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English language - Dictionaries M...Oxford English ReferenceBritish Library Cataloguing Data The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed. 1. English language--Dictionaries I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423 ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain 1.0 M... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- M(1) n. (pl. Ms or M's) 1 the thirteenth letter of the alphabet. 2 (as a Roman numeral) 1,000. M(2) abbr. (also M.) 1 Master. 2 (in titles) Member of. 3 Monsieur. 4 (in the UK in road designations) motorway. 5 mega-. 6 Chem. molar. m abbr. (also m.) 1 a masculine. b male. 2 married. 3 Cricket maiden (over). 4 mile(s). 5 metre(s). 6 million(s). 7 minute(s). 8 Currency mark(s). 9 mare. 10 milli-. m' adj. = MY (m'lud). 'm n. colloq. madam (in yes'm etc.). 2.0 MA... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MA abbr. 1 Master of Arts. 2 US Massachusetts (in official postal use). ma n. colloq. mother. [abbr. of MAMMA(1)] ma'am n. madam (used esp. in addressing royalty). [contr.] Mac n. colloq. 1 a Scotsman. 2 US man (esp. as a form of address). [Mac- as a patronymic prefix in many Scottish and Irish surnames] mac n. (also mack) Brit. colloq. mackintosh. [abbr.] macabre adj. grim, gruesome. [ME f. OF macabr‚ perh. f. Macab‚ a Maccabee, with ref. to a miracle play showing the slaughter of the Maccabees] macadam n. 1 material for road-making with successive layers of compacted broken stone. 2 = TARMACADAM. ЬЬmacadamize v.tr. (also -ise). [J. L. McAdam, Brit. surveyor d. 1836, who advocated using this material] macadamia n. any Australian evergreen tree of the genus Macadamia, esp. M. ternifolia, bearing edible nutlike seeds. [J. Macadam, Austral. chemist d. 1865] macaque n. any monkey of the genus Macaca, including the rhesus monkey and Barbary ape, having prominent cheek pouches and usu. a long tail. [F f. Port. macaco f. Fiot makaku some monkeys f. kaku monkey] macaroni n. 1 a tubular variety of pasta. 2 (pl. macaronies) hist. an 18th-c. British dandy affecting Continental fashions. [It. maccaroni f. late Gk makaria food made from barley] macaronic n. & adj. --n. (in pl.) burlesque verses containing Latin (or other foreign) words and vernacular words with Latin etc. terminations. --adj. (of verse) of this kind. [mod.L macaronicus f. obs. It. macaronico, joc. formed as MACARONI] macaroon n. a small light cake or biscuit made with white of egg, sugar, and ground almonds or coconut. [F macaron f. It. (as MACARONI)] Macassar n. (in full Macassar oil) a kind of oil formerly used as a dressing for the hair. [Macassar, now in Indonesia, from where its ingredients were said to come] macaw n. any long-tailed brightly coloured parrot of the genus Ara or Anodorhynchus, native to S. and Central America. [Port. macao, of unkn. orig.] Macc. abbr. Maccabees (Apocrypha). Maccabees n.pl. (in full Books of the Maccabees) four books of Jewish history and theology, of which the first and second are in the Apocrypha. ЬЬMaccabean adj. [the name of a Jewish family that led a revolt c.170 BC under Judas Maccabaeus] McCarthyism n. (esp. in the US) the policy of hunting out suspected or known Communists and removing them esp. from government departments. [J. R. McCarthy, US senator d. 1957] McCoy n. colloq. Ьthe (or the real) McCoy the real thing; the genuine article. [19th c.: orig. uncert.] mace(1) n. 1 a staff of office, esp. the symbol of the Speaker's authority in the House of Commons. 2 hist. a heavy club usu. having a metal head and spikes. 3 a stick used in the game of bagatelle. 4 = mace-bearer. Ьmace-bearer an official who carries a mace on ceremonial occasions. [ME f. OF mace, masse f. Rmc mattea (unrecorded) club] mace(2) n. the dried outer covering of the nutmeg, used as a spice. [ME macis (taken as pl.) f. OF macis f. L macir a red spicy bark] mac‚doine n. mixed vegetables or fruit, esp. cut up small or in jelly. [F, = Macedonia, with ref. to the mixture of peoples there] macer n. a mace-bearer, esp. Sc. an official keeping order in a lawcourt. [ME f. OF massier f. masse: see MACE(1)] macerate v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become soft by soaking. 2 intr. waste away by fasting. ЬЬmaceration n. macerator n. [L macerare macerat-] Mach n. (in full Mach number) the ratio of the speed of a body to the speed of sound in the surrounding medium. ЬMach one (or two etc.) the speed (or twice the speed) of sound. [E. Mach, Austrian physicist d. 1916] machete n. (also matchet) a broad heavy knife used in Central America and the W. Indies as an implement and weapon. [Sp. f. macho hammer f. LL marcus] machiavellian adj. elaborately cunning; scheming, unscrupulous. ЬЬmachiavellianism n. [N. dei Machiavelli, Florentine statesman and political writer d. 1527, who advocated resort to morally questionable methods in the interests of the State] machicolate v.tr. (usu. as machicolated adj.) furnish (a parapet etc.) with openings between supporting corbels for dropping stones etc. on attackers. ЬЬmachicolation n. [OF machicoler, ult. f. Prov. machacol f. macar crush + col neck] machinable adj. capable of being cut by machine tools. ЬЬmachinability n. machinate v.intr. lay plots; intrigue. ЬЬmachination n. machinator n. [L machinari contrive (as MACHINE)] machine n. & v. --n. 1 an apparatus using or applying mechanical power, having several parts each with a definite function and together performing certain kinds of work. 2 a particular kind of machine, esp. a vehicle, a piece of electrical or electronic apparatus, etc. 3 an instrument that transmits a force or directs its application. 4 the controlling system of an organization etc. (the party machine). 5 a person who acts mechanically and with apparent lack of emotion. --v.tr. make or operate on with a machine (esp. in sewing or printing). Ьmachine code (or language) a computer language that a particular computer can respond to directly. machine-readable in a form that a computer can process. machine tool a mechanically operated tool for working on metal, wood, or plastics. machine-tooled 1 shaped by a machine tool. 2 (of artistic presentation etc.) precise, slick, esp. excessively so. [F f. L machina f. Gk makhana Doric form of mekhane f. mekhos contrivance] machine-gun n. & v. --n. an automatic gun giving continuous fire. --v.tr. (-gunned, -gunning) shoot at with a machine-gun. ЬЬmachine-gunner n. machinery n. (pl. -ies) 1 machines collectively. 2 the components of a machine; a mechanism. 3 (foll. by of) an organized system. 4 (foll. by for) the means devised or available (the machinery for decision-making). machinist n. 1 a person who operates a machine, esp. a sewing-machine or a machine tool. 2 a person who makes machinery. machismo n. exaggeratedly assertive manliness; a show of masculinity. [Sp. f. macho MALE f. L masculus] Machmeter n. an instrument indicating air speed in the form of a Mach number. macho adj. & n. --adj. showily manly or virile. --n. (pl. -os) 1 a macho man. 2 = MACHISMO. [MACHISMO] machtpolitik n. power politics. [G] macintosh var. of MACKINTOSH. mack var. of MAC. mackerel n. (pl. same or mackerels) a N. Atlantic marine fish, Scomber scombrus, with a greenish-blue body, used for food. Ьmackerel shark a porbeagle. mackerel sky a sky dappled with rows of small white fleecy clouds, like the pattern on a mackerel's back. [ME f. AF makerel, OF maquerel] mackintosh n. (also macintosh) 1 Brit. a waterproof coat or cloak. 2 cloth waterproofed with rubber. [C. Macintosh, Sc. inventor d. 1843, who orig. patented the cloth] mackle n. a blurred impression in printing. [F macule f. L macula blemish: see MACULA] macle n. 1 a twin crystal. 2 a dark spot in a mineral. [F f. L (as MACKLE)] McNaughten rules n.pl. (also M'Naghten rules) Brit. rules governing the decision as to the criminal responsibility of an insane person. [McNaughten or McNaughtan, name of a 19th-c. accused person] macram‚ n. 1 the art of knotting cord or string in patterns to make decorative articles. 2 articles made in this way. [Turk. makrama bedspread f. Arab. mikrama] macro n. (also macro-instruction) Computing a series of abbreviated instructions expanded automatically when required. macro- comb. form 1 long. 2 large, large-scale. [Gk makro- f. makros long, large] macrobiotic adj. & n. --adj. relating to or following a diet intended to prolong life, comprising pure vegetable foods, brown rice, etc. --n. (in pl.; treated as sing.) the use or theory of such a dietary system. macrocarpa n. an evergreen tree, Cupressus macrocarpa, often cultivated for hedges or wind-breaks. [mod.L f. Gk MACRO- + karpos fruit] macrocephalic adj. (also macrocephalous) having a long or large head. ЬЬmacrocephaly n. macrocosm n. 1 the universe. 2 the whole of a complex structure. ЬЬmacrocosmic adj. macrocosmically adv. macroeconomics n. the study of large-scale or general economic factors, e.g. national productivity. ЬЬmacroeconomic adj. macromolecule n. Chem. a molecule containing a very large number of atoms. ЬЬmacromolecular adj. macron n. a written or printed mark over a long or stressed vowel. [Gk makron neut. of makros large] macrophage n. a large phagocytic white blood cell usu. occurring at points of infection. macrophotography n. photography producing photographs larger than life. macropod n. any plant-eating mammal of the family Macropodidae native to Australia and New Guinea, including kangaroos and wallabies. [MACRO- + Gk pous podos foot] macroscopic adj. 1 visible to the naked eye. 2 regarded in terms of large units. ЬЬmacroscopically adv. macula n. (pl. maculae) 1 a dark spot, esp. a permanent one, in the skin. 2 (in full macula lutea) the region of greatest visual acuity in the retina. ЬЬmacular adj. maculation n. [L, = spot, mesh] mad adj. & v. --adj. (madder, maddest) 1 insane; having a disordered mind. 2 (of a person, conduct, or an idea) wildly foolish. 3 (often foll. by about, on) wildly excited or infatuated (mad about football; is chess-mad). 4 colloq. angry. 5 (of an animal) rabid. 6 wildly light-hearted. --v. (madded, madding) 1 tr. US make angry. 2 intr. archaic be mad; act madly (the madding crowd). Ьlike mad colloq. with great energy, intensity, or enthusiasm. mad keen colloq. extremely eager. ЬЬmadness n. [OE gem‘ded part. form f. gemad mad] madam n. 1 a polite or respectful form of address or mode of reference to a woman. 2 Brit. colloq. a conceited or precocious girl or young woman. 3 a woman brothel-keeper. [ME f. OF ma dame my lady] Madame n. 1 (pl. Mesdames) a title or form of address used of or to a French-speaking woman, corresponding to Mrs or madam. 2 (madame) = MADAM 1. [F (as MADAM)] madcap adj. & n. --adj. 1 wildly impulsive. 2 undertaken without forethought. --n. a wildly impulsive person. madden v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become mad. 2 tr. irritate intensely. ЬЬmaddening adj. maddeningly adv. madder n. 1 a herbaceous plant, Rubia tinctorum, with yellowish flowers. 2 a red dye obtained from the root of the madder, or its synthetic substitute. [OE m‘dere] made 1 past and past part. of MAKE. 2 adj. (usu. in comb.) a (of a person or thing) built or formed (well-made; strongly-made). b successful (a self-made man). Ьhave it made colloq. be sure of success. made for ideally suited to. made of consisting of. made of money colloq. very rich. Madeira n. 1 a fortified white wine from the island of Madeira off the coast of N. Africa. 2 (in full Madeira cake) a kind of rich sponge cake. madeleine n. a small fancy sponge cake. [F] Mademoiselle n. (pl. Mesdemoiselles) 1 a title or form of address used of or to an unmarried French-speaking woman, corresponding to Miss or madam. 2 (mademoiselle) a a young Frenchwoman. b a French governess. [F f. ma my + demoiselle DAMSEL] madhouse n. 1 archaic or colloq. a mental home or hospital. 2 colloq. a scene of extreme confusion or uproar. madly adv. 1 in a mad manner. 2 colloq. a passionately. b extremely. madman n. (pl. -men) a man who is mad. Madonna n. Eccl. 1 (prec. by the) a name for the Virgin Mary. 2 (usu. madonna) a picture or statue of the Madonna. Ьmadonna lily the white Lilium candidum, as shown in many pictures of the Madonna. [It. f. ma = mia my + donna lady f. L domina] madras n. a strong cotton fabric with coloured or white stripes, checks, etc. [Madras in India] madrepore n. 1 any perforated coral of the genus Madrepora. 2 the animal producing this. ЬЬmadreporic adj. [F madr‚pore or mod.L madrepora f. It. madrepora f. madre mother + poro PORE(1)] madrigal n. 1 a usu. 16th-c. or 17th-c. part-song for several voices, usu. arranged in elaborate counterpoint and without instrumental accompaniment. 2 a short love poem. ЬЬmadrigalian adj. madrigalesque adj. madrigalist n. [It. madrigale f. med.L matricalis mother (church), formed as MATRIX] madwoman n. (pl. -women) a woman who is mad. Maecenas n. a generous patron of literature or art. [Gaius Maecenas, Roman statesman d. 8 BC, the patron of Horace and Virgil] maelstrom n. 1 a great whirlpool. 2 a state of confusion. [early mod. Du. f. malen grind, whirl + stroom STREAM] maenad n. 1 a bacchante. 2 a frenzied woman. ЬЬmaenadic adj. [L Maenas Maenad- f. Gk Mainas -ados f. mainomai rave] maestoso adj., adv., & n. Mus. --adj. & adv. to be performed majestically. --n. (pl. -os) a piece of music to be performed in this way. [It.] maestro n. (pl. maestri or -os) (often as a respectful form of address) 1 a distinguished musician, esp. a conductor or performer. 2 a great performer in any sphere, esp. artistic. [It., = master] Mae West n. an inflatable life-jacket. [the name of an American film actress d. 1980, noted for her large bust] Mafia n. 1 an organized international body of criminals, orig. in Sicily, now also in Italy and the US. 2 (mafia) a group regarded as exerting a hidden sinister influence. [It. dial. (Sicilian), = bragging] Mafioso n. (pl. Mafiosi) a member of the Mafia. [It. (as MAFIA)] mag n. colloq. a magazine (periodical). [abbr.] mag. abbr. 1 magnesium. 2 magneto. 3 magnetic. magazine n. 1 a periodical publication containing articles, stories, etc., usu. with photographs, illustrations, etc. 2 a chamber for holding a supply of cartridges to be fed automatically to the breech of a gun. 3 a similar device feeding a camera, slide projector, etc. 4 a store for arms, ammunition, and provisions for use in war. 5 a store for explosives. [F magasin f. It. magazzino f. Arab. makazin pl. of makzan storehouse f. kazana store up] magdalen n. 1 a reformed prostitute. 2 a home for reformed prostitutes. [Mary Magdalene of Magdala in Galilee (Luke 8:2), identified (prob. wrongly) with the sinner of Luke 7:37: f. eccl.L Magdalena f. Gk Magdalene] Magdalenian adj. & n. Archaeol. --adj. of the latest palaeolithic period in Europe, characterized by horn and bone tools. --n. the culture of this period. [F Magdal‚nien of La Madeleine, Dordogne, France, where remains were found] mage n. archaic 1 a magician. 2 a wise and learned person. [ME, Anglicized f. MAGUS] Magellanic cloud n. each of two galaxies visible in the southern sky. [F. Magellan, Port. explorer d. 1521] magenta n. & adj. --n. 1 a brilliant mauvish-crimson shade. 2 an aniline dye of this colour; fuchsine. --adj. of or coloured with magenta. [Magenta in N. Italy, site of a battle (1859) fought shortly before the dye was discovered] maggot n. 1 a larva, esp. of the cheese-fly or bluebottle. 2 a whimsical fancy. ЬЬmaggoty adj. [ME perh. alt. f. maddock, earlier mathek f. ON mathkr: cf. MAWKISH] magi pl. of MAGUS. magian adj. & n. --adj. of the magi or Magi. --n. 1 a magus or Magus. 2 a magician. ЬЬmagianism n. [L magus: see MAGUS] magic n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a the supposed art of influencing the course of events by the occult control of nature or of the spirits. b witchcraft. 2 conjuring tricks. 3 an inexplicable or remarkable influence producing surprising results. 4 an enchanting quality or phenomenon. --adj. 1 of or resulting from magic. 2 producing surprising results. 3 colloq. wonderful, exciting. --v.tr. (magicked, magicking) change or create by magic, or apparently so. Ьlike magic very rapidly. magic away cause to disappear as if by magic. magic carpet a mythical carpet able to transport a person on it to any desired place. magic eye 1 a photoelectric device used in equipment for detection, measurement, etc. 2 a small cathode-ray tube used to indicate the correct tuning of a radio receiver. magic lantern a simple form of image-projector using slides. magic mushroom a mushroom producing psilocybin. magic square a square divided into smaller squares each containing a number such that the sums of all vertical, horizontal, or diagonal rows are equal. [ME f. OF magique f. L magicus adj., LL magica n., f. Gk magikos (as MAGUS)] magical adj. 1 of or relating to magic. 2 resembling magic; produced as if by magic. 3 wonderful, enchanting. ЬЬmagically adv. magician n. 1 a person skilled in or practising magic. 2 a conjuror. 3 a person with exceptional skill. [ME f. OF magicien f. LL magica (as MAGIC)] magilp var. of MEGILP. Maginot line n. 1 a line of fortifications along the NE border of France begun in 1929, overrun in 1940. 2 a line of defence on which one relies blindly. [A. Maginot, Fr. minister of war d. 1932] magisterial adj. 1 imperious. 2 invested with authority. 3 of or conducted by a magistrate. 4 (of a work, opinion, etc.) highly authoritative. ЬЬmagisterially adv. [med.L magisterialis f. LL magisterius f. L magister MASTER] magisterium n. RC Ch. the official teaching of a bishop or pope. [L, = the office of a master (as MAGISTERIAL)] magistracy n. (pl. -ies) 1 the office or authority of a magistrate. 2 magistrates collectively. magistral adj. 1 of a master or masters. 2 Pharm. (of a remedy etc.) devised and made up for a particular case (cf. OFFICINAL). [F magistral or L magistralis f. magister MASTER] magistrate n. 1 a civil officer administering the law. 2 an official conducting a court for minor cases and preliminary hearings (magistrates' court). ЬЬmagistrateship n. magistrature n. [ME f. L magistratus (as MAGISTRAL)] Maglemosian n. & adj. --n. a N. European mesolithic culture, characterized by bone and stone implements. --adj. of or relating to this culture. [Maglemose in Denmark, where articles from it were found] maglev n. (usu. attrib.) magnetic levitation, a system in which trains glide above the track in a magnetic field. [abbr.] magma n. (pl. magmata or magmas) 1 fluid or semifluid material from which igneous rock is formed by cooling. 2 a crude pasty mixture of mineral or organic matter. ЬЬmagmatic adj. [ME, = a solid residue f. L f. Gk magma -atos f. the root of masso knead] Magna Carta n. (also Magna Charta) 1 a charter of liberty and political rights obtained from King John of England in 1215. 2 any similar document of rights. [med.L, = great charter] magnanimous adj. nobly generous; not petty in feelings or conduct. ЬЬmagnanimity n. magnanimously adv. [L magnanimus f. magnus great + animus soul] magnate n. a wealthy and influential person, esp. in business (shipping magnate; financial magnate). [ME f. LL magnas -atis f. L magnus great] magnesia n. 1 Chem. magnesium oxide. 2 (in general use) hydrated magnesium carbonate, a white powder used as an antacid and laxative. ЬЬmagnesian adj. [ME f. med.L f. Gk Magnesia (lithos) (stone) of Magnesia in Asia Minor, orig. referring to loadstone] magnesite n. a white or grey mineral form of magnesium carbonate. magnesium n. Chem. a silvery metallic element occurring naturally in magnesite and dolomite, used for making light alloys and important as an essential element in living organisms. °Symb.: Mg. Ьmagnesium flare (or light) a blinding white light produced by burning magnesium wire. magnet n. 1 a piece of iron, steel, alloy, ore, etc., usu. in the form of a bar or horseshoe, having properties of attracting or repelling iron. 2 a lodestone. 3 a person or thing that attracts. [ME f. L magnes magnetis f. Gk magnes = Magnes -etos (lithos) (stone) of Magnesia: cf. MAGNESIA] magnetic adj. 1 a having the properties of a magnet. b producing, produced by, or acting by magnetism. 2 capable of being attracted by or acquiring the properties of a magnet. 3 very attractive or alluring (a magnetic personality). Ьmagnetic compass = COMPASS 1. magnetic disk see DISC. magnetic equator an imaginary line, near the equator, on which a magnetic needle has no dip. magnetic field a region of variable force around magnets, magnetic materials, or current-carrying conductors. magnetic inclination = DIP n. 8. magnetic mine a submarine mine detonated by the proximity of a magnetized body such as that of a ship. magnetic moment the property of a magnet that interacts with an applied field to give a mechanical moment. magnetic needle a piece of magnetized steel used as an indicator on the dial of a compass and in magnetic and electrical apparatus, esp. in telegraphy. magnetic north the point indicated by the north end of a compass needle. magnetic pole 1 each of the points near the extremities of the axis of rotation of the earth or another body where a magnetic needle dips vertically. 2 each of the regions of an artificial or natural magnet, from which the magnetic forces appear to originate. magnetic storm a disturbance of the earth's magnetic field caused by charged particles from the sun etc. magnetic tape a tape coated with magnetic material for recording sound or pictures or for the storage of information. ЬЬmagnetically adv. [LL magneticus (as MAGNET)] magnetism n. 1 a magnetic phenomena and their study. b the property of producing these phenomena. 2 attraction; personal charm. [mod.L magnetismus (as MAGNET)] magnetite n. magnetic iron oxide. [G Magnetit (as MAGNET)] magnetize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 give magnetic properties to. 2 make into a magnet. 3 attract as or like a magnet. ЬЬmagnetizable adj. magnetization n. magnetizer n. magneto n. (pl. -os) an electric generator using permanent magnets and producing high voltage, esp. for the ignition of an internal-combustion engine. [abbr. of MAGNETO-ELECTRIC] magneto- comb. form indicating a magnet or magnetism. [Gk magnes: see MAGNET] magneto-electric adj. (of an electric generator) using permanent magnets. ЬЬmagneto-electricity n. magnetograph n. an instrument for recording measurements of magnetic quantities. magnetometer n. an instrument measuring magnetic forces, esp. the earth's magnetism. ЬЬmagnetometry n. magnetomotive adj. (of a force) being the sum of the magnetizing forces along a circuit. magneton n. a unit of magnetic moment in atomic and nuclear physics. [F magn‚ton (as MAGNETIC)] magnetosphere n. the region surrounding a planet, star, etc. in which its magnetic field is effective. magnetron n. an electron tube for amplifying or generating microwaves, with the flow of electrons controlled by an external magnetic field. [MAGNET + -TRON] magnificat n. 1 a song of praise. 2 (Magnificat) the hymn of the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:46-55) used as a canticle. [f. the opening words magnificat anima mea Dominum my soul magnifies the Lord] magnification n. 1 the act or an instance of magnifying; the process of being magnified. 2 the amount or degree of magnification. 3 the apparent enlargement of an object by a lens. magnificent adj. 1 splendid, stately. 2 sumptuously constructed or adorned. 3 splendidly lavish. 4 colloq. fine, excellent. ЬЬmagnificence n. magnificently adv. [F magnificent or L magnificus f. magnus great] magnifico n. (pl. -oes) a magnate or grandee. [It., = MAGNIFICENT: orig. with ref. to Venice] magnify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 make (a thing) appear larger than it is, as with a lens. 2 exaggerate. 3 intensify. 4 archaic extol, glorify. Ьmagnifying glass a lens used to produce an enlarged image. ЬЬmagnifiable adj. magnifier n. [ME f. OF magnifier or L magnificare (as MAGNIFICENT)] magniloquent adj. 1 grand or grandiose in speech. 2 boastful. ЬЬmagniloquence n. magniloquently adv. [L magniloquus f. magnus great + -loquus -speaking] magnitude n. 1 largeness. 2 size. 3 importance. 4 a the degree of brightness of a star (see also absolute magnitude, apparent magnitude). b a class of stars arranged according to this (of the third magnitude). Ьof the first magnitude very important. [ME f. L magnitudo f. magnus great] magnolia n. 1 any tree or shrub of the genus Magnolia, cultivated for its dark-green foliage and large waxlike flowers in spring. 2 a pale creamy-pink colour. [mod.L f. P. Magnol, Fr. botanist d. 1715] magnox n. any of various magnesium-based alloys used to enclose uranium fuel elements in a nuclear reactor. [magnesium no oxidation] magnum n. (pl. magnums) 1 a wine bottle of about twice the standard size. 2 a a cartridge or shell that is especially powerful or large. b (often attrib.) a cartridge or gun adapted so as to be more powerful than its calibre suggests. [L, neut. of magnus great] magnum opus n. 1 a great and usu. large work of art, literature, etc. 2 the most important work of an artist, writer, etc. [L, = great work: see OPUS] magpie n. 1 a European and American crow, Pica pica, with a long pointed tail and black and white plumage. 2 any of various birds with plumage like a magpie, esp. Gymnorhina tibicen of Australia. 3 an idle chatterer. 4 a person who collects things indiscriminately. 5 a the division of a circular target next to the outer one. b a rifle shot which strikes this. [Mag, abbr. of Margaret + PIE(2)] maguey n. an agave plant, esp. one yielding pulque. [Sp. f. Haitian] magus n. (pl. magi) 1 a member of a priestly caste of ancient Persia. 2 a sorcerer. 3 (the (three) Magi) the 'wise men' from the East who brought gifts to the infant Christ (Matt. 2:1). [ME f. L f. Gk magos f. OPers. magus] Magyar n. & adj. --n. 1 a member of a Ural-Altaic people now predominant in Hungary. 2 the language of this people. --adj. of or relating to this people or language. [native name] maharaja n. (also maharajah) hist. a title of some Indian princes. [Hindi maharaja f. maha great + RAJA] maharanee n. (also maharani) hist. a maharaja's wife or widow. [Hindi maharani f. maha great + RANEE] maharishi n. a great Hindu sage or spiritual leader. [Hindi f. maha great + RISHI] mahatma n. 1 a (in India etc.) a person regarded with reverence. b a sage. 2 each of a class of persons in India and Tibet supposed by some to have preternatural powers. [Skr. mahatman f. maha great + atman soul] Mahayana n. a school of Buddhism practised in China, Japan, and Tibet. [Skr. f. maha great + yana vehicle] Mahdi n. (pl. Mahdis) 1 a spiritual and temporal messiah expected by Muslims. 2 esp. hist. a leader claiming to be this Messiah. ЬЬMahdism n. Mahdist n. [Arab. mahdiy he who is guided right, past part. of hada guide] mah-jong n. (also mah-jongg) a Chinese game for four resembling rummy and played with 136 or 144 pieces called tiles. [Chin. dial. ma-tsiang, lit. sparrows] mahlstick var. of MAULSTICK. mahogany n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a reddish-brown wood used for furniture. b the colour of this. 2 any tropical tree of the genus Swietenia, esp. S. mahagoni, yielding this wood. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] mahonia n. any evergreen shrub of the genus Mahonia, with yellow bell-shaped or globular flowers. [F mahonne, Sp. mahona, It. maona, Turk. mawuna] mahout n. (in India etc.) an elephant-driver or -keeper. [Hindi mahaut f. Skr. mahamatra high official, lit. 'great in measure'] Mahratta var. of MARATHA. Mahratti var. of MARATHI. mahseer n. either of two freshwater Indian fish, Barbus putitora or B. tor, used as food. [Hindi mahasir] maid n. 1 a female domestic servant. 2 archaic or poet. a girl or young woman. Ьmaid of honour 1 an unmarried lady attending a queen or princess. 2 a kind of small custard tart. 3 esp. US a principal bridesmaid. ЬЬmaidish adj. [ME, abbr. of MAIDEN] maidan n. Anglo-Ind. 1 an open space in or near a town. 2 a parade-ground. [Urdu f. Arab. maydan] maiden n. 1 a archaic or poet. a girl; a young unmarried woman. b (attrib.) unmarried (maiden aunt). 2 Cricket = maiden over. 3 (attrib.) (of a female animal) unmated. 4 (often attrib.) a a horse that has never won a race. b a race open only to such horses. 5 (attrib.) being or involving the first attempt or occurrence (maiden speech; maiden voyage). Ьmaiden name a wife's surname before marriage. maiden over Cricket an over in which no runs are scored off the bat. ЬЬmaidenhood n. maidenish adj. maidenlike adj. maidenly adj. [OE m‘gden, dimin. f. m‘geth f. Gmc] maidenhair n. (in full maidenhair fern) a fern of the genus Adiantum, esp. A. capillus-veneris, with fine hairlike stalks and delicate fronds. Ьmaidenhair tree = GINKGO. maidenhead n. 1 virginity. 2 the hymen. maidservant n. a female domestic servant. maieutic adj. (of the Socratic mode of enquiry) serving to bring a person's latent ideas into clear consciousness. [Gk maieutikos f. maieuomai act as a midwife f. maia midwife] maigre adj. RC Ch. 1 (of a day) on which abstinence from meat is ordered. 2 (of food) suitable for eating on maigre days. [F, lit. lean: cf. MEAGRE] mail(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a letters and parcels etc. conveyed by post. b the postal system. c one complete delivery or collection of mail. d one delivery of letters to one place, esp. to a business on one occasion. 2 a vehicle carrying mail. 3 hist. a bag of letters for conveyance by post. --v.tr. esp. US send (a letter etc.) by post. Ьmail-boat a boat carrying mail. mail carrier US a postman or postwoman. mail cart Brit. hist. 1 a cart for carrying mail by road. 2 a light vehicle for carrying children. mail coach a railway coach or hist. stagecoach used for carrying mail. mail drop US a receptacle for mail. mailing list a list of people to whom advertising matter, information, etc., is to be posted. mail order an order for goods sent by post. mail-order firm a firm doing business by post. mail train a train carrying mail. [ME f. OF male wallet f. WG] mail(2) n. & v. --n. 1 armour made of rings, chains, or plates, joined together flexibly. 2 the protective shell, scales, etc., of an animal. --v.tr. clothe with or as if with mail. Ьcoat of mail a jacket covered with mail or composed of mail. mailed fist physical force. ЬЬmailed adj. [ME f. OF maille f. L macula spot, mesh] mailable adj. acceptable for conveyance by post. mailbag n. a large sack or bag for carrying mail. mailbox n. US a letter-box. maillot n. 1 tights for dancing, gymnastics, etc. 2 a woman's one-piece bathing-suit. 3 a jersey. [F] mailman n. (pl. -men) US a postman. maim v.tr. 1 cripple, disable, mutilate. 2 harm, impair (emotionally maimed by neglect). [ME maime etc. f. OF mahaignier etc., of unkn. orig.] main(1) adj. & n. --adj. 1 chief in size, importance, extent, etc.; principal (the main part; the main point). 2 exerted to the full (by main force). --n. 1 a principal channel, duct, etc., for water, sewage, etc. (water main). 2 (usu. in pl.; prec. by the) a the central distribution network for electricity, gas, water, etc. b a domestic electricity supply as distinct from batteries. 3 archaic or poet. a the ocean or oceans (the Spanish Main). b the mainland. Ьin the main for the most part. main brace Naut. the brace attached to the main yard. the main chance one's own interests. main course 1 the chief course of a meal. 2 Naut. the mainsail. main deck Naut. 1 the deck below the spar-deck in a man-of-war. 2 the upper deck between the poop and the forecastle in a merchantman. main line 1 a chief railway line. 2 sl. a principal vein, esp. as a site for a drug injection (cf. MAINLINE). 3 US a chief road or street. main stem US colloq. = main street. main street the principal street of a town. Main Street US materialistic philosophy (after Sinclair Lewis's novel, 1920). main yard Naut. the yard on which the mainsail is extended. with might and main with all one's force. [ME, partly f. ON megenn, megn (adj.), partly f. OE m‘gen- f. Gmc: (n.) orig. = physical force] main(2) n. 1 (in the game of hazard) a number (5, 6, 7, 8, or 9) called by a player before dice are thrown. 2 a match between fighting-cocks. [16th c.: prob. orig. main chance: see MAIN(1)] mainframe n. 1 the central processing unit and primary memory of a computer. 2 (often attrib.) a large computer system. mainland n. 1 a large continuous extent of land, excluding neighbouring islands etc. 2 (Mainland) the largest island in Orkney and in Shetland. ЬЬmainlander n. mainline v. sl. 1 intr. take drugs intravenously. 2 tr. inject (drugs) intravenously. ЬЬmainliner n. mainly adv. for the most part; chiefly. mainmast n. Naut. the principal mast of a ship. mainplane n. the principal supporting surface of an aircraft (cf. TAILPLANE). mainsail n. Naut. 1 (in a square-rigged vessel) the lowest sail on the mainmast. 2 (in a fore-and-aft rigged vessel) a sail set on the after part of the mainmast. mainspring n. 1 the principal spring of a mechanical watch, clock, etc. 2 a chief motive power; an incentive. mainstay n. 1 a chief support (has been his mainstay since his trouble). 2 Naut. a stay from the maintop to the foot of the foremast. mainstream n. 1 (often attrib.) the prevailing trend in opinion, fashion, etc. 2 a type of jazz based on the 1930s swing style and consisting esp. of solo improvisation on chord sequences. 3 the principal current of a river. maintain v.tr. 1 cause to continue; keep up, preserve (a state of affairs, an activity, etc.) (maintained friendly relations). 2 (often foll. by in; often refl.) support (life, a condition, etc.) by work, nourishment, expenditure, etc. (maintained him in comfort; maintained themselves by fishing). 3 (often foll. by that + clause) assert (an opinion, statement, etc.) as true (maintained that she was the best; his story was true, he maintained). 4 preserve or provide for the preservation of (a building, machine, road, etc.) in good repair. 5 give aid to (a cause, party, etc.). 6 provide means for (a garrison etc. to be equipped). Ьmaintained school Brit. a school supported from public funds. ЬЬmaintainable adj. maintainability n. [ME f. OF maintenir ult. f. L manu tenere hold in the hand] maintainer n. 1 a person or thing that maintains. 2 (also maintainor) Law hist. a person guilty of maintenance (see MAINTENANCE 3). maintenance n. 1 the process of maintaining or being maintained. 2 a the provision of the means to support life, esp. by work etc. b (also separate maintenance) a husband's or wife's provision for a spouse after separation or divorce; alimony. 3 Law hist. the offence of aiding a party in litigation without lawful cause. [ME f. OF f. maintenir: see MAINTAIN] maintop n. Naut. a platform above the head of the lower mainmast. maintopmast n. Naut. a mast above the head of the lower mainmast. maiolica n. a white tin-glazed earthenware decorated with metallic colours, orig. popular in the Mediterranean area during the Renaissance (see also MAJOLICA). [It. f. former name of Majorca] maisonette n. (also maisonnette) 1 a part of a house, block of flats, etc., forming separate living accommodation, usu. on two floors and having a separate entrance. 2 a small house. [F maisonnette dimin. of maison house] maЊtre d'h“tel n. 1 the manager, head steward, etc., of a hotel. 2 a head waiter. [F, = master of (the) house] maize n. 1 a cereal plant, Zea mays, native to N. America, yielding large grains set in rows on a cob. 2 the cobs or grains of this (see CORN(1)). [F ma‹s or Sp. maiz, of Carib orig.] Maj. abbr. Major. majestic adj. showing majesty; stately and dignified; grand, imposing. ЬЬmajestically adv. majesty n. (pl. -ies) 1 impressive stateliness, dignity, or authority, esp. of bearing, language, the law, etc. 2 a royal power. b (Majesty) part of several titles given to a sovereign or a sovereign's wife or widow or used in addressing them (Your Majesty; Her Majesty the Queen Mother). 3 a picture of God or Christ enthroned within an aureole. ЬHer (or His) Majesty's part of the title of several State institutions (Her Majesty's Stationery Office). [ME f. OF majest‚ f. L majestas -tatis (as MAJOR)] Majlis n. Polit. the parliament of various N. African or Middle Eastern countries, esp. Iran. [Pers., = assembly] majolica n. (also maiolica) 1 a 19th-c. trade name for earthenware with coloured decoration on an opaque white glaze. 2 = MAIOLICA. [alt. f. MAIOLICA] major adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 important, large, serious, significant (a major road; a major war; the major consideration must be their health). 2 (of an operation) serious or life-threatening. 3 Mus. a (of a scale) having intervals of a semitone between the third and fourth, and seventh and eighth degrees. b (of an interval) greater by a semitone than a minor interval (major third). c (of a key) based on a major scale, tending to produce a bright or joyful effect (D major). 4 of full age. 5 Brit. (appended to a surname, esp. in public schools) the elder of two brothers or the first to enter the school (Smith major). 6 Logic a (of a term) occurring in the predicate or conclusion of a syllogism. b (of a premiss) containing a major term. --n. 1 Mil. a an army officer next below lieutenant-colonel and above captain. b an officer in charge of a section of band instruments (drum major; pipe major). 2 a person of full age. 3 US a a student's special subject or course. b a student specializing in a specified subject (a philosophy major). 4 Logic a major term or premiss. --v.intr. (foll. by in) US study or qualify in a subject (majored in theology). Ьmajor axis the axis of a conic, passing through its foci. major-general an officer next below a lieutenant-general. major league US a league of major importance in baseball etc. major part (often foll. by of) the majority. major piece Chess a rook or queen. major planet Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune. major prophet Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, or Daniel. major suit Bridge spades or hearts. ЬЬmajorship n. [ME f. L, compar. of magnus great] major-domo n. (pl. -os) 1 the chief official of an Italian or Spanish princely household. 2 a house-steward; a butler. [orig. mayordome f. Sp. mayordomo, It. maggiordomo f. med.L major domus highest official of the household (as MAJOR, DOME)] majorette n. = drum majorette. [abbr.] majority n. (pl. -ies) 1 (usu. foll. by of) the greater number or part. °Strictly used only with countable nouns, e.g. a majority of people, and not with mass nouns, e.g. a majority of the work. 2 Polit. a the number by which the votes cast for one party, candidate, etc. exceed those of the next in rank (won by a majority of 151). b a party etc. receiving the greater number of votes. 3 full legal age (attained his majority). 4 the rank of major. Ьthe great majority 1 much the greater number. 2 euphem. the dead (has joined the great majority). in the majority esp. Polit. belonging to or constituting a majority party etc. majority rule the principle that the greater number should exercise greater power. majority verdict a verdict given by more than half of the jury, but not unanimous. [F majorit‚ f. med.L majoritas -tatis (as MAJOR)] majuscule n. & adj. --n. Palaeog. 1 a large letter, whether capital or uncial. 2 large lettering. --adj. of, written in, or concerning majuscules. ЬЬmajuscular adj. [F f. L majuscula (littera letter), dimin. of MAJOR] make v. & n. --v. (past and past part. made) 1 tr. construct; create; form from parts or other substances (made a table; made it out of cardboard; made him a sweater). 2 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) cause or compel (a person etc.) to do something (make him repeat it; was made to confess). 3 tr. a cause to exist; create; bring about (made a noise; made an enemy). b cause to become or seem (made an exhibition of myself; made him angry). c appoint; designate (made him a Cardinal). 4 tr. compose; prepare; draw up (made her will; made a film about Japan). 5 tr. constitute; amount to (makes a difference; 2 and 2 make 4; this makes the tenth time). 6 tr. a undertake or agree to (an aim or purpose) (made a promise; make an effort). b execute or perform (a bodily movement, a speech, etc.) (made a face; made a bow). 7 tr. gain, acquire, procure (money, a profit, etc.) (made њ20,000 on the deal). 8 tr. prepare (tea, coffee, a dish, etc.) for consumption (made egg and chips). 9 tr. a arrange bedclothes tidily on (a bed) ready for use. b arrange and light materials for (a fire). 10 intr. a proceed (made towards the river). b (foll. by to + infin.) begin an action (he made to go). 11 tr. colloq. a arrive at (a place) or in time for (a train etc.) (made the border before dark; made the six o'clock train). b manage to attend; manage to attend on (a certain day) or at (a certain time) (couldn't make the meeting last week; can make any day except Friday). c achieve a place in (made the first eleven; made the six o'clock news). d US achieve the rank of (made colonel in three years). 12 tr. establish or enact (a distinction, rule, law, etc.). 13 tr. consider to be; estimate as (what do you make the time?; do you make that a 1 or a 7?). 14 tr. secure the success or advancement of (his mother made him; it made my day). 15 tr. accomplish (a distance, speed, score, etc.) (made 60 m.p.h. on the motorway). 16 tr. a become by development or training (made a great leader). b serve as (a log makes a useful seat). 17 tr. (usu. foll. by out) represent as; cause to appear as (makes him out a liar). 18 tr. form in the mind; feel (I make no judgement). 19 tr. (foll. by it + compl.) a determine, establish, or choose (let's make it Tuesday; made it my business to know). b bring to (a chosen value etc.) (decided to make it a dozen). 20 tr. sl. have sexual relations with. 21 tr. Cards a win (a trick). b play (a card) to advantage. c win the number of tricks that fulfils (a contract). d shuffle (a pack of cards) for dealing. 22 tr. Cricket score (runs). 23 tr. Electr. complete or close (a circuit) (opp. BREAK). 24 intr. (of the tide) begin to flow or ebb. --n. 1 (esp. of a product) a type, origin, brand, etc. of manufacture (different make of car; our own make). 2 a kind of mental, moral, or physical structure or composition. 3 an act of shuffling cards. 4 Electr. a the making of contact. b the position in which this is made. Ьbe made for be ideally suited to. be made of consist of (cake made of marzipan). have it made colloq. be sure of success. made dish a dish prepared from several separate foods. made man a man who has attained success. made of money colloq. very rich. made road a properly surfaced road of tarmac, concrete, etc. made to measure (of a suit etc.) made to a specific customer's measurements. made to order see ORDER. make after archaic pursue. make against be unfavourable to. make as if (or though) (foll. by to + infin. or conditional) act as if the specified circumstances applied (made as if to leave; made as if he would hit me; made as if I had not noticed). make away (or off) depart hastily. make away with 1 get rid of; kill. 2 squander. make-believe (or -belief) 1 pretence. 2 pretended. make believe pretend. make conversation talk politely. make a day (or night etc.) of it devote a whole day (or night etc.) to an activity. make do 1 manage with the limited or inadequate means available. 2 (foll. by with) manage with (something) as an inferior substitute. make an example of punish as a warning to others. make a fool of see FOOL(1). make for 1 tend to result in (happiness etc.). 2 proceed towards (a place). 3 assault; attack. 4 confirm (an opinion). make friends (often foll. by with) become friendly. make fun of see FUN. make good see GOOD. make a habit of see HABIT. make a hash of see HASH(1). make hay see HAY(1). make head or tail of see HEAD. make a House Polit. secure the presence of enough members for a quorum or support in the House of Commons. make it colloq. 1 succeed in reaching, esp. in time. 2 be successful. 3 (usu. foll. by with) sl. have sexual intercourse (with). make it up 1 be reconciled, esp. after a quarrel. 2 fill in a deficit. make it up to remedy negligence, an injury, etc. to (a person). make light of see LIGHT(2). make love see LOVE. make a meal of see MEAL(1). make merry see MERRY. make money acquire wealth or an income. make the most of see MOST. make much (or little or the best) of 1 derive much (or little etc.) advantage from. 2 give much (or little etc.) attention, importance, etc., to. make a name for oneself see NAME. make no bones about see BONE. make nothing of 1 do without hesitation. 2 treat as a trifle. 3 be unable to understand, use, or deal with. make of 1 construct from. 2 conclude to be the meaning or character of (can you make anything of it?). make off = make away. make off with carry away; steal. make oneself scarce see SCARCE. make or break (or mar) cause the success or ruin of. make out 1 a distinguish by sight or hearing. b decipher (handwriting etc.). 2 understand (can't make him out). 3 assert; pretend (made out he liked it). 4 colloq. make progress; fare (how did you make out?). 5 (usu. foll. by to, in favour of) draw up; write out (made out a cheque to her). 6 prove or try to prove (how do you make that out?). make over 1 transfer the possession of (a thing) to a person. 2 refashion (a garment etc.). make a point of see POINT. make sail Naut. 1 spread a sail or sails. 2 start a voyage. make shift see SHIFT. make so bold as to see BOLD. make time 1 (usu. foll. by for or to + infin.) find an occasion when time is available. 2 (usu. foll. by with) esp. US sl. make sexual advances (to a person). make-up 1 cosmetics for the face etc., either generally or to create an actor's appearance or disguise. 2 the appearance of the face etc. when cosmetics have been applied (his make-up was not convincing). 3 Printing the making up of a type. 4 Printing the type made up. 5 a person's character, temperament, etc. 6 the composition or constitution (of a thing). make up 1 serve or act to overcome (a deficiency). 2 complete (an amount, a party, etc.). 3 compensate. 4 be reconciled. 5 put together; compound; prepare (made up the medicine). 6 sew (parts of a garment etc.) together. 7 get (a sum of money, a company, etc.) together. 8 concoct (a story). 9 (of parts) compose (a whole). 10 a apply cosmetics. b apply cosmetics to. 11 settle (a dispute). 12 prepare (a bed) for use with fresh sheets etc. 13 Printing arrange (type) in pages. 14 compile (a list, an account, a document, etc.). 15 arrange (a marriage etc.). make up one's mind decide, resolve. make up to curry favour with; court. make water 1 urinate. 2 (of a ship) take in water. make way 1 (often foll. by for) allow room for others to proceed. 2 achieve progress. make one's way proceed. make with US colloq. supply; perform; proceed with (made with the feet and left in a hurry). on the make colloq. 1 intent on gain. 2 looking for sexual partners. self-made man etc. a man etc. who has succeeded by his own efforts. ЬЬmakable adj. [OE macian f. WG: rel. to MATCH(1)] maker n. 1 (often in comb.) a person or thing that makes. 2 (our, the , etc. Maker) God. 3 archaic a poet. makeshift adj. & n. --adj. temporary; serving for the time being (a makeshift arrangement). --n. a temporary substitute or device. makeweight n. 1 a small quantity or thing added to make up the full weight. 2 an unimportant extra person. 3 an unimportant point added to make an argument seem stronger. making n. 1 in senses of MAKE v. 2 (in pl.) a earnings; profit. b (foll. by of) essential qualities or ingredients (has the makings of a general; we have the makings of a meal). c US & Austral. colloq. paper and tobacco for rolling a cigarette. Ьbe the making of ensure the success or favourable development of. in the making in the course of being made or formed. [OE macung (as MAKE)] mako(1) n. (pl. -os) a blue shark, Isurus oxyrinchus. [Maori] mako(2) n. (pl. -os) a small New Zealand tree, Aristotelia serrata, with clusters of dark-red berries and large racemes of pink flowers. Also called WINEBERRY. [Maori] Mal. abbr. Malachi (Old Testament). mal- comb. form 1 a bad, badly (malpractice; maltreat). b faulty, faultily (malfunction). 2 not (maladroit). [F mal badly f. L male] malabsorption n. imperfect absorption of food material by the small intestine. malacca n. (in full malacca cane) a rich-brown cane from the stem of the palm-tree Calamus scipionum, used for walking-sticks etc. [Malacca in Malaysia] malachite n. a bright-green mineral of hydrous copper carbonate, taking a high polish and used for ornament. [OF melochite f. L molochites f. Gk molokhitis f. molokhe = malakhe mallow] malaco- comb. form soft. [Gk malakos soft] malacology n. the study of molluscs. malacostracan n. & adj. --n. any crustacean of the class Malacostraca, including crabs, shrimps, lobsters, and krill. --adj. of or relating to this class. [MALACO- + Gk ostrakon shell] maladaptive adj. (of an individual, species, etc.) failing to adjust adequately to the environment, and undergoing emotional, behavioural, physical, or mental repercussions. ЬЬmaladaptation n. maladjusted adj. 1 not correctly adjusted. 2 (of a person) unable to adapt to or cope with the demands of a social environment. ЬЬmaladjustment n. maladminister v.tr. manage or administer inefficiently, badly, or dishonestly. ЬЬmaladministration n. maladroit adj. clumsy; bungling. ЬЬmaladroitly adv. maladroitness n. [F (as MAL-, ADROIT)] malady n. (pl. -ies) 1 an ailment; a disease. 2 a morbid or depraved condition; something requiring a remedy. [ME f. OF maladie f. malade sick ult. f. L male ill + habitus past part. of habere have] mala fide adj. & adv. --adj. acting or done in bad faith. --adv. in bad faith. [L] Malaga n. a sweet fortified wine from M laga in S. Spain. Malagasy adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Madagascar, an island in the Indian Ocean. --n. the language of Madagascar. [orig. Malegass, Madegass f. Madagascar] malague¤a n. 1 a Spanish dance resembling the fandango. 2 a piece of music for or in the style of a fandango. [Sp. (as MALAGA)] malaise n. 1 a nonspecific bodily discomfort not associated with the development of a disease. 2 a feeling of uneasiness. [F f. OF mal bad + aise EASE] malamute n. (also malemute) an Eskimo dog. [name of an Alaskan Eskimo tribe] malanders var. of MALLENDERS. malapert adj. & n. archaic --adj. impudent; saucy. --n. an impudent or saucy person. [ME f. OF (as MAL-, apert = espert EXPERT)] malapropism n. (also malaprop) the use of a word in mistake for one sounding similar, to comic effect, e.g. allegory for alligator. [Mrs Malaprop (f. MALAPROPOS) in Sheridan's The Rivals (1775)] malapropos adv., adj., & n. --adv. inopportunely; inappropriately. --adj. inopportune; inappropriate. --n. something inappropriately said, done, etc. [F mal … propos f. mal ill: see APROPOS] malar adj. & n. --adj. of the cheek. --n. a bone of the cheek. [mod.L malaris f. L mala jaw] malaria n. 1 an intermittent and remittent fever caused by a protozoan parasite of the genus Plasmodium, introduced by the bite of a mosquito. 2 archaic an unwholesome atmosphere caused by the exhalations of marshes, to which this fever was formerly attributed. ЬЬmalarial adj. malarian adj. malarious adj. [It. mal' aria bad air] malarkey n. colloq. humbug; nonsense. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] malathion n. an insecticide containing phosphorus, with low toxicity to plants. [diethyl maleate + thio- acid + -ON] Malay n. & adj. --n. 1 a a member of a people predominating in Malaysia and Indonesia. b a person of Malay descent. 2 the language of this people, the official language of Malaysia. --adj. of or relating to this people or language. ЬЬMalayan n. & adj. [Malay malayu] Malayalam n. the Dravidian language of the State of Kerala in S. India. [native] Malayo- comb. form Malayan and (Malayo-Chinese). [MALAY] malcontent n. & adj. --n. a discontented person; a rebel. --adj. discontented or rebellious. [F (as MAL-, CONTENT(1))] mal de mer n. seasickness. [F, = sickness of (the) sea] male adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the sex that can beget offspring by fertilization or insemination (male child; male dog). 2 of men or male animals, plants, etc.; masculine (the male sex; a male-voice choir). 3 a (of plants or their parts) containing only fertilizing organs. b (of plants) thought of as male because of colour, shape, etc. 4 (of parts of machinery etc.) designed to enter or fill the corresponding female part (a male screw). --n. a male person or animal. Ьmale chauvinist a man who is prejudiced against women or regards women as inferior. male fern a common lowland fern, Dryopteris filixmas. male menopause a crisis of potency, confidence, etc., supposed to afflict men in middle life. ЬЬmaleness n. [ME f. OF ma(s)le, f. L masculus f. mas a male] malediction n. 1 a curse. 2 the utterance of a curse. ЬЬmaledictive adj. maledictory adj. [ME f. L maledictio f. maledicere speak evil of f. male ill + dicere dict- speak] malefactor n. a criminal; an evil-doer. ЬЬmalefaction n. [ME f. L f. malefacere malefact- f. male ill + facere do] malefic adj. literary (of magical arts etc.) harmful; baleful. [L maleficus f. male ill] maleficent adj. literary 1 (often foll. by to) hurtful. 2 criminal. ЬЬmaleficence n. [maleficence formed as MALEFIC after malevolence] maleic acid n. a colourless crystalline organic acid used in making synthetic resins. [F mal‚ique (as MALIC ACID)] malemute var. of MALAMUTE. malevolent adj. wishing evil to others. ЬЬmalevolence n. malevolently adv. [OF malivolent or f. L malevolens f. male ill + volens willing, part. of velle] malfeasance n. Law evil-doing. ЬЬmalfeasant n. & adj. [AF malfaisance f. OF malfaisant (as MAL-, faisant part. of faire do f. L facere): cf. MISFEASANCE] malformation n. faulty formation. ЬЬmalformed adj. malfunction n. & v. --n. a failure to function in a normal or satisfactory manner. --v.intr. fail to function normally or satisfactorily. mali n. (pl. malis) Ind. a member of the gardener caste; a gardener. [Hindi] malic acid n. an organic acid found in unripe apples and other fruits. [F malique f. L malum apple] malice n. 1 a the intention to do evil. b a desire to tease, esp. cruelly. 2 Law wrongful intention, esp. as increasing the guilt of certain offences. Ьmalice aforethought (or prepense) Law the intention to commit a crime, esp. murder. [ME f. OF f. L malitia f. malus bad] malicious adj. characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm. ЬЬmaliciously adv. maliciousness n. [OF malicius f. L malitiosus (as MALICE)] malign adj. & v. --adj. 1 (of a thing) injurious. 2 (of a disease) malignant. 3 malevolent. --v.tr. speak ill of; slander. ЬЬmaligner n. malignity n. (pl. -ies). malignly adv. [ME f. OF malin maligne, malignier f. LL malignare contrive maliciously f. L malignus f. malus bad: cf. BENIGN] malignant adj. 1 a (of a disease) very virulent or infectious (malignant cholera). b (of a tumour) tending to invade normal tissue and recur after removal; cancerous. 2 harmful; feeling or showing intense ill will. Ьmalignant pustule a form of anthrax. ЬЬmalignancy n. (pl. -ies). malignantly adv. [LL malignare (as MALIGN)] malinger v.intr. exaggerate or feign illness in order to escape duty, work, etc. ЬЬmalingerer n. [back-form. f. malingerer app. f. F malingre, perh. formed as MAL- + haingre weak] mall n. 1 a sheltered walk or promenade. 2 an enclosed shopping precinct. 3 hist. a = PALL-MALL. b an alley used for this. [var. of MAUL: applied to The Mall in London (orig. a pall-mall alley)] mallard n. (pl. same or mallards) 1 a wild duck or drake, Anas platyrhynchos, of the northern hemisphere. 2 the flesh of the mallard. [ME f. OF prob. f. maslart (unrecorded, as MALE)] malleable adj. 1 (of metal etc.) able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking. 2 adaptable; pliable, flexible. ЬЬmalleability n. malleably adv. [ME f. OF f. med.L malleabilis f. L malleare to hammer f. malleus hammer] mallee n. Austral. 1 any of several types of eucalyptus, esp. Eucalyptus dumosa, that flourish in arid areas. 2 a scrub formed by mallee. Ьmallee-bird (or -fowl or -hen) a megapode, Leipoa ocellata, resembling a turkey. [Aboriginal] mallei pl. of MALLEUS. mallemuck var. of MOLLYMAWK. mallenders n.pl. (also malanders) a dry scabby eruption behind a horse's knee. [ME f. OF malandre (sing.) f. L malandria (pl.) neck-pustules] malleolus n. (pl. malleoli) Anat. a bone with the shape of a hammer-head, esp. each of those forming a projection on either side of the ankle. [L, dimin. of malleus hammer] mallet n. 1 a hammer, usu. of wood. 2 a long-handled wooden hammer for striking a croquet or polo ball. [ME f. OF maillet f. mailler to hammer f. mail hammer f. L malleus] malleus n. (pl. mallei) Anat. a small bone in the middle ear transmitting the vibrations of the tympanum to the incus. [L, = hammer] mallow n. 1 any plant of the genus Malva, esp. M. sylvestris, with hairy stems and leaves and pink or purple flowers. 2 any of several other plants of the family Malvaceae, including marsh mallow and tree mallow. [OE meal(u)we f. L malva] malm n. 1 a soft chalky rock. 2 a loamy soil produced by the disintegration of this rock. 3 a fine-quality brick made originally from malm, marl, or a similar chalky clay. [OE mealm- (in compounds) f. Gmc] malmsey n. a strong sweet wine orig. from Greece, now chiefly from Madeira. [ME f. MDu., MLG malmesie, -eye, f. Monemvasia in S. Greece: cf. MALVOISIE] malnourished adj. suffering from malnutrition. ЬЬmalnourishment n. malnourishment n. = MALNUTRITION. malnutrition n. a dietary condition resulting from the absence of some foods or essential elements necessary for health; insufficient nutrition. malodorous adj. evil-smelling. Malpighian layer n. a layer of proliferating cells in the epidermis. [M. Malpighi, It. physician d. 1694] malpractice n. 1 improper or negligent professional treatment, esp. by a medical practitioner. 2 a criminal wrongdoing; misconduct. b an instance of this. malt n. & v. --n. 1 barley or other grain that is steeped, germinated, and dried, esp. for brewing or distilling and vinegar-making. 2 colloq. malt whisky; malt liquor. --v. 1 tr. convert (grain) into malt. 2 intr. (of seeds) become malt when germination is checked by drought. Ьmalted milk 1 a hot drink made from dried milk and a malt preparation. 2 the powdered mixture from which this is made. malt-house a building used for preparing and storing malt. malt liquor alcoholic liquor made from malt by fermentation, not distillation, e.g. beer, stout. malt whisky whisky made from malted barley. [OE m(e)alt f. Gmc, rel. to MELT] Maltese n. & adj. --n. 1 (pl. same) a a native or national of Malta, an island in the W. Mediterranean. b a person of Maltese descent. 2 the language of Malta. --adj. of or relating to Malta or its people or language. ЬMaltese cross a cross with arms of equal length broadening from the centre, often indented at the ends. Maltese dog (or terrier) a small breed of spaniel or terrier. maltha n. a cement made of pitch and wax or other ingredients. [L f. Gk] Malthusian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to T. R. Malthus, English clergyman and economist (d. 1834) or his theories, esp. that sexual restraint should be exercised as a means of preventing an increase of the population beyond its means of subsistence. --n. a follower of Malthus. ЬЬMalthusianism n. malting n. 1 the process or an instance of brewing or distilling with malt. 2 = malt-house. maltose n. Chem. a sugar produced by the hydrolysis of starch under the action of the enzymes in malt, saliva, etc. [F (as MALT)] maltreat v.tr. ill-treat. ЬЬmaltreater n. maltreatment n. [F maltraiter (as MAL-, TREAT)] maltster n. a person who makes malt. malty adj. (maltier, maltiest) of, containing, or resembling malt. ЬЬmaltiness n. malvaceous adj. Bot. of or relating to the genus Malva or the family Malvaceae, which includes mallow. [L malvaceus f. malva MALLOW] malversation n. formal 1 corrupt behaviour in a position of trust. 2 (often foll. by of) corrupt administration (of public money etc.). [F f. malverser f. L male badly + versari behave] malvoisie n. = MALMSEY. [ME f. OF malvesie f. F form of Monemvasia: see MALMSEY] mam n. colloq. mother. [formed as MAMA] mama n. colloq. (esp. as a child's term) = MAMMA. mamba n. any venomous African snake of the genus Dendroaspis, esp. the green mamba (D. angusticeps) or black mamba (D. polylepis). [Zulu imamba] mambo n. & v. --n. (pl. -os) 1 a Latin American dance like the rumba. 2 the music for this. --v.intr. (-oes, -oed) perform the mambo. [Amer. Sp. prob. f. Haitian] mamelon n. a small rounded hillock. [F, = nipple f. mamelle breast f. L MAMILLA] Mameluke n. hist. a member of the military class (orig. Caucasian slaves) that ruled Egypt 1254-1811. [F mameluk, ult. f. Arab. mamluk slave f. malaka possess] mamilla n. (US mammilla) (pl. mamillae) 1 the nipple of a woman's breast. 2 a nipple-shaped organ etc. ЬЬmamillary adj. mamillate adj. [L, dimin. of MAMMA(2)] mamma(1) n. (also momma) colloq. (esp. as a child's term) mother. [imit. of child's ma, ma] mamma(2) n. (pl. mammae) 1 a milk-secreting organ of female mammals. 2 a corresponding non-secretory structure in male mammals. ЬЬmammiform adj. [OE f. L] mammal n. any vertebrate of the class Mammalia, usu. a warm-blooded quadruped with hair or fur, the females of which possess milk-secreting mammae for the nourishment of the young, and including human beings, dogs, rabbits, whales, etc. ЬЬmammalian adj. & n. mammalogy n. [mod.L mammalia neut. pl. of L mammalis (as MAMMA(2))] mammaliferous adj. Geol. containing mammalian remains. mammary adj. of the human female breasts or milk-secreting organs of other mammals. Ьmammary gland the milk-producing gland of female mammals. [MAMMA(2) + -ARY(1)] mammee n. a tropical American tree, Mammea americana, with large red-rinded yellow-pulped fruit. [Sp. mamei f. Haitian] mammilla US var. of MAMILLA. mammography n. Med. an X-ray technique of diagnosing and locating abnormalities (esp. tumours) of the breasts. [MAMMA(2) + -GRAPHY] Mammon n. 1 wealth regarded as a god or as an evil influence. 2 the worldly rich. ЬЬMammonish adj. Mammonism n. Mammonist n. Mammonite n. [ME f. LL Mam(m)ona f. Gk mamonas f. Aram. mamon riches: see Matt. 6:24, Luke 16:9-13] mammoth n. & adj. --n. any large extinct elephant of the genus Mammuthus, with a hairy coat and curved tusks. --adj. huge. [Russ. mamo(n)t] mammy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a child's word for mother. 2 US a Black nursemaid or nanny in charge of White children. [formed as MAMMA(1)] Man. abbr. Manitoba. man n. & v. --n. (pl. men) 1 an adult human male, esp. as distinct from a woman or boy. 2 a a human being; a person (no man is perfect). b human beings in general; the human race (man is mortal). 