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English language - Dictionaries - PrefaceOxford English ReferenceBritish Library Cataloguing Data The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed. 1. English language--Dictionaries I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423 ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain Library of Congress Cataloging Data The Concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed./edited by R. E. Allen. p. cm. 'First edited by H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler.' ISBN 0-19-861200-1: њ10.95.--ISBN 0-19-861243-5 (thumb index) 1. English language--Dictionaries. I. Allen, R. E. II. Fowler, H. W. (Henry Watson), 1858-1933. III. Fowler, F. G. (Francis George), 1870-1918. PE1628.C68 1990 423--dc20 89-72114 CIP CONTENTS Table of Contents =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Title Page TITLE Edition Notice EDITION Notices NOTICES Table of Contents CONTENTS Preface PREFACE Guide to the Use of the Dictionary PREFACE.1 Abbreviations used in the Dictionary PREFACE.2 Note on Proprietary Status PREFACE.3 PREFACE Preface =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PREFACE.1 Guide to the Use of the Dictionary =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Use of conventions In this edition, a great deal of the information given in the dictionary entries is self-explanatory, and the use of special conventions has been kept to a minimum. The following pages are meant to explain the editorial approach and to assist the user by explaining the principles involved in assembling the information. 2. Headword a. Headwords are highlighted by one of the two methods displayed in the following examples. Highlighting in the second example indicates the word is not naturalized in English and is usually found in italics in printed matter. Example 1: saddle n. & v. --n. 1 a seat of leather etc., usu. raised at the front and rear, fastened on a horse etc. for riding. 2 a seat for the rider of a bicycle etc. 3 a joint of meat consisting of the two loins, 4 a ridge rising to a summit at each end. 5 the part of a Example 2: souvlaki n. (pl. souvlakia) a Greek dish of pieces of meat grilled on a skewer. [mod. Gk] b. Variant spellings are given before the definition; in all such cases the form given as the headword is the preferred form. Variant forms are also given at their own places in the dictionary when these are three or more entries away from the main form: saguaro n. (also sahuaro) (pl. -os) a giant cactus, Carnegiea gigantea, of the SW United States and Mexico. [Mex. Sp.] Variant spellings given at the beginning of an entry normally apply to the whole entry, including any phrases and undefined derivatives (see below, 9 -- 11). When variants apply only to certain functions or senses of a word, these are given in brackets at the relevant point in the entry. Words that are normally spelt with a capital initial are given in this form as the headword; when they are in some senses spelt with a small initial and in others with a capital initial this is indicated by repetition of the full word in the appropriate form within the entry. Variant American spellings are indicated by the designation US. These variants are often found in American use in addition to the main forms given: sabre n. & v. (US saber) --n. 1 a cavalry sword with a curved blade. 2 a cavalry soldier and horse. 3 a light fencing-sword with a tapering blade. --v.tr. cut down or wound with a sabre. c. Words that are different but spelt the same way (homographs) are distinguished by superior numerals: bat(1) n. & v. --n. 1 an implement with a handle, usu. of wood and with a flat or curved surface, used for hitting balls in games. 2 a turn at using this. 3 a batsman, esp. in cricket, usu. described in some way (an excellent bat). 4 (usu. in pl.) an object like a table-tennis bat used to guide aircraft when taxiing. --v. (batted, batting) 1 tr. hit with or as with a bat. 2 intr. take a turn at batting, Ьbat around 1 sl. potter aimlessly. 