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English language - Dictionaries I...Oxford English ReferenceBritish Library Cataloguing Data The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed. 1. English language--Dictionaries I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423 ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain 1.0 I... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I(1) n. (also i) (pl. Is or I's) 1 the ninth letter of the alphabet. 2 (as a Roman numeral) 1. ЬI-beam a girder of I-shaped section. I(2) pron. & n. --pron. (obj. me; poss. my, mine; pl. we) used by a speaker or writer to refer to himself or herself. --n. (the I) Metaphysics the ego; the subject or object of self-consciousness. [OE f. Gmc] I(3) symb. Chem. the element iodine. I(4) abbr. (also I.) 1 Island(s). 2 Isle(s). -i(1) suffix forming the plural of nouns from Latin in -us or from Italian in -e or -o (foci; dilettanti; timpani). °Plural in -s or -es is often also possible. -i(2) suffix forming adjectives from names of countries or regions in the Near or Middle East (Israeli; Pakistani). [adj. suffix in Semitic and Indo-Iranian languages] -i- a connecting vowel esp. forming words in -ana, -ferous, -fic, -form, -fy, -gerous, -vorous (cf. -O-). [from or after F f. L] 2.0 IA... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IA abbr. US Iowa (in official postal use). Ia. abbr. Iowa. -ia(1) suffix 1 forming abstract nouns (mania; utopia), often in Med. (anaemia; pneumonia). 2 Bot. forming names of classes and genera (dahlia; fuchsia). 3 forming names of countries (Australia; India). [from or after L & Gk] -ia(2) suffix forming plural nouns or the plural of nouns: 1 from Greek in -ion or Latin in -ium (paraphernalia; regalia; amnia; labia). 2 Zool. the names of groups (Mammalia). IAA abbr. indoleacetic acid. IAEA abbr. International Atomic Energy Agency. -ial suffix forming adjectives (celestial; dictatorial; trivial). [from or after F -iel or L -ialis: cf. -AL] iamb n. an iambus. [Anglicized f. IAMBUS] iambic adj. & n. Prosody --adj. of or using iambuses. --n. (usu. in pl.) iambic verse. [F iambique f. LL iambicus f. Gk iambikos (as IAMBUS)] iambus n. (pl. iambuses or -bi) Prosody a foot consisting of one short (or unstressed) followed by one long (or stressed) syllable. [L f. Gk iambos iambus, lampoon, f. iapto assail in words, from its use by Gk satirists] -ian suffix var. of -AN. [from or after F -ien or L -ianus] -iasis suffix the usual form of -ASIS. IATA abbr. International Air Transport Association. iatrogenic adj. (of a disease etc.) caused by medical examination or treatment. [Gk iatros physician + -GENIC] 3.0 ib.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ib. var. of IBID. IBA abbr. (in the UK) Independent Broadcasting Authority. Iberian adj. & n. --adj. of ancient Iberia, the peninsula now comprising Spain and Portugal; of Spain and Portugal. --n. 1 a native of ancient Iberia. 2 any of the languages of ancient Iberia. [L Iberia f. Gk Iberes Spaniards] Ibero- comb. form Iberian; Iberian and (Ibero-American). ibex n. (pl. ibexes) a wild goat, Capra ibex, esp. of mountainous areas of Europe, N. Africa, and Asia, with a chin beard and thick curved ridged horns. [L] ibid. abbr. (also ib.) in the same book or passage etc. [L ibidem in the same place] -ibility suffix forming nouns from, or corresponding to, adjectives in -ible (possibility; credibility). [F -ibilit‚ or L -ibilitas] ibis n. (pl. ibises) any wading bird of the family Threskiornithidae with a curved bill, long neck, and long legs, and nesting in colonies. Ьsacred ibis an ibis, Threskiornis aethiopicus, native to Africa and Madagascar, venerated by the ancient Egyptians. [ME f. L f. Gk] -ible suffix forming adjectives meaning 'that may or may be' (see -ABLE) (terrible; forcible; possible). [F -ible or L -ibilis] -ibly suffix forming adverbs corresponding to adjectives in -ible. IBM abbr. International Business Machines. Ibo n. (also Igbo) (pl. same or -os) 1 a member of a Black people of SE Nigeria. 2 the language of this people. [native name] IBRD abbr. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (also known as the World Bank). 4.0 IC... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IC abbr. integrated circuit. i/c abbr. 1 in charge. 2 in command. 3 internal combustion. -ic suffix 1 forming adjectives (Arabic; classic; public) and nouns (critic; epic; mechanic; music). 2 Chem. in higher valence or degree of oxidation (ferric; sulphuric) (see also -OUS). 3 denoting a particular form or instance of a noun in -ics (aesthetic; tactic). [from or after F -ique or L -icus or Gk -ikos: cf. -ATIC, -ETIC, -FIC, -OTIC] -ical suffix 1 forming adjectives corresponding to nouns or adjectives, usu. in -ic (classical; comical; farcical; musical). 2 forming adjectives corresponding to nouns in -y (pathological). -ically suffix forming adverbs corresponding to adjectives in -ic or -ical (comically; musically; tragically). ICAO abbr. International Civil Aviation Organization. ICBM abbr. intercontinental ballistic missile. ICE abbr. 1 (in the UK) Institution of Civil Engineers. 2 internal-combustion engine. ice n. & v. --n. 1 a frozen water, a brittle transparent crystalline solid. b a sheet of this on the surface of water (fell through the ice). 2 Brit. a portion of ice-cream or water-ice (would you like an ice?). 3 sl. diamonds. --v. 1 tr. mix with or cool in ice (iced drinks). 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by over, up) a cover or become covered with ice. b freeze. 3 tr. cover (a cake etc.) with icing. Ьice age a glacial period, esp. in the Pleistocene epoch. ice-axe a tool used by mountain-climbers for cutting footholds. ice-bag an ice-filled rubber bag for medical use. ice-blue a very pale blue. ice-boat 1 a boat mounted on runners for travelling on ice. 2 a boat used for breaking ice on a river etc. ice-bound confined by ice. ice-breaker 1 = ice-boat 2. 2 something that serves to relieve inhibitions, start a conversation, etc. ice bucket a bucket-like container with chunks of ice, used to keep a bottle of wine chilled. ice-cap a permanent covering of ice e.g. in polar regions. ice-cold as cold as ice. ice-cream a sweet creamy frozen food, usu. flavoured. ice-cube a small block of ice made in a refrigerator. ice-fall a steep part of a glacier like a frozen waterfall. ice-field an expanse of ice, esp. in polar regions. ice-fish a capelin. ice floe = FLOE. ice hockey a form of hockey played on ice with a puck. ice house a building often partly or wholly underground for storing ice. ice (or iced) lolly Brit. a piece of flavoured ice, often with chocolate or ice-cream, on a stick. ice-pack 1 = pack ice. 2 a quantity of ice applied to the body for medical etc. purposes. ice-pick a needle-like implement with a handle for splitting up small pieces of ice. ice-plant a plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, with leaves covered with crystals or vesicles looking like ice specks. ice-rink = RINK n. 1. ice-skate n. a skate consisting of a boot with a blade beneath, for skating on ice. --v.intr. skate on ice. ice-skater a person who skates on ice. ice station a meteorological research centre in polar regions. on ice 1 (of an entertainment, sport, etc.) performed by skaters. 2 colloq. held in reserve; awaiting further attention. on thin ice in a risky situation. [OE is f. Gmc] -ice suffix forming (esp. abstract) nouns (avarice; justice; service) (cf. -ISE(2)). iceberg n. 1 a large floating mass of ice detached from a glacier or ice-sheet and carried out to sea. 2 an unemotional or cold-blooded person. Ьiceberg lettuce any of various crisp lettuces with a freely blanching head. the tip of the iceberg a small perceptible part of something (esp. a difficulty) the greater part of which is hidden. [prob. f. Du. ijsberg f. ijs ice + berg hill] iceblink n. a luminous appearance on the horizon, caused by a reflection from ice. iceblock n. Austral. & NZ = ice lolly. icebox n. US a refrigerator. Icelander n. 1 a native or national of Iceland, an island in the N. Atlantic. 2 a person of Icelandic descent. Icelandic adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Iceland. --n. the language of Iceland. Iceland lichen n. (also Iceland moss) a mountain and moorland lichen, Cetraria islandica, with edible branching fronds. Iceland poppy n. an Arctic poppy, Papaver nudicaule, with red or yellow flowers. Iceland spar n. a transparent variety of calcite with the optical property of strong double refraction. iceman n. (pl. -men) esp. US 1 a man skilled in crossing ice. 2 a man who sells or delivers ice. I.Chem.E. abbr. (in the UK) Institution of Chemical Engineers. I Ching n. an ancient Chinese manual of divination based on symbolic trigrams and hexagrams. [Chin. yijing book of changes] ichneumon n. 1 (in full ichneumon wasp) any small hymenopterous insect of the family Ichneumonidae, depositing eggs in or on the larva of another insect as food for its own larva. 2 a mongoose of N. Africa, Herpestes ichneumon, noted for destroying crocodile eggs. [L f. Gk ikhneumon spider-hunting wasp f. ikhneuo trace f. ikhnos footstep] ichnography n. (pl. -ies) 1 the ground-plan of a building, map of a region, etc. 2 a drawing of this. [F ichnographie or L ichnographia f. Gk ikhnographia f. ikhnos track: see -GRAPHY] ichor n. 1 (in Greek mythology) fluid flowing like blood in the veins of the gods. 2 poet. bloodlike fluid. 3 hist. a watery fetid discharge from a wound etc. ЬЬichorous adj. [Gk ikhor] ichthyo- comb. form fish. [Gk ikhthus fish] ichthyoid adj. & n. --adj. fishlike. --n. any fishlike vertebrate. ichthyolite n. a fossil fish. ichthyology n. the study of fishes. ЬЬichthyological adj. ichthyologist n. ichthyophagous adj. fish-eating. ЬЬichthyophagy n. ichthyosaurus n. (also ichthyosaur) any extinct marine reptile of the order Ichthyosauria, with long head, tapering body, four flippers, and usu. a large tail. [ICHTHYO- + Gk sauros lizard] ichthyosis n. a skin disease which causes the epidermis to become dry and horny like fish scales. ЬЬichthyotic adj. [Gk ikhthus fish + -OSIS] ICI abbr. Imperial Chemical Industries. -ician suffix forming nouns denoting persons skilled in or concerned with subjects having nouns (usu.) in -ic or -ics (magician; politician). [from or after F -icien (as -IC, -IAN)] icicle n. a hanging tapering piece of ice, formed by the freezing of dripping water. [ME f. ICE + ickle (now dial.) icicle] icing n. 1 a coating of sugar etc. on a cake or biscuit. 2 the formation of ice on a ship or aircraft. Ьicing on the cake an attractive though inessential addition or enhancement. icing sugar Brit. finely powdered sugar for making icing for cakes etc. -icist suffix = -ICIAN (classicist). [-IC + -IST] -icity suffix forming abstract nouns esp. from adjectives in -ic (authenticity; publicity). [-IC + -ITY] -ick suffix archaic var. of -IC. icky adj. (also ikky) colloq. 1 sweet, sticky, sickly. 2 (as a general term of disapproval) nasty, repulsive. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] -icle suffix forming (orig. diminutive) nouns (article; particle). [formed as -CULE] icon n. (also ikon) 1 a devotional painting or carving, usu. on wood, of Christ or another holy figure, esp. in the Eastern Church. 2 an image or statue. 3 Computing a symbol or graphic representation on a VDU screen of a program, option, or window, esp. one of several for selection. 4 Linguistics a sign which has a characteristic in common with the thing it signifies. [L f. Gk eikon image] iconic adj. 1 of or having the nature of an image or portrait. 2 (of a statue) following a conventional type. 3 Linguistics that is an icon. ЬЬiconicity n. (esp. in sense 3). [L iconicus f. Gk eikonikos (as ICON)] icono- comb. form an image or likeness. [Gk eikon] iconoclasm n. 1 the breaking of images. 2 the assailing of cherished beliefs. [ICONOCLAST after enthusiasm etc.] iconoclast n. 1 a person who attacks cherished beliefs. 2 a person who destroys images used in religious worship, esp. hist. during the 8th-9th c. in the Churches of the East, or as a Puritan of the 16th-17th c. ЬЬiconoclastic adj. iconoclastically adv. [med.L iconoclastes f. eccl.Gk eikonoklastes (as ICONO-, klao break)] iconography n. (pl. -ies) 1 the illustration of a subject by drawings or figures. 2 a the study of portraits, esp. of an individual. b the study of artistic images or symbols. 3 a treatise on pictures or statuary. 4 a book whose essence is pictures. ЬЬiconographer n. iconographic adj. iconographical adj. iconographically adv. [Gk eikonographia sketch (as ICONO- + -GRAPHY)] iconolatry n. the worship of images. ЬЬiconolater n. [eccl.Gk eikonolatreia (as ICONO-, -LATRY)] iconology n. 1 an artistic theory developed from iconography (see ICONOGRAPHY 2b). 2 symbolism. iconostasis n. (pl. iconostases) (in the Eastern Church) a screen bearing icons and separating the sanctuary from the nave. [mod.Gk eikonostasis (as ICONO-, STASIS)] icosahedron n. a solid figure with twenty faces. ЬЬicosahedral adj. [LL icosahedrum f. Gk eikosaedron f. eikosi twenty + -HEDRON] -ics suffix (treated as sing. or pl.) forming nouns denoting arts or sciences or branches of study or action (athletics; politics) (cf. -IC 3). [from or after F pl. -iques or L pl. -ica or Gk pl. -ika] icterus n. Med. = JAUNDICE. ЬЬicteric adj. [L f. Gk ikteros] ictus n. (pl. same or ictuses) 1 Prosody rhythmical or metrical stress. 2 Med. a stroke or seizure; a fit. [L, = blow f. icere strike] icy adj. (icier, iciest) 1 very cold. 2 covered with or abounding in ice. 3 (of a tone or manner) unfriendly, hostile (an icy stare). ЬЬicily adv. iciness n. 5.0 ID... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ID abbr. 1 esp. US identification, identity (ID card). 2 US Idaho (in official postal use). id n. Psychol. the inherited instinctive impulses of the individual as part of the unconscious. [L, = that, transl. G es] id. abbr. = IDEM. i.d. abbr. inner diameter. I'd contr. 1 I had. 2 I should; I would. -id(1) suffix forming adjectives (arid; rapid). [F -ide f. L -idus] -id(2) suffix forming nouns: 1 general (pyramid). 2 Biol. of structural constituents (plastid). 3 Bot. of a plant belonging to a family with a name in -aceae (orchid). [from or after F -ide f. L -is -idis f. Gk -is -ida or -idos] -id(3) suffix forming nouns denoting: 1 Zool. an animal belonging to a family with a name in -idae or a class with a name in -ida (canid; arachnid). 2 a member of a person's family (Seleucid from Seleucus). 3 Astron. a a meteor in a group radiating from a specified constellation (Leonid from Leo). b a star of a class like one in a specified constellation (cepheid). [from or after L -ides, pl. -idae or -ida] -id(4) suffix esp. US var. of -IDE. IDA abbr. International Development Association. ide n. a freshwater fish, Leuciscus idus, used as food. Also called ORFE. [mod.L idus f. Sw. id] -ide suffix (also esp. US -id) Chem. forming nouns denoting: 1 binary compounds of an element (the suffix -ide being added to the abbreviated name of the more electronegative element etc.) (sodium chloride; lead sulphide; calcium carbide). 2 various other compounds (amide; anhydride; peptide; saccharide). 3 elements of a series in the periodic table (actinide; lanthanide). [orig. in OXIDE] idea n. 1 a conception or plan formed by mental effort (have you any ideas?; had the idea of writing a book). 2 a a mental impression or notion; a concept. b a vague belief or fancy (had an idea you were married; had no idea where you were). 3 an intention, purpose, or essential feature (the idea is to make money). 4 an archetype or pattern as distinguished from its realization in individual cases. 5 Philos. a (in Platonism) an eternally existing pattern of which individual things in any class are imperfect copies. b a concept of pure reason which transcends experience. Ьget (or have) ideas colloq. be ambitious, rebellious, etc. have no idea colloq. 1 not know at all. 2 be completely incompetent. not one's idea of colloq. not what one regards as (not my idea of a pleasant evening). put ideas into a person's head suggest ambitions etc. he or she would not otherwise have had. that's an idea colloq. that proposal etc. is worth considering. the very idea! colloq. an exclamation of disapproval or disagreement. ЬЬidea'd adj. ideaed adj. idealess adj. [Gk idea form, pattern f. stem id- see] ideal adj. & n. --adj. 1 a answering to one's highest conception. b perfect or supremely excellent. 2 a existing only in idea. b visionary. 3 embodying an idea. 4 relating to or consisting of ideas; dependent on the mind. --n. 1 a perfect type, or a conception of this. 2 an actual thing as a standard for imitation. Ьideal gas a hypothetical gas consisting of molecules occupying negligible space and without attraction for each other, thereby obeying simple laws. ЬЬideally adv. [ME f. F id‚al f. LL idealis (as IDEA)] idealism n. 1 the practice of forming or following after ideals, esp. unrealistically (cf. REALISM). 2 the representation of things in ideal or idealized form. 3 imaginative treatment. 4 Philos. any of various systems of thought in which the objects of knowledge are held to be in some way dependent on the activity of mind (cf. REALISM). ЬЬidealist n. idealistic adj. idealistically adv. [F id‚alisme or G Idealismus (as IDEAL)] ideality n. (pl. -ies) 1 the quality of being ideal. 2 an ideal thing. idealize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 regard or represent (a thing or person) in ideal form or character. 2 exalt in thought to ideal perfection or excellence. ЬЬidealization n. idealizer n. ideate v. Psychol. 1 tr. imagine, conceive. 2 intr. form ideas. ЬЬideation n. ideational adj. ideationally adv. [med.L ideare form an idea (as IDEA)] id‚e fixe n. (pl. id‚es fixes pronunc. same) an idea that dominates the mind; an obsession. [F, lit. 'fixed idea'] id‚e re‡ue n. (pl. id‚es re‡ues pronunc. same) a generally accepted notion or opinion. [F] idem adv. & n. --adv. in the same author. --n. the same word or author. [ME f. L] identical adj. 1 (often foll. by with) (of different things) agreeing in every detail. 2 (of one thing viewed at different times) one and the same. 3 (of twins) developed from a single fertilized ovum, therefore of the same sex and usu. very similar in appearance. 4 Logic & Math. expressing an identity. ЬЬidentically adv. identicalness n. [med.L identicus (as IDENTITY)] identification n. 1 the act or an instance of identifying. 2 a means of identifying a person. 3 (attrib.) serving to identify (esp. the bearer) (identification card). Ьidentification parade an assembly of persons from whom a suspect is to be identified. identifier n. 1 a person or thing that identifies. 2 Computing a sequence of characters used to identify or refer to a set of data. identify v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. establish the identity of; recognize. 2 tr. establish or select by consideration or analysis of the circumstances (identify the best method of solving the problem). 3 tr. (foll. by with) associate (a person or oneself) inseparably or very closely (with a party, policy, etc.). 4 tr. (often foll. by with) treat (a thing) as identical. 5 intr. (foll. by with) a regard oneself as sharing characteristics of (another person). b associate oneself. ЬЬidentifiable adj. [med.L identificare (as IDENTITY)] Identikit n. (often attrib.) propr. a reconstructed picture of a person (esp. one sought by the police) assembled from transparent strips showing typical facial features according to witnesses' descriptions. [IDENTITY + KIT(1)] identity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the quality or condition of being a specified person or thing. b individuality, personality (felt he had lost his identity). 2 identification or the result of it (a case of mistaken identity; identity card). 3 the state of being the same in substance, nature, qualities, etc.; absolute sameness (no identity of interests between them). 4 Algebra a the equality of two expressions for all values of the quantities expressed by letters. b an equation expressing this, e.g. (x + 1)(2) = x(2) + 2x + 1. 5 Math. a (in full identity element) an element in a set, left unchanged by any operation to it. b a transformation that leaves an object unchanged. Ьidentity crisis a phase in which an individual feels a need to establish an identity in relation to society. identity parade = identification parade. [LL identitas f. L idem same] ideogram n. a character symbolizing the idea of a thing without indicating the sequence of sounds in its name (e.g. a numeral, and many Chinese characters). [Gk idea form + -GRAM] ideograph n. = IDEOGRAM. ЬЬideographic adj. ideography n. [Gk idea form + -GRAPH] ideologue n. 1 a theorist; a visionary. 2 an adherent of an ideology. [F id‚ologue f. Gk idea (see IDEA) + -LOGUE] ideology n. (pl. -ies) 1 the system of ideas at the basis of an economic or political theory (Marxist ideology). 2 the manner of thinking characteristic of a class or individual (bourgeois ideology). 3 visionary speculation. 4 archaic the science of ideas. ЬЬideological adj. ideologically adv. ideologist n. [F id‚ologie (as IDEOLOGUE)] ides n.pl. the eighth day after the nones in the ancient Roman calendar (the 15th day of March, May, July, October, the 13th of other months). [ME f. OF f. L idus (pl.), perh. f. Etruscan] idiocy n. (pl. -ies) 1 utter foolishness; idiotic behaviour or an idiotic action. 2 extreme mental imbecility. [ME f. IDIOT, prob. after lunacy] idiolect n. the form of language used by an individual person. [Gk idios own + -lect in DIALECT] idiom n. 1 a group of words established by usage and having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (as in over the moon, see the light). 2 a form of expression peculiar to a language, person, or group of people. 3 a the language of a people or country. b the specific character of this. 4 a characteristic mode of expression in music, art, etc. [F idiome or LL idioma f. Gk idioma -matos private property f. idios own, private] idiomatic adj. 1 relating to or conforming to idiom. 2 characteristic of a particular language. ЬЬidiomatically adv. [Gk idiomatikos peculiar (as IDIOM)] idiopathy n. Med. any disease or condition of unknown cause or that arises spontaneously. ЬЬidiopathic adj. [mod.L idiopathia f. Gk idiopatheia f. idios own + -PATHY] idiosyncrasy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a mental constitution, view or feeling, or mode of behaviour, peculiar to a person. 2 anything highly individualized or eccentric. 3 a mode of expression peculiar to an author. 4 Med. a physical constitution peculiar to a person. ЬЬidiosyncratic adj. idiosyncratically adv. [Gk idiosugkrasia f. idios own + sun together + krasis mixture] idiot n. 1 colloq. a stupid person; an utter fool. 2 a person deficient in mind and permanently incapable of rational conduct. Ьidiot board (or card) colloq. a board displaying a television script to a speaker as an aid to memory. ЬЬidiotic adj. idiotically adv. [ME f. OF f. L idiota ignorant person f. Gk idiotes private person, layman, ignorant person f. idios own, private] idle adj. & v. --adj. (idler, idlest) 1 lazy, indolent. 2 not in use; not working; unemployed. 3 (of time etc.) unoccupied. 4 having no special basis or purpose (idle rumour; idle curiosity). 5 useless. 6 (of an action, thought, or word) ineffective, worthless, vain. --v. 1 a intr. (of an engine) run slowly without doing any work. b tr. cause (an engine) to idle. 2 intr. be idle. 3 tr. (foll. by away) pass (time etc.) in idleness. Ьidle wheel an intermediate wheel between two geared wheels, esp. to allow them to rotate in the same direction. ЬЬidleness n. idly adv. [OE idel empty, useless] idler n. 1 a habitually lazy person. 2 = idle wheel. Ido n. an artificial universal language based on Esperanto. [Ido, = offspring] idol n. 1 an image of a deity etc. used as an object of worship. 2 Bibl. a false god. 3 a person or thing that is the object of excessive or supreme adulation (cinema idol). 4 archaic a phantom. [ME f. OF idole f. L idolum f. Gk eidolon phantom f. eidos form] idolater n. (fem. idolatress) 1 a worshipper of idols. 2 (often foll. by of) a devoted admirer. ЬЬidolatrous adj. [ME idolatrer f. OF or f. idolatry or f. OF idolѓtre, ult. f. Gk eidololatres (as IDOL, -LATER)] idolatry n. 1 the worship of idols. 2 great adulation. [OF idolatrie (as IDOLATER)] idolize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. venerate or love extremely or excessively. 2 tr. make an idol of. 3 intr. practise idolatry. ЬЬidolization n. idolizer n. idyll n. (also idyl) 1 a short description in verse or prose of a picturesque scene or incident, esp. in rustic life. 2 an episode suitable for such treatment, usu. a love-story. ЬЬidyllist n. idyllize v.tr. (also -ise). [L idyllium f. Gk eidullion, dimin. of eidos form] idyllic adj. 1 blissfully peaceful and happy. 2 of or like an idyll. ЬЬidyllically adv. 6.0 i.e.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- i.e. abbr. that is to say. [L id est] -ie suffix 1 var. of -Y(2) (dearie; nightie). 2 archaic var. of -Y(1), -Y(3) (litanie; prettie). [earlier form of -Y] IEE abbr. (in the UK) Institution of Electrical Engineers. -ier suffix forming personal nouns denoting an occupation or interest: 1 with stress on the preceding element (grazier). 2 with stress on the suffix (cashier; brigadier). [sense 1 ME of various orig.; sense 2 F -ier f. L -arius] 7.0 IF... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IF abbr. intermediate frequency. if conj. & n. --conj. 1 introducing a conditional clause: a on the condition or supposition that; in the event that (if he comes I will tell him; if you are tired we will rest). b (with past tense) implying that the condition is not fulfilled (if I were you; if I knew I would say). 2 even though (I'll finish it, if it takes me all day). 3 whenever (if I am not sure I ask). 4 whether (see if you can find it). 5 a expressing wish or surprise (if I could just try!; if it isn't my old hat!). b expressing a request (if you wouldn't mind opening the door?). 6 with implied reservation, = and perhaps not (very rarely if at all). 7 (with reduction of the protasis to its significant word) if there is or it is etc. (took little if any). 8 despite being (a useful if cumbersome device). --n. a condition or supposition (too many ifs about it). Ьif only 1 even if for no other reason than (I'll come if only to see her). 2 (often ellipt.) an expression of regret (if only I had thought of it; if only I could swim!). if so if that is the case. [OE gif] IFC abbr. International Finance Corporation. iff conj. Logic & Math. = if and only if. [arbitrary extension of if] iffy adj. (iffier, iffiest) colloq. uncertain, doubtful. 8.0 Igbo... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Igbo var. of IBO. igloo n. an Eskimo dome-shaped dwelling, esp. one built of snow. [Eskimo, = house] igneous adj. 1 of fire; fiery. 2 Geol. (esp. of rocks) produced by volcanic or magmatic action. [L igneus f. ignis fire] ignis fatuus n. (pl. ignes fatui) a will-o'-the-wisp. [mod.L, = foolish fire, because of its erratic movement] ignite v. 1 tr. set fire to; cause to burn. 2 intr. catch fire. 3 tr. Chem. heat to the point of combustion or chemical change. 4 tr. provoke or excite (feelings etc.). ЬЬignitable adj. ignitability n. ignitible adj. ignitibility n. [L ignire ignit- f. ignis fire] igniter n. 1 a device for igniting a fuel mixture in an engine. 2 a device for causing an electric arc. ignition n. 1 a mechanism for, or the action of, starting the combustion of mixture in the cylinder of an internal-combustion engine. 2 the act or an instance of igniting or being ignited. Ьignition key a key to operate the ignition of a motor vehicle. [F ignition or med.L ignitio (as IGNITE)] ignitron n. Electr. a mercury-arc rectifier able to carry large currents. [IGNITE + -TRON] ignoble adj. (ignobler, ignoblest) 1 dishonourable, mean, base. 2 of low birth, position, or reputation. ЬЬignobility n. ignobly adv. [F ignoble or L ignobilis (as IN-(1), nobilis noble)] ignominious adj. 1 causing or deserving ignominy. 2 humiliating. ЬЬignominiously adv. ignominiousness n. [ME f. F ignominieux or L ignominiosus] ignominy n. 1 dishonour, infamy. 2 archaic infamous conduct. [F ignominie or L ignominia (as IN-(1), nomen name)] ignoramus n. (pl. ignoramuses) an ignorant person. [L, = we do not know: in legal use (formerly of a grand jury rejecting a bill) we take no notice of it; mod. sense perh. from a character in Ruggle's Ignoramus (1615) exposing lawyers' ignorance] ignorance n. (often foll. by of) lack of knowledge (about a thing). [ME f. OF f. L ignorantia (as IGNORANT)] ignorant adj. 1 a lacking knowledge. b (foll. by of, in) uninformed (about a fact or subject). 2 colloq. ill-mannered, uncouth. ЬЬignorantly adv. [ME f. OF f. L ignorare ignorant- (as IGNORE)] ignore v.tr. 1 refuse to take notice of or accept. 2 intentionally disregard. ЬЬignorer n. [F ignorer or L ignorare not know, ignore (as IN-(1), gno- know)] iguana n. any of various large lizards of the family Iguanidae native to America, the W. Indies, and the Pacific islands, having a dorsal crest and throat appendages. [Sp. f. Carib iwana] iguanodon n. a large extinct plant-eating dinosaur of the genus Iguanodon, with forelimbs smaller than hind limbs. [IGUANA (from its resemblance to this), after mastodon etc.] 9.0 i.h.p.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- i.h.p. abbr. indicated horsepower. IHS abbr. Jesus. [ME f. LL, repr. Gk Ies(ous) Jesus: often taken as an abbr. of various Latin words] /***************************************** 10.0 ikebana... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ikebana n. the art of Japanese flower arrangement, with formal display according to strict rules. [Jap., = living flowers] ikky var. of ICKY. ikon var. of ICON. 11.0 IL... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IL abbr. US Illinois (in official postal use). il- prefix assim. form of IN-(1), IN-(2) before l. -il suffix (also -ile) forming adjectives or nouns denoting relation (civil; utensil) or capability (agile; sessile). [OF f. L -ilis] ilang-ilang var. of YLANG-YLANG. ILEA abbr. Inner London Education Authority. ilea pl. of ILEUM. ileostomy n. (pl. -ies) a surgical operation in which the ileum is brought through the abdominal wall to create an artificial opening for the evacuation of the intestinal contents. [ILEUM + Gk stoma mouth] ileum n. (pl. ilea) Anat. the third and last portion of the small intestine. ЬЬileac adj. [var. of ILIUM] ileus n. Med. any painful obstruction of the intestine, esp. of the ileum. [L f. Gk (e)ileos colic] ilex n. 1 any tree or shrub of the genus Ilex, esp. the common holly. 2 the holm-oak. [ME f. L] ilia pl. of ILIUM. iliac adj. of the lower body or ilium (iliac artery). [LL iliacus (as ILIUM)] ilium n. (pl. ilia) 1 the bone forming the upper part of each half of the human pelvis. 2 the corresponding bone in animals. [ME f. L] ilk n. 1 colloq. disp. a family, class, or set (not of the same ilk as you). °Usu. derog. and therefore best avoided. 2 (in of that ilk) Sc. of the same (name) (Guthrie of that ilk = of Guthrie). [OE ilca same] Ill. abbr. Illinois. ill adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 (usu. predic.; often foll. by with) out of health; sick (is ill; was taken ill with pneumonia; mentally ill people). 2 (of health) unsound, disordered. 3 wretched, unfavourable (ill fortune; ill luck). 4 harmful (ill effects). 5 hostile, unkind (ill feeling). 6 archaic morally bad. 7 faulty, unskilful (ill taste; ill management). 8 (of manners or conduct) improper. --adv. 1 badly, wrongly (ill-matched). 2 a imperfectly (ill-provided). b scarcely (can ill afford to do it). 3 unfavourably (it would have gone ill with them). --n. 1 injury, harm. 2 evil; the opposite of good. Ьdo an ill turn to harm (a person or a person's interests). ill-advised 1 acting foolishly or imprudently. 2 (of a plan etc.) not well formed or considered. ill-advisedly in a foolish or badly considered manner. ill-affected (foll. by towards) not well disposed. ill-assorted not well matched. ill at ease embarrassed, uneasy. ill-behaved see BEHAVE. ill blood bad feeling; animosity. ill-bred badly brought up; rude. ill breeding bad manners. ill-considered = ill-advised. ill-defined not clearly defined. ill-disposed 1 (often foll. by towards) unfavourably disposed. 2 disposed to evil; malevolent. ill-equipped (often foll. by to + infin.) not adequately equipped or qualified. ill fame see FAME. ill-fated destined to or bringing bad fortune. ill-favoured (US -favored) unattractive, displeasing, objectionable. ill feeling bad feeling; animosity. ill-founded (of an idea etc.) not well founded; baseless. ill-gotten gained by wicked or unlawful means. ill humour moroseness, irritability. ill-humoured bad-tempered. ill-judged unwise; badly considered. ill-mannered having bad manners; rude. ill nature churlishness, unkindness. ill-natured churlish, unkind. ill-naturedly churlishly. ill-omened attended by bad omens. ill-starred unlucky; destined to failure. ill success partial or complete failure. ill temper moroseness. ill-tempered morose, irritable. ill-timed done or occurring at an inappropriate time. ill-treat (or -use) treat badly; abuse. ill-treatment (or ill use) abuse; bad treatment. ill will bad feeling; animosity. an ill wind an unfavourable or untoward circumstance (with ref. to the proverb it's an ill wind that blows nobody good). speak ill of say something unfavourable about. [ME f. ON illr, of unkn. orig.] I'll contr. I shall; I will. illation n. 1 a deduction or conclusion. 2 a thing deduced. [L illatio f. illatus past part. of inferre INFER] illative adj. 1 a (of a word) stating or introducing an inference. b inferential. 2 Gram. (of a case) denoting motion into. ЬЬillatively adv. [L illativus (as ILLATION)] illegal adj. 1 not legal. 2 contrary to law. ЬЬillegality n. (pl. -ies). illegally adv. [F ill‚gal or med.L illegalis (as IN-(1), LEGAL)] illegible adj. not legible. ЬЬillegibility n. illegibly adv. illegitimate adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 (of a child) born of parents not married to each other. 2 not authorized by law; unlawful. 3 improper. 4 wrongly inferred. 5 physiologically abnormal. --n. a person whose position is illegitimate, esp. by birth. --v.tr. declare or pronounce illegitimate. ЬЬillegitimacy n. illegitimately adv. [LL illegitimus, after LEGITIMATE] illiberal adj. 1 intolerant, narrow-minded. 2 without liberal culture. 3 not generous; stingy. 4 vulgar, sordid. ЬЬilliberality n. (pl. -ies). illiberally adv. [F illib‚ral f. L illiberalis mean, sordid (as IN-(1), LIBERAL)] illicit adj. unlawful, forbidden (illicit dealings). ЬЬillicitly adv. illicitness n. illimitable adj. limitless. ЬЬillimitability n. illimitableness n. illimitably adv. [LL illimitatus f. L limitatus (as IN-(1), L limitatus past part. of limitare LIMIT)] illiquid adj. (of assets) not easily converted into cash. ЬЬilliquidity n. illiterate adj. & n. --adj. 1 unable to read. 2 uneducated. --n. an illiterate person. ЬЬilliteracy n. illiterately adv. illiterateness n. [L illitteratus (as IN-(1), litteratus LITERATE)] illness n. 1 a disease, ailment, or malady. 2 the state of being ill. illogical adj. devoid of or contrary to logic. ЬЬillogicality n. (pl. -ies). illogically adv. illude v.tr. literary trick or deceive. [ME, = mock, f. L illudere (as ILLUSION)] illume v.tr. poet. light up; make bright. [shortening of ILLUMINE] illuminant n. & adj. --n. a means of illumination. --adj. serving to illuminate. ЬЬilluminance n. [L illuminant- part. stem of illuminare ILLUMINATE] illuminate v.tr. 1 light up; make bright. 2 decorate (buildings etc.) with lights as a sign of festivity. 3 decorate (an initial letter, a manuscript, etc.) with gold, silver, or brilliant colours. 4 help to explain (a subject etc.). 5 enlighten spiritually or intellectually. 6 shed lustre on. ЬЬilluminating adj. illuminatingly adv. illumination n. illuminative adj. illuminator n. [L illuminare (as IN-(2), lumen luminis light)] illuminati n.pl. 1 persons claiming to possess special knowledge or enlightenment. 2 (Illuminati) hist. any of various intellectual movements or societies of illuminati. ЬЬilluminism n. illuminist n. [pl. of L illuminatus or It. illuminato past part. (as ILLUMINATE)] illumine v.tr. literary 1 light up; make bright. 2 enlighten spiritually. [ME f. OF illuminer f. L (as ILLUMINATE)] illusion n. 1 deception, delusion. 2 a misapprehension of the true state of affairs. 3 a the faulty perception of an external object. b an instance of this. 4 a figment of the imagination. 5 = optical illusion. Ьbe under the illusion (foll. by that + clause) believe mistakenly. ЬЬillusional adj. [ME f. F f. L illusio -onis f. illudere mock (as IN-(2), ludere lus- play)] illusionist n. a person who produces illusions; a conjuror. ЬЬillusionism n. illusionistic adj. illusive adj. = ILLUSORY. [med.L illusivus (as ILLUSION)] illusory adj. 1 deceptive (esp. as regards value or content). 2 having the character of an illusion. ЬЬillusorily adv. illusoriness n. [eccl.L illusorius (as ILLUSION)] illustrate v.tr. 1 a provide (a book, newspaper, etc.) with pictures. b elucidate (a description etc.) by drawings or pictures. 2 serve as an example of. 3 explain or make clear, esp. by examples. [L illustrare (as IN-(2), lustrare light up)] illustration n. 1 a drawing or picture illustrating a book, magazine article, etc. 2 an example serving to elucidate. 3 the act or an instance of illustrating. ЬЬillustrational adj. [ME f. OF f. L illustratio -onis (as ILLUSTRATE)] illustrative adj. (often foll. by of) serving as an explanation or example. ЬЬillustratively adv. illustrator n. a person who makes illustrations, esp. for magazines, books, advertising copy, etc. illustrious adj. distinguished, renowned. ЬЬillustriously adv. illustriousness n. [L illustris (as ILLUSTRATE)] Illyrian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to Illyria on the Balkan coast of the Adriatic (corresponding to parts of modern Albania and Yugoslavia). 2 of the language-group represented by modern Albanian. --n. 1 a native of Illyria; a person of Illyrian descent. 2 a the language of Illyria. b the language-group represented by modern Albanian. illywhacker n. Austral. sl. a professional trickster. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] ilmenite n. a black ore of titanium. [Ilmen mountains in the Urals] ILO abbr. International Labour Organization. ILR abbr. Independent Local Radio. -ily suffix forming adverbs corresponding to adjectives in - y (see -Y(1), -LY(2)). 12.0 im-... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- im- prefix assim. form of IN-(1), IN-(2) before b, m, p. I'm contr. I am. image n. & v. --n. 1 a representation of the external form of an object, e.g. a statue (esp. of a saint etc. as an object of veneration). 2 the character or reputation of a person or thing as generally perceived. 3 an optical appearance or counterpart produced by light or other radiation from an object reflected in a mirror, refracted through a lens, etc. 4 semblance, likeness (God created man in His own image). 5 a person or thing that closely resembles another (is the image of his father). 6 a typical example. 7 a simile or metaphor. 8 a a mental representation. b an idea or conception. 9 Math. a set formed by mapping from another set. --v.tr. 1 make an image of; portray. 2 reflect, mirror. 3 describe or imagine vividly. 4 typify. ЬЬimageable adj. imageless adj. [ME f. OF f. L imago -ginis, rel. to IMITATE] imagery n. 1 figurative illustration, esp. as used by an author for particular effects. 2 images collectively. 3 statuary, carving. 4 mental images collectively. [ME f. OF imagerie (as IMAGE)] imaginable adj. that can be imagined (the greatest difficulty imaginable). ЬЬimaginably adv. [ME f. LL imaginabilis (as IMAGINE)] imaginal adj. 1 of an image or images. 2 Zool. of an imago. [L imago imagin-: see IMAGE] imaginary adj. 1 existing only in the imagination. 2 Math. being the square root of a negative quantity, and plotted graphically in a direction usu. perpendicular to the axis of real quantities (see REAL(1)). ЬЬimaginarily adv. [ME f. L imaginarius (as IMAGE)] imagination n. 1 a mental faculty forming images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses. 2 the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful. 3 the process of imagining. [ME f. OF f. L imaginatio -onis (as IMAGINE)] imaginative adj. 1 having or showing in a high degree the faculty of imagination. 2 given to using the imagination. ЬЬimaginatively adv. imaginativeness n. [ME f. OF imaginatif -ive f. med.L imaginativus (as IMAGINE)] imagine v.tr. 1 a form a mental image or concept of. b picture to oneself (something non-existent or not present to the senses). 2 (often foll. by to + infin.) think or conceive (imagined them to be soldiers). 