. 2 hist. put in the pillory. [ME f. AL pillorium f. OF pilori etc.: prob. f. Prov. espilori of uncert. orig.] pillow n. & v. --n. 1 a a usu. oblong support for the head, esp. in bed, with a cloth cover stuffed with feathers, flock, foam rubber, etc. b any pillow-shaped block or support. 2 = lace-pillow. --v.tr. 1 rest (the head etc.) on or as if on a pillow (pillowed his head on his arms). 2 serve as a pillow for (moss pillowed her head). Ьpillow-fight a mock fight with pillows, esp. by children. pillow-lace lace made on a lace-pillow. pillow lava lava forming rounded masses. pillow talk romantic or intimate conversation in bed. ЬЬpillowy adj. [OE pyle, pylu, ult. f. L pulvinus cushion] pillowcase n. a washable cotton etc. cover for a pillow. pillowslip n. = PILLOWCASE. pillule var. of PILULE. pillwort n. an aquatic fern, Pilularia globulifera, with small globular spore-producing bracts. pilose adj. (also pilous) covered with hair. ЬЬpilosity n. [L pilosus f. pilus hair] pilot n. & v. --n. 1 a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft. 2 a person qualified to take charge of a ship entering or leaving harbour. 3 (usu. attrib.) an experimental undertaking or test, esp. in advance of a larger one (a pilot project). 4 a guide; a leader. 5 archaic a steersman. --v.tr. (piloted, piloting) 1 act as a pilot on (a ship) or of (an aircraft). 2 conduct, lead, or initiate as a pilot (piloted the new scheme). Ьpilot balloon a small balloon used to track air currents etc. pilot-bird a rare dark-brown Australian babbler, Pycnoptilus floccosus, with a distinctive loud cry. pilot chute a small parachute used to bring the main one into operation. pilot-cloth thick blue woollen cloth for seamen's coats etc. pilot-fish a small fish, Naucrates ductor, said to act as a pilot leading a shark to food. pilot-house = wheel-house. pilot-jacket = PEA-JACKET. pilot-light 1 a small gas burner kept alight to light another. 2 an electric indicator light or control light. pilot officer Brit. the lowest commissioned rank in the RAF. ЬЬpilotage n. pilotless adj. [F pilote f. med.L pilotus, pedot(t)a f. Gk pedon oar] Pilsner n. (also Pilsener) a lager beer brewed or like that brewed at Pilsen (Plzen) in Czechoslovakia. pilule n. (also pillule) a small pill. ЬЬpilular adj. pilulous adj. [F f. L pilula: see PILL] pimento n. (pl. -os) 1 a small tropical tree, Pimenta dioica, native to Jamaica. 2 the unripe dried berries of this, usu. crushed for culinary use. Also called ALLSPICE. 3 = PIMIENTO. [Sp. pimiento (as PIMIENTO)] pimiento n. (pl. -os) = sweet pepper (see PEPPER). [Sp. f. L pigmentum PIGMENT, in med.L = spice] pimp n. & v. --n. a man who lives off the earnings of a prostitute or a brothel; a pander; a ponce. --v.intr. act as a pimp. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] pimpernel n. any plant of the genus Anagallis, esp. = scarlet pimpernel. [ME f. OF pimpernelle, piprenelle ult. f. L piper PEPPER] pimping adj. 1 small or mean. 2 sickly. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] pimple n. 1 a small hard inflamed spot on the skin. 2 anything resembling a pimple, esp. in relative size. ЬЬpimpled adj. pimply adj. [ME nasalized f. OE piplian break out in pustules] PIN n. personal identification number (as issued by a bank etc. to validate electronic transactions). [abbr.] pin n. & v. --n. 1 a a small thin pointed piece of esp. steel wire with a round or flattened head used (esp. in sewing) for holding things in place, attaching one thing to another, etc. b any of several types of pin (drawing-pin; safety pin; hairpin). c a small brooch (diamond pin). d a badge fastened with a pin. 2 a peg of wood or metal for various purposes, e.g. a wooden skittle in bowling. 3 something of small value (don't care a pin; for two pins I'd resign). 4 (in pl.) colloq. legs (quick on his pins). 5 Med. a steel rod used to join the ends of fractured bones while they heal. 6 Chess a position in which a piece is pinned to another. 7 Golf a stick with a flag placed in a hole to mark its position. 8 Mus. a peg round which one string of a musical instrument is fastened. 9 a half-firkin cask for beer. --v.tr. (pinned, pinning) 1 a (often foll. by to, up, together) fasten with a pin or pins (pinned up the hem; pinned the papers together). b transfix with a pin, lance, etc. 2 (usu. foll. by on) fix (blame, responsibility, etc.) on a person etc. (pinned the blame on his friend). 3 (often foll. by against, on, etc.) seize and hold fast. 4 Chess prevent (an opposing piece) from moving except by exposing a more valuable piece to capture. Ьon pins and needles in an agitated state of suspense. pin down 1 (often foll. by to) bind (a person etc.) to a promise, arrangement, etc. 2 force (a person) to declare his or her intentions. 3 restrict the actions or movement of (an enemy etc.). 4 specify (a thing) precisely (could not pin down his unease to a particular cause). 5 hold (a person etc.) down by force. pin one's faith (or hopes etc.) on rely implicitly on. pin-feather Zool. an ungrown feather. pin-high Golf (of a ball) at the same distance ahead as the pin. pin-money 1 hist. an allowance to a woman for dress etc. from her husband. 2 a very small sum of money, esp. for spending on inessentials (only works for pin-money). pins and needles a tingling sensation in a limb recovering from numbness. pin-table a table used in playing pinball. pin-tuck a very narrow ornamental tuck. pin-up 1 a photograph of a popular or sexually attractive person, designed to be hung on the wall. 2 a person shown in such a photograph. pin-wheel a small Catherine wheel. split pin a metal cotter pin passed through a hole and held in place by its gaping split end. [OE pinn f. L pinna point etc., assoc. with penna PEN(1)] pina colada n. a drink made from pineapple juice, rum, and coconut. [Sp., lit. 'strained pineapple'] pinafore n. esp. Brit. 1 a an apron, esp. with a bib. b a woman's sleeveless wraparound washable covering for the clothes, tied at the back. 2 (in full pinafore dress) a collarless sleeveless dress worn over a blouse or jumper. [PIN + AFORE (because orig. pinned on the front of a dress)] pinaster n. = cluster pine. [L, = wild pine f. pinus pine + -ASTER] pinball n. a game in which small metal balls are shot across a board and score points by striking pins with lights etc. pince-nez n. (pl. same) a pair of eyeglasses with a nose-clip instead of earpieces. [F, lit. = pinch-nose] pincers n.pl. 1 (also pair of pincers) a gripping-tool resembling scissors but with blunt usu. concave jaws to hold a nail etc. for extraction. 2 the front claws of lobsters and some other crustaceans. Ьpincer movement Mil. a movement by two wings of an army converging on the enemy. [ME pinsers, pinsours f. AF f. OF pincier PINCH] pincette n. small pincers; tweezers. [F] pinch v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a grip (esp. the skin of part of the body or of another person) tightly, esp. between finger and thumb (pinched my finger in the door; stop pinching me). b (often absol.) (of a shoe, garment, etc.) constrict (the flesh) painfully. 2 tr. (of cold, hunger, etc.) grip (a person) painfully (she was pinched with cold). 3 tr. sl. a steal; take without permission. b arrest (a person) (pinched him for loitering). 4 (as pinched adj.) (of the features) drawn, as with cold, hunger, worry, etc. 5 a tr. (usu. foll. by in, of, for, etc.) stint (a person). b intr. be niggardly with money, food, etc. 6 tr. (usu. foll. by out, back, down) Hort. remove (leaves, buds, etc.) to encourage bushy growth. 7 intr. sail very close to the wind. --n. 1 the act or an instance of pinching etc. the flesh. 2 an amount that can be taken up with fingers and thumb (a pinch of snuff). 3 the stress or pain caused by poverty, cold, hunger, etc. 4 sl. a an arrest. b a theft. Ьat (or in) a pinch in an emergency; if necessary. feel the pinch experience the effects of poverty. pinch-hitter US 1 a baseball player who bats instead of another in an emergency. 2 a person acting as a substitute. [ME f. AF & ONF pinchier (unrecorded), OF pincier, ult. f. L pungere punct- prick] pinchbeck n. & adj. --n. an alloy of copper and zinc resembling gold and used in cheap jewellery etc. --adj. 1 counterfeit; sham. 2 cheap; tawdry. [C. Pinchbeck, Engl. watchmaker d. 1732] pinchpenny n. (pl. -ies) (also attrib.) a miserly person. pincushion n. a small cushion for holding pins. pine(1) n. 1 any evergreen tree of the genus Pinus native to northern temperate regions, with needle-shaped leaves growing in clusters. 2 the soft timber of this, often used to make furniture. Also called DEAL(2). 3 (attrib.) made of pine. 4 = PINEAPPLE. Ьpine cone the cone-shaped fruit of the pine tree. pine marten a weasel-like mammal, Martes martes, native to Europe and America, with a dark brown coat and white throat and stomach. pine nut the edible seed of various pine trees. ЬЬpinery n. (pl. -ies). [ME f. OE pin & OF pin f. L pinus] pine(2) v.intr. 1 (often foll. by away) decline or waste away, esp. from grief, disease, etc. 2 (usu. foll. by for, after, or to + infin.) long eagerly; yearn. [OE pinian, rel. to obs. E pine punishment, f. Gmc f. med.L pena, L poena] pineal adj. shaped like a pine cone. Ьpineal body (or gland) a pea-sized conical mass of tissue behind the third ventricle of the brain, secreting a hormone-like substance in some mammals. [F pin‚al f. L pinea pine cone: see PINE(1)] pineapple n. 1 a tropical plant, Ananas comosus, with a spiral of sword-shaped leaves and a thick stem bearing a large fruit developed from many flowers. 2 the fruit of this, consisting of yellow flesh surrounded by a tough segmented skin and topped with a tuft of stiff leaves. [PINE(1), from the fruit's resemblance to a pine cone] pinetum n. (pl. pineta) a plantation of pine-trees or other conifers for scientific or ornamental purposes. [L f. pinus pine] pinfold n. & v. --n. a pound for stray cattle etc. --v.tr. confine (cattle) in a pinfold. [OE pundfald (as POUND(3), FOLD(2))] ping n. & v. --n. a single short high ringing sound. --v.intr. make a ping. [imit.] pinger n. 1 a device that transmits pings at short intervals for purposes of detection or measurement etc. 2 a device to ring a bell. pingo n. (pl. -os) Geol. a dome-shaped mound found in permafrost areas. [Eskimo] ping-pong n. = table tennis. [imit. f. the sound of a bat striking a ball] pinguid adj. formal or joc. fat, oily, or greasy. [L pinguis fat] pinhead n. 1 the flattened head of a pin. 2 a very small thing. 3 colloq. a stupid or foolish person. pinheaded adj. colloq. stupid, foolish. ЬЬpinheadedness n. pinhole n. 1 a hole made by a pin. 2 a hole into which a peg fits. Ьpinhole camera a camera with a pinhole aperture and no lens. pinion(1) n. & v. --n. 1 the outer part of a bird's wing, usu. including the flight feathers. 2 poet. a wing; a flight-feather. --v.tr. 1 cut off the pinion of (a wing or bird) to prevent flight. 2 a bind the arms of (a person). b (often foll. by to) bind (the arms, a person, etc.) esp. to a thing. [ME f. OF pignon ult. f. L pinna: see PIN] pinion(2) n. 1 a small cog-wheel engaging with a larger one. 2 a cogged spindle engaging with a wheel. [F pignon alt. f. obs. pignol f. L pinea pine-cone (as PINE(1))] pink(1) n. & adj. --n. 1 a pale red colour (decorated in pink). 2 a any cultivated plant of the genus Dianthus, with sweet-smelling white, pink, crimson, etc. flowers. b the flower of this plant. 3 (prec. by the) the most perfect condition etc. (the pink of elegance). 4 (also hunting-pink) a a fox-hunter's red coat. b the cloth for this. c a fox-hunter. --adj. 1 (often in comb.) of a pale red colour of any of various shades (rose-pink; salmon-pink). 2 esp. derog. tending to socialism. Ьin the pink colloq. in very good health. pink-collar (usu. attrib.) (of a profession etc.) traditionally associated with women (cf. white-collar, blue-collar (see BLUE(1))). pink disease a disease of young children with pink discoloration of the extremities. pink elephants colloq. hallucinations caused by alcoholism. pink-eye 1 a contagious fever in horses. 2 contagious ophthalmia in humans and some livestock. pink-gin gin flavoured with angostura bitters. ЬЬpinkish adj. pinkly adv. pinkness n. pinky adj. [perh. f. dial. pink-eyed having small eyes] pink(2) v.tr. 1 pierce slightly with a sword etc. 2 cut a scalloped or zigzag edge on. 3 (often foll. by out) ornament (leather etc.) with perforations. 4 adorn; deck. Ьpinking shears (or scissors) a dressmaker's serrated shears for cutting a zigzag edge. [ME, perh. f. LG or Du.: cf. LG pinken strike, peck] pink(3) v.intr. (of a vehicle engine) emit a series of high-pitched explosive sounds caused by faulty combustion. [imit.] pink(4) n. hist. a sailing-ship, esp. with a narrow stern, orig. small and flat-bottomed. [ME f. MDu. pin(c)ke, of unkn. orig.] pink(5) n. a yellowish lake pigment made by combining vegetable colouring matter with a white base (brown pink; French pink). [17th c.: orig. unkn.] pink (6) n. Brit. 1 a young salmon. 2 dial. a minnow. [15th c. penk, of unkn. orig.] pinkie n. esp. US & Sc. the little finger. [cf. dial. pink small, half-shut (eye)] Pinkster n. US Whitsuntide. Ьpinkster flower the pink azalea, Rhododendron nudiflorum. [Du., = Pentecost] pinna n. (pl. pinnae or pinnas) 1 the auricle; the external part of the ear. 2 a primary division of a pinnate leaf. 3 a fin or finlike structure, feather, wing, etc. [L, = penna feather, wing, fin] pinnace n. Naut. a warship's or other ship's small boat, usu. motor-driven, orig. schooner-rigged or eight-oared. [F pinnace, pinasse ult. f. L pinus PINE(1)] pinnacle n. & v. --n. 1 the culmination or climax (of endeavour, success, etc.). 2 a natural peak. 3 a small ornamental turret usu. ending in a pyramid or cone, crowning a buttress, roof, etc. --v.tr. 1 set on or as if on a pinnacle. 2 form the pinnacle of. 3 provide with pinnacles. [ME pinacle f. OF pin(n)acle f. LL pinnaculum f. pinna wing, point (as PIN, -CULE)] pinnae pl. of PINNA. pinnate adj. 1 (of a compound leaf) having leaflets arranged on either side of the stem, usu. in pairs opposite each other. 2 having branches, tentacles, etc., on each side of an axis. ЬЬpinnated adj. pinnately adv. pinnation n. [L pinnatus feathered (as PINNA)] pinni- comb. form wing, fin. [L pinna] pinniped adj. & n. --adj. denoting any aquatic mammal with limbs ending in fins. --n. a pinniped mammal. [L pinna fin + pes ped- foot] pinnule n. 1 the secondary division of a pinnate leaf. 2 a part or organ like a small wing or fin. ЬЬpinnular adj. [L pinnula dimin. of pinna fin, wing] pinny n. (pl. -ies) colloq. a pinafore. [abbr.] pinochle n. US 1 a card-game with a double pack of 48 cards (nine to ace only). 2 the combination of queen of spades and jack of diamonds in this game. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] pinole n. US flour made from parched cornflour, esp. mixed with sweet flour made of mesquite beans, sugar, etc. [Amer. Sp. f. Aztec pinolli] pi¤on n. 1 a pine, Pinus cembra, bearing edible seeds. 2 the seed of this, a type of pine nut. [Sp. f. L pinea pine cone] pinpoint n. & v. --n. 1 the point of a pin. 2 something very small or sharp. 3 (attrib.) a very small. b precise, accurate. --v.tr. locate with precision (pinpointed the target). pinprick n. 1 a prick caused by a pin. 2 a trifling irritation. pinstripe n. 1 a very narrow stripe in (esp. worsted or serge) cloth. 2 a fabric or garment with this. pint n. 1 a measure of capacity for liquids etc., one-eighth of a gallon or 20 fluid oz. (0.568 litre). 2 Brit. a colloq. a pint of beer. b a pint of a liquid, esp. milk. 3 Brit. a measure of shellfish, being the amount containable in a pint mug (bought a pint of whelks). Ьpint-pot a pot, esp. of pewter, holding one pint, esp. of beer. pint-sized colloq. very small, esp. of a person. [ME f. OF pinte, of unkn. orig.] pinta n. Brit. colloq. a pint of milk. [corrupt. of pint of] pintail n. a duck, esp. Anas acuta, or grouse with a pointed tail. pintle n. a pin or bolt, esp. one on which some other part turns. [OE pintel penis, of unkn. orig.: cf. OFris. etc. pint] pinto adj. & n. US --adj. piebald. --n. (pl. -os) a piebald horse. [Sp., = mottled, ult. f. L pictus past part. of pingere paint] pinworm n. a small parasitic nematode worm, Enterobius vermicularis, of which the female has a pointed tail. piny adj. of, like, or full of pines. Pinyin n. a system of romanized spelling for transliterating Chinese. [Chin. pin-yin, lit. 'spell sound'] piolet n. a two-headed ice-axe for mountaineering. [F] pion n. Physics a meson having a mass approximately 270 times that of an electron. Also called pi meson (see PI(1)). ЬЬpionic adj. [PI(1) (the letter used as a symbol for the particle) + -ON] pioneer n. & v. --n. 1 an initiator of a new enterprise, an inventor, etc. 2 an explorer or settler; a colonist. 3 Mil. a member of an infantry group preparing roads, terrain, etc. for the main body of troops. --v. 1 a tr. initiate or originate (an enterprise etc.). b intr. act or prepare the way as a pioneer. 2 tr. Mil. open up (a road etc.) as a pioneer. 3 tr. go before, lead, or conduct (another person or persons). [F pionnier foot-soldier, pioneer, OF paonier, peon(n)ier (as PEON)] pious adj. 1 devout; religious. 2 hypocritically virtuous; sanctimonious. 3 dutiful. Ьpious fraud a deception intended to benefit those deceived, esp. religiously. ЬЬpiously adv. piousness n. [L pius dutiful, pious] pip(1) n. & v. --n. the seed of an apple, pear, orange, grape, etc. --v.tr. (pipped, pipping) remove the pips from (fruit etc.). ЬЬpipless adj. [abbr. of PIPPIN] pip(2) n. Brit. a short high-pitched sound, usu. mechanically produced, esp. as a radio time signal. [imit.] pip(3) n. 1 any of the spots on a playing-card, dice, or domino. 2 Brit. a star (1-3 according to rank) on the shoulder of an army officer's uniform. 3 a single blossom of a clustered head of flowers. 4 a diamond-shaped segment of the surface of a pineapple. 5 an image of an object on a radar screen. [16th c. peep, of unkn. orig.] pip(4) n. 1 a disease of poultry etc. causing thick mucus in the throat and white scale on the tongue. 2 colloq. a fit of disgust or bad temper (esp. give one the pip). [ME f. MDu. pippe, MLG pip prob. ult. f. corrupt. of L pituita slime] pip(5) v.tr. (pipped, pipping) Brit. colloq. 1 hit with a shot. 2 defeat. 3 blackball. Ьpip at the post defeat at the last moment. pip out die. [PIP(2) or PIP(1)] pipa n. an aquatic toad, Pipa pipa, having a flat body with long webbed feet, the female of which carries her eggs and tadpoles in pockets on her back. Also called SURINAM TOAD. [Surinam Negro pip l (masc.), pip (fem.)] pipal var. of PEEPUL. pipe n. & v. --n. 1 a tube of metal, plastic, wood, etc. used to convey water, gas, etc. 2 (also tobacco-pipe) a a narrow wooden or clay etc. tube with a bowl at one end containing burning tobacco, the smoke from which is drawn into the mouth. b the quantity of tobacco held by this (smoked a pipe). 3 Mus. a a wind instrument consisting of a single tube. b any of the tubes by which sound is produced in an organ. c (in pl.) = BAGPIPES. d (in pl.) a set of pipes joined together, e.g. pan-pipes. 4 a tubal organ, vessel, etc. in an animal's body. 5 a high note or song, esp. of a bird. 6 a cylindrical vein of ore. 7 a cavity in cast metal. 8 a a boatswain's whistle. b the sounding of this. 9 a cask for wine, esp. as a measure of two hogsheads, usu. equivalent to 105 gallons (about 477 litres). 10 archaic the voice, esp. in singing. --v.tr. 1 (also absol.) play (a tune etc.) on a pipe or pipes. 2 a convey (oil, water, gas, etc.) by pipes. b provide with pipes. 3 transmit (music, a radio programme, etc.) by wire or cable. 4 (usu. foll. by up, on, to, etc.) Naut. a summon (a crew) to a meal, work, etc. b signal the arrival of (an officer etc.) on board. 5 utter in a shrill voice; whistle. 6 a arrange (icing, cream, etc.) in decorative lines or twists on a cake etc. b ornament (a cake etc.) with piping. 7 trim (a dress etc.) with piping. 8 lead or bring (a person etc.) by the sound of a pipe. 9 propagate (pinks etc.) by taking cuttings at the joint of a stem. Ьpipe away give a signal for (a boat) to start. pipe-cleaner a piece of flexible covered wire for cleaning a tobacco-pipe. pipe down 1 colloq. be quiet or less insistent. 2 Naut. dismiss from duty. pipe-fish any of various long slender fish of the family Syngnathidae, with an elongated snout. pipe-light a spill for lighting a pipe. pipe major an NCO commanding regimental pipers. pipe-organ Mus. an organ using pipes instead of or as well as reeds. pipe-rack a rack for holding tobacco-pipes. pipe-rolls hist. the annual records of the British Exchequer from the 12th-19th c. prob. because subsidiary documents were rolled in pipe form. pipe-stem the shaft of a tobacco-pipe. pipe-stone a hard red clay used by US Indians for tobacco-pipes. pipe up begin to play, sing, speak, etc. put that in your pipe and smoke it colloq. a challenge to another to accept something frank or unwelcome. ЬЬpipeful n. (pl. -fuls). pipeless adj. pipy adj. [OE pipe, pipian & OF piper f. Gmc ult. f. L pipare peep, chirp] pipeclay n. & v. --n. a fine white clay used for tobacco-pipes, whitening leather, etc. --v.tr. 1 whiten (leather etc.) with this. 2 put in order. pipedream n. an unattainable or fanciful hope or scheme. [orig. as experienced when smoking an opium pipe] pipeline n. 1 a long, usu. underground, pipe for conveying esp. oil. 2 a channel supplying goods, information, etc. Ьin the pipeline awaiting completion or processing. pip emma adv. & n. Brit. colloq. = P.M. [formerly signallers' names for letters PM] piper n. 1 a bagpipe-player. 2 a person who plays a pipe, esp. an itinerant musician. [OE pipere (as PIPE)] piperidine n. Chem. a peppery-smelling liquid formed by the reduction of pyridine. [L piper pepper + -IDE + -INE(4)] pipette n. & v. --n. a slender tube for transferring or measuring small quantities of liquids esp. in chemistry. --v.tr. transfer or measure (a liquid) using a pipette. [F, dimin. of pipe PIPE] piping n. & adj. --n. 1 the act or an instance of piping, esp. whistling or singing. 2 a thin pipelike fold used to edge hems or frills on clothing, seams on upholstery, etc. 3 ornamental lines of icing, cream, potato, etc. on a cake or other dish. 4 lengths of pipe, or a system of pipes, esp. in domestic use. --adj. (of a noise) high; whistling. Ьpiping hot very or suitably hot (esp. as required of food, water, etc.). pipistrelle n. any bat of the genus Pipistrellus, native to temperate regions and feeding on insects . [F f. It. pipistrello, vip-, f. L vespertilio bat f. vesper evening] pipit n. 1 any of various birds of the family Motacillidae, esp. of the genus Anthus, found worldwide and having brown plumage often heavily streaked with a lighter colour. 2 = meadow pipit. [prob. imit.] pipkin n. a small earthenware pot or pan. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] pippin n. 1 a an apple grown from seed. b a red and yellow dessert apple. 2 colloq. an excellent person or thing; a beauty. [ME f. OF pepin, of unkn. orig.] pipsqueak n. colloq. an insignificant or contemptible person or thing. [imit.] piquant adj. 1 agreeably pungent, sharp, or appetizing. 2 pleasantly stimulating, or disquieting, to the mind. ЬЬpiquancy n. piquantly adv. [F, pres. part. of piquer (as PIQUE(1))] pique(1) v. & n. --v.tr. (piques, piqued, piquing) 1 wound the pride of, irritate. 2 arouse (curiosity, interest, etc.). 3 (refl.; usu. foll. by on) pride or congratulate oneself. --n. ill-feeling; enmity; resentment (in a fit of pique). [F piquer prick, irritate, f. Rmc] pique(2) n. & v. --n. the winning of 30 points on cards and play in piquet before one's opponent scores anything. --v. (piques, piqued, piquing) 1 tr. score a pique against. 2 intr. score a pique. [F pic, of unkn. orig.] piqu‚ n. a stiff ribbed cotton or other fabric. [F, past part. of piquer: see PIQUE(1)] piquet(1) n. a game for two players with a pack of 32 cards (seven to ace only). [F, of unkn. orig.] piquet(2) var. of PICKET 3. piracy n. (pl. -ies) 1 the practice or an act of robbery of ships at sea. 2 a similar practice or act in other forms, esp. hijacking. 3 the infringement of copyright. [med.L piratia f. Gk pirateia (as PIRATE)] piragua n. 1 a long narrow canoe made from a single tree-trunk. 2 a two-masted sailing barge. [Sp. f. Carib, = dug-out] piranha n. (also piraya) any of various freshwater predatory fish of the genera Pygocentrus, Rooseveltiella, or Serrasalmus, native to S. America and having sharp cutting teeth. [Port. f. Tupi, var. of piraya scissors] pirate n. & v. --n. 1 a a person who commits piracy. b a ship used by pirates. 2 a person who infringes another's copyright or other business rights; a plagiarist. 3 (often attrib.) a person, organization, etc., that broadcasts without official authorization (pirate radio station). --v.tr. 1 appropriate or reproduce (the work or ideas etc. of another) without permission, for one's own benefit. 2 plunder. ЬЬpiratic adj. piratical adj. piratically adv. [ME f. L pirata f. Gk peirates f. peirao attempt, assault] piraya var. of PIRANHA. piripiri n. (pl. piripiris) NZ a rosaceous plant, Acaena anserinifolia, native to New Zealand and having prickly burs. [Maori] pirogue n. = PIRAGUA. [F, prob. f. Galibi] pirouette n. & v. --n. a dancer's spin on one foot or the point of the toe. --v.intr. perform a pirouette. [F, = spinning-top] pis aller n. a course of action followed as a last resort. [F f. pis worse + aller go] piscary n. Ьcommon of piscary the right of fishing in another's water in common with the owner and others. [ME f. med.L piscaria neut. pl. of L piscarius f. piscis fish] piscatorial adj. = PISCATORY 1. ЬЬpiscatorially adv. piscatory adj. 1 of or concerning fishermen or fishing. 2 addicted to fishing. [L piscatorius f. piscator fisherman f. piscis fish] Pisces n. (pl. same) 1 a constellation, traditionally regarded as contained in the figure of fishes . 2 a the twelfth sign of the zodiac (the Fishes). b a person born when the sun is in this sign. ЬЬPiscean n. & adj. [ME f. L, pl. of piscis fish] pisciculture n. the artificial rearing of fish. ЬЬpiscicultural adj. pisciculturist n. [L piscis fish, after agriculture etc.] piscina n. (pl. piscinae or piscinas) 1 a stone basin near the altar in RC and pre-Reformation churches for draining water used in the Mass. 2 a fish-pond. 3 hist. a Roman bathing-pond. [L f. piscis fish] piscine(1) adj. of or concerning fish. [L piscis fish] piscine(2) n. a bathing-pool. [F (as PISCINA)] piscivorous adj. fish-eating. [L piscis fish + -VOROUS] pish int. an expression of contempt, impatience, or disgust. [imit.] pisiform adj. pea-shaped. Ьpisiform bone a small bone in the wrist in the upper row of the carpus. [mod.L pisiformis f. pisum pea] pismire n. dial. an ant. [ME f. PISS (from smell of anthill) + obs. mire ant] piss v. & n. coarse sl. °Usually considered a taboo word. --v. 1 intr. urinate. 2 tr. a discharge (blood etc.) when urinating. b wet with urine. 3 tr. (as pissed adj.) Brit. drunk. --n. 1 urine. 2 an act of urinating. Ьpiss about fool or mess about. piss artist 1 a drunkard. 2 a person who fools about. 3 a glib person. piss down rain heavily. piss off Brit. 1 go away. 2 (often as pissed off adj.) annoy; depress. piss-pot a chamber-pot. piss-taker a person who mocks. piss-taking mockery. piss-up a drinking spree. take the piss (often foll. by out of) mock; deride. [ME f. OF pisser (imit.)] pissoir n. a public urinal. [F] pistachio n. (pl. -os) 1 an evergreen tree, Pistacia vera, bearing small brownish-green flowers and ovoid reddish fruit. 2 (in full pistachio nut) the edible pale-green seed of this. 3 a pale green colour. [It. pistaccio and Sp. pistacho f. L pistacium f. Gk pistakion f. Pers. pistah] piste n. a ski-run of compacted snow. [F, = racetrack] pistil n. the female organs of a flower, comprising the stigma, style, and ovary. ЬЬpistillary adj. pistilliferous adj. pistilline adj. [F pistile or L pistillum PESTLE] pistillate adj. 1 having pistils. 2 having pistils but no stamens. pistol n. & v. --n. 1 a small hand-held firearm. 2 anything of a similar shape. --v.tr. (pistolled, pistolling; US pistoled, pistoling) shoot with a pistol. Ьhold a pistol to a person's head coerce a person by threats. pistol-grip a handle shaped like a pistol-butt. pistol-shot 1 the range of a pistol. 2 a shot fired from a pistol. pistol-whip (-whipped, -whipping) beat with a pistol. [obs. F f. G Pistole f. Czech pist' al] pistole n. hist. a foreign (esp. Spanish) gold coin. [F pistole abbr. of pistolet, of uncert. orig.] pistoleer n. a soldier armed with a pistol. piston n. 1 a disc or short cylinder fitting closely within a tube in which it moves up and down against a liquid or gas, used in an internal-combustion engine to impart motion, or in a pump to receive motion. 2 a sliding valve in a trumpet etc. Ьpiston-ring a ring on a piston sealing the gap between the piston and the cylinder wall. piston-rod a rod or crankshaft attached to a piston to drive a wheel or to impart motion. [F f. It. pistone var. of pestone augment. of pestello PESTLE] pit(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a usu. large deep hole in the ground. b a hole made in digging for industrial purposes, esp. for coal (chalk pit; gravel pit). c a covered hole as a trap for esp. wild animals. 2 a an indentation left after smallpox, acne, etc. b a hollow in a plant or animal body or on any surface. 3 Brit. Theatr. a = orchestra pit. b usu. hist. seating at the back of the stalls. c the people in the pit. 4 a (the pit or bottomless pit) hell. b (the pits) sl. a wretched or the worst imaginable place, situation, person, etc. 5 a an area at the side of a track where racing cars are serviced and refuelled. b a sunken area in a workshop floor for access to a car's underside. 6 US the part of the floor of an exchange allotted to special trading (wheat-pit). 7 = COCKPIT. 8 Brit. sl. a bed. --v. (pitted, pitting) 1 tr. (usu. foll. by against) a set (one's wits, strength, etc.) in opposition or rivalry. b set (a cock, dog, etc.) to fight, orig. in a pit, against another. 2 tr. (usu. as pitted adj.) make pits, esp. scars, in. 3 intr. (of the flesh etc.) retain the impression of a finger etc. when touched. 4 tr. Hort. put (esp. vegetables etc. for storage) into a pit. Ьdig a pit for try to ensnare. pit-head 1 the top of a mineshaft. 2 the area surrounding this. pit of the stomach 1 the floor of the stomach. 2 the depression below the bottom of the breastbone. pit pony hist. a pony kept underground for haulage in coal-mines. pit-prop a balk of wood used to support the roof of a coal mine. pit-saw a large saw for use in a saw-pit. pit viper any US snake of the family Crotalidae with a pit between the eye and the nostril. [OE pytt ult. f. L puteus well] pit(2) n. & v. US --n. the stone of a fruit. --v.tr. (pitted, pitting) remove pits from (fruit). [perh. Du., rel. to PITH] pita var. of PITTA. pit-a-pat adv. & n. (also pitter-patter) --adv. 1 with a sound like quick light steps. 2 with a faltering sound (heart went pit-a-pat). --n. such a sound. [imit.] pitch(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) erect and fix (a tent, camp, etc.). 2 tr. a throw; fling. b (in games) throw (a flat object) towards a mark. 3 tr. fix or plant (a thing) in a definite position. 4 tr. express in a particular style or at a particular level (pitched his argument at the most basic level). 5 intr. (often foll. by against, into, etc.) fall heavily, esp. headlong. 6 intr. (of a ship etc.) plunge in a longitudinal direction (cf. ROLL v. 8a). 7 tr. Mus. set at a particular pitch. 8 intr. (of a roof etc.) slope downwards. 9 intr. (often foll. by about) move with a vigorous jogging motion, as in a train, carriage, etc. 10 Cricket a tr. cause (a bowled ball) to strike the ground at a specified point etc. b intr. (of a bowled ball) strike the ground. 11 tr. colloq. tell (a yarn or a tale). 12 tr. Golf play (a ball) with a pitch shot. 13 tr. pave (a road) with stones. --n. 1 a the area of play in a field-game. b Cricket the area between the creases. 2 height, degree, intensity, etc. (the pitch of despair; nerves were strung to a pitch). 3 a the steepness of a slope, esp. of a roof, stratum, etc. b the degree of such a pitch. 4 Mus. a that quality of a sound which is governed by the rate of vibrations producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a tone. b = concert pitch. 5 the pitching motion of a ship etc. 6 Cricket the act or mode of delivery in bowling, or the spot where the ball bounces. 7 colloq. a salesman's advertising or selling approach. 8 Brit. a place where a street vendor sells wares, has a stall, etc. 9 (also pitch shot) Golf a high approach shot with a short run. 10 Mech. the distance between successive corresponding points or lines, e.g. between the teeth of a cog-wheel etc. 11 the height to which a falcon etc. soars before swooping on its prey. 12 the delivery of a baseball by a pitcher. Ьpitch-and-toss a gambling game in which coins are pitched at a mark and then tossed. pitched battle 1 a vigorous argument etc. 2 Mil. a battle planned beforehand and fought on chosen ground. pitched roof a sloping roof. pitch in colloq. set to work vigorously. pitch into colloq. 1 attack forcibly with blows, words, etc. 2 assail (food, work, etc.) vigorously. pitch on (or upon) happen to select. pitch-pipe Mus. a small pipe blown to set the pitch for singing or tuning. pitch up Cricket bowl (a ball) to bounce near the batsman. pitch wickets Cricket fix the stumps in the ground and place the bails. [ME pic(c)he, perh. f. OE picc(e)an (unrecorded: cf. picung stigmata)] pitch(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a sticky resinous black or dark-brown substance obtained by distilling tar or turpentine, semi-liquid when hot, hard when cold, and used for caulking the seams of ships etc. 2 any of various bituminous substances including asphalt. --v.tr. cover, coat, or smear with pitch. Ьpitch-black (or -dark) very or completely dark. pitch-pine any of various pine-trees, esp. Pinus rigida or P. palustris, yielding much resin. [OE pic f. Gmc f. L pix picis] pitchblende n. a mineral form of uranium oxide occurring in pitchlike masses and yielding radium. [G Pechblende (as PITCH(2), BLENDE)] pitcher(1) n. 1 a large usu. earthenware jug with a lip and a handle, for holding liquids. 2 a modified leaf in pitcher form. 3 (in pl.) broken pottery crushed and reused. Ьpitcher-plant any of various plants, esp. of the family Nepenthaceae or Sarraceniaceae, with pitcher leaves that can hold liquids, trap insects, etc. ЬЬpitcherful n. (pl. -fuls). [ME f. OF pichier, pechier, f. Frank.] pitcher(2) n. 1 a person or thing that pitches. 2 Baseball a player who delivers the ball to the batter. 3 a stone used for paving. pitchfork n. & v. --n. a long-handled two-pronged fork for pitching hay etc. --v.tr. 1 throw with or as if with a pitchfork. 2 (usu. foll. by into) thrust (a person) forcibly into a position, office, etc. [in ME pickfork, prob. f. PICK(1) + FORK, assoc. with PITCH(1)] pitchstone n. obsidian etc. resembling pitch. pitchy adj. (pitchier, pitchiest) of, like, or dark as pitch. piteous adj. deserving or causing pity; wretched. ЬЬpiteously adv. piteousness n. [ME pito(u)s etc. f. AF pitous, OF pitos f. Rmc (as PIETY)] pitfall n. 1 an unsuspected snare, danger, or drawback. 2 a covered pit for trapping animals etc. pith n. & v. --n. 1 spongy white tissue lining the rind of an orange, lemon, etc. 2 the essential part; the quintessence (came to the pith of his argument). 3 Bot. the spongy cellular tissue in the stems and branches of dicotyledonous plants. 4 a physical strength; vigour. b force; energy. 5 archaic spinal marrow. --v.tr. 1 remove the pith or marrow from. 2 slaughter or immobilize (an animal) by severing the spinal cord. Ьpith helmet a lightweight sun-helmet made from the dried pith of the sola etc. ЬЬpithless adj. [OE pitha f. WG] pithecanthrope n. any prehistoric apelike human of the extinct genus Pithecanthropus, now considered to be part of the genus Homo (see also JAVA MAN). [Gk pithekos ape + anthropos man] pithos n. (pl. pithoi) Archaeol. a large storage jar. [Gk] pithy adj. (pithier, pithiest) 1 (of style, speech, etc.) condensed, terse, and forcible. 2 of, like, or containing much pith. ЬЬpithily adv. pithiness n. pitiable adj. 1 deserving or causing pity. 2 contemptible. ЬЬpitiableness n. pitiably adv. [ME f. OF piteable, pitoiable (as PITY)] pitiful adj. 1 causing pity. 2 contemptible. 3 archaic compassionate. ЬЬpitifully adv. pitifulness n. pitiless adj. showing no pity (the pitiless heat of the desert). ЬЬpitilessly adv. pitilessness n. pitman n. 1 (pl. -men) a collier. 2 US (pl. -mans) a connecting rod in machinery. piton n. a peg or spike driven into a rock or crack to support a climber or a rope. [F, = eye-bolt] Pitot tube n. a device consisting of an open-ended right-angled tube used to measure the speed or flow of a fluid. [H. Pitot, Fr. physicist d. 1771] pitpan n. a Central American boat made from a tree-trunk. [Miskito] pitta n. (also pita) a flat hollow unleavened bread which can be split and filled with salad etc. [mod.Gk, = a cake] pittance n. 1 a scanty or meagre allowance, remuneration, etc. (paid him a mere pittance). 2 a small number or amount. 3 hist. a pious bequest to a religious house for extra food etc. [ME f. OF pitance f. med.L pi(e)tantia f. L pietas PITY] pitter-patter var. of PIT-A-PAT. pittosporum n. any evergreen shrub of the family Pittosporaceae, chiefly native to Australasia with many species having fragrant foliage. [Gk pitta PITCH(2) + sporos seed] pituitary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) (also pituitary gland or body) a small ductless gland at the base of the brain secreting various hormones essential for growth and other bodily functions. --adj. of or relating to this gland. [L pituitarius secreting phlegm f. pituita phlegm] pity n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 sorrow and compassion aroused by another's condition (felt pity for the child). 2 something to be regretted; grounds for regret (what a pity!; the pity of it is that he didn't mean it). --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) feel (often contemptuous) pity for (they are to be pitied; I pity you if you think that). Ьfor pity's sake an exclamation of urgent supplication, anger, etc. more's the pity so much the worse. take pity on feel or act compassionately towards. ЬЬpitying adj. pityingly adv. [ME f. OF pit‚ f. L pietas (as PIETY)] pityriasis n. any of a group of skin diseases characterized by the shedding of branlike scales. [mod.L f. Gk pituriasis f. pituron bran] pi— adv. Mus. more (pi— piano). [It.] pivot n. & v. --n. 1 a short shaft or pin on which something turns or oscillates. 2 a crucial or essential person, point, etc., in a scheme or enterprise. 3 Mil. the man or men about whom a body of troops wheels. --v. (pivoted, pivoting) 1 intr. turn on or as if on a pivot. 2 intr. (foll. by on, upon) hinge on; depend on. 3 tr. provide with or attach by a pivot. ЬЬpivotable adj. pivotability n. pivotal adj. [F, of uncert. orig.] pix(1) n.pl. colloq. pictures, esp. photographs. [abbr.: cf. PIC] pix(2) var. of PYX. pixel n. Electronics any of the minute areas of uniform illumination of which an image on a display screen is composed. [abbr. of picture element: cf. PIX(1)] pixie n. (also pixy) (pl. -ies) a being like a fairy; an elf. Ьpixie hat (or hood) a child's hat with a pointed crown. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] pixilated adj. (also pixillated) 1 bewildered; crazy. 2 drunk. [var. of pixie-led (as PIXIE, LED)] pizazz n. (also pizzazz, pzazz etc.) sl. verve, energy, liveliness, sparkle. pizza n. a flat round base of dough with a topping of tomatoes, cheese, onions, etc. [It., = pie] pizzeria n. a place where pizzas are made or sold. [It. (as PIZZA)] pizzicato adv., adj., & n. Mus. --adv. plucking the strings of a violin etc. with the finger. --adj. (of a note, passage, etc.) performed pizzicato. --n. (pl. pizzicatos or pizzicati) a note, passage, etc. played pizzicato. [It., past part. of pizzicare twitch f. pizzare f. pizza edge] pizzle n. esp. Austral. the penis of an animal, esp. a bull, formerly used as a whip. [LG pesel, dimin. of MLG pese, MDu. peze] 11.0 pk. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- pk. abbr. 1 park. 2 peak. 3 peck(s). 12.0 pl.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- pl. abbr. 1 plural. 2 place. 3 plate. 4 esp. Mil. platoon. PLA abbr. (in the UK) Port of London Authority. placable adj. easily placated; mild; forgiving. ЬЬplacability n. placably adv. [ME f. OF placable or L placabilis f. placare appease] placard n. & v. --n. a printed or handwritten poster esp. for advertising. --v.tr. also 1 set up placards on (a wall etc.). 2 advertise by placards. 3 display (a poster etc.) as a placard. [ME f. OF placquart f. plaquier to plaster f. MDu. placken] placate v.tr. pacify; conciliate. ЬЬplacatingly adv. placation n. placatory adj. [L placare placat-] place n. & v. --n. 1 a a particular portion of space. b a portion of space occupied by a person or thing (it has changed its place). c a proper or natural position (he is out of his place; take your places). 2 a city, town, village, etc. (was born in this place). 3 a residence; a dwelling (has a place in the country; come round to my place). 4 a a group of houses in a town etc., esp. a square. b a country house with its surroundings. 5 a person's rank or status (know their place; a place in history). 6 a space, esp. a seat, for a person (two places in the coach). 7 a building or area for a specific purpose (place of worship; bathing-place). 8 a a point reached in a book etc. (lost my place). b a passage in a book. 9 a particular spot on a surface, esp. of the skin (a sore place on his wrist). 10 a employment or office, esp. government employment (lost his place at the Ministry). b the duties or entitlements of office etc. (is his place to hire staff). 11 a position as a member of a team, a student in a college, etc. 12 Brit. any of the first three or sometimes four positions in a race, esp. other than the winner (backed it for a place). 13 the position of a figure in a series indicated in decimal or similar notation (calculated to 50 decimal places). --v.tr. 1 put (a thing etc.) in a particular place or state; arrange. 2 identify, classify, or remember correctly (cannot place him). 3 assign to a particular place; locate. 4 a appoint (a person, esp. a member of the clergy) to a post. b find a situation, living, etc. for. c (usu. foll. by with) consign to a person's care etc. (placed her with her aunt). 5 assign rank, importance, or worth to (place him among the best teachers). 6 a dispose of (goods) to a customer. b make (an order for goods etc.). 7 (often foll. by in, on, etc.) have (confidence etc.). 8 invest (money). 9 Brit. state the position of (any of the first three or sometimes four runners) in a race. 10 tr. (as placed adj.) a Brit. among the first three or sometimes four in a race. b US second in a race. 11 Football get (a goal) by a place-kick. Ьall over the place in disorder; chaotic. give place to 1 make room for. 2 yield precedence to. 3 be succeeded by. go places colloq. be successful. in place in the right position; suitable. in place of in exchange for; instead of. in places at some places or in some parts, but not others. keep a person in his or her place suppress a person's pretensions. out of place 1 in the wrong position. 2 unsuitable. place-bet 1 Brit. a bet on a horse to come first, second, third, or sometimes fourth in a race. 2 US a bet on a horse to come second. place-brick an imperfectly burnt brick from the windward side of the kiln. place card a card marking a person's place at a table etc. place in the sun a favourable situation, position, etc. place-kick Football a kick made when the ball is previously placed on the ground. place-mat a small mat on a table underneath a person's plate. place-name the name of a town, village, hill, field, lake, etc. place-setting a set of plates, cutlery, etc. for one person at a meal. put oneself in another's place imagine oneself in another's position. put a person in his or her place deflate or humiliate a person. take place occur. take one's place go to one's correct position, be seated, etc. take the place of be substituted for; replace. ЬЬplaceless adj. placement n. [ME f. OF f. L platea f. Gk plateia (hodos) broad (way)] placebo n. (pl. -os) 1 a a pill, medicine, etc. prescribed for psychological reasons but having no physiological effect. b a placebo used as a control in testing new drugs etc. c a blank sample in a test. 2 RC Ch. the opening antiphon of the vespers for the dead. [L, = I shall be acceptable or pleasing f. placere please, first word of Ps. 114:9] placenta n. (pl. placentae or placentas) 1 a flattened circular organ in the uterus of pregnant mammals nourishing and maintaining the foetus through the umbilical cord and expelled after birth. 2 (in flowers) part of the ovary wall carrying the ovules. ЬЬplacental adj. [L f. Gk plakous -ountos flat cake f. the root of plax plakos flat plate] placer n. a deposit of sand, gravel, etc., in the bed of a stream etc., containing valuable minerals in particles. [Amer. Sp., rel. to placel sandbank f. plaza PLACE] placet n. an affirmative vote in a church or university assembly. [L, = it pleases] placid adj. 1 (of a person) not easily aroused or disturbed; peaceful. 2 mild; calm; serene. ЬЬplacidity n. placidly adv. placidness n. [F placide or L placidus f. placere please] placket n. 1 an opening or slit in a garment, for fastenings or access to a pocket. 2 the flap of fabric under this. [var. of PLACARD] placoid adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a fish-scale) consisting of a hard base embedded in the skin and a spiny backward projection (cf. CTENOID). 2 (of a fish) covered with these scales. --n. a placoid fish, e.g. a shark. [Gk plax plakos flat plate] plafond n. 1 a an ornately decorated ceiling. b such decoration. 2 an early form of contract bridge. [F f. plat flat + fond bottom] plagal adj. Mus. (of a church mode) having sounds between the dominant and its octave (cf. AUTHENTIC). Ьplagal cadence (or close) a cadence in which the chord of the subdominant immediately precedes that of the tonic. [med.L plagalis f. plaga plagal mode f. L plagius f. med. Gk plagios (in anc. Gk = oblique) f. Gk plagos side] plage n. 1 Astron. an unusually bright region on the sun. 2 a sea beach, esp. at a fashionable resort. [F, = beach] plagiarism n. 1 the act or an instance of plagiarizing. 2 something plagiarized. ЬЬplagiarist n. plagiaristic adj. plagiarize v.tr. (also -ise) (also absol.) 1 take and use (the thoughts, writings, inventions, etc. of another person) as one's own. 2 pass off the thoughts etc. of (another person) as one's own. ЬЬplagiarizer n. [L plagiarius kidnapper f. plagium a kidnapping f. Gk plagion] plagio- comb. form oblique. [Gk plagios oblique f. plagos side] plagioclase n. a series of feldspar minerals forming glassy crystals. [PLAGIO- + Gk klasis cleavage] plague n., v., & int. --n. 1 a deadly contagious disease spreading rapidly over a wide area. 2 (foll. by of) an unusual infestation of a pest etc. (a plague of frogs). 3 a great trouble. b an affliction, esp. as regarded as divine punishment. 4 colloq. a nuisance. --v.tr. (plagues, plagued, plaguing) 1 affect with plague. 2 colloq. pester or harass continually. --int. joc. or archaic a curse etc. (a plague on it!). ЬЬplaguesome adj. [ME f. L plaga stroke, wound prob. f. Gk plaga, plege] plaice n. (pl. same) 1 a European flatfish, Pleuronectes platessa, having a brown back with orange spots and a white underside, much used for food. 2 (in full American plaice) a N. Atlantic fish, Hippoglossoides platessoides. [ME f. OF pla‹z f. LL platessa app. f. Gk platus broad] plaid n. 1 (often attrib.) chequered or tartan, esp. woollen, twilled cloth (a plaid skirt). 2 a long piece of plaid worn over the shoulder as part of Highland Scottish costume. ЬЬplaided adj. [Gael. plaide, of unkn. orig.] plain(1) adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 clear; evident (is plain to see). 2 readily understood; simple (in plain words). 3 a (of food, sewing, decoration, etc.) uncomplicated; not elaborate; unembellished; simple. b without a decorative pattern. 4 (esp. of a woman or girl) ugly. 5 outspoken; straightforward. 6 (of manners, dress, etc.) unsophisticated; homely (a plain man). 7 (of drawings etc.) not coloured (penny plain, twopence coloured). 8 not in code. --adv. 1 clearly; unequivocally (to speak plain, I don't approve). 2 simply (that is plain stupid). --n. 1 a level tract of esp. treeless country. 2 a basic knitting stitch made by putting the needle through the back of the stitch and passing the wool round the front of the needle (opp. PURL(1)). Ьbe plain with speak bluntly to. plain card neither a trump nor a court-card. plain chocolate dark chocolate without added milk. plain clothes ordinary clothes worn esp. as a disguise by policemen etc. plain-clothes (attrib.) wearing plain clothes. plain cook a person competent in plain English cooking. plain dealing candour; straightforwardness. plain sailing 1 sailing a straightforward course. 2 an uncomplicated situation or course of action. plain service Eccl. a church service without music. plain-spoken outspoken; blunt. plain suit a suit that is not trumps. plain text a text not in cipher or code. plain time time not paid for at overtime rates. plain weaving weaving with the weft alternately over and under the warp. ЬЬplainly adv. plainness n. [ME f. OF plain (adj. & n.) f. L planus (adj.), planum (n.)] plain(2) v.intr. archaic or poet. 1 mourn. 2 complain. 3 make a plaintive sound. [ME f. OF plaindre (stem plaign-) f. L plangere planct- lament] plainchant n. = PLAINSONG. plainsman n. (pl. -men) a person who lives on a plain, esp. in N. America. plainsong n. unaccompanied church music sung in unison in medieval modes and in free rhythm corresponding to the accentuation of the words (cf. GREGORIAN CHANT). plaint n. 1 Brit. Law an accusation; a charge. 2 literary or archaic a complaint; a lamentation. [ME f. OF plainte fem. past part. of plaindre, and OF plaint f. L planctus (as PLAIN(2))] plaintiff n. Law a person who brings a case against another into court (opp. DEFENDANT). [ME f. OF plaintif (adj.) (as PLAINTIVE)] plaintive adj. 1 expressing sorrow; mournful. 2 mournful-sounding. ЬЬplaintively adv. plaintiveness n. [ME f. OF (-if, -ive) f. plainte (as PLAINT)] plait n. & v. --n. 1 a length of hair, straw, etc., in three or more interlaced strands. 2 = PLEAT. --v.tr. form (hair etc.) into a plait. [ME f. OF pleit fold ult. f. L plicare fold] plan n. & v. --n. 1 a a formulated and esp. detailed method by which a thing is to be done; a design or scheme. b an intention or proposed proceeding (my plan was to distract them; plan of campaign). 2 a drawing or diagram made by projection on a horizontal plane, esp. showing a building or one floor of a building (cf. ELEVATION). 3 a large-scale detailed map of a town or district. 4 a a table etc. indicating times, places, etc. of intended proceedings. b a scheme or arrangement (prepared the seating plan). 5 an imaginary plane perpendicular to the line of vision and containing the objects shown in a picture. --v. (planned, planning) 1 tr. (often foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) arrange (a procedure etc.) beforehand; form a plan (planned to catch the evening ferry). 2 tr. a design (a building, new town, etc.). b make a plan of (an existing building, an area, etc.). 3 tr. (as planned adj.) in accordance with a plan (his planned arrival; planned parenthood). 4 intr. make plans. Ьplanning permission Brit. formal permission for building development etc., esp. from a local authority. plan on colloq. aim at doing; intend. ЬЬplanning n. [F f. earlier plant, f. It. pianta plan of building: cf. PLANT] planar adj. Math. of, relating to, or in the form of a plane. planarian n. any flatworm of the class Turbellaria, usu. living in fresh water. [mod.L Planaria the genus-name, fem. of L planarius lying flat] planchet n. a plain metal disc from which a coin is made. [dimin. of planch slab of metal f. OF planche: see PLANK] planchette n. a small usu. heart-shaped board on castors with a pencil that is supposedly caused to write spirit messages when a person's fingers rest lightly on it. [F, dimin. of planche PLANK] Planck's constant n. (also Planck constant) a fundamental constant, equal to the energy of quanta of electromagnetic radiation divided by its frequency, with a value of 6.626 x 10(-34) joules. [M. Planck, Ger. physicist d. 1947] plane(1) n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie. b an imaginary flat surface through or joining etc. material objects. 2 a level surface. 3 colloq. = AEROPLANE. 4 a flat surface producing lift by the action of air or water over and under it (usu. in comb.: hydroplane). 5 (often foll. by of) a level of attainment, thought, knowledge, etc. 6 a flat thin object such as a tabletop. --adj. 1 (of a surface etc.) perfectly level. 2 (of an angle, figure, etc.) lying in a plane. --v.intr. 1 (often foll. by down) travel or glide in an aeroplane. 2 (of a speedboat etc.) skim over water. 3 soar. Ьplane chart a chart on which meridians and parallels of latitude are represented by equidistant straight lines, used in plane sailing. plane polarization a process restricting the vibrations of electromagnetic radiation, esp. light, to one direction. plane sailing 1 the practice of determining a ship's position on the theory that she is moving on a plane. 2 = plain sailing (see PLAIN(1)). plane-table a surveying instrument used for direct plotting in the field, with a circular drawing-board and pivoted alidade. [L planum flat surface, neut. of planus PLAIN(1) (different. f. PLAIN(1) in 17th c.): adj. after F plan, plane] plane(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a tool consisting of a wooden or metal block with a projecting steel blade, used to smooth a wooden surface by paring shavings from it. 2 a similar tool for smoothing metal. --v.tr. 1 smooth (wood, metal, etc.) with a plane. 2 (often foll. by away, down) pare (irregularities) with a plane. 3 archaic level (plane the way). [ME f. OF var. of plaine f. LL plana f. L planus PLAIN(1)] plane(3) n. (in full plane-tree) any tree of the genus Platanus often growing to great heights, with maple-like leaves and bark which peels in uneven patches. [ME f. OF f. L platanus f. Gk platanos f. platus broad] planet n. 1 a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit round a star; the earth. 2 esp. Astrol. hist. a celestial body distinguished from the fixed stars by having an apparent motion of its own (including the moon and sun), esp. with reference to its supposed influence on people and events. ЬЬplanetology n. [ME f. OF planete f. LL planeta, planetes f. Gk planetes wanderer, planet f. planaomai wander] planetarium n. (pl. planetariums or planetaria) 1 a domed building in which images of stars, planets, constellations, etc. are projected for public entertainment or education. 2 the device used for such projection. 3 = ORRERY. [mod.L (as PLANET)] planetary adj. 1 of or like planets (planetary influence). 2 terrestrial; mundane. 3 wandering; erratic. Ьplanetary nebula a ring-shaped nebula formed by an expanding shell of gas round a star. [LL planetarius (as PLANET)] planetesimal n. any of a vast number of minute planets or planetary bodies. Ьplanetesimal hypothesis the theory that planets were formed by the accretion of planetesimals in a cold state. [PLANET, after infinitesimal] planetoid n. = ASTEROID. plangent adj. 1 (of a sound) loud and reverberating. 2 (of a sound) plaintive; sad. ЬЬplangency n. [L plangere plangent- lament] planimeter n. an instrument for mechanically measuring the area of a plane figure. ЬЬplanimetric adj. planimetrical adj. planimetry n. [F planimЉtre f. L planus level] planish v.tr. flatten (sheet metal, coining-metal, etc.) with a smooth-faced hammer or between rollers. ЬЬplanisher n. [ME f. OF planir smooth f. plain PLANE(1) adj.] planisphere n. a map formed by the projection of a sphere or part of a sphere on a plane, esp. to show the appearance of the heavens at a specific time or place. ЬЬplanispheric adj. [ME f. med.L planisphaerium (as PLANE(1), SPHERE): infl. by F planisphЉre] plank n. & v. --n. 1 a long flat piece of timber used esp. in building, flooring, etc. 2 an item of a political or other programme (cf. PLATFORM). --v.tr. 1 provide, cover, or floor, with planks. 2 (usu. foll. by down; also absol.) esp. US colloq. a put (a thing, person, etc.) down roughly or violently. b pay (money) on the spot or abruptly (planked down њ5). Ьplank bed a bed of boards without a mattress, esp. in prison. walk the plank hist. (of a pirate's captive etc.) be made to walk blindfold along a plank over the side of a ship to one's death in the sea. [ME f. ONF planke, OF planche f. LL planca board f. plancus flat-footed] planking n. planks as flooring etc. plankton n. the chiefly microscopic organisms drifting or floating in the sea or fresh water (see BENTHOS, NEKTON). ЬЬplanktonic adj. [G f. Gk plagktos wandering f. plazomai wander] planner n. 1 a person who controls or plans the development of new towns, designs buildings, etc. 2 a person who makes plans. 3 a list, table, etc., with information helpful in planning. plano- comb. form level, flat. [L planus flat] planoconcave adj. (of a lens etc.) with one surface plane and the other concave. planoconvex adj. (of a lens etc.) with one surface plane and the other convex. planographic adj. relating to or produced by a process in which printing is done from a plane surface. ЬЬplanography n. planometer n. a flat plate used as a gauge for plane surfaces in metalwork. plant n. & v. --n. 1 a any living organism of the kingdom Plantae, usu. containing chlorophyll enabling it to live wholly on inorganic substances and lacking specialized sense organs and the power of voluntary movement. b a small organism of this kind, as distinguished from a shrub or tree. 2 a machinery, fixtures, etc., used in industrial processes. b a factory. 3 colloq. something, esp. incriminating or compromising, positioned or concealed so as to be discovered later. --v.tr. 1 place (a seed, bulb, or growing thing) in the ground so that it may take root and flourish. 2 (often foll. by in, on, etc.) put or fix in position. 3 deposit (young fish, spawn, oysters, etc.) in a river or lake. 4 station (a person etc.), esp. as a spy or source of information. 5 refl. take up a position (planted myself by the door). 6 cause (an idea etc.) to be established esp. in another person's mind. 7 deliver (a blow, kiss, etc.) with a deliberate aim. 8 sl. position or conceal (something incriminating or compromising) for later discovery. 9 a settle or people (a colony etc.). b found or establish (a city, community, etc.). 10 bury. Ьplant-louse a small insect that infests plants, esp. an aphis. plant out transfer (a plant) from a pot or frame to the open ground; set out (seedlings) at intervals. ЬЬplantable adj. plantlet n. plantlike adj. [OE plante & F plante f. L planta sprout, slip, cutting] Plantagenet adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to the kings of England from Henry II to Richard II. --n. any of these kings. [= sprig of broom (L planta genista) worn as a distinctive mark, the origin of their surname] plantain(1) n. any shrub of the genus Plantago, with broad flat leaves spread out close to the ground and seeds used as food for birds and as a mild laxative. Ьplantain lily = HOSTA. [ME f. OF f. L plantago -ginis f. planta sole of the foot (from its broad prostrate leaves)] plantain(2) n. 1 a banana plant, Musa paradisiaca, widely grown for its fruit. 2 the starchy fruit of this containing less sugar than a dessert banana and chiefly used in cooking. [earlier platan f. Sp. pl (n)tano plane-tree, prob. assim. f. Galibi palatana etc.] plantar adj. of or relating to the sole of the foot. [L plantaris f. planta sole] plantation n. 1 an estate on which cotton, tobacco, etc. is cultivated, esp. in former colonies, formerly by slave labour. 2 an area planted with trees etc. 3 hist. a colony; colonization. Ьplantation song a song of the kind formerly sung by Blacks on American plantations. [ME f. OF plantation or L plantatio (as PLANT)] planter n. 1 a person who cultivates the soil. 2 the manager or occupier of a coffee, cotton, tobacco, etc. plantation. 3 a large container for decorative plants. 4 a machine for planting seeds etc. (potato-planter). plantigrade adj. & n. --adj. (of an animal) walking on the soles of its feet. --n. a plantigrade animal, e.g. humans or bears (cf. DIGITIGRADE). [F f. mod.L plantigradus f. L planta sole + -gradus -walking] plaque n. 1 an ornamental tablet of metal, porcelain, etc., esp. affixed to a building in commemoration. 2 a deposit on teeth where bacteria proliferate. 3 Med. a a patch or eruption of skin etc. as a result of damage. b a fibrous lesion in atherosclerosis. 4 a small badge of rank in an honorary order. ЬЬplaquette n. [F f. Du. plak tablet f. plakken stick] plash(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a splash; a plunge. 2 a a marshy pool. b a puddle. --v. 1 tr. & intr. splash. 2 tr. strike the surface of (water). ЬЬplashy adj. [OE pl‘sc, prob. imit.] plash(2) v.tr. 1 bend down and interweave (branches, twigs, etc.) to form a hedge. 2 make or renew (a hedge) in this way. [ME f. OF pla(i)ssier ult. f. L plectere plait: cf. PLEACH] plasma n. (also plasm) 1 the colourless fluid part of blood, lymph, or milk, in which corpuscles or fat-globules are suspended. 2 = PROTOPLASM. 3 a gas of positive ions and free electrons with an approximately equal positive and negative charge. 4 a green variety of quartz used in mosaic and for other decorative purposes. ЬЬplasmatic adj. plasmic adj. [LL, = mould f. Gk plasma -atos f. plasso to shape] plasmodesma n. (pl. plasmodesmata) a narrow thread of cytoplasm that passes through cell walls and affords communication between plant cells. [PLASMA + Gk desma bond, fetter] plasmodium n. (pl. plasmodia) 1 any parasitic protozoan of the genus Plasmodium, including those causing malaria in man. 2 a form within the life cycle of various micro-organisms including slime moulds, usu. consisting of a mass of naked protoplasm containing many nuclei. ЬЬplasmodial adj. [mod.L f. PLASMA(1) + - odium: see -ODE(1)] plasmolyse v.intr. & tr. (US plasmolyze) undergo or subject to plasmolysis. plasmolysis n. contraction of the protoplast of a plant cell as a result of loss of water from the cell. [mod.L (as PLASMA, -LYSIS)] plaster n. & v. --n. 1 a soft pliable mixture esp. of lime putty with sand or Portland cement etc. for spreading on walls, ceilings, etc., to form a smooth hard surface when dried. 2 Brit. = sticking-plaster (see STICK(2)). 3 hist. a curative or protective substance spread on a bandage etc. and applied to the body (mustard plaster). --v.tr. 1 cover (a wall etc.) with plaster or a similar substance. 2 (often foll. by with) coat thickly or to excess; bedaub (plastered the bread with jam; the wall was plastered with slogans). 