2 US discuss (an idea or proposal). off one's own bat unprompted, unaided. right off the bat US immediately. [ME f. OE batt club, perh. partly f. OF batte club f. battre strike] bat(2) n. any mouselike nocturnal mammal of the order Chiroptera, capable of flight by means of membranous wings extending from its forelimbs. Ьhave bats in the belfry be eccentric or crazy. like a bat out of hell very fast. [16th c., alt. of ME bakke f. Scand.] bat(3) v.tr. (batted, batting) wink (one's eyelid) (now usu. in phr.). Ьnot (or never) bat an eyelid colloq. show no reaction or emotion. [var. of obs. bate flutter] 3. Part of speech a. The grammatical identity of words as noun, verb, adjective, and so on, is given for all headwords and derivatives, and for compounds and phrases when necessary to aid clarity. The same part-of-speech label is used of groups of more than one word when the group has the function of that part of speech, e.g. ad hoc, Parthian shot. b. When a headword has more than one part of speech, a list is given at the beginning of the entry, and the treatment of the successive parts of speech (in the same order as the list) is introduced by a dash (--) in each case: safe adj. & n. --adj. 1 a free of danger or injury. b (often foll. by from) out of or not exposed to danger (safe from their enemies), 2 affording security or not involving danger or risk (put it in a safe place). 3 reliable, certain; that can be reckoned on (a safe catch; a safe method; is safe to win). 4 prevented from escaping or doing harm (have got him safe). 5 (also safe and sound) uninjured; with no harm done. 6 cautious and unenterprising; consistently moderate. --n, 1 a strong lockable cabinet etc. for valuables. 2 = meat safe c. The standard part-of-speech names are used, and the following additional explanations should be noted: 1) Nouns used attributively are designated attrib. when their function is not fully adjectival (e.g. model in a model student; the student is very model is not acceptable usage). a) Adjectives are labelled attrib. (= attributive) when they are placed before the word they modify (as in a blue car), and predic. (= predicative) when they occur (usually after a verb) in the predicate of a sentence (as in the car is blue). b) Some adjectives are restricted in such use: for example aware is normally used predicatively and undue is normally used attributively. 2) The designation absol. (= absolute) refers to uses of transitive verbs with an object implied but not stated (as in smoking kills and let me explain). 3) The designation 'in comb.' (= in combination), or 'also in comb.', refers to uses of words (especially adjectives) as an element joined by a hyphen with another word, as with crested, which often appears in forms such as red-crested, large-crested, and so on. 4. Inflection a. Inflection of words (i.e. plurals, past tenses, etc.) is given after the part of speech concerned: safari n, (pl. safaris) 1 a hunting or scientific expedition, esp. in E. Africa (go on safari). 2 a sightseeing trip to see African animals in their natural habitat. sag v. & n. --v.intr. (sagged, sagging) 1 sink or subside under weight or pressure, esp. unevenly. 2 have a downward bulge or curve in the middle. 3 fall in price. 4 (of a ship) drift from its course, esp. to leeward. The forms given are normally those in use in British English. Variant American forms are identified by the label US; these variants are often found in American use in addition to the main forms given. b. In general, the inflection of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs is given when it is irregular (as described further below) or when, though regular, it causes difficulty (as with forms such as budgeted, coos, and taxis). c. Plurals of nouns: nouns that form their plural regularly by adding -s (or -es when they end in s, -x, z, -sh, or soft -ch) receive no comment. Other plural forms are given, notably: 1) nouns ending in -i or -o. 2) nouns ending in -y. 3) nouns ending in Latinate forms such as -a and -um. 4) nouns with more than one plural form, e.g. fish and aquarium. 5) nouns with plurals involving a change in the stem, e.g. foot, feet. 6) nouns with a plural form identical to the singular form, e.g. sheep. 7) nouns in -ful, e.g. handful. d. Forms of verbs: The following forms are regarded as regular: 1) third person singular present forms adding -s to the stem (or -es to stems ending in -s, -x, -z, -sh, or soft -ch). 2) past tenses and past participles adding -ed to the stem, dropping a final silent e (e.g. changed, danced). 