3 a person showing characteristics associated with males (she's more of a man than he is). 4 a a worker; an employee (the manager spoke to the men). b a manservant or valet. c hist. a vassal. 5 a (usu. in pl.) soldiers, sailors, etc., esp. non-officers (was in command of 200 men). b an individual, usu. male, person (fought to the last man). c (usu. prec. by the, or poss. pron.) a person regarded as suitable or appropriate in some way; a person fulfilling requirements (I'm your man; not the man for the job). 6 a a husband (man and wife). b colloq. a boyfriend or lover. 7 a a human being of a specified historical period or character (Renaissance man). b a type of prehistoric man named after the place where the remains were found (Peking man; Piltdown man). 8 any one of a set of pieces used in playing chess, draughts, etc. 9 (as second element in comb.) a man of a specified nationality, profession, skill, etc. (Dutchman; clergyman; horseman; gentleman). 10 a an expression of impatience etc. used in addressing a male (nonsense, man!). b colloq. a general mode of address among hippies etc. (blew my mind, man!). 11 (prec. by a) a person; one (what can a man do?). 12 a person pursued; an opponent etc. (the police have so far not caught their man). 13 (the Man) US sl. a the police. b Blacksl. White people. 14 (in comb.) a ship of a specified type (merchantman; Indiaman). --v.tr. (manned, manning) 1 supply (a ship, fort, factory, etc.) with a person or people for work or defence etc. 2 work or service or defend (a specified piece of equipment, a fortification, etc.) (man the pumps). 3 Naut. place men at (a part of a ship). 4 fill (a post or office). 5 (usu. refl.) fortify the spirits or courage of (manned herself for the task). Ьas one man in unison; in agreement. be a man be courageous; not show fear. be one's own man 1 be free to act; be independent. 2 be in full possession of one's faculties etc. man about town a fashionable man of leisure. man and boy from childhood. man-at-arms (pl. men-at-arms) archaic a soldier, esp. when heavily armed and mounted. man Friday see FRIDAY. man-hour (or day etc.) an hour (or day etc.) regarded in terms of the amount of work that could be done by one person within this period. man in the moon the semblance of a face seen on the surface of a full moon. man in (US on) the street an ordinary average person, as distinct from an expert. man-made (esp. of a textile fibre) made by man, artificial, synthetic. man of God 1 a clergyman. 2 a male saint. man of honour a man whose word can be trusted. man of the house the male head of a household. man of letters a scholar; an author. man of the moment a man of importance at a particular time. man of straw 1 an insubstantial person; an imaginary person set up as an opponent. 2 a stuffed effigy. 3 a person undertaking a financial commitment without adequate means. 4 a sham argument set up to be defeated. man-of-war an armed ship, esp. of a specified country. man of the world see WORLD. man-size (or -sized) 1 of the size of a man; very large. 2 big enough for a man. man to man with candour; honestly. men's (or men's room) a usu. public lavatory for men. my (or my good) man a patronizing mode of address to a man. separate (or sort out) the men from the boys colloq. find those who are truly virile, competent, etc. to a man all without exception. ЬЬmanless adj. [OE man(n), pl. menn, mannian, f. Gmc] mana n. 1 power; authority; prestige. 2 supernatural or magical power. [Maori] manacle n. & v. --n. (usu. in pl.) 1 a fetter or shackle for the hand; a handcuff. 2 a restraint. --v.tr. fetter with manacles. [ME f. OF manicle handcuff f. L manicula dimin. of manus hand] manage v. & n. --v. 1 tr. organize; regulate; be in charge of (a business, household, team, a person's career, etc.). 2 tr. (often foll. by to + infin.) succeed in achieving; contrive (managed to arrive on time; managed a smile; managed to ruin the day). 3 intr. a (often foll. by with) succeed in one's aim, esp. against heavy odds (managed with one assistant). b meet one's needs with limited resources etc. (just about manages on a pension). 4 tr. gain influence with or maintain control over (a person etc.) (cannot manage their teenage son). 5 tr. (also absol.; often prec. by can, be able to) a cope with; make use of (couldn't manage another bite; can you manage by yourself?). b be free to attend on (a certain day) or at (a certain time) (can you manage Thursday?). 6 tr. handle or wield (a tool, weapon, etc.). 7 tr. take or have charge or control of (an animal or animals, esp. cattle). --n. archaic 1 a the training of a horse. b the trained movements of a horse. 2 a riding-school (cf. MAN°GE). [It. maneggiare, maneggio ult. f. L manus hand] manageable adj. able to be easily managed, controlled, or accomplished etc. ЬЬmanageability n. manageableness n. manageably adv. management n. 1 the process or an instance of managing or being managed. 2 a the professional administration of business concerns, public undertakings, etc. b the people engaged in this. c (prec. by the) a governing body; a board of directors or the people in charge of running a business, regarded collectively. 3 (usu. foll. by of) Med. the technique of treating a disease etc. 4 trickery; deceit. manager n. 1 a person controlling or administering a business or part of a business. 2 a person controlling the affairs, training, etc. of a person or team in sports, entertainment, etc. 3 Brit. Parl. a member of either House of Parliament appointed with others for some duty in which both Houses are concerned. 4 a person regarded in terms of skill in household or financial or other management (a good manager). ЬЬmanagerial adj. managerially adv. managership n. manageress n. a woman manager, esp. of a shop, hotel, theatre, etc. managing adj. 1 (in comb.) having executive control or authority (managing director). 2 (attrib.) fond of controlling affairs etc. 3 archaic economical. manakin n. any small bird of the family Pipridae of Central and S. America, the males of which are often brightly coloured. [var. of MANIKIN] ma¤ana adv. & n. --adv. in the indefinite future (esp. to indicate procrastination). --n. an indefinite future time. [Sp., = tomorrow] manatee n. any large aquatic plant-eating mammal of the genus Trichechus, with paddle-like forelimbs, no hind limbs, and a powerful tail. [Sp. manati f. Carib manattou‹] manchineel n. a W. Indian tree, Hippomane mancinella, with a poisonous and caustic milky sap and acrid apple-like fruit. [F mancenille f. Sp. manzanilla dimin. of manzana apple] Manchu n. & adj. --n. 1 a member of a people in China, descended from a Tartar people, who formed the last imperial dynasty (1644-1912). 2 the language of the Manchus, now spoken in part of NE China. --adj. of or relating to the Manchu people or their language. [Manchu, = pure] manciple n. an officer who buys provisions for a college, an Inn of Court, etc. [ME f. AF & OF f. L mancipium purchase f. manceps buyer f. manus hand + capere take] Mancunian n. & adj. --n. a native of Manchester in NW England. --adj. of or relating to Manchester. [L Mancunium Manchester] -mancy comb. form forming nouns meaning 'divination by' (geomancy; necromancy). ЬЬ-mantic comb. form forming adjectives. [OF -mancie f. LL -mantia f. Gk manteia divination] Mandaean n. & adj. --n. 1 a member of a Gnostic sect surviving in Iraq and claiming descent from John the Baptist. 2 the language of this sect. --adj. of or concerning the Mandaeans or their language. [Aram. mandaiia Gnostics f. manda knowledge] mandala n. 1 a symbolic circular figure representing the universe in various religions. 2 Psychol. such a symbol in a dream, representing the dreamer's search for completeness and self-unity. [Skr. m ndala disc] mandamus n. Law a judicial writ issued as a command to an inferior court, or ordering a person to perform a public or statutory duty. [L, = we command] mandarin(1) n. 1 (Mandarin) the most widely spoken form of Chinese and the official language of China. 2 hist. a Chinese official in any of nine grades of the pre-Communist civil service. 3 a a party leader; a bureaucrat. b a powerful member of the establishment. 4 a a nodding Chinese figure, usu. of porcelain. b porcelain etc. decorated with Chinese figures in mandarin dress. Ьmandarin collar a small close-fitting upright collar. mandarin duck a small Chinese duck, Aix galericulata, noted for its bright plumage. mandarin sleeve a wide loose sleeve. ЬЬmandarinate n. [Port. mandarim f. Malay f. Hindi mantri f. Skr. mantrin counsellor] mandarin(2) n. (also mandarine) (in full mandarin orange) 1 a small flattish deep-coloured orange with a loose skin. 2 the tree, Citrus reticulata, yielding this. Also called TANGERINE. [F mandarine (perh. as MANDARIN(1), with ref. to the official's yellow robes)] mandatary n. (pl. -ies) esp. hist. a person or State receiving a mandate. [LL mandatarius (as MANDATE)] mandate n. & v. --n. 1 an official command or instruction by an authority. 2 support for a policy or course of action, regarded by a victorious party, candidate, etc., as derived from the wishes of the people in an election. 3 a commission to act for another. 4 Law a commission by which a party is entrusted to perform a service, often gratuitously and with indemnity against loss by that party. 5 hist. a commission from the League of Nations to a member State to administer a territory. 6 a papal decree or decision. --v.tr. 1 instruct (a delegate) to act or vote in a certain way. 2 (usu. foll. by to) hist. commit (a territory etc.) to a mandatary. ЬЬmandator n. [L mandatum, neut. past part. of mandare command f. manus hand + dare give: sense 2 of n. after F mandat] mandatory adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or conveying a command. 2 compulsory. --n. (pl. -ies) = MANDATARY. ЬЬmandatorily adv. [LL mandatorius f. L (as MANDATE)] mandible n. 1 the jaw, esp. the lower jaw in mammals and fishes. 2 the upper or lower part of a bird's beak. 3 either half of the crushing organ in an arthropod's mouth-parts. ЬЬmandibular adj. mandibulate adj. [ME f. OF mandible or LL mandibula f. mandere chew] mandolin n. (also mandoline) a musical instrument resembling a lute, having paired metal strings plucked with a plectrum. ЬЬmandolinist n. [F mandoline f. It. mandolino dimin. of MANDOLA] mandorla n. = VESICA 2. [It., = almond] mandragora n. hist. the mandrake, esp. as a type of narcotic (Shakesp. Othello III. iii. 334). [OE f. med.L f. L f. Gk mandragoras] mandrake n. a poisonous plant, Mandragora officinarum, with white or purple flowers and large yellow fruit, having emetic and narcotic properties and possessing a root once thought to resemble the human form and to shriek when plucked. [ME mandrag(g)e, prob. f. MDu. mandrag(r)e f. med.L (as MANDRAGORA): assoc. with MAN + drake dragon (cf. DRAKE(1))] mandrel n. 1 a a shaft in a lathe to which work is fixed while being turned. b a cylindrical rod round which metal or other material is forged or shaped. 2 Brit. a miner's pick. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] mandrill n. a large W. African baboon, Papio sphinx, the adult of which has a brilliantly coloured face and blue-coloured buttocks. [prob. f. MAN + DRILL(3)] manducate v.tr. literary chew; eat. ЬЬmanducation n. manducatory adj. [L manducare manducat- chew f. manduco guzzler f. mandere chew] mane n. 1 long hair growing in a line on the neck of a horse, lion, etc. 2 colloq. a person's long hair. ЬЬmaned adj. (also in comb.). maneless adj. [OE manu f. Gmc] manЉge n. (also manege) 1 a riding-school. 2 the movements of a trained horse. 3 horsemanship. [F manЉge f. It. (as MANAGE)] manes n.pl. 1 the deified souls of dead ancestors. 2 (as sing.) the revered ghost of a dead person. [ME f. L] maneuver US var. of MANOEUVRE. manful adj. brave; resolute. ЬЬmanfully adv. manfulness n. mangabey n. any small long-tailed W. African monkey of the genus Cercocebus. [Mangabey, a region of Madagascar] manganese n. 1 Chem. a grey brittle metallic transition element used with steel to make alloys. °Symb.: Mn. 2 (in full manganese oxide) the black mineral oxide of this used in the manufacture of glass. ЬЬmanganic adj. manganous adj. [F manganЉse f. It. manganese, alt. f. MAGNESIA] mange n. a skin disease in hairy and woolly animals, caused by an arachnid parasite and occasionally communicated to man. [ME mangie, maniewe f. OF manjue, mangeue itch f. mangier manju- eat f. L manducare chew] mangel n. (also mangold) (in full mangel-wurzel, mangold-wurzel) a large kind of beet, Beta vulgaris, used as cattle food. [G Mangoldwurzel f. Mangold beet + Wurzel root] manger n. a long open box or trough in a stable etc., for horses or cattle to eat from. [ME f. OF mangeoire, mangeure ult. f. L (as MANDUCATE)] mange-tout n. the sugar-pea. [F, = eat-all] mangle(1) n. & v. esp. Brit. hist. --n. a machine having two or more cylinders usu. turned by a handle, between which wet clothes etc. are squeezed and pressed. --v.tr. press (clothes etc.) in a mangle. [Du. mangel(stok) f. mangelen to mangle, ult. f. Gk magganon + stok staff, STOCK] mangle(2) v.tr. 1 hack, cut about, or mutilate by blows etc. 2 spoil (a quotation, text, etc.) by misquoting, mispronouncing, etc. 3 cut roughly so as to disfigure. ЬЬmangler n. [AF ma(ha)ngler, app. frequent. of mahaignier MAIM] mango n. (pl. -oes or -os) 1 a fleshy yellowish-red fruit, eaten ripe or used green for pickles etc. 2 the Indian evergreen tree, Mangifera indica, bearing this. [Port. manga f. Malay manga f. Tamil mankay f. man mango-tree + kay fruit] mangold (also mangold-wurzel) var. of MANGEL. mangonel n. Mil. hist. a military engine for throwing stones etc. [ME f. OF mangonel(le), f. med.L manganellus dimin. of LL manganum f. Gk magganon] mangosteen n. 1 a white juicy-pulped fruit with a thick reddish-brown rind. 2 the E. Indian tree, Garcinia mangostana, bearing this. [Malay manggustan] mangrove n. any tropical tree or shrub of the genus Rhizophora, growing in shore-mud with many tangled roots above ground. [17th c.: orig. uncert.: assim. to GROVE] mangy adj. (mangier, mangiest) 1 (esp. of a domestic animal) having mange. 2 squalid; shabby. ЬЬmangily adv. manginess n. manhandle v.tr. 1 move (heavy objects) by human effort. 2 colloq. handle (a person) roughly. manhattan n. a cocktail made of vermouth, whisky, etc. [Manhattan, borough of New York City] manhole n. a covered opening in a floor, pavement, sewer, etc. for workmen to gain access. manhood n. 1 the state of being a man rather than a child or woman. 2 a manliness; courage. b a man's sexual potency. 3 the men of a country etc. 4 the state of being human. manhunt n. an organized search for a person, esp. a criminal. mania n. 1 Psychol. mental illness marked by periods of great excitement and violence. 2 (often foll. by for) excessive enthusiasm; an obsession (has a mania for jogging). [ME f. LL f. Gk, = madness f. mainomai be mad, rel. to MIND] -mania comb. form 1 Psychol. denoting a special type of mental abnormality or obsession (megalomania; nymphomania). 2 denoting extreme enthusiasm or admiration (bibliomania; Anglomania). maniac n. & adj. --n. 1 colloq. a person exhibiting extreme symptoms of wild behaviour etc.; a madman. 2 colloq. an obsessive enthusiast. 3 Psychol. archaic a person suffering from mania. --adj. of or behaving like a maniac. ЬЬmaniacal adj. maniacally adv. [LL maniacus f. late Gk maniakos (as MANIA)] -maniac comb. form forming adjectives and nouns meaning 'affected with -mania' or 'a person affected with -mania' (nymphomaniac). manic adj. of or affected by mania. Ьmanic-depressive Psychol. adj. affected by or relating to a mental disorder with alternating periods of elation and depression. --n. a person having such a disorder. ЬЬmanically adv. Manichee n. 1 an adherent of a religious system of the 3rd-5th c., representing Satan in a state of everlasting conflict with God. 2 Philos. a dualist (see DUALISM). ЬЬManichean adj. & n. (also Manichaean). Manicheism n. (also Manichaeism). [LL Manichaeus f. late Gk Manikhaios, f. Manes or Manichaeus Persian founder of the sect] manicure n. & v. --n. 1 a usu. professional cosmetic treatment of the hands and fingernails. 2 = MANICURIST. --v.tr. apply a manicure to (the hands or a person). [F f. L manus hand + cura care] manicurist n. a person who manicures hands and fingernails professionally. manifest(1) adj. & v. --adj. clear or obvious to the eye or mind (his distress was manifest). --v. 1 tr. display or show (a quality, feeling, etc.) by one's acts etc. 2 tr. show plainly to the eye or mind. 3 tr. be evidence of; prove. 4 refl. (of a thing) reveal itself. 5 intr. (of a ghost) appear. ЬЬmanifestation n. manifestative adj. manifestly adv. [ME f. OF manifeste (adj.), manifester (v.) or L manifestus, manifestare f. manus hand + festus (unrecorded) struck] manifest(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a cargo-list for the use of customs officers. 2 a list of passengers in an aircraft or of trucks etc. in a goods train. --v.tr. record (names, cargo, etc.) in a manifest. [It. manifesto: see MANIFESTO] manifesto n. (pl. -os) a public declaration of policy and aims esp. issued before an election by a political party, candidate, government, etc. [It. f. manifestare f. L (as MANIFEST(1))] manifold adj. & n. --adj. literary 1 many and various (manifold vexations). 2 having various forms, parts, applications, etc. 3 performing several functions at once. --n. 1 a thing with many different forms, parts, applications, etc. 2 Mech. a pipe or chamber branching into several openings. ЬЬmanifoldly adv. manifoldness n. [OE manigfeald (as MANY, -FOLD)] manikin n. (also mannikin) 1 a little man; a dwarf. 2 an artist's lay figure. 3 an anatomical model of the body. 4 (usu. mannikin) any small finchlike bird of the genus Lonchura, native to Africa and Australasia. [Du. manneken, dimin. of man MAN] Manila n. (also Manilla) 1 a cigar or cheroot made in Manila. 2 (in full Manila hemp) the strong fibre of a Philippine tree, Musa textilis, used for rope etc. 3 (also manila) a strong brown paper made from Manila hemp or other material and used for wrapping paper, envelopes, etc. [Manila in the Philippines] manilla n. a metal bracelet used by African tribes as a medium of exchange. [Sp., prob. dimin. of mano hand f. L manus] manille n. the second best trump or honour in ombre or quadrille. [F f. Sp. malilla dimin. of mala bad f. L malus] manioc n. 1 cassava. 2 the flour made from it. [Tupi mandioca] maniple n. 1 Rom.Hist. a subdivision of a legion, containing 120 or 60 men. 2 a Eucharistic vestment consisting of a strip hanging from the left arm. [OF maniple or L manipulus handful, troop f. manus hand] manipulate v.tr. 1 handle, treat, or use, esp. skilfully (a tool, question, material, etc.). 2 manage (a person, situation, etc.) to one's own advantage, esp. unfairly or unscrupulously. 3 manually examine and treat (a part of the body). 4 Computing alter, edit, or move (text, data, etc.). 5 stimulate (the genitals). ЬЬmanipulable adj. manipulability n. manipulatable adj. manipulation n. manipulator n. manipulatory adj. [back-form. f. manipulation f. F manipulation f. mod.L manipulatio (as MANIPLE), after F manipuler] manipulative adj. 1 characterized by unscrupulous exploitation of a situation, person, etc., for one's own ends. 2 of or concerning manipulation. ЬЬmanipulatively adv. manipulativeness n. Manit. abbr. Manitoba. manitou n. Amer. Ind. 1 a good or evil spirit as an object of reverence. 2 something regarded as having supernatural power. [Algonquin manito, -tu he has surpassed] mankind n. 1 the human species. 2 male people, as distinct from female. manky adj. (mankier, mankiest) colloq. 1 bad, inferior, defective. 2 dirty. [obs. mank mutilated, defective] manlike adj. 1 having the qualities of a man. 2 (of a woman) mannish. 3 (of an animal, shape, etc.) resembling a human being. manly adj. (manlier, manliest) 1 having qualities regarded as admirable in a man, such as courage, frankness, etc. 2 (of a woman) mannish. 3 (of things, qualities, etc.) befitting a man. ЬЬmanliness n. manna n. 1 the substance miraculously supplied as food to the Israelites in the wilderness (Exod. 16). 2 an unexpected benefit (esp. manna from heaven). 3 spiritual nourishment, esp. the Eucharist. 4 the sweet dried juice from the manna-ash and other plants, used as a mild laxative. Ьmanna-ash an ash tree native to S. Europe, Fraxinus ornus. [OE f. LL f. Gk f. Aram. manna f. Heb. man, explained as = man hu? what is it?, but prob. = Arab. mann exudation of common tamarisk (Tamarix gallica)] manned adj. (of an aircraft, spacecraft, etc.) having a human crew. [past part. of MAN] mannequin n. 1 a model employed by a dressmaker etc. to show clothes to customers. 2 a window dummy. [F, = MANIKIN] manner n. 1 a way a thing is done or happens (always dresses in that manner). 2 (in pl.) a social behaviour (it is bad manners to stare). b polite or well-bred behaviour (he has no manners). c modes of life; conditions of society. 3 a person's outward bearing, way of speaking, etc. (has an imperious manner). 4 a a style in literature, art, etc. (in the manner of Rembrandt). b = MANNERISM 2a. 5 archaic a kind or sort (what manner of man is he?). Ьall manner of many different kinds of. comedy of manners satirical portrayal of social behaviour, esp. of the upper classes. in a manner of speaking in some sense; to some extent; so to speak. manner of means see MEANS. to the manner born 1 colloq. naturally at ease in a specified job, situation, etc. 2 destined by birth to follow a custom or way of life (Shakesp. Hamlet I. iv. 17). ЬЬmannerless adj. (in sense 2b of n.). [ME f. AF manere, OF maniere ult. f. L manuarius of the hand (manus)] mannered adj. 1 (in comb.) behaving in a specified way (ill-mannered; well-mannered). 2 (of a style, artist, writer, etc.) showing idiosyncratic mannerisms. 3 (of a person) eccentrically affected in behaviour. mannerism n. 1 a habitual gesture or way of speaking etc.; an idiosyncrasy. 2 a excessive addiction to a distinctive style in art or literature. b a stylistic trick. 3 a style of Italian art preceding the Baroque, characterized by lengthened figures. ЬЬmannerist n. manneristic adj. manneristical adj. manneristically adv. [MANNER] mannerly adj. & adv. --adj. well-mannered; polite. --adv. politely. ЬЬmannerliness n. mannikin var. of MANIKIN. mannish adj. 1 usu. derog. (of a woman) masculine in appearance or manner. 2 characteristic of a man. ЬЬmannishly adv. mannishness n. [OE mennisc f. (and assim. to) MAN] manoeuvre n. & v. (US maneuver) --n. 1 a planned and controlled movement or series of moves. 2 (in pl.) a large-scale exercise of troops, warships, etc. 3 a an often deceptive planned or controlled action designed to gain an objective. b a skilful plan. --v. 1 intr. & tr. perform or cause to perform a manoeuvre (manoeuvred the car into the space). 2 intr. & tr. perform or cause (troops etc.) to perform military manoeuvres. 3 a tr. (usu. foll. by into, out, away) force, drive, or manipulate (a person, thing, etc.) by scheming or adroitness. b intr. use artifice. ЬЬmanoeuvrable adj. manoeuvrability n. manoeuvrer n. [F manoeuvre, manoeuvrer f. med.L manuoperare f. L manus hand + operari to work] manometer n. a pressure gauge for gases and liquids. ЬЬmanometric adj. [F manomЉtre f. Gk manos thin] ma non troppo see TROPPO(1). manor n. 1 (also manor-house) a a large country house with lands. b the house of the lord of the manor. 2 Brit. a a unit of land consisting of a lord's demesne and lands rented to tenants etc. b hist. a feudal lordship over lands. 3 Brit. colloq. the district covered by a police station. ЬЬmanorial adj. [ME f. AF maner, OF maneir, f. L manere remain] manpower n. 1 the power generated by a man working. 2 the number of people available for work, service, etc. manqu‚ adj. (placed after noun) that might have been but is not; unfulfilled (a comic actor manqu‚). [F, past part. of manquer lack] mansard n. a roof which has four sloping sides, each of which becomes steeper halfway down. [F mansarde f. F. Mansard, Fr. architect d. 1666] manse n. the house of a minister, esp. a Scottish Presbyterian. Ьson (or daughter) of the manse the child of a Presbyterian etc. minister. [ME f. med.L mansus, -sa, -sum, house f. manere mans- remain] manservant n. (pl. menservants) a male servant. -manship suffix forming nouns denoting skill in a subject or activity (craftsmanship; gamesmanship). mansion n. 1 a large house. 2 (usu. in pl.) Brit. a large building divided into flats. Ьmansion-house Brit. the house of a lord mayor or a landed proprietor. the Mansion House the official residence of the Lord Mayor of London. [ME f. OF f. L mansio -onis a staying (as MANSE)] manslaughter n. 1 the killing of a human being. 2 Law the unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought. mansuetude n. archaic meekness, docility, gentleness. [ME f. OF mansuetude or L mansuetudo f. mansuetus gentle, tame f. manus hand + suetus accustomed] manta n. any large ray of the family Mobulidae, esp. Manta birostris, having winglike pectoral fins and a whiplike tail. [Amer. Sp., = large blanket] mantel n. 1 = MANTELPIECE 1. 2 = MANTELSHELF. [var. of MANTLE] mantelet n. (also mantlet) 1 hist. a woman's short loose sleeveless mantle. 2 a bulletproof screen for gunners. [ME f. OF, dimin. of mantel MANTLE] mantelpiece n. 1 a structure of wood, marble, etc. above and around a fireplace. 2 = MANTELSHELF. mantelshelf n. a shelf above a fireplace. mantic adj. formal of or concerning divination or prophecy. [Gk mantikos f. mantis prophet] mantid n. = MANTIS. mantilla n. a lace scarf worn by Spanish women over the hair and shoulders. [Sp., dimin. of manta MANTLE] mantis n. (pl. same or mantises) any insect of the family Mantidae, feeding on other insects etc. Ьpraying mantis a mantis, Mantis religiosa, that holds its forelegs in a position suggestive of hands folded in prayer, while waiting to pounce on its prey. [Gk, = prophet] mantissa n. the part of a logarithm after the decimal point. [L, = makeweight] mantle n. & v. --n. 1 a loose sleeveless cloak, esp. of a woman. 2 a covering (a mantle of snow). 3 a spiritual influence or authority (see 2 Kings 2:13). 4 a fragile lacelike tube fixed round a gas-jet to give an incandescent light. 5 an outer fold of skin enclosing a mollusc's viscera. 6 a bird's back, scapulars, and wing-coverts, esp. if of a distinctive colour. 7 the region between the crust and the core of the earth. --v. 1 tr. clothe in or as if in a mantle; cover, conceal, envelop. 2 intr. a (of the blood) suffuse the cheeks. b (of the face) glow with a blush. 3 intr. (of a liquid) become covered with a coating or scum. [ME f. OF f. L mantellum cloak] mantlet var. of MANTELET. mantling n. Heraldry 1 ornamental drapery etc. behind and around a shield. 2 a representation of this. [MANTLE + ING(1)] mantra n. 1 a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation, orig. in Hinduism and Buddhism. 2 a Vedic hymn. [Skr., = instrument of thought f. man think] mantrap n. a trap for catching poachers, trespassers, etc. mantua n. hist. a woman's loose gown of the 17th-18th c. [corrupt. of manteau (F, as MANTLE) after Mantua in Italy] manual adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or done with the hands (manual labour). 2 (of a machine etc.) worked by hand, not automatically. --n. 1 a a book of instructions, esp. for operating a machine or learning a subject; a handbook (a computer manual). b any small book. 2 an organ keyboard played with the hands not the feet. 3 Mil. an exercise in handling a rifle etc. 4 hist. a book of the forms to be used by priests in the administration of the Sacraments. Ьmanual alphabet sign language. ЬЬmanually adv. [ME f. OF manuel, f. (and later assim. to) L manualis f. manus hand] manufactory n. (pl. -ies) archaic = FACTORY. [MANUFACTURE, after factory] manufacture n. & v. --n. 1 a the making of articles esp. in a factory etc. b a branch of an industry (woollen manufacture). 2 esp. derog. the merely mechanical production of literature, art, etc. --v.tr. 1 make (articles), esp. on an industrial scale. 2 invent or fabricate (evidence, a story, etc.). 3 esp. derog. make or produce (literature, art, etc.) in a mechanical way. ЬЬmanufacturable adj. manufacturability n. manufacturer n. [F f. It. manifattura & L manufactum made by hand] manuka n. Austral. & NZ a small tree, Leptospermum scoparium, with aromatic leaves and hard timber. [Maori] manumit v.tr. (manumitted, manumitting) hist. set (a slave) free. ЬЬmanumission n. [ME f. L manumittere manumiss- f. manus hand + emittere send forth] manure n. & v. --n. 1 animal dung, esp. of horses, used for fertilizing land. 2 any compost or artificial fertilizer. --v.tr. (also absol.) apply manure to (land etc.). ЬЬmanurial adj. [ME f. AF mainoverer = OF manouvrer MANOEUVRE] manuscript n. & adj. --n. 1 a book, document, etc. written by hand. 2 an author's handwritten or typed text, submitted for publication. 3 handwritten form (produced in manuscript). --adj. written by hand. [med.L manuscriptus f. manu by hand + scriptus past part. of scribere write] Manx adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to the Isle of Man. --n. 1 Language hist. the now extinct Celtic language formerly spoken in the Isle of Man. 2 (prec. by the; treated as pl.) the Manx people. ЬManx cat a tailless cat. [ON f. OIr. Manu Isle of Man] Manxman n. (pl. -men; fem. Manxwoman, pl. -women) a native of the Isle of Man. many adj. & n. --adj. (more; most) great in number; numerous (many times; many people; many a person; his reasons were many). --n. (as pl.) 1 a large number (many like skiing; many went). 2 (prec. by the) the multitude of esp. working people. Ьas many the same number of (six mistakes in as many lines). as many again the same number additionally (sixty here and as many again there). be too (or one too) many for outwit, baffle. a good (or great) many a large number. many-sided having many sides, aspects, interests, capabilities, etc. many-sidedness n. the fact or state of being many-sided. many's the time often (many's the time we saw it). many a time many times. [OE manig, ult. f. Gmc] manzanilla n. a pale very dry Spanish sherry. [Sp., lit. 'camomile'] manzanita n. any of several evergreen shrubs of the genus Arctostaphylos, esp. A. manzanita, native to California. [Sp., dimin. of manzana apple] Maoism n. the Communist doctrines of Mao Zedong (d. 1976), Chinese statesman. ЬЬMaoist n. & adj. Maori n. & adj. --n. (pl. same or Maoris) 1 a member of the Polynesian aboriginal people of New Zealand. 2 the language of the Maori. --adj. of or concerning the Maori or their language. [native name] map n. & v. --n. 1 a a usu. flat representation of the earth's surface, or part of it, showing physical features, cities, etc. (cf. GLOBE). b a diagrammatic representation of a route etc. (drew a map of the journey). 2 a two-dimensional representation of the stars, the heavens, etc., or of the surface of a planet, the moon, etc. 3 a diagram showing the arrangement or components of a thing. 4 sl. the face. --v.tr. (mapped, mapping) 1 represent (a country etc.) on a map. 2 Math. associate each element of (a set) with one element of another set. Ьmap out arrange in detail; plan (a course of conduct etc.). off the map colloq. 1 of no account; obsolete. 2 very distant. on the map colloq. prominent, important. wipe off the map colloq. obliterate. ЬЬmapless adj. mappable adj. mapper n. [L mappa napkin: in med.L mappa (mundi) map (of the world)] maple n. 1 any tree or shrub of the genus Acer grown for shade, ornament, wood, or its sugar. 2 the wood of the maple. Ьmaple-leaf the leaf of the maple, used as an emblem of Canada. maple sugar a sugar produced by evaporating the sap of the sugar maple etc. maple syrup a syrup produced from the sap of the sugar maple etc. [ME mapul etc. f. OE mapeltreow, mapulder] maquette n. 1 a sculptor's small preliminary model in wax, clay, etc. 2 a preliminary sketch. [F f. It. machietta dimin. of macchia spot] maquillage n. 1 make-up; cosmetics. 2 the application of make-up. [F f. maquiller make up f. OF masquiller stain] Maquis n. 1 the French resistance movement during the German occupation (1940-45). 2 a member of this. [F, = brushwood, f. Corsican It. macchia thicket] Mar. abbr. March. mar v.tr. (marred, marring) 1 ruin. 2 impair the perfection of; spoil; disfigure. [OE merran hinder] marabou n. (also marabout) 1 a large W. African stork, Leptoptilos crumeniferus. 2 a tuft of down from the wing or tail of the marabou used as a trimming for hats etc. [F f. Arab. murabit holy man (see MARABOUT), the stork being regarded as holy] marabout n. 1 a Muslim hermit or monk, esp. in N. Africa. 2 a shrine marking a marabout's burial-place. [F f. Port. marabuto f. Arab. murabit holy man f. ribat frontier station, where he acquired merit by combat against the infidel] maraca n. a hollow clublike gourd or gourd-shaped container filled with beans etc. and usu. shaken in pairs as a percussion instrument in Latin American music. [Port. marac , prob. f. Tupi] maraschino n. (pl. -os) a strong sweet liqueur made from a small black Dalmatian cherry. Ьmaraschino cherry a cherry preserved in maraschino and used to decorate cocktails etc. [It. f. marasca small black cherry, for amarasca f. amaro bitter f. L amarus] marasmus n. a wasting away of the body. ЬЬmarasmic adj. [mod.L f. Gk marasmos f. maraino wither] Maratha n. (also Mahratta) a member of a warrior people native to the modern Indian State of Maharashtra. [Hindi Marhatta f. Skr. Maharashtra great kingdom] Marathi n. (also Mahratti) the language of the Marathas. [MARATHA] marathon n. 1 a long-distance running race, usu. of 26 miles 385 yards (42.195 km). 2 a long-lasting or difficult task, operation, etc. (often attrib.: a marathon shopping expedition). ЬЬmarathoner n. [Marathon in Greece, scene of a victory over the Persians in 490 BC: a messenger was said to have run to Athens with the news, but the account has no authority] maraud v. 1 intr. a make a plundering raid. b pilfer systematically; plunder. 2 tr. plunder (a place). ЬЬmarauder n. [F marauder f. maraud rogue] marble n. & v. --n. 1 limestone in a metamorphic crystalline (or granular) state, and capable of taking a polish, used in sculpture and architecture. 2 (often attrib.) a anything made of marble (a marble clock). b anything resembling marble in hardness, coldness, durability, etc. (her features were marble). 3 a a small ball of marble, glass, clay, etc., used as a toy. b (in pl.; treated as sing.) a game using these. 4 (in pl.) sl. one's mental faculties (he's lost his marbles). 5 (in pl.) a collection of sculptures (Elgin Marbles). --v.tr. 1 (esp. as marbled adj.) stain or colour (paper, the edges of a book, soap, etc.) to look like variegated marble. 2 (as marbled adj.) (of meat) streaked with alternating layers of lean and fat. Ьmarble cake a cake with a mottled appearance, made of light and dark sponge. ЬЬmarbly adj. [ME f. OF marbre, marble, f. L marmor f. Gk marmaros shining stone] marbling n. 1 colouring or marking like marble. 2 streaks of fat in lean meat. marc n. 1 the refuse of pressed grapes etc. 2 a brandy made from this. [F f. marcher tread, MARCH(1)] Marcan adj. of or relating to St Mark. [L Marcus Mark] marcasite n. 1 a yellowish crystalline iron sulphide mineral. 2 these bronze-yellow crystals used in jewellery. [ME f. med.L marcasita, f. Arab. markasita f. Pers.] marcato adv. & adj. Mus. played with emphasis. [It., = marked] marcel n. & v. --n. (in full marcel wave) a deep wave in the hair. --v.tr. (marcelled, marcelling) wave (hair) with a deep wave. [Marcel Grateau, Paris hairdresser d. 1936, who invented the method] marcescent adj. (of part of a plant) withering but not falling. ЬЬmarcescence n. [L marcescere incept. of marcere wither] March n. the third month of the year. ЬMarch hare a hare in the breeding season, characterized by excessive leaping, strange behaviour, etc. (mad as a March hare). [ME f. OF march(e), dial. var. of marz, mars, f. L Martius (mensis) (month) of Mars] march(1) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by away, off, out, etc.) walk in a military manner with a regular measured tread. 2 tr. (often foll. by away, on, off, etc.) cause to march or walk (marched the army to Moscow; marched him out of the room). 3 intr. a walk or proceed steadily, esp. across country. b (of events etc.) continue unrelentingly (time marches on). 4 intr. take part in a protest march. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of marching. b the uniform step of troops etc. (a slow march). 2 a long difficult walk. 3 a procession as a protest or demonstration. 4 (usu. foll. by of) progress or continuity (the march of events). 5 a a piece of music composed to accompany a march. b a composition of similar character and form. Ьmarching order Mil. equipment or a formation for marching. marching orders 1 Mil. the direction for troops to depart for war etc. 2 a dismissal (gave him his marching orders). march on 1 advance towards (a military objective). 2 proceed. march past n. the marching of troops past a saluting-point at a review. --v.intr. (of troops) carry out a march past. on the march 1 marching. 2 in steady progress. ЬЬmarcher n. [F marche (n.), marcher (v.), f. LL marcus hammer] march(2) n. & v. --n. hist. 1 (usu. in pl.) a boundary, a frontier (esp. of the borderland between England and Scotland or Wales). 2 a tract of often disputed land between two countries. --v.intr. (foll. by upon, with) (of a country, an estate, etc.) have a common frontier with, border on. [ME f. OF marche, marchir ult. f. Gmc: cf. MARK(1)] marcher n. an inhabitant of a march or border district. marchioness n. 1 the wife or widow of a marquess. 2 a woman holding the rank of marquess in her own right (cf. MARQUISE). [med.L marchionissa f. marchio -onis captain of the marches (as MARCH(2))] marchpane archaic var. of MARZIPAN. Mardi Gras n. 1 a Shrove Tuesday in some Catholic countries. b merrymaking on this day. 2 the last day of a carnival etc. 3 Austral. a carnival or fair at any time. [F, = fat Tuesday] mardy adj. dial. sulky, whining, spoilt. [dial. mard spoilt, alt. of marred f. MAR] mare(1) n. 1 the female of any equine animal, esp. the horse. 2 sl. derog. a woman. Ьmare's nest an illusory discovery. mare's tail 1 a tall slender marsh plant, Hippuris vulgaris. 2 (in pl.) long straight streaks of cirrus cloud. [ME f. OE mearh horse f. Gmc: cf. MARSHAL] mare(2) n. (pl. maria or mares) 1 (in full mare clausum) Law the sea under the jurisdiction of a particular country. 2 (in full mare liberum) Law the sea open to all nations. 3 a any of a number of large dark flat areas on the surface of the moon, once thought to be seas. b a similar area on Mars. [L, = sea] maremma n. (pl. maremme) low marshy unhealthy land near a seashore. [It. f. L maritima (as MARITIME)] margarine n. a butter-substitute made from vegetable oils or animal fats with milk etc. [F, misapplication of a chem. term, f. margarique f. Gk margaron pearl] margay n. a small wild S. American cat, Felis wiedii. [F f. Tupi mbaraca‹a] marge(1) n. Brit. colloq. margarine. [abbr.] marge(2) n. poet. a margin or edge. [F f. L margo (as MARGIN)] margin n. & v. --n. 1 the edge or border of a surface. 2 a the blank border on each side of the print on a page etc. b a line ruled esp. on exercise paper, marking off a margin. 3 an amount (of time, money, etc.) by which a thing exceeds, falls short, etc. (won by a narrow margin; a margin of profit). 4 the lower limit of possibility, success, etc. (his effort fell below the margin). 5 Austral. an increment to a basic wage, paid for skill. 6 a sum deposited with a stockbroker to cover the risk of loss on a transaction on account. --v.tr. (margined, margining) provide with a margin or marginal notes. Ьmargin of error a usu. small difference allowed for miscalculation, change of circumstances, etc. margin release a device on a typewriter allowing a word to be typed beyond the margin normally set. [ME f. L margo -ginis] marginal adj. 1 a of or written in a margin. b having marginal notes. 2 a of or at the edge; not central. b not significant or decisive (the work is of merely marginal interest). 3 Brit. (of a parliamentary seat or constituency) having a small majority at risk in an election. 4 close to the limit, esp. of profitability. 5 (of the sea) adjacent to the shore of a State. 6 (of land) difficult to cultivate; unprofitable. 7 barely adequate; unprovided for. Ьmarginal cost the cost added by making one extra copy etc. ЬЬmarginality n. marginally adv. [med.L marginalis (as MARGIN)] marginalia n.pl. marginal notes. [med.L, neut. pl. of marginalis] marginalize v.tr. (also -ise) make or treat as insignificant. ЬЬmarginalization n. marginate v. & adj. --v.tr. 1 = MARGINALIZE. 2 provide with a margin or border. --adj. Biol. having a distinct margin or border. ЬЬmargination n. margrave n. hist. the hereditary title of some princes of the Holy Roman Empire (orig. of a military governor of a border province). ЬЬmargravate n. [MDu. markgrave border count (as MARK(1), grave COUNT(2) f. OLG greve)] margravine n. hist. the wife of a margrave. [Du. markgravin (as MARGRAVE)] marguerite n. an ox-eye daisy. [F f. L margarita f. Gk margarites f. margaron pearl] maria pl. of MARE(2). mariage de convenance n. = marriage of convenience. [F] Marian adj. RC Ch. of or relating to the Virgin Mary (Marian vespers). [L Maria Mary] marigold n. any plant of the genus Calendula or Tagetes, with golden or bright yellow flowers. [ME f. Mary (prob. the Virgin) + dial. gold, OE golde, prob. rel. to GOLD] marijuana n. (also marihuana) 1 the dried leaves, flowering tops, and stems of the hemp, used as a hallucinogenic drug usu. smoked in cigarettes. 2 the plant yielding these (cf. HEMP). [Amer. Sp.] marimba n. 1 a xylophone played by natives of Africa and Central America. 2 a modern orchestral instrument derived from this. [Congo] marina n. a specially designed harbour with moorings for pleasure-yachts etc. [It. & Sp. fem. adj. f. marino f. L (as MARINE)] marinade n. & v. --n. 1 a mixture of wine, vinegar, oil, spices, etc., in which meat, fish, etc., is soaked before cooking. 2 meat, fish, etc., soaked in this liquid. --v.tr. soak (meat, fish, etc.) in a marinade. [F f. Sp. marinada f. marinar pickle in brine f. marino (as MARINE)] marinate v.tr. = MARINADE. ЬЬmarination n. [It. marinare or F mariner (as MARINE)] marine adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, found in, or produced by the sea. 2 a of or relating to shipping or naval matters (marine insurance). b for use at sea. --n. 1 a country's shipping, fleet, or navy (mercantile marine; merchant marine). 2 a member of a body of troops trained to serve on land or sea. 3 a picture of a scene at sea. Ьmarine stores new or old ships' material etc. sold as merchandise. marine trumpet a large single-stringed viol with a trumpet-like tone. tell that to the marines (or horse marines) colloq. an expression of disbelief. [ME f. OF marin marine f. L marinus f. mare sea] mariner n. a seaman. Ьmariner's compass a compass showing magnetic or true north and the bearings from it. [ME f. AF mariner, OF marinier f. med.L marinarius f. L (as MARINE)] Mariolatry n. derog. idolatrous worship of the Virgin Mary. [L Maria Mary + -LATRY, after idolatry] marionette n. a puppet worked by strings. [F marionnette f. Marion dimin. of Marie Mary] Marist n. a member of the Roman Catholic Society of Mary. [F Mariste f. Marie Mary] marital adj. 1 of marriage or the relations between husband and wife. 2 of or relating to a husband. ЬЬmaritally adv. [L maritalis f. maritus husband] maritime adj. 1 connected with the sea or seafaring (maritime insurance). 2 living or found near the sea. [L maritimus f. mare sea] marjoram n. either of two aromatic herbs, Origanum vulgare (wild marjoram) or Majorana hortensis (sweet marjoram), the fresh or dried leaves of which are used as a flavouring in cookery. [ME & OF majorane f. med.L majorana, of unkn. orig.] mark(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a trace, sign, stain, scar, etc., on a surface, face, page, etc. 2 (esp. in comb.) a a written or printed symbol (exclamation mark; question mark). b a numerical or alphabetical award denoting excellence, conduct, proficiency, etc. (got a good mark for effort; gave him a black mark; gained 46 marks out of 50). 3 (usu. foll. by of) a sign or indication of quality, character, feeling, etc. (took off his hat as a mark of respect). 4 a a sign, seal, etc., used for distinction or identification. b a cross etc. made in place of a signature by an illiterate person. 5 a a target, object, goal, etc. (missed the mark with his first play). b a standard for attainment (his work falls below the mark). 6 a line etc. indicating a position; a marker. 7 (usu. Mark) (followed by a numeral) a particular design, model, etc., of a car, aircraft, etc. (this is the Mark 2 model). 8 a runner's starting-point in a race. 9 Naut. a piece of material etc. used to indicate a position on a sounding-line. 10 a Rugby Football a heel-mark on the ground made by a player who has caught the ball direct from a kick, knock-on, or throw-forward by an opponent. b Austral. Rules the catching before it reaches the ground of a ball kicked at least ten metres; the spot from which the subsequent kick is taken. 11 sl. the intended victim of a swindler etc. 12 Boxing the pit of the stomach. 13 hist. a tract of land held in common by a Teutonic or medieval German village community. --v.tr. 1 a make a mark on (a thing or person), esp. by writing, cutting, scraping, etc. b put a distinguishing or identifying mark, initials, name, etc., on (clothes etc.) (marked the tree with their initials). 2 a allot marks to; correct (a student's work etc.). b record (the points gained in games etc.). 3 attach a price to (goods etc.) (marked the doll at 50p). 4 (often foll. by by) show or manifest (displeasure etc.) (marked his anger by leaving early). 5 notice or observe (she marked his agitation). 6 a characterize or be a feature of (the day was marked by storms). b acknowledge, recognize, celebrate (marked the occasion with a toast). 7 name or indicate (a place on a map, the length of a syllable, etc.) by a sign or mark. 8 characterize (a person or a thing) as (marked them as weak). 9 a Brit. keep close to so as to prevent the free movement of (an opponent in sport). b Austral. Rules catch (the ball). 10 (as marked adj.) having natural marks (is marked with silver spots). 11 (of a graduated instrument) show, register (so many degrees etc.). 12 US & Austral. castrate (a lamb). Ьone's mark colloq. 1 what one prefers. 2 an opponent, object, etc., of one's own size, calibre, etc. (the little one's more my mark). beside (or off or wide of) the mark 1 not to the point; irrelevant. 2 not accurate. make one's mark attain distinction. mark down 1 mark (goods etc.) at a lower price. 2 make a written note of. 3 choose (a person) as one's victim. mark-down n. a reduction in price. mark off (often foll. by from) separate (one thing from another) by a boundary etc. (marked off the subjects for discussion). mark of mouth a depression in a horse's incisor indicating age. mark out 1 plan (a course of action etc.). 2 destine (marked out for success). 3 trace out boundaries, a course, etc. mark time 1 Mil. march on the spot, without moving forward. 2 act routinely; go through the motions. 3 await an opportunity to advance. mark up 1 mark (goods etc.) at a higher price. 2 mark or correct (text etc.) for typesetting or alteration. mark-up n. 1 the amount added to the cost price of goods to cover overhead charges, profit, etc. 2 the corrections made in marking up text. mark you please note (without obligation, mark you). off the mark 1 having made a start. 2 = beside the mark. of mark noteworthy. on the mark ready to start. on your mark (or marks) (as an instruction) get ready to start (esp. a race). up to the mark reaching the usual or normal standard, esp. of health. [OE me(a)rc (n.), mearcian (v.), f. Gmc] mark(2) n. 1 a = DEUTSCHE MARK. b = OSTMARK. 2 hist. a a denomination of weight for gold and silver. b English money of account. [OE marc, prob. rel. to med.L marca, marcus] marked adj. 1 having a visible mark. 2 clearly noticeable; evident (a marked difference). 3 (of playing-cards) having distinctive marks on their backs to assist cheating. Ьmarked man 1 a person whose conduct is watched with suspicion or hostility. 2 a person destined to succeed. ЬЬmarkedly adv. markedness n. [OE (past part. of MARK(1))] marker n. 1 a stone, post, etc., used to mark a position, place reached, etc. 2 a person or thing that marks. 3 a felt-tipped pen with a broad tip. 4 a person who records a score, esp. in billiards. 5 a flare etc. used to direct a pilot to a target. 6 a bookmark. 7 US sl. a promissory note; an IOU. market n. & v. --n. 1 a the gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, etc., esp. with a number of different vendors. b the time of this. 2 an open space or covered building used for this. 3 (often foll. by for) a demand for a commodity or service (goods find a ready market). 4 a place or group providing such a demand. 5 conditions as regards, or opportunity for, buying or selling. 6 the rate of purchase and sale, market value (the market fell). 7 (prec. by the) the trade in a specified commodity (the corn market). 8 (the Market) Brit. the European Economic Community. --v. (marketed, marketing) 1 tr. sell. 2 tr. offer for sale. 3 intr. buy or sell goods in a market. Ьbe in the market for wish to buy. be on (or come into) the market be offered for sale. make a market Stock Exch. induce active dealing in a stock or shares. market cross a structure erected in a market-place, orig. a stone cross, later an arcaded building. market-day a day on which a market is regularly held, usu. weekly. market garden a place where vegetables and fruit are grown for the market etc. market gardener a person who owns or is employed in a market garden. market maker Brit. a member of the Stock Exchange granted certain privileges and trading to prescribed regulations. market-place 1 an open space where a market is held in a town. 2 the scene of actual dealings. market price the price in current dealings. market research the study of consumers' needs and preferences. market town Brit. a town where a market is held. market value value as a saleable thing (opp. book value). put on the market offer for sale. ЬЬmarketer n. marketing n. [ME ult. f. L mercatus f. mercari buy: see MERCHANT] marketable adj. able or fit to be sold. ЬЬmarketability n. marketeer n. 1 a supporter of the EEC and British membership of it. 2 a marketer. markhor n. a large spiral-horned wild goat, Capra falconeri, of N. India. [Pers. mar-kwar f. mar serpent + kwar -eating] marking n. (usu. in pl.) 1 an identification mark, esp. a symbol on an aircraft. 2 the colouring of an animal's fur, feathers, skin, etc. Ьmarking-ink indelible ink for marking linen etc. marksman n. (pl. -men) a person skilled in shooting, esp. with a pistol or rifle. ЬЬmarksmanship n. marl(1) n. & v. --n. soil consisting of clay and lime, with fertilizing properties. --v.tr. apply marl to (the ground). ЬЬmarly adj. [ME f. OF marle f. med.L margila f. L marga] marl(2) n. 1 a mottled yarn of differently coloured threads. 2 the fabric made from this. [shortening of marbled: see MARBLE] marlin n. US any of various large long-nosed marine fish of the family Istophoridae, esp. the blue marlin Makaira nigricans. [MARLINSPIKE, with ref. to its pointed snout] marline n. Naut. a thin line of two strands. Ьmarline-spike = MARLINSPIKE. [ME f. Du. marlijn f. marren bind + lijn LINE(1)] marlinspike n. Naut. a pointed iron tool used to separate strands of rope or wire. [orig. app. marling-spike f. marl fasten with marline (f. Du. marlen frequent. of MDu. marren bind) + -ING(1) + SPIKE(1)] marlite n. a kind of marl that is not reduced to powder by the action of the air. marmalade n. a preserve of citrus fruit, usu. bitter oranges, made like jam. Ьmarmalade cat a cat with orange fur. [F marmelade f. Port. marmelada quince jam f. marmelo quince f. L melimelum f. Gk melimelon f. meli honey + melon apple] Marmite n. 1 Brit. propr. a preparation made from yeast extract and vegetable extract, used in sandwiches and for flavouring. 2 (marmite) also an earthenware cooking vessel. [F, = cooking-pot] marmoreal adj. poet. of or like marble. ЬЬmarmoreally adv. [L marmoreus (as MARBLE)] marmoset n. any of several small tropical American monkeys of the family Callitricidae, having a long bushy tail. [OF marmouset grotesque image, of unkn. orig.] marmot n. any burrowing rodent of the genus Marmota, with a heavy-set body and short bushy tail. [F marmotte prob. f. Romansh murmont f. L murem (nominative mus) montis mountain mouse] marocain n. a dress-fabric of ribbed cr€pe. [F, = Moroccan f. Maroc Morocco] Maronite n. a member of a sect of Syrian Christians dwelling chiefly in Lebanon. [med.L Maronita f. Maro the 5th-c. Syrian founder] maroon(1) adj. & n. --adj. brownish-crimson. --n. 1 this colour. 2 an explosive device giving a loud report. [F marron chestnut f. It. marrone f. med.Gk maraon] maroon(2) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 leave (a person) isolated in a desolate place (esp. an island). 2 (of a person or a natural phenomenon) cause (a person) to be unable to leave a place. --n. 1 a person descended from a group of fugitive slaves in the remoter parts of Surinam and the W. Indies. 2 a marooned person. [F marron f. Sp. cimarrўn wild f. cima peak] marque(1) n. a make of motor car, as distinct from a specific model (the Jaguar marque). [F, = MARK(1)] marque(2) n. hist. Ьletters of marque (or marque and reprisal) 1 a licence to fit out an armed vessel and employ it in the capture of an enemy's merchant shipping. 2 (in sing.) a ship carrying such a licence. [ME f. F f. Prov. marca f. marcar seize as a pledge] marquee n. 1 a large tent used for social or commercial functions. 2 US a canopy over the entrance to a large building. [MARQUISE, taken as pl. & assim. to -EE] marquess n. a British nobleman ranking between a duke and an earl (cf. MARQUIS). ЬЬmarquessate n. [var. of MARQUIS] marquetry n. (also marqueterie) inlaid work in wood, ivory, etc. [F marqueterie f. marqueter variegate f. MARQUE(1)] marquis n. a foreign nobleman ranking between a duke and a count (cf. MARQUESS). ЬЬmarquisate n. [ME f. OF marchis f. Rmc (as MARCH(2), -ESE)] marquise n. 1 a the wife or widow of a marquis. b a woman holding the rank of marquis in her own right (cf. MARCHIONESS). 2 a finger-ring set with an oval pointed cluster of gems. 3 archaic = MARQUEE. [F, fem. of MARQUIS] marquisette n. a fine light cotton, rayon, or silk fabric for net curtains etc. [F, dimin. of MARQUISE] marram n. a shore grass, Ammophila arenaria, that binds sand with its tough rhizomes. [ON mar lmr f. marr sea + h lmr HAULM] marriage n. 1 the legal union of a man and a woman in order to live together and often to have children. 2 an act or ceremony establishing this union. 3 one particular union of this kind (by a previous marriage). 4 an intimate union (the marriage of true minds). 5 Cards the union of a king and queen of the same suit. Ьby marriage as a result of a marriage (related by marriage). in marriage as husband or wife (give in marriage; take in marriage). marriage bureau an establishment arranging introductions between persons wishing to marry. marriage certificate a certificate certifying the completion of a marriage ceremony. marriage guidance counselling of couples who have problems in married life. marriage licence a licence to marry. marriage lines Brit. a marriage certificate. marriage of convenience a marriage concluded to achieve some practical purpose, esp. financial or political. marriage settlement an arrangement securing property between spouses. [ME f. OF mariage f. marier MARRY(1)] marriageable adj. 1 fit for marriage, esp. old or rich enough to marry. 2 (of age) fit for marriage. ЬЬmarriageability n. married adj. & n. --adj. 1 united in marriage. 2 of or relating to marriage (married name; married life). --n. (usu. in pl.) a married person (young marrieds). marron glac‚ n. (pl. marrons glac‚s pronunc. same) a chestnut preserved in and coated with sugar. [F, = iced chestnut: cf. GLACђ] marrow n. 1 (in full vegetable marrow) a a large usu. white-fleshed edible gourd used as food. b the plant, Cucurbita pepo, yielding this. 2 a soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones, often taken as typifying vitality. 3 the essential part. Ьto the marrow right through. ЬЬmarrowless adj. marrowy adj. [OE mearg, m‘rg f. Gmc] marrowbone n. a bone containing edible marrow. marrowfat n. a kind of large pea. marry(1) v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. a take as one's wife or husband in marriage. b (often foll. by to) (of a priest etc.) join (persons) in marriage. c (of a parent or guardian) give (a son, daughter, etc.) in marriage. 2 intr. a enter into marriage. b (foll. by into) become a member of (a family) by marriage. 3 tr. a unite intimately. b correlate (things) as a pair. c Naut. splice (rope-ends) together without increasing their girth. Ьmarry off find a wife or husband for. [ME f. OF marier f. L maritare f. maritus husband] marry(2) int. archaic expressing surprise, asseveration, indignation, etc. [ME, = (the Virgin) Mary] marrying adj. likely or inclined to marry (not a marrying man). Mars n. a reddish planet, fourth in order of distance from the sun and next beyond the earth. [L Mars Martis the Roman god of war] Marsala n. a dark sweet fortified dessert wine. [Marsala in Sicily, where orig. made] Marseillaise n. the national anthem of France, first sung in Paris by Marseilles patriots. [F, fem. adj. f. Marseille Marseilles] marsh n. 1 low land flooded in wet weather and usu. watery at all times. 2 (attrib.) of or inhabiting marshland. Ьmarsh fever malaria. marsh gas methane. marsh-harrier a European harrier, Circus aeruginosus (see HARRIER(3)). marsh mallow a shrubby herbaceous plant, Althaea officinalis, the roots of which were formerly used to make marshmallow. marsh marigold a golden-flowered ranunculaceous plant, Caltha palustris, growing in moist meadows etc.: also called KINGCUP. marsh tit a grey tit, Parus palustris, inhabiting marshland. marsh trefoil the buckbean. ЬЬmarshy adj. (marshier, marshiest). marshiness n. [OE mer(i)sc f. WG] marshal n. & v. --n. 1 (Marshal) a a high-ranking officer in the armed forces (Air Marshal; Field Marshal; Marshal of France). b a high-ranking officer of state (Earl Marshal). 2 an officer arranging ceremonies, controlling procedure at races, etc. 3 US the head of a police or fire department. 4 (in full judge's marshal) Brit. an official accompanying a judge on circuit, with secretarial and social duties. --v. (marshalled, marshalling; US marshaled, marshaling) 1 tr. arrange (soldiers, facts, one's thoughts, etc.) in due order. 2 tr. (often foll. by into, to) conduct (a person) ceremoniously. 3 tr. Heraldry combine (coats of arms). 4 intr. take up positions in due arrangement. Ьmarshalling yard a railway yard in which goods trains etc. are assembled. Marshal of the Royal Air Force an officer of the highest rank in the Royal Air Force. ЬЬmarshaller n. marshalship n. [ME f. OF mareschal f. LL mariscalcus f. Gmc, lit. 'horse-servant'] marshland n. land consisting of marshes. marshmallow n. a soft sweet made of sugar, albumen, gelatin, etc. marsupial n. & adj. --n. any mammal of the order Marsupialia, characterized by being born incompletely developed and usu. carried and suckled in a pouch on the mother's belly. --adj. 1 of or belonging to this order. 2 of or like a pouch (marsupial muscle). [mod.L marsupialis f. L marsupium f. Gk marsupion pouch, dimin. of marsipos purse] mart n. 1 a trade centre. 2 an auction-room. 3 a a market. b a market-place. [ME f. obs. Du. mart, var. of markt MARKET] martagon n. a lily, Lilium martagon, with small purple turban-like flowers. [F f. Turk. martagan a form of turban] Martello n. (pl. -os) (also Martello tower) a small circular fort, usu. on the coast to prevent a hostile landing. [alt. f. Cape Mortella in Corsica, where such a tower proved difficult to capture in 1794] marten n. any weasel-like carnivore of the genus Martes, having valuable fur. [ME f. MDu. martren f. OF (peau) martrine marten (fur) f. martre f. WG] martensite n. the chief constituent of hardened steel. [A. Martens, German metallurgist d. 1914 + -ITE(1)] martial adj. 1 of or appropriate to warfare. 2 warlike, brave; fond of fighting. Ьmartial arts fighting sports such as judo and karate. martial law military government, involving the suspension of ordinary law. ЬЬmartially adv. [ME f. OF martial or L martialis of the Roman god Mars: see MARS] Martian adj. & n. --adj. of the planet Mars. --n. a hypothetical inhabitant of Mars. [ME f. OF martien or L Martianus f. Mars: see MARS] martin n. any of several swallows of the family Hirundinidae, esp. the house-martin and sand-martin. [prob. f. St Martin: see MARTINMAS] martinet n. a strict (esp. military or naval) disciplinarian. ЬЬmartinettish adj. (also martinetish). [J. Martinet, 17th-c. French drill-master] martingale n. 1 a strap, or set of straps, fastened at one end to the noseband of a horse and at the other end to the girth, to prevent rearing etc. 2 Naut. a rope for holding down the jib-boom. 3 a gambling system of continually doubling the stakes in the hope of an eventual win that must yield a net profit. [F, of uncert. orig.] Martini n. 1 propr. a type of vermouth. 2 a cocktail made of gin and French vermouth, and sometimes orange bitters etc. [Martini & Rossi, Italian firm selling vermouth] Martinmas n. St Martin's day, 11 Nov. [ME f. St Martin, bishop of Tours in the 4th c., + MASS(2)] martlet n. 1 Heraldry an imaginary footless bird borne as a charge. 2 archaic a a swift. b a house-martin. [F martelet alt. f. martinet dimin. f. MARTIN] martyr n. & v. --n. 1 a a person who is put to death for refusing to renounce a faith or belief. b a person who suffers for adhering to a principle, cause, etc. 2 (foll. by to) a constant sufferer from (an ailment). --v.tr. 1 put to death as a martyr. 2 torment. Ьmake a martyr of oneself accept or pretend to accept unnecessary discomfort etc. [OE martir f. eccl.L martyr f. Gk martur, martus -uros witness] martyrdom n. 1 the sufferings and death of a martyr. 2 torment. [OE martyrdom (as MARTYR, -DOM)] martyrize v.tr. & refl. (also -ise) make a martyr of. ЬЬmartyrization n. martyrology n. (pl. -ies) 1 a list or register of martyrs. 