3 stick or apply (a thing) thickly like plaster (plastered glue all over it). 4 (often foll. by down) make (esp. hair) smooth with water, cream, etc.; fix flat. 5 (as plastered adj.) sl. drunk. 6 apply a medical plaster or plaster cast to. 7 sl. bomb or shell heavily. Ьplaster cast 1 a bandage stiffened with plaster of Paris and applied to a broken limb etc. 2 a statue or mould made of plaster. plaster of Paris fine white plaster made of gypsum and used for making plaster casts etc. plaster saint iron. a person regarded as being without moral faults or human frailty. ЬЬplasterer n. plastery adj. [ME f. OE & OF plastre or F plastrer f. med.L plastrum f. L emplastrum f. Gk emplastron] plasterboard n. two boards with a filling of plaster used to form or line the inner walls of houses etc. plastic n. & adj. --n. 1 any of a number of synthetic polymeric substances that can be given any required shape. 2 (attrib.) made of plastic (plastic bag). --adj. 1 capable of being moulded; pliant; supple. 2 moulding or giving form to clay, wax, etc. 3 Biol. exhibiting an adaptability to environmental changes. 4 (esp. in philosophy) formative, creative. Ьplastic arts art forms involving modelling or moulding, e.g. sculpture and ceramics, or art involving the representation of solid objects with three-dimensional effects. plastic bomb a bomb containing plastic explosive. plastic explosive a putty-like explosive capable of being moulded by hand. plastic surgeon a qualified practitioner of plastic surgery. plastic surgery the process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body by the transfer of tissue, either in the treatment of injury or for cosmetic reasons. ЬЬplastically adv. plasticity n. plasticize v.tr. (also -ise). plasticization n. plasticizer n. plasticky adj. [F plastique or L plasticus f. Gk plastikos f. plasso mould] Plasticine n. propr. a soft plastic material used, esp. by children, for modelling. [PLASTIC + -INE(4)] plastid n. any small organelle in the cytoplasm of a plant cell, containing pigment or food. [G f. Gk plastos shaped] plastron n. 1 a a fencer's leather-covered breastplate. b a lancer's breast-covering of facings-cloth. 2 a an ornamental front on a woman's bodice. b a man's starched shirt-front. 3 a the ventral part of the shell of a tortoise or turtle. b the corresponding part in other animals. 4 hist. a steel breastplate. ЬЬplastral adj. [F f. It. piastrone augment. of piastra breastplate, f. L emplastrum PLASTER] plat(1) n. US 1 a plot of land. 2 a plan of an area of land. [16th c.: collateral form of PLOT] plat(2) n. & v. --n. = PLAIT n. 1. --v.tr. (platted, platting) = PLAIT v. platan n. = PLANE(3). [ME f. L platanus: see PLANE(3)] plat du jour n. a dish specially featured on a day's menu. [F, = dish of the day] plate n. & v. --n. 1 a a shallow vessel, usu. circular and of earthenware or china, from which food is eaten or served. b the contents of this (ate a plate of sandwiches). 2 a similar vessel usu. of metal or wood, used esp. for making a collection in a church etc. 3 US a main course of a meal, served on one plate. 4 Austral. & NZ a contribution of cakes, sandwiches, etc., to a social gathering. 5 (collect.) a utensils of silver, gold, or other metal. b objects of plated metal. 6 a piece of metal with a name or inscription for affixing to a door, container, etc. 7 an illustration on special paper in a book. 8 a thin sheet of metal, glass, etc., coated with a sensitive film for photography. 9 a flat thin usu. rigid sheet of metal etc. with an even surface and uniform thickness, often as part of a mechanism. 10 a a smooth piece of metal etc. for engraving. b an impression made from this. 11 a a silver or gold cup as a prize for a horse-race etc. b a race with this as a prize. 12 a a thin piece of plastic material, moulded to the shape of the mouth and gums, to which artificial teeth or another orthodontic appliance are attached. b colloq. a complete denture or orthodontic appliance. 13 Geol. each of several rigid sheets of rock thought to form the earth's outer crust. 14 Biol. a thin flat organic structure or formation. 15 a light shoe for a racehorse. 16 a stereotype, electrotype, or plastic cast of a page of composed movable types, or a metal or plastic copy of filmset matter, from which sheets are printed. 17 US Baseball a flat piece of whitened rubber marking the station of a batter or pitcher. 18 US the anode of a thermionic valve. 19 a horizontal timber laid along the top of a wall to support the ends of joists or rafters (window-plate). --v.tr. 1 apply a thin coat esp. of silver, gold, or tin to (another metal). 2 cover (esp. a ship) with plates of metal, esp. for protection. 3 make a plate of (type etc.) for printing. Ьon a plate colloq. available with little trouble to the recipient. on one's plate for one to deal with or consider. plate armour armour of metal plates, for a man, ship, etc. plate glass thick fine-quality glass for shop windows etc., orig. cast in plates. plate-rack Brit. a rack in which plates are placed to drain. plate tectonics Geol. the study of the earth's surface based on the concept of moving 'plates' (see sense 13 of n.) forming its structure. plate tracery Archit. tracery with perforations in otherwise continuous stone. ЬЬplateful n. (pl. -fuls). plateless adj. plater n. [ME f. OF f. med.L plata plate armour f. platus (adj.) ult. f. Gk platus flat] plateau n. & v. --n. (pl. plateaux or plateaus) 1 an area of fairly level high ground. 2 a state of little variation after an increase. --v.intr. (plateaus, plateaued) (often foll. by out) reach a level or stable state after an increase. [F f. OF platel dimin. of plat flat surface] platelayer n. Brit. a person employed in fixing and repairing railway rails. platelet n. a small colourless disc of protoplasm found in blood and involved in clotting. platen n. 1 a plate in a printing-press which presses the paper against the type. 2 a cylindrical roller in a typewriter against which the paper is held. [OF platine a flat piece f. plat flat] plateresque adj. richly ornamented in a style suggesting silverware. [Sp. plateresco f. platero silversmith f. plata silver] platform n. 1 a raised level surface; a natural or artificial terrace. 2 a raised surface from which a speaker addresses an audience. 3 Brit. a raised elongated structure along the side of a track in a railway station. 4 the floor area at the entrance to a bus. 5 a thick sole of a shoe. 6 the declared policy of a political party. Ьplatform ticket a ticket allowing a non-traveller access to a station platform. [F plateforme ground-plan f. plate flat + forme FORM] plating n. 1 a coating of gold, silver, etc. 2 racing for plates. platinic adj. of or containing (esp. tetravalent) platinum. platinize v.tr. (also -ise) coat with platinum. ЬЬplatinization n. platinoid n. an alloy of copper, zinc, nickel, and tungsten. platinum n. Chem. a ductile malleable silvery-white metallic element occurring naturally in nickel and copper ores, unaffected by simple acids and fusible only at a very high temperature, used in making jewellery and laboratory apparatus. °Symb.: Pt. Ьplatinum black platinum in powder form like lampblack. platinum blonde (or blond) adj. silvery-blond. --n. a person with silvery-blond hair. platinum metal any metallic element found with and resembling platinum e.g. osmium, iridium, and palladium. [mod.L f. earlier platina f. Sp., dimin. of plata silver] platitude n. 1 a trite or commonplace remark, esp. one solemnly delivered. 2 the use of platitudes; dullness, insipidity. ЬЬplatitudinize v.intr. (also -ise). platitudinous adj. [F f. plat flat, after certitude, multitudinous, etc.] Platonic adj. 1 of or associated with the Greek philosopher Plato (d. 347 BC) or his ideas. 2 (platonic) (of love or friendship) purely spiritual, not sexual. 3 (platonic) confined to words or theory; not leading to action; harmless. ЬPlatonic solid (or body) any of the five regular solids (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron). ЬЬPlatonically adv. [L Platonicus f. Gk Platonikos f. Platon Plato] Platonism n. the philosophy of Plato or his followers. ЬЬPlatonist n. platoon n. 1 Mil. a subdivision of a company, a tactical unit commanded by a lieutenant and usu. divided into three sections. 2 a group of persons acting together. [F peloton small ball, dimin. of pelote: see PELLET, -OON] platteland n. S.Afr. remote country districts. ЬЬplattelander n. [Afrik., = flat land] platter n. 1 a large flat dish or plate, esp. for food. 2 colloq. a gramophone record. Ьon a platter = on a plate (see PLATE). [ME & AF plater f. AF plat PLATE] platy- comb. form broad, flat. [Gk platu- f. platus broad, flat] platyhelminth n. any invertebrate of the phylum Platyhelminthes, including flatworms, flukes, and tapeworms. platypus n. an Australian aquatic egg-laying mammal, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, having a pliable ducklike bill, webbed feet, and sleek grey fur. Also called DUCKBILL. platyrrhine adj. & n. --adj. (of primates) having nostrils far apart and directed forwards or sideways (cf. CATARRHINE). --n. such an animal. [PLATY- + Gk rhis rhin- nose] plaudit n. (usu. in pl.) 1 a round of applause. 2 an emphatic expression of approval. [shortened f. L plaudite applaud, imper. pl. of plaudere plaus- applaud, said by Roman actors at the end of a play] plausible adj. 1 (of an argument, statement, etc.) seeming reasonable or probable. 2 (of a person) persuasive but deceptive. ЬЬplausibility n. plausibly adv. [L plausibilis (as PLAUDIT)] play v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by with) occupy or amuse oneself pleasantly with some recreation, game, exercise, etc. 2 intr. (foll. by with) act light-heartedly or flippantly (with feelings etc.). 3 tr. a perform on or be able to perform on (a musical instrument). b perform (a piece of music etc.). c cause (a record, record-player, etc.) to produce sounds. 4 a intr. (foll. by in) perform a role in (a drama etc.). b tr. perform (a drama or role) on stage, or in a film or broadcast. c tr. give a dramatic performance at (a particular theatre or place). 5 tr. act in real life the part of (play truant; play the fool). 6 tr. (foll. by on) perform (a trick or joke etc.) on (a person). 7 tr. (foll. by for) regard (a person) as (something specified) (played me for a fool). 8 intr. colloq. participate, cooperate; do what is wanted (they won't play). 9 intr. gamble. 10 tr. gamble on. 11 tr. a take part in (a game or recreation). b compete with (another player or team) in a game. c occupy (a specified position) in a team for a game. d (foll. by in, on, at, etc.) assign (a player) to a position. 12 tr. move (a piece) or display (a playing-card) in one's turn in a game. 13 tr. (also absol.) strike (a ball etc.) or execute (a stroke) in a game. 14 intr. move about in a lively or unrestrained manner. 15 intr. (often foll. by on) a touch gently. b emit light, water, etc. (fountains gently playing). 16 tr. allow (a fish) to exhaust itself pulling against a line. 17 intr. (often foll. by at) a engage in a half-hearted way (in an activity). b pretend to be. 18 intr. (of a cricket ground etc.) be conducive to play as specified (the pitch is playing fast). 19 intr. colloq. act or behave (as specified) (play fair). 20 tr. (foll. by in, out, etc.) accompany (a person) with music (were played out with bagpipes). --n. 1 recreation, amusement, esp. as the spontaneous activity of children and young animals. 2 a the playing of a game. b the action or manner of this. c the status of the ball etc. in a game as being available to be played according to the rules (in play; out of play). 3 a dramatic piece for the stage etc. 4 activity or operation (are in full play; brought into play). 5 a freedom of movement. b space or scope for this. 6 brisk, light, or fitful movement. 7 gambling. 8 an action or manoeuvre, esp. in or as in a game. Ьat play engaged in recreation. in play for amusement; not seriously. make play act effectively. make a play for colloq. make a conspicuous attempt to acquire. make play with use ostentatiously. play about (or around) behave irresponsibly. play along pretend to cooperate. play back play (sounds recently recorded), esp. to monitor recording quality etc. play-back n. a playing back of a sound or sounds. play ball see BALL(1). play by ear 1 perform (music) without the aid of a score. 2 (also play it by ear) proceed instinctively or step by step according to results and circumstances. play one's cards right (or well) make good use of opportunities; act shrewdly. play down minimize the importance of. play ducks and drakes with see DUCK(1). played out exhausted of energy or usefulness. play false act, or treat a (person), deceitfully or treacherously. play fast and loose act unreliably; ignore one's obligations. play the field see FIELD. play for time seek to gain time by delaying. play the game see GAME(1). play God see GOD. play havoc with see HAVOC. play hell with see HELL. play hookey see HOOKEY. play into a person's hands act so as unwittingly to give a person an advantage. play it cool colloq. 1 affect indifference. 2 be relaxed or unemotional. play the man = be a man (see MAN). play the market speculate in stocks etc. play off (usu. foll. by against) 1 oppose (one person against another), esp. for one's own advantage. 2 play an extra match to decide a draw or tie. play-off n. a match played to decide a draw or tie. play on 1 continue to play. 2 take advantage of (a person's feelings etc.). play oneself in become accustomed to the prevailing conditions in a game etc. play on words a pun. play-pen a portable enclosure for young children to play in. play possum see POSSUM. play safe (or for safety) avoid risks. play-suit a garment for a young child. play to the gallery see GALLERY. play up 1 behave mischievously. 2 cause trouble; be irritating (my rheumatism is playing up again). 3 obstruct or annoy in this way (played the teacher up). 4 put all one's energy into a game. play up to flatter, esp. to win favour. play with fire take foolish risks. ЬЬplayable adj. playability n. [OE plega (n.), pleg(i)an (v.), orig. = (to) exercise] playa n. a flat dried-up area, esp. a desert basin from which water evaporates quickly. [Sp., = beach, f. LL plagia] play-act v. 1 intr. act in a play. 2 intr. behave affectedly or insincerely. 3 tr. act (a scene, part, etc.). ЬЬplay-acting n. play-actor n. playbill n. 1 a poster announcing a theatrical performance. 2 US a theatre programme. playboy n. an irresponsible pleasure-seeking man, esp. a wealthy one. player n. 1 a person taking part in a sport or game. 2 a person playing a musical instrument. 3 a person who plays a part on the stage; an actor. 4 = record-player. Ьplayer-piano a piano fitted with an apparatus enabling it to be played automatically. [OE plegere (as PLAY)] playfellow n. a playmate. playful adj. 1 fond of or inclined to play. 2 done in fun; humorous, jocular. ЬЬplayfully adv. playfulness n. playgoer n. a person who goes often to the theatre. playground n. an outdoor area for children to play on. playgroup n. a group of preschool children who play regularly together at a particular place under supervision. playhouse n. 1 a theatre. 2 a toy house for children to play in. playing-card n. each of a set of usu. 52 oblong pieces of card or other material with an identical pattern on one side and different values represented by numbers and symbols on the other, used to play various games. playing-field n. a field used for outdoor team games. playlet n. a short play or dramatic piece. playmate n. a child's companion in play. plaything n. 1 a toy or other thing to play with. 2 a person treated as a toy. playtime n. time for play or recreation. playwright n. a person who writes plays. plaza n. a market-place or open square (esp. in a Spanish town). [Sp., = place] plc abbr. (also PLC) Public Limited Company. plea n. 1 an earnest appeal or entreaty. 2 Law a formal statement by or on behalf of a defendant. 3 an argument or excuse. Ьplea bargaining US an arrangement between prosecutor and defendant whereby the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge in the expectations of leniency. [ME & AF ple, plai, OF plait, plaid agreement, discussion f. L placitum a decree, neut. past part. of placere to please] pleach v.tr. entwine or interlace (esp. branches to form a hedge). [ME pleche f. OF (as PLASH(2))] plead v. (past and past part. pleaded or esp. US, Sc., & dial. pled) 1 intr. (foll. by with) make an earnest appeal to. 2 intr. Law address a lawcourt as an advocate on behalf of a party. 3 tr. maintain (a cause) esp. in a lawcourt. 4 tr. Law declare to be one's state as regards guilt in or responsibility for a crime (plead guilty; plead insanity). 5 tr. offer or allege as an excuse (pleaded forgetfulness). 6 intr. make an appeal or entreaty. ЬЬpleadable adj. pleader n. pleadingly adv. [ME f. AF pleder, OF plaidier (as PLEA)] pleading n. (usu. in pl.) a formal statement of the cause of an action or defence. pleasance n. a secluded enclosure or part of a garden, esp. one attached to a large house. [ME f. OF plaisance (as PLEASANT)] pleasant adj. (pleasanter, pleasantest) pleasing to the mind, feelings, or senses. ЬЬpleasantly adv. pleasantness n. [ME f. OF plaisant (as PLEASE)] pleasantry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a pleasant or amusing remark, esp. made in casual conversation. 2 a humorous manner of speech. 3 jocularity. [F plaisanterie (as PLEASANT)] please v. 1 tr. (also absol.) be agreeable to; make glad; give pleasure to (the gift will please them; anxious to please). 2 tr. (in passive) a (foll. by to + infin.) be glad or willing to (am pleased to help). b (often foll. by about, at, with) derive pleasure or satisfaction (from). 3 tr. (with it as subject; usu. foll. by to + infin.) be the inclination or wish of (it did not please them to attend). 4 intr. think fit; have the will or desire (take as many as you please). 5 tr. (short for may it please you) used in polite requests (come in, please). Ьif you please if you are willing, esp. iron. to indicate unreasonableness (then, if you please, we had to pay). pleased as Punch see PUNCH(4). please oneself do as one likes. ЬЬpleased adj. pleasing adj. pleasingly adv. [ME plaise f. OF plaisir f. L placere] pleasurable adj. causing pleasure; agreeable. ЬЬpleasurableness n. pleasurably adv. [PLEASURE + -ABLE, after comfortable] pleasure n. & v. --n. 1 a feeling of satisfaction or joy. 2 enjoyment. 3 a source of pleasure or gratification (painting was my chief pleasure; it is a pleasure to talk to them). 4 formal a person's will or desire (what is your pleasure?). 5 sensual gratification or enjoyment (a life of pleasure). 6 (attrib.) done or used for pleasure (pleasure-ground). --v. 1 tr. give (esp. sexual) pleasure to. 2 intr. (often foll. by in) take pleasure. Ьtake pleasure in like doing. with pleasure gladly. [ME & OF plesir, plaisir PLEASE, used as a noun] pleat n. & v. --n. a fold or crease, esp. a flattened fold in cloth doubled upon itself. --v.tr. make a pleat or pleats in. [ME, var. of PLAIT] pleb n. colloq. usu. derog. an ordinary insignificant person. ЬЬplebby adj. [abbr. of PLEBEIAN] plebeian n. & adj. --n. a commoner, esp. in ancient Rome. --adj. 1 of low birth; of the common people. 2 uncultured. 3 coarse, ignoble. ЬЬplebeianism n. [L plebeius f. plebs plebis the common people] plebiscite n. 1 the direct vote of all the electors of a State etc. on an important public question, e.g. a change in the constitution. 2 the public expression of a community's opinion, with or without binding force. 3 Rom.Hist. a law enacted by the plebeians' assembly. ЬЬplebiscitary adj. [F pl‚biscite f. L plebiscitum f. plebs plebis the common people + scitum decree f. sciscere vote for] plectrum n. (pl. plectrums or plectra) 1 a thin flat piece of plastic or horn etc. held in the hand and used to pluck a string, esp. of a guitar. 2 the corresponding mechanical part of a harpsichord etc. [L f. Gk plektron f. plesso strike] pled see PLEAD. pledge n. & v. --n. 1 a solemn promise or undertaking. 2 a thing given as security for the fulfilment of a contract, the payment of a debt, etc., and liable to forfeiture in the event of failure. 3 a thing put in pawn. 4 a thing given as a token of love, favour, or something to come. 5 the drinking of a person's health; a toast. 6 a solemn undertaking to abstain from alcohol (sign the pledge). 7 the state of being pledged (goods lying in pledge). --v.tr. 1 a deposit as security. b pawn. 2 promise solemnly by the pledge of (one's honour, word, etc.). 3 (often refl.) bind by a solemn promise. 4 drink to the health of. Ьpledge one's troth see TROTH. ЬЬpledgeable adj. pledger n. pledgor n. [ME plege f. OF plege f. LL plebium f. plebire assure] pledgee n. a person to whom a pledge is given. pledget n. a small wad of lint etc. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] pleiad n. a brilliant group of (usu. seven) persons or things. [named after PLEIADES] Pleiades n.pl. a cluster of stars in the constellation Taurus, usu. known as 'the Seven Sisters'. [ME f. L Ple‹as f. Gk Pleias -ados] Pleistocene adj. & n. Geol. --adj. of or relating to the first epoch of the Quaternary period marked by great fluctuations in temperature with glacial periods followed by interglacial periods. --n. this epoch or system. Also called Ice age. °Cf. Appendix II. [Gk pleistos most + kainos new] plenary adj. 1 entire, unqualified, absolute (plenary indulgence). 2 (of an assembly) to be attended by all members. [LL plenarius f. plenus full] plenipotentiary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) a person (esp. a diplomat) invested with the full power of independent action. --adj. 1 having this power. 2 (of power) absolute. [med.L plenipotentiarius f. plenus full + potentia power] plenitude n. literary 1 fullness, completeness. 2 abundance. [ME f. OF f. LL plenitudo f. plenus full] plenteous adj. poet. plentiful. ЬЬplenteously adv. plenteousness n. [ME f. OF plentivous f. plentif -ive f. plent‚ PLENTY: cf. bounteous] plentiful adj. abundant, copious. ЬЬplentifully adv. plentifulness n. plenty n., adj., & adv. --n. (often foll. by of) a great or sufficient quantity or number (we have plenty; plenty of time). --adj. colloq. existing in an ample quantity. --adv. colloq. fully, entirely (it is plenty large enough). [ME plenteth, plente f. OF plentet f. L plenitas -tatis f. plenus full] plenum n. 1 a full assembly of people or a committee etc. 2 Physics space filled with matter. [L, neut. of plenus full] pleochroic adj. showing different colours when viewed in different directions. ЬЬpleochroism n. [Gk pleion more + -khroos f. khros colour] pleomorphism n. Biol., Chem., & Mineral. the occurrence of more than one distinct form. ЬЬpleomorphic adj. [Gk pleion more + morphe form] pleonasm n. the use of more words than are needed to give the sense (e.g. see with one's eyes). ЬЬpleonastic adj. pleonastically adv. [LL pleonasmus f. Gk pleonasmos f. pleonazo be superfluous] plesiosaurus n. (also plesiosaur) any of a group of extinct marine reptiles with a broad flat body, short tail, long flexible neck, and large paddle-like limbs. [mod.L f. Gk plesios near + sauros lizard] plessor var. of PLEXOR. plethora n. 1 an oversupply, glut, or excess. 2 Med. a an abnormal excess of red corpuscles in the blood. b an excess of any body fluid. ЬЬplethoric also adj. plethorically adv. [LL f. Gk plethore f. pletho be full] pleura(1) n. (pl. pleurae) 1 each of a pair of serous membranes lining the thorax and enveloping the lungs in mammals. 2 lateral extensions of the body-wall in arthropods. ЬЬpleural adj. [med.L f. Gk, = side of the body, rib] pleura(2) pl. of PLEURON. pleurisy n. inflammation of the pleura, marked by pain in the chest or side, fever, etc. ЬЬpleuritic adj. [ME f. OF pleurisie f. LL pleurisis alt. f. L pleuritis f. Gk (as PLEURA(1))] pleuro- comb. form 1 denoting the pleura. 2 denoting the side. pleuron n. (pl. pleura) = PLEURA(1) 2. [Gk, = side of the body, rib] pleuropneumonia n. pneumonia complicated with pleurisy. Plexiglas n. propr. = PERSPEX. [formed as PLEXOR + GLASS] plexor n. (also plessor) Med. a small hammer used to test reflexes and in percussing. [irreg. f. Gk plexis percussion + -OR(1)] plexus n. (pl. same or plexuses) 1 Anat. a network of nerves or vessels in an animal body (gastric plexus). 2 any network or weblike formation. ЬЬplexiform adj. [L f. plectere plex- plait] pliable adj. 1 bending easily; supple. 2 yielding, compliant. ЬЬpliability n. pliableness n. pliably adv. [F f. plier bend: see PLY(1)] pliant adj. = PLIABLE 1. ЬЬpliancy n. pliantly adv. [ME f. OF (as PLIABLE)] plicate adj. Biol. & Geol. folded, crumpled, corrugated. ЬЬplicated adj. [L plicatus past part. of plicare fold] plication n. 1 the act of folding. 2 a fold; a folded condition. [ME f. med.L plicatio or L plicare fold, after complication] pli‚ n. Ballet a bending of the knees with the feet on the ground. [F, past part. of plier bend: see PLY(1)] pliers n.pl. pincers with parallel flat usu. serrated surfaces for holding small objects, bending wire, etc. [(dial.) ply bend (as PLIABLE)] plight(1) n. a condition or state, esp. an unfortunate one. [ME & AF plit = OF pleit fold: see PLAIT: -gh- by confusion with PLIGHT(2)] plight(2) v. & n. archaic --v.tr. 1 pledge or promise solemnly (one's faith, loyalty, etc.). 2 (foll. by to) engage, esp. in marriage. --n. an engagement or act of pledging. Ьplight one's troth see TROTH. [orig. as noun, f. OE pliht danger f. Gmc] plimsoll n. (also plimsole) Brit. a rubber-soled canvas sports shoe. [prob. from the resemblance of the side of the sole to a PLIMSOLL LINE] Plimsoll line n. (also Plimsoll mark) a marking on a ship's side showing the limit of legal submersion under various conditions. [S. Plimsoll, Engl. politician d. 1898, promoter of the Merchant Shipping Act of 1876] plinth n. 1 the lower square slab at the base of a column. 2 a base supporting a vase or statue etc. [F plinthe or L plinthus f. Gk plinthos tile, brick, squared stone] Pliocene adj. & n. Geol. --adj. of or relating to the last epoch of the Tertiary period with evidence of the extinction of many mammals, and the development of hominids. --n. this epoch or system. °Cf. Appendix II. [Gk pleion more + kainos new] pliss‚ adj. & n. --adj. (of cloth etc.) treated so as to cause permanent puckering. --n. material treated in this way. [F, past part. of plisser pleat] PLO abbr. Palestine Liberation Organization. plod v. & n. --v. (plodded, plodding) 1 intr. (often foll. by along, on, etc.) walk doggedly or laboriously; trudge. 2 intr. (often foll. by at) work slowly and steadily. 3 tr. tread or make (one's way) laboriously. --n. the act or a spell of plodding. ЬЬplodder n. ploddingly adv. [16th c.: prob. imit.] -ploid comb. form Biol. forming adjectives denoting the number of sets of chromosomes in a cell (diploid; polyploid). [after HAPLOID] ploidy n. the number of sets of chromosomes in a cell. [after DIPLOIDY, POLYPLOIDY , etc.] plonk(1) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 set down hurriedly or clumsily. 2 (usu. foll. by down) set down firmly. --n. 1 an act of plonking. 2 a heavy thud. [imit.] plonk(2) n. colloq. cheap or inferior wine. [orig. Austral.: prob. corrupt. of blanc in F vin blanc white wine] plop n., v., & adv. --n. 1 a sound as of a smooth object dropping into water without a splash. 2 an act of falling with this sound. --v. (plopped, plopping) intr. & tr. fall or drop with a plop. --adv. with a plop. [19th c.: imit.] plosion n. Phonet. the sudden release of breath in the pronunciation of a stop consonant. [EXPLOSION] plosive adj. & n. Phonet. --adj. pronounced with a sudden release of breath. --n. a plosive sound. [EXPLOSIVE] plot n. & v. --n. 1 a defined and usu. small piece of ground. 2 the interrelationship of the main events in a play, novel, film, etc. 3 a conspiracy or secret plan, esp. to achieve an unlawful end. 4 esp. US a graph or diagram. 5 a graph showing the relation between two variables. --v. (plotted, plotting) tr. 1 make a plan or map of (an existing object, a place or thing to be laid out, constructed, etc.). 2 (also absol.) plan or contrive secretly (a crime, conspiracy, etc.). 3 mark (a point or course etc.) on a chart or diagram. 4 a mark out or allocate (points) on a graph. b make (a curve etc.) by marking out a number of points. ЬЬplotless adj. plotlessness n. plotter n. [OE and f. OF complot secret plan: both of unkn. orig.] plough n. & v. (esp. US plow) --n. 1 an implement with a cutting blade fixed in a frame drawn by a tractor or by horses, for cutting furrows in the soil and turning it up. 2 an implement resembling this and having a comparable function (snowplough). 3 ploughed land. 4 (the Plough) the constellation Ursa Major or its seven bright stars. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) turn up (the earth) with a plough, esp. before sowing. 2 tr. (foll. by out, up, down, etc.) turn or extract (roots, weeds, etc.) with a plough. 3 tr. furrow or scratch (a surface) as if with a plough. 4 tr. produce (a furrow or line) in this way. 5 intr. (foll. by through) advance laboriously, esp. through work, a book, etc. 6 intr. (foll. by through, into) move like a plough violently. 7 intr. & tr. Brit. colloq. fail in an examination. Ьplough back 1 plough (grass etc.) into the soil to enrich it. 2 reinvest (profits) in the business producing them. Plough Monday the first Monday after the Epiphany. put one's hand to the plough undertake a task (Luke 9:62). ЬЬploughable adj. plougher n. [OE ploh f. ON plўgr f. Gmc] ploughman n. (pl. -men) a person who uses a plough. Ьploughman's lunch a meal of bread and cheese with pickle or salad. ploughman's spikenard a composite fragrant plant, Inula conyzae, with purplish-yellow flowerheads. ploughshare n. the cutting blade of a plough. plover n. any plump-breasted wading bird of the family Charadriidae, including the lapwing, usu. having a pigeon-like bill. [ME & AF f. OF plo(u)vier ult. f. L pluvia rain] plow US var. of PLOUGH. ploy n. colloq. a stratagem; a cunning manoeuvre to gain an advantage. [orig. Sc., 18th c.: orig. unkn.] PLP abbr. (in the UK) Parliamentary Labour Party. PLR abbr. (in the UK) Public Lending Right. pluck v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by out, off, etc.) remove by picking or pulling out or away. 2 tr. strip (a bird) of feathers. 3 tr. pull at, twitch. 4 intr. (foll. by at) tug or snatch at. 5 tr. sound (the string of a musical instrument) with the finger or plectrum etc. 6 tr. plunder. 7 tr. swindle. --n. 1 courage, spirit. 2 an act of plucking; a twitch. 3 the heart, liver, and lungs of an animal as food. Ьpluck up summon up (one's courage, spirits, etc.). ЬЬplucker n. pluckless adj. [OE ploccian, pluccian, f. Gmc] plucky adj. (pluckier, pluckiest) brave, spirited. ЬЬpluckily adv. pluckiness n. plug n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of solid material fitting tightly into a hole, used to fill a gap or cavity or act as a wedge or stopper. 2 a a device of metal pins in an insulated casing fitting into holes in a socket for making an electrical connection, esp. between an appliance and the mains. b colloq. an electric socket. 3 = sparking-plug (see SPARK(1)). 4 colloq. a piece of (often free) publicity for an idea, product, etc. 5 a mass of solidified lava filling the neck of a volcano. 6 a cake or stick of tobacco; a piece of this for chewing. 7 = fire-plug. --v. (plugged, plugging) 1 tr. (often foll. by up) stop (a hole etc.) with a plug. 2 tr. sl. shoot or hit (a person etc.). 3 tr. colloq. seek to popularize (an idea, product, etc.) by constant recommendation. 4 intr. colloq. (often foll. by at) work steadily away (at). Ьplug in connect electrically by inserting a plug in a socket. plug-in adj. able to be connected by means of a plug. plug-ugly US sl. n. (pl. -ies) a thug or ruffian. --adj. villainous-looking. ЬЬplugger n. [MDu. & MLG plugge, of unkn. orig.] plum n. 1 a an oval fleshy fruit, usu. purple or yellow when ripe, with sweet pulp and a flattish pointed stone. b any deciduous tree of the genus Prunus bearing this. 2 a reddish-purple colour. 3 a dried grape or raisin used in cooking. 4 colloq. the best of a collection; something especially prized (often attrib.: a plum job). Ьplum cake a cake containing raisins, currants, etc. plum duff a plain flour pudding with raisins or currants. plum pudding a rich boiled suet pudding with raisins, currants, spices, etc. [OE plume f. med.L pruna f. L prunum] plumage n. a bird's feathers. ЬЬplumaged adj. (usu. in comb.). [ME f. OF (as PLUME)] plumassier n. a person who trades or works in ornamental feathers. [F f. plumasse augment. of plume PLUME] plumb(1) n., adv., adj., & v. --n. a ball of lead or other heavy material, esp. one attached to the end of a line for finding the depth of water or determining the vertical on an upright surface. --adv. 1 exactly (plumb in the centre). 2 vertically. 3 US sl. quite, utterly (plumb crazy). --adj. 1 vertical. 2 downright, sheer (plumb nonsense). 3 Cricket (of the wicket) level, true. --v.tr. 1 a measure the depth of (water) with a plumb. b determine (a depth). 2 test (an upright surface) to determine the vertical. 3 reach or experience in extremes (plumb the depths of fear). 4 learn in detail the facts about (a matter). Ьout of plumb not vertical. plumb-line a line with a plumb attached. plumb-rule a mason's plumb-line attached to a board. [ME, prob. ult. f. L plumbum lead, assim. to OF plomb lead] plumb(2) v. 1 tr. provide (a building or room etc.) with plumbing. 2 tr. (often foll. by in) fit as part of a plumbing system. 3 intr. work as a plumber. [back-form. f. PLUMBER] plumbago n. (pl. -os) 1 = GRAPHITE. 2 any plant of the genus Plumbago, with grey or blue flowers. Also called LEADWORT. [L f. plumbum LEAD(2)] plumbeous adj. 1 of or like lead. 2 lead-glazed. [L plumbeus f. plumbum LEAD(2)] plumber n. a person who fits and repairs the apparatus of a water-supply, heating, etc. [ME plummer etc. f. OF plommier f. L plumbarius f. plumbum LEAD(2)] plumbic adj. 1 Chem. containing lead esp. in its tetravalent form. 2 Med. due to the presence of lead. ЬЬplumbism n. (in sense 2). [L plumbum lead] plumbing n. 1 the system or apparatus of water-supply, heating, etc., in a building. 2 the work of a plumber. 3 colloq. lavatory installations. plumbless adj. (of a depth of water etc.) that cannot be plumbed. plumbous n. Chem. containing lead in its divalent form. plume n. & v. --n. 1 a feather, esp. a large one used for ornament. 2 an ornament of feathers etc. attached to a helmet or hat or worn in the hair. 3 something resembling this (a plume of smoke). 4 Zool. a feather-like part or formation. --v. 1 tr. decorate or provide with a plume or plumes. 2 refl. (foll. by on, upon) pride (oneself on esp. something trivial). 3 tr. (of a bird) preen (itself or its feathers). ЬЬplumeless adj. plumelike adj. plumery n. [ME f. OF f. L pluma down] plummet n. & v. --n. 1 a plumb or plumb-line. 2 a sounding-line. 3 a weight attached to a fishing-line to keep the float upright. --v.intr. (plummeted, plummeting) fall or plunge rapidly. [ME f. OF plommet dimin. (as PLUMB(1))] plummy adj. (plummier, plummiest) 1 abounding or rich in plums. 2 colloq. (of a voice) sounding affectedly rich or deep in tone. 3 colloq. good, desirable. plumose adj. 1 feathered. 2 feather-like. [L plumosus (as PLUME)] plump(1) adj. & v. --adj. (esp. of a person or animal or part of the body) having a full rounded shape; fleshy; filled out. --v.tr. & intr. (often foll. by up, out) make or become plump; fatten. ЬЬplumpish adj. plumply adv. plumpness n. plumpy adj. [ME plompe f. MDu. plomp blunt, MLG plump, plomp shapeless etc.] plump(2) v., n., adv., & adj. --v. 1 intr. & tr. (often foll. by down) drop or fall abruptly (plumped down on the chair; plumped it on the floor). 2 intr. (foll. by for) decide definitely in favour of (one of two or more possibilities). 3 tr. (often foll. by out) utter abruptly; blurt out. --n. an abrupt plunge; a heavy fall. --adv. colloq. 1 with a sudden or heavy fall. 2 directly, bluntly (I told him plump). --adj. colloq. direct, unqualified (answered with a plump 'no'). [ME f. MLG plumpen, MDu. plompen: orig. imit.] plumule n. 1 the rudimentary shoot or stem of an embryo plant. 2 a down feather on a young bird. ЬЬplumulaceous adj. (in sense 2). plumular adj. (in sense 1). [F plumule or L plumula, dimin. (as PLUME)] plumy adj. (plumier, plumiest) 1 plumelike, feathery. 2 adorned with plumes. plunder v. & n. --v.tr. 1 rob (a place or person) forcibly of goods, e.g. as in war. 2 rob systematically. 3 (also absol.) steal or embezzle (goods). --n. 1 the violent or dishonest acquisition of property. 2 property acquired by plundering. 3 colloq. profit, gain. ЬЬplunderer n. [LG plЃndern lit. 'rob of household goods' f. MHG plunder clothing etc.] plunge v. & n. --v. 1 (usu. foll. by in, into) a tr. thrust forcefully or abruptly. b intr. dive; propel oneself forcibly. c intr. & tr. enter or cause to enter a certain condition or embark on a certain course abruptly or impetuously (they plunged into a lively discussion; the room was plunged into darkness). 2 tr. immerse completely. 3 intr. a move suddenly and dramatically downward. b (foll. by down, into, etc.) move with a rush (plunged down the stairs). c diminish rapidly (share prices have plunged). 4 intr. (of a horse) start violently forward. 5 intr. (of a ship) pitch. 6 intr. colloq. gamble heavily; run into debt. --n. a plunging action or movement; a dive. Ьplunging (or plunge) neckline a low-cut neckline. take the plunge colloq. commit oneself to a (usu. risky) course of action. [ME f. OF plungier ult. f. L plumbum plummet] plunger n. 1 a part of a mechanism that works with a plunging or thrusting movement. 2 a rubber cup on a handle for clearing blocked pipes by a plunging and sucking action. 3 colloq. a reckless gamble. plunk n. & v. --n. 1 the sound made by the sharply plucked string of a stringed instrument. 2 US a heavy blow. 3 US = PLONK(1) n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. sound or cause to sound with a plunk. 2 tr. US hit abruptly. 3 tr. US = PLONK(1) v. [imit.] pluperfect adj. & n. Gram. --adj. (of a tense) denoting an action completed prior to some past point of time specified or implied, formed in English by had and the past participle, as: he had gone by then. --n. the pluperfect tense. [mod.L plusperfectum f. L plus quam perfectum more than perfect] plural adj. & n. --adj. 1 more than one in number. 2 Gram. (of a word or form) denoting more than one, or (in languages with dual number) more than two. --n. Gram. 1 a plural word or form. 2 the plural number. ЬЬplurally adv. [ME f. OF plurel f. L pluralis f. plus pluris more] pluralism n. 1 holding more than one office, esp. an ecclesiastical office or benefice, at a time. 2 a form of society in which the members of minority groups maintain their independent cultural traditions. 3 Philos. a system that recognizes more than one ultimate principle (cf. MONISM 2). ЬЬpluralist n. pluralistic adj. pluralistically adv. plurality n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state of being plural. 2 = PLURALISM 1. 3 a large or the greater number. 4 US a majority that is not absolute. [ME f. OF pluralit‚ f. LL pluralitas (as PLURAL)] pluralize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. & intr. make or become plural. 2 tr. express in the plural. 3 intr. hold more than one ecclesiastical office or benefice. pluri- comb. form several. [L plus pluris more, plures several] plus prep., adj., n., & conj. --prep. 1 Math. with the addition of (3 plus 4 equals 7). °Symbol: +. 2 (of temperature) above zero (plus 2ш C). 3 colloq. with; having gained; newly possessing (returned plus a new car). --adj. 1 (after a number) at least (fifteen plus). 2 (after a grade etc.) rather better than (beta plus). 3 Math. positive. 4 having a positive electrical charge. 5 (attrib.) additional, extra (plus business). --n. 1 = plus sign. 2 Math. an additional or positive quantity. 3 an advantage (experience is a definite plus). --conj. colloq. disp. also; and furthermore (they arrived late, plus they were hungry). Ьplus sign the symbol +, indicating addition or a positive value. [L, = more] plus-fours n. long wide men's knickerbockers usu. worn for golf etc. [20th c.: so named because the overhang at the knee requires an extra four inches] plush n. & adj. --n. cloth of silk or cotton etc., with a long soft nap. --adj. 1 made of plush. 2 plushy. ЬЬplushly adv. plushness n. [obs. F pluche contr. f. peluche f. OF peluchier f. It. peluzzo dimin. of pelo f. L pilus hair] plushy adj. (plushier, plushiest) colloq. stylish, luxurious. ЬЬplushiness n. plutarchy n. (pl. -ies) plutocracy. [Gk ploutos wealth + -arkhia -rule] Pluto n. the outermost known planet of the solar system. [L f. Gk Plouton god of the underworld] plutocracy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a government by the wealthy. b a State governed in this way. 2 a wealthy ‚lite or ruling class. ЬЬplutocratic adj. plutocratically adv. [Gk ploutokratia f. ploutos wealth + -CRACY] plutocrat n. derog. or joc. 1 a member of a plutocracy or wealthy ‚lite. 2 a wealthy and influential person. pluton n. Geol. a body of plutonic rock. [back-form. f. PLUTONIC] Plutonian adj. 1 infernal. 2 of the infernal regions. [L Plutonius f. Gk Ploutonios (as PLUTO)] plutonic adj. 1 Geol. (of rock) formed as igneous rock by solidification below the surface of the earth. 2 (Plutonic) = PLUTONIAN. [formed as PLUTONIAN] plutonium n. Chem. a dense silvery radioactive metallic transuranic element of the actinide series, used in some nuclear reactors and weapons. °Symb.: Pu. [PLUTO (as the next planet beyond Neptune) + -IUM] pluvial adj. & n. --adj. 1 of rain; rainy. 2 Geol. caused by rain. --n. a period of prolonged rainfall. ЬЬpluvious adj. (in sense 1). [L pluvialis f. pluvia rain] pluviometer n. a rain-gauge. ЬЬpluviometric adj. pluviometrical adj. pluviometrically adv. [L pluvia rain + -METER] ply(1) n. (pl. -ies) 1 a thickness or layer of certain materials, esp. wood or cloth (three-ply). 2 a strand of yarn or rope etc. [ME f. F pli f. plier, pleier f. L plicare fold] ply(2) v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. use or wield vigorously (a tool, weapon, etc.). 2 tr. work steadily at (one's business or trade). 3 tr. (foll. by with) a supply (a person) continuously (with food, drink, etc.). b approach repeatedly (with questions, demands, etc.). 4 a intr. (often foll. by between) (of a vehicle etc.) travel regularly (to and fro between two points). b tr. work (a route) in this way. 5 intr. (of a taxi-driver, boatman, etc.) attend regularly for custom (ply for trade). 6 intr. sail to windward. [ME plye, f. APPLY] Plymouth Brethren n.pl. a strict Calvinistic religious body formed at Plymouth in Devon c.1830, having no formal creed and no official order of ministers. plywood n. a strong thin board consisting of two or more layers glued and pressed together with the direction of the grain alternating. 13.0 PM... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PM abbr. 1 Prime Minister. 2 post-mortem. 3 Provost Marshal. Pm symb. Chem. the element promethium. p.m. abbr. after noon. [L post meridiem] PMG abbr. 1 Paymaster General. 2 Postmaster General. PMT abbr. premenstrual tension. 14.0 PNdb... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PNdB abbr. perceived noise decibel(s). pneumatic adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to air or wind. 2 containing or operated by compressed air. 3 connected with or containing air cavities esp. in the bones of birds or in fish. Ьpneumatic drill a drill driven by compressed air, for breaking up a hard surface. pneumatic trough a shallow container used in laboratories to collect gases in jars over the surface of water or mercury. ЬЬpneumatically adv. pneumaticity n. [F pneumatique or L pneumaticus f. Gk pneumatikos f. pneuma wind f. pneo breathe] pneumatics n.pl. (treated as sing.) the science of the mechanical properties of gases. pneumato- comb. form denoting: 1 air. 2 breath. 3 spirit. [Gk f. pneuma (as PNEUMATIC)] pneumatology n. 1 the branch of theology concerned with the Holy Ghost and other spiritual concepts. 2 archaic psychology. ЬЬpneumatological adj. pneumatophore n. 1 the gaseous cavity of various hydrozoa, such as the Portuguese man-of-war. 2 an aerial root specialized for gaseous exchange found in various plants growing in swampy areas. pneumo- comb. form denoting the lungs. [abbr. of pneumono- f. Gk pneumon lung] pneumoconiosis n. a lung disease caused by inhalation of dust or small particles. [PNEUMO- + Gk konis dust] pneumogastric adj. of or relating to the lungs and stomach. pneumonectomy n. (pl. -ies) Surgery the surgical removal of a lung or part of a lung. pneumonia n. a bacterial inflammation of one lung (single pneumonia) or both lungs (double pneumonia) causing the air sacs to fill with pus and become solid. ЬЬpneumonic adj. [L f. Gk f. pneumon lung] pneumonitis n. inflammation of the lungs usu. caused by a virus. pneumothorax n. the presence of air or gas in the cavity between the lungs and the chest wall. PNG abbr. Papua New Guinea. 15.0 PO... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PO abbr. 1 Post Office. 2 postal order. 3 Petty Officer. 4 Pilot Officer. Po symb. Chem. the element polonium. po n. (pl. pos) Brit. colloq. a chamber-pot. POA abbr. (in the UK) Prison Officers' Association. poach(1) v.tr. 1 cook (an egg) without its shell in or over boiling water. 2 cook (fish etc.) by simmering in a small amount of liquid. ЬЬpoacher n. [ME f. OF pochier f. poche POKE(2)] poach(2) v. 1 tr. (also absol.) catch (game or fish) illegally. 2 intr. (often foll. by on) trespass or encroach (on another's property, ideas, etc.). 3 tr. appropriate illicitly or unfairly (a person, thing, idea, etc.). 4 tr. Tennis etc. take (a shot) in one's partner's portion of the court. 5 a tr. trample or cut up (turf) with hoofs. b intr. (of land) become sodden by being trampled. ЬЬpoacher n. [earlier poche, perh. f. F pocher put in a pocket (as POACH(1))] pochard n. any duck of the genus Aythya, esp. A. ferina, the male of which has a bright reddish-brown head and neck and a grey breast. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] pochette n. a woman's envelope-shaped handbag. [F, dimin. of poche pocket: see POKE(2)] pock n. (also pock-mark) 1 a small pus-filled spot on the skin, esp. caused by chickenpox or smallpox. 2 a mark resembling this. Ьpock-marked bearing marks resembling or left by such spots. ЬЬpocky adj. [OE poc f. Gmc] pocket n. & v. --n. 1 a small bag sewn into or on clothing, for carrying small articles. 2 a pouchlike compartment in a suitcase, car door, etc. 3 one's financial resources (it is beyond my pocket). 4 an isolated group or area (a few pockets of resistance remain). 5 a a cavity in the earth containing ore, esp. gold. b a cavity in rock, esp. filled with foreign matter. 6 a pouch at the corner or on the side of a billiard- or snooker-table into which balls are driven. 7 = air pocket. 8 (attrib.) a of a suitable size and shape for carrying in a pocket. b smaller than the usual size. --v.tr. (pocketed, pocketing) 1 put into one's pocket. 2 appropriate, esp. dishonestly. 3 confine as in a pocket. 4 submit to (an injury or affront). 5 conceal or suppress (one's feelings). 6 Billiards etc. drive (a ball) into a pocket. Ьin pocket 1 having gained in a transaction. 2 (of money) available. in a person's pocket 1 under a person's control. 2 close to or intimate with a person. out of pocket having lost in a transaction. out-of-pocket expenses the actual outlay of cash incurred. pocket battleship hist. a warship armoured and equipped like, but smaller than, a battleship. pocket borough Brit. hist. a borough in which the election of political representatives was controlled by one person or family. pocket gopher = GOPHER(1) 1. pocket knife a knife with a folding blade or blades, for carrying in the pocket. pocket money 1 money for minor expenses. 2 Brit. an allowance of money made to a child. put one's hand in one's pocket spend or provide money. ЬЬpocketable adj. pocketless adj. pockety adj. (in sense 5 of n.). [ME f. AF poket(e) dimin. of poke POKE(2)] pocketbook n. 1 a notebook. 2 a booklike case for papers or money carried in a pocket. 3 US a purse or handbag. 4 US a paperback or other small book. pocketful n. (pl. -fuls) as much as a pocket will hold. poco adv. Mus. a little; rather (poco adagio). [It.] pod n. & v. --n. 1 a long seed-vessel esp. of a leguminous plant, e.g. a pea. 2 the cocoon of a silkworm. 3 the case surrounding locust eggs. 4 a narrow-necked eel-net. 5 a compartment suspended under an aircraft for equipment etc. --v. (podded, podding) 1 intr. bear or form pods. 2 tr. remove (peas etc.) from pods. Ьin pod colloq. pregnant. [back-form. f. dial. podware, podder field crops, of unkn. orig.] podagra n. Med. gout of the foot, esp. the big toe. ЬЬpodagral adj. podagric adj. podagrous adj. [L f. Gk pous podos foot + agra seizure] podgy adj. (podgier, podgiest) 1 (of a person) short and fat. 2 (of a face etc.) plump, fleshy. ЬЬpodginess n. [19th c.: f. podge a short fat person] podiatry n. US = CHIROPODY. ЬЬpodiatrist n. [Gk pous podos foot + iatros physician] podium n. (pl. podiums or podia) 1 a continuous projecting base or pedestal round a room or house etc. 2 a raised platform round the arena of an amphitheatre. 3 a platform or rostrum. [L f. Gk podion dimin. of pous pod- foot] podzol n. (also podsol) a soil with minerals leached from its surface layers into a lower stratum. ЬЬpodzolize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). [Russ. f. pod under, zola ashes] poem n. 1 a metrical composition, usu. concerned with feeling or imaginative description. 2 an elevated composition in verse or prose. 3 something with poetic qualities (a poem in stone). [F poЉme or L poema f. Gk poema = poiema f. poieo make] poesy n. archaic 1 poetry. 2 the art or composition of poetry. [ME f. OF poesie ult. f. L poesis f. Gk poesis = poiesis making, poetry (as POEM)] poet n. (fem. poetess) 1 a writer of poems. 2 a person possessing high powers of imagination or expression etc. ЬPoet Laureate (in the UK) a poet appointed to write poems for State occasions. Poets' Corner part of Westminster Abbey where several poets are buried or commemorated. [ME f. OF poete f. L poeta f. Gk poetes = poietes maker, poet (as POEM)] poetaster n. a paltry or inferior poet. [mod.L (as POET): see -ASTER] poetic adj. (also poetical) 1 a of or like poetry or poets. b written in verse. 2 elevated or sublime in expression. Ьpoetic justice well-deserved unforeseen retribution or reward. poetic licence a writer's or artist's transgression of established rules for effect. ЬЬpoetically adv. [F po‚tique f. L poeticus f. Gk poetikos (as POET)] poeticize v.tr. (also -ise) make (a theme) poetic. poetics n. 1 the art of writing poetry. 2 the study of poetry and its techniques. poetize v. (also -ise) 1 intr. play the poet. 2 intr. compose poetry. 3 tr. treat poetically. 4 tr. celebrate in poetry. [F po‚tiser (as POET)] poetry n. 1 the art or work of a poet. 2 poems collectively. 3 a poetic or tenderly pleasing quality. 4 anything compared to poetry. [ME f. med.L poetria f. L poeta POET, prob. after geometry] po-faced adj. 1 solemn-faced, humourless. 2 smug. [20th c.: perh. f. PO, infl. by poker-faced] pogo n. (pl. -os) (also pogo stick) a toy consisting of a spring-loaded stick with rests for the feet, for springing about on. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] pogrom n. an organized massacre (orig. of Jews in Russia). [Russ., = devastation f. gromit' destroy] poignant adj. 1 painfully sharp to the emotions or senses; deeply moving. 2 arousing sympathy. 3 sharp or pungent in taste or smell. 4 pleasantly piquant. ЬЬpoignance n. poignancy n. poignantly adv. [ME f. OF, pres. part. of poindre prick f. L pungere] poikilotherm n. an organism that regulates its body temperature by behavioural means, such as basking or burrowing; a cold-blooded organism (cf. HOMOEOTHERM). ЬЬpoikilothermal adj. poikilothermia n. poikilothermic adj. poikilothermy n. [Gk poikilos multicoloured, changeable + therme heat] poilu n. hist. a French private soldier, esp. as a nickname. [F, lit. hairy f. poil hair] poinciana n. any tropical tree of the genus Poinciana, with bright showy red flowers. [mod.L f. M. de Poinci, 17th-c. governor in the West Indies + -ana fem. suffix] poind v. & n. Sc. --v.tr. distrain upon; impound. --n. 1 an act of poinding. 2 an animal or chattel poinded. [ME f. OE pyndan impound] poinsettia n. a shrub, Euphorbia pulcherrima, with large showy scarlet or pink bracts surrounding small yellow flowers. [mod.L f. J. R. Poinsett, Amer. diplomat d. 1851] point n. & v. --n. 1 the sharp or tapered end of a tool, weapon, pencil, etc. 2 a tip or extreme end. 3 that which in geometry has position but not magnitude, e.g. the intersection of two lines. 4 a particular place or position (Bombay and points east; point of contact). 5 a a precise or particular moment (at the point of death). b the critical or decisive moment (when it came to the point, he refused). 6 a very small mark on a surface. 7 a a dot or other punctuation mark, esp. = full point = FULL(1). b a dot or small stroke used in Semitic languages to indicate vowels or distinguish consonants. 8 = decimal point. 9 a stage or degree in progress or increase (abrupt to the point of rudeness; at that point we gave up). 10 a level of temperature at which a change of state occurs (freezing-point). 11 a single item; a detail or particular (we differ on these points; it is a point of principle). 12 a a unit of scoring in games or of measuring value etc. b an advantage or success in less quantifiable contexts such as an argument or discussion. c a unit of weight (2 mg) for diamonds. d a unit (of varying value) in quoting the price of stocks etc. 13 a (usu. prec. by the) the significant or essential thing; what is actually intended or under discussion (that was the point of the question). b (usu. with neg. or interrog.; often foll. by in) sense or purpose; advantage or value (saw no point in staying). c (usu. prec. by the) a salient feature of a story, joke, remark, etc. (don't see the point). 14 a distinctive feature or characteristic (it has its points; tact is not his good point). 15 pungency, effectiveness (their comments lacked point). 16 a each of 32 directions marked at equal distances round a compass. b the corresponding direction towards the horizon. 17 (usu. in pl.) Brit. a junction of two railway lines, with a pair of linked tapering rails that can be moved laterally to allow a train to pass from one line to the other. 18 Brit. = power point. 19 (usu. in pl.) each of a set of electrical contacts in the distributor of a motor vehicle. 20 Cricket a a fielder on the off side near the batsman. b this position. 21 the tip of the toe in ballet. 22 a promontory. 23 the prong of a deer's antler. 24 the extremities of a dog, horse, etc. 25 Printing a unit of measurement for type bodies (in the UK and US 0.0138 in., in Europe 0.0148 in.). 26 Hunting a a spot to which a straight run is made. b such a run. 27 Heraldry any of nine particular positions on a shield used for specifying the position of charges etc. 28 Boxing the tip of the chin as a spot for a knockout blow. 29 Mil. a small leading party of an advanced guard. 30 hist. a tagged lace for lacing a bodice, attaching a hose to a doublet, etc. 31 Naut. a short piece of cord at the lower edge of a sail for tying up a reef. 32 the act or position of a dog in pointing. --v. 1 (usu. foll. by to, at) a tr. direct or aim (a finger, weapon, etc.). b intr. direct attention in a certain direction (pointed to the house across the road). 2 intr. (foll. by at, towards) a aim or be directed to. b tend towards. 3 intr. (foll. by to) indicate; be evidence of (it all points to murder). 4 tr. give point or force to (words or actions). 5 tr. fill in or repair the joints of (brickwork) with smoothly finished mortar or cement. 6 tr. a punctuate. b insert points in (written Hebrew etc.). c mark (Psalms etc.) with signs for chanting. 7 tr. sharpen (a pencil, tool, etc.). 8 tr. (also absol.) (of a dog) indicate the presence of (game) by acting as pointer. Ьat all points in every part or respect. at the point of (often foll. by verbal noun) on the verge of; about to do (the action specified). beside the point irrelevant or irrelevantly. case in point an instance that is relevant or (prec. by the) under consideration. have a point be correct or effective in one's contention. in point apposite, relevant. in point of fact see FACT. make (or prove) a (or one's) point establish a proposition; prove one's contention. make a point of (often foll. by verbal noun) insist on; treat or regard as essential. nine points nine tenths, i.e. nearly the whole (esp. possession is nine points of the law). on (or upon) the point of (foll. by verbal noun) about to do (the action specified). point-duty the positioning of a police officer or traffic warden at a crossroad or other point to control traffic. point lace thread lace made wholly with a needle. point of honour an action or circumstance that affects one's reputation. point of no return a point in a journey or enterprise at which it becomes essential or more practical to continue to the end. point of order a query in a debate etc. as to whether correct procedure is being followed. point-of-sale (usu. attrib.) denoting publicity etc. associated with the place at which goods are retailed. point of view 1 a position from which a thing is viewed. 2 a particular way of considering a matter. point out (often foll. by that + clause) indicate, show; draw attention to. point-to-point a steeplechase over a marked course for horses used regularly in hunting. point up emphasize; show as important. score points off get the better of in an argument etc. take a person's point concede that a person has made a valid contention. to the point relevant or relevantly. up to a point to some extent but not completely. win on points Boxing win by scoring more points, not by a knockout. [ME f. OF point, pointer f. L punctum f. pungere punct- prick] point-blank adj. & adv. --adj. 1 a (of a shot) aimed or fired horizontally at a range very close to the target. b (of a distance or range) very close. 2 (of a remark, question, etc.) blunt, direct. --adv. 1 at very close range. 2 directly, bluntly. [prob. f. POINT + BLANK = white spot in the centre of a target] pointed adj. 1 sharpened or tapering to a point. 2 (of a remark etc.) having point; penetrating, cutting. 3 emphasized; made evident. ЬЬpointedly adv. pointedness n. pointer n. 1 a thing that points, e.g. the index hand of a gauge etc. 2 a rod for pointing to features on a map, chart, etc. 3 colloq. a hint, clue, or indication. 4 a a dog of a breed that on scenting game stands rigid looking towards it. b this breed. 5 (in pl.) two stars in the Great Bear in line with the pole star. pointillism n. Art a technique of impressionist painting using tiny dots of various pure colours, which become blended in the viewer's eye. ЬЬpointillist n. & adj. pointillistic adj. [F pointillisme f. pointiller mark with dots] pointing n. 1 cement or mortar filling the joints of brickwork. 2 facing produced by this. 3 the process of producing this. pointless adj. 1 without a point. 2 lacking force, purpose, or meaning. 3 (in games) without a point scored. ЬЬpointlessly adv. pointlessness n. pointsman n. (pl. -men) Brit. 1 a person in charge of railway points. 2 a policeman or traffic warden on point-duty. pointy adj. (pointier, pointiest) having a noticeably sharp end; pointed. poise(1) n. & v. --n. 1 composure or self-possession of manner. 2 equilibrium; a stable state. 3 carriage (of the head etc.). --v. 1 tr. balance; hold suspended or supported. 2 tr. carry (one's head etc. in a specified way). 3 intr. be balanced; hover in the air etc. [ME f. OF pois, peis, peser ult. f. L pensum weight f. pendere pens- weigh] poise(2) n. Physics a unit of dynamic viscosity, such that a tangential force of one dyne per square centimetre causes a velocity change one centimetre per second between two parallel planes in a liquid separated by one centimetre. [J. L. M. Poiseuille, Fr. physician d. 1869] poised adj. 1 composed, self-assured. 2 (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) ready for action. poison n. & v. --n. 1 a substance that when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism causes death or injury, esp. one that kills by rapid action even in a small quantity. 2 colloq. a harmful influence or principle etc. 3 Physics & Chem. a substance that interferes with the normal progress of a nuclear reaction, chain reaction, catalytic reaction, etc. --v.tr. 1 administer poison to (a person or animal). 2 kill or injure or infect with poison. 3 infect (air, water, etc.) with poison. 4 (esp. as poisoned adj.) treat (a weapon) with poison. 5 corrupt or pervert (a person or mind). 6 spoil or destroy (a person's pleasure etc.). 7 render (land etc.) foul and unfit for its purpose by a noxious application etc. Ьpoison gas = GAS n. 4. poison ivy a N. American climbing plant, Rhus toxicodendron, secreting an irritant oil from its leaves. poison-pen letter an anonymous libellous or abusive letter. ЬЬpoisoner n. poisonous adj. poisonously adv. [ME f. OF poison, poisonner (as POTION)] Poisson distribution n. Statistics a discrete frequency distribution which gives the probability of events occurring in a fixed time. [S. D. Poisson, French mathematician d. 1840] poke(1) v. & n. --v. 1 (foll. by in, up, down, etc.) a tr. thrust or push with the hand, point of a stick, etc. b intr. be thrust forward. 2 intr. (foll. by at etc.) make thrusts with a stick etc. 3 tr. thrust the end of a finger etc. against. 4 tr. (foll. by in) produce (a hole etc. in a thing) by poking. 5 tr. thrust forward, esp. obtrusively. 6 tr. stir (a fire) with a poker. 7 intr. a (often foll. by about, around) move or act desultorily; potter. b (foll. by about, into) pry; search casually. 8 tr. coarse sl. have sexual intercourse with. 9 tr. (foll. by up) colloq. confine (esp. oneself) in a poky place. --n. 1 the act or an instance of poking. 2 a thrust or nudge. 3 a device fastened on cattle etc. to prevent them breaking through fences. 4 a a projecting brim or front of a woman's bonnet or hat. b (in full poke-bonnet) a bonnet having this. Ьpoke fun at ridicule, tease. poke one's nose into colloq. pry or intrude into (esp. a person's affairs). [ME f. MDu. and MLG poken, of unkn. orig.] poke(2) n. dial. a bag or sack. Ьbuy a pig in a poke see PIG. [ME f. ONF poke, poque = OF poche: cf. POUCH] poker(1) n. a stiff metal rod with a handle for stirring an open fire. Ьpoker-work 1 the technique of burning designs on white wood etc. with a heated metal rod. 2 a design made in this way. poker(2) n. a card-game in which bluff is used as players bet on the value of their hands. Ьpoker-dice dice with card designs from ace to nine instead of spots. poker-face 1 the impassive countenance appropriate to a poker-player. 