Сборники Художественной, Технической, Справочной, Английской, Нормативной, Исторической, и др. литературы.

Medical and pharmaceutical encyclopaedia Pharm Assist v. 2.06-CD

1. Due to a heavy loss of body fluids associated with severe burns it is important that you watch for shock, and treat if necessary.

2. For first degree burns and second degree burns with unopened blisters, flush with cool running water for a few minutes then apply a moist dressing and bandage loosely.|bFlush with cool running water.|dApply moist dressing and bandage loosely.|SECOND DEGREE BURNS
The second degree burn involves damage below the outermost surface of the skin (epidermis), and extends down into the lower levels of the skin and involves partial damage to the dermis.  The characteristic sign of a second degree burn is the formation of blisters.

1. Due to a heavy loss of body fluids associated with severe burns it is important that you watch for, and treat, if necessary, for shock.

2. For first degree burns and second degree burns with unopened blisters, flush with cool running water for a few minutes then apply a moist dressing and bandage loosely.

3. For second degree burns with open blisters and third degree burns apply dry dressings and bandage loosely.  DO NOT FLUSH WITH WATER!  As it will increase the chances of shock.|cFlush with water ONLY if blisters are NOT opened.|dApply a dry dressing.|fBandage loosely.|THIRD DEGREE BURNS
Third degree burns are the most damaging and most serious.  The damage may extend well below both the epidermis and dermis and involve damage beyond subcutaneous layer (the fatty layer below the dermis) and on into muscle tissue.

1. Due to a heavy loss of body fluids associated with severe burns it is important that you watch for, and treat, if necessary, for shock.

2. For third degree burns apply dry dressings and bandage loosely.  DO NOT FLUSH WITH WATER!  As it will increase the chances of shock.|eDO NOT FLUSH WITH WATER!|dApply a dry dressing|fBandage loosely|FIRST AID FOR ELECTRICAL BURNS
Make sure the victim is free of any electrical contact before you touch them.  Failure to do this may result in you becoming an electrical burn victim also.

Look for signs of cardiac arrest and if necessary, begin CPR.|oRemove electrical source before touching the victim.|pLook for signs of cardiac arrest (no pulse, no breathing) and begin C.P.R. if necessary.|FIRST AID FOR CHEMICAL BURNS
1. Flush with running water for 15 to 30 minutes.
2. Remove any clothing etc. that may have chemicals on them.
3. Cover the burn with a dry, loose dressing.
4. Watch for signs and symptoms of shock and treat if necessary.|qRemove any clothing that may have chemicals on them and flush the area for 15 to 30 minutes with running water.|rCover burn with dry, loose dressing.|sWatch for signs of shock and treat if necessary.|A "Heart Attack" is a situation where one or more of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle become blocked.  If the blockage is sufficient enough to preclude blood from nourishing the heart, heart cells begin to die.  When the heart cells die, the heart may not be able to pump properly.  In the worst of situations, the damage can be so extensive that the heart can no longer pump at all.  When the heart stops pumping altogether, the victim is in "Cardiac Arrest" and needs Immediate first aid in the form of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (C.P.R.).

Since any heart attack can lead to cardiac arrest, it is extremely important to be able to recognize the symptoms and signs before the heart stops completely - Cardiac Arrest.

According to statistics, most people who die of cardiac arrest, die within 2 hours of a major heart attack.

A.   Chest discomfort or pain.

May be described as an uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, aching, fullness or tightness, constricting, heavy or oppressive feeling in the center of the chest behind the breastbone.  This pain or discomfort may even spread from the chest to the neck, jaw, back or both arms or shoulders.

In addition to the chest pains, other symptoms include:

B.   Sweating
C.   Nausea
D.   Shortness of breath

1.   Recognize the symptoms and take control of the situation.

2.   Sit or lie the victim down, in a comfortable position.

3.   Loosen restrictive clothing and do not allow the victim to move around.

4.   Have someone call 911, or do it yourself if necessary.

5.   Be prepared to administer C.P.R. if the victim goes into cardiac arrest.|wSit or lie the victim down in a comfortable position.|‚Loosen restrictive clothing.  (Do not allow the victim to move around).|tContact medical help immediately.|јIf the victim goes into cardiac arrest administer CPR.|RISK FACTORS YOU CAN'T CHANGE
The risk factors that you cannot change are:
 A. Age (the older you get, the greater the risk)
 B. Sex (Males are at greater risk than females)
 C. Heredity (Family history of Cardiovascular Disease)

The risk factors that you can change are:
 A. Stress
 B. Uncontrolled Diabetes
 C. Cigarette Smoking
 D. High Blood Pressure
 E. High Blood Cholesterol (diets high in saturated fats or cholesterol)

Blood pressure is the force the heart uses to push the blood through the arteries and is measured in terms of pressure exerted.  During threatening situations, your blood pressure will rise naturally and is considered quite normal.  This is the body's way of providing more energy for use during stress or emergency situations.  However, when your blood pressure is frequently or consistently above "normal," (e.g. 120/80 is statistically normal for people between the ages of 18-45 years) it is identified as hypertension.  Although there are no cures for hypertension, it can be controlled medically.

The measurement, e.g.. 120/80, is the measurement of both the systolic (the upper number), and the diastolic (the lower number) pressure readings.  Systolic pressure (eg.120) is measured when the heart contracts (pumps) and increases the pressure of the blood in your circulatory system.  When the heart relaxes between beats, the pressure levels off and is called diastolic pressure.|xPain located under the breastbone, mid-chest, or entire upper chest.|yPain in mid-chest, neck, and jaw.|zPain in mid-chest, and inside arms.  As an early warning sign, the pain is more frequent in the left arm and shoulder.|{Pain in upper abdomen.  May be mistaken for indigestion.||Pain inside of arms, neck, jaw, and a larger area of the chest.|}Pain in the neck area, both sides, center, jaw (from ear to ear).|~Pain inside the right arm, from the armpit to just below the elbow.  Inside left arm to the wrist.  Left side pain is more frequent than right side and may include shoulder pain.|Pain between the shoulder blades.|Internal bleeding can either be somewhat insignificant, as in the case of a bruise, or serious enough to cause heart failure, lung failure and shock.  Because internal bleeding is not as obvious as external bleeding it is very important to know both the signs and symptoms associated with internal bleeding.

1.  Blood in vomit
2.  Bruises on the chest
3.  Signs of fractured ribs
4.  Bruised, tender, swollen or rigid abdomen
5.  Fractured pelvis
6.  Bleeding from the rectum
7.  Bleeding from the vagina
8.  Penetration of the chest
9.  Penetration of the abdomen
10. Cool, moist skin
11. Difficult breathing and abnormal pulse

1. Get medical help immediately
2. Keep the victim calm
3. Make sure the victim's airway stays clear and unobstructed
4. Make sure the victim's heart continues pumping
  (periodically check the pulse)
5. If the victim is wearing tight clothing, loosen it
6. If necessary, treat for shock
7. Control external bleeding|tContact emergency medical help immediately.|ЂKeep the victim calm.|ЃKeep the victims airway clear and unabstructed.|‚Loosen tight clothing.|sIf necessary, control external bleeding and treat for shock.|External bleeding can be the result of open wounds, where the skin has been opened up as from a cut.  There are basically seven different types of open wounds that may result in external bleeding:

Damage to the skin resulting from a scrape or rubbing.  This generally results in minimal bleeding.

Damage created by something poking through the skin.  May result from a pin or bullet, etc..  In addition to external bleeding from this wound, there may also be internal bleeding.

Jagged or torn soft tissue caused by sharp irregular objects like broken glass, etc..

Sharp even cuts caused by knives, razor blades, etc..  This type of wound may result in heavy bleeding and possible damage to muscles, nerves and tendons.

Avulsions involve torn tissue possibly hanging off the body.  This type of wound can involve heavy bleeding.

This type injury may be the result of a car or industrial machinery accident.  May include injuries to internal organs and bone fractures.  Crushing injuries may involve both heavy internal and external bleeding.

This type of wound involves the complete separation of a body extremity (finger, hand, leg, etc).  Bleeding from an amputation often involves less bleeding than one would suspect.

If at all possible, cover the wound with a clean dressing and hold it tightly to the wound.  If you do not have a clean dressing available, you must use your hand.  Remember, once you put a dressing on a wound, do not remove it.  Removing it can start the bleeding all over again.  If a dressing gets saturated, just apply the next one directly over the original one.

If direct pressure fails to stop the bleeding and you do not feel that there is a fracture, elevate the wound above heart level and apply direct pressure.

The third method to be tried in order to stop bleeding is used if both direct pressure and elevation do not work.  The third method is accomplished by applying pressure (with your hand) to one of four points on the body.  Those points are located on either side of the groin and on the inside of the inner arms over the biceps.  If possible, this method should be used along with direct pressure and elevation.

The last step that may be used to stop bleeding is a pressure bandage.  This is accomplished by placing a clean dressing over the wound and securing it in place with an appropriate sized bandage.  As you wrap the wound with the bandage apply pressure on the wound to help slow the bleeding.  When you have completed the wrapping check to make sure the pressure bandage is not too tight.  You can check the tightness by feeling for a pulse.  If the pulse is weak or non-existent, the bandage is too tight and needs to be loosened.  Additionally, if you notice the victims finger tips or toes turning a bluish color, the bandage is too tight.

To reduce the possibility of infection, wash your hands, or better still, if available, wear latex gloves before you treat the wound.  Use clean sterile dressings and take care not to contaminate the wound especially when you are administering first aid outside, e.g. camping, car accident, etc..

Infection may develop within a few hours or days of an injury.  If the wound was somehow contaminated and an infection results, it will be evident by these signs and symptoms.

 1. Pain and tenderness at the wound
 2. Feeling of heat at the wound
 3. Redness
 4.  Swelling
 5. Pus in the wound or under the skin
 6. Red streaks leading away from the wound
 7. Swollen lymph glands closest to the wound|gApply direct pressure.|hElevate the wound.|iApply pressure to the nearest pressure point to the wound if the wound is on one of the extremities.|jApply a pressure bandage.  Caution:  do not wrap so tight as to stop the pulse below the wound.|Shock is the condition where the cardiovascular system is incapable of keeping an adequate blood supply to essential body organs, such as the brain, lungs and heart.

There are six types of shock that are directly related to your vascular (blood vessel) system:

 1. Hypovolemic shock (blood loss)
 2. Metabolic shock (loss of body fluid)
 3. Psychogenic shock (fainting)
 4. Septic shock (severe generalized infection)
 5. Neurogenic shock (loss of nervous control of the
    vascular system)
 6. Cardiogenic shock (heart malfunctions)

In addition to the six types of shock related to the vascular system there are two other types that are non-vascular in nature.

 1. Respiratory shock (severe chest injury or obstruction
    of the airway)
 2. Anaphylactic shock (a violent reaction to a substance,
    e.g. allergic reaction to a drug, bee sting, etc.)

1. Confused behavior
2. Very fast or very slow pulse
3. Very fast of very slow breathing
4. Cool and moist skin
5. Pale or bluish skin, lips or fingernails
6. Trembling and weakness in the arms and legs
7. Enlarged pupils

If you do not suspect leg fractures, head or neck injuries, lay the victim flat on their back and elevate their feet approximately 8 to 12 inches.

If you suspect head or neck injuries, keep the victim lying flat on their back (do not elevate the feet).  If there are any doubts in your mind whether or not the injury is to the head or neck, keep them lying flat.  Do not move the victim of a head or neck injury unless their life is in immediate danger due to an approaching fire, possible explosion, etc.  In that case, move the victim only as far as is obviously necessary to protect their life and do so without bending or twisting their body.

If the shock victim starts to vomit, place the victim on his/her side so that the fluids will drain from the mouth and not block the airway.

If the shock victim has trouble breathing, the shock position should be a semi-reclining position.  This can be accomplished using blankets, pillows, etc. to raise the victims head and back.

It is important in caring for all shock victims that you try to maintain their normal body temperature.  Keep them warm enough on a cold day and cool enough on a hot day to accomplish this.|sElevate the feet 8 to 12 inches if there are no head or neck injuries suspected.  Otherwise, keep them laying flat.|tContact medical help immediately.|ГMonitor circulation and breathing.|wIf the victim has trouble breathing,  place them in a semi laying or inclined sitting position.|uIf the victim vomits, place them on their side.|vMaintain normal body temperature.  In cold weather, cover with a blanket, etc.  In warm weather, remove or loosen clothing as necessary.|јIf breathing stops, begin rescue breathing.  If the heart stops, begin C.P.R.|Nose bleeds can be the result of a number of different things to include:  head, back or neck injuries; high blood pressure; heavy exercises; changes in altitude; etc.

If the nose bleed appears to be the result of a neck, head or back injury, do not try to control the bleeding.  Instead, stabilize head or neck and keep the victim from moving until medical help arrives.|ЃStabilize the head, or neck and do not try to control the bleeding.|tContact emergency medical help immediately.|Nose bleeds can be the result of a number of different things to include:  head, back or neck injuries; high blood pressure; heavy exercises; changes in altitude; etc.

If the nose bleed does not appear to be the result of a head, neck or back injury, have the victim remain quiet (sit down) and pinch the nose shut while leaning a bit forward.|›Remain quiet, pinch nose shut, lean forward a bit until bleeding stops.|EYE INJURY SYMPTOMS
1. Something obviously visible, a foreign body, e.g. dirt, wood etc.
2. Redness
3. Burning sensation
4. Tears
5. Headache
6. Pain

1. Do not rub the eyes.

2. Wash your hands before you begin first aid.

3. If the foreign object is loosely floating on the surface of the eye, pull the upper eyelid down over the lower eyelid.