2 the history of martyrs. ЬЬmartyrological adj. martyrologist n. [med.L martyrologium f. eccl.Gk marturologion (as MARTYR, logos account)] martyry n. (pl. -ies) a shrine or church erected in honour of a martyr. [ME f. med.L martyrium f. Gk marturion martyrdom (as MARTYR)] marvel n. & v. --n. 1 a wonderful thing. 2 (foll. by of) a wonderful example of (a quality). --v.intr. (marvelled, marvelling; US marveled, marveling) literary 1 (foll. by at, or that + clause) feel surprise or wonder. 2 (foll. by how, why, etc. + clause) wonder. Ьmarvel of Peru a showy garden plant, Mirabilis jalapa, with flowers opening in the afternoon. ЬЬmarveller n. [ME f. OF merveille, merveiller f. LL mirabilia neut. pl. of L mirabilis f. mirari wonder at: see MIRACLE] marvellous adj. (US marvelous) 1 astonishing. 2 excellent. 3 extremely improbable. ЬЬmarvellously adv. marvellousness n. [ME f. OF merveillos f. merveille: see MARVEL] Marxism n. the political and economic theories of Karl Marx, Ger. political philosopher (d. 1883), predicting the overthrow of capitalism and the eventual attainment of a classless society with the State controlling the means of production. ЬMarxism-Leninism Marxism as developed by Lenin. ЬЬMarxist n. & adj. Marxist-Leninist n. & adj. marzipan n. & v. --n. 1 a paste of ground almonds, sugar, etc., made up into small cakes etc., or used to coat large cakes. 2 a piece of marzipan. --v.tr. (marzipanned, marzipanning) cover with or as with marzipan. [G f. It. marzapane] Masai n. & adj. --n. (pl. same or Masais) 1 a a pastoral people of mainly Hamitic stock living in Kenya and Tanzania. b a member of this people. 2 the Nilotic language of the Masai. --adj. of or relating to the Masai or their language. [Bantu] mascara n. a cosmetic for darkening the eyelashes. [It. mascara, maschera MASK] mascle n. Heraldry a lozenge voided, with a central lozenge-shaped aperture. [ME f. AF f. AL ma(s)cula f. L MACULA] mascon n. Astron. a concentration of dense matter below the moon's surface, producing a gravitational pull. [mass concentration] mascot n. a person, animal, or thing that is supposed to bring good luck. [F mascotte f. mod. Prov. mascotto fem. dimin. of masco witch] masculine adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or characteristic of men. 2 manly, vigorous. 3 (of a woman) having qualities considered appropriate to a man. 4 Gram. of or denoting the gender proper to men's names. --n. Gram. the masculine gender; a masculine word. ЬЬmasculinely adv. masculineness n. masculinity n. [ME f. OF masculin -ine f. L masculinus (as MALE)] maser n. a device using the stimulated emission of radiation by excited atoms to amplify or generate coherent monochromatic electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range (cf. LASER). [microwave amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation] mash n. & v. --n. 1 a soft mixture. 2 a mixture of boiled grain, bran, etc., given warm to horses etc. 3 Brit. colloq. mashed potatoes (sausage and mash). 4 a mixture of malt and hot water used to form wort for brewing. 5 a soft pulp made by crushing, mixing with water, etc. --v.tr. 1 reduce (potatoes etc.) to a uniform mass by crushing. 2 crush or pound to a pulp. 3 mix (malt) with hot water to form wort. ЬЬmasher n. [OE masc f. WG, perh. rel. to MIX] mashie n. Golf an iron formerly used for lofting or for medium distances. [perh. f. F massue club] mask n. & v. --n. 1 a covering for all or part of the face: a worn as a disguise, or to appear grotesque and amuse or terrify. b made of wire, gauze, etc., and worn for protection (e.g. by a fencer) or by a surgeon to prevent infection of a patient. c worn to conceal the face at balls etc. and usu. made of velvet or silk. 2 a respirator used to filter inhaled air or to supply gas for inhalation. 3 a likeness of a person's face, esp. one made by taking a mould from the face (death-mask). 4 a disguise or pretence (throw off the mask). 5 a hollow model of a human head worn by ancient Greek and Roman actors. 6 Photog. a screen used to exclude part of an image. 7 the face or head of an animal, esp. a fox. 8 = face-pack. 9 archaic a masked person. --v.tr. 1 cover (the face etc.) with a mask. 2 disguise or conceal (a taste, one's feelings, etc.). 3 protect from a process. 4 Mil. a conceal (a battery etc.) from the enemy's view. b hinder (an army etc.) from action by observing with adequate force. c hinder (a friendly force) by standing in its line of fire. Ьmasking tape adhesive tape used in painting to cover areas on which paint is not wanted. ЬЬmasker n. [F masque f. It. maschera f. Arab. maskara buffoon f. sakira to ridicule] masked adj. wearing or disguised with a mask. Ьmasked ball a ball at which masks are worn. maskinonge n. a large N. American pike, Esox masquinongy, esp. in the Great Lakes. [ult. f. Ojibwa, = great fish] masochism n. 1 a form of (esp. sexual) perversion characterized by gratification derived from one's own pain or humiliation (cf. SADISM). 2 colloq. the enjoyment of what appears to be painful or tiresome. ЬЬmasochist n. masochistic adj. masochistically adv. [L. von Sacher- Masoch, Austrian novelist d. 1895, who described cases of it] mason n. & v. --n. 1 a person who builds with stone. 2 (Mason) a Freemason. --v.tr. build or strengthen with masonry. Ьmason's mark a device carved on stone by the mason who dressed it. [ME f. OF masson, ma‡onner, ONF machun, prob. ult. f. Gmc] Mason-Dixon line n. (in the US) the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania, taken as the northern limit of the slave-owning States before the abolition of slavery. [C. Mason & J. Dixon, 18th-c. English astronomers who surveyed it] Masonic adj. of or relating to Freemasons. masonry n. 1 a the work of a mason. b stonework. 2 (Masonry) Freemasonry. [ME f. OF ma‡onerie (as MASON)] Masorah n. (also Massorah) a body of traditional information and comment on the text of the Hebrew Bible. [Heb. masoret, perh. = bond] Masorete n. (also Massorete) a Jewish scholar contributing to the Masorah. ЬЬMasoretic adj. [F Massoret & mod.L Massoreta, orig. a misuse of Heb. (see MASORAH), assim. to -ETE] masque n. 1 a dramatic and musical entertainment esp. of the 16th and 17th c., orig. of pantomime, later with metrical dialogue. 2 a dramatic composition for this. ЬЬmasquer n. [var. of MASK] masquerade n. & v. --n. 1 a false show or pretence. 2 a masked ball. --v.intr. (often foll. by as) appear in disguise, assume a false appearance. ЬЬmasquerader n. [F mascarade f. Sp. mascarada f. m scara mask] Mass. abbr. Massachusetts. mass(1) n., v., & adj. --n. 1 a coherent body of matter of indefinite shape. 2 a dense aggregation of objects (a mass of fibres). 3 (in sing. or pl.; foll. by of) a large number or amount. 4 (usu. foll. by of) an unbroken expanse (of colour etc.). 5 (foll. by of) covered or abounding in (was a mass of cuts and bruises). 6 a main portion (of a painting etc.) as perceived by the eye. 7 (prec. by the) a the majority. b (in pl.) the ordinary people. 8 Physics the quantity of matter a body contains. 9 (attrib.) relating to, done by, or affecting large numbers of people or things; large-scale (mass audience; mass action; mass murder). --v.tr. & intr. 1 assemble into a mass or as one body (massed bands). 2 Mil. (with ref. to troops) concentrate or be concentrated. Ьcentre of mass a point representing the mean position of matter in a body or system. in the mass in the aggregate. law of mass action the principle that the rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the masses of the reacting substances. mass defect the difference between the mass of an isotope and its mass number. mass energy a body's ability to do work according to its mass. mass media = MEDIA(1) 2. mass noun Gram. a noun that is not countable and cannot be used with the indefinite article or in the plural (e.g. bread). mass number the total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus. mass observation Brit. the study and recording of the social habits and opinions of ordinary people. mass-produce produce by mass production. mass production the production of large quantities of a standardized article by a standardized mechanical process. mass spectrograph an apparatus separating isotopes, molecules, and molecular fragments according to mass by their passage in ionic form through electric and magnetic fields. mass spectrometer a device similar to a mass spectrograph but employing electrical detection. mass spectrum the distribution of ions shown by the use of a mass spectrograph or mass spectrometer. ЬЬmassless adj. [ME f. OF masse, masser f. L massa f. Gk maza barley-cake: perh. rel. to masso knead] mass(2) n. (often Mass) 1 the Eucharist, esp. in the Roman Catholic Church. 2 a celebration of this. 3 the liturgy used in the mass. 4 a musical setting of parts of this. Ьhigh mass mass with incense, music, and usu. the assistance of a deacon and subdeacon. low mass mass with no music and a minimum of ceremony. [OE m‘sse f. eccl.L missa f. L mittere miss- dismiss, perh. f. the concluding dismissal Ite, missa est Go, it is the dismissal] massacre n. & v. --n. 1 a general slaughter (of persons, occasionally of animals). 2 an utter defeat or destruction. --v.tr. 1 make a massacre of. 2 murder (esp. a large number of people) cruelly or violently. [OF, of unkn. orig.] massage n. & v. --n. 1 the rubbing, kneading, etc., of muscles and joints of the body with the hands, to stimulate their action, cure strains, etc. 2 an instance of this. --v.tr. 1 apply massage to. 2 manipulate (statistics) to give an acceptable result. Ьmassage parlour 1 an establishment providing massage. 2 euphem. a brothel. ЬЬmassager n. [F f. masser treat with massage, perh. f. Port. amassar knead, f. massa dough: see MASS(1)] massasauga n. a small N. American rattlesnake, Sistrurus catenatus. [irreg. f. Missisauga River, Ontario] mass‚ n. Billiards a stroke made with the cue held nearly vertical. [F, past part. of masser make such a stroke (as MACE(1))] masseter n. either of two chewing-muscles which run from the temporal bone to the lower jaw. [Gk maseter f. masaomai chew] masseur n. (fem. masseuse) a person who provides massage professionally. [F f. masser: see MASSAGE] massicot n. yellow lead monoxide, used as a pigment. [F, perh. rel. to It. marzacotto unguent prob. f. Arab. mashakunya] massif n. a compact group of mountain heights. [F massif used as noun: see MASSIVE] massive adj. 1 large and heavy or solid. 2 (of the features, head, etc.) relatively large; of solid build. 3 exceptionally large (took a massive overdose). 4 substantial, impressive (a massive reputation). 5 Mineral. not visibly crystalline. 6 Geol. without structural divisions. ЬЬmassively adv. massiveness n. [ME f. F massif -ive f. OF massiz ult. f. L massa MASS(1)] Massorah var. of MASORAH. Massorete var. of MASORETE. mast(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a long upright post of timber, iron, etc., set up on a ship's keel, esp. to support sails. 2 a post or lattice-work upright for supporting a radio or television aerial. 3 a flag-pole (half-mast). 4 (in full mooring-mast) a strong steel tower to the top of which an airship can be moored. --v.tr. furnish (a ship) with masts. Ьbefore the mast serving as an ordinary seaman (quartered in the forecastle). ЬЬmasted adj. (also in comb.). master n. (also in comb.). [OE m‘st f. WG] mast(2) n. the fruit of the beech, oak, chestnut, and other forest-trees, esp. as food for pigs. [OE m‘st f. WG, prob. rel. to MEAT] mastaba n. 1 Archaeol. an ancient Egyptian tomb with sloping sides and a flat roof. 2 a bench, usu. of stone, attached to a house in Islamic countries. [Arab. mastabah] mastectomy n. (pl. -ies) Surgery the amputation of a breast. [Gk mastos breast + -ECTOMY] master n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a a person having control of persons or things. b an employer. c a male head of a household (master of the house). d the owner of a dog, horse, etc. e the owner of a slave. f Naut. the captain of a merchant ship. g Hunting the person in control of a pack of hounds etc. 2 a male teacher or tutor, esp. a schoolmaster. 3 a the head of a college, school, etc. b the presiding officer of a livery company, Masonic lodge, etc. 4 a person who has or gets the upper hand (we shall see which of us is master). 5 a person skilled in a particular trade and able to teach others (often attrib.: master carpenter). 6 a holder of a university degree orig. giving authority to teach in the university (Master of Arts; Master of Science). 7 a a revered teacher in philosophy etc. b (the Master) Christ. 8 a great artist. 9 Chess etc. a player of proved ability at international level. 10 an original version (e.g. of a film or gramophone record) from which a series of copies can be made. 11 (Master) a a title prefixed to the name of a boy not old enough to be called Mr (Master T. Jones; Master Tom). b archaic a title for a man of high rank, learning, etc. 12 (in England and Wales) an official of the Supreme Court. 13 a machine or device directly controlling another (cf. SLAVE). 14 (Master) a courtesy title of the eldest son of a Scottish viscount or baron (the Master of Falkland). --adj. 1 commanding, superior (a master spirit). 2 main, principal (master bedroom). 3 controlling others (master plan). --v.tr. 1 overcome, defeat. 2 reduce to subjection. 3 acquire complete knowledge of (a subject) or facility in using (an instrument etc.). 4 rule as a master. Ьbe master of 1 have at one's disposal. 2 know how to control. be one's own master be independent or free to do as one wishes. make oneself master of acquire a thorough knowledge of or facility in using. Master Aircrew an RAF rank equivalent to warrant-officer. master-at-arms (pl. masters-at-arms) the chief police officer on a man-of-war or a merchant ship. master-class a class given by a person of distinguished skill, esp. in music. master-hand 1 a person having commanding power or great skill. 2 the action of such a person. master-key a key that opens several locks, each of which also has its own key. master mariner 1 the captain of a merchant ship. 2 a seaman certified competent to be captain. master mason 1 a skilled mason, or one in business on his or her own account. 2 a fully qualified Freemason, who has passed the third degree. Master of Ceremonies see CEREMONY. Master of the Rolls (in England and Wales) a judge who presides over the Court of Appeal and was formerly in charge of the Public Record Office. master-stroke an outstandingly skilful act of policy etc. master-switch a switch controlling the supply of electricity etc. to an entire system. master touch a masterly manner of dealing with something. master-work a masterpiece. ЬЬmasterdom n. masterhood n. masterless adj. [OE m‘gester (later also f. OF maistre) f. L magister, prob. rel. to magis more] masterful adj. 1 imperious, domineering. 2 masterly. °Normally used of a person, whereas masterly is used of achievements, abilities, etc. ЬЬmasterfully adv. masterfulness n. masterly adj. worthy of a master; very skilful (a masterly piece of work). ЬЬmasterliness n. mastermind n. & v. --n. 1 a a person with an outstanding intellect. b such an intellect. 2 the person directing an intricate operation. --v.tr. plan and direct (a scheme or enterprise). masterpiece n. 1 an outstanding piece of artistry or workmanship. 2 a person's best work. mastership n. 1 the position or function of a master, esp. a schoolmaster. 2 dominion, control. mastersinger n. = MEISTERSINGER. mastery n. 1 dominion, sway. 2 masterly skill. 3 (often foll. by of) comprehensive knowledge or use of a subject or instrument. 4 (prec. by the) the upper hand. [ME f. OF maistrie (as MASTER)] masthead n. & v. --n. 1 the highest part of a ship's mast, esp. that of a lower mast as a place of observation or punishment. 2 the title of a newspaper etc. at the head of the front or editorial page. --v.tr. 1 send (a sailor) to the masthead. 2 raise (a sail) to its position on the mast. mastic n. 1 a gum or resin exuded from the bark of the mastic tree, used in making varnish. 2 (in full mastic tree) the evergreen tree, Pistacia lentiscus, yielding this. 3 a waterproof filler and sealant used in building. 4 a liquor flavoured with mastic gum. [ME f. OF f. LL mastichum f. L mastiche f. Gk mastikhe, perh. f. mastikhao (see MASTICATE) with ref. to its use as chewing-gum] masticate v.tr. grind or chew (food) with one's teeth. ЬЬmastication n. masticator n. masticatory adj. [LL masticare masticat- f. Gk mastikhao gnash the teeth] mastiff n. 1 a dog of a large strong breed with drooping ears and pendulous lips. 2 this breed of dog. [ME ult. f. OF mastin ult. f. L mansuetus tame; see MANSUETUDE] mastitis n. an inflammation of the mammary gland (the breast or udder). [Gk mastos breast + -ITIS] mastodon n. a large extinct mammal of the genus Mammut, resembling the elephant but having nipple-shaped tubercles on the crowns of its molar teeth. ЬЬmastodontic adj. [mod.L f. Gk mastos breast + odous odontos tooth] mastoid adj. & n. --adj. shaped like a woman's breast. --n. 1 = mastoid process. 2 colloq. mastoiditis. Ьmastoid process a conical prominence on the temporal bone behind the ear, to which muscles are attached. [F masto‹de or mod.L mastoides f. Gk mastoeides f. mastos breast] mastoiditis n. inflammation of the mastoid process. masturbate v.intr. & tr. arouse oneself sexually or cause (another person) to be aroused by manual stimulation of the genitals. ЬЬmasturbation n. masturbator n. masturbatory adj. [L masturbari masturbat-] mat(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of coarse material for wiping shoes on, esp. a doormat. 2 a piece of cork, rubber, plastic, etc., to protect a surface from the heat or moisture of an object placed on it. 3 a piece of resilient material for landing on in gymnastics, wrestling, etc. 4 a piece of coarse fabric of plaited rushes, straw, etc., for lying on, packing furniture, etc. 5 a small rug. --v. (matted, matting) 1 a tr. (esp. as matted adj.) entangle in a thick mass (matted hair). b intr. become matted. 2 tr. cover or furnish with mats. Ьon the mat sl. being reprimanded (orig. in the army, on the orderly-room mat before the commanding officer). [OE m(e)att(e) f. WG f. LL matta] mat(2) var. of MATT. mat(3) n. = MATRIX 1. [abbr.] matador n. 1 a bullfighter whose task is to kill the bull. 2 a principal card in ombre, quadrille, etc. 3 a domino game in which the piece played must make a total of seven. [Sp. f. matar kill f. Pers. mat dead] Mata Hari n. a beautiful and seductive female spy. [name taken by M. G. Zelle, d. 1917, f. Malay mata eye + hari day] match(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a contest or game of skill etc. in which persons or teams compete against each other. 2 a a person able to contend with another as an equal (meet one's match; be more than a match for). b a person equal to another in some quality (we shall never see his match). c a person or thing exactly like or corresponding to another. 3 a marriage. 4 a person viewed in regard to his or her eligibility for marriage, esp. as to rank or fortune (an excellent match). --v. 1 a tr. be equal to or harmonious with; correspond to in some essential respect (the curtains match the wallpaper). b intr. (often foll. by with) correspond; harmonize (his socks do not match; does the ribbon match with your hat?). 2 tr. (foll. by against, with) place (a person etc.) in conflict, contest, or competition with (another). 3 tr. find material etc. that matches (another) (can you match this silk?). 4 tr. find a person or thing suitable for another (matching unemployed workers with vacant posts). 5 tr. prove to be a match for. 6 tr. Electronics produce or have an adjustment of (circuits) such that maximum power is transmitted between them. 7 tr. (usu. foll. by with) archaic join (a person) with another in marriage. Ьmake a match bring about a marriage. match play Golf play in which the score is reckoned by counting the holes won by each side (cf. stroke play). match point 1 Tennis etc. a the state of a game when one side needs only one more point to win the match. b this point. 2 Bridge a unit of scoring in matches and tournaments. to match corresponding in some essential respect with what has been mentioned (yellow dress with gloves to match). well-matched fit to contend with each other, live together, etc., on equal terms. ЬЬmatchable adj. [OE gem‘cca mate, companion, f. Gmc] match(2) n. 1 a short thin piece of wood, wax, etc., tipped with a composition that can be ignited by friction. 2 a piece of wick, cord, etc., designed to burn at a uniform rate, for firing a cannon etc. [ME f. OF mesche, meiche, perh. f. L myxa lamp-nozzle] matchboard n. a board with a tongue cut along one edge and a groove along another, so as to fit with similar boards. matchbox n. a box for holding matches. matchet var. of MACHETE. matchless adj. without an equal, incomparable. ЬЬmatchlessly adv. matchlock n. hist. 1 an old type of gun with a lock in which a match was placed for igniting the powder. 2 such a lock. matchmaker n. a person fond of scheming to bring about marriages. ЬЬmatchmaking n. matchstick n. the stem of a match. matchwood n. 1 wood suitable for matches. 2 minute splinters. Ьmake matchwood of smash utterly. mate(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a friend or fellow worker. 2 colloq. a general form of address, esp. to another man. 3 a each of a pair, esp. of birds. b colloq. a partner in marriage. c (in comb.) a fellow member or joint occupant of (team-mate; room-mate). 4 Naut. an officer on a merchant ship subordinate to the master. 5 an assistant to a skilled worker (plumber's mate). --v. (often foll. by with) 1 a tr. bring (animals or birds) together for breeding. b intr. (of animals or birds) come together for breeding. 2 a tr. join (persons) in marriage. b intr. (of persons) be joined in marriage. 3 intr. Mech. fit well. ЬЬmateless adj. [ME f. MLG mate f. gemate messmate f. WG, rel. to MEAT] mate(2) n. & v.tr. Chess = CHECKMATE. Ьfool's mate a series of moves in which the first player is mated at the second player's second move. scholar's mate a series of moves in which the second player is mated at the first player's fourth move. [ME f. F mat(er): see CHECKMATE] mat‚ n. 1 an infusion of the leaves of a S. American shrub, Ilex paraguayensis. 2 this shrub, or its leaves. 3 a vessel in which these leaves are infused. [Sp. mate f. Quechua mati] matelot n. (also matlow, matlo) Brit. sl. a sailor. [F matelot] matelote n. a dish of fish etc. with a sauce of wine and onions. [F (as MATELOT)] mater n. Brit. sl. mother. °Now only in jocular or affected use. [L] materfamilias n. the woman head of a family or household (cf. PATERFAMILIAS). [L f. mater mother + familia FAMILY] material n. & adj. --n. 1 the matter from which a thing is made. 2 cloth, fabric. 3 (in pl.) things needed for an activity (building materials; cleaning materials; writing materials). 4 a person or thing of a specified kind or suitable for a purpose (officer material). 5 (in sing. or pl.) information etc. to be used in writing a book etc. (experimental material; materials for a biography). 6 (in sing. or pl., often foll. by of) the elements or constituent parts of a substance. --adj. 1 of matter; corporeal. 2 concerned with bodily comfort etc. (material well-being). 3 (of conduct, points of view, etc.) not spiritual. 4 (often foll. by to) important, essential, relevant (at the material time). 5 concerned with the matter, not the form, of reasoning. ЬЬmateriality n. [ME f. OF materiel, -al, f. LL materialis f. L (as MATTER)] materialism n. 1 a tendency to prefer material possessions and physical comfort to spiritual values. 2 Philos. a the opinion that nothing exists but matter and its movements and modifications. b the doctrine that consciousness and will are wholly due to material agency. 3 Art a tendency to lay stress on the material aspect of objects. ЬЬmaterialist n. materialistic adj. materialistically adv. materialize v. (also -ise) 1 intr. become actual fact. 2 a tr. cause (a spirit) to appear in bodily form. b intr. (of a spirit) appear in this way. 3 intr. colloq. appear or be present when expected. 4 tr. represent or express in material form. 5 tr. make materialistic. ЬЬmaterialization n. materially adv. 1 substantially, considerably. 2 in respect of matter. materia medica n. 1 the remedial substances used in the practice of medicine. 2 the study of the origin and properties of these substances. [mod.L, transl. Gk hule iatrike healing material] mat‚riel n. available means, esp. materials and equipment in warfare (opp. PERSONNEL). [F (as MATERIAL)] maternal adj. 1 of or like a mother. 2 motherly. 3 related through the mother (maternal uncle). 4 of the mother in pregnancy and childbirth. ЬЬmaternalism n. maternalistic adj. maternally adv. [ME f. OF maternel or L maternus f. mater mother] maternity n. 1 motherhood. 2 motherliness. 3 (attrib.) a for women during and just after childbirth (maternity hospital; maternity leave). b suitable for a pregnant woman (maternity dress; maternity wear). [F maternit‚ f. med.L maternitas -tatis f. L maternus f. mater mother] mateship n. Austral. companionship, fellowship. matey adj. & n. (also maty) --adj. (matier, matiest) (often foll. by with) sociable; familiar and friendly. --n. Brit. (pl. -eys) colloq. (usu. as a form of address) mate, companion. ЬЬmateyness n. (also matiness). matily adv. math n. US colloq. mathematics (cf. MATHS). [abbr.] mathematical adj. 1 of or relating to mathematics. 2 (of a proof etc.) rigorously precise. Ьmathematical induction = INDUCTION 3b. mathematical tables tables of logarithms and trigonometric values etc. ЬЬmathematically adv. [F math‚matique or L mathematicus f. Gk mathematikos f. mathema -matos science f. manthano learn] mathematics n.pl. 1 (also treated as sing.) the abstract science of number, quantity, and space studied in its own right (pure mathematics), or as applied to other disciplines such as physics, engineering, etc. (applied mathematics). 2 (as pl.) the use of mathematics in calculation etc. ЬЬmathematician n. [prob. f. F math‚matiques pl. f. L mathematica f. Gk mathematika: see MATHEMATICAL] maths n. Brit. colloq. mathematics (cf. MATH). [abbr.] Matilda n. Austral. sl. a bushman's bundle; a swag. Ьwaltz (or walk) Matilda carry a swag. [the name Matilda] matin‚e n. (US matinee) an afternoon performance in the theatre, cinema, etc. Ьmatin‚e coat (or jacket) a baby's short coat. matin‚e idol a handsome actor admired chiefly by women. [F, = what occupies a morning f. matin morning (as MATINS)] matins n. (also mattins) (as sing or pl.) 1 a a service of morning prayer in the Church of England. b the office of one of the canonical hours of prayer, properly a night office, but also recited with lauds at daybreak or on the previous evening. 2 (also matin) poet. the morning song of birds. [ME f. OF matines f. eccl.L matutinas, accus. fem. pl. adj. f. L matutinus of the morning f. Matuta dawn-goddess] matlo (also matlow) var. of MATELOT. matrass n. hist. a long-necked glass vessel with a round or oval body, used for distilling etc. [F matras, of uncert. orig.] matriarch n. a woman who is the head of a family or tribe. ЬЬmatriarchal adj. [L mater mother, on the false analogy of PATRIARCH] matriarchy n. (pl. -ies) a form of social organization in which the mother is the head of the family and descent is reckoned through the female line. matric n. Brit. colloq. matriculation. [abbr.] matrices pl. of MATRIX. matricide n. 1 the killing of one's mother. 2 a person who does this. ЬЬmatricidal adj. [L matricida, matricidium f. mater matris mother] matriculate v. 1 intr. be enrolled at a college or university. 2 tr. admit (a student) to membership of a college or university. ЬЬmatriculatory adj. [med.L matriculare matriculat- enrol f. LL matricula register, dimin. of L MATRIX] matriculation n. 1 the act or an instance of matriculating. 2 an examination to qualify for this. matrilineal adj. of or based on kinship with the mother or the female line. ЬЬmatrilineally adv. [L mater matris mother + LINEAL] matrilocal adj. of or denoting a custom in marriage where the husband goes to live with the wife's community. [L mater matris mother + LOCAL] matrimony n. (pl. -ies) 1 the rite of marriage. 2 the state of being married. 3 a a card-game. b the combination of king and queen of trumps in some card-games. ЬЬmatrimonial adj. matrimonially adv. [ME f. AF matrimonie, OF matremoi(g)ne f. L matrimonium f. mater matris mother] matrix n. (pl. matrices or matrixes) 1 a mould in which a thing is cast or shaped, such as a gramophone record, printing type, etc. 2 a an environment or substance in which a thing is developed. b a womb. 3 a mass of fine-grained rock in which gems, fossils, etc., are embedded. 4 Math. a rectangular array of elements in rows and columns that is treated as a single element. 5 Biol. the substance between cells or in which structures are embedded. 6 Computing a gridlike array of interconnected circuit elements. Ьmatrix printer = dot matrix printer (see DOT(1)). [L, = breeding-female, womb, register f. mater matris mother] matron n. 1 a married woman, esp. a dignified and sober one. 2 a woman managing the domestic arrangements of a school etc. 3 Brit. a woman in charge of the nursing in a hospital. °Now usu. called senior nursing officer. Ьmatron of honour a married woman attending the bride at a wedding. ЬЬmatronhood n. [ME f. OF matrone f. L matrona f. mater matris mother] matronly adj. like or characteristic of a matron, esp. in respect of staidness or portliness. Matt. abbr. Matthew (esp. in the New Testament). matt adj., n., & v. (also mat) --adj. (of a colour, surface, etc.) dull, without lustre. --n. 1 a border of dull gold round a framed picture. 2 (in full matt paint) paint formulated to give a dull flat finish (cf. GLOSS(1)). 3 the appearance of unburnished gold. --v.tr. (matted, matting) 1 make (gilding etc.) dull. 2 frost (glass). [F mat, mater, identical with mat MATE(2)] matte(1) n. an impure product of the smelting of sulphide ores, esp. those of copper or nickel. [F] matte(2) n. Cinematog. a mask to obscure part of an image and allow another image to be superimposed, giving a combined effect. [F] matter n. & v. --n. 1 a physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit. b that which has mass and occupies space. 2 a particular substance (colouring matter). 3 (prec. by the; often foll. by with) the thing that is amiss (what is the matter?; there is something the matter with him). 4 material for thought or expression. 5 a the substance of a book, speech, etc., as distinct from its manner or form. b Logic the particular content of a proposition, as distinct from its form. 6 a thing or things of a specified kind (printed matter; reading matter). 7 an affair or situation being considered, esp. in a specified way (a serious matter; a matter for concern; the matter of your overdraft). 8 Physiol. a any substance in or discharged from the body (faecal matter; grey matter). b pus. 9 (foll. by of, for) what is or may be a good reason for (complaint, regret, etc.). 10 Printing the body of a printed work, as type or as printed sheets. --v.intr. 1 (often foll. by to) be of importance; have significance (it does not matter to me when it happened). 2 secrete or discharge pus. Ьas a matter of fact in reality (esp. to correct a falsehood or misunderstanding). for that matter (or for the matter of that) 1 as far as that is concerned. 2 and indeed also. in the matter of as regards. a matter of 1 approximately (for a matter of 40 years). 2 a thing that relates to, depends on, or is determined by (a matter of habit; only a matter of time before they agree). a matter of course see COURSE. a matter of fact 1 what belongs to the sphere of fact as distinct from opinion etc. 2 Law the part of a judicial inquiry concerned with the truth of alleged facts (see also MATTER-OF-FACT). a matter of form a mere routine. a matter of law Law the part of a judicial inquiry concerned with the interpretation of the law. a matter of record see RECORD. no matter 1 (foll. by when, how, etc.) regardless of (will do it no matter what the consequences). 2 it is of no importance. what is the matter with surely there is no objection to. what matter? that need not worry us. [ME f. AF mater(i)e, OF matiere f. L materia timber, substance, subject of discourse] matter-of-fact adj. (see also MATTER). 1 unimaginative, prosaic. 2 unemotional. ЬЬmatter-of-factly adv. matter-of-factness n. matting n. 1 fabric of hemp, bast, grass, etc., for mats (coconut matting). 2 in senses of MAT(1) v. mattins var. of MATINS. mattock n. an agricultural tool shaped like a pickaxe, with an adze and a chisel edge as the ends of the head. [OE mattuc, of unkn. orig.] mattoid n. a person of erratic mind, a mixture of genius and fool. [It. mattoide f. matto insane] mattress n. a fabric case stuffed with soft, firm, or springy material, or a similar case filled with air or water, used on or as a bed. [ME f. OF materas f. It. materasso f. Arab. almatrah the place, the cushion f. taraha throw] maturate v.intr. Med. (of a boil etc.) come to maturation. [L maturatus (as MATURE v.)] maturation n. 1 a the act or an instance of maturing; the state of being matured. b the ripening of fruit. 2 Med. a the formation of purulent matter. b the causing of this. ЬЬmaturative adj. [ME f. F maturation or med.L maturatio f. L (as MATURE v.)] mature adj. & v. --adj. (maturer, maturest) 1 with fully developed powers of body and mind, adult. 2 complete in natural development, ripe. 3 (of thought, intentions, etc.) duly careful and adequate. 4 (of a bill etc.) due for payment. --v. 1 a tr. & intr. develop fully. b tr. & intr. ripen. c intr. come to maturity. 2 tr. perfect (a plan etc.). 3 intr. (of a bill etc.) become due for payment. Ьmature student an adult student who is older than most students. ЬЬmaturely adv. matureness n. maturity n. [ME f. L maturus timely, early] matutinal adj. 1 of or occurring in the morning. 2 early. [LL matutinalis f. L matutinus: see MATINS] maty var. of MATEY. matzo n. (pl. -os or matzoth) 1 a wafer of unleavened bread for the Passover. 2 such bread collectively. [Yiddish f. Heb. massah] maud n. 1 a Scots shepherd's grey striped plaid. 2 a travelling-rug like this. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] maudlin adj. & n. --adj. weakly or tearfully sentimental, esp. in a tearful and effusive stage of drunkenness. --n. weak or mawkish sentiment. [ME f. OF Madeleine f. eccl.L Magdalena MAGDALEN, with ref. to pictures of Mary Magdalen weeping] maul v. & n. --v.tr. 1 beat and bruise. 2 handle roughly or carelessly. 3 damage by criticism. --n. 1 Rugby Football a loose scrum with the ball off the ground. 2 a brawl. 3 a special heavy hammer, commonly of wood, esp. for driving piles. ЬЬmauler n. [ME f. OF mail f. L malleus hammer] maulstick n. (also mahlstick) a light stick with a padded leather ball at one end, held by a painter in one hand to support the other hand. [Du. maalstok f. malen to paint + stok stick] maunder v.intr. 1 talk in a dreamy or rambling manner. 2 move or act listlessly or idly. [perh. f. obs. maunder beggar, to beg] Maundy n. (in the UK) the distribution of money on the Thursday before Easter (see below). ЬMaundy money specially minted silver coins distributed by the British sovereign on Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday the Thursday before Easter. [ME f. OF mand‚ f. L mandatum MANDATE, commandment (see John 13:34)] mausoleum n. a large and grand tomb. [L f. Gk Mausoleion f. Mausolos Mausolus king of Caria (4th c. BC), to whose tomb the name was orig. applied] mauve adj. & n. --adj. pale purple. --n. 1 this colour. 2 a bright but delicate pale purple dye from coal-tar aniline. ЬЬmauvish adj. [F, lit. = mallow, f. L malva] maven n. US colloq. an expert or connoisseur. [Heb. mebin] maverick n. 1 US an unbranded calf or yearling. 2 an unorthodox or independent-minded person. [S. A. Maverick, Texas engineer and rancher d. 1870, who did not brand his cattle] mavis n. poet. or dial. a song thrush. [ME f. OF mauvis, of uncert. orig.] maw n. 1 a the stomach of an animal. b the jaws or throat of a voracious animal. 2 colloq. the stomach of a greedy person. [OE maga f. Gmc] mawkish adj. 1 sentimental in a feeble or sickly way. 2 having a faint sickly flavour. ЬЬmawkishly adv. mawkishness n. [obs. mawk maggot f. ON mathkr f. Gmc] max. abbr. maximum. maxi n. (pl. maxis) colloq. a maxi-coat, -skirt, etc. [abbr.] maxi- comb. form very large or long (maxi-coat). [abbr. of MAXIMUM: cf. MINI-] maxilla n. (pl. maxillae) 1 the jaw or jawbone, esp. the upper jaw in most vertebrates. 2 the mouth-part of many arthropods used in chewing. ЬЬmaxillary adj. [L, = jaw] maxim n. a general truth or rule of conduct expressed in a sentence. [ME f. F maxime or med.L maxima (propositio), fem. adj. (as MAXIMUM)] maxima pl. of MAXIMUM. maximal adj. being or relating to a maximum; the greatest possible in size, duration, etc. ЬЬmaximally adv. maximalist n. a person who rejects compromise and expects a full response to (esp. political) demands. [MAXIMAL, after Russ. maksimalist] maximize v.tr. (also -ise) increase or enhance to the utmost. ЬЬmaximization n. maximizer n. [L maximus: see MAXIMUM] maximum n. & adj. --n. (pl. maxima) the highest possible or attainable amount. --adj. that is a maximum. [mod.L, neut. of L maximus, superl. of magnus great] maxwell n. a unit of magnetic flux in the c.g.s. system, equal to that induced through one square centimetre by a perpendicular magnetic field of one gauss. [J. C. Maxwell, Brit. physicist d. 1879] May n. 1 the fifth month of the year. 2 (may) the hawthorn or its blossom. 3 poet. bloom, prime. Ьmay-apple an American herbaceous plant, Podophyllum peltatum, bearing a yellow egg-shaped fruit in May. May-bug a cockchafer. May Day 1 May esp. as a festival with dancing, or as an international holiday in honour of workers. May queen a girl chosen to preside over celebrations on May Day. Queen of the May = May queen. [ME f. OF mai f. L Maius (mensis) (month) of the goddess Maia] may v.aux. (3rd sing. present may; past might) 1 (often foll. by well for emphasis) expressing possibility (it may be true; I may have been wrong; you may well lose your way). 2 expressing permission (you may not go; may I come in?). °Both can and may are used to express permission; in more formal contexts may is usual since can also denotes capability (can I move? = am I physically able to move?; may I move = am I allowed to move?). 3 expressing a wish (may he live to regret it). 4 expressing uncertainty or irony in questions (who may you be?; who are you, may I ask?). 5 in purpose clauses and after wish, fear, etc. (take such measures as may avert disaster; hope he may succeed). Ьbe that as it may (or that is as may be) that may or may not be so (implying that there are other factors) (be that as it may, I still want to go). [OE m‘g f. Gmc, rel. to MAIN(1), MIGHT(2)] Maya n. 1 (pl. same or Mayas) a member of an ancient Indian people of Central America. 2 the language of this people. ЬЬMayan adj. & n. [native name] maya n. Hinduism a marvel or illusion, esp. in the phenomenal universe. [Skr. maya] maybe adv. perhaps, possibly. [ME f. it may be] mayday n. an international radio distress-signal used esp. by ships and aircraft. [repr. pronunc. of F m' aidez help me] mayest archaic = MAYST. mayflower n. any of various flowers that bloom in May, esp. the trailing arbutus, Epigaea repens. mayfly n. (pl. -flies) 1 any insect of the order Ephemeroptera, living briefly in spring in the adult stage. 2 an imitation mayfly used by anglers. mayhap adv. archaic perhaps, possibly. [ME f. it may hap] mayhem n. 1 violent or damaging action. 2 hist. the crime of maiming a person so as to render him or her partly or wholly defenceless. [AF mahem, OF mayhem (as MAIM)] maying n. & adj. participation in May Day festivities. [ME f. MAY] mayn't contr. may not. mayonnaise n. 1 a thick creamy dressing made of egg-yolks, oil, vinegar, etc. 2 a (usu. specified) dish dressed with this (chicken mayonnaise). [F, perh. f. mahonnais -aise of Port Mahon on Minorca] mayor n. 1 the head of the municipal corporation of a city or borough. 2 (in England, Wales, and N. Ireland) the head of a district council with the status of a borough. ЬЬmayoral adj. mayorship n. [ME f. OF maire f. L (as MAJOR)] mayoralty n. (pl. -ies) 1 the office of mayor. 2 a mayor's period of office. [ME f. OF mairalt‚ (as MAYOR)] mayoress n. 1 a woman holding the office of mayor. 2 the wife of a mayor. 3 a woman fulfilling the ceremonial duties of a mayor's wife. maypole n. a pole painted and decked with flowers and ribbons, for dancing round on May Day. mayst archaic 2nd sing. present of MAY. mayweed n. the stinking camomile, Anthemis cotula. [earlier maidwede f. obs. maithe(n) f. OE magothe, m‘gtha + WEED] mazard n. (also mazzard) 1 the wild sweet cherry, Prunus avium, of Europe. 2 archaic a head or face. [alt. of MAZER] mazarine n. & adj. a rich deep blue. [17th c., perh. f. the name of Cardinal Mazarin, French statesman d. 1661, or Duchesse de Mazarin, French noblewoman d. 1699] maze n. & v. --n. 1 a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle for those who try to penetrate it. 2 a complex network of paths or passages; a labyrinth. 3 confusion, a confused mass, etc. --v.tr. (esp. as mazed adj.) bewilder, confuse. ЬЬmazy adj. (mazier, maziest). [ME, orig. as mased (adj.): rel. to AMAZE] mazer n. hist. a hardwood drinking-bowl, usu. silver-mounted. [ME f. OF masere f. Gmc] mazurka n. 1 a usu. lively Polish dance in triple time. 2 the music for this. [F mazurka or G Masurka, f. Pol. mazurka woman of the province Mazovia] mazzard var. of MAZARD. 3.0 MB... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MB abbr. 1 Bachelor of Medicine. 2 Computing megabyte. [sense 1 f. L Medicinae Baccalaureus] MBA abbr. Master of Business Administration. MBE abbr. Member of the Order of the British Empire. 4.0 MC... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MC abbr. 1 Master of Ceremonies. 2 (in the UK) Military Cross. 3 (in the US) Member of Congress. Mc abbr. megacycle(s). MCC abbr. Marylebone Cricket Club. McCarthyism, McCoy see at MACC-. M.Ch. abbr. (also M.Chir.) Master of Surgery. [L Magister Chirurgiae] mCi abbr. millicurie(s). McNaughten see at MACN-. M.Com. abbr. Master of Commerce. MCP abbr. colloq. male chauvinist pig. MCR abbr. Brit. Middle Common Room. Mc/s abbr. megacycles per second. 5.0 MD... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MD abbr. 1 Doctor of Medicine. 2 Managing Director. 3 US Maryland (in official postal use). 4 mentally deficient. [sense 1 f. L Medicinae Doctor] Md symb. Chem. the element mendelevium. Md. abbr. Maryland. MDMA abbr. methylenedioxymethamphetamine, an amphetamine-based drug that causes euphoric and hallucinatory effects, originally produced as an appetite suppressant (see ECSTASY 3). MDT abbr. US Mountain Daylight Time. 6.0 ME... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ME abbr. 1 US Maine (in official postal use). 2 myalgic encephalomyelitis, an obscure disease with symptoms like those of influenza and prolonged periods of tiredness and depression. Me. abbr. 1 Maine. 2 MaЊtre (title of a French advocate). me(1) pron. 1 objective case of I(2) (he saw me). 2 colloq. = I(2) (it's me all right; is taller than me). 3 US colloq. myself, to or for myself (I got me a gun). 4 colloq. used in exclamations (ah me!; dear me!; silly me!). Ьme and mine me and my relatives. [OE me, me accus. & dative of I(2) f. Gmc] me(2) n. (also mi) Mus. 1 (in tonic sol-fa) the third note of a major scale. 2 the note E in the fixed-doh system. [ME f. L mira: see GAMUT] mea culpa n. & int. --n. an acknowledgement of one's fault or error. --int. expressing such an acknowledgement. [L, = by my fault] mead(1) n. an alcoholic drink of fermented honey and water. [OE me(o)du f. Gmc] mead(2) n. poet. or archaic = MEADOW. [OE m‘d f. Gmc, rel. to MOW(1)] meadow n. 1 a piece of grassland, esp. one used for hay. 2 a piece of low well-watered ground, esp. near a river. Ьmeadow brown a common brown butterfly, Maniola jurtina. meadow-grass a perennial creeping grass, Poa pratensis. meadow lark US any songbird of the genus Sturnella, esp. the yellow-breasted S. magna of N. America. meadow pipit a common pipit, Anthus pratensis, native to Europe, Asia, and Africa. meadow rue any ranunculaceous plant of the genus Thalictrum, esp. T. flavum with small yellow flowers. meadow saffron a perennial plant, Colchicum autumnale, abundant in meadows, with lilac flowers: also called autumn crocus. ЬЬmeadowy adj. [OE m‘dwe, oblique case of m‘d: see MEAD(2)] meadowsweet n. 1 a rosaceous plant, Filipendula ulmaria, common in meadows and damp places, with creamy-white fragrant flowers. 2 any of several rosaceous plants of the genus Spiraea, native to N. America. meagre adj. (US meager) 1 lacking in amount or quality (a meagre salary). 2 (of literary composition, ideas, etc.) lacking fullness, unsatisfying. 3 (of a person or animal) lean, thin. ЬЬmeagrely adv. meagreness n. [ME f. AF megre, OF maigre f. L macer] meal(1) n. 1 an occasion when food is eaten. 2 the food eaten on one occasion. Ьmake a meal of 1 treat (a task etc.) too laboriously or fussily. 2 consume as a meal. meals on wheels Brit. a service by which meals are delivered to old people, invalids, etc. meal-ticket 1 a ticket entitling one to a meal, esp. at a specified place with reduced cost. 2 a person or thing that is a source of food or income. [OE m‘l mark, fixed time, meal f. Gmc] meal(2) n. 1 the edible part of any grain or pulse (usu. other than wheat) ground to powder. 2 Sc. oatmeal. 3 US maize flour. 4 any powdery substance made by grinding. Ьmeal-beetle an insect, Tenebrio molitor, infesting granaries etc. meal-worm the larva of the meal-beetle. [OE melu f. Gmc] mealie n. (also mielie) S.Afr. 1 (usu. in pl.) maize. 2 a corn-cob. [Afrik. mielie f. Port. milho maize, millet f. L milium] mealtime n. any of the usual times of eating. mealy adj. (mealier, mealiest) 1 a of or like meal; soft and powdery. b containing meal. 2 (of a complexion) pale. 3 (of a horse) spotty. 4 (in full mealy-mouthed) not outspoken; afraid to use plain expressions. Ьmealy bug any insect of the genus Pseudococcus, infesting vines etc., whose body is covered with white powder. ЬЬmealiness n. mean(1) v.tr. (past and past part. meant) 1 a (often foll. by to + infin.) have as one's purpose or intention; have in mind (they really mean mischief; I didn't mean to break it). b (foll. by by) have as a motive in explanation (what do you mean by that?). 2 (often in passive) design or destine for a purpose (mean it to be used; mean it for a stopgap; is meant to be a gift). 3 intend to convey or indicate or refer to (a particular thing or notion) (I mean we cannot go; I mean Richmond in Surrey). 4 entail, involve (it means catching the early train). 5 (often foll. by that + clause) portend, signify (this means trouble; your refusal means that we must look elsewhere). 6 (of a word) have as its explanation in the same language or its equivalent in another language. 7 (foll. by to) be of some specified importance to (a person), esp. as a source of benefit or object of affection etc. (that means a lot to me). Ьmean business be in earnest. mean it not be joking or exaggerating. mean to say really admit (usu. in interrog.: do you mean to say you have lost it?). mean well (often foll. by to, towards, by) have good intentions. [OE m‘nan f. WG, rel. to MIND] mean(2) adj. 1 niggardly; not generous or liberal. 2 (of an action) ignoble, small-minded. 3 (of a person's capacity, understanding, etc.) inferior, poor. 4 (of housing) not imposing in appearance; shabby. 5 a malicious, ill-tempered. b US vicious or aggressive in behaviour. 6 colloq. skilful, formidable (is a mean fighter). 7 colloq. ashamed (feel mean). Ьno mean a very good (that is no mean achievement). mean White = poor White. ЬЬmeanly adv. meanness n. [OE m‘ne, gem‘ne f. Gmc] mean(3) n. & adj. --n. 1 a condition, quality, virtue, or course of action equally removed from two opposite (usu. unsatisfactory) extremes. 2 Math. a the term or one of the terms midway between the first and last terms of an arithmetical or geometrical etc. progression (2 and 8 have the arithmetic mean 5 and the geometric mean 4). b the quotient of the sum of several quantities and their number, the average. --adj. 1 (of a quantity) equally far from two extremes. 2 calculated as a mean. Ьmean free path the average distance travelled by a gas molecule etc. between collisions. mean sea level the sea level halfway between the mean levels of high and low water. mean sun an imaginary sun moving in the celestial equator at the mean rate of the real sun, used in calculating solar time. mean time the time based on the movement of the mean sun. [ME f. AF meen f. OF meien, moien f. L medianus MEDIAN] meander v. & n. --v.intr. 1 wander at random. 2 (of a stream) wind about. --n. 1 (in pl.) a the sinuous windings of a river. b winding paths. 2 a circuitous journey. 3 an ornamental pattern of lines winding in and out; a fret. [L maeander f. Gk Maiandros, the name of a winding river in Phrygia] meandrine adj. full of windings (esp. of corals of the genus Meandrina, with a surface like a human brain). [MEANDER + -INE(1)] meanie n. (also meany) (pl. -ies) colloq. a mean, niggardly, or small-minded person. meaning n. & adj. --n. 1 what is meant by a word, action, idea, etc. 2 significance. 3 importance. --adj. expressive, significant (a meaning glance). ЬЬmeaningly adv. meaningful adj. 1 full of meaning; significant. 2 Logic able to be interpreted. ЬЬmeaningfully adv. meaningfulness n. meaningless adj. having no meaning or significance. ЬЬmeaninglessly adv. meaninglessness n. means n.pl. 1 (often treated as sing.) that by which a result is brought about (a means of quick travel). 2 a money resources (live beyond one's means). b wealth (a man of means). Ьby all means (or all manner of means) 1 certainly. 2 in every possible way. 3 at any cost. by means of by the agency or instrumentality of (a thing or action). by no means (or no manner of means) not at all; certainly not. means test an official inquiry to establish need before financial assistance from public funds is given. [pl. of MEAN(3)] meant past and past part. of MEAN(1). meantime adv. & n. --adv. = MEANWHILE. °Less usual than meanwhile. --n. the intervening period (esp. in the meantime). [MEAN(3) + TIME] meanwhile adv. & n. --adv. 1 in the intervening period of time. 2 at the same time. --n. the intervening period (esp. in the meanwhile). [MEAN(3) + WHILE] meany var. of MEANIE. measles n.pl. (also treated as sing.) 1 a an acute infectious viral disease marked by red spots on the skin. b the spots of measles. 2 a tapeworm disease of pigs. [ME masele(s) prob. f. MLG masele, MDu. masel pustule (cf. Du. mazelen measles), OHG masala: change of form prob. due to assim. to ME meser leper] measly adj. (measlier, measliest) 1 colloq. inferior, contemptible, worthless. 2 of or affected with measles. 3 (of pork) infested with tapeworms. [MEASLES + -Y(1)] measurable adj. that can be measured. Ьwithin a measurable distance of getting near (something undesirable). ЬЬmeasurability n. measurably adv. [ME f. OF mesurable f. LL mensurabilis f. L mensurare (as MEASURE)] measure n. & v. --n. 1 a size or quantity found by measuring. 2 a system of measuring (liquid measure; linear measure). 3 a rod or tape etc. for measuring. 4 a vessel of standard capacity for transferring or determining fixed quantities of liquids etc. (a pint measure). 5 a the degree, extent, or amount of a thing. b (foll. by of) some degree of (there was a measure of wit in her remark). 6 a unit of capacity, e.g. a bushel (20 measures of wheat). 7 a factor by which a person or thing is reckoned or evaluated (their success is a measure of their determination). 8 (usu. in pl.) suitable action to achieve some end (took measures to ensure a good profit). 9 a legislative enactment. 10 a quantity contained in another an exact number of times. 11 a prescribed extent or quantity. 12 Printing the width of a page or column of type. 13 a poetical rhythm; metre. b a metrical group of a dactyl or two iambuses, trochees, spondees, etc. 14 US Mus. a bar or the time-content of a bar. 15 archaic a dance. 16 a mineral stratum (coal measures). --v. 1 tr. ascertain the extent or quantity of (a thing) by comparison with a fixed unit or with an object of known size. 2 intr. be of a specified size (it measures six inches). 3 tr. ascertain the size and proportion of (a person) for clothes. 4 tr. estimate (a quality, person's character, etc.) by some standard or rule. 5 tr. (often foll. by off) mark (a line etc. of a given length). 6 tr. (foll. by out) deal or distribute (a thing) in measured quantities. 7 tr. (foll. by with, against) bring (oneself or one's strength etc.) into competition with. 8 tr. poet. traverse (a distance). Ьbeyond measure excessively. for good measure as something beyond the minimum; as a finishing touch. in a (or some) measure partly. made to measure Brit. (of clothes) made from measurements taken. measure up 1 a determine the size etc. of by measurement. b take comprehensive measurements. 2 (often foll. by to) have the necessary qualifications (for). measuring-jug (or -cup) a jug or cup marked to measure its contents. measuring-tape a tape marked to measure length. measuring-worm the caterpillar of the geometer moth. [ME f. OF mesure f. L mensura f. metiri mens- measure] measured adj. 1 rhythmical; regular in movement (a measured tread). 2 (of language) carefully considered. ЬЬmeasuredly adv. measureless adj. not measurable; infinite. ЬЬmeasurelessly adv. measurement n. 1 the act or an instance of measuring. 2 an amount determined by measuring. 3 (in pl.) detailed dimensions. meat n. 1 the flesh of animals (esp. mammals) as food. 2 (foll. by of) the essence or chief part of. 3 US the edible part of fruits, nuts, eggs, shellfish, etc. 4 archaic a food of any kind. b a meal. Ьmeat and drink a source of great pleasure. meat-axe a butcher's cleaver. meat-fly (pl. -flies) a fly that breeds in meat. meat loaf minced or chopped meat moulded into the shape of a loaf and baked. meat safe a cupboard for storing meat, usu. of wire gauze etc. ЬЬmeatless adj. [OE mete food f. Gmc] meatball n. minced meat compressed into a small round ball. meatus n. (pl. same or meatuses) Anat. a channel or passage in the body or its opening. [L, = passage f. meare flow, run] meaty adj. (meatier, meatiest) 1 full of meat; fleshy. 2 of or like meat. 3 full of substance. ЬЬmeatily adv. meatiness n. Mecca n. 1 a place one aspires to visit. 2 the birthplace of a faith, policy, pursuit, etc. [Mecca in Arabia, birthplace of Muhammad and chief place of Muslim pilgrimage] mechanic n. a skilled worker, esp. one who makes or uses or repairs machinery. [ME (orig. as adj.) f. OF mecanique or L mechanicus f. Gk mekhanikos (as MACHINE)] mechanical adj. 1 of or relating to machines or mechanisms. 2 working or produced by machinery. 3 (of a person or action) like a machine; automatic; lacking originality. 4 a (of an agency, principle, etc.) belonging to mechanics. b (of a theory etc.) explaining phenomena by the assumption of mechanical action. 5 of or relating to mechanics as a science. Ьmechanical advantage the ratio of exerted to applied force in a machine. mechanical drawing a scale drawing of machinery etc. done with precision instruments. mechanical engineer a person skilled in the branch of engineering dealing with the design, construction, and repair of machines. mechanical equivalent of heat the conversion factor between heat energy and mechanical energy. ЬЬmechanicalism n. (in sense 4). mechanically adv. mechanicalness n. [ME f. L mechanicus (as MECHANIC)] mechanician n. a person skilled in constructing machinery. mechanics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) 1 the branch of applied mathematics dealing with motion and tendencies to motion. 2 the science of machinery. 3 the method of construction or routine operation of a thing. mechanism n. 1 the structure or adaptation of parts of a machine. 2 a system of mutually adapted parts working together in or as in a machine. 3 the mode of operation of a process. 4 Art mechanical execution; technique. 5 Philos. the doctrine that all natural phenomena, including life, allow mechanical explanation by physics and chemistry. [mod.L mechanismus f. Gk (as MACHINE)] mechanist n. 1 a mechanician. 2 an expert in mechanics. 3 Philos. a person who holds the doctrine of mechanism. ЬЬmechanistic adj. mechanistically adv. mechanize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 give a mechanical character to. 2 introduce machines in. 3 Mil. equip with tanks, armoured cars, etc. (orig. as a substitute for horse-drawn vehicles and cavalry). ЬЬmechanization n. mechanizer n. mechano- comb. form mechanical. [Gk mekhano- f. mekhane machine] mechanoreceptor n. Biol. a sensory receptor that responds to mechanical stimuli such as touch or sound. mechatronics n. the science of the combination of electronics and mechanics in developing new manufacturing techniques. [mechanics + elec tronics] Mechlin n. (in full Mechlin lace) lace made at Mechlin (now Mechelen or Malines) in Belgium. M.Econ. abbr. Master of Economics. meconium n. Med. a dark substance forming the first faeces of a newborn infant. [L, lit. poppy-juice, f. Gk mekonion f. mekon poppy] Med n. colloq. the Mediterranean Sea. [abbr.] med. abbr. medium. M.Ed. abbr. Master of Education. medal n. a piece of metal, usu. in the form of a disc, struck or cast with an inscription or device to commemorate an event etc., or awarded as a distinction to a soldier, scholar, athlete, etc., for services rendered, for proficiency, etc. Ьmedal play Golf = stroke play. ЬЬmedalled adj. medallic adj. [F m‚daille f. It. medaglia ult. f. L metallum METAL] medallion n. 1 a large medal. 2 a thing shaped like this, e.g. a decorative panel or tablet, portrait, etc. [F m‚daillon f. It. medaglione augment. of medaglia (as MEDAL)] medallist n. (US medalist) 1 a recipient of a (specified) medal (gold medallist). 2 an engraver or designer of medals. meddle v.intr. (often foll. by with, in) interfere in or busy oneself unduly with others' concerns. ЬЬmeddler n. [ME f. OF medler, var. of mesler ult. f. L miscere mix] meddlesome adj. fond of meddling; interfering. ЬЬmeddlesomely adv. meddlesomeness n. Mede n. hist. a member of an Indo-European people which established an empire in Media in Persia (modern Iran) in the 7th c. BC. ЬЬMedian adj. [ME f. L Medi (pl.) f. Gk Medoi] media(1) n.pl. 1 pl. of MEDIUM. 2 (usu. prec. by the) the main means of mass communication (esp. newspapers and broadcasting) regarded collectively. °Use as a mass noun with a singular verb is common (e.g. the media is on our side), but is generally disfavoured (cf. AGENDA, DATA). Ьmedia event an event primarily intended to attract publicity. media(2) n. (pl. mediae) 1 Phonet. a voiced stop, e.g. g, b, d. 2 Anat. a middle layer of the wall of an artery or other vessel. [L, fem. of medius middle] mediaeval var. of MEDIEVAL. medial adj. 1 situated in the middle. 2 of average size. ЬЬmedially adv. [LL medialis f. L medius middle] median adj. & n. --adj. situated in the middle. --n. 1 Anat. a median artery, vein, nerve, etc. 2 Geom. a straight line drawn from any vertex of a triangle to the middle of the opposite side. 3 Math. the middle value of a series of values arranged in order of size. ЬЬmedianly adv. [F m‚diane or L medianus (as MEDIAL)] mediant n. Mus. the third note of a diatonic scale of any key. [F m‚diante f. It. mediante part. of obs. mediare come between, f. L (as MEDIATE)] mediastinum n. (pl. mediastina) Anat. a membranous middle septum, esp. between the lungs. ЬЬmediastinal adj. [mod.L f. med.L mediastinus medial, after L mediastinus drudge f. medius middle] mediate v. & adj. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by between) intervene (between parties in a dispute) to produce agreement or reconciliation. 2 tr. be the medium for bringing about (a result) or for conveying (a gift etc.). 3 tr. form a connecting link between. --adj. 1 connected not directly but through some other person or thing. 2 involving an intermediate agency. ЬЬmediately adv. mediation n. mediator n. mediatory adj. [LL mediare mediat- f. L medius middle] medic(1) n. colloq. a medical practitioner or student. [L medicus physician f. mederi heal] medic(2) var. of MEDICK. medicable adj. admitting of remedial treatment. [L medicabilis (as MEDICATE)] Medicaid n. (in the US) a Federal system of health insurance for those requiring financial assistance. [MEDICAL + AID] medical adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to the science of medicine in general. 2 of or relating to conditions requiring medical and not surgical treatment (medical ward). --n. colloq. a medical examination. Ьmedical certificate a certificate of fitness or unfitness to work etc. medical examination an examination to determine a person's physical fitness. medical jurisprudence the law relating to medicine. medical officer Brit. a person in charge of the health services of a local authority or other organization. medical practitioner a physician or surgeon. ЬЬmedically adv. [F m‚dical or med.L medicalis f. L medicus: see MEDIC(1)] medicament n. a substance used for medical treatment. [F m‚dicament or L medicamentum (as MEDICATE)] Medicare n. (in the US) a Federal system of health insurance for persons over 65 years of age. [MEDICAL + CARE] medicate v.tr. 1 treat medically. 2 impregnate with a medicinal substance. ЬЬmedicative adj. [L medicari medicat- administer remedies to f. medicus: see MEDIC(1)] medication n. 1 a substance used for medical treatment. 2 treatment using drugs. Medicean adj. of the Medici family, rulers of Florence in the 15th c. [mod.L Mediceus f. It. Medici] medicinal adj. & n. --adj. (of a substance) having healing properties. --n. a medicinal substance. ЬЬmedicinally adv. [ME f. OF f. L medicinalis (as MEDICINE)] medicine n. 1 the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, esp. as distinct from surgical methods. 2 any drug or preparation used for the treatment or prevention of disease, esp. one taken by mouth. 