3 guess (cannot imagine what they are doing). 4 (often foll. by that + clause) suppose; be of the opinion (I imagine you will need help). 5 (in imper.) as an exclamation of surprise (just imagine!). ЬЬimaginer n. [ME f. OF imaginer f. L imaginari (as IMAGE)] imagines pl. of IMAGO. imaginings n.pl. fancies, fantasies. imagism n. a movement in early 20th-c. poetry which sought clarity of expression through the use of precise images. ЬЬimagist n. imagistic adj. imago n. (pl. -os or imagines) 1 the final and fully developed stage of an insect after all metamorphoses, e.g. a butterfly or beetle. 2 Psychol. an idealized mental picture of oneself or others, esp. a parent. [mod.L sense of imago IMAGE] imam n. 1 a leader of prayers in a mosque. 2 a title of various Muslim leaders, esp. of one succeeding Muhammad as leader of Islam. ЬЬimamate n. [Arab. ' imam leader f. ' amma precede] imbalance n. 1 lack of balance. 2 disproportion. imbecile n. & adj. --n. 1 a person of abnormally weak intellect, esp. an adult with a mental age of about five. 2 colloq. a stupid person. --adj. mentally weak; stupid, idiotic. ЬЬimbecilely adv. imbecilic adj. imbecility n. (pl. -ies). [F imb‚cil(l)e f. L imbecillus (as IN-(1), baculum stick) orig. in sense 'without supporting staff'] imbed var. of EMBED. imbibe v.tr. 1 (also absol.) drink (esp. alcoholic liquor). 2 a absorb or assimilate (ideas etc.). b absorb (moisture etc.). 3 inhale (air etc.). ЬЬimbiber n. imbibition n. [ME f. L imbibere (as IN-(2), bibere drink)] imbricate v. & adj. --v.tr. & intr. arrange (leaves, the scales of a fish, etc.), or be arranged, so as to overlap like roof-tiles. --adj. having scales etc. arranged in this way. ЬЬimbrication n. [L imbricare imbricat- cover with rain-tiles f. imbrex -icis rain-tile f. imber shower] imbroglio n. (pl. -os) 1 a confused or complicated situation. 2 a confused heap. [It. imbrogliare confuse (as EMBROIL)] imbrue v.tr. (foll. by in, with) literary stain (one's hand, sword, etc.). [OF embruer bedabble (as IN-(2), breu ult. f. Gmc, rel. to BROTH)] imbue v.tr. (imbues, imbued, imbuing) (often foll. by with) 1 inspire or permeate (with feelings, opinions, or qualities). 2 saturate. 3 dye. [orig. as past part., f. F imbu or L imbutus f. imbuere moisten] I.Mech.E. abbr. (in the UK) Institution of Mechanical Engineers. IMF abbr. International Monetary Fund. imide n. Chem. an organic compound containing the group (-CO.NH.CO.-) formed by replacing two of the hydrogen atoms in ammonia by carbonyl groups. [orig. F: arbitrary alt. of AMIDE] imine n. Chem. a compound containing the group (-NH-) formed by replacing two of the hydrogen atoms in ammonia by other groups. [G Imin arbitrary alt. of Amin AMINE] I.Min.E. abbr. (in the UK) Institution of Mining Engineers. imitate v.tr. 1 follow the example of; copy the action(s) of. 2 mimic. 3 make a copy of; reproduce. 4 be (consciously or not) like. ЬЬimitable adj. imitator n. [L imitari imitat-, rel. to imago IMAGE] imitation n. 1 the act or an instance of imitating or being imitated. 2 a copy. 3 counterfeit (often attrib.: imitation leather). 4 Mus. the repetition of a phrase etc., usu. at a different pitch, in another part or voice. [F imitation or L imitatio (as IMITATE)] imitative adj. 1 (often foll. by of) imitating; following a model or example. 2 counterfeit. 3 of a word: a that reproduces a natural sound (e.g. fizz). b whose sound is thought to correspond to the appearance etc. of the object or action described (e.g. blob). Ьimitative arts painting and sculpture. ЬЬimitatively adv. imitativeness n. [LL imitativus (as IMITATE)] immaculate adj. 1 pure, spotless; perfectly clean. 2 perfectly or extremely well executed (an immaculate performance). 3 free from fault; innocent. 4 Biol. not spotted. ЬImmaculate Conception RC Ch. the doctrine that God preserved the Virgin Mary from the taint of original sin from the moment she was conceived. ЬЬimmaculacy n. immaculately adv. immaculateness n. [ME f. L immaculatus (as IN-(1), maculatus f. macula spot)] immanent adj. 1 (often foll. by in) indwelling, inherent. 2 (of the supreme being) permanently pervading the universe (opp. TRANSCENDENT). ЬЬimmanence n. immanency n. immanentism n. immanentist n. [LL immanere (as IN-(2), manere remain)] immaterial adj. 1 of no essential consequence; unimportant. 2 not material; incorporeal. ЬЬimmateriality n. immaterialize v.tr. (also -ise). immaterially adv. [ME f. LL immaterialis (as IN-(1), MATERIAL)] immaterialism n. the doctrine that matter has no objective existence. ЬЬimmaterialist n. immature adj. 1 not mature or fully developed. 2 lacking emotional or intellectual development. 3 unripe. ЬЬimmaturely adv. immaturity n. [L immaturus (as IN-(1), MATURE)] immeasurable adj. not measurable; immense. ЬЬimmeasurability n. immeasurableness n. immeasurably adv. immediate adj. 1 occurring or done at once or without delay (an immediate reply). 2 nearest, next; not separated by others (the immediate vicinity; the immediate future; my immediate neighbour). 3 most pressing or urgent (our immediate concern was to get him to hospital). 4 (of a relation or action) having direct effect; without an intervening medium or agency (the immediate cause of death). 5 (of knowledge) intuitive, gained without reasoning. ЬЬimmediacy n. immediateness n. [ME f. F imm‚diat or LL immediatus (as IN-(1), MEDIATE)] immediately adj. & conj. --adv. 1 without pause or delay. 2 without intermediary. --conj. as soon as. immedicable adj. that cannot be healed or cured. ЬЬimmedicably adv. [L immedicabilis (as IN-(1), MEDICABLE)] immemorial adj. 1 ancient beyond memory or record. 2 very old. ЬЬimmemorially adv. [med.L immemorialis (as IN-(1), MEMORIAL)] immense adj. 1 immeasurably large or great; huge. 2 very great; considerable (made an immense difference). 3 colloq. very good. ЬЬimmenseness n. immensity n. [ME f. F f. L immensus immeasurable (as IN-(1), mensus past part. of metiri measure)] immensely adv. 1 very much (enjoyed myself immensely). 2 to an immense degree. immerse v.tr. 1 a (often foll. by in) dip, plunge. b cause (a person) to be completely under water. 2 (often refl. or in passive; often foll. by in) absorb or involve deeply. 3 (often foll. by in) bury, embed. [L immergere (as IN-(2), mergere mers- dip)] immersion n. 1 the act or an instance of immersing; the process of being immersed. 2 baptism by immersing the whole person in water. 3 mental absorption. 4 Astron. the disappearance of a celestial body behind another or in its shadow. Ьimmersion heater an electric heater designed for direct immersion in a liquid to be heated, esp. as a fixture in a hot-water tank. [ME f. LL immersio (as IMMERSE)] immigrant n. & adj. --n. a person who immigrates. --adj. 1 immigrating. 2 of or concerning immigrants. immigrate v. 1 intr. come as a permanent resident to a country other than one's native land. 2 tr. bring in (a person) as an immigrant. ЬЬimmigration n. immigratory adj. [L immigrare (as IN-(2), MIGRATE)] imminent adj. 1 (of an event, esp. danger) impending; about to happen. 2 archaic overhanging. ЬЬimminence n. imminently adv. [L imminere imminent- overhang, project] immiscible adj. (often foll. by with) that cannot be mixed. ЬЬimmiscibility n. immiscibly adv. [LL immiscibilis (as IN-(1), MISCIBLE)] immitigable adj. that cannot be mitigated. ЬЬimmitigably adv. [LL immitigabilis (as IN-(1), MITIGATE)] immittance n. Electr. admittance or impedance (when not distinguished). [impedance + ad mittance] immixture n. 1 the process of mixing up. 2 (often foll. by in) being involved. immobile adj. 1 not moving. 2 not able to move or be moved. ЬЬimmobility n. [ME f. OF f. L immobilis (as IN-(1), MOBILE)] immobilize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make or keep immobile. 2 make (a vehicle or troops) incapable of being moved. 3 keep (a limb or patient) restricted in movement for healing purposes. 4 restrict the free movement of. 5 withdraw (coins) from circulation to support banknotes. ЬЬimmobilization n. immobilizer n. [F immobiliser (as IMMOBILE)] immoderate adj. excessive; lacking moderation. ЬЬimmoderately adv. immoderateness n. immoderation n. [ME f. L immoderatus (as IN-(1), MODERATE)] immodest adj. 1 lacking modesty; forward, impudent. 2 lacking due decency. ЬЬimmodestly adv. immodesty n. [F immodeste or L immodestus (as IN-(1), MODEST)] immolate v.tr. 1 kill or offer as a sacrifice. 2 literary sacrifice (a valued thing). ЬЬimmolation n. immolator n. [L immolare sprinkle with sacrificial meal (as IN-(2), mola MEAL(2))] immoral adj. 1 not conforming to accepted standards of morality (cf. AMORAL). 2 morally wrong (esp. in sexual matters). 3 depraved, dissolute. ЬЬimmorality n. (pl. -ies). immorally adv. immortal adj. & n. --adj. 1 a living for ever; not mortal. b divine. 2 unfading, incorruptible. 3 likely or worthy to be famous for all time. --n. 1 a an immortal being. b (in pl.) the gods of antiquity. 2 a person (esp. an author) of enduring fame. 3 (Immortal) a member of the French Academy. ЬЬimmortality n. immortalize v.tr. (also -ise). immortalization n. immortally adv. [ME f. L immortalis (as IN-(1), MORTAL)] immortelle n. a composite flower of papery texture retaining its shape and colour after being dried, esp. a helichrysum. [F, fem. of immortel IMMORTAL] immovable adj. & n. (also immoveable) --adj. 1 that cannot be moved. 2 steadfast, unyielding. 3 emotionless. 4 not subject to change (immovable law). 5 motionless. 6 Law (of property) consisting of land, houses, etc. --n. (in pl.) Law immovable property. Ьimmovable feast a religious feast-day that occurs on the same date each year. ЬЬimmovability n. immovableness n. immovably adv. immune adj. 1 a (often foll. by against, from, to) protected against an infection owing to the presence of specific antibodies, or through inoculation or inherited or acquired resistance. b relating to immunity (immune mechanism). 2 (foll. by from, to) free or exempt from or not subject to (some undesirable factor or circumstance). Ьimmune response the reaction of the body to the introduction into it of an antigen. [ME f. L immunis exempt from public service or charge (as IN-(1), munis ready for service): sense 1 f. F immun] immunity n. (pl. -ies) 1 Med. the ability of an organism to resist infection, by means of the presence of circulating antibodies and white blood cells. 2 freedom or exemption from an obligation, penalty, or unfavourable circumstance. [ME f. L immunitas (as IMMUNE): sense 1 f. F immunit‚] immunize v.tr. (also -ise) make immune, esp. to infection, usu. by inoculation. ЬЬimmunization n. immunizer n. immuno- comb. form immunity to infection. immunoassay n. Biochem. the determination of the presence or quantity of a substance, esp. a protein, through its properties as an antigen or antibody. immunochemistry n. the chemistry of immune systems, esp. in mammalian tissues. immunodeficiency n. a reduction in a person's normal immune defences. immunogenic adj. Biochem. of, relating to, or possessing the ability to elicit an immune response. immunoglobulin n. Biochem. any of a group of structurally related proteins which function as antibodies. immunology n. the scientific study of immunity. ЬЬimmunologic adj. immunological adj. immunologically adv. immunologist n. immunosuppressed adj. (of an individual) rendered partially or completely unable to react immunologically. immunosuppression n. Biochem. the partial or complete suppression of the immune response of an individual, esp. to maintain the survival of an organ after a transplant operation. ЬЬimmunosuppressant n. immunosuppressive adj. & n. --adj. partially or completely suppressing the immune response of an individual. --n. an immunosuppressive drug. immunotherapy n. Med. the prevention or treatment of disease with substances that stimulate the immune response. immure v.tr. 1 enclose within walls; imprison. 2 refl. shut oneself away. ЬЬimmurement n. [F emmurer or med.L immurare (as IN-(2), murus wall)] immutable adj. 1 unchangeable. 2 not subject to variation in different cases. ЬЬimmutability n. immutably adv. [ME f. L immutabilis (as IN-(1), MUTABLE)] imp n. & v. --n. 1 a mischievous child. 2 a small mischievous devil or sprite. --v.tr. 1 add feathers to (the wing of a falcon) to restore or improve its flight. 2 archaic enlarge; add by grafting. [OE impa, impe young shoot, scion, impian graft: ult. f. Gk emphutos implanted, past part. of emphuo] impact n. & v. --n. 1 (often foll. by on, against) the action of one body coming forcibly into contact with another. 2 an effect or influence, esp. when strong. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by in, into) press or fix firmly. 2 (as impacted adj.) a (of a tooth) wedged between another tooth and the jaw. b (of a fractured bone) with the parts crushed together. c (of faeces) lodged in the intestine. ЬЬimpaction n. [L impact- part. stem of impingere IMPINGE] impair v.tr. damage or weaken. ЬЬimpairment n. [ME empeire f. OF empeirier (as IN-(2), LL pejorare f. L pejor worse)] impala n. (pl. same) a small antelope, Aepyceros melampus, of S. and E. Africa, capable of long high jumps. [Zulu] impale v.tr. 1 (foll. by on, upon, with) transfix or pierce with a sharp instrument. 2 Heraldry combine (two coats of arms) by placing them side by side on one shield separated by a vertical line down the middle. ЬЬimpalement n. [F empaler or med.L impalare (as IN-(2), palus stake)] impalpable adj. 1 not easily grasped by the mind; intangible. 2 imperceptible to the touch. 3 (of powder) very fine; not containing grains that can be felt. ЬЬimpalpability n. impalpably adv. [F impalpable or LL impalpabilis (as IN-(1), PALPABLE)] impanel var. of EMPANEL. impark v.tr. 1 enclose (animals) in a park. 2 enclose (land) for a park. [ME f. AF enparker, OF emparquer (as IN-(2), parc PARK)] impart v.tr. (often foll. by to) 1 communicate (news etc.). 2 give a share of (a thing). ЬЬimpartable adj. impartation n. impartment n. [ME f. OF impartir f. L impartire (as IN-(2), pars part)] impartial adj. treating all sides in a dispute etc. equally; unprejudiced, fair. ЬЬimpartiality n. impartially adv. impassable adj. that cannot be traversed. ЬЬimpassability n. impassableness n. impassably adv. impasse n. a position from which progress is impossible; deadlock. [F (as IN-(1), passer PASS(1))] impassible adj. 1 impassive. 2 incapable of feeling or emotion. 3 incapable of suffering injury. 4 Theol. not subject to suffering. ЬЬimpassibility n. impassibleness n. impassibly adv. [ME f. OF f. eccl.L impassibilis (as IN-(1), PASSIBLE)] impassion v.tr. fill with passion; arouse emotionally. [It. impassionare (as IN-(2), PASSION)] impassioned adj. deeply felt; ardent (an impassioned plea). impassive adj. 1 a deficient in or incapable of feeling emotion. b undisturbed by passion; serene. 2 without sensation. 3 not subject to suffering. ЬЬimpassively adv. impassiveness n. impassivity n. impasto n. Art 1 the process of laying on paint thickly. 2 this technique of painting. [It. impastare (as IN-(2), pastare paste)] impatiens n. any plant of the genus Impatiens, including busy Lizzie and touch-me-not. [mod.L f. IMPATIENT] impatient adj. 1 a (often foll. by at, with) lacking patience or tolerance. b (of an action) showing a lack of patience. 2 (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) restlessly eager. 3 (foll. by of) intolerant. ЬЬimpatience n. impatiently adv. [ME f. OF f. L impatiens (as IN-(1), PATIENT)] impeach v.tr. 1 Brit. charge with a crime against the State, esp. treason. 2 US charge (the holder of a public office) with misconduct. 3 call in question, disparage (a person's integrity etc.). ЬЬimpeachable adj. impeachment n. [ME f. OF empecher impede f. LL impedicare entangle (as IN-(2), pedica fetter f. pes pedis foot)] impeccable adj. 1 (of behaviour, performance, etc.) faultless, exemplary. 2 not liable to sin. ЬЬimpeccability n. impeccably adv. [L impeccabilis (as IN-(1), peccare sin)] impecunious adj. having little or no money. ЬЬimpecuniosity n. impecuniousness n. [IN-(1) + obs. pecunious having money f. L pecuniosus f. pecunia money f. pecu cattle] impedance n. 1 Electr. the total effective resistance of an electric circuit etc. to alternating current, arising from ohmic resistance and reactance. 2 an analogous mechanical property. [IMPEDE + -ANCE] impede v.tr. retard by obstructing; hinder. [L impedire shackle the feet of (as IN-(2), pes foot)] impediment n. 1 a hindrance or obstruction. 2 a defect in speech, e.g. a lisp or stammer. ЬЬimpedimental adj. [ME f. L impedimentum (as IMPEDE)] impedimenta n.pl. 1 encumbrances. 2 travelling equipment, esp. of an army. [L, pl. of impedimentum: see IMPEDIMENT] impel v.tr. (impelled, impelling) 1 drive, force, or urge into action. 2 drive forward; propel. ЬЬimpellent adj. & n. impeller n. [ME f. L impellere (as IN-(2), pellere puls- drive)] impend v.intr. 1 be about to happen. 2 (often foll. by over) a (of a danger) be threatening. b hang; be suspended. ЬЬimpending adj. [L impendere (as IN-(2), pendere hang)] impenetrable adj. 1 that cannot be penetrated. 2 inscrutable, unfathomable. 3 inaccessible to ideas, influences, etc. 4 Physics (of matter) having the property such that a body is incapable of occupying the same place as another body at the same time. ЬЬimpenetrability n. impenetrableness n. impenetrably adv. [ME f. F imp‚n‚trable f. L impenetrabilis (as IN-(1), PENETRATE)] impenitent adj. not repentant or penitent. ЬЬimpenitence n. impenitency n. impenitently adv. [eccl.L impaenitens (as IN-(1), PENITENT)] imperative adj. & n. --adj. 1 urgent. 2 obligatory. 3 commanding, peremptory. 4 Gram. (of a mood) expressing a command (e.g. come here!). --n. 1 Gram. the imperative mood. 2 a command. ЬЬimperatival adj. imperatively adv. imperativeness n. [LL imperativus f. imperare command (as IN-(2), parare make ready)] imperator n. Rom.Hist. commander (a title conferred under the Republic on a victorious general and under the Empire on the emperor). ЬЬimperatorial adj. [L (as IMPERATIVE)] imperceptible adj. 1 that cannot be perceived. 2 very slight, gradual, or subtle. ЬЬimperceptibility n. imperceptibly adv. [F imperceptible or med.L imperceptibilis (as IN-(1), PERCEPTIBLE)] impercipient adj. lacking in perception. ЬЬimpercipience n. imperfect adj. & n. --adj. 1 not fully formed or done; faulty, incomplete. 2 Gram. (of a tense) denoting a (usu. past) action in progress but not completed at the time in question (e.g. they were singing). 3 Mus. (of a cadence) ending on the dominant chord. --n. the imperfect tense. Ьimperfect rhyme Prosody a rhyme that only partly satisfies the usual criteria (e.g. love and move). ЬЬimperfectly adv. [ME imparfit etc. f. OF imparfait f. L imperfectus (as IN-(1), PERFECT)] imperfection n. 1 incompleteness. 2 a faultiness. b a fault or blemish. [ME f. OF imperfection or LL imperfectio (as IMPERFECT)] imperfective adj. & n. Gram. --adj. (of a verb aspect etc.) expressing an action without reference to its completion (opp. PERFECTIVE). --n. an imperfective aspect or form of a verb. imperforate adj. 1 not perforated. 2 Anat. lacking the normal opening. 3 (of a postage stamp) lacking perforations. imperial adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or characteristic of an empire or comparable sovereign State. 2 a of or characteristic of an emperor. b supreme in authority. c majestic, august. d magnificent. 3 (of non-metric weights and measures) used or formerly used by statute in the UK (imperial gallon). --n. a former size of paper, 762 x 559 mm (30 x 22 inches). ЬЬimperially adv. [ME f. OF f. L imperialis f. imperium command, authority] imperialism n. 1 an imperial rule or system. 2 usu. derog. a policy of acquiring dependent territories or extending a country's influence through trade, diplomacy, etc. ЬЬimperialistic adj. imperialistically adv. imperialize v.tr. (also -ise). imperialist n. & adj. --n. usu. derog. an advocate or agent of imperial rule or of imperialism. --adj. of or relating to imperialism or imperialists. imperil v.tr. (imperilled, imperilling; US imperiled, imperiling) bring or put into danger. imperious adj. 1 overbearing, domineering. 2 urgent, imperative. ЬЬimperiously adv. imperiousness n. [L imperiosus f. imperium command, authority] imperishable adj. that cannot perish. ЬЬimperishability n. imperishableness n. imperishably adv. imperium n. absolute power or authority. [L, = command, authority] impermanent adj. not permanent; transient. ЬЬimpermanence n. impermanency n. impermanently adv. impermeable adj. 1 that cannot be penetrated. 2 Physics that does not permit the passage of fluids. ЬЬimpermeability n. [F imperm‚able or LL impermeabilis (as IN-(1), PERMEABLE)] impermissible adj. not allowable. ЬЬimpermissibility n. impersonal adj. 1 having no personality. 2 having no personal feeling or reference. 3 Gram. a (of a verb) used only with a formal subject (usu. it) and expressing an action not attributable to a definite subject (e.g. it is snowing). b (of a pronoun) = INDEFINITE. ЬЬimpersonality n. impersonally adv. [LL impersonalis (as IN-(1), PERSONAL)] impersonate v.tr. 1 pretend to be (another person) for the purpose of entertainment or fraud. 2 act (a character). ЬЬimpersonation n. impersonator n. [IN-(2) + L persona PERSON] impertinent adj. 1 rude or insolent; lacking proper respect. 2 out of place; absurd. 3 esp. Law irrelevant, intrusive. ЬЬimpertinence n. impertinently adv. [ME f. OF or LL impertinens (as IN-(1), PERTINENT)] imperturbable adj. not excitable; calm. ЬЬimperturbability n. imperturbableness n. imperturbably adv. [ME f. LL imperturbabilis (as IN-(1), PERTURB)] impervious adj. (usu. foll. by to) 1 not responsive to an argument etc. 2 not affording passage to a fluid. ЬЬimperviously adv. imperviousness n. [L impervius (as IN-(1), PERVIOUS)] impetigo n. a contagious bacterial skin infection forming pustules and yellow crusty sores. ЬЬimpetiginous adj. [ME f. L impetigo -ginis f. impetere assail] impetuous adj. 1 acting or done rashly or with sudden energy. 2 moving forcefully or rapidly. ЬЬimpetuosity n. impetuously adv. impetuousness n. [ME f. OF impetueux f. LL impetuosus (as IMPETUS)] impetus n. 1 the force or energy with which a body moves. 2 a driving force or impulse. [L, = assault, force, f. impetere assail (as IN-(2), petere seek)] impi n. (pl. impis) S.Afr. 1 a band of armed men. 2 hist. an African tribal army or regiment. [Zulu, = regiment, armed band] impiety n. (pl. -ies) 1 a lack of piety or reverence. 2 an act etc. showing this. [ME f. OF impiet‚ or L impietas (as IN-(1), PIETY)] impinge v.tr. (usu. foll. by on, upon) 1 make an impact; have an effect. 2 encroach. ЬЬimpingement n. impinger n. [L impingere drive (a thing) at (as IN-(2), pangere fix, drive)] impious adj. 1 not pious. 2 wicked, profane. ЬЬimpiously adv. impiousness n. [L impius (as IN-(1), PIOUS)] impish adj. of or like an imp; mischievous. ЬЬimpishly adv. impishness n. implacable adj. that cannot be appeased; inexorable. ЬЬimplacability n. implacably adv. [ME f. F implacable or L implacabilis (as IN-(1), PLACABLE)] implant v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by in) insert or fix. 2 (often foll. by in) instil (a principle, idea, etc.) in a person's mind. 3 plant. 4 Med. a insert (tissue etc.) in a living body. b (in passive) (of a fertilized ovum) become attached to the wall of the womb. --n. n. 1 a thing implanted. 2 a thing implanted in the body, e.g. a piece of tissue or a capsule containing material for radium therapy. ЬЬimplantation n. [F implanter or LL implantare engraft (as IN-(2), PLANT)] implausible adj. not plausible. ЬЬimplausibility n. implausibly adv. implead v.tr. Law 1 prosecute or take proceedings against (a person). 2 involve (a person etc.) in a suit. [ME f. AF empleder, OF empleidier (as EN-(1), PLEAD)] implement n. & v. --n. 1 a tool, instrument, or utensil. 2 (in pl.) equipment; articles of furniture, dress, etc. 3 Law performance of an obligation. --v.tr. 1 a put (a decision, plan, etc.) into effect. b fulfil (an undertaking). 2 complete (a contract etc.). 3 fill up; supplement. ЬЬimplementation n. [ME f. med.L implementa (pl.) f. implere employ (as IN-(2), L plere plet- fill)] implicate v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by in) show (a person) to be concerned or involved (in a charge, crime, etc.). 2 (in passive; often foll. by in) be affected or involved. 3 lead to as a consequence or inference. --n. a thing implied. ЬЬimplicative adj. implicatively adv. [L implicatus past part. of implicare (as IN-(2), plicare, plicat- or plicit- fold)] implication n. 1 what is involved in or implied by something else. 2 the act of implicating or implying. Ьby implication by what is implied or suggested rather than by formal expression. [ME f. L implicatio (as IMPLICATE)] implicit adj. 1 implied though not plainly expressed. 2 (often foll. by in) virtually contained. 3 absolute, unquestioning, unreserved (implicit obedience). 4 Math. (of a function) not expressed directly in terms of independent variables. ЬЬimplicitly adv. implicitness n. [F implicite or L implicitus (as IMPLICATE)] implode v.intr. & tr. burst or cause to burst inwards. ЬЬimplosion n. implosive adj. [IN-(2) + L - plodere, after EXPLODE] implore v.tr. 1 (often foll. by to + infin.) entreat (a person). 2 beg earnestly for. ЬЬimploringly adv. [F implorer or L implorare invoke with tears (as IN-(2), plorare weep)] imply v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 (often foll. by that + clause) strongly suggest the truth or existence of (a thing not expressly asserted). 2 insinuate, hint (what are you implying?). 3 signify. ЬЬimplied adj. impliedly adv. [ME f. OF emplier f. L implicare (as IMPLICATE)] impolder v.tr. (also empolder) Brit. 1 make a polder of. 2 reclaim from the sea. [Du. inpolderen (as IN-(2), POLDER)] impolite adj. (impolitest) ill-mannered, uncivil, rude. ЬЬimpolitely adv. impoliteness n. [L impolitus (as IN-(1), POLITE)] impolitic adj. 1 inexpedient, unwise. 2 not politic. ЬЬimpoliticly adv. imponderable adj. & n. --adj. 1 that cannot be estimated or assessed in any definite way. 2 very light. 3 Physics having no weight. --n. (usu. in pl.) something difficult or impossible to assess. ЬЬimponderability n. imponderably adv. import v. & n. --v.tr. 1 bring in (esp. foreign goods or services) to a country. 2 (often foll. by that + clause) a imply, indicate, signify. b express, make known. --n. 1 the process of importing. 2 a an imported article or service. b (in pl.) an amount imported (imports exceeded њ50m.). 3 what is implied; meaning. 4 importance. ЬЬimportable adj. importation n. importer n. (all in sense 1 of v.). [ME f. L importare bring in, in med.L = imply, be of consequence (as IN-(2), portare carry)] importance n. 1 the state of being important. 2 weight, significance. 3 personal consequence; dignity. [F f. med.L importantia (as IMPORT)] important adj. 1 (often foll. by to) of great effect or consequence; momentous. 2 (of a person) having high rank or status, or great authority. 3 pretentious, pompous. 4 (absol. in parenthetic construction) what is a more important point or matter (they are willing and, more important, able). °Use of importantly here is disp. ЬЬimportantly adv. (see note above). [F f. med.L (as IMPORT)] importunate adj. 1 making persistent or pressing requests. 2 (of affairs) urgent. ЬЬimportunately adv. importunity n. [L importunus inconvenient (as IN-(1), portunus f. portus harbour)] importune v.tr. 1 solicit (a person) pressingly. 2 solicit for an immoral purpose. [F importuner or med.L importunari (as IMPORTUNATE)] impose v. 1 tr. (often foll. by on, upon) require (a tax, duty, charge, or obligation) to be paid or undertaken (by a person etc.). 2 tr. enforce compliance with. 3 intr. & refl. (foll. by on, upon, or absol.) demand the attention or commitment of (a person); take advantage of (I do not want to impose on you any longer; I did not want to impose). 4 tr. (often foll. by on, upon) palm (a thing) off on (a person). 5 tr. Printing lay (pages of type) in the proper order ready for printing. 6 intr. (foll. by on, upon) exert influence by an impressive character or appearance. 7 intr. (often foll. by on, upon) practise deception. 8 tr. archaic (foll. by upon) place (a thing). [ME f. F imposer f. L imponere imposit- inflict, deceive (as IN-(2), ponere put)] imposing adj. impressive, formidable, esp. in appearance. ЬЬimposingly adv. imposingness n. imposition n. 1 the act or an instance of imposing; the process of being imposed. 2 an unfair or resented demand or burden. 3 a tax or duty. 4 Brit. work set as a punishment at school. [ME f. OF imposition or L impositio f. imponere: see IMPOSE] impossibility n. (pl. -ies) 1 the fact or condition of being impossible. 2 an impossible thing or circumstance. [F impossibilit‚ or L impossibilitas (as IMPOSSIBLE)] impossible adj. 1 not possible; that cannot occur, exist, or be done (such a thing is impossible; it is impossible to alter them). 2 (loosely) not easy; not convenient; not easily believable. 3 colloq. (of a person or thing) outrageous, intolerable. ЬЬimpossibly adv. [ME f. OF impossible or L impossibilis (as IN-(1), POSSIBLE)] impost(1) n. 1 a tax, duty, or tribute. 2 a weight carried by a horse in a handicap race. [F f. med.L impost- part. stem of L imponere: see IMPOSE] impost(2) n. the upper course of a pillar, carrying an arch. [F imposte or It. imposta fem. past part. of imporre f. L imponere: see IMPOSE] impostor n. (also imposter) 1 a person who assumes a false character or pretends to be someone else. 2 a swindler. ЬЬimpostorous adj. impostrous adj. [F imposteur f. LL impostor (as IMPOST(1))] imposture n. the act or an instance of fraudulent deception. [F f. LL impostura (as IMPOST(1))] impotent adj. 1 a powerless; lacking all strength. b helpless, decrepit. 2 (esp. of a male) unable, esp. for a prolonged period, to achieve a sexual erection or orgasm. ЬЬimpotence n. impotency n. impotently adv. [ME f. OF f. L impotens (as IN-(1), POTENT(1))] impound v.tr. 1 confiscate. 2 take possession of. 3 shut up (animals) in a pound. 4 shut up (a person or thing) as in a pound. 5 (of a dam etc.) collect or confine (water). ЬЬimpoundable adj. impounder n. impoundment n. impoverish v.tr. 1 make poor. 2 exhaust the strength or natural fertility of. ЬЬimpoverishment n. [ME f. OF empoverir (as EN-(1), povre POOR)] impracticable adj. 1 impossible in practice. 2 (of a road etc.) impassable. 3 (of a person or thing) unmanageable. ЬЬimpracticability n. impracticableness n. impracticably adv. impractical adj. 1 not practical. 2 esp. US not practicable. ЬЬimpracticality n. impractically adv. imprecate v.tr. (often foll. by upon) invoke, call down (evil). ЬЬimprecatory adj. [L imprecari (as IN-(2), precari pray)] imprecation n. 1 a spoken curse; a malediction. 2 imprecating. imprecise adj. not precise. ЬЬimprecisely adv. impreciseness n. imprecision n. impregnable(1) adj. 1 (of a fortified position) that cannot be taken by force. 2 resistant to attack or criticism. ЬЬimpregnability n. impregnably adv. [ME f. OF imprenable (as IN-(1), prendre take)] impregnable(2) adj. that can be impregnated. impregnate v. & adj. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by with) fill or saturate. 2 (often foll. by with) imbue, fill (with feelings, moral qualities, etc.). 3 a make (a female) pregnant. b Biol. fertilize (a female reproductive cell or ovum). --adj. 1 pregnant. 2 (often foll. by with) permeated. ЬЬimpregnation n. [LL impregnare impregnat- (as IN-(2), pregnare be pregnant)] impresario n. (pl. -os) an organizer of public entertainments, esp. the manager of an operatic, theatrical, or concert company. [It. f. impresa undertaking] imprescriptible adj. Law (of rights) that cannot be taken away by prescription or lapse of time. [med.L imprescriptibilis (as IN-(1), PRESCRIBE)] impress(1) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by with) a affect or influence deeply. b evoke a favourable opinion or reaction from (a person) (was most impressed with your efforts). 2 (often foll. by on) emphasize (an idea etc.) (must impress on you the need to be prompt). 3 (often foll. by on) a imprint or stamp. b apply (a mark etc.) with pressure. 4 make a mark or design on (a thing) with a stamp, seal, etc. 5 Electr. apply (voltage etc.) from outside. --n. 1 the act or an instance of impressing. 2 a mark made by a seal, stamp, etc. 3 a characteristic mark or quality. 4 = IMPRESSION 1. ЬЬimpressible adj. [ME f. OF empresser (as EN-(1), PRESS(1))] impress(2) v.tr. hist. 1 force (men) to serve in the army or navy. 2 seize (goods etc.) for public service. ЬЬimpressment n. [IN-(2) + PRESS(2)] impression n. 1 an effect produced (esp. on the mind or feelings). 2 a notion or belief (esp. a vague or mistaken one) (my impression is they are afraid). 3 an imitation of a person or sound, esp. done to entertain. 4 a the impressing of a mark. b a mark impressed. 5 an unaltered reprint from standing type or plates (esp. as distinct from edition). 6 a the number of copies of a book, newspaper, etc., issued at one time. b the printing of these. 7 a print taken from a wood engraving. 8 Dentistry a negative copy of the teeth or mouth made by pressing them into a soft substance. ЬЬimpressional adj. [ME f. OF f. L impressio -onis f. imprimere impress- (as IN-(2), PRESS(1))] impressionable adj. easily influenced; susceptible to impressions. ЬЬimpressionability n. impressionably adv. [F impressionnable f. impressionner (as IMPRESSION)] impressionism n. 1 a style or movement in art concerned with expression of feeling by visual impression, esp. from the effect of light on objects. 2 a style of music or writing that seeks to describe a feeling or experience rather than achieve accurate depiction or systematic structure. ЬЬimpressionist n. [F impressionnisme (after Impression: Soleil levant, title of a painting by Monet, 1872)] impressionistic adj. 1 in the style of impressionism. 2 subjective, unsystematic. ЬЬimpressionistically adv. impressive adj. 1 impressing the mind or senses, esp. so as to cause approval or admiration. 2 (of language, a scene, etc.) tending to excite deep feeling. ЬЬimpressively adv. impressiveness n. imprest n. money advanced to a person for use in State business. [orig. in prest f. OF prest loan, advance pay: see PRESS(2)] imprimatur n. 1 RC Ch. an official licence to print (an ecclesiastical or religious book etc.). 2 official approval. [L, = let it be printed] imprimatura n. (in painting) a coloured transparent glaze as a primer. [It. imprimitura f. imprimere IMPRESS(1)] imprint v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by on) impress or establish firmly, esp. on the mind. 2 a (often foll. by on) make a stamp or impression of (a figure etc.) on a thing. b make an impression on (a thing) with a stamp etc. --n. 1 an impression or stamp. 2 the printer's or publisher's name and other details printed in a book. [ME f. OF empreinter empreint f. L imprimere: see IMPRESSION] imprinting n. 1 in senses of IMPRINT v. 2 Zool. the development in a young animal of a pattern of recognition and trust for its own species. imprison v.tr. 1 put into prison. 2 confine; shut up. ЬЬimprisonment n. [ME f. OF emprisoner (as EN-(1), PRISON)] improbable adj. 1 not likely to be true or to happen. 2 difficult to believe. ЬЬimprobability n. improbably adv. [F improbable or L improbabilis (as IN-(1), PROBABLE)] improbity n. (pl. -ies) 1 wickedness; lack of moral integrity. 2 dishonesty. 3 a wicked or dishonest act. [L improbitas (as IN-(1), PROBITY)] impromptu adj., adv., & n. --adj. & adv. extempore, unrehearsed. --n. 1 an extempore performance or speech. 2 a short piece of usu. solo instrumental music, often songlike. [F f. L in promptu in readiness: see PROMPT] improper adj. 1 a unseemly; indecent. b not in accordance with accepted rules of behaviour. 2 inaccurate, wrong. 3 not properly so called. Ьimproper fraction a fraction in which the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator. ЬЬimproperly adv. [F impropre or L improprius (as IN-(1), PROPER)] impropriate v.tr. Brit. 1 annex (an ecclesiastical benefice) to a corporation or person as property. 2 place (tithes or ecclesiastical property) in lay hands. ЬЬimpropriation n. [AL impropriare (as IN-(2), proprius own)] impropriator n. Brit. a person to whom a benefice is impropriated. impropriety n. (pl. -ies) 1 lack of propriety; indecency. 2 an instance of improper conduct etc. 3 incorrectness. 4 unfitness. [F impropri‚t‚ or L improprietas (as IN-(1), proprius proper)] improvable adj. 1 that can be improved. 2 suitable for cultivation. ЬЬimprovability n. improve v. 1 a tr. & intr. make or become better. b intr. (foll. by on, upon) produce something better than. 2 absol. (as improving adj.) giving moral benefit (improving literature). [orig. emprowe, improwe f. AF emprower f. OF emprou f. prou profit, infl. by PROVE] improvement n. 1 the act or an instance of improving or being improved. 2 something that improves, esp. an addition or alteration that adds to value. 3 something that has been improved. [ME f. AF emprowement (as IMPROVE)] improver n. 1 a person who improves. 2 Brit. a person who works for low wages while acquiring skill and experience in a trade. improvident adj. 1 lacking foresight or care for the future. 2 not frugal; thriftless. 3 heedless, incautious. ЬЬimprovidence n. improvidently adv. improvise v.tr. (also absol.) 1 compose or perform (music, verse, etc.) extempore. 2 provide or construct (a thing) extempore. ЬЬimprovisation n. improvisational adj. improvisatorial adj. improvisatory adj. improviser n. [F improviser or It. improvvisare f. improvviso extempore, f. L improvisus past part. (as IN-(1), PROVIDE)] imprudent adj. rash, indiscreet. ЬЬimprudence n. imprudently adv. [ME f. L imprudens (as IN-(1), PRUDENT)] impudent adj. 1 insolently disrespectful; impertinent. 2 shamelessly presumptuous. 3 unblushing. ЬЬimpudence n. impudently adv. [ME f. L impudens (as IN-(1), pudere be ashamed)] impudicity n. shamelessness, immodesty. [F impudicit‚ f. L impudicus (as IMPUDENT)] impugn v.tr. challenge or call in question (a statement, action, etc.). ЬЬimpugnable adj. impugnment n. [ME f. L impugnare assail (as IN-(2), pugnare fight)] impuissant adj. impotent, weak. ЬЬimpuissance n. [F (as IN-(1), PUISSANT)] impulse n. 1 the act or an instance of impelling; a push. 2 an impetus. 3 Physics a an indefinitely large force acting for a very short time but producing a finite change of momentum (e.g. the blow of a hammer). b the change of momentum produced by this or any force. 4 a wave of excitation in a nerve. 5 mental incitement. 6 a sudden desire or tendency to act without reflection (did it on impulse). Ьimpulse buying the unpremeditated buying of goods as a result of a whim or impulse. [L impulsus (as IMPEL)] impulsion n. 1 the act or an instance of impelling. 2 a mental impulse. 3 impetus. [ME f. OF f. L impulsio -onis (as IMPEL)] impulsive adj. 1 (of a person or conduct etc.) apt to be affected or determined by sudden impulse. 2 tending to impel. 3 Physics acting as an impulse. ЬЬimpulsively adv. impulsiveness n. [ME f. F impulsif -ive or LL impulsivus (as IMPULSION)] impunity n. exemption from punishment or from the injurious consequences of an action. Ьwith impunity without having to suffer the normal injurious consequences (of an action). [L impunitas f. impunis (as IN-(1), poena penalty)] impure adj. 1 mixed with foreign matter; adulterated. 2 dirty. 3 unchaste. 4 (of a colour) mixed with another colour. ЬЬimpurely adv. impureness n. [ME f. L impurus (as IN-(1), purus pure)] impurity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the quality or condition of being impure. 2 an impure thing or constituent. [F impurit‚ or L impuritas (as IMPURE)] impute v.tr. (foll. by to) 1 regard (esp. something undesirable) as being done or caused or possessed by. 2 Theol. ascribe (righteousness, guilt, etc.) to (a person) by virtue of a similar quality in another. ЬЬimputable adj. imputation n. imputative adj. [ME f. OF imputer f. L imputare enter in the account (as IN-(2), putare reckon)] I.Mun.E. abbr. (in the UK) Institution of Municipal Engineers. 13.0 IN... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IN abbr. US Indiana (in official postal use). In symb. Chem. the element indium. in prep., adv., & adj. --prep. 1 expressing inclusion or position within limits of space, time, circumstance, etc. (in England; in bed; in the rain). 2 during the time of (in the night; in 1989). 3 within the time of (will be back in two hours). 4 a with respect to (blind in one eye; good in parts). b as a kind of (the latest thing in luxury). 5 as a proportionate part of (one in three failed; a gradient of one in six). 6 with the form or arrangement of (packed in tens; falling in folds). 7 as a member of (in the army). 8 concerned with (is in politics). 9 as or regarding the content of (there is something in what you say). 10 within the ability of (does he have it in him?). 