4. If the eyelid method does not work, tape a dressing loosely over both eyes and see your doctor.|kPull upper eyelid down over lower eyelid.|lIf eyelid method fails, loosely bandage both eyes and seek medical attention.|EYE INJURY SYMPTOMS
1. Something obviously visible, a foreign body, e.g. dirt, wood etc.
2. Redness
3. Burning sensation
4. Tears
5. Headache
6. Pain

1. Do not rub the eyes.

2. If a foreign body has penetrated the eyeball, do not remove it yourself.  Place something like a paper cup over the injured eye (hollow end over the eye) and tape it into place.  Also wrap the uninjured eye to reduce eye movement of the injured eye.|nDo not remove the penetrating object from the eye.  Bandage so as not to disturb the penetrating object.  Bandage uninjured eye loosely and seek medical attention.|EYE INJURY SYMPTOMS
1. Something obviously visible, a foreign body, e.g. dirt, wood etc.
2. Redness
3. Burning sensation
4. Tears
5. Headache
6. Pain

1. Do not rub the eyes.

2. Wash your hands before you begin first aid.

3. If the eye injury is the result of a chemical, wash the eye immediately with running water for at least 15 to 30 minutes.  Tilt the victims head sideways (over a sink) and rinse from the side of the eye closest to the nose.  Then wrap the eyes loosely and see your doctor.|mRinse with running water for 15 to 30 minutes.|lBandage both eyes loosely and seek medical attention.|SPRAINS
Sprains are the result of damaged (torn or stretched) blood vessels, ligaments and tendons around body joints, e.g. elbows, ankles, etc..  The symptoms of a sprain include tenderness, discoloration, swelling and pain at the injured joint.

Strains are muscles that have been either torn or stretched (usually in the area of the back muscles).  The symptoms of a strain can include swelling, sharp pain and stiffness.

Fractures are broken bones and are classified as either being "open" or "closed".  An "open" fracture (compound) is a broken bone that penetrates the surface of the skin.  A "closed" fracture (simple) is a broken bone that does not penetrate through the skin.  All fractures, either open or closed run the risk of having caused internal injury and may lead to shock.  The symptoms of a fracture can include obvious deformities, pain, bruising, swelling, tenderness, grating sensation and inability to move the injured part.

Dislocations are injuries to the ligaments of a joint.  The injured ligaments may result in displacing the bond ends so that the result is extremely painful.  The symptoms of a dislocation include deformity, swelling, pain, restricted or loss of movement and tenderness.

A. Immobilize the injured area.
B. Prevent further damage.
C. Reduce pain.
D. Reduce the chance of dangerous bleeding.
E. Preclude a closed fracture from becoming an open fracture.

A. Do not try to straighten out a deformity or dislocation.  Splint the injury in the position you find it.

B. Splint only if you can without causing further pain or damage.

C. Splint the injured area so as to immobilize the joints directly above and below the injury.

D. Check to make sure the splint has not restricted circulation.|ѓDo not try to straighten out the deformity.|„Immobilize the injured limb.|…Make sure the splint does not stop the circulation.|†If the injury is not an open fracture, apply an ice pack to reduce swelling.|sIf necessary, treat for shock.|Because mouths of animals and people are full of bacteria, there is a very high risk of infection.  Therefore, you need to check and make sure your tetanus immunizations are current.  Some of the signs and symptoms of these types of bites may include:

 1. Pain or tenderness
 2. Heat
 3. Redness
 4. Swelling
 5. Pus beneath the skin or on the wound
 6. Red streaks leading from the wound
 7. Swollen lymph glands

1. If the wound is not bleeding heavily, wash the wound with soap and water and apply a clean dressing and bandage.

2. If the wound is bleeding heavily, do not try to clean it.  Control the bleeding and apply a clean dressing and bandage.

3. Seek medical assistance right away.

*NOTE: If you live in an area where animals have been known to carry rabies and you believe that the victim was bitten by an infected animal, seek medical attention right away.  Additionally, notify the animal control authorities so they can attempt to capture the animal for evaluation.|‡If not bleeding heavily, wash with soap and water.|€If bleeding heavily, do not wash, but control the bleeding (see external bleeding)|fApply a clean dressing and bandage.|tSeek medical attention right away.|TYPES OF POISONOUS SNAKES
There are approximately 150 species of snakes in the United States out of which only four are poisonous:
 1.   Rattlesnake
 2.   Copperhead
 3.   Cottonmouth (water moccasin)
 4.   Coral Snake

Most snake bites occur between April and October and are concentrated in only a few of the states with Texas leading in the number of bites.  The other states that are considered high snake bite areas are:  Mississippi, Louisiana, West Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Georgia.

The characteristics of a poisonous snake bite include two small puncture wounds (approximately 1/2 inch apart), discoloration, burning pain and swelling.  NOTE:  The Coral Snake will not have the two puncture wounds like the other poisonous snakes.  Non-poisonous snakes can also cause bites and will usually look like horseshoe shaped tooth pattern.

1. Keep the victim in a supine position and keep them quiet.

2. Clean the bite area with soap and water or a mild antiseptic.

3. Wrap a soft rubber tube around the extremity just above and below the fang marks.  Be careful not to make the constriction band so tight as to cut off circulation (in other words - do not make a tourniquet).

4. Immobilize the extremity with a splint.

5. Do not give anything by mouth, especially alcohol.

6. If the victim starts to vomit it may be the result of fear and anxiety rather from the toxin itself.

7. If the bite is on the victim's trunk, constriction bands and splinting will not be possible so keep the victim supine and quiet.

8. Watch for signs of shock.

9. Get medical attention immediately.

*NOTE: If possible, kill the snake and take it with you for identification.|ЂKeep victim quiet and laying down.|‡Clean the bite with soap and water.|‰If possible, place a constriction band just above and below the bite.  (not possible if the bite was on the body trunk)|ЉImmobilize the extremity.|•Do not give anything by mouth.|sIf necessary treat for shock.|tContact medical help immediately.|Beyond the fact that insect bites or stings are irritating and sometimes painful to someone who is allergic to them, they can be life threatening.  Symptoms of an allergic reaction to a bite or sting may include:

 1. Pain
 2. Redness or discoloration
 3. Hives
 4. Itching
 5. Throat swelling
 6. Difficult or noisy breathing
 7. Decreased consciousness
 8. Possible shock

1. Remove the stinger with tweezers or by scraping it with something.  Do not squeeze the stinger because that may inject more venom into the victim.

2. Wash well with soap and water.

3. Cover wound with an ice pack to help reduce swelling and pain.

4. If possible, position the bite/sting area below the level of the heart to help slow down the flow of venom.

5. Watch for signs of an allergic reaction and be prepared to treat or prevent shock.|ЊRemove stinger.|‡Wash injured area.|†Apply ice pack.|ЌIf possible, position the injured area below heart level.|ЋWatch for signs of an allergic reaction.|Insulin shock occurs when the blood stream contains excessive amounts of the hormone insulin causing a rapid reduction of the sugar available in the blood.  Insulin shock can be triggered by taking too much medication, failing to eat, heavy exercise and emotional stress.

The symptoms of insulin shock include fast pulse and breathing, dizziness, sweating, headache, vision problems, changes in the level of consciousness, hunger, weakness and numbness of the hands or feet.

1. In a diabetic emergency, if the victim is conscious, give them sugar.  Either in the form of candy, juice, fruit, etc., there should be enough innate sugar to quickly get sugar into the blood stream for someone suffering from insulin shock.  If the victim is suffering from diabetic coma, the extra sugar will not cause further harm.

2. If the victim is unconscious, monitor their breathing and pulse and be prepared to give CPR, if necessary.

3. Seek medical attention immediately.|ЏIf victim is conscious, give them sugar (candy, juice, fruit, etc.)|•If the victim is unconscious, do not try to give anything by mouth.|ГMonitor breathing and pulse.  If necessary, begin C.P.R.|tSeek medical attention right away.|Diabetic coma occurs when there is an insufficient amount of insulin in the blood and cell malnutrition occurs.  Diabetic coma can be triggered by consuming too much sugar, not taking prescribed medication, stress and infection.

The symptoms of diabetic coma include drowsiness, confusion, thirst, fever, deep fast breathing, dehydration, changes in the level of consciousness and a sweet or fruity-smelling breath.

1. In a diabetic emergency, if the victim is conscious, give them sugar.  Either in the form of candy, juice, fruit, etc., there should be enough innate sugar to quickly get sugar into the blood stream for someone suffering from insulin shock.  If the victim is suffering from diabetic coma, the extra sugar will not cause further harm.

2. If the victim is unconscious, monitor their breathing and pulse and be prepared to give CPR, if necessary.

3. Seek medical attention immediately.|ГMonitor breathing and pulse.  If  necessary, begin C.P.R.|tSeek immediate medical attention.|A stroke is, quite simply, a condition where the blood flow to the brain is interrupted long enough to cause serious damage to the brain.

1. Compression of an artery in the brain, possibly due to a brain tumor.

2. Thrombus or embolism.  The most common cause for these is a blood clot that is either formed in an artery in the brain or a blood clot that develops elsewhere in the body and is carried to the brain via the blood stream.

3. Ruptured artery in the brain that may have been caused by high blood pressure, head injury, aneurysm (weak spot on the wall of a blood vessel) or atherosclerosis (fat deposits on the inside lining of a blood vessel).

1.  Weakness and numbness of the arm, leg or face (usually only on one side).
2.  Dizziness
3.  Confusion
4.  Headache
5.  Ringing ears
6.  Unequal sized pupils
7.  Difficulty speaking
8.  Unconsciousness
9.  Shallow, difficult breathing
10. Loss of bladder and bowel control

1. Keep the victim calm.
2. Let the victim find a comfortable breathing position.
3. Do not give anything by mouth.
4. If the victim vomits, lay on side so the fluids can drain.
5. Seek medical help immediately.|‚Keep victim calm.|wLet the victim find a comfortable breathing position.|•Do not give anything by mouth.|uIf victim vomits, lay them on their side to keep the airway clear.|tContact medical help immediately.|Seizures are essentially quite common and may be caused by a number of problems to include: insulin shock, high fever, drug reactions, head injury and viral infections of the brain.  Seizures that have no underlying cause may be said to be epilepsy.

1. Involuntary movements
2. Brief blackouts
3. Confusion
4. Sudden falls
5. Convulsions
6. Rigidity
7. Loss of consciousness
8. Loss of bowel and bladder control
9. Occasionally breathing will stop temporarily.

Some people who experience seizures can experience an aura (sensation) before they actually have the seizure.  The sensation can include:
 1. Abdominal pain
 2. Numbness
 3. A strange taste in the mouth
 4. Visual and sound hallucinations
 5. An urgency to move to safety

1. Remove things from around victim that might cause them harm
  (chairs, lamps, equipment, etc.)
2. Do NOT put anything between the teeth.
3. Do NOT try to hold or restrain the victim.
4. Loosen clothing.
5. Roll the victim on his/her side if they vomit.
6. When seizure subsides, stay with victim and reassure.|ђRemove from around the victim things that may cause harm.|ЂLoosen restrictive clothing, but do not try to restrain the victim.|uIf the victim starts to vomit, roll them on to their side to keep the airway clear.|ЂWhen the seizure subsides, stay with the victim  and offer reassurance until they recover.|Heat stroke can be fatal.  Heat stroke is caused when the body's cooling system (sweating) shuts down.  When this happens the body temperature can rise so high the result is brain damage and death.

1. Hot, red skin
2. Very small pupils
3. Very high body temperature (may be as high as 105 degrees)
4. Dry skin

1. Get the victim out of the heat.

2. Cool the victim by putting them in a cool bath or wrap wet towels around their body and fan them.

3. Watch for symptoms of shock.

4. Give nothing by mouth.

5. Seek medical aid immediately.|‘Get the victim out of the heat.|’Cool the victim down using a cool bath, wet towels, or fan them.|“Watch for symptoms of shock and treat if necessary.|•Give nothing by mouth.|tSeek immediate medical attention.|Heat cramps are generally the result of a loss of water and salt from the body from heavy sweating.  The symptoms may include muscular pains and spasms usually located in the abdominal or leg muscles.

1. Get the victim out of the heat.

2. If appropriate, give the victim approximately one half glass of water every 15 minutes.|‘Get victim out of  the heat.|”If appropriate, give water.|Heat exhaustion is less dangerous than heat stroke and is generally caused when working or exercising on a warm, humid day.  Heat exhaustion occurs when body fluids are lost through profuse sweating.  This results in a reduced blood flow to the body's vital organs and results in a form of shock.

1. Cool, pale, moist skin
2. Heavy sweating
3. Dilated pupils
4. Nausea
5. Dizziness
6. Headache
7. Vomiting

*NOTE:    The body temperature will remain nearly normal.

1. Get the victim out of the heat.

2. Put the victim in the shock position.  (Lying on their back with their feet elevated.)

3. Remove or loosen clothing.

4. Cool the victim with wet, cool towels, etc., and fan them.

5. Watch for symptoms of shock.

6. Give the victim approximately one half glass of water every 15 minutes or so if they are not unconscious.

7. Improvement should result in about one half hour.|‘Get victim out of the heat.|sPut the victim in the shock position.|‚Remove or loosen clothing and cool with fan, wet towels, etc.|љWatch for symptoms of shock.|”If the victim IS CONSCIOUS, give water.|Frostbite occurs when parts of the body exposed to freezing temperatures begin to freeze.  The freezing of the tissues, usually the ears, nose, cheeks, chin, toes and fingers, results in a decreased blood flow to the frozen areas.

1. In mild frostbite, the skin will appear to be white or grayish.

2. The skin will feel hard.

3. In moderate frostbite, blisters will form on the surface of the skin and possibly in the underlying tissues.

4. In severe frostbite, the freezing goes beyond the outer layers of skin and involves freezing of the underlying tissues.  In cases of severe frostbite, the loss of blood to the injured area may result in gangrene.

