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English language - Dictionaries E...Oxford English ReferenceBritish Library Cataloguing Data The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed. 1. English language--Dictionaries I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423 ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain 1.0 E... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- E(1) n. (also e) (pl. Es or E's) 1 the fifth letter of the alphabet. 2 Mus. the third note of the diatonic scale of C major. E(2) abbr. (also E.) 1 east, eastern. 2 Egyptian (њE). 3 Engineering (M.I.Mech.E. etc.). 4 see E-NUMBER. e symb. 1 Math. the base of natural logarithms, equal to approx. 2.71828. 2 used on packaging (in conjunction with specification of weight, size, etc.) to indicate compliance with EEC regulations. e- prefix form of EX-(1) 1 before some consonants. 2.0 ea... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ea. abbr. each. each adj. & pron. --adj. every one of two or more persons or things, regarded separately (each person; five in each class). --pron. each person or thing (each of us; have two books each; cost a penny each). Ьeach and every every single. each other one another (used as a compound reciprocal pron. : they hate each other; they wore each other's hats). each way Brit. (of a bet) backing a horse etc. for both a win and a place. [OE ‘lc f. WG (as AYE, ALIKE)] eager adj. 1 a full of keen desire, enthusiastic. b (of passions etc.) keen, impatient. 2 keen, impatient, strongly desirous (eager to learn; eager for news). Ьeager beaver colloq. a very or excessively diligent person. ЬЬeagerly adv. eagerness n. [ME f. AF egre, OF aigre keen, ult. f. L acer acris] eagle n. 1 a any of various large birds of prey of the family Accipitridae, with keen vision and powerful flight. b a figure of an eagle, esp. as a symbol of the US, or formerly as a Roman or French ensign. 2 Golf a score of two strokes under par at any hole. 3 US a coin worth ten dollars. Ьeagle eye keen sight, watchfulness. eagle-eyed keen-sighted, watchful. eagle owl any large owl of the genus Bubo, with long ear tufts. [ME f. AF egle, OF aigle f. L aquila] eaglet n. a young eagle. eagre n. = BORE(3). [17th c.: orig. unkn.] -ean suffix var. of -AN. E. & O. E. abbr. errors and omissions excepted. ear(1) n. 1 a the organ of hearing and balance in man and vertebrates, esp. the external part of this. b an organ sensitive to sound in other animals. 2 the faculty for discriminating sounds (an ear for music). 3 an ear-shaped thing, esp. the handle of a jug. 4 listening, attention. Ьall ears listening attentively. bring about one's ears bring down upon oneself. ear-drops 1 medicinal drops for the ear. 2 hanging earrings. ear lobe the lower soft pendulous external part of the ear. ear-piercing loud and shrill. ear-splitting excessively loud. ear-trumpet a trumpet-shaped device formerly used as a hearing-aid. give ear to listen to. have a person's ear receive a favourable hearing. have (or keep) an ear to the ground be alert to rumours or the trend of opinion. in one ear and out the other heard but disregarded or quickly forgotten. out on one's ear dismissed ignominiously. up to one's ears (often foll. by in) colloq. deeply involved or occupied. ЬЬeared adj. (also in comb.). earless adj. [OE eare f. Gmc: rel. to L auris, Gk ous] ear(2) n. the seed-bearing head of a cereal plant. [OE ear f. Gmc] earache n. a (usu. prolonged) pain in the ear. earbash v.tr. esp. Austral. sl. talk inordinately to; harangue. ЬЬearbasher n. earbashing n. eardrum n. the membrane of the middle ear (= tympanic membrane). earful n. (pl. -fuls) colloq. 1 a copious or prolonged amount of talking. 2 a strong reprimand. earl n. a British nobleman ranking between a marquess and a viscount (cf. COUNT(2)). ЬEarl Marshal (in the UK) the officer presiding over the College of Heralds, with ceremonial duties on various royal occasions. Earl Palatine hist. an earl having royal authority within his country or domain. ЬЬearldom n. [OE eorl, of unkn. orig.] early adj., adv., & n. --adj. & adv. (earlier, earliest) 1 before the due, usual, or expected time (was early for my appointment; the train arrived early). 2 a not far on in the day or night, or in time (early evening; at the earliest opportunity). b prompt (early payment appreciated; at your earliest convenience). 3 a not far on in a period, development, or process of evolution; being the first stage (Early English architecture; the early Christians; early Spring). b of the distant past (early man). c not far on in a sequence or serial order (the early chapters; appears early in the list). 4 a of childhood, esp. the preschool years (early learning). b (of a piece of writing, music, etc.) immature, youthful (an early work). 5 forward in flowering, ripening, etc. (early peaches). --n. (pl. -ies) (usu. in pl.) an early fruit or vegetable, esp. potatoes. Ьat the earliest (often placed after a specified time) not before (will arrive on Monday at the earliest). early bird colloq. one who arrives, gets up, etc. early. early closing Brit. the shutting of business premises on the afternoon of one particular day of the week. early days early in time for something to happen etc. early grave an untimely or premature death. early hours the very early morning, usu. before dawn. early (or earlier) on at an early (or earlier) stage. early warning advance warning of an imminent (esp. nuclear) attack. ЬЬearliness n. [orig. as adv., f. OE ‘rlice, arlice (‘r ERE)] earmark n. & v. --n. 1 an identifying mark. 2 an owner's mark on the ear of an animal. --v.tr. 1 set aside (money etc.) for a special purpose. 2 mark (sheep etc.) with such a mark. earmuff n. a wrap or cover for the ears, protecting them from cold, noise, etc. earn v.tr. 1 (also absol.) a (of a person) obtain (income) in the form of money in return for labour or services (earn a weekly wage; happy to be earning at last). b (of capital invested) bring in as interest or profit. 2 a deserve; be entitled to; obtain as the reward for hard work or merit (have earned a holiday; earned our admiration; earn one's keep). b incur (a reproach, reputation, etc.). Ьearned income income derived from wages etc. (opp. unearned income). [OE earnian f. WG, rel. to Gmc roots assoc. with reaping] earner n. 1 a person or thing that earns (often in comb.: wage-earner). 2 sl. a lucrative job or enterprise. earnest(1) adj. & n. --adj. ardently or intensely serious; zealous; not trifling or joking. --n. seriousness. Ьin (or in real) earnest serious(ly), not joking(ly); with determination. ЬЬearnestly adv. earnestness n. [OE eornust, eornost (with Gmc cognates): cf. ON ern vigorous] earnest(2) n. 1 money paid as an instalment, esp. to confirm a contract etc. 2 a token or foretaste (in earnest of what is to come). [ME ernes, prob. var. of erles, arles prob. f. med.L arrhula (unrecorded) f. arr(h)a pledge] earnings n.pl. money earned. Ьearnings-related (of benefit, a pension, etc.) calculated on the basis of past or present income. earphone n. a device applied to the ear to aid hearing or receive radio or telephone communications. earpiece n. the part of a telephone etc. applied to the ear during use. earplug n. a piece of wax etc. placed in the ear to protect against cold air, water, or noise. earring n. a piece of jewellery worn in or on (esp. the lobe of) the ear. earshot n. the distance over which something can be heard (esp. within or out of earshot). earth n. & v. --n. 1 a (also Earth) one of the planets of the solar system orbiting about the sun between Venus and Mars; the planet on which we live. b land and sea, as distinct from sky. 2 a dry land; the ground (fell to earth). b soil, clay, mould. c bodily matter (earth to earth). 3 Relig. the present abode of mankind, as distinct from heaven or hell; the world. 4 Brit. Electr. the connection to the earth as an arbitrary reference voltage in an electrical circuit. 5 the hole of a badger, fox, etc. 6 (prec. by the) colloq. a huge amount; everything (cost the earth; want the earth). --v. 1 tr. (foll. by up) cover (the roots and lower stems of plants) with heaped-up earth. 2 a tr. drive (a fox) to its earth. b intr. (of a fox etc.) run to its earth. 3 tr. Brit. Electr. connect to the earth. Ьcome back (or down) to earth return to realities. earth-closet a lavatory with dry earth used to cover excreta. earth-hog (or -pig) = AARDVARK. earth mother 1 Mythol. a spirit or deity symbolizing the earth. 2 a sensual and maternal woman. earth-nut any of various plants, or its edible roundish tuber, esp.: 1 an umbelliferous woodland plant, Conopodium majus. 2 the peanut. earth sciences the sciences concerned with the earth or part of it, or its atmosphere (e.g. geology, oceanography, meteorology). earth-shattering colloq. having a traumatic or devastating effect. earth-shatteringly colloq. devastatingly, remarkably. earth tremor see TREMOR n. 3. gone to earth in hiding. on earth colloq. existing anywhere; emphatically (the happiest man on earth; looked like nothing on earth; what on earth?). ЬЬearthward adj. & adv. earthwards adv. [OE eorthe f. Gmc] earthbound adj. 1 attached to the earth or earthly things. 2 moving towards the earth. earthen adj. 1 made of earth. 2 made of baked clay. earthenware n. & adj. --n. pottery, vessels, etc., made of clay fired to a porous state which can be made impervious to liquids by the use of a glaze (cf. PORCELAIN). --adj. made of fired clay. [EARTHEN + WARE(1)] earthling n. an inhabitant of the earth, esp. as regarded in fiction by outsiders. earthly adj. 1 of the earth or human life on earth; terrestrial. 2 (usu. with neg.) colloq. remotely possible or conceivable (is no earthly use; there wasn't an earthly reason). Ьnot an earthly colloq. no chance whatever. ЬЬearthliness n. earthquake n. 1 a convulsion of the superficial parts of the earth due to the release of accumulated stress as a result of faults in strata or volcanic action. 2 a social etc. disturbance. earthshine n. Astron. 1 the unilluminated portion of a crescent moon shining faintly because of sunlight reflected from the earth on to the moon. 2 illumination on the moon's surface caused by this. earthstar n. any woodland fungus of the genus Geastrum, esp. G. triplex, with a spherical spore-containing fruit body surrounded by a fleshy star-shaped structure. earthwork n. 1 an artificial bank of earth in fortification or road-building etc. 2 the process of excavating soil in civil engineering work. earthworm n. any of various annelid worms, esp. of the genus Lumbricus or Allolobophora, living and burrowing in the ground. earthy adj. (earthier, earthiest) 1 of or like earth or soil. 2 somewhat coarse or crude; unrefined (earthy humour). ЬЬearthily adv. earthiness n. earwax n. a yellow waxy secretion produced by the ear, = CERUMEN. earwig n. & v. --n. 1 any small elongate insect of the order Dermaptera, with a pair of terminal appendages in the shape of forceps. 2 US a small centipede. --v.tr. (earwigged, earwigging) archaic influence (a person) by secret communication. [OE earwicga f. eare EAR(1) + wicga earwig, prob. rel. to wiggle: once thought to enter the head through the ear] ease n. & v. --n. 1 absence of difficulty; facility, effortlessness (did it with ease). 2 a freedom or relief from pain, anxiety, or trouble. b freedom from embarrassment or awkwardness. c freedom or relief from constraint or formality. --v. 1 tr. relieve from pain or anxiety etc. (often foll. by of : eased my mind; eased me of the burden). 2 intr. (often foll. by off, up) a become less painful or burdensome. b relax; begin to take it easy. c slow down; moderate one's behaviour, habits, etc. 3 tr. joc. rob or extract money etc. from (let me ease you of your loose change). 4 intr. Meteorol. become less severe (the wind will ease tonight). 5 a tr. relax; slacken; make a less tight fit. b tr. & intr. (foll. by through, into, etc.) move or be moved carefully into place (eased it into the hole). 6 intr. (often foll. by off) Stock Exch. (of shares etc.) descend in price or value. Ьat ease 1 free from anxiety or constraint. 2 Mil. a in a relaxed attitude, with the feet apart. b the order to stand in this way. at one's ease free from embarrassment, awkwardness, or undue formality. ease away (or down or off) Naut. slacken (a rope, sail, etc.). ЬЬeaser n. [ME f. AF ese, OF eise, ult. f. L adjacens ADJACENT] easel n. 1 a standing frame, usu. of wood, for supporting an artist's work, a blackboard, etc. 2 an artist's work collectively. [Du. ezel = G Esel ASS(1)] easement n. Law a right of way or a similar right over another's land. [ME f. OF aisement] easily adv. 1 without difficulty. 2 by far (easily the best). 3 very probably (it could easily snow). east n., adj., & adv. --n. 1 a the point of the horizon where the sun rises at the equinoxes (cardinal point 90ш to the right of north). b the compass point corresponding to this. c the direction in which this lies. 2 (usu. the East) a the regions or countries lying to the east of Europe. b the Communist States of eastern Europe. 3 the eastern part of a country, town, etc. 4 (East) Bridge a player occupying the position designated 'east'. --adj. 1 towards, at, near, or facing east. 2 coming from the east (east wind). --adv. 1 towards, at, or near the east. 2 (foll. by of) further east than. ЬEast End the part of London east of the City as far as the River Lea. East Ender an inhabitant of the East End. East Indiaman hist. a large ship engaged in trade with the East Indies. East Indies the islands etc. east of India, esp. the Malay archipelago. east-north (or -south) -east the direction or compass point midway between east and north-east (or south-east). to the east (often foll. by of) in an easterly direction. [OE east- f. Gmc] eastbound adj. travelling or leading eastwards. Easter n. 1 (also Easter Day or Sunday) the festival (held on a variable Sunday in March or April) commemorating Christ's resurrection. 2 the season in which this occurs, esp. the weekend from Good Friday to Easter Monday. ЬEaster egg an artificial usu. chocolate egg given at Easter, esp. to children. Easter week the week beginning on Easter Sunday. [OE eastre app. f. Eostre, a goddess associated with spring, f. Gmc] easterly adj., adv., & n. --adj. & adv. 1 in an eastern position or direction. 2 (of a wind) blowing from the east. --n. (pl. -ies) a wind blowing from the east. eastern adj. 1 of or in the east; inhabiting the east. 2 lying or directed towards the east. 3 (Eastern) of or in the Far, Middle, or Near East. ЬEastern Church the Orthodox Church. Eastern hemisphere the half of the earth containing Europe, Asia, and Africa. Eastern Time standard time used in eastern Canada and the US or in eastern Australia. ЬЬeasternmost adj. [OE easterne (as EAST, -ERN)] easterner n. a native or inhabitant of the east. Eastertide n. the period including Easter. easting n. Naut. etc. the distance travelled or the angle of longitude measured eastward from either a defined north-south grid line or a meridian. eastward adj., adv., & n. --adj. & adv. (also eastwards) towards the east. --n. an eastward direction or region. ЬЬeastwardly adj. & adv. easy adj., adv., & int. (easier, easiest) --adj. 1 not difficult; achieved without great effort. 2 a free from pain, discomfort, anxiety, etc. b comfortably off, affluent (easy circumstances). 3 free from embarrassment, awkwardness, constraint, etc.; relaxed and pleasant (an easy manner). 4 compliant, obliging; easily persuaded (an easy touch). 5 Stock Exch. (of goods, money on loan, etc.) not much in demand. --adv. with ease; in an effortless or relaxed manner. --int. go carefully; move gently. Ьeasy as pie see PIE(1). easy chair a large comfortable chair, usu. an armchair. easy come easy go colloq. what is easily got is soon lost or spent. easy does it colloq. go carefully. easy money money got without effort (esp. of dubious legality). easy of access easily entered or approached. easy on the eye (or ear etc.) colloq. pleasant to look at (or listen to etc.). easy-peasy sl. very simple. Easy Street colloq. affluence. easy terms payment by instalments. go easy (foll. by with, on) be sparing or cautious. I'm easy colloq. I have no preference. of easy virtue (of a woman) sexually promiscuous. stand easy! Brit. Mil. permission to a squad standing at ease to relax their attitude further. take it easy 1 proceed gently or carefully. 2 relax; avoid overwork. ЬЬeasiness n. [ME f. AF ais‚, OF aisi‚ past part. of aisier EASE] easygoing adj. 1 placid and tolerant; relaxed in manner; accepting things as they are. 2 (of a horse) having an easy gait. eat v. (past ate; past part. eaten) 1 a tr. take into the mouth, chew, and swallow (food). b intr. consume food; take a meal. c tr. devour (eaten by a lion). 2 intr. (foll. by (away) at, into) a destroy gradually, esp. by corrosion, erosion, disease, etc. b begin to consume or diminish (resources etc.). 3 tr. colloq. trouble, vex (what's eating you?). Ьeat dirt see DIRT. eat one's hat colloq. admit one's surprise in being wrong (only as a proposition unlikely to be fulfilled : said he would eat his hat). eat one's heart out suffer from excessive longing or envy. eat humble pie see HUMBLE. eat out have a meal away from home, esp. in a restaurant. eat out of a person's hand be entirely submissive to a person. eat salt with see SALT. eat up 1 (also absol.) eat or consume completely. 2 use or deal with rapidly or wastefully (eats up petrol; eats up the miles). 3 encroach upon or annex (eating up the neighbouring States). 4 absorb, preoccupy (eaten up with pride). eat one's words admit that one was wrong. [OE etan f. Gmc] eatable adj. & n. --adj. that is in a condition to be eaten (cf. EDIBLE). --n. (usu. in pl.) food. eater n. 1 a person who eats (a big eater). 2 Brit. an eating apple etc. eatery n. US (pl. -ies) colloq. a restaurant or eating-place. eating adj. 1 suitable for eating (eating apple). 2 used for eating (eating-house). eats n.pl. colloq. food. eau-de-Cologne n. an alcohol-based perfume of a kind made orig. at Cologne. [F, lit. 'water of Cologne'] eau-de-Nil n. a pale greenish colour. [F, lit. 'water of the Nile' (from the supposed resemblance)] eau-de-vie n. spirits, esp. brandy. [F, lit. 'water of life'] eaves n.pl. the underside of a projecting roof. [orig. sing., f. OE efes: prob. rel. to OVER] eavesdrop v.intr. (-dropped, -dropping) listen secretly to a private conversation. ЬЬeavesdropper n. [eavesdropper orig. 'one who listens under walls' prob. f. ON upsardropi (cf. OE yf‘sdryp‘): eavesdrop by back-form.] 3.0 ebb... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ebb n. & v. --n. 1 the movement of the tide out to sea (also attrib. : ebb tide). 2 the process of draining away of flood-water etc. --v.intr. (often foll. by away) 1 (of tidewater) flow out to sea; recede; drain away. 2 decline; run low (his life was ebbing away). Ьat a low ebb in a poor condition or state of decline. ebb and flow a continuing process of decline and upturn in circumstances. on the ebb in decline. [OE ebba, ebbian] ebonite n. = VULCANITE. [EBONY + -ITE(1)] ebony n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a heavy hard dark wood used for furniture. 2 any of various trees of the genus Diospyros producing this. --adj. 1 made of ebony. 2 black like ebony. [earlier hebeny f. (h)eben(e) = ebon, perh. after ivory] ebullient disp. adj. 1 exuberant, high-spirited. 2 Chem. boiling. ЬЬebullience n. ebulliency n. ebulliently adv. [L ebullire ebullient- bubble out (as E-, bullire boil)] 4.0 EC... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EC abbr. 1 East Central (London postal district). 2 executive committee. 3 a European Community. b European Commission. ecad n. Ecol. an organism modified by its environment. [Gk oikos house + -AD] ‚cart‚ n. 1 a card-game for two persons in which cards from a player's hand may be exchanged for others from the pack. 2 a position in classical ballet with one arm and leg extended. [F, past part. of ‚carter discard] Ecce Homo n. Art one of the subjects of the Passion cycle: in Renaissance painting typically a depiction of Christ wearing the crown of thorns. [L, = 'behold the man', the words of Pilate to the Jews after the crowning with thorns (John 19:5)] eccentric adj. & n. --adj. 1 odd or capricious in behaviour or appearance; whimsical. 2 a not placed, not having its axis etc. placed centrally. b (often foll. by to) (of a circle) not concentric (to another). c (of an orbit) not circular. --n. 1 an eccentric person. 2 Mech. an eccentric contrivance for changing rotatory into backward-and-forward motion, e.g. the cam used in an internal-combustion engine. ЬЬeccentrically adv. eccentricity n. (pl. -ies). [LL eccentricus f. Gk ekkentros f. ek out of + kentros CENTRE] Eccles. abbr. Ecclesiastes (Old Testament). Eccles cake n. a round flat cake made of pastry filled with currants etc. [Eccles in N. England] ecclesial adj. of or relating to a Church. [Gk ekklesia assembly, church f. ekkletos summoned out f. ek out + kaleo call] ecclesiastic n. & adj. --n. a priest or clergyman. --adj. = ECCLESIASTICAL. ЬЬecclesiasticism n. [F eccl‚siastique or LL ecclesiasticus f. Gk ekklesiastikos f. ekklesia assembly, church: see ECCLESIAL] ecclesiastical adj. of the Church or the clergy. ЬЬecclesiastically adv. ecclesiology n. 1 the study of churches, esp. church building and decoration. 2 theology as applied to the nature and structure of the Christian Church. ЬЬecclesiological adj. ecclesiologist n. [Gk ekklesia assembly, church (see ECCLESIAL) + -LOGY] Ecclus. abbr. Ecclesiasticus (Apocrypha). eccrine adj. (of a gland, e.g. a sweat gland) secreting without loss of cell material. [Gk ek out of + krino sift] ecdysis n. the action of casting off skin or shedding an exoskeleton etc. [mod.L f. Gk ekdusis f. ekduo put off] ECG abbr. electrocardiogram. echelon n. & v. --n. 1 a level or rank in an organization, in society, etc.; those occupying it (often in pl. : the upper echelons). 2 Mil. a formation of troops, ships, aircraft, etc., in parallel rows with the end of each row projecting further than the one in front (in echelon). --v.tr. arrange in an echelon. [F ‚chelon f. ‚chelle ladder f. L scala] echeveria n. any succulent plant of the genus Echeveria, native to Central and S. America. [M. Echeveri, 19th-c. Mex. botanical draughtsman] echidna n. any of several egg-laying pouch-bearing mammals native to Australia and New Guinea, with a covering of spines, and having a long snout and long claws. Also called spiny anteater. [mod.L f. Gk ekhidna viper] echinoderm n. any marine invertebrate of the phylum Echinodermata, usu. having a spiny skin, e.g. starfish and sea urchins. [ECHINUS + Gk derma -atos skin] echinoid n. a sea urchin. echinus n. 1 any sea urchin of the genus Echinus, including the common European edible urchin, E. esculentus. 2 Archit. a rounded moulding below an abacus on a Doric or Ionic capital. [ME f. L f. Gk ekhinos hedgehog, sea urchin] echo n. & v. --n. (pl. -oes) 1 a the repetition of a sound by the reflection of sound waves. b the secondary sound produced. 2 a reflected radio or radar beam. 3 a close imitation or repetition of something already done. 4 a person who slavishly repeats the words or opinions of another. 5 (often in pl.) circumstances or events reminiscent of or remotely connected with earlier ones. 6 Bridge etc. a conventional mode of play to show the number of cards held in the suit led etc. --v. (-oes, -oed) 1 intr. a (of a place) resound with an echo. b (of a sound) be repeated; resound. 2 tr. repeat (a sound) by an echo. 3 tr. a repeat (another's words). b imitate the words, opinions, or actions of (a person). Ьecho chamber an enclosure with sound-reflecting walls. echo location the location of objects by reflected sound. echo-sounder sounding apparatus for determining the depth of the sea beneath a ship by measuring the time taken for an echo to be received. echo-sounding the use of an echo-sounder. echo verse a verse form in which a line repeats the last syllables of the previous line. ЬЬechoer n. echoless adj. [ME f. OF or L f. Gk ekho, rel. to ekhe a sound] echocardiogram n. Med. a record produced by echocardiography. echocardiography n. Med. the use of ultrasound waves to investigate the action of the heart. ЬЬechocardiograph n. echocardiographer n. echoencephalogram n. Med. a record produced by echoencephalography. echoencephalography n. Med. the use of ultrasound waves to investigate intracranial structures. echogram n. a record made by an echo-sounder. echograph n. a device for automatically recording echograms. echoic adj. Phonet. (of a word) imitating the sound it represents; onomatopoeic. ЬЬechoically adv. echoism n. = ONOMATOPOEIA. echolalia n. 1 the meaningless repetition of another person's spoken words. 2 the repetition of speech by a child learning to talk. [mod.L f. Gk ekho echo + lalia talk] echovirus n. (also ECHO virus) any of a group of enteroviruses sometimes causing mild meningitis, encephalitis, etc. [f. enteric cytopathogenic human orphan (because not originally assignable to any known disease) + VIRUS] echt adj. authentic, genuine, typical. [G] ‚clair n. a small elongated cake of choux pastry filled with cream and iced with chocolate or coffee icing. [F, lit. lightning, flash] ‚claircissement n. archaic an enlightening explanation of something hitherto inexplicable (e.g. conduct etc.). [F f. ‚claircir clear up] eclampsia n. a condition involving convulsions leading to coma, occurring esp. in pregnant women. ЬЬeclamptic adj. [mod.L f. F eclampsie f. Gk eklampsis sudden development f. eklampo shine forth] ‚clat n. 1 brilliant display; dazzling effect. 2 social distinction; conspicuous success; universal approbation (with great ‚clat). [F f. ‚clater burst out] eclectic adj. & n. --adj. 1 deriving ideas, tastes, style, etc., from various sources. 2 Philos. & Art selecting one's beliefs etc. from various sources; attached to no particular school of philosophy. --n. 1 an eclectic person. 2 a person who subscribes to an eclectic school of thought. ЬЬeclectically adv. eclecticism n. [Gk eklektikos f. eklego pick out] eclipse n. & v. --n. 1 the obscuring of the reflected light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the eye or between it and its source of illumination. 2 a deprivation of light or the period of this. 3 a rapid or sudden loss of importance or prominence, esp. in relation to another or a newly-arrived person or thing. --v.tr. 1 (of a celestial body) obscure the light from or to (another). 2 intercept (light, esp. of a lighthouse). 3 deprive of prominence or importance; outshine, surpass. Ьin eclipse 1 surpassed; in decline. 2 (of a bird) having lost its courting plumage. ЬЬeclipser n. [ME f. OF f. L f. Gk ekleipsis f. ekleipo fail to appear, be eclipsed f. leipo leave] ecliptic n. & adj. --n. the sun's apparent path among the stars during the year. --adj. of an eclipse or the ecliptic. [ME f. L f. Gk ekleiptikos (as ECLIPSE)] eclogue n. a short poem, esp. a pastoral dialogue. [L ecloga f. Gk ekloge selection f. eklego pick out] eclosion n. the emergence of an insect from a pupa-case or of a larva from an egg. [F ‚closion f. ‚clore hatch (as EX-(1), L claudere to close)] eco- comb. form ecology, ecological. ecoclimate n. climate considered as an ecological factor. ecology n. 1 the branch of biology dealing with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. 2 (in full human ecology) the study of the interaction of people with their environment. ЬЬecological adj. ecologically adv. ecologist n. [G ™kologie f. Gk oikos house] Econ. abbr. Economics. econometrics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) a branch of economics concerned with the application of mathematical economics to economic data by the use of statistics. ЬЬeconometric adj. econometrical adj. econometrician n. econometrist n. [ECONOMY + METRIC] economic adj. 1 of or relating to economics. 2 maintained for profit; on a business footing. 3 adequate to repay or recoup expenditure with some profit (not economic to run buses on Sunday; an economic rent). 4 practical; considered or studied with regard to human needs (economic geography). ЬЬeconomically adv. [ME f. OF economique or L oeconomicus f. Gk oikonomikos (as ECONOMY)] economical adj. sparing in the use of resources; avoiding waste. ЬЬeconomically adv. economics n.pl. (treated as sing.) 1 a the science of the production and distribution of wealth. b the application of this to a particular subject (the economics of publishing). 2 the condition of a country etc. as regards material prosperity. economist n. 1 an expert in or student of economics. 2 a person who manages financial or economic matters. [Gk oikonomos (as ECONOMY) + -IST] economize v.intr. (also -ise) 1 be economical; make economies; reduce expenditure. 2 (foll. by on) use sparingly; spend less on. ЬЬeconomization n. economizer n. economy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the wealth and resources of a community, esp. in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. b a particular kind of this (a capitalist economy). c the administration or condition of an economy. 2 a the careful management of (esp. financial) resources; frugality. b (often in pl.) an instance of this (made many economies). 3 sparing or careful use (economy of language). 4 (also economy class) the cheapest class of air travel. 5 (attrib.) (also economy-size) (of goods) consisting of a large quantity for a proportionally lower cost. [F ‚conomie or L oeconomia f. Gk oikonomia household management f. oikos house + nemo manage] ecosphere n. the region of space including planets where conditions are such that living things can exist. ‚cossaise n. 1 an energetic dance in duple time. 2 the music for this. [F, fem. of ‚cossais Scottish] ecosystem n. a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. ecru n. the colour of unbleached linen; light fawn. [F ‚cru unbleached] ecstasize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise) throw or go into ecstasies. ecstasy n. (pl. -ies) 1 an overwhelming feeling of joy or rapture. 2 Psychol. an emotional or religious frenzy or trancelike state. 3 sl. methylenedioxymethamphetamine, a powerful stimulant and hallucinatory drug (see MDMA). [ME f. OF extasie f. LL extasis f. Gk ekstasis standing outside oneself f. ek out + histemi to place] ecstatic adj. & n. --adj. 1 in a state of ecstasy. 2 very enthusiastic or excited (was ecstatic about his new job). 3 producing ecstasy; sublime (an ecstatic embrace). --n. a person subject to (usu. religious) ecstasy. ЬЬecstatically adv. [F extatique f. Gk ekstatikos (as ECSTASY)] ECT abbr. electroconvulsive therapy. ecto- comb. form outside. [Gk ekto- stem of ektos outside] ectoblast n. = ECTODERM. ЬЬectoblastic adj. ectoderm n. Biol. the outermost layer of an animal embryo in early development. ЬЬectodermal adj. ectogenesis n. Biol. the production of structures outside the organism. ЬЬectogenetic adj. ectogenic adj. ectogenous adj. [mod.L (as ECTO-, GENESIS)] ectomorph n. a person with a lean and delicate build of body and large skin surface in comparison with weight (cf. ENDOMORPH, MESOMORPH). ЬЬectomorphic adj. ectomorphy n. [ECTO- + Gk morphe form] -ectomy comb. form denoting a surgical operation in which a part of the body is removed (appendectomy). [Gk ektome excision f. ek out + temno cut] ectopic adj. Med. in an abnormal place or position. Ьectopic pregnancy a pregnancy occurring outside the womb. [mod.L ectopia f. Gk ektopos out of place] ectoplasm n. 1 the dense outer layer of the cytoplasm (cf. ENDOPLASM). 2 the supposed viscous substance exuding from the body of a spiritualistic medium during a trance. ЬЬectoplasmic adj. ectozoon n. Biol. a parasite that lives on the outside of its host. ECU abbr. European currency unit. ecumenical adj. 1 of or representing the whole Christian world. 2 seeking or promoting worldwide Christian unity. ЬЬecumenically adv. [LL oecumenicus f. Gk oikoumenikos of the inhabited earth (oikoumene)] ecumenicalism n. (also ecumenism) the principle or aim of the unity of Christians worldwide. eczema n. inflammation of the skin, with itching and discharge from blisters. ЬЬeczematous adj. [mod.L f. Gk ekzema -atos f. ek out + zeo boil] 5.0 ed... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ed. abbr. 1 edited by. 2 edition. 3 editor. 4 educated; education. -ed(1) suffix forming adjectives: 1 from nouns, meaning 'having, wearing, affected by, etc.' (talented; trousered; diseased). 2 from phrases of adjective and noun (good-humoured; three-cornered). [OE - ede] -ed(2) suffix forming: 1 the past tense and past participle of weak verbs (needed; risked). 2 participial adjectives (escaped prisoner; a pained look). [OE -ed, -ad, -od] Edam n. a round Dutch cheese, usu. pale yellow with a red rind. [Edam in Holland] edaphic adj. 1 Bot. of the soil. 2 Ecol. produced or influenced by the soil. [G edaphisch f. Gk edaphos floor] Edda n. 1 (also Elder Edda, Poetic Edda) a collection of medieval Icelandic poems on Norse legends. 2 (also Younger Edda, Prose Edda) a 13th-c. miscellaneous handbook to Icelandic poetry. [perh. a name in a Norse poem or f. ON ўthr poetry] eddo n. (pl. -oes) = TARO. [Afr. word] eddy n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a circular movement of water causing a small whirlpool. 2 a movement of wind, fog, or smoke resembling this. --v.tr. & intr. (-ies, -ied) whirl round in eddies. Ьeddy current Electr. a localized current induced in a conductor by a varying magnetic field. [prob. OE ed- again, back, perh. of Scand. orig.] edelweiss n. an Alpine plant, Leontopodium alpinum, with woolly white bracts around the flower-heads, growing in rocky places. [G f. edel noble + weiss white] edema US var. of OEDEMA. Eden n. (also Garden of Eden) a place or state of great happiness; paradise (with reference to the abode of Adam and Eve in the biblical account of the Creation). [ME f. LL f. Gk Eden f. Heb. ' eden, orig. = delight] edentate adj. & n. --adj. having no or few teeth. --n. any mammal, esp. of the order Edentata, having no or few teeth, e.g. an anteater or sloth. [L edentatus (as E-, dens dentis tooth)] edge n. & v. --n. 1 a boundary line or margin of an area or surface. 2 a narrow surface of a thin object. 3 the meeting-line of two surfaces of a solid. 4 a the sharpened side of the blade of a cutting instrument or weapon. b the sharpness of this (the knife has lost its edge). 5 the area close to a steep drop (along the edge of the cliff). 6 anything compared to an edge, esp. the crest of a ridge. 7 a (as a personal attribute) incisiveness, excitement. b keenness, excitement (esp. as an element in an otherwise routine situation). --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by in, into, out, etc.) move gradually or furtively towards an objective (edged it into the corner; they all edged towards the door). 2 tr. a provide with an edge or border. b form a border to. c trim the edge of. 3 tr. sharpen (a knife, tool, etc.). 4 tr. Cricket strike (the ball) with the edge of the bat. Ьhave the edge on (or over) have a slight advantage over. on edge 1 tense and restless or irritable. 2 eager, excited. on the edge of almost involved in or affected by. set a person's teeth on edge (of a taste or sound) cause an unpleasant nervous sensation. take the edge off dull, weaken; make less effective or intense. ЬЬedgeless adj. edger n. [OE ecg f. Gmc] edgeways adv. (also edgewise) 1 with the edge uppermost or towards the viewer. 2 edge to edge. Ьget a word in edgeways contribute to a conversation when the dominant speaker pauses briefly. edging n. 1 something forming an edge or border, e.g. a fringe or lace. 2 the process of making an edge. Ьedging-shears shears for trimming the edges of a lawn. edgy adj. (edgier, edgiest) 1 irritable; nervously anxious. 2 disjointed (edgy rhythms). ЬЬedgily adv. edginess n. edh var. of ETH. edible adj. & n. --adj. fit or suitable to be eaten (cf. EATABLE). --n. (in pl.) food. ЬЬedibility n. [LL edibilis f. edere eat] edict n. an order proclaimed by authority. ЬЬedictal adj. [ME f. L edictum f. edicere proclaim] edifice n. 1 a building, esp. a large imposing one. 2 a complex organizational or conceptual structure. [ME f. OF f. L aedificium f. aedis dwelling + - ficium f. facere make] edify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) (of a circumstance, experience, etc.) instruct and improve morally or intellectually. ЬЬedification n. edifying adj. edifyingly adv. [ME f. OF edifier f. L aedificare (as EDIFICE)] edit v. & n. --v.tr. (edited, editing) 1 a assemble, prepare, or modify (written material, esp. the work of another or others) for publication. b prepare an edition of (an author's work). 2 be in overall charge of the content and arrangement of (a newspaper, journal, etc.). 3 take extracts from and collate (films, tape-recordings, etc.) to form a unified sequence. 4 a prepare (data) for processing by a computer. b alter (a text entered in a word processor etc.). 5 a reword to correct, or to alter the emphasis. b (foll. by out) remove (part) from a text etc. --n. 1 a a piece of editing. b an edited item. 2 a facility for editing. [F ‚diter (as EDITION): partly a back-form. f. EDITOR] edition n. 1 a one of the particular forms in which a literary work etc. is published (paperback edition; pocket edition). b a copy of a book in a particular form (a first edition). 2 a whole number of copies of a book, newspaper, etc., issued at one time. 3 a particular version or instance of a broadcast, esp. of a regular programme or feature. 4 a person or thing similar to or resembling another (a miniature edition of her mother). [F ‚dition f. L editio -onis f. edere edit- put out (as E-, dare give)] editio princeps n. (pl. editiones principes) the first printed edition of a book, text, etc. [L] editor n. 1 a person who edits material for publication or broadcasting. 2 a person who directs the preparation of a newspaper or periodical, or a particular section of one (sports editor). 3 a person who selects or commissions material for publication. 4 a person who edits film, sound track, etc. 5 a computer program for modifying data. ЬЬeditorship n. [LL, = producer (of games), publisher (as EDIT)] editorial adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or concerned with editing or editors. 2 written or approved by an editor. --n. a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor, esp. one giving an opinion on a topical issue. ЬЬeditorialist n. editorialize v.intr. (also -ise). editorially adv. -edly suffix forming adverbs from verbs, meaning 'in a manner characterized by performance of or undergoing of the verbal action' (allegedly; disgustedly; hurriedly). EDP abbr. electronic data processing. EDT abbr. US Eastern Daylight Time. educate v.tr. (also absol.) 1 give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to (a pupil, esp. a child), esp. as a formal and prolonged process. 2 provide education for. 3 (often foll. by in, or to + infin.) train or instruct for a particular purpose. 4 advise; give information to. ЬЬeducable adj. educability n. educatable adj. educative adj. educator n. [L educare educat-, rel. to educere EDUCE] educated adj. 1 having had an education, esp. to a higher level than average. 2 resulting from a (good) education (an educated accent). 3 based on experience or study (an educated guess). education n. 1 the act or process of educating or being educated; systematic instruction. 2 a particular kind of or stage in education (further education; a classical education). 3 a development of character or mental powers. b a stage in or aspect of this (travel will be an education for you). ЬЬeducational adj. educationalist n. educationally adv. educationist n. [F ‚ducation or L educatio (as EDUCATE)] educe v.tr. 1 bring out or develop from latent or potential existence; elicit. 2 infer; elicit a principle, number, etc., from data. ЬЬeducible adj. eduction n. eductive adj. [ME f. L educere educt- lead out (as E-, ducere lead)] Edw. abbr. Edward. Edwardian adj. & n. --adj. of, characteristic of, or associated with the reign of King Edward VII (1901-10). --n. a person belonging to this period. 6.0 ee... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -ee suffix forming nouns denoting: 1 the person affected by the verbal action (addressee; employee; lessee). 2 a person concerned with or described as (absentee; bargee; refugee). 3 an object of smaller size (bootee). [from or after AF past part. in -‚ f. L -atus] EEC abbr. European Economic Community. EEG abbr. electroencephalogram. eel n. 1 any of various snakelike fish, with slender body and poorly developed fins. 2 a slippery or evasive person or thing. Ьeel-grass 1 any marine plant of the genus Zostera, with long ribbon-like leaves. 2 any submerged freshwater plant of the genus Vallisneria. ЬЬeel-like adj. eely adj. [OE ‘l f. Gmc] eelpout n. 1 any fish of the family Zoarcidae, with slender body and dorsal and anal fins meeting to fuse with the tail. Also called POUT(2). 2 = BURBOT. [OE ‘leputa (as EEL, POUT(2))] eelworm n. any of various small nematode worms infesting plant roots. e'en(1) archaic or poet. var. of EVEN(1). e'en(2) Sc. var. of EVEN(2). -een suffix Ir. forming diminutive nouns (colleen). [Ir. -Ўn dimin. suffix] e'er poet. var. of EVER. -eer suffix forming: 1 nouns meaning 'person concerned with or engaged in' (auctioneer; mountaineer; profiteer). 