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English language - Dictionaries D...Oxford English ReferenceBritish Library Cataloguing Data The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed. 1. English language--Dictionaries I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423 ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain 1.0 D... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- D(1) n. (also d) (pl. Ds or D's) 1 the fourth letter of the alphabet. 2 Mus. the second note of the diatonic scale of C major. 3 (as a Roman numeral) 500. 4 = DEE. 5 the fourth highest class or category (of academic marks etc.). D(2) symb. Chem. the element deuterium. D(3) abbr. (also D.) 1 US Democrat. 2 dimension (3-D). d. abbr. 1 died. 2 departs. 3 delete. 4 daughter. 5 Brit. (pre-decimal) penny. 6 depth. 7 deci-. [sense 5 f. L denarius silver coin] 'd v. colloq. (usu. after pronouns) had, would (I'd; he'd). [abbr.] 2.0 DA... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DA abbr. 1 US District Attorney. 2 sl. = duck's arse (see DUCK(1)). D/A abbr. Computing digital to analogue. da abbr. deca-. dab(1) v. & n. --v. (dabbed, dabbing) 1 tr. press (a surface) briefly with a cloth, sponge, etc., without rubbing, esp. in cleaning or to apply a substance. 2 tr. press (a sponge etc.) lightly on a surface. 3 tr. (foll. by on) apply (a substance) by dabbing a surface. 4 intr. (usu. foll. by at) aim a feeble blow; tap. 5 tr. strike lightly; tap. --n. 1 a brief application of a cloth, sponge, etc., to a surface without rubbing. 2 a small amount of something applied in this way (a dab of paint). 3 a light blow or tap. 4 (in pl.) Brit. sl. fingerprints. ЬЬdabber n. [ME, imit.] dab(2) n. any flat-fish of the genus Limanda. [15th c.: orig. unkn.] dab(3) adj. esp. Brit. colloq. Ьdab hand (usu. foll. by at) a person especially skilled (in) (a dab hand at cooking). [17th c.: orig. unkn.] dabble v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by in, at) take a casual or superficial interest or part (in a subject or activity). 2 intr. move the feet, hands, etc. about in (usu. a small amount of) liquid. 3 tr. wet partly or intermittently; moisten, stain, splash. ЬЬdabbler n. [16th c.: f. Du. dabbelen or DAB(1)] dabchick n. = little grebe (see GREBE). [16th c., in earlier forms dap-, dop-: perh. rel. to OE dufedoppa, DEEP, DIP] da capo adv. Mus. repeat from the beginning. [It.] dace n. (pl. same) any small freshwater fish, esp. of the genus Leuciscus, related to the carp. [OF dars: see DART] dacha n. a country house or cottage in Russia. [Russ., = gift] dachshund n. 1 a dog of a short-legged long-bodied breed. 2 this breed. [G, = badger-dog] dacoit n. (in India or Burma) a member of a band of armed robbers. [Hindi dakait f. daka gang-robbery] dactyl n. a metrical foot consisting of one long (or stressed) syllable followed by two short (or unstressed). [ME f. L dactylus f. Gk daktulos finger, the three bones corresponding to the three syllables] dactylic adj. & n. --adj. of or using dactyls. --n. (usu. in pl.) dactylic verse. [L dactylicus f. Gk daktulikos (as DACTYL)] dad n. colloq. father. [perh. imit. of a child's da, da (cf. DADDY)] Dada n. an early 20th-c. international movement in art, literature, music, and film, repudiating and mocking artistic and social conventions. ЬЬDadaism n. Dadaist n. & adj. Dadaistic adj. [F (the title of an early 20th-c. review) f. dada hobby-horse] daddy n. (pl. -ies) colloq. 1 father. 2 (usu. foll. by of) the oldest or supreme example (had a daddy of a headache). Ьdaddy-long-legs 1 a crane-fly. 2 US a harvestman. [DAD + -Y(3)] dado n. (pl. -os) 1 the lower part of the wall of a room when visually distinct from the upper part. 2 the plinth of a column. 3 the cube of a pedestal between the base and the cornice. [It., = DIE(2)] daemon var. of DEMON 5. daemonic var. of DEMONIC. daff n. colloq. = DAFFODIL. [abbr.] daffodil n. 1 a a bulbous plant, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, with a yellow trumpet-shaped crown. b any of various other large-flowered plants of the genus Narcissus. c a flower of any of these plants. 2 a pale-yellow colour. [earlier affodill, as ASPHODEL] daffy adj. (daffier, daffiest) sl. = DAFT. ЬЬdaffily adv. daffiness n. [daff simpleton + -Y(2)] daft adj. esp. Brit. colloq. 1 silly, foolish, crazy. 2 (foll. by about) fond of; infatuated with. [ME daffte = OE ged‘fte mild, meek, f. Gmc] dag(1) n. & v. Austral. & NZ --n. (usu. in pl.) a lock of wool clotted with dung on the hinder parts of a sheep. --v.tr. (dagged, dagging) remove dags from (a sheep). Ьrattle one's dags sl. hurry up. ЬЬdagger n. [orig. Engl. dial.] dag(2) n. Austral. & NZ sl. an eccentric or noteworthy person; a character (he's a bit of a dag). [orig. Engl. dial., = a dare, challenge] dagga n. S.Afr. 1 hemp used as a narcotic. 2 any plant of the genus Leontis used similarly. [Afrik. f. Hottentot dachab] dagger n. 1 a short stabbing-weapon with a pointed and edged blade. 2 Printing = OBELUS. Ьat daggers drawn in bitter enmity. look daggers at glare angrily or venomously at. [ME, perh. f. obs. dag pierce, infl. by OF dague long dagger] dago n. (pl. -os) sl. offens. a foreigner, esp. a Spaniard, Portuguese, or Italian. [Sp. Diego = James] daguerreotype n. 1 a photograph taken by an early photographic process employing an iodine-sensitized silvered plate and mercury vapour. 2 this process. [L. Daguerre, Fr. inventor d. 1851] dah n. esp. US Telegraphy (in the Morse system) = DASH (cf. DIT). [imit.] dahlia n. any composite garden plant of the genus Dahlia, of Mexican origin, cultivated for its many-coloured single or double flowers. [A. Dahl, Sw. botanist d. 1789] D il n. (in full D il ђireann) the lower house of parliament in the Republic of Ireland. [Ir., = assembly (of Ireland)] daily adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 done, produced, or occurring every day or every weekday. 2 constant, regular. --adv. 1 every day; from day to day. 2 constantly. --n. (pl. -ies) colloq. 1 a daily newspaper. 2 Brit. a charwoman or domestic help working daily. Ьdaily bread necessary food; a livelihood. daily dozen Brit. colloq. regular exercises, esp. on rising. [ME f. DAY + -LY(1), -LY(2)] daimon n. = DEMON 5. ЬЬdaimonic adj. [Gk, = deity] dainty adj. & n. --adj. (daintier, daintiest) 1 delicately pretty. 2 delicate of build or in movement. 3 (of food) choice. 4 fastidious; having delicate taste and sensibility. --n. (pl. -ies) a choice morsel; a delicacy. ЬЬdaintily adv. daintiness n. [AF daint‚, OF dainti‚, deinti‚ f. L dignitas -tatis f. dignus worthy] daiquiri n. (pl. daiquiris) a cocktail of rum, lime-juice, etc. [Daiquiri in Cuba] dairy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a building or room for the storage, processing, and distribution of milk and its products. 2 a shop where milk and milk products are sold. 3 (attrib.) a of, containing, or concerning milk and its products (and sometimes eggs). b used for dairy products (dairy cow). [ME deierie f. deie maidservant f. OE d‘ge kneader of dough] dairying n. the business of producing, storing, and distributing milk and its products. dairymaid n. a woman employed in a dairy. dairyman n. (pl. -men) 1 a man dealing in dairy products. 2 a man employed in a dairy. dais n. a low platform, usu. at the upper end of a hall and used to support a table, lectern, etc. [ME f. OF deis f. L discus disc, dish, in med.L = table] daisy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a small composite plant, Bellis perennis, bearing flowers each with a yellow disc and white rays. b any other plant with daisy-like flowers, esp. the larger ox-eye daisy, the Michaelmas daisy, or the Shasta daisy. 2 sl. a first-rate specimen of anything. Ьdaisy-chain a string of daisies threaded together. daisy-cutter Cricket a ball bowled so as to roll along the ground. daisy wheel Computing a disc of spokes extending radially from a central hub, each terminating in a printing character, used as a printer in word processors and typewriters. pushing up the daisies sl. dead and buried. [OE d‘ges eage day's eye, the flower opening in the morning] Dak. abbr. Dakota. dal var. of DHAL. Dalai lama n. the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism, formerly also the chief ruler of Tibet (see LAMA). [Mongolian dalai ocean; see LAMA] dale n. a valley, esp. in N. England. [OE d‘l f. Gmc] dalesman n. (pl. -men) an inhabitant of the dales in Northern England. dalliance n. a leisurely or frivolous passing of time. [DALLY + -ANCE] dally v.intr. (-ies, -ied) 1 delay; waste time, esp. frivolously. 2 (often foll. by with) play about; flirt, treat frivolously (dallied with her affections). Ьdally away waste or fritter (one's time, life, etc.). [ME f. OF dalier chat] Dalmatian n. 1 a dog of a large white short-haired breed with dark spots. 2 this breed. [Dalmatia in Yugoslavia] dalmatic n. a wide-sleeved long loose vestment open at the sides, worn by deacons and bishops, and by a monarch at his or her coronation. [ME f. OF dalmatique or LL dalmatica (vestis robe) of Dalmatia] dal segno adv. Mus. repeat from the point marked by a sign. [It., = from the sign] daltonism n. colour-blindness, esp. a congenital inability to distinguish between red and green. [F daltonisme f. J. Dalton, Engl. chemist d. 1844, who suffered from it] dam(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a barrier constructed to hold back water and raise its level, forming a reservoir or preventing flooding. 2 a barrier constructed in a stream by a beaver. 3 anything functioning as a dam does. 4 a causeway. --v.tr. (dammed, damming) 1 furnish or confine with a dam. 2 (often foll. by up) block up; hold back; obstruct. [ME f. MLG, MDu.] dam(2) n. the female parent of an animal, esp. a four-footed one. [ME: var. of DAME] damage n. & v. --n. 1 harm or injury impairing the value or usefulness of something, or the health or normal function of a person. 2 (in pl.) Law a sum of money claimed or awarded in compensation for a loss or an injury. 3 the loss of what is desirable. 4 (prec. by the) sl. cost (what's the damage?). --v.tr. 1 inflict damage on. 2 (esp. as damaging adj.) detract from the reputation of (a most damaging admission). ЬЬdamagingly adv. [ME f. OF damage (n.), damagier (v.), f. dam(me) loss f. L damnum loss, damage] damascene v., n., & adj. --v.tr. decorate (metal, esp. iron or steel) by etching or inlaying esp. with gold or silver, or with a watered pattern produced in welding. --n. a design or article produced in this way. --adj. of, relating to, or produced by this process. [Damascene of Damascus, f. L Damascenus f. Gk Damaskenos] damask n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a a figured woven fabric (esp. silk or linen) with a pattern visible on both sides. b twilled table linen with woven designs shown by the reflection of light. 2 a tablecloth made of this material. 3 hist. steel with a watered pattern produced in welding. --adj. 1 made of or resembling damask. 2 coloured like a damask rose, velvety pink or vivid red. --v.tr. 1 weave with figured designs. 2 = DAMASCENE v. 3 ornament. Ьdamask rose an old sweet-scented variety of rose, with very soft velvety petals, used to make attar. [ME, ult. f. L Damascus] dame n. 1 (Dame) a (in the UK) the title given to a woman with the rank of Knight Commander or holder of the Grand Cross in the Orders of Chivalry. b a woman holding this title. 2 Brit. a comic middle-aged woman in modern pantomime, usu. played by a man. 3 archaic a mature woman. 4 US sl. a woman. Ьdame-school hist. a primary school kept by an elderly woman. [ME f. OF f. L domina mistress] damfool adj. colloq. foolish, stupid. [DAMN + FOOL(1)] dammar n. 1 any E. Asian tree, esp. one of the genus Agathis or Shorea, yielding a resin used in varnish-making. 2 this resin. [Malay damar] dammit int. damn it. damn v., n., adj., & adv. --v.tr. 1 (often absol. or as int. of anger or annoyance, = may God damn) curse (a person or thing). 2 doom to hell; cause the damnation of. 3 condemn, censure (a review damning the performance). 4 a (often as damning adj.) (of a circumstance, piece of evidence, etc.) show or prove to be guilty; bring condemnation upon (evidence against them was damning). b be the ruin of. --n. 1 an uttered curse. 2 sl. a negligible amount (not worth a damn). --adj. & adv. colloq. = DAMNED. Ьdamn all sl. nothing at all. damn well colloq. (as an emphatic) simply (damn well do as I say). damn with faint praise commend so unenthusiastically as to imply disapproval. I'm (or I'll be) damned if colloq. I certainly do not, will not, etc. not give a damn see GIVE. well I'm (or I'll be) damned colloq. exclamation of surprise, dismay, etc. ЬЬdamningly adv. [ME f. OF damner f. L damnare inflict loss on f. damnum loss] damnable adj. hateful, annoying. ЬЬdamnably adv. [ME f. OF damnable (as DAMN)] damnation n. & int. --n. condemnation to eternal punishment, esp. in hell. --int. expressing anger or annoyance. [ME f. OF damnation (as DAMN)] damnatory adj. conveying or causing censure or damnation. [L damnatorius (as DAMN)] damned adj. & adv. colloq. --adj. damnable, infernal, unwelcome. --adv. extremely (damned hot; damned lovely). Ьdamned well (as an emphatic) simply (you've damned well got to). do one's damnedest do one's utmost. damnify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) Law cause injury to. ЬЬdamnification n. [OF damnifier etc. f. LL damnificare injure (as DAMN)] damp adj., n., & v. --adj. slightly wet; moist. --n. 1 diffused moisture in the air, on a surface, or in a solid, esp. as a cause of inconvenience or danger. 2 dejection; discouragement. 3 = FIREDAMP. --v.tr. 1 make damp; moisten. 2 (often foll. by down) a take the force or vigour out of (damp one's enthusiasm). b make flaccid or spiritless. c make (a fire) burn less strongly by reducing the flow of air to it. 3 reduce or stop the vibration of (esp. the strings of a musical instrument). 4 quieten. Ьdamp (or damp-proof) course a layer of waterproof material in the wall of a building near the ground, to prevent rising damp. damp off (of a plant) die from a fungus attack in damp conditions. damp squib an unsuccessful attempt to impress etc. ЬЬdamply adv. dampness n. [ME f. MLG, = vapour etc., OHG dampf steam f. WG] dampen v. 1 v.tr. & intr. make or become damp. 2 tr. make less forceful or vigorous; stifle, choke. ЬЬdampener n. damper n. 1 a person or thing that discourages, or tempers enthusiasm. 2 a device that reduces shock or noise. 3 a metal plate in a flue to control the draught, and so the rate of combustion. 4 Mus. a pad silencing a piano string except when removed by means of a pedal or by the note's being struck. 5 esp. Austral. & NZ unleavened bread or cake of flour and water baked in wood ashes. Ьput a damper on take the vigour or enjoyment out of. damsel n. archaic or literary a young unmarried woman. [ME f. OF dam(e)isele ult. f. L domina mistress] damselfish n. a small brightly-coloured fish, Chromis chromis, found in or near coral reefs. damselfly n. (pl. -flies) any of various insects of the order Odonata, like a dragonfly but with its wings folded over the body when resting. damson n. & adj. --n. 1 (in full damson plum) a a small dark-purple plumlike fruit. b the small deciduous tree, Prunus institia, bearing this. 2 a dark-purple colour. --adj. damson-coloured. Ьdamson cheese a solid preserve of damsons and sugar. [ME damacene, -scene, -sene f. L damascenum (prunum plum) of Damascus: see DAMASCENE] Dan. abbr. Daniel (Old Testament). dan(1) n. 1 any of twelve degrees of advanced proficiency in judo. 2 a person who has achieved any of these. [Jap.] dan(2) n. (in full dan buoy) a small buoy used as a marker in deep-sea fishing, or to mark the limits of an area cleared by minesweepers. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] dance v. & n. --v. 1 intr. move about rhythmically alone or with a partner or in a set, usu. in fixed steps or sequences to music, for pleasure or as entertainment. 2 intr. move in a lively way; skip or jump about. 3 tr. a perform (a specified dance or form of dancing). b perform (a specified role) in a ballet etc. 4 intr. move up and down (on water, in the field of vision, etc.). 5 tr. move (esp. a child) up and down; dandle. --n. 1 a a piece of dancing; a sequence of steps in dancing. b a special form of this. 2 a single round or turn of a dance. 3 a social gathering for dancing, a ball. 4 a piece of music for dancing to or in a dance rhythm. 5 a dancing or lively motion. Ьdance attendance on follow or wait on (a person) obsequiously. dance of death a medieval dance in which a personified Death is represented as leading all to the grave. dance to a person's tune accede obsequiously to a person's demands and wishes. lead a person a dance (or merry dance) Brit. cause a person much trouble in following a course one has instigated. ЬЬdanceable adj. [ME f. OF dance, danse (n.), dancer, danser (v.), f. Rmc, of unkn. orig.] dancehall n. a public hall for dancing. dancer n. 1 a person who performs a dance. 2 a person whose profession is dancing. d. and c. n. dilatation (of the cervix) and curettage (of the uterus), performed after a miscarriage or for the removal of cysts, tumours, etc. dandelion n. a composite plant, Taraxacum officinale, with jagged leaves and a large bright-yellow flower on a hollow stalk, followed by a globular head of seeds with downy tufts. Ьdandelion clock the downy seed-head of a dandelion. dandelion coffee dried and powdered dandelion roots; a drink made from this. [F dent-de-lion transl. med.L dens leonis lion's tooth] dander n. colloq. temper, anger, indignation. Ьget one's dander up lose one's temper; become angry. [19th c.: orig. uncert.] dandify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) cause to resemble a dandy. dandle v.tr. 1 dance (a child) on one's knees or in one's arms. 2 pamper, pet. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] dandruff n. 1 dead skin in small scales among the hair. 2 the condition of having this. [16th c.: -ruff perh. rel. to ME rove scurfiness f. ON hrufa or MLG, MDu. rove] dandy n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a man unduly devoted to style, smartness, and fashion in dress and appearance. 2 colloq. an excellent thing. --adj. (dandier, dandiest) esp. US colloq. very good of its kind; splendid, first-rate. Ьdandy-brush a brush for grooming a horse. dandy roll (or roller) a device for solidifying, and impressing a watermark in, paper during manufacture. ЬЬdandyish adj. dandyism n. [18th c.: perh. orig. = Andrew, in Jack-a-dandy] Dane n. 1 a native or national of Denmark. 2 hist. a Viking invader of England in the 9th-11th c. ЬGreat Dane 1 a dog of a very large short-haired breed. 2 this breed. [ME f. ON Danir (pl.), LL Dani] Danegeld n. hist. 1 (in pre-Conquest England) an annual tax to raise funds for protection against Danish invaders. 2 appeasement by bribery. [OE (as DANE + ON gjald payment)] Danelaw n. hist. the part of N. & E. England occupied or administered by Danes in the 9th-11th c. [OE Dena lagu Danes' law] danger n. 1 liability or exposure to harm. 2 a thing that causes or is likely to cause harm. 3 the status of a railway signal directing a halt or caution. Ьdanger list a list of those dangerously ill, esp. in a hospital. danger money extra payment for dangerous work. in danger of likely to incur or to suffer from. [earlier sense 'jurisdiction, power': ME f. OF dangier ult. f. L dominus lord] dangerous adj. involving or causing danger. ЬЬdangerously adv. dangerousness n. [ME f. AF dangerous, daungerous, OF dangereus (as DANGER)] dangle v. 1 intr. be loosely suspended, so as to be able to sway to and fro. 2 tr. hold or carry loosely suspended. 3 tr. hold out (a hope, temptation, etc.) enticingly. ЬЬdangler n. [16th c. (imit.): cf. Sw. dangla, Da. dangle] Daniell cell n. Physics & Chem. a primary voltaic cell with a copper anode and a zinc-amalgam cathode giving a standard electromotive force when either copper sulphate or sulphuric acid is used as the electrolyte. [John Daniell, Brit. chemist d. 1845, its inventor] Danish adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Denmark or the Danes. --n. 1 the Danish language. 2 (prec. by the; treated as pl.) the Danish people. ЬDanish blue a soft salty white cheese with blue veins. Danish pastry a cake of sweetened yeast pastry topped with icing, fruit, nuts, etc. [ME f. AF danes, OF daneis f. med.L Danensis (as DANE)] dank adj. disagreeably damp and cold. ЬЬdankly adv. dankness n. [ME prob. f. Scand.: cf. Sw. dank marshy spot] danse macabre n. = dance of death. [F (as DANCE, MACABRE)] danseur n. (fem. danseuse) a ballet-dancer. [F, = dancer] Dantean adj. & n. --adj. 1 of Dante. 2 in the style of or reminiscent of Dante's writings. --n. a student or imitator of Dante. ЬЬDantesque adj. [Dante Alighieri, It. poet d. 1321] danthonia n. Austral. & NZ any tufted pasture grass of the genus Danthonia. [mod.L f. E. Danthoine 19th-c. Fr. botanist] dap v. (dapped, dapping) 1 intr. fish by letting the bait bob on the water. 2 tr. & intr. dip lightly. 3 tr. & intr. bounce on the ground. [cf. DAB(1)] daphne n. any flowering shrub of the genus Daphne, e.g. the spurge laurel or mezereon. [ME, = laurel, f. Gk daphne] daphnia n. any freshwater branchiopod crustacean of the genus Daphnia, enclosed in a transparent carapace and with long antennae and prominent eyes. Also called freshwater flea. [mod.L f. Daphne name of a nymph in Gk mythol., f. DAPHNE] dapper adj. 1 neat and precise, esp. in dress or movement. 2 sprightly. ЬЬdapperly adv. dapperness n. [ME f. MLG, MDu. dapper strong, stout] dapple v. & n. --v. 1 tr. mark with spots or rounded patches of colour or shade. 2 intr. become marked in this way. --n. 1 a dappled effect. 2 a dappled animal, esp. a horse. Ьdapple grey 1 (of an animal's coat) grey or white with darker spots. 2 a horse of this colour. [ME dappled, dappeld, (adj.), of unkn. orig.] darbies n.pl. Brit. sl. handcuffs. [allusive use of Father Darby's bands, some rigid form of agreement for debtors (16th c.)] Darby and Joan n. a devoted old married couple. ЬDarby and Joan club Brit. a club for people over 60. [18th c.: perh. f. a poem of 1735 in the Gentleman's Magazine] dare v. & n. --v.tr. (3rd sing. present usu. dare before an expressed or implied infinitive without to) 1 (foll. by infin. with or without to) venture (to); have the courage or impudence (to) (dare he do it?; if they dare to come; how dare you?; I dare not speak; I do not dare to jump). 2 (usu. foll. by to + infin.) defy or challenge (a person) (I dare you to own up). 3 literary attempt; take the risk of (dare all things; dared their anger). --n. 1 an act of daring. 2 a challenge, esp. to prove courage. ЬI dare say 1 (often foll. by that + clause) it is probable. 2 probably; I grant that much (I dare say, but you are still wrong). ЬЬdarer n. [OE durran with Gmc cognates: cf. Skr. dhrsh, Gk tharseo be bold] daredevil n. & adj. --n. a recklessly daring person. --adj. recklessly daring. ЬЬdaredevilry n. daredeviltry n. darg n. Sc., N.Engl., & Austral. 1 a day's work. 2 a definite amount of work; a task. [ME f. daywerk or daywark day-work] daring n. & adj. --n. adventurous courage. --adj. adventurous, bold; prepared to take risks. ЬЬdaringly adv. dariole n. a savoury or sweet dish cooked and served in a small mould usu. shaped like a flowerpot. [ME f. OF] Darjeeling n. a high-quality tea from Darjeeling in NE India. dark adj. & n. --adj. 1 with little or no light. 2 of a deep or sombre colour. 3 (of a person) with deep brown or black hair, complexion, or skin. 4 gloomy, depressing, dismal (dark thoughts). 5 evil, sinister (dark deeds). 6 sullen, angry (a dark mood). 7 remote, secret, mysterious, little-known (the dark and distant past; keep it dark). 8 ignorant, unenlightened. --n. 1 absence of light. 2 nightfall (don't go out after dark). 3 a lack of knowledge. 4 a dark area or colour, esp. in painting (the skilled use of lights and darks). Ьthe Dark Ages (or Age) 1 the period of European history preceding the Middle Ages, esp. the 5th-10th c. 2 any period of supposed unenlightenment. the Dark Continent a name for Africa, esp. when little known to Europeans. dark glasses spectacles with dark-tinted lenses. dark horse a little-known person who is unexpectedly successful or prominent. dark star an invisible star known to exist from reception of physical data other than light. in the dark lacking information. ЬЬdarkish adj. darkly adv. darkness n. darksome poet. adj. [OE deorc prob. f. Gmc] darken v. 1 tr. make dark or darker. 2 intr. become dark or darker. Ьnever darken a person's door keep away permanently. ЬЬdarkener n. darkie var. of DARKY. darkling adj. & adv. poet. in the dark; in the night. darkroom n. a room for photographic work, with normal light excluded. darky n. (also darkie) (pl. -ies) sl. offens. a Black person. darling n. & adj. --n. 1 a beloved or lovable person or thing. 2 a favourite. 3 colloq. a pretty or endearing person or thing. --adj. 1 beloved, lovable. 2 favourite. 3 colloq. charming or pretty. [OE deorling (as DEAR, -LING(1))] darn(1) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 mend (esp. knitted material, or a hole in it) by interweaving yarn across the hole with a needle. 2 embroider with a large running stitch. --n. a darned area in material. Ьdarning needle 1 a long needle with a large eye, used in darning. 2 US a dragonfly. [16th c.: perh. f. obs. dern hide] darn(2) v.tr., int., adj., & adv. (US durn) colloq. = DAMN (in imprecatory senses). [corrupt. of DAMN] darned adj. & adv. (US durned) colloq. = DAMNED. darnel n. any of several grasses of the genus Lolium, growing as weeds among cereal crops. [ME: cf. Walloon darnelle] darner n. a person or thing that darns, esp. a darning needle. darning n. 1 the action of a person who darns. 2 things to be darned. dart n. & v. --n. 1 a small pointed missile used as a weapon or in a game. 2 (in pl.; usu. treated as sing.) an indoor game in which light feathered darts are thrown at a circular target to score points. 3 a sudden rapid movement. 4 Zool. a dartlike structure, such as an insect's sting or the calcareous projections of a snail (used during copulation). 5 a tapering tuck stitched in a garment. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by out, in, past, etc.) move or go suddenly or rapidly (darted into the shop). 2 tr. throw (a missile). 3 tr. direct suddenly (a glance etc.). [ME f. OF darz, dars, f. Frank.] dartboard n. a circular board marked with numbered segments, used as a target in darts. darter n. 1 any large water-bird of the genus Anhinga, having a narrow head and long thin neck. 2 any of various small quick-moving freshwater fish of the family Percidae, native to N. America. Dartmoor pony n. 1 a small pony of a shaggy-coated breed. 2 this breed. [Dartmoor in SW England] Darwinian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Darwin's theory of the evolution of species by the action of natural selection. --n. an adherent of this theory. ЬЬDarwinism n. Darwinist n. [C. Darwin, Engl. naturalist d. 1882] dash v. & n. --v. 1 intr. rush hastily or forcefully (dashed up the stairs). 2 tr. strike or fling with great force, esp. so as to shatter (dashed it to the ground; the cup was dashed from my hand). 3 tr. frustrate, daunt, dispirit (dashed their hopes). 4 tr. colloq. (esp. dash it or dash it all) = DAMN v. 1. --n. 1 a rush or onset; a sudden advance (made a dash for shelter). 2 a horizontal stroke in writing or printing to mark a pause or break in sense or to represent omitted letters or words. 3 impetuous vigour or the capacity for this. 4 showy appearance or behaviour. 5 US a sprinting-race. 6 the longer signal of the two used in Morse code (cf. DOT(1) n. 3). 7 a slight admixture, esp. of a liquid. 8 = DASHBOARD. Ьcut a dash make a brilliant show. dash down (or off) write or finish hurriedly. [ME, prob. imit.] dashboard n. 1 the surface below the windscreen of a motor vehicle or aircraft, containing instruments and controls. 2 hist. a board of wood or leather in front of a carriage, to keep out mud. dashiki n. a loose brightly-coloured shirt worn by American Blacks. [W. Afr.] dashing adj. 1 spirited, lively. 2 showy. ЬЬdashingly adv. dashingness n. dashpot n. a device for damping shock or vibration. dassie n. S.Afr. 1 the Cape hyrax Procavia capensis. Also called rock-rabbit (see ROCK(1)). 2 a small coastal fish Diplodus sargus with rows of black stripes. [Afrik. f. Du. dasje dimin. of das badger] dastardly adj. cowardly, despicable. ЬЬdastardliness n. [dastard base coward, prob. f. dazed past part. + -ARD, or obs. dasart dullard, DOTARD] dasyure n. any small flesh-eating marsupial of the genus Dasyurus. [F f. mod.L dasyurus f. Gk dasus rough + oura tail] DAT abbr. digital audio tape. data n.pl. (also treated as sing., as in that is all the data we have, although the singular form is strictly datum) 1 known facts or things used as a basis for inference or reckoning. 2 quantities or characters operated on by a computer etc. Ьdata bank 1 a store or source of data. 2 = DATABASE. data capture the action or process of entering data into a computer. data processing a series of operations on data, esp. by a computer, to retrieve or classify etc. information. data processor a machine, esp. a computer, that carries out data processing. data protection legal control over access to data stored in computers. [pl. of DATUM] database n. a structured set of data held in a computer, esp. one that is accessible in various ways. datable adj. (often foll. by to) capable of being dated (to a particular time). date(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a day of the month, esp. specified by a number. 2 a particular day or year, esp. when a given event occurred. 3 a statement (usu. giving the day, month, and year) in a document or inscription etc., of the time of composition or publication. 4 the period to which a work of art etc. belongs. 5 the time when an event happens or is to happen. 6 colloq. a an engagement or appointment, esp. with a person of the opposite sex. b US a person with whom one has a social engagement. --v. 1 tr. mark with a date. 2 tr. a assign a date to (an object, event, etc.). b (foll. by to) assign to a particular time, period, etc. 3 intr. (often foll. by from, back to, etc.) have its origins at a particular time. 4 intr. be recognizable as from a past or particular period; become evidently out of date (a design that does not date). 5 tr. indicate or expose as being out of date (that hat really dates you). 6 colloq. a tr. make an arrangement with (a person) to meet socially. b intr. meet socially by agreement (they are now dating regularly). Ьdate-line 1 the line from north to south partly along the meridian 180ш from Greenwich, to the east of which the date is a day earlier than it is to the west. 2 a line at the head of a dispatch or special article in a newspaper showing the date and place of writing. date-stamp n. 1 an adjustable rubber stamp etc. used to record a date. 2 the impression made by this. --v.tr. mark with a date-stamp. out of date ( attrib. out-of-date) old-fashioned, obsolete. to date until now. up to date ( attrib. up-to-date) meeting or according to the latest requirements, knowledge, or fashion; modern. [ME f. OF f. med.L data, fem. past part. of dare give: from the L formula used in dating letters, data (epistola) (letter) given or delivered (at a particular time or place)] date(2) n. 1 a dark oval single-stoned fruit. 2 (in full date-palm) the tall tree Phoenix dactylifera, native to W. Asia and N. Africa, bearing this fruit. [ME f. OF f. L dactylus f. Gk daktulos finger, from the shape of its leaf] dateless adj. 1 having no date. 2 of immemorial age. 3 not likely to become out of date. dative n. & adj. Gram. --n. the case of nouns and pronouns (and words in grammatical agreement with them) indicating an indirect object or recipient. --adj. of or in the dative. ЬЬdatival adj. dativally adv. [ME f. L (casus) dativus f. dare dat- give] datum n. (pl. data: see DATA as main entry). 1 a piece of information. 2 a thing known or granted; an assumption or premiss from which inferences may be drawn (see sense-datum). 3 a fixed starting-point of a scale etc. (datum-line). [L, = thing given, neut. past part. of dare give] datura n. any poisonous plant of the genus Datura, e.g. the thorn apple. [mod.L f. Hindi dhatura] daub v. & n. --v.tr. 1 spread (paint, plaster, or some other thick substance) crudely or roughly on a surface. 2 coat or smear (a surface) with paint etc. 3 a (also absol.) paint crudely or unskilfully. b lay (colours) on crudely and clumsily. --n. 1 paint or other substance daubed on a surface. 2 plaster, clay, etc., for coating a surface, esp. mixed with straw and applied to laths or wattles to form a wall. 3 a crude painting. [ME f. OF dauber f. L dealbare whitewash f. albus white] daube n. a stew of braised meat (usu. beef) with wine etc. [F] dauber n. a person or implement that daubs, esp. in painting. Ьget one's dauber down US sl. become dispirited or depressed. daughter n. 1 a girl or woman in relation to either or both of her parents. 2 a female descendant. 3 (foll. by of) a female member of a family, nation, etc. 4 (foll. by of) a woman who is regarded as the spiritual descendant of, or as spiritually attached to, a person or thing. 5 a product or attribute personified as a daughter in relation to its source (Fortune and its daughter Confidence). 6 Physics a nuclide formed by the radioactive decay of another. 7 Biol. a cell etc. formed by the division etc. of another. Ьdaughter-in-law (pl. daughters-in-law) the wife of one's son. ЬЬdaughterhood n. daughterly adj. [OE dohtor f. Gmc] daunt v.tr. discourage, intimidate. ЬЬdaunting adj. dauntingly adv. [ME f. AF daunter, OF danter, donter f. L domitare frequent. of domare tame] dauntless adj. intrepid, persevering. ЬЬdauntlessly adv. dauntlessness n. dauphin n. hist. the eldest son of the King of France. [ME f. F, ult. f. L delphinus DOLPHIN, as a family name] Davenport n. 1 Brit. an ornamental writing-desk with drawers and a sloping surface for writing. 2 US a large heavily upholstered sofa. [19th c.: from the name Davenport] davit n. a small crane on board a ship, esp. one of a pair for suspending or lowering a lifeboat. [AF & OF daviot dimin. of Davi David] Davy n. (pl. -ies) (in full Davy lamp) a miner's safety lamp with the flame enclosed by wire gauze to prevent an explosion of gas. [Sir H. Davy, Engl. chemist d. 1829, who invented it] Davy Jones n. sl. 1 (in full Davy Jones's locker) the bottom of the sea, esp. regarded as the grave of those drowned at sea. 2 the evil spirit of the sea. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] daw n. = JACKDAW. [ME: cf. OHG taha] dawdle v. & n. --v. 1 intr. a walk slowly and idly. b delay; waste time. 2 tr. (foll. by away) waste (time). --n. an act or instance of dawdling. ЬЬdawdler n. [perh. rel. to dial. daddle, doddle idle, dally] dawn n. & v. --n. 1 the first light of day; daybreak. 2 the beginning or incipient appearance of something. --v.intr. 1 (of a day) begin; grow light. 2 (often foll. by on, upon) begin to become evident or understood (by a person). Ьdawn chorus the singing of many birds at the break of day. [orig. as verb: back-form. f. dawning, ME f. earlier dawing after Scand. (as DAY)] dawning n. 1 daybreak. 2 the first beginning of something. day n. 1 the time between sunrise and sunset. 2 a a period of 24 hours as a unit of time, esp. from midnight to midnight, corresponding to a complete revolution of the earth on its axis. b a corresponding period on other planets (Martian day). 3 daylight (clear as day). 4 the time in a day during which work is normally done (an eight-hour day). 5 a (also pl.) a period of the past or present (the modern day; the old days). b (prec. by the) the present time (the issues of the day). 6 the lifetime of a person or thing, esp. regarded as useful or productive (have had my day; in my day things were different). 7 a point of time (will do it one day). 8 a the date of a specific festival. b a day associated with a particular event or purpose (graduation day; payday; Christmas day). 9 a particular date; a date agreed on. 10 a day's endeavour, or the period of an endeavour, esp. as bringing success (win the day). Ьall in a (or the) day's work part of normal routine. at the end of the day in the final reckoning, when all is said and done. call it a day end a period of activity, esp. resting content that enough has been done. day after day without respite. day and night all the time. day-boy (or -girl) Brit. a boy or girl who goes daily from home to school, esp. a school that also has boarders. day by day gradually. day care the supervision of young children during the working day. day centre a place providing care for the elderly or handicapped during the day. day-dream n. a pleasant fantasy or reverie. --v.intr. indulge in this. day-dreamer a person who indulges in day-dreams. day in, day out routinely, constantly. day labourer an unskilled labourer hired by the day. day lily any plant of the genus Hemerocallis, whose flowers last only a day. day nursery a nursery where children are looked after during the working day. day off a day's holiday from work. Day of Judgement = Judgement Day. day of reckoning see RECKONING. day of rest the Sabbath. day out a trip or excursion for a day. day-owl any owl hunting by day esp. the short-eared owl. day release Brit. a system of allowing employees days off work for education. day return a fare or ticket at a reduced rate for a journey out and back in one day. day-room a room, esp. a communal room in an institution, used during the day. day-school a school for pupils living at home. day-to-day mundane, routine. day-trip a trip or excursion completed in one day. day-tripper a person who goes on a day-trip. not one's day a day of successive misfortunes for a person. on one's day at one's peak of capability. one of these days before very long. one of those days a day when things go badly. some day at some point in the future. that will be the day colloq. that will never happen. this day and age the present time or period. ЬЬdayless adj. [OE d‘g f. Gmc] Dayak var. of DYAK. daybook n. an account-book in which a day's transactions are entered, for later transfer to a ledger. daybreak n. the first appearance of light in the morning. Day-Glo n. & adj. --n. propr. a make of fluorescent paint or other colouring. --adj. coloured with or like this. [DAY + GLOW] daylight n. 1 the light of day. 2 dawn (before daylight). 3 a openness, publicity. b open knowledge. 4 a visible gap or interval, e.g. between boats in a race. 5 (usu. in pl.) sl. one's life or consciousness (orig. the internal organs) esp. as representing vulnerability to fear, attack, etc. (scared the daylights out of me; beat the living daylights out of them). Ьdaylight robbery colloq. a blatantly excessive charge. daylight saving the achieving of longer evening daylight, esp. in summer, by setting the time an hour ahead of the standard time. see daylight begin to understand what was previously obscure. daylong adj. lasting for a day. dayside n. 1 US staff, esp. of a newspaper, who work during the day. 2 Astron. the side of a planet that faces the sun. daytime n. the part of the day when there is natural light. daywork n. work paid for according to the time taken. daze v. & n. --v.tr. stupefy, bewilder. --n. a state of confusion or bewilderment (in a daze). ЬЬdazedly adv. [ME dased past part., f. ON dasathr weary] dazzle v. & n. --v. 1 tr. blind temporarily or confuse the sight of by an excess of light. 2 tr. impress or overpower (a person) with knowledge, ability, or any brilliant display or prospect. 3 intr. archaic (of eyes) be dazzled. --n. bright confusing light. ЬЬdazzlement n. dazzler n. dazzling adj. dazzlingly adv. [ME, f. DAZE + -LE(4)] 3.0 dB... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- dB abbr. decibel(s). DBE abbr. (in the UK) Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. DBS abbr. 1 direct-broadcast satellite. 2 direct broadcasting by satellite. 4.0 DC... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DC abbr. 1 (also d.c.) direct current. 2 District of Columbia. 3 da capo. 4 District Commissioner. DCB abbr. (in the UK) Dame Commander of the Order of the Bath. DCL abbr. Doctor of Civil Law. DCM abbr. (in the UK) Distinguished Conduct Medal. DCMG abbr. (in the UK) Dame Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George. DCVO abbr. (in the UK) Dame Commander of the Royal Victorian Order. 5.0 DD... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DD abbr. Doctor of Divinity. D-Day n. 1 the day (6 June 1944) on which British and American forces invaded N. France. 2 the day on which an important operation is to begin or a change to take effect. [D for day + DAY] DDT abbr. dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, a colourless chlorinated hydrocarbon used as an insecticide. 6.0 DE... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DE abbr. US Delaware (in official postal use). de- prefix 1 forming verbs and their derivatives: a down, away (descend; deduct). b completely (declare; denude; deride). 2 added to verbs and their derivatives to form verbs and nouns implying removal or reversal (decentralize; de-ice; demoralization). [from or after L de (adv. & prep.) = off, from: sense 2 through OF des- f. L dis-] deacon n. & v. --n. 1 (in Episcopal churches) a minister of the third order, below bishop and priest. 2 (in Nonconformist churches) a lay officer attending to a congregation's secular affairs. 3 (in the early Church) an appointed minister of charity. --v.tr. appoint or ordain as a deacon. ЬЬdeaconate n. deaconship n. [OE diacon f. eccl.L diaconus f. Gk diakonos servant] deaconess n. a woman in the early Church and in some modern Churches with functions analogous to a deacon's. [DEACON, after LL diaconissa] deactivate v.tr. make inactive or less reactive. ЬЬdeactivation n. deactivator n. dead adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 no longer alive. 2 colloq. extremely tired or unwell. 3 benumbed; affected by loss of sensation (my fingers are dead). 4 (foll. by to) unappreciative or unconscious of; insensitive to. 5 no longer effective or in use; obsolete, extinct. 6 (of a match, of coal, etc.) no longer burning; extinguished. 7 inanimate. 8 a lacking force or vigour; dull, lustreless, muffled. b (of sound) not resonant. c (of sparkling wine etc.) no longer effervescent. 9 a quiet; lacking activity (the dead season). b motionless, idle. 10 a (of a microphone, telephone, etc.) not transmitting any sound, esp. because of a fault. b (of a circuit, conductor, etc.) carrying or transmitting no current; not connected to a source of electricity (a dead battery). 11 (of the ball in a game) out of play. 12 abrupt, complete, exact, unqualified, unrelieved (come to a dead stop; a dead faint; a dead calm; in dead silence; a dead certainty). 13 without spiritual life. --adv. 1 absolutely, exactly, completely (dead on target; dead level; dead tired). 2 colloq. very, extremely (dead good; dead easy). --n. (prec. by the) 1 (treated as pl.) those who have died. 2 a time of silence or inactivity (the dead of night). Ьdead-and-alive Brit. (of a place, person, activity, etc.) dull, monotonous; lacking interest. dead as the dodo see DODO. dead as a doornail see DOORNAIL. dead bat Cricket a bat held loosely so that it imparts no motion to the ball when struck. dead beat 1 colloq. exhausted. 2 Physics (of an instrument) without recoil. dead-beat n. 1 colloq. a penniless person. 2 US sl. a person constantly in debt. dead centre 1 the exact centre. 2 the position of a crank etc. in line with the connecting-rod and not exerting torque. dead cert see CERT. dead duck sl. an unsuccessful or useless person or thing. dead end 1 a closed end of a road, passage, etc. 2 (often (with hyphen) attrib.) a situation offering no prospects of progress or advancement. dead-eye Naut. a round flat three-holed block for extending shrouds. dead from the neck up colloq. stupid. dead hand an oppressive persisting influence, esp. posthumous control. dead heat 1 a race in which two or more competitors finish exactly level. 2 the result of such a race. dead-heat v.intr. run a dead heat. dead language a language no longer commonly spoken, e.g. Latin. dead letter a law or practice no longer observed or recognized. dead lift the exertion of one's utmost strength to lift something. dead loss 1 colloq. a useless person or thing. 2 a complete loss. dead man's fingers 1 a kind of orchis, Orchis mascula. 2 any soft coral of the genus Alcyonium, with spongy lobes. 3 the finger-like divisions of a lobster's or crab's gills. dead man's handle (or pedal etc.) a controlling-device on an electric train, allowing power to be connected only as long as the operator presses on it. dead march a funeral march. dead men colloq. bottles after the contents have been drunk. dead-nettle any plant of the genus Lamium, having nettle-like leaves but without stinging hairs. dead-on exactly right. dead reckoning Naut. calculation of a ship's position from the log, compass, etc., when observations are impossible. dead ringer see RINGER. dead shot one who is extremely accurate. dead time Physics the period after the recording of a pulse etc. when the detector is unable to record another. dead to the world colloq. fast asleep; unconscious. dead weight (or dead-weight) 1 a an inert mass. b a heavy weight or burden. 2 a debt not covered by assets. 3 the total weight carried on a ship. dead wood colloq. one or more useless people or things. make a dead set at see SET(2). wouldn't be seen dead in (or with etc.) colloq. shall have nothing to do with; shall refuse to wear etc. ЬЬdeadness n. [OE dead f. Gmc, rel. to DIE(1)] deadbolt n. esp. US a bolt engaged by turning a knob or key, rather than by spring action. deaden v. 1 tr. & intr. deprive of or lose vitality, force, brightness, sound, feeling, etc. 2 tr. (foll. by to) make insensitive. ЬЬdeadener n. deadeye n. 1 Naut. a circular wooden block with a groove round the circumference to take a lanyard, used singly or in pairs to tighten a shroud. 2 US colloq. an expert marksman. deadfall n. US a trap in which a raised weight is made to fall on and kill esp. large game. deadhead n. & v. --n. 1 a faded flower-head. 2 a passenger or member of an audience who has made use of a free ticket. 3 a useless or unenterprising person. --v. 1 tr. remove deadheads from (a plant). 2 intr. US (of a driver etc.) complete a journey with an empty train, bus, etc. deadlight n. Naut. 1 a shutter inside a porthole. 2 US a skylight that cannot be opened. deadline n. 1 a time-limit for the completion of an activity etc. 2 hist. a line beyond which prisoners were not allowed to go. deadlock n. & v. --n. 1 a situation, esp. one involving opposing parties, in which no progress can be made. 2 a type of lock requiring a key to open or close it. --v.tr. & intr. bring or come to a standstill. deadly adj. & adv. --adj. (deadlier, deadliest) 1 a causing or able to cause fatal injury or serious damage. b poisonous (deadly snake). 2 intense, extreme (deadly dullness). 3 (of an aim etc.) extremely accurate or effective. 4 deathlike (deadly pale; deadly faintness; deadly gloom). 5 colloq. dreary, dull. 6 implacable. --adv. 1 like death; as if dead (deadly faint). 2 extremely, intensely (deadly serious). Ьdeadly nightshade = BELLADONNA. deadly sin a sin regarded as leading to damnation, esp. pride, covetousness, lust, gluttony, envy, anger, and sloth. ЬЬdeadliness n. [OE deadlic, deadlice (as DEAD, -LY(1))] deadpan adj. & adv. with a face or manner totally lacking expression or emotion. deadstock n. slaughtered farm stock, esp. diseased animals. de-aerate v.tr. remove air from. ЬЬde-aeration n. deaf adj. 1 wholly or partly without hearing (deaf in one ear). 2 (foll. by to) refusing to listen or comply. 3 insensitive to harmony, rhythm, etc. (tone-deaf). Ьdeaf-aid Brit. a hearing-aid. deaf-and-dumb alphabet (or language etc.) = sign language ° Sign language is preferred in official use. deaf as a post completely deaf. deaf mute a deaf and dumb person. fall on deaf ears be ignored. turn a deaf ear (usu. foll. by to) be unresponsive. ЬЬdeafly adv. deafness n. [OE deaf f. Gmc] deafen v.tr. 1 (often as deafening adj.) overpower with sound. 2 deprive of hearing by noise, esp. temporarily. ЬЬdeafeningly adv. deal(1) v. & n. --v. (past and past part. dealt) 1 intr. (foll. by with) a take measures concerning (a problem, person, etc.), esp. in order to put something right. b do business with; associate with. c discuss or treat (a subject). d (often foll. by by) behave in a specified way towards a person (dealt honourably by them). 2 intr. (foll. by in) to sell or be concerned with commercially (deals in insurance). 3 tr. (often foll. by out, round) distribute or apportion to several people etc. 4 tr. (also absol.) distribute (cards) to players for a game or round. 5 tr. cause to be received; administer (deal a heavy blow). 6 tr. assign as a share or deserts to a person (Providence dealt them much happiness). 7 tr. (foll. by in) colloq. include (a person) in an activity (you can deal me in). --n. 1 (usu. a good or great deal) colloq. a a large amount (a good deal of trouble). b to a considerable extent (is a great deal better). 2 colloq. a business arrangement; a transaction. 3 a specified form of treatment given or received (gave them a rough deal; got a fair deal). 4 a the distribution of cards by dealing. b a player's turn to do this (it's my deal). c the round of play following this. d a set of hands dealt to players. Ьit's a deal colloq. expressing assent to an agreement. [OE d‘l, d‘lan, f. Gmc] deal(2) n. 1 fir or pine timber, esp. sawn into boards of a standard size. 2 a a board of this timber. b such boards collectively. [ME f. MLG, MDu. dele plank f. Gmc] dealer n. 1 a person or business dealing in (esp. retail) goods (contact your dealer; car-dealer; a dealer in tobacco). 2 the player dealing at cards. 3 a jobber on the Stock Exchange. °In the UK from Oct. 1986 the name has been merged with broker (see BROKER 2, JOBBER 1). ЬЬdealership n. (in sense 1). dealings n.pl. contacts or transactions, esp. in business. Ьhave dealings with associate with. dealt past and past part. of DEAL(1). dean(1) n. 1 a the head of the chapter of a cathedral or collegiate church. b (usu. rural dean) Brit. a member of the clergy exercising supervision over a group of parochial clergy within a division of an archdeaconry. 2 a a college or university official, esp. one of several fellows of a college, with disciplinary and advisory functions. b the head of a university faculty or department or of a medical school. 3 = DOYEN. ЬDean of Faculty the president of the Faculty of Advocates in Scotland. [ME f. AF deen, OF deien, f. LL decanus f. decem ten; orig. = chief of a group of ten] dean(2) var. of DENE(1). deanery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a dean's house or office. 2 Brit. the group of parishes presided over by a rural dean. dear adj., n., adv., & int. --adj. 1 a beloved or much esteemed. b as a merely polite or ironic form (my dear man). 2 used as a formula of address, esp. at the beginning of letters (Dear Sir). 3 (often foll. by to) precious; much cherished. 4 (usu. in superl.) earnest, deeply felt (my dearest wish). 5 a high-priced relative to its value. b having high prices. c (of money) available as a loan only at a high rate of interest. --n. (esp. as a form of address) dear person. --adv. at a high price or great cost (buy cheap and sell dear; will pay dear). --int. expressing surprise, dismay, pity, etc. (dear me!; oh dear!; dear, dear!). ЬDear John colloq. a letter terminating a personal relationship. for dear life see LIFE. ЬЬdearly adv. (esp. in sense 3 of adj.). dearness n. [OE deore f. Gmc] dearie n. (esp. as a form of address) usu. joc. or iron. my dear. Ьdearie me! int. expressing surprise, dismay, etc. dearth n. scarcity or lack, esp. of food. [ME, formed as DEAR] deasil adv. Sc. in the direction of the sun's apparent course (considered as lucky); clockwise. [Gael. deiseil] death n. 1 the final cessation of vital functions in an organism; the ending of life. 2 the event that terminates life. 3 a the fact or process of being killed or killing (stone to death; fight to the death). b the fact or state of being dead (eyes closed in death; their deaths caused rioting). 4 a the destruction or permanent cessation of something (was the death of our hopes). b colloq. something terrible or appalling. 5 (usu. Death) a personification of death, esp. as a destructive power, usu. represented by a skeleton. 6 a lack of religious faith or spiritual life. Ьas sure as death quite certain. at death's door close to death. be in at the death 1 be present when an animal is killed, esp. in hunting. 2 witness the (esp. sudden) ending of an enterprise etc. be the death of 1 cause the death of. 2 be very harmful to. catch one's death colloq. catch a serious chill etc. death adder any of various venomous snakes of the genus Acanthopis esp. A. antarcticus of Australia. death cap a poisonous toadstool, Amanita phalloides. death cell a prison cell for a person condemned to death. death certificate an official statement of the cause and date and place of a person's death. death duty Brit. hist. a tax levied on property after the owner's death. °Replaced in 1975 by capital transfer tax and in 1986 by inheritance tax. death grant Brit. a State grant towards funeral expenses. death-knell 1 the tolling of a bell to mark a person's death. 2 an event that heralds the end or destruction of something. death-mask a cast taken of a dead person's face. death penalty punishment by being put to death. death rate the number of deaths per thousand of population per year. death-rattle a gurgling sound sometimes heard in a dying person's throat. death-roll 1 those killed in an accident, battle, etc. 2 a list of these. death row US a prison block or section for prisoners sentenced to death. death's head a human skull as an emblem of mortality. death's head moth a large dark hawk moth, Acherontia atropos, with skull-like markings on the back of the thorax. death squad an armed paramilitary group formed to kill political enemies etc. death tax US a tax on property payable on the owner's death. death-toll the number of people killed in an accident, battle, etc. death-trap colloq. a dangerous or unhealthy building, vehicle, etc. death-warrant 1 an order for the execution of a condemned person. 2 anything that causes the end of an established practice etc. death-watch (in full death-watch beetle) a small beetle (Xestobium rufovillosum) which makes a sound like a watch ticking, once supposed to portend death, and whose larva bores in old wood. death-wish Psychol. a desire (usu. unconscious) for the death of oneself or another. do to death 1 kill. 2 overdo. fate worse than death colloq. a disastrous misfortune or experience. like death warmed up sl. very tired or ill. put to death kill or cause to be killed. to death to the utmost, extremely (bored to death; worked to death). ЬЬdeathless adj. deathlessness n. deathlike adj. [OE death f. Gmc: rel. to DIE(1)] deathbed n. a bed as the place where a person is dying or has died. deathblow n. 1 a blow or other action that causes death. 2 an event or circumstance that abruptly ends an activity, enterprise, etc. deathly adj. & adv. --adj. (deathlier, deathliest) suggestive of death (deathly silence). --adv. in a deathly way (deathly pale). deb n. colloq. a d‚butante. [abbr.] d‚bѓcle n. (US debacle) 1 a an utter defeat or failure. b a sudden collapse or downfall. 2 a confused rush or rout; a stampede. 3 a a break-up of ice in a river, with resultant flooding. b a sudden rush of water carrying along blocks of stone and other debris. [F f. d‚bѓcler unbar] debag v.tr. (debagged, debagging) Brit. sl. remove the trousers of (a person), esp. as a joke. debar v.tr. (debarred, debarring) (foll. by from) exclude from admission or from a right; prohibit from an action (was debarred from entering). ЬЬdebarment n. [ME f. F d‚barrer, OF desbarrer (as DE-, BAR(1))] debark(1) v.tr. & intr. land from a ship. ЬЬdebarkation n. [F d‚barquer (as DE-, BARK(3))] debark(2) v.tr. remove the bark from (a tree). debase v.tr. 1 lower in quality, value, or character. 2 depreciate (coin) by alloying etc. ЬЬdebasement n. debaser n. [DE- + obs. base for ABASE] debatable adj. 1 questionable; subject to dispute. 2 capable of being debated. ЬЬdebatably adv. [OF debatable or AL debatabilis (as DEBATE)] debate v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) discuss or dispute about (an issue, proposal, etc.) esp. formally in a legislative assembly, public meeting, etc. 2 a tr. consider, ponder (a matter). b intr. consider different sides of a question. --n. 1 a formal discussion on a particular matter, esp. in a legislative assembly etc. 2 debating, discussion (open to debate). Ьdebating point an inessential matter used to gain advantage in a debate. ЬЬdebater n. [ME f. OF debatre, debat f. Rmc (as DE-, BATTLE)] debauch v. & n. --v.tr. 1 corrupt morally. 2 make intemperate or sensually indulgent. 3 deprave or debase (taste or judgement). 4 (as debauched adj.) dissolute. 5 seduce (a woman). --n. 1 a bout of sensual indulgence. 2 debauchery. ЬЬdebaucher n. [F d‚bauche(r), OF desbaucher, of unkn. orig.] debauchee n. a person addicted to excessive sensual indulgence. [F d‚bauch‚ past part.: see DEBAUCH] debauchery n. excessive sensual indulgence. debenture n. 1 Brit. an acknowledgement of indebtedness, esp. a bond of a company or corporation acknowledging a debt and providing for payment of interest at fixed intervals. 2 US (in full debenture bond) a fixed-interest bond of a company or corporation, backed by general credit rather than specified assets. Ьdebenture stock Brit. stock comprising debentures, with only the interest secured. [ME f. L debentur are owing f. debere owe: assim. to -URE] debilitate v.tr. enfeeble, enervate. ЬЬdebilitatingly adv. debilitation n. debilitative adj. [L debilitare (as DEBILITY)] debility n. feebleness, esp. of health. [ME f. OF debilit‚ f. L debilitas -tatis f. debilis weak] debit n. & v. --n. 1 an entry in an account recording a sum owed. 2 the sum recorded. 3 the total of such sums. 4 the debit side of an account. --v.tr. (debited, debiting) 1 (foll. by against, to) enter (an amount) on the debit side of an account (debited њ500 against me). 2 (foll. by with) enter (a person) on the debit side of an account (debited me with њ500). [F d‚bit f. L debitum DEBT] debonair adj. 1 carefree, cheerful, self-assured. 2 having pleasant manners. ЬЬdebonairly adv. [ME f. OF debonaire = de bon aire of good disposition] debouch v.intr. 1 (of troops or a stream) issue from a ravine, wood, etc., into open ground. 2 (often foll. by into) (of a river, road, etc.) merge into a larger body or area. ЬЬdebouchment n. [F d‚boucher (as DE-, bouche mouth)] debrief v.tr. colloq. interrogate (a person, e.g. a diplomat or pilot) about a completed mission or undertaking. ЬЬdebriefing n. debris n. 1 scattered fragments, esp. of something wrecked or destroyed. 2 Geol. an accumulation of loose material, e.g. from rocks or plants. [F d‚bris f. obs. d‚briser break down (as DE-, briser break)] debt n. 1 something that is owed, esp. money. 2 a state of obligation to pay something owed (in debt; out of debt; get into debt). Ьdebt-collector a person who is employed to collect debts for creditors. debt of honour a debt not legally recoverable, esp. a sum lost in gambling. in a person's debt under an obligation to a person. [ME det(te) f. OF dette (later debte) ult. f. L debitum past part. of debere owe] debtor n. a person who owes a debt, esp. money. [ME f. OF det(t)or, -our f. L debitor (as DEBT)] debug v.tr. (debugged, debugging) 1 colloq. trace and remove concealed listening devices from (a room etc.). 2 colloq. identify and remove defects from (a machine, computer program, etc.). 3 remove bugs from. debunk v.tr. colloq. 1 show the good reputation or aspirations of (a person, institution, etc.) to be spurious. 2 expose the falseness of (a claim etc.). ЬЬdebunker n. debus v.tr. & intr. (debussed, debussing) esp. Mil. unload (personnel or stores) or alight from a motor vehicle. d‚but n. (US debut) 1 the first public appearance of a performer on stage etc. 2 the first appearance of a d‚butante in society. [F f. d‚buter lead off] d‚butante n. (US debutante) a (usu. wealthy) young woman making her social d‚but. [F, fem. part. of d‚buter: see DђBUT] Dec. abbr. December. dec. abbr. 1 deceased. 2 declared. deca- comb. form (also dec- before a vowel) 1 having ten. 2 tenfold. 3 ten, esp. of a metric unit (decagram; decalitre). [Gk deka ten] decade disp. n. 1 a period of ten years. 2 a set, series, or group of ten. ЬЬdecadal adj. [ME f. F d‚cade f. LL decas -adis f. Gk f. deka ten] decadence n. 1 moral or cultural deterioration, esp. after a peak or culmination of achievement. 2 decadent behaviour; a state of decadence. [F d‚cadence f. med.L decadentia f. decadere DECAY] decadent adj. & n. --adj. 1 a in a state of moral or cultural deterioration; showing or characterized by decadence. b of a period of decadence. 2 self-indulgent. --n. a decadent person. ЬЬdecadently adv. [F d‚cadent (as DECADENCE)] decaffeinate v.tr. 1 remove the caffeine from. 2 reduce the quantity of caffeine in (usu. coffee). decagon n. a plane figure with ten sides and angles. ЬЬdecagonal adj. [med.L decagonum f. Gk dekagonon (as DECA-, -GON)] decagynous adj. Bot. having ten pistils. [mod.L decagynus (as DECA-, Gk gune woman)] decahedron n. a solid figure with ten faces. ЬЬdecahedral adj. [DECA- + -HEDRON after POLYHEDRON] decal n. = DECALCOMANIA 2. [abbr.] decalcify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) remove lime or calcareous matter from (a bone, tooth, etc.). ЬЬdecalcification n. decalcifier n. decalcomania n. US 1 a process of transferring designs from specially prepared paper to the surface of glass, porcelain, etc. 2 a picture or design made by this process. [F d‚calcomanie f. d‚calquer transfer] decalitre n. a metric unit of capacity, equal to 10 litres. Decalogue n. the Ten Commandments. [ME f. F d‚calogue or eccl.L decalogus f. Gk dekalogos (after hoi deka logoi the Ten Commandments)] decametre n. a metric unit of length, equal to 10 metres. decamp v.intr. 1 break up or leave a camp. 2 depart suddenly; abscond. ЬЬdecampment n. [F d‚camper (as DE-, CAMP(1))] decanal adj. 1 of a dean or deanery. 2 of the south side of a choir, the side on which the dean sits (cf. CANTORIAL). [med.L decanalis f. LL decanus DEAN(1)] decandrous adj. Bot. having ten stamens. [DECA- + Gk andr- man (= male organ)] decani adj. Mus. to be sung by the decanal side in antiphonal singing (cf. CANTORIS). [L, genit. of decanus DEAN(1)] decant v.tr. gradually pour off (liquid, esp. wine or a solution) from one container to another, esp. without disturbing the sediment. [med.L decanthare (as DE-, L canthus f. Gk kanthos canthus, used of the lip of a beaker)] decanter n. a stoppered glass container into which wine or spirit is decanted. decapitate v.tr. 1 behead (esp. as a form of capital punishment). 2 cut the head or end from. ЬЬdecapitation n. decapitator n. [LL decapitare (as DE-, caput -itis head)] decapod n. 1 any crustacean of the chiefly marine order Decapoda, characterized by five pairs of walking legs, e.g. shrimps, crabs, and lobsters. 2 any of various molluscs of the class Cephalopoda, having ten tentacles, e.g. squids and cuttlefish. ЬЬdecapodan adj. [F d‚capode f. Gk deka ten + pous podos foot] decarbonize v.tr. (also -ise) remove carbon or carbonaceous deposits from (an internal-combustion engine etc.). ЬЬdecarbonization n. decastyle n. & adj. Archit. --n. a ten-columned portico. --adj. having ten columns. [Gk dekastulos f. deka ten + stulos column] decasyllable n. a metrical line of ten syllables. ЬЬdecasyllabic adj. & n. decathlon n. an athletic contest in which each competitor takes part in ten events. ЬЬdecathlete n. [DECA- + Gk athlon contest] decay v. & n. --v. 1 a intr. rot, decompose. b tr. cause to rot or decompose. 2 intr. & tr. decline or cause to decline in quality, power, wealth, energy, beauty, etc. 3 intr. Physics a (usu. foll. by to) (of a substance etc.) undergo change by radioactivity. b undergo a gradual decrease in magnitude of a physical quantity. --n. 1 a rotten or ruinous state; a process of wasting away. 2 decline in health, quality, etc. 3 Physics a change into another substance etc. by radioactivity. b a decrease in the magnitude of a physical quantity, esp. the intensity of radiation or amplitude of oscillation. 4 decayed tissue. ЬЬdecayable adj. [ME f. OF decair f. Rmc (as DE-, L cadere fall)] decease n. & v. formal esp. Law --n. death. --v.intr. die. [ME f. OF deces f. L decessus f. decedere (as DE-, cedere cess- go)] deceased adj. & n. formal --adj. dead. --n. (usu. prec. by the) a person who has died, esp. recently. decedent n. US Law a deceased person. [L decedere die: see DECEASE] deceit n. 1 the act or process of deceiving or misleading, esp. by concealing the truth. 2 a dishonest trick or stratagem. 3 willingness to deceive. [ME f. OF f. past part. of deceveir f. L decipere deceive (as DE-, capere take)] deceitful adj. 1 (of a person) using deceit, esp. habitually. 2 (of an act, practice, etc.) intended to deceive. ЬЬdeceitfully adv. deceitfulness n. deceive v. 1 tr. make (a person) believe what is false, mislead purposely. 2 tr. be unfaithful to, esp. sexually. 3 intr. use deceit. 4 tr. archaic disappoint (esp. hopes). Ьbe deceived be mistaken or deluded. deceive oneself persist in a mistaken belief. ЬЬdeceivable adj. deceiver n. [ME f. OF deceivre or deceiv- stressed stem of deceveir (as DECEIT)] decelerate v. 1 intr. & tr. begin or cause to begin to reduce speed. 2 tr. make slower (decelerated motion). ЬЬdeceleration n. decelerator n. decelerometer n. [DE-, after ACCELERATE] December n. the twelfth month of the year. [ME f. OF decembre f. L December f. decem ten: orig. the tenth month of the Roman year] decency n. (pl. -ies) 1 correct and tasteful standards of behaviour as generally accepted. 2 conformity with current standards of behaviour or propriety. 3 avoidance of obscenity. 4 (in pl.) the requirements of correct behaviour. [L decentia f. decere be fitting] decennial adj. 1 lasting ten years. 2 recurring every ten years. ЬЬdecennially adv. [L decennis of ten years f. decem ten + annus year] decent adj. 1 a conforming with current standards of behaviour or propriety. b avoiding obscenity. 2 respectable. 3 acceptable, passable; good enough. 4 Brit. kind, obliging, generous (was decent enough to apologize). ЬЬdecently adv. [F d‚cent or L decere be fitting] decentralize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 transfer (powers etc.) from a central to a local authority. 2 reorganize (a centralized institution, organization, etc.) on the basis of greater local autonomy. ЬЬdecentralist n. & adj. decentralization n. deception n. 1 the act or an instance of deceiving; the process of being deceived. 