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English language - Dictionaries N...Oxford English ReferenceBritish Library Cataloguing Data The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed. 1. English language--Dictionaries I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423 ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain 1.0 N... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- N(1) n. (also n) (pl. Ns or N's) 1 the fourteenth letter of the alphabet. 2 Printing en. 3 Math. an indefinite number. Ьto the nth (or nth degree) 1 Math. to any required power. 2 to any extent; to the utmost. N(2) abbr. (also N.) 1 North; Northern. 2 newton(s). 3 Chess knight. 4 New. 5 nuclear. N(3) symb. Chem. the element nitrogen. n abbr. (also n.) 1 name. 2 nano-. 3 neuter. 4 noon. 5 note. 6 noun. 'n conj. (also 'n') colloq. and. [abbr.] -n(1) suffix see -EN(2). -n(2) suffix see -EN(3). 2.0 Na... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Na symb. Chem. the element sodium. na adv. Sc. (in comb.; usu. with an auxiliary verb) = NOT (I canna do it; they didna go). n/a abbr. 1 not applicable. 2 not available. NAAFI abbr. Brit. 1 Navy, Army, and Air Force Institutes. 2 a canteen for servicemen run by the NAAFI. nab v.tr. (nabbed, nabbing) sl. 1 arrest; catch in wrongdoing. 2 seize, grab. [17th c., also napp, as in KIDNAP: orig. unkn.] nabob n. 1 hist. a Muslim official or governor under the Mughal empire. 2 (formerly) a conspicuously wealthy person, esp. one returned from India with a fortune. [Port. nababo or Sp. nabab, f. Urdu (as NAWAB)] nacarat n. a bright orange-red colour. [F, perh. f. Sp. & Port. nacardo (nacar NACRE)] nacelle n. 1 the outer casing of the engine of an aircraft. 2 the car of an airship. [F, f. LL navicella dimin. of L navis ship] nacho n. (pl. -os) (usu. in pl.) a tortilla chip, usu. topped with melted cheese and spices etc. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] NACODS abbr. (in the UK) National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies, and Shotfirers. nacre n. mother-of-pearl from any shelled mollusc. ЬЬnacred adj. nacreous adj. nacrous adj. [F] nadir n. 1 the part of the celestial sphere directly below an observer (opp. ZENITH). 2 the lowest point in one's fortunes; a time of deep despair. [ME f. OF f. Arab. nazir (as-samt) opposite (to the zenith)] naevus n. (US nevus) (pl. naevi) 1 a birthmark in the form of a raised red patch on the skin. 2 = MOLE(2). ЬЬnaevoid adj. [L] naff(1) v.intr. sl. 1 (in imper., foll. by off) go away. 2 (as naffing adj.) used as an intensive to express annoyance etc. [prob. euphem. for FUCK: cf. EFF] naff(2) adj. sl. 1 unfashionable; socially awkward. 2 worthless, rubbishy. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] Naffy n. sl. = NAAFI. [phonet. sp.] nag(1) v. & n. --v. (nagged, nagging) 1 a tr. annoy or irritate (a person) with persistent fault-finding or continuous urging. b intr. (often foll. by at) find fault, complain, or urge, esp. persistently. 2 intr. (of a pain) ache dully but persistently. 3 a tr. worry or preoccupy (a person, the mind, etc.) (his mistake nagged him). b intr. (often foll. by at) worry or gnaw. --n. a persistently nagging person. ЬЬnagger n. naggingly adv. [of dial., perh. Scand. or LG, orig.: cf. Norw. & Sw. nagga gnaw, irritate, LG (g)naggen provoke] nag(2) n. 1 colloq. a horse. 2 a small riding-horse or pony. [ME: orig. unkn.] Nah. abbr. Nahum (Old Testament). Nahuatl n. & adj. --n. 1 a member of a group of peoples native to S. Mexico and Central America, including the Aztecs. 2 the language of these people. --adj. of or concerning the Nahuatl peoples or language. ЬЬNahuatlan adj. [Sp. f. Nahuatl] naiad n. (pl. naiads or -des) 1 Mythol. a water-nymph. 2 the larva of a dragonfly etc. 3 any aquatic plant of the genus Najas, with narrow leaves and small flowers. [L Na‹as Na‹ad- f. Gk Naias -ados f. nao flow] nail n. & v. --n. 1 a small usu. sharpened metal spike with a broadened flat head, driven in with a hammer to join things together or to serve as a peg, protection (cf. HOBNAIL), or decoration. 2 a a horny covering on the upper surface of the tip of the human finger or toe. b a claw or talon. c a hard growth on the upper mandible of some soft-billed birds. 3 hist. a measure of cloth length (equal to 2¬ inches). --v.tr. 1 fasten with a nail or nails (nailed it to the beam; nailed the planks together). 2 fix or keep (a person, attention, etc.) fixed. 3 a secure, catch, or get hold of (a person or thing). b expose or discover (a lie or a liar). Ьhard as nails 1 callous; unfeeling. 2 in good physical condition. nail-biting causing severe anxiety or tension. nail-brush a small brush for cleaning the nails. nail one's colours to the mast persist; refuse to give in. nail down 1 bind (a person) to a promise etc. 2 define precisely. 3 fasten (a thing) with nails. nail enamel US = nail polish. nail-file a roughened metal or emery strip used for smoothing the nails. nail-head Archit. an ornament like the head of a nail. nail in a person's coffin something thought to increase the risk of death. nail polish a varnish applied to the nails to colour them or make them shiny. nail-punch (or -set) a tool for sinking the head of a nail below a surface. nail-scissors small curved scissors for trimming the nails. nail up 1 close (a door etc.) with nails. 2 fix (a thing) at a height with nails. nail varnish Brit. = nail polish. on the nail (esp. of payment) without delay (cash on the nail). ЬЬnailed adj. (also in comb.). nailless adj. [OE n‘gel, n‘glan f. Gmc] nailer n. a nail-maker. ЬЬnailery n. nainsook n. a fine soft cotton fabric, orig. Indian. [Hindi nainsukh f. nain eye + sukh pleasure] naira n. the chief monetary unit of Nigeria. [contr. of Nigeria] na‹ve adj. (also naive) 1 artless; innocent; unaffected. 2 foolishly credulous; simple. ЬЬna‹vely adv. na‹veness n. [F, fem. of na‹f f. L nativus NATIVE] na‹vety n. (also naivety, na‹vet‚) (pl. -ies or na‹vet‚s) 1 the state or quality of being na‹ve. 2 a na‹ve action. [F na‹vet‚ (as NA°VE)] naked adj. 1 without clothes; nude. 2 plain; undisguised; exposed (the naked truth; his naked soul). 3 (of a light, flame, etc.) unprotected from the wind etc.; unshaded. 4 defenceless. 5 without addition, comment, support, evidence, etc. (his naked word; naked assertion). 6 a (of landscape) barren; treeless. b (of rock) exposed; without soil etc. 7 (of a sword etc.) unsheathed. 8 (usu. foll. by of) devoid; without. 9 without leaves, hairs, scales, shell, etc. 10 (of a room, wall, etc.) without decoration, furnishings, etc.; empty, plain. Ьnaked boys (or lady or ladies) the meadow saffron, which flowers while leafless: also called autumn crocus. the naked eye unassisted vision, e.g. without a telescope, microscope, etc. ЬЬnakedly adv. nakedness n. [OE nacod f. Gmc] naker n. hist. a kettledrum. [ME f. OF nacre nacaire f. Arab. nakkara drum] NALGO abbr. Brit. National and Local Government Officers' Association. namby-pamby adj. & n. --adj. 1 lacking vigour or drive; weak. 2 insipidly pretty or sentimental. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a namby-pamby person. 2 namby-pamby talk. [fanciful formulation on name of Ambrose Philips, Engl. pastoral writer d. 1749] name n. & v. --n. 1 a the word by which an individual person, animal, place, or thing is known, spoken of, etc. (mentioned him by name; her name is Joanna). b all who go under one name; a family, clan, or people in terms of its name (the Scottish name). 2 a a usu. abusive term used of a person etc. (called him names). b a word denoting an object or esp. a class of objects, ideas, etc. (what is the name of that kind of vase?; that sort of behaviour has no name). 3 a famous person (many great names were there). 4 a reputation, esp. a good one (has a name for honesty; their name is guarantee enough). 5 something existing only nominally (opp. FACT, REALITY). 6 (attrib.) widely known (a name brand of shampoo). --v.tr. 1 give a usu. specified name to (named the dog Spot). 2 call (a person or thing) by the right name (named the man in the photograph). 3 mention; specify; cite (named his requirements). 4 nominate; appoint, etc. (was named the new chairman). 5 specify as something desired (named it as her dearest wish). 6 Brit. Parl. (of the Speaker) mention (an MP) as disobedient to the chair. Ьby name called (Tom by name). have to one's name possess. in all but name virtually. in name (or name only) as a mere formality; hardly at all (is the leader in name only). in a person's name = in the name of. in the name of calling to witness; invoking (in the name of goodness). in one's own name independently; without authority. make a name for oneself become famous. name after (US for) call (a person) by the name of (a specified person) (named him after his uncle Roger). name-calling abusive language. name-child (usu. foll. by of) one named after another person. name-day 1 the feast-day of a saint after whom a person is named. 2 Brit. = ticket-day. name the day arrange a date (esp. of a woman fixing the date for her wedding). name-drop (-dropped, -dropping) indulge in name-dropping. name-dropper a person who name-drops. name-dropping the familiar mention of famous people as a form of boasting. name names mention specific names, esp. in accusation. name of the game colloq. the purpose or essence of an action etc. name-part the title role in a play etc. name-plate a plate or panel bearing the name of an occupant of a room etc. name-tape a tape fixed to a garment etc. and bearing the name of the owner. of (or by) the name of called. put one's name down for 1 apply for. 2 promise to subscribe (a sum). what's in a name? names are arbitrary labels. you name it colloq. no matter what; whatever you like. ЬЬnameable adj. [OE nama, noma, (ge)namian f. Gmc, rel. to L nomen, Gk onoma] nameless adj. 1 having no name or name-inscription. 2 inexpressible; indefinable (a nameless sensation). 3 unnamed; anonymous, esp. deliberately (our informant, who shall be nameless). 4 too loathsome or horrific to be named (nameless vices). 5 obscure; inglorious. 6 illegitimate. ЬЬnamelessly adv. namelessness n. namely adv. that is to say; in other words. namesake n. a person or thing having the same name as another (was her aunt's namesake). [prob. f. phr. for the name's sake] namma var. of GNAMMA. nan n. (also nana, nanna) Brit. colloq. grandmother. [childish pronunc.] nana n. sl. a silly person; a fool. [perh. f. BANANA] nancy n. & adj. (also nance) sl. --n. (pl. -ies) (in full nancy boy) an effeminate man, esp. a homosexual. --adj. effeminate. [pet-form of the name Ann] nankeen n. 1 a yellowish cotton cloth. 2 a yellowish buff colour. 3 (in pl.) trousers of nankeen. [Nankin(g) in China, where orig. made] nanna var. of NAN. nanny n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a child's nurse. b an unduly protective person, institution, etc. (the nanny State). 2 = NAN. 3 (in full nanny-goat) a female goat. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) be unduly protective towards. [formed as NANCY] nano- comb. form denoting a factor of 10(-9) (nanosecond). [L f. Gk nanos dwarf] nanometre n. one thousand-millionth of a metre. nanosecond n. one thousand-millionth of a second. naos n. (pl. naoi) Gk Hist. the inner part of a temple. [Gk, = temple] nap(1) v. & n. --v.intr. (napped, napping) sleep lightly or briefly. --n. a short sleep or doze, esp. by day (took a nap). Ьcatch a person napping 1 find a person asleep or off guard. 2 detect in negligence or error. [OE hnappian, rel. to OHG (h)naffezan to slumber] nap(2) n. & v. --n. 1 the raised pile on textiles, esp. velvet. 2 a soft downy surface. 3 Austral. colloq. blankets, bedding, swag. --v.tr. (napped, napping) raise a nap on (cloth). ЬЬnapless adj. [ME noppe f. MDu., MLG noppe nap, noppen trim nap from] nap(3) n. & v. --n. 1 a a form of whist in which players declare the number of tricks they expect to take, up to five. b a call of five in this game. 2 a the betting of all one's money on one horse etc. b a tipster's choice for this. --v.tr. (napped, napping) name (a horse etc.) as a probable winner. Ьgo nap 1 attempt to take all five tricks in nap. 2 risk everything in one attempt. 3 win all the matches etc. in a series. nap hand a good winning position worth risking in a venture. not go nap on Austral. colloq. not be too keen on; not care much for. [abbr. of orig. name of game NAPOLEON] napa var. of NAPPA. napalm n. & v. --n. 1 a thickening agent produced from naphthenic acid, other fatty acids, and aluminium. 2 a jellied petrol made from this, used in incendiary bombs. --v.tr. attack with napalm bombs. [NAPHTHENIC + palmitic acid in coconut oil] nape n. the back of the neck. [ME: orig. unkn.] napery n. Sc. or archaic household linen, esp. table linen. [ME f. OF naperie f. nape (as NAPKIN)] naphtha n. an inflammable oil obtained by the dry distillation of organic substances such as coal, shale, or petroleum. [L f. Gk, = inflammable volatile liquid issuing from the earth, of Oriental origin] naphthalene n. a white crystalline aromatic substance produced by the distillation of coal tar and used in mothballs and the manufacture of dyes etc. ЬЬnaphthalic adj. [NAPHTHA + -ENE] naphthene n. any of a group of cycloalkanes. [NAPHTHA + -ENE] naphthenic adj. of a naphthene or its radical. Ьnaphthenic acid any carboxylic acid resulting from the refining of petroleum. Napierian logarithm n. see LOGARITHM. [J. Napier, Sc. mathematician d. 1617] napkin n. 1 (in full table napkin) a square piece of linen, paper, etc. used for wiping the lips, fingers, etc. at meals, or serving fish etc. on; a serviette. 2 Brit. a baby's nappy. 3 a small towel. Ьnapkin-ring a ring used to hold (and distinguish) a person's table napkin when not in use. [ME f. OF nappe f. L mappa (MAP)] napoleon n. 1 hist. a gold twenty-franc piece minted in the reign of Napoleon I. 2 hist. a 19th-c. high boot. 3 = NAP(3). 4 US = MILLEFEUILLE. Ьdouble napoleon hist. a forty-franc piece. [F napol‚on f. Napol‚on, name of 19th-c. French emperors] Napoleonic adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of Napoleon I or his time. nappa n. (also napa) a soft leather made by a special process from the skin of sheep or goats. [Napa in California] nappe n. Geol. a sheet of rock that has moved sideways over neighbouring strata, usu. as a result of overthrust. [F nappe tablecloth] napper n. Brit. sl. the head. [18th c.: orig. uncert.] nappy n. (pl. -ies) Brit. a piece of towelling or other absorbent material wrapped round a baby to absorb or retain urine and faeces. Ьnappy rash inflammation of a baby's skin, caused by prolonged contact with a damp nappy. [abbr. of NAPKIN] narceine n. a narcotic alkaloid obtained from opium. [F narc‚ine f. Gk narke numbness] narcissism n. Psychol. excessive or erotic interest in oneself, one's physical features, etc. ЬЬnarcissist n. narcissistic adj. narcissistically adv. [Narcissus (Gk Narkissos), youth who fell in love with his reflection in water] narcissus n. (pl. narcissi or narcissuses) any bulbous plant of the genus Narcissus, esp. N. poeticus bearing a heavily scented single flower with an undivided corona edged with crimson and yellow. [L f. Gk narkissos, perh. f. narke numbness, with ref. to its narcotic effects] narcolepsy n. Med. a disease with fits of sleepiness and drowsiness. ЬЬnarcoleptic adj. & n. [Gk narkoo make numb, after EPILEPSY] narcosis n. 1 Med. the working or effects of soporific narcotics. 2 a state of insensibility. [Gk narkosis f. narkoo make numb] narcotic adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a substance) inducing drowsiness, sleep, stupor, or insensibility. 2 (of a drug) affecting the mind. 3 of or involving narcosis. 4 soporific. --n. a narcotic substance, drug, or influence. ЬЬnarcotically adv. narcotism n. narcotize v.tr. (also -ise). narcotization n. [ME f. OF narcotique or med.L f. Gk narkotikos (as NARCOSIS)] nard n. 1 any of various plants yielding an aromatic balsam used by the ancients. 2 = SPIKENARD. [ME f. L nardus f. Gk nardos f. Semitic word] nardoo n. 1 a clover-like plant, Marsilea drummondii, native to Australia. 2 a food made from the spores of this plant. [Aboriginal] nares n.pl. Anat. the nostrils. ЬЬnarial adj. [pl. of L naris] narghile n. an oriental tobacco-pipe with the smoke drawn through water; a hookah. [Pers. nargileh (nargil coconut)] nark n. & v. Brit. sl. --n. 1 a police informer or decoy. 2 Austral. an annoying person or thing. --v.tr. (usu. in passive) annoy; infuriate (was narked by their attitude). Ьnark it! stop that! [Romany nak nose] narky adj. (narkier, narkiest) sl. bad-tempered, irritable. [NARK] narrate v.tr. (also absol.) 1 give a continuous story or account of. 2 provide a spoken commentary or accompaniment for (a film etc.). ЬЬnarratable adj. narration n. [L narrare narrat-] narrative n. & adj. --n. 1 a spoken or written account of connected events in order of happening. 2 the practice or art of narration. --adj. in the form of, or concerned with, narration (narrative verse). ЬЬnarratively adv. [F narratif -ive f. LL narrativus (as NARRATE)] narrator n. 1 an actor, announcer, etc. who delivers a commentary in a film, broadcast, etc. 2 a person who narrates. [L (as NARRATE)] narrow adj., n., & v. --adj. (narrower, narrowest) 1 a of small width in proportion to length; lacking breadth. b confined or confining; constricted (within narrow bounds). 2 of limited scope; restricted (in the narrowest sense). 3 with little margin (a narrow escape). 4 searching; precise; exact (a narrow examination). 5 = NARROW-MINDED. 6 (of a vowel) tense. 7 of small size. --n. 1 (usu. in pl.) the narrow part of a strait, river, sound, etc. 2 a narrow pass or street. --v. 1 intr. become narrow; diminish; contract; lessen. 2 tr. make narrow; constrict; restrict. Ьnarrow boat Brit. a canal boat, esp. one less than 7 ft. (2.1 metres) wide. narrow circumstances poverty. narrow cloth cloth less than 52 inches wide. narrow gauge a railway track that has a smaller gauge than the standard one. narrow seas the English Channel and the Irish Sea. narrow squeak 1 a narrow escape. 2 a success barely attained. ЬЬnarrowish adj. narrowly adv. narrowness n. [OE nearu nearw- f. Gmc] narrow-minded adj. rigid or restricted in one's views, intolerant, prejudiced, illiberal. ЬЬnarrow-mindedly adv. narrow-mindedness n. narthex n. 1 a railed-off antechamber or porch etc. at the western entrance of some early Christian churches, used by catechumens, penitents, etc. 2 a similar antechamber in a modern church. [L f. Gk narthex giant fennel, stick, casket, narthex] narwhal n. an Arctic white whale, Monodon monoceros, the male of which has a long straight spirally fluted tusk developed from one of its teeth. Also called BELUGA. [Du. narwal f. Da. narhval f. hval whale: cf. ON n hvalr (perh. f. n r corpse, with ref. to its skin-colour)] nary adj. colloq. or dial. not a; no (nary a one). [f. ne'er a] NAS abbr. Brit. Noise Abatement Society. NASA abbr. (in the US) National Aeronautics and Space Administration. nasal adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, for, or relating to the nose. 2 Phonet. (of a letter or a sound) pronounced with the breath passing through the nose, e.g. m, n, ng, or French en, un, etc. 3 (of the voice or speech) having an intonation caused by breathing through the nose. --n. 1 Phonet. a nasal letter or sound. 2 hist. a nose-piece on a helmet. ЬЬnasality n. nasalize v.intr. & tr. (also -ise). nasalization n. nasally adv. [F nasal or med.L nasalis f. L nasus nose] nascent adj. 1 in the act of being born. 2 just beginning to be; not yet mature. 3 Chem. just being formed and therefore unusually reactive (nascent hydrogen). ЬЬnascency n. [L nasci nascent- be born] naseberry n. (pl. -ies) a sapodilla. [Sp. & Port. n‚spera medlar f. L (see MEDLAR): assim. to BERRY] naso- comb. form nose. [L nasus nose] naso-frontal adj. of or relating to the nose and forehead. nastic adj. Bot. (of the movement of plant parts) not determined by an external stimulus. [Gk nastos squeezed together f. nasso to press] nasturtium n. 1 (in general use) a trailing plant, Tropaeolum majus, with rounded edible leaves and bright orange, yellow, or red flowers. 2 any cruciferous plant of the genus Nasturtium, including watercress. [L] nasty adj. (nastier, nastiest) 1 a highly unpleasant (a nasty experience). b annoying; objectionable (the car has a nasty habit of breaking down). 2 difficult to negotiate; dangerous, serious (a nasty fence; a nasty question; a nasty illness). 3 (of a person or animal) ill-natured, ill-tempered, spiteful; violent, offensive (nasty to his mother; turns nasty when he's drunk). 4 (of the weather) foul, wet, stormy. 5 a disgustingly dirty, filthy. b unpalatable; disagreeable (nasty smell). c (of a wound) septic. 6 a obscene. b delighting in obscenity. Ьa nasty bit (or piece) of work colloq. an unpleasant or contemptible person. a nasty one 1 a rebuff; a snub. 2 an awkward question. 3 a disabling blow etc. ЬЬnastily adv. nastiness n. [ME: orig. unkn.] NAS/UWT abbr. (in the UK) National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers. Nat. abbr. 1 National. 2 Nationalist. 3 Natural. natal adj. of or from one's birth. [ME f. L natalis (as NATION)] natality n. (pl. -ies) birth rate. [F natalit‚ (as NATAL)] natation n. formal or literary the act or art of swimming. [L natatio f. natare swim] natatorial adj. (also natatory) formal 1 swimming. 2 of or concerning swimming. [LL natatorius f. L natator swimmer (as NATATION)] natatorium n. US a swimming-pool, esp. indoors. [LL neut. of natatorius (see NATATORIAL)] natch adv. colloq. = NATURALLY. [abbr.] nates n.pl. Anat. the buttocks. [L] NATFHE abbr. (in the UK) National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education. nathless adv. (also natheless) archaic nevertheless. [ME f. OE na not (f. ne not + a ever) + THE + l‘s LESS] nation n. 1 a community of people of mainly common descent, history, language, etc., forming a State or inhabiting a territory. 2 a tribe or confederation of tribes of N. American Indians. Ьlaw of nations Law international law. ЬЬnationhood n. [ME f. OF f. L natio -onis f. nasci nat- be born] national adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or common to a nation or the nation. 2 peculiar to or characteristic of a particular nation. --n. 1 a citizen of a specified country, usu. entitled to hold that country's passport (French nationals). 2 a fellow countryman. 3 (the National) = Grand National. Ьnational anthem a song adopted by a nation, expressive of its identity etc. and intended to inspire patriotism. National Assembly 1 an elected house of legislature in various countries. 2 hist. the elected legislature in France 1789-91. National Assistance hist. 1 (in Britain) the former official name for supplementary benefits under National Insurance. 2 such benefits. national bank US a bank chartered under the federal government. national convention US a convention of a major political party, nominating candidates for the presidency etc. national debt the money owed by a State because of loans to it. national football Austral. Australian Rules football. National Front a UK political party with extreme reactionary views on immigration etc. national grid Brit. 1 the network of high-voltage electric power lines between major power stations. 2 the metric system of geographical coordinates used in maps of the British Isles. National Guard (in the US) the primary reserve force partly maintained by the States but available for federal use. National Health (or Health Service) (in the UK) a system of national medical care paid for mainly by taxation and started in 1948. national income the total money earned within a nation. National Insurance (in the UK) the system of compulsory payments by employed persons (supplemented by employers) to provide State assistance in sickness, unemployment, retirement, etc. national park an area of natural beauty protected by the State for the use of the general public. national service Brit. hist. service in the army etc. under conscription. National Socialism hist. the doctrines of nationalism, racial purity, etc., adopted by the Nazis. National Socialist hist. a member of the fascist party implementing National Socialism in Germany, 1933-45. National Trust (in the UK, Australia, etc.) an organization for maintaining and preserving historic buildings etc. ЬЬnationally adv. [F (as NATION)] nationalism n. 1 a patriotic feeling, principles, etc. b an extreme form of this; chauvinism. 2 a policy of national independence. ЬЬnationalist n. & adj. nationalistic adj. nationalistically adv. nationality n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the status of belonging to a particular nation (what is your nationality?; has British nationality). b a nation (people of all nationalities). 2 the condition of being national; distinctive national qualities. 3 an ethnic group forming a part of one or more political nations. 4 existence as a nation; nationhood. 5 patriotic sentiment. nationalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 take over (railways, coal-mines, the steel industry, land, etc.) from private ownership on behalf of the State. 