1. Get the victim out of the cold.

2. Put the frostbitten part in warm water (100-150 degrees) but not in hot water.

3. For toes and fingers, after warming, put dry gauze between them.  Do not rub or massage them.

4. Loosely bandage.

5. If the frozen part thaws then refreezes, warm the refrozen part at room temperature.|–Put frostbitten part in WARM water.|—Toes and  fingers.  Put dry gauze between them.|˜Bandage loosely.  If  the frozen part refreezes, warm the refrozen part at room temperature.|STAGES OF HYPOTHERMIA
Hypothermia can be deadly and is the result of exposure to severe cold.  Hypothermia progresses through stages that, if left unchecked, will ultimately result in death.  The following is the sequence of stages a victim will go through in hypothermia:

 1. Shivering
 2. Apathy
 3. Loss of consciousness
 4. Decreasing pulse rate
 5. Decreased breathing rate
 6. Death

*NOTE: As the victim progresses through the stages of hypothermia they may look as if they might be somewhat inebriated.  Moving clumsily and a general loss of coordination may eventually lead to stop in shivering.

1. Get the victim out of the cold and into warm, dry clothing.

2. Warm the body slowly.

3. Give the victim nothing to eat or drink unless they are fully conscious.|vGet victim out of the cold and into warm, dry clothing.  Warm body slowly.|•Give nothing to eat or drink unless the victim is fully conscious.|Note:  CPR should only be performed by those trained in the proper procedures.

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is the combination of rescue breathing and external chest compression.  External chest compression is the rhythmical compression of the heart and is designed to provide artificial circulation in order to restore the heartbeat and keep the blood flowing the brain and other organs of the body until the heart begins to beat normally again.  The heart is located between the breastbone and the spine.  In CPR pressure on the breastbone pushes the heart against the spine, thus forcing the blood out of the heart and into the arteries.  Release of pressure allows the heart to refill with blood.  The rescue breathing between the sets of compressions in CPR provide the victim with the oxygen they need in order to survive, while the compressions actually move the oxygen throughout the body via the circulating blood.  Note:  Once you begin CPR never interrupt the procedure for more than 7 seconds.

For the purpose of emergency first aid there are three types of CPR:  Adult, child, and infant.  While the principals are basically the same, the techniques vary based on the victims size and the underlying causes of the emergency.  In terms of the basic principals of CPR, a victim is generally considered an infant if they are less than one year of age; considered a child if they are between one year and eight years of age; and over eight years of age an adult.|ДLay person on back.  Tilt head back, and listen and feel for breathing.|БGive two slow, deep breaths (1.5 seconds each).|ГCheck for pulse on side of neck.|јPush down on chest 1.5-2 inches 15 times every 9 to 11 seconds (at a rate of 80-100 times per minute).  After 15 compressions continue to alternate 2 breaths and 15 compressions until medical help arrives.|The first thing to do is remove the victim from the water in any way possible.  If the victim is conscious, use something other than your hands to pull the victim from the water.  Panicked victims may grab the rescuer and pull them down.  The best way is to use a rope, piece of clothing, etc. and tow them to safety.  If the victim is unconscious, it is extremely important that you begin rescue breathing right away and if necessary, even before the victim is removed from the water.  Note:  If you suspect a head, back, or neck injury, be careful not to move the victim in such a manner as to cause additional injury.  Keep the head, neck and back aligned.  Rescue breathing for someone suspect of this type of injury should be done with the victim laying flat and without moving their head forward, backward, or side-to-side. Because most drowning victims do not aspirate much water, it is unnecessary to try and remove water from the victims lungs before you begin rescue breathing.  If during the rescue breathing, as you frequently check the victims pulse, the heart stops, begin CPR immediately.

Remember, while rescue breathing can be successfully accomplished while the victim is still in the water, CPR requires a firm flat surface for the chest compressions.

EVERY drowning victim, even those that recover spontaneously or require minimal resuscitation, need to be transported to the nearest medical facility immediately--death has occurred even after such recoveries.  Note:  In situations where the victim has been submerged in very cold water successful resuscitations have been accomplished in some cases to those that have been under water 30 minutes or more.|™Remove the victim from the water.|ДOpen airway.|БGive two slow breaths.|ВIf you cannot get air into victims lungs, give abdominal thrusts (6-10 thrusts)|БOpen airway and give two more breaths.  Repeat step 4 if  lungs do not fill with air.|ГMonitor the victims pulse (do so for a full 10 seconds).  If the pulse stops, begin C.P.R.|tEven if the victim recovers, seek medical attention immediately.|Choking, an airway obstruction that blocks breathing, can be caused by a number of situations that can include: food or some other solid object blocking the airway; the victims own tongue blocking the airway; or possibly even fluids as in the case of ones own vomit blocking the airway.  There are basically two classifications of airway obstruction:  partial and complete obstruction.  Partial obstruction can be characterized by wheezing between breaths and the ability to forcefully cough the obstruction from the airway, or an inability to forcefully cough the obstruction away.  In the case of the latter, where the victim is incapable of forceful coughing, you may hear a high pitched noise as the victim attempts to breathe.  In this case, treat this partial obstruction as a complete obstruction.  (Note:  If the victim is able to vigorously cough, do not attempt to intervene with the Heimlich maneuver.  However, if it becomes obvious that their coughing ability is becoming progressively weaker be prepared to intervene.)  Complete obstruction is characterized by the victims inability to cough, speak, or breathe.  If this occurs the victim may grab their throat with one or both hands, (also regarded as the universal distress sig
nal for choking), and may quickly begin to lose consciousness.  Begin first aid immediately.|ЅRecognize choking signs.  Do nothing if person is coughing, talking or breathing.|ѕHug person from rear around the waist.  Make a fist and place the thumb side against the stomach just above the naval.|їPull fist upward into victim's stomach with a quick upward thrust.  Repeat until obstruction is cleared or victim becomes unconscious.|АIf victim becomes unconscious, lay on back and check airway with index finger.|БGive two slow, deep breaths (1.5 seconds each).|ВGive 6-10 upward stomach thrusts.|ГCheck for pulse on side of neck.|јIf no pulse, begin CPR.|The application of medication by means of a skin patch is referred to as "transdermal" administration.  These patches are constructed so that the medication (contained within the upper layers of the patch) seep through a specially designed membrane on the surface of the skin.  From here, the medication continues to seep, this time through the layers of the skin, into the capillary bed where it enters the blood stream.  Skin patches are adhesive backed and are applied by firmly pressing them to your skin.  (Note:  specific body locations are recommended by the manufacturer or prescribed by your doctor).  Generally, sites can be rotated to minimize skin irritation caused by the adhesive backing but should be placed on areas of the skin where hair growth is minimal.|Nasal drops are administered topically. (The term "topical" refers to a medication that is applied to a particular part of the body by local application.)  The most common use of nasal drops are for the treatment of nasal congestion, often caused by infections or allergy.  Nasal decongestants work by constricting the small blood vessels in the delicate mucous membrane that make up the lining of the nose, that when inflamed, cause the familiar swelling and excess mucus production.  Application of nasal drops is most effective when excess mucus is first gently blown from the nostrils. Then, ideally, laying on your
back with your chin pointing directly up toward the ceiling, insert the dropper inside the nostril (never more than 1/3 of an inch) and release the prescribed amount into each nostril.  The most effective application will result if the medication comes in contact with the tissue at the back of the nose known as the nasopharynx.|Eye Drops are administered topically.  (The term topically refers to medication that is applied to a particular part of the body by local application.) Medications that are administered in the form of eye drops are used to treat such conditions as infection, glaucoma, and conjunctivitis (also known as pinkeye).  To successfully administer eye drops, the eye should first be cleaned, removing as much discharge as possible.  Then, with the head tilted back, gently pull down on the area just below the eye so as to open the eye wider, (this action opens an area of the eye known as the conjuctival sac) and apply the medication.  Once the medication has been administered, tearing can be prevented if you apply a small amount of pressure (with a clean finger) to the inside corner of the eye.|The advantage of medications administered in the form of anal suppositories is their usefulness in treating small children or patients who are unconscious or vomiting.  Generally, bullet shaped for ease of insertion, suppositories are designed to release medication as they are warmed by the body's internal heat.  The draw back of this form of administration is that the absorption of the drug into the body is basically unreliable due to factors that include the content of the rectum and the ability of the suppository to stay in place long enough to completely dissolve.  To successfully administer a suppository, the tapered end of the suppository should be positioned at the entrance of the anus.  Insertion is accomplished by pushing the suppository one finger length into the rectum, (for enough to pass through the anal sphincter). Once inserted, the suppository should remain in the rectum for at least 30 minutes
.|Vaginal suppositories are designed for ease of  insertion.  Generally bullet-shaped, they are made of a material that easily dissolves in the warm environment of the inner body.  To successfully administer a vaginal suppository, the tapered end of the suppository should be positioned at the entrance of the vaginal orifice.  Insertion with a finger (or applicator) at least two inches into the vagina.|There area basically four prevalent types of injections (1) intradermal; (2) subcutaneous; (3) intravenous; and (4) intramuscular.  The advantages of this type of administration  are the speed at which the drug is absorbed into the body and the ability to bypass certain barriers.  These barriers might include a drug inability to pass through the walls of the intestinal tract into the blood stream or its deactivation in the stomach by stomach acid.|Ear drops are administered topically. (The term topically refers to medication that is applied to a particular part of the body by local application.) Medications that are administered in the form of ear drops are used to treat such conditions as fungal and bacterial infections.  An example of this is a condition known as otitis media, a middle ear infection common in young children, that can produce severe pain and possible hearing loss when untreated.  To successfully administer ear drops, it is best to enlist the help of another.  Laying  on your side, affected ear up, gently pull upward, and slightly to the rear, on the upper portion of the outer ear (pinna).  At this point, insert the top of the dropper into the entrance of the ear canal (external auditory canal (meatus) and release the medication.  A gentle massage of the ear just outside the ear (near the cheek bone) for about 30 seconds will help move the  medication down the ear canal to the ear drum (tympanic membrane). Note: Warming of the medication to body temperature before administration can prevent dizziness.|Before using an ointment or a cream, particularly if its been in the medicine chest for some time,
check the container to see if the medication is hardened, discolored, or has separated.  If the medication comes in a tube and the tube has been around for a while, check to make sure that the tube is not cracked or leaking.  In either case, the medication should be disposed of and your doctor notified so that a new prescription can be authorized.  Topical medications should be applied sparingly in thin layers unless otherwise specified.  When applying creams and ointments, it is best to use a sterile (disposable) glove to remove the medication from the container to avoid contamination. Some creams and ointments should not be applied to broken or infected skin.  Consult with your doctor if you are unsure.|Atropine and Phenobarbital