2 a person with this. poker-faced having a poker-face. [19th c.: orig. unkn.: cf. G pochen to brag, Pochspiel bragging game] pokeweed n. a tall hardy American plant, Phytolacca americana, with spikes of cream flowers and purple berries that yield emetics and purgatives. [poke, Amer. Ind. word + WEED] pokey n. US sl. prison. [perh. f. POKY] poky adj. (pokier, pokiest) (of a room etc.) small and cramped. ЬЬpokily adv. pokiness n. [POKE(1) (in colloq. sense 'confine') + -Y(1)] polack n. US sl. offens. a person of Polish origin. [F Polaque and G Polack f. Pol. Polak] polar 1 adj. a of or near a pole of the earth or a celestial body, or of the celestial sphere. b (of a species or variety) living in the north polar region. 2 having magnetic polarity. 3 a (of a molecule) having a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other. b (of a compound) having electric charges. 4 Geom. of or relating to a pole. 5 directly opposite in character or tendency. Ьpolar bear a white bear, Ursus maritimus, of the Arctic regions. polar body a small cell produced from an oocyte during the formation of an ovum, which does not develop further. polar circle each of the circles parallel to the equator at a distance of 23ш 27° from either pole. polar coordinates a system by which a point can be located with reference to two angles. polar curve a curve related in a particular way to a given curve and to a fixed point called a pole. polar distance the angular distance of a point on a sphere from the nearest pole. polar star = POLESTAR. ЬЬpolarly adv. [F polaire or mod.L polaris (as POLE(2))] polari- comb. form polar. [mod.L polaris (as POLAR)] polarimeter n. an instrument used to measure the polarization of light or the effect of a substance on the rotation of the plane of polarized light. ЬЬpolarimetric adj. polarimetry n. polariscope n. = POLARIMETER. ЬЬpolariscopic adj. polarity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the tendency of a lodestone, magnetized bar, etc., to point with its extremities to the magnetic poles of the earth. 2 the condition of having two poles with contrary qualities. 3 the state of having two opposite tendencies, opinions, etc. 4 the electrical condition of a body (positive or negative). 5 a magnetic attraction towards an object or person. polarize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. restrict the vibrations of (a transverse wave, esp. light) to one direction. 2 tr. give magnetic or electric polarity to (a substance or body). 3 tr. reduce the voltage of (an electric cell) by the action of electrolysis products. 4 tr. & intr. divide into two groups of opposing opinion etc. ЬЬpolarizable adj. polarization n. polarizer n. polarography n. Chem. the analysis by measurement of current-voltage relationships in electrolysis between mercury electrodes. ЬЬpolarographic adj. Polaroid n. propr. 1 material in thin plastic sheets that produces a high degree of plane polarization in light passing through it. 2 a type of camera with internal processing that produces a finished print rapidly after each exposure. 3 (in pl.) sunglasses with lenses made from Polaroid. [POLARI- + -OID] polder n. a piece of low-lying land reclaimed from the sea or a river, esp. in the Netherlands. [MDu. polre, Du. polder] Pole n. 1 a native or national of Poland. 2 a person of Polish descent. [G f. Pol. Polanie, lit. field-dwellers f. pole field] pole(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a long slender rounded piece of wood or metal, esp. with the end placed in the ground as a support etc. 2 a wooden shaft fitted to the front of a vehicle and attached to the yokes or collars of the draught animals. 3 = PERCH(1). --v.tr. 1 provide with poles. 2 (usu. foll. by off) push off (a punt etc.) with a pole. Ьpole position the most favourable position at the start of a motor race (orig. next to the inside boundary-fence). pole-vault (or -jump) n. the athletic sport of vaulting over a high bar with the aid of a long flexible pole held in the hands and giving extra spring. --v.intr. take part in this sport. pole-vaulter a person who pole-vaults. under bare poles Naut. with no sail set. up the pole sl. 1 crazy, eccentric. 2 in difficulty. [OE pal ult. f. L palus stake] pole(2) n. 1 (in full north pole, south pole) a each of the two points in the celestial sphere about which the stars appear to revolve. b each of the extremities of the axis of rotation of the earth or another body. c see magnetic pole. °The spelling is North Pole and South Pole when used as geographical designations. 2 each of the two opposite points on the surface of a magnet at which magnetic forces are strongest. 3 each of two terminals (positive and negative) of an electric cell or battery etc. 4 each of two opposed principles or ideas. 5 Geom. each of two points in which the axis of a circle cuts the surface of a sphere. 6 a fixed point to which others are referred. 7 Biol. an extremity of the main axis of any spherical or oval organ. Ьbe poles apart differ greatly, esp. in nature or opinion. ЬЬpoleward adj. polewards adj. & adv. [ME f. L polus f. Gk polos pivot, axis, sky] poleaxe n. & v. --n. 1 a battleaxe. 2 a butcher's axe. --v.tr. hit or kill with or as if with a poleaxe . [ME pol(l)ax, -ex f. MDu. pol(l)aex, MLG pol(l)exe (as POLL(1), AXE)] polecat n. 1 Brit. a small European brownish-black fetid flesh-eating mammal, Mustela putorius, of the weasel family. 2 US a skunk. [pole (unexplained) + CAT] polemic n. & adj. --n. 1 a controversial discussion. 2 Polit. a verbal or written attack, esp. on a political opponent. --adj. (also polemical) involving dispute; controversial. ЬЬpolemically adv. polemicist n. polemicize v.tr. (also -ise). polemize v.tr. (also -ise). [med.L polemicus f. Gk polemikos f. polemos war] polemics n.pl. the art or practice of controversial discussion. polenta n. porridge made of maize meal etc. [It. f. L, = pearl barley] polestar n. 1 Astron. a star in Ursa Minor now about 1ш distant from the celestial north pole. 2 a a thing or principle serving as a guide. b a centre of attraction. police n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. prec. by the) the civil force of a State, responsible for maintaining public order. 2 (as pl.) the members of a police force (several hundred police). 3 a force with similar functions of enforcing regulations (military police; railway police). --v.tr. 1 control (a country or area) by means of police. 2 provide with police. 3 keep order in; control. Ьpolice constable see CONSTABLE. police dog a dog, esp. an Alsatian, used in police work. police officer a policeman or policewoman. police State a totalitarian State controlled by political police supervising the citizens' activities. police station the office of a local police force. [F f. med.L politia POLICY(1)] policeman n. (pl. -men; fem. policewoman, pl. -women) a member of a police force. policy(1) n. (pl. -ies) 1 a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business, or individual etc. 2 prudent conduct; sagacity. [ME f. OF policie f. L politia f. Gk politeia citizenship f. polites citizen f. polis city] policy(2) n. (pl. -ies) 1 a contract of insurance. 2 a document containing this. [F police bill of lading, contract of insurance, f. Prov. poliss(i)a prob. f. med.L apodissa, apodixa, f. L apodixis f. Gk apodeixis evidence, proof (as APO-, deiknumi show)] policyholder n. a person or body holding an insurance policy. polio n. = POLIOMYELITIS. [abbr.] poliomyelitis n. Med. an infectious viral disease that affects the central nervous system and which can cause temporary or permanent paralysis. [mod.L f. Gk polios grey + muelos marrow] Polish adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to Poland. 2 of the Poles or their language. --n. the language of Poland. ЬPolish notation Math. a system of formula notation without brackets and punctuation. [POLE + -ISH(1)] polish v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become smooth or glossy by rubbing. 2 (esp. as polished adj.) refine or improve; add finishing touches to. --n. 1 a substance used for polishing. 2 smoothness or glossiness produced by friction. 3 the act or an instance of polishing. 4 refinement or elegance of manner, conduct, etc. Ьpolish off finish (esp. food) quickly. polish up revise or improve (a skill etc.). ЬЬpolishable adj. polisher n. [ME f. OF polir f. L polire polit-] politburo n. (pl. -os) the principal policy-making committee of a Communist party, esp. in the USSR. [Rus. politbyuro f. politЎcheskoe byurў political bureau] polite adj. (politer, politest) 1 having good manners; courteous. 2 cultivated, cultured. 3 refined, elegant (polite letters). ЬЬpolitely adv. politeness n. [L politus (as POLISH)] politesse n. formal politeness. [F f. It. politezza, pulitezza f. pulito polite] politic adj. & v. --adj. 1 (of an action) judicious, expedient. 2 (of a person) prudent, sagacious. 3 political (now only in body politic). --v.intr. (politicked, politicking) engage in politics. ЬЬpoliticly adv. [ME f. OF politique f. L politicus f. Gk politikos f. polites citizen f. polis city] political adj. 1 a of or concerning the State or its government, or public affairs generally. b of, relating to, or engaged in politics. c belonging to or forming part of a civil administration. 2 having an organized form of society or government. 3 taking or belonging to a side in politics. 4 relating to or affecting interests of status or authority in an organization rather than matters of principle (a political decision). Ьpolitical asylum see ASYLUM. political economist a student of or expert in political economy. political economy the study of the economic aspects of government. political geography that dealing with boundaries and the possessions of States. political prisoner a person imprisoned for political beliefs or actions. political science the study of the State and systems of government. political scientist a specialist in political science. ЬЬpolitically adv. [L politicus (as POLITIC)] politician n. 1 a person engaged in or concerned with politics, esp. as a practitioner. 2 a person skilled in politics. 3 US derog. a person with self-interested political concerns. politicize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. a give a political character to. b make politically aware. 2 intr. engage in or talk politics. ЬЬpoliticization n. politico n. (pl. -os) colloq. a politician or political enthusiast. [Sp. or It. (as POLITIC)] politico- comb. form 1 politically. 2 political and (politico-social). [Gk politikos: see POLITIC] politics n.pl. 1 (treated as sing. or pl.) a the art and science of government. b public life and affairs as involving authority and government. 2 (usu. treated as pl.) a a particular set of ideas, principles, or commitments in politics (what are their politics?). b activities concerned with the acquisition or exercise of authority or government. c an organizational process or principle affecting authority, status, etc. (the politics of the decision). polity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a form or process of civil government or constitution. 2 an organized society; a State as a political entity. [L politia f. Gk politeia f. polites citizen f. polis city] polka n. & v. --n. 1 a lively dance of Bohemian origin in duple time. 2 the music for this. --v.intr. (polkas, polkaed or polka'd, polkaing) dance the polka. Ьpolka dot a round dot as one of many forming a regular pattern on a textile fabric etc. [F and G f. Czech pulka half-step f. pul half] poll(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a the process of voting at an election. b the counting of votes at an election. c the result of voting. d the number of votes recorded (a heavy poll). 2 = GALLUP POLL, opinion poll. 3 a a human head. b the part of this on which hair grows (flaxen poll). 4 a hornless animal, esp. one of a breed of hornless cattle. --v. 1 tr. a take the vote or votes of. b (in passive) have one's vote taken. c (of a candidate) receive (so many votes). d give (a vote). 2 tr. record the opinion of (a person or group) in an opinion poll. 3 intr. give one's vote. 4 tr. cut off the top of (a tree or plant), esp. make a pollard of. 5 tr. (esp. as polled adj.) cut the horns off (cattle). 6 tr. Computing check the status of (a computer system) at intervals. Ьpoll tax 1 hist. a tax levied on every adult. 2 = community charge. ЬЬpollee n. (in sense 2 of n.). pollster n. [ME, perh. f. LG or Du.] poll(2) n. a tame parrot (Pretty poll!). Ьpoll parrot a user of conventional or clich‚d phrases and arguments. [Poll, a conventional name for a parrot, alt. f. Moll, a familiar form of Mary] pollack n. (also pollock) a European marine fish, Pollachius pollachius, with a characteristic protruding lower jaw, used for food. [earlier (Sc.) podlock: orig. unkn.] pollan n. a freshwater fish, Coregonus pollan, found in Irish lakes. [perh. f. Ir. poll deep water] pollard n. & v. --n. 1 an animal that has lost or cast its horns; an ox, sheep, or goat of a hornless breed. 2 a tree whose branches have been cut off to encourage the growth of new young branches, esp. a riverside willow. 3 a the bran sifted from flour. b a fine bran containing some flour. --v.tr. make (a tree) a pollard. [POLL(1) + -ARD] pollen n. the fine dustlike grains discharged from the male part of a flower containing the gamete that fertilizes the female ovule. Ьpollen analysis = PALYNOLOGY. pollen count an index of the amount of pollen in the air, published esp. for the benefit of those allergic to it. ЬЬpollenless adj. pollinic adj. [L pollen pollinis fine flour, dust] pollex n. (pl. pollices) the innermost digit of a forelimb, usu. the thumb in primates. [L, = thumb or big toe] pollie var. of POLLY(2). pollinate v.tr. (also absol.) sprinkle (a stigma) with pollen. ЬЬpollination n. pollinator n. polling n. the registering or casting of votes. Ьpolling-booth a compartment in which a voter stands to mark the ballot-paper. polling-day the day of a local or general election. polling-station a building, often a school, where voting takes place during an election. pollinic see POLLEN. polliniferous adj. bearing or producing pollen. polliwog n. (also pollywog) US dial. a tadpole. [earlier polwigge, polwygle f. POLL(1) + WIGGLE] pollock var. of POLLACK. pollute v.tr. 1 contaminate or defile (the environment). 2 make foul or filthy. 3 destroy the purity or sanctity of. ЬЬpollutant adj. & n. polluter n. pollution n. [ME f. L polluere pollut-] polly(1) n. (pl. -ies) colloq. a bottle or glass of Apollinaris water. [abbr.] polly(2) n. (also pollie) (pl. -ies) Austral. & US a politician. [abbr.] Pollyanna n. a cheerful optimist; an excessively cheerful person. ЬЬPollyannaish adj. Pollyannaism n. [character in a novel (1913) by E. Porter] pollywog var. of POLLIWOG. polo n. a game of Eastern origin like hockey played on horseback with a long-handled mallet. Ьpolo-neck a high round turned-over collar. polo-stick a mallet for playing polo. [Balti, = ball] polonaise n. & adj. --n. 1 a dance of Polish origin in triple time. 2 the music for this. 3 hist. a woman's dress consisting of a bodice and a skirt open from the waist downwards to show an underskirt. --adj. cooked in a Polish style. [F, fem. of polonais Polish f. med.L Polonia Poland] polonium n. Chem. a rare radioactive metallic element, occurring naturally in uranium ores. °Symb.: Po. [F & mod.L f. med.L Polonia Poland (the discoverer's native country) + -IUM] polony n. (pl. -ies) Brit. = BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. [app. corrupt.] poltergeist n. a noisy mischievous ghost, esp. one manifesting itself by physical damage. [G f. poltern create a disturbance + Geist GHOST] poltroon n. a spiritless coward. ЬЬpoltroonery n. [F poltron f. It. poltrone perh. f. poltro sluggard] poly n. (pl. polys) colloq. polytechnic. [abbr.] poly-(1) comb. form denoting many or much. [Gk polu- f. polus much, polloi many] poly-(2) comb. form Chem. polymerized (polyunsaturated). [POLYMER] polyadelphous adj. Bot. having numerous stamens grouped into three or more bundles. polyamide n. Chem. any of a class of condensation polymers produced from the interaction of an amino group of one molecule and a carboxylic acid group of another, and which includes many synthetic fibres such as nylon. polyandry n. 1 polygamy in which a woman has more than one husband. 2 Bot. the state of having numerous stamens. ЬЬpolyandrous adj. [POLY-(1) + andry f. Gk aner andros male] polyanthus n. (pl. polyanthuses) a flower cultivated from hybridized primulas. [mod.L, formed as POLY-(1) + Gk anthos flower] polycarbonate n. any of a class of polymers in which the units are linked through a carbonate group, mainly used as moulding materials. polychaete n. any aquatic annelid worm of the class Polychaeta, including lugworms and ragworms, having numerous bristles on the fleshy lobes of each body segment. ЬЬpolychaetan adj. polychaetous adj. polychromatic adj. 1 many coloured. 2 (of radiation) containing more than one wavelength. ЬЬpolychromatism n. polychrome adj. & n. --adj. painted, printed, or decorated in many colours. --n. 1 a work of art in several colours, esp. a coloured statue. 2 varied colouring. ЬЬpolychromic adj. polychromous adj. [F f. Gk polukhromos as POLY-(1), khroma colour] polychromy n. the art of painting in several colours, esp. as applied to ancient pottery, architecture, etc. [F polychromie (as POLYCHROME)] polyclinic n. a clinic devoted to various diseases; a general hospital. polycrystalline adj. (of a solid substance) consisting of many crystalline parts at various orientations, e.g. a metal casting. polycyclic adj. Chem. having more than one ring of atoms in the molecule. polydactyl adj. & n. --adj. (of an animal) having more than five fingers or toes. --n. a polydactyl animal. polyester n. any of a group of condensation polymers used to form synthetic fibres such as Terylene or to make resins. polyethene n. Chem. = POLYTHENE. polyethylene n. = POLYTHENE. polygamous adj. 1 having more than one wife or husband at the same time. 2 having more than one mate. 3 bearing some flowers with stamens only, some with pistils only, some with both, on the same or different plants. ЬЬpolygamic adj. polygamist n. polygamously adv. polygamy n. [Gk polugamos (as POLY-(1), -gamos marrying)] polygene n. Biol. each of a group of independent genes that collectively affect a characteristic. polygenesis n. the (usu. postulated) origination of a race or species from several independent stocks. ЬЬpolygenetic adj. polygeny n. the theory that mankind originated from several independent pairs of ancestors. ЬЬpolygenism n. polygenist n. polyglot adj. & n. --adj. 1 of many languages. 2 (of a person) speaking or writing several languages. 3 (of a book, esp. the Bible) with the text translated into several languages. --n. 1 a polyglot person. 2 a polyglot book, esp. a Bible. ЬЬpolyglottal adj. polyglottic adj. polyglottism n. [F polyglotte f. Gk poluglottos (as POLY-(1), glotta tongue)] polygon n. a plane figure with many (usu. a minimum of three) sides and angles. Ьpolygon of forces a polygon that represents by the length and direction of its sides all the forces acting on a body or point. ЬЬpolygonal adj. [LL polygonum f. Gk polugonon (neut. adj.) (as POLY-(1) + - gonos angled)] polygonum n. any plant of the genus Polygonum, with small bell-shaped flowers. Also called KNOTGRASS, KNOTWEED. [mod.L f. Gk polugonon] polygraph n. a machine designed to detect and record changes in physiological characteristics (e.g. rates of pulse and breathing), used esp. as a lie-detector. polygyny n. polygamy in which a man has more than one wife. ЬЬpolygynous adj. [POLY-(1) + gyny f. Gk gune woman] polyhedron n. (pl. polyhedra) a solid figure with many (usu. more than six) faces. ЬЬpolyhedral adj. polyhedric adj. [Gk poluedron neut. of poluedros (as POLY-(1), hedra base)] polyhistor n. = POLYMATH. polymath n. 1 a person of much or varied learning. 2 a great scholar. ЬЬpolymathic adj. polymathy n. [Gk polumathes (as POLY-(1), math- stem manthano learn)] polymer n. a compound composed of one or more large molecules that are formed from repeated units of smaller molecules. ЬЬpolymeric adj. polymerism n. polymerize v.intr. & tr. (also -ise). polymerization n. [G f. Gk polumeros having many parts (as POLY-(1), meros share)] polymerous adj. Biol. having many parts. polymorphism n. 1 a Biol. the existence of various different forms in the successive stages of the development of an organism. b = PLEOMORPHISM. 2 Chem. = ALLOTROPY. ЬЬpolymorphic adj. polymorphous adj. Polynesian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Polynesia, a group of Pacific islands including New Zealand, Hawaii, Samoa, etc. --n. 1 a a native of Polynesia. b a person of Polynesian descent. 2 the family of languages including Maori, Hawaiian, and Samoan. [as POLY-(1) + Gk nesos island] polyneuritis n. any disorder that affects many of the peripheral nerves. ЬЬpolyneuritic adj. polynomial n. & adj. Math. --n. an expression of more than two algebraic terms, esp. the sum of several terms that contain different powers of the same variable(s). --adj. of or being a polynomial. [POLY-(1) after multinomial] polynya n. a stretch of open water surrounded by ice, esp. in the Arctic seas. [Russ. f. pole field] polyp n. 1 Zool. an individual coelenterate. 2 Med. a small usu. benign growth protruding from a mucous membrane. [F polype (as POLYPUS)] polypary n. (pl. -ies) the common stem or support of a colony of polyps. [mod.L polyparium (as POLYPUS)] polypeptide n. Biochem. a peptide formed by the combination of about ten or more amino acids. [G Polypeptid (as POLY-(2), PEPTONE)] polyphagous adj. Zool. able to feed on various kinds of food. polyphase adj. Electr. (of a device or circuit) designed to supply or use simultaneously several alternating currents of the same voltage but with different phases. polyphone n. Phonet. a symbol or letter that represents several different sounds. polyphonic adj. 1 Mus. (of vocal music etc.) in two or more relatively independent parts; contrapuntal. 2 Phonet. (of a letter etc.) representing more than one sound. ЬЬpolyphonically adv. [Gk poluphonos (as POLY-(1), phone voice, sound)] polyphony n. (pl. -ies) 1 Mus. a polyphonic style in musical composition; counterpoint. b a composition written in this style. 2 Philol. the symbolization of different vocal sounds by the same letter or character. ЬЬpolyphonous adj. polypi pl. of POLYPUS. polyploid n. & adj. Biol. --n. a nucleus or organism that contains more than two sets of chromosomes. --adj. of or being a polyploid. ЬЬpolyploidy n. [G (as POLY-(1), -PLOID)] polypod adj. & n. Zool. --adj. having many feet. --n. a polypod animal. [F polypode (adj.) f. Gk (as POLYPUS)] polypody n. (pl. -ies) any fern of the genus Polypodium, usu. found in woods growing on trees, walls, and stones. [ME f. L polypodium f. Gk polupodion (as POLYPUS)] polypoid adj. of or like a polyp. ЬЬpolypous adj. polypropene n. = POLYPROPYLENE. polypropylene n. Chem. any of various polymers of propylene including thermoplastic materials used for films, fibres, or moulding materials. Also called POLYPROPENE. polypus n. (pl. polypi or polypuses) Med. = POLYP 2. [ME f. L polypus f. Gk polupos, polupous cuttlefish, polyp (as POLY-(1), pous podos foot)] polysaccharide n. any of a group of carbohydrates whose molecules consist of long chains of monosaccharides. polysemy n. Philol. the existence of many meanings (of a word etc.). ЬЬpolysemic adj. polysemous adj. [POLY-(1) + Gk sema sign] polystyrene n. a thermoplastic polymer of styrene, usu. hard and colourless or expanded with a gas to produce a lightweight rigid white substance, used for insulation and in packaging. polysyllabic adj. 1 (of a word) having many syllables. 2 characterized by the use of words of many syllables. ЬЬpolysyllabically adv. polysyllable n. a polysyllabic word. polytechnic n. & adj. --n. an institution of higher education offering courses in many (esp. vocational) subjects at degree level or below. --adj. dealing with or devoted to various vocational or technical subjects. [F polytechnique f. Gk polutekhnos (as POLY-(1) tekhne art)] polytetrafluoroethylene n. Chem. a tough translucent polymer resistant to chemicals and used to coat cooking utensils etc. °Abbr.: PTFE. [POLY-(2) + TETRA- + FLUORO- + ETHYLENE] polytheism n. the belief in or worship of more than one god. ЬЬpolytheist n. polytheistic adj. [F polyth‚isme f. Gk polutheos of many gods (as POLY-(1), theos god)] polythene n. Chem. a tough light thermoplastic polymer of ethylene, usu. translucent and flexible or opaque and rigid, used for packaging and insulating materials. Also called POLYETHYLENE, POLYETHENE. polytonality n. Mus. the simultaneous use of two or more keys in a composition. ЬЬpolytonal adj. polyunsaturated adj. Chem. (of a compound, esp. a fat or oil molecule) containing several double or triple bonds and therefore capable of further reaction. polyurethane n. any polymer containing the urethane group, used in adhesives, paints, plastics, rubbers, foams, etc. polyvalent adj. Chem. having a valency of more than two, or several valencies. ЬЬpolyvalence n. polyvinyl acetate n. Chem. a soft plastic polymer used in paints and adhesives. °Abbr.: PVA. polyvinyl chloride n. a tough transparent solid polymer of vinyl chloride, easily coloured and used for a wide variety of products including pipes, flooring, etc. °Abbr.: PVC. polyzoan n. = BRYOZOAN. pom n. 1 a Pomeranian dog. 2 Austral. & NZ sl. offens. = POMMY. [abbr.] pomace n. 1 the mass of crushed apples in cider-making before or after the juice is pressed out. 2 the refuse of fish etc. after the oil has been extracted, generally used as a fertilizer. [ME f. med.L pomacium cider f. L pomum apple] pomade n. & v. --n. scented dressing for the hair and the skin of the head. --v.tr. anoint with pomade. [F pommade f. It. pomata f. med.L f. L pomum apple (from which it was orig. made)] pomander n. 1 a ball of mixed aromatic substances placed in a cupboard etc. or hist. carried in a box, bag, etc. as a protection against infection. 2 a (usu. spherical) container for this. 3 a spiced orange etc. similarly used. [earlier pom(e)amber f. AF f. OF pome d'embre f. med.L pomum de ambra apple of ambergris] pomatum n. & v.tr. = POMADE. [mod.L f. L pomum apple] pome n. a firm-fleshed fruit in which the carpels from the central core enclose the seeds, e.g. the apple, pear, and quince. ЬЬpomiferous adj. [ME f. OF ult. f. poma pl. of L pomum fruit, apple] pomegranate n. 1 a an orange-sized fruit with a tough golden-orange outer skin containing many seeds in a red pulp. b the tree bearing this fruit, Punica granatum, native to N. Africa and W. Asia. 2 an ornamental representation of a pomegranate. [ME f. OF pome grenate (as POME, L granatum having many seeds f. granum seed)] pomelo n. (pl. -os) 1 = SHADDOCK. 2 US = GRAPEFRUIT. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] Pomeranian n. 1 a small dog with long silky hair, a pointed muzzle, and pricked ears. 2 this breed. [Pomerania in Germany and Poland] pomfret n. 1 any of various fish of the family Stromateidae of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. 2 a dark-coloured deep-bodied marine fish, Brama brama, used as food. [app. f. Port. pampo] pomfret-cake n. (also Pontefract-cake) Brit. a small round flat liquorice sweetmeat orig. made at Pontefract (earlier Pomfret) in Yorkshire. pomiculture n. fruit-growing. [L pomum fruit + CULTURE] pommel n. & v. --n. 1 a knob, esp. at the end of a sword-hilt. 2 the upward projecting front part of a saddle. --v.tr. (pommelled, pommelling; US pommeled, pommeling) = PUMMEL. Ьpommel horse a vaulting horse fitted with a pair of curved handgrips . [ME f. OF pomel f. Rmc pomellum (unrecorded), dimin. of L pomum fruit, apple] pommy n. (also pommie) (pl. -ies) Austral. & NZ sl. offens. a British person, esp. a recent immigrant. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] pomology n. the science of fruit-growing. ЬЬpomological adj. pomologist n. [L pomum fruit + -LOGY] pomp n. 1 a splendid display; splendour. 2 (often in pl.) vainglory (the pomps and vanities of this wicked world). [ME f. OF pompe f. L pompa f. Gk pompe procession, pomp f. pempo send] pompadour n. a woman's hairstyle with the hair in a high turned-back roll round the face. [f. Marquise de Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV of France d. 1764] pompano n. (pl. -os) any of various fish of the family Carangidae or Stromateidae of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, used as food. [Sp. p mpano] pom-pom n. an automatic quick-firing gun esp. on a ship. [imit.] pompon n. (also pompom) 1 an ornamental ball or bobble made of wool, silk, or ribbons, usu. worn on women's or children's hats or clothing. 2 the round tuft on a soldier's cap, the front of a shako, etc. 3 (often attrib.) a dahlia or chrysanthemum with small tightly-clustered petals. [F, of unkn. orig.] pompous n. 1 self-important, affectedly grand or solemn. 2 (of language) pretentious; unduly grand in style. 3 archaic magnificent; splendid. ЬЬpomposity n. (pl. -ies). pompously adv. pompousness n. [ME f. OF pompeux f. LL pomposus (as POMP)] 'pon prep. archaic = UPON. [abbr.] ponce n. & v. Brit. sl. --n. 1 a man who lives off a prostitute's earnings; a pimp. 2 offens. a homosexual; an effeminate man. --v.intr. act as a ponce. Ьponce about move about effeminately or ineffectually. ЬЬponcey adj. (also poncy) (in sense 2 of n.). [perh. f. POUNCE(1)] poncho n. (pl. -os) 1 a S. American cloak made of a blanket-like piece of cloth with a slit in the middle for the head. 2 a garment in this style. [S.Amer. Sp., f. Araucanian] pond n. & v. --n. 1 a fairly small body of still water formed naturally or by hollowing or embanking. 2 joc. the sea. --v. 1 tr. hold back, dam up (a stream etc.). 2 intr. form a pond. Ьpond-life animals (esp. invertebrates) that live in ponds. [ME var. of POUND(3)] ponder v. 1 tr. weigh mentally; think over; consider. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by on, over) think; muse. [ME f. OF ponderer f. L ponderare f. pondus -eris weight] ponderable adj. literary having appreciable weight or significance. ЬЬponderability n. [LL ponderabilis (as PONDER)] ponderation n. literary the act or an instance of weighing, balancing, or considering. [L ponderatio (as PONDER)] ponderosa n. US 1 a N. American pine-tree, Pinus ponderosa. 2 the red timber of this tree. [mod.L, fem. of L ponderosus: see PONDEROUS] ponderous adj. 1 heavy; unwieldy. 2 laborious. 3 (of style etc.) dull; tedious. ЬЬponderosity n. ponderously adv. ponderousness n. [ME f. L ponderosus f. pondus -eris weight] pondweed n. any of various aquatic plants, esp. of the genus Potamogeton, growing in still or running water. pone(1) n. US 1 unleavened maize bread, esp. as made by N. American Indians. 2 a fine light bread made with milk, eggs, etc. 3 a cake or loaf of this. [Algonquian, = bread] pone(2) n. the dealer's opponent in two-handed card games. [L, 2nd sing. imper. of ponere place] pong n. & v. Brit. colloq. --n. an unpleasant smell. --v.intr. stink. ЬЬpongy adj. (pongier, pongiest). [20th c.: orig. unkn.] pongal n. 1 the Tamil New Year festival at which new rice is cooked. 2 a dish of cooked rice. [Tamil ponkal boiling] pongee n. 1 a soft usu. unbleached type of Chinese silk fabric. 2 an imitation of this in cotton etc. [perh. f. Chin. dial. pun-chi own loom, i.e. home-made] pongid n. & adj. --n. any ape of the family Pongidae, including gorillas, chimpanzees, and orang-utans. --adj. of or relating to this family. [mod.L Pongidae f. Pongo the genus-name: see PONGO(1)] pongo(1) n. (pl. -os) 1 an orang-utan. 2 Naut. sl. a soldier. [Congolese mpongo, orig. of African apes] pongo(2) n. (pl. -os) Austral. & NZ sl. offens. an Englishman. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] poniard n. literary a small slim dagger. [F poignard f. OF poignal f. med.L pugnale f. L pugnus fist] pons n. (pl. pontes) Anat. (in full pons Varolii) the part of the brain stem that links the medulla oblongata and the thalamus. Ьpons asinorum any difficult proposition, orig. a rule of geometry from Euclid ('bridge of asses'). [L, = bridge: Varolii f. C. Varoli, It. anatomist d. 1575] pont n. S.Afr. a flat-bottomed ferry-boat. [Du.] Pontefract-cake var. of POMFRET-CAKE. pontes pl. of PONS. pontifex n. (pl. pontifices) 1 = PONTIFF. 2 Rom. Antiq. a member of the principal college of priests in Rome. ЬPontifex Maximus the head of this. [L pontifex -ficis f. pons pontis bridge + -fex f. facere make] pontiff n. RC Ch. (in full sovereign or supreme pontiff) the Pope. [F pontife (as PONTIFEX)] pontifical adj. & n. --adj. 1 RC Ch. of or befitting a pontiff; papal. 2 pompously dogmatic; with an attitude of infallibility. --n. 1 an office-book of the Western Church containing rites to be performed by the Pope or bishops. 2 (in pl.) the vestments and insignia of a bishop, cardinal, or abbot. Ьpontifical mass a high mass, usu. celebrated by a cardinal, bishop, etc. ЬЬpontifically adv. [ME f. F pontifical or L pontificalis (as PONTIFEX)] pontificate v. & n. --v.intr. 1 a play the pontiff; pretend to be infallible. b be pompously dogmatic. 2 RC Ch. officiate as bishop, esp. at mass. --n. 1 the office of pontifex, bishop, or pope. 2 the period of this. [L pontificatus (as PONTIFEX)] pontifices pl. of PONTIFEX. pontoon(1) n. Brit. 1 a card-game in which players try to acquire cards with a face value totalling 21 and no more. 2 = NATURAL n. 4a. [prob. corrupt.] pontoon(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a flat-bottomed boat. 2 each of several boats, hollow metal cylinders, etc., used to support a temporary bridge. 3 = CAISSON 1, 2. --v.tr. cross (a river) by means of pontoons. [F ponton f. L ponto -onis f. pons pontis bridge] pony n. (pl. -ies) 1 a horse of any small breed. 2 a small drinking-glass. 3 (in pl.) sl. racehorses. 4 Brit. sl. њ25. Ьpony-tail a person's hair drawn back, tied, and hanging down like a pony's tail. pony-trekker a person who travels across country on a pony for pleasure. pony-trekking this as a hobby or activity. [perh. f. poulney (unrecorded) f. F poulenet dimin. of poulain foal] pooch n. esp. US sl. a dog. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] poodle n. 1 a a dog of a breed with a curly coat that is usually clipped. b this breed. 2 a lackey or servile follower. [G Pudel(hund) f. LG pud(d)eln splash in water: cf. PUDDLE] poof n. (also pouf, poove) Brit. sl. derog. 1 an effeminate man. 2 a male homosexual. ЬЬpoofy adj. [19th c.: cf. PUFF in sense 'braggart'] poofter n. sl. derog. = POOF. pooh int. & n. --int. expressing impatience or contempt. --n. sl. excrement. [imit.] Pooh-Bah n. (also pooh-bah) a holder of many offices at once. [a character in W. S. Gilbert's The Mikado (1885)] pooh-pooh v.tr. express contempt for; ridicule; dismiss (an idea etc.) scornfully. [redupl. of POOH] pooja var. of PUJA. pooka n. Ir. a hobgoblin. [Ir. pЈca] pool(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a small body of still water, usu. of natural formation. 2 a small shallow body of any liquid. 3 = swimming-pool (see SWIM). 4 a deep place in a river. --v. 1 tr. form into a pool. 2 intr. (of blood) become static. [OE pol, MLG, MDu. pol, OHG pfuol f. WG] pool(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a (often attrib.) a common supply of persons, vehicles, commodities, etc. for sharing by a group of people (a typing pool; a pool car). b a group of persons sharing duties etc. 2 a the collective amount of players' stakes in gambling etc. b a receptacle for this. 3 a a joint commercial venture, esp. an arrangement between competing parties to fix prices and share business to eliminate competition. b the common funding for this. 4 a US a game on a billiard-table with usu. 16 balls. b Brit. a game on a billiard-table in which each player has a ball of a different colour with which he tries to pocket the others in fixed order, the winner taking all of the stakes. 5 a group of contestants who compete against each other in a tournament for the right to advance to the next round. --v.tr. 1 put (resources etc.) into a common fund. 2 share (things) in common. 3 (of transport or organizations etc.) share (traffic, receipts). 4 Austral. sl. a involve (a person) in a scheme etc., often by deception. b implicate, inform on. Ьthe pools Brit. = football pool. [F poule (= hen) in same sense: assoc. with POOL(1)] poolroom n. US 1 a betting shop. 2 a place for playing pool. poon n. any E. Indian tree of the genus Calophyllum. Ьpoon oil an oil from the seeds of this tree, used in medicine and for lamps. [Sinh. puna] poop(1) n. & v. --n. the stern of a ship; the aftermost and highest deck. --v.tr. 1 (of a wave) break over the stern of (a ship). 2 (of a ship) receive (a wave) over the stern. [ME f. OF pupe, pope ult. f. L puppis] poop(2) v.tr. (esp. as pooped adj.) US colloq. exhaust; tire out. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] poor adj. 1 lacking adequate money or means to live comfortably. 2 (foll. by in) deficient in (a possession or quality) (the poor in spirit). 3 a scanty, inadequate (a poor crop). b less good than is usual or expected (poor visibility; is a poor driver; in poor health). c paltry; inferior (poor condition; came a poor third). 4 a deserving pity or sympathy; unfortunate (you poor thing). b with reference to a dead person (as my poor father used to say). 5 spiritless; despicable (is a poor creature). 6 often iron. or joc. humble; insignificant (in my poor opinion). Ьpoor-box a collection-box, esp. in church, for the relief of the poor. poor law hist. a law relating to the support of paupers. poor man's an inferior or cheaper substitute for. poor man's weather-glass the pimpernel. poor-rate hist. a rate or assessment for relief or support of the poor. poor relation an inferior or subordinate member of a family or any other group. poor-spirited timid; cowardly. poor White offens. (esp. used by Blacks) a member of a socially inferior group of White people. take a poor view of regard with disfavour or pessimism. [ME & OF pov(e)re, poure f. L pauper] poorhouse n. hist. = WORKHOUSE 1. poorly adv. & adj. --adv. 1 scantily; defectively. 2 with no great success. 3 meanly; contemptibly. --predic.adj. unwell. poorness n. 1 defectiveness. 2 the lack of some good quality or constituent. poove var. of POOF. POP abbr. Post Office Preferred (size of envelopes etc.). pop(1) n., v., & adv. --n. 1 a sudden sharp explosive sound as of a cork when drawn. 2 colloq. an effervescent sweet drink. --v. (popped, popping) 1 intr. & tr. make or cause to make a pop. 2 intr. & tr. (foll. by in, out, up, down, etc.) go, move, come, or put unexpectedly or in a quick or hasty manner (pop out to the shops; pop in for a visit; pop it on your head). 3 a intr. & tr. burst, making a popping sound. b tr. heat (popcorn etc.) until it pops. 4 intr. (often foll. by at) colloq. fire a gun (at birds etc.). 5 tr. sl. pawn. 6 tr. sl. inject (a drug etc.). 7 intr. (often foll. by up) (of a cricket-ball) rise sharply off the pitch. --adv. with the sound of a pop (heard it go pop). Ьin pop Brit. sl. in pawn. pop off colloq. 1 die. 2 quietly slip away (cf. sense 2 of v.). pop the question colloq. propose marriage. pop-shop Brit. sl. a pawnbroker's shop. pop-up 1 (of a toaster etc.) operating so as to move the object (toast when ready etc.) quickly upwards. 2 (of a book, greetings card, etc.) containing three-dimensional figures, illustrations, etc., that rise up when the page is turned. 3 Computing (of a menu) able to be superimposed on the screen being worked on and suppressed rapidly. [ME: imit.] pop(2) adj. & n. colloq. --adj. 1 in a popular or modern style. 2 performing popular music etc. (pop group; pop star). --n. 1 pop music. 2 a pop record or song (top of the pops). Ьpop art art based on modern popular culture and the mass media, esp. as a critical comment on traditional fine art values. pop festival a festival at which popular music etc. is performed. [abbr.] pop(3) n. esp. US colloq. father. [abbr. of POPPA] pop. abbr. population. popadam var. of POPPADAM. popcorn n. 1 Indian corn which bursts open when heated. 2 these kernels when popped. pope(1) n. 1 (as title usu. Pope) the head of the Roman Catholic Church (also called the Bishop of Rome). 2 the head of the Coptic Church. 3 = RUFF(2). Ьpope's eye 1 a lymphatic gland surrounded with fat in the middle of a sheep's leg. 2 Sc. a cut of steak. ЬЬpopedom n. popeless adj. [OE f. eccl.L papa bishop, pope f. eccl.Gk papas = Gk pappas father: cf. PAPA] pope(2) n. a parish priest of the Orthodox Church in Russia etc. [Russ. pop f. OSlav. popu f. WG f. eccl.Gk (as POPE(1))] popery n. derog. the papal system; the Roman Catholic Church. pop-eyed adj. colloq. 1 having bulging eyes. 2 wide-eyed (with surprise etc.). popgun n. 1 a child's toy gun which shoots a pellet etc. by the compression of air with a piston. 2 derog. an inefficient firearm. popinjay n. 1 a fop, a conceited person, a coxcomb. 2 a archaic a parrot. b hist. a figure of a parrot on a pole as a mark to shoot at. [ME f. AF papeiaye, OF papingay etc. f. Sp. papagayo f. Arab. babaga: assim. to JAY] popish adj. derog. Roman Catholic. ЬЬpopishly adv. poplar n. 1 any tree of the genus Populus, with a usu. rapidly growing trunk and tremulous leaves. 2 US = tulip-tree. [ME f. AF popler, OF poplier f. pople f. L populus] poplin n. a plain-woven fabric usu. of cotton, with a corded surface. [obs. F papeline perh. f. It. papalina (fem.) PAPAL, f. the papal town Avignon where it was made] popliteal adj. of the hollow at the back of the knee. [mod.L popliteus f. L poples -itis this hollow] poppa n. US colloq. father (esp. as a child's word). [var. of PAPA] poppadam n. (also poppadom, popadam) Ind. a thin, crisp, spiced bread eaten with curry etc. [Tamil pappadam] popper n. 1 Brit. colloq. a press-stud. 2 a person or thing that pops. 3 colloq. a small vial of amyl nitrite used for inhalation. poppet n. 1 Brit. colloq. (esp. as a term of endearment) a small or dainty person. 2 (in full poppet-head) the head of a lathe. 3 a small square piece of wood fitted inside the gunwale or washstrake of a boat. Ьpoppet-head Brit. the frame at the top of a mine-shaft supporting pulleys for the ropes used in hoisting. poppet-valve Engin. a mushroom-shaped valve, lifted bodily from its seat rather than hinged. [ME popet(te), ult. f. L pup(p)a: cf. PUPPET] popping-crease n. Cricket a line four feet in front of and parallel to the wicket, within which the batsman must keep the bat or one foot grounded to avoid the risk of being stumped. [POP(1), perh. in obs. sense 'strike'] popple v. & n. --v.intr. (of water) tumble about, toss to and fro. --n. the act or an instance of rolling, tossing, or rippling of water. ЬЬpopply adj. [ME prob. f. MDu. popelen murmur, quiver, of imit. orig.] poppy n. (pl. -ies) any plant of the genus Papaver, with showy often red flowers and a milky sap with narcotic properties. ЬPoppy Day = Remembrance Sunday. poppy-head 1 the seed capsule of the poppy. 2 an ornamental top on the end of a church pew. ЬЬpoppied adj. [OE popig, pap‘g, etc. f. med.L papauum f. L papaver] poppycock n. sl. nonsense. [Du. dial. pappekak] popsy n. (also popsie) (pl. -ies) colloq. (usu. as a term of endearment) a young woman. [shortening of POPPET] populace n. 1 the common people. 2 derog. the rabble. [F f. It. popolaccio f. popolo people + -accio pejorative suffix] popular adj. 1 liked or admired by many people or by a specified group (popular teachers; a popular hero). 2 a of or carried on by the general public (popular meetings). b prevalent among the general public (popular discontent). 3 adapted to the understanding, taste, or means of the people (popular science; popular medicine). Ьpopular front a party or coalition representing left-wing elements. popular music songs, folk tunes, etc., appealing to popular tastes. ЬЬpopularism n. popularity n. popularly adv. [ME f. AF populer, OF populeir or L popularis f. populus people] popularize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make popular. 2 cause (a person, principle, etc.) to be generally known or liked. 3 present (a technical subject, specialized vocabulary, etc.) in a popular or readily understandable form. ЬЬpopularization n. popularizer n. populate v.tr. 1 inhabit; form the population of (a town, country, etc.). 2 supply with inhabitants; people (a densely populated district). [med.L populare populat- (as PEOPLE)] population n. 1 a the inhabitants of a place, country, etc. referred to collectively. b any specified group within this (the Irish population of Liverpool). 2 the total number of any of these (a population of eight million; the seal population). 3 the act or process of supplying with inhabitants (the population of forest areas). 4 Statistics any finite or infinite collection of items under consideration. Ьpopulation explosion a sudden large increase of population. [LL populatio (as PEOPLE)] populist n. & adj. --n. a member or adherent of a political party seeking support mainly from the ordinary people. --adj. of or relating to such a political party. ЬЬpopulism n. populistic adj. [L populus people] populous adj. thickly inhabited. ЬЬpopulously adv. populousness n. [ME f. LL populosus (as PEOPLE)] porbeagle n. a large shark, Lamna nasus, having a pointed snout. [18th-c. Corn. dial., of unkn. orig.] porcelain n. 1 a hard vitrified translucent ceramic. 2 objects made of this. Ьporcelain clay kaolin. porcelain-shell cowrie. ЬЬporcellaneous adj. porcellanous adj. [F porcelaine cowrie, porcelain f. It. porcellana f. porcella dimin. of porca sow (a cowrie being perh. likened to a sow's vulva) f. L porca fem. of porcus pig] porch n. 1 a covered shelter for the entrance of a building. 2 US a veranda. 3 (the Porch) = the Stoa (see STOA 2). ЬЬporched adj. porchless adj. [ME f. OF porche f. L porticus (transl. Gk stoa) f. porta passage] porcine adj. of or like pigs. [F porcin or f. L porcinus f. porcus pig] porcupine n. 1 any rodent of the family Hystricidae native to Africa, Asia, and SE Europe, or the family Erethizontidae native to America, having defensive spines or quills. 2 (attrib.) denoting any of various animals or other organisms with spines. Ьporcupine fish a marine fish, Diodon hystrix, covered with sharp spines and often distending itself into a spherical shape. ЬЬporcupinish adj. porcupiny adj. [ME f. OF porc espin f. Prov. porc espi(n) ult. f. L porcus pig + spina thorn] pore(1) n. esp. Biol. a minute opening in a surface through which gases, liquids, or fine solids may pass. [ME f. OF f. L porus f. Gk poros passage, pore] pore(2) v.intr. (foll. by over) 1 be absorbed in studying (a book etc.). 2 meditate on, think intently about (a subject). [ME pure etc. perh. f. OE purian (unrecorded): cf. PEER(1)] porgy n. (pl. -ies) US any usu. marine fish of the family Sparidae, used as food. Also called sea bream. [18th c.: orig. uncert.: cf. Sp. & Port. pargo] porifer n. any aquatic invertebrate of the phylum Porifera, including sponges. [mod.L Porifera f. L porus PORE(1) + - fer bearing] pork n. the (esp. unsalted) flesh of a pig, used as food. Ьpork-barrel US colloq. government funds as a source of political benefit. pork-butcher a person who slaughters pigs for sale, or who sells pork rather than other meats. pork pie a pie of minced pork etc. eaten cold. pork pie hat a hat with a flat crown and a brim turned up all round. [ME porc f. OF porc f. L porcus pig] porker n. 1 a pig raised for food. 2 a young fattened pig. porkling n. a young or small pig. porky(1) adj. (porkier, porkiest) 1 colloq. fleshy, fat. 2 of or like pork. porky(2) n. (pl. -ies) US colloq. a porcupine. [abbr.] porn n. colloq. pornography. [abbr.] porno n. & adj. colloq. --n. pornography. --adj. pornographic. [abbr.] pornography n. 1 the explicit description or exhibition of sexual activity in literature, films, etc., intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. 2 literature etc. characterized by this. ЬЬpornographer n. pornographic adj. pornographically adv. [Gk pornographos writing of harlots f. porne prostitute + grapho write] porous adj. 1 full of pores. 2 letting through air, water, etc. 3 (of an argument, security system, etc.) leaky, admitting infiltration. ЬЬporosity n. porously adv. porousness n. [ME f. OF poreux f. med.L porosus f. L porus PORE(1)] porphyria n. any of a group of genetic disorders associated with abnormal metabolism of various pigments. [mod.L f. porphyrin purple substance excreted by porphyria patients f. Gk porphura purple] porphyry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a hard rock quarried in ancient Egypt, composed of crystals of white or red feldspar in a red matrix. 2 Geol. an igneous rock with large crystals scattered in a matrix of much smaller crystals. ЬЬporphyritic adj. [ME ult. f. med.L porphyreum f. Gk porphurites f. porphura purple] porpoise n. any of various small toothed whales of the family Phocaenidae, esp. of the genus Phocaena, with a low triangular dorsal fin and a blunt rounded snout. [ME porpays etc. f. OF po(u)rpois etc. ult. f. L porcus pig + piscis fish] porridge n. 1 a dish consisting of oatmeal or another meal or cereal boiled in water or milk. 2 sl. imprisonment. ЬЬporridgy adj. [16th c.: alt. of POTTAGE] porringer n. a small bowl, often with a handle, for soup, stew, etc. [earlier pottinger f. OF potager f. potage (see POTTAGE): -n- as in messenger etc.] port(1) n. 1 a harbour. 2 a place of refuge. 3 a town or place possessing a harbour, esp. one where customs officers are stationed. Ьport of call a place where a ship or a person stops on a journey. Port of London Authority the corporate body controlling the London harbour and docks. [OE f. L portus & ME prob. f. OF f. L portus] port(2) n. (in full port wine) a strong, sweet, dark-red (occas. brown or white) fortified wine of Portugal. [shortened form of Oporto, city in Portugal from which port is shipped] port(3) n. & v. --n. the left-hand side (looking forward) of a ship, boat, or aircraft (cf. STARBOARD). --v.tr. (also absol.) turn (the helm) to port. Ьport tack see TACK(1) 4. port watch see WATCH n. 3b. [prob. orig. the side turned towards PORT(1)] port(4) n. 1 a an opening in the side of a ship for entrance, loading, etc. b a porthole. 2 an aperture for the passage of steam, water, etc. 3 Electr. a socket or aperture in an electronic circuit, esp. in a computer network, where connections can be made with peripheral equipment. 4 an aperture in a wall etc. for a gun to be fired through. 5 esp. Sc. a gate or gateway, esp. of a walled town. [ME & OF porte f. L porta] port(5) v. & n. --v.tr. Mil. carry (a rifle, or other weapon) diagonally across and close to the body with the barrel etc. near the left shoulder (esp. port arms!). --n. 1 Mil. this position. 2 external deportment; carriage; bearing. [ME f. OF port ult. f. L portare carry] port (6) n. Austral. 1 a suitcase or travelling bag. 2 a shopping bag, sugar bag, etc. [abbr. of PORTMANTEAU] portable adj. & n. --adj. 1 easily movable, convenient for carrying (portable TV; portable computer). 2 (of a right, privilege, etc.) capable of being transferred or adapted in altered circumstances (portable pension). --n. a portable object, e.g. a radio, typewriter, etc. (decided to buy a portable). ЬЬportability n. portableness n. portably adv. [ME f. OF portable or LL portabilis f. L portare carry] portage n. & v. --n. 1 the carrying of boats or goods between two navigable waters. 2 a place at which this is necessary. 3 a the act or an instance of carrying or transporting. b the cost of this. --v.tr. convey (a boat or goods) between navigable waters. [ME f. OF f. porter: see PORT(5)] Portakabin n. propr. a portable room or building designed for quick assembly. [PORTABLE + CABIN] portal(1) n. a doorway or gate etc., esp. a large and elaborate one. [ME f. OF f. med.L portale (neut. adj.): see PORTAL(2)] portal(2) adj. 1 of or relating to an aperture in an organ through which its associated vessels pass. 2 of or relating to the portal vein. Ьportal vein a vein conveying blood to the liver from the spleen, stomach, pancreas, and intestines. [mod.L portalis f. L porta gate] portamento n. (pl. portamenti) Mus. 1 the act or an instance of gliding from one note to another in singing, playing the violin, etc. 2 piano-playing in a manner intermediate between legato and staccato. [It., = carrying] portative adj. 1 serving to carry or support. 2 Mus. hist. (esp. of a small pipe-organ) portable. [ME f. OF portatif, app. alt. of portatil f. med.L portatilis f. L portare carry] portcullis n. 1 a strong heavy grating sliding up and down in vertical grooves, lowered to block a gateway in a fortress etc. 2 (Portcullis) Heraldry one of the four pursuivants of the English College of Arms, with this as a badge. ЬЬportcullised adj. [ME f. OF porte cole‹ce sliding door f. porte door f. L porta + col(e)‹ce fem. of coule‹s sliding ult. f. L colare filter] Porte n. (in full the Sublime or Ottoman Porte) hist. the Ottoman court at Constantinople. [F (la Sublime Porte = the exalted gate), transl. of Turk. title of the central office of the Ottoman government] porte-cochЉre n. 1 a porch large enough for vehicles to pass through, usu. into a courtyard. 2 US a roofed structure extending from the entrance of a building over a place where vehicles stop to discharge passengers. [F f. porte PORT(4) + cochЉre (fem. adj.) f. coche COACH] portend v.tr. 1 foreshadow as an omen. 2 give warning of. [ME f. L portendere portent- f. por- PRO-(1) + tendere stretch] portent n. 1 an omen, a significant sign of something to come. 2 a prodigy; a marvellous thing. [L portentum (as PORTEND)] portentous adj. 1 like or serving as a portent. 2 pompously solemn. ЬЬportentously adv. porter(1) n. 1 a a person employed to carry luggage etc., esp. a railway, airport, or hotel employee. b a hospital employee who moves equipment, trolleys, etc. 2 a dark-brown bitter beer brewed from charred or browned malt (app. orig. made esp. for porters). 3 US a sleeping-car attendant. ЬЬporterage n. [ME f. OF port(e)our f. med.L portator -oris f. portare carry] porter(2) n. Brit. a gatekeeper or doorkeeper, esp. of a large building. [ME & AF, OF portier f. LL portarius f. porta door] porterhouse n. esp. US 1 hist. a house at which porter and other drinks were retailed. 2 a house where steaks, chops, etc. were served. Ьporterhouse steak a thick steak cut from the thick end of a sirloin. portfire n. a device for firing rockets, igniting explosives in mining, etc. [after F porte-feu f. porter carry + feu fire] portfolio n. (pl. -os) 1 a case for keeping loose sheets of paper, drawings, etc. 2 a range of investments held by a person, a company, etc. 3 the office of a minister of State (cf. minister without portfolio). 4 samples of an artist's work. [It. portafogli f. portare carry + foglio leaf f. L folium] porthole n. 1 an (esp. glazed) aperture in a ship's or aircraft's side for the admission of light. 2 hist. an aperture for pointing a cannon through. portico n. (pl. -oes or -os) a colonnade; a roof supported by columns at regular intervals usu. attached as a porch to a building. [It. f. L porticus PORCH] portiЉre n. a curtain hung over a door or doorway. [F f. porte door f. L porta] portion n. & v. --n. 1 a part or share. 2 the amount of food allotted to one person. 3 a specified or limited quantity. 4 one's destiny or lot. 5 a dowry. --v.tr. 1 divide (a thing) into portions. 2 (foll. by out) distribute. 3 give a dowry to. 4 (foll. by to) assign (a thing) to (a person). ЬЬportionless adj. (in sense 5 of n.). [ME f. OF porcion portion f. L portio -onis] Portland cement n. a cement manufactured from chalk and clay which when hard resembles Portland stone in colour. Portland stone n. a limestone from the Isle of Portland in Dorset, used in building. portly adj. (portlier, portliest) 1 corpulent; stout. 2 archaic of a stately appearance. ЬЬportliness n. [PORT(5) (in the sense 'bearing') + -LY(1)] portmanteau n. (pl. portmanteaus or portmanteaux) a leather trunk for clothes etc., opening into two equal parts. Ьportmanteau word a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others, e.g. motel, Oxbridge. [F portmanteau f. porter carry f. L portare + manteau MANTLE] portolan n. (also portolano) (pl. portolans or portolanos) hist. a book of sailing directions with charts, descriptions of harbours, etc. [It. portolano f. porto PORT(1)] portrait n. 1 a representation of a person or animal, esp. of the face, made by drawing, painting, photography, etc. 2 a verbal picture; a graphic description. 3 a person etc. resembling or typifying another (is the portrait of his father). 4 (in graphic design etc.) a format in which the height of an illustration etc. is greater than the width (cf. LANDSCAPE). [F, past part. of OF portraire PORTRAY] portraitist n. a person who takes or paints portraits. portraiture n. 1 the art of painting or taking portraits. 2 graphic description. 3 a portrait. [ME f. OF (as PORTRAIT)] portray v.tr. 1 make a likeness of. 2 describe graphically. ЬЬportrayable adj. portrayal n. portrayer n. [ME f. OF portraire f. por- = PRO-(1) + traire draw f. L trahere] Port Salut n. a pale mild type of cheese. [after the Trappist monastery in France where it was first produced] Portuguese n. & adj. --n. (pl. same) 1 a a native or national of Portugal. b a person of Portuguese descent. 2 the language of Portugal. --adj. of or relating to Portugal or its people or language. ЬPortuguese man-of-war a dangerous tropical or sub-tropical marine hydrozoan of the genus Physalia with a large crest and a poisonous sting. [Port. portuguez f. med.L portugalensis] POS abbr. point-of-sale. pose(1) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. assume a certain attitude of body, esp. when being photographed or being painted for a portrait. 2 intr. (foll. by as) set oneself up as or pretend to be (another person etc.) (posing as a celebrity). 3 intr. behave affectedly in order to impress others. 4 tr. put forward or present (a question etc.). 5 tr. place (an artist's model etc.) in a certain attitude or position. --n. 1 an attitude of body or mind. 2 an attitude or pretence, esp. one assumed for effect (his generosity is a mere pose). [F poser (v.), pose (n.) f. LL pausare PAUSE: some senses by confusion with L ponere place (cf. COMPOSE)] pose(2) v.tr. puzzle (a person) with a question or problem. [obs. appose f. OF aposer var. of oposer OPPOSE] poser n. 1 a person who poses (see POSE(1) v. 3). 2 a puzzling question or problem. poseur n. (fem. poseuse) a person who poses for effect or behaves affectedly. [F f. poser POSE(1)] posh adj. & adv. colloq. --adj. 1 smart; stylish. 2 of or associated with the upper classes (spoke with a posh accent). --adv. in a stylish or upper-class way (talk posh; act posh). Ьposh up smarten up. ЬЬposhly adv. poshness n. [20th c.: perh. f. sl. posh a dandy: port out starboard home (referring to the more comfortable accommodation on ships to and from the East) is a later association and not the true origin] posit v. & n. --v.tr. (posited, positing) 1 assume as a fact, postulate. 2 put in place or position. --n. Philos. a statement which is made on the assumption that it will prove valid. [L ponere posit- place] position n. & v. --n. 1 a place occupied by a person or thing. 2 the way in which a thing or its parts are placed or arranged (sitting in an uncomfortable position). 3 the proper place (in position). 4 the state of being advantageously placed (jockeying for position). 5 a person's mental attitude; a way of looking at a question (changed their position on nuclear disarmament). 6 a person's situation in relation to others (puts one in an awkward position). 7 rank or status; high social standing. 8 paid employment. 9 a place where troops etc. are posted for strategical purposes (the position was stormed). 10 the configuration of chessmen etc. during a game. 11 a specific pose in ballet etc. (hold first position). 12 Logic a a proposition. b a statement of proposition. --v.tr. place in position. Ьin a position to enabled by circumstances, resources, information, etc. to (do, state, etc.). position paper orig. US (in business etc.) a written report of attitude or intentions. position vector Math. a vector which determines the position of a point. ЬЬpositional adj. positionally adv. positioner n. [ME f. OF position or L positio -onis (as POSIT)] positive adj. & n. --adj. 1 formally or explicitly stated; definite, unquestionable (positive proof). 2 (of a person) convinced, confident, or overconfident in his or her opinion (positive that I was not there). 3 a absolute; not relative. b Gram. (of an adjective or adverb) expressing a simple quality without comparison (cf. COMPARATIVE, SUPERLATIVE). 4 colloq. downright; complete (it would be a positive miracle). 5 constructive; directional (positive criticism; positive thinking). 6 marked by the presence rather than absence of qualities or Med. symptoms (a positive reaction to the plan; the test was positive). 7 esp. Philos. dealing only with matters of fact; practical (cf. POSITIVISM 1). 8 tending in a direction naturally or arbitrarily taken as that of increase or progress (clockwise rotation is positive). 9 greater than zero (positive and negative integers) (opp. NEGATIVE). 10 Electr. of, containing, or producing the kind of electrical charge produced by rubbing glass with silk; an absence of electrons. 11 (of a photographic image) showing lights and shades or colours true to the original (opp. NEGATIVE). --n. a positive adjective, photograph, quantity, etc. Ьpositive discrimination the practice of making distinctions in favour of groups considered to be underprivileged. positive feedback 1 a constructive response to an experiment, questionnaire, etc. 2 Electronics the return of part of an output signal to the input, tending to increase the amplification etc. positive geotropism see GEOTROPISM. positive pole the north-seeking pole. positive ray Physics a canal ray. positive sign = plus sign. positive vetting Brit. an exhaustive inquiry into the background and character of a candidate for a post in the Civil Service that involves access to secret material. ЬЬpositively adv. positiveness n. positivity n. [ME f. OF positif -ive or L positivus (as POSIT)] positivism n. 1 Philos. the philosophical system of Auguste Comte, recognizing only non-metaphysical facts and observable phenomena, and rejecting metaphysics and theism. 2 a religious system founded on this. 3 = logical positivism. ЬЬpositivist n. positivistic adj. positivistically adv. [F positivisme (as POSITIVE)] positron n. Physics an elementary particle with a positive charge equal to the negative charge of an electron and having the same mass as an electron. [POSITIVE + -TRON] posology n. the study of the dosage of medicines. ЬЬposological adj. [F posologie f. Gk posos how much] posse n. 1 a strong force or company or assemblage. 2 (in full posse comitatus) a a body of constables, law-enforcers, etc. b esp. US a body of men summoned by a sheriff etc. to enforce the law. [med.L, = power f. L posse be able: comitatus = of the county] possess v.tr. 1 hold as property; own. 2 have a faculty, quality, etc. (they possess a special value for us). 3 (also refl.; foll. by in) maintain (oneself, one's soul, etc.) in a specified state (possess oneself in patience). 