2 a make national. b make into a nation. 3 naturalize (a foreigner). ЬЬnationalization n. nationalizer n. [F nationaliser (as NATIONAL)] nationwide adj. extending over the whole nation. native n. & adj. --n. 1 a (usu. foll. by of) a person born in a specified place, or whose parents are domiciled in that place at the time of the birth (a native of Bristol). b a local inhabitant. 2 often offens. a a member of a non-White indigenous people, as regarded by the colonial settlers. b S.Afr. a Black person. 3 (usu. foll. by of) an indigenous animal or plant. 4 an oyster reared in British waters, esp. in artificial beds (a Whitstable native). 5 Austral. a White person born in Australia. --adj. 1 (usu. foll. by to) belonging to a person or thing by nature; inherent; innate (spoke with the facility native to him). 2 of one's birth or birthplace (native dress; native country). 3 belonging to one by right of birth. 4 (usu. foll. by to) belonging to a specified place (the anteater is native to S. America). 5 a (esp. of a non-European) indigenous; born in a place. b of the natives of a place (native customs). 6 unadorned; simple; artless. 7 Geol. (of metal etc.) found in a pure or uncombined state. 8 Austral. & NZ resembling an animal or plant familiar elsewhere (native rabbit). Ьgo native (of a settler) adopt the local way of life, esp. in a non-European country. native bear Austral. & NZ = KOALA. native rock rock in its original place. ЬЬnatively adv. nativeness n. [ME (earlier as adj.) f. OF natif -ive or L nativus f. nasci nat- be born] nativism n. Philos. the doctrine of innate ideas. ЬЬnativist n. nativity n. (pl. -ies) 1 (esp. the Nativity) a the birth of Christ. b the festival of Christ's birth; Christmas. 2 a picture of the Nativity. 3 birth. 4 the horoscope at a person's birth. 5 a the birth of the Virgin Mary or St John the Baptist. b the festival of the nativity of the Virgin (8 Sept.) or St John (24 June). Ьnativity play a play usu. performed by children at Christmas dealing with the birth of Christ. [ME f. OF nativit‚ f. LL nativitas -tatis f. L (as NATIVE)] NATO abbr. (also Nato) North Atlantic Treaty Organization. natron n. a mineral form of hydrated sodium salts found in dried lake beds. [F f. Sp. natrўn f. Arab. natrun f. Gk nitron NITRE] NATSOPA abbr. (in the UK) National Society of Operative Printers, Graphical and Media Personnel (orig. Printers and Assistants). natter v. & n. colloq. --v.intr. 1 chatter idly. 2 grumble; talk fretfully. --n. 1 aimless chatter. 2 grumbling talk. ЬЬnatterer n. [orig. Sc., imit.] natterjack n. a toad, Bufo calamita, with a bright yellow stripe down its back, and moving by running not hopping. [perh. f. NATTER, from its loud croak, + JACK(1)] nattier blue n. a soft shade of blue. [much used by J. M. Nattier, Fr. painter d. 1766] natty adj. (nattier, nattiest) colloq. 1 a smartly or neatly dressed, dapper. b spruce; trim; smart (a natty blouse). 2 deft. ЬЬnattily adv. nattiness n. [orig. sl., perh. rel. to NEAT(1)] natural adj. & n. --adj. 1 a existing in or caused by nature; not artificial (natural landscape). b uncultivated; wild (existing in its natural state). 2 in the course of nature; not exceptional or miraculous (died of natural causes; a natural occurrence). 3 (of human nature etc.) not surprising; to be expected (natural for her to be upset). 4 a (of a person or a person's behaviour) unaffected, easy, spontaneous. b (foll. by to) spontaneous, easy (friendliness is natural to him). 5 a (of qualities etc.) inherent; innate (a natural talent for music). b (of a person) having such qualities (a natural linguist). 6 not disguised or altered (as by make-up etc.). 7 lifelike; as if in nature (the portrait looked very natural). 8 likely by its or their nature to be such (natural enemies; the natural antithesis). 9 having a physical existence as opposed to what is spiritual, intellectual, etc. (the natural world). 10 a related by nature, out of wedlock, esp. in a specified manner (her natural son). b illegitimate (a natural child). 11 based on the innate moral sense; instinctive (natural justice). 12 Mus. a (of a note) not sharpened or flattened (B natural). b (of a scale) not containing any sharps or flats. 13 not enlightened or communicated by revelation (the natural man). --n. 1 colloq. (usu. foll. by for) a person or thing naturally suitable, adept, expert, etc. (a natural for the championship). 2 archaic a person mentally deficient from birth. 3 Mus. a a sign (****) denoting a return to natural pitch after a sharp or a flat. b a natural note. c a white key on a piano. 4 a Cards a hand making 21 in the first deal in pontoon. b a throw of 7 or 11 at craps. 5 a pale fawn colour. Ьnatural-born having a character or position by birth. natural childbirth Med. childbirth with minimal medical or technological intervention. natural classification a scientific classification according to natural features. natural death death by age or disease, not by accident, poison, violence, etc. natural food food without preservatives etc. natural gas an inflammable mainly methane gas found in the earth's crust, not manufactured. natural historian a writer or expert on natural history. natural history 1 the study of animals or plants esp. as set forth for popular use. 2 an aggregate of the facts concerning the flora and fauna etc. of a particular place or class (a natural history of the Isle of Wight). natural key (or scale) Mus. a key or scale having no sharps or flats, i.e. C major and A minor. natural language a language that has developed naturally. natural law 1 Philos. unchanging moral principles common to all people by virtue of their nature as human beings. 2 a correct statement of an invariable sequence between specified conditions and a specified phenomenon. 3 the laws of nature; regularity in nature (where they saw chance, we see natural law). natural life the duration of one's life on earth. natural logarithm see LOGARITHM. natural magic magic involving the supposed invocation of impersonal spirits. natural note Mus. a note that is neither sharp nor flat. natural numbers the integers 1, 2, 3, etc. natural philosopher archaic a physicist. natural philosophy archaic physics. natural religion a religion based on reason (opp. revealed religion); deism. natural resources materials or conditions occurring in nature and capable of economic exploitation. natural science the sciences used in the study of the physical world, e.g. physics, chemistry, geology, biology, botany. natural selection the Darwinian theory of the survival and propagation of organisms best adapted to their environment. natural theology the knowledge of God as gained by the light of natural reason. natural uranium unenriched uranium. natural virtues Philos. justice, prudence, temperance, fortitude. natural year the time taken by one revolution of the earth round the sun, 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes. ЬЬnaturalness n. [ME f. OF naturel f. L naturalis (as NATURE)] naturalism n. 1 the theory or practice in art and literature of representing nature, character, etc. realistically and in great detail. 2 a Philos. a theory of the world that excludes the supernatural or spiritual. b any moral or religious system based on this theory. 3 action based on natural instincts. 4 indifference to conventions. [NATURAL, in Philos. after F naturalisme] naturalist n. & adj. --n. 1 an expert in natural history. 2 a person who believes in or practises naturalism. --adj. = NATURALISTIC. naturalistic adj. 1 imitating nature closely; lifelike. 2 of or according to naturalism. 3 of natural history. ЬЬnaturalistically adv. naturalize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. admit (a foreigner) to the citizenship of a country. 2 tr. introduce (an animal, plant, etc.) into another region so that it flourishes in the wild. 3 tr. adopt (a foreign word, custom, etc.). 4 intr. become naturalized. 5 tr. Philos. exclude from the miraculous; explain naturalistically. 6 tr. free from conventions; make natural. 7 tr. cause to appear natural. 8 intr. study natural history. ЬЬnaturalization n. [F naturaliser (as NATURAL)] naturally adv. 1 in a natural manner. 2 as a natural result. 3 (qualifying a whole sentence) as might be expected; of course. nature n. 1 a thing's or person's innate or essential qualities or character (not in their nature to be cruel; is the nature of iron to rust). 2 (often Nature) a the physical power causing all the phenomena of the material world (Nature is the best physician). b these phenomena, including plants, animals, landscape, etc. (nature gives him comfort). 3 a kind, sort, or class (things of this nature). 4 = human nature. 5 a a specified element of human character (the rational nature; our animal nature). b a person of a specified character (even strong natures quail). 6 a an uncultivated or wild area, condition, community, etc. b the countryside, esp. when picturesque. 7 inherent impulses determining character or action. 8 heredity as an influence on or determinant of personality (opp. NURTURE). 9 a living thing's vital functions or needs (such a diet will not support nature). Ьagainst nature unnatural; immoral. against (or contrary to) nature miraculous; miraculously. back to nature returning to a pre-civilized or natural state. by nature innately. from nature Art using natural objects as models. human nature general human characteristics, feelings, etc. in nature 1 actually existing. 2 anywhere; at all. in (or of) the nature of characteristically resembling or belonging to the class of (the answer was in the nature of an excuse). in a state of nature 1 in an uncivilized or uncultivated state. 2 totally naked. 3 in an unregenerate state. law of nature = natural law 2. nature cure = NATUROPATHY. nature-printing a method of producing a print of leaves etc. by pressing them on a prepared plate. nature reserve a tract of land managed so as to preserve its flora, fauna, physical features, etc. nature study the practical study of plant and animal life etc. as a school subject. nature trail a signposted path through the countryside designed to draw attention to natural phenomena. [ME f. OF f. L natura f. nasci nat- be born] natured adj. (in comb.) having a specified disposition (good-natured; ill-natured). naturism n. 1 nudism. 2 naturalism in regard to religion. 3 the worship of natural objects. ЬЬnaturist n. naturopathy n. 1 the treatment of disease etc. without drugs, usu. involving diet, exercise, massage, etc. 2 this regimen used preventively. ЬЬnaturopath n. naturopathic adj. naught n. & adj. --n. 1 archaic or literary nothing, nought. 2 US = NOUGHT. --adj. (usu. predic.) archaic or literary worthless; useless. Ьbring to naught ruin; baffle. come to naught be ruined or baffled. set at naught disregard; despise. [OE nawiht, -wuht f. na (see NO(2)) + wiht WIGHT] naughty adj. (naughtier, naughtiest) 1 (esp. of children) disobedient; badly behaved. 2 colloq. joc. indecent. 3 archaic wicked. ЬЬnaughtily adv. naughtiness n. [ME f. NAUGHT + -Y(1)] nauplius n. (pl. nauplii) the first larval stage of some crustaceans. [L, = a kind of shellfish, or f. Gk Nauplios son of Poseidon] nausea n. 1 a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit. 2 loathing; revulsion. [L f. Gk nausia f. naus ship] nauseate v. 1 tr. affect with nausea (was nauseated by the smell). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by at) loathe food, an occupation, etc.; feel sick. ЬЬnauseating adj. nauseatingly adv. [L nauseare (as NAUSEA)] nauseous adj. 1 causing nausea. 2 offensive to the taste or smell. 3 disgusting; loathsome. ЬЬnauseously adv. nauseousness n. [L nauseosus (as NAUSEA)] nautch n. a performance of professional Indian dancing-girls. Ьnautch-girl a professional Indian dancing-girl. [Urdu (Hindi) nach f. Prakrit nachcha f. Skr. nritja dancing] nautical adj. of or concerning sailors or navigation; naval; maritime. Ьnautical almanac a yearbook containing astronomical and tidal information for navigators etc. nautical mile a unit of approx. 2,025 yards (1,852 metres): also called sea mile. ЬЬnautically adv. [F nautique or f. L nauticus f. Gk nautikos f. nautes sailor f. naus ship] nautilus n. (pl. nautiluses or nautili) 1 any cephalopod of the genus Nautilus with a light brittle spiral shell, esp. (pearly nautilus) one having a chambered shell with nacreous septa. 2 (in full paper nautilus) any small floating octopus of the genus Argonauta, of which the female has a very thin shell and webbed sail-like arms. [L f. Gk nautilos, lit. sailor (as NAUTICAL)] Navajo n. (also Navaho) (pl. -os) 1 a member of an American Indian people native to New Mexico and Arizona. 2 the language of this people. [Sp., = pueblo] naval adj. 1 of, in, for, etc. the navy or a navy. 2 of or concerning ships (a naval battle). Ьnaval academy a college for training naval officers. naval architect a designer of ships. naval architecture the designing of ships. naval officer an officer in a navy. naval stores all materials used in shipping. ЬЬnavally adv. [L navalis f. navis ship] navarin n. a casserole of mutton or lamb with vegetables. [F] nave(1) n. the central part of a church, usu. from the west door to the chancel and excluding the side aisles. [med.L navis f. L navis ship] nave(2) n. the hub of a wheel. [OE nafu, nafa f. Gmc, rel. to NAVEL] navel n. 1 a depression in the centre of the belly caused by the detachment of the umbilical cord. 2 a central point. Ьnavel orange a large seedless orange with a navel-like formation at the top. [OE nafela f. Gmc, rel. to NAVE(2)] navelwort n. a pennywort. navicular adj. & n. --adj. boat-shaped. --n. (in full navicular bone) a boat-shaped bone in the foot or hand. Ьnavicular disease an inflammatory disease of the navicular bone in horses, causing lameness. [F naviculaire or LL navicularis f. L navicula dimin. of navis ship] navigable adj. 1 (of a river, the sea, etc.) affording a passage for ships. 2 (of a ship etc.) seaworthy (in navigable condition). 3 (of a balloon, airship, etc.) steerable. ЬЬnavigability n. [F navigable or L navigabilis (as NAVIGATE)] navigate v. 1 tr. manage or direct the course of (a ship, aircraft, etc.). 2 tr. a sail on (a sea, river, etc.). b travel or fly through (the air). 3 intr. (of a passenger in a vehicle) assist the driver by map-reading etc. 4 intr. sail a ship; sail in a ship. 5 tr. (often refl.) colloq. steer (oneself, a course, etc.) through a crowd etc. [L navigare f. navis ship + agere drive] navigation n. 1 the act or process of navigating. 2 any of several methods of determining or planning a ship's or aircraft's position and course by geometry, astronomy, etc. 3 a voyage. Ьinland navigation communication by canals and rivers. navigation light a light on a ship or aircraft at night, indicating its position and direction. ЬЬnavigational adj. [F or f. L navigatio (as NAVIGATE)] navigator n. 1 a person skilled or engaged in navigation. 2 an explorer by sea. [L (as NAVIGATE)] navvy n. & v. Brit. --n. (pl. -ies) a labourer employed in building or excavating roads, canals, etc. --v.intr. (-ies, -ied) work as a navvy. [abbr. of NAVIGATOR] navy n. (pl. -ies) 1 (often the Navy) a the whole body of a State's ships of war, including crews, maintenance systems, etc. b the officers and men of a navy. 2 (in full navy blue) a dark-blue colour as used in naval uniform. 3 poet. a fleet of ships. ЬNavy Department US the government department in charge of the navy. Navy List Brit. an official list containing the names of all naval officers etc. navy yard US a government shipyard with civilian labour. [ME, = fleet f. OF navie ship, fleet f. Rmc & pop.L navia ship f. L navis] nawab n. 1 the title of a distinguished Muslim in Pakistan. 2 hist. the title of a governor or nobleman in India. [Urdu nawwab pl. f. Arab. na' ib deputy: cf. NABOB] nay adv. & n. --adv. 1 or rather; and even; and more than that (impressive, nay, magnificent). 2 archaic = NO(2) adv. 1. --n. 1 the word 'nay'. 2 a negative vote (counted 16 nays). [ME f. ON nei f. ne not + ei AYE(2)] naysay v. (3rd sing. present -says; past and past part. -said) esp. US 1 intr. utter a denial or refusal. 2 tr. refuse or contradict. ЬЬnaysayer n. Nazarene n. & adj. --n. 1 a (prec. by the) Christ. b (esp. in Jewish or Muslim use) a Christian. 2 a native or inhabitant of Nazareth. 3 a member of an early Jewish-Christian sect. --adj. of or concerning Nazareth, the Nazarenes, etc. [ME f. LL Nazarenus f. Gk Nazarenos f. Nazaret Nazareth] Nazarite n. (also Nazirite) hist. a Hebrew who had taken certain vows of abstinence; an ascetic (Num. 6). [LL Nazaraeus f. Heb. nazir f. nazar to separate or consecrate oneself] Nazi n. & adj. --n. (pl. Nazis) 1 hist. a member of the German National Socialist party. 2 derog. a person holding extreme racist or authoritarian views or behaving brutally. 3 a person belonging to any organization similar to the Nazis. --adj. of or concerning the Nazis, Nazism, etc. ЬЬNazidom n. Nazify v.tr. (-ies, -ied). Naziism n. Nazism n. [repr. pronunc. of Nati- in G Nationalsozialist] Nazirite var. of NAZARITE. 3.0 NB... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NB abbr. 1 US Nebraska (in official postal use). 2 New Brunswick. 3 no ball. 4 Scotland (North Britain). 5 nota bene. Nb symb. Chem. the element niobium. NBC abbr. (in the US) National Broadcasting Company. N. by E. abbr. North by East. N. by W. abbr. North by West. 4.0 NC... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NC abbr. North Carolina (also in official postal use). NCB abbr. hist. (in the UK) National Coal Board. °Since 1987 officially called British Coal. NCO abbr. non-commissioned officer. NCU abbr. (in the UK) National Communications Union. 5.0 ND... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ND abbr. US North Dakota (in official postal use). Nd symb. Chem. the element neodymium. n.d. abbr. no date. -nd(1) suffix forming nouns (fiend; friend). [OE -ond, orig. part. ending] -nd(2) suffix see -AND, -END. N.Dak. abbr. North Dakota. 6.0 NE... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NE abbr. 1 north-east. 2 north-eastern. Ne symb. Chem. the element neon. n‚ adj. born (indicating a man's previous name) (Lord Beaconsfield, n‚ Benjamin Disraeli). [F, past part. of naЊtre be born: cf. NђE] Neanderthal adj. of or belonging to the type of human widely distributed in palaeolithic Europe, with a retreating forehead and massive brow-ridges. [Neanderthal, a region in W. Germany where remains were found] neap n. & v. --n. (in full neap tide) a tide just after the first and third quarters of the moon when there is least difference between high and low water. --v. 1 intr. (of a tide) tend towards or reach the highest point of a neap tide. 2 tr. (in passive) (of a ship) be kept aground, in harbour, etc., by a neap tide. [OE nepflod (cf. FLOOD), of unkn. orig.] Neapolitan n. & adj. --n. a native or citizen of Naples in Italy. --adj. of or relating to Naples. ЬNeapolitan ice-cream ice-cream made in layers of different colours. Neapolitan violet a sweet-scented double viola. [ME f. L Neapolitanus f. L Neapolis Naples f. Gk f. neos new + polis city] near adv., prep., adj., & v. --adv. 1 (often foll. by to) to or at a short distance in space or time; close by (the time drew near; dropped near to them). 2 closely (as near as one can guess). 3 archaic almost, nearly (very near died). 4 archaic parsimoniously; meanly (lives very near). --prep. (compar. & superl. also used) 1 to or at a short distance (in space, time, condition, or resemblance) from (stood near the back; occurs nearer the end; the sun is near setting). 2 (in comb.) a that is almost (near-hysterical; a near-Communist). b intended as a substitute for; resembling (near-beer). --adj. 1 (usu. predic.) close at hand; close to, in place or time (the man nearest you; in the near future). 2 a closely related (a near relation). b intimate (a near friend). 3 (of a part of a vehicle, animal, or road) left (the near fore leg; near side front wheel (orig. of the side from which one mounted)) (opp. OFF). 4 close; narrow (a near escape; a near guess). 5 (of a road or way) direct. 6 niggardly, mean. --v. 1 tr. approach; draw near to (neared the harbour). 2 intr. draw near (could distinguish them as they neared). Ьcome (or go) near (foll. by verbal noun, or to + verbal noun) be on the point of, almost succeed in (came near to falling). go near (foll. by to + infin.) narrowly fail. near at hand 1 within easy reach. 2 in the immediate future. the Near East the region comprising the countries of the eastern Mediterranean. Near Eastern of the Near East. near go colloq. a narrow escape. near the knuckle colloq. verging on the indecent. near miss 1 (of a bomb etc.) close to the target. 2 a situation in which a collision is narrowly avoided. 3 (of an attempt) almost but not quite successful. near sight esp. US = short sight. near thing a narrow escape. near upon archaic not far in time from. ЬЬnearish adj. nearness n. [ME f. ON n‘r, orig. compar. of n = OE neah NIGH] nearby adj. & adv. --adj. situated in a near position (a nearby hotel). --adv. close; not far away. Nearctic adj. of or relating to the Arctic and the temperate parts of N. America as a zoogeographical region. [NEO- + ARCTIC] nearly adv. 1 almost (we are nearly there). 2 closely (they are nearly related). Ьnot nearly nothing like; far from (not nearly enough). nearside n. (often attrib.) esp. Brit. the left side of a vehicle, animal, etc. (cf. OFFSIDE n.). near-sighted n. esp. US = SHORT-SIGHTED. ЬЬnear-sightedly adv. near-sightedness n. neat(1) adj. 1 tidy and methodical. 2 elegantly simple in form etc.; well-proportioned. 3 (of language, style, etc.) brief, clear, and pointed; epigrammatic. 4 a cleverly executed (a neat piece of work). b deft; dextrous. 5 (of esp. alcoholic liquor) undiluted. 6 US sl. (as a general term of approval) good, pleasing, excellent. ЬЬneatly adv. neatness n. [F net f. L nitidus shining f. nitere shine] neat(2) n. archaic 1 a bovine animal. 2 (as pl.) cattle. Ьneat's-foot oil oil made from boiled cow-heel and used to dress leather. [OE neat f. Gmc] neaten v.tr. make neat. neath prep. poet. beneath. [BENEATH] NEB abbr. 1 (in the UK) National Enterprise Board. 2 New English Bible. Neb. abbr. Nebraska. neb n. Sc. & N.Engl. 1 a beak or bill. 2 a nose; a snout. 3 a tip, spout, or point. [OE nebb ult. f. Gmc: cf. NIB] nebbish n. & adj. colloq. --n. a submissive or timid person. --adj. submissive; timid. [Yiddish nebach poor thing!] Nebr. abbr. Nebraska. Nebuchadnezzar n. a wine bottle of about 20 times the standard size. [name of a king of Babylon (6th c. BC)] nebula n. (pl. nebulae or nebulas) 1 Astron. a a cloud of gas and dust, sometimes glowing and sometimes appearing as a dark silhouette against other glowing matter. b a bright area caused by a galaxy, or a large cloud of distant stars. 2 Med. a clouded spot on the cornea causing defective vision. [L, = mist] nebular adj. of or relating to a nebula or nebulae. Ьnebular theory (or hypothesis) the theory that the solar and stellar systems were developed from a primeval nebula. nebulous adj. 1 cloudlike. 2 a formless, clouded. b hazy, indistinct, vague (put forward a few nebulous ideas). 3 Astron. of or like a nebula or nebulae. Ьnebulous star a small cluster of indistinct stars, or a star in a luminous haze. ЬЬnebulosity n. nebulously adv. nebulousness n. [ME f. F n‚buleux or L nebulosus (as NEBULA)] nebuly adj. Heraldry wavy in form; cloudlike. [F n‚bul‚ f. med.L nebulatus f. L NEBULA] necessarian n. & adj. = NECESSITARIAN. ЬЬnecessarianism n. necessarily adv. as a necessary result; inevitably. necessary adj. & n. --adj. 1 requiring to be done, achieved, etc.; requisite, essential (it is necessary to work; lacks the necessary documents). 2 determined, existing, or happening by natural laws, predestination, etc., not by free will; inevitable (a necessary evil). 3 Philos. (of a concept or a mental process) inevitably resulting from or produced by the nature of things etc., so that the contrary is impossible. 4 Philos. (of an agent) having no independent volition. --n. (pl. -ies) (usu. in pl.) any of the basic requirements of life, such as food, warmth, etc. Ьthe necessary colloq. 1 money. 2 an action, item, etc., needed for a purpose (they will do the necessary). [ME f. OF necessaire f. L necessarius f. necesse needful] necessitarian n. & adj. Philos. --n. a person who holds that all action is predetermined and free will is impossible. --adj. of or concerning such a person or theory (opp. LIBERTARIAN). ЬЬnecessitarianism n. necessitate v.tr. 1 make necessary (esp. as a result) (will necessitate some sacrifice). 2 US (usu. foll. by to + infin.) force or compel (a person) to do something. [med.L necessitare compel (as NECESSITY)] necessitous adj. poor; needy. [F n‚cessiteux or f. NECESSITY + -OUS] necessity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a an indispensible thing; a necessary (central heating is a necessity). b (usu. foll. by of) indispensability (the necessity of a warm overcoat). 2 a state of things or circumstances enforcing a certain course (there was a necessity to hurry). 3 imperative need (necessity is the mother of invention). 