2 a thing that deceives; a trick or sham. [ME f. OF or LL deceptio f. decipere (as DECEIT)] deceptive adj. apt to deceive; easily mistaken for something else or as having a different quality. ЬЬdeceptively adv. deceptiveness n. [OF deceptif -ive or LL deceptivus (as DECEPTION)] decerebrate adj. having had the cerebrum removed. deci- comb. form one-tenth, esp. of a unit in the metric system (decilitre; decimetre). [L decimus tenth] decibel n. a unit (one-tenth of a bel) used in the comparison of two power levels relating to electrical signals or sound intensities, one of the pair usually being taken as a standard. °Abbr.: dB. decide v. 1 a intr. (often foll. by on, about) come to a resolution as a result of consideration. b tr. (usu. foll. by to + infin., or that + clause) have or reach as one's resolution about something (decided to stay; decided that we should leave). 2 tr. a cause (a person) to reach a resolution (was unsure about going but the weather decided me). b resolve or settle (a question, dispute, etc.). 3 intr. (usu. foll. by between, for, against, in favour of, or that + clause) give a judgement concerning a matter. ЬЬdecidable adj. [ME f. F d‚cider or f. L decidere (as DE-, c‘dere cut)] decided adj. 1 (usu. attrib.) definite, unquestionable (a decided difference). 2 (of a person, esp. as a characteristic) having clear opinions, resolute, not vacillating. ЬЬdecidedness n. decidedly adv. undoubtedly, undeniably. decider n. 1 a game, race, etc., to decide between competitors finishing equal in a previous contest. 2 any person or thing that decides. deciduous adj. 1 (of a tree) shedding its leaves annually. 2 (of leaves, horns, teeth, etc.) shed periodically. 3 (of an ant etc.) shedding its wings after copulation. 4 fleeting, transitory. ЬЬdeciduousness n. [L deciduus f. decidere f. cadere fall] decigram n. (also decigramme) a metric unit of mass, equal to 0.1 gram. decile n. Statistics any of the nine values of a random variable which divide a frequency distribution into ten groups, each containing one-tenth of the total population. [F d‚cile, ult. f. L decem ten] decilitre n. a metric unit of capacity, equal to 0.1 litre. decimal adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a system of numbers, weights, measures, etc.) based on the number ten, in which the smaller units are related to the principal units as powers of ten (units, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.). 2 of tenths or ten; reckoning or proceeding by tens. --n. a decimal fraction. Ьdecimal fraction a fraction whose denominator is a power of ten, esp. when expressed positionally by units to the right of a decimal point. decimal point a full point or dot placed before a numerator in a decimal fraction. decimal scale a scale with successive places denoting units, tens, hundreds, etc. ЬЬdecimally adv. [mod.L decimalis f. L decimus tenth] decimalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 express as a decimal. 2 convert to a decimal system (esp. of coinage). ЬЬdecimalization n. decimate v.tr. 1 disp. destroy a large proportion of. °Now the usual sense, although often deplored as an inappropriate use. 2 orig. Mil. kill or remove one in every ten of. ЬЬdecimation n. decimator n. [L decimare take the tenth man f. decimus tenth] decimetre n. a metric unit of length, equal to 0.1 metre. decipher v.tr. 1 convert (a text written in cipher) into an intelligible script or language. 2 determine the meaning of (anything obscure or unclear). ЬЬdecipherable adj. decipherment n. decision n. 1 the act or process of deciding. 2 a conclusion or resolution reached, esp. as to future action, after consideration (have made my decision). 3 (often foll. by of) a the settlement of a question. b a formal judgement. 4 a tendency to decide firmly; resoluteness. [ME f. OF decision or L decisio (as DECIDE)] decisive adj. 1 that decides an issue; conclusive. 2 (of a person, esp. as a characteristic) able to decide quickly and effectively. ЬЬdecisively adv. decisiveness n. [F d‚cisif -ive f. med.L decisivus (as DECIDE)] deck n. & v. --n. 1 a a platform in a ship covering all or part of the hull's area at any level and serving as a floor. b the accommodation on a particular deck of a ship. 2 anything compared to a ship's deck, e.g. the floor or compartment of a bus. 3 a component, usu. a flat horizontal surface, that carries a particular recording medium (such as a disc or tape) in sound-reproduction equipment. 4 US a a pack of cards. b sl. a packet of narcotics. 5 sl. the ground. 6 any floor or platform, esp. the floor of a pier or a platform for sunbathing. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by out) decorate, adorn. 2 furnish with or cover as a deck. Ьbelow deck (or decks) in or into the space below the main deck. deck-chair a folding chair of wood and canvas, of a kind used on deck on passenger ships. deck-hand a person employed in cleaning and odd jobs on a ship's deck. deck quoits a game in which rope quoits are aimed at a peg. deck tennis a game in which a quoit of rope, rubber, etc., is tossed to and fro over a net. on deck 1 in the open air on a ship's main deck. 2 esp. US ready for action, work, etc. [ME, = covering f. MDu. dec roof, cloak] -decker comb. form having a specified number of decks or layers (double-decker). deckle n. a device in a paper-making machine for limiting the size of the sheet. Ьdeckle-edge the rough uncut edge formed by a deckle. ЬЬdeckle-edged adj. [G Deckel dimin. of Decke cover] declaim v. 1 intr. & tr. speak or utter rhetorically or affectedly. 2 intr. practise oratory or recitation. 3 intr. (foll. by against) protest forcefully. 4 intr. deliver an impassioned (rather than reasoned) speech. ЬЬdeclaimer n. [ME f. F d‚clamer or f. L declamare (as DE-, CLAIM)] declamation n. 1 the act or art of declaiming. 2 a rhetorical exercise or set speech. 3 an impassioned speech; a harangue. ЬЬdeclamatory adj. [F d‚clamation or L declamatio (as DECLAIM)] declarant n. a person who makes a legal declaration. [F d‚clarant part. of d‚clarer (as DECLARE)] declaration n. 1 the act or process of declaring. 2 a a formal, emphatic, or deliberate statement or announcement. b a statement asserting or protecting a legal right. 3 a written public announcement of intentions, terms of an agreement, etc. 4 Cricket an act of declaring an innings closed. 5 Cards a the naming of trumps. b an announcement of a combination held. 6 Law a a plaintiff's statement of claim. b an affirmation made instead of taking an oath. 7 (in full declaration of the poll) a public official announcement of the votes cast for candidates in an election. [ME f. L declaratio (as DECLARE)] declare v. 1 tr. announce openly or formally (declare war; declare a dividend). 2 tr. pronounce (a person or thing) to be something (declared him to be an impostor; declared it invalid). 3 tr. (usu. foll. by that + clause) assert emphatically; state explicitly. 4 tr. acknowledge possession of (dutiable goods, income, etc.). 5 tr. (as declared adj.) who admits to be such (a declared atheist). 6 tr. (also absol.) Cricket close (an innings) voluntarily before all the wickets have fallen. 7 tr. Cards a (also absol.) name (the trump suit). b announce that one holds (certain combinations of cards etc.). 8 tr. (of things) make evident, prove (your actions declare your honesty). 9 intr. (foll. by for, against) take the side of one party or another. Ьdeclare oneself reveal one's intentions or identity. well, I declare (or I do declare) an exclamation of incredulity, surprise, or vexation. ЬЬdeclarable adj. declarative adj. declaratively adv. declaratory adj. declaredly adv. declarer n. [ME f. L declarare (as DE-, clarare f. clarus clear)] d‚class‚ adj. (fem. d‚class‚e) that has fallen in social status. [F] declassify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) declare (information etc.) to be no longer secret. ЬЬdeclassification n. declension n. 1 Gram. a the variation of the form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective, by which its grammatical case, number, and gender are identified. b the class in which a noun etc. is put according to the exact form of this variation. 2 deterioration, declining. ЬЬdeclensional adj. [OF declinaison f. decliner DECLINE after L declinatio: assim. to ASCENSION etc.] declination n. 1 a downward bend or turn. 2 Astron. the angular distance of a star etc. north or south of the celestial equator. 3 Physics the angular deviation of a compass needle from true north. 4 US a formal refusal. ЬЬdeclinational adj. [ME f. L declinatio (as DECLINE)] decline v. & n. --v. 1 intr. deteriorate; lose strength or vigour; decrease. 2 a tr. reply with formal courtesy that one will not accept (an invitation, honour, etc.). b tr. refuse, esp. formally and courteously (declined to be made use of; declined doing anything). c tr. turn away from (a challenge, battle, discussion, etc.). d intr. give or send a refusal. 3 intr. slope downwards. 4 intr. bend down, droop. 5 tr. Gram. state the forms of (a noun, pronoun, or adjective) corresponding to cases, number, and gender. 6 intr. (of a day, life, etc.) draw to a close. 7 intr. decrease in price etc. 8 tr. bend down. --n. 1 gradual loss of vigour or excellence (on the decline). 2 decay, deterioration. 3 setting; the last part of the course (of the sun, of life, etc.). 4 a fall in price. 5 archaic tuberculosis or a similar wasting disease. Ьdeclining years old age. ЬЬdeclinable adj. decliner n. [ME f. OF decliner f. L declinare (as DE-, clinare bend)] declivity n. (pl. -ies) a downward slope, esp. a piece of sloping ground. ЬЬdeclivitous adj. [L declivitas f. declivis (as DE-, clivus slope)] declutch v.intr. disengage the clutch of a motor vehicle. Ьdouble-declutch release and re-engage the clutch twice when changing gear. Deco n. (also deco) (usu. attrib.) = art deco. [F d‚coratif DECORATIVE] decoct v.tr. extract the essence from by decoction. [ME f. L decoquere boil down] decoction n. 1 a process of boiling down so as to extract some essence. 2 the extracted liquor resulting from this. [ME f. OF decoction or LL decoctio (as DE-, L coquere coct- boil)] decode v.tr. convert (a coded message) into intelligible language. ЬЬdecodable adj. decoder n. 1 a person or thing that decodes. 2 an electronic device for analysing signals and feeding separate amplifier-channels. decoke v. & n. Brit. colloq. --v.tr. remove carbon or carbonaceous material from (an internal-combustion engine). --n. the process of decoking. decollate v.tr. formal 1 behead. 2 truncate. ЬЬdecollation n. [L decollare decollat- (as DE-, collum neck)] d‚colletage n. a low neckline of a woman's dress etc. [F (as DE-, collet collar of a dress)] d‚collet‚ adj. & n. --adj. (also d‚collet‚e) 1 (of a dress etc.) having a low neckline. 2 (of a woman) wearing a dress with a low neckline. --n. a low neckline. [F (as DђCOLLETAGE)] decolonize v.tr. (also -ise) (of a State) withdraw from (a colony), leaving it independent. ЬЬdecolonization n. decolorize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. remove the colour from. 2 intr. lose colour. ЬЬdecolorization n. decommission v.tr. 1 close down (a nuclear reactor etc.). 2 take (a ship) out of service. decompose v. 1 intr. decay, rot. 2 tr. separate (a substance, light, etc.) into its elements or simpler constituents. 3 intr. disintegrate; break up. ЬЬdecomposition n. [F d‚composer (as DE-, COMPOSE)] decompress v.tr. subject to decompression; relieve or reduce the compression on. decompression n. 1 release from compression. 2 a gradual reduction of air pressure on a person who has been subjected to high pressure (esp. underwater). Ьdecompression chamber an enclosed space for subjecting a person to decompression. decompression sickness a condition caused by the sudden lowering of air pressure and formation of bubbles in the blood: also called caisson disease, the bends (see BEND 14). decompressor n. a device for reducing pressure in the engine of a motor vehicle. decongestant adj. & n. --adj. that relieves (esp. nasal) congestion. --n. a medicinal agent that relieves nasal congestion. deconsecrate v.tr. transfer (esp. a building) from sacred to secular use. ЬЬdeconsecration n. deconstruct v.tr. subject to deconstruction. ЬЬdeconstructive adj. [back-form. f. DECONSTRUCTION] deconstruction n. a method of critical analysis of philosophical and literary language. ЬЬdeconstructionism n. deconstructionist adj. & n. [F d‚construction (as DE-, CONSTRUCTION)] decontaminate v.tr. remove contamination from (an area, person, clothes, etc.). ЬЬdecontamination n. decontrol v. & n. --v.tr. (decontrolled, decontrolling) release (a commodity etc.) from controls or restrictions, esp. those imposed by the State. --n. the act of decontrolling. d‚cor n. 1 the furnishing and decoration of a room etc. 2 the decoration and scenery of a stage. [F f. d‚corer (as DECORATE)] decorate v.tr. 1 provide with adornments. 2 provide (a room or building) with new paint, wallpaper, etc. 3 serve as an adornment to. 4 confer an award or distinction on. ЬDecorated style Archit. the second stage of English Gothic (14th c.), with increasing use of decoration and geometrical tracery. [L decorare decorat- f. decus -oris beauty] decoration n. 1 the process or art of decorating. 2 a thing that decorates or serves as an ornament. 3 a medal etc. conferred and worn as an honour. 4 (in pl.) flags etc. put up on an occasion of public celebration. ЬDecoration Day US Memorial Day. [F d‚coration or LL decoratio (as DECORATE)] decorative adj. serving to decorate. ЬЬdecoratively adv. decorativeness n. [F d‚coratif (as DECORATE)] decorator n. a person who decorates, esp. one who paints or papers houses professionally. decorous adj. 1 respecting good taste or propriety. 2 dignified and decent. ЬЬdecorously adv. decorousness n. [L decorus seemly] decorticate v.tr. 1 remove the bark, rind, or husk from. 2 remove the outside layer from (the kidney, brain, etc.). [L decorticare decorticat- (as DE-, cortex -icis bark)] decortication n. 1 the removal of the outside layer from an organ (e.g. the kidney) or structure. 2 an operation removing the blood clot and scar tissue formed after bleeding in the chest cavity. decorum n. 1 a seemliness, propriety. b behaviour required by politeness or decency. 2 a particular requirement of this kind. 3 etiquette. [L, neut. of decorus seemly] d‚coupage n. the decoration of surfaces with paper cut-outs. [F, = the action of cutting out] decouple v.tr. 1 Electr. make the interaction between (oscillators etc.) so weak that there is little transfer of energy between them. 2 separate, disengage, dissociate. decoy n. & v. --n. 1 a a person or thing used to lure an animal or person into a trap or danger. b a bait or enticement. 2 a pond with narrow netted arms into which wild duck may be tempted in order to catch them. --v.tr. (often foll. by into, out of) allure or entice, esp. by means of a decoy. [17th c.: perh. f. Du. de kooi the decoy f. de THE + kooi f. L cavea cage] decrease v. & n. --v.tr. & intr. make or become smaller or fewer. --n. 1 the act or an instance of decreasing. 2 the amount by which a thing decreases. ЬЬdecreasingly adv. [ME f. OF de(s)creiss-, pres. stem of de(s)creistre ult. f. L decrescere (as DE-, crescere cret- grow)] decree n. & v. --n. 1 an official order issued by a legal authority. 2 a judgement or decision of certain lawcourts, esp. in matrimonial cases. --v.tr. (decrees, decreed, decreeing) ordain by decree. Ьdecree absolute a final order for divorce, enabling either party to remarry. decree nisi a provisional order for divorce, made absolute unless cause to the contrary is shown within a fixed period. [ME f. OF decr‚ f. L decretum neut. past part. of decernere decide (as DE-, cernere sift)] decrement n. 1 Physics the ratio of the amplitudes in successive cycles of a damped oscillation. 2 the amount lost by diminution or waste. 3 the act of decreasing. [L decrementum (as DECREASE)] decrepit adj. 1 weakened or worn out by age and infirmity. 2 worn out by long use; dilapidated. ЬЬdecrepitude n. [ME f. L decrepitus (as DE-, crepitus past part. of crepare creak)] decrepitate v. 1 tr. roast or calcine (a mineral or salt) until it stops crackling. 2 intr. crackle under heat. ЬЬdecrepitation n. [prob. mod.L decrepitare f. DE- + L crepitare crackle] decrescendo adv., adj., & n. (pl. -os) = DIMINUENDO. [It., part. of decrescere DECREASE] decrescent adj. (usu. of the moon) waning, decreasing. [L decrescere: see DECREASE] decretal n. 1 a papal decree. 2 (in pl.) a collection of these, forming part of canon law. [ME f. med.L decretale f. LL (epistola) decretalis (letter) of decree f. L decernere: see DECREE] decriminalize v.tr. (also -ise) cease to treat (an action etc.) as criminal. ЬЬdecriminalization n. decry v.tr. (-ies, -ied) disparage, belittle. ЬЬdecrier n. [after F d‚crier: cf. cry down] decrypt v.tr. decipher (a cryptogram), with or without knowledge of its key. ЬЬdecryption n. [DE- + CRYPTOGRAM] decumbent adj. Bot. & Zool. (of a plant, shoot, or bristles) lying along the ground or a surface. [L decumbere decumbent- lie down] decurve v.tr. & intr. Zool. & Bot. (esp. as decurved adj.) curve or bend down (a decurved bill). ЬЬdecurvature n. decussate adj. & v. --adj. 1 X-shaped. 2 Bot. with pairs of opposite leaves etc. each at right angles to the pair below. --v.tr. & intr. 1 arrange or be arranged in a decussate form. 2 intersect. ЬЬdecussation n. [L decussatus past part. of decussare divide in a cross shape f. decussis the numeral ten or the shape X f. decem ten] dedans n. 1 (in real tennis) the open gallery at the end of the service side of a court. 2 the spectators watching a match. [F, = inside] dedicate v.tr. 1 (foll. by to) devote (esp. oneself) to a special task or purpose. 2 (foll. by to) address (a book, piece of music, etc.) as a compliment to a friend, patron, etc. 3 (often foll. by to) devote (a building etc.) to a deity or a sacred person or purpose. 4 (as dedicated adj.) a (of a person) devoted to an aim or vocation; having single-minded loyalty or integrity. b (of equipment, esp. a computer) designed for a specific purpose. ЬЬdedicatee n. dedicative adj. dedicator n. dedicatory adj. [L dedicare (DE-, dicare declare, dedicate)] dedication n. 1 the act or an instance of dedicating; the process of being dedicated. 2 the words with which a book etc. is dedicated. 3 a dedicatory inscription. [ME f. OF dedicacion or L dedicatio (as DEDICATE)] deduce v.tr. 1 (often foll. by from) infer; draw as a logical conclusion. 2 archaic trace the course or derivation of. ЬЬdeducible adj. [L deducere (as DE-, ducere duct- lead)] deduct v.tr. (often foll. by from) subtract, take away, withhold (an amount, portion, etc.). [L (as DEDUCE)] deductible adj. & n. --adj. that may be deducted, esp. from tax to be paid or taxable income. --n. US = EXCESS n. 6. deduction n. 1 a the act of deducting. b an amount deducted. 2 a the inferring of particular instances from a general law (cf. INDUCTION). b a conclusion deduced. [ME f. OF deduction or L deductio (as DEDUCE)] deductive adj. of or reasoning by deduction. ЬЬdeductively adv. [med.L deductivus (as DEDUCE)] dee n. 1 the letter D. 2 a a thing shaped like this. b Physics either of two hollow semicircular electrodes in a cyclotron. [the name of the letter] deed n. & v. --n. 1 a thing done intentionally or consciously. 2 a brave, skilful, or conspicuous act. 3 actual fact or performance (kind in word and deed; in deed and not in name). 4 Law a written or printed document often used for a legal transfer of ownership and bearing the disposer's signature. --v.tr. US convey or transfer by legal deed. Ьdeed-box a strong box for keeping deeds and other documents. deed of covenant an agreement to pay a specified amount regularly to a charity etc., enabling the recipient to recover the tax paid by the donor on an equivalent amount of income. deed poll a deed made and executed by one party only, esp. to change one's name (the paper being polled or cut even, not indented). [OE ded f. Gmc: cf. DO(1)] deejay n. sl. a disc jockey. [abbr. DJ] deem v.tr. formal regard, consider, judge (deem it my duty; was deemed sufficient). [OE deman f. Gmc, rel. to DOOM] de-emphasize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 remove emphasis from. 2 reduce emphasis on. deemster n. a judge in the Isle of Man. [DEEM + -STER] deep adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 a extending far down from the top (deep hole; deep water). b extending far in from the surface or edge (deep wound; deep plunge; deep shelf; deep border). 2 (predic.) a extending to or lying at a specified depth (water 6 feet deep; ankle-deep in mud). b in a specified number of ranks one behind another (soldiers drawn up six deep). 3 situated far down or back or in (hands deep in his pockets). 4 coming or brought from far down or in (deep breath; deep sigh). 5 low-pitched, full-toned, not shrill (deep voice; deep note; deep bell). 6 intense, vivid, extreme (deep disgrace; deep sleep; deep colour; deep secret). 7 heartfelt, absorbing (deep affection; deep feelings; deep interest). 8 (predic.) fully absorbed or overwhelmed (deep in a book; deep in debt). 9 profound, penetrating, not superficial; difficult to understand (deep thinker; deep thought; deep insight; deep learning). 10 Cricket distant from the batsman (deep mid-off). 11 Football distant from the front line of one's team. 12 sl. cunning or secretive (a deep one). --n. 1 (prec. by the) poet. the sea. 2 a deep part of the sea. 3 an abyss, pit, or cavity. 4 (prec. by the) Cricket the position of a fielder distant from the batsman. 5 a deep state (deep of the night). 6 poet. a mysterious region of thought or feeling. --adv. deeply; far down or in (dig deep; read deep into the night). Ьdeep breathing breathing with long breaths, esp. as a form of exercise. deep-drawn (of metal etc.) shaped by forcing through a die when cold. deep-fry (-fries, -fried) fry (food) in an amount of fat or oil sufficient to cover it. deep kiss a kiss with contact between tongues. deep-laid (of a scheme) secret and elaborate. deep mourning mourning expressed by wearing only black clothes. deep-mouthed (esp. of a dog) having a deep voice. deep-rooted (esp. of convictions) firmly established. deep sea the deeper parts of the ocean. deep-seated (of emotion, disease, etc.) firmly established, profound. Deep South the States of the US bordering the Gulf of Mexico. deep space the regions beyond the solar system or the earth's atmosphere. deep therapy curative treatment with short-wave X-rays of high penetrating power. go off (or go in off) the deep end colloq. give way to anger or emotion. in deep water (or waters) in trouble or difficulty. jump (or be thrown) in at the deep end face a difficult problem, undertaking, etc., with little experience of it. ЬЬdeeply adv. deepness n. [OE deop (adj.), diope, deope (adv.), f. Gmc: rel. to DIP] deepen v.tr. & intr. make or become deep or deeper. deep-freeze n. & v. --n. 1 a refrigerator in which food can be quickly frozen and kept for long periods at a very low temperature. 2 a suspension of activity. --v.tr. (-froze, -frozen) freeze or store (food) in a deep-freeze. deer n. (pl. same) any four-hoofed grazing animal of the family Cervidae, the males of which usu. have deciduous branching antlers. Ьdeer fly any bloodsucking fly of the genus Chrysops. deer-forest an extensive area of wild land reserved for the stalking of deer. deer-hound a large rough-haired greyhound. deer-lick a spring or damp spot impregnated with salt etc. where deer come to lick. [OE deor animal, deer] deerskin n. & adj. --n. leather from a deer's skin. --adj. made from a deer's skin. deerstalker n. 1 a soft cloth cap with peaks in front and behind and ear-flaps often joined at the top. 2 a person who stalks deer. de-escalate v.tr. reduce the level or intensity of. ЬЬde-escalation n. deface v.tr. 1 spoil the appearance of; disfigure. 2 make illegible. ЬЬdefaceable adj. defacement n. defacer n. [ME f. F d‚facer f. OF desfacier (as DE-, FACE)] de facto adv., adj., & n. --adv. in fact, whether by right or not. --adj. that exists or is such in fact (a de facto ruler). --n. (in full de facto wife or husband) a person living with another as if married. [L] defalcate v.intr. formal misappropriate property in one's charge, esp. money. ЬЬdefalcator n. [med.L defalcare lop (as DE-, L falx -cis sickle)] defalcation n. formal 1 Law a a misappropriation of money. b an amount misappropriated. 2 a shortcoming. 3 defection. [ME f. med.L defalcatio (as DEFALCATE)] defame v.tr. attack the good reputation of; speak ill of. ЬЬdefamation n. defamatory adj. defamer n. [ME f. OF diffamer etc. f. L diffamare spread evil report (as DIS-, fama report)] defat v.tr. (defatted, defatting) remove fat or fats from. default n. & v. --n. 1 failure to fulfil an obligation, esp. to appear, pay, or act in some way. 2 lack, absence. 3 a preselected option adopted by a computer program when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer. --v. 1 intr. fail to fulfil an obligation, esp. to pay money or to appear in a lawcourt. 2 tr. declare (a party) in default and give judgement against that party. Ьgo by default 1 be ignored because of absence. 2 be absent. in default of because of the absence of. judgement by default judgement given for the plaintiff on the defendant's failure to plead. win by default win because an opponent fails to be present. [ME f. OF defaut(e) f. defaillir fail f. Rmc (as DE-, L fallere deceive): cf. FAIL] defaulter n. a person who defaults, esp. Brit. a soldier guilty of a military offence. defeasance n. the act or process of rendering null and void. [ME f. OF defesance f. de(s)faire undo (as DE-, faire make f. L facere)] defeasible adj. 1 capable of annulment. 2 liable to forfeiture. ЬЬdefeasibility n. defeasibly adv. [AF (as DEFEASANCE)] defeat v. & n. --v.tr. 1 overcome in a battle or other contest. 2 frustrate, baffle. 3 reject (a motion etc.) by voting. 4 Law annul. --n. the act or process of defeating or being defeated. [ME f. OF deffait, desfait past part. of desfaire f. med.L disfacere (as DIS-, L facere do)] defeatism n. 1 an excessive readiness to accept defeat. 2 conduct conducive to this. ЬЬdefeatist n. & adj. [F d‚faitisme f. d‚faite DEFEAT] defecate v.intr. discharge faeces from the body. ЬЬdefecation n. [earlier as adj., = purified, f. L defaecare (as DE-, faex faecis dregs)] defect n. & v. --n. also 1 lack of something essential or required; imperfection. 2 a shortcoming or failing. 3 a blemish. 4 the amount by which a thing falls short. --v.intr. abandon one's country or cause in favour of another. ЬЬdefector n. [L defectus f. deficere desert, fail (as DE-, facere do)] defection n. 1 the abandonment of one's country or cause. 2 ceasing in allegiance to a leader, party, religion, or duty. [L defectio (as DEFECT)] defective adj. & n. --adj. 1 having a defect or defects; incomplete, imperfect, faulty. 2 mentally subnormal. 3 (usu. foll. by in) lacking, deficient. 4 Gram. not having all the usual inflections. --n. a mentally defective person. ЬЬdefectively adv. defectiveness n. [ME f. OF defectif -ive or LL defectivus (as DEFECT)] defence n. (US defense) 1 the act of defending from or resisting attack. 2 a a means of resisting attack. b a thing that protects. c the military resources of a country. 3 (in pl.) fortifications. 4 a justification, vindication. b a speech or piece of writing used to this end. 5 a the defendant's case in a lawsuit. b the counsel for the defendant. 6 a the action or role of defending one's goal etc. against attack. b the players in a team who perform this role. Ьdefence mechanism 1 the body's reaction against disease organisms. 2 a usu. unconscious mental process to avoid conscious conflict or anxiety. ЬЬdefenceless adj. defencelessly adv. defencelessness n. [ME f. OF defens(e) f. LL defensum, -a, past part. of defendere: see DEFEND] defend v.tr. (also absol.) 1 (often foll. by against, from) resist an attack made on; protect (a person or thing) from harm or danger. 2 support or uphold by argument; speak or write in favour of. 3 conduct the case for (a defendant in a lawsuit). ЬЬdefendable adj. defender n. [ME f. OF defendre f. L defendere: cf. OFFEND] defendant n. a person etc. sued or accused in a court of law. [ME f. OF, part. of defendre: see DEFEND] defenestration n. formal or joc. the action of throwing (esp. a person) out of a window. ЬЬdefenestrate v.tr. [mod.L defenestratio (as DE-, L fenestra window)] defense US var. of DEFENCE. defensible adj. 1 justifiable; supportable by argument. 2 that can be easily defended militarily. ЬЬdefensibility n. defensibly adv. [ME f. LL defensibilis (as DEFEND)] defensive adj. 1 done or intended for defence or to defend. 2 (of a person or attitude) concerned to challenge criticism. Ьon the defensive 1 expecting criticism. 2 in an attitude or position of defence. ЬЬdefensively adv. defensiveness n. [ME f. F d‚fensif -ive f. med.L defensivus (as DEFEND)] defer(1) v.tr. (deferred, deferring) 1 put off to a later time; postpone. 2 US postpone the conscription of (a person). Ьdeferred payment payment by instalments. ЬЬdeferment n. deferrable adj. deferral n. [ME, orig. the same as DIFFER] defer(2) v.intr. (deferred, deferring) (foll. by to) yield or make concessions in opinion or action. ЬЬdeferrer n. [ME f. F d‚f‚rer f. L deferre (as DE-, ferre bring)] deference n. 1 courteous regard, respect. 2 compliance with the advice or wishes of another (pay deference to). Ьin deference to out of respect for. [F d‚f‚rence (as DEFER(2))] deferential adj. showing deference; respectful. ЬЬdeferentially adv. [DEFERENCE, after PRUDENTIAL etc.] defiance n. 1 open disobedience; bold resistance. 2 a challenge to fight or maintain a cause, assertion, etc. Ьin defiance of disregarding; in conflict with. [ME f. OF (as DEFY)] defiant adj. 1 showing defiance. 2 openly disobedient. ЬЬdefiantly adv. defibrillation n. Med. the stopping of the fibrillation of the heart. ЬЬdefibrillator n. deficiency n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state or condition of being deficient. 2 (usu. foll. by of) a lack or shortage. 3 a thing lacking. 4 the amount by which a thing, esp. revenue, falls short. Ьdeficiency disease a disease caused by the lack of some essential or important element in the diet. deficient adj. 1 (usu. foll. by in) incomplete; not having enough of a specified quality or ingredient. 2 insufficient in quantity, force, etc. 3 (in full mentally deficient) incapable of adequate social or intellectual behaviour through imperfect mental development. ЬЬdeficiently adv. [L deficiens part. of deficere (as DEFECT)] deficit n. 1 the amount by which a thing (esp. a sum of money) is too small. 2 an excess of liabilities over assets in a given period, esp. a financial year (opp. SURPLUS). Ьdeficit financing financing of (esp. State) spending by borrowing. deficit spending spending, esp. by the State, financed by borrowing. [F d‚ficit f. L deficit 3rd sing. pres. of deficere (as DEFECT)] defier n. a person who defies. defilade v. & n. --v.tr. secure (a fortification) against enfilading fire. --n. this precaution or arrangement. [DEFILE(2) + -ADE] defile(1) v.tr. 1 make dirty; pollute, befoul. 2 corrupt. 3 desecrate, profane. 4 deprive (esp. a woman) of virginity. 5 make ceremonially unclean. ЬЬdefilement n. defiler n. [ME defoul f. OF defouler trample down, outrage (as DE-, fouler tread, trample) altered after obs. befile f. OE befylan (BE-, ful FOUL)] defile(2) n. & v. --n. also 1 a narrow way through which troops can only march in file. 2 a gorge. --v.intr. march in file. [F d‚filer and d‚fil‚ past part. (as DE-, FILE(2))] define v.tr. 1 give the exact meaning of (a word etc.). 2 describe or explain the scope of (define one's position). 3 make clear, esp. in outline (well-defined image). 4 mark out the boundary or limits of. 5 (of properties) make up the total character of. ЬЬdefinable adj. definer n. [ME f. OF definer ult. f. L definire (as DE-, finire finish, f. finis end)] definite adj. 1 having exact and discernible limits. 2 clear and distinct; not vague. °See the note at definitive. Ьdefinite article see ARTICLE. definite integral see INTEGRAL. ЬЬdefiniteness n. [L definitus past part. of definire (as DEFINE)] definitely adv. & int. --adv. 1 in a definite manner. 2 certainly; without doubt (they were definitely there). --int. colloq. yes, certainly. definition n. 1 a the act or process of defining. b a statement of the meaning of a word or the nature of a thing. 2 a the degree of distinctness in outline of an object or image (esp. of an image produced by a lens or shown in a photograph or on a cinema or television screen). b making or being distinct in outline. [ME f. OF f. L definitio (as DEFINE)] definitive adj. 1 (of an answer, treaty, verdict, etc.) decisive, unconditional, final. °Often confused in this sense with definite, which does not have connotations of authority and conclusiveness: a definite no is a firm refusal, whereas a definitive no is an authoritative judgement or decision that something is not the case. 2 (of an edition of a book etc.) most authoritative. 3 Philately (of a series of stamps) for permanent use, not commemorative etc. ЬЬdefinitively adv. [ME f. OF definitif -ive f. L definitivus (as DEFINE)] deflagrate v.tr. & intr. burn away with sudden flame. ЬЬdeflagration n. deflagrator n. [L deflagrare (as DE-, flagrare blaze)] deflate v. 1 a tr. let air or gas out of (a tyre, balloon, etc.). b intr. be emptied of air or gas. 2 a tr. cause to lose confidence or conceit. b intr. lose confidence. 3 Econ. a tr. subject (a currency or economy) to deflation. b intr. pursue a policy of deflation. 4 tr. reduce the importance of, depreciate. ЬЬdeflator n. [DE- + INFLATE] deflation n. 1 the act or process of deflating or being deflated. 2 Econ. reduction of the amount of money in circulation to increase its value as a measure against inflation. 3 Geol. the removal of particles of rock etc. by the wind. ЬЬdeflationary adj. deflationist n. deflect v. 1 tr. & intr. bend or turn aside from a straight course or intended purpose. 2 (often foll. by from) a tr. cause to deviate. b intr. deviate. [L deflectere (as DE-, flectere flex- bend)] deflection n. (also deflexion) 1 the act or process of deflecting or being deflected. 2 a lateral bend or turn; a deviation. 3 Physics the displacement of a pointer on an instrument from its zero position. [LL deflexio (as DEFLECT)] deflector n. a thing that deflects, esp. a device for deflecting a flow of air etc. defloration n. deflowering. [ME f. OF or f. LL defloratio (as DEFLOWER)] deflower v.tr. 1 deprive (esp. a woman) of virginity. 2 ravage, spoil. 3 strip of flowers. [ME f. OF deflourer, des-, ult. f. LL deflorare (as DE-, L flos floris flower)] defocus v.tr. & intr. (defocused, defocusing or defocussed, defocussing) put or go out of focus. defoliate v.tr. remove leaves from, esp. as a military tactic. ЬЬdefoliant n. & adj. defoliation n. defoliator n. [LL defoliare f. folium leaf] deforest v.tr. clear of forests or trees. ЬЬdeforestation n. deform v. 1 tr. make ugly, deface. 2 tr. put out of shape, misshape. 3 intr. undergo deformation; be deformed. ЬЬdeformable adj. [ME f. OF deformer etc. f. med.L difformare ult. f. L deformare (as DE-, formare f. forma shape)] deformation n. 1 disfigurement. 2 Physics a (often foll. by of) change in shape. b a quantity representing the amount of this change. 3 a perverted form of a word (e.g. dang for damn). ЬЬdeformational adj. [ME f. OF deformation or L deformatio (as DEFORM)] deformed adj. (of a person or limb) misshapen. deformity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state of being deformed; ugliness, disfigurement. 2 a malformation, esp. of body or limb. 3 a moral defect; depravity. [ME f. OF deformit‚ etc. f. L deformitas -tatis f. deformis (as DE-, forma shape)] defraud v.tr. (often foll. by of) cheat by fraud. ЬЬdefrauder n. [ME f. OF defrauder or L defraudare (as DE-, FRAUD)] defray v.tr. provide money to pay (a cost or expense). ЬЬdefrayable adj. defrayal n. defrayment n. [F d‚frayer (as DE-, obs. frai(t) cost, f. med.L fredum, -us fine for breach of the peace)] defrock v.tr. deprive (a person, esp. a priest) of ecclesiastical status. [F d‚froquer (as DE-, FROCK)] defrost v. 1 tr. a free (the interior of a refrigerator) of excess frost, usu. by turning it off for a period. b remove frost or ice from (esp. the windscreen of a motor vehicle). 2 tr. unfreeze (frozen food). 3 intr. become unfrozen. ЬЬdefroster n. deft adj. neatly skilful or dextrous; adroit. ЬЬdeftly adv. deftness n. [ME, var. of DAFT in obs. sense 'meek'] defunct adj. 1 no longer existing. 2 no longer used or in fashion. 3 dead or extinct. ЬЬdefunctness n. [L defunctus dead, past part. of defungi (as DE-, fungi perform)] defuse v.tr. 1 remove the fuse from (an explosive device). 2 reduce the tension or potential danger in (a crisis, difficulty, etc.). defy v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 resist openly; refuse to obey. 2 (of a thing) present insuperable obstacles to (defies solution). 3 (foll. by to + infin.) challenge (a person) to do or prove something. 4 archaic challenge to combat. [ME f. OF defier f. Rmc (as DIS-, L fidus faithful)] deg. abbr. degree. d‚gag‚ adj. (fem. d‚gag‚e) easy, unconstrained. [F, past part. of d‚gager set free] degas v.tr. (degassed, degassing) remove unwanted gas from. degauss v.tr. neutralize the magnetism in (a thing) by encircling it with a current-carrying conductor. ЬЬdegausser n. [DE- + GAUSS] degenerate adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 having lost the qualities that are normal and desirable or proper to its kind; fallen from former excellence. 2 Biol. having changed to a lower type. --n. a degenerate person or animal. --v.intr. become degenerate. ЬЬdegeneracy n. degenerately adv. [L degeneratus past part. of degenerare (as DE-, genus -eris race)] degeneration n. 1 a the process of becoming degenerate. b the state of being degenerate. 2 Med. morbid deterioration of tissue or change in its structure. [ME f. F d‚g‚neration or f. LL degeneratio (as DEGENERATE)] degenerative adj. 1 of or tending to degeneration. 2 (of disease) characterized by progressive often irreversible deterioration. degrade v. 1 tr. reduce to a lower rank, esp. as a punishment. 2 tr. bring into dishonour or contempt. 3 tr. Chem. reduce to a simpler molecular structure. 4 tr. Physics reduce (energy) to a less convertible form. 5 tr. Geol. wear down (rocks etc.) by disintegration. 6 intr. degenerate. 7 intr. Chem. disintegrate. ЬЬdegradable adj. degradation n. degradative adj. degrader n. [ME f. OF degrader f. eccl.L degradare (as DE-, L gradus step)] degrading adj. humiliating; causing a loss of self-respect. ЬЬdegradingly adv. degrease v.tr. remove unwanted grease or fat from. degree n. 1 a stage in an ascending or descending scale, series, or process. 2 a stage in intensity or amount (to a high degree; in some degree). 3 relative condition (each is good in its degree). 4 Math. a unit of measurement of angles, one-ninetieth of a right angle or the angle subtended by one-three-hundred-and-sixtieth of the circumference of a circle. °Symb.: ш (as in 45ш). 5 Physics a unit in a scale of temperature, hardness, etc. °Abbr.: deg. (or omitted in the Kelvin scale of temperature). 6 Med. an extent of burns on a scale characterized by the destruction of the skin. 7 an academic rank conferred by a college or university after examination or after completion of a course, or conferred as an honour on a distinguished person. 8 a grade of crime or criminality (murder in the first degree). 9 a step in direct genealogical descent. 10 social or official rank. 11 Math. the highest power of unknowns or variables in an equation etc. (equation of the third degree). 12 a masonic rank. 13 a thing placed like a step in a series; a tier or row. 14 Mus. the classification of a note by its position in the scale. Ьby degrees a little at a time; gradually. degree of freedom 1 Physics the independent direction in which motion can occur. 2 Chem. the number of independent factors required to specify a system at equilibrium. 3 Statistics the number of independent values or quantities which can be assigned to a statistical distribution. degrees of comparison see COMPARISON. forbidden (or prohibited) degrees a number of degrees of descent too few to allow of marriage between two related persons. to a degree colloq. considerably. ЬЬdegreeless adj. [ME f. OF degr‚ f. Rmc (as DE-, L gradus step)] degressive adj. 1 (of taxation) at successively lower rates on low amounts. 2 reducing in amount. [L degredi (as DE-, gradi walk)] de haut en bas adv. in a condescending or superior manner. [F, = from above to below] dehisce v.intr. gape or burst open (esp. of a pod or seed-vessel or of a cut or wound). ЬЬdehiscence n. dehiscent adj. [L dehiscere (as DE-, hiscere incept. of hiare gape)] dehorn v.tr. remove the horns from (an animal). dehumanize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 deprive of human characteristics. 2 make impersonal or machine-like. ЬЬdehumanization n. dehumidify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) reduce the degree of humidity of; remove moisture from (a gas, esp. air). ЬЬdehumidification n. dehumidifier n. dehydrate v. 1 tr. a remove water from (esp. foods for preservation and storage in bulk). b make dry, esp. make (the body) deficient in water. c render lifeless or uninteresting. 2 intr. lose water. ЬЬdehydration n. dehydrator n. dehydrogenate v.tr. Chem. remove a hydrogen atom or atoms from (a compound). ЬЬdehydrogenation n. de-ice v.tr. 1 remove ice from. 2 prevent the formation of ice on. de-icer n. a device or substance for de-icing, esp. a windscreen or ice on an aircraft. deicide n. 1 the killer of a god. 2 the killing of a god. [eccl.L deicida f. L deus god + -CIDE] deictic adj. & n. Philol. & Gram. --adj. pointing, demonstrative. --n. a deictic word. [Gk deiktikos f. deiktos capable of proof f. deiknumi show] deify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 make a god of. 2 regard or worship as a god. ЬЬdeification n. [ME f. OF deifier f. eccl.L deificare f. deus god] deign v. 1 intr. (foll. by to + infin.) think fit, condescend. 2 tr. (usu. with neg.) archaic condescend to give (an answer etc.). [ME f. OF degnier, deigner, daigner f. L dignare, -ari deem worthy f. dignus worthy] Dei gratia adv. by the grace of God. [L] deinstitutionalize v.tr. (also -ise) (usu. as deinstitutionalized adj.) remove from an institution or from the effects of institutional life. ЬЬdeinstitutionalization n. deionize v.tr. (also -ise) remove the ions or ionic constituents from (water, air, etc.). ЬЬdeionization n. deionizer n. deism n. belief in the existence of a supreme being arising from reason rather than revelation (cf. THEISM). ЬЬdeist n. deistic adj. deistical adj. [L deus god + -ISM] deity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a god or goddess. 2 divine status, quality, or nature. 3 (the Deity) the Creator, God. [ME f. OF deit‚ f. eccl.L deitas -tatis transl. Gk theotes f. theos god] d‚j… vu n. 1 Psychol. an illusory feeling of having already experienced a present situation. 2 something tediously familiar. [F, = already seen] deject v.tr. (usu. as dejected adj.) make sad or dispirited; depress. ЬЬdejectedly adv. [ME f. L dejicere (DE-, jacere throw)] dejection n. a dejected state; low spirits. [ME f. L dejectio (as DEJECT)] de jure adj. & adv. --adj. rightful. --adv. rightfully; by right. [L] dekko n. (pl. -os) Brit. sl. a look or glance (took a quick dekko). [Hindi dekho, imper. of dekhna look] Del. abbr. Delaware. delate v.tr. archaic 1 inform against; impeach (a person). 2 report (an offence). ЬЬdelation n. delator n. [L delat- (as DE-, lat- past part. stem of ferre carry)] delay v. & n. --v. 1 tr. postpone; defer. 2 tr. make late (was delayed at the traffic lights). 3 intr. loiter; be late (don't delay!). --n. 1 the act or an instance of delaying; the process of being delayed. 2 time lost by inaction or the inability to proceed. 3 a hindrance. Ьdelayed-action (attrib.) (esp. of a bomb, camera, etc.) operating some time after being primed or set. delay line Electr. a device producing a desired delay in the transmission of a signal. ЬЬdelayer n. [ME f. OF delayer (v.), delai (n.), prob. f. des- DIS- + laier leave: see RELAY] dele v. & n. Printing --v.tr. (deled, deleing) delete or mark for deletion (a letter, word, etc., struck out of a text). --n. a sign marking something to be deleted; a deletion. [L, imper. of delere: see DELETE] delectable adj. esp. literary. delightful, pleasant. ЬЬdelectability n. delectably adv. [ME f. OF f. L delectabilis f. delectare DELIGHT] delectation n. literary pleasure, enjoyment (sang for his delectation). [ME f. OF (as DELECTABLE)] delegacy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a system of delegating. 2 a an appointment as a delegate. b a body of delegates; a delegation. delegate n. & v. --n. 1 an elected representative sent to a conference. 2 a member of a committee. 3 a member of a deputation. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by to) a commit (authority, power, etc.) to an agent or deputy. b entrust (a task) to another person. 2 send or authorize (a person) as a representative; depute. ЬЬdelegable adj. [ME f. L delegatus (as DE-, legare depute)] delegation n. 1 a body of delegates; a deputation. 2 the act or process of delegating or being delegated. [L delegatio (as DELEGATE)] delete v.tr. remove or obliterate (written or printed matter), esp. by striking out. ЬЬdeletion n. [L delere delet- efface] deleterious adj. harmful (to the mind or body). ЬЬdeleteriously adv. [med.L deleterius f. Gk deleterios noxious] delft n. (also delftware) glazed, usu. blue and white, earthenware, made in Delft in Holland. deli n. (pl. delis) esp. US colloq. a delicatessen shop. [abbr.] deliberate adj. & v. --adj. 1 a intentional (a deliberate foul). b fully considered; not impulsive (made a deliberate choice). 2 slow in deciding; cautious (a ponderous and deliberate mind). 3 (of movement etc.) leisurely and unhurried. --v. 1 intr. think carefully; take counsel (the jury deliberated for an hour). 2 tr. consider, discuss carefully (deliberated the question). ЬЬdeliberately adv. deliberateness n. deliberator n. [L deliberatus past part. of deliberare (as DE-, librare weigh f. libra balance)] deliberation n. 1 careful consideration. 2 a the discussion of reasons for and against. b a debate or discussion. 3 a caution and care. b (of movement) slowness or ponderousness. [ME f. OF f. L deliberatio -onis (as DELIBERATE)] deliberative adj. of, or appointed for the purpose of, deliberation or debate (a deliberative assembly). ЬЬdeliberatively adv. deliberativeness n. [F d‚lib‚ratif -ive or L deliberativus (as DELIBERATE)] delicacy n. (pl. -ies) 1 (esp. in craftsmanship or artistic or natural beauty) fineness or intricacy of structure or texture; gracefulness. 2 susceptibility to injury or disease; weakness. 3 the quality of requiring discretion or sensitivity (a situation of some delicacy). 4 a choice or expensive food. 5 a consideration for the feelings of others. b avoidance of immodesty or vulgarity. 6 (esp. in a person, a sense, or an instrument) accuracy of perception; sensitiveness. [ME f. DELICATE + -ACY] delicate adj. 1 a fine in texture or structure; soft, slender, or slight. b of exquisite quality or workmanship. c (of colour) subtle or subdued; not bright. d subtle, hard to appreciate. 2 (of a person) easily injured; susceptible to illness. 3 a requiring careful handling; tricky (a delicate situation). b (of an instrument) highly sensitive. 4 deft (a delicate touch). 5 (of a person) avoiding the immodest or offensive. 6 (esp. of actions) considerate. 7 (of food) dainty; suitable for an invalid. Ьin a delicate condition archaic pregnant. ЬЬdelicately adv. delicateness n. [ME f. OF delicat or L delicatus, of unkn. orig.] delicatessen n. 1 a shop selling cooked meats, cheeses, and unusual or foreign prepared foods. 2 (often attrib.) such foods collectively (a delicatessen counter). [G Delikatessen or Du. delicatessen f. F d‚licatesse f. d‚licat (as DELICATE)] delicious adj. 1 highly delightful and enjoyable to the taste or sense of smell. 2 (of a joke etc.) very witty. ЬЬdeliciously adv. deliciousness n. [ME f. OF f. LL deliciosus f. L deliciae delight] delict n. archaic a violation of the law; an offence. [L delictum neut. past part. of delinquere offend (as DE-, linquere leave)] delight v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by with) please greatly (the gift delighted them; was delighted that you won; delighted with the result). 2 intr. (often foll. by in, or to + infin.) take great pleasure; be highly pleased (delighted in her success; was delighted to help). --n. 1 great pleasure. 2 something giving pleasure (her singing is a delight). ЬЬdelighted adj. delightedly adv. [ME f. OF delitier, delit, f. L delectare frequent. of delicere: alt. after light etc.] delightful adj. causing great delight; pleasant, charming. ЬЬdelightfully adv. delightfulness n. Delilah n. a seductive and wily temptress. [Delilah, betrayer of Samson (Judges 16)] delimit v.tr. (delimited, delimiting) 1 determine the limits of. 2 fix the territorial boundary of. ЬЬdelimitation n. [F d‚limiter f. L delimitare (as DE-, limitare f. limes -itis boundary)] delimitate v.tr. = DELIMIT. delineate v.tr. portray by drawing etc. or in words (delineated her character). ЬЬdelineation n. delineator n. [L delineare delineat- (as DE-, lineare f. linea line)] delinquency n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a crime, usu. not of a serious kind; a misdeed. b minor crime in general, esp. that of young people (juvenile delinquency). 2 wickedness (moral delinquency; an act of delinquency). 3 neglect of one's duty. [eccl. L delinquentia f. L delinquens part. of delinquere (as DELICT)] delinquent n. & adj. --n. an offender (juvenile delinquent). --adj. 1 guilty of a minor crime or a misdeed. 2 failing in one's duty. 3 US in arrears. ЬЬdelinquently adv. deliquesce v.intr. 1 become liquid, melt. 2 Chem. dissolve in water absorbed from the air. ЬЬdeliquescence n. deliquescent adj. [L deliquescere (as DE-, liquescere incept. of liquere be liquid)] delirious adj. 1 affected with delirium; temporarily or apparently mad; raving. 2 wildly excited, ecstatic. 3 (of behaviour) betraying delirium or ecstasy. ЬЬdeliriously adv. delirium n. 1 an acutely disordered state of mind involving incoherent speech, hallucinations, and frenzied excitement, occurring in metabolic disorders, intoxication, fever, etc. 2 great excitement, ecstasy. Ьdelirium tremens a psychosis of chronic alcoholism involving tremors and hallucinations. [L f. delirare be deranged (as DE-, lira ridge between furrows)] deliver v.tr. 1 a distribute (letters, parcels, ordered goods, etc.) to the addressee or the purchaser. b (often foll. by to) hand over (delivered the boy safely to his teacher). 2 (often foll. by from) save, rescue, or set free (delivered him from his enemies). 3 a give birth to (delivered a girl). b (in passive; often foll. by of) give birth (was delivered of a child). c assist at the birth of (delivered six babies that week). d assist in giving birth (delivered the patient successfully). 4 a (often refl.) utter or recite (an opinion, a speech, etc.) (delivered himself of the observation; delivered the sermon well). b (of a judge) pronounce (a judgement). 5 (often foll. by up, over) abandon; resign; hand over (delivered his soul up to God). 6 present or render (an account). 7 launch or aim (a blow, a ball, or an attack). 8 Law hand over formally (esp. a sealed deed to a grantee). 9 colloq. = deliver the goods. 10 US cause (voters etc.) to support a candidate. Ьdeliver the goods colloq. carry out one's part of an agreement. ЬЬdeliverable adj. deliverer n. [ME f. OF delivrer f. Gallo-Roman (as DE-, LIBERATE)] deliverance n. 1 a the act or an instance of rescuing; the process of being rescued. b a rescue. 2 a formally expressed opinion. [ME f. OF delivrance (as DELIVER)] delivery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the delivering of letters etc. b a regular distribution of letters etc. (two deliveries a day). c something delivered. 2 a the process of childbirth. b an act of this. 3 deliverance. 4 a an act of throwing, esp. of a cricket ball. b the style of such an act (a good delivery). 5 the act of giving or surrendering (delivery of the town to the enemy). 6 a the uttering of a speech etc. b the manner or style of such a delivery (a measured delivery). 7 Law a the formal handing over of property. b the transfer of a deed to a grantee or a third party. Ьtake delivery of receive (something purchased). [ME f. AF delivree fem. past part. of delivrer (as DELIVER)] dell n. a small usu. wooded hollow or valley. [OE f. Gmc] Della Cruscan adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to the Academy della Crusca in Florence, concerned with the purity of Italian. 2 of or concerning a late 18th-c. school of English poets with an artificial style. --n. a member of the Academy della Crusca or the late 18th-c. school of English poets. [It. (Accademia) della Crusca (Academy) of the bran (with ref. to sifting)] delocalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 a detach or remove (a thing) from its place. b not limit to a particular location. 2 (as delocalized adj.) Chem. (of electrons) shared among more than two atoms in a molecule. ЬЬdelocalization n. delouse v.tr. rid (a person or animal) of lice. Delphic adj. (also Delphian) 1 (of an utterance, prophecy, etc.) obscure, ambiguous, or enigmatic. 2 of or concerning the ancient Greek oracle at Delphi. delphinium n. any ranunculaceous garden plant of the genus Delphinium, with tall spikes of usu. blue flowers. [mod.L f. Gk delphinion larkspur f. delphin dolphin] delphinoid adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the family that includes dolphins, porpoises, grampuses, etc. 2 dolphin-like. --n. 1 a member of the delphinoid family of aquatic mammals. 2 a dolphin-like animal. [Gk delphinoeides f. delphin dolphin] delta n. 1 a triangular tract of deposited earth, alluvium, etc., at the mouth of a river, formed by its diverging outlets. 2 a the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. b a fourth-class mark given for a piece of work or in an examination. 3 Astron. the fourth star in a constellation. 4 Math. an increment of a variable. Ьdelta connection Electr. a triangular arrangement of three-phase windings with circuit wire from each angle. delta rays Physics rays of low penetrative power consisting of slow electrons ejected from an atom by the impact of ionizing radiation. delta rhythm (or wave) low-frequency electrical activity of the brain during sleep. delta wing the triangular swept-back wing of an aircraft. ЬЬdeltaic adj. [ME f. Gk f. Phoen. daleth] deltiology n. the collecting and study of postcards. ЬЬdeltiologist n. [Gk deltion dimin. of deltos writing-tablet + -LOGY] deltoid adj. & n. --adj. triangular; like a river delta. --n. (in full deltoid muscle) a thick triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint and used for raising the arm away from the body. [F delto‹de or mod.L deltoides f. Gk deltoeides (as DELTA, -OID)] delude v.tr. deceive or mislead (deluded by false optimism). ЬЬdeluder n. [ME f. L deludere mock (as DE-, ludere lus- play)] deluge n. & v. --n. 1 a great flood. 2 (the Deluge) the biblical Flood (Gen. 6-8). 3 a great outpouring (of words, paper, etc.). 4 a heavy fall of rain. --v.tr. 1 flood. 2 inundate with a great number or amount (deluged with complaints). [ME f. OF f. L diluvium, rel. to lavare wash] delusion n. 1 a false belief or impression. 2 Psychol. this as a symptom or form of mental disorder. Ьdelusions of grandeur a false idea of oneself as being important, noble, famous, etc. ЬЬdelusional adj. [ME f. LL delusio (as DELUDE)] delusive adj. 1 deceptive or unreal. 2 disappointing. ЬЬdelusively adv. delusiveness n. delusory adj. = DELUSIVE. [LL delusorius (as DELUSION)] delustre v.tr. (US deluster) remove the lustre from (a textile). de luxe adj. 1 luxurious or sumptuous. 2 of a superior kind. [F, = of luxury] delve v. 1 intr. (often foll. by in, into) a search energetically (delved into his pocket). b make a laborious search in documents etc.; research (delved into his family history). 2 tr. & intr. poet. dig. ЬЬdelver n. [OE delfan f. WG] Dem. abbr. US Democrat. demagnetize v.tr. (also -ise) remove the magnetic properties of. ЬЬdemagnetization n. demagnetizer n. demagogue n. (US -gog) 1 a political agitator appealing to the basest instincts of a mob. 2 hist. a leader of the people, esp. in ancient times. ЬЬdemagogic adj. demagoguery n. demagogy n. [Gk demagogos f. demos the people + agogos leading] demand n. & v. --n. 1 an insistent and peremptory request, made as of right. 2 Econ. the desire of purchasers or consumers for a commodity (no demand for solid tyres these days). 3 an urgent claim (care of her mother makes demands on her). --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by of, from, or to + infin., or that + clause) ask for (something) insistently and urgently, as of right (demanded to know; demanded five pounds from him; demanded that his wife be present). 2 require or need (a task demanding skill). 3 insist on being told (demanded her business). 4 (as demanding adj.) making demands; requiring skill, effort, etc. (a demanding but worthwhile job). Ьdemand feeding the practice of feeding a baby when it cries for a feed rather than at set times. demand note 1 a written request for payment. 2 US a bill payable at sight. demand pull Econ. available money as a factor causing economic inflation. in demand sought after. on demand as soon as a demand is made (a cheque payable on demand). ЬЬdemandable adj. demander n. demandingly adv. [ME f. OF demande (n.), demander (v.) f. L demandare entrust (as DE-, mandare order: see MANDATE)] demantoid n. a lustrous green garnet. [G] demarcation n. 1 the act of marking a boundary or limits. 2 the trade-union practice of strictly assigning specific jobs to different unions. Ьdemarcation dispute an inter-union dispute about who does a particular job. ЬЬdemarcate v.tr. demarcator n. [Sp. demarcaciўn f. demarcar mark the bounds of (as DE-, MARK(1))] d‚marche n. a political step or initiative. [F f. d‚marcher take steps (as DE-, MARCH(1))] dematerialize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise) make or become non-material or spiritual (esp. of psychic phenomena etc.). ЬЬdematerialization n. deme n. 1 a a political division of Attica in ancient Greece. b an administrative division in modern Greece. 2 Biol. a local population of closely related plants or animals. [Gk demos the people] demean(1) v.tr. (usu. refl.) lower the dignity of (would not demean myself to take it). [DE- + MEAN(2), after debase] demean(2) v.refl. (with adv.) behave (demeaned himself well). [ME f. OF demener f. Rmc (as DE-, L minare drive animals f. minari threaten)] demeanour n. (US demeanor) outward behaviour or bearing. [DEMEAN(2), prob. after obs. havour behaviour] dement n. archaic a demented person. [orig. adj. f. F d‚ment or L demens (as DEMENTED)] demented adj. mad; crazy. ЬЬdementedly adv. dementedness n. [past part. of dement verb f. OF dementer or f. LL dementare f. demens out of one's mind (as DE-, mens mentis mind)] d‚menti n. an official denial of a rumour etc. [F f. d‚mentir accuse of lying] dementia n. Med. a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes marked by memory disorders, personality changes, impaired reasoning, etc., due to brain disease or injury. Ьdementia praecox schizophrenia. [L f. demens (as DEMENTED)] demerara n. light-brown cane sugar coming orig. and chiefly from Demerara. [Demerara in Guyana] demerit n. 1 a quality or action deserving blame; a fault. 2 US a mark given to an offender. ЬЬdemeritorious adj. [ME f. OF de(s)merite or L demeritum neut. past part. of demereri deserve] demersal adj. (of a fish etc.) being or living near the sea-bottom (cf. PELAGIC). [L demersus past part. of demergere (as DE-, mergere plunge)] demesne n. 1 a a sovereign's or State's territory; a domain. b land attached to a mansion etc. c landed property; an estate. 2 (usu. foll. by of) a region or sphere. 3 Law hist. possession (of real property) as one's own. Ьheld in demesne (of an estate) occupied by the owner, not by tenants. [ME f. AF, OF demeine (later AF demesne) belonging to a lord f. L dominicus (as DOMINICAL)] demi- prefix 1 half; half-size. 2 partially or imperfectly such (demigod). [ME f. F f. med.L dimedius half, for L dimidius] demigod n. (fem. -goddess) 1 a a partly divine being. b the offspring of a god or goddess and a mortal. 2 colloq. a person of compelling beauty, powers, or personality. demijohn n. a bulbous narrow-necked bottle holding from 3 to 10 gallons and usu. in a wicker cover. [prob. corrupt. of F dame-jeanne Lady Jane, assim. to DEMI- + the name John] demilitarize v.tr. (also -ise) remove a military organization or forces from (a frontier, a zone, etc.). ЬЬdemilitarization n. demi-mondaine n. a woman of a demi-monde. demi-monde n. 1 a hist. a class of women in 19th-c. France considered to be of doubtful social standing and morality. b a similar class of women in any society. 2 any group considered to be on the fringes of respectable society. [F, = half-world] demineralize v.tr. (also -ise) remove salts from (sea water etc.). ЬЬdemineralization n. demi-pension n. hotel accommodation with bed, breakfast, and one main meal per day. [F (as DEMI-, PENSION(2))] demirep n. archaic a woman of doubtful sexual reputation. [abbr. of demi-reputable] demise n. & v. --n. 1 death (left a will on her demise; the demise of the agreement). 2 Law conveyance or transfer (of property, a title, etc.) by demising. --v.tr. Law 1 convey or grant (an estate) by will or lease. 2 transmit (a title etc.) by death. [AF use of past part. of OF de(s)mettre DISMISS, in refl. abdicate] demisemiquaver n. Mus. a note having the time value of half a semiquaver and represented by a large dot with a three-hooked stem. Also called thirty-second note. demist v.tr. clear mist from (a windscreen etc.). ЬЬdemister n. demit v.tr. (demitted, demitting) (often absol.) resign or abdicate (an office etc.). ЬЬdemission n. [F d‚mettre f. L demittere (as DE-, mittere miss- send)] demitasse n. 1 a small coffee-cup. 2 its contents. [F, = half-cup] demiurge n. 1 (in the philosophy of Plato) the creator of the universe. 2 (in Gnosticism etc.) a heavenly being subordinate to the Supreme Being. ЬЬdemiurgic adj. [eccl.L f. Gk demiourgos craftsman f. demios public f. demos people + -ergos working] demo n. (pl. -os) colloq. = DEMONSTRATION 2, 3. [abbr.] demob v. & n. Brit. colloq. --v.tr. (demobbed, demobbing) demobilize. --n. demobilization. [abbr.] demobilize v.tr. (also -ise) disband (troops, ships, etc.). ЬЬdemobilization n. [F d‚mobiliser (as DE-, MOBILIZE)] democracy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a system of government by the whole population, usu. through elected representatives. b a State so governed. c any organization governed on democratic principles. 2 a classless and tolerant form of society. 3 US a the principles of the Democratic Party. b its members. [F d‚mocratie f. LL democratia f. Gk demokratia f. demos the people + -CRACY] democrat n. 1 an advocate of democracy. 2 (Democrat) (in the US) a member of the Democratic Party. ЬЬdemocratism n. [F d‚mocrate (as DEMOCRACY), after aristocrate] democratic adj. 1 of, like, practising, advocating, or constituting democracy or a democracy. 2 favouring social equality. Ьdemocratic centralism an organizational system in which policy is decided centrally and is binding on all members. Democratic Party one of the two main US political parties, considered to support social reform and international commitment (cf. Republican Party). ЬЬdemocratically adv. [F d‚mocratique f. med.L democraticus f. Gk demokratikos f. demokratia DEMOCRACY] democratize v.tr. (also -ise) make (a State, institution, etc.) democratic. ЬЬdemocratization n. d‚mod‚ adj. out of fashion. [F, past part. of d‚moder (as DE-, mode fashion)] demodulate v.tr. Physics extract (a modulating signal) from its carrier. ЬЬdemodulation n. demodulator n. demography n. the study of the statistics of births, deaths, disease, etc., as illustrating the conditions of life in communities. ЬЬdemographer n. demographic adj. demographical adj. demographically adv. [Gk demos the people + -GRAPHY] demoiselle n. 1 Zool. a small crane, Anthropoides virgo, native to Asia and N. Africa. 2 a a damselfly. b a damselfish. 3 archaic a young woman. [F, = DAMSEL] demolish v.tr. 1 a pull down (a building). b completely destroy or break. 2 overthrow (an institution). 3 refute (an argument, theory, etc.). 4 joc. eat up completely and quickly. ЬЬdemolisher n. demolition n. demolitionist n. [F d‚molir f. L demoliri (as DE-, moliri molit- construct f. moles mass)] demon n. 1 a an evil spirit or devil, esp. one thought to possess a person. b the personification of evil passion. 2 a malignant supernatural being; the Devil. 3 (often attrib.) a forceful, fierce, or skilful performer (a demon on the tennis court; a demon player). 4 a cruel or destructive person. 5 (also daemon) a an inner or attendant spirit; a genius (the demon of creativity). b a supernatural being in ancient Greece. Ьdemon bowler Cricket a very fast bowler. a demon for work colloq. a person who works strenuously. [ME f. med.L demon f. L daemon f. Gk daimon deity] demonetize v.tr. (also -ise) withdraw (a coin etc.) from use as money. ЬЬdemonetization n. [F d‚mon‚tiser (as DE-, L moneta MONEY)] demoniac adj. & n. --adj. 1 fiercely energetic or frenzied. 2 a supposedly possessed by an evil spirit. b of or concerning such possession. 3 of or like demons. --n. a person possessed by an evil spirit. ЬЬdemoniacal adj. demoniacally adv. [ME f. OF demoniaque f. eccl.L daemoniacus f. daemonium f. Gk daimonion dimin. of daimon: see DEMON)] demonic adj. (also daemonic) 1 = DEMONIAC. 2 having or seeming to have supernatural genius or power. [LL daemonicus f. Gk daimonikos (as DEMON)] demonism n. belief in the power of demons. demonize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make into or like a demon. 2 represent as a demon. demonolatry n. the worship of demons. demonology n. the study of demons etc. ЬЬdemonologist n. demonstrable adj. capable of being shown or logically proved. ЬЬdemonstrability n. demonstrably adv. [ME f. L demonstrabilis (as DEMONSTRATE)] demonstrate v. 1 tr. show evidence of (feelings etc.). 2 tr. describe and explain (a scientific proposition, machine, etc.) by experiment, practical use, etc. 3 tr. a logically prove the truth of. b be proof of the existence of. 4 intr. take part in or organize a public demonstration. 5 intr. act as a demonstrator. [L demonstrare (as DE-, monstrare show)] demonstration n. 1 (foll. by of) a the outward showing of feeling etc. b an instance of this. 2 a public meeting, march, etc., for a political or moral purpose. 3 a the exhibiting or explaining of specimens or experiments as a method of esp. scientific teaching. b an instance of this. 4 proof provided by logic, argument, etc. 5 Mil. a show of military force. ЬЬdemonstrational adj. [ME f. OF demonstration or L demonstratio (as DEMONSTRATE)] demonstrative adj. & n. --adj. 1 given to or marked by an open expression of feeling, esp. of affection (a very demonstrative person). 2 (usu. foll. by of) logically conclusive; giving proof (the work is demonstrative of their skill). 3 a serving to point out or exhibit. b involving esp. scientific demonstration (demonstrative technique). 