3 a spell, charm, or fetish which is thought to cure afflictions. Ьa dose (or taste) of one's own medicine treatment such as one is accustomed to giving others. medicine ball a stuffed leather ball thrown and caught for exercise. medicine chest a box containing medicines etc. medicine man a person believed to have magical powers of healing, esp. among N. American Indians. take one's medicine submit to something disagreeable. [ME f. OF medecine f. L medicina f. medicus: see MEDIC(1)] medick n. (also medic) any leguminous plant of the genus Medicago, esp. alfalfa. [ME f. L medica f. Gk Medike poa Median grass] medico n. (pl. -os) colloq. a medical practitioner or student. [It. f. L (as MEDIC(1))] medico- comb. form medical; medical and (medico-legal). [L medicus (as MEDIC(1))] medieval adj. (also mediaeval) 1 of, or in the style of, the Middle Ages. 2 colloq. old-fashioned, archaic. Ьmedieval history the history of the 5th-15th c. medieval Latin Latin of about AD 600-1500. ЬЬmedievalism n. medievalist n. medievalize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). medievally adv. [mod.L medium aevum f. L medius middle + aevum age] mediocre adj. 1 of middling quality, neither good nor bad. 2 second-rate. [F m‚diocre or f. L mediocris of middle height or degree f. medius middle + ocris rugged mountain] mediocrity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state of being mediocre. 2 a mediocre person or thing. meditate v. 1 intr. a exercise the mind in (esp. religious) contemplation. b (usu. foll. by on, upon) focus on a subject in this manner. 2 tr. plan mentally; design. ЬЬmeditation n. meditator n. [L meditari contemplate] meditative adj. 1 inclined to meditate. 2 indicative of meditation. ЬЬmeditatively adv. meditativeness n. Mediterranean n. & adj. --n. 1 a large landlocked sea bordered by S. Europe, SW Asia, and N. Africa. 2 a native of a country bordering on the Mediterranean. --adj. 1 of or characteristic of the Mediterranean or its surrounding region (Mediterranean climate; Mediterranean cookery). 2 (of a person) dark-complexioned and not tall. [L mediterraneus inland f. medius middle + terra land] medium n. & adj. --n. (pl. media or mediums) 1 the middle quality, degree, etc. between extremes (find a happy medium). 2 the means by which something is communicated (the medium of sound; the medium of television). 3 the intervening substance through which impressions are conveyed to the senses etc. (light passing from one medium into another). 4 Biol. the physical environment or conditions of growth, storage, or transport of a living organism (the shape of a fish is ideal for its fluid medium; growing mould on the surface of a medium). 5 an agency or means of doing something (the medium through which money is raised). 6 the material or form used by an artist, composer, etc. (language as an artistic medium). 7 the liquid (e.g. oil or gel) with which pigments are mixed for use in painting. 8 (pl. mediums) a person claiming to be in contact with the spirits of the dead and to communicate between the dead and the living. --adj. 1 between two qualities, degrees, etc. 2 average; moderate (of medium height). Ьmedium bowler Cricket a bowler who bowls at a medium pace. medium dry (of sherry, wine, etc.) having a flavour intermediate between dry and sweet. medium frequency a radio frequency between 300 kHz and 3 MHz. medium of circulation something that serves as an instrument of commercial transactions, e.g. coin. medium-range (of an aircraft, missile, etc.) able to travel a medium distance. medium wave a radio wave of medium frequency. ЬЬmediumism n. (in sense 8 of n.). mediumistic adj. (in sense 8 of n.). mediumship n. (in sense 8 of n.). [L, = middle, neut. of medius] medlar n. 1 a rosaceous tree, Mespilus germanica, bearing small brown apple-like fruits. 2 the fruit of this tree which is eaten when decayed. [ME f. OF medler f. L mespila f. Gk mespile, -on] medley n., adj., & v. --n. (pl. -eys) 1 a varied mixture; a miscellany. 2 a collection of musical items from one work or various sources arranged as a continuous whole. --adj. archaic mixed; motley. --v.tr. (-eys, -eyed) archaic make a medley of; intermix. Ьmedley relay a relay race between teams in which each member runs a different distance, swims a different stroke, etc. [ME f. OF medlee var. of meslee f. Rmc (as MEDDLE)] Medoc n. a fine red claret from the M‚doc region of SW France. medulla n. 1 the inner region of certain organs or tissues usu. when it is distinguishable from the outer region or cortex, as in hair or a kidney. 2 the myelin layer of certain nerve fibres. 3 the soft internal tissue of plants. Ьmedulla oblongata the continuation of the spinal cord within the skull, forming the lowest part of the brain stem. ЬЬmedullary adj. [L, = pith, marrow, prob. rel. to medius middle] medusa n. (pl. medusae or medusas) 1 a jellyfish. 2 a free-swimming form of any coelenterate, having tentacles round the edge of a usu. umbrella-shaped jelly-like body, e.g. a jellyfish. ЬЬmedusan adj. [L f. Gk Medousa, name of a Gorgon with snakes instead of hair] meed n. literary or archaic 1 reward. 2 merited portion (of praise etc.). [OE med f. WG, rel. to Goth. mizdo, Gk misthos reward] meek adj. 1 humble and submissive; suffering injury etc. tamely. 2 piously gentle in nature. ЬЬmeekly adv. meekness n. [ME me(o)c f. ON mjЈkr soft, gentle] meerkat n. the suricate. [Du., = sea-cat] meerschaum n. 1 a soft white form of hydrated magnesium silicate, chiefly found in Turkey, which resembles clay. 2 a tobacco-pipe with the bowl made from this. [G, = sea-foam f. Meer sea + Schaum foam, transl. Pers. kef-i-darya, with ref. to its frothiness] meet(1) v. & n. --v. (past and past part. met) 1 a tr. encounter (a person or persons) by accident or design; come face to face with. b intr. (of two or more people) come into each other's company by accident or design (decided to meet on the bridge). 2 tr. go to a place to be present at the arrival of (a person, train, etc.). 3 a tr. (of a moving object, line, feature of landscape, etc.) come together or into contact with (where the road meets the flyover). b intr. come together or into contact (where the sea and the sky meet). 4 a tr. make the acquaintance of (delighted to meet you). b intr. (of two or more people) make each other's acquaintance. 5 intr. & tr. come together or come into contact with for the purposes of conference, business, worship, etc. (the committee meets every week; the union met management yesterday). 6 tr. a (of a person or a group) deal with or answer (a demand, objection, etc.) (met the original proposal with hostility). b satisfy or conform with (proposals, deadlines, a person, etc.) (agreed to meet the new terms; did my best to meet them on that point). 7 tr. pay (a bill etc.); provide the funds required by (a cheque etc.) (meet the cost of the move). 8 tr. & (foll. by with) intr. experience, encounter, or receive (success, disaster, a difficulty, etc.) (met their death; met with many problems). 9 tr. oppose in battle, contest, or confrontation. 10 intr. (of clothes, curtains, etc.) join or fasten correctly (my jacket won't meet). --n. 1 the assembly of riders and hounds for a hunt. 2 the assembly of competitors for various sporting activities, esp. athletics. Ьmake ends meet see END. meet the case be adequate. meet the eye (or the ear) be visible (or audible). meet a person's eye check if another person is watching and look into his or her eyes in return. meet a person half way make a compromise, respond in a friendly way to the advances of another person. meet up colloq. happen to meet. meet with 1 see sense 8 of v. 2 receive (a reaction) (met with the committee's approval). 3 esp. US = sense 1a of v. more in it than meets the eye hidden qualities or complications. ЬЬmeeter n. [OE metan f. Gmc: cf. MOOT] meet(2) adj. archaic suitable, fit, proper. ЬЬmeetly adv. meetness n. [ME (i)mete repr. OE gem‘te f. Gmc, rel. to METE(1)] meeting n. 1 in senses of MEET(1). 2 an assembly of people, esp. the members of a society, committee, etc., for discussion or entertainment. 3 = race meeting. 4 an assembly (esp. of Quakers) for worship. 5 the persons assembled (address the meeting). Ьmeeting-house a place of worship, esp. of Quakers etc. mega- comb. form 1 large. 2 denoting a factor of one million (10(6)) in the metric system of measurement. °Abbr.: M. [Gk f. megas great] megabuck n. US colloq. a million dollars. megabyte n. Computing 1,048,576 (i.e. 2(20).) bytes as a measure of data capacity, or loosely 1,000,000. °Abbr.: MB. megadeath n. the death of one million people (esp. as a unit in estimating the casualties of war). megahertz n. one million hertz, esp. as a measure of frequency of radio transmissions. °Abbr.: MHz. megalith n. Archaeol. a large stone, esp. one placed upright as a monument or part of one. [MEGA- + Gk lithos stone] megalithic adj. Archaeol. made of or marked by the use of large stones. megalo- comb. form great (megalomania). [Gk f. megas megal- great] megalomania n. 1 a mental disorder producing delusions of grandeur. 2 a passion for grandiose schemes. ЬЬmegalomaniac adj. & n. megalomaniacal adj. megalomanic adj. megalopolis n. 1 a great city or its way of life. 2 an urban complex consisting of a city and its environs. ЬЬmegalopolitan adj. & n. [MEGA- + Gk polis city] megalosaurus n. a large flesh-eating dinosaur of the genus Megalosaurus, with stout hind legs and small forelimbs. [MEGALO- + Gk sauros lizard] megaphone n. a large funnel-shaped device for amplifying the sound of the voice. megapode n. (also megapod) any bird of the family Megapodidae, native to Australasia, that builds a mound of debris for the incubation of its eggs, e.g. a mallee fowl. [mod.L Megapodius (genus-name) formed as MEGA- + Gk pous podos foot] megaron n. the central hall of a large Mycenaean house. [Gk, = hall] megaspore n. the larger of the two kinds of spores produced by some ferns (cf. MICROSPORE). megastar n. a very famous person, esp. in the world of entertainment. megaton n. (also megatonne) a unit of explosive power equal to one million tons of TNT. megavolt n. one million volts, esp. as a unit of electromotive force. °Abbr.: MV. megawatt n. one million watts, esp. as a measure of electrical power as generated by power stations. °Abbr.: MW. Megger n. Electr. propr. an instrument for measuring electrical insulation resistance. [cf. MEGOHM] megilp n. (also magilp) a mixture of mastic resin and linseed oil, added to oil paints, much used in the 19th c. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] megohm n. Electr. one million ohms. [MEGA- + OHM] megrim(1) n. 1 archaic migraine. 2 a whim, a fancy. 3 (in pl.) a depression; low spirits. b staggers, vertigo in horses etc. [ME mygrane f. OF MIGRAINE] megrim(2) n. any deep-water flat-fish of the family Lepidorhombus, esp. L. whiffiagonis. Also called sail-fluke. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] meiosis n. 1 Biol. a type of cell division that results in daughter cells with half the chromosome number of the parent cell (cf. MITOSIS). 2 = LITOTES. ЬЬmeiotic adj. meiotically adv. [mod.L f. Gk meiosis f. meioo lessen f. meion less] Meissen n. a hard-paste porcelain made since 1710 . [Meissen near Dresden in Germany] Meistersinger n. (pl. same) a member of one of the 14th-16th-c. German guilds for lyric poets and musicians. [G f. Meister MASTER + Singer SINGER (see SING)] melamine n. 1 a white crystalline compound that can be copolymerized with methanal to give thermosetting resins. 2 (in full melamine resin) a plastic made from melamine and used esp. for laminated coatings. [melam (arbitrary) + AMINE] melancholia n. a mental illness marked by depression and ill-founded fears. [LL: see MELANCHOLY] melancholy n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a pensive sadness. 2 a mental depression. b a habitual or constitutional tendency to this. 3 hist. one of the four humours; black bile (see HUMOUR n. 5). --adj. (of a person) sad, gloomy; (of a thing) saddening, depressing; (of words, a tune, etc.) expressing sadness. ЬЬmelancholic adj. melancholically adv. [ME f. OF melancolie f. LL melancholia f. Gk melagkholia f. melas melanos black + khole bile] Melanesian n. & adj. --n. 1 a member of the dominant Negroid people of Melanesia, an island group in the W. Pacific. 2 the language of this people. --adj. of or relating to this people or their language. [Melanesia f. Gk melas black + nesos island] m‚lange n. a mixture, a medley. [F f. m€ler mix (as MEDDLE)] melanin n. a dark-brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, skin, and iris of the eye, that is responsible for tanning of the skin when exposed to sunlight. [Gk melas melanos black + -IN] melanism n. an unusual darkening of body tissues caused by excessive production of melanin. melanoma n. a malignant tumour of melanin-forming cells, usu. in the skin. [MELANIN + -OMA] melanosis n. 1 = MELANISM. 2 a disorder in the body's production of melanin. ЬЬmelanotic adj. [mod.L f. Gk (as MELANIN)] Melba n. Ьdo a Melba Austral. sl. 1 return from retirement. 2 make several farewell appearances. Melba sauce a sauce made from pur‚ed raspberries thickened with icing sugar. Melba toast very thin crisp toast. peach Melba a dish of ice-cream and peaches with liqueur or sauce. [Dame Nellie Melba, Austral. operatic soprano d. 1931] meld(1) v. & n. --v.tr. (also absol.) (in rummy, canasta, etc.) lay down or declare (one's cards) in order to score points. --n. a completed set or run of cards in any of these games. [G melden announce] meld(2) v.tr. & intr. orig. US merge, blend, combine. [perh. f. MELT + WELD(1)] m€l‚e n. (US melee) 1 a confused fight, skirmish, or scuffle. 2 a muddle. [F (as MEDLEY)] melic adj. (of a poem, esp. a Gk lyric) meant to be sung. [L melicus f. Gk melikos f. melos song] meliorate v.tr. & intr. literary improve (cf. AMELIORATE). ЬЬmelioration n. meliorative adj. [LL meliorare (as MELIORISM)] meliorism n. a doctrine that the world may be made better by human effort. ЬЬmeliorist n. [L melior better + -ISM] melisma n. (pl. melismata or melismas) Mus. a group of notes sung to one syllable of text. ЬЬmelismatic adj. [Gk] melliferous adj. yielding or producing honey. [L mellifer f. mel honey] mellifluous adj. (of a voice or words) pleasing, musical, flowing. ЬЬmellifluence n. mellifluent adj. mellifluously adv. mellifluousness n. [ME f. OF melliflue or LL mellifluus f. mel honey + fluere flow] mellow adj. & v. --adj. 1 (of sound, colour, light) soft and rich, free from harshness. 2 (of character) softened or matured by age or experience. 3 genial, jovial. 4 partly intoxicated. 5 (of fruit) soft, sweet, and juicy. 6 (of wine) well-matured, smooth. 7 (of earth) rich, loamy. --v.tr. & intr. make or become mellow. ЬЬmellowly adv. mellowness n. [ME, perh. f. attrib. use of OE melu, melw- MEAL(2)] melodeon n. (also melodion) 1 a small organ popular in the 19th c., similar to the harmonium. 2 a small German accordion, played esp. by folk musicians. [MELODY + HARMONIUM with Graecized ending] melodic adj. 1 of or relating to melody. 2 having or producing melody. Ьmelodic minor a scale with the sixth and seventh degrees raised when ascending and lowered when descending. ЬЬmelodically adv. [F m‚lodique f. LL melodicus f. Gk meloidikos (as MELODY)] melodious adj. 1 of, producing, or having melody. 2 sweet-sounding. ЬЬmelodiously adv. melodiousness n. [ME f. OF melodieus (as MELODY)] melodist n. 1 a composer of melodies. 2 a singer. melodize v. (also -ise) 1 intr. make a melody or melodies; make sweet music. 2 tr. make melodious. ЬЬmelodizer n. melodrama n. 1 a sensational dramatic piece with crude appeals to the emotions and usu. a happy ending. 2 the genre of drama of this type. 3 language, behaviour, or an occurrence suggestive of this. 4 hist. a play with songs interspersed and with orchestral music accompanying the action. ЬЬmelodramatic adj. melodramatically adv. melodramatist n. melodramatize v.tr. (also -ise). [earlier melodrame f. F m‚lodrame f. Gk melos music + F drame DRAMA] melodramatics n.pl. melodramatic behaviour, action, or writing. melody n. (pl. -ies) 1 an arrangement of single notes in a musically expressive succession. 2 the principal part in harmonized music. 3 a musical arrangement of words. 4 sweet music, tunefulness. [ME f. OF melodie f. LL melodia f. Gk meloidia f. melos song] melon n. 1 the sweet fruit of various gourds. 2 the gourd producing this (honeydew melon; water melon). Ьcut the melon 1 decide a question. 2 share abundant profits among a number of people. [ME f. OF f. LL melo -onis abbr. of L melopepo f. Gk melopepon f. melon apple + pepon gourd f. pepon ripe] melt v. & n. --v. 1 intr. become liquefied by heat. 2 tr. change to a liquid condition by heat. 3 tr. (as molten adj.) (usu. of materials that require a great deal of heat to melt them) liquefied by heat (molten lava; molten lead). 4 a intr. & tr. dissolve. b intr. (of food) be easily dissolved in the mouth. 5 intr. a (of a person, feelings, the heart, etc.) be softened as a result of pity, love, etc. b dissolve into tears. 6 tr. soften (a person, feelings, the heart, etc.) (a look to melt a heart of stone). 7 intr. (usu. foll. by into) change or merge imperceptibly into another form or state (night melted into dawn). 8 intr. (often foll. by away) (of a person) leave or disappear unobtrusively (melted into the background; melted away into the crowd). 9 intr. (usu. as melting adj.) (of sound) be soft and liquid (melting chords). 10 intr. colloq. (of a person) suffer extreme heat (I'm melting in this thick jumper). --n. 1 liquid metal etc. 2 an amount melted at any one time. 3 the process or an instance of melting. Ьmelt away disappear or make disappear by liquefaction. melt down 1 melt (esp. metal articles) in order to reuse the raw material. 2 become liquid and lose structure (cf. MELTDOWN). melting-point the temperature at which any given solid will melt. melting-pot 1 a pot in which metals etc. are melted and mixed. 2 a place where races, theories, etc. are mixed, or an imaginary pool where ideas are mixed together. melt water water formed by the melting of snow and ice, esp. from a glacier. ЬЬmeltable adj. & n. melter n. meltingly adv. [OE meltan, mieltan f. Gmc, rel. to MALT] meltdown n. the melting of (and consequent damage to) a structure, esp. the overheated core of a nuclear reactor. melton n. cloth with a close-cut nap, used for overcoats etc. [Melton Mowbray in central England] member n. 1 a person belonging to a society, team, etc. 2 (Member) a person formally elected to take part in the proceedings of certain organizations (Member of Parliament; Member of Congress). 3 (also attrib.) a part or branch of a political body (member State; a member of the EEC). 4 a constituent portion of a complex structure. 5 a part of a sentence, equation, group of figures, mathematical set, etc. 6 a any part or organ of the body, esp. a limb. b = PENIS. 7 used in the title awarded to a person admitted to (usu. the lowest grade of) certain honours (Member of the British Empire). ЬЬmembered adj. (also in comb.). memberless adj. [ME f. OF membre f. L membrum limb] membership n. 1 being a member. 2 the number of members. 3 the body of members. membrane n. 1 any pliable sheetlike structure acting as a boundary, lining, or partition in an organism. 2 a thin pliable sheet or skin of various kinds. ЬЬmembranaceous adj. membraneous adj. membranous adj. [L membrana skin of body, parchment (as MEMBER)] membrum virile n. archaic the penis. [L, = male member] memento n. (pl. -oes or -os) an object kept as a reminder or a souvenir of a person or an event. [L, imper. of meminisse remember] memento mori n. a warning or reminder of death (e.g. a skull). [L, = remember you must die] memo n. (pl. -os) colloq. memorandum. [abbr.] memoir n. 1 a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources. 2 (in pl.) an autobiography or a written account of one's memory of certain events or people. 3 a an essay on a learned subject specially studied by the writer. b (in pl.) the proceedings or transactions of a learned society (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society). ЬЬmemoirist n. [F m‚moire (masc.), special use of m‚moire (fem.) MEMORY] memorabilia n.pl. 1 souvenirs of memorable events. 2 archaic memorable or noteworthy things. [L, neut. pl. (as MEMORABLE)] memorable adj. 1 worth remembering, not to be forgotten. 2 easily remembered. ЬЬmemorability n. memorableness n. memorably adv. [ME f. F m‚morable or L memorabilis f. memorare bring to mind f. memor mindful] memorandum n. (pl. memoranda or memorandums) 1 a note or record made for future use. 2 an informal written message, esp. in business, diplomacy, etc. 3 Law a document recording the terms of a contract or other legal details. [ME f. L neut. sing. gerundive of memorare: see MEMORABLE] memorial n. & adj. --n. 1 an object, institution, or custom established in memory of a person or event (the Albert Memorial). 2 (often in pl.) hist. a statement of facts as the basis of a petition etc.; a record; an informal diplomatic paper. --adj. intending to commemorate a person or thing (memorial service). ЬMemorial Day US a day on which those who died on active service are remembered, usu. the last Monday in May. ЬЬmemorialist n. [ME f. OF memorial or L memorialis (as MEMORY)] memorialize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 commemorate. 2 address a memorial to (a person or body). memoria technica n. a system or contrivance used to assist the memory. [mod.L, = artificial memory] memorize v.tr. (also -ise) commit to memory. ЬЬmemorizable adj. memorization n. memorizer n. memory n. (pl. -ies) 1 the faculty by which things are recalled to or kept in the mind. 2 a this faculty in an individual (my memory is beginning to fail). b one's store of things remembered (buried deep in my memory). 3 a recollection or remembrance (the memory of better times). 4 the storage capacity of a computer or other electronic machinery. 5 the remembrance of a person or thing (his mother's memory haunted him). 6 a the reputation of a dead person (his memory lives on). b in formulaic phrases used of a dead sovereign etc. (of blessed memory). 7 the length of time over which the memory or memories of any given person or group extends (within living memory; within the memory of anyone still working here). 8 the act of remembering (a deed worthy of memory). Ьcommit to memory learn (a thing) so as to be able to recall it. from memory without verification in books etc. in memory of to keep alive the remembrance of. memory bank (or board) the memory device of a computer etc. memory lane (usu. prec. by down, along) an imaginary and sentimental journey into the past. memory mapping Computing the allocation of peripheral devices to appear located within the main memory of a computer. [ME f. OF memorie, memoire f. L memoria f. memor mindful, remembering, rel. to MOURN] memsahib n. Anglo-Ind. hist. a European married woman in India, as spoken of or to by Indians. [MA'AM + SAHIB] men pl. of MAN. menace n. & v. --n. 1 a threat. 2 a dangerous or obnoxious thing or person. 3 joc. a pest, a nuisance. --v.tr. & intr. threaten, esp. in a malignant or hostile manner. ЬЬmenacer n. menacingly adv. [ME ult. f. L minax -acis threatening f. minari threaten] m‚nage n. the members of a household. [OF manaige ult. f. L (as MANSION)] m‚nage … trois n. an arrangement in which three people live together, usu. a married couple and the lover of one of them. [F, = household of three (as MђNAGE)] menagerie n. 1 a collection of wild animals in captivity for exhibition etc. 2 the place where these are housed. [F m‚nagerie (as MђNAGE)] menaquinone n. one of the K vitamins, produced by bacteria found in the large intestine, essential for the blood-clotting process. Also called vitamin K[2]. [chem. deriv. of methyl- naphtho quinone] menarche n. the onset of first menstruation. [mod.L formed as MENO- + Gk arkhe beginning] mend v. & n. --v. 1 tr. restore to a sound condition; repair (a broken article, a damaged road, torn clothes, etc.). 2 intr. regain health. 3 tr. improve (mend matters). 4 tr. add fuel to (a fire). --n. a darn or repair in material etc. (a mend in my shirt). Ьmend one's fences make peace with a person. mend one's manners improve one's behaviour. mend or end improve or abolish. mend one's pace go faster; alter one's pace to another's. mend one's ways reform, improve one's habits. on the mend improving in health or condition. ЬЬmendable adj. mender n. [ME f. AF mender f. amender AMEND] mendacious adj. lying, untruthful. ЬЬmendaciously adv. mendacity n. (pl. -ies). [L mendax -dacis perh. f. mendum fault] mendelevium n. Chem. an artificially made transuranic radioactive metallic element. °Symb.: Md. [D. I. Mendeleev, Russ. chemist d. 1907] Mendelism n. the theory of heredity based on the recurrence of certain inherited characteristics transmitted by genes. ЬЬMendelian adj. & n. [G. J. Mendel, Austrian botanist d. 1884 + -ISM] mendicant adj. & n. --adj. 1 begging. 2 (of a friar) living solely on alms. --n. 1 a beggar. 2 a mendicant friar. ЬЬmendicancy n. mendicity n. [L mendicare beg f. mendicus beggar f. mendum fault] mending n. 1 the action of a person who mends. 2 things, esp. clothes, to be mended. menfolk n.pl. 1 men in general. 2 the men of one's family. menhaden n. any large herring-like fish of the genus Brevoortia, of the E. coast of N. America, yielding valuable oil and used for manure. [Algonquian: cf. Narragansett munnawhattea–g] menhir n. Archaeol. a tall upright usu. prehistoric monumental stone. [Breton men stone + hir long] menial adj. & n. --adj. 1 (esp. of unskilled domestic work) degrading, servile. 2 usu. derog. (of a servant) domestic. --n. 1 a menial servant. 2 a servile person. ЬЬmenially adv. [ME f. OF meinee household] meningitis n. an inflammation of the meninges due to infection by viruses or bacteria. ЬЬmeningitic adj. meninx n. (pl. meninges) (usu. in pl.) any of the three membranes that line the skull and vertebral canal and enclose the brain and spinal cord (dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater). ЬЬmeningeal adj. [mod.L f. Gk menigx -iggos membrane] meniscus n. (pl. menisci) 1 Physics the curved upper surface of a liquid in a tube. 2 a lens that is convex on one side and concave on the other. 3 Math. a crescent-shaped figure. ЬЬmeniscoid adj. [mod.L f. Gk meniskos crescent, dimin. of mene moon] Mennonite n. a member of a Protestant sect originating in Friesland in the 16th c., emphasizing adult baptism and rejecting Church organization, military service, and public office. [Menno Simons, its founder, d. 1561] meno- comb. form menstruation. [Gk men menos month] menology n. (pl. -ies) a calendar, esp. that of the Greek Church, with biographies of the saints. [mod.L menologium f. eccl.Gk menologion f. men month + logos account] menopause n. 1 the ceasing of menstruation. 2 the period in a woman's life (usu. between 45 and 50) when this occurs (see also male menopause). ЬЬmenopausal adj. [mod.L menopausis (as MENO-, PAUSE)] menorah n. a seven-armed candelabrum used in Jewish worship, esp. as a symbol of Judaism. [Heb., = candlestick] menorrhagia n. abnormally heavy bleeding at menstruation. [MENO- + stem of Gk rhegnumi burst] menorrhoea n. ordinary flow of blood at menstruation. [MENO- + Gk rhoia f. rheo flow] menses n.pl. 1 blood and other materials discharged from the uterus at menstruation. 2 the time of menstruation. [L, pl. of mensis month] Menshevik n. hist. a member of the non-Leninist wing of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party (cf. BOLSHEVIK). [Russ. Men' shevik a member of the minority (men' she less)] mens rea n. criminal intent; the knowledge of wrongdoing. [L, = guilty mind] menstrual adj. of or relating to the menses or menstruation. Ьmenstrual cycle the process of ovulation and menstruation in female primates. [ME f. L menstrualis f. mensis month] menstruate v.intr. undergo menstruation. [LL menstruare menstruat- (as MENSTRUAL)] menstruation n. the process of discharging blood and other materials from the uterus in sexually mature non-pregnant women at intervals of about one lunar month until the menopause. menstruous adj. 1 of or relating to the menses. 2 menstruating. [ME f. OF menstrueus or LL menstruosus (as MENSTRUAL)] menstruum n. (pl. menstrua) a solvent. [ME f. L, neut. of menstruus monthly f. mensis month f. the alchemical parallel between transmutation into gold and the supposed action of menses on the ovum] mensurable adj. 1 measurable, having fixed limits. 2 Mus. = MENSURAL 2. [F mensurable or LL mensurabilis f. mensurare to measure f. L mensura MEASURE] mensural adj. 1 of or involving measure. 2 Mus. of or involving a fixed rhythm or notes of definite duration (cf. PLAINSONG). [L mensuralis f. mensura MEASURE] mensuration n. 1 measuring. 2 Math. the measuring of geometric magnitudes such as the lengths of lines, areas of surfaces, and volumes of solids. [LL mensuratio (as MENSURABLE)] menswear n. clothes for men. -ment suffix 1 forming nouns expressing the means or result of the action of a verb (abridgement; embankment). 2 forming nouns from adjectives (merriment; oddment). [from or after F f. L -mentum] mental adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or in the mind. 2 done by the mind. 3 colloq. a insane. b crazy, wild, eccentric (is mental about pop music). --n. colloq. a mental patient. Ьmental age the degree of a person's mental development expressed as an age at which the same degree is attained by an average person. mental arithmetic arithmetic performed in the mind. mental asylum (or home or hospital or institution) an establishment for the care of mental patients. mental cruelty the infliction of suffering on another's mind, esp. Law as grounds for divorce. mental defective esp. US a person with impaired mental abilities. mental deficiency imperfect mental development leading to abnormally low intelligence. mental illness a disorder of the mind. mental nurse a nurse dealing with mentally ill patients. mental patient a sufferer from mental illness. mental reservation a qualification tacitly added in making a statement etc. ЬЬmentally adv. [ME f. OF mental or LL mentalis f. L mens -ntis mind] mentalism n. 1 Philos. the theory that physical and psychological phenomena are ultimately only explicable in terms of a creative and interpretative mind. 2 Psychol. the primitive tendency to personify in spirit form the forces of nature, or endow inert objects with the quality of 'soul'. ЬЬmentalist n. mentalistic adj. mentality n. (pl. -ies) 1 mental character or disposition. 2 kind or degree of intelligence. 3 what is in or of the mind. mentation n. 1 mental action. 2 state of mind. [L mens -ntis mind] menthol n. a mint-tasting organic alcohol found in oil of peppermint etc., used as a flavouring and to relieve local pain. [G f. L mentha MINT(1)] mentholated adj. treated with or containing menthol. mention v. & n. --v.tr. 1 refer to briefly. 2 specify by name. 3 reveal or disclose (do not mention this to anyone). 4 (in dispatches) award (a person) a minor honour for meritorious, usu. gallant, military service. --n. 1 a reference, esp. by name, to a person or thing. 2 (in dispatches) a military honour awarded for outstanding conduct. Ьdon't mention it said in polite dismissal of an apology or thanks. make mention (or no mention) of refer (or not refer) to. not to mention introducing a fact or thing of secondary or (as a rhetorical device) of primary importance. ЬЬmentionable adj. [OF f. L mentio -onis f. the root of mens mind] mentor n. an experienced and trusted adviser. [F f. L f. Gk Mentor adviser of the young Telemachus in Homer's Odyssey and F‚nelon's T‚l‚maque] menu n. 1 a a list of dishes available in a restaurant etc. b a list of items to be served at a meal. 2 Computing a list of options showing the commands or facilities available. Ьmenu-driven (of a program or computer) used by making selections from menus. [F, = detailed list, f. L minutus MINUTE(2)] meow var. of MIAOW. MEP abbr. Member of the European Parliament. mepacrine n. Brit. quinacrine. [methyl + paludism (malaria) + acrid ine] Mephistopheles n. 1 an evil spirit to whom Faust, in the German legend, sold his soul. 2 a fiendish person. ЬЬMephistophelean adj. Mephistophelian adj. [G (16th c.), of unkn. orig.] mephitis n. 1 a noxious emanation, esp. from the earth. 2 a foul-smelling or poisonous stench. ЬЬmephitic adj. [L] -mer comb. form denoting a substance of a specified class, esp. a polymer (dimer; isomer; tautomer). [Gk meros part, share] meranti n. a white, red, or yellow hardwood timber from any of various Malayan trees of the genus Shorea. [Malay] mercantile adj. 1 of trade, trading. 2 commercial. 3 mercenary, fond of bargaining. Ьmercantile marine shipping employed in commerce not war. [F f. It. f. mercante MERCHANT] mercantilism n. an old economic theory that money is the only form of wealth. ЬЬmercantilist n. mercaptan n. = THIOL. [mod.L mercurium captans capturing mercury] Mercator projection n. (also Mercator's projection) a projection of a map of the world on to a cylinder so that all the parallels of latitude have the same length as the equator, first published in 1569 and used esp. for marine charts and certain climatological maps. [G. Mercator (Latinized f. Kremer), Flemish-born geographer d. 1594] mercenary adj. & n. --adj. primarily concerned with money or other reward (mercenary motives). --n. (pl. -ies) a hired soldier in foreign service. ЬЬmercenariness n. [ME f. L mercenarius f. merces -edis reward] mercer n. Brit. a dealer in textile fabrics, esp. silk and other costly materials. ЬЬmercery n. (pl. -ies). [ME f. AF mercer, OF mercier ult. f. L merx mercis goods] mercerize v.tr. (also -ise) treat (cotton fabric or thread) under tension with caustic alkali to give greater strength and impart lustre. [J. Mercer, alleged inventor of the process d. 1866] merchandise n. & v. --n. goods for sale. --v. 1 intr. trade, traffic. 2 tr. trade or traffic in. 3 tr. a put on the market, promote the sale of (goods etc.). b advertise, publicize (an idea or person). ЬЬmerchandisable adj. merchandiser n. [ME f. OF marchandise f. marchand: see MERCHANT] merchant n. 1 a wholesale trader, esp. with foreign countries. 2 esp. US & Sc. a retail trader. 3 colloq. usu. derog. a person showing a partiality for a specified activity or practice (speed merchant). Ьmerchant bank esp. Brit. a bank dealing in commercial loans and finance. merchant banker a member of a merchant bank. merchant marine US = merchant navy. merchant navy a nation's commercial shipping. merchant prince a wealthy merchant. merchant ship = MERCHANTMAN. [ME f. OF marchand, marchant ult. f. L mercari trade f. merx mercis merchandise] merchantable adj. saleable, marketable. [ME f. merchant (v.) f. OF marchander f. marchand: see MERCHANT] merchantman n. (pl. -men) a ship conveying merchandise. merciful adj. having or showing or feeling mercy. ЬЬmercifulness n. mercifully adv. 1 in a merciful manner. 2 (qualifying a whole sentence) fortunately (mercifully, the sun came out). merciless adj. 1 pitiless. 2 showing no mercy. ЬЬmercilessly adv. mercilessness n. mercurial adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a person) sprightly, ready-witted, volatile. 2 of or containing mercury. 3 (Mercurial) of the planet Mercury. --n. a drug containing mercury. ЬЬmercurialism n. mercuriality n. mercurially adv. [ME f. OF mercuriel or L mercurialis (as MERCURY)] mercury n. 1 Chem. a silvery-white heavy liquid metallic element occurring naturally in cinnabar and used in barometers, thermometers, and amalgams; quicksilver. °Symb.: Hg. 2 (Mercury) the planet nearest to the sun. 3 any plant of the genus Mercurialis, esp. M. perenne. Ьmercury vapour lamp a lamp in which light is produced by an electric discharge through mercury vapour. ЬЬmercuric adj. mercurous adj. [ME f. L Mercurius messenger of the gods and god of traders f. merx mercis merchandise] mercy n. & int. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 compassion or forbearance shown to enemies or offenders in one's power. 2 the quality of compassion. 3 an act of mercy. 4 (attrib.) administered or performed out of mercy or pity for a suffering person (mercy killing). 5 something to be thankful for (small mercies). --int. expressing surprise or fear. Ьat the mercy of 1 wholly in the power of. 2 liable to danger or harm from. have mercy on (or upon) show mercy to. mercy flight the transporting by air of an injured or sick person from a remote area to a hospital. [ME f. OF merci f. L merces -edis reward, in LL pity, thanks] mere(1) attrib.adj. (merest) that is solely or no more or better than what is specified (a mere boy; no mere theory). Ьmere right Law a right in theory. ЬЬmerely adv. [ME f. AF meer, OF mier f. L merus unmixed] mere(2) n. archaic or poet. a lake or pond. [OE f. Gmc] mere(3) n. a Maori war-club, esp. one made of greenstone. [Maori] meretricious adj. 1 (of decorations, literary style, etc.) showily but falsely attractive. 2 of or befitting a prostitute. ЬЬmeretriciously adv. meretriciousness n. [L meretricius f. meretrix -tricis prostitute f. mereri be hired] merganser n. any of various diving fish-eating northern ducks of the genus Mergus, with a long narrow serrated hooked bill. Also called SAWBILL. [mod.L f. L mergus diver f. mergere dive + anser goose] merge v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by with) a combine or be combined. b join or blend gradually. 2 intr. & tr. (foll. by in) lose or cause to lose character and identity in (something else). 3 tr. (foll. by in) embody (a title or estate) in (a larger one). ЬЬmergence n. [L mergere mers- dip, plunge, partly through legal AF merger] merger n. 1 the combining of two commercial companies etc. into one. 2 a merging, esp. of one estate in another. 3 Law the absorbing of a minor offence in a greater one. [AF (as MERGE)] meridian n. & adj. --n. 1 a circle passing through the celestial poles and zenith of any place on the earth's surface. 2 a a circle of constant longitude, passing through a given place and the terrestrial poles. b the corresponding line on a map. 3 archaic the point at which a sun or star attains its highest altitude. 4 prime; full splendour. --adj. 1 of noon. 2 of the period of greatest splendour, vigour, etc. [ME f. OF meridien or L meridianus (adj.) f. meridies midday f. medius middle + dies day] meridional adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or in the south (esp. of Europe). 2 of or relating to a meridian. --n. an inhabitant of the south (esp. of France). [ME f. OF f. LL meridionalis irreg. f. L meridies: see MERIDIAN] meringue n. 1 a confection of sugar, the white of eggs, etc., baked crisp. 2 a small cake or shell of this, usu. decorated or filled with whipped cream etc. [F, of unkn. orig.] merino n. (pl. -os) 1 (in full merino sheep) a variety of sheep with long fine wool. 2 a soft woollen or wool-and-cotton material like cashmere, orig. of merino wool. 3 a fine woollen yarn. [Sp., of uncert. orig.] meristem n. Bot. a plant tissue consisting of actively dividing cells forming new tissue. ЬЬmeristematic adj. [Gk meristos divisible f. merizo divide f. meros part, after xylem] merit n. & v. --n. 1 the quality of deserving well. 2 excellence, worth. 3 (usu. in pl.) a a thing that entitles one to reward or gratitude. b esp. Law intrinsic rights and wrongs (the merits of a case). 4 Theol. good deeds as entitling to a future reward. --v.tr. (merited, meriting) deserve or be worthy of (reward, punishment, consideration, etc.). Ьmake a merit of regard or represent (one's own conduct) as praiseworthy. on its merits with regard only to its intrinsic worth. Order of Merit Brit. an order founded in 1902, for distinguished achievement. [ME f. OF merite f. L meritum price, value, = past part. of mereri earn, deserve] meritocracy n. (pl. -ies) 1 government by persons selected competitively according to merit. 2 a group of persons selected in this way. 3 a society governed by meritocracy. meritorious adj. 1 (of a person or act) having merit; deserving reward, praise, or gratitude. 2 deserving commendation for thoroughness etc. ЬЬmeritoriously adv. meritoriousness n. [ME f. L meritorius f. mereri merit- earn] merle n. Sc. or archaic a blackbird. [ME f. F f. L merula] merlin n. a small European or N. American falcon, Falco columbarius, that hunts small birds. [ME f. AF merilun f. OF esmerillon augment. f. esmeril f. Frank.] merlon n. the solid part of an embattled parapet between two embrasures. [F f. It. merlone f. merlo battlement] mermaid n. an imaginary half-human sea creature, with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail of a fish. [ME f. MERE(2) in obs. sense 'sea' + MAID] merman n. (pl. -men) the male equivalent of a mermaid. mero- comb. form partly, partial. [Gk meros part] -merous comb. form esp. Bot. having so many parts (dimerous; 5-merous). [Gk (as MERO-)] Merovingian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to the Frankish dynasty founded by Clovis and reigning in Gaul and Germany c.500-750. --n. a member of this dynasty. [F m‚rovingien f. med.L Merovingi f. L Meroveus name of the reputed founder] merriment n. 1 exuberant enjoyment; being merry. 2 mirth, fun. merry adj. (merrier, merriest) 1 a joyous. b full of laughter or gaiety. 2 Brit. colloq. slightly drunk. Ьmake merry 1 be festive; enjoy oneself. 2 (foll. by over) make fun of. merry andrew a mountebank's assistant; a clown or buffoon. merry thought esp. Brit. the wishbone of a bird. play merry hell with see HELL. ЬЬmerrily adv. merriness n. [OE myrige f. Gmc] merry-go-round n. 1 a revolving machine with wooden horses or cars for riding on at a fair etc. 2 a cycle of bustling activities. merrymaking n. festivity, fun. ЬЬmerrymaker n. mesa n. US an isolated flat-topped hill with steep sides, found in landscapes with horizontal strata. [Sp., lit. table, f. L mensa] m‚salliance n. a marriage with a person of a lower social position. [F (as MIS-(2), ALLIANCE)] mescal n. 1 a maguey. b liquor obtained from this. 2 a peyote cactus. Ьmescal buttons disc-shaped dried tops from the peyote cactus, eaten or chewed as an intoxicant. [Sp. mezcal f. Nahuatl mexcalli] mescaline n. (also mescalin) a hallucinogenic alkaloid present in mescal buttons. Mesdames pl. of MADAME. Mesdemoiselles pl. of MADEMOISELLE. mesembryanthemum n. any of various succulent plants of the genus Mesembryanthemum of S. Africa, having daisy-like flowers in a wide range of bright colours that fully open in sunlight. [mod.L f. Gk mesembria noon + anthemon flower] mesencephalon n. the part of the brain developing from the middle of the primitive or embryonic brain. Also called MIDBRAIN. [Gk mesos middle + encephalon brain: see ENCEPHALIC] mesentery n. (pl. -ies) a double layer of peritoneum attaching the stomach, small intestine, pancreas, spleen, and other abdominal organs to the posterior wall of the abdomen. ЬЬmesenteric adj. mesenteritis n. [med.L mesenterium f. Gk mesenterion (as MESO-, enteron intestine)] mesh n. & v. --n. 1 a network fabric or structure. 2 each of the open spaces or interstices between the strands of a net or sieve etc. 3 (in pl.) a a network. b a snare. 4 (in pl.) Physiol. an interlaced structure. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by with) (of the teeth of a wheel) be engaged (with others). 2 intr. be harmonious. 3 tr. catch in a net. Ьin mesh (of the teeth of wheels) engaged. [earlier meish etc. f. MDu. maesche f. Gmc] mesial adj. Anat. of, in, or directed towards the middle line of a body. ЬЬmesially adv. [irreg. f. Gk mesos middle] mesmerism n. 1 Psychol. a a hypnotic state produced in a person by another's influence over the will and nervous system. b a doctrine concerning this. c an influence producing this. 2 fascination. ЬЬmesmeric adj. mesmerically adv. mesmerist n. [F. A. Mesmer, Austrian physician d. 1815] mesmerize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 Psychol. hypnotize; exercise mesmerism on. 2 fascinate, spellbind. ЬЬmesmerization n. mesmerizer n. mesmerizingly adv. mesne adj. Law intermediate. Ьmesne lord hist. a lord holding an estate from a superior feudal lord. mesne process proceedings in a suit intervening between a primary and final process. mesne profits profits received from an estate by a tenant between two dates. [ME f. law F, var. of AF meen, MEAN(3): cf. DEMESNE] meso- comb. form middle, intermediate. [Gk mesos middle] mesoblast n. Biol. the middle germ-layer of an embryo. mesoderm n. Biol. = MESOBLAST. [MESO- + Gk derma skin] mesolithic adj. Archaeol. of or concerning the Stone Age between the palaeolithic and neolithic periods. [MESO- + Gk lithos stone] mesomorph n. a person with a compact and muscular build of body (cf. ECTOMORPH, ENDOMORPH). ЬЬmesomorphic adj. [MESO- + Gk morphe form] meson n. Physics any of a class of elementary particles believed to participate in the forces that hold nucleons together in the atomic nucleus. ЬЬmesic adj. mesonic adj. [earlier mesotron: cf. MESO-, -ON] mesophyll n. the inner tissue of a leaf. [MESO- + Gk phullon leaf] mesophyte n. a plant needing only a moderate amount of water. mesosphere n. the region of the atmosphere extending from the top of the stratosphere to an altitude of about 50 miles. Mesozoic adj. & n. Geol. --adj. of or relating to an era of geological time marked by the development of dinosaurs, and with evidence of the first mammals, birds, and flowering plants. °Cf. Appendix II. --n. this era (cf. CENOZOIC, PALAEOZOIC). [MESO- + Gk zoion animal] mesquite n. (also mesquit) any N. American leguminous tree of the genus Prosopis, esp. P. juliflora. Ьmesquite bean a pod from the mesquite, used as fodder. [Mex. Sp. mezquite] mess n. & v. --n. 1 a dirty or untidy state of things (the room is a mess). 2 a state of confusion, embarrassment, or trouble. 3 something causing a mess, e.g. spilt liquid etc. 4 a domestic animal's excreta. 5 a a company of persons who take meals together, esp. in the armed forces. b a place where such meals or recreation take place communally. c a meal taken there. 6 derog. a disagreeable concoction or medley. 7 a liquid or mixed food for hounds etc. 8 a portion of liquid or pulpy food. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up) a make a mess of; dirty. b muddle; make into a state of confusion. 2 intr. (foll. by with) interfere with. 3 intr. take one's meals. 4 intr. colloq. defecate. Ьmake a mess of bungle (an undertaking). mess about (or around) 1 act desultorily. 2 colloq. make things awkward for; cause arbitrary inconvenience to (a person). mess-hall a military dining area. mess-jacket a short close-fitting coat worn at the mess. mess kit a soldier's cooking and eating utensils. mess of pottage a material comfort etc. for which something higher is sacrificed (Gen. 25:29-34). mess tin a small container as part of a mess kit. [ME f. OF mes portion of food f. LL missus course at dinner, past part. of mittere send] message n. & v. --n. 1 an oral or written communication sent by one person to another. 2 an inspired or significant communication from a prophet, writer, or preacher. 3 a mission or errand. 4 (in pl.) Sc. & N.Engl. things bought; shopping. --v.tr. 1 send as a message. 2 transmit (a plan etc.) by signalling etc. Ьget the message colloq. understand what is meant. message stick Austral. a stick carved with significant marks, carried as identification by Aboriginal messengers. [ME f. OF ult. f. L mittere miss- send] Messeigneurs pl. of MONSEIGNEUR. messenger n. 1 a person who carries a message. 2 a person employed to carry messages. ЬKing's (or Queen's) Messenger a courier in the diplomatic service. messenger RNA a form of RNA carrying genetic information from DNA to a ribosome. °Abbr.: mRNA. [ME & OF messager (as MESSAGE): -n- as in harbinger, passenger, etc.] Messiah n. 1 a liberator or would-be liberator of an oppressed people or country. 2 a the promised deliverer of the Jews. b Christ regarded as this. ЬЬMessiahship n. [ME f. OF Messie ult. f. Heb. masiah anointed] Messianic adj. 1 of the Messiah. 2 inspired by hope or belief in a Messiah. ЬЬMessianism n. [F messianique (as MESSIAH) after rabbinique rabbinical] Messieurs pl. of MONSIEUR. messmate n. a person with whom one regularly takes meals, esp. in the armed forces. Messrs pl. of MR. [abbr. of MESSIEURS] messuage n. Law a dwelling-house with outbuildings and land assigned to its use. [ME f. AF: perh. an alternative form of mesnage dwelling] messy adj. (messier, messiest) 1 untidy or dirty. 2 causing or accompanied by a mess. 3 difficult to deal with; full of awkward complications. ЬЬmessily adv. messiness n. mestizo n. (pl. -os; fem. mestiza, pl. -as) a Spaniard or Portuguese of mixed race, esp. the offspring of a Spaniard and an American Indian. [Sp. ult. f. L mixtus past part. of miscere mix] met(1) past and past part. of MEET(1). met(2) adj. colloq. 1 meteorological. 2 metropolitan. 3 (the Met) a (in full the Met Office) (in the UK) the Meteorological Office. b the Metropolitan Police in London. c the Metropolitan Opera House in New York. [abbr.] meta- comb. form (usu. met- before a vowel or h) 1 denoting change of position or condition (metabolism). 2 denoting position: a behind. b after or beyond (metaphysics; metacarpus). c of a higher or second-order kind (metalanguage). 3 Chem. a relating to two carbon atoms separated by one other in a benzene ring. b relating to a compound formed by dehydration (metaphosphate). [Gk meta-, met-, meth- f. meta with, after] metabolism n. all the chemical processes that occur within a living organism, resulting in energy production (destructive metabolism) and growth (constructive metabolism). ЬЬmetabolic adj. metabolically adv. [Gk metabole change (as META-, bole f. ballo throw)] metabolite n. Physiol. a substance formed in or necessary for metabolism. metabolize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise) process or be processed by metabolism. ЬЬmetabolizable adj. metacarpus n. (pl. metacarpi) 1 the set of five bones of the hand that connects the wrist to the fingers. 2 this part of the hand. ЬЬmetacarpal adj. [mod.L f. Gk metakarpon (as META-, CARPUS)] metacentre n. (US metacenter) the point of intersection between a line (vertical in equilibrium) through the centre of gravity of a floating body and a vertical line through the centre of pressure after a slight angular displacement, which must be above the centre of gravity to ensure stability. ЬЬmetacentric adj. [F m‚tacentre (as META-, CENTRE)] metage n. 1 the official measuring of a load of coal etc. 2 the duty paid for this. [METE(1) + -AGE] metagenesis n. the alternation of generations between sexual and asexual reproduction. ЬЬmetagenetic adj. [mod.L (as META-, GENESIS)] metal n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a any of a class of chemical elements such as gold, silver, iron, and tin, usu. lustrous ductile solids and good conductors of heat and electricity and forming basic oxides. b an alloy of any of these. 2 material used for making glass, in a molten state. 3 Heraldry gold or silver as tincture. 4 (in pl.) the rails of a railway line. 5 = road-metal (see ROAD(1)). --adj. made of metal. --v.tr. (metalled, metalling; US metaled, metaling) 1 provide or fit with metal. 2 Brit. make or mend (a road) with road-metal. Ьmetal detector an electronic device giving a signal when it locates metal. metal fatigue fatigue (see FATIGUE n. 2) in metal. [ME f. OF metal or L metallum f. Gk metallon mine] metalanguage n. 1 a form of language used to discuss a language. 2 a system of propositions about propositions. metallic adj. 1 of, consisting of, or characteristic of metal or metals. 2 sounding sharp and ringing, like struck metal. 3 having the sheen or lustre of metals. ЬЬmetallically adv. [L metallicus f. Gk metallikos (as METAL)] metalliferous adj. bearing or producing metal. [L metallifer (as METAL, -FEROUS)] metallize v.tr. (also -ise; US metalize) 1 render metallic. 2 coat with a thin layer of metal. ЬЬmetallization n. metallography n. the descriptive science of the structure and properties of metals. ЬЬmetallographic adj. metallographical adj. metallographically adv. metalloid adj. & n. --adj. having the form or appearance of a metal. --n. any element intermediate in properties between metals and non-metals, e.g. boron, silicon, and germanium. metallurgy n. the science concerned with the production, purification, and properties of metals and their application. ЬЬmetallurgic adj. metallurgical adj. metallurgically adv. metallurgist n. [Gk metallon metal + -ourgia working] metalwork n. 1 the art of working in metal. 2 metal objects collectively. ЬЬmetalworker n. metamere n. Zool. each of several similar segments, that contain the same internal structures, of an animal body. [META- + Gk meros part] metameric adj. 1 Chem. having the same proportional composition and molecular weight, but different functional groups and chemical properties. 2 Zool. of or relating to metameres. ЬЬmetamer n. metamerism n. metamorphic adj. 1 of or marked by metamorphosis. 2 Geol. (of rock) that has undergone transformation by natural agencies such as heat and pressure. ЬЬmetamorphism n. [META- + Gk morphe form] metamorphose v.tr. 1 change in form. 2 (foll. by to, into) a turn (into a new form). b change the nature of. [F m‚tamorphoser f. m‚tamorphose METAMORPHOSIS] metamorphosis n. (pl. metamorphoses) 1 a change of form (by natural or supernatural means). 2 a changed form. 3 a change of character, conditions, etc. 4 Zool. the transformation between an immature form and an adult form, e.g. from a pupa to an insect, or from a tadpole to a frog. [L f. Gk metamorphosis f. metamorphoo transform (as META-, morphoo f. morphe form)] metaphase n. Biol. the stage of meiotic or mitotic cell division when the chromosomes become attached to the spindle fibres. metaphor n. 1 the application of a name or descriptive term or phrase to an object or action to which it is imaginatively but not literally applicable (e.g. a glaring error). 2 an instance of this. ЬЬmetaphoric adj. metaphorical adj. metaphorically adv. [F m‚taphore or L metaphora f. Gk metaphora f. metaphero transfer] metaphrase n. & v. --n. literal translation. --v.tr. put into other words. ЬЬmetaphrastic adj. [mod.L metaphrasis f. Gk metaphrasis f. metaphrazo translate] metaphysic n. a system of metaphysics. metaphysical adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to metaphysics. 2 based on abstract general reasoning. 3 excessively subtle or theoretical. 4 incorporeal; supernatural. 5 visionary. 6 (of poetry, esp. in the 17th c. in England) characterized by subtlety of thought and complex imagery. --n. (the Metaphysicals) the metaphysical poets. ЬЬmetaphysically adv. metaphysics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) 1 the theoretical philosophy of being and knowing. 2 the philosophy of mind. 3 colloq. abstract or subtle talk; mere theory. ЬЬmetaphysician n. metaphysicize v.intr. [ME metaphysic f. OF metaphysique f. med.L metaphysica ult. f. Gk ta meta ta phusika the things after the Physics, from the sequence of Aristotle's works] metaplasia n. Physiol. an abnormal change in the nature of a tissue. ЬЬmetaplastic adj. [mod.L f. G Metaplase f. Gk metaplasis (as META-, plasis f. plasso to mould)] metapsychology n. the study of the nature and functions of the mind beyond what can be studied experimentally. ЬЬmetapsychological adj. metastable adj. 1 (of a state of equilibrium) stable only under small disturbances. 2 passing to another state so slowly as to seem stable. ЬЬmetastability n. metastasis n. (pl. metastases) Physiol. 1 the transference of a bodily function, disease, etc., from one part or organ to another. 2 the transformation of chemical compounds into others in the process of assimilation by an organism. ЬЬmetastasize v.intr. (also -ise). metastatic adj. [LL f. Gk f. methistemi change] metatarsus n. (pl. metatarsi) 1 the part of the foot between the ankle and the toes. 2 the set of bones in this. ЬЬmetatarsal adj. [mod.L (as META-, TARSUS)] metathesis n. (pl. metatheses) 1 Gram. the transposition of sounds or letters in a word. 2 Chem. the interchange of atoms or groups of atoms between two molecules. 3 an instance of either of these. ЬЬmetathetic adj. metathetical adj. [LL f. Gk metatithemi transpose] metazoan n. & adj. Zool. --n. any animal of the subkingdom Metazoa, having multicellular and differentiated tissues. --adj. of or relating to the Metazoans. [Metazoa f. Gk META- + zoia pl. of zoion animal] mete(1) v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by out) literary apportion or allot (a punishment or reward). 2 poet. or Bibl. measure. Ьmete-wand (or -yard) a standard of estimation. [OE metan f. Gmc., rel. to MEET(1)] mete(2) n. a boundary or boundary stone. [ME f. OF f. L meta boundary, goal] metempsychosis n. (pl. -psychoses) 1 the supposed transmigration of the soul of a human being or animal at death into a new body of the same or a different species. 2 an instance of this. ЬЬmetempsychosist n. [LL f. Gk metempsukhosis (as META-, EN-(2), psukhe soul)] meteor n. 1 a small body of matter from outer space that becomes incandescent as a result of friction with the earth's atmosphere. 2 a streak of light emanating from a meteor. Ьmeteor shower a group of meteors appearing to come from one point in the sky. [ME f. mod.L meteorum f. Gk meteoron neut. of meteoros lofty, (as META-, aeiro raise)] meteoric adj. 1 a of or relating to the atmosphere. b dependent on atmospheric conditions. 2 of meteors. 3 rapid like a meteor; dazzling, transient (meteoric rise to fame). Ьmeteoric stone a meteorite. ЬЬmeteorically adv. meteorite n. a fallen meteor, or fragment of natural rock or metal, that reaches the earth's surface from outer space. ЬЬmeteoritic adj. meteorograph n. an apparatus that records several meteorological phenomena at the same time. [F m‚t‚orographe (as METEOR, -GRAPH)] meteoroid n. any small body moving in the solar system that becomes visible as it passes through the earth's atmosphere as a meteor. ЬЬmeteoroidal adj. meteorology n. 1 the study of the processes and phenomena of the atmosphere, esp. as a means of forecasting the weather. 2 the atmospheric character of a region. ЬЬmeteorological adj. meteorologically adv. meteorologist n. [Gk meteorologia (as METEOR)] meter(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a person or thing that measures, esp. an instrument for recording a quantity of gas, electricity, etc. supplied, present, or needed. 2 = parking-meter (see PARK). --v.tr. measure by means of a meter. [ME f. METE(1) + -ER(1)] meter(2) US var. of METRE(1). meter(3) US var. of METRE(2). -meter comb. form 1 forming nouns denoting measuring instruments (barometer). 2 Prosody forming nouns denoting lines of poetry with a specified number of measures (pentameter). methadone n. a potent narcotic analgesic drug used to relieve severe pain, as a linctus to suppress coughs, and as a substitute for morphine or heroin. [6-di methyl amino-4,4- diphenyl-3-heptan one] methamphetamine n. an amphetamine derivative with quicker and longer action, used as a stimulant. [METHYL + AMPHETAMINE] methanal n. Chem. = FORMALDEHYDE. [METHANE + ALDEHYDE] methane n. Chem. a colourless odourless inflammable gaseous hydrocarbon, the simplest in the alkane series, and the main constituent of natural gas. °Chem. formula: CH[4]. [METHYL + -ANE(2)] methanoic acid n. Chem. = FORMIC ACID. [METHANE + -IC] methanol n. Chem. a colourless volatile inflammable liquid, used as a solvent. °Chem. formula: CH[3]OH. Also called methyl alcohol. [METHANE + ALCOHOL] methinks v.intr. (past methought) archaic it seems to me. [OE me thyncth f. me dative of ME(1) + thyncth 3rd sing. of thyncan seem, THINK] methionine n. Biochem. an amino acid containing sulphur and an important constituent of proteins. [METHYL + Gk theion sulphur] metho n. (pl. -os) Austral. sl. 1 methylated spirit. 2 a person addicted to drinking methylated spirit. [abbr.] method n. 1 a special form of procedure esp. in any branch of mental activity. 2 orderliness; regular habits. 3 the orderly arrangement of ideas. 4 a scheme of classification. 5 Theatr. a technique of acting based on the actor's thorough emotional identification with the character. Ьmethod in one's madness sense in what appears to be foolish or strange behaviour. [F m‚thode or L methodus f. Gk methodos pursuit of knowledge (as META-, hodos way)] methodical adj. (also methodic) characterized by method or order. ЬЬmethodically adv. [LL methodicus f. Gk methodikos (as METHOD)] Methodist n. 1 a member of any of several Protestant religious bodies (now united) originating in the 18th-c. evangelistic movement of Charles and John Wesley and George Whitefield. 2 (methodist) a person who follows or advocates a particular method or system of procedure. ЬЬMethodism n. Methodistic adj. Methodistical adj. [mod.L methodista (as METHOD): sense 1 prob. from following a specified 'method' of devotional study] methodize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 reduce to order. 2 arrange in an orderly manner. ЬЬmethodizer n. methodology n. (pl. -ies) 1 the science of method. 2 a body of methods used in a particular branch of activity. ЬЬmethodological adj. methodologically adv. methodologist n. [mod.L methodologia or F m‚thodologie (as METHOD)] methought past of METHINKS. meths n. Brit. colloq. methylated spirit. [abbr.] Methuselah n. 1 a very old person or thing. 2 (methuselah) a wine bottle of about eight times the standard size. [ME: the name of a patriarch said to have lived 969 years (Gen. 5:27)] methyl n. Chem. the univalent hydrocarbon radical CH[3], present in many organic compounds. Ьmethyl alcohol = METHANOL. methyl benzene = TOLUENE. ЬЬmethylic adj. [G Methyl or F m‚thyle, back-form. f. G Methylen, F m‚thylЉne: see METHYLENE] methylate v.tr. 1 mix or impregnate with methanol. 2 introduce a methyl group into (a molecule or compound). Ьmethylated spirit (or spirits) alcohol impregnated with methanol to make it unfit for drinking and exempt from duty. ЬЬmethylation n. methylene n. Chem. the highly reactive divalent group of atoms CH[2]. [F m‚thylЉne f. Gk methu wine + hule wood + -ENE] metic n. Gk Antiq. an alien living in a Greek city with some privileges of citizenship. [irreg. f. Gk metoikos (as META-, oikos dwelling)] meticulous adj. 1 giving great or excessive attention to details. 2 very careful and precise. ЬЬmeticulously adv. meticulousness n. [L meticulosus f. metus fear] m‚tier n. 1 one's trade, profession, or department of activity. 2 one's forte. [F ult. f. L ministerium service] metis n. (pl. metis; fem. metisse, pl. metisses) a person of mixed race, esp. the offspring of a White person and an American Indian in Canada. [F m‚tis, OF mestis f. Rmc, rel. to MESTIZO] metol n. a white soluble powder used as a photographic developer. [G, arbitrary name] Metonic cycle n. a period of 19 years (235 lunar months) covering all the changes of the moon's position relative to the sun and the earth. [Gk Meton, Athenian astronomer of the 5th c. BC] metonym n. a word used in metonymy. [back-form. f. METONYMY, after synonym] metonymy n. the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant (e.g. Crown for king, the turf for horse-racing). ЬЬmetonymic adj. metonymical adj. [LL metonymia f. Gk metonumia (as META-, onoma, onuma name)] metope n. Archit. a square space between triglyphs in a Doric frieze. [L metopa f. Gk metope (as META-, ope hole for a beam-end)] metre(1) n. (US meter) a metric unit and the base SI unit of linear measure, equal to about 39.4 inches, and reckoned as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum during 1/299,792,458 of a second. Ьmetre-kilogram-second denoting a system of measure using the metre, kilogram, and second as the basic units of length, mass, and time. °Abbr.: mks. ЬЬmetreage n. [F mЉtre f. Gk metron measure] metre(2) n. (US meter) 1 a any form of poetic rhythm, determined by the number and length of feet in a line. b a metrical group or measure. 