4 want; poverty; hardship (stole because of necessity). 5 constraint or compulsion regarded as a natural law governing all human action. Ьof necessity unavoidably. [ME f. OF necessit‚ f. L necessitas -tatis f. necesse needful] neck n. & v. --n. 1 a the part of the body connecting the head to the shoulders. b the part of a shirt, dress, etc. round or close to the neck. 2 a something resembling a neck, such as the narrow part of a cavity or vessel, a passage, channel, pass, isthmus, etc. b the narrow part of a bottle near the mouth. 3 the part of a violin etc. bearing the finger-board. 4 the length of a horse's head and neck as a measure of its lead in a race. 5 the flesh of an animal's neck (neck of lamb). 6 Geol. solidified lava or igneous rock in an old volcano crater or pipe. 7 Archit. the lower part of a capital. 8 sl. impudence (you've got a neck, asking that). --v. 1 intr. & tr. colloq. kiss and caress amorously. 2 a tr. form a narrowed part in. b intr. form a narrowed part. Ьget it in the neck colloq. 1 receive a severe reprimand or punishment. 2 suffer a fatal or severe blow. neck and neck running level in a race etc. neck of the woods colloq. a usu. remote locality. neck or nothing risking everything on success. up to one's neck (often foll. by in) colloq. very deeply involved; very busy. ЬЬnecked adj. (also in comb.). necker n. (in sense 1 of v.). neckless adj. [OE hnecca ult. f. Gmc] neckband n. a strip of material round the neck of a garment. neckcloth n. hist. a cravat. neckerchief n. a square of cloth worn round the neck. necking n. Archit. = NECK n. 7. necklace n. & v. --n. 1 a chain or string of beads, precious stones, links, etc., worn as an ornament round the neck. 2 S.Afr. a tyre soaked or filled with petrol, placed round a victim's neck, and set alight. --v.tr. S.Afr. kill with a 'necklace'. necklet n. 1 = NECKLACE n. 1. 2 a strip of fur worn round the neck. neckline n. the edge or shape of the opening of a garment at the neck (a square neckline). necktie n. esp. US = TIE n. 2. Ьnecktie party sl. a lynching or hanging. neckwear n. collars, ties, etc. necro- comb. form corpse. [from or after Gk nekro- f. nekros corpse] necrobiosis n. decay in the tissues of the body, esp. swelling of the collagen bundles in the dermis. ЬЬnecrobiotic adj. necrolatry n. worship of, or excessive reverence towards, the dead. necrology n. (pl. -ies) 1 a list of recently dead people. 2 an obituary notice. ЬЬnecrological adj. necromancy n. 1 the prediction of the future by the supposed communication with the dead. 2 witchcraft. ЬЬnecromancer n. necromantic adj. [ME f. OF nigromancie f. med.L nigromantia changed (by assoc. with L niger nigri black) f. LL necromantia f. Gk nekromanteia (as NECRO-, -MANCY)] necrophilia n. (also necrophily) a morbid and esp. erotic attraction to corpses. ЬЬnecrophil n. necrophile n. necrophiliac n. necrophilic adj. necrophilism n. necrophilist n. [NECRO- + Gk -philia loving] necrophobia n. an abnormal fear of death or dead bodies. necropolis n. an ancient cemetery or burial place. necropsy n. (also necroscopy) (pl. -ies) = AUTOPSY 1. [NECRO- after AUTOPSY, or + -SCOPY] necrosis n. Med. & Physiol. the death of tissue caused by disease or injury, esp. as one of the symptoms of gangrene or pulmonary tuberculosis. ЬЬnecrose v.intr. necrotic adj. necrotize v.intr. (also -ise). [mod.L f. Gk nekrosis (as NECRO-, -OSIS)] nectar n. 1 a sugary substance produced by plants and made into honey by bees. 2 (in Greek and Roman mythology) the drink of the gods. 3 a drink compared to this. ЬЬnectarean adj. nectareous adj. nectariferous adj. nectarous adj. [L f. Gk nektar] nectarine n. 1 a variety of peach with a thin brightly-coloured smooth skin and firm flesh. 2 the tree bearing this. [orig. as adj., = nectar-like, f. NECTAR + -INE(4)] nectary n. (pl. -ies) the nectar-secreting organ of a flower or plant. [mod.L nectarium (as NECTAR)] NEDC abbr. (in the UK) National Economic Development Council. neddy n. (pl. -ies) colloq. 1 a donkey. 2 (Neddy) = NEDC. [dimin. of Ned, pet-form of the name Edward] n‚e adj. (US nee) (used in adding a married woman's maiden name after her surname) born (Mrs Ann Smith, n‚e Jones ). [F, fem. past part. of naЊtre be born] need v. & n. --v. 1 tr. stand in want of; require (needs a new coat). 2 tr. (foll. by to + infin.; 3rd sing. present neg. or interrog. need without to) be under the necessity or obligation (it needs to be done carefully; he need not come; need you ask?). 3 intr. archaic be necessary. --n. 1 a a want or requirement (my needs are few; the need for greater freedom). b a thing wanted (my greatest need is a car). 2 circumstances requiring some course of action; necessity (there is no need to worry; if need arise). 3 destitution; poverty. 4 a crisis; an emergency (failed them in their need). Ьat need in time of need. had need archaic ought to (had need remember). have need of require; want. have need to require to (has need to be warned). in need requiring help. in need of requiring. need not have did not need to (but did). [OE neodian, ned f. Gmc] needful adj. 1 requisite; necessary; indispensable. 2 (prec. by the) a what is necessary. b colloq. money or action needed for a purpose. ЬЬneedfully adv. needfulness n. needle n. & v. --n. 1 a a very thin small piece of smooth steel etc. pointed at one end and with a slit (eye) for thread at the other, used in sewing. b a larger plastic, wooden, etc. slender stick without an eye, used in knitting. c a slender hooked stick used in crochet. 2 a pointer on a dial (see magnetic needle). 3 any of several small thin pointed instruments, esp.: a a surgical instrument for stitching. b the end of a hypodermic syringe. c = STYLUS. d an etching tool. e a steel pin exploding the cartridge of a breech-loading gun. 4 a an obelisk (Cleopatra's Needle). b a pointed rock or peak. 5 the leaf of a fir or pine tree. 6 a beam used as a temporary support during underpinning. 7 Brit. sl. a fit of bad temper or nervousness (got the needle while waiting). --v.tr. 1 colloq. incite or irritate; provoke (the silence needled him). 2 sew, pierce, or operate on with a needle. Ьneedle game (or match etc.) Brit. a contest that is very close or arouses personal grudges. needle in a haystack something almost impossible to find because it is concealed by so many other things etc. needle-lace lace made with needles not bobbins. needle-point 1 a very sharp point. 2 = needle-lace. 3 = GROS or petit point. needle's eye (or eye of a needle) the least possible aperture, esp. with ref. to Matt. 19:24. needle time an agreed maximum allowance of time for broadcasting music from records. needle valve a valve closed by a thin tapering part. [OE n‘dl f. Gmc] needlecord n. a fine-ribbed corduroy fabric. needlecraft n. skill in needlework. needlefish n. a garfish. needleful n. (pl. -fuls) the length of thread etc. put into a needle at one time. needless adj. 1 unnecessary. 2 uncalled for; gratuitous. Ьneedless to say of course; it goes without saying. ЬЬneedlessly adv. needlessness n. needlewoman n. (pl. -women) 1 a seamstress. 2 a woman or girl with specified sewing skill (a good needlewoman). needlework n. sewing or embroidery. needs adv. archaic (usu. prec. or foll. by must) of necessity (must needs decide). [OE nedes (as NEED, -S(3))] needy adj. (needier, neediest) 1 (of a person) poor; destitute. 2 (of circumstances) characterized by poverty. ЬЬneediness n. neep n. Sc. & N.Engl. a turnip. [OE n‘p f. L napus] ne'er adv. poet. = NEVER. Ьne'er-do-well n. a good-for-nothing person. --adj. good-for-nothing. [ME contr. of NEVER] nefarious adj. wicked; iniquitous. ЬЬnefariously adv. nefariousness n. [L nefarius f. nefas wrong f. ne- not + fas divine law] neg. abbr. negative. negate v.tr. 1 nullify; invalidate. 2 imply, involve, or assert the non-existence of. 3 be the negation of. ЬЬnegator n. [L negare negat- deny] negation n. 1 the absence or opposite of something actual or positive. 2 a the act of denying. b an instance of this. 3 (usu. foll. by of) a refusal, contradiction, or denial. 4 a negative statement or doctrine. 5 a negative or unreal thing; a nonentity. 6 Logic the assertion that a certain proposition is false. ЬЬnegatory adj. [F negation or L negatio (as NEGATE)] negative adj., n. & v. --adj. 1 expressing or implying denial, prohibition, or refusal (a negative vote; a negative answer). 2 (of a person or attitude): a lacking positive attributes; apathetic; pessimistic. b opposing or resisting; uncooperative. 3 marked by the absence of qualities (a negative reaction; a negative result from the test). 4 of the opposite nature to a thing regarded as positive (debt is negative capital). 5 Algebra (of a quantity) less than zero, to be subtracted from others or from zero (opp. POSITIVE). 6 Electr. a of the kind of charge carried by electrons (opp. POSITIVE). b containing or producing such a charge. --n. 1 a negative statement, reply, or word (hard to prove a negative). 2 Photog. a an image with black and white reversed or colours replaced by complementary ones, from which positive pictures are obtained. b a developed film or plate bearing such an image. 3 a negative quality; an absence of something. 4 (prec. by the) a position opposing the affirmative. 5 Logic = NEGATION 6. --v.tr. 1 refuse to accept or countenance; veto; reject. 2 disprove (an inference or hypothesis). 3 contradict (a statement). 4 neutralize (an effect). Ьin the negative with negative effect; so as to reject a proposal etc.; no (the answer was in the negative). negative evidence (or instance) evidence of the non-occurrence of something. negative feedback 1 the return of part of an output signal to the input, tending to decrease the amplification etc. 2 feedback that tends to diminish or counteract the process giving rise to it. negative geotropism see GEOTROPISM. negative income tax an amount credited as allowance to a taxed income, and paid as benefit when it exceeds debited tax. negative pole the south-seeking pole of a magnet. negative proposition Logic = NEGATION 6. negative quantity joc. nothing. negative sign a symbol (-) indicating subtraction or a value less than zero. negative virtue abstention from vice. ЬЬnegatively adv. negativeness n. negativity n. [ME f. OF negatif -ive or LL negativus (as NEGATE)] negativism n. 1 a negative position or attitude; extreme scepticism, criticism, etc. 2 denial of accepted beliefs. ЬЬnegativist n. negativistic adj. neglect v. & n. --v.tr. 1 fail to care for or to do; be remiss about (neglected their duty; neglected his children). 2 (foll. by verbal noun, or to + infin.) fail; overlook or forget the need to (neglected to inform them; neglected telling them). 3 not pay attention to; disregard (neglected the obvious warning). --n. 1 lack of caring; negligence (the house suffered from neglect). 2 a the act of neglecting. b the state of being neglected (the house fell into neglect). 3 (usu. foll. by of) disregard. ЬЬneglectful adj. neglectfully adv. neglectfulness n. [L neglegere neglect- f. neg- not + legere choose, pick up] neglig‚e n. (also negligee, n‚glig‚) 1 (usu. negligee) a woman's dressing-gown of thin fabric. 2 unceremonious or informal attire. [F, past part. of n‚gliger NEGLECT] negligence n. 1 a a lack of proper care and attention; carelessness. b an act of carelessness. 2 Law = contributory negligence. 3 Art freedom from restraint or artificiality. ЬЬnegligent adj. negligently adv. [ME f. OF negligence or L negligentia f. negligere = neglegere: see NEGLECT] negligible adj. not worth considering; insignificant. Ьnegligible quantity a person etc. that need not be considered. ЬЬnegligibility n. negligibly adv. [obs. F f. n‚gliger NEGLECT] negotiable adj. 1 open to discussion or modification. 2 able to be negotiated. ЬЬnegotiability n. negotiate v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by with) confer with others in order to reach a compromise or agreement. 2 tr. arrange (an affair) or bring about (a result) by negotiating (negotiated a settlement). 3 tr. find a way over, through, etc. (an obstacle, difficulty, fence, etc.). 4 tr. a transfer (a cheque etc.) to another for a consideration. b convert (a cheque etc.) into cash or notes. c get or give value for (a cheque etc.) in money. ЬЬnegotiant n. negotiation n. negotiator n. [L negotiari f. negotium business f. neg- not + otium leisure] Negress n. a female Negro. Negrillo n. (pl. -os) a member of a very small Negroid people native to Central and S. Africa. [Sp., dimin. of NEGRO] Negrito n. (pl. -os) a member of a small Negroid people native to the Malayo-Polynesian region. [as NEGRILLO] Negritude n. 1 the quality or state of being a Negro. 2 the affirmation or consciousness of the value of Negro culture. [F n‚gritude NIGRITUDE] Negro n. & adj. --n. (pl. -oes) a member of a dark-skinned race orig. native to Africa. °Now often considered offens.; the term Black is usually preferred. --adj. 1 of or concerning Negroes. 2 (as negro) Zool. black or dark (negro ant). ЬNegro spiritual a religious song derived from the musical traditions of Black people in the southern US. [Sp. & Port., f. L niger nigri black] Negroid adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of features etc.) characterizing a member of the Negro race, esp. in having dark skin, tightly curled hair, and a broad flattish nose. 2 of or concerning Negroes. --n. a Negro. [NEGRO] Negus n. hist. the title of the ruler of Ethiopia. [Amh. n' gus king] negus n. hist. a hot drink of port, sugar, lemon, and spice. [Col. F. Negus d. 1732, its inventor] Neh. abbr. Nehemiah (Old Testament). neigh n. & v. --n. 1 the high whinnying sound of a horse. 2 any similar sound, e.g. a laugh. --v. 1 intr. make such a sound. 2 tr. say, cry, etc. with such a sound. [OE hn‘gan, of imit. orig.] neighbour n. & v. (US neighbor) --n. 1 a person living next door to or near or nearest another (my next-door neighbour; his nearest neighbour is 12 miles away; they are neighbours). 2 a a person regarded as having the duties or claims of friendliness, consideration, etc., of a neighbour. b a fellow human being, esp. as having claims on friendship. 3 a person or thing near or next to another (my neighbour at dinner). 4 (attrib.) neighbouring. --v. 1 tr. border on; adjoin. 2 intr. (often foll. by on, upon) border; adjoin. ЬЬneighbouring adj. neighbourless adj. neighbourship n. [OE neahgebur (as NIGH: gebur, cf. BOOR)] neighbourhood n. (US neighborhood) 1 a a district, esp. one forming a community within a town or city. b the people of a district; one's neighbours. 2 neighbourly feeling or conduct. Ьin the neighbourhood of roughly; about (paid in the neighbourhood of њ100). neighbourhood watch systematic local vigilance by householders to discourage crime, esp. against property. neighbourly adj. (US neighborly) characteristic of a good neighbour; friendly; kind. ЬЬneighbourliness n. neither adj., pron., adv., & conj. --adj. & pron. (foll. by sing. verb) 1 not the one nor the other (of two things); not either (neither of the accusations is true; neither of them knows; neither wish was granted; neither went to the fair). 2 disp. none of any number of specified things. --adv. 1 not either; not on the one hand (foll. by nor; introducing the first of two or more things in the negative: neither knowing nor caring; would neither come in nor go out; neither the teachers nor the parents nor the children). 2 not either; also not (if you do not, neither shall I). 3 (with neg.) disp. either (I don't know that neither). --conj. archaic nor yet; nor (I know not, neither can I guess). [ME naither, neither f. OE nowther contr. of nohw‘ther (as NO(2), WHETHER): assim. to EITHER] nek n. S.Afr. = COL 1. [Du., = NECK] nekton n. Zool. any aquatic animal able to swim and move independently. [G f. Gk nekton neut. of nektos swimming f. nekho swim] nelly n. (pl. -ies) a silly or effeminate person. Ьnot on your nelly Brit. sl. certainly not. [perh. f. the name Nelly: idiom f. rhyming sl. Nelly Duff = puff = breath: cf. not on your life] nelson n. a wrestling-hold in which one arm is passed under the opponent's arm from behind and the hand is applied to the neck (half nelson), or both arms and hands are applied (full nelson). [app. f. the name Nelson] nelumbo n. (pl. -os) any water lily of the genus Nelumbo, native to India and China, bearing small pink flowers. Also called LOTUS. [mod.L f. Sinh. nelum(bu)] nematocyst n. a specialized cell in a jellyfish etc. containing a coiled thread that can be projected as a sting. [as NEMATODE + CYST] nematode n. any parasitic or free-living worm of the phylum Nematoda, with a slender unsegmented cylindrical shape. Also called ROUNDWORM. [Gk nema -matos thread + -ODE(1)] Nembutal n. propr. a sodium salt of pentobarbitone, used as a sedative and anticonvulsant. [Na (= sodium) + 5- ethyl-5-(1- methyl butyl) barbiturate + -AL] nem. con. abbr. with no one dissenting. [L nemine contradicente] nemertean n. & adj. (also nemertine) --n. any marine ribbon worm of the phylum Nemertea, often very long and brightly coloured, found in tangled knots in coastal waters of Europe and the Mediterranean. --adj. of or relating to this class. [mod.L Nemertes f. Gk Nemertes name of a sea nymph] nemesia n. any S. African plant of the genus Nemesia, cultivated for its variously coloured and irregular flowers. [mod.L f. Gk nemesion, the name of a similar plant] nemesis n. (pl. nemeses) 1 retributive justice. 2 a a downfall caused by this. b an agent of such a downfall. [Gk, = righteous indignation, personified as goddess of retribution f. nemo give what is due] neo- comb. form 1 new, modern. 2 a new or revived form of. [Gk f. neos new] neoclassical adj. (also neoclassic) of or relating to a revival of a classical style or treatment in art, literature, music, etc. ЬЬneoclassicism n. neoclassicist n. neocolonialism n. the use of economic, political, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, esp. former dependencies. ЬЬneocolonialist n. & adj. neodymium n. Chem. a silver-grey naturally-occurring metallic element of the lanthanide series used in colouring glass etc. °Symb.: Nd. [NEO- + DIDYMIUM] neolithic adj. of or relating to the later Stone Age, when ground or polished stone weapons and implements prevailed. [NEO- + Gk lithos stone] neologism n. 1 a new word or expression. 2 the coining or use of new words. ЬЬneologist n. neologize v.intr. (also -ise). [F n‚ologisme (as NEO-, -LOGY, -ISM)] neomycin n. an antibiotic related to streptomycin. neon n. Chem. an inert gaseous element occurring in traces in the atmosphere and giving an orange glow when electricity is passed through it in a sealed low-pressure tube, used in lights and illuminated advertisements (neon light; neon sign). °Symb.: Ne. [Gk, neut. of neos new] neonate n. a newborn child. ЬЬneonatal adj. [mod.L neonatus (as NEO-, L nasci nat- be born)] neophyte n. 1 a new convert, esp. to a religious faith. 2 RC Ch. a a novice of a religious order. b a newly ordained priest. 3 a beginner; a novice. [eccl.L neophytus f. NT Gk neophutos newly planted (as NEO- phuton plant)] neoplasm n. a new and abnormal growth of tissue in some part of the body, esp. a tumour. ЬЬneoplastic adj. [NEO- + Gk plasma formation: see PLASMA] Neoplatonism n. a philosophical and religious system developed by the followers of Plotinus in the third c., combining Platonic thought with oriental mysticism. ЬЬNeoplatonic adj. Neoplatonist n. neoprene n. a synthetic rubber-like polymer. [NEO- + chloroprene etc. (perh. f. PROPYL + -ENE)] neoteny n. the retention of juvenile features in the adult form of some animals, e.g. an axolotl. ЬЬneotenic adj. neotenous adj. [G Neotenie (as NEO- + Gk teino extend)] neoteric adj. literary recent; newfangled; modern. [LL neotericus f. Gk neoterikos (neoteros compar. of neos new)] neotropical adj. of or relating to tropical and S. America as a biogeographical region. Nepalese adj. & n. (pl. same) = NEPALI. Nepali n. & adj. --n. (pl. same or Nepalis) 1 a a native or national of Nepal in Central Asia. b a person of Nepali descent. 2 the language of Nepal. --adj. of or relating to Nepal or its language or people. nepenthe n. = NEPENTHES 1. [var. of NEPENTHES, after It. nepente] nepenthes n. 1 poet. a drug causing forgetfulness of grief. 2 any pitcher-plant of the genus Nepenthes. [L f. Gk nepenthes (pharmakon drug), neut. of nepenthes f. ne- not + penthos grief] nephew n. a son of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law. [ME f. OF neveu f. L nepos nepotis grandson, nephew] nephology n. the study of clouds. [Gk nephos cloud + -LOGY] nephrite n. a green, yellow, or white calcium magnesium silicate form of jade. [G Nephrit f. Gk nephros kidney, with ref. to its supposed efficacy in treating kidney disease] nephritic adj. 1 of or in the kidneys; renal. 2 of or relating to nephritis. [LL nephriticus f. Gk nephritikos (as NEPHRITIS)] nephritis n. inflammation of the kidneys. Also called Bright's disease. [LL f. Gk nephros kidney] nephro- comb. form (usu. nephr- before a vowel) kidney. [Gk f. nephros kidney] ne plus ultra n. 1 the furthest attainable point. 2 the culmination, acme, or perfection. [L, = not further beyond, the supposed inscription on the Pillars of Hercules (the Strait of Gibraltar) prohibiting passage by ships] nepotism n. favouritism shown to relatives in conferring offices or privileges. ЬЬnepotist n. nepotistic adj. [F n‚potisme f. It. nepotismo f. nepote NEPHEW: orig. with ref. to popes with illegitimate sons called nephews] Neptune n. a distant planet of the solar system, eighth from the sun, discovered in 1846 from mathematical computations. [ME f. F Neptune or L Neptunus god of the sea] neptunium n. Chem. a radioactive transuranic metallic element produced when uranium atoms absorb bombarding neutrons. °Symb.: Np. [NEPTUNE, as the next planet beyond Uranus, + -IUM] NERC abbr. (in the UK) Natural Environment Research Council. nerd n. (also nurd) esp. US sl. a foolish, feeble, or uninteresting person. ЬЬnerdy adj. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] nereid n. Mythol. a sea-nymph. [L Nere‹s Nere‹d- f. Gk Nereis -idos daughter of the sea-god Nereus] nerine n. any S. African plant of the genus Nerine, bearing flowers with usu. six narrow strap-shaped petals, often crimped and twisted. [mod.L f. the L name of a water-nymph] neroli n. (in full neroli oil) an essential oil from the flowers of the Seville orange, used in perfumery. [F n‚roli f. It. neroli, perh. f. the name of an Italian princess] nervate adj. (of a leaf) having veins. ЬЬnervation n. [NERVE + -ATE(2)] nerve n. & v. --n. 1 a a fibre or bundle of fibres that transmits impulses of sensation or motion between the brain or spinal cord and other parts of the body. b the material constituting these. 2 a coolness in danger; bravery; assurance. b colloq. impudence, audacity (they've got a nerve). 3 (in pl.) a the bodily state in regard to physical sensitiveness and the interaction between the brain and other parts. b a state of heightened nervousness or sensitivity; a condition of mental or physical stress (need to calm my nerves). 4 a rib of a leaf, esp. the midrib. 5 poet. archaic a sinew or tendon. --v.tr. 1 (usu. refl.) brace (oneself) to face danger, suffering, etc. 2 give strength, vigour, or courage to. Ьget on a person's nerves irritate or annoy a person. have nerves of iron (or steel) (of a person etc.) be not easily upset or frightened. nerve-cell an elongated branched cell transmitting impulses in nerve tissue. nerve-centre 1 a group of closely connected nerve cells associated in performing some function. 2 the centre of control of an organization etc. nerve gas a poisonous gas affecting the nervous system. nerve-racking stressful, frightening; straining the nerves. ЬЬnerved adj. (also in comb.). [ME, = sinew, f. L nervus, rel. to Gk neuron] nerveless adj. 1 inert, lacking vigour or spirit. 2 confident; not nervous. 3 (of style) diffuse. 4 Bot. & Entomol. without nervures. 5 Anat. & Zool. without nerves. ЬЬnervelessly adv. nervelessness n. nervine adj. & n. --adj. relieving nerve-disorders. --n. a nervine drug. [F nervin (as NERVE)] nervo- comb. form (also nerv- before a vowel) a nerve or the nerves. nervous adj. 1 having delicate or disordered nerves. 2 timid or anxious. 3 a excitable; highly strung; easily agitated. b resulting from this temperament (nervous tension; a nervous headache). 4 affecting or acting on the nerves. 5 (foll. by of + verbal noun) reluctant, afraid (am nervous of meeting them). Ьnervous breakdown a period of mental illness, usu. resulting from severe depression or anxiety. nervous system the body's network of specialized cells which transmit nerve impulses between parts of the body (cf. central nervous system, peripheral nervous system). nervous wreck colloq. a person suffering from mental stress, exhaustion, etc. ЬЬnervously adv. nervousness n. [ME f. L nervosus (as NERVE)] nervure n. 1 each of the hollow tubes that form the framework of an insect's wing; a venule. 2 the principal vein of a leaf. [F nerf nerve] nervy adj. (nervier, nerviest) 1 nervous; easily excited or disturbed. 2 US bold, impudent. 