4 Gram. (of an adjective or pronoun) indicating the person or thing referred to (e.g. this, that, those). --n. Gram. a demonstrative adjective or pronoun. ЬЬdemonstratively adv. demonstrativeness n. [ME f. OF demonstratif -ive f. L demonstrativus (as DEMONSTRATION)] demonstrator n. 1 a person who takes part in a political demonstration etc. 2 a person who demonstrates, esp. machines, equipment, etc., to prospective customers. 3 a person who teaches by demonstration, esp. in a laboratory etc. [L (as DEMONSTRATE)] demoralize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 destroy (a person's) morale; make hopeless. 2 archaic corrupt (a person's) morals. ЬЬdemoralization n. demoralizing adj. demoralizingly adv. [F d‚moraliser (as DE-, MORAL)] demote v.tr. reduce to a lower rank or class. ЬЬdemotion n. [DE- + PROMOTE] demotic n. & adj. --n. 1 the popular colloquial form of a language. 2 a popular simplified form of ancient Egyptian writing (cf. HIERATIC). --adj. 1 (esp. of language) popular, colloquial, or vulgar. 2 of or concerning the ancient Egyptian or modern Greek demotic. [Gk demotikos f. demotes one of the people (demos)] demotivate v.tr. (also absol.) cause to lose motivation; discourage. ЬЬdemotivation n. demount v.tr. 1 take (apparatus, a gun, etc.) from its mounting. 2 dismantle for later reassembly. ЬЬdemountable adj. & n. [F d‚monter: cf. DISMOUNT] demulcent adj. & n. --adj. soothing. --n. an agent that forms a protective film soothing irritation or inflammation in the mouth. [L demulcere (as DE-, mulcere soothe)] demur v. & n. --v.intr. (demurred, demurring) 1 (often foll. by to, at) raise scruples or objections. 2 Law put in a demurrer. --n. (also demurral) (usu. in neg.) 1 an objection (agreed without demur). 2 the act or process of objecting. ЬЬdemurrant n. (in sense 2 of v.). [ME f. OF demeure (n.), demeurer (v.) f. Rmc (as DE-, L morari delay)] demure adj. (demurer, demurest) 1 composed, quiet, and reserved; modest. 2 affectedly shy and quiet; coy. 3 decorous (a demure high collar). ЬЬdemurely adv. demureness n. [ME, perh. f. AF demur‚ f. OF demor‚ past part. of demorer remain, stay (as DEMUR): infl. by OF meЃr f. L maturus ripe] demurrable adj. esp. Law open to objection. demurrage n. 1 a a rate or amount payable to a shipowner by a charterer for failure to load or discharge a ship within the time agreed. b a similar charge on railway trucks or goods. 2 such a detention or delay. [OF demo(u)rage f. demorer (as DEMUR)] demurrer n. Law an objection raised or exception taken. [AF (infin. as noun), = DEMUR] demy n. Printing a size of paper, 564 x 444 mm. [ME, var. of DEMI-] demystify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 clarify (obscure beliefs or subjects etc.). 2 reduce or remove the irrationality in (a person). ЬЬdemystification n. demythologize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 remove mythical elements from (a legend, famous person's life, etc.). 2 reinterpret what some consider to be the mythological elements in (the Bible). den n. 1 a wild animal's lair. 2 a place of crime or vice (den of iniquity; opium den). 3 a small private room for pursuing a hobby etc. [OE denn f. Gmc, rel. to DEAN(2)] denarius n. (pl. denarii) an ancient Roman silver coin. [L, = (coin) of ten asses (as DENARY: see AS(2))] denary adj. of ten; decimal. Ьdenary scale = decimal scale. [L denarius containing ten (deni by tens)] denationalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 transfer (a nationalized industry or institution etc.) from public to private ownership. 2 a deprive (a nation) of its status or characteristics as a nation. b deprive (a person) of nationality or national characteristics. ЬЬdenationalization n. [F d‚nationaliser (as DE-, NATIONAL)] denaturalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 change the nature or properties of; make unnatural. 2 deprive of the rights of citizenship. 3 = DENATURE v. 1. ЬЬdenaturalization n. denature v.tr. 1 change the properties of (a protein etc.) by heat, acidity, etc. 2 make (alcohol) unfit for drinking esp. by the addition of another substance. ЬЬdenaturant n. denaturation n. [F d‚naturer (as DE-, NATURE)] dendrite n. 1 a a stone or mineral with natural treelike or mosslike markings. b such marks on stones or minerals. 2 Chem. a crystal with branching treelike growth. 3 Zool. & Anat. a branching process of a nerve-cell conducting signals to a cell body. [F f. Gk dendrites (adj.) f. dendron tree] dendritic adj. 1 of or like a dendrite. 2 treelike in shape or markings. ЬЬdendritically adv. dendrochronology n. 1 a system of dating using the characteristic patterns of annual growth rings of trees to assign dates to timber. 2 the study of these growth rings. ЬЬdendrochronological adj. dendrochronologist n. [Gk dendron tree + CHRONOLOGY] dendroid adj. tree-shaped. [Gk dendrodes treelike + -OID] dendrology n. the scientific study of trees. ЬЬdendrological adj. dendrologist n. [Gk dendron tree + -LOGY] dene(1) n. (also dean) Brit. 1 a narrow wooded valley. 2 a vale (esp. as the ending of place-names). [OE denu, rel. to DEN] dene(2) n. Brit. a bare sandy tract, or a low sand-hill, by the sea. [orig. unkn.: cf. DUNE] dengue n. an infectious viral disease of the tropics causing a fever and acute pains in the joints. [W. Ind. Sp., f. Swahili denga, dinga, with assim. to Sp. dengue fastidiousness, with ref. to the stiffness of the patient's neck and shoulders] deniable adj. that may be denied. denial n. 1 the act or an instance of denying. 2 a refusal of a request or wish. 3 a statement that a thing is not true; a rejection (denial of the accusation). 4 a disavowal of a person as one's leader etc. 5 = SELF-DENIAL. denier n. a unit of weight by which the fineness of silk, rayon, or nylon yarn is measured. [orig. the name of a small coin: ME f. OF f. L denarius] denigrate v.tr. defame or disparage the reputation of (a person); blacken. ЬЬdenigration n. denigrator n. denigratory adj. [L denigrare (as DE-, nigrare f. niger black)] denim n. 1 (often attrib.) a usu. blue hard-wearing cotton twill fabric used for jeans, overalls, etc. (a denim skirt). 2 (in pl.) colloq. jeans, overalls, etc. made of this. [for serge de Nim f. NЊmes in S. France] denitrify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) remove the nitrates or nitrites from (soil etc.). ЬЬdenitrification n. denizen n. 1 a foreigner admitted to certain rights in his or her adopted country. 2 a naturalized foreign word, animal, or plant. 3 (usu. foll. by of) poet. an inhabitant or occupant. ЬЬdenizenship n. [ME f. AF deinzein f. OF deinz within f. L de from + intus within + -ein f. L -aneus: see -ANEOUS] denominate v.tr. 1 give a name to. 2 call or describe (a person or thing) as. [L denominare (as DE-, NOMINATE)] denomination n. 1 a Church or religious sect. 2 a class of units within a range or sequence of numbers, weights, money, etc. (money of small denominations). 3 a a name or designation, esp. a characteristic or class name. b a class or kind having a specific name. 4 the rank of a playing-card within a suit, or of a suit relative to others. Ьdenominational education education according to the principles of a Church or sect. ЬЬdenominational adj. [ME f. OF denomination or L denominatio (as DENOMINATE)] denominative adj. serving as or giving a name. [LL denominativus (as DENOMINATION)] denominator n. Math. the number below the line in a vulgar fraction; a divisor. Ьcommon denominator 1 a common multiple of the denominators of several fractions. 2 a common feature of members of a group. least (or lowest) common denominator the lowest common multiple as above. [F d‚nominateur or med.L denominator (as DE-, NOMINATE)] de nos jours adj. (placed after noun) of the present time. [F, = of our days] denote v.tr. 1 be a sign of; indicate (the arrow denotes direction). 2 (usu. foll. by that + clause) mean, convey. 3 stand as a name for; signify. ЬЬdenotation n. denotative adj. [F d‚noter or f. L denotare (as DE-, notare mark f. nota NOTE)] denouement n. (also d‚nouement) 1 the final unravelling of a plot or complicated situation. 2 the final scene in a play, novel, etc., in which the plot is resolved. [F d‚nouement f. d‚nouer unknot (as DE-, L nodare f. nodus knot)] denounce v.tr. 1 accuse publicly; condemn (denounced him as a traitor). 2 inform against (denounced her to the police). 3 give notice of the termination of (an armistice, treaty, etc.). ЬЬdenouncement n. denouncer n. [ME f. OF denoncier f. L denuntiare (as DE-, nuntiare make known f. nuntius messenger)] de nouveau adv. starting again; anew. [F] de novo adv. starting again; anew. [L] dense adj. 1 closely compacted in substance; thick (dense fog). 2 crowded together (the population is less dense on the outskirts). 3 colloq. stupid. ЬЬdensely adv. denseness n. [F dense or L densus] densitometer n. an instrument for measuring the photographic density of an image on a film or photographic print. density n. (pl. -ies) 1 the degree of compactness of a substance. 2 Physics degree of consistency measured by the quantity of mass per unit volume. 3 the opacity of a photographic image. 4 a crowded state. 5 stupidity. [F densit‚ or L densitas (as DENSE)] dent n. & v. --n. 1 a slight mark or hollow in a surface made by, or as if by, a blow with a hammer etc. 2 a noticeable effect (lunch made a dent in our funds). --v.tr. 1 mark with a dent. 2 have (esp. an adverse) effect on (the news dented our hopes). [ME, prob. f INDENT(1)] dental adj. 1 of the teeth; of or relating to dentistry. 2 Phonet. (of a consonant) produced with the tongue-tip against the upper front teeth (as th) or the ridge of the teeth (as n, s, t). Ьdental floss a thread of floss silk etc. used to clean between the teeth. dental mechanic a person who makes and repairs artificial teeth. dental surgeon a dentist. ЬЬdentalize v.tr. (also -ise). [LL dentalis f. L dens dentis tooth] dentalium n. (pl. dentalia) 1 any marine mollusc of the genus Dentalium, having a conical foot protruding from a tusklike shell. 2 this shell used as an ornament or as a form of currency. [mod.L f. LL dentalis: see DENTAL] dentate adj. Bot. & Zool. toothed; with toothlike notches; serrated. [L dentatus f. dens dentis tooth] denticle n. Zool. a small tooth or toothlike projection, scale, etc. ЬЬdenticulate adj. [ME f. L denticulus dimin. of dens dentis tooth] dentifrice n. a paste or powder for cleaning the teeth. [F f. L dentifricium f. dens dentis tooth + fricare rub] dentil n. Archit. each of a series of small rectangular blocks as a decoration under the moulding of a cornice in classical architecture. [obs. F dentille dimin. of dent tooth f. L dens dentis] dentilingual adj. Phonet. formed by the teeth and the tongue. dentine n. (US dentin) a hard dense bony tissue forming the bulk of a tooth. ЬЬdentinal adj. [L dens dentis tooth + -INE(4)] dentist n. a person who is qualified to treat the diseases and conditions that affect the mouth, jaws, teeth, and their supporting tissues, esp. the repair and extraction of teeth and the insertion of artificial ones. ЬЬdentistry n. [F dentiste f. dent tooth] dentition n. 1 the type, number, and arrangement of teeth in a species etc. 2 the cutting of teeth; teething. [L dentitio f. dentire to teethe] denture n. a removable artificial replacement for one or more teeth carried on a removable plate or frame. [F f. dent tooth] denuclearize v.tr. (also -ise) remove nuclear armaments from (a country etc.). ЬЬdenuclearization n. denude v.tr. 1 make naked or bare. 2 (foll. by of) a strip of clothing, a covering, etc. b deprive of a possession or attribute. 3 Geol. lay (rock or a formation etc.) bare by removing what lies above. ЬЬdenudation n. denudative adj. [L denudare (as DE-, nudus naked)] denumerable adj. Math. countable by correspondence with the infinite set of integers. ЬЬdenumerability n. denumerably adv. [LL denumerare (as DE-, numerare NUMBER)] denunciation n. 1 the act of denouncing (a person, policy, etc.); public condemnation. 2 an instance of this. ЬЬdenunciate v.tr. denunciative adj. denunciator n. denunciatory adj. [F d‚nonciation or L denunciatio (as DENOUNCE)] deny v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 declare untrue or non-existent (denied the charge; denied that it is so; denied having lied). 2 repudiate or disclaim (denied his faith; denied his signature). 3 (often foll. by to) refuse (a person or thing, or something to a person) (this was denied to me; denied him the satisfaction). 4 refuse access to (a person sought) (denied him his son). Ьdeny oneself be abstinent. ЬЬdenier n. [ME f. OF denier f. L denegare (as DE-, negare say no)] deoch an doris n. (also doch an dorris) Sc. & Ir. a drink taken at parting; a stirrup-cup. [Gael. deoch an doruis drink at the door] deodar n. the Himalayan cedar Cedrus deodara, the tallest of the cedar family, with drooping branches bearing large barrel-shaped cones. [Hindi de' odar f. Skr. deva-daru divine tree] deodorant n. (often attrib.) a substance sprayed or rubbed on to the body or sprayed into the air to remove or conceal unpleasant smells (a roll-on deodorant; has a deodorant effect). [as DEODORIZE + -ANT] deodorize v.tr. (also -ise) remove or destroy the (usu. unpleasant) smell of. ЬЬdeodorization n. deodorizer n. [DE- + L odor smell] Deo gratias int. thanks be to God. [L, = (we give) thanks to God] deontic adj. Philos. of or relating to duty and obligation as ethical concepts. [Gk deont- part. stem of dei it is right] deontology n. Philos. the study of duty. ЬЬdeontological adj. deontologist n. Deo volente adv. God willing; if nothing prevents it. [L] deoxygenate v.tr. remove oxygen, esp. free oxygen, from. ЬЬdeoxygenation n. deoxyribonucleic acid n. see DNA. [DE- + OXYGEN + RIBONUCLEIC (ACID)] dep. abbr. 1 departs. 2 deputy. depart v. 1 intr. a (usu. foll. by from) go away; leave (the train departs from this platform). b (usu. foll. by for) start; set out (trains depart for Crewe every hour). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by from) diverge; deviate (departs from standard practice). 3 a intr. leave by death; die. b tr. formal or literary leave by death (departed this life). [ME f. OF departir ult. f. L dispertire divide] departed adj. & n. --adj. bygone (departed greatness). --n. (prec. by the) euphem. a particular dead person or dead people (we are here to mourn the departed). department n. 1 a separate part of a complex whole, esp.: a a branch of municipal or State administration (Housing Department; Department of Social Security). b a branch of study and its administration at a university, school, etc. (the physics department). c a specialized section of a large store (hardware department). 2 colloq. an area of special expertise. 3 an administrative district in France and other countries. Ьdepartment store a large shop stocking many varieties of goods in different departments. [F d‚partement (as DEPART)] departmental adj. of or belonging to a department. Ьdepartmental store = department store. ЬЬdepartmentalism n. departmentalize v.tr. (also -ise). departmentalization n. departmentally adv. departure n. 1 the act or an instance of departing. 2 (often foll. by from) a deviation (from the truth, a standard, etc.). 3 (often attrib.) the starting of a train, an aircraft, etc. (the departure was late; departure lounge). 4 a new course of action or thought (driving a car is rather a departure for him). 5 Naut. the amount of a ship's change of longitude. [OF departeЃre (as DEPART)] depasture v. 1 a tr. (of cattle) graze upon. b intr. graze. c tr. put (cattle) to graze. 2 tr. (of land) provide pasturage for (cattle). ЬЬdepasturage n. d‚pays‚ adj. (fem. d‚pays‚e pronunc. same) removed from one's habitual surroundings. [F, = removed from one's own country] depend v.intr. 1 (often foll. by on, upon) be controlled or determined by (success depends on hard work; it depends on whether they agree; it depends how you tackle the problem). 2 (foll. by on, upon) a be unable to do without (depends on her mother). b rely on (I'm depending on you to come). 3 (foll. by on, upon) be grammatically dependent on. 4 (often foll. by from) archaic poet. hang down. Ьdepend upon it! you may be sure! it (or it all or that) depends expressing uncertainty or qualification in answering a question (Will they come? It depends). [ME f. OF dependre ult. f. L dependere (as DE-, pendere hang)] dependable adj. reliable. ЬЬdependability n. dependableness n. dependably adv. dependant n. (US dependent) 1 a person who relies on another esp. for financial support. 2 a servant. [F d‚pendant pres. part. of d‚pendre (as DEPEND)] dependence n. 1 the state of being dependent, esp. on financial or other support. 2 reliance; trust; confidence (shows great dependence on his judgement). [F d‚pendance (as DEPEND)] dependency n. (pl. -ies) 1 a country or province controlled by another. 2 anything subordinate or dependent. dependent adj. & n. --adj. 1 (usu. foll. by on) depending, conditional, or subordinate. 2 unable to do without (esp. a drug). 3 maintained at another's cost. 4 Math. (of a variable) having a value determined by that of another variable. 5 Gram. (of a clause, phrase, or word) subordinate to a sentence or word. --n. US var. of DEPENDANT. ЬЬdependently adv. [ME, earlier -ant = DEPENDANT] depersonalization n. (also -isation) esp. Psychol. the loss of one's sense of identity. depersonalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make impersonal. 2 deprive of personality. depict v.tr. 1 represent in a drawing or painting etc. 2 portray in words; describe (the play depicts him as vain and petty). ЬЬdepicter n. depiction n. depictive adj. depictor n. [L depingere depict- (as DE-, pingere paint)] depilate v.tr. remove the hair from. ЬЬdepilation n. [L depilare (as DE-, pilare f. pilus hair)] depilatory adj. & n. --adj. that removes unwanted hair. --n. (pl. -ies) a depilatory substance. deplane v. esp. US 1 intr. disembark from an aeroplane. 2 tr. remove from an aeroplane. deplete v.tr. (esp. in passive) 1 reduce in numbers or quantity (depleted forces). 2 empty out; exhaust (their energies were depleted). ЬЬdepletion n. [L deplere (as DE-, plere plet- fill)] deplorable adj. 1 exceedingly bad (a deplorable meal). 2 that can be deplored. ЬЬdeplorably adv. deplore v.tr. 1 grieve over; regret. 2 be scandalized by; find exceedingly bad. ЬЬdeploringly adv. [F d‚plorer or It. deplorare f. L deplorare (as DE-, plorare bewail)] deploy v. 1 Mil. a tr. cause (troops) to spread out from a column into a line. b intr. (of troops) spread out in this way. 2 tr. bring (arguments, forces, etc.) into effective action. ЬЬdeployment n. [F d‚ployer f. L displicare (as DIS-, plicare fold) & LL deplicare explain] deplume v.tr. 1 strip of feathers, pluck. 2 deprive of honours etc. [ME f. F d‚plumer or f. med.L deplumare (as DE-, L pluma feather)] depolarize v.tr. (also -ise) Physics reduce or remove the polarization of. ЬЬdepolarization n. depoliticize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make (a person, an organization, etc.) non-political. 2 remove from political activity or influence. ЬЬdepoliticization n. depolymerize v.tr. & intr. (also -ise) Chem. break down into monomers or other smaller units. ЬЬdepolymerization n. deponent adj. & n. --adj. Gram. (of a verb, esp. in Latin or Greek) passive or middle in form but active in meaning. --n. 1 Gram. a deponent verb. 2 Law a a person making a deposition under oath. b a witness giving written testimony for use in court etc. [L deponere (as DE-, ponere posit- place): adj. from the notion that the verb had laid aside the passive sense] depopulate v. 1 tr. reduce the population of. 2 intr. decline in population. ЬЬdepopulation n. [L depopulari (as DE-, populari lay waste f. populus people)] deport v.tr. 1 a remove (an immigrant or foreigner) forcibly to another country; banish. b exile (a native) to another country. 2 refl. conduct (oneself) or behave (in a specified manner) (deported himself well). ЬЬdeportable adj. deportation n. [OF deporter and (sense 1) F d‚porter (as DE-, L portare carry)] deportee n. a person who has been or is being deported. deportment n. bearing, demeanour, or manners, esp. of a cultivated kind. [F d‚portement (as DEPORT)] depose v. 1 tr. remove from office, esp. dethrone. 2 intr. Law (usu. foll. by to, or that + clause) bear witness, esp. on oath in court. [ME f. OF deposer after L deponere: see DEPONENT, POSE(1)] deposit n. & v. --n. 1 a Brit. a sum of money kept in an account in a bank. b anything stored or entrusted for safe keeping, usu. in a bank. 2 a a sum payable as a first instalment on an item bought on hire purchase, or as a pledge for a contract. b a returnable sum payable on the short-term hire of a car, boat, etc. 3 a a natural layer of sand, rock, coal, etc. b a layer of precipitated matter on a surface, e.g. fur on a kettle. --v.tr. (deposited, depositing) 1 a put or lay down in a (usu. specified) place (deposited the book on the floor). b (of water, wind, etc.) leave (matter etc.) lying in a displaced position. 2 a store or entrust for keeping. b pay (a sum of money) into a bank account, esp. a deposit account. 3 pay (a sum) as a first instalment or as a pledge for a contract. Ьdeposit account Brit. a bank account that pays interest but from which money cannot usu. be withdrawn without notice or loss of interest. on deposit (of money) placed in a deposit account. [L depositum (n.), med.L depositare f. L deponere deposit- (as DEPONENT)] depositary n. (pl. -ies) a person to whom something is entrusted; a trustee. [LL depositarius (as DEPOSIT)] deposition n. 1 the act or an instance of deposing, esp. a monarch; dethronement. 2 Law a the process of giving sworn evidence; allegation. b an instance of this. c evidence given under oath; a testimony. 3 the act or an instance of depositing. 4 (the Deposition) a the taking down of the body of Christ from the Cross. b a representation of this. [ME f. OF f. L depositio -onis f. deponere: see DEPOSIT] depositor n. a person who deposits money, property, etc. depository n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a storehouse for furniture etc. b a store (of wisdom, knowledge, etc.) (the book is a depository of wit). 2 = DEPOSITARY. [LL depositorium (as DEPOSIT)] depot n. 1 a storehouse. 2 Mil. a a storehouse for equipment etc. b the headquarters of a regiment. 3 a a building for the servicing, parking, etc. of esp. buses, trains, or goods vehicles. b US a railway or bus station. [F d‚p“t, OF depost f. L (as DEPOSIT)] deprave v.tr. pervert or corrupt, esp. morally. ЬЬdepravation n. [ME f. OF depraver or L depravare (as DE-, pravare f. pravus crooked)] depravity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a moral corruption; wickedness. b an instance of this; a wicked act. 2 Theol. the innate corruptness of human nature. [DE- + obs. pravity f. L pravitas (as DEPRAVE)] deprecate v.tr. 1 express disapproval of or a wish against; deplore (deprecate hasty action). °Often confused with depreciate. 2 plead earnestly against. 3 archaic pray against. ЬЬdeprecatingly adv. deprecation n. deprecative adj. deprecator n. deprecatory adj. [L deprecari (as DE-, precari pray)] depreciate v. 1 tr. & intr. diminish in value (the car has depreciated). 2 tr. disparage; belittle (they are always depreciating his taste). 3 tr. reduce the purchasing power of (money). ЬЬdepreciatingly adv. depreciatory adj. [LL depretiare (as DE-, pretiare f. pretium price)] depreciation n. 1 the amount of wear and tear (of a property etc.) for which a reduction may be made in a valuation, an estimate, or a balance sheet. 2 Econ. a decrease in the value of a currency. 3 the act or an instance of depreciating; belittlement. depredation n. (usu. in pl.) 1 despoiling, ravaging, or plundering. 2 an instance or instances of this. [F d‚pr‚dation f. LL depraedatio (as DE-, praedatio -onis f. L praedari plunder)] depredator n. a despoiler or pillager. ЬЬdepredatory adj. [LL depraedator (as DEPREDATION)] depress v.tr. 1 push or pull down; lower (depressed the lever). 2 make dispirited or dejected. 3 Econ. reduce the activity of (esp. trade). 4 (as depressed adj.) a dispirited or miserable. b Psychol. suffering from depression. Ьdepressed area an area suffering from economic depression. ЬЬdepressible adj. depressing adj. depressingly adv. [ME f. OF depresser f. LL depressare (as DE-, pressare frequent. of premere press)] depressant adj. & n. --adj. 1 that depresses. 2 Med. sedative. --n. 1 Med. an agent, esp. a drug, that sedates. 2 an influence that depresses. depression n. 1 a Psychol. a state of extreme dejection or morbidly excessive melancholy; a mood of hopelessness and feelings of inadequacy, often with physical symptoms. b a reduction in vitality, vigour, or spirits. 2 a a long period of financial and industrial decline; a slump. b (the Depression) the depression of 1929-34. 3 Meteorol. a lowering of atmospheric pressure, esp. the centre of a region of minimum pressure or the system of winds round it. 4 a sunken place or hollow on a surface. 5 a a lowering or sinking (often foll. by of : depression of freezing-point). b pressing down. 6 Astron. & Geog. the angular distance of an object below the horizon or a horizontal plane. [ME f. OF or L depressio (as DE-, premere press- press)] depressive adj. & n. --adj. 1 tending to depress. 2 Psychol. involving or characterized by depression. --n. Psychol. a person suffering or with a tendency to suffer from depression. [F d‚pressif -ive or med.L depressivus (as DEPRESSION)] depressor n. 1 Anat. a (in full depressor muscle) a muscle that causes the lowering of some part of the body. b a nerve that lowers blood pressure. 2 Surgery an instrument for pressing down an organ etc. [L (as DEPRESSION)] depressurize v.tr. (also -ise) cause an appreciable drop in the pressure of the gas inside (a container), esp. to the ambient level. ЬЬdepressurization n. deprivation n. 1 (usu. foll. by of) the act or an instance of depriving; the state of being deprived (deprivation of liberty; suffered many deprivations). 2 a deposition from esp. an ecclesiastical office. b an instance of this. [med.L deprivatio (as DEPRIVE)] deprive v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by of) strip, dispossess; debar from enjoying (illness deprived him of success). 2 (as deprived adj.) a (of a child etc.) suffering from the effects of a poor or loveless home. b (of an area) with inadequate housing, facilities, employment, etc. 3 archaic depose (esp. a clergyman) from office. ЬЬdeprivable adj. deprival n. [ME f. OF depriver f. med.L deprivare (as DE-, L privare deprive)] de profundis adv. & n. --adv. from the depths (of sorrow etc.). --n. a cry from the depths. [opening L words of Ps. 130] Dept. abbr. Department. depth n. 1 a deepness (the depth is not great at the edge). b the measurement from the top down, from the surface inwards, or from the front to the back (depth of the drawer is 12 inches). 2 difficulty; abstruseness. 3 a sagacity; wisdom. b intensity of emotion etc. (the poem has little depth). 4 an intensity of colour, darkness, etc. 5 (in pl.) a deep water, a deep place; an abyss. b a low, depressed state. c the lowest or inmost part (the depths of the country). 6 the middle (in the depth of winter). Ьdepth-bomb (or -charge) a bomb capable of exploding under water, esp. for dropping on a submerged submarine etc. depth psychology psychoanalysis to reveal hidden motives etc. in depth comprehensively, thoroughly, or profoundly. in-depth adj. thorough; done in depth. out of one's depth 1 in water over one's head. 2 engaged in a task or on a subject too difficult for one. [ME (as DEEP, -TH(2))] depthless adj. 1 extremely deep; fathomless. 2 shallow, superficial. depurate v.tr. & intr. make or become free from impurities. ЬЬdepuration n. depurative adj. & n. depurator n. [med.L depurare (as DE-, purus pure)] deputation n. a group of people appointed to represent others, usu. for a specific purpose; a delegation. [ME f. LL deputatio (as DEPUTE)] depute v. & n. --v.tr. (often foll. by to) 1 appoint as a deputy. 2 delegate (a task, authority, etc.) (deputed the leadership to her). --n. Sc. a deputy. [ME f. OF deput‚ past part. of deputer f. L deputare regard as, allot (as DE-, putare think)] deputize v.intr. (also -ise) (usu. foll. by for) act as a deputy or understudy. deputy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a person appointed or delegated to act for another or others (also attrib. : deputy manager). 2 Polit. a parliamentary representative in certain countries, e.g. France. 3 a coalmine official responsible for safety. Ьby deputy by proxy. Chamber of Deputies the lower legislative assembly in some parliaments. deputy lieutenant Brit. the deputy of the Lord Lieutenant of a county. ЬЬdeputyship n. [ME var. of DEPUTE n.] deracinate v.tr. literary 1 tear up by the roots. 2 obliterate, expunge. ЬЬderacination n. [F d‚raciner (as DE-, racine f. LL radicina dimin. of radix root)] derail v.tr. (usu. in passive) cause (a train etc.) to leave the rails. ЬЬderailment n. [F d‚railler (as DE-, RAIL(1))] derange v.tr. 1 throw into confusion; disorganize; cause to act irregularly. 2 (esp. as deranged adj.) make insane (deranged by the tragic events). 3 disturb; interrupt. ЬЬderangement n. [F d‚ranger (as DE-, rang RANK(1))] derate v. 1 tr. remove part or all of the burden of rates from. 2 intr. diminish or remove rates. deration v.tr. free (food etc.) from rationing. Derby n. (pl. -ies) 1 a an annual horse-race run on the flat at Epsom. b a similar race elsewhere (Kentucky Derby). 2 any important sporting contest. 3 (derby) US a bowler hat. ЬDerby Day the day on which the Derby is run. local Derby a match between two teams from the same district. [the 12th Earl of Derby d. 1834, founder of the horse-race] deregister v.tr. remove from a register. ЬЬderegistration n. de rЉgle predic.adj. customary; proper. [F, = of rule] derelict adj. & n. --adj. 1 abandoned, ownerless (esp. of a ship at sea or an empty decrepit property). 2 (esp. of property) ruined; dilapidated. 3 US negligent (of duty etc.). --n. 1 a social outcast; a person without a home, a job, or property. 2 abandoned property, esp. a ship. [L derelictus past part. of derelinquere (as DE-, relinquere leave)] dereliction n. 1 (usu. foll. by of) a neglect; failure to carry out one's obligations (dereliction of duty). b an instance of this. 2 the act or an instance of abandoning; the process of being abandoned. 3 a the retreat of the sea exposing new land. b the land so exposed. [L derelictio (as DERELICT)] derequisition v.tr. return (requisitioned property) to its former owner. derestrict v.tr. 1 remove restrictions from. 2 remove speed restrictions from (a road, area, etc.). ЬЬderestriction n. deride v.tr. laugh scornfully at; mock. ЬЬderider n. deridingly adv. [L deridere (as DE-, ridere ris- laugh)] de rigueur predic.adj. required by custom or etiquette (evening dress is de rigueur). [F, = of strictness] derision n. ridicule; mockery (bring into derision). Ьhold (or have) in derision archaic mock at. ЬЬderisible adj. [ME f. OF f. LL derisio -onis (as DERIDE)] derisive adj. = DERISORY. ЬЬderisively adv. derisiveness n. derisory adj. 1 scoffing; ironical; scornful (derisory cheers). 2 so small or unimportant as to be ridiculous (derisory offer; derisory costs). [LL derisorius (as DERISION)] derivation n. 1 the act or an instance of deriving or obtaining from a source; the process of being derived. 2 a the formation of a word from another word or from a root. b a derivative. c the tracing of the origin of a word. d a statement or account of this. 3 extraction, descent. 4 Math. a sequence of statements showing that a formula, theorem, etc., is a consequence of previously accepted statements. ЬЬderivational adj. [F d‚rivation or L derivatio (as DERIVE)] derivative adj. & n. --adj. derived from another source; not original (his music is derivative and uninteresting). --n. 1 something derived from another source, esp.: a a word derived from another or from a root (e.g. quickly from quick). b Chem. a chemical compound that is derived from another. 2 Math. a quantity measuring the rate of change of another. ЬЬderivatively adv. [F d‚rivatif -ive f. L derivativus (as DERIVE)] derive v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by from) get, obtain, or form (derived satisfaction from work). 2 intr. (foll. by from) arise from, originate in, be descended or obtained from (happiness derives from many things). 3 tr. gather or deduce (derived the information from the clues). 4 tr. a trace the descent of (a person). b show the origin of (a thing). 5 tr. (usu. foll. by from) show or state the origin or formation of (a word etc.) (derived the word from Latin). 6 tr. Math. obtain (a function) by differentiation. ЬЬderivable adj. [ME f. OF deriver or f. L derivare (as DE-, rivus stream)] derm (also derma) var. of DERMIS. dermatitis n. inflammation of the skin. [Gk derma -atos skin + -ITIS] dermatoglyphics n. the science or study of skin markings or patterns, esp. of the fingers, hands, and feet. ЬЬdermatoglyphic adj. dermatoglyphically adv. [as DERMATITIS + Gk gluphe carving: see GLYPH] dermatology n. the study of the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. ЬЬdermatological adj. dermatologist n. [as DERMATITIS + -LOGY] dermis n. (also derm or derma) 1 (in general use) the skin. 2 Anat. the true skin, the thick layer of living tissue below the epidermis. ЬЬdermal adj. dermic adj. [mod.L, after EPIDERMIS] dernier cri n. the very latest fashion. [F, = last cry] derogate v.intr. (foll. by from) formal 1 take away a part from; detract from (a merit, a right, etc.). 2 deviate from (correct behaviour etc.). ЬЬderogative adj. [L derogare (as DE-, rogare ask)] derogation n. 1 (foll. by of) a lessening or impairment of (a law, authority, position, dignity, etc.). 2 deterioration; debasement. [ME f. F d‚rogation or L derogatio (as DEROGATE)] derogatory adj. (often foll. by to) involving disparagement or discredit; insulting, depreciatory (made a derogatory remark; derogatory to my position). ЬЬderogatorily adv. [LL derogatorius (as DEROGATE)] derrick n. 1 a kind of crane for moving or lifting heavy weights, having a movable pivoted arm. 2 the framework over an oil well or similar excavation, holding the drilling machinery. [obs. senses hangman, gallows, f. the name of a London hangman c.1600] derriЉre n. colloq. euphem. the buttocks. [F, = behind] derring-do n. literary joc. heroic courage or action. [ME, = daring to do, misinterpreted by Spenser and by Scott] derringer n. a small large-bore pistol. [H. Deringer, Amer. inventor d. 1868] derris n. 1 any woody tropical climbing leguminous plant of the genus Derris, bearing leathery pods. 2 an insecticide made from the powdered root of some kinds of derris. [mod.L f. Gk, = leather covering (with ref. to its pod)] derry n. Ьhave a derry on Austral. & NZ colloq. be prejudiced against (a person). [app. f. the song-refrain derry down] derv n. Brit. diesel oil for road vehicles. [f. diesel- engined road- vehicle] dervish n. a member of any of several Muslim fraternities vowed to poverty and austerity. Ьwhirling (or dancing or howling) dervish a dervish performing a wild dance, or howling, according to which sect he belongs to. [Turk. dervis f. Pers. darvesh poor, a mendicant] DES abbr. (in the UK) Department of Education and Science. desalinate v.tr. remove salt from (esp. sea water). ЬЬdesalination n. desalt v.tr. = DESALINATE. descale v.tr. remove the scale from. descant n. & v. --n. 1 Mus. an independent treble melody usu. sung or played above a basic melody, esp. of a hymn tune. 2 poet. a melody; a song. --v.intr. 1 (foll. by on, upon) talk lengthily and prosily, esp. in praise of. 2 Mus. sing or play a descant. Ьdescant recorder the most common size of recorder, with a range of two octaves. [ME f. OF deschant f. med.L discantus (as DIS-, cantus song, CHANT)] descend v. 1 tr. & intr. go or come down (a hill, stairs, etc.). 2 intr. (of a thing) sink, fall (rain descended heavily). 3 intr. slope downwards, lie along a descending slope (fields descended to the beach). 4 intr. (usu. foll. by on) a make a sudden attack. b make an unexpected and usu. unwelcome visit (hope they don't descend on us at the weekend). 5 intr. (usu. foll. by from, to) (of property, qualities, rights, etc.) be passed by inheritance (the house descends from my grandmother; the property descended to me). 6 intr. a sink in rank, quality, etc. b (foll. by to) degrade oneself morally to (an unworthy act) (descend to violence). 7 intr. Mus. (of sound) become lower in pitch. 8 intr. (usu. foll. by to) proceed (in discourse or writing): a in time (to a subsequent event etc.). b from the general (to the particular) (now let's descend to details). 9 tr. go along (a river etc.) to the sea etc. 10 intr. Printing (of a letter) have its tail below the line. Ьbe descended from have as an ancestor. ЬЬdescendent adj. [ME f. OF descendre f. L descendere (as DE-, scandere climb)] descendant n. (often foll. by of) a person or thing descended from another (a descendant of Charles I). [F, part. of descendre (as DESCEND)] descender n. Printing a part of a letter that extends below the line. descendible adj. 1 (of a slope etc.) that may be descended. 2 Law capable of descending by inheritance. [OF descendable (as DESCEND)] descent n. 1 a the act of descending. b an instance of this. c a downward movement. 2 a a way or path etc. by which one may descend. b a downward slope. 3 a being descended; lineage, family origin (traces his descent from William the Conqueror). b the transmission of qualities, property, privileges, etc., by inheritance. 4 a a decline; a fall. b a lowering (of pitch, temperature, etc.). 5 a sudden violent attack. [ME f. OF descente f. descendre DESCEND] descramble v.tr. 1 convert or restore (a signal) to intelligible form. 2 counteract the effects of (a scrambling device). 3 recover an original signal from (a scrambled signal). ЬЬdescrambler n. describe v.tr. 1 a state the characteristics, appearance, etc. of, in spoken or written form (described the landscape). b (foll. by as) assert to be; call (described him as a habitual liar). 2 a mark out or draw (esp. a geometrical figure) (described a triangle). b move in (a specified way, esp. a curve) (described a parabola through the air). ЬЬdescribable adj. describer n. [L describere (as DE-, scribere script- write)] description n. 1 a the act or an instance of describing; the process of being described. b a spoken or written representation (of a person, object, or event). 2 a sort, kind, or class (no food of any description). Ьanswers (or fits) the description has the qualities specified. [ME f. OF f. L descriptio -onis (as DESCRIBE)] descriptive adj. 1 serving or seeking to describe (a descriptive writer). 2 describing or classifying without expressing feelings or judging (a purely descriptive account). 3 Linguistics describing a language without comparing, endorsing, or condemning particular usage, vocabulary, etc. 4 Gram. (of an adjective) describing the noun, rather than its relation, position, etc., e.g. blue as distinct from few. ЬЬdescriptively adv. descriptiveness n. [LL descriptivus (as DESCRIBE)] descriptor n. Linguistics a word or expression etc. used to describe or identify. [L, = describer (as DESCRIBE)] descry v.tr. (-ies, -ied) literary catch sight of; discern (descried him in the crowd; descries no glimmer of light in her situation). [ME (earlier senses 'proclaim, DECRY') f. OF descrier: prob. confused with var. of obs. descrive f. OF descrivre DESCRIBE] desecrate v.tr. 1 violate (a sacred place or thing) with violence, profanity, etc. 2 deprive (a church, a sacred object, etc.) of sanctity; deconsecrate. ЬЬdesecration n. desecrator n. [DE- + CONSECRATE] deseed v.tr. remove the seeds from (a plant, vegetable, etc.). desegregate v.tr. abolish racial segregation in (schools etc.) or of (people etc.). ЬЬdesegregation n. deselect v.tr. Polit. decline to select or retain as a constituency candidate in an election. ЬЬdeselection n. desensitize v.tr. (also -ise) reduce or destroy the sensitiveness of (photographic materials, an allergic person, etc.). ЬЬdesensitization n. desensitizer n. desert(1) v. 1 tr. abandon, give up, leave (deserted the sinking ship). 2 tr. forsake or abandon (a cause or a person, people, etc., having claims on one) (deserted his wife and children). 3 tr. fail (his presence of mind deserted him). 4 intr. Mil. run away (esp. from military service). 5 tr. (as deserted adj.) empty, abandoned (a deserted house). ЬЬdeserter n. (in sense 4 of v.). desertion n. [F d‚serter f. LL desertare f. L desertus (as DESERT(2))] desert(2) n. & adj. --n. a dry barren often sand-covered area of land, characteristically desolate, waterless, and without vegetation; an uninteresting or barren subject, period, etc. (a cultural desert). --adj. 1 uninhabited, desolate. 2 uncultivated, barren. Ьdesert boot a suede etc. boot reaching to or extending just above the ankle. desert island a remote (usu. tropical) island presumed to be uninhabited. desert rat Brit. colloq. a soldier of the 7th British armoured division (with the jerboa as a badge) in the N. African desert campaign of 1941-2. [ME f. OF f. L desertus, eccl.L desertum (n.), past part. of deserere leave, forsake] desert(3) n. 1 (in pl.) a acts or qualities deserving reward or punishment. b such reward or punishment (has got his deserts). 2 the fact of being worthy of reward or punishment; deservingness. [ME f. OF f. deservir DESERVE] desertification n. the process of making or becoming a desert. deserve v.tr. (often foll. by to + infin.) show conduct or qualities worthy of (reward, punishment, etc.) (deserves to be imprisoned; deserves a prize). Ьdeserve well (or ill) of be worthy of good (or bad) treatment at the hands of (deserves well of the electorate). ЬЬdeservedly adv. deservedness n. deserver n. [ME f. OF deservir f. L deservire (as DE-, servire serve)] deserving adj. meritorious. Ьdeserving of showing conduct or qualities worthy of (praise, blame, help, etc.). ЬЬdeservingly adv. deservingness n. desex v.tr. 1 castrate or spay (an animal). 2 deprive of sexual qualities or attractions. desexualize v.tr. (also -ise) deprive of sexual character or of the distinctive qualities of a sex. d‚shabill‚ n. (also d‚shabille, dishabille) a state of being only partly or carelessly clothed. [F, = undressed] desiccant n. Chem. a hygroscopic substance used as a drying agent. desiccate v.tr. remove the moisture from, dry (esp. food for preservation) (desiccated coconut). ЬЬdesiccation n. desiccative adj. [L desiccare (as DE-, siccus dry)] desiccator n. 1 an apparatus for desiccating. 2 Chem. an apparatus containing a drying agent to remove the moisture from specimens. desiderate v.tr. archaic feel to be missing; regret the absence of; wish to have. [L desiderare (as DE-, siderare as in CONSIDER)] desiderative adj. & n. --adj. 1 Gram. (of a verb, conjugation, etc.) formed from another verb etc. and denoting a desire to perform the action of that verb etc. 2 desiring. --n. Gram. a desiderative verb, conjugation, etc. [LL desiderativus (as DESIDERATE)] desideratum n. (pl. desiderata) something lacking but needed or desired. [L neut. past part.: see DESIDERATE] design n. & v. --n. 1 a a preliminary plan or sketch for the making or production of a building, machine, garment, etc. b the art of producing these. 2 a scheme of lines or shapes forming a pattern or decoration. 3 a plan, purpose, or intention. 4 a the general arrangement or layout of a product. b an established version of a product (one of our most popular designs). --v. 1 tr. produce a design for (a building, machine, picture, garment, etc.). 2 tr. intend, plan, or purpose (the remark was designed to offend; a course designed for beginners; designed an attack). 3 absol. be a designer. Ьargument from design Theol. the argument that God's existence is provable by the evidence of design in the universe. by design on purpose. have designs on plan to harm or appropriate. [F d‚signer appoint or obs. F desseing ult. f. L designare DESIGNATE] designate v. & adj. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by as) appoint to an office or function (designated him as postmaster general; designated his own successor). 2 specify or particularize (receives guests at designated times). 3 (often foll. by as) describe as; entitle, style. 4 serve as the name or distinctive mark of (English uses French words to designate ballet steps). --adj. (placed after noun) appointed to an office but not yet installed (bishop designate). ЬЬdesignator n. [L designare, past part. designatus (as DE-, signare f. signum mark)] designation n. 1 a name, description, or title. 2 the act or process of designating. [ME f. OF designation or L designatio (as DESIGNATE)] designedly adv. by design; on purpose. designer n. 1 a person who makes artistic designs or plans for construction, e.g. for clothing, machines, theatre sets; a draughtsman. 2 (attrib.) (of clothing etc.) bearing the name or label of a famous designer; prestigious. Ьdesigner drug a synthetic analogue, not itself illegal, of an illegal drug. designing adj. crafty, artful, or scheming. ЬЬdesigningly adv. desirable adj. 1 worth having or wishing for (it is desirable that nobody should smoke). 2 arousing sexual desire; very attractive. ЬЬdesirability n. desirableness n. desirably adv. [ME f. OF (as DESIRE)] desire n. & v. --n. 1 a an unsatisfied longing or craving. b an expression of this; a request (expressed a desire to rest). 2 lust. 3 something desired (achieved his heart's desire). --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by to + infin., or that + clause) long for; crave. 2 request (desires a cup of tea). 3 archaic pray, entreat, or command (desire him to wait). [ME f. OF desir f. desirer f. L desiderare DESIDERATE] desirous predic.adj. 1 (usu. foll. by of) ambitious, desiring (desirous of stardom; desirous of doing well). 2 (usu. foll. by to + infin., or that + clause) wishful; hoping (desirous to do the right thing). [ME f. AF desirous, OF desireus f. Rmc (as DESIRE)] desist v.intr. (often foll. by from) literary abstain; cease (please desist from interrupting; when requested, he desisted). [OF desister f. L desistere (as DE-, sistere stop, redupl. f. stare stand)] desk n. 1 a piece of furniture or a portable box with a flat or sloped surface for writing on, and often drawers. 2 a counter in a hotel, bank, etc., which separates the customer from the assistant. 3 a section of a newspaper office etc. dealing with a specified topic (the sports desk; the features desk). 4 Mus. a music stand in an orchestra regarded as a unit of two players. Ьdesk-bound obliged to remain working at a desk. [ME f. med.L desca f. L DISCUS disc] desktop n. 1 the working surface of a desk. 2 (attrib.) (esp. of a microcomputer) suitable for use at an ordinary desk. Ьdesktop publishing the production of printed matter with a desktop computer and printer. desman n. (pl. desmans) any aquatic flesh-eating shrewlike mammal of two species, one originating in Russia (Desmana moschata) and one in the Pyrenees (Galemys pyrenaicus). [F & G f. Sw. desman-r†tta musk-rat] desolate adj. & v. --adj. 1 left alone; solitary. 2 (of a building or place) uninhabited, ruined, neglected, barren, dreary, empty (a desolate moor). 3 forlorn; wretched; miserable (was left desolate and weeping). --v.tr. 1 depopulate or devastate; lay waste to. 2 (esp. as desolated adj.) make wretched or forlorn (desolated by grief; inconsolable and desolated). ЬЬdesolately adv. desolateness n. desolator n. [ME f. L desolatus past part. of desolare (as DE-, solare f. solus alone)] desolation n. 1 a the act of desolating. b the process of being desolated. 2 loneliness, grief, or wretchedness, esp. caused by desertion. 3 a neglected, ruined, barren, or empty state. [ME f. LL desolatio (as DESOLATE)] desorb v. 1 tr. cause the release of (an adsorbed substance) from a surface. 2 intr. (of an adsorbed substance) become released. ЬЬdesorbent adj. & n. desorption n. [DE-, after ADSORB] despair n. & v. --n. the complete loss or absence of hope. --v.intr. 1 (often foll. by of) lose or be without hope (despaired of ever seeing her again). 2 (foll. by of) lose hope about (his life is despaired of). Ьbe the despair of be the cause of despair by badness or unapproachable excellence (he's the despair of his parents). ЬЬdespairingly adv. [ME f. OF desespeir, desperer f. L desperare (as DE-, sperare hope)] despatch var. of DISPATCH. desperado n. (pl. -oes or US -os) a desperate or reckless person, esp. a criminal. [after DESPERATE (obs. n.) & words in -ADO] desperate adj. 1 reckless from despair; violent and lawless. 2 a extremely dangerous or serious (a desperate situation). b staking all on a small chance (a desperate remedy). 3 very bad (a desperate night; desperate poverty). 4 (usu. foll. by for) needing or desiring very much (desperate for recognition). ЬЬdesperately adv. desperateness n. desperation n. [ME f. L desperatus past part. of desperare (as DE-, sperare hope)] despicable adj. vile; contemptible, esp. morally. ЬЬdespicably adv. [LL despicabilis f. despicari (as DE-, specere look at)] despise v.tr. look down on as inferior, worthless, or contemptible. ЬЬdespiser n. [ME f. despis- pres. stem of OF despire f. L despicere (as DE-, specere look at)] despite prep. & n. --prep. in spite of. --n. archaic or literary 1 outrage, injury. 2 malice, hatred (died of mere despite). Ьdespite (or in despite) of archaic in spite of. ЬЬdespiteful adj. [ME f. OF despit f. L despectus noun f. despicere (as DESPISE)] despoil v.tr. literary (often foll. by of) plunder; rob; deprive (despoiled the roof of its lead). ЬЬdespoiler n. despoilment n. despoliation n. [ME f. OF despoill(i)er f. L despoliare (as DE-, spoliare SPOIL)] despond v. & n. --v.intr. lose heart or hope; be dejected. --n. archaic despondency. [L despondere give up, abandon (as DE-, spondere promise)] despondent adj. in low spirits, dejected. ЬЬdespondence n. despondency n. despondently adv. despot n. 1 an absolute ruler. 2 a tyrant or oppressor. ЬЬdespotic adj. despotically adv. [F despote f. med.L despota f. Gk despotes master, lord] despotism n. 1 a rule by a despot. b a country ruled by a despot. 2 absolute power or control; tyranny. desquamate v.intr. Med. (esp. of the skin) come off in scales (as in some diseases). ЬЬdesquamation n. desquamative adj. desquamatory adj. [L desquamare (as DE-, squama scale)] des res n. sl. a desirable residence. [abbr.] dessert n. 1 the sweet course of a meal, served at or near the end. 2 Brit. a course of fruit, nuts, etc., served after a meal. Ьdessert wine usu. sweet wine drunk with or following dessert. [F, past part. of desservir clear the table (as DIS-, servir SERVE)] dessertspoon n. 1 a spoon used for dessert, smaller than a tablespoon and larger than a teaspoon. 2 the amount held by this. ЬЬdessertspoonful n. (pl. -fuls). destabilize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 render unstable. 2 subvert (esp. a foreign government). ЬЬdestabilization n. destination n. a place to which a person or thing is going. [OF destination or L destinatio (as DESTINE)] destine v.tr. (often foll. by to, for, or to + infin.) set apart; appoint; preordain; intend (destined him for the navy). Ьbe destined to be fated or preordained to (was destined to become a great man). [ME f. F destiner f. L destinare (as DE-, stanare (unrecorded) settle f. stare stand)] destiny n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the predetermined course of events; fate. b this regarded as a power. 2 what is destined to happen to a particular person etc. (it was their destiny to be rejected). [ME f. OF destin‚e f. Rmc, past part. of destinare: see DESTINE] destitute adj. 1 without food, shelter, etc.; completely impoverished. 2 (usu. foll. by of) lacking (destitute of friends). ЬЬdestitution n. [ME f. L destitutus past part. of destituere forsake (as DE-, statuere place)] destrier n. hist. a war-horse. [ME f. AF destrer, OF destrier ult. f. L DEXTER(1) right (as the knight's horse was led by the squire with the right hand)] destroy v.tr. 1 pull or break down; demolish (destroyed the bridge). 2 end the existence of (the accident destroyed her confidence). 3 kill (esp. a sick or savage animal). 4 make useless; spoil utterly. 5 ruin financially, professionally, or in reputation. 6 defeat (destroyed the enemy). [ME f. OF destruire ult. f. L destruere (as DE-, struere struct- build)] destroyer n. 1 a person or thing that destroys. 2 Naut. a fast warship with guns and torpedoes used to protect other ships. destruct v. & n. US esp. Astronaut. --v. 1 tr. destroy (one's own rocket etc.) deliberately, esp. for safety reasons. 2 intr. be destroyed in this way. --n. an act of destructing. [L destruere (as DESTROY) or as back-form. f. DESTRUCTION] destructible adj. able to be destroyed. ЬЬdestructibility n. [F destructible or LL destructibilis (as DESTROY)] destruction n. 1 the act or an instance of destroying; the process of being destroyed. 2 a cause of ruin; something that destroys (greed was their destruction). [ME f. OF f. L destructio -onis (as DESTROY)] destructive adj. 1 (often foll. by to, of) destroying or tending to destroy (destructive of her peace of mind; is destructive to organisms; a destructive child). 2 negative in attitude or criticism; refuting without suggesting, helping, amending, etc. (opp. CONSTRUCTIVE) (has only destructive criticism to offer). ЬЬdestructively adv. destructiveness n. [ME f. OF destructif -ive f. LL destructivus (as DESTROY)] destructor n. Brit. a refuse-burning furnace. desuetude n. a state of disuse (the custom fell into desuetude). [F d‚su‚tude or L desuetudo (as DE-, suescere suet- be accustomed)] desultory adj. 1 going constantly from one subject to another, esp. in a half-hearted way. 2 disconnected; unmethodical; superficial. ЬЬdesultorily adv. desultoriness n. [L desultorius superficial f. desultor vaulter f. desult- (as DE-, salt- past part. stem of salire leap)] detach v.tr. 1 (often foll. by from) unfasten or disengage and remove (detached the buttons; detached himself from the group). 2 Mil. send (a ship, regiment, officer, messenger, etc.) on a separate mission. 3 (as detached adj.) a impartial; unemotional (a detached viewpoint). b (esp. of a house) not joined to another or others; separate. ЬЬdetachable adj. detachedly adv. [F d‚tacher (as DE-, ATTACH)] detachment n. 1 a a state of aloofness from or indifference to other people, one's surroundings, public opinion, etc. b disinterested independence of judgement. 2 a the act or process of detaching or being detached. b an instance of this. 3 Mil. a separate group or unit of an army etc. used for a specific purpose. [F d‚tachement (as DETACH)] detail n. & v. --n. 1 a a small or subordinate particular; an item. b such a particular, considered (ironically) to be unimportant (the truth of the statement is just a detail). 2 a small items or particulars (esp. in an artistic work) regarded collectively (has an eye for detail). b the treatment of them (the detail was insufficient and unconvincing). 3 (often in pl.) a number of particulars; an aggregate of small items (filled in the details on the form). 4 a a minor decoration on a building, in a picture, etc. b a small part of a picture etc. shown alone. 5 Mil. a the distribution of orders for the day. b a small detachment of soldiers etc. for special duty. --v.tr. 1 give particulars of (detailed the plans). 2 relate circumstantially (detailed the anecdote). 3 Mil. assign for special duty. 4 (as detailed adj.) a (of a picture, story, etc.) having many details. b itemized (a detailed list). Ьgo into detail give all the items or particulars. in detail item by item, minutely. [F d‚tail, d‚tailler (as DE-, tailler cut, formed as TAIL(2))] detain v.tr. 1 keep in confinement or under restraint. 2 keep waiting; delay. ЬЬdetainment n. [ME f. OF detenir ult. f. L detinere detent- (as DE-, tenere hold)] detainee n. a person detained in custody, esp. for political reasons. detainer n. Law 1 the wrongful detaining of goods taken from the owner for distraint etc. 2 the detention of a person in prison etc. [AF detener f. OF detenir (as DETAIN)] detect v.tr. 1 a (often foll. by in) reveal the guilt of; discover (detected him in his crime). b discover (a crime). 2 discover or perceive the existence or presence of (detected a smell of burning; do I detect a note of sarcasm?). 3 Physics use an instrument to observe (a signal, radiation, etc.). ЬЬdetectable adj. detectably adv. [L detegere detect- (as DE-, tegere cover)] detection n. 1 a the act or an instance of detecting; the process of being detected. b an instance of this. 2 the work of a detective. 3 Physics the extraction of a desired signal; a demodulation. [LL detectio (as DETECT)] detective n. & adj. --n. (often attrib.) a person, esp. a member of a police force, employed to investigate crime. --adj. serving to detect. Ьprivate detective a usu. freelance detective carrying out investigations for a private employer. [DETECT] detector n. 1 a person or thing that detects. 2 Physics a device for the detection or demodulation of signals. detent n. 1 a catch by the removal of which machinery is allowed to move. 2 (in a clock etc.) a catch that regulates striking. [F d‚tente f. OF destente f. destendre slacken (as DE-, L tendere)] d‚tente n. an easing of strained relations esp. between States. [F, = relaxation] detention n. 1 detaining or being detained. 2 a being kept in school after hours as a punishment. b an instance of this. 3 custody; confinement. Ьdetention centre Brit. an institution for the brief detention of young offenders. [F d‚tention or LL detentio (as DETAIN)] deter v.tr. (deterred, deterring) 1 (often foll. by from) discourage or prevent (a person) through fear or dislike of the consequences. 2 discourage, check, or prevent (a thing, process, etc.). ЬЬdeterment n. [L deterrere (as DE-, terrere frighten)] detergent n. & adj. --n. a cleansing agent, esp. a synthetic substance (usu. other than soap) used with water as a means of removing dirt etc. --adj. cleansing, esp. in the manner of a detergent. [L detergere (as DE-, tergere ters- wipe)] deteriorate v.tr. & intr. make or become bad or worse (food deteriorates in hot weather; his condition deteriorated after the operation). ЬЬdeterioration n. deteriorative adj. [LL deteriorare deteriorat- f. L deterior worse] determinant adj. & n. --adj. serving to determine or define. --n. 1 a determining factor, element, word, etc. 2 Math. a quantity obtained by the addition of products of the elements of a square matrix according to a given rule. [L determinare (as DETERMINE)] determinate adj. 1 limited in time, space, or character. 2 of definite scope or nature. ЬЬdeterminacy n. determinately adv. determinateness n. [ME f. L determinatus past part. (as DETERMINE)] determination n. 1 firmness of purpose; resoluteness. 2 the process of deciding, determining, or calculating. 3 a the conclusion of a dispute by the decision of an arbitrator. b the decision reached. 4 Law the cessation of an estate or interest. 5 Law a judicial decision or sentence. 6 archaic a tendency to move in a fixed direction. [ME (in sense 4) f. OF f. L determinatio -onis (as DETERMINE)] determinative adj. & n. --adj. serving to define, qualify, or direct. --n. a determinative thing or circumstance. ЬЬdeterminatively adv. [F d‚terminatif -ive (as DETERMINE)] determine v. 1 tr. find out or establish precisely (have to determine the extent of the problem). 2 tr. decide or settle (determined who should go). 3 tr. be a decisive factor in regard to (demand determines supply). 4 intr. & tr. make or cause (a person) to make a decision (we determined to go at once; what determined you to do it?). 5 tr. & intr. esp. Law bring or come to an end. 6 tr. Geom. fix or define the position of. Ьbe determined be resolved (was determined not to give up). ЬЬdeterminable adj. [ME f. OF determiner f. L determinare (as DE-, terminus end)] determined adj. showing determination; resolute, unflinching. ЬЬdeterminedly adv. determinedness n. determiner n. 1 a person or thing that determines. 2 Gram. any of a class of words (e.g. a, the, every) that determine the kind of reference a noun or noun-substitute has. determinism n. Philos. the doctrine that all events, including human action, are determined by causes regarded as external to the will. ЬЬdeterminist n. deterministic adj. deterministically adv. deterrent adj. & n. --adj. that deters. --n. a deterrent thing or factor, esp. a nuclear weapon regarded as deterring an enemy from attack. ЬЬdeterrence n. detest v.tr. hate, loathe. ЬЬdetester n. [L detestari (as DE-, testari call to witness f. testis witness)] detestable adj. intensely disliked; hateful. ЬЬdetestably adv. detestation n. 1 intense dislike, hatred. 2 a detested person or thing. [ME f. OF f. L detestatio -onis (as DETEST)] dethrone v.tr. 1 remove from the throne, depose. 2 remove from a position of authority or influence. ЬЬdethronement n. detonate v.intr. & tr. explode with a loud noise. ЬЬdetonative adj. [L detonare detonat- (as DE-, tonare thunder)] detonation n. 1 a the act or process of detonating. b a loud explosion. 2 the premature combustion of fuel in an internal-combustion engine, causing it to pink. [F d‚tonation f. d‚toner (as DETONATE)] detonator n. 1 a device for detonating an explosive. 2 a fog-signal that detonates, e.g. as used on railways. detour n. & v. --n. a divergence from a direct or intended route; a roundabout course. --v.intr. & tr. make or cause to make a detour. [F d‚tour change of direction f. d‚tourner turn away (as DE-, TURN)] detoxicate v.tr. = DETOXIFY. ЬЬdetoxication n. [DE- + L toxicum poison, after intoxicate] detoxify v.tr. remove the poison from. ЬЬdetoxification n. [DE- + L toxicum poison] detract v.tr. (usu. foll. by from) take away (a part of something); reduce, diminish (self-interest detracted nothing from their achievement). ЬЬdetraction n. detractive adj. detractor n. [L detrahere detract- (as DE-, trahere draw)] detrain v.intr. & tr. alight or cause to alight from a train. ЬЬdetrainment n. detribalize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 make (a person) no longer a member of a tribe. 2 destroy the tribal habits of. ЬЬdetribalization n. detriment n. 1 harm, damage. 2 something causing this. [ME f. OF detriment or L detrimentum (as DE-, terere trit- rub, wear)] detrimental adj. harmful; causing loss. ЬЬdetrimentally adv. detrition n. wearing away by friction. [med.L detritio (as DETRIMENT)] detritus n. matter produced by erosion, such as gravel, sand, silt, rock-debris, etc.; debris. ЬЬdetrital adj. [after F d‚tritus f. L detritus (n.) = wearing down (as DETRIMENT)] de trop predic.adj. not wanted, unwelcome, in the way. [F, = excessive] detumescence n. subsidence from a swollen state. [L detumescere (as DE-, tumescere swell)] deuce(1) n. 1 the two on dice or playing cards. 2 (in lawn tennis) the score of 40 all, at which two consecutive points are needed to win. [OF deus f. L duo (accus. duos) two] deuce(2) n. misfortune, the Devil, used esp. colloq. as an exclamation of surprise or annoyance (who the deuce are you?). Ьa (or the) deuce of a a very bad or remarkable (a deuce of a problem; a deuce of a fellow). the deuce to pay trouble to be expected. [LG duus, formed as DEUCE(1), two aces at dice being the worst throw] deuced adj. & adv. archaic damned, confounded (a deuced liar). ЬЬdeucedly adv. deus ex machina n. an unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, esp. in a play or novel. [mod.L transl. of Gk theos ek mekhanes, = god from the machinery (by which in the Greek theatre the gods were suspended above the stage)] Deut. abbr. Deuteronomy (Old Testament). deuteragonist n. the person second in importance to the protagonist in a drama. [Gk deuteragonistes (as DEUTERO-, agonistes actor)] deuterate v.tr. replace the usual isotope of hydrogen in (a substance) by deuterium. ЬЬdeuteration n. deuterium n. Chem. a stable isotope of hydrogen with a mass about double that of the usual isotope. [mod.L, formed as DEUTERO- + -IUM] deutero- comb. form second. [Gk deuteros second] Deutero-Isaiah n. the supposed later author of Isaiah 40-55. deuteron n. Physics the nucleus of a deuterium atom, consisting of a proton and a neutron. [DEUTERIUM + -ON] Deutsche Mark n. (also Deutschmark) the chief monetary unit of the Federal Republic of Germany. [G, = German mark (see MARK(2))] deutzia n. any ornamental shrub of the genus Deutzia, with usu. white flowers. [J. Deutz 18th-c. Du. patron of botany] devalue v.tr. (devalues, devalued, devaluing) 1 reduce the value of. 2 Econ. reduce the value of (a currency) in relation to other currencies or to gold (opp. REVALUE). ЬЬdevaluation n. Devanagari n. the alphabet used for Sanskrit, Hindi, and other Indian languages. [Skr., = divine town script] devastate v.tr. 1 lay waste; cause great destruction to. 2 (often in passive) overwhelm with shock or grief; upset deeply. ЬЬdevastation n. devastator n. [L devastare devastat- (as DE-, vastare lay waste)] devastating adj. crushingly effective; overwhelming. ЬЬdevastatingly adv. develop v. (developed, developing) 1 tr. & intr. a make or become bigger or fuller or more elaborate or systematic (the new town developed rapidly). b bring or come to an active or visible state or to maturity (developed a plan of action). 2 tr. begin to exhibit or suffer from (developed a rattle). 3 tr. a construct new buildings on (land). b convert (land) to a new purpose so as to use its resources more fully. 4 tr. treat (photographic film etc.) to make the latent image visible. 5 tr. Mus. elaborate (a theme) by modification of the melody, harmony, rhythm, etc. 6 tr. Chess bring (a piece) into position for effective use. Ьdeveloping country a poor or primitive country that is developing better economic and social conditions. ЬЬdeveloper n. [F d‚velopper f. Rmc (as DIS-, orig. of second element unknown)] developable adj. that can be developed. Ьdevelopable surface Geom. a surface that can be flattened into a plane without overlap or separation, e.g. a cylinder. development n. 1 the act or an instance of developing; the process of being developed. 2 a a stage of growth or advancement. b a thing that has developed, esp. an event or circumstance (the latest developments). 3 a full-grown state. 4 the process of developing a photograph. 5 a developed area of land. 6 Mus. the elaboration of a theme or themes, esp. in the middle section of a sonata movement. 7 Chess the developing of pieces from their original position. Ьdevelopment area Brit. one where new industries are encouraged in order to counteract unemployment. developmental adj. 1 incidental to growth (developmental diseases). 2 evolutionary. ЬЬdevelopmentally adv. deviant adj. & n. --adj. that deviates from the normal, esp. with reference to sexual practices. --n. a deviant person or thing. ЬЬdeviance n. deviancy n. [ME (as DEVIATE)] deviate v. & n. --v.intr. (often foll. by from) turn aside or diverge (from a course of action, rule, truth, etc.); digress. --n. a deviant, esp. a sexual pervert. ЬЬdeviator n. deviatory adj. [LL deviare deviat- (as DE-, via way)] deviation n. 1 a deviating, digressing. b an instance of this. 2 Polit. a departure from accepted (esp. Communist) party doctrine. 