3) present participles adding -ing to the stem, dropping a final silent e (e.g. changing, dancing). 4) Other forms are given, notably: a) doubling of a final consonant, e.g. bat, batted, batting. b) strong and irregular forms involving a change in the stem, e.g. come, came, come, and go, went, gone. e. Comparative and Superlative of Adjectives and Adverbs: 1) Words of one syllable adding -er or -est, those ending in silent e dropping the e (e.g. braver, bravest) are regarded as regular. Most one-syllable words have these forms, but participial adjectives (e.g. pleased) do not. 2) Those that double a final consonant (e.g. hot, hotter, hottest) are given, as are two-syllable words that have comparative and superlative forms in -er and -est (of which very many are forms ending in -y, e.g. happy, happier, happiest), and their negative forms (e.g. unhappier, unhappiest). 3) It should be noted that specification of these forms indicates only that they are available; it is usually also possible to form comparatives with more and superlatives with most (as in more happy, most unhappy), which is the standard way of proceeding with adjectives and adverbs that do not admit of inflection. f. Adjectives in -able formed from Transitive Verbs: These are given as derivatives when there is sufficient evidence of their currency; in general they are formed as follows: 1) Verbs drop silent final -e except after c and g (e.g. movable but changeable). 2) Verbs of more than one syllable ending in -y (preceded by a consonant or qu) change y to i (e.g. enviable, undeniable). 3) A final consonant is often doubled as in normal inflection (e.g. conferrable, regrettable). 5. Definition a. Definitions are listed in a numbered sequence in order of comparative familiarity and importance, with the most current and important senses first: sail n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of material (orig. canvas, now usu. nylon etc.) extended on rigging to catch the wind and propel a boat or ship. 2 a ship's sails collectively. 3 a a voyage or excursion in a sailing-ship. b a voyage of specified duration. 4 a ship, esp. as discerned from its sails, 5 (collect.) ships in a squadron or company (a fleet of twenty sail). 6 (in pl.) Naut. a sl. a maker or repairer of sails. b hist, a chief petty officer in charge of rigging. 7 a wind-catching apparatus, usu. a set of boards, attached to the arm of a windmill. 8 a the dorsal fin of a sailfish. b the tentacle of a nautilus. c the float of a Portuguese man-of-war. --v. 1 intr. travel on water by the use of sails or engine-power. 2 tr. a navigate (a ship etc.). b travel on (a sea). 3 tr. set (a toy boat) afloat. 4 intr. glide or move smoothly or in a stately manner. 5 intr. (often foll. by through) colloq. succeed easily (sailed through the exams). b. They are subdivided into lettered senses (a, b, etc.) when these are closely related or call for collective treatment. 6. Illustrative examples Many examples of words in use are given to support, and in some cases supplement, the definitions. These appear in italics in brackets. They are meant to amplify meaning and (especially when following a grammatical point) illustrate how the word is used in context, as in the following sense of saint: a very virtuous person; a person of great real or affected holiness (would try the patience of a saint). 7. Grammatical information a. Definitions are often accompanied by explanations in brackets of how the word or phrase in question is used in context. Often, the comment refers to words that usually follow (foll. by) or precede (prec. by) the word being explained, For example, at sack(1): sack(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a large strong bag, usu. made of hessian, paper, or plastic, for storing or conveying goods. b (usu. foll. by of) this with its contents (a sack of potatoes). c a quantity contained in a sack. 2 (prec. by the) colloq. dismissal from employment. 3 (prec. by the) US sl. bed. 4 a a woman's short loose dress with a sacklike appearance. b archaic or hist. a woman's loose gown, or a silk train attached to the shoulders of this. 5 a man's or woman's loose-hanging coat not shaped to the back. --v.tr. 1 put into a sack or sacks. 