Department of Mental Health & Mental Retardation
200 Interstate Park Drive
P.O. Box 3710
Montgomery, Alabama  36193
(205) 271-9209|Coordinator
City Bureau of Alcohol Counseling
Department of Health and Social Services
Pouch H-05F
Juneau, Alaska  99811-0607
(907) 586-1470|Manager
Drug Abuse Section
Department of Health Services
Division of Behavioral Health Services
2122 East Highland
Phoenix, Arizona  85008
(602) 381-8995|Director
Office on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention
400 Donaghey Plaza North
P.O. Box 1437
Little Rock, AR  72201
(501) 682-6656|Director
Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
1700 K Street
Sacramento, CA  95814
(916)  445-0834|Director
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division
Department of Health
4300 Cherry Creek South Drive
Denver, CO  80222
(303)  692-2930|Executive Director
Dept. of Public Health and Addiction Services
999 Asylum Avenue
Third Floor
Hartford, CT  06105
(203) 566-4145|Chief
Bureau of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
1901 North DuPont Highway
Newcastle, DE  19720
(302) 577-4460|Chief Health Planning and Development
1875 Connecticut Avenue N.W.
Suite 823
Washington, D.C. 20009
(202)  673-7481|Director
Drug Abuse Program
1317 Winewood Blvd.
Building 6, Room 156
Tallahassee, FL  32301
(904) 488-0900|Director
Alcohol and Drug Section
Division of Mental Health, Mental Retardation
and Substance Abuse
Department of Human Resources
47 Trinity Ave.
Atlanta, GA  30309
(404) 657-6407|Branch Chief
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Branch
Department of  Health
1270 Queen Emma Street Room 706
Honolulu, HI  96801
(808)  586-4007|Director
Bureau of Substance Abuse
Department of Health and Welfare
450 West State Street
Boise, ID  83720
(208) 334-5935|Director
Department of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
Suite 5-600
100 West Randolph Street
Chicago, IL  60610
(312)  814-3840|Director
Department of Mental Health
117 East Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN  46204
(317)  232-7816|Director
Iowa Division of  Substance Abuse and Health Promotion
320 East 12th Street
Des Moines, Iowa
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services
2700 West Sixth Street
Biddle Building
Topeka, KS  66606
(913) 296-3925|Manager
Substance Abuse Division
Health Building-1E
275 East Main Street
Frankfort, KY  40621
(502) 564-2880|Director
Department of Health and Hospitals
Office of Prevention and Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Abuse
1201 Capital Access Road
Baton Rouge, LA  70806
(504) 342-9500|Director
Office of Alcohol and Drug Education
Augusta, ME  04333
(207) 624-6500|Director
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration
201 West Preston Street
Baltimore, MD  21201
(410) 225-6910|Director
Division of Alcoholism and Drug Rehabilitation
150 Tremont Street
6th Floor
Boston, MA  02111
(617) 727-8617|Director
Office of Substance Abuse Services
Department of Public Health
P.O. Box  30195
Lansing, MI  48909
(517) 335-8810|Director
Chemical Dependency Program Division
Department of Human Services
444 Layfayette Road
St. Paul, MN  51555
(612) 296-4610|Director
Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Department of Mental Health
Robert E. Lee Bldg.
Jackson, MS  39201
(601) 359-1288|Director
Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Department of Mental Health
1915 Southridge Drive
P.O. Box 687
Jefferson City, MO  65102
(314)  751-4942|Administrator
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division
Department of Institutions
1539- 11th Avenue
Helena, MT  59620
(406) 444-4423|Director
Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
Department of Public Institutions
P.O. Box 94728
Lincoln, NE  68509
(402) 471-2851|Chief
Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Department of Human Resources
505 East King Street
Carson City, NV  89710
(702) 687-4790|Director
Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention
Health and Welfare Building
6 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH  03301-6525
(603) 271-6100|Director
Division of Narcotic and Drug Abuse Control
Department of Health
CN  362
Trenton, NJ  08625
(609) 292-5760|Chief
Substance Abuse Bureau
Behavioral Health Services Division
Santa Fe, NM  87504-0968
(505) 827-2601|Assistant Director
Division of  Substance Abuse Services
Executive Park South
Box 8200
Albany, NY  12203
(518) 457-7629|Deputy Director
Alcohol and Dug Abuse Services
Division of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services
325 North Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC  27611
(919) 733-4670|Director
Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
Department of Human Services
State Capitol, Judicial Wing
Bismarck, ND  58501
(701) 224-2769|Chief
Bureau of Dug Abuse
170 North High Street
3rd Floor
Columbus, OH  43215
(614) 466-7893|Director
Alcohol and Drug Programs
Department of Mental Health
1200 North East 13th
Oklahoma City, Ok  73152
(405) 271-8653|Associate Administrator
State Alcohol and Drug Programs Office
1178 Chemeketa, NE Salem
Salem, OR  97301
(503) 378-2163|Deputy Secretary
Drug and Alcohol Programs
Department of Health
P.O. Box 90
Harrisburg, PA  17108
(717) 783-8200|Assistant Director
Department of Mental Health,
Mental Retardation and Hospitals
Division of  Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse Administration Bldg.
Cranston, RI  02920
(401) 464-2091|Director
South Carolina Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Suite 300
3700 Forest Drive
Columbia, SC  29204
(803) 734-9520|Director
Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Joe Foss Building
Room 125
523 East Capitol Street
Pierre, SD  57501-3182
(605) 773-3123|Assistant Commissioner Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services
Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
Doctor's Building
4th Floor
706 Church Street
Nashville, TN  37219-5393
(615) 741-1921|Director
Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Prevention Department
710 Brazos
Austin, TX  78701
(512) 867-8700|Director
Division of Alcoholism and Drugs
120 North 200 West, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 4550
Salt  Lake City, Utah  84145-0500
(801) 538-3939|Director
Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT  05676
(802) 241-2170|Assistant Commissioner
Department of Mental Health, Mental
Retardation and Substance Abuse
109 Governor Street
Richmond, VA  23219
(804) 786-3906|Director
Bureau of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
Department of Social and Health Services
Mail Stop OB44W
Olympia, WA 98504
(206) 438-8200|Director
Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
State Capitol
1800 Washington Street East
Charleston, WV  25305
(304) 348-2276|Director
Bureau of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
1 West Wilson Street
P.O. Box 7851
Madison, WI  53707
(608) 266-2717|Director
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs
350 Hathaway Building
Cheyenne, WY  82002-0710
(307) 777-7116|Phoenix Field Division
One North First Street, Suite 201
Phoenix, AZ  85004
(602) 261-4866|Los Angeles Field Division
Suite 800
350 Los Angeles, CA  90071
(213) 894-2650|San Diego Field Division
402 West 35th Street
National City, CA  92050
(619) 585-4200|San Francisco Field Division
Room 12215
450 Golden Gate Avenue
P.O. Box 36035
San Francisco, CA  94102
(415) 556-6771|Denver Field Division
721-19th Street, Room 316
Denver, CO
(303) 844-3951|Washington Field Division
Room 2558
400-6th Street S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20024
(202) 724-7834|Miami Field Division
8400 N.W. 53rd Street
Miami, FL  33166
(305) 591-4870|Atlanta Field Division
Richard B. Russell Federal Building
75 Spring Street S.W. Room 740
Atlanta, GA  30303
(404) 331-4401|Chicago Field Division
500 Dirksen Federal Building
219 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL  60604
(312) 353-7875|New Orleans Division
1661 Canal Street
Suite 2200
New Orleans, LA  70112
(504) 589-3894|Boston Field Division
Room G-64 JFK Federal Building
Boston,MA  02203
(617) 565-2800|Detroit Field Division
357 Federal Building
231 West Lafayette
Detroit, MI  48223
(313) 226-7290|St. Louis Field Division
7911 Forsythe Blvd. Suite 500
United Missouri Bank Bldg.
St. Louis, MO  63105
(314) 425-3241|Newark Field Division
970 Broad Street
806 Federal Office Building
Newark, NJ  07102
(201) 645-6060|New York Field Division
555 West 57th Street, Suite 1900
New York, NY  10019
(212) 399-5151|Philadelphia Field  Division
10224 William J. Green Federal Bldg.
600 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA  19106
(215) 597-9530|Dallas Field Division
1880 Regal Row
Dallas, TX  75235
(214) 767-7151|Houston Field Division
333 West Loop North Suite 300
Houston, TX  77024
(713) 681-1771|Seattle Field Division
Suite 301 220 West Mercer
Seattle, WA  98119
(206) 442-5443|Changing patterns of performance, appearance, and behavior may signal use of drugs.

The items in the first category listed below provide direct evidence of drug use; the items in the other categories offer signs that may indicate drug use; the items in the other categories offer signs that may indicate drug use.  Adults should watch for extreme changes in children's behavior, changes that together form a pattern associated with drug use.|* Possession of drug-related paraphernalia such as pipes, rolling papers, small decongestant bottles & film containers, eye drops, or small butane torches.

* Possession of drugs or evidence of drugs, such as pills, white powder, small glass vials, or hypodermic needles; peculiar plants or butts, seeds, or leaves in ashtrays or in clothing pockets.

* Odor of drugs, smell of incense or other "cover-up" scents.|* Drug-related magazines, slogans on clothing.

* Conversation and jokes that are preoccupied with drugs.

* Hostility in discussing drugs.

* Collection of beer cans.|* Memory lapses, short attention span, difficulty in concentration.

* Poor physical coordination, slurred or incoherent speech.

* Unhealthy appearance, indifference to hygiene and grooming

* Bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils.|* Marked downturn in student's grades--not just from C's to F's but from  A's to B's and C's; assignments not completed.

* Increased absenteeism or tardiness.|* Chronic dishonesty (lying, stealing, cheating); trouble with the police.

* Changes in friends, evasiveness in talking about new ones.

* Possession of large amounts of money.

* Increasing and inappropriate anger, hostility, irritability, secretiveness.

* Reduced motivation, energy, self-discipline, self-esteem.