11 having the condition of; affected by (in bad health; in danger). 12 having as a purpose (in search of; in reply to). 13 by means of or using as material (drawn in pencil; modelled in bronze). 14 a using as the language of expression (written in French). b (of music) having as its key (symphony in C). 15 (of a word) having as a beginning or ending (words in un-). 16 wearing as dress (in blue; in a suit). 17 with the identity of (found a friend in Mary). 18 (of an animal) pregnant with (in calf). 19 into (with a verb of motion or change: put it in the box; cut it in two). 20 introducing an indirect object after a verb (believe in; engage in; share in). 21 forming adverbial phrases (in any case; in reality; in short). --adv. expressing position within limits, or motion to such a position: 1 into a room, house, etc. (come in). 2 at home, in one's office, etc. (is not in). 3 so as to be enclosed or confined (locked in). 4 in a publication (is the advertisement in?). 5 in or to the inward side (rub it in). 6 a in fashion, season, or office (long skirts are in; strawberries are not yet in). b elected (the Democrat got in). 7 exerting favourable action or influence (their luck was in). 8 Cricket (of a player or side) batting. 9 (of transport) at the platform etc. (the train is in). 10 (of a season, harvest, order, etc.) having arrived or been received. 11 Brit. (of a fire) continuing to burn. 12 denoting effective action (join in). 13 (of the tide) at the highest point. 14 (in comb.) colloq. denoting prolonged or concerted action, esp. by large numbers (sit-in; teach-in). --adj. 1 internal; living in; inside (in-patient). 2 fashionable, esoteric (the in thing to do). 3 confined to or shared by a group of people (in-joke). Ьin all see ALL. in at present at; contributing to (in at the kill). in between see BETWEEN adv. in-between attrib.adj. colloq. intermediate (at an in-between stage). in for 1 about to undergo (esp. something unpleasant). 2 competing in or for. 3 involved in; committed to. in on sharing in; privy to (a secret etc.). ins and outs (often foll. by of) all the details (of a procedure etc.). in so far as see FAR. in that because; in so far as. in with on good terms with. [OE in, inn, orig. as adv. with verbs of motion] in. abbr. inch(es). in-(1) prefix (also il-, im-, ir-) added to: 1 adjectives, meaning 'not' (inedible; insane). 2 nouns, meaning 'without, lacking' (inaction). [L] in-(2) prefix (also il- before l, im- before b, m, p, ir- before r) in, on, into, towards, within (induce; influx; insight; intrude). [IN, or from or after L in IN prep.] -in suffix Chem. forming names of: 1 neutral substances (gelatin). 2 antibiotics (penicillin). [-INE(4)] -ina suffix denoting: 1 feminine names and titles (Georgina; tsarina). 2 names of musical instruments (concertina). 3 names of zoological classification categories (globigerina). [It. or Sp. or L] inability n. 1 the state of being unable. 2 a lack of power or means. in absentia adv. in (his, her, or their) absence. [L] inaccessible adj. 1 not accessible; that cannot be reached. 2 (of a person) not open to advances or influence; unapproachable. ЬЬinaccessibility n. inaccessibleness n. inaccessibly adv. [ME f. F inaccessible or LL inaccessibilis (as IN-(1), ACCESSIBLE)] inaccurate adj. not accurate. ЬЬinaccuracy n. (pl. -ies). inaccurately adv. inaction n. 1 lack of action. 2 sluggishness, inertness. inactivate v.tr. make inactive or inoperative. ЬЬinactivation n. inactive adj. 1 not active or inclined to act. 2 passive. 3 indolent. ЬЬinactively adv. inactivity n. inadequate adj. (often foll. by to) 1 not adequate; insufficient. 2 (of a person) incompetent; unable to deal with a situation. ЬЬinadequacy n. (pl. -ies). inadequately adv. inadmissible adj. that cannot be admitted or allowed. ЬЬinadmissibility n. inadmissibly adv. inadvertent adj. 1 (of an action) unintentional. 2 a not properly attentive. b negligent. ЬЬinadvertence n. inadvertency n. inadvertently adv. [IN-(1) + obs. advertent attentive (as ADVERT(2))] inadvisable adj. not advisable. ЬЬinadvisability n. [ADVISABLE] inalienable adj. that cannot be transferred to another; not alienable. ЬЬinalienability n. inalienably adv. inalterable adj. not alterable; that cannot be changed. ЬЬinalterability n. inalterably adv. [med.L inalterabilis (as IN-(1), alterabilis alterable)] inamorato n. (pl. -os; fem. inamorata) a lover. [It., past part. of inamorare enamour (as IN-(2), amore f. L amor love)] inane adj. 1 silly, senseless. 2 empty, void. ЬЬinanely adv. inaneness n. inanity n. (pl. -ies). [L inanis empty, vain] inanimate adj. 1 destitute of life. 2 not endowed with animal life. 3 spiritless, dull. Ьinanimate nature everything other than the animal world. ЬЬinanimately adv. inanimation n. [LL inanimatus (as IN-(1), ANIMATE)] inanition n. emptiness, esp. exhaustion from lack of nourishment. [ME f. LL inanitio f. L inanire make empty (as INANE)] inappellable adj. that cannot be appealed against. [obs.F inappelable (as IN-(1), appeler APPEAL)] inapplicable adj. (often foll. by to) not applicable; unsuitable. ЬЬinapplicability n. inapplicably adv. inapposite adj. not apposite; out of place. ЬЬinappositely adv. inappositeness n. inappreciable adj. 1 imperceptible; not worth reckoning. 2 that cannot be appreciated. ЬЬinappreciably adv. inappreciation n. failure to appreciate. ЬЬinappreciative adj. inappropriate adj. not appropriate. ЬЬinappropriately adv. inappropriateness n. inapt adj. 1 not apt or suitable. 2 unskilful. ЬЬinaptitude n. inaptly adv. inaptness n. inarch v.tr. graft (a plant) by connecting a growing branch without separation from the parent stock. [IN-(2) + ARCH(1) v.] inarguable adj. that cannot be argued about or disputed. ЬЬinarguably adv. inarticulate adj. 1 unable to speak distinctly or express oneself clearly. 2 (of speech) not articulate; indistinctly pronounced. 3 dumb. 4 esp. Anat. not jointed. ЬЬinarticulately adv. inarticulateness n. [LL inarticulatus (as IN-(1), ARTICULATE)] inartistic adj. 1 not following the principles of art. 2 lacking skill or talent in art; not appreciating art. ЬЬinartistically adv. inasmuch adv. (foll. by as) 1 since, because. 2 to the extent that. [ME, orig. in as much] inattentive adj. 1 not paying due attention; heedless. 2 neglecting to show courtesy. ЬЬinattention n. inattentively adv. inattentiveness n. inaudible adj. that cannot be heard. ЬЬinaudibility n. inaudibly adv. inaugural adj. & n. --adj. 1 of inauguration. 2 (of a lecture etc.) given by a person being inaugurated. --n. an inaugural speech etc. [F f. inaugurer (as INAUGURATE)] inaugurate v.tr. 1 admit (a person) formally to office. 2 initiate the public use of (a building etc.). 3 begin, introduce. 4 enter with ceremony upon (an undertaking etc.). ЬЬinauguration n. inaugurator n. inauguratory adj. [L inaugurare (as IN-(2), augurare take omens: see AUGUR)] inauspicious adj. 1 ill-omened, unpropitious. 2 unlucky. ЬЬinauspiciously adv. inauspiciousness n. inboard adv. & adj. --adv. within the sides of or towards the centre of a ship, aircraft, or vehicle. --adj. situated inboard. inborn adj. existing from birth; implanted by nature. inbreathe v.tr. 1 breathe in or absorb. 2 inspire (a person). inbred adj. 1 inborn. 2 produced by inbreeding. inbreeding n. breeding from closely related animals or persons. ЬЬinbreed v.tr. & intr. (past and past part. inbred). inbuilt adj. incorporated as part of a structure. Inc. abbr. US Incorporated. Inca n. a member of an American Indian people in Peru before the Spanish conquest. ЬЬIncaic adj. Incan adj. [Quechua, = lord, royal person] incalculable adj. 1 too great for calculation. 2 that cannot be reckoned beforehand. 3 (of a person, character, etc.) uncertain. ЬЬincalculability n. incalculably adv. in camera see CAMERA. incandesce v.intr. & tr. glow or cause to glow with heat. [back-form. f. INCANDESCENT] incandescent adj. 1 glowing with heat. 2 shining brightly. 3 (of an electric or other light) produced by a glowing white-hot filament. ЬЬincandescence n. incandescently adv. [F f. L incandescere (as IN-(2), candescere inceptive of candere be white)] incantation n. 1 a a magical formula. b the use of this. 2 a spell or charm. ЬЬincantational adj. incantatory adj. [ME f. OF f. LL incantatio -onis f. incantare chant, bewitch (as IN-(2), cantare sing)] incapable adj. 1 (often foll. by of) a not capable. b lacking the required quality or characteristic (favourable or adverse) (incapable of hurting anyone). 2 not capable of rational conduct or of managing one's own affairs (drunk and incapable). ЬЬincapability n. incapably adv. [F incapable or LL incapabilis (as IN-(1), capabilis CAPABLE)] incapacitate v.tr. 1 render incapable or unfit. 2 disqualify. ЬЬincapacitant n. incapacitation n. incapacity n. (pl. -ies) 1 inability; lack of the necessary power or resources. 2 legal disqualification. 3 an instance of incapacity. [F incapacit‚ or LL incapacitas (as IN-(1), CAPACITY)] incarcerate v.tr. imprison or confine. ЬЬincarceration n. incarcerator n. [med.L incarcerare (as IN-(2), L carcer prison)] incarnadine adj. & v. poet. --adj. flesh-coloured or crimson. --v.tr. dye this colour. [F incarnadin -ine f. It. incarnadino (for -tino) f. incarnato INCARNATE adj.] incarnate adj. & v. --adj. 1 (of a person, spirit, quality, etc.) embodied in flesh, esp. in human form (is the devil incarnate). 2 represented in a recognizable or typical form (folly incarnate). --v.tr. 1 embody in flesh. 2 put (an idea etc.) into concrete form; realize. 3 (of a person etc.) be the living embodiment of (a quality). [ME f. eccl.L incarnare incarnat- make flesh (as IN-(2), L caro carnis flesh)] incarnation n. 1 a embodiment in (esp. human) flesh. b (the Incarnation) Theol. the embodiment of God the Son in human flesh as Jesus Christ. 2 (often foll. by of) a living type (of a quality etc.). 3 Med. the process of forming new flesh. [ME f. OF f. eccl.L incarnatio -onis (as INCARNATE)] incase var. of ENCASE. incautious adj. heedless, rash. ЬЬincaution n. incautiously adv. incautiousness n. incendiary adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a substance or device, esp. a bomb) designed to cause fires. 2 a of or relating to the malicious setting on fire of property. b guilty of this. 3 tending to stir up strife; inflammatory. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 an incendiary bomb or device. 2 an incendiary person. ЬЬincendiarism n. [ME f. L incendiarius f. incendium conflagration f. incendere incens- set fire to] incense(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a gum or spice producing a sweet smell when burned. 2 the smoke of this, esp. in religious ceremonial. --v.tr. 1 treat or perfume (a person or thing) with incense. 2 burn incense to (a deity etc.). 3 suffuse with fragrance. ЬЬincensation n. [ME f. OF encens, encenser f. eccl.L incensum a thing burnt, incense: see INCENDIARY] incense(2) v.tr. (often foll. by at, with, against) enrage; make angry. [ME f. OF incenser (as INCENDIARY)] incensory n. (pl. -ies) = CENSER. [med.L incensorium (as INCENSE(1))] incentive n. & adj. --n. 1 (often foll. by to) a motive or incitement, esp. to action. 2 a payment or concession to stimulate greater output by workers. --adj. serving to motivate or incite. [ME f. L incentivus setting the tune f. incinere incent- sing to (as IN-(2), canere sing)] incept v. 1 tr. Biol. (of an organism) take in (food etc.). 2 intr. Brit. hist. take a master's or doctor's degree at a university. ЬЬinceptor n. (in sense 2). [L incipere incept- begin (as IN-(2), capere take)] inception n. a beginning. [ME f. OF inception or L inceptio (as INCEPT)] inceptive adj. & n. --adj. 1 a beginning. b initial. 2 Gram. (of a verb) that denotes the beginning of an action. --n. an inceptive verb. [LL inceptivus (as INCEPT)] incertitude n. uncertainty, doubt. [F incertitude or LL incertitudo (as IN-(1), CERTITUDE)] incessant adj. unceasing, continual, repeated. ЬЬincessancy n. incessantly adv. incessantness n. [F incessant or LL incessans (as IN-(1), cessans pres. part. of L cessare CEASE)] incest n. sexual intercourse between persons regarded as too closely related to marry each other. [ME f. L incestus (as IN-(1), castus CHASTE)] incestuous adj. 1 involving or guilty of incest. 2 (of human relations generally) excessively restricted or resistant to wider influence. ЬЬincestuously adv. incestuousness n. [LL incestuosus (as INCEST)] inch(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a unit of linear measure equal to one-twelfth of a foot (2.54 cm). 2 a (as a unit of rainfall) a quantity that would cover a horizontal surface to a depth of 1 inch. b (of atmospheric or other pressure) an amount that balances the weight of a column of mercury 1 inch high. 3 (as a unit of map-scale) so many inches representing 1 mile on the ground (a 4-inch map). 4 a small amount (usu. with neg.: would not yield an inch). --v.tr. & intr. move gradually in a specified way (inched forward). Ьevery inch 1 entirely (looked every inch a queen). 2 the whole distance or area (combed every inch of the garden). give a person an inch and he or she will take a mile (or orig. an ell) a person once conceded to will demand much. inch by inch gradually; bit by bit. within an inch of almost to the point of. [OE ynce f. L uncia twelfth part: cf. OUNCE(1)] inch(2) n. esp. Sc. a small island (esp. in place-names). [ME f. Gael. innis] inchoate adj. & v. --adj. 1 just begun. 2 undeveloped, rudimentary, unformed. --v.tr. begin; originate. ЬЬinchoately adv. inchoateness n. inchoation n. inchoative adj. [L inchoatus past part. of inchoare (as IN-(2), choare begin)] inchworm n. = measuring-worm (see MEASURE). incidence n. 1 (often foll. by of) the fact, manner, or rate, of occurrence or action. 2 the range, scope, or extent of influence of a thing. 3 Physics the falling of a line, or of a thing moving in a line, upon a surface. 4 the act or an instance of coming into contact with a thing. Ьangle of incidence the angle which an incident line, ray, etc., makes with the perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence. [ME f. OF incidence or med.L incidentia (as INCIDENT)] incident n. & adj. --n. 1 a an event or occurrence. b a minor or detached event attracting general attention or noteworthy in some way. 2 a hostile clash, esp. of troops of countries at war (a frontier incident). 3 a distinct piece of action in a play or a poem. 4 Law a privilege, burden, etc., attaching to an obligation or right. --adj. 1 a (often foll. by to) apt or liable to happen; naturally attaching or dependent. b (foll. by to) Law attaching to. 2 (often foll. by on, upon) (of light etc.) falling or striking. [ME f. F incident or L incidere (as IN-(2), cadere fall)] incidental adj. 1 (often foll. by to) a having a minor role in relation to a more important thing, event, etc. b not essential. 2 (foll. by to) liable to happen. 3 (foll. by on, upon) following as a subordinate event. Ьincidental music music used as a background to the action of a film, broadcast, etc. incidentally adv. 1 by the way; as an unconnected remark. 2 in an incidental way. incinerate v.tr. 1 consume (a body etc.) by fire. 2 reduce to ashes. ЬЬincineration n. [med.L incinerare (as IN-(2), cinis -eris ashes)] incinerator n. a furnace or apparatus for burning esp. refuse to ashes. incipient adj. 1 beginning. 2 in an initial stage. ЬЬincipience n. incipiency n. incipiently adv. [L incipere incipient- (as INCEPT)] incise v.tr. 1 make a cut in. 2 engrave. [F inciser f. L incidere incis- (as IN-(2), caedere cut)] incision n. 1 a cut; a division produced by cutting; a notch. 2 the act of cutting into a thing. [ME f. OF incision or LL incisio (as INCISE)] incisive adj. 1 mentally sharp; acute. 2 clear and effective. 3 cutting, penetrating. ЬЬincisively adv. incisiveness n. [med.L incisivus (as INCISE)] incisor n. a cutting-tooth, esp. at the front of the mouth. [med.L, = cutter (as INCISE)] incite v.tr. (often foll. by to) urge or stir up. ЬЬincitation n. incitement n. inciter n. [ME f. F inciter f. L incitare (as IN-(2), citare rouse)] incivility n. (pl. -ies) 1 rudeness, discourtesy. 2 a rude or discourteous act. [F incivilit‚ or LL incivilitas (as IN-(1), CIVILITY)] inclement adj. (of the weather or climate) severe, esp. cold or stormy. ЬЬinclemency n. (pl. -ies). inclemently adv. [F incl‚ment or L inclemens (as IN-(1), CLEMENT)] inclination n. 1 (often foll. by to) a disposition or propensity. 2 (often foll. by for) a liking or affection. 3 a leaning, slope, or slant. 4 the difference of direction of two lines or planes, esp. as measured by the angle between them. 5 the dip of a magnetic needle. [ME f. OF inclination or L inclinatio (as INCLINE)] incline v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (usu. in passive; often foll. by to, for, or to + infin.) a make (a person, feelings, etc.) willing or favourably disposed (am inclined to think so; does not incline me to agree). b give a specified tendency to (a thing) (the door is inclined to bang). 2 intr. a be disposed (I incline to think so). b (often foll. by to, towards) tend. 3 intr. & tr. lean or turn away from a given direction, esp. the vertical. 4 tr. bend (the head, body, or oneself) forward or downward. --n. 1 a slope. 2 an inclined plane. Ьinclined plane a sloping plane (esp. as a means of reducing the force needed to raise a load). incline one's ear (often foll. by to) listen favourably. ЬЬincliner n. [ME encline f. OF encliner f. L inclinare (as IN-(2), clinare bend)] inclinometer n. 1 an instrument for measuring the angle between the direction of the earth's magnetic field and the horizontal. 2 an instrument for measuring the inclination of an aircraft or ship to the horizontal. 3 an instrument for measuring a slope. [L inclinare INCLINE v. + -METER] inclose var. of ENCLOSE. inclosure var. of ENCLOSURE. include v.tr. 1 comprise or reckon in as part of a whole. 2 (as including prep.) if we include (six members, including the chairman). 3 treat or regard as so comprised. 4 (as included adj.) shut in; enclosed. Ьinclude out colloq. or joc. specifically exclude. ЬЬincludable adj. includible adj. inclusion n. [ME f. L includere inclus- (as IN-(2), claudere shut)] inclusive adj. 1 (often foll. by of) including, comprising. 2 with the inclusion of the extreme limits stated (pages 7 to 26 inclusive). 3 including all the normal services etc. (a hotel offering inclusive terms). ЬЬinclusively adv. inclusiveness n. [med.L inclusivus (as INCLUDE)] incog adj., adv., & n. colloq. = INCOGNITO. [abbr.] incognito adj., adv., & n. --adj. & adv. with one's name or identity kept secret (was travelling incognito). --n. (pl. -os) 1 a person who is incognito. 2 the pretended identity or anonymous character of such a person. [It., = unknown, f. L incognitus (as IN-(1), cognitus past part. of cognoscere know)] incognizant adj. (foll. by of) unaware; not knowing. ЬЬincognizance n. incoherent adj. 1 (of a person) unable to speak intelligibly. 2 (of speech etc.) lacking logic or consistency. 3 Physics (of waves) having no definite or stable phase relationship. ЬЬincoherence n. incoherency n. (pl. -ies). incoherently adv. incombustible adj. that cannot be burnt or consumed by fire. ЬЬincombustibility n. [ME f. med.L incombustibilis (as IN-(1), COMBUSTIBLE)] income n. the money or other assets received, esp. periodically or in a year, from one's business, lands, work, investments, etc. Ьincome group a section of the population determined by income. income tax a tax levied on income. [ME (orig. = arrival), prob. f. ON innkoma: in later use f. come in] incomer n. 1 a person who comes in. 2 a person who arrives to settle in a place; an immigrant. 3 an intruder. 4 a successor. -incomer comb. form earning a specified kind or level of income (middle-incomer). incoming adj. & n. --adj. 1 coming in (the incoming tide; incoming telephone calls). 2 succeeding another person or persons (the incoming tenant). 3 immigrant. 4 (of profit) accruing. --n. 1 (usu. in pl.) revenue, income. 2 the act of arriving or entering. incommensurable adj. (often foll. by with) 1 not comparable in respect of magnitude. 2 incapable of being measured (in comparison with). 3 Math. (of a magnitude or magnitudes) having no common factor, integral or fractional. 4 Math. irrational. ЬЬincommensurability n. incommensurably adv. [LL incommensurabilis (as IN-(1), COMMENSURABLE)] incommensurate adj. 1 (often foll. by with, to) out of proportion; inadequate. 2 = INCOMMENSURABLE. ЬЬincommensurately adv. incommensurateness n. incommode v.tr. 1 hinder, inconvenience. 2 trouble, annoy. [F incommoder or L incommodare (as IN-(1), commodus convenient)] incommodious adj. not affording good accommodation; uncomfortable. ЬЬincommodiously adv. incommodiousness n. incommunicable adj. 1 that cannot be communicated or shared. 2 that cannot be uttered or told. 3 that does not communicate; uncommunicative. ЬЬincommunicability n. incommunicableness n. incommunicably adv. [LL incommunicabilis (as IN-(1), COMMUNICABLE)] incommunicado adj. 1 without or deprived of the means of communication with others. 2 (of a prisoner) in solitary confinement. [Sp. incomunicado past part. of incomunicar deprive of communication] incommunicative adj. not communicative; taciturn. ЬЬincommunicatively adv. incommunicativeness n. incommutable adj. 1 not changeable. 2 not commutable. ЬЬincommutably adv. [ME f. L incommutabilis (as IN-(1), COMMUTABLE)] incomparable adj. 1 without an equal; matchless. 2 (often foll. by with, to) not to be compared. ЬЬincomparability n. incomparableness n. incomparably adv. [ME f. OF f. L incomparabilis (as IN-(1), COMPARABLE)] incompatible adj. 1 opposed in character; discordant. 2 (often foll. by with) inconsistent. 3 (of persons) unable to live, work, etc., together in harmony. 4 (of drugs) not suitable for taking at the same time. 5 (of equipment, machinery, etc.) not capable of being used in combination. ЬЬincompatibility n. incompatibleness n. incompatibly adv. [med.L incompatibilis (as IN-(1), COMPATIBLE)] incompetent adj. & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by to + infin.) not qualified or able to perform a particular task or function (an incompetent builder). 2 showing a lack of skill (an incompetent performance). 3 Med. (esp. of a valve or sphincter) not able to perform its function. --n. an incompetent person. ЬЬincompetence n. incompetency n. incompetently adv. [F incomp‚tent or LL incompetens (as IN-(1), COMPETENT)] incomplete adj. not complete. ЬЬincompletely adv. incompleteness n. [ME f. LL incompletus (as IN-(1), COMPLETE)] incomprehensible adj. (often foll. by to) that cannot be understood. ЬЬincomprehensibility n. incomprehensibleness n. incomprehensibly adv. [ME f. L incomprehensibilis (as IN-(1), COMPREHENSIBLE)] incomprehension n. failure to understand. incompressible adj. that cannot be compressed. ЬЬincompressibility n. inconceivable adj. 1 that cannot be imagined. 2 colloq. very remarkable. ЬЬinconceivability n. inconceivableness n. inconceivably adv. inconclusive adj. (of an argument, evidence, or action) not decisive or convincing. ЬЬinconclusively adv. inconclusiveness n. incondensable adj. that cannot be condensed, esp. that cannot be reduced to a liquid or solid condition. incongruous adj. 1 out of place; absurd. 2 (often foll. by with) disagreeing; out of keeping. ЬЬincongruity n. (pl. -ies). incongruously adv. incongruousness n. [L incongruus (as IN-(1), CONGRUOUS)] inconsecutive adj. lacking sequence; inconsequent. ЬЬinconsecutively adv. inconsecutiveness n. inconsequent adj. 1 not following naturally; irrelevant. 2 lacking logical sequence. 3 disconnected. ЬЬinconsequence n. inconsequently adv. [L inconsequens (as IN-(1), CONSEQUENT)] inconsequential adj. 1 unimportant. 2 = INCONSEQUENT. ЬЬinconsequentiality n. (pl. -ies). inconsequentially adv. inconsequentialness n. inconsiderable adj. 1 of small size, value, etc. 2 not worth considering. ЬЬinconsiderableness n. inconsiderably adv. [obs. F inconsid‚rable or LL inconsiderabilis (as IN-(1), CONSIDERABLE)] inconsiderate adj. 1 (of a person or action) thoughtless, rash. 2 lacking in regard for the feelings of others. ЬЬinconsiderately adv. inconsiderateness n. inconsideration n. [L inconsideratus (as IN-(1), CONSIDERATE)] inconsistent adj. 1 acting at variance with one's own principles or former conduct. 2 (often foll. by with) not in keeping; discordant, incompatible. 3 (of a single thing) incompatible or discordant; having self-contradictory parts. ЬЬinconsistency n. (pl. -ies). inconsistently adv. inconsolable adj. (of a person, grief, etc.) that cannot be consoled or comforted. ЬЬinconsolability n. inconsolableness n. inconsolably adv. [F inconsolable or L inconsolabilis (as IN-(1), consolabilis f. consolari CONSOLE(1))] inconsonant adj. (often foll. by with, to) not harmonious; not compatible. ЬЬinconsonance n. inconsonantly adv. inconspicuous adj. 1 not conspicuous; not easily noticed. 2 Bot. (of flowers) small, pale, or green. ЬЬinconspicuously adv. inconspicuousness n. [L inconspicuus (as IN-(1), CONSPICUOUS)] inconstant adj. 1 (of a person) fickle, changeable. 2 frequently changing; variable, irregular. ЬЬinconstancy n. (pl. -ies). inconstantly adv. [ME f. OF f. L inconstans -antis (as IN-(1), CONSTANT)] incontestable adj. that cannot be disputed. ЬЬincontestability n. incontestably adv. [F incontestable or med.L incontestabilis (as IN-(1), contestabilis f. L contestari CONTEST)] incontinent adj. 1 unable to control movements of the bowels or bladder or both. 2 lacking self-restraint (esp. in regard to sexual desire). 3 (foll. by of) unable to control. ЬЬincontinence n. incontinently adv. [ME f. OF or L incontinens (as IN-(1), CONTINENT(2))] incontrovertible adj. indisputable, indubitable. ЬЬincontrovertibility n. incontrovertibly adv. inconvenience n. & v. --n. 1 lack of suitability to personal requirements or ease. 2 a cause or instance of this. --v.tr. cause inconvenience to. [ME f. OF f. LL inconvenientia (as INCONVENIENT)] inconvenient adj. 1 unfavourable to ease or comfort; not convenient. 2 awkward, troublesome. ЬЬinconveniently adv. [ME f. OF f. L inconveniens -entis (as IN-(1), CONVENIENT)] inconvertible adj. 1 not convertible. 2 (esp. of currency) not convertible into another form on demand. ЬЬinconvertibility n. inconvertibly adv. [F inconvertible or LL inconvertibilis (as IN-(1), CONVERTIBLE)] incoordination n. lack of coordination, esp. of muscular action. incorporate v. & adj. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by in, with) unite; form into one body or whole. 2 intr. become incorporated. 3 tr. combine (ingredients) into one substance. 4 tr. admit as a member of a company etc. 5 tr. a constitute as a legal corporation. b (as incorporated adj.) forming a legal corporation. --adj. 1 (of a company etc.) formed into a legal corporation. 2 embodied. ЬЬincorporation n. incorporator n. [ME f. LL incorporare (as IN-(2), L corpus -oris body)] incorporeal adj. 1 not composed of matter. 2 of immaterial beings. 3 Law having no physical existence. ЬЬincorporeality n. incorporeally adv. incorporeity n. [L incorporeus (as INCORPORATE)] incorrect adj. 1 not in accordance with fact; wrong. 2 (of style etc.) improper, faulty. ЬЬincorrectly adv. incorrectness n. [ME f. OF or L incorrectus (as IN-(1), CORRECT)] incorrigible adj. 1 (of a person or habit) incurably bad or depraved. 2 not readily improved. ЬЬincorrigibility n. incorrigibleness n. incorrigibly adv. [ME f. OF incorrigible or L incorrigibilis (as IN-(1), CORRIGIBLE)] incorruptible adj. 1 that cannot be corrupted, esp. by bribery. 2 that cannot decay; everlasting. ЬЬincorruptibility n. incorruptibly adv. [ME f. OF incorruptible or eccl.L incorruptibilis (as IN-(1), CORRUPT)] increase v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become greater in size, amount, etc., or more numerous. 2 intr. advance (in quality, attainment, etc.). 3 tr. intensify (a quality). --n. 1 the act or process of becoming greater or more numerous; growth, enlargement. 2 (of people, animals, or plants) growth in numbers; multiplication. 3 the amount or extent of an increase. Ьon the increase increasing, esp. in frequency. ЬЬincreasable adj. increaser n. increasingly adv. [ME f. OF encreiss- stem of encreistre f. L increscere (as IN-(2), crescere grow)] incredible adj. 1 that cannot be believed. 2 colloq. hard to believe; amazing. ЬЬincredibility n. incredibleness n. incredibly adv. [ME f. L incredibilis (as IN-(1), CREDIBLE)] incredulous adj. (often foll. by of) unwilling to believe. ЬЬincredulity n. incredulously adv. incredulousness n. [L incredulus (as IN-(1), CREDULOUS)] increment n. 1 a an increase or addition, esp. one of a series on a fixed scale. b the amount of this. 2 Math. a small amount by which a variable quantity increases. ЬЬincremental adj. [ME f. L incrementum f. increscere INCREASE] incriminate v.tr. 1 tend to prove the guilt of (incriminating evidence). 2 involve in an accusation. 3 charge with a crime. ЬЬincrimination n. incriminatory adj. [LL incriminare (as IN-(2), L crimen offence)] incrust var. of ENCRUST. incrustation n. 1 the process of encrusting or state of being encrusted. 2 a crust or hard coating, esp. of fine material. 3 a concretion or deposit on a surface. 4 a facing of marble etc. on a building. [F incrustation or LL incrustatio (as ENCRUST)] incubate v. 1 tr. sit on or artificially heat (eggs) in order to bring forth young birds etc. 2 tr. cause the development of (bacteria etc.) by creating suitable conditions. 3 intr. sit on eggs; brood. [L incubare (as IN-(2), cubare cubit- or cubat- lie)] incubation n. 1 a the act of incubating. b brooding. 2 Med. a a phase through which the germs causing a disease pass before the development of the first symptoms. b the period of this. ЬЬincubational adj. incubative adj. incubatory adj. [L incubatio (as INCUBATE)] incubator n. 1 an apparatus used to provide a suitable temperature and environment for a premature baby or one of low birth-weight. 2 an apparatus used to hatch eggs or grow micro-organisms. incubus n. (pl. incubuses or incubi) 1 an evil spirit supposed to descend on sleeping persons. 2 a nightmare. 3 a person or thing that oppresses like a nightmare. [ME f. LL, = L incubo nightmare (as INCUBATE)] incudes pl. of INCUS. inculcate v.tr. (often foll. by upon, in) urge or impress (a fact, habit, or idea) persistently. ЬЬinculcation n. inculcator n. [L inculcare (as IN-(2), calcare tread f. calx calcis heel)] inculpate v.tr. 1 involve in a charge. 2 accuse, blame. ЬЬinculpation n. inculpative adj. inculpatory adj. [LL inculpare (as IN-(2), culpare blame f. culpa fault)] incumbency n. (pl. -ies) the office, tenure, or sphere of an incumbent. incumbent adj. & n. --adj. 1 (foll. by on, upon) resting as a duty (it is incumbent on you to warn them). 2 (often foll. by on) lying, pressing. --n. the holder of an office or post, esp. an ecclesiastical benefice. [ME f. AL incumbens pres. part. of L incumbere lie upon (as IN-(2), cubare lie)] incunable n. = INCUNABULUM 1. [F, formed as INCUNABULUM] incunabulum n. (pl. incunabula) 1 a book printed at an early date, esp. before 1501. 2 (in pl.) the early stages of the development of a thing. [L incunabula swaddling-clothes, cradle (as IN-(2), cunae cradle)] incur v.tr. (incurred, incurring) suffer, experience, or become subject to (something unpleasant) as a result of one's own behaviour etc. (incurred huge debts). ЬЬincurrable adj. [ME f. L incurrere incurs- (as IN-(2), currere run)] incurable adj. & n. --adj. that cannot be cured. --n. a person who cannot be cured. ЬЬincurability n. incurableness n. incurably adv. [ME f. OF incurable or LL incurabilis (as IN-(1), CURABLE)] incurious adj. 1 lacking curiosity. 2 heedless, careless. ЬЬincuriosity n. incuriously adv. incuriousness n. [L incuriosus (as IN-(1), CURIOUS)] incursion n. an invasion or attack, esp. when sudden or brief. ЬЬincursive adj. [ME f. L incursio (as INCUR)] incurve v.tr. 1 bend into a curve. 2 (as incurved adj.) curved inwards. ЬЬincurvation n. [L incurvare (as IN-(2), CURVE)] incus n. (pl. incudes) the small anvil-shaped bone in the middle ear, in contact with the malleus and stapes. [L, = anvil] incuse n., v., & adj. --n. an impression hammered or stamped on a coin. --v.tr. 1 mark (a coin) with a figure by stamping. 2 impress (a figure) on a coin by stamping. --adj. hammered or stamped on a coin. [L incusus past part. of incudere (as IN-(2), cudere forge)] Ind. abbr. 1 Independent. 2 a India. b Indian. 3 Indiana. indaba n. S.Afr. 1 a conference between or with members of S. African native tribes. 2 colloq. one's problem or concern. [Zulu, = business] indebted adj. (usu. foll. by to) 1 owing gratitude or obligation. 2 owing money. ЬЬindebtedness n. [ME f. OF endett‚ past part. of endetter involve in debt (as EN-(1), detter f. dette DEBT)] indecent adj. 1 offending against recognized standards of decency. 2 unbecoming; highly unsuitable (with indecent haste). Ьindecent assault a sexual attack not involving rape. indecent exposure the intentional act of publicly and indecently exposing one's body, esp. the genitals. ЬЬindecency n. (pl. -ies). indecently adv. [F ind‚cent or L indecens (as IN-(1), DECENT)] indecipherable adj. that cannot be deciphered. indecision n. lack of decision; hesitation. [F ind‚cision (as IN-(1), DECISION)] indecisive adj. 1 not decisive. 2 undecided, hesitating. ЬЬindecisively adv. indecisiveness n. indeclinable adj. Gram. 1 that cannot be declined. 2 having no inflections. [ME f. F ind‚clinable f. L indeclinabilis (as IN-(1), DECLINE)] indecorous adj. 1 improper. 2 in bad taste. ЬЬindecorously adv. indecorousness n. [L indecorus (as IN-(1), decorus seemly)] indecorum n. 1 lack of decorum. 2 improper behaviour. [L, neut. of indecorus: see INDECOROUS] indeed adv. & int. --adv. 1 in truth; really (they are, indeed, a remarkable family). 2 expressing emphasis or intensification (I shall be very glad indeed; indeed it is). 3 admittedly (there are indeed exceptions). 4 in point of fact (if indeed such a thing is possible). 5 expressing an approving or ironic echo (who is this Mr Smith? -- who is he indeed?). --int. expressing irony, contempt, incredulity, etc. indefatigable adj. (of a person, quality, etc.) that cannot be tired out; unwearying, unremitting. ЬЬindefatigability n. indefatigably adv. [obs. F ind‚fatigable or L indefatigabilis (as IN-(1), defatigare wear out)] indefeasible adj. literary (esp. of a claim, rights, etc.) that cannot be lost. ЬЬindefeasibility n. indefeasibly adv. indefectible adj. 1 unfailing; not liable to defect or decay. 2 faultless. [IN-(1) + defectible f. LL defectibilis (as DEFECT)] indefensible adj. that cannot be defended or justified. ЬЬindefensibility n. indefensibly adv. indefinable adj. that cannot be defined or exactly described. ЬЬindefinably adv. indefinite adj. 1 vague, undefined. 2 unlimited. 3 Gram. not determining the person, thing, time, etc., referred to. Ьindefinite article see ARTICLE. indefinite integral see INTEGRAL. indefinite pronoun Gram. a pronoun indicating a person, amount, etc., without being definite or particular, e.g. any, some, anyone. ЬЬindefiniteness n. [L indefinitus (as IN-(1), DEFINITE)] indefinitely adv. 1 for an unlimited time (was postponed indefinitely). 2 in an indefinite manner. indehiscent adj. Bot. (of fruit) not splitting open when ripe. ЬЬindehiscence n. indelible adj. 1 that cannot be rubbed out or (in abstract senses) removed. 2 (of ink etc.) that makes indelible marks. ЬЬindelibility n. indelibly adv. [F ind‚l‚bile or L indelebilis (as IN-(1), delebilis f. delere efface)] indelicate adj. 1 coarse, unrefined. 2 tactless. 3 tending to indecency. ЬЬindelicacy n. (pl. -ies). indelicately adv. indemnify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 (often foll. by from, against) protect or secure (a person) in respect of harm, a loss, etc. 2 (often foll. by for) secure (a person) against legal responsibility for actions. 3 (often foll. by for) compensate (a person) for a loss, expenses, etc. ЬЬindemnification n. indemnifier n. [L indemnis unhurt (as IN-(1), damnum loss, damage)] indemnity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a compensation for loss incurred. b a sum paid for this, esp. a sum exacted by a victor in war etc. as one condition of peace. 2 security against loss. 3 legal exemption from penalties etc. incurred. [ME f. F indemnit‚ or LL indemnitas -tatis (as INDEMNIFY)] indemonstrable adj. that cannot be proved (esp. of primary or axiomatic truths). indene n. Chem. a colourless flammable liquid hydrocarbon obtained from coal tar and used in making synthetic resins. [INDOLE + -ENE] indent(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. start (a line of print or writing) further from the margin than other lines, e.g. to mark a new paragraph. 2 tr. a divide (a document drawn up in duplicate) into its two copies with a zigzag line dividing them and ensuring identification. b draw up (usu. a legal document) in exact duplicate. 3 Brit. a intr. (often foll. by on, upon a person, for a thing) make a requisition (orig. a written order with a duplicate). b tr. order (goods) by requisition. 4 tr. make toothlike notches in. 5 tr. form deep recesses in (a coastline etc.). --n. 1 Brit. a an order (esp. from abroad) for goods. b an official requisition for stores. 2 an indented line. 3 indentation. 4 an indenture. ЬЬindenter n. indentor n. [ME f. AF endenter f. AL indentare (as IN-(2), L dens dentis tooth)] indent(2) v.tr. 1 make a dent in. 2 impress (a mark etc.). [ME f. IN-(2) + DENT] indentation n. 1 the act or an instance of indenting; the process of being indented. 2 a cut or notch. 3 a zigzag. 4 a deep recess in a coastline etc. indention n. 1 the indenting of a line in printing or writing. 2 = INDENTATION. indenture n. & v. --n. 1 an indented document (see INDENT(1) v. 2). 2 a sealed agreement or contract (usu. in pl.). 3 a formal list, certificate, etc. --v.tr. hist. bind (a person) by indentures, esp. as an apprentice. ЬЬindentureship n. [ME (orig. Sc.) f. AF endenture (as INDENT(1))] independence n. 1 (often foll. by of, from) the state of being independent. 2 independent income. ЬIndependence Day a day celebrating the anniversary of national independence, esp. 4 July in the US. independency n. (pl. -ies) 1 an independent State. 2 = INDEPENDENCE. independent adj. & n. --adj. 1 a (often foll. by of) not depending on authority or control. b self-governing. 2 a not depending on another person for one's opinion or livelihood. b (of income or resources) making it unnecessary to earn one's living. 3 unwilling to be under an obligation to others. 4 Polit. not belonging to or supported by a party. 5 not depending on something else for its validity, efficiency, value, etc. (independent proof). 6 (of broadcasting, a school, etc.) not supported by public funds. 7 (Independent) hist. Congregational. --n. 1 a person who is politically independent. 2 (Independent) hist. a Congregationalist. ЬЬindependently adv. in-depth see DEPTH. indescribable adj. 1 too unusual or extreme to be described. 2 vague, indefinite. ЬЬindescribability n. indescribably adv. indestructible adj. that cannot be destroyed. ЬЬindestructibility n. indestructibly adv. indeterminable adj. 1 that cannot be ascertained. 2 (of a dispute etc.) that cannot be settled. ЬЬindeterminably adv. [ME f. LL indeterminabilis (as IN-(1), L determinare DETERMINE)] indeterminate adj. 1 not fixed in extent, character, etc. 2 left doubtful; vague. 3 Math. (of a quantity) not limited to a fixed value by the value of another quantity. 4 (of a judicial sentence) such that the convicted person's conduct determines the date of release. Ьindeterminate vowel the obscure vowel heard in ' a mom ent ago'; a schwa. ЬЬindeterminacy n. indeterminately adv. indeterminateness n. [ME f. LL indeterminatus (as IN-(1), DETERMINATE)] indetermination n. 1 lack of determination. 2 the state of being indeterminate. indeterminism n. the belief that human action is not wholly determined by motives. ЬЬindeterminist n. indeterministic adj. index n. & v. --n. (pl. indexes or esp. in technical use indices) 1 an alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc., with references, usu. at the end of a book. 2 = card index. 3 (in full index number) a number showing the variation of prices or wages as compared with a chosen base period (retail price index; Dow-Jones index). 4 Math. a the exponent of a number. b the power to which it is raised. 5 a a pointer, esp. on an instrument, showing a quantity, a position on a scale, etc. b an indicator of a trend, direction, tendency, etc. c (usu. foll. by of) a sign, token, or indication of something. 6 Physics a number expressing a physical property etc. in terms of a standard (refractive index). 7 Computing a set of items each of which specifies one of the records of a file and contains information about its address. 8 (Index) RC Ch. hist. a list of books forbidden to Roman Catholics to read. 9 Printing a symbol shaped like a pointing hand, used to draw attention to a note etc. --v.tr. 1 provide (a book etc.) with an index. 