2 colloq. dismiss from employment. Ьsack race a race between competitors in sacks up to the waist or neck. ЬЬsackful n. (pl. -fuls). sacklike adj. [OE sacc f. L saccus f. Gk sakkos, of Semitic orig.] sense 1b usually appears as a sack of (something), as the example further shows; and senses 2 and 3 always appear as the sack. b. With verbs, the fact that a sense is transitive or intransitive can affect the construction. In the examples given below, prevail is intransitive (and the construction is prevail on a person) and urge is transitive (and the construction is urge a person on). prevail v.intr. 1 (often foll. by against, over) be victorious or gain mastery. 2 be the more usual or predominant. 3 exist or occur in general use or experience; be current. 4 (foll. by on, upon) persuade. urge v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by on) drive forcibly; impel; hasten (urged them on; urged the horses forward). 2 (often foll. by to + infin. or that + clause) encourage or entreat earnestly or persistently (urged them to go; urged them to action; urged that they should go). c. The formula (foll. by to + infin.) means that the word is followed by a normal infinitive with to, as in want to leave and eager to learn. d. The formula (foll. by that + clause) indicates the routine addition of a clause with that, as in said that it was late. (For the omission of that, as in said it was late, see the usage note in the entry for that.) e. 'pres. part.' and 'verbal noun' denote verbal forms in -ing that function as adjectives and nouns respectively, as in set him laughing and tired of asking. 8. Usage a. If the use of a word is restricted in any way, this is indicated by any of various labels printed as follows: b. Geographical 1) Brit. indicates that the use is found chiefly in British English (and often also in Australian and New Zealand English, and in other parts of the Commonwealth) but not in American English. 2) US indicates that the use is found chiefly in American English (often including Canada and also in Australian and New Zealand English) but not in British English except as a conscious Americanism. 3) Other geographical designations (e.g. Austral., NZ, S.Afr.) restrict uses to the areas named. 4) These usage labels should be distinguished from comments of the type '(In the UK)' or '(in the US)' preceding definitions, which denote that tee thing defined is associated with the country named. For example, Pentagon is a US institution, but the term is not restricted to American English. c. Register 1) Levels of usage, or registers, are indicated as follows: 2) formal indicates uses that are normally restricted to formal (esp. written) English, e.g. commence. 3) colloq. (= colloquial) indicates a use that is normally restricted to informal (esp. spoken) English. 4) sl. (= slang) indicates a use of the most informal kind, unsuited to written English and often restricted to a particular social group. 5) archaic indicates a word that is restricted to special contexts such as legal or religious use, or is used for special effect. 6) literary indicates a word or use that is found chiefly in literature. 7) poet. (= poetic) indicates uses confined to poetry or other contexts with romantic connotations. 8) joc. (= jocular) indicates uses that are intended to be humorous or playful. 9) derog. (= derogatory) denotes uses that are intentionally disparaging. 10) offens. (= offensive) denotes uses that cause offence, whether intentionally or not. 11) disp. (= disputed) indicates a use that is disputed or controversial. Often this is enough to alert the user to a danger or difficulty; when further explanation is needed a usage note (see 8e below) is used as well or instead. 12) hist. (= historical) denotes a word or use that is confined to historical reference, normally because the thing referred to no longer exists. 13) propr. (= proprietary) denotes a term that has the status of a trade mark (see "Note on Proprietary Status" in topic PREFACE.3) d. Subject The many subject labels, e.g. Law, Math., Naut., show that a word or sense is current only in a particular field of activity, and is not in general use. e. Usage Notes These are added to give extra information not central to the definition, and to explain points of grammar and usage. They are introduced by the symbol °. The purpose of these notes is not to prescribe usage but to alert the user to a difficulty or controversy attached to particular uses. 9. Phrases and idioms a. These are listed (together with compounds) in alphabetical order after the treatment of the main senses, introduced by the symbol Ь. The words a, the, one, and person do not count for purposes of alphabetical order: Ьon the safe side with a margin of security against risks. safe bet a bet that is certain to succeed. safe-breaker (or -blower or -cracker) a person who breaks open and robs safes. safe conduct 1 a privilege of immunity from arrest or harm, esp. on a particular occasion. 