2 verbs meaning 'be concerned with' (electioneer). [from or after F -ier f. L -arius: cf. -IER, -ARY(1)] eerie adj. (eerier, eeriest) gloomy and strange; weird, frightening (an eerie silence). ЬЬeerily adv. eeriness n. [orig. N.Engl. and Sc. eri, of obscure orig.: cf. OE earg cowardly] EETPU abbr. (in the UK) Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications, and Plumbing Union. 7.0 ef... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ef- prefix assim. form of EX-(1) 1 before f. eff v. sl. euphem. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by off) = FUCK (in expletive use). 2 intr. say fuck or similar coarse slang words. Ьeffing and blinding using coarse slang. [name of the letter F, as a euphemistic abbr.] efface v. 1 tr. rub or wipe out (a mark etc.). 2 tr. (in abstract senses) obliterate; wipe out (effaced it from his memory). 3 tr. utterly surpass; eclipse (success has effaced all previous attempts). 4 refl. treat or regard oneself as unimportant (self-effacing). ЬЬeffacement n. [F effacer (as EX-(1), FACE)] effect n. & v. --n. 1 the result or consequence of an action etc. 2 efficacy (had little effect). 3 an impression produced on a spectator, hearer, etc. (lights had a pretty effect; my words had no effect). 4 (in pl.) property, luggage. 5 (in pl.) the lighting, sound, etc., used to accompany a play, film, broadcast, etc. 6 Physics a physical phenomenon, usually named after its discoverer (Doppler effect). 7 the state of being operative. --v.tr. 1 bring about; accomplish. 2 cause to exist or occur. Ьbring (or carry) into effect accomplish. for effect to create an impression. give effect to make operative. in effect for practical purposes; in reality. take effect become operative. to the effect that the general substance or gist being. to that effect having that result or implication. with effect from coming into operation at or on (a stated time or day). [ME f. OF effect or L effectus (as EX-(1), facere make)] effective adj. & n. --adj. 1 having a definite or desired effect. 2 powerful in effect; impressive. 3 a actual; existing in fact rather than officially or theoretically (took effective control in their absence). b actually usable; realizable; equivalent in its effect (effective money; effective demand). 4 coming into operation (effective as from 1 May). 5 (of manpower) fit for work or service. --n. a soldier available for service. ЬЬeffectively adv. effectiveness n. [ME f. L effectivus (as EFFECT)] effector adj. & n. Biol. --adj. acting in response to a stimulus. --n. an effector organ. effectual adj. 1 capable of producing the required result or effect; answering its purpose. 2 valid. ЬЬeffectuality n. effectually adv. effectualness n. [ME f. med.L effectualis (as EFFECT)] effectuate v.tr. cause to happen; accomplish. ЬЬeffectuation n. [med.L effectuare (as EFFECT)] effeminate adj. (of a man) feminine in appearance or manner; unmasculine. ЬЬeffeminacy n. effeminately adv. [ME f. L effeminatus past part. of effeminare (as EX-(1), femina woman)] effendi n. (pl. effendis) 1 a man of education or standing in Eastern Mediterranean or Arab countries. 2 a former title of respect or courtesy in Turkey. [f. Turk. efendi f. mod. Gk afentes f. Gk authentes lord, master: see AUTHENTIC] efferent adj. Physiol. conducting outwards (efferent nerves; efferent vessels) (opp. AFFERENT). ЬЬefference n. [L efferre (as EX-(1), ferre carry)] effervesce v.intr. 1 give off bubbles of gas; bubble. 2 (of a person) be lively or energetic. ЬЬeffervescence n. effervescency n. effervescent adj. [L effervescere (as EX-(1), fervere be hot)] effete adj. 1 feeble and incapable. 2 worn out; exhausted of its essential quality or vitality. ЬЬeffeteness n. [L effetus worn out by bearing young (as EX-(1), FOETUS)] efficacious adj. (of a thing) producing or sure to produce the desired effect. ЬЬefficaciously adv. efficaciousness n. efficacy n. [L efficax (as EFFICIENT)] efficiency n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state or quality of being efficient. 2 Mech. & Physics the ratio of useful work performed to the total energy expended or heat taken in. Ьefficiency bar a point on a salary scale requiring evidence of efficiency for further promotion. [L efficientia (as EFFICIENT)] efficient adj. 1 productive with minimum waste or effort. 2 (of a person) capable; acting effectively. Ьefficient cause Philos. an agent that brings a thing into being or initiates a change. ЬЬefficiently adv. [ME f. L efficere (as EX-(1), facere make, accomplish)] effigy n. (pl. -ies) a sculpture or model of a person. Ьin effigy in the form of a (usu. crude) representation of a person. [L effigies f. effingere to fashion] effleurage n. & v. --n. a form of massage involving a circular inward stroking movement made with the palm of the hand, used esp. during childbirth. --v.intr. massage with a circular stroking movement. [F f. effleurer to skim] effloresce v.intr. 1 burst out into flower. 2 Chem. a (of a substance) turn to a fine powder on exposure to air. b (of salts) come to the surface and crystallize on it. c (of a surface) become covered with salt particles. ЬЬefflorescence n. efflorescent adj. [L efflorescere (as EX-(1), florere to bloom f. flos floris flower)] effluence n. 1 a flowing out (of light, electricity, etc.). 2 that which flows out. [F effluence or med.L effluentia f. L effluere efflux- flow out (as EX-(1), fluere flow)] effluent adj. & n. --adj. flowing forth or out. --n. 1 sewage or industrial waste discharged into a river, the sea, etc. 2 a stream or lake flowing from a larger body of water. effluvium n. (pl. effluvia) an unpleasant or noxious odour or exhaled substance affecting the lungs or the sense of smell etc. [L (as EFFLUENT)] efflux n. = EFFLUENCE. ЬЬeffluxion n. [med.L effluxus (as EFFLUENT)] effort n. 1 strenuous physical or mental exertion. 2 a vigorous or determined attempt. 3 Mech. a force exerted. 4 colloq. the result of an attempt; something accomplished (not bad for a first effort). ЬЬeffortful adj. [F f. OF esforcier ult. f. L fortis strong] effortless adj. 1 seemingly without effort; natural, easy. 2 requiring no effort (effortless contemplation). ЬЬeffortlessly adv. effortlessness n. effrontery n. (pl. -ies) 1 shameless insolence; impudent audacity (esp. have the effrontery to). 2 an instance of this. [F effronterie f. effront‚ ult. f. LL effrons -ontis shameless (as EX-(1), frons forehead)] effulgent adj. literary radiant; shining brilliantly. ЬЬeffulgence n. effulgently adv. [L effulgere shine forth (as EX-(1), fulgere shine)] effuse adj. & v. --adj. Bot. (of an inflorescence etc.) spreading loosely. --v.tr. 1 pour forth (liquid, light, etc.). 2 give out (ideas etc.). [ME f. L effusus past part. of effundere effus- pour out (as EX-(1), fundere pour)] effusion n. 1 a copious outpouring. 2 usu. derog. an unrestrained flow of speech or writing. [ME f. OF effusion or L effusio (as EFFUSE)] effusive adj. 1 gushing, demonstrative, exuberant (effusive praise). 2 Geol. (of igneous rock) poured out when molten and later solidified, volcanic. ЬЬeffusively adv. effusiveness n. EFL abbr. English as a foreign language. eft n. a newt. [OE efeta, of unkn. orig.] Efta n. (also EFTA) European Free Trade Association. [abbr.] 8.0 e.g.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- e.g. abbr. for example. [L exempli gratia] egad int. archaic or joc. by God. [prob. orig. a ah + GOD] egalitarian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to the principle of equal rights and opportunities for all (an egalitarian society). 2 advocating this principle. --n. a person who advocates or supports egalitarian principles. ЬЬegalitarianism n. [F ‚galitaire f. ‚gal EQUAL] egg(1) n. 1 a the spheroidal reproductive body produced by females of animals such as birds, reptiles, fish, etc., enclosed in a protective layer and capable of developing into a new individual. b the egg of the domestic hen, used for food. 2 Biol. the female reproductive cell in animals and plants. 3 colloq. a person or thing qualified in some way (a tough egg). 4 anything resembling or imitating an egg, esp. in shape or appearance. Ьas sure as eggs is (or are) eggs colloq. without any doubt. egg-beater 1 a device for beating eggs. 2 US sl. a helicopter. egg-custard = CUSTARD(1). egg-flip (or -nog) a drink of alcoholic spirit with beaten egg, milk, etc. eggs (or egg) and bacon any of various yellow- and orange-shaded plants, esp. the snapdragon or toadflax. egg-spoon a small spoon for eating a boiled egg. egg-timer a device for timing the cooking of an egg. egg-tooth a projection of an embryo bird or reptile used for breaking out of the shell. egg-white the white of an egg. have (or put) all one's eggs in one basket colloq. risk everything on a single venture. with egg on one's face colloq. made to look foolish. ЬЬeggless adj. eggy adj. (eggier, eggiest). [ME f. ON, rel. to OE ‘g] egg(2) v.tr. (foll. by on) urge (egged us on to it; egged them on to do it). [ME f. ON eggja = EDGE] eggcup n. a cup for holding a boiled egg. egger n. (also eggar) any of various large moths of the family Lasiocampidae, esp. Lasiocampa quercus, with an egg-shaped cocoon. [prob. f. EGG(1) + -ER(1)] egghead n. colloq. an intellectual; an expert. eggplant n. = AUBERGINE. eggshell n. & adj. --n. 1 the shell of an egg. 2 anything very fragile. --adj. 1 (of china) thin and fragile. 2 (of paint) with a slight gloss finish. eglantine n. sweet-brier. [ME f. F ‚glantine f. OF aiglent ult. f. L acus needle] ego n. (pl. -os) 1 Metaphysics a conscious thinking subject. 2 Psychol. the part of the mind that reacts to reality and has a sense of individuality. 3 self-esteem. Ьego-ideal 1 Psychol. the part of the mind developed from the ego by an awareness of social standards. 2 (in general use) idealization of oneself. ego-trip colloq. activity etc. devoted entirely to one's own interests or feelings. [L, = I] egocentric adj. 1 centred in the ego. 2 self-centred, egoistic. ЬЬegocentrically adv. egocentricity n. [EGO + -CENTRIC after geocentric etc.] egoism n. 1 an ethical theory that treats self-interest as the foundation of morality. 2 systematic selfishness. 3 self-opinionatedness. 4 = EGOTISM. ЬЬegoist n. egoistic adj. egoistical adj. [F ‚go‹sme ult. f. mod.L egoismus (as EGO)] egomania n. morbid egotism. ЬЬegomaniac n. egomaniacal adj. egotism n. 1 excessive use of 'I' and 'me'. 2 the practice of talking about oneself. 3 an exaggerated opinion of oneself. 4 selfishness. ЬЬegotist n. egotistic adj. egotistical adj. egotistically adv. egotize v.intr. (also -ise). [EGO + -ISM with intrusive -t-] egregious adj. 1 outstandingly bad; shocking (egregious folly; an egregious ass). 2 archaic or joc. remarkable. ЬЬegregiously adv. egregiousness n. [L egregius illustrious, lit. 'standing out from the flock' f. grex gregis flock] egress n. 1 a going out. b the right of going out. 2 an exit; a way out. 3 Astron. the end of an eclipse or transit. ЬЬegression n. (in senses 1, 2). [L egressus f. egredi egress- (as E-, gradi to step)] egret n. any of various herons of the genus Egretta or Bulbulcus, usu. having long white feathers in the breeding season. [ME, var. of AIGRETTE] Egyptian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to Egypt in NE Africa. 2 of or for Egyptian antiquities (e.g. in a museum) (Egyptian room). --n. 1 a native of ancient or modern Egypt; a national of the Arab Republic of Egypt. 2 the Hamitic language used in ancient Egypt until the 3rd c. AD. ЬЬEgyptianize v.tr. (also -ise) Egyptianization n. Egyptology n. the study of the language, history, and culture of ancient Egypt. ЬЬEgyptologist n. 9.0 eh =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- eh int. colloq. 1 expressing enquiry or surprise. 2 inviting assent. 3 asking for something to be repeated or explained. [ME ey, instinctive exclam.] 10.0 eian... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -eian suffix corresp. to -ey (or -y) + -an (Bodleian; Rugbeian). Eid n. a Muslim week-long festival celebrating the end of the fast of Ramadan. [Arab. ' id feast] eider n. 1 (in full eider duck) any of various large northern ducks, esp. of the genus Somateria. 2 (in full eider-down) small soft feathers from the breast of the eider duck. [Icel. aethr] eiderdown n. a quilt stuffed with down (orig. from the eider) or some other soft material, esp. as the upper layer of bedclothes. eidetic adj. & n. --adj. Psychol. (of a mental image) having unusual vividness and detail, as if actually visible. --n. a person able to see eidetic images. ЬЬeidetically adv. [G eidetisch f. Gk eidetikos f. eidos form] eidolon n. (pl. eidolons or eidola) 1 a spectre; a phantom. 2 an idealized figure. [Gk eidolon: see IDOL] eigen- comb. form Math. & Physics proper, characteristic. [G eigen OWN] eigenfrequency n. (pl. -ies) Math. & Physics one of the natural resonant frequencies of a system. eigenfunction n. Math. & Physics that function which under a given operation generates some multiple of itself. eigenvalue n. Math. & Physics that value by which an eigenfunction of an operation is multiplied after the eigenfunction has been subjected to that operation. eight n. & adj. --n. 1 one more than seven, or two less than ten; the product of two units and four units. 2 a symbol for this (8, viii, VIII). 3 a figure resembling the form of 8. 4 a size etc. denoted by eight. 5 an eight-oared rowing-boat or its crew. 6 the time of eight o'clock (is it eight yet?). 7 a card with eight pips. --adj. that amount to eight. Ьhave one over the eight sl. get slightly drunk. [OE ehta, eahta] eighteen n. & adj. --n. 1 one more than seventeen, or eight more than ten; the product of two units and nine units. 2 a symbol for this (18, xviii, XVIII). 3 a size etc. denoted by eighteen. 4 a set or team of eighteen individuals. 5 (18) Brit. (of films) classified as suitable for persons of 18 years and over. --adj. that amount to eighteen. ЬЬeighteenth adj. & n. [OE ehtatene, eaht-] eighteenmo n. = OCTODECIMO. eightfold adj. & adv. 1 eight times as much or as many. 2 consisting of eight parts. 3 amounting to eight. eighth n. & adj. --n. 1 the position in a sequence corresponding to the number 8 in the sequence 1-8. 2 something occupying this position. 3 one of eight equal parts of a thing. --adj. that is the eighth. Ьeighth note esp. US Mus. = QUAVER. ЬЬeighthly adv. eightsome n. 1 (in full eightsome reel) a lively Scottish reel for eight dancers. 2 the music for this. 8vo abbr. octavo. eighty n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 the product of eight and ten. 2 a symbol for this (80, lxxx, LXXX). 3 (in pl.) the numbers from 80 to 89, esp. the years of a century or of a person's life. --adj. that amount to eighty. Ьeighty-first, -second , etc. the ordinal numbers between eightieth and ninetieth. eighty-one, -two , etc. the cardinal numbers between eighty and ninety. ЬЬeightieth adj. & n. eightyfold adj. & adv. [OE -eahtatig (as EIGHT, -TY(2))] einkorn n. a kind of wheat (Triticum monococcum). [G f. ein one + Korn seed] einsteinium n. Chem. a transuranic radioactive metallic element produced artificially from plutonium. °Symb.: Es. [A. Einstein, Ger.-Amer. physicist d. 1955] eirenic var. of IRENIC. eirenicon n. (also irenicon) a proposal made as a means of achieving peace. [Gk, neut. of eirenikos (adj.) f. eirene peace] eisteddfod n. (pl. eisteddfods or eisteddfodau) a congress of Welsh bards; a national or local festival for musical competitions etc. ЬЬeisteddfodic adj. [Welsh, lit. = session, f. eistedd sit] either adj., pron., adv., & conj. --adj. & pron. 1 one or the other of two (either of you can go; you may have either book). 2 each of two (houses on either side of the road; either will do). --adv. & conj. 1 as one possibility (is either black or white). 2 as one choice or alternative; which way you will (either come in or go out). 3 (with neg. or interrog.) a any more than the other (I didn't like it either; if you do not go, I shall not either). b moreover (there is no time to lose, either). Ьeither-or n. an unavoidable choice between alternatives. --adj. involving such a choice. either way in either case or event. [OE ‘gther f. Gmc] 11.0 ejaculate... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ejaculate v. & n. --v.tr. (also absol.) 1 utter suddenly (words esp. of prayer or other emotion). 2 eject (fluid etc., esp. semen) from the body. --n. semen that has been ejaculated from the body. ЬЬejaculation n. ejaculator n. ejaculatory adj. [L ejaculari to dart (as E-, jaculum javelin)] eject v.tr. 1 send or drive out precipitately or by force, esp. from a building or other property; compel to leave. 2 a cause (the pilot etc.) to be propelled from an aircraft or spacecraft in an emergency. b (absol.) (of the pilot etc.) be ejected in this way (they both ejected at 1,000 feet). 3 cause to be removed or drop out (e.g. a spent cartridge from a gun). 4 dispossess (a tenant etc.) by legal process. 5 dart forth; emit. ЬЬejective adj. ejectment n. [L ejicere eject- (as E-, jacere throw)] ejection n. the act or an instance of ejecting; the process of being ejected. Ьejection seat = ejector seat. ejector n. a device for ejecting. Ьejector seat a device for the automatic ejection of the pilot etc. of an aircraft or spacecraft in an emergency. 12.0 eke... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- eke v.tr. Ьeke out 1 (foll. by with, by) supplement; make the best use of (defective means etc.). 2 contrive to make (a livelihood) or support (an existence). [OE eacan, rel. to L augere increase] ekka n. Ind. a small one-horse vehicle. [Hindi ekka unit] 13.0 el... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -el var. of -LE(2). elaborate adj. & v. --adj. 1 carefully or minutely worked out. 2 highly developed or complicated. --v.tr. 1 a work out or explain in detail. b (absol.) go into details (I need not elaborate). 2 produce by labour. 3 (of a natural agency) produce (a substance etc.) from its elements or sources. ЬЬelaborately adv. elaborateness n. elaboration n. elaborative adj. elaborator n. [L elaboratus past part. of elaborare (as E-, labor work)] ‚lan n. vivacity, dash. [F f. ‚lancer launch] eland n. any antelope of the genus Taurotragus, native to Africa, having spirally twisted horns, esp. the largest of living antelopes T. derbianus. [Du.,= elk] elapse v.intr. (of time) pass by. [L elabor elaps- slip away] elasmobranch n. Zool. any cartilaginous fish of the subclass Chondrichthyes, e.g. sharks, skates, rays. [mod.L elasmobranchii f. Gk elasmos beaten metal + bragkhia gills] elasmosaurus n. a large extinct marine reptile with paddle-like limbs and tough crocodile-like skin. [mod.L f. Gk elasmos beaten metal + sauros lizard] elastic adj. & n. --adj. 1 able to resume its normal bulk or shape spontaneously after contraction, dilatation, or distortion. 2 springy. 3 (of a person or feelings) buoyant. 4 flexible, adaptable (elastic conscience). 5 Econ. (of demand) variable according to price. 6 Physics (of a collision) involving no decrease of kinetic energy. --n. elastic cord or fabric, usu. woven with strips of rubber. Ьelastic band = rubber band (see RUBBER(1)). ЬЬelastically adv. elasticity n. elasticize v.tr. (also -ise). [mod.L elasticus f. Gk elastikos propulsive f. elauno drive] elasticated adj. (of a fabric) made elastic by weaving with rubber thread. elastomer n. a natural or synthetic rubber or rubber-like plastic. ЬЬelastomeric adj. [ELASTIC, after isomer] elate v. & adj. --v.tr. 1 (esp. as elated adj.) inspirit, stimulate. 2 make proud. --adj. archaic in high spirits; exultant, proud. ЬЬelatedly adv. elatedness n. elation n. [ME f. L efferre elat- raise] elater n. a click beetle. [mod.L f. Gk elater driver f. elauno drive] E-layer n. a layer of the ionosphere able to reflect medium-frequency radio waves. [E (arbitrary) + LAYER] elbow n. & v. --n. 1 a the joint between the forearm and the upper arm. b the part of the sleeve of a garment covering the elbow. 2 an elbow-shaped bend or corner; a short piece of piping bent through a right angle. --v.tr. (foll. by in, out, aside, etc.) 1 thrust or jostle (a person or oneself). 2 make (one's way) by thrusting or jostling. Ьat one's elbow close at hand. elbow-grease colloq. vigorous polishing; hard work. elbow-room plenty of room to move or work in. give a person the elbow colloq. send a person away; dismiss or reject a person. out at elbows 1 (of a coat) worn out. 2 (of a person) ragged, poor. [OE elboga, elnboga, f. Gmc (as ELL, BOW(1))] eld n. archaic or poet. 1 old age. 2 olden time. [OE (i)eldu f. Gmc: cf. OLD] elder(1) adj. & n. --attrib.adj. (of two indicated persons, esp. when related) senior; of a greater age (my elder brother). --n. (often prec. by the) 1 the older or more senior of two indicated (esp. related) persons (which is the elder?; is my elder by ten years). 2 (in pl.) a persons of greater age or seniority (respect your elders). b persons venerable because of age. 3 a person advanced in life. 4 hist. a member of a senate or governing body. 5 an official in the early Christian, Presbyterian, or Mormon Churches. Ьelder brother (pl. elder brethren) Brit. each of thirteen senior members of Trinity House. elder hand Cards the first player. elder statesman an influential experienced person, esp. a politician, of advanced age. ЬЬeldership n. [OE eldra, rel. to OLD] elder(2) n. any shrub or tree of the genus Sambucus, with white flowers and usu. blue-black or red berries. [OE ell‘rn] elderberry n. (pl. -ies) the berry of the elder, esp. common elder (Sambucus nigra) used for making jelly, wine, etc. elderly adj. 1 somewhat old. 2 (of a person) past middle age. ЬЬelderliness n. eldest adj. & n. --adj. first-born or oldest surviving (member of a family, son, daughter, etc.). --n. (often prec. by the) the eldest of three or more indicated (who is the eldest?). Ьeldest hand Cards the first player. [OE (as ELDER(1))] eldorado n. (pl. -os) 1 any imaginary country or city abounding in gold. 2 a place of great abundance. [Sp. el dorado the gilded] eldritch adj. Sc. 1 weird. 2 hideous. [16th c.: perh. f. OE elfrice (unrecorded) 'fairy realm'] elecampane n. 1 a sunflower-like plant, Inula helenium, with bitter aromatic leaves and roots, used in herbal medicine and cookery. 2 an esp. candied sweetmeat flavoured with this. [corrupt. of med.L enula (for L inula f. Gk helenion) campana (prob. = of the fields)] elect v. & adj. --v.tr. (usu. foll. by to + infin.) 1 choose (the principles they elected to follow). 2 choose (a person) by vote (elected a new chairman). 3 Theol. (of God) choose (persons) in preference to others for salvation. --adj. 1 chosen. 2 select, choice. 3 Theol. chosen by God. 4 (after a noun designating office) chosen but not yet in office (president elect). [ME f. L electus past part. of eligere elect- (as E-, legere pick)] election n. 1 the process of electing or being elected, esp. of members of a political body. 2 the act or an instance of electing. [ME f. OF f. L electio -onis (as ELECT)] electioneer v. & n. --v.intr. take part in an election campaign. --n. a person who electioneers. elective adj. & n. --adj. 1 a (of an office or its holder) filled or appointed by election. b (of authority) derived from election. 2 (of a body) having the power to elect. 3 having a tendency to act on or be concerned with some things rather than others (elective affinity). 4 (of a course of study) chosen by the student; optional. 5 (of a surgical operation etc.) optional; not urgently necessary. --n. US an elective course of study. ЬЬelectively adv. [F ‚lectif -ive f. LL electivus (as ELECT)] elector n. 1 a person who has the right of voting to elect an MP etc. 2 (Elector) hist. a German prince entitled to take part in the election of the Emperor. 3 US a member of an electoral college. ЬЬelectorship n. [ME f. F ‚lecteur f. L elector (as ELECT)] electoral adj. relating to or ranking as electors. Ьelectoral college 1 a body of persons representing the States of the US, who cast votes for the election of the President. 2 a body of electors. ЬЬelectorally adv. electorate n. 1 a body of electors. 2 Austral. & NZ an area represented by one member of parliament. 3 hist. the office or territories of the German Elector. Electra complex n. Psychol. a daughter's subconscious sexual attraction to her father and hostility towards her mother, corresponding to the Oedipus complex in a son. [Electra in Gk tragedy, who caused her mother to be murdered for having murdered Electra's father] electret n. Physics a permanently polarized piece of dielectric material, analogous to a permanent magnet. [ELECTRICITY + MAGNET] electric adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, worked by, or charged with electricity; producing or capable of generating electricity. 2 causing or charged with sudden and dramatic excitement (the news had an electric effect; the atmosphere was electric). --n. 1 an electric light, vehicle, etc. 2 (in pl.) electrical equipment. Ьelectric blanket a blanket that can be heated electrically by an internal element. electric blue a steely or brilliant light blue. electric chair (in the US) an electrified chair used for capital punishment. electric eel an eel-like freshwater fish, Electrophorus electricus, native to S. America, that kills its prey by electric shock. electric eye colloq. a photoelectric cell operating a relay when the beam of light illuminating it is obscured. electric fence a fence charged with electricity, often consisting of one strand. electric field a region of electrical influence. electric fire an electrically operated incandescent or convector heater, usu. portable and for domestic use. electric guitar a guitar with a built-in electrical sound pick-up rather than a soundbox. electric organ 1 Biol. the organ in some fishes giving an electric shock. 2 Mus. an electrically-operated organ. electric ray any of several rays which can give an electric shock (see RAY(2)). electric shaver (or razor) an electrical device for shaving, with oscillating blades behind a metal guard. electric shock the effect of a sudden discharge of electricity on a person or animal, usually with stimulation of the nerves and contraction of the muscles. electric storm a violent disturbance of the electrical condition of the atmosphere. ЬЬelectrically adv. [mod.L electricus f. L electrum f. Gk elektron amber, the rubbing of which causes electrostatic phenomena] electrical adj. 1 of or concerned with or of the nature of electricity. 2 operating by electricity. 3 suddenly or dramatically exciting (the effect was electrical). electrician n. a person who installs or maintains electrical equipment, esp. professionally. electricity n. 1 a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (electrons, protons, etc.), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current. 2 the branch of physics dealing with electricity. 3 a supply of electric current for heating, lighting, etc. electrify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 charge (a body) with electricity. 2 convert (machinery or the place or system employing it) to the use of electric power. 3 cause dramatic or sudden excitement in. ЬЬelectrification n. electrifier n. electro n. & v. --n. (pl. -os) 1 = ELECTROTYPE n. 2 = ELECTROPLATE n. --v.tr. (-oes, -oed) colloq. 1 = ELECTROTYPE v. 2 = ELECTROPLATE v. [abbr.] electro- comb. form Electr. of, relating to, or caused by electricity (electrocute; electromagnet). [Gk elektron amber: see ELECTRIC] electrobiology n. the study of the electrical phenomena of living things. electrocardiogram n. a record of the heartbeat traced by an electrocardiograph. [G Elektrocardiogramm (as ELECTRO-, CARDIO-, -GRAM)] electrocardiograph n. an instrument recording the electric currents generated by a person's heartbeat. ЬЬelectrocardiographic adj. electrocardiography n. electrochemical adj. involving electricity as applied to or occurring in chemistry. ЬЬelectrochemist n. electrochemistry n. electroconvulsive adj. (of a therapy) employing the use of the convulsive response to the application of electric shocks. electrocute v.tr. 1 kill by electricity (as a form of capital punishment). 2 cause death of by electric shock. ЬЬelectrocution n. [ELECTRO-, after EXECUTE] electrode n. a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves an electrolyte, gas, vacuum, etc. [ELECTRIC + Gk hodos way] electrodialysis n. dialysis in which electrodes are placed on either side of a semi-permeable membrane, as used in obtaining pure water from salt water. electrodynamics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) the branch of mechanics concerned with electric current applied to motive forces. ЬЬelectrodynamic adj. electroencephalogram n. a record of the brain's activity traced by an electroencephalograph. [G Elektrenkephalogramm (as ELECTRO-, ENCEPHALO-, -GRAM)] electroencephalograph n. an instrument recording the electrical activity of the brain. ЬЬelectroencephalography n. electroluminescence n. Chem. luminescence produced electrically, esp. by the application of a voltage. ЬЬelectroluminescent adj. electrolyse v.tr. (US -yze) subject to or treat by electrolysis. ЬЬelectrolyser n. [ELECTROLYSIS after analyse] electrolysis n. 1 Chem. the decomposition of a substance by the application of an electric current. 2 Surgery this process applied to the destruction of tumours, hair-roots, etc. ЬЬelectrolytic adj. electrolytical adj. electrolytically adv. [ELECTRO- + -LYSIS] electrolyte n. 1 a substance which conducts electricity when molten or in solution, esp. in an electric cell or battery. 2 a solution of this. [ELECTRO- + Gk lutos released f. luo loosen] electromagnet n. a soft metal core made into a magnet by the passage of electric current through a coil surrounding it. ЬЬelectromagnetically adv. electromagnetic adj. having both an electrical and a magnetic character or properties. Ьelectromagnetic radiation a kind of radiation including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, X-rays, etc., in which electric and magnetic fields vary simultaneously. electromagnetic spectrum the range of wavelengths over which electromagnetic radiation extends. electromagnetic units a system of units derived primarily from the magnetic properties of electric currents. electromagnetism n. 1 the magnetic forces produced by electricity. 2 the study of this. electromechanical adj. relating to the application of electricity to mechanical processes, devices, etc. electrometer n. an instrument for measuring electrical potential without drawing any current from the circuit. ЬЬelectrometric adj. electrometry n. electromotive adj. producing or tending to produce an electric current. Ьelectromotive force a force set up in an electric circuit by a difference in potential. electron n. a stable elementary particle with a charge of negative electricity, found in all atoms and acting as the primary carrier of electricity in solids. Ьelectron beam a stream of electrons in a gas or vacuum. electron diffraction the diffraction of a beam of electrons by atoms or molecules, used for determining crystal structures etc. electron gun a device for producing a narrow stream of electrons from a heated cathode. electron lens a device for focusing a stream of electrons by means of electric or magnetic fields. electron microscope a microscope with high magnification and resolution, employing electron beams in place of light and using electron lenses. electron pair an electron and a positron. electron spin resonance a spectroscopic method of locating electrons within the molecules of a paramagnetic substance. °Abbr.: ESR. [ELECTRIC + -ON] electronegative adj. 1 electrically negative. 2 Chem. (of an element) tending to acquire electrons. electronic adj. 1 a produced by or involving the flow of electrons. b of or relating to electrons or electronics. 2 (of a device) using electronic components. 3 a (of music) produced by electronic means and usu. recorded on tape. b (of a musical instrument) producing sounds by electronic means. Ьelectronic flash a flash from a gas-discharge tube, used in high-speed photography. electronic mail messages distributed by electronic means esp. from one computer system to one or more recipients: also called EMAIL. ЬЬelectronically adv. electronics n.pl. (treated as sing.) 1 a branch of physics and technology concerned with the behaviour and movement of electrons in a vacuum, gas, semiconductor, etc. 2 the circuits used in this. electronvolt n. a unit of energy equal to the work done on an electron in accelerating it through a potential difference of one volt. °Abbr.: eV. electrophilic adj. Chem. having an affinity for electrons. ЬЬelectrophile n. electrophoresis n. Physics & Chem. the movement of colloidal particles in a fluid under the influence of an electric field. ЬЬelectrophoretic adj. [ELECTRO- + Gk phoresis being carried] electrophorus n. a device for repeatedly generating static electricity by induction. [mod.L f. ELECTRO- + Gk -phoros bearing] electroplate v. & n. --v.tr. coat (a utensil etc.) by electrolytic deposition with chromium, silver, etc. --n. electroplated articles. ЬЬelectroplater n. electroplexy n. Brit. electroconvulsive therapy. [ELECTRO- + APOPLEXY] electropositive adj. 1 electrically positive. 2 Chem. (of an element) tending to lose electrons. electroscope n. an instrument for detecting and measuring electricity, esp. as an indication of the ionization of air by radioactivity. ЬЬelectroscopic adj. electro-shock attrib.adj. (of medical treatment) by means of electric shocks. electrostatic adj. of electricity at rest. Ьelectrostatic units a system of units based primarily on the forces between electric charges. [ELECTRO- + STATIC after hydrostatic] electrostatics n.pl. (treated as sing.) the study of electricity at rest. electrotechnology n. the science of the application of electricity in technology. ЬЬelectrotechnic adj. electrotechnical adj. electrotechnics n. electrotherapy n. the treatment of diseases by the use of electricity. ЬЬelectrotherapeutic adj. electrotherapeutical adj. electrotherapist n. electrothermal adj. relating to heat electrically derived. electrotype v. & n. --v.tr. copy by the electrolytic deposition of copper on a mould, esp. for printing. --n. a copy so formed. ЬЬelectrotyper n. electrovalent adj. Chem. linking ions by a bond resulting from electrostatic attraction. ЬЬelectrovalence n. electrovalency n. [ELECTRO- + -valent after trivalent etc.] electrum n. 1 an alloy of silver and gold used in ancient times. 2 native argentiferous gold ore. [ME f. L f. Gk elektron amber, electrum] electuary n. (pl. -ies) medicinal powder etc. mixed with honey or other sweet substance. [ME f. LL electuarium, prob. f. Gk ekleikton f. ekleikho lick up] eleemosynary adj. 1 of or dependent on alms. 2 charitable. 3 gratuitous. [med.L eleemosynarius f. LL eleemosyna: see ALMS] elegant adj. 1 graceful in appearance or manner. 2 tasteful, refined. 3 (of a mode of life etc.) of refined luxury. 4 ingeniously simple and pleasing. 5 US excellent. ЬЬelegance n. elegantly adv. [F ‚l‚gant or L elegant-, rel. to eligere: see ELECT] elegiac adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a metre) used for elegies. 2 mournful. --n. (in pl.) verses in an elegiac metre. Ьelegiac couplet a pair of lines consisting of a dactylic hexameter and a pentameter, esp. in Greek and Latin verse. ЬЬelegiacally adv. [F ‚l‚giaque or f. LL elegiacus f. Gk elegeiakos: see ELEGY] elegize v. (also -ise) 1 intr. (often foll. by upon) write an elegy. 2 intr. write in a mournful strain. 3 tr. write an elegy upon. ЬЬelegist n. elegy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a song of lament, esp. for the dead (sometimes vaguely used of other poems). 2 a poem in elegiac metre. [F ‚l‚gie or L elegia f. Gk elegeia f. elegos mournful poem] element n. 1 a component part; a contributing factor or thing. 2 Chem. & Physics any of the hundred or so substances that cannot be resolved by chemical means into simpler substances. 3 a any of the four substances (earth, water, air, and fire) in ancient and medieval philosophy. b any of these as a being's natural abode or environment. 4 Electr. a resistance wire that heats up in an electric heater, cooker, etc.; an electrode. 5 (in pl.) atmospheric agencies, esp. wind and storm. 6 (in pl.) the rudiments of learning or of a branch of knowledge. 7 (in pl.) the bread and wine of the Eucharist. 8 Math. & Logic an entity that is a single member of a set. Ьin (or out of) one's element in (or out of) one's accustomed or preferred surroundings. reduced to its elements analysed. [ME f. OF f. L elementum] elemental adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the four elements. 2 of the powers of nature (elemental worship). 3 comparable to a force of nature (elemental grandeur; elemental tumult). 4 uncompounded (elemental oxygen). 5 essential. --n. an entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means. ЬЬelementalism n. (in senses 1, 2). [med.L elementalis (as ELEMENT)] elementary adj. 1 a dealing with or arising from the simplest facts of a subject; rudimentary, introductory. b simple. 2 Chem. not decomposable. Ьelementary particle Physics any of several subatomic particles supposedly not decomposable into simpler ones. elementary school a school in which elementary subjects are taught to young children. ЬЬelementarily adv. elementariness n. [ME f. L elementarius (as ELEMENT)] elenchus n. (pl. elenchi) Logic logical refutation. ЬSocratic elenchus an attempted refutation of an opponent's position by short question and answer. ЬЬelenctic adj. [L f. Gk elegkhos] elephant n. (pl. same or elephants) 1 the largest living land animal, of which two species survive, the larger African (Loxodonta africana) and the smaller Indian (Elephas maximus), both with a trunk and long curved ivory tusks. 2 a size of paper (711 x 584 mm). Ьelephant grass any of various tall African grasses, esp. Pennisetum purpureum. elephant seal = sea elephant. elephant shrew any small insect-eating mammal of the family Macroscelididae, native to Africa, having a long snout and long hind limbs. ЬЬelephantoid adj. [ME olifaunt etc. f. OF oli-, elefant ult. f. L elephantus, elephans f. Gk elephas -antos ivory, elephant] elephantiasis n. gross enlargement of the body, esp. the limbs, due to lymphatic obstruction esp. by a nematode parasite. [L f. Gk (as ELEPHANT)] elephantine adj. 1 of elephants. 2 a huge. b clumsy, unwieldy (elephantine movements; elephantine humour). [L elephantinus f. Gk elephantinos (as ELEPHANT)] Eleusinian adj. of or relating to Eleusis near Athens. ЬEleusinian mysteries Gk Hist. the annual celebrations held at ancient Eleusis in honour of Demeter. [L Eleusinius f. Gk Eleusinios] elevate v.tr. 1 bring to a higher position. 2 Eccl. hold up (the Host or the chalice) for adoration. 3 raise, lift (one's eyes etc.). 4 raise the axis of (a gun). 5 raise (a railway etc.) above ground level. 6 exalt in rank etc. 7 (usu. as elevated adj.) raise morally or intellectually (elevated style). 8 (as elevated adj.) colloq. slightly drunk. ЬЬelevatory adj. [L elevare raise (as E-, levis light)] elevation n. 1 a the process of elevating or being elevated. b the angle with the horizontal, esp. of a gun or of the direction of a heavenly body. c the height above a given level, esp. sea level. d a high place or position. 2 a a drawing or diagram made by projection on a vertical plane (cf. PLAN). b a flat drawing of the front, side, or back of a house etc. 3 Ballet a the capacity of a dancer to attain height in springing movements. b the action of tightening the muscles and uplifting the body. ЬЬelevational adj. (in sense 2). [ME f. OF elevation or L elevatio: see ELEVATE] elevator n. 1 a hoisting machine. 2 Aeron. the movable part of a tailplane for changing the pitch of an aircraft. 3 US a = LIFT n. 3. b a place for lifting and storing quantities of grain. 4 that which elevates, esp. a muscle that raises a limb. [mod.L (as ELEVATE)] eleven n. & adj. --n. 1 one more than ten; the sum of six units and five units. 2 a symbol for this (11, xi, XI). 3 a size etc. denoted by eleven. 4 a set or team of eleven individuals. 5 the time of eleven o'clock (is it eleven yet?). --adj. that amount to eleven. Ьeleven-plus esp. hist. (in the UK) an examination taken at the age of 11-12 to determine the type of secondary school a child should enter. [OE endleofon f. Gmc] elevenfold adj. & adv. 1 eleven times as much or as many. 2 consisting of eleven parts. elevenses n. (usu. in pl.) Brit. colloq. light refreshment, usu. with tea or coffee, taken about 11 a.m. eleventh n. & adj. --n. 1 the position in a sequence corresponding to the number 11 in the sequence 1-11. 2 something occupying this position. 3 one of eleven equal parts of a thing. 4 Mus. a an interval or chord spanning an octave and a third in the diatonic scale. b a note separated from another by this interval. --adj. that is the eleventh. Ьthe eleventh hour the last possible moment. elevon n. Aeron. the movable part of the trailing edge of a delta wing. [ELEVATOR + AILERON] elf n. (pl. elves) 1 a mythological being, esp. one that is small and mischievous. 2 a sprite or little creature. Ьelf-lock a tangled mass of hair. ЬЬelfish adj. elvish adj. [OE f. Gmc] elfin adj. & n. --adj. of elves; elflike. --n. archaic a dwarf; a child. [ELF, perh. infl. by ME elvene genit. pl. of elf, and by Elphin in Arthurian romance] elicit v.tr. (elicited, eliciting) 1 draw out, evoke (an admission, response, etc.). 2 draw forth (what is latent). ЬЬelicitation n. elicitor n. [L elicere elicit- (as E-, lacere entice)] elide v.tr. omit (a vowel or syllable) by elision. [L elidere elis- crush out (as E-, laedere knock)] eligible adj. 1 (often foll. by for) fit or entitled to be chosen (eligible for a rebate). 