* Diminished interest in extracurricular activities and hobbies.|Not less than 5 years.  Not more than 40 years.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $2 million individual, $5 million other than individual.|Not less than 10  years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 10 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $8 million individual, $20 million other than individual.|Not less than 5 years.  Not more than 40 years.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $2 million individual, $5 million other than individual.|Not less than 10  years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 10 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $8 million individual, $20 million other than individual.|Not less than 5 years.  Not more than 40 years.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $2 million individual, $5 million other than individual.|Not less than 10  years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 10 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.
Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $8 million individual, $20 million other than individual.|Not less than 5 years.  Not more than 40 years.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $2 million individual, $5 million other than individual.|Not less than 10  years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 10 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $8 million individual, $20 million other than individual.|Not less than 5 years.  Not more than 40 years.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $2 million individual, $5 million other than individual.|Not less than 10  years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 10 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $8 million individual, $20 million other than individual.|Not less than 5 years.  Not more than 40 years.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $2 million individual, $5 million other than individual.|Not less than 10  years.  Not more than life.  If death or serio
us injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 10 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $8 million individual, $20 million other than individual.|Not less than 10 years, not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years, not more than life.  Fine not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 20 years, not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine not more than $8 million individual, $20 million other than individual.|Not less than 5  years, not more than 40 years.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years, not more than life.  Fine not more than $2 million individual, $5 million other than individual.|Not less than 10 years, not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not more than 20 years.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years, not more than life.  Fine $1 million individual, $5 million other than individual.|Not more than 30 years.  If death or serious injury, life. Fine $2 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not more than 5 years.  Fine not more than $250,000,  $1 million other than individual.|Not more than 10 years.  Fine $500,000 individual, $2 million other than individual.|Not less than 5 years.  Not more than 40 years.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $2 million individual, $5 million other than individual.|Not less than 10  years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than indiv
idual.|Not less than 10 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $8 million individual, $20 million other than individual.|Not less than 5 years.  Not more than 40 years.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $2 million individual, $5 million other than individual.|Not less than 10  years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 10 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  Fine of not more than $4 million individual, $10 million other than individual.|Not less than 20 years.  Not more than life.  If death or serious injury, not less than life.  Fine of not more than $8 million individual, $20 million other than individual.|Alcohol (Depressant/Sedative)|YThere are a number of types of alcohol that fall into the same class of organic compounds.  For example, methyl alcohol, is not fit for human consumption, is similar to the physical properties of ethyl alcohol (the type used in alcoholic beverages) but can result in blindness and death even in relatively small doses.  Ethyl alcohol, also known as "grain alcohol" or "ethanol" is the product of fermentation. [Fermentation is the process whereby sugars and starches in plant material, e.g. barley or other grains, are converted to ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide by the fungus known as yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).  The ethanol and carbon dioxide produced by the yeasts are in fact the waste products of this process.  (Note: the carbon dioxide produced by the yeast is what makes bread rise during the making  of bread.)]  Ethanol is classified as an anxiolytic drug and has
anti-anxiety and sedative effects, both of which are outweighed by its toxic potential.  Because ethanol is a central nervous system depressant, it produces sedation and ultimately a hypnotic effect with increased dosage.  [Hypnotics are drugs that are sleep inducing agents.]  As a depressant, alcohol can produce severe central nervous system depression (that can frequently be fatal) when used with other depressants such as antihistamines and barbiturates.  It is important to note that ethyl alcohol is always a central nervous system depressant despite the apparent stimulation that can be observed when low doses are consumed.  In small quantities alcohol produces a sense of tranquillity, suppressed anxiety, and euphoria.  [Euphoria is a feeling of well-being, vigor, and elevated spirits.]  In higher doses, however, the euphoric effect is often reversed and depression (mood) follows.  Other behavioral changes, due to the effect alcohol has on the inhibitory centers of the brain, may result in a loss of inhibitions and increased aggressiveness followed by impaired motor and intellectual performance.  At concentrations above 460 mg (milligrams) of alcohol per 100 ml (milliliters) of blood, coma and death, due to respiratory depression, can occur.  Because ethyl alcohol is a drug that alters behavior it is one that can produce dependence and addiction when used regularly or excessively.  Becoming dependent on alcohol usually progresses through 4 stages: (1) tolerance, (being able to consume greater amounts before experiencing the effects); (2) memory lapses, (not being able to fully remember things that happened during the actual drinking episode; (3) loss of control, (not able to contain the need for drinking, and will drink when and where possible); and (4) extended binges of drinking to the point of complete and prolonged intoxication.  Additionally, because alcohol is rapidly absorbed into the blood stream (from the stomach and small intestines) it can begin to affect the body (especially the brain because it is
extremely sensitive to the effects of alcohol, even low doses) in as little as 30 minutes.  (Note: because the  liver can only break down (metabolize) about one ounce of alcohol every 60 minutes, one or two drinks can produce inebriation.)|Tobacco (Stimulant)|ZCigarette smoke contains as many as 4,000 chemicals, several of which are known carcinogens (cancer causing).  Smoke from tobacco plant (known as Nicotine tobacum) includes such toxic substances as tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine.  Tar, comprised of several thousand various chemicals, includes cancer causing carcinogens such as nitrogen oxide and hydrogen cyanide.  Carbon monoxide (the same toxic gas emitted from your car engine) combines with the hemoglobin in the blood stream to form carboxyhemoglobin, a substance that interferes with the body's ability to obtain and utilize oxygen.  Nicotine (which has not therapeutic uses)  is believed to be the most dangerous substance in tobacco.  Nicotine is highly addictive and damaging to many organs of they body.  Greater than 90 percent of the nicotine inhaled during smoking is absorbed in the lungs and rapidly enters the cardiovascular system.  Additional nicotine absorption occurs through the skin, oral mucosa, and gastrointestinal mucosa.  (Note:  The acute lethal dose of nicotine is approximately 60 mg, whereas the average cigarette contains 6 to 8 mg.  However, nicotine is rapidly metabolized and has a plasma half-life of about 40 minutes.  Additionally, tolerance to the toxic effects develops rapidly but damage to the body is cumulative.)  Nicotine is a highly lipid-soluble (fat-soluble) substance that easily penetrates cell membranes where it first stimulates, then depresses, the vital medullary and respiratory centers of the brain.  [The medullary rhythmicity is the portion of the respiratory center in the medulla that controls the basic rhythm of respiration.] Low doses of nicotine cause ganglionic stimulation, [ Autonomic ganglion make up part of the autonomic nervous system and are readily stimulat
ed by nicotine.  The autonomic nervous system is that part of the body's overall nervous system that is responsible for control of involuntary bodily functions such as the function of the smooth muscle tissue, glands and the heart.] and, increase mental activity (alertness) because of its influence on the reticular activating system (RAS).  [ The RAS is located in the brain stem and controls the level of mental alertness.]  Additional effects of low dose nicotine include a feeling of relaxation and to some degree, a sense of euphoria. [ Euphoria is a feeling of well being, vigor and elevated spirits.] High doses, however, cause an initial stimulation followed by ganglionic blockage (because nicotine occupies the chemical receptors on autonomic ganglion normally reserved for and stimulated by the neurotransmitter acetylcholine) and results in lowered blood pressure and a cessation of activity in both the gastrointestinal tract and muscles of the bladder.  SMOKING AND LUNG CANCER (Bronchogenic Carcinoma)  Many pollutants, especially tobacco smoke, have an irritating effect on the bronchial tubes and the lungs.  The effects of this irritation on the bronchial tubes is important to understand because "bronchogenic carcinoma" (a common lung cancer) has its beginning in the walls of the bronchi.  The walls that make up the structure of the bronchial tubes are made up of three kinds of cells and a basement membrane, (all three cells are in contact with the basement membrane).  The first type of cells are the "columnar" cells.  Refered to as "simple columnar (ciliated)", these cells move mucus by ciliary action.  The cilia extend upward from the basement membrane and reach the surface of the interior of the bronchial tube (note: the basement membrane is the thin extra cellular layer made up of basal lamina (50 to 80 nm in thickness) and reticular lamina ( a layer of reticular fibers that reinforce the basal lamina).  Scattered at intervals between the columnar cells are the second type of cells found in the bronchi.  The
se cells, known as "goblet"  cells and are mucus-secreting.  The mucus secreted by these goblet cells (called goblet cells because the upper half of the cell bulges out due to the accumulation of mucus) produces a thin film over the surfaces of the respiratory tract.  When foreign particles are inhaled in the mucus traps, the particles and the cilia (from the columnar cells) move the mucus, along with the foreign particles, toward the throat where it is expelled.  The third type of cell, "basal" cells, replace worn out columnar cells.  Continuous irritation brought on by frequent smoking causes the goblet cells to enlarge and secrete excessive amounts of mucus.  In response to this, the basal cells begin to divide very rapidly, pushing into the area normally occupied by the columnar and goblet cells.  NOTE:  It is believed by some researchers that if the irritation (smoke) is discontinued at this point, the cellular balance in the walls of the bronchi can return to normal.  If the irritation is continued after this point, however, the mucus secretion becomes so excessive that the ciliary action of the columnar cells becomes less effective.  As a result of this, much of the mucus remains trapped in the bronchial tubes and the smoker develops "smokers cough".  As the smoking continues, the alveoli are destroyed and are replaced by thick inelastic connective tissue.  [ Alveoli are the site of gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide) in the lung.  Bronchioles branch into progressively smaller tubes until they become alveolar ducts.  Alveolar ducts terminate into clusters of tiny air sacs known as alveoli].  Mucus that has become trapped in the alveoli causes them to rupture, reducing the ability of the lungs to adequately exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.  At this point, the smoker now has emphysema.  If smoking is discontinued at this point, there is little chance for improvement but further destruction of the lung can be avoided.  If smoking is continued after this point, the emphysema gets exceedingly worse, bas
al cells continue their rapid division and break through the basement membrane, setting the stage for lung cancer.  As columnar and goblet cells disappear there becomes a chance they will be replaced by cancer cells that can spread throughout the lung, blocking bronchial tubes.  When this occurs, surgical removal of the diseased lung tissue is often a likely treatment.  However, if the cancer metastasizes (spreads) it is often fatal.|Designer Drugs (Analogs)|[Designer drugs that have been designed (illegally) to mimic the effects of drugs that have been banned because of their inherent dangers and propensity for abuse.  Disreputable chemists have tried to circumvent the legal restrictions associated with illegal drugs by modifying their molecular structure.   There resultant drugs, that are designed to copy the original drugs, are known as "analogs".  [The term analog comes from the Latin word analogus, meaning similar or comparable in certain respects, or, similar in function but not in origin and structure.]  An outstanding danger with drug analogs (designer drugs) is that they can be several hundred times stronger than the drugs they are designed to imitate and consequently much more dangerous.  In addition to analogs of both narcotics and phencyclidine (PCP), analogs of amphetamines and methamphetamines are especially common, e.g. MDMA (ecstasy) and MDEA (eve).  Amphetamines, for example,  belong to a class of drugs known as psychomotor central nervous system stimulants.  Amphetamines promote the release of stored neurotransmitters [Neurotransmitters are chemical substances that transmit nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another, in effect allowing them to transmit information (messages) throughout the body.]  such as serotinin, norepinephrine, and dopamine from presynaptic neurons in the central nervous system.  It is believed that it is the release of these stored neurotransmitters, especially excessive amounts of dopamine, that may be responsible for altering behavior.  Because amphetamines, and their
analogs, are stimulants they stimulate various parts of the central nervous system to include; the brain stem, medulla, cortex, and cerebrospinal axis.  The effect of this stimulation, and a major reason for its popularity is a marked decrease of fatigue, diminished appetite, insomnia, and increased alertness.  However, chronic use of amphetamines results in a condition known as "amphetamine psychosis" and is similar to acute schizophrenic attacks.|Inhalants (Vasodilators & Anesthetics)|\Inhalants, also known as "poppers", "snappers", etc. in street slang, are chemicals that decrease blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate.  Of the various inhalants typically abused, Amyl Nitrite and Butyl Nitrite seem to be the most popular, causing a feeling of disorientation, dizziness, and a sense of weightlessness.  In addition to these chemicals, there are a large number of heterogeneous volatile solvents that are commonly used as propellants in aerosol cans, e.g. spray paint, whipped cream containers.  These chemicals are pharmacologically similar to ether, chloroform, and alcohol and produce an inebriated condition similar to that induced by alcohol consumption.  While physical dependence on nitrites is uncommon, psychological dependence is likely due to the stimulant effect of the drug.  Amyl Nitrite was originally used in the treatment of Angina, a condition where the oxygen supply to the heart is insufficient, but has been replaced by safer, longer acting medications.  Nitrites belong to a class of drugs known as vasodilators.  Vasodilators work by relaxing the muscles that surround the blood vessels, increasing their diameter, thus increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure.  The apparent attraction to those who abuse these drugs (typically children between 7 and 17 years of age) is the rapid feeling of well being and increased energy that it initially provides.  However, deeply inhaling the vapors, or using large amounts over a short time, may result in disorientation, violent behavior, unconsciousnes
s, permanent brain damage, or death due to suffocation.  Inhalants displace the oxygen in the lungs or depresses the central nervous system to the point that breathing stops.  In addition to inhalants that fall into the vasodilator class there is a chemical known as nitrous oxide, (AKA laughing gas, etc.), that belongs to a class of drugs known as general anesthetics.  Therapeutically, this drug, as with other general anesthetics, is used to produce a state of unconsciousness with an absence of the sensation of pain throughout the entire body.  In contrast to other central nervous system depressants, such as opiates and hypnotics that affect the release or binding of neurotransmitters [ Neurotransmitters are chemical substances that transmit nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another, in effect, allowing them to transmit information (messages) throughout the body.]  in the central nervous system, anesthetics appear to change the physical state of the neural membrane, interfering with its normal function.|Depressants (Anxiolytic & Hypnotic)|]Depressants, also known generically as "downers" in street slang, have been marketed in the United States  as far back as 1912.  Primarily  used in the treatment of insomnia, relief of anxiety, and acute convulsive episodes, these drugs have been highly abused, and account for several thousand accidental and intentional deaths per year.  Depressants can be divided into six major categories:  Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Methaqualone, Ethchlorynol, Chloral Hydrate, and Meprobamate.   Barbiturates, a good illustration, belong to a class of drugs known as "Anxiolytic and Hypnotic drugs.  It is believed that the mode of action of barbiturates interferes with sodium and potassium transport across cell membranes.  The result of this action is an inhibition of the reticular activating system (RAS) in the brain.  The RAS is located in the brain stem and controls the level of mental activity.  (Note:  Stimulation of the RAS produces wakefulness while inhibition of the RAS produces
a sleepful state- Barbiturates inhibit the RAS).  Barbiturates cause depression of the central nervous system  and can produce effects ranging from mild sedation (a relaxed feeling) to deep coma, and death due to respiratory depression.  Basically, barbiturates work by enhancing the actions of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter.  (Neurotransmitters are chemical substances that transmit nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another, in effect allowing them to transmit information (messages) throughout the body.)  It is believed that GABA promotes inhibition of the central nervous system by hyperpolorizing (making more negative) the postsynaptic membrane of neurons.  When barbiturates are taken, the chemical bonds to specific receptors that are located adjacent to GABA receptors.  These GABA receptors are juxtaposed (having a common border) with chloride channels.  Because barbiturates (as well as benzodiazepines) enhance the action of GABA, GABA retention at the GABA receptor sites cause the chloride channels to open, allowing an increased flow of chloride into the postsynaptic neuron.  The result of this action induces sedation, euphoria, mood changes, sleep, and respiratory depression.  (Note:  High doses can result in cardiovascular depression or death.)  Due to the inherent dangers associated with the use of barbiturates (as well as with the drug meprobamate) they have been largely replaced by benzodiazepines.|Narcotics (Opioid Analgesics & Antagonists)|^Narcotics also known as opiates, are potent painkillers that are also used in the treatment of sleeping and intestinal disorders.    The term opiates is used to distinguish drugs that are derivatives of opium, e.g. heroin, morphine, codeine, etc.  Opium is derived from the opium poppy (Papaver Somniferum) and contains a number of natural alkaloids that are used in many of today's powerful analgesics (painkillers).  The term "opioid" is used to refer to those natural or synthetic compounds that produce morphine-like effects.  [ Mor
phine is extracted from the unripe seed pod of the opium poppy.]  Opioids act by binding to specific opioid receptors in the central nervous system.  Upioid receptors are a specialized protein receptor found on the surface membrane of specific cells in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.  When opiods bind to these receptors they relieve pain and induce a feeling of euphoria.  [ Euphoria is a feeling of well-being, vigor, or high spirits].  The highest concentration of opioid receptors are found in the brainstem, medial thalamus, spinal cord, hypothalamus, and limbic system. [The limbic system is the portion of the brain that is involved with various aspects of emotion and behavior.  In experimental studies, stimulation of certain areas of the limbic system have produced feelings of intense punishment, while stimulation of other areas of the limbic system have produced feelings of extreme pleasure.]  Opioid drugs mimic the actions of three natural chemical messengers produced by the body.  These messenger chemicals are known as neuropeptides.  While some neuropeptides function as true neurotransmitters, [neurotransmitters are chemical substances that transmit nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another, in effect allowing them to transmit information throughout the body] most act to temper the response of (or to) a neurotransmitter.  The neuropeptides mimicked by the opioids include; enkephalins, endorphins, and dynorphins.  Enkephalins (en-kef-a-lins) are the body's natural painkillers and are most abundant in the spinal cord, thalamus, and parts of the limbic system.  (The thalamus is the part of the brain where all sensory stimuli (except the sense of smell (olfactory) are received)  Enkephalins work by inhibiting nerve impulses in the pain pathway (the neural route a pain stimulus travels to the brain) by binding to the same receptors in the brain as does the drug morphine.  Endorphins (en-dor-fins) are a product of the pituitary gland and like enkephalins, have morphine-like properties th
at repress pain.  A specific endorphin, known as beta-endorphin, is believed to work in conjunction with a neuropeptide known as "substance P".  Substance P is found in the spinal cord pathways, sensory nerves, and parts of the brain that have to do with the perception of pain.  When this substance is released by nerve cells, it conducts pain impulses from  peripheral pain receptors into the central nervous system.  It is believed that these specific endorphins produce their painkilling effect by repressing the release of "substance P".  Dynophins (from the word dynamis meaning "power") are neuropeptides whose action is 200 times more powerful than beta-endorphins.  While the specific functions of this neuropeptide are still unknown, it is believed that it might be a significant factor in repressing pain and registering emotions.  To illustrate the action of narcotics (opiods) in relation to their analgesic action, and the propensity of becoming dependent on these drugs, we will look at the drug morphine.  When pain receptors are activated (an example would be touching something hot) it generates a nerve impulse that travels from the site of the burn, along sensory pain fibers to the spinal cord, up the lateral spinothalmic tract, along the reticular activating system, and into the thalamus and cerebral cortex.  The thalamus generates a crude awareness of pain while the cortex gives us a sharper, more definitive, perception of the pain sensation.  When the pain stimulus reaches the cerebral cortex, and activates the pain receptors (also known as opiate receptors), they trigger another set of impulses that send the message "Pain".  Soon after this, the pain receptors in the brain are temporarily blocked by the analgesic influence of the body's neuropeptides, e.g. endorphins.  Because the analgesic effect of the body's natural painkillers is short lived, it is sometimes medically necessary to prolong the analgesic effect for the good of the patient.  When this becomes necessary, the doctor may elect to use the drug
morphine.  Morphine, being chemically similar to the body's natural painkillers, binds easily to the same pain receptors as do the endorphins and block, for a longer period of time, the pain signals being sent to the brain.  The draw back  however, it that morphine suppresses the body's production of its own natural painkillers, making the body dependent on the drug for continued relief.  Once this dependency for the drug has been established, and is subsequently discontinued, the pain signals are allowed to flow freely without the natural inhibiting effect of the endorphins.  This painful transition back to normality is known as drug withdrawal and in the case of morphine includes; painful cramps, runny nose, nausea, listlessness, vomiting, goose flesh, and diarrhea.|Hallucinogenics (psycotomimetic Stimulants) *Includes Cannabis|_Central nervous system stimulants can be grouped into three major categories; Psychomotor stimulants, e.g. cocaine, amphetamines, nicotine, caffeine, methamphetamines, dextroamphetamines, methylphenidate, etc.; convulsants and respiratory stimulants, e.g. doxapram and nikethamide; and finally psycotomimetic (hallucinogenic) stimulants, e.g. tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and phencyclidine (PCP).  Hallucinogens, quite simply, are drugs that cause hallucinations.  Also known as psychedelic drugs, psycotomimetics have in common the ability to alter sensory perception and normal thought processes.  Psycotomimetics produce a mind state similar to psychosis [ Psychosis is a major mental disorder in which the personality is very seriously disorganized and contact with reality is usually impaired] and can evoke wide mood swings, time distortions, and a phenomenon known as "syesthesia", where the senses are distorted to the extent that colors, for example, are perceived to be "tasted" and sounds "seen".  An appropriate illustration of the mechanism of action of psycotomimetic is that of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).  While the exact mechanism that produces the
psychic effects of LSD is unknown at this time, it is believed that its effect centers around its influence at the serotonin receptor sites in the central nervous system. [ Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger between nerve cells) that is thought to be involved in sensory perception, sleep inducement, regulation of body temperature, and mood control].  Many areas of the brain that are heavily influenced by these serotonin producing neurons are associated with the body[s visual and limbic systems.  (The limb system is the portion of the brain that is involved with various aspects of emotion and behavior.  In experimental studies, stimulation of certain areas of the limbic system have produced feelings of intense punishment, while stimulation of  other areas of the limbic system have produced feelings of extreme pleasure] When nerve cells (specific to this action) are activated by a nerve impulse, they normally release the neurotransmitter serotonin (neurotransmitters are chemical substances that transmit nerve impulses (messages) from one cell to another, in effect allowing them to transmit information throughout the body] From their presynaptic nerve endings.  Once released, the neurotransmitters cross a gap (known as a synapse) between the adjacent cells and bind with serotonin receptors on the post synaptic neuron (on the other side of synaptic gap).  Because serotonin is an "inhibiting" neurotransmitter [ neurotransmitters can either facilitate, excite, or inhibit postsynaptic neurons.] it decreases the impulse activity of the post synaptic neuron, making it less likely to "fire" when stimulated by other neurotransmitters that work to "excite" the postsynaptic neuron.  It is believed that LSD inhibits the presynaptic receptors of the serotonin producing neurons causing a decrease in the ability of serotonin to inhibit the post synaptic neuron.  Consequently, the effect of the LSD is that it allows "excitatory"  neurotransmitters (normally subdued by the presence of serotonin) to influence the po
stsynaptic neuron and increase its propensity for uninhibited "firing".  In theory, it is believed that it is this unmodulated influence that may account for the behavioral changes produced by this psychotomimetic drug.  Additionally, it is believed that it is the resultant effect of excessive sensory input reaching the cerebral cortex that accounts for the associated visual hallucinations produced by this drug.|Stimulants (psychomotor)|`Central nervous system stimulants can be grouped into three major categories: psychomotor stimulants, e.g. cocaine, amphetamines, nicotine, caffeine, methamphetamines, dextroamphetamines, methylphenidate, etc.; convulsants and respiratory stimulants, e.g. doxapram and nikethamide; and psycotomimetic stimulants, e.g. tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and phencyclidine (PCP).  Psychomotor stimulants are often abused because they produce feelings of euphoria, mental alertness, excitement, and decreased feelings of fatigue and tiredness.  In general, stimulants are drugs that temporarily increase the functional activity of specific parts of the body and include; intestinal, cardiac, motor, secretory, respiratory, and nervous system stimulants to name a few.  Stimulants that affect the nervous system work by promoting the release of specific chemicals in the brain known as neurotransmitters.  [ neurotransmitters are chemical substances that transmit nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another, in effect allowing them to transmit information (messages) throughout the body]  Nervous system stimulants, such as amphetamines, stimulate a portion of the brain known as the reticular activating system (RAS).  The RAS is located in the brain stem and controls our state of alertness or consciousness.  (Note:  Stimulation of the RAS produces wakefulness while inactivation of the RAS produces a sleepful state-Psychomotor stimulants activate the RAS).  The RAS can be divided into two primary parts or functions.  One part, the "mesencephalic" portion, when stimulated, i
nitiates impulses that travel upward through the thalamus and are dispersed to areas throughout the cerebral cortex, resulting in a generalized increase of cortical activity.  It is this increased cortical activity that is responsible for maintaining a state of wakefulness.  The second part (or function) of the RAS is known as the "thalamic" portion and is responsible for triggering an arousal response that is the physical basis of waking up from a deep sleep.  The mechanism of action of amphetamines is a result of its influence on synaptic nerve fibers.  Amphetamines promote the release of stored neurotransmitters, of which dopamine is believed to be responsible for altering behavior when released in excessive amounts.  Because amphetamines stimulate the brain stem, medulla, cortex, and cerebrospinal axis, the effect is a marked decrease of fatigue, diminished appetite, insomnia, and increased alertness (or wakefulness).  Chronic use of amphetamines results in a condition known as "amphetamine psychosis" and is similar to acute schizophrenic attacks.  In the case of cocaine, it blocks the absorption, (re-uptake) of some of the neurotransmitters that have been released into the gap (synapse) between pre and post synaptic neurons, back into the presynaptic neuron.  The resultant increased concentration in the synapse of these neuralchemicals (serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine) increases their effect on the central nervous system.  Especially significant is the increased effect of dopamine on the body's limbic (or pleasure) system, causing intense euphoria.  Continued use however, results in a depletion of dopamine, leaving the user extremely depressed and  craving cocaine.  The adverse effects associated with prolonged use include acute anxiety, depression, and perforation of the nasal septum.|LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE|_LSD is an abbreviation of the German expression for lysergic acid diethylamide.  It is produced from lysergic acid, a substance derived from the ergot fungus which grows on rye or from lyser
gic acid amide, a chemical found in morning glory seeds.  Both of these precursor chemicals are in Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