3 Statistics the amount by which a single measurement differs from the mean. 4 Naut. the deflection of a ship's compass-needle caused by iron in the ship etc. Ьstandard deviation Statistics a quantity calculated to indicate the extent of deviation for a group as a whole. ЬЬdeviational adj. deviationism n. deviationist n. [F d‚viation f. med.L deviatio -onis (as DEVIATE)] device n. 1 a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, esp. a mechanical contrivance. 2 a plan, scheme, or trick. 3 a an emblematic or heraldic design. b a drawing or design. 4 archaic make, look (things of rare device). Ьleave a person to his or her own devices leave a person to do as he or she wishes. [ME f. OF devis ult. f. L (as DIVIDE)] devil n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. the Devil) (in Christian and Jewish belief) the supreme spirit of evil; Satan. 2 a an evil spirit; a demon; a superhuman malignant being. b a personified evil force or attribute. 3 a a wicked or cruel person. b a mischievously energetic, clever, or self-willed person. 4 colloq. a person, a fellow (lucky devil). 5 fighting spirit, mischievousness (the devil is in him tonight). 6 colloq. something difficult or awkward (this door is a devil to open). 7 (the devil or the Devil) colloq. used as an exclamation of surprise or annoyance (who the devil are you?). 8 a literary hack exploited by an employer. 9 Brit. a junior legal counsel. 10 = Tasmanian devil. 11 applied to various instruments and machines, esp. when used for destructive work. 12 S.Afr. = dust devil. --v. (devilled, devilling; US deviled, deviling) 1 tr. cook (food) with hot seasoning. 2 intr. act as a devil for an author or barrister. 3 tr. US harass, worry. Ьbetween the devil and the deep blue sea in a dilemma. devil-may-care cheerful and reckless. a devil of colloq. a considerable, difficult, or remarkable. devil a one not even one. devil ray any cartilaginous fish of the family Mobulidae, esp. the manta. devil's advocate a person who tests a proposition by arguing against it. devil's bit any of various plants whose roots look bitten off, esp. a kind of scabious (Succisa pratensis). devil's coach-horse Brit. a large rove-beetle, Staphylinus olens. devil's darning-needle a dragonfly or damselfly. devil's dozen thirteen. devils-on-horseback a savoury of prune or plum wrapped in slices of bacon. devil's own colloq. very difficult or unusual (the devil's own job). devil take the hindmost a motto of selfish competition. the devil to pay trouble to be expected. go to the devil 1 be damned. 2 (in imper.) depart at once. like the devil with great energy. play the devil with cause severe damage to. printer's devil hist. an errand-boy in a printing office. speak (or talk) of the devil said when a person appears just after being mentioned. the very devil (predic.) colloq. a great difficulty or nuisance. [OE deofol f. LL diabolus f. Gk diabolos accuser, slanderer f. dia across + ballo to throw] devilfish n. (pl. same or -fishes) 1 = devil ray. 2 any of various fish, esp. the stonefish. 3 hist. an octopus. devilish adj. & adv. --adj. 1 of or like a devil; wicked. 2 mischievous. --adv. colloq. very, extremely. ЬЬdevilishly adv. devilishness n. devilment n. mischief, wild spirits. devilry n. (also deviltry) (pl. -ies) 1 a wickedness; reckless mischief. b an instance of this. 2 a black magic. b the Devil and his works. [OF diablerie: -try wrongly after harlotry etc.] devious adj. 1 (of a person etc.) not straightforward, underhand. 2 winding, circuitous. 3 erring, straying. ЬЬdeviously adv. deviousness n. [L devius f. DE- + via way] devise v. & n. --v.tr. 1 plan or invent by careful thought. 2 Law leave (real estate) by the terms of a will (cf. BEQUEATH). --n. 1 the act or an instance of devising. 2 Law a devising clause in a will. ЬЬdevisable adj. devisee n. (in sense 2 of v.). deviser n. devisor n. (in sense 2 of v.). [ME f. OF deviser ult. f. L dividere divis- DIVIDE: (n.) f. OF devise f. med.L divisa fem. past part. of dividere] devitalize v.tr. (also -ise) take away strength and vigour from. ЬЬdevitalization n. devitrify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) deprive of vitreous qualities; make (glass or vitreous rock) opaque and crystalline. ЬЬdevitrification n. devoid predic.adj. (foll. by of) quite lacking or free from (a book devoid of all interest). [ME, past part. of obs. devoid f. OF devoidier (as DE-, VOID)] devoir n. archaic 1 duty, one's best (do one's devoir). 2 (in pl.) courteous or formal attentions; respects (pay one's devoirs to). [ME f. AF dever = OF deveir f. L debere owe] devolute v.tr. transfer by devolution. [as DEVOLVE] devolution n. 1 the delegation of power, esp. by central government to local or regional administration. 2 a descent or passing on through a series of stages. b descent by natural or due succession from one to another of property or qualities. 3 the lapse of an unexercised right to an ultimate owner. 4 Biol. degeneration. ЬЬdevolutionary adj. devolutionist n. [LL devolutio (as DEVOLVE)] devolve v. 1 (foll. by on, upon, etc.) a tr. pass (work or duties) to (a deputy etc.). b intr. (of work or duties) pass to (a deputy etc.). 2 intr. (foll. by on, to, upon) Law (of property etc.) descend or fall by succession to. ЬЬdevolvement n. [ME f. L devolvere devolut- (as DE-, volvere roll)] Devonian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to Devon in SW England. 2 Geol. of or relating to the fourth period of the Palaeozoic era with evidence of the first amphibians and tree forests. °Cf. Appendix II. --n. 1 this period or system. 2 a native of Devon. [med.L Devonia Devonshire] d‚vot n. (fem. d‚vote) a devotee. [F f. OF (as DEVOUT)] devote v.tr. & refl. 1 (foll. by to) apply or give over (resources etc. or oneself) to (a particular activity or purpose or person) (devoted their time to reading; devoted himself to his guests). 2 archaic doom to destruction. ЬЬdevotement n. [L devovere devot- (as DE-, vovere vow)] devoted adj. very loving or loyal (a devoted husband). ЬЬdevotedly adv. devotedness n. devotee n. 1 (usu. foll. by of) a zealous enthusiast or supporter. 2 a zealously pious or fanatical person. devotion n. 1 (usu. foll. by to) enthusiastic attachment or loyalty (to a person or cause); great love. 2 a religious worship. b (in pl.) prayers. c devoutness, religious fervour. ЬЬdevotional adj. [ME f. OF devotion or L devotio (as DEVOTE)] devour v.tr. 1 eat hungrily or greedily. 2 (of fire etc.) engulf, destroy. 3 take in greedily with the eyes or ears (devoured book after book). 4 absorb the attention of (devoured by anxiety). ЬЬdevourer n. devouringly adv. [ME f. OF devorer f. L devorare (as DE-, vorare swallow)] devout adj. 1 earnestly religious. 2 earnestly sincere (devout hope). ЬЬdevoutly adv. devoutness n. [ME f. OF devot f. L devotus past part. (as DEVOTE)] DEW abbr. distant early warning. dew n. & v. --n. 1 atmospheric vapour condensing in small drops on cool surfaces at night. 2 beaded or glistening moisture resembling this, e.g. tears. 3 freshness, refreshing quality. --v.tr. wet with or as with dew. Ьdew-claw 1 a rudimentary inner toe found on some dogs. 2 a false hoof on a deer etc. dew-fall 1 the time when dew begins to form. 2 evening. dew-point the temperature at which dew forms. dew-pond a shallow usu. artificial pond once supposed to have been fed by atmospheric condensation. [OE deaw f. Gmc] dewan n. the prime minister or finance minister of an Indian state. [Arab. & Pers. diwan fiscal register] dewar n. Physics a double-walled flask with a vacuum between the walls to reduce the transfer of heat. [Sir James Dewar, Brit. physicist d. 1923] dewberry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a bluish fruit like the blackberry. 2 the shrub, Rubus caesius, bearing this. dewdrop n. a drop of dew. Dewey system n. a decimal system of library classification. [M. Dewey, Amer. librarian d. 1931, its deviser] dewlap n. 1 a loose fold of skin hanging from the throat of cattle, dogs, etc. 2 similar loose skin round the throat of an elderly person. [ME f. DEW + LAP(1), perh. after ON (unrecorded) d”ggleppr] dewy adj. (dewier, dewiest) 1 a wet with dew. b moist as if with dew. 2 of or like dew. Ьdewy-eyed innocently trusting; na‹vely sentimental. ЬЬdewily adv. dewiness n. [OE deawig (as DEW, -Y(1))] dexter(1) adj. esp. Heraldry on or of the right-hand side (the observer's left) of a shield etc. [L, = on the right] dexter(2) n. 1 an animal of a small hardy breed of Irish cattle. 2 this breed. [19th c.: perh. f. the name of a breeder] dexterity n. 1 skill in handling. 2 manual or mental adroitness. 3 right-handedness, using the right hand. [F dext‚rit‚ f. L dexteritas (as DEXTER(1))] dexterous adj. (also dextrous) having or showing dexterity. ЬЬdexterously adv. dexterousness n. [L DEXTER(1) + -OUS] dextral adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a person) right-handed. 2 of or on the right. 3 Zool. (of a spiral shell) with whorls rising to the right and coiling in an anticlockwise direction. 4 Zool. (of a flat-fish) with the right side uppermost. --n. a right-handed person. ЬЬdextrality n. dextrally adv. [med.L dextralis f. L dextra right hand] dextran n. Chem. & Pharm. 1 an amorphous gum formed by the fermentation of sucrose etc. 2 a degraded form of this used as a substitute for blood-plasma. [G (as DEXTRO- + - an as in Chem. names)] dextrin n. Chem. a soluble gummy substance obtained from starch and used as an adhesive. [F dextrine f. L dextra: see DEXTRO-, -IN] dextro- comb. form on or to the right (dextrorotatory; dextrose). [L dexter, dextra on or to the right] dextrorotatory adj. Chem. having the property of rotating the plane of a polarized light ray to the right (cf. LAEVOROTATORY). ЬЬdextrorotation n. dextrorse adj. rising towards the right, esp. of a spiral stem. [L dextrorsus (as DEXTRO-)] dextrose n. Chem. the dextrorotatory form of glucose. [formed as DEXTRO- + -OSE(2)] dextrous var. of DEXTEROUS. 7.0 DF... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DF abbr. 1 Defender of the Faith. 2 direction-finder. [in sense 1 f. L Defensor Fidei] DFC abbr. Brit. Distinguished Flying Cross. DFM abbr. Brit. Distinguished Flying Medal. 8.0 DG =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DG abbr. 1 Dei gratia. 2 Deo gratias. 3 director-general. 9.0 dhal... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- dhal n. (also dal) 1 a kind of split pulse, a common foodstuff in India. 2 a dish made with this. [Hindi] dharma n. Ind. 1 social custom; the right behaviour. 2 the Buddhist truth. 3 the Hindu social or moral law. [Skr., = decree, custom] dhobi n. (pl. dhobis) Ind. etc. a washerman or washerwoman. Ьdhobi (or dhobi's) itch a tropical skin disease; an allergic dermatitis. [Hindi dhobi f. dhob washing] dhoti n. (pl. dhotis) the loincloth worn by male Hindus. [Hindi dhoti] dhow n. a lateen-rigged ship used on the Arabian sea. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] DHSS abbr. hist. (in the UK) Department of Health and Social Security (cf. DoH, DSS). dhurra var. of DURRA. 10.0 DI... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DI abbr. Brit. Defence Intelligence. di-(1) comb. form 1 twice, two-, double. 2 Chem. containing two atoms, molecules, or groups of a specified kind (dichromate; dioxide). [Gk f. dis twice] di-(2) prefix form of DIS- occurring before l, m, n, r, s (foll. by a consonant), v, usu. g, and sometimes j. [L var. of dis-] di-(3) prefix form of DIA- before a vowel. dia. abbr. diameter. dia- prefix (also di- before a vowel) 1 through (diaphanous). 2 apart (diacritical). 3 across (diameter). [Gk f. dia through] diabetes n. 1 any disorder of the metabolism with excessive thirst and the production of large amounts of urine. 2 (in full diabetes mellitus) the commonest form of diabetes in which sugar and starch are not properly absorbed from the blood, with thirst, emaciation, and excessive excretion of urine with glucose. Ьdiabetes insipidus a rare metabolic disorder due to a pituitary deficiency, with excessive urination and thirst. [orig. = siphon: L f. Gk f. diabaino go through] diabetic adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to or having diabetes. 2 for use by diabetics. --n. a person suffering from diabetes. diablerie n. 1 the devil's work; sorcery. 2 wild recklessness. 3 the realm of devils; devil-lore. [F f. diable f. L diabolus DEVIL] diabolic adj. (also diabolical) 1 of the Devil. 2 devilish; inhumanly cruel or wicked. 3 fiendishly clever or cunning or annoying. ЬЬdiabolically adv. [ME f. OF diabolique or LL diabolicus f. L diabolus (as DEVIL)] diabolism n. 1 a belief in or worship of the Devil. b sorcery. 2 devilish conduct or character. ЬЬdiabolist n. [Gk diabolos DEVIL] diabolize v.tr. (also -ise) make into or represent as a devil. diabolo n. (pl. -os) 1 a game in which a two-headed top is thrown up and caught with a string stretched between two sticks. 2 the top itself. [It., = DEVIL: formerly called devil on two sticks] diachronic adj. Linguistics etc. concerned with the historical development of a subject (esp. a language) (opp. SYNCHRONIC). ЬЬdiachronically adv. diachronism n. diachronistic adj. diachronous adj. diachrony n. [F diachronique (as DIA-, CHRONIC)] diaconal adj. of a deacon. [eccl.L diaconalis f. diaconus DEACON] diaconate n. 1 a the office of deacon. b a person's time as deacon. 2 a body of deacons. [eccl.L diaconatus (as DIACONAL)] diacritic n. & adj. --n. a sign (e.g. an accent, diaeresis, cedilla) used to indicate different sounds or values of a letter. --adj. = DIACRITICAL. [Gk diakritikos (as DIA-, CRITIC)] diacritical adj. & n. --adj. distinguishing, distinctive. --n. (in full diacritical mark or sign) = DIACRITIC. diadelphous adj. Bot. with the stamens united in two bundles (cf. MONADELPHOUS, POLYADELPHOUS). [DI-(1) + Gk adelphos brother] diadem n. & v. --n. 1 a crown or headband worn as a sign of sovereignty. 2 a wreath of leaves or flowers worn round the head. 3 sovereignty. 4 a crowning distinction or glory. --v.tr. (esp. as diademed adj.) adorn with or as with a diadem. [ME f. OF diademe f. L diadema f. Gk diadema (as DIA-, deo bind)] diaeresis n. (US dieresis) (pl. -ses) 1 a mark (as in na‹ve) over a vowel to indicate that it is sounded separately. 2 Prosody a break where a foot ends at the end of a word. [L f. Gk, = separation] diagenesis n. Geol. the transformation occurring during the conversion of sedimentation to sedimentary rock. diagnose v.tr. make a diagnosis of (a disease, a mechanical fault, etc.) from its symptoms. ЬЬdiagnosable adj. diagnosis n. (pl. diagnoses) 1 a the identification of a disease by means of a patient's symptoms. b an instance or formal statement of this. 2 a the identification of the cause of a mechanical fault etc. b an instance of this. 3 a the distinctive characterization in precise terms of a genus, species, etc. b an instance of this. [mod.L f. Gk (as DIA-, gignosko recognize)] diagnostic adj. & n. --adj. of or assisting diagnosis. --n. a symptom. ЬЬdiagnostically adv. diagnostician n. [Gk diagnostikos (as DIAGNOSIS)] diagnostics n. 1 (treated as pl.) Computing programs and other mechanisms used to detect and identify faults in hardware or software. 2 (treated as sing.) the science or study of diagnosing disease. diagonal adj. & n. --adj. 1 crossing a straight-sided figure from corner to corner. 2 slanting, oblique. --n. a straight line joining two non-adjacent corners. ЬЬdiagonally adv. [L diagonalis f. Gk diagonios (as DIA-, gonia angle)] diagram n. & v. --n. 1 a drawing showing the general scheme or outline of an object and its parts. 2 a graphic representation of the course or results of an action or process. 3 Geom. a figure made of lines used in proving a theorem etc. --v.tr. (diagrammed, diagramming; US diagramed, diagraming) represent by means of a diagram. ЬЬdiagrammatic adj. diagrammatically adv. [L diagramma f. Gk (as DIA-, -GRAM)] diagrid n. Archit. a supporting structure of diagonally intersecting ribs of metal etc. [DIAGONAL + GRID] diakinesis n. (pl. diakineses) Biol. a stage during the prophase of meiosis when the separation of homologous chromosomes is complete and crossing over has occurred. [mod.L f. G Diakinese (as DIA-, Gk kinesis motion)] dial n. & v. --n. 1 the face of a clock or watch, marked to show the hours etc. 2 a similar flat plate marked with a scale for measuring weight, volume, pressure, consumption, etc., indicated by a pointer. 3 a movable disc on a telephone, with finger-holes and numbers for making a connection. 4 a a plate or disc etc. on a radio or television set for selecting wavelength or channel. b a similar selecting device on other equipment, e.g. a washing machine. 5 Brit. sl. a person's face. --v. (dialled, dialling; US dialed, dialing) 1 tr. (also absol.) select (a telephone number) by means of a dial or set of buttons (dialled 999). 2 tr. measure, indicate, or regulate by means of a dial. Ьdialling code a sequence of numbers dialled to connect a telephone with the exchange of the telephone being called. dialling tone (US dial tone) a sound indicating that a caller may start to dial. ЬЬdialler n. [ME, = sundial, f. med.L diale clock-dial ult. f. L dies day] dialect n. 1 a form of speech peculiar to a particular region. 2 a subordinate variety of a language with non-standard vocabulary, pronunciation, or grammar. ЬЬdialectal adj. dialectology n. dialectologist n. [F dialecte or L dialectus f. Gk dialektos discourse f. dialegomai converse] dialectic n. & adj. Philos. --n. 1 a the art of investigating the truth of opinions; the testing of truth by discussion. b logical disputation. 2 a inquiry into metaphysical contradictions and their solutions, esp. in the thought of Kant and Hegel. b the existence or action of opposing social forces etc. --adj. 1 of or relating to logical disputation. 2 fond of or skilled in logical disputation. [ME f. OF dialectique or L dialectica f. Gk dialektike (tekhne) (art) of debate (as DIALECT)] dialectical adj. of dialectic or dialectics. Ьdialectical materialism the Marxist theory that political and historical events are due to a conflict of social forces caused by man's material needs. ЬЬdialectically adv. dialectician n. a person skilled in dialectic. [F dialecticien f. L dialecticus] dialectics n. (treated as sing. or pl.) = DIALECTIC n. 1. dialogic adj. of or in dialogue. [LL dialogicus f. Gk dialogikos (as DIALOGUE)] dialogist n. a speaker in or writer of dialogue. [LL dialogista f. Gk dialogistes (as DIALOGUE)] dialogue n. (US dialog) 1 a conversation. b conversation in written form; this as a form of composition. 2 a a discussion, esp. one between representatives of two political groups. b a conversation, a talk (long dialogues between the two main characters). [ME f. OF dialoge f. L dialogus f. Gk dialogos f. dialegomai converse] dialyse v.tr. (US dialyze) separate by means of dialysis. dialysis n. (pl. dialyses) 1 Chem. the separation of particles in a liquid by differences in their ability to pass through a membrane into another liquid. 2 Med. the clinical purification of blood by this technique. ЬЬdialytic adj. [L f. Gk dialusis (as DIA-, luo set free)] diamagnetic adj. & n. --adj. tending to become magnetized in a direction at right angles to the applied magnetic field. --n. a diamagnetic body or substance. ЬЬdiamagnetically adv. diamagnetism n. diamant‚ adj. & n. --adj. decorated with powdered crystal or another sparkling substance. --n. fabric or costume jewellery so decorated. [F, past part. of diamanter set with diamonds f. diamant DIAMOND] diamantiferous adj. diamond-yielding. [F diamantifЉre f. diamant DIAMOND] diamantine adj. of or like diamonds. [F diamantin (as DIAMANTIFEROUS)] diameter n. 1 a a straight line passing from side to side through the centre of a body or figure, esp. a circle or sphere. b the length of this line. 2 a transverse measurement; width, thickness. 3 a unit of linear measurement of magnifying power (a lens magnifying 2000 diameters). ЬЬdiametral adj. [ME f. OF diametre f. L diametrus f. Gk diametros (gramme) (line) measuring across f. metron measure] diametrical adj. (also diametric) 1 of or along a diameter. 2 (of opposition, difference, etc.) complete, like that between opposite ends of a diameter. ЬЬdiametrically adv. [Gk diametrikos (as DIAMETER)] diamond n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a precious stone of pure carbon crystallized in octahedrons etc., the hardest naturally-occurring substance. 2 a figure shaped like the cross-section of a diamond; a rhombus. 3 a a playing-card of a suit denoted by a red rhombus. b (in pl.) this suit. 4 a glittering particle or point (of frost etc.). 5 a tool with a small diamond for glass-cutting. 6 Baseball a the space delimited by the bases. b the entire field. --adj. 1 made of or set with diamonds or a diamond. 2 rhombus-shaped. --v.tr. adorn with or as with diamonds. Ьdiamond cut diamond wit or cunning is met by its like. diamond jubilee the 60th (or 75th) anniversary of an event, esp. a sovereign's accession. diamond wedding a 60th (or 75th) wedding anniversary. ЬЬdiamondiferous adj. [ME f. OF diamant f. med.L diamas diamant- var. of L adamas ADAMANT f. Gk] diamondback n. 1 an edible freshwater terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin, native to N. America, with lozenge-shaped markings on its shell. 2 any rattlesnake of the genus Crotalus, native to N. America, with diamond-shaped markings. diandrous adj. having two stamens. [DI-(1) + Gk aner andr- man] dianthus n. any flowering plant of the genus Dianthus, e.g. a carnation or pink. [Gk Dios of Zeus + anthos flower] diapason n. Mus. 1 the compass of a voice or musical instrument. 2 a fixed standard of musical pitch. 3 (in full open or stopped diapason) either of two main organ-stops extending through the organ's whole compass. 4 a a combination of notes or parts in a harmonious whole. b a melodious succession of notes, esp. a grand swelling burst of harmony. 5 an entire compass, range, or scope. [ME in sense 'octave' f. L diapason f. Gk dia pason (khordon) through all (notes)] diapause n. a period of retarded or suspended development in some insects. diaper n. & v. --n. 1 US a baby's nappy. 2 a a linen or cotton fabric with a small diamond pattern. b this pattern. 3 a similar ornamental design of diamonds etc. for panels, walls, etc. --v.tr. decorate with a diaper pattern. [ME f. OF diapre f. med.L diasprum f. med.Gk diaspros (adj.) (as DIA-, aspros white)] diaphanous adj. (of fabric etc.) light and delicate, and almost transparent. ЬЬdiaphanously adv. [med.L diaphanus f. Gk diaphanes (as DIA-, phaino show)] diaphoresis n. Med. sweating, esp. artificially induced. [LL f. Gk f. diaphoreo carry through] diaphoretic adj. & n. --adj. inducing perspiration. --n. an agent inducing perspiration. [LL diaphoreticus f. Gk diaphoretikos (formed as DIAPHORESIS)] diaphragm n. 1 a muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals. 2 a partition in animal and plant tissues. 3 a disc pierced by one or more holes in optical and acoustic systems etc. 4 a device for varying the effective aperture of the lens in a camera etc. 5 a thin contraceptive cap fitting over the cervix. 6 a thin sheet of material used as a partition etc. Ьdiaphragm pump a pump using a flexible diaphragm in place of a piston. ЬЬdiaphragmatic adj. [ME f. LL diaphragma f. Gk (as DIA-, phragma -atos f. phrasso fence in)] diapositive n. a positive photographic slide or transparency. diarchy n. (also dyarchy) (pl. -ies) 1 government by two independent authorities (esp. in India 1921-37). 2 an instance of this. ЬЬdiarchal adj. diarchic adj. [DI-(1) + Gk -arkhia rule, after monarchy] diarist n. a person who keeps a diary. ЬЬdiaristic adj. diarize v. (also -ise) 1 intr. keep a diary. 2 tr. enter in a diary. diarrhoea n. (esp. US diarrhea) a condition of excessively frequent and loose bowel movements. ЬЬdiarrhoeal adj. diarrhoeic adj. [ME f. LL f. Gk diarrhoia (as DIA-, rheo flow)] diary n. (pl. -ies) 1 a daily record of events or thoughts. 2 a book for this or for noting future engagements, usu. printed and with a calendar and other information. [L diarium f. dies day] diascope n. an optical projector giving images of transparent objects. Diaspora n. 1 (prec. by the) a the dispersion of the Jews among the Gentiles mainly in the 8th-6th c. BC. b Jews dispersed in this way. 2 (also diaspora) a any group of people similarly dispersed. b their dispersion. [Gk f. diaspeiro (as DIA-, speiro scatter)] diastase n. Biochem. = AMYLASE. ЬЬdiastasic adj. diastatic adj. [F f. Gk diastasis separation (as DIA-, stasis placing)] diastole n. Physiol. the period between two contractions of the heart when the heart muscle relaxes and allows the chambers to fill with blood (cf. SYSTOLE). ЬЬdiastolic adj. [LL f. Gk diastello (as DIA-, stello place)] diathermancy n. the quality of transmitting radiant heat. ЬЬdiathermic adj. diathermous adj. [F diathermansie f. Gk dia through + thermansis heating: assim. to -ANCY] diathermy n. the application of high-frequency electric currents to produce heat in the deeper tissues of the body. [G Diathermie f. Gk dia through + thermon heat] diathesis n. Med. a constitutional predisposition to a certain state, esp. a diseased one. [mod.L f. Gk f. diatithemi arrange] diatom n. a microscopic unicellular alga with a siliceous cell-wall, found as plankton and forming fossil deposits. ЬЬdiatomaceous adj. [mod.L Diatoma (genus-name) f. Gk diatomos (as DIA-, temno cut)] diatomic adj. consisting of two atoms. [DI-(1) + ATOM] diatomite n. a deposit composed of the siliceous skeletons of diatoms. diatonic adj. Mus. 1 (of a scale, interval, etc.) involving only notes proper to the prevailing key without chromatic alteration. 2 (of a melody or harmony) constructed from such a scale. [F diatonique or LL diatonicus f. Gk diatonikos at intervals of a tone (as DIA-, TONIC)] diatribe n. a forceful verbal attack; a piece of bitter criticism. [F f. L diatriba f. Gk diatribe spending of time, discourse f. diatribo (as DIA-, tribo rub)] diazepam n. a tranquillizing muscle-relaxant drug with anticonvulsant properties used to relieve anxiety, tension, etc. [benzo diazepine + am] diazo n. (in full diazotype) a copying or colouring process using a diazo compound decomposed by light. Ьdiazo compound Chem. a chemical compound containing two usu. multiply-bonded nitrogen atoms, often highly coloured and used as dyes. [DI-(1) + AZO-] dib v.intr. (dibbed, dibbing) = DAP. [var. of DAB(1)] dibasic adj. Chem. having two replaceable protons. [DI-(1) + BASE(1) 6] dibber n. = DIBBLE. dibble n. & v. --n. a hand-tool for making holes in the ground for seeds or young plants. --v. 1 tr. sow or plant with a dibble. 2 tr. prepare (soil) with a dibble. 3 intr. use a dibble. [ME: perh. rel. to DIB] dibs n.pl. sl. money. [earlier sense 'pebbles for game', also dib-stones, perh. f. DIB] dice n. & v. --n.pl. 1 a small cubes with faces bearing 1-6 spots used in games of chance. b (treated as sing.) one of these cubes (see DIE(2)). 2 a game played with one or more such cubes. 3 food cut into small cubes for cooking. --v. 1 a intr. play dice. b intr. take great risks, gamble (dicing with death). c tr. (foll. by away) gamble away. 2 tr. cut (food) into small cubes. 3 tr. Austral. sl. reject; leave alone. 4 tr. chequer, mark with squares. Ьno dice sl. no success or prospect of it. ЬЬdicer n. (in sense 1 of v.). [pl. of DIE(2)] dicey adj. (dicier, diciest) sl. risky, unreliable. [DICE + -Y(1)] dichotomy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a division into two, esp. a sharply defined one. b the result of such a division. 2 binary classification. 3 Bot. & Zool. repeated bifurcation. ЬЬdichotomic adj. dichotomize v. dichotomous adj. [mod.L dichotomia f. Gk dikhotomia f. dikho- apart + -TOMY] dichroic adj. (esp. of doubly refracting crystals) showing two colours. ЬЬdichroism n. [Gk dikhroos (as DI-(1), khros colour)] dichromatic adj. 1 two-coloured. 2 a (of animal species) having individuals that show different colorations. b having vision sensitive to only two of the three primary colours. ЬЬdichromatism n. [DI-(1) + Gk khromatikos f. khroma -atos colour] dick(1) n. 1 Brit. colloq. (in certain set phrases) fellow; person (clever dick). 2 coarse sl. the penis. °In sense 2 usually considered a taboo word. [pet form of the name Richard] dick(2) n. sl. a detective. [perh. abbr.] dick(3) n. Ьtake one's dick (often foll. by that + clause) sl. swear, affirm. [abbr. of declaration] dicken int. Austral. sl. an expression of disgust or disbelief. [usu. assoc. with DICKENS or the name Dickens] dickens n. (usu. prec. by how, what, why, etc., the) colloq. (esp. in exclamations) deuce; the Devil (what the dickens are you doing here?). [16th c.: prob. a use of the surname Dickens] Dickensian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to Charles Dickens, Engl. novelist d. 1870, or his work. 2 resembling or reminiscent of the situations, poor social conditions, or comically repulsive characters described in Dickens's work. --n. an admirer or student of Dickens or his work. ЬЬDickensianly adv. dicker v. & n. esp. US --v. 1 a intr. bargain, haggle. b tr. barter, exchange. 2 intr. dither, hesitate. --n. a deal, a barter. ЬЬdickerer n. [perh. f. dicker set of ten (hides), as a unit of trade] dicky(1) n. (also dickey) (pl. -ies or -eys) colloq. 1 a false shirt-front. 2 (in full dicky-bird) a child's word for a little bird. 3 Brit. a driver's seat in a carriage. 4 Brit. an extra folding seat at the back of a vehicle. 5 (in full dicky bow) Brit. a bow-tie. [some senses f. Dicky (as DICK(1))] dicky(2) adj. (dickier, dickiest) Brit. sl. unsound, likely to collapse or fail. [19th c.: perh. f. 'as queer as Dick's hatband'] dicot n. = DICOTYLEDON. [abbr.] dicotyledon n. any flowering plant having two cotyledons. ЬЬdicotyledonous adj. [mod.L dicotyledones (as DI-(1), COTYLEDON)] dicrotic adj. (of the pulse) having a double beat. [Gk dikrotos] dicta pl. of DICTUM. Dictaphone n. propr. a machine for recording and playing back dictated words. [DICTATE + PHONE] dictate v. & n. --v. 1 tr. say or read aloud (words to be written down or recorded). 2 a tr. prescribe or lay down authoritatively (terms, things to be done). b intr. lay down the law; give orders. --n. (usu. in pl.) an authoritative instruction (dictates of conscience). [L dictare dictat- frequent. of dicere dict- say] dictation n. 1 a the saying of words to be written down or recorded. b an instance of this, esp. as a school exercise. c the material that is dictated. 2 a authoritative prescription. b an instance of this. c a command. Ьdictation speed a slow rate of speech suitable for dictation. dictator n. 1 a ruler with (often usurped) unrestricted authority. 2 a person with supreme authority in any sphere. 3 a domineering person. 4 a person who dictates for transcription. 5 Rom.Hist. a chief magistrate with absolute power, appointed in an emergency. [ME f. L (as DICTATE)] dictatorial adj. 1 of or like a dictator. 2 imperious, overbearing. ЬЬdictatorially adv. [L dictatorius (as DICTATOR)] dictatorship n. 1 a State ruled by a dictator. 2 a the position, rule, or period of rule of a dictator. b rule by a dictator. 3 absolute authority in any sphere. diction n. 1 the manner of enunciation in speaking or singing. 2 the choice of words or phrases in speech or writing. [F diction or L dictio f. dicere dict- say] dictionary n. (pl. -ies) 1 a book that lists (usu. in alphabetical order) and explains the words of a language or gives equivalent words in another language. 2 a reference book on any subject, the items of which are arranged in alphabetical order (dictionary of architecture). [med.L dictionarium (manuale manual) & dictionarius (liber book) f. L dictio (as DICTION)] dictum n. (pl. dicta or dictums) 1 a formal utterance or pronouncement. 2 a saying or maxim. 3 Law = OBITER DICTUM. [L, = neut. past part. of dicere say] dicty adj. US sl. 1 conceited, snobbish. 2 elegant, stylish. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] did past of DO(1). didactic adj. 1 meant to instruct. 2 (of a person) tediously pedantic. ЬЬdidactically adv. didacticism n. [Gk didaktikos f. didasko teach] didakai var. of DIDICOI. diddicoy var. of DIDICOI. diddle v. colloq. 1 tr. cheat, swindle. 2 intr. US waste time. ЬЬdiddler n. [prob. back-form. f. Jeremy Diddler in Kenney's 'Raising the Wind' (1803)] diddums int. expressing commiseration esp. to a child. [= did 'em, i.e. did they (tease you etc.)?] didgeridoo n. (also didjeridoo) an Australian Aboriginal musical wind instrument of long tubular shape. [imit.] didicoi n. (also didakai, diddicoy) sl. a gypsy; an itinerant tinker. [Romany] didn't contr. did not. dido n. (pl. -oes or -os) US colloq. an antic, a caper, a prank. Ьcut (or cut up) didoes play pranks. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] didst archaic 2nd sing. past of DO(1). didymium n. a mixture of praesodymium and neodymium, orig. regarded as an element. [mod.L f. Gk didumos twin (from being closely associated with lanthanum)] die(1) v. (dies, died, dying) 1 intr. (often foll. by of) (of a person, animal, or plant) cease to live; expire, lose vital force (died of hunger). 2 intr. a come to an end, cease to exist, fade away (the project died within six months). b cease to function; break down (the engine died). c (of a flame) go out. 3 intr. (foll. by on) die or cease to function while in the presence or charge of (a person). 4 intr. (usu. foll. by of, from, with) be exhausted or tormented (nearly died of boredom; was dying from the heat). 5 tr. suffer (a specified death) (died a natural death). Ьbe dying (foll. by for, or to + infin.) wish for longingly or intently (was dying for a drink; am dying to see you). die away become weaker or fainter to the point of extinction. die-away adj. languishing. die back (of a plant) decay from the tip towards the root. die down become less loud or strong. die hard die reluctantly, not without a struggle (old habits die hard). die-hard n. a conservative or stubborn person. die out become extinct, cease to exist. never say die keep up courage, not give in. [ME, prob. f. ON deyja f. Gmc] die(2) n. 1 sing. of DICE n. 1a. ° Dice is now standard in general use in this sense. 2 (pl. dies) a an engraved device for stamping a design on coins, medals, etc. b a device for stamping, cutting, or moulding material into a particular shape. 3 (pl. dice) Archit. the cubical part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice; a dado or plinth. Ьas straight (or true) as a die 1 quite straight. 2 entirely honest or loyal. die-cast cast (hot metal) in a die or mould. die-casting the process or product of casting from metal moulds. the die is cast an irrevocable step has been taken. die-sinker an engraver of dies. die-stamping embossing paper etc. with a die. [ME f. OF de f. L datum neut. past part. of dare give, play] dieldrin n. a crystalline insecticide produced by the oxidation of aldrin. [O. Diels, Ger. chemist d. 1954 + ALDRIN] dielectric adj. & n. Electr. --adj. insulating. --n. an insulating medium or substance. Ьdielectric constant permittivity. ЬЬdielectrically adv. [DI-(3) + ELECTRIC = through which electricity is transmitted (without conduction)] diene n. Chem. any organic compound possessing two double bonds between carbon atoms. [DI-(1) + -ENE] dieresis US var. of DIAERESIS. diesel n. 1 (in full diesel engine) an internal-combustion engine in which the heat produced by the compression of air in the cylinder ignites the fuel. 2 a vehicle driven by a diesel engine. 3 fuel for a diesel engine. Ьdiesel-electric n. a vehicle driven by the electric current produced by a diesel-engined generator. --adj. of or powered by this means. diesel oil a heavy petroleum fraction used as fuel in diesel engines. ЬЬdieselize v.tr. (also -ise). [R. Diesel, Ger. engineer d. 1913] Dies irae n. a Latin hymn sung in a Mass for the dead. [L (its first words), = day of wrath] dies non n. Law 1 a day on which no legal business can be done. 2 a day that does not count for legal purposes. [L, short for dies non juridicus non-judicial day] diet(1) n. & v. --n. 1 the kinds of food that a person or animal habitually eats. 2 a special course of food to which a person is restricted, esp. for medical reasons or to control weight. 3 a regular occupation or series of activities to which one is restricted or which form one's main concern, usu. for a purpose (a diet of light reading and fresh air). --v. (dieted, dieting) 1 intr. restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food, esp. to control one's weight. 2 tr. restrict (a person or animal) to a special diet. ЬЬdieter n. [ME f. OF diete (n.), dieter (v.) f. L diaeta f. Gk diaita a way of life] diet(2) n. 1 a legislative assembly in certain countries. 2 hist. a national or international conference, esp. of a federal State or confederation. 3 Sc. Law a meeting or session of a court. [ME f. med.L dieta day's work, wages, etc.] dietary adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to a diet. --n. (pl. -ies) a regulated or restricted diet. [ME f. med.L dietarium (as DIET(1))] dietetic adj. of or relating to diet. ЬЬdietetically adv. [L dieteticus f. Gk diaitetikos (as DIET(1))] dietetics n.pl. (usu. treated as sing.) the scientific study of diet and nutrition. diethyl ether n. Chem. = ETHER 1. dietitian n. (also dietician) an expert in dietetics. dif- prefix assim. form of DIS- before f. [L var. of DIS-] differ v.intr. 1 (often foll. by from) be unlike or distinguishable. 2 (often foll. by with) disagree; be at variance (with a person). [ME f. OF differer f. L differre, differ, DEFER(1), (as DIS-, ferre bear, tend)] difference n. & v. --n. 1 the state or condition of being different or unlike. 2 a point in which things differ; a distinction. 3 a degree of unlikeness. 4 a the quantity by which amounts differ; a deficit (will have to make up the difference). b the remainder left after subtraction. 5 a a disagreement, quarrel, or dispute. b the grounds of disagreement (put aside their differences). 6 Heraldry an alteration in a coat of arms distinguishing members of a family. --v.tr. Heraldry alter (a coat of arms) to distinguish members of a family. Ьmake a (or all the etc.) difference (often foll. by to) have a significant effect or influence (on a person, situation, etc.). make no difference (often foll. by to) have no effect (on a person, situation, etc.). with a difference having a new or unusual feature. [ME f. OF f. L differentia (as DIFFERENT)] different adj. 1 (often foll. by from, to, than) unlike, distinguishable in nature, form, or quality (from another). ° Different from is generally regarded as the most acceptable collocation; to is common in less formal use; than is established in US use and also found in British use, esp. when followed by a clause, e.g. I am a different person than I was a year ago. 2 distinct, separate; not the same one (as another). 3 colloq. unusual (wanted to do something different). ЬЬdifferently adv. differentness n. [ME f. OF different f. L different- (as DIFFER)] differentia n. (pl. differentiae) a distinguishing mark, esp. between species within a genus. [L: see DIFFERENCE] differential adj. & n. --adj. 1 a of, exhibiting, or depending on a difference. b varying according to circumstances. 2 Math. relating to infinitesimal differences. 3 constituting a specific difference; distinctive; relating to specific differences (differential diagnosis). 4 Physics & Mech. concerning the difference of two or more motions, pressures, etc. --n. 1 a difference between individuals or examples of the same kind. 2 Brit. a difference in wage or salary between industries or categories of employees in the same industry. 3 a difference between rates of interest etc. 4 Math. a an infinitesimal difference between successive values of a variable. b a function expressing this as a rate of change with respect to another variable. 5 (in full differential gear) a gear allowing a vehicle's driven wheels to revolve at different speeds in cornering. Ьdifferential calculus Math. a method of calculating rates of change, maximum or minimum values, etc. (cf. INTEGRAL). differential coefficient Math. = DERIVATIVE. differential equation Math. an equation involving differentials among its quantities. ЬЬdifferentially adv. [med. & mod.L differentialis (as DIFFERENCE)] differentiate v. 1 tr. constitute a difference between or in. 2 tr. & (often foll. by between) intr. find differences (between); discriminate. 3 tr. & intr. make or become different in the process of growth or development (species, word-forms, etc.). 4 tr. Math. transform (a function) into its derivative. ЬЬdifferentiation n. differentiator n. [med.L differentiare differentiat- (as DIFFERENCE)] difficult adj. 1 a needing much effort or skill. b troublesome, perplexing. 2 (of a person): a not easy to please or satisfy. b uncooperative, troublesome. 3 characterized by hardships or problems (a difficult period in his life). ЬЬdifficultly adv. difficultness n. [ME, back-form. f. DIFFICULTY] difficulty n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state or condition of being difficult. 2 a a difficult thing; a problem or hindrance. b (often in pl.) a cause of distress or hardship (in financial difficulties; there was someone in difficulties in the water). Ьmake difficulties be intransigent or unaccommodating. with difficulty not easily. [ME f. L difficultas (as DIS-, facultas FACULTY)] diffident adj. 1 shy, lacking self-confidence. 2 excessively modest and reticent. ЬЬdiffidence n. diffidently adv. [L diffidere (as DIS-, fidere trust)] diffract v.tr. Physics (of the edge of an opaque body, a narrow slit, etc.) break up (a beam of light) into a series of dark or light bands or coloured spectra, or (a beam of radiation or particles) into a series of alternately high and low intensities. ЬЬdiffraction n. diffractive adj. diffractively adv. [L diffringere diffract- (as DIS-, frangere break)] diffractometer n. an instrument for measuring diffraction, esp. in crystallographic work. diffuse adj. & v. --adj. 1 (of light, inflammation, etc.) spread out, diffused, not concentrated. 2 (of prose, speech, etc.) not concise, long-winded, verbose. --v.tr. & intr. 1 disperse or be dispersed from a centre. 2 spread or be spread widely; reach a large area. 3 Physics (esp. of fluids) intermingle by diffusion. ЬЬdiffusely adv. diffuseness n. diffusible adj. diffusive adj. [ME f. F diffus or L diffusus extensive (as DIS-, fusus past part. of fundere pour)] diffuser n. (also diffusor) 1 a person or thing that diffuses, esp. a device for diffusing light. 2 Engin. a duct for broadening an airflow and reducing its speed. diffusion n. 1 the act or an instance of diffusing; the process of being diffused. 2 Physics & Chem. the interpenetration of substances by the natural movement of their particles. 3 Anthropol. the spread of elements of culture etc. to another region or people. ЬЬdiffusionist n. [ME f. L diffusio (as DIFFUSE)] dig v. & n. --v. (digging; past and past part. dug) 1 intr. break up and remove or turn over soil, ground, etc., with a tool, one's hands, (of an animal) claws, etc. 2 tr. a break up and displace (the ground etc.) in this way. b (foll. by up) break up the soil of (fallow land). 3 tr. make (a hole, grave, tunnel, etc.) by digging. 4 tr. (often foll. by up, out) a obtain or remove by digging. b find or discover after searching. 5 tr. (also absol.) excavate (an archaeological site). 6 tr. sl. like, appreciate, or understand. 7 tr. & intr. (foll. by in, into) thrust or poke into or down into. 8 intr. make one's way by digging (dug through the mountainside). --n. 1 a piece of digging. 2 a thrust or poke (a dig in the ribs). 3 colloq. (often foll. by at) a pointed or critical remark. 4 an archaeological excavation. 5 (in pl.) Brit. colloq. lodgings. Ьdig one's feet (or heels or toes) in be obstinate. dig in colloq. begin eating. dig oneself in 1 prepare a defensive trench or pit. 2 establish one's position. [ME digge, of uncert. orig.: cf. OE dic ditch] digamma n. the sixth letter of the early Greek alphabet (prob. pronounced w), later disused. [L f. Gk (as DI-(1), GAMMA)] digastric adj. & n. Anat. --adj. (of a muscle) having two wide parts with a tendon between. --n. the muscle that opens the jaw. [mod.L digastricus (as DI-(1), Gk gaster belly)] digest v. & n. --v.tr. 1 assimilate (food) in the stomach and bowels. 2 understand and assimilate mentally. 3 Chem. treat (a substance) with heat, enzymes, or a solvent in order to decompose it, extract the essence, etc. 4 a reduce to a systematic or convenient form; classify; summarize. b think over; arrange in the mind. --n. 1 a a methodical summary esp. of a body of laws. b (the Digest) the compendium of Roman law compiled in the reign of Justinian (6th c. AD). 2 a regular or occasional synopsis of current literature or news. ЬЬdigester n. digestible adj. digestibility n. [ME f. L digerere digest- distribute, dissolve, digest (as DI-(2), gerere carry)] digestion n. 1 the process of digesting. 2 the capacity to digest food (has a weak digestion). 3 digesting a substance by means of heat, enzymes, or a solvent. [ME f. OF f. L digestio -onis (as DIGEST)] digestive adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to digestion. 2 aiding or promoting digestion. --n. 1 a substance that aids digestion. 2 (in full digestive biscuit) Brit. a usu. round semi-sweet wholemeal biscuit. ЬЬdigestively adv. [ME f. OF digestif -ive or L digestivus (as DIGEST)] digger n. 1 a person or machine that digs, esp. a mechanical excavator. 2 a miner, esp. a gold-digger. 3 colloq. an Australian or New Zealander, esp. a private soldier. 4 Austral. & NZ colloq. (as a form of address) mate, fellow. diggings n.pl. 1 a a mine or goldfield. b material dug out of a mine etc. 2 Brit. colloq. lodgings, accommodation. dight adj. archaic clothed, arrayed. [past part. of dight (v.) f. OE dihtan f. L dictare DICTATE] digit n. 1 any numeral from 0 to 9, esp. when forming part of a number. 2 Anat. & Zool. a finger, thumb, or toe. [ME f. L digitus] digital adj. 1 of or using a digit or digits. 2 (of a clock, watch, etc.) that gives a reading by means of displayed digits instead of hands. 3 (of a computer) operating on data represented as a series of usu. binary digits or in similar discrete form. 4 a (of a recording) with sound-information represented in digits for more reliable transmission. b (of a recording medium) using this process. Ьdigital audio tape magnetic tape on which sound is recorded digitally. digital to analog converter Computing a device for converting digital values to analog form. ЬЬdigitalize v.tr. (also -ise). digitally adv. [L digitalis (as DIGIT)] digitalin n. the pharmacologically active constituent(s) of the foxglove. [DIGITALIS + -IN] digitalis n. a drug prepared from the dried leaves of foxgloves and containing substances that stimulate the heart muscle. [mod.L, genus-name of foxglove after G Fingerhut thimble: see DIGITAL] digitate adj. 1 Zool. having separate fingers or toes. 2 Bot. having deep radiating divisions. ЬЬdigitately adv. digitation n. [L digitatus (as DIGIT)] digitigrade adj. & n. Zool. --adj. (of an animal) walking on its toes and not touching the ground with its heels, e.g. dogs, cats, and rodents. --n. a digitigrade animal (cf. PLANTIGRADE). [F f. L digitus + -gradus -walking] digitize v.tr. (also -ise) convert (data etc.) into digital form, esp. for processing by a computer. ЬЬdigitization n. dignified adj. having or expressing dignity; noble or stately in appearance or manner. ЬЬdignifiedly adv. dignify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 give dignity or distinction to. 2 ennoble; make worthy or illustrious. 3 give the form or appearance of dignity to (dignified the house with the name of mansion). [obs. F dignifier f. OF dignefier f. LL dignificare f. dignus worthy] dignitary n. (pl. -ies) a person holding high rank or office. [DIGNITY + -ARY(1), after PROPRIETARY] dignity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a composed and serious manner or style. 2 the state of being worthy of honour or respect. 3 worthiness, excellence (the dignity of work). 4 a high or honourable rank or position. 5 high regard or estimation. Ьbeneath one's dignity not considered worthy enough for one to do. stand on one's dignity insist (esp. by one's manner) on being treated with due respect. [ME f. OF dignet‚, dignit‚ f. L dignitas -tatis f. dignus worthy] digraph n. a group of two letters representing one sound, as in ph and ey. ЬЬdigraphic adj. digress v.intr. depart from the main subject temporarily in speech or writing. ЬЬdigresser n. digression n. digressive adj. digressively adv. digressiveness n. [L digredi digress- (as DI-(2), gradi walk)] digs see DIG n. 5. dihedral adj. & n. --adj. having or contained by two plane faces. --n. = dihedral angle. Ьdihedral angle an angle formed by two plane surfaces, esp. by an aircraft wing with the horizontal. [dihedron f. DI-(1) + -HEDRON] dihydric adj. Chem. containing two hydroxyl groups. [DI-(1) + HYDRIC] dik-dik n. any dwarf antelope of the genus Madoqua, native to Africa. [name in E. Africa and in Afrik.] dike(1) var. of DYKE(1). dike(2) var. of DYKE(2). diktat n. a categorical statement or decree, esp. terms imposed after a war by a victor. [G, = DICTATE] dilapidate v.intr. & tr. fall or cause to fall into disrepair or ruin. [L dilapidare demolish, squander (as DI-(2), lapis lapid- stone)] dilapidated adj. in a state of disrepair or ruin, esp. as a result of age or neglect. dilapidation n. 1 a the process of dilapidating. b a state of disrepair. 2 (in pl.) repairs required at the end of a tenancy or lease. 3 Eccl. a sum charged against an incumbent for wear and tear during a tenancy. [ME f. LL dilapidatio (as DILAPIDATE)] dilatation n. 1 the widening or expansion of a hollow organ or cavity. 2 the process of dilating. Ьdilatation and curettage an operation in which the cervix is expanded and the womb-lining scraped off with a curette. dilate v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become wider or larger (esp. of an opening in the body) (dilated pupils). 2 intr. (often foll. by on, upon) speak or write at length. ЬЬdilatable adj. dilation n. [ME f. OF dilater f. L dilatare spread out (as DI-(2), latus wide)] dilator n. 1 Anat. a muscle that dilates an organ. 2 Surgery an instrument for dilating a tube or cavity in the body. dilatory adj. given to or causing delay. ЬЬdilatorily adv. dilatoriness n. [LL dilatorius (as DI-(2), dilat- past part. stem of differre DEFER(1))] dildo n. (pl. -os) an object shaped like an erect penis and used, esp. by women, for sexual stimulation. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] dilemma n. 1 a situation in which a choice has to be made between two equally undesirable alternatives. 2 a state of indecision between two alternatives. 3 disp. a difficult situation. 4 an argument forcing an opponent to choose either of two unfavourable alternatives. [L f. Gk (as DI-(1), lemma premiss)] dilettante n. & adj. --n. (pl. dilettanti or dilettantes) 1 a person who studies a subject or area of knowledge superficially. 2 a person who enjoys the arts. --adj. trifling, not thorough; amateurish. ЬЬdilettantish adj. dilettantism n. [It. f. pres. part. of dilettare delight f. L delectare] diligence(1) n. 1 careful and persistent application or effort. 2 (as a characteristic) industriousness. [ME f. OF f. L diligentia (as DILIGENT)] diligence(2) n. hist. a public stagecoach, esp. in France. [F, for carrosse de diligence coach of speed] diligent adj. 1 careful and steady in application to one's work or duties. 2 showing care and effort. ЬЬdiligently adv. [ME f. OF f. L diligens assiduous, part. of diligere love, take delight in (as DI-(2), legere choose)] dill(1) n. 1 an umbelliferous herb, Anethum graveolens, with yellow flowers and aromatic seeds. 2 the leaves or seeds of this plant used for flavouring and medicinal purposes. Ьdill pickle pickled cucumber etc. flavoured with dill. dill-water a distillate of dill used as a carminative. [OE dile] dill(2) n. Austral. sl. 1 a fool or simpleton. 2 the victim of a trickster. [app. back-form. f. DILLY(2)] dilly(1) n. (pl. -ies) esp. US sl. a remarkable or excellent person or thing. [dilly (adj.) f. DELIGHTFUL or DELICIOUS] dilly(2) adj. Austral. sl. 1 odd or eccentric. 2 foolish, stupid, mad. [perh. f. DAFT, SILLY] dillybag n. Austral. a small bag or basket. [Aboriginal dilly + BAG] dilly-dally v.intr. (-ies, -ied) colloq. 1 dawdle, loiter. 2 vacillate. [redupl. of DALLY] diluent adj. & n. Chem. & Biochem. --adj. that serves to dilute. --n. a diluting agent. [L diluere diluent- DILUTE] dilute v. & adj. --v.tr. 1 reduce the strength of (a fluid) by adding water or another solvent. 2 weaken or reduce the strength or forcefulness of, esp. by adding something. --adj. also 1 (esp. of a fluid) diluted, weakened. 2 (of a colour) washed out; low in saturation. 3 Chem. a (of a solution) having relatively low concentration of solute. b (of a substance) in solution (dilute sulphuric acid). ЬЬdiluter n. dilution n. [L diluere dilut- (as DI-(2), luere wash)] diluvial adj. 1 of a flood, esp. of the Flood in Genesis. 2 Geol. of the Glacial Drift formation (see DRIFT n. 8). [LL diluvialis f. diluvium DELUGE] diluvium n. (pl. diluvia) Geol. = DRIFT n. 8. [L: see DILUVIAL] dim adj. & v. --adj. (dimmer, dimmest) 1 a only faintly luminous or visible; not bright. b obscure; ill-defined. 2 not clearly perceived or remembered. 3 colloq. stupid; slow to understand. 4 (of the eyes) not seeing clearly. --v. (dimmed, dimming) 1 tr. & intr. make or become dim or less bright. 2 tr. US dip (headlights). Ьdim-wit colloq. a stupid person. dim-witted colloq. stupid, unintelligent. take a dim view of colloq. 1 disapprove of. 2 feel gloomy about. ЬЬdimly adv. dimmish adj. dimness n. [OE dim, dimm, of unkn. orig.] dim. abbr. diminuendo. dime n. US & Can. colloq. 1 a ten-cent coin. 2 a small amount of money. Ьa dime a dozen very cheap or commonplace. dime novel a cheap popular novel. turn on a dime US colloq. make a sharp turn in a vehicle. [ME (orig. = tithe) f. OF disme f. L decima pars tenth part] dimension n. & v. --n. 1 a measurable extent of any kind, as length, breadth, depth, area, and volume. 2 (in pl.) size, scope, extent. 3 an aspect or facet of a situation, problem, etc. 4 Algebra one of a number of unknown or variable quantities contained as factors in a product (x(3), x(2)y, xyz, are all of three dimensions). 5 Physics the product of mass, length, time, etc., raised to the appropriate power, in a derived physical quantity. --v.tr. (usu. as dimensioned adj.) mark the dimensions on (a diagram etc.). ЬЬdimensional adj. (also in comb.). dimensionless adj. [ME f. OF f. L dimensio -onis (as DI-(2), metiri mensus measure)] dimer n. Chem. a compound consisting of two identical molecules linked together (cf. MONOMER). ЬЬdimeric adj. [DI-(1) + -mer after POLYMER] dimerous adj. (of a plant) having two parts in a whorl etc. [mod.L dimerus f. Gk dimeres bipartite] dimeter n. Prosody a line of verse consisting of two metrical feet. [LL dimetrus f. Gk dimetros (as DI-(1), METER)] diminish v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become smaller or less. 2 tr. lessen the reputation or influence of (a person). Ьlaw of diminishing returns Econ. the fact that the increase of expenditure, investment, taxation, etc., beyond a certain point ceases to produce a proportionate yield. ЬЬdiminishable adj. [ME, blending of earlier minish f. OF menusier (formed as MINCE) and diminue f. OF diminuer f. L diminuere diminut- break up small] diminished adj. 1 reduced; made smaller or less. 2 Mus. (of an interval, usu. a seventh or fifth) less by a semitone than the corresponding minor or perfect interval. Ьdiminished responsibility Law the limitation of criminal responsibility on the ground of mental weakness or abnormality. diminuendo adv. & n. Mus. --adv. with a gradual decrease in loudness. --n. (pl. -os) a passage to be played in this way. [It., part. of diminuire DIMINISH] diminution n. 1 a the act or an instance of diminishing. b the amount by which something diminishes. 2 Mus. the repetition of a passage in notes shorter than those originally used. [ME f. OF f. L diminutio - onis (as DIMINISH)] diminutive adj. & n. --adj. 1 remarkably small; tiny. 2 Gram. (of a word or suffix) implying smallness, either actual or imputed in token of affection, scorn, etc. (e.g. -let, -kins). --n. Gram. a diminutive word or suffix. ЬЬdiminutival adj. diminutively adv. diminutiveness n. [ME f. OF diminutif, -ive f. LL diminutivus (as DIMINISH)] dimissory adj. 1 ordering or permitting to depart. 2 Eccl. granting permission for a candidate to be ordained outside the bishop's own see (dimissory letters). [ME f. LL dimissorius f. dimittere dimiss- send away (as DI-(2), mittere send)] dimity n. (pl. -ies) a cotton fabric woven with stripes or checks. [ME f. It. dimito or med.L dimitum f. Gk dimitos (as DI-(1), mitos warp-thread)] dimmer n. 1 a device for varying the brightness of an electric light. 2 US a (in pl.) small parking lights on a motor vehicle. b a headlight on low beam. dimorphic adj. (also dimorphous) Biol., Chem., & Mineral. exhibiting, or occurring in, two distinct forms. ЬЬdimorphism n. [Gk dimorphos (as DI-(1), morphe form)] dimple n. & v. --n. a small hollow or dent in the flesh, esp. in the cheeks or chin. --v. 1 intr. produce or show dimples. 2 tr. produce dimples in (a cheek etc.). ЬЬdimply adj. [ME prob. f. OE dympel (unrecorded) f. a Gmc root dump-, perh. a nasalized form rel. to DEEP] dim sum n. (also dim sim) 1 a meal or course of savoury Cantonese-style snacks. 2 (usu. dim sim) Austral. a dish of Cantonese origin, consisting of steamed or fried meat cooked in thin dough. [Cantonese dim-sam, lit. 'dot of the heart'] DIN n. any of a series of technical standards originating in W. Germany and used internationally, esp. to designate electrical connections, film speeds, and paper sizes. [G, f. Deutsche Industrie- Norm] din n. & v. --n. a prolonged loud and distracting noise. --v. (dinned, dinning) 1 tr. (foll. by into) instil (something to be learned) by constant repetition. 2 intr. make a din. [OE dyne, dynn, dynian f. Gmc] dinar n. 1 the chief monetary unit of Yugoslavia. 2 the chief monetary unit of certain countries of the Middle East and N. Africa. [Arab. & Pers. dinar f. Gk denarion f. L denarius: see DENIER] dine v. 1 intr. eat dinner. 2 tr. give dinner to. Ьdine out 1 dine away from home. 2 (foll. by on) be entertained to dinner etc. on account of (one's ability to relate an interesting event, story, etc.). dining-car a railway carriage equipped as a restaurant. dining-room a room in which meals are eaten. [ME f. OF diner, disner, ult. f. DIS- + LL jejunare f. jejunus fasting] diner n. 1 a person who dines, esp. in a restaurant. 2 a railway dining-car. 3 US a small restaurant. 4 a small dining-room. dinette n. a small room or part of a room used for eating meals. ding(1) v. & n. --v.intr. make a ringing sound. --n. a ringing sound, as of a bell. [imit.: infl. by DIN] ding(2) n. Austral. sl. a party or celebration, esp. a wild one. [perh. f. DING-DONG or WINGDING] Ding an sich n. Philos. a thing in itself. [G] dingbat n. sl. 1 US & Austral. a stupid or eccentric person. 2 (in pl.) Austral. & NZ a madness. b discomfort, unease (gives me the dingbats). [19th c.: perh. f. ding to beat + BAT(1)] ding-dong n., adj., & adv. --n. 1 the sound of alternate chimes, as of two bells. 2 colloq. an intense argument or fight. 3 colloq. a riotous party. --adj. (of a contest etc.) evenly matched and intensely waged; thoroughgoing. --adv. with vigour and energy (hammer away at it ding-dong). [16th c.: imit.] dinge n. & v. --n. a dent or hollow caused by a blow. --v.tr. make such a dent in. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] dinghy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a small boat carried by a ship. 2 a small pleasure-boat. 3 a small inflatable rubber boat (esp. for emergency use). [orig. a rowing-boat used on Indian rivers, f. Hindi dingi, dengi] dingle n. a deep wooded valley or dell. [ME: orig. unkn.] dingo n. (pl. -oes) 1 a wild or half-domesticated Australian dog, Canis dingo. 2 Austral. sl. a coward or scoundrel. [Aboriginal] dingy adj. (dingier, dingiest) dirty-looking, drab, dull-coloured. ЬЬdingily adv. dinginess n. [perh. ult. f. OE dynge DUNG] dinkum adj. & n. Austral. & NZ colloq. --adj. genuine, right. --n. work, toil. Ьdinkum oil the honest truth. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] dinky(1) adj. (dinkier, dinkiest) colloq. 1 Brit. colloq. (esp. of a thing) neat and attractive; small, dainty. 2 US trifling, insignificant. [Sc. dink neat, trim, of unkn. orig.] dinky(2) n. (pl. -ies) 1 a well-off young working couple with no children. 2 either partner of this. [contr. of double income no kids + -Y(2)] dinner n. 1 the main meal of the day, taken either at midday or in the evening. 2 a formal evening meal, often in honour of a person or event. Ьdinner-dance a formal dinner followed by dancing. dinner-jacket a man's short usu. black formal jacket for evening wear. dinner lady a woman who supervises children's lunch in a school. dinner service a set of usu. matching crockery for serving a meal. [ME f. OF diner, disner: see DINE] dinosaur n. 1 an extinct reptile of the Mesozoic era, often of enormous size. 2 a large unwieldy system or organization, esp. one not adapting to new conditions. ЬЬdinosaurian adj. & n. [mod.L dinosaurus f. Gk deinos terrible + sauros lizard] dinothere n. any elephant-like animal of the extinct genus Deinotherium, having downward curving tusks. [mod.L dinotherium f. Gk deinos terrible + therion wild beast] dint n. & v. --n. 1 a dent. 2 archaic a blow or stroke. --v.tr. mark with dints. Ьby dint of by force or means of. [ME f. OE dynt, and partly f. cogn. ON dyntr: ult. orig. unkn.] diocesan adj. & n. --adj. of or concerning a diocese. --n. the bishop of a diocese. [ME f. F dioc‚sain f. LL diocesanus (as DIOCESE)] diocese n. a district under the pastoral care of a bishop. [ME f. OF diocise f. LL diocesis f. L dioecesis f. Gk dioikesis administration (as DI-(3), oikeo inhabit)] diode n. Electronics 1 a semiconductor allowing the flow of current in one direction only and having two terminals. 2 a thermionic valve having two electrodes. [DI-(1) + ELECTRODE] dioecious adj. 1 Bot. having male and female organs on separate plants. 2 Zool. having the two sexes in separate individuals (cf. MONOECIOUS). [DI-(1) + Gk -oikos -housed] diol n. Chem. any alcohol containing two hydroxyl groups in each molecule. [DI-(1) + -OL(1)] Dionysiac adj. (also Dionysian) 1 wildly sensual; unrestrained. 2 (in Greek mythology) of or relating to Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, or his worship. [LL Dionysiacus f. L Dionysus f. Gk Dionusos] Diophantine equation n. Math. an equation with integral coefficients for which integral solutions are required. [Diophantus of Alexandria, mathematician of uncert. date] dioptre n. (US diopter) Optics a unit of refractive power of a lens, equal to the reciprocal of its focal length in metres. [F dioptre f. L dioptra f. Gk dioptra: see DIOPTRIC] dioptric adj. Optics 1 serving as a medium for sight; assisting sight by refraction (dioptric glass; dioptric lens). 2 of refraction; refractive. [Gk dioptrikos f. dioptra a kind of theodolite] dioptrics n. Optics the part of optics dealing with refraction. diorama n. 1 a scenic painting in which changes in colour and direction of illumination simulate a sunrise etc. 2 a small representation of a scene with three-dimensional figures, viewed through a window etc. 3 a small-scale model or film-set. ЬЬdioramic adj. [DI-(3) + Gk horama -atos f. horao see] diorite n. a coarse-grained plutonic igneous rock containing quartz. ЬЬdioritic adj. [F f. Gk diorizo distinguish] dioxan n. (also dioxane) Chem. a colourless toxic liquid used as a solvent. °Chem. formula: C[4]H[8]O[2]. dioxide n. Chem. an oxide containing two atoms of oxygen which are not linked together (carbon dioxide). DIP n. Computing a form of integrated circuit consisting of a small plastic or ceramic slab with two parallel rows of pins. ЬDIP-switch an arrangement of switches on a printer for selecting a printing mode. [abbr. of dual in-line package] Dip. abbr. Diploma. dip v. & n. --v. (dipped, dipping) 1 tr. put or let down briefly into liquid etc.; immerse. 2 intr. a go below a surface or level (the sun dipped below the horizon). b (of a level of income, activity, etc.) decline slightly, esp. briefly (profits dipped in May). 3 intr. extend downwards; take or have a downward slope (the road dips after the bend). 4 intr. go under water and emerge quickly. 5 intr. (foll. by into) a read briefly from (a book etc.). b take a cursory interest in (a subject). 6 (foll. by into) a intr. put a hand, ladle, etc., into a container to take something out. b tr. put (a hand etc.) into a container to do this. c intr. spend from or make use of one's resources (dipped into our savings). 7 tr. & intr. lower or be lowered, esp. in salute. 8 tr. Brit. lower the beam of (a vehicle's headlights) to reduce dazzle. 9 tr. colour (a fabric) by immersing it in dye. 10 tr. wash (sheep) by immersion in a vermin-killing liquid. 11 tr. make (a candle) by immersing a wick briefly in hot tallow. 12 tr. baptize by immersion. 13 tr. (often foll. by up, out of) remove or scoop up (liquid, grain, etc., or something from liquid). --n. 1 an act of dipping or being dipped. 2 a liquid into which something is dipped. 3 a brief bathe in the sea, river, etc. 4 a brief downward slope, followed by an upward one, in a road etc. 5 a sauce or dressing into which food is dipped before eating. 6 a depression in the skyline. 7 Astron. & Surveying the apparent depression of the horizon from the line of observation, due to the curvature of the earth. 8 Physics the angle made with the horizontal at any point by the earth's magnetic field. 9 Geol. the angle a stratum makes with the horizon. 10 sl. a pickpocket. 11 a quantity dipped up. 12 a candle made by dipping. Ьdip-switch a switch for dipping a vehicle's headlight beams. [OE dyppan f. Gmc: rel. to DEEP] Dip. A.D. abbr. Brit. Diploma in Art and Design. Dip. Ed. abbr. Diploma in Education. dipeptide n. Biochem. a peptide formed by the combination of two amino acids. Dip. H.E. abbr. Brit. Diploma of Higher Education. diphtheria disp. n. an acute infectious bacterial disease with inflammation of a mucous membrane esp. of the throat, resulting in the formation of a false membrane causing difficulty in breathing and swallowing. ЬЬdiphtherial adj. diphtheric adj. diphtheritic adj. diphtheroid adj. [mod.L f. F diphth‚rie, earlier diphth‚rite f. Gk diphthera skin, hide] diphthong n. 1 a speech sound in one syllable in which the articulation begins as for one vowel and moves as for another (as in coin, loud, and side). 2 a a digraph representing the sound of a diphthong or single vowel (as in feat). b a compound vowel character; a ligature (as ‘). ЬЬdiphthongal adj. [F diphtongue f. LL diphthongus f. Gk diphthoggos (as DI-(1), phthoggos voice)] diphthongize v.tr. (also -ise) pronounce as a diphthong. ЬЬdiphthongization n. diplo- comb. form double. [Gk diplous double] diplococcus n. (pl. diplococci) Biol. any coccus that occurs mainly in pairs. diplodocus n. a giant plant-eating dinosaur of the order Sauropoda, with a long neck and tail. [DIPLO- + Gk dokos wooden beam] diploid adj. & n. Biol. --adj. (of an organism or cell) having two complete sets of chromosomes per cell. --n. a diploid cell or organism. [G (as DIPLO-, -OID)] diploidy n. Biol. the condition of being diploid. diploma n. 1 a certificate of qualification awarded by a college etc. 2 a document conferring an honour or privilege. 