2 desirable or suitable, esp. as a partner in marriage. ЬЬeligibility n. eligibly adv. [F ‚ligible f. LL eligibilis (as ELECT)] eliminate v.tr. 1 remove, get rid of. 2 exclude from consideration; ignore as irrelevant. 3 exclude from further participation in a competition etc. on defeat. 4 Physiol. discharge (waste matter). 5 Chem. remove (a simpler substance) from a compound. 6 Algebra remove (a quantity) by combining equations. ЬЬeliminable adj. elimination n. eliminator n. eliminatory adj. [L eliminare (as E-, limen liminis threshold)] elision n. 1 the omission of a vowel or syllable in pronouncing (as in I'm, let's, e' en). 2 the omission of a passage in a book etc. [LL elisio (as ELIDE)] ‚lite n. 1 (prec. by the) the best or choice part of a larger body or group. 2 a select group or class. 3 a size of letter in typewriting (12 per inch). [F f. past part. of ‚lire f. Rmc: rel. to ELECT] ‚litism n. 1 advocacy of or reliance on leadership or dominance by a select group. 2 a sense of belonging to an ‚lite. ЬЬ‚litist n. & adj. elixir n. 1 Alchemy a a preparation supposedly able to change metals into gold. b (in full elixir of life) a preparation supposedly able to prolong life indefinitely. c a supposed remedy for all ills. 2 Pharm. an aromatic solution used as a medicine or flavouring. [ME f. med.L f. Arab. al-iksir f. al the + iksir prob. f. Gk xerion powder for drying wounds f. xeros dry] Elizabethan adj. & n. --adj. of the time of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) or of Queen Elizabeth II (1952- ). --n. a person, esp. a writer, of the time of Queen Elizabeth I or II. elk n. (pl. same or elks) 1 a large deer, Alces alces, of N. Europe and Asia, with palmate antlers and a growth of skin hanging from the neck; a moose. 2 US a wapiti. Ьelk-hound a large Scandinavian hunting dog with a shaggy coat. [ME, prob. repr. OE elh, eolh] ell n. hist. a former measure of length, about 45 inches. [OE eln, rel. to L ulna: see ULNA] ellipse n. a regular oval, traced by a point moving in a plane so that the sum of its distances from two other points is constant, or resulting when a cone is cut by a plane which does not intersect the base and makes a smaller angle with the base than the side of the cone makes (cf. HYPERBOLA). [F f. L ellipsus f. Gk elleipsis f. elleipo come short f. en in + leipo leave] ellipsis n. (also ellipse) (pl. ellipses) 1 the omission from a sentence of words needed to complete the construction or sense. 2 the omission of a sentence at the end of a paragraph. 3 a set of three dots etc. indicating an omission. ellipsoid n. a solid of which all the plane sections normal to one axis are circles and all the other plane sections are ellipses. ЬЬellipsoidal adj. elliptic adj. (also elliptical) of, relating to, or having the form of an ellipse or ellipsis. ЬЬelliptically adv. ellipticity n. [Gk elleiptikos defective f. elleipo (as ELLIPSE)] elm n. 1 any tree of the genus Ulmus, esp. U. procera with rough serrated leaves. 2 (in full elmwood) the wood of the elm. ЬЬelmy adj. [OE, rel. to L ulmus] elocution n. 1 the art of clear and expressive speech, esp. of distinct pronunciation and articulation. 2 a particular style of speaking. ЬЬelocutionary adj. elocutionist n. [L elocutio f. eloqui elocut- speak out (as E-, loqui speak)] elongate v. & adj. --v. 1 tr. lengthen, prolong. 2 intr. Bot. be of slender or tapering form. --adj. Bot. & Zool. long in proportion to width. [LL elongare (as E-, L longus long)] elongation n. 1 the act or an instance of lengthening; the process of being lengthened. 2 a part of a line etc. formed by lengthening. 3 Mech. the amount of extension under stress. 4 Astron. the angular separation of a planet from the sun or of a satellite from a planet. [ME f. LL elongatio (as ELONGATE)] elope v.intr. 1 run away to marry secretly, esp. without parental consent. 2 run away with a lover. ЬЬelopement n. eloper n. [AF aloper perh. f. a ME form alope, rel. to LEAP] eloquence n. 1 fluent and effective use of language. 2 rhetoric. [ME f. OF f. L eloquentia f. eloqui speak out (as E-, loqui speak)] eloquent adj. 1 possessing or showing eloquence. 2 (often foll. by of) clearly expressive or indicative. ЬЬeloquently adv. [ME f. OF f. L eloqui (as ELOQUENCE)] Elsan n. Brit. propr. a type of transportable chemical lavatory. [app. f. E. L. Jackson (its manufacturer) + SANITATION] else adv. 1 (prec. by indef. or interrog. pron.) besides; in addition (someone else; nowhere else; who else). 2 instead; other, different (what else could I say?; he did not love her, but someone else). 3 otherwise; if not (run, (or) else you will be late). [OE elles, rel. to L alius, Gk allos] elsewhere adv. in or to some other place. [OE elles hw‘r (as ELSE, WHERE)] eluant var. of ELUENT. eluate n. Chem. a solution or gas stream obtained by elution. [formed as ELUENT] elucidate v.tr. throw light on; explain. ЬЬelucidation n. elucidative adj. elucidator n. elucidatory adj. [LL elucidare (as E-, LUCID)] elude v.tr. 1 escape adroitly from (a danger, difficulty, pursuer, etc.); dodge. 2 avoid compliance with (a law, request, etc.) or fulfilment of (an obligation). 3 (of a fact, solution, etc.) escape from or baffle (a person's memory or understanding). ЬЬelusion n. elusory adj. [L eludere elus- (as E-, ludere play)] eluent n. (also eluant) Chem. a fluid used for elution. [L eluere wash out (as E-, luere lut- wash)] elusive adj. 1 difficult to find or catch; tending to elude. 2 difficult to remember or recall. 3 (of an answer etc.) avoiding the point raised; seeking to elude. ЬЬelusively adv. elusiveness n. elute v.tr. Chem. remove (an adsorbed substance) by washing. ЬЬelution n. [G eluieren (as ELUENT)] elutriate v.tr. Chem. separate (lighter and heavier particles in a mixture) by suspension in an upward flow of liquid or gas. ЬЬelutriation n. [L elutriare elutriat- (as E-, lutriare wash)] elver n. a young eel. [var. of eel-fare (see FARE) = a brood of young eels] elves pl. of ELF. elvish see ELF. Elysium n. 1 (also Elysian Fields) (in Greek mythology) the abode of the blessed after death. 2 a place or state of ideal happiness. ЬЬElysian adj. [L f. Gk Elusion (pedion plain)] elytron n. (pl. elytra) the outer hard usu. brightly coloured wing-case of a coleopterous insect. [Gk elutron sheath] 14.0 em... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- em n. Printing 1 a unit for measuring the amount of printed matter in a line, usually equal to the nominal width of capital M. 2 a unit of measurement equal to 12 points. Ьem rule (or dash) a long dash used in punctuation. [name of the letter M] em- prefix assim. form of EN-(1), EN-(2) before b, p. 'em pron. colloq. them (let 'em all come). [orig. a form of ME hem, dative and accus. 3rd pers. pl. pron.: now regarded as an abbr. of THEM] emaciate v.tr. (esp. as emaciated adj.) make abnormally thin or feeble. ЬЬemaciation n. [L emaciare emaciat- (as E-, macies leanness)] email n. (also e-mail) = electronic mail. emanate v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by from) (of an idea, rumour, etc.) issue, originate (from a source). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by from) (of gas, light, etc.) proceed, issue. 3 tr. emit; send forth. [L emanare flow out] emanation n. 1 the act or process of emanating. 2 something that emanates from a source (esp. of virtues, qualities, etc.). 3 Chem. a radioactive gas formed by radioactive decay. ЬЬemanative adj. [LL emanatio (as EMANATE)] emancipate v.tr. 1 free from restraint, esp. legal, social, or political. 2 (usu. as emancipated adj.) cause to be less inhibited by moral or social convention. 3 free from slavery. ЬЬemancipation n. emancipator n. emancipatory adj. [L emancipare transfer property (as E-, manus hand + capere take)] emasculate v. & adj. --v.tr. 1 deprive of force or vigour; make feeble or ineffective. 2 castrate. --adj. 1 deprived of force or vigour. 2 castrated. 3 effeminate. ЬЬemasculation n. emasculator n. emasculatory adj. [L emasculatus past part. of emasculare (as E-, masculus dimin. of mas male)] embalm v.tr. 1 preserve (a corpse) from decay orig. with spices, now by means of arterial injection. 2 preserve from oblivion. 3 endue with balmy fragrance. ЬЬembalmer n. embalmment n. [ME f. OF embaumer (as EN-(1), BALM)] embank v.tr. shut in or confine (a river etc.) with an artificial bank. embankment n. an earth or stone bank for keeping back water, or for carrying a road or railway. embargo n. & v. --n. (pl. -oes) 1 an order of a State forbidding foreign ships to enter, or any ships to leave, its ports. 2 an official suspension of commerce or other activity (be under an embargo). 3 an impediment. --v.tr. (-oes, -oed) 1 place (ships, trade, etc.) under embargo. 2 seize (a ship, goods) for State service. [Sp. f. embargar arrest f. Rmc (as IN-(2), BAR(1))] embark v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by for) put or go on board a ship or aircraft (to a destination). 2 intr. (foll. by on, upon) engage in an activity or undertaking. ЬЬembarkation n. (in sense 1). [F embarquer (as IN-(2), BARK(3))] embarras de choix n. (also embarras de richesse(s)) more choices than one needs or can deal with. [F, = embarrassment of choice, riches] embarrass v.tr. 1 cause (a person) to feel awkward or self-conscious or ashamed. 2 (as embarrassed adj.) encumbered with debts. 3 encumber, impede. 4 complicate (a question etc.). 5 perplex. ЬЬembarrassedly adv. embarrassingly adv. embarrassment n. [F embarrasser (orig. = hamper) f. Sp. embarazar f. It. imbarrare bar in (as IN-(2), BAR(1))] embassy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the residence or offices of an ambassador. b the ambassador and staff attached to an embassy. 2 a deputation or mission to a foreign country. [earlier ambassy f. OF ambass‚e etc. f. med.L ambasciata f. Rmc (as AMBASSADOR)] embattle v.tr. 1 a set (an army etc.) in battle array. b fortify against attack. 2 provide (a building or wall) with battlements. 3 (as embattled adj.) a prepared or arrayed for battle. b involved in a conflict or difficult undertaking. c Heraldry like battlements in form. [ME f. OF embataillier (as EN-(1), BATTLE): see BATTLEMENT] embay v.tr. 1 enclose in or as in a bay; shut in. 2 form (a coast) into bays. ЬЬembayment n. embed v.tr. (also imbed) (-bedded, -bedding) 1 (esp. as embedded adj.) fix firmly in a surrounding mass (embedded in concrete). 2 (of a mass) surround so as to fix firmly. 3 place in or as in a bed. ЬЬembedment n. embellish v.tr. 1 beautify, adorn. 2 add interest to (a narrative) with fictitious additions. ЬЬembellisher n. embellishment n. [ME f. OF embellir (as EN-(1), bel handsome f. L bellus)] ember(1) n. 1 (usu. in pl.) a small piece of glowing coal or wood in a dying fire. 2 an almost extinct residue of a past activity, feeling, etc. [OE ‘myrge f. Gmc] ember(2) n. (in full ember-goose) = great northern diver. [Norw. emmer] ember days n.pl. any of the days traditionally reserved for fasting and prayer in the Christian Church, now associated with ordinations. [OE ymbren (n.), perh. f. ymbryne period f. ymb about + ryne course] embezzle v.tr. (also absol.) divert (money etc.) fraudulently to one's own use. ЬЬembezzlement n. embezzler n. [AF embesiler (as EN-(1), OF besillier maltreat, ravage, of unkn. orig.)] embitter v.tr. 1 arouse bitter feelings in (a person). 2 make more bitter or painful. 3 render (a person or feelings) hostile. ЬЬembitterment n. emblazon v.tr. 1 a portray conspicuously, as on a heraldic shield. b adorn (a shield) with heraldic devices. 2 adorn brightly and conspicuously. 3 celebrate, extol. ЬЬemblazonment n. emblem n. 1 a symbol or representation typifying or identifying an institution, quality, etc. 2 (foll. by of) (of a person) the type (the very emblem of courage). 3 a heraldic device or symbolic object as a distinctive badge. ЬЬemblematic adj. emblematical adj. emblematically adv. [ME f. L emblema f. Gk emblema -matos insertion f. emballo throw in (as EN-(1), ballo throw)] emblematize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 serve as an emblem of. 2 represent by an emblem. emblements n.pl. Law crops normally harvested annually, regarded as personal property. [ME f. OF emblaement f. emblaier (as EN-(1), bl‚ corn)] embody v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 give a concrete or discernible form to (an idea, concept, etc.). 2 (of a thing or person) be an expression of (an idea etc.). 3 express tangibly (courage embodied in heroic actions). 4 form into a body. 5 include, comprise. 6 provide (a spirit) with bodily form. ЬЬembodiment n. embolden v.tr. (often foll. by to + infin.) make bold; encourage. embolism n. an obstruction of any artery by a clot of blood, air-bubble, etc. [ME, = 'intercalation' f. LL embolismus f. Gk embolismos f. emballo (as EMBLEM)] embolus n. (pl. emboli) an object causing an embolism. [L, = piston, f. Gk embolos peg, stopper] embonpoint n. plumpness (of a person). [F en bon point in good condition] embosom v.tr. literary 1 embrace. 2 enclose, surround. emboss v.tr. 1 carve or mould in relief. 2 form figures etc. so that they stand out on (a surface). 3 make protuberant. ЬЬembosser n. embossment n. [ME, f. OF (as EN-(1), BOSS(2))] embouchure n. 1 Mus. a the mode of applying the mouth to the mouthpiece of a brass or wind instrument. b the mouthpiece of some instruments. 2 the mouth of a river. 3 the opening of a valley. [F f. s'emboucher discharge itself by the mouth (as EN-(1), bouche mouth)] embowel v.tr. (embowelled, embowelling; US emboweled, emboweling) archaic = DISEMBOWEL. [OF emboweler f. esboueler (as EX-(1), BOWEL)] embower v.tr. literary enclose as in a bower. embrace v. & n. --v.tr. 1 a hold (a person) closely in the arms, esp. as a sign of affection. b (absol., of two people) hold each other closely. 2 clasp, enclose. 3 accept eagerly (an offer, opportunity, etc.). 4 adopt (a course of action, doctrine, cause, etc.). 5 include, comprise. 6 take in with the eye or mind. --n. an act of embracing; holding in the arms. ЬЬembraceable adj. embracement n. embracer n. [ME f. OF embracer, ult. f. L in- IN-(1) + bracchium arm] embranchment n. a branching-out (of the arm of a river etc.). [F embranchement BRANCH (as EN-(1), BRANCH)] embrasure n. 1 the bevelling of a wall at the sides of a door or window; splaying. 2 a small opening in a parapet of a fortified building, splayed on the inside. ЬЬembrasured adj. [F f. embraser splay, of unkn. orig.] embrittle v.tr. make brittle. ЬЬembrittlement n. embrocation n. a liquid used for rubbing on the body to relieve muscular pain etc. [F embrocation or med.L embrocatio ult. f. Gk embrokhe lotion] embroider v.tr. 1 (also absol.) a decorate (cloth etc.) with needlework. b create (a design) in this way. 2 add interest to (a narrative) with fictitious additions. ЬЬembroiderer n. [ME f. AF enbrouder (as EN-(1), OF brouder, broisder f. Gmc)] embroidery n. (pl. -ies) 1 the art of embroidering. 2 embroidered work; a piece of this. 3 unnecessary or extravagant ornament. [ME f. AF enbrouderie (as EMBROIDER)] embroil v.tr. 1 (often foll. by with) involve (a person) in conflict or difficulties. 2 bring (affairs) into a state of confusion. ЬЬembroilment n. [F embrouiller (as EN-(1), BROIL(2))] embryo n. (pl. -os) 1 a an unborn or unhatched offspring. b a human offspring in the first eight weeks from conception. 2 a rudimentary plant contained in a seed. 3 a thing in a rudimentary stage. 4 (attrib.) undeveloped, immature. Ьin embryo undeveloped. ЬЬembryoid adj. embryonal adj. embryonic adj. embryonically adv. [LL embryo -onis f. Gk embruon foetus (as EN-(2), bruo swell, grow)] embryo- comb. form embryo. embryogenesis n. the formation of an embryo. embryology n. the study of embryos. ЬЬembryologic adj. embryological adj. embryologically adv. embryologist n. embus v. (embused, embusing or embussed, embussing) Mil. 1 tr. put (men or equipment) into a motor vehicle. 2 intr. board a motor vehicle. emcee n. & v. colloq. --n. a master of ceremonies or compЉre. --v.tr. & intr. (emcees, emceed) compЉre. [the letters MC] -eme suffix Linguistics forming nouns denoting units of structure etc. (grapheme; morpheme). [F -Љme unit f. Gk -ema] emend v.tr. edit (a text etc.) to remove errors and corruptions. ЬЬemendation n. emendator n. emendatory adj. [ME f. L emendare (as E-, menda fault)] emerald n. 1 a bright-green precious stone, a variety of beryl. 2 (also emerald green) the colour of this. ЬEmerald Isle literary Ireland. ЬЬemeraldine adj. [ME f. OF emeraude, esm-, ult. f. Gk smaragdos] emerge v.intr. (often foll. by from) 1 come up or out into view, esp. when formerly concealed. 2 come up out of a liquid. 3 (of facts, circumstances, etc.) come to light, become known, esp. as a result of inquiry etc. 4 become recognized or prominent (emerged as a leading contender). 5 (of a question, difficulty, etc.) become apparent. 6 survive (an ordeal etc.) with a specified result (emerged unscathed). ЬЬemergence n. [L emergere emers- (as E-, mergere dip)] emergency n. (pl. -ies) 1 a sudden state of danger, conflict, etc., requiring immediate action. 2 a a medical condition requiring immediate treatment. b a patient with such a condition. 3 (attrib.) characterized by or for use in an emergency. 4 Austral. Sport a reserve player. Ьstate of emergency a condition of danger or disaster affecting a country, esp. with normal constitutional procedures suspended. [med.L emergentia (as EMERGE)] emergent adj. 1 becoming apparent; emerging. 2 (of a nation) newly formed or made independent. emeritus adj. 1 retired and retaining one's title as an honour (emeritus professor; professor emeritus). 2 honourably discharged from service. [L, past part. of emereri (as E-, mereri earn)] emersion n. 1 the act or an instance of emerging. 2 Astron. the reappearance of a celestial body after its eclipse or occultation. [LL emersio (as EMERGE)] emery n. 1 a coarse rock of corundum and magnetite or haematite used for polishing metal or other hard materials. 2 (attrib.) covered with emery. Ьemery-board a strip of thin wood or board coated with emery or another abrasive, used as a nail-file. emery-paper cloth or paper covered with emery, used for polishing or cleaning metals etc. [F ‚meri(l) f. It. smeriglio ult. f. Gk smuris, smeris polishing powder] emetic adj. & n. --adj. that causes vomiting. --n. an emetic medicine. [Gk emetikos f. emeo vomit] EMF abbr. electromotive force. -emia US var. of -AEMIA. emigrant n. & adj. --n. a person who emigrates. --adj. emigrating. emigrate v. 1 intr. leave one's own country to settle in another. 2 tr. assist (a person) to emigrate. ЬЬemigration n. emigratory adj. [L emigrare emigrat- (as E-, migrare depart)] ‚migr‚ n. an emigrant, esp. a political exile. [F, past part. of ‚migrer EMIGRATE] eminence n. 1 distinction; recognized superiority. 2 a piece of rising ground. 3 (Eminence) a title used in addressing or referring to a cardinal (Your Eminence; His Eminence). 4 an important person. [L eminentia (as EMINENT)] ‚minence grise n. 1 a person who exercises power or influence without holding office. 2 a confidential agent. [F, = grey cardinal (see EMINENCE): orig. applied to Cardinal Richelieu's private secretary, PЉre Joseph d. 1638] eminent adj. 1 distinguished, notable. 2 (of qualities) remarkable in degree. Ьeminent domain sovereign control over all property in a State, with the right of expropriation. ЬЬeminently adv. [ME f. L eminere eminent- jut] emir n. 1 a title of various Muslim rulers. 2 archaic a male descendant of Muhammad. [F ‚mir f. Arab. ' amir: cf. AMIR] emirate n. the rank, domain, or reign of an emir. emissary n. (pl. -ies) a person sent on a special mission (usu. diplomatic, formerly usu. odious or underhand). [L emissarius scout, spy (as EMIT)] emission n. 1 (often foll. by of) the process or an act of emitting. 2 a thing emitted. [L emissio (as EMIT)] emissive adj. having the power to radiate light, heat, etc. ЬЬemissivity n. emit v.tr. (emitted, emitting) 1 a send out (heat, light, vapour, etc.). b discharge from the body. 2 utter (a cry etc.). [L emittere emiss- (as E-, mittere send)] emitter n. that which emits, esp. a region in a transistor producing carriers of current. Emmental n. (also Emmenthal) a kind of hard Swiss cheese with many holes in it, similar to GruyЉre. [G Emmentaler f. Emmental in Switzerland] emmer n. a kind of wheat, Triticum dicoccum, grown mainly for fodder. [G dial.] emmet n. archaic or dial. an ant. [OE ‘mete: see ANT] Emmy n. (pl. -ies) (in the US) a statuette awarded annually to an outstanding television programme or performer. [perh. f. Immy = image orthicon tube] emollient adj. & n. --adj. that softens or soothes the skin. --n. an emollient agent. ЬЬemollience n. [L emollire (as E-, mollis soft)] emolument n. a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office. [ME f. OF emolument or L emolumentum, orig. prob. 'payment for corn-grinding', f. emolere (as E-, molere grind)] emote v.intr. colloq. show excessive emotion. ЬЬemoter n. [back-form. f. EMOTION] emotion n. a strong mental or instinctive feeling such as love or fear. [earlier = agitation, disturbance of the mind, f. F ‚motion f. ‚mouvoir excite] emotional adj. 1 of or relating to the emotions. 2 (of a person) liable to excessive emotion. 3 expressing or based on emotion (an emotional appeal). 4 likely to excite emotion (an emotional issue). ЬЬemotionalism n. emotionalist n. emotionality n. emotionalize v.tr. (also -ise). emotionally adv. emotive adj. 1 of or characterized by emotion. 2 tending to excite emotion. 3 arousing feeling; not purely descriptive. ЬЬemotively adv. emotiveness n. emotivity n. [L emovere emot- (as E-, movere move)] empanel v.tr. (also impanel) (-panelled, -panelling; US -paneled, -paneling) enrol or enter on a panel (those eligible for jury service). ЬЬempanelment n. [AF empaneller (as EN-(1), PANEL)] empathize v. Psychol. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by with) exercise empathy. 2 tr. treat with empathy. empathy n. Psychol. the power of identifying oneself mentally with (and so fully comprehending) a person or object of contemplation. ЬЬempathetic adj. empathetically adv. empathic adj. empathically adv. empathist n. [transl. G EinfЃhlung f. ein in + FЃhlung feeling, after Gk empatheia: see SYMPATHY] empennage n. Aeron. an arrangement of stabilizing surfaces at the tail of an aircraft. [F f. empenner to feather (an arrow)] emperor n. 1 the sovereign of an empire. 2 a sovereign of higher rank than a king. Ьemperor moth a large moth, Saturnia pavonia, of the silk-moth family, with eye-spots on all four wings. emperor penguin the largest known penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri, of the Antarctic. ЬЬemperorship n. [ME f. OF emperere, empereor f. L imperator -oris f. imperare command] emphasis n. (pl. emphases) 1 special importance or prominence attached to a thing, fact, idea, etc. (emphasis on economy). 2 stress laid on a word or words to indicate special meaning or importance. 3 vigour or intensity of expression, feeling, action, etc. 4 prominence, sharpness of contour. [L f. Gk f. emphaino exhibit (as EN-(2), phaino show)] emphasize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 bring (a thing, fact, etc.) into special prominence. 2 lay stress on (a word in speaking). emphatic adj. 1 (of language, tone, or gesture) forcibly expressive. 2 of words: a bearing the stress. b used to give emphasis. 3 expressing oneself with emphasis. 4 (of an action or process) forcible, significant. ЬЬemphatically adv. [LL emphaticus f. Gk emphatikos (as EMPHASIS)] emphysema n. 1 enlargement of the air sacs of the lungs causing breathlessness. 2 a swelling caused by the presence of air in the connective tissues of the body. [LL f. Gk emphusema f. emphusao puff up] empire n. 1 an extensive group of States or countries under a single supreme authority, esp. an emperor. 2 a supreme dominion. b (often foll. by over) archaic absolute control. 3 a large commercial organization etc. owned or directed by one person or group. 4 (the Empire) hist. a the British Empire. b the Holy Roman Empire. 5 a type or period of government in which the sovereign is called emperor. 6 (Empire) (attrib.) a denoting a style of furniture or dress fashionable during the first (1804-14) or second (1852-70) French Empire. b Brit. denoting produce from the Commonwealth. Ьempire-builder a person who deliberately acquires extra territory, authority, etc. esp. unnecessarily. Empire Day hist. the former name of Commonwealth Day, orig. 24 May. [ME f. OF f. L imperium rel. to imperare: see EMPEROR] empiric adj. & n. --adj. = EMPIRICAL. --n. archaic 1 a person relying solely on experiment. 2 a quack doctor. ЬЬempiricism n. empiricist n. [L empiricus f. Gk empeirikos f. empeiria experience f. empeiros skilled] empirical adj. 1 based or acting on observation or experiment, not on theory. 2 Philos. regarding sense-data as valid information. 3 deriving knowledge from experience alone. Ьempirical formula Chem. a formula showing the constituents of a compound but not their configuration. ЬЬempirically adv. emplacement n. 1 the act or an instance of putting in position. 2 a platform or defended position where a gun is placed for firing. 3 situation, position. [F (as EN-(1), PLACE)] emplane v.intr. & tr. (also enplane) go or put on board an aeroplane. employ v. & n. --v.tr. 1 use the services of (a person) in return for payment; keep (a person) in one's service. 2 (often foll. by for, in, on) use (a thing, time, energy, etc.) esp. to good effect. 3 (often foll. by in) keep (a person) occupied. --n. the state of being employed, esp. for wages. Ьin the employ of employed by. ЬЬemployable adj. employability n. employer n. [ME f. OF employer ult. f. L implicari be involved f. implicare enfold: see IMPLICATE] employee n. (US employe) a person employed for wages or salary, esp. at non-executive level. employment n. 1 the act of employing or the state of being employed. 2 a person's regular trade or profession. Ьemployment agency a business that finds employers or employees for those seeking them. employment office (formerly employment exchange) Brit. any of a number of government offices concerned with advising and finding work for the unemployed. empolder var. of IMPOLDER. emporium n. (pl. emporia or -ums) 1 a large retail store selling a wide variety of goods. 2 a centre of commerce, a market. [L f. Gk emporion f. emporos merchant] empower v.tr. (foll. by to + infin.) 1 authorize, license. 2 give power to; make able. ЬЬempowerment n. empress n. 1 the wife or widow of an emperor. 2 a woman emperor. [ME f. OF emperesse fem. of emperere EMPEROR] empty adj., v., & n. --adj. (emptier, emptiest) 1 containing nothing. 2 (of a house etc.) unoccupied or unfurnished. 3 (of a transport vehicle etc.) without a load, passengers, etc. 4 a meaningless, hollow, insincere (empty threats; an empty gesture). b without substance or purpose (an empty existence). 5 colloq. hungry. 6 (foll. by of) devoid, lacking. --v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. a make empty; remove the contents of. b (foll. by of) deprive of certain contents (emptied the room of its chairs). 2 tr. (often foll. by into) transfer (the contents of a container). 3 intr. become empty. 4 intr. (usu. foll. by into) (of a river) discharge itself (into the sea etc.). --n. (pl. -ies) colloq. a container (esp. a bottle) left empty of its contents. Ьempty-handed 1 bringing or taking nothing. 2 having achieved or obtained nothing. empty-headed foolish; lacking common sense. empty-nester US either of a couple whose children have grown up and left home. on an empty stomach see STOMACH. ЬЬemptily adv. emptiness n. [OE ‘mtig, ‘metig f. ‘metta leisure] empurple v.tr. 1 make purple or red. 2 make angry. empyema n. a collection of pus in a cavity, esp. in the pleura. [LL f. Gk empuema f. empueo suppurate (as EN-(2), puon pus)] empyrean n. & adj. --n. 1 the highest heaven, as the sphere of fire in ancient cosmology or as the abode of God in early Christianity. 2 the visible heavens. --adj. of the empyrean. ЬЬempyreal adj. [med.L empyreus f. Gk empurios (as EN-(2), pur fire)] EMS abbr. European Monetary System. emu n. a large flightless bird, Dromaius novaehollandiae, native to Australia, and capable of running at high speed. [earlier emia, eme f. Port. ema] e.m.u. abbr. electromagnetic unit(s). emulate v.tr. 1 try to equal or excel. 2 imitate zealously. 3 rival. ЬЬemulation n. emulative adj. emulator n. [L aemulari (as EMULOUS)] emulous adj. 1 (usu. foll. by of) seeking to emulate. 2 actuated by a spirit of rivalry. ЬЬemulously adv. [ME f. L aemulus rival] emulsifier n. 1 any substance that stabilizes an emulsion, esp. a food additive used to stabilize processed foods. 2 an apparatus used for producing an emulsion. emulsify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) convert into an emulsion. ЬЬemulsifiable adj. emulsification n. emulsion n. 1 a fine dispersion of one liquid in another, esp. as paint, medicine, etc. 2 a mixture of a silver compound suspended in gelatin etc. for coating plates or films. Ьemulsion paint a water-thinned paint containing a non-volatile substance, e.g. synthetic resin, as its binding medium. ЬЬemulsionize v.tr. (also -ise). emulsive adj. [F ‚mulsion or mod.L emulsio f. emulgere (as E-, mulgere muls- to milk)] 15.0 en... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- en n. Printing a unit of measurement equal to half an em. Ьen rule (or dash) a short dash used in punctuation. [name of the letter N] en-(1) prefix (also em- before b, p) forming verbs, = IN-(1): 1 from nouns, meaning 'put into or on' (engulf; entrust; embed). 2 from nouns or adjectives, meaning 'bring into the condition of' (enslave); often with the suffix -en (enlighten). 3 from verbs: a in the sense 'in, into, on' (enfold). b as an intensive (entangle). [from or after F en- f. L in-] en-(2) prefix (also em- before b, p) in, inside (energy; enthusiasm). [Gk] -en(1) suffix forming verbs: 1 from adjectives, usu. meaning 'make or become so or more so' (deepen; fasten; moisten). 2 from nouns (happen; strengthen). [OE -nian f. Gmc] -en(2) suffix (also -n) forming adjectives from nouns, meaning: 1 made or consisting of (often with extended and figurative senses) (wooden). 2 resembling; of the nature of (golden; silvern). [OE f. Gmc] -en(3) suffix (also -n) forming past participles of strong verbs: 1 as a regular inflection (spoken; sworn). 2 with restricted sense (drunken). [OE f. Gmc] -en(4) suffix forming the plural of a few nouns (children; brethren; oxen). [ME reduction of OE -an] -en(5) suffix forming diminutives of nouns (chicken; maiden). [OE f. Gmc] -en (6) suffix 1 forming feminine nouns (vixen). 2 forming abstract nouns (burden). [OE f. Gmc] enable v.tr. 1 (foll. by to + infin.) give (a person etc.) the means or authority to do something. 2 make possible. 3 esp. Computing make (a device) operational; switch on. Ьenabling act 1 a statute empowering a person or body to take certain action. 2 US a statute legalizing something otherwise unlawful. ЬЬenabler n. enact v.tr. 1 a (often foll. by that + clause) ordain, decree. b make (a bill etc.) law. 2 play (a part or scene on stage or in life). ЬЬenactable adj. enaction n. enactive adj. enactor n. enactory adj. enactment n. 1 a law enacted. 2 the process of enacting. enamel n. & v. --n. 1 a glasslike opaque or semi-transparent coating on metallic or other hard surfaces for ornament or as a preservative lining. 2 a a smooth hard coating. b a cosmetic simulating this. 3 the hard glossy natural coating over the crown of a tooth. 4 painting done in enamel. 5 poet. a smooth bright surface colouring, verdure, etc. --v.tr. (enamelled, enamelling; US enameled, enameling) 1 inlay or encrust (a metal etc.) with enamel. 2 portray (figures etc.) with enamel. 3 archaic adorn with varied colours. Ьenamel paint a paint that dries to give a smooth hard coat. ЬЬenameller n. enamelwork n. [ME f. AF enameler, enamailler (as EN-(1), OF esmail f. Gmc)] enamelware n. enamelled kitchenware. enamour v.tr. (US enamor) (usu. in passive; foll. by of) 1 inspire with love or liking. 2 charm, delight. [ME f. OF enamourer f. amourer (as EN-(1), AMOUR)] enanthema n. Med. an eruption occurring on a mucus-secreting surface such as the inside of the mouth. [mod.L f. Gk enanthema eruption (as EN-(1), EXANTHEMA)] enantiomer n. Chem. a molecule with a mirror image. ЬЬenantiomeric adj. [Gk enantios opposite+ -MER] enantiomorph n. a mirror image; a form (esp. of a crystal structure etc.) related to another as an object is to its mirror image. ЬЬenantiomorphic adj. enantiomorphism n. enantiomorphous adj. [G f. Gk enantios opposite + morphe form] enarthrosis n. (pl. enarthroses) Anat. a ball-and-socket joint. [Gk f. enarthros jointed (as EN-(2), arthron joint)] en bloc adv. in a block; all at the same time; wholesale. [F] en brosse adj. (of hair) cut short and bristly. [F] encaenia n. 1 (at Oxford University) an annual celebration in memory of founders and benefactors. 2 a dedication festival. [L f. Gk egkainia (as EN-(2), kainos new)] encage v.tr. confine in or as in a cage. encamp v.tr. & intr. 1 settle in a military camp. 2 lodge in the open in tents. encampment n. 1 a place where troops etc. are encamped. 2 the process of setting up a camp. encapsulate v.tr. 1 enclose in or as in a capsule. 2 summarize; express the essential features of. 3 isolate. ЬЬencapsulation n. [EN-(1) + L capsula CAPSULE] encase v.tr. (also incase) 1 put into a case. 2 surround as with a case. ЬЬencasement n. encash v.tr. Brit. 1 convert (bills etc.) into cash. 2 receive in the form of cash; realize. ЬЬencashable adj. encashment n. encaustic adj. & n. --adj. 1 (in painting, ceramics, etc.) using pigments mixed with hot wax, which are burned in as an inlay. 2 (of bricks and tiles) inlaid with differently coloured clays burnt in. --n. 1 the art of encaustic painting. 2 a painting done with this technique. [L encausticus f. Gk egkaustikos (as EN-(2), CAUSTIC)] -ence suffix forming nouns expressing: 1 a quality or state or an instance of one (patience; an impertinence). 2 an action (reference; reminiscence). [from or after F -ence f. L -entia, -antia (cf. -ANCE) f. pres. part. stem -ent-, -ant-] enceinte n. & adj. --n. an enclosure, esp. in fortification. --adj. archaic pregnant. [F, ult. f. L cingere cinct- gird: see CINCTURE] encephalic adj. of or relating to the brain. [Gk egkephalos brain (as EN-(2), kephale head)] encephalin var. of ENKEPHALIN. encephalitis n. inflammation of the brain. Ьencephalitis lethargica an infectious encephalitis caused by a virus, with headache and drowsiness leading to coma; sleepy sickness. ЬЬencephalitic adj. encephalo- comb. form brain. [Gk egkephalos brain] encephalogram n. an X-ray photograph of the brain. encephalograph n. an instrument for recording the electrical activity of the brain. encephalon n. Anat. the brain. encephalopathy n. disease of the brain. enchain v.tr. 1 chain up, fetter. 2 hold fast (the attention, emotions, etc.). ЬЬenchainment n. [ME f. F enchaЊner ult. f. L catena chain] enchant v.tr. 1 charm, delight. 2 bewitch. ЬЬenchantedly adv. enchanting adj. enchantingly adv. enchantment n. [ME f. F enchanter f. L incantare (as IN-(2), canere cant- sing)] enchanter n. (fem. enchantress) a person who enchants, esp. by supposed use of magic. Ьenchanter's nightshade a small plant, Circaea lutetiana, with white flowers. enchase v.tr. 1 (foll. by in) place (a jewel) in a setting. 2 (foll. by with) set (gold etc.) with gems. 3 inlay with gold etc. 4 adorn with figures in relief. 5 engrave. [ME f. F enchѓsser (as EN-(1), CHASE(3))] enchilada n. a tortilla with chilli sauce and usu. a filling, esp. meat. [Amer. Sp., fem. past part. of enchilar season with chilli] enchiridion n. (pl. enchiridions or enchiridia) formal a handbook. [LL f. Gk egkheiridion (as EN-(2), kheir hand, -idion dimin. suffix)] encipher v.tr. 1 write (a message etc.) in cipher. 2 convert into coded form using a cipher. ЬЬencipherment n. encircle v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by with) surround, encompass. 2 form a circle round. ЬЬencirclement n. encl. abbr. 1 enclosed. 2 enclosure. en clair adj. & adv. (of a telegram, official message, etc.) in ordinary language (not in code or cipher). [F, lit. 'in clear'] enclasp v.tr. hold in a clasp or embrace. enclave n. 1 a portion of territory of one State surrounded by territory of another or others, as viewed by the surrounding territory (cf. EXCLAVE). 2 a group of people who are culturally, intellectually, or socially distinct from those surrounding them. [F f. enclaver ult. f. L clavis key] enclitic adj. & n. Gram. --adj. (of a word) pronounced with so little emphasis that it forms part of the preceding word. --n. such a word, e.g. not in cannot. ЬЬenclitically adv. [LL encliticus f. Gk egklitikos (as EN-(2), klino lean)] enclose v.tr. (also inclose) 1 (often foll. by with, in) a surround with a wall, fence, etc. b shut in on all sides. 2 fence in (common land) so as to make it private property. 3 put in a receptacle (esp. in an envelope together with a letter). 4 (usu. as enclosed adj.) seclude (a religious community) from the outside world. 5 esp. Math. bound on all sides; contain. 6 hem in on all sides. [ME f. OF enclos past part. of enclore ult. f. L includere (as INCLUDE)] enclosure n. (also inclosure) 1 the act of enclosing, esp. of common land. 2 Brit. an enclosed space or area, esp. for a special class of persons at a sporting event. 3 a thing enclosed with a letter. 4 an enclosing fence etc. [AF & OF (as ENCLOSE)] encode v.tr. put (a message etc.) into code or cipher. ЬЬencoder n. encomiast n. 1 the composer of an encomium. 2 a flatterer. ЬЬencomiastic adj. [Gk egkomiastes (as ENCOMIUM)] encomium n. (pl. encomiums or encomia) a formal or high-flown expression of praise. [L f. Gk egkomion (as EN-(2), komos revelry)] encompass v.tr. 1 surround or form a circle about, esp. to protect or attack. 2 contain. ЬЬencompassment n. encore n., v., & int. --n. 1 a call by an audience or spectators for the repetition of an item, or for a further item. 2 such an item. --v.tr. 1 call for the repetition of (an item). 2 call back (a performer) for this. --int. also again, once more. [F, = once again] encounter v. & n. --v.tr. 1 meet by chance or unexpectedly. 2 meet as an adversary. --n. 1 a meeting by chance. 2 a meeting in conflict. 3 participation in an encounter group. Ьencounter group a group of persons seeking psychological benefit through close contact with one another. [ME f. OF encontrer, encontre ult. f. L contra against] encourage v.tr. 1 give courage, confidence, or hope to. 2 (foll. by to + infin.) urge, advise. 3 stimulate by help, reward, etc. 4 promote or assist (an enterprise, opinion, etc.). ЬЬencouragement n. encourager n. encouraging adj. encouragingly adv. [ME f. F encourager (as EN(1), COURAGE)] encroach v.intr. 1 (foll. by on, upon) intrude, esp. on another's territory or rights. 2 advance gradually beyond due limits. ЬЬencroacher n. encroachment n. [ME f. OF encrochier (as EN-(1), crochier f. croc hook: see CROOK)] encrust v. (also incrust) 1 tr. cover with a crust. 2 tr. overlay with an ornamental crust of precious material. 3 intr. form a crust. ЬЬencrustment n. [F incruster f. L incrustare (as IN-(2), crustare f. crusta CRUST)] encrustation var. of INCRUSTATION. encrypt v.tr. 1 convert (data) into code, esp. to prevent unauthorized access. 2 conceal by this means. ЬЬencryption n. [EN-(1) + Gk kruptos hidden] encumber v.tr. 1 be a burden to. 2 hamper, impede. 3 burden (a person or estate) with debts, esp. mortgages. 4 fill or block (a place) esp. with lumber. ЬЬencumberment n. [ME f. OF encombrer block up f. Rmc] encumbrance n. 1 a burden. 2 an impediment. 3 a mortgage or other charge on property. 4 an annoyance. Ьwithout encumbrance having no children. [ME f. OF encombrance (as ENCUMBER)] -ency suffix forming nouns denoting a quality (efficiency; fluency) or state (presidency) but not action (cf. -ENCE). [L -entia (cf. -ANCY)] encyclical n. & adj. --n. a papal letter sent to all bishops of the Roman Catholic Church. --adj. (of a letter) for wide circulation. [LL encyclicus f. Gk egkuklios (as EN-(2), kuklos circle)] encyclopaedia n. (also encyclopedia) a book, often in several volumes, giving information on many subjects, or on many aspects of one subject, usu. arranged alphabetically. [mod.L f. spurious Gk egkuklopaideia for egkuklios paideia all-round education: cf. ENCYCLICAL] encyclopaedic adj. (also encyclopedic) (of knowledge or information) comprehensive. encyclopaedism n. (also encyclopedism) encyclopaedic learning. encyclopaedist n. (also encyclopedist) a person who writes, edits, or contributes to an encyclopaedia. encyst v.tr. & intr. Biol. enclose or become enclosed in a cyst. ЬЬencystation n. encystment n. end n. & v. --n. 1 a the extreme limit; the point beyond which a thing does not continue. b an extremity of a line, or of the greatest dimension of an object. c the furthest point (to the ends of the earth). 2 the surface bounding a thing at either extremity; an extreme part (a strip of wood with a nail in one end). 3 a conclusion, finish (no end to his misery). b the latter or final part. c death, destruction, downfall (met an untimely end). d result, outcome. e an ultimate state or condition. 4 a a thing one seeks to attain; a purpose (will do anything to achieve his ends; to what end?). b the object for which a thing exists. 5 a remnant; a piece left over (cigarette-end). 