2 enter in an index. 3 relate (wages etc.) to the value of a price index. Ьindex finger the forefinger. index-linked related to the value of a retail price index. ЬЬindexation n. indexer n. indexible adj. indexical adj. indexless adj. [ME f. L index indicis forefinger, informer, sign: sense 8 f. L Index librorum prohibitorum list of prohibited books] India ink n. US = Indian ink. [India in Asia: see INDIAN] Indiaman n. (pl. -men) Naut. hist. a ship engaged in trade with India or the East Indies. Indian n. & adj. --n. 1 a a native or national of India. b a person of Indian descent. 2 (in full American Indian) a member of the aboriginal peoples of America or their descendants. 3 any of the languages of the aboriginal peoples of America. --adj. 1 of or relating to India, or to the subcontinent comprising India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. 2 of or relating to the aboriginal peoples of America. ЬIndian clubs a pair of bottle-shaped clubs swung to exercise the arms in gymnastics. Indian corn maize. Indian elephant the elephant, Elephas maximus, of India, which is smaller than the African elephant. Indian file = single file. Indian hemp see HEMP 1. Indian ink Brit. 1 a black pigment made orig. in China and Japan. 2 a dark ink made from this, used esp. in drawing and technical graphics. Indian Ocean the ocean between Africa to the west, and Australia to the east. Indian rope-trick the supposed Indian feat of climbing an upright unsupported length of rope. Indian summer 1 a period of unusually dry warm weather sometimes occurring in late autumn. 2 a late period of life characterized by comparative calm. [ME f. India ult. f. Gk Indos the River Indus f. Pers. Hind: cf. HINDU] India paper n. 1 a soft absorbent kind of paper orig. imported from China, used for proofs of engravings. 2 a very thin tough opaque printing-paper. Indiarubber n. = RUBBER(1) 2. Indic adj. & n. --adj. of the group of Indo-European languages comprising Sanskrit and its modern descendants. --n. this language-group. [L Indicus f. Gk Indikos INDIAN] indicate v.tr. (often foll. by that + clause) 1 point out; make known; show. 2 be a sign or symptom of; express the presence of. 3 (often in passive) suggest; call for; require or show to be necessary (stronger measures are indicated). 4 admit to or state briefly (indicated his disapproval). 5 (of a gauge etc.) give as a reading. [L indicare (as IN-(2), dicare make known)] indication n. 1 the act or an instance of indicating. 2 something indicated or suggested. 3 a reading given by a gauge or instrument. [F f. L indicatio (as INDICATE)] indicative adj. & n. --adj. 1 (foll. by of) suggestive; serving as an indication. 2 Gram. (of a mood) denoting simple statement of a fact. --n. Gram. 1 the indicative mood. 2 a verb in this mood. ЬЬindicatively adv. [ME f. F indicatif -ive f. LL indicativus (as INDICATE)] indicator n. 1 a person or thing that indicates. 2 a device indicating the condition of a machine etc. 3 a recording instrument attached to an apparatus etc. 4 a board in a railway station etc. giving current information. 5 a device (esp. a flashing light) on a vehicle to show that it is about to change direction. 6 a substance which changes colour at a given stage in a chemical reaction. 7 Physics & Med. a radioactive tracer. indicatory adj. = INDICATIVE adj. 1. indices pl. of INDEX. indicia n.pl. 1 distinguishing or identificatory marks. 2 signs, indications. [pl. of L indicium (as INDEX)] indicial adj. 1 of the nature or form of an index. 2 of the nature of indicia; indicative. indict v.tr. accuse (a person) formally by legal process. ЬЬindictee n. indicter n. [ME f. AF enditer indict f. OF enditier declare f. Rmc indictare (unrecorded: as IN-(2), DICTATE)] indictable adj. 1 (of an offence) rendering the person who commits it liable to be charged with a crime. 2 (of a person) so liable. indictment n. 1 the act of indicting. 2 a a formal accusation. b a legal process in which this is made. c a document containing a charge. 3 something that serves to condemn or censure. [ME f. AF enditement (as INDICT)] indie n. colloq. an independent record or film company. Indies n.pl. (prec. by the) archaic India and adjacent regions (see also East Indies, West Indies). [pl. of obs. Indy India] indifference n. 1 lack of interest or attention. 2 unimportance (a matter of indifference). 3 neutrality. [L indifferentia (as INDIFFERENT)] indifferent adj. 1 neither good nor bad; average, mediocre. 2 a not especially good. b fairly bad. 3 (often prec. by very) decidedly inferior. 4 (foll. by to) having no partiality for or against; having no interest in or sympathy for. 5 chemically, magnetically, etc., neutral. ЬЬindifferently adv. [ME f. OF indifferent or L indifferens (as IN-(1), DIFFERENT)] indifferentism n. an attitude of indifference, esp. in religious matters. ЬЬindifferentist n. indigenize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make indigenous; subject to native influence. 2 subject to increased use of indigenous people in government etc. ЬЬindigenization n. indigenous adj. 1 a (esp. of flora or fauna) originating naturally in a region. b (of people) born in a region. 2 (foll. by to) belonging naturally to a place. ЬЬindigenously adv. indigenousness n. [L indigena f. indi- = IN-(2) + gen- be born] indigent adj. needy, poor. ЬЬindigence n. [ME f. OF f. LL indigere f. indi- = IN-(2) + egere need] indigested adj. 1 shapeless. 2 ill-considered. 3 not digested. indigestible adj. 1 difficult or impossible to digest. 2 too complex or awkward to read or comprehend easily. ЬЬindigestibility n. indigestibly adv. [F indigestible or LL indigestibilis (as IN-(1), DIGEST)] indigestion n. 1 difficulty in digesting food. 2 pain or discomfort caused by this. ЬЬindigestive adj. [ME f. OF indigestion or LL indigestio (as IN-(1), DIGESTION)] indignant adj. feeling or showing scornful anger or a sense of injured innocence. ЬЬindignantly adv. [L indignari indignant- regard as unworthy (as IN-(1), dignus worthy)] indignation n. scornful anger at supposed unjust or unfair conduct or treatment. [ME f. OF indignation or L indignatio (as INDIGNANT)] indignity n. (pl. -ies) 1 unworthy treatment. 2 a slight or insult. 3 the humiliating quality of something (the indignity of my position). [F indignit‚ or L indignitas (as INDIGNANT)] indigo n. (pl. -os) 1 a a natural blue dye obtained from the indigo plant. b a synthetic form of this dye. 2 any plant of the genus Indigofera. 3 (in full indigo blue) a colour between blue and violet in the spectrum. ЬЬindigotic adj. [16th-c. indico (f. Sp.), indigo (f. Port.) f. L indicum f. Gk indikon INDIAN (dye)] indirect adj. 1 not going straight to the point. 2 (of a route etc.) not straight. 3 not directly sought or aimed at (an indirect result). 4 (of lighting) from a concealed source and diffusely reflected. Ьindirect object Gram. a person or thing affected by a verbal action but not primarily acted on (e.g. him in give him the book). indirect question Gram. a question in reported speech (e.g. they asked who I was). indirect speech (or oration) = reported speech (see REPORT). indirect tax a tax levied on goods and services and not on income or profits. ЬЬindirectly adv. indirectness n. [ME f. OF indirect or med.L indirectus (as IN-(1), DIRECT)] indiscernible adj. that cannot be discerned or distinguished from another. ЬЬindiscernibility n. indiscernibly adv. indiscipline n. lack of discipline. indiscreet adj. 1 not discreet; revealing secrets. 2 injudicious, unwary. ЬЬindiscreetly adv. [ME f. LL indiscretus (as IN-(1), DISCREET)] indiscrete adj. not divided into distinct parts. [L indiscretus (as IN-(1), DISCRETE)] indiscretion n. 1 lack of discretion; indiscreet conduct. 2 an indiscreet action, remark, etc. [ME f. OF indiscretion or LL indiscretio (as IN-(1), DISCRETION)] indiscriminate adj. 1 making no distinctions. 2 confused, promiscuous. ЬЬindiscriminately adv. indiscriminateness n. indiscrimination n. indiscriminative adj. [IN-(1) + discriminate (adj.) f. L discriminatus past part. (as DISCRIMINATE)] indispensable adj. 1 (often foll. by to, for) that cannot be dispensed with; necessary. 2 (of a law, duty, etc.) that is not to be set aside. ЬЬindispensability n. indispensableness n. indispensably adv. [med.L indispensabilis (as IN-(1), DISPENSABLE)] indispose v.tr. 1 (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) make unfit or unable. 2 (often foll. by towards, from, or to + infin.) make averse. indisposed adj. 1 slightly unwell. 2 averse or unwilling. indisposition n. 1 ill health, a slight or temporary ailment. 2 disinclination. 3 aversion. [F indisposition or IN-(1) + DISPOSITION] indisputable adj. 1 that cannot be disputed. 2 unquestionable. ЬЬindisputability n. indisputableness n. indisputably adv. [LL indisputabilis (as IN-(1), DISPUTABLE)] indissolubilist n. & adj. --n. a person who believes that the Church should not remarry divorcees. --adj. of or holding this belief. indissoluble adj. 1 that cannot be dissolved or decomposed. 2 lasting, stable (an indissoluble bond). ЬЬindissolubility n. indissolubly adv. [L indissolubilis (as IN-(1), DISSOLUBLE)] indistinct adj. 1 not distinct. 2 confused, obscure. ЬЬindistinctly adv. indistinctness n. [ME f. L indistinctus (as IN-(1), DISTINCT)] indistinctive adj. not having distinctive features. ЬЬindistinctively adv. indistinctiveness n. indistinguishable adj. (often foll. by from) not distinguishable. ЬЬindistinguishableness n. indistinguishably adv. indite v.tr. formal or joc. 1 put (a speech etc.) into words. 2 write (a letter etc.). [ME f. OF enditier: see INDICT] indium n. Chem. a soft silvery-white metallic element occurring naturally in zinc blende etc., used for electroplating and in semiconductors. °Symb.: In. [L indicum indigo with ref. to its characteristic spectral lines] indivertible adj. that cannot be turned aside. ЬЬindivertibly adv. individual adj. & n. --adj. 1 single. 2 particular, special; not general. 3 having a distinct character. 4 characteristic of a particular person. 5 designed for use by one person. --n. 1 a single member of a class. 2 a single human being as distinct from a family or group. 3 colloq. a person (a most unpleasant individual). [ME, = indivisible, f. med.L individualis (as IN-(1), dividuus f. dividere DIVIDE)] individualism n. 1 the habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant. 2 a social theory favouring the free action of individuals. 3 self-centred feeling or conduct; egoism. ЬЬindividualist n. individualistic adj. individualistically adv. individuality n. (pl. -ies) 1 individual character, esp. when strongly marked. 2 (in pl.) individual tastes etc. 3 separate existence. individualize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 give an individual character to. 2 specify. ЬЬindividualization n. individually adv. 1 personally; in an individual capacity. 2 in a distinctive manner. 3 one by one; not collectively. individuate v.tr. individualize; form into an individual. ЬЬindividuation n. [med.L individuare (as INDIVIDUAL)] indivisible adj. 1 not divisible. 2 not distributable among a number. ЬЬindivisibility n. indivisibly adv. [ME f. LL indivisibilis (as IN-(1), DIVISIBLE)] Indo- comb. form Indian; Indian and. [L Indus f. Gk Indos] Indo-Aryan n. & adj. --n. 1 a member of any of the Aryan peoples of India. 2 the Indic group of languages. --adj. of or relating to the Indo-Aryans or Indo-Aryan. Indo-Chinese adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Indo-China in SE Asia. --n. a native of Indo-China; a person of Indo-Chinese descent. indocile adj. not docile. ЬЬindocility n. [F indocile or L indocilis (as IN-(1), DOCILE)] indoctrinate v.tr. 1 teach (a person or group) systematically or for a long period to accept (esp. partisan or tendentious) ideas uncritically. 2 teach, instruct. ЬЬindoctrination n. indoctrinator n. [IN-(2) + DOCTRINE + -ATE(3)] Indo-European adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to the family of languages spoken over the greater part of Europe and Asia as far as N. India. 2 of or relating to the hypothetical parent language of this family. --n. 1 the Indo-European family of languages. 2 the hypothetical parent language of all languages belonging to this family. 3 (usu. in pl.) a speaker of an Indo-European language. Indo-Iranian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to the subfamily of Indo-European languages spoken chiefly in N. India and Iran. --n. this subfamily. indole n. Chem. an organic compound with a characteristic odour formed on the reduction of indigo. [INDIGO + L oleum oil] indoleacetic acid n. Biochem. any of the several isomeric acetic acid derivatives of indole, esp. one found as a natural growth hormone in plants. °Abbr.: IAA. [INDOLE + ACETIC] indolent adj. 1 lazy; wishing to avoid activity or exertion. 2 Med. causing no pain (an indolent tumour). ЬЬindolence n. indolently adv. [LL indolens (as IN-(1), dolere suffer pain)] Indology n. the study of Indian history, literature, etc. ЬЬIndologist n. indomitable adj. 1 that cannot be subdued; unyielding. 2 stubbornly persistent. ЬЬindomitability n. indomitableness n. indomitably adv. [LL indomitabilis (as IN-(1), L domitare tame)] Indonesian n. & adj. --n. 1 a a native or national of Indonesia in SE Asia. b a person of Indonesian descent. 2 a member of the chief pre-Malay population of the E. Indies. 3 a language of the group spoken in the E. Indies, esp. the official language of the Indonesian Republic (see also BAHASA INDONESIA). --adj. of or relating to Indonesia or its people or language. [Indonesia f. INDIES after Polynesia] indoor adj. situated, carried on, or used within a building or under cover (indoor aerial; indoor games). [earlier within-door: cf. INDOORS] indoors adv. into or within a building. [earlier within doors] indorse var. of ENDORSE. indraught n. (US indraft) 1 the drawing in of something. 2 an inward flow or current. indrawn adj. 1 (of breath etc.) drawn in. 2 aloof. indri n. (pl. indris) a large lemur, Indri indri, of Madagascar. [Malagasy indry behold, mistaken for its name] indubitable adj. that cannot be doubted. ЬЬindubitably adv. [F indubitable or L indubitabilis (as IN-(1), dubitare to doubt)] induce v.tr. 1 (often foll. by to + infin.) prevail on; persuade. 2 bring about; give rise to. 3 Med. bring on (labour) artificially, esp. by use of drugs. 4 Electr. produce (a current) by induction. 5 Physics cause (radioactivity) by bombardment. 6 infer; derive as a deduction. ЬЬinducer n. inducible adj. [ME f. L inducere induct- (as IN-(2), ducere lead)] inducement n. 1 (often foll. by to) an attraction that leads one on. 2 a thing that induces. induct v.tr. (often foll. by to, into) 1 introduce formally into possession of a benefice. 2 install into a room, office, etc. 3 introduce, initiate. 4 US enlist (a person) for military service. ЬЬinductee n. [ME (as INDUCE)] inductance n. Electr. the property of an electric circuit that causes an electromotive force to be generated by a change in the current flowing. induction n. 1 the act or an instance of inducting or inducing. 2 Med. the process of bringing on (esp. labour) by artificial means. 3 Logic a the inference of a general law from particular instances (cf. DEDUCTION). b Math. a means of proving a theorem by showing that if it is true of any particular case it is true of the next case in a series, and then showing that it is indeed true in one particular case. c (foll. by of) the production of (facts) to prove a general statement. 4 (often attrib.) a formal introduction to a new job, position, etc. (attended an induction course). 5 Electr. a the production of an electric or magnetic state by the proximity (without contact) of an electrified or magnetized body. b the production of an electric current in a conductor by a change of magnetic field. 6 the drawing of a fuel mixture into the cylinders of an internal-combustion engine. 7 US enlistment for military service. Ьinduction-coil a coil for generating intermittent high voltage from a direct current. induction heating heating by an induced electric current. [ME f. OF induction or L inductio (as INDUCE)] inductive adj. 1 (of reasoning etc.) of or based on induction. 2 of electric or magnetic induction. ЬЬinductively adv. inductiveness n. [LL inductivus (as INDUCE)] inductor n. 1 Electr. a component (in a circuit) which possesses inductance. 2 a person who inducts a member of the clergy. [L (as INDUCE)] indue var. of ENDUE. indulge v. 1 intr. (often foll. by in) take pleasure freely. 2 tr. yield freely to (a desire etc.). 3 tr. gratify the wishes of; favour (indulged them with money). 4 intr. colloq. take alcoholic liquor. ЬЬindulger n. [L indulgere indult- give free rein to] indulgence n. 1 a the act of indulging. b the state of being indulgent. 2 something indulged in. 3 RC Ch. the remission of temporal punishment in purgatory, still due for sins after absolution. 4 a privilege granted. ЬDeclaration of Indulgence the proclamation of religious liberties, esp. under Charles II in 1672 and James II in 1687. [ME f. OF f. L indulgentia (as INDULGENT)] indulgent adj. 1 ready or too ready to overlook faults etc. 2 indulging or tending to indulge. ЬЬindulgently adv. [F indulgent or L indulgere indulgent- (as INDULGE)] indumentum n. (pl. indumenta) Bot. the covering of hairs on part of a plant, esp. when dense. [L, = garment] induna n. 1 S.Afr. a tribal councillor or headman. 2 a an African foreman. b a person in authority. [Nguni inDuna captain, councillor] indurate v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become hard. 2 tr. make callous or unfeeling. 3 intr. become inveterate. ЬЬinduration n. indurative adj. [L indurare (as IN-(2), durus hard)] indusium n. (pl. indusia) 1 a membranous shield covering the fruit-cluster of a fern. 2 a collection of hairs enclosing the stigma of some flowers. 3 the case of a larva. ЬЬindusial adj. [L, = tunic, f. induere put on (a garment)] industrial adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to industry or industries. 2 designed or suitable for industrial use (industrial alcohol). 3 characterized by highly developed industries (the industrial nations). --n. (in pl.) shares in industrial companies. Ьindustrial action Brit. any action, esp. a strike or work to rule, taken by employees as a protest. industrial archaeology the study of machines, factories, bridges, etc., formerly used in industry. industrial estate Brit. an area of land developed for the siting of industrial enterprises. industrial relations the relations between management and workers in industries. the Industrial Revolution the rapid development of a nation's industry (esp. in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th c.). ЬЬindustrially adv. [INDUSTRY + -AL: in 19th c. partly f. F industriel] industrialism n. a social or economic system in which manufacturing industries are prevalent. industrialist n. a person engaged in the management of industry. industrialize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. introduce industries to (a country or region etc.). 2 intr. become industrialized. ЬЬindustrialization n. industrious adj. diligent, hard-working. ЬЬindustriously adv. industriousness n. [F industrieux or LL industriosus (as INDUSTRY)] industry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a branch of trade or manufacture. b trade and manufacture collectively (incentives to industry). 2 concerted or copious activity (the building was a hive of industry). 3 a diligence. b colloq. the diligent study of a particular topic (the Shakespeare industry). 4 habitual employment in useful work. [ME, = skill, f. F industrie or L industria diligence] indwell v. (past and past part. indwelt) literary 1 intr. (often foll. by in) be permanently present as a spirit, principle, etc. 2 tr. inhabit spiritually. ЬЬindweller n. -ine(1) suffix forming adjectives, meaning 'belonging to, of the nature of' (Alpine; asinine). [from or after F - in -ine, or f. L -inus] -ine(2) suffix forming adjectives esp. from names of minerals, plants, etc. (crystalline). [L -inus from or after Gk -inos] -ine(3) suffix forming feminine nouns (heroine; margravine). [F f. L -ina f. Gk -ine, or f. G -in] -ine(4) suffix 1 forming (esp. abstract) nouns (discipline; medicine). 2 Chem. forming nouns denoting derived substances, esp. alkaloids, halogens, amines, and amino acids. [F f. L -ina (fem.) = -INE(1)] inebriate v., adj., & n. --v.tr. 1 make drunk; intoxicate. 2 excite. --adj. drunken. --n. a drunken person, esp. a habitual drunkard. ЬЬinebriation n. inebriety n. [ME f. L inebriatus past part. of inebriare (as IN-(2), ebrius drunk)] inedible adj. not edible, esp. not suitable for eating (cf. UNEATABLE). ЬЬinedibility n. inedited adj. 1 not published. 2 published without editorial alterations or additions. ineducable adj. incapable of being educated, esp. through mental retardation. ЬЬineducability n. ineffable adj. 1 unutterable; too great for description in words. 2 that must not be uttered. ЬЬineffability n. ineffably adv. [ME f. OF ineffable or L ineffabilis (as IN-(1), effari speak out, utter)] ineffaceable adj. that cannot be effaced. ЬЬineffaceability n. ineffaceably adv. ineffective adj. 1 not producing any effect or the desired effect. 2 (of a person) inefficient; not achieving results. 3 lacking artistic effect. ЬЬineffectively adv. ineffectiveness n. ineffectual adj. 1 a without effect. b not producing the desired or expected effect. 2 (of a person) lacking the ability to achieve results (an ineffectual leader). ЬЬineffectuality n. ineffectually adv. ineffectualness n. [ME f. med.L ineffectualis (as IN-(1), EFFECTUAL)] inefficacious adj. (of a remedy etc.) not producing the desired effect. ЬЬinefficaciously adv. inefficaciousness n. inefficacy n. inefficient adj. 1 not efficient. 2 (of a person) not fully capable; not well qualified. ЬЬinefficiency n. inefficiently adv. inelastic adj. 1 not elastic. 2 unadaptable, inflexible, unyielding. ЬЬinelastically adv. inelasticity n. inelegant adj. 1 ungraceful. 2 a unrefined. b (of a style) unpolished. ЬЬinelegance n. inelegantly adv. [F in‚l‚gant f. L inelegans (as IN-(1), ELEGANT)] ineligible adj. 1 not eligible. 2 undesirable. ЬЬineligibility n. ineligibly adv. ineluctable adj. 1 against which it is useless to struggle. 2 that cannot be escaped from. ЬЬineluctability n. ineluctably adv. [L ineluctabilis (as IN-(1), eluctari struggle out)] inept adj. 1 unskilful. 2 absurd, silly. 3 out of place. ЬЬineptitude n. ineptly adv. ineptness n. [L ineptus (as IN-(1), APT)] inequable adj. 1 not fairly distributed. 2 not uniform. [L inaequabilis uneven (as IN-(1), EQUABLE)] inequality n. (pl. -ies) 1 a lack of equality in any respect. b an instance of this. 2 the state of being variable. 3 (of a surface) irregularity. 4 Math. a formula affirming that two expressions are not equal. [ME f. OF inequalit‚ or L inaequalitas (as IN-(1), EQUALITY)] inequitable adj. unfair, unjust. ЬЬinequitably adv. inequity n. (pl. -ies) unfairness, bias. ineradicable adj. that cannot be rooted out. ЬЬineradicably adv. inerrant adj. not liable to err. ЬЬinerrancy n. [L inerrans (as IN-(1), ERR)] inert adj. 1 without inherent power of action, motion, or resistance. 2 without active chemical or other properties. 3 sluggish, slow. Ьinert gas = noble gas. ЬЬinertly adv. inertness n. [L iners inert- (as IN-(1), ars ART(1))] inertia n. 1 Physics a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force. 2 inertness, sloth. Ьinertia reel a reel device which allows a vehicle seat belt to unwind freely but which locks under force of impact or rapid deceleration. inertia selling the sending of unsolicited goods in the hope of making a sale. ЬЬinertial adj. inertialess adj. [L (as INERT)] inescapable adj. that cannot be escaped or avoided. ЬЬinescapability n. inescapably adv. -iness suffix forming nouns corresponding to adjectives in -y (see -Y(1), -LY(2)). inessential adj. & n. --adj. 1 not necessary. 2 dispensable. --n. an inessential thing. inestimable adj. too great, intense, precious, etc., to be estimated. ЬЬinestimably adv. [ME f. OF f. L inaestimabilis (as IN-(1), ESTIMABLE)] inevitable adj. 1 a unavoidable; sure to happen. b that is bound to occur or appear. 2 colloq. that is tiresomely familiar. 3 (of character-drawing, the development of a plot, etc.) so true to nature etc. as to preclude alternative treatment or solution; convincing. ЬЬinevitability n. inevitableness n. inevitably adv. [L inevitabilis (as IN-(1), evitare avoid)] inexact adj. not exact. ЬЬinexactitude n. inexactly adv. inexactness n. inexcusable adj. (of a person, action, etc.) that cannot be excused or justified. ЬЬinexcusably adv. [ME f. L inexcusabilis (as IN-(1), EXCUSE)] inexhaustible adj. that cannot be exhausted or used up. ЬЬinexhaustibility n. inexhaustibly adv. inexorable adj. 1 relentless. 2 (of a person or attribute) that cannot be persuaded by request or entreaty. ЬЬinexorability n. inexorably adv. [F inexorable or L inexorabilis (as IN-(1), exorare entreat)] inexpedient adj. not expedient. ЬЬinexpediency n. inexpensive adj. 1 not expensive, cheap. 2 offering good value for the price. ЬЬinexpensively adv. inexpensiveness n. inexperience n. lack of experience, or of the resulting knowledge or skill. ЬЬinexperienced adj. [F inexp‚rience f. LL inexperientia (as IN-(1), EXPERIENCE)] inexpert adj. unskilful; lacking expertise. ЬЬinexpertly adv. inexpertness n. [OF f. L inexpertus (as IN-(1), EXPERT)] inexpiable adj. (of an act or feeling) that cannot be expiated or appeased. ЬЬinexpiably adv. [L inexpiabilis (as IN-(1), EXPIATE)] inexplicable adj. that cannot be explained or accounted for. ЬЬinexplicability n. inexplicably adv. [F inexplicable or L inexplicabilis that cannot be unfolded (as IN-(1), EXPLICABLE)] inexplicit adj. not definitely or clearly expressed. ЬЬinexplicitly adv. inexplicitness n. inexpressible adj. that cannot be expressed in words. ЬЬinexpressibly adv. inexpressive adj. not expressive. ЬЬinexpressively adv. inexpressiveness n. inexpungible adj. that cannot be expunged or obliterated. in extenso adv. in full; at length. [L] inextinguishable adj. 1 not quenchable; indestructible. 2 (of laughter etc.) irrepressible. in extremis adj. 1 at the point of death. 2 in great difficulties. [L] inextricable adj. 1 (of a circumstance) that cannot be escaped from. 2 (of a knot, problem, etc.) that cannot be unravelled or solved. 3 intricately confused. ЬЬinextricability n. inextricably adv. [ME f. L inextricabilis (as IN-(1), EXTRICATE)] infallible adj. 1 incapable of error. 2 (of a method, test, proof, etc.) unfailing; sure to succeed. 3 RC Ch. (of the Pope) unable to err in pronouncing dogma as doctrinally defined. ЬЬinfallibility n. infallibly adv. [ME f. F infaillible or LL infallibilis (as IN-(1), FALLIBLE)] infamous adj. 1 notoriously bad; having a bad reputation. 2 abominable. 3 (in ancient law) deprived of all or some rights of a citizen on account of serious crime. ЬЬinfamously adv. infamy n. (pl. -ies). [ME f. med.L infamosus f. L infamis (as IN-(1), FAME)] infancy n. (pl. -ies) 1 early childhood; babyhood. 2 an early state in the development of an idea, undertaking, etc. 3 Law the state of being a minor. [L infantia (as INFANT)] infant n. 1 a a child during the earliest period of its life. b Brit. a schoolchild below the age of seven years. 2 (esp. attrib.) a thing in an early stage of its development. 3 Law a minor; a person under 18. Ьinfant mortality death before the age of one. [ME f. OF enfant f. L infans unable to speak (as IN-(1), fans fantis pres. part. of fari speak)] infanta n. hist. a daughter of the ruling monarch of Spain or Portugal (usu. the eldest daughter who is not heir to the throne). [Sp. & Port., fem. of INFANTE] infante n. hist. the second son of the ruling monarch of Spain or Portugal. [Sp. & Port. f. L (as INFANT)] infanticide n. 1 the killing of an infant soon after birth. 2 the practice of killing newborn infants. 3 a person who kills an infant. ЬЬinfanticidal adj. [F f. LL infanticidium, -cida (as INFANT)] infantile adj. 1 a like or characteristic of a child. b childish, immature (infantile humour). 2 in its infancy. Ьinfantile paralysis poliomyelitis. ЬЬinfantility n. (pl. -ies). [F infantile or L infantilis (as INFANT)] infantilism n. 1 childish behaviour. 2 Psychol. the persistence of infantile characteristics or behaviour in adult life. infantry n. (pl. -ies) a body of soldiers who march and fight on foot; foot-soldiers collectively. [F infanterie f. It. infanteria f. infante youth, infantryman (as INFANT)] infantryman n. (pl. -men) a soldier of an infantry regiment. infarct n. Med. a small localized area of dead tissue caused by an inadequate blood supply. ЬЬinfarction n. [mod.L infarctus (as IN-(2), L farcire farct- stuff)] infatuate v.tr. 1 inspire with intense usu. transitory fondness or admiration. 2 affect with extreme folly. ЬЬinfatuation n. [L infatuare (as IN-(2), fatuus foolish)] infatuated adj. (often foll. by with) affected by an intense fondness or admiration. infauna n. any animals which live just below the surface of the seabed. [Da. ifauna (as IN-(2), FAUNA)] infeasible adj. not feasible; that cannot easily be done. ЬЬinfeasibility n. infect v.tr. 1 contaminate (air, water, etc.) with harmful organisms or noxious matter. 2 affect (a person) with disease etc. 3 instil bad feeling or opinion into (a person). ЬЬinfector n. [ME f. L inficere infect- taint (as IN-(2), facere make)] infection n. 1 a the process of infecting or state of being infected. b an instance of this; an infectious disease. 2 communication of disease, esp. by the agency of air or water etc. 3 a moral contamination. b the diffusive influence of example, sympathy, etc. [ME f. OF infection or LL infectio (as INFECT)] infectious adj. 1 infecting with disease. 2 (of a disease) liable to be transmitted by air, water, etc. 3 (of emotions etc.) apt to spread; quickly affecting others. ЬЬinfectiously adv. infectiousness n. infective adj. 1 capable of infecting with disease. 2 infectious. ЬЬinfectiveness n. [L infectivus (as INFECT)] infelicitous adj. not felicitous; unfortunate. ЬЬinfelicitously adv. infelicity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a inaptness of expression etc. b an instance of this. 2 a unhappiness. b a misfortune. [ME f. L infelicitas (as IN-(1), FELICITY)] infer v.tr. (inferred, inferring) (often foll. by that + clause) 1 deduce or conclude from facts and reasoning. 2 disp. imply, suggest. ЬЬinferable adj. (also inferrable). [L inferre (as IN-(2), ferre bring)] inference n. 1 the act or an instance of inferring. 2 Logic a the forming of a conclusion from premisses. b a thing inferred. ЬЬinferential adj. inferentially adv. [med.L inferentia (as INFER)] inferior adj. & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by to) a lower; in a lower position. b of lower rank, quality, etc. 2 poor in quality. 3 (of a planet) having an orbit within the earth's. 4 Bot. situated below an ovary or calyx. 5 (of figures or letters) written or printed below the line. --n. 1 a person inferior to another, esp. in rank. 2 an inferior letter or figure. ЬЬinferiorly adv. [ME f. L, compar. of inferus that is below] inferiority n. the state of being inferior. Ьinferiority complex an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere, sometimes marked by aggressive behaviour in compensation. infernal adj. 1 a of hell or the underworld. b hellish, fiendish. 2 colloq. detestable, tiresome. ЬЬinfernally adv. [ME f. OF f. LL infernalis f. L infernus situated below] inferno n. (pl. -os) 1 a raging fire. 2 a scene of horror or distress. 3 hell, esp. with ref. to Dante's Divine Comedy. [It. f. LL infernus (as INFERNAL)] infertile adj. not fertile. ЬЬinfertility n. [F infertile or LL infertilis (as IN-(1), FERTILE)] infest v.tr. (of harmful persons or things, esp. vermin or disease) overrun (a place) in large numbers. ЬЬinfestation n. [ME f. F infester or L infestare assail f. infestus hostile] infidel n. & adj. --n. 1 a person who does not believe in religion or in a particular religion; an unbeliever. 2 hist. an adherent of a religion other than Christianity, esp. a Muslim. --adj. 1 that is an infidel. 2 of unbelievers. [ME f. F infidЉle or L infidelis (as IN-(1), fidelis faithful)] infidelity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a disloyalty or unfaithfulness, esp. to a husband or wife. b an instance of this. 2 disbelief in Christianity or another religion. [ME f. F infid‚lit‚ or L infidelitas (as INFIDEL)] infield n. 1 Cricket a the part of the ground near the wicket. b the fielders stationed there. 2 Baseball a the area between the four bases. b the four fielders stationed on its boundaries. 3 farm land around or near a homestead. 4 a arable land. b land regularly manured and cropped. ЬЬinfielder n. (in sense 2). infighting n. 1 hidden conflict or competitiveness within an organization. 2 boxing at closer quarters than arm's length. ЬЬinfighter n. infill n. & v. --n. 1 material used to fill a hole, gap, etc. 2 the placing of buildings to occupy the space between existing ones. --v.tr. fill in (a cavity etc.). infilling n. = INFILL n. infiltrate v. 1 tr. a gain entrance or access to surreptitiously and by degrees (as spies etc.). b cause to do this. 2 tr. permeate by filtration. 3 tr. (often foll. by into, through) introduce (fluid) by filtration. ЬЬinfiltration n. infiltrator n. [IN-(2) + FILTRATE] infinite adj. & n. --adj. 1 boundless, endless. 2 very great. 3 (usu. with pl.) innumerable; very many (infinite resources). 4 Math. a greater than any assignable quantity or countable number. b (of a series) that may be continued indefinitely. 5 Gram. (of a verb part) not limited by person or number, e.g. infinitive, gerund, and participle. --n. 1 (the Infinite) God. 2 (the infinite) infinite space. ЬЬinfinitely adv. infiniteness n. [ME f. L infinitus (as IN-(1), FINITE)] infinitesimal adj. & n. --adj. infinitely or very small. --n. an infinitesimal amount. Ьinfinitesimal calculus the differential and integral calculuses regarded as one subject. ЬЬinfinitesimally adv. [mod.L infinitesimus f. INFINITE: cf. CENTESIMAL] infinitive n. & adj. --n. a form of a verb expressing the verbal notion without reference to a particular subject, tense, etc. (e.g. see in we came to see, let him see). --adj. having this form. ЬЬinfinitival adj. infinitivally adv. [L infinitivus (as IN-(1), finitivus definite f. finire finit- define)] infinitude n. 1 the state of being infinite; boundlessness. 2 (often foll. by of) a boundless number or extent. [L infinitus: see INFINITE, -TUDE] infinity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state of being infinite. 2 an infinite number or extent. 3 infinite distance. 4 Math. infinite quantity. °Symb.: 1!1! [ME f. OF infinit‚ or L infinitas (as INFINITE)] infirm adj. 1 physically weak, esp. through age. 2 (of a person, mind, judgement, etc.) weak, irresolute. ЬЬinfirmity n. (pl. -ies). infirmly adv. [ME f. L infirmus (as IN-(1), FIRM(1))] infirmary n. (pl. -ies) 1 a hospital. 2 a place for those who are ill in a monastery, school, etc. [med.L infirmaria (as INFIRM)] infix v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by in) a fix (a thing in another). b impress (a fact etc. in the mind). 2 Gram. insert (a formative element) into the body of a word. --n. Gram. a formative element inserted in a word. ЬЬinfixation n. [L infigere infix- (as IN-(2), FIX): (n.) after prefix, suffix] in flagrante delicto adj. in the very act of committing an offence. [L, = in blazing crime] inflame v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by with, by) provoke or become provoked to strong feeling, esp. anger. 2 Med. a intr. become hot, reddened, and sore. b tr. cause inflammation or fever in (a body etc.); make hot. 3 tr. aggravate. 4 intr. & tr. catch or set on fire. 5 tr. light up with or as if with flames. ЬЬinflamer n. [ME f. OF enflammer f. L inflammare (as IN-(2), flamma flame)] inflammable adj. & n. --adj. 1 easily set on fire; flammable. 2 easily excited. --n. (usu. in pl.) an inflammable substance. ЬЬinflammability n. inflammableness n. inflammably adv. [INFLAME after F inflammable] inflammation n. 1 the act or an instance of inflaming. 2 Med. a localized physical condition with heat, swelling, redness, and usu. pain, esp. as a reaction to injury or infection. [L inflammatio (as INFLAME)] inflammatory adj. 1 (esp. of speeches, leaflets, etc.) tending to cause anger etc. 2 of or tending to inflammation of the body. inflatable adj. & n. --adj. that can be inflated. --n. an inflatable plastic or rubber object. inflate v.tr. 1 distend (a balloon etc.) with air. 2 (usu. foll. by with; usu. in passive) puff up (a person with pride etc.). 3 a (often absol.) bring about inflation (of the currency). b raise (prices) artificially. 4 (as inflated adj.) (esp. of language, sentiments, etc.) bombastic. ЬЬinflatedly adv. inflatedness n. inflater n. inflator n. [L inflare inflat- (as IN-(2), flare blow)] inflation n. 1 a the act or condition of inflating or being inflated. b an instance of this. 2 Econ. a a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. b an increase in available currency regarded as causing this. ЬЬinflationary adj. inflationism n. inflationist n. & adj. [ME f. L inflatio (as INFLATE)] inflect v. 1 tr. change the pitch of (the voice, a musical note, etc.). 2 Gram. a tr. change the form of (a word) to express tense, gender, number, mood, etc. b intr. (of a word, language, etc.) undergo such change. 3 tr. bend inwards; curve. ЬЬinflective adj. [ME f. L inflectere inflex- (as IN-(2), flectere bend)] inflection n. (also inflexion) 1 a the act or condition of inflecting or being inflected. b an instance of this. 2 Gram. a the process or practice of inflecting words. b an inflected form of a word. c a suffix etc. used to inflect, e.g. -ed. 3 a modulation of the voice. 4 Geom. a change of curvature from convex to concave at a particular point on a curve. ЬЬinflectional adj. inflectionally adv. inflectionless adj. [F inflection or L inflexio (as INFLECT)] inflexible adj. 1 unbendable. 2 stiff; immovable; obstinate (old and inflexible in his attitudes). 3 unchangeable; inexorable. ЬЬinflexibility n. inflexibly adv. [L inflexibilis (as IN-(1), FLEXIBLE)] inflict v.tr. (usu. foll. by on, upon) 1 administer, deal (a stroke, wound, defeat, etc.). 2 (also refl.) often joc. impose (suffering, a penalty, oneself, one's company, etc.) on (shall not inflict myself on you any longer). ЬЬinflictable adj. inflicter n. inflictor n. [L infligere inflict- (as IN-(2), fligere strike)] infliction n. 1 the act or an instance of inflicting. 2 something inflicted, esp. a troublesome or boring experience. [LL inflictio (as INFLICT)] inflight attrib.adj. occurring or provided during an aircraft flight. inflorescence n. 1 Bot. a the complete flower-head of a plant including stems, stalks, bracts, and flowers. b the arrangement of this. 2 the process of flowering. [mod.L inflorescentia f. LL inflorescere (as IN-(2), FLORESCENCE)] inflow n. 1 a flowing in. 2 something that flows in. ЬЬinflowing n. & adj. influence n. & v. --n. 1 a (usu. foll. by on, upon) the effect a person or thing has on another. b (usu. foll. by over, with) moral ascendancy or power. c a thing or person exercising such power (is a good influence on them). 2 Astrol. an ethereal fluid supposedly flowing from the stars and affecting character and destiny. 3 Electr. archaic = INDUCTION. --v.tr. exert influence on; have an effect on. Ьunder the influence colloq. affected by alcoholic drink. ЬЬinfluenceable adj. influencer n. [ME f. OF influence or med.L influentia inflow f. L influere flow in (as IN-(2), fluere flow)] influent adj. & n. --adj. flowing in. --n. a tributary stream. [ME f. L (as INFLUENCE)] influential adj. having a great influence or power (influential in the financial world). ЬЬinfluentially adv. [med.L influentia INFLUENCE] influenza n. a highly contagious virus infection causing fever, severe aching, and catarrh, often occurring in epidemics. ЬЬinfluenzal adj. [It. f. med.L influentia INFLUENCE] influx n. 1 a continual stream of people or things (an influx of complaints). 2 (usu. foll. by into) a flowing in, esp. of a stream etc. [F influx or LL influxus (as IN-(2), FLUX)] info n. colloq. information. [abbr.] infold var. of ENFOLD. inform v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by of, about, on, or that, how + clause) tell (informed them of their rights; informed us that the train was late). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by against, on) make an accusation. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by with) literary inspire or imbue (a person, heart, or thing) with a feeling, principle, quality, etc. 4 tr. impart its quality to; permeate. ЬЬinformant n. [ME f. OF enfo(u)rmer f. L informare give shape to, fashion, describe (as IN-(2), forma form)] informal adj. 1 without ceremony or formality (just an informal chat). 