4 a (of a demon etc.) occupy; have power over (a person etc.) (possessed by the devil). b (of an emotion, infatuation, etc.) dominate, be an obsession of (possessed by fear). 5 have sexual intercourse with (esp. a woman). Ьbe possessed of own, have. possess oneself of take or get for one's own. what possessed you? an expression of incredulity. ЬЬpossessor n. possessory adj. [OF possesser f. L possidere possess- f. potis able + sedere sit] possession n. 1 the act or state of possessing or being possessed. 2 the thing possessed. 3 the act or state of actual holding or occupancy. 4 Law power or control similar to lawful ownership but which may exist separately from it (prosecuted for possession of narcotic drugs). 5 (in pl.) property, wealth, subject territory, etc. 6 Football etc. temporary control of the ball by a particular player. Ьin possession 1 (of a person) possessing. 2 (of a thing) possessed. in possession of 1 having in one's possession. 2 maintaining control over (in possession of one's wits). in the possession of held or owned by. possession order an order made by a court directing that possession of a property be given to the owner. take possession (often foll. by of) become the owner or possessor (of a thing). ЬЬpossessionless adj. [ME f. OF possession or L possessio -onis (as POSSESS)] possessive adj. & n. --adj. 1 showing a desire to possess or retain what one already owns. 2 showing jealous and domineering tendencies towards another person. 3 Gram. indicating possession. --n. (in full possessive case) Gram. the case of nouns and pronouns expressing possession. Ьpossessive pronoun each of the pronouns indicating possession (my, your, his, their, etc.) or the corresponding absolute forms (mine, yours, his, theirs, etc.). ЬЬpossessively adv. possessiveness n. [L possessivus (as POSSESS), transl. Gk ktetike (ptosis case)] posset n. hist. a drink made of hot milk curdled with ale, wine, etc., often flavoured with spices, formerly much used as a remedy for colds etc. [ME poshote: orig. unkn.] possibility n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state or fact of being possible, or an occurrence of this (outside the range of possibility; saw no possibility of going away). 2 a thing that may exist or happen (there are three possibilities). 3 (usu. in pl.) the capability of being used, improved, etc.; the potential of an object or situation (esp. have possibilities). [ME f. OF possibilit‚ or LL possibilitas -tatis (as POSSIBLE)] possible adj. & n. --adj. 1 capable of existing or happening; that may be managed, achieved, etc. (came as early as possible; did as much as possible). 2 that is likely to happen etc. (few thought their victory possible). 3 acceptable; potential (a possible way of doing it). --n. 1 a possible candidate, member of a team, etc. 2 (prec. by the) whatever is likely, manageable, etc. 3 the highest possible score, esp. in shooting etc. [ME f. OF possible or L possibilis f. posse be able] possibly adv. 1 perhaps. 2 in accordance with possibility (cannot possibly refuse). possum n. 1 colloq. = OPOSSUM 1. 2 Austral. & NZ colloq. a phalanger resembling an American opossum. Ьplay possum 1 pretend to be asleep or unconscious when threatened. 2 feign ignorance. [abbr.] post(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a long stout piece of timber or metal set upright in the ground etc.: a to support something, esp. in building. b to mark a position, boundary, etc. c to carry notices. 2 a pole etc. marking the start or finish of a race. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by up) a attach (a paper etc.) in a prominent place; stick up (post no bills). b announce or advertise by placard or in a published text. 2 publish the name of (a ship etc.) as overdue or missing. 3 placard (a wall etc.) with bills etc. 4 US achieve (a score in a game etc.). Ьpost-mill a windmill pivoted on a post and turning to catch the wind. [OE f. L postis: in ME also f. OF etc.] post(2) n., v., & adv. --n. 1 Brit. the official conveyance of parcels, letters, etc. (send it by post). 2 Brit. a single collection, dispatch, or delivery of these; the letters etc. dispatched (has the post arrived yet?). 3 Brit. a place where letters etc. are dealt with; a post office or postbox (take it to the post). 4 hist. a one of a series of couriers who carried mail on horseback between fixed stages. b a letter-carrier; a mail cart. --v. 1 tr. put (a letter etc.) in the post. 2 tr. (esp. as posted adj.) (often foll. by up) supply a person with information (keep me posted). 3 tr. a enter (an item) in a ledger. b (often foll. by up) complete (a ledger) in this way. c carry (an entry) from an auxiliary book to a more formal one, or from one account to another. 4 intr. a travel with haste, hurry. b hist. travel with relays of horses. --adv. express; with haste. Ьpost-chaise hist. a travelling carriage hired from stage to stage or drawn by horses hired in this manner. post exchange US Mil. a shop at a military camp etc. post-free Brit. carried by post free of charge or with the postage prepaid. post-haste with great speed. post-horn a valveless horn formerly used to announce the arrival of the post. Post Office 1 the public department or corporation responsible for postal services and (in some countries) telecommunication. 2 (post office) a a room or building where postal business is carried on. b US = postman's knock. post-office box a numbered place in a post office where letters are kept until called for. post-paid on which postage has been paid. post room the department of a company that deals with incoming and outgoing mail. post-town a town with a post office, esp. one that is not a sub-office of another. [F poste (fem.) f. It. posta ult. f. L ponere posit- place] post(3) n. & v. --n. 1 a place where a soldier is stationed or which he patrols. 2 a place of duty. 3 a a position taken up by a body of soldiers. b a force occupying this. c a fort. 4 a situation, paid employment. 5 = trading post. 6 Naut. hist. a commission as an officer in command of a vessel of 20 guns or more. --v.tr. 1 place or station (soldiers, an employee, etc.). 2 appoint to a post or command. Ьfirst (or last) post Brit. a bugle-call giving notice of the hour of retiring at night. last post Brit. a bugle-call blown at military funerals etc. [F poste (masc.) f. It. posto f. Rmc postum (unrecorded) f. L ponere posit- place] post- prefix after in time or order. [from or after L post (adv. & prep.)] postage n. the amount charged for sending a letter etc. by post, usu. prepaid in the form of a stamp (њ25 including postage & packing). Ьpostage meter US a franking-machine. postage stamp an official stamp affixed to or imprinted on a letter etc. indicating the amount of postage paid. postal adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the post. 2 by post (postal vote). --n. US a postcard. Ьpostal card US = POSTCARD. postal code = POSTCODE. postal meter a franking-machine. postal note Austral. & NZ = postal order. postal order a money order issued by the Post Office, payable to a specified person. Postal Union a union of the governments of various countries for the regulation of international postage. ЬЬpostally adv. [F (poste POST(2))] postbag n. Brit. = MAILBAG. postbox n. Brit. a letter-box. postcard n. a card, often with a photograph on one side, for sending a short message by post without an envelope. post-classical adj. (esp. of Greek and Roman literature) later than the classical period. postcode n. a group of letters or letters and figures which are added to a postal address to assist sorting. post-coital adj. occurring or existing after sexual intercourse. ЬЬpost-coitally adv. postdate v. & n. --v.tr. affix or assign a date later than the actual one to (a document, event, etc.). --n. such a date. post-doctoral adj. of or relating to research undertaken after the completion of doctoral research. post-entry n. (pl. -ies) a late or subsequent entry, esp. in a race or in bookkeeping. poster n. 1 a placard in a public place. 2 a large printed picture. 3 a billposter. Ьposter paint a gummy opaque paint. poste restante n. 1 a direction on a letter to indicate that it should be kept at a specified post office until collected by the addressee. 2 the department in a post office where such letters are kept. [F, = letter(s) remaining] posterior adj. & n. --adj. 1 later; coming after in series, order, or time. 2 situated at the back. --n. (in sing. or pl.) the buttocks. ЬЬposteriority n. posteriorly adv. [L, compar. of posterus following f. post after] posterity n. 1 all succeeding generations. 2 the descendants of a person. [ME f. OF posterit‚ f. L posteritas -tatis f. posterus: see POSTERIOR] postern n. 1 a back door. 2 a side way or entrance. [ME f. OF posterne, posterle, f. LL posterula dimin. of posterus: see POSTERIOR] postfix n. & v. --n. a suffix. --v.tr. append (letters) at the end of a word. postglacial adj. & n. --adj. formed or occurring after a glacial period. --n. a postglacial period or deposit. postgraduate adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a course of study) carried on after taking a first degree. 2 of or relating to students following this course of study (postgraduate accommodation). --n. a postgraduate student. posthumous adj. 1 occurring after death. 2 (of a child) born after the death of its father. 3 (of a book etc.) published after the author's death. ЬЬposthumously adv. [L postumus last (superl. f. post after): in LL posth- by assoc. with humus ground] postiche n. a coil of false hair, worn as an adornment. [F, = false, f. It. posticcio] postie n. colloq. a postman or postwoman. [abbr.] postil n. hist. 1 a marginal note or comment, esp. on a text of Scripture. 2 a commentary. [ME f. OF postille f. med.L postilla, of uncert. orig.] postilion n. (also postillion) the rider on the near (left-hand side) horse drawing a coach etc. when there is no coachman. [F postillon f. It. postiglione post-boy f. posta POST(2)] post-impressionism n. artistic aims and methods developed as a reaction against impressionism and intending to express the individual artist's conception of the objects represented rather than the ordinary observer's view. ЬЬpost-impressionist n. & adj. post-impressionistic adj. postindustrial adj. relating to or characteristic of a society or economy which no longer relies on heavy industry. postliminy n. 1 (in international law) the restoration to their former status of persons and things taken in war. 2 (in Roman law) the right of a banished person or captive to resume civic privileges on return from exile. [L postliminium (as POST-, limen liminis threshold)] postlude n. Mus. a concluding voluntary. [POST-, after PRELUDE] postman n. (pl. -men; fem. postwoman, pl. -women) a person who is employed to deliver and collect letters etc. Ьpostman's knock Brit. a parlour game in which imaginary letters are delivered in exchange for kisses. postmark n. & v. --n. an official mark stamped on a letter, esp. one giving the place, date, etc. of dispatch or arrival, and serving to cancel the stamp. --v.tr. mark (an envelope etc.) with this. postmaster n. a man in charge of a post office. Ьpostmaster general the head of a country's postal service. °The office was abolished in the UK in 1969. post-millennial adj. following the millennium. post-millennialism n. the doctrine that a second Advent will follow the millennium. ЬЬpost-millennialist n. postmistress n. a woman in charge of a post office. post-modern adj. (in literature, architecture, the arts, etc.) denoting a movement reacting against modern tendencies, esp. by drawing attention to former conventions. ЬЬpost-modernism n. post-modernist n. & adj. post-mortem n., adv., & adj. --n. 1 (in full post-mortem examination) an examination made after death, esp. to determine its cause. 2 colloq. a discussion analysing the course and result of a game, election, etc. adv. & adj. after death. [L] postnatal adj. characteristic of or relating to the period after childbirth. post-nuptial adj. after marriage. post-obit n. & adj. --n. a bond given to a lender by a borrower securing a sum for payment on the death of another person from whom the borrower expects to inherit. --adj. taking effect after death. [L post obitum f. post after + obitus decease f. obire die] post-partum adj. following parturition. postpone v.tr. cause or arrange (an event etc.) to take place at a later time. ЬЬpostponable adj. postponement n. postponer n. [L postponere (as POST-, ponere posit- place)] postposition n. 1 a word or particle, esp. an enclitic, placed after the word it modifies, e.g. -ward in homeward and at in the books we looked at. 2 the use of a postposition. ЬЬpostpositional adj. & n. postpositive adj. & n. postpositively adv. [LL postpositio (as POSTPONE)] postprandial adj. formal or joc. after dinner or lunch. [POST- + L prandium a meal] postscript n. 1 an additional paragraph or remark, usu. at the end of a letter after the signature and introduced by 'PS'. 2 any additional information, action, etc. [L postscriptum neut. past part. of postscribere (as POST-, scribere write)] post-tax adj. (of income) after the deduction of taxes. postulant n. a candidate, esp. for admission into a religious order. [F postulant or L postulans -antis (as POSTULATE)] postulate v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by that + clause) assume as a necessary condition, esp. as a basis for reasoning; take for granted. 2 claim. 3 (in ecclesiastical law) nominate or elect to a higher rank. --n. 1 a thing postulated. 2 a fundamental prerequisite or condition. 3 Math. an assumption used as a basis for mathematical reasoning. ЬЬpostulation n. [L postulare postulat- demand] postulator n. 1 a person who postulates. 2 RC Ch. a person who presents a case for canonization or beatification. posture n. & v. --n. 1 the relative position of parts, esp. of the body (in a reclining posture). 2 carriage or bearing (improved by good posture and balance). 3 a mental or spiritual attitude or condition. 4 the condition or state (of affairs etc.) (in more diplomatic postures). --v. 1 intr. assume a mental or physical attitude, esp. for effect (inclined to strut and posture). 2 tr. pose (a person). ЬЬpostural adj. posturer n. [F f. It. postura f. L positura f. ponere posit- place] postwar adj. occurring or existing after a war (esp. the most recent major war). posy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a small bunch of flowers. 2 archaic a short motto, line of verse, etc., inscribed within a ring. Ьposy-ring a ring with this inscription. [alt. f. POESY] pot(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a vessel, usu. rounded, of ceramic ware or metal or glass for holding liquids or solids or for cooking in. 2 a a coffee-pot, flowerpot, glue-pot, jam-pot, teapot, etc. b = chimney-pot. c = lobster-pot. 3 a drinking vessel of pewter etc. 4 the contents of a pot (ate a whole pot of jam). 5 the total amount of the bet in a game etc. 6 colloq. a large sum (pots of money). 7 sl. a vessel given as a prize in an athletic contest, esp. a silver cup. 8 = pot-belly. --v.tr. (potted, potting) 1 place in a pot. 2 (usu. as potted adj.) preserve in a sealed pot (potted shrimps). 3 sit (a young child) on a chamber pot. 4 pocket (a ball) in billiards etc. 5 shoot at, hit, or kill (an animal) with a pot shot. 6 seize or secure. 7 abridge or epitomize (in a potted version; potted wisdom). Ьgo to pot colloq. deteriorate; be ruined. pot-bellied having a pot-belly. pot-belly (pl. -ies) 1 a protruding stomach. 2 a person with this. 3 a small bulbous stove. pot-boiler 1 a work of literature or art done merely to make the writer or artist a living. 2 a writer or artist who does this. pot-bound (of a plant) having roots which fill the flowerpot, leaving no room to expand. pot cheese US cottage cheese. pot-herb any herb grown in a kitchen garden. pot-hook 1 a hook over a hearth for hanging a pot etc. on, or for lifting a hot pot. 2 a curved stroke in handwriting, esp. as made in learning to write. pot-hunter 1 a person who hunts for game at random. 2 a person who takes part in a contest merely for the sake of the prize. pot luck whatever (hospitality etc.) is available. pot of gold an imaginary reward; an ideal; a jackpot. pot pie a pie of meat etc. or fruit with a crust baked in a pot. pot plant a plant grown in a flowerpot. pot roast a piece of meat cooked slowly in a covered dish. pot-roast v.tr. cook (a piece of meat) in this way. pot-shot 1 a random shot. 2 a shot aimed at an animal etc. within easy reach. 3 a shot at a game-bird etc. merely to provide a meal. pot-valiant courageous because of drunkenness. pot-valour this type of courage. ЬЬpotful n. (pl. -fuls). [OE pott, corresp. to OFris., MDu., MLG pot, f. pop.L] pot(2) n. sl. marijuana. Ьpot-head one who smokes this. [prob. f. Mex. Sp. potiguaya] pot(3) n. & v. Austral. & NZ --n. a dropped goal in rugby football. --v.tr. (potted, potting) score (a dropped goal). [perh. f. pot-shot] potable adj. drinkable. ЬЬpotability n. [F potable or LL potabilis f. L potare drink] potage n. thick soup. [F (as POTTAGE)] potamic adj. of rivers. ЬЬpotamology n. [Gk potamos river] potash n. an alkaline potassium compound, usu. potassium carbonate or hydroxide. [17th-c. pot-ashes f. Du. pot-asschen (as POT(1), ASH(1)): orig. obtained by leaching vegetable ashes and evaporating the solution in iron pots] potassium n. Chem. a soft silver-white metallic element occurring naturally in seawater and various minerals, an essential element for living organisms, and forming many useful compounds used industrially. °Symb.: K. Ьpotassium chloride a white crystalline solid used as a fertilizer and in photographic processing. potassium cyanide a highly toxic solid that can be hydrolysed to give poisonous hydrogen cyanide gas: also called CYANIDE. potassium iodide a white crystalline solid used as an additive to table salt to prevent iodine deficiency. potassium permanganate a purple crystalline solid that is used in solution as an oxidizing agent and disinfectant. ЬЬpotassic adj. [POTASH + -IUM] potation n. 1 a drink. 2 the act or an instance of drinking. 3 (usu. in pl.) the act or an instance of tippling. ЬЬpotatory adj. [ME f. OF potation or L potatio f. potare drink] potato n. (pl. -oes) 1 a starchy plant tuber that is cooked and used for food. 2 the plant, Solanum tuberosum, bearing this. 3 colloq. a hole in (esp. the heel of) a sock or stocking. Ьpotato chip = CHIP n. 3. potato crisp Brit. = CRISP n. 1. [Sp. patata var. of Taino batata] pot-au-feu n. 1 a large cooking pot of the kind common in France. 2 the soup or broth cooked in it. 3 the traditional French recipe associated with this. [F, = pot on the fire] potch n. an opal of inferior quality. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] poteen n. (also potheen) Ir. alcohol made illicitly, usu. from potatoes. [Ir. poitЎn dimin. of pota POT(1)] potent(1) adj. 1 powerful; strong. 2 (of a reason) cogent; forceful. 3 (of a male) capable of sexual erection or orgasm. 4 literary mighty. ЬЬpotence n. potency n. potently adv. [L potens -entis pres. part. of posse be able] potent(2) adj. & n. Heraldry --adj. 1 with a crutch-head shape. 2 (of a fur) formed by a series of such shapes. --n. this fur. [ME f. OF potence crutch f. L potentia power (as POTENT(1))] potentate n. a monarch or ruler. [ME f. OF potentat or L potentatus dominion (as POTENT(2))] potential adj. & n. --adj. capable of coming into being or action; latent. --n. 1 the capacity for use or development; possibility (achieved its highest potential). 2 usable resources. 3 Physics the quantity determining the energy of mass in a gravitational field or of charge in an electric field. Ьpotential barrier a region of high potential impeding the movement of particles etc. potential difference the difference of electric potential between two points. potential energy a body's ability to do work by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, etc. ЬЬpotentiality n. potentialize v.tr. (also -ise). potentially adv. [ME f. OF potencial or LL potentialis f. potentia (as POTENT(1))] potentiate v.tr. 1 make more powerful, esp. increase the effectiveness of (a drug). 2 make possible. [as POTENT(1) after SUBSTANTIATE] potentilla n. any plant or shrub of the genus Potentilla; a cinquefoil. [med.L, dimin. of L potens POTENT(1)] potentiometer n. an instrument for measuring or adjusting small electrical potentials. ЬЬpotentiometric adj. potentiometry n. potheen var. of POTEEN. pother n. & v. literary --n. a noise; commotion; fuss. --v. 1 tr. fluster, worry. 2 intr. make a fuss. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] pothole n. & v. --n. 1 Geol. a deep hole or system of caves and underground river-beds formed by the erosion of rock esp. by the action of water. 2 a deep hole in the ground or a river-bed. 3 a hole in a road surface caused by wear or subsidence. --v.intr. Brit. explore potholes. ЬЬpotholer n. potholing n. potion n. a dose or quantity of medicine, a drug, poison, etc. [ME f. OF f. L potio -onis f. potus having drunk] potlatch n. (among N. American Indians) a ceremonial giving away or destruction of property to enhance status. [Chinook f. Nootka patlatsh gift] potoroo n. Austral. any small marsupial of the genus Potorus, native to Australia and Tasmania; a rat kangaroo. [Aboriginal] pot-pourri n. 1 a mixture of dried petals and spices used to perfume a room etc. 2 a musical or literary medley. [F, = rotten pot] potrero n. (pl. -os) 1 (in the SW US and S. America) a paddock or pasture for horses or cattle. 2 (in the SW US) a narrow steep-sided plateau. [Sp. f. potro colt, pony] potsherd n. a broken piece of ceramic material, esp. one found on an archaeological site. pottage n. archaic soup, stew. [ME f. OF potage (as POT(1))] potter(1) v. (US putter) 1 intr. a (often foll. by about, around) work or occupy oneself in a desultory but pleasant manner (likes pottering about in the garden). b (often foll. by at, in) dabble in a subject or occupation. 2 intr. go slowly, dawdle, loiter (pottered up to the pub). 3 tr. (foll. by away) fritter away (one's time etc.). ЬЬpotterer n. [frequent. of dial. pote push f. OE potian] potter(2) n. a maker of ceramic vessels. Ьpotter's field a burial place for paupers, strangers, etc. (after Matt. 27:7). potter's wheel a horizontal revolving disc to carry clay for making pots. [OE pottere (as POT(1))] pottery n. (pl. -ies) 1 vessels etc. made of fired clay. 2 a potter's work. 3 a potter's workshop. Ьthe Potteries a district in N. Staffordshire, where the English pottery industry is centred. [ME f. OF poterie f. potier POTTER(2)] potting shed n. a building in which plants are potted and tools etc. are stored. pottle n. 1 a small punnet or carton for strawberries etc. 2 archaic a a measure for liquids; a half gallon. b a pot etc. containing this. [ME f. OF potel (as POT(1))] potto n. (pl. -os) 1 a W. African lemur-like mammal, Perodicticus potto. 2 a kinkajou. [perh. f. Guinea dial.] Pott's fracture n. a fracture of the lower end of the fibula, usu. with dislocation of the ankle. [P. Pott, Engl. surgeon d. 1788] potty(1) adj. (pottier, pottiest) Brit. sl. 1 foolish or crazy. 2 insignificant, trivial (esp. potty little). ЬЬpottiness n. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] potty(2) n. (pl. -ies) colloq. a chamber-pot, esp. for a child. pouch n. & v. --n. 1 a small bag or detachable outside pocket. 2 a baggy area of skin underneath the eyes etc. 3 a a pocket-like receptacle in which marsupials carry their young during lactation. b any of several similar structures in various animals, e.g. in the cheeks of rodents. 4 a soldier's leather ammunition bag. 5 a lockable bag for mail or dispatches. 6 Bot. a baglike cavity, esp. the seed-vessel, in a plant. --v.tr. 1 put or make into a pouch. 2 take possession of; pocket. 3 make (part of a dress etc.) hang like a pouch. ЬЬpouched adj. pouchy adj. [ME f. ONF pouche: cf. POKE(2)] pouf var. of POOF. pouffe n. (also pouf) a large firm cushion used as a low seat or footstool. [F pouf; ult. imit.] poulard n. a domestic hen that has been spayed and fattened for eating. [F poularde f. poule hen] poult(1) n. a young domestic fowl, turkey, pheasant, etc. [ME, contr. f. PULLET] poult(2) n. (in full poult-de-soie) a fine corded silk or taffeta, usu. coloured. [F, of unkn. orig.] poulterer n. a dealer in poultry and usu. game. [ME poulter f. OF pouletier (as PULLET)] poultice n. & v. --n. a soft medicated and usu. heated mass applied to the body and kept in place with muslin etc., for relieving soreness and inflammation. --v.tr. apply a poultice to. [orig. pultes (pl.) f. L puls pultis pottage, pap, etc.] poultry n. domestic fowls (ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens, etc.), esp. as a source of food. [ME f. OF pouletrie (as POULTERER)] pounce(1) v. & n. --v.intr. 1 spring or swoop, esp. as in capturing prey. 2 (often foll. by on, upon) a make a sudden attack. b seize eagerly upon an object, remark, etc. (pounced on what we said). --n. 1 the act or an instance of pouncing. 2 the claw or talon of a bird of prey. ЬЬpouncer n. [perh. f. PUNCHEON(1)] pounce(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a fine powder formerly used to prevent ink from spreading on unglazed paper. 2 powdered charcoal etc. dusted over a perforated pattern to transfer the design to the object beneath. --v.tr. 1 dust with pounce. 2 transfer (a design etc.) by use of pounce. 3 smooth (paper etc.) with pounce or pumice. ЬЬpouncer n. [F ponce, poncer f. L pumex PUMICE] pouncet-box n. archaic a small box with a perforated lid for perfumes etc. [16th c.: perh. orig. erron. f. pounced (= perforated) box] pound(1) n. 1 a unit of weight equal to 16 oz. avoirdupois (0.4536 kg), or 12 oz. troy (0.3732 kg). 2 (in full pound sterling) (pl. same or pounds) the chief monetary unit of the UK and several other countries. Ьpound cake a rich cake containing a pound (or equal weights) of each chief ingredient. pound coin (or note) a coin or note worth one pound sterling. pound of flesh any legitimate but crippling demand. pound Scots hist. 1s. 8d. pound sign the sign њ, representing a pound. [OE pund ult. f. L pondo Roman pound weight of 12 ounces] pound(2) v. 1 tr. a crush or beat with repeated heavy blows. b thump or pummel, esp. with the fists. c grind to a powder or pulp. 2 intr. (foll. by at, on) deliver heavy blows or gunfire. 3 intr. (foll. by along etc.) make one's way heavily or clumsily. 4 intr. (of the heart) beat heavily. Ьpound out produce with or as if with heavy blows. ЬЬpounder n. [OE punian, rel. to Du. puin, LG pЃn rubbish] pound(3) n. & v. --n. 1 an enclosure where stray animals or officially removed vehicles are kept until redeemed. 2 a place of confinement. --v.tr. enclose (cattle etc.) in a pound. Ьpound lock a lock with two gates to confine water and often a side reservoir to maintain the water level. [ME f. OE pund- in pundfald: see PINFOLD] poundage n. 1 a commission or fee of so much per pound sterling or weight. 2 a percentage of the total earnings of a business, paid as wages. 3 a person's weight, esp. that which is regarded as excess. poundal n. Physics a unit of force equal to the force required to give a mass of one pound an acceleration of one foot per second per second. [POUND(1) + - al perh. after quintal] pounder n. (usu. in comb.) 1 a thing or person weighing a specified number of pounds (a five-pounder). 2 a gun carrying a shell of a specified number of pounds. 3 a thing worth, or a person possessing, so many pounds sterling. pour v. 1 intr. & tr. (usu. foll. by down, out, over, etc.) flow or cause to flow esp. downwards in a stream or shower. 2 tr. dispense (a drink, e.g. tea) by pouring. 3 intr. (of rain, or with it as subject) fall heavily. 4 intr. (usu. foll. by in, out, etc.) come or go in profusion or rapid succession (the crowd poured out; letters poured in; poems poured from her fertile mind). 5 tr. discharge or send freely (poured forth arrows). 6 tr. (often foll. by out) utter at length or in a rush (poured out their story; poured scorn on my attempts). Ьit never rains but it pours misfortunes rarely come singly. pour cold water on see COLD. pour oil on the waters (or on troubled waters) calm a disagreement or disturbance, esp. with conciliatory words. ЬЬpourable adj. pourer n. [ME: orig. unkn.] pourboire n. a gratuity or tip. [F, = pour boire (money) for drinking] poussin n. a young chicken bred for eating. [F] pout(1) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. a push the lips forward as an expression of displeasure or sulking. b (of the lips) be pushed forward. 2 tr. push (the lips) forward in pouting. --n. 1 such an action or expression. 2 (the pouts) a fit of sulking. ЬЬpouter n. poutingly adv. pouty adj. [ME, perh. f. OE putian (unrecorded) be inflated: cf. POUT(2)] pout(2) n. 1 = BIB(1) 3. 2 = EELPOUT. [OE -puta in ‘leputa eelpout, f. WG] pouter n. 1 a person who pouts. 2 a kind of pigeon able to inflate its crop considerably. poverty n. 1 the state of being poor; want of the necessities of life. 2 (often foll. by of, in) scarcity or lack. 3 inferiority, poorness, meanness. 4 Eccl. renunciation of the right to individual ownership of property. Ьpoverty line the minimum income level needed to secure the necessities of life. poverty-stricken extremely poor. poverty trap a situation in which an increase of income incurs a loss of State benefits, making real improvement impossible. [ME f. OF poverte, povert‚ f. L paupertas -tatis f. pauper poor] POW abbr. prisoner of war. pow int. expressing the sound of a blow or explosion. [imit.] powder n. & v. --n. 1 a substance in the form of fine dry particles. 2 a medicine or cosmetic in this form. 3 = GUNPOWDER. --v.tr. 1 a apply powder to (powder one's nose). b sprinkle or decorate with or as with powder. 2 (esp. as powdered adj.) reduce to a fine powder (powdered milk). Ьkeep one's powder dry be cautious and alert. powder blue pale blue. powder-flask hist. a small case for carrying gunpowder. powder-keg 1 a barrel of gunpowder. 2 a dangerous or volatile situation. powder metallurgy the production of metal as fine powders to make objects. powder-monkey hist. a boy employed on board ship to carry powder to the guns. powder-puff a soft pad for applying powder to the skin, esp. the face. powder-room a women's cloakroom or lavatory in a public building. powder snow loose dry snow on a ski-run etc. take a powder sl. depart quickly. ЬЬpowdery adj. [ME f. OF poudre f. L pulvis pulveris dust] power n. & v. --n. 1 the ability to do or act (will do all in my power; has the power to change colour). 2 a particular faculty of body or mind (lost the power of speech; powers of persuasion). 3 a government, influence, or authority. b political or social ascendancy or control (the party in power; Black Power). 4 authorization; delegated authority (power of attorney; police powers). 5 (often foll. by over) personal ascendancy. 6 an influential person, group, or organization (the press is a power in the land). 7 a military strength. b a state having international influence, esp. based on military strength (the leading powers). 8 vigour, energy. 9 an active property or function (has a high heating power). 10 colloq. a large number or amount (has done me a power of good). 11 the capacity for exerting mechanical force or doing work (horsepower). 12 mechanical or electrical energy as distinct from hand-labour (often attrib.: power tools; power steering). 13 a a public supply of (esp. electrical) energy. b a particular source or form of energy (hydroelectric power). 14 a mechanical force applied e.g. by means of a lever. 15 Physics the rate of energy output. 16 the product obtained when a number is multiplied by itself a certain number of times (2 to the power of 3 = 8). 17 the magnifying capacity of a lens. 18 a a deity. b (in pl.) the sixth order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy. --v.tr. 1 supply with mechanical or electrical energy. 2 (foll. by up, down) increase or decrease the power supplied to (a device); switch on or off. Ьin the power of under the control of. more power to your elbow! an expression of encouragement or approval. power behind the throne a person who asserts authority or influence without having formal status. power block a group of nations constituting an international political force. power cut a temporary withdrawal or failure of an electric power supply. power-dive n. a steep dive of an aircraft with the engines providing thrust. --v.intr. perform a power-dive. power line a conductor supplying electrical power, esp. one supported by pylons or poles. power of attorney see ATTORNEY. power pack 1 a unit for supplying power. 2 the equipment for converting an alternating current (from the mains) to a direct current at a different (usu. lower) voltage. power play 1 tactics involving the concentration of players at a particular point. 2 similar tactics in business, politics, etc., involving a concentration of resources, effort, etc. power point Brit. a socket in a wall etc. for connecting an electrical device to the mains. power politics political action based on power or influence. power-sharing a policy agreed between parties or within a coalition to share responsibility for decision-making and political action. power station a building where electrical power is generated for distribution. the powers that be those in authority (Rom. 13:1). power stroke the stroke of an internal-combustion engine, in which the piston is moved downward by the expansion of gases. ЬЬpowered adj. (also in comb.). [ME & AF poer etc., OF poeir ult. f. L posse be able] powerboat n. a powerful motor boat. powerful adj. 1 having much power or strength. 2 politically or socially influential. ЬЬpowerfully adv. powerfulness n. powerhouse n. 1 = power station. 2 a person or thing of great energy. powerless adj. 1 without power or strength. 2 (often foll. by to + infin.) wholly unable (powerless to help). ЬЬpowerlessly adv. powerlessness n. powerplant n. an apparatus or an installation which provides power for industry, a machine, etc. powwow n. & v. --n. a conference or meeting for discussion (orig. among N. American Indians). --v.tr. hold a powwow. [Algonquian powah, powwaw magician (lit. 'he dreams')] pox n. 1 any virus disease producing a rash of pimples that become pus-filled and leave pock-marks on healing. 2 colloq. = SYPHILIS. 3 a plant disease that causes pocklike spots. Ьa pox on archaic an exclamation of anger or impatience with (a person). [alt. spelling of pocks pl. of POCK] poxy adj. (poxier, poxiest) 1 infected by pox. 2 sl. of poor quality; worthless. pozzolana n. (also puzzolana) a volcanic ash used for mortar or hydraulic cement. [It., f. pozz(u)olano (adj.) of Pozzuoli near Naples] 16.0 pp... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- pp abbr. pianissimo. pp. abbr. pages. p.p. abbr. (also pp) per pro. PPE abbr. Brit. philosophy, politics, and economics (as a degree course at Oxford University). p.p.m. abbr. parts per million. PPS abbr. Brit. 1 Parliamentary Private Secretary. 2 additional postscript. 17.0 PR... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PR abbr. 1 public relations. 2 proportional representation. 3 US Puerto Rico. Pr symb. Chem. the element praseodymium. pr. abbr. pair. PRA abbr. (in the UK) President of the Royal Academy. praam var. of PRAM(2). practicable adj. 1 that can be done or used. 2 possible in practice. ЬЬpracticability n. practicableness n. practicably adv. [F praticable f. pratiquer put into practice (as PRACTICAL)] practical adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or concerned with practice or use rather than theory. 2 suited to use or action; designed mainly to fulfil a function (practical shoes). 3 (of a person) inclined to action rather than speculation; able to make things function well. 4 a that is such in effect though not nominally (for all practical purposes). b virtual (in practical control). 5 feasible; concerned with what is actually possible (practical politics). --n. a practical examination or lesson. Ьpractical joke a humorous trick played on a person. practical joker a person who plays practical jokes. ЬЬpracticality n. (pl. -ies). practicalness n. [earlier practic f. obs. F practique or LL practicus f. Gk praktikos f. prasso do, act] practically adv. 1 virtually, almost (practically nothing). 2 in a practical way. practice n. & v. --n. 1 habitual action or performance (the practice of teaching; makes a practice of saving). 2 a habit or custom (has been my regular practice). 3 a repeated exercise in an activity requiring the development of skill (to sing well needs much practice). b a session of this (time for target practice). 4 action or execution as opposed to theory. 5 the professional work or business of a doctor, lawyer, etc. (has a practice in town). 6 an established method of legal procedure. 7 procedure generally, esp. of a specified kind (bad practice). --v.tr. & intr. US var. of PRACTISE. Ьin practice 1 when actually applied; in reality. 2 skilful because of recent exercise in a particular pursuit. out of practice lacking a former skill from lack of recent practice. put into practice actually apply (an idea, method, etc.). [ME f. PRACTISE, after advice, device] practician n. a worker; a practitioner. [obs. F practicien f. practique f. med.L practica f. Gk praktike fem. of praktikos: see PRACTICAL] practise v. (US practice) 1 tr. perform habitually; carry out in action (practise the same method; practise what you preach). 2 tr. & (foll. by in, on) intr. do repeatedly as an exercise to improve a skill; exercise oneself in or on (an activity requiring skill) (had to practise in the art of speaking; practise your reading). 3 tr. (as practised adj.) experienced, expert (a practised liar; with a practised hand). 4 tr. a pursue or be engaged in (a profession, religion, etc.). b (as practising adj.) currently active or engaged in (a profession or activity) (a practising Christian; a practising lawyer). 5 intr. (foll. by on, upon) take advantage of; impose upon. 6 intr. archaic scheme, contrive (when first we practise to deceive). ЬЬpractiser n. [ME f. OF pra(c)tiser or med.L practizare alt. f. practicare (as PRACTICAL)] practitioner n. a person practising a profession, esp. medicine (general practitioner). [obs. practitian = PRACTICIAN] prae- prefix = PRE- (esp. in words regarded as Latin or relating to Roman antiquity). [L: see PRE-] praecipe n. 1 a writ demanding action or an explanation of non-action. 2 an order requesting a writ. [L (the first word of the writ), imper. of praecipere enjoin: see PRECEPT] praecocial adj. & n. (US precocial) --adj. (of a bird) having young that can feed themselves as soon as they are hatched. --n. a praecocial bird (cf. ALTRICIAL). [L praecox -cocis (as PRECOCIOUS)] praemunire n. hist. a writ charging a sheriff to summon a person accused of asserting or maintaining papal jurisdiction in England. [med.L, = forewarn, for L praemonere (as PRAE-, monere warn): the words praemunire facias that you warn (a person to appear) occur in the writ] praenomen n. an ancient Roman's first or personal name (e.g. Marcus Tullius Cicero). [L f. prae before + nomen name] praepostor n. (also prepostor) Brit. (at some public schools) a prefect or monitor. [praepositor alt. f. L praepositus past part. of praeponere set over (as PRAE-, ponere posit- place)] praesidium var. of PRESIDIUM. praetor n. (US pretor) Rom.Hist. each of two ancient Roman magistrates ranking below consul. ЬЬpraetorial adj. praetorship n. [ME f. F pr‚teur or L praetor (perh. as PRAE-, ire it- go)] praetorian adj. & n. (US pretorian) Rom.Hist. --adj. of or having the powers of a praetor. --n. a man of praetorian rank. Ьpraetorian guard the bodyguard of the Roman emperor. [ME f. L praetorianus (as PRAETOR)] pragmatic adj. 1 dealing with matters with regard to their practical requirements or consequences. 2 treating the facts of history with reference to their practical lessons. 3 hist. of or relating to the affairs of a State. 4 (also pragmatical) a concerning pragmatism. b meddlesome. c dogmatic. Ьpragmatic sanction hist. an imperial or royal ordinance issued as a fundamental law, esp. regarding a question of royal succession. ЬЬpragmaticality n. pragmatically adv. [LL pragmaticus f. Gk pragmatikos f. pragma -matos deed] pragmatics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) the branch of linguistics dealing with language in use. pragmatism n. 1 a pragmatic attitude or procedure. 2 a philosophy that evaluates assertions solely by their practical consequences and bearing on human interests. ЬЬpragmatist n. pragmatistic adj. [Gk pragma: see PRAGMATIC] pragmatize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 represent as real. 2 rationalize (a myth). prahu var. of PROA. prairie n. a large area of usu. treeless grassland esp. in N. America. Ьprairie chicken (or hen) a N. American grouse, Tympanuchus cupido. prairie dog any N. American rodent of the genus Cynomys, living in burrows and making a barking sound. prairie oyster a seasoned raw egg, swallowed without breaking the yolk. prairie schooner US a covered wagon used by the 19th-c. pioneers in crossing the N. American prairies. prairie wolf = COYOTE. [F f. OF praerie ult. f. L pratum meadow] praise v. & n. --v.tr. 1 express warm approval or admiration of. 2 glorify (God) in words. --n. the act or an instance of praising; commendation (won high praise; were loud in their praises). Ьpraise be! an exclamation of pious gratitude. sing the praises of commend (a person) highly. ЬЬpraiseful adj. praiser n. [ME f. OF preisier price, prize, praise, f. LL pretiare f. L pretium price: cf. PRIZE(1)] praiseworthy adj. worthy of praise; commendable. ЬЬpraiseworthily adv. praiseworthiness n. Prakrit n. any of the (esp. ancient or medieval) vernacular dialects of North and Central India existing alongside or derived from Sanskrit. [Skr. prakrta unrefined: cf. SANSKRIT] praline n. a sweet made by browning nuts in boiling sugar. [F f. Marshal de Plessis- Praslin, Fr. soldier d. 1675, whose cook invented it] pralltriller n. a musical ornament consisting of one rapid alternation of the written note with the note immediately above it. [G f. prallen rebound + Triller TRILL] pram(1) n. Brit. a four-wheeled carriage for a baby, pushed by a person on foot. [abbr. of PERAMBULATOR] pram(2) n. (also praam) 1 a flat-bottomed gunboat or Baltic cargo-boat. 2 a Scandinavian ship's dinghy. [MDu. prame, praem, MLG pram(e), f. OSlav. pramu] prana n. 1 (in Hinduism) breath as a life-giving force. 2 the breath; breathing. [Skr.] prance v. & n. --v.intr. 1 (of a horse) raise the forelegs and spring from the hind legs. 2 (often foll. by about) walk or behave in an elated or arrogant manner. --n. 1 the act of prancing. 2 a prancing movement. ЬЬprancer n. [ME: orig. unkn.] prandial adj. formal or joc. of dinner or lunch. [L prandium meal] prang v. & n. Brit. sl. --v.tr. 1 crash or damage (an aircraft or vehicle). 2 bomb (a target) successfully. --n. the act or an instance of pranging. [imit.] prank n. a practical joke; a piece of mischief. ЬЬprankful adj. prankish adj. pranksome adj. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] prankster n. a person fond of playing pranks. prase n. a translucent leek-green type of quartz. [F f. L prasius f. Gk prasios (adj.) leek-green f. prason leek] praseodymium n. Chem. a soft silvery metallic element of the lanthanide series, occurring naturally in various minerals and used in catalyst mixtures. °Symb.: Pr. [G Praseodym f. Gk prasios (see PRASE) from its green salts, + G Didym DIDYMIUM] prat n. sl. 1 Brit. a silly or foolish person. 2 the buttocks. [16th-c. cant (in sense 2): orig. unkn.] prate v. & n. --v. 1 intr. chatter; talk too much. 2 intr. talk foolishly or irrelevantly. 3 tr. tell or say in a prating manner. --n. prating; idle talk. ЬЬprater n. prating adj. [ME f. MDu., MLG praten, prob. imit.] pratfall n. US sl. 1 a fall on the buttocks. 2 a humiliating failure. pratie n. esp. Ir. a potato. [corrupt.] pratincole n. any of various birds of the subfamily Glareolinae, inhabiting sandy and stony areas and feeding on insects. [mod.L pratincola f. L pratum meadow + incola inhabitant] pratique n. a licence to have dealings with a port, granted to a ship after quarantine or on showing a clean bill of health. [F, = practice, intercourse, f. It. pratica f. med.L practica: see PRACTICIAN] prattle v. & n. --v.intr. & tr. chatter or say in a childish way. --n. 1 childish chatter. 2 inconsequential talk. ЬЬprattler n. prattling adj. [MLG pratelen (as PRATE)] prau var. of PROA. prawn n. & v. --n. any of various marine crustaceans, resembling a shrimp but usu. larger. --v.intr. fish for prawns. Ьcome the raw prawn see RAW. [ME pra(y)ne, of unkn. orig.] praxis n. 1 accepted practice or custom. 2 the practising of an art or skill. [med.L f. Gk, = doing, f. prasso do] pray v. (often foll. by for or to + infin. or that + clause) 1 intr. (often foll. by to) say prayers (to God etc.); make devout supplication. 2 a tr. entreat, beseech. b tr. & intr. ask earnestly (prayed to be released). 3 tr. (as imper.) archaic & formal please (pray tell me). Ьpraying mantis see MANTIS. [ME f. OF preier f. LL precare f. L precari entreat] prayer(1) n. 1 a a solemn request or thanksgiving to God or an object of worship (say a prayer). b a formula or form of words used in praying (the Lord's prayer). c the act of praying (be at prayer). d a religious service consisting largely of prayers (morning prayers). 2 a an entreaty to a person. b a thing entreated or prayed for. Ьnot have a prayer US colloq. have no chance (of success etc.). prayer-book a book containing the forms of prayer in regular use, esp. the Book of Common Prayer. prayer-mat a small carpet used by Muslims when praying. prayer-wheel a revolving cylindrical box inscribed with or containing prayers, used esp. by Tibetan Buddhists. ЬЬprayerless adj. [ME f. OF preiere ult. f. L precarius obtained by entreaty f. prex precis prayer] prayer(2) n. a person who prays. prayerful adj. 1 (of a person) given to praying; devout. 2 (of speech, actions, etc.) characterized by or expressive of prayer. ЬЬprayerfully adv. prayerfulness n. pre- prefix before (in time, place, order, degree, or importance). [from or after L prae- f. prae (adv. & prep.)] preach v. 1 a intr. deliver a sermon or religious address. b tr. deliver (a sermon); proclaim or expound (the Gospel etc.). 2 intr. give moral advice in an obtrusive way. 3 tr. advocate or inculcate (a quality or practice etc.). ЬЬpreachable adj. [ME f. OF prechier f. L praedicare proclaim, in eccl.L preach (as PRAE-, dicare declare)] preacher n. a person who preaches, esp. a minister of religion. [ME f. AF prech(o)ur, OF prech(e)or f. eccl.L praedicator (as PREACH)] preachify v.intr. (-ies, -ied) colloq. preach or moralize tediously. preachment n. usu. derog. preaching, sermonizing. preachy adj. (preachier, preachiest) colloq. inclined to preach or moralize. ЬЬpreachiness n. preadolescent adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a child) having nearly reached adolescence. 2 of or relating to the two or three years preceding adolescence. --n. a preadolescent child. ЬЬpreadolescence n. preamble n. 1 a preliminary statement or introduction. 2 the introductory part of a statute or deed etc. ЬЬpreambular adj. [ME f. OF preambule f. med.L praeambulum f. LL praeambulus (adj.) going before (as PRE-, AMBLE)] pre-amp n. = PREAMPLIFIER. [abbr.] preamplifier n. an electronic device that amplifies a very weak signal (e.g. from a microphone or pickup) and transmits it to a main amplifier. ЬЬpreamplified adj. prearrange v.tr. arrange beforehand. ЬЬprearrangement n. preatomic adj. existing or occurring before the use of atomic energy. Preb. abbr. Prebendary. prebend n. 1 the stipend of a canon or member of chapter. 2 a portion of land or tithe from which this is drawn. ЬЬprebendal adj. [ME f. OF prebende f. LL praebenda pension, neut.pl. gerundive of L praebere grant f. prae forth + habere hold] prebendary n. (pl. -ies) 1 the holder of a prebend. 2 an honorary canon. ЬЬprebendaryship n. [ME f. med.L praebendarius (as PREBEND)] Precambrian adj. & n. Geol. --adj. of or relating to the earliest era of geological time from the formation of the earth to the first forms of life. °Cf. Appendix II. --n. this era. precarious adj. 1 uncertain; dependent on chance (makes a precarious living). 2 insecure, perilous (precarious health). ЬЬprecariously adv. precariousness n. [L precarius: see PRAYER(1)] precast adj. (of concrete) cast in its final shape before positioning. precative adj. (of a word or form) expressing a wish or request. [LL precativus f. precari pray] precaution n. 1 an action taken beforehand to avoid risk or ensure a good result. 2 (in pl.) colloq. the use of contraceptives. ЬЬprecautionary adj. [F pr‚caution f. LL praecautio -onis f. L praecavere (as PRAE-, cavere caut- beware of)] precede v.tr. 1 a come or go before in time, order, importance, etc. (preceding generations; the preceding paragraph; sons of barons precede baronets). b walk etc. in front of (preceded by our guide). 2 (foll. by by) cause to be preceded (must precede this measure by milder ones). [OF preceder f. L praecedere (as PRAE-, cedere cess- go)] precedence n. (also precedency) 1 priority in time, order, or importance, etc. 2 the right of preceding others on formal occasions. Ьtake precedence (often foll. by over, of) have priority (over). precedent n. & adj. --n. a previous case or legal decision etc. taken as a guide for subsequent cases or as a justification. --adj. preceding in time, order, importance, etc. ЬЬprecedently adv. [ME f. OF (n. & adj.) (as PRECEDE)] precedented adj. having or supported by a precedent. precent v. 1 intr. act as a precentor. 2 tr. lead the singing of (a psalm etc.). [back-form. f. PRECENTOR] precentor n. 1 a person who leads the singing or (in a synagogue) the prayers of a congregation. 2 a minor canon who administers the musical life of a cathedral. ЬЬprecentorship n. [F pr‚centeur or L praecentor f. praecinere (as PRAE-, canere sing)] precept n. 1 a command; a rule of conduct. 2 moral instruction (example is better than precept). 3 a a writ or warrant. b Brit. an order for collection or payment of money under a local rate. ЬЬpreceptive adj. [ME f. L praeceptum neut. past part. of praecipere praecept- warn, instruct (as PRAE-, capere take)] preceptor n. a teacher or instructor. ЬЬpreceptorial adj. preceptorship n. preceptress n. [L praeceptor (as PRECEPT)] precession n. the slow movement of the axis of a spinning body around another axis. Ьprecession of the equinoxes 1 the slow retrograde motion of equinoctial points along the ecliptic. 2 the resulting earlier occurrence of equinoxes in each successive sidereal year. ЬЬprecessional adj. [LL praecessio (as PRECEDE)] pre-Christian adj. before Christ or the advent of Christianity. precinct n. 1 an enclosed or clearly defined area, e.g. around a cathedral, college, etc. 2 a specially designated area in a town, esp. with the exclusion of traffic (shopping precinct). 3 (in pl.) a the surrounding area or environs. b the boundaries. 4 US a a subdivision of a county, city, etc., for police or electoral purposes. b (in pl.) a neighbourhood. [ME f. med.L praecinctum neut. past part. of praecingere encircle (as PRAE-, cingere gird)] preciosity n. overrefinement in art or language, esp. in the choice of words. [OF pr‚ciosit‚ f. L pretiositas f. pretiosus (as PRECIOUS)] precious adj. & adv. --adj. 1 of great value or worth. 2 beloved; much prized (precious memories). 3 affectedly refined, esp. in language or manner. 4 colloq. often iron. a considerable (a precious lot you know about it). b expressing contempt or disdain (you can keep your precious flowers). --adv. colloq. extremely, very (tried precious hard; had precious little left). Ьprecious metals gold, silver, and platinum. precious stone a piece of mineral having great value esp. as used in jewellery. ЬЬpreciously adv. preciousness n. [ME f. OF precios f. L pretiosus f. pretium price] precipice n. 1 a vertical or steep face of a rock, cliff, mountain, etc. 2 a dangerous situation. [F pr‚cipice or L praecipitium falling headlong, precipice (as PRECIPITOUS)] precipitant adj. & n. --adj. = PRECIPITATE adj. --n. Chem. a substance that causes another substance to precipitate. ЬЬprecipitance n. precipitancy n. [obs. F pr‚cipitant pres. part. of pr‚cipiter (as PRECIPITATE)] precipitate v., adj., & n. --v.tr. 1 hasten the occurrence of; cause to occur prematurely. 2 (foll. by into) send rapidly into a certain state or condition (were precipitated into war). 3 throw down headlong. 4 Chem. cause (a substance) to be deposited in solid form from a solution. 5 Physics a cause (dust etc.) to be deposited from the air on a surface. b condense (vapour) into drops and so deposit it. --adj. 1 headlong; violently hurried (precipitate departure). 2 (of a person or act) hasty, rash, inconsiderate. --n. 1 Chem. a substance precipitated from a solution. 2 Physics moisture condensed from vapour by cooling and depositing, e.g. rain or dew. ЬЬprecipitable adj. precipitability n. precipitately adv. precipitateness n. precipitator n. [L praecipitare praecipitat- f. praeceps praecipitis headlong (as PRAE-, caput head)] precipitation n. 1 the act of precipitating or the process of being precipitated. 2 rash haste. 3 a rain or snow etc. falling to the ground. b a quantity of this. [F pr‚cipitation or L praecipitatio (as PRECIPITATE)] precipitous adj. 1 a of or like a precipice. b dangerously steep. 2 = PRECIPITATE adj. ЬЬprecipitously adv. precipitousness n. [obs. F pr‚cipiteux f. L praeceps (as PRECIPITATE)] pr‚cis n. & v. --n. (pl. same) a summary or abstract, esp. of a text or speech. --v.tr. (pr‚cises; pr‚cised; pr‚cising) make a pr‚cis of. [F, = PRECISE (as n.)] precise adj. 1 a accurately expressed. b definite, exact. 2 punctilious; scrupulous in being exact, observing rules, etc. 3 identical, exact (at that precise moment). ЬЬpreciseness n. [F pr‚cis -ise f. L praecidere praecis- cut short (as PRAE-, caedere cut)] precisely adv. 1 in a precise manner; exactly. 2 (as a reply) quite so; as you say. precisian n. a person who is rigidly precise or punctilious, esp. in religious observance. ЬЬprecisianism n. precision n. 1 the condition of being precise; accuracy. 2 the degree of refinement in measurement etc. 3 (attrib.) marked by or adapted for precision (precision instruments; precision timing). ЬЬprecisionism n. precisionist n. [F pr‚cision or L praecisio (as PRECISE)] preclassical adj. before a period regarded as classical, esp. in music and literature. preclinical adj. 1 of or relating to the first, chiefly theoretical, stage of a medical education. 2 (of a stage in a disease) before symptoms can be identified. preclude v.tr. 1 (foll. by from) prevent, exclude (precluded from taking part). 2 make impossible; remove (so as to preclude all doubt). ЬЬpreclusion n. preclusive adj. [L praecludere praeclus- (as PRAE-, claudere shut)] precocial US var. of PRAECOCIAL. precocious adj. 1 often derog. (of a person, esp. a child) prematurely developed in some faculty or characteristic. 2 (of an action etc.) indicating such development. 3 (of a plant) flowering or fruiting early. ЬЬprecociously adv. precociousness n. precocity n. [L praecox -cocis f. praecoquere ripen fully (as PRAE-, coquere cook)] precognition n. 1 (supposed) foreknowledge, esp. of a supernatural kind. 2 Sc. the preliminary examination of witnesses etc., esp. to decide whether there is ground for a trial. ЬЬprecognitive adj. [LL praecognitio (as PRE-, COGNITION)] precoital adj. preceding sexual intercourse. ЬЬprecoitally adv. pre-Columbian adj. before the discovery of America by Columbus. preconceive v.tr. form (an idea or opinion etc.) beforehand; anticipate in thought. preconception n. 1 a preconceived idea. 2 a prejudice. preconcert v.tr. arrange or organize beforehand. precondition n. & v. --n. a prior condition, that must be fulfilled before other things can be done. --v.tr. bring into a required condition beforehand. preconize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 proclaim or commend publicly. 2 summon by name. 3 RC Ch. (of the Pope) approve publicly the appointment of (a bishop). ЬЬpreconization n. [ME f. med.L praeconizare f. L praeco -onis herald] preconscious adj. & n. Psychol. --adj. 1 preceding consciousness. 2 of or associated with a part of the mind below the level of immediate conscious awareness, from which memories and emotions can be recalled. --n. this part of the mind. ЬЬpreconsciousness n. precook v.tr. cook in advance. precool v.tr. cool in advance. precordial adj. in front of or about the heart. precostal adj. in front of the ribs. precursor n. 1 a a forerunner. b a person who precedes in office etc. 2 a harbinger. 3 a substance from which another is formed by decay or chemical reaction etc. [L praecursor f. praecurrere praecurs- (as PRAE-, currere run)] precursory adj. (also precursive) 1 preliminary, introductory. 2 (foll. by of) serving as a harbinger of. [L praecursorius (as PRECURSOR)] precut v.tr. (past and past part. -cut) cut in advance. predacious adj. (also predaceous) 1 (of an animal) predatory. 2 relating to such animals (predacious instincts). ЬЬpredaciousness n. predacity n. [L praeda booty: cf. audacious] predate v.tr. exist or occur at a date earlier than. predation n. 1 (usu. in pl.) = DEPREDATION. 2 Zool. the natural preying of one animal on others. [L praedatio -onis taking of booty f. L praeda booty] predator n. 1 an animal naturally preying on others. 2 a person, State, etc., compared to this. [L praedator plunderer f. praedari seize as plunder f. praeda booty (as PREDACIOUS)] predatory adj. 1 (of an animal) preying naturally upon others. 2 (of a nation, State, or individual) plundering or exploiting others. ЬЬpredatorily adv. predatoriness n. [L praedatorius (as PREDATOR)] predecease v. & n. --v.tr. die earlier than (another person). --n. a death preceding that of another. predecessor n. 1 a former holder of an office or position with respect to a later holder (my immediate predecessor). 2 an ancestor. 3 a thing to which another has succeeded (the new plan will share the fate of its predecessor). [ME f. OF predecesseur f. LL praedecessor (as PRAE-, decessor retiring officer, as DECEASE)] pre-decimal adj. of or relating to a time before the introduction of a decimal system, esp. of coinage. predella n. 1 an altar-step, or raised shelf at the back of an altar. 2 a painting or sculpture on this, or any picture forming an appendage to a larger one esp. beneath an altarpiece. [It., = stool] predestinarian n. & adj. --n. a person who believes in predestination. --adj. of or relating to predestination. predestinate v. & adj. --v.tr. = PREDESTINE. --adj. predestined. [ME f. eccl.L praedestinare praedestinat- (as PRAE-, destinare establish)] predestination n. Theol. (as a belief or doctrine) the divine foreordaining of all that will happen, esp. with regard to the salvation of some and not others. [ME f. eccl.L praedestinatio (as PREDESTINATE)] predestine v.tr. 1 determine beforehand. 2 ordain in advance by divine will or as if by fate. [ME f. OF predestiner or eccl.L praedestinare PREDESTINATE v.] predetermine v.tr. 1 determine or decree beforehand. 2 predestine. ЬЬpredeterminable adj. predeterminate adj. predetermination n. [LL praedeterminare (as PRAE-, DETERMINE)] predial adj. & n. hist. --adj. 1 a of land or farms. b rural, agrarian. c (of a slave, tenant, etc.) attached to farms or the land. 2 (of a tithe) consisting of agricultural produce. --n. a predial slave. [med.L praedialis f. L praedium farm] predicable adj. & n. --adj. that may be predicated or affirmed. --n. 1 a predicable thing. 2 (in pl.) Logic the five classes to which predicates belong: genus, species, difference, property, and accident. ЬЬpredicability n. [med.L praedicabilis that may be affirmed (as PREDICATE)] predicament n. 1 a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation. 2 Philos. a category in (esp. Aristotelian) logic. [ME (in sense 2) f. LL praedicamentum thing predicated: see PREDICATE] predicant adj. & n. --adj. hist. (of a religious order, esp. the Dominicans) engaged in preaching. --n. 1 hist. a predicant person, esp. a Dominican friar. 2 S.Afr. = PREDIKANT. [L praedicans part. of praedicare (as PREDICATE)] predicate v. & n. --v.tr. 1 assert or affirm as true or existent. 2 (foll. by on) found or base (a statement etc.) on. --n. 1 Gram. what is said about the subject of a sentence etc. (e.g. went home in John went home). 2 Logic a what is predicated. b what is affirmed or denied of the subject by means of the copula (e.g. mortal in all men are mortal). ЬЬpredication n. [L praedicare praedicat- proclaim (as PRAE-, dicare declare)] predicative adj. 1 Gram. (of an adjective or noun) forming or contained in the predicate, as old in the dog is old (but not in the old dog) and house in there is a large house (opp. ATTRIBUTIVE). 2 that predicates. ЬЬpredicatively adv. [L praedicativus (as PREDICATE)] predict v.tr. (often foll. by that + clause) make a statement about the future; foretell, prophesy. ЬЬpredictive adj. predictively adv. predictor n. [L praedicere praedict- (as PRAE-, dicere say)] predictable adj. that can be predicted or is to be expected. ЬЬpredictability n. predictably adv. prediction n. 1 the art of predicting or the process of being predicted. 2 a thing predicted; a forecast. [L praedictio -onis (as PREDICT)] predigest v.tr. 1 render (food) easily digestible before being eaten. 2 make (reading matter) easier to read or understand. ЬЬpredigestion n. predikant n. S.Afr. a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church. [Du. (as PREDICANT)] predilection n. (often foll. by for) a preference or special liking. [F pr‚dilection ult. f. L praediligere praedilect- prefer (as PRAE-, diligere select): see DILIGENT] predispose v.tr. 1 influence favourably in advance. 2 (foll. by to, or to + infin.) render liable or inclined beforehand. ЬЬpredisposition n. prednisone n. a synthetic drug similar to cortisone, used to relieve rheumatic and allergic conditions and to treat leukaemia. [perh. f. pregnant + die ne + cort isone] predominant adj. 1 predominating. 2 being the strongest or main element. ЬЬpredominance n. predominantly adv. predominate v.intr. 1 (foll. by over) have or exert control. 2 be superior. 3 be the strongest or main element; preponderate (a garden in which dahlias predominate). [med.L praedominari (as PRAE-, DOMINATE)] predominately adv. = PREDOMINANTLY (see PREDOMINANT). [rare predominate (adj.) = PREDOMINANT] predoom v.tr. doom beforehand. predorsal adj. in front of the dorsal region. predynastic adj. of or relating to a period before the normally recognized dynasties (esp. of ancient Egypt). pre-echo n. (pl. -oes) 1 a faint copy heard just before an actual sound in a recording, caused by the accidental transfer of signals. 2 a foreshadowing. pre-eclampsia n. a condition of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and other symptoms associated with eclampsia. ЬЬpre-eclamptic adj. & n. pre-elect v.tr. elect beforehand. pre-election n. 1 an election held beforehand. 2 (attrib.) (esp. of an act or undertaking) done or given before an election. pre-embryo n. Med. a human embryo in the first fourteen days after fertilization. ЬЬpre-embryonic adj. pre-eminent adj. 1 excelling others. 