3 a State paper; an official document; a charter. ЬЬdiplomaed adj. (also diploma'd). [L f. Gk diploma -atos folded paper f. diploo to fold f. diplous double] diplomacy n. 1 a the management of international relations. b expertise in this. 2 adroitness in personal relations; tact. [F diplomatie f. diplomatique DIPLOMATIC after aristocratic] diplomat n. 1 an official representing a country abroad; a member of a diplomatic service. 2 a tactful person. [F diplomate, back-form. f. diplomatique: see DIPLOMATIC] diplomate n. esp. US a person who holds a diploma, esp. in medicine. diplomatic adj. 1 a of or involved in diplomacy. b skilled in diplomacy. 2 tactful; adroit in personal relations. 3 (of an edition etc.) exactly reproducing the original. Ьdiplomatic bag a container in which official mail etc. is dispatched to or from an embassy, not usu. subject to customs inspection. diplomatic corps the body of diplomats representing other countries at a seat of government. diplomatic immunity the exemption of diplomatic staff abroad from arrest, taxation, etc. diplomatic service Brit. the branch of public service concerned with the representation of a country abroad. ЬЬdiplomatically adv. [mod.L diplomaticus and F diplomatique f. L DIPLOMA] diplomatist n. = DIPLOMAT. diplont n. Biol. an animal or plant which has a diploid number of chromosomes in its somatic cells. [DIPLO- + Gk ont- stem of on being] diplotene n. Biol. a stage during the prophase of meiosis where paired chromosomes begin to separate. [DIPLO- + Gk tainia band] dipolar adj. having two poles, as in a magnet. dipole n. 1 Physics two equal and oppositely charged or magnetized poles separated by a distance. 2 Chem. a molecule in which a concentration of positive charges is separated from a concentration of negative charges. 3 an aerial consisting of a horizontal metal rod with a connecting wire at its centre. dipper n. 1 a diving bird, Cinclus cinclus. Also called water ouzel. 2 a ladle. 3 colloq. an Anabaptist or Baptist. dippy adj. (dippier, dippiest) sl. crazy, silly. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] dipso n. (pl. -os) colloq. a dipsomaniac. [abbr.] dipsomania n. an abnormal craving for alcohol. ЬЬdipsomaniac n. [Gk dipso- f. dipsa thirst + -MANIA] dipstick n. a graduated rod for measuring the depth of a liquid, esp. in a vehicle's engine. dipteral adj. Archit. having a double peristyle. [L dipteros f. Gk (as DI-(1), pteron wing)] dipteran n. & adj. --n. a dipterous insect. --adj. = DIPTEROUS 1. [mod.L diptera f. Gk diptera neut. pl. of dipterous two-winged (as DI-(2), pteron wing)] dipterous adj. 1 (of an insect) of the order Diptera, having two membranous wings, e.g. the fly, gnat, or mosquito. 2 Bot. having two winglike appendages. [mod.L dipterus f. Gk dipteros: see DIPTERAN] diptych n. 1 a painting, esp. an altarpiece, on two hinged usu. wooden panels which may be closed like a book. 2 an ancient writing-tablet consisting of two hinged leaves with waxed inner sides. [LL diptycha f. Gk diptukha (as DI-(1), ptukhe fold)] dire adj. 1 a calamitous, dreadful (in dire straits). b ominous (dire warnings). 2 urgent (in dire need). ЬЬdirely adv. direness n. [L dirus] direct adj., adv., & v. --adj. 1 extending or moving in a straight line or by the shortest route; not crooked or circuitous. 2 a straightforward; going straight to the point. b frank; not ambiguous. 3 without intermediaries or the intervention of other factors (direct rule; the direct result; made a direct approach). 4 (of descent) lineal, not collateral. 5 exact, complete, greatest possible (esp. where contrast is implied) (the direct opposite). 6 Mus. (of an interval or chord) not inverted. 7 Astron. (of planetary etc. motion) proceeding from East to West; not retrograde. --adv. 1 in a direct way or manner; without an intermediary or intervening factor (dealt with them direct). 2 frankly; without evasion. 3 by a direct route (send it direct to London). --v.tr. 1 control, guide; govern the movements of. 2 (foll. by to + infin., or that + clause) give a formal order or command to. 3 (foll. by to) a address or give indications for the delivery of (a letter etc.). b tell or show (a person) the way to a destination. 4 (foll. by at, to, towards) a point, aim, or cause (a blow or missile) to move in a certain direction. b point or address (one's attention, a remark, etc.). 5 guide as an adviser, as a principle, etc. (I do as duty directs me). 6 a (also absol.) supervise the performing, staging, etc., of (a film, play, etc.). b supervise the performance of (an actor etc.). 7 (also absol.) guide the performance of (a group of musicians), esp. as a participant. Ьdirect access the facility of retrieving data immediately from any part of a computer file. direct action action such as a strike or sabotage directly affecting the community and meant to reinforce demands on a government, employer, etc. direct address Computing an address (see ADDRESS n. 1c) which specifies the location of data to be used in an operation. direct current an electric current flowing in one direction only. °Abbr.: DC, d.c. direct debit an arrangement for the regular debiting of a bank account at the request of the payee. direct-grant school hist. (in the UK) a school receiving funds from the Government and not from a local authority. direct method a system of teaching a foreign language using only that language and without the study of formal grammar. direct object Gram. the primary object of the action of a transitive verb. direct proportion a relation between quantities whose ratio is constant. direct speech (or oration) words actually spoken, not reported in the third person. direct tax a tax levied on the person who ultimately bears the burden of it, esp. on income. ЬЬdirectness n. [ME f. L directus past part. of dirigere direct- (as DI-(2), regere put straight)] direction n. 1 the act or process of directing; supervision. 2 (usu. in pl.) an order or instruction, esp. each of a set guiding use of equipment etc. 3 a the course or line along which a person or thing moves or looks, or which must be taken to reach a destination (sailed in an easterly direction). b (in pl.) guidance on how to reach a destination. c the point to or from which a person or thing moves or looks. 4 the tendency or scope of a theme, subject, or inquiry. Ьdirection-finder a device for determining the source of radio waves, esp. as an aid in navigation. ЬЬdirectionless adj. [ME f. F direction or L directio (as DIRECT)] directional adj. 1 of or indicating direction. 2 Electronics a concerned with the transmission of radio or sound waves in a particular direction. b (of equipment) designed to receive radio or sound waves most effectively from a particular direction or directions and not others. ЬЬdirectionality n. directionally adv. directive n. & adj. --n. a general instruction from one in authority. --adj. serving to direct. [ME f. med.L directivus (as DIRECT)] directly adv. & conj. --adv. 1 a at once; without delay. b presently, shortly. 2 exactly, immediately (directly opposite; directly after lunch). 3 in a direct manner. --conj. colloq. as soon as (will tell you directly they come). Directoire adj. Needlework & Art in imitation of styles prevalent during the French Directory. ЬDirectoire drawers (or knickers) knickers which are straight, full, and knee-length. [F (as DIRECTORY)] director n. 1 a person who directs or controls something. 2 a member of the managing board of a commercial company. 3 a person who directs a film, play, etc., esp. professionally. 4 a person acting as spiritual adviser. 5 esp. US = CONDUCTOR 1. Ьdirector-general the chief executive of a large (esp. public) organization. director of public prosecutions Brit. = public prosecutor. ЬЬdirectorial adj. directorship n. (esp. in sense 2). [AF directour f. LL director governor (as DIRECT)] directorate n. 1 a board of directors. 2 the office of director. directory n. (pl. -ies) 1 a book listing alphabetically or thematically a particular group of individuals (e.g. telephone subscribers) or organizations with various details. 2 (Directory) hist. the revolutionary executive of five persons in power in France 1795-9. 3 a book of rules, esp. for the order of private or public worship. [LL directorium (as DIRECT)] directress n. (also directrice) a woman director. [DIRECTOR, F directrice (as DIRECTRIX)] directrix n. (pl. directrices) Geom. a fixed line used in describing a curve or surface. [med.L f. LL director: see DIRECTOR, -TRIX] direful adj. literary terrible, dreadful . ЬЬdirefully adv. [DIRE + -FUL] dirge n. 1 a lament for the dead, esp. forming part of a funeral service. 2 any mournful song or lament. ЬЬdirgeful adj. [ME f. L dirige (imper.) direct, the first word in the Latin antiphon (from Ps. 5:8) in the Matins part of the Office for the Dead] dirham n. the principal monetary unit of Morocco and the United Arab Emirates. [Arab. f. L DRACHMA] dirigible adj. & n. --adj. capable of being guided. --n. a dirigible balloon or airship. [L dirigere arrange, direct: see DIRECT] diriment adj. Law nullifying. Ьdiriment impediment a factor (e.g. the existence of a prior marriage) rendering a marriage null and void from the beginning. [L dirimere f. dir- = DIS- + emere take] dirk n. a long dagger, esp. as formerly worn by Scottish Highlanders. [17th-c. durk, of unkn. orig.] dirndl n. 1 a woman's dress styled in imitation of Alpine peasant costume, with close-fitting bodice, tight waistband, and full skirt. 2 a full skirt of this kind. [G dial., dimin. of Dirne girl] dirt n. 1 unclean matter that soils. 2 a earth, soil. b earth, cinders, etc., used to make a surface for a road etc. (usu. attrib. : dirt track; dirt road). 3 foul or malicious words or talk. 4 excrement. 5 a dirty condition. 6 a person or thing considered worthless. Ьdirt bike a motor cycle designed for use on unmade roads and tracks, esp. in scrambling. dirt cheap colloq. extremely cheap. dirt-track a course made of rolled cinders, soil, etc., for motor-cycle racing or flat racing. do a person dirt sl. harm or injure a person's reputation maliciously. eat dirt 1 suffer insults etc. without retaliating. 2 US make a humiliating confession. treat like dirt treat (a person) contemptuously; abuse. [ME f. ON drit excrement] dirty adj., adv., & v. --adj. (dirtier, dirtiest) 1 soiled, unclean. 2 causing one to become dirty (a dirty job). 3 sordid, lewd; morally illicit or questionable (dirty joke). 4 unpleasant, nasty. 5 dishonest, dishonourable, unfair (dirty play). 6 (of weather) rough, squally. 7 (of a colour) not pure or clear, dingy. 8 colloq. (of a nuclear weapon) producing considerable radioactive fallout. --adv. sl. (with adjectives expressing magnitude) very (a dirty great diamond). --v.tr. & intr. (-ies, -ied) make or become dirty. Ьdirty dog colloq. a scoundrel; a despicable person. the dirty end of the stick colloq. the difficult or unpleasant part of an undertaking, situation, etc. dirty linen (or washing) colloq. intimate secrets, esp. of a scandalous nature. dirty look colloq. a look of disapproval, anger, or disgust. dirty money extra money paid to those who handle dirty materials. dirty trick 1 a dishonourable and deceitful act. 2 (in pl.) underhand political activity, esp. to discredit an opponent. dirty weekend colloq. a weekend spent clandestinely with a lover. dirty word 1 an offensive or indecent word. 2 a word for something which is disapproved of (profit is a dirty word). dirty work dishonourable or illegal activity, esp. done clandestinely. do the dirty on colloq. play a mean trick on. ЬЬdirtily adv. dirtiness n. dis- prefix forming nouns, adjectives, and verbs: 1 expressing negation (dishonest). 2 indicating reversal or absence of an action or state (disengage; disbelieve). 3 indicating removal of a thing or quality (dismember; disable). 4 indicating separation (distinguish; dispose). 5 indicating completeness or intensification of the action (disembowel; disgruntled). 6 indicating expulsion from (disbar). [L dis-, sometimes through OF des-] disability n. (pl. -ies) 1 physical incapacity, either congenital or caused by injury, disease, etc. 2 a lack of some asset, quality, or attribute, that prevents one's doing something. 3 a legal disqualification. disable v.tr. 1 render unable to function; deprive of an ability. 2 (often as disabled adj.) deprive of or reduce the power to walk or do other normal activities, esp. by crippling. ЬЬdisablement n. disabuse v.tr. 1 (foll. by of) free from a mistaken idea. 2 disillusion, undeceive. disaccord n. & v. --n. disagreement, disharmony. --v.intr. (usu. foll. by with) disagree; be at odds. [ME f. F d‚saccorder (as ACCORD)] disadvantage n. & v. --n. 1 an unfavourable circumstance or condition. 2 damage to one's interest or reputation. --v.tr. cause disadvantage to. Ьat a disadvantage in an unfavourable position or aspect. [ME f. OF desavantage: see ADVANTAGE] disadvantaged adj. placed in unfavourable circumstances (esp. of a person lacking the normal social opportunities). disadvantageous adj. 1 involving disadvantage or discredit. 2 derogatory. ЬЬdisadvantageously adv. disaffected adj. 1 disloyal, esp. to one's superiors. 2 estranged; no longer friendly; discontented. ЬЬdisaffectedly adv. [past part. of disaffect (v.), orig. = dislike, disorder (as DIS-, AFFECT)] disaffection n. 1 disloyalty. 2 political discontent. disaffiliate v. 1 tr. end the affiliation of. 2 intr. end one's affiliation. 3 tr. & intr. detach. ЬЬdisaffiliation n. disaffirm v.tr. Law 1 reverse (a previous decision). 2 repudiate (a settlement). ЬЬdisaffirmation n. disafforest v.tr. Brit. 1 clear of forests or trees. 2 reduce from the legal status of forest to that of ordinary land. ЬЬdisafforestation n. [ME f. AL disafforestare (as DIS-, AFFOREST)] disagree v.intr. (-agrees, -agreed, -agreeing) (often foll. by with) 1 hold a different opinion. 2 quarrel. 3 (of factors or circumstances) not correspond. 4 have an adverse effect upon (a person's health, digestion, etc.). ЬЬdisagreement n. [ME f. OF desagreer (as DIS-, AGREE)] disagreeable adj. 1 unpleasant, not to one's liking. 2 quarrelsome; rude or bad-tempered. ЬЬdisagreeableness n. disagreeably adv. [ME f. OF desagreable (as DIS-, AGREEABLE)] disallow v.tr. refuse to allow or accept as valid; prohibit. ЬЬdisallowance n. [ME f. OF desalouer (as DIS-, ALLOW)] disambiguate v.tr. remove ambiguity from. ЬЬdisambiguation n. disamenity n. (pl. -ies) an unpleasant feature (of a place etc.); a disadvantage. disappear v.intr. 1 cease to be visible; pass from sight. 2 cease to exist or be in circulation or use (trams had all but disappeared). ЬЬdisappearance n. disappoint v.tr. 1 (also absol.) fail to fulfil a desire or expectation of (a person). 2 frustrate (hopes etc.); cause the failure of (a plan etc.). Ьbe disappointed (foll. by with, at, in, or to + infin., or that + clause) fail to have one's expectation etc. fulfilled in some regard (was disappointed with you; disappointed at the result; am disappointed to be last). ЬЬdisappointedly adv. disappointing adj. disappointingly adv. [ME f. F d‚sappointer (as DIS-, APPOINT)] disappointment n. 1 an event, thing, or person that disappoints. 2 a feeling of distress, vexation, etc., resulting from this (I cannot hide my disappointment). disapprobation n. strong (esp. moral) disapproval. disapprove v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by of) have or express an unfavourable opinion. 2 tr. be displeased with. ЬЬdisapproval n. disapprover n. disapproving adj. disapprovingly adv. disarm v. 1 tr. a take weapons away from (a person, State, etc.) (often foll. by of : were disarmed of their rifles). b Fencing etc. deprive of a weapon. 2 tr. deprive (a ship etc.) of its means of defence. 3 intr. (of a State etc.) disband or reduce its armed forces. 4 tr. remove the fuse from (a bomb etc.). 5 tr. deprive of the power to injure. 6 tr. pacify or allay the hostility or suspicions of; mollify; placate. ЬЬdisarmer n. disarming adj. (esp. in sense 6). disarmingly adv. [ME f. OF desarmer (as DIS-, ARM(2))] disarmament n. the reduction by a State of its military forces and weapons. disarrange v.tr. bring into disorder. ЬЬdisarrangement n. disarray n. & v. --n. (often prec. by in, into) disorder, confusion (esp. among people). --v.tr. throw into disorder. disarticulate v.tr. & intr. separate at the joints. ЬЬdisarticulation n. disassemble v.tr. take (a machine etc.) to pieces. ЬЬdisassembly n. disassociate v.tr. & intr. = DISSOCIATE. ЬЬdisassociation n. disaster n. 1 a great or sudden misfortune. 2 a a complete failure. b a person or enterprise ending in failure. ЬЬdisastrous adj. disastrously adv. [orig. 'unfavourable aspect of a star', f. F d‚sastre or It. disastro (as DIS-, astro f. L astrum star)] disavow v.tr. disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or belief in. ЬЬdisavowal n. [ME f. OF desavouer (as DIS-, AVOW)] disband v. 1 intr. (of an organized group etc.) cease to work or act together; disperse. 2 tr. cause (such a group) to disband. ЬЬdisbandment n. [obs. F desbander (as DIS-, BAND(1) 6)] disbar v.tr. (disbarred, disbarring) deprive (a barrister) of the right to practise; expel from the Bar. ЬЬdisbarment n. disbelieve v. 1 tr. be unable or unwilling to believe (a person or statement). 2 intr. have no faith. ЬЬdisbelief n. disbeliever n. disbelievingly adv. disbound adj. (of a pamphlet etc.) removed from a bound volume. disbud v.tr. (disbudded, disbudding) remove (esp. superfluous) buds from. disburden v.tr. 1 relieve (a person, one's mind, etc.) of a burden (often foll. by of : was disburdened of all worries). 2 get rid of, discharge (a duty, anxiety, etc.). disburse v. 1 tr. expend (money). 2 tr. defray (a cost). 3 intr. pay money. ЬЬdisbursal n. disbursement n. disburser n. [OF desbourser (as DIS-, BOURSE)] disc n. (also disk esp. US and in sense 4) 1 a a flat thin circular object. b a round flat or apparently flat surface (the sun's disc). c a mark of this shape. 2 a layer of cartilage between vertebrae. 3 a gramophone record. 4 a (usu. disk; in full magnetic disk) a computer storage device consisting of several flat circular magnetically coated plates formed into a rotatable disc. b (in full optical disc) a smooth non-magnetic disc with large storage capacity for data recorded and read by laser. 5 a device with a pointer or rotating disc indicating time of arrival or latest permitted time of departure, for display in a parked motor vehicle. Ьdisc brake a brake employing the friction of pads against a disc. disk drive Computing a mechanism for rotating a disk and reading or writing data from or to it. disc harrow a harrow with cutting edges consisting of a row of concave discs set at an oblique angle. disc jockey the presenter of a selection of gramophone records of popular music, esp. in a broadcast. [F disque or L discus: see DISCUS] discalced adj. (of a friar or a nun) barefoot or wearing only sandals. [var. of discalceated (after F d‚chaux) f. L discalceatus (as DIS-, calceatus f. calceus shoe)] discard v. & n. --v.tr. 1 reject or get rid of as unwanted or superfluous. 2 (also absol.) Cards remove or put aside (a card) from one's hand. --n. a discarded item, esp. a card in a card-game. ЬЬdiscardable adj. [DIS- + CARD(1)] discarnate adj. having no physical body; separated from the flesh. [DIS-, L caro carnis flesh] discern v.tr. 1 perceive clearly with the mind or the senses. 2 make out by thought or by gazing, listening, etc. ЬЬdiscerner n. discernible adj. discernibly adv. [ME f. OF discerner f. L (as DIS-, cernere cret- separate)] discerning adj. having or showing good judgement or insight. ЬЬdiscerningly adv. discernment n. good judgement or insight. discerptible adj. literary able to be plucked apart; divisible. ЬЬdiscerptibility n. [L discerpere discerpt- (as DIS-, carpere pluck)] discerption n. archaic 1 a pulling apart; severance. b an instance of this. 2 a severed piece. [LL discerptio (as DISCERPTIBLE)] discharge v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a let go, release, esp. from a duty, commitment, or period of confinement. b relieve (a bankrupt) of residual liability. 2 tr. dismiss from office, employment, army commission, etc. 3 tr. a fire (a gun etc.). b (of a gun etc.) fire (a bullet etc.). 4 a tr. (also absol.) pour out or cause to pour out (pus, liquid, etc.) (the wound was discharging). b tr. throw; eject (discharged a stone at the cat). c tr. utter (abuse etc.). d intr. (foll. by into) (of a river etc.) flow into (esp. the sea). 5 tr. a carry out, perform (a duty or obligation). b relieve oneself of (a financial commitment) (discharged his debt). 6 tr. Law cancel (an order of court). 7 tr. Physics release an electrical charge from. 8 tr. a relieve (a ship etc.) of its cargo. b unload (a cargo) from a ship. --n. 1 the act or an instance of discharging; the process of being discharged. 2 a dismissal, esp. from the armed services. 3 a a release, exemption, acquittal, etc. b a written certificate of release etc. 4 an act of firing a gun etc. 5 a an emission (of pus, liquid, etc.). b the liquid or matter so discharged. 6 (usu. foll. by of) a the payment (of a debt). b the performance (of a duty etc.). 7 Physics a the release of a quantity of electric charge from an object. b a flow of electricity through the air or other gas esp. when accompanied by the emission of light. c the conversion of chemical energy in a cell into electrical energy. 8 the unloading (of a ship or a cargo). ЬЬdischargeable adj. discharger n. (in sense 7 of v.). [ME f. OF descharger (as DIS-, CHARGE)] disciple n. 1 a follower or pupil of a leader, teacher, philosophy, etc. (a disciple of Zen Buddhism). 2 any early believer in Christ, esp. one of the twelve Apostles. ЬЬdiscipleship n. discipular adj. [OE discipul f. L discipulus f. discere learn] disciplinarian n. a person who upholds or practises firm discipline (a strict disciplinarian). disciplinary adj. of, promoting, or enforcing discipline. [med.L disciplinarius (as DISCIPLINE)] discipline n. & v. --n. 1 a control or order exercised over people or animals, esp. children, prisoners, military personnel, church members, etc. b the system of rules used to maintain this control. c the behaviour of groups subjected to such rules (poor discipline in the ranks). 2 a mental, moral, or physical training. b adversity as used to bring about such training (left the course because he couldn't take the discipline). 3 a branch of instruction or learning (philosophy is a hard discipline). 4 punishment. 5 Eccl. mortification by physical self-punishment, esp. scourging. --v.tr. 1 punish, chastise. 2 bring under control by training in obedience; drill. ЬЬdisciplinable adj. disciplinal adj. [ME f. OF discipliner or LL & med.L disciplinare, disciplina f. discipulus DISCIPLE] disclaim v.tr. 1 deny or disown (disclaim all responsibility). 2 (often absol.) Law renounce a legal claim to (property etc.). [ME f. AF desclaim- stressed stem of desclamer (as DIS-, CLAIM)] disclaimer n. a renunciation or disavowal, esp. of responsibility. [ME f. AF (= DISCLAIM as noun)] disclose v.tr. 1 make known; reveal (disclosed the truth). 2 remove the cover from; expose to view. ЬЬdiscloser n. [ME f. OF desclos- stem of desclore f. Gallo-Roman (as DIS-, CLOSE(2))] disclosure n. 1 the act or an instance of disclosing; the process of being disclosed. 2 something disclosed; a revelation. [DISCLOSE + -URE after closure] disco n. & v. colloq. --n. (pl. -os) = DISCOTH°QUE. --v.intr. (-oes, -oed) 1 attend a discothЉque. 2 dance to disco music (discoed the night away). Ьdisco music popular dance music characterized by a heavy bass rhythm. [abbr.] discobolus n. (pl. discoboli) 1 a discus-thrower in ancient Greece. 2 a statue of a discobolus. [L f. Gk diskobolos f. diskos DISCUS + -bolos -throwing f. ballo to throw] discography n. (pl. -ies) 1 a descriptive catalogue of gramophone records, esp. of a particular performer or composer. 2 the study of gramophone records. ЬЬdiscographer n. [DISC + -GRAPHY after biography] discoid adj. disc-shaped. [Gk diskoeides (as DISCUS, -OID)] discolour v.tr. & intr. (US discolor) spoil or cause to spoil the colour of; stain; tarnish. ЬЬdiscoloration n. (also discolouration). [ME f. OF descolorer or med.L discolorare (as DIS-, COLOUR)] discombobulate v.tr. US joc. disturb; disconcert. [prob. based on discompose or discomfit] discomfit v.tr. (discomfited, discomfiting) 1 a disconcert or baffle. b thwart. 2 archaic defeat in battle. ЬЬdiscomfiture n. [ME f. disconfit f. OF past part. of desconfire f. Rmc (as DIS-, L conficere put together: see CONFECTION)] discomfort n. & v. --n. 1 a a lack of ease; slight pain (tight collar caused discomfort). b mental uneasiness (his presence caused her discomfort). 2 a lack of comfort. --v.tr. make uneasy. [ME f. OF desconfort(er) (as DIS-, COMFORT)] discommode v.tr. inconvenience (a person etc.). ЬЬdiscommodious adj. [obs. F discommoder var. of incommoder (as DIS-, INCOMMODE)] discompose v.tr. disturb the composure of; agitate; disturb. ЬЬdiscomposure n. disconcert v.tr. 1 disturb the composure of; agitate; fluster (disconcerted by his expression). 2 spoil or upset (plans etc.). ЬЬdisconcertedly adv. disconcerting adj. disconcertingly adv. disconcertion n. disconcertment n. [obs. F desconcerter (as DIS-, CONCERT)] disconfirm v.tr. formal disprove or tend to disprove (a hypothesis etc.). ЬЬdisconfirmation n. disconformity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a lack of conformity. b an instance of this. 2 Geol. a difference of plane between two parallel, approximately horizontal sets of strata. disconnect v.tr. 1 (often foll. by from) break the connection of (things, ideas, etc.). 2 put (an electrical device) out of action by disconnecting the parts, esp. by pulling out the plug. disconnected adj. (of speech, writing, argument, etc.) incoherent and illogical. ЬЬdisconnectedly adv. disconnectedness n. disconnection n. (also disconnexion) the act or an instance of disconnecting; the state of being disconnected. disconsolate adj. 1 forlorn or inconsolable. 2 unhappy or disappointed. ЬЬdisconsolately adv. disconsolateness n. disconsolation n. [ME f. med.L disconsolatus (as DIS-, consolatus past part. of L consolari console)] discontent n., adj., & v. --n. lack of contentment; restlessness, dissatisfaction. --adj. dissatisfied (was discontent with his lot). --v.tr. (esp. as discontented adj.) make dissatisfied. ЬЬdiscontentedly adv. discontentedness n. discontentment n. discontinue v. (-continues, -continued, -continuing) 1 intr. & tr. cease or cause to cease to exist or be made (a discontinued line). 2 tr. give up, cease from (discontinued his visits). 3 tr. cease taking or paying (a newspaper, a subscription, etc.). ЬЬdiscontinuance n. discontinuation n. [ME f. OF discontinuer f. med.L discontinuare (as DIS-, CONTINUE)] discontinuous adj. lacking continuity in space or time; intermittent. ЬЬdiscontinuity n. discontinuously adv. [med.L discontinuus (as DIS-, CONTINUOUS)] discord n. & v. --n. 1 disagreement; strife. 2 harsh clashing noise; clangour. 3 Mus. a a lack of harmony between notes sounding together. b an unpleasing or unfinished chord needing to be completed by another. c any interval except unison, an octave, a perfect fifth and fourth, a major and minor third and sixth, and their octaves. d a single note dissonant with another. --v.intr. 1 (usu. foll. by with) a disagree or quarrel. b be different or inconsistent. 2 jar, clash, be dissonant. [ME f. OF descord, (n.), descorder (v.) f. L discordare f. discors discordant (as DIS-, cor cord- heart)] discordant adj. (usu. foll. by to, from, with) 1 disagreeing; at variance. 2 (of sounds) not in harmony; dissonant. ЬЬdiscordance n. discordancy n. discordantly adv. [ME f. OF, part. of discorder: see DISCORD] discothЉque n. 1 a club etc. for dancing to recorded popular music. 2 a the professional lighting and sound equipment used at a discothЉque. b a business that provides this. 3 a party with dancing to popular music, esp. using such equipment. [F, = record-library] discount n. & v. --n. 1 a deduction from a bill or amount due given esp. in consideration of prompt or advance payment or to a special class of buyers. 2 a deduction from the amount of a bill of exchange etc. by a person who gives value for it before it is due. 3 the act or an instance of discounting. --v.tr. 1 disregard as being unreliable or unimportant (discounted his story). 2 reduce the effect of (an event etc.) by previous action. 3 detract from; lessen; deduct (esp. an amount from a bill etc.). 4 give or get the present worth of (a bill not yet due). Ьat a discount 1 below the nominal or usual price (cf. PREMIUM). 2 not in demand; depreciated. discount house 1 Brit. a firm that discounts bills. 2 US = discount store. discount rate US the minimum lending rate. discount store esp. US a shop etc. that sells goods at less than the normal retail price. ЬЬdiscountable adj. discounter n. [obs. F descompte, -conte, descompter or It. (di)scontare (as DIS-, COUNT(1))] discountenance v.tr. 1 (esp. in passive) disconcert (was discountenanced by his abruptness). 2 refuse to countenance; show disapproval of. discourage v.tr. 1 deprive of courage, confidence, or energy. 2 (usu. foll. by from) dissuade (discouraged him from going). 3 show disapproval of (smoking is discouraged). ЬЬdiscouragement n. discouragingly adv. [ME f. OF descouragier (as DIS-, COURAGE)] discourse n. & v. --n. 1 literary a conversation; talk. b a dissertation or treatise on an academic subject. c a lecture or sermon. 2 Linguistics a connected series of utterances; a text. --v. 1 intr. talk; converse. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by of, on, upon) speak or write learnedly or at length (on a subject). 3 tr. archaic give forth (music etc.). [ME f. L discursus (as DIS-, COURSE): (v.) partly after F discourir] discourteous adj. impolite; rude. ЬЬdiscourteously adv. discourteousness n. discourtesy n. (pl. -ies) 1 bad manners; rudeness. 2 an impolite act or remark. discover v.tr. 1 (often foll. by that + clause) a find out or become aware of, whether by research or searching or by chance (discovered a new entrance; discovered that they had been overpaid). b be the first to find or find out (who discovered America?). 2 give (check) in a game of chess by removing one's own obstructing piece. 3 (in show business) find and promote as a new singer, actor, etc. 4 archaic a make known. b exhibit; manifest. c disclose; betray. ЬЬdiscoverable adj. discoverer n. [ME f. OF descovrir f. LL discooperire (as DIS-, COVER)] discovery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the act or process of discovering or being discovered. b an instance of this (the discovery of a new planet). 2 a person or thing discovered. 3 Law the compulsory disclosure, by a party to an action, of facts or documents on which the other party wishes to rely. [DISCOVER after recover, recovery] discredit n. & v. --n. 1 harm to reputation (brought discredit on the enterprise). 2 a person or thing causing this (he is a discredit to his family). 3 lack of credibility; doubt (throws discredit on her story). 4 the loss of commercial credit. --v.tr. (-credited, -crediting) 1 harm the good reputation of. 2 cause to be disbelieved. 3 refuse to believe. discreditable adj. bringing discredit; shameful. ЬЬdiscreditably adv. discreet adj. (discreeter, discreetest) 1 a circumspect in speech or action, esp. to avoid social disgrace or embarrassment. b tactful; trustworthy. 2 unobtrusive (a discreet touch of rouge). ЬЬdiscreetly adv. discreetness n. [ME f. OF discret -ete f. L discretus separate (as DIS-, cretus past part. of cernere sift), with LL sense f. its derivative discretio discernment] discrepancy n. (pl. -ies) 1 difference; failure to correspond; inconsistency. 2 an instance of this. ЬЬdiscrepant adj. [L discrepare be discordant (as DIS-, crepare creak)] discrete adj. individually distinct; separate, discontinuous. ЬЬdiscretely adv. discreteness n. [ME f. L discretus: see DISCREET] discretion n. 1 being discreet; discreet behaviour (treats confidences with discretion). 2 prudence; self-preservation. 3 the freedom to act and think as one wishes, usu. within legal limits (it is within his discretion to leave). 4 Law a court's freedom to decide a sentence etc. Ьat discretion as one pleases. at the discretion of to be settled or disposed of according to the judgement or choice of. discretion is the better part of valour reckless courage is often self-defeating. use one's discretion act according to one's own judgement. years (or age) of discretion the esp. legal age at which a person is able to manage his or her own affairs. ЬЬdiscretionary adj. [ME f. OF f. L discretio -onis (as DISCREET)] discriminate v. 1 intr. (often foll. by between) make or see a distinction; differentiate (cannot discriminate between right and wrong). 2 intr. make a distinction, esp. unjustly and on the basis of race, colour, or sex. 3 intr. (foll. by against) select for unfavourable treatment. 4 tr. (usu. foll. by from) make or see or constitute a difference in or between (many things discriminate one person from another). 5 intr. observe distinctions carefully; have good judgement. 6 tr. mark as distinctive; be a distinguishing feature of. ЬЬdiscriminately adv. discriminative adj. discriminator n. discriminatory adj. [L discriminare f. discrimen -minis distinction f. discernere DISCERN] discriminating adj. 1 able to discern, esp. distinctions. 2 having good taste. ЬЬdiscriminatingly adv. discrimination n. 1 unfavourable treatment based on prejudice, esp. regarding race, colour, or sex. 2 good taste or judgement in artistic matters etc. 3 the power of discriminating or observing differences. 4 a distinction made with the mind or in action. discursive adj. 1 rambling or digressive. 2 Philos. proceeding by argument or reasoning (opp. INTUITIVE). ЬЬdiscursively adv. discursiveness n. [med.L discursivus f. L discurrere discurs- (as DIS-, currere run)] discus n. (pl. discuses) 1 a heavy thick-centred disc thrown in ancient Greek games. 2 a similar disc thrown in modern field sports. [L f. Gk diskos] discuss v.tr. 1 hold a conversation about (discussed their holidays). 2 examine by argument, esp. written; debate. ЬЬdiscussable adj. discussant n. discusser n. discussible adj. [ME f. L discutere discuss- disperse (as DIS-, quatere shake)] discussion n. 1 a conversation, esp. on specific subjects; a debate (had a discussion about what they should do). 2 an examination by argument, written or spoken. [ME f. OF f. LL discussio -onis (as DISCUSS)] disdain n. & v. --n. scorn; contempt. --v.tr. 1 regard with disdain. 2 think oneself superior to; reject (disdained his offer; disdained to enter; disdained answering). [ME f. OF desdeign(ier) ult. f. L dedignari (as DE-, dignari f. dignus worthy)] disdainful adj. showing disdain or contempt. ЬЬdisdainfully adv. disdainfulness n. disease n. 1 an unhealthy condition of the body (or a part of it) or the mind; illness, sickness. 2 a corresponding physical condition of plants. 3 a particular kind of disease with special symptoms or location. [ME f. OF desaise] diseased adj. 1 affected with disease. 2 abnormal, disordered. [ME, past part. of disease (v.) f. OF desaisier (as DISEASE)] diseconomy n. Econ. the absence or reverse of economy, esp. the increase of costs in a large-scale operation. disembark v.tr. & intr. put or go ashore or land from a ship or an aircraft. ЬЬdisembarkation n. [F d‚sembarquer (as DIS-, EMBARK)] disembarrass v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by of) relieve (of a load etc.). 2 free from embarrassment. ЬЬdisembarrassment n. disembody v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 separate or free (esp. the soul) from the body or a concrete form (disembodied spirit). 2 archaic disband (troops). ЬЬdisembodiment n. disembogue v.tr. & intr. (disembogues, disembogued, disemboguing) (of a river etc.) pour forth (waters) at the mouth. [Sp. desembocar (as DIS-, en in, boca mouth)] disembowel v.tr. (-embowelled, -embowelling; US -emboweled, -emboweling) remove the bowels or entrails of. ЬЬdisembowelment n. disembroil v.tr. extricate from confusion or entanglement. disenchant v.tr. free from enchantment; disillusion. ЬЬdisenchantingly adv. disenchantment n. [F d‚senchanter (as DIS-, ENCHANT)] disencumber v.tr. free from encumbrance. disendow v.tr. strip (esp. the Church) of endowments. ЬЬdisendowment n. disenfranchise v.tr. (also disfranchise) 1 a deprive (a person) of the right to vote. b deprive (a place) of the right to send a representative to parliament. 2 deprive (a person) of rights as a citizen or of a franchise held. ЬЬdisenfranchisement n. disengage v. & n. --v. 1 tr. detach, free, loosen, or separate (parts etc.) (disengaged the clutch). 2 tr. Mil. remove (troops) from a battle or a battle area. 3 intr. become detached. 4 intr. Fencing pass the point of one's sword to the other side of one's opponent's. 5 intr. (as disengaged adj.) a unoccupied; free; vacant. b uncommitted, esp. politically. --n. Fencing a disengaging movement. disengagement n. 1 a the act of disengaging. b an instance of this. 2 freedom from ties; detachment. 3 the dissolution of an engagement to marry. 4 ease of manner or behaviour. 5 Fencing = DISENGAGE. disentail v.tr. Law free (property) from entail; break the entail of. disentangle v. 1 tr. a unravel, untwist. b free from complications; extricate (disentangled her from the difficulty). 2 intr. become disentangled. ЬЬdisentanglement n. disenthral v.tr. (US disenthrall) (-enthralled, -enthralling) literary free from enthralment. ЬЬdisenthralment n. disentitle v.tr. (usu. foll. by to) deprive of any rightful claim. disentomb v.tr. literary 1 remove from a tomb; disinter. 2 unearth. ЬЬdisentombment n. disequilibrium n. a lack or loss of equilibrium; instability. disestablish v.tr. 1 deprive (a Church) of State support. 2 depose from an official position. 3 terminate the establishment of. ЬЬdisestablishment n. disesteem v. & n. --v.tr. have a low opinion of; despise. --n. low esteem or regard. diseuse n. (masc. diseur) a female artiste entertaining with spoken monologues. [F, = talker f. dire dis- say] disfavour n. & v. (US disfavor) --n. 1 disapproval or dislike. 2 the state of being disliked (fell into disfavour). --v.tr. regard or treat with disfavour. disfigure v.tr. spoil the beauty of; deform; deface. ЬЬdisfigurement n. [ME f. OF desfigurer f. Rmc (as DIS-, FIGURE)] disforest v.tr. Brit. = DISAFFOREST. ЬЬdisforestation n. disfranchise var. of DISENFRANCHISE. disfrock v.tr. unfrock. disgorge v.tr. 1 eject from the throat or stomach. 2 pour forth, discharge (contents, ill-gotten gains, etc.). ЬЬdisgorgement n. [ME f. OF desgorger (as DIS-, GORGE)] disgrace n. & v. --n. 1 the loss of reputation; shame; ignominy (brought disgrace on his family). 2 a dishonourable, inefficient, or shameful person, thing, state of affairs, etc. (the bus service is a disgrace). --v.tr. 1 bring shame or discredit on; be a disgrace to. 2 degrade from a position of honour; dismiss from favour. Ьin disgrace having lost respect or reputation; out of favour. [F disgrѓce, disgracier f. It. disgrazia, disgraziare (as DIS-, GRACE)] disgraceful adj. shameful; dishonourable; degrading. ЬЬdisgracefully adv. disgruntled adj. discontented; moody; sulky. ЬЬdisgruntlement n. [DIS- + gruntle obs. frequent. of GRUNT] disguise v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by as) alter the appearance, sound, smell, etc., of so as to conceal the identity; make unrecognizable (disguised herself as a policewoman; disguised the taste by adding sugar). 2 misrepresent or cover up (disguised the truth; disguised their intentions). --n. 1 a a costume, false beard, make-up, etc., used to alter the appearance so as to conceal or deceive. b any action, manner, etc., used for deception. 2 a the act or practice of disguising; the concealment of reality. b an instance of this. Ьin disguise 1 wearing a concealing costume etc. 2 appearing to be the opposite (a blessing in disguise). ЬЬdisguisement n. [ME f. OF desguis(i)er (as DIS-, GUISE)] disgust n. & v. --n. (usu. foll. by at, for) 1 strong aversion; repugnance. 2 indignation. --v.tr. cause disgust in (their behaviour disgusts me; was disgusted to find a slug). Ьin disgust as a result of disgust (left in disgust). ЬЬdisgustedly adv. [OF degoust, desgouster, or It. disgusto, disgustare (as DIS-, GUSTO)] disgustful adj. 1 disgusting; repulsive. 2 (of curiosity etc.) caused by disgust. disgusting adj. arousing aversion or indignation (disgusting behaviour). ЬЬdisgustingly adv. disgustingness n. dish n. & v. --n. 1 a a shallow, usu. flat-bottomed container for cooking or serving food, made of glass, ceramics, metal, etc. b the food served in a dish (all the dishes were delicious). c a particular kind of food (a meat dish). 2 (in pl.) dirty plates, cutlery, cooking pots, etc. after a meal. 3 a a dish-shaped receptacle, object, or cavity. b = satellite dish. 4 sl. a sexually attractive person. --v.tr. 1 put (food) into a dish ready for serving. 2 colloq. a outmanoeuvre. b Brit. destroy (one's hopes, chances, etc.). 3 make concave or dish-shaped. Ьdish out sl. distribute, esp. carelessly or indiscriminately. dish up 1 serve or prepare to serve (food). 2 colloq. seek to present (facts, argument, etc.) attractively. ЬЬdishful n. (pl. -fuls). dishlike adj. [OE disc plate, bowl (with Gmc and ON cognates) f. L discus DISC] dishabille var. of DђSHABILLђ. disharmony n. a lack of harmony; discord. ЬЬdisharmonious adj. disharmoniously adv. disharmonize v.tr. dishcloth n. a usu. open-weave cloth for washing dishes. Ьdishcloth gourd a loofah. dishearten v.tr. cause to lose courage or confidence; make despondent. ЬЬdishearteningly adv. disheartenment n. dishevelled adj. (US disheveled) (of the hair, a person, etc.) untidy; ruffled; disordered. ЬЬdishevel v.tr. (dishevelled, dishevelling; US disheveled, disheveling). dishevelment n. [ME dischevelee f. OF deschevel‚ past part. (as DIS-, chevel hair f. L capillus)] dishonest adj. (of a person, act, or statement) fraudulent or insincere. ЬЬdishonestly adv. [ME f. OF deshoneste (as DIS-, HONEST)] dishonesty n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a lack of honesty. b deceitfulness, fraud. 2 a dishonest or fraudulent act. [ME f. OF deshon(n)est‚ (as DISHONEST)] dishonour n. & v. (US dishonor) --n. 1 a state of shame or disgrace; discredit. 2 something that causes dishonour (a dishonour to his profession). --v.tr. 1 treat without honour or respect. 2 disgrace (dishonoured his name). 3 refuse to accept or pay (a cheque or a bill of exchange). 4 archaic violate the chastity of; rape. [ME f. OF deshonor, deshonorer f. med.L dishonorare (as DIS-, HONOUR)] dishonourable adj. (US dishonorable) 1 causing disgrace; ignominious. 2 unprincipled. ЬЬdishonourableness n. dishonourably adv. dishrag n. = DISHCLOTH. dishwasher n. 1 a machine for automatically washing dishes. 2 a person employed to wash dishes. dishwater n. water in which dishes have been washed. dishy adj. (dishier, dishiest) Brit. colloq. sexually attractive. [DISH n. 4 + -Y(1)] disillusion n. & v. --n. freedom from illusions; disenchantment. --v.tr. rid of illusions; disenchant. ЬЬdisillusionize v.tr. (also -ise). disillusionment n. disincentive n. & adj. --n. 1 something that tends to discourage a particular action etc. 2 Econ. a source of discouragement to productivity or progress. --adj. tending to discourage. disinclination n. (usu. foll. by for, or to + infin.) the absence of willingness; a reluctance (a disinclination for work; disinclination to go). disincline v.tr. (usu. foll. by to + infin. or for) make unwilling or reluctant. disincorporate v.tr. dissolve (a corporate body). disinfect v.tr. cleanse (a wound, a room, clothes, etc.) of infection, esp. with a disinfectant. ЬЬdisinfection n. [F d‚sinfecter (as DIS-, INFECT)] disinfectant n. & adj. --n. a usu. commercially produced chemical liquid that destroys germs etc. --adj. causing disinfection. disinfest v.tr. rid (a person, a building, etc.) of vermin, infesting insects, etc. ЬЬdisinfestation n. disinflation n. Econ. a policy designed to counteract inflation without causing deflation. ЬЬdisinflationary adj. disinformation n. false information, intended to mislead. disingenuous adj. having secret motives; insincere. ЬЬdisingenuously adv. disingenuousness n. disinherit v.tr. (disinherited, disinheriting) reject as one's heir; deprive of the right of inheritance. ЬЬdisinheritance n. [ME f. DIS- + INHERIT in obs. sense 'make heir'] disintegrate v. 1 tr. & intr. a separate into component parts or fragments. b lose or cause to lose cohesion. 2 intr. colloq. deteriorate mentally or physically. 3 intr. & tr. Physics undergo or cause to undergo disintegration. ЬЬdisintegrator n. disintegration n. 1 the act or an instance of disintegrating. 2 Physics any process in which a nucleus emits a particle or particles or divides into smaller nuclei. disinter v.tr. (disinterred, disinterring) 1 remove (esp. a corpse) from the ground; unearth; exhume. 2 find after a protracted search (disinterred the letter from the back of the drawer). ЬЬdisinterment n. [F d‚senterrer (as DIS-, INTER)] disinterest n. 1 impartiality. 2 disp. lack of interest; unconcern. disinterested adj. 1 not influenced by one's own advantage; impartial. 2 disp. uninterested. ЬЬdisinterestedly adv. disinterestedness n. [past part. of disinterest (v.) divest of interest] disinvest v.intr. (foll. by from, or absol.) reduce or dispose of one's investment (in a place, company, etc.). ЬЬdisinvestment n. disjecta membra n.pl. scattered remains; fragments, esp. of written work. [L, alt. of disjecti membra poetae (Horace) limbs of a dismembered poet] disjoin v.tr. separate or disunite; part. [ME f. OF desjoindre f. L disjungere (as DIS-, jungere junct- join)] disjoint v. & adj. --v.tr. 1 take apart at the joints. 2 (as disjointed adj.) (esp. of conversation) incoherent; desultory. 3 disturb the working or connection of; dislocate. --adj. (of two or more sets) having no elements in common. ЬЬdisjointedly adv. disjointedness n. [ME f. obs. disjoint (adj.) f. past part. of OF desjoindre (as DISJOIN)] disjunction n. 1 the process of disjoining; separation. 2 an instance of this. [ME f. OF disjunction or L disjunctio (as DISJOIN)] disjunctive adj. & n. --adj. 1 involving separation; disjoining. 2 Gram. (esp. of a conjunction) expressing a choice between two words etc., e.g. or in asked if he was going or staying (cf. COPULATIVE). 3 Logic (of a proposition) expressing alternatives. --n. 1 Gram. a disjunctive conjunction or other word. 2 Logic a disjunctive proposition. ЬЬdisjunctively adv. [ME f. L disjunctivus (as DISJOIN)] disk var. of DISC (esp. US & Computing). diskette n. Computing = floppy disk. dislike v. & n. --v.tr. have an aversion or objection to; not like. --n. 1 a feeling of repugnance or not liking. 2 an object of dislike. ЬЬdislikable adj. (also dislikeable). dislocate v.tr. 1 disturb the normal connection of (esp. a joint in the body). 2 disrupt; put out of order. 3 displace. [prob. back-form. f. DISLOCATION] dislocation n. 1 the act or result of dislocating. 2 Crystallog. the displacement of part of a crystal lattice structure. [ME f. OF dislocation or med.L dislocatio f. dislocare (as DIS-, locare place)] dislodge v.tr. remove from an established or fixed position (was dislodged from his directorship). ЬЬdislodgement n. (also dislodgment). [ME f. OF dislog(i)er (as DIS-, LODGE)] disloyal adj. (often foll. by to) 1 not loyal; unfaithful. 2 untrue to one's allegiance; treacherous to one's government etc. ЬЬdisloyalist n. disloyally adv. disloyalty n. [ME f. OF desloial (as DIS-, LOYAL)] dismal adj. 1 causing or showing gloom; miserable. 2 dreary or sombre (dismal brown walls). 3 colloq. feeble or inept (a dismal performance). Ьthe dismals colloq. melancholy. the dismal science joc. economics. ЬЬdismally adv. dismalness n. [orig. noun = unlucky days: ME f. AF dis mal f. med.L dies mali two days in each month held to be unpropitious] dismantle v.tr. 1 take to pieces; pull down. 2 deprive of defences or equipment. 3 (often foll. by of) strip of covering or protection. ЬЬdismantlement n. dismantler n. [OF desmanteler (as DIS-, MANTLE)] dismast v.tr. deprive (a ship) of masts; break down the mast or masts of. dismay v. & n. --v.tr. fill with consternation or anxiety; discourage or depress; reduce to despair. --n. 1 consternation or anxiety. 2 depression or despair. [ME f. OF desmaiier (unrecorded) ult. f. a Gmc root = deprive of power (as DIS-, MAY)] dismember v.tr. 1 tear or cut the limbs from. 2 partition or divide up (an empire, country, etc.). ЬЬdismemberment n. [ME f. OF desmembrer f. Rmc (as DIS-, L membrum limb)] dismiss v. 1 a tr. send away, cause to leave one's presence, disperse; disband (an assembly or army). b intr. (of an assembly etc.) disperse; break ranks. 2 tr. discharge from employment, office, etc., esp. dishonourably. 3 tr. put out of one's thoughts; cease to feel or discuss (dismissed him from memory). 4 tr. treat (a subject) summarily (dismissed his application). 5 tr. Law refuse further hearing to (a case); send out of court. 6 tr. Cricket put (a batsman or a side) out (was dismissed for 75 runs). 7 intr. (in imper.) Mil. a word of command at the end of drilling. ЬЬdismissal n. dismissible adj. dismission n. [ME, orig. as past part. after OF desmis f. med.L dismissus (as DIS-, L mittere miss- send)] dismissive adj. tending to dismiss from consideration; disdainful. ЬЬdismissively adv. dismissiveness n. dismount v. 1 a intr. alight from a horse, bicycle, etc. b tr. (usu. in passive) throw from a horse, unseat. 2 tr. remove (a thing) from its mounting (esp. a gun from its carriage). disobedient adj. disobeying; rebellious, rule-breaking. ЬЬdisobedience n. disobediently adv. [ME f. OF desobedient (as DIS-, OBEDIENT)] disobey v.tr. (also absol.) fail or refuse to obey; disregard (orders); break (rules) (disobeyed his mother; how dare you disobey!). ЬЬdisobeyer n. [ME f. OF desobeir f. Rmc (as DIS-, OBEY)] disoblige v.tr. 1 refuse to consider the convenience or wishes of. 2 (as disobliging adj.) uncooperative. [F d‚sobliger f. Rmc (as DIS-, OBLIGE)] disorder n. & v. --n. 1 a lack of order; confusion. 2 a riot; a commotion. 3 Med. a usu. minor ailment or disease. --v.tr. 1 throw into confusion; disarrange. 2 Med. put out of good health; upset. [ME, alt. after ORDER v. of earlier disordain f. OF desordener (as DIS-, ORDAIN)] disorderly adj. 1 untidy; confused. 2 irregular; unruly; riotous. 3 Law contrary to public order or morality. Ьdisorderly house Law a brothel. ЬЬdisorderliness n. disorganize v.tr. (also -ise) 1 destroy the system or order of; throw into confusion. 2 (as disorganized adj.) lacking organization or system. ЬЬdisorganization n. [F d‚sorganiser (as DIS-, ORGANIZE)] disorient v.tr. = DISORIENTATE. [F d‚sorienter (as DIS-, ORIENT v.)] disorientate v.tr. 1 confuse (a person) as to his or her whereabouts or bearings. 2 confuse (a person) (disorientated by his unexpected behaviour). ЬЬdisorientation n. disown v.tr. 1 refuse to recognize; repudiate; disclaim. 2 renounce one's connection with or allegiance to. ЬЬdisowner n. disparage v.tr. 1 speak slightingly of; depreciate. 2 bring discredit on. ЬЬdisparagement n. disparagingly adv. [ME f. OF desparagier marry unequally (as DIS-, parage equality of rank ult. f. L par equal)] disparate adj. & n. --adj. essentially different in kind; without comparison or relation. --n. (in pl.) things so unlike that there is no basis for their comparison. ЬЬdisparately adv. disparateness n. [L disparatus separated (as DIS-, paratus past part. of parare prepare), infl. in sense by L dispar unequal] disparity n. (pl. -ies) 1 inequality; difference; incongruity. 2 an instance of this. [F disparit‚ f. LL disparitas -tatis (as DIS-, PARITY(1))] dispassionate adj. free from passion; calm; impartial. ЬЬdispassionately adv. dispassionateness n. dispatch v. & n. (also despatch) --v.tr. 1 send off to a destination or for a purpose (dispatched him with the message). 2 perform (business, a task, etc.) promptly; finish off. 3 kill, execute (dispatched him with the revolver). 4 colloq. eat (food, a meal, etc.) quickly. --n. 1 the act or an instance of sending (a messenger, letter, etc.). 2 the act or an instance of killing; execution. 3 a an official written message on State or esp. military affairs. b a report sent in by a newspaper's correspondent, usu. from a foreign country. 4 promptness, efficiency (done with dispatch). Ьdispatch-box (or -case) a container for esp. official State or military documents or dispatches. dispatch-rider a motor cyclist or rider on horseback carrying military dispatches. ЬЬdispatcher n. [It. dispacciare or Sp. despachar expedite (as DIS-, It. impacciare and Sp. empachar hinder, of uncert. orig.)] dispel v.tr. (dispelled, dispelling) dissipate; disperse; scatter (the dawn dispelled their fears). ЬЬdispeller n. [L dispellere (as DIS-, pellere drive)] dispensable adj. 1 able to be done without; unnecessary. 2 (of a law etc.) able to be relaxed in special cases. ЬЬdispensability n. [med.L dispensabilis (as DISPENSE)] dispensary n. (pl. -ies) 1 a place where medicines etc. are dispensed. 2 a public or charitable institution for medical advice and the dispensing of medicines. [med.L dispensarius (as DISPENSE)] dispensation n. 1 a the act or an instance of dispensing or distributing. b (foll. by with) the state of doing without (a thing). c something distributed. 2 (usu. foll. by from) a exemption from a penalty or duty; an instance of this. b exemption from a religious observance; an instance of this. 3 a religious or political system obtaining in a nation etc. (the Christian dispensation). 4 a the ordering or management of the world by Providence. b a specific example of such ordering (of a community, a person, etc.). ЬЬdispensational adj. [ME f. OF dispensation or L dispensatio (as DISPENSE)] dispense v. 1 tr. distribute; deal out. 2 tr. administer (a sacrament, justice, etc.). 3 tr. make up and give out (medicine etc.) according to a doctor's prescription. 4 tr. (usu. foll. by from) grant a dispensation to (a person) from an obligation, esp. a religious observance. 5 intr. (foll. by with) a do without; render needless. b give exemption from (a rule). Ьdispensing chemist a chemist qualified to make up and give out medicine etc. [ME f. OF despenser f. L dispensare frequent. of dispendere weigh or pay out (as DIS-, pendere pens- weigh)] dispenser n. 1 a person or thing that dispenses something, e.g. medicine, good advice. 2 an automatic machine that dispenses an item or a specific amount of something (e.g. cash). dispersant n. Chem. an agent used to disperse small particles in a medium. disperse v. 1 intr. & tr. go, send, drive, or distribute in different directions or over a wide area. 2 a intr. (of people at a meeting etc.) leave and go their various ways. b tr. cause to do this. 3 tr. send to or station at separate points. 4 tr. put in circulation; disseminate. 5 tr. Chem. distribute (small particles) uniformly in a medium. 6 tr. Physics divide (white light) into its coloured constituents. ЬЬdispersable adj. dispersal n. disperser n. dispersible adj. dispersive adj. [ME f. L dispergere dispers- (as DIS-, spargere scatter)] dispersion n. 1 the act or an instance of dispersing; the process of being dispersed. 2 Chem. a mixture of one substance dispersed in another. 3 Physics the separation of white light into colours or of any radiation according to wavelength. 4 Statistics the extent to which values of a variable differ from the mean. 5 (the Dispersion) the Jews dispersed among the Gentiles after the Captivity in Babylon. [ME f. LL dispersio (as DISPERSE), transl. Gk diaspora: see DIASPORA] dispirit v.tr. 1 (esp. as dispiriting adj.) make despondent; discourage. 2 (as dispirited adj.) dejected; discouraged. ЬЬdispiritedly adv. dispiritedness n. dispiritingly adv. displace v.tr. 1 shift from its accustomed place. 2 remove from office. 3 take the place of; oust. Ьdisplaced person a person who is forced to leave his or her home country because of war, persecution, etc.; a refugee. displacement n. 1 a the act or an instance of displacing; the process of being displaced. b an instance of this. 2 Physics the amount of a fluid displaced by a solid floating or immersed in it (a ship with a displacement of 11,000 tons). 3 Psychol. a the substitution of one idea or impulse for another. b the unconscious transfer of strong unacceptable emotions from one object to another. 4 the amount by which a thing is shifted from its place. display v. & n. --v.tr. 1 expose to view; exhibit; show. 2 show ostentatiously. 3 allow to appear; reveal; betray (displayed his ignorance). --n. 1 the act or an instance of displaying. 2 an exhibition or show. 3 ostentation; flashiness. 4 the distinct behaviour of some birds and fish, esp. used to attract a mate. 5 a the presentation of signals or data on a visual display unit etc. b the information so presented. 6 Printing the arrangement and choice of type in order to attract attention. ЬЬdisplayer n. [ME f. OF despleier f. L displicare (as DIS-, plicare fold): cf. DEPLOY] displease v.tr. make indignant or angry; offend; annoy. Ьbe displeased (often foll. by at, with) be indignant or dissatisfied; disapprove. ЬЬdispleasing adj. displeasingly adv. [ME f. OF desplaisir (as DIS-, L placere please)] displeasure n. & v. --n. disapproval; anger; dissatisfaction. --v.tr. archaic cause displeasure to; annoy. [ME f. OF (as DISPLEASE): assim. to PLEASURE] disport v. & n. --v.intr. & refl. frolic; gambol; enjoy oneself (disported on the sand; disported themselves in the sea). --n. archaic 1 relaxation. 2 a pastime. [ME f. AF & OF desporter (as DIS-, porter carry f. L portare)] disposable adj. & n. --adj. 1 intended to be used once and then thrown away (disposable nappies). 2 that can be got rid of, made over, or used. 3 (esp. of financial assets) at the owner's disposal. --n. a thing designed to be thrown away after one use. Ьdisposable income income after tax etc. ЬЬdisposability n. disposal n. (usu. foll. by of) 1 the act or an instance of disposing of something. 2 the arrangement, disposition, or placing of something. 3 control or management (of a person, business, etc.). 4 (esp. as waste disposal) the disposing of rubbish. Ьat one's disposal 1 available for one's use. 2 subject to one's orders or decisions. dispose v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by to, or to + infin.) a make willing; incline (disposed him to the idea; was disposed to release them). b give a tendency to (the wheel was disposed to buckle). 2 tr. place suitably or in order (disposed the pictures in sequence). 3 tr. (as disposed adj.) have a specified mental inclination (usu. in comb. : ill-disposed). 4 intr. determine the course of events (man proposes, God disposes). Ьdispose of 1 a deal with. b get rid of. c finish. d kill. 2 sell. 3 prove (a claim, an argument, an opponent, etc.) to be incorrect. 4 consume (food). ЬЬdisposer n. [ME f. OF disposer (as DIS-, POSE(1)) after L disponere disposit-] disposition n. 1 (often foll. by to) a natural tendency; an inclination; a person's temperament (a happy disposition; a disposition to overeat). 2 a setting in order; arranging. b the relative position of parts; an arrangement. 3 (usu. in pl.) a Mil. the stationing of troops ready for attack or defence. b preparations; plans. 4 a a bestowal by deed or will. b control; the power of disposing. 5 ordinance, dispensation. [ME f. OF f. L dispositio (as DIS-, ponere posit- place)] dispossess v.tr. 1 dislodge; oust (a person). 2 (usu. foll. by of) deprive. ЬЬdispossession n. [OF despossesser (as DIS-, POSSESS)] dispraise v. & n. --v.tr. express disapproval or censure of. --n. disapproval, censure. [ME f. OF despreisier ult. f. LL depretiare DEPRECIATE] disproof n. 1 something that disproves. 2 a refutation. b an instance of this. disproportion n. 1 a lack of proportion. 2 an instance of this. ЬЬdisproportional adj. disproportionally adv. disproportionate adj. 1 lacking proportion. 2 relatively too large or small, long or short, etc. ЬЬdisproportionately adv. disproportionateness n. disprove v.tr. prove false; refute. ЬЬdisprovable adj. disproval n. [ME f. OF desprover (as DIS-, PROVE)] disputable adj. open to question; uncertain. ЬЬdisputably adv. [F or f. L disputabilis (as DISPUTE)] disputation n. 1 a disputing, debating. b an argument; a controversy. 2 a formal debate. [ME f. F disputation or L disputatio (as DISPUTE)] disputatious adj. fond of or inclined to argument. ЬЬdisputatiously adv. disputatiousness n. dispute v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by with, against) a debate, argue (was disputing with them about the meaning of life). b quarrel. 2 tr. discuss, esp. heatedly (disputed whether it was true). 3 tr. question the truth or correctness or validity of (a statement, alleged fact, etc.) (I dispute that number). 4 tr. contend for; strive to win (disputed the crown; disputed the field). 5 tr. resist (a landing, advance, etc.). --n. 1 a controversy; a debate. 2 a quarrel. 3 a disagreement between management and employees, esp. one leading to industrial action. Ьbeyond (or past or without) dispute certainly; indisputably. in dispute 1 being argued about. 2 (of a workforce) involved in industrial action. ЬЬdisputant n. disputer n. [ME f. OF desputer f. L disputare estimate (as DIS-, putare reckon)] disqualification n. 1 the act or an instance of disqualifying; the state of being disqualified. 2 something that disqualifies. disqualify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 (often foll. by from) debar from a competition or pronounce ineligible as a winner because of an infringement of the rules etc. (disqualified from the race for taking drugs). 2 (often foll. by for, from) make or pronounce ineligible or unsuitable (his age disqualifies him for the job; a criminal record disqualified him from applying). 3 (often foll. by from) incapacitate legally; pronounce unqualified (disqualified from practising as a doctor). disquiet v. & n. --v.tr. deprive of peace; worry. --n. anxiety; unrest. ЬЬdisquieting adj. disquietingly adv. disquietude n. a state of uneasiness; anxiety. disquisition n. a long or elaborate treatise or discourse on a subject. ЬЬdisquisitional adj. [F f. L disquisitio (as DIS-, quaerere quaesit- seek)] disrate v.tr. Naut. reduce (a sailor) to a lower rating or rank. disregard v. & n. --v.tr. 1 pay no attention to; ignore. 2 treat as of no importance. --n. (often foll. by of, for) indifference; neglect. ЬЬdisregardful adj. disregardfully adv. disrelish n. & v. --n. dislike; distaste. --v.tr. regard with dislike or distaste. disremember v.tr. & intr. esp. US or dial. fail to remember; forget. disrepair n. poor condition due to neglect (in disrepair; in a state of disrepair). disreputable adj. 1 of bad reputation; discreditable. 2 not respectable in appearance; dirty, untidy. ЬЬdisreputableness n. disreputably adv. disrepute n. a lack of good reputation or respectability; discredit (esp. fall into disrepute). disrespect n. a lack of respect; discourtesy. ЬЬdisrespectful adj. disrespectfully adv. disrobe v.tr. & refl. (also absol.) 1 divest (oneself or another) of a robe or a garment; undress. 2 divest (oneself or another) of office, authority, etc. disrupt v.tr. 1 interrupt the flow or continuity of (a meeting, speech, etc.); bring disorder to. 2 separate forcibly; shatter. ЬЬdisrupter n. (also disruptor). disruption n. disruptive adj. disruptively adv. disruptiveness n. [L disrumpere disrupt- (as DIS-, rumpere break)] dissatisfy v.tr. (-ies, -ied) make discontented; fail to satisfy (dissatisfied with the accommodation; dissatisfied to find him gone). ЬЬdissatisfaction n. dissatisfactory adj. dissatisfiedly adv. dissect v.tr. 1 cut into pieces. 2 cut up (a plant or animal) to examine its parts, structure, etc., or (a corpse) for a post mortem. 3 analyse; criticize or examine in detail. ЬЬdissection n. dissector n. [L dissecare dissect- (as DIS-, secare cut)] dissemble v. 1 intr. conceal one's motives; talk or act hypocritically. 2 tr. a disguise or conceal (a feeling, intention, act, etc.). b simulate (dissembled grief in public). ЬЬdissemblance n. dissembler n. dissemblingly adv. [ME, alt. after semblance of obs. dissimule f. OF dissimuler f. L dissimulare (as DIS-, SIMULATE)] disseminate v.tr. scatter about, spread (esp. ideas) widely. Ьdisseminated sclerosis = SCLEROSIS 2. ЬЬdissemination n. disseminator n. [L disseminare (as DIS-, semen -inis seed)] dissension n. disagreement giving rise to discord. [ME f. OF f. L dissensio (as DIS-, sentire sens- feel)] dissent v. & n. --v.intr. (often foll. by from) 1 think differently, disagree; express disagreement. 2 differ in religious opinion, esp. from the doctrine of an established or orthodox church. --n. 1 a a difference of opinion. b an expression of this. 2 the refusal to accept the doctrines of an established or orthodox church; nonconformity. ЬЬdissenting adj. dissentingly adv. [ME f. L dissentire (as DIS-, sentire feel)] dissenter n. 1 a person who dissents. 2 (Dissenter) Brit. a member of a non-established church; a Nonconformist. dissentient adj. & n. --adj. disagreeing with a majority or official view. --n. a person who dissents. [L dissentire (as DIS-, sentire feel)] dissertation n. a detailed discourse on a subject, esp. one submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of a degree or diploma. ЬЬdissertational adj. [L dissertatio f. dissertare discuss, frequent. of disserere dissert- examine (as DIS-, serere join)] disservice n. an ill turn; an injury, esp. done when trying to help. ЬЬdisserve v.tr. archaic. dissever v.tr. & intr. sever; divide into parts. ЬЬdisseverance n. disseverment n. [ME f. AF dis(c)everer, OF dessevrer f. LL disseparare (as DIS-, SEPARATE)] dissidence n. disagreement; dissent. [F dissidence or L dissidentia (as DISSIDENT)] dissident adj. & n. --adj. disagreeing, esp. with an established government, system, etc. --n. a dissident person. [F or f. L dissidere disagree (as DIS-, sedere sit)] dissimilar adj. (often foll. by to) unlike, not similar. ЬЬdissimilarity n. (pl. -ies). dissimilarly adv. dissimilate v. (often foll. by to) Phonet. 1 tr. change (a sound or sounds in a word) to another when the word originally had the same sound repeated, as in cinnamon, orig. cinnamom. 2 intr. (of a sound) be changed in this way. ЬЬdissimilation n. dissimilatory adj. [L dissimilis (as DIS-, similis like), after assimilate] dissimilitude n. unlikeness, dissimilarity. [L dissimilitudo (as DISSIMILATE)] dissimulate v.tr. & intr. dissemble. ЬЬdissimulation n. dissimulator n. [L dissimulare (as DIS-, SIMULATE)] dissipate v. 1 a tr. cause (a cloud, vapour, fear, darkness, etc.) to disappear or disperse. b intr. disperse, scatter, disappear. 2 intr. & tr. break up; bring or come to nothing. 3 tr. squander or fritter away (money, energy, etc.). 4 intr. (as dissipated adj.) given to dissipation, dissolute. ЬЬdissipater n. dissipative adj. dissipator n. [L dissipare dissipat- (as DIS-, sipare (unrecorded) throw)] dissipation n. 1 intemperate, dissolute, or debauched living. 2 (usu. foll. by of) wasteful expenditure (dissipation of resources). 3 scattering, dispersion, or disintegration. 