6 (prec. by the) colloq. the limit of endurability. 7 the half of a sports pitch or court occupied by one team or player. 8 the part or share with which a person is concerned (no problem at my end). 9 Bowls a unit of play in which play is from one side of the green towards the other. 10 US Football a player at the extremity of a line or team. --v. 1 tr. & intr. bring or come to an end. 2 tr. put an end to; destroy. 3 intr. (foll. by in) have as its result (will end in tears). 4 intr. (foll. by by) do or achieve eventually (ended by marrying an heiress). Ьall ends up completely. at an end exhausted or completed. at the end of one's tether see TETHER. come to a bad (or sticky) end meet with ruin or disgrace. come to an end 1 be completed or finished. 2 become exhausted. end-around n. US Football an offensive play in which an end carries the ball round the opposite end. --adj. Computing involving the transfer of a digit from one end of a register to the other. end-game the final stage of a game (esp. chess), when few pieces remain. end it all (or end it) colloq. commit suicide. end of the road the point at which a hope or endeavour has to be abandoned. end of the world the cessation of mortal life. end on with the end facing one, or with the end adjoining the end of the next object. end-play Bridge a method of play in the last few tricks to force an opponent to make a disadvantageous lead. end-point the final stage of a process, esp. the point at which an effect is observed in titration, dilution, etc. end-product the final product of manufacture, radioactive decay, etc. end result final outcome. end run US 1 Football an attempt by the ball-carrier to run round his or her own end. 2 an evasive tactic esp. in war or politics. end standard a standard of length in the form of a metal bar or block with the end faces the standard distance apart. end-stopped (of verse) having a pause at the end of each line. end to end with the end of each of a series adjoining the end of the next. end up reach a specified state, action, or place eventually (ended up a drunkard; ended up making a fortune). end-user the person, customer, etc., who is the ultimate user of a product. in the end finally; after all. keep one's end up do one's part despite difficulties. make an end of put a stop to. make ends (or both ends) meet live within one's income. no end colloq. to a great extent, very much. no end of colloq. much or many of. on end 1 upright (hair stood on end). 2 continuously (for three weeks on end). put an end to 1 stop (an activity etc.). 2 abolish, destroy. ЬЬender n. [OE ende, endian, f. Gmc] -end suffix forming nouns in the sense 'person or thing to be treated in a specified way' (dividend; reverend). [L gerundive ending -endus] endanger v.tr. place in danger. Ьendangered species a species in danger of extinction. ЬЬendangerment n. endear v.tr. (usu. foll. by to) make dear to or beloved by. endearing adj. inspiring affection. ЬЬendearingly adv. endearment n. 1 an expression of affection. 2 liking, affection. endeavour v. & n. (US endeavor) --v. 1 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) try earnestly. 2 intr. (foll. by after) archaic strive. --n. (often foll. by at, or to + infin.) an earnest attempt. [ME f. put oneself in DEVOIR] endemic adj. & n. --adj. regularly or only found among a particular people or in a certain region. --n. an endemic disease or plant. ЬЬendemically adv. endemicity n. endemism n. [F end‚mique or mod.L endemicus f. Gk endemos native (as EN-(2), demos the people)] endermic adj. acting on or through the skin. ЬЬendermically adv. [EN-(2) + Gk derma skin] ending n. 1 an end or final part, esp. of a story. 2 an inflected final part of a word. [OE (as END, -ING(1))] endive n. 1 a curly-leaved plant, Cichorium endivia, used in salads. 2 US a chicory crown. [ME f. OF f. LL endivia ult. f. Gk entubon] endless adj. 1 infinite; without end; eternal. 2 continual, incessant (tired of their endless complaints). 3 colloq. innumerable. 4 (of a belt, chain, etc.) having the ends joined for continuous action over wheels etc. Ьendless screw a short length of screw revolving to turn a cog-wheel. ЬЬendlessly adv. endlessness n. [OE endeleas (as END, -LESS)] endmost adj. nearest the end. endnote n. a note printed at the end of a book or section of a book. endo- comb. form internal. [Gk endon within] endocarditis n. inflammation of the endocardium. ЬЬendocarditic adj. endocardium n. the lining membrane of the heart. [ENDO- + Gk kardia heart] endocarp n. the innermost layer of the pericarp. ЬЬendocarpic adj. [ENDO- + PERICARP] endocrine adj. (of a gland) secreting directly into the blood; ductless. [ENDO- + Gk krino sift] endocrinology n. the study of the structure and physiology of endocrine glands. ЬЬendocrinological adj. endocrinologist n. endoderm n. Biol. the innermost layer of an animal embryo in early development. ЬЬendodermal adj. endodermic adj. [ENDO- + Gk derma skin] endogamy n. 1 Anthropol. marrying within the same tribe. 2 Bot. pollination from the same plant. ЬЬendogamous adj. [ENDO- + Gk gamos marriage] endogenous adj. growing or originating from within. ЬЬendogenesis n. endogeny n. endolymph n. the fluid in the membranous labyrinth of the ear. endometrium n. Anat. the membrane lining the womb. ЬЬendometritis n. [ENDO- + Gk metra womb] endomorph n. 1 a person with a soft round build of body and a high proportion of fat tissue (cf. ECTOMORPH, MESOMORPH). 2 Mineral. a mineral enclosed within another. ЬЬendomorphic adj. endomorphy n. [ENDO- + Gk morphe form] endoparasite n. a parasite that lives on the inside of its host. Also called ENTOPARASITE. endoplasm n. the inner fluid layer of the cytoplasm. endoplasmic reticulum n. Biol. a system of membranes within the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell forming a link between the cell and nuclear membranes and usu. having ribosomes attached to its surface. endorphin n. Biochem. any of a group of peptide neurotransmitters occurring naturally in the brain and having pain-relieving properties. [F endorphine f. endogЉne endogenous + MORPHINE] endorse v.tr. (also indorse) 1 a confirm (a statement or opinion). b declare one's approval of. 2 sign or write on the back of (a document), esp. the back of (a bill, cheque, etc.) as the payee or to specify another as payee. 3 write (an explanation or comment) on the back of a document. 4 Brit. enter details of a conviction for a motoring offence on (a driving licence). ЬЬendorsable adj. endorsee n. endorser n. [med.L indorsare (as IN-(2), L dorsum back)] endorsement n. 1 the act or an instance of endorsing. 2 something with which a document etc. is endorsed, esp. a signature. 3 a record in a driving licence of a conviction for a motoring offence. endoscope n. Surgery an instrument for viewing the internal parts of the body. ЬЬendoscopic adj. endoscopically adv. endoscopist n. endoscopy n. endoskeleton n. an internal skeleton, as found in vertebrates. endosperm n. albumen enclosed with the germ in seeds. endospore n. 1 a spore formed by certain bacteria. 2 the inner coat of a spore. endothelium n. Anat. a layer of cells lining the blood-vessels, heart, and lymphatic vessels. [ENDO- + Gk thele teat] endothermic adj. occurring or formed with the absorption of heat. endow v.tr. 1 bequeath or give a permanent income to (a person, institution, etc.). 2 (esp. as endowed adj.) (usu. foll. by with) provide (a person) with talent, ability, etc. ЬЬendower n. [ME f. AF endouer (as EN-(1), OF douer f. L dotare f. dos dotis DOWER)] endowment n. 1 the act or an instance of endowing. 2 assets, esp. property or income with which a person or body is endowed. 3 (usu. in pl.) skill, talent, etc., with which a person is endowed. 4 (attrib.) denoting forms of life insurance involving payment by the insurer of a fixed sum on a specified date, or on the death of the insured person if earlier. Ьendowment mortgage a mortgage linked to endowment insurance of the mortgagor's life, the capital being paid from the sum insured. endpaper n. a usu. blank leaf of paper at the beginning and end of a book, fixed to the inside of the cover. endue v.tr. (also indue) (foll. by with) invest or provide (a person) with qualities, powers, etc. [earlier = induct, put on clothes: ME f. OF enduire f. L inducere lead in, assoc. in sense with L induere put on (clothes)] endurance n. 1 the power or habit of enduring (beyond endurance). 2 the ability to withstand prolonged strain (endurance test). 3 the act of enduring. [OF f. endurer: see ENDURE] endure v. 1 tr. undergo (a difficulty, hardship, etc.). 2 tr. a tolerate (a person) (cannot endure him). b (esp. with neg.; foll. by to + infin.) bear. 3 intr. remain in existence; last. 4 tr. submit to. ЬЬendurable adj. endurability n. enduringly adv. [ME f. OF endurer f. L indurare harden (as IN-(2), durus hard)] enduro n. (pl. -os) a long-distance race for motor vehicles, designed to test endurance. endways adv. 1 with its end uppermost or foremost or turned towards the viewer. 2 end to end. endwise adv. = ENDWAYS. ENE abbr. east-north-east. -ene suffix 1 forming names of inhabitants of places (Nazarene). 2 Chem. forming names of unsaturated hydrocarbons containing a double bond (benzene; ethylene). [from or after Gk -enos] enema n. (pl. enemas or enemata) 1 the injection of liquid or gas into the rectum, esp. to expel its contents. 2 a fluid or syringe used for this. [LL f. Gk enema f. eniemi inject (as EN-(2), hiemi send)] enemy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a person or group actively opposing or hostile to another, or to a cause etc. 2 a a hostile nation or army, esp. in war. b a member of this. c a hostile ship or aircraft. 3 (usu. foll. by of, to) an adversary or opponent. 4 a thing that harms or injures. 5 (attrib.) of or belonging to an enemy (destroyed by enemy action). [ME f. OF enemi f. L inimicus (as IN-(1), amicus friend)] energetic adj. 1 strenuously active. 2 forcible, vigorous. 3 powerfully operative. ЬЬenergetically adv. [Gk energetikos f. energeo (as EN-(2), ergon work)] energetics n.pl. the science of energy. energize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 infuse energy into (a person or work). 2 provide energy for the operation of (a device). ЬЬenergizer n. energumen n. an enthusiast or fanatic. [LL energumenus f. Gk energoumenos passive part. of energeo: see ENERGETIC] energy n. (pl. -ies) 1 force, vigour; capacity for activity. 2 (in pl.) individual powers in use (devote your energies to this). 3 Physics the capacity of matter or radiation to do work. 4 the means of doing work by utilizing matter or radiation. [F ‚nergie or LL energia f. Gk energeia f. ergon work] enervate v. & adj. --v.tr. deprive of vigour or vitality. --adj. enervated. ЬЬenervation n. [L enervatus past part. of enervare (as E-, nervus sinew)] en famille adv. 1 in or with one's family. 2 at home. [F, = in family] enfant gѓt‚ n. a person given undue flattery or indulgence. [F, = spoilt child] enfant terrible n. a person who causes embarrassment by indiscreet or unruly behaviour. [F, = terrible child] enfeeble v.tr. make feeble. ЬЬenfeeblement n. [ME f. OF enfeblir (as EN-(1), FEEBLE)] en f€te adv. & predic.adj. holding or ready for a holiday or celebration. [F, = in festival] enfetter v.tr. literary 1 bind in or as in fetters. 2 (foll. by to) enslave. enfilade n. & v. --n. gunfire directed along a line from end to end. --v.tr. direct an enfilade at (troops, a road, etc.). [F f. enfiler (as EN-(1), fil thread)] enfold v.tr. (also infold) 1 (usu. foll. by in, with) wrap up; envelop. 2 clasp, embrace. enforce v.tr. 1 compel observance of (a law etc.). 2 (foll. by on, upon) impose (an action, conduct, one's will). 3 persist in (a demand or argument). ЬЬenforceable adj. enforceability n. enforcedly adv. enforcer n. [ME f. OF enforcir, -ier ult. f. L fortis strong] enforcement n. the act or an instance of enforcing. Ьenforcement notice Brit. an official notification to remedy a breach of planning legislation. [ME f. OF, as ENFORCE + -MENT] enfranchise v.tr. 1 give (a person) the right to vote. 2 give (a town) municipal rights, esp. that of representation in parliament. 3 hist. free (a slave, villein, etc.). ЬЬenfranchisement n. [OF enfranchir (as EN-(1), franc franche FRANK)] ENG abbr. electronic news gathering. engage v. 1 tr. employ or hire (a person). 2 tr. a (usu. in passive) employ busily; occupy (are you engaged tomorrow?). b hold fast (a person's attention). 3 tr. (usu. in passive) bind by a promise, esp. of marriage. 4 tr. (usu. foll. by to + infin.) bind by a contract. 5 tr. arrange beforehand to occupy (a room, seat, etc.). 6 (usu. foll. by with) Mech. a tr. interlock (parts of a gear etc.); cause (a part) to interlock. b intr. (of a part, gear, etc.) interlock. 7 a intr. (usu. foll. by with) (of troops etc.) come into battle. b tr. bring (troops) into battle. c tr. come into battle with (an enemy etc.). 8 intr. take part (engage in politics). 9 intr. (foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) pledge oneself. 10 tr. (usu. as engaged adj.) Archit. attach (a column) to a wall. 11 tr. (of fencers etc.) interlock (weapons). ЬЬengager n. [F engager, rel. to GAGE(1)] engag‚ adj. (of a writer etc.) morally committed. [F, past part. of engager: see ENGAGE] engaged adj. 1 under a promise to marry. 2 a occupied, busy. b reserved, booked. 3 Brit. (of a telephone line) unavailable because already in use. Ьengaged signal (or tone) Brit. a sound indicating that a telephone line is engaged. engagement n. 1 the act or state of engaging or being engaged. 2 an appointment with another person. 3 a betrothal. 4 an encounter between hostile forces. 5 a moral commitment. Ьengagement ring a finger-ring given by a man to a woman when they promise to marry. [F f. engager: see ENGAGE] engaging adj. attractive, charming. ЬЬengagingly adv. engagingness n. engender v.tr. 1 give rise to; bring about (a feeling etc.). 2 archaic beget. [ME f. OF engendrer f. L ingenerare (as IN-(2), generare GENERATE)] engine n. 1 a mechanical contrivance consisting of several parts working together, esp. as a source of power. 2 a a railway locomotive. b = fire-engine. c = steam engine. 3 archaic a machine or instrument, esp. a contrivance used in warfare. Ьengine-driver the driver of an engine, esp. a railway locomotive. engine-room a room containing engines (esp. in a ship). ЬЬengined adj. (also in comb.). engineless adj. [OF engin f. L ingenium talent, device: cf. INGENIOUS] engineer n. & v. --n. 1 a person qualified in a branch of engineering, esp. as a professional. 2 = civil engineer. 3 a person who makes or is in charge of engines. 4 US an engine-driver. 5 a person who designs and constructs military works; a soldier trained for this purpose. 6 (foll. by of) a skilful or artful contriver. --v. 1 tr. arrange, contrive, or bring about, esp. artfully. 2 intr. act as an engineer. 3 tr. construct or manage as an engineer. ЬЬengineership n. [ME f. OF engigneor f. med.L ingeniator -oris f. ingeniare (as ENGINE)] engineering n. the application of science to the design, building, and use of machines, constructions, etc. Ьengineering science engineering as a field of study. enginery n. engines and machinery generally. engird v.tr. surround with or as with a girdle. engirdle v.tr. engird. English adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to England or its people or language. --n. 1 the language of England, now used in many varieties in the British Isles, the United States, and most Commonwealth or ex-Commonwealth countries, and often internationally. 2 (prec. by the; treated as pl.) the people of England. 3 US Billiards = SIDE n. 10. ЬEnglish bond Building a bond of brickwork arranged in alternate courses of stretchers and headers. English horn = COR ANGLAIS. the Queen's (or King's) English the English language as correctly written or spoken in Britain. ЬЬEnglishness n. [OE englisc, ‘nglisc (as ANGLE, -ISH(1))] Englishman n. (pl. -men) a man who is English by birth or descent. Englishwoman n. (pl. -women) a woman who is English by birth or descent. engorge v.tr. 1 (in passive) a be crammed. b Med. be congested with blood. 2 devour greedily. ЬЬengorgement n. [F engorger (as EN-(1), GORGE)] engraft v.tr. (also ingraft) 1 Bot. (usu. foll. by into, upon) insert (a scion of one tree into another). 2 (usu. foll. by in) implant (principles etc.) in a person's mind. 3 (usu. foll. by into) incorporate permanently. ЬЬengraftment n. engrail v.tr. (usu. as engrailed adj.) esp. Heraldry indent the edge of; give a serrated appearance to. [ME f. OF engresler (as EN-(1), gresle hail)] engrain v.tr. 1 implant (a habit, belief, or attitude) ineradicably in a person (see also INGRAINED). 2 cause (dye etc.) to sink deeply into a thing. [ME f. OF engrainer dye in grain (en graine): see GRAIN] engrained adj. inveterate (see also INGRAINED). engram n. a memory-trace, a supposed permanent change in the brain accounting for the existence of memory. ЬЬengrammatic adj. [G Engramm f. Gk en in + gramma letter of the alphabet] engrave v.tr. 1 (often foll. by on) inscribe, cut, or carve (a text or design) on a hard surface. 2 (often foll. by with) inscribe or ornament (a surface) in this way. 3 cut (a design) as lines on a metal plate for printing. 4 (often foll. by on) impress deeply on a person's memory etc. ЬЬengraver n. [EN-(1) + GRAVE(3)] engraving n. a print made from an engraved plate. engross v.tr. 1 absorb the attention of; occupy fully (engrossed in studying). 2 make a fair copy of a legal document. 3 reproduce (a document etc.) in larger letters or larger format. 4 archaic monopolize (a conversation etc.). ЬЬengrossing adj. (in sense 1). engrossment n. [ME f. AF engrosser: senses 2 and 3 f. en in + grosse large writing: senses 1 and 4 f. en gros wholesale] engulf v.tr. (also ingulf) 1 flow over and swamp; overwhelm. 2 swallow or plunge into a gulf. ЬЬengulfment n. enhance v.tr. heighten or intensify (qualities, powers, value, etc.); improve (something already of good quality). ЬЬenhancement n. enhancer n. [ME f. AF enhauncer, prob. alt. f. OF enhaucier ult. f. L altus high] enharmonic adj. Mus. of or having intervals smaller than a semitone (esp. such intervals as that between G sharp and A flat, these notes being made the same in a scale of equal temperament). ЬЬenharmonically adv. [LL enharmonicus f. Gk enarmonikos (as EN-(2), harmonia HARMONY)] enigma n. 1 a puzzling thing or person. 2 a riddle or paradox. ЬЬenigmatic adj. enigmatical adj. enigmatically adv. enigmatize v.tr. (also -ise). [L aenigma f. Gk ainigma -matos f. ainissomai speak allusively f. ainos fable] enjambment n. (also enjambement) Prosody the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza. [F enjambement f. enjamber (as EN-(1), jambe leg)] enjoin v.tr. 1 a (foll. by to + infin.) command or order (a person). b (foll. by that + clause) issue instructions. 2 (often foll. by on) impose or prescribe (an action or conduct). 3 (usu. foll. by from) Law prohibit (a person) by order. ЬЬenjoinment n. [ME f. OF enjoindre f. L injungere (as IN-(2), jungere join)] enjoy v.tr. 1 take delight or pleasure in. 2 have the use or benefit of. 3 experience (enjoy poor health). Ьenjoy oneself experience pleasure. ЬЬenjoyer n. enjoyment n. [ME f. OF enjoier give joy to or enjo‹r enjoy, ult. f. L gaudere rejoice] enjoyable adj. pleasant; giving enjoyment. ЬЬenjoyability n. enjoyableness n. enjoyably adv. enkephalin n. (also encephalin) Biochem. either of two morphine-like peptides occurring naturally in the brain and thought to control levels of pain. [Gk egkephalos brain] enkindle v.tr. literary 1 a cause (flames) to flare up. b stimulate (feeling, passion, etc.). 2 inflame with passion. enlace v.tr. 1 encircle tightly. 2 entwine. 3 enfold. ЬЬenlacement n. [ME f. OF enlacier ult. f. L laqueus noose] enlarge v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become larger or wider. 2 a tr. describe in greater detail. b intr. (usu. foll. by upon) expatiate. 3 tr. Photog. produce an enlargement of (a negative). [ME f. OF enlarger (as EN-(1), LARGE)] enlargement n. 1 the act or an instance of enlarging; the state of being enlarged. 2 Photog. a print that is larger than the negative from which it is produced. enlarger n. Photog. an apparatus for enlarging or reducing negatives or positives. enlighten v.tr. 1 (often foll. by on) instruct or inform (about a subject). 2 (esp. as enlightened adj.) free from prejudice or superstition. 3 rhet. or poet. a shed light on (an object). b give spiritual insight to (a person). ЬЬenlightener n. enlightenment n. 1 the act or an instance of enlightening; the state of being enlightened. 2 (the Enlightenment) the 18th-c. philosophy emphasizing reason and individualism rather than tradition. enlist v. 1 intr. & tr. enrol in the armed services. 2 tr. secure as a means of help or support. Ьenlisted man US a soldier or sailor below the rank of officer. ЬЬenlister n. enlistment n. enliven v.tr. 1 give life or spirit to. 2 make cheerful, brighten (a picture or scene). ЬЬenlivener n. enlivenment n. en masse adv. 1 all together. 2 in a mass. [F] enmesh v.tr. entangle in or as in a net. ЬЬenmeshment n. enmity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state of being an enemy. 2 a feeling of hostility. [ME f. OF enemiti‚ f. Rmc (as ENEMY)] ennead n. a group of nine. [Gk enneas enneados f. ennea nine] ennoble v.tr. 1 make (a person) a noble. 2 make noble; elevate. ЬЬennoblement n. [F ennoblir (as EN-(1), NOBLE)] ennui n. mental weariness from lack of occupation or interest; boredom. [F f. L in odio: cf. ODIUM] enology US var. of OENOLOGY. enormity n. (pl. -ies) 1 extreme wickedness. 2 an act of extreme wickedness. 3 a serious error. 4 disp. great size; enormousness. [ME f. F ‚normit‚ f. L enormitas -tatis f. enormis (as ENORMOUS)] enormous adj. very large; huge (enormous animals; an enormous difference). ЬЬenormously adv. enormousness n. [L enormis (as E-, norma pattern, standard)] enosis n. the political union of Cyprus and Greece, as an ideal or proposal. [mod. Gk enosis f. ena one] enough adj., n., adv., & int. --adj. as much or as many as required (we have enough apples; we do not have enough sugar; earned enough money to buy a house). --n. an amount or quantity that is enough (we have enough of everything now; enough is as good as a feast). --adv. 1 to the required degree, adequately (are you warm enough?). 2 fairly (she sings well enough). 3 very, quite (you know well enough what I mean; oddly enough). --int. that is enough (in various senses, esp. to put an end to an action, thing said, etc.). Ьhave had enough of want no more of; be satiated with or tired of. [OE genog f. Gmc] en passant adv. 1 by the way. 2 Chess used with reference to the permitted capture of an opponent's pawn that has just advanced two squares in its first move with a pawn that could have taken it if it had advanced only one square. [F, = in passing] en pension adv. as a boarder or resident. [F: see PENSION(2)] enplane var. of EMPLANE. enprint n. a standard-sized photographic print. [enlarged print] enquire v. 1 intr. (often foll. by of) seek information; ask a question (of a person). 2 intr. = INQUIRE. 3 intr. (foll. by after, for) ask about a person, a person's health, etc. 4 intr. (foll. by for) ask about the availability of. 5 tr. ask for information as to (enquired my name; enquired whether we were coming). ЬЬenquirer n. [ME enquere f. OF enquerre ult. f. L inquirere (as IN-(2), quaerere quaesit- seek)] enquiry n. (pl. -ies) 1 the act or an instance of asking or seeking information. 2 = INQUIRY. enrage v.tr. (often foll. by at, by, with) make furious. ЬЬenragement n. [F enrager (as EN-(1), RAGE)] en rapport adv. (usu. foll. by with) in harmony or rapport. [F: see RAPPORT] enrapture v.tr. give intense delight to. enrich v.tr. 1 make rich or richer. 2 make richer in quality, flavour, nutritive value, etc. 3 add to the contents of (a collection, museum, or book). 4 increase the content of an isotope in (material) esp. enrich uranium with isotope U-235. ЬЬenrichment n. [ME f. OF enrichir (as EN-(1), RICH)] enrobe v.intr. put on a robe, vestment, etc. enrol v. (US enroll) (enrolled, enrolling) 1 intr. enter one's name on a list, esp. as a commitment to membership. 2 tr. a write the name of (a person) on a list. b (usu. foll. by in) incorporate (a person) as a member of a society etc. 3 tr. hist. enter (a deed etc.) among the rolls of a court of justice. 4 tr. record. ЬЬenrollee n. enroller n. [ME f. OF enroller (as EN-(1), rolle ROLL)] enrolment n. (US enrollment) 1 the act or an instance of enrolling; the state of being enrolled. 2 US the number of persons enrolled, esp. at a school or college. en route adv. (usu. foll. by to, for) on the way. [F] ensconce v.tr. (usu. refl. or in passive) establish or settle comfortably, safely, or secretly. ensemble n. 1 a a thing viewed as the sum of its parts. b the general effect of this. 2 a set of clothes worn together; an outfit. 3 a group of actors, dancers, musicians, etc., performing together, esp. subsidiary dancers in ballet etc. 4 Mus. a a concerted passage for an ensemble. b the manner in which this is performed (good ensemble). 5 Math. a group of systems with the same constitution but possibly in different states. [F, ult. f. L insimul (as IN-(2), simul at the same time)] enshrine v.tr. 1 enclose in or as in a shrine. 2 serve as a shrine for. 3 preserve or cherish. ЬЬenshrinement n. enshroud v.tr. literary 1 cover with or as with a shroud. 2 cover completely; hide from view. ensign n. 1 a a banner or flag, esp. the military or naval flag of a nation. b Brit. a flag with the union in the corner. 2 a standard-bearer. 3 a hist. the lowest commissioned infantry officer. b US the lowest commissioned officer in the navy. Ьblue ensign the ensign of government departments and formerly of the naval reserve etc. red ensign the ensign of the merchant service. white ensign the ensign of the Royal Navy and the Royal Yacht Squadron. ЬЬensigncy n. [ME f. OF enseigne f. L insignia: see INSIGNIA] ensilage n. & v. --n. = SILAGE. --v.tr. treat (fodder) by ensilage. [F (as ENSILE)] ensile v.tr. 1 put (fodder) into a silo. 2 preserve (fodder) in a silo. [F ensiler f. Sp. ensilar (as EN-(1), SILO)] enslave v.tr. make (a person) a slave. ЬЬenslavement n. enslaver n. ensnare v.tr. catch in or as in a snare; entrap. ЬЬensnarement n. ensue v.intr. 1 happen afterwards. 2 (often foll. by from, on) occur as a result. [ME f. OF ensuivre ult. f. L sequi follow] en suite adv. forming a single unit (bedroom with bathroom en suite). [F, = in sequence] ensure v.tr. 1 (often foll. by that + clause) make certain. 2 (usu. foll. by to, for) secure (a thing for a person etc.). 3 (usu. foll. by against) make safe. ЬЬensurer n. [ME f. AF enseЃrer f. OF aseЃrer ASSURE] enswathe v.tr. bind or wrap in or as in a bandage. ЬЬenswathement n. ENT abbr. ear, nose, and throat. -ent suffix 1 forming adjectives denoting attribution of an action (consequent) or state (existent). 2 forming nouns denoting an agent (coefficient; president). [from or after F -ent or L -ent- pres. part. stem of verbs (cf. -ANT)] entablature n. Archit. the upper part of a classical building supported by columns or a colonnade, comprising architrave, frieze, and cornice. [It. intavolatura f. intavolare board up (as IN-(2), tavola table)] entablement n. a platform supporting a statue, above the dado and base. [F, f. entabler (as EN-(1), TABLE)] entail v. & n. --v.tr. 1 necessitate or involve unavoidably (the work entails much effort). 2 Law bequeath (property etc.) so that it remains within a family. 3 (usu. foll. by on) bestow (a thing) inalienably. --n. Law 1 an entailed estate. 2 the succession to such an estate. ЬЬentailment n. [ME, f. EN-(1) + AF taile TAIL(2)] entangle v.tr. 1 cause to get caught in a snare or among obstacles. 2 cause to become tangled. 3 involve in difficulties or illicit activities. 4 make (a thing) tangled or intricate; complicate. entanglement n. 1 the act or condition of entangling or being entangled. 2 a a thing that entangles. b Mil. an extensive barrier erected to obstruct an enemy's movements (esp. one made of stakes and interlaced barbed wire). 3 a compromising (esp. amorous) relationship. entasis n. Archit. a slight convex curve in a column shaft to correct the visual illusion that straight sides give of curving inwards. [mod.L f. Gk f. enteino to stretch] entellus n. = HANUMAN. [name of a Trojan in Virgil's Aeneid] entente n. 1 = ENTENTE CORDIALE. 2 a group of States in such a relation. [F, = understanding (as INTENT)] entente cordiale n. a friendly understanding between States, esp. (often Entente Cordiale) that reached in 1904 between Britain and France. [F, = cordial understanding: see ENTENTE] enter v. 1 a intr. (often foll. by into) go or come in. b tr. go or come into. c intr. come on stage (as a direction : enter Macbeth). 2 tr. penetrate; go through (a bullet entered his chest). 3 tr. (often foll. by up) write (a name, details, etc.) in a list, book, etc. 4 a intr. register or announce oneself as a competitor (entered for the long jump). b tr. become a competitor in (an event). c tr. record the name of (a person etc.) as a competitor (entered two horses for the Derby). 5 tr. a become a member of (a society etc.). b enrol as a member or prospective member of a society, school, etc.; admit or obtain admission for. 6 tr. make known; present for consideration (entered a protest). 7 tr. put into an official record. 8 intr. (foll. by into) a engage in (conversation, relations, an undertaking, etc.). b subscribe to; bind oneself by (an agreement etc.). c form part of (one's calculations, plans, etc.). d sympathize with (feelings etc.). 9 intr. (foll. by on, upon) a begin, undertake; begin to deal with (a subject). b assume the functions of (an office). c assume possession of (property). 10 intr. (foll. by up) complete a series of entries in (account-books etc.). ЬЬenterer n. [ME f. OF entrer f. L intrare] enteric adj. & n. --adj. of the intestines. --n. (in full enteric fever) typhoid. ЬЬenteritis n. [Gk enterikos (as ENTERO-)] entero- comb. form intestine. [Gk enteron intestine] enterostomy n. (pl. -ies) Surgery a surgical operation in which the small intestine is brought through the abdominal wall and opened, in order to bypass the stomach or the colon. enterotomy n. (pl. -ies) Surgery the surgical cutting open of the intestine. enterovirus n. a virus infecting the intestines and sometimes spreading to other parts of the body, esp. the central nervous system. enterprise n. 1 an undertaking, esp. a bold or difficult one. 2 (as a personal attribute) readiness to engage in such undertakings (has no enterprise). 3 a business firm. Ьenterprise zone Brit. a depressed (usu. urban) area where State incentives such as tax concessions are designed to encourage investment. ЬЬenterpriser n. [ME f. OF entreprise fem. past part. of entreprendre var. of emprendre ult. f. L prendere, prehendere take] enterprising adj. 1 ready to engage in enterprises. 2 resourceful, imaginative, energetic. ЬЬenterprisingly adv. entertain v.tr. 1 amuse; occupy agreeably. 2 a receive or treat as a guest. b (absol.) receive guests (they entertain a great deal). 3 give attention or consideration to (an idea, feeling, or proposal). [ME f. F entretenir ult. f. L tenere hold] entertainer n. a person who entertains, esp. professionally on stage etc. entertaining adj. amusing, diverting. entertainment n. 1 the act or an instance of entertaining; the process of being entertained. 2 a public performance or show. 3 diversions or amusements for guests etc. 4 amusement (much to my entertainment). 5 hospitality. enthalpy n. Physics the total thermodynamic heat content of a system. [Gk enthalpo warm in (as EN-(1), thalpo to heat)] enthral v.tr. (US enthrall, inthrall) (-thralled, -thralling) 1 captivate, please greatly. 2 enslave. ЬЬenthralment n. (US enthrallment). [EN-(1) + THRALL] enthrone v.tr. 1 install (a king, bishop, etc.) on a throne, esp. ceremonially. 2 exalt. ЬЬenthronement n. enthuse v.intr. & tr. colloq. be or make enthusiastic. [back-form. f. ENTHUSIASM] enthusiasm n. 1 (often foll. by for, about) a strong interest or admiration. b great eagerness. 2 an object of enthusiasm. 3 archaic extravagant religious emotion. [F enthousiasme or LL enthusiasmus f. Gk enthousiasmos f. entheos possessed by a god, inspired (as EN-(2), theos god)] enthusiast n. 1 (often foll. by for) a person who is full of enthusiasm. 2 a visionary; a self-deluded person. [F enthousiaste or eccl.L enthusiastes f. Gk (as ENTHUSIASM)] enthusiastic adj. having or showing enthusiasm. ЬЬenthusiastically adv. [Gk enthousiastikos (as ENTHUSIASM)] enthymeme n. Logic a syllogism in which one premiss is not explicitly stated. [L enthymema f. Gk enthumema f. enthumeomai consider (as EN-(2), thumos mind)] entice v.tr. (often foll. by from, into, or to + infin.) persuade by the offer of pleasure or reward. ЬЬenticement n. enticer n. enticingly adv. [ME f. OF enticier prob. f. Rmc] entire adj. & n. --adj. 1 whole, complete. 2 not broken or decayed. 3 unqualified, absolute (an entire success). 4 in one piece; continuous. 5 not castrated. 6 Bot. without indentation. 7 pure, unmixed. --n. an uncastrated animal. [ME f. AF enter, OF entier f. L integer (as IN-(2), tangere touch)] entirely adv. 1 wholly, completely (the stock is entirely exhausted). 2 solely, exclusively (did it entirely for my benefit). entirety n. (pl. -ies) 1 completeness. 2 (usu. foll. by of) the sum total. Ьin its entirety in its complete form; completely. [ME f. OF entieret‚ f. L integritas -tatis f. integer: see ENTIRE] entitle v.tr. 1 a (usu. foll. by to) give (a person etc.) a just claim. b (foll. by to + infin.) give (a person etc.) a right. 2 a give (a book etc.) the title of. b archaic give (a person) the title of (entitled him sultan). ЬЬentitlement n. [ME f. AF entitler, OF entiteler f. LL intitulare (as IN-(2), TITLE)] entity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a thing with distinct existence, as opposed to a quality or relation. 2 a thing's existence regarded distinctly. ЬЬentitative adj. [F entit‚ or med.L entitas f. LL ens being] ento- comb. form within. [Gk entos within] entomb v.tr. 1 place in or as in a tomb. 2 serve as a tomb for. ЬЬentombment n. [OF entomber (as EN-(1), TOMB)] entomo- comb. form insect. [Gk entomos cut up (in neut. = INSECT) f. EN-(2) + temno cut] entomology n. the study of the forms and behaviour of insects. ЬЬentomological adj. entomologist n. [F entomologie or mod.L entomologia (as ENTOMO-, -LOGY)] entomophagous adj. Zool. insect-eating. entomophilous adj. Biol. pollinated by insects. entoparasite n. Biol. = ENDOPARASITE. entophyte n. Bot. a plant growing inside a plant or animal. entourage n. 1 people attending an important person. 2 surroundings. [F f. entourer surround] entr'acte n. 1 an interval between two acts of a play. 2 a piece of music or a dance performed during this. [F f. entre between + acte act] entrails n.pl. 1 the bowels and intestines of a person or animal. 2 the innermost parts (entrails of the earth). [ME f. OF entrailles f. med.L intralia alt. f. L interaneus internal f. inter among] entrain(1) v.intr. & tr. go or put on board a train. ЬЬentrainment n. entrain(2) v.tr. 1 (of a fluid) carry (particles etc.) along in its flow. 2 drag along. ЬЬentrainment n. [F entraЊner (as EN-(1), traЊner drag, formed as TRAIN)] entrain(3) n. enthusiasm, animation. [F] entrammel v.tr. (entrammelled, entrammelling; US entrammeled, entrammeling) entangle, hamper. entrance(1) n. 1 the act or an instance of going or coming in. 2 a door, passage, etc., by which one enters. 3 right of admission. 4 the coming of an actor on stage. 5 Mus. = ENTRY 8. 6 (foll. by into, upon) entering into office etc. 7 (in full entrance fee) a fee paid for admission to a society, club, exhibition, etc. [OF (as ENTER, -ANCE)] entrance(2) v.tr. 1 enchant, delight. 2 put into a trance. 3 (often foll. by with) overwhelm with strong feeling. ЬЬentrancement n. entrancing adj. entrancingly adv. entrant n. a person who enters (esp. an examination, profession, etc.). [F, part. of entrer: see ENTER] entrap v.tr. (entrapped, entrapping) 1 catch in or as in a trap. 2 (often foll. by into + verbal noun) beguile or trick (a person). ЬЬentrapper n. [OF entraper (as EN-(1), TRAP(1))] entrapment n. 1 the act or an instance of entrapping; the process of being entrapped. 2 Law inducement to commit a crime, esp. by the authorities to secure a prosecution. entreat v.tr. 1 a (foll. by to + infin. or that + clause) ask (a person) earnestly. b ask earnestly for (a thing). 2 archaic treat; act towards (a person). ЬЬentreatingly adv. [ME f. OF entraiter (as EN-(1), traiter TREAT)] entreaty n. (pl. -ies) an earnest request; a supplication. [ENTREAT, after TREATY] entrechat n. a leap in ballet, with one or more crossings of the legs while in the air. [F f. It. (capriola) intrecciata complicated (caper)] entrec“te n. a boned steak cut off the sirloin. [F f. entre between + c“te rib] entr‚e n. 1 Cookery a Brit. a dish served between the fish and meat courses. b esp. US the main dish of a meal. 2 the right or privilege of admission, esp. at Court. [F, = ENTRY] entremets n. 1 a sweet dish. 2 any light dish served between two courses. [F f. entre between + mets dish] entrench v. (also intrench) 1 tr. establish firmly (in a defensible position, in office, etc.). 2 tr. surround (a post, army, town, etc.) with a trench as a fortification. 3 tr. apply extra safeguards to (rights etc. guaranteed by legislation). 4 intr. entrench oneself. 5 intr. (foll. by upon) encroach, trespass. Ьentrench oneself adopt a well-defended position. ЬЬentrenchment n. entre nous adv. 1 between you and me. 2 in private. [F, = between ourselves] entrep“t n. 1 a warehouse for temporary storage of goods in transit. 2 a commercial centre for import and export, and for collection and distribution. [F f. entreposer store f. entre- INTER- + poser place] entrepreneur n. 1 a person who undertakes an enterprise or business, with the chance of profit or loss. 2 a contractor acting as an intermediary. 3 the person in effective control of a commercial undertaking. ЬЬentrepreneurial adj. entrepreneurialism n. (also entrepreneurism). entrepreneurially adv. entrepreneurship n. [F f. entreprendre undertake: see ENTERPRISE] entresol n. a low storey between the first and the ground floor; a mezzanine floor. [F f. entre between + sol ground] entrism var. of ENTRYISM. entropy n. 1 Physics a measure of the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work. 2 Physics a measure of the disorganization or degradation of the universe. 3 a measure of the rate of transfer of information in a message etc. ЬЬentropic adj. entropically adv. [G Entropie (as EN-(2), Gk trope transformation)] entrust v.tr. (also intrust) 1 (foll. by to) give responsibility for (a person or a thing) to a person in whom one has confidence. 2 (foll. by with) assign responsibility for a thing to (a person). ЬЬentrustment n. entry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the act or an instance of going or coming in. b the coming of an actor on stage. c ceremonial entrance. 2 liberty to go or come in. 3 a a place of entrance; a door, gate, etc. b a lobby. 4 Brit. a passage between buildings. 5 the mouth of a river. 6 a an item entered in a diary, list, account-book, etc. b the recording of this. 7 a a person or thing competing in a race, contest, etc. b a list of competitors. 8 the start or resumption of music for a particular instrument in an ensemble. 9 Law the act of taking possession. 10 Bridge a the transfer of the lead to one's partner's hand. b a card providing this. Ьentry form an application form for a competition. entry permit an authorization to enter a particular country etc. [ME f. OF entree ult. f. L intrare ENTER] entryism n. (also entrism) infiltration into a political organization to change or subvert its policies or objectives. ЬЬentrist n. entryist n. Entryphone n. propr. an intercom device at an entrance to a building by which callers may identify themselves to gain admission. entwine v.tr. (also intwine) 1 (foll. by with, about, round) twine together (a thing with or round another). 2 interweave. ЬЬentwinement n. enucleate v.tr. Surgery extract (a tumour etc.). ЬЬenucleation n. [L enucleare (as E-, NUCLEUS)] E-number n. the letter E followed by a code number, designating food additives according to EEC directives. enumerate v.tr. 1 specify (items); mention one by one. 2 count; establish the number of. ЬЬenumerable adj. enumeration n. enumerative adj. [L enumerare (as E-, NUMBER)] enumerator n. 1 a person who enumerates. 2 a person employed in census-taking. enunciate v.tr. 1 pronounce (words) clearly. 2 express (a proposition or theory) in definite terms. 3 proclaim. ЬЬenunciation n. enunciative adj. enunciator n. [L enuntiare (as E-, nuntiare announce f. nuntius messenger)] enure v.intr. Law take effect. [var. of INURE] enuresis n. Med. involuntary urination. ЬЬenuretic adj. & n. [mod.L f. Gk enoureo urinate in (as EN-(2), ouron urine)] envelop v.tr. (enveloped, enveloping) 1 (often foll. by in) a wrap up or cover completely. b make obscure; conceal (was enveloped in mystery). 2 Mil. completely surround (an enemy). ЬЬenvelopment n. [ME f. OF envoluper (as EN-(1): cf. DEVELOP)] envelope n. 1 a folded paper container, usu. with a sealable flap, for a letter etc. 2 a wrapper or covering. 