2 outstanding; distinguished in some quality. ЬЬpre-eminence n. pre-eminently adv. [ME f. L praeeminens (as PRAE-, EMINENT)] pre-empt v. 1 tr. a forestall. b acquire or appropriate in advance. 2 tr. prevent (an attack) by disabling the enemy. 3 tr. obtain by pre-emption. 4 tr. US take for oneself (esp. public land) so as to have the right of pre-emption. 5 intr. Bridge make a pre-emptive bid. ЬЬpreemptor n. preemptory adj. [back-form. f. PRE-EMPTION] pre-emption n. 1 a the purchase or appropriation by one person or party before the opportunity is offered to others. b the right to purchase (esp. public land) in this way. 2 prior appropriation or acquisition. [med.L praeemptio (as PRAE-, emere empt- buy)] pre-emptive adj. 1 pre-empting; serving to pre-empt. 2 (of military action) intended to prevent attack by disabling the enemy (a pre-emptive strike). 3 Bridge (of a bid) intended to be high enough to discourage further bidding. preen v.tr. & refl. 1 (of a bird) tidy (the feathers or itself) with its beak. 2 (of a person) smarten or admire (oneself, one's hair, clothes, etc.). 3 (often foll. by on) congratulate or pride (oneself). Ьpreen gland a gland situated at the base of a bird's tail and producing oil used in preening. ЬЬpreener n. [ME, app. var. of earlier prune (perh. rel. to PRUNE(2)): assoc. with Sc. & dial. preen pierce, pin] pre-engage v.tr. engage beforehand. ЬЬpre-engagement n. pre-establish v.tr. establish beforehand. pre-exist v.intr. exist at an earlier time. ЬЬpre-existence n. pre-existent adj. pref. abbr. 1 prefix. 2 preface. 3 a preference. b preferred. prefab n. Brit. colloq. a prefabricated building, esp. a small house. [abbr.] prefabricate v.tr. 1 manufacture sections of (a building etc.) prior to their assembly on a site. 2 produce in an artificially standardized way. ЬЬprefabrication n. preface n. & v. --n. 1 an introduction to a book stating its subject, scope, etc. 2 the preliminary part of a speech. 3 Eccl. the introduction to the central part of the Eucharistic service. --v.tr. 1 (foll. by with) introduce or begin (a speech or event) (prefaced my remarks with a warning). 2 provide (a book etc.) with a preface. 3 (of an event etc.) lead up to (another). ЬЬprefatorial adj. prefatory adj. [ME f. OF f. med.L praefatia for L praefatio f. praefari (as PRAE-, fari speak)] prefect n. 1 the chief administrative officer of certain departments, esp. in France. 2 esp. Brit. a senior pupil in a school etc. authorized to enforce discipline. 3 Rom. Antiq. a senior magistrate or military commander. ЬЬprefectoral adj. prefectorial adj. [ME f. OF f. L praefectus past part. of praeficere set in authority over (as PRAE-, facere make)] prefecture n. 1 a district under the government of a prefect. 2 a a prefect's office or tenure. b his official residence. ЬЬprefectural adj. [F pr‚fecture or L praefectura (as PREFECT)] prefer v.tr. (preferred, preferring) 1 (often foll. by to, or to + infin.) choose rather; like better (would prefer to stay; prefers coffee to tea). 2 submit (information, an accusation, etc.) for consideration. 3 promote or advance (a person). Ьpreferred shares (or stock) = preference shares or stock. [ME f. OF preferer f. L praeferre (as PRAE-, ferre lat- bear)] preferable adj. 1 to be preferred. 2 more desirable. ЬЬpreferably adv. preference n. 1 the act or an instance of preferring or being preferred. 2 a thing preferred. 3 a the favouring of one person etc. before others. b Commerce the favouring of one country by admitting its products at a lower import duty. 4 Law a prior right, esp. to the payment of debts. Ьin preference to as a thing preferred over (another). preference shares (or stock) Brit. shares or stock whose entitlement to dividend takes priority over that of ordinary shares. [F pr‚f‚rence f. med.L praeferentia (as PREFER)] preferential adj. 1 of or involving preference (preferential treatment). 2 giving or receiving a favour. 3 Commerce (of a tariff etc.) favouring particular countries. 4 (of voting) in which the voter puts candidates in order of preference. ЬЬpreferentially adv. [as PREFERENCE, after differential] preferment n. promotion to office. prefigure v.tr. 1 represent beforehand by a figure or type. 2 imagine beforehand. ЬЬprefiguration n. prefigurative adj. prefigurement n. [ME f. eccl.L praefigurare (as PRAE-, FIGURE)] prefix n. & v. --n. 1 a verbal element placed at the beginning of a word to adjust or qualify its meaning (e.g. ex-, non-, re-) or (in some languages) as an inflectional formative. 2 a title placed before a name (e.g. Mr). --v.tr. (often foll. by to) 1 add as an introduction. 2 join (a word or element) as a prefix. ЬЬprefixation n. prefixion n. [earlier as verb: ME f. OF prefixer (as PRE-, FIX): (n.) f. L praefixum] preflight attrib.adj. occurring or provided before an aircraft flight. preform v.tr. form beforehand. ЬЬpreformation n. preformative adj. & n. --adj. 1 forming beforehand. 2 prefixed as the formative element of a word. --n. a preformative syllable or letter. prefrontal adj. 1 in front of the frontal bone of the skull. 2 in the forepart of the frontal lobe of the brain. preglacial adj. before a glacial period. pregnable adj. able to be captured etc.; not impregnable. [ME f. OF prenable takable: see IMPREGNABLE(1)] pregnancy n. (pl. -ies) the condition or an instance of being pregnant. pregnant adj. 1 (of a woman or female animal) having a child or young developing in the uterus. 2 full of meaning; significant or suggestive (a pregnant pause). 3 (esp. of a person's mind) imaginative, inventive. 4 (foll. by with) plentifully provided (pregnant with danger). Ьpregnant construction Gram. one in which more is implied than the words express (e.g. not have a chance implying of success etc.). ЬЬpregnantly adv. (in sense 2). [ME f. F pr‚gnant or L praegnans -antis, earlier praegnas (prob. as PRAE-, (g)nasci be born)] preheat v.tr. heat beforehand. prehensile adj. Zool. (of a tail or limb) capable of grasping. ЬЬprehensility n. [F pr‚hensile f. L prehendere prehens- (as PRE-, hendere grasp)] prehension n. 1 grasping, seizing. 2 mental apprehension. [L prehensio (as PREHENSILE)] prehistoric adj. 1 of or relating to the period before written records. 2 colloq. utterly out of date. ЬЬprehistorian n. prehistorically adv. prehistory n. [F pr‚historique (as PRE-, HISTORIC)] prehuman adj. existing before the time of man. pre-ignition n. the premature firing of the explosive mixture in an internal-combustion engine. prejudge v.tr. 1 form a premature judgement on (a person, issue, etc.). 2 pass judgement on (a person) before a trial or proper enquiry. ЬЬprejudgement n. prejudication n. prejudice n. & v. --n. 1 a a preconceived opinion. b (foll. by against, in favour of) bias or partiality. 2 harm or injury that results or may result from some action or judgement (to the prejudice of). --v.tr. 1 impair the validity or force of (a right, claim, statement, etc.). 2 (esp. as prejudiced adj.) cause (a person) to have a prejudice. Ьwithout prejudice (often foll. by to) without detriment (to any existing right or claim). [ME f. OF prejudice f. L praejudicium (as PRAE-, judicium judgement)] prejudicial adj. causing prejudice; detrimental. ЬЬprejudicially adv. [ME f. OF prejudiciel (as PREJUDICE)] prelacy n. (pl. -ies) 1 church government by prelates. 2 (prec. by the) prelates collectively. 3 the office or rank of prelate. [ME f. AF prelacie f. med.L prelatia (as PRELATE)] prelapsarian adj. before the Fall of man. prelate n. 1 a high ecclesiastical dignitary, e.g. a bishop. 2 hist. an abbot or prior. ЬЬprelatic adj. prelatical adj. [ME f. OF prelat f. med.L praelatus past part.: see PREFER] prelature n. 1 the office of prelate. 2 (prec. by the) prelates collectively. [F pr‚lature f. med.L praelatura (as PRELATE)] prelim n. colloq. 1 a preliminary examination, esp. at a university. 2 (in pl.) the pages preceding the text of a book. [abbr.] preliminary adj., n., & adv. --adj. introductory, preparatory. --n. (pl. -ies) (usu. in pl.) 1 a preliminary action or arrangement (dispense with the preliminaries). 2 a preliminary trial or contest. --adv. (foll. by to) preparatory to; in advance of (was completed preliminary to the main event). ЬЬpreliminarily adv. [mod.L praeliminaris or F pr‚liminaire (as PRE-, L limen liminis threshold)] preliterate adj. of or relating to a society or culture that has not developed the use of writing. prelude n. & v. --n. (often foll. by to) 1 an action, event, or situation serving as an introduction. 2 the introductory part of a poem etc. 3 a an introductory piece of music, often preceding a fugue or forming the first piece of a suite or beginning an act of an opera. b a short piece of music of a similar type, esp. for the piano. --v.tr. 1 serve as a prelude to. 2 introduce with a prelude. ЬЬpreludial adj. [F pr‚lude or med.L praeludium f. L praeludere praelus- (as PRAE-, ludere play)] premarital adj. existing or (esp. of sexual relations) occurring before marriage. ЬЬpremaritally adv. premature adj. 1 a occurring or done before the usual or proper time; too early (a premature decision). b too hasty (must not be premature). 2 (of a baby, esp. a viable one) born (esp. three or more weeks) before the end of the full term of gestation. ЬЬprematurely adv. prematureness n. prematurity n. [L praematurus very early (as PRAE-, MATURE)] premaxillary adj. in front of the upper jaw. premed n. colloq. 1 = PREMEDICATION. 2 a premedical course or student. [abbr.] premedical adj. of or relating to study in preparation for a course in medicine. premedication n. medication to prepare for an operation or other treatment. premeditate v.tr. think out or plan (an action) beforehand (premeditated murder). ЬЬpremeditation n. [L praemeditari (as PRAE-, MEDITATE)] premenstrual adj. of, occurring, or experienced before menstruation (premenstrual tension). ЬЬpremenstrually adv. premier n. & adj. --n. a prime minister or other head of government. --adj. 1 first in importance, order, or time. 2 of earliest creation (premier earl). ЬЬpremiership n. [ME f. OF = first, f. L (as PRIMARY)] premiЉre n. & v. --n. the first performance or showing of a play or film. --v.tr. give a premiЉre of. [F, fem. of premier (adj.) (as PREMIER)] premillennial adj. existing or occurring before the millennium, esp. with reference to the supposed second coming of Christ. ЬЬpremillennialism n. premillennialist n. premise n. & v. --n. 1 Logic = PREMISS. 2 (in pl.) a a house or building with its grounds and appurtenances. b Law houses, lands, or tenements previously specified in a document etc. --v.tr. say or write by way of introduction. Ьon the premises in the building etc. concerned. [ME f. OF premisse f. med.L praemissa (propositio) (proposition) set in front f. L praemittere praemiss- (as PRAE-, mittere send)] premiss n. Logic a previous statement from which another is inferred. [var. of PREMISE] premium n. 1 an amount to be paid for a contract of insurance. 2 a a sum added to interest, wages, etc.; a bonus. b a sum added to ordinary charges. 3 a reward or prize. 4 (attrib.) (of a commodity) of best quality and therefore more expensive. Ьat a premium 1 highly valued; above the usual or nominal price. 2 scarce and in demand. Premium Bond (or Savings Bond) Brit. a government security without interest but with a draw for cash prizes. put a premium on 1 provide or act as an incentive to. 2 attach special value to. [L praemium booty, reward (as PRAE-, emere buy, take)] premolar adj. & n. --adj. in front of a molar tooth. --n. (in an adult human) each of eight teeth situated in pairs between each of the four canine teeth and each first molar. premonition n. a forewarning; a presentiment. ЬЬpremonitor n. premonitory adj. [F pr‚monition or LL praemonitio f. L praemonere praemonit- (as PRAE-, monere warn)] Premonstratensian adj. & n. hist. --adj. of or relating to an order of regular canons founded at Pr‚montr‚ in France in 1120, or of the corresponding order of nuns. --n. a member of either of these orders. [med.L Praemonstratensis f. Praemonstratus the abbey of Pr‚montr‚ (lit. = foreshown)] premorse adj. Bot. & Zool. with the end abruptly terminated. [L praemordere praemors- bite off (as PRAE-, mordere bite)] prenatal adj. of or concerning the period before childbirth. ЬЬprenatally adv. prentice n. & v. archaic --n. = APPRENTICE. --v.tr. (as prenticed adj.) apprenticed. Ьprentice hand an inexperienced hand. ЬЬprenticeship n. [ME f. APPRENTICE] preoccupation n. 1 the state of being preoccupied. 2 a thing that engrosses the mind. [F pr‚occupation or L praeoccupatio (as PREOCCUPY)] preoccupy v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 (of a thought etc.) dominate or engross the mind of (a person) to the exclusion of other thoughts. 2 (as preoccupied adj.) otherwise engrossed; mentally distracted. 3 occupy beforehand. [PRE- + OCCUPY, after L praeoccupare seize beforehand] preocular adj. in front of the eye. preordain v.tr. ordain or determine beforehand. prep n. colloq. 1 Brit. a the preparation of school work by a pupil. b the period when this is done. 2 US a student in a preparatory school. [abbr. of PREPARATION] prep. abbr. preposition. prepack v.tr. (also pre-package) pack (goods) on the site of production or before retail. prepaid past and past part. of PREPAY. preparation n. 1 the act or an instance of preparing; the process of being prepared. 2 (often in pl.) something done to make ready. 3 a specially prepared substance, esp. a food or medicine. 4 work done by school pupils to prepare for a lesson. 5 Mus. the sounding of the discordant note in a chord in the preceding chord where it is not discordant, lessening the effect of the discord. [ME f. OF f. L praeparatio -onis (as PREPARE)] preparative adj. & n. --adj. preparatory. --n. 1 Mil. & Naut. a signal on a drum, bugle, etc., as an order to make ready. 2 a preparatory act. ЬЬpreparatively adv. [ME f. OF preparatif -ive f. med.L praeparativus (as PREPARE)] preparatory adj. & adv. --adj. (often foll. by to) serving to prepare; introductory. --adv. (often foll. by to) in a preparatory manner (was packing preparatory to departure). Ьpreparatory school a usu. private school preparing pupils for a higher school or US for college or university. ЬЬpreparatorily adv. [ME f. LL praeparatorius (as PREPARE)] prepare v. 1 tr. make or get ready for use, consideration, etc. 2 tr. make ready or assemble (food, a meal, etc.) for eating. 3 a tr. make (a person or oneself) ready or disposed in some way (prepares students for university; prepared them for a shock). b intr. put oneself or things in readiness, get ready (prepare to jump). 4 tr. make (a chemical product etc.) by a regular process. 5 tr. Mus. lead up to (a discord). Ьbe prepared (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) be disposed or willing to. ЬЬpreparer n. [ME f. F pr‚parer or L praeparare (as PRAE-, parare make ready)] preparedness n. a state of readiness, esp. for war. prepay v.tr. (past and past part. prepaid) 1 pay (a charge) in advance. 2 pay postage on (a letter or parcel etc.) before posting. ЬЬprepayable adj. prepayment n. prepense adj. (usu. placed after noun) esp. Law deliberate, intentional (malice prepense). ЬЬprepensely adv. [earlier prepensed past part. of obs. prepense (v.) alt. f. earlier purpense f. AF & OF purpenser (as PUR-, penser): see PENSIVE] preplan v.tr. (preplanned, preplanning) plan in advance. preponderant adj. surpassing in influence, power, number, or importance; predominant, preponderating. ЬЬpreponderance n. preponderantly adv. preponderate v.intr. (often foll. by over) 1 a be greater in influence, quantity, or number. b predominate. 2 a be of greater importance. b weigh more. [L praeponderare (as PRAE-, PONDER)] preposition n. Gram. a word governing (and usu. preceding) a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element, as in: 'the man on the platform', 'came after dinner', 'what did you do it for?'. ЬЬprepositional adj. prepositionally adv. [ME f. L praepositio f. praeponere praeposit- (as PRAE-, ponere place)] prepositive adj. Gram. (of a word, particle, etc.) that should be placed before or prefixed. [LL praepositivus (as PREPOSITION)] prepossess v.tr. 1 (usu. in passive) (of an idea, feeling, etc.) take possession of (a person); imbue. 2 a prejudice (usu. favourably and spontaneously). b (as prepossessing adj.) attractive, appealing. ЬЬprepossession n. preposterous adj. 1 utterly absurd; outrageous. 2 contrary to nature, reason, or common sense. ЬЬpreposterously adv. preposterousness n. [L praeposterus reversed, absurd (as PRAE-, posterus coming after)] prepostor var. of PRAEPOSTOR. prepotent adj. 1 greater than others in power, influence, etc. 2 a having a stronger fertilizing influence. b dominant in transmitting hereditary qualities. ЬЬprepotence n. prepotency n. [ME f. L praepotens -entis, part. of praeposse (as PRAE-, posse be able)] preppy n. & adj. US colloq. --n. (pl. -ies) a person attending an expensive private school or who looks like such a person (with short hair, blazer, etc.). --adj. (preppier, preppiest) 1 like a preppy. 2 neat and fashionable. [PREP (SCHOOL) + -Y(2)] preprandial adj. formal or joc. before dinner or lunch. [PRE- + L prandium a meal] pre-preference adj. Brit. (of shares, claims, etc.) ranking before preference shares etc. preprint n. a printed document issued in advance of general publication. preprocessor n. a computer program that modifies data to conform with the input requirements of another program. prep school n. = PREPARATORY SCHOOL. [abbr. of PREPARATORY] prepublication adj. & n. --attrib.adj. produced or occurring before publication. --n. publication in advance or beforehand. prepuce n. 1 = FORESKIN. 2 the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris. ЬЬpreputial adj. [ME f. L praeputium] prequel n. a story, film, etc., whose events or concerns precede those of an existing work. [PRE- + SEQUEL] Pre-Raphaelite n. & adj. --n. a member of a group of English 19th-c. artists, including Holman Hunt, Millais, and D. G. Rossetti, emulating the work of Italian artists before the time of Raphael. --adj. 1 of or relating to the Pre-Raphaelites. 2 (pre-Raphaelite) (esp. of a woman) like a type painted by a Pre-Raphaelite (e.g. with long thick curly auburn hair). ЬPre-Raphaelite Brotherhood the chosen name of the Pre-Raphaelites. ЬЬpre-Raphaelitism n. pre-record v.tr. record (esp. material for broadcasting) in advance. prerequisite adj. & n. --adj. required as a precondition. --n. a prerequisite thing. prerogative n. 1 a right or privilege exclusive to an individual or class. 2 (in full royal prerogative) Brit. the right of the sovereign, theoretically subject to no restriction. [ME f. OF prerogative or L praerogativa privilege (orig. to vote first) f. praerogativus asked first (as PRAE-, rogare ask)] Pres. abbr. President. presage n. & v. --n. 1 an omen or portent. 2 a presentiment or foreboding. --v.tr. 1 portend, foreshadow. 2 give warning of (an event etc.) by natural means. 3 (of a person) predict or have a presentiment of. ЬЬpresageful adj. presager n. [ME f. F pr‚sage, pr‚sager f. L praesagium f. praesagire forebode (as PRAE-, sagire perceive keenly)] presbyopia n. long-sightedness caused by loss of elasticity of the eye lens, occurring esp. in middle and old age. ЬЬpresbyopic adj. [mod.L f. Gk presbus old man + ops opos eye] presbyter n. 1 an elder in the early Christian Church. 2 (in the Episcopal Church) a minister of the second order; a priest. 3 (in the Presbyterian Church) an elder. ЬЬpresbyteral adj. presbyterate n. presbyterial adj. presbytership n. [eccl.L f. Gk presbuteros elder, compar. of presbus old] Presbyterian adj. & n. --adj. (of a church) governed by elders all of equal rank, esp. with reference to the national Church of Scotland. --n. 1 a member of a Presbyterian Church. 2 an adherent of the Presbyterian system. ЬЬPresbyterianism n. [eccl.L presbyterium (as PRESBYTERY)] presbytery n. (pl. -ies) 1 the eastern part of a chancel beyond the choir; the sanctuary. 2 a a body of presbyters, esp. a court next above a Kirk-session. b a district represented by this. 3 the house of a Roman Catholic priest. [ME f. OF presbiterie f. eccl.L f. Gk presbuterion (as PRESBYTER)] preschool adj. of or relating to the time before a child is old enough to go to school. ЬЬpreschooler n. prescient adj. having foreknowledge or foresight. ЬЬprescience n. presciently adv. [L praescire praescient- know beforehand (as PRAE-, scire know)] prescind v. 1 tr. (foll. by from) cut off (a part from a whole), esp. prematurely or abruptly. 2 intr. (foll. by from) leave out of consideration. [L praescindere (as PRAE-, scindere cut)] prescribe v. 1 tr. a advise the use of (a medicine etc.), esp. by an authorized prescription. b recommend, esp. as a benefit (prescribed a change of scenery). 2 tr. lay down or impose authoritatively. 3 intr. (foll. by to, for) assert a prescriptive right or claim. ЬЬprescriber n. [L praescribere praescript- direct in writing (as PRAE-, scribere write)] prescript n. an ordinance, law, or command. [L praescriptum neut. past part.: see PRESCRIBE] prescription n. 1 the act or an instance of prescribing. 2 a a doctor's (usu. written) instruction for the composition and use of a medicine. b a medicine prescribed. 3 (in full positive prescription) uninterrupted use or possession from time immemorial or for the period fixed by law as giving a title or right. 4 a an ancient custom viewed as authoritative. b a claim founded on long use. Ьnegative prescription the time limit within which an action or claim can be raised. [ME f. OF f. L praescriptio -onis (as PRESCRIBE)] prescriptive adj. 1 prescribing. 2 Linguistics concerned with or laying down rules of usage. 3 based on prescription (prescriptive right). 4 prescribed by custom. ЬЬprescriptively adv. prescriptiveness n. prescriptivism n. prescriptivist n. & adj. [LL praescriptivus (as PRESCRIBE)] preselect v.tr. select in advance. ЬЬpreselection n. preselective adj. that can be selected or set in advance. preselector n. any of various devices for selecting a mechanical or electrical operation in advance of its execution, e.g. of a gear-change in a motor vehicle. presence n. 1 the state or condition of being present (your presence is requested). 2 a place where a person is (was admitted to their presence). 3 a a person's appearance or bearing, esp. when imposing (an august presence). b a person's force of personality (esp. have presence). 4 a person or thing that is present (the royal presence; there was a presence in the room). 5 representation for reasons of political influence (maintained a presence). Ьin the presence of in front of; observed by. presence chamber a room in which a monarch or other distinguished person receives visitors. presence of mind calmness and self-command in sudden difficulty etc. [ME f. OF f. L praesentia (as PRESENT(1))] present(1) adj. & n. --adj. 1 (usu. predic.) being in the place in question (was present at the trial). 2 a now existing, occurring, or being such (the present Duke; during the present season). b now being considered or discussed etc. (in the present case). 3 Gram. expressing an action etc. now going on or habitually performed (present participle; present tense). --n. (prec. by the) 1 the time now passing (no time like the present). 2 Gram. the present tense. Ьat present now. by these presents Law by this document (know all men by these presents). for the present 1 just now. 2 as far as the present is concerned. present company excepted excluding those who are here now. present-day adj. of this time; modern. [ME f. OF f. L praesens -entis part. of praeesse be at hand (as PRAE-, esse be)] present(2) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 introduce, offer, or exhibit, esp. for public attention or consideration. 2 a (with a thing as object, foll. by to) offer or give as a gift (to a person), esp. formally or ceremonially. b (with a person as object, foll. by with) make available to; cause to have (presented them with a new car; that presents us with a problem). 3 a (of a company, producer, etc.) put (a form of entertainment) before the public. b (of a performer, compЉre, etc.) introduce or put before an audience . 4 introduce (a person) formally (may I present my fianc‚?; was presented at court). 5 offer, give (compliments etc.) (may I present my card; present my regards to your family). 6 a (of a circumstance) reveal (some quality etc.) (this presents some difficulty). b exhibit (an appearance etc.) (presented a rough exterior). 7 (of an idea etc.) offer or suggest itself. 8 deliver (a cheque, bill, etc.) for acceptance or payment. 9 a (usu. foll. by at) aim (a weapon). b hold out (a weapon) in a position for aiming. 10 (refl. or absol.) Med. (of a patient or illness etc.) come forward for or undergo initial medical examination. 11 (absol.) Med. (of a part of a foetus) be directed toward the cervix at the time of delivery. 12 (foll. by to) Law bring formally under notice, submit (an offence, complaint, etc.). 13 (foll. by to) Eccl. recommend (a clergyman) to a bishop for institution to a benefice. --n. the position of presenting arms in salute. Ьpresent arms hold a rifle etc. vertically in front of the body as a salute. present oneself 1 appear. 2 come forward for examination etc. ЬЬpresenter n. (in sense 3 of v.). [ME f. OF presenter f. L praesentare (as PRESENT(1))] present(3) n. a gift; a thing given or presented. Ьmake a present of give as a gift. [ME f. OF (as PRESENT(1)), orig. in phr. mettre une chose en present … quelqu'un put a thing into the presence of a person] presentable adj. 1 of good appearance; fit to be presented to other people. 2 fit for presentation. ЬЬpresentability n. presentableness n. presentably adv. presentation n. 1 a the act or an instance of presenting; the process of being presented. b a thing presented. 2 the manner or quality of presenting. 3 a demonstration or display of materials, information, etc.; a lecture. 4 an exhibition or theatrical performance. 5 a formal introduction. 6 the position of the foetus in relation to the cervix at the time of delivery. ЬЬpresentational adj. presentationally adv. [ME f. OF f. LL praesentatio -onis (as PRESENT(2))] presentationism n. Philos. the doctrine that in perception the mind has immediate cognition of the object. ЬЬpresentationist n. presentative adj. 1 Philos. subject to direct cognition. 2 hist. (of a benefice) to which a patron has the right of presentation. [prob. f. med.L (as PRESENTATION)] presentee n. 1 the recipient of a present. 2 a person presented. [ME f. AF (as PRESENT(2))] presentient adj. (often foll. by of) having a presentiment. [L praesentiens (as PRAE-, SENTIENT)] presentiment n. a vague expectation; a foreboding (esp. of misfortune). [obs. F pr‚sentiment (as PRE-, SENTIMENT)] presently adv. 1 soon; after a short time. 2 esp. US & Sc. at the present time; now. presentment n. the act of presenting information, esp. a statement on oath by a jury of a fact known to them. [ME f. OF presentement (as PRESENT(2))] preservation n. 1 the act of preserving or process of being preserved. 2 a state of being well or badly preserved (in an excellent state of preservation). [ME f. OF f. med.L praeservatio -onis (as PRESERVE)] preservationist n. a supporter or advocate of preservation, esp. of antiquities and historic buildings. preservative n. & adj. --n. a substance for preserving perishable foodstuffs, wood, etc. --adj. tending to preserve. [ME f. OF preservatif -ive f. med.L praeservativus -um (as PRESERVE)] preserve v. & n. --v.tr. 1 a keep safe or free from harm, decay, etc. b keep alive (a name, memory, etc.). 2 maintain (a thing) in its existing state. 3 retain (a quality or condition). 4 a treat or refrigerate (food) to prevent decomposition or fermentation. b prepare (fruit) by boiling it with sugar, for long-term storage. 5 keep (game, a river, etc.) undisturbed for private use. --n. (in sing. or pl.) 1 preserved fruit; jam. 2 a place where game or fish etc. is preserved. 3 a sphere or area of activity regarded as a person's own. Ьwell-preserved (of an elderly person) showing little sign of ageing. ЬЬpreservable adj. preserver n. [ME f. OF preserver f. LL praeservare (as PRAE-, servare keep)] pre-set v.tr. (-setting; past and past part. -set) 1 set or fix (a device) in advance of its operation. 2 settle or decide beforehand. preshrunk adj. (of a fabric or garment) treated so that it shrinks during manufacture and not in use. preside v.intr. 1 (often foll. by at, over) be in a position of authority, esp. as the chairperson or president of a meeting. 2 a exercise control or authority. b (foll. by at) colloq. play an instrument in company (presided at the piano). [F pr‚sider f. L praesidere (as PRAE-, sedere sit)] presidency n. (pl. -ies) 1 the office of president. 2 the period of this. [Sp. & Port. presidencia, It. presidenza f. med.L praesidentia (as PRESIDE)] president n. 1 the elected head of a republican State. 2 the head of a society or council etc. 3 the head of certain colleges. 4 US a the head of a university. b the head of a company, etc. 5 a person in charge of a meeting, council, etc. ЬЬpresidential adj. presidentially adv. presidentship n. [ME f. OF f. L (as PRESIDE)] presidium n. (also praesidium) a standing executive committee in a Communist country, esp. in the USSR. [Russ. prezidium f. L praesidium protection etc. (as PRESIDE)] presocratic adj. (of philosophy) of the time before Socrates. press(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. apply steady force to (a thing in contact) (press a switch; pressed the two surfaces together). 2 tr. a compress or apply pressure to a thing to flatten, shape, or smooth it, as by ironing (got the curtains pressed). b squeeze (a fruit etc.) to extract its juice. c manufacture (a gramophone record etc.) by moulding under pressure. 3 tr. (foll. by out of, from, etc.) squeeze (juice etc.). 4 tr. embrace or caress by squeezing (pressed my hand). 5 intr. (foll. by on, against, etc.) exert pressure. 6 intr. be urgent; demand immediate action (time was pressing). 7 intr. (foll. by for) make an insistent demand. 8 intr. (foll. by up, round, etc.) form a crowd. 9 intr. (foll. by on, forward, etc.) hasten insistently. 10 tr. (often in passive) (of an enemy etc.) bear heavily on. 11 tr. (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) urge or entreat (pressed me to stay; pressed me for an answer). 12 tr. (foll. by on, upon) a put forward or urge (an opinion, claim, or course of action). b insist on the acceptance of (an offer, a gift, etc.). 13 tr. insist on (did not press the point). 14 intr. (foll. by on) produce a strong mental or moral impression; oppress; weigh heavily. 15 intr. Golf try too hard for a long shot etc. and so strike the ball imperfectly. --n. 1 the act or an instance of pressing (give it a slight press). 2 a a device for compressing, flattening, shaping, extracting juice, etc. (trouser press; flower press; wine press). b a machine that applies pressure to a workpiece by means of a tool, in order to punch shapes, bend it, etc. 3 = printing-press. 4 (prec. by the) a the art or practice of printing. b newspapers, journalists, etc., generally or collectively (read it in the press; pursued by the press). 5 a notice or piece of publicity in newspapers etc. (got a good press). 6 (Press) a a printing house or establishment. b a publishing company (Athlone Press). 7 a crowding. b a crowd (of people etc.). 8 the pressure of affairs. 9 esp. Ir. & Sc. a large usu. shelved cupboard for clothes, books, etc., esp. in a recess. Ьat (or in) press (or the press) being printed. be pressed for have barely enough (time etc.). go (or send) to press go or send to be printed. press agent a person employed to attend to advertising and press publicity. press-box a reporters' enclosure esp. at a sports event. press the button 1 set machinery in motion. 2 colloq. take a decisive initial step. press-button adj. = push-button. press conference an interview given to journalists to make an announcement or answer questions. press gallery a gallery for reporters esp. in a legislative assembly. press-on (of a material) that can be pressed or ironed on. press release an official statement issued to newspapers for information. press-stud a small fastening device engaged by pressing its two halves together. press-up an exercise in which the prone downward-facing body is raised from the legs or trunk upwards by pressing down on the hands to straighten the arms. [ME f. OF presser, presse f. L pressare frequent. of premere press-] press(2) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 hist. force to serve in the army or navy. 2 bring into use as a makeshift (was pressed into service). --n. hist. compulsory enlistment esp. in the navy. [alt. f. obs. prest (v. & n.) f. OF prest loan, advance pay f. prester f. L praestare furnish (as PRAE-, stare stand)] press-gang n. & v. --n. 1 hist. a body of men employed to press men into service in the army or navy. 2 any group using similar coercive methods. --v.tr. force into service. pressie n. (also prezzie) colloq. a present or gift. [abbr.] pressing adj. & n. --adj. 1 urgent (pressing business). 2 a urging strongly (a pressing invitation). b persistent, importunate (since you are so pressing). --n. 1 a thing made by pressing, esp. a gramophone record. 2 a series of these made at one time. 3 the act or an instance of pressing a thing, esp. a gramophone record or grapes etc. (all at one pressing). ЬЬpressingly adv. pressman n. (pl. -men) 1 a journalist. 2 an operator of a printing-press. pressmark n. a library shelf-mark showing the location of a book etc. pressure n. & v. --n. 1 a the exertion of continuous force on or against a body by another in contact with it. b the force exerted. c the amount of this (expressed by the force on a unit area) (atmospheric pressure). 2 urgency; the need to meet a deadline etc. (work under pressure). 3 affliction or difficulty (under financial pressure). 4 constraining influence (if pressure is brought to bear). --v.tr. 1 apply (esp. moral) pressure to. 2 a coerce. b (often foll. by into) persuade (was pressured into attending). Ьpressure-cook cook in a pressure-cooker. pressure-cooker an airtight pan for cooking quickly under steam pressure. pressure gauge a gauge showing the pressure of steam etc. pressure group a group or association formed to promote a particular interest or cause by influencing public policy. pressure point 1 a point where an artery can be pressed against a bone to inhibit bleeding. 2 a point on the skin sensitive to pressure. 3 a target for political pressure or influence. pressure suit an inflatable suit for flying at a high altitude. [ME f. L pressura (as PRESS(1))] pressurize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 (esp. as pressurized adj.) maintain normal atmospheric pressure in (an aircraft cabin etc.) at a high altitude. 2 raise to a high pressure. 3 pressure (a person). Ьpressurized-water reactor a nuclear reactor in which the coolant is water at high pressure. ЬЬpressurization n. Prestel n. propr. (in the UK) the computerized visual information system operated by British Telecom. [PRESS(1) + TELECOMMUNICATION] prestidigitator n. formal a conjuror. ЬЬprestidigitation n. [F prestidigitateur f. preste nimble (as PRESTO) + L digitus finger] prestige n. 1 respect, reputation, or influence derived from achievements, power, associations, etc. 2 (attrib.) having or conferring prestige. ЬЬprestigeful adj. [F, = illusion, glamour, f. LL praestigium (as PRESTIGIOUS)] prestigious adj. having or showing prestige. ЬЬprestigiously adv. prestigiousness n. [orig. = deceptive, f. L praestigiosus f. praestigiae juggler's tricks] prestissimo adv. & n. Mus. --adv. in a very quick tempo. --n. (pl. -os) a movement or passage played in this way. [It., superl. (as PRESTO 1)] presto adv. & n. --adv. 1 Mus. in quick tempo. 2 (in a conjuror's formula in performing a trick) quickly (hey presto!). --n. (pl. -os) Mus. a movement to be played in a quick tempo. [It. f. LL praestus f. L praesto ready] prestressed adj. strengthened by stressing in advance, esp. of concrete by means of stretched rods or wires put in during manufacture. presumably adv. as may reasonably be presumed. presume v. 1 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) suppose to be true; take for granted. 2 tr. (often foll. by to + infin.) a take the liberty; be impudent enough (presumed to question their authority). b dare, venture (may I presume to ask?). 3 intr. be presumptuous; take liberties. 4 intr. (foll. by on, upon) take advantage of or make unscrupulous use of (a person's good nature etc.). ЬЬpresumable adj. presumedly adv. [ME f. OF presumer f. L praesumere praesumpt- anticipate, venture (as PRAE-, sumere take)] presuming adj. presumptuous. ЬЬpresumingly adv. presumingness n. presumption n. 1 arrogance; presumptuous behaviour. 2 a the act of presuming a thing to be true. b a thing that is or may be presumed to be true. 3 a ground for presuming (a strong presumption against their being guilty). 4 Law an inference from known facts. [ME f. OF presumpcion f. L praesumptio -onis (as PRESUME)] presumptive adj. giving grounds for presumption (presumptive evidence). ЬЬpresumptively adv. [F pr‚somptif -ive f. LL praesumptivus (as PRESUME)] presumptuous adj. unduly or overbearingly confident and presuming. ЬЬpresumptuously adv. presumptuousness n. [ME f. OF presumptueux f. LL praesumptuosus, -tiosus (as PRESUME)] presuppose v.tr. (often foll. by that + clause) 1 assume beforehand. 2 imply. [ME f. OF presupposer, after med.L praesupponere (as PRE-, SUPPOSE)] presupposition n. 1 the act or an instance of presupposing. 2 a thing assumed beforehand as the basis of argument etc. [med.L praesuppositio (as PRAE-, supponere as SUPPOSE)] pre-tax adj. (of income or profits) before the deduction of taxes. pre-teen adj. of or relating to a child before the age of thirteen. pretence n. (US pretense) 1 pretending, make-believe. 2 a a pretext or excuse (on the slightest pretence). b a false show of intentions or motives (under the pretence of friendship; under false pretences). 3 (foll. by to) a claim, esp. a false or ambitious one (has no pretence to any great talent). 4 a affectation, display. b pretentiousness, ostentation (stripped of all pretence). [ME f. AF pretense ult. f. med.L pretensus pretended (as PRETEND)] pretend v. & adj. --v. 1 tr. claim or assert falsely so as to deceive (pretend knowledge; pretended that they were foreigners). 2 tr. imagine to oneself in play (pretended to be monsters; pretended it was night). 3 tr. a profess, esp. falsely or extravagantly (does not pretend to be a scholar). b (as pretended adj.) falsely claim to be such (a pretended friend). 4 intr. (foll. by to) a lay claim to (a right or title etc.). b profess to have (a quality etc.). --adj. colloq. pretended; in pretence (pretend money). [ME f. F pr‚tendre or f. L (as PRAE-, tendere tent-, later tens- stretch)] pretender n. 1 a person who claims a throne or title etc. 2 a person who pretends. pretense US var. of PRETENCE. pretension n. 1 (often foll. by to) a an assertion of a claim. b a justifiable claim (has no pretensions to the name; has some pretensions to be included). 2 pretentiousness. [med.L praetensio, -tio (as PRETEND)] pretentious adj. 1 making an excessive claim to great merit or importance. 2 ostentatious. ЬЬpretentiously adv. pretentiousness n. [F pr‚tentieux (as PRETENSION)] preter- comb. form more than. [L praeter (adv. & prep.), = past, beyond] preterite adj. & n. (US preterit) Gram. --adj. expressing a past action or state. --n. a preterite tense or form. [ME f. OF preterite or L praeteritus past part. of praeterire pass (as PRETER-, ire it- go)] preterm adj. & adv. born or occurring prematurely. pretermit v.tr. (pretermitted, pretermitting) formal 1 omit to mention (a fact etc.). 2 omit to do or perform; neglect. 3 leave off (a custom or continuous action) for a time. ЬЬpretermission n. [L praetermittere (as PRETER-, mittere miss- let go)] preternatural adj. outside the ordinary course of nature; supernatural. ЬЬpreternaturalism n. preternaturally adv. pretext n. 1 an ostensible or alleged reason or intention. 2 an excuse offered. Ьon (or under) the pretext (foll. by of, or that + clause) professing as one's object or intention. [L praetextus outward display f. praetexere praetext- (as PRAE-, texere weave)] pretor US var. of PRAETOR. pretorian US var. of PRAETORIAN. prettify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) make (a thing or person) pretty esp. in an affected way. ЬЬprettification n. prettifier n. pretty adj., n., v., & adv. --adj. (prettier, prettiest) 1 attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful or handsome (a pretty child; a pretty dress; a pretty tune). 2 fine or good of its kind (a pretty wit). 3 iron. considerable, fine (a pretty penny; a pretty mess you have made). --adv. colloq. fairly, moderately (am pretty well; find it pretty difficult). --n. (pl. -ies) a pretty person (esp. as a form of address to a child). --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) (often foll. by up) make pretty or attractive. Ьpretty much (or nearly or well) colloq. almost; very nearly. pretty-pretty too pretty. sitting pretty colloq. in a favourable or advantageous position. ЬЬprettily adv. prettiness n. prettyish adj. prettyism n. [OE pr‘ttig f. WG] pretzel n. (also bretzel) a crisp knot-shaped or stick-shaped salted biscuit. [G] prevail v.intr. 1 (often foll. by against, over) be victorious or gain mastery. 2 be the more usual or predominant. 3 exist or occur in general use or experience; be current. 4 (foll. by on, upon) persuade. Ьprevailing wind the wind that most frequently occurs at a place. ЬЬprevailingly adv. [ME f. L praevalere (as PRAE-, valere have power), infl. by AVAIL] prevalent adj. 1 generally existing or occurring. 2 predominant. ЬЬprevalence n. prevalently adv. [as PREVAIL] prevaricate v.intr. 1 speak or act evasively or misleadingly. 2 quibble, equivocate. °Often confused with procrastinate. ЬЬprevarication n. prevaricator n. [L praevaricari walk crookedly, practise collusion, in eccl.L transgress (as PRAE-, varicari straddle f. varus bent, knock-kneed)] prevenient adj. formal preceding something else. [L praeveniens pres. part of praevenire (as PREVENT)] prevent v.tr. 1 (often foll. by from + verbal noun) stop from happening or doing something; hinder; make impossible (the weather prevented me from going). 2 archaic go or arrive before, precede. ЬЬpreventable adj. (also preventible). preventability n. (also preventibility). preventer n. prevention n. [ME = anticipate, f. L praevenire praevent- come before, hinder (as PRAE-, venire come)] preventative adj. & n. = PREVENTIVE. ЬЬpreventatively adv. preventive adj. & n. --adj. serving to prevent, esp. preventing disease, breakdown, etc. (preventive medicine; preventive maintenance). --n. a preventive agent, measure, drug, etc. Ьpreventive detention the imprisonment of a criminal for corrective training etc. ЬЬpreventively adv. preview n. & v. --n. 1 the act of seeing in advance. 2 a the showing of a film, play, exhibition, etc., before it is seen by the general public. b (US prevue) a film trailer. --v.tr. see or show in advance. previous adj. & adv. --adj. 1 (often foll. by to) coming before in time or order. 2 done or acting hastily. --adv. (foll. by to) before (had called previous to writing). Ьprevious question Parl. a motion concerning the vote on a main question. ЬЬpreviously adv. previousness n. [L praevius (as PRAE-, via way)] previse v.tr. literary foresee or forecast (an event etc.). ЬЬprevision n. previsional adj. [L praevidere praevis- (as PRAE-, videre see)] prevue US var. of PREVIEW n. 2b. pre-war adj. existing or occurring before a war (esp. the most recent major war). prey n. & v. --n. 1 an animal that is hunted or killed by another for food. 2 (often foll. by to) a person or thing that is influenced by or vulnerable to (something undesirable) (became a prey to morbid fears). 3 Bibl. or archaic plunder, booty, etc. --v.intr. (foll. by on, upon) 1 seek or take as prey. 2 make a victim of. 3 (of a disease, emotion, etc.) exert a harmful influence (fear preyed on his mind). Ьbeast (or bird) of prey an animal (or bird) which hunts animals for food. ЬЬpreyer n. [ME f. OF preie f. L praeda booty] prezzie var. of PRESSIE. priapic adj. phallic. [Priapos (as PRIAPISM) + -IC] priapism n. 1 lewdness, licentiousness. 2 Med. persistent erection of the penis. [F priapisme f. LL priapismus f. Gk priapismos f. priapizo be lewd f. Priapos god of procreation] price n. & v. --n. 1 a the amount of money or goods for which a thing is bought or sold. b value or worth (a pearl of great price; beyond price). 2 what is or must be given, done, sacrificed, etc., to obtain or achieve something. 3 the odds in betting (starting price). --v.tr. 1 fix or find the price of (a thing for sale). 2 estimate the value of. Ьabove (or beyond or without) price so valuable that no price can be stated. at any price no matter what the cost, sacrifice, etc. (peace at any price). at a price at a high cost. price-fixing the maintaining of prices at a certain level by agreement between competing sellers. price-list a list of current prices of items on sale. price on a person's head a reward for a person's capture or death. price oneself out of the market lose to one's competitors by charging more than customers are willing to pay. price-ring a group of traders acting illegally to control certain prices. price tag 1 the label on an item showing its price. 2 the cost of an enterprise or undertaking. price war fierce competition among traders cutting prices. set a price on declare the price of. what price ...? (often foll. by verbal noun) colloq. 1 what is the chance of ...? (what price your finishing the course?). 2 iron. the expected or much boasted ... proves disappointing (what price your friendship now?). ЬЬpriced adj. (also in comb.). pricer n. [(n.) ME f. OF pris f. L pretium: (v.) var. of prise = PRIZE(1)] priceless adj. 1 invaluable; beyond price. 2 colloq. very amusing or absurd. ЬЬpricelessly adv. pricelessness n. pricey adj. (also pricy) (pricier, priciest) colloq. expensive. ЬЬpriciness n. prick v. & n. --v. 1 tr. pierce slightly; make a small hole in. 2 tr. (foll. by off, out) mark (esp. a pattern) with small holes or dots. 3 tr. trouble mentally (my conscience is pricking me). 4 intr. feel a pricking sensation. 5 intr. (foll. by at, into, etc.) make a thrust as if to prick. 6 tr. (foll. by in, off, out) plant (seedlings etc.) in small holes pricked in the earth. 7 tr. Brit. archaic mark off (a name in a list, esp. to select a sheriff) by pricking. 8 tr. archaic spur or urge on (a horse etc.). --n. 1 the act or an instance of pricking. 2 a small hole or mark made by pricking. 3 a pain caused as by pricking. 4 a mental pain (felt the pricks of conscience). 5 coarse sl. a the penis. b derog. (as a term of contempt) a person. °Usually considered a taboo use. 6 archaic a goad for oxen. Ьkick against the pricks persist in futile resistance. prick up one's ears 1 (of a dog etc.) make the ears erect when on the alert. 2 (of a person) become suddenly attentive. ЬЬpricker n. [OE prician (v.), pricca (n.)] pricket n. 1 Brit. a male fallow deer in its second year, having straight unbranched horns. 2 a spike for holding a candle. [ME f. AL prikettus -um, dimin. of PRICK] prickle n. & v. --n. 1 a a small thorn. b Bot. a thornlike process developed from the epidermis of a plant. 2 a hard-pointed spine of a hedgehog etc. 3 a prickling sensation. --v.tr. & intr. affect or be affected with a sensation as of pricking. [OE pricel PRICK: (v.) also dimin. of PRICK] prickly adj. (pricklier, prickliest) 1 (esp. in the names of plants and animals) having prickles. 2 (of a person) ready to take offence. 3 tingling. Ьprickly heat an itchy inflammation of the skin, causing a tingling sensation and common in hot countries. prickly pear 1 any cactus of the genus Opuntia, native to arid regions of America, bearing barbed bristles and large pear-shaped prickly fruits. 2 its fruit. prickly poppy a tropical poppy-like plant, Argemone mexicana, with prickly leaves and yellow flowers. ЬЬprickliness n. pricy var. of PRICEY. pride n. & v. --n. 1 a a feeling of elation or satisfaction at achievements or qualities or possessions etc. that do one credit. b an object of this feeling. 2 a high or overbearing opinion of one's worth or importance. 3 (in full proper pride) a proper sense of what befits one's position; self-respect. 4 a group or company (of animals, esp. lions). 5 the best condition; the prime. --v.refl. (foll. by on, upon) be proud of. Ьmy, his , etc. pride and joy a thing of which one is very proud. pride of the morning a mist or shower at sunrise, supposedly indicating a fine day to come. pride of place the most important or prominent position. take pride (or a pride) in 1 be proud of. 2 maintain in good condition or appearance. ЬЬprideful adj. pridefully adv. prideless adj. [OE prytu, pryte, pryde f. prud PROUD] prie-dieu n. (pl. prie-dieux pronunc. same) a kneeling-desk for prayer. [F, = pray God] priest n. 1 an ordained minister of the Roman Catholic or Orthodox Church, or of the Anglican Church (above a deacon and below a bishop), authorized to perform certain rites and administer certain sacraments. 2 an official minister of a non-Christian religion. Ьpriest's hole hist. a hiding-place for a Roman Catholic priest during times of religious persecution. ЬЬpriestless adj. priestlike adj. priestling n. [OE preost, ult. f. eccl.L presbyter: see PRESBYTER] priestcraft n. usu. derog. the work and influence of priests. priestess n. a female priest of a non-Christian religion. priesthood n. (usu. prec. by the) 1 the office or position of priest. 2 priests in general. priestly adj. of or associated with priests. ЬЬpriestliness n. [OE preostlic (as PRIEST)] prig n. a self-righteously correct or moralistic person. ЬЬpriggery n. priggish adj. priggishly adv. priggishness n. [16th-c. cant, = tinker: orig. unkn.] prim adj. & v. --adj. (primmer, primmest) 1 (of a person or manner) stiffly formal and precise. 2 (of a woman or girl) demure. 3 prudish. --v.tr. (primmed, primming) 1 form (the face, lips, etc.) into a prim expression. 2 make prim. ЬЬprimly adv. primness n. [17th c.: prob. orig. cant f. OF prin prime excellent f. L primus first] prima ballerina n. the chief female dancer in a ballet or ballet company. [It.] primacy n. (pl. -ies) 1 pre-eminence. 2 the office of a primate. [ME f. OF primatie or med.L primatia (as PRIMATE)] prima donna n. (pl. prima donnas) 1 the chief female singer in an opera or opera company. 2 a temperamentally self-important person. ЬЬprima donna-ish adj. [It.] primaeval var. of PRIMEVAL. prima facie adv. & adj. --adv. at first sight; from a first impression (seems prima facie to be guilty). --adj. (of evidence) based on the first impression (can see a prima facie reason for it). [ME f. L, fem. ablat. of primus first, facies FACE] primal adj. 1 primitive, primeval. 2 chief, fundamental. ЬЬprimally adv. [med.L primalis f. L primus first] primary adj. & n. --adj. 1 a of the first importance; chief (that is our primary concern). b fundamental, basic. 2 earliest, original; first in a series. 3 of the first rank in a series; not derived (the primary meaning of a word). 4 designating any of the colours red, green, and blue, or for pigments red, blue, and yellow, from which all other colours can be obtained by mixing. 5 (of a battery or cell) generating electricity by irreversible chemical reaction. 6 (of education) for young children, esp. below the age of 11. 7 (Primary) Geol. of the lowest series of strata. 8 Biol. belonging to the first stage of development. 9 (of an industry or source of production) concerned with obtaining or using raw materials. 10 Gram. (of a tense in Latin and Greek) present, future, perfect, or future perfect (cf. HISTORIC). --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a thing that is primary. 2 (in full primary election) (in the US) a preliminary election to appoint delegates to a party conference or to select the candidates for a principal (esp. presidential) election. 3 = primary planet. 4 (Primary) Geol. the Primary period. 5 = primary feather. 6 = primary coil. Ьprimary coil a coil to which current is supplied in a transformer. primary feather a large flight-feather of a bird's wing. primary planet a planet that directly orbits the sun (cf. secondary planet). primary school a school where young children are taught, esp. below the age of 11. ЬЬprimarily adv. [ME f. L primarius f. primus first] primate n. 1 any animal of the order Primates, the highest order of mammals, including tarsiers, lemurs, apes, monkeys, and man. 2 an archbishop. ЬPrimate of All England the Archbishop of Canterbury. Primate of England the Archbishop of York. ЬЬprimatial adj. primatology n. (in sense 1). [ME f. OF primat f. L primas -atis (adj.) of the first rank f. primus first, in med.L = primate] primavera n. 1 a Central American tree, Cybistax donnellsmithii, bearing yellow blooms. 2 the hard light-coloured timber from this. [Sp., = spring (the season) f. L primus first + ver SPRING] prime(1) adj. & n. --adj. 1 chief, most important (the prime agent; the prime motive). 2 (esp. of cattle and provisions) first-rate, excellent. 3 primary, fundamental. 4 Math. a (of a number) divisible only by itself and unity (e.g. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11). b (of numbers) having no common factor but unity. --n. 1 the state of the highest perfection of something (in the prime of life). 2 (prec. by the; foll. by of) the best part. 3 the beginning or first age of anything. 4 Eccl. a the second canonical hour of prayer, appointed for the first hour of the day (i.e. 6 a.m.). b the office of this. c archaic this time. 5 a prime number. 6 Printing a symbol (') added to a letter etc. as a distinguishing mark, or to a figure as a symbol for minutes or feet. 7 the first of eight parrying positions in fencing. Ьprime cost the direct cost of a commodity in terms of materials, labour, etc. prime meridian 1 the meridian from which longitude is reckoned, esp. that passing through Greenwich. 2 the corresponding line on a map. prime minister the head of an elected government; the principal minister of a sovereign or State. prime mover 1 an initial natural or mechanical source of motive power. 2 the author of a fruitful idea. prime rate the lowest rate at which money can be borrowed commercially. prime time the time at which a radio or television audience is expected to be at its highest. prime vertical the great circle of the heavens passing through the zenith and the E. and W. points of the horizon. ЬЬprimeness n. [(n.) OE prim f. L prima (hora) first (hour), & MF f. OF prime: (adj.) ME f. OF f. L primus first] prime(2) v.tr. 1 prepare (a thing) for use or action. 2 prepare (a gun) for firing or (an explosive) for detonation. 3 a pour (a liquid) into a pump to prepare it for working. b inject petrol into (the cylinder or carburettor of an internal-combustion engine). 4 prepare (wood etc.) for painting by applying a substance that prevents paint from being absorbed. 5 equip (a person) with information etc. 6 ply (a person) with food or drink in preparation for something. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] primer(1) n. 1 a substance used to prime wood etc. 2 a cap, cylinder, etc., used to ignite the powder of a cartridge etc. primer(2) n. 1 an elementary textbook for teaching children to read. 2 an introductory book. [ME f. AF f. med.L primarius -arium f. L primus first] primeval adj. (also primaeval) 1 of or relating to the first age of the world. 2 ancient, primitive. ЬЬprimevally adv. [L primaevus f. primus first + aevum age] primigravida n. (pl. primigravidae) a woman who is pregnant for the first time. [mod.L fem. f. L primus first + gravidus pregnant: see GRAVID] priming(1) n. 1 a mixture used by painters for a preparatory coat. 2 a preparation of sugar added to beer. 3 a gunpowder placed in the pan of a firearm. b a train of powder connecting the fuse with the charge in blasting etc. priming(2) n. an acceleration of the tides taking place from the neap to the spring tides. [prime (v.) f. PRIME(1) + -ING(1)] primipara n. (pl. primiparae) a woman who is bearing a child for the first time. ЬЬprimiparous adj. [mod.L fem. f. primus first + -parus f. parere bring forth] primitive adj. & n. --adj. 1 early, ancient; at an early stage of civilization (primitive man). 2 undeveloped, crude, simple (primitive methods). 3 original, primary. 4 Gram. & Philol. (of words or language) radical; not derivative. 5 Math. (of a line, figure, etc.) from which another is derived, from which some construction begins, etc. 6 (of a colour) primary. 7 Geol. of the earliest period. 8 Biol. appearing in the earliest or a very early stage of growth or evolution. --n. 1 a a painter of the period before the Renaissance. b a modern imitator of such. c an untutored painter with a direct na‹ve style. d a picture by such a painter. 2 a primitive word, line, etc. Ьthe Primitive Church the Christian Church in its earliest times. ЬЬprimitively adv. primitiveness n. [ME f. OF primitif -ive or L primitivus first of its kind f. primitus in the first place f. primus first] primitivism n. 1 primitive behaviour. 2 belief in the superiority of what is primitive. 3 the practice of primitive art. ЬЬprimitivist n. & adj. primo n. (pl. -os) Mus. the leading or upper part in a duet etc. primogenitor n. 1 the earliest ancestor of a people etc. 2 an ancestor. [var. of progenitor, after PRIMOGENITURE] primogeniture n. 1 the fact or condition of being the first-born child. 2 (in full right of primogeniture) the right of succession belonging to the first-born, esp. the feudal rule by which the whole real estate of an intestate passes to the eldest son. ЬЬprimogenital adj. primogenitary adj. [med.L primogenitura f. L primo first + genitura f. gignere genit- beget] primordial adj. 1 existing at or from the beginning, primeval. 2 original, fundamental. ЬЬprimordiality n. primordially adv. [ME f. LL primordialis (as PRIMORDIUM)] primordium n. (pl. primordia) Biol. an organ or tissue in the early stages of development. [L, neut. of primordius original f. primus first + ordiri begin] primp v.tr. 1 make (the hair, one's clothes, etc.) tidy. 2 refl. make (oneself) smart. [dial. var. of PRIM] primrose n. 1 a any plant of the genus Primula, esp. P. vulgaris, bearing pale yellow flowers. b the flower of this. 2 a pale yellow colour. Ьprimrose path the pursuit of pleasure, esp. with disastrous consequences (with ref. to Shakesp. Hamlet I. iii. 50). [ME primerose, corresp. to OF primerose and med.L prima rosa, lit. first rose: reason for the name unkn.] primula n. any plant of the genus Primula, bearing primrose-like flowers in a wide variety of colours during the spring, including primroses, cowslips, and polyanthuses. [med.L, fem. of primulus dimin. of primus first] primum mobile n. 1 the central or most important source of motion or action. 2 Astron. in the medieval version of the Ptolemaic system, an outer sphere supposed to move round the earth in 24 hours carrying the inner spheres with it. [med.L, = first moving thing] Primus n. propr. a brand of portable stove burning vaporized oil for cooking etc. [L (as PRIMUS)] primus n. the presiding bishop of the Scottish Episcopal Church. [L, = first] primus inter pares n. a first among equals; the senior or representative member of a group. [L] prince n. (as a title usu. Prince) 1 a male member of a royal family other than a reigning king. 2 (in full prince of the blood) a son or grandson of a British monarch. 3 a ruler of a small State, actually or nominally subject to a king or emperor. 4 (as an English rendering of foreign titles) a noble usu. ranking next below a duke. 5 (as a courtesy title in some connections) a duke, marquis, or earl. 6 (often foll. by of) the chief or greatest (the prince of novelists). ЬPrince Charming an idealized young hero or lover. prince consort 1 the husband of a reigning female sovereign who is himself a prince. 2 the title conferred on him. Prince of Darkness Satan. Prince of Peace Christ. Prince of Wales the heir apparent to the British throne, as a title conferred by the monarch. Prince Regent a prince who acts as regent, esp. George (afterwards IV) as regent 1811-20. prince royal the eldest son of the reigning monarch. prince's feather a tall plant, Amaranthus hypochondriacus, with feathery spikes of small red flowers. prince's metal a brasslike alloy of copper and zinc. ЬЬprincedom n. princelet n. princelike adj. princeship n. [ME f. OF f. L princeps principis first, chief, sovereign f. primus first + capere take] princeling n. a young or petty prince. princely adj. (princelier, princeliest) 1 a of or worthy of a prince. b held by a prince. 2 sumptuous, generous, splendid. ЬЬprinceliness n. princess n. (as a title usu. Princess) 1 the wife of a prince. 2 a female member of a royal family other than a reigning queen. 3 (in full princess of the blood) a daughter or granddaughter of a British monarch. 4 a pre-eminent woman or thing personified as a woman. ЬPrincess Regent 1 a princess who acts as regent. 2 the wife of a Prince Regent. Princess Royal a monarch's eldest daughter, as a title conferred by the monarch. [ME f. OF princesse (as PRINCE)] principal adj. & n. --adj. 1 (usu. attrib.) first in rank or importance; chief (the principal town of the district). 2 main, leading (a principal cause of my success). 3 (of money) constituting the original sum invested or lent. --n. 1 a head, ruler, or superior. 2 the head of some schools, colleges, and universities. 3 the leading performer in a concert, play, etc. 4 a capital sum as distinguished from interest or income. 5 a person for whom another acts as agent etc. 6 (in the UK) a civil servant of the grade below Secretary. 7 the person actually responsible for a crime. 8 a person for whom another is surety. 9 each of the combatants in a duel. 10 a a main rafter supporting purlins. b a main girder. 11 an organ stop sounding an octave above the diapason. 12 Mus. the leading player in each section of an orchestra. Ьprincipal boy (or girl) an actress who takes the leading male (or female) part in a pantomime. principal clause Gram. a clause to which another clause is subordinate. principal in the first degree a person directly responsible for a crime as its actual perpetrator. principal in the second degree a person directly responsible for a crime as aiding in its perpetration. principal parts Gram. the parts of a verb from which all other parts can be deduced. ЬЬprincipalship n. [ME f. OF f. L principalis first, original (as PRINCE)] principality n. (pl. -ies) 1 a State ruled by a prince. 2 the government of a prince. 3 (in pl.) the fifth order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy. 4 (the Principality) Brit. Wales. [ME f. OF principalit‚ f. LL principalitas -tatis (as PRINCIPAL)] principally adv. for the most part; chiefly. principate n. 1 a State ruled by a prince. 2 Rom.Hist. the rule of the early emperors during which some republican forms were retained. [ME f. OF principat or L principatus first place] principle n. 1 a fundamental truth or law as the basis of reasoning or action (arguing from first principles; moral principles). 