4 a frivolous amusement. [F dissipation or L dissipatio (as DISSIPATE)] dissociate v. 1 tr. & intr. (usu. foll. by from) disconnect or become disconnected; separate (dissociated her from their guilt). 2 tr. Chem. decompose, esp. reversibly. 3 tr. Psychol. cause (a person's mind) to develop more than one centre of consciousness. Ьdissociated personality Psychol. the pathological coexistence of two or more distinct personalities in the same person. dissociate oneself from 1 declare oneself unconnected with. 2 decline to support or agree with (a proposal etc.). ЬЬdissociative adj. [L dissociare (as DIS-, socius companion)] dissociation n. 1 the act or an instance of dissociating. 2 Psychol. the state of suffering from dissociated personality. dissoluble adj. able to be disintegrated, loosened, or disconnected; soluble. ЬЬdissolubility n. dissolubly adv. [F dissoluble or L dissolubilis (as DIS-, SOLUBLE)] dissolute adj. lax in morals; licentious. ЬЬdissolutely adv. dissoluteness n. [ME f. L dissolutus past part. of dissolvere DISSOLVE] dissolution n. 1 disintegration; decomposition. 2 (usu. foll. by of) the undoing or relaxing of a bond, esp.: a a marriage. b a partnership. c an alliance. 3 the dismissal or dispersal of an assembly, esp. of a parliament at the end of its term. 4 death. 5 bringing or coming to an end; fading away; disappearance. 6 dissipation; debauchery. [ME f. OF dissolution or L dissolutio (as DISSOLVE)] dissolve v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become liquid, esp. by immersion or dispersion in a liquid. 2 intr. & tr. disappear or cause to disappear gradually. 3 a tr. dismiss or disperse (an assembly, esp. parliament). b intr. (of an assembly) be dissolved (cf. DISSOLUTION). 4 tr. annul or put an end to (a partnership, marriage, etc.). 5 intr. (of a person) become enfeebled or emotionally overcome (completely dissolved when he saw her; dissolved into tears). 6 intr. (often foll. by into) Cinematog. change gradually (from one picture into another). --n. Cinematog. the act or process of dissolving a picture. ЬЬdissolvable adj. [ME f. L dissolvere dissolut- (as DIS-, solvere loosen)] dissolvent adj. & n. --adj. tending to dissolve or dissipate. --n. a dissolvent substance. [L dissolvere (as DISSOLVE)] dissonant adj. 1 Mus. harsh-toned; unharmonious. 2 incongruous; clashing. ЬЬdissonance n. dissonantly adv. [ME f. OF dissonant or L dissonare (as DIS-, sonare sound)] dissuade v.tr. (often foll. by from) discourage (a person); persuade against (dissuaded him from continuing; was dissuaded from his belief). ЬЬdissuader n. dissuasion n. dissuasive adj. [L dissuadere (as DIS-, suadere suas- persuade)] dissyllable var. of DISYLLABLE. dissymmetry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a lack of symmetry. b an instance of this. 2 symmetry as of mirror images or the left and right hands (esp. of crystals with two corresponding forms). ЬЬdissymmetrical adj. distaff n. 1 a a cleft stick holding wool or flax wound for spinning by hand. b the corresponding part of a spinning-wheel. 2 women's work. Ьdistaff side the female branch of a family. [OE dist‘f (as STAFF(1)), the first element being app. rel. to LG diesse, MLG dise(ne) bunch of flax] distal adj. Anat. situated away from the centre of the body or point of attachment; terminal. ЬЬdistally adv. [DISTANT + -AL] distance n. & v. --n. 1 the condition of being far off; remoteness. 2 a a space or interval between two things. b the length of this (a distance of twenty miles). 3 a distant point or place (came from a distance). 4 the avoidance of familiarity; aloofness; reserve (there was a certain distance between them). 5 a remoter field of vision (saw him in the distance). 6 an interval of time (can't remember what happened at this distance). 7 a the full length of a race etc. b Brit. Racing a length of 240 yards from the winning-post on a racecourse. c Boxing the scheduled length of a fight. --v.tr. (often refl.) 1 place far off (distanced herself from them; distanced the painful memory). 2 leave far behind in a race or competition. Ьat a distance far off. distance-post Racing a post at the distance on a racecourse, used to disqualify runners who have not reached it by the end of the race. distance runner an athlete who competes in long- or middle-distance races. go the distance 1 Boxing complete a fight without being knocked out. 2 complete, esp. a hard task; endure an ordeal. keep one's distance maintain one's reserve. middle distance the part of a landscape or painting between the foreground and the furthest part. within hailing (or walking) distance near enough to reach by hailing or walking. [ME f. OF distance, destance f. L distantia f. distare stand apart (as DI-(2), stare stand)] distant adj. 1 a far away in space or time. b (usu. predic.; often foll. by from) at a specified distance (three miles distant from them). 2 remote or far apart in position, time, resemblance, etc. (a distant prospect; a distant relation; a distant likeness). 3 not intimate; reserved; cool (a distant bow). 4 remote; abstracted (a distant stare). 5 faint, vague (he was a distant memory to her). Ьdistant early warning US a radar system for the early detection of a missile attack. distant signal Railways a railway signal preceding a home signal to give warning. ЬЬdistantly adv. [ME f. OF distant or L distant- part. stem of distare: see DISTANCE] distaste n. (usu. foll. by for) dislike; repugnance; aversion, esp. slight (a distaste for prunes; a distaste for polite company). ЬЬdistasteful adj. distastefully adv. distastefulness n. distemper(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a kind of paint using glue or size instead of an oil-base, for use on walls or for scene-painting. 2 a method of mural and poster painting using this. --v.tr. paint (walls etc.) with distemper. [earlier as verb, f. OF destremper or LL distemperare soak, macerate: see DISTEMPER(2)] distemper(2) n. 1 a disease of some animals, esp. dogs, causing fever, coughing, and catarrh. 2 archaic political disorder. [earlier as verb, = upset, derange: ME f. LL distemperare (as DIS-, temperare mingle correctly)] distend v.tr. & intr. swell out by pressure from within (distended stomach). ЬЬdistensible adj. distensibility n. distension n. [ME f. L distendere (as DIS-, tendere tens- stretch)] distich n. Prosody a pair of verse lines; a couplet. [L distichon f. Gk distikhon (as DI-(1), stikhos line)] distichous adj. Bot. arranged in two opposite vertical rows. [L distichus (as DISTICH)] distil v. (US distill) (distilled, distilling) 1 tr. Chem. purify (a liquid) by vaporizing it with heat, then condensing it with cold and collecting the result. 2 tr. a Chem. extract the essence of (a plant etc.) usu. by heating it in a solvent. b extract the essential meaning or implications of (an idea etc.). 3 tr. make (whisky, essence, etc.) by distilling raw materials. 4 tr. (foll. by off, out) Chem. drive (the volatile constituent) off or out by heat. 5 tr. & intr. come as or give forth in drops; exude. 6 intr. undergo distillation. ЬЬdistillatory adj. [ME f. L distillare f. destillare (as DE-, stilla drop)] distillate n. a product of distillation. distillation n. 1 the process of distilling or being distilled (in various senses). 2 something distilled. distiller n. a person who distils, esp. a manufacturer of alcoholic liquor. distillery n. (pl. -ies) a place where alcoholic liquor is distilled. distinct adj. 1 (often foll. by from) a not identical; separate; individual. b different in kind or quality; unlike. 2 a clearly perceptible; plain. b clearly understandable; definite. 3 unmistakable, decided (had a distinct impression of being watched). ЬЬdistinctly adv. distinctness n. [ME f. L distinctus past part. of distinguere DISTINGUISH] distinction n. 1 a the act or an instance of discriminating or distinguishing. b an instance of this. c the difference made by distinguishing. 2 a something that differentiates, e.g. a mark, name, or title. b the fact of being different. 3 special consideration or honour. 4 distinguished character; excellence; eminence (a film of distinction; shows distinction in his bearing). 5 a grade in an examination denoting great excellence (passed with distinction). Ьdistinction without a difference a merely nominal or artificial distinction. [ME f. OF f. L distinctio -onis (as DISTINGUISH)] distinctive adj. distinguishing, characteristic. ЬЬdistinctively adv. distinctiveness n. distingu‚ adj. (fem. distingu‚e pronunc. same) having a distinguished air, features, manner, etc. [F, past part. of distinguer: see DISTINGUISH] distinguish v. 1 tr. (often foll. by from) a see or point out the difference of; draw distinctions (cannot distinguish one from the other). b constitute such a difference (the mole distinguishes him from his twin). c draw distinctions between; differentiate. 2 tr. be a mark or property of; characterize (distinguished by his greed). 3 tr. discover by listening, looking, etc. (could distinguish two voices). 4 tr. (usu. refl.; often foll. by by) make prominent or noteworthy (distinguished himself by winning first prize). 5 tr. (often foll. by into) divide; classify. 6 intr. (foll. by between) make or point out a difference between. ЬЬdistinguishable adj. [F distinguer or L distinguere (as DIS-, stinguere stinct- extinguish): cf. EXTINGUISH] distinguished adj. 1 (often foll. by for, by) of high standing; eminent; famous. 2 = DISTINGUђ. distort v.tr. 1 a put out of shape; make crooked or unshapely. b distort the appearance of, esp. by curved mirrors etc. 2 misrepresent (motives, facts, statements, etc.). ЬЬdistortedly adv. distortedness n. [L distorquere distort- (as DIS-, torquere twist)] distortion n. 1 the act or an instance of distorting; the process of being distorted. 2 Electronics a change in the form of a signal during transmission etc. usu. with some impairment of quality. ЬЬdistortional adj. distortionless adj. [L distortio (as DISTORT)] distract v.tr. 1 (often foll. by from) draw away the attention of (a person, the mind, etc.). 2 bewilder, perplex. 3 (as distracted adj.) mad or angry (distracted by grief; distracted with worry). 4 amuse, esp. in order to take the attention from pain or worry. ЬЬdistractedly adv. [ME f. L distrahere distract- (as DIS-, trahere draw)] distraction n. 1 a the act of distracting, esp. the mind. b something that distracts; an interruption. 2 a relaxation from work; an amusement. 3 a lack of concentration. 4 confusion; perplexity. 5 frenzy; madness. Ьto distraction almost to a state of madness. [ME f. OF distraction or L distractio (as DISTRACT)] distrain v.intr. Law (usu. foll. by upon) impose distraint (on a person, goods, etc.). ЬЬdistrainee n. distrainer n. distrainment n. distrainor n. [ME f. OF destreindre f. L distringere (as DIS-, stringere strict- draw tight)] distraint n. Law the seizure of chattels to make a person pay rent etc. or meet an obligation, or to obtain satisfaction by their sale. [DISTRAIN, after constraint] distrait adj. (fem. distraite) not paying attention; absent-minded; distraught. [ME f. OF destrait past part. of destraire (as DISTRACT)] distraught adj. distracted with worry, fear, etc.; extremely agitated. [ME, alt. of obs. distract (adj.) (as DISTRACT), after straught obs. past part. of STRETCH] distress n. & v. --n. 1 severe pain, sorrow, anguish, etc. 2 the lack of money or comforts. 3 Law = DISTRAINT. 4 breathlessness; exhaustion. --v.tr. 1 subject to distress; exhaust, afflict. 2 cause anxiety to; make unhappy; vex. Ьdistress-signal a signal from a ship in danger. distress-warrant Law a warrant authorizing distraint. in distress 1 suffering or in danger. 2 (of a ship, aircraft, etc.) in danger or damaged. ЬЬdistressful adj. distressingly adv. [ME f. OF destresse etc., AF destresser, OF -ecier f. Gallo-Roman (as DISTRAIN)] distressed adj. 1 suffering from distress. 2 impoverished (distressed gentlefolk; in distressed circumstances). 3 (of furniture, leather, etc.) having simulated marks of age and wear. Ьdistressed area Brit. a region of high unemployment and poverty. distributary n. (pl. -ies) a branch of a river or glacier that does not return to the main stream after leaving it (as in a delta). distribute v.tr. 1 give shares of; deal out. 2 spread about; scatter (distributed the seeds evenly over the garden). 3 divide into parts; arrange; classify. 4 Printing separate (type that has been set up) and return the characters to their separate boxes. 5 Logic use (a term) to include every individual of the class to which it refers. ЬЬdistributable adj. [ME f. L distribuere distribut- (as DIS-, tribuere assign)] distribution n. 1 the act or an instance of distributing; the process of being distributed. 2 Econ. a the dispersal of goods etc. among consumers, brought about by commerce. b the extent to which different groups, classes, or individuals share in the total production or wealth of a community. 3 Statistics the way in which a characteristic is spread over members of a class. ЬЬdistributional adj. [ME f. OF distribution or L distributio (as DISTRIBUTE)] distributive adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, concerned with, or produced by distribution. 2 Logic & Gram. (of a pronoun etc.) referring to each individual of a class, not to the class collectively (e.g. each, either). --n. Gram. a distributive word. ЬЬdistributively adv. [ME f. F distributif -ive or LL distributivus (as DISTRIBUTE)] distributor n. 1 a person or thing that distributes. 2 an agent who supplies goods. 3 Electr. a device in an internal-combustion engine for passing current to each spark-plug in turn. district n. & v. --n. 1 a (often attrib.) a territory marked off for special administrative purposes. b Brit. a division of a county or region electing its own councillors. 2 an area which has common characteristics; a region (the wine-growing district). --v.tr. US divide into districts. Ьdistrict attorney (in the US) the prosecuting officer of a district. district court (in the US) the Federal court of first instance. district heating a supply of heat or hot water from one source to a district or a group of buildings. district nurse Brit. a peripatetic nurse serving a rural or urban area. district visitor Brit. a person working for a member of the clergy in a section of a parish. [F f. med.L districtus (territory of) jurisdiction (as DISTRAIN)] distrust n. & v. --n. a lack of trust; doubt; suspicion. --v.tr. have no trust or confidence in; doubt. ЬЬdistruster n. distrustful adj. distrustfully adv. disturb v.tr. 1 break the rest, calm, or quiet of; interrupt. 2 agitate; worry (your story disturbs me). 3 move from a settled position, disarrange (the papers had been disturbed). 4 (as disturbed adj.) Psychol. emotionally or mentally unstable or abnormal. ЬЬdisturber n. disturbing adj. disturbingly adv. [ME f. OF desto(u)rber f. L disturbare (as DIS-, turbare f. turba tumult)] disturbance n. 1 the act or an instance of disturbing; the process of being disturbed. 2 a tumult; an uproar. 3 agitation; worry. 4 an interruption. 5 Law interference with rights or property; molestation. [ME f. OF desto(u)rbance (as DISTURB)] disulphide n. (US disulfide) Chem. a binary chemical containing two atoms of sulphur in each molecule. disunion n. a lack of union; separation; dissension. ЬЬdisunite v.tr. & intr. disunity n. disuse n. & v. --n. 1 lack of use or practice; discontinuance. 2 a disused state. --v.tr. cease to use. Ьfall into disuse cease to be used. [ME f. OF desuser (as DIS-, USE)] disutility n. (pl. -ies) 1 harmfulness, injuriousness. 2 a factor tending to nullify the utility of something; a drawback. disyllable n. (also dissyllable) Prosody a word or metrical foot of two syllables. ЬЬdisyllabic adj. [F disyllabe f. L disyllabus f. Gk disullabos (as DI-(1), SYLLABLE)] dit n. Telegraphy (in the Morse system) = DOT (cf. DAH). [imit.] ditch n. & v. --n. 1 a long narrow excavated channel esp. for drainage or to mark a boundary. 2 a watercourse, stream, etc. --v. 1 intr. make or repair ditches (hedging and ditching). 2 tr. provide with ditches; drain. 3 tr. sl. leave in the lurch; abandon. 4 tr. colloq. a bring (an aircraft) down on the sea in an emergency. b drive (a vehicle) into a ditch. 5 intr. colloq. (of an aircraft) make a forced landing on the sea. 6 tr. sl. defeat; frustrate. 7 tr. US derail (a train). Ьditch-water stagnant water in a ditch. dull as ditch-water extremely dull. last ditch a place of final desperate defence (fight to the last ditch). ЬЬditcher n. [OE dic, of unkn. orig.: cf. DIKE(1)] ditheism n. Theol. 1 a belief in two gods; dualism. 2 a belief in equal independent ruling principles of good and evil. ЬЬditheist n. dither v. & n. --v.intr. 1 hesitate; be indecisive. 2 dial. tremble; quiver. --n. colloq. 1 a state of agitation or apprehension. 2 a state of hesitation; indecisiveness. Ьall of a dither colloq. in a state of extreme agitation or vacillation. ЬЬditherer n. dithery adj. [var. of didder, DODDER(1)] dithyramb n. 1 a a wild choral hymn in ancient Greece, esp. to Dionysus. b a Bacchanalian song. 2 any passionate or inflated poem, speech, etc. ЬЬdithyrambic adj. [L dithyrambus f. Gk dithurambos, of unkn. orig.] dittany n. (pl. -ies) any herb of the genus Dictamnus, formerly used medicinally. [ME f. OF dita(i)n f. med.L dictamus f. L dictamnus f. Gk diktamnon perh. f. Dikte, a mountain in Crete] ditto n. & v. --n. (pl. -os) 1 (in accounts, inventories, lists, etc.) the aforesaid, the same. °Often represented by '' under the word or sum to be repeated. 2 colloq. (replacing a word or phrase to avoid repetition) the same (came in late last night and ditto the night before). 3 a similar thing; a duplicate. --v.tr. (-oes, -oed) repeat (another's action or words). Ьditto marks inverted commas etc. representing 'ditto'. say ditto to colloq. agree with; endorse. [It. dial. f. L dictus past part. of dicere say] dittography n. (pl. -ies) 1 a copyist's mistaken repetition of a letter, word, or phrase. 2 an example of this. ЬЬdittographic adj. [Gk dittos double + -GRAPHY] ditty n. (pl. -ies) a short simple song. [ME f. OF dit‚ composition f. L dictatum neut. past part. of dictare DICTATE] ditty-bag n. (also ditty-box) a sailor's or fisherman's receptacle for odds and ends. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] diuresis n. Med. an increased excretion of urine. [mod.L f. Gk (as DI-(3), ouresis urination)] diuretic adj. & n. --adj. causing increased output of urine. --n. a diuretic drug. [ME f. OF diuretique or LL diureticus f. Gk diouretikos f. dioureo urinate] diurnal adj. 1 of or during the day; not nocturnal. 2 daily; of each day. 3 Astron. occupying one day. 4 Zool. (of animals) active in the daytime. 5 Bot. (of plants) open only during the day. ЬЬdiurnally adv. [ME f. LL diurnalis f. L diurnus f. dies day] Div. abbr. Division. diva n. (pl. divas) a great or famous woman singer; a prima donna. [It. f. L, = goddess] divagate v.intr. literary stray; digress. ЬЬdivagation n. [L divagari (as DI-(2), vagari wander)] divalent adj. Chem. 1 having a valency of two; bivalent. 2 having two valencies. ЬЬdivalency n. [DI-(1) + valent- part. stem (as VALENCY)] divan n. 1 a a long, low, padded seat set against a room-wall; a backless sofa. b a bed consisting of a base and mattress, usu. with no board at either end. 2 an oriental State legislative body, council-chamber, or court of justice. 3 archaic a a cigar-shop. b a smoking-room attached to such a shop. [F divan or It. divano f. Turk. divan f. Arab. diwan f. Pers. divan anthology, register, court, bench] divaricate v.intr. diverge, branch; separate widely. ЬЬdivaricate adj. divarication n. [L divaricare (as DI-(2), varicus straddling)] dive v. & n. --v. (dived or US dove) 1 intr. plunge head first into water, esp. as a sport. 2 intr. a Aeron. (of an aircraft) plunge steeply downwards at speed. b Naut. (of a submarine) submerge. c (of a person) plunge downwards. 3 intr. (foll. by into) colloq. a put one's hand into (a pocket, handbag, vessel, etc.) quickly and deeply. b occupy oneself suddenly and enthusiastically with (a subject, meal, etc.). 4 tr. (foll. by into) plunge (a hand etc.) into. --n. 1 an act of diving; a plunge. 2 a the submerging of a submarine. b the steep descent of an aircraft. 3 a sudden darting movement. 4 colloq. a disreputable nightclub etc.; a drinking-den (found themselves in a low dive). 5 Boxing sl. a pretended knockout (took a dive in the second round). Ьdive-bomb bomb (a target) while diving in an aircraft. dive-bomber an aircraft designed to dive-bomb. dive in colloq. help oneself (to food). diving-bell an open-bottomed box or bell, supplied with air, in which a person can descend into deep water. diving-board an elevated board used for diving from. diving-suit a watertight suit usu. with a helmet and an air-supply, worn for working under water. [OE dufan (v.intr.) dive, sink, and dyfan (v.tr.) immerse, f. Gmc: rel. to DEEP, DIP] diver n. 1 a person who dives. 2 a a person who wears a diving-suit to work under water for long periods. b a pearl-diver etc. 3 any of various diving birds, esp. large water-birds of the family Gaviidae. diverge v. 1 intr. a proceed in a different direction or in different directions from a point (diverging rays; the path diverges here). b take a different course or different courses (their interests diverged). 2 intr. a (often foll. by from) depart from a set course (diverged from the track; diverged from his parents' wishes). b differ markedly (they diverged as to the best course). 3 tr. cause to diverge; deflect. 4 intr. Math. (of a series) increase indefinitely as more of its terms are added. [med.L divergere (as DI-(2), L vergere incline)] divergent adj. 1 diverging. 2 Psychol. (of thought) tending to reach a variety of possible solutions when analysing a problem. 3 Math. (of a series) increasing indefinitely as more of its terms are added; not convergent. ЬЬdivergence n. divergency n. divergently adv. divers adj. archaic or literary more than one; sundry; several. [ME f. OF f. L diversus DIVERSE (as DI-(2), versus past part. of vertere turn)] diverse adj. unlike in nature or qualities; varied. ЬЬdiversely adv. [ME (as DIVERS)] diversify v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. make diverse; vary; modify. 2 tr. Commerce a spread (investment) over several enterprises or products, esp. to reduce the risk of loss. b introduce a spread of investment in (an enterprise etc.). 3 intr. (often foll. by into) esp. Commerce (of a firm etc.) expand the range of products handled. ЬЬdiversification n. [ME f. OF diversifier f. med.L diversificare (as DIVERS)] diversion n. 1 a the act of diverting; deviation. b an instance of this. 2 a the diverting of attention deliberately. b a stratagem for this purpose (created a diversion to secure their escape). 3 a recreation or pastime. 4 Brit. an alternative route when a road is temporarily closed to traffic. ЬЬdiversional adj. diversionary adj. [LL diversio (as DIVERT)] diversionist n. 1 a person who engages in disruptive or subversive activities. 2 Polit. (esp. used by communists) a conspirator against the State; a saboteur. diversity n. (pl. -ies) 1 being diverse; variety. 2 a different kind; a variety. [ME f. OF diversit‚ f. L diversitas -tatis (as DIVERS)] divert v.tr. 1 (often foll. by from, to) a turn aside; deflect. b draw the attention of; distract. 2 (often as diverting adj.) entertain; amuse. ЬЬdivertingly adv. [ME f. F divertir f. L divertere (as DI-(2), vertere turn)] diverticular adj. Med. of or relating to a diverticulum. Ьdiverticular disease a condition with abdominal pain as a result of muscle spasms in the presence of diverticula. diverticulitis n. Med. inflammation of a diverticulum. diverticulum n. (pl. diverticula) Anat. a blind tube forming at weak points in a cavity or passage esp. of the alimentary tract. ЬЬdiverticulosis n. [med.L, var. of L deverticulum byway f. devertere (as DE-, vertere turn)] divertimento n. (pl. divertimenti or -os) Mus. a light and entertaining composition, often in the form of a suite for chamber orchestra. [It., = diversion] divertissement n. 1 a diversion; an entertainment. 2 a short ballet etc. between acts or longer pieces. [F, f. divertiss- stem of divertir DIVERT] Dives n. a rich man. [L, in Vulgate transl. of Luke 16] divest v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by of; often refl.) unclothe; strip (divested himself of his jacket). 2 deprive, dispossess; free, rid (cannot divest himself of the idea). ЬЬdivestiture n. divestment n. divesture n. [earlier devest f. OF desvestir etc. (as DIS-, L vestire f. vestis garment)] divi var. of DIVVY. divide v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by in, into) separate or be separated into parts; break up; split (the river divides into two; the road divides; divided them into three groups). 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by out) distribute; deal; share (divided it out between them). 3 tr. a cut off; separate; part (divide the sheep from the goats). b mark out into parts (a ruler divided into inches). c specify different kinds of, classify (people can be divided into two types). 4 tr. cause to disagree; set at variance (religion divided them). 5 Math. a tr. find how many times (a number) contains another (divide 20 by 4). b intr. (of a number) be contained in (a number) without a remainder (4 divides into 20). c intr. be susceptible of division (10 divides by 2 and 5). d tr. find how many times (a number) is contained in another (divide 4 into 20). 6 intr. Math. do division (can divide well). 7 Parl. a intr. (of a legislative assembly etc.) part into two groups for voting (the House divided). b tr. so divide (a Parliament etc.) for voting. --n. 1 a dividing or boundary line (the divide between rich and poor). 2 a watershed. Ьdivided against itself formed into factions. divided highway US a dual carriageway. divided skirt culottes. the Great Divide the boundary between life and death. [ME f. L dividere divis- (as DI-(2), vid- separate)] dividend n. 1 a a sum of money to be divided among a number of persons, esp. that paid by a company to shareholders. b a similar sum payable to winners in a football pool, to members of a cooperative, or to creditors of an insolvent estate. c an individual's share of a dividend. 2 Math. a number to be divided by a divisor. 3 a benefit from any action (their long training paid dividends). Ьdividend stripping the evasion of tax on dividends by arrangement between the company liable to pay tax and another able to claim repayment of tax. dividend warrant Brit. the documentary authority for a shareholder to receive a dividend. dividend yield a dividend expressed as a percentage of a current share price. [AF dividende f. L dividendum (as DIVIDE)] divider n. 1 a screen, piece of furniture, etc., dividing a room into two parts. 2 (in pl.) a measuring-compass, esp. with a screw for setting small intervals. divi-divi n. (pl. divi-divis) 1 a small tree, Caesalpinia coriaria, native to tropical Africa, bearing curved pods. 2 this pod used as a source of tannin. [Carib] divination n. 1 supposed insight into the future or the unknown gained by supernatural means. 2 a a skilful and accurate forecast. b a good guess. ЬЬdivinatory adj. [ME f. OF divination or L divinatio (as DIVINE)] divine adj., v., & n. --adj. (diviner, divinest) 1 a of, from, or like God or a god. b devoted to God; sacred (divine service). 2 a more than humanly excellent, gifted, or beautiful. b colloq. excellent; delightful. --v. 1 tr. discover by guessing, intuition, inspiration, or magic. 2 tr. foresee, predict, conjecture. 3 intr. practise divination. --n. 1 a cleric, usu. an expert in theology. 2 (the Divine) providence or God. Ьdivine office see OFFICE. divine right of kings the doctrine that kings derive their sovereignty and authority from God, not from their subjects. divining-rod = dowsing-rod (see DOWSE(1)). ЬЬdivinely adv. divineness n. diviner n. divinize v.tr. (also -ise). [ME f. OF devin -ine f. L divinus f. divus godlike] divinity n. (pl. -ies) 1 the state or quality of being divine. 2 a a god; a divine being. b (as the Divinity) God. 3 the study of religion; theology. [ME f. OF divinit‚ f. L divinitas -tatis (as DIVINE)] divisible adj. 1 capable of being divided, physically or mentally. 2 (foll. by by) Math. containing (a number) a number of times without a remainder (15 is divisible by 3 and 5). ЬЬdivisibility n. [F divisible or LL divisibilis (as DIVIDE)] division n. 1 the act or an instance of dividing; the process of being divided. 2 Math. the process of dividing one number by another (see also long division (see LONG(1)), short division). 3 disagreement or discord (division of opinion). 4 Parl. the separation of members of a legislative body into two sets for counting votes for and against. 5 one of two or more parts into which a thing is divided. 6 a major unit of administration or organization, esp.: a a group of army brigades or regiments. b Sport a grouping of teams within a league, usu. by ability. 7 a a district defined for administrative purposes. b Brit. a part of a county or borough returning a Member of Parliament. 8 a Bot. a major taxonomic grouping. b Zool. a subsidiary category between major levels of classification. 9 Logic a classification of kinds, parts, or senses. Ьdivision of labour the improvement of efficiency by giving different parts of a manufacturing process etc. to different people. division sign the sign (*!) indicating that one quantity is to be divided by another. ЬЬdivisional adj. divisionally adv. divisionary adj. [ME f. OF divisiun f. L divisio -onis (as DIVIDE)] divisive adj. tending to divide, esp. in opinion; causing disagreement. ЬЬdivisively adv. divisiveness n. [LL divisivus (as DIVIDE)] divisor n. Math. 1 a number by which another is to be divided. 2 a number that divides another without a remainder. [ME f. F diviseur or L divisor (as DIVIDE)] divorce n. & v. --n. 1 a the legal dissolution of a marriage. b a legal decree of this. 2 a severance or separation (a divorce between thought and feeling). --v. 1 a tr. (usu. as divorced adj.) (often foll. by from) legally dissolve the marriage of (a divorced couple; he wants to get divorced from her). b intr. separate by divorce (they divorced last year). c tr. end one's marriage with (divorced him for neglect). 2 tr. (often foll. by from) detach, separate (divorced from reality). 3 tr. archaic dissolve (a union). ЬЬdivorcement n. [ME f. OF divorce (n.), divorcer (v.) f. LL divortiare f. L divortium f. divortere (as DI-(2), vertere turn)] divorcee n. (also masc. divorc‚, fem. divorc‚e) a divorced person. divot n. 1 a piece of turf cut out by a golf club in making a stroke. 2 esp. Sc. a piece of turf; a sod. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] divulge v.tr. disclose; reveal (a secret etc.). ЬЬdivulgation n. divulgement n. divulgence n. [L divulgare (as DI-(2), vulgare publish f. vulgus common people)] divvy n. & v. (also divi) colloq. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 Brit. a dividend; a share, esp. of profits earned by a cooperative. 2 a distribution. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) (often foll. by up) share out; divide. [abbr. of DIVIDEND] Diwali n. a Hindu festival with illuminations, held between September and November. [Hind. diwali f. Skr. dipavali row of lights f. dipa lamp] Dixie n. the southern States of the US. [19th c.: orig. uncert.] dixie n. a large iron cooking pot used by campers etc. [Hind. degchi cooking pot f. Pers. degcha dimin. of deg pot] Dixieland n. 1 = DIXIE. 2 a kind of jazz with a strong two-beat rhythm and collective improvisation. [DIXIE] DIY abbr. Brit. do-it-yourself. dizzy adj. & v. --adj. (dizzier, dizziest) 1 a giddy, unsteady. b feeling confused. 2 causing giddiness (dizzy heights; dizzy speed). --v.tr. 1 make dizzy. 2 bewilder. ЬЬdizzily adv. dizziness n. [OE dysig f. WG] 11.0 DJ... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DJ abbr. 1 Brit. dinner-jacket. 2 disc jockey. djellaba n. (also djellabah, jellaba) a loose hooded woollen cloak worn or as worn by Arab men. [Arab. jallaba, jallabiya] djibba (also djibbah) var. of JIBBA. djinn var. of JINNEE. 12.0 DL... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DL abbr. Deputy Lieutenant. dl abbr. decilitre(s). D-layer n. the lowest layer of the ionosphere able to reflect low-frequency radio waves. [D (arbitrary)] D.Litt. abbr. Doctor of Letters. [L Doctor Litterarum] 13.0 DM... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DM abbr. (also D-mark) Deutschmark. dm abbr. decimetre(s). D.Mus. abbr. Doctor of Music. DMZ abbr. US demilitarized zone. 14.0 DNA... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DNA abbr. deoxyribonucleic acid, the self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms, esp. as a constituent of chromosomes, which is the carrier of genetic information. DNB abbr. Dictionary of National Biography. D-notice n. Brit. a government notice to news editors not to publish items on specified subjects, for reasons of security. [defence + NOTICE] 15.0 do... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- do(1) v. & n. --v. (3rd sing. present does; past did; past part. done) 1 tr. perform, carry out, achieve, complete (work etc.) (did his homework; there's a lot to do; he can do anything). 2 tr. a produce, make (she was doing a painting; I did a translation; decided to do a casserole). b provide (do you do lunches?). 3 tr. bestow, grant; have a specified effect on (a walk would do you good; do me a favour). 4 intr. act, behave, proceed (do as I do; she would do well to accept the offer). 5 tr. work at, study; be occupied with (what does your father do?; he did chemistry at university; we're doing Chaucer next term). 6 a intr. be suitable or acceptable; suffice (this dress won't do for a wedding; a sandwich will do until we get home; that will never do). b tr. satisfy; be suitable for (that hotel will do me nicely). 7 tr. deal with; put in order (the garden needs doing; the barber will do you next; I must do my hair before we go). 8 intr. a fare; get on (the patients were doing excellently; he did badly in the test). b perform, work (could do better). 9 tr. a solve; work out (we did the puzzle). b (prec. by can or be able to) be competent at (can you do cartwheels?; I never could do maths). 10 tr. a traverse (a certain distance) (we did fifty miles today). b travel at a specified speed (he overtook us doing about eighty). 11 tr. colloq. a act or behave like (did a Houdini). b play the part of (she was asked to do hostess). 12 intr. a colloq. finish (have you done annoying me?; I've done in the bathroom). b (as done adj.) be over (the day is done). 13 tr. produce or give a performance of (the school does many plays and concerts; we've never done 'Pygmalion'). 14 tr. cook, esp. to the right degree (do it in the oven; the potatoes aren't done yet). 15 intr. be in progress (what's doing?). 16 tr. colloq. visit; see the sights of (we did all the art galleries). 17 tr. colloq. a (often as done adj.) exhaust; tire out (the climb has completely done me). b beat up, defeat, kill. c ruin (now you've done it). 18 tr. (foll. by into) translate or transform (the book was done into French). 19 tr. colloq. (with qualifying adverb) provide food etc. for in a specified way (they do one very well here). 20 tr. sl. a rob (they did a shop in Soho). b swindle (I was done at the market). 21 tr. sl. prosecute, convict (they were done for shoplifting). 22 tr. sl. undergo (a specified term of imprisonment) (he did two years for fraud). 23 tr. coarse sl. have sexual intercourse with. 24 tr. sl. take (a drug). --v.aux. 1 a (except with be, can, may, ought, shall, will) in questions and negative statements (do you understand?; I don't smoke). b (except with can, may, ought, shall, will) in negative commands (don't be silly; do not come tomorrow). 2 ellipt. or in place of verb or verb and object (you know her better than I do; I wanted to go and I did so; tell me, do!). 3 forming emphatic present and past tenses (I do want to; do tell me; they did go but she was out). 4 in inversion for emphasis (rarely does it happen; did he but know it). --n. (pl. dos or do's) 1 colloq. an elaborate event, party, or operation. 2 Brit. sl. a swindle or hoax. Ьbe done with see DONE. be nothing to do with 1 be no business or concern of (his financial situation is nothing to do with me). 2 be unconnected with (his depression is nothing to do with his father's death). be to do with be concerned or connected with (the argument was to do with money). do about see ABOUT prep. 1d. do away with colloq. 1 abolish. 2 kill. do battle enter into combat. do one's best see BEST. do one's bit see BIT. do by treat or deal with in a specified way (do as you would be done by). do credit to see CREDIT. do down colloq. 1 cheat, swindle. 2 get the better of; overcome. do for 1 be satisfactory or sufficient for. 2 colloq. (esp. as done for adj.) destroy, ruin, kill (he knew he was done for). 3 colloq. act as housekeeper for. do one's head (or nut) sl. be extremely angry or agitated. do the honours see HONOUR. do in 1 sl. a kill. b ruin, do injury to. 2 colloq. exhaust, tire out. do-it-yourself adj. (of work, esp. building, painting, decorating, etc.) done or to be done by an amateur at home. --n. such work. do justice to see JUSTICE. do nothing for (or to) colloq. detract from the appearance or quality of (such behaviour does nothing for our reputation). do or die persist regardless of danger. do out colloq. clean or redecorate (a room). do a person out of colloq. unjustly deprive a person of; swindle out of (he was done out of his holiday). do over 1 sl. attack; beat up. 2 colloq. redecorate, refurbish. 3 US colloq. do again. do proud see PROUD. dos and don'ts rules of behaviour. do something for (or to) colloq. enhance the appearance or quality of (that carpet does something for the room). do one's stuff see STUFF. do to (archaic unto) = do by. do to death see DEATH. do the trick see TRICK. do up 1 fasten, secure. 2 colloq. a refurbish, renovate. b adorn, dress up. 3 sl. a ruin, get the better of. b beat up. do well for oneself prosper. do well out of profit by. do with (prec. by could) would be glad to have; would profit by (I could do with a rest; you could do with a wash). do without manage without; forgo (also absol. : we shall just have to do without). have nothing to do with 1 have no connection or dealings with (our problem has nothing to do with the latest news; after the disagreement he had nothing to do with his father). 2 be no business or concern of (the decision has nothing to do with him). have to do (or something to do) with be connected with (his limp has to do with a car accident). [OE don f. Gmc: rel. to Skr d dhami put, Gk tithemi place, L facere do] do(2) var. of DOH. do. abbr. ditto. DOA abbr. dead on arrival (at hospital etc.). doable adj. that can be done. dob v.tr. (dobbed, dobbing) (foll. by in) Austral. sl. inform against; implicate; betray. [var. of DAB(1)] dobbin n. a draught-horse; a farm horse. [pet-form of the name Robert] dobe n. US colloq. adobe. [abbr.] Dobermann n. (in full Dobermann pinscher) 1 a large dog of a German breed with a smooth coat. 2 this breed. [L. Dobermann, 19th-c. Ger. dog-breeder + G Pinscher terrier] doc n. colloq. doctor. [abbr.] doch an dorris var. of DEOCH AN DORIS. docile adj. 1 submissive, easily managed. 2 archaic teachable. ЬЬdocilely adv. docility n. [ME f. L docilis f. docere teach] dock(1) n. & v. --n. 1 an artificially enclosed body of water for the loading, unloading, and repair of ships. 2 (in pl.) a range of docks with wharves and offices; a dockyard. 3 US a ship's berth, a wharf. 4 = dry dock. 5 Theatr. = scene-dock. --v. 1 tr. & intr. bring or come into a dock. 2 a tr. join (spacecraft) together in space. b intr. (of spacecraft) be joined. 3 tr. provide with a dock or docks. Ьdock-glass a large glass for wine-tasting. in dock Brit. colloq. in hospital or (of a vehicle) laid up for repairs. [MDu. docke, of unkn. orig.] dock(2) n. the enclosure in a criminal court for the accused. Ьdock brief a brief handed direct to a barrister selected by a prisoner in the dock. in the dock on trial. [16th c.: prob. orig. cant = Flem. dok cage, of unkn. orig.] dock(3) n. any weed of the genus Rumex, with broad leaves. [OE docce] dock(4) v. & n. --v.tr. 1 a cut short (an animal's tail). b cut short the tail of (an animal). 2 a (often foll. by from) deduct (a part) from wages, supplies, etc. b reduce (wages etc.) in this way. --n. 1 the solid bony part of an animal's tail. 2 the crupper of a saddle or harness. Ьdock-tailed having a docked tail. [ME, of uncert. orig.] dockage n. 1 the charge made for using docks. 2 dock accommodation. 3 the berthing of vessels in docks. docker n. a person employed to load and unload ships. docket n. & v. --n. 1 Brit. a a document or label listing goods delivered or the contents of a package, or recording payment of customs dues etc. b a voucher; an order form. 2 US a list of causes for trial or persons having causes pending. 3 US a list of things to be done. --v.tr. (docketed, docketing) label with a docket. [15th c.: orig. unkn.] dockland n. a district near docks. [DOCK(1)] dockyard n. an area with docks and equipment for building and repairing ships, esp. for naval use. doctor n. & v. --n. 1 a a qualified practitioner of medicine; a physician. b US a qualified dentist or veterinary surgeon. 2 a person who holds a doctorate (Doctor of Civil Law). 3 colloq. a person who carries out repairs. 4 archaic a teacher or learned man. 5 sl. a cook on board a ship or in a camp. 6 (in full doctor-blade) Printing a blade for removing surplus ink etc. 7 an artificial fishing-fly. --v. colloq. 1 a tr. treat medically. b intr. (esp. as doctoring n.) practise as a physician. 2 tr. castrate or spay. 3 tr. patch up (machinery etc.); mend. 4 tr. adulterate. 5 tr. tamper with, falsify. 6 tr. confer a degree of doctor on. ЬDoctor of the Church any of several early Christian Fathers of the Church. Doctor of Philosophy a doctorate in any faculty except law, medicine, or sometimes theology. go for the doctor Austral. sl. 1 make an all-out effort. 2 bet all one has. what the doctor ordered colloq. something beneficial or desirable. ЬЬdoctorhood n. doctorial adj. doctorly adj. doctorship n. [ME f. OF doctour f. L doctor f. docere doct- teach] doctoral adj. of or for a degree of doctor. doctorate n. the highest university degree in any faculty, often honorary. doctrinaire adj. & n. --adj. seeking to apply a theory or doctrine in all circumstances without regard to practical considerations; theoretical and impractical. --n. a doctrinaire person; a pedantic theorist. ЬЬdoctrinairism n. doctrinarian n. [F f. doctrine DOCTRINE + -aire -ARY(1)] doctrinal adj. of or inculcating a doctrine or doctrines. ЬЬdoctrinally adv. [LL doctrinalis (as DOCTRINE)] doctrine n. 1 what is taught; a body of instruction. 2 a a principle of religious or political etc. belief. b a set of such principles; dogma. ЬЬdoctrinism n. doctrinist n. [ME f. OF f. L doctrina teaching (as DOCTOR)] docudrama n. a dramatized television film based on real events. [DOCUMENTARY + DRAMA] document n. & v. Law --n. a piece of written or printed matter that provides a record or evidence of events, an agreement, ownership, identification, etc. --v.tr. 1 prove by or provide with documents or evidence. 2 record in a document. ЬЬdocumental adj. [ME f. OF f. L documentum proof f. docere teach] documentalist n. a person engaged in documentation. documentary adj. & n. --adj. 1 consisting of documents (documentary evidence). 2 providing a factual record or report. --n. (pl. -ies) a documentary film etc. ЬЬdocumentarily adv. documentation n. 1 the accumulation, classification, and dissemination of information. 2 the material collected or disseminated. 3 the collection of documents relating to a process or event, esp. the written specification and instructions accompanying a computer program. DOD abbr. US Department of Defense. dodder(1) v.intr. tremble or totter, esp. from age. Ьdodder-grass quaking-grass. ЬЬdodderer n. [17th c.: var. of obs. dial. dadder] dodder(2) n. any climbing parasitic plant of the genus Cuscuta, with slender leafless threadlike stems. [ME f. Gmc] doddered adj. (of a tree, esp. an oak) having lost its top or branches. [prob. f. obs. dod poll, lop] doddery adj. tending to tremble or totter, esp. from age. ЬЬdodderiness n. [DODDER(1) + -Y(1)] doddle n. Brit. colloq. an easy task. [perh. f. doddle = TODDLE] dodeca- comb. form twelve. [Gk dodeka twelve] dodecagon n. a plane figure with twelve sides. dodecahedron n. a solid figure with twelve faces. ЬЬdodecahedral adj. dodecaphonic adj. Mus. = twelve-note. dodge v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by about, behind, round) move quickly to one side or quickly change position, to elude a pursuer, blow, etc. (dodged behind the chair). 2 tr. a evade by cunning or trickery (dodged paying the fare). b elude (a pursuer, opponent, blow, etc.) by a sideward movement etc. 3 tr. Austral. sl. acquire dishonestly. 4 intr. (of a bell in change-ringing) move one place contrary to the normal sequence. --n. 1 a quick movement to avoid or evade something. 2 a clever trick or expedient. 3 the dodging of a bell in change-ringing. Ьdodge the column see COLUMN. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] dodgem n. each of a number of small electrically-driven cars in an enclosure at a funfair, driven round and bumped into each other. [DODGE + 'EM] dodger n. 1 a person who dodges, esp. an artful or elusive person. 2 a screen on a ship's bridge etc. as protection from spray etc. 3 US a small handbill. 4 US a maize-flour cake. 5 sl. a sandwich; bread; food. dodgy adj. (dodgier, dodgiest) 1 colloq. awkward, unreliable, tricky. 2 Brit. cunning, artful. dodo n. (pl. -os or -oes) 1 any large flightless bird of the extinct family Raphidae, formerly native to Mauritius. 2 an old-fashioned, stupid, or inactive person. Ьas dead as the (or a) dodo 1 completely or unmistakably dead. 2 entirely obsolete. [Port. doudo simpleton] DoE abbr. (in the UK) Department of the Environment. doe n. a female fallow deer, reindeer, hare, or rabbit. [OE da] doek n. S.Afr. a cloth, esp. a head-cloth. [Afrik.] doer n. 1 a person who does something. 2 one who acts rather than merely talking or thinking. 3 (in full hard doer) Austral. an eccentric or amusing person. does 3rd sing. present of DO(1). doeskin n. 1 a the skin of a doe fallow deer. b leather made from this. 2 a fine cloth resembling it. doesn't contr. does not. doest archaic 2nd sing. present of DO(1). doeth archaic = DOTH. doff v.tr. literary take off (one's hat, clothing). [ME, = do off] dog n. & v. --n. 1 any four-legged flesh-eating animal of the genus Canis, of many breeds domesticated and wild, kept as pets or for work or sport. 2 the male of the dog, or of the fox (also dog-fox) or wolf (also dog-wolf). 3 colloq. a a despicable person. b a person or fellow of a specified kind (a lucky dog). c US & Austral. sl. an informer; a traitor. d sl. a horse that is difficult to handle. 4 a mechanical device for gripping. 5 US sl. something poor; a failure. 6 = FIREDOG. 7 (in pl.; prec. by the) Brit. colloq. greyhound-racing. --v.tr. (dogged, dogging) 1 follow closely and persistently; pursue, track. 2 Mech. grip with a dog. Ьdie like a dog die miserably or shamefully. dog-biscuit a hard thick biscuit for feeding dogs. dog-box Austral. sl. a compartment in a railway carriage without a corridor. dog-clutch Mech. a device for coupling two shafts in the transmission of power, one member having teeth which engage with slots in another. dog-collar 1 a collar for a dog. 2 a colloq. a clerical collar. b a straight high collar. dog days the hottest period of the year (reckoned in antiquity from the heliacal rising of the dog-star). dog-eared (of a book etc.) with the corners worn or battered with use. dog-eat-dog colloq. ruthlessly competitive. dog-end sl. a cigarette-end. dog-fall a fall in which wrestlers touch the ground together. dog in the manger a person who prevents others from using something, although that person has no use for it. dog-leg (or -legged) bent like a dog's hind leg. dog-leg hole Golf a hole at which a player cannot aim directly at the green from the tee. dog-paddle n. an elementary swimming-stroke like that of a dog. --v.intr. swim using this stroke. dog-rose a wild hedge-rose, Rosa canina: also called brier-rose. dog's breakfast (or dinner) colloq. a mess. dog's disease Austral. sl. influenza. dog's life a life of misery or harassment. dog's meat horse's or other flesh as food for dogs; carrion. dogs of war poet. the havoc accompanying war. dog's- (or dog-) tail any grass of the genus Cynosurus, esp. C. cristatus, a common pasture grass. dog-star the chief star of the constellation Canis Major or Minor, esp. Sirius. dog's tooth (in full dog's tooth violet) 1 any liliaceous plant of the genus Erythronium, esp. E. dens-canis with speckled leaves, purple flowers, and a toothed perianth. 2 = dog-tooth 2. dog-tired tired out. dog-tooth 1 a small pointed ornament or moulding esp. in Norman and Early English architecture. 2 a broken check pattern used esp. in cloth for suits. dog trials Austral. & NZ a public competitive display of the skills of sheepdogs. dog-violet any of various scentless wild violets, esp. Viola riviniana. go to the dogs sl. deteriorate, be ruined. hair of the dog further drink to cure the effects of drink. like a dog's dinner colloq. smartly or flashily (dressed, arranged, etc.). not a dog's chance no chance at all. put on dog colloq. behave pretentiously. ЬЬdoglike adj. [OE docga, of unkn. orig.] dogberry n. (pl. -ies) the fruit of the dogwood. dogcart n. a two-wheeled driving-cart with cross seats back to back. doge n. hist. the chief magistrate of Venice or Genoa. [F f. It. f. Venetian doze f. L dux ducis leader] dogfight n. 1 a close combat between fighter aircraft. 2 uproar; a fight like that between dogs. dogfish n. (pl. same or dogfishes) any of various small sharks esp. of the families Scyliorhinidae or Squalidae. dogged adj. tenacious; grimly persistent. Ьit's dogged as does it colloq. persistence succeeds. ЬЬdoggedly adv. doggedness n. [ME f. DOG + -ED(1)] dogger(1) n. a two-masted bluff-bowed Dutch fishing-boat. [ME f. MDu., = fishing-boat] dogger(2) n. Geol. a large spherical concretion occurring in sedimentary rock. [dial., = kind of iron-stone, perh. f. DOG] doggerel n. poor or trivial verse. [ME, app. f. DOG: cf. -REL] doggie var. of DOGGY n. doggish adj. 1 of or like a dog. 2 currish, malicious, snappish. ЬЬdoggishly adv. doggishness n. doggo adv. Ьlie doggo sl. lie motionless or hidden, making no sign. [prob. f. DOG: cf. -O] doggone adj., adv., & int. esp. US sl. --adj. & adv. damned. --int. expressing annoyance. [prob. f. dog on it = God damn it] doggy adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or like a dog. 2 devoted to dogs. --n. (also doggie) (pl. -ies) a little dog; a pet name for a dog. Ьdoggy bag a bag given to a customer in a restaurant or to a guest at a party etc. for putting leftovers in to take home. ЬЬdogginess n. doghouse n. US a dog's kennel. Ьin the doghouse sl. in disgrace or disfavour. dogie n. US a motherless or neglected calf. [19th c.: orig. unkn.] dogma n. 1 a a principle, tenet, or system of these, esp. as laid down by the authority of a Church. b such principles collectively. 2 an arrogant declaration of opinion. [L f. Gk dogma -matos opinion f. dokeo seem] dogman n. (pl. -men) Austral. a person giving directional signals to the operator of a crane, often while sitting on the crane's load. dogmatic adj. 1 a (of a person) given to asserting or imposing personal opinions; arrogant. b intolerantly authoritative. 2 a of or in the nature of dogma; doctrinal. b based on a priori principles, not on induction. ЬЬdogmatically adv. [LL dogmaticus f. Gk dogmatikos (as DOGMA)] dogmatics n. 1 the study of religious dogmas; dogmatic theology. 2 a system of dogma. [DOGMATIC] dogmatism n. a tendency to be dogmatic. ЬЬdogmatist n. [F dogmatisme f. med.L dogmatismus (as DOGMA)] dogmatize v. (also -ise) 1 intr. make positive unsupported assertions; speak dogmatically. 2 tr. express (a principle etc.) as a dogma. [F dogmatiser or f. LL dogmatizare f. Gk (as DOGMA)] do-gooder n. a well-meaning but unrealistic philanthropist or reformer. ЬЬdo-good adj. & n. do-goodery n. do-goodism n. dogsbody n. (pl. -ies) 1 colloq. a drudge. 2 Naut. sl. a junior officer. dogshore n. a temporary wooden support for a ship just before launching. dogskin n. leather made of or imitating dog's skin, used for gloves. dogtrot n. a gentle easy trot. dogwatch n. Naut. either of two short watches (4-6 or 6-8 p.m.). dogwood n. 1 any of various shrubs of the genus Cornus, esp. the wild cornel with dark red branches, greenish-white flowers, and purple berries, found in woods and hedgerows. 2 any of various similar trees. 3 the wood of the dogwood. DoH abbr. (in the UK) Department of Health. doh n. (also do) Mus. 1 (in tonic sol-fa) the first and eighth note of a major scale. 2 the note C in the fixed-doh system. [18th c.: f. It. do] doily n. (also doyley) (pl. -ies or -eys) a small ornamental mat of paper, lace, etc., on a plate for cakes etc. [orig. the name of a fabric: f. Doiley, the name of a draper] doing n. 1 a an action; the performance of a deed (famous for his doings; it was my doing). b activity, effort (it takes a lot of doing). 2 colloq. a scolding; a beating. 3 (in pl.) sl. things needed; adjuncts; things whose names are not known (have we got all the doings?). doit n. archaic a very small amount of money. [MLG doyt, MDu. duit, of unkn. orig.] dojo n. (pl. -os) 1 a room or hall in which judo and other martial arts are practised. 2 a mat on which judo etc. is practised. [Jap.] dol. abbr. dollar(s). Dolby n. propr. an electronic noise-reduction system used esp. in tape-recording to reduce hiss. [R. M. Dolby, US inventor] dolce far niente n. pleasant idleness. [It., = sweet doing nothing] dolce vita n. a life of pleasure and luxury. [It., = sweet life] doldrums n.pl. (usu. prec. by the) 1 low spirits; a feeling of boredom or depression. 2 a period of inactivity or state of stagnation. 3 an equatorial ocean region of calms, sudden storms, and light unpredictable winds. [prob. after dull and tantrum] dole(1) n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. prec. by the) Brit. colloq. benefit claimable by the unemployed from the State. 2 a charitable distribution. b a charitable (esp. sparing, niggardly) gift of food, clothes, or money. 3 archaic one's lot or destiny. --v.tr. (usu. foll. by out) deal out sparingly. Ьdole-bludger Austral. sl. one who allegedly prefers the dole to work. on the dole Brit. colloq. receiving State benefit for the unemployed. [OE dal f. Gmc] dole(2) n. poet. grief, woe; lamentation. [ME f. OF do(e)l etc. f. pop.L dolus f. L dolere grieve] doleful adj. 1 mournful, sad. 2 dreary, dismal. ЬЬdolefully adv. dolefulness n. [ME f. DOLE(2) + -FUL] dolerite n. a coarse basaltic rock. [F dol‚rite f. Gk doleros deceptive (because it is difficult to distinguish from diorite)] dolichocephalic adj. (also dolichocephalous) having a long or narrow head. [Gk dolikhos long + -CEPHALIC, -CEPHALOUS] dolina n. (also doline) Geol. an extensive depression or basin. [Russ. dolina valley] doll n. & v. --n. 1 a small model of a human figure, esp. a baby or a child, as a child's toy. 2 a colloq. a pretty but silly young woman. b sl. a young woman, esp. an attractive one. 3 a ventriloquist's dummy. --v.tr. & intr. (foll. by up) dress up smartly. Ьdoll's house 1 a miniature toy house for dolls. 2 a very small house. [pet form of the name Dorothy] dollar n. 1 the chief monetary unit in the US, Canada, and Australia. 2 the chief monetary unit of certain countries in the Pacific, West Indies, SE Asia, Africa, and S. America. Ьdollar area the area in which currency is linked to the US dollar. dollar diplomacy diplomatic activity aimed at advancing a country's international influence by furthering its financial and commercial interests abroad. dollar gap the excess of a country's import trade with the dollar area over the corresponding export trade. dollar mark (or sign) the sign $, representing a dollar. dollar spot 1 a fungal disease of lawns etc. 2 a discoloured patch caused by this. [LG daler f. G Taler, short for Joachimstaler, a coin from the silver-mine of Joachimstal in Czechoslovakia] dollhouse n. US = doll's house (see DOLL). dollop n. & v. --n. a shapeless lump of food etc. --v.tr. (dolloped, dolloping) (usu. foll. by out) serve out in large shapeless quantities. [perh. f. Scand.] dolly n., v., & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a child's name for a doll. 2 a movable platform for a cine-camera. 3 Cricket colloq. an easy catch or hit. 4 a stick for stirring in clothes-washing. 5 = corn dolly (see CORN(1)). 6 colloq. = dolly-bird. --v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. (foll. by up) dress up smartly. 2 intr. (foll. by in, up) move a cine-camera in or up to a subject, or out from it. --adj. (dollier, dolliest) 1 Brit. colloq. (esp. of a girl) attractive, stylish. 2 Cricket colloq. easily hit or caught. Ьdolly-bird Brit. colloq. an attractive and stylish young woman. dolly mixture any of a mixture of small variously shaped and coloured sweets. Dolly Varden n. 1 a woman's large hat with one side drooping and with a floral trimming. 2 a brightly spotted char, Salvelinus malma, of western N. America. [a character in Dickens's Barnaby Rudge] dolma n. (pl. dolmas or dolmades) an E. European delicacy of spiced rice or meat etc. wrapped in vine or cabbage leaves. [Turk. f. dolmak fill, be filled: dolmades f. mod.Gk] dolman n. 1 a long Turkish robe open in front. 2 a hussar's jacket worn with the sleeves hanging loose. 3 a woman's mantle with capelike or dolman sleeves. Ьdolman sleeve a loose sleeve cut in one piece with the body of the coat etc. [ult. f. Turk. dolama] dolmen n. a megalithic tomb with a large flat stone laid on upright ones. [F, perh. f. Cornish tolmen hole of stone] dolomite n. a mineral or rock of calcium magnesium carbonate. ЬЬdolomitic adj. [F f. D. de Dolomieu, Fr. geologist d. 1801] dolorous adj. literary or joc. 1 distressing, painful; doleful, dismal. 2 distressed, sad. ЬЬdolorously adv. [ME f. OF doleros f. LL dolorosus (as DOLOUR)] dolour n. (US dolor) literary sorrow, distress. [ME f. OF f. L dolor -oris pain, grief] dolphin n. 1 any of various porpoise-like sea mammals of the family Delphinidae having a slender beaklike snout. 2 (in general use) = DORADO 1. 3 a bollard, pile, or buoy for mooring. 4 a structure for protecting the pier of a bridge. 5 a curved fish in heraldry, sculpture, etc. [ME, also delphin f. L delphinus f. Gk delphis -inos] dolphinarium n. (pl. dolphinariums) an aquarium for dolphins, esp. one open to the public. dolt n. a stupid person. ЬЬdoltish adj. doltishly adv. doltishness n. [app. related to dol, dold, obs. var. of DULL] Dom n. 1 a title prefixed to the names of some Roman Catholic dignitaries, and Benedictine and Carthusian monks. 2 the Portuguese equivalent of Don (see DON(1)). [L dominus master: sense 2 through Port.] -dom suffix forming nouns denoting: 1 state or condition (freedom). 2 rank or status (earldom). 3 domain (kingdom). 4 a class of people (or the attitudes etc. associated with them) regarded collectively (officialdom). [OE -dom, orig. = DOOM] domain n. 1 an area under one rule; a realm. 2 an estate or lands under one control. 3 a sphere of control or influence. 4 Math. the set of possible values of an independent variable. 5 Physics a discrete region of magnetism in ferromagnetic material. ЬЬdomanial adj. [ME f. F domaine, OF demeine DEMESNE, assoc. with L dominus lord] domaine n. a vineyard. [F: see DOMAIN] dome n. & v. --n. 1 a a rounded vault as a roof, with a circular, elliptical, or polygonal base; a large cupola. b the revolving openable hemispherical roof of an observatory. 2 a a natural vault or canopy (of the sky, trees, etc.). b the rounded summit of a hill etc. 3 Geol. a dome-shaped structure. 4 sl. the head. 5 poet. a stately building. --v.tr. (usu. as domed adj.) cover with or shape as a dome. ЬЬdomelike adj. [F d“me f. It. duomo cathedral, dome f. L domus house] Domesday n. (in full Domesday Book) a record of the lands of England made in 1086 by order of William I. [ME var. of doomsday, as being a book of final authority] domestic adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the home, household, or family affairs. 2 a of one's own country, not foreign or international. b home-grown or home-made. 3 (of an animal) kept by or living with man. 4 fond of home life. --n. a household servant. Ьdomestic science the study of household management. ЬЬdomestically adv. [F domestique f. L domesticus f. domus home] domesticate v.tr. 1 tame (an animal) to live with humans. 2 accustom to home life and management. 3 naturalize (a plant or animal). ЬЬdomesticable adj. domestication n. [med.L domesticare (as DOMESTIC)] domesticity n. 1 the state of being domestic. 2 domestic or home life. domicile n. & v. (also domicil) --n. 1 a dwelling-place; one's home. 2 Law a a place of permanent residence. b the fact of residing. 3 the place at which a bill of exchange is made payable. --v.tr. 1 (usu. as domiciled adj.) (usu. foll. by at, in) establish or settle in a place. 2 (usu. foll. by at) make (a bill of exchange) payable at a certain place. [ME f. OF f. L domicilium f. domus home] domiciliary adj. of a dwelling place (esp. of a doctor's, official's, etc., visit to a person's home). [F domiciliaire f. med.L domiciliarius (as DOMICILE)] dominance n. 1 the state of being dominant. 2 control, authority. dominant adj. & n. --adj. 1 dominating, prevailing, most influential. 2 (of a high place) prominent, overlooking others. 3 a (of an allele) expressed even when inherited from only one parent. b (of an inherited characteristic) appearing in an individual even when its allelic counterpart is also inherited (cf. RECESSIVE). --n. Mus. the fifth note of the diatonic scale of any key. ЬЬdominantly adv. [F f. L dominari (as DOMINATE)] dominate v. 1 tr. & (foll. by over) intr. have a commanding influence on; exercise control over (fear dominated them for years; dominates over his friends). 2 intr. (of a person, sound, feature of a scene, etc.) be the most influential or conspicuous. 3 tr. & (foll. by over) intr. (of a building etc.) have a commanding position over; overlook. ЬЬdominator n. [L dominari dominat- f. dominus lord] domination n. 1 command, control. 2 the act or an instance of dominating; the process of being dominated. 3 (in pl.) angelic beings of the fourth order of the celestial hierarchy. [ME f. OF f. L dominatio -onis (as DOMINATE)] domineer v.intr. (often as domineering adj.) behave in an arrogant and overbearing way. ЬЬdomineeringly adv. [Du. dominieren f. F dominer] dominical adj. 1 of the Lord's day, of Sunday. 2 of the Lord (Jesus Christ). Ьdominical letter the one of the seven letters A-G indicating the dates of Sundays in a year. [F dominical or L dominicalis f. L dominicus f. dominus lord] Dominican adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to St Dominic or the order of preaching friars which he founded in 1215-16. 2 of or relating to either of the two orders of female religious founded on Dominican principles. --n. a Dominican friar, nun, or sister (see also Black Friar). [med.L Dominicanus f. Dominicus L name of Domingo de Guzm n (St Dominic)] dominie n. Sc. a schoolmaster. [later spelling of domine sir, voc. of L dominus lord] dominion n. 1 sovereignty, control. 2 the territory of a sovereign or government; a domain. 3 hist. the title of each of the self-governing territories of the British Commonwealth. [ME f. OF f. med.L dominio -onis f. L dominium f. dominus lord] domino n. (pl. -oes) 1 a any of 28 small oblong pieces marked with 0-6 pips in each half. b (in pl., usu. treated as sing.) a game played with these. 2 a loose cloak with a mask for the upper part of the face, worn at masquerades. Ьdomino theory the theory that a political event etc. in one country will cause similar events in neighbouring countries, like a row of falling dominoes. [F, prob. f. L dominus lord, but unexplained] don(1) n. 1 a university teacher, esp. a senior member of a college at Oxford or Cambridge. 2 (Don) a a Spanish title prefixed to a forename. b a Spanish gentleman; a Spaniard. [Sp. f. L dominus lord] don(2) v.tr. (donned, donning) put on (clothing). [= do on] dona n. (also donah) Brit. sl. a woman; a sweetheart. [Sp. do¤a or Port. dona f. L (as DONNA)] donate v.tr. give or contribute (money etc.), esp. voluntarily to a fund or institution. ЬЬdonator n. [back-form. f. DONATION] donation n. 1 the act or an instance of donating. 2 something, esp. an amount of money, donated. [ME f. OF f. L donatio -onis f. donare give f. donum gift] donative n. & adj. --n. a gift or donation, esp. one given formally or officially as a largess. --adj. 1 given as a donation or bounty. 2 hist. (of a benefice) given directly, not presentative. [ME f. L donativum gift, largess f. donare: see DONATION] done past part. of DO(1). --adj. 1 colloq. socially acceptable (the done thing; it isn't done). 2 (often with in, up) colloq. tired out. 3 (esp. as int. in reply to an offer etc.) accepted. Ьbe done with have finished with, be finished with. done for colloq. in serious trouble. have done have ceased or finished. have done with be rid of; have finished dealing with. donee n. the recipient of a gift. [DONOR + -EE] dong(1) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. make the deep sound of a large bell. 2 tr. Austral. & NZ colloq. hit, punch. --n. 1 the deep sound of a large bell. 2 Austral. & NZ colloq. a heavy blow. [imit.] dong(2) n. the chief monetary unit of Vietnam. [Vietnamese] donga n. S.Afr. & Austral. 1 a dry watercourse. 2 a ravine caused by erosion. [Zulu] dongle n. Computing a security attachment required by a computer to enable protected software to be used. [arbitrary form.] donjon n. the great tower or innermost keep of a castle. [archaic spelling of DUNGEON] Don Juan n. a seducer of women; a libertine. [name of a legendary Sp. nobleman celebrated in fiction, e.g. by Byron] donkey n. (pl. -eys) 1 a domestic ass. 2 colloq. a stupid or foolish person. Ьdonkey engine a small auxiliary engine. donkey jacket a thick weatherproof jacket worn by workers and as a fashion garment. donkey's years colloq. a very long time. donkey-work the laborious part of a job; drudgery. [earlier with pronunc. as monkey: perh. f. DUN(1), or the Christian name Duncan] donna n. 1 an Italian, Spanish, or Portuguese lady. 2 (Donna) the title of such a lady. [It. f. L domina mistress fem. of dominus: cf. DON(1)] donn‚e n. (also donn‚) 1 the subject or theme of a story etc. 2 a basic fact or assumption. [F, fem. or masc. past part. of donner give] donnish adj. like or resembling a college don, esp. in supposed pedantry. ЬЬdonnishly adv. donnishness n. donor n. 1 a person who gives or donates something (e.g. to a charity). 2 one who provides blood for a transfusion, semen for insemination, or an organ or tissue for transplantation. 