3 the structure within a balloon or airship containing the gas. 4 the outer metal or glass housing of a vacuum tube, electric light, etc. 5 Electr. a curve joining the successive peaks of a modulated wave. 6 Bot. any enveloping structure esp. the calyx or corolla (or both). 7 Math. a line or curve tangent to each line or curve of a given family. [F enveloppe (as ENVELOP)] envenom v.tr. 1 put poison on or into; make poisonous. 2 infuse venom or bitterness into (feelings, words, or actions). [ME f. OF envenimer (as EN-(1), venim VENOM)] enviable adj. (of a person or thing) exciting or likely to excite envy. ЬЬenviably adv. envious adj. (often foll. by of) feeling or showing envy. ЬЬenviously adv. [ME f. AF envious, OF envieus f. envie ENVY] environ v.tr. encircle, surround (esp. hostilely or protectively). [ME f. OF environer f. environ surroundings f. en in + viron circuit f. virer turn, VEER(1)] environment n. 1 physical surroundings and conditions, esp. as affecting people's lives. 2 conditions or circumstances of living. 3 Ecol. external conditions affecting the growth of plants and animals. 4 a structure designed to be experienced from inside as a work of art. ЬЬenvironmental adj. environmentally adv. environmentalist n. 1 a person who is concerned with or advocates the protection of the environment. 2 a person who considers that environment has the primary influence on the development of a person or group. ЬЬenvironmentalism n. environs n.pl. a surrounding district, esp. round an urban area. envisage v.tr. 1 have a mental picture of (a thing or conditions not yet existing). 2 contemplate or conceive, esp. as possible or desirable. 3 archaic a face (danger, facts, etc.). b look in the face of. ЬЬenvisagement n. [F envisager (as EN-(1), VISAGE)] envision v.tr. envisage, visualize. envoy(1) n. 1 a messenger or representative, esp. on a diplomatic mission. 2 (in full envoy extraordinary) a minister plenipotentiary, ranking below ambassador and above charg‚ d'affaires. ЬЬenvoyship n. [F envoy‚, past part. of envoyer send f. en voie on the way f. L via] envoy(2) n. (also envoi) 1 a short stanza concluding a ballade etc. 2 archaic an author's concluding words. [ME f. OF envoi f. envoyer (as ENVOY(1))] envy n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by another's better fortune etc. 2 the object or ground of this feeling (their house is the envy of the neighbourhood). --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) feel envy of (a person, circumstances, etc.) (I envy you your position). ЬЬenvier n. [ME f. OF envie f. L invidia f. invidere envy (as IN-(1), videre see)] enweave var. of INWEAVE. enwrap v.tr. (also inwrap) (-wrapped, -wrapping) (often foll. by in) literary wrap or enfold. enwreathe v.tr. (also inwreathe) literary surround with or as with a wreath. Enzed n. Austral. & NZ colloq. a popular written form of: 1 New Zealand. 2 a New Zealander. ЬЬEnzedder n. [pronunc. of NZ] enzootic adj. & n. --adj. regularly affecting animals in a particular district or at a particular season (cf. ENDEMIC, EPIZOOTIC). --n. an enzootic disease. [Gk en in + zoion animal] enzyme n. Biochem. a protein acting as a catalyst in a specific biochemical reaction. ЬЬenzymatic adj. enzymic adj. enzymology n. [G Enzym f. med. Gk enzumos leavened f. Gk en in + zume leaven] 16.0 EOC... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EOC abbr. Equal Opportunities Commission. Eocene adj. & n. Geol. --adj. of or relating to the second epoch of the Tertiary period with evidence of an abundance of mammals including horses, bats, and whales. °Cf. Appendix II. --n. this epoch or system. [Gk eos dawn + kainos new] eolian US var. of AEOLIAN. eolith n. Archaeol. any of various flint objects found in Tertiary strata and thought to be early artefacts. [Gk eos dawn + lithos stone] eolithic adj. Archaeol. of the period preceding the palaeolithic age, thought to include the earliest use of flint tools. [F ‚olithique (as EOLITH)] eon var. of AEON. eosin n. a red fluorescent dyestuff used esp. as a stain in optical microscopy. [Gk eos dawn + -IN] eosinophil n. a white blood cell readily stained by eosin. -eous suffix forming adjectives meaning 'of the nature of' (erroneous; gaseous). 17.0 EP... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EP abbr. 1 electroplate. 2 extended-play (gramophone record). Ep. abbr. Epistle. ep- prefix form of EPI- before a vowel or h. e.p. abbr. Chess en passant. EPA abbr. (in the US) Environmental Protection Agency. epact n. the number of days by which the solar year exceeds the lunar year. [F ‚pacte f. LL epactae f. Gk epaktai (hemerai) intercalated (days) f. epago intercalate (as EPI-, ago bring)] eparch n. the chief bishop of an eparchy. [Gk eparkhos (as EPI-, arkhos ruler)] eparchy n. (pl. -ies) a province of the Orthodox Church. [Gk eparkhia (as EPARCH)] epaulette n. (US epaulet) an ornamental shoulder-piece on a coat, dress, etc., esp. on a uniform. [F ‚paulette dimin. of ‚paule shoulder f. L spatula: see SPATULA] ‚p‚e n. a sharp-pointed duelling-sword, used (with the end blunted) in fencing. ЬЬ‚p‚eist n. [F, = sword, f. OF espee: see SPAY] epeirogenesis n. (also epeirogeny) Geol. the regional uplift of extensive areas of the earth's crust. ЬЬepeirogenic adj. [Gk epeiros mainland + -GENESIS, -GENY] epenthesis n. (pl. epentheses) the insertion of a letter or sound within a word, e.g. b in thimble. ЬЬepenthetic adj. [LL f. Gk f. epentithemi insert (as EPI- + EN-(2) + tithemi place)] epergne n. an ornament (esp. in branched form) for the centre of a dinner-table, holding flowers or fruit. [18th c.: perh. a corrupt. of F ‚pargne saving, economy] epexegesis n. (pl. epexegeses) 1 the addition of words to clarify meaning (e.g. to do in difficult to do). 2 the words added. ЬЬepexegetic adj. epexegetical adj. epexegetically adv. [Gk epexegesis (as EPI-, EXEGESIS)] Eph. abbr. Ephesians (New Testament). ephebe n. Gk Hist. a young man of 18-20 undergoing military training. ЬЬephebic adj. [L ephebus f. Gk ephebos (as EPI-, hebe early manhood)] ephedra n. any evergreen shrub of the genus Ephedra, with trailing stems and scalelike leaves. [mod.L f. Gk ephedra sitting upon] ephedrine n. an alkaloid drug found in some ephedras, causing constriction of the blood-vessels and widening of the bronchial passages, used to relieve asthma, etc. [EPHEDRA + -INE(4)] ephemera(1) n. (pl. ephemeras or ephemerae) 1 a an insect living only a day or a few days. b any insect of the order Ephemeroptera, e.g. the mayfly. 2 = EPHEMERON. [mod.L f. Gk ephemeros lasting only a day (as EPI-, hemera day)] ephemera(2) pl. of EPHEMERON 1. ephemeral adj. 1 lasting or of use for only a short time; transitory. 2 lasting only a day. 3 (of an insect, flower, etc.) lasting a day or a few days. ЬЬephemerality n. ephemerally adv. ephemeralness n. [Gk ephemeros: see EPHEMERA] ephemeris n. (pl. ephemerides) Astron. an astronomical almanac or table of the predicted positions of celestial bodies. [L f. Gk ephemeris diary (as EPHEMERAL)] ephemerist n. a collector of ephemera. ephemeron n. 1 (pl. ephemera) (usu. in pl.) a a thing (esp. a printed item) of short-lived interest or usefulness. b a short-lived thing. 2 (pl. ephemerons) = EPHEMERA(1) 1. [as EPHEMERA(1)] ephod n. a Jewish priestly vestment. [ME f. Heb. ' ep“d] ephor n. Gk Hist. any of five senior magistrates in ancient Sparta. ЬЬephorate n. [Gk ephoros overseer (as EPI-, horao see)] epi- prefix (usu. ep- before a vowel or h) 1 upon (epicycle). 2 above (epicotyl). 3 in addition (epiphenomenon). [Gk epi (prep.)] epiblast n. Biol. the outermost layer of a gastrula etc.; the ectoderm. [EPI- + -BLAST] epic n. & adj. --n. 1 a long poem narrating the adventures or deeds of one or more heroic or legendary figures, e.g. the Iliad, Paradise Lost. 2 an imaginative work of any form, embodying a nation's conception of its past history. 3 a book or film based on an epic narrative or heroic in type or scale. 4 a subject fit for recital in an epic. --adj. 1 of or like an epic. 2 grand, heroic. ЬЬepical adj. epically adv. [L epicus f. Gk epikos f. epos word, song] epicarp n. Bot. the outermost layer of the pericarp. [EPI- + Gk karpos fruit] epicedium n. (pl. epicedia) a funeral ode. ЬЬepicedian adj. [L f. Gk epikedeion (as EPI-, kedos care)] epicene adj. & n. --adj. 1 Gram. denoting either sex without change of gender. 2 of, for, or used by both sexes. 3 having characteristics of both sexes. 4 having no characteristics of either sex. 5 effete, effeminate. --n. an epicene person. [ME f. LL epicoenus f. Gk epikoinos (as EPI-, koinos common)] epicentre n. (US epicenter) 1 Geol. the point at which an earthquake reaches the earth's surface. 2 the central point of a difficulty. ЬЬepicentral adj. [Gk epikentros (adj.) (as EPI-, CENTRE)] epicontinental adj. (of the sea) over the continental shelf. epicotyl n. Bot. the region of an embryo or seedling stem above the cotyledon(s). epicure n. a person with refined tastes, esp. in food and drink. ЬЬepicurism n. [med.L epicurus one preferring sensual enjoyment: see EPICUREAN] Epicurean n. & adj. --n. 1 a disciple or student of the Greek philosopher Epicurus (d. 270 BC), who taught that the highest good is personal happiness. 2 (epicurean) a person devoted to (esp. sensual) enjoyment. --adj. 1 of or concerning Epicurus or his ideas. 2 (epicurean) characteristic of an epicurean. ЬЬEpicureanism n. [F ‚picurien or L epicureus f. Gk epikoureios f. Epikouros Epicurus] epicycle n. Geom. a small circle moving round the circumference of a larger one. ЬЬepicyclic adj. [ME f. OF or LL epicyclus f. Gk epikuklos (as EPI-, kuklos circle)] epicycloid n. Math. a curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle rolling on the exterior of another circle. ЬЬepicycloidal adj. epideictic adj. meant for effect or display, esp. in speaking. [Gk epideiktikos (as EPI-, deiknumi show)] epidemic n. & adj. --n. 1 a widespread occurrence of a disease in a community at a particular time. 2 such a disease. 3 (foll. by of) a wide prevalence of something usu. undesirable. --adj. in the nature of an epidemic (cf. ENDEMIC). ЬЬepidemically adv. [F ‚pid‚mique f. ‚pid‚mie f. LL epidemia f. Gk epidemia prevalence of disease f. epidemios (adj.) (as EPI-, demos the people)] epidemiology n. the study of the incidence and distribution of diseases, and of their control and prevention. ЬЬepidemiological adj. epidemiologist n. epidermis n. 1 the outer cellular layer of the skin. 2 Bot. the outer layer of cells of leaves, stems, roots, etc. ЬЬepidermal adj. epidermic adj. epidermoid adj. [LL f. Gk (as EPI-, DERMIS)] epidiascope n. an optical projector capable of giving images of both opaque and transparent objects. [EPI- + DIA- + -SCOPE] epididymis n. (pl. epididymides) Anat. a convoluted duct behind the testis, along which sperm passes to the vas deferens. [Gk epididumis (as EPI-, didumoi testicles)] epidural adj. & n. --adj. 1 Anat. on or around the dura mater. 2 (of an anaesthetic) introduced into the space around the dura mater of the spinal cord. --n. an epidural anaesthetic, used esp. in childbirth to produce loss of sensation below the waist. [EPI- + DURA (MATER)] epifauna n. animals living on the seabed, either attached to animals, plants, etc., or free-living. [Da. (as EPI-, FAUNA)] epigastrium n. (pl. epigastria) Anat. the part of the abdomen immediately over the stomach. ЬЬepigastric adj. [LL f. Gk epigastrion (neut. adj.) (as EPI-, gaster belly)] epigeal adj. Bot. 1 having one or more cotyledons above the ground. 2 growing above the ground. [Gk epigeios (as EPI-, ge earth)] epigene adj. Geol. produced on the surface of the earth. [F ‚pigЉne f. Gk epigenes (as EPI-, genes born)] epiglottis n. Anat. a flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is depressed during swallowing to cover the windpipe. ЬЬepiglottal adj. epiglottic adj. [Gk epiglottis (as EPI-, glotta tongue)] epigone n. (pl. epigones or epigoni) one of a later (and less distinguished) generation. [pl. f. F ‚pigones f. L epigoni f. Gk epigonoi those born afterwards (as EPI-, root of gignomai be born)] epigram n. 1 a short poem with a witty ending. 2 a pointed saying. 3 a pointed mode of expression. ЬЬepigrammatic adj. epigrammatically adv. epigrammatist n. epigrammatize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). [F ‚pigramme or L epigramma f. Gk epigramma -atos (as EPI-, -GRAM)] epigraph n. an inscription on a statue or coin, at the head of a chapter, etc. [Gk epigraphe f. epigrapho (as EPI-, grapho write)] epigraphy n. the study of (esp. ancient) inscriptions. ЬЬepigraphic adj. epigraphical adj. epigraphically adv. epigraphist n. epilate v.tr. remove hair from. ЬЬepilation n. [F ‚piler (cf. DEPILATE)] epilepsy n. a nervous disorder with convulsions and often loss of consciousness. [F ‚pilepsie or LL epilepsia f. Gk epilepsia f. epilambano attack (as EPI-, lambano take)] epileptic adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to epilepsy. --n. a person with epilepsy. [F ‚pileptique f. LL epilepticus f. Gk epileptikos (as EPILEPSY)] epilimnion n. (pl. epilimnia) the upper layer of water in a stratified lake. [EPI- + Gk limnion dimin. of limne lake] epilogist n. the writer or speaker of an epilogue. epilogue n. 1 a the concluding part of a literary work. b an appendix. 2 a speech or short poem addressed to the audience by an actor at the end of a play. 3 Brit. a short piece at the end of a day's broadcasting (cf. PROLOGUE). [ME f. F ‚pilogue f. L epilogus f. Gk epilogos (as EPI-, logos speech)] epimer n. Chem. either of two isomers with different configurations of atoms about one of several asymmetric carbon atoms present. ЬЬepimeric adj. epimerism n. [G (as EPI-, -MER)] epimerize v.tr. (also -ise) Chem. convert (one epimer) into the other. epinasty n. Bot. a tendency in plant-organs to grow more rapidly on the upper side. [EPI- + Gk nastos pressed] epinephrine n. Biochem. = ADRENALIN. [Gk epi upon + nephros kidney] epiphany n. (pl. -ies) 1 (Epiphany) a the manifestation of Christ to the Magi according to the biblical account. b the festival commemorating this on 6 January. 2 any manifestation of a god or demigod. ЬЬepiphanic adj. [ME f. Gk epiphaneia manifestation f. epiphaino reveal (as EPI-, phaino show): sense 1 through OF epiphanie and eccl.L epiphania] epiphenomenon n. (pl. epiphenomena) 1 a secondary symptom, which may occur simultaneously with a disease etc. but is not regarded as its cause or result. 2 Psychol. consciousness regarded as a by-product of brain activity. ЬЬepiphenomenal adj. epiphysis n. (pl. epiphyses) Anat. 1 the end part of a long bone, initially growing separately from the shaft. 2 = pineal body. [mod.L f. Gk epiphusis (as EPI-, phusis growth)] epiphyte n. a plant growing but not parasitic on another, e.g. a moss. ЬЬepiphytal adj. epiphytic adj. [EPI- + Gk phuton plant] episcopacy n. (pl. -ies) 1 government of a Church by bishops. 2 (prec. by the) the bishops. episcopal adj. 1 of a bishop or bishops. 2 (of a Church) constituted on the principle of government by bishops. ЬEpiscopal Church the Anglican Church in Scotland and the US, with elected bishops. ЬЬepiscopalism n. episcopally adv. [ME f. F ‚piscopal or eccl.L episcopalis f. episcopus BISHOP] episcopalian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or advocating government of a Church by bishops. 2 of or belonging to an episcopal Church or (Episcopalian) the Episcopal Church. --n. 1 an adherent of episcopacy. 2 (Episcopalian) a member of the Episcopal Church. ЬЬepiscopalianism n. episcopate n. 1 the office or tenure of a bishop. 2 (prec. by the) the bishops collectively. [eccl.L episcopatus f. episcopus BISHOP] episcope n. an optical projector giving images of opaque objects. episematic adj. Zool. (of coloration, markings, etc.) serving to help recognition by animals of the same species. [EPI- + Gk sema sematos sign] episiotomy n. (pl. -ies) a surgical cut made at the opening of the vagina during childbirth, to aid delivery. [Gk epision pubic region] episode n. 1 one event or a group of events as part of a sequence. 2 each of the parts of a serial story or broadcast. 3 an incident or set of incidents in a narrative. 4 an incident that is distinct but contributes to a whole (a romantic episode in her life). 5 Mus. a passage containing distinct material or introducing a new subject. 6 the part between two choric songs in Greek tragedy. [Gk epeisodion (as EPI- + eisodos entry f. eis into + hodos way)] episodic adj. (also episodical) 1 in the nature of an episode. 2 sporadic; occurring at irregular intervals. ЬЬepisodically adv. epistaxis n. Med. a nosebleed. [mod.L f. Gk (as EPI-, stazo drip)] epistemic adj. Philos. relating to knowledge or to the degree of its validation. ЬЬepistemically adv. [Gk episteme knowledge] epistemology n. the theory of knowledge, esp. with regard to its methods and validation. ЬЬepistemological adj. epistemologically adv. epistemologist n. epistle n. 1 formal or joc. a letter, esp. a long one on a serious subject. 2 (Epistle) a any of the letters of the apostles in the New Testament. b an extract from an Epistle read in a church service. 3 a poem or other literary work in the form of a letter or series of letters. [ME f. OF f. L epistola f. Gk epistole f. epistello send news (as EPI-, stello send)] epistolary adj. 1 in the style or form of a letter or letters. 2 of, carried by, or suited to letters. [F ‚pistolaire or L epistolaris (as EPISTLE)] epistrophe n. the repetition of a word at the end of successive clauses. [Gk (as EPI-, strophe turning)] epistyle n. Archit. = ARCHITRAVE. [F ‚pistyle or L epistylium f. Gk epistulion (as EPI-, stulos pillar)] epitaph n. words written in memory of a person who has died, esp. as a tomb inscription. [ME f. OF epitaphe f. L epitaphium f. Gk epitaphion funeral oration (as EPI-, taphos tomb)] epitaxy n. Crystallog. the growth of a thin layer on a single-crystal substrate that determines the lattice-structure of the layer. ЬЬepitaxial adj. [F ‚pitaxie (as EPI-, Gk taxis arrangement)] epithalamium n. (pl. epithalamiums or epithalamia) a song or poem celebrating a marriage. ЬЬepithalamial adj. epithalamic adj. [L f. Gk epithalamion (as EPI-, thalamos bridal chamber)] epithelium n. (pl. epitheliums or epithelia) the tissue forming the outer layer of the body surface and lining many hollow structures. ЬЬepithelial adj. [mod.L f. EPI- + Gk thele teat] epithet n. 1 an adjective or other descriptive word expressing a quality or attribute, esp. used with or as a name. 2 such a word as a term of abuse. ЬЬepithetic adj. epithetical adj. epithetically adv. [F ‚pithЉte or L epitheton f. Gk epitheton f. epitithemi add (as EPI-, tithemi place)] epitome n. 1 a person or thing embodying a quality, class, etc. 2 a thing representing another in miniature. 3 a summary of a written work; an abstract. ЬЬepitomist n. [L f. Gk epitome f. epitemno abridge (as EPI-, temno cut)] epitomize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 be a perfect example of (a quality etc.); typify. 2 make an epitome of (a work). ЬЬepitomization n. epizoon n. (pl. epizoa) an animal living on another animal. [mod.L (as EPI-, Gk zoion animal)] epizootic adj. & n. --adj. (of a disease) temporarily prevalent among animals (cf. ENZOOTIC). --n. an outbreak of such a disease. [F ‚pizootique f. ‚pizootie (as EPIZOON)] EPNS abbr. electroplated nickel silver. epoch n. 1 a period of history or of a person's life marked by notable events. 2 the beginning of an era. 3 Geol. a division of a period, corresponding to a set of strata. Ьepoch-making remarkable, historic; of major importance. ЬЬepochal adj. [mod.L epocha f. Gk epokhe stoppage] epode n. 1 a form of lyric poem written in couplets each of a long line followed by a shorter one. 2 the third section of an ancient Greek choral ode or of one division of it. [F ‚pode or L epodos f. Gk epoidos (as EPI-, ODE)] eponym n. 1 a person (real or imaginary) after whom a discovery, invention, place, institution, etc., is named or thought to be named. 2 the name given. ЬЬeponymous adj. [Gk eponumos (as EPI-, - onumos f. onoma name)] EPOS abbr. electronic point-of-sale (of retail outlets recording information electronically). epoxide n. Chem. a compound containing an oxygen atom bonded in a triangular arrangement to two carbon atoms. [EPI- + OXIDE] epoxy adj. Chem. relating to or derived from an epoxide. Ьepoxy resin a synthetic thermosetting resin containing epoxy groups. [EPI- + OXY-(2)] epsilon n. the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet (E). [ME f. Gk, = bare E f. psilos bare] Epsom salts n. a preparation of magnesium sulphate used as a purgative etc. [Epsom in Surrey, where it was first found occurring naturally] epyllion n. (pl. epyllia) a miniature epic poem. [Gk epullion dimin. of epos word, song] 18.0 equable... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- equable adj. 1 even; not varying. 2 uniform and moderate (an equable climate). 3 (of a person) not easily disturbed or angered. ЬЬequability n. equably adv. [L aequabilis (as EQUATE)] equal adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 (often foll. by to, with) the same in quantity, quality, size, degree, rank, level, etc. 2 evenly balanced (an equal contest). 3 having the same rights or status (human beings are essentially equal). 4 uniform in application or effect. --n. a person or thing equal to another, esp. in rank, status, or characteristic quality (their treatment of the subject has no equal; is the equal of any man). --v.tr. (equalled, equalling; US equaled, equaling) 1 be equal to in number, quality, etc. 2 achieve something that is equal to (an achievement) or to the achievement of (a person). Ьbe equal to have the ability or resources for. equal opportunity (often in pl.) the opportunity or right to be employed, paid, etc., without discrimination on grounds of sex, race, etc. equal (or equals) sign the symbol =. [ME f. L aequalis f. aequus even] equalitarian n. = EGALITARIAN. ЬЬequalitarianism n. [EQUALITY, after humanitarian etc.] equality n. the state of being equal. [ME f. OF equalit‚ f. L aequalitas -tatis (as EQUAL)] equalize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. & intr. make or become equal. 2 intr. reach one's opponent's score in a game, after being behind. ЬЬequalization n. equalizer n. 1 an equalizing score or goal etc. in a game. 2 sl. a weapon, esp. a gun. 3 Electr. a connection in a system which compensates for any undesirable frequency or phase response with the system. equally adv. 1 in an equal manner (treated them all equally). 2 to an equal degree (is equally important). °In sense 2 construction with as (equally as important) is often found, but is disp.). equanimity n. mental composure, evenness of temper, esp. in misfortune. ЬЬequanimous adj. [L aequanimitas f. aequanimis f. aequus even + animus mind] equate v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by to, with) regard as equal or equivalent. 2 intr. (foll. by with) a be equal or equivalent to. b agree or correspond. ЬЬequatable adj. [ME f. L aequare aequat- f. aequus equal] equation n. 1 the process of equating or making equal; the state of being equal. 2 Math. a statement that two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign =). 3 Chem. a formula indicating a chemical reaction by means of symbols for the elements taking part. Ьequation of the first order, second order , etc. an equation involving only the first derivative, second derivative, etc. ЬЬequational adj. [ME f. OF equation or L aequatio (as EQUATE)] equator n. 1 an imaginary line round the earth or other body, equidistant from the poles. 2 Astron. = celestial equator. [ME f. OF equateur or med.L aequator (as EQUATION)] equatorial adj. of or near the equator. Ьequatorial telescope a telescope attached to an axis perpendicular to the plane of the equator. ЬЬequatorially adv. equerry n. (pl. -ies) 1 an officer of the British royal household attending members of the royal family. 2 hist. an officer of a prince's or noble's household having charge over the horses. [earlier esquiry f. OF esquierie company of squires, prince's stables, f. OF esquier ESQUIRE: perh. assoc. with L equus horse] equestrian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to horses and horse-riding. 2 on horseback. --n. (fem. equestrienne) a rider or performer on horseback. ЬЬequestrianism n. [L equestris f. eques horseman, knight, f. equus horse] equi- comb. form equal. [L aequi- f. aequus equal] equiangular adj. having equal angles. equidistant adj. at equal distances. ЬЬequidistantly adv. equilateral adj. having all its sides equal in length. equilibrate v. 1 tr. cause (two things) to balance. 2 intr. be in equilibrium; balance. ЬЬequilibration n. equilibrator n. [LL aequilibrare aequilibrat- (as EQUI-, libra balance)] equilibrist n. an acrobat, esp. on a high rope. equilibrium n. (pl. equilibria or equilibriums) 1 a state of physical balance. 2 a state of mental or emotional equanimity. 3 a state in which the energy in a system is evenly distributed and forces, influences, etc., balance each other. [L (as EQUI-, libra balance)] equine adj. of or like a horse. [L equinus f. equus horse] equinoctial adj. & n. --adj. 1 happening at or near the time of an equinox (equinoctial gales). 2 of or relating to equal day and night. 3 at or near the (terrestrial) equator. --n. (in full equinoctial line) = celestial equator. Ьequinoctial point the point at which the ecliptic cuts the celestial equator (twice each year at an equinox). equinoctial year see YEAR. [ME f. OF equinoctial or L aequinoctialis (as EQUINOX)] equinox n. 1 the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of equal length. 2 = equinoctial point. Ьautumn (or autumnal) equinox about 22 Sept. spring (or vernal) equinox about 20 March. [ME f. OF equinoxe or med.L equinoxium for L aequinoctium (as EQUI-, nox noctis night)] equip v.tr. (equipped, equipping) supply with what is needed. ЬЬequipper n. [F ‚quiper, prob. f. ON skipa to man (a ship) f. skip SHIP] equipage n. 1 a requisites for an undertaking. b an outfit for a special purpose. 2 a carriage and horses with attendants. [F ‚quipage (as EQUIP)] equipment n. 1 the necessary articles, clothing, etc., for a purpose. 2 the process of equipping or being equipped. [F ‚quipement (as EQUIP)] equipoise n. & v. --n. 1 equilibrium; a balanced state. 2 a counterbalancing thing. --v.tr. counterbalance. equipollent adj. & n. --adj. 1 equal in power, force, etc. 2 practically equivalent. --n. an equipollent thing. ЬЬequipollence n. equipollency n. [ME f. OF equipolent f. L aequipollens -entis of equal value (as EQUI-, pollere be strong)] equipotential adj. & n. Physics --adj. (of a surface or line) having the potential of a force the same or constant at all its points. --n. an equipotential line or surface. equiprobable adj. Logic equally probable. ЬЬequiprobability n. equitable adj. 1 fair, just. 2 Law valid in equity as distinct from law. ЬЬequitableness n. equitably adv. [F ‚quitable (as EQUITY)] equitation n. the art and practice of horsemanship and horse-riding. [F ‚quitation or L equitatio f. equitare ride a horse f. eques equitis horseman f. equus horse] equity n. (pl. -ies) 1 fairness. 2 the application of the principles of justice to correct or supplement the law. 3 a the value of the shares issued by a company. b (in pl.) stocks and shares not bearing fixed interest. 4 the net value of a mortgaged property after the deduction of charges. 5 (Equity) Brit. the actors' trade union. [ME f. OF equit‚ f. L aequitas -tatis f. aequus fair] equivalent adj. & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by to) equal in value, amount, importance, etc. 2 corresponding. 3 (of words) having the same meaning. 4 having the same result. 5 Chem. (of a substance) equal in combining or displacing capacity. --n. 1 an equivalent thing, amount, word, etc. 2 (in full equivalent weight) Chem. the weight of a substance that can combine with or displace one gram of hydrogen or eight grams of oxygen. ЬЬequivalence n. equivalency n. equivalently adv. [ME f. OF f. LL aequivalere (as EQUI-, valere be worth)] equivocal adj. 1 of double or doubtful meaning; ambiguous. 2 of uncertain nature. 3 (of a person, character, etc.) questionable, suspect. ЬЬequivocality n. equivocally adv. equivocalness n. [LL aequivocus (as EQUI-, vocare call)] equivocate v.intr. use ambiguity to conceal the truth. ЬЬequivocation n. equivocator n. equivocatory adj. [ME f. LL aequivocare (as EQUIVOCAL)] equivoque n. (also equivoke) a pun or ambiguity. [ME in the sense 'equivocal' f. OF equivoque or LL aequivocus EQUIVOCAL] 19.0 ER... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ER abbr. 1 Queen Elizabeth. 2 King Edward. [L Elizabetha Regina, Edwardus Rex] Er symb. Chem. the element erbium. er int. expressing hesitation or a pause in speech. [imit.] -er(1) suffix forming nouns from nouns, adjectives, and many verbs, denoting: 1 a person, animal, or thing that performs a specified action or activity (cobbler; lover; executioner; poker; computer; eye-opener). 2 a person or thing that has a specified attribute or form (foreigner; four-wheeler; second-rater). 3 a person concerned with a specified thing or subject (hatter; geographer). 4 a person belonging to a specified place or group (villager; New Zealander; sixth-former). [orig. 'one who has to do with': OE -ere f. Gmc] -er(2) suffix forming the comparative of adjectives (wider; hotter) and adverbs (faster). [OE -ra (adj.), -or (adv.) f. Gmc] -er(3) suffix used in slang formations usu. distorting the root word (rugger; soccer). [prob. an extension of -ER(1)] -er(4) suffix forming iterative and frequentative verbs (blunder; glimmer; twitter). [OE -erian, -rian f. Gmc] -er(5) suffix 1 forming nouns and adjectives through OF or AF, corresponding to: a L -aris (sampler) (cf. -AR(1)). b L -arius, -arium (butler; carpenter; danger). c (through OF -eЃre) L -atura or (through OF -e”r) L -atorium (see COUNTER(1), FRITTER(2)). 2 = -OR. -er(6) suffix esp. Law forming nouns denoting verbal action or a document effecting this (cesser; disclaimer; misnomer). °The same ending occurs in dinner and supper. [AF infin. ending of verbs] era n. 1 a system of chronology reckoning from a noteworthy event (the Christian era). 2 a large distinct period of time, esp. regarded historically (the pre-Roman era). 3 a date at which an era begins. 4 Geol. a major division of time. [LL aera number expressed in figures (pl. of aes aeris money, treated as fem. sing.)] eradicate v.tr. root out; destroy completely; get rid of. ЬЬeradicable adj. eradication n. eradicator n. [ME f. L eradicare tear up by the roots (as E-, radix -icis root)] erase v.tr. 1 rub out; obliterate. 2 remove all traces of (erased it from my memory). 3 remove recorded material from (a magnetic tape or medium). ЬЬerasable adj. erasure n. [L eradere eras- (as E-, radere scrape)] eraser n. a thing that erases, esp. a piece of rubber or plastic used for removing pencil and ink marks. erbium n. Chem. a soft silvery metallic element of the lanthanide series, occurring naturally in apatite and xenotine. °Symb.: Er. [mod.L f. Ytterby in Sweden] ere prep. & conj. poet. or archaic before (of time) (ere noon; ere they come). [OE ‘r f. Gmc] erect adj. & v. --adj. 1 upright, vertical. 2 (of the penis, clitoris, or nipples) enlarged and rigid, esp. in sexual excitement. 3 (of hair) bristling, standing up from the skin. --v.tr. 1 raise; set upright. 2 build. 3 establish (erect a theory). ЬЬerectable adj. erectly adv. erectness n. erector n. [ME f. L erigere erect- set up (as E-, regere direct)] erectile adj. that can be erected or become erect. Ьerectile tissue Physiol. animal tissue that is capable of becoming rigid, esp. with sexual excitement. [F ‚rectile (as ERECT)] erection n. 1 the act or an instance of erecting; the state of being erected. 2 a building or structure. 3 Physiol. an enlarged and erect state of erectile tissue, esp. of the penis. [F ‚rection or L erectio (as ERECTILE)] E-region var. of E-LAYER. eremite n. a hermit or recluse (esp. Christian). ЬЬeremitic adj. eremitical adj. eremitism n. [ME f. OF, var. of hermite, ermite HERMIT] erethism n. 1 an excessive sensitivity to stimulation of any part of the body, esp. the sexual organs. 2 a state of abnormal mental excitement or irritation. [F ‚r‚thisme f. Gk erethismos f. erethizo irritate] erg(1) n. Physics a unit of work or energy, equal to the work done by a force of one dyne when its point of application moves one centimetre in the direction of action of the force. [Gk ergon work] erg(2) n. (pl. ergs or areg) an area of shifting sand-dunes in the Sahara. [F f. Arab. ' irj] ergo adv. therefore. [L] ergocalciferol n. = CALCIFEROL. [ERGOT + CALCIFEROL] ergonomics n. the study of the efficiency of persons in their working environment. ЬЬergonomic adj. ergonomist n. [Gk ergon work: cf. ECONOMICS] ergosterol n. Biochem. a plant sterol that is converted to vitamin D[2] when irradiated with ultraviolet light. [ERGOT, after CHOLESTEROL] ergot n. 1 a disease of rye and other cereals caused by the fungus Claviceps purpurea. 2 a this fungus. b the dried spore-containing structures of this, used as a medicine to aid childbirth. [F f. OF argot cock's spur, from the appearance produced] ergotism n. poisoning produced by eating food affected by ergot. erica n. any shrub or heath of the genus Erica, with small leathery leaves and bell-like flowers. ЬЬericaceous adj. [L f. Gk ereike heath] erigeron n. any hardy composite herb of the genus Erigeron, with daisy-like flowers. [Gk erigeron f. eri early + geron old man, because some species bear grey down] Erin n. archaic or poet. Ireland. [Ir.] Erinys n. (pl. Erinyes) Mythol. a Fury. [Gk] eristic adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or characterized by disputation. 2 (of an argument or arguer) aiming at winning rather than at reaching the truth. --n. 1 the practice of disputation. 2 an exponent of disputation. ЬЬeristically adv. [Gk eristikos f. erizo wrangle f. eris strife] erk n. Brit. sl. 1 a naval rating. 2 an aircraftman. 3 a disliked person. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] erl-king n. (in Germanic mythology) a bearded giant or goblin who lures little children to the land of death. [G Erlk”nig alder-king, a mistransl. of Da. ellerkonge king of the elves] ermine n. (pl. same or ermines) 1 the stoat, esp. when in its white winter fur. 2 its white fur, used as trimming for the robes of judges, peers, etc. 3 Heraldry a white fur marked with black spots. ЬЬermined adj. [ME f. OF (h)ermine prob. f. med.L (mus) Armenius Armenian (mouse)] ern US var. of ERNE. -ern suffix forming adjectives (northern). [OE -erne f. Gmc] erne n. (US ern) poet. a sea eagle. [OE earn f. Gmc] Ernie n. (in the UK) a device for drawing prize-winning numbers of Premium Bonds. [initial letters of electronic random number indicator equipment] erode v. 1 tr. & intr. wear away, destroy or be destroyed gradually. 2 tr. Med. (of ulcers etc.) destroy (tissue) little by little. ЬЬerodible adj. [F ‚roder or L erodere eros- (as E-, rodere ros- gnaw)] erogenous adj. 1 (esp. of a part of the body) sensitive to sexual stimulation. 2 giving rise to sexual desire or excitement. [as EROTIC + -GENOUS] erosion n. 1 Geol. the wearing away of the earth's surface by the action of water, wind, etc. 2 the act or an instance of eroding; the process of being eroded. ЬЬerosional adj. erosive adj. [F ‚rosion f. L erosio (as ERODE)] erotic adj. of or causing sexual love, esp. tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement. ЬЬerotically adv. [F ‚rotique f. Gk erotikos f. eros erotos sexual love] erotica n.pl. erotic literature or art. eroticism n. 1 erotic nature or character. 2 the use of or reponse to erotic images or stimulation. erotism n. sexual desire or excitement; eroticism. eroto- comb. form erotic, eroticism. [Gk eros erotos sexual love] erotogenic adj. (also erotogenous) = EROGENOUS. erotology n. the study of sexual love. erotomania n. 1 excessive or morbid erotic desire. 2 a preoccupation with sexual passion. ЬЬerotomaniac n. err v.intr. 1 be mistaken or incorrect. 2 do wrong; sin. Ьerr on the right side act so that the least harmful of possible errors is the most likely to occur. err on the side of act with a specified bias (errs on the side of generosity). [ME f. OF errer f. L errare stray: rel. to Goth. airzei error, airzjan lead astray] errand n. 1 a short journey, esp. on another's behalf, to take a message, collect goods, etc. 2 the object of such a journey. Ьerrand of mercy a journey to relieve suffering etc. [OE ‘rende f. Gmc] errant adj. 1 erring; deviating from an accepted standard. 2 literary or archaic travelling in search of adventure (knight errant). ЬЬerrancy n. (in sense 1). errantry n. (in sense 2). [ME: sense 1 formed as ERR: sense 2 f. OF errer ult. f. LL itinerare f. iter journey] erratic adj. 1 inconsistently variable in conduct, opinions, etc. 2 uncertain in movement. Ьerratic block Geol. a large rock carried from a distance by glacial action. ЬЬerratically adv. [ME f. OF erratique f. L erraticus (as ERR)] erratum n. (pl. errata) an error in printing or writing, esp. (in pl.) a list of corrected errors attached to a book etc. [L, neut. past part. (as ERR)] erroneous adj. incorrect; arising from error. ЬЬerroneously adv. erroneousness n. [ME f. OF erroneus or L erroneus f. erro -onis vagabond (as ERR)] error n. 1 a mistake. 2 the condition of being wrong in conduct or judgement (led into error). 3 a wrong opinion or judgement. 4 the amount by which something is incorrect or inaccurate in a calculation or measurement. ЬЬerrorless adj. [ME f. OF errour f. L error -oris (as ERR)] ersatz adj. & n. --adj. substitute, imitation (esp. of inferior quality). --n. an ersatz thing. [G, = replacement] Erse adj. & n. --adj. Irish or Highland Gaelic. --n. the Gaelic language. [early Sc. form of IRISH] erst adv. archaic formerly; of old. [OE ‘rest superl. of ‘r: see ERE] erstwhile adj. & adv. --adj. former, previous. --adv. archaic = ERST. erubescent adj. reddening, blushing. [L erubescere (as E-, rubescere f. rubere be red)] eructation n. the act or an instance of belching. [L eructatio f. eructare (as E-, ructare belch)] erudite adj. 1 (of a person) learned. 2 (of writing etc.) showing great learning. ЬЬeruditely adv. erudition n. [ME f. L eruditus past part. of erudire instruct, train (as E-, rudis untrained)] erupt v.intr. 1 break out suddenly or dramatically. 2 (of a volcano) become active and eject lava etc. 3 a (of a rash, boil, etc.) appear on the skin. b (of the skin) produce a rash etc. 4 (of the teeth) break through the gums in normal development. ЬЬeruption n. eruptive adj. [L erumpere erupt- (as E-, rumpere break)] -ery suffix forming nouns denoting: 1 a class or kind (greenery; machinery; citizenry). 2 employment; state or condition (archery; dentistry; slavery; bravery). 3 a place of work or cultivation or breeding (brewery; orangery; rookery). 4 behaviour (mimicry). 5 often derog. all that has to do with (knavery; popery; tomfoolery). [ME, from or after F -erie, -ere ult. f. L -ario-, -ator] erysipelas n. Med. a streptococcal infection producing inflammation and a deep red colour on the skin, esp. of the face and scalp. [ME f. L f. Gk erusipelas, perh. rel. to eruthros red + a root pel- skin] erythema n. a superficial reddening of the skin, usu. in patches. ЬЬerythemal adj. erythematic adj. [mod.L f. Gk eruthema f. eruthaino be red f. eruthros red] erythro- comb. form red. [Gk eruthros red] erythroblast n. an immature erythrocyte. [G] erythrocyte n. a red blood cell, which contains the pigment haemoglobin and transports oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the tissues. ЬЬerythrocytic adj. erythroid adj. of or relating to erythrocytes. 20.0 Es... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Es symb. Chem. the element einsteinium. -es(1) suffix forming plurals of nouns ending in sibilant sounds (such words in -e dropping the e) (kisses; cases; boxes; churches). [var. of -S(1)] -es(2) suffix forming the 3rd person sing. present of verbs ending in sibilant sounds (such words in -e dropping the e) and ending in -o (but not -oo) (goes; places; pushes). [var. of -S(2)] ESA abbr. European Space Agency. escadrille n. a French squadron of aeroplanes. [F] escalade n. the scaling of fortified walls with ladders, as a military attack. [F f. Sp. escalada, -ado f. med.L scalare f. scala ladder] escalate v. 1 intr. & tr. increase or develop (usu. rapidly) by stages. 2 tr. cause (an action, activity, or process) to become more intense. ЬЬescalation n. [back-form. f. ESCALATOR] escalator n. a moving staircase consisting of a circulating belt forming steps. [f. the stem of escalade 'climb a wall by ladder' + -ATOR] escallonia n. any evergreen shrub of the genus Escallonia, bearing rose-red flowers. [Escallon, 18th-c. Sp. traveller] escallop n. 1 = SCALLOP 1, 2. 2 = ESCALOPE. 3 (in pl.) = SCALLOP 3. 4 Heraldry a scallop shell as a device. [formed as ESCALOPE] escalope n. a thin slice of meat without any bone, esp. from a leg of veal. [F (in OF = shell): see SCALLOP] escapade n. a piece of daring or reckless behaviour. [F f. Prov. or Sp. escapada (as ESCAPE)] escape v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by from) get free of the restriction or control of a place, person, etc. 2 intr. (of a gas, liquid, etc.) leak from a container or pipe etc. 3 intr. succeed in avoiding danger, punishment, etc.; get off safely. 4 tr. get completely free of (a person, grasp, etc.). 5 tr. avoid or elude (a commitment, danger, etc.). 6 tr. elude the notice or memory of (nothing escapes you; the name escaped me). 