2 a a personal code of conduct (a person of high principle). b (in pl.) such rules of conduct (has no principles). 3 a general law in physics etc. (the uncertainty principle). 4 a law of nature forming the basis for the construction or working of a machine etc. 5 a fundamental source; a primary element (held water to be the first principle of all things). 6 Chem. a constituent of a substance, esp. one giving rise to some quality, etc. Ьin principle as regards fundamentals but not necessarily in detail. on principle on the basis of a moral attitude (I refuse on principle). [ME f. OF principe f. L principium source, (in pl.) foundations (as PRINCE)] principled adj. based on or having (esp. praiseworthy) principles of behaviour. prink v. 1 tr. (usu. refl.) a make (oneself etc.) smart. b (foll. by up) smarten (oneself) up. c (of a bird) preen. 2 intr. dress oneself up. [16th c.: prob. f. prank dress, adorn, rel. to MLG prank pomp, Du. pronk finery] print n. & v. --n. 1 an indentation or mark on a surface left by the pressure of a thing in contact with it (fingerprint; footprint). 2 a printed lettering or writing (large print). b words in printed form. c a printed publication, esp. a newspaper. d the quantity of a book etc. printed at one time. e the state of being printed. 3 a picture or design printed from a block or plate. 4 Photog. a picture produced on paper from a negative. 5 a printed cotton fabric. --v.tr. 1 a produce or reproduce (a book, picture, etc.) by applying inked types, blocks, or plates, to paper, vellum, etc. b (of an author, publisher, or editor) cause (a book or manuscript etc.) to be produced or reproduced in this way. 2 express or publish in print. 3 a (often foll. by on, in) impress or stamp (a mark or figure on a surface). b (often foll. by with) impress or stamp (a soft surface, e.g. of butter or wax, with a seal, die, etc.). 4 (often absol.) write (words or letters) without joining, in imitation of typography. 5 (often foll. by off, out) Photog. produce (a picture) by the transmission of light through a negative. 6 (usu. foll. by out) (of a computer etc.) produce output in printed form. 7 mark (a textile fabric) with a decorative design in colours. 8 (foll. by on) impress (an idea, scene, etc. on the mind or memory). 9 transfer (a coloured or plain design) from paper etc. to the unglazed or glazed surface of ceramic ware. Ьappear in print have one's work published. in print 1 (of a book etc.) available from the publisher. 2 in printed form. out of print no longer available from the publisher. printed circuit an electric circuit with thin strips of conductor on a flat insulating sheet, usu. made by a process like printing. ЬЬprintable adj. printability n. printless adj. (in sense 1 of n.). [ME f. OF priente, preinte, fem. past part. of preindre press f. L premere] printer n. 1 a person who prints books, magazines, advertising matter, etc. 2 the owner of a printing business. 3 a device that prints, esp. as part of a computer system. Ьprinter's devil an errand-boy in a printer's office. printer's mark a device used as a printer's trade mark. printer's pie = PIE(3) n. printery n. (pl. -ies) US a printer's office or works. printhead n. the component in a printer (see PRINTER 3) that assembles and prints the characters on the paper. printing n. 1 the production of printed books etc. 2 a single impression of a book. 3 printed letters or writing imitating them. Ьprinting-press a machine for printing from types or plates etc. printmaker n. a person who makes print. ЬЬprintmaking n. printout n. computer output in printed form. printworks n. a factory where fabrics are printed. prior adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 earlier. 2 (often foll. by to) coming before in time, order, or importance. --adv. (foll. by to) before (decided prior to their arrival). --n. 1 the superior officer of a religious house or order. 2 (in an abbey) the officer next under the abbot. ЬЬpriorate n. prioress n. priorship n. [L, = former, elder, compar. of OL pri = L prae before] priority n. (pl. -ies) 1 the fact or condition of being earlier or antecedent. 2 precedence in rank etc. 3 an interest having prior claim to consideration. ЬЬprioritize v.tr. (also -ise). prioritization n. [ME f. OF priorit‚ f. med.L prioritas -tatis f. L prior (as PRIOR)] priory n. (pl. -ies) a monastery governed by a prior or a nunnery governed by a prioress. [ME f. AF priorie, med.L prioria (as PRIOR)] prise v. & n. (also prize) --v.tr. force open or out by leverage (prised up the lid; prised the box open). --n. leverage, purchase. [ME & OF prise levering instrument (as PRIZE(1))] prism n. 1 a solid geometric figure whose two ends are similar, equal, and parallel rectilinear figures, and whose sides are parallelograms. 2 a transparent body in this form, usu. triangular with refracting surfaces at an acute angle with each other, which separates white light into a spectrum of colours. ЬЬprismal adj. [LL prisma f. Gk prisma prismatos thing sawn f. prizo to saw] prismatic adj. 1 of, like, or using a prism. 2 a (of colours) distributed by or as if by a transparent prism. b (of light) displayed in the form of a spectrum. ЬЬprismatically adv. [F prismatique f. Gk prisma (as PRISM)] prismoid n. a body like a prism, with similar but unequal parallel polygonal ends. ЬЬprismoidal adj. prison n. & v. --n. 1 a place in which a person is kept in captivity, esp. a building to which persons are legally committed while awaiting trial or for punishment; a jail. 2 custody, confinement (in prison). --v.tr. poet. (prisoned, prisoning) put in prison. Ьprison-breaking escape from prison. prison camp a camp for prisoners of war or of State. [ME f. OF prisun, -on f. L prensio -onis f. prehensio f. prehendere prehens- lay hold of] prisoner n. 1 a person kept in prison. 2 (in full prisoner at the bar) a person in custody on a criminal charge and on trial. 3 a person or thing confined by illness, another's grasp, etc. 4 (in full prisoner of war) a person who has been captured in war. Ьprisoner of conscience see CONSCIENCE. prisoner of State (or State prisoner) a person confined for political reasons. prisoner's base a game played by two parties of boys etc., each occupying a distinct base or home. take prisoner seize and hold as a prisoner. [ME f. AF prisoner, OF prisonier (as PRISON)] prissy adj. (prissier, prissiest) prim, prudish. ЬЬprissily adv. prissiness n. [perh. f. PRIM + SISSY] pristine adj. 1 in its original condition; unspoilt. 2 disp. spotless; fresh as if new. 3 ancient, primitive. [L pristinus former] prithee int. archaic pray, please. [= I pray thee] privacy n. 1 a the state of being private and undisturbed. b a person's right to this. 2 freedom from intrusion or public attention. 3 avoidance of publicity. private adj. & n. --adj. 1 belonging to an individual; one's own; personal (private property). 2 confidential; not to be disclosed to others (private talks). 3 kept or removed from public knowledge or observation. 4 a not open to the public. b for an individual's exclusive use (private room). 5 (of a place) secluded; affording privacy. 6 (of a person) not holding public office or an official position. 7 (of education or medical treatment) conducted outside the State system, at the individual's expense. --n. 1 a private soldier. 2 (in pl.) colloq. the genitals. Ьin private privately; in private company or life. private bill a parliamentary bill affecting an individual or corporation only. private company Brit. a company with restricted membership and no issue of shares. private detective a detective engaged privately, outside an official police force. private enterprise 1 a business or businesses not under State control. 2 individual initiative. private eye colloq. a private detective. private first class US a soldier ranking above an ordinary private but below officers. private hotel a hotel not obliged to take all comers. private house the dwelling-house of a private person, as distinct from a shop, office, or public building. private law a law relating to individual persons and private property. private life life as a private person, not as an official, public performer, etc. private means income from investments etc., apart from earned income. private member a member of a legislative body not holding a government office. private member's bill a bill introduced by a private member, not part of government legislation. private parts the genitals. private patient Brit. a patient treated by a doctor other than under the National Health Service. private practice Brit. medical practice that is not part of the National Health Service. private press a printing establishment operated by a private person or group not primarily for profit and usu. on a small scale. private school 1 Brit. a school supported wholly by the payment of fees. 2 US a school not supported mainly by the State. private secretary a secretary dealing with the personal and confidential concerns of a businessman or businesswoman. private sector the part of the economy free of direct State control. private soldier an ordinary soldier other than the officers (and US other than recruits). private view the viewing of an exhibition (esp. of paintings) before it is open to the public. private war 1 a feud between persons or families disregarding the law of murder etc. 2 hostilities against members of another State without the sanction of one's own government. private wrong an offence against an individual but not against society as a whole. ЬЬprivately adv. [ME f. L privatus, orig. past part. of privare deprive] privateer n. 1 an armed vessel owned and officered by private individuals holding a government commission and authorized for war service. 2 a a commander of such a vessel. b (in pl.) its crew. ЬЬprivateering n. [PRIVATE, after volunteer] privateersman n. (pl. -men) = PRIVATEER 2. privation n. 1 lack of the comforts or necessities of life (suffered many privations). 2 (often foll. by of) loss or absence (of a quality). [ME f. L privatio (as PRIVATE)] privative adj. 1 consisting in or marked by the loss or removal or absence of some quality or attribute. 2 (of a term) denoting the privation or absence of a quality etc. 3 Gram. (of a particle etc.) expressing privation, as Gk a- = 'not'. ЬЬprivatively adv. [F privatif -ive or L privativus (as PRIVATION)] privatize v.tr. (also -ise) make private, esp. assign (a business etc.) to private as distinct from State control or ownership; denationalize. ЬЬprivatization n. privet n. any evergreen shrub of the genus Ligustrum, esp. L. vulgare bearing small white flowers and black berries, and much used for hedges. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] privilege n. & v. --n. 1 a a right, advantage, or immunity, belonging to a person, class, or office. b the freedom of members of a legislative assembly when speaking at its meetings. 2 a special benefit or honour (it is a privilege to meet you). 3 a monopoly or patent granted to an individual, corporation, etc. 4 US Stock Exch. an option. --v.tr. 1 invest with a privilege. 2 (foll. by to + infin.) allow (a person) as a privilege (to do something). 3 (often foll. by from) exempt (a person from a liability etc.). ЬЬprivileged adj. [ME f. OF privilege f. L privilegium bill or law affecting an individual, f. privus private + lex legis law] privity n. (pl. -ies) 1 Law a relation between two parties that is recognized by law, e.g. that of blood, lease, or service. 2 (often foll. by to) the state of being privy (to plans etc.). [ME f. OF privet‚ f. med.L privitas -tatis f. L privus private] privy adj. & n. --adj. 1 (foll. by to) sharing in the secret of (a person's plans etc.). 2 archaic hidden, secret. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 US or archaic a lavatory. 2 Law a person having a part or interest in any action, matter, or thing. ЬPrivy Council 1 (in the UK) a body of advisers appointed by the sovereign (now chiefly on an honorary basis and including present and former government ministers etc.). 2 usu. hist. a sovereign's or governor-general's private counsellors. privy counsellor (or councillor) a private adviser, esp. a member of a Privy Council. privy purse Brit. 1 an allowance from the public revenue for the monarch's private expenses. 2 the keeper of this. privy seal (in the UK) a seal formerly affixed to documents that are afterwards to pass the Great Seal or that do not require it. ЬЬprivily adv. [ME f. OF priv‚ f. L privatus PRIVATE] prize(1) n. & v. --n. 1 something that can be won in a competition or lottery etc. 2 a reward given as a symbol of victory or superiority. 3 something striven for or worth striving for (missed all the great prizes of life). 4 (attrib.) a to which a prize is awarded (a prize bull; a prize poem). b supremely excellent or outstanding of its kind. --v.tr. value highly (a much prized possession). Ьprize-giving an award of prizes, esp. formally at a school etc. prize-money money offered as a prize. prize-ring 1 an enclosed area (now usu. a square) for prizefighting. 2 the practice of prizefighting. [(n.) ME, var. of PRICE: (v.) ME f. OF pris- stem of preisier PRAISE] prize(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a ship or property captured in naval warfare. 2 a find or windfall. --v.tr. make a prize of. Ьprize-court a department of an admiralty court concerned with prizes. [ME f. OF prise taking, booty, fem. past part. of prendre f. L prehendere prehens- seize: later identified with PRIZE(1)] prize(3) var. of PRISE. prizefight n. a boxing-match fought for prize-money. ЬЬprizefighter n. prizeman n. (pl. -men) a winner of a prize, esp. a specified academic one. prizewinner n. a winner of a prize. ЬЬprizewinning adj. PRO abbr. 1 Public Record Office. 2 public relations officer. pro(1) n. & adj. colloq. --n. (pl. -os) a professional. --adj. professional. Ьpro-am involving professionals and amateurs. [abbr.] pro(2) adj., n., & prep. --adj. (of an argument or reason) for; in favour. --n. (pl. -os) a reason or argument for or in favour. --prep. in favour of. Ьpros and cons reasons or considerations for and against a proposition etc. [L, = for, on behalf of] pro-(1) prefix 1 favouring or supporting (pro-government). 2 acting as a substitute or deputy for (proconsul). 3 forwards (produce). 4 forwards and downwards (prostrate). 5 onwards (proceed; progress). 6 in front of (protect). [L pro in front (of), for, on behalf of, instead of, on account of] pro-(2) prefix before in time, place, order, etc. (problem; proboscis; prophet). [Gk pro before] proa n. (also prau, prahu) a Malay boat, esp. with a large triangular sail and a canoe-like outrigger. [Malay prau, prahu] proactive adj. 1 (of a person, policy, etc.) creating or controlling a situation by taking the initiative. 2 of or relating to mental conditioning or a habit etc. which has been learned. ЬЬproaction n. proactively adv. proactivity n. [PRO-(2), after REACTIVE] probability n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state or condition of being probable. 2 the likelihood of something happening. 3 a probable or most probable event (the probability is that they will come). 4 Math. the extent to which an event is likely to occur, measured by the ratio of the favourable cases to the whole number of cases possible. Ьin all probability most probably. [F probabilit‚ or L probabilitas (as PROBABLE)] probable adj. & n. --adj. (often foll. by that + clause) that may be expected to happen or prove true; likely (the probable explanation; it is probable that they forgot). --n. a probable candidate, member of a team, etc. ЬЬprobably adv. [ME f. OF f. L probabilis f. probare prove] proband n. a person forming the starting-point for the genetic study of a family etc. [L probandus, gerundive of probare test] probang n. Surgery a strip of flexible material with a sponge or button etc. at the end for introducing into the throat. [17th c. (named provang by its inventor): orig. unkn., perh. alt. after probe] probate n. & v. --n. 1 the official proving of a will. 2 a verified copy of a will with a certificate as handed to the executors. --v.tr. US establish the validity of (a will). [ME f. L probatum neut. past part. of probare PROVE] probation n. 1 Law a system of suspending the sentence on an offender subject to a period of good behaviour under supervision. 2 a process or period of testing the character or abilities of a person in a certain role, esp. of a new employee. 3 a moral trial or discipline. Ьon probation undergoing probation, esp. legal supervision. probation officer an official supervising offenders on probation. ЬЬprobational adj. probationary adj. [ME f. OF probation or L probatio (as PROVE)] probationer n. 1 a person on probation, e.g. a newly appointed nurse, teacher, etc. 2 an offender on probation. ЬЬprobationership n. probative adj. affording proof; evidential. [L probativus (as PROVE)] probe n. & v. --n. 1 a penetrating investigation. 2 any small device, esp. an electrode, for measuring, testing, etc. 3 a blunt-ended surgical instrument usu. of metal for exploring a wound etc. 4 (in full space probe) an unmanned exploratory spacecraft transmitting information about its environment. --v.tr. 1 examine or enquire into closely. 2 explore (a wound or part of the body) with a probe. 3 penetrate with a sharp instrument. ЬЬprobeable adj. prober n. probingly adv. [LL proba proof, in med.L = examination, f. L probare test] probit n. Statistics a unit of probability based on deviation from the mean of a standard distribution. [probability un it] probity n. uprightness, honesty. [F probit‚ or L probitas f. probus good] problem n. 1 a doubtful or difficult matter requiring a solution (how to prevent it is a problem; the problem of ventilation). 2 something hard to understand or accomplish or deal with. 3 (attrib.) a causing problems; difficult to deal with (problem child). b (of a play, novel, etc.) in which a social or other problem is treated. 4 a Physics & Math. an inquiry starting from given conditions to investigate or demonstrate a fact, result, or law. b Geom. a proposition in which something has to be constructed (cf. THEOREM). 5 a (in various games, esp. chess) an arrangement of men, cards, etc., in which the solver has to achieve a specified result. b a puzzle or question for solution. [ME f. OF probleme or L problema f. Gk problema -matos f. proballo (as PRO-(2), ballo throw)] problematic adj. (also problematical) 1 attended by difficulty. 2 doubtful or questionable. 3 Logic enunciating or supporting what is possible but not necessarily true. ЬЬproblematically adv. [F probl‚matique or LL problematicus f. Gk problematikos (as PROBLEM)] proboscidean adj. & n. (also proboscidian) --adj. 1 having a proboscis. 2 of or like a proboscis. 3 of the mammalian order Proboscidea, including elephants and their extinct allies. --n. a mammal of this order. [mod.L Proboscidea (as PROBOSCIS)] proboscis n. 1 the long flexible trunk or snout of some mammals, e.g. an elephant or tapir. 2 the elongated mouth parts of some insects. 3 the sucking organ in some worms. 4 joc. the human nose. Ьproboscis monkey a monkey, Nasalis larvatus, native to Borneo, the male of which has a large pendulous nose. ЬЬproboscidiferous adj. proboscidiform adj. [L proboscis -cidis f. Gk proboskis f. probosko (as PRO-(2), bosko feed)] procaine n. (also procain) a synthetic compound used as a local anaesthetic. [PRO-(1) + COCAINE] procaryote var. of PROKARYOTE. procedure n. 1 a way of proceeding, esp. a mode of conducting business or a legal action. 2 a mode of performing a task. 3 a series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner. 4 a proceeding. 5 Computing = SUBROUTINE. ЬЬprocedural adj. procedurally adv. [F proc‚dure (as PROCEED)] proceed v.intr. 1 (often foll. by to) go forward or on further; make one's way. 2 (often foll. by with, or to + infin.) continue; go on with an activity (proceeded with their work; proceeded to tell the whole story). 3 (of an action) be carried on or continued (the case will now proceed). 4 adopt a course of action (how shall we proceed?). 5 go on to say. 6 (foll. by against) start a lawsuit (against a person). 7 (often foll. by from) come forth or originate (shouts proceeded from the bedroom). 8 (foll. by to) Brit. take the degree of (MA etc.). [ME f. OF proceder f. L procedere process- (as PRO-(1), cedere go)] proceeding n. 1 an action or piece of conduct (a high-handed proceeding). 2 (in pl.) (in full legal proceedings) an action at law; a lawsuit. 3 (in pl.) a published report of discussions or a conference. proceeds n.pl. money produced by a transaction or other undertaking. [pl. of obs. proceed (n.) f. PROCEED] process(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a course of action or proceeding, esp. a series of stages in manufacture or some other operation. 2 the progress or course of something (in process of construction). 3 a natural or involuntary operation or series of changes (the process of growing old). 4 an action at law; a summons or writ. 5 Anat., Zool., & Bot. a natural appendage or outgrowth on an organism. --v.tr. 1 handle or deal with by a particular process. 2 treat (food, esp. to prevent decay) (processed cheese). 3 Computing operate on (data) by means of a program. Ьin process of time as time goes on. process server a sheriff's officer who serves writs. ЬЬprocessable adj. [ME f. OF proces f. L processus (as PROCEED)] process(2) v.intr. walk in procession. [back-form. f. PROCESSION] procession n. 1 a number of people or vehicles etc. moving forward in orderly succession, esp. at a ceremony, demonstration, or festivity. 2 the movement of such a group (go in procession). 3 a race in which no competitor is able to overtake another. 4 Theol. the emanation of the Holy Spirit. ЬЬprocessionist n. [ME f. OF f. L processio -onis (as PROCEED)] processional adj. & n. --adj. 1 of processions. 2 used, carried, or sung in processions. --n. Eccl. an office-book of processional hymns etc. [med.L processionalis (adj.), -ale (n.) (as PROCESSION)] processor n. a machine that processes things, esp.: 1 = central processor. 2 = food processor. procЉs-verbal n. (pl. procЉs-verbaux) a written report of proceedings; minutes. [F] prochronism n. the action of referring an event etc. to an earlier date than the true one. [PRO-(2) + Gk khronos time] proclaim v.tr. 1 (often foll. by that + clause) announce or declare publicly or officially. 2 declare (a person) to be (a king, traitor, etc.). 3 reveal as being (an accent that proclaims you a Scot). ЬЬproclaimer n. proclamation n. proclamatory adj. [ME proclame f. L proclamare cry out (as PRO-(1), CLAIM)] proclitic adj. & n. Gram. --adj. (of a monosyllable) closely attached in pronunciation to a following word and having itself no accent. --n. such a word, e.g. at in at home. ЬЬproclitically adv. [mod.L procliticus f. Gk proklino lean forward, after LL encliticus: see ENCLITIC] proclivity n. (pl. -ies) a tendency or inclination. [L proclivitas f. proclivis inclined (as PRO-(1), clivus slope)] proconsul n. 1 Rom.Hist. a governor of a province, in the later republic usu. an ex-consul. 2 a governor of a modern colony etc. 3 a deputy consul. ЬЬproconsular adj. proconsulate n. proconsulship n. [ME f. L, earlier pro consule (one acting) for the consul] procrastinate v.intr. defer action; be dilatory. °Often confused with prevaricate. ЬЬprocrastination n. procrastinative adj. procrastinator n. procrastinatory adj. [L procrastinare procrastinat- (as PRO-(1), crastinus of tomorrow f. cras tomorrow)] procreate v.tr. (often absol.) bring (offspring) into existence by the natural process of reproduction. ЬЬprocreant adj. procreative adj. procreation n. procreator n. [L procreare procreat- (as PRO-(1), creare create)] Procrustean adj. seeking to enforce uniformity by forceful or ruthless methods. [Gk Prokroustes, lit. stretcher, f. prokrouo beat out: the name of a legendary robber who fitted victims to a bed by stretching them or cutting off parts of them] proctology n. the branch of medicine concerned with the anus and rectum. ЬЬproctological adj. proctologist n. [Gk proktos anus + -LOGY] proctor n. 1 Brit. an officer (usu. one of two) at certain universities, appointed annually and having mainly disciplinary functions. 2 US a supervisor of students in an examination etc. 3 Law a person managing causes in a court (now chiefly ecclesiastical) that administers civil or canon law. 4 a representative of the clergy in the Church of England convocation. ЬQueen's (or King's) Proctor (in the UK) an official who has the right to intervene in probate, divorce, and nullity cases when collusion or the suppression of facts is alleged. ЬЬproctorial adj. proctorship n. [ME, syncopation of PROCURATOR] proctoscope n. a medical instrument for inspecting the rectum. [Gk proktos anus + -SCOPE] procumbent adj. 1 lying on the face; prostrate. 2 Bot. growing along the ground. [L procumbere fall forwards (as PRO-(1), cumbere lay oneself)] procuration n. 1 formal the action of procuring, obtaining, or bringing about. 2 the function or an authorized action of an attorney. [ME f. OF procuration or L procuratio (as PROCURE)] procurator n. 1 an agent or proxy, esp. one who has power of attorney. 2 Rom.Hist. a treasury officer in an imperial province. Ьprocurator fiscal (in Scotland) a local coroner and public prosecutor. ЬЬprocuratorial adj. procuratorship n. [ME f. OF procurateur or L procurator administrator, finance-agent (as PROCURE)] procure v.tr. 1 obtain, esp. by care or effort; acquire (managed to procure a copy). 2 bring about (procured their dismissal). 3 (also absol.) obtain (women) for prostitution. ЬЬprocurable adj. procural n. procurement n. [ME f. OF procurer f. L procurare take care of, manage (as PRO-(1), curare see to)] procurer n. (fem. procuress) a person who obtains women for prostitution. [ME f. AF procurour, OF procureur f. L procurator: see PROCURATOR] prod v. & n. --v. (prodded, prodding) 1 tr. poke with the finger or a pointed object. 2 tr. stimulate to action. 3 intr. (foll. by at) make a prodding motion. --n. 1 a poke or thrust. 2 a stimulus to action. 3 a pointed instrument. ЬЬprodder n. [16th c.: perh. imit.] prodigal adj. & n. --adj. 1 recklessly wasteful. 2 (foll. by of) lavish. --n. 1 a prodigal person. 2 (in full prodigal son) a repentant wastrel, returned wanderer, etc. (Luke 15:11-32). ЬЬprodigality n. prodigally adv. [med.L prodigalis f. L prodigus lavish] prodigious adj. 1 marvellous or amazing. 2 enormous. 3 abnormal. ЬЬprodigiously adv. prodigiousness n. [L prodigiosus (as PRODIGY)] prodigy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a person endowed with exceptional qualities or abilities, esp. a precocious child. 2 a marvellous thing, esp. one out of the ordinary course of nature. 3 (foll. by of) a wonderful example (of a quality). [L prodigium portent] prodrome n. 1 a preliminary book or treatise. 2 Med. a premonitory symptom. ЬЬprodromal adj. prodromic adj. [F f. mod.L f. Gk prodromos precursor (as PRO-(2), dromos running)] produce v. & n. --v.tr. 1 bring forward for consideration, inspection, or use (will produce evidence). 2 manufacture (goods) from raw materials etc. 3 bear or yield (offspring, fruit, a harvest, etc.). 4 bring into existence. 5 cause or bring about (a reaction, sensation, etc.). 6 Geom. extend or continue (a line). 7 a bring (a play, performer, book, etc.) before the public. b supervise the production of (a film, broadcast, etc.). --n. 1 a what is produced, esp. agricultural and natural products collectively (dairy produce). b an amount of this. 2 (often foll. by of) a result (of labour, efforts, etc.). 3 a yield, esp. in the assay of ore. ЬЬproducible adj. producibility n. [ME f. L producere (as PRO-(1), ducere duct- lead)] producer n. 1 Econ. a person who produces goods or commodities. 2 a a person generally responsible for the production of a film or play (apart from the direction of the acting). b Brit. the director of a play or broadcast programme. Ьproducer gas a combustible gas formed by passing air, or air and steam, through red-hot carbon. product n. 1 a thing or substance produced by natural process or manufacture. 2 a result (the product of their labours). 3 Math. a quantity obtained by multiplying quantities together. [ME f. L productum, neut. past part. of producere PRODUCE] production n. 1 the act or an instance of producing; the process of being produced. 2 the process of being manufactured, esp. in large quantities (go into production). 3 a total yield. 4 a thing produced, esp. a literary or artistic work, a film, play, etc. Ьproduction line a systematized sequence of mechanical or manual operations involved in producing a commodity. ЬЬproductional n. [ME f. OF f. L productio -onis (as PRODUCT)] productive adj. 1 of or engaged in the production of goods. 2 producing much (productive soil; a productive writer). 3 Econ. producing commodities of exchangeable value (productive labour). 4 (foll. by of) producing or giving rise to (productive of great annoyance). ЬЬproductively adv. productiveness n. [F productif -ive or LL productivus (as PRODUCT)] productivity n. 1 the capacity to produce. 2 the quality or state of being productive. 3 the effectiveness of productive effort, esp. in industry. 4 production per unit of effort. proem n. 1 a preface or preamble to a book or speech. 2 a beginning or prelude. ЬЬproemial adj. [ME f. OF proeme or L prooemium f. Gk prooimion prelude (as PRO-(2), oime song)] Prof. abbr. Professor. prof n. colloq. a professor. [abbr.] profane adj. & v. --adj. 1 not belonging to what is sacred or biblical; secular. 2 irreverent, blasphemous. 3 (of a rite etc.) heathen. 4 not initiated into religious rites or any esoteric knowledge. --v.tr. 1 treat (a sacred thing) with irreverence or disregard. 2 violate or pollute (what is entitled to respect). ЬЬprofanation n. profanely adv. profaneness n. profaner n. [ME prophane f. OF prophane or med.L prophanus f. L profanus before (i.e. outside) the temple, not sacred (as PRO-(1), fanum temple)] profanity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a profane act. 2 profane language; blasphemy. [LL profanitas (as PROFANE)] profess v. 1 tr. claim openly to have (a quality or feeling). 2 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) pretend. 3 tr. declare (profess ignorance). 4 tr. affirm one's faith in or allegiance to. 5 tr. receive into a religious order under vows. 6 tr. have as one's profession or business. 7 a tr. teach (a subject) as a professor. b intr. perform the duties of a professor. [ME f. L profiteri profess- declare publicly (as PRO-(1), fateri confess)] professed adj. 1 self-acknowledged (a professed Christian). 2 alleged, ostensible. 3 claiming to be duly qualified. 4 (of a monk or nun) having taken the vows of a religious order. ЬЬprofessedly adv. (in senses 1, 2). profession n. 1 a vocation or calling, esp. one that involves some branch of advanced learning or science (the medical profession). 2 a body of people engaged in a profession. 3 a declaration or avowal. 4 a declaration of belief in a religion. 5 a the declaration or vows made on entering a religious order. b the ceremony or fact of being professed in a religious order. Ьthe oldest profession colloq. or joc. prostitution. ЬЬprofessionless adj. [ME f. OF f. L professio -onis (as PROFESS)] professional adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or belonging to or connected with a profession. 2 a having or showing the skill of a professional, competent. b worthy of a professional (professional conduct). 3 engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation (cf. AMATEUR) (a professional boxer). 4 derog. engaged in a specified activity regarded with disfavour (a professional agitator). --n. a professional person. Ьprofessional foul a deliberate foul in football etc., esp. to prevent an opponent from scoring. ЬЬprofessionally adv. professionalism n. the qualities or typical features of a profession or of professionals, esp. competence, skill, etc. ЬЬprofessionalize v.tr. (also -ise). professor n. 1 a (often as a title) a university academic of the highest rank; the holder of a university chair. b US a university teacher. 2 a person who professes a religion. ЬЬprofessorate n. professorial adj. professorially adv. professoriate n. professorship n. [ME f. OF professeur or L professor (as PROFESS)] proffer v. & n. --v.tr. (esp. as proffered adj.) offer (a gift, services, a hand, etc.). --n. literary an offer or proposal. [ME f. AF & OF proffrir (as PRO-(1), offrir OFFER)] proficient adj. & n. --adj. (often foll. by in, at) adept, expert. --n. a person who is proficient. ЬЬproficiency n. proficiently adv. [L proficiens proficient- (as PROFIT)] profile n. & v. --n. 1 a an outline (esp. of a human face) as seen from one side. b a representation of this. 2 a short biographical or character sketch. 3 Statistics a representation by a graph or chart of information (esp. on certain characteristics) recorded in a quantified form. 4 a characteristic personal manner or attitude. 5 a vertical cross-section of a structure. 6 a flat outline piece of scenery on stage. --v.tr. 1 represent in profile. 2 give a profile to. Ьin profile as seen from one side. keep a low profile remain inconspicuous. ЬЬprofiler n. profilist n. [obs. It. profilo, profilare (as PRO-(1), filare spin f. L filare f. filum thread)] profit n. & v. --n. 1 an advantage or benefit. 2 financial gain; excess of returns over outlay. --v. (profited, profiting) 1 tr. (also absol.) be beneficial to. 2 intr. obtain an advantage or benefit (profited by the experience). Ьat a profit with financial gain. profit and loss account an account in which gains are credited and losses debited so as to show the net profit or loss at any time. profit margin the profit remaining in a business after costs have been deducted. profit-sharing the sharing of profits esp. between employer and employees. profit-taking the sale of shares etc. at a time when profit will accrue. ЬЬprofitless adj. [ME f. OF f. L profectus progress, profit f. proficere profect- advance (as PRO-(1), facere do)] profitable adj. 1 yielding profit; lucrative. 2 beneficial; useful. ЬЬprofitability n. profitableness n. profitably adv. [ME f. OF (as PROFIT)] profiteer v. & n. --v.intr. make or seek to make excessive profits, esp. illegally or in black market conditions. --n. a person who profiteers. profiterole n. a small hollow case of choux pastry usu. filled with cream and covered with chocolate sauce. [F, dimin. of profit PROFIT] profligate adj. & n. --adj. 1 licentious; dissolute. 2 recklessly extravagant. --n. a profligate person. ЬЬprofligacy n. profligately adv. [L profligatus dissolute, past part. of profligare overthrow, ruin (as PRO-(1), fligere strike down)] pro forma adv., adj., & n. --adv. & adj. as or being a matter of form. --n. (in full pro-forma invoice) an invoice sent in advance of goods supplied. [L] profound adj. & n. --adj. (profounder, profoundest) 1 a having or showing great knowledge or insight (a profound treatise). b demanding deep study or thought (profound doctrines). 2 (of a state or quality) deep, intense, unqualified (a profound sleep; profound indifference). 3 at or extending to a great depth (profound crevasses). 4 (of a sigh) deep-drawn. 5 (of a disease) deep-seated. --n. (prec. by the) poet. the vast depth (of the ocean, soul, etc.). ЬЬprofoundly adv. profoundness n. profundity n. (pl. -ies). [ME f. AF & OF profund, profond f. L profundus deep (as PRO-(1), fundus bottom)] profuse adj. 1 (often foll. by in, of) lavish; extravagant (was profuse in her generosity). 2 (of a thing) exuberantly plentiful; abundant (profuse bleeding; a profuse variety). ЬЬprofusely adv. profuseness n. profusion n. [ME f. L profusus past part. of profundere profus- (as PRO-(1), fundere fus- pour)] progenitive adj. capable of or connected with the production of offspring. progenitor n. 1 the ancestor of a person, animal, or plant. 2 a political or intellectual predecessor. 3 the origin of a copy. ЬЬprogenitorial adj. progenitorship n. [ME f. OF progeniteur f. L progenitor -oris f. progignere progenit- (as PRO-(1), gignere beget)] progeniture n. 1 the act or an instance of procreation. 2 young, offspring. progeny n. 1 the offspring of a person or other organism. 2 a descendant or descendants. 3 an outcome or issue. [ME f. OF progenie f. L progenies f. progignere (as PROGENITOR)] progesterone n. a steroid hormone released by the corpus luteum which stimulates the preparation of the uterus for pregnancy (see also PROGESTOGEN). [progestin (as PRO-(2), GESTATION) + luteost erone f. CORPUS LUTEUM + STEROL] progestogen n. 1 any of a group of steroid hormones (including progesterone) that maintain pregnancy and prevent further ovulation during it. 2 a similar hormone produced synthetically. proglottis n. (pl. proglottides) each segment in the strobile of a tapeworm that contains a complete reproductive system. [mod.L f. Gk proglossis (as PRO-(2), glossis f. glossa, glotta tongue), from its shape] prognathous adj. 1 having a projecting jaw. 2 (of a jaw) projecting. ЬЬprognathic adj. prognathism n. [PRO-(2) + Gk gnathos jaw] prognosis n. (pl. prognoses) 1 a forecast; a prognostication. 2 a forecast of the course of a disease. [LL f. Gk prognosis (as PRO-(2), gignosko know)] prognostic n. & adj. --n. 1 (often foll. by of) an advance indication or omen, esp. of the course of a disease etc. 2 a prediction; a forecast. --adj. foretelling; predictive (prognostic of a good result). ЬЬprognostically adv. [ME f. OF pronostique f. L prognosticum f. Gk prognostikon neut. of prognostikos (as PROGNOSIS)] prognosticate v.tr. 1 (often foll. by that + clause) foretell; foresee; prophesy. 2 (of a thing) betoken; indicate (future events etc.). ЬЬprognosticable adj. prognostication n. prognosticative adj. prognosticator n. prognosticatory adj. [med.L prognosticare (as PROGNOSTIC)] programme n. & v. (US program) --n. 1 a usu. printed list of a series of events, performers, etc. at a public function etc. 2 a radio or television broadcast. 3 a plan of future events (the programme is dinner and an early night). 4 a course or series of studies, lectures, etc.; a syllabus. 5 (usu. program) a series of coded instructions to control the operation of a computer or other machine. --v.tr. (programmed, programming; US programed, programing) 1 make a programme or definite plan of. 2 (usu. program) express (a problem) or instruct (a computer) by means of a program. Ьprogramme music a piece of music intended to tell a story, evoke images, etc. ЬЬprogrammable adj. programmability n. programmatic adj. programmatically adv. programmer n. [LL programma f. Gk programma -atos f. prographo write publicly (as PRO-(2), grapho write): spelling after F programme] progress n. & v. --n. 1 forward or onward movement towards a destination. 2 advance or development towards completion, betterment, etc.; improvement (has made little progress this term; the progress of civilization). 3 Brit. archaic a State journey or official tour, esp. by royalty. --v. 1 intr. move or be moved forward or onward; continue (the argument is progressing). 2 intr. advance or develop towards completion, improvement, etc. (science progresses). 3 tr. cause (work etc.) to make regular progress. Ьin progress in the course of developing; going on. progress-chaser a person employed to check the regular progress of manufacturing work. progress report an account of progress made. [ME f. L progressus f. progredi (as PRO-(1), gradi walk: (v.) readopted f. US after becoming obs. in Brit. use in the 17th c.] progression n. 1 the act or an instance of progressing (a mode of progression). 2 a succession; a series. 3 Math. a = arithmetic progression. b = geometric progression. c = harmonic progression. 4 Mus. passing from one note or chord to another. ЬЬprogressional adj. [ME f. OF progression or L progressio (as PROGRESS)] progressionist n. 1 an advocate of or believer in esp. political or social progress. 2 a person who believes in the theory of gradual progression to higher forms of life. progressive adj. & n. --adj. 1 moving forward (progressive motion). 2 proceeding step by step; cumulative (progressive drug use). 3 a (of a political party, government, etc.) favouring or implementing rapid progress or social reform. b modern; efficient (this is a progressive company). 4 (of disease, violence, etc.) increasing in severity or extent. 5 (of taxation) at rates increasing with the sum taxed. 6 (of a card-game, dance, etc.) with periodic changes of partners. 7 Gram. (of an aspect) expressing an action in progress, e.g. am writing, was writing. 8 (of education) informal and without strict discipline, stressing individual needs. --n. (also Progressive) an advocate of progressive political policies. ЬЬprogressively adv. progressiveness n. progressivism n. progressivist n. & adj. [F progressif -ive or med.L progressivus (as PROGRESS)] pro hac vice adv. for this occasion (only). [L] prohibit v.tr. (prohibited, prohibiting) (often foll. by from + verbal noun) 1 formally forbid, esp. by authority. 2 prevent; make impossible (his accident prohibits him from playing football). Ьprohibited degrees degrees of blood relationship within which marriage is forbidden. ЬЬprohibiter n. prohibitor n. [ME f. L prohibere (as PRO-(1), habere hold)] prohibition n. 1 the act or an instance of forbidding; a state of being forbidden. 2 Law a an edict or order that forbids. b a writ from a superior court forbidding an inferior court from proceeding in a suit deemed to be beyond its cognizance. 3 (usu. Prohibition) the prevention by law of the manufacture and sale of alcohol, esp. in the US (1920-33). ЬЬprohibitionary adj. prohibitionist n. [ME f. OF prohibition or L prohibitio (as PROHIBIT)] prohibitive adj. 1 prohibiting. 2 (of prices, taxes, etc.) so high as to prevent purchase, use, abuse, etc. (published at a prohibitive price). ЬЬprohibitively adv. prohibitiveness n. prohibitory adj. [F prohibitif -ive or L prohibitivus (as PROHIBIT)] project n. & v. --n. 1 a plan; a scheme. 2 a planned undertaking. 3 a usu. long-term task undertaken by a student to be submitted for assessment. --v. 1 tr. plan or contrive (a course of action, scheme, etc.). 2 intr. protrude; jut out. 3 tr. throw; cast; impel (projected the stone into the water). 4 tr. extrapolate (results etc.) to a future time; forecast (I project that we shall produce two million next year). 5 tr. cause (light, shadow, images, etc.) to fall on a surface, screen, etc. 6 tr. cause (a sound, esp. the voice) to be heard at a distance. 7 tr. (often refl. or absol.) express or promote (oneself or a positive image) forcefully or effectively. 8 tr. Geom. a draw straight lines from a centre or parallel lines through every point of (a given figure) to produce a corresponding figure on a surface or a line by intersecting it. b draw (such lines). c produce (such a corresponding figure). 9 tr. make a projection of (the earth, sky, etc.). 10 tr. Psychol. a (also absol.) attribute (an emotion etc.) to an external object or person, esp. unconsciously. b (refl.) project (oneself) into another's feelings, the future, etc. [ME f. L projectum neut. past part. of projicere (as PRO-(1), jacere throw)] projectile n. & adj. --n. 1 a missile, esp. fired by a rocket. 2 a bullet, shell, etc. fired from a gun. 3 any object thrown as a weapon. --adj. 1 capable of being projected by force, esp. from a gun. 2 projecting or impelling. [mod.L projectilis (adj.), -ile (n.) (as PROJECT)] projection n. 1 the act or an instance of projecting; the process of being projected. 2 a thing that projects or obtrudes. 3 the presentation of an image etc. on a surface or screen. 4 a a forecast or estimate based on present trends (a projection of next year's profits). b this process. 5 a a mental image or preoccupation viewed as an objective reality. b the unconscious transfer of one's own impressions or feelings to external objects or persons. 6 Geom. the act or an instance of projecting a figure. 7 the representation on a plane surface of any part of the surface of the earth or a celestial sphere (Mercator projection). ЬЬprojectionist n. (in sense 3). [L projectio (as PROJECT)] projective adj. 1 Geom. a relating to or derived by projection. b (of a property of a figure) unchanged by projection. 2 Psychol. mentally projecting or projected (a projective imagination). Ьprojective geometry the study of the projective properties of geometric figures. ЬЬprojectively adv. projector n. 1 a an apparatus containing a source of light and a system of lenses for projecting slides or film on to a screen. b an apparatus for projecting rays of light. 2 a person who forms or promotes a project. 3 archaic a promoter of speculative companies. prokaryote n. (also procaryote) an organism in which the chromosomes are not separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane; a bacterium (cf. EUKARYOTE). ЬЬprokaryotic adj. [PRO-(2) + KARYO- + - ote as in ZYGOTE] prolactin n. a hormone released from the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates milk production after childbirth. [PRO-(1) + LACTATION] prolapse n. & v. --n. (also prolapsus) 1 the forward or downward displacement of a part or organ. 2 the prolapsed part or organ, esp. the womb or rectum. --v.intr. undergo prolapse. [L prolabi prolaps- (as PRO-(1), labi slip)] prolate adj. 1 Geom. (of a spheroid) lengthened in the direction of a polar diameter (cf. OBLATE(2)). 2 growing or extending in width. 3 widely spread. 4 Gram. = PROLATIVE. ЬЬprolately adv. [L prolatus past part. of proferre prolong (as PRO-(1), ferre carry)] prolative adj. Gram. serving to continue or complete a predication, e.g. go (prolative infinitive) in you may go. prole adj. & n. derog. colloq. --adj. proletarian. --n. a proletarian. [abbr.] proleg n. a fleshy abdominal limb of a caterpillar or other larva. [PRO-(1) + LEG] prolegomenon n. (pl. prolegomena) (usu. in pl.) an introduction or preface to a book etc., esp. when critical or discursive. ЬЬprolegomenary adj. prolegomenous adj. [L f. Gk, neut. passive pres. part. of prolego (as PRO-(2), lego say)] prolepsis n. (pl. prolepses) 1 the anticipation and answering of possible objections in rhetorical speech. 2 anticipation. 3 the representation of a thing as existing before it actually does or did so, as in he was a dead man when he entered. 4 Gram. the anticipatory use of adjectives, as in paint the town red. ЬЬproleptic adj. [LL f. Gk prolepsis f. prolambano anticipate (as PRO-(2), lambano take)] proletarian adj. & n. --adj. of or concerning the proletariat. --n. a member of the proletariat. ЬЬproletarianism n. proletarianize v.tr. (also -ise). [L proletarius one who served the State not with property but with offspring (proles)] proletariat n. (also proletariate) 1 a Econ. wage-earners collectively, esp. those without capital and dependent on selling their labour. b esp. derog. the lowest class of the community, esp. when considered as uncultured. 2 Rom.Hist. the lowest class of citizens. [F prol‚tariat (as PROLETARIAN)] pro-life adj. in favour of preserving life, esp. in opposing abortion. proliferate v. 1 intr. reproduce; increase rapidly in numbers; grow by multiplication. 2 tr. produce (cells etc.) rapidly. ЬЬproliferation n. proliferative adj. [back-form. f. proliferation f. F prolif‚ration f. prolifЉre (as PROLIFEROUS)] proliferous adj. 1 (of a plant) producing many leaf or flower buds; growing luxuriantly. 2 growing or multiplying by budding. 3 spreading by proliferation. [L proles offspring + -FEROUS] prolific adj. 1 producing many offspring or much output. 2 (often foll. by of) abundantly productive. 3 (often foll. by in) abounding, copious. ЬЬprolificacy n. prolifically adv. prolificness n. [med.L prolificus (as PROLIFEROUS)] prolix adj. (of speech, writing, etc.) lengthy; tedious. ЬЬprolixity n. prolixly adv. [ME f. OF prolixe or L prolixus poured forth, extended (as PRO-(1), liquere be liquid)] prolocutor n. 1 Eccl. the chairperson esp. of the lower house of convocation of either province of the Church of England. 2 a spokesman. ЬЬprolocutorship n. [ME f. L f. proloqui prolocut- (as PRO-(1), loqui speak)] prologize v.intr. (also prologuize, -ise) write or speak a prologue. [med.L prologizare f. Gk prologizo speak prologue (as PROLOGUE)] prologue n. & v. --n. 1 a a preliminary speech, poem, etc., esp. introducing a play (cf. EPILOGUE). b the actor speaking the prologue. 2 (usu. foll. by to) any act or event serving as an introduction. --v.tr. (prologues, prologued, prologuing) introduce with or provide with a prologue. [ME prolog f. OF prologue f. L prologus f. Gk prologos (as PRO-(2), logos speech)] prolong v.tr. 1 extend (an action, condition, etc.) in time or space. 2 lengthen the pronunciation of (a syllable etc.). 3 (as prolonged adj.) lengthy, esp. tediously so. ЬЬprolongation n. prolongedly adv. prolonger n. [ME f. OF prolonger & f. LL prolongare (as PRO-(1), longus long)] prolusion n. formal 1 a preliminary essay or article. 2 a first attempt. ЬЬprolusory adj. [L prolusio f. proludere prolus- practise beforehand (as PRO-(1), ludere lus- play)] prom n. colloq. 1 Brit. = PROMENADE n. 1a. 2 Brit. = promenade concert. 3 US = PROMENADE n. 3. [abbr.] promenade n. & v. --n. 1 a Brit. a paved public walk along the sea front at a resort. b any paved public walk. 2 a walk, or sometimes a ride or drive, taken esp. for display, social intercourse, etc. 3 US a school or university ball or dance. 4 a march of dancers in country dancing etc. --v. 1 intr. make a promenade. 2 tr. lead (a person etc.) about a place esp. for display. 3 tr. make a promenade through (a place). Ьpromenade concert a concert at which the audience, or part of it, can stand, sit on the floor, or move about. promenade deck an upper deck on a passenger ship where passengers may promenade. [F f. se promener walk, refl. of promener take for a walk] promenader n. 1 a person who promenades. 2 Brit. a person who attends a promenade concert, esp. regularly. promethazine n. an antihistamine drug used to treat allergies, motion sickness, etc. [PROPYL + di methylamine + phenothi azine] Promethean adj. daring or inventive like Prometheus, who in Greek myth was punished for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to the human race along with other skills. promethium n. Chem. a radioactive metallic element of the lanthanide series occurring in nuclear-waste material. °Symb.: Pm. [Prometheus: see PROMETHEAN] prominence n. 1 the state of being prominent. 2 a prominent thing, esp. a jutting outcrop, mountain, etc. 3 Astron. a stream of incandescent gas projecting above the sun's chromosphere. [obs.F f. L prominentia jutting out (as PROMINENT)] prominent adj. 1 jutting out; projecting. 2 conspicuous. 3 distinguished; important. ЬЬprominency n. prominently adv. [L prominere jut out: cf. EMINENT] promiscuous adj. 1 a (of a person) having frequent and diverse sexual relationships, esp. transient ones. b (of sexual relationships) of this kind. 2 of mixed and indiscriminate composition or kinds; indiscriminate (promiscuous hospitality). 3 colloq. carelessly irregular; casual. ЬЬpromiscuity n. promiscuously adv. promiscuousness n. [L promiscuus (as PRO-(1), miscere mix)] promise n. & v. --n. 1 an assurance that one will or will not undertake a certain action, behaviour, etc. (a promise of help; gave a promise to be generous). 2 a sign or signs of future achievements, good results, etc. (a writer of great promise). --v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by to + infin., or that + clause; also absol.) make (a person) a promise, esp. to do, give, or procure (a thing) (I promise you a fair hearing; they promise not to be late; promised that he would be there; cannot positively promise). 2 a afford expectations of (the discussions promise future problems; promises to be a good cook). b (foll. by to + infin.) seem likely to (is promising to rain). 3 colloq. assure, confirm (I promise you, it will not be easy). 4 (usu. in passive) archaic betroth (she is promised to another). Ьthe promised land 1 Bibl. Canaan (Gen. 12:7 etc.). 2 any desired place, esp. heaven. promise oneself look forward to (a pleasant time etc.). promise well (or ill etc.) hold out good (or bad etc.) prospects. ЬЬpromisee n. esp. Law. promiser n. promisor n. esp. Law. [ME f. L promissum neut. past part. of promittere put forth, promise (as PRO-(1), mittere send)] promising adj. likely to turn out well; hopeful; full of promise (a promising start). ЬЬpromisingly adv. promissory adj. 1 conveying or implying a promise. 2 (often foll. by of) full of promise. Ьpromissory note a signed document containing a written promise to pay a stated sum to a specified person or the bearer at a specified date or on demand. [med.L promissorius f. L promissor (as PROMISE)] promo n. & adj. colloq. --n. (pl. -os) 1 publicity, advertising. 2 a trailer for a television programme. --adj. promotional. [abbr.] promontory n. (pl. -ies) 1 a point of high land jutting out into the sea etc.; a headland. 2 Anat. a prominence or protuberance in the body. [med.L promontorium alt. (after mons montis mountain) f. L promunturium (perh. f. PRO-(1), mons)] promote v.tr. 1 (often foll. by to) advance or raise (a person) to a higher office, rank, etc. (was promoted to captain). 2 help forward; encourage; support actively (a cause, process, desired result, etc.) (promoted women's suffrage). 3 publicize and sell (a product). 4 attempt to ensure the passing of (a private act of parliament). 5 Chess raise (a pawn) to the rank of queen etc. when it reaches the opponent's end of the board. ЬЬpromotable adj. promotability n. promotion n. promotional adj. promotive adj. [ME f. L promovere promot- (as PRO-(1), movere move)] promoter n. 1 a person who promotes. 2 a person who finances, organizes, etc. a sporting event, theatrical production, etc. 3 (in full company promoter) a person who promotes the formation of a joint-stock company. 4 Chem. an additive that increases the activity of a catalyst. [earlier promotour f. AF f. med.L promotor (as PROMOTE)] prompt adj., adv., v., & n. --adj. 1 a acting with alacrity; ready. b made, done, etc. readily or at once (a prompt reply). 2 a (of a payment) made forthwith. b (of goods) for immediate delivery and payment. --adv. punctually (at six o'clock prompt). --v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by to, or to + infin.) incite; urge (prompted them to action). 2 a (also absol.) supply a forgotten word, sentence, etc., to (an actor, reciter, etc.). b assist (a hesitating speaker) with a suggestion. 3 give rise to; inspire (a feeling, thought, action, etc.). --n. 1 a an act of prompting. b a thing said to help the memory of an actor etc. c = PROMPTER 2. d Computing an indication or sign on a VDU screen to show that the system is waiting for input. 2 the time limit for the payment of an account, stated on a prompt note. Ьprompt-book a copy of a play for a prompter's use. prompt-box a box in front of the footlights beneath the stage where the prompter sits. prompt-note a note sent to a customer as a reminder of payment due. prompt side the side of the stage where the prompter sits, usu. to the actor's left. ЬЬprompting n. promptitude n. promptly adv. promptness n. [ME f. OF prompt or L promptus past part. of promere prompt- produce (as PRO-(1), emere take)] prompter n. 1 a person who prompts. 2 Theatr. a person seated out of sight of the audience who prompts the actors. promulgate v.tr. 1 make known to the public; disseminate; promote (a cause etc.). 2 proclaim (a decree, news, etc.). ЬЬpromulgation n. promulgator n. [L promulgare (as PRO-(1), mulgere milk, cause to come forth)] promulge v.tr. archaic = PROMULGATE. [PROMULGATE] pronaos n. (pl. pronaoi) Gk Antiq. the space in front of the body of a temple, enclosed by a portico and projecting side walls. [L f. Gk pronaos hall of a temple (as PRO-(2), NAOS)] pronate v.tr. put (the hand, forearm, etc.) into a prone position (with the palm etc. downwards) (cf. SUPINATE). ЬЬpronation n. [back-form. f. pronation (as PRONE)] pronator n. Anat. any muscle producing or assisting in pronation. prone adj. 1 a lying face downwards (cf. SUPINE). b lying flat; prostrate. c having the front part downwards, esp. the palm of the hand. 2 (usu. foll. by to, or to + infin.) disposed or liable, esp. to a bad action, condition, etc. (is prone to bite his nails). 3 (usu. in comb.) more than usually likely to suffer (accident-prone). 4 archaic with a downward slope or direction. ЬЬpronely adv. proneness n. [ME f. L pronus f. pro forwards] proneur n. a person who extols; a flatterer. [F pr“neur f. pr“ner eulogize f. pr“ne place in church where addresses were delivered] prong n. & v. --n. each of two or more projecting pointed parts at the end of a fork etc. --v.tr. 1 pierce or stab with a fork. 2 turn up (soil) with a fork. Ьprong-buck (or -horn or -horned antelope) a N. American deerlike ruminant, Antilocapra americana, the male of which has horns with forward-pointing prongs. three-pronged attack an attack on three separate points at once. ЬЬpronged adj. (also in comb.). [ME (also prang), perh. rel. to MLG prange pinching instrument] pronominal adj. of, concerning, or being, a pronoun. ЬЬpronominalize v.tr. (also -ise). pronominally adv. [LL pronominalis f. L pronomen (as PRO-(1), nomen, nominis noun)] pronoun n. a word used instead of and to indicate a noun already mentioned or known, esp. to avoid repetition (e.g. we, their, this, ourselves). [PRO-(1), + NOUN, after F pronom, L pronomen (as PRO-(1), nomen name)] pronounce v. 1 tr. (also absol.) utter or speak (words, sounds, etc.) in a certain way. 2 tr. a utter or deliver (a judgement, sentence, curse, etc.) formally or solemnly. b proclaim or announce officially (I pronounce you man and wife). 3 tr. state or declare, as being one's opinion (the apples were pronounced excellent). 4 intr. (usu. foll. by on, for, against, in favour of) pass judgement; give one's opinion (pronounced for the defendant). ЬЬpronounceable adj. pronouncement n. pronouncer n. [ME f. OF pronuncier f. L pronuntiare (as PRO-(1), nuntiare announce f. nuntius messenger)] pronounced adj. 1 (of a word, sound, etc.) uttered. 2 strongly marked; decided (a pronounced flavour; a pronounced limp). ЬЬpronouncedly adv. pronto adv. colloq. promptly, quickly. [Sp. f. L (as PROMPT)] pronunciation n. 1 the way in which a word is pronounced, esp. with reference to a standard. 2 the act or an instance of pronouncing. 3 a person's way of pronouncing words etc. [ME f. OF prononciation or L pronuntiatio (as PRONOUNCE)] proof n., adj., & v. --n. 1 facts, evidence, argument, etc. establishing or helping to establish a fact (proof of their honesty; no proof that he was there). 2 Law the spoken or written evidence in a trial. 3 a demonstration or act of proving (not capable of proof; in proof of my assertion). 4 a test or trial (put them to the proof; the proof of the pudding is in the eating). 5 the standard of strength of distilled alcoholic liquors. 6 Printing a trial impression taken from type or film, used for making corrections before final printing. 7 the stages in the resolution of a mathematical or philosophical problem. 8 each of a limited number of impressions from an engraved plate before the ordinary issue is printed and usu. (in full proof before letters) before an inscription or signature is added. 9 a photographic print made for selection etc. 10 Sc. Law a trial before a judge instead of by a jury. --adj. 1 impervious to penetration, ill effects, etc. (proof against the severest weather; his soul is proof against corruption). 2 (in comb.) able to withstand damage or destruction by a specified agent (soundproof; childproof). 3 being of proof alcoholic strength. 4 (of armour) of tried strength. --v.tr. 1 make (something) proof, esp. make (fabric) waterproof. 2 make a proof of (a printed work, engraving, etc.). Ьabove proof (of alcohol) having a stronger than standard strength. proof-plane a small flat conductor on an insulating handle for measuring the electrification of a body. proof positive absolutely certain proof. proof-sheet a sheet of printer's proof. proof spirit a mixture of alcohol and water having proof strength. ЬЬproofless adj. [ME prof prove, earlier pref etc. f. OF proeve, prueve f. LL proba f. L probare (see PROVE; adj. and sometimes v. formed app. by ellipsis f. phr. of proof = proved to be impenetrable] proofread v.tr. (past and past part. -read) read (printer's proofs) and mark any errors. ЬЬproofreader n. proofreading n. prop(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a rigid support, esp. one not an integral part of the thing supported. 2 a person who supplies support, assistance, comfort, etc. 3 Rugby Football a forward at either end of the front row of a scrum. 4 esp. Austral. a horse's action of propping. --v. (propped, propping) 1 tr. (often foll. by against, up, etc.) support with or as if with a prop (propped him against the wall; propped it up with a brick). 2 intr. esp. Austral. (of a horse etc.) come to a dead stop with the forelegs rigid. [ME prob. f. MDu. proppe: cf. MLG, MDu. proppen (v.)] prop(2) n. Theatr. colloq. 1 = PROPERTY 3. 2 (in pl.) a property man or mistress. [abbr.] prop(3) n. colloq. an aircraft propeller. Ьprop-jet a turboprop. [abbr.] prop. abbr. 1 proprietor. 2 proposition. propaedeutic adj. & n. --adj. serving as an introduction to higher study; introductory. --n. (esp. in pl.) preliminary learning; a propaedeutic subject, study, etc. ЬЬpropaedeutical adj. [PRO-(2) + Gk paideutikos of teaching, after Gk propaideuo teach beforehand] propaganda n. 1 a an organized programme of publicity, selected information, etc., used to propagate a doctrine, practice, etc. b usu. derog. the information, doctrines, etc., propagated in this way. 2 (Propaganda) RC Ch. a committee of cardinals responsible for foreign missions. [It. f. mod.L congregatio de propaganda fide congregation for propagation of the faith] propagandist n. a member or agent of a propaganda organization; a person who spreads propaganda. ЬЬpropagandism n. propagandistic adj. propagandistically adv. propagandize v.intr. & tr. (also -ise). propagate v.tr. 1 a breed specimens of (a plant, animal, etc.) by natural processes from the parent stock. b (refl. or absol.) (of a plant, animal, etc.) reproduce itself. 2 disseminate; spread (a statement, belief, theory, etc.). 3 hand down (a quality etc.) from one generation to another. 4 extend the operation of; transmit (a vibration, earthquake, etc.). ЬЬpropagation n. propagative adj. [L propagare propagat- multiply plants from layers, f. propago (as PRO-(1), pangere fix, layer)] propagator n. 1 a person or thing that propagates. 2 a small box that can be heated, used for germinating seeds or raising seedlings. propane n. a gaseous hydrocarbon of the alkane series used as bottled fuel. °Chem. formula: C[3]H[8]. [PROPIONIC (ACID) + -ANE] propanoic acid n. Chem. = PROPIONIC ACID. [PROPANE + -IC] propanone n. Chem. = ACETONE. [PROPANE + -ONE] propel v.tr. (propelled, propelling) 1 drive or push forward. 2 urge on; encourage. Ьpropelling pencil a pencil with a replaceable lead moved upward by twisting the outer case. [ME, = expel, f. L propellere (as PRO-(1), pellere puls- drive)] propellant n. 1 a thing that propels. 