2 the basic pulse and rhythm of a piece of music. [OF metre f. L metrum f. Gk metron MEASURE] metric adj. of or based on the metre. Ьmetric system the decimal measuring system with the metre, litre, and gram (or kilogram) as units of length, volume, and mass (see also SI). metric ton (or tonne) 1,000 kilograms (2205 lb.). [F m‚trique (as METRE(1))] -metric comb. form (also -metrical) forming adjectives corresponding to nouns in -meter and -metry (thermometric; geometric). ЬЬ-metrically comb. form forming adverbs. [from or after F -m‚trique f. L (as METRICAL)] metrical adj. 1 of, relating to, or composed in metre (metrical psalms). 2 of or involving measurement (metrical geometry). ЬЬmetrically adv. [ME f. L metricus f. Gk metrikos (as METRE(2))] metricate v.intr. & tr. change or adapt to a metric system of measurement. ЬЬmetrication n. metricize v.tr. (also -ise). metritis n. inflammation of the womb. [Gk metra womb + -ITIS] metro n. (pl. -os) an underground railway system in a city, esp. Paris. [F m‚tro, abbr. of m‚tropolitain METROPOLITAN] metrology n. the scientific study of measurement. ЬЬmetrologic adj. metrological adj. [Gk metron measure + -LOGY] metronome n. Mus. an instrument marking time at a selected rate by giving a regular tick. ЬЬmetronomic adj. [Gk metron measure + nomos law] metronymic adj. & n. --adj. (of a name) derived from the name of a mother or female ancestor. --n. a metronymic name. [Gk meter metros mother, after patronymic] metropolis n. 1 the chief city of a country; a capital city. 2 a metropolitan bishop's see. 3 a centre of activity. [LL f. Gk metropolis parent State f. meter metros mother + polis city] metropolitan adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to a metropolis, esp. as distinct from its environs (metropolitan New York). 2 belonging to, forming or forming part of, a mother country as distinct from its colonies etc. (metropolitan France). 3 of an ecclesiastical metropolis. --n. 1 (in full metropolitan bishop) a bishop having authority over the bishops of a province, in the Western Church equivalent to archbishop, in the Orthodox Church ranking above archbishop and below patriarch. 2 an inhabitant of a metropolis. Ьmetropolitan county hist. (in England) each of six units of local government centred on a large urban area (in existence 1974-86). metropolitan magistrate Brit. a paid professional magistrate in London (cf. stipendiary magistrate). ЬЬmetropolitanate n. (in sense 1 of n.). metropolitanism n. [ME f. LL metropolitanus f. Gk metropolites (as METROPOLIS)] metrorrhagia n. abnormal bleeding from the womb. [mod.L f. Gk metra womb + -rrhage as HAEMORRHAGE] -metry comb. form forming nouns denoting procedures and systems corresponding to instruments in -meter (calorimetry; thermometry). [after geometry etc. f. Gk -metria f. -metres measurer] mettle n. 1 the quality of a person's disposition or temperament (a chance to show your mettle). 2 natural ardour. 3 spirit, courage. Ьon one's mettle incited to do one's best. ЬЬmettled adj. (also in comb.). mettlesome adj. [var. of METAL n.] meu n. (also mew) = BALDMONEY. [irreg. f. L meum f. Gk meon] meuniЉre adj. (esp. of fish) cooked or served in lightly browned butter with lemon juice and parsley (sole meuniЉre). [F (… la) meuniЉre (in the manner of) a miller's wife] MeV abbr. mega-electronvolt(s). mew(1) v. & n. --v.intr. (of a cat, gull, etc.) utter its characteristic cry. --n. this sound, esp. of a cat. [ME: imit.] mew(2) n. a gull, esp. the common gull, Larus canus. [OE m‘w f. Gmc] mew(3) n. & v. --n. a cage for hawks, esp. while moulting. --v.tr. 1 put (a hawk) in a cage. 2 (often foll. by up) shut up; confine. [ME f. OF mue f. muer moult f. L mutare change] mew(4) var. of MEU. mewl v.intr. (also mule) 1 cry feebly; whimper. 2 mew like a cat. [imit.: cf. MIAUL] mews n. Brit. a set of stabling round an open yard or along a lane, now often converted into dwellings. [pl. (now used as sing.) of MEW(3), orig. of the royal stables on the site of hawks' mews at Charing Cross] Mexican n. & adj. --n. 1 a a native or national of Mexico in Central America. b a person of Mexican descent. 2 a language spoken in Mexico, esp. Nahuatl. --adj. 1 of or relating to Mexico or its people. 2 of Mexican descent. [Sp. mexicano] mezereon n. a small European and Asian shrub, Daphne mezereum, with fragrant purplish red flowers and red berries. [med.L f. Arab. mazaryun] mezuzah n. (pl. mezuzoth) a parchment inscribed with religious texts and attached in a case to the doorpost of a Jewish house as a sign of faith. [Heb. mez–zah doorpost] mezzanine n. 1 a low storey between two others (usu. between the ground and first floors). 2 Brit. Theatr. a a floor or space beneath the stage. b US a dress circle. [F f. It. mezzanino dimin. of mezzano middle f. L medianus MEDIAN] mezza voce adv. Mus. with less than the full strength of the voice or sound. [It., = half voice] mezzo adv. & n. Mus. --adv. half, moderately. --n. (in full mezzo-soprano) (pl. -os) 1 a a female singing-voice between soprano and contralto. b a singer with this voice. 2 a part written for mezzo-soprano. Ьmezzo forte fairly loud. mezzo piano fairly soft. [It., f. L medius middle] mezzo-rilievo n. a raised surface in the form of half-relief, in which the figures project half their true proportions. [It., = half-relief] mezzotint n. & v. --n. 1 a method of printing or engraving in which the surface of a plate is roughened by scraping so that it produces tones and half-tones. 2 a print produced by this process. --v.tr. engrave in mezzotint. ЬЬmezzotinter n. [It. mezzotinto f. mezzo half + tinto tint] 7.0 MF... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MF abbr. medium frequency. mf abbr. mezzo forte. MFH abbr. Brit. Master of Foxhounds. 8.0 MG... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MG abbr. 1 machine-gun. 2 Morris Garages (as a make of car). Mg symb. Chem. the element manganese. mg abbr. milligram(s). Mgr. abbr. 1 Manager. 2 Monseigneur. 3 Monsignor. 9.0 mho... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- mho n. (pl. -os) Electr. the reciprocal of an ohm, a former unit of conductance. [OHM reversed] MHR abbr. (in the US and Australia) Member of the House of Representatives. MHz abbr. megahertz. 10.0 MI... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MI abbr. 1 US Michigan (in official postal use). 2 Brit. hist. Military Intelligence. mi var. of ME(2). mi. abbr. US mile(s). M.I.5 abbr. (in the UK) the department of Military Intelligence concerned with State security. °Not in official use. M.I.6 abbr. (in the UK) the department of Military Intelligence concerned with espionage. °Not in official use. miaow n. & v. (also meow) --n. the characteristic cry of a cat. --v.intr. make this cry. [imit.] miasma n. (pl. miasmata or miasmas) archaic an infectious or noxious vapour. ЬЬmiasmal adj. miasmatic adj. miasmic adj. miasmically adv. [Gk, = defilement, f. miaino pollute] miaul v.intr. cry like a cat; mew. [F miauler: imit.] Mic. abbr. Micah (Old Testament). mica n. any of a group of silicate minerals with a layered structure, esp. muscovite. Ьmica-schist (or slate) a fissile rock containing quartz and mica. ЬЬmicaceous adj. [L, = crumb] mice pl. of MOUSE. micelle n. Chem. an aggregate of molecules in a colloidal solution, as occurs e.g. when soap dissolves in water. [mod.L micella dimin. of L mica crumb] Mich. abbr. 1 Michaelmas. 2 Michigan. Michaelmas n. the feast of St Michael, 29 September. ЬMichaelmas daisy an autumn-flowering aster. Michaelmas term Brit. (in some universities) the autumn term. [OE sancte Micheles m‘sse Saint Michael's mass: see MASS(2)] mick n. sl. offens. 1 an Irishman. 2 a Roman Catholic. [pet-form of the name Michael] mickey n. (also micky) Ьtake the mickey (often foll. by out of) sl. tease, mock, ridicule. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] Mickey Finn n. sl. 1 a strong alcoholic drink, esp. adulterated with a narcotic or laxative. 2 the adulterant itself. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] mickle adj. & n. (also muckle) archaic or Sc. --adj. much, great. --n. a large amount. Ьmany a little makes a mickle (orig. erron. many a mickle makes a muckle) many small amounts accumulate to make a large amount. [ME f. ON mikell f. Gmc] micky var. of MICKEY. micro n. (pl. -os) colloq. 1 = MICROCOMPUTER. 2 = MICROPROCESSOR. micro- comb. form 1 small (microchip). 2 denoting a factor of one millionth (10(-6)) (microgram). °Symb.: ж. [Gk mikro- f. mikros small] microanalysis n. the quantitative analysis of chemical compounds using a sample of a few milligrams. microbe n. a minute living being; a micro-organism (esp. bacteria causing disease and fermentation). ЬЬmicrobial adj. microbic adj. [F f. Gk mikros small + bios life] microbiology n. the scientific study of micro-organisms, e.g. bacteria, viruses, and fungi. ЬЬmicrobiological adj. microbiologically adv. microbiologist n. microburst n. a particularly violent wind shear, esp. during a thunderstorm. microcephaly n. an abnormal smallness of the head in relation to the rest of the body. ЬЬmicrocephalic adj. & n. microcephalous adj. microchip n. a small piece of semiconductor (usu. silicon) used to carry electronic circuits. microcircuit n. an integrated circuit on a microchip. ЬЬmicrocircuitry n. microclimate n. the climate of a small local area, e.g. inside a greenhouse. ЬЬmicroclimatic adj. microclimatically adv. microcode n. 1 = MICROINSTRUCTION. 2 = MICROPROGRAM. microcomputer n. a small computer that contains a microprocessor as its central processor. microcopy n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) a copy of printed matter that has been reduced by microphotography. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) make a microcopy of. microcosm n. 1 (often foll. by of) a miniature representation. 2 mankind viewed as the epitome of the universe. 3 any community or complex unity viewed in this way. ЬЬmicrocosmic adj. microcosmically adv. [ME f. F microcosme or med.L microcosmus f. Gk mikros kosmos little world] microdot n. a microphotograph of a document etc. reduced to the size of a dot. micro-economics n. the branch of economics dealing with individual commodities, producers, etc. micro-electronics n. the design, manufacture, and use of microchips and microcircuits. microfiche n. (pl. same or microfiches) a flat rectangular piece of film bearing microphotographs of the pages of a printed text or document. microfilm n. & v. --n. a length of film bearing microphotographs of documents etc. --v.tr. photograph (a document etc.) on microfilm. microfloppy n. (pl. -ies) (in full microfloppy disk) Computing a floppy disk with a diameter of less than 5¬ inches (usu. 3« inches). microform n. microphotographic reproduction on film or paper of a manuscript etc. microgram n. one-millionth of a gram. micrograph n. a photograph taken by means of a microscope. microgroove n. a very narrow groove on a long-playing gramophone record. microinstruction n. a machine-code instruction that effects a basic operation in a computer system. microlight n. a kind of motorized hang-glider. microlith n. Archaeol. a minute worked flint usu. as part of a composite tool. ЬЬmicrolithic adj. micromesh n. (often attrib.) material, esp. nylon, consisting of a very fine mesh. micrometer n. a gauge for accurately measuring small distances, thicknesses, etc. ЬЬmicrometry n. micrometre n. one-millionth of a metre. microminiaturization n. (also -isation) the manufacture of very small electronic devices by using integrated circuits. micron n. one-millionth of a metre. [Gk mikron neut. of mikros small: cf. MICRO-] Micronesian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Micronesia, an island-group in the W. Pacific. --n. a native of Micronesia. [Micronesia, formed as MICRO- + Gk nesos island] micro-organism n. any of various microscopic organisms, including algae, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses. microphone n. an instrument for converting sound waves into electrical energy variations which may be reconverted into sound after transmission by wire or radio or after recording. ЬЬmicrophonic adj. microphotograph n. a photograph reduced to a very small size. microphyte n. a microscopic plant. microprocessor n. an integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a computer. microprogram n. a microinstruction program that controls the functions of a central processing unit of a computer. micropyle n. Bot. a small opening in the surface of an ovule, through which pollen passes. [MICRO- + Gk pule gate] microscope n. an instrument magnifying small objects by means of a lens or lenses so as to reveal details invisible to the naked eye. [mod.L microscopium (as MICRO-, -SCOPE)] microscopic adj. 1 so small as to be visible only with a microscope. 2 extremely small. 3 regarded in terms of small units. 4 of the microscope. ЬЬmicroscopical adj. (in sense 4). microscopically adv. microscopy n. the use of the microscope. ЬЬmicroscopist n. microsecond n. one-millionth of a second. Microsoft n. propr. an operating system for microcomputers. [the name of the developing company] microsome n. Biol. a small particle of organelle fragments obtained by centrifugation of homogenized cells. [MICRO- + -SOME(3)] microspore n. the smaller of the two kinds of spore produced by some ferns. microstructure n. (in a metal or other material) the arrangement of crystals etc. which can be made visible and examined with a microscope. microsurgery n. intricate surgery performed using microscopes, enabling the tissue to be operated on with miniaturized precision instruments. ЬЬmicrosurgical adj. microswitch n. a switch that can be operated rapidly by a small movement. microtome n. an instrument for cutting extremely thin sections of material for examination under a microscope. [MICRO- + -TOME] microtone n. Mus. an interval smaller than a semitone. microtubule n. Biol. a minute protein filament occurring in cytoplasm and involved in forming the spindles during cell division etc. microwave n. 1 an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength in the range 0.001-0.3m. 2 (in full microwave oven) an oven that uses microwaves to cook or heat food quickly. micrurgy n. the manipulation of individual cells etc. under a microscope. [MICRO- + Gk -ourgia work] micturition n. formal urination. [L micturire micturit-, desiderative f. mingere mict- urinate] mid(1) attrib.adj. 1 (usu. in comb.) that is the middle of (in mid-air; from mid-June to mid-July). 2 that is in the middle; medium, half. 3 Phonet. (of a vowel) pronounced with the tongue neither high nor low. [OE midd (recorded only in oblique cases), rel. to L medius, Gk mesos] mid(2) prep. poet. = AMID. [abbr. f. AMID] Midas touch n. the ability to turn one's activities to financial advantage. [Midas, king of Phrygia, whose touch was said to turn all things to gold] midbrain n. the part of the brain developing from the middle of the primitive or embryonic brain. midday n. the middle of the day; noon. [OE midd‘g (as MID(1), DAY)] midden n. 1 a dunghill. 2 a refuse heap near a dwelling. 3 = kitchen midden. [ME myddyng, of Scand. orig.: cf. Da. mнdding muck heap] middle adj., n., & v. --attrib.adj. 1 at an equal distance from the extremities of a thing. 2 (of a member of a group) so placed as to have the same number of members on each side. 3 intermediate in rank, quality, etc. 4 average (of middle height). 5 (of a language) of the period between the old and modern forms. 6 Gram. designating the voice of (esp. Greek) verbs that expresses reciprocal or reflexive action. --n. 1 (often foll. by of) the middle point or position or part. 2 a person's waist. 3 Gram. the middle form or voice of a verb. 4 = middle term. --v.tr. 1 place in the middle. 2 Football return (the ball) from the wing to the midfield. 3 Cricket strike (the ball) with the middle of the bat. 4 Naut. fold in the middle. Ьin the middle of (often foll. by verbal noun) in the process of; during. middle age the period between youth and old age, about 45 to 60. middle-aged in middle age. the Middle Ages the period of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West (5th c.) to the fall of Constantinople (1453), or more narrowly from c.1000 to 1453. middle-age (or -aged) spread the increased bodily girth often associated with middle age. Middle America 1 Mexico and Central America. 2 the middle class in the US, esp. as a conservative political force. middle C Mus. the C near the middle of the piano keyboard, the note between the treble and bass staves, at about 260 Hz. middle class the class of society between the upper and the lower, including professional and business workers and their families. middle-class adj. of the middle class. middle common room Brit. a common room for the use of graduate members of a college who are not Fellows. middle course a compromise between two extremes. middle distance 1 (in a painted or actual landscape) the part between the foreground and the background. 2 Athletics a race distance of esp. 400 or 800 metres. middle ear the cavity of the central part of the ear behind the drum. the Middle East the area covered by countries from Egypt to Iran inclusive. Middle Eastern of or in the Middle East. Middle English the English language from c.1150 to 1500. middle finger the finger next to the forefinger. middle game the central phase of a chess game, when strategies are developed. middle name 1 a person's name placed after the first name and before the surname. 2 a person's most characteristic quality (sobriety is my middle name). middle-of-the-road (of a person, course of action, etc.) moderate; avoiding extremes. middle passage the sea journey between W. Africa and the W. Indies (with ref. to the slave trade). middle school Brit. a school for children from about 9 to 13 years old. middle-sized of medium size. Middle Temple one of the two Inns of Court on the site of the Temple in London (cf. Inner Temple). middle term Logic the term common to both premisses of a syllogism. middle watch the watch from midnight to 4 a.m. middle way 1 = middle course. 2 the eightfold path of Buddhism between indulgence and asceticism. Middle West (in the US) the region adjoining the northern Mississippi. [OE middel f. Gmc] middlebrow adj. & n. colloq. --adj. claiming to be or regarded as only moderately intellectual. --n. a middlebrow person. middleman n. (pl. -men) 1 any of the traders who handle a commodity between its producer and its consumer. 2 an intermediary. middleweight n. 1 a weight in certain sports intermediate between welterweight and light heavyweight, in the amateur boxing scale 71-5 kg but differing for professionals, wrestlers, and weightlifters. 2 a sportsman of this weight. Ьjunior middleweight 1 a weight in professional boxing of 66.7-69.8 kg. 2 a professional boxer of this weight. light middleweight 1 a weight in amateur boxing of 67-71 kg. 2 an amateur boxer of this weight. middling adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 a moderately good (esp. fair to middling). b colloq. (of a person's health) fairly well. c second-rate. 2 (of goods) of the second of three grades. --n. (in pl.) middling goods, esp. flour of medium fineness. --adv. fairly or moderately (middling good). ЬЬmiddlingly adv. [ME, of Sc. orig.: prob. f. MID(1) + -LING(2)] Middx. abbr. Middlesex. middy(1) n. (pl. -ies) 1 colloq. a midshipman. 2 (in full middy blouse) a woman's or child's loose blouse with a collar like that worn by sailors. middy(2) n. (pl. -ies) Austral. sl. a measure of beer of varying size. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] Mideast n. US = Middle East. midfield n. Football the central part of the pitch, away from the goals. ЬЬmidfielder n. midge n. 1 colloq. a a gnatlike insect. b a small person. 2 a any dipterous non-biting insect of the family Chironomidae. b any similar insect of the family Ceratopogonidae with piercing mouthparts for sucking blood or eating smaller insects. [OE mycg(e) f. Gmc] midget n. 1 an extremely small person or thing. 2 (attrib.) very small. [MIDGE + -ET(1)] midgut n. the middle part of the alimentary canal, including the small intestine. midi n. (pl. midis) a garment of medium length, usu. reaching to mid-calf. [MID(1) after MINI] midibus n. a bus seating up to about 25 passengers. midinette n. a Parisian shop-girl, esp. a milliner's assistant. [F f. midi midday + dЊnette light dinner] midiron n. Golf an iron giving medium lift. midland n. & adj. --n. 1 (the Midlands) the inland counties of central England. 2 the middle part of a country. --adj. 1 of or in the midland or Midlands. 2 Mediterranean. ЬЬmidlander n. mid-life n. middle age. Ьmid-life crisis an emotional crisis of self-confidence that can occur in early middle age. midline n. a median line, or plane of bilateral symmetry. midmost adj. & adv. in the very middle. midnight n. 1 the middle of the night; 12 o'clock at night. 2 intense darkness. Ьmidnight blue a very dark blue. midnight sun the sun visible at midnight during the summer in polar regions. [OE midniht (as MID(1), NIGHT)] mid-off n. Cricket the position of the fielder near the bowler on the off side. mid-on n. Cricket the position of the fielder near the bowler on the on side. Midrash n. (pl. Midrashim) an ancient commentary on part of the Hebrew scriptures. [Bibl. Heb. midras commentary] midrib n. the central rib of a leaf. midriff n. 1 a the region of the front of the body between the thorax and abdomen. b the diaphragm. 2 a garment or part of a garment covering the abdomen. [OE midhrif (as MID(1), hrif belly)] midship n. the middle part of a ship or boat. midshipman n. (pl. -men) 1 Brit. a naval officer of rank between naval cadet and sub-lieutenant. 2 US a naval cadet. midships adv. = AMIDSHIPS. midst prep. & n. --prep. poet. amidst. --n. middle (now only in phrases as below). Ьin the midst of among; in the middle of. in our (or your or their) midst among us (or you or them). [ME middest, middes f. in middes, in middan (as IN, MID(1))] midsummer n. the period of or near the summer solstice, about 21 June. ЬMidsummer (or Midsummer's) Day 24 June. midsummer madness extreme folly. [OE midsumor (as MID(1), SUMMER(1))] midtown n. US the central part of a city between the downtown and uptown areas. midway adv. in or towards the middle of the distance between two points. Midwest n. = Middle West. midwicket n. Cricket the position of a fielder on the leg side opposite the middle of the pitch. midwife n. (pl. -wives) a person (usu. a woman) trained to assist women in childbirth. ЬЬmidwifery n. [ME, prob. f. obs. prep. mid with + WIFE woman, in the sense of 'one who is with the mother'] midwinter n. the period of or near the winter solstice, about 22 Dec. [OE (as MID(1), WINTER)] mielie var. of MEALIE. mien n. literary a person's look or bearing, as showing character or mood. [prob. f. obs. demean f. DEMEAN(2), assim. to F mine expression] miff v. & n. colloq. --v.tr. (usu. in passive) put out of humour; offend. --n. 1 a petty quarrel. 2 a huff. [perh. imit.: cf. G muff, exclam. of disgust] might(1) past of MAY, used esp.: 1 in reported speech, expressing possibility (said he might come) or permission (asked if I might leave) (cf. MAY 1, 2). 2 (foll. by perfect infin.) expressing a possibility based on a condition not fulfilled (if you'd looked you might have found it; but for the radio we might not have known). 3 (foll. by present infin. or perfect infin.) expressing complaint that an obligation or expectation is not or has not been fulfilled (he might offer to help; they might have asked; you might have known they wouldn't come). 4 expressing a request (you might call in at the butcher's). 5 colloq. a = MAY 1 (it might be true). b (in tentative questions) = MAY 2 (might I have the pleasure of this dance?). c = MAY 4 (who might you be?). Ьmight as well expressing that it is probably at least as desirable to do a thing as not to do it (finished the work and decided they might as well go to lunch; won't win but might as well try). might-have-been colloq. 1 a past possibility that no longer applies. 2 a person who could have been more eminent. might(2) n. 1 great bodily or mental strength. 2 power to enforce one's will (usu. in contrast with right). Ьwith all one's might to the utmost of one's power. with might and main see MAIN(1). [OE miht, mieht f. Gmc, rel. to MAY(1)] mightn't contr. might not. mighty adj. & adv. --adj. (mightier, mightiest) 1 powerful or strong, in body, mind, or influence. 2 massive, bulky. 3 colloq. great, considerable. --adv. colloq. very (a mighty difficult task). ЬЬmightily adv. mightiness n. [OE mihtig (as MIGHT(2))] mignonette n. 1 a any of various plants of the genus Reseda, esp. R. odorata, with fragrant grey-green flowers. b the colour of these. 2 a light fine narrow pillow-lace. [F mignonnette dimin. of mignon small] migraine n. a recurrent throbbing headache that usually affects one side of the head, often accompanied by nausea and disturbance of vision. ЬЬmigrainous adj. [F f. LL hemicrania f. Gk hemikrania (as HEMI-, CRANIUM): orig. of a headache confined to one side of the head] migrant adj. & n. --adj. that migrates. --n. a migrant person or animal, esp. a bird. migrate v.intr. 1 (of people) move from one place of abode to another, esp. in a different country. 2 (of a bird or fish) change its area of habitation with the seasons. 3 move under natural forces. ЬЬmigration n. migrational adj. migrator n. migratory adj. [L migrare migrat-] mihrab n. a niche or slab in a mosque, used to show the direction of Mecca. [Arab. mihrab praying-place] mikado n. (pl. -os) hist. the emperor of Japan. [Jap. f. mi august + kado door] Mike n. sl. Ьfor the love of Mike an exclamation of entreaty or dismay. [abbr. of the name Michael] mike(1) n. colloq. a microphone. [abbr.] mike(2) v. & n. Brit. sl. --v.intr. shirk work; idle. --n. an act of shirking. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] mil n. one-thousandth of an inch, as a unit of measure for the diameter of wire etc. [L millesimum thousandth f. mille thousand] milady n. (pl. -ies) 1 an English noblewoman or great lady. 2 a form used in speaking of or to such a person. [F f. E my lady: cf. MILORD] milage var. of MILEAGE. Milanese adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Milan in N. Italy. --n. (pl. same) a native of Milan. ЬMilanese silk a finely woven silk or rayon. milch adj. (of a domestic mammal) giving or kept for milk. Ьmilch cow a source of easy profit, esp. a person. [ME m(i)elche repr. OE mielce (unrecorded) f. Gmc: see MILK] mild adj. 1 (esp. of a person) gentle and conciliatory. 2 (of a rule, punishment, illness, feeling, etc.) moderate; not severe. 3 (of the weather, esp. in winter) moderately warm. 4 a (of food, tobacco, etc.) not sharp or strong in taste etc. b Brit. (of beer) not strongly flavoured with hops (cf. BITTER). 5 (of medicine) operating gently. 6 tame, feeble; lacking energy or vivacity. Ьmild steel steel containing a small percentage of carbon, strong and tough but not readily tempered. ЬЬmilden v.tr. & intr. mildish adj. mildness n. [OE milde f. Gmc] mildew n. & v. --n. 1 a destructive growth of minute fungi on plants. 2 a similar growth on paper, leather, etc. exposed to damp. --v.tr. & intr. taint or be tainted with mildew. ЬЬmildewy adj. [OE mildeaw f. Gmc] mildly adv. in a mild fashion. Ьto put it mildly as an understatement (implying the reality is more extreme). mile n. 1 (also statute mile) a unit of linear measure equal to 1,760 yards (approx. 1.609 kilometres). 2 hist. a Roman measure of 1,000 paces (approx. 1,620 yards). 3 (in pl.) colloq. a great distance or amount (miles better; beat them by miles). 4 a race extending over a mile. [OE mil ult. f. L mil(l)ia pl. of mille thousand (see sense 2)] mileage n. (also milage) 1 a a number of miles travelled, used, etc. b the number of miles travelled by a vehicle per unit of fuel. 2 travelling expenses (per mile). 3 colloq. benefit, profit, advantage. milepost n. a post one mile from the finishing-post of a race etc. miler n. colloq. a person or horse qualified or trained specially to run a mile. milestone n. 1 a stone set up beside a road to mark a distance in miles. 2 a significant event or stage in a life, history, project, etc. milfoil n. the common yarrow, Achillea millefolium, with small white flowers and finely divided leaves. [ME f. OF f. L millefolium f. mille thousand + folium leaf, after Gk muriophullon] miliary adj. 1 like a millet-seed in size or form. 2 (of a disease) having as a symptom a rash with lesions resembling millet-seed. [L miliarius f. milium millet] milieu n. (pl. milieux or milieus) one's environment or social surroundings. [F f. mi MID(1) + lieu place] militant adj. & n. --adj. 1 combative; aggressively active esp. in support of a (usu. political) cause. 2 engaged in warfare. --n. a militant person, esp. a political activist. ЬЬmilitancy n. militantly adv. [ME f. OF f. L (as MILITATE)] militarism n. 1 the spirit or tendencies of a professional soldier. 2 undue prevalence of the military spirit or ideals. ЬЬmilitaristic adj. militaristically adv. [F militarisme (as MILITARY)] militarist n. 1 a person dominated by militaristic ideas. 2 a student of military science. militarize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 equip with military resources. 2 make military or warlike. 3 imbue with militarism. ЬЬmilitarization n. military adj. & n. --adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces. --n. (as sing. or pl.; prec. by the) members of the armed forces, as distinct from civilians and the police. Ьmilitary honours marks of respect paid by troops at the burial of a soldier, to royalty, etc. military police a corps responsible for police and disciplinary duties in the army. military policeman a member of the military police. ЬЬmilitarily adv. militariness n. [F militaire or L militaris f. miles militis soldier] militate v.intr. (usu. foll. by against) (of facts or evidence) have force or effect (what you say militates against our opinion). °Often confused with mitigate. [L militare militat- f. miles militis soldier] militia n. a military force, esp. one raised from the civil population and supplementing a regular army in an emergency. [L, = military service f. miles militis soldier] militiaman n. (pl. -men) a member of a militia. milk n. & v. --n. 1 an opaque white fluid secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young. 2 the milk of cows, goats, or sheep as food. 3 the milklike juice of plants, e.g. in the coconut. 4 a milklike preparation of herbs, drugs, etc. --v.tr. 1 draw milk from (a cow, ewe, goat, etc.). 2 a exploit (a person) esp. financially. b get all possible advantage from (a situation). 3 extract sap, venom, etc. from. 4 sl. tap (telegraph or telephone wires etc.). Ьcry over spilt milk lament an irremediable loss or error. in milk secreting milk. milk and honey abundant means of prosperity. milk and water a feeble or insipid or mawkish discourse or sentiment. milk bar a snack bar selling milk drinks and other refreshments. milk chocolate chocolate for eating, made with milk. milk float Brit. a small usu. electric vehicle used in delivering milk. milk-leg a painful swelling, esp. of the legs, after childbirth. milk-loaf a loaf of bread made with milk. milk of human kindness kindness regarded as natural to humanity. Milk of Magnesia Brit. propr. a white suspension of magnesium hydroxide usu. in water as an antacid or laxative. milk of sulphur the amorphous powder of sulphur formed by precipitation. milk-powder milk dehydrated by evaporation. milk pudding a pudding of rice, sago, tapioca, etc., baked with milk in a dish. milk round 1 a fixed route on which milk is delivered regularly. 2 a regular trip or tour involving calls at several places. milk run a routine expedition or service journey. milk shake a drink of milk, flavouring, etc., mixed by shaking or whisking. milk sugar lactose. milk tooth a temporary tooth in young mammals. milk-vetch any leguminous yellow-flowered plant of the genus Astragalus. milk-white white like milk. ЬЬmilker n. [OE milc, milcian f. Gmc] milkmaid n. a girl or woman who milks cows or works in a dairy. milkman n. (pl. -men) a person who sells or delivers milk. milksop n. a spiritless man or youth. milkweed n. any of various wild plants with milky juice. milkwort n. any plant of the genus Polygala, formerly supposed to increase women's milk. milky adj. (milkier, milkiest) 1 of, like, or mixed with milk. 2 (of a gem or liquid) cloudy; not clear. 3 effeminate; weakly amiable. ЬMilky Way a faintly luminous band of light emitted by countless stars encircling the heavens; the Galaxy. ЬЬmilkiness n. mill(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a building fitted with a mechanical apparatus for grinding corn. b such an apparatus. 2 an apparatus for grinding any solid substance to powder or pulp (pepper-mill). 3 a a building fitted with machinery for manufacturing processes etc. (cotton-mill). b such machinery. 4 a a boxing-match. b a fist fight. --v. 1 tr. grind (corn), produce (flour), or hull (seeds) in a mill. 2 tr. produce regular ribbed markings on the edge of (a coin). 3 tr. cut or shape (metal) with a rotating tool. 4 intr. (often foll. by about, around) (of people or animals) move in an aimless manner, esp. in a confused mass. 5 tr. thicken (cloth etc.) by fulling. 6 tr. beat (chocolate etc.) to froth. 7 tr. sl. beat, strike, fight. Ьgo (or put) through the mill undergo (or cause to undergo) intensive work or training etc. mill-dam a dam put across a stream to make it usable by a mill. mill-hand a worker in a mill or factory. mill-race a current of water that drives a mill-wheel. mill-wheel a wheel used to drive a water-mill. ЬЬmillable adj. [OE mylen ult. f. LL molinum f. L mola grindstone, mill f. molere grind] mill(2) n. US one-thousandth of a dollar as money of account. [L millesimum thousandth: cf. CENT] millboard n. stout pasteboard for bookbinding etc. millefeuille n. a rich confection of puff pastry split and filled with jam, cream, etc. [F, = thousand-leaf] millenarian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or related to the millennium. 2 believing in the millennium. --n. a person who believes in the millennium. [as MILLENARY] millenary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a period of 1,000 years. 2 the festival of the 1,000th anniversary of a person or thing. 3 a person who believes in the millennium. --adj. of or relating to a millenary. [LL millenarius consisting of a thousand f. milleni distrib. of mille thousand] millennium n. (pl. millenniums or millennia) 1 a period of 1,000 years, esp. that of Christ's prophesied reign in person on earth (Rev. 20:1-5). 2 a period of good government, great happiness, and prosperity. ЬЬmillennial adj. millennialist n. & adj. [mod.L f. L mille thousand after BIENNIUM] millepede var. of MILLIPEDE. millepore n. a reef-building coral of the order Milleporina, with polyps protruding through pores in the calcareous exoskeleton. [F mill‚pore or mod.L millepora f. L mille thousand + porus PORE(1)] miller n. 1 the proprietor or tenant of a corn-mill. 2 a person who works or owns a mill. Ьmiller's thumb a small spiny freshwater fish, Cottus gobio: also called BULLHEAD. [ME mylnere, prob. f. MLG, MDu. molner, mulner, OS mulineri f. LL molinarius f. molina MILL(1), assim. to MILL(1)] millesimal adj. & n. --adj. 1 thousandth. 2 of or belonging to a thousandth. 3 of or dealing with thousandths. --n. a thousandth part. ЬЬmillesimally adv. [L millesimus f. mille thousand] millet n. 1 any of various cereal plants, esp. Panicum miliaceum, bearing a large crop of small nutritious seeds. 2 the seed of this. Ьmillet-grass a tall woodland grass, Milium effusum. [ME f. F, dimin. of mil f. L milium] milli- comb. form a thousand, esp. denoting a factor of one thousandth. °Abbr.: m. [L mille thousand] milliammeter n. an instrument for measuring electrical current in milliamperes. milliampere n. one thousandth of an ampere, a measure for small electrical currents. milliard n. Brit. one thousand million. °Now largely superseded by billion. [F f. mille thousand] millibar n. one-thousandth of a bar, the cgs unit of atmospheric pressure equivalent to 100 pascals. milligram n. one-thousandth of a gram. millilitre n. one-thousandth of a litre (0.002 pint). millimetre n. one-thousandth of a metre (0.039 in.). milliner n. a person who makes or sells women's hats. ЬЬmillinery n. [orig. = vendor of goods from Milan] million n. & adj. --n. (pl. same or (in sense 2) millions) (in sing. prec. by a or one) 1 a thousand thousand. 2 (in pl.) colloq. a very large number (millions of years). 3 (prec. by the) the bulk of the population. 4 a Brit. a million pounds. b US a million dollars. --adj. that amount to a million. Ьgone a million Austral. sl. completely defeated. ЬЬmillionfold adj. & adv. millionth adj. & n. [ME f. OF, prob. f. It. millione f. mille thousand + -one augment. suffix] millionaire n. (fem. millionairess) 1 a person whose assets are worth at least one million pounds, dollars, etc. 2 a person of great wealth. [F millionnaire (as MILLION)] millipede n. (also millepede) any arthropod of the class Diplopoda, having a long segmented body with two pairs of legs on each segment. [L millepeda wood-louse f. mille thousand + pes pedis foot] millisecond n. one-thousandth of a second. millpond n. a pool of water retained by a mill-dam for the operation of a mill. Ьlike a millpond (of a stretch of water) very calm. Mills bomb n. an oval hand-grenade. [invented by Sir W. Mills d. 1932] millstone n. 1 each of two circular stones used for grinding corn. 2 a heavy burden or responsibility (cf. Matt. 18:6). millwright n. a person who designs or builds mills. milometer n. an instrument for measuring the number of miles travelled by a vehicle. milord n. hist. an Englishman travelling in Europe in aristocratic style. [F f. E my lord: cf. MILADY] milt n. 1 the spleen in mammals. 2 an analogous organ in other vertebrates. 3 a sperm-filled reproductive gland of a male fish. [OE milt(e) f. Gmc, perh. rel. to MELT] milter n. a male fish in spawning-time. mimbar n. (also minbar) a stepped platform for preaching in a mosque. [Arab. minbar] mime n. & v. --n. 1 the theatrical technique of suggesting action, character, etc. by gesture and expression without using words. 2 a theatrical performance using this technique. 3 Gk & Rom. Antiq. a simple farcical drama including mimicry. 4 (also mime artist) a practitioner of mime. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) convey (an idea or emotion) by gesture without words. 2 intr. (often foll. by to) (of singers etc.) mouth the words of a song etc. along with a soundtrack (mime to a record). ЬЬmimer n. [L mimus f. Gk mimos] mimeograph n. & v. --n. 1 (often attrib.) a duplicating machine which produces copies from a stencil. 2 a copy produced in this way. --v.tr. reproduce (text or diagrams) by this process. [irreg. f. Gk mimeomai imitate: see -GRAPH] mimesis n. Biol. a close external resemblance of an animal to another that is distasteful or harmful to predators of the first. [Gk mimesis imitation] mimetic adj. 1 relating to or habitually practising imitation or mimicry. 2 Biol. of or exhibiting mimesis. ЬЬmimetically adv. [Gk mimetikos imitation (as MIMESIS)] mimic v., n., & adj. --v.tr. (mimicked, mimicking) 1 imitate (a person, gesture, etc.) esp. to entertain or ridicule. 2 copy minutely or servilely. 3 (of a thing) resemble closely. --n. a person skilled in imitation. --adj. having an aptitude for mimicry; imitating; imitative, esp. for amusement. ЬЬmimicker n. [L mimicus f. Gk mimikos (as MIME)] mimicry n. (pl. -ies) 1 the act or art of mimicking. 2 a thing that mimics another. 3 Zool. mimesis. miminy-piminy adj. overrefined, finical (cf. NIMINY-PIMINY & NAMBY-PAMBY). [imit.] mimosa n. 1 any leguminous shrub of the genus Mimosa, esp. M. pudica, having globular usu. yellow flowers and sensitive leaflets which droop when touched. 2 any of various acacia plants with showy yellow flowers. [mod.L, app. f. L (as MIME, from being as sensitive as animals) + -osa fem. suffix] mimulus n. any flowering plant of the genus Mimulus, including musk and the monkey flower. [mod.L, app. dimin. of L (as MIME, perh. with ref. to its masklike flowers)] Min n. any of the Chinese languages or dialects spoken in the Fukien province in SE China. [Chin.] Min. abbr. 1 Minister. 2 Ministry. min. abbr. 1 minute(s). 2 minimum. 3 minim (fluid measure). mina var. of MYNA. minaret n. a slender turret connected with a mosque and having a balcony from which the muezzin calls at hours of prayer. ЬЬminareted adj. [F minaret or Sp. minarete f. Turk. minare f. Arab. manar(a) lighthouse, minaret f. nar fire, light] minatory adj. threatening, menacing. [LL minatorius f. minari minat- threaten] minbar var. of MIMBAR. mince v. & n. --v. 1 tr. cut up or grind (esp. meat) into very small pieces. 2 tr. (usu. with neg.) restrain (one's words etc.) within the bounds of politeness. 3 intr. (usu. as mincing adj.) speak or walk with an affected delicacy. --n. esp. Brit. minced meat. Ьmince matters (usu. with neg.) use polite expressions etc. mince pie a usu. small round pie containing mincemeat. ЬЬmincer n. mincingly adv. (in sense 3 of v.). [ME f. OF mincier ult. f. L (as MINUTIA)] mincemeat n. a mixture of currants, raisins, sugar, apples, candied peel, spices, and often suet. Ьmake mincemeat of utterly defeat (a person, argument, etc.). mind n. & v. --n. 1 a the seat of consciousness, thought, volition, and feeling. b attention, concentration (my mind keeps wandering). 2 the intellect; intellectual powers. 3 remembrance, memory (it went out of my mind; I can't call it to mind). 4 one's opinion (we're of the same mind). 5 a way of thinking or feeling (shocking to the Victorian mind). 6 the focus of one's thoughts or desires (put one's mind to it). 7 the state of normal mental functioning (lose one's mind; in one's right mind). 8 a person as embodying mental faculties (a great mind). --v.tr. 1 (usu. with neg. or interrog.) object to (do you mind if I smoke?; I don't mind your being late). 2 a remember; take care to (mind you come on time). b (often foll. by out) take care; be careful. 3 have charge of temporarily (mind the house while I'm away). 4 apply oneself to, concern oneself with (business, affairs, etc.) (I try to mind my own business). 5 give heed to; notice (mind the step; don't mind the expense; mind how you go). 6 US & Ir. be obedient to (mind what your mother says). Ьbe in two minds be undecided. cast one's mind back think back; recall an earlier time. come into a person's mind be remembered. come to mind (of a thought, idea, etc.) suggest itself. don't mind me iron. do as you please. do you mind! iron. an expression of annoyance. give a person a piece of one's mind scold or reproach a person. have a good (or great or half a) mind to (often as a threat, usu. unfulfilled) feel tempted to (I've a good mind to report you). have (it) in mind intend. have a mind of one's own be capable of independent opinion. have on one's mind be troubled by the thought of. in one's mind's eye in one's imagination or mental view. mind-bending colloq. (esp. of a psychedelic drug) influencing or altering one's state of mind. mind-blowing sl. 1 confusing, shattering. 2 (esp. of drugs etc.) inducing hallucinations. mind-boggling colloq. overwhelming, startling. mind out for guard against, avoid. mind over matter the power of the mind asserted over the physical universe. mind one's Ps & Qs be careful in one's behaviour. mind-read discern the thoughts of (another person). mind-reader a person capable of mind-reading. mind-set habits of mind formed by earlier events. mind the shop have charge of affairs temporarily. mind you an expression used to qualify a previous statement (I found it quite quickly; mind you, it wasn't easy). mind your back (or backs) colloq. an expression to indicate that a person wants to get past. never mind 1 an expression used to comfort or console. 2 (also never you mind) an expression used to evade a question. open (or close) one's mind to be receptive (or unreceptive) to (changes, new ideas, etc.). put a person in mind of remind a person of. put (or set) a person's mind at rest reassure a person. put a person or thing out of one's mind deliberately forget. read a person's mind discern a person's thoughts. to my mind in my opinion. [ME mynd f. OE gemynd f. Gmc] minded adj. 1 (in comb.) a inclined to think in some specified way (mathematically minded; fair-minded). b having a specified kind of mind (high-minded). c interested in or enthusiastic about a specified thing (car-minded). 2 (usu. foll. by to + infin.) disposed or inclined (to an action). minder n. 1 a a person whose job it is to attend to a person or thing. b (in comb.) (child-minder; machine-minder). 2 sl. a a bodyguard, esp. a person employed to protect a criminal. b a thief's assistant. mindful adj. (often foll. by of) taking heed or care; being conscious. ЬЬmindfully adv. mindfulness n. mindless adj. 1 lacking intelligence; stupid. 2 not requiring thought or skill (totally mindless work). 3 (usu. foll. by of) heedless of (advice etc.). ЬЬmindlessly adv. mindlessness n. mine(1) poss.pron. 1 the one or ones belonging to or associated with me (it is mine; mine are over there). 2 (attrib. before a vowel) archaic = MY (mine eyes have seen; mine host). Ьof mine of or belonging to me (a friend of mine). [OE min f. Gmc] mine(2) n. & v. --n. 1 an excavation in the earth for extracting metal, coal, salt, etc. 2 an abundant source (of information etc.). 3 a receptacle filled with explosive and placed in the ground or in the water for destroying enemy personnel, ships, etc. 4 a a subterranean gallery in which explosive is placed to blow up fortifications. b hist. a subterranean passage under the wall of a besieged fortress. --v.tr. 1 obtain (metal, coal, etc.) from a mine. 2 (also absol., often foll. by for) dig in (the earth etc.) for ore etc. 3 a dig or burrow in (usu. the earth). b make (a hole, passage, etc.) underground. 4 lay explosive mines under or in. 5 = UNDERMINE. Ьmine-detector an instrument for detecting the presence of mines. ЬЬmining n. [ME f. OF mine, miner, perh. f. Celt.] minefield n. 1 an area planted with explosive mines. 2 a subject or situation presenting unseen hazards. minelayer n. a ship or aircraft for laying mines. miner n. 1 a person who works in a mine. 2 any burrowing insect or grub. Ьminer's right Austral. a licence to dig for gold etc. on private or public land. [ME f. OF min‰or, minour (as MINE(2))] mineral n. & adj. --n. 1 any of the species into which inorganic substances are classified. 2 a substance obtained by mining. 3 (often in pl.) Brit. an artificial mineral water or other effervescent drink. --adj. 1 of or containing a mineral or minerals. 2 obtained by mining. Ьmineral oil petroleum or one of its distillation products. mineral water 1 water found in nature with some dissolved salts present. 2 an artificial imitation of this, esp. soda water. 3 any effervescent non-alcoholic drink. mineral wax a fossil resin, esp. ozocerite. mineral wool a wool-like substance made from inorganic material, used for packing etc. [ME f. OF mineral or med.L mineralis f. minera ore f. OF miniere mine] mineralize v. (also -ise) 1 v.tr. & intr. change wholly or partly into a mineral. 2 v.tr. impregnate (water etc.) with a mineral substance. mineralogy n. the scientific study of minerals. ЬЬmineralogical adj. mineralogist n. minestrone n. a soup containing vegetables and pasta, beans, or rice. [It.] minesweeper n. a ship for clearing away floating and submarine mines. minever var. of MINIVER. mineworker n. a person who works in a mine, esp. a coalmine. Ming n. 1 the dynasty ruling China 1368-1644. 2 Chinese porcelain made during the rule of this dynasty. [Chin.] mingle v.tr. & intr. mix, blend. Ьmingle their etc. tears literary weep together. mingle with go about among. ЬЬmingler n. [ME mengel f. obs. meng f. OE mengan, rel. to AMONG] mingy adj. (mingier, mingiest) Brit. colloq. mean, stingy. ЬЬmingily adv. [perh. f. MEAN(2) and STINGY] mini n. (pl. minis) 1 colloq. a miniskirt, minidress, etc. 2 (Mini) propr. a make of small car. [abbr.] mini- comb. form miniature; very small or minor of its kind (minibus; mini-budget). [abbr. of MINIATURE] miniature adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 much smaller than normal. 2 represented on a small scale. --n. 1 any object reduced in size. 2 a small-scale minutely finished portrait. 3 this branch of painting (portrait in miniature). 4 a picture or decorated letters in an illuminated manuscript. --v.tr. represent on a smaller scale. Ьin miniature on a small scale. miniature camera a camera producing small negatives. ЬЬminiaturist n. (in senses 2 and 3 of n.). [It. miniatura f. med.L miniatura f. L miniare rubricate, illuminate f. L minium red lead, vermilion] miniaturize v.tr. (also -ise) produce in a smaller version; make small. ЬЬminiaturization n. minibus n. a small bus for about twelve passengers. minicab n. Brit. a car used as a taxi, but not licensed to ply for hire. minicomputer n. a computer of medium power, more than a microcomputer but less than a mainframe. minikin adj. & n. --adj. 1 diminutive. 2 affected, mincing. --n. a diminutive creature. [obs. Du. minneken f. minne love + -ken, -kijn -KIN] minim n. 1 Mus. a note having the time value of two crotchets or half a semibreve and represented by a hollow ring with a stem. Also called half-note. 2 one-sixtieth of a fluid drachm, about a drop. 3 an object or portion of the smallest size or importance. 4 a single down-stroke of the pen. [ME f. L minimus smallest] minima pl. of MINIMUM. minimal adj. 1 very minute or slight. 2 being or related to a minimum. 3 the least possible in size, duration, etc. 4 Art etc. characterized by the use of simple or primary forms or structures etc., often geometric or massive (huge minimal forms in a few colours). ЬЬminimalism n. (in sense 4). minimally adv. (in senses 1-3). [L minimus smallest] minimalist n. 1 (also attrib.) a person advocating small or moderate reform in politics (opp. MAXIMALIST). 2 = MENSHEVIK. 3 a person who advocates or practises minimal art. ЬЬminimalism n. minimax n. 1 Math. the lowest of a set of maximum values. 2 (usu. attrib.) a a strategy that minimizes the greatest risk to a participant in a game etc. b the theory that in a game with two players, a player's smallest possible maximum loss is equal to the same player's greatest possible minimum gain. [MINIMUM + MAXIMUM] minimize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. reduce to, or estimate at, the smallest possible amount or degree. 2 tr. estimate or represent at less than the true value or importance. 3 intr. attain a minimum value. ЬЬminimization n. minimizer n. minimum n. & adj. (pl. minima) --n. the least possible or attainable amount (reduced to a minimum). --adj. that is a minimum. Ьminimum lending rate the announced minimum percentage at which a central bank will discount bills (cf. base rate (see BASE(1))). °Abolished in the UK in 1981. minimum wage the lowest wage permitted by law or special agreement. [L, neut. of minimus least] minion n. derog. 1 a servile agent; a slave. 2 a favourite servant, animal, etc. 3 a favourite of a sovereign etc. [F mignon, OF mignot, of Gaulish orig.] minipill n. a contraceptive pill containing a progestogen only (not oestrogen). miniseries n. a short series of television programmes on a common theme. miniskirt n. a very short skirt. minister n. & v. --n. 1 a head of a government department. 2 (in full minister of religion) a member of the clergy, esp. in the Presbyterian and Nonconformist Churches. 3 a diplomatic agent, usu. ranking below an ambassador. 4 (usu. foll. by of) a person employed in the execution of (a purpose, will, etc.) (a minister of justice). 5 (in full minister general) the superior of some religious orders. --v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by to) render aid or service (to a person, cause, etc.). 2 tr. (usu. foll. by with) archaic furnish, supply, etc. Ьministering angel a kind-hearted person, esp. a woman, who nurses or comforts others (with ref. to Mark 1:13). Minister of the Crown Brit. Parl. a member of the Cabinet. Minister of State a government minister, in the UK usu. regarded as holding a rank below that of Head of Department. Minister without Portfolio a government minister who has Cabinet status, but is not in charge of a specific Department of State. ЬЬministrable adj. [ME f. OF ministre f. L minister servant f. minus less] ministerial adj. 1 of a minister of religion or a minister's office. 2 instrumental or subsidiary in achieving a purpose (ministerial in bringing about a settlement). 3 a of a government minister. b siding with the Ministry against the Opposition. ЬЬministerialist n. (in sense 3b). ministerially adv. [F minist‚riel or LL ministerialis f. L (as MINISTRY)] ministration n. 1 (usu. in pl.) aid or service (the kind ministrations of his neighbours). 2 ministering, esp. in religious matters. 3 (usu. foll. by of) the supplying (of help, justice, etc.). ЬЬministrant adj. & n. ministrative adj. [ME f. OF ministration or L ministratio (as MINISTER)] ministry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a government department headed by a minister. b the building which it occupies (the Ministry of Defence). 2 a (prec. by the) the vocation or profession of a religious minister (called to the ministry). b the office of a religious minister, priest, etc. c the period of tenure of this. 3 (prec. by the) the body of ministers of a government or of a religion. 4 a period of government under one Prime Minister. 5 ministering, ministration. [ME f. L ministerium (as MINISTER)] miniver n. (also minever) plain white fur used in ceremonial costume. [ME f. AF menuver, OF menu vair (as MENU, VAIR)] mink n. 1 either of two small semi-aquatic stoatlike animals of the genus Mustela, M. vison of N. America and M. intreola of Europe. 2 the thick brown fur of these. 3 a coat made of this. [cf. Sw. m„nk, menk] minke n. a small baleen whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata, with a pointed snout. [prob. f. Meincke, the name of a Norw. whaler] Minn. abbr. Minnesota. minnesinger n. a German lyric poet and singer of the 12th-14th c. [G, = love-singer] minnow n. any of various small freshwater fish of the carp family, esp. Phoxinus phoxinus. [late ME menow, perh. repr. OE mynwe (unrecorded), myne: infl. by ME menuse, menise f. OF menuise, ult. rel. to MINUTIA] Minoan adj. & n. Archaeol. --adj. of or relating to the Bronze Age civilization centred on Crete (c.3000-1100 BC). --n. 1 an inhabitant of Minoan Crete or the Minoan world. 2 the language or scripts associated with the Minoans. [named after the legendary Cretan king Minos (Gk Minos), to whom the palace excavated at Knossos was attributed] minor adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 lesser or comparatively small in size or importance (minor poet; minor operation). 2 Mus. a (of a scale) having intervals of a semitone between the second and third, fifth and sixth, and seventh and eighth degrees. b (of an interval) less by a semitone than a major interval. c (of a key) based on a minor scale, tending to produce a melancholy effect. 3 Brit. (in schools) indicating the younger of two children from the same family or the second to enter the school (usu. put after the name). 4 Logic a (of a term) occurring as the subject of the conclusion of a categorical syllogism. b (of a premiss) containing the minor term in a categorical syllogism. --n. 1 a person under the legal age limit or majority (no unaccompanied minors). 2 Mus. a minor key etc. 3 US a student's subsidiary subject or course (cf. MAJOR). 4 Logic a minor term or premiss. --v.intr. (foll. by in) US (of a student) undertake study in (a subject) as a subsidiary to a main subject. Ьin a minor key (of novels, events, people's lives, etc.) understated, uneventful. minor axis Geom. (of a conic) the axis perpendicular to the major axis. minor canon a cleric who is not a member of the chapter, who assists in daily cathedral services. minor league US (in baseball, football, etc.) a league of professional clubs other than the major leagues. minor orders see ORDER. minor piece Chess a bishop or a knight. minor planet an asteroid. minor prophet any of the prophets from Hosea to Malachi, whose surviving writings are not lengthy. minor suit Bridge diamonds or clubs. [L, = smaller, less, rel. to minuere lessen] minority n. (pl. -ies) 1 (often foll. by of) a smaller number or part, esp. within a political party or structure. 2 the number of votes cast for this (a minority of two). 3 the state of having less than half the votes or of being supported by less than half of the body of opinion (in the minority). 4 a relatively small group of people differing from others in the society of which they are a part in race, religion, language, political persuasion, etc. 5 (attrib.) relating to or done by the minority (minority interests). 6 a the state of being under full legal age. b the period of this. [F minorit‚ or med.L minoritas f. L minor: see MINOR] Minotaur n. (in Greek mythology) a man with a bull's head, kept in a Cretan labyrinth and fed with human flesh. [ME f. OF f. L Minotaurus f. Gk Minotauros f. Minos, legendary king of Crete (see MINOAN) + tauros bull] minster n. 1 a large or important church (York Minster). 2 the church of a monastery. [OE mynster f. eccl.L monasterium f. Gk monasterion MONASTERY] minstrel n. 1 a medieval singer or musician, esp. singing or reciting poetry. 2 hist. a person who entertained patrons with singing, buffoonery, etc. 3 (usu. in pl.) a member of a band of public entertainers with blackened faces etc., performing songs and music ostensibly of Negro origin. [ME f. OF menestral entertainer, servant, f. Prov. menest(ai)ral officer, employee, musician, f. LL ministerialis official, officer: see MINISTERIAL] minstrelsy n. (pl. -ies) 1 the minstrel's art. 2 a body of minstrels. 3 minstrel poetry. [ME f. OF menestralsie (as MINSTREL)] mint(1) n. 1 any aromatic plant of the genus Mentha. 2 a peppermint sweet or lozenge. Ьmint julep US a sweet iced alcoholic drink of bourbon flavoured with mint. mint sauce chopped mint in vinegar and sugar, usu. eaten with lamb. ЬЬminty adj. (mintier, mintiest). [OE minte ult. f. L ment(h)a f. Gk minthe] mint(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a place where money is coined, usu. under State authority. 2 a vast sum of money (making a mint). 3 a source of invention etc. (a mint of ideas). --v.tr. 1 make (coin) by stamping metal. 2 invent, coin (a word, phrase, etc.). Ьin mint condition (or state) freshly minted; (of books etc.) as new. mint-mark a mark on a coin to indicate the mint at which it was struck. mint-master the superintendent of coinage at a mint. mint par (in full mint parity) 1 the ratio between the gold equivalents of currency in two countries. 2 their rate of exchange based on this. ЬЬmintage n. [OE mynet f. WG f. L moneta MONEY] minuend n. Math. a quantity or number from which another is to be subtracted. [L minuendus gerundive of minuere diminish] minuet n. & v. --n. 1 a slow stately dance for two in triple time. 2 Mus. the music for this, or music in the same rhythm and style, often as a movement in a suite, sonata, or symphony. --v.intr. (minueted, minueting) dance a minuet. [F menuet, orig. adj. = fine, delicate, dimin. of menu: see MENU] minus prep., adj., & n. --prep. 1 with the subtraction of (7 minus 4 equals 3). °Symb.: -. 2 (of temperature) below zero (minus 2ш). 3 colloq. lacking; deprived of (returned minus their dog). --adj. 1 Math. negative. 2 Electronics having a negative charge. --n. 1 = minus sign. 2 Math. a negative quantity. 3 a disadvantage. Ьminus sign the symbol -, indicating subtraction or a negative value. [L, neut. of minor less] minuscule n. & adj. --n. 1 Palaeog. a kind of cursive script developed in the 7th c. 2 a lower-case letter. --adj. 1 lower-case. 2 colloq. extremely small or unimportant. ЬЬminuscular adj. [F f. L minuscula (littera letter) dimin. of minor: see MINOR] minute(1) n. & v. --n. 1 the sixtieth part of an hour. 2 a distance covered in one minute (twenty minutes from the station). 3 a a moment; an instant; a point of time (expecting her any minute; the train leaves in a minute). b (prec. by the) colloq. the present time (what are you doing at the minute?). c (foll. by clause) as soon as (call me the minute you get back). 4 the sixtieth part of an angular degree. 5 (in pl.) a brief summary of the proceedings at a meeting. 6 an official memorandum authorizing or recommending a course of action. --v.tr. 1 record (proceedings) in the minutes. 2 send the minutes to (a person). Ьjust (or wait) a minute 1 a request to wait for a short time. 2 as a prelude to a query or objection. minute-gun a gun fired at intervals of a minute at funerals etc. minute hand the hand on a watch or clock which indicates minutes. minute steak a thin slice of steak to be cooked quickly. up to the minute completely up to date. [ME f. OF f. LL minuta (n.), f. fem. of minutus MINUTE(2): senses 1 & 4 of noun f. med.L pars minuta prima first minute part (cf. SECOND(2)): senses 5 & 6 perh. f. med.L minuta scriptura draft in small writing] minute(2) adj. (minutest) 1 very small. 2 trifling, petty. 3 (of an inquiry, inquirer, etc.) accurate, detailed, precise. ЬЬminutely adv. minuteness n. [ME f. L minutus past part. of minuere lessen] Minuteman n. (pl. -men) US 1 a political watchdog or activist. 2 a type of three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile. 3 hist. an American militiaman of the revolutionary period (ready to march at a minute's notice). minutia n. (pl. -iae) (usu. in pl.) a precise, trivial, or minor detail. [L, = smallness, in pl. trifles f. minutus: see MINUTE(2)] minx n. a pert, sly, or playful girl. ЬЬminxish adj. minxishly adv. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] Miocene adj. & n. Geol. --adj. of or relating to the fourth epoch of the Tertiary period with evidence for the diversification of primates, including early apes. °Cf. Appendix II. --n. this epoch or system. [irreg. f. Gk meion less + kainos new] miosis n. (also myosis) excessive constriction of the pupil of the eye. ЬЬmiotic adj. [Gk muo shut the eyes + -OSIS] mirabelle n. 1 a a European variety of plum-tree, Prunus insititia, bearing small round yellow fruit. b a fruit from this tree. 2 a liqueur distilled from this fruit. [F] miracle n. 1 an extraordinary event attributed to some supernatural agency. 2 a any remarkable occurrence. b a remarkable development in some specified area (an economic miracle; the German miracle). 3 (usu. foll. by of) a remarkable or outstanding specimen (the plan was a miracle of ingenuity). Ьmiracle drug a drug which represents a breakthrough in medical science. miracle play a medieval play based on the Bible or the lives of the saints. [ME f. OF f. L miraculum object of wonder f. mirari wonder f. mirus wonderful] miraculous adj. 1 of the nature of a miracle. 2 supernatural. 3 remarkable, surprising. ЬЬmiraculously adv. miraculousness n. [F miraculeux or med.L miraculosus f. L (as MIRACLE)] mirador n. a turret or tower etc. attached to a building, and commanding an excellent view. [Sp. f. mirar to look] mirage n. 1 an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, esp. the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road from the reflection of light. 2 an illusory thing. [F f. se mirer be reflected, f. L mirare look at] MIRAS abbr. (also Miras) mortgage interest relief at source. mire n. & v. --n. 1 a stretch of swampy or boggy ground. 2 mud, dirt. --v. 1 tr. & intr. plunge or sink in a mire. 2 tr. involve in difficulties. Ьin the mire in difficulties. [ME f. ON m°rr f. Gmc, rel. to MOSS] mirepoix n. saut‚d chopped vegetables, used in sauces etc. [F, f. Duc de Mirepoix, Fr. general d. 1757] mirk var. of MURK. mirky var. of MURKY. mirror n. & v. --n. 1 a polished surface, usu. of amalgam-coated glass or metal, which reflects an image; a looking-glass. 2 anything regarded as giving an accurate reflection or description of something else. --v.tr. reflect as in a mirror. Ьmirror carp a breed of carp with large shiny scales. mirror finish a reflective surface. mirror image an identical image, but with the structure reversed, as in a mirror. mirror symmetry symmetry as of an object and its reflection. mirror writing backwards writing, like ordinary writing reflected in a mirror. [ME f. OF mirour ult. f. L mirare look at] mirth n. merriment, laughter. ЬЬmirthful adj. mirthfully adv. mirthfulness n. mirthless adj. mirthlessly adv. mirthlessness n. [OE myrgth (as MERRY)] MIRV abbr. multiple independently-targeted re-entry vehicle (a type of missile). mis-(1) prefix added to verbs and verbal derivatives: meaning 'amiss', 'badly', 'wrongly', 'unfavourably' (mislead; misshapen; mistrust). [OE f. Gmc] mis-(2) prefix occurring in a few words adopted from French meaning 'badly', 'wrongly', 'amiss', 'ill-', or having a negative force (misadventure; mischief). [OF mes- ult. f. L minus (see MINUS): assim. to MIS-(1)] misaddress v.tr. 1 address (a letter etc.) wrongly. 2 address (a person) wrongly, esp. impertinently. misadventure n. 1 Law an accident without concomitant crime or negligence (death by misadventure). 2 bad luck. 3 a misfortune. [ME f. OF mesaventure f. mesavenir turn out badly (as MIS-(2), ADVENT: cf. ADVENTURE)] misalign v.tr. give the wrong alignment to. ЬЬmisalignment n. misalliance n. an unsuitable alliance, esp. an unsuitable marriage. ЬЬmisally v.tr. (-ies, -ied). [MIS-(1) + ALLIANCE, after MђSALLIANCE] misanthrope n. (also misanthropist) 1 a person who hates mankind. 2 a person who avoids human society. ЬЬmisanthropic adj. misanthropical adj. misanthropically adv. misanthropy n. misanthropize v.intr. (also -ise). [F f. Gk misanthropos f. misos hatred + anthropos man] misapply v.tr. (-ies, -ied) apply (esp. funds) wrongly. ЬЬmisapplication n. misapprehend v.tr. misunderstand (words, a person). ЬЬmisapprehension n. misapprehensive adj. misappropriate v.tr. apply (usu. another's money) to one's own use, or to a wrong use. ЬЬmisappropriation n. misbegotten adj. 1 illegitimate, bastard. 2 contemptible, disreputable. misbehave v.intr. & refl. (of a person or machine) behave badly. ЬЬmisbehaver n. misbehaviour n. misbelief n. 1 wrong or unorthodox religious belief. 2 a false opinion or notion. misc. abbr. miscellaneous. miscalculate v.tr. (also absol.) calculate (amounts, results, etc.) wrongly. ЬЬmiscalculation n. miscall v.tr. 1 call by a wrong or inappropriate name. 2 archaic or dial. call (a person) names. miscarriage n. 1 a spontaneous abortion, esp. before the 28th week of pregnancy. 2 Brit. the failure (of a plan, letter, etc.) to reach completion or its destination. Ьmiscarriage of justice any failure of the judicial system to attain the ends of justice. [MISCARRY, after CARRIAGE] miscarry v.intr. (-ies, -ied) 1 (of a woman) have a miscarriage. 2 Brit. (of a letter etc.) fail to reach its destination. 3 (of a business, plan, etc.) fail, be unsuccessful. miscast v.tr. (past and past part. -cast) allot an unsuitable part to (an actor). miscegenation n. the interbreeding of races, esp. of Whites and non-Whites. [irreg. f. L miscere mix + genus race] miscellanea n.pl. 1 a literary miscellany. 2 a collection of miscellaneous items. [L neut. pl. (as MISCELLANEOUS)] miscellaneous adj. 1 of mixed composition or character. 2 (foll. by pl. noun) of various kinds. 3 (of a person) many-sided. ЬЬmiscellaneously adv. miscellaneousness n. [L miscellaneus f. miscellus mixed f. miscere mix] miscellany n. (pl. -ies) 1 a mixture, a medley. 2 a book containing a collection of stories etc., or various literary compositions. ЬЬmiscellanist n. [F miscellan‚es (fem. pl.) or L MISCELLANEA] mischance n. 1 bad luck. 2 an instance of this. [ME f. OF mesch(e)ance f. mescheoir (as MIS-(2), CHANCE)] mischief n. 1 conduct which is troublesome, but not malicious, esp. in children. 2 pranks, scrapes (get into mischief; keep out of mischief). 3 playful malice, archness, satire (eyes full of mischief). 4 harm or injury caused by a person or thing. 5 a person or thing responsible for harm or annoyance (that loose connection is the mischief). 6 (prec. by the) the annoying part or aspect (the mischief of it is that etc.). Ьdo a person a mischief wound or kill a person. get up to (or make) mischief create discord. mischief-maker one who encourages discord, esp. by gossip etc. [ME f. OF meschief f. meschever (as MIS-(2), chever come to an end f. chef head: see CHIEF)] mischievous adj. 1 (of a person) disposed to mischief. 2 (of conduct) playfully malicious. 3 (of a thing) having harmful effects. ЬЬmischievously adv. mischievousness n. [ME f. AF meschevous f. OF meschever: see MISCHIEF] misch metal n. an alloy of lanthanide metals, usu. added to iron to improve its malleability. [G mischen mix + Metall metal] miscible adj. (often foll. by with) capable of being mixed. ЬЬmiscibility n. [med.L miscibilis f. L miscere mix] misconceive v. 1 intr. (often foll. by of) have a wrong idea or conception. 2 tr. (as misconceived adj.) badly planned, organized, etc. 3 tr. misunderstand (a word, person, etc.). ЬЬmisconceiver n. misconception n. misconduct n. & v. --n. 1 improper or unprofessional behaviour. 2 bad management. --v. 1 refl. misbehave. 2 tr. mismanage. misconstrue v.tr. (-construes, -construed, -construing) 1 interpret (a word, action, etc.) wrongly. 2 mistake the meaning of (a person). ЬЬmisconstruction n. miscopy v.tr. (-ies, -ied) copy (text etc.) incorrectly. miscount v. & n. --v.tr. (also absol.) count wrongly. --n. a wrong count. miscreant n. & adj. --n. 1 a vile wretch, a villain. 2 archaic a heretic. --adj. 1 depraved, villainous. 2 archaic heretical. [ME f. OF mescreant (as MIS-(2), creant part. of croire f. L credere believe)] miscue n. & v. --n. (in snooker etc.) the failure to strike the ball properly with the cue. --v.intr. (-cues, -cued, -cueing or -cuing) make a miscue. misdate v.tr. date (an event, a letter, etc.) wrongly. misdeal v. & n. --v.tr. (also absol.) (past and past part. -dealt) make a mistake in dealing (cards). --n. 1 a mistake in dealing cards. 2 a misdealt hand. misdeed n. an evil deed, a wrongdoing; a crime. [OE misd‘d (as MIS-(1), DEED)] misdemeanant n. a person convicted of a misdemeanour or guilty of misconduct. [archaic misdemean misbehave] misdemeanour n. (US misdemeanor) 1 an offence, a misdeed. 2 Law an indictable offence, (in the UK formerly) less heinous than a felony. misdiagnose v.tr. diagnose incorrectly. ЬЬmisdiagnosis n. misdial v.tr. (also absol.) (-dialled, -dialling; US -dialed, -dialing) dial (a telephone number etc.) incorrectly. misdirect v.tr. 1 direct (a person, letter, blow, etc.) wrongly. 2 (of a judge) instruct (the jury) wrongly. ЬЬmisdirection n. misdoing n. a misdeed. misdoubt v.tr. 1 have doubts or misgivings about the truth or existence of. 2 be suspicious about; suspect that. miseducation n. wrong or faulty education. ЬЬmiseducate v.tr. mise en scЉne n. 1 Theatr. the scenery and properties of a play. 2 the setting or surroundings of an event. [F] misemploy v.tr. employ or use wrongly or improperly. ЬЬmisemployment n. miser n. 1 a person who hoards wealth and lives miserably. 2 an avaricious person. [L, = wretched] miserable adj. 1 wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable (felt miserable; a miserable hovel). 2 contemptible, mean. 3 causing wretchedness or discomfort (miserable weather). 4 Sc., Austral., & NZ stingy, mean. ЬЬmiserableness n. miserably adv. [ME f. F mis‚rable f. L miserabilis pitiable f. miserari to pity f. miser wretched] misЉre n. Cards (in solo whist etc.) a declaration undertaking to win no tricks. [F, = poverty, MISERY] miserere n. 1 a cry for mercy. 2 = MISERICORD 1. [ME f. L, imper. of misereri have mercy (as MISER); first word of Ps. 51 in Latin] misericord n. 1 a shelving projection on the under side of a hinged seat in a choir stall serving (when the seat is turned up) to help support a person standing. 2 an apartment in a monastery in which some relaxations of discipline are permitted. 3 a dagger for dealing the death stroke. [ME f. OF misericorde f. L misericordia f. misericors compassionate f. stem of misereri pity + cor cordis heart] miserly adj. like a miser, niggardly. ЬЬmiserliness n. [MISER] misery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a wretched state of mind, or of outward circumstances. 2 a thing causing this. 3 colloq. a constantly depressed or discontented person. 4 = MIS°RE. Ьput out of its etc. misery 1 release (a person, animal, etc.) from suffering or suspense. 2 kill (an animal in pain). [ME f. OF misere or L miseria (as MISER)] misfeasance n. Law a transgression, esp. the wrongful exercise of lawful authority. [ME f. OF mesfaisance f. mesfaire misdo (as MIS-(2), faire do f. L facere): cf. MALFEASANCE] misfield v. & n. --v.tr. (also absol.) (in cricket, baseball, etc.) field (the ball) badly. --n. an instance of this. misfire v. & n. --v.intr. 1 (of a gun, motor engine, etc.) fail to go off or start or function regularly. 2 (of an action etc.) fail to have the intended effect. --n. a failure of function or intention. misfit n. 1 a person unsuited to a particular kind of environment, occupation, etc. 2 a garment etc. that does not fit. Ьmisfit stream Geog. a stream not corresponding in size to its valley. misfortune n. 1 bad luck. 2 an instance of this. misgive v.tr. (past -gave; past part. -given) (often foll. by about, that) (of a person's mind, heart, etc.) fill (a person) with suspicion or foreboding. misgiving n. (usu. in pl.) a feeling of mistrust or apprehension. misgovern v.tr. govern (a State etc.) badly. ЬЬmisgovernment n. misguide v.tr. 1 (as misguided adj.) mistaken in thought or action. 2 mislead, misdirect. ЬЬmisguidance n. misguidedly adv. misguidedness n. mishandle v.tr. 1 deal with incorrectly or ineffectively. 2 handle (a person or thing) roughly or rudely; ill-treat. mishap n. an unlucky accident. mishear v.tr. (past and past part. -heard) hear incorrectly or imperfectly. mishit v. & n. --v.tr. (-hitting; past and past part. -hit) hit (a ball etc.) faultily. --n. a faulty or bad hit. mishmash n. a confused mixture. [ME, reduplication of MASH] Mishnah n. a collection of precepts forming the basis of the Talmud, and embodying Jewish oral law. ЬЬMishnaic adj. [Heb. misnah (teaching by) repetition] misidentify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) identify erroneously. ЬЬmisidentification n. misinform v.tr. give wrong information to, mislead. ЬЬmisinformation n. misinterpret v.tr. (-interpreted, -interpreting) 1 interpret wrongly. 2 draw a wrong inference from. ЬЬmisinterpretation n. misinterpreter n. misjudge v.tr. (also absol.) 1 judge wrongly. 2 have a wrong opinion of. ЬЬmisjudgement n. (also misjudgment). miskey v.tr. (-keys, -keyed) key (data) wrongly. miskick v. & n. --v.tr. (also absol.) kick (a ball etc.) badly or wrongly. --n. an instance of this. mislay v.tr. (past and past part. -laid) 1 unintentionally put (a thing) where it cannot readily be found. 2 euphem. lose. mislead v.tr. (past and past part. -led) 1 cause (a person) to go wrong, in conduct, belief, etc. 2 lead astray or in the wrong direction. ЬЬmisleader n. misleading adj. causing to err or go astray; imprecise, confusing. ЬЬmisleadingly adv. misleadingness n. mislike v.tr. & n. archaic dislike. [OE mislician (as MIS-(1), LIKE(2))] mismanage v.tr. manage badly or wrongly. ЬЬmismanagement n. mismarriage n. an unsuitable marriage or alliance. [MIS-(1) + MARRIAGE] mismatch v. & n. --v.tr. match unsuitably or incorrectly, esp. in marriage. --n. a bad match. mismated adj. 1 (of people) not suited to each other, esp. in marriage. 2 (of objects) not matching. mismeasure v.tr. measure or estimate incorrectly. ЬЬmismeasurement n. misname v.tr. = MISCALL. misnomer n. 1 a name or term used wrongly. 2 the wrong use of a name or term. [ME f. AF f. OF mesnom(m)er (as MIS-(2), nommer name f. L nominare formed as NOMINATE)] misogamy n. the hatred of marriage. ЬЬmisogamist n. [Gk misos hatred + gamos marriage] misogyny n. the hatred of women. ЬЬmisogynist n. misogynous adj. [Gk misos hatred + gune woman] mispickel n. Mineral. arsenical pyrites. [G] misplace v.tr. 1 put in the wrong place. 2 bestow (affections, confidence, etc.) on an inappropriate object. 3 time (words, actions, etc.) badly. ЬЬmisplacement n. misplay v. & n. --v.tr. play (a ball, card, etc.) in a wrong or ineffective manner. --n. an instance of this. misprint n. & v. --n. a mistake in printing. --v.tr. print wrongly. misprision(1) n. Law 1 (in full misprision of a felony or of treason) the deliberate concealment of one's knowledge of a crime, treason, etc. 2 a wrong action or omission. [ME f. AF mesprisioun f. OF mesprison error f. mesprendre to mistake (as MIS-(2), prendre take)] misprision(2) n. 1 a misreading, misunderstanding, etc. 2 (usu. foll. by of) a failure to appreciate the value of a thing. 3 archaic contempt. [MISPRIZE after MISPRISION(1)] misprize v.tr. literary despise, scorn; fail to appreciate. [ME f. OF mesprisier (as MIS-(1), PRIZE(1))] mispronounce v.tr. pronounce (a word etc.) wrongly. ЬЬmispronunciation n. misquote v.tr. quote wrongly. ЬЬmisquotation n. misread v.tr. (past and past part. -read) read or interpret (text, a situation, etc.) wrongly. misremember v.tr. remember imperfectly or incorrectly. misreport v. & n. --v.tr. give a false or incorrect report of. --n. a false or incorrect report. misrepresent v.tr. represent wrongly; give a false or misleading account or idea of. ЬЬmisrepresentation n. misrepresentative adj. misrule n. & v. --n. bad government; disorder. --v.tr. govern badly. Miss. abbr. Mississippi. miss(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) fail to hit, reach, find, catch, etc. (an object or goal). 2 tr. fail to catch (a bus, train, etc.). 3 tr. fail to experience, see, or attend (an occurrence or event). 4 tr. fail to meet (a person); fail to keep (an appointment). 5 tr. fail to seize (an opportunity etc.) (I missed my chance). 6 tr. fail to hear or understand (I'm sorry, I missed what you said). 7 tr. a regret the loss or absence of (a person or thing) (did you miss me while I was away?). b notice the loss or absence of (an object) (bound to miss the key if it isn't there). 8 tr. avoid (go early to miss the traffic). 9 tr. = miss out 1. 10 intr. (of an engine etc.) fail, misfire. --n. 1 a failure to hit, reach, attain, connect, etc. 2 colloq. = MISCARRIAGE 1. Ьbe missing not have (see also MISSING adj.). give (a thing) a miss avoid, leave alone (gave the party a miss). miss the boat (or bus) lose an opportunity. miss fire (of a gun) fail to go off or hit the mark (cf. MISFIRE). a miss is as good as a mile the fact of failure or escape is not affected by the narrowness of the margin. miss out 1 omit, leave out (missed out my name from the list). 2 (usu. foll. by on) colloq. fail to get or experience (always misses out on the good times). not miss much be alert. not miss a trick never fail to seize an opportunity, advantage, etc. ЬЬmissable adj. [OE missan f. Gmc] miss(2) n. 1 a girl or unmarried woman. 2 (Miss) a the title of an unmarried woman or girl, or of a married woman retaining her maiden name for professional purposes. b the title of a beauty queen (Miss World). 3 usu. derog. or joc. a girl, esp. a schoolgirl, with implications of silliness etc. 4 the title used to address a female schoolteacher, shop assistant, etc. ЬЬmissish adj. (in sense 3). [abbr. of MISTRESS] missal n. RC Ch. 1 a book containing the texts used in the service of the Mass throughout the year. 2 a book of prayers, esp. an illuminated one. [ME f. med.L missale neut. of eccl.L missalis of the mass f. missa MASS(2)] missel-thrush var. of MISTLE-THRUSH. misshape v.tr. give a bad shape or form to; distort. misshapen adj. ill-shaped, deformed, distorted. ЬЬmisshapenly adv. misshapenness n. missile n. 1 an object or weapon suitable for throwing at a target or for discharge from a machine. 2 a weapon, esp. a nuclear weapon, directed by remote control or automatically. ЬЬmissilery n. [L missilis f. mittere miss- send] missing adj. 1 not in its place; lost. 2 (of a person) not yet traced or confirmed as alive but not known to be dead. 3 not present. Ьmissing link 1 a thing lacking to complete a series. 2 a hypothetical intermediate type, esp. between humans and apes. mission n. 1 a a particular task or goal assigned to a person or group. b a journey undertaken as part of this. c a person's vocation (mission in life). 2 a military or scientific operation or expedition for a particular purpose. 3 a body of persons sent, esp. to a foreign country, to conduct negotiations etc. 4 a a body sent to propagate a religious faith. b a field of missionary activity. c a missionary post or organization. d a place of worship attached to a mission. 5 a particular course or period of preaching, services, etc., undertaken by a parish or community. [F mission or L missio f. mittere miss- send] missionary adj. & n. --adj. of, concerned with, or characteristic of, religious missions. --n. (pl. -ies) a person doing missionary work. Ьmissionary position colloq. a position for sexual intercourse with the woman lying on her back and the man lying on top and facing her. [mod.L missionarius f. L (as MISSION)] missioner n. 1 a missionary. 2 a person in charge of a religious mission. missis n. (also missus) sl. or joc. 1 a form of address to a woman. 2 a wife. Ьthe missis my or your wife. [corrupt. of MISTRESS: cf. MRS] missive n. 1 joc. a letter, esp. a long and serious one. 2 an official letter. Ьletter (or letters) missive a letter from a sovereign to a dean and chapter nominating a person to be elected bishop. [ME f. med.L missivus f. L (as MISSION)] misspell v.tr. (past and past part. -spelt or -spelled) spell wrongly. misspelling n. a wrong spelling. misspend v.tr. (past and past part. -spent) (esp. as misspent adj.) spend amiss or wastefully. misstate v.tr. state wrongly or inaccurately. misstatement n. a wrong or inaccurate statement. misstep n. 1 a wrong step or action. 2 a faux pas. missus var. of MISSIS. missy n. (pl. -ies) an affectionate or derogatory form of address to a young girl. mist n. & v. --n. 1 a water vapour near the ground in minute droplets limiting visibility. b condensed vapour settling on a surface and obscuring glass etc. 2 dimness or blurring of the sight caused by tears etc. 3 a cloud of particles resembling mist. --v.tr. & intr. (usu. foll. by up, over) cover or become covered with mist or as with mist. ЬЬmistful adj. mistlike adj. [OE f. Gmc] mistake n. & v. --n. 1 an incorrect idea or opinion; a thing incorrectly done or thought. 2 an error of judgement. --v.tr. (past mistook; past part. mistaken) 1 misunderstand the meaning or intention of (a person, a statement, etc.). 2 (foll. by for) wrongly take or identify (mistook me for you). 3 choose wrongly (mistake one's vocation). Ьand (or make) no mistake colloq. undoubtedly. by mistake accidentally; in error. there is no mistaking one is sure to recognize (a person or thing). ЬЬmistakable adj. mistakably adv. [ME f. ON mistaka (as MIS-(1), TAKE)] mistaken adj. 1 wrong in opinion or judgement. 2 based on or resulting from this (mistaken loyalty; mistaken identity). ЬЬmistakenly adv. mistakenness n. misteach v.tr. (past and past part. -taught) teach wrongly or incorrectly. mister n. 1 a man without a title of nobility etc. (a mere mister). 2 sl. or joc. a form of address to a man. [weakened form of MASTER in unstressed use before a name: cf. MR] mistigris n. Cards 1 a blank card used as a wild card in a form of draw poker. 2 this game. [F mistigri jack of clubs] mistime v.tr. say or do at the wrong time. [OE mistimian (as MIS-(1), TIME)] mistitle v.tr. give the wrong title or name to. mistle thrush n. (also missel thrush) a large thrush, Turdus viscivorus, with a spotted breast, that feeds on mistletoe berries. [OE mistel basil, mistletoe, of unkn. orig.] mistletoe n. 1 a parasitic plant, Viscum album, growing on apple and other trees and bearing white glutinous berries in winter. 2 a similar plant, Phoradendron flavescens, native to N. America. [OE misteltan (as MISTLE (THRUSH), tan twig)] mistook past of MISTAKE. mistral n. a cold northerly wind that blows down the Rh“ne valley and S. France into the Mediterranean. [F & Prov. f. L (as MAGISTRAL)] mistranslate v.tr. translate incorrectly. ЬЬmistranslation n. mistreat v.tr. treat badly. ЬЬmistreatment n. mistress n. 1 a female head of a household. 2 a a woman in authority over others. b the female owner of a pet. 3 a woman with power to control etc. (often foll. by of: mistress of the situation). 4 Brit. a a female teacher (music mistress). b a female head of a college etc. 5 a a woman (other than his wife) with whom a married man has a (usu. prolonged) sexual relationship. b archaic or poet. a woman loved and courted by a man. 6 archaic or dial. (as a title) = MRS. ЬMistress of the Robes a lady in charge of the Queen's wardrobe. [ME f. OF maistresse f. maistre MASTER] mistrial n. 1 a trial rendered invalid through some error in the proceedings. 2 US a trial in which the jury cannot agree on a verdict. mistrust v. & n. --v.tr. 1 be suspicious of. 2 feel no confidence in (a person, oneself, one's powers, etc.). --n. 1 suspicion. 2 lack of confidence. mistrustful adj. 1 (foll. by of) suspicious. 2 lacking confidence or trust. ЬЬmistrustfully adv. mistrustfulness n. misty adj. (mistier, mistiest) 1 of or covered with mist. 2 indistinct or dim in outline. 3 obscure, vague (a misty idea). ЬЬmistily adv. mistiness n. [OE mistig (as MIST)] mistype v.tr. type wrongly. [MIS-(1) + TYPE] misunderstand v.tr. (past and past part. -understood) 1 fail to understand correctly. 2 (usu. as misunderstood adj.) misinterpret the words or actions of (a person). misunderstanding n. 1 a failure to understand correctly. 2 a slight disagreement or quarrel. misusage n. 1 wrong or improper usage. 2 ill-treatment. misuse v. & n. --v.tr. 1 use wrongly; apply to the wrong purpose. 2 ill-treat. --n. wrong or improper use or application. ЬЬmisuser n. MIT abbr. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. mite(1) n. any small arachnid of the order Acari, having four pairs of legs when adult. ЬЬmity adj. [OE mite f. Gmc] mite(2) n. & adv. --n. 1 hist. a Flemish copper coin of small value. 2 any small monetary unit. 3 a small object or person, esp. a child. 4 a modest contribution; the best one can do (offered my mite of comfort). --adv. (usu. prec. by a) colloq. somewhat (is a mite shy). [ME f. MLG, MDu. mite f. Gmc: prob. the same as MITE(1)] miter US var. of MITRE. Mithraism n. the cult of the ancient Persian god Mithras associated with the sun. ЬЬMithraic adj. Mithraist n. [L Mithras f. Gk Mithras f. OPers. Mithra f. Skr. Mitra] mithridatize v.tr. (also -ise) render proof against a poison by administering gradually increasing doses of it. ЬЬmithridatic adj. mithridatism n. [f. mithridate a supposed universal antidote attributed to Mithridates VI, king of Pontus d. 63 BC] mitigate v.tr. make milder or less intense or severe; moderate (your offer certainly mitigated their hostility). °Often confused with militate. Ьmitigating circumstances Law circumstances permitting greater leniency. ЬЬmitigable adj. mitigation n. mitigator n. mitigatory adj. [ME f. L mitigare mitigat- f. mitis mild] mitochondrion n. (pl. mitochondria) Biol. an organelle found in most eukaryotic cells, containing enzymes for respiration and energy production. [mod.L f. Gk mitos thread + khondrion dimin. of khondros granule] mitosis n. Biol. a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus (cf. MEIOSIS). ЬЬmitotic adj. [mod.L f. Gk mitos thread] mitral adj. of or like a mitre. Ьmitral valve a two-cusped valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle of the heart. [mod.L mitralis f. L mitra girdle] mitre n. & v. (US miter) --n. 1 a tall deeply-cleft head-dress worn by bishops and abbots, esp. as a symbol of office. 2 the joint of two pieces of wood or other material at an angle of 90ш, such that the line of junction bisects this angle. 3 a diagonal join of two pieces of fabric that meet at a corner, made by folding. --v. 1 tr. bestow the mitre on. 2 tr. & intr. join with a mitre. Ьmitre-block (or board or box) a guide for a saw in cutting mitre-joints. mitre-wheels a pair of bevelled cog-wheels with teeth set at 45ш and axes at right angles. ЬЬmitred adj. [ME f. OF f. L mitra f. Gk mitra girdle, turban] mitt n. 1 = MITTEN 1. 2 a glove leaving the fingers and thumb-tip exposed. 3 sl. a hand or fist. 4 a baseball glove for catching the ball. [abbr. of MITTEN] mitten n. 1 a glove with two sections, one for the thumb and the other for all four fingers. 2 sl. (in pl.) boxing gloves. ЬЬmittened adj. [ME f. OF mitaine ult. f. L medietas half: see MOIETY] mittimus n. a warrant committing a person to prison. [ME f. L, = we send] mitzvah n. (pl. mitzvoth) in Judaism: 1 a precept or commandment. 2 a good deed done from religious duty. [Heb. miswah commandment] mix v. & n. --v. 1 tr. combine or put together (two or more substances or things) so that the constituents of each are diffused among those of the other(s). 2 tr. prepare (a compound, cocktail, etc.) by combining the ingredients. 3 tr. combine an activity etc. with another simultaneously (mix business and pleasure). 4 intr. a join, be mixed, or combine, esp. readily (oil and water will not mix). b be compatible. c be sociable (must learn to mix). 5 intr. a (foll. by with) (of a person) be harmonious or sociable with; have regular dealings with. b (foll. by in) participate in. 6 tr. drink different kinds of (alcoholic liquor) in close succession. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of mixing; a mixture. b the proportion of materials etc. in a mixture. 2 colloq. a group of persons of different types (social mix). 3 the ingredients prepared commercially for making a cake etc. or for a process such as making concrete. 4 the merging of film pictures or sound. Ьbe mixed up in (or with) be involved in or with (esp. something undesirable). mix in be harmonious or sociable. mix it colloq. start fighting. mix up 1 mix thoroughly. 2 confuse; mistake the identity of. mix-up n. a confusion, misunderstanding, or mistake. ЬЬmixable adj. [back-form. f. MIXED (taken as past part.)] mixed adj. 1 of diverse qualities or elements. 2 containing persons from various backgrounds etc. 3 for or involving persons of both sexes (a mixed school; mixed bathing). Ьmixed bag (or bunch) a diverse assortment of things or persons. mixed blessing a thing having advantages and disadvantages. mixed crystal one formed from more than one substance. mixed doubles Tennis a doubles game with a man and a woman as partners on each side. mixed economy an economic system combining private and State enterprise. mixed farming farming of both crops and livestock. mixed feelings a mixture of pleasure and dismay about something. mixed grill a dish of various grilled meats and vegetables etc. mixed marriage a marriage between persons of different races or religions. mixed metaphor a combination of inconsistent metaphors (e.g. this tower of strength will forge ahead). mixed number an integer and a proper fraction. mixed-up colloq. mentally or emotionally confused; socially ill-adjusted. ЬЬmixedness n. [ME mixt f. OF mixte f. L mixtus past part. of miscere mix] mixer n. 1 a device for mixing foods etc. or for processing other materials. 2 a person who manages socially in a specified way (a good mixer). 3 a (usu. soft) drink to be mixed with another. 4 Broadcasting & Cinematog. a a device for merging input signals to produce a combined output in the form of sound or pictures. b a person who operates this. Ьmixer tap a tap through which mixed hot and cold water is drawn by means of separate controls. mixture n. 1 the process of mixing or being mixed. 2 the result of mixing; something mixed; a combination. 3 Chem. the product of the random distribution of one substance through another without any chemical reaction taking place between the components, as distinct from a chemical compound. 4 ingredients mixed together to produce a substance, esp. a medicine (cough mixture). 5 a person regarded as a combination of qualities and attributes. 6 gas or vaporized petrol or oil mixed with air, forming an explosive charge in an internal-combustion engine. Ьthe mixture as before the same treatment repeated. [ME f. F mixture or L mixtura (as MIXED)] mizen n. (also mizzen) Naut. (in full mizen-sail) the lowest fore-and-aft sail of a fully rigged ship's mizen-mast. Ьmizen-mast the mast next aft of the mainmast. mizen yard that on which the mizen is extended. [ME f. F misaine f. It. mezzana mizen-sail, fem. of mezzano middle: see MEZZANINE] mizzle(1) n. & v.intr. drizzle. ЬЬmizzly adj. [ME, prob. f. LG miseln: cf. MDu. miezelen] mizzle(2) v.intr. Brit. sl. run away; decamp. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] 11.0 Mk.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mk. abbr. 1 the German mark. 2 Mark (esp. in the New Testament). mks abbr. metre-kilogram-second. Mkt. abbr. Market. 12.0 ml... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ml abbr. 1 millilitre(s). 2 mile(s). MLA abbr. 1 Member of the Legislative Assembly. 2 Modern Language Association (of America). MLC abbr. Member of the Legislative Council. MLD abbr. minimum lethal dose. MLF abbr. multilateral nuclear force. M.Litt. abbr. Master of Letters. [L Magister Litterarum] Mlle abbr. (pl. Mlles) Mademoiselle. MLR abbr. minimum lending rate. 13.0 MM... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MM abbr. 1 Messieurs. 2 (in the UK) Military Medal. 3 Maelzel's metronome. mm abbr. millimetre(s). Mme abbr. (pl. Mmes) Madame. m.m.f. abbr. magnetomotive force. M.Mus. abbr. Master of Music. 14.0 MN... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MN abbr. 1 Brit. Merchant Navy. 2 US Minnesota (in official postal use). Mn symb. Chem. the element manganese. M'Naghten rules var. of MCNAUGHTEN RULES (see at MACN-). mnemonic adj. & n. --adj. of or designed to aid the memory. --n. a mnemonic device. ЬЬmnemonically adv. mnemonist n. [med.L mnemonicus f. Gk mnemonikos f. mnemon mindful] mnemonics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) 1 the art of improving memory. 2 a system for this. 15.0 MO... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MO abbr. 1 Medical Officer. 2 money order. 3 US Missouri (in official postal use). Mo symb. Chem. the element molybdenum. Mo. abbr. Missouri. mo n. (pl. mos) colloq. a moment (wait a mo). [abbr.] mo. abbr. US month. moa n. (pl. moas) any extinct flightless New Zealand bird of the family Dinornithidae, resembling the ostrich. [Maori] moan n. & v. --n. 1 a long murmur expressing physical or mental suffering. 2 a low plaintive sound of wind etc. 3 a complaint; a grievance. --v. 1 intr. make a moan or moans. 2 intr. colloq. complain or grumble. 3 tr. a utter with moans. b lament. ЬЬmoaner n. moanful adj. moaningly adv. [ME f. OE man (unrecorded) f. Gmc] moat n. & v. --n. a deep defensive ditch round a castle, town, etc., usu. filled with water. --v.tr. surround with or as with a moat. [ME mot(e) f. OF mote, motte mound] mob n. & v. --n. 1 a disorderly crowd; a rabble. 2 (prec. by the) usu. derog. the populace. 3 colloq. a gang; an associated group of persons. 4 Austral. a flock or herd. --v.tr. & intr. (mobbed, mobbing) 1 tr. a crowd round in order to attack or admire. b (of a mob) attack. c US crowd into (a building). 2 intr. assemble in a mob. Ьmob law (or rule) law or rule imposed and enforced by a mob. ЬЬmobber n. & adj. [abbr. of mobile, short for L mobile vulgus excitable crowd: see MOBILE] mob-cap n. hist. a woman's large indoor cap covering all the hair, worn in the 18th and early 19th c. [obs. (18th-c.) mob, orig. = slut + CAP] mobile adj. & n. --adj. 1 movable; not fixed; free or able to move or flow easily. 2 (of the face etc.) readily changing its expression. 3 (of a shop, library, etc.) accommodated in a vehicle so as to serve various places. 4 (of a person) able to change his or her social status. --n. a decorative structure that may be hung so as to turn freely. Ьmobile home a large caravan permanently parked and used as a residence. mobile sculpture a sculpture having moving parts. ЬЬmobility n. [ME f. F f. L mobilis f. movere move] mobilize v. (also -ise) 1 a tr. organize for service or action (esp. troops in time of war). b intr. be organized in this way. 2 tr. render movable; bring into circulation. ЬЬmobilizable adj. mobilization n. mobilizer n. [F mobiliser (as MOBILE)] M”bius strip n. Math. a one-sided surface formed by joining the ends of a rectangle after twisting one end through 180ш. [A. F. M”bius, Ger. mathematician d. 1868] mobocracy n. (pl. -ies) colloq. 1 rule by a mob. 2 a ruling mob. mobster n. sl. a gangster. moccasin n. 1 a type of soft leather slipper or shoe with combined sole and heel, as orig. worn by N. American Indians. 2 (in full water moccasin) US a poisonous American snake of the genus Agkistrodon piscivorus. [Amer. Ind. mockasin, makisin] mocha n. 1 a coffee of fine quality. 2 a beverage or flavouring made with this, often with chocolate added. 3 a soft kind of sheepskin. [Mocha, a port on the Red Sea, from where the coffee first came] mock v., adj., & n. --v. 1 a tr. ridicule; scoff at. b intr. (foll. by at) act with scorn or contempt for. 2 tr. mimic contemptuously. 3 tr. jeer, defy, or delude contemptuously. --attrib.adj. sham, imitation (esp. without intention to deceive); pretended (a mock battle; mock cream). --n. 1 a thing deserving scorn. 2 (in pl.) colloq. mock examinations. Ьmake mock (or a mock) of ridicule. mock-heroic adj. (of a literary style) burlesquing a heroic style. --n. such a style. mock moon paraselene. mock orange a white-flowered heavy-scented shrub, Philadelphus coronarius. mock sun parhelion. mock turtle soup soup made from a calf's head etc. to resemble turtle soup. mock-up an experimental model or replica of a proposed structure etc. ЬЬmockable adj. mockingly adv. [ME mokke, mocque f. OF mo(c)quer deride f. Rmc] mocker n. a person who mocks. Ьput the mockers on sl. 1 bring bad luck to. 2 put a stop to. mockery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a derision, ridicule. b a subject or occasion of this. 2 (often foll. by of) a counterfeit or absurdly inadequate representation. 3 a ludicrously or insultingly futile action etc. [ME f. OF moquerie (as MOCK)] mockingbird n. a bird that mimics the notes of other birds, esp. the American songbird Mimus polyglottos. MOD abbr. (in the UK) Ministry of Defence. mod(1) adj. & n. colloq. --adj. modern, esp. in style of dress. --n. Brit. a young person (esp. in the 1960s) of a group aiming at sophistication and smart modern dress. Ьmod cons modern conveniences. [abbr.] mod(2) prep. Math. = MODULO. [abbr.] mod(3) n. a Highland Gaelic meeting for music and poetry. [Gael. mod] modal adj. 1 of or relating to mode or form as opposed to substance. 2 Gram. a of or denoting the mood of a verb. b (of an auxiliary verb, e.g. would) used to express the mood of another verb. c (of a particle) denoting manner. 3 Statistics of or relating to a mode; occurring most frequently in a sample or population. 4 Mus. denoting a style of music using a particular mode. 5 Logic (of a proposition) in which the predicate is affirmed of the subject with some qualification, or which involves the affirmation of possiblity, impossibility, necessity, or contingency. ЬЬmodally adv. [med.L modalis f. L (as MODE)] modality n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state of being modal. 2 (in sing. or pl.) a prescribed method of procedure. [med.L modalitas (as MODAL)] mode n. 1 a way or manner in which a thing is done; a method of procedure. 2 a prevailing fashion or custom. 3 Computing a way of operating or using a system (print mode). 4 Statistics the value that occurs most frequently in a given set of data. 5 Mus. a each of the scale systems that result when the white notes of the piano are played consecutively over an octave (Lydian mode). b each of the two main modern scale systems, the major and minor (minor mode). 6 Logic a the character of a modal proposition. b = MOOD(2). 7 Physics any of the distinct kinds or patterns of vibration of an oscillating system. 8 US Gram. = MOOD(2). [F mode and L modus measure] model n. & v. --n. 1 a representation in three dimensions of an existing person or thing or of a proposed structure, esp. on a smaller scale (often attrib.: a model train). 2 a simplified (often mathematical) description of a system etc., to assist calculations and predictions. 3 a figure in clay, wax, etc., to be reproduced in another material. 4 a particular design or style of a structure or commodity, esp. of a car. 5 a an exemplary person or thing (a model of self-discipline). b (attrib.) ideal, exemplary (a model student). 6 a person employed to pose for an artist or photographer or to display clothes etc. by wearing them. 7 a garment etc. by a well-known designer, or a copy of this. --v. (modelled, modelling; US modeled, modeling) 1 tr. a fashion or shape (a figure) in clay, wax, etc. b (foll. by after, on, etc.) form (a thing in imitation of). 2 a intr. act or pose as a model. b tr. (of a person acting as a model) display (a garment). 3 tr. devise a (usu. mathematical) model of (a phenomenon, system, etc.). 4 tr. Painting cause to appear three-dimensional. ЬЬmodeller n. [F modelle f. It. modello ult. f. L modulus: see MODULUS] modem n. a combined device for modulation and demodulation, e.g. between a computer and a telephone line. [modulator + demodulator] moderate adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 avoiding extremes; temperate in conduct or expression. 2 fairly or tolerably large or good. 3 (of the wind) of medium strength. 4 (of prices) fairly low. --n. a person who holds moderate views, esp. in politics. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become less violent, intense, rigorous, etc. 2 tr. (also absol.) act as a moderator of or to. 3 tr. Physics retard (neutrons) with a moderator. ЬЬmoderately adv. moderateness n. moderatism n. [ME f. L moderatus past part. of moderare reduce, control: rel. to MODEST] moderation n. 1 the process or an instance of moderating. 2 the quality of being moderate. 3 Physics the retardation of neutrons by a moderator (see MODERATOR 5). 4 (in pl.) (Moderations) the first public examination in some faculties for the Oxford BA degree. Ьin moderation in a moderate manner or degree. [ME f. OF f. L moderatio -onis (as MODERATE)] moderato adj., adv., & n. Mus. --adj. & adv. performed at a moderate pace. --n. (pl. -os) a piece of music to be performed in this way. [It. (as MODERATE)] moderator n. 1 an arbitrator or mediator. 2 a presiding officer. 3 Eccl. a Presbyterian minister presiding over an ecclesiastical body. 4 an examiner for Moderations. 5 Physics a substance used in a nuclear reactor to retard neutrons. ЬЬmoderatorship n. [ME f. L (as MODERATE)] modern adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the present and recent times. 2 in current fashion; not antiquated. --n. (usu. in pl.) a person living in modern times. Ьmodern English English from about 1500 onwards. modern history history from the end of the Middle Ages to the present day. ЬЬmodernity n. modernly adv. modernness n. [F moderne or LL modernus f. L modo just now] modernism n. 1 a modern ideas or methods. b the tendency of religious belief to harmonize with modern ideas. 2 a modern term or expression. ЬЬmodernist n. modernistic adj. modernistically adv. modernize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. make modern; adapt to modern needs or habits. 2 intr. adopt modern ways or views. ЬЬmodernization n. modernizer n. modest adj. 1 having or expressing a humble or moderate estimate of one's own merits or achievements. 2 diffident, bashful, retiring. 3 decorous in manner and conduct. 4 moderate or restrained in amount, extent, severity, etc.; not excessive or exaggerated (a modest sum). 5 (of a thing) unpretentious in appearance etc. ЬЬmodestly adv. [F modeste f. L modestus keeping due measure] modesty n. the quality of being modest. modicum n. (foll. by of) a small quantity. [L, = short distance or time, neut. of modicus moderate f. modus measure] modification n. 1 the act or an instance of modifying or being modified. 2 a change made. [F or f. L modificatio (as MODIFY)] modifier n. 1 a person or thing that modifies. 2 Gram. a word, esp. an adjective or noun used attributively, that qualifies the sense of another word (e.g. good and family in a good family house). modify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 make less severe or extreme; tone down (modify one's demands). 2 make partial changes in; make different. 3 Gram. qualify or expand the sense of (a word etc.). 4 Phonet. change (a vowel) by umlaut. 5 Chem. change or replace all the substituent radicals of a polymer, thereby changing its physical properties such as solubility etc. (modified starch). ЬЬmodifiable adj. modificatory adj. [ME f. OF modifier f. L modificare (as MODE)] modillion n. Archit. a projecting bracket under the corona of a cornice in the Corinthian and other orders. [F modillon f. It. modiglione ult. f. L mutulus mutule] modish adj. fashionable. ЬЬmodishly adv. modishness n. modiste n. a milliner; a dressmaker. [F (as MODE)] Mods n.pl. colloq. Moderations (see MODERATION 4). [abbr.] modular adj. of or consisting of modules or moduli. ЬЬmodularity n. [mod.L modularis f. L modulus: see MODULUS] modulate v. 1 tr. a regulate or adjust. b moderate. 2 tr. adjust or vary the tone or pitch of (the speaking voice). 3 tr. alter the amplitude or frequency of (a wave) by a wave of a lower frequency to convey a signal. 4 intr. & tr. Mus. (often foll. by from, to) change or cause to change from one key to another. ЬЬmodulation n. modulator n. [L modulari modulat- to measure f. modus measure] module n. 1 a standardized part or independent unit used in construction, esp. of furniture, a building, or an electronic system. 2 an independent self-contained unit of a spacecraft (lunar module). 3 a unit or period of training or education. 4 a a standard or unit of measurement. b Archit. a unit of length for expressing proportions, e.g. the semidiameter of a column at the base. [F module or L modulus: see MODULUS] modulo prep. & adj. Math. using, or with respect to, a modulus (see MODULUS 2). [L, ablat. of MODULUS] modulus n. (pl. moduli) Math. 1 a the magnitude of a real number without regard to its sign. b the positive square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts of a complex number. 2 a constant factor or ratio. 3 (in number theory) a number used as a divisor for considering numbers in sets giving the same remainder when divided by it. 4 a constant indicating the relation between a physical effect and the force producing it. [L, = measure, dimin. of modus] modus operandi n. (pl. modi operandi) 1 the particular way in which a person performs a task or action. 2 the way a thing operates. [L, = way of operating: see MODE] modus vivendi n. (pl. modi vivendi) 1 a way of living or coping. 2 a an arrangement whereby those in dispute can carry on pending a settlement. b an arrangement between people who agree to differ. [L, = way of living: see MODE] mofette n. 1 a fumerole. 2 an exhalation of vapour from this. [F mofette or Neapolitan It. mofetta] mog n. (also moggie) Brit. sl. a cat. [20th c.: of dial. orig.] Mogadon n. propr. a hypnotic drug used to treat insomnia. mogul n. 1 colloq. an important or influential person. 2 (Mogul) hist. a = MUGHAL. b (often the Great Mogul) any of the emperors of Delhi in the 16th-19th c. [Pers. mugul: see MUGHAL] MOH abbr. Medical Officer of Health. mohair n. 1 the hair of the angora goat. 2 a yarn or fabric from this, either pure or mixed with wool or cotton. [ult. f. Arab. mukayyar, lit. choice, select] Mohammedan var. of MUHAMMADAN. Mohawk n. 1 a a member of a tribe of N. American Indians. b the language of this tribe. 2 Skating a step from either edge of the skate to the same edge on the other foot in the opposite direction. [native name] Mohican n. & adj. --n. a member of a N. American Indian people of Connecticut. --adj. 1 of or relating to this people. 2 (of a hairstyle) resembling that of the Mohicans, with the head shaved except for a strip of hair from the middle of the forehead to the back of the neck, often worn in long spikes. [native name] moho n. (pl. -os) Geol. a boundary of discontinuity separating the earth's crust and mantle. [A. Mohorovicic, Yugoslav seismologist d. 1936] moidore n. hist. a Portuguese gold coin, current in England in the 18th c. [Port. moeda d'ouro money of gold] moiety n. (pl. -ies) Law or literary 1 a half. 2 each of the two parts into which a thing is divided. [ME f. OF moit‚, moiti‚ f. L medietas -tatis middle f. medius (adj.) middle] moil v. & n. archaic --v.intr. drudge (esp. toil and moil). --n. drudgery. [ME f. OF moillier moisten, paddle in mud, ult. f. L mollis soft] moire n. (in full moire antique) watered fabric, orig. mohair, now usu. silk. [F (earlier mouaire) f. MOHAIR] moir‚ adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of silk) watered. 2 (of metal) having a patterned appearance like watered silk. --n. 1 this patterned appearance. 2 = MOIRE. [F, past part. of moirer (as MOIRE)] moist adj. 1 a slightly wet; damp. b (of the season etc.) rainy. 2 (of a disease) marked by a discharge of matter etc. ЬЬmoistly adv. moistness n. [ME f. OF moiste, ult. from or rel. to L mucidus (see MUCUS) and musteus fresh (see MUST(2))] moisten v.tr. & intr. make or become moist. moisture n. water or other liquid diffused in a small quantity as vapour, or within a solid, or condensed on a surface. ЬЬmoistureless adj. [ME f. OF moistour (as MOIST)] moisturize v.tr. (also -ise) make less dry (esp. the skin by use of a cosmetic). ЬЬmoisturizer n. moke n. sl. 1 Brit. a donkey. 2 Austral. a very poor horse. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] moksa n. Hinduism etc. release from the cycle of rebirth. [Skr. moksa] mol abbr. = MOLE(4). molal adj. Chem. (of a solution) containing one mole of solute per kilogram of solvent. ЬЬmolality n. [MOLE(4) + -AL] molar(1) adj. & n. --adj. (usu. of a mammal's back teeth) serving to grind. --n. a molar tooth. [L molaris f. mola millstone] molar(2) adj. 1 of or relating to mass. 2 acting on or by means of large masses or units. [L moles mass] molar(3) adj. Chem. 1 of a mass of substance usu. per mole (molar latent heat). 2 (of a solution) containing one mole of solute per litre of solvent. ЬЬmolarity n. [MOLE(4) + -AR(1)] molasses n.pl. (treated as sing.) 1 uncrystallized syrup extracted from raw sugar during refining. 2 US treacle. [Port. mela‡o f. LL mellaceum MUST(2) f. mel honey] mold US var. of MOULD(1), MOULD(2), MOULD(3). molder US var. of MOULDER. molding US var. of MOULDING. moldy US var. of MOULDY. mole(1) n. 1 any small burrowing insect-eating mammal of the family Talpidae, esp. Talpa europaea, with dark velvety fur and very small eyes. 2 colloq. a a spy established deep within an organization and usu. dormant for a long period while attaining a position of trust. b a betrayer of confidential information. [ME molle, prob. f. MDu. moll(e), mol, MLG mol, mul] mole(2) n. a small often slightly raised dark blemish on the skin caused by a high concentration of melanin. [OE mal f. Gmc] mole(3) n. 1 a massive structure serving as a pier, breakwater, or causeway. 2 an artificial harbour. [F m“le f. L moles mass] mole(4) n. Chem. the SI unit of amount of substance equal to the quantity containing as many elementary units as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12. [G Mol f. MolekЃl MOLECULE] mole(5) n. Med. an abnormal mass of tissue in the uterus. [F m“le f. L mola millstone] molecular adj. of, relating to, or consisting of molecules. Ьmolecular biology the study of the structure and function of large molecules associated with living organisms. molecular sieve a crystalline substance with pores of molecular dimensions which permit the entry of certain molecules but are impervious to others. molecular weight = relative molecular mass. ЬЬmolecularity n. molecularly adv. molecule n. 1 Chem. the smallest fundamental unit (usu. a group of atoms) of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction. 2 (in general use) a small particle. [F mol‚cule f. mod.L molecula dimin. of L moles mass] molehill n. a small mound thrown up by a mole in burrowing. Ьmake a mountain out of a molehill exaggerate the importance of a minor difficulty. moleskin n. 1 the skin of a mole used as fur. 2 a a kind of cotton fustian with its surface shaved before dyeing. b (in pl.) clothes, esp. trousers, made of this. molest v.tr. 1 annoy or pester (a person) in a hostile or injurious way. 2 attack or interfere with (a person), esp. sexually. ЬЬmolestation n. molester n. [OF molester or L molestare annoy f. molestus troublesome] moline adj. Heraldry (of a cross) having each extremity broadened and curved back. [prob. f. AF molin‚ f. molin MILL(1), because of the resemblance to the iron support of a millstone] moll n. sl. 1 a gangster's female companion. 2 a prostitute. [pet-form of the name Mary] mollify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 appease, pacify. 2 reduce the severity of; soften. ЬЬmollification n. mollifier n. [ME f. F mollifier or L mollificare f. mollis soft] mollusc n. (US mollusk) any invertebrate of the phylum Mollusca, with a soft body and usu. a hard shell, including limpets, snails, cuttlefish, oysters, mussels, etc. ЬЬmolluscan adj. molluscoid adj. molluscous adj. [mod.L mollusca neut. pl. of L molluscus f. mollis soft] mollycoddle v. & n. --v.tr. coddle, pamper. --n. an effeminate man or boy; a milksop. [formed as MOLL + CODDLE] mollymawk n. (also mallemuck) any of various small kinds of albatross or similar birds. [Du. mallemok f. mal foolish + mok gull] Moloch n. 1 a a Canaanite idol to whom children were sacrificed. b a tyrannical object of sacrifices. 2 (moloch) the spiny slow-moving grotesque Australian reptile, Moloch horridus. [LL f. Gk Molokh f. Heb. molek] Molotov cocktail n. a crude incendiary device usu. consisting of a bottle filled with inflammable liquid. [V. M. Molotov, Russian statesman d. 1986] molt US var. of MOULT. molten adj. melted, esp. made liquid by heat. [past part. of MELT] molto adv. Mus. very (molto sostenuto; allegro molto). [It. f. L multus much] moly n. (pl. -ies) 1 an alliaceous plant, Allium moly, with small yellow flowers. 2 a mythical herb with white flowers and black roots, endowed with magic properties. [L f. Gk molu] molybdenite n. molybdenum disulphide as an ore. molybdenum n. Chem. a silver-white brittle metallic transition element occurring naturally in molybdenite and used in steel to give strength and resistance to corrosion. °Symb.: Mo. [mod.L, earlier molybdena, orig. = molybdenite, lead ore: L molybdena f. Gk molubdaina plummet f. molubdos lead] mom n. US colloq. mother. [abbr. of MOMMA] moment n. 1 a very brief portion of time; an instant. 2 a short period of time (wait a moment) (see also MINUTE(1)). 3 an exact or particular point of time (at last the moment arrived; I came the moment you called). 4 importance (of no great moment). 5 Physics & Mech. etc. a the turning effect produced by a force acting at a distance on an object. b this effect expressed as the product of the force and the distance from its line of action to a point. Ьat the moment at this time; now. in a moment 1 very soon. 2 instantly. man (or woman etc.) of the moment the one of importance at the time in question. moment of inertia Physics the quantity by which the angular acceleration of a body must be multiplied to give corresponding torque. moment of truth a time of crisis or test (orig. the final sword-thrust in a bullfight). not for a (or one) moment never; not at all. this moment immediately; at once (come here this moment). [ME f. OF f. L momentum: see MOMENTUM] momenta pl. of MOMENTUM. momentarily adv. 1 for a moment. 2 US a at any moment. b instantly. momentary adj. 1 lasting only a moment. 2 short-lived; transitory. ЬЬmomentariness n. [L momentarius (as MOMENT)] momently adv. literary 1 from moment to moment. 2 every moment. 3 for a moment. momentous adj. having great importance. ЬЬmomentously adv. momentousness n. momentum n. (pl. momenta) 1 Physics the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity. 2 the impetus gained by movement. 3 strength or continuity derived from an initial effort. [L f. movimentum f. movere move] momma n. var. of MAMMA(1). mommy n. (pl. -ies) esp. US = MUMMY(1). Mon. abbr. Monday. monad n. 1 the number one; a unit. 2 Philos. any ultimate unit of being (e.g. a soul, an atom, a person, God). 3 Biol. a simple organism, e.g. one assumed as the first in the genealogy of living beings. ЬЬmonadic adj. monadism n. (in sense 2). [F monade or LL monas monad- f. Gk monas -ados unit f. monos alone] monadelphous adj. Bot. 1 (of stamens) having filaments united into one bundle. 2 (of a plant) with such stamens. [Gk monos one + adelphos brother] monadnock n. a steep-sided isolated hill resistant to erosion and rising above a plain. [Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire, US] monandry n. 1 the custom of having only one husband at a time. 2 Bot. the state of having a single stamen. ЬЬmonandrous adj. [MONO- after polyandry] monarch n. 1 a sovereign with the title of king, queen, emperor, empress, or the equivalent. 2 a supreme ruler. 3 a powerful or pre-eminent person. 4 a large orange and black butterfly, Danaus plexippus. ЬЬmonarchal adj. monarchic adj. monarchical adj. monarchically adv. [ME f. F monarque or LL monarcha f. Gk monarkhes, -os, f. monos alone + arkho to rule] monarchism n. the advocacy of or the principles of monarchy. ЬЬmonarchist n. [F monarchisme (as MONARCHY)] monarchy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a form of government with a monarch at the head. 2 a State with this. ЬЬmonarchial adj. [ME f. OF monarchie f. LL monarchia f. Gk monarkhia the rule of one (as MONARCH)] monastery n. (pl. -ies) the residence of a religious community, esp. of monks living in seclusion. [ME f. eccl.L monasterium f. eccl.Gk monasterion f. monazo live alone f. monos alone] monastic adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to monasteries or the religious communities living in them. 2 resembling these or their way of life; solitary and celibate. --n. a monk or other follower of a monastic rule. ЬЬmonastically adv. monasticism n. monasticize v.tr. (also -ise). [F monastique or LL monasticus f. Gk monastikos (as MONASTERY)] monatomic adj. Chem. 1 (esp. of a molecule) consisting of one atom. 2 having one replaceable atom or radical. monaural adj. 1 = MONOPHONIC. 2 of or involving one ear. ЬЬmonaurally adv. [MONO- + AURAL] monazite n. a phosphate mineral containing rare-earth elements and thorium. [G Monazit f. Gk monazo live alone (because of its rarity)] mondaine adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the fashionable world. 2 worldly. --n. a worldly or fashionable woman. [F, fem. of mondain: see MUNDANE] Monday n. & adv. --n. the second day of the week, following Sunday. --adv. colloq. 1 on Monday. 2 (Mondays) on Monday; each Monday. [OE monand‘g day of the moon, transl. LL lunae dies] Monel n. (in full Monel metal) propr. a nickel-copper alloy with high tensile strength and resisting corrosion. [A. Monell, US businessman d. 1921] monetarism n. the theory or practice of controlling the supply of money as the chief method of stabilizing the economy. monetarist n. & adj. --n. an advocate of monetarism. --adj. in accordance with the principles of monetarism. monetary adj. 1 of the currency in use. 2 of or consisting of money. ЬЬmonetarily adv. [F mon‚taire or LL monetarius f. L (as MONEY)] monetize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 give a fixed value as currency. 2 put (a metal) into circulation as money. ЬЬmonetization n. [F mon‚tiser f. L (as MONEY)] money n. 1 a a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes. b a particular form of this (silver money). 2 (pl. -eys or -ies) (in pl.) sums of money. 3 a wealth; property viewed as convertible into money. b wealth as giving power or influence (money speaks). c a rich person or family (has married into money). 4 a money as a resource (time is money). b profit, remuneration (in it for the money). Ьfor my money in my opinion or judgement; for my preference (is too aggressive for my money). have money to burn see BURN(1). in the money colloq. having or winning a lot of money. money box a box for saving money dropped through a slit. money-changer a person whose business it is to change money, esp. at an official rate. money for jam (or old rope) colloq. profit for little or no trouble. money-grubber colloq. a person greedily intent on amassing money. money-grubbing n. this practice. --adj. given to this. money market Stock Exch. trade in short-term stocks, loans, etc. money of account see ACCOUNT. money order an order for payment of a specified sum, issued by a bank or Post Office. money spider a small household spider supposed to bring financial luck. money-spinner a thing that brings in a profit. money's-worth good value for one's money. put money into invest in. ЬЬmoneyless adj. [ME f. OF moneie f. L moneta mint, money, orig. a title of Juno, in whose temple at Rome money was minted] moneybags n.pl. (treated as sing.) colloq. usu. derog. a wealthy person. moneyed adj. 1 having much money; wealthy. 2 consisting of money (moneyed assistance). moneylender n. a person who lends money, esp. as a business, at interest. ЬЬmoneylending n. & adj. moneymaker n. 1 a person who earns much money. 2 a thing, idea, etc., that produces much money. ЬЬmoneymaking n. & adj. moneywort n. a trailing evergreen plant, Lysimachia nummularia, with round glossy leaves and yellow flowers. monger n. (usu. in comb.) 1 a dealer or trader (fishmonger; ironmonger). 2 usu. derog. a person who promotes or deals in something specified (warmonger; scaremonger). [OE mangere f. mangian to traffic f. Gmc, ult. f. L mango dealer] Mongol adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to the Asian people now inhabiting Mongolia in Central Asia. 2 resembling this people, esp. in appearance. 3 (mongol) often offens. suffering from Down's syndrome. --n. 1 a Mongolian. 2 (mongol) often offens. a person suffering from Down's syndrome. [native name: perh. f. mong brave] Mongolian n. & adj. --n. a native or inhabitant of Mongolia; the language of Mongolia. --adj. of or relating to Mongolia or its people or language. mongolism n. = DOWN'S SYNDROME. °The term Down's syndrome is now much preferred in medical circles. [MONGOL + -ISM, because its physical characteristics were thought to be reminiscent of Mongolians] Mongoloid adj. & n. --adj. 1 characteristic of the Mongolians, esp. in having a broad flat yellowish face. 2 (mongoloid) often offens. having the characteristic symptoms of Down's syndrome. --n. a Mongoloid or mongoloid person. mongoose n. (pl. mongooses) any of various small flesh-eating civet-like mammals of the family Viverridae, esp. of the genus Herpestes. [Marathi mangus] mongrel n. & adj. --n. 1 a dog of no definable type or breed. 2 any other animal or plant resulting from the crossing of different breeds or types. 3 derog. a person of mixed race. --adj. of mixed origin, nature, or character. ЬЬmongrelism n. mongrelize v.tr. (also -ise). mongrelization n. mongrelly adj. [earlier meng-, mang- f. Gmc: prob. rel. to MINGLE] 'mongst poet. var. of AMONGST. [see AMONG] monial n. a mullion. [ME f. OF moinel middle f. moien MEAN(3)] monicker var. of MONIKER. monies see MONEY 2. moniker n. (also monicker, monniker) sl. a name. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] moniliform adj. with a form suggesting a string of beads. [F moniliforme or mod.L moniliformis f. L monile necklace] monism n. 1 any theory denying the duality of matter and mind. 2 the doctrine that only one ultimate principle or being exists. ЬЬmonist n. monistic adj. [mod.L monismus f. Gk monos single] monition n. 1 (foll. by of) literary a warning (of danger). 2 Eccl. a formal notice from a bishop or ecclesiastical court admonishing a person not to commit an offence. [ME f. OF f. L monitio -onis (as MONITOR)] monitor n. & v. --n. 1 any of various persons or devices for checking or warning about a situation, operation, etc. 2 a school pupil with disciplinary or other special duties. 3 a a television receiver used in a studio to select or verify the picture being broadcast. b = visual display unit. 4 a person who listens to and reports on foreign broadcasts etc. 5 a detector of radioactive contamination. 