7 tr. (of words etc.) issue unawares from (a person, a person's lips). --n. 1 the act or an instance of escaping; avoidance of danger, injury, etc. 2 the state of having escaped (was a narrow escape). 3 a means of escaping (often attrib. : escape hatch). 4 a leakage of gas etc. 5 a temporary relief from reality or worry. 6 a garden plant running wild. Ьescape clause Law a clause specifying the conditions under which a contracting party is free from an obligation. escape road a road for a vehicle to turn into if unable to negotiate a bend, descent, etc., safely (esp. on a racetrack). escape velocity the minimum velocity needed to escape from the gravitational field of a body. escape wheel a toothed wheel in the escapement of a watch or clock. ЬЬescapable adj. escaper n. [ME f. AF, ONF escaper ult. f. med.L (as EX-(1), cappa cloak)] escapee n. a person, esp. a prisoner, who has escaped. escapement n. 1 the part of a clock or watch that connects and regulates the motive power. 2 the part of the mechanism in a piano that enables the hammer to fall back immediately it has struck the string. 3 archaic a means of escape. [F ‚chappement f. ‚chapper ESCAPE] escapism n. the tendency to seek distraction and relief from reality, esp. in the arts or through fantasy. ЬЬescapist n. & adj. escapology n. the methods and techniques of escaping from confinement, esp. as a form of entertainment. ЬЬescapologist n. escargot n. an edible snail. [F] escarpment n. (also escarp) Geol. a long steep slope at the edge of a plateau etc. [F escarpement f. escarpe SCARP] -esce suffix forming verbs, usu. initiating action (effervesce; fluoresce). [from or after L -escere] -escent suffix forming adjectives denoting the beginning of a state or action (effervescent; fluorescent). ЬЬ-escence suffix forming nouns. [from or after F -escent or L -escent-, pres. part. stem of verbs in -escere] eschatology n. the part of theology concerned with death and final destiny. ЬЬeschatological adj. eschatologist n. [Gk eskhatos last + -LOGY] escheat n. & v. hist. --n. 1 the reversion of property to the State, or (in feudal law) to a lord, on the owner's dying without legal heirs. 2 property affected by this. --v. 1 tr. hand over (property) as an escheat. 2 tr. confiscate. 3 intr. revert by escheat. [ME f. OF eschete, ult. f. L excidere (as EX-(1), cadere fall)] eschew v.tr. literary avoid; abstain from. ЬЬeschewal n. [ME f. OF eschiver, ult. f. Gmc: rel. to SHY(1)] eschscholtzia n. any yellow-flowering plant of the genus Eschscholtzia, esp. the Californian poppy (see POPPY). [J. F. von Eschscholtz, Ger. botanist d. 1831] escort n. & v. --n. 1 one or more persons, vehicles, ships, etc., accompanying a person, vehicle, etc., esp. for protection or security or as a mark of rank or status. 2 a person accompanying a person of the opposite sex socially. --v.tr. act as an escort to. [F escorte, escorter f. It. scorta fem. past part. of scorgere conduct] escritoire n. a writing-desk with drawers etc. [F f. L scriptorium writing-room: see SCRIPTORIUM] escrow n. & v. Law --n. 1 money, property, or a written bond, kept in the custody of a third party until a specified condition has been fulfilled. 2 the status of this (in escrow). --v.tr. place in escrow. [AF escrowe, OF escroe scrap, scroll, f. med.L scroda f. Gmc] escudo n. (pl. -os) the principal monetary unit of Portugal and Chile. [Sp. & Port. f. L scutum shield] esculent adj. & n. --adj. fit to eat; edible. --n. an edible substance. [L esculentus f. esca food] escutcheon n. 1 a shield or emblem bearing a coat of arms. 2 the middle part of a ship's stern where the name is placed. 3 the protective plate around a keyhole or door-handle. ЬЬescutcheoned adj. [AF & ONF escuchon ult. f. L scutum shield] Esd. abbr. Esdras (Apocrypha). ESE abbr. east-south-east. -ese suffix forming adjectives and nouns denoting: 1 an inhabitant or language of a country or city (Japanese; Milanese; Viennese). °Plural forms are the same. 2 often derog. character or style, esp. of language (officialese). [OF -eis ult. f. L -ensis] esker n. (also eskar) Geol. a long ridge of post-glacial gravel in river valleys. [Ir. eiscir] Eskimo n. & adj. --n. (pl. same or -os) 1 a member of a people inhabiting N. Canada, Alaska, Greenland, and E. Siberia. 2 the language of this people. --adj. of or relating to the Eskimos or their language. °The term Inuit is preferred by the people themselves. [Da. f. F Esquimaux (pl.) f. Algonquian] Esky n. (pl. -ies) Austral. propr. a portable insulated container for keeping food or drink cool. [prob. f. ESKIMO, with ref. to their cold climate] ESN abbr. educationally subnormal. esophagus US var. of OESOPHAGUS. esoteric adj. 1 intelligible only to those with special knowledge. 2 (of a belief etc.) intended only for the initiated. ЬЬesoterical adj. esoterically adv. esotericism n. esotericist n. [Gk esoterikos f. esotero compar. of eso within] ESP abbr. extrasensory perception. espadrille n. a light canvas shoe with a plaited fibre sole. [F f. Prov. espardillo f. espart ESPARTO] espalier n. 1 a lattice-work along which the branches of a tree or shrub are trained to grow flat against a wall etc. 2 a tree or shrub trained in this way. [F f. It. spalliera f. spalla shoulder] esparto n. (pl. -os) (in full esparto grass) a coarse grass, Stipa tenacissima, native to Spain and N. Africa, with tough narrow leaves, used to make ropes, wickerwork, and good-quality paper. [Sp. f. L spartum f. Gk sparton rope] especial adj. 1 notable, exceptional. 2 attributed or belonging chiefly to one person or thing (your especial charm). [ME f. OF f. L specialis special] especially adv. chiefly; much more than in other cases. Esperanto n. an artificial universal language devised in 1887, based on roots common to the chief European languages. ЬЬEsperantist n. [the pen-name (f. L sperare hope) of its inventor, L. L. Zamenhof, Polish physician d. 1917] espial n. 1 the act or an instance of catching sight of or of being seen. 2 archaic spying. [ME f. OF espiaille f. espier: see ESPY] espionage n. the practice of spying or of using spies, esp. by governments. [F espionnage f. espionner f. espion SPY] esplanade n. 1 a long open level area for walking on, esp. beside the sea. 2 a level space separating a fortress from a town. [F f. Sp. esplanada f. esplanar make level f. L explanare (as EX-(1), planus level)] espousal n. 1 (foll. by of) the espousing of a cause etc. 2 archaic a marriage or betrothal. [ME f. OF espousailles f. L sponsalia neut. pl. of sponsalis (as ESPOUSE)] espouse v.tr. 1 adopt or support (a cause, doctrine, etc.). 2 archaic a (usu. of a man) marry. b (usu. foll. by to) give (a woman) in marriage. ЬЬespouser n. [ME f. OF espouser f. L sponsare f. sponsus past part. of spondere betroth] espresso n. (also expresso) (pl. -os) 1 strong concentrated black coffee made under steam pressure. 2 a machine for making this. [It., = pressed out] esprit n. sprightliness, wit. Ь esprit de corps a feeling of devotion to and pride in the group one belongs to. esprit de l'escalier an apt retort or clever remark that comes to mind after the chance to make it is gone. [F f. L spiritus SPIRIT (+ corps body, escalier stairs)] espy v.tr. (-ies, -ied) literary catch sight of; perceive. [ME f. OF espier: see SPY] Esq. abbr. Esquire. -esque suffix forming adjectives meaning 'in the style of' or 'resembling' (romanesque; Schumannesque; statuesque). [F f. It. -esco f. med.L -iscus] Esquimau n. (pl. -aux) = ESKIMO. [F] esquire n. 1 (usu. as abbr. Esq.) Brit. a title appended to a man's surname when no other form of address is used, esp. as a form of address for letters. 2 archaic = SQUIRE. [ME f. OF esquier f. L scutarius shield-bearer f. scutum shield] ESR abbr. Physics electron spin resonance . -ess(1) suffix forming nouns denoting females (actress; lioness; mayoress). [from or after F -esse f. LL -issa f. Gk -issa] -ess(2) suffix forming abstract nouns from adjectives (duress). [ME f. F -esse f. L -itia; cf. -ICE] essay n. & v. --n. 1 a composition, usu. short and in prose, on any subject. 2 (often foll. by at, in) formal an attempt. --v.tr. formal attempt, try. ЬЬessayist n. [ME f. ASSAY, assim. to F essayer ult. f. LL exagium weighing f. exigere weigh: see EXACT] essence n. 1 the indispensable quality or element identifying a thing or determining its character; fundamental nature or inherent characteristics. 2 a an extract obtained by distillation etc., esp. a volatile oil. b a perfume or scent, esp. made from a plant or animal substance. 3 the constituent of a plant that determines its chemical properties. 4 an abstract entity; the reality underlying a phenomenon or all phenomena. Ьin essence fundamentally. of the essence indispensable, vital. [ME f. OF f. L essentia f. esse be] Essene n. a member of an ancient Jewish ascetic sect living communally. [L pl. Esseni f. Gk pl. Essenoi] essential adj. & n. --adj. 1 absolutely necessary; indispensable. 2 fundamental, basic. 3 of or constituting the essence of a person or thing. 4 (of a disease) with no known external stimulus or cause; idiopathic. --n. (esp. in pl.) a basic or indispensable element or thing. Ьessential element any of various elements required by living organisms for normal growth. essential oil a volatile oil derived from a plant etc. with its characteristic odour. ЬЬessentiality n. essentially adv. essentialness n. [ME f. LL essentialis (as ESSENCE)] EST abbr. 1 US Eastern Standard Time. 2 electro-shock treatment. -est(1) suffix forming the superlative of adjectives (widest; nicest; happiest) and adverbs (soonest). [OE -ost-, -ust-, -ast-] -est(2) suffix (also -st) archaic forming the 2nd person sing. of verbs (canst; findest; gavest). [OE -est, -ast, -st] establish v.tr. 1 set up or consolidate (a business, system, etc.) on a permanent basis. 2 (foll. by in) settle (a person or oneself) in some capacity. 3 (esp. as established adj.) achieve permanent acceptance for (a custom, belief, practice, institution, etc.). 4 validate; place beyond dispute (a fact etc.). ЬEstablished Church the Church recognized by the State as the national Church. ЬЬestablisher n. [ME f. OF establir (stem establiss-) f. L stabilire f. stabilis STABLE(1)] establishment n. 1 the act or an instance of establishing; the process of being established. 2 a a business organization or public institution. b a place of business. c a residence. 3 a the staff or equipment of an organization. b a household. 4 any organized body permanently maintained for a purpose. 5 a Church system organized by law. 6 (the Establishment) a the group in a society exercising authority or influence, and seen as resisting change. b any influential or controlling group (the literary Establishment). establishmentarian adj. & n. --adj. adhering to or advocating the principle of an established Church. --n. a person adhering to or advocating this. ЬЬestablishmentarianism n. estaminet n. a small French caf‚ etc. selling alcoholic drinks. [F f. Walloon stamin‚ byre f. stamo a pole for tethering a cow, prob. f. G Stamm stem] estate n. 1 a property consisting of an extensive area of land usu. with a large house. 2 Brit. a modern residential or industrial area with integrated design or purpose. 3 all of a person's assets and liabilities, esp. at death. 4 a property where rubber, tea, grapes, etc., are cultivated. 5 (in full estate of the realm) an order or class forming (or regarded as) a part of the body politic. 6 archaic or literary a state or position in life (the estate of holy matrimony; poor man's estate). 7 colloq. = estate car. Ьestate agent Brit. 1 a person whose business is the sale or lease of buildings and land on behalf of others. 2 the steward of an estate. estate car Brit. a car with the passenger area extended and combined with space for luggage, usu. with an extra door at the rear. estate duty Brit. hist. death duty levied on property. °Replaced in 1975 by capital transfer tax and in 1986 by inheritance tax. the Three Estates Lords Spiritual (the heads of the Church), Lords Temporal (the peerage), and the Commons. [ME f. OF estat (as STATUS)] esteem v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (usu. in passive) have a high regard for; greatly respect; think favourably of. 2 formal consider, deem (esteemed it an honour). --n. high regard; respect; favour (held them in esteem). [ME f. OF estimer f. L aestimare fix the price of] ester n. Chem. any of a class of organic compounds produced by replacing the hydrogen of an acid by an alkyl, aryl, etc. radical, many of which occur naturally as oils and fats. ЬЬesterify v.tr. (-ies, -ied). [G, prob. f. Essig vinegar + Ћther ether] Esth. abbr. Esther (Old Testament & Apocrypha). esthete US var. of AESTHETE. esthetic US var. of AESTHETIC. estimable adj. worthy of esteem. ЬЬestimably adv. [F f. L aestimabilis (as ESTEEM)] estimate n. & v. --n. 1 an approximate judgement, esp. of cost, value, size, etc. 2 a price specified as that likely to be charged for work to be undertaken. --v.tr. (also absol.) 1 form an estimate or opinion of. 2 (foll. by that + clause) make a rough calculation. 3 (often foll. by at) form an estimate; adjudge. 4 fix (a price etc.) by estimate. ЬЬestimative adj. estimator n. [L aestimare aestimat- fix the price of] estimation n. 1 the process or result of estimating. 2 judgement or opinion of worth (in my estimation). 3 archaic esteem (hold in estimation). [ME f. OF estimation or L aestimatio (as ESTIMATE)] estival US var. of AESTIVAL. estivate US var. of AESTIVATE. Estonian n. & adj --n. 1 a a native of Estonia, a Baltic republic of the USSR. b a person of Estonian descent. 2 the Finno-Ugric language of Estonia. --adj. of or relating to Estonia or its people or language. estop v.tr. (estopped, estopping) (foll. by from) Law bar or preclude, esp. by estoppel. ЬЬestoppage n. [ME f. AF, OF estoper f. LL stuppare stop up f. L stuppa tow: cf. STOP, STUFF] estoppel n. Law the principle which precludes a person from asserting something contrary to what is implied by a previous action or statement of that person or by a previous pertinent judicial determination. [OF estouppail bung f. estoper (as ESTOP)] estovers n.pl. hist. necessaries allowed by law to a tenant (esp. fuel, or wood for repairs). [AF estover, OF estoveir be necessary, f. L est opus] estrange v.tr. (usu. in passive; often foll. by from) cause (a person or group) to turn away in feeling or affection; alienate. ЬЬestrangement n. [ME f. AF estraunger, OF estranger f. L extraneare treat as a stranger f. extraneus stranger] estreat n. & v. Law --n. 1 a copy of a court record of a fine etc. for use in prosecution. 2 the enforcement of a fine or forfeiture of a recognizance. --v.tr. enforce the forfeit of (a fine etc., esp. surety for bail). [ME f. AF estrete, OF estraite f. estraire f. L extrahere EXTRACT] estrogen US var. of OESTROGEN. estrus etc. US var. of OESTRUS etc. estuary n. (pl. -ies) a wide tidal mouth of a river. ЬЬestuarine adj. [L aestuarium tidal channel f. aestus tide] e.s.u. abbr. electrostatic unit(s). esurient adj. archaic or joc. 1 hungry. 2 impecunious and greedy. ЬЬesuriently adv. [L esurire (v.) hunger f. edere es- eat] 21.0 ET... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ET abbr. extraterrestrial. -et(1) suffix forming nouns (orig. diminutives) (baronet; bullet; sonnet). [OF -et -ete] -et(2) suffix (also -ete) forming nouns usu. denoting persons (comet; poet; athlete). [Gk -etes] ETA(1) abbr. estimated time of arrival. ETA(2) n. a Basque separatist movement. [Basque abbr., f. Euzkadi ta Azkatasuna Basque homeland and liberty] eta n. the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet (H). [Gk] et al. abbr. and others. [L et alii, et alia, etc.] etalon n. Physics a device consisting of two reflecting plates, for producing interfering light-beams. [F ‚talon standard] etc. abbr. = ET CETERA. et cetera adv. & n. (also etcetera) --adv. 1 a and the rest; and similar things or people. b or similar things or people. 2 and so on. --n. (in pl.) the usual sundries or extras. [ME f. L] etch v. & n. --v. 1 a tr. reproduce (a picture etc.) by engraving a design on a metal plate with acid (esp. to print copies). b tr. engrave (a plate) in this way. 2 intr. practise this craft. 3 tr. (foll. by on, upon) impress deeply (esp. on the mind). --n. the action or process of etching. ЬЬetcher n. [Du. etsen f. G „tzen etch f. OHG azzen cause to eat or to be eaten f. Gmc] etchant n. a corrosive used in etching. etching n. 1 a print made from an etched plate. 2 the art of producing these plates. -ete suffix var. of -ET(2). eternal adj. 1 existing always; without an end or (usu.) beginning in time. 2 essentially unchanging (eternal truths). 3 colloq. constant; seeming not to cease (your eternal nagging). Ьthe Eternal God. Eternal City Rome. eternal triangle a complex of emotional relationships involving two people of one sex and one of the other sex. ЬЬeternality n. eternalize v.tr. (also -ise). eternally adv. eternalness n. eternize v.tr. (also -ise). [ME f. OF f. LL aeternalis f. L aeternus f. aevum age] eternity n. (pl. -ies) 1 infinite or unending (esp. future) time. 2 Theol. endless life after death. 3 the state of being eternal. 4 colloq. (often prec. by an) a very long time. 5 (in pl.) eternal truths. Ьeternity ring a finger-ring set with gems all round, usu. given as a token of lasting affection. [ME f. OF eternit‚ f. L aeternitas -tatis f. aeternus: see ETERNAL] Etesian adj. ЬEtesian winds NW winds blowing each summer in the E. Mediterranean. [L etesius f. Gk etesios annual f. etos year] eth n. (also edh) the name of an Old English and Icelandic letter, = th. [Icel.] -eth(1) var. of -TH(1). -eth(2) suffix (also -th) archaic forming the 3rd person sing. present of verbs (doeth; saith). [OE -eth, -ath, -th] ethanal n. = ACETALDEHYDE. [ETHANE + ALDEHYDE] ethane n. Chem. a gaseous hydrocarbon of the alkane series, occurring in natural gas. °Chem. formula: C[2]H[6]. [ETHER + -ANE(2)] ethanediol n. Chem. = ethylene glycol. [ETHANE + DIOL] ethanol n. Chem. = ALCOHOL 1. [ETHANE + ALCOHOL] ethene n. Chem. = ETHYLENE. [ETHER + -ENE] ether n. 1 Chem. a a colourless volatile organic liquid used as an anaesthetic or solvent. Also called DIETHYL ETHER, ETHOXYETHANE. °Chem. formula: C[2]H[5]OC[2]H[5]. b any of a class of organic compounds with a similar structure to this, having an oxygen joined to two alkyl etc. groups. 2 a clear sky; the upper regions of air beyond the clouds. 3 hist. a a medium formerly assumed to permeate space and fill the interstices between particles of matter. b a medium through which electromagnetic waves were formerly thought to be transmitted. ЬЬetheric adj. [ME f. OF ether or L aether f. Gk aither f. root of aitho burn, shine] ethereal adj. (also etherial) 1 light, airy. 2 highly delicate, esp. in appearance. 3 heavenly, celestial. 4 Chem. of or relating to ether. ЬЬethereality n. ethereally adv. [L aethereus, -ius f. Gk aitherios (as ETHER)] etherial var. of ETHEREAL. etherize v.tr. (also -ise) hist. treat or anaesthetize with ether. ЬЬetherization n. ethic n. & adj. --n. a set of moral principles (the Quaker ethic). --adj. = ETHICAL. [ME f. OF ‚thique or L ethicus f. Gk ethikos (as ETHOS)] ethical adj. 1 relating to morals, esp. as concerning human conduct. 2 morally correct; honourable. 3 (of a medicine or drug) not advertised to the general public, and usu. available only on a doctor's prescription. ЬЬethicality n. ethically adv. ethics n.pl. (also treated as sing.) 1 the science of morals in human conduct. 2 a moral principles; rules of conduct. b a set of these (medical ethics). ЬЬethicist n. Ethiopian n. & adj. --n. 1 a a native or national of Ethiopia in NE Africa. b a person of Ethiopian descent. 2 archaic a Black person. --adj. of or relating to Ethiopia. [Ethiopia f. L Aethiops f. Gk Aithiops f. aitho burn + ops face] Ethiopic n. & adj. --n. the Christian liturgical language of Ethiopia. --adj. of or in this language. [L aethiopicus f. Gk aithiopikos: see ETHIOPIAN] ethmoid adj. sievelike. Ьethmoid bone a square bone at the root of the nose, with many perforations through which the olfactory nerves pass to the nose. ЬЬethmoidal adj. [Gk ethmoeides f. ethmos sieve] ethnic adj. & n. --adj. 1 a (of a social group) having a common national or cultural tradition. b (of clothes etc.) resembling those of a non-European exotic people. 2 denoting origin by birth or descent rather than nationality (ethnic Turks). 3 relating to race or culture (ethnic group; ethnic origins). 4 archaic pagan, heathen. --n. 1 US a member of an (esp. minority) ethnic group. 2 (in pl., usu. treated as sing.) = ETHNOLOGY. Ьethnic minority a (usu. identifiable) group differentiated from the main population of a community by racial origin or cultural background. ЬЬethnically adv. ethnicity n. [ME f. eccl.L ethnicus f. Gk ethnikos heathen f. ethnos nation] ethnical adj. relating to ethnology. ethno- comb. form ethnic, ethnological. [Gk ethnos nation] ethnoarchaeology n. the study of a society's institutions based on examination of its material attributes. ЬЬethnoarchaeological adj. ethnoarchaeologist n. ethnocentric adj. evaluating other races and cultures by criteria specific to one's own. ЬЬethnocentrically adv. ethnocentricity n. ethnocentrism n. ethnography n. the scientific description of races and cultures of mankind. ЬЬethnographer n. ethnographic adj. ethnographical adj. ethnology n. the comparative scientific study of human peoples. ЬЬethnologic adj. ethnological adj. ethnologist n. ethnomusicology n. the study of the music of one or more (esp. non-European) cultures. ЬЬethnomusicologist n. ethogram n. Zool. a list of the kinds of behaviour or activity observed in an animal. [Gk etho- (see ETHOS) + -GRAM] ethology n. 1 the science of animal behaviour. 2 the science of character-formation in human behaviour. ЬЬethological adj. ethologist n. [L ethologia f. Gk ethologia (as ETHOS)] ethos n. the characteristic spirit or attitudes of a community, people, or system, or of a literary work etc. [mod.L f. Gk ethos nature, disposition] ethoxyethane n. Chem. = ETHER 1 a. [ETHER + OXY- + ETHANE] ethyl n. (attrib.) Chem. the univalent radical derived from ethane by removal of a hydrogen atom (ethyl alcohol). [G (as ETHER, -YL)] ethylene n. Chem. a gaseous hydrocarbon of the alkene series, occurring in natural gas and used in the manufacture of polythene. Also called ETHENE. °Chem. formula: C[2]H[4]. Ьethylene glycol Chem. a colourless viscous hygroscopic liquid used as an antifreeze and in the manufacture of polyesters. °Chem. formula: C[2]H[6]O[2].: also called ETHANEDIOL. ЬЬethylenic adj. -etic suffix forming adjectives and nouns (ascetic; emetic; genetic; synthetic). [Gk -etikos or -etikos: cf. -IC] etiolate v.tr. 1 make (a plant) pale by excluding light. 2 give a sickly hue to (a person). ЬЬetiolation n. [F ‚tioler f. Norman F ‚tieuler make into haulm f. ‚teule ult. f. L stipula straw] etiology US var. of AETIOLOGY. etiquette n. 1 the conventional rules of social behaviour. 2 a the customary behaviour of members of a profession towards each other. b the unwritten code governing this (medical etiquette). [F ‚tiquette label, etiquette] Eton collar n. a broad stiff collar worn outside the coat-collar, esp. of an Eton jacket. Etonian n. a past or present member of Eton College in S. England. Eton jacket n. a short jacket reaching only to the waist, as formerly worn by pupils of Eton College. ‚trier n. Mountaineering a short rope ladder with a few rungs of wood or metal. [F, = stirrup] Etruscan adj. & n. --adj. of ancient Etruria in Italy, esp. its pre-Roman civilization and physical remains. --n. 1 a native of Etruria. 2 the language of Etruria. ЬЬEtruscology n. [L Etruscus] et seq. abbr. (also et seqq.) and the following (pages etc.). [L et sequentia] -ette suffix forming nouns meaning: 1 small (kitchenette; cigarette). 2 imitation or substitute (leatherette; flannelette). 3 female (usherette; suffragette). [from or after OF -ette, fem. of -ET(1)] ‚tude n. a short musical composition or exercise, usu. for one instrument, designed to improve the technique of the player. [F, = study] ‚tui n. a small case for needles etc. [F ‚tui f. OF estui prison] -etum suffix forming nouns denoting a collection of trees or other plants (arboretum; pinetum). [L] etymologize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. give or trace the etymology of. 2 intr. study etymology. [med.L etymologizare f. L etymologia (as ETYMOLOGY)] etymology n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the historically verifiable sources of the formation of a word and the development of its meaning. b an account of these. 2 the branch of linguistic science concerned with etymologies. ЬЬetymological adj. etymologically adv. etymologist n. [OF ethimologie f. L etymologia f. Gk etumologia (as ETYMON, -LOGY)] etymon n. (pl. etyma) the word that gives rise to a derivative or a borrowed or later form. [L f. Gk etumon (neut. of etumos true), the literal sense or original form of a word] 22.0 Eu... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Eu symb. Chem. the element europium. eu- comb. form well, easily. [Gk] eucalyptus n. (also eucalypt) (pl. eucalyptuses or eucalypti or eucalypts) 1 any tree of the genus Eucalyptus, native to Australasia, cultivated for its timber and for the oil from its leaves. 2 (in full eucalyptus oil) this oil used as an antiseptic etc. [mod.L f. EU- + Gk kaluptos covered f. kalupto to cover, the unopened flower being protected by a cap] eucaryote var. of EUKARYOTE. eucharis n. any bulbous plant of the genus Eucharis, native to S. America, with white umbellate flowers. [Gk eukharis pleasing (as EU-, kharis grace)] Eucharist n. 1 the Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. 2 the consecrated elements, esp. the bread (receive the Eucharist). ЬЬEucharistic adj. Eucharistical adj. [ME f. OF eucariste, ult. f. eccl.Gk eukharistia thanksgiving f. Gk eukharistos grateful (as EU-, kharizomai offer willingly)] euchre n. & v. --n. an American card-game for two, three, or four players. --v.tr. 1 (in euchre) gain the advantage over (another player) when that player fails to take three tricks. 2 deceive, outwit. 3 Austral. exhaust, ruin. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] Euclidean adj. of or relating to Euclid, 3rd-c. BC Alexandrian geometrician, esp. the system of geometry based on his principles. ЬEuclidean space space for which Euclidean geometry is valid. [L Euclideus f. Gk Eukleideios] eudemonic adj. (also eudaemonic) conducive to happiness. [Gk eudaimonikos (as EUDEMONISM)] eudemonism n. (also eudaemonism) a system of ethics that bases moral obligation on the likelihood of actions producing happiness. ЬЬeudemonist n. eudemonistic adj. [Gk eudaimonismos system of happiness f. eudaimon happy (as EU-, daimon guardian spirit)] eudiometer n. Chem. a graduated glass tube in which gases may be chemically combined by an electric spark, used to measure changes in volume of gases during chemical reactions. ЬЬeudiometric adj. eudiometrical adj. eudiometry n. [Gk eudios clear (weather): orig. used to measure the amount of oxygen, thought to be greater in clear air] eugenics n.pl. (also treated as sing.) the science of improving the (esp. human) population by controlled breeding for desirable inherited characteristics. ЬЬeugenic adj. eugenically adv. eugenicist n. eugenist n. eukaryote n. (also eucaryote) Biol. an organism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is contained within a distinct nucleus (cf. PROKARYOTE). ЬЬeukaryotic adj. [EU- + KARYO- + - ote as in ZYGOTE] eulogium n. (pl. eulogia or -ums) = EULOGY. [med.L: see EULOGY] eulogize v.tr. (also -ise) praise in speech or writing. ЬЬeulogist n. eulogistic adj. eulogistically adv. eulogy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a speech or writing in praise of a person. b an expression of praise. 2 US a funeral oration in praise of a person. [med.L eulogium f. (app. by confusion with L elogium epitaph) LL eulogia praise f. Gk] eunuch n. 1 a castrated man, esp. one formerly employed at an oriental harem or court. 2 a person lacking effectiveness (political eunuch). [ME f. L eunuchus f. Gk eunoukhos lit. bedchamber attendant f. eune bed + second element rel. to ekho hold] euonymus n. any tree of the genus Euonymus, e.g. the spindle tree. [L f. Gk euonumos of lucky name (as EU-, onoma name)] eupeptic adj. of or having good digestion. [Gk eupeptos (as EU-, pepto digest)] euphemism n. 1 a mild or vague expression substituted for one thought to be too harsh or direct (e.g. pass over for die). 2 the use of such expressions. ЬЬeuphemist n. euphemistic adj. euphemistically adv. euphemize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). [Gk euphemismos f. euphemos (as EU-, pheme speaking)] euphonious adj. 1 sounding pleasant, harmonious. 2 concerning euphony. ЬЬeuphoniously adv. euphonium n. a brass wind instrument of the tuba family. [mod.L f. Gk euphonos (as EUPHONY)] euphony n. (pl. -ies) 1 a pleasantness of sound, esp. of a word or phrase; harmony. b a pleasant sound. 2 the tendency to make a phonetic change for ease of pronunciation. ЬЬeuphonic adj. euphonize v.tr. (also -ise). [F euphonie f. LL euphonia f. Gk euphonia (as EU-, phone sound)] euphorbia n. any plant of the genus Euphorbia, including spurges. [ME f. L euphorbea f. Euphorbus, 1st-c. Gk physician] euphoria n. a feeling of well-being, esp. one based on over-confidence or over-optimism. ЬЬeuphoric adj. euphorically adv. [Gk f. euphoros well-bearing (as EU-, phero bear)] euphoriant adj. & n. --adj. inducing euphoria. --n. a euphoriant drug. euphuism n. an affected or high-flown style of writing or speaking. ЬЬeuphuist n. euphuistic adj. euphuistically adv. [Gk euphues well endowed by nature: orig. of writing imitating Lyly's Euphues (1578-80)] Eurasian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of mixed European and Asian (esp. Indian) parentage. 2 of Europe and Asia. --n. a Eurasian person. Euratom n. European Atomic Energy Community. [abbr.] eureka int. & n. --int. I have found it! (announcing a discovery etc.). --n. the exultant cry of 'eureka'. [Gk heureka 1st pers. sing. perfect of heurisko find: attributed to Archimedes] eurhythmic adj. of or in harmonious proportion (esp. of architecture). [eurhythmy harmony of proportions f. L eur(h)ythmia f. Gk eurhuthmia (as EU-, rhuthmos proportion, rhythm)] eurhythmics n.pl. (also treated as sing.) (US eurythmics) harmony of bodily movement, esp. as developed with music and dance into a system of education. Euro- comb. form Europe, European. [abbr.] euro n. (pl. -os) Austral. a large reddish kangaroo. [Aboriginal] Eurocommunism n. a form of Communism in Western European countries that is independent of the Soviet Communist Party. ЬЬEurocommunist adj. & n. Eurocrat n. usu. derog. a bureaucrat in the administration of the European Economic Community. Eurodollar n. a dollar held in a bank in Europe. European adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or in Europe. 2 a descended from natives of Europe. b originating in or characteristic of Europe. 3 a happening in or extending over Europe. b concerning Europe as a whole rather than its individual countries. 4 of or relating to the European Economic Community. --n. 1 a a native or inhabitant of Europe. b a person descended from natives of Europe. c a White person. 2 a person concerned with European matters. ЬEuropean Economic Community (or European Community) an economic and political association of certain European countries as a unit with internal free trade and common external tariffs. European plan US a system of charging for a hotel room only without meals. ЬЬEuropeanism n. Europeanize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise). Europeanization n. [F europ‚en f. L europaeus f. L Europa f. Gk Europe Europe] europium n. Chem. a soft silvery metallic element of the lanthanide series, occurring naturally in small quantities. °Symb.: Eu. [mod.L f. Europe] Eurovision n. a network of European television production administered by the European Broadcasting Union. eurythmics US var. of EURHYTHMICS. Eustachian tube n. Anat. a tube leading from the pharynx to the cavity of the middle ear and equalizing the pressure on each side of the eardrum. [L Eustachius = B. Eustachio, It. anatomist d. 1574] eustasy n. a change in sea level throughout the world caused by tectonic movements, melting of glaciers, etc. ЬЬeustatic adj. [back-form. f. G eustatisch (adj.) (as EU-, STATIC)] eutectic adj. & n. Chem. --adj. (of a mixture, alloy, etc.) having the lowest freezing-point of any possible proportions of its constituents. --n. a eutectic mixture. Ьeutectic point (or temperature) the minimum freezing-point for a eutectic mixture. [Gk eutektos (as EU-, teko melt)] euthanasia n. 1 the bringing about of a gentle and easy death in the case of incurable and painful disease. 2 such a death. [Gk (as EU-, thanatos death)] eutrophic adj. (of a lake etc.) rich in nutrients and therefore supporting a dense plant population, which kills animal life by depriving it of oxygen. ЬЬeutrophicate v.tr. eutrophication n. eutrophy n. [eutrophy f. Gk eutrophia (as EU-, trepho nourish)] 23.0 eV... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- eV abbr. electronvolt. EVA abbr. Astronaut. extravehicular activity. evacuate v.tr. 1 a remove (people) from a place of danger to stay elsewhere for the duration of the danger. b empty (a place) in this way. 2 make empty (a vessel of air etc.). 3 (of troops) withdraw from (a place). 4 a empty (the bowels or other bodily organ). b discharge (faeces etc.). ЬЬevacuant n. & adj. evacuation n. evacuative adj. & n. evacuator n. [L evacuare (as E-, vacuus empty)] evacuee n. a person evacuated from a place of danger. evade v.tr. 1 a escape from, avoid, esp. by guile or trickery. b avoid doing (one's duty etc.). c avoid answering (a question) or yielding to (an argument). 2 a fail to pay (tax due). b defeat the intention of (a law etc.), esp. while complying with its letter. 3 (of a thing) elude or baffle (a person). ЬЬevadable adj. evader n. [F ‚vader f. L evadere (as E-, vadere vas- go)] evaginate v.tr. Med. & Physiol. turn (a tubular organ) inside out. ЬЬevagination n. [L evaginare (as E-, vaginare as VAGINA)] evaluate v.tr. 1 assess, appraise. 2 a find or state the number or amount of. b find a numerical expression for. ЬЬevaluation n. evaluative adj. evaluator n. [back-form. f. evaluation f. F ‚valuation f. ‚valuer (as E-, VALUE)] evanesce v.intr. 1 fade from sight; disappear. 2 become effaced. [L evanescere (as E-, vanus empty)] evanescent adj. (of an impression or appearance etc.) quickly fading. ЬЬevanescence n. evanescently adv. evangel n. 1 archaic a the gospel. b any of the four Gospels. 2 a basic doctrine or set of principles. 3 US = EVANGELIST. [ME f. OF evangile f. eccl.L evangelium f. Gk euaggelion good news (as EU-, ANGEL)] evangelic adj. = EVANGELICAL. evangelical adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or according to the teaching of the gospel or the Christian religion. 2 of the Protestant school maintaining that the doctrine of salvation by faith in the Atonement is the essence of the gospel. --n. a member of the evangelical school. ЬЬevangelicalism n. evangelically adv. [eccl.L evangelicus f. eccl.Gk euaggelikos (as EVANGEL)] evangelism n. 1 the preaching or promulgation of the gospel. 2 evangelicalism. evangelist n. 1 any of the writers of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). 2 a preacher of the gospel. 3 a lay person doing missionary work. evangelistic adj. 1 = EVANGELICAL. 2 of preachers of the gospel. 3 of the four evangelists. evangelize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 (also absol.) preach the gospel to. 2 convert (a person) to Christianity. ЬЬevangelization n. evangelizer n. [ME f. eccl.L evangelizare f. Gk euaggelizomai (as EVANGEL)] evaporate v. 1 intr. turn from solid or liquid into vapour. 2 intr. & tr. lose or cause to lose moisture as vapour. 3 intr. & tr. disappear or cause to disappear (our courage evaporated). Ьevaporated milk milk concentrated by partial evaporation. ЬЬevaporable adj. evaporation n. evaporative adj. evaporator n. [L evaporare (as E-, vaporare as VAPOUR)] evasion n. 1 the act or a means of evading. 2 a a subterfuge or prevaricating excuse. b an evasive answer. [ME f. OF f. L evasio -onis (as EVADE)] evasive adj. 1 seeking to evade something. 2 not direct in one's answers etc. 3 enabling or effecting evasion (evasive action). 4 (of a person) tending to evasion; habitually practising evasion. ЬЬevasively adv. evasiveness n. eve n. 1 the evening or day before a church festival or any date or event (Christmas Eve; the eve of the funeral). 2 the time just before anything (the eve of the election). 3 archaic evening. [ME, = EVEN(2)] evection n. Astron. a perturbation of the moon's motion caused by the sun's attraction. [L evectio (as E-, vehere vect- carry)] even(1) adj., adv., & v. --adj. (evener, evenest) 1 level; flat and smooth. 2 a uniform in quality; constant. b equal in number or amount or value etc. c equally balanced. 3 (usu. foll. by with) in the same plane or line. 4 (of a person's temper etc.) equable, calm. 5 a (of a number such as 4, 6) divisible by two without a remainder. b bearing such a number (no parking on even dates). c not involving fractions; exact (in even dozens). --adv. 1 used to invite comparison of the stated assertion, negation, etc., with an implied one that is less strong or remarkable (never even opened [let alone read] the letter; does he even suspect [not to say realize] the danger?; ran even faster [not just as fast as before]; even if my watch is right we shall be late [later if it is slow]). 2 used to introduce an extreme case (even you must realize it; it might even cost њ100). --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) make or become even. 2 tr. (often foll. by to) archaic treat as equal or comparable. Ьeven as at the very moment that. even break colloq. an equal chance. even chance an equal chance of success or failure. even money 1 betting odds offering the gambler the chance of winning the amount he or she staked. 2 equally likely to happen or not (it's even money he'll fail to arrive). even now 1 now as well as before. 2 at this very moment. even so 1 notwithstanding that; nevertheless. 2 quite so. 3 in that case as well as in others. get (or be) even with have one's revenge on. of even date Law & Commerce of the same date. on an even keel 1 (of a ship or aircraft) not listing. 2 (of a plan or person) untroubled. ЬЬevenly adv. evenness n. [OE efen, efne] even(2) n. poet. evening. [OE ‘fen] even-handed adj. impartial, fair. ЬЬeven-handedly adv. even-handedness n. evening n. & int. --n. 1 the end part of the day, esp. from about 6 p.m. to bedtime (this evening; during the evening; evening meal). 2 this time spent in a particular way (had a lively evening). 3 a time compared with this, esp. the last part of a person's life. --int. = good evening (see GOOD adj. 14). Ьevening dress formal dress for evening wear. evening primrose any plant of the genus Oenothera with pale yellow flowers that open in the evening. evening star a planet, esp. Venus, conspicuous in the west after sunset. [OE ‘fnung, rel. to EVEN(2)] evens n.pl. Brit. = even money. evensong n. a service of evening prayer in the Church of England. [EVEN(2) + SONG] event n. 1 a thing that happens or takes place, esp. one of importance. 2 a the fact of a thing's occurring. b a result or outcome. 3 an item in a sports programme, or the programme as a whole. 4 Physics a single occurrence of a process, e.g. the ionization of one atom. 5 something on the result of which money is staked. Ьat all events (or in any event) whatever happens. event horizon Astron. the gravitational boundary enclosing a black hole, from which no light escapes. in the event as it turns (or turned) out. in the event of if (a specified thing) happens. in the event that disp. if it happens that. [L eventus f. evenire event- happen (as E-, venire come)] eventful adj. marked by noteworthy events. ЬЬeventfully adv. eventfulness n. eventide n. archaic or poet. = EVENING. Ьeventide home a home for the elderly, orig. one run by the Salvation Army. [OE ‘fentid (as EVEN(2), TIDE)] eventing n. Brit. participation in equestrian competitions, esp. dressage and showjumping. [EVENT 3 as in three-day event] eventless adj. without noteworthy or remarkable events. ЬЬeventlessly adv. eventual adj. occurring or existing in due course or at last; ultimate. ЬЬeventually adv. [as EVENT, after actual] eventuality n. (pl. -ies) a possible event or outcome. eventuate v.intr. formal 1 turn out in a specified way as the result. 2 (often foll. by in) result. ЬЬeventuation n. [as EVENT, after actuate] ever adv. 1 at all times; always (ever hopeful; ever after). 2 at any time (have you ever been to Paris?; nothing ever happens; as good as ever). 3 as an emphatic word: a in any way; at all (how ever did you do it?; when will they ever learn?). b (prec. by as) in any manner possible (be as quick as ever you can). 4 (in comb.) constantly (ever-present; ever-recurring). 5 (foll. by so, such) Brit. colloq. very; very much (is ever so easy; was ever such a nice man; thanks ever so). 6 (foll. by compar.) constantly, increasingly (grew ever larger). Ьdid you ever? colloq. did you ever hear or see the like? ever since throughout the period since. for ever 1 for all future time. 2 colloq. for a long time (cf. FOREVER). [OE ‘fre] evergreen adj. & n. --adj. 1 always green or fresh. 