2 an explosive that fires bullets etc. from a firearm. 3 a substance used as a reagent in a rocket engine etc. to provide thrust. propellent adj. propelling; capable of driving or pushing forward. propeller n. 1 a person or thing that propels. 2 a revolving shaft with blades, esp. for propelling a ship or aircraft (cf. screw-propeller). Ьpropeller shaft a shaft transmitting power from an engine to a propeller or to the driven wheels of a motor vehicle. propeller turbine a turbo-propeller. propene n. Chem. = PROPYLENE. [PROPANE + ALKENE] propensity n. (pl. -ies) an inclination or tendency (has a propensity for wandering). [propense f. L propensus inclined, past part. of propendere (as PRO-(1), pendere hang)] proper adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 a accurate, correct (in the proper sense of the word; gave him the proper amount). b fit, suitable, right (at the proper time; do it the proper way). 2 decent; respectable, esp. excessively so (not quite proper). 3 (usu. foll. by to) belonging or relating exclusively or distinctively (with the respect proper to them). 4 (usu. placed after noun) strictly so called; real; genuine (this is the crypt, not the cathedral proper). 5 colloq. thorough; complete (had a proper row about it). 6 (usu. placed after noun) Heraldry in the natural, not conventional, colours (a peacock proper). 7 archaic (of a person) handsome; comely. 8 (usu. with possessive pronoun) archaic own (with my proper eyes). --adv. Brit. dial. or colloq. 1 completely; very (felt proper daft). 2 (with reference to speech) in a genteel manner (learn to talk proper). --n. Eccl. the part of a service that varies with the season or feast. Ьproper fraction a fraction that is less than unity, with the numerator less than the denominator. proper motion Astron. the part of the apparent motion of a fixed star etc. that is due to its actual movement in space relative to the sun. proper noun (or name) Gram. a name used for an individual person, place, animal, country, title, etc., and spelt with a capital letter, e.g. Jane, London, Everest. proper psalms (or lessons etc.) psalms or lessons etc. appointed for a particular day. ЬЬproperness n. [ME f. OF propre f. L proprius one's own, special] properly adv. 1 fittingly; suitably (do it properly). 2 accurately; correctly (properly speaking). 3 rightly (he very properly refused). 4 with decency; respectably (behave properly). 5 colloq. thoroughly (they were properly ashamed). propertied adj. having property, esp. land. property n. (pl. -ies) 1 a something owned; a possession, esp. a house, land, etc. b Law the right to possession, use, etc. c possessions collectively, esp. real estate (has money in property). 2 an attribute, quality, or characteristic (has the property of dissolving grease). 3 a moveable object used on a theatre stage, in a film, etc. 4 Logic a quality common to a whole class but not necessary to distinguish it from others. Ьcommon property a thing known by most people. property man (or mistress) a man (or woman) in charge of theatrical properties. property qualification a qualification for office, or for the exercise of a right, based on the possession of property. property tax a tax levied directly on property. [ME through AF f. OF propri‚t‚ f. L proprietas -tatis (as PROPER)] prophase n. Biol. the phase in cell division in which chromosomes contract and each becomes visible as two chromatids. [PRO-(2) + PHASE] prophecy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a prophetic utterance, esp. Biblical. b a prediction of future events (a prophecy of massive inflation). 2 the faculty, function, or practice of prophesying (the gift of prophecy). [ME f. OF profecie f. LL prophetia f. Gk propheteia (as PROPHET)] prophesy v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. (usu. foll. by that, who, etc.) foretell (an event etc.). 2 intr. speak as a prophet; foretell future events. 3 intr. archaic expound the Scriptures. ЬЬprophesier n. [ME f. OF profecier (as PROPHECY)] prophet n. (fem. prophetess) 1 a teacher or interpreter of the supposed will of God, esp. any of the Old Testament or Hebrew prophets. 2 a a person who foretells events. b a person who advocates and speaks innovatively for a cause (a prophet of the new order). 3 (the Prophet) a Muhammad. b Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons, or one of his successors. c (in pl.) the prophetic writings of the Old Testament. 4 colloq. a tipster. ЬЬprophethood n. prophetism n. prophetship n. [ME f. OF prophete f. L propheta, prophetes f. Gk prophetes spokesman (as PRO-(2), phetes speaker f. phemi speak)] prophetic adj. 1 (often foll. by of) containing a prediction; predicting. 2 of or concerning a prophet. ЬЬprophetical adj. prophetically adv. propheticism n. [F proph‚tique or LL propheticus f. Gk prophetikos (as PROPHET)] prophylactic adj. & n. --adj. tending to prevent disease. --n. 1 a preventive medicine or course of action. 2 esp. US a condom. [F prophylactique f. Gk prophulaktikos f. prophulasso (as PRO-(2), phulasso guard)] prophylaxis n. (pl. prophylaxes) preventive treatment against disease. [mod.L f. PRO-(2) + Gk phulaxis act of guarding] propinquity n. 1 nearness in space; proximity. 2 close kinship. 3 similarity. [ME f. OF propinquit‚ or L propinquitas f. propinquus near f. prope near to] propionic acid n. a colourless sharp-smelling liquid carboxylic acid used for inhibiting the growth of mould in bread. °Chem. formula: C[2]H[5]COOH. Also called PROPANOIC ACID. ЬЬpropionate n. [F propionique, formed as PRO-(2) + Gk pion fat, as being the first in the series of 'true' fatty acids] propitiate v.tr. appease (an offended person etc.). ЬЬpropitiator n. [L propitiare (as PROPITIOUS)] propitiation n. 1 appeasement. 2 Bibl. atonement, esp. Christ's. 3 archaic a gift etc. meant to propitiate. [ME f. LL propitiatio (as PROPITIATE)] propitiatory adj. serving or intended to propitiate (a propitiatory smile). ЬЬpropitiatorily adv. [ME f. LL propitiatorius (as PROPITIATE)] propitious adj. 1 (of an omen etc.) favourable. 2 (often foll. by for, to) (of the weather, an occasion, etc.) suitable. 3 well-disposed (the fates were propitious). ЬЬpropitiously adv. propitiousness n. [ME f. OF propicieus or L propitius] propolis n. a red or brown resinous substance collected by bees from buds for use in constructing hives. [L f. Gk propolis suburb, bee-glue, f. PRO-(2) + polis city] proponent n. & adj. --n. a person advocating a motion, theory, or proposal. --adj. proposing or advocating a theory etc. [L proponere (as PROPOUND)] proportion n. & v. --n. 1 a a comparative part or share (a large proportion of the profits). b a comparative ratio (the proportion of births to deaths). 2 the correct or pleasing relation of things or parts of a thing (the house has fine proportions; exaggerated out of all proportion). 3 (in pl.) dimensions; size (large proportions). 4 Math. a an equality of ratios between two pairs of quantities, e.g. 3:5 and 9:15. b a set of such quantities. c Math. = rule of three; see also direct proportion, inverse proportion. --v.tr. (usu. foll. by to) make (a thing etc.) proportionate (must proportion the punishment to the crime). Ьin proportion 1 by the same factor. 2 without exaggerating (importance etc.) (must get the facts in proportion). ЬЬproportioned adj. (also in comb.). proportionless adj. proportionment n. [ME f. OF proportion or L proportio (as PRO-(1), PORTION)] proportionable adj. = PROPORTIONAL. ЬЬproportionably adv. proportional adj. & n. --adj. in due proportion; comparable (a proportional increase in the expense; resentment proportional to his injuries). --n. Math. each of the terms of a proportion. Ьproportional representation an electoral system in which all parties gain seats in proportion to the number of votes cast for them. ЬЬproportionality n. proportionally adv. proportionalist n. an advocate of proportional representation. proportionate adj. = PROPORTIONAL. ЬЬproportionately adv. proposal n. 1 a the act or an instance of proposing something. b a course of action etc. so proposed (the proposal was never carried out). 2 an offer of marriage. propose v. 1 tr. (also absol.) put forward for consideration or as a plan. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by to + infin., or verbal noun) intend; purpose (propose to open a restaurant). 3 intr. (usu. foll. by to) offer oneself in marriage. 4 tr. nominate (a person) as a member of a society, for an office, etc. 5 tr. offer (a person's health, a person, etc.) as a subject for a toast. ЬЬproposer n. [ME f. OF proposer f. L proponere (as PROPOUND)] proposition n. & v. --n. 1 a statement or assertion. 2 a scheme proposed; a proposal. 3 Logic a statement consisting of subject and predicate that is subject to proof or disproof. 4 colloq. a problem, opponent, prospect, etc. that is to be dealt with (a difficult proposition). 5 Math. a formal statement of a theorem or problem, often including the demonstration. 6 a an enterprise etc. with regard to its likelihood of commercial etc. success. b a person regarded similarly. 7 colloq. a sexual proposal. --v.tr. colloq. make a proposal (esp. of sexual intercourse) to (he propositioned her). Ьnot a proposition unlikely to succeed. ЬЬpropositional adj. [ME f. OF proposition or L propositio (as PROPOUND)] propound v.tr. 1 offer for consideration; propose. 2 Law produce (a will etc.) before the proper authority so as to establish its legality. ЬЬpropounder n. [earlier propoune, propone f. L proponere (as PRO-(1), ponere posit- place): cf. compound, expound] proprietary adj. 1 a of, holding, or concerning property (the proprietary classes). b of or relating to a proprietor (proprietary rights). 2 held in private ownership. Ьproprietary medicine any of several drugs, medicines, etc. produced by private companies under brand names. proprietary name (or term) a name of a product etc. registered by its owner as a trade mark and not usable by another without permission. [LL proprietarius (as PROPERTY)] proprietor n. (fem. proprietress) 1 a holder of property. 2 the owner of a business etc., esp. of a hotel. ЬЬproprietorial adj. proprietorially adv. proprietorship n. propriety n. (pl. -ies) 1 fitness; rightness (doubt the propriety of refusing him). 2 correctness of behaviour or morals (highest standards of propriety). 3 (in pl.) the details or rules of correct conduct (must observe the proprieties). [ME, = ownership, peculiarity f. OF propriet‚ PROPERTY] proprioceptive adj. relating to stimuli produced and perceived within an organism, esp. relating to the position and movement of the body. [L proprius own + RECEPTIVE] proptosis n. Med. protrusion or displacement, esp. of an eye. [LL f. Gk proptosis (as PRO-(2), pipto fall)] propulsion n. 1 the act or an instance of driving or pushing forward. 2 an impelling influence. ЬЬpropulsive adj. [med.L propulsio f. L propellere (as PROPEL)] propyl n. Chem. the univalent radical of propane. °Chem. formula: C[3]H[7](-). [PROPIONIC (ACID) + -YL] propyla pl. of PROPYLON. propylaeum n. (pl. propylaea) 1 the entrance to a temple. 2 (the Propylaeum) the entrance to the Acropolis at Athens. [L f. Gk propulaion (as PRO-(2), pule gate)] propylene n. Chem. a gaseous hydrocarbon of the alkene series used in the manufacture of chemicals. °Chem. formula: C[3]H[6]. propylon n. (pl. propylons or propyla) = PROPYLAEUM. [L f. Gk propulon (as PRO-(2), pule gate)] pro rata adj. & adv. --adj. proportional. --adv. proportionally. [L, = according to the rate] prorate v.tr. allocate or distribute pro rata. ЬЬproration n. prorogue v. (prorogues, prorogued, proroguing) 1 tr. discontinue the meetings of (a parliament etc.) without dissolving it. 2 intr. (of a parliament etc.) be prorogued. ЬЬprorogation n. [ME proroge f. OF proroger, -guer f. L prorogare prolong (as PRO-(1), rogare ask)] pros- prefix 1 to, towards. 2 in addition. [Gk f. pros (prep.)] prosaic adj. 1 like prose, lacking poetic beauty. 2 unromantic; dull; commonplace (took a prosaic view of life). ЬЬprosaically adv. prosaicness n. [F prosa‹que or LL prosaicus (as PROSE)] prosaist n. 1 a prose-writer. 2 a prosaic person. ЬЬprosaism n. [F prosa‹ste f. L prosa PROSE] proscenium n. (pl. prosceniums or proscenia) 1 the part of the stage in front of the drop or curtain, usu. with the enclosing arch. 2 the stage of an ancient theatre. [L f. Gk proskenion (as PRO-(2), skene stage)] prosciutto n. (pl. -os) Italian ham, esp. cured and eaten as an hors-d'oeuvre. [It.] proscribe v.tr. 1 banish, exile (proscribed from the club). 2 put (a person) outside the protection of the law. 3 reject or denounce (a practice etc.) as dangerous etc. ЬЬproscription n. proscriptive adj. [L proscribere (as PRO-(1), scribere script- write)] prose n. & v. --n. 1 the ordinary form of the written or spoken language (opp. POETRY, VERSE) (Milton's prose works). 2 a passage of prose, esp. for translation into a foreign language. 3 a tedious speech or conversation. 4 a plain matter-of-fact quality (the prose of existence). 5 Eccl. = SEQUENCE 8. --v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by about, away, etc.) talk tediously (was prosing away about his dog). 2 tr. turn (a poem etc.) into prose. Ьprose idyll a short description in prose of a picturesque, esp. rustic, incident, character, etc. prose poem (or poetry) a piece of imaginative poetic writing in prose. ЬЬproser n. [ME f. OF f. L prosa (oratio) straightforward (discourse), fem. of prosus, earlier prorsus direct] prosector n. a person who dissects dead bodies in preparation for an anatomical lecture etc. [LL = anatomist, f. prosecare prosect- (as PRO-(1), secare cut), perh. after F prosecteur] prosecute v.tr. 1 (also absol.) a institute legal proceedings against (a person). b institute a prosecution with reference to (a claim, crime, etc.) (decided not to prosecute). 2 follow up, pursue (an inquiry, studies, etc.). 3 carry on (a trade, pursuit, etc.). ЬЬprosecutable adj. [ME f. L prosequi prosecut- (as PRO-(1), sequi follow)] prosecution n. 1 a the institution and carrying on of a criminal charge in a court. b the carrying on of legal proceedings against a person. c the prosecuting party in a court case (the prosecution denied this). 2 the act or an instance of prosecuting (met her in the prosecution of his hobby). [OF prosecution or LL prosecutio (as PROSECUTE)] prosecutor n. (fem. prosecutrix) a person who prosecutes, esp. in a criminal court. ЬЬprosecutorial adj. proselyte n. & v. --n. 1 a person converted, esp. recently, from one opinion, creed, party, etc., to another. 2 a Gentile convert to Judaism. --v.tr. US = PROSELYTIZE. ЬЬproselytism n. [ME f. LL proselytus f. Gk proseluthos stranger, convert (as PROS-, stem eluth- of erkhomai come)] proselytize v.tr. (also -ise) (also absol.) convert (a person or people) from one belief etc. to another, esp. habitually. ЬЬproselytizer n. prosenchyma n. a plant tissue of elongated cells with interpenetrating tapering ends, occurring esp. in vascular tissue. ЬЬprosenchymal adj. prosenchymatous adj. [Gk pros toward + egkhuma infusion, after parenchyma] prosify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. turn into prose. 2 tr. make prosaic. 3 intr. write prose. prosit int. an expression used in drinking a person's health etc. [G f. L, = may it benefit] prosody n. 1 the theory and practice of versification; the laws of metre. 2 the study of speech-rhythms. ЬЬprosodic adj. prosodist n. [ME f. L prosodia accent f. Gk prosoidia (as PROS-, ODE)] prosopography n. (pl. -ies) 1 a description of a person's appearance, personality, social and family connections, career, etc. 2 the study of such descriptions, esp. in Roman history. ЬЬprosopographer n. prosopographic adj. prosopographical adj. [mod.L prosopographia f. Gk prosopon face, person] prosopopoeia n. the rhetorical introduction of a pretended speaker or the personification of an abstract thing. [L f. Gk prosopopoiia f. prosopon person + poieo make] prospect n. & v. --n. 1 a (often in pl.) an expectation, esp. of success in a career etc. (his prospects were brilliant; offers a gloomy prospect; no prospect of success). b something one has to look forward to (don't relish the prospect of meeting him). 2 an extensive view of landscape etc. (a striking prospect). 3 a mental picture (a new prospect in his mind). 4 a a place likely to yield mineral deposits. b a sample of ore for testing. c the resulting yield. 5 a possible or probable customer, subscriber, etc. --v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by for) a explore a region for gold etc. b look out for or search for something. 2 tr. a explore (a region) for gold etc. b work (a mine) experimentally. c (of a mine) promise (a specified yield). Ьprospect well (or ill etc.) (of a mine) promise well (or ill etc.). ЬЬprospectless adj. prospector n. [ME f. L prospectus: see PROSPECTUS] prospective adj. 1 concerned with or applying to the future (implies a prospective obligation) (cf. RETROSPECTIVE). 2 some day to be; expected; future (prospective bridegroom). ЬЬprospectively adv. prospectiveness n. [obs. F prospectif -ive or LL prospectivus (as PROSPECTUS)] prospectus n. a printed document advertising or describing a school, commercial enterprise, forthcoming book, etc. [L, = prospect f. prospicere (as PRO-(1), specere look)] prosper v. 1 intr. succeed; thrive (nothing he touches prospers). 2 tr. make successful (Heaven prosper him). [ME f. OF prosperer or L prosperare (as PROSPEROUS)] prosperity n. a state of being prosperous; wealth or success. prosperous adj. 1 successful; rich (a prosperous merchant). 2 flourishing; thriving (a prosperous enterprise). 3 auspicious (a prosperous wind). ЬЬprosperously adv. prosperousness n. [ME f. obs. F prospereus f. L prosper(us)] prostaglandin n. any of a group of hormone-like substances causing contraction of the muscles in mammalian (esp. uterine) tissues etc. [G f. PROSTATE + GLAND(1) + -IN] prostate n. (in full prostate gland) a gland surrounding the neck of the bladder in male mammals and releasing a fluid forming part of the semen. ЬЬprostatic adj. [F f. mod.L prostata f. Gk prostates one that stands before (as PRO-(2), statos standing)] prosthesis n. (pl. prostheses) 1 a an artificial part supplied to remedy a deficiency, e.g. a false breast, leg, tooth, etc. b the branch of surgery supplying and fitting prostheses. 2 Gram. the addition of a letter or syllable at the beginning of a word, e.g. be- in beloved. ЬЬprosthetic adj. prosthetically adv. [LL f. Gk prosthesis f. prostithemi (as PROS-, tithemi place)] prosthetics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) = PROSTHESIS 1b. prostitute n. & v. --n. 1 a a woman who engages in sexual activity for payment. b (usu. male prostitute) a man or boy who engages in sexual activity, esp. with homosexual men, for payment. 2 a person who debases himself or herself for personal gain. --v.tr. 1 (esp. refl.) make a prostitute of (esp. oneself). 2 a misuse (one's talents, skills, etc.) for money. b offer (oneself, one's honour, etc.) for unworthy ends, esp. for money. ЬЬprostitution n. prostitutor n. [L prostituere prostitut- offer for sale (as PRO-(1), statuere set up, place)] prostrate adj. & v. --adj. 1 a lying face downwards, esp. in submission. b lying horizontally. 2 overcome, esp. by grief, exhaustion, etc. (prostrate with self-pity). 3 Bot. growing along the ground. --v.tr. 1 lay (a person etc.) flat on the ground. 2 (refl.) throw (oneself) down in submission etc. 3 (of fatigue, illness, etc.) overcome; reduce to extreme physical weakness. ЬЬprostration n. [ME f. L prostratus past part. of prosternere (as PRO-(1), sternere strat- lay flat)] prostyle n. & adj. --n. a portico with not more than four columns. --adj. (of a building) having such a portico. [L prostylos having pillars in front (as PRO-(2), STYLE)] prosy adj. (prosier, prosiest) tedious; commonplace; dull (prosy talk). ЬЬprosily adv. prosiness n. Prot. abbr. 1 Protectorate. 2 Protestant. protactinium n. Chem. a radioactive metallic element whose chief isotope yields actinium by decay. °Symb.: Pa. [G (as PROTO-, ACTINIUM)] protagonist n. 1 the chief person in a drama, story, etc. 2 the leading person in a contest etc.; a principal performer. 3 (usu. foll. by of, for) disp. an advocate or champion of a cause, course of action, etc. (a protagonist of women's rights). [Gk protagonistes (as PROTO-, agonistes actor)] protamine n. any of a group of proteins found in association with chromosomal DNA in the sperm of birds and fish. [PROTO- + AMINE] protasis n. (pl. protases) the clause expressing the condition in a conditional sentence. ЬЬprotatic adj. [L, f. Gk protasis proposition (as PRO-(2), teino stretch)] protea n. any shrub of the genus Protea native to S. Africa, with conelike flower-heads. [mod.L f. PROTEUS, with ref. to the many species] protean adj. 1 variable, taking many forms. 2 (of an artist, writer, etc.) versatile. [after Proteus: see PROTEUS] protease n. any enzyme able to hydrolyse proteins and peptides by proteolysis. [PROTEIN + -ASE] protect v.tr. 1 (often foll. by from, against) keep (a person, thing, etc.) safe; defend; guard (goggles protected her eyes from dust; guards protected the queen). 2 Econ. shield (home industry) from competition by imposing import duties on foreign goods. 3 Brit. provide funds to meet (a bill, draft, etc.). 4 provide (machinery etc.) with appliances to prevent injury from it. [L protegere protect- (as PRO-(1), tegere cover)] protection n. 1 a the act or an instance of protecting. b the state of being protected; defence (affords protection against the weather). c a thing, person, or animal that provides protection (bought a dog as protection). 2 (also protectionism) Econ. the theory or practice of protecting home industries. 3 colloq. a immunity from molestation obtained by payment to gangsters etc. under threat of violence. b (in full protection money) the money so paid, esp. on a regular basis. 4 = safe conduct. 5 archaic the keeping of a woman as a mistress. ЬЬprotectionist n. [ME f. OF protection or LL protectio (as PROTECT)] protective adj. & n. topdash.adj. 1 protecting; intended or intending to protect. 2 (of food) protecting against deficiency diseases. --n. something that protects, esp. a condom. Ьprotective clothing clothing worn to shield the body from dangerous substances or a hostile environment. protective colouring colouring disguising or camouflaging a plant or animal. protective custody the detention of a person for his or her own protection. ЬЬprotectively adv. protectiveness n. protector n. (fem. protectress) 1 a a person who protects. b a guardian or patron. 2 hist. a regent in charge of a kingdom during the minority, absence, etc. of the sovereign. 3 (often in comb.) a thing or device that protects (chest-protector). 4 (Protector) (in full Lord Protector of the Commonwealth) hist. the title of Oliver Cromwell 1653-58 and his son Richard Cromwell 1658-59. ЬЬprotectoral adj. protectorship n. [ME f. OF protecteur f. LL protector (as PROTECT)] protectorate n. 1 a a State that is controlled and protected by another. b such a relation of one State to another. 2 hist. a the office of the protector of a kingdom or State. b the period of this, esp. in England under the Cromwells 1653-59. prot‚g‚ n. (fem. prot‚g‚e pronunc. same) a person under the protection, patronage, tutelage, etc. of another. [F, past part. of prot‚ger f. L protegere PROTECT] protein n. any of a group of organic compounds composed of one or more chains of amino acids and forming an essential part of all living organisms. ЬЬproteinaceous adj. proteinic adj. proteinous adj. [F prot‚ine, G Protein f. Gk proteios primary] pro tem adj. & adv. colloq. = PRO TEMPORE. [abbr.] pro tempore adj. & adv. for the time being. [L] proteolysis n. the splitting of proteins or peptides by the action of enzymes esp. during the process of digestion. ЬЬproteolytic adj. [mod.L f. PROTEIN + -LYSIS] Proterozoic adj. & n. Geol. --adj. of or relating to the later part of the Precambrian era, characterized by the oldest forms of life. --n. this time. [Gk proteros former + zoe life, zoos living] protest n. & v. --n. 1 a statement of dissent or disapproval; a remonstrance (made a protest). 2 (often attrib.) a usu. public demonstration of objection to government etc. policy (marched in protest; protest demonstration). 3 a solemn declaration. 4 Law a written declaration, usu. by a notary public, that a bill has been presented and payment or acceptance refused. --v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by against, at, about, etc.) make a protest against an action, proposal, etc. 2 tr. (often foll. by that + clause; also absol.) affirm (one's innocence etc.) solemnly, esp. in reply to an accusation etc. 3 tr. Law write or obtain a protest in regard to (a bill). 4 tr. US object to (a decision etc.). Ьunder protest unwillingly. ЬЬprotester n. protestingly adv. protestor n. [ME f. OF protest (n.), protester (v.), f. L protestari (as PRO-(1), testari assert f. testis witness)] Protestant n. & adj. --n. 1 a member or follower of any of the western Christian Churches that are separate from the Roman Catholic Church in accordance with the principles of the Reformation. 2 (protestant) a protesting person. --adj. 1 of or relating to any of the Protestant Churches or their members etc. 2 (protestant) also protesting. ЬЬProtestantism n. Protestantize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). [mod.L protestans, part. of L protestari (see PROTEST)] protestation n. 1 a strong affirmation. 2 a protest. [ME f. OF protestation or LL protestatio (as PROTESTANT)] Proteus n. 1 a changing or inconstant person or thing. 2 (proteus) a any bacterium of the genus Proteus, usu. found in the intestines and faeces of animals. b = OLM. [L f. Gk Proteus a sea-god able to take various forms at will] prothalamium n. (also prothalamion) (pl. prothalamia) a song or poem to celebrate a forthcoming wedding. [title of a poem by Spenser, after epithalamium] prothallium n. (pl. prothallia) = PROTHALLUS. [mod.L f. PRO-(2) + Gk thallion dimin. of thallos: see PROTHALLUS] prothallus n. (pl. prothalli) Bot. the gametophyte of certain plants, esp. a fern. [mod.L f. PRO-(2) + Gk thallos green shoot] prothesis n. (pl. protheses) 1 Eccl. a the placing of the Eucharistic elements on the credence table. b a credence table. c the part of a church where this stands. 2 Gram. = PROSTHESIS 2. ЬЬprothetic adj. [Gk f. protithemi (as PRO-(2), tithemi place)] prothonotary var. of PROTONOTARY. protist n. any usu. unicellular organism of the kingdom Protista, with both plant and animal characteristics, including bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa. ЬЬprotistology n. [mod.L Protista f. Gk protista neut. pl. superl. f. protos first] protium n. the ordinary isotope of hydrogen as distinct from heavy hydrogen (cf. DEUTERIUM, TRITIUM). [mod.L f. PROTO- + -IUM] proto- comb. form 1 original, primitive (proto-Germanic; proto-Slavic). 2 first, original (protomartyr; protophyte). [Gk proto- f. protos first] protocol n. & v. --n. 1 a official, esp. diplomatic, formality and etiquette observed on State occasions etc. b the rules, formalities, etc. of any procedure, group, etc. 2 the original draft of a diplomatic document, esp. of the terms of a treaty agreed to in conference and signed by the parties. 3 a formal statement of a transaction. 4 the official formulae at the beginning and end of a charter, papal bull, etc. 5 US a record of experimental observations etc. --v. (protocolled, protocolling) 1 intr. draw up a protocol or protocols. 2 tr. record in a protocol. [orig. Sc. prothocoll f. OF prothocole f. med.L protocollum f. Gk protokollon flyleaf (as PROTO-, kolla glue)] protomartyr n. the first martyr in any cause, esp. the first Christian martyr St Stephen. proton n. Physics a stable elementary particle with a positive electric charge, equal in magnitude to that of an electron, and occurring in all atomic nuclei. ЬЬprotonic adj. [Gk, neut. of protos first] protonotary n. (pl. -ies) (also prothonotary) a chief clerk in some law courts, orig. in the Byzantine court. ЬProtonotary Apostolic (or Apostolical) a member of the college of prelates who register papal acts, direct the canonization of saints, etc. [med.L protonotarius f. late Gk protonotarios (as PROTO-, NOTARY)] protopectin n. = PECTOSE. protophyte n. a unicellular plant bearing gametes. protoplasm n. the material comprising the living part of a cell, consisting of a nucleus embedded in membrane-enclosed cytoplasm. ЬЬprotoplasmal adj. protoplasmatic adj. protoplasmic adj. [Gk protoplasma (as PROTO-, PLASMA)] protoplast n. the protoplasm of one cell. ЬЬprotoplastic adj. [F protoplaste or LL protoplastus f. Gk protoplastos (as PROTO-, plasso mould)] prototherian n. & adj. --n. any mammal of the subclass Prototheria, including monotremes. --adj. of or relating to this subclass. [PROTO- + Gk ther wild beast] prototype n. 1 an original thing or person of which or whom copies, imitations, improved forms, representations, etc. are made. 2 a trial model or preliminary version of a vehicle, machine, etc. ЬЬprototypal adj. prototypic adj. prototypical adj. prototypically adv. [F prototype or LL prototypus f. Gk prototupos (as PROTO-, TYPE)] protozoan n. & adj. --n. (also protozoon) (pl. protozoa or protozoans) any usu. unicellular and microscopic organism of the subkingdom Protozoa, including amoebae and ciliates. --adj. (also protozoic) of or relating to this phylum. ЬЬprotozoal adj. [mod.L (as PROTO-, Gk zoion animal)] protract v.tr. 1 prolong or lengthen in space or esp. time (protracted their stay for some weeks). 2 draw (a plan of ground etc.) to scale. ЬЬprotractedly adv. protractedness n. [L protrahere protract- (as PRO-(1), trahere draw)] protractile adj. (of a part of the body etc.) capable of being protruded or extended. protraction n. 1 the act or an instance of protracting; the state of being protracted. 2 a drawing to scale. 3 the action of a protractor muscle. [F protraction or LL protractio (as PROTRACT)] protractor n. 1 an instrument for measuring angles, usu. in the form of a graduated semicircle. 2 a muscle serving to extend a limb etc. protrude v. 1 intr. extend beyond or above a surface; project. 2 tr. thrust or cause to thrust forth. ЬЬprotrudent adj. protrusible adj. protrusion n. protrusive adj. [L protrudere (as PRO-(1), trudere trus- thrust)] protrusile adj. (of a limb etc.) capable of being thrust forward. [PRO-(1) + EXTRUSILE: see EXTRUDE] protuberant adj. bulging out; prominent (protuberant eyes; a protuberant fact). ЬЬprotuberance n. [LL protuberare (as PRO-(1), tuber bump)] proud adj. 1 feeling greatly honoured or pleased (am proud to know him; proud of his friendship). 2 a (often foll. by of) valuing oneself, one's possessions, etc. highly, or esp. too highly; haughty; arrogant (proud of his ancient name). b (often in comb.) having a proper pride; satisfied (house-proud; proud of a job well done). 3 a (of an occasion etc.) justly arousing pride (a proud day for us; a proud sight). b (of an action etc.) showing pride (a proud wave of the hand). 4 (of a thing) imposing; splendid. 5 slightly projecting from a surface etc. (the nail stood proud of the plank). 6 (of flesh) overgrown round a healing wound. 7 (of water) swollen in flood. Ьdo proud colloq. 1 treat (a person) with lavish generosity or honour (they did us proud on our anniversary). 2 (refl.) act honourably or worthily. proud-hearted haughty; arrogant. ЬЬproudly adv. proudness n. [OE prut, prud f. OF prud, prod oblique case of pruz etc. valiant, ult. f. LL prode f. L prodesse be of value (as PRO-(1), esse be)] Prov. abbr. 1 Proverbs (Old Testament). 2 Province. 3 Proven‡al. prove v. (past part. proved or proven) 1 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) demonstrate the truth of by evidence or argument. 2 intr. a (usu. foll. by to + infin.) be found (it proved to be untrue). b emerge incontrovertibly as (will prove the winner). 3 tr. Math. test the accuracy of (a calculation). 4 tr. establish the genuineness and validity of (a will). 5 intr. (of dough) rise in bread-making. 6 tr. = PROOF 6. 7 tr. subject (a gun etc.) to a testing process. 8 tr. archaic test the qualities of; try. Ьnot proven (in Scottish Law) a verdict that there is insufficient evidence to establish guilt or innocence. prove oneself show one's abilities, courage, etc. ЬЬprovable adj. provability n. provably adv. [ME f. OF prover f. L probare test, approve, demonstrate f. probus good] provenance n. 1 the place of origin or history, esp. of a work of art etc. 2 origin. [F f. provenir f. L provenire (as PRO-(1), venire come)] Proven‡al adj. & n. --adj. of or concerning the language, inhabitants, landscape, etc. of Provence, a former province of SE France. --n. 1 a native of Provence. 2 the language of Provence. [F (as PROVINCIAL f. provincia as L colloq. name for southern Gaul under Roman rule)] provender n. 1 animal fodder. 2 joc. food for human beings. [ME f. OF provendre, provende ult. f. L praebenda (see PREBEND)] provenience n. US = PROVENANCE. [L provenire f. venire come] proverb n. 1 a short pithy saying in general use, held to embody a general truth. 2 a person or thing that is notorious (he is a proverb for inaccuracy). 3 (Proverbs or Book of Proverbs) a didactic poetic Old Testament book of maxims attributed to Solomon and others. [ME f. OF proverbe or L proverbium (as PRO-(1), verbum word)] proverbial adj. 1 (esp. of a specific characteristic etc.) as well-known as a proverb; notorious (his proverbial honesty). 2 of or referred to in a proverb (the proverbial ill wind). ЬЬproverbiality n. proverbially adv. [ME f. L proverbialis (as PROVERB)] provide v. 1 tr. supply; furnish (provided them with food; provided food for them; provided a chance for escape). 2 intr. a (usu. foll. by for, against) make due preparation (provided for any eventuality; provided against invasion). b (usu. foll. by for) prepare for the maintenance of a person etc. 3 tr. (also refl.) equip with necessities (they had to provide themselves). 4 tr. (usu. foll. by that) stipulate in a will, statute, etc. 5 tr. (usu. foll. by to) Eccl. hist. a appoint (an incumbent) to a benefice. b (of the Pope) appoint (a successor) to a benefice not yet vacant. [ME f. L providere (as PRO-(1), videre vis- see)] provided adj. & conj. --adj. supplied, furnished. --conj. (often foll. by that) on the condition or understanding (that). providence n. 1 the protective care of God or nature. 2 (Providence) God in this aspect. 3 timely care or preparation; foresight; thrift. Ьspecial providence a particular instance of God's providence. [ME f. OF providence or L providentia (as PROVIDE)] provident adj. having or showing foresight; thrifty. ЬProvident Society Brit. = Friendly Society. ЬЬprovidently adv. [ME f. L (as PROVIDE)] providential adj. 1 of or by divine foresight or interposition. 2 opportune, lucky. ЬЬprovidentially adv. [PROVIDENCE + -IAL, after evidential etc.] provider n. 1 a person or thing that provides. 2 the breadwinner of a family etc. providing conj. = PROVIDED conj. province n. 1 a principal administrative division of a country etc. 2 (the provinces) the whole of a country outside the capital, esp. regarded as uncultured, unsophisticated, etc. 3 a sphere of action; business (outside my province as a teacher). 4 a branch of learning etc. (in the province of aesthetics). 5 Eccl. a district under an archbishop or a metropolitan. 6 Rom.Hist. a territory outside Italy under a Roman governor. [ME f. OF f. L provincia charge, province] provincial adj. & n. --adj. 1 a of or concerning a province. b of or concerning the provinces. 2 unsophisticated or uncultured in manner, speech, opinion, etc. --n. 1 an inhabitant of a province or the provinces. 2 an unsophisticated or uncultured person. 3 Eccl. the head or chief of a province or of a religious order in a province. ЬЬprovinciality n. provincialize v.tr. (also -ise). provincially adv. [ME f. OF f. L provincialis (as PROVINCE)] provincialism n. 1 provincial manners, fashion, mode of thought, etc., esp. regarded as restricting or narrow. 2 a word or phrase peculiar to a provincial region. 3 concern for one's local area rather than one's country. ЬЬprovincialist n. provision n. & v. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of providing (made no provision for his future). b something provided (a provision of bread). 2 (in pl.) food, drink, etc., esp. for an expedition. 3 a a legal or formal statement providing for something. b a clause of this. 4 Eccl. hist. an appointment to a benefice not yet vacant (cf. PROVIDE 5). --v.tr. supply (an expedition etc.) with provisions. ЬЬprovisioner n. provisionless adj. provisionment n. [ME f. OF f. L provisio -onis (as PROVIDE)] provisional adj. & n. --adj. 1 providing for immediate needs only; temporary. 2 (Provisional) designating the unofficial wing of the IRA established in 1970, advocating terrorism. --n. (Provisional) a member of the Provisional wing of the IRA. ЬЬprovisionality n. provisionally adv. provisionalness n. proviso n. (pl. -os) 1 a stipulation. 2 a clause of stipulation or limitation in a document. [L, neut. ablat. past part. of providere PROVIDE, in med.L phr. proviso quod it being provided that] provisor n. Eccl. 1 a deputy of a bishop or archbishop. 2 hist. the holder of a provision (see PROVISION n. 4). [ME f. AF provisour f. L provisor -oris (as PROVIDE)] provisory adj. 1 conditional; having a proviso. 2 making provision (provisory care). ЬЬprovisorily adv. [F provisoire or med.L provisorius (as PROVISOR)] Provo n. (pl. -os) colloq. a member of the Provisional IRA. [abbr.] provocation n. 1 the act or an instance of provoking; a state of being provoked (did it under severe provocation). 2 a cause of annoyance. 3 Law an action, insult, etc. held to be likely to provoke physical retaliation. [ME f. OF provocation or L provocatio (as PROVOKE)] provocative adj. & n. --adj. 1 (usu. foll. by of) tending to provoke, esp. anger or sexual desire. 2 intentionally annoying. --n. a provocative thing. ЬЬprovocatively adv. provocativeness n. [ME f. obs. F provocatif -ive f. LL provocativus (as PROVOKE)] provoke v.tr. 1 a (often foll. by to, or to + infin.) rouse or incite (provoked him to fury). b (as provoking adj.) exasperating; irritating. 2 call forth; instigate (indignation, an inquiry, a storm, etc.). 3 (usu. foll. by into + verbal noun) irritate or stimulate (a person) (the itch provoked him into scratching). 4 tempt; allure. 5 cause, give rise to (will provoke fermentation). ЬЬprovokable adj. provokingly adv. [ME f. OF provoquer f. L provocare (as PRO-(1), vocare call)] provost n. 1 Brit. the head of some colleges esp. at Oxford or Cambridge. 2 Eccl. a the head of a chapter in a cathedral. b hist. the head of a religious community. 3 Sc. the head of a municipal corporation or burgh. 4 the Protestant minister of the principal church of a town etc. in Germany etc. 5 US a high administrative officer in a university. 6 = provost marshal. Ьprovost guard US a body of soldiers under a provost marshal. provost marshal 1 the head of military police in camp or on active service. 2 the master-at-arms of a ship in which a court-martial is to be held. ЬЬprovostship n. [ME f. OE profost & AF provost, prevost f. med.L propositus for praepositus: see PRAEPOSTOR] prow n. 1 the fore-part or bow of a ship adjoining the stern. 2 a pointed or projecting front part. [F proue f. Prov. proa or It. dial. prua f. L prora f. Gk proira] prowess n. 1 skill; expertise. 2 valour; gallantry. [ME f. OF proesce f. prou valiant] prowl v. & n. --v. 1 tr. roam (a place) in search or as if in search of prey, plunder, etc. 2 intr. (often foll. by about, around) move about like a hunter. --n. the act or an instance of prowling. Ьon the prowl moving about secretively or rapaciously, esp. in search of sexual contact etc. prowl car US a police squad car. ЬЬprowler n. [ME prolle, of unkn. orig.] prox. abbr. proximo. prox. acc. abbr. proxime accessit. proxemics n. Sociol. the study of socially conditioned spatial factors in ordinary human relations. [PROXIMITY + -emics: cf. phonemics] proximal adj. situated towards the centre of the body or point of attachment. ЬЬproximally adv. [L proximus nearest] proximate adj. 1 nearest or next before or after (in place, order, time, causation, thought process, etc.). 2 approximate. ЬЬproximately adv. [L proximatus past part. of proximare draw near (as PROXIMAL)] proxime accessit n. 1 second place in an examination etc. 2 a person gaining this. [L, = came very near] proximity n. nearness in space, time, etc. (sat in close proximity to them). Ьproximity fuse an electronic device causing a projectile to explode when near its target. proximity of blood kinship. [ME f. F proximit‚ or L proximitas (as PROXIMAL)] proximo adj. Commerce of next month (the third proximo). [L proximo mense in the next month] proxy n. (pl. -ies) (also attrib.) 1 the authorization given to a substitute or deputy (a proxy vote; was married by proxy). 2 a person authorized to act as a substitute etc. 3 a a document giving the power to act as a proxy, esp. in voting. b a vote given by this. [ME f. obs. procuracy f. med.L procuratia (as PROCURATION)] PRS abbr. 1 (in the UK) President of the Royal Society. 2 Performing Rights Society. prude n. a person having or affecting an attitude of extreme propriety or modesty esp. in sexual matters. ЬЬprudery n. (pl. -ies). prudish adj. prudishly adv. prudishness n. [F, back form. f. prudefemme fem. of prud'homme good man and true f. prou worthy] prudent adj. 1 (of a person or conduct) careful to avoid undesired consequences; circumspect. 2 discreet. ЬЬprudence n. prudently adv. [ME f. OF prudent or L prudens = providens PROVIDENT] prudential adj. & n. --adj. of, involving, or marked by prudence (prudential motives). --n. (in pl.) 1 prudential considerations or matters. 2 US minor administrative or financial matters. ЬЬprudentialism n. prudentialist n. prudentially adv. [PRUDENT + -IAL, after evidential etc.] pruinose adj. esp. Bot. covered with white powdery granules; frosted in appearance. [L pruinosus f. pruina hoar-frost] prune(1) n. 1 a dried plum. 2 colloq. a silly or disliked person. [ME f. OF ult. f. L prunum f. Gk prou(m)non plum] prune(2) v.tr. 1 a (often foll. by down) trim (a tree etc.) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches etc. b (usu. foll. by off, away) lop (branches etc.) from a tree. 2 reduce (costs etc.) (must try to prune expenses). 3 a (often foll. by of) clear (a book etc.) of superfluities. b remove (superfluities). Ьpruning-hook a long-handled hooked cutting tool used for pruning. ЬЬpruner n. [ME prouyne f. OF pro(o)ignier ult. f. L rotundus ROUND] prunella(1) n. any plant of the genus Prunella, esp. P. vulgaris, bearing pink, purple, or white flower spikes, and formerly thought to cure quinsy. Also called SELF HEAL. [mod.L, = quinsy: earlier brunella dimin. of med.L brunus brown] prunella(2) n. a strong silk or worsted fabric used formerly for barristers' gowns, the uppers of women's shoes, etc. [perh. f. F prunelle, of uncert. orig.] prurient adj. 1 having an unhealthy obsession with sexual matters. 2 encouraging such an obsession. ЬЬprurience n. pruriency n. pruriently adv. [L prurire itch, be wanton] prurigo n. a skin disease marked by severe itching. ЬЬpruriginous adj. [L prurigo -ginis f. prurire to itch] pruritus n. severe itching of the skin. ЬЬpruritic adj. [L, = itching (as PRURIGO)] Prussian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Prussia, a former German State, or relating to its rigidly militaristic tradition. --n. a native of Prussia. ЬOld Prussian the language spoken in Prussia until the 17th c. Prussian blue a deep blue pigment, ferric ferrocyanide, used in painting and dyeing. prussic adj. of or obtained from Prussian blue. Ьprussic acid hydrocyanic acid. [F prussique f. Prusse Prussia] pry(1) v.intr. (pries, pried) 1 (usu. foll. by into) inquire impertinently (into a person's private affairs etc.). 2 (usu. foll. by into, about, etc.) look or peer inquisitively. ЬЬprying adj. pryingly adv. [ME prie, of unkn. orig.] pry(2) v.tr. (pries, pried) US (often foll. by out of, open, etc.) = PRISE. [PRISE taken as pries 3rd sing. pres.] 18.0 PS... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PS abbr. 1 Police Sergeant. 2 postscript. 3 private secretary. 4 prompt side. Ps. abbr. (pl. Pss.) Psalm, Psalms (Old Testament). psalm n. 1 a (also Psalm) any of the sacred songs contained in the Book of Psalms, esp. when set for metrical chanting in a service. b (the Psalms or the Book of Psalms) the book of the Old Testament containing the Psalms. 2 a sacred song or hymn. Ьpsalm-book a book containing the Psalms, esp. with metrical settings for worship. ЬЬpsalmic adj. [OE (p)sealm f. LL psalmus f. Gk psalmos song sung to a harp f. psallo pluck] psalmist n. 1 the author or composer of a psalm. 2 (the Psalmist) David or the author of any of the Psalms. [LL psalmista (as PSALM)] psalmody n. 1 the practice or art of singing psalms, hymns, etc., esp. in public worship. 2 a the arrangement of psalms for singing. b the psalms so arranged. ЬЬpsalmodic adj. psalmodist n. psalmodize v.intr. (also -ise). [ME f. LL psalmodia f. Gk psalmoidia singing to a harp (as PSALM, oide song)] psalter n. 1 a the Book of Psalms. b a version of this (the English Psalter; Prayer-Book Psalter). 2 a copy of the Psalms, esp. for liturgical use. [ME f. AF sauter, OF sautier, & OE (p)saltere f. LL psalterium f. Gk psalterion stringed instrument (psallo pluck), in eccl.L Book of Psalms] psalterium n. the third stomach of a ruminant, the omasum. [L (see PSALTER): named from its booklike form] psaltery n. (pl. -ies) an ancient and medieval instrument like a dulcimer but played by plucking the strings with the fingers or a plectrum. [ME f. OF sauterie etc. f. L (as PSALTER)] PSBR abbr. Brit. public sector borrowing requirement. psephology n. the statistical study of elections, voting, etc. ЬЬpsephological adj. psephologically adv. psephologist n. [Gk psephos pebble, vote + -LOGY] pseud adj. & n. colloq. --adj. intellectually or socially pretentious; not genuine. --n. such a person; a poseur. [abbr. of PSEUDO] pseud- var. of PSEUDO-. pseudepigrapha n.pl. 1 Jewish writings ascribed to various Old Testament prophets etc. but written during or just before the early Christian period. 2 spurious writings. ЬЬpseudepigraphal adj. pseudepigraphic adj. pseudepigraphical adj. [neut. pl. of Gk pseudepigraphos with false title (as PSEUDO-, EPIGRAPH)] pseudo adj. & n. --adj. 1 sham; spurious. 2 insincere. --n. (pl. -os) a pretentious or insincere person. [see PSEUDO-] pseudo- comb. form (also pseud- before a vowel) 1 supposed or purporting to be but not really so; false; not genuine (pseudo-intellectual; pseudepigrapha). 2 resembling or imitating (often in technical applications) (pseudo-language; pseudo-acid). [Gk f. pseudes false, pseudos falsehood] pseudocarp n. a fruit formed from parts other than the ovary, e.g. the strawberry or fig. [PSEUDO- + Gk karpos fruit] pseudomorph n. 1 a crystal etc. consisting of one mineral with the form proper to another. 2 a false form. ЬЬpseudomorphic adj. pseudomorphism n. pseudomorphous adj. [PSEUDO- + Gk morphe form] pseudonym n. a fictitious name, esp. one assumed by an author. [F pseudonyme f. Gk pseudonymos (as PSEUDO-, -onumos f. onoma name)] pseudonymous adj. writing or written under a false name. ЬЬpseudonymity n. pseudonymously adv. pseudopod n. = PSEUDOPODIUM. [mod.L (as PSEUDOPODIUM)] pseudopodium n. (pl. pseudopodia) (in amoeboid cells) a temporary protrusion of protoplasm for movement, feeding, etc. [mod.L (as PSEUDO-, PODIUM)] pseudo-science n. a pretended or spurious science. ЬЬpseudo-scientific adj. pshaw int. archaic an expression of contempt or impatience. [imit.] psi n. 1 the twenty-third letter of the Greek alphabet. 2 supposed parapsychological faculties, phenomena, etc. regarded collectively. [Gk] p.s.i. abbr. pounds per square inch. psilocybin n. a hallucinogenic alkaloid found in Mexican mushrooms of the genus Psilocybe. [Psilocybe f. Gk psilos bald + kube head] psilosis n. = SPRUE(2). [Gk psilosis f. psilos bare] psittacine adj. of or relating to parrots; parrot-like. [L psittacinus f. psittacus f. Gk psittakos parrot] psittacosis n. a contagious viral disease of birds transmissible (esp. from parrots) to human beings as a form of pneumonia. [mod.L f. L psittacus (as PSITTACINE) + -OSIS] psoas n. either of two muscles used in flexing the hip joint. [Gk, accus. pl. of psoa, taken as sing.] psoriasis n. a skin disease marked by red scaly patches. ЬЬpsoriatic adj. [mod.L f. Gk psoriasis f. psoriao have an itch f. psora itch] psst int. (also pst) a whispered exclamation seeking to attract a person's attention surreptitiously. [imit.] PST abbr. US Pacific Standard Time. PSV abbr. Brit. public service vehicle. psych v.tr. colloq. 1 (usu. foll. by up; often refl.) prepare (oneself or another person) mentally for an ordeal etc. 2 a (usu. foll. by out) analyse (a person's motivation etc.) for one's own advantage (can't psych him out). b subject to psychoanalysis. 3 (often foll. by out) influence a person psychologically, esp. negatively; intimidate, frighten. Ьpsych out break down mentally; become confused or deranged. [abbr.] psyche n. 1 the soul; the spirit. 2 the mind. [L f. Gk psukhe breath, life, soul] psychedelia n.pl. 1 psychedelic articles, esp. posters, paintings, etc. 2 psychedelic drugs. psychedelic adj. & n. --adj. 1 a expanding the mind's awareness etc., esp. through the use of hallucinogenic drugs. b (of an experience) hallucinatory; bizarre. c (of a drug) producing hallucinations. 2 colloq. a producing an effect resembling that of a psychedelic drug; having vivid colours or designs etc. b (of colours, patterns, etc.) bright, bold and often abstract. --n. a hallucinogenic drug. ЬЬpsychedelically adv. [irreg. f. Gk (as PSYCHE, delos clear, manifest)] psychiatry n. the study and treatment of mental disease. ЬЬpsychiatric adj. psychiatrical adj. psychiatrically adv. psychiatrist n. [as PSYCHE + iatreia healing f. iatros healer] psychic adj. & n. --adj. 1 a (of a person) considered to have occult powers, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. b (of a faculty, phenomenon, etc.) inexplicable by natural laws. 2 of the soul or mind. 3 Bridge (of a bid) made on the basis of a hand not usually considered strong enough to support it. --n. 1 a person considered to have psychic powers; a medium. 2 Bridge a psychic bid. 3 (in pl.) the study of psychic phenomena. [Gk psukhikos (as PSYCHE)] psychical adj. 1 concerning psychic phenomena or faculties (psychical research). 2 of the soul or mind. ЬЬpsychically adv. psychicism n. psychicist n. psycho n. & adj. colloq. --n. (pl. -os) a psychopath. --adj. psychopathic. [abbr.] psycho- comb. form relating to the mind or psychology. [Gk psukho- (as PSYCHE)] psychoactive adj. affecting the mind. psychoanalysis n. a therapeutic method of treating mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind. ЬЬpsychoanalyse v.tr. psychoanalyst n. psychoanalytic adj. psychoanalytical adj. psychoanalytically adv. psychobabble n. US colloq. derog. jargon used in popular psychology. psychodrama n. 1 a form of psychotherapy in which patients act out events from their past. 2 a play or film etc. in which psychological elements are the main interest. psychodynamics n.pl. (treated as sing.) the study of the activity of and the interrelation between the various parts of an individual's personality or psyche. ЬЬpsychodynamic adj. psychodynamically adv. psychogenesis n. the study of the origin of the mind's development. psychokinesis n. the movement of objects supposedly by mental effort without the action of natural forces. psycholinguistics n.pl. (treated as sing.) the study of the psychological aspects of language and language-learning. ЬЬpsycholinguist n. psycholinguistic adj. psychological adj. 1 of, relating to, or arising in the mind. 2 of or relating to psychology. 3 colloq. (of an ailment etc.) having a basis in the mind; imaginary (her cold is psychological). Ьpsychological block a mental inability or inhibition caused by emotional factors. psychological moment the most appropriate time for achieving a particular effect or purpose. psychological warfare a campaign directed at reducing an opponent's morale. ЬЬpsychologically adv. psychology n. (pl. -ies) 1 the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, esp. those affecting behaviour in a given context. 2 a treatise on or theory of this. 3 a the mental characteristics or attitude of a person or group. b the mental factors governing a situation or activity (the psychology of crime). ЬЬpsychologist n. psychologize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). [mod.L psychologia (as PSYCHO-, -LOGY)] psychometrics n.pl. (treated as sing.) the science of measuring mental capacities and processes. psychometry n. 1 the supposed divination of facts about events, people, etc., from inanimate objects associated with them. 2 the measurement of mental abilities. ЬЬpsychometric adj. psychometrically adv. psychometrist n. psychomotor adj. concerning the study of movement resulting from mental activity. psychoneurosis n. neurosis, esp. with the indirect expression of emotions. psychopath n. 1 a person suffering from chronic mental disorder esp. with abnormal or violent social behaviour. 2 a mentally or emotionally unstable person. ЬЬpsychopathic adj. psychopathically adv. psychopathology n. 1 the scientific study of mental disorders. 2 a mentally or behaviourally disordered state. ЬЬpsychopathological adj. psychopathy n. psychopathic or psychologically abnormal behaviour. psychophysics n. the science of the relation between the mind and the body. ЬЬpsychophysical adj. psychophysiology n. the branch of physiology dealing with mental phenomena. ЬЬpsychophysiological adj. psychosexual adj. of or involving the psychological aspects of the sexual impulse. ЬЬpsychosexually adv. psychosis n. (pl. psychoses) a severe mental derangement, esp. when resulting in delusions and loss of contact with external reality. [Gk psukhosis f. psukhoo give life to (as PSYCHE)] psychosocial adj. of or involving the influence of social factors or human interactive behaviour. ЬЬpsychosocially adv. psychosomatic adj. 1 (of an illness etc.) caused or aggravated by mental conflict, stress, etc. 2 of the mind and body together. ЬЬpsychosomatically adv. psychosurgery n. brain surgery as a means of treating mental disorder. ЬЬpsychosurgical adj. psychotherapy n. the treatment of mental disorder by psychological means. ЬЬpsychotherapeutic adj. psychotherapist n. psychotic adj. & n. --adj. of or characterized by a psychosis. --n. a person suffering from a psychosis. ЬЬpsychotically adv. psychotropic n. (of a drug) acting on the mind. [PSYCHO- + Gk trope turning: see TROPIC] psychrometer n. a thermometer consisting of a dry bulb and a wet bulb for measuring atmospheric humidity. [Gk psukhros cold + -METER] 19.0 PT... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PT abbr. physical training. Pt symb. Chem. the element platinum. pt. abbr. 1 part. 2 pint. 3 point. 4 port. PTA abbr. 1 parent-teacher association. 2 Passenger Transport Authority. ptarmigan n. any of various game-birds of the genus Lagopus, esp. L. mutus, with grouselike appearance and black or grey plumage in the summer and white in the winter. [Gael. t…rmachan: p- after Gk words in pt-] PT boat n. US a motor torpedo-boat. [Patrol Torpedo] Pte. abbr. Private (soldier). pteridology n. the study of ferns. ЬЬpteridological adj. pteridologist n. [Gk pteris -idos fern + -LOGY] pteridophyte n. any flowerless plant of the division Pteridophyta, including ferns, club-mosses, and horsetails. [Gk pteris -idos fern + phuton plant] ptero- comb. form wing. [Gk pteron wing] pterodactyl n. a large extinct flying birdlike reptile with a long slender head and neck. pteropod n. a marine gastropod with the middle part of its foot expanded into a pair of winglike lobes. [PTERO- + Gk pous podos foot] pterosaur n. any of a group of extinct flying reptiles with large bat-like wings, including pterodactyls. [PTERO- + Gk saura lizard] pteroylglutamic acid n. = FOLIC ACID. [pteroic acid + -YL + GLUTAMIC (ACID)] pterygoid process adj. each of a pair of processes from the sphenoid bone in the skull. [Gk pterux -ugos wing] PTFE abbr. polytetrafluoroethylene. ptisan n. a nourishing drink, esp. barley water. [ME & OF tizanne etc. f. L ptisana f. Gk ptisane peeled barley] PTO abbr. please turn over. Ptolemaic adj. hist. 1 of or relating to Ptolemy, a 2nd-c. Alexandrian astronomer, or his theories. 2 of or relating to the Ptolemies, Macedonian rulers of Egypt from the death of Alexander the Great (323 BC) to the death of Cleopatra (30 BC). ЬPtolemaic system the theory that the earth is the stationary centre of the Universe (cf. COPERNICAN SYSTEM). [L Ptolemaeus f. Gk Ptolemaios] ptomaine n. any of various amine compounds, some toxic, in putrefying animal and vegetable matter. Ьptomaine poisoning archaic food poisoning. [F ptoma‹ne f. It. ptomaina irreg. f. Gk ptoma corpse] ptosis n. a drooping of the upper eyelid due to paralysis etc. ЬЬptotic adj. [Gk ptosis f. pipto fall] Pty. abbr. Austral., NZ, & S.Afr. proprietary. ptyalin n. an enzyme which hydrolyses certain carbohydrates and is found in the saliva of humans and some other animals. [Gk ptualon spittle] 20.0 Pu... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Pu symb. Chem. the element plutonium. pub n. colloq. 1 Brit. a public house. 2 Austral. a hotel. Ьpub-crawl Brit. colloq. a drinking tour of several pubs. [abbr.] puberty n. the period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction. Ьage of puberty the age at which puberty begins, in law usu. 14 in boys and 12 in girls. ЬЬpubertal adj. [ME f. F pubert‚ or L pubertas f. puber adult] pubes(1) n. (pl. same) the lower part of the abdomen at the front of the pelvis, covered with hair from puberty. [L] pubes(2) pl. of PUBIS. pubescence n. 1 the time when puberty begins. 2 Bot. soft down on the leaves and stems of plants. 3 Zool. soft down on various parts of animals, esp. insects. ЬЬpubescent adj. [F pubescence or med.L pubescentia f. L pubescere reach puberty] pubic adj. of or relating to the pubes or pubis. pubis n. (pl. pubes) either of a pair of bones forming the two sides of the pelvis. [L os pubis bone of the PUBES] public adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or concerning the people as a whole (a public holiday; the public interest). 2 open to or shared by all the people (public baths; public library; public meeting). 3 done or existing openly (made his views public; a public protest). 4 a (of a service, funds, etc.) provided by or concerning local or central government (public money; public records; public expenditure). b (of a person) in government (had a distinguished public career). 5 well-known; famous (a public institution). 6 Brit. of, for, or acting for, a university (public examination). --n. 1 (as sing. or pl.) the community in general, or members of the community. 2 a section of the community having a particular interest or in some special connection (the reading public; my public demands my loyalty). 3 Brit. colloq. a = public bar. b = public house. Ьgo public become a public company. in public openly, publicly. in the public domain belonging to the public as a whole, esp. not subject to copyright. in the public eye famous or notorious. public act an act of legislation affecting the public as a whole. public-address system loudspeakers, microphones, amplifiers, etc., used in addressing large audiences. public bar Brit. the least expensive bar in a public house. public bill a bill of legislation affecting the public as a whole. public company Brit. a company that sells shares to all buyers on the open market. public enemy a notorious wanted criminal. public figure a famous person. public health the provision of adequate sanitation, drainage, etc. by government. public house 1 Brit. an inn providing alcoholic drinks for consumption on the premises. 2 an inn. public law 1 the law of relations between individuals and the State. 2 = public act. public lending right the right of authors to payment when their books etc. are lent by public libraries. public libel a published libel. public nuisance 1 an illegal act against the public generally. 2 colloq. an obnoxious person. public opinion views, esp. moral, prevalent among the general public. public ownership the State ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. public prosecutor a law officer conducting criminal proceedings on behalf of the State or in the public interest. Public Record Office an institution keeping official archives, esp. birth, marriage, and death certificates, for public inspection. public relations the professional maintenance of a favourable public image, esp. by a company, famous person, etc. public relations officer a person employed by a company etc. to promote a favourable public image. public school 1 Brit. a private fee-paying secondary school, esp. for boarders. 2 US, Austral., & Sc. etc. any non-fee-paying school. public sector that part of an economy, industry, etc., that is controlled by the State. public servant a State official. public spirit a willingness to engage in community action. public-spirited having a public spirit. public-spiritedly in a public-spirited manner. public-spiritedness the quality of being public-spirited. public transport buses, trains, etc., charging set fares and running on fixed routes, esp. when State-owned. public utility an organization supplying water, gas, etc. to the community. public works building operations etc. done by or for the State on behalf of the community. public wrong an offence against society as a whole. ЬЬpublicly adv. [ME f. OF public or L publicus f. pubes adult] publican n. 1 a Brit. the keeper of a public house. b Austral. the keeper of a hotel. 2 Rom.Hist. & Bibl. a tax-collector or tax-farmer. [ME f. OF publicain f. L publicanus f. publicum public revenue (as PUBLIC)] publication n. 1 a the preparation and issuing of a book, newspaper, engraving, music, etc. to the public. b a book etc. so issued. 2 the act or an instance of making something publicly known. [ME f. OF f. L publicatio -onis (as PUBLISH)] publicist n. 1 a publicity agent or public relations officer. 2 a journalist, esp. concerned with current affairs. 3 archaic a writer or other person skilled in international law. ЬЬpublicism n. publicistic adj. [F publiciste f. L (jus) publicum public law] publicity n. 1 a the professional exploitation of a product, company, person, etc., by advertising or popularizing. b material or information used for this. 2 public exposure; notoriety. Ьpublicity agent a person employed to produce or heighten public exposure. [F publicit‚ (as PUBLIC)] publicize v.tr. (also -ise) advertise; make publicly known. publish v.tr. 1 (also absol.) (of an author, publisher, etc.) prepare and issue (a book, newspaper, engraving, etc.) for public sale. 2 make generally known. 3 announce (an edict etc.) formally; read (marriage banns). 