3 Chem. an atom or molecule that provides a pair of electrons in forming a coordinate bond. 4 Physics an impurity atom in a semiconductor which contributes a conducting electron to the material. Ьdonor card an official card authorizing use of organs for transplant, carried by the donor. [ME f. AF donour, OF doneur f. L donator -oris f. donare give] don't contr. do not. --n. a prohibition (dos and don'ts). donut US var. of DOUGHNUT. doodad n. US = DOODAH. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] doodah n. 1 a fancy article; a trivial ornament. 2 a gadget or 'thingummy'. Ьall of a doodah excited, dithering. [from the refrain of the song Camptown Races] doodle v. & n. --v.intr. scribble or draw, esp. absent-mindedly. --n. a scrawl or drawing made. Ьdoodle-bug 1 US any of various insects, esp. the larva of an ant-lion. 2 US an unscientific device for locating minerals. 3 colloq. a flying bomb. ЬЬdoodler n. [orig. = foolish person; cf. LG dudelkopf] doohickey n. (pl. -eys) US colloq. a small object, esp. mechanical. [DOODAD + HICKEY] doom n. & v. --n. 1 a a grim fate or destiny. b death or ruin. 2 a a condemnation; a judgement or sentence. b the Last Judgement (the crack of doom). 3 hist. a statute, law, or decree. --v.tr. 1 (usu. foll. by to) condemn or destine (a city doomed to destruction). 2 (esp. as doomed adj.) consign to misfortune or destruction. [OE dom statute, judgement f. Gmc: rel. to DO(1)] doomsday n. the day of the Last Judgement. Ьtill doomsday for ever (cf. DOMESDAY). [OE domes d‘g: see DOOM] doomwatch n. organized vigilance or observation to avert danger, esp. from environmental pollution. ЬЬdoomwatcher n. door n. 1 a a hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier for closing and opening an entrance to a building, room, cupboard, etc. b this as representing a house etc. (lives two doors away). 2 a an entrance or exit; a doorway. b a means of access or approach. Ьclose the door to exclude the opportunity for. door-case (or -frame) the structure into which a door is fitted. door-head the upper part of a door-case. door-keeper = DOORMAN. door-plate a plate on the door of a house or room bearing the name of the occupant. door-to-door (of selling etc.) done at each house in turn. lay (or lie) at the door of impute (or be imputable) to. leave the door open ensure that an option remains available. next door in or to the next house or room. next door to 1 in the next house to. 2 nearly, almost, near to. open the door to create an opportunity for. out of doors in or into the open air. ЬЬdoored adj. (also in comb.). [OE duru, dor f. Gmc] doorbell n. a bell in a house etc. rung by visitors outside to signal their arrival. doorknob n. a knob for turning to release the latch of a door. doorman n. (pl. -men) a person on duty at the door to a large building; a janitor or porter. doormat n. 1 a mat at an entrance for wiping mud etc. from the shoes. 2 a feebly submissive person. doornail n. a nail with which doors were studded for strength or ornament. Ьdead as a doornail completely or unmistakably dead. doorpost n. each of the uprights of a door-frame, on one of which the door is hung. doorstep n. & v. --n. 1 a step leading up to the outer door of a house etc. 2 sl. a thick slice of bread. --v.intr. (-stepped, -stepping) go from door to door selling, canvassing, etc. Ьon one's (or the) doorstep very close. doorstop n. a device for keeping a door open or to prevent it from striking a wall etc. when opened. doorway n. an opening filled by a door. dooryard n. US a yard or garden near a house-door. dop n. S.Afr. 1 a cheap kind of brandy. 2 a tot of liquor. [Afrik.] dopa n. Pharm. a crystalline amino acid derivative used in the treatment of Parkinsonism. [G f. Di oxy phenyl alanine, former name of the compound] dopant n. Electronics a substance used in doping a semiconductor. dope n. & v. --n. 1 a varnish applied to the cloth surface of aeroplane parts to strengthen them, keep them airtight, etc. 2 a thick liquid used as a lubricant etc. 3 a substance added to petrol etc. to increase its effectiveness. 4 a sl. a narcotic; a stupefying drug. b a drug etc. given to a horse or greyhound, or taken by an athlete, to affect performance. 5 sl. a stupid person. 6 sl. a information about a subject, esp. if not generally known. b misleading information. --v. 1 tr. administer dope to, drug. 2 tr. Electronics add an impurity to (a semiconductor) to produce a desired electrical characteristic. 3 tr. smear, daub; apply dope to. 4 intr. take addictive drugs. Ьdope out sl. discover. ЬЬdoper n. [Du. doop sauce f. doopen to dip] dopey adj. (also dopy ) (dopier, dopiest) colloq. 1 a half asleep. b stupefied by or as if by a drug. 2 stupid, silly. ЬЬdopily adv. dopiness n. doppelg„nger n. an apparition or double of a living person. [G, = double-goer] Dopper n. S.Afr. a member of the Gereformeerde Kerk, a strictly orthodox Calvinistic denomination, usu. regarded as old-fashioned in ideas etc. Doppler effect n. (also Doppler shift) Physics an increase (or decrease) in the frequency of sound, light, or other waves as the source and observer move towards (or away) from each other. [C. J. Doppler, Austrian physicist d. 1853] dopy var. of DOPEY. dorado n. (pl. -os) 1 a blue and silver marine fish, Coryphaena hippurus, showing brilliant colours when dying out of water. 2 a brightly coloured freshwater-fish, Salminus maxillosus, native to S. America. [Sp. f. LL deauratus gilt f. aurum gold] Dorian n. & adj. --n. (in pl.) a Greek-speaking people thought to have entered Greece from the north c.1100 BC and settled in parts of Central and S. Greece. --adj. of or relating to the Dorians or to Doris in Central Greece. ЬDorian mode Mus. the mode represented by the natural diatonic scale D-D. [L Dorius f. Gk Dorios f. Doros, the mythical ancestor] Doric adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a dialect) broad, rustic. 2 Archit. of the oldest, sturdiest, and simplest of the Greek orders. --n. 1 rustic English or esp. Scots. 2 Archit. the Doric order. 3 the dialect of the Dorians in ancient Greece. [L Doricus f. Gk Dorikos (as DORIAN)] dorm n. colloq. dormitory. [abbr.] dormant adj. 1 lying inactive as in sleep; sleeping. 2 a (of a volcano etc.) temporarily inactive. b (of potential faculties etc.) in abeyance. 3 (of plants) alive but not actively growing. 4 Heraldry (of a beast) lying with its head on its paws. ЬЬdormancy n. [ME f. OF, pres. part. of dormir f. L dormire sleep] dormer n. (in full dormer window) a projecting upright window in a sloping roof. [OF dorm‰or (as DORMANT)] dormitory n. (pl. -ies) 1 a sleeping-room with several beds, esp. in a school or institution. 2 (in full dormitory town etc.) a small town or suburb from which people travel to work in a city etc. 3 US a university or college hall of residence or hostel. [ME f. L dormitorium f. dormire dormit- sleep] Dormobile n. propr. a type of motor caravan with a rear compartment convertible for sleeping and eating in. [blend of DORMITORY, AUTOMOBILE] dormouse n. (pl. dormice) any small mouselike hibernating rodent of the family Gliridae, having a long bushy tail. [ME: orig. unkn.] dormy adj. Golf (of a player or side) ahead by as many holes as there are holes left to play (dormy five). [19th c.: orig. unkn.] doronicum n. = leopard's bane (see LEOPARD). [mod.L (Linnaeus) ult. f. Arab. daranaj] dorp n. S.Afr. a village or small township. [Du. (as THORP)] dorsal adj. Anat., Zool., & Bot. 1 of, on, or near the back (cf. VENTRAL). 2 ridge-shaped. ЬЬdorsally adv. [F dorsal or LL dorsalis f. L dorsum back] dory(1) n. (pl. -ies) any of various marine fish having a compressed body and flat head, esp. the John Dory, used as food. [ME f. F dor‚e fem. past part. of dorer gild (as DORADO)] dory(2) n. (pl. -ies) US a flat-bottomed fishing-boat with high sides. [Miskito dўri dugout] DOS n. Computing a program for manipulating information on a disk. [abbr. of disk operating system] dos-…-dos adj. & n. --adj. (of two books) bound together with a shared central board and facing in opposite directions. --n. (pl. same) a seat, carriage, etc., in which the occupants sit back to back (cf. DO-SE-DO). [F, = back to back] dosage n. 1 the giving of medicine in doses. 2 the size of a dose. dose n. & v. --n. 1 an amount of a medicine or drug for taking or taken at one time. 2 a quantity of something administered or allocated (e.g. work, praise, punishment, etc.). 3 the amount of ionizing radiation received by a person or thing. 4 sl. a venereal infection. --v.tr. 1 treat (a person or animal) with doses of medicine. 2 give a dose or doses to. 3 adulterate or blend (esp. wine with spirit). Ьlike a dose of salts colloq. very fast and efficiently. [F f. LL dosis f. Gk dosis gift f. didomi give] do-se-do n. (also do-si-do) (pl. -os) a figure in which two dancers pass round each other back to back and return to their original positions. [corrupt. of DOS-°-DOS] dosh n. sl. money. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] dosimeter n. a device used to measure an absorbed dose of ionizing radiation. ЬЬdosimetric adj. dosimetry n. doss v. & n. Brit. sl. --v.intr. (often foll. by down) sleep, esp. roughly or in cheap lodgings. --n. a bed, esp. in cheap lodgings. Ьdoss-house a cheap lodging-house, esp. for vagrants. [prob. = doss ornamental covering for a seat-back etc. f. OF dos ult. f. L dorsum back] dossal n. a hanging cloth behind an altar or round a chancel. [med.L dossale f. LL dorsalis DORSAL] dosser n. Brit. sl. 1 a person who dosses. 2 = doss-house. dossier n. a set of documents, esp. a collection of information about a person, event, or subject. [F, so called from the label on the back, f. dos back f. L dorsum] dost archaic 2nd sing. present of DO(1). DoT abbr. (in the UK) Department of Transport. dot(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a small spot, speck, or mark. b such a mark written or printed as part of an i or j, as a diacritical mark, as one of a series of marks to signify omission, or as a full stop. c a decimal point. 2 Mus. a dot used to denote the lengthening of a note or rest, or to indicate staccato. 3 the shorter signal of the two used in Morse code (cf. DASH n. 6). 4 a tiny or apparently tiny object (a dot on the horizon). --v.tr. (dotted, dotting) 1 a mark with a dot or dots. b place a dot over (a letter). 2 Mus. mark (a note or rest) to show that the time value is increased by half. 3 (often foll. by about) scatter like dots. 4 partly cover as with dots (a sea dotted with ships). 5 sl. hit (dotted him one in the eye). Ьdot the i's and cross the t's colloq. 1 be minutely accurate, emphasize details. 2 add the final touches to a task, exercise, etc. dot matrix printer Computing a printer with characters formed from dots printed by configurations of the tips of small wires. dotted line a line of dots on a document, esp. to show a place left for a signature. on the dot exactly on time. the year dot Brit. colloq. far in the past. ЬЬdotter n. [OE dott head of a boil, perh. infl. by Du. dot knot] dot(2) n. a woman's dowry. [F f. L dos dotis] dotage n. feeble-minded senility (in his dotage). dotard n. a person who is feeble-minded, esp. from senility. [ME f. DOTE + -ARD] dote v.intr. 1 (foll. by on, upon) be foolishly or excessively fond of. 2 be silly or feeble-minded, esp. from old age. ЬЬdoter n. dotingly adv. [ME, corresp. to MDu. doten be silly] doth archaic 3rd sing. present of DO(1). dotterel n. a small migrant plover, Eudromias morinellus. [ME f. DOTE + -REL, named from the ease with which it is caught, taken to indicate stupidity] dottle n. a remnant of unburnt tobacco in a pipe. [DOT(1) + -LE(1)] dotty adj. (dottier, dottiest) colloq. 1 feeble-minded, silly. 2 eccentric. 3 absurd. 4 (foll. by about, on) infatuated with; obsessed by. ЬЬdottily adv. dottiness n. [earlier = unsteady: f. DOT(1) + -Y(1)] douane n. a foreign custom-house. [F f. It. do(g)ana f. Turk. duwan, Arab. diwan: cf. DIVAN] Douay Bible n. (also Douay version) an English translation of the Bible formerly used in the Roman Catholic Church, completed at Douai in France early in the seventeenth century. double adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. 1 a consisting of two usu. equal parts or things; twofold. b consisting of two identical parts. 2 twice as much or many (double the amount; double the number; double thickness). 3 having twice the usual size, quantity, strength, etc. (double whisky). 4 designed for two people (double bed). 5 a having some part double. b (of a flower) having more than one circle of petals. c (of a domino) having the same number of pips on each half. 6 having two different roles or interpretations, esp. implying confusion or deceit (double meaning; leads a double life). 7 Mus. lower in pitch by an octave (double bassoon). --adv. 1 at or to twice the amount etc. (counts double). 2 two together (sleep double). --n. 1 a a double quantity or thing; twice as much or many. b colloq. a double measure of spirits. 2 a a counterpart of a person or thing; a person who looks exactly like another. b an understudy. c a wraith. 3 (in pl.) Sport (in lawn tennis) a game between two pairs of players. 4 Sport a pair of victories over the same team, a pair of championships at the same game, etc. 5 a system of betting in which the winnings and stake from the first bet are transferred to a second. 6 Bridge the doubling of an opponent's bid. 7 Darts a hit on the narrow ring enclosed by the two outer circles of a dartboard, scoring double. 8 a sharp turn, esp. of the tracks of a hunted animal, or the course of a river. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become twice as much or many; increase twofold; multiply by two. 2 tr. amount to twice as much as. 3 a tr. fold or bend (paper, cloth, etc.) over on itself. b intr. become folded. 4 a tr. (of an actor) play (two parts) in the same piece. b intr. (often foll. by for) be understudy etc. 5 intr. (usu. foll. by as) play a twofold role. 6 intr. turn sharply in flight or pursuit; take a tortuous course. 7 tr. Naut. sail round (a headland). 8 tr. Bridge make a call increasing the value of the points to be won or lost on (an opponent's bid). 9 Mus. a intr. (often foll. by on) play two or more musical instruments (the clarinettist doubles on tenor sax). b tr. add the same note in a higher or lower octave to (a note). 10 tr. clench (a fist). 11 intr. move at twice the usual speed; run. 12 Billiards a intr. rebound. b tr. cause to rebound. Ьat the double running, hurrying. bent double folded, stooping. double acrostic see ACROSTIC. double agent one who spies simultaneously for two rival countries etc. double axe an axe with two blades. double back take a new direction opposite to the previous one. double-banking 1 double-parking. 2 Austral. & NZ riding two on a horse etc. double-barrelled 1 (of a gun) having two barrels. 2 Brit. (of a surname) having two parts joined by a hyphen. 3 twofold. double-bass 1 the largest and lowest-pitched instrument of the violin family. 2 its player. double bill a programme with two principal items. double bind a dilemma. double-blind adj. (of a test or experiment) in which neither the tester nor the subject has knowledge of identities etc. that might lead to bias. --n. such a test or experiment. double bluff an action or statement intended to appear as a bluff, but in fact genuine. double boiler a saucepan with a detachable upper compartment heated by boiling water in the lower one. double bond Chem. a pair of bonds between two atoms in a molecule. double-book accept two reservations simultaneously for (the same seat, room, etc.). double-breasted (of a coat etc.) having two fronts overlapping across the body. double-check verify twice or in two ways. double chin a chin with a fold of loose flesh below it. double-chinned having a double chin. double concerto a concerto for two solo instruments. double cream thick cream with a high fat-content. double-cross v.tr. deceive or betray (a person one is supposedly helping). --n. an act of doing this. double-crosser a person who double-crosses. double dagger Printing = double obelus. double-dealer a deceiver. double-dealing n. deceit, esp. in business. --adj. deceitful; practising deceit. double-decker 1 esp. Brit. a bus having an upper and lower deck. 2 colloq. anything consisting of two layers. double-declutch see DECLUTCH. double decomposition Chem. a chemical reaction involving exchange of radicals between two reactants: also called METATHESIS. double density Computing designating a storage device, esp. a disk, having twice the basic capacity. double dummy Bridge play with two hands exposed, allowing every card to be located. double Dutch Brit. colloq. incomprehensible talk. double-dyed deeply affected with guilt. double eagle 1 a figure of a two-headed eagle. 2 US Golf = ALBATROSS. 3 US a coin worth twenty dollars. double-edged 1 having two functions or (often contradictory) applications. 2 (of a knife etc.) having two cutting-edges. double entry a system of bookkeeping in which each transaction is entered as a debit in one account and a credit in another. double exposure Photog. the accidental or deliberate repeated exposure of a plate, film, etc. double-faced 1 insincere. 2 (of a fabric or material) finished on both sides so that either may be used as the right side. double fault (in lawn tennis) two consecutive faults in serving. double feature a cinema programme with two full-length films. double figures the numbers from 10 to 99. double first Brit. 1 first-class honours in two subjects or examinations at a university. 2 a person achieving this. double-fronted (of a house) with principal windows on either side of the front door. double-ganger = DOPPELGЋNGER. double glazing 1 a window consisting of two layers of glass with a space between them, designed to reduce loss of heat and exclude noise. 2 the provision of this. double Gloucester a kind of hard cheese orig. made in Gloucestershire. double header 1 a train pulled by two locomotives coupled together. 2 US two games etc. in succession between the same opponents. 3 Austral. colloq. a coin with a head on both sides. double helix a pair of parallel helices with a common axis, esp. in the structure of the DNA molecule. double-jointed having joints that allow unusual bending of the fingers, limbs, etc. double-lock lock by a double turn of the key. double negative Gram. a negative statement containing two negative elements (e.g. didn't say nothing). °Considered ungrammatical in standard English. double obelus (or obelisk) Printing a sign used to introduce a reference. double or quits a gamble to decide whether a player's loss or debt be doubled or cancelled. double-park park (a vehicle) alongside one that is already parked at the roadside. double play Baseball putting out two runners. double pneumonia pneumonia affecting both lungs. double-quick very quick or quickly. double refraction Optics refraction forming two separate rays from a single incident ray. double rhyme a rhyme including two syllables. double salt Chem. a salt composed of two simple salts and having different crystal properties from either. double saucepan Brit. = double boiler. double shuffle Dancing a shuffle executed twice with one foot and then twice with the other. double standard 1 a rule or principle applied more strictly to some people than to others (or to oneself). 2 bimetallism. double star two stars actually or apparently very close together. double-stopping Mus. the sounding of two strings at once on a violin etc. double take a delayed reaction to a situation etc. immediately after one's first reaction. double-talk verbal expression that is (usu. deliberately) ambiguous or misleading. double-think the mental capacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time esp. as a result of political indoctrination. double time 1 payment of an employee at twice the normal rate. 2 Mil. the regulation running-pace. double-tonguing rapid articulation in playing a wind instrument. double top Darts a score of double twenty. double up 1 a bend or curl up. b cause to do this, esp. by a blow. 2 be overcome with pain or laughter. 3 share or assign to a room, quarters, etc., with another or others. 4 fold or become folded. 5 use winnings from a bet as stake for another. ЬЬdoubler n. doubly adv. [ME f. OF doble, duble (n.), dobler, dubler (v.) f. L duplus DUPLE] double entendre n. 1 a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one usu. risqu‚ or indecent. 2 humour using such words or phrases. [obs. F, = double understanding] doublet n. 1 either of a pair of similar things, esp. either of two words of the same derivation but different sense (e.g. fashion and faction, cloak and clock). 2 hist. a man's short close-fitting jacket, with or without sleeves. 3 a historical or biblical account occurring twice in differing contexts, usu. traceable to different sources. 4 (in pl.) the same number on two dice thrown at once. 5 a pair of associated lines close together in a spectrum. 6 a combination of two simple lenses. [ME f. OF f. double: see DOUBLE] doubloon n. 1 hist. a Spanish gold coin. 2 (in pl.) sl. money. [F doublon or Sp. doblўn (as DOUBLE)] doublure n. an ornamental lining, usu. leather, inside a book-cover. [F, = lining (doubler to line)] doubt n. & v. --n. 1 a feeling of uncertainty; an undecided state of mind (be in no doubt about; have no doubt that). 2 (often foll. by of, about) an inclination to disbelieve (have one's doubts about). 3 an uncertain state of things. 4 a lack of full proof or clear indication (benefit of the doubt). --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by whether, if, that + clause; also foll. (after neg. or interrog.) by but, but that) feel uncertain or undecided about (I doubt that you are right; I do not doubt but that you are wrong). 2 tr. hesitate to believe or trust. 3 intr. (often foll. by of) feel uncertain or undecided; have doubts (never doubted of success). 4 tr. call in question. 5 tr. Brit. archaic or dial. rather think that; suspect or fear that (I doubt we are late). Ьbeyond doubt certainly. doubting Thomas an incredulous or sceptical person (after John 20:24-29). in doubt uncertain; open to question. no doubt certainly; probably; admittedly. without doubt (or a doubt) certainly. ЬЬdoubtable adj. doubter n. doubtingly adv. [ME doute f. OF doute (n.), douter (v.) f. L dubitare hesitate; mod. spelling after L] doubtful adj. 1 feeling doubt or misgivings; unsure or guarded in one's opinion. 2 causing doubt; ambiguous; uncertain in meaning etc. 3 unreliable (a doubtful ally). ЬЬdoubtfully adv. doubtfulness n. doubtless adv. (often qualifying a sentence) 1 certainly; no doubt. 2 probably. ЬЬdoubtlessly adv. douce adj. Sc. sober, gentle, sedate. [ME f. OF dous douce f. L dulcis sweet] douche n. & v. --n. 1 a jet of liquid applied to part of the body for cleansing or medicinal purposes. 2 a device for producing such a jet. --v. 1 tr. treat with a douche. 2 intr. use a douche. [F f. It. doccia pipe f. docciare pour by drops ult. f. L ductus: see DUCT] dough n. 1 a thick mixture of flour etc. and liquid (usu. water), for baking into bread, pastry, etc. 2 sl. money. [OE dag f. Gmc] doughboy n. 1 a boiled dumpling. 2 US colloq. a United States infantryman, esp. in the war of 1914-18. doughnut n. (US donut) 1 a small fried cake of sweetened dough, usu. in the shape of a ball or ring. 2 a ring-shaped object, esp. Physics a vacuum chamber for acceleration of particles in a betatron or synchrotron. doughty adj. (doughtier, doughtiest) archaic or joc. valiant, stout-hearted. ЬЬdoughtily adv. doughtiness n. [OE dohtig var. of dyhtig f. Gmc] doughy adj. (doughier, doughiest) 1 having the form or consistency of dough. 2 pale and sickly in colour. ЬЬdoughiness n. Douglas fir n. (also Douglas pine or spruce) any large conifer of the genus Pseudotsuga, of Western N. America. [D. Douglas, Sc. botanist d. 1834] doum n. (in full doum-palm) a palm-tree, Hyphaene thebaica, with edible fruit. [Arab. dawm, dum] dour adj. severe, stern, or sullenly obstinate in manner or appearance. ЬЬdourly adv. dourness n. [ME (orig. Sc.), prob. f. Gael. dЈr dull, obstinate, perh. f. L durus hard] douroucouli n. (pl. douroucoulis) any nocturnal monkey of the genus Aotus, native to S. America, having large staring eyes. [Indian name] douse v.tr. (also dowse) 1 a throw water over. b plunge into water. 2 extinguish (a light). 3 Naut. a lower (a sail). b close (a porthole). [16th c.: perh. rel. to MDu., LG dossen strike] dove(1) n. 1 any bird of the family Columbidae, with short legs, small head, and large breast. 2 a gentle or innocent person. 3 Polit. an advocate of peace or peaceful policies (cf. HAWK(1)). 4 (Dove) Relig. a representation of the Holy Spirit (John 1:32). 5 a soft grey colour. Ьdove's-foot a cranesbill, Geranium molle. dove-tree a tree with dovelike flowers, Davidia involucrata, native to China. ЬЬdovelike adj. [ME f. ON dЈfa f. Gmc] dove(2) US past and past part. of DIVE. dovecote n. (also dovecot) a shelter with nesting-holes for domesticated pigeons. dovetail n. & v. --n. 1 a joint formed by a mortise with a tenon shaped like a dove's spread tail or a reversed wedge. 2 such a tenon. --v. 1 tr. join together by means of a dovetail. 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by into, with) fit readily together; combine neatly or compactly. dowager n. 1 a widow with a title or property derived from her late husband (Queen dowager; dowager duchess). 2 colloq. a dignified elderly woman. [OF douag(i)ere f. douage (as DOWER)] dowdy adj. & n. --adj. (dowdier, dowdiest) 1 (of clothes) unattractively dull; unfashionable. 2 (of a person, esp. a woman) dressed in dowdy clothes. --n. (pl. -ies) a dowdy woman. ЬЬdowdily adv. dowdiness n. [ME dowd slut, of unkn. orig.] dowel n. & v. --n. a headless peg of wood, metal, or plastic for holding together components of a structure. --v.tr. (dowelled, dowelling; US doweled, doweling) fasten with a dowel or dowels. [ME f. MLG dovel: cf. THOLE(1)] dowelling n. (US doweling) round rods for cutting into dowels. dower n. & v. --n. 1 a widow's share for life of her husband's estate. 2 archaic a dowry. 3 a natural gift or talent. --v.tr. 1 archaic give a dowry to. 2 (foll. by with) endow with talent etc. Ьdower house Brit. a smaller house near a big one, forming part of a widow's dower. ЬЬdowerless adj. [ME f. OF douaire f. med.L dotarium f. L dos dotis] Dow-Jones index n. (also Dow-Jones average) a figure based on the average price of selected stocks, indicating the relative price of shares on the New York Stock Exchange. [C. H. Dow d. 1902 & E. D. Jones d. 1920, Amer. economists] down(1) adv., prep., adj., v., & n. --adv. (superl. downmost) 1 into or towards a lower place, esp. to the ground (fall down; knelt down). 2 in a lower place or position (blinds were down). 3 to or in a place regarded as lower, esp.: a southwards. b Brit. away from a major city or a university. 4 a in or into a low or weaker position or condition (hit a man when he's down; many down with colds). b Brit. in a position of lagging or loss (our team was three goals down; њ5 down on the transaction). c (of a computer system) out of action or unavailable for use (esp. temporarily). 5 from an earlier to a later time (customs handed down; down to 1600). 6 to a finer or thinner consistency or a smaller amount or size (grind down; water down; boil down). 7 cheaper; lower in price or value (bread is down; shares are down). 8 into a more settled state (calm down). 9 in writing; in or into recorded or listed form (copy it down; I got it down on tape; you are down to speak next). 10 (of part of a larger whole) paid, dealt with (њ5 down, њ20 to pay; three down, six to go). 11 Naut. a with the current or wind. b (of a ship's helm) with the rudder to windward. 12 inclusively of the lower limit in a series (read down to the third paragraph). 13 (as int.) lie down, put (something) down, etc. 14 (of a crossword clue or answer) read vertically (cannot do five down). 15 downstairs, esp. after rising (is not down yet). 16 swallowed (could not get the pill down). 17 Amer. Football (of the ball) out of play. --prep. 1 downwards along, through, or into. 2 from top to bottom of. 3 along (walk down the road; cut down the middle). 4 at or in a lower part of (situated down the river). --adj. (superl. downmost) 1 directed downwards. 2 Brit. of travel away from a capital or centre (the down train; the down platform). --v.tr. colloq. 1 knock or bring down. 2 swallow (a drink). --n. 1 an act of putting down (esp. an opponent in wrestling, or the ball in American football). 2 a reverse of fortune (ups and downs). 3 colloq. a period of depression. 4 the play of the first piece in dominoes. Ьbe (or have a) down on colloq. disapprove of; show animosity towards. be down to 1 be attributable to. 2 be the responsibility of. 3 have used up everything except (down to their last tin of rations). down and out 1 penniless, destitute. 2 Boxing unable to resume the fight. down-and-out n. a destitute person. down at heel 1 (of a shoe) with the heel worn down. 2 (of a person) wearing such shoes; shabby, slovenly. down draught a downward draught, esp. one down a chimney into a room. down grade 1 a descending slope of a road or railway. 2 a deterioration (see also DOWNGRADE). down in the mouth colloq. looking unhappy. down-market adj. & adv. colloq. towards or relating to the cheaper or less affluent sector of the market. down on one's luck colloq. 1 temporarily unfortunate. 2 dispirited by misfortune. down payment a partial payment made at the time of purchase. down stage Theatr. at or to the front of the stage. down-stroke a stroke made or written downwards. down time time during which a machine, esp. a computer, is out of action or unavailable for use. down-to-earth practical, realistic. down to the ground colloq. completely. down tools colloq. cease work, esp. to go on strike. down town 1 into a town from a higher or outlying part. 2 US to or in the business part of a city (see also DOWNTOWN). down under colloq. in the antipodes, esp. Australia. down wind in the direction in which the wind is blowing (see also DOWNWIND). down with int. expressing strong disapproval or rejection of a specified person or thing. [OE dun(e) f. adune ADOWN] down(2) n. 1 a the first covering of young birds. b a bird's under-plumage, used in cushions etc. c a layer of fine soft feathers. 2 fine soft hair esp. on the face. 3 short soft hairs on some leaves, fruit, seeds, etc. 4 a fluffy substance, e.g. thistledown. [ME f. ON dЈnn] down(3) n. 1 an area of open rolling land. 2 (in pl.; usu. prec. by the) a undulating chalk and limestone uplands esp. in S. England, with few trees and used mainly for pasture. b (Downs) a part of the sea (opposite the North Downs) off E. Kent. ЬЬdowny adj. [OE dun perh. f. OCelt.] downbeat n. & adj. --n. Mus. an accented beat, usu. the first of the bar. --adj. 1 pessimistic, gloomy. 2 relaxed. downcast adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of eyes) looking downwards. 2 (of a person) dejected. --n. a shaft dug in a mine for extra ventilation. downcomer n. a pipe for downward transport of water or gas. downer n. sl. 1 a depressant or tranquillizing drug, esp. a barbiturate. 2 a depressing person or experience; a failure. 3 = DOWNTURN. downfall n. 1 a a fall from prosperity or power. b the cause of this. 2 a sudden heavy fall of rain etc. downfold n. Geol. a syncline. downgrade v. & n. --v.tr. 1 make lower in rank or status. 2 speak disparagingly of. --n. US a downward grade. Ьon the downgrade US in decline. downhearted adj. dejected; in low spirits. ЬЬdownheartedly adv. downheartedness n. downhill adv., adj., & n. --adv. in a descending direction, esp. towards the bottom of an incline. --adj. 1 sloping down, descending. 2 declining; deteriorating. --n. 1 Skiing a downhill race. 2 a downward slope. 3 a decline. Ьgo downhill colloq. decline, deteriorate (in health, state of repair, moral state, etc.). downland n. = DOWN(3). download v.tr. Computing transfer (data) from one storage device or system to another (esp. smaller remote one). downmost adj. & adv. the furthest down. downpipe n. Brit. a pipe to carry rainwater from a roof to a drain or to ground level. downplay v.tr. play down; minimize the importance of. downpour n. a heavy fall of rain. downright adj. & adv. --adj. 1 plain, definite, straightforward, blunt. 2 utter, complete (a downright lie; downright nonsense). --adv. thoroughly, completely, positively (downright rude). ЬЬdownrightness n. downscale v. & adj. US --v.tr. reduce or restrict in size, scale, or extent. --adj. at the lower end of a scale, esp. a social scale; inferior. downside n. a downward movement of share prices etc. downspout n. US = DOWNPIPE. Down's syndrome n. Med. a congenital disorder due to a chromosome defect, characterized by mental retardation and physical abnormalities (cf. MONGOLISM). [J. L. H. Down, Engl. physician d. 1896] downstairs adv., adj., & n. --adv. 1 down a flight of stairs. 2 to or on a lower floor. --adj. (also downstair) situated downstairs. --n. the lower floor. downstate adj., n., & adv. US --adj. of or in a part of a state remote from large cities, esp. the southern part. --n. a downstate area. --adv. in a downstate area. downstream adv. & adj. --adv. in the direction of the flow of a stream etc. --adj. moving downstream. downthrow n. Geol. a downward dislocation of strata. downtown adj., n., & adv. US --adj. of or in the lower or more central part, or the business part, of a town or city. --n. a downtown area. --adv. in or into a downtown area. downtrodden adj. oppressed; badly treated; kept under. downturn n. a decline, esp. in economic or business activity. downward adv. & adj. --adv. (also downwards) towards what is lower, inferior, less important, or later. --adj. moving, extending, pointing, or leading downward. ЬЬdownwardly adv. downwarp n. Geol. a broad surface depression; a syncline. downwind adj. & adv. in the direction in which the wind is blowing. downy adj. (downier, downiest) 1 a of, like, or covered with down. b soft and fluffy. 2 Brit. sl. aware, knowing. ЬЬdownily adv. downiness n. dowry n. (pl. -ies) 1 property or money brought by a bride to her husband. 2 a talent, a natural gift. [ME f. AF dowarie, OF douaire DOWER] dowse(1) v.intr. search for underground water or minerals by holding a Y-shaped stick or rod which dips abruptly when over the right spot. Ьdowsing-rod such a stick or rod. ЬЬdowser n. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] dowse(2) var. of DOUSE. doxology n. (pl. -ies) a liturgical formula of praise to God. ЬЬdoxological adj. [med.L doxologia f. Gk doxologia f. doxa glory + -LOGY] doxy n. (pl. -ies) literary 1 a lover or mistress. 2 a prostitute. [16th-c. cant: orig. unkn.] doyen n. (fem. doyenne) the senior member of a body of colleagues, esp. the senior ambassador at a court. [F (as DEAN(1))] doyley var. of DOILY. doz. abbr. dozen. doze v. & n. --v.intr. sleep lightly; be half asleep. --n. a short light sleep. Ьdoze off fall lightly asleep. ЬЬdozer n. [17th c.: cf. Da. dнse make drowsy] dozen n. 1 (prec. by a or a number) (pl. dozen) twelve, regarded collectively (a dozen eggs; two dozen packets; ordered three dozen). 2 a set or group of twelve (packed in dozens). 3 colloq. about twelve, a fairly large indefinite number. 4 (in pl.; usu. foll. by of) colloq. very many (made dozens of mistakes). 5 (the dozens) a Black American game or ritualized exchange of verbal insults. Ьby the dozen in large quantities. talk nineteen to the dozen Brit. talk incessantly. ЬЬdozenth adj. & n. [ME f. OF dozeine, ult. f. L duodecim twelve] dozer n. colloq. = BULLDOZER. [abbr.] dozy adj. (dozier, doziest) 1 drowsy; tending to doze. 2 Brit. colloq. stupid or lazy. ЬЬdozily adv. doziness n. 16.0 DP... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DP abbr. 1 data processing. 2 displaced person. D.Phil. abbr. Doctor of Philosophy. DPP abbr. (in the UK) Director of Public Prosecutions. 17.0 Dr... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dr abbr. 1 Doctor. 2 Drive. 3 debtor. dr. abbr. 1 drachm(s). 2 drachma(s). 3 dram(s). drab(1) adj. & n. --adj. (drabber, drabbest) 1 dull, uninteresting. 2 of a dull brownish colour. --n. 1 drab colour. 2 monotony. ЬЬdrably adv. drabness n. [prob. f. obs. drap cloth f. OF f. LL drappus, perh. of Celt. orig.] drab(2) see DRIBS AND DRABS. drab(3) n. 1 a slut; a slattern. 2 a prostitute. [perh. rel. to LG drabbe mire, Du. drab dregs] drabble v.intr. & tr. become or make dirty and wet with water or mud. [ME f. LG drabbelen paddle in water or mire: cf. DRAB(3)] drachm n. Brit. a weight or measure formerly used by apothecaries, equivalent to 60 grains or one eighth of an ounce, or (in full fluid drachm) 60 minims, one eighth of a fluid ounce. [ME dragme f. OF dragme or LL dragma f. L drachma f. Gk drakhme Attic weight and coin] drachma n. (pl. drachmas or drachmae) 1 the chief monetary unit of Greece. 2 a silver coin of ancient Greece. [L f. Gk drakhme] drack adj. Austral. sl. 1 (esp. of a woman) unattractive. 2 dismal, dull. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] dracone n. a large flexible container for liquids, towed on the surface of the sea. [L draco -onis (as DRAGON)] Draconian adj. (also Draconic) very harsh or severe (esp. of laws and their application). [Drakon, 7th-c. BC Athenian legislator] draff n. 1 dregs, lees. 2 refuse. [ME, perh. repr. OE dr‘f (unrecorded)] draft n. & v. --n. 1 a a preliminary written version of a speech, document, etc. b a rough preliminary outline of a scheme. c a sketch of work to be carried out. 2 a a written order for payment of money by a bank. b the drawing of money by means of this. 3 (foll. by on) a demand made on a person's confidence, friendship, etc. 4 a a party detached from a larger group for a special duty or purpose. b the selection of this. 5 US compulsory military service. 6 a reinforcement. 7 US = DRAUGHT. --v.tr. 1 prepare a draft of (a document, scheme, etc.). 2 select for a special duty or purpose. 3 US conscript for military service. ЬЬdraftee n. drafter n. [phonetic spelling of DRAUGHT] draftsman n. (pl. -men) 1 a person who drafts documents. 2 = DRAUGHTSMAN 1. [phonetic spelling of DRAUGHTSMAN] drafty US var. of DRAUGHTY. drag v. & n. --v. (dragged, dragging) 1 tr. pull along with effort or difficulty. 2 a tr. allow (one's feet, tail, etc.) to trail along the ground. b intr. trail along the ground. c intr. (of time etc.) go or pass heavily or slowly or tediously. 3 a intr. (usu. foll. by for) use a grapnel or drag (to find a drowned person or lost object). b tr. search the bottom of (a river etc.) with grapnels, nets, or drags. 4 tr. (often foll. by to) colloq. take (a person to a place etc., esp. against his or her will). 5 intr. (foll. by on, at) draw on (a cigarette etc.). 6 intr. (often foll. by on) continue at tedious length. --n. 1 a an obstruction to progress. b Aeron. the longitudinal retarding force exerted by air. c slow motion; impeded progress. d an iron shoe for retarding a horse-drawn vehicle downhill. 2 colloq. a boring or dreary person, duty, performance, etc. 3 a a strong-smelling lure drawn before hounds as a substitute for a fox. b a hunt using this. 4 an apparatus for dredging or recovering drowned persons etc. from under water. 5 = drag-net. 6 sl. a draw on a cigarette etc. 7 sl. a women's clothes worn by men. b a party at which these are worn. c clothes in general. 8 an act of dragging. 9 a sl. a motor car. b (in full drag race) an acceleration race between cars usu. for a quarter of a mile. 10 US sl. influence, pull. 11 US sl. a street or road (the main drag). 12 hist. a private vehicle like a stagecoach, drawn by four horses. Ьdrag anchor (of a ship) move from a moored position when the anchor fails to hold. drag-anchor n. = sea anchor. drag one's feet (or heels) be deliberately slow or reluctant to act. drag-hound a hound used to hunt with a drag. drag in introduce (a subject) irrelevantly. drag-line an excavator with a bucket pulled in by a wire rope. drag-net 1 a net drawn through a river or across ground to trap fish or game. 2 a systematic hunt for criminals etc. drag out protract. drag queen sl. a male homosexual transvestite. drag up colloq. 1 deliberately mention (an unwelcome subject). 2 rear (a child) roughly and without proper training. [ME f. OE dragan or ON draga DRAW] drag‚e n. 1 a sugar-coated almond etc. 2 a small silver ball for decorating a cake. 3 a chocolate-coated sweet. [F: see DREDGE(2)] draggle v. 1 tr. make dirty or wet or limp by trailing. 2 intr. hang trailing. 3 intr. lag; straggle in the rear. Ьdraggle-tailed (of a woman) with untidily trailing skirts. [DRAG + -LE(4)] draggy adj. (draggier, draggiest) colloq. 1 tedious. 2 unpleasant. dragoman n. (pl. dragomans or dragomen) an interpreter or guide, esp. in countries speaking Arabic, Turkish, or Persian. [F f. It. dragomano f. med.Gk dragomanos f. Arab. tarjuman f. tarjama interpret, f. Aram. targem f. Assyr. targumѓnu interpreter] dragon n. 1 a mythical monster like a reptile, usu. with wings and claws and able to breathe out fire. 2 a fierce person, esp. a woman. 3 (in full flying dragon) a lizard, Draco volans, with a long tail and membranous winglike structures. Also called flying lizard. Ьdragon's blood a red gum that exudes from the fruit of some palms and the dragon-tree. dragon's teeth Mil. colloq. obstacles resembling teeth pointed upwards, used esp. against tanks. dragon-tree a tree, Dracaena draco, native to the Canary Isles. [ME f. OF f. L draco -onis f. Gk drakon serpent] dragonet n. any marine spiny fish of the family Callionymidae, the males of which are brightly coloured. [ME f. F, dimin. of DRAGON] dragonfish n. (pl. same or -fishes) any marine deep-water fish of the family Stomiatidae, having a long slender body and a barbel on the chin with luminous tissue, serving to attract prey. dragonfly n. (pl. -ies) any of various insects of the order Odonata, having a long slender body and two pairs of large transparent wings usu. spread while resting. dragonnade n. & v. --n. a persecution by use of troops, esp. (in pl.) of French Protestants under Louis XIV by quartering dragoons on them. --v.tr. subject to a dragonnade. [F f. dragon: see DRAGOON] dragoon n. & v. --n. 1 a cavalryman (orig. a mounted infantryman armed with a carbine). 2 a rough fierce fellow. 3 a variety of pigeon. --v.tr. 1 (foll. by into) coerce into doing something, esp. by use of strong force. 2 persecute, esp. with troops. [orig. = carbine (thought of as breathing fire) f. F dragon DRAGON] dragster n. a car built or modified to take part in drag races. drail n. a fish-hook and line weighted with lead for dragging below the surface of the water. [app. var. of TRAIL] drain v. & n. --v. 1 tr. draw off liquid from, esp.: a make (land etc.) dry by providing an outflow for moisture. b (of a river) carry off the superfluous water of (a district). c remove purulent matter from (an abscess). 2 tr. (foll. by off, away) draw off (liquid) esp. by a pipe. 3 intr. (foll. by away, off, through) flow or trickle away. 4 intr. (of a wet cloth, a vessel, etc.) become dry as liquid flows away (put it there to drain). 5 tr. (often foll. by of) exhaust or deprive (a person or thing) of strength, resources, property, etc. 6 tr. a drink (liquid) to the dregs. b empty (a vessel) by drinking the contents. --n. 1 a a channel, conduit, or pipe carrying off liquid, esp. an artificial conduit for water or sewage. b a tube for drawing off the discharge from an abscess etc. 2 a constant outflow, withdrawal, or expenditure (a great drain on my resources). Ьdown the drain colloq. lost, wasted. laugh like a drain laugh copiously; guffaw. [OE dre(a)hnian f. Gmc] drainage n. 1 the process or means of draining (the land has poor drainage). 2 a system of drains, artificial or natural. 3 what is drained off, esp. sewage. drainboard n. US = DRAINING-BOARD. drainer n. 1 a device for draining; anything on which things are put to drain, e.g. a draining-board. 2 a person who drains. draining-board n. a sloping usu. grooved surface beside a sink, on which washed dishes etc. are left to drain. drainpipe n. 1 a pipe for carrying off water, sewage, etc., from a building. 2 (attrib.) (of trousers etc.) very narrow. 3 (in pl.) very narrow trousers. drake n. a male duck. [ME prob. f. Gmc] Dralon n. propr. 1 a synthetic acrylic fibre used in textiles. 2 a fabric made from this. [after NYLON] dram n. 1 a small drink of spirits. 2 = DRACHM. [ME f. OF drame or med.L drama, dragma: cf. DRACHM] drama n. 1 a play for acting on stage or for broadcasting. 2 (often prec. by the) the art of writing and presenting plays. 3 an exciting or emotional event, set of circumstances, etc. 4 dramatic quality (the drama of the situation). [LL f. Gk drama -atos f. drao do] dramatic adj. 1 of drama or the study of drama. 2 (of an event, circumstance, etc.) sudden and exciting or unexpected. 3 vividly striking. 4 (of a gesture etc.) theatrical, overdone, absurd. Ьdramatic irony = tragic irony. ЬЬdramatically adv. [LL dramaticus f. Gk dramatikos (as DRAMA)] dramatics n.pl. (often treated as sing.) 1 the production and performance of plays. 2 exaggerated or showy behaviour. dramatis personae n.pl. (often treated as sing.) 1 the characters in a play. 2 a list of these. [L, = persons of the drama] dramatist n. a writer of dramas. dramatize v. (also -ise) 1 a tr. adapt (a novel etc.) to form a stage play. b intr. admit of such adaptation. 2 tr. make a drama or dramatic scene of. 3 tr. (also absol.) express or react to in a dramatic way. ЬЬdramatization n. dramaturge n. 1 a specialist in theatrical production. 2 a dramatist. [F f. Gk dramatourgos (as DRAMA, -ergos worker)] dramaturgy n. 1 the art of theatrical production; the theory of dramatics. 2 the application of this. ЬЬdramaturgic adj. dramaturgical adj. Drambuie n. propr. a Scotch whisky liqueur. [Gael. dram buidheach satisfying drink] drank past of DRINK. drape v. & n. --v.tr. 1 hang, cover loosely, or adorn with cloth etc. 2 arrange (clothes or hangings) carefully in folds. --n. 1 (often in pl.) a curtain or drapery. 2 a piece of drapery. 3 the way in which a garment or fabric hangs. [ME f. OF draper f. drap f. LL drappus cloth] draper n. Brit. a retailer of textile fabrics. [ME f. AF, OF drapier (as DRAPE)] drapery n. (pl. -ies) 1 clothing or hangings arranged in folds. 2 (often in pl.) a curtain or hanging. 3 Brit. cloth; textile fabrics. 4 Brit. the trade of a draper. 5 the arrangement of clothing in sculpture or painting. [ME f. OF draperie f. drap cloth] drastic adj. having a strong or far-reaching effect; severe. ЬЬdrastically adv. [Gk drastikos f. drao do] drat v. & int. colloq. --v.tr. (dratted, dratting (usu. as an exclam.)) curse, confound (drat the thing!). --int. expressing anger or annoyance. ЬЬdratted adj. [for 'od (= God) rot] draught n. & v. (US draft) --n. 1 a current of air in a confined space (e.g. a room or chimney). 2 pulling, traction. 3 Naut. the depth of water needed to float a ship. 4 the drawing of liquor from a cask etc. 5 a a single act of drinking. b the amount drunk in this. c a dose of liquid medicine. 6 (in pl.; usu. treated as sing.) Brit. a game for two played with 12 pieces each on a draughtboard. 7 a the drawing in of a fishing-net. b the fish taken at one drawing. 8 = DRAFT. --v.tr. = DRAFT. Ьdraught beer beer drawn from a cask, not bottled. draught-horse a horse used for pulling heavy loads, esp. a cart or plough. feel the draught colloq. suffer from adverse (usu. financial) conditions. [ME draht, perh. f. ON drahtr, dr ttr f. Gmc, rel. to DRAW] draughtboard n. a chequered board, identical to a chessboard, used in draughts. draughtsman n. (pl. -men) 1 a person who makes drawings, plans, or sketches. 2 a piece in the game of draughts. 3 = DRAFTSMAN. ЬЬdraughtsmanship n. [draught's + MAN] draughty adj. (US drafty) (-ier, -iest) (of a room etc.) letting in sharp currents of air. ЬЬdraughtily adv. draughtiness n. Dravidian n. & adj. --n. 1 a member of a dark-skinned aboriginal people of S. India and Sri Lanka (including the Tamils and Kanarese). 2 any of the group of languages spoken by this people. --adj. of or relating to this people or group of languages. [Skr. Dravida, a province of S. India] draw v. & n. --v. (past drew; past part. drawn) 1 tr. pull or cause to move towards or after one. 2 tr. pull (a thing) up, over, or across. 3 tr. pull (curtains etc.) open or shut. 4 tr. take (a person) aside, esp. to talk to. 5 tr. attract; bring to oneself or to something; take in (drew a deep breath; I felt drawn to her; drew my attention to the matter; draw him into conversation; the match drew large crowds). 6 intr. (foll. by at, on) suck smoke from (a cigarette, pipe, etc.). 7 tr. (also absol.) take out; remove (e.g. a tooth, a gun from a holster, etc.). 8 tr. obtain or take from a source (draw a salary; draw inspiration; drew њ100 from my account). 9 tr. trace (a line, mark, furrow, or figure). 10 a tr. produce (a picture) by tracing lines and marks. b tr. represent (a thing) by this means. c absol. make a drawing. 11 tr. (also absol.) finish (a contest or game) with neither side winning. 12 intr. make one's or its way, proceed, move, come (drew near the bridge; draw to a close; the second horse drew level; drew ahead of the field; the time draws near). 13 tr. infer, deduce (a conclusion). 14 tr. a elicit, evoke. b bring about, entail (draw criticism; draw ruin upon oneself). c induce (a person) to reveal facts, feelings, or talent (refused to be drawn). d (foll. by to + infin.) induce (a person) to do something. e Cards cause to be played (drew all the trumps). 15 tr. haul up (water) from a well. 16 tr. bring out (liquid from a vessel or blood from a wound). 17 tr. extract a liquid essence from. 18 intr. (of a chimney or pipe) promote or allow a draught. 19 intr. (of tea) infuse. 20 a tr. obtain by lot (drew the winner). b absol. draw lots. 21 intr. (foll. by on) make a demand on a person, a person's skill, memory, imagination, etc. 22 tr. write out (a bill, cheque, or draft) (drew a cheque on the bank). 23 tr. frame (a document) in due form, compose. 24 tr. formulate or perceive (a comparison or distinction). 25 tr. (of a ship) require (a specified depth of water) to float in. 26 tr. disembowel (hang, draw, and quarter; draw the fowl before cooking it). 27 tr. Hunting search (cover) for game. 28 tr. drag (a badger or fox) from a hole. 29 tr. a protract, stretch, elongate (long-drawn agony). b make (wire) by pulling a piece of metal through successively smaller holes. 30 tr. a Golf drive (the ball) to the left (or, of a left-handed player, the right) esp. purposely. b Bowls cause (a bowl) to travel in a curve to the desired point. 31 intr. (of a sail) swell tightly in the wind. --n. 1 an act of drawing. 2 a a person or thing that draws custom, attention, etc. b the power to attract attention. 3 the drawing of lots, esp. a raffle. 4 a drawn game. 5 a suck on a cigarette etc. 6 the act of removing a gun from its holster in order to shoot (quick on the draw). 7 strain, pull. 8 US the movable part of a drawbridge. Ьdraw back withdraw from an undertaking. draw a bead on see BEAD. draw bit = draw rein. draw a blank see BLANK. draw bridle = draw rein. draw a person's fire attract hostility, criticism, etc., away from a more important target. draw in 1 a (of successive days) become shorter because of the changing seasons. b (of a day) approach its end. c (of successive evenings or nights) start earlier because of the changing seasons. 2 persuade to join, entice. 3 (of a train etc.) arrive at a station. draw in one's horns become less assertive or ambitious; draw back. draw the line at set a limit (of tolerance etc.) at. draw lots see LOT. draw off withdraw (troops). draw on 1 approach, come near. 2 lead to, bring about. 3 allure. 4 put (gloves, boots, etc.) on. draw out 1 prolong. 2 elicit. 3 induce to talk. 4 (of successive days) become longer because of the changing seasons. 5 (of a train etc.) leave a station etc. 6 write out in proper form. 7 lead out, detach, or array (troops). draw rein see REIN. draw-sheet a sheet that can be taken from under a patient without remaking the bed. draw-string a string that can be pulled to tighten the mouth of a bag, the waist of a garment, etc. draw stumps Cricket take the stumps out of the ground at the close of play. draw one's sword against attack. draw up 1 compose or draft (a document etc.). 2 bring or come into regular order. 3 come to a halt. 4 make (oneself) stiffly erect. 5 (foll. by with, to) gain on or overtake. draw-well a deep well with a rope and a bucket. quick on the draw quick to act or react. [OE dragan f. Gmc] drawback n. 1 a thing that impairs satisfaction; a disadvantage. 2 (foll. by from) a deduction. 3 an amount of excise or import duty paid back or remitted on goods exported. Ьdrawback lock a lock with a spring bolt that can be drawn back by an inside knob. drawbridge n. a bridge, esp. over water, hinged at one end so that it may be raised to prevent passage or to allow ships etc. to pass. drawee n. the person on whom a draft or bill is drawn. drawer n. 1 a person or thing that draws, esp. a person who draws a cheque etc. 2 a boxlike storage compartment without a lid, sliding in and out of a frame, table, etc. (chest of drawers). 3 (in pl.) an undergarment worn next to the body below the waist. ЬЬdrawerful n. (pl. -fuls). drawing n. 1 a the art of representing by line. b delineation without colour or with a single colour. c the art of representing with pencils, pens, crayons, etc., rather than paint. 2 a picture produced in this way. Ьdrawing-board a board for spreading drawing-paper on. drawing-paper stout paper for drawing pictures etc. on. drawing-pin Brit. a flat-headed pin for fastening paper etc. (orig. drawing-paper) to a surface. out of drawing incorrectly depicted. drawing-room n. 1 a room for comfortable sitting or entertaining in a private house. 2 (attrib.) restrained; observing social proprieties (drawing-room conversation). 3 US a private compartment in a train. 4 hist. a levee, a formal reception esp. at court. [earlier withdrawing-room, because orig. used for women to withdraw to after dinner] drawl v. & n. --v. 1 intr. speak with drawn-out vowel sounds. 2 tr. utter in this way. --n. a drawling utterance or way of speaking. ЬЬdrawler n. [16th c.: prob. orig. cant, f. LG, Du. dralen delay, linger] drawn past part. of DRAW. --adj. 1 looking strained from fear, anxiety, or pain. 2 (of butter) melted. 3 (of a position in chess etc.) that will result in a draw if both players make the best moves available. Ьdrawn-work (or drawn-thread-work) ornamental work on linen etc., done by drawing out threads, usu. with additional needlework. dray(1) n. 1 a low cart without sides for heavy loads, esp. beer-barrels. 2 Austral. & NZ a two-wheeled cart. Ьdray-horse a large, powerful horse. [ME f. OE dr‘ge drag-net, dragan DRAW] dray(2) var. of DREY. drayman n. (pl. -men) a brewer's driver. dread v., n., & adj. --v.tr. 1 (foll. by that, or to + infin.) fear greatly. 2 shrink from; look forward to with great apprehension. 3 be in great fear of. --n. 1 great fear, apprehension, awe. 2 an object of fear or awe. --adj. 1 dreaded. 2 archaic awe-inspiring, revered. [OE adr‘dan, ondr‘dan] dreadful adj. 1 terrible; inspiring fear or awe. 2 colloq. troublesome, disagreeable; very bad. ЬЬdreadfully adv. dreadfulness n. dreadlocks n.pl. 1 a Rastafarian hairstyle in which the hair is twisted into tight braids or ringlets hanging down on all sides. 2 hair dressed in this way. dreadnought n. 1 (usu. Dreadnought) hist. a type of battleship greatly superior in armament to all its predecessors (from the name of the first, launched in 1906). 2 archaic a fearless person. 3 archaic a a thick coat for stormy weather. b the cloth used for such coats. dream n. & v. --n. 1 a a series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. b the act or time of seeing this. c (in full waking dream) a similar experience of one awake. 2 a day-dream or fantasy. 3 an ideal, aspiration, or ambition, esp. of a nation. 4 a beautiful or ideal person or thing. 5 a state of mind without proper perception of reality (goes about in a dream). --v. (past and past part. dreamt or dreamed) 1 intr. experience a dream. 2 tr. imagine in or as if in a dream. 3 (usu. with neg.) a intr. (foll. by of) contemplate the possibility of, have any conception or intention of (would not dream of upsetting them). b tr. (often foll. by that + clause) think of as a possibility (never dreamt that he would come). 4 tr. (foll. by away) spend (time) unprofitably. 5 intr. be inactive or unpractical. 6 intr. fall into a reverie. Ьdream-time Austral. the alcheringa. dream up imagine, invent. like a dream colloq. easily, effortlessly. ЬЬdreamful adj. dreamless adj. dreamlike adj. [ME f. OE dream joy, music] dreamboat n. colloq. 1 a very attractive or ideal person, esp. of the opposite sex. 2 a very desirable or ideal thing. dreamer n. 1 a person who dreams. 2 a romantic or unpractical person. dreamland n. an ideal or imaginary land. dreamy adj. (dreamier, dreamiest) 1 given to day-dreaming; fanciful; unpractical. 2 dreamlike; vague; misty. 3 colloq. delightful; marvellous. 4 poet. full of dreams. ЬЬdreamily adv. dreaminess n. drear adj. poet. = DREARY. [abbr.] dreary adj. (drearier, dreariest) dismal, dull, gloomy. ЬЬdrearily adv. dreariness n. [OE dreorig f. dreor gore: rel. to dreosan to drop f. Gmc] dredge(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a (often foll. by up) bring up (lost or hidden material) as if with a dredge (don't dredge all that up again). b (often foll. by away, up, out) bring up or clear (mud etc.) from a river, harbour, etc. with a dredge. 2 tr. clean (a harbour, river, etc.) with a dredge. 3 intr. use a dredge. --n. an apparatus used to scoop up oysters, specimens, etc., or to clear mud etc., from a river or sea bed. [15th-c. Sc. dreg, perh. rel. to MDu. dregghe] dredge(2) v.tr. 1 sprinkle with flour, sugar, etc. 2 (often foll. by over) sprinkle (flour, sugar, etc.) on. [obs. dredge sweetmeat f. OF dragie, dragee, perh. f. L tragemata f. Gk tragemata spices] dredger(1) n. 1 a machine used for dredging rivers etc.; a dredge. 2 a boat containing this. dredger(2) n. a container with a perforated lid used for sprinkling flour, sugar, etc. dree v.tr. (drees, dreed, dreeing) Sc. or archaic endure. Ьdree one's weird submit to one's destiny. [OE dreogan f. Gmc] dreg n. 1 (usu. in pl.) a a sediment; grounds, lees, etc. b a worthless part; refuse (the dregs of humanity). 2 a small remnant (not a dreg). Ьdrain (or drink) to the dregs consume leaving nothing (drained life to the dregs). ЬЬdreggy adj. colloq. [ME prob. f. ON dreggjar] drench v. & n. --v.tr. 1 a wet thoroughly (was drenched by the rain). b saturate; soak (in liquid). 2 force (an animal) to take medicine. 3 archaic cause to drink. --n. 1 a soaking; a downpour. 2 medicine administered to an animal. 3 archaic a medicinal or poisonous draught. [OE drencan, drenc f. Gmc: rel. to DRINK] Dresden china n. (also Dresden porcelain) 1 delicate and elaborate chinaware orig. made at Dresden in Germany, now made at nearby Meissen. 2 (attrib.) delicately pretty. dress v. & n. --v. 1 a tr. clothe; array (dressed in rags; dressed her quickly). b intr. wear clothes of a specified kind or in a specified way (dresses well). 2 intr. a put on clothes. b put on formal or evening clothes, esp. for dinner. 3 tr. decorate or adorn. 4 tr. Med. a treat (a wound) with ointment etc. b apply a dressing to (a wound). 5 tr. trim, comb, brush, or smooth (the hair). 6 tr. a clean and prepare (poultry, a crab, etc.) for cooking or eating. b add a dressing to (a salad etc.). 7 tr. apply manure etc. to a field, garden, etc. 8 tr. finish the surface of (fabric, building-stone, etc.). 9 tr. groom (a horse). 10 tr. curry (leather etc.). 11 Mil. a tr. correct the alignment of (troops etc.). b intr. (of troops) come into alignment. 12 tr. make (an artificial fly) for use in fishing. --n. 1 a one-piece woman's garment consisting of a bodice and skirt. 2 clothing, esp. a whole outfit etc. (fussy about his dress; wore the dress of a highlander). 3 formal or ceremonial costume (evening dress; morning dress). 4 an external covering; the outward form (birds in their winter dress). Ьdress circle the first gallery in a theatre, in which evening dress was formerly required. dress coat a man's swallow-tailed evening coat. dress down colloq. reprimand or scold. dress length a piece of material sufficient to make a dress. dress out attire conspicuously. dress parade 1 Mil. a military parade in full dress uniform. 2 a display of clothes worn by models. dress rehearsal the final rehearsal of a play etc., wearing costume. dress-shield (or -preserver) a piece of waterproof material fastened in the armpit of a dress to protect it from sweat. dress-shirt a man's usu. starched white shirt worn with evening dress. dress up 1 dress (oneself or another) elaborately for a special occasion. 2 dress in fancy dress. 3 disguise (unwelcome facts) by embellishment. [ME f. OF dresser ult. f. L directus DIRECT] dressage n. the training of a horse in obedience and deportment, esp. for competition. [F f. dresser to train] dresser(1) n. 1 a kitchen sideboard with shelves above for displaying plates etc. 2 US a dressing-table or chest of drawers. [ME f. OF dresseur f. dresser prepare: cf. med.L directorium] dresser(2) n. 1 a person who assists actors to dress, takes care of their costumes, etc. 2 Med. a surgeon's assistant in operations. 3 a person who dresses elegantly or in a specified way (a snappy dresser). dressing n. 1 in senses of DRESS v. 2 a an accompaniment to salads, usu. a mixture of oil with other ingredients; a sauce or seasoning (French dressing). b US stuffing. 3 a a bandage for a wound. b ointment etc. used to dress a wound. 4 size or stiffening used to finish fabrics. 5 compost etc. spread over land (a top dressing of peat). Ьdressing-case a case containing toiletries etc. dressing-down colloq. a scolding; a severe reprimand. dressing-gown a loose usu. belted robe worn over nightwear or while resting. dressing-room 1 a room for changing the clothes etc. in a theatre, sports-ground, etc. 2 a small room attached to a bedroom, containing clothes. dressing-station esp. Mil. a place for giving emergency treatment to wounded people. dressing-table a table with a mirror, drawers, etc., used while applying make-up etc. dressmaker n. a woman who makes clothes professionally. ЬЬdressmaking n. dressy adj. (dressier, dressiest) 1 a fond of smart clothes. b overdressed. c (of clothes) stylish or elaborate. 2 over-elaborate (the design is rather dressy). ЬЬdressiness n. drew past of DRAW. drey n. (also dray) a squirrel's nest. [17th c.: orig. unkn.] dribble v. & n. --v. 1 intr. allow saliva to flow from the mouth. 2 intr. & tr. flow or allow to flow in drops or a trickling stream. 3 tr. (also absol.) esp. Football & Hockey move (the ball) forward with slight touches of the feet, the stick, etc. --n. 1 the act or an instance of dribbling. 2 a small trickling stream. ЬЬdribbler n. dribbly adj. [frequent. of obs. drib, var. of DRIP] driblet n. 1 a a small quantity. b a petty sum. 2 a thin stream; a dribble. [drib (see DRIBBLE) + -LET] dribs and drabs n.pl. colloq. small scattered amounts (did the work in dribs and drabs). [as DRIBBLE + drab redupl.] dried past and past part. of DRY. drier(1) compar. of DRY. drier(2) n. (also dryer) 1 a machine for drying the hair, laundry, etc. 2 a substance mixed with oil-paint or ink to promote drying. driest superl. of DRY. drift n. & v. --n. 1 a slow movement or variation. b such movement caused by a slow current. 2 the intention, meaning, scope, etc. of what is said etc. (didn't understand his drift). 3 a large mass of snow, sand, etc., accumulated by the wind. 4 esp. derog. a state of inaction. 5 a Naut. a ship's deviation from its course, due to currents. b Aeron. an aircraft's deviation due to side winds. c a projectile's deviation due to its rotation. d a controlled slide of a racing car etc. 6 Mining a horizontal passage following a mineral vein. 7 a large mass of esp. flowering plants (a drift of bluebells). 8 Geol. a material deposited by the wind, a current of water, etc. b (Drift) Pleistocene ice detritus, e.g. boulder clay. 9 the movement of cattle, esp. a gathering on an appointed day to determine ownership etc. 10 a tool for enlarging or shaping a hole in metal. 11 S.Afr. a ford. --v. 1 intr. be carried by or as if by a current of air or water. 2 intr. move or progress passively, casually, or aimlessly (drifted into teaching). 3 a tr. & intr. pile or be piled by the wind into drifts. b tr. cover (a field, a road, etc.) with drifts. 4 tr. form or enlarge (a hole) with a drift. 5 tr. (of a current) carry. Ьdrift-ice ice driven or deposited by water. drift-net a large net for herrings etc., allowed to drift with the tide. ЬЬdriftage n. [ME f. ON & MDu., MHG trift movement of cattle: rel. to DRIVE] drifter n. 1 an aimless or rootless person. 2 a boat used for drift-net fishing. driftwood n. wood etc. driven or deposited by water or wind. drill(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a pointed, esp. revolving, steel tool or machine used for boring cylindrical holes, sinking wells, etc. 2 a esp. Mil. instruction or training in military exercises. b rigorous discipline or methodical instruction, esp. when learning or performing tasks. c routine procedure to be followed in an emergency (fire-drill). d a routine or exercise (drills in irregular verb patterns). 3 colloq. a recognized procedure (I expect you know the drill). 4 any of various molluscs, esp. Urosalpinx cinera, that bore into the shells of young oysters. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) a (of a person or a tool) make a hole with a drill through or into (wood, metal, etc.). b make (a hole) with a drill. 2 tr. & intr. esp. Mil. subject to or undergo discipline by drill. 3 tr. impart (knowledge etc.) by a strict method. 4 tr. sl. shoot with a gun (drilled him full of holes). ЬЬdriller n. [earlier as verb, f. MDu. drillen bore, of unkn. orig.] drill(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a machine used for making furrows, sowing, and covering seed. 2 a small furrow for sowing seed in. 3 a ridge with such furrows on top. 4 a row of plants so sown. --v.tr. 1 sow (seed) with a drill. 2 plant (the ground) in drills. [perh. f. obs. drill rill (17th c., of unkn. orig.)] drill(3) n. a W. African baboon, Papio leucophaeus, related to the mandrill. [prob. a native name: cf. MANDRILL] drill(4) n. a coarse twilled cotton or linen fabric. [earlier drilling f. G Drillich f. L trilix -licis f. tri- three + licium thread] drily adv. (also dryly) 1 (said) in a dry manner; humorously. 2 in a dry way or condition. drink v. & n. --v. (past drank; past part. drunk) 1 a tr. swallow (a liquid). b tr. swallow the liquid contents of (a vessel). c intr. swallow liquid, take draughts (drank from the stream). 2 intr. take alcohol, esp. to excess (I have heard that he drinks). 3 tr. (of a plant, porous material, etc.) absorb (moisture). 4 refl. bring (oneself etc.) to a specified condition by drinking (drank himself into a stupor). 5 tr. (usu. foll. by away) spend (wages etc.) on drink (drank away the money). 6 tr. wish (a person's good health, luck, etc.) by drinking (drank his health). --n. 1 a a liquid for drinking (milk is a sustaining drink). b a draught or specified amount of this (had a drink of milk). 2 a alcoholic liquor (got the drink in for Christmas). b a portion, glass, etc. of this (have a drink). c excessive indulgence in alcohol (drink is his vice). 