6 Zool. any tropical lizard of the genus Varanus, supposed to give warning of the approach of crocodiles. 7 a heavily armed shallow-draught warship. --v.tr. 1 act as a monitor of. 2 maintain regular surveillance over. 3 regulate the strength of (a recorded or transmitted signal). ЬЬmonitorial adj. monitorship n. [L f. monere monit- warn] monitory adj. & n. --adj. literary giving or serving as a warning. --n. (pl. -ies) Eccl. a letter of admonition from the pope or a bishop. [L monitorius (as MONITION)] monk n. a member of a religious community of men living under certain vows esp. of poverty, chastity, and obedience. ЬЬmonkish adj. [OE munuc ult. f. Gk monakhos solitary f. monos alone] monkey n. & v. --n. (pl. -eys) 1 any of various New World and Old World primates esp. of the families Cebidae (including capuchins), Callitrichidae (including marmosets and tamarins), and Cercopithecidae (including baboons and apes). 2 a mischievous person, esp. a child (young monkey). 3 sl. a Brit. њ500. b US $500. 4 (in full monkey engine) a machine hammer for pile-driving etc. --v. (-eys, -eyed) 1 tr. mimic or mock. 2 intr. (often foll. by with) tamper or play mischievous tricks. 3 intr. (foll. by around, about) fool around. Ьhave a monkey on one's back sl. be a drug addict. make a monkey of humiliate by making appear ridiculous. monkey bread the baobab tree or its fruit. monkey business colloq. mischief. monkey flower a mimulus, esp. Mimulus cardinalis, with bright yellow flowers. monkey-jacket a short close-fitting jacket worn by sailors etc. or at a mess. monkey-nut a peanut. monkey-puzzle a coniferous tree, Araucaria araucaria, native to Chile, with downward-pointing branches and small close-set leaves. monkey-suit colloq. evening dress. monkey tricks colloq. mischief. monkey wrench a wrench with an adjustable jaw. ЬЬmonkeyish adj. [16th c.: orig. unkn. (perh. LG)] monkeyshine n. (usu. in pl.) US colloq. = monkey tricks. monkfish n. 1 an angler-fish, esp. Lophius piscatorius, often used as food. 2 a large cartilaginous fish, Squatina squatina, with a flattened body and large pectoral fins. Also called angel-shark. monkshood n. Bot. a poisonous garden plant Aconitum napellus, with hood-shaped blue or purple flowers. monniker var. of MONIKER. mono adj. & n. colloq. --adj. monophonic. --n. (pl. -os) a monophonic record, reproduction, etc. [abbr.] mono- comb. form (usu. mon- before a vowel) 1 one, alone, single. 2 Chem. (forming names of compounds) containing one atom or group of a specified kind. [Gk f. monos alone] monoacid adj. Chem. (of a base) having one replaceable hydroxide ion. monobasic adj. Chem. (of an acid) having one replaceable hydrogen atom. monocarpic adj. (also monocarpous) Bot. bearing fruit only once. [MONO- + Gk karpos fruit] monocausal adj. in terms of a sole cause. monocephalous adj. Bot. having only one head. monochord n. Mus. an instrument with a single string and a movable bridge, used esp. to determine intervals. [ME f. OF monocorde f. LL monochordon f. Gk monokhordon (as MONO-, CHORD(1))] monochromatic adj. 1 Physics (of light or other radiation) of a single wavelength or frequency. 2 containing only one colour. ЬЬmonochromatically adv. monochromatism n. complete colour-blindness in which all colours appear as shades of one colour. monochrome n. & adj. --n. a photograph or picture done in one colour or different tones of this, or in black and white only. --adj. having or using only one colour or in black and white only. ЬЬmonochromic adj. [ult. f. Gk monokhromatos (as MONO-, khromatos f. khroma colour)] monocle n. a single eyeglass. ЬЬmonocled adj. [F, orig. adj. f. LL monoculus one-eyed (as MONO-, oculus eye)] monocline n. Geol. a bend in rock strata that are otherwise uniformly dipping or horizontal. ЬЬmonoclinal adj. [MONO- + Gk klino lean, dip] monoclinic adj. (of a crystal) having one axial intersection oblique. [MONO- + Gk klino lean, slope] monoclonal adj. forming a single clone; derived from a single individual or cell. Ьmonoclonal antibodies antibodies produced artificially by a single clone and consisting of identical antibody molecules. monocoque n. Aeron. an aircraft or vehicle structure in which the chassis is integral with the body. [F (as MONO-, coque shell)] monocot n. = MONOCOTYLEDON. [abbr.] monocotyledon n. Bot. any flowering plant with a single cotyledon. ЬЬmonocotyledonous adj. monocracy n. (pl. -ies) government by one person only. ЬЬmonocratic adj. monocular adj. with or for one eye. ЬЬmonocularly adj. [LL monoculus having one eye] monoculture n. the cultivation of a single crop. monocycle n. = UNICYCLE. monocyte n. Biol. a large type of leucocyte. monodactylous adj. having one finger, toe, or claw. monodrama n. a dramatic piece for one performer. monody n. (pl. -ies) 1 an ode sung by a single actor in a Greek tragedy. 2 a poem lamenting a person's death. 3 Mus. a composition with only one melodic line. ЬЬmonodic adj. monodist n. [LL monodia f. Gk monoidia f. monoidos singing alone (as MONO-, ODE)] monoecious adj. 1 Bot. with unisexual male and female organs on the same plant. 2 Zool. hermaphrodite. [mod.L Monoecia the class of such plants (Linnaeus) f. Gk monos single + oikos house] monofilament n. 1 a single strand of man-made fibre. 2 a type of fishing line using this. monogamy n. 1 the practice or state of being married to one person at a time. 2 Zool. the habit of having only one mate at a time. ЬЬmonogamist n. monogamous adj. monogamously adv. [F monogamie f. eccl.L f. Gk monogamia (as MONO-, gamos marriage)] monogenesis n. (also monogeny) 1 the theory of the development of all beings from a single cell. 2 the theory that mankind descended from one pair of ancestors. ЬЬmonogenetic adj. monoglot adj. & n. --adj. using only one language. --n. a monoglot person. monogram n. two or more letters, esp. a person's initials, interwoven as a device. ЬЬmonogrammatic adj. monogrammed adj. [F monogramme f. LL monogramma f. Gk (as MONO-, -GRAM)] monograph n. & v. --n. a separate treatise on a single subject or an aspect of it. --v.tr. write a monograph on. ЬЬmonographer n. monographist n. monographic adj. [earlier monography f. mod.L monographia f. monographus writer on a single genus or species (as MONO-, -GRAPH, -GRAPHY)] monogynous adj. Bot. having only one pistil. monogyny n. the custom of having only one wife at a time. monohull n. a boat with a single hull. monohybrid n. a hybrid with respect to only one allele. monohydric adj. Chem. containing one hydroxyl group. monokini n. a woman's one-piece beach-garment equivalent to the lower half of a bikini. [MONO- + BIKINI, by false assoc. with BI-] monolayer n. Chem. a layer only one molecule in thickness. monolingual adj. speaking or using only one language. monolith n. 1 a single block of stone, esp. shaped into a pillar or monument. 2 a person or thing like a monolith in being massive, immovable, or solidly uniform. 3 a large block of concrete. ЬЬmonolithic adj. [F monolithe f. Gk monolithos (as MONO-, lithos stone)] monologue n. 1 a a scene in a drama in which a person speaks alone. b a dramatic composition for one performer. 2 a long speech by one person in a conversation etc. ЬЬmonologic adj. monological adj. monologist n. (also -loguist). monologize v.intr. (also -ise). [F f. Gk monologos speaking alone (as MONO-, -LOGUE)] monomania n. obsession of the mind by one idea or interest. ЬЬmonomaniac n. & adj. monomaniacal adj. [F monomanie (as MONO-, -MANIA)] monomark n. Brit. a combination of letters, with or witout figures, registered as an identification mark for goods, articles, addresses, etc. monomer n. Chem. 1 a unit in a dimer, trimer, or polymer. 2 a molecule or compound that can be polymerized. ЬЬmonomeric adj. monomial adj. & n. Math. --adj. (of an algebraic expression) consisting of one term. --n. a monomial expression. [MONO- after binomial] monomolecular adj. Chem. (of a layer) only one molecule in thickness. monomorphic adj. (also monomorphous) Biochem. not changing form during development. ЬЬmonomorphism n. mononucleosis n. an abnormally high proportion of monocytes in the blood, esp. = glandular fever. [MONO- + NUCLEO- + -OSIS] monopetalous adj. Bot. having the corolla in one piece, or the petals united into a tube. monophonic adj. 1 (of sound-reproduction) using only one channel of transmission (cf. STEREOPHONIC). 2 Mus. homophonic. ЬЬmonophonically adv. [MONO- + Gk phone sound] monophthong n. Phonet. a single vowel sound. ЬЬmonophthongal adj. [Gk monophthoggos (as MONO-, phthoggos sound)] Monophysite n. a person who holds that there is only one nature (partly divine, partly and subordinately human) in the person of Christ. [eccl.L monophysita f. eccl.Gk monophusites (as MONO-, phusis nature)] monoplane n. an aeroplane with one set of wings (cf. BIPLANE). monopolist n. a person who has or advocates a monopoly. ЬЬmonopolistic adj. monopolize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 obtain exclusive possession or control of (a trade or commodity etc.). 2 dominate or prevent others from sharing in (a conversation, person's attention, etc.). ЬЬmonopolization n. monopolizer n. monopoly n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the exclusive possession or control of the trade in a commodity or service. b this conferred as a privilege by the State. 2 a a commodity or service that is subject to a monopoly. b a company etc. that possesses a monopoly. 3 (foll. by of, US on) exclusive possession, control, or exercise. [L monopolium f. Gk monopolion (as MONO-, poleo sell)] monorail n. a railway in which the track consists of a single rail, usu. elevated with the train units suspended from it. monosaccharide n. Chem. a sugar that cannot be hydrolysed to give a simpler sugar, e.g. glucose. monosodium glutamate n. Chem. a sodium salt of glutamic acid used to flavour food (cf. GLUTAMATE). monospermous adj. Bot. having one seed. [MONO- + Gk sperma seed] monostichous adj. Bot. & Zool. arranged in or consisting of one layer or row. [MONO- + Gk stikhos row] monosyllabic adj. 1 (of a word) having one syllable. 2 (of a person or statement) using or expressed in monosyllables. ЬЬmonosyllabically adv. monosyllable n. a word of one syllable. Ьin monosyllables in simple direct words. monotheism n. the doctrine that there is only one God. ЬЬmonotheist n. monotheistic adj. monotheistically adv. [MONO- + Gk theos god] monotint n. = MONOCHROME. monotone n. & adj. --n. 1 a sound or utterance continuing or repeated on one note without change of pitch. 2 sameness of style in writing. --adj. without change of pitch. [mod.L monotonus f. late Gk monotonos (as MONO-, TONE)] monotonic adj. 1 uttered in a monotone. 2 Math. (of a function or quantity) varying in such a way that it either never decreases or never increases. ЬЬmonotonically adv. monotonous adj. 1 lacking in variety; tedious through sameness. 2 (of a sound or utterance) without variation in tone or pitch. ЬЬmonotonize v.tr. (also -ise). monotonously adv. monotonousness n. monotony n. 1 the state of being monotonous. 2 dull or tedious routine. monotreme n. any mammal of the order Monotremata, native to Australia and New Guinea, including the duckbill and spiny anteater, laying large yolky eggs through a common opening for urine, faeces, etc. [MONO- + Gk trema -matos hole] monotype n. 1 (Monotype) Printing propr. a typesetting machine that casts and sets up types in individual characters. 2 an impression on paper made from an inked design painted on glass or metal. monotypic adj. having only one type or representative. monovalent adj. Chem. having a valency of one; univalent. ЬЬmonovalence n. monovalency n. monoxide n. Chem. an oxide containing one oxygen atom (carbon monoxide). [MONO- + OXIDE] Monroe doctrine n. the US policy of objecting to intervention by European powers in the affairs of Latin America. [J. Monroe, US President d. 1831, who formulated it] Monseigneur n. (pl. Messeigneurs) a title given to an eminent French person, esp. a prince, cardinal, archbishop, or bishop. [F f. mon my + seigneur lord] Monsieur n. (pl. Messieurs) 1 the title or form of address used of or to a French-speaking man, corresponding to Mr or sir. 2 a Frenchman. [F f. mon my + sieur lord] Monsignor n. (pl. Monsignori) the title of various Roman Catholic prelates, officers of the papal court, etc. [It., after MONSEIGNEUR: see SIGNOR] monsoon n. 1 a wind in S. Asia, esp. in the Indian Ocean, blowing from the south west in summer (wet monsoon) and the north east in winter (dry monsoon). 2 a rainy season accompanying a wet monsoon. 3 any other wind with periodic alternations. ЬЬmonsoonal adj. [obs. Du. monssoen f. Port. mon‡°.o f. Arab. mawsim fixed season f. wasama to mark] mons pubis n. a rounded mass of fatty tissue lying over the joint of a man's pubic bones. [L, = mount of the pubes] monster n. 1 an imaginary creature, usu. large and frightening, compounded of incongruous elements. 2 an inhumanly cruel or wicked person. 3 a misshapen animal or plant. 4 a large hideous animal or thing (e.g. a building). 5 (attrib.) huge; extremely large of its kind. [ME f. OF monstre f. L monstrum portent, monster f. monere warn] monstera n. any climbing plant of the genus Monstera, including Swiss cheese plant. [mod.L, perh. f. L monstrum monster (from the odd appearance of its leaves)] monstrance n. RC Ch. a vessel in which the Host is exposed for veneration. [ME, = demonstration, f. med.L monstrantia f. L monstrare show] monstrosity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a huge or outrageous thing. 2 monstrousness. 3 = MONSTER 3. [LL monstrositas (as MONSTROUS)] monstrous adj. 1 like a monster; abnormally formed. 2 huge. 3 a outrageously wrong or absurd. b atrocious. ЬЬmonstrously adv. monstrousness n. [ME f. OF monstreux or L monstrosus (as MONSTER)] mons Veneris n. a rounded mass of fatty tissue on a woman's abdomen above the vulva. [L, = mount of Venus] Mont. abbr. Montana. montage n. 1 a a process of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of cinema or television film to form a continuous whole. b a sequence of such film as a section of a longer film. 2 a the technique of producing a new composite whole from fragments of pictures, words, music, etc. b a composition produced in this way. [F f. monter MOUNT(1)] montane adj. of or inhabiting mountainous country. [L montanus (as MOUNT(2), -ANE(1))] montbretia n. a hybrid plant of the genus Crocosmia, with bright orange-yellow trumpet-shaped flowers . [mod.L f. A. F. E. Coquebert de Montbret, Fr. botanist d. 1801] monte n. Cards 1 a Spanish game of chance, played with 45 cards. 2 (in full three-card monte) a game of Mexican origin played with three cards, similar to three-card trick. [Sp., = mountain, heap of cards] Monte Carlo method n. Statistics a method of using the random sampling of numbers in order to estimate the solution to a numerical problem. [Monte Carlo in Monaco, famous for its gambling casino] Montessori n. (usu. attrib.) a system of education (esp. of young children) that seeks to develop natural interests and activities rather than use formal teaching methods. [Maria Montessori, It. educationist d. 1952, who initiated it] month n. 1 (in full calendar month) a each of usu. twelve periods into which a year is divided. b a period of time between the same dates in successive calendar months. 2 a period of 28 days or of four weeks. 3 = lunar month. Ьmonth of Sundays a very long period. [OE monath f. Gmc, rel. to MOON] monthly adj., adv., & n. --adj. done, produced, or occurring once a month. --adv. once a month; from month to month. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a monthly periodical. 2 (in pl.) colloq. a menstrual period. monticule n. 1 a small hill. 2 a small mound caused by a volcanic eruption. [F f. LL monticulus dimin. of mons MOUNT(2)] monument n. 1 anything enduring that serves to commemorate or make celebrated, esp. a structure or building. 2 a stone or other structure placed over a grave or in a church etc. in memory of the dead. 3 an ancient building or site etc. that has survived or been preserved. 4 (foll. by of, to) a typical or outstanding example (a monument of indiscretion). 5 a written record. [ME f. F f. L monumentum f. monere remind] monumental adj. 1 a extremely great; stupendous (a monumental achievement). b (of a literary work) massive and permanent. 2 of or serving as a monument. Ьmonumental mason a maker of tombstones etc. ЬЬmonumentality n. monumentally adv. monumentalize v.tr. (also -ise) record or commemorate by or as by a monument. -mony suffix forming nouns esp. denoting an abstract state or quality (acrimony; testimony). [L -monia, -monium, rel. to -MENT] moo v. & n. --v.intr. (moos, mooed) make the characteristic vocal sound of cattle; = LOW(2). --n. (pl. moos) this sound. Ьmoo-cow a childish name for a cow. [imit.] mooch v. colloq. 1 intr. loiter or saunter desultorily. 2 tr. esp. US a steal. b beg. ЬЬmoocher n. [ME, prob. f. OF muchier hide, skulk] mood(1) n. 1 a state of mind or feeling. 2 (in pl.) fits of melancholy or bad temper. 3 (attrib.) inducing a particular mood (mood music). Ьin the (or no) mood (foll. by for, or to + infin.) inclined (or disinclined) (was in no mood to agree). [OE mod mind, thought, f. Gmc] mood(2) n. 1 Gram. a a form or set of forms of a verb serving to indicate whether it is to express fact, command, wish, etc. (subjunctive mood). b the distinction of meaning expressed by different moods. 2 Logic any of the classes into which each of the figures of a valid categorical syllogism is subdivided. [var. of MODE, assoc. with MOOD(1)] moody adj. & n. --adj. (moodier, moodiest) given to changes of mood; gloomy, sullen. --n. colloq. a bad mood; a tantrum. ЬЬmoodily adv. moodiness n. [OE modig brave (as MOOD(1))] Moog n. (in full Moog synthesizer) propr. an electronic instrument with a keyboard, for producing a wide variety of musical sounds: see SYNTHESIZER. [R. A. Moog, Amer. engineer b. 1934, who invented it] moolah n. sl. money. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] moolvi n. (also moolvie) 1 a Muslim doctor of the law. 2 a learned person or teacher (esp. as a term of respect among Muslims in India). [Urdu mulvi f. Arab. mawlawiy judicial: cf. MULLAH] moon n. & v. --n. 1 a the natural satellite of the earth, orbiting it monthly, illuminated by the sun and reflecting some light to the earth. b this regarded in terms of its waxing and waning in a particular month (new moon). c the moon when visible (there is no moon tonight). 2 a satellite of any planet. 3 (prec. by the) something desirable but unattainable (promised them the moon). 4 poet. a month. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by about, around, etc.) move or look listlessly. 2 tr. (foll. by away) spend (time) in a listless manner. 3 intr. (foll. by over) act aimlessly or inattentively from infatuation for (a person). Ьmoon boot a thickly-padded boot designed for low temperatures. moon-faced having a round face. over the moon extremely happy or delighted. ЬЬmoonless adj. [OE mona f. Gmc, rel. to MONTH] moonbeam n. a ray of moonlight. mooncalf n. a born fool. moonfish n. = OPAH. Moonie n. sl. a member of the Unification Church. [Sun Myung Moon, its founder] moonlight n. & v. --n. 1 the light of the moon. 2 (attrib.) lighted by the moon. --v.intr. (-lighted) colloq. have two paid occupations, esp. one by day and one by night. Ьmoonlight flit a hurried departure by night, esp. to avoid paying a debt. ЬЬmoonlighter n. moonlit adj. lighted by the moon. moonquake n. a tremor of the moon's surface. moonrise n. 1 the rising of the moon. 2 the time of this. moonscape n. 1 the surface or landscape of the moon. 2 an area resembling this; a wasteland. moonset n. 1 the setting of the moon. 2 the time of this. moonshee n. (also munshi) a secretary or language-teacher in India. [Urdu munshi f. Arab. munsi' writer] moonshine n. 1 foolish or unrealistic talk or ideas. 2 sl. illicitly distilled or smuggled alcoholic liquor. moonshiner n. US sl. an illicit distiller or smuggler of alcoholic liquor. moonshot n. the launching of a spacecraft to the moon. moonstone n. feldspar of pearly appearance. moonstruck adj. mentally deranged. moony adj. (moonier, mooniest) 1 listless; stupidly dreamy. 2 of or like the moon. Moor n. a member of a Muslim people of mixed Berber and Arab descent, inhabiting NW Africa. [ME f. OF More f. L Maurus f. Gk Mauros inhabitant of Mauretania, a region of N. Africa] moor(1) n. 1 a tract of open uncultivated upland, esp. when covered with heather. 2 a tract of ground preserved for shooting. 3 US a fen. ЬЬmoorish adj. moory adj. [OE mor waste land, marsh, mountain, f. Gmc] moor(2) v. 1 tr. make fast (a boat, buoy, etc.) by attaching a cable etc. to a fixed object. 2 intr. (of a boat) be moored. ЬЬmoorage n. [ME more, prob. f. LG or MLG moren] moorcock n. a male moorfowl. moorfowl n. a red grouse. moorhen n. 1 a small aquatic bird, Gallinula chloropus, with long legs and a short red-yellow bill. 2 a female moorfowl. mooring n. 1 a a fixed object to which a boat, buoy, etc., is moored. b (often in pl.) a place where a boat etc. is moored. 2 (in pl.) a set of permanent anchors and chains laid down for ships to be moored to. Moorish adj. of or relating to the Moors. ЬMoorish idol a brightly-coloured Pacific fish of the genus Zanclus. moorland n. an extensive area of moor. moose n. (pl. same) a N. American deer; an elk. [Narragansett moos] moot adj., v., & n. --adj. (orig. the noun used attrib.) 1 debatable, undecided (a moot point). 2 US Law having no practical significance. --v.tr. raise (a question) for discussion. --n. 1 hist. an assembly. 2 Law a discussion of a hypothetical case as an academic exercise. [OE mot, and motian converse, f. Gmc, rel. to MEET(1)] mop(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a wad or bundle of cotton or synthetic material fastened to the end of a stick, for cleaning floors etc. 2 a similarly-shaped large or small implement for various purposes. 3 anything resembling a mop, esp. a thick mass of hair. 4 an act of mopping or being mopped (gave it a mop). --v.tr. (mopped, mopping) 1 wipe or clean with or as with a mop. 2 a wipe tears or sweat etc. from (one's face or brow etc.). b wipe away (tears etc.). Ьmop up 1 wipe up with or as with a mop. 2 colloq. absorb (profits etc.). 3 dispatch; make an end of. 4 Mil. a complete the occupation of (a district etc.) by capturing or killing enemy troops left there. b capture or kill (stragglers). ЬЬmoppy adj. [ME mappe, perh. ult. rel. to L mappa napkin] mop(2) n. Brit. hist. an autumn fair or gathering at which farm-hands and servants were formerly hired. [perh. = mop-fair, at which a mop was carried by a maidservant seeking employment] mope v. & n. --v.intr. be gloomily depressed or listless; behave sulkily. --n. 1 a person who mopes. 2 (the mopes) low spirits. ЬЬmoper n. mopy adj. (mopier, mopiest). mopily adv. mopiness n. [16th c.: prob. rel. to mope, mopp(e) fool] moped n. a motorized bicycle with an engine capacity below 50 cc. [Sw. (as MOTOR, PEDAL(1))] mophead n. a person with thick matted hair. mopoke n. (also morepork) 1 a boobook. 2 an Australian nocturnal insect-eating bird, Podargus strigoides. Also called FROGMOUTH. [imit. of the bird's cry] moppet n. colloq. (esp. as a term of endearment) a baby or small child. [obs. moppe baby, doll] moquette n. a thick pile or looped material used for carpets and upholstery. [F, perh. f. obs. It. mocaiardo mohair] mor n. humus formed under acid conditions. [Da.] moraine n. an area covered by rocks and debris carried down and deposited by a glacier. ЬЬmorainal adj. morainic adj. [F f. It. dial. morena f. F dial. mor(re) snout f. Rmc] moral adj. & n. --adj. 1 a concerned with goodness or badness of human character or behaviour, or with the distinction between right and wrong. b concerned with accepted rules and standards of human behaviour. 2 a conforming to accepted standards of general conduct. b capable of moral action (man is a moral agent). 3 (of rights or duties etc.) founded on moral law. 4 a concerned with morals or ethics (moral philosophy). b (of a literary work etc.) dealing with moral conduct. 5 concerned with or leading to a psychological effect associated with confidence in a right action (moral courage; moral support; moral victory). --n. 1 a a moral lesson (esp. at the end) of a fable, story, event, etc. b a moral maxim or principle. 2 (in pl.) moral behaviour, e.g. in sexual conduct. Ьmoral certainty probability so great as to allow no reasonable doubt. moral law the conditions to be satisfied by any right course of action. moral majority the majority of people, regarded as favouring firm moral standards (orig. Moral Majority, name of a right-wing US movement). moral philosophy the branch of philosophy concerned with ethics. moral pressure persuasion by appealing to a person's moral sense. Moral Re-Armament 1 = OXFORD GROUP. 2 the beliefs of this organization, esp. as applied to international relations. moral science systematic knowledge as applied to morals. moral sense the ability to distinguish right and wrong. ЬЬmorally adv. [ME f. L moralis f. mos moris custom, pl. mores morals] morale n. the mental attitude or bearing of a person or group, esp. as regards confidence, discipline, etc. [F moral respelt to preserve the pronunciation] moralism n. 1 a natural system of morality. 2 religion regarded as moral practice. moralist n. 1 a person who practises or teaches morality. 2 a person who follows a natural system of ethics. ЬЬmoralistic adj. moralistically adv. morality n. (pl. -ies) 1 the degree of conformity of an idea, practice, etc., to moral principles. 2 right moral conduct. 3 a lesson in morals. 4 the science of morals. 5 a particular system of morals (commercial morality). 6 (in pl.) moral principles; points of ethics. 7 (in full morality play) hist. a kind of drama with personified abstract qualities as the main characters and inculcating a moral lesson, popular in the 16th c. [ME f. OF moralit‚ or LL moralitas f. L (as MORAL)] moralize v. (also -ise) 1 intr. (often foll. by on) indulge in moral reflection or talk. 2 tr. interpret morally; point the moral of. 3 tr. make moral or more moral. ЬЬmoralization n. moralizer n. moralizingly adv. [F moraliser or med.L moralizare f. L (as MORAL)] morass n. 1 an entanglement; a disordered situation, esp. one impeding progress. 2 literary a bog or marsh. [Du. moeras (assim. to moer MOOR(1)) f. MDu. marasch f. OF marais marsh f. med.L mariscus] moratorium n. (pl. moratoriums or moratoria) 1 (often foll. by on) a temporary prohibition or suspension (of an activity). 2 a a legal authorization to debtors to postpone payment. b the period of this postponement. [mod.L, neut. of LL moratorius delaying f. L morari morat- to delay f. mora delay] Moravian n. & adj. --n. 1 a native of Moravia, now part of Czechoslovakia. 2 a member of a Protestant sect founded in Saxony by emigrants from Moravia, holding views derived from the Hussites and accepting the Bible as the only source of faith. --adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of Moravia or its people. moray n. any tropical eel-like fish of the family Muraenidae, esp. Muraena helena found in Mediterranean waters. [Port. moreia f. L f. Gk muraina] morbid adj. 1 a (of the mind, ideas, etc.) unwholesome, sickly. b given to morbid feelings. 2 colloq. melancholy. 3 Med. of the nature of or indicative of disease. Ьmorbid anatomy the anatomy of diseased organs, tissues, etc. ЬЬmorbidity n. morbidly adv. morbidness n. [L morbidus f. morbus disease] morbific adj. causing disease. [F morbifique or mod.L morbificus f. L morbus disease] morbilli n.pl. 1 measles. 2 the spots characteristic of measles. [L, pl. of morbillus pustule f. morbus disease] mordant adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of sarcasm etc.) caustic, biting. 2 pungent, smarting. 3 corrosive or cleansing. 4 (of a substance) serving to fix colouring-matter or gold leaf on another substance. --n. a mordant substance (in senses 3, 4 of adj.). ЬЬmordancy n. mordantly adv. [ME f. F, part. of mordre bite f. L mordere] mordent n. Mus. 1 an ornament consisting of one rapid alternation of a written note with the note immediately below it. 2 a pralltriller. [G f. It. mordente part. of mordere bite] more adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 existing in a greater or additional quantity, amount, or degree (more problems than last time; bring some more water). 2 greater in degree (more's the pity; the more fool you). --n. a greater quantity, number, or amount (more than three people; more to it than meets the eye). --adv. 1 in a greater degree (do it more carefully). 2 to a greater extent (people like to walk more these days). 3 forming the comparative of adjectives and adverbs, esp. those of more than one syllable (more absurd; more easily). 4 again (once more; never more). 5 moreover. Ьmore and more in an increasing degree. more like it see LIKE(1). more of to a greater extent (more of a poet than a musician). more or less 1 in a greater or less degree. 2 approximately; as an estimate. more so of the same kind to a greater degree. [OE mara f. Gmc] moreen n. a strong ribbed woollen or cotton material for curtains etc. [perh. fanciful f. MOIRE] moreish adj. (also morish) colloq. pleasant to eat, causing a desire for more. morel(1) n. an edible fungus, Morchella esculenta, with ridged mushroom caps. [F morille f. Du. morilje] morel(2) n. nightshade. [ME f. OF morele fem. of morel dark brown ult. f. L Maurus MOOR] morello n. (pl. -os) a sour kind of dark cherry. [It. morello blackish f. med.L morellus f. L (as MOREL(1))] moreover adj. (introducing or accompanying a new statement) further, besides. morepork var. of MOPOKE. mores n.pl. customs or conventions regarded as essential to or characteristic of a community. [L, pl. of mos custom] Moresco var. of MORISCO. Moresque adj. (of art or architecture) Moorish in style or design. [F f. It. moresco f. Moro MOOR] morganatic adj. 1 (of a marriage) between a person of high rank and another of lower rank, the spouse and children having no claim to the possessions or title of the person of higher rank. 2 (of a wife) married in this way. ЬЬmorganatically adv. [F morganatique or G morganatisch f. med.L matrimonium ad morganaticam 'marriage with a morning gift', the husband's gift to the wife after consummation being his only obligation in such a marriage] morgue n. 1 a mortuary. 2 (in a newspaper office) a room or file of miscellaneous information, esp. for future obituaries. [F, orig. the name of a Paris mortuary] moribund adj. 1 at the point of death. 2 lacking vitality. ЬЬmoribundity n. [L moribundus f. mori die] Morisco n. & adj. (also Moresco) --n. (pl. -os or -oes) 1 a Moor, esp. in Spain. 2 a morris dance. --adj. Moorish. [Sp. f. Moro MOOR] morish var. of MOREISH. Mormon n. a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, a millenary religion founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith on the basis of revelations in the Book of Mormon. ЬЬMormonism n. morn n. poet. morning. [OE morgen f. Gmc] mornay n. a cheese-flavoured white sauce. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] morning n. & int. --n. 1 the early part of the day, esp. from sunrise to noon (this morning; during the morning; morning coffee). 2 this time spent in a particular way (had a busy morning). 3 sunrise, daybreak. 4 a time compared with the morning, esp. the early part of one's life etc. --int. = good morning (see GOOD adj. 14). Ьin the morning 1 during or in the course of the morning. 2 colloq. tomorrow. morning after colloq. a hangover. morning-after pill a contraceptive pill effective when taken some hours after intercourse. morning coat a coat with tails, and with the front cut away below the waist. morning dress a man's morning coat and striped trousers. morning glory any of various twining plants of the genus Ipomoea, with trumpet-shaped flowers. morning-room a sitting-room for the morning. morning sickness nausea felt in the morning in pregnancy. morning star a planet or bright star, usu. Venus, seen in the east before sunrise. morning watch Naut. the 4-8 a.m. watch. [ME mor(we)ning f. morwen MORN + -ING(1) after evening] Moro n. (pl. -os) a Muslim living in the Philippines. [Sp., = MOOR] Moroccan n. & adj. --n. 1 a native or national of Morocco in N. Africa. 2 a person of Moroccan descent. --adj. of or relating to Morocco. morocco n. (pl. -os) 1 a fine flexible leather made (orig. in Morocco) from goatskins tanned with sumac, used esp. in bookbinding and shoemaking. 2 an imitation of this in grained calf etc. moron n. 1 colloq. a very stupid or foolish person. 2 an adult with a mental age of about 8-12. ЬЬmoronic adj. moronically adv. moronism n. [Gk moron, neut. of moros foolish] morose adj. sullen and ill-tempered. ЬЬmorosely adv. moroseness n. [L morosus peevish etc. f. mos moris manner] morph n. = ALLOMORPH. [back-form.] morpheme n. Linguistics 1 a morphological element considered in respect of its functional relations in a linguistic system. 2 a meaningful morphological unit of a language that cannot be further divided (e.g. in, come, -ing, forming incoming). ЬЬmorphemic adj. morphemically adv. [F morphЉme f. Gk morphe form, after PHONEME] morphemics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) Linguistics the study of word structure. morphia n. (in general use) = MORPHINE. morphine n. an analgesic and narcotic drug obtained from opium and used medicinally to relieve pain. ЬЬmorphinism n. [G Morphin & mod.L morphia f. Morpheus god of sleep] morphogenesis n. Biol. the development of form in organisms. ЬЬmorphogenetic adj. morphogenic adj. [mod.L f. Gk morphe form + GENESIS] morphology n. the study of the forms of things, esp.: 1 Biol. the study of the forms of organisms. 2 Philol. a the study of the forms of words. b the system of forms in a language. ЬЬmorphological adj. morphologically adv. morphologist n. [Gk morphe form + -LOGY] Morris chair n. a type of plain easy chair with an adjustable back. [William Morris, Engl. poet and craftsman d. 1896] morris dance n. a traditional English dance by groups of people in fancy costume, usu. as characters in legend, with ribbons and bells. ЬЬmorris dancer n. morris dancing n. [morys, var. of MOORISH] morrow n. (usu. prec. by the) literary 1 the following day. 2 the time following an event. [ME morwe, moru (as MORN)] Morse n. & v. --n. (in full Morse code) an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short light or sound signals. --v.tr. & intr. signal by Morse code. [S. F. B. Morse, Amer. electrician d. 1872, who devised it] morsel n. a mouthful; a small piece (esp. of food). [ME f. OF, dimin. of mors a bite f. mordere mors- to bite] mort n. Hunting a note sounded when the quarry is killed. [ME f. OF f. L mors mortis death] mortadella n. (pl. mortadelle) a large spiced pork sausage. [It. dimin., irreg. f. L murtatum seasoned with myrtle berries] mortal adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a living being, esp. a human) subject to death. 2 (often foll. by to) causing death; fatal. 3 (of a battle) fought to the death. 4 associated with death (mortal agony). 5 (of an enemy) implacable. 6 (of pain, fear, an affront, etc.) intense, very serious. 7 colloq. a very great (in a mortal hurry). b long and tedious (for two mortal hours). 8 colloq. conceivable, imaginable (every mortal thing; of no mortal use). --n. 1 a mortal being, esp. a human. 2 joc. a person described in some specified way (a thirsty mortal). Ьmortal sin Theol. a grave sin that is regarded as depriving the soul of divine grace. ЬЬmortally adv. [ME f. OF mortal, mortel or L mortalis f. mors mortis death] mortality n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state of being subject to death. 2 loss of life on a large scale. 3 a the number of deaths in a given period etc. b (in full mortality rate) a death rate. [ME f. OF mortalit‚ f. L mortalitas -tatis (as MORTAL)] mortar n. & v. --n. 1 a mixture of lime with cement, sand, and water, used in building to bond bricks or stones. 2 a short large-bore cannon for firing shells at high angles. 3 a contrivance for firing a lifeline or firework. 4 a vessel made of hard material, in which ingredients are pounded with a pestle. --v.tr. 1 plaster or join with mortar. 2 attack or bombard with mortar shells. ЬЬmortarless adj. (in sense 1). mortary adj. (in sense 1). [ME f. AF morter, OF mortier f. L mortarium: partly from LG] mortarboard n. 1 an academic cap with a stiff flat square top. 2 a flat board with a handle on the under-surface, for holding mortar in bricklaying etc. mortgage n. & v. --n. 1 a a conveyance of property by a debtor to a creditor as security for a debt (esp. one incurred by the purchase of the property), on the condition that it shall be returned on payment of the debt within a certain period. b a deed effecting this. 2 a a debt secured by a mortgage. b a loan resulting in such a debt. --v.tr. 1 convey (a property) by mortgage. 2 (often foll. by to) pledge (oneself, one's powers, etc.). Ьmortgage rate the rate of interest charged by a mortgagee. ЬЬmortgageable adj. [ME f. OF, = dead pledge f. mort f. L mortuus dead + gage GAGE(1)] mortgagee n. the creditor in a mortgage, usu. a bank or building society. mortgager n. (also mortgagor) the debtor in a mortgage. mortice var. of MORTISE. mortician n. US an undertaker; a manager of funerals. [L mors mortis death + -ICIAN] mortify v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. a cause (a person) to feel shamed or humiliated. b wound (a person's feelings). 2 tr. bring (the body, the flesh, the passions, etc.) into subjection by self-denial or discipline. 3 intr. (of flesh) be affected by gangrene or necrosis. ЬЬmortification n. mortifying adj. mortifyingly adv. [ME f. OF mortifier f. eccl.L mortificare kill, subdue f. mors mortis death] mortise n. & v. (also mortice) --n. a hole in a framework designed to receive the end of another part, esp. a tenon. --v.tr. 1 join securely, esp. by mortise and tenon. 2 cut a mortise in. Ьmortise lock a lock recessed into a mortise in the frame of a door or window etc. [ME f. OF mortoise f. Arab. murtazz fixed in] mortmain n. Law 1 the status of lands or tenements held inalienably by an ecclesiastical or other corporation. 2 the land or tenements themselves. [ME f. AF, OF mortemain f. med.L mortua manus dead hand, prob. in allusion to impersonal ownership] mortuary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) a room or building in which dead bodies may be kept until burial or cremation. --adj. of or concerning death or burial. [ME f. AF mortuarie f. med.L mortuarium f. L mortuarius f. mortuus dead] morula n. (pl. morulae) a fully segmented ovum from which a blastula is formed. [mod.L, dimin. of L morum mulberry] morwong n. any of various fish of the family Cheilodactylidae, native to Australasia, used as food. [Aboriginal] Mosaic adj. of or associated with Moses (in the Hebrew Bible). ЬMosaic Law the laws attributed to Moses and listed in the Pentateuch. [F mosa‹que or mod.L Mosaicus f. Moses f. Heb. Moseh] mosaic n. & v. --n. 1 a a picture or pattern produced by an arrangement of small variously coloured pieces of glass or stone etc. b work of this kind as an art form. 2 a diversified thing. 3 an arrangement of photosensitive elements in a television camera. 4 Biol. a chimera. 5 (in full mosaic disease) a virus disease causing leaf-mottling in plants, esp. tobacco, maize, and sugar cane. 6 (attrib.) a of or like a mosaic. b diversified. --v.tr. (mosaicked, mosaicking) 1 adorn with mosaics. 2 combine into or as into a mosaic. Ьmosaic gold 1 tin disulphide. 2 an alloy of copper and zinc used in cheap jewellery etc. ЬЬmosaicist n. [ME f. F mosa‹que f. It. mosaico f. med.L mosaicus, musaicus f. Gk mous(e)ion mosaic work f. mousa MUSE(1)] mosasaurus n. any large extinct marine reptile of the genus Mosasaurus, with a long slender body and flipper-like limbs. [mod.L f. Mosa river Meuse (near which it was first discovered) + Gk sauros lizard] moschatel n. a small plant, Adoxa moschatellina, with pale-green flowers and a musky smell. [F moscatelle f. It. moscatella f. moscato musk] moselle n. a light medium-dry white wine produced in the valley of the river Moselle in Germany. mosey v.intr. (-eys, -eyed) (often foll. by along) sl. walk in a leisurely or aimless manner. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] moshav n. (pl. moshavim) a cooperative association of Israeli smallholders. [Heb. mosab, lit. 'dwelling'] Moslem var. of MUSLIM. mosque n. a Muslim place of worship. [F mosqu‚e f. It. moschea f. Arab. masjid] mosquito n. (pl. -oes) any of various slender biting insects, esp. of the genus Culex, Anopheles, or Aedes, the female of which punctures the skin of humans and other animals with a long proboscis to suck their blood and transmits diseases such as filariasis and malaria. Ьmosquito-boat US a motor torpedo-boat. mosquito-net a net to keep off mosquitoes. [Sp. & Port., dimin. of mosca f. L musca fly] moss n. & v. --n. 1 any small cryptogamous plant of the class Musci, growing in dense clusters on the surface of the ground, in bogs, on trees, stones, etc. 2 Sc. & N.Engl. a bog, esp. a peatbog. --v.tr. cover with moss. Ьmoss agate agate with mosslike dendritic markings. moss-grown overgrown with moss. moss-hag Sc. broken ground from which peat has been taken. moss-stitch alternate plain and purl in knitting. ЬЬmosslike adj. [OE mos bog, moss f. Gmc] mosso adv. Mus. with animation or speed. [It., past part. of muovere move] mosstrooper n. a freebooter of the Scottish Border in the 17th c. mossy adj. (mossier, mossiest) 1 covered in or resembling moss. 2 US sl. antiquated, old-fashioned. ЬЬmossiness n. most adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 existing in the greatest quantity or degree (you have made most mistakes; see who can make the most noise). 2 the majority of; nearly all of (most people think so). --n. 1 the greatest quantity or number (this is the most I can do). 2 (the most) sl. the best of all. 3 the majority (most of them are missing). --adv. 1 in the highest degree (this is most interesting; what most annoys me). 2 forming the superlative of adjectives and adverbs, esp. those of more than one syllable (most certain; most easily). 3 US colloq. almost. Ьat most no more or better than (this is at most a makeshift). at the most 1 as the greatest amount. 2 not more than. for the most part 1 as regards the greater part. 2 usually. make the most of 1 employ to the best advantage. 2 represent at its best or worst. Most Honourable a title given to marquises and to members of the Privy Council and the Order of the Bath. Most Reverend a title given to archbishops and to Roman Catholic bishops. [OE mast f. Gmc] -most suffix forming superlative adjectives and adverbs from prepositions and other words indicating relative position (foremost; uttermost). [OE -mest f. Gmc] mostly adv. 1 as regards the greater part. 2 usually. MOT abbr. 1 (in the UK) Ministry of Transport. 2 (in full MOT test) a compulsory annual test of motor vehicles of more than a specified age. mot n. (pl. mots pronunc. same) a witty saying. Ь mot juste (pl. mots justes pronunc. same) the most appropriate expression. [F, = word, ult. f. L muttum uttered sound f. muttire murmur] mote n. a speck of dust. [OE mot, corresp. to Du. mot dust, sawdust, of unkn. orig.] motel n. a roadside hotel providing accommodation for motorists and parking for their vehicles. [portmanteau word f. MOTOR + HOTEL] motet n. Mus. a short sacred choral composition. [ME f. OF, dimin. of mot: see MOT] moth n. 1 any usu. nocturnal insect of the order Lepidoptera excluding butterflies, having a stout body and without clubbed antennae. 2 any small lepidopterous insect of the family Tineidae breeding in cloth etc., on which its larva feeds. Ьmoth-eaten 1 damaged or destroyed by moths. 2 antiquated, time-worn. [OE moththe] mothball n. & v. --n. a ball of naphthalene etc. placed in stored clothes to keep away moths. --v.tr. 1 place in mothballs. 2 leave unused. Ьin mothballs stored unused for a considerable time. mother n. & v. --n. 1 a a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth. b (in full adoptive mother) a woman who has continuous care of a child, esp. by adoption. 2 any female animal in relation to its offspring. 3 a quality or condition etc. that gives rise to another (necessity is the mother of invention). 4 (in full Mother Superior) the head of a female religious community. 5 archaic (esp. as a form of address) an elderly woman. 6 (attrib.) a designating an institution etc. regarded as having maternal authority (Mother Church; mother earth). b designating the main ship, spacecraft, etc., in a convoy or mission (the mother craft). --v.tr. 1 give birth to; be the mother of. 2 protect as a mother. 3 give rise to; be the source of. 4 acknowledge or profess oneself the mother of. ЬMother Carey's chicken = storm petrel 1. mother country a country in relation to its colonies. mother-figure an older woman who is regarded as a source of nurture, support, etc. Mother Goose rhyme US a nursery rhyme. mother-in-law (pl. mothers-in-law) the mother of one's husband or wife. mother-in-law's tongue a plant, Sansevieria trifasciata, with long erect pointed leaves. mother-lode Mining the main vein of a system. mother naked stark naked. mother-of-pearl a smooth iridescent substance forming the inner layer of the shell of some molluscs. Mother's Day 1 Brit. = MOTHERING SUNDAY. 2 US an equivalent day on the second Sunday in May. mother's ruin colloq. gin. mother's son colloq. a man (every mother's son of you). mother tongue 1 one's native language. 2 a language from which others have evolved. mother wit native wit; common sense. ЬЬmotherhood n. motherless adj. motherlessness n. motherlike adj. & adv. [OE modor f. Gmc] mothercraft n. skill in or knowledge of looking after children as a mother. Mothering Sunday n. Brit. the fourth Sunday in Lent, traditionally a day for honouring mothers with gifts. motherland n. one's native country. motherly adj. 1 like or characteristic of a mother in affection, care, etc. 2 of or relating to a mother. ЬЬmotherliness n. [OE modorlic (as MOTHER)] mothproof adj. & v. --adj. (of clothes) treated so as to repel moths. --v.tr. treat (clothes) in this way. mothy adj. (mothier, mothiest) infested with moths. motif n. 1 a distinctive feature or dominant idea in artistic or literary composition. 2 Mus. = FIGURE n. 10. 3 an ornament of lace etc. sewn separately on a garment. 4 an ornament on a vehicle identifying the maker, model, etc. [F (as MOTIVE)] motile adj. Zool. & Bot. capable of motion. ЬЬmotility n. [L motus motion (as MOVE)] motion n. & v. --n. 1 the act or process of moving or of changing position. 2 a particular manner of moving the body in walking etc. 3 a change of posture. 4 a gesture. 5 a formal proposal put to a committee, legislature, etc. 6 Law an application for a rule or order of court. 7 a an evacuation of the bowels. b (in sing. or pl.) faeces. 8 a piece of moving mechanism. --v. (often foll. by to + infin.) 1 tr. direct (a person) by a sign or gesture. 2 intr. (often foll. by to a person) make a gesture directing (motioned to me to leave). Ьgo through the motions 1 make a pretence; do something perfunctorily or superficially. 2 simulate an action by gestures. in motion moving; not at rest. motion picture (often (with hyphen) attrib.) a film (see FILM n. 3) with the illusion of movement. put (or set) in motion set going or working. ЬЬmotional adj. motionless adj. [ME f. OF f. L motio -onis (as MOVE)] motivate v.tr. 1 supply a motive to; be the motive of. 2 cause (a person) to act in a particular way. 3 stimulate the interest of (a person in an activity). ЬЬmotivation n. motivational adj. motivationally adv. motive n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a factor or circumstance that induces a person to act in a particular way. 2 = MOTIF. --adj. 1 tending to initiate movement. 2 concerned with movement. --v.tr. = MOTIVATE. Ьmotive power a moving or impelling power, esp. a source of energy used to drive machinery. ЬЬmotiveless adj. motivelessly adv. motivelessness n. motivity n. [ME f. OF motif (adj. & n.) f. LL motivus (adj.) (as MOVE)] motley adj. & n. --adj. (motlier, motliest) 1 diversified in colour. 2 of varied character (a motley crew). --n. 1 an incongruous mixture. 2 hist. the particoloured costume of a jester. Ьwear motley play the fool. [ME mottelay, perh. ult. rel. to MOTE] moto-cross n. cross-country racing on motor cycles. [MOTOR + CROSS-] moto perpetuo n. Mus. a usu. fast-moving instrumental composition consisting mainly of notes of equal value. [It., = perpetual motion] motor n. & v. --n. 1 a thing that imparts motion. 2 a machine (esp. one using electricity or internal combustion) supplying motive power for a vehicle etc. or for some other device with moving parts. 3 Brit. = motor car. 4 (attrib.) a giving, imparting, or producing motion. b driven by a motor (motor-mower). c of or for motor vehicles. d Anat. relating to muscular movement or the nerves activating it. --v.intr. & tr. Brit. go or convey in a motor vehicle. Ьmotor area the part of the frontal lobe of the brain associated with the initiation of muscular action. motor bicycle a motor cycle or moped. motor bike colloq. = motor cycle. motor boat a motor-driven boat. motor car Brit. see CAR 1. motor cycle a two-wheeled motor-driven road vehicle without pedal propulsion. motor cyclist a rider of a motor cycle. motor mouth US sl. a person who talks incessantly and trivially. motor nerve a nerve carrying impulses from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle. motor scooter see SCOOTER. motor vehicle a road vehicle powered by an internal-combustion engine. ЬЬmotorial adj. (in sense 4a of n.). motory adj. (in sense 4a of n.). [L, = mover (as MOVE)] motorable adj. (of a road) that can be used by motor vehicles. motorcade n. a procession of motor vehicles. [MOTOR, after cavalcade] motorist n. the driver of a motor car. motorize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 equip (troops etc.) with motor transport. 2 provide with a motor for propulsion etc. ЬЬmotorization n. motorman n. (pl. -men) the driver of an underground train, tram, etc. motorway n. Brit. a main road with separate carriageways and limited access, specially constructed and controlled for fast motor traffic. Motown n. music with rhythm and blues elements, associated with Detroit. [shortening of Motor Town, a name for Detroit] motte n. a mound forming the site of a castle, camp, etc. [ME f. OF mote (as MOAT)] mottle v. & n. --v.tr. (esp. as mottled adj.) mark with spots or smears of colour. --n. 1 an irregular arrangement of spots or patches of colour. 2 any of these spots or patches. [prob. back-form. f. MOTLEY] motto n. (pl. -oes) 1 a maxim adopted as a rule of conduct. 2 a phrase or sentence accompanying a coat of arms or crest. 3 a sentence inscribed on some object and expressing an appropriate sentiment. 4 verses etc. in a paper cracker. 5 a quotation prefixed to a book or chapter. 6 Mus. a recurrent phrase having some symbolical significance. [It. (as MOT)] moue n. = POUT(1) n. [F] moufflon n. (also mouflon) a wild mountain sheep, Ovis musimon, of S. Europe. [F mouflon f. It. muflone f. Rmc] mouill‚ adj. Phonet. (of a consonant) palatalized. [F, = wetted] moujik var. of MUZHIK. mould(1) n. & v. (US mold) --n. 1 a hollow container into which molten metal etc. is poured or soft material is pressed to harden into a required shape. 2 a a metal or earthenware vessel used to give shape to puddings etc. b a pudding etc. made in this way. 3 a form or shape, esp. of an animal body. 4 Archit. a moulding or group of mouldings. 5 a frame or template for producing mouldings. 6 character or disposition (in heroic mould). --v.tr. 1 make (an object) in a required shape or from certain ingredients (was moulded out of clay). 2 give a shape to. 3 influence the formation or development of (consultation helps to mould policies). 4 (esp. of clothing) fit closely to (the gloves moulded his hands). ЬЬmouldable adj. moulder n. [ME mold(e), app. f. OF modle f. L modulus: see MODULUS] mould(2) n. (US mold) a woolly or furry growth of minute fungi occurring esp. in moist warm conditions. [ME prob. f. obs. mould adj.; past part. of moul grow mouldy f. ON mygla] mould(3) n. (US mold) 1 loose earth. 2 the upper soil of cultivated land, esp. when rich in organic matter. Ьmould-board the board in a plough that turns over the furrow-slice. [OE molde f. Gmc., rel. to MEAL(2)] moulder v.intr. (US molder) 1 decay to dust. 2 (foll. by away) rot or crumble. 3 deteriorate. [perh. f. MOULD(3), but cf. Norw. dial. muldra crumble] moulding n. (US molding) 1 a an ornamentally shaped outline as an architectural feature, esp. in a cornice. b a strip of material in wood or stone etc. for use as moulding. 2 similar material in wood or plastic etc. used for other decorative purposes, e.g. in picture-framing. mouldy adj. (US moldy) (-ier, -iest) 1 covered with mould. 2 stale; out of date. 3 colloq. (as a general term of disparagement) dull, miserable, boring. ЬЬmouldiness n. moulin n. a nearly vertical shaft in a glacier, formed by surface water percolating through a crack in the ice. [F, lit. = mill] moult v. & n. (US molt) --v. 1 intr. shed feathers, hair, a shell, etc., in the process of renewing plumage, a coat, etc. 2 tr. (of an animal) shed (feathers, hair, etc.). --n. the act or an instance of moulting (is in moult once a year). ЬЬmoulter n. [ME moute f. OE mutian (unrecorded) f. L mutare change: -l- after fault etc.] mound(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a raised mass of earth, stones, or other compacted material. 2 a heap or pile. 3 a hillock. --v.tr. 1 heap up in a mound or mounds. 2 enclose with mounds. [16th c. (orig. = hedge or fence): orig. unkn.] mound(2) n. Heraldry a ball of gold etc. representing the earth, and usu. surmounting a crown. [ME f. OF monde f. L mundus world] mount(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. ascend or climb (a hill, stairs, etc.). 2 tr. a get up on (an animal, esp. a horse) to ride it. b set (a person) on horseback. c provide (a person) with a horse. d (as mounted adj.) serving on horseback (mounted police). 3 tr. go up or climb on to (a raised surface). 4 intr. a move upwards. b (often foll. by up) increase, accumulate. c (of a feeling) become stronger or more intense (excitement was mounting). d (of the blood) rise into the cheeks. 5 tr. (esp. of a male animal) get on to (a female) to copulate. 6 tr. (often foll. by on) place (an object) on an elevated support. 7 tr. a set in or attach to a backing, setting, or other support. b attach (a picture etc.) to a mount or frame. c fix (an object for viewing) on a microscope slide. 8 tr. a arrange (a play, exhibition, etc.) or present for public view or display. b take action to initiate (a programme, campaign, etc.). 9 tr. prepare (specimens) for preservation. 10 tr. a bring into readiness for operation. b raise (guns) into position on a fixed mounting. 11 intr. rise to a higher level of rank, power, etc. --n. 1 a backing, setting, or other support on which a picture etc. is set for display. 2 the margin surrounding a picture or photograph. 3 a a horse available for riding. b an opportunity to ride a horse, esp. as a jockey. 4 = stamp-hinge (see HINGE). Ьmount guard (often foll. by over) perform the duty of guarding; take up sentry duty. ЬЬmountable adj. mounter n. [ME f. OF munter, monter ult. f. L (as MOUNT(2))] mount(2) n. archaic (except before a name): mountain, hill (Mount Everest; Mount of Olives). [ME f. OE munt & OF mont f. L mons montis mountain] mountain n. 1 a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large or high and steep hill. 2 a large heap or pile; a huge quantity (a mountain of work). 3 a large surplus stock of a commodity (butter mountain). Ьmake a mountain out of a molehill see MOLEHILL. mountain ash 1 a tree, Sorbus aucuparia, with delicate pinnate leaves and scarlet berries: also called ROWAN. 2 any of several Australian eucalypts. mountain chain a connected series of mountains. mountain goat a white goatlike animal, Oreamnos americanus, of the Rocky Mountains etc. mountain laurel a N. American shrub, Kalmia latifolia. mountain lion a puma. mountain panther = OUNCE(2). mountain range a line of mountains connected by high ground. mountain sickness a sickness caused by the rarefaction of the air at great heights. Mountain Time US the standard time of parts of Canada and the US in or near the Rocky Mountains. move mountains 1 achieve spectacular results. 2 make every possible effort. ЬЬmountainy adj. [ME f. OF montaigne ult. f. L (as MOUNT(2))] mountaineer n. & v. --n. 1 a person skilled in mountain-climbing. 2 a person living in an area of high mountains. --v.intr. climb mountains as a sport. ЬЬmountaineering n. mountainous adj. 1 (of a region) having many mountains. 2 huge. mountainside n. the slope of a mountain below the summit. mountebank n. 1 a swindler; a charlatan. 2 a clown. 3 hist. an itinerant quack appealing to an audience from a platform. ЬЬmountebankery n. [It. montambanco = monta in banco climb on bench: see MOUNT(1), BENCH] Mountie n. colloq. a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. mounting n. 1 = MOUNT(1) n. 1. 2 in senses of MOUNT(1) v. Ьmounting-block a block of stone placed to help a rider mount a horse. mourn v. 1 tr. & (foll. by for) intr. feel or show deep sorrow or regret for (a dead person, a lost thing, a past event, etc.). 2 intr. show conventional signs of grief for a period after a person's death. [OE murnan] mourner n. 1 a person who mourns, esp. at a funeral. 2 a person hired to attend a funeral. mournful adj. 1 doleful, sad, sorrowing. 2 expressing or suggestive of mourning. ЬЬmournfully adv. mournfulness n. mourning n. 1 the expression of deep sorrow, esp. for a dead person, by the wearing of solemn dress. 2 the clothes worn in mourning. Ьin mourning assuming the signs of mourning, esp. in dress. mourning-band a band of black crape etc. round a person's sleeve or hat as a token of mourning. mourning dove an American dove with a plaintive note, Zenaida macroura. mourning-paper notepaper with a black edge. mourning-ring a ring worn as a memorial of a deceased person. mousaka var. of MOUSSAKA. mouse n. & v. --n. (pl. mice) 1 a any of various small rodents of the family Muridae, esp. of the genus Mus. b any of several similar rodents such as a small shrew or vole. 2 a timid or feeble person. 3 Computing a small hand-held device which controls the cursor on a VDU screen. 4 sl. a black eye. --v.intr. also 1 (esp. of a cat, owl, etc.) hunt for or catch mice. 2 (foll. by about) search industriously; prowl about as if searching. Ьmouse-coloured 1 dark-grey with a yellow tinge. 2 nondescript light brown. mouse deer a chevrotain. mouse hare a pika. ЬЬmouselike adj. & adv. mouser n. [OE mus, pl. mys f. Gmc] mousetrap n. 1 a sprung trap with bait for catching and usu. killing mice. 2 (often attrib.) cheese of poor quality. moussaka n. (also mousaka) a Greek dish of minced meat, aubergine, etc. with a cheese sauce. [mod. Gk or Turk.] mousse n. 1 a a dessert of whipped cream, eggs, etc., usu. flavoured with fruit or chocolate. b a meat or fish pur‚e made with whipped cream etc. 2 a preparation applied to the hair enabling it to be styled more easily. [F, = moss, froth] mousseline n. 1 a muslin-like fabric of silk etc. 2 a sauce of seasoned or sweet eggs and cream. [F: see MUSLIN] moustache n. (US mustache) 1 hair left to grow on a man's upper lip. 2 a similar growth round the mouth of some animals. Ьmoustache cup a cup with a partial cover to protect the moustache when drinking. ЬЬmoustached adj. [F f. It. mostaccio f. Gk mustax -akos] Mousterian adj. Archaeol. of or relating to the flint workings of the middle palaeolithic epoch, dated to c.70,000-30,000 BC, and attributed to Neanderthal peoples. [F moust‚rien f. Le Moustier in SW France, where remains were found] mousy adj. (mousier, mousiest) 1 of or like a mouse. 2 (of a person) shy or timid; ineffectual. 3 = mouse-coloured. ЬЬmousily adv. mousiness n. mouth n. & v. --n. (pl. mouths) 1 a an external opening in the head, through which most animals admit food and emit communicative sounds. b (in humans and some animals) the cavity behind it containing the means of biting and chewing and the vocal organs. 2 a the opening of a container such as a bag or sack. b the opening of a cave, volcano, etc. c the open end of a woodwind or brass instrument. d the muzzle of a gun. 3 the place where a river enters the sea. 4 colloq. a talkativeness. b impudent talk; cheek. 5 an individual regarded as needing sustenance (an extra mouth to feed). 6 a horse's readiness to feel and obey the pressure of the bit. --v. 1 tr. & intr. utter or speak solemnly or with affectations; rant, declaim (mouthing platitudes). 2 tr. utter very distinctly. 3 intr. a move the lips silently. b grimace. 4 tr. take (food) in the mouth. 5 tr. touch with the mouth. 6 tr. train the mouth of (a horse). Ьgive mouth (of a dog) bark, bay. keep one's mouth shut colloq. not reveal a secret. mouth-organ = HARMONICA. mouth-to-mouth (of resuscitation) in which a person breathes into a subject's lungs through the mouth. mouth-watering 1 (of food etc.) having a delicious smell or appearance. 2 tempting, alluring. put words into a person's mouth represent a person as having said something in a particular way. take the words out of a person's mouth say what another was about to say. ЬЬmouthed adj. (also in comb.). mouther n. mouthless adj. [OE muth f. Gmc] mouthful n. (pl. -fuls) 1 a quantity, esp. of food, that fills the mouth. 2 a small quantity. 3 a long or complicated word or phrase. 4 US colloq. something important said. mouthpiece n. 1 a the part of a musical instrument placed between or against the lips. b the part of a telephone for speaking into. c the part of a tobacco-pipe placed between the lips. 2 a a person who speaks for another or others. b colloq. a lawyer. 3 a part attached as an outlet. mouthwash n. 1 a liquid antiseptic etc. for rinsing the mouth or gargling. 2 colloq. nonsense. mouthy adj. (mouthier, mouthiest) 1 ranting, railing. 2 bombastic. movable adj. & n. (also moveable) --adj. 1 that can be moved. 2 Law (of property) of the nature of a chattel, as distinct from land or buildings. 3 (of a feast or festival) variable in date from year to year. --n. 1 an article of furniture that may be removed from a house, as distinct from a fixture. 