2 (of language, clothing, etc.) everyday; normal. Ьinformal vote NZ & Austral. an invalid vote or voting paper. ЬЬinformality n. (pl. -ies). informally adv. informatics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) the science of processing data for storage and retrieval; information science. [transl. Russ. informatika (as INFORMATION, -ICS)] information n. 1 a something told; knowledge. b (usu. foll. by on, about) items of knowledge; news (the latest information on the crisis). 2 Law (usu. foll. by against) a charge or complaint lodged with a court or magistrate. 3 a the act of informing or telling. b an instance of this. Ьinformation retrieval the tracing of information stored in books, computers, etc. information science the study of the processes for storing and retrieving information. information theory Math. the quantitative study of the transmission of information by signals etc. ЬЬinformational adj. informationally adv. [ME f. OF f. L informatio -onis (as INFORM)] informative adj. (also informatory) giving information; instructive. ЬЬinformatively adv. informativeness n. [med.L informativus (as INFORM)] informed adj. 1 knowing the facts; instructed (his answers show that he is badly informed). 2 educated; intelligent. ЬЬinformedly also adv. informedness also n. informer n. 1 a person who informs against another. 2 a person who informs or advises. infra adv. below, further on (in a book or writing). [L, = below] infra- comb. form 1 below (opp. SUPRA-). 2 Anat. below or under a part of the body. [from or after L infra below, beneath] infraction n. esp. Law a violation or infringement. ЬЬinfract v.tr. infractor n. [L infractio (as INFRINGE)] infra dig predic.adj. colloq. beneath one's dignity; unbecoming. [abbr. of L infra dignitatem] infrangible adj. 1 unbreakable. 2 inviolable. ЬЬinfrangibility n. infrangibleness n. infrangibly adv. [obs.F infrangible or med.L infrangibilis (as IN-(1), FRANGIBLE)] infrared adj. 1 having a wavelength just greater than the red end of the visible light spectrum but less than that of radio waves. 2 of or using such radiation. infrasonic adj. of or relating to sound waves with a frequency below the lower limit of human audibility. ЬЬinfrasonically adv. infrasound n. sound waves with frequencies below the lower limit of human audibility. infrastructure n. 1 a the basic structural foundations of a society or enterprise; a substructure or foundation. b roads, bridges, sewers, etc., regarded as a country's economic foundation. 2 permanent installations as a basis for military etc. operations. [F (as INFRA-, STRUCTURE)] infrequent adj. not frequent. ЬЬinfrequency n. infrequently adv. [L infrequens (as IN-(1), FREQUENT)] infringe v. 1 tr. a act contrary to; violate (a law, an oath, etc.). b act in defiance of (another's rights etc.). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by on, upon) encroach; trespass. ЬЬinfringement n. infringer n. [L infringere infract- (as IN-(2), frangere break)] infula n. (pl. infulae) Eccl. either of the two ribbons on a bishop's mitre. [L, = woollen fillet worn by priest etc.] infundibular adj. funnel-shaped. [L infundibulum funnel f. infundere pour in (as IN-(2), fundere pour)] infuriate v. & adj. --v.tr. fill with fury; enrage. --adj. literary excited to fury; frantic. ЬЬinfuriating adj. infuriatingly adv. infuriation n. [med.L infuriare infuriat- (as IN-(2), L furia FURY)] infuse v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by with) imbue; pervade (anger infused with resentment). 2 tr. steep (herbs, tea, etc.) in liquid to extract the content. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by into) instil (grace, spirit, life, etc.). 4 intr. undergo infusion (let it infuse for five minutes). 5 tr. (usu. foll. by into) pour (a thing). ЬЬinfusable adj. infuser n. infusive adj. [ME f. L infundere infus- (as IN-(2), fundere pour)] infusible adj. not able to be fused or melted. ЬЬinfusibility n. infusion n. 1 a liquid obtained by infusing. 2 an infused element; an admixture. 3 Med. a slow injection of a substance into a vein or tissue. 4 a the act of infusing. b an instance of this. [ME f. F infusion or L infusio (as INFUSE)] infusorial earth n. = KIESELGUHR. [mod.L infusoria, formerly a class of protozoa found in decaying animal or vegetable matter (as INFUSE)] -ing(1) suffix forming gerunds and nouns from verbs (or occas. from nouns), denoting: 1 a the verbal action or its result (asking; carving; fighting; learning). b the verbal action as described or classified in some way (tough going). 2 material used for or associated with a process etc. (piping; washing). 3 an occupation or event (banking; wedding). 4 a set or arrangement of (colouring; feathering). [OE -ung, -ing f. Gmc] -ing(2) suffix 1 forming the present participle of verbs (asking; fighting), often as adjectives (charming; strapping). 2 forming adjectives from nouns (hulking) and verbs (balding). [ME alt. of OE -ende, later - inde] -ing(3) suffix forming nouns meaning 'one belonging to' or 'one having the quality of', surviving esp. in names of coins and fractional parts (farthing; gelding; riding). [OE f. Gmc] ingather v.tr. gather in; assemble. ingathering n. the act or an instance of gathering in, esp. of a harvest. ingeminate v.tr. literary repeat; reiterate. Ьingeminate peace constantly urge peace. [L ingeminare ingeminat- (as IN-(2), GEMINATE)] ingenious adj. 1 clever at inventing, constructing, organizing, etc.; skilful; resourceful. 2 (of a machine, theory, etc.) cleverly contrived. ЬЬingeniously adv. ingeniousness n. [ME, = talented, f. F ing‚nieux or L ingeniosus f. ingenium cleverness: cf. ENGINE] ing‚nue n. 1 an innocent or unsophisticated young woman. 2 Theatr. a such a part in a play. b the actress who plays this part. [F, fem. of ing‚nu INGENUOUS] ingenuity n. skill in devising or contriving; ingeniousness. [L ingenuitas ingenuousness (as INGENUOUS): Engl. meaning by confusion of INGENIOUS with INGENUOUS] ingenuous adj. 1 innocent; artless. 2 open; frank. ЬЬingenuously adv. ingenuousness n. [L ingenuus free-born, frank (as IN-(2), root of gignere beget)] ingest v.tr. 1 take in (food etc.); eat. 2 absorb (facts, knowledge, etc.). ЬЬingestion n. ingestive adj. [L ingerere ingest- (as IN-(2), gerere carry)] inglenook n. a space within the opening on either side of a large fireplace. [dial. (orig. Sc.) ingle fire burning on a hearth, perh. f. Gael. aingeal fire, light, + NOOK] inglorious adj. 1 shameful; ignominious. 2 not famous. ЬЬingloriously adv. ingloriousness n. -ingly suffix forming adverbs esp. denoting manner of action or nature or condition (dotingly; charmingly; slantingly). ingoing adj. 1 going in; entering. 2 penetrating; thorough. ingot n. a usu. oblong piece of cast metal, esp. of gold, silver, or steel. [ME: perh. f. IN(1) + goten past part. of OE geotan cast] ingraft var. of ENGRAFT. ingrain adj. 1 inherent; ingrained. 2 (of textiles) dyed in the fibre, before being woven. Ьingrain carpet a reversible carpet, with different colours interwoven. ingrained attrib. adj. 1 deeply rooted; inveterate. 2 thorough. 3 (of dirt etc.) deeply embedded. ЬЬingrainedly adv. [var. of engrained: see ENGRAIN] ingrate n. & adj. formal or literary --n. an ungrateful person. --adj. ungrateful. [ME f. L ingratus (as IN-(1), gratus grateful)] ingratiate v.refl. (usu. foll. by with) bring oneself into favour. ЬЬingratiating adj. ingratiatingly adv. ingratiation n. [L in gratiam into favour] ingratitude n. a lack of due gratitude. [ME f. OF ingratitude or LL ingratitudo (as INGRATE)] ingravescent adj. Med. (of a disease etc.) growing worse. ЬЬingravescence n. [L ingravescere (as IN-(2), gravescere grow heavy f. gravis heavy)] ingredient n. a component part or element in a recipe, mixture, or combination. [ME f. L ingredi ingress- enter (as IN-(2), gradi step)] ingress n. 1 the act or right of going in or entering. 2 Astron. the start of an eclipse or transit. ЬЬingression n. [ME f. L ingressus (as INGREDIENT)] in-group n. a small exclusive group of people with a common interest. ingrowing adj. growing inwards, esp. (of a toenail) growing into the flesh. ЬЬingrown adj. ingrowth n. inguinal adj. of the groin. ЬЬinguinally adv. [L inguinalis f. inguen -inis groin] ingulf var. of ENGULF. ingurgitate v.tr. 1 swallow greedily. 2 engulf. ЬЬingurgitation n. [L ingurgitare ingurgitat- (as IN-(2), gurges gurgitis whirlpool)] inhabit v.tr. (inhabited, inhabiting) (of a person or animal) dwell in; occupy (a region, town, house, etc.). ЬЬinhabitability n. inhabitable adj. inhabitant n. inhabitation n. [ME inhabite, enhabite f. OF enhabiter or L inhabitare (as IN-(2), habitare dwell): see HABIT] inhabitancy n. (also inhabitance) residence as an inhabitant, esp. during a specified period so as to acquire rights etc. inhalant n. a medicinal preparation for inhaling. inhale v.tr. (often absol.) breathe in (air, gas, tobacco-smoke, etc.). ЬЬinhalation n. [L inhalare breathe in (as IN-(2), halare breathe)] inhaler n. a portable device used for relieving esp. asthma by inhaling. inharmonic adj. esp. Mus. not harmonic. inharmonious adj. esp. Mus. not harmonious. ЬЬinharmoniously adv. inhere v.intr. (often foll. by in) 1 exist essentially or permanently in (goodness inheres in that child). 2 (of rights etc.) be vested in (a person etc.). [L inhaerere inhaes- (as IN-(2), haerere to stick)] inherent adj. (often foll. by in) 1 existing in something, esp. as a permanent or characteristic attribute. 2 vested in (a person etc.) as a right or privilege. ЬЬinherence n. inherently adv. [L inhaerere inhaerent- (as INHERE)] inherit v. (inherited, inheriting) 1 tr. receive (property, rank, title, etc.) by legal descent or succession. 2 tr. derive (a quality or characteristic) genetically from one's ancestors. 3 absol. succeed as an heir (a younger son rarely inherits). ЬЬinheritor n. (fem. inheritress or inheritrix). [ME f. OF enheriter f. LL inhereditare (as IN-(2), L heres heredis heir)] inheritable adj. 1 capable of being inherited. 2 capable of inheriting. ЬЬinheritability n. [ME f. AF (as INHERIT)] inheritance n. 1 something that is inherited. 2 a the act of inheriting. b an instance of this. Ьinheritance tax a tax levied on property etc. acquired by gift or inheritance. °Introduced in the UK in 1986 to replace Capital Transfer Tax. [ME f. AF inheritaunce f. OF enheriter: see INHERIT] inhesion n. formal the act or fact of inhering. [LL inhaesio (as INHERE)] inhibit v.tr. (inhibited, inhibiting) 1 hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or progress). 2 (as inhibited adj.) subject to inhibition. 3 a (usu. foll. by from + verbal noun) forbid or prohibit (a person etc.). b (esp. in ecclesiastical law) forbid (an ecclesiastic) to exercise clerical functions. ЬЬinhibitive adj. inhibitor n. inhibitory adj. [L inhibere (as IN-(2), habere hold)] inhibition n. 1 Psychol. a restraint on the direct expression of an instinct. 2 colloq. an emotional resistance to a thought, an action, etc. (has inhibitions about singing in public). 3 Law an order forbidding alteration to property rights. 4 a the act of inhibiting. b the process of being inhibited. [ME f. OF inhibition or L inhibitio (as INHIBIT)] inhomogeneous adj. not homogeneous. ЬЬinhomogeneity n. inhospitable adj. 1 not hospitable. 2 (of a region, coast, etc.) not affording shelter etc. ЬЬinhospitableness n. inhospitably adv. [obs. F (as IN-(1), HOSPITABLE)] inhospitality n. the act or process of being inhospitable. [L inhospitalitas (as IN-(1), HOSPITALITY)] in-house adj. & adv. --adj. done or existing within an institution, company, etc. (an in-house project). --adv. internally, without outside assistance. inhuman adj. 1 (of a person, conduct, etc.) brutal; unfeeling; barbarous. 2 not of a human type. ЬЬinhumanly adv. [L inhumanus (as IN-(1), HUMAN)] inhumane adj. not humane. ЬЬinhumanely adv. [L inhumanus (see INHUMAN) & f. IN-(1) + HUMANE, orig. = INHUMAN] inhumanity n. (pl. -ies) 1 brutality; barbarousness; callousness. 2 an inhumane act. inhume v.tr. literary bury. ЬЬinhumation n. [L inhumare (as IN-(2), humus ground)] inimical adj. (usu. foll. by to) 1 hostile. 2 harmful. ЬЬinimically adv. [LL inimicalis f. L inimicus (as IN-(1), amicus friend)] inimitable adj. impossible to imitate. ЬЬinimitability n. inimitableness n. inimitably adv. [F inimitable or L inimitabilis (as IN-(1), imitabilis imitable)] iniquity n. (pl. -ies) 1 wickedness; unrighteousness. 2 a gross injustice. ЬЬiniquitous adj. iniquitously adv. iniquitousness n. [ME f. OF iniquit‚ f. L iniquitas -tatis f. iniquus (as IN-(1), aequus just)] initial adj., n., & v. --adj. of, existing, or occurring at the beginning (initial stage; initial expenses). --n. 1 = initial letter. 2 (usu. in pl.) the first letter or letters of the words of a (esp. a person's) name or names. --v.tr. (initialled, initialling; US initialed, initialing) mark or sign with one's initials. Ьinitial letter (or consonant) a letter or consonant at the beginning of a word. initial teaching alphabet a 44-letter phonetic alphabet used to help those beginning to read and write English. ЬЬinitially adv. [L initialis f. initium beginning f. inire init- go in] initialism n. a group of initial letters used as an abbreviation for a name or expression, each letter being pronounced separately (e.g. BBC) (cf. ACRONYM). initialize v.tr. (also -ise) (often foll. by to) Computing set to the value or put in the condition appropriate to the start of an operation. ЬЬinitialization n. initiate v., n., & adj. --v.tr. 1 begin; set going; originate. 2 a (usu. foll. by into) admit (a person) into a society, an office, a secret, etc., esp. with a ritual. b (usu. foll. by in, into) instruct (a person) in science, art, etc. --n. a person who has been newly initiated. --adj. (of a person) newly initiated (an initiate member). ЬЬinitiation n. initiator n. initiatory adj. [L initiare f. initium: see INITIAL] initiative n. & adj. --n. 1 the ability to initiate things; enterprise (I'm afraid he lacks all initiative). 2 a first step; origination (a peace initiative). 3 the power or right to begin something. 4 Polit. (esp. in Switzerland and some US States) the right of citizens outside the legislature to originate legislation. --adj. beginning; originating. Ьhave the initiative esp. Mil. be able to control the enemy's movements. on one's own initiative without being prompted by others. take the initiative (usu. foll. by in + verbal noun) be the first to take action. [F (as INITIATE)] inject v.tr. 1 Med. a (usu. foll. by into) drive or force (a solution, medicine, etc.) by or as if by a syringe. b (usu. foll. by with) fill (a cavity etc.) by injecting. c administer medicine etc. to (a person) by injection. 2 place or insert (an object, a quality, etc.) into something (may I inject a note of realism?). ЬЬinjectable adj. & n. injector n. [L injicere (as IN-(2), jacere throw)] injection n. 1 a the act of injecting. b an instance of this. 2 a liquid or solution (to be) injected (prepare a morphine injection). Ьinjection moulding the shaping of rubber or plastic articles by injecting heated material into a mould. [F injection or L injectio (as INJECT)] injudicious adj. unwise; ill-judged. ЬЬinjudiciously adv. injudiciousness n. Injun n. colloq. US or dial. an American Indian. [corrupt.] injunction n. 1 an authoritative warning or order. 2 Law a judicial order restraining a person from an act or compelling redress to an injured party. ЬЬinjunctive adj. [LL injunctio f. L injungere ENJOIN] injure v.tr. 1 do physical harm or damage to; hurt (was injured in a road accident). 2 harm or impair (illness might injure her chances). 3 do wrong to. ЬЬinjurer n. [back-form. f. INJURY] injured adj. 1 harmed or hurt (the injured passengers). 2 offended; wronged (in an injured tone). injurious adj. 1 hurtful. 2 (of language) insulting; libellous. 3 wrongful. ЬЬinjuriously adv. injuriousness n. [ME f. F injurieux or L injuriosus (as INJURY)] injury n. (pl. -ies) 1 a physical harm or damage. b an instance of this (suffered head injuries). 2 esp. Law a wrongful action or treatment. b an instance of this. 3 damage to one's good name etc. Ьinjury time Brit. Football extra playing-time allowed by a referee to compensate for time lost in dealing with injuries. [ME f. AF injurie f. L injuria a wrong (as IN-(1), jus juris right)] injustice n. 1 a lack of fairness or justice. 2 an unjust act. Ьdo a person an injustice judge a person unfairly. [ME f. OF f. L injustitia (as IN-(1), JUSTICE)] ink n. & v. --n. 1 a a coloured fluid used for writing with a pen, marking with a rubber stamp, etc. b a thick paste used in printing, duplicating, in ball-point pens, etc. 2 Zool. a black liquid ejected by a cuttlefish, octopus, etc. to confuse a predator. --v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by in, over, etc.) mark with ink. 2 cover (type etc.) with ink before printing. 3 apply ink to. 4 (as inked adj.) Austral. sl. drunk. Ьink-blot test = RORSCHACH TEST. ink-cap any fungus of the genus Coprinus. ink-horn hist. a small portable horn container for ink. ink out obliterate with ink. ink-pad an ink-soaked pad, usu. in a box, used for inking a rubber stamp etc. ink-well a pot for ink usu. housed in a hole in a desk. ЬЬinker n. [ME enke, inke f. OF enque f. LL encau(s)tum f. Gk egkauston purple ink used by Roman emperors for signature (as EN-(2), CAUSTIC)] inkling n. (often foll. by of) a slight knowledge or suspicion; a hint. [ME inkle utter in an undertone, of unkn. orig.] inkstand n. a stand for one or more ink bottles, often incorporating a pen tray etc. inky adj. (inkier, inkiest) of, as black as, or stained with ink. ЬЬinkiness n. inlaid past and past part. of INLAY. inland adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 situated in the interior of a country. 2 esp. Brit. carried on within the limits of a country; domestic (inland trade). --n. the parts of a country remote from the sea or frontiers; the interior. --adv. in or towards the interior of a country. Ьinland duty a tax payable on inland trade. inland revenue Brit. revenue consisting of taxes and inland duties. Inland Revenue (in the UK) the government department responsible for assessing and collecting such taxes. ЬЬinlander n. inlandish adj. in-law n. (often in pl.) a relative by marriage. inlay v. & n. --v.tr. (past and past part. inlaid) 1 a (usu. foll. by in) embed (a thing in another) so that the surfaces are even. b (usu. foll. by with) ornament (a thing with inlaid work). 2 (as inlaid adj.) (of a piece of furniture etc.) ornamented by inlaying. 3 insert (a page, an illustration, etc.) in a space cut in a larger thicker page. --n. 1 inlaid work. 2 material inlaid. 3 a filling shaped to fit a tooth-cavity. ЬЬinlayer n. [IN-(2) + LAY(1)] inlet n. 1 a small arm of the sea, a lake, or a river. 2 a piece inserted, esp. in dressmaking etc. 3 a way of entry. [ME f. IN + LET(1) v.] inlier n. Geol. a structure or area of older rocks completely surrounded by newer rocks. [IN, after outlier] in-line adj. 1 having parts arranged in a line. 2 constituting an integral part of a continuous sequence of operations or machines. in loco parentis adv. in the place or position of a parent (used of a teacher etc. responsible for children). [L] inly adv. poet. 1 inwardly; in the heart. 2 intimately; thoroughly. [OE innlice (as IN, -LY(2))] inlying adj. situated within, or near a centre. inmate n. (usu. foll. by of) 1 an occupant of a hospital, prison, institution, etc. 2 an occupant of a house etc., esp. one of several. [prob. orig. INN + MATE(1), assoc. with IN] in medias res adv. 1 into the midst of things. 2 into the middle of a story, without preamble. [L] in memoriam prep. & n. --prep. in memory of (a dead person). --n. a written article or notice etc. in memory of a dead person; an obituary. [L] inmost adj. 1 most inward. 2 most intimate; deepest. [OE innemest (as IN, -MOST)] inn n. 1 a public house providing alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises, and sometimes accommodation etc. 2 hist. a house providing accommodation, esp. for travellers. ЬInn of Court Brit. Law 1 each of the four legal societies having the exclusive right of admitting people to the English bar. 2 any of the sets of buildings in London belonging to these societies. 3 a similar society in Ireland. Inns of Chancery Brit. hist. buildings in London formerly used as hostels for law students. [OE inn (as IN)] innards n.pl. colloq. 1 entrails. 2 works (of an engine etc.). [dial. etc. pronunc. of inwards: see INWARD n.] innate adj. 1 inborn; natural. 2 Philos. originating in the mind. ЬЬinnately adv. innateness n. [ME f. L innatus (as IN-(2), natus past part. of nasci be born)] inner adj. & n. --adj. (usu. attrib.) 1 further in; inside; interior (the inner compartment). 2 (of thoughts, feelings, etc.) deeper; more secret. --n. Archery 1 a division of the target next to the bull's-eye. 2 a shot that strikes this. Ьinner bar Brit. Law Queen's or King's Counsel collectively. inner city the central most densely populated area of a city (also (with hyphen) attrib.: inner-city housing). inner-directed Psychol. governed by standards formed in childhood. inner man (or woman) 1 the soul or mind. 2 joc. the stomach. inner planet an inferior planet (see INFERIOR adj. 3). inner space 1 the region between the earth and outer space, or below the surface of the sea. 2 the part of the mind not normally accessible to consciousness. inner-spring US = interior-sprung. Inner Temple one of the two Inns of Court on the site of the Temple in London (cf. Middle Temple). inner tube a separate inflatable tube inside the cover of a pneumatic tyre. ЬЬinnerly adv. innermost adj. innerness n. [OE innera (adj.), compar. of IN] innervate v.tr. supply (an organ etc.) with nerves. ЬЬinnervation n. [IN-(2) + L nervus nerve + -ATE(3)] inning n. US an innings at baseball etc. [in (v.) go in (f. IN)] innings n. (pl. same or colloq. inningses) 1 esp. Cricket a the part of a game during which a side is in or batting. b the play of or score achieved by a player during a turn at batting. 2 a period during which a government, party, cause, etc. is in office or effective. 3 a a period during which a person can achieve something. b colloq. a person's life span (had a good innings and died at 94). innkeeper n. a person who keeps an inn. innocent adj. & n. --adj. 1 free from moral wrong; sinless. 2 (usu. foll. by of) not guilty (of a crime etc.). 3 a simple; guileless; na‹ve. b pretending to be guileless. 4 harmless. 5 (foll. by of) colloq. without, lacking (appeared, innocent of shoes). --n. 1 an innocent person, esp. a young child. 2 (in pl.) the young children killed by Herod after the birth of Jesus (Matt. 2:16). ЬInnocents' (or Holy Innocents') Day the day, 28 Dec., commemorating the massacre of the innocents. ЬЬinnocence n. innocency n. innocently adv. [ME f. OF innocent or L innocens innocent- (as IN-(1), nocere hurt)] innocuous adj. 1 not injurious; harmless. 2 inoffensive. ЬЬinnocuity n. innocuously adv. innocuousness n. [L innocuus (as IN-(1), nocuus formed as INNOCENT)] innominate adj. unnamed. Ьinnominate bone n. Anat. the bone formed from the fusion of the ilium, ischium, and pubis; the hip-bone. [LL innominatus (as IN-(1), NOMINATE)] innovate v.intr. 1 bring in new methods, ideas, etc. 2 (often foll. by in) make changes. ЬЬinnovation n. innovational adj. innovator n. innovative adj. innovatory adj. [L innovare make new, alter (as IN-(2), novus new)] innoxious adj. harmless. ЬЬinnoxiously adv. innoxiousness n. [L innoxius (as IN-(1), NOXIOUS)] innuendo n. & v. --n. (pl. -oes or -os) 1 an allusive or oblique remark or hint, usu. disparaging. 2 a remark with a double meaning, usu. suggestive. --v.intr. (-oes, -oed) make innuendoes. [L, = by nodding at, by pointing to: ablat. gerund of innuere nod at (as IN-(2), nuere nod)] Innuit var. of INUIT. innumerable adj. too many to be counted. ЬЬinnumerability n. innumerably adv. [ME f. L innumerabilis (as IN-(1), NUMERABLE)] innumerate adj. having no knowledge of or feeling for mathematical operations; not numerate. ЬЬinnumeracy n. [IN-(1), NUMERATE] innutrition n. lack of nutrition. ЬЬinnutritious adj. inobservance n. 1 inattention. 2 (usu. foll. by of) non-observance (of a law etc.). [F inobservance or L inobservantia (as IN-(1), OBSERVANCE)] inoculate v.tr. 1 a treat (a person or animal) with a small quantity of the agent of a disease, in the form of vaccine or serum, usu. by injection, to promote immunity against the disease. b implant (a disease) by means of vaccine. 2 instil (a person) with ideas or opinions. ЬЬinoculable adj. inoculation n. inoculative adj. inoculator n. [orig. in sense 'insert (a bud) into a plant': L inoculare inoculat- engraft (as IN-(2), oculus eye, bud)] inoculum n. (pl. inocula) any substance used for inoculation. [mod.L (as INOCULATE)] inodorous adj. having no smell; odourless. in-off n. Billiards the act of pocketing a ball by bouncing it off another ball. inoffensive adj. not objectionable; harmless. ЬЬinoffensively adv. inoffensiveness n. inoperable adj. 1 Surgery that cannot suitably be operated on (inoperable cancer). 2 that cannot be operated; inoperative. ЬЬinoperability n. inoperably adv. [F inop‚rable (as IN-(1), OPERABLE)] inoperative adj. not working or taking effect. inopportune adj. not appropriate, esp. as regards time; unseasonable. ЬЬinopportunely adv. inopportuneness n. [L inopportunus (as IN-(1), OPPORTUNE)] inordinate adj. 1 immoderate; excessive. 2 intemperate. 3 disorderly. ЬЬinordinately adv. [ME f. L inordinatus (as IN-(1), ordinatus past part. of ordinare ORDAIN)] inorganic adj. 1 Chem. (of a compound) not organic, usu. of mineral origin (opp. ORGANIC). 2 without organized physical structure. 3 not arising by natural growth; extraneous. 4 Philol. not explainable by normal etymology. Ьinorganic chemistry the chemistry of inorganic compounds. ЬЬinorganically adv. inosculate v.intr. & tr. 1 join by running together. 2 join closely. ЬЬinosculation n. [IN-(2) + L osculare provide with a mouth f. osculum dimin. of os mouth] in-patient n. a patient who lives in hospital while under treatment. in propria persona adv. in his or her own person. [L] input n. & v. --n. 1 what is put in or taken in, or operated on by any process or system. 2 Electronics a a place where, or a device through which, energy, information, etc., enters a system (a tape recorder with inputs for microphone and radio). b energy supplied to a device or system; an electrical signal. 3 the information fed into a computer. 4 the action or process of putting in or feeding in. 5 a contribution of information etc. --v.tr. (inputting; past and past part. input or inputted) (often foll. by into) 1 put in. 2 Computing supply (data, programs, etc., to a computer, program, etc.). Ьinput- (or input/) output Computing etc. of, relating to, or for input and output. ЬЬinputter n. inquest n. 1 Law a an inquiry by a coroner's court into the cause of a death. b a judicial inquiry to ascertain the facts relating to an incident etc. c a coroner's jury. 2 colloq. a discussion analysing the outcome of a game, an election, etc. [ME f. OF enqueste (as ENQUIRE)] inquietude n. uneasiness of mind or body. [ME f. OF inquietude or LL inquietudo f. L inquietus (as IN-(1), quietus quiet)] inquiline n. an animal living in the home of another; a commensal. ЬЬinquilinous adj. [L inquilinus sojourner (as IN-(2), colere dwell)] inquire v. 1 intr. seek information formally; make a formal investigation. 2 intr. & tr. = ENQUIRE. ЬЬinquirer n. [var. of ENQUIRE] inquiry n. (pl. -ies) 1 an investigation, esp. an official one. 2 = ENQUIRY. Ьinquiry agent Brit. a private detective. inquisition n. 1 usu. derog. an intensive search or investigation. 2 a judicial or official inquiry. 3 (the Inquisition) RC Ch. hist. an ecclesiastical tribunal for the suppression of heresy, esp. in Spain, operating through torture and execution. ЬЬinquisitional adj. [ME f. OF f. L inquisitio -onis examination (as INQUIRE)] inquisitive adj. 1 unduly curious; prying. 2 seeking knowledge; inquiring. ЬЬinquisitively adv. inquisitiveness n. [ME f. OF inquisitif -ive f. LL inquisitivus (as INQUISITION)] inquisitor n. 1 an official investigator. 2 hist. an officer of the Inquisition. ЬGrand Inquisitor the director of the court of Inquisition in some countries. Inquisitor General the head of the Spanish Inquisition. [F inquisiteur f. L inquisitor -oris (as INQUIRE)] inquisitorial adj. 1 of or like an inquisitor. 2 offensively prying. 3 Law (of a trial etc.) in which the judge has a prosecuting role (opp. ACCUSATORIAL). ЬЬinquisitorially adv. [med.L inquisitorius (as INQUISITOR)] inquorate adj. not constituting a quorum. in re prep. = RE(1). [L, = in the matter of] INRI abbr. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. [L Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum] inroad n. 1 (often in pl.; usu. foll. by on, into) an encroachment; a using up of resources etc. (makes inroads on my time). 2 a hostile attack; a raid. [IN + ROAD(1) in sense 'riding'] inrush n. a rushing in; an influx. ЬЬinrushing adj. & n. ins. abbr. 1 inches. 2 insurance. insalubrious adj. (of a climate or place) unhealthy. ЬЬinsalubrity n. [L insalubris (as IN-(1), SALUBRIOUS)] insane adj. 1 not of sound mind; mad. 2 colloq. extremely foolish; irrational. ЬЬinsanely adv. insaneness n. insanity n. (pl. -ies). [L insanus (as IN-(1), sanus healthy)] insanitary adj. not sanitary; dirty or germ-carrying. insatiable adj. 1 unable to be satisfied. 2 (usu. foll. by of) extremely greedy. ЬЬinsatiability n. insatiably adv. [ME f. OF insaciable or L insatiabilis (as IN-(1), SATIATE)] insatiate adj. never satisfied. [L insatiatus (as IN-(1), SATIATE)] inscape n. literary the unique inner quality or essence of an object etc. as shown in a work of art, esp. a poem. [perh. f. IN-(2) + -SCAPE] inscribe v.tr. 1 a (usu. foll. by in, on) write or carve (words etc.) on stone, metal, paper, a book, etc. b (usu. foll. by with) mark (a sheet, tablet, etc.) with characters. 2 (usu. foll. by to) write an informal dedication (to a person) in or on (a book etc.). 3 enter the name of (a person) on a list or in a book. 4 Geom. draw (a figure) within another so that some or all points of it lie on the boundary of the other (cf. CIRCUMSCRIBE). 5 (esp. as inscribed adj.) Brit. issue (stock etc.) in the form of shares with registered holders. ЬЬinscribable adj. inscriber n. [L inscribere inscript- (as IN-(2), scribere write)] inscription n. 1 words inscribed, esp. on a monument, coin, stone, or in a book etc. 2 a the act of inscribing, esp. the informal dedication of a book etc. b an instance of this. ЬЬinscriptional adj. inscriptive adj. [ME f. L inscriptio (as INSCRIBE)] inscrutable adj. wholly mysterious, impenetrable. ЬЬinscrutability n. inscrutableness n. inscrutably adv. [ME f. eccl.L inscrutabilis (as IN-(1), scrutari search: see SCRUTINY)] insect n. 1 a any arthropod of the class Insecta, having a head, thorax, abdomen, two antennae, three pairs of thoracic legs, and usu. one or two pairs of thoracic wings. b (loosely) any other small segmented invertebrate animal. 2 an insignificant or contemptible person or creature. ЬЬinsectile adj. [L insectum (animal) notched (animal) f. insecare insect- (as IN-(2), secare cut)] insectarium n. (also insectary) (pl. insectariums or insectaries) a place for keeping insects. insecticide n. a substance used for killing insects. ЬЬinsecticidal adj. insectivore n. 1 any mammal of the order Insectivora feeding on insects etc., e.g. a hedgehog or mole. 2 any plant which captures and absorbs insects. ЬЬinsectivorous adj. [F f. mod.L insectivorus (as INSECT, -VORE: see -VOROUS)] insecure adj. 1 (of a person or state of mind) uncertain; lacking confidence. 2 a unsafe; not firm or fixed. b (of ice, ground, etc.) liable to give way. ЬЬinsecurely adv. insecurity n. inselberg n. an isolated hill or mountain rising abruptly from its surroundings. [G, = island mountain] inseminate v.tr. 1 introduce semen into (a female) by natural or artificial means. 2 sow (seed etc.). ЬЬinsemination n. inseminator n. [L inseminare (as IN-(2), SEMEN)] insensate adj. 1 without physical sensation; unconscious. 2 without sensibility; unfeeling. 3 stupid. ЬЬinsensately adv. [eccl.L insensatus (as IN-(1), sensatus f. sensus SENSE)] insensibility n. 1 unconsciousness. 2 a lack of mental feeling or emotion; hardness. 3 (often foll. by to) indifference. [F insensibilit‚ or LL insensibilitas (as INSENSIBLE)] insensible adj. 1 a without one's mental faculties; unconscious. b (of the extremities etc.) numb; without feeling. 2 (usu. foll. by of, to) unaware; indifferent (insensible of her needs). 3 without emotion; callous. 4 too small or gradual to be perceived; inappreciable. ЬЬinsensibly adv. [ME f. OF insensible or L insensibilis (as IN-(1), SENSIBLE)] insensitive adj. (often foll. by to) 1 unfeeling; boorish; crass. 2 not sensitive to physical stimuli. ЬЬinsensitively adv. insensitiveness n. insensitivity n. insentient adj. not sentient; inanimate. ЬЬinsentience n. inseparable adj. & n. --adj. 1 (esp. of friends) unable or unwilling to be separated. 2 Gram. (of a prefix, or a verb in respect of it) unable to be used as a separate word, e.g.: dis-, mis-, un-. --n. (usu. in pl.) an inseparable person or thing, esp. a friend. ЬЬinseparability n. inseparably adv. [ME f. L inseparabilis (as IN-(1), SEPARABLE)] insert v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by in, into, between, etc.) place, fit, or thrust (a thing) into another. 2 (usu. foll. by in, into) introduce (a letter, word, article, advertisement, etc.) into a newspaper etc. 3 (as inserted adj.) Anat. etc. (of a muscle etc.) attached (at a specific point). --n. something inserted, e.g. a loose page in a magazine, a piece of cloth in a garment, a shot in a cinema film. ЬЬinsertable adj. inserter n. [L inserere (as IN-(2), serere sert- join)] insertion n. 1 the act or an instance of inserting. 2 an amendment etc. inserted in writing or printing. 3 each appearance of an advertisement in a newspaper etc. 4 an ornamental section of needlework inserted into plain material (lace insertions). 5 the manner or place of attachment of a muscle, an organ, etc. 6 the placing of a spacecraft in an orbit. [LL insertio (as INSERT)] in-service adj. (of training) intended for those actively engaged in the profession or activity concerned. inset n. & v. --n. 1 a an extra page or pages inserted in a folded sheet or in a book; an insert. b a small map, photograph, etc., inserted within the border of a larger one. 2 a piece let into a dress etc. --v.tr. (insetting; past and past part. inset or insetted) 1 put in as an inset. 2 decorate with an inset. ЬЬinsetter n. inshallah int. if Allah wills it. [Arab. in sa' Allah] inshore adv. & adj. at sea but close to the shore. Ьinshore of nearer to shore than. inside n., adj., adv., & prep. --n. 1 a the inner side or surface of a thing. b the inner part; the interior. 2 a (of a path) the side next to the wall or away from the road. b (of a double-decker bus) the lower section. 3 (usu. in pl.) colloq. the stomach and bowels (something wrong with my insides). 4 colloq. a position affording inside information (knows someone on the inside). --adj. 1 situated on or in, or derived from, the inside. 2 Football & Hockey nearer to the centre of the field (inside forward; inside left; inside right). --adv. 1 on, in, or to the inside. 2 sl. in prison. --prep. 1 on the inner side of; within (inside the house). 2 in less than (inside an hour). Ьinside country Austral. settled areas near the coast. inside information information not accessible to outsiders. inside job colloq. a crime committed by a person living or working on the premises burgled etc. inside of colloq. 1 in less than (a week etc.). 2 Brit. the middle part of. inside out with the inner surface turned outwards. inside track 1 the track which is shorter, because of the curve. 2 a position of advantage. know a thing inside out know a thing thoroughly. turn inside out 1 turn the inner surface outwards. 2 colloq. cause confusion or a mess in. [IN + SIDE] insider n. 1 a person who is within a society, organization, etc. (cf. OUTSIDER). 2 a person privy to a secret, esp. when using it to gain advantage. Ьinsider dealing Stock Exch. the illegal practice of trading to one's own advantage through having access to confidential information. insidious adj. 1 proceeding or progressing inconspicuously but harmfully (an insidious disease). 2 treacherous; crafty. ЬЬinsidiously adv. insidiousness n. [L insidiosus cunning f. insidiae ambush (as IN-(2), sedere sit)] insight n. (usu. foll. by into) 1 the capacity of understanding hidden truths etc., esp. of character or situations. 2 an instance of this. ЬЬinsightful adj. insightfully adv. [ME, = 'discernment', prob. of Scand. & LG orig. (as IN-(2), SIGHT)] insignia n. (treated as sing. or pl.; usu. foll. by of) 1 badges (wore his insignia of office). 2 distinguishing marks. [L, pl. of insigne neut. of insignis distinguished (as IN-(2), signis f. signum SIGN)] insignificant adj. 1 unimportant; trifling. 2 (of a person) undistinguished. 3 meaningless. ЬЬinsignificance n. insignificancy n. insignificantly adv. insincere adj. not sincere; not candid. ЬЬinsincerely adv. insincerity n. (pl. -ies). [L insincerus (as IN-(1), SINCERE)] insinuate v.tr. 1 (often foll. by that + clause) convey indirectly or obliquely; hint (insinuated that she was lying). 2 (often refl.; usu. foll. by into) a introduce (oneself, a person, etc.) into favour, office, etc., by subtle manipulation. b introduce (a thing, oneself, etc.) subtly or deviously into a place (insinuated himself into the Royal Box). ЬЬinsinuation n. insinuative adj. insinuator n. insinuatory adj. [L insinuare insinuat- (as IN-(2), sinuare to curve)] insipid adj. 1 lacking vigour or interest; dull. 2 lacking flavour; tasteless. ЬЬinsipidity n. insipidly adv. insipidness n. [F insipide or LL insipidus (as IN-(1), sapidus SAPID)] insist v.tr. (usu. foll. by that + clause; also absol.) maintain or demand positively and assertively (insisted that he was innocent; give me the bag! I insist!). Ьinsist on demand or maintain (I insist on being present; insists on his suitability). ЬЬinsister n. insistingly adv. [L insistere stand on, persist (as IN-(2), sistere stand)] insistent adj. 1 (often foll. by on) insisting; demanding positively or continually (is insistent on taking me with him). 2 obtruding itself on the attention (the insistent rattle of the window frame). ЬЬinsistence n. insistency n. insistently adv. in situ adv. 1 in its place. 2 in its original place. [L] insobriety n. intemperance, esp. in drinking. insofar adv. = in so far (see FAR). insolation n. exposure to the sun's rays, esp. for bleaching. [L insolatio f. insolare (as IN-(2), solare f. sol sun)] insole n. 1 a removable sole worn in a boot or shoe for warmth etc. 2 the fixed inner sole of a boot or shoe. insolent adj. offensively contemptuous or arrogant; insulting. ЬЬinsolence n. insolently adv. [ME, = 'arrogant', f. L insolens (as IN-(1), solens pres. part. of solere be accustomed)] insoluble adj. 1 incapable of being solved. 2 incapable of being dissolved. ЬЬinsolubility n. insolubilize v.tr. (also -ise). insolubleness n. insolubly adv. [ME f. OF insoluble or L insolubilis (as IN-(1), SOLUBLE)] insolvable adj. = INSOLUBLE. insolvent adj. & n. --adj. 1 unable to pay one's debts. 2 relating to insolvency (insolvent laws). --n. a debtor. ЬЬinsolvency n. insomnia n. habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep. ЬЬinsomniac n. & adj. [L f. insomnis sleepless (as IN-(1), somnus sleep)] insomuch adv. 1 (foll. by that + clause) to such an extent. 2 (foll. by as) inasmuch. [ME, orig. in so much] insouciant adj. carefree; unconcerned. ЬЬinsouciance n. insouciantly adv. [F (as IN-(1), souciant pres. part. of soucier care)] inspan v. (inspanned, inspanning) S.Afr. 1 tr. (also absol.) a yoke (oxen etc.) in a team to a vehicle. b harness an animal or animals to (a wagon). 2 tr. harness (people or resources) into service. [Du. inspannen stretch (as IN-(2), SPAN(2))] inspect v.tr. 1 look closely at or into. 2 examine (a document etc.) officially. ЬЬinspection n. [L inspicere inspect- (as IN-(2), specere look at), or its frequent. inspectare] inspector n. 1 a person who inspects. 2 an official employed to supervise a service, a machine, etc., and make reports. 3 Brit. a police officer below a superintendent and above a sergeant in rank. Ьinspector general a chief inspector. inspector of taxes (in the UK) an official of the Inland Revenue responsible for collecting taxes. ЬЬinspectorate n. inspectorial adj. inspectorship n. [L (as INSPECT)] inspiration n. 1 a a supposed creative force or influence on poets, artists, musicians, etc., stimulating the production of works of art. b a person, principle, faith, etc. stimulating artistic or moral fervour and creativity. c a similar divine influence supposed to have led to the writing of Scripture etc. 2 a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea. 3 a drawing in of breath; inhalation. ЬЬinspirational adj. inspirationism n. inspirationist n. [ME f. OF f. LL inspiratio -onis (as INSPIRE)] inspirator n. an apparatus for drawing in air or vapour. [LL (as INSPIRE)] inspire v.tr. 1 stimulate or arouse (a person) to esp. creative activity, esp. by supposed divine or supernatural agency (your faith inspired him; inspired by God). 