LSD was first synthesized in 1938.  It's psychotomimetic effects were discovered in 1943 when a chemist accidentally took some LSD.  As he began to experience the effects now known as a "trip," he was aware of vertigo and an intensification of light.  Closing his eyes, he saw a stream of fantastic images of extraordinary vividness accompanied by a kaleidoscopic play of colors.  This condition lasted for about two hours.

Because of the extremely high potency of LSD, its structural relationship to a chemical which is present in the brain, and its similarity in effects to certain aspects of psychosis, LSD was used as a tool of research to study the mechanism of mental illness.  Although there was a marked decline from its initial popularity in illicit channels during the 1960's, there are indications that its illicit use once again may be increasing to some extent.

LSD is usually sold in the form of tablets, thin squares of gelatin ("window panes"), or impregnated paper ("blotter acid").  The average effective oral dose is from 30 to 50 micrograms, but the amount per dosage unit varies greatly.  The effects of higher doses persist 10 to 12 hours.  Tolerance develops rapidly.|pParaphernalia for this drug include small vials of clear liquid, small plastic bags, small bottles, and eye-droppers.|ЃLysergic Acid Diethylamide
Beast, the
Blotter (or Blotter Acid)
Blue Chairs
Blue Cheers
Blue Mist
Brown Dots
California Triple Dip
Flat Blues
Green Wedge
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
Mighty Quinn
Mind Detergent
Owsley Acid
Owsley Blue Dot
Pink Wedge
Pink Owsley
Purple Owsley
Sugar Cube
Uncle (or Uncle Sid)
Wedding Bells
Window Panes|Many forms, can include solid, liquid, and powder form.

Usually taken orally|Symptoms may include altered vision, changes in perception, perceived sensory crossover (i.e. hearing colors), illusions, hallucinations, dilated pupils, panic feelings, anxiety, and depression that may lead to suicidal feelings.  May also cause organic brain damage and periodic flashbacks as long as months after taking the drug.  Overdose may cause agitation, convulsions, hallucinations, and possible death from overdose.|MESCALINE|_The primary active ingredient of the peyote cactus is the hallucinogen mescaline.  It is derived from the fleshy parts or buttons of this plant, which has been employed by Indians in northern Mexico from the earliest recorded time as part of the traditional religious rites.  The Native American Church, which uses peyote in religious ceremonies, has been exempted from certain provisions of the CSA.  Peyote, or mescal buttons, and mescaline should not be confused with mescal, the colorless Mexican liquor distilled from the leaves of maguey plants.  Usually ground into a powder, peyote is taken orally.  Mescaline can also be produced synthetically.  A dose of 350 to 500 mg of mescaline produces illusions and hallucinations lasting from 5 to 12 hours.|pParaphernalia for this drug include small plastic bags and small bottles.|ЃAnhalonium
Cactus Button
Dry Whiskey
Little Green Pills
Mescal (or Mescal Beans)
Wokawi|Cactus buttons usually ground into a powder, or in the form of small green tablets (straight Mescaline)

Usually taken orally|Symptoms may include hallucinations and illusions.  Overdose may lead to psychosis and possible death.|PSILOCYBIN|_Like the peyote cactus, Psilocybe mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional Indian rites.  When they are eaten, these "sacred" or "magic" mushrooms affect mood and perception in a manner similar to mescaline and LSD.  Their active ingredients, psilocybin and psilocyn, are chemically related to LSD.  They can now be made synthetically, but much of what is sold under these names on the illicit market consists of other chemical compounds.|pParaphernalia for this drug include small plastic bags and small bottles.|ЃCow Shit Heaven
Magic Mushrooms
Silly Putty
Spores|Capsule, and natural mushroom forms

Taken orally or smoked|Symptoms may include altered vision, changes in perception, illusions, hallucinations, dilated pupils, panic feelings, anxiety, and depression that may lead to suicidal feelings.  May also cause organic brain damage and periodic flashbacks as long as months after taking the drug.  Overdose may cause agitation, convulsions, hallucinations, and possible death from overdose.|HEROIN|^First synthesized from morphine in 1874, heroin was not extensively used in medicine until the beginning of this century.  The Bayer Company in Germany first started commercial production of the new pain remedy in 1898.   While it received widespread acceptance, the medical profession for years remained unaware of its potential for addiction.  The first comprehensive control of heroin in the United States was established with the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914.

Pure heroin is a white powder with a bitter taste.  Illicit heroin may vary in both form and color.  Most illicit heroin is a powder which may vary in color from white to dark brown because of impurities left from the manufacturing process or the presence of additives, such as food coloring, cocoa, or brown sugar.

Pure heroin is rarely sold on the street.  A "bag"--slang for a single dosage unit of heroin--may weigh about 100 mg. usually containing about five percent heroin.  To increase the bulk of the material sold to the addict, dilutents are mixed with the heroin in ratios ranging from 9 to 1 to as much as 99 to 1.   Sugars, starch, powdered milk, and quinine are among the dilutents used.

Another form of heroin known as "black tar" heroin has also become increasingly available in recent years, especially in the western United States.  Black tar heroin is a crudely processed form of heroin illicitly manufactured in Mexico.  It may be sticky like roofing tar or hard like coal, and it is dark brown to black in color.  Black tar  heroin is often sold on the street in its tar-like state, sometimes at purities ranging as high as 40-80 percent.  Black tar heroin is sometimes diluted, however, by adding materials of similar consistency (such as burnt cornstarch), or by converting the tar heroin into powder and adding conventional dilutents, such as mannitol or quinine.   It is most commonly used through injection.|~Paraphernalia for this drug include syringes, burnt spoons, bottle caps, straight edge razors, cotton balls, tourniquets, eye-droppers, small plastic bags, glassine envelopes, aluminum-foil packets, rolled up dollar bills, straws, pipes, matches, and butane lighters.|ЂBig H
Black Tar
Brown Sugar
Crown Crap
Doogie (or Dugee)
Doojie (or Duji)
George Smack
Horse Radish
Joy Powder
Tar (black)
White Lady|Powder (white to dark brown) or a tar-like substance

Injected, inhaled through nasal passages, or smoked

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Produces feelings of euphoria generally followed by nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.  Additional symptoms may include itching, watery eyes, and constricted pupils.  Overdose symptoms may include clammy skin, slow and shallow breathing, convulsions, coma, and possibly death.|METHADONE|^German scientists synthesized methadone during World War II because of a shortage of morphine.  although chemically unlike morphine or heroin, it produces many of the same effects.  Introduced into the United States in 1947 as an analgesic and distributed under such names as Amidone, Dolophine, and Methadone, it became widely used in the 1960's in the treatment of narcotic addicts.  The effects of methadone differ from morphine-based drugs in that they have a longer duration of action, lasting up to 24 hours, thereby permitting administration only once a day in heroin detoxification and maintenance programs.  Moreover, methadone is almost as effective when administered orally as it is by injection.  But tolerance and dependence may develop, and withdrawal symptoms, though they develop more slowly and are less severe, are more prolonged.  Ironically, methadone, designed to control narcotic addiction, has emerged in some metropolitan areas as a major cause of overdose deaths.

Closely related chemically to methadone is the synthetic compound levo-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM), which has an even longer duration of action (from 48 to 72 hours), permitting a further reduction in clinic visits and the elimination of take-home medications.  Its potential in the treatment of narcotic addicts is under investigation.