2 (in pl.) personal property. Ьmovable-doh Mus. applied to a system of sight-singing in which doh is the keynote of any major scale (cf. fixed-doh). ЬЬmovability n. movableness n. movably adv. [ME f. OF (as MOVE)] move v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. change one's position or posture, or cause to do this. 2 tr. & intr. put or keep in motion; rouse, stir. 3 a intr. make a move in a board-game. b tr. change the position of (a piece) in a board-game. 4 intr. (often foll. by about, away, etc.) go or pass from place to place. 5 intr. take action, esp. promptly (moved to reduce unemployment). 6 intr. make progress (the project is moving fast). 7 intr. a change one's place of residence. b (of a business etc.) change to new premises (also tr.: move house; move offices). 8 intr. (foll. by in) live or be socially active in (a specified place or group etc.) (moves in the best circles). 9 tr. affect (a person) with (usu. tender or sympathetic) emotion. 10 tr. a (foll. by in) stimulate (laughter, anger, etc., in a person). b (foll. by to) provoke (a person to laughter etc.). 11 tr. (foll. by to, or to + infin.) prompt or incline (a person to a feeling or action). 12 a tr. cause (the bowels) to be evacuated. b intr. (of the bowels) be evacuated. 13 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) propose in a meeting, deliberative assembly, etc. 14 intr. (foll. by for) make a formal request or application. 15 intr. (of merchandise) be sold. --n. 1 the act or an instance of moving. 2 a change of house, business premises, etc. 3 a step taken to secure some action or effect; an initiative. 4 a the changing of the position of a piece in a board-game. b a player's turn to do this. Ьget a move on colloq. 1 hurry up. 2 make a start. make a move take action. move along (or on) change to a new position, esp. to avoid crowding, getting in the way, etc. move heaven and earth see HEAVEN. move in 1 take possession of a new house. 2 get into a position of influence, interference, etc. 3 get into a position of readiness or proximity (for an offensive action etc.). move mountains see MOUNTAIN. move out 1 leave one's home; change one's place of residence. 2 leave a position, job, etc. move over (or up) adjust one's position to make room for another. on the move 1 progressing. 2 moving about. [ME f. AF mover, OF moveir f. L movere mot-] moveable var. of MOVABLE. movement n. 1 the act or an instance of moving or being moved. 2 a the moving parts of a mechanism (esp. a clock or watch). b a particular group of these. 3 a a body of persons with a common object (the peace movement). b a campaign undertaken by such a body. 4 (usu. in pl.) a person's activities and whereabouts, esp. at a particular time. 5 Mus. a principal division of a longer musical work, self-sufficient in terms of key, tempo, structure, etc. 6 the progressive development of a poem, story, etc. 7 motion of the bowels. 8 a an activity in a market for some commodity. b a rise or fall in price. 9 a mental impulse. 10 a development of position by a military force or unit. [ME f. OF f. med.L movimentum (as MOVE)] mover n. 1 a person or thing that moves. 2 a person who moves a proposition. 3 US a remover of furniture. 4 the author of a fruitful idea. movie n. esp. US colloq. 1 a motion-picture film. 2 (in full movie-house) a cinema. moving adj. 1 that moves or causes to move. 2 affecting with emotion. Ьmoving pavement a structure like a conveyor belt for pedestrians. moving picture a continuous picture of events obtained by projecting a sequence of photographs taken at very short intervals. moving staircase an escalator. ЬЬmovingly adv. (in sense 2). mow(1) v.tr. (past part. mowed or mown) 1 cut down (grass, hay, etc.) with a scythe or machine. 2 cut down the produce of (a field) or the grass etc. of (a lawn) by mowing. Ьmow down kill or destroy randomly or in great numbers. ЬЬmowable adj. mower n. [OE mawan f. Gmc, rel. to MEAD(2)] mow(2) n. US or dial. 1 a stack of hay, corn, etc. 2 a place in a barn where hay etc. is heaped. [OE muga] moxa n. a downy substance from the dried leaves of Artemisia moxa etc., burnt on the skin in oriental medicine as a counterirritant. [Jap. mogusa f. moe kusa burning herb] mozzarella n. an Italian curd cheese orig. of buffalo milk. [It.] 16.0 MP... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MP abbr. 1 Member of Parliament. 2 a military police. b military policeman. mp abbr. mezzo piano. m.p. abbr. melting-point. m.p.g. abbr. miles per gallon. m.p.h. abbr. miles per hour. M.Phil. abbr. Master of Philosophy. MPS abbr. Member of the Pharmaceutical Society. 17.0 MR... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MR abbr. Master of the Rolls. Mr n. (pl. Messrs) 1 the title of a man without a higher title (Mr Jones). 2 a title prefixed to a designation of office etc. (Mr President; Mr Speaker). ЬMr Right joc. a woman's destined husband. [abbr. of MISTER] MRA abbr. Moral Re-Armament. MRBM abbr. medium-range ballistic missile. MRC abbr. (in the UK) Medical Research Council. MRCA abbr. multi-role combat aircraft. mRNA abbr. Biol. messenger RNA. Mrs n. (pl. same or Mesdames) the title of a married woman without a higher title (Mrs Jones). [abbr. of MISTRESS: cf. MISSIS] 18.0 MS... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MS abbr. 1 manuscript. 2 Master of Science. 3 Master of Surgery. 4 US Mississippi (in official postal use). 5 US motor ship. 6 multiple sclerosis. Ms n. the title of a woman without a higher title, used regardless of marital status. [combination of MRS, MISS(2)] MSC abbr. (in the UK) Manpower Services Commission. M.Sc. abbr. Master of Science. MS-DOS abbr. Computing Microsoft disk operating system. MSF abbr. (in the UK) Manufacturing, Science, and Finance (Union). Msgr. abbr. US 1 Monseigneur. 2 Monsignor. MSS abbr. manuscripts. MST abbr. (in Canada and the US) Mountain Standard Time. 19.0 MT... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MT abbr. 1 mechanical transport. 2 US Montana (in official postal use). Mt. abbr. Mount. MTB abbr. motor torpedo-boat. M.Tech. abbr. Master of Technology. 20.0 mu... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- mu n. 1 the twelfth Greek letter (M, ж). 2 (ж, as a symbol) = MICRO- 2. Ьmu-meson = MUON. [Gk] much adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 existing or occurring in a great quantity (much trouble; not much rain; too much noise). 2 (prec. by as, how, that, etc.) with relative rather than distinctive sense (I don't know how much money you want). --n. 1 a great quantity (much of that is true). 2 (prec. by as, how, that, etc.) with relative rather than distinctive sense (we do not need that much). 3 (usu. in neg.) a noteworthy or outstanding example (not much to look at; not much of a party). --adv. 1 a in a great degree (much to my surprise; is much the same). b (qualifying a verb or past participle) greatly (they much regret the mistake; I was much annoyed). ° Much implies a strong verbal element in the participle, whereas very implies a strong adjectival element: compare the second example above with I was very annoyed. c qualifying a comparative or superlative adjective (much better; much the most likely). 2 for a large part of one's time (is much away from home). Ьas much the extent or quantity just specified; the idea just mentioned (I thought as much; as much as that?). a bit much colloq. somewhat excessive or immoderate. make much of see MAKE. much as even though (cannot come, much as I would like to). much less see LESS. much obliged see OBLIGE. not much colloq. 1 iron. very much. 2 certainly not. not much in it see IN. too much colloq. an intolerable situation etc. (that really is too much). too much for 1 more than a match for. 2 beyond what is endurable by. ЬЬmuchly adv. joc. [ME f. muchel MICKLE: for loss of el cf. BAD, WENCH] muchness n. greatness in quantity or degree. Ьmuch of a muchness very nearly the same or alike. mucilage n. 1 a viscous substance obtained from plant seeds etc. by maceration. 2 US a solution of gum. ЬЬmucilaginous adj. [ME f. F f. LL mucilago -ginis musty juice (MUCUS)] muck n. & v. --n. 1 farmyard manure. 2 colloq. dirt or filth; anything disgusting. 3 colloq. an untidy state; a mess. --v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by up) Brit. colloq. bungle (a job). 2 (foll. by out) remove muck from. 3 make dirty. 4 manure with muck. Ьmake a muck of colloq. bungle. muck about (or around) Brit. colloq. 1 potter or fool about. 2 (foll. by with) fool or interfere with. muck in Brit. (often foll. by with) share tasks etc. equally. muck sweat Brit. colloq. a profuse sweat. [ME muk prob. f. Scand.: cf. ON myki dung, rel. to MEEK] mucker n. sl. 1 a friend or companion. 2 US a rough or coarse person. 3 Brit. a heavy fall. ЬЬmuckerish adj. (in senses 1 and 2). [prob. f. muck in: see MUCK] muckle var. of MICKLE. muckrake v.intr. search out and reveal scandal, esp. among famous people. ЬЬmuckraker n. muckraking n. mucky adj. (muckier, muckiest) 1 covered with muck. 2 dirty. ЬЬmuckiness n. muco- comb. form Biochem. mucus, mucous. mucopolysaccharide n. Biochem. any of a group of polysaccharides whose molecules contain sugar residues and are often found as components of connective tissue. mucosa n. (pl. mucosae) a mucous membrane. [mod.L, fem. of mucosus: see MUCOUS] mucous adj. of or covered with mucus. Ьmucous membrane a mucus-secreting epithelial tissue lining many body cavities and tubular organs. ЬЬmucosity n. [L mucosus (as MUCUS)] mucro n. (pl. mucrones) Bot. & Zool. a sharp-pointed part or organ. ЬЬmucronate adj. [L mucro -onis sharp point] mucus n. 1 a slimy substance secreted by a mucous membrane. 2 a gummy substance found in all plants. 3 a slimy substance exuded by some animals, esp. fishes. [L] mud n. 1 wet soft earthy matter. 2 hard ground from the drying of an area of this. 3 what is worthless or polluting. Ьas clear as mud colloq. not at all clear. fling (or sling or throw) mud speak disparagingly or slanderously. here's mud in your eye! colloq. a drinking-toast. mud-bath 1 a bath in the mud of mineral springs, esp. to relieve rheumatism etc. 2 a muddy scene or occasion. mud-brick a brick made from baked mud. mud-flat a stretch of muddy land left uncovered at low tide. mud pack a cosmetic paste applied thickly to the face. mud pie mud made into a pie shape by a child. mud puppy US a large nocturnal salamander, Necturus maculosus, of eastern USA. mud skipper any of various gobies of the family Periophthalmidae, able to leave the water and leap on the mud. mud-slinger colloq. one given to making abusive or disparaging remarks. mud-slinging colloq. abuse, disparagement. mud volcano a volcano discharging mud. one's name is mud one is unpopular or in disgrace. [ME mode, mudde, prob. f. MLG mudde, MHG mot bog] muddle v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up, together) bring into disorder. 2 tr. bewilder, confuse. 3 tr. mismanage (an affair). 4 tr. US crush and mix (the ingredients for a drink). 5 intr. (often foll. by with) busy oneself in a confused and ineffective way. --n. 1 disorder. 2 a muddled condition. Ьmake a muddle of 1 bring into disorder. 2 bungle. muddle along (or on) progress in a haphazard way. muddle-headed stupid, confused. muddle-headedness stupidity; a confused state. muddle through succeed by perseverance rather than skill or efficiency. muddle up confuse (two or more things). ЬЬmuddler n. muddlingly adv. [perh. f. MDu. moddelen, frequent. of modden dabble in mud (as MUD)] muddy adj. & v. --adj. (muddier, muddiest) 1 like mud. 2 covered in or full of mud. 3 (of liquid) turbid. 4 mentally confused. 5 obscure. 6 (of light) dull. 7 (of colour) impure. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) make muddy. ЬЬmuddily adv. muddiness n. mudfish n. any fish that burrows in mud, esp. the bowfin. mudflap n. a flap hanging behind the wheel of a vehicle, to catch mud and stones etc. thrown up from the road. mudguard n. a curved strip or cover over a wheel of a bicycle or motor cycle to reduce the amount of mud etc. thrown up from the road. mudlark n. 1 hist. a destitute child searching in river mud for objects of value. 2 hist. a street urchin. mudstone n. a dark clay rock. muesli n. a breakfast food of crushed cereals, dried fruits, nuts, etc., eaten with milk. [Swiss G] muezzin n. a Muslim crier who proclaims the hours of prayer usu. from a minaret. [Arab. mu' addin part. of ' addana proclaim] muff(1) n. a fur or other covering, usu. in the form of a tube with an opening at each end for the hands to be inserted for warmth. [Du. mof, MDu. moffel, muffel f. med.L muff(u)la, of unkn. orig.] muff(2) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 bungle; deal clumsily with. 2 fail to catch or receive (a ball etc.). 3 blunder in (a theatrical part etc.). --n. 1 a person who is awkward or stupid, orig. in some athletic sport. 2 a failure, esp. to catch a ball at cricket etc. ЬЬmuffish adj. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] muffin n. 1 Brit. a light flat round spongy cake, eaten toasted and buttered. 2 US a similar round cake made from batter or dough. Ьmuffin-man Brit. (formerly) a seller of muffins in the street. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] muffle(1) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by up) wrap or cover for warmth. 2 cover or wrap up (a source of sound) to reduce its loudness. 3 (usu. as muffled adj.) stifle (an utterance, e.g. a curse). 4 prevent from speaking. --n. 1 a receptacle in a furnace where substances may be heated without contact with combustion products. 2 a similar chamber in a kiln for baking painted pottery. [ME: (n.) f. OF moufle thick glove; (v.) perh. f. OF enmoufler f. moufle] muffle(2) n. the thick part of the upper lip and nose of ruminants and rodents. [F mufle, of unkn. orig.] muffler n. 1 a wrap or scarf worn for warmth. 2 any of various devices used to deaden sound in musical instruments. 3 US the silencer of a motor vehicle. mufti(1) n. a Muslim legal expert empowered to give rulings on religious matters. [Arab. mufti, part. of ' afta decide a point of law] mufti(2) n. plain clothes worn by a person who also wears (esp. military) uniform (in mufti). [19th c.: perh. f. MUFTI(1)] mug(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a drinking-vessel, usu. cylindrical and with a handle and used without a saucer. b its contents. 2 sl. the face or mouth of a person. 3 Brit. sl. a a simpleton. b a gullible person. 4 US sl. a hoodlum or thug. --v. (mugged, mugging) 1 tr. rob (a person) with violence esp. in a public place. 2 tr. thrash. 3 tr. strangle. 4 intr. sl. make faces, esp. before an audience, a camera, etc. Ьa mug's game Brit. colloq. a foolish or unprofitable activity. mug shot sl. a photograph of a face, esp. for official purposes. ЬЬmugger n. (esp. in sense 1 of v.). mugful n. (pl. -fuls). mugging n. (in sense 1 of v.). [prob. f. Scand.: sense 2 of n. prob. f. the representation of faces on mugs, and sense 3 prob. from this] mug(2) v.tr. (mugged, mugging) Brit. (usu. foll. by up) sl. learn (a subject) by concentrated study. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] mugger(1) see MUG(1). mugger(2) n. a broad-nosed Indian crocodile, Crocodylus palustris, venerated by many Hindus. [Hindi magar] muggins n. (pl. same or mugginses) 1 colloq. a a simpleton. b a person who is easily outwitted ( often with allusion to oneself: so muggins had to pay). 2 a card-game like snap. [perh. the surname Muggins, with allusion to MUG(1)] muggy adj. (muggier, muggiest) (of the weather, a day, etc.) oppressively damp and warm; humid. ЬЬmugginess n. [dial. mug mist, drizzle f. ON mugga] Mughal n. 1 a Mongolian. 2 (attrib.) denoting the Muslim dynasty in India in the 16th-19th c. (cf. MOGUL 2b). [Pers. mugul MONGOL] mugwort n. any of various plants of the genus Artemisia, esp. A. vulgaris, with silver-grey aromatic foliage. [OE mucgwyrt (as MIDGE, WORT)] mugwump n. US 1 a great man; a boss. 2 a person who holds aloof, esp. from party politics. [Algonquin mugquomp great chief] Muhammadan n. & adj. (also Mohammedan) = MUSLIM. °A term not used or favoured by Muslims, and often regarded as offens. ЬЬMuhammadanism n. [Muhammad, Arabian prophet d. 632] mujahidin n.pl. (also mujahedin, -deen) guerrilla fighters in Islamic countries, esp. supporting Muslim fundamentalism. [Pers. & Arab. mujahidin pl. of mujahid one who fights a JIHAD] mulatto n. & adj. --n. (pl. -os or -oes) a person of mixed White and Black parentage. --adj. of the colour of mulattos; tawny. [Sp. mulato young mule, mulatto, irreg. f. mulo MULE(1)] mulberry n. (pl. -ies) 1 any deciduous tree of the genus Morus, grown originally for feeding silkworms, and now for its fruit and ornamental qualities. 2 its dark-red or white berry. 3 a dark-red or purple colour. [ME mol-, mool-, mulberry, dissim. f. murberie f. OE morberie, f. L morum: see BERRY] mulch n. & v. --n. a mixture of wet straw, leaves, etc., spread around or over a plant to enrich or insulate the soil. --v.tr. treat with mulch. [prob. use as noun of mulsh soft: cf. dial. melsh mild f. OE melsc] mulct v. & n. --v.tr. 1 extract money from by fine or taxation. 2 a (often foll. by of) deprive by fraudulent means; swindle. b obtain by swindling. --n. a fine. [earlier mult(e) f. L multa, mulcta: (v.) through F mulcter & L mulctare] mule(1) n. 1 the offspring (usu. sterile) of a male donkey and a female horse, or (in general use) of a female donkey and a male horse (cf. HINNY(1)), used as a beast of burden. 2 a stupid or obstinate person. 3 (often attrib.) a hybrid and usu. sterile plant or animal (mule canary). 4 (in full spinning mule) a kind of spinning-machine producing yarn on spindles. [ME f. OF mul(e) f. L mulus mula] mule(2) n. a light shoe or slipper without a back. [F] mule(3) var. of MEWL. muleteer n. a mule-driver. [F muletier f. mulet dimin. of OF mul MULE(1)] mulga n. Austral. 1 a small spreading tree, Acacia aneura. 2 the wood of this tree. 3 scrub or bush. 4 colloq. the outback. [Aboriginal] muliebrity n. literary 1 womanhood. 2 the normal characteristics of a woman. 3 softness, effeminacy. [LL muliebritas f. L mulier woman] mulish adj. 1 like a mule. 2 stubborn. ЬЬmulishly adv. mulishness n. mull(1) v.tr. & intr. (often foll. by over) ponder or consider. [perh. f. mull grind to powder, ME mul dust f. MDu.] mull(2) v.tr. warm (wine or beer) with added sugar, spices, etc. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] mull(3) n. Sc. a promontory. [ME: cf. Gael. maol, Icel. mЈli] mull(4) n. humus formed under non-acid conditions. [G f. Da. muld] mull(5) n. a thin soft plain muslin. [abbr. of mulmull f. Hindi malmal] mullah n. a Muslim learned in Islamic theology and sacred law. [Pers., Turk., Urdu mulla f. Arab. mawla] mullein n. any herbaceous plant of the genus Verbascum, with woolly leaves and yellow flowers. [ME f. OF moleine f. Gaulish] muller n. a stone or other heavy weight used for grinding material on a slab. [ME, perh. f. AF moldre grind] mullet n. any fish of the family Mullidae (red mullet) or Mugilidae (grey mullet), usu. with a thick body and a large blunt-nosed head, commonly used as food. [ME f. OF mulet dimin. of L mullus red mullet f. Gk mollos] mulligatawny n. a highly seasoned soup orig. from India. [Tamil milagutannir pepper-water] mullion n. (also munnion) a vertical bar dividing the lights in a window (cf. TRANSOM). ЬЬmullioned adj. [prob. an altered form of MONIAL] mullock n. 1 Austral. or dial. refuse, rubbish. 2 Austral. a rock containing no gold. b refuse from which gold has been extracted. 3 Austral. ridicule. [ME dimin. of mul dust, rubbish, f. MDu.] mulloway n. Austral. a large marine fish, Sciaena antarctica, used as food. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] multangular adj. having many angles. [med.L multangularis (as MULTI-, ANGULAR)] multi- comb. form many; more than one. [L f. multus much, many] multi-access n. (often attrib.) the simultaneous connection to a computer of a number of terminals. multiaxial adj. of or involving several axes. multicellular adj. Biol. having many cells. multichannel adj. employing or possessing many communication or television channels. multicolour adj. (also multicoloured) of many colours. multicultural adj. of or relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within a society. ЬЬmulticulturally adv. multidimensional adj. of or involving more than three dimensions. ЬЬmultidimensionality n. multidimensionally adv. multidirectional adj. of, involving, or operating in several directions. multifaceted adj. having several facets. multifarious adj. 1 (foll. by pl. noun) many and various. 2 having great variety. ЬЬmultifariously adv. multifariousness n. [L multifarius] multifid adj. Bot. & Zool. divided into many parts. [L multifidus (as MULTI-, fid- stem of findere cleave)] multifoil n. Archit. an ornament consisting of more than five foils. multiform n. (usu. attrib.) 1 having many forms. 2 of many kinds. ЬЬmultiformity n. multifunctional adj. having or fulfilling several functions. multigrade n. (usu. attrib.) an engine oil etc. meeting the requirements of several standard grades. multilateral adj. 1 a (of an agreement, treaty, conference, etc.) in which three or more parties participate. b performed by more than one party (multilateral disarmament). 2 having many sides. ЬЬmultilaterally adv. multilingual adj. in or using several languages. ЬЬmultilingually adv. multimillion attrib.adj. costing or involving several million (pounds, dollars, etc.) (multimillion dollar fraud). multimillionaire n. a person with a fortune of several millions. multinational adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a business organization) operating in several countries. 2 relating to or including several nationalities or ethnic groups. --n. a multinational company. ЬЬmultinationally adv. multinomial adj. & n. Math. = POLYNOMIAL. [MULTI-, after binomial] multiparous adj. 1 bringing forth many young at a birth. 2 having borne more than one child. [MULTI- + -PAROUS] multipartite adj. divided into many parts. multiphase n. Electr. = POLYPHASE. multiple adj. & n. --adj. 1 having several or many parts, elements, or individual components. 2 (foll. by pl. noun) many and various. 3 Bot. (of fruit) collective. --n. 1 a number that may be divided by another a certain number of times without a remainder (56 is a multiple of 7). 2 a multiple shop or store. Ьleast (or lowest) common multiple the least quantity that is a multiple of two or more given quantities. multiple-choice (of a question in an examination) accompanied by several possible answers from which the correct one has to be chosen. multiple personality Psychol. the apparent existence of two or more distinct personalities in one individual. multiple sclerosis see SCLEROSIS. multiple shop (or store) Brit. a shop or store with branches in several places. multiple standard see STANDARD. multiple star several stars so close as to seem one, esp. when forming a connected system. ЬЬmultiply adv. [F f. LL multiplus f. L (as MULTIPLEX)] multiplex adj. & v. --adj. 1 manifold; of many elements. 2 involving simultaneous transmission of several messages along a single channel of communication. --v.tr. incorporate into a multiplex signal or system. ЬЬmultiplexer n. (also multiplexor). [L (as MULTI-, - plex -plicis -fold)] multipliable adj. that can be multiplied. multiplicable adj. = MULTIPLIABLE. [OF multiplicable or med.L multiplicabilis f. L (as MULTIPLY)] multiplicand n. a quantity to be multiplied by a multiplier. [med.L multiplicandus gerundive of L multiplicare (as MULTIPLY)] multiplication n. 1 the arithmetical process of multiplying. 2 the act or an instance of multiplying. Ьmultiplication sign the sign (x) to indicate that one quantity is to be multiplied by another, as in 2 x 3 = 6. multiplication table a list of multiples of a particular number, usu. from 1 to 12. ЬЬmultiplicative adj. [ME f. OF multiplication or L multiplicatio (as MULTIPLY)] multiplicity n. (pl. -ies) 1 manifold variety. 2 (foll. by of) a great number. [LL multiplicitas (as MULTIPLEX)] multiplier n. 1 a quantity by which a given number is multiplied. 2 Econ. a factor by which an increment of income exceeds the resulting increment of saving or investment. 3 Electr. an instrument for increasing by repetition the intensity of a current, force, etc. multiply v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. (also absol.) obtain from (a number) another that is a specified number of times its value (multiply 6 by 4 and you get 24). 2 intr. increase in number esp. by procreation. 3 tr. produce a large number of (instances etc.). 4 tr. a breed (animals). b propagate (plants). [ME f. OF multiplier f. L multiplicare (as MULTIPLEX)] multipolar adj. having many poles (see POLE(2)). multiprocessing n. Computing processing by a number of processors sharing a common memory and common peripherals. multiprogramming n. Computing the execution of two or more independent programs concurrently. multi-purpose n. (attrib.) having several purposes. multiracial adj. relating to or made up of many human races. ЬЬmultiracially adv. multi-role n. (attrib.) having several roles or functions. multi-stage n. (attrib.) (of a rocket etc.) having several stages of operation. multi-storey n. (attrib.) (of a building) having several (esp. similarly designed) storeys. multitude n. 1 (often foll. by of) a great number. 2 a large gathering of people; a crowd. 3 (the multitude) the common people. 4 the state of being numerous. [ME f. OF f. L multitudo -dinis f. multus many] multitudinous adj. 1 very numerous. 2 consisting of many individuals or elements. 3 (of an ocean etc.) vast. ЬЬmultitudinously adv. multitudinousness n. [L (as MULTITUDE)] multi-user n. (attrib.) (of a computer system) having a number of simultaneous users (cf. MULTI-ACCESS). multivalent adj. Chem. 1 having a valency of more than two. 2 having a variable valency. ЬЬmultivalency n. multivalve n. (attrib.) (of a shell etc.) having several valves. multiversity n. (pl. -ies) a large university with many different departments. [MULTI- + UNIVERSITY] multivocal adj. having many meanings. multi-way n. (attrib.) having several paths of communication etc. mum(1) n. Brit. colloq. mother. [abbr. of MUMMY(1)] mum(2) adj. colloq. silent (keep mum). Ьmum's the word say nothing. [ME: imit. of closed lips] mum(3) v.intr. (mummed, mumming) act in a traditional masked mime. [cf. MUM(2) and MLG mummen] mumble v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. speak or utter indistinctly. 2 tr. bite or chew with or as with toothless gums. --n. an indistinct utterance. ЬЬmumbler n. mumblingly adv. [ME momele, as MUM(2): cf. LG mummelen] mumbo-jumbo n. (pl. -jumbos) 1 meaningless or ignorant ritual. 2 language or action intended to mystify or confuse. 3 an object of senseless veneration. [Mumbo Jumbo, a supposed African idol] mummer n. 1 an actor in a traditional masked mime. 2 archaic or derog. an actor in the theatre. [ME f. OF momeur f. momer MUM(3)] mummery n. (pl. -ies) 1 ridiculous (esp. religious) ceremonial. 2 a performance by mummers. [OF momerie (as MUMMER)] mummify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 embalm and preserve (a body) in the form of a mummy (see MUMMY(2)). 2 (usu. as mummified adj.) shrivel or dry up (tissues etc.). ЬЬmummification n. mummy(1) n. (pl. -ies) Brit. colloq. mother. [imit. of a child's pronunc.: cf. MAMMA(1)] mummy(2) n. (pl. -ies) 1 a body of a human being or animal embalmed for burial, esp. in ancient Egypt. 2 a dried-up body. 3 a pulpy mass (beat it to a mummy). 4 a rich brown pigment. [F momie f. med.L mumia f. Arab. mumiya f. Pers. mum wax] mumps n.pl. 1 (treated as sing.) a contagious and infectious viral disease with swelling of the parotid salivary glands in the face. 2 a fit of sulks. ЬЬmumpish adj. (in sense 2). [archaic mump be sullen] munch v.tr. eat steadily with a marked action of the jaws. [ME, imit.: cf. CRUNCH] mundane adj. 1 dull, routine. 2 of this world; worldly. ЬЬmundanely adv. mundaneness n. mundanity n. (pl. -ies). [ME f. OF mondain f. LL mundanus f. L mundus world] mung n. (in full mung bean) a leguminous plant, Phaseolus aureus, native to India and used as food. [Hindi mung] mungo n. (pl. -os) the short fibres recovered from heavily felted material. [19th c.: orig. uncert.] municipal adj. of or concerning a municipality or its self-government. ЬЬmunicipalize v.tr. (also -ise). municipalization n. municipally adv. [L municipalis f. municipium free city f. municeps -cipis citizen with privileges f. munia civic offices + capere take] municipality n. (pl. -ies) 1 a town or district having local government. 2 the governing body of this area. [F municipalit‚ f. municipal (as MUNICIPAL)] munificent adj. (of a giver or a gift) splendidly generous, bountiful. ЬЬmunificence n. munificently adv. [L munificent-, var. stem of munificus f. munus gift] muniment n. (usu. in pl.) 1 a document kept as evidence of rights or privileges etc. 2 an archive. [ME f. OF f. L munimentum defence, in med.L title-deed f. munire munit- fortify] munition n. & v. --n. (usu. in pl.) military weapons, ammunition, equipment, and stores. --v.tr. supply with munitions. [F f. L munitio -onis fortification (as MUNIMENT)] munitioner n. a person who makes or supplies munitions. munnion var. of MULLION. munshi var. of MOONSHEE. munt n. S.Afr. sl. offens. a Black African. [Bantu umuntu person] muntjac n. (also muntjak) any small deer of the genus Muntiacus native to SE Asia, the male having tusks and small antlers. [Sundanese minchek] Muntz metal n. an alloy (60% copper, 40% zinc) used for sheathing ships etc. [G. F. Muntz, Engl. manufacturer d. 1857] muon n. Physics an unstable elementary particle like an electron, but with a much greater mass. [ж (MU), as the symbol for it] murage n. hist. a tax levied for building or repairing the walls of a town. [ME f. OF, in med.L muragium f. OF mur f. L murus wall] mural n. & adj. --n. a painting executed directly on a wall. --adj. 1 of or like a wall. 2 on a wall. Ьmural crown Rom. Antiq. a crown or garland given to the soldier who was first to scale the wall of a besieged town. ЬЬmuralist n. [F f. L muralis f. murus wall] murder n. & v. --n. 1 the unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by another (cf. MANSLAUGHTER). 2 colloq. an unpleasant, troublesome, or dangerous state of affairs (it was murder here on Saturday). --v.tr. 1 kill (a human being) unlawfully, esp. wickedly or inhumanly. 2 Law kill (a human being) with a premeditated motive. 3 colloq. utterly defeat or spoil by a bad performance, mispronunciation etc. (murdered the soliloquy in the second act). Ьcry blue murder sl. make an extravagant outcry. get away with murder colloq. do whatever one wishes and escape punishment. murder will out murder cannot remain undetected. ЬЬmurderer n. murderess n. [OE morthor & OF murdre f. Gmc] murderous adj. (of a person, weapon, action, etc.) capable of, intending, or involving murder or great harm. ЬЬmurderously adv. murderousness n. mure v.tr. archaic 1 immure. 2 (foll. by up) wall up or shut up in an enclosed space. [ME f. OF murer f. mur: see MURAGE] murex n. (pl. murices or murexes) any gastropod mollusc of the genus Murex, yielding a purple dye. [L] murine adj. of or like a mouse or mice. [L murinus f. mus muris mouse] murk n. & adj. (also mirk) --n. 1 darkness, poor visibility. 2 air obscured by fog etc. --adj. archaic (of night, day, place, etc.) = MURKY. [prob. f. Scand.: cf. ON myrkr] murky adj. (also mirky) (-ier, -iest) 1 dark, gloomy. 2 (of darkness) thick, dirty. 3 suspiciously obscure (murky past). ЬЬmurkily adv. murkiness n. murmur n. & v. --n. 1 a subdued continuous sound, as made by waves, a brook, etc. 2 a softly spoken or nearly inarticulate utterance. 3 Med. a recurring sound heard in the auscultation of the heart and usu. indicating abnormality. 4 a subdued expression of discontent. --v. 1 intr. make a subdued continuous sound. 2 tr. utter (words) in a low voice. 3 intr. (usu. foll. by at, against) complain in low tones, grumble. ЬЬmurmurer n. murmuringly adv. murmurous adj. [ME f. OF murmurer f. L murmurare: cf. Gk mormuro (of water) roar, Skr. marmaras noisy] murphy n. (pl. -ies) sl. a potato. [Ir. surname] Murphy's Law n. joc. any of various maxims about the perverseness of things. murrain n. 1 an infectious disease of cattle, carried by parasites. 2 archaic a plague, esp. the potato blight during the Irish famine in the mid-19th c. [ME f. AF moryn, OF morine f. morir f. L mori die] murrey n. & adj. archaic --n. the colour of a mulberry; a deep red or purple. --adj. of this colour. [ME f. OF mor‚ f. med.L moratus f. morum mulberry] murther archaic var. of MURDER. Mus.B. abbr. (also Mus. Bac.) Bachelor of Music. [L Musicae Baccalaureus] muscadel var. of MUSCATEL. Muscadet n. 1 a white wine from the Loire region of France. 2 a variety of grape from which the wine is made. [Muscadet variety of grape] muscadine n. a variety of grape with a musk flavour, used chiefly in wine-making. [perh. Engl. form f. Prov. MUSCAT] muscarine n. a poisonous alkaloid from the fungus Amanita muscaria. [L muscarius f. musca fly] muscat n. 1 a sweet fortified white wine made from muscadines. 2 a muscadine. [F f. Prov. muscat muscade (adj.) f. musc MUSK] muscatel n. (also muscadel) 1 = MUSCAT. 2 a raisin from a muscadine grape. [ME f. OF f. Prov. dimin. of muscat: see MUSCAT] muscle n. & v. --n. 1 a fibrous tissue with the ability to contract, producing movement in or maintaining the position of an animal body. 2 the part of an animal body that is composed of muscles. 3 physical power or strength. --v.intr. (usu. foll. by in) colloq. force oneself on others; intrude by forceful means. Ьmuscle-bound with muscles stiff and inelastic through excessive exercise or training. muscle-man a man with highly developed muscles, esp. one employed as an intimidator. not move a muscle be completely motionless. ЬЬmuscled adj. (usu. in comb.). muscleless adj. muscly adj. [F f. L musculus dimin. of mus mouse, from the fancied mouselike form of some muscles] muscology n. the study of mosses. ЬЬmuscologist n. [mod.L muscologia f. L muscus moss] muscovado n. (pl. -os) an unrefined sugar made from the juice of sugar cane by evaporation and draining off the molasses. [Sp. mascabado (sugar) of the lowest quality] Muscovite n. & adj. --n. 1 a native or citizen of Moscow. 2 archaic a Russian. --adj. 1 of or relating to Moscow. 2 archaic of or relating to Russia. [mod.L Muscovita f. Muscovia = MUSCOVY] muscovite n. a silver-grey form of mica with a sheetlike crystalline structure that is used in the manufacture of electrical equipment etc. [obs. MUSCOVY glass (in the same sense) + -ITE(1)] Muscovy n. archaic Russia. ЬMuscovy duck a tropical American duck, Cairina moschata, having a small crest and red markings on its head. [obs. F Muscovie f. mod.L Moscovia f. Russ. Moskva Moscow] muscular adj. 1 of or affecting the muscles. 2 having well-developed muscles. Ьmuscular Christianity a Christian life of cheerful physical activity as described in the writings of Charles Kingsley. muscular dystrophy see DYSTROPHY. muscular rheumatism = MYALGIA. muscular stomach see STOMACH. ЬЬmuscularity n. muscularly adv. [earlier musculous (as MUSCLE)] musculature n. the muscular system of a body or organ. [F f. L (as MUSCLE)] Mus.D. abbr. (also Mus. Doc.) Doctor of Music. [L Musicae Doctor] muse(1) n. 1 (as the Muses) (in Greek and Roman mythology) nine goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who inspire poetry, music, drama, etc. 2 (usu. prec. by the) a a poet's inspiring goddess. b a poet's genius. [ME f. OF muse or L musa f. Gk mousa] muse(2) v. & n. literary --v. 1 intr. a (usu. foll. by on, upon) ponder, reflect. b (usu. foll. by on) gaze meditatively (on a scene etc.). 2 tr. say meditatively. --n. archaic a fit of abstraction. [ME f. OF muser to waste time f. Rmc perh. f. med.L musum muzzle] musette n. 1 a a kind of small bagpipe with bellows, common in the French court in the 17th-18th c. b a tune imitating the sound of this. 2 a small oboe-like double-reed instrument in 19th-c. France. 3 a popular dance in the courts of Louis XIV and XV. 4 US a small knapsack. [ME f. OF, dimin. of muse bagpipe] museum n. a building used for storing and exhibiting objects of historical, scientific, or cultural interest. Ьmuseum piece 1 a specimen of art etc. fit for a museum. 2 derog. an old-fashioned or quaint person or object. ЬЬmuseology n. [L f. Gk mouseion seat of the Muses: see MUSE(1)] mush(1) n. 1 soft pulp. 2 feeble sentimentality. 3 US maize porridge. ЬЬmushy adj. (mushier, mushiest). mushily adv. mushiness n. [app. var. of MASH] mush(2) v. & n. US --v.intr. 1 (in imper.) used as a command to dogs pulling a sledge to urge them forward. 2 go on a journey across snow with a dog-sledge. --n. a journey across snow with a dog-sledge. [prob. corrupt. f. F marchons imper. of marcher advance] mushroom n. & v. --n. 1 the usu. edible spore-producing body of various fungi, esp. Agaricus campestris, with a stem and domed cap, proverbial for its rapid growth. 2 the pinkish-brown colour of this. 3 any item resembling a mushroom in shape (darning mushroom). 4 (usu. attrib.) something that appears or develops suddenly or is ephemeral; an upstart. --v.intr. 1 appear or develop rapidly. 2 expand and flatten like a mushroom cap. 3 gather mushrooms. Ьmushroom cloud a cloud suggesting the shape of a mushroom, esp. from a nuclear explosion. mushroom growth 1 a sudden development or expansion. 2 anything undergoing this. ЬЬmushroomy adj. [ME f. OF mousseron f. LL mussirio -onis] music n. 1 the art of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. 2 the sounds so produced. 3 musical compositions. 4 the written or printed score of a musical composition. 5 certain pleasant sounds, e.g. birdsong, the sound of a stream, etc. Ьmusic box US = musical box. music centre equipment combining radio, record-player, tape recorder, etc. music drama Wagnerian-type opera without formal arias etc. and governed by dramatic considerations. music-hall Brit. 1 variety entertainment, popular c.1850-1914, consisting of singing, dancing, and novelty acts. 2 a theatre where this took place. music of the spheres see SPHERE. music-paper paper printed with staves for writing music. music stand a rest or frame on which sheet music or a score is supported. music stool a stool for a pianist, usu. with adjustable height. music theatre in late 20th-c. music, the combination of elements from music and drama in new forms distinct from traditional opera, esp. as designed for small groups of performers. music to one's ears something very pleasant to hear. [ME f. OF musique f. L musica f. Gk mousike (tekhne art) of the Muses (mousa Muse: see MUSE(1))] musical adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to music. 2 (of sounds, a voice, etc.) melodious, harmonious. 3 fond of or skilled in music (the musical one of the family). 4 set to or accompanied by music. --n. a musical film or comedy. Ьmusical box Brit. a mechanical instrument playing a tune by causing a toothed cylinder to strike a comblike metal plate within a box. musical bumps a game similar to musical chairs, with players sitting on the floor and the one left standing eliminated. musical chairs 1 a party game in which the players compete in successive rounds for a decreasing number of chairs. 2 a series of changes or political manoeuvring etc. after the manner of the game. musical comedy a light dramatic entertainment of songs, dialogue, and dancing, connected by a slender plot. musical film a film in which music is an important feature. musical glasses an instrument in which notes are produced by rubbing graduated glass bowls or tubes. musical saw a bent saw played with a violin bow. ЬЬmusicality n. musicalize v.tr. (also -ise). musically adv. musicalness n. [ME f. OF f. med.L musicalis f. L musica: see MUSIC] musicale n. US a musical party. [F fem. adj. (as MUSICAL)] musician n. a person who plays a musical instrument, esp. professionally, or is otherwise musically gifted. ЬЬmusicianly adj. musicianship n. [ME f. OF musicien f. musique (as MUSIC, -ICIAN)] musicology n. the study of music other than that directed to proficiency in performance or composition. ЬЬmusicologist n. musicological adj. [F musicologie or MUSIC + -LOGY] musique concrЉte n. = concrete music. [F] musk n. 1 a strong-smelling reddish-brown substance produced by a gland in the male musk deer and used as an ingredient in perfumes. 2 the plant, Mimulus moschatus, with pale-green ovate leaves and yellow flowers (orig. with a smell of musk which is no longer perceptible in modern varieties). Ьmusk deer any small Asian deer of the genus Moschus, having no antlers and in the male having long protruding canine teeth. musk duck the Australian duck Biziura lobata, having a musky smell. musk melon the common yellow or green melon, Cucumis melo, usu. with a raised network of markings on the skin. musk ox a large goat-antelope, Ovibos moschatus, native to N. America, with a thick shaggy coat and small curved horns. musk-rose a rambling rose, Rosa moschata, with large white flowers smelling of musk. musk thistle a nodding thistle, Carduus nutans, whose flowers have a musky fragrance. musk-tree (or -wood) an Australian tree, Olearia argophylla, with a musky smell. ЬЬmusky adj. (muskier, muskiest). muskiness n. [ME f. LL muscus f. Pers. musk, perh. f. Skr. muska scrotum (from the shape of the musk deer's gland)] muskeg n. a level swamp or bog in Canada. [Cree] muskellunge n. = MASKINONGE. [Algonquian] musket n. hist. an infantryman's (esp. smooth-bored) light gun, often supported on the shoulder. Ьmusket-shot 1 a shot fired from a musket. 2 the range of this shot. [F mousquet f. It. moschetto crossbow bolt f. mosca fly] musketeer n. hist. a soldier armed with a musket. musketry n. 1 muskets, or soldiers armed with muskets, referred to collectively. 2 the knowledge of handling muskets. muskrat n. 1 a large aquatic rodent, Ondatra zibethica, native to N. America, having a musky smell. Also called MUSQUASH. 2 the fur of this. Muslim n. & adj. (also Moslem) --n. a follower of the Islamic religion. --adj. of or relating to the Muslims or their religion. [Arab. muslim, part. of aslama: see ISLAM] muslin n. 1 a fine delicately woven cotton fabric. 2 US a cotton cloth in plain weave. ЬЬmuslined adj. [F mousseline f. It. mussolina f. Mussolo Mosul in Iraq, where it was made] musmon n. Zool. = MOUFFLON. [L musimo f. Gk mousmon] muso n. (pl. -os) sl. a musician, esp. a professional. [abbr.] musquash n. = MUSKRAT. [Algonquian] muss v. & n. US colloq. --v.tr. (often foll. by up) disarrange; throw into disorder. --n. a state of confusion; untidiness, mess. ЬЬmussy adj. [app. var. of MESS] mussel n. 1 any bivalve mollusc of the genus Mytilus, living in sea water and often used for food. 2 any similar freshwater mollusc of the genus Margaritifer or Anodonta, forming pearls. [ME f. OE mus(c)le & MLG mussel, ult. rel. to L musculus (as MUSCLE)] Mussulman n. & adj. archaic --n. (pl. -mans or -men) a Muslim. --adj. of or concerning Muslims. [Pers. musulman orig. adj. f. muslim (as MUSLIM)] must(1) v. & n. --v.aux. (3rd sing. present must; past had to or in indirect speech must) (foll. by infin., or absol.) 1 a be obliged to (you must go to school; must we leave now?; said he must go; I must away). °The negative (i.e. lack of obligation) is expressed by not have to or need not; must not denotes positive forbidding, as in you must not smoke. b in ironic questions (must you slam the door?). 2 be certain to (we must win in the end; you must be her sister; he must be mad; they must have left by now; seemed as if the roof must blow off). 3 ought to (we must see what can be done; it must be said that). 4 expressing insistence (I must ask you to leave). 5 (foll. by not + infin.) a not be permitted to, be forbidden to (you must not smoke). b ought not; need not (you mustn't think he's angry; you must not worry). c expressing insistence that something should not be done (they must not be told). 6 (as past or historic present) expressing the perversity of destiny (what must I do but break my leg). --n. colloq. a thing that cannot or should not be overlooked or missed (if you go to London St Paul's is a must). ЬI must say often iron. I cannot refrain from saying (I must say he made a good attempt; a fine way to behave, I must say). must needs see NEEDS. [OE moste past of mot may] must(2) n. grape-juice before fermentation is complete. [OE f. L mustum neut. of mustus new] must(3) n. mustiness, mould. [back-form. f. MUSTY] must(4) adj. & n. (also musth) --adj. (of a male elephant or camel) in a state of frenzy. --n. this state. [Urdu f. Pers. mast intoxicated] mustache US var. of MOUSTACHE. mustachio n. (pl. -os) (often in pl.) archaic a moustache. ЬЬmustachioed adj. [Sp. mostacho & It. mostaccio (as MOUSTACHE)] mustang n. a small wild horse native to Mexico and California. Ьmustang grape a grape from the wild vine Vitis candicans, of the southern US, used for making wine. [Sp. mestengo f. mesta company of graziers, & Sp. mostrenco] mustard n. 1 a any of various plants of the genus Brassica with slender pods and yellow flowers, esp. B. nigra. b any of various plants of the genus Sinapis, esp. S. alba, eaten at the seedling stage, often with cress. 2 the seeds of these which are crushed, made into a paste, and used as a spicy condiment. 3 the brownish-yellow colour of this condiment. 4 sl. a thing which adds piquancy or zest. Ьmustard gas a colourless oily liquid, whose vapour is a powerful irritant and vesicant. mustard plaster a poultice made with mustard. mustard seed 1 the seed of the mustard plant. 2 a small thing capable of great development (Matt. 13:31). [ME f. OF mo(u)starde: orig. the condiment as prepared with MUST(2)] muster v. & n. --v. 1 tr. collect (orig. soldiers) for inspection, to check numbers, etc. 2 tr. & intr. collect, gather together. 3 tr. Austral. round up (livestock). --n. 1 the assembly of persons for inspection. 2 an assembly, a collection. 3 Austral. a rounding up of livestock. 4 Austral. sl. attendance (at a meeting, etc.) (had a good muster). Ьmuster-book a book for registering military personnel. muster in US enrol (recruits). muster out US discharge (soldiers etc.). muster-roll an official list of officers and men in a regiment or ship's company. muster up collect or summon (courage, strength, etc.). pass muster be accepted as adequate. ЬЬmusterer n. (in sense 3 of n. & v.). [ME f. OF mo(u)stre ult. f. L monstrare show] musth var. of MUST(4). mustn't contr. must not. musty adj. (mustier, mustiest) 1 mouldy. 2 of a mouldy or stale smell or taste. 3 stale, antiquated (musty old books). ЬЬmustily adv. mustiness n. [perh. alt. f. moisty (MOIST) by assoc. with MUST(2)] mutable adj. literary 1 liable to change. 2 fickle. ЬЬmutability n. [L mutabilis f. mutare change] mutagen n. an agent promoting mutation, e.g. radiation. ЬЬmutagenic adj. mutagenesis n. [MUTATION + -GEN] mutant adj. & n. --adj. resulting from mutation. --n. a mutant form. [L mutant- part. f. mutare change] mutate v.intr. & tr. undergo or cause to undergo mutation. [back-form. f. MUTATION] mutation n. 1 the process or an instance of change or alteration. 2 a genetic change which, when transmitted to offspring, gives rise to heritable variations. 3 a mutant. 4 a an umlaut. b (in a Celtic language) a change of a consonant etc. determined by a preceding word. ЬЬmutational adj. mutationally adv. [ME f. L mutatio f. mutare change] mutatis mutandis adv. (in comparing cases) making the necessary alterations. [L] mutch n. dial. a woman's or child's linen cap. [ME f. MDu. mutse MHG mЃtze f. med.L almucia AMICE] mute adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 silent, refraining from or temporarily bereft of speech. 2 not emitting articulate sound. 3 (of a person or animal) dumb. 4 not expressed in speech (mute protest). 5 a (of a letter) not pronounced. b (of a consonant) plosive. 6 (of hounds) not giving tongue. --n. 1 a dumb person (a deaf mute). 2 Mus. a a clamp for damping the resonance of the strings of a violin etc. b a pad or cone for damping the sound of a wind instrument. 3 an unsounded consonant. 4 an actor whose part is in a dumb show. 5 a dumb servant in oriental countries. 6 a hired mourner. --v.tr. 1 deaden, muffle, or soften the sound of (a thing, esp. a musical instrument). 2 a tone down, make less intense. b (as muted adj.) (of colours etc.) subdued (a muted green). Ьmute button a device on a telephone etc. to temporarily prevent the caller from hearing what is being said at the receiver's end. mute swan the common white swan. ЬЬmutely adv. muteness n. [ME f. OF muet, dimin. of mu f. L mutus, assim. to L] mutilate v.tr. 1 a deprive (a person or animal) of a limb or organ. b destroy the use of (a limb or organ). 2 render (a book etc.) imperfect by excision or some act of destruction. ЬЬmutilation n. mutilative adj. mutilator n. [L mutilare f. mutilus maimed] mutineer n. a person who mutinies. [F mutinier f. mutin rebellious f. muete movement ult. f. L movere move] mutinous adj. rebellious; tending to mutiny. ЬЬmutinously adv. [obs. mutine rebellion f. F mutin: see MUTINEER] mutiny n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) an open revolt against constituted authority, esp. by soldiers or sailors against their officers. --v.intr. (-ies, -ied) (often foll. by against) revolt; engage in mutiny. [obs. mutine (as MUTINOUS)] mutism n. muteness; silence; dumbness. [F mutisme f. L (as MUTE)] muton n. Biol. the smallest element of genetic material capable of giving rise to a mutant individual. mutt n. 1 sl. an ignorant, stupid, or blundering person. 2 derog. a dog. [abbr. of mutton-head] mutter v. & n. --v. 1 intr. speak low in a barely audible manner. 2 intr. (often foll. by against, at) murmur or grumble about. 3 tr. utter (words etc.) in a low tone. 4 tr. say in secret. --n. 1 muttered words or sounds. 2 muttering. ЬЬmutterer n. mutteringly adv. [ME, rel. to MUTE] mutton n. 1 the flesh of sheep used for food. 2 joc. a sheep. Ьmutton-bird Austral. 1 any bird of the genus Puffinus, esp. the short-tailed shearwater, P. tenuirostris. 2 any of various petrels. mutton chop 1 a piece of mutton, usu. the rib and half vertebra to which it is attached. 2 (in full mutton chop whisker) a side whisker shaped like this. mutton dressed as lamb colloq. a usu. middle-aged or elderly woman dressed or made up to appear younger. mutton-head colloq. a dull, stupid person. mutton-headed colloq. dull, stupid. ЬЬmuttony adj. [ME f. OF moton f. med.L multo -onis prob. f. Gaulish] mutual adj. 1 (of feelings, actions, etc.) experienced or done by each of two or more parties with reference to the other or others (mutual affection). 2 colloq. disp. common to two or more persons (a mutual friend; a mutual interest). 3 standing in (a specified) relation to each other (mutual well-wishers; mutual beneficiaries). Ьmutual fund US a unit trust. mutual inductance the property of an electric circuit that causes an electromotive force to be generated in it by change in the current flowing through a magnetically linked circuit. mutual induction the production of an electromotive force between adjacent circuits that are magnetically linked. mutual insurance insurance in which some or all of the profits are divided among the policyholders. ЬЬmutuality n. mutually adv. [ME f. OF mutuel f. L mutuus mutual, borrowed, rel. to mutare change] mutualism n. 1 the doctrine that mutual dependence is necessary to social well-being. 2 mutually beneficial symbiosis. ЬЬmutualist n. & adj. mutualistic adj. mutualistically adv. mutuel n. esp. US a totalizator; a pari-mutuel. [abbr. of PARI-MUTUEL] mutule n. Archit. a block derived from the ends of wooden beams projecting under a Doric cornice. [F f. L mutulus] muu-muu n. a woman's loose brightly-coloured dress. [Hawaiian] Muzak n. 1 propr. a system of music transmission for playing in public places. 2 (muzak) recorded light background music. [alt. f. MUSIC] muzhik n. (also moujik) hist. a Russian peasant. [Russ. muzhik] muzzle n. & v. --n. 1 the projecting part of an animal's face, including the nose and mouth. 2 a guard, usu. made of straps or wire, fitted over an animal's nose and mouth to stop it biting or feeding. 3 the open end of a firearm. --v.tr. 1 put a muzzle on (an animal etc.). 2 impose silence upon. 3 Naut. take in (a sail). Ьmuzzle-loader a gun that is loaded through the muzzle. muzzle velocity the velocity with which a projectile leaves the muzzle of a gun. ЬЬmuzzler n. [ME f. OF musel ult. f. med.L musum: cf. MUSE(2)] muzzy adj. (muzzier, muzziest) 1 a mentally hazy; dull, spiritless. b stupid from drinking alcohol. 2 blurred, indistinct. ЬЬmuzzily adv. muzziness n. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] MV abbr. 1 motor vessel. 2 muzzle velocity. 3 megavolt(s). MVO abbr. (in the UK) Member of the Royal Victorian Order. MW abbr. 1 megawatt(s). 2 medium wave. mW abbr. milliwatt(s). 21.0 Mx. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mx. abbr. 1 maxwell(s). 2 Middlesex (a former county in England). 22.0 MY... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MY abbr. motor yacht. my poss.pron. (attrib.) 1 of or belonging to me or myself (my house; my own business). 2 as a form of address in affectionate, sympathetic, jocular, or patronizing contexts (my dear boy). 3 in various expressions of surprise (my God!; oh my!). 4 Brit. colloq. indicating the speaker's husband, wife, child, etc. (my Johnny's ill again). Ьmy Lady (or Lord) the form of address to certain titled persons. [ME mi, reduced f. min MINE(1)] my- comb. form var. of MYO-. myalgia n. a pain in a muscle or group of muscles. ЬЬmyalgic adj. [mod.L f. Gk mus muscle] myalism n. a kind of sorcery akin to obeah, practised esp. in the W. Indies. [myal, prob. of W.Afr. orig.] myall n. 1 a any tree of the genus Acacia, esp. A. pendula, native to Australia. b the hard scented wood of this, used for fences and tobacco-pipes. 2 an Aboriginal living in a traditional way. [Aboriginal maial] myasthenia n. a condition causing abnormal weakness of certain muscles. [mod.L f. Gk mus muscle: cf. ASTHENIA] mycelium n. (pl. mycelia) the vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of microscopic threadlike hyphae. ЬЬmycelial adj. [mod.L f. Gk mukes mushroom, after EPITHELIUM] Mycenaean adj. & n. --adj. Archaeol. of or relating to the late Bronze Age civilization in Greece (c.1500-1100 BC), depicted in the Homeric poems and represented by finds at Mycenae and elsewhere. --n. an inhabitant of Mycenae or the Mycenaean world. [L Mycenaeus] -mycin comb. form used to form the names of antibiotic compounds derived from fungi. [Gk mukes fungus + -IN] mycology n. 1 the study of fungi. 2 the fungi of a particular region. ЬЬmycological adj. mycologically adv. mycologist n. [Gk mukes mushroom + -LOGY] mycorrhiza n. (pl. mycorrhizae) a symbiotic association of a fungus and the roots of a plant. ЬЬmycorrhizal adj. [mod.L f. Gk mukes mushroom + rhiza root] mycosis n. any disease caused by a fungus, e.g. ringworm. ЬЬmycotic adj. [Gk mukes mushroom + -OSIS] mycotoxin n. any toxic substance produced by a fungus. mycotrophy n. the condition of a plant which has mycorrhizae and is perhaps helped to assimilate nutrients as a result. [G Mykotrophie f. Gk mukes mushroom + trophe nourishment] mydriasis n. excessive dilation of the pupil of the eye. [L f. Gk mudriasis] myelin n. a white substance which forms a sheath around certain nerve-fibres. ЬЬmyelination n. [Gk muelos marrow + -IN] myelitis n. inflammation of the spinal cord. [mod.L f. Gk muelos marrow] myeloid adj. of or relating to bone marrow or the spinal cord. [Gk muelos marrow] myeloma n. (pl. myelomas or myelomata) a malignant tumour of the bone marrow. [mod.L, as MYELITIS + -OMA] mylodon n. an extinct gigantic ground sloth of the genus Mylodon, with cylindrical teeth and found in deposits formed during the ice age of the Pleistocene epoch in South America. [mod.L f. Gk mule mill, molar + odous odontos tooth] myna n. (also mynah, mina) any of various SE Asian starlings, esp. Gracula religiosa able to mimic the human voice. [Hindi maina] myo- comb. form (also my- before a vowel) muscle. [Gk mus muos muscle] myocardium n. (pl. myocardia) the muscular tissue of the heart. ЬЬmyocardiac adj. myocardial adj. [MYO- + Gk kardia heart] myofibril n. any of the elongated contractile threads found in striated muscle cells. myogenic adj. originating in muscle tissue. myoglobin n. an oxygen-carrying protein containing iron and found in muscle cells. myology n. the study of the structure and function of muscles. myope n. a short-sighted person. [F f. LL myops f. Gk muops f. muo shut + ops eye] myopia n. 1 short-sightedness. 2 lack of imagination or intellectual insight. ЬЬmyopic adj. myopically adv. [mod.L (as MYOPE)] myosis var. of MIOSIS. myosotis n. (also myosote) any plant of the genus Myosotis with blue, pink, or white flowers, esp. a forget-me-not. [L f. Gk muosotis f. mus muos mouse + ous otos ear] myotonia n. the inability to relax voluntary muscle after vigorous effort. ЬЬmyotonic adj. [MYO- + Gk tonos tone] myriad n. & adj. literary --n. 1 an indefinitely great number. 2 ten thousand. --adj. of an indefinitely great number. [LL mirias miriad- f. Gk murias -ados f. murioi 10,000] myriapod n. & adj. --n. any land-living arthropod of the group Myriapoda, with numerous leg-bearing segments, e.g. centipedes and millipedes. --adj. of or relating to this group. [mod.L Myriapoda (as MYRIAD, Gk pous podos foot)] myrmidon n. 1 a hired ruffian. 2 a base servant. [L Myrmidones (pl.) f. Gk Murmidones, warlike Thessalian people who went with Achilles to Troy] myrobalan n. 1 (in full myrobalan plum) = cherry plum. 2 (in full myrobalan nut) the fruit of an Asian tree, Terminalia chebula, used in medicines, for tanning leather, and to produce inks and dyes. [F myrobolan or L myrobalanum f. Gk murobalanos f. muron unguent + balanos acorn] myrrh(1) n. a gum resin from several trees of the genus Commiphora used, esp. in the Near East, in perfumery, medicine, incense, etc. ЬЬmyrrhic adj. myrrhy adj. [OE myrra, myrre f. L myrr(h)a f. Gk murra, of Semitic orig.] myrrh(2) n. = sweet cicely. [L myrris f. Gk murris] myrtaceous adj. of or relating to the plant family Myrtaceae, including myrtles. myrtle n. 1 an evergreen shrub of the genus Myrtus with aromatic foliage and white flowers, esp. M. communis, bearing purple-black ovoid berries. 2 US = PERIWINKLE(1). [ME f. med.L myrtilla, -us dimin. of L myrta, myrtus f. Gk murtos] myself pron. 1 emphat. form of I(2) or ME(1) (I saw it myself; I like to do it myself). 2 refl. form of ME(1) (I was angry with myself; able to dress myself; as bad as myself). 3 in my normal state of body and mind (I'm not myself today). 4 poet. = I(2). Ьby myself see by oneself. I myself I for my part (I myself am doubtful). [ME(1) + SELF: my- partly after herself with her regarded as poss. pron.] mysterious adj. 1 full of or wrapped in mystery. 2 (of a person) delighting in mystery. ЬЬmysteriously adv. mysteriousness n. [F myst‚rieux f. mystЉre f. OF (as MYSTERY(1))] mystery(1) n. (pl. -ies) 1 a secret, hidden, or inexplicable matter (the reason remains a mystery). 2 secrecy or obscurity (wrapped in mystery). 3 (attrib.) secret, undisclosed (mystery guest). 4 the practice of making a secret of (esp. unimportant) things (engaged in mystery and intrigue). 5 (in full mystery story) a fictional work dealing with a puzzling event, esp. a crime (a well-known mystery writer). 6 a a religious truth divinely revealed, esp. one beyond human reason. b RC Ch. a decade of the rosary. 7 (in pl.) a the secret religious rites of the ancient Greeks, Romans, etc. b archaic the Eucharist. Ьmake a mystery of treat as an impressive secret. mystery play a miracle play. mystery tour (or trip) a pleasure excursion to an unspecified destination. [ME f. OF mistere or L mysterium f. Gk musterion, rel. to MYSTIC] mystery(2) n. (pl. -ies) archaic a handicraft or trade, esp. as referred to in indentures etc. (art and mystery). [ME f. med.L misterium contr. of ministerium MINISTRY, assoc. with MYSTERY(1)] mystic n. & adj. --n. a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity or identity with or absorption into the Deity or the ultimate reality, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the understanding. --adj. 1 mysterious and awe-inspiring. 2 spiritually allegorical or symbolic. 3 occult, esoteric. 4 of hidden meaning. ЬЬmysticism n. [ME f. OF mystique or L mysticus f. Gk mustikos f. mustes initiated person f. muo close the eyes or lips, initiate] mystical adj. of mystics or mysticism. ЬЬmystically adv. mystify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 bewilder, confuse. 2 hoax, take advantage of the credulity of. 3 wrap up in mystery. ЬЬmystification n. [F mystifier (irreg. formed as MYSTIC or MYSTERY(1))] mystique n. 1 an atmosphere of mystery and veneration attending some activity or person. 2 any skill or technique impressive or mystifying to the layman. [F f. OF (as MYSTIC)] myth n. 1 a traditional narrative usu. involving supernatural or imaginary persons and embodying popular ideas on natural or social phenomena etc. 2 such narratives collectively. 3 a widely held but false notion. 4 a fictitious person, thing, or idea. 5 an allegory (the Platonic myth). ЬЬmythic adj. mythical adj. mythically adv. [mod.L mythus f. LL mythos f. Gk muthos] mythi pl. of MYTHUS. mythicize v.tr. (also -ise) treat (a story etc.) as a myth; interpret mythically. ЬЬmythicism n. mythicist n. mytho- comb. form myth. mythogenesis n. the production of myths. mythographer n. a compiler of myths. mythography n. the representation of myths in plastic art. mythology n. (pl. -ies) 1 a body of myths (Greek mythology). 2 the study of myths. ЬЬmythologer n. mythologic adj. mythological adj. mythologically adv. mythologist n. mythologize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). mythologizer n. [ME f. F mythologie or LL mythologia f. Gk muthologia (as MYTHO-, -LOGY)] mythomania n. an abnormal tendency to exaggerate or tell lies. ЬЬmythomaniac n. & adj. mythopoeia n. the making of myths. ЬЬmythopoeic adj. (also mythopoetic). mythus n. (pl. mythi) literary a myth. [mod.L: see MYTH] myxo- comb. form (also myx- before a vowel) mucus. [Gk muxa mucus] myxoedema n. (US myxedema) a syndrome caused by hypothyroidism, resulting in thickening of the skin, weight gain, mental dullness, loss of energy, and sensitivity to cold. myxoma n. (pl. myxomas or myxomata) a benign tumour of mucous or gelatinous tissue. ЬЬmyxomatous adj. [mod.L (as MYXO-, -OMA)] myxomatosis n. an infectious usu. fatal viral disease in rabbits, causing swelling of the mucous membranes. myxomycete n. any of a group of small acellular organisms inhabiting damp areas. myxovirus n. any of a group of viruses including the influenza virus. Яндекс.Реклама: Решили купить интерактивную куклу Настеньку. Вот сайт kiev-club.com.ua |