3 (as the drink) colloq. the sea. Ьdrink deep take a large draught or draughts. drink-driver a person who drives a vehicle with an excess of alcohol in the blood. drink-driving the act or an instance of this. drink in listen to closely or eagerly (drank in his every word). drinking-song a song sung while drinking, usu. concerning drink. drinking-up time Brit. a short period legally allowed for finishing drinks bought before closing time in a public house. drinking-water water pure enough for drinking. drink off drink the whole (contents) of at once. drink to toast; wish success to. drink a person under the table remain sober longer than one's drinking companion. drink up drink the whole of; empty. in drink drunk. strong drink alcohol, esp. spirits. ЬЬdrinkable adj. drinker n. [OE drincan (v.), drinc(a) (n.) f. Gmc] drip v. & n. --v. (dripped, dripping) 1 intr. & tr. fall or let fall in drops. 2 intr. (often foll. by with) be so wet as to shed drops (dripped with blood). --n. 1 a the act or an instance of dripping (the steady drip of rain). b a drop of liquid (a drip of paint). c a sound of dripping. 2 colloq. a stupid, dull, or ineffective person. 3 (Med. drip-feed) the drip-by-drip intravenous administration of a solution of salt, sugar, etc. 4 Archit. a projection, esp. from a window-sill, keeping the rain off the walls. Ьdrip-dry v. (-dries, -dried) 1 intr. (of fabric etc.) dry crease-free when hung up to drip. 2 tr. leave (a garment etc.) hanging up to dry. --adj. able to be drip-dried. drip-mat a small mat under a glass. drip-moulding (or -stone) Archit. a stone etc. projection that deflects rain etc. from walls. dripping wet very wet. [MDa. drippe f. Gmc (cf. DROP)] dripping n. 1 fat melted from roasted meat and used for cooking or as a spread. 2 (in pl.) water, grease, etc., dripping from anything. drippy adj. (drippier, drippiest) 1 tending to drip. 2 sl. (of a person) ineffectual; sloppily sentimental. ЬЬdrippily adv. drippiness n. drive v. & n. --v. (past drove; past part. driven) 1 tr. (usu. foll. by away, back, in, out, to, etc.) urge in some direction, esp. forcibly (drove back the wolves). 2 tr. a (usu. foll. by to + infin., or to + verbal noun) compel or constrain forcibly (was driven to complain; drove her to stealing). b (often foll. by to) force into a specified state (drove him mad; driven to despair). c (often refl.) urge to overwork (drives himself too hard). 3 a tr. (also absol.) operate and direct the course of (a vehicle, a locomotive, etc.) (drove a sports car; drives well). b tr. & intr. convey or be conveyed in a vehicle (drove them to the station; drove to the station in a bus) (cf. RIDE). c tr. (also absol.) be licensed or competent to drive (a vehicle) (does he drive?). d tr. (also absol.) urge and direct the course of (an animal drawing a vehicle or plough). 4 tr. (of wind, water, etc.) carry along, propel, send, or cause to go in some direction (pure as the driven snow). 5 tr. a (often foll. by into) force (a stake, nail, etc.) into place by blows (drove the nail home). b Mining bore (a tunnel, horizontal cavity, etc.). 6 tr. effect or conclude forcibly (drove a hard bargain; drove his point home). 7 tr. (of steam or other power) set or keep (machinery) going. 8 intr. (usu. foll. by at) work hard; dash, rush, or hasten. 9 tr. Cricket & Tennis hit (the ball) hard from a freely swung bat or racket. 10 tr. (often absol.) Golf strike (a ball) with a driver from the tee. 11 tr. chase or frighten (game, wild beasts, an enemy in warfare, etc.) from a large area to a smaller, to kill or capture; corner. 12 tr. Brit. hold a drift in (a forest etc.) (see DRIFT n. 9). --n. 1 an act of driving in a motor vehicle; a journey or excursion in such a vehicle (went for a pleasant drive; lives an hour's drive from us). 2 a the capacity for achievement; motivation and energy (lacks the drive needed to succeed). b Psychol. an inner urge to attain a goal or satisfy a need (unconscious emotional drives). 3 a a usu. landscaped street or road. b a usu. private road through a garden or park to a house. 4 Cricket, Golf, & Tennis a driving stroke of the bat etc. 5 an organized effort to achieve a usu. charitable purpose (a famine-relief drive). 6 a the transmission of power to machinery, the wheels of a motor vehicle, etc. (belt drive; front-wheel drive). b the position of a steering-wheel in a motor vehicle (left-hand drive). c Computing = disk drive (see DISC). 7 Brit. an organized competition, for many players, of whist, bingo, etc. 8 an act of driving game or an enemy. 9 Austral. & NZ a line of partly cut trees on a hillside felled when the top one topples on the others. Ьdrive at seek, intend, or mean (what is he driving at?). drive-in attrib.adj. (of a bank, cinema, etc.) able to be used while sitting in one's car. --n. such a bank, cinema, etc. drive-on (of a ship) on to which motor vehicles may be driven. drive out take the place of; oust; exorcize, cast out (evil spirits etc.). driving-licence a licence permitting a person to drive a motor vehicle. driving rain an excessive windblown downpour. driving-range Golf an area for practising drives. driving test an official test of a motorist's competence which must be passed to obtain a driving licence. driving-wheel 1 the large wheel of a locomotive. 2 a wheel communicating motive power in machinery. let drive aim a blow or missile. ЬЬdrivable adj. [OE drifan f. Gmc] drivel n. & v. --n. silly nonsense; twaddle. --v. (drivelled, drivelling; US driveled, driveling) 1 intr. run at the mouth or nose; dribble. 2 intr. talk childishly or idiotically. 3 tr. (foll. by away) fritter; squander away. ЬЬdriveller n. (US driveler). [OE dreflian (v.)] driven past part. of DRIVE. driver n. 1 (often in comb.) a person who drives a vehicle (bus-driver; engine-driver). 2 Golf a club with a flat face and wooden head, used for driving from the tee. 3 Electr. a device or part of a circuit providing power for output. 4 Mech. a wheel etc. receiving power directly and transmitting motion to other parts. Ьin the driver's seat in charge. ЬЬdriverless adj. driveway n. = DRIVE n. 3b. drizzle n. & v. --n. very fine rain. --v.intr. (esp. of rain) fall in very fine drops (it's drizzling again). ЬЬdrizzly adj. [prob. f. ME drese, OE dreosan fall] drogue n. 1 Naut. a a buoy at the end of a harpoon line. b a sea anchor. 2 Aeron. a truncated cone of fabric used as a brake, a target for gunnery, a wind-sock, etc. [18th c.: orig. unkn.] droit n. Law a right or due. [ME f. OF f. L directum (n.) f. directus DIRECT] droit de seigneur n. hist. the alleged right of a feudal lord to have sexual intercourse with a vassal's bride on her wedding night. [F, = lord's right] droll adj. & n. --adj. 1 quaintly amusing. 2 strange; odd; surprising. --n. archaic 1 a jester; an entertainer. 2 a quaintly amusing person. ЬЬdrollery n. (pl. -ies). drolly adv. drollness n. [F dr“le, perh. f. MDu. drolle little man] drome n. colloq. archaic aerodrome. [abbr.] -drome comb. form forming nouns denoting: 1 a place for running, racing, or other forms of movement (aerodrome; hippodrome). 2 a thing that runs or proceeds in a certain way (palindrome; syndrome). [Gk dromos course, running] dromedary n. (pl. -ies) a one-humped camel, Camelus dromedarius, bred for riding and racing. Also called Arabian camel. [ME f. OF dromedaire or LL dromedarius ult. f. Gk dromas -ados runner] dromond n. hist. a large medieval ship used for war or commerce. [ME f. OF dromon(t) f. LL dromo -onis f. late Gk dromon light vessel] drone n. & v. --n. 1 a non-working male of the honey-bee, whose sole function is to mate with fertile females. 2 an idler. 3 a deep humming sound. 4 a monotonous speech or speaker. 5 a a pipe, esp. of a bagpipe, sounding a continuous note of fixed low pitch. b the note emitted by this. 6 a remote-controlled pilotless aircraft or missile. --v. 1 intr. make a deep humming sound. 2 intr. & tr. speak or utter monotonously. 3 a intr. be idle. b tr. (often foll. by away) idle away (one's time etc.). [OE dran, dr‘n prob. f. WG] drongo n. (pl. -os or -oes) 1 any black bird of the family Dicruridae, native to India, Africa, and Australia, having a long forked tail. 2 Austral. & NZ sl. derog. a simpleton. [Malagasy] droob n. Austral. sl. a hopeless-looking ineffectual person. [perh. f. DROOP] drool v. & n. --v.intr. 1 drivel; slobber. 2 (often foll. by over) show much pleasure or infatuation. --n. slobbering; drivelling. [contr. of drivel] droop v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. hang or allow to hang down; languish, decline, or sag, esp. from weariness. 2 intr. a (of the eyes) look downwards. b poet. (of the sun) sink. 3 intr. lose heart; be dejected; flag. --n. 1 a drooping attitude. 2 a loss of spirit or enthusiasm. Ьdroop-snoot colloq. --adj. (of an aircraft) having an adjustable nose or leading-edge flap. --n. such an aircraft. [ME f. ON drЈpa hang the head f. Gmc: cf. DROP] droopy adj. (droopier, droopiest) 1 drooping. 2 dejected, gloomy. ЬЬdroopily adv. droopiness n. drop n. & v. --n. 1 a a small round or pear-shaped portion of liquid that hangs or falls or adheres to a surface (drops of dew; tears fell in large drops). b a very small amount of usu. drinkable liquid (just a drop left in the glass). c a glass etc. of alcoholic liquor (take a drop with us). 2 a an abrupt fall or slope. b the amount of this (a drop of fifteen feet). c an act of falling or dropping (had a nasty drop). d a reduction in prices, temperature, etc. e a deterioration or worsening (a drop in status). 3 something resembling a drop, esp.: a a pendant or earring. b a crystal ornament on a chandelier etc. c (often in comb.) a sweet or lozenge (pear-drop; cough drop). 4 something that drops or is dropped, esp.: a Theatr. a painted curtain or scenery let down on to the stage. b a platform or trapdoor on a gallows, the opening of which causes the victim to fall. 5 Med. a the smallest separable quantity of a liquid. b (in pl.) liquid medicine to be measured in drops (eye drops). 6 a minute quantity (not a drop of pity). 7 sl. a a hiding-place for stolen or illicit goods. b a secret place where documents etc. may be left or passed on in espionage. 8 sl. a bribe. 9 US a box for letters etc. --v. (dropped, dropping) 1 intr. & tr. fall or let fall in drops (tears dropped on to the book; dropped the soup down his shirt). 2 intr. & tr. fall or allow to fall; relinquish; let go (dropped the box; the egg dropped from my hand). 3 a intr. & tr. sink or cause to sink or fall to the ground from exhaustion, a blow, a wound, etc. b intr. die. 4 a intr. & tr. cease or cause to cease; lapse or let lapse; abandon (the connection dropped; dropped the friendship; drop everything and come at once). b tr. colloq. cease to associate with. 5 tr. set down (a passenger etc.) (drop me at the station). 6 tr. & intr. utter or be uttered casually (dropped a hint; the remark dropped into the conversation). 7 tr. send casually (drop me a postcard). 8 a intr. & tr. fall or allow to fall in direction, amount, condition, degree, pitch, etc. (his voice dropped; the wind dropped; we dropped the price by њ20; the road dropped southwards). b intr. (of a person) jump down lightly; let oneself fall. c tr. remove (clothes, esp. trousers) rapidly, allowing them to fall to the ground. 9 tr. colloq. lose (money, esp. in gambling). 10 tr. omit (a letter, esp. aitch, a syllable etc.) in speech. 11 tr. (as dropped adj.) in a lower position than usual (dropped handlebars; dropped waist). 12 tr. give birth to (esp. a lamb, a kitten, etc.). 13 a intr. (of a card) be played in the same trick as a higher card. b tr. play or cause (a card) to be played in this way. 14 tr. Sport lose (a game, a point, a contest, a match, etc.). 15 tr. Aeron. deliver (supplies etc.) by parachute. 16 tr. Football a send (a ball) by a drop-kick. b score (a goal) by a drop-kick. 17 tr. colloq. dismiss or omit (was dropped from the team). Ьat the drop of a hat given the slightest excuse. drop anchor anchor ship. drop asleep fall gently asleep. drop away decrease or depart gradually. drop back (or behind or to the rear) fall back; get left behind. drop back into return to (a habit etc.). drop a brick colloq. make an indiscreet or embarrassing remark. drop-curtain (or -scene) Theatr. a painted curtain or scenery (cf. sense 4 of n.). drop a curtsy make a curtsy. drop dead! sl. an exclamation of intense scorn. drop down descend a hill etc. drop-forging a method of forcing white-hot metal through an open-ended die by a heavy weight. drop-hammer a heavy weight raised mechanically and allowed to drop, as used in drop-forging and pile-driving. drop-head Brit. the adjustable fabric roof of a car. drop in (or by) colloq. call casually as a visitor. drop-in centre a meeting-place where people may call casually for advice, conversation, etc. a drop in the ocean (or a bucket) a very small amount, esp. compared with what is needed or expected. drop into colloq. 1 call casually at (a place). 2 fall into (a habit etc.). drop it! sl. stop that! drop-kick Football a kick made by dropping the ball and kicking it on the bounce. drop-leaf (of a table etc.) having a hinged flap. drop off 1 decline gradually. 2 colloq. fall asleep. 3 = sense 5 of v. drop on reprimand or punish. drop out colloq. cease to participate, esp. in a race, a course of study, or in conventional society. drop-out n. 1 colloq. a person who has dropped out. 2 the restarting of a game by a drop-kick. drop scone Brit. a small thick pancake made by dropping batter into a frying pan etc. drop-shot (in lawn tennis) a shot dropping abruptly over the net. drop a stitch let a stitch fall off the end of a knitting-needle. drop-test Engin. n. a test done by dropping under standard conditions. --v.tr. carry out a drop-test on. drop to sl. become aware of. fit (or ready) to drop extremely tired. have the drop on colloq. have the advantage over. have had a drop too much colloq. be slightly drunk. ЬЬdroplet n. [OE dropa, drop(p)ian ult. f. Gmc: cf. DRIP, DROOP] dropper n. 1 a device for administering liquid, esp. medicine, in drops. 2 Austral., NZ, & S.Afr. a light vertical stave in a fence. droppings n.pl. 1 the dung of animals or birds. 2 something that falls or has fallen in drops, e.g. wax from candles. dropsy n. (pl. -ies) 1 = OEDEMA. 2 sl. a tip or bribe. ЬЬdropsical adj. (in sense 1). [ME f. idrop(e)sie f. OF idropesie ult. f. L hydropisis f. Gk hudrops dropsy (as HYDRO-)] dropwort n. a plant, Filipendula vulgaris, with tuberous root fibres. droshky n. (pl. -ies) a Russian low four-wheeled open carriage. [Russ. drozhki dimin. of drogi wagon f. droga shaft] drosophila n. any fruit fly of the genus Drosophila, used extensively in genetic research. [mod.L f. Gk drosos dew, moisture + philos loving] dross n. 1 rubbish, refuse. 2 a the scum separated from metals in melting. b foreign matter mixed with anything; impurities. ЬЬdrossy adj. [OE dros: cf. MLG drosem, OHG truosana] drought n. 1 the continuous absence of rain; dry weather. 2 the prolonged lack of something. 3 archaic a lack of moisture; thirst; dryness. ЬЬdroughty adj. [OE drugath f. dryge DRY] drouth n. Sc., Ir., US, & poet. var. of DROUGHT. drove(1) past of DRIVE. drove(2) n. 1 a a large number (of people etc.) moving together; a crowd; a multitude; a shoal. b (in pl.) colloq. a great number (people arrived in droves). 2 a herd or flock being driven or moving together. Ьdrove-road an ancient cattle track. [OE draf f. drifan DRIVE] drover n. a person who drives herds to market; a cattle-dealer. ЬЬdrove v.tr. droving n. drown v. 1 tr. & intr. kill or be killed by submersion in liquid. 2 tr. submerge; flood; drench (drowned the fields in six feet of water). 3 tr. (often foll. by in) deaden (grief etc.) with drink (drowned his sorrows in drink). 4 tr. (often foll. by out) make (a sound) inaudible by means of a louder sound. Ьdrowned valley a valley partly or wholly submerged by a change in land-levels. drown out drive out by flood. like a drowned rat colloq. extremely wet and bedraggled. [ME (orig. north.) drun(e), droun(e), perh. f. OE drunian (unrecorded), rel. to DRINK] drowse v. & n. --v. 1 intr. be dull and sleepy or half asleep. 2 tr. a (often foll. by away) pass (the time) in drowsing. b make drowsy. 3 intr. archaic be sluggish. --n. a condition of sleepiness. [back-form. f. DROWSY] drowsy adj. (drowsier, drowsiest) 1 half asleep; dozing. 2 soporific; lulling. 3 sluggish. ЬЬdrowsily adv. drowsiness n. [prob. rel. to OE drusian be languid or slow, dreosan fall: cf. DREARY] drub v.tr. (drubbed, drubbing) 1 thump; belabour. 2 beat in a fight. 3 (usu. foll. by into, out of) beat (an idea, attitude, etc.) into or out of a person. ЬЬdrubbing n. [ult. f. Arab. daraba beat] drudge n. & v. --n. a servile worker, esp. at menial tasks; a hack. --v.intr. (often foll. by at) work slavishly (at menial, hard, or dull work). ЬЬdrudgery n. [15th c.: perh. rel. to DRAG] drug n. & v. --n. 1 a medicinal substance. 2 a narcotic, hallucinogen, or stimulant, esp. one causing addiction. --v. (drugged, drugging) 1 tr. add a drug to (food or drink). 2 tr. a administer a drug to. b stupefy with a drug. 3 intr. take drugs as an addict. Ьdrug addict a person who is addicted to a narcotic drug. drug on the market a commodity that is plentiful but no longer in demand. drug peddler (colloq. pusher) a person who sells esp. addictive drugs illegally. drug squad a division of a police force investigating crimes involving illegal drugs. [ME drogges, drouges f. OF drogue, of unkn. orig.] drugget n. 1 a coarse woven fabric used as a floor or table covering. 2 such a covering. [F droguet, of unkn. orig.] druggist n. esp. US a pharmacist. [F droguiste (as DRUG)] druggy n. & adj. colloq. --n. (also druggie) (pl. -ies) a drug addict. --adj. of or associated with narcotic drugs. drugstore n. US a chemist's shop also selling light refreshments and other articles. Druid n. (fem. Druidess) 1 an ancient Celtic priest, magician, or soothsayer of Gaul, Britain, or Ireland. 2 a member of a Welsh etc. Druidic order, esp. the Gorsedd. ЬЬDruidism n. Druidic adj. Druidical adj. [F druide or L pl. druidae, -des, Gk druidai f. Gaulish druides] drum(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a percussion instrument or toy made of a hollow cylinder or hemisphere covered at one or both ends with stretched skin or parchment and sounded by striking (bass drum; kettledrum). b (often in pl.) a drummer or a percussion section (the drums are playing too loud). c a sound made by or resembling that of a drum. 2 something resembling a drum in shape, esp.: a a cylindrical container or receptacle for oil, dried fruit, etc. b a cylinder or barrel in machinery on which something is wound etc. c Archit. the solid part of a Corinthian or composite capital. d Archit. a stone block forming a section of a shaft. e Austral. & NZ swag, a bundle. 3 Zool. & Anat. the membrane of the middle ear; the eardrum. 4 sl. a a house. b a nightclub. c a brothel. 5 (in full drum-fish) any marine fish of the family Sciaenidae, having a swim-bladder that produces a drumming sound. 6 hist. an evening or afternoon tea party. 7 Austral. sl. a piece of reliable information, esp. a racing tip. --v. (drummed, drumming) 1 intr. & tr. play on a drum. 2 tr. & intr. beat, tap, or thump (knuckles, feet, etc.) continuously (on something) (drummed on the table; drummed his feet; drumming at the window). 3 intr. (of a bird or an insect) make a loud, hollow noise with quivering wings. 4 tr. Austral. sl. provide with reliable information. Ьdrum brake a brake in which shoes on a vehicle press against the drum on a wheel. drum into drive (a lesson) into (a person) by persistence. drum machine an electronic device that imitates the sound of percussion instruments. drum major 1 the leader of a marching band. 2 archaic an NCO commanding the drummers of a regiment. drum majorette esp. US a member of a female baton-twirling parading group. drum out Mil. cashier (a soldier) by the beat of a drum; dismiss with ignominy. drum up summon, gather, or call up (needs to drum up more support). [obs. drombslade, drombyllsclad, f. LG trommelslag drum-beat f. trommel drum + slag beat] drum(2) n. (also drumlin) Geol. a long oval mound of boulder clay moulded by glacial action. ЬЬdrumlinoid n. [Gael. & Ir. druim ridge: -lin perh. for -LING(1)] drumfire n. 1 Mil. heavy continuous rapid artillery fire, usu. heralding an infantry attack. 2 a barrage of criticism etc. drumhead n. 1 the skin or membrane of a drum. 2 an eardrum. 3 the circular top of a capstan. 4 (attrib.) improvised (drumhead court martial). drumlin var. of DRUM(2). drummer n. 1 a person who plays a drum or drums. 2 esp. US colloq. a commercial traveller. 3 sl. a thief. drumstick n. 1 a stick used for beating a drum. 2 the lower joint of the leg of a cooked chicken, turkey, etc. drunk adj. & n. --adj. 1 rendered incapable by alcohol (blind drunk; dead drunk; drunk as a lord). 2 (often foll. by with) overcome or elated with joy, success, power, etc. --n. 1 a habitually drunk person. 2 sl. a drinking-bout; a period of drunkenness. [past part. of DRINK] drunkard n. a person who is drunk, esp. habitually. drunken adj. (usu. attrib.) 1 = DRUNK. 2 caused by or exhibiting drunkenness (a drunken brawl). 3 fond of drinking; often drunk. ЬЬdrunkenly adv. drunkenness n. drupe n. any fleshy or pulpy fruit enclosing a stone containing one or a few seeds, e.g. an olive, plum, or peach. ЬЬdrupaceous adj. [L drupa f. Gk druppa olive] drupel n. (also drupelet) a small drupe usu. in an aggregate fruit, e.g. a blackberry or raspberry. Druse n. (often attrib.) a member of a political or religious sect linked with Islam and living near Mt. Lebanon (Druse militia). [F f. Arab. duruz (pl.), prob. f. their founder al-Darazi (11th c.)] druse n. 1 a crust of crystals lining a rock-cavity. 2 a cavity lined with this. [F f. G, = weathered ore] dry adj., v., & n. --adj. (drier; driest) 1 free from moisture, not wet, esp.: a with any moisture having evaporated, drained, or been wiped away (the clothes are not dry yet). b (of the eyes) free from tears. c (of a climate etc.) with insufficient rainfall; not rainy (a dry spell). d (of a river, well, etc.) dried up; not yielding water. e (of a liquid) having disappeared by evaporation etc. f not connected with or for use without moisture (dry shampoo). g (of a shave) with an electric razor. 2 (of wine etc.) not sweet (dry sherry). 3 a meagre, plain, or bare (dry facts). b uninteresting; dull (dry as dust). 4 (of a sense of humour, a joke, etc.) subtle, ironic, and quietly expressed; not obvious. 5 (of a country, of legislation, etc.) prohibiting the sale of alcoholic drink. 6 (of toast, bread, etc.) without butter, margarine, etc. 7 (of provisions, groceries, etc.) solid, not liquid (dry goods). 8 impassive, unsympathetic; hard; cold. 9 (of a cow etc.) not yielding milk. 10 colloq. thirsty or thirst-making (feel dry; this is dry work). 11 Polit. colloq. of or being a political 'dry'. --v. (dries, dried) 1 tr. & intr. make or become dry by wiping, evaporation, draining, etc. 2 tr. (usu. as dried adj.) preserve (food etc.) by removing the moisture (dried egg; dried fruit; dried flowers). 3 intr. (often foll. by up) Theatr. colloq. forget one's lines. 4 tr. & intr. (often foll. by off) cease or cause (a cow etc.) to cease yielding milk. --n. (pl. dries) 1 the process or an instance of drying. 2 sl. a politician, esp. a Conservative, who advocates individual responsibility, free trade, and economic stringency, and opposes high government spending. 3 a (prec. by the) esp. Austral. colloq. the dry season. b Austral. a desert area, waterless country. 4 a dry ginger ale. b dry wine, sherry, etc. Ьdry battery Electr. an electric battery consisting of dry cells. dry cell Electr. a cell in which the electrolyte is absorbed in a solid and cannot be spilled. dry-clean clean (clothes etc.) with organic solvents without using water. dry-cleaner a firm that specializes in dry-cleaning. dry cough a cough not producing phlegm. dry-cure cure (meat etc.) without pickling in liquid. dry dock an enclosure for the building or repairing of ships, from which water can be pumped out. dry-fly adj. (of fishing) with an artificial fly floating on the surface. --v.intr. (-flies, -flied) fish by such a method. dry ice solid carbon dioxide. dry land land as opposed to the sea, a river, etc. dry measure a measure of capacity for dry goods. dry milk US dried milk. dry-nurse a nurse for young children, not required to breast-feed. dry out 1 become fully dry. 2 (of a drug addict, alcoholic, etc.) undergo treatment to cure addiction. dry-plate Photog. a photographic plate with sensitized film hard and dry for convenience of keeping, developing at leisure, etc. dry-point 1 a needle for engraving on a bare copper plate without acid. 2 an engraving produced with this. dry rot 1 a decayed state of wood when not ventilated, caused by certain fungi. 2 these fungi. dry run colloq. a rehearsal. dry-salt = dry-cure. dry-salter a dealer in dyes, gums, drugs, oils, pickles, tinned meats, etc. dry-shod without wetting the shoes. dry up 1 make utterly dry. 2 dry dishes. 3 (of moisture) disappear utterly. 4 (of a well etc.) cease to yield water. 5 colloq. (esp. in imper.) cease talking. go dry enact legislation for the prohibition of alcohol. ЬЬdryish adj. dryness n. [OE dryge, drygan, rel. to MLG dr”ge, MDu. droghe, f. Gmc] dryad n. Mythol. a nymph inhabiting a tree; a wood nymph. [ME f. OF dryade f. L f. Gk druas -ados f. drus tree] dryer var. of DRIER(2). dryly var. of DRILY. drystone adj. (of a wall etc.) built without mortar. 18.0 DS... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DS abbr. 1 dal segno. 2 disseminated sclerosis. DSC abbr. Distinguished Service Cross. D.Sc. abbr. Doctor of Science. DSM abbr. Distinguished Service Medal. DSO abbr. (in the UK) Distinguished Service Order. DSS abbr. (in the UK) Department of Social Security (formerly DHSS). 19.0 DT... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DT abbr. (also DT's) delirium tremens. DTI abbr. (in the UK) Department of Trade and Industry. 20.0 dual... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- dual adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 of two; twofold. 2 divided in two; double (dual ownership). 3 Gram. (in some languages) denoting two persons or things (additional to singular and plural). --n. (also dual number) Gram. a dual form of a noun, verb, etc. --v.tr. (dualled, dualling) Brit. convert (a road) into a dual carriageway. Ьdual carriageway Brit. a road with a dividing strip between the traffic in opposite directions. dual control (of a vehicle or an aircraft) having two sets of controls, one of which is used by the instructor. dual in-line package Computing see DIP. dual-purpose (of a vehicle) usable for passengers or goods. ЬЬduality n. dualize v.tr. (also -ise). dually adv. [L dualis f. duo two] dualism n. 1 being twofold; duality. 2 Philos. the theory that in any domain of reality there are two independent underlying principles, e.g. mind and matter, form and content (cf. IDEALISM, MATERIALISM). 3 Theol. a the theory that the forces of good and evil are equally balanced in the universe. b the theory of the dual (human and divine) personality of Christ. ЬЬdualist n. dualistic adj. dualistically adv. dub(1) v.tr. (dubbed, dubbing) 1 make (a person) a knight by touching his shoulders with a sword. 2 give (a person) a name, nickname, or title (dubbed him a crank). 3 Brit. dress (an artificial fishing-fly). 4 smear (leather) with grease. [OE f. AF duber, aduber, OF adober equip with armour, repair, of unkn. orig.] dub(2) v.tr. (dubbed, dubbing) 1 provide (a film etc.) with an alternative soundtrack, esp. in a different language. 2 add (sound effects or music) to a film or a broadcast. 3 combine (soundtracks) into one. 4 transfer or make a copy of (a soundtrack). [abbr. of DOUBLE] dub(3) n. esp. US sl. an inexperienced or unskilful person. [perh. f. DUB(1) in sense 'beat flat'] dub(4) v.intr. (dubbed, dubbing) sl. (foll. by in, up) pay up; contribute money. [19th c.: orig. uncert.] dubbin n. & v. --n. (also dubbing) prepared grease for softening and waterproofing leather. --v.tr. (dubbined, dubbining) apply dubbin to (boots etc.). [see DUB(1) 4] dubbing n. an alternative soundtrack to a film etc. dubiety n. (pl. -ies) literary 1 a feeling of doubt. 2 a doubtful matter. [LL dubietas f. dubium doubt] dubious adj. 1 hesitating or doubting (dubious about going). 2 of questionable value or truth (a dubious claim). 3 unreliable; suspicious (dubious company). 4 of doubtful result (a dubious undertaking). ЬЬdubiously adv. dubiousness n. [L dubiosus f. dubium doubt] dubitation n. literary doubt, hesitation. [ME f. OF dubitation or L dubitatio f. dubitare DOUBT] dubitative adj. literary of, expressing, or inclined to doubt or hesitation. ЬЬdubitatively adv. [F dubitatif -ive or LL dubitativus (as DUBITATION)] Dublin Bay prawn n. 1 the Norway lobster. 2 (in pl.) scampi. [Dublin in Ireland] Dubonnet n. propr. 1 a sweet French aperitif. 2 a glass of this. [name of a family of French wine-merchants] ducal adj. of, like, or bearing the title of a duke. [F f. duc DUKE] ducat n. 1 hist. a gold coin, formerly current in most European countries. 2 a a coin. b (in pl.) money. [ME f. It. ducato or med.L ducatus DUCHY] Duce n. a leader, esp. (Il Duce) the title assumed by Mussolini (d. 1945). [It., = leader] duchess n. (as a title usu. Duchess) 1 a duke's wife or widow. 2 a woman holding the rank of duke in her own right. [ME f. OF duchesse f. med.L ducissa (as DUKE)] duchesse n. 1 a soft heavy kind of satin. 2 a dressing-table with a pivoting mirror. Ьduchesse lace a kind of Brussels pillow-lace. duchesse potatoes mashed potatoes mixed with egg, baked or fried, and served as small cakes. duchesse set a cover or a set of covers for a dressing-table. [F, = DUCHESS] duchy n. (pl. -ies) 1 the territory of a duke or duchess; a dukedom. 2 (often as the Duchy) the royal dukedom of Cornwall or Lancaster, each with certain estates, revenues, and jurisdiction of its own. [ME f. OF duch‚(e) f. med.L ducatus f. L dux ducis leader] duck(1) n. (pl. same or ducks) 1 a any of various swimming-birds of the family Anatidae, esp. the domesticated form of the mallard or wild duck. b the female of this (opp. DRAKE). c the flesh of a duck as food. 2 Cricket (in full duck's-egg) the score of a batsman dismissed for nought. 3 (also ducks) Brit. colloq. (esp. as a form of address) dear, darling. Ьduck-hawk 1 Brit. a marsh-harrier. 2 US a peregrine. ducks and drakes a game of making a flat stone skim along the surface of water. duck's arse sl. a haircut with the hair on the back of the head shaped like a duck's tail. duck soup US sl. an easy task. like a duck to water adapting very readily. like water off a duck's back colloq. (of remonstrances etc.) producing no effect. play ducks and drakes with colloq. squander. [OE duce, duce: rel. to DUCK(2)] duck(2) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. plunge, dive, or dip under water and emerge (ducked him in the pond). 2 intr. & tr. bend (the head or the body) quickly to avoid a blow or being seen, or as a bow or curtsy; bob (ducked out of sight; ducked his head under the beam). 3 tr. & intr. colloq. avoid or dodge; withdraw (from) (ducked out of the engagement; ducked the meeting). 4 intr. Bridge lose a trick deliberately by playing a low card. --n. 1 a quick dip or swim. 2 a quick lowering of the head etc. Ьducking-stool hist. a chair fastened to the end of a pole, which could be plunged into a pond, used formerly for ducking scolds etc. ЬЬducker n. [OE ducan (unrecorded) f. Gmc] duck(3) n. 1 a strong untwilled linen or cotton fabric used for small sails and the outer clothing of sailors. 2 (in pl.) trousers made of this (white ducks). [MDu. doek, of unkn. orig.] duck(4) n. colloq. an amphibious landing-craft. [DUKW, its official designation] duckbill n. (also duck-billed platypus) = PLATYPUS. duckboard n. (usu. in pl.) a path of wooden slats placed over muddy ground or in a trench. duckling n. 1 a young duck. 2 its flesh as food. duckweed n. any of various aquatic plants, esp. of the genus Lemna, growing on the surface of still water. ducky n. & adj. Brit. colloq. --n. (pl. -ies) darling, dear. --adj. sweet, pretty; splendid. duct n. & v. --n. 1 a channel or tube for conveying fluid, cable, etc. 2 a a tube in the body conveying secretions such as tears etc. b Bot. a tube formed by cells that have lost their intervening end walls, holding air, water, etc. --v.tr. convey through a duct. [L ductus leading, aqueduct f. ducere duct- lead] ductile adj. 1 (of a metal) capable of being drawn into wire; pliable, not brittle. 2 (of a substance) easily moulded. 3 (of a person) docile, gullible. ЬЬductility n. [ME f. OF ductile or L ductilis f. ducere duct- lead] ducting n. 1 a system of ducts. 2 material in the form of a duct or ducts. ductless adj. lacking or not using a duct or ducts. Ьductless gland a gland secreting directly into the bloodstream: also called endocrine gland. dud n. & adj. sl. --n. 1 a futile or ineffectual person or thing (a dud at the job). 2 a counterfeit article. 3 a shell etc. that fails to explode. 4 (in pl.) clothes. --adj. 1 useless, worthless, unsatisfactory or futile. 2 counterfeit. [ME: orig. unkn.] dude n. US sl. 1 a fastidious aesthetic person, usu. male; a dandy. 2 a holiday-maker on a ranch in the western US, esp. when unused to ranch life. 3 a fellow; a guy. Ьdude ranch a cattle ranch converted to a holiday centre for tourists etc. ЬЬdudish adj. [19th c.: prob. f. G dial. dude fool] dudgeon n. a feeling of offence; resentment. Ьin high dudgeon very angry or angrily. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] due adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 (predic.) owing or payable as a debt or an obligation (our thanks are due to him; њ500 was due on the 15th). 2 (often foll. by to) merited; appropriate; fitting (his due reward; received the applause due to a hero). 3 rightful; proper; adequate (after due consideration). 4 (predic.; foll. by to) to be ascribed to (a cause, an agent, etc.) (the discovery was due to Newton). 5 (predic.) intended to arrive at a certain time (a train is due at 7.30). 6 (foll. by to + infin.) under an obligation or agreement to do something (due to speak tonight). --n. 1 a person's right; what is owed to a person (a fair hearing is my due). 2 (in pl.) a what one owes (pays his dues). b a legally demandable toll or fee (harbour dues; university dues). --adv. (of a point of the compass) exactly, directly (went due east; a due north wind). Ьdue to disp. because of, owing to (was late due to an accident) (cf. sense 4 of adj.). fall (or become) due (of a bill etc.) be immediately payable. in due course 1 at about the appropriate time. 2 in the natural order. [ME f. OF deЃ ult. f. L debitus past part. of debere owe] duel n. & v. --n. 1 hist. a contest with deadly weapons between two people, in the presence of two seconds, to settle a point of honour. 2 any contest between two people, parties, causes, animals, etc. (a duel of wits). --v.intr. (duelled, duelling; US dueled, dueling) fight a duel or duels. ЬЬdueller n. (US dueler). duellist n. (US duelist). [It. duello or L duellum (archaic form of bellum war), in med.L = single combat] duende n. 1 an evil spirit. 2 inspiration. [Sp.] duenna n. an older woman acting as a governess and companion in charge of girls, esp. in a Spanish family; a chaperon. [Sp. due¤a f. L domina mistress] duet n. 1 Mus. a a performance by two voices, instrumentalists, etc. b a composition for two performers. 2 a dialogue. ЬЬduettist n. [G Duett or It. duetto dimin. of duo duet f. L duo two] duff(1) n. a boiled pudding. [N.Engl. form of DOUGH] duff(2) adj. Brit. sl. 1 worthless, counterfeit. 2 useless, broken. [perh. = DUFF(1)] duff(3) v.tr. sl. 1 Brit. Golf mishit (a shot, a ball); bungle. 2 Austral. steal and alter brands on (cattle). Ьduff up sl. beat; thrash. [perh. back-form. f. DUFFER] duffer n. sl. 1 an inefficient, useless, or stupid person. 2 Austral. a person who duffs cattle. 3 Austral. an unproductive mine. [perh. f. Sc. doofart stupid person f. douf spiritless] duffle n. (also duffel) 1 a coarse woollen cloth with a thick nap. 2 US a sportsman's or camper's equipment. Ьduffle bag a cylindrical canvas bag closed by a draw-string and carried over the shoulder. duffle-coat a hooded overcoat of duffle, usu. fastened with toggles. [Duffel in Belgium] dug(1) past and past part. of DIG. dug(2) n. 1 the udder, breast, teat, or nipple of a female animal. 2 derog. the breast of a woman. [16th c.: orig. unkn.] dugong n. (pl. same or dugongs) a marine mammal, Dugong dugon, of Asian seas and coasts. Also called sea cow. [ult. f. Malay duyong] dugout n. 1 a a roofed shelter esp. for troops in trenches. b an underground air-raid or nuclear shelter. 2 a canoe made from a hollowed tree-trunk. 3 sl. a retired officer etc. recalled to service. duiker n. 1 (also duyker) any African antelope of the genus Cephalophus, usu. having a crest of long hair between its horns. 2 S.Afr. the long-tailed cormorant, Phalacrocorax africanus. [Du. duiker diver: in sense 1, from plunging through bushes when pursued] duke n. (as a title usu. Duke) 1 a a person holding the highest hereditary title of the nobility. b a sovereign prince ruling a duchy or small State. 2 (usu. in pl.) sl. the hand; the fist (put up your dukes!). 3 Bot. a kind of cherry, neither very sweet nor very sour. Ьroyal duke a duke who is also a royal prince. [ME f. OF duc f. L dux ducis leader] dukedom n. 1 a territory ruled by a duke. 2 the rank of duke. dulcet adj. (esp. of sound) sweet and soothing. [ME, earlier doucet f. OF dimin. of doux f. L dulcis sweet] dulcify v.tr. (-ies, -ied) literary 1 make gentle. 2 sweeten. ЬЬdulcification n. [L dulcificare f. dulcis sweet] dulcimer n. a musical instrument with strings of graduated length stretched over a sounding-board or box, played by being struck with hammers. [OF doulcemer, said to repr. L dulce sweet, melos song] dulcitone n. Mus. a keyboard instrument with steel tuning-forks which are struck by hammers. [L dulcis sweet + TONE] dulia n. RC Ch. the reverence accorded to saints and angels. [med.L f. Gk douleia servitude f. doulos slave] dull adj. & v. --adj. 1 slow to understand; stupid. 2 tedious; boring. 3 (of the weather) overcast; gloomy. 4 a (esp. of a knife edge etc.) blunt. b (of colour, light, sound, or taste) not bright, vivid, or keen. 5 (of a pain etc.) usu. prolonged and indistinct; not acute (a dull ache). 6 a (of a person, an animal, trade, etc.) sluggish, slow-moving, or stagnant. b (of a person) listless; depressed (he's a dull fellow since the accident). 7 (of the ears, eyes, etc.) without keen perception. --v.tr. & intr. make or become dull. Ьdull the edge of make less sensitive, interesting, effective, amusing, etc.; blunt. ЬЬdullish adj. dullness n. (also dulness). dully adv. [ME f. MLG, MDu. dul, corresp. to OE dol stupid] dullard n. a stupid person. dulse n. an edible seaweed, Rhodymenia palmata, with red wedge-shaped fronds. [Ir. & Gael. duileasg] duly adv. 1 in due time or manner. 2 rightly, properly, fitly. duma n. hist. a Russian council of State, esp. the elected body existing between 1905 and 1917. [Russ.: orig. an elective municipal council] dumb adj. 1 a (of a person) unable to speak, usu. because of a congenital defect or deafness. b (of an animal) naturally unable to speak (our dumb friends). 2 silenced by surprise, shyness, etc. (struck dumb by this revelation). 3 taciturn or reticent, esp. insultingly (dumb insolence). 4 (of an action etc.) performed without speech. 5 (often in comb.) giving no sound; without voice or some other property normally belonging to things of the name (a dumb piano). 6 colloq. esp. US stupid; ignorant. 7 (usu. of a class, population, etc.) having no voice in government; inarticulate (the dumb masses). 8 (of a computer terminal etc.) able only to transmit data to or receive data from a computer; not programmable (opp. INTELLIGENT). Ьdumb animals animals, esp. as objects of pity. dumb-bell 1 a short bar with a weight at each end, used for exercise, muscle-building, etc. 2 sl. a stupid person, esp. a woman. dumb blonde a pretty but stupid blonde woman. dumb cluck sl. a stupid person. dumb crambo see CRAMBO. dumb-iron the curved side-piece of a motor-vehicle chassis, joining it to the front springs. dumb piano Mus. a silent or dummy keyboard. dumb show 1 significant gestures or mime, used when words are inappropriate. 2 a part of a play in early drama, acted in mime. dumb waiter 1 a small lift for carrying food, plates, etc., between floors. 2 a movable table, esp. with revolving shelves, used in a dining-room. ЬЬdumbly adv. dumbness n. [OE: orig. unkn.: sense 6 f. G dumm] dumbfound v.tr. (also dumfound) strike dumb; confound; nonplus. [DUMB, CONFOUND] dumbhead n. esp. US sl. a stupid person. dumbo n. (pl. -os) sl. a stupid person; a fool. [DUMB + -O] dumbstruck adj. greatly shocked or surprised and so lost for words. dumdum n. (in full dumdum bullet) a kind of soft-nosed bullet that expands on impact and inflicts laceration. [Dum-Dum in India, where it was first produced] dummy n., adj., & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a model of a human being, esp.: a a ventriloquist's doll. b a figure used to model clothes in a shop window etc. c a target used for firearms practice. 2 (often attrib.) a a counterfeit object used to replace or resemble a real or normal one. b a prototype, esp. in publishing. 3 colloq. a stupid person. 4 a person taking no significant part; a figurehead. 5 Brit. a rubber or plastic teat for a baby to suck on. 6 an imaginary fourth player at whist, whose hand is turned up and played by a partner. 7 Bridge a the partner of the declarer, whose cards are exposed after the first lead. b this player's hand. 8 Mil. a blank round of ammunition. 9 colloq. a dumb person. --adj. sham; counterfeit. --v.intr. (-ies, -ied) Football make a pretended pass or swerve etc. Ьdummy run 1 a practice attack, etc.; a trial run. 2 a rehearsal. dummy up US sl. keep quiet; give no information. sell the (or a) dummy Rugby Football colloq. deceive (an opponent) by pretending to pass the ball. [DUMB + -Y(2)] dump n. & v. --n. 1 a a place for depositing rubbish. b a heap of rubbish. 2 colloq. an unpleasant or dreary place. 3 Mil. a temporary store of ammunition, provisions, etc. 4 an accumulated pile of ore, earth, etc. 5 Computing a a printout of stored data. b the process or result of dumping data. --v.tr. 1 put down firmly or clumsily (dumped the shopping on the table). 2 shoot or deposit (rubbish etc.). 3 colloq. abandon, desert. 4 Mil. leave (ammunition etc.) in a dump. 5 Econ. send (goods unsaleable at a high price in the home market) to a foreign market for sale at a low price, to keep up the price at home, and to capture a new market. 6 Computing a copy (stored data) to a different location. b reproduce the contents of (a store) externally. Ьdump on esp. US criticize or abuse; get the better of. dump truck a truck with a body that tilts or opens at the back for unloading. [ME perh. f. Norse; cf. Da. dumpe, Norw. dumpa fall suddenly] dumper n. 1 a person or thing that dumps. 2 Austral. & NZ a large wave that breaks and hurls the swimmer or surfer on to the beach. dumpling n. 1 a a small ball of usu. suet, flour, and water, boiled in stew or water, and eaten. b a pudding consisting of apple or other fruit enclosed in dough and baked. 2 a small fat person. [app. dimin., of dump small round object, but recorded much earlier] dumps n.pl. colloq. depression; melancholy (in the dumps). [prob. f. LG or Du., fig. use of MDu. domp exhalation, haze, mist: rel. to DAMP] dumpy adj. (dumpier, dumpiest) short and stout. ЬЬdumpily adv. dumpiness n. [dump (cf. DUMPLING) + -Y(1)] dun(1) adj. & n. --adj. 1 dull greyish-brown. 2 poet. dark, dusky. --n. 1 a dun colour. 2 a dun horse. 3 a dark fishing-fly. Ьdun-bird a pochard. dun diver a female or young male goosander. [OE dun, dunn] dun(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a debt-collector; an importunate creditor. 2 a demand for payment. --v.tr. (dunned, dunning) importune for payment of a debt; pester. [abbr. of obs. dunkirk privateer, f. Dunkirk in France] dunce n. a person slow at learning; a dullard. Ьdunce's cap a paper cone formerly put on the head of a dunce at school as a mark of disgrace. [John Duns Scotus, scholastic theologian d. 1308, whose followers were ridiculed by 16th-c. humanists and reformers as enemies of learning] Dundee cake n. esp. Brit. a rich fruit cake usu. decorated with almonds. [Dundee in Scotland] dunderhead n. a stupid person. ЬЬdunderheaded adj. [17th c.: perh. rel. to dial. dunner resounding noise] dune n. a mound or ridge of loose sand etc. formed by the wind, esp. beside the sea or in a desert. Ьdune buggy = beach buggy. [F f. MDu. dune: cf. DOWN(3)] dung n. & v. --n. the excrement of animals; manure. --v.tr. apply dung to; manure (land). Ьdung-beetle any of a family of beetles whose larvae develop in dung. dung-fly any of various flies feeding on dung. dung-worm any of various worms found in cow-dung and used as bait. [OE, rel. to OHG tunga, Icel. dyngja, of unkn. orig.] dungaree n. 1 a coarse Indian calico. 2 (in pl.) a overalls etc. made of dungaree or similar material, worn esp. by workers. b trousers with a bib worn by children or as a fashion garment. [Hindi dungri] dungeon n. & v. --n. 1 a strong underground cell for prisoners. 2 archaic a donjon. --v.tr. archaic (usu. foll. by up) imprison in a dungeon. [orig. = donjon: ME f. OF donjon ult. f. L dominus lord] dunghill n. a heap of dung or refuse, esp. in a farmyard. dunk v.tr. 1 dip (bread, a biscuit, etc.) into soup, coffee, etc. while eating. 2 immerse, dip (was dunked in the river). [Pennsylvanian G dunke to dip f. G tunken] dunlin n. a long-billed sandpiper, Calidris alpina. [prob. f. DUN(1) + -LING(1)] dunnage n. Naut. 1 mats, brushwood, etc., stowed under or among cargo to prevent wetting or chafing. 2 colloq. miscellaneous baggage. [AL dennagium, of unkn. orig.] dunno colloq. (I) do not know. [corrupt.] dunnock n. Brit. the hedge sparrow. [app. f. DUN(1) + -OCK, from its brown and grey plumage] dunny n. (pl. -ies) 1 Sc. an underground passage or cellar, esp. in a tenement. 2 esp. Austral. & NZ sl. an earth-closet; an outdoor privy. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] duo n. (pl. -os) 1 a pair of actors, entertainers, singers, etc. (a comedy duo). 2 Mus. a duet. [It. f. L, = two] duodecimal adj. & n. --adj. relating to or using a system of numerical notation that has 12 as a base. --n. 1 the duodecimal system. 2 duodecimal notation. ЬЬduodecimally adv. [L duodecimus twelfth f. duodecim twelve] duodecimo n. (pl. -os) Printing 1 a book-size in which each leaf is one-twelfth of the size of the printing-sheet. 2 a book of this size. [L (in) duodecimo in a twelfth (as DUODECIMAL)] duodenary adj. proceeding by twelves or in sets of twelve. [L duodenarius f. duodeni distrib. of duodecim twelve] duodenum n. Anat. the first part of the small intestine immediately below the stomach. ЬЬduodenal adj. duodenitis n. [ME f. med.L f. duodeni (see DUODENARY) from its length of about 12 fingers' breadth] duologue n. 1 a conversation between two people. 2 a play or part of a play for two actors. [irreg. f. L duo or Gk duo two, after monologue] duomo n. (pl. -os) an Italian cathedral. [It., = DOME] duopoly n. (pl. -ies) Econ. the possession of trade in a commodity etc. by only two sellers. [Gk duo two + poleo sell, after monopoly] duotone n. & adj. Printing --n. 1 a half-tone illustration in two colours from the same original with different screen angles. 2 the process of making a duotone. --adj. in two colours. [L duo two + TONE] dupe n. & v. --n. a victim of deception. --v.tr. make a fool of; cheat; gull. ЬЬdupable adj. duper n. dupery n. [F f. dial. F dupe hoopoe, from the bird's supposedly stupid appearance] dupion n. 1 a rough silk fabric woven from the threads of double cocoons. 2 an imitation of this with other fibres. [F doupion f. It. doppione f. doppio double] duple adj. of two parts. Ьduple ratio Math. a ratio of 2 to 1. duple time Mus. that with two beats to the bar. [L duplus f. duo two] duplex n. & adj. --n. esp. US 1 a flat or maisonette on two levels. 2 a house subdivided for two families. --adj. 1 having two elements; twofold. 2 esp. US a (of a flat) two-storeyed. b (of a house) for two families. 3 Computing (of a circuit) allowing the transmission of signals in both directions simultaneously (opp. SIMPLEX). Ьhalf-duplex Computing (of a circuit) allowing the transmission of signals in both directions but not simultaneously. [L duplex duplicis f. duo two + plic- fold] duplicate adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 exactly like something already existing; copied (esp. in large numbers). 2 a having two corresponding parts. b existing in two examples; paired. c twice as large or many; doubled. --n. 1 a one of two identical things, esp. a copy of an original. b one of two or more specimens of a thing exactly or almost identical. 2 Law a second copy of a letter or document. 3 (in full duplicate bridge or whist) a form of bridge or whist in which the same hands are played successively by different players. 4 archaic a pawnbroker's ticket. --v.tr. 1 multiply by two; double. 2 a make or be an exact copy of. b make or supply copies of (duplicated the leaflet for distribution). 3 repeat (an action etc.), esp. unnecessarily. Ьduplicate ratio Math. the proportion of the squares of two numbers. in duplicate consisting of two exact copies. ЬЬduplicable adj. duplication n. [L duplicatus past part. of duplicare (as DUPLEX)] duplicator n. 1 a machine for making copies of a document, leaflet, etc. 2 a person or thing that duplicates. duplicity n. 1 double-dealing; deceitfulness. 2 archaic doubleness. ЬЬduplicitous adj. [ME f. OF duplicit‚ or LL duplicitas (as DUPLEX)] duppy n. (pl. -ies) W.Ind. a malevolent spirit or ghost. [perh. of Afr. orig.] dura var. of DURRA. durable adj. & n. --adj. 1 capable of lasting; hard-wearing. 2 (of goods) not for immediate consumption; able to be kept. --n. (in pl.) durable goods. ЬЬdurability n. durableness n. durably adv. [ME f. OF f. L durabilis f. durare endure f. durus hard] Duralumin n. propr. a light hard alloy of aluminium with copper etc. [perh. f. DЃren in the Rhineland or L durus hard + ALUMINIUM] dura mater n. Anat. the tough outermost membrane enveloping the brain and spinal cord (see MENINX). [med.L = hard mother, transl. Arab. al-'umm al-jafiya ('mother' in Arab. indicating the relationship of things)] duramen n. = HEARTWOOD. [L f. durare harden] durance n. archaic imprisonment (in durance vile). [ME f. F f. durer last f. L durare: see DURABLE] duration n. 1 the length of time for which something continues. 2 a specified length of time (after the duration of a minute). Ьfor the duration 1 until the end of the war. 2 for a very long time. ЬЬdurational adj. [ME f. OF f. med.L duratio -onis (as DURANCE)] durative adj. Gram. denoting continuing action. durbar n. hist. 1 the court of an Indian ruler. 2 a public levee of an Indian prince or an Anglo-Indian governor or viceroy. [Urdu f. Pers. darbar court] durchkomponiert adj. Mus. (of a song) having different music for each verse. [G f. durch through + komponiert composed] duress n. 1 compulsion, esp. imprisonment, threats, or violence, illegally used to force a person to act against his or her will (under duress). 2 forcible restraint or imprisonment. [ME f. OF duresse f. L duritia f. durus hard] Durex n. propr. a contraceptive sheath; a condom. [20th c.: orig. uncert.] durian n. 1 a large tree, Durio zibethinus, native to SE Asia, bearing oval spiny fruits containing a creamy pulp with a fetid smell and an agreeable taste. 2 this fruit. [Malay durian f. duri thorn] during prep. 1 throughout the course or duration of (read during the meal). 2 at some point in the duration of (came in during the evening). [ME f. OF durant ult. f. L durare last, continue] durmast n. an oak tree, Quercus petraea, having sessile flowers. [dur- (perh. erron. for DUN(1)) + MAST(2)] durn US var. of DARN(2). durned US var. of DARNED. durra n. (also dura, dhurra) a kind of sorghum, Sorghum vulgare, native to Asia, Africa, and the US. [Arab. dura, durra] durst archaic past of DARE. durum n. a kind of wheat, Triticum turgidum, having hard seeds and yielding a flour used in the manufacture of spaghetti etc. [L, neut. of durus hard] durzi n. (pl. durzis) an Indian tailor. [Hindi f. Pers. darzi f. darz sewing] dusk n., adj., & v. --n. 1 the darker stage of twilight. 2 shade; gloom. --adj. poet. shadowy; dim; dark-coloured. --v.tr. & intr. poet. make or become shadowy or dim. [ME dosk, dusk f. OE dox dark, swarthy, doxian darken in colour] dusky adj. (duskier, duskiest) 1 shadowy; dim. 2 dark-coloured, darkish. ЬЬduskily adv. duskiness n. dust n. & v. --n. 1 a finely powdered earth, dirt, etc., lying on the ground or on surfaces, and blown about by the wind. b fine powder of any material (pollen dust; gold-dust). c a cloud of dust. 2 a dead person's remains (honoured dust). 3 confusion or turmoil (raised quite a dust). 4 archaic or poet. the mortal human body (we are all dust). 5 the ground; the earth (kissed the dust). --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) clear (furniture etc.) of dust etc. by wiping, brushing, etc. 2 tr. a sprinkle (esp. a cake) with powder, dust, sugar, etc. b sprinkle or strew (sugar, powder, etc.). 3 tr. make dusty. 4 intr. archaic (of a bird) take a dust-bath. Ьdust and ashes something very disappointing. dust-bath a bird's rolling in dust to freshen its feathers. dust bowl an area denuded of vegetation by drought or erosion and reduced to desert. dust cover 1 = dust-sheet. 2 = dust-jacket. dust devil S.Afr. a whirlwind visible as a column of dust. dust down 1 dust the clothes of (a person). 2 colloq. reprimand. 3 = dust off. dusting-powder 1 talcum powder. 2 any dusting or drying powder. dust-jacket a usu. decorated paper cover used to protect a book from dirt etc. dust off 1 remove the dust from (an object on which it has long been allowed to settle). 2 use and enjoy again after a long period of neglect. dust-sheet Brit. a cloth put over furniture to protect it from dust. dust-shot the smallest size of shot. dust-storm a storm with clouds of dust carried in the air. dust-trap something on, in, or under which dust gathers. dust-up colloq. a fight. dust-wrapper = dust-jacket. in the dust 1 humiliated. 2 dead. when the dust settles when things quieten down. ЬЬdustless adj. [OE dust: cf. LG dunst vapour] dustbin n. Brit. a container for household refuse, esp. one kept outside. dustcart n. Brit. a vehicle used for collecting household refuse. duster n. 1 a a cloth for dusting furniture etc. b a person or contrivance that dusts. 2 a woman's light, loose, full-length coat. dustman n. (pl. -men) Brit. 1 a man employed to clear household refuse. 2 the sandman. dustpan n. a small pan into which dust etc. is brushed from the floor. dusty adj. (dustier, dustiest) 1 full of, covered with, or resembling dust. 2 dry as dust; uninteresting. 3 (of a colour) dull or muted. Ьdusty answer a curt rejection of a request. dusty miller 1 any of various plants, esp. Artemisia stelleriana, having white dust on the leaves and flowers. 2 an artificial fishing-fly. not so dusty Brit. sl. fairly good. ЬЬdustily adv. dustiness n. [OE dustig (as DUST)] Dutch adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, relating to, or associated with the Netherlands. 2 US sl. German. 3 S.Afr. of Dutch descent. 4 archaic of Germany including the Netherlands. --n. 1 a the language of the Netherlands. b S.Afr. usu. derog. Afrikaans. 2 (prec. by the; treated as pl.) a the people of the Netherlands. b S.Afr. Afrikaans-speakers. 3 archaic the language of Germany including the Netherlands. Ьbeat the Dutch US colloq. do something remarkable. Dutch auction see AUCTION. Dutch bargain a bargain concluded by drinking together. Dutch barn Brit. a barn roof over hay etc., set on poles and having no walls. Dutch cap 1 a contraceptive diaphragm. 2 a woman's lace cap with triangular flaps on each side. Dutch courage false courage gained from alcohol. Dutch doll a jointed wooden doll. Dutch door a door divided into two parts horizontally allowing one part to be shut and the other open. Dutch elm disease a disease affecting elms caused by the fungus Ceratocystis ulmi, first found in the Netherlands. Dutch hoe a hoe pushed forward by the user. Dutch interior a painting of Dutch domestic life, esp. by P. de Hooch (d. 1683). Dutch metal a copper-zinc alloy imitating gold leaf. Dutch oven 1 a metal box the open side of which is turned towards a fire. 2 a covered cooking pot for braising etc. Dutch treat a party, outing, etc. to which each person makes a contribution. Dutch uncle a person giving advice with benevolent firmness. Dutch wife a framework of cane etc., or a bolster, used for resting the legs in bed. go Dutch share expenses equally. [MDu. dutsch etc. Hollandish, Netherlandish, German, OHG diutisc national] dutch n. Brit. sl. a wife (esp. old dutch). [abbr. of duchess (also in this sense)] Dutchman n. (pl. -men; fem. Dutchwoman, pl. -women) 1 a a native or national of the Netherlands. b a person of Dutch descent. 2 a Dutch ship. 3 US sl. a German. ЬDutchman's breeches US a plant, Dicentra cucullaria, with white flowers and finely divided leaves. Flying Dutchman 1 a ghostly ship. 2 its captain. I'm a Dutchman expression of disbelief or refusal. duteous adj. literary (of a person or conduct) dutiful; obedient. ЬЬduteously adv. duteousness n. [DUTY + -OUS: cf. beauteous] dutiable adj. liable to customs or other duties. dutiful adj. doing or observant of one's duty; obedient. ЬЬdutifully adv. dutifulness n. duty n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility (his duty to report it). b the binding force of what is right (strong sense of duty). c what is required of one (do one's duty). 2 payment to the public revenue, esp.: a that levied on the import, export, manufacture, or sale of goods (customs duty). b that levied on the transfer of property, licences, the legal recognition of documents, etc. (death duty; probate duty). 3 a job or function (his duties as caretaker). 4 the behaviour due to a superior; deference, respect. 5 the measure of an engine's effectiveness in units of work done per unit of fuel. 6 Eccl. the performance of church services. Ьdo duty for serve as or pass for (something else). duty-bound obliged by duty. duty-free (of goods) on which duty is not leviable. duty-free shop a shop at an airport etc. at which duty-free goods can be bought. duty-officer the officer currently on duty. duty-paid (of goods) on which duty has been paid. duty visit a visit paid from obligation, not from pleasure. on (or off) duty engaged (or not engaged) in one's work. [AF dewet‚, duet‚ (as DUE)] duumvir n. Rom.Hist. one of two coequal magistrates or officials. ЬЬduumvirate n. [L f. duum virum of the two men] duvet n. a thick soft quilt with a detachable cover, used instead of an upper sheet and blankets. [F] dux n. Sc., NZ, & S.Afr. etc. the top pupil in a class or in a school. [L, = leader] duyker var. of DUIKER 1. 21.0 DV... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DV abbr. Deo volente. Dvr. abbr. Driver. 22.0 dwale... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- dwale n. = BELLADONNA 1. [prob. f. Scand.] dwarf n. & v. --n. (pl. dwarfs or dwarves) 1 a a person of abnormally small stature, esp. one with a normal-sized head and body but short limbs. °The term person of restricted growth is now often preferred. b an animal or plant much below the ordinary size for the species. 2 a small mythological being with supernatural powers. 3 (in full dwarf star) a small usu. dense star. 4 (attrib.) a of a kind very small in size (dwarf bean). b puny, stunted. --v.tr. 1 stunt in growth. 2 cause (something similar or comparable) to seem small or insignificant (efforts dwarfed by their rivals' achievements). ЬЬdwarfish adj. [OE dweorg f. Gmc] dwarfism n. the condition of being a dwarf. dwell v. & n. --v.intr. (past and past part. dwelt or dwelled) 1 literary (usu. foll. by in, at, near, on, etc.) live, reside (dwelt in the forest). 2 (of a horse) be slow in raising its feet; pause before taking a fence. --n. a slight, regular pause in the motion of a machine. Ьdwell on (or upon) 1 spend time on, linger over; write, brood, or speak at length on (a specified subject) (always dwells on his grievances). 2 prolong (a note, a syllable, etc.). ЬЬdweller n. [OE dwellan lead astray, later 'continue in a place', f. Gmc] dwelling n. (also dwelling-place) formal a house; a residence; an abode. Ьdwelling-house a house used as a residence, not as an office etc. dwindle v.intr. 1 become gradually smaller; shrink; waste away. 2 lose importance; decline; degenerate. [dwine fade away f. OE dwinan, ON dvina] dwt. abbr. hist. pennyweight. d.w.t. abbr. dead-weight tonnage. 23.0 Dy... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dy symb. Chem. the element dysprosium. dyad n. Math. an operator which is a combination of two vectors. ЬЬdyadic adj. [LL dyas dyad- f. Gk duas duados f. duo two] Dyak n. (also Dayak) an aboriginal of Borneo or Sarawak. [Malay dayak up-country] dyarchy var. of DIARCHY. dybbuk n. (pl. dybbukim or dybbuks) a malevolent spirit in Jewish folklore. [Heb. dibbuk f. dabak cling] dye n. & v. --n. 1 a a substance used to change the colour of hair, fabric, wood, etc. b a colour produced by this. 2 (in full dyestuff) a substance yielding a dye, esp. for colouring materials in solution. --v.tr. (dyeing) 1 impregnate with dye. 2 make (a thing) a specified colour with dye (dyed it yellow). Ьdyed in the wool (or grain) 1 out and out; unchangeable, inveterate. 2 (of a fabric) made of yarn dyed in its raw state. dye-line a print made by the diazo process. ЬЬdyeable adj. [OE deag, deagian] dyer n. a person who dyes cloth etc. Ьdyer's broom (or greenweed or oak etc.) names of plants yielding dyes. dying adj. connected with, or at the time of, death (his dying words). Ьdying oath an oath made at, or with the solemnity proper to, death. to one's dying day for the rest of one's life. [pres. part. of DIE(1)] dyke(1) n. & v. (also dike) --n. 1 a long wall or embankment built to prevent flooding, esp. from the sea. 2 a a ditch or artificial watercourse. b Brit. a natural watercourse. 3 a a low wall, esp. of turf. b a causeway. 4 a barrier or obstacle; a defence. 5 Geol. an intrusion of igneous rock across sedimentary strata. 6 esp. Austral. sl. a lavatory. --v.tr. provide or defend with a dyke or dykes. [ME f. ON dЎk or MLG dik dam, MDu. dijc ditch, dam: cf. DITCH] dyke(2) n. (also dike) sl. a lesbian. [20th c.: orig. unkn.] dyn abbr. dyne. dynamic adj. & n. --adj. (also dynamical) 1 energetic; active; potent. 2 Physics a concerning motive force (opp. STATIC). b concerning force in actual operation. 3 of or concerning dynamics. 4 Mus. relating to the volume of sound. 5 Philos. relating to dynamism. 6 (as dynamical) Theol. (of inspiration) endowing with divine power, not impelling mechanically. --n. 1 an energizing or motive force. 2 Mus. = DYNAMICS 3. Ьdynamic equilibrium see EQUILIBRIUM. dynamic viscosity see VISCOSITY. ЬЬdynamically adv. [F dynamique f. Gk dunamikos f. dunamis power] dynamics n.pl. 1 (usu. treated as sing.) a Mech. the branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces (cf. STATICS). b the branch of any science in which forces or changes are considered (aerodynamics; population dynamics). 2 the motive forces, physical or moral, affecting behaviour and change in any sphere. 3 Mus. the varying degree of volume of sound in musical performance. ЬЬdynamicist n. (in sense 1). dynamism n. 1 energizing or dynamic action or power. 2 Philos. the theory that phenomena of matter or mind are due to the action of forces (rather than to motion or matter). ЬЬdynamist n. [Gk dunamis power + -ISM] dynamite n. & v. --n. 1 a high explosive consisting of nitroglycerine mixed with an absorbent. 2 a potentially dangerous person, thing, or situation. 3 sl. a narcotic, esp. heroin. --v.tr. charge or shatter with dynamite. ЬЬdynamiter n. [formed as DYNAMISM + -ITE(1)] dynamo n. (pl. -os) 1 a machine converting mechanical into electrical energy, esp. by rotating coils of copper wire in a magnetic field. 2 colloq. an energetic person. [abbr. of dynamo-electric machine f. Gk dunamis power, force] dynamometer n. an instrument measuring energy expended. [F dynamomЉtre f. Gk dunamis power, force] dynast n. 1 a ruler. 2 a member of a dynasty. [L f. Gk dunastes f. dunamai be able] dynasty n. (pl. -ies) 1 a line of hereditary rulers. 2 a succession of leaders in any field. ЬЬdynastic adj. dynastically adv. [F dynastie or LL dynastia f. Gk dunasteia lordship (as DYNAST)] dynatron n. Electronics a thermionic valve, used to generate continuous oscillations. [Gk dunamis power + -TRON] dyne n. Physics a unit of force that, acting on a mass of one gram, increases its velocity by one centimetre per second every second along the direction that it acts. °Abbr.: dyn. [F f. Gk dunamis force, power] dys- comb. form esp. Med. bad, difficult. [Gk dus- bad] dysentery n. a disease with inflammation of the intestines, causing severe diarrhoea with blood and mucus. ЬЬdysenteric adj. [OF dissenterie or L dysenteria f. Gk dusenteria (as DYS-, enteria f. entera bowels)] dysfunction n. an abnormality or impairment of function. ЬЬdysfunctional adj. dysgraphia n. an inability to write coherently. ЬЬdysgraphic adj. [DYS- + Gk graphia writing] dyslexia n. an abnormal difficulty in reading and spelling, caused by a condition of the brain. ЬЬdyslexic adj. & n. dyslectic adj. & n. [G Dyslexie (as DYS-, Gk lexis speech)] dysmenorrhoea n. painful or difficult menstruation. dyspepsia n. indigestion. [L dyspepsia f. Gk duspepsia (as DYS-, peptos cooked, digested)] dyspeptic adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to dyspepsia or the resulting depression. --n. a person suffering from dyspepsia. dysphasia n. Med. lack of coordination in speech, owing to brain damage. ЬЬdysphasic adj. [Gk dusphatos hard to utter (as DYS-, PHATIC)] dysphoria n. a state of unease or mental discomfort. ЬЬdysphoric adj. [Gk dusphoria f. dusphoros hard to bear (as DYS-, phero bear)] dysplasia n. Med. abnormal growth of tissues etc. ЬЬdysplastic adj. [mod.L, formed as DYS- + Gk plasis formation] dyspnoea n. (US dyspnea) Med. difficult or laboured breathing. ЬЬdyspnoeic adj. [L f. Gk duspnoia (as DYS-, pneo breathe)] dysprosium n. Chem. a naturally occurring soft metallic element of the lanthanide series, used as a component in certain magnetic alloys. °Symb.: Dy. [mod.L f. Gk dusprositos hard to get at + -IUM] dystocia n. Med. difficult or prolonged childbirth. [DYS- + Gk tokos childbirth] dystrophy n. defective nutrition. Ьmuscular dystrophy a hereditary progressive weakening and wasting of the muscles. ЬЬdystrophic adj. [mod.L dystrophia formed as DYS- + Gk -trophia nourishment] dysuria n. painful or difficult urination. [LL f. Gk dusouria (as DYS-, ouron urine)] 24.0 dzho... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- dzho n. (also dzo, zho) (pl. same or -os) a hybrid of a cow and a yak. [Tibetan mdso] Яндекс.Реклама: ВСЕ ПРОГНОЗЫ ОТ EXPRESSPORT.RU |