3 archaic sinewy, strong. ЬЬnervily adv. nerviness n. nescient adj. literary (foll. by of) lacking knowledge; ignorant. ЬЬnescience n. [LL nescientia f. L nescire not know f. ne- not + scire know] ness n. a headland or promontory. [OE n‘s, rel. to OE nasu NOSE] -ness suffix forming nouns from adjectives, expressing: 1 state or condition, or an instance of this (bitterness; conceitedness; happiness; a kindness). 2 something in a certain state (wilderness). [OE -nes, - ness f. Gmc] nest n. & v. --n. 1 a structure or place where a bird lays eggs and shelters its young. 2 an animal's or insect's breeding-place or lair. 3 a snug or secluded retreat or shelter. 4 (often foll. by of) a place fostering something undesirable (a nest of vice). 5 a brood or swarm. 6 a group or set of similar objects, often of different sizes and fitting together for storage (a nest of tables). --v. 1 intr. use or build a nest. 2 intr. take wild birds' nests or eggs. 3 intr. (of objects) fit together or one inside another. 4 tr. (usu. as nested adj.) establish in or as in a nest. Ьnest egg 1 a sum of money saved for the future. 2 a real or artificial egg left in a nest to induce hens to lay eggs there. ЬЬnestful n. (pl. -fuls). nesting n. (in sense 2 of v.). nestlike adj. [OE nest] nestle v. 1 intr. (often foll. by down, in, etc.) settle oneself comfortably. 2 intr. press oneself against another in affection etc. 3 tr. (foll. by in, into, etc.) push (a head or shoulder etc.) affectionately or snugly. 4 intr. lie half hidden or embedded. [OE nestlian (as NEST)] nestling n. a bird that is too young to leave its nest. net(1) n. & v. --n. 1 an open-meshed fabric of cord, rope, fibre, etc. 2 a piece of net used esp. to restrain, contain, or delimit, or to catch fish or other animals. 3 a structure with net to enclose an area of ground, esp. in sport. 4 a a structure with net used in various games, esp. forming the goal in football, netball, etc., and dividing the court in tennis etc. b (often in pl.) a practice-ground in cricket, surrounded by nets. 5 a system or procedure for catching or entrapping a person or persons. 6 = NETWORK. --v. (netted, netting) 1 tr. a cover, confine, or catch with a net. b procure as with a net. 2 tr. hit (a ball) into the net, esp. of a goal. 3 intr. make netting. 4 tr. make (a purse, hammock, etc.) by knotting etc. threads together to form a net. 5 tr. fish with nets, or set nets, in (a river). 6 tr. (usu. as netted adj.) mark with a netlike pattern; reticulate. ЬЬnetful n. (pl. -fuls). [OE net, nett] net(2) adj. & v. (also nett) --adj. 1 (esp. of money) remaining after all necessary deductions, or free from deductions. 2 (of a price) to be paid in full; not reducible. 3 (of a weight) excluding that of the packaging or container etc. 4 (of an effect, result, etc.) ultimate, effective. --v.tr. (netted, netting) gain or yield (a sum) as net profit. Ьnet profit the effective profit; the actual gain after working expenses have been paid. net ton see TON(1). [F net NEAT(1)] netball n. a team game in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a high horizontal ring with a net suspended from it. nether adj. archaic = LOWER(1). Ьnether regions (or world) hell; the underworld. ЬЬnethermost adj. [OE nithera etc. f. Gmc] Netherlander n. 1 a native or national of the Netherlands. 2 a person of Dutch descent. ЬЬNetherlandish adj. [Du. Nederlander, Nederlandsch] Netherlands n. 1 (usu. prec. by the) Holland. 2 hist. the Low Countries. [Du. Nederland (as NETHER, LAND)] netsuke n. (pl. same or netsukes) (in Japan) a carved button-like ornament, esp. of ivory or wood, formerly worn to suspend articles from a girdle. [Jap.] nett var. of NET(2). netting n. 1 netted fabric. 2 a piece of this. nettle n. & v. --n. 1 any plant of the genus Urtica, esp. U. dioica, with jagged leaves covered with stinging hairs. 2 any of various plants resembling this. --v.tr. 1 irritate, provoke, annoy. 2 sting with nettles. Ьnettle-rash a skin eruption like nettle stings. [OE netle, netele] network n. & v. --n. 1 an arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines, like the structure of a net. 2 a complex system of railways, roads, canals, etc. 3 a group of people who exchange information, contacts, and experience for professional or social purposes. 4 a chain of interconnected computers, machines, or operations. 5 a system of connected electrical conductors. 6 a group of broadcasting stations connected for a simultaneous broadcast of a programme. --v. 1 tr. broadcast on a network. 2 intr. establish a network. 3 tr. link (machines, esp. computers) to operate interactively. 4 intr. be a member of a network (see sense 3 of n.). networker n. 1 Computing a member of an organization or computer network who operates from home or from an external office. 2 a member of a professional or social network. neume n. (also neum) Mus. a sign in plainsong indicating a note or group of notes to be sung to a syllable. [ME f. OF neume f. med.L neu(p)ma f. Gk pneuma breath] neural adj. of or relating to a nerve or the central nervous system. ЬЬneurally adv. [Gk neuron nerve] neuralgia n. an intense intermittent pain along the course of a nerve, esp. in the head or face. ЬЬneuralgic adj. [as NEURAL + -ALGIA] neurasthenia n. a general term for fatigue, anxiety, listlessness, etc. (not in medical use). ЬЬneurasthenic adj. & n. [Gk neuron nerve + ASTHENIA] neuritis n. inflammation of a nerve or nerves. ЬЬneuritic adj. [formed as NEURO- + -ITIS] neuro- comb. form a nerve or the nerves. [Gk neuron nerve] neurogenesis n. the growth and development of nervous tissue. neurogenic adj. caused by or arising in nervous tissue. neuroglia n. the connective tissue supporting the central nervous system. [NEURO- + Gk glia glue] neurohormone n. a hormone produced by nerve-cells and secreted into the circulation. neurology n. the scientific study of nerve systems. ЬЬneurological adj. neurologically adv. neurologist n. [mod.L neurologia f. mod. Gk (as NEURO-, -LOGY)] neuroma n. (pl. neuromas or neuromata) a tumour on a nerve or in nerve-tissue. [Gk neuron nerve + -OMA] neuromuscular adj. of or relating to nerves and muscles. neuron n. (also neurone) a specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses; a nerve-cell. ЬЬneuronal adj. neuronic adj. [Gk neuron nerve] neuropath n. a person affected by nervous disease, or with an abnormally sensitive nervous system. ЬЬneuropathic adj. neuropathy n. neuropathology n. the pathology of the nervous system. ЬЬneuropathologist n. neurophysiology n. the physiology of the nervous system. ЬЬneurophysiological adj. neurophysiologist n. neuropteran n. any insect of the order Neuroptera, including lacewings, having four finely-veined membranous leaflike wings. ЬЬneuropterous adj. [NEURO- + Gk pteron wing] neurosis n. (pl. neuroses) a mental illness characterized by irrational or depressive thought or behaviour, caused by a disorder of the nervous system usu. without organic change. [mod.L (as NEURO-, -OSIS)] neurosurgery n. surgery performed on the nervous system, esp. the brain and spinal cord. ЬЬneurosurgeon n. neurosurgical adj. neurotic adj. & n. --adj. 1 caused by or relating to neurosis. 2 (of a person) suffering from neurosis. 3 colloq. abnormally sensitive or obsessive. --n. a neurotic person. ЬЬneurotically adv. neuroticism n. neurotomy n. (pl. -ies) the operation of cutting a nerve, esp. to produce sensory loss. neurotransmitter n. Biochem. a chemical substance released from a nerve fibre that effects the transfer of an impulse to another nerve or muscle. neuter adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 Gram. (of a noun etc.) neither masculine nor feminine. 2 (of a plant) having neither pistils nor stamen. 3 (of an insect) sexually undeveloped. --n. 1 Gram. a neuter word. 2 a a non-fertile insect, esp. a worker bee or ant. b a castrated animal. --v.tr. castrate or spay. [ME f. OF neutre or L neuter neither f. ne- not + uter either] neutral adj. & n. --adj. 1 not helping or supporting either of two opposing sides, esp. States at war or in dispute; impartial. 2 belonging to a neutral party, State, etc. (neutral ships). 3 indistinct, vague, indeterminate. 4 (of a gear) in which the engine is disconnected from the driven parts. 5 (of colours) not strong or positive; grey or beige. 6 Chem. neither acid nor alkaline. 7 Electr. neither positive nor negative. 8 Biol. sexually undeveloped; asexual. --n. 1 a a neutral State or person. b a subject of a neutral State. 2 a neutral gear. ЬЬneutrality n. neutrally adv. [ME f. obs. F neutral or L neutralis of neuter gender (as NEUTER)] neutralism n. a policy of political neutrality. ЬЬneutralist n. neutralize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make neutral. 2 counterbalance; render ineffective by an opposite force or effect. 3 exempt or exclude (a place) from the sphere of hostilities. ЬЬneutralization n. neutralizer n. [F neutraliser f. med.L neutralizare (as NEUTRAL)] neutrino n. (pl. -os) any of a group of stable elementary particles with zero electric charge and probably zero mass, which travel at the speed of light. [It., dimin. of neutro neutral (as NEUTER)] neutron n. an elementary particle of about the same mass as a proton but without an electric charge, present in all atomic nuclei except those of ordinary hydrogen. Ьneutron bomb a bomb producing neutrons and little blast, causing damage to life but little destruction to property. neutron star a very dense star composed mainly of neutrons. [NEUTRAL + -ON] Nev. abbr. Nevada. n‚v‚ n. an expanse of granular snow not yet compressed into ice at the head of a glacier. [Swiss F, = glacier, ult. f. L nix nivis snow] never adv. 1 a at no time; on no occasion; not ever (have never been to Paris; never saw them again). b colloq. as an emphatic negative (I never heard you come in). 2 not at all (never fear). 3 colloq. (expressing surprise) surely not (you never left the key in the lock!). Ьnever-never (often prec. by the) Brit. colloq. hire purchase. never-never land an imaginary utopian place. never a one none. never say die see DIE(1). well I never! expressing great surprise. [OE n‘fre f. ne not + ‘fre EVER] nevermore adv. at no future time. nevertheless adv. in spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same. nevus US var. of NAEVUS. new adj. & adv. --adj. 1 a of recent origin or arrival. b made, invented, discovered, acquired, or experienced recently or now for the first time (a new star; has many new ideas). 2 in original condition; not worn or used. 3 a renewed or reformed (a new life; the new order). b reinvigorated (felt like a new person). 4 different from a recent previous one (has a new job). 5 in addition to others already existing (have you been to the new supermarket?). 6 (often foll. by to) unfamiliar or strange (a new sensation; the idea was new to me). 7 (often foll. by at) (of a person) inexperienced, unaccustomed (to doing something) (am new at this business). 8 (usu. prec. by the) often derog. a later, modern. b newfangled. c given to new or modern ideas (the new man). d recently affected by social change (the new rich). 9 (often prec. by the) advanced in method or theory (the new formula). 10 (in place-names) discovered or founded later than and named after (New York; New Zealand). --adv. (usu. in comb.) 1 newly, recently (new-found; new-baked). 2 anew, afresh. Ьnew birth Theol. spiritual regeneration. new broom see BROOM. new deal new arrangements or conditions, esp. when better than the earlier ones. new-laid (of an egg) freshly laid. new look a new or revised appearance or presentation, esp. of something familiar. the new mathematics (or maths) a system of teaching mathematics to children, with emphasis on investigation by them and on set theory. new moon 1 the moon when first seen as a crescent after conjunction with the sun. 2 the time of its appearance. a new one (often foll. by on) colloq. an account or idea not previously encountered (by a person). new potatoes the earliest potatoes of a new crop. new star a nova. new style dating reckoned by the Gregorian Calendar. New Testament the part of the Bible concerned with the life and teachings of Christ and his earliest followers. new town Brit. a town established as a completely new settlement with government sponsorship. new wave 1 = NOUVELLE VAGUE. 2 a style of rock music popular in the 1970s. New World North and South America regarded collectively in relation to Europe. new year 1 the calendar year just begun or about to begin. 2 the first few days of a year. New Year's Day 1 January. New Year's Eve 31 December. ЬЬnewish adj. newness n. [OE niwe f. Gmc] newborn adj. 1 (of a child etc.) recently born. 2 spiritually reborn; regenerated. newcomer n. 1 a person who has recently arrived. 2 a beginner in some activity. newel n. 1 the supporting central post of winding stairs. 2 the top or bottom supporting post of a stair-rail. [ME f. OF noel, nouel, knob f. med.L nodellus dimin. of L nodus knot] newfangled adj. derog. different from what one is used to; objectionably new. [ME newfangle (now dial.) liking what is new f. newe NEW adv. + - fangel f. OE fangol (unrecorded) inclined to take] Newfoundland n. (in full Newfoundland dog) 1 a dog of a very large breed with a thick coarse coat. 2 this breed. [the name of a Canadian province, an island at the mouth of the St Lawrence river] newly adv. 1 recently (a friend newly arrived; a newly-discovered country). 2 afresh, anew (newly painted). 3 in a new or different manner (newly arranged). Ьnewly-wed a recently married person. Newmarket n. a gambling card-game in which players seek to play cards that match those on the table. [Newmarket in S. England] news n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) 1 information about important or interesting recent events, esp. when published or broadcast. 2 (prec. by the) a broadcast report of news. 3 newly received or noteworthy information. 4 (foll. by to) colloq. information not previously known (to a person) (that's news to me). Ьnews agency an organization that collects and distributes news items. news bulletin a collection of items of news, esp. for broadcasting. news conference a press conference. news-gatherer n. a person who researches news items esp. for broadcast or publication. news-gathering this process. news room a room in a newspaper or broadcasting office where news is processed. news-sheet a simple form of newspaper; a newsletter. news-stand a stall for the sale of newspapers. news-vendor a newspaper-seller. ЬЬnewsless adj. [ME, pl. of NEW after OF noveles or med.L nova neut. pl. of novus new] newsagent n. Brit. a seller of or shop selling newspapers and usu. related items, e.g. stationery. newsboy n. a boy who sells or delivers newspapers. newsbrief n. a short item of news, esp. on television; a newsflash. newscast n. a radio or television broadcast of news reports. newscaster n. = NEWSREADER. newsdealer n. US = NEWSAGENT. newsflash n. a single item of important news broadcast separately and often interrupting other programmes. newsgirl n. a girl who sells or delivers newspapers. newsletter n. an informal printed report issued periodically to the members of a society, business, organization, etc. newsman n. (pl. -men) a newspaper reporter; a journalist. newsmonger n. a gossip. newspaper n. 1 a printed publication (usu. daily or weekly) containing news, advertisements, correspondence, etc. 2 the sheets of paper forming this (wrapped in newspaper). newspaperman n. (pl. -men) a journalist. Newspeak n. ambiguous euphemistic language used esp. in political propaganda. [an artificial official language in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)] newsprint n. a type of low-quality paper on which newspapers are printed. newsreader n. a person who reads out broadcast news bulletins. newsreel n. a short cinema film of recent events. newsworthy adj. topical; noteworthy as news. ЬЬnewsworthiness n. newsy adj. (newsier, newsiest) colloq. full of news. newt n. any of various small amphibians, esp. of the genus Triturus, having a well-developed tail. [ME f. ewt, with n from an (cf. NICKNAME): var. of evet EFT] newton n. Physics the SI unit of force that, acting on a mass of one kilogram, increases its velocity by one metre per second every second along the direction that it acts. °Abbr.: N. [Sir Isaac Newton, Engl. scientist d. 1727] Newtonian adj. of or devised by Isaac Newton (see NEWTON). ЬNewtonian mechanics the system of mechanics which relies on Newton's laws of motion concerning the relations between forces acting and motions occurring. Newtonian telescope a reflecting telescope with a small secondary mirror at 45ш to the main beam of light to reflect it into a magnifying eyepiece. New Zealander n. 1 a native or national of New Zealand, an island group in the Pacific. 2 a person of New Zealand descent. next adj., adv., n., & prep. --adj. 1 (often foll. by to) being or positioned or living nearest (in the next house; the chair next to the fire). 2 the nearest in order of time; the first or soonest encountered or considered (next Friday; ask the next person you see). --adv. 1 (often foll. by to) in the nearest place or degree (put it next to mine; came next to last). 2 on the first or soonest occasion (when we next meet). --n. the next person or thing. --prep. colloq. next to. Ьnext-best the next in order of preference. next door see DOOR. next of kin the closest living relative or relatives. next to almost (next to nothing left). the next world see WORLD. [OE nehsta superl. (as NIGH)] nexus n. (pl. same) 1 a connected group or series. 2 a bond; a connection. [L f. nectere nex- bind] 7.0 NF... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NF abbr. (in the UK) National Front. Nfld abbr. (also NF) Newfoundland. NFU abbr. (in the UK) National Farmers' Union. 8.0 n.g.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- n.g. abbr. no good. NGA abbr. (in the UK) National Graphical Association. ngaio n. (pl. -os) a small New Zealand tree, Myoporum laetum, with edible fruit and light white timber. [Maori] NGO abbr. non-governmental organization. 9.0 NH... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NH abbr. US New Hampshire (also in official postal use). NHI abbr. (in the UK) National Health Insurance. NHS abbr. (in the UK) National Health Service. 10.0 NI... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NI abbr. 1 (in the UK) National Insurance. 2 Northern Ireland. Ni symb. Chem. the element nickel. niacin n. = NICOTINIC ACID. [nicotinic acid + -IN] nib n. & v. --n. 1 the point of a pen, which touches the writing surface. 2 (in pl.) shelled and crushed coffee or cocoa beans. 3 the point of a tool etc. --v. (nibbed, nibbing) 1 tr. provide with a nib. 2 tr. mend the nib of. 3 tr. & intr. nibble. [prob. f. MDu. nib or MLG nibbe, var. of nebbe NEB] nibble v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & (foll. by at) intr. a take small bites at. b eat in small amounts. c bite at gently or cautiously or playfully. 2 intr. (foll. by at) show cautious interest in. --n. 1 an instance of nibbling. 2 a very small amount of food. 3 Computing half a byte, i.e. 4 bits. ЬЬnibbler n. [prob. of LG or Du. orig.: cf. LG nibbeln gnaw] niblick n. Golf an iron with a large round heavy head, used esp. for playing out of bunkers. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] nibs n. Ьhis nibs joc. colloq. a mock title used with reference to an important or self-important person. [19th c.: orig. unkn. (cf. earlier nabs)] nice adj. 1 pleasant, agreeable, satisfactory. 2 (of a person) kind, good-natured. 3 iron. bad or awkward (a nice mess you've made). 4 a fine or subtle (a nice distinction). b requiring careful thought or attention (a nice problem). 5 fastidious; delicately sensitive. 6 punctilious, scrupulous (were not too nice about their methods). 7 (foll. by an adj., often with and) satisfactory or adequate in terms of the quality described (a nice long time; nice and warm). Ьnice work a task well done. ЬЬnicely adv. niceness n. nicish adj. (also niceish). [ME, = stupid, wanton f. OF, = silly, simple f. L nescius ignorant (as nescience: see NESCIENT)] Nicene Creed n. a formal statement of Christian belief based on that adopted at the first Council of Nicaea in 325. [Nicene ME f. LL Nicenus of Nicaea in Asia Minor] nicety n. (pl. -ies) 1 a subtle distinction or detail. 2 precision, accuracy. 3 intricate or subtle quality (a point of great nicety). 4 (in pl.) a minutiae; fine details. b refinements, trimmings. Ьto a nicety with exactness. [ME f. OF nicet‚ (as NICE)] niche n. & v. --n. 1 a shallow recess, esp. in a wall to contain a statue etc. 2 a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment. 3 an appropriate combination of conditions for a species to thrive. --v.tr. (often as niched adj.) 1 place in a niche. 2 ensconce (esp. oneself) in a recess or corner. [F f. nicher make a nest, ult. f. L nidus nest] Nichrome n. propr. a group of nickel-chromium alloys used for making wire in heating elements etc. [NICKEL + CHROME] Nick n. ЬOld Nick the Devil. [prob. f. a pet-form of the name Nicholas] nick(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a small cut or notch. 2 Brit. sl. a a prison. b a police station. 3 (prec. by in with adj.) Brit. colloq. condition (in reasonable nick). 4 the junction between the floor and walls in a squash court. --v.tr. 1 make a nick or nicks in. 2 Brit. sl. a steal. b arrest, catch. Ьin the nick of time only just in time; just at the right moment. [ME: orig. uncert.] nick(2) v.intr. Austral. sl. (foll. by off, in, etc.) move quickly or furtively. [19th c.: orig. uncert. (cf. NIP(1) 4)] nickel n. & v. --n. 1 Chem. a malleable ductile silver-white metallic transition element, occurring naturally in various minerals and used in special steels, in magnetic alloys, and as a catalyst. °Symb.: Ni. 2 colloq. a US five-cent coin. --v.tr. (nickelled, nickelling; US nickeled, nickeling) coat with nickel. Ьnickel brass an alloy of copper, zinc, and a small amount of nickel. nickel-plated coated with nickel by plating. nickel silver = German silver. nickel steel a type of stainless steel with chromium and nickel. ЬЬnickelic adj. nickelous adj. [abbr. of G Kupfernickel copper-coloured ore, from which nickel was first obtained, f. Kupfer copper + Nickel demon, with ref. to the ore's failure to yield copper] nickelodeon n. US colloq. a jukebox. [NICKEL + MELODEON] nicker n. (pl. same) Brit. sl. a pound (in money). [20th c.: orig. unkn.] nick-nack var. of KNICK-KNACK. nickname n. & v. --n. a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name. --v.tr. 1 give a nickname to. 2 call (a person or thing) by a nickname. [ME f. eke-name, with n from an (cf. NEWT): eke = addition, f. OE eaca (as EKE)] nicol n. (in full nicol prism) a device for producing plane-polarized light, consisting of two pieces of cut calcite cemented together with Canada balsam. [W. Nicol, Sc. physicist d. 1851, its inventor] nicotine n. a colourless poisonous alkaloid present in tobacco. ЬЬnicotinism n. nicotinize v.tr. (also -ise). [F f. mod.L nicotiana (herba) tobacco-plant, f. J. Nicot, Fr. diplomat & introducer of tobacco into France in the 16th c.] nicotinic acid n. a vitamin of the B complex, found in milk, liver, and yeast, a deficiency of which causes pellagra. Also called NIACIN. nictitate v.intr. close and open the eyes; blink or wink. Ьnictitating membrane a clear membrane forming a third eyelid in amphibians, birds, and some other animals, that can be drawn across the eye to give protection without loss of vision. ЬЬnictitation n. [med.L nictitare frequent. of L nictare blink] nide n. (Brit. nye) a brood of pheasants. [F nid or L nidus: see NIDUS] nidificate v.intr. = NIDIFY. nidify v.intr. (-ies, -ied) (of a bird) build a nest. ЬЬnidification n. [L nidificare f. NIDUS nest] nidus n. (pl. nidi or niduses) 1 a place in which an insect etc. deposits its eggs, or in which spores or seeds develop. 2 a place in which something is nurtured or developed. [L, rel. to NEST] niece n. a daughter of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law. [ME f. OF ult. f. L neptis granddaughter] niello n. (pl. nielli or -os) 1 a black composition of sulphur with silver, lead, or copper, for filling engraved lines in silver or other metal. 2 a such ornamental work. b an object decorated with this. ЬЬnielloed adj. [It. f. L nigellus dimin. of niger black] niff n. & v. Brit. colloq. --n. a smell, esp. an unpleasant one. --v.intr. smell, stink. ЬЬniffy adj. (niffier, niffiest). [orig. dial.] nifty adj. (niftier, niftiest) colloq. 1 clever, adroit. 2 smart, stylish. ЬЬniftily adv. niftiness n. [19th c.: orig. uncert.] niggard n. & adj. --n. a mean or stingy person. --adj. archaic = NIGGARDLY. [ME, alt. f. earlier (obs.) nigon, prob. of Scand. orig.: cf. NIGGLE] niggardly adj. & adv. --adj. 1 stingy, parsimonious. 2 meagre, scanty. --adv. in a stingy or meagre manner. ЬЬniggardliness n. nigger n. offens. 1 a Black person. 2 a dark-skinned person. Ьa nigger in the woodpile a hidden cause of trouble or inconvenience. [earlier neger f. F nЉgre f. Sp. negro NEGRO] niggle v. & n. --v. 1 intr. be over-attentive to details. 