2 a document securing this. safe deposit a building containing strongrooms and safes let separately. safe house a place of refuge or rendezvous for spies etc. safe keeping preservation in a safe place. safe light Photog. a filtered light for use in a darkroom. safe period the time during and near the menstrual period when conception is least likely. safe seat a seat in Parliament etc. that is usually won with a large margin by a particular party. b. They are normally defined under the earliest important word in the phrase, except when a later word is more clearly the key word or is the common word in a phrase with variants (in which case a cross-reference often appears at the entry for the earliest word): make do 1 manage with the limited or inadequate means available. 2 (foll. by with) manage with (something) as an inferior substitute. make an example of punish as a warning to others. make a fool of see FOOL(1). make for 1 tend to result in (happiness etc.). 2 proceed towards (a place). 3 assault; attack. 4 confirm (an opinion). make friends (often foll. by with) become friendly. make fun of see FUN. make good see GOOD. make a habit of see HABIT. make a hash of see HASH(1). make hay see HAY(1). make head or tail of see HEAD. make a House Polit. secure the presence of enough members for a quorum or support in the House of Commons. make it colloq. 1 succeed in reaching, esp. in time. 2 be successful. 3 (usu. foll. by with) sl. have sexual intercourse (with). make it up 1 be reconciled, esp. after a quarrel. 2 fill in a deficit. make it up to remedy negligence, an injury, etc. to (a person). make light of see LIGHT(2). make love see LOVE. make a meal of see MEAL(1). make merry see MERRY. 10. Compounds a. Compound terms forming one word (e.g. bathroom, newspaper) are listed as main entries; those consisting of two or more words (e.g. chain reaction) or joined by a hyphen (e.g. chain-gang) are given under the first element or occasionally as main entries. 11. Derivatives a. Words formed by adding a suffix to another word are in many cases listed at the end of the entry for the main word, introduced by the symbol ЬЬ. In this position they are not defined since they can be understood from the sense of the main word and that given at the suffix concerned: ЬЬ saintdom n. sainthood n. saintlike adj. saintling n. saintship n. When further definition is called for they are given main entries in their own right (e.g. changeable). b. For derivative words used in combination (e.g. -crested in red-crested), see 3c3 above. 12. Etymology a. A brief account of the etymology, or origin, of words is given in square brackets at the end of entries. It is not given for compound words of obvious formation (such as bathroom and jellyfish), for routinely formed derivatives (such as changeable, muddy, and seller), or for words consisting of clearly identified elements already explained (such as Anglo-Saxon, overrun, and many words in in-, re-, un-, etc.). It is also not always given for every word of a set sharing the same basic origin (such as the group from proprietary to propriety). Noteworthy features, such as an origin in Old English, are however always given. b. More detailed information can be found in the Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology (ed. C. T. Onions et al., 1966) and the Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology (ed. T. F, Hoad, 1986). c. The immediate source language is given first. Forms in other languages are not given if they are exactly or nearly the same as the English form given in the headword. d. Words of Germanic origin are described as 'f. Gmc' or 'f. WG' (West Germanic) as appropriate; unrecorded or postulated forms are not normally given. e. OE (Old English) is used for words that are known to have been used