Another close relative of methadone is propoxyphene, first marketed  in 1957 under the trade name Darvon for the relief of mild to moderate pain. Less dependence-producing than the other opiates., it is less effective as an analgesic.|~Paraphernalia for this drug include syringes, burnt spoons, bottle caps, straight edge razors, cotton balls, tourniquets, eye-droppers, small plastic bags, glassine envelopes, aluminum-foil packets, rolled up dollar bills, straws, pipes, matches, and butane lighters.|ЂDolly
Meth (Methadone)

Taken orally or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Produces feelings of euphoria generally followed by nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.  Additional symptoms may include itching, watery eyes, and constricted pupils.  Overdose symptoms may include clammy skin, slow and shallow breathing, convulsions, coma, and possibly death.|CODEINE|^This alkaloid is found in raw opium in concentrations ranging from 0.7 to 2.5 percent.  It was first isolated in 1832 as an impurity in a batch of morphine.   Although it occurs naturally, most codeine is produced from morphine.  As compared with morphine, codeine produces less analgesia, sedation, and respiratory depression.  It is widely distributed in products of two general types.  Codeine for the relief of moderate pain may consists of codeine tablets or be combined with other products, such a aspirin or acetaminophen (Tylenol).  Some examples of liquid codeine preparations for the relief of coughs (antitussives) are Robitussin AC, Cheracol, and elixir of terpin hydrate with codeine.  Codeine is also manufactured to a lesser extent in injectable form for the relief of pain.  It is by far the most widely used naturally occurring narcotic in medical treatment.|uParaphernalia for this drug include syringes, burnt spoons, bottle caps, skewers, cotton balls, tourniquets, eye-droppers, matches, butane lighters, small plastic bags, and small bottles.|ЂCodeine
Empirin Compound w/Codeine
Tylenol w/Codeine
Cough Medicine w/Codeine|Liquids with varying thicknesses

Taken orally or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Produces feelings of euphoria generally followed by nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.  Additional symptoms may include itching, watery eyes, and constricted pupils.  Overdose symptoms may include clammy skin, slow and shallow breathing, convulsions, coma, and possibly death.|MORPHINE|^The principal constituent of opium, ranging in concentration from 4 to 21 percent, morphine is one of the most effective drugs known for the relief of pain.  It is marketed in the form of white crystals, hypodermic tablets, and injectable preparations.  Its licit use is restricted primarily to hospitals. Morphine is odorless, tastes bitter, and darkens with age.  It may be administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously, the latter method being the one most frequently resorted to by addicts.  Tolerance and dependence develop rapidly in the user.  Only a small part of the morphine obtained from opium is used medically.  Most of it is converted to codeine and, secondarily, to hydromorphone.|vParaphernalia for this drug include syringes, burnt spoons, bottle caps, skewers, cotton balls, tourniquets, eye-droppers, matches, butane lighters, small plastic bags, and small bottles.|ЂBig "M"
Happy Medicine
Hard Stuff
Miss Emma
Miss Morph
Pectoral syrup
Red Cross "M"
Sweet Jesus
White Angel
White Cross (Morphine)
White Nurse|White crystals
Hypodermic tablets
Injectable solutions

Injected, taken orally, or smoked

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Produces feelings of euphoria generally followed by nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.  Additional symptoms may include itching, watery eyes, and constricted pupils.  Overdose symptoms may include clammy skin, slow and shallow breathing, convulsions, coma, and possibly death.|MEPERIDINE|^The first synthetic narcotic, meperidine, is chemically dissimilar to morphine but resembles it in its analgesic effect.  It is probably the most widely used drug for the relief of moderate to severe pain.  Available in pure from as well as in products containing other medicinal ingredients, it is administered either orally  or by injection, the latter method being the most widely abused.  Tolerance and dependence develop with chronic use, and large doses can result in convulsions or death.|~Paraphernalia for this drug include syringes, burnt spoons, bottle caps, skewers, cotton balls, tourniquets, eye-droppers, matches, butane lighters, small plastic bags, and small bottles.|ЂPethidine
Mepergan|White powder

Taken orally or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Produces feelings of euphoria generally followed by nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.  Additional symptoms may include itching, watery eyes, and constricted pupils.  Overdose symptoms may include clammy skin, slow and shallow breathing, convulsions, coma, and possibly death.|OPIUM|^There were no legal restrictions on the importation or use of opium until the early 1900's.  In those days, patent medicines often contained opium without any warning label.  Today, there are state, federal, and international laws governing the production and distribution of narcotics substances, and there is little abuse of opium in the United States.

At least 25 alkaloids can be extracted from opium.  These fall into two general categories, each producing markedly different effects.  The first, known as the phenanthrene alkaloids, represented by morphine and codeine, are used as analgesics and cough suppressants; the second, the isoquinoline alkaloids, represented by papaverine (an intestinal relaxant) and noscapine (a cough suppressant), have no significant influence on the central nervous system and are not regulated under the CSA.

Although a small amount of opium is used to make antidiarrheal preparations, such as paregoric, virtually all the opium imported into this country is broken down into its alkaloid constituents, principally morphine and codeine.|~Paraphernalia for this drug include syringes, burnt spoons, bottle caps, straight edge razors, cotton balls, tourniquets, eye-droppers, small plastic bags, glassine envelopes, aluminum-foil packets, rolled up dollar bills, straws, pipes, matches, and butane lighters.|ЂBlack Shit
Black Stuff
Dover's Powder
Gun Powder
Pen Yan
Tar|Dark brown clumps or powder

Taken orally or smoked|Produces feelings of euphoria generally followed by nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.  Additional symptoms may include itching, watery eyes, and constricted pupils.  Overdose symptoms may include clammy skin, slow and shallow breathing, convulsions, coma, and possibly death.|NARCOTICS (MISC.)|^There were no legal restrictions on the importation or use of opium until the early 1900's.  In those days, patent medicines often contained opium without any warning label.  Today, there are state, federal, and international laws governing the production and distribution of narcotics substances, and there is little abuse of opium in the United States.

At least 25 alkaloids can be extracted from opium.  These fall into two general categories, each producing markedly different effects.  The first, known as the phenanthrene alkaloids, represented by morphine and codeine, are used as analgesics and cough suppressants; the second, the isoquinoline alkaloids, represented by papaverine (an intestinal relaxant) and noscapine (a cough suppressant), have no significant influence on the central nervous system and are not regulated under the CSA.

Although a small amount of opium is used to make antidiarrheal preparations, such as paregoric, virtually all the opium imported into this country is broken down into its alkaloid constituents, principally morphine and codeine.|wParaphernalia for this drug include syringes, burnt spoons, bottle caps, straight edge razors, cotton balls, tourniquets, eye-droppers, small plastic bags, glassine envelopes, aluminum-foil packets, rolled up dollar bills, straws, pipes, matches, and butane lighters.|ЂPercocet

Taken orally or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Produces feelings of euphoria generally followed by nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness.  Additional symptoms may include itching, watery eyes, and constricted pupils.  Overdose symptoms may include clammy skin, slow and shallow breathing, convulsions, coma, and possibly death.|COCAINE|`The most potent stimulant of natural origin, cocaine is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant (Erythroxylon coca), which has been grown in the Andean highlands of South American since prehistoric times.  The leaves of the plant are chewed in the region for refreshment and relief  from fatigue.

Pure cocaine, the principal psychoactive ingredient, was first isolated in the 1880's.  It was used as an anesthetic in eye surgery for which no previously known drug had been suitable.  It became particularly useful in surgery of the nose and throat because of its ability to anesthetize tissue while simultaneously constricting blood vessels and limiting bleeding.  Many of its therapeutic applications are now obsolete because of the development of safer drugs as local anesthetics.

Illicit cocaine is usually distributed as a white crystalline powder, often diluted by a variety of other ingredients, the most common of which are sugars, such as lactose, inositol, mannitol, and local anesthetics such as lidocaine.  The frequent adulteration is to increase volume and thus to multiply profits.

The drug is most commonly administered by being "snorted" through the nasal passages.  Symptoms of repeated use in this manner may resemble the congested nose of a common cold.

The intensity of the psychological effects of cocaine, as with many psychoactive drugs, depends on the rate of entry into the blood.  Intravenous injection or smoking produces an almost immediate intense experience.  Cocaine hydrochloride, the usual form in which cocaine is sold, while soluble in water and sometimes injected, is fairly insensitive to heat.  Conversion of cocaine hydrochloride to cocaine base yields a substance that will become volatile when heated.  "Crack", or cocaine base in the form of chips, chunks, or "rocks", is usually vaporized in a pipe or smoked with plant material in a cigarette or a "joint".  Inhalation of the cocaine fumes produces effects that are very fast in onset, very intense, and are quickly over.  These intense effects are often followed within minutes by a dysphoric "crash", leading to frequently repeated doses and rapid addiction.

Because of the intensity of its pleasurable effects, cocaine has the potential for extraordinary psychic dependency.  Recurrent users may resort to larger doses at shorter intervals until their lives are largely committed to their drug addiction.  Anxiety, restlessness, and extreme irritability may indicate the onset of toxic psychosis similar to paranoid schizophrenia, tactile hallucinations so afflict some chronic users that they injure themselves in attempting to remove imaginary insects from under the skin.  Others feel persecuted and fear that they are being watched and followed.

Excessive doses of cocaine may cause seizures and death from, for example, respiratory failure, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, or heart failure.  There is no specific treatment for cocaine overdose.  Nor does tolerance develop to the toxic effects of cocaine.  In fact, there are studies which indicate that repeated use lowers the dose at which toxicity occurs. There is no "safe" dose of cocaine.|oParaphernalia for this drug include straight edge razors, scales, small hand mirror, rolled up dollar bills, straws, small spoons, ceramic mortar & pestle set, syringes, glass vials, small plastic bags, small bottles, chemicals (Ether, Potassium, Carbonate; Sodium Hydroxide) matches, and butane lighters.|cBernies
Big Bloke
Big "C"
Billie Hoke
Cocoa Puffs
Gold Dust
Happy Dust
Heaven Dust
Jam Cecil
Nose Candy
Nose Stuff
Peruvian Marching Powder
Powdered Diamond
School Boy
Snow Caine
Snow Flakes
White Mosquitoes
Wire|Usually a white, crystal-like powder


NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Symptoms can include feelings of euphoria, feelings of increased sensory awareness, may trigger psychosis in users prone to mental instability, paranoia, hallucinations, anxiety, confusion, and irrational behavior.  Death is possible due to seizures that lead to respiratory arrest, coma, or cardiac arrest.|CRACK|`The most potent stimulant of natural origin, cocaine is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant (Erythroxylon coca), which has been grown in the Andean highlands of South American since prehistoric times.  The leaves of the plant are chewed in the region for refreshment and relief  from fatigue.

Pure cocaine, the principal psychoactive ingredient, was first isolated in the 1880's.  It was used as an anesthetic in eye surgery for which no previously known drug had been suitable.  It became particularly useful in surgery of the nose and throat because of its ability to anesthetize tissue while simultaneously constricting blood vessels and limiting bleeding.  Many of its therapeutic applications are now obsolete because of the development of safer drugs as local anesthetics.

Illicit cocaine is usually distributed as a white crystalline powder, often diluted by a variety of other ingredients, the most common of which are sugars, such as lactose, inositol, mannitol, and local anesthetics such as lidocaine.  The frequent adulteration is to increase volume and thus to multiply profits.

The drug is most commonly administered by being "snorted" through the nasal passages.  Symptoms of repeated use in this manner may resemble the congested nose of a common cold.

The intensity of the psychological effects of cocaine, as with many psychoactive drugs, depends on the rate of entry into the blood.  Intravenous injection or smoking produces an almost immediate intense experience.  Cocaine hydrochloride, the usual form in which cocaine is sold, while soluble in water and sometimes injected, is fairly insensitive to heat.  Conversion of cocaine hydrochloride to cocaine base yields a substance that will become volatile when heated.  "Crack", or cocaine base in the form of chips, chunks, or "rocks", is usually vaporized in a pipe or smoked with plant material in a cigarette or a "joint".  Inhalation of the cocaine fumes produces effects that are very fast in onset, very intense, and are quickly over.  these intense effects are often followed within minutes by a dysphoric "crash", leading to frequently repeated doses and rapid addiction.

Because of the intensity of its pleasurable effects, cocaine has the potential for extraordinary psychic dependency.  Recurrent users may resort to larger doses at shorter intervals until their lives are largely committed to their drug addiction.  Anxiety, restlessness, and extreme irritability may indicate the onset of toxic psychosis similar to paranoid schizophrenia, tactile hallucinations so afflict some chronic users that they injure themselves in attempting to remove imaginary insects from under the skin.  Others feel persecuted and fear that they are being watched and followed.

Excessive doses of cocaine may cause seizures and death from, for example, respiratory failure, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, or heart failure.  There is no specific treatment for cocaine overdose.  Nor does tolerance develop to the toxic effects of cocaine.  In fact, there are studies which indicate that repeated use lowers the dose at which toxicity occurs. There is no "safe" dose of cocaine.|oParaphernalia for this drug inlcude glass vials, foil pouches, water pipes, and pipes.|cBase
Rock|Usually in large pieces called "rocks"

Smoked or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Symptoms can include feelings of euphoria, feelings of increased sensory awareness, may trigger psychosis in users prone to mental instability, paranoia, hallucinations, anxiety, confusion, and irrational behavior.  Death is possible due to seizures that lead to respiratory arrest, coma, or cardiac arrest.|BARBITURATES (MISC.)|]Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants and are similar, in many ways, to the depressant effects of alcohol.  To date, there are approximately 2,500 derivatives of barbituric acid of which only 15 are used medically.  The first barbiturate was synthesized from barbituric acid (malonylurea) in 1864, manufactured for medical use in 1882, and released in 1903 under the brand name Veronal.  The original use of barbiturates were to replace drugs such as opiates, bromides, and alcohol to induce sleep.  Barbiturates are broken down chemically within the liver and eliminated via the kidneys at different rates according to their types:  Slow-or long acting; intermediate, and ultra-fast--those producing unconsciousness in just a few minutes.  With regular use, the body develops a tolerance to barbiturates that translates into a need for larger and more frequent doses to attain the desired affect.  However, while the tolerance increases in terms of realizing a desired effect, tolerance to the lethal level does not.  Increases, thus bringing the frequent user closer and closer to the "lethal limit" as they continue to up their doses.  Barbiturate abuse can result in two kinds of dependence (addiction), Psychological dependence--that can develop very quickly and involves a commanding need or desire for the hypnotic or relaxing effects of the drug, and physical dependence--that takes longer to develop but is considerable more dangerous because the body reacts violently if the drug is stopped or the dose is sharply reduced.|xParaphernalia for these drugs include small plastic bags, small bottles, syringes, spo
ons, bottle caps, cotton balls, matches, and butane lighters.|ЃBarb
Barbiturates (Misc.)
Courage Pill
Goof Balls
Green Dragons
King Kong Pills
Phenobarbital|Tablet and capsule

Taken orally|Symptoms may include a sense of excitement before sedation starts to take effect.  Symptoms also include slurred speech, lack of coordination, clammy skin, rapid pulse, coma, and possible death.