2 intr. find fault in a petty way. 3 tr. colloq. irritate; nag pettily. --n. a trifling complaint or criticism; a worry or annoyance. [app. of Scand. orig.: cf. Norw. nigla] niggling adj. 1 troublesome or irritating in a petty way. 2 trifling or petty. ЬЬnigglingly adv. nigh adv., prep., & adj. archaic or dial. near. [OE neh, neah] night n. 1 the period of darkness between one day and the next; the time from sunset to sunrise. 2 nightfall (shall not reach home before night). 3 the darkness of night (as black as night). 4 a night or evening appointed for some activity, or spent or regarded in a certain way (last night of the Proms; a great night out). Ьnight-blindness = NYCTALOPIA. night fighter an aeroplane used for interception at night. night-hawk 1 a nocturnal prowler, esp. a thief. 2 a nightjar. night-life entertainment available at night in a town. night-light a dim light kept on in a bedroom at night. night-long throughout the night. night nurse a nurse on duty during the night. night-owl colloq. a person active at night. night safe a safe with access from the outer wall of a bank for the deposit of money etc. when the bank is closed. night school an institution providing evening classes for those working by day. night shift a shift of workers employed during the night. night-soil the contents of cesspools etc. removed at night, esp. for use as manure. night-time the time of darkness. night-watchman 1 a person whose job is to keep watch by night. 2 Cricket an inferior batsman sent in when a wicket falls near the close of a day's play. ЬЬnightless adj. [OE neaht, niht f. Gmc] nightbird n. a person who habitually goes about at night. nightcap n. 1 hist. a cap worn in bed. 2 a hot or alcoholic drink taken at bedtime. nightclothes n. clothes worn in bed. nightclub n. a club that is open at night and provides refreshment and entertainment. nightdress n. a woman's or child's loose garment worn in bed. nightfall n. the onset of night; the end of daylight. nightgown n. 1 = NIGHTDRESS. 2 hist. a dressing-gown. nightie n. colloq. a nightdress. [abbr.] nightingale n. any small reddish-brown bird of the genus Luscinia, esp. L. megarhynchos, of which the male sings melodiously, esp. at night. [OE nihtegala (whence obs. nightgale) f. Gmc: for -n- cf. FARTHINGALE] nightjar n. any nocturnal bird of the family Caprimulgidae, having a characteristic harsh cry. nightly adj. & adv. --adj. 1 happening, done, or existing in the night. 2 recurring every night. --adv. every night. [OE nihtlic (as NIGHT)] nightmare n. 1 a frightening or unpleasant dream. 2 colloq. a terrifying or very unpleasant experience or situation. 3 a haunting or obsessive fear. ЬЬnightmarish adj. nightmarishly adv. [an evil spirit (incubus) once thought to lie on and suffocate sleepers: OE m‘re incubus] nightshade n. any of various poisonous plants, esp. of the genus Solanum, including S. nigrum (black nightshade) with black berries, and S. dulcamara (woody nightshade) with red berries. Ьdeadly nightshade = BELLADONNA. [OE nihtscada app. formed as NIGHT + SHADE, prob. with ref. to its poisonous properties] nightshirt n. a long shirt worn in bed. nightspot n. a nightclub. nightstick n. US a policeman's truncheon. nigrescent adj. blackish. ЬЬnigrescence n. [L nigrescere grow black f. niger nigri black] nigritude n. blackness. [L nigritudo (as NIGRESCENT)] nihilism n. 1 the rejection of all religious and moral principles. 2 an extreme form of scepticism maintaining that nothing has a real existence. ЬЬnihilist n. nihilistic adj. [L nihil nothing] nihility n. (pl. -ies) 1 non-existence, nothingness. 2 a mere nothing; a trifle. [med.L nihilitas (as NIHILISM)] nihil obstat n. 1 RC Ch. a certificate that a book is not open to objection on doctrinal or moral grounds. 2 an authorization or official approval. [L, = nothing hinders] -nik suffix forming nouns denoting a person associated with a specified thing or quality (beatnik; refusenik). [Russ. (as SPUTNIK) and Yiddish] nil n. nothing; no number or amount (esp. as a score in games). [L, = nihil nothing] Nile n. & adj. (in full Nile-blue, Nile-green) pale greenish blue or green. [the river Nile in NE Africa] nilgai n. a large short-horned Indian antelope, Boselaphus tragocamelus. [Hindi nilgai f. nil blue + gai cow] Nilotic adj. 1 of or relating to the Nile or the Nile region of Africa. 2 of or relating to a group of E. African Negroid peoples, or the languages spoken by them. [L Niloticus f. Gk Neilotikos f. Neilos Nile] nim n. a game in which two players must alternately take one or more objects from one of several heaps and seek either to avoid taking or to take the last remaining object. [20th c.: perh. f. archaic nim take (as NIMBLE), or G nimm imper. of nehmen take] nimble adj. (nimbler, nimblest) 1 quick and light in movement or action; agile. 2 (of the mind) quick to comprehend; clever, versatile. ЬЬnimbleness n. nimbly adv. [OE n‘mel quick to seize f. niman take f. Gmc, with -b- as in THIMBLE] nimbostratus n. (pl. nimbostrati) Meteorol. a low dark-grey layer of cloud. [mod.L, f. NIMBUS + STRATUS] nimbus n. (pl. nimbi or nimbuses) 1 a a bright cloud or halo investing a deity or person or thing. b the halo of a saint etc. 2 Meteorol. a rain-cloud. ЬЬnimbused adj. [L, = cloud, aureole] niminy-piminy adj. feeble, affected; lacking in vigour. [cf. MIMINY-PIMINY, NAMBY-PAMBY] Nimrod n. a great hunter or sportsman. [Heb. Nimrod valiant: see Gen. 10:8-9] nincompoop n. a simpleton; a fool . [17th c.: orig. unkn.] nine n. & adj. --n. 1 one more than eight, or one less than ten; the sum of five units and four units. 2 a symbol for this (9, ix, IX). 3 a size etc. denoted by nine. 4 a set or team of nine individuals. 5 the time of nine o'clock (is it nine yet?). 6 a card with nine pips. 7 (the Nine) the nine muses. --adj. that amount to nine. Ьdressed up to the nines dressed very elaborately. nine days' wonder a person or thing that is briefly famous. nine times out of ten nearly always. nine to five a designation of typical office hours. [OE nigon f. Gmc] ninefold adj. & adv. 1 nine times as much or as many. 2 consisting of nine parts. ninepin n. 1 (in pl.; usu. treated as sing.) a game in which nine pins are set up at the end of an alley and bowled at in an attempt to knock them down. 2 a pin used in this game. nineteen n. & adj. --n. 1 one more than eighteen, nine more than ten. 2 the symbol for this (19, xix, XIX). 3 a size etc. denoted by nineteen. --adj. that amount to nineteen. Ьtalk nineteen to the dozen see DOZEN. ЬЬnineteenth adj. & n. [OE nigontyne] ninety n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 the product of nine and ten. 2 a symbol for this (90, xc, XC). 3 (in pl.) the numbers from 90 to 99, esp. the years of a century or of a person's life. --adj. that amount to ninety. Ьninety-first, -second , etc. the ordinal numbers between ninetieth and a hundredth. ninety-one, -two , etc. the cardinal numbers between ninety and a hundred. ЬЬninetieth adj. & n. ninetyfold adj. & adv. [OE nigontig] ninja n. a person skilled in ninjutsu. [Jap.] ninjutsu n. one of the Japanese martial arts, characterized by stealthy movement and camouflage. [Jap.] ninny n. (pl. -ies) a foolish or simple-minded person. [perh. f. innocent] ninon n. a lightweight silk dress fabric. [F] ninth n. & adj. --n. 1 the position in a sequence corresponding to the number 9 in the sequence 1-9. 2 something occupying this position. 3 each of nine equal parts of a thing. 4 Mus. a an interval or chord spanning nine consecutive notes in the diatonic scale (e.g. C to D an octave higher). b a note separated from another by this interval. --adj. that is the ninth. ЬЬninthly adv. niobium n. Chem. a rare grey-blue metallic transition element occurring naturally in several minerals and used in alloys for superconductors. °Symb.: Nb. Also called COLUMBIUM. ЬЬniobic adj. niobous adj. [Niobe daughter of Tantalus: so called because first found in TANTALITE] Nip n. sl. offens. a Japanese person. [abbr. of NIPPONESE] nip(1) v. & n. --v. (nipped, nipping) 1 tr. pinch, squeeze, or bite sharply. 2 tr. (often foll. by off) remove by pinching etc. 3 tr. (of the cold, frost, etc.) cause pain or harm to. 4 intr. (foll. by in, out, etc.) Brit. colloq. go nimbly or quickly. 5 tr. US sl. steal, snatch. --n. 1 a a pinch, a sharp squeeze. b a bite. 2 a biting cold. b a check to vegetation caused by this. Ьnip and tuck US neck and neck. nip in the bud suppress or destroy (esp. an idea) at an early stage. ЬЬnipping adj. [ME, prob. of LG or Du. orig.] nip(2) n. & v. --n. a small quantity of spirits. --v.intr. (nipped, nipping) drink spirits. [prob. abbr. of nipperkin small measure: cf. LG, Du. nippen to sip] nipa n. 1 an E. Indian palm-tree, Nipa fruticans, with a creeping trunk and large feathery leaves. 2 an alcoholic drink made from its sap. [Sp. & Port. f. Malay nipah] nipper n. 1 a person or thing that nips. 2 the claw of a crab, lobster, etc. 3 Brit. colloq. a young child. 4 (in pl.) any tool for gripping or cutting, e.g. forceps or pincers. nipple n. 1 a small projection in which the mammary ducts of either sex of mammals terminate and from which in females milk is secreted for the young. 2 the teat of a feeding-bottle. 3 a device like a nipple in function, e.g. the tip of a grease-gun. 4 a nipple-like protuberance. 5 US a short section of pipe with a screw-thread at each end for coupling. [16th c., also neble, nible, perh. dimin. f. neb] nipplewort n. a yellow-flowered weed, Lapsana communis. Nipponese n. & adj. --n. (pl. same) a Japanese person. --adj. Japanese. [Jap. Nippon Japan, lit. 'land of the rising sun'] nippy adj. (nippier, nippiest) colloq. 1 quick, nimble, active. 2 chilly, cold. ЬЬnippily adv. [NIP(1) + -Y(1)] NIREX abbr. (in the UK) Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive. nirvana n. (in Buddhism) perfect bliss and release from karma, attained by the extinction of individuality. [Skr. nirvana f. nirva be extinguished f. nis out + va- to blow] nisei n. US an American whose parents were immigrants from Japan. [Jap., lit. 'second generation'] nisi adj. Law that takes effect only on certain conditions (decree nisi). [L, = 'unless'] Nissen hut n. a tunnel-shaped hut of corrugated iron with a cement floor. [P. N. Nissen, British engineer d. 1930, its inventor] nit(1) n. 1 the egg or young form of a louse or other parasitic insect esp. of human head-lice or body-lice. 2 Brit. sl. a stupid person. Ьnit-pick colloq. indulge in nit-picking. nit-picker colloq. a person who nit-picks. nit-picking n. & adj. colloq. fault-finding in a petty manner. [OE hnitu f. WG] nit(2) int. Austral. sl. used as a warning that someone is approaching. Ьkeep nit keep watch; act as guard. [19th c.: orig. unkn.: cf. NIX(3)] niter US var. of NITRE. nitinol n. an alloy of nickel and titanium. [Ni + Ti + Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Maryland, US] nitrate n. & v. --n. 1 any salt or ester of nitric acid. 2 potassium or sodium nitrate when used as a fertilizer. --v.tr. Chem. treat, combine, or impregnate with nitric acid. ЬЬnitration n. [F (as NITRE, -ATE(1))] nitre n. (US niter) saltpetre, potassium nitrate. [ME f. OF f. L nitrum f. Gk nitron, of Semitic orig.] nitric adj. of or containing nitrogen, esp. in the quinquevalent state. Ьnitric acid a colourless corrosive poisonous liquid. °Chem. formula: HNO[3]. nitric oxide a colourless gas. °Chem. formula: NO. [F nitrique (as NITRE)] nitride n. Chem. a binary compound of nitrogen with a more electropositive element. [NITRE + -IDE] nitrify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 impregnate with nitrogen. 2 convert (nitrogen, usu. in the form of ammonia) into nitrites or nitrates. ЬЬnitrifiable adj. nitrification n. [F nitrifier (as NITRE)] nitrile n. Chem. an organic compound consisting of an alkyl radical bound to a cyanide radical. nitrite n. any salt or ester of nitrous acid. nitro- comb. form 1 of or containing nitric acid, nitre, or nitrogen. 2 made with or by use of any of these. 3 of or containing the monovalent -NO[2] group (the nitro groups in TNT). [Gk (as NITRE)] nitrobenzene n. a yellow oily liquid made by the nitration of benzene and used to make aniline etc. nitrocellulose n. a highly flammable material made by treating cellulose with concentrated nitric acid, used in the manufacture of explosives and celluloid. nitrogen n. Chem. a colourless tasteless odourless gaseous element that forms four-fifths of the atmosphere and is an essential constituent of proteins and nucleic acids. °Symb.: N. Ьnitrogen cycle the interconversion of nitrogen and its compounds, usu. in the form of nitrates, in nature. nitrogen fixation a chemical process in which atmospheric nitrogen is assimilated into organic compounds in living organisms and hence into the nitrogen cycle. ЬЬnitrogenous adj. [F nitrogЉne (as NITRO-, -GEN)] nitroglycerine n. (also nitroglycerin) an explosive yellow liquid made by reacting glycerol with a mixture of concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids. nitrous adj. of, like, or impregnated with nitrogen, esp. in the tervalent state. Ьnitrous acid a weak acid existing only in solution and in the gas phase. °Chem. formula: HNO[2]. nitrous oxide a colourless gas used as an anaesthetic (= laughing-gas) and as an aerosol propellant. °Chem. formula: N[2]O. [L nitrosus (as NITRE), partly through F nitreux] nitty-gritty n. sl. the realities or practical details of a matter. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] nitwit n. colloq. a stupid person. ЬЬnitwittery n. [perh. f. NIT(1) + WIT(1)] nitwitted adj. stupid. ЬЬnitwittedness n. nix(1) n. & v. sl. --n. 1 nothing. 2 a denial or refusal. --v.tr. 1 cancel. 2 reject. [G, colloq. var. of nichts nothing] nix(2) n. (fem. nixie) a water-elf. [G (fem. Nixe)] nix(3) int. Brit. sl. giving warning to confederates etc. that a person in authority is approaching. [19th c.: perh. = NIX(1)] 11.0 NJ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NJ abbr. US New Jersey (also in official postal use). 12.0 NM... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NM abbr. US New Mexico (in official postal use). n.m. abbr. nautical mile. N.Mex. abbr. New Mexico. NMR abbr. (also nmr) nuclear magnetic resonance. 13.0 NNE... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NNE abbr. north-north-east. NNW abbr. north-north-west. 14.0 No... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- No(1) symb. Chem. the element nobelium. No(2) var. of NOH. No. abbr. 1 number. 2 US North. [sense 1 f. L numero, ablat. of numerus number] no(1) adj. 1 not any (there is no excuse; no circumstances could justify it; no two of them are alike). 2 not a, quite other than (is no fool; is no part of my plan; caused no slight inconvenience). 3 hardly any (is no distance; did it in no time). 4 used elliptically as a slogan, notice, etc., to forbid, reject, or deplore the thing specified (no parking; no surrender). Ьby no means see MEANS. no-account unimportant, worthless. no-ball Cricket n. an unlawfully delivered ball (counting one to the batting side if not otherwise scored from). --v.tr. pronounce (a bowler) to have bowled a no-ball. no-claim (or -claims) bonus a reduction of the insurance premium charged when the insured has not made a claim under the insurance during an agreed preceding period. no date (of a book etc.) not bearing a date of publication etc. no dice see DICE. no doubt see DOUBT. no end see END. no entry (of a notice) prohibiting vehicles or persons from entering a road or place. no-fault US (of insurance) valid regardless of the allocation of blame for an accident etc. no fear see FEAR. no-frills lacking ornament or embellishment. no go impossible, hopeless. no-go area an area forbidden to unauthorized people. no good see GOOD. no-good see GOOD. no-hitter US Baseball a game in which a team does not get a player to first base. no-hoper Austral. sl. a useless person. no joke see JOKE. no joy see JOY n. 3. no little see LITTLE. no man no person, nobody. no man's land 1 Mil. the space between two opposing armies. 2 an area not assigned to any owner. 3 an area not clearly belonging to any one subject etc. no-no colloq. a thing not possible or acceptable. no-nonsense serious, without flippancy. no place US nowhere. no-show a person who has reserved a seat etc. but neither uses it nor cancels the reservation. no side Rugby Football 1 the end of a game. 2 the referee's announcement of this. no small see SMALL. no sweat colloq. no bother, no trouble. no thoroughfare an indication that passage along a street, path, etc., is blocked or prohibited. no time see TIME. no trumps (or trump) Bridge a declaration or bid involving playing without a trump suit. no-trumper Bridge a hand on which a no-trump bid can suitably be, or has been, made. no way colloq. 1 it is impossible. 2 I will not agree etc. no whit see WHIT. no-win of or designating a situation in which success is impossible. no wonder see WONDER. ... or no ... regardless of the ... (rain or no rain, I shall go out). there is no ...ing it is impossible to ... (there is no accounting for tastes; there was no mistaking what he meant). [ME f. nan, non NONE(1), orig. only before consonants] no(2) adv. & n. --adv. 1 equivalent to a negative sentence: the answer to your question is negative, your request or command will not be complied with, the statement made or course of action intended or conclusion arrived at is not correct or satisfactory, the negative statement made is correct. 2 (foll. by compar.) by no amount; not at all (no better than before). 3 Sc. not (will ye no come back again?). --n. (pl. noes) 1 an utterance of the word no. 2 a denial or refusal. 3 a negative vote. Ьis no more has died or ceased to exist. no better than she should be morally suspect; sexually promiscuous. no can do colloq. I am unable to do it. the noes have it the negative voters are in the majority. no less (often foll. by than) 1 as much (gave me њ50, no less; gave me no less than њ50; is no less than a scandal; a no less fatal victory). 2 as important (no less a person than the President). 3 disp. no fewer (no less than ten people have told me). no longer not now or henceforth as formerly. no more n. nothing further (have no more to say; want no more of it). --adj. not any more (no more wine?). --adv. 1 no longer. 2 never again. 3 to no greater extent (is no more a lord than I am; could no more do it than fly in the air). 4 just as little, neither (you did not come, and no more did he). no, no an emphatic equivalent of a negative sentence (cf. sense 1 of adv.). no-see-em (or -um) US a small bloodsucking insect, esp. a midge of the family Ceratopogonidae. no sooner ... than see SOON. not take no for an answer persist in spite of refusals. or no or not (pleasant or no, it is true). whether or no 1 in either case. 2 (as an indirect question) which of a case and its negative (tell me whether or no). [OE no, na f. ne not + o, a ever] n.o. abbr. Cricket not out. Noah's ark n. 1 a the ship in which (according to the Bible) Noah, his family, and the animals were saved. b an imitation of this as a child's toy. 2 a large or cumbrous or old-fashioned trunk or vehicle. 3 a small bivalve mollusc, Arca tetragona, with a boat-shaped shell. [Noah, Hebrew patriarch in Gen. 6] nob(1) n. Brit. sl. a person of wealth or high social position. [orig. Sc. knabb, nab; 18th c., of unkn. orig.] nob(2) n. sl. the head. Ьhis nob Cribbage a score of one point for holding the jack of the same suit as a card turned up by the dealer. [perh. var. of KNOB] nobble v.tr. Brit. sl. 1 tamper with (a racehorse) to prevent its winning. 2 get hold of (money etc.) dishonestly. 3 catch (a criminal). 4 secure the support of or weaken (a person) esp. by underhand means. 5 seize, grab. [prob. = dial. knobble, knubble knock, beat, f. KNOB] nobbler n. Austral. sl. a glass or drink of liquor. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] Nobelist n. US a winner of a Nobel prize. nobelium n. Chem. a radioactive transuranic metallic element. °Symb.: No. [Nobel (see NOBEL PRIZE) + -IUM] Nobel prize n. any of six international prizes awarded annually for physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, economics, and the promotion of peace. [Alfred Nobel (d. 1896), Swedish chemist and engineer, who endowed them] nobiliary adj. of the nobility. Ьnobiliary particle a preposition forming part of a title of nobility (e.g. French de, German von). [F nobiliaire (as NOBLE)] nobility n. (pl. -ies) 1 nobleness of character, mind, birth, or rank. 2 (prec. by a, the) a class of nobles, an aristocracy. [ME f. OF nobilit‚ or L nobilitas (as NOBLE)] noble adj. & n. --adj. (nobler, noblest) 1 belonging by rank, title, or birth to the aristocracy. 2 of excellent character; having lofty ideals; free from pettiness and meanness, magnanimous. 3 of imposing appearance, splendid, magnificent, stately. 4 excellent, admirable (noble horse; noble cellar). --n. 1 a nobleman or noblewoman. 2 hist. a former English gold coin first issued in 1351. Ьnoble gas any gaseous element of a group that almost never combine with other elements. noble metal a metal (e.g. gold, silver, or platinum) that resists chemical action, does not corrode or tarnish in air or water, and is not easily attacked by acids. noble savage primitive man idealized as in Romantic literature. the noble science boxing. ЬЬnobleness n. nobly adv. [ME f. OF f. L (g)nobilis, rel. to KNOW] nobleman n. (pl. -men) a man of noble rank or birth, a peer. noblesse n. the class of nobles (esp. of a foreign country). Ь noblesse oblige privilege entails responsibility. [ME = nobility, f. OF (as NOBLE)] noblewoman n. (pl. -women) a woman of noble rank or birth, a peeress. nobody pron. & n. --pron. no person. --n. (pl. -ies) a person of no importance, authority, or position. Ьlike nobody's business see BUSINESS. nobody's fool see FOOL. [ME f. NO(1) + BODY (= person)] nock n. & v. --n. 1 a notch at either end of a bow for holding the string. 2 a a notch at the butt-end of an arrow for receiving the bowstring. b a notched piece of horn serving this purpose. --v.tr. set (an arrow) on the string. [ME, perh. = nock forward upper corner of some sails, f. MDu. nocke] noctambulist n. a sleepwalker. ЬЬnoctambulism n. [L nox noctis night + ambulare walk] noctule n. a large W. European bat, Nyctalus noctula. [F f. It. nottola bat] nocturn n. RC Ch. a part of matins orig. said at night. [ME f. OF nocturne or eccl.L nocturnum neut. of L nocturnus: see NOCTURNAL] nocturnal adj. of or in the night; done or active by night. Ьnocturnal emission involuntary emission of semen during sleep. ЬЬnocturnally adv. [LL nocturnalis f. L nocturnus of the night f. nox noctis night] nocturne n. 1 Mus. a short composition of a romantic nature, usu. for piano. 2 a picture of a night scene. [F (as NOCTURN)] nocuous adj. literary noxious, harmful. [L nocuus f. nocere hurt] nod v. & n. --v. (nodded, nodding) 1 intr. incline one's head slightly and briefly in greeting, assent, or command. 2 intr. let one's head fall forward in drowsiness; be drowsy. 3 tr. incline (one's head). 4 tr. signify (assent etc.) by a nod. 5 intr. (of flowers, plumes, etc.) bend downwards and sway, or move up and down. 6 intr. make a mistake due to a momentary lack of alertness or attention. 7 intr. (of a building etc.) incline from the perpendicular (nodding to its fall). --n. a nodding of the head. Ьget the nod US be chosen or approved. nodding acquaintance (usu. foll. by with) a very slight acquaintance with a person or subject. nod off colloq. fall asleep. nod through colloq. 1 approve on the nod. 2 Brit. Parl. formally count (a Member of Parliament) as if having voted when unable to do so. on the nod colloq. 1 with merely formal assent and no discussion. 2 on credit. ЬЬnoddingly adv. [ME nodde, of unkn. orig.] noddle(1) n. colloq. the head. [ME nodle, of unkn. orig.] noddle(2) v.tr. nod or wag (one's head). [NOD + -LE(4)] noddy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a simpleton. 2 any of various tropical sea birds of the genus Anous, resembling terns. [prob. f. obs. noddy foolish, which is perh. f. NOD] node n. 1 Bot. a the part of a plant stem from which one or more leaves emerge. b a knob on a root or branch. 2 Anat. a natural swelling or bulge in an organ or part of the body. 3 Astron. either of two points at which a planet's orbit intersects the plane of the ecliptic or the celestial equator. 4 Physics a point of minimum disturbance in a standing wave system. 5 Electr. a point of zero current or voltage. 6 Math. a a point at which a curve intersects itself. b a vertex in a graph. 7 a component in a computer network. ЬЬnodal adj. nodical adj. (in sense 3). [L nodus knot] nodi pl. of NODUS. nodose adj. knotty, knotted. ЬЬnodosity n. [L nodosus (as NODE)] nodule n. 1 a small rounded lump of anything, e.g. flint in chalk, carbon in cast iron, or a mineral on the seabed. 2 a small swelling or aggregation of cells, e.g. a small tumour, node, or ganglion, or a swelling on a root of a legume containing bacteria. ЬЬnodular adj. nodulated adj. nodulation n. nodulose adj. nodulous adj. [L nodulus dimin. of nodus: see NODUS] nodus n. (pl. nodi) a knotty point, a difficulty, a complication in the plot of a story etc. [L, = knot] Noel n. Christmas (esp. as a refrain in carols). [F f. L (as NATAL)] noetic adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the intellect. 