before AD 1150, and ME (Middle English) for words traceable to the period 1150-1500 (no distinction being made between early and late Middle English). f. Words of Romance origin are referred to their immediate source, usually F (French) or OF (Old French before 1400), and then to earlier sources when known. g. AF (Anglo-French) denotes the variety of French current in England in the Middle Ages after the Norman Conquest. h. Rmc (Romanic) denotes the vernacular descendants of Latin that are the source of French, Spanish, Italian, etc. Romanic forms are almost always of the 'unrecorded' or 'postulated' kind, and are not specified except to clarify a significant change of form. Often the formula 'ult. f. L' etc. (ultimately from Latin, etc.) is used to indicate that the route from Latin is via Romanic forms. i. L (Latin) denotes classical Latin up to about AD 200; OL (Old Latin) Latin before about 75 BC; LL (Late Latin) Latin of about 200-600; med.L (medieval Latin) Latin of about 600-1500; mod.L (modern Latin) Latin in use (mainly for technical purposes) since about 1500. j. Similar divisions for 'late', 'medieval', and 'modern' are made for Greek. k. Many English words have corresponding forms in both French and Latin, and it cannot always be established which was the immediate source. In such cases the formula 'F or L' is used (e.g. section...F section or L sectio); in these cases the Latin form is the source of the French word and (either directly or indirectly) of the English word. l. Some words are derived from languages which are not in wide enough use for them to be included as entries in the dictionary. These languages are listed below by regions; further information about them can be found in encyclopaedias and other reference books. 1) Those spoken in America are Aleutian (related to Eskimo), Surinam Negro (a Creole based on English), and the following American Indian languages: Abnaki, Araucan, Aymar , Chinook, Creek, Dakota, Fox, Galibi, Hopi, Miskito, Narragansett, Nootka, Ojibwa, Paiute, Penobscot, Renape, and Taino. 2) Those spoken in Africa are Bangi, Fiot, Foulah, Khoisan, Kongo, Lingala, Mandingo, Mbuba, Mende, Nguni, Temne, and Twi. 3) Those spoken in Asia are Ambonese (spoken in Indonesia), Assamese (in India), Batti (in Tibet), Maldive (in the Maldive Islands), Mishmi (in India), Sundanese (in Indonesia), and Tungus (in Siberia). 4) Tongan is a Polynesian language. m. When the origin of a word cannot be reliably established, the forms 'orig. unkn.' (= origin unknown) and 'orig. uncert.' (= origin uncertain) are used, even if frequently canvassed speculative derivations exist (as with gremlin and pommy). In these cases the century of the first recorded occurrence of the word in English is given. n. An equals sign (=) precedes words in other languages that are parallel formations from a common source (cognates) rather than sources of the English word. 13. Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms a. A large selection of these is given in the main body of the text; prefixes are given in the form ex-, re-, etc., and suffixes in the form -ion, -ness, etc. These entries should be consulted to explain the many routinely formed derivatives given at the end of entries (see above, 11). b. Combining forms (e.g. bio-, -graphy) are semantically significant elements that can be attached to words or elements as explained in the usage note at the entry for combine. c. The pronunciation given for a prefix, suffix, or combining form is an approximate one for purposes of articulating and (in some cases) identifying the headword; pronunciation and stress may change considerably when they form part of a word. 14. Cross-references a. These are introduced by any of a number of reference types, as follows: 1) '='denotes that the meaning of the item at which the cross-reference occurs is the same as that of the item referred to. 2) 'see' indicates that the information sought will be found at the point referred to, and is widely used in the idiom sections of entries to deal with items that can be located at any of a number of words included in the idiom (see also above, 9b). 3) 'see also' indicates that further information can be found at the point referred to. 4) 'cf' denotes an item related or relevant to the one being consulted, and the reference often completes or clarifies the exact meaning of the item being treated. 