2 a (usu. foll. by with) animate (a person) with a feeling. b (usu. foll. by into) instil (a feeling) into a person etc. c (usu. foll. by in) create (a feeling) in a person. 3 prompt; give rise to (the poem was inspired by the autumn). 4 (as inspired adj.) a (of a work of art etc.) as if prompted by or emanating from a supernatural source; characterized by inspiration (an inspired speech). b (of a guess) intuitive but accurate. 5 (also absol.) breathe in (air etc.); inhale. ЬЬinspiratory adj. inspiredly adv. inspirer n. inspiring adj. inspiringly adv. [ME f. OF inspirer f. L inspirare breathe in (as IN-(2), spirare breathe)] inspirit v.tr. (inspirited, inspiriting) 1 put life into; animate. 2 (usu. foll. by to, or to + infin.) encourage (a person). ЬЬinspiriting adj. inspiritingly adv. inspissate v.tr. literary thicken; condense. ЬЬinspissation n. [LL inspissare inspissat- (as IN-(2), L spissus thick)] inspissator n. an apparatus for thickening serum etc. by heat. inst. abbr. 1 = INSTANT adj. 4 (the 6th inst.). 2 institute. 3 institution. instability n. (pl. -ies) 1 a lack of stability. 2 Psychol. unpredictability in behaviour etc. 3 an instance of instability. [ME f. F instabilit‚ f. L instabilitas -tatis f. instabilis (as IN-(1), STABLE(1))] install v.tr. (also instal) (installed, installing) 1 place (equipment, machinery, etc.) in position ready for use. 2 place (a person) in an office or rank with ceremony (installed in the office of chancellor). 3 establish (oneself, a person, etc.) in a place, condition, etc. (installed herself at the head of the table). ЬЬinstallant adj. & n. installer n. [med.L installare (as IN-(2), stallare f. stallum STALL(1))] installation n. 1 a the act or an instance of installing. b the process or an instance of being installed. 2 a piece of apparatus, a machine, etc. installed. [med.L installatio (as INSTALL)] instalment n. (US installment) 1 a sum of money due as one of several usu. equal payments for something, spread over an agreed period of time. 2 any of several parts, esp. of a television or radio serial or a magazine story, published or shown in sequence at intervals. Ьinstalment plan payment by instalments, esp. hire purchase. [alt. f. obs. estallment f. AF estalement f. estaler fix: prob. assoc. with INSTALLATION] instance n. & v. --n. 1 an example or illustration of (just another instance of his lack of determination). 2 a particular case (that's not true in this instance). 3 Law a legal suit. --v.tr. cite (a fact, case, etc.) as an instance. Ьat the instance of at the request or suggestion of. court of first instance Law a court of primary jurisdiction. for instance as an example. in the first (or second etc.) instance in the first (or second etc.) place; at the first (or second etc.) stage of a proceeding. [ME f. OF f. L instantia (as INSTANT)] instancy n. 1 urgency. 2 pressing nature. [L instantia: see INSTANCE] instant adj. & n. --adj. 1 occurring immediately (gives an instant result). 2 a (of food etc.) ready for immediate use, with little or no preparation. b prepared hastily and with little effort (I have no instant solution). 3 urgent; pressing. 4 Commerce of the current month (the 6th instant). 5 archaic of the present moment. --n. 1 a precise moment of time, esp. the present (come here this instant; went that instant; told you the instant I heard). 2 a short space of time (was there in an instant; not an instant too soon). Ьinstant replay the immediate repetition of part of a filmed sports event, often in slow motion. [ME f. F f. L instare instant- be present, press upon (as IN-(2), stare stand)] instantaneous adj. 1 occurring or done in an instant or instantly. 2 Physics existing at a particular instant. ЬЬinstantaneity n. instantaneously adv. instantaneousness n. [med.L instantaneus f. L instans (as INSTANT) after eccl.L momentaneus] instanter adv. archaic or joc. immediately; at once. [L f. instans (as INSTANT)] instantiate v.tr. represent by an instance. ЬЬinstantiation n. [L instantia: see INSTANCE] instantly adv. 1 immediately; at once. 2 archaic urgently; pressingly. instar n. a stage in the life of an insect etc. between two periods of moulting. [L, = form] instate v.tr. (often foll. by in) install; establish. [IN-(2) + STATE] in statu pupillari adj. 1 under guardianship, esp. as a pupil. 2 in a junior position at university; not having a master's degree. [L] instauration n. formal 1 restoration; renewal. 2 an act of instauration. ЬЬinstaurator n. [L instauratio f. instaurare (as IN-(2): cf. RESTORE)] instead adv. 1 (foll. by of) as a substitute or alternative to; in place of (instead of this one; stayed instead of going). 2 as an alternative (took me instead) (cf. STEAD). [ME, f. IN + STEAD] instep n. 1 the inner arch of the foot between the toes and the ankle. 2 the part of a shoe etc. fitting over or under this. 3 a thing shaped like an instep. [16th c.: ult. formed as IN-(2) + STEP, but immed. orig. uncert.] instigate v.tr. 1 bring about by incitement or persuasion; provoke (who instigated the inquiry?). 2 (usu. foll. by to) urge on, incite (a person etc.) to esp. an evil act. ЬЬinstigation n. instigative adj. instigator n. [L instigare instigat-] instil v.tr. (US instill) (instilled, instilling) (often foll. by into) 1 introduce (a feeling, idea, etc.) into a person's mind etc. gradually. 2 put (a liquid) into something in drops. ЬЬinstillation n. instiller n. instilment n. [L instillare (as IN-(2), stillare drop): cf. DISTIL] instinct n. & adj. --n. 1 a an innate, usu. fixed, pattern of behaviour in most animals in response to certain stimuli. b a similar propensity in human beings to act without conscious intention; innate impulsion. 2 (usu. foll. by for) unconscious skill; intuition. --predic.adj. (foll. by with) imbued, filled (with life, beauty, force, etc.). ЬЬinstinctual adj. instinctually adv. [ME, = 'impulse', f. L instinctus f. instinguere incite (as IN-(2), stinguere stinct- prick)] instinctive adj. 1 relating to or prompted by instinct. 2 apparently unconscious or automatic (an instinctive reaction). ЬЬinstinctively adv. institute n. & v. --n. 1 a a society or organization for the promotion of science, education, etc. b a building used by an institute. 2 Law (usu. in pl.) a digest of the elements of a legal subject (Institutes of Justinian). 3 a principle of instruction. 4 US a brief course of instruction for teachers etc. --v.tr. 1 establish; found. 2 a initiate (an inquiry etc.). b begin (proceedings) in a court. 3 (usu. foll. by to, into) appoint (a person) as a cleric in a church etc. [ME f. L institutum design, precept, neut. past part. of instituere establish, arrange, teach (as IN-(2), statuere set up)] institution n. 1 the act or an instance of instituting. 2 a a society or organization founded esp. for charitable, religious, educational, or social purposes. b a building used by an institution. 3 an established law, practice, or custom. 4 colloq. (of a person, a custom, etc.) a familiar object. 5 the establishment of a cleric etc. in a church. [ME f. OF f. L institutio -onis (as INSTITUTE)] institutional adj. 1 of or like an institution. 2 typical of institutions, esp. in being regimented or unimaginative (the food was dreadfully institutional). 3 (of religion) expressed or organized through institutions (churches etc.). 4 US (of advertising) intended to create prestige rather than immediate sales. ЬЬinstitutionalism n. institutionally adv. institutionalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 (as institutionalized adj.) (of a prisoner, a long-term patient, etc.) made apathetic and dependent after a long period in an institution. 2 place or keep (a person) in an institution. 3 convert into an institution; make institutional. ЬЬinstitutionalization n. Inst.P. abbr. (in the UK) Institute of Physics. instruct v.tr. 1 (often foll. by in) teach (a person) a subject etc. (instructed her in French). 2 (usu. foll. by to + infin.) direct; command (instructed him to fill in the hole). 3 (often foll. by of, or that etc. + clause) inform (a person) of a fact etc. 4 Brit. a (of a client or solicitor) give information to (a solicitor or counsel). b authorize (a solicitor or counsel) to act for one. [ME f. L instruere instruct- build, teach (as IN-(2), struere pile up)] instruction n. 1 (often in pl.) a direction; an order (gave him his instructions). 2 teaching; education (took a course of instruction). 3 Law (in pl.) directions to a solicitor or counsel. 4 Computing a direction in a computer program defining and effecting an operation. ЬЬinstructional adj. [ME f. OF f. LL instructio -onis (as INSTRUCT)] instructive adj. tending to instruct; conveying a lesson; enlightening (found the experience instructive). ЬЬinstructively adv. instructiveness n. instructor n. (fem. instructress) 1 a person who instructs; a teacher, demonstrator, etc. 2 US a university teacher ranking below professor. ЬЬinstructorship n. instrument n. & v. --n. 1 a tool or implement, esp. for delicate or scientific work. 2 (in full musical instrument) a device for producing musical sounds by vibration, wind, percussion, etc. 3 a a thing used in performing an action (the meeting was an instrument in his success). b a person made use of (is merely their instrument). 4 a measuring-device, esp. in an aeroplane, serving to determine its position in darkness etc. 5 a formal, esp. legal, document. --v.tr. 1 arrange (music) for instruments. 2 equip with instruments (for measuring, recording, controlling, etc.). Ьinstrument board (or panel) a surface, esp. in a car or aeroplane, containing the dials etc. of measuring-devices. [ME f. OF instrument or L instrumentum (as INSTRUCT)] instrumental adj. & n. --adj. 1 (usu. foll. by to, in, or in + verbal noun) serving as an instrument or means (was instrumental in finding the money). 2 (of music) performed on instruments, without singing (cf. VOCAL). 3 of, or arising from, an instrument (instrumental error). 4 Gram. of or in the instrumental. --n. 1 a piece of music performed by instruments, not by the voice. 2 Gram. the case of nouns and pronouns (and words in grammatical agreement with them) indicating a means or instrument. ЬЬinstrumentalist n. instrumentality n. instrumentally adv. [ME f. F f. med.L instrumentalis (as INSTRUMENT)] instrumentation n. 1 a the arrangement or composition of music for a particular group of musical instruments. b the instruments used in any one piece of music. 2 a the design, provision, or use of instruments in industry, science, etc. b such instruments collectively. [F f. instrumenter (as INSTRUMENT)] insubordinate adj. disobedient; rebellious. ЬЬinsubordinately adv. insubordination n. insubstantial adj. 1 lacking solidity or substance. 2 not real. ЬЬinsubstantiality n. insubstantially adv. [LL insubstantialis (as IN-(1), SUBSTANTIAL)] insufferable adj. 1 intolerable. 2 unbearably arrogant or conceited etc. ЬЬinsufferableness n. insufferably adv. insufficiency n. 1 the condition of being insufficient. 2 Med. the inability of an organ to perform its normal function (renal insufficiency). [ME f. LL insufficientia (as INSUFFICIENT)] insufficient adj. not sufficient; inadequate. ЬЬinsufficiently adv. [ME f. OF f. LL insufficiens (as IN-(1), SUFFICIENT)] insufflate v.tr. 1 Med. a blow or breathe (air, gas, powder, etc.) into a cavity of the body etc. b treat (the nose etc.) in this way. 2 Theol. blow or breathe on (a person) to symbolize spiritual influence. ЬЬinsufflation n. [LL insufflare insufflat- (as IN-(2), sufflare blow upon)] insufflator n. 1 a device for blowing powder on to a surface in order to make fingerprints visible. 2 an instrument for insufflating. insular adj. 1 a of or like an island. b separated or remote, like an island. 2 ignorant of or indifferent to cultures, peoples, etc., outside one's own experience; narrow-minded. 3 of a British variant of Latin handwriting current in the Middle Ages. 4 (of climate) equable. ЬЬinsularism n. insularity n. insularly adv. [LL insularis (as INSULATE)] insulate v.tr. 1 prevent the passage of electricity, heat, or sound from (a thing, room, etc.) by interposing non-conductors. 2 detach (a person or thing) from its surroundings; isolate. 3 archaic make (land) into an island. Ьinsulating tape an adhesive tape used to cover exposed electrical wires etc. ЬЬinsulation n. [L insula island + -ATE(3)] insulator n. 1 a thing or substance used for insulation against electricity, heat, or sound. 2 an insulating device to support telegraph wires etc. 3 a device preventing contact between electrical conductors. insulin n. Biochem. a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans, regulating the amount of glucose in the blood and the lack of which causes diabetes. [L insula island + -IN] insult v. & n. --v.tr. 1 speak to or treat with scornful abuse or indignity. 2 offend the self-respect or modesty of. --n. 1 an insulting remark or action. 2 colloq. something so worthless or contemptible as to be offensive. 3 Med. a an agent causing damage to the body. b such damage. ЬЬinsulter n. insultingly adv. [F insulte or L insultare (as IN-(2), saltare frequent. of salire salt- leap)] insuperable adj. 1 (of a barrier) impossible to surmount. 2 (of a difficulty etc.) impossible to overcome. ЬЬinsuperability n. insuperably adv. [ME f. OF insuperable or L insuperabilis (as IN-(1), SUPERABLE)] insupportable adj. 1 unable to be endured. 2 unjustifiable. ЬЬinsupportableness n. insupportably adv. [F (as IN-(1), SUPPORT)] insurance n. 1 the act or an instance of insuring. 2 a a sum paid for this; a premium. b a sum paid out as compensation for theft, damage, loss, etc. 3 = insurance policy. 4 a measure taken to provide for a possible contingency (take an umbrella as insurance). Ьinsurance agent Brit. a person employed to collect premiums door to door. insurance company Brit. a company engaged in the business of insurance. insurance policy Brit. 1 a contract of insurance. 2 a document detailing such a policy and constituting a contract. insurance stamp Brit. hist. a stamp certifying the payment of a sum, usu. paid weekly, for National Insurance. [earlier ensurance f. OF enseЃrance (as ENSURE)] insure v.tr. 1 (often foll. by against; also absol.) secure the payment of a sum of money in the event of loss or damage to (property, life, a person, etc.) by regular payments or premiums (insured the house for њ100,000; we have insured against flood damage) (cf. ASSURANCE). 2 (of the owner of a property, an insurance company, etc.) secure the payment of (a sum of money) in this way. 3 (usu. foll. by against) provide for (a possible contingency) (insured themselves against the rain by taking umbrellas). 4 US = ENSURE. ЬЬinsurable adj. insurability n. [ME, var. of ENSURE] insured adj. & n. --adj. covered by insurance. --n. (usu. prec. by the) a person etc. covered by insurance. insurer n. 1 a person or company offering insurance policies for premiums; an underwriter. 2 a person who takes out insurance. insurgent adj. & n. --adj. 1 rising in active revolt. 2 (of the sea etc.) rushing in. --n. a rebel; a revolutionary. ЬЬinsurgence n. insurgency n. (pl. -ies). [F f. L insurgere insurrect- (as IN-(2), surgere rise)] insurmountable adj. unable to be surmounted or overcome. ЬЬinsurmountably adv. insurrection n. a rising in open resistance to established authority; a rebellion. ЬЬinsurrectional adj. insurrectionary adj. insurrectionist n. [ME f. OF f. LL insurrectio -onis (as INSURGENT)] insusceptible adj. (usu. foll. by of, to) not susceptible (of treatment, to an influence, etc.). ЬЬinsusceptibility n. inswinger n. 1 Cricket a ball bowled with a swing towards the batsman. 2 Football a pass or kick that sends the ball curving towards the goal. int. abbr. 1 interior. 2 internal. 3 international. intact adj. 1 entire; unimpaired. 2 untouched. ЬЬintactness n. [ME f. L intactus (as IN-(1), tactus past part. of tangere touch)] intagliated adj. decorated with surface carving. [It. intagliato past part. of intagliare cut into] intaglio n. & v. --n. (pl. -os) 1 a gem with an incised design (cf. CAMEO). 2 an engraved design. 3 a carving, esp. incised, in hard material. 4 a process of printing from an engraved design. --v.tr. (-oes, -oed) 1 engrave (material) with a sunk pattern or design. 2 engrave (such a design). [It. (as INTAGLIATED)] intake n. 1 a the action of taking in. b an instance of this. 2 a number or the amount taken in or received. 3 a place where water is taken into a channel or pipe from a river, or fuel or air enters an engine etc. 4 an airway into a mine. 5 N.Engl. land reclaimed from a moor etc. intangible adj. & n. --adj. 1 unable to be touched; not solid. 2 unable to be grasped mentally. --n. something that cannot be precisely measured or assessed. ЬЬintangibility n. intangibly adv. [F intangible or med.L intangibilis (as IN-(1), TANGIBLE)] intarsia n. the craft of using wood inlays, esp. as practised in 15th-c. Italy. [It. intarsio] integer n. 1 a whole number. 2 a thing complete in itself. [L (adj.) = untouched, whole: see ENTIRE] integral adj. & n. --adj. disp. 1 a of a whole or necessary to the completeness of a whole. b forming a whole (integral design). c whole, complete. 2 Math. a of or denoted by an integer. b involving only integers, esp. as coefficients of a function. --n. Math. 1 a quantity of which a given function is the derivative, either containing an indeterminate additive constant (indefinite integral), or calculated as the difference between its values at specified limits (definite integral). 2 a function satisfying a given differential equation. Ьintegral calculus mathematics concerned with finding integrals, their properties and application, etc. (cf. differential calculus). ЬЬintegrality n. integrally adv. [LL integralis (as INTEGER)] integrand n. Math. a function that is to be integrated. [L integrandus gerundive of integrare: see INTEGRATE] integrant adj. (of parts) making up a whole; component. [F int‚grant f. int‚grer (as INTEGRATE)] integrate v. & adj. --v. 1 tr. a combine (parts) into a whole. b complete (an imperfect thing) by the addition of parts. 2 tr. & intr. bring or come into equal participation in or membership of society, a school, etc. 3 tr. desegregate, esp. racially (a school etc.). 4 tr. Math. a find the integral of. b (as integrated adj.) indicating the mean value or total sum of (temperature, an area, etc.). --adj. 1 made up of parts. 2 whole; complete. Ьintegrated circuit Electronics a small chip etc. of material replacing several separate components in a conventional electrical circuit. ЬЬintegrable adj. integrability n. integrative adj. [L integrare integrat- make whole (as INTEGER)] integration n. 1 the act or an instance of integrating. 2 the intermixing of persons previously segregated. 3 Psychol. the combination of the diverse elements of perception etc. in a personality. ЬЬintegrationist n. [L integratio (as INTEGRATE)] integrator n. 1 an instrument for indicating or registering the total amount or mean value of some physical quality, as area, temperature, etc. 2 a person or thing that integrates. integrity n. 1 moral uprightness; honesty. 2 wholeness; soundness. [ME f. F int‚grit‚ or L integritas (as INTEGER)] integument n. a natural outer covering, as a skin, husk, rind, etc. ЬЬintegumental adj. integumentary adj. [L integumentum f. integere (as IN-(2), tegere cover)] intellect n. 1 a the faculty of reasoning, knowing, and thinking, as distinct from feeling. b the understanding or mental powers (of a particular person etc.) (his intellect is not great). 2 a a clever or knowledgeable person. b the intelligentsia regarded collectively (the combined intellect of four universities). [ME f. OF intellect or L intellectus understanding (as INTELLIGENT)] intellection n. the action or process of understanding (opp. IMAGINATION). ЬЬintellective adj. [ME f. med.L intellectio (as INTELLIGENT)] intellectual adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or appealing to the intellect. 2 possessing a high level of understanding or intelligence; cultured. 3 requiring, or given to the exercise of, the intellect. --n. a person possessing a highly developed intellect. ЬЬintellectuality n. intellectualize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). intellectually adv. [ME f. L intellectualis (as INTELLECT)] intellectualism n. 1 the exercise, esp. when excessive, of the intellect at the expense of the emotions. 2 Philos. the theory that knowledge is wholly or mainly derived from pure reason. ЬЬintellectualist n. intelligence n. 1 a the intellect; the understanding. b (of a person or an animal) quickness of understanding; wisdom. 2 a the collection of information, esp. of military or political value. b people employed in this. c archaic information; news. 3 an intelligent or rational being. Ьintelligence department a usu. government department engaged in collecting esp. secret information. intelligence quotient a number denoting the ratio of a person's intelligence to the normal or average. intelligence test a test designed to measure intelligence rather than acquired knowledge. ЬЬintelligential adj. [ME f. OF f. L intelligentia (as INTELLIGENT)] intelligent adj. 1 having or showing intelligence, esp. of a high level. 2 quick of mind; clever. 3 a (of a device or machine) able to vary its behaviour in response to varying situations and requirements and past experience. b (esp. of a computer terminal) having its own data-processing capability; incorporating a microprocessor (opp. DUMB). ЬЬintelligently adv. [L intelligere intellect- understand (as INTER-, legere gather, pick out, read)] intelligentsia n. 1 the class of intellectuals regarded as possessing culture and political initiative. 2 people doing intellectual work; intellectuals. [Russ. f. Pol. inteligencja f. L intelligentia (as INTELLIGENT)] intelligible adj. 1 (often foll. by to) able to be understood; comprehensible. 2 Philos. able to be understood only by the intellect, not by the senses. ЬЬintelligibility n. intelligibly adv. [L intelligibilis (as INTELLIGENT)] Intelpost n. the international electronic transmission of messages and graphics by fax, telex, etc. [International Electronic Post] Intelsat n. an international organization of countries operating a system of commercial communication satellites. [International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium] intemperate adj. 1 (of a person, conduct, or speech) immoderate; unbridled; violent (used intemperate language). 2 a given to excessive indulgence in alcohol. b excessively indulgent in one's appetites. ЬЬintemperance n. intemperately adv. intemperateness n. [ME f. L intemperatus (as IN-(1), TEMPERATE)] intend v.tr. 1 have as one's purpose; propose (we intend to go; we intend going; we intend that it shall be done). 2 (usu. foll. by for, as) design or destine (a person or a thing) (I intend him to go; I intend it as a warning). 3 mean (what does he intend by that?). 4 (in passive; foll. by for) a be meant for a person to have or use etc. (they are intended for the children). b be meant to represent (the picture is intended for you). 5 (as intending adj.) who intends to be (an intending visitor). [ME entende, intende f. OF entendre, intendre f. L intendere intent- or intens- strain, direct, purpose (as IN-(2), tendere stretch, tend)] intendant n. 1 (esp. as a title of foreign officials) a superintendent or manager of a department of public business etc. 2 the administrator of an opera house or theatre. ЬЬintendancy n. [F f. L intendere (as INTEND)] intended adj. & n. --adj. 1 done on purpose; intentional. 2 designed, meant. --n. colloq. the person one intends to marry; one's fianc‚ or fianc‚e (is this your intended?). ЬЬintendedly adv. intense adj. (intenser, intensest) 1 (of a quality etc.) existing in a high degree; violent; forceful (intense cold). 2 (of a person) feeling, or apt to feel, strong emotion (very intense about her music). 3 (of a feeling or action etc.) extreme (intense joy; intense thought). ЬЬintensely adv. intenseness n. [ME f. OF intens or L intensus (as INTEND)] intensifier n. 1 a person or thing that intensifies. 2 Gram. = INTENSIVE n. intensify v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. & intr. make or become intense or more intense. 2 tr. Photog. increase the opacity of (a negative). ЬЬintensification n. intension n. 1 Logic the internal content of a concept. 2 formal the intensity, or high degree, of a quality. 3 formal the strenuous exertion of the mind or will. ЬЬintensional adj. intensionally adv. [L intensio (as INTEND)] intensity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the quality or an instance of being intense. 2 esp. Physics the measurable amount of some quality, e.g. force, brightness, a magnetic field, etc. intensive adj. & n. --adj. 1 thorough, vigorous; directed to a single point, area, or subject (intensive study; intensive bombardment). 2 of or relating to intensity as opp. to extent; producing intensity. 3 serving to increase production in relation to costs (intensive farming methods). 4 (usu. in comb.) Econ. making much use of (a labour-intensive industry). 5 Gram. (of an adjective, adverb, etc.) expressing intensity; giving force, as really in my feet are really cold. --n. Gram. an intensive adjective, adverb, etc. Ьintensive care medical treatment with constant monitoring etc. of a dangerously ill patient (also (with hyphen) attrib.: intensive-care unit). ЬЬintensively adv. intensiveness n. [F intensif -ive or med.L intensivus (as INTEND)] intent n. & adj. --n. (usu. without article) intention; a purpose (with intent to defraud; my intent to reach the top; with evil intent). --adj. 1 (usu. foll. by on) a resolved; bent; determined (was intent on succeeding). b attentively occupied (intent on his books). 2 (esp. of a look) earnest; eager; meaningful. Ьto all intents and purposes practically; virtually. ЬЬintently adv. intentness n. [ME entent f. OF f. L intentus (as INTEND)] intention n. 1 (often foll. by to + infin., or of + verbal noun) a thing intended; an aim or purpose (it was not his intention to interfere; have no intention of staying). 2 the act of intending (done without intention). 3 colloq. (usu. in pl.) a person's, esp. a man's, designs in respect to marriage (are his intentions strictly honourable?). 4 Logic a conception. Ьfirst intention Med. the healing of a wound by natural contact of the parts. first intentions Logic one's primary conceptions of things (e.g. a tree, an oak). intention tremor Med. a trembling of a part of a body when commencing a movement. second intention Med. the healing of a wound by granulation. second intentions Logic one's secondary conceptions (e.g. difference, identity, species). special (or particular) intention RC Ch. a special aim or purpose for which a mass is celebrated, prayers are said, etc. ЬЬintentioned adj. (usu. in comb.). [ME entencion f. OF f. L intentio stretching, purpose (as INTEND)] intentional adj. done on purpose. ЬЬintentionality n. intentionally adv. [F intentionnel or med.L intentionalis (as INTENTION)] inter v.tr. (interred, interring) deposit (a corpse etc.) in the earth, a tomb, etc.; bury. [ME f. OF enterrer f. Rmc (as IN-(2), L terra earth)] inter. abbr. intermediate. inter- comb. form 1 between, among (intercontinental). 2 mutually, reciprocally (interbreed). [OF entre- or L inter between, among] interact v.intr. act reciprocally; act on each other. ЬЬinteractant adj. & n. interaction n. 1 reciprocal action or influence. 2 Physics the action of atomic and subatomic particles on each other. interactive adj. 1 reciprocally active; acting upon or influencing each other. 2 (of a computer or other electronic device) allowing a two-way flow of information between it and a user, responding to the user's input. ЬЬinteractively adv. [INTERACT, after active] inter alia adv. among other things. [L] inter-allied adj. relating to two or more allies (in war etc.). interarticular adj. between the contiguous surfaces of a joint. interatomic adj. between atoms. interbank adj. agreed, arranged, or operating between banks (interbank loan). interbed v.tr. (-bedded, -bedding) embed (one thing) among others. interblend v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by with) mingle (things) together. 2 intr. blend with each other. interbreed v. (past and past part. -bred) 1 intr. & tr. breed or cause to breed with members of a different race or species to produce a hybrid. 2 tr. breed within one family etc. in order to produce desired characteristics (cf. CROSS-BREED). intercalary adj. 1 a (of a day or a month) inserted in the calendar to harmonize it with the solar year, e.g. 29 Feb. in leap years. b (of a year) having such an addition. 2 interpolated; intervening. [L intercalari(u)s (as INTERCALATE)] intercalate v.tr. 1 (also absol.) insert (an intercalary day etc.). 2 interpose (anything out of the ordinary course). 3 (as intercalated adj.) (of strata etc.) interposed. ЬЬintercalation n. [L intercalare intercalat- (as INTER-, calare proclaim)] intercede v.intr. (usu. foll. by with) interpose or intervene on behalf of another; plead (they interceded with the king for his life). ЬЬinterceder n. [F interc‚der or L intercedere intercess- intervene (as INTER-, cedere go)] intercellular adj. Biol. located or occurring between cells. intercensal adj. between two censuses. intercept v. & n. --v.tr. 1 seize, catch, or stop (a person, message, vehicle, ball, etc.) going from one place to another. 2 (usu. foll. by from) cut off (light etc.). 3 check or stop (motion etc.). 4 Math. mark off (a space) between two points etc. --n. Math. the part of a line between two points of intersection with usu. the coordinate axes or other lines. ЬЬinterception n. interceptive adj. [L intercipere intercept- (as INTER-, capere take)] interceptor n. 1 an aircraft used to intercept enemy raiders. 2 a person or thing that intercepts. intercession n. 1 the act of interceding, esp. by prayer. 2 an instance of this. 3 a prayer. ЬЬintercessional adj. intercessor n. intercessorial adj. intercessory adj. [F intercession or L intercessio (as INTERCEDE)] interchange v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (of two people) exchange (things) with each other. 2 put each of (two things) in the other's place; alternate. --n. 1 (often foll. by of) a reciprocal exchange between two people etc. 2 alternation (the interchange of woods and fields). 3 a road junction designed so that traffic streams do not intersect. ЬЬinterchangeable adj. interchangeability n. interchangeableness n. interchangeably adv. [ME f. OF entrechangier (as INTER-, CHANGE)] inter-city adj. existing or travelling between cities. inter-class adj. existing or conducted between different social classes. intercollegiate adj. existing or conducted between colleges or universities. intercolonial adj. existing or conducted between colonies. intercom n. colloq. a system of intercommunication by radio or telephone between or within offices, aircraft, etc. [abbr.] intercommunicate v.intr. 1 communicate reciprocally. 2 (of rooms etc.) have free passage into each other; have a connecting door. ЬЬintercommunication n. intercommunicative adj. intercommunion n. 1 mutual communion. 2 a mutual action or relationship, esp. between Christian denominations. intercommunity n. 1 the quality of being common to various groups etc. 2 having things in common. interconnect v.tr. & intr. connect with each other. ЬЬinterconnection n. intercontinental adj. connecting or travelling between continents. ЬЬintercontinentally adv. interconvert v.tr. & intr. convert into each other. ЬЬinterconversion n. interconvertible adj. intercooling n. the cooling of gas between successive compressions, esp. in a car or truck engine. ЬЬintercool v.tr. intercooler n. intercorrelate v.tr. & intr. correlate with one another. ЬЬintercorrelation n. intercostal adj. between the ribs (of the body or a ship). ЬЬintercostally adv. intercounty adj. existing or conducted between counties. intercourse n. 1 communication or dealings between individuals, nations, etc. 2 = sexual intercourse. 3 communion between human beings and God. [ME f. OF entrecours exchange, commerce, f. L intercursus (as INTER-, currere curs- run)] intercrop v.tr. (also absol.) (-cropped, -cropping) raise (a crop) among plants of a different kind, usu. in the space between rows. ЬЬintercropping n. intercross v. 1 tr. & intr. lay or lie across each other. 2 a intr. (of animals) breed with each other. b tr. cause to do this. intercrural adj. between the legs. intercurrent adj. 1 (of a time or event) intervening. 2 Med. a (of a disease) occurring during the progress of another. b recurring at intervals. ЬЬintercurrence n. [L intercurrere intercurrent- (as INTERCOURSE)] intercut v.tr. (-cutting; past and past part. -cut) Cinematog. alternate (shots) with contrasting shots by cutting. interdenominational adj. concerning more than one (religious) denomination. ЬЬinterdenominationally adv. interdepartmental adj. concerning more than one department. ЬЬinterdepartmentally adv. interdepend v.intr. depend on each other. ЬЬinterdependence n. interdependency n. interdependent adj. interdict n. & v. --n. 1 an authoritative prohibition. 2 RC Ch. a sentence debarring a person, or esp. a place, from ecclesiastical functions and privileges. 3 Sc. Law an injunction. --v.tr. 1 prohibit (an action). 2 forbid the use of. 3 (usu. foll. by from + verbal noun) restrain (a person). 4 (usu. foll. by to) forbid (a thing) to a person. ЬЬinterdiction n. interdictory adj. [ME f. OF entredit f. L interdictum past part. of interdicere interpose, forbid by decree (as INTER-, dicere say)] interdigital adj. between the fingers or toes. ЬЬinterdigitally adv. interdigitate v.intr. interlock like clasped fingers. [INTER- + L digitus finger + -ATE(3)] interdisciplinary adj. of or between more than one branch of learning. interest n. & v. --n. 1 a concern; curiosity (have no interest in fishing). b a quality exciting curiosity or holding the attention (this magazine lacks interest). 2 a subject, hobby, etc., in which one is concerned (his interests are gardening and sport). 3 advantage or profit, esp. when financial (it is in your interest to go; look after your own interests). 4 money paid for the use of money lent, or for not requiring the repayment of a debt. 5 (usu. foll. by in) a a financial stake (in an undertaking etc.). b a legal concern, title, or right (in property). 6 a a party or group having a common interest (the brewing interest). b a principle in which a party or group is concerned. 7 the selfish pursuit of one's own welfare, self-interest. --v.tr. 1 excite the curiosity or attention of (your story interests me greatly). 2 (usu. foll. by in) cause (a person) to take a personal interest or share (can I interest you in a holiday abroad?). 3 (as interested adj.) having a private interest; not impartial or disinterested (an interested party). Ьat interest (of money borrowed) on the condition that interest is payable. declare an (or one's) interest make known one's financial etc. interests in an undertaking before it is discussed. in the interest (or interests) of as something that is advantageous to. lose interest become bored or boring. with interest with increased force etc. (returned the blow with interest). ЬЬinterestedly adv. interestedness n. [ME, earlier interesse f. AF f. med.L, alt. app. after OF interest, both f. L interest, 3rd sing. pres. of interesse matter, make a difference (as INTER-, esse be)] interesting adj. causing curiosity; holding the attention. Ьin an interesting condition archaic pregnant. ЬЬinterestingly adv. interestingness n. interface n. & v. --n. 1 esp. Physics a surface forming a common boundary between two regions. 2 a point where interaction occurs between two systems, processes, subjects, etc. (the interface between psychology and education). 3 esp. Computing an apparatus for connecting two pieces of equipment so that they can be operated jointly. --v.tr. & intr. (often foll. by with) connect with (another piece of equipment etc.) by an interface. interfacial adj. 1 included between two faces of a crystal or other solid. 2 of or forming an interface. ЬЬinterfacially adv. (esp. in sense 2). interfacing n. a stiffish material, esp. buckram, between two layers of fabric in collars etc. interfemoral adj. between the thighs. interfere v.intr. 1 (usu. foll. by with) a (of a person) meddle; obstruct a process etc. b (of a thing) be a hindrance; get in the way. 2 (usu. foll. by in) take part or intervene, esp. without invitation or necessity. 3 (foll. by with) euphem. molest or assault sexually. 4 Physics (of light or other waves) combine so as to cause interference. 5 (of a horse) knock one leg against another. ЬЬinterferer n. interfering adj. interferingly adv. [OF s' entreferir strike each other (as INTER-, ferir f. L ferire strike)] interference n. 1 (usu. foll. by with) a the act of interfering. b an instance of this. 2 the fading or disturbance of received radio signals by the interference of waves from different sources, or esp. by atmospherics or unwanted signals. 3 Physics the combination of two or more wave motions to form a resultant wave in which the displacement is reinforced or cancelled. ЬЬinterferential adj. interferometer n. an instrument for measuring wavelengths etc. by means of interference phenomena. ЬЬinterferometric adj. interferometrically adv. interferometry n. interferon n. Biochem. any of various proteins that can inhibit the development of a virus in a cell etc. [INTERFERE + -ON] interfibrillar adj. between fibrils. interfile v.tr. 1 file (two sequences) together. 2 file (one or more items) into an existing sequence. interflow v. & n. --v.intr. flow into each other. --n. the process or result of this. interfluent adj. flowing into each other. [L interfluere interfluent- (as INTER-, fluere flow)] interfuse v. 1 tr. a (usu. foll. by with) mix (a thing) with; intersperse. b blend (things) together. 2 intr. (of two things) blend with each other. ЬЬinterfusion n. [L interfundere interfus- (as INTER-, fundere pour)] intergalactic adj. of or situated between two or more galaxies. ЬЬintergalactically adv. interglacial adj. between glacial periods. intergovernmental adj. concerning or conducted between two or more governments. ЬЬintergovernmentally adv. intergradation n. the process of merging together by gradual change of the constituents. intergrade v. & n. --v.intr. pass into another form by intervening grades. --n. such a grade. intergrowth n. the growing of things into each other. interim n., adj., & adv. --n. the intervening time (in the interim he had died). --adj. intervening; provisional, temporary. --adv. archaic meanwhile. Ьinterim dividend a dividend declared on the basis of less than a full year's results. [L, as INTER- + adv. suffix -im] interior adj. & n. --adj. 1 inner (opp. EXTERIOR). 2 remote from the coast or frontier; inland. 3 internal; domestic (opp. FOREIGN). 4 (usu. foll. by to) situated further in or within. 5 existing in the mind or soul; inward. 6 drawn, photographed, etc. within a building. 7 coming from inside. --n. 1 the interior part; the inside. 2 the interior part of a country or region. 3 a the home affairs of a country. b a department dealing with these (Minister of the Interior). 4 a representation of the inside of a building or a room (Dutch interior). 5 the inner nature; the soul. Ьinterior angle the angle between adjacent sides of a rectilinear figure. interior decoration (or design) the decoration or design of the interior of a building, a room, etc. interior monologue a form of writing expressing a character's inner thoughts. interior-sprung (of a mattress etc.) with internal springs. ЬЬinteriorize v.tr. (also -ise). interiorly adv. [L, compar. f. inter among] interject v.tr. 1 utter (words) abruptly or parenthetically. 2 interrupt with. ЬЬinterjectory adj. [L interjicere (as INTER-, jacere throw)] interjection n. an exclamation, esp. as a part of speech (e.g. ah!, dear me!). ЬЬinterjectional adj. [ME f. OF f. L interjectio -onis (as INTERJECT)] interknit v.tr. & intr. (-knitting; past and past part. -knitted or -knit) knit together; intertwine. interlace v. 1 tr. bind intricately together; interweave. 2 tr. mingle, intersperse. 