2 (of a plant) retaining green leaves throughout the year. --n. an evergreen plant (cf. DECIDUOUS). everlasting adj. & n. --adj. 1 lasting for ever. 2 lasting for a long time, esp. so as to become unwelcome. 3 (of flowers) keeping their shape and colour when dried. --n. 1 eternity. 2 = IMMORTELLE. ЬЬeverlastingly adv. everlastingness n. evermore adv. for ever; always. evert v.tr. Physiol. turn (an organ etc.) outwards or inside out. ЬЬeversion n. [L evertere (as E-, vertere vers- turn)] every adj. 1 each single (heard every word; watched her every movement). 2 each at a specified interval in a series (take every third one; comes every four days). 3 all possible; the utmost degree of (there is every prospect of success). Ьevery bit as colloq. (in comparisons) quite as (every bit as good). every now and again (or now and then) from time to time. every one each one (see also EVERYONE). every other each second in a series (every other day). every so often at intervals; occasionally. every time colloq. 1 without exception. 2 without hesitation. every which way US colloq. 1 in all directions. 2 in a disorderly manner. [OE ‘fre ‘lc ever each] everybody pron. every person. everyday adj. 1 occurring every day. 2 suitable for or used on ordinary days. 3 commonplace, usual. Everyman n. the ordinary or typical human being; the 'man in the street'. [the principal character in a 15th-c. morality play] everyone pron. every person; everybody. everything pron. 1 all things; all the things of a group or class. 2 colloq. a great deal (gave me everything). 3 an essential consideration (speed is everything). Ьhave everything colloq. possess all the desired attributes etc. everywhere adv. 1 in every place. 2 colloq. in many places. evict v.tr. expel (a tenant) from a property by legal process. ЬЬeviction n. evictor n. [L evincere evict- (as E-, vincere conquer)] evidence n. & v. --n. 1 (often foll. by for, of) the available facts, circumstances, etc. supporting or otherwise a belief, proposition, etc., or indicating whether or not a thing is true or valid. 2 Law a information given personally or drawn from a document etc. and tending to prove a fact or proposition. b statements or proofs admissible as testimony in a lawcourt. 3 clearness, obviousness. --v.tr. be evidence of; attest. Ьcall in evidence Law summon (a person) as a witness. in evidence noticeable, conspicuous. Queen's (or King's or State's) evidence Law evidence for the prosecution given by a participant in or accomplice to the crime at issue. [ME f. OF f. L evidentia (as EVIDENT)] evident adj. 1 plain or obvious (visually or intellectually); manifest. 2 seeming, apparent (his evident anxiety). [ME f. OF evident or L evidere evident- (as E-, videre see)] evidential adj. of or providing evidence. ЬЬevidentially adv. evidentiary adj. = EVIDENTIAL. evidently adv. 1 as shown by evidence. 2 seemingly; as it appears (was evidently unwilling to go). evil adj. & n. --adj. 1 morally bad; wicked. 2 harmful or tending to harm, esp. intentionally or characteristically. 3 disagreeable or unpleasant (has an evil temper). 4 unlucky; causing misfortune (evil days). --n. 1 an evil thing; an instance of something evil. 2 evil quality; wickedness, harm. Ьevil eye a gaze or stare superstitiously believed to be able to cause material harm. speak evil of slander. ЬЬevilly adv. evilness n. [OE yfel f. Gmc] evince v.tr. 1 indicate or make evident. 2 show that one has (a quality). ЬЬevincible adj. evincive adj. [L evincere: see EVICT] eviscerate v.tr. formal 1 disembowel. 2 empty or deprive of essential contents. ЬЬevisceration n. [L eviscerare eviscerat- (as E-, VISCERA)] evocative adj. tending to evoke (esp. feelings or memories). ЬЬevocatively adv. evocativeness n. evoke v.tr. 1 inspire or draw forth (memories, feelings, a response, etc.). 2 summon (a supposed spirit from the dead). ЬЬevocation n. evoker n. [L evocare (as E-, vocare call)] evolute n. (in full evolute curve) Math. a curve which is the locus of the centres of curvature of another curve that is its involute. [L evolutus past part. (as EVOLVE)] evolution n. 1 gradual development, esp. from a simple to a more complex form. 2 a process by which species develop from earlier forms, as an explanation of their origins. 3 the appearance or presentation of events etc. in due succession (the evolution of the plot). 4 a change in the disposition of troops or ships. 5 the giving off or evolving of gas, heat, etc. 6 an opening out. 7 the unfolding of a curve. 8 Math. the extraction of a root from any given power (cf. INVOLUTION). ЬЬevolutional adj. evolutionally adv. evolutionary adj. evolutionarily adv. [L evolutio unrolling (as EVOLVE)] evolutionist n. a person who believes in evolution as explaining the origin of species. ЬЬevolutionism n. evolutionistic adj. evolve v. 1 intr. & tr. develop gradually by a natural process. 2 tr. work out or devise (a theory, plan, etc.). 3 intr. & tr. unfold; open out. 4 tr. give off (gas, heat, etc.). ЬЬevolvable adj. evolvement n. [L evolvere evolut- (as E-, volvere roll)] evzone n. a member of a select Greek infantry regiment. [mod. Gk euzonos f. Gk, = dressed for exercise (as EU-, zone belt)] 24.0 ewe... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ewe n. a female sheep. Ьewe lamb one's most cherished possession (2 Sam. 12). ewe-necked (of a horse) having a thin concave neck. [OE eowu f. Gmc] ewer n. a large pitcher or water-jug with a wide mouth. [ME f. ONF eviere, OF aiguiere, ult. f. L aquarius of water f. aqua water] 25.0 ex... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ex(1) prep. 1 (of goods) sold from (ex-works). 2 (of stocks or shares) without, excluding. [L, = out of] ex(2) n. colloq. a former husband or wife. [absol. use of EX-(1) 2] ex-(1) prefix (also e- before some consonants, ef- before f) 1 forming verbs meaning: a out, forth (exclude; exit). b upward (extol). c thoroughly (excruciate). d bring into a state (exasperate). e remove or free from (expatriate; exonerate). 2 forming nouns from titles of office, status, etc., meaning 'formerly' (ex-convict; ex-president; ex-wife). [L f. ex out of] ex-(2) prefix out (exodus). [Gk f. ex out of] exa- comb. form denoting a factor of 10(18). [perh. f. HEXA-] exacerbate v.tr. 1 make (pain, anger, etc.) worse. 2 irritate (a person). ЬЬexacerbation n. [L exacerbare (as EX-(1), acerbus bitter)] exact adj. & v. --adj. 1 accurate; correct in all details (an exact description). 2 a precise. b (of a person) tending to precision. --v.tr. (often foll. by from, of) 1 demand and enforce payment of (money, fees, etc.) from a person. 2 a demand; insist on. b (of circumstances) require urgently. Ьexact science a science admitting of absolute or quantitative precision. ЬЬexactable adj. exactitude n. exactness n. exactor n. [L exigere exact- (as EX-(1), agere drive)] exacting adj. 1 making great demands. 2 calling for much effort. ЬЬexactingly adv. exactingness n. exaction n. 1 the act or an instance of exacting; the process of being exacted. 2 a an illegal or exorbitant demand; an extortion. b a sum or thing exacted. [ME f. L exactio (as EXACT)] exactly adv. 1 accurately, precisely; in an exact manner (worked it out exactly). 2 in exact terms (exactly when did it happen?). 3 (said in reply) quite so; I quite agree. Ьnot exactly colloq. 1 by no means. 2 not precisely. exaggerate v.tr. 1 (also absol.) give an impression of (a thing), esp. in speech or writing, that makes it seem larger or greater etc. than it really is. 2 enlarge or alter beyond normal or due proportions (spoke with exaggerated politeness). ЬЬexaggeratedly adv. exaggeratingly adv. exaggeration n. exaggerative adj. exaggerator n. [L exaggerare (as EX-(1), aggerare heap up f. agger heap)] exalt v.tr. 1 raise in rank or power etc. 2 praise highly. 3 (usu. as exalted adj.) make lofty or noble (exalted aims; an exalted style). ЬЬexaltedly adv. exaltedness n. exalter n. [ME f. L exaltare (as EX-(1), altus high)] exaltation n. 1 the act or an instance of exalting; the state of being exalted. 2 elation; rapturous emotion. [ME f. OF exaltation or LL exaltatio (as EXALT)] exam n. = EXAMINATION 3. examination n. 1 the act or an instance of examining; the state of being examined. 2 a detailed inspection. 3 the testing of the proficiency or knowledge of students or other candidates for a qualification by oral or written questions. 4 an instance of examining or being examined medically. 5 Law the formal questioning of the accused or of a witness in court. Ьexamination paper 1 the printed questions in an examination. 2 a candidate's set of answers. ЬЬexaminational adj. [ME f. OF f. L examinatio -onis (as EXAMINE)] examine v. 1 tr. inquire into the nature or condition etc. of. 2 tr. look closely or analytically at. 3 tr. test the proficiency of, esp. by examination (see EXAMINATION 3). 4 tr. check the health of (a patient) by inspection or experiment. 5 tr. Law formally question (the accused or a witness) in court. 6 intr. (foll. by into) inquire. ЬЬexaminable adj. examinee n. examiner n. [ME f. OF examiner f. L examinare weigh, test f. examen tongue of a balance, ult. f. exigere examine, weigh: see EXACT] example n. & v. --n. 1 a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule. 2 a person, thing, or piece of conduct, regarded in terms of its fitness to be imitated (must set him an example; you are a bad example). 3 a circumstance or treatment seen as a warning to others; a person so treated (shall make an example of you). 4 a problem or exercise designed to illustrate a rule. --v.tr. (usu. in passive) serve as an example of. Ьfor example by way of illustration. [ME f. OF f. L exemplum (as EXEMPT)] exanthema n. Med. a skin rash accompanying any eruptive disease or fever. [LL f. Gk exanthema eruption f. exantheo (as EX-(2), anthos blossom)] exarch n. in the Orthodox Church, a bishop lower in rank than a patriarch and having jurisdiction wider than the metropolitan of a diocese. ЬЬexarchate n. [eccl.L f. Gk exarkhos (as EX-(2), arkhos ruler)] exasperate v.tr. 1 (often as exasperated adj. or exasperating adj.) irritate intensely. 2 make (a pain, ill feeling, etc.) worse. ЬЬexasperatedly adv. exasperatingly adv. exasperation n. [L exasperare exasperat- (as EX-(1), asper rough)] ex cathedra adj. & adv. with full authority (esp. of a papal pronouncement, implying infallibility as doctrinally defined). [L, = from the (teacher's) chair] excavate v.tr. 1 a make (a hole or channel) by digging. b dig out material from (the ground). 2 reveal or extract by digging. 3 (also absol.) Archaeol. dig systematically into the ground to explore (a site). ЬЬexcavation n. excavator n. [L excavare (as EX-(1), cavus hollow)] exceed v.tr. 1 (often foll. by by an amount) be more or greater than (in number, extent, etc.). 2 go beyond or do more than is warranted by (a set limit, esp. of one's instructions or rights). 3 surpass, excel (a person or achievement). [ME f. OF exceder f. L excedere (as EX-(1), cedere cess- go)] exceeding adj. & adv. --adj. 1 surpassing in amount or degree. 2 pre-eminent. --adv. archaic = EXCEEDINGLY 2. exceedingly adv. 1 very; to a great extent. 2 surpassingly, pre-eminently. excel v. (excelled, excelling) (often foll. by in, at) 1 tr. be superior to. 2 intr. be pre-eminent or the most outstanding (excels at games). Ьexcel oneself surpass one's previous performance. [ME f. L excellere (as EX-(1), celsus lofty)] excellence n. 1 the state of excelling; surpassing merit or quality. 2 the activity etc. in which a person excels. [ME f. OF excellence or L excellentia (as EXCEL)] Excellency n. (pl. -ies) (usu. prec. by Your, His, Her, Their) a title used in addressing or referring to certain high officials, e.g. ambassadors and governors, and (in some countries) senior Church dignitaries. [ME f. L excellentia (as EXCEL)] excellent adj. extremely good; pre-eminent. ЬЬexcellently adv. [ME f. OF (as EXCEL)] excelsior int. & n. --int. higher, outstanding (esp. as a motto or trade mark). --n. soft wood shavings used for stuffing, packing, etc. [L, compar. of excelsus lofty] excentric var. of ECCENTRIC (in technical senses). except v., prep., & conj. --v.tr. (often as excepted adj. placed after object) exclude from a general statement, condition, etc. (excepted him from the amnesty; present company excepted). --prep. (often foll. by for) not including; other than (all failed except him; all here except for John; is all right except that it is too long). --conj. archaic unless (except he be born again). [ME f. L excipere except- (as EX-(1), capere take)] excepting prep. & conj. --prep. = EXCEPT prep. --conj. archaic = EXCEPT conj. exception n. 1 the act or an instance of excepting; the state of being excepted (made an exception in my case). 2 a thing that has been or will be excepted. 3 an instance that does not follow a rule. Ьtake exception (often foll. by to) object; be resentful (about). with the exception of except; not including. [ME f. OF f. L exceptio -onis (as EXCEPT)] exceptionable adj. open to objection. ЬЬexceptionably adv. exceptional adj. 1 forming an exception. 2 unusual; not typical (exceptional circumstances). 3 unusually good; outstanding. ЬЬexceptionality n. exceptionally adv. excerpt n. & v. --n. a short extract from a book, film, piece of music, etc. --v.tr. (also absol.) 1 take an excerpt or excerpts from (a book etc.). 2 take (an extract) from a book etc. ЬЬexcerptible adj. excerption n. [L excerpere excerpt- (as EX-(1), carpere pluck)] excess n. & adj. --n. 1 the state or an instance of exceeding. 2 the amount by which one quantity or number exceeds another. 3 exceeding of a proper or permitted limit. 4 a the overstepping of the accepted limits of moderation, esp. intemperance in eating or drinking. b (in pl.) outrageous or immoderate behaviour. 5 an extreme or improper degree or extent (an excess of cruelty). 6 part of an insurance claim to be paid by the insured, esp. by prior agreement. --attrib.adj. usu. 1 that exceeds a limited or prescribed amount (excess weight). 2 required as extra payment (excess postage). Ьexcess baggage (or luggage) that exceeding a weight allowance and liable to an extra charge. in (or to) excess exceeding the proper amount or degree. in excess of more than; exceeding. [ME f. OF exces f. L excessus (as EXCEED)] excessive adj. 1 too much or too great. 2 more than what is normal or necessary. ЬЬexcessively adv. excessiveness n. exchange n. & v. --n. 1 the act or an instance of giving one thing and receiving another in its place. 2 a the giving of money for its equivalent in the money of the same or another country. b the fee or percentage charged for this. 3 the central telephone office of a district, where connections are effected. 4 a place where merchants, bankers, etc. gather to transact business. 5 a an office where certain information is given or a service provided, usu. involving two parties. b an employment office. 6 a system of settling debts between persons (esp. in different countries) without the use of money, by bills of exchange (see BILL(1)). 7 a a short conversation, esp. a disagreement or quarrel. b a sequence of letters between correspondents. 8 Chess the capture of an important piece (esp. a rook) by one player at the loss of a minor piece to the opposing player. 9 (attrib.) forming part of an exchange, e.g. of personnel between institutions (an exchange student). --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by for) give or receive (one thing) in place of another. 2 tr. give and receive as equivalents (e.g. things or people, blows, information, etc.); give one and receive another of. 3 intr. (often foll. by with) make an exchange. Ьexchange rate the value of one currency in terms of another. in exchange (often foll. by for) as a thing exchanged (for). ЬЬexchangeable adj. exchangeability n. exchanger n. [ME f. OF eschangier f. Rmc (as EX-(1), CHANGE)] exchequer n. 1 Brit. the former government department in charge of national revenue. °Its functions now belong to the Treasury, although the name formally survives, esp. in the title Chancellor of the Exchequer. 2 a royal or national treasury. 3 the money of a private individual or group. [ME f. AF escheker, OF eschequier f. med.L scaccarium chessboard (its orig. sense, with ref. to keeping accounts on a chequered cloth)] excise(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a duty or tax levied on goods and commodities produced or sold within the country of origin. b a tax levied on certain licences. 2 Brit. a former government office collecting excise. °Now the Board of Customs and Excise. --v.tr. 1 charge excise on (goods). 2 force (a person) to pay excise. [MDu. excijs, accijs, perh. f. Rmc: rel. to CENSUS] excise(2) v.tr. 1 remove (a passage of a book etc.). 2 cut out (an organ etc.) by surgery. ЬЬexcision n. [L excidere excis- (as EX-(1), caedere cut)] exciseman n. (pl. -men) Brit. hist. an officer responsible for collecting excise duty. excitable adj. 1 (esp. of a person) easily excited. 2 (of an organism, tissue, etc.) responding to a stimulus, or susceptible to stimulation. ЬЬexcitability n. excitably adv. excitation n. 1 a the act or an instance of exciting. b the state of being excited; excitement. 2 the action of an organism, tissue, etc., resulting from stimulation. 3 Electr. a the process of applying current to the winding of an electromagnet to produce a magnetic field. b the process of applying a signal voltage to the control electrode of an electron tube or the base of a transistor. 4 Physics the process in which an atom etc. acquires a higher energy state. excite v.tr. 1 a rouse the feelings or emotions of (a person). b bring into play; rouse up (feelings, faculties, etc.). c arouse sexually. 2 provoke; bring about (an action or active condition). 3 promote the activity of (an organism, tissue, etc.) by stimulus. 4 Electr. a cause (a current) to flow in the winding of an electromagnet. b supply a signal. 5 Physics a cause the emission of (a spectrum). b cause (a substance) to emit radiation. c put (an atom etc.) into a state of higher energy. ЬЬexcitant adj. & n. excitative adj. excitatory adj. excitedly adv. excitedness n. excitement n. exciter n. (esp. in senses 4, 5). [ME f. OF exciter or L excitare frequent. of exciere (as EX-(1), ciere set in motion)] exciting adj. arousing great interest or enthusiasm. ЬЬexcitingly adv. excitingness n. exciton n. Physics a combination of an electron with a hole in a crystalline solid. [EXCITATION + -ON] exclaim v. 1 intr. cry out suddenly, esp. in anger, surprise, pain, etc. 2 tr. (foll. by that) utter by exclaiming. [F exclamer or L exclamare (as EX-(1): cf. CLAIM)] exclamation n. 1 the act or an instance of exclaiming. 2 words exclaimed; a strong sudden cry. Ьexclamation mark (US point) a punctuation mark (!) indicating an exclamation. [ME f. OF exclamation or L exclamatio (as EXCLAIM)] exclamatory adj. of or serving as an exclamation. exclave n. a portion of territory of one State completely surrounded by territory of another or others, as viewed by the home territory (cf. ENCLAVE). [EX-(1) + ENCLAVE] exclosure n. Forestry etc. an area from which unwanted animals are excluded. [EX-(1) + ENCLOSURE] exclude v.tr. 1 shut or keep out (a person or thing) from a place, group, privilege, etc. 2 expel and shut out. 3 remove from consideration (no theory can be excluded). 4 prevent the occurrence of; make impossible (excluded all doubt). Ьexcluded middle Logic the principle that of two contradictory propositions one must be true. ЬЬexcludable adj. excluder n. [ME f. L excludere exclus- (as EX-(1), claudere shut)] exclusion n. the act or an instance of excluding; the state of being excluded. Ьexclusion order Brit. an official order preventing a person (esp. a suspected terrorist) from entering the UK. exclusion principle Physics see PAULI EXCLUSION PRINCIPLE. to the exclusion of so as to exclude. ЬЬexclusionary adj. [L exclusio (as EXCLUDE)] exclusionist adj. & n. --adj. favouring exclusion, esp. from rights or privileges. --n. a person favouring exclusion. exclusive adj. & n. --adj. 1 excluding other things. 2 (predic.; foll. by of) not including; except for. 3 tending to exclude others, esp. socially; select. 4 catering for few or select customers; high-class. 5 a (of a commodity) not obtainable elsewhere. b (of a newspaper article) not published elsewhere. 6 (predic.; foll. by to) restricted or limited to; existing or available only in. 7 (of terms etc.) excluding all but what is specified. 8 employed or followed or held to the exclusion of all else (my exclusive occupation; exclusive rights). --n. an article or story published by only one newspaper or periodical. ЬExclusive Brethren a more exclusive section of the Plymouth Brethren. ЬЬexclusively adv. exclusiveness n. exclusivity n. [med.L exclusivus (as EXCLUDE)] excogitate v.tr. think out; contrive. ЬЬexcogitation n. [L excogitare excogitat- (as EX-(1), cogitare COGITATE)] excommunicate v., adj., & n. Eccl. --v.tr. officially exclude (a person) from participation in the sacraments, or from formal communion with the Church. --adj. excommunicated. --n. an excommunicated person. ЬЬexcommunication n. excommunicative adj. excommunicator n. excommunicatory adj. [L excommunicare -atus (as EX-(1), communis COMMON)] ex-con n. colloq. an ex-convict; a former inmate of a prison. [abbr.] excoriate v.tr. 1 a remove part of the skin of (a person etc.) by abrasion. b strip or peel off (skin). 2 censure severely. ЬЬexcoriation n. [L excoriare excoriat- (as EX-(1), corium hide)] excrement n. (in sing. or pl.) faeces. ЬЬexcremental adj. [F excr‚ment or L excrementum (as EXCRETE)] excrescence n. 1 an abnormal or morbid outgrowth on the body or a plant. 2 an ugly addition. ЬЬexcrescent adj. excrescential adj. [L excrescentia (as EX-(1), crescere grow)] excreta n.pl. waste discharged from the body, esp. faeces and urine. [L neut. pl.: see EXCRETE] excrete v.tr. (of an animal or plant) separate and expel waste matter as a result of metabolism. ЬЬexcreter n. excretion n. excretive adj. excretory adj. [L excernere excret- (as EX-(1), cernere sift)] excruciate v.tr. (esp. as excruciating adj.) torment acutely (a person's senses); torture mentally. ЬЬexcruciatingly adv. excruciation n. [L excruciare excruciat- (as EX-(1), cruciare torment f. crux crucis cross)] exculpate v.tr. formal 1 free from blame. 2 (foll. by from) clear (a person) of a charge. ЬЬexculpation n. exculpatory adj. [med.L exculpare exculpat- (as EX-(1), culpa blame)] excursion n. 1 a short journey or ramble for pleasure, with return to the starting-point. 2 a digression. 3 Astron. a deviation from a regular path. 4 archaic a sortie (see ALARUM). ЬЬexcursional adj. excursionary adj. excursionist n. [L excursio f. excurrere excurs- (as EX-(1), currere run)] excursive adj. digressive; diverse. ЬЬexcursively adv. excursiveness n. excursus n. 1 a detailed discussion of a special point in a book, usu. in an appendix. 2 a digression in a narrative. [L, verbal noun formed as EXCURSION] excuse v. & n. --v.tr. 1 attempt to lessen the blame attaching to (a person, act, or fault). 2 (of a fact or circumstance) serve in mitigation of (a person or act). 3 obtain exemption for (a person or oneself). 4 (foll. by from) release (a person) from a duty etc. (excused from supervision duties). 5 overlook or forgive (a fault or offence). 6 (foll. by for) forgive (a person) for a fault. 7 not insist upon (what is due). 8 refl. apologize for leaving. --n. 1 a reason put forward to mitigate or justify an offence, fault, etc. 2 an apology (made my excuses). 3 (foll. by for) a poor or inadequate example of. Ьbe excused be allowed to leave a room etc., e.g. to go to the lavatory. excuse me a polite apology for lack of ceremony, for an interruption etc., or for disagreeing. excuse-me a dance in which dancers may interrupt other pairs to change partners. ЬЬexcusable adj. excusably adv. excusatory adj. [ME f. OF escuser f. L excusare (as EX-(1), causa CAUSE, accusation)] ex-directory adj. Brit. not listed in a telephone directory, at the wish of the subscriber. ex div. abbr. ex dividend. ex dividend adj. & adv. (of stocks or shares) not including the next dividend. exeat n. Brit. permission granted to a student by a college for temporary absence or permission granted to a priest by a bishop to move to another diocese. [L, 3rd sing. pres. subjunctive of exire go out (as EX-(1), ire go)] exec n. an executive. [abbr.] execrable adj. abominable, detestable. ЬЬexecrably adv. [ME f. OF f. L execrabilis (as EXECRATE)] execrate v. 1 tr. express or feel abhorrence for. 2 tr. curse (a person or thing). 3 intr. utter curses. ЬЬexecration n. execrative adj. execratory adj. [L exsecrare (as EX-(1), sacrare devote f. sacer sacred, accursed)] executant n. formal 1 a performer, esp. of music. 2 one who carries something into effect. [F ex‚cutant pres. part. (as EXECUTE)] execute v.tr. 1 a carry out a sentence of death on (a condemned person). b kill as a political act. 2 carry into effect, perform (a plan, duty, command, operation, etc.). 3 a carry out a design for (a product of art or skill). b perform (a musical composition, dance, etc.). 4 make (a legal instrument) valid by signing, sealing, etc. 5 put into effect (a judicial sentence, the terms of a will, etc.). ЬЬexecutable adj. [ME f. OF executer f. med.L executare f. L exsequi exsecut- (as EX-(1), sequi follow)] execution n. 1 the carrying out of a sentence of death. 2 the act or an instance of carrying out or performing something. 3 technique or style of performance in the arts, esp. music. 4 a seizure of the property or person of a debtor in default of payment. b a judicial writ enforcing a judgement. ЬЬexecutionary adj. [ME f. OF f. L executio -onis (as EXECUTE)] executioner n. an official who carries out a sentence of death. executive n. & adj. --n. 1 a person or body with managerial or administrative responsibility in a business organization etc.; a senior businessman. 2 a branch of a government or organization concerned with executing laws, agreements, etc., or with other administration or management. --adj. 1 concerned with executing laws, agreements, etc., or with other administration or management. 2 relating to or having the function of executing. Ьexecutive session US a usu. private meeting of a legislative body for executive business. ЬЬexecutively adv. [med.L executivus (as EXECUTE)] executor n. (fem. executrix) a person appointed by a testator to carry out the terms of his or her will. Ьliterary executor a person entrusted with a writer's papers, unpublished works, etc. ЬЬexecutorial adj. executorship n. executory adj. [ME f. AF executor, -our f. L executor -oris (as EXECUTE)] exegesis n. (pl. exegeses) critical explanation of a text, esp. of Scripture. ЬЬexegete n. exegetic adj. exegetical adj. exegetist n. [Gk exegesis f. exegeomai interpret (as EX-(2), hegeomai lead)] exemplar n. 1 a model or pattern. 2 a typical instance of a class of things. 3 a parallel instance. [ME f. OF exemplaire f. LL exemplarium (as EXAMPLE)] exemplary adj. 1 fit to be imitated; outstandingly good. 2 a serving as a warning. b Law (of damages) exceeding the amount needed for simple compensation. 3 illustrative, representative. ЬЬexemplarily adv. exemplariness n. [LL exemplaris (as EXAMPLE)] exemplify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 illustrate by example. 2 be an example of. 3 Law make an attested copy of (a document) under an official seal. ЬЬexemplification n. [ME f. med.L exemplificare (as EXAMPLE)] exemplum n. (pl. exempla) an example or model, esp. a moralizing or illustrative story. [L: see EXAMPLE] exempt adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 free from an obligation or liability etc. imposed on others. 2 (foll. by from) not liable to. --n. 1 a person who is exempt, esp. from payment of tax. 2 Brit. = EXON. --v.tr. (foll. by from) free from an obligation, esp. one imposed on others. ЬЬexemption n. [ME f. L exemptus past part. of eximere exempt- (as EX-(1), emere take)] exequies n.pl. formal funeral rites. [ME f. OF f. L exsequiae (as EX-(1), sequi follow)] exercise n. & v. --n. 1 activity requiring physical effort, done esp. as training or to sustain or improve health. 2 mental or spiritual activity, esp. as practice to develop a skill. 3 (often in pl.) a particular task or set of tasks devised as exercise, practice in a technique, etc. 4 a the use or application of a mental faculty, right, etc. b practice of an ability, quality, etc. 5 (often in pl.) military drill or manoeuvres. 6 (foll. by in) a process directed at or concerned with something specified (was an exercise in public relations). --v. 1 tr. use or apply (a faculty, right, influence, restraint, etc.). 2 tr. perform (a function). 3 a intr. take (esp. physical) exercise; do exercises. b tr. provide (an animal) with exercise. c tr. train (a person). 4 tr. a tax the powers of. b perplex, worry. Ьexercise book 1 a book containing exercises. 2 a book for writing school work, notes, etc., in. ЬЬexercisable adj. exerciser n. [ME f. OF exercice f. L exercitium f. exercere exercit- keep at work (as EX-(1), arcere restrain)] exergue n. 1 a small space usu. on the reverse of a coin or medal, below the principal device. 2 an inscription on this space. [F f. med.L exergum f. Gk ex- (as EX-(2)) + ergon work] exert v.tr. 1 exercise, bring to bear (a quality, force, influence, etc.). 2 refl. (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) use one's efforts or endeavours; strive. ЬЬexertion n. [L exserere exsert- put forth (as EX-(1), serere bind)] exeunt v.intr. (as a stage direction) (actors) leave the stage. Ь exeunt omnes all leave the stage. [L, = they go out: 3rd pl. pres. of exire go out: see EXIT] exfiltrate v.tr. (also absol.) withdraw (troops, spies, etc.) surreptitiously, esp. from danger. ЬЬexfiltration n. exfoliate v.intr. 1 (of bone, the skin, a mineral, etc.) come off in scales or layers. 2 (of a tree) throw off layers of bark. ЬЬexfoliation n. exfoliative adj. [LL exfoliare exfoliat- (as EX-(1), folium leaf)] ex gratia adv. & adj. --adv. as a favour rather than from an (esp. legal) obligation. --adj. granted on this basis. [L, = from favour] exhalation n. 1 a an expiration of air. b a puff of breath. 2 a mist, vapour. 3 an emanation or effluvium. [ME f. L exhalatio (as EXHALE)] exhale v. 1 tr. breathe out (esp. air or smoke) from the lungs. 2 tr. & intr. give off or be given off in vapour. ЬЬexhalable adj. [ME f. OF exhaler f. L exhalare (as EX-(1), halare breathe)] exhaust v. & n. --v.tr. 1 consume or use up the whole of. 2 (often as exhausted adj. or exhausting adj.) use up the strength or resources of; tire out. 3 study or expound on (a subject) completely. 4 (often foll. by of) empty (a vessel etc.) of its contents. --n. 1 a waste gases etc. expelled from an engine after combustion. b (also exhaust-pipe) the pipe or system by which these are expelled. c the process of expulsion of these gases. 2 a the production of an outward current of air by the creation of a partial vacuum. b an apparatus for this. ЬЬexhauster n. exhaustible adj. exhaustibility n. exhaustibly adv. [L exhaurire exhaust- (as EX-(1), haurire draw (water), drain)] exhaustion n. 1 the act or an instance of exhausting; the state of being exhausted. 2 a total loss of strength. 3 the process of establishing a conclusion by eliminating alternatives. [LL exhaustio (as EXHAUST)] exhaustive adj. 1 thorough, comprehensive. 2 tending to exhaust a subject. ЬЬexhaustively adv. exhaustiveness n. exhibit v. & n. --v.tr. (exhibited, exhibiting) 1 show or reveal publicly (for amusement, in competition, etc.). 2 a show, display. b manifest (a quality). 3 submit for consideration. --n. 1 a thing or collection of things forming part or all of an exhibition. 2 a document or other item or object produced in a lawcourt as evidence. ЬЬexhibitory adj. [L exhibere exhibit- (as EX-(1), habere hold)] exhibition n. 1 a display (esp. public) of works of art, industrial products, etc. 2 the act or an instance of exhibiting; the state of being exhibited. 3 Brit. a scholarship, esp. from the funds of a school, college, etc. Ьmake an exhibition of oneself behave so as to appear ridiculous or foolish. [ME f. OF f. LL exhibitio -onis (as EXHIBIT)] exhibitioner n. Brit. a student who has been awarded an exhibition. exhibitionism n. 1 a tendency towards display or extravagant behaviour. 2 Psychol. a mental condition characterized by the compulsion to display one's genitals indecently in public. ЬЬexhibitionist n. exhibitionistic adj. exhibitionistically adv. exhibitor n. a person who provides an item or items for an exhibition. exhilarate v.tr. (often as exhilarating adj. or exhilarated adj.) affect with great liveliness or joy; raise the spirits of. ЬЬexhilarant adj. & n. exhilaratingly adv. exhilaration n. exhilarative adj. [L exhilarare (as EX-(1), hilaris cheerful)] exhort v.tr. (often foll. by to + infin.) urge or advise strongly or earnestly. ЬЬexhortative adj. exhortatory adj. exhorter n. [ME f. OF exhorter or L exhortari (as EX-(1), hortari exhort)] exhortation n. 1 the act or an instance of exhorting; the state of being exhorted. 2 a formal or liturgical address. [ME f. OF exhortation or L exhortatio (as EXHORT)] exhume v.tr. dig out, unearth (esp. a buried corpse). ЬЬexhumation n. [F exhumer f. med.L exhumare (as EX-(1), humus ground)] ex hypothesi adv. according to the hypothesis proposed. [mod.L] exigency n. (pl. -ies) (also exigence) 1 an urgent need or demand. 2 an emergency. [F exigence & LL exigentia (as EXIGENT)] exigent adj. 1 requiring much; exacting. 2 urgent, pressing. [ME f. L exigere EXACT] exiguous adj. scanty, small. ЬЬexiguity n. exiguously adv. exiguousness n. [L exiguus scanty f. exigere weigh exactly: see EXACT] exile n. & v. --n. 1 expulsion, or the state of being expelled, from one's native land or (internal exile) native town etc. 2 long absence abroad, esp. enforced. 3 a person expelled or long absent from his or her native country. 4 (the Exile) the captivity of the Jews in Babylon in the 6th c. BC. --v.tr. (foll. by from) officially expel (a person) from his or her native country or town etc. ЬЬexilic adj. (esp. in sense 4 of n.). [ME f. OF exil, exiler f. L exilium banishment] exist v.intr. 1 have a place as part of objective reality. 2 a have being under specified conditions. b (foll. by as) exist in the form of. 3 (of circumstances etc.) occur; be found. 4 live with no pleasure under adverse conditions (felt he was merely existing). 5 continue in being; maintain life (can hardly exist on this salary). 6 be alive, live. [prob. back-form. f. EXISTENCE; cf. LL existere] existence n. 1 the fact or condition of being or existing. 2 the manner of one's existing or living, esp. under adverse conditions (a wretched existence). 3 an existing thing. 4 all that exists. [ME f. OF existence or LL existentia f. L exsistere (as EX-(1), stare stand)] existent adj. existing, actual, current. existential adj. 1 of or relating to existence. 2 Logic (of a proposition etc.) affirming or implying the existence of a thing. 3 Philos. concerned with existence, esp. with human existence as viewed by existentialism. ЬЬexistentially adv. [LL existentialis (as EXISTENCE)] existentialism n. a philosophical theory emphasizing the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining his or her own development. ЬЬexistentialist n. [G Existentialismus (as EXISTENTIAL)] exit n. & v. --n. 1 a passage or door by which to leave a room, building, etc. 2 a the act of going out. b the right to go out. 3 a place where vehicles can leave a motorway or major road. 4 the departure of an actor from the stage. 5 death. --v.intr. (exited, exiting) 1 go out of a room, building, etc. 2 (as a stage direction) (an actor) leaves the stage (exit Macbeth). 3 die. Ьexit permit (or visa etc.) authorization to leave a particular country. [L, 3rd sing. pres. of exire go out (as EX-(1), ire go): cf. L exitus going out] ex-libris n. (pl. same) a usu. decorated bookplate or label bearing the owner's name, pasted into the front of a book. [L ex libris among the books of] ex nihilo adv. out of nothing (creation ex nihilo). [L] exo- comb. form external. [Gk exo outside] exobiology n. the study of life outside the earth. ЬЬexobiologist n. Exocet n. propr. a short-range guided missile used esp. in sea warfare. [F exocet flying fish] exocrine adj. (of a gland) secreting through a duct (cf. ENDOCRINE). [EXO- + Gk krino sift] Exod. abbr. Exodus (Old Testament). exoderm n. Biol. = ECTODERM. exodus n. 1 a mass departure of people (esp. emigrants). 2 (Exodus) Bibl. a the departure of the Israelites from Egypt. b the book of the Old Testament relating this. [eccl.L f. Gk exodos (as EX-(2), hodos way)] ex officio adv. & adj. by virtue of one's office or status. [L] exogamy n. 1 Anthropol. marriage of a man outside his own tribe. 2 Biol. the fusion of reproductive cells from distantly related or unrelated individuals. ЬЬexogamous adj. exogenous adj. Biol. growing or originating from outside. ЬЬexogenously adv. exon n. Brit. each of the four officers acting as commanders of the Yeomen of the Guard. [repr. F pronunc. of EXEMPT] exonerate v.tr. (often foll. by from) 1 free or declare free from blame etc. 2 release from a duty etc. ЬЬexoneration n. exonerative adj. [L exonerare exonerat- (as EX-(1), onus, oneris burden)] exophthalmos n. (also exophthalmus, exophthalmia) Med. abnormal protrusion of the eyeball. ЬЬexophthalmic adj. [mod.L f. Gk exophthalmos having prominent eyes (as EX-(2), ophthalmos eye)] exoplasm n. Biol. = ECTOPLASM. exor. abbr. executor. exorbitant adj. (of a price, demand, etc.) grossly excessive. ЬЬexorbitance n. exorbitantly adv. [LL exorbitare (as EX-(1), orbita ORBIT)] exorcize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 expel (a supposed evil spirit) by invocation or by use of a holy name. 2 (often foll. by of) free (a person or place) of a supposed evil spirit. ЬЬexorcism n. exorcist n. exorcization n. [F exorciser or eccl.L exorcizare f. Gk exorkizo (as EX-(2), horkos oath)] exordium n. (pl. exordiums or exordia) the beginning or introductory part, esp. of a discourse or treatise. ЬЬexordial adj. exordially adv. [L f. exordiri (as EX-(1), ordiri begin)] exoskeleton n. a rigid external covering for the body in certain animals, esp. arthropods, providing support and protection. ЬЬexoskeletal adj. exosphere n. the layer of atmosphere furthest from the earth. exothermic adj. (also exothermal) esp. Chem. occurring or formed with the evolution of heat. ЬЬexothermally adv. exothermically adv. exotic adj. & n. --adj. 1 introduced from or originating in a foreign (esp. tropical) country (exotic fruits). 2 attractively or remarkably strange or unusual; bizarre. 3 (of a fuel, metal, etc.) of a kind newly brought into use. --n. an exotic person or thing. Ьexotic dancer a striptease dancer. ЬЬexotically adv. exoticism n. [L exoticus f. Gk exotikos f. exo outside] exotica n.pl. remarkably strange or rare objects. [L, neut. pl. of exoticus: see EXOTIC] expand v. 1 tr. & intr. increase in size or bulk or importance. 2 intr. (often foll. by on) give a fuller description or account. 3 intr. become more genial or effusive; discard one's reserve. 4 tr. set or write out in full (something condensed or abbreviated). 5 tr. & intr. spread out flat. Ьexpanded metal sheet metal slit and stretched into a mesh, used to reinforce concrete and other brittle materials. ЬЬexpandable adj. expander n. expansible adj. expansibility n. [ME f. L expandere expans- spread out (as EX-(1), pandere spread)] expanse n. 1 a wide continuous area or extent of land, space, etc. 2 an amount of expansion. [mod.L expansum neut. past part. (as EXPAND)] expansile adj. 1 of expansion. 2 capable of expansion. expansion n. 1 the act or an instance of expanding; the state of being expanded. 2 enlargement of the scale or scope of (esp. commercial) operations. 3 increase in the amount of a State's territory or area of control. 4 an increase in the volume of fuel etc. on combustion in the cylinder of an engine. ЬЬexpansionary adj. expansionism n. expansionist n. expansionistic adj. (all in senses 2, 3). [LL expansio (as EXPAND)] expansive adj. 1 able or tending to expand. 2 extensive, wide-ranging. 3 (of a person, feelings, or speech) effusive, open. ЬЬexpansively adv. expansiveness n. expansivity n. ex parte adj. & adv. Law in the interests of one side only or of an interested outside party. [L] expat n. & adj. colloq. = EXPATRIATE. [abbr.] expatiate v.intr. (usu. foll. by on, upon) speak or write at length or in detail. ЬЬexpatiation n. expatiatory adj. [L exspatiari digress (as EX-(1), spatium SPACE)] expatriate adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 living abroad, esp. for a long period. 2 expelled from one's country; exiled. --n. an expatriate person. --v.tr. 1 expel or remove (a person) from his or her native country. 2 refl. withdraw (oneself) from one's citizenship or allegiance. ЬЬexpatriation n. [med.L expatriare (as EX-(1), patria native country)] expect v.tr. 1 (often foll. by to + infin., or that + clause) a regard as likely; assume as a future event or occurrence. b (often foll. by of) look for as appropriate or one's due (from a person) (I expect cooperation; expect you to be here; expected better of you). 2 colloq. (often foll. by that + clause) think, suppose (I expect we'll be on time). 3 be shortly to have (a baby) (is expecting twins). Ьbe expecting colloq. be pregnant. ЬЬexpectable adj. [L exspectare (as EX-(1), spectare look, frequent. of specere see)] expectancy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a state of expectation. 