5) 'opp.' refers to a word or sense that is opposite to the one being treated, and again often completes or clarifies the sense. 6) References of the kind 'pl. of' (= plural of), 'past of' (= past tense of), etc., are given at entries for inflections and other related forms. b. Cross-references preceded by any of these reference types appear in small capitals if the reference is to a main headword, and in italics if the reference is to a compound or idiom within an entry. c. References in italics to compounds and defined phrases are to the entry for the first word unless another is specified. PREFACE.2 Abbreviations used in the Dictionary =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Some abbreviations (especially of language-names) occur only in etymologies. Others may appear in italics. Abbreviations in general use (such as etc., i.e., and those for books of the Bible are explained in the dictionary itself. abbr. abbreviation ablat. ablative absol. absolute(ly) acc. according accus. accusative adj. adjective adv. adverb Aeron. Aeronautics AF Anglo-French Afr. Africa, African Afrik. Afrikaans Akkad. Akkadian AL Anglo-Latin alt. alteration Amer. America, American Anat. Anatomy anc. ancient Anglo-Ind. Anglo-Indian Anthropol. Anthropology Antiq. Antiquities, Antiquity app. apparently Arab. Arabic Aram. Aramaic arbitr. arbitrary, arbitrarily Archaeol. Archaeology Archit. Architecture Arith. Arithmetic assim, assimilated assoc. associated, association Assyr. Assyrian Astrol. Astrology Astron. Astronomy Astronaut. Astronautics attrib. attributive(ly) attrib.adj. attributive adjective augment. augmentative Austral. Australia, Australian aux. auxiliary back-form. back-formation Bibl. Biblical Bibliog. Bibliography Biochem. Biochemistry Biol. Biology Bot. Botany Braz. Brazil, Brazilian Bret. Breton Brit. British, in British use Bulg. Bulgarian Burm. Burmese Byz. Byzantine c. century c. circa Can. Canada, Canadian Cat. Catalan Celt. Celtic Ch. Church Chem. Chemistry Chin. Chinese Cinematog. Cinematography class. classical coarse sl. coarse slang cogn. cognate collect. collective(ly) colloq. colloquial(ly) comb. combination; combining compar. comparative compl. complement Conchol. Conchology conj. conjunction conn. connected constr. construction contr. contraction Corn. Cornish corresp. corresponding corrupt. corruption Criminol. Criminology Crystallog. Crystallography Da. Danish decl. declension def. definite Demog. Demography demons. demonstrative demons.adj. demonstrative adjective demons.pron. demonstrative pronoun deriv. derivative derog. derogatory dial. dialect different. differentiated dimin. diminutive disp. disputed (use) dissim. dissimilated distrib. distributive Du. Dutch E English Eccl. Ecclesiastical Ecol. Ecology Econ. Economics EFris. East Frisian Egypt. Egyptian E.Ind. East Indian, of the East Indies Electr. Electricity elem. elementary ellipt. elliptical(ly) emphat. emphatic(ally) Engin. Engineering Engl. England; English Entomol. Entomology erron. erroneous(ly) esp. especial(ly) etym. etymology euphem. euphemism Eur. Europe, European ex. example exc. except exclam. exclamation F French f. from fam. familiar fem. feminine fig. figurative(ly) Finn. Finnish Flem. Flemish foll. followed, following form. formation Fr. French Frank. Frankish frequent. frequentative(ly) G German Gael. Gaelic Gallo-Rom. Gallo-Roman gen. general genit. genitive Geog. Geography Geol. Geology Geom. Geometry Ger. German Gk Greek Gk Hist. Greek History Gmc Germanic Goth. Gothic Gram. Grammar Heb. Hebrew Hind. Hindustani Hist. History hist. with historical reference Horol. Horology Hort. Horticulture Hung. Hungarian Icel. Icelandic IE Indo-European illit. illiterate imit. imitative immed. immediate(ly) imper. imperative impers. impersonal incept. inceptive incl. including; inclusive Ind. of the subcontinent comprising India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh ind. indirect indecl. indeclinable indef. indefinite infin. infinitive infl. influence(d) instr. instrumental (case) int. interjection interrog. interrogative(ly) interrog.adj. interrogative adjective interrog.pron. interrogative pronoun intr. intransitive Ir. Irish (language or usage) iron. ironical(ly) irreg. irregular(ly) It. Italian