3 intr. cross each other intricately. ЬЬinterlacement n. [ME f. OF entrelacier (as INTER-, LACE v.)] interlanguage n. a language or use of language having features of two others, often a pidgin or dialect form. interlap v.intr. (-lapped, -lapping) overlap. interlard v.tr. (usu. foll. by with) mix (writing or speech) with unusual words or phrases. [F entrelarder (as INTER-, LARD v.)] interleaf n. (pl. -leaves) an extra (usu. blank) leaf between the leaves of a book. interleave v.tr. insert (usu. blank) leaves between the leaves of (a book etc.). interleukin n. Biochem. any of several glycoproteins produced by leucocytes for regulating immune responses. [INTER- + LEUCOCYTE] interlibrary adj. between libraries (esp. interlibrary loan). interline(1) v.tr. 1 insert words between the lines of (a document etc.). 2 insert (words) in this way. ЬЬinterlineation n. [ME f. med.L interlineare (as INTER-, LINE(1))] interline(2) v.tr. put an extra lining between the ordinary lining and the fabric of (a garment). interlinear adj. written or printed between the lines of a text. [ME f. med.L interlinearis (as INTER-, LINEAR)] interlining n. material used to interline a garment. interlink v.tr. & intr. link or be linked together. interlobular adj. situated between lobes. interlock v., adj., & n. --v. 1 intr. engage with each other by overlapping or by the fitting together of projections and recesses. 2 tr. (usu. in passive) lock or clasp within each other. --adj. (of a fabric) knitted with closely interlocking stitches. --n. a device or mechanism for connecting or coordinating the function of different components. ЬЬinterlocker n. interlocutor n. (fem. interlocutrix) a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation. ЬЬinterlocution n. [mod.L f. L interloqui interlocut- interrupt in speaking (as INTER-, loqui speak)] interlocutory adj. 1 of dialogue or conversation. 2 Law (of a decree etc.) given provisionally in a legal action. [med.L interlocutorius (as INTERLOCUTOR)] interloper n. 1 an intruder. 2 a person who interferes in others' affairs, esp. for profit. ЬЬinterlope v.intr. [INTER- + loper as in landloper vagabond f. MDu. landlooper] interlude n. 1 a a pause between the acts of a play. b something performed or done during this pause. 2 a an intervening time, space, or event that contrasts with what goes before or after. b a temporary amusement or entertaining episode. 3 a piece of music played between other pieces, the verses of a hymn, etc. [ME, = a light dramatic item between the acts of a morality play, f. med.L interludium (as INTER-, ludus play)] intermarriage n. 1 marriage between people of different races, castes, families, etc. 2 (loosely) marriage between near relations. intermarry v.intr. (-ies, -ied) (foll. by with) (of races, castes, families, etc.) become connected by marriage. intermediary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) an intermediate person or thing, esp. a mediator. --adj. acting as mediator; intermediate. [F interm‚diaire f. It. intermediario f. L intermedius (as INTERMEDIATE)] intermediate adj., n., & v. --adj. coming between two things in time, place, order, character, etc. --n. 1 an intermediate thing. 2 a chemical compound formed by one reaction and then used in another, esp. during synthesis. --v.intr. (foll. by between) act as intermediary; mediate. Ьintermediate frequency the frequency to which a radio signal is converted during heterodyne reception. ЬЬintermediacy n. intermediately adv. intermediateness n. intermediation n. intermediator n. [med.L intermediatus (as INTER-, medius middle)] interment n. the burial of a corpse, esp. with ceremony. intermesh v.tr. & intr. make or become meshed together. intermezzo n. (pl. intermezzi or -os) 1 a a short connecting instrumental movement in an opera or other musical work. b a similar piece performed independently. c a short piece for a solo instrument. 2 a short light dramatic or other performance inserted between the acts of a play. [It. f. L intermedium interval (as INTERMEDIATE)] interminable adj. 1 endless. 2 tediously long or habitual. 3 with no prospect of an end. ЬЬinterminableness n. interminably adv. [ME f. OF interminable or LL interminabilis (as IN-(1), TERMINATE)] intermingle v.tr. & intr. (often foll. by with) mix together; mingle. intermission n. 1 a pause or cessation. 2 an interval between parts of a play, film, concert, etc. 3 a period of inactivity. [F intermission or L intermissio (as INTERMIT)] intermit v. (intermitted, intermitting) 1 intr. esp. Med. stop or cease activity briefly (e.g. of a fever, or a pulse). 2 tr. suspend; discontinue for a time. [L intermittere intermiss- (as INTER-, mittere let go)] intermittent adj. occurring at intervals; not continuous or steady. ЬЬintermittence n. intermittency n. intermittently adv. [L intermittere intermittent- (as INTERMIT)] intermix v.tr. & intr. mix together. ЬЬintermixable adj. intermixture n. [back-form. f. intermixed, intermixt f. L intermixtus past part. of intermiscere mix together (as INTER-, miscere mix)] intermolecular adj. between molecules. intern n. & v. --n. (also interne) US a recent graduate or advanced student living in a hospital and acting as an assistant physician or surgeon. --v. 1 tr. confine; oblige (a prisoner, alien, etc.) to reside within prescribed limits. 2 intr. US serve as an intern. ЬЬinternment n. internship n. [F interne f. L internus internal] internal adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or situated in the inside or invisible part. 2 relating or applied to the inside of the body (internal injuries). 3 of a nation's domestic affairs. 4 (of a student) attending a university etc. as well as taking its examinations. 5 used or applying within an organization. 6 a of the inner nature of a thing; intrinsic. b of the mind or soul. --n. (in pl.) intrinsic qualities. Ьinternal-combustion engine an engine with its motive power generated by the explosion of gases or vapour with air in a cylinder. internal energy the energy in a system arising from the relative positions and interactions of its parts. internal evidence evidence derived from the contents of the thing discussed. internal exile see EXILE n. 1. internal rhyme a rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and another at the end of the line or in the middle of the next. ЬЬinternality n. internalize v.tr. (also -ise). internalization n. internally adv. [mod.L internalis (as INTERN)] internat. abbr. international. international adj. & n. --adj. 1 existing, involving, or carried on between two or more nations. 2 agreed on or used by all or many nations (international date-line; international driving licence). --n. 1 a a contest, esp. in sport, between teams representing different countries. b a member of such a team. 2 a (International) any of four associations founded (1864-1936) to promote socialist or communist action. b a member of any of these. Ьinternational law a body of rules established by custom or treaty and agreed as binding by nations in their relations with one another. international system of units a system of physical units based on the metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, candela, and mole, with prefixes to indicate multiplication or division by a power of ten. international unit a standard quantity of a vitamin etc. ЬЬinternationality n. internationally adv. Internationale n. 1 (prec. by the) an (orig. French) revolutionary song adopted by socialists. 2 = INTERNATIONAL n. 2a. [F, fem. of international (adj.) f. INTERNATIONAL] internationalism n. 1 the advocacy of a community of interests among nations. 2 (Internationalism) the principles of any of the Internationals. ЬЬinternationalist n. internationalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make international. 2 bring under the protection or control of two or more nations. ЬЬinternationalization n. interne US var. of INTERN n. internecine adj. mutually destructive. [orig. = deadly, f. L internecinus f. internecio massacre f. internecare slaughter (as INTER-, necare kill)] internee n. a person interned. internist n. Med. 1 a specialist in internal diseases. 2 US a general practitioner. internode n. 1 Bot. a part of a stem between two of the knobs from which leaves arise. 2 Anat. a slender part between two joints, esp. the bone of a finger or toe. internuclear adj. between nuclei. internuncial adj. (of nerves) communicating between different parts of the system. [internuncio ambassador f. It. internunzio] interoceanic adj. between or connecting two oceans. interoceptive adj. Biol. relating to stimuli produced within an organism, esp. in the viscera. [irreg. f. L internus interior + RECEPTIVE] interosculate v.intr. = INOSCULATE. interosseous adj. between bones. interparietal adj. between the right and left parietal bones of the skull. ЬЬinterparietally adv. interpellate v.tr. (in European parliaments) interrupt the order of the day by demanding an explanation from (the Minister concerned). ЬЬinterpellation n. interpellator n. [L interpellare interpellat- (as INTER-, pellere drive)] interpenetrate v. 1 intr. (of two things) penetrate each other. 2 tr. pervade; penetrate thoroughly. ЬЬinterpenetration n. interpenetrative adj. interpersonal adj. (of relations) occurring between persons, esp. reciprocally. ЬЬinterpersonally adv. interplait v.tr. & intr. plait together. interplanetary adj. 1 between planets. 2 relating to travel between planets. interplay n. 1 reciprocal action. 2 the operation of two things on each other. interplead v. 1 intr. litigate with each other to settle a point concerning a third party. 2 tr. cause to do this. ЬЬinterpleader n. [ME f. AF enterpleder (as INTER-, PLEAD)] Interpol n. International Criminal Police Organization. [abbr.] interpolate v.tr. 1 a insert (words) in a book etc., esp. to give false impressions as to its date etc. b make such insertions in (a book etc.). 2 interject (a remark) in a conversation. 3 estimate (values) from known ones in the same range. ЬЬinterpolation n. interpolative adj. interpolator n. [L interpolare furbish up (as INTER-, polire POLISH(1))] interpose v. 1 tr. (often foll. by between) place or insert (a thing) between others. 2 tr. say (words) as an interruption. 3 tr. exercise or advance (a veto or objection) so as to interfere. 4 intr. (foll. by between) intervene (between parties). [F interposer f. L interponere put (as INTER-, POSE(1))] interposition n. 1 the act of interposing. 2 a thing interposed. 3 an interference. [ME f. OF interposition or L interpositio (as INTER-, POSITION)] interpret v. (interpreted, interpreting) 1 tr. explain the meaning of (foreign or abstruse words, a dream, etc.). 2 tr. make out or bring out the meaning of (creative work). 3 intr. act as an interpreter, esp. of foreign languages. 4 tr. explain or understand (behaviour etc.) in a specified manner (interpreted his gesture as mocking). ЬЬinterpretable adj. interpretability n. interpretation n. interpretational adj. interpretative adj. interpretive adj. interpretively adv. [ME f. OF interpreter or L interpretari explain, translate f. interpres -pretis explainer] interpreter n. a person who interprets, esp. one who translates speech orally. [ME f. AF interpretour, OF interpreteur f. LL interpretator -oris (as INTERPRET)] interprovincial adj. situated or carried on between provinces. interracial adj. existing between or affecting different races. ЬЬinterracially adv. interregnum n. (pl. interregnums or interregna) 1 an interval when the normal government is suspended, esp. between successive reigns or regimes. 2 an interval or pause. [L (as INTER-, regnum reign)] interrelate v.tr. relate (two or more things) to each other. ЬЬinterrelation n. interrelationship n. interrogate v.tr. ask questions of (a person) esp. closely, thoroughly, or formally. ЬЬinterrogator n. [ME f. L interrogare interrogat- ask (as INTER-, rogare ask)] interrogation n. 1 the act or an instance of interrogating; the process of being interrogated. 2 a question or enquiry. Ьinterrogation point (or mark etc.) = question mark. ЬЬinterrogational adj. [ME f. F interrogation or L interrogatio (as INTERROGATE)] interrogative adj. & n. --adj. 1 a of or like a question; used in questions. b Gram. (of an adjective or pronoun) asking a question (e.g. who?, which?). 2 having the form or force of a question. 3 suggesting enquiry (an interrogative tone). --n. an interrogative word (e.g. what?, why?). ЬЬinterrogatively adv. [LL interrogativus (as INTERROGATE)] interrogatory adj. & n. --adj. questioning; of or suggesting enquiry (an interrogatory eyebrow). --n. (pl. -ies) a formal set of questions, esp. Law one formally put to an accused person etc. [LL interrogatorius (as INTERROGATE)] interrupt v.tr. 1 act so as to break the continuous progress of (an action, speech, a person speaking, etc.). 2 obstruct (a person's view etc.). 3 break the continuity of. ЬЬinterruptible adj. interruption n. interruptive adj. interruptory adj. [ME f. L interrumpere interrupt- (as INTER-, rumpere break)] interrupter n. (also interruptor) 1 a person or thing that interrupts. 2 a device for interrupting, esp. an electric circuit. intersect v. 1 tr. divide (a thing) by passing or lying across it. 2 intr. (of lines, roads, etc.) cross or cut each other. [L intersecare intersect- (as INTER-, secare cut)] intersection n. 1 the act of intersecting. 2 a place where two roads intersect. 3 a point or line common to lines or planes that intersect. ЬЬintersectional adj. [L intersectio (as INTERSECT)] interseptal adj. between septa or partitions. intersex n. 1 the abnormal condition of being intermediate between male and female. 2 an individual in this condition. intersexual adj. 1 existing between the sexes. 2 of intersex. ЬЬintersexuality n. intersexually adv. interspace n. & v. --n. an interval of space or time. --v.tr. put interspaces between. interspecific adj. formed from different species. intersperse v.tr. 1 (often foll. by between, among) scatter; place here and there. 2 (foll. by with) diversify (a thing or things with others so scattered). ЬЬinterspersion n. [L interspergere interspers- (as INTER-, spargere scatter)] interspinal adj. (also interspinous) between spines or spinous processes. interstate adj. & n. US --adj. existing or carried on between States, esp. of the US. --n. a motorway, esp. crossing a State boundary. interstellar adj. occurring or situated between stars. interstice n. 1 an intervening space. 2 a chink or crevice. [L interstitium (as INTER-, sistere stit- stand)] interstitial adj. of, forming, or occupying interstices. ЬЬinterstitially adv. intertextuality n. the relationship between esp. literary texts. intertidal adj. of or relating to the area which is covered at high tide and uncovered at low tide. intertribal adj. existing or occurring between different tribes. intertrigo n. (pl. -os) Med. inflammation from the rubbing of one area of skin on another. [L f. interterere intertrit- (as INTER-, terere rub)] intertwine v. 1 tr. (often foll. by with) entwine (together). 2 intr. become entwined. ЬЬintertwinement n. intertwist v.tr. twist together. interval n. 1 an intervening time or space. 2 Brit. a pause or break, esp. between the parts of a theatrical or musical performance. 3 the difference in pitch between two sounds. 4 the distance between persons or things in respect of qualities. Ьat intervals here and there; now and then. ЬЬintervallic adj. [ME ult. f. L intervallum space between ramparts, interval (as INTER-, vallum rampart)] intervene v.intr. (often foll. by between, in) 1 occur in time between events. 2 interfere; come between so as to prevent or modify the result or course of events. 3 be situated between things. 4 come in as an extraneous factor or thing. 5 Law interpose in a lawsuit as a third party. ЬЬintervener n. intervenient adj. intervenor n. [L intervenire (as INTER-, venire come)] intervention n. 1 the act or an instance of intervening. 2 interference, esp. by a State in another's affairs. 3 mediation. [ME f. F intervention or L interventio (as INTERVENE)] interventionist n. a person who favours intervention. intervertebral adj. between vertebrae. interview n. & v. --n. 1 an oral examination of an applicant for employment, a college place, etc. 2 a conversation between a reporter etc. and a person of public interest, used as a basis of a broadcast or publication. 3 a meeting of persons face to face, esp. for consultation. --v.tr. 1 hold an interview with. 2 question to discover the opinions or experience of (a person). ЬЬinterviewee n. interviewer n. [F entrevue f. s' entrevoir see each other (as INTER-, voir f. L videre see: see VIEW)] interwar adj. existing in the period between two wars, esp. the two world wars. interweave v.tr. (past -wove; past part. -woven) 1 (often foll. by with) weave together. 2 blend intimately. interwind v.tr. & intr. (past and past part. -wound) wind together. interwork v. 1 intr. work together or interactively. 2 tr. interweave. intestate adj. & n. --adj. (of a person) not having made a will before death. --n. a person who has died intestate. ЬЬintestacy n. [ME f. L intestatus (as IN-(1), testari testat- make a will f. testis witness)] intestine n. (in sing. or pl.) the lower part of the alimentary canal from the end of the stomach to the anus. Ьlarge intestine the caecum, colon, and rectum collectively. small intestine the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum collectively. ЬЬintestinal also adj. [L intestinum f. intestinus internal] inthrall US var. of ENTHRAL. intimacy n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state of being intimate. 2 an intimate act, esp. sexual intercourse. 3 an intimate remark; an endearment. intimate(1) adj. & n. --adj. 1 closely acquainted; familiar, close (an intimate friend; an intimate relationship). 2 private and personal (intimate thoughts). 3 (usu. foll. by with) having sexual relations. 4 (of knowledge) detailed, thorough. 5 (of a relationship between things) close. 6 (of mixing etc.) thorough. 7 essential, intrinsic. 8 (of a place etc.) friendly; promoting close personal relationships. --n. a very close friend. ЬЬintimately adv. [L intimus inmost] intimate(2) v.tr. 1 (often foll. by that + clause) state or make known. 2 imply, hint. ЬЬintimater n. intimation n. [LL intimare announce f. L intimus inmost] intimidate v.tr. frighten or overawe, esp. to subdue or influence. ЬЬintimidation n. intimidator n. [med.L intimidare (as IN-(2), timidare f. timidus TIMID)] intinction n. Eccl. the dipping of the Eucharistic bread in the wine so that the communicant receives both together. [LL intinctio f. L intingere intinct- (as IN-(2), TINGE)] intitule v.tr. Brit. entitle (an Act of Parliament etc.). [OF intituler f. LL intitulare (as IN-(2), titulare f. titulus title)] into prep. 1 expressing motion or direction to a point on or within (walked into a tree; ran into the house). 2 expressing direction of attention or concern (will look into it). 3 expressing a change of state (turned into a dragon; separated into groups; forced into cooperation). 4 colloq. interested in; knowledgeable about (is really into art). [OE into (as IN, TO)] intolerable adj. that cannot be endured. ЬЬintolerableness n. intolerably adv. [ME f. OF intolerable or L intolerabilis (as IN-(1), TOLERABLE)] intolerant adj. not tolerant, esp. of views, beliefs, or behaviour differing from one's own. ЬЬintolerance n. intolerantly adv. [L intolerans (as IN-(1), TOLERANT)] intonate v.tr. intone. [med.L intonare: see INTONE] intonation n. 1 modulation of the voice; accent. 2 the act of intoning. 3 accuracy of pitch in playing or singing (has good intonation). 4 the opening phrase of a plainsong melody. ЬЬintonational adj. [med.L intonatio (as INTONE)] intone v.tr. 1 recite (prayers etc.) with prolonged sounds, esp. in a monotone. 2 utter with a particular tone. ЬЬintoner n. [med.L intonare (as IN-(2), L tonus TONE)] in toto adv. completely. [L] intoxicant adj. & n. --adj. intoxicating. --n. an intoxicating substance. intoxicate v.tr. 1 make drunk. 2 excite or elate beyond self-control. ЬЬintoxicatingly adv. intoxication n. [med.L intoxicare (as IN-(2), toxicare poison f. L toxicum): see TOXIC] intra- prefix forming adjectives usu. from adjectives, meaning 'on the inside, within' (intramural). [L intra inside] intracellular adj. Biol. located or occurring within a cell or cells. intracranial adj. within the skull. ЬЬintracranially adv. intractable adj. 1 hard to control or deal with. 2 difficult, stubborn. ЬЬintractability n. intractableness n. intractably adv. [L intractabilis (as IN-(1), TRACTABLE)] intrados n. the lower or inner curve of an arch. [F (as INTRA-, dos back f. L dorsum)] intramolecular adj. within a molecule. intramural adj. 1 situated or done within walls. 2 forming part of normal university or college studies. ЬЬintramurally adv. intramuscular adj. in or into a muscle or muscles. intransigent adj. & n. --adj. uncompromising, stubborn. --n. an intransigent person. ЬЬintransigence n. intransigency n. intransigently adv. [F intransigeant f. Sp. los intransigentes extreme republicans in Cortes, ult. formed as IN-(1) + L transigere transigent- come to an understanding (as TRANS-, agere act)] intransitive adj. (of a verb or sense of a verb) that does not take or require a direct object (whether expressed or implied), e.g. look in look at the sky (opp. TRANSITIVE). ЬЬintransitively adv. intransitivity n. [LL intransitivus (as IN-(1), TRANSITIVE)] intra-uterine adj. within the womb. intravenous adj. in or into a vein or veins. ЬЬintravenously adv. [INTRA- + L vena vein] in-tray n. a tray for incoming documents, letters, etc. intrepid adj. fearless; very brave. ЬЬintrepidity n. intrepidly adv. [F intr‚pide or L intrepidus (as IN-(1), trepidus alarmed)] intricate adj. very complicated; perplexingly detailed. ЬЬintricacy n. (pl. -ies). intricately adv. [ME f. L intricare intricat- (as IN-(2), tricare f. tricae tricks)] intrigant n. (fem. intrigante) an intriguer. [F intriguant f. intriguer: see INTRIGUE] intrigue v. & n. --v. (intrigues, intrigued, intriguing) 1 intr. (foll. by with) a carry on an underhand plot. b use secret influence. 2 tr. arouse the curiosity of; fascinate. --n. 1 an underhand plot or plotting. 2 archaic a secret love affair. ЬЬintriguer n. intriguing adj. (esp. in sense 2 of v.). intriguingly adv. [F intrigue (n.), intriguer (v.) f. It. intrigo, intrigare f. L (as INTRICATE)] intrinsic adj. inherent, essential; belonging naturally (intrinsic value). ЬЬintrinsically adv. [ME, = interior, f. F intrinsЉque f. LL intrinsecus f. L intrinsecus (adv.) inwardly] intro n. (pl. -os) colloq. an introduction. [abbr.] intro- comb. form into (introgression). [L intro to the inside] introduce v.tr. 1 (foll. by to) make (a person or oneself) known by name to another, esp. formally. 2 announce or present to an audience. 3 bring (a custom, idea, etc.) into use. 4 bring (a piece of legislation) before a legislative assembly. 5 (foll. by to) draw the attention or extend the understanding of (a person) to a subject. 6 insert; place in. 7 bring in; usher in; bring forward. 8 begin; occur just before the start of. ЬЬintroducer n. introducible adj. [ME f. L introducere introduct- (as INTRO-, ducere lead)] introduction n. 1 the act or an instance of introducing; the process of being introduced. 2 a formal presentation of one person to another. 3 an explanatory section at the beginning of a book etc. 4 a preliminary section in a piece of music, often thematically different from the main section. 5 an introductory treatise on a subject. 6 a thing introduced. [ME f. OF introduction or L introductio (as INTRODUCE)] introductory adj. serving as an introduction; preliminary. [LL introductorius (as INTRODUCTION)] introit n. a psalm or antiphon sung or said while the priest approaches the altar for the Eucharist. [ME f. OF f. L introitus f. introire introit- enter (as INTRO-, ire go)] introjection n. the unconscious incorporation of external ideas into one's mind. [INTRO- after projection] intromit v.tr. (intromitted, intromitting) 1 archaic (foll. by into) let in, admit. 2 insert. ЬЬintromission n. intromittent adj. [L intromittere intromiss- introduce (as INTRO-, mittere send)] introspection n. the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes etc. ЬЬintrospective adj. introspectively adv. introspectiveness n. [L introspicere introspect- look inwards (as INTRO-, specere look)] introvert n., adj., & v. --n. 1 Psychol. a person predominantly concerned with his or her own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things. 2 a shy inwardly thoughtful person. --adj. (also introverted) typical or characteristic of an introvert. --v.tr. 1 Psychol. direct (one's thoughts or mind) inwards. 2 Zool. withdraw (an organ etc.) within its own tube or base, like the finger of a glove. ЬЬintroversion n. introversive adj. introverted adj. introvertive adj. [INTRO- + vert as in INVERT] intrude v. (foll. by on, upon, into) 1 intr. come uninvited or unwanted; force oneself abruptly on others. 2 tr. thrust or force (something unwelcome) on a person. ЬЬintrudingly adv. [L intrudere intrus- (as IN-(2), trudere thrust)] intruder n. a person who intrudes, esp. into a building with criminal intent. intrusion n. 1 the act or an instance of intruding. 2 an unwanted interruption etc. 3 Geol. an influx of molten rock between or through strata etc. but not reaching the surface. 4 the occupation of a vacant estate etc. to which one has no claim. 5 Phonet. the addition of a sound between words or syllables to facilitate pronunciation, e.g. the r in saw a film (). [ME f. OF intrusion or med.L intrusio (as INTRUDE)] intrusive adj. 1 that intrudes or tends to intrude. 2 characterized by intrusion. ЬЬintrusively adv. intrusiveness n. intrust var. of ENTRUST. intubate v.tr. Med. insert a tube into the trachea for ventilation, usu. during anaesthesia. ЬЬintubation n. [IN-(2) + L tuba tube] intuit v. 1 tr. know by intuition. 2 intr. receive knowledge by direct perception. ЬЬintuitable adj. [L intueri intuit- consider (as IN-(2), tueri look)] intuition n. 1 immediate apprehension by the mind without reasoning. 2 immediate apprehension by a sense. 3 immediate insight. ЬЬintuitional adj. [LL intuitio (as INTUIT)] intuitionism n. (also intuitionalism) Philos. the belief that primary truths and principles (esp. of ethics and metaphysics) are known directly by intuition. ЬЬintuitionist n. intuitive adj. 1 of, characterized by, or possessing intuition. 2 perceived by intuition. ЬЬintuitively adv. intuitiveness n. [med.L intuitivus (as INTUIT)] intuitivism n. the doctrine that ethical principles can be established by intuition. ЬЬintuitivist n. intumesce v.intr. swell up. ЬЬintumescence n. intumescent adj. [L intumescere (as IN-(2), tumescere incept. of tumere swell)] intussusception n. 1 Med. the inversion of one portion of the intestine within another. 2 Bot. the deposition of new cellulose particles in a cell wall, to increase the surface area of the cell. [F intussusception or mod.L intussusceptio f. L intus within + susceptio f. suscipere take up] intwine var. of ENTWINE. Inuit n. (also Innuit) (pl. same or Inuits) a N. American Eskimo. [Eskimo inuit people] inundate v.tr. (often foll. by with) 1 flood. 2 overwhelm (inundated with enquiries). ЬЬinundation n. [L inundare flow (as IN-(2), unda wave)] inure v. 1 tr. (often in passive; foll. by to) accustom (a person) to something esp. unpleasant. 2 intr. Law come into operation; take effect. ЬЬinurement n. [ME f. AF eneurer f. phr. en eure (both unrecorded) in use or practice, f. en in + OF e(u)vre work f. L opera] in utero adv. in the womb; before birth. [L] in vacuo adv. in a vacuum. [L] invade v.tr. (often absol.) 1 enter (a country etc.) under arms to control or subdue it. 2 swarm into. 3 (of a disease) attack (a body etc.). 4 encroach upon (a person's rights, esp. privacy). ЬЬinvader n. [L invadere invas- (as IN-(2), vadere go)] invaginate v.tr. 1 put in a sheath. 2 turn (a tube) inside out. ЬЬinvagination n. [IN-(2) + L vagina sheath] invalid(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a person enfeebled or disabled by illness or injury. 2 (attrib.) a of or for invalids (invalid car; invalid diet). b being an invalid (caring for her invalid mother). --v. (invalided, invaliding) 1 tr. (often foll. by out etc.) remove from active service (one who has become an invalid). 2 tr. (usu. in passive) disable (a person) by illness. 3 intr. become an invalid. ЬЬinvalidism n. [L invalidus weak, infirm (as IN-(1), VALID)] invalid(2) adj. not valid, esp. having no legal force. ЬЬinvalidly adv. [L invalidus (as INVALID(1))] invalidate v.tr. 1 make (esp. an argument etc.) invalid. 2 remove the validity or force of (a treaty, contract, etc.). ЬЬinvalidation n. [med.L invalidare invalidat- (as IN-(1), validus VALID)] invalidity n. 1 lack of validity. 2 bodily infirmity. [F invalidit‚ or med.L invaliditas (as INVALID(1))] invaluable adj. above valuation; inestimable. ЬЬinvaluableness n. invaluably adv. Invar n. propr. an iron-nickel alloy with a negligible coefficient of expansion, used in the manufacture of clocks and scientific instruments. [abbr. of INVARIABLE] invariable adj. 1 unchangeable. 2 always the same. 3 Math. constant, fixed. ЬЬinvariability n. invariableness n. invariably adv. [F invariable or LL invariabilis (as IN-(1), VARIABLE)] invariant adj. & n. --adj. invariable. --n. Math. a function which remains unchanged when a specified transformation is applied. ЬЬinvariance n. invasion n. 1 the act of invading or process of being invaded. 2 an entry of a hostile army into a country. ЬЬinvasive adj. [F invasion or LL invasio (as INVADE)] invective n. 1 a strongly attacking words. b the use of these. 2 abusive rhetoric. [ME f. OF f. LL invectivus attacking (as INVEIGH)] inveigh v.intr. (foll. by against) speak or write with strong hostility. [L invehi go into, assail (as IN-(2), vehi passive of vehere vect- carry)] inveigle v.tr. (foll. by into, or to + infin.) entice; persuade by guile. ЬЬinveiglement n. [earlier enve(u)gle f. AF envegler, OF aveugler to blind f. aveugle blind prob. f. Rmc ab oculis (unrecorded) without eyes] invent v.tr. 1 create by thought, devise; originate (a new method, an instrument, etc.). 2 concoct (a false story etc.). ЬЬinventable adj. [ME, = discover, f. L invenire invent- find, contrive (as IN-(2), venire vent- come)] invention n. 1 the process of inventing. 2 a thing invented; a contrivance, esp. one for which a patent is granted. 3 a fictitious story. 4 inventiveness. 5 Mus. a short piece for keyboard, developing a simple idea. [ME f. L inventio (as INVENT)] inventive adj. 1 able or inclined to invent; original in devising. 2 showing ingenuity of devising. ЬЬinventively adv. inventiveness n. [ME f. F inventif -ive or med.L inventivus (as INVENT)] inventor n. (fem. inventress) a person who invents, esp. as an occupation. inventory n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a complete list of goods in stock, house contents, etc. 2 the goods listed in this. 3 US the total of a firm's commercial assets. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 make an inventory of. 2 enter (goods) in an inventory. [ME f. med.L inventorium f. LL inventarium (as INVENT)] inverse adj. & n. --adj. inverted in position, order, or relation. --n. 1 the state of being inverted. 2 (often foll. by of) a thing that is the opposite or reverse of another. 3 Math. an element which, when combined with a given element in an operation, produces the identity element for that operation. Ьinverse proportion (or ratio) a relation between two quantities such that one increases in proportion as the other decreases. inverse square law a law by which the intensity of an effect, such as gravitational force, illumination, etc., changes in inverse proportion to the square of the distance from the source. ЬЬinversely adv. [L inversus past part. of invertere: see INVERT] inversion n. 1 the act of turning upside down or inside out. 2 the reversal of a normal order, position, or relation. 3 the reversal of the order of words, for rhetorical effect. 4 the reversal of the normal variation of air temperature with altitude. 5 the process or result of inverting. 6 the reversal of direction of rotation of a plane of polarized light. 7 homosexuality. ЬЬinversive adj. [L inversio (as INVERT)] invert v. & n. --v.tr. 1 turn upside down. 2 reverse the position, order, or relation of. 3 Mus. change the relative position of the notes of (a chord or interval) by placing the lowest note higher, usu. by an octave. 4 subject to inversion. --n. 1 a homosexual. 2 an inverted arch, as at the bottom of a sewer. Ьinverted comma = quotation mark. inverted snob a person who likes or takes pride in what a snob might be expected to disapprove of. invert sugar a mixture of dextrose and laevulose. ЬЬinverter n. invertible adj. invertibility n. [L invertere invers- (as IN-(2), vertere turn)] invertebrate adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of an animal) not having a backbone. 2 lacking firmness of character. --n. an invertebrate animal. [mod.L invertebrata (pl.) (as IN-(1), VERTEBRA)] invest v. 1 tr. (often foll. by in) apply or use (money), esp. for profit. 2 intr. (foll. by in) a put money for profit (into stocks etc.). b colloq. buy (invested in a new car). 3 tr. a (foll. by with) provide, endue, or attribute (a person with qualities, insignia, or rank). b (foll. by in) attribute or entrust (qualities or feelings to a person). 4 tr. cover as a garment. 5 tr. lay siege to. ЬЬinvestable adj. investible adj. investor n. [ME f. F investir or L investire investit- (as IN-(2), vestire clothe f. vestis clothing): sense 1 f. It. investire] investigate v. 1 tr. a inquire into; examine; study carefully. b make an official inquiry into. 2 intr. make a systematic inquiry or search. ЬЬinvestigator n. investigatory adj. [L investigare investigat- (as IN-(2), vestigare track)] investigation n. 1 the process or an instance of investigating. 2 a formal examination or study. investigative adj. seeking or serving to investigate, esp. (of journalism) inquiring intensively into controversial issues. investiture n. 1 the formal investing of a person with honours or rank, esp. a ceremony at which a sovereign confers honours. 2 (often foll. by with) the act of enduing (with attributes). [ME f. med.L investitura (as INVEST)] investment n. 1 the act or process of investing. 2 money invested. 3 property etc. in which money is invested. 4 the act of besieging; a blockade. Ьinvestment trust a trust that buys and sells shares in selected companies to make a profit for its members. inveterate adj. 1 (of a person) confirmed in an (esp. undesirable) habit etc. (an inveterate gambler). 2 a (of a habit etc.) long-established. b (of an activity, esp. an undesirable one) habitual. ЬЬinveteracy n. inveterately adv. [ME f. L inveterare inveterat- make old (as IN-(2), vetus veteris old)] invidious adj. (of an action, conduct, attitude, etc.) likely to excite resentment or indignation against the person responsible, esp. by real or seeming injustice (an invidious position; an invidious task). ЬЬinvidiously adv. invidiousness n. [L invidiosus f. invidia ENVY] invigilate v.intr. Brit. supervise candidates at an examination. ЬЬinvigilation n. invigilator n. [orig. = keep watch, f. L invigilare invigilat- (as IN-(2), vigilare watch f. vigil watchful)] invigorate v.tr. give vigour or strength to. ЬЬinvigorating adj. invigoratingly adv. invigoration n. invigorative adj. invigorator n. [IN-(2) + med.L vigorare vigorat- make strong] invincible adj. unconquerable; that cannot be defeated. ЬЬinvincibility n. invincibleness n. invincibly adv. [ME f. OF f. L invincibilis (as IN-(1), VINCIBLE)] inviolable adj. not to be violated or profaned. ЬЬinviolability n. inviolably adv. [F inviolable or L inviolabilis (as IN-(1), VIOLATE)] inviolate adj. not violated or profaned. ЬЬinviolacy n. inviolately adv. inviolateness n. [ME f. L inviolatus (as IN-(1), violare, violat- treat violently)] invisible adj. 1 not visible to the eye, either characteristically or because hidden. 2 too small to be seen or noticed. 3 artfully concealed (invisible mending). Ьinvisible exports (or imports etc.) items, esp. services, involving payment between countries but not constituting tangible commodities. ЬЬinvisibility n. invisibleness n. invisibly adv. [ME f. OF invisible or L invisibilis (as IN-(1), VISIBLE)] invitation n. the process of inviting or fact of being invited, esp. to a social occasion. invite v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by to, or to + infin.) ask (a person) courteously to come, or to do something (were invited to lunch; invited them to reply). 2 tr. make a formal courteous request for (invited comments). 3 tr. tend to call forth unintentionally (something unwanted). 4 a tr. attract. b intr. be attractive. --n. colloq. an invitation. ЬЬinvitee n. inviter n. [F inviter or L invitare] inviting adj. 1 attractive. 2 enticing, tempting. ЬЬinvitingly adv. invitingness n. in vitro adv. Biol. (of processes or reactions) taking place in a test-tube or other laboratory environment (opp. IN VIVO). [L, = in glass] in vivo adv. Biol. (of processes) taking place in a living organism. [L, = in a living thing] invocation n. 1 the act or an instance of invoking, esp. in prayer. 2 an appeal to a supernatural being or beings, e.g. the Muses, for psychological or spiritual inspiration. 3 Eccl. the words 'In the name of the Father' etc. used as the preface to a sermon etc. ЬЬinvocatory adj. [ME f. OF f. L invocatio -onis (as INVOKE)] invoice n. & v. --n. a list of goods shipped or sent, or services rendered, with prices and charges; a bill. --v.tr. 1 make an invoice of (goods and services). 2 send an invoice to (a person). [earlier invoyes pl. of invoy = ENVOY(2)] invoke v.tr. 1 call on (a deity etc.) in prayer or as a witness. 2 appeal to (the law, a person's authority, etc.). 3 summon (a spirit) by charms. 4 ask earnestly for (vengeance, help, etc.). ЬЬinvocable adj. invoker n. [F invoquer f. L invocare (as IN-(2), vocare call)] involucre n. 1 a covering or envelope. 2 Anat. a membranous envelope. 3 Bot. a whorl of bracts surrounding an inflorescence. ЬЬinvolucral adj. [F involucre or L involucrum (as INVOLVE)] involuntary adj. 1 done without the exercise of the will; unintentional. 2 (of a limb, muscle, or movement) not under the control of the will. ЬЬinvoluntarily adv. involuntariness n. [LL involuntarius (as IN-(1), VOLUNTARY)] involute adj. & n. --adj. 1 involved, intricate. 2 curled spirally. 3 Bot. rolled inwards at the edges. --n. Geom. the locus of a point fixed on a straight line that rolls without sliding on a curve and is in the plane of that curve (cf. EVOLUTE). [L involutus past part. of involvere: see INVOLVE] involuted adj. 1 complicated, abstruse. 2 = INVOLUTE adj. 2. involution n. 1 the process of involving. 2 an entanglement. 3 intricacy. 4 curling inwards. 5 a part that curls upwards. 6 Math. the raising of a quantity to any power. 7 Physiol. the reduction in size of an organ in old age, or when its purpose has been fulfilled (esp. the uterus after childbirth). ЬЬinvolutional adj. [L involutio (as INVOLVE)] involve v.tr. 1 (often foll. by in) cause (a person or thing) to participate, or share the experience or effect (in a situation, activity, etc.). 2 imply, entail, make necessary. 3 (foll. by in) implicate (a person in a charge, crime, etc.). 4 include or affect in its operations. 5 (as involved adj.) a (often foll. by in) concerned or interested. b complicated in thought or form. [ME f. L involvere involut- (as IN-(2), volvere roll)] involvement n. 1 (often foll. by in, with) the act or an instance of involving; the process of being involved. 2 financial embarrassment. 3 a complicated affair or concern. invulnerable adj. that cannot be wounded or hurt, physically or mentally. ЬЬinvulnerability n. invulnerably adv. [L invulnerabilis (as IN-(1), VULNERABLE)] inward adj. & adv. --adj. 1 directed toward the inside; going in. 2 situated within. 3 mental, spiritual. --adv. (also inwards) 1 (of motion or position) towards the inside. 2 in the mind or soul. [OE innanweard (as IN, -WARD)] inwardly adv. 1 on the inside. 2 in the mind or soul. 3 (of speaking) not aloud; inaudibly. [OE inweardlice (as INWARD)] inwardness n. 1 inner nature; essence. 2 the condition of being inward. 3 spirituality. inwards var. of INWARD adv. inweave v.tr. (also enweave) (past -wove; past part. -woven) 1 weave (two or more things) together. 2 intermingle. inwrap var. of ENWRAP. inwreathe var. of ENWREATHE. inwrought attrib. adj. 1 a (often foll. by with) (of a fabric) decorated (with a pattern). b (often foll. by in, on) (of a pattern) wrought (in or on a fabric). 2 closely blended. inyala n. (also nyala) (pl. same) a large antelope, Tragelaphus angasi, native to S. Africa, with curved horns having a single complete turn. [Zulu] 14.0 IOC... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IOC abbr. International Olympic Committee. iodic adj. Chem. containing iodine in chemical combination (iodic acid). ЬЬiodate n. iodide n. Chem. any compound of iodine with another element or group. iodinate v.tr. treat or combine with iodine. ЬЬiodination n. iodine n. 1 Chem. a non-metallic element of the halogen group, forming black crystals and a violet vapour, used in medicine and photography, and important as an essential element for living organisms. °Symb.: I. 2 a solution of this in alcohol used as a mild antiseptic. [F iode f. Gk iodes violet-like f. ion violet + -INE(4)] iodism n. Med. a condition caused by an overdose of iodides. iodize v.tr. (also -ise) treat or impregnate with iodine. ЬЬiodization n. iodo- comb. form (usu. iod- before a vowel) Chem. iodine. iodoform n. a pale yellow volatile sweet-smelling solid compound of iodine with antiseptic properties. °Chem. formula: CHI[3]. [IODINE after chloroform] IOM abbr. Isle of Man. ion n. an atom or group of atoms that has lost one or more electrons (= CATION), or gained one or more electrons (= ANION). Ьion exchange the exchange of ions of the same charge between a usu. aqueous solution and a solid, used in water-softening etc. ion exchanger a substance or equipment for this process. [Gk, neut. pres. part. of eimi go] -ion suffix (usu. as -sion, -tion, -xion; see -ATION, -ITION, -UTION.) forming nouns denoting: 1 verbal action (excision). 2 an instance of this (a suggestion). 3 a resulting state or product (vexation; concoction). [from or after F -ion or L -io -ionis] Ionian n. & adj. --n. a native or inhabitant of ancient Ionia in W. Asia Minor. --adj. of or relating to Ionia or the Ionians. ЬIonian mode Mus. the mode represented by the natural diatonic scale C-C. [L Ionius f. Gk Ionios] Ionic adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the order of Greek architecture characterized by a column with scroll-shapes on either side of the capital. 2 of the ancient Greek dialect used in Ionia. --n. the Ionic dialect. [L Ionicus f. Gk Ionikos] ionic adj. of, relating to, or using ions. ЬЬionically adv. ionization n. (also -isation) the process of producing ions as a result of solvation, heat, radiation, etc. Ьionization chamber an instrument for detecting ionizing radiation. ionize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise) convert or be converted into an ion or ions. Ьionizing radiation a radiation of sufficient energy to cause ionization in the medium through which it passes. ЬЬionizable adj. ionizer n. any thing which produces ionization, esp. a device used to improve the quality of the air in a room etc. ionosphere n. an ionized region of the atmosphere above the stratosphere, extending to about 1,000 km above the earth's surface and able to reflect radio waves for long-distance transmission round the earth (cf. TROPOSPHERE). ЬЬionospheric adj. -ior(1) suffix forming adjectives of comparison (senior; ulterior). [L] -ior(2) var. of -IOUR. iota n. 1 the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet (I). 2 (usu. with neg.) the smallest possible amount. [Gk iota] IOU n. a signed document acknowledging a debt. [= I owe you] -iour suffix (also -ior) forming nouns (saviour; warrior). [-I- (as a stem element) + -OUR(2), -OR(1)] -ious suffix forming adjectives meaning 'characterized by, full of', often corresponding to nouns in -ion (cautious; curious; spacious). [from or after F -ieux f. L -iosus] IOW abbr. Isle of Wight. 15.0 IPA... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IPA abbr. International Phonetic Alphabet (or Association). IPCS abbr. (in the UK) Institution of Professional Civil Servants. ipecac n. colloq. ipecacuanha. [abbr.] ipecacuanha n. the root of a S. American shrub, Cephaelis ipecacuanha, used as an emetic and purgative. [Port. f. Tupi-Guarani ipekaagu‚ne emetic creeper] ipomoea n. any twining plant of the genus Ipomoea, having trumpet-shaped flowers, e.g. the sweet potato and morning glory. [mod.L f. Gk ips ipos worm + homoios like] i.p.s. abbr. inches per second. ipse dixit n. a dogmatic statement resting merely on the speaker's authority. [L, he himself said it (orig. of Pythagoras)] ipsilateral adj. belonging to or occurring on the same side of the body. [irreg. f. L ipse self + LATERAL] ipsissima verba n.pl. the precise words. [L] ipso facto adv. 1 by that very fact or act. 2 thereby. [L] 16.0 IQ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IQ abbr. intelligence quotient. -ique archaic var. of -IC. 17.0 IR... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IR abbr. infrared. Ir symb. Chem. the element iridium. ir- prefix assim. form of IN-(1), IN-(2) before r. IRA abbr. Irish Republican Army. irade n. hist. a written decree of the Sultan of Turkey. [Turk. f. Arab. ' irada will] Iranian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to Iran (formerly Persia) in the Middle East. 2 of the Indo-European group of languages including Persian, Pashto, Avestan, and Kurdish. --n. 1 a native or national of Iran. 2 a person of Iranian descent. Iraqi adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Iraq in the Middle East. --n. (pl. Iraqis) 1 a a native or national of Iraq. b a person of Iraqi descent. 2 the form of Arabic spoken in Iraq. irascible adj. irritable; hot-tempered. ЬЬirascibility n. irascibly adv. [ME f. F f. LL irascibilis f. L irasci grow angry f. ira anger] irate adj. angry, enraged. ЬЬirately adv. irateness n. [L iratus f. ira anger] IRBM abbr. intermediate-range ballistic missile. ire n. literary anger. ЬЬireful adj. [ME f. OF f. L ira] irenic adj. (also irenical, eirenic) literary aiming or aimed at peace. [Gk eirenikos: see EIRENICON] irenicon var. of EIRENICON. iridaceous adj. Bot. of or relating to the family Iridaceae of plants growing from bulbs, corms, or rhizomes, e.g. iris, crocus, and gladiolus. [mod.L iridaceus (as IRIS)] iridescent adj. 1 showing rainbow-like luminous or gleaming colours. 2 changing colour with position. ЬЬiridescence n. iridescently adv. [L IRIS + -ESCENT] iridium n. Chem. a hard white metallic element of the transition series used esp. in alloys. °Symb.: Ir. [mod.L f. L IRIS + -IUM] iris n. 1 the flat circular coloured membrane behind the cornea of the eye, with a circular opening (pupil) in the centre. 2 any herbaceous plant of the genus Iris, usu. with tuberous roots, sword-shaped leaves, and showy flowers. 3 (in full iris diaphragm) an adjustable diaphragm of thin overlapping plates for regulating the size of a central hole esp. for the admission of light to a lens. [ME f. L iris iridis f. Gk iris iridos rainbow, iris] Irish adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Ireland; of or like its people. --n. 1 the Celtic language of Ireland. 2 (prec. by the; treated as pl.) the people of Ireland. ЬIrish bull = BULL(3). Irish coffee coffee mixed with a dash of whisky and served with cream on top. Irish moss dried carrageen. Irish Sea the sea between England and Wales and Ireland. Irish stew a stew of mutton, potato, and onion. Irish terrier a rough-haired light reddish-brown breed of terrier. [ME f. OE Iras the Irish] Irishman n. (pl. -men) a man who is Irish by birth or descent. Irishwoman n. (pl. -women) a woman who is Irish by birth or descent. iritis n. inflammation of the iris. irk v.tr. (usu. impers.; often foll. by that + clause) irritate, bore, annoy. [ME: orig. unkn.] irksome adj. tedious, annoying, tiresome. ЬЬirksomely adv. irksomeness n. [ME, = tired etc., f. IRK + -SOME(1)] IRO abbr. 1 (in the UK) Inland Revenue Office. 2 International Refugee Organization. iroko n. (pl. -os) 1 either of two African trees, Chlorophora excelsa or C. regia. 2 the light-coloured hardwood from these trees. [Ibo] iron n., adj., & v. --n. 1 Chem. a silver-white ductile metallic element occurring naturally as haematite, magnetite, etc., much used for tools and implements, and an essential element in all living organisms. °Symb.: Fe. 2 this as a type of unyieldingness or a symbol of firmness (man of iron; will of iron). 3 a tool or implement made of iron (branding iron; curling iron). 4 a household, now usu. electrical, implement with a flat base which is heated to smooth clothes etc. 5 a golf club with an iron or steel sloping face used for lofting the ball. 6 (usu. in pl.) a fetter (clapped in irons). 7 (usu. in pl.) a stirrup. 8 (often in pl.) an iron support for a malformed leg. 9 a preparation of iron as a tonic or dietary supplement (iron tablets). --adj. 1 made of iron. 2 very robust. 3 unyielding, merciless (iron determination). --v.tr. 1 smooth (clothes etc.) with an iron. 2 furnish or cover with iron. 3 shackle with irons. Ьin irons handcuffed, chained, etc. Iron Age Archaeol. the period following the Bronze Age when iron replaced bronze in the making of implements and weapons. iron-bark any of various eucalyptus trees with a thick solid bark and hard dense timber. iron-bound 1 bound with iron. 2 rigorous; hard and fast. 3 (of a coast) rock-bound. Iron Cross the highest German military decoration for bravery. Iron Curtain a notional barrier to the passage of people and information between the Soviet bloc and the West. iron hand firmness or inflexibility (cf. velvet glove). iron in the fire an undertaking, opportunity, or commitment (usu. in pl.: too many irons in the fire). ironing-board a flat surface usu. on legs and of adjustable height on which clothes etc. are ironed. iron lung a rigid case fitted over a patient's body, used for administering prolonged artificial respiration by means of mechanical pumps. iron maiden hist. an instrument of torture consisting of a coffin-shaped box lined with iron spikes. iron-mould (US -mold) a spot caused by iron-rust or an ink-stain, esp. on fabric. iron-on able to be fixed to the surface of a fabric etc. by ironing. iron out remove or smooth over (difficulties etc.). iron pyrites see PYRITES. iron ration a small emergency supply of food. ЬЬironer n. ironing n. (in sense 1 of v.). ironless adj. iron-like adj. [OE iren, isern f. Gmc, prob. f. Celt.] ironclad adj. & n. --adj. 1 clad or protected with iron. 2 impregnable; rigorous. --n. hist. an early name for a 19th-c. warship built of iron or protected by iron plates. ironic adj. (also ironical) 1 using or displaying irony. 2 in the nature of irony. ЬЬironically adv. [F ironique or LL ironicus f. Gk eironikos dissembling (as IRONY(1))] ironist n. a person who uses irony. ЬЬironize v.intr. (also -ise). [Gk eiron dissembler + -IST] ironmaster n. a manufacturer of iron. ironmonger n. Brit. a dealer in hardware etc. ЬЬironmongery n. (pl. -ies). Ironsides n. a man of great bravery, esp. (as pl.) Cromwell's troopers in the English Civil War. ironstone n. 1 any rock containing a substantial proportion of an iron compound. 2 a kind of hard white opaque stoneware. ironware n. articles made of iron, esp. domestic implements. ironwork n. 1 things made of iron. 2 work in iron. ironworks n. (as sing. or pl.) a place where iron is smelted or iron goods are made. irony(1) n. (pl. -ies) 1 an expression of meaning, often humorous or sarcastic, by the use of language of a different or opposite tendency. 2 an ill-timed or perverse arrival of an event or circumstance that is in itself desirable. 3 the use of language with one meaning for a privileged audience and another for those addressed or concerned. [L ironia f. Gk eironeia simulated ignorance f. eiron dissembler] irony(2) adj. of or like iron. Iroquoian n. & adj. --n. 1 a language family of eastern N. America, including Cherokee and Mohawk. 2 a member of the Iroquois Indians. --adj. of or relating to the Iroquois or the Iroquoian language family or one of its members. Iroquois n. & adj. --n. (pl. same) 1 a an American Indian confederacy of five peoples formerly inhabiting New York State. b a member of any of these peoples. 2 any of the languages of these peoples. --adj. of or relating to the Iroquois or their languages. [F f. Algonquin] irradiant adj. literary shining brightly. ЬЬirradiance n. irradiate v.tr. 1 subject to (any form of) radiation. 2 shine upon; light up. 3 throw light on (a subject). ЬЬirradiative adj. [L irradiare irradiat- (as IN-(2), radiare f. radius RAY(1))] irradiation n. 1 the process of irradiating. 2 shining, illumination. 3 the apparent extension of the edges of an illuminated object seen against a dark background. [F irradiation or LL irradiatio (as IRRADIATE)] irrational adj. 1 illogical; unreasonable. 2 not endowed with reason. 3 Math. (of a root etc.) not rational; not commensurate with the natural numbers (e.g. a non-terminating decimal). ЬЬirrationality n. irrationalize v.tr. (also -ise). irrationally adv. [L irrationalis (as IN-(1), RATIONAL)] irreclaimable adj. that cannot be reclaimed or reformed. ЬЬirreclaimably adv. irreconcilable adj. & n. --adj. 1 implacably hostile. 2 (of ideas etc.) incompatible. --n. 1 an uncompromising opponent of a political measure etc. 2 (usu. in pl.) any of two or more items, ideas, etc., that cannot be made to agree. ЬЬirreconcilability n. irreconcilableness n. irreconcilably adv. irrecoverable adj. that cannot be recovered or remedied. ЬЬirrecoverably adv. irrecusable adj. that must be accepted. [F irr‚cusable or LL irrecusabilis (as IN-(1), recusare refuse)] irredeemable adj. 1 that cannot be redeemed. 2 hopeless, absolute. 3 a (of a government annuity) not terminable by repayment. b (of paper currency) for which the issuing authority does not undertake ever to pay coin. ЬЬirredeemability n. irredeemably adv. irredentist n. a person, esp. in 19th-c. Italy, advocating the restoration to his or her country of any territory formerly belonging to it. ЬЬirredentism n. [It. irredentista f. (Italia) irredenta unredeemed (Italy)] irreducible adj. 1 that cannot be reduced or simplified. 2 (often foll. by to) that cannot be brought to a desired condition. ЬЬirreducibility n. irreducibly adv. irrefragable adj. 1 (of a statement, argument, or person) unanswerable, indisputable. 2 (of rules etc.) inviolable. ЬЬirrefragably adv. [LL irrefragabilis (as IN-(1), refragari oppose)] irrefrangible adj. 1 inviolable. 2 Optics incapable of being refracted. irrefutable adj. that cannot be refuted. ЬЬirrefutability n. irrefutably adv. [LL irrefutabilis (as IN-(1), REFUTE)] irregular adj. & n. --adj. 1 not regular; unsymmetrical, uneven; varying in form. 2 (of a surface) uneven. 3 contrary to a rule, moral principle, or custom; abnormal. 4 uneven in duration, order, etc. 5 (of troops) not belonging to the regular army. 6 Gram. (of a verb, noun, etc.) not inflected according to the usual rules. 7 disorderly. 8 (of a flower) having unequal petals etc. --n. (in pl.) irregular troops. ЬЬirregularity n. (pl. -ies). irregularly adv. [ME f. OF irreguler f. LL irregularis (as IN-(1), REGULAR)] irrelative adj. 1 (often foll. by to) unconnected, unrelated. 2 having no relations; absolute. 3 irrelevant. ЬЬirrelatively adv. irrelevant adj. (often foll. by to) not relevant; not applicable (to a matter in hand). ЬЬirrelevance n. irrelevancy n. irrelevantly adv. irreligion n. disregard of or hostility to religion. ЬЬirreligionist n. [F irr‚ligion or L irreligio (as IN-(1), RELIGION)] irreligious adj. 1 indifferent or hostile to religion. 2 lacking a religion. ЬЬirreligiously adv. irreligiousness n. irremediable adj. that cannot be remedied. ЬЬirremediably adv. [L irremediabilis (as IN-(1), REMEDY)] irremissible adj. 1 unpardonable. 2 unalterably obligatory. ЬЬirremissibly adv. [ME f. OF irremissible or eccl.L irremissibilis (as IN-(1), REMISSIBLE)] irremovable adj. that cannot be removed, esp. from office. ЬЬirremovability n. irremovably adv. irreparable adj. (of an injury, loss, etc.) that cannot be rectified or made good. ЬЬirreparability n. irreparableness n. irreparably adv. [ME f. OF f. L irreparabilis (as IN-(1), REPARABLE)] irreplaceable adj. 1 that cannot be replaced. 2 of which the loss cannot be made good. ЬЬirreplaceably adv. irrepressible adj. that cannot be repressed or restrained. ЬЬirrepressibility n. irrepressibleness n. irrepressibly adv. irreproachable adj. faultless, blameless. ЬЬirreproachability n. irreproachableness n. irreproachably adv. [F irr‚prochable (as IN-(1), REPROACH)] irresistible adj. 1 too strong or convincing to be resisted. 2 delightful; alluring. ЬЬirresistibility n. irresistibleness n. irresistibly adv. [med.L irresistibilis (as IN-(1), RESIST)] irresolute adj. 1 hesitant, undecided. 2 lacking in resoluteness. ЬЬirresolutely adv. irresoluteness n. irresolution n. irresolvable adj. 1 that cannot be resolved into its components. 2 (of a problem) that cannot be solved. irrespective adj. (foll. by of) not taking into account; regardless of. ЬЬirrespectively adv. irresponsible adj. 1 acting or done without due sense of responsibility. 2 not responsible for one's conduct. ЬЬirresponsibility n. irresponsibly adv. irresponsive adj. (often foll. by to) not responsive. ЬЬirresponsively adv. irresponsiveness n. irretrievable adj. that cannot be retrieved or restored. ЬЬirretrievability n. irretrievably adv. irreverent adj. lacking reverence. ЬЬirreverence n. irreverential adj. irreverently adv. [L irreverens (as IN-(1), REVERENT)] irreversible adj. not reversible or alterable. ЬЬirreversibility n. irreversibly adv. irrevocable adj. 1 unalterable. 2 gone beyond recall. ЬЬirrevocability n. irrevocably adv. [ME f. L irrevocabilis (as IN-(1), REVOKE)] irrigate v.tr. 1 a water (land) by means of channels. b (of a stream etc.) supply (land) with water. 2 Med. supply (a wound etc.) with a constant flow of liquid. 3 refresh as with moisture. ЬЬirrigable adj. irrigation n. irrigative adj. irrigator n. [L irrigare (as IN-(2), rigare moisten)] irritable adj. 1 easily annoyed or angered. 2 (of an organ etc.) very sensitive to contact. 3 Biol. responding actively to physical stimulus. ЬЬirritability n. irritably adv. [L irritabilis (as IRRITATE)] irritant adj. & n. --adj. causing irritation. --n. an irritant substance. ЬЬirritancy n. irritate v.tr. 1 excite to anger; annoy. 2 stimulate discomfort or pain in (a part of the body). 3 Biol. stimulate (an organ) to action. ЬЬirritatedly adv. irritating adj. irritatingly adv. irritation n. irritative adj. irritator n. [L irritare irritat-] irrupt v.intr. (foll. by into) enter forcibly or violently. ЬЬirruption n. [L irrumpere irrupt- (as IN-(2), rumpere break)] 18.0 Is.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Is. abbr. 1 a Island(s). b Isle(s). 2 (also Isa.) Isaiah (Old Testament). is 3rd sing. present of BE. isagogic adj. introductory. [L isagogicus f. Gk eisagogikos f. eisagoge introduction f. eis into + agoge leading f. ago lead] isagogics n. an introductory study, esp. of the literary and external history of the Bible. isatin n. Chem. a red crystalline derivative of indole used in the manufacture of dyes. [L isatis woad f. Gk] ISBN abbr. international standard book number. ischaemia n. (US ischemia) Med. a reduction of the blood supply to part of the body. ЬЬischaemic adj. [mod.L f. Gk iskhaimos f. iskho keep back] ischium n. (pl. ischia) the curved bone forming the base of each half of the pelvis. ЬЬischial adj. [L f. Gk iskhion hip-joint: cf. SCIATIC] -ise(1) suffix var. of -IZE. °See the note at -ize. -ise(2) suffix forming nouns of quality, state, or function (exercise; expertise; franchise; merchandise). [from or after F or OF -ise f. L -itia etc.] -ise(3) suffix var. of -ISH(2). isentropic adj. having equal entropy. [ISO- + ENTROPY] -ish(1) suffix forming adjectives: 1 from nouns, meaning: a having the qualities or characteristics of (boyish). b of the nationality of (Danish). 2 from adjectives, meaning 'somewhat' (thickish). 3 colloq. denoting an approximate age or time of day (fortyish; six-thirtyish). [OE -isc] -ish(2) suffix (also -ise) forming verbs (vanish; advertise). [from or after F -iss- (in extended stems of verbs in -ir) f. L -isc- incept. suffix] isinglass n. 1 a kind of gelatin obtained from fish, esp. sturgeon, and used in making jellies, glue, etc. 2 mica. [corrupt. of obs. Du. huisenblas sturgeon's bladder, assim. to GLASS] Islam n. 1 the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah. 2 the Muslim world. ЬЬIslamic adj. Islamism n. Islamist n. Islamize v.tr. (also -ise). Islamization n. [Arab. islam submission (to God) f. aslama resign oneself] island n. 1 a piece of land surrounded by water. 2 anything compared to an island, esp. in being surrounded in some way. 3 = traffic island. 4 a a detached or isolated thing. b Physiol. a detached portion of tissue or group of cells (cf. ISLET). 5 Naut. a ship's superstructure, bridge, etc. [OE igland f. ig island + LAND: first syll. infl. by ISLE] islander n. a native or inhabitant of an island. isle n. poet. (and in place-names) an island or peninsula, esp. a small one. [ME ile f. OF ile f. L insula: later ME & OF isle after L] islet n. 1 a small island. 2 Anat. a portion of tissue structurally distinct from surrounding tissues. 3 an isolated place. Ьislets of Langerhans Physiol. groups of pancreatic cells secreting insulin and glucagon. [OF, dimin. of isle ISLE] ism n. colloq. usu. derog. any distinctive but unspecified doctrine or practice of a kind with a name in -ism. -ism suffix forming nouns, esp. denoting: 1 an action or its result (baptism; organism). 2 a system, principle, or ideological movement (Conservatism; jingoism; feminism). 3 a state or quality (heroism; barbarism). 4 a basis of prejudice or discrimination (racism; sexism). 5 a peculiarity in language (Americanism). 6 a pathological condition (alcoholism; Parkinsonism). [from or after F -isme f. L -ismus f. Gk -ismos or -isma f. -izo -IZE] Ismaili n. (pl. Ismailis) a member of a Muslim Shiite sect that arose in the 8th c. [Ismail a son of the patriarch Ibrahim (= Abraham)] isn't contr. is not. ISO abbr. 1 (in the UK) Imperial Service Order. 2 International Organization for Standardization. iso- comb. form 1 equal (isometric). 2 Chem. isomeric, esp. of a hydrocarbon with a branched chain of carbon atoms (isobutane). [Gk isos equal] isobar n. 1 a line on a map connecting positions having the same atmospheric pressure at a given time or on average over a given period. 2 a curve for a physical system at constant pressure. 3 one of two or more isotopes of different elements, with the same atomic weight. ЬЬisobaric adj. [Gk isobares of equal weight (as ISO-, baros weight)] isocheim n. a line on a map connecting places having the same average temperature in winter. [ISO- + Gk kheima winter weather] isochromatic adj. of the same colour. isochronous adj. 1 occurring at the same time. 2 occupying equal time. ЬЬisochronously adv. [ISO- + Gk khronos time] isoclinal adj. (also isoclinic) 1 Geol. (of a fold) in which the two limbs are parallel. 2 corresponding to equal values of magnetic dip. [ISO- + CLINE] isoclinic var. of ISOCLINAL. isodynamic adj. corresponding to equal values of (magnetic) force. isoenzyme n. Biochem. one of two or more enzymes with identical function but different structure. isogeotherm n. a line or surface connecting points in the interior of the earth having the same temperature. ЬЬisogeothermal adj. isogloss n. a line on a map marking an area having a distinct linguistic feature. isogonic adj. corresponding to equal values of magnetic declination. isohel n. a line on a map connecting places having the same duration of sunshine. [ISO- + Gk helios sun] isohyet n. a line on a map connecting places having the same amount of rainfall in a given period. [ISO- + Gk huetos rain] isolate v.tr. 1 a place apart or alone, cut off from society. b place (a patient thought to be contagious or infectious) in quarantine. 2 a identify and separate for attention (isolated the problem). b Chem. separate (a substance) from a mixture. 3 insulate (electrical apparatus). ЬЬisolable adj. isolatable adj. isolator n. [orig. in past part., f. F isol‚ f. It. isolato f. LL insulatus f. L insula island] isolated adj. 1 lonely; cut off from society or contact; remote (feeling isolated; an isolated farmhouse). 2 untypical, unique (an isolated example). isolating adj. (of a language) having each element as an independent word without inflections. isolation n. the act or an instance of isolating; the state of being isolated or separated. Ьin isolation considered singly and not relatively. isolation hospital (or ward etc.) a hospital, ward, etc., for patients with contagious or infectious diseases. isolationism n. the policy of holding aloof from the affairs of other countries or groups esp. in politics. ЬЬisolationist n. isoleucine n. Biochem. an amino acid that is a constituent of proteins and an essential nutrient. [G Isoleucin (see ISO-, LEUCINE)] isomer n. 1 Chem. one of two or more compounds with the same molecular formula but a different arrangement of atoms and different properties. 2 Physics one of two or more atomic nuclei that have the same atomic number and the same mass number but different energy states. ЬЬisomeric adj. isomerism n. isomerize v. (also -ise). [G f. Gk isomeres sharing equally (as ISO-, meros share)] isomerous adj. Bot. (of a flower) having the same number of petals in each whorl. [Gk isomeres: see ISOMER] isometric adj. 1 of equal measure. 2 Physiol. (of muscle action) developing tension while the muscle is prevented from contracting. 3 (of a drawing etc.) with the plane of projection at equal angles to the three principal axes of the object shown. 4 Math. (of a transformation) without change of shape or size. ЬЬisometrically adv. isometry n. (in sense 4). [Gk isometria equality of measure (as ISO-, -METRY)] isometrics n.pl. a system of physical exercises in which muscles are caused to act against each other or against a fixed object. isomorph n. an isomorphic substance or organism. [ISO- + Gk morphe form] isomorphic adj. (also isomorphous) 1 exactly corresponding in form and relations. 2 Crystallog. having the same form. ЬЬisomorphism n. -ison suffix forming nouns, = -ATION (comparison; garrison; jettison; venison). [OF -aison etc. f. L -atio etc.: see -ATION] isophote n. a line (imaginary or in a diagram) of equal brightness or illumination. [ISO- + Gk phos photos light] isopleth n. a line on a map connecting places having equal incidence of a meteorological feature. [ISO- + Gk plethos fullness] isopod n. any crustacean of the order Isopoda, including woodlice and slaters, often parasitic and having a flattened body with seven pairs of legs. [F isopode f. mod.L Isopoda (as ISO-, Gk pous podos foot)] isosceles adj. (of a triangle) having two sides equal. [LL f. Gk isoskeles (as ISO-, skelos leg)] isoseismal adj. & n. (also isoseismic) --adj. having equal strength of earthquake shock. --n. a line on a map connecting places having an equal strength of earthquake shock. isostasy n. Geol. the general state of equilibrium of the earth's crust, with the rise and fall of land relative to sea. ЬЬisostatic adj. [ISO- + Gk stasis station] isothere n. a line on a map connecting places having the same average temperature in the summer. [ISO- + Gk theros summer] isotherm n. 1 a line on a map connecting places having the same temperature at a given time or on average over a given period. 2 a curve for changes in a physical system at a constant temperature. ЬЬisothermal adj. isothermally adv. [F isotherme (as ISO-, Gk therme heat)] isotonic adj. 1 having the same osmotic pressure. 2 Physiol. (of muscle action) taking place with normal contraction. ЬЬisotonically adv. isotonicity n. [Gk isotonos (as ISO-, TONE)] isotope n. Chem. one of two or more forms of an element differing from each other in relative atomic mass, and in nuclear but not chemical properties. ЬЬisotopic adj. isotopically adv. isotopy n. [ISO- + Gk topos place (i.e. in the periodic table of elements)] isotropic adj. having the same physical properties in all directions (opp. ANISOTROPIC). ЬЬisotropically adv. isotropy n. [ISO- + Gk tropos turn] I-spy n. a game in which players try to identify something observed by one of them and identified by its initial letter. Israeli adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to the modern State of Israel in the Middle East. --n. 1 a native or national of Israel. 2 a person of Israeli descent. [Israel, a later name of Jacob, ult. f. Heb. yisra' el he that strives with God (Gen. 32:28) + -I(2)] Israelite n. hist. a native of ancient Israel; a Jew. ISSN abbr. international standard serial number. issuant adj. Heraldry (esp. of a beast with only the upper part shown) rising from the bottom or top of a bearing. issue n. & v. --n. 1 a a giving out or circulation of shares, notes, stamps, etc. b a quantity of coins, supplies, copies of a newspaper or book etc., circulated or put on sale at one time. c an item or amount given out or distributed. d each of a regular series of a magazine etc. (the May issue). 2 a an outgoing, an outflow. b a way out, an outlet esp. the place of the emergence of a stream etc. 3 a point in question; an important subject of debate or litigation. 4 a result; an outcome; a decision. 5 Law children, progeny (without male issue). 6 archaic a discharge of blood etc. --v. (issues, issued, issuing) 1 intr. (often foll. by out, forth) literary go or come out. 2 tr. a send forth; publish; put into circulation. b supply, esp. officially or authoritatively (foll. by to, with: issued passports to them; issued them with passports; issued orders to the staff). 3 intr. a (often foll. by from) be derived or result. b (foll. by in) end, result. 4 intr. (foll. by from) emerge from a condition. Ьat issue 1 under discussion; in dispute. 2 at variance. issue of fact (or law) a dispute at law when the significance of a fact or facts is denied or when the application of the law is contested. join (or take) issue identify an issue for argument (foll. by with, on). make an issue of make a fuss about; turn into a subject of contention. ЬЬissuable adj. issuance n. issueless adj. issuer n. [ME f. OF ult. f. L exitus past part. of exire EXIT] -ist suffix forming personal nouns (and in some senses related adjectives) denoting: 1 an adherent of a system etc. in - ism: see -ISM 2 (Marxist; fatalist). 2 a a member of a profession (pathologist). b a person concerned with something (tobacconist). 3 a person who uses a thing (violinist; balloonist; motorist). 4 a person who does something expressed by a verb in -ize (plagiarist). 5 a person who subscribes to a prejudice or practises discrimination (racist; sexist). [OF -iste, L -ista f. Gk -istes] isthmian adj. of or relating to an isthmus, esp. (Isthmian) to the Isthmus of Corinth in southern Greece. isthmus n. 1 a narrow piece of land connecting two larger bodies of land. 2 Anat. a narrow part connecting two larger parts. [L f. Gk isthmos] istle n. a fibre used for cord, nets, etc., obtained from agave. [Mex. ixtli] 19.0 IT... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IT abbr. information technology. It. abbr. Italian. it(1) pron. (poss. its; pl. they) 1 the thing (or occas. the animal or child) previously named or in question (took a stone and threw it). 2 the person in question (Who is it? It is I; is it a boy or a girl?). 3 as the subject of an impersonal verb (it is raining; it is winter; it is Tuesday; it is two miles to Bath). 4 as a substitute for a deferred subject or object (it is intolerable, this delay; it is silly to talk like that; I take it that you agree). 5 as a substitute for a vague object (brazen it out; run for it!). 6 as the antecedent to a relative word (it was an owl I heard). 7 exactly what is needed (absolutely it). 8 the extreme limit of achievement. 9 colloq. sexual intercourse; sex appeal. 10 (in children's games) a player who has to perform a required feat, esp. to catch the others. Ьthat's it colloq. that is: 1 what is required. 2 the difficulty. 3 the end, enough. this is it colloq. 1 the expected event is at hand. 2 this is the difficulty. [OE hit neut. of HE] it(2) n. colloq. Italian vermouth (gin and it). [abbr.] i.t.a. abbr. (also ITA) initial teaching alphabet. ital. abbr. italic (type). Italian n. & adj. --n. 1 a a native or national of Italy. b a person of Italian descent. 2 the Romance language used in Italy and parts of Switzerland. --adj. of or relating to Italy or its people or language. ЬItalian vermouth a sweet kind of vermouth. [ME f. It. Italiano f. Italia Italy] Italianate adj. of Italian style or appearance. [It. Italianato] italic adj. & n. --adj. 1 a Printing of the sloping kind of letters now used esp. for emphasis or distinction and in foreign words. b (of handwriting) compact and pointed like early Italian handwriting. 2 (Italic) of ancient Italy. --n. 1 a letter in italic type. 2 this type. [L italicus f. Gk italikos Italian (because introduced by Aldo Manuzio of Venice)] italicize v.tr. (also -ise) print in italics. ЬЬitalicization n. Italiot n. & adj. --n. an inhabitant of the Greek colonies in ancient Italy. --adj. of or relating to the Italiots. [Gk Italiotes f. Italia Italy] Italo- comb. form Italian; Italian and. itch n. & v. --n. 1 an irritation in the skin. 2 an impatient desire; a hankering. 3 (prec. by the) (in general use) scabies. --v.intr. 1 feel an irritation in the skin, causing a desire to scratch it. 2 (usu. foll. by to + infin.) (of a person) feel a desire to do something (am itching to tell you the news). Ьitching palm avarice. itch-mite a parasitic arthropod, Sarcoptes scabiei, which burrows under the skin causing scabies. [OE gycce, gyccan f. WG] itchy adj. (itchier, itchiest) having or causing an itch. Ьhave itchy feet colloq. 1 be restless. 2 have a strong urge to travel. ЬЬitchiness n. it'd contr. colloq. 1 it had. 2 it would. -ite(1) suffix forming nouns meaning 'a person or thing connected with': 1 in names of persons: a as natives of a country (Israelite). b often derog. as followers of a movement etc. (pre-Raphaelite; Trotskyite). 2 in names of things: a fossil organisms (ammonite). b minerals (graphite). c constituent parts of a body or organ (somite). d explosives (dynamite). e commercial products (ebonite; vulcanite). f salts of acids having names in - ous (nitrite; sulphite). [from or after F -ite f. L -ita f. Gk -ites] -ite(2) suffix 1 forming adjectives (erudite; favourite). 2 forming nouns (appetite). 3 forming verbs (expedite; unite). [from or after L -itus past part. of verbs in -ere, -ere, and -ire] item n. & adv. --n. 1 a any of a number of enumerated or listed things. b an entry in an account. 2 an article, esp. one for sale (household items). 3 a separate or distinct piece of news, information, etc. --adv. archaic (introducing the mention of each item) likewise, also. [orig. as adv.: L, = in like manner, also] itemize v.tr. (also -ise) state or list item by item. ЬЬitemization n. itemizer n. iterate v.tr. repeat; state repeatedly. ЬЬiteration n. [L iterare iterat- f. iterum again] iterative adj. Gram. = FREQUENTATIVE. ЬЬiteratively adv. ithyphallic adj. Gk Hist. 1 a of the phallus carried in Bacchic festivals. b (of a statue etc.) having an erect penis. 2 lewd, licentious. 3 (of a poem or metre) used for Bacchic hymns. [LL ithyphallicus f. Gk ithuphallikos f. ithus straight, phallos PHALLUS] -itic suffix forming adjectives and nouns corresponding to nouns in -ite, -itis, etc. (Semitic; arthritic; syphilitic). [from or after F -itique f. L -iticus f. Gk -itikos: see -IC] itinerant adj. & n. --adj. travelling from place to place. --n. an itinerant person; a tramp. Ьitinerant judge (or minister etc.) a judge, minister, etc. travelling within a circuit. ЬЬitineracy n. itinerancy n. [LL itinerari travel f. L iter itiner- journey] itinerary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a detailed route. 2 a record of travel. 3 a guidebook. --adj. of roads or travelling. [LL itinerarius (adj.), -um (n.) f. L iter: see ITINERANT] itinerate v.intr. travel from place to place or (of a minister etc.) within a circuit. ЬЬitineration n. [LL itinerari: see ITINERANT] -ition suffix forming nouns, = -ATION (admonition; perdition; position). [from or after F -ition or L -itio -itionis] -itious(1) suffix forming adjectives corresponding to nouns in -ition (ambitious; suppositious). [L -itio etc. + -OUS] -itious(2) suffix forming adjectives meaning 'related to, having the nature of' (adventitious; supposititious). [L -icius + -OUS, commonly written with t in med.L manuscripts] -itis suffix forming nouns, esp.: 1 names of inflammatory diseases (appendicitis; bronchitis). 2 colloq. in extended uses with ref. to conditions compared to diseases (electionitis). [Gk -itis, forming fem. of adjectives in -ites (with nosos 'disease' implied)] -itive suffix forming adjectives, = -ATIVE (positive; transitive). [from or after F -itif -itive or L -itivus f. participial stems in -it-: see -IVE] it'll contr. colloq. it will; it shall. ITN abbr. (in the UK) Independent Television News . ITO abbr. International Trade Organization. -itor suffix forming agent nouns, usu. from Latin words (sometimes via French) (creditor). See also -OR(1). -itory suffix forming adjectives meaning 'relating to or involving (a verbal action)' (inhibitory). See also -ORY(2). [L -itorius] -itous suffix forming adjectives corresponding to nouns in - ity (calamitous; felicitous). [from or after F -iteux f. L -itosus] its poss.pron. of it; of itself (can see its advantages). it's contr. 1 it is. 2 it has. itself pron. emphatic and refl. form of IT(1). Ьby itself apart from its surroundings, automatically, spontaneously. in itself viewed in its essential qualities (not in itself a bad thing). [OE f. IT(1) + SELF, but often treated as ITS + SELF (cf. its own self)] itsy-bitsy adj. (also itty-bitty) colloq. usu. derog. tiny, insubstantial, slight. [redupl. of LITTLE, infl. by BIT(1)] ITU abbr. International Telecommunication Union. ITV abbr. (in the UK) Independent Television. -ity suffix forming nouns denoting: 1 quality or condition (authority; humility; purity). 2 an instance or degree of this (a monstrosity; humidity). [from or after F -it‚ f. L -itas -itatis] 20.0 IU... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IU abbr. international unit. IUD abbr. 1 intra-uterine (contraceptive) device. 2 intra-uterine death (of the foetus before birth). -ium suffix forming nouns denoting esp.: 1 (also -um) names of metallic elements (uranium; tantalum). 2 a region of the body (pericardium; hypogastrium). 3 a biological structure (mycelium; prothallium). [from or after L -ium f. Gk -ion] IUPAC abbr. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. 21.0 IV... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IV abbr. intravenous. I've contr. I have. -ive suffix forming adjectives meaning 'tending to, having the nature of', and corresponding nouns (suggestive; corrosive; palliative; coercive; talkative). ЬЬ-ively suffix forming adverbs. -iveness suffix forming nouns. [from or after F -if -ive f. L -ivus] IVF abbr. in vitro fertilization. ivied adj. overgrown with ivy. ivory n. (pl. -ies) 1 a hard creamy-white substance composing the main part of the tusks of an elephant, hippopotamus, walrus, and narwhal. 2 the colour of this. 3 (usu. in pl.) a an article made of ivory. b sl. anything made of or resembling ivory, esp. a piano key or a tooth. Ьfossil ivory ivory from the tusks of a mammoth. ivory black black pigment from calcined ivory or bone. ivory-nut the seed of a corozo palm, Phytelephas macrocarpa, used as a source of vegetable ivory for carving: also called corozo-nut. ivory tower a state of seclusion or separation from the ordinary world and the harsh realities of life. vegetable ivory a hard white material obtained from the endosperm of the ivory-nut. ЬЬivoried adj. [ME f. OF yvoire ult. f. L ebur eboris] ivy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a climbing evergreen shrub, Hedera helix, with usu. dark-green shining five-angled leaves. 2 any of various other climbing plants including ground ivy and poison ivy. ЬIvy League a group of universities in the eastern US. [OE ifig] 22.0 IWW... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IWW abbr. Industrial Workers of the World. 23.0 ixia... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ixia n. any iridaceous plant of the genus Ixia of S. Africa, with large showy flowers. [L f. Gk, a kind of thistle] 24.0 izard... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- izard n. a chamois. [F isard, of unkn. orig.] -ize suffix (also -ise) forming verbs, meaning: 1 make or become such (Americanize; pulverize; realize). 2 treat in such a way (monopolize; pasteurize). 3 a follow a special practice (economize). b have a specified feeling (sympathize). 4 affect with, provide with, or subject to (oxidize; hospitalize). °The form -ize has been in use in English since the 16th c.; it is widely used in American English, but is not an Americanism. The alternative spelling -ise (reflecting a French influence) is in common use, esp. in British English, and is obligatory in certain cases: (a) where it forms part of a larger word-element, such as -mise (= sending) in compromise, and -prise (= taking) in surprise; and (b) in verbs corresponding to nouns with -i- in the stem, such as advertise and televise. ЬЬ-ization suffix forming nouns. -izer suffix forming agent nouns. [from or after F -iser f. LL -izare f. Gk -izo] Яндекс.Реклама: фен шуй для денег |