2 purely intellectual or abstract. 3 given to intellectual speculation. --n. (in sing. or pl.) the science of the intellect. [Gk noetikos f. noetos intellectual f. noeo apprehend] nog(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a small block or peg of wood. 2 a snag or stump on a tree. 3 nogging. --v.tr. (nogged, nogging) 1 secure with nogs. 2 build in the form of nogging. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] nog(2) n. 1 Brit. a strong beer brewed in East Anglia. 2 an egg-flip. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] noggin n. 1 a small mug. 2 a small measure, usu. ¬ pint, of spirits. 3 sl. the head. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] nogging n. brickwork or timber braces in a timber frame. [NOG(1) + -ING(1)] Noh n. (also No) traditional Japanese drama with dance and song, evolved from Shinto rites. [Jap. no] nohow adv. 1 US in no way; by no means. 2 dial. out of order; out of sorts. noil n. (in sing. or pl.) short wool-combings. [perh. f. OF noel f. med.L nodellus dimin. of L nodus knot] noise n. & v. --n. 1 a sound, esp. a loud or unpleasant or undesired one. 2 a series of loud sounds, esp. shouts; a confused sound of voices and movements. 3 irregular fluctuations accompanying a transmitted signal but not relevant to it. 4 (in pl.) conventional remarks, or speechlike sounds without actual words (made sympathetic noises). --v. 1 tr. (usu. in passive) make public; spread abroad (a person's fame or a fact). 2 intr. archaic make much noise. Ьmake a noise 1 (usu. foll. by about) talk or complain much. 2 be much talked of; attain notoriety. noise-maker a device for making a loud noise at a festivity etc. noise pollution harmful or annoying noise. noises off sounds made off stage to be heard by the audience of a play. [ME f. OF, = outcry, disturbance, f. L nausea: see NAUSEA] noiseless adj. 1 silent. 2 making no avoidable noise. ЬЬnoiselessly adv. noiselessness n. noisette n. a small round piece of meat etc. [F, dimin. of noix nut] noisome adj. literary 1 harmful, noxious. 2 evil-smelling. 3 objectionable, offensive. ЬЬnoisomeness n. [ME f. obs. noy f. ANNOY] noisy adj. (noisier, noisiest) 1 full of or attended with noise. 2 making or given to making much noise. 3 clamorous, turbulent. 4 (of a colour, garment, etc.) loud, conspicuous. ЬЬnoisily adv. noisiness n. nolens volens adv. literary willy-nilly, perforce. [L participles, = unwilling, willing] nolle prosequi n. Law 1 the relinquishment by a plaintiff or prosecutor of all or part of a suit. 2 the entry of this on record. [L, = refuse to pursue] nom. abbr. nominal. nomad n. & adj. --n. 1 a member of a tribe roaming from place to place for pasture. 2 a wanderer. --adj. 1 living as a nomad. 2 wandering. ЬЬnomadic adj. nomadically adv. nomadism n. nomadize v.intr. (also -ise). [F nomade f. L nomas nomad- f. Gk nomas -ados f. nemo to pasture] nombril n. Heraldry the point halfway between fess point and the base of the shield. [F, = navel] nom de guerre n. (pl. noms de guerre pronunc. same) an assumed name under which a person fights, plays, writes, etc. [F, = war-name] nom de plume n. (pl. noms de plume pronunc. same) an assumed name under which a person writes. [formed in E of F words, = pen-name, after NOM DE GUERRE] nomen n. an ancient Roman's second name, indicating the gens, as in Marcus Tullius Cicero. [L, = name] nomenclature n. 1 a person's or community's system of names for things. 2 the terminology of a science etc. 3 systematic naming. 4 a catalogue or register. ЬЬnomenclative adj. nomenclatural adj. [F f. L nomenclatura f. nomen + calare call] nominal adj. 1 existing in name only; not real or actual (nominal and real prices; nominal ruler). 2 (of a sum of money, rent, etc.) virtually nothing; much below the actual value of a thing. 3 of or in names (nominal and essential distinctions). 4 consisting of or giving the names (nominal list of officers). 5 of or as or like a noun. Ьnominal definition a statement of all that is connoted in the name of a concept. nominal value the face value (of a coin, shares, etc.). ЬЬnominally adv. [ME f. F nominal or L nominalis f. nomen -inis name] nominalism n. Philos. the doctrine that universals or general ideas are mere names (opp. REALISM). ЬЬnominalist n. nominalistic adj. [F nominalisme (as NOMINAL)] nominalize v.tr. (also -ise) form a noun from (a verb, adjective, etc.), e.g. output, truth, from put out, true. ЬЬnominalization n. nominate v.tr. 1 propose (a candidate) for election. 2 appoint to an office (a board of six nominated and six elected members). 3 name or appoint (a date or place). 4 mention by name. 5 call by the name of, designate. ЬЬnominator n. [L nominare nominat- (as NOMINAL)] nomination n. 1 the act or an instance of nominating; the state of being nominated. 2 the right of nominating for an appointment (have a nomination at your disposal). [ME f. OF nomination or L nominatio (as NOMINATE)] nominative n. & adj. --n. Gram. 1 the case of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives, expressing the subject of a verb. 2 a word in this case. --adj. 1 Gram. of or in this case. 2 of, or appointed by, nomination (as distinct from election). ЬЬnominatival adj. [ME f. OF nominatif -ive or L nominativus (as NOMINATE), transl. Gk onomastike (ptosis case)] nominee n. 1 a person who is nominated for an office or as the recipient of a grant etc. 2 Commerce a person (not necessarily the owner) in whose name a stock etc. is registered. [NOMINATE] nomogram n. (also nomograph) a graphical presentation of relations between quantities whereby the value of one may be found by simple geometrical construction (e.g. drawing a straight line) from those of others. ЬЬnomographic adj. nomographically adv. nomography n. [Gk nomo- f. nomos law + -GRAM] nomothetic adj. 1 stating (esp. scientific) laws. 2 legislative. [obs. nomothete legislator f. Gk nomothetes] -nomy comb. form denoting an area of knowledge or the laws governing it (aeronomy; economy). non- prefix giving the negative sense of words with which it is combined, esp.: 1 not doing or having or involved with (non-attendance; non-payment; non-productive). 2 a not of the kind or class described (non-alcoholic; non-member; non-event). b forming terms used adjectivally (non-union; non-party). 3 a lack of (non-access). 4 (with adverbs) not in the way described (non-aggressively). 5 forming adjectives from verbs, meaning 'that does not' or 'that is not meant to (or to be)' (non-skid; non-iron). 6 used to form a neutral negative sense when a form in in- or un- has a special sense or (usu. unfavourable) connotation (non-controversial; non-effective; non-human). °The number of words that can be formed with this prefix is unlimited; consequently only a selection, considered the most current or semantically noteworthy, can be given here. [from or after ME no(u)n- f. AF noun-, OF non-, nom- f. L non not] nona- comb. form nine. [L f. nonus ninth] non-abstainer n. a person who does not abstain (esp. from alcohol). non-acceptance n. a lack of acceptance. non-access n. a lack of access. non-addictive adj. (of a drug, habit, etc.) not causing addiction. nonage n. 1 hist. the state of being under full legal age, minority. 2 a period of immaturity. [ME f. AF nounage, OF nonage (as NON-, AGE)] nonagenarian n. & adj. --n. a person from 90 to 99 years old. --adj. of this age. [L nonagenarius f. nonageni distributive of nonaginta ninety] non-aggression n. lack of or restraint from aggression (often attrib.: non-aggression pact). nonagon n. a plane figure with nine sides and angles. [L nonus ninth, after HEXAGON] non-alcoholic adj. & n. (of a drink etc.) not containing alcohol. non-aligned adj. (of States etc.) not aligned with another (esp. major) power. ЬЬnon-alignment n. non-allergic adj. not causing allergy; not allergic. non-ambiguous adj. not ambiguous. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, UNAMBIGUOUS. non-appearance n. failure to appear or be present. non-art n. something that avoids the normal forms of art. nonary adj. & n. --adj. Math. (of a scale of notation) having nine as its base. --n. (pl. -ies) a group of nine. [L nonus ninth] non-Aryan adj. & n. --adj. (of a person or language) not Aryan or of Aryan descent. --n. a non-Aryan person. non-attached adj. that is not attached. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, UNATTACHED. non-attendance n. failure to attend. non-attributable adj. that cannot or may not be attributed to a particular source etc. ЬЬnon-attributably adv. non-availability n. a state of not being available. non-believer n. a person who does not believe or has no (esp. religious) faith. non-belligerency n. a lack of belligerency. non-belligerent adj. & n. --adj. not engaged in hostilities. --n. a non-belligerent nation, State, etc. non-biological adj. not concerned with biology or living organisms. non-Black adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a person) not Black. 2 of or relating to non-Black people. --n. a non-Black person. non-breakable adj. not breakable. non-capital adj. (of an offence) not punishable by death. non-Catholic adj. & n. --adj. not Roman Catholic. --n. a non-Catholic person. nonce n. Ьfor the nonce for the time being; for the present occasion. nonce-word a word coined for one occasion. [ME for than anes (unrecorded) = for the one, altered by wrong division (cf. NEWT)] nonchalant adj. calm and casual, unmoved, unexcited, indifferent. ЬЬnonchalance n. nonchalantly adv. [F, part. of nonchaloir f. chaloir be concerned] non-Christian adj. & n. --adj. not Christian. --n. a non-Christian person. non-citizen n. a person who is not a citizen (of a particular State, town, etc.). non-classified adj. (esp. of information) that is not classified. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, UNCLASSIFIED. non-clerical adj. not doing or involving clerical work. non-collegiate adj. 1 not attached to a college. 2 not having colleges. non-com n. colloq. a non-commissioned officer. [abbr.] non-combatant n. a person not fighting in a war, esp. a civilian, army chaplain, etc. non-commissioned adj. Mil. (of an officer) not holding a commission. noncommittal adj. avoiding commitment to a definite opinion or course of action. ЬЬnoncommittally adv. non-communicant n. a person who is not a communicant (esp. in the religious sense). non-communicating adj. that does not communicate. non-communist adj. & n. (also non-Communist with ref. to a particular party) --adj. not advocating or practising communism. --n. a non-communist person. non-compliance n. failure to comply; a lack of compliance. non compos mentis adj. (also non compos) not in one's right mind. [L, = not having control of one's mind] non-conductor n. a substance that does not conduct heat or electricity. ЬЬnon-conducting adj. non-confidential adj. not confidential. ЬЬnon-confidentially adv. nonconformist n. 1 a person who does not conform to the doctrine or discipline of an established Church, esp. (Nonconformist) a member of a (usu. Protestant) sect dissenting from the Anglican Church. 2 a person who does not conform to a prevailing principle. ЬЬnonconformism n. Nonconformism n. nonconformity n. 1 a nonconformists as a body, esp. (Nonconformity) Protestants dissenting from the Anglican Church. b the principles or practice of nonconformists, esp. (Nonconformity) Protestant dissent. 2 (usu. foll. by to) failure to conform to a rule etc. 3 lack of correspondence between things. non-contagious adj. not contagious. non-content n. Brit. a negative voter in the House of Lords. non-contentious adj. not contentious. non-contributory adj. not contributing or (esp. of a pension scheme) involving contributions. non-controversial adj. not controversial. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, UNCONTROVERSIAL. non-cooperation n. failure to cooperate; a lack of cooperation. non-delivery n. failure to deliver. non-denominational adj. not restricted as regards religious denomination. nondescript adj. & n. --adj. lacking distinctive characteristics, not easily classified, neither one thing nor another. --n. a nondescript person or thing. ЬЬnondescriptly adv. nondescriptness n. [NON- + descript described f. L descriptus (as DESCRIBE)] non-destructive adj. that does not involve destruction or damage. non-drinker n. a person who does not drink alcoholic liquor. non-driver n. a person who does not drive a motor vehicle. none(1) pron., adj., & adv. --pron. 1 (foll. by of) a not any of (none of this concerns me; none of them have found it; none of your impudence!). b not any one of (none of them has come). °The verb following none in this sense can be singular or plural according to the sense. 2 a no persons (none but fools have ever believed it). b no person (none can tell). --adj. (usu. with a preceding noun implied) 1 no; not any (you have money and I have none; would rather have a bad reputation than none at all). 2 not to be counted in a specified class (his understanding is none of the clearest; if a linguist is wanted, I am none). --adv. (foll. by the + compar., or so, too) by no amount; not at all (am none the wiser; are none too fond of him). Ьnone the less nevertheless. none other (usu. foll. by than) no other person. none-so-pretty London Pride. [OE nan f. ne not + an ONE] none(2) n. (also in pl.) 1 the office of the fifth of the canonical hours of prayer, orig. said at the ninth hour (3 p.m.). 2 this hour. [F f. L nona fem. sing. of nonus ninth: cf. NOON] non-earning adj. not earning (esp. a regular wage or salary). non-effective adj. that does not have an effect. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, INEFFECTIVE. non-ego n. Philos. all that is not the conscious self. nonentity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a person or thing of no importance. 2 a non-existence. b a non-existent thing, a figment. [med.L nonentitas non-existence] nones n.pl. in the ancient Roman calendar, the ninth day before the ides by inclusive reckoning, i.e. the 7th day of March, May, July, October, the 5th of other months. [OF nones f. L nonae fem. pl. of nonus ninth] non-essential adj. not essential. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, INESSENTIAL. nonesuch var. of NONSUCH. nonet n. 1 Mus. a a composition for nine voices or instruments. b the performers of such a piece. 2 a group of nine. [It. nonetto f. nono ninth f. L nonus] nonetheless var. of none the less. non-Euclidean adj. denying or going beyond Euclidean principles in geometry. non-European adj. & n. --adj. not European. --n. a non-European person. non-event n. an unimportant or anticlimactic occurrence. non-existent adj. not existing. ЬЬnon-existence n. non-explosive adj. (of a substance) that does not explode. non-fattening adj. (of food) that does not fatten. nonfeasance n. failure to perform an act required by law. [NON-: see MISFEASANCE] non-ferrous adj. (of a metal) other than iron or steel. non-fiction n. literary work other than fiction, including biography and reference books. ЬЬnon-fictional adj. non-flam adj. = NON-FLAMMABLE. non-flammable adj. not inflammable. non-fulfilment n. failure to fulfil (an obligation). non-functional adj. not having a function. nong n. Austral. sl. a foolish or stupid person. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] non-governmental adj. not belonging to or associated with a government. non-human adj. & n. --adj. (of a being) not human. --n. a non-human being. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, INHUMAN, UNHUMAN. non-infectious adj. (of a disease) not infectious. non-inflected adj. (of a language) not having inflections. non-interference n. a lack of interference. non-intervention n. the principle or practice of not becoming involved in others' affairs, esp. by one State in regard to another. non-intoxicating adj. (of drink) not causing intoxication. non-iron adj. (of a fabric) that needs no ironing. nonjoinder n. Law the failure of a partner etc. to become a party to a suit. nonjuror n. a person who refuses to take an oath, esp. hist. a member of the clergy refusing to take the oath of allegiance to William and Mary in 1689. ЬЬnonjuring adj. non-jury adj. (of a trial) without a jury. non-linear adj. not linear, esp. with regard to dimension. non-literary adj. (of writing, a text, etc.) not literary in character. non-logical adj. not involving logic. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, ILLOGICAL. ЬЬnon-logically adv. non-magnetic adj. (of a substance) not magnetic. non-member n. a person who is not a member (of a particular association, club, etc.). ЬЬnon-membership n. non-metal adj. not made of metal. ЬЬnon-metallic adj. non-militant adj. not militant. non-military adj. not military; not involving armed forces, civilian. non-ministerial adj. not ministerial (esp. in political senses). non-moral adj. not concerned with morality. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, AMORAL, IMMORAL. ЬЬnon-morally adv. non-natural adj. not involving natural means or processes. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, UNNATURAL. non-negotiable adj. that cannot be negotiated (esp. in financial senses). non-net adj. (of a book) not subject to a minimum selling price. non-nuclear adj. 1 not involving nuclei or nuclear energy. 2 (of a State etc.) not having nuclear weapons. non-observance n. failure to observe (esp. an agreement, requirement, etc.). non-operational adj. 1 that does not operate. 2 out of order. non-organic adj. not organic. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, INORGANIC. nonpareil adj. & n. --adj. unrivalled or unique. --n. such a person or thing. [F f. pareil equal f. pop.L pariculus dimin. of L par] non-participating adj. not taking part. non-partisan adj. not partisan. non-party adj. independent of political parties. non-payment n. failure to pay; a lack of payment. non-person n. a person regarded as non-existent or insignificant (cf. UNPERSON). non-personal adj. not personal. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, IMPERSONAL. non-physical adj. not physical. ЬЬnon-physically adv. non placet n. a negative vote in a Church or university assembly. [L, = it does not please] non-playing adj. that does not play or take part (in a game etc.). nonplus v. & n. --v.tr. (nonplussed, nonplussing) completely perplex. --n. a state of perplexity, a standstill (at a nonplus; reduce to a nonplus). [L non plus not more] non-poisonous adj. (of a substance) not poisonous. non-political adj. not political; not involved in politics. non-porous adj. (of a substance) not porous. non possumus n. a statement of inability to act in a matter. [L, = we cannot] non-productive adj. not productive. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, UNPRODUCTIVE. ЬЬnon-productively adv. non-professional adj. not professional (esp. in status). °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, UNPROFESSIONAL. non-profit adj. not involving or making a profit. non-profit-making adj. (of an enterprise) not conducted primarily to make a profit. non-proliferation n. the prevention of an increase in something, esp. possession of nuclear weapons. non-racial adj. not involving race or racial factors. non-reader n. a person who cannot read. non-resident adj. & n. --adj. 1 not residing in a particular place, esp. (of a member of the clergy) not residing where his or her duties require. 2 (of a post) not requiring the holder to reside at the place of work. --n. a non-resident person, esp. a person using some of the facilities of a hotel. ЬЬnon-residence n. non-residential adj. non-resistance n. failure to resist; a lack of resistance. non-returnable adj. that may or need or will not be returned. non-rigid adj. (esp. of materials) not rigid. non-scientific adj. not involving science or scientific methods. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, UNSCIENTIFIC. ЬЬnon-scientist n. non-sectarian adj. not sectarian. nonsense n. 1 a (often as int.) absurd or meaningless words or ideas; foolish or extravagant conduct. b an instance of this. 2 a scheme, arrangement, etc., that one disapproves of. 3 (often attrib.) a form of literature meant to amuse by absurdity (nonsense verse). ЬЬnonsensical adj. nonsensicality n. (pl. -ies). nonsensically adv. non sequitur n. a conclusion that does not logically follow from the premisses. [L, = it does not follow] non-sexual adj. not based on or involving sex. ЬЬnon-sexually adv. non-skid adj. 1 that does not skid. 2 that inhibits skidding. non-slip adj. 1 that does not slip. 2 that inhibits slipping. non-smoker n. 1 a person who does not smoke. 2 a train compartment etc. in which smoking is forbidden. ЬЬnon-smoking adj. & n. non-soluble adj. (esp. of a substance) not soluble. °Neutral in sense: see NON- 6, INSOLUBLE. non-specialist n. a person who is not a specialist (in a particular subject). non-specific adj. that cannot be specified. non-standard adj. not standard. non-starter n. 1 a person or animal that does not start in a race. 2 colloq. a person or thing that is unlikely to succeed or be effective. non-stick adj. 1 that does not stick. 2 that does not allow things to stick to it. non-stop adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 (of a train etc.) not stopping at intermediate places. 2 (of a journey, performance, etc.) done without a stop or intermission. --adv. without stopping or pausing. --n. a non-stop train etc. non-subscriber n. a person who is not a subscriber. nonsuch n. (also nonesuch) 1 a person or thing that is unrivalled, a paragon. 2 a leguminous plant, Medicago lupulina, with black pods. [NONE(1) + SUCH, usu. now assim. to NON-] nonsuit n. & v. Law --n. the stoppage of a suit by the judge when the plaintiff fails to make out a legal case or to bring sufficient evidence. --v.tr. subject (a plaintiff) to a nonsuit. [ME f. AF no(u)nsuit] non-swimmer n. a person who cannot swim. non-technical adj. 1 not technical. 2 without technical knowledge. non-toxic adj. not toxic. non-transferable adj. that may not be transferred. non-U adj. colloq. not characteristic of the upper class. [NON- + U(2)] non-uniform adj. not uniform. non-union adj. 1 not belonging to a trade union. 2 not done or produced by members of a trade union. non-usage n. failure to use. non-use n. failure to use. non-user n. Law the failure to use a right, by which it may be lost. [AF nounuser (unrecorded) (as NON-, USER)] non-verbal adj. not involving words or speech. ЬЬnon-verbally adv. non-vintage adj. (of wine etc.) not vintage. non-violence n. the avoidance of violence, esp. as a principle. ЬЬnon-violent adj. non-volatile adj. (esp. of a substance) not volatile. non-voting adj. not having or using a vote. ЬЬnon-voter n. non-White adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a person) not White. 2 of or relating to non-White people. --n. a non-White person. non-word n. an unrecorded or unused word. noodle(1) n. a strip or ring of pasta. [G Nudel] noodle(2) n. 1 a simpleton. 2 sl. the head. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] nook n. a corner or recess; a secluded place. [ME nok(e) corner, of unkn. orig.] nooky n. (also nookie) sl. sexual intercourse. [20th c.: perh. f. NOOK] noon n. 1 twelve o'clock in the day, midday. 2 the culminating point. [OE non f. L nona (hora) ninth hour: orig. = 3 p.m. (cf. NONE(2))] noonday n. midday. no one n. no person; nobody. noontide n. (also noontime) midday. noose n. & v. --n. 1 a loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled, esp. in a snare, lasso, or hangman's halter. 2 a snare or bond. 3 joc. the marriage tie. --v.tr. 1 catch with or enclose in a noose, ensnare. 2 a make a noose on (a cord). b (often foll. by round) arrange (a cord) in a noose. Ьput one's head in a noose bring about one's own downfall. [ME nose, perh. f. OF no(u)s f. L nodus knot] nopal n. any American cactus of the genus Nopalea, esp. N. cochinellifera grown in plantations for breeding cochineal. [F & Sp. f. Nahuatl nopalli cactus] nope adv. colloq. = NO(2) adv. 1. [NO(2)] nor conj. 1 and not; and not either (neither one thing nor the other; not a man nor a child was to be seen; I said I had not seen it, nor had I; all that is true, nor must we forget ...; can neither read nor write). 2 and no more; neither ('I cannot go' - 'Nor can I'). Ьnor ... nor ... poet. or archaic neither ... nor ... [ME, contr. f. obs. nother f. OE nawther, nahw‘ther (as NO(2), WHETHER)] nor' n., adj., & adv. (esp. in compounds) = NORTH (nor'ward; nor'wester). [abbr.] noradrenalin n. (also noradrenaline) a hormone released by the adrenal medulla and by sympathetic nerve endings as a neurotransmitter. [normal + ADRENALIN] Nordic adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to the tall blond dolichocephalic Germanic people found in N. Europe, esp. in Scandinavia. 2 of or relating to Scandinavia or Finland. 3 (of skiing) with cross-country work and jumping. --n. a Nordic person, esp. a native of Scandinavia or Finland. [F nordique f. nord north] Norfolk jacket n. a man's loose belted jacket, with box pleats. [Norfolk in S. England] nork n. (usu. in pl.) Austral. sl. a woman's breast. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] norland n. Brit. a northern region. [contr. of NORTHLAND] norm n. 1 a standard or pattern or type. 2 a standard quantity to be produced or amount of work to be done. 3 customary behaviour etc. [L norma carpenter's square] normal adj. & n. --adj. 1 conforming to a standard; regular, usual, typical. 2 free from mental or emotional disorder. 3 Geom. (of a line) at right angles, perpendicular. 4 Chem. (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per litre. --n. 1 a the normal value of a temperature etc., esp. blood-heat. b the usual state, level, etc. 2 Geom. a line at right angles. Ьnormal distribution Statistics a function that represents the distribution of many random variables as a symmetrical bell-shaped graph. normal school (in the US, France, etc.) a school or college for training teachers. ЬЬnormalcy n. esp. US. normality n. [F normal or L normalis (as NORM)] normalize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. make normal. 2 intr. become normal. 3 tr. cause to conform. ЬЬnormalization n. normalizer n. normally adv. 1 in a normal manner. 2 usually. Norman n. & adj. --n. 1 a native or inhabitant of Normandy. 2 a descendant of the people of mixed Scandinavian and Frankish origin established there in the 10th c., who conquered England in 1066. 3 Norman French. 4 Archit. the style of Romanesque architecture found in Britain under the Normans. 5 any of the English kings from William I to Stephen. --adj. 1 of or relating to the Normans. 2 of or relating to the Norman style of architecture. ЬNorman Conquest see CONQUEST. Norman English English as spoken or influenced by the Normans. Norman French French as spoken by the Normans or (after 1066) in English lawcourts. ЬЬNormanesque adj. Normanism n. Normanize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). [OF Normans pl. of Normant f. ON Northmathr (as NORTH, MAN)] normative adj. of or establishing a norm. ЬЬnormatively adv. normativeness n. [F normatif -ive f. L norma (see NORM)] Norn n. any of three goddesses of destiny in Scandinavian mythology. [ON: orig. unkn.] Norroy n. (in full Norroy and Ulster) Heraldry (in the UK) the title given to the third King of Arms, with jurisdiction north of the Trent and (since 1943) in N. Ireland (cf. CLARENCEUX, King of Arms). [ME f. AF norroi (unrecorded) f. OF nord north, roi king] Norse n. & adj. --n. 1 a the Norwegian language. b the Scandinavian language-group. 2 (prec. by the; treated as pl.) a the Norwegians. b the Vikings. --adj. of ancient Scandinavia, esp. Norway. ЬOld Norse 1 the Germanic language from which the Scandinavian languages are derived. 2 the language of Norway and its colonies until the 14th c. ЬЬNorseman n. (pl. -men). [Du. noor(d)sch f. noord north] north n., adj., & adv. --n. 1 a the point of the horizon 90ш anticlockwise from east. b the compass point corresponding to this. c the direction in which this lies. 2 (usu. the North) a the part of the world or a country or a town lying to the north, esp. = north country or Northern States. b the Arctic. c the industrialized nations. 3 (North) Bridge a player occupying the position designated 'north'. --adj. 1 towards, at, near, or facing north. 2 coming from the north (north wind). --adv. 1 towards, at, or near the north. 2 (foll. by of) further north than. ЬNorth American adj. of North America. --n. a native or inhabitant of North America, esp. a citizen of the US or Canada. north and south lengthwise along a line from north to south. north by east (or west) between north and north-north-east (or north-north-west). north country the northern part of England (north of the Humber). North-countryman (pl. -men) a native of the north country. north-east n. 1 the point of the horizon midway between north and east. 2 the compass point corresponding to this. 3 the direction in which this lies. --adj. of, towards, or coming from the north-east. --adv. towards, at, or near the north-east. North-East the part of a country or town lying to the north-east. north-easterly adj. & adv. = north-east. north-eastern lying on the north-east side. north-east passage a passage for ships along the northern coast of Europe and Asia, formerly thought of as a possible route to the East. north light light from the north, esp. as desired by painters and in factory design. north-north-east the point or direction midway between north and north-east. north-north-west the point or direction midway between north and north-west. North Pole 1 the northernmost point of the earth's axis of rotation. 2 the northernmost point about which the stars appear to revolve. North Sea the sea between Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, and Scandinavia. North Star the polestar. north-west n. 1 the point of the horizon midway between north and west. 2 the compass point corresponding to this. 3 the direction in which this lies. --adj. of, towards, or coming from the north-west. --adv. towards, at, or near the north-west. North-West the part of a country or town lying to the north-west. north-westerly adj. & adv. = north-west. north-western lying on the north-west side. north-west passage a passage for ships along the northern coast of America, formerly thought of as a possible route from the Atlantic to the Pacific. to the north (often foll. by of) in a northerly direction. [OE f. Gmc] Northants abbr. Northamptonshire. northbound adj. travelling or leading northwards. northeaster n. a north-east wind. norther n. US a strong cold north wind blowing in autumn and winter over Texas, Florida, and the Gulf of Mexico. northerly adj., adv., & n. --adj. & adv. 1 in a northern position or direction. 2 (of wind) blowing from the north. --n. (pl. -ies) (usu. in pl.) a wind blowing from the north. northern adj. 1 of or in the north; inhabiting the north. 2 lying or directed towards the north. ЬNorthern hemisphere the half of the earth north of the equator. northern lights the aurora borealis. Northern States the States in the north of the US. ЬЬnorthernmost adj. [OE northerne (as NORTH, -ERN)] northerner n. a native or inhabitant of the north. northing n. Naut. the distance travelled or measured northward. Northland n. poet. the northern lands; the northern part of a country. [OE (as NORTH, LAND)] Northman n. (pl. -men) a native of Scandinavia, esp. of Norway. [OE] Northumb. abbr. Northumberland. Northumbrian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to ancient Northumbria (England north of the Humber) or modern Northumberland. --n. 1 a native of ancient Northumbria or modern Northumberland. 2 the dialect of ancient Northumbria or modern Northumberland. [obs. Northumber, persons living beyond the Humber, f. OE Northhymbre] northward adj., adv., & n. --adj. & adv. (also northwards) towards the north. --n. a northward direction or region. northwester n. a north-west wind. Norway lobster n. a small European lobster, Nephrops norvegicus. [Norway in N. Europe] Norway rat n. the common brown rat, Rattus norvegicus. Norwegian n. & adj. --n. 1 a a native or national of Norway. b a person of Norwegian descent. 2 the language of Norway. --adj. of or relating to Norway or its people or language. [med.L Norvegia f. ON Norvegr (as NORTH, WAY), assim. to Norway] nor'-wester n. 1 a northwester. 2 a glass of strong liquor. 3 an oilskin hat, a sou'wester. [contr.] Nos. abbr. numbers. [cf. NO.] nose n. & v. --n. 1 an organ above the mouth on the face or head of a human or animal, containing nostrils and used for smelling and breathing. 2 a the sense of smell (dogs have a good nose). b the ability to detect a particular thing (a nose for scandal). 3 the odour or perfume of wine, tea, tobacco, hay, etc. 4 the open end or nozzle of a tube, pipe, pair of bellows, retort, etc. 5 a the front end or projecting part of a thing, e.g. of a car or aircraft. b = NOSING. 6 sl. an informer of the police. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by out) a perceive the smell of, discover by smell. b detect. 2 tr. thrust or rub one's nose against or into, esp. in order to smell. 3 intr. (usu. foll. by about, around, etc.) pry or search. 4 a intr. make one's way cautiously forward. b tr. make (one's or its way). Ьas plain as the nose on your face easily seen. by a nose by a very narrow margin (won the race by a nose). count noses count those present, one's supporters, etc.; decide a question by mere numbers. cut off one's nose to spite one's face disadvantage oneself in the course of trying to disadvantage another. get up a person's nose sl. annoy a person. keep one's nose clean sl. stay out of trouble, behave properly. keep one's nose to the grindstone see GRINDSTONE. nose-cone the cone-shaped nose of a rocket etc. nose-flute a musical instrument blown with the nose in Fiji etc. nose leaf a fleshy part on the nostrils of some bats, used for echo location. nose-monkey the proboscis monkey. nose-piece 1 = NOSEBAND. 2 the part of a helmet etc. protecting the nose. 3 the part of a microscope to which the object-glass is attached. nose-rag sl. a pocket handkerchief. nose-to-tail (of vehicles) moving or stationary one close behind another, esp. in heavy traffic. nose-wheel a landing-wheel under the nose of an aircraft. on the nose 1 US sl. precisely. 2 Austral. sl. annoying. put a person's nose out of joint colloq. embarrass, disconcert, frustrate, or supplant a person. rub a person's nose in it see RUB. see no further than one's nose be short-sighted, esp. in foreseeing the consequences of one's actions etc. speak through one's nose pronounce words with a nasal twang. turn up one's nose (usu. foll. by at) colloq. show disdain. under a person's nose colloq. right before a person (esp. of defiant or unnoticed actions). with one's nose in the air haughtily. ЬЬnosed adj. (also in comb.). noseless adj. [OE nosu] nosebag n. a bag containing fodder, hung on a horse's head. noseband n. the lower band of a bridle, passing over the horse's nose. nosebleed n. an instance of bleeding from the nose. nosedive n. & v. --n. 1 a steep downward plunge by an aeroplane. 2 a sudden plunge or drop. --v.intr. make a nosedive. nosegay n. a bunch of flowers, esp. a sweet-scented posy. [NOSE + GAY in obs. use = ornament] nosepipe n. a piece of piping used as a nozzle. nosering n. a ring fixed in the nose of an animal (esp. a bull) for leading it, or of a person for ornament. nosey var. of NOSY. nosh v. & n. sl. --v.tr. & intr. 1 eat or drink. 2 US eat between meals. --n. 1 food or drink. 2 US a snack. Ьnosh-up Brit. a large meal. [Yiddish] noshery n. (pl. -ies) sl. a restaurant or snack bar. nosing n. a rounded edge of a step, moulding, etc., or a metal shield for it. nosography n. the systematic description of diseases. [Gk nosos disease + -GRAPHY] nosology n. the branch of medical science dealing with the classification of diseases. ЬЬnosological adj. [Gk nosos disease + -LOGY] nostalgia n. 1 (often foll. by for) sentimental yearning for a period of the past. 2 regretful or wistful memory of an earlier time. 3 severe homesickness. ЬЬnostalgic adj. nostalgically adv. [mod.L f. Gk nostos return home] nostoc n. any gelatinous blue-green unicellular alga of the genus Nostoc, that can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. [name invented by Paracelsus] Nostradamus n. a person who claims to foretell future events. [Latinized form of the name of M. de Nostredame, French astrologer and physician d. 1566] nostril n. either of two external openings of the nasal cavity in vertebrates that admit air to the lungs and smells to the olfactory nerves. ЬЬnostrilled adj. (also in comb.). [OE nosthyrl, nosterl f. nosu NOSE + thyr(e)l hole: cf. THRILL] nostrum n. 1 a quack remedy, a patent medicine, esp. one prepared by the person recommending it. 2 a pet scheme, esp. for political or social reform. [L, neut. of noster our, used in sense 'of our own make'] nosy adj. & n. (also nosey) --adj. (nosier, nosiest) 1 colloq. inquisitve, prying. 2 having a large nose. 3 having a distinctive (good or bad) smell. --n. (pl. -ies) a person with a large nose. ЬNosy Parker esp. Brit. colloq. a busybody. ЬЬnosily adv. nosiness n. not adv. expressing negation, esp.: 1 (also n't joined to a preceding verb) following an auxiliary verb or be or (in a question) the subject of such a verb (I cannot say; she isn't there; didn't you tell me?; am I not right?; aren't we smart?). °Use with other verbs is now archaic (I know not; fear not), except with participles and infinitives (not knowing, I cannot say; we asked them not to come). 2 used elliptically for a negative sentence or verb or phrase (Is she coming? -- I hope not; Do you want it? -- Certainly not!). 3 used to express the negative of other words (not a single one was left; Are they pleased? - Not they; he is not my cousin, but my nephew). Ьnot at all (in polite reply to thanks) there is no need for thanks. not but what archaic 1 all the same; nevertheless (I cannot do it; not but what a stronger man might). 2 not such ... or so ... that ... not (not such a fool but what he can see it). not half see HALF. not least with considerable importance, notably. not much see MUCH. not quite 1 almost (am not quite there). 2 noticeably not (not quite proper). not that (foll. by clause) it is not to be inferred that (if he said so - not that he ever did - he lied). not a thing nothing at all. not very see VERY. [ME contr. of NOUGHT] nota bene v.tr. (as imper.) observe what follows, take notice (usu. drawing attention to a following qualification of what has preceded). [L, = note well] notability n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state of being notable (names of no historical notability). 2 a prominent person. [ME f. OF notabilit‚ or LL notabilitas (as NOTABLE)] notable adj. & n. --adj. worthy of note; striking, remarkable, eminent. --n. an eminent person. ЬЬnotableness n. notably adv. [ME f. OF f. L notabilis (as NOTE)] notarize v.tr. (also -ise) US certify (a document) as a notary. notary n. (pl. -ies) (in full notary public) a person authorized to perform certain legal formalities, esp. to draw up or certify contracts, deeds, etc. ЬЬnotarial adj. notarially adv. [ME f. L notarius secretary (as NOTE)] notate v.tr. write in notation. [back-form. f. NOTATION] notation n. 1 a the representation of numbers, quantities, pitch and duration etc. of musical notes, etc. by symbols. b any set of such symbols. 2 a set of symbols used to represent chess moves, dance steps, etc. 3 US a a note or annotation. b a record. 4 = scale of notation (see SCALE(3)). ЬЬnotational adj. [F notation or L notatio (as NOTE)] notch n. & v. --n. 1 a V-shaped indentation on an edge or surface. 2 a nick made on a stick etc. in order to keep count. 3 colloq. a step or degree (move up a notch). 4 US a deep gorge. --v.tr. 1 make notches in. 2 (foll. by up) record or score with or as with notches. 3 secure or insert by notches. ЬЬnotched adj. notcher n. notchy adj. (notchier, notchiest). [AF noche perh. f. a verbal form nocher (unrecorded), of uncert. orig.] note n. & v. --n. 1 a brief record of facts, topics, thoughts, etc., as an aid to memory, for use in writing, public speaking, etc. (often in pl.: make notes; spoke without notes). 2 an observation, usu. unwritten, of experiences etc. (compare notes). 3 a short or informal letter. 4 a formal diplomatic or parliamentary communication. 5 a short annotation or additional explanation in a book etc.; a footnote. 6 a Brit. = BANKNOTE (a five-pound note). b a written promise or notice of payment of various kinds. 7 a notice, attention (worthy of note). b distinction, eminence (a person of note). 8 a a written sign representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound. b a single tone of definite pitch made by a musical instrument, the human voice, etc. c a key of a piano etc. 9 a a bird's song or call. b a single tone in this. 10 a quality or tone of speaking, expressing mood or attitude etc. (sound a note of warning; ended on a note of optimism). 11 a characteristic; a distinguishing feature. --v.tr. 1 observe, notice; give or draw attention to. 2 (often foll. by down) record as a thing to be remembered or observed. 3 (in passive; often foll. by for) be famous or well known (for a quality, activity, etc.) (were noted for their generosity). Ьhit (or strike) the right note speak or act in exactly the right manner. of note important, distinguished (a person of note). take note (often foll. by of) observe; pay attention (to). ЬЬnoted adj. (in sense 3 of v.). noteless adj. [ME f. OF note (n.), noter (v.) f. L nota mark] notebook n. a small book for making or taking notes. notecase n. a wallet for holding banknotes. notelet n. a small folded sheet of paper, usu. with a decorative design, for an informal letter. notepaper n. paper for writing letters. noteworthy adj. worthy of attention; remarkable. ЬЬnoteworthiness n. nothing n. & adv. --n. 1 not anything (nothing has been done; have nothing to do). 2 no thing (often foll. by compl.: I see nothing that I want; can find nothing useful). 3 a a person or thing of no importance or concern; a trivial event or remark (was nothing to me; the little nothings of life). b (attrib.) colloq. of no value; indeterminate (a nothing sort of day). 4 non-existence; what does not exist. 5 (in calculations) no amount; nought (a third of nothing is nothing). --adv. 1 not at all, in no way (helps us nothing; is nothing like enough). 2 US colloq. not at all (Is he ill? -- Ill nothing, he's dead.). Ьbe nothing to 1 not concern. 2 not compare with. be (or have) nothing to do with 1 have no connection with. 2 not be involved or associated with. for nothing 1 at no cost; without payment. 2 to no purpose. have nothing on 1 be naked. 2 have no engagements. no nothing colloq. (concluding a list of negatives) nothing at all. nothing doing colloq. 1 a there is no prospect of success or agreement. b I refuse. 2 nothing is happening. nothing (or nothing else) for it (often foll. by but to + infin.) no alternative (nothing for it but to pay up). nothing (or not much) in it (or to it) 1 untrue or unimportant. 2 simple to do. 3 no (or little) advantage to be seen in one possibility over another. nothing less than at least (nothing less than a disaster). think nothing of it do not apologize or feel bound to show gratitude. [OE nan thing (as NO(1), THING)] nothingness n. 1 non-existence; the non-existent. 2 worthlessness, triviality, insignificance. notice n. & v. --n. 1 attention, observation (it escaped my notice). 2 a displayed sheet etc. bearing an announcement or other information. 3 a an intimation or warning, esp. a formal one to allow preparations to be made (give notice; at a moment's notice). b (often foll. by to + infin.) a formal announcement or declaration of intention to end an agreement or leave employment at a specified time (hand in one's notice; notice to quit). 4 a short published review or comment about a new play, book, etc. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by that, how, etc. + clause) perceive, observe; take notice of. 2 remark upon; speak of. Ьat short (or a moment's) notice with little warning. notice-board Brit. a board for displaying notices. take notice (or no notice) show signs (or no signs) of interest. take notice of 1 observe; pay attention to. 2 act upon. under notice served with a formal notice. [ME f. OF f. L notitia being known f. notus past part. of noscere know] noticeable adj. 1 easily seen or noticed; perceptible. 2 noteworthy. ЬЬnoticeably adv. notifiable adj. (of a disease) that must be notified to the health authorities. notify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 (often foll. by of, or that + clause) inform or give notice to (a person). 2 make known; announce or report (a thing). ЬЬnotification n. [ME f. OF notifier f. L notificare f. notus known: see NOTICE] notion n. 1 a a concept or idea; a conception (it was an absurd notion). b an opinion (has the notion that people are honest). c a vague view or understanding (have no notion what you mean). 2 an inclination, impulse, or intention (has no notion of conforming). 3 (in pl.) small, useful articles, esp. haberdashery. [L notio idea f. notus past part. of noscere know] notional adj. 1 a hypothetical, imaginary. b (of knowledge etc.) speculative; not based on experiment etc. 2 Gram. (of a verb) conveying its own meaning, not auxiliary. ЬЬnotionally adv. [obs. F notional or med.L notionalis (as NOTION)] notochord n. a cartilaginous skeletal rod supporting the body in all embryo and some adult chordate animals. [Gk noton back + CHORD(2)] notorious adj. well known, esp. unfavourably (a notorious criminal; notorious for its climate). ЬЬnotoriety n. notoriously adv. [med.L notorius f. L notus (as NOTION)] notornis n. a rare flightless New Zealand bird, Porphyrio mantelli, with a large bill and brightly coloured plumage. Also called TAKAHE. [Gk notos south + ornis bird] Notts. abbr. Nottinghamshire. notwithstanding prep., adv., & conj. --prep. in spite of; without prevention by (notwithstanding your objections; this fact notwithstanding). --adv. nevertheless; all the same. --conj. (usu. foll. by that + clause) although. [ME, orig. absol. part. f. NOT + WITHSTAND + -ING(2)] nougat n. a sweet made from sugar or honey, nuts, and egg-white. [F f. Prov. nogat f. noga nut] nought n. 1 the digit 0; a cipher. 2 poet. or archaic (in certain phrases) nothing (cf. NAUGHT). Ьnoughts and crosses a paper-and-pencil game with a square grid of nine squares, in which players seek to complete a row of three noughts or three crosses entered alternately. [OE nowiht f. ne not + owiht var. of awiht AUGHT(1)] noun n. Gram. a word (other than a pronoun) or group of words used to name or identify any of a class of persons, places, or things (common noun), or a particular one of these (proper noun). ЬЬnounal adj. [ME f. AF f. L nomen name] nourish v.tr. 1 a sustain with food. b enrich; promote the development of (the soil etc.). c provide with intellectual or emotional sustenance or enrichment. 2 foster or cherish (a feeling etc.). ЬЬnourisher n. [ME f. OF norir f. L nutrire] nourishing adj. (esp. of food) containing much nourishment; sustaining. ЬЬnourishingly adv. nourishment n. sustenance, food. nous n. 1 colloq. common sense; gumption. 2 Philos. the mind or intellect. [Gk] nouveau riche n. (pl. nouveaux riches pronunc. same) a person who has recently acquired (usu. ostentatious) wealth. [F, = new rich] nouvelle cuisine n. a modern style of cookery avoiding heaviness and emphasizing presentation. [F, = new cookery] nouvelle vague n. a new trend, esp. in French film-making of the early 1960s. [F, fem. of nouveau new + vague wave] Nov. abbr. November. nova n. (pl. novae or novas) a star showing a sudden large increase of brightness and then subsiding. [L, fem. of novus new, because orig. thought to be a new star] novel(1) n. 1 a fictitious prose story of book length. 2 (prec. by the) this type of literature. [It. novella (storia story) fem. of novello new f. L novellus f. novus] novel(2) adj. of a new kind or nature; strange; previously unknown. ЬЬnovelly adv. [ME f. OF f. L novellus f. novus new] novelese n. derog. a style characteristic of inferior novels. novelette n. 1 a a short novel. b Brit. derog. a light romantic novel. 2 Mus. a piano piece in free form with several themes. novelettish adj. derog. in the style of a light romantic novel; sentimental. novelist n. a writer of novels. ЬЬnovelistic adj. novelize v.tr. (also -ise) make into a novel. ЬЬnovelization n. novella n. (pl. novellas) a short novel or narrative story; a tale. [It.: see NOVEL(1)] novelty n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a newness; new character. b originality. 2 a new or unusual thing or occurrence. 3 a small toy or decoration etc. of novel design. 4 (attrib.) having novelty (novelty toys). [ME f. OF novelt‚ (as NOVEL(2))] November n. the eleventh month of the year. [ME f. OF novembre f. L November f. novem nine (orig. the ninth month of the Roman year)] novena n. RC Ch. a devotion consisting of special prayers or services on nine successive days. [med.L f. L novem nine] novice n. 1 a a probationary member of a religious order, before the taking of vows. b a new convert. 2 a beginner; an inexperienced person. 3 an animal that has not won a major prize in a competition. [ME f. OF f. L novicius f. novus new] noviciate n. (also novitiate) 1 the period of being a novice. 2 a religious novice. 3 novices' quarters. [F noviciat or med.L noviciatus (as NOVICE)] Novocaine n. (also novocaine) propr. a local anaesthetic derived from benzoic acid. [L novus new + COCAINE] now adv., conj., & n. --adv. 1 at the present or mentioned time. 2 immediately (I must go now). 3 by this or that time (it was now clear). 4 under the present circumstances (I cannot now agree). 5 on this further occasion (what do you want now?). 6 in the immediate past (just now). 7 (esp. in a narrative or discourse) then, next (the police now arrived; now to consider the next point). 