4 Law communicate (a libel etc.) to a third party. ЬЬpublishable adj. [ME puplise etc. f. OF puplier, publier f. L publicare (as PUBLIC)] publisher n. 1 a person or esp. a company that produces and distributes copies of a book, newspaper, etc. for sale. 2 US a newspaper proprietor. 3 a person or thing that publishes. puce adj. & n. dark red or purple-brown. [F, = flea(-colour) f. L pulex -icis] puck(1) n. a rubber disc used as a ball in ice hockey. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] puck(2) n. 1 a mischievous or evil sprite. 2 a mischievous child. ЬЬpuckish adj. puckishly adv. puckishness n. pucklike adj. [OE puca: cf. Welsh pwca, Ir. pЈca] pucka var. of PUKKA. pucker v. & n. --v.tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) gather or cause to gather into wrinkles, folds, or bulges (puckered her eyebrows; this seam is puckered up). --n. such a wrinkle, bulge, fold, etc. ЬЬpuckery adj. [prob. frequent., formed as POKE(2), POCKET (cf. PURSE)] pud n. colloq. = PUDDING. [abbr.] pudding n. 1 a any of various sweet cooked dishes (plum pudding; rice pudding). b a savoury dish containing flour, suet, etc. (Yorkshire pudding; steak and kidney pudding). c the sweet course of a meal. d the intestines of a pig etc. stuffed with oatmeal, spices, blood, etc. (black pudding). 2 colloq. a person or thing resembling a pudding. 3 (Naut. puddening) a pad or tow binding to prevent chafing etc. Ьin the pudding club sl. pregnant. pudding-cloth a cloth used for tying up some puddings for boiling. pudding face colloq. a large fat face. pudding-head colloq. a stupid person. pudding-stone a conglomerate rock consisting of rounded pebbles in a siliceous matrix. ЬЬpuddingy adj. [ME poding f. OF boudin black pudding ult. f. L botellus sausage: see BOWEL] puddle n. & v. --n. 1 a small pool, esp. of rainwater on a road etc. 2 clay and sand mixed with water and used as a watertight covering for embankments etc. 3 a circular patch of disturbed water made by the blade of an oar at each stroke. --v. 1 tr. a knead (clay and sand) into puddle. b line (a canal etc.) with puddle. 2 intr. make puddle from clay etc. 3 tr. stir (molten iron) to produce wrought iron by expelling carbon. 4 intr. a dabble or wallow in mud or shallow water. b busy oneself in an untidy way. 5 tr. make (water etc.) muddy. 6 tr. work (mixed water and clay) to separate gold or opal. ЬЬpuddler n. puddly adj. [ME podel, puddel, dimin. of OE pudd ditch] pudency n. literary modesty; shame. [LL pudentia (as PUDENDUM)] pudendum n. (pl. pudenda) (usu. in pl.) the genitals, esp. of a woman. ЬЬpudendal adj. pudic adj. [L pudenda (membra parts), neut. pl. of gerundive of pudere be ashamed] pudgy adj. (pudgier, pudgiest) colloq. (esp. of a person) plump, thickset. ЬЬpudge n. pudgily adv. pudginess n. [cf. PODGY] pueblo n. (pl. -os) a town or village in Latin America, esp. an Indian settlement. [Sp., = people, f. L populus] puerile adj. 1 trivial, childish, immature. 2 of or like a child. Ьpuerile breathing breathing characterized by a loud pulmonary murmur as in children, a sign of disease in an adult. ЬЬpuerilely adv. puerility n. (pl. -ies). [F pu‚ril or L puerilis f. puer boy] puerperal adj. of or caused by childbirth. Ьpuerperal fever fever following childbirth and caused by uterine infection. [L puerperus f. puer child + -parus bearing] Puerto Rican n. & adj. --n. 1 a native of Puerto Rico, an island of the Greater Antilles. 2 a person of Puerto Rican descent. --adj. of or relating to Puerto Rico or its inhabitants. puff n. & v. --n. 1 a a short quick blast of breath or wind. b the sound of this; a similar sound. c a small quantity of vapour, smoke, etc., emitted in one blast (went up in a puff of smoke). 2 a cake etc. containing jam, cream, etc., and made of light esp. puff pastry. 3 a gathered mass of material in a dress etc. (puff sleeve). 4 a rolled protuberant mass of hair. 5 a an extravagantly enthusiastic review of a book etc., esp. in a newspaper. b an advertisement for goods etc., esp. in a newspaper. 6 = powder-puff. 7 US an eiderdown. 8 colloq. one's life (in all my puff). --v. 1 intr. emit a puff of air or breath; blow with short blasts. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by away, out, etc.) (of a person smoking, a steam engine, etc.) emit or move with puffs (puffing away at his cigar; a train puffed out of the station). 3 tr. (usu. in passive; often foll. by out) put out of breath (arrived somewhat puffed; completely puffed him out). 4 intr. breathe hard; pant. 5 tr. utter pantingly ('No more,' he puffed). 6 intr. & tr. (usu. foll. by up, out) become or cause to become inflated; swell (his eye was inflamed and puffed up; puffed up the balloon). 7 tr. (usu. foll. by out, up, away) blow or emit (dust, smoke, a light object, etc.) with a puff. 8 tr. smoke (a pipe etc.) in puffs. 9 tr. (usu. as puffed up adj.) elate; make proud or boastful. 10 tr. advertise or promote (goods, a book, etc.) with exaggerated or false praise. Ьpuff-adder a large venomous African viper, Bitis arietans, which inflates the upper part of its body and hisses when excited. puff and blow = sense 4 of v. puff-ball any of various fungi having a ball-shaped spore case. puff pastry light flaky pastry. puff-puff Brit. a childish word for a steam-engine or train. puff up = sense 9 of v. [ME puf, puffe, perh. f. OE, imit. of the sound of breath] puffer n. 1 a person or thing that puffs. 2 = puff-puff. Ьpuffer-fish = globe-fish. puffin n. any of various sea birds of the family Alcidae native to the N. Atlantic and N. Pacific, esp. Fratercula arctica, having a large head with a brightly coloured triangular bill, and black and white plumage. [ME poffin, pophyn, of unkn. orig.] puffy adj. (puffier, puffiest) 1 swollen, esp. of the face etc. 2 fat. 3 gusty. 4 short-winded; puffed out. ЬЬpuffily adv. puffiness n. pug(1) n. 1 (in full pug-dog) a a dwarf breed of dog like a bulldog with a broad flat nose and deeply wrinkled face. b a dog of this breed. 2 a fox. 3 Brit. a small locomotive for shunting etc. Ьpug-nose a short squat or snub nose. pug-nosed having such a nose. ЬЬpuggish adj. puggy adj. [16th c.: perh. f. LG or Du.] pug(2) n. & v. --n. loam or clay mixed and prepared for making bricks, pottery, etc. --v.tr. (pugged, pugging) 1 prepare (clay) thus. 2 pack (esp. the space under the floor to deaden sound) with pug, sawdust, etc. Ьpug-mill a mill for preparing pug. ЬЬpugging n. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] pug(3) n. sl. a boxer. [abbr. of PUGILIST] pug(4) n. & v. --n. the footprint of an animal. --v.tr. (pugged, pugging) track by pugs . [Hindi pag footprint] puggaree n. 1 an Indian turban. 2 a thin muslin scarf tied round a sun-helmet etc. and shielding the neck. [Hindi pagri turban] pugilist n. a boxer, esp. a professional. ЬЬpugilism n. pugilistic adj. [L pugil boxer] pugnacious adj. quarrelsome; disposed to fight. ЬЬpugnaciously adv. pugnaciousness n. pugnacity n. [L pugnax -acis f. pugnare fight f. pugnus fist] puisne adj. Law denoting a judge of a superior court inferior in rank to chief justices. [OF f. puis f. L postea afterwards + n‚ born f. L natus: cf. PUNY] puissance n. 1 also a test of a horse's ability to jump large obstacles in showjumping. 2 archaic great power, might, or influence. [ME (in sense 2) f. OF (as PUISSANT)] puissant adj. literary or archaic having great power or influence; mighty. ЬЬpuissantly adv. [ME f. OF f. L posse be able: cf. POTENT(1)] puja n. (also pooja) a Hindu rite of worship; a prayer. [Skr.] puke v. & n. sl. --v.tr. & intr. vomit. --n. vomit. ЬЬpukey adj. [16th c.: prob. imit.] pukeko n. (pl. -os) Austral. & NZ a rail, Porphyrio porphyrio, with blue, black, and white plumage. [Maori] pukka adj. (also pukkah, pucka) Anglo-Ind. 1 genuine. 2 of good quality; reliable (did a pukka job). 3 of full weight. [Hindi pakka cooked, ripe, substantial] pulchritude n. literary beauty. ЬЬpulchritudinous adj. [ME f. L pulchritudo -dinis f. pulcher -chri beautiful] pule v.intr. literary cry querulously or weakly; whine, whimper. [16th c.: prob. imit.: cf. F piauler] Pulitzer prize n. each of 13 annual awards for achievements in American journalism, literature, and music. [J. Pulitzer, Amer. newspaper-publisher d. 1911] pull v. & n. --v. 1 tr. exert force upon (a thing) tending to move it to oneself or the origin of the force (stop pulling my hair). 2 tr. cause to move in this way (pulled it nearer; pulled me into the room). 3 intr. exert a pulling force (the horse pulls well; the engine will not pull). 4 tr. extract (a cork or tooth) by pulling. 5 tr. damage (a muscle etc.) by abnormal strain. 6 a tr. move (a boat) by pulling on the oars. b intr. (of a boat etc.) be caused to move, esp. in a specified direction. 7 intr. (often foll. by up) proceed with effort (up a hill etc.). 8 tr. (foll. by on) bring out (a weapon) for use against (a person). 9 a tr. check the speed of (a horse), esp. so as to make it lose the race. b intr. (of a horse) strain against the bit. 10 tr. attract or secure (custom or support). 11 tr. draw (liquor) from a barrel etc. 12 intr. (foll. by at) tear or pluck at. 13 intr. (often foll. by on, at) inhale deeply; draw or suck (on a pipe etc.). 14 tr. (often foll. by up) remove (a plant) by the root. 15 tr. a Cricket strike (the ball) to the leg side. b Golf strike (the ball) widely to the left. 16 tr. print (a proof etc.). 17 tr. colloq. achieve or accomplish (esp. something illicit). --n. 1 the act of pulling. 2 the force exerted by this. 3 a means of exerting influence; an advantage. 4 something that attracts or draws attention. 5 a deep draught of liquor. 6 a prolonged effort, e.g. in going up a hill. 7 a handle etc. for applying a pull. 8 a spell of rowing. 9 a printer's rough proof. 10 Cricket & Golf a pulling stroke. 11 a suck at a cigarette. Ьpull about 1 treat roughly. 2 pull from side to side. pull apart (or to pieces) = take to pieces (see PIECE). pull back retreat or cause to retreat. pull-back n. 1 a retarding influence. 2 a withdrawal of troops. pull down 1 demolish (esp. a building). 2 humiliate. 3 colloq. earn (a sum of money) as wages etc. pull a face assume a distinctive or specified (e.g. sad or angry) expression. pull a fast one see FAST(1). pull in 1 (of a bus, train, etc.) arrive to take passengers. 2 (of a vehicle) move to the side of or off the road. 3 earn or acquire. 4 colloq. arrest. pull-in n. Brit. a roadside caf‚ or other stopping-place. pull a person's leg deceive a person playfully. pull off 1 remove by pulling. 2 succeed in achieving or winning. pull oneself together recover control of oneself. pull the other one colloq. expressing disbelief (with ref. to pull a person's leg). pull out 1 take out by pulling. 2 depart. 3 withdraw from an undertaking. 4 (of a bus, train, etc.) leave with its passengers. 5 (of a vehicle) move out from the side of the road, or from its normal position to overtake. pull-out n. something that can be pulled out, esp. a section of a magazine. pull over (of a vehicle) pull in. pull the plug on colloq. defeat, discomfit. pull one's punches avoid using one's full force. pull rank take unfair advantage of one's seniority. pull round (or through) recover or cause to recover from an illness. pull strings exert (esp. clandestine) influence. pull the strings be the real actuator of what another does. pull together work in harmony. pull up 1 stop or cause to stop moving. 2 pull out of the ground. 3 reprimand. 4 check oneself. pull one's weight do one's fair share of work. pull wires esp. US = pull strings. ЬЬpuller n. [OE (a)pullian, perh. rel. to LG pulen, MDu. polen to shell] pullet n. a young hen, esp. one less than one year old. [ME f. OF poulet dimin. of poule ult. fem. of L pullus chicken] pulley n. & v. --n. (pl. -eys) 1 a grooved wheel or set of wheels for a cord etc. to pass over, set in a block and used for changing the direction of a force. 2 a wheel or drum fixed on a shaft and turned by a belt, used esp. to increase speed or power. --v.tr. (-eys, -eyed) 1 hoist or work with a pulley. 2 provide with a pulley. [ME f. OF polie prob. ult. f. med. Gk polidion (unrecorded) pivot, dimin. of polos POLE(2)] Pullman n. 1 a railway carriage or motor coach affording special comfort. 2 a sleeping-car. [G. M. Pullman, Amer. designer d. 1897] pullover n. a knitted garment put on over the head and covering the top half of the body. pullulate v.intr. 1 (of a seed, shoot, etc.) bud, sprout, germinate. 2 (esp. of an animal) swarm, throng; breed prolifically. 3 develop; spring up; come to life. 4 (foll. by with) abound. ЬЬpullulant adj. pullulation n. [L pullulare sprout f. pullulus dimin. of pullus young of an animal] pulmonary adj. 1 of or relating to the lungs. 2 having lungs or lunglike organs. 3 affected with or susceptible to lung disease. Ьpulmonary artery the artery conveying blood from the heart to the lungs. pulmonary tuberculosis a form of tuberculosis caused by inhaling the tubercle bacillus into the lungs. pulmonary vein the vein carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart. ЬЬpulmonate adj. [L pulmonarius f. pulmo -onis lung] pulmonic adj. = PULMONARY 1. [F pulmonique or f. mod.L pulmonicus f. L pulmo (as PULMONARY)] pulp n. & v. --n. 1 the soft fleshy part of fruit etc. 2 any soft thick wet mass. 3 a soft shapeless mass derived from rags, wood, etc., used in paper-making. 4 (often attrib.) poor quality (often sensational) writing orig. printed on rough paper (pulp fiction). 5 vascular tissue filling the interior cavity and root canals of a tooth. 6 Mining pulverized ore mixed with water. --v. 1 tr. reduce to pulp. 2 tr. withdraw (a publication) from the market, usu. recycling the paper. 3 tr. remove pulp from. 4 intr. become pulp. ЬЬpulper n. pulpless adj. pulpy adj. pulpiness n. [L pulpa] pulpit n. 1 a raised enclosed platform in a church etc. from which the preacher delivers a sermon. 2 (prec. by the) preachers or preaching collectively. [ME f. L pulpitum scaffold, platform] pulpwood n. timber suitable for making pulp. pulque n. a Mexican fermented drink made from the sap of the maguey. Ьpulque brandy a strong intoxicant made from pulque. [17th c.: Amer. Sp., of unkn. orig.] pulsar n. Astron. a cosmic source of regular and rapid pulses of radiation usu. at radio frequencies, e.g. a rotating neutron star. [pulsating st ar, after quasar] pulsate v.intr. 1 expand and contract rhythmically; throb. 2 vibrate, quiver, thrill. ЬЬpulsation n. pulsator n. pulsatory adj. [L pulsare frequent. of pellere puls- drive, beat] pulsatile adj. 1 of or having the property of pulsation. 2 (of a musical instrument) played by percussion. [med.L pulsatilis (as PULSATE)] pulsatilla n. any plant of the genus Pulsatilla, esp. the pasque-flower. [mod.L dimin. of pulsata fem. past part. (as PULSATE), because it quivers in the wind] pulse(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them, esp. as felt in the wrists, temples, etc. b each successive beat of the arteries or heart. 2 a throb or thrill of life or emotion. 3 a latent feeling. 4 a single vibration of sound, electric current, light, etc., esp. as a signal. 5 a musical beat. 6 any regular or recurrent rhythm, e.g. of the stroke of oars. --v.intr. 1 pulsate. 2 (foll. by out, in, etc.) transmit etc. by rhythmical beats. Ьpulse code coding information in pulses. pulse code modulation a pulse modulation technique of representing a signal by a sequence of binary codes. pulse modulation a type of modulation in which pulses are varied to represent a signal. ЬЬpulseless adj. [ME f. OF pous f. L pulsus f. pellere puls- drive, beat] pulse(2) n. (as sing. or pl.) 1 the edible seeds of various leguminous plants, e.g. chick-peas, lentils, beans, etc. 2 the plant or plants producing this. [ME f. OF pols f. L puls pultis porridge of meal etc.] pulsimeter n. an instrument for measuring the rate or force of a pulse. pulverize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. reduce to fine particles. 2 tr. & intr. crumble to dust. 3 colloq. tr. a demolish. b defeat utterly. ЬЬpulverizable adj. pulverization n. pulverizator n. pulverizer n. [ME f. LL pulverizare f. pulvis pulveris dust] pulverulent adj. 1 consisting of fine particles; powdery. 2 likely to crumble. [L pulverulentus (as PULVERIZE)] puma n. a wild American cat, Felis concolor, usu. with a plain greyish-black coat. Also called COUGAR, PANTHER, mountain lion. [Sp. f. Quechua] pumice n. & v. --n. (in full pumice-stone) 1 a light porous volcanic rock often used as an abrasive in cleaning or polishing substances. 2 a piece of this used for removing hard skin etc. --v.tr. rub or clean with a pumice. ЬЬpumiceous adj. [ME f. OF pomis f. L pumex pumicis (dial. pom-): cf. POUNCE(2)] pummel v.tr. (pummelled, pummelling; US pummeled, pummeling) strike repeatedly esp. with the fist. [alt. f. POMMEL] pump(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a machine, usu. with rotary action or the reciprocal action of a piston, for raising or moving liquids, compressing gases, inflating tyres, etc. 2 an instance of pumping; a stroke of a pump. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by in, out, into, up, etc.) raise or remove (liquid, gas, etc.) with a pump. 2 tr. (often foll. by up) fill (a tyre etc.) with air. 3 tr. remove (water etc.) with a pump. 4 intr. work a pump. 5 tr. (often foll. by out) cause to move, pour forth, etc., as if by pumping. 6 tr. elicit information from (a person) by persistent questioning. 7 tr. a move vigorously up and down. b shake (a person's hand) effusively. Ьpump-brake a handle of a pump, esp. with a transverse bar for several people to work at. pump-handle colloq. shake (a person's hand) effusively. pump iron colloq. exercise with weights. pump-priming 1 introduce fluid etc. into a pump to prepare it for working. 2 esp. US the stimulation of commerce etc. by investment. pump room 1 a room where fuel pumps etc. are stored or controlled. 2 a room at a spa etc. where medicinal water is dispensed. [ME pumpe, pompe (orig. Naut.): prob. imit.] pump(2) n. 1 a plimsoll. 2 a light shoe for dancing etc. 3 US a court shoe. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] pumpernickel n. German wholemeal rye bread. [G, earlier = lout, bumpkin, of uncert. orig.] pumpkin n. 1 any of various plants of the genus Cucurbita, esp. C. maxima, with large lobed leaves and tendrils. 2 the large rounded yellow fruit of this with a thick rind and edible flesh. [alt. f. earlier pompon, pumpion f. obs. F po(m)pon f. L pepo -onis f. Gk pepon large melon: see PEPO] pun(1) n. & v. --n. the humorous use of a word to suggest different meanings, or of words of the same sound and different meanings. --v.intr. (punned, punning) (foll. by on) make a pun or puns with (words). ЬЬpunningly adv. [17th c.: perh. f. obs. pundigrion, a fanciful formation] pun(2) v.tr. (punned, punning) Brit. consolidate (earth or rubble) by pounding or ramming. ЬЬpunner n. [dial. var. of POUND(2)] puna n. 1 a high plateau in the Peruvian Andes. 2 = mountain sickness. [Quechua, in sense 1] punch(1) v. & n. --v. & tr. 1 strike bluntly, esp. with a closed fist. 2 prod or poke with a blunt object. 3 a pierce a hole in (metal, paper, a ticket, etc.) as or with a punch. b pierce (a hole) by punching. 4 US drive (cattle) by prodding with a stick etc. --n. 1 a blow with a fist. 2 the ability to deliver this. 3 colloq. vigour, momentum; effective force. Ьpunch (or punched) card (or tape) a card or paper tape perforated according to a code, for conveying instructions or data to a data processor etc. punch-drunk stupefied from or as though from a series of heavy blows. punching-bag US a suspended stuffed bag used as a punchball. punch-line words giving the point of a joke or story. punch-up Brit. colloq. a fist-fight; a brawl. ЬЬpuncher n. [ME, var. of POUNCE(1)] punch(2) n. 1 any of various devices or machines for punching holes in materials (e.g. paper, leather, metal, plaster). 2 a tool or machine for impressing a design or stamping a die on a material. [perh. an abbr. of PUNCHEON(1), or f. PUNCH(1)] punch(3) n. a drink of wine or spirits mixed with water, fruit juices, spices, etc., and usu. served hot. Ьpunch-bowl 1 a bowl in which punch is mixed. 2 a deep round hollow in a hill. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] punch(4) n. 1 (Punch) a grotesque humpbacked figure in a puppet-show called Punch and Judy. 2 (in full Suffolk punch) a short-legged thickset draught horse. Ьas pleased as Punch showing great pleasure. [abbr. of PUNCHINELLO] punchball n. 1 a stuffed or inflated ball suspended or mounted on a stand, for punching as a form of exercise. 2 US a ball game in which a rubber ball is punched with the fist or head. puncheon(1) n. 1 a short post, esp. one supporting a roof in a coal-mine. 2 = PUNCH(2). [ME f. OF poinson, po(i)nchon, ult. f. L pungere punct- prick] puncheon(2) n. hist. a large cask for liquids etc. holding from 72 to 120 gallons. [ME f. OF poinson, po(i)nchon, of unkn. orig. (prob. not the same as in PUNCHEON(1))] Punchinello n. (pl. -os) 1 the chief character in a traditional Italian puppet show. 2 a short stout person of comical appearance. [Neapolitan dial. Polecenella, It. Pulcinella, perh. dimin. of pollecena, young turkey-cock with a hooked beak f. pulcino chicken ult. f. L pullus] punchy adj. (punchier, punchiest) having punch or vigour; forceful. ЬЬpunchily adv. punchiness n. puncta pl. of PUNCTUM. punctate adj. Biol. marked or studded with points, dots, spots, etc. ЬЬpunctation n. [L punctum (as POINT)] punctilio n. (pl. -os) 1 a delicate point of ceremony or honour. 2 the etiquette of such points. 3 petty formality. [It. puntiglio & Sp. puntillo dimin. of punto POINT] punctilious adj. 1 attentive to formality or etiquette. 2 precise in behaviour. ЬЬpunctiliously adv. punctiliousness n. [F pointilleux f. pointille f. It. (as PUNCTILIO)] punctual adj. 1 observant of the appointed time. 2 neither early nor late. 3 Geom. of a point. ЬЬpunctuality n. punctually adv. [ME f. med.L punctualis f. L punctum POINT] punctuate v.tr. 1 insert punctuation marks in. 2 interrupt at intervals (punctuated his tale with heavy sighs). [med.L punctuare punctuat- (as PUNCTUAL)] punctuation n. 1 the system or arrangement of marks used to punctuate a written passage. 2 the practice or skill of punctuating. Ьpunctuation mark any of the marks (e.g. full stop and comma) used in writing to separate sentences and phrases etc. and to clarify meaning. [med.L punctuatio (as PUNCTUATE)] punctum n. (pl. puncta) Biol. a speck, dot, spot of colour, etc., or an elevation or depression on a surface. [L, = POINT] puncture n. & v. --n. 1 a prick or pricking, esp. the accidental piercing of a pneumatic tyre. 2 a hole made in this way. --v. 1 tr. make a puncture in. 2 intr. undergo puncture. 3 tr. prick or pierce. [ME f. L punctura f. pungere punct- prick] pundit n. 1 (also pandit) a Hindu learned in Sanskrit and in the philosophy, religion, and jurisprudence of India. 2 often iron. a learned expert or teacher. ЬЬpunditry n. [Hind. pandit f. Skr. pandita learned] pungent adj. 1 having a sharp or strong taste or smell, esp. so as to produce a pricking sensation. 2 (of remarks) penetrating, biting, caustic. 3 mentally stimulating. 4 Biol. having a sharp point. ЬЬpungency n. pungently adv. [L pungent- pres. part. of pungere prick] Punic adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to ancient Carthage in N. Africa. --n. the language of Carthage, related to Phoenician. ЬPunic faith treachery. [L Punicus, Poenicus f. Poenus f. Gk Phoinix Phoenician] punish v.tr. 1 cause (an offender) to suffer for an offence. 2 inflict a penalty for (an offence). 3 colloq. inflict severe blows on (an opponent). 4 a tax severely; subject to severe treatment. b abuse or treat improperly. ЬЬpunishable adj. punisher n. punishing adj. (in sense 4a). punishingly adv. [ME f. OF punir f. L punire = poenire f. poena penalty] punishment n. 1 the act or an instance of punishing; the condition of being punished. 2 the loss or suffering inflicted in this. 3 colloq. severe treatment or suffering. [ME f. AF & OF punissement f. punir] punitive adj. (also punitory) 1 inflicting or intended to inflict punishment. 2 (of taxation etc.) extremely severe. 3 Law (of damages etc.) = VINDICTIVE. ЬЬpunitively adv. [F punitif -ive or med.L punitivus (as PUNISHMENT)] Punjabi n. & adj. --n. (pl. Punjabis) 1 a native of the Punjab in India. 2 the language of this people. --adj. of or relating to the Punjab. [Hindi pa¤jabi] punk n. & adj. --n. 1 a a worthless person or thing (often as a general term of abuse). b nonsense. 2 a (in full punk rock) a loud fast-moving form of rock music with crude and aggressive effects. b (in full punk rocker) a devotee of this. 3 US a hoodlum or ruffian. 4 US a passive male homosexual. 5 US an inexperienced person; a novice. 6 soft crumbly wood that has been attacked by fungus, used as tinder. --adj. 1 worthless, rotten. 2 denoting punk rock and its associations. ЬЬpunky adj. [18th c.: orig. unkn.: cf. SPUNK] punkah n. 1 (in India) a fan usu. made from the leaf of the palmyra. 2 a large swinging cloth fan on a frame worked by a cord or electrically. Ьpunkah-wallah a person who works a punkah. [Hindi pankha fan f. Skr. paksaka f. paksa wing] punnet n. Brit. a small light basket or container for fruit or vegetables. [19th c.: perh. dimin. of dial. pun POUND(1)] punster n. a person who makes puns, esp. habitually. punt(1) n. & v. --n. a long narrow flat-bottomed boat, square at both ends, used mainly for pleasure on rivers and propelled by a long pole. --v. 1 tr. propel (a punt) with a pole. 2 intr. & tr. travel or convey in a punt. ЬЬpunter n. [ME f. MLG punte, punto & MDu. ponte ferry-boat f. L ponto Gaulish transport vessel] punt(2) v. & n. --v.tr. kick (a ball, esp. in rugby) after it has dropped from the hands and before it reaches the ground. --n. such a kick. ЬЬpunter n. [prob. f. dial. punt push forcibly: cf. BUNT(3)] punt(3) v. & n. --v.intr. 1 (in some card-games) lay a stake against the bank. 2 Brit. colloq. a bet on a horse etc. b speculate in shares etc. --n. 1 a bet. 2 a point in faro. [F ponter f. ponte player against the bank f. Sp. punto POINT] punt(4) n. the chief monetary unit of the Republic of Ireland. [Ir., = pound] punter n. 1 a person who gambles or lays a bet. 2 a colloq. a customer or client; a member of an audience. b sl. a prostitute's client. 3 a point in faro. puny adj. (punier, puniest) 1 undersized. 2 weak, feeble. 3 petty. ЬЬpunily adv. puniness n. [phonetic spelling of PUISNE] pup n. & v. --n. 1 a young dog. 2 a young wolf, rat, seal, etc. 3 Brit. an unpleasant or arrogant young man. --v.tr. (pupped, pupping) (also absol.) (of a bitch etc.) bring forth (young). Ьin pup (of a bitch) pregnant. sell a person a pup swindle a person, esp. by selling something worthless. [back-form. f. PUPPY as if a dimin. in -Y(2)] pupa n. (pl. pupae) an insect in the stage of development between larva and imago. ЬЬpupal adj. [mod.L f. L pupa girl, doll] pupate v.intr. become a pupa. ЬЬpupation n. pupil(1) n. 1 a person who is taught by another, esp. a schoolchild or student in relation to a teacher. 2 Sc. Law a boy less than 14 or a girl less than 12 years in age. ЬЬpupillage n. (also pupilage). pupillary adj. (also pupilary). [ME, orig. = orphan, ward f. OF pupille or L pupillus, -illa, dimin. of pupus boy, pupa girl] pupil(2) n. the dark circular opening in the centre of the iris of the eye, varying in size to regulate the passage of light to the retina. ЬЬpupillar adj. (also pupilar). pupillary adj. (also pupilary). [OF pupille or L pupilla, dimin. of pupa doll (as PUPIL(1)): so called from the tiny images visible in the eye] pupiparous adj. Entomol. bringing forth young which are already in a pupal state. [mod.L pupipara neut. pl. of pupiparus (as PUPA, parere bring forth)] puppet n. 1 a small figure representing a human being or animal and moved by various means as entertainment. 2 a person whose actions are controlled by another. Ьpuppet State a country that is nominally independent but actually under the control of another power. ЬЬpuppetry n. [later form of POPPET] puppeteer n. a person who works puppets. puppy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a young dog. 2 a conceited or arrogant young man. Ьpuppy-fat temporary fatness of a child or adolescent. puppy love = calf-love (see CALF(1)). ЬЬpuppyhood n. puppyish adj. [ME perh. f. OF po(u)pee doll, plaything, toy f. Rmc (as POPPET)] pur- prefix = PRO-(1) (purchase; pursue). [AF f. OF por-, pur-, pour- f. L por-, pro-] Purana n. any of a class of Sanskrit sacred writings on Hindu mythology, folklore, etc. ЬЬPuranic adj. [Skr. purana ancient legend, ancient, f. pura formerly] Purbeck marble n. (also Purbeck stone) Archit. a hard usu. polished limestone from Purbeck in Dorset, used in pillars, effigies, etc. purblind adj. 1 partly blind; dim-sighted. 2 obtuse, dim-witted. ЬЬpurblindness n. [ME pur(e) blind f. PURE orig. in sense 'utterly', with assim. to PUR-] purchase v. & n. --v.tr. 1 acquire by payment; buy. 2 obtain or achieve at some cost. 3 Naut. haul up (an anchor etc.) by means of a pulley, lever, etc. --n. 1 the act or an instance of buying. 2 something bought. 3 Law the acquisition of property by one's personal action and not by inheritance. 4 a a firm hold on a thing to move it or to prevent it from slipping; leverage. b a device or tackle for moving heavy objects. 5 the annual rent or return from land. Ьpurchase tax Brit. hist. a tax on goods bought, levied at higher rates for non-essential or luxury goods. ЬЬpurchasable adj. purchaser n. [ME f. AF purchacer, OF pourchacier seek to obtain (as PUR-, CHASE(1))] purdah n. Ind. 1 a system in certain Muslim and Hindu societies of screening women from strangers by means of a veil or curtain. 2 a curtain in a house, used for this purpose. [Urdu & Pers. pardah veil, curtain] pure adj. 1 unmixed, unadulterated (pure white; pure alcohol). 2 of unmixed origin or descent (pure-blooded). 3 chaste. 4 morally or sexually undefiled; not corrupt. 5 guiltless. 6 sincere. 7 mere, simple, nothing but, sheer (it was pure malice). 8 (of a sound) not discordant, perfectly in tune. 9 (of a subject of study) dealing with abstract concepts and not practical application. 10 a (of a vowel) not joined with another in a diphthong. b (of a consonant) not accompanied by another. Ьpure science a science depending on deductions from demonstrated truths (e.g. mathematics or logic), or one studied without practical applications. ЬЬpureness n. [ME f. OF pur pure f. L purus] pur‚e n. & v. --n. a pulp of vegetables or fruit etc. reduced to a smooth cream. --v.tr. (pur‚es, pur‚ed) make a pur‚e of. [F] purely adv. 1 in a pure manner. 2 merely, solely, exclusively. purfle n. & v. --n. 1 an ornamental border, esp. on a violin etc. 2 archaic the ornamental or embroidered edge of a garment. --v.tr. 1 decorate with a purfle. 2 (often foll. by with) ornament (the edge of a building). 3 beautify. ЬЬpurfling n. [ME f. OF porfil, porfiler ult. f. L filum thread] purgation n. 1 purification. 2 purging of the bowels. 3 spiritual cleansing, esp. (RC Ch.) of a soul in purgatory. 4 hist. the cleansing of oneself from accusation or suspicion by an oath or ordeal. [ME f. OF purgation or L purgatio (as PURGE)] purgative adj. & n. --adj. 1 serving to purify. 2 strongly laxative. --n. 1 a purgative thing. 2 a laxative. [ME f. OF purgatif -ive or LL purgativus (as PURGE)] purgatory n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 the condition or supposed place of spiritual cleansing, esp. (RC Ch.) of those dying in the grace of God but having to expiate venial sins etc. 2 a place or state of temporary suffering or expiation. --adj. purifying. ЬЬpurgatorial adj. [ME f. AF purgatorie, OF -oire f. med.L purgatorium, neut. of LL purgatorius (as PURGE)] purge v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by of, from) make physically or spiritually clean. 2 remove by a cleansing process. 3 rid (an organization, party, etc.) of persons regarded as undesirable. 4 a empty (the bowels). b empty the bowels of. 5 Law atone for or wipe out (an offence, esp. contempt of court). --n. 1 the act or an instance of purging. 2 a purgative. ЬЬpurger n. [ME f. OF purg(i)er f. L purgare purify f. purus pure] purify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 (often foll. by of, from) cleanse or make pure. 2 make ceremonially clean. 3 clear of extraneous elements. ЬЬpurification n. purificatory adj. purifier n. [ME f. OF purifier f. L purificare (as PURE)] Purim n. a Jewish spring festival commemorating the defeat of Haman's plot to massacre the Jews (Esth. 9). [Heb., pl. of pur, perh. = LOT n. 2] purine n. 1 Chem. an organic nitrogenous base forming uric acid on oxidation. 2 any of a group of derivatives with purine-like structure, including the nucleotide constituents adenine and guanine. [G Purin L purus pure + uricum uric acid + -in -INE(4)] purist n. a stickler for or advocate of scrupulous purity, esp. in language or art. ЬЬpurism n. puristic adj. [F puriste f. pur PURE] puritan n. & adj. --n. 1 (Puritan) hist. a member of a group of English Protestants who regarded the Reformation of the Church under Elizabeth as incomplete and sought to simplify and regulate forms of worship. 2 a purist member of any party. 3 a person practising or affecting extreme strictness in religion or morals. --adj. 1 hist. of or relating to the Puritans. 2 scrupulous and austere in religion or morals. ЬЬpuritanism n. [LL puritas (as PURITY) after earlier Catharan (as CATHAR)] puritanical adj. often derog. practising or affecting strict religious or moral behaviour. ЬЬpuritanically adv. purity n. 1 pureness, cleanness. 2 freedom from physical or moral pollution. [ME f. OF puret‚, with assim. to LL puritas -tatis f. L purus pure] purl(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a knitting stitch made by putting the needle through the front of the previous stitch and passing the yarn round the back of the needle. 2 a cord of twisted gold or silver wire for bordering. 3 a chain of minute loops; a picot. 4 the ornamental edges of lace, ribbon, etc. --v.tr. (also absol.) knit with a purl stitch. [orig. pyrle, pirle f. Sc. pirl twist: the knitting sense may be f. a different word] purl(2) v. & n. --v.intr. (of a brook etc.) flow with a swirling motion and babbling sound. --n. this motion or sound. [16th c.: prob. imit.: cf. Norw. purla bubble up] purler n. Brit. colloq. a headlong fall. [purl upset, rel. to PURL(1)] purlieu n. (pl. purlieus) 1 a person's bounds or limits. 2 a person's usual haunts. 3 Brit. hist. a tract on the border of a forest, esp. one earlier included in it and still partly subject to forest laws. 4 (in pl.) the outskirts; an outlying region. [ME purlew, prob. alt. after F lieu place f. AF purale(e), OF pourallee a going round to settle the boundaries f. po(u)raler traverse] purlin n. a horizontal beam along the length of a roof, resting on principals and supporting the common rafters or boards. [ME: orig. uncert.] purloin v.tr. formal or joc. steal, pilfer. ЬЬpurloiner n. [ME f. AF purloigner put away, do away with (as PUR-, loign far f. L longe)] purple n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a colour intermediate between red and blue. 2 (in full Tyrian purple) a crimson dye obtained from some molluscs. 3 a purple robe, esp. as the dress of an emperor or senior magistrate. 4 the scarlet official dress of a cardinal. 5 (prec. by the) a position of rank, authority, or privilege. --adj. of a purple colour. --v.tr. & intr. make or become purple. Ьborn in the purple 1 born into a reigning family. 2 belonging to the most privileged class. purple emperor a large butterfly, Apatura iris, with purple wings. purple heart Brit. colloq. a heart-shaped stimulant tablet, esp. of amphetamine. Purple Heart (in the US) a decoration for those wounded in action. purple passage (or patch) 1 an ornate or elaborate passage in a literary composition. 2 Austral. colloq. a piece of luck or success. ЬЬpurpleness n. purplish adj. purply adj. [OE alt. f. purpure purpuran f. L purpura (as PURPURA)] purport v. & n. --v.tr. 1 profess; be intended to seem (purports to be the royal seal). 2 (often foll. by that + clause) (of a document or speech) have as its meaning; state. --n. 1 the ostensible meaning of something. 2 the sense or tenor (of a document or statement). ЬЬpurportedly adv. [ME f. AF & OF purport, porport f. purporter f. med.L proportare (as PRO-(1), portare carry)] purpose n. & v. --n. 1 an object to be attained; a thing intended. 2 the intention to act. 3 resolution, determination. --v.tr. have as one's purpose; design, intend. Ьon purpose intentionally. purpose-built (or -made) built or made for a specific purpose. to no purpose with no result or effect. to the purpose 1 relevant. 2 useful. [ME f. OF porpos, purpos f. L proponere (as PROPOUND)] purposeful adj. 1 having or indicating purpose. 2 intentional. 3 resolute. ЬЬpurposefully adv. purposefulness n. purposeless adj. having no aim or plan. ЬЬpurposelessly adv. purposelessness n. purposely adv. on purpose; intentionally. purposive adj. 1 having or serving a purpose. 2 done with a purpose. 3 (of a person or conduct) having purpose or resolution; purposeful. ЬЬpurposively adv. purposiveness n. purpura n. 1 a disease characterized by purple or livid spots on the skin, due to internal bleeding from small blood vessels. 2 any mollusc of the genus Purpura, some of which yield a purple dye. ЬЬpurpuric adj. [L f. Gk porphura purple] purpure n. & adj. Heraldry purple. [OE purpure & OF purpre f. L purpura (as PURPURA)] purpurin n. a red colouring-matter occurring naturally in madder roots, or manufactured synthetically. purr v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (of a cat) make a low vibratory sound expressing contentment. 2 intr. (of machinery etc.) make a similar sound. 3 intr. (of a person) express pleasure. 4 tr. utter or express (words or contentment) in this way. --n. a purring sound. [imit.] purse n. & v. --n. 1 a small pouch of leather etc. for carrying money on the person. 2 US a handbag. 3 a receptacle resembling a purse in form or purpose. 4 money, funds. 5 a sum collected as a present or given as a prize in a contest. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up) pucker or contract (the lips). 2 intr. become contracted and wrinkled. Ьhold the purse-strings have control of expenditure. the public purse the national treasury. [OE purs f. med.L bursa, byrsa purse f. Gk bursa hide, leather] purser n. an officer on a ship who keeps the accounts, esp. the head steward in a passenger vessel. ЬЬpursership n. purslane n. any of various plants of the genus Portulaca, esp. P. oleracea, with green or golden leaves, used as a herb and salad vegetable. [ME f. OF porcelaine (cf. PORCELAIN) alt. f. L porcil(l)aca, portulaca] pursuance n. (foll. by of) the carrying out or observance (of a plan, idea, etc.). pursuant adj. & adv. --adj. pursuing. --adv. (foll. by to) conforming to or in accordance with. ЬЬpursuantly adv. [ME, = prosecuting, f. OF po(u)rsuiant part. of po(u)rsu(iv)ir (as PURSUE): assim. to AF pursuer and PURSUE] pursue v. (pursues, pursued, pursuing) 1 tr. follow with intent to overtake or capture or do harm to. 2 tr. continue or proceed along (a route or course of action). 3 tr. follow or engage in (study or other activity). 4 tr. proceed in compliance with (a plan etc.). 5 tr. seek after, aim at. 6 tr. continue to investigate or discuss (a topic). 7 tr. seek the attention or acquaintance of (a person) persistently. 8 tr. (of misfortune etc.) persistently assail. 9 tr. persistently attend, stick to. 10 intr. go in pursuit. ЬЬpursuable adj. pursuer n. [ME f. AF pursiwer, -suer = OF porsivre etc. ult. f. L prosequi follow after] pursuit n. 1 the act or an instance of pursuing. 2 an occupation or activity pursued. Ьin pursuit of pursuing. [ME f. OF poursuite (as PUR-, SUIT)] pursuivant n. 1 Brit. an officer of the College of Arms ranking below a herald. 2 archaic a follower or attendant. [ME f. OF pursivant pres. part. of pursivre (as PURSUE)] pursy adj. 1 short-winded; puffy. 2 corpulent. ЬЬpursiness n. [ME, earlier pursive f. AF porsif f. OF polsif f. polser breathe with difficulty f. L pulsare (as PULSATE)] purulent adj. 1 consisting of or containing pus. 2 discharging pus. ЬЬpurulence n. purulency n. purulently adv. [F purulent or L purulentus (as PUS)] purvey v. 1 tr. provide or supply (articles of food) as one's business. 2 intr. (often foll. by for) a make provision. b act as supplier. ЬЬpurveyor n. [ME f. AF purveier, OF porveiir f. L providere PROVIDE] purveyance n. 1 the act of purveying. 2 Brit. hist. the right of the sovereign to provisions etc. at a fixed price. [ME f. OF porveance f. L providentia PROVIDENCE] purview n. 1 the scope or range of a document, scheme, etc. 2 the range of physical or mental vision. [ME f. AF purveЃ, OF porveЃ past part. of porveiir (as PURVEY)] pus n. a thick yellowish or greenish liquid produced from infected tissue. [L pus puris] push v. & n. --v. 1 tr. exert a force on (a thing) to move it away from oneself or from the origin of the force. 2 tr. cause to move in this direction. 3 intr. exert such a force (do not push against the door). 4 intr. & tr. a thrust forward or upward. b project or cause to project (pushes out new roots; the cape pushes out into the sea). 5 intr. move forward by force or persistence. 6 tr. make (one's way) by pushing. 7 intr. exert oneself, esp. to surpass others. 8 tr. (often foll. by to, into, or to + infin.) urge or impel. 9 tr. tax the abilities or tolerance of; press (a person) hard. 10 tr. pursue (a claim etc.). 11 tr. promote the use or sale or adoption of, e.g. by advertising. 12 intr. (foll. by for) demand persistently (pushed hard for reform). 13 tr. colloq. sell (a drug) illegally. --n. 1 the act or an instance of pushing; a shove or thrust. 2 the force exerted in this. 3 a vigorous effort. 4 a military attack in force. 5 enterprise, determination to succeed. 6 the use of influence to advance a person. 7 the pressure of affairs. 8 a crisis. Ьbe pushed for colloq. have very little of (esp. time). get the push colloq. be dismissed or sent away. give a person the push colloq. dismiss or send away a person. push along (often in imper.) colloq. depart, leave. push around colloq. bully. push-bike Brit. colloq. a bicycle worked by pedals. push-button 1 a button to be pushed esp. to operate an electrical device. 2 (attrib.) operated in this way. push one's luck 1 take undue risks. 2 act presumptuously. push off 1 push with an oar etc. to get a boat out into a river etc. 2 (often in imper.) colloq. go away. push-pull 1 operated by pushing and pulling. 2 Electr. consisting of two valves etc. operated alternately. push-start n. the starting of a motor vehicle by pushing it to turn the engine. --v.tr. start (a vehicle) in this way. push through get (a scheme, proposal, etc.) completed or accepted quickly. push-up = press-up. [ME f. OF pousser, pou(l)ser f. L pulsare (as PULSATE)] pushcart n. a handcart or barrow. pushchair n. Brit. a folding chair on wheels, for pushing a child in. pusher n. 1 colloq. an illegal seller of drugs. 2 colloq. a pushing or pushy person. 3 a child's utensil for pushing food onto a spoon etc. pushful adj. pushy; arrogantly self-assertive. ЬЬpushfully adv. pushing adj. 1 pushy; aggressively ambitious. 2 colloq. having nearly reached (a specified age). ЬЬpushingly adv. pushover n. colloq. 1 something that is easily done. 2 a person who can easily be overcome, persuaded, etc. pushrod n. a rod operated by cams, that opens and closes the valves in an internal-combustion engine. Pushtu n. & adj. = PASHTO. [Pers. pustu] pushy adj. (pushier, pushiest) colloq. 1 excessively or unpleasantly self-assertive. 2 selfishly determined to succeed. ЬЬpushily adv. pushiness n. pusillanimous adj. lacking courage; timid. ЬЬpusillanimity n. pusillanimously adv. [eccl.L pusillanimis f. pusillus very small + animus mind] puss n. colloq. 1 a cat (esp. as a form of address). 2 a playful or coquettish girl. 3 a hare. Ьpuss moth a large European moth, Cerura vinula. [prob. f. MLG pus, Du. poes, of unkn. orig.] pussy n. (pl. -ies) 1 (also pussy-cat) colloq. a cat. 2 coarse sl. the vulva. °Usually considered a taboo use. Ьpussy willow any of various willows, esp. Salix discolor, with furry catkins. pussyfoot v.intr. 1 move stealthily or warily. 2 act cautiously or noncommittally. ЬЬpussyfooter n. pustulate v. & adj. --v.tr. & intr. form into pustules. --adj. of or relating to a pustule or pustules. ЬЬpustulation n. [LL pustulare f. pustula: see PUSTULE] pustule n. a pimple containing pus. ЬЬpustular adj. pustulous adj. [ME f. OF pustule or L pustula] put(1) v. & n. --v. (putting; past and past part. put) 1 tr. move to or cause to be in a specified place or position (put it in your pocket; put the children to bed; put your signature here). 2 tr. bring into a specified condition, relation, or state (puts me in great difficulty; an accident put the car out of action). 3 tr. a (often foll. by on) impose or assign (put a tax on beer; where do you put the blame?). b (foll. by on, to) impose or enforce the existence of (put a veto on it; put a stop to it). 4 tr. a cause (a person) to go or be, habitually or temporarily (put them at their ease; put them on the right track). b refl. imagine (oneself) in a specified situation (put yourself in my shoes). 5 tr. (foll. by for) substitute (one thing for another). 6 intr. express (a thought or idea) in a specified way (to put it mildly). 7 tr. (foll. by at) estimate (an amount etc. at a specified amount) (put the cost at њ50). 8 tr. (foll. by into) express or translate in (words, or another language). 9 tr. (foll. by into) invest (money in an asset, e.g. land). 10 tr. (foll. by on) stake (money) on (a horse etc.). 11 tr. (foll. by to) apply or devote to a use or purpose (put it to good use). 12 tr. (foll. by to) submit for consideration or attention (let me put it to you another way; shall now put it to a vote). 13 tr. (foll. by to) subject (a person) to (death, suffering, etc.). 14 tr. throw (esp. a shot or weight) as an athletic sport or exercise. 15 tr. (foll. by to) couple (an animal) with (another of the opposite sex) for breeding. 16 intr. (foll. by back, off, out, etc.) (of a ship etc.) proceed or follow a course in a specified direction. 17 intr. US (foll. by in, out of) (of a river) flow in a specified direction. --n. 1 a throw of the shot or weight. 2 Stock Exch. the option of selling stock at a fixed price at a given date. Ьnot know where to put oneself feel deeply embarrassed. put about 1 spread (information, rumour, etc.). 2 Naut. turn round; put (a ship) on the opposite tack. 3 trouble, distress. put across 1 make acceptable or effective. 2 express in an understandable way. 3 (often in put it (or one) across) achieve by deceit. put away 1 put (a thing) back in the place where it is normally kept. 2 lay (money etc.) aside for future use. 3 a confine or imprison. b commit to a home or mental institution. 4 consume (food and drink), esp. in large quantities. 5 put (an old or sick animal) to death. put back 1 restore to its proper or former place. 2 change (a planned event) to a later date or time. 3 move back the hands of (a clock or watch). 4 check the advance of. put a bold etc. face on it see FACE. put the boot in see BOOT. put by lay (money etc.) aside for future use. put down 1 suppress by force or authority. 2 colloq. snub or humiliate. 3 record or enter in writing. 4 enter the name of (a person) on a list, esp. as a member or subscriber. 5 (foll. by as, for) account or reckon. 6 (foll. by to) attribute (put it down to bad planning). 7 put (an old or sick animal) to death. 8 preserve or store (eggs etc.) for future use. 9 pay (a specified sum) as a deposit. 10 put (a baby) to bed. 11 land (an aircraft). 12 stop to let (passengers) get off. put-down n. colloq. a snub or humiliating criticism. put an end to see END. put one's foot down see FOOT. put one's foot in it see FOOT. put forth 1 (of a plant) send out (buds or leaves). 2 formal submit or put into circulation. put forward 1 suggest or propose. 2 advance the hands of (a clock or watch). 3 (often refl.) put into a prominent position; draw attention to. put in 1 a enter or submit (a claim etc.). b (foll. by for) submit a claim for (a specified thing). 2 (foll. by for) be a candidate for (an appointment, election, etc.). 3 spend (time). 4 perform (a spell of work) as part of a whole. 5 interpose (a remark, blow, etc.). put a person in mind of see MIND. put it to a person (often foll. by that + clause) challenge a person to deny. put one's mind to see MIND. put off 1 a postpone. b postpone an engagement with (a person). 2 (often foll. by with) evade (a person) with an excuse etc. 3 hinder or dissuade. 4 offend, disconcert; cause (a person) to lose interest in something. put on 1 clothe oneself with. 2 cause (an electrical device, light, etc.) to function. 3 cause (transport) to be available. 4 stage (a play, show, etc.). 5 advance the hands of (a clock or watch). 6 a pretend to be affected by (an emotion). b assume, take on (a character or appearance). c (put it on) exaggerate one's feelings etc. 7 increase one's weight by (a specified amount). 8 send (a cricketer) on to bowl. 9 (foll. by to) make aware of or put in touch with (put us on to their new accountant). put-on n. colloq. a deception or hoax. put out 1 a (often as put out adj.) disconcert or annoy. b (often refl.) inconvenience (don't put yourself out). 2 extinguish (a fire or light). 3 cause (a batsman or side) to be out. 4 dislocate (a joint). 5 exert (strength etc.). 6 lend (money) at interest. 7 allocate (work) to be done off the premises. 8 blind (a person's eyes). put over 1 make acceptable or effective. 2 express in an understandable way. 3 US postpone. 4 US achieve by deceit. put a sock in it see SOCK(1). put store by see STORE. put through 1 carry out or complete (a task or transaction). 2 (often foll. by to) connect (a person) by telephone to another subscriber. put to flight see FLIGHT(2). put together 1 assemble (a whole) from parts. 2 combine (parts) to form a whole. put under render unconscious by anaesthetic etc. put up 1 build or erect. 2 raise (a price etc.). 3 take or provide accommodation (friends put me up for the night). 4 engage in (a fight, struggle, etc.) as a form of resistance. 5 present (a proposal). 6 a present oneself for election. b propose for election. 7 provide (money) as a backer in an enterprise. 8 display (a notice). 9 publish (banns). 10 offer for sale or competition. 11 cause (game) to rise from cover. 12 put (a sword) back in its sheath. put-up adj. fraudulently presented or devised. put upon colloq. make unfair or excessive demands on; take advantage of (a person). put a person up to 1 inform or instruct a person about. 2 (usu. foll. by verbal noun) instigate a person in (put them up to stealing the money). put up with endure, tolerate; submit to. put the wind up see WIND(1). put a person wise see WISE. put words into a person's mouth see MOUTH. ЬЬputter n. [ME f. an unrecorded OE form putian, of unkn. orig.] put(2) var. of PUTT. putative adj. reputed, supposed (his putative father). ЬЬputatively adv. [ME f. OF putatif -ive or LL putativus f. L putare think] putlog n. (also putlock) a short horizontal timber projecting from a wall, on which scaffold floorboards rest. [17th c.: orig. uncert.] put-put n. & v. --n. the rapid intermittent sound of a small petrol engine. --v.intr. (put-putted, put-putting) make this sound. [imit.] putrefy v. (-ies, -ied) 1 intr. & tr. become or make putrid; go bad. 2 intr. fester, suppurate. 3 intr. become morally corrupt. ЬЬputrefacient adj. putrefaction n. putrefactive adj. [ME f. L putrefacere f. puter putris rotten] putrescent adj. 1 in the process of rotting. 2 of or accompanying this process. ЬЬputrescence n. [L putrescere incept. of putrere (as PUTRID)] putrid adj. 1 decomposed, rotten. 2 foul, noxious. 3 corrupt. 4 sl. of poor quality; contemptible; very unpleasant. ЬЬputridity n. putridly adv. putridness n. [L putridus f. putrere to rot f. puter putris rotten] putsch n. an attempt at political revolution; a violent uprising. [Swiss G, = thrust, blow] putt v. & n. (also put) --v.tr. (putted, putting) strike (a golf ball) gently to get it into or nearer to a hole on a putting-green. --n. a putting stroke. Ьputting-green (in golf) the smooth area of grass round a hole. [differentiated f. PUT(1)] puttee n. 1 a long strip of cloth wound spirally round the leg from ankle to knee for protection and support. 2 US a leather legging. [Hindi patti band, bandage] putter(1) n. 1 a golf club used in putting. 2 a golfer who putts. putter(2) n. & v. = PUT-PUT. [imit.] putter(3) US var. of POTTER(1). putto n. (pl. putti) a representation of a naked child (esp. a cherub or a cupid) in (esp. Renaissance) art. [It., = boy, f. L putus] putty n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a cement made from whiting and raw linseed oil, used for fixing panes of glass, filling holes in woodwork, etc. 2 a fine white mortar of lime and water, used in pointing brickwork, etc. 3 a polishing powder usu. made from tin oxide, used in jewellery work. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) cover, fix, join, or fill up with putty. Ьputty in a person's hands someone who is overcompliant, or easily influenced. [F pot‚e, lit. potful] puy n. a small extinct volcanic cone, esp. in the Auvergne, France. [F, = hill, f. L podium: see PODIUM] puzzle n. & v. --n. 1 a difficult or confusing problem; an enigma. 2 a problem or toy designed to test knowledge or ingenuity. --v. 1 tr. confound or disconcert mentally. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by over etc.) be perplexed (about). 3 tr. (usu. as puzzling adj.) require much thought to comprehend (a puzzling situation). 4 tr. (foll. by out) solve or understand by hard thought. ЬЬpuzzlement n. puzzlingly adv. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] puzzler n. a difficult question or problem. puzzolana var. of POZZOLANA. 21.0 PVA... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PVA abbr. polyvinyl acetate. PVC abbr. polyvinyl chloride. Pvt. abbr. 1 private. 2 US private soldier. 22.0 PW... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PW abbr. policewoman. p.w. abbr. per week. PWR abbr. pressurized-water reactor. 23.0 PX =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PX abbr. US post exchange. 24.0 pyaemia... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- pyaemia n. (US pyemia) blood-poisoning caused by the spread of pus-forming bacteria in the bloodstream from a source of infection. ЬЬpyaemic adj. [mod.L f. Gk puon pus + haima blood] pycnic var. of PYKNIC. pye-dog n. (also pie-dog, pi-dog) a vagrant mongrel, esp. in Asia. [Anglo-Ind. pye, pa‰, Hindi pahi outsider + DOG] pyelitis n. inflammation of the renal pelvis. [Gk puelos trough, basin + -ITIS] pyemia US var. of PYAEMIA. pygmy n. (also pigmy) (pl. -ies) 1 a member of a dwarf people of equatorial Africa and parts of SE Asia. 2 a very small person, animal, or thing. 3 an insignificant person. 4 (attrib.) a of or relating to pygmies. b (of a person, animal, etc.) dwarf. ЬЬpygmaean adj. pygmean adj. [ME f. L pygmaeus f. Gk pugmaios dwarf f. pugme the length from elbow to knuckles, fist] pyjamas n.pl. (US pajamas) 1 a suit of loose trousers and jacket for sleeping in. 2 loose trousers tied round the waist, worn by both sexes in some Asian countries. 3 (pyjama) (attrib.) designating parts of a suit of pyjamas (pyjama jacket; pyjama trousers). [Urdu pa(e)jama f. Pers. pae, pay leg + Hindi jama clothing] pyknic adj. & n. (also pycnic) Anthropol. --adj. characterized by a thick neck, large abdomen, and relatively short limbs. --n. a person of this bodily type. [Gk puknos thick] pylon n. 1 a tall structure erected as a support (esp. for electric-power cables) or boundary or decoration. 2 a gateway, esp. of an ancient Egyptian temple. 3 a structure marking a path for aircraft. 4 a structure supporting an aircraft engine. [Gk pulon f. pule gate] pylorus n. (pl. pylori) Anat. the opening from the stomach into the duodenum. ЬЬpyloric adj. [LL f. Gk puloros, pulouros gatekeeper f. pule gate + ouros warder] pyorrhoea n. (US pyorrhea) 1 a disease of periodontal tissue causing shrinkage of the gums and loosening of the teeth. 2 any discharge of pus. [Gk puo- f. puon pus + rhoia flux f. rheo flow] pyracantha n. any evergreen thorny shrub of the genus Pyracantha, having white flowers and bright red or yellow berries. [L f. Gk purakantha] pyramid n. 1 a monumental structure, usu. of stone, with a square base and sloping sides meeting centrally at an apex, esp. an ancient Egyptian royal tomb. 2 a solid of this type with a base of three or more sides. 3 a pyramid-shaped thing or pile of things. 4 (in pl.) a game played on a billiard-table with (usu. 15) coloured balls and a cue-ball. Ьpyramid selling a system of selling goods in which agency rights are sold to an increasing number of distributors at successively lower levels. ЬЬpyramidal adj. pyramidally adv. pyramidic adj. (also pyramidical). pyramidically adv. pyramidwise adj. [ME f. L pyramis f. Gk puramis -idos] pyre n. a heap of combustible material esp. a funeral pile for burning a corpse. [L pyra f. Gk pura f. pur fire] pyrethrin n. any of several active constituents of pyrethrum flowers used in the manufacture of insecticides. pyrethrum n. 1 any of several aromatic chrysanthemums of the genus Tanacetum, esp. T. coccineum. 2 an insecticide made from the dried flowers of these plants, esp. Tanacetum cinerariifolium. [L f. Gk purethron feverfew] pyretic adj. of, for, or producing fever. [mod.L pyreticus f. Gk puretos fever] Pyrex n. propr. a hard heat-resistant type of glass, often used for cookware. [invented word] pyrexia n. Med. = FEVER. ЬЬpyrexial adj. pyrexic adj. pyrexical adj. [mod.L f. Gk purexis f. puresso be feverish f. pur fire] pyridine n. Chem. a colourless volatile odorous liquid, formerly obtained from coal tar, used as a solvent and in chemical manufacture. °Chem. formula: C[5]H[5]N. [Gk pur fire + -ID(4) + -INE(4)] pyridoxine n. a vitamin of the B complex found in yeast, and important in the body's use of unsaturated fatty acids. Also called vitamin B[6]. [PYRIDINE + OX- + -INE(4)] pyrimidine n. 1 Chem. an organic nitrogenous base. 2 any of a group of derivatives with similar structure, including the nucleotide constituents uracil, thymine, and cytosine. [G Pyrimidin f. Pyridin (as PYRIDINE, IMIDE)] pyrite n. = PYRITES. [F pyrite or L (as PYRITES)] pyrites n. (in full iron pyrites) a yellow lustrous form of iron disulphide. ЬЬpyritic adj. pyritiferous adj. pyritize v.tr. (also -ise). pyritous adj. [L f. Gk purites of fire (pur)] pyro n. colloq. = PYROGALLIC ACID. pyro- comb. form 1 denoting fire. 2 Chem. denoting a new substance formed from another by elimination of water (pyrophosphate). 3 Mineral. denoting a mineral etc. showing some property or change under the action of heat, or having a fiery red or yellow colour. [Gk puro- f. pur fire] pyroclastic adj. (of rocks etc.) formed as the result of a volcanic eruption. ЬЬpyroclast n. pyroelectric adj. having the property of becoming electrically charged when heated. ЬЬpyroelectricity n. pyrogallic acid n. a weak acid used as a developer in photography, etc. pyrogallol n. = PYROGALLIC ACID. pyrogenic adj. (also pyrogenous) 1 a producing heat, esp. in the body. b producing fever. 2 produced by combustion or volcanic processes. pyrography n. = poker-work (see POKER(1)). pyroligneous adj. produced by the action of fire or heat on wood. pyrolyse v.tr. (US pyrolyze) decompose by pyrolysis. [PYROLYSIS after analyse] pyrolysis n. chemical decomposition brought about by heat. ЬЬpyrolytic adj. pyromania n. an obsessive desire to set fire to things. ЬЬpyromaniac n. pyrometer n. an instrument for measuring high temperatures, esp. in furnaces and kilns. ЬЬpyrometric adj. pyrometrically adv. pyrometry n. pyrope n. a deep red variety of garnet. [ME f. OF pirope f. L pyropus f. Gk puropos gold-bronze, lit. fiery-eyed, f. pur fire + ops eye] pyrophoric adj. (of a substance) liable to ignite spontaneously on exposure to air. [mod.L pyrophorus f. Gk purophoros fire-bearing f. pur fire + phero bear] pyrosis n. Med. a burning sensation in the lower part of the chest, combined with the return of gastric acid to the mouth. [mod.L f. Gk purosis f. puroo set on fire f. pur fire] pyrotechnic adj. 1 of or relating to fireworks. 2 (of wit etc.) brilliant or sensational. ЬЬpyrotechnical adj. pyrotechnist n. pyrotechny n. [PYRO- + Gk tekhne art] pyrotechnics n.pl. 1 the art of making fireworks. 2 a display of fireworks. 3 any brilliant display. pyroxene n. any of a group of minerals commonly found as components of igneous rocks, composed of silicates of calcium, magnesium, and iron. [PYRO- + Gk xenos stranger (because supposed to be alien to igneous rocks)] pyroxylin n. a form of nitrocellulose, soluble in ether and alcohol, used as a basis for lacquers, artificial leather, etc. [F pyroxyline (as PYRO-, Gk xulon wood)] pyrrhic(1) adj. (of a victory) won at too great a cost to be of use to the victor. [Pyrrhus of Epirus, who defeated the Romans at Asculum in 279 BC, but sustained heavy losses] pyrrhic(2) n. & adj. --n. a metrical foot of two short or unaccented syllables. --adj. written in or based on pyrrhics. [L pyrrhichius f. Gk purrhikhios (pous) pyrrhic (foot)] Pyrrhonism n. 1 the philosophy of Pyrrho of Elis (c.300 BC), maintaining that certainty of knowledge is unattainable. 2 scepticism; philosophic doubt. ЬЬPyrrhonist n. [Gk Purrhon Pyrrho] pyruvate n. Biochem. any salt or ester of pyruvic acid. pyruvic acid n. an organic acid occurring as an intermediate in many stages of metabolism. [as PYRO- + L uva grape] Pythagoras' theorem n. the theorem attributed to Pythagoras (see PYTHAGOREAN) that the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides. Pythagorean adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to the Greek philosopher Pythagoras (6th c. BC) or his philosophy, esp. regarding the transmigration of souls. --n. a follower of Pythagoras. Pythian adj. of or relating to Delphi (in central Greece) or its ancient oracle of Apollo. [L Pythius f. Gk Puthios f. Putho, an older name of Delphi] python n. any constricting snake of the family Pythonidae, esp. of the genus Python, found throughout the tropics in the Old World. ЬЬpythonic adj. [L f. Gk Puthon a huge serpent or monster killed by Apollo] pythoness n. 1 the Pythian priestess. 2 a witch. [ME f. OF phitonise f. med.L phitonissa f. LL pythonissa fem. of pytho f. Gk puthon soothsaying demon: cf. PYTHON] pyuria n. Med. the presence of pus in urine. [Gk puon pus + -URIA] pyx n. (also pix) 1 Eccl. the vessel in which the consecrated bread of the Eucharist is kept. 2 (in the UK) a box at the Royal Mint in which specimen gold and silver coins are deposited to be tested annually. [ME f. L (as PYXIS)] pyxidium n. (pl. pyxidia) Bot. a seed-capsule with a top that comes off like the lid of a box. [mod.L f. Gk puxidion, dimin. of puxis: see PYXIS] pyxis n. (pl. pyxides) 1 a small box or casket. 2 = PYXIDIUM. [ME f. L f. Gk puxis f. puxos BOX(3)] 25.0 pzazz =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- pzazz var. of PIZAZZ. Юмор фото-приколы, прикольные комиксы. Отдыхайте! формы для мыла купить оптом. |