Jap. Japan, Japanese Jav. Javanese joc. jocular(ly) L Latin lang. language LG Low German LHeb. Late Hebrew lit. literal(ly) LL Late Latin M Middle (with languages) masc. masculine Math. Mathematics MDa. Middle Danish MDu. Middle Dutch ME Middle English Mech. Mechanics Med. Medicine med. medieval med.L medieval Latin metaph. metaphorical metath. metathesis Meteorol. Meteorology Mex. Mexican MFlem. Middle Flemish MHG Middle High German Mil. Military Mineral. Mineralogy mistransl. mistranslation MLG Middle Low German mod. modern mod.L modern Latin MSw. Middle Swedish Mus. Music Mythol. Mythology n. noun N.Amer. North America, North American Nat. National Naut. Nautical neg. negative(ly) N.Engl. North of England neut. neuter Norm. Norman north. northern Norw. Norwegian n.pl. noun plural num. numeral NZ New Zealand O Old (with languages) obj. object; objective OBret. Old Breton OBrit. Old British obs. obsolete Obstet. Obstetrics OBulg. Old Bulgarian occas. occasional(ly) OCelt. Old Celtic ODa. Old Danish ODu. Old Dutch OE Old English OF Old French offens. offensive OFrank. Old Frankish OFris. Old Frisian OGael. Old Gaelic OHG Old High German OIcel. Old Icelandic OIr. Old Irish OIt. Old Italian OL Old Latin OLG Old Low German ON Old Norse ONF Old Northern French ONorw. Old Norwegian OPers. Old Persian OPort. Old Portuguese opp- (as) opposed (to); opposite (of) OProv. Old Provencal orig. origin; original(ly) Ornithol. Ornithology OS Old Saxon OScand. Old Scandinavian OSlav. Old Slavonic OSp. Old Spanish OSw. Old Swedish Palaeog. Palaeography Parl. Parliament; Parliamentary part. participle past part. past participle Pathol. Pathology pejor. pejorative perf. perfect (tense) perh. perhaps Pers. Persian pers. person(al) Peruv. Peruvian Pharm. Pharmacy; Pharmacology Philol. Philology Philos. Philosophy Phoen, Phoenician Phonet. Phonetics Photog. Photography phr. phrase Phrenol. Phrenology Physiol. Physiology pl. plural poet. poetical Pol. Polish Polit. Politics pop. popular, not technical pop.L popular Latin, informal spoken Latin Port. Portuguese poss. possessive poss.pron. possessive pronoun prec. preceded, preceding predic. predicate; predicative(ly) predic.adj. predicative adjective prep. preposition pres.part. present participle prob. probable, probably pron. pronoun pronunc. pronunciation propr. proprietary term Prov. Provencal Psychol. Psychology RC Ch. Roman Catholic Church redupl. reduplicated ref. reference refl. reflexive(ly) rel. related; relative rel.adj. relative adjective Relig. Religion rel.pron. relative pronoun repr. representing Rhet. Rhetoric rhet. rhetorical(ly) Rmc Romanic Rom. Roman Rom.Hist. Roman History Russ. Russian S.Afr. South Africa, South African S.Amer. South America, South American SC. Scottish Scand. Scandinavia, Scandinavian Sci. Science Shakesp. Shakespeare sing. singular Sinh. Sinhalese Skr. Sanskrit sl. slang Slav. Slavonic Sociol. Sociology Sp. Spanish spec. special(ly) Stock Exch. Stock Exchange subj. subject; subjunctive superl. superlative Sw. Swedish syll. syllable symb. symbol syn. synonym techn. technical(ly) Telev. Television Teut. Teutonic Theatr. Theatre, Theatrical Theol. Theology tr. transitive transf. in transferred sense transl. translation Turk. Turkish Typog. Typography ult. ultimate(ly) uncert. uncertain unexpl. unexplained univ. university unkn. unknown US American, in American use usu. usual(ly) v. verb var. variant(s) v.aux. auxiliary verb Vet. Veterinary v.intr. intransitive verb voc. vocative v.refl. reflexive verb v.tr. transitive verb WFris. West Frisian WG West Germanic W.Ind. West Indian, of the West Indies WS West Saxon WSlav. West Slavonic Zool. Zoology PREFACE.3 Note on Proprietary Status =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This dictionary includes some words which are, or are asserted to be, proprietary names or trade marks. Their inclusion does not imply that they have acquired for legal purposes a non-proprietary or general significance, nor is any other judgement implied concerning their legal status. In cases where the editor has some evidence that a word is used as a proprietary name or trade mark this is indicated by the designation propr., but no judgement concerning the legal status of such words is made or implied thereby. По низкой цене ифнс 46 всем желающим. Качественно. |