2 a prospect, esp. of future possession. 3 (foll. by of) a prospective chance. [L exspectantia, exp- (as EXPECT)] expectant adj. & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by of) expecting. 2 having the expectation of possession, status, etc. 3 expecting a baby (said of the mother or father). --n. 1 one who expects. 2 a candidate for office etc. ЬЬexpectantly adv. expectation n. 1 the act or an instance of expecting or looking forward. 2 something expected or hoped for. 3 (foll. by of) the probability of an event. 4 (in pl.) one's prospects of inheritance. [L expectatio (as EXPECT)] expectorant adj. & n. --adj. causing the coughing out of phlegm etc. --n. an expectorant medicine. expectorate v.tr. (also absol.) cough or spit out (phlegm etc.) from the chest or lungs. ЬЬexpectoration n. expectorator n. [L expectorare expectorat- (as EX-(1), pectus -oris breast)] expedient adj. & n. --adj. 1 advantageous; advisable on practical rather than moral grounds. 2 suitable, appropriate. --n. a means of attaining an end; a resource. ЬЬexpedience n. expediency n. expediently adv. [ME f. L expedire: see EXPEDITE] expedite v.tr. 1 assist the progress of; hasten (an action, process, etc.). 2 accomplish (business) quickly. ЬЬexpediter n. [L expedire expedit- extricate, put in order (as EX-(1), pes pedis foot)] expedition n. 1 a journey or voyage for a particular purpose, esp. exploration, scientific research, or war. 2 the personnel or ships etc. undertaking this. 3 promptness, speed. ЬЬexpeditionist n. [ME f. OF f. L expeditio -onis (as EXPEDITE)] expeditionary adj. of or used in an expedition, esp. military. expeditious adj. 1 acting or done with speed and efficiency. 2 suited for speedy performance. ЬЬexpeditiously adv. expeditiousness n. [EXPEDITION + -OUS] expel v.tr. (expelled, expelling) (often foll. by from) 1 deprive (a person) of the membership of or involvement in (a school, society, etc.). 2 force out or eject (a thing from its container etc.). 3 order or force to leave a building etc. ЬЬexpellable adj. expellee n. expellent adj. expeller n. [ME f. L expellere expuls- (as EX-(1), pellere drive)] expend v.tr. spend or use up (money, time, etc.). [ME f. L expendere expens- (as EX-(1), pendere weigh)] expendable adj. 1 that may be sacrificed or dispensed with, esp. to achieve a purpose. 2 a not regarded as worth preserving or saving. b unimportant, insignificant. 3 not normally reused. ЬЬexpendability n. expendably adv. expenditure n. 1 the process or an instance of spending or using up. 2 a thing (esp. a sum of money) expended. [EXPEND, after obs. expenditor officer in charge of expenditure, f. med.L f. expenditus irreg. past part. of L expendere] expense n. 1 cost incurred; payment of money. 2 (usu. in pl.) a costs incurred in doing a particular job etc. (will pay your expenses). b an amount paid to reimburse this (offered me њ40 per day expenses). 3 a thing that is a cause of much expense (the house is a real expense to run). Ьat the expense of so as to cause loss or damage or discredit to. expense account a list of an employee's expenses payable by the employer. [ME f. AF, alt. of OF espense f. LL expensa (money) spent, past part. of L expendere EXPEND] expensive adj. 1 costing much. 2 making a high charge. 3 causing much expense (has expensive tastes). ЬЬexpensively adv. expensiveness n. experience n. & v. --n. 1 actual observation of or practical acquaintance with facts or events. 2 knowledge or skill resulting from this. 3 a an event regarded as affecting one (an unpleasant experience). b the fact or process of being so affected (learnt by experience). --v.tr. 1 have experience of; undergo. 2 feel or be affected by (an emotion etc.). ЬЬexperienceable adj. [ME f. OF f. L experientia f. experiri expert- try] experienced adj. 1 having had much experience. 2 skilled from experience (an experienced driver). experiential adj. involving or based on experience. Ьexperiential philosophy a philosophy that treats all knowledge as based on experience. ЬЬexperientialism n. experientialist n. experientially adv. experiment n. & v. --n. 1 a procedure adopted on the chance of its succeeding, for testing a hypothesis etc., or to demonstrate a known fact. 2 (foll. by of) a test or trial of. --v.intr. (often foll. by on, with) make an experiment. ЬЬexperimentation n. experimenter n. [ME f. OF experiment or L experimentum (as EXPERIENCE)] experimental adj. 1 based on or making use of experiment (experimental psychology). 2 a used in experiments. b serving or resulting from (esp. incomplete) experiment; tentative, provisional. 3 based on experience, not on authority or conjecture. ЬЬexperimentalism n. experimentalist n. experimentalize v.intr. (also -ise). experimentally adv. [ME f. med.L experimentalis (as EXPERIMENT)] expert adj. & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by at, in) having special knowledge or skill in a subject. 2 involving or resulting from this (expert evidence; an expert piece of work). --n. (often foll. by at, in) a person having special knowledge or skill. ЬЬexpertly adv. expertness n. [ME f. OF f. L expertus past part. of experiri: see EXPERIENCE] expertise n. expert skill, knowledge, or judgement. [F (as EXPERT)] expertize v. (also -ise) 1 intr. give an expert opinion. 2 tr. give an expert opinion concerning. expiate v.tr. 1 pay the penalty for (wrongdoing). 2 make amends for. ЬЬexpiable adj. expiatory adj. expiation n. expiator n. [L expiare expiat- (as EX-(1), pius devout)] expiration n. 1 breathing out. 2 expiry. [L expiratio (as EXPIRE)] expire v. 1 intr. (of a period of time, validity, etc.) come to an end. 2 intr. (of a document, authorization, etc.) cease to be valid; become void. 3 intr. (of a person) die. 4 tr. (usu. foll. by from; also absol.) exhale (air etc.) from the lungs. ЬЬexpiratory adj. (in sense 4). [ME f. OF expirer f. L exspirare (as EX-(1), spirare breathe)] expiry n. 1 the end of the validity or duration of something. 2 death. explain v.tr. 1 make clear or intelligible with detailed information etc. (also absol. : let me explain). 2 (foll. by that + clause) say by way of explanation. 3 account for (one's conduct etc.). Ьexplain away minimize the significance of (a difficulty or mistake) by explanation. explain oneself 1 make one's meaning clear. 2 give an account of one's motives or conduct. ЬЬexplainable adj. explainer n. [L explanare (as EX-(1), planus flat, assim. to PLAIN(1))] explanation n. 1 the act or an instance of explaining. 2 a statement or circumstance that explains something. 3 a declaration made with a view to mutual understanding or reconciliation. [ME f. L explanatio (as EXPLAIN)] explanatory adj. serving or intended to serve to explain. ЬЬexplanatorily adv. [LL explanatorius (as EXPLAIN)] explant v. & n. Biol. --v.tr. transfer (living cells, tissues, or organs) from animals or plants to a nutrient medium. --n. a piece of explanted tissue etc. ЬЬexplantation n. [mod.L explantare (as EX-(1), plantare PLANT)] expletive n. & adj. --n. 1 an oath, swear-word, or other expression, used in an exclamation. 2 a word used to fill out a sentence etc., esp. in verse. --adj. serving to fill out (esp. a sentence, line of verse, etc.). [LL expletivus (as EX-(1), plere plet- fill)] explicable adj. that can be explained. explicate v.tr. 1 develop the meaning or implication of (an idea, principle, etc.). 2 make clear, explain (esp. a literary text). ЬЬexplication n. explicative adj. explicator n. explicatory adj. [L explicare explicat- unfold (as EX-(1), plicare plicat- or plicit- fold)] explicit adj. 1 expressly stated, leaving nothing merely implied; stated in detail. 2 (of knowledge, a notion, etc.) definite, clear. 3 (of a person, book, etc.) expressing views unreservedly; outspoken. ЬЬexplicitly adv. explicitness n. [F explicite or L explicitus (as EXPLICATE)] explode v. 1 a intr. (of gas, gunpowder, a bomb, a boiler, etc.) expand suddenly with a loud noise owing to a release of internal energy. b tr. cause (a bomb etc.) to explode. 2 intr. give vent suddenly to emotion, esp. anger. 3 intr. (of a population etc.) increase suddenly or rapidly. 4 tr. show (a theory etc.) to be false or baseless. 5 tr. (as exploded adj.) (of a drawing etc.) showing the components of a mechanism as if separated by an explosion but in the normal relative positions. ЬЬexploder n. [earliest in sense 4: L explodere hiss off the stage (as EX-(1), plodere plos- = plaudere clap)] exploit n. & v. --n. a bold or daring feat. --v.tr. 1 make use of (a resource etc.); derive benefit from. 2 usu. derog. utilize or take advantage of (esp. a person) for one's own ends. ЬЬexploitable adj. exploitation n. exploitative adj. exploiter n. exploitive adj. [ME f. OF esploit, exploiter ult. f. L explicare: see EXPLICATE] exploration n. 1 an act or instance of exploring. 2 the process of exploring. ЬЬexplorational adj. exploratory adj. 1 (of discussion etc.) preliminary, serving to establish procedure etc. 2 of or concerning exploration or investigation (exploratory surgery). explore v.tr. 1 travel extensively through (a country etc.) in order to learn or discover about it. 2 inquire into; investigate thoroughly. 3 Surgery examine (a part of the body) in detail. ЬЬexplorative adj. [F explorer f. L explorare] explorer n. a traveller into undiscovered or uninvestigated territory, esp. to get scientific information. explosion n. 1 the act or an instance of exploding. 2 a loud noise caused by something exploding. 3 a a sudden outburst of noise. b a sudden outbreak of feeling, esp. anger. 4 a rapid or sudden increase, esp. of population. [L explosio scornful rejection (as EXPLODE)] explosive adj. & n. --adj. 1 able or tending or likely to explode. 2 likely to cause a violent outburst etc.; (of a situation etc.) dangerously tense. --n. an explosive substance. ЬЬexplosively adv. explosiveness n. Expo n. (also expo) (pl. -os) a large international exhibition. [abbr. of EXPOSITION 4] exponent n. & adj. --n. 1 a person who favours or promotes an idea etc. 2 a representative or practitioner of an activity, profession, etc. 3 a person who explains or interprets something. 4 an executant (of music etc.). 5 a type or representative. 6 Math. a raised symbol or expression beside a numeral indicating how many times it is to be multiplied by itself (e.g. 2(3) = 2 x 2 x 2). --adj. that sets forth or interprets. [L exponere (as EX-(1), ponere posit- put)] exponential adj. 1 Math. of or indicated by a mathematical exponent. 2 (of an increase etc.) more and more rapid. Ьexponential function Math. a function which increases as a quantity raised to a power determined by the variable on which the function depends. exponential growth Biol. a form of population growth in which the rate of growth is related to the number of individuals present. [F exponentiel (as EXPONENT)] export v. & n. --v.tr. send out (goods or services) esp. for sale in another country. --n. 1 the process of exporting. 2 a an exported article or service. b (in pl.) an amount exported (exports exceeded њ50m.). 3 (attrib.) suitable for export, esp. of better quality. Ьexport reject an article sold in its country of manufacture, as being below the standard for export. ЬЬexportable adj. exportability n. exportation n. exporter n. [L exportare (as EX-(1), portare carry)] expose v.tr. 1 leave uncovered or unprotected, esp. from the weather. 2 (foll. by to) cause to be liable to or in danger of (was exposed to great danger). 3 (as exposed adj.) a (foll. by to) open to; unprotected from (exposed to the east). b vulnerable, risky. 4 Photog. subject (a film) to light, esp. by operation of a camera. 5 reveal the identity or fact of (esp. a person or thing disapproved of or guilty of crime etc.). 6 disclose; make public. 7 exhibit, display. 8 put up for sale. Ьexpose oneself display one's body, esp. the genitals, publicly and indecently. ЬЬexposer n. [ME f. OF exposer after L exponere: see EXPONENT, POSE(1)] expos‚ n. 1 an orderly statement of facts. 2 the act or an instance of revealing something discreditable. [F, past part. of exposer (as EXPOSE)] exposition n. 1 an explanatory statement or account. 2 an explanation or commentary. 3 Mus. the part of a movement, esp. in sonata form, in which the principal themes are first presented. 4 a large public exhibition. 5 archaic exposure. ЬЬexpositional adj. expositive adj. [ME f. OF exposition, or L expositio (as EXPONENT)] expositor n. an expounder or interpreter. ЬЬexpository adj. ex post facto adj. & adv. with retrospective action or force. [L ex postfacto in the light of subsequent events] expostulate v.intr. (often foll. by with a person) make a protest; remonstrate earnestly. ЬЬexpostulation n. expostulatory adj. [L expostulare expostulat- (as EX-(1), postulare demand)] exposure n. (foll. by to) 1 the act or condition of exposing or being exposed (to air, cold, danger, etc.). 2 the condition of being exposed to the elements, esp. in severe conditions (died from exposure). 3 the revelation of an identity or fact, esp. when concealed or likely to find disapproval. 4 Photog. a the action of exposing a film etc. to the light. b the duration of this action. c the area of film etc. affected by it. 5 an aspect or outlook (has a fine southern exposure). Ьexposure meter Photog. a device for measuring the strength of the light to determine the correct duration of exposure. [EXPOSE after enclosure etc.] expound v.tr. 1 set out in detail (a doctrine etc.). 2 explain or interpret (esp. Scripture). ЬЬexpounder n. [ME f. OF espondre (as EXPONENT)] express(1) v.tr. 1 represent or make known (thought, feelings, etc.) in words or by gestures, conduct, etc. 2 refl. say what one thinks or means. 3 esp. Math. represent by symbols. 4 squeeze out (liquid or air). ЬЬexpresser n. expressible adj. [ME f. OF expresser f. Rmc (as EX-(1), PRESS(1))] express(2) adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. 1 operating at high speed. 2 also a definitely stated, not merely implied. b archaic (of a likeness) exact. 3 a done, made, or sent for a special purpose. b (of messages or goods) delivered by a special messenger or service. --adv. 1 at high speed. 2 by express messenger or train. --n. 1 a an express train or messenger. b an express rifle. 2 US a company undertaking the transport of parcels etc. --v.tr. send by express messenger or delivery. Ьexpress rifle a rifle that discharges a bullet at high speed. express train a fast train, stopping at few intermediate stations. ЬЬexpressly adv. (in sense 2 of adj.). [ME f. OF expres f. L expressus distinctly shown, past part. of exprimere (as EX-(1), premere press)] expression n. 1 the act or an instance of expressing. 2 a word or phrase expressed. 3 Math. a collection of symbols expressing a quantity. 4 a person's facial appearance or intonation of voice, esp. as indicating feeling. 5 depiction of feeling, movement, etc., in art. 6 conveying of feeling in the performance of a piece of music. Ьexpression-mark Mus. a sign or word indicating the required manner of performance. ЬЬexpressional adj. expressionless adj. expressionlessly adv. expressionlessness n. [ME f. OF expression or L expressio f. exprimere: see EXPRESS(1)] expressionism n. a style of painting, music, drama, etc., in which an artist or writer seeks to express emotional experience rather than impressions of the external world. ЬЬexpressionist n. & adj. expressionistic adj. expressionistically adv. expressive adj. 1 full of expression (an expressive look). 2 (foll. by of) serving to express (words expressive of contempt). ЬЬexpressively adv. expressiveness n. expressivity n. [ME f. F expressif -ive or med.L expressivus (as EXPRESSION)] expresso var. of ESPRESSO. expressway n. US an urban motorway. expropriate v.tr. 1 (esp. of the State) take away (property) from its owner. 2 (foll. by from) dispossess. ЬЬexpropriation n. expropriator n. [med.L expropriare expropriat- (as EX-(1), proprium property: see PROPER)] expulsion n. the act or an instance of expelling; the process of being expelled. ЬЬexpulsive adj. [ME f. L expulsio (as EXPEL)] expunge v.tr. (foll. by from) erase, remove (esp. a passage from a book or a name from a list). ЬЬexpunction n. expunger n. [L expungere expunct- (as EX-(1), pungere prick)] expurgate v.tr. 1 remove matter thought to be objectionable from (a book etc.). 2 remove (such matter). ЬЬexpurgation n. expurgator n. expurgatorial adj. expurgatory adj. [L expurgare expurgat- (as EX-(1), purgare cleanse)] exquisite adj. & n. --adj. 1 extremely beautiful or delicate. 2 acute; keenly felt (exquisite pleasure). 3 keen; highly sensitive or discriminating (exquisite taste). --n. a person of refined (esp. affected) tastes. ЬЬexquisitely adv. exquisiteness n. [ME f. L exquirere exquisit- (as EX-(1), quaerere seek)] exsanguinate Med. v.tr. drain of blood. ЬЬexsanguination n. [L exsanguinatus (as EX-(1), sanguis -inis blood)] exsert v.tr. Biol. put forth. [L exserere: see EXERT] ex-service adj. 1 having formerly been a member of the armed forces. 2 relating to former servicemen and -women. ex-serviceman n. (pl. -men) a former member of the armed forces. ex-servicewoman n. (pl. -women) a former woman member of the armed forces. ex silentio adv. by the absence of contrary evidence. [L, = from silence] ext. abbr. 1 exterior. 2 external. extant adj. (esp. of a document etc.) still existing, surviving. [L exstare exstant- (as EX-(1), stare stand)] extemporaneous adj. spoken or done without preparation. ЬЬextemporaneously adv. extemporaneousness n. extemporary adj. = EXTEMPORANEOUS. ЬЬextemporarily adv. extemporariness n. extempore adj. & adv. 1 without preparation. 2 offhand. [L ex tempore on the spur of the moment, lit. out of the time f. tempus time] extemporize v.tr. (also -ise) (also absol.) compose or produce (music, a speech, etc.) without preparation; improvise. ЬЬextemporization n. extend v. 1 tr. & intr. lengthen or make larger in space or time. 2 tr. stretch or lay out at full length. 3 intr. & tr. (foll. by to, over) reach or be or make continuous over a certain area. 4 intr. (foll. by to) have a certain scope (the permit does not extend to camping). 5 tr. offer or accord (an invitation, hospitality, kindness, etc.). 6 tr. (usu. refl. or in passive) tax the powers of (an athlete, horse, etc.) to the utmost. Ьextended family a family including relatives living near. extended-play (of a gramophone record) playing for longer than most singles, usu. at 45 r.p.m. ЬЬextendable adj. extendability n. extendible adj. extendibility n. extensible adj. extensibility n. [ME f. L extendere extens- or extent- stretch out (as EX-(1), tendere stretch)] extender n. 1 a person or thing that extends. 2 a substance added to paint, ink, glue, etc., to dilute its colour or increase its bulk. extensile adj. capable of being stretched out or protruded. extension n. 1 the act or an instance of extending; the process of being extended. 2 prolongation; enlargement. 3 a part enlarging or added on to a main structure or building. 4 an additional part of anything. 5 a a subsidiary telephone on the same line as the main one. b its number. 6 a an additional period of time, esp. extending allowance for a project etc. b permission for the sale of alcoholic drinks until later than usual, granted to licensed premises on special occasions. 7 extramural instruction by a university or college (extension course). 8 extent, range. 9 Logic a group of things denoted by a term. ЬЬextensional adj. [ME f. LL extensio (as EXTEND)] extensive adj. 1 covering a large area in space or time. 2 having a wide scope; far-reaching, comprehensive (an extensive knowledge of music). 3 Agriculture involving cultivation from a large area, with a minimum of special resources (cf. INTENSIVE). ЬЬextensively adv. extensiveness n. [F extensif -ive or LL extensivus (as EXTENSION)] extensometer n. 1 an instrument for measuring deformation of metal under stress. 2 an instrument using such deformation to record elastic strains in other materials. [L extensus (as EXTEND) + -METER] extensor n. (in full extensor muscle) Anat. a muscle that extends or straightens out part of the body (cf. FLEXOR). [mod.L (as EXTEND)] extent n. 1 the space over which a thing extends. 2 the width or limits of application; scope (to a great extent; to the full extent of their power). [ME f. AF extente f. med.L extenta past part. of L extendere: see EXTEND] extenuate v.tr. (often as extenuating adj.) lessen the seeming seriousness of (guilt or an offence) by reference to some mitigating factor. ЬЬextenuatingly adv. extenuation n. extenuatory adj. [L extenuare extenuat- (as EX-(1), tenuis thin)] exterior adj. & n. --adj. 1 a of or on the outer side (opp. INTERIOR). b (foll. by to) situated on the outside of (a building etc.). c coming from outside. 2 Cinematog. outdoor. --n. 1 the outward aspect or surface of a building etc. 2 the outward or apparent behaviour or demeanour of a person. 3 Cinematog. an outdoor scene. Ьexterior angle the angle between the side of a rectilinear figure and the adjacent side extended outward. ЬЬexteriority n. exteriorize v.tr. (also -ise). exteriorly adv. [L, compar. of exterus outside] exterminate v.tr. 1 destroy utterly (esp. something living). 2 get rid of; eliminate (a pest, disease, etc.). ЬЬextermination n. exterminator n. exterminatory adj. [L exterminare exterminat- (as EX-(1), terminus boundary)] external adj. & n. --adj. 1 a of or situated on the outside or visible part (opp. INTERNAL). b coming or derived from the outside or an outside source. 2 relating to a country's foreign affairs. 3 outside the conscious subject (the external world). 4 (of medicine etc.) for use on the outside of the body. 5 for or concerning students taking the examinations of a university without attending it. --n. (in pl.) 1 the outward features or aspect. 2 external circumstances. 3 inessentials. Ьexternal evidence evidence derived from a source independent of the thing discussed. ЬЬexternality n. (pl. -ies). externally adv. [med.L f. L externus f. exterus outside] externalize v.tr. (also -ise) give or attribute external existence to. ЬЬexternalization n. exteroceptive adj. Biol. relating to stimuli produced outside an organism. [irreg. f. L externus exterior + RECEPTIVE] exterritorial adj. = EXTRATERRITORIAL. ЬЬexterritoriality n. extinct adj. 1 (of a family, class, or species) that has died out. 2 a (of fire etc.) no longer burning. b (of a volcano) that no longer erupts. 3 (of life, hope, etc.) terminated, quenched. 4 (of an office etc.) obsolete. 5 (of a title of nobility) having no qualified claimant. [ME f. L exstinguere exstinct- (as EX-(1), stinguere quench)] extinction n. 1 the act of making extinct; the state of being or process of becoming extinct. 2 the act of extinguishing; the state of being extinguished. 3 total destruction or annihilation. 4 the wiping out of a debt. 5 Physics a reduction in the intensity of radiation by absorption, scattering, etc. ЬЬextinctive adj. [L extinctio (as EXTINCT)] extinguish v.tr. 1 cause (a flame, light, etc.) to die out; put out. 2 make extinct; annihilate, destroy (a programme to extinguish disease). 3 put an end to; terminate; obscure utterly (a feeling, quality, etc.). 4 a abolish; wipe out (a debt). b Law render void. 5 colloq. reduce to silence (the argument extinguished the opposition). ЬЬextinguishable adj. extinguishment n. [irreg. f. L extinguere (as EXTINCT): cf. distinguish] extinguisher n. a person or thing that extinguishes, esp. = fire extinguisher. extirpate v.tr. root out; destroy completely. ЬЬextirpation n. extirpator n. [L exstirpare exstirpat- (as EX-(1), stirps stem)] extol v.tr. (extolled, extolling) praise enthusiastically. ЬЬextoller n. extolment n. [L extollere (as EX-(1), tollere raise)] extort v.tr. obtain by force, threats, persistent demands, etc. ЬЬextorter n. extortive adj. [L extorquere extort- (as EX-(1), torquere twist)] extortion n. 1 the act or an instance of extorting, esp. money. 2 illegal exaction. ЬЬextortioner n. extortionist n. [ME f. LL extortio (as EXTORT)] extortionate adj. 1 (of a price etc.) exorbitant. 2 using or given to extortion (extortionate methods). ЬЬextortionately adv. extra adj., adv., & n. --adj. additional; more than is usual or necessary or expected. --adv. 1 more than usually. 2 additionally (was charged extra). --n. 1 an extra thing. 2 a thing for which an extra charge is made. 3 a person engaged temporarily to fill out a scene in a film or play, esp. as one of a crowd. 4 a special issue of a newspaper etc. 5 Cricket a run scored other than from a hit with the bat. Ьextra cover Cricket 1 a fielding position on a line between cover-point and mid-off, but beyond these. 2 a fielder at this position. extra size outsize. extra time Sport a further period of play at the end of a match when the scores are equal. [prob. a shortening of EXTRAORDINARY] extra- comb. form 1 outside, beyond (extragalactic). 2 beyond the scope of (extracurricular). [med.L f. L extra outside] extracellular adj. situated or taking place outside a cell or cells. extract v. & n. --v.tr. 1 remove or take out, esp. by effort or force (anything firmly rooted). 2 obtain (money, an admission, etc.) with difficulty or against a person's will. 3 obtain (a natural resource) from the earth. 4 select or reproduce for quotation or performance (a passage of writing, music, etc.). 5 obtain (juice etc.) by suction, pressure, distillation, etc. 6 derive (pleasure etc.). 7 Math. find (the root of a number). 8 archaic deduce (a principle etc.). --n. 1 a short passage taken from a book, piece of music, etc.; an excerpt. 2 a preparation containing the active principle of a substance in concentrated form (malt extract). ЬЬextractable adj. extractability n. [L extrahere extract- (as EX-(1), trahere draw)] extraction n. 1 the act or an instance of extracting; the process of being extracted. 2 the removal of a tooth. 3 origin, lineage, descent (of Indian extraction). [ME f. F f. LL extractio -onis (as EXTRACT)] extractive adj. of or involving extraction, esp. extensive extracting of natural resources without provision for their renewal. extractor n. 1 a person or machine that extracts. 2 (attrib.) (of a device) that extracts bad air etc. or ventilates a room (extractor fan; extractor hood). extracurricular adj. (of a subject of study) not included in the normal curriculum. extraditable adj. 1 liable to extradition. 2 (of a crime) warranting extradition. extradite v.tr. hand over (a person accused or convicted of a crime) to the foreign State etc. in which the crime was committed. extradition n. 1 the extraditing of a person accused or convicted of a crime. 2 Psychol. the localizing of a sensation at a distance from the centre of sensation. extrados n. Archit. the upper or outer curve of an arch (opp. INTRADOS). [EXTRA- + dos back f. L dorsum] extragalactic adj. occurring or existing outside the Galaxy. extrajudicial adj. 1 not legally authorized. 2 (of a confession) not made in court. ЬЬextrajudicially adv. extramarital adj. (esp. of sexual relations) occurring outside marriage. ЬЬextramaritally adv. extramundane adj. outside or beyond the physical world. extramural adj. & n. --adj. 1 taught or conducted off the premises of a university, college, or school. 2 additional to normal teaching or studies, esp. for non-resident students. 3 outside the walls or boundaries of a town or city. --n. an extramural lesson, course, etc. ЬЬextramurally adv. [L extra muros outside the walls] extraneous adj. 1 of external origin. 2 (often foll. by to) a separate from the object to which it is attached etc. b external to; irrelevant or unrelated to. ЬЬextraneously adv. extraneousness n. [L extraneus] extraordinary adj. 1 unusual or remarkable; out of the usual course. 2 unusually great (an extraordinary talent). 3 a (of an official etc.) additional; specially employed (envoy extraordinary). b (of a meeting) specially convened. ЬЬextraordinarily adv. extraordinariness n. [L extraordinarius f. extra ordinem outside the usual order] extrapolate v.tr. (also absol.) 1 Math. & Philos. a calculate approximately from known values, data, etc. (others which lie outside the range of those known). b calculate on the basis of (known facts) to estimate unknown facts, esp. extend (a curve) on a graph. 2 infer more widely from a limited range of known facts. ЬЬextrapolation n. extrapolative adj. extrapolator n. [EXTRA- + INTERPOLATE] extrasensory adj. regarded as derived by means other than the known senses, e.g. by telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. Ьextrasensory perception a person's supposed faculty of perceiving by such means. extraterrestrial adj. & n. --adj. 1 outside the earth or its atmosphere. 2 (in science fiction) from outer space. --n. (in science fiction) a being from outer space. extraterritorial adj. 1 situated or (of laws etc.) valid outside a country's territory. 2 (of an ambassador etc.) free from the jurisdiction of the territory of residence. ЬЬextraterritoriality n. [L extra territorium outside the territory] extravagance n. 1 excessive spending or use of resources; being extravagant. 2 an instance or item of this. ЬЬextravagancy n. (pl. -ies). [F (as EXTRAVAGANT)] extravagant adj. 1 spending (esp. money) excessively; immoderate or wasteful in use of resources. 2 exorbitant; costing much. 3 exceeding normal restraint or sense; unreasonable, absurd (extravagant claims). ЬЬextravagantly adv. [ME f. med.L extravagari (as EXTRA-, vagari wander)] extravaganza n. 1 a fanciful literary, musical, or dramatic composition. 2 a spectacular theatrical or television production, esp. of light entertainment. [It. estravaganza extravagance] extravasate v. 1 tr. force out (a fluid, esp. blood) from its proper vessel. 2 intr. (of blood, lava, etc.) flow out. ЬЬextravasation n. [L extra outside + vas vessel] extravehicular adj. outside a vehicle, esp. a spacecraft. extrema pl. of EXTREMUM. extreme adj. & n. --adj. 1 reaching a high or the highest degree; exceedingly great or intense (extreme old age; in extreme danger). 2 a severe, stringent; lacking restraint or moderation (take extreme measures; an extreme reaction). b (of a person, opinion, etc.) going to great lengths; advocating immoderate measures. 3 outermost; furthest from the centre; situated at either end (the extreme edge). 4 Polit. on the far left or right of a party. 5 utmost; last. --n. 1 (often in pl.) one or other of two things as remote or as different as possible. 2 a thing at either end of anything. 3 the highest degree of anything. 4 Math. the first or the last term of a ratio or series. 5 Logic the subject or predicate in a proposition; the major or the minor term in a syllogism. Ьextreme unction the last rites in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. go to extremes take an extreme course of action. go to the other extreme take a diametrically opposite course of action. in the extreme to an extreme degree. ЬЬextremely adv. extremeness n. [ME f. OF f. L extremus superl. of exterus outward] extremist n. (also attrib.) a person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views and esp. resorts to or advocates extreme action. ЬЬextremism n. extremity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the extreme point; the very end. 2 (in pl.) the hands and feet. 3 a condition of extreme adversity or difficulty. [ME f. OF extremit‚ or L extremitas (as EXTREME)] extremum n. (pl. extremums or extrema) Math. the maximum or minimum value of a function. ЬЬextremal adj. [L, neut. of extremus EXTREME] extricate v.tr. (often foll. by from) free or disentangle from a constraint or difficulty. ЬЬextricable adj. extrication n. [L extricare extricat- (as EX-(1), tricae perplexities)] extrinsic adj. 1 not inherent or intrinsic; not essential (opp. INTRINSIC). 2 (often foll. by to) extraneous; lying outside; not belonging (to). 3 originating or operating from without. ЬЬextrinsically adv. [LL extrinsicus outward f. L extrinsecus (adv.) f. exter outside + secus beside] extrovert n. & adj. --n. 1 Psychol. a person predominantly concerned with external things or objective considerations. 2 an outgoing or sociable person. --adj. typical or characteristic of an extrovert. ЬЬextroversion n. extroverted adj. [extro- = EXTRA- (after intro-) + L vertere turn] extrude v.tr. 1 (foll. by from) thrust or force out. 2 shape metal, plastics, etc. by forcing them through a die. ЬЬextrusion n. extrusile adj. extrusive adj. [L extrudere extrus- (as EX-(1), trudere thrust)] exuberant adj. 1 lively, high-spirited. 2 (of a plant etc.) prolific; growing copiously. 3 (of feelings etc.) abounding, lavish, effusive. ЬЬexuberance n. exuberantly adv. [F exub‚rant f. L exuberare (as EX-(1), uberare be fruitful f. uber fertile)] exuberate v.intr. be exuberant. exude v. 1 tr. & intr. (of a liquid, moisture, etc.) escape or cause to escape gradually; ooze out; give off. 2 tr. emit (a smell). 3 tr. display (an emotion etc.) freely or abundantly (exuded displeasure). ЬЬexudate n. exudation n. exudative adj. [L exsudare (as EX-(1), sudare sweat)] exult v.intr. (often foll. by at, in, over, or to + infin.) 1 be greatly joyful. 2 (often foll. by over) have a feeling of triumph (over a person). ЬЬexultancy n. exultation n. exultant adj. exultantly adv. exultingly adv. [L exsultare (as EX-(1), saltare frequent. of salire salt- leap)] exurb n. a district outside a city or town, esp. a prosperous area beyond the suburbs. ЬЬexurban adj. exurbanite n. [L ex out of + urbs city, or back-form. f. exurban (as EX-(1) + URBAN, after suburban)] exurbia n. the exurbs collectively; the region beyond the suburbs. [EX-(1), after suburbia] exuviae n.pl. (also treated as sing.) an animal's cast skin or covering. ЬЬexuvial adj. [L, = animal's skins, spoils of the enemy, f. exuere divest oneself of] exuviate v.tr. shed (a skin etc.). ЬЬexuviation n. ex voto n. (pl. -os) an offering made in pursuance of a vow. [L, = out of a vow] 26.0 ey... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -ey suffix var. of -Y(2). eyas n. a young hawk, esp. one taken from the nest for training in falconry. [orig. nyas f. F niais ult. f. L nidus nest: for loss of n- cf. ADDER] eye n. & v. --n. 1 a the organ of sight in man and other animals. b the light-detecting organ in some invertebrates. 2 the eye characterized by the colour of the iris (has blue eyes). 3 the region round the eye (eyes red from weeping). 4 a glass or plastic ball serving as an artificial eye (his eye fell out). 5 (in sing. or pl.) sight; the faculty of sight (demonstrate to the eye; need perfect eyes to be a pilot). 6 a particular visual faculty or talent; visual appreciation (a straight eye; cast an expert eye over). 7 (in sing. or pl.) a look, gaze, or glance, esp. as indicating the disposition of the viewer (a friendly eye). 8 mental awareness; consciousness. 9 a person or animal etc. that sees on behalf of another. 10 a = electric eye. b = private eye. 11 a thing like an eye, esp.: a a spot on a peacock's tail (cf. EYELET n. 3). b the leaf bud of a potato. 12 the centre of something circular, e.g. a flower or target. 13 the relatively calm region at the centre of a storm or hurricane. 14 an aperture in an implement, esp. a needle, for the insertion of something, e.g. thread. 15 a ring or loop for a bolt or hook etc. to pass through. --v.tr. (eyes, eyed, eyeing or eying) watch or observe closely, esp. admiringly or with curiosity or suspicion. Ьall eyes 1 watching intently. 2 general attention (all eyes were on us). before one's (or one's very) eyes right in front of one. do a person in the eye colloq. defraud or thwart a person. eye-bolt a bolt or bar with an eye at the end for a hook etc. eye-catching colloq. striking, attractive. eye contact looking directly into another person's eyes. an eye for an eye retaliation in kind (Exodus 21:24). eye language the process of communication by the expression of the eyes. eye-level the level seen by the eyes looking horizontally (eye-level grill). eye-liner a cosmetic applied as a line round the eye. eye mask 1 a covering of soft material saturated with a lotion for refreshing the eyes. 2 a covering for the eyes. eye-opener colloq. 1 an enlightening experience; an unexpected revelation. 2 US an alcoholic drink taken on waking up. eye-rhyme a correspondence of words in spelling but not in pronunciation (e.g. love and move). eyes front (or left or right) Mil. a command to turn the head in the direction stated. eye-shade a device to protect the eyes, esp. from strong light. eye-shadow a coloured cosmetic applied to the skin round the eyes. eye-spot 1 a a light-sensitive area on the bodies of some invertebrate animals, e.g. flatworms, starfish, etc.; an ocellus. b Bot. an area of light-sensitive pigment found in some algae etc. 2 any of several fungus diseases of plants characterized by yellowish oval spots on the leaves and stems. eye-stalk Zool. a movable stalk carrying the eye, esp. in crabs, shrimps, etc. eye strain fatigue of the (internal or external) muscles of the eye. eye-tooth a canine tooth just under or next to the eye, esp. in the upper jaw. eye-worm a nematode worm, Loa loa, parasitic on man and other primates in Central and West Africa. get (or keep) one's eye in Sport accustom oneself (or keep oneself accustomed) to the conditions of play so as to judge speed, distance, etc. have an eye for be capable of perceiving or appreciating. have one's eye on wish or plan to procure. have eyes for be interested in; wish to acquire. have an eye to have as one's objective; prudently consider. hit a person in the eye (or between the eyes) colloq. be very obvious or impressive. keep an eye on 1 pay attention to. 2 look after; take care of. keep an eye open (or out) (often foll. by for) watch carefully. keep one's eyes open (or peeled or skinned) watch out; be on the alert. lower one's eyes look modestly or sheepishly down or away. make eyes (or sheep's eyes) (foll. by at) look amorously or flirtatiously at. my (or all my) eye sl. nonsense. one in the eye (foll. by for) a disappointment or setback. open a person's eyes be enlightening or revealing to a person. raise one's eyes look upwards. see eye to eye (often foll. by with) be in full agreement. set eyes on catch sight of. take one's eyes off (usu. in neg.) stop watching; stop paying attention to. under the eye of under the supervision or observation of. up to the (or one's) eyes in 1 deeply engaged or involved in; inundated with (up to the eyes in work). 2 to the utmost limit (mortgaged up to the eyes). with one's eyes open deliberately; with full awareness. with one's eyes shut (or closed) 1 easily; with little effort. 2 without awareness; unobservant (goes around with his eyes shut). with an eye to with a view to; prudently considering. with a friendly (or jealous etc.) eye with a feeling of friendship, jealousy, etc. with one eye on directing one's attention partly to. with one eye shut colloq. easily; with little effort (could do this with one eye shut). ЬЬeyed adj. (also in comb.). eyeless adj. [OE eage f. Gmc] eyeball n. & v. --n. the ball of the eye within the lids and socket. --v. US sl. 1 tr. look or stare at. 2 intr. look or stare. Ьeyeball to eyeball colloq. confronting closely. to (or up to) the eyeballs colloq. completely (permeated, soaked, etc.). eyebath n. (also eyecup) a small glass or vessel for applying lotion etc. to the eye. eyeblack n. = MASCARA. eyebright n. any plant of the genus Euphrasia, formerly used as a remedy for weak eyes. eyebrow n. the line of hair growing on the ridge above the eye-socket. Ьraise one's eyebrows show surprise, disbelief, or mild disapproval. eyeful n. (pl. -fuls) colloq. 1 a long steady look. 2 a visually striking person or thing. 3 anything thrown or blown into the eye. eyeglass n. 1 a a lens for correcting or assisting defective sight. b (in pl.) a pair of these held in the hand or kept in position on the nose by means of a frame or a spring. 2 a small glass vessel for applying lotion etc. to the eye. eyehole n. a hole to look through. eyelash n. each of the hairs growing on the edges of the eyelids. Ьby an eyelash by a very small margin. eyelet n. & v. --n. 1 a small hole in paper, leather, cloth, etc., for string or rope etc. to pass through. 2 a metal ring reinforcement for this. 3 a small eye, esp. the ocellus on a butterfly's wing (cf. EYE n. 11a). 4 a form of decoration in embroidery. 5 a small hole for observation, shooting through, etc. --v.tr. (eyeleted, eyeleting) provide with eyelets. [ME f. OF oillet dimin. of oil eye f. L oculus] eyelid n. the upper or lower fold of skin closing to cover the eye. eyepiece n. the lens or lenses to which the eye is applied at the end of a microscope, telescope, etc. eyeshot n. seeing-distance (out of eyeshot). eyesight n. the faculty or power of seeing. eyesore n. a visually offensive or ugly thing, esp. a building. Eyetie n. & adj. sl. offens. Italian. [joc. pronunc. of Italian] eyewash n. 1 lotion for the eye. 2 sl. nonsense, bunkum; pretentious or insincere talk. eyewitness n. a person who has personally seen a thing done or happen and can give evidence of it. eyot var. of AIT. eyra n. Zool. a red form of jaguarundi. [Tupi (e)irara] eyrie n. (also aerie) 1 a nest of a bird of prey, esp. an eagle, built high up. 2 a house etc. perched high up. [med.L aeria, aerea, etc., prob. f. OF aire lair ult. f. L agrum piece of ground] 27.0 Ezel. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ezek. abbr. Ezekiel (Old Testament). 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