8 (without reference to time, giving various tones to a sentence) surely, I insist, I wonder, etc. (now what do you mean by that?; oh come now!). --conj. (often foll. by that + clause) as a consequence of the fact (now that I am older; now you mention it). --n. this time; the present (should be there by now; has happened before now). Ьas of now from or at this time. for now until a later time (goodbye for now). now and again (or then) from time to time; intermittently. now or never an expression of urgency. [OE nu] nowadays adv. & n. --adv. at the present time or age; in these times. --n. the present time. noway adv. = NOWISE; (see no way). Nowel (also Nowell) archaic var. of NOEL. nowhere adv. & pron. --adv. in or to no place. --pron. no place. Ьbe (or come in) nowhere be unplaced in a race or competition. come from nowhere be suddenly evident or successful. get nowhere make or cause to make no progress. in the middle of nowhere colloq. remote from urban life. nowhere near not nearly. [OE nahw‘r (as NO(1), WHERE)] nowise adv. in no manner; not at all. nowt n. colloq. or dial. nothing. [var. of NOUGHT] noxious adj. harmful, unwholesome. ЬЬnoxiously adv. noxiousness n. [f. L noxius f. noxa harm] noyau n. (pl. noyaux) a liqueur of brandy flavoured with fruit-kernels. [F, = kernel, ult. f. L nux nucis nut] nozzle n. a spout on a hose etc. from which a jet issues. [NOSE + -LE(2)] 15.0 NP... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NP abbr. Notary Public. Np symb. Chem. the element neptunium. n.p. abbr. 1 new paragraph. 2 no place of publication. NPA abbr. (in the UK) Newspaper Publishers' Association. NPL abbr. (in the UK) National Physical Laboratory. 16.0 nr =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- nr. abbr. near. 17.0 NS... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NS abbr. 1 new style. 2 new series. 3 Nova Scotia. NSB abbr. (in the UK) National Savings Bank. NSC abbr. (in the US) National Security Council. NSF abbr. (in the US) National Science Foundation. NSPCC abbr. (in the UK) National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. NSW abbr. New South Wales. 18.0 NT... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NT abbr. 1 New Testament. 2 Northern Territory (of Australia). 3 no trumps. n't adv. (in comb.) = NOT (usu. with is, are, have, must, and the auxiliary verbs can, do, should, would: isn't; mustn't) (see also CAN'T, DON'T, WON'T). [contr.] Nth. abbr. North. nth see N(1). NTP abbr. normal temperature and pressure. 19.0 nu... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- nu n. the thirteenth letter of the Greek alphabet (N). [Gk] nuance n. & v. --n. a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, feeling, colour, etc. --v.tr. give a nuance or nuances to. [F f. nuer to shade, ult. f. L nubes cloud] nub n. 1 the point or gist (of a matter or story). 2 a small lump, esp. of coal. 3 a stub; a small residue. ЬЬnubby adj. [app. var. of knub, f. MLG knubbe, knobbe KNOB] nubble n. a small knob or lump. ЬЬnubbly adj. [dimin. of NUB] nubile adj. (of a woman) marriageable or sexually attractive. ЬЬnubility [L nubilis f. nubere become the wife of] nuchal adj. of or relating to the nape of the neck. [nucha nape f. med.L nucha medulla oblongata f. Arab. nuka' spinal marrow] nuci- comb. form nut. [L nux nucis nut] nuciferous adj. Bot. bearing nuts. nucivorous adj. nut-eating. nuclear adj. 1 of, relating to, or constituting a nucleus. 2 using nuclear energy (nuclear reactor). 3 having nuclear weapons. Ьnuclear bomb a bomb involving the release of energy by nuclear fission or fusion or both. nuclear disarmament the gradual or total reduction by a State of its nuclear weapons. nuclear energy energy obtained by nuclear fission or fusion. nuclear family a couple and their children, regarded as a basic social unit. nuclear fission a nuclear reaction in which a heavy nucleus splits spontaneously or on impact with another particle, with the release of energy. nuclear force a strong attractive force between nucleons in the atomic nucleus that holds the nucleus together. nuclear-free free from nuclear weapons, power, etc. nuclear fuel a substance that will sustain a fission chain reaction so that it can be used as a source of nuclear energy. nuclear fusion a nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of low atomic number fuse to form a heavier nucleus with the release of energy. nuclear magnetic resonance the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by a nucleus having a magnetic moment when in an external magnetic field, used mainly as an analytical technique and in body imaging for diagnosis. °Abbr.: NMR, nmr. nuclear physics the physics of atomic nuclei and their interactions, esp. in the generation of nuclear energy. nuclear power 1 electric or motive power generated by a nuclear reactor. 2 a country that has nuclear weapons. nuclear reactor a device in which a nuclear fission chain reaction is sustained and controlled in order to produce energy. nuclear umbrella supposed protection afforded by an alliance with a country possessing nuclear weapons. nuclear warfare warfare in which nuclear weapons are used. nuclear waste any radioactive waste material from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. nuclear winter obstruction of sunlight as a potential result of nuclear warfare, causing extreme cold. [NUCLEUS + -AR(1)] nuclease n. an enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of nucleic acids. nucleate adj. & v. --adj. having a nucleus. --v.intr. & tr. form or form into a nucleus. ЬЬnucleation n. [LL nucleare nucleat- form a kernel (as NUCLEUS)] nuclei pl. of NUCLEUS. nucleic acid n. either of two complex organic molecules (DNA and RNA), consisting of many nucleotides linked in a long chain, and present in all living cells. nucleo- comb. form nucleus; nucleic acid (nucleo-protein). nucleolus n. (pl. nucleoli) a small dense spherical structure within a non-dividing nucleus. ЬЬnucleolar adj. [LL, dimin. of L nucleus: see NUCLEUS] nucleon n. Physics a proton or neutron. nucleonics n.pl. (treated as sing.) the branch of science and technology concerned with atomic nuclei and nucleons, esp. the exploitation of nuclear power. ЬЬnucleonic adj. [NUCLEAR, after electronics] nucleoprotein n. a complex of nucleic acid and protein. nucleoside n. Biochem. an organic compound consisting of a purine or pyrimidine base linked to a sugar, e.g. adenosine. nucleotide n. Biochem. an organic compound consisting of a nucleoside linked to a phosphate group. nucleus n. (pl. nuclei) 1 a the central part or thing round which others are collected. b the kernel of an aggregate or mass. 2 an initial part meant to receive additions. 3 Astron. the solid part of a comet's head. 4 Physics the positively charged central core of an atom that contains most of its mass. 5 Biol. a large dense organelle of eukaryotic cells, containing the genetic material. 6 a discrete mass of grey matter in the central nervous system. [L, = kernel, inner part, dimin. of nux nucis nut] nuclide n. Physics a certain type of atom characterized by the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. ЬЬnuclidic adj. [NUCLEUS + Gk eidos form] nude adj. & n. --adj. naked, bare, unclothed. --n. 1 a painting, sculpture, photograph, etc. of a nude human figure; such a figure. 2 a nude person. 3 (prec. by the) a an unclothed state. b the representation of an undraped human figure as a genre in art. Ьnude contract Law = bare contract. [L nudus] nudge v. & n. --v.tr. 1 prod gently with the elbow to attract attention. 2 push gently or gradually. 3 give a gentle reminder or encouragement to (a person). --n. the act or an instance of nudging; a gentle push. ЬЬnudger n. [17th c.: orig. unkn.: cf. Norw. dial. nugga, nyggja to push, rub] nudist n. a person who advocates or practises going unclothed. ЬЬnudism n. nudity n. the state of being nude; nakedness. nugatory adj. 1 futile, trifling, worthless. 2 inoperative; not valid. [L nugatorius f. nugari to trifle f. nugae jests] nugget n. 1 a a lump of gold, platinum, etc., as found in the earth. b a lump of anything compared to this. 2 something valuable for its size (often abstract in sense: a little nugget of information). [app. f. dial. nug lump etc.] nuisance n. 1 a person, thing, or circumstance causing trouble or annoyance. 2 anything harmful or offensive to the community or a member of it and for which a legal remedy exists. Ьnuisance value an advantage resulting from the capacity to harass or frustrate. [ME f. OF, = hurt, f. nuire nuis- f. L nocere to hurt] NUJ abbr. (in the UK) National Union of Journalists. nuke n. & v. colloq. --n. a nuclear weapon. --v.tr. bomb or destroy with nuclear weapons. [abbr.] null adj. & n. --adj. 1 (esp. null and void) invalid; not binding. 2 non-existent; amounting to nothing. 3 having or associated with the value zero. 4 Computing a empty; having no elements (null list). b all the elements of which are zeros (null matrix). 5 without character or expression. --n. a dummy letter in a cipher. Ьnull character Computing a character denoting nothing, usu. represented by a zero. null hypothesis a hypothesis suggesting that the difference between statistical samples does not imply a difference between populations. null instrument an instrument used by adjustment to give a reading of zero. null link Computing a reference incorporated into the last item in a list to indicate there are no further items in the list. [F nul nulle or L nullus none f. ne not + ullus any] nullah n. Anglo-Ind. a dry river-bed or ravine. [Hindi nala] nulla-nulla n. (also nulla) Austral. a hardwood club used by Aborigines. [Aboriginal] nullify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) make null; neutralize, invalidate, cancel. ЬЬnullification n. nullifier n. nullipara n. a woman who has never borne a child. ЬЬnulliparous adj. [mod.L f. L nullus none + -para fem. of -parus f. parere bear children] nullipore n. any of various seaweeds able to secrete lime. [L nullus none + PORE(1)] nullity n. (pl. -ies) 1 Law a being null; invalidity, esp. of marriage. b an act, document, etc., that is null. 2 a nothingness. b a mere nothing; a nonentity. [F nullit‚ or med.L nullitas f. L nullus none] NUM abbr. (in the UK) National Union of Mineworkers. Num. abbr. Numbers (Old Testament). numb adj. & v. --adj. (often foll. by with) deprived of feeling or the power of motion (numb with cold). --v.tr. 1 make numb. 2 stupefy, paralyse. Ьnumb-fish = electric ray. ЬЬnumbly adv. numbness n. [ME nome(n) past part. of nim take: for -b cf. THUMB] numbat n. a small Australian marsupial, Myrmecobius fasciatus, with a bushy tail and black and white striped back. [Aboriginal] number n. & v. --n. 1 a an arithmetical value representing a particular quantity and used in counting and making calculations. b a word, symbol, or figure representing this; a numeral. c an arithmetical value showing position in a series esp. for identification, reference, etc. (registration number). 2 (often foll. by of) the total count or aggregate (the number of accidents has decreased; twenty in number). 3 a the study of the behaviour of numbers; numerical reckoning (the laws of number). b (in pl.) arithmetic (not good at numbers). 4 a (in sing. or pl.) a quantity or amount; a total; a count (a large number of people; only in small numbers). b (in pl.) numerical preponderance (force of numbers; there is safety in numbers). 5 a a person or thing having a place in a series, esp. a single issue of a magazine, an item in a programme, etc. b a song, dance, musical item, etc. 6 company, collection, group (among our number). 7 Gram. a the classification of words by their singular or plural forms. b a particular such form. 8 colloq. a person or thing regarded familiarly or affectionately (usu. qualified in some way: an attractive little number). 9 (Numbers) the Old Testament book containing a census. --v.tr. 1 include (I number you among my friends). 2 assign a number or numbers to. 3 have or amount to (a specified number). 4 a count. b include. Ьby numbers following simple instructions (as if) identified by numbers. one's days are numbered one does not have long to live. have a person's number colloq. understand a person's real motives, character, etc. have a person's number on it (of a bomb, bullet, etc.) be destined to hit a specified person. number cruncher Computing & Math. sl. a machine capable of complex calculations etc. number crunching the act or process of making these calculations. one's number is up colloq. one is finished or doomed to die. a number of some, several. °Use with a plural verb is now standard: a number of problems remain. number one n. colloq. oneself (always takes care of number one). --adj. most important (the number one priority). number-plate a plate on a vehicle displaying its registration number. numbers game 1 usu. derog. action involving only arithmetical work. 2 US a lottery based on the occurrence of unpredictable numbers in the results of races etc. Number Ten 10 Downing Street, the official London home of the British Prime Minister. number two a second in command. without number innumerable. [ME f. OF nombre (n.), nombrer (v.) f. L numerus, numerare] numberless adj. innumerable. numbles n.pl. Brit. archaic a deer's entrails. [ME f. OF numbles, nombles loin etc., f. L lumbulus dimin. of lumbus loin: cf. UMBLES] numbskull var. of NUMSKULL. numdah n. an embroidered felt rug from India etc. [Urdu namda f. Pers. namad carpet] numen n. (pl. numina) a presiding deity or spirit. [L numen -minis] numerable adj. that can be counted. ЬЬnumerably adv. [L numerabilis f. numerare NUMBER v.] numeral n. & adj. --n. a word, figure, or group of figures denoting a number. --adj. of or denoting a number. [LL numeralis f. L (as NUMBER)] numerate adj. acquainted with the basic principles of mathematics. ЬЬnumeracy n. [L numerus number + -ATE(2) after literate] numeration n. 1 a a method or process of numbering or computing. b calculation. 2 the expression in words of a number written in figures. [ME f. L numeratio payment, in LL numbering (as NUMBER)] numerator n. 1 the number above the line in a vulgar fraction showing how many of the parts indicated by the denominator are taken (e.g. 2 in 2/3). 2 a person or device that numbers. [F num‚rateur or LL numerator (as NUMBER)] numerical adj. (also numeric) of or relating to a number or numbers (numerical superiority). Ьnumerical analysis the branch of mathematics that deals with the development and use of numerical methods for solving problems. ЬЬnumerically adv. [med.L numericus (as NUMBER)] numerology n. (pl. -ies) the study of the supposed occult significance of numbers. ЬЬnumerological adj. numerologist n. [L numerus number + -LOGY] numerous adj. 1 (with pl.) great in number (received numerous gifts). 2 consisting of many (a numerous family). ЬЬnumerously adv. numerousness n. [L numerosus (as NUMBER)] numina pl. of NUMEN. numinous adj. 1 indicating the presence of a divinity. 2 spiritual. 3 awe-inspiring. [L numen: see NUMEN] numismatic adj. of or relating to coins or medals. ЬЬnumismatically adv. [F numismatique f. L numisma f. Gk nomisma -atos current coin f. nomizo use currently] numismatics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) the study of coins or medals. ЬЬnumismatist n. numismatology n. = NUMISMATICS. nummulite n. a disc-shaped fossil shell of a foraminiferous protozoan found in Tertiary strata. [L nummulus dimin. of nummus coin] numnah n. a saddle-cloth or pad placed under a saddle. [Urdu namda: see NUMDAH] numskull n. (also numbskull) a stupid or foolish person. [NUMB + SKULL] nun n. a member of a community of women living apart under religious vows. ЬЬnunhood n. nunlike adj. nunnish adj. [ME f. OE nunne and OF nonne f. eccl.L nonna fem. of nonnus monk, orig. a title given to an elderly person] nunatak n. an isolated peak of rock projecting above a surface of land ice or snow e.g. in Greenland. [Eskimo] nun-buoy n. a buoy circular in the middle and tapering to each end. [obs. nun child's top + BUOY] nunc dimittis n. the Song of Simeon (Luke 2:29-32) used as a canticle. [f. the opening words nunc dimittis now let (your servant) depart] nunciature n. RC Ch. the office or tenure of a nuncio. [It. nunziatura (as NUNCIO)] nuncio n. (pl. -os) RC Ch. a papal ambassador. [It. f. L nuntius messenger] nuncupate v.tr. declare (a will or testament) orally, not in writing. ЬЬnuncupation n. nuncupative adj. [L nuncupare nuncupat- name] nunnery n. (pl. -ies) a religious house of nuns; a convent. NUPE abbr. (in the UK) National Union of Public Employees. nuptial adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to marriage or weddings. --n. (usu. in pl.) a wedding. [F nuptial or L nuptialis f. nuptiae wedding f. nubere nupt- wed] NUR abbr. (in the UK) National Union of Railwaymen. nurd var. of NERD. nurse n. & v. --n. 1 a person trained to assist doctors in caring for the sick or infirm. 2 a person employed or trained to take charge of young children. 3 archaic = wet-nurse. 4 Forestry a tree planted as a shelter to others. 5 Zool. a sexually imperfect bee, ant, etc., caring for a young brood; a worker. --v. 1 a intr. work as a nurse. b tr. attend to (a sick person). c tr. give medical attention to (an illness or injury). 2 tr. & intr. feed or be fed at the breast. 3 tr. (in passive; foll. by in) be brought up in (a specified condition) (nursed in poverty). 4 tr. hold or treat carefully or caressingly (sat nursing my feet). 5 tr. a foster; promote the development of (the arts, plants, etc.). b harbour or nurture (a grievance, hatred, etc.). c pay special attention to (nursed the voters). 6 tr. Billiards keep (the balls) together for a series of cannons. [reduced f. ME and OF norice, nurice f. LL nutricia fem. of L nutricius f. nutrix -icis f. nutrire NOURISH] nurseling var. of NURSLING. nursemaid n. 1 a woman in charge of a child or children. 2 a person who watches over or guides another carefully. nursery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a room or place equipped for young children. b = day nursery. 2 a place where plants, trees, etc., are reared for sale or transplantation. 3 any sphere or place in or by which qualities or types of people are fostered or bred. 4 Billiards a grouped balls (see NURSE v. 6). b (in full nursery cannon) a cannon on three close balls. Ьnursery nurse a person trained to take charge of babies and young children. nursery rhyme a simple traditional song or story in rhyme for children. nursery school a school for children between the ages of three and five. nursery slopes Skiing gentle slopes suitable for beginners. nursery stakes a race for two-year-old horses. nurseryman n. (pl. -men) an owner of or worker in a plant nursery. nursing n. 1 the practice or profession of caring for the sick as a nurse. 2 (attrib.) concerned with or suitable for nursing the sick or elderly etc. (nursing home; nursing sister). Ьnursing officer a senior nurse (see senior nursing officer). nursling n. (also nurseling) an infant that is being suckled. nurture n. & v. --n. 1 the process of bringing up or training (esp. children); fostering care. 2 nourishment. 3 sociological factors as an influence on or determinant of personality (opp. NATURE). --v.tr. 1 bring up; rear. 2 nourish. ЬЬnurturer n. [ME f. OF nour(e)ture (as NOURISH)] NUS abbr. 1 (in the UK) National Union of Seamen. 2 (in the UK) National Union of Students. NUT abbr. (in the UK) National Union of Teachers. nut n. & v. --n. 1 a a fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel. b this kernel. 2 a pod containing hard seeds. 3 a small usu. square or hexagonal flat piece of metal or other material with a threaded hole through it for screwing on the end of a bolt to secure it. 4 sl. a person's head. 5 sl. a a crazy or eccentric person. b an obsessive enthusiast or devotee (a health-food nut). 6 a small lump of coal, butter, etc. 7 a a device fitted to the bow of a violin for adjusting its tension. b the fixed ridge on the neck of a stringed instrument over which the strings pass. 8 (in pl.) coarse sl. the testicles. --v.intr. (nutted, nutting) seek or gather nuts (go nutting). Ьdo one's nut sl. be extremely angry or agitated. for nuts colloq. even tolerably well (cannot sing for nuts). nut cutlet a cutlet-shaped portion of meat-substitute, made from nuts etc. nut-house sl. a mental home or hospital. nut-oil an oil obtained from hazelnuts and walnuts and used in paints and varnishes. nuts and bolts colloq. the practical details. nut-tree any tree bearing nuts, esp. a hazel. off one's nut sl. crazy. ЬЬnutlike adj. [OE hnutu f. Gmc] nutant adj. Bot. nodding, drooping. [L nutare nod] nutation n. 1 the act or an instance of nodding. 2 Astron. a periodic oscillation of the earth's poles. 3 oscillation of a spinning top. 4 the spiral movement of a plant organ during growth. [L nutatio (as NUTANT)] nutcase n. sl. a crazy or foolish person. nutcracker n. (usu. in pl.) a device for cracking nuts. nutgall n. a gall found on dyer's oak, used as a dyestuff. nuthatch n. any small bird of the family Sittidae, climbing up and down tree-trunks and feeding on nuts, insects, etc. [NUT + hatch rel. to HATCH(2)] nutlet n. a small nut or nutlike fruit. nutmeg n. 1 an evergreen E. Indian tree, Myristica fragrans, yielding a hard aromatic spheroidal seed. 2 the seed of this used as a spice and in medicine. Ьnutmeg-apple the fruit of this tree, yielding mace and nutmeg. [ME: partial transl. of OF nois mug(u)ede ult. f. L nux nut + LL muscus MUSK] nutria n. the skin or fur of a coypu. [Sp., = otter] nutrient n. & adj. --n. any substance that provides essential nourishment for the maintenance of life. --adj. serving as or providing nourishment. [L nutrire nourish] nutriment n. 1 nourishing food. 2 an intellectual or artistic etc. nourishment or stimulus. ЬЬnutrimental adj. [L nutrimentum (as NUTRIENT)] nutrition n. 1 a the process of providing or receiving nourishing substances. b food, nourishment. 2 the study of nutrients and nutrition. ЬЬnutritional adj. [F nutrition or LL nutritio (as NUTRIENT)] nutritionist n. a person who studies or is an expert on the processes of human nourishment. nutritious adj. efficient as food; nourishing. ЬЬnutritiously adv. nutritiousness n. [L nutritius (as NURSE)] nutritive adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or concerned in nutrition. 2 serving as nutritious food. --n. a nutritious article of food. [ME f. F nutritif -ive f. med.L nutritivus (as NUTRIENT)] nuts adj. & int. --adj. sl. crazy, mad, eccentric. --int. sl. an expression of contempt or derision (nuts to you). Ьbe nuts about (or on) colloq. be enthusiastic about or very fond of. nutshell n. the hard exterior covering of a nut. Ьin a nutshell in a few words. nutter n. Brit. sl. a crazy or eccentric person. nutty adj. (nuttier, nuttiest) 1 a full of nuts. b tasting like nuts. 2 sl. = NUTS adj. ЬЬnuttiness n. nux vomica n. 1 an E. Indian tree, Strychnos nux-vomica, yielding a poisonous fruit. 2 the seeds of this tree, containing strychnine. [med.L f. L nux nut + vomicus f. vomere vomit] nuzzle v. 1 tr. prod or rub gently with the nose. 2 intr. (foll. by into, against, up to) press the nose gently. 3 tr. (also refl.) nestle; lie snug. [ME f. NOSE + -LE(4)] 20.0 NV =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NV abbr. US Nevada (in official postal use). 21.0 NW =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NW abbr. 1 north-west. 2 north-western. 22.0 NY... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NY abbr. US New York (also in official postal use). nyala var. of INYALA. NYC abbr. New York City. nyctalopia n. the inability to see in dim light or at night. Also called night-blindness. [LL f. Gk nuktalops f. nux nuktos night + alaos blind + ops eye] nyctitropic adj. Bot. (of plant movements) occurring at night and caused by changes in light and temperature. [Gk nukti- comb. form of nux nuktos night + tropos turn] nye var. of NIDE. nylghau n. = NILGAI. [Hind. f. Pers. nilgaw f. nil blue + gaw cow] nylon n. 1 any of various synthetic polyamide fibres having a protein-like structure, with tough, lightweight, elastic properties, used in industry and for textiles etc. 2 a nylon fabric. 3 (in pl.) stockings made of nylon. [invented word, after cotton, rayon] nymph n. 1 any of various mythological semi-divine spirits regarded as maidens and associated with aspects of nature, esp. rivers and woods. 2 poet. a beautiful young woman. 3 a an immature form of some insects. b a young dragonfly or damselfly. ЬЬnymphal adj. nymphean adj. nymphlike adj. [ME f. OF nimphe f. L nympha f. Gk numphe] nymphae n.pl. Anat. the labia minora. [L, pl. of nympha: see NYMPH] nymphet n. 1 a young nymph. 2 colloq. a sexually attractive young woman. nympho n. (pl. -os) colloq. a nymphomaniac. [abbr.] nympholepsy n. ecstasy or frenzy caused by desire of the unattainable. [NYMPHOLEPT after epilepsy] nympholept n. a person inspired by violent enthusiasm esp. for an ideal. ЬЬnympholeptic adj. [Gk numpholeptos caught by nymphs (as NYMPH, lambano take)] nymphomania n. excessive sexual desire in women. ЬЬnymphomaniac n. & adj. [mod.L (as NYMPH, -MANIA)] nystagmus n. rapid involuntary movements of the eyes. ЬЬnystagmic adj. [Gk nustagmos nodding f. nustazo nod] 23.0 NZ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NZ abbr. New Zealand. Яндекс.Реклама: Империя Гранд - производство и установка окон и дверей. |