NOTE: Chances of death from overdose is significantly increased when taken in combination with alcohol.|ALCOHOL|YThe term "Alcohol" has been synonymous with "spirituous" liquids for the past 300 years while the history of alcohol consumption, along with codes limiting its consumption, go back to 1700 B.C.  There are basically four types of alcohol, all having one primary chemical feature in common, a chemical structure that involves an oxygen atom and a hydrogen atom bonded together to form a molecule known as a "hydroxyl group".  Hydroxyl groups are classified by the number of hydrocarbon units that occur in them.  Of the four alcohol types "Methyl Alcohol"  has one carbon unit; "Ethyl Alcohol" has two carbon units (Note:  Ethyl alcohol is the type used in the production of alcoholic beverages): "Propyl Alcohol" has three carbon units; and "Butyl Alcohol" has four carbon units.  Alcohol, a central nervous system depressant, and its consumption can cause a number of marked changes in behavior.  Even low doses significantly impair judgment and coordination.  In small amounts, it can induce feelings of relaxation and tranquillity, suppress anxiety, and in some, inspire feelings of confidence.  However, as the dose is increased, normally beyond 6 ounces, the pleasant euphoric feelings begin to give way to feelings of depression. Intoxication occurs because the liver is unable to metabolize (break down) more than one ounce of alcohol every hour.  Therefore, when a person consumes more alcohol than the body can metabolize, intoxication occurs -- Intoxication can generally last anywhere from one to 12 hours.  Repeated use of alcohol can lead to increased tolerance to the drug that in turn leads to greater and greater amounts required to achieve its desired effect.  Once the body develops a dependence to alcohol, a sudden cessation of its intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms.  Withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening and include severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions.  Additionally, while
long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol can lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver, mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome that can include irreversible physical and mental damage to the baby.|lParaphernalia for this drug include bottles, cans, wine bottles, false identification cards.|…Alcohol
Wine|Liquid (in various colors)

Taken orally|Short term effects include euphoria, relaxation, suppressed inhibitions, and impaired motor skills.  Large amounts can cause stupor, nausea, unconsciousness, and death.  Chronic alcoholism leads to permanent liver damage.  Taken during pregnancy may lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.|NICOTINE|ZSmoking tobacco has been a common practice for centuries in many civilizations and have included, for example, the native Americans.  The practice of smoking tobacco leaves on this continent was first encountered by the early European explorers of the 16th century in their travels to the "New World."  Nicotine, the active ingredient in tobacco that acts as a stimulant on the heart and nervous system, was named in honor of Jean Nicot who claimed it possessed great medicinal potential.  Nicotine itself is an oily alkaloid found in concentrations of approximately 2-5% in tobacco plants.  In its pure form nicotine is colorless and has a potent odor and strong acid taste, and is highly poisonous.  Note:  Pure Nicotine is highly poisonous, and only one drop approximately 50 mg can kill a person within minutes.  The addictive nature of this drug as been recognized over the centuries and includes a 1662 observation that quotes, "the common people are so given up to the use that they imagine they cannot live without several pipes of tobacco a day--thus squandering in these necessitous times the pennies they require for their daily sustenance."  Additionally, as early as the 17th century, smoking was prohibited by the Roman catholic church, and as early as 1663 smokers were put to death by the Sultan of Constantinople.  In 1964 a comprehensive report on the dangers of smoking was issued by the Surgeon General of the United States.  In January of 1966, President Johnson signed into law a requirement that all cigarette packages would carry the warning.  "Caution:  Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health."  In 1971 cigarette advertising was banned from both television and radio advertising.  In 1977 however, the U.S.
department of Agriculture reported that cigarette companies focused $779 million (in that year alone) on printed advertising and promotions to sell their products.  In addition to nicotine, cigarette smoke contains some 4,000 other chemicals, several of which are known to be cancer causing.  Other toxins and irritants found in smoke can produce eye,  nose, and throat irritations.  Carbon monoxide, another component of cigarette smoke, combines with hemoglobin, a substance that interferes with the body's ability to obtain and use oxygen.|tParaphernalia for this drug include matches, butane lighters, and rolling papers.|„Cigarettes
Chewing Tobacco
Tobacco|In many forms such as cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and finely ground powder (called snuff)

Taken orally|Steady users feel a relaxed mood.  Large amounts can cause appetite loss, nausea, and headache.  Long term effects increase the chances of lung cancer, lung disease (emphysema, asthma, bronchiectasis, and lung abscesses).  Long term effects also include heart and blood vessel disease that may result in myocardial infarction (heart attack), coronary heart disease, and generalize hardening of the arteries.|MARIJUANA|_The term marijuana is used in this country to refer to the cannabis plant and to any part or extract of it that produces somatic or psychic change in humans.  A tobacco-like substance produced by drying the leaves and flowering types of the plant, marijuana varies significantly in its potency, depending on the source and selectivity of plant materials used.  Most wild U.S. cannabis is considered inferior because of a low concentration of THC, usually less than 0.5 percent.  Jamaican, Colombian, and Mexican varieties range between 0.5 and 7 percent.  The most selective produce is reputed to be sinsemilla (Spanish, sin semilla; without seed), prepared from the unpollinated female cannabis plant, samples of which have been found to contain up to 20 percent THC.  Southeast Asian "Thai Sticks", consisting of marijuana buds bound on short sections of bamboo, are encountered infrequently on the U.S. illicit market.|nParaphernalia for marijuana includes matches, rolling papers (i.e. Zig Zag papers), pipes, matches, lighters, plastic baggies, hand vises and clips (as well as other "roach clips").  Other related paraphernalia include hiding containers (sometimes posing as cola cans, etc.), small medicine bottles, and eye drops.|bAcapulco Gold
Aunt Mary
Bo-Bo Bush
Canadian Black
Chicago Green
Colombia Red
GOM (Good Old Marijuana)
Greefo (or Griefo)
Gunja (or Gunjah)
Indian Hay
Indian Hemp
Jay Smoke
Joy Smoke
Ktutchu String
Laughing Grass
Light Green
Loco Weed
Love Weed
Mary Jane (or Mari Jane)
Mary Worner
Mary Weaver
Mexican Brown
Mez (or Mezz)
Texas Tea
Thai Sticks
Viper Weed
Wake & Bake
Weed Tea
Yesca|Dried parsley-like appearance that may include stems or seeds

Taken orally or smoked|Initial effects can include feelings of euphoria and well-being, relaxed inhibitions, a sense of humor about most things, and a feeling of being hungry.  Symptoms may include a significant increase in heart rate, dry throat and mouth, bloodshot eyes, impair short term memory, comprehension, and coordination.  Can also produce paranoia as well as psychosis.  During pregnancy may have a toxic effect on embryos and fetuses.  In some cases may cause an "acute panic anxiety reaction."|TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL|_The term marijuana is used in this country to refer to the cannabis plant and to any part or extract of it that produces somatic or psychic change in humans.  A tobacco-like substance produced by drying the leaves and flowering types of the plant, marijuana varies significantly in its potency, depending on the source and selectivity of plant materials used.  Most wild U.S. cannabis is considered inferior because of a low concentration of THC, usually less than 0.5 percent.  Jamaican, Colombian, and Mexican varieties range between 0.5 and 7 percent.  The most selective produce is reputed to be sinsemilla (Spanish, sin semilla; without seed), prepared from the unpollinated female cannabis plant, samples of which have been found to contain up to 20 percent THC.  Southeast Asian "Thai Sticks", consisting of marijuana buds bound on short sections of bamboo, are encountered infrequently on the U.S. illicit market.|nParaphernalia for this drug includes matches, rolling papers (i.e. Zig Zag papers), pipes, matches, lighters, plastic baggies, hand vises and clips (as well as other "roach clips").  Other related paraphernalia include hiding containers (sometimes posing as cola cans, etc.), small medicine bottles, and eye drops.|bTetrahydrocannabinol
THC|Soft gelatin capsules

Taken orally or smoked|Symptoms may include a significant increase in heart rate, dry throat and mouth, bloodshot eyes, impair short term memory, comprehension, and coordination.  Can also produce paranoia as well as psychosis.  During pregnancy may have a toxic effect on embryos and fetuses.  In some cases may cause an "acute panic anxiety reaction.|HASHISH|_The middle East is the main source of hashish.  It consists of the drug-rich resinous secretions of the cannabis plant, which are collected, dried, and then compressed into a variety of forms, such as balls, cakes, or cookie-like sheets.  The THC content of hashish in the United States averages 3 percent.|nParaphernalia for this drug  includes matches, rolling papers (i.e. Zig Zag papers), pipes, matches, lighters, plastic baggies, hand vises and clips (as well as other "roach clips").  Other related paraphernalia include hiding containers (sometimes posing as cola cans, etc.), small medicine bottles, and eye drops.|bAsphalt
Black Russian
Blue Cheese
Hash Oil
Hashish Oil
Shishi|Brown or black cakes or balls, or a syrupy liquid (colors ranging from clear to black)

Taken orally or smoked|Symptoms may include a significant increase in heart rate, dry throat and mouth, bloodshot eyes, impair short term memory, comprehension, and coordination.  Can also produce paranoia as well as psychosis.  During pregnancy may have a toxic effect on embryos and fetuses.  In some cases may cause an "acute panic anxiety reaction.|CAFFEINE|`The two most prevalent stimulants are nicotine in tobacco products and caffeine, the active ingredient of coffee, tea, and some bottled beverages that are sold in every supermarket. When used in moderation, these stimulants tend to relieve fatigue and increase alertness.  They are an accepted part of our culture.  There are however, more potent stimulants that because of their dependence-producing potential are under the regulatory control of the CSA.  These controlled stimulants are available by prescription for medical purposes; they are also clandestinely manufactured for distribution on the illicit market.  Users tend to rely on stimulants to feel stronger, more decisive, and self-possessed.  Because of the cumulative effects of the drugs, chronic users often follow a pattern of taking "uppers" in the morning and "downers" such as alcohol or sleeping pills, at night.  Such chemical manipulation interferes with normal body processes and can lead to mental and physical illness.  Individuals who resort to stimulants for their euphoric effects consume large doses sporadically, over weekends or at night, often going on to experiment with other drugs of abuse.  The consumption of stimulants may result in a temporary sense of exhilaration, superabundant energy, hyperactivity, extended wakefulness, and a loss of appetite. It may also induce irritability, anxiety, and apprehension.  These effects are greatly intensified with administration by intravenous injection, which may produce a sudden sensation known as a "flash" or "rush".  The protracted use of stimulants is followed, however, by a period of depression known as "crashing" that is invariably described as
unpleasant.  Since the depression can be easily counteracted by a further injection of stimulant, this abuse pattern becomes increasingly difficult to break.  Heavy users may inject themselves every few hours, a process sometimes continued to the point of  delirium, psychosis, or physical exhaustion.|mParaphernalia for this drug may include soda cans, coffee cups, small pill bottles, etc..  Note: Caffeine is found in several food and beverage products.|mCaffeine
Diet Pills w/Caffeine
No Doz
Vivarin|Contained in many brand name foods and beverages, as well as many prescription and non-prescription drugs.

Taken orally|May cause a feeling of alertness and extra energy.  Large doses may cause nervousness, insomnia, and increased urination.  Overdose symptoms may include rapid heartbeat, convulsions, hallucinations, nausea, and coma.|MDMA|[MDA and other such designer drugs, that include MDMA, MMDA (Ecstasy), MDEA (Eve), DOM and DOB are generally chemical variations of Amphetamines and Methampheteamines.  To circumvent the legal restrictions imposed on illegal drugs, these so-called "designer drugs" are chemical modifications that alter the original chemical structure of an illegal drug, thus creating a new drug that falls outside (at least initially) of the legal restrictions.  However, while not being "illegal" per se, these new drugs can be extremely dangerous in that they can be several hundred times stronger than the drugs they are designed to imitate.  An example of how these drugs attempt to stay ahead of the legal restrictions is illustrated by the fact that when the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration declared MMDA (Ecstasy) to be a controlled substance in 1985, MDEA (Eve) showed up on the streets soon after to take its place. While these drugs are basically grouped together as "designer drugs" they differ from one another in their potency, speed of onset, duration of its effects, and capacity to modify moods with or without producing hallucinations.|}Paraphernalia for these drugs include syringes, tourniquets, rolled up dollar bills, straws, small plastic bags, and small bottles. |ЃAdam
Disco Biscuits
XTC|Powder, tablet, or capsule

Taken orally, smoked or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Initial effects include feelings of warmth and confidence, an exhilarating rush, and a sense of enhanced thinking.  Other effects may include chills and sweating, nausea, faintness and blurred vision.  Psychological effects may include paranoia, anxiety, and depression.  One dose is generally sufficient quantity to cause brain damage and possible death.|MDCA|[MDA and other such designer drugs, that include MDMA, MMDA (Ecstasy), MDEA (Eve), DOM and DOB are generally chemical variations of Amphetamines and Methampheteamines.  To circumvent the legal restrictions imposed on illegal drugs, these so-called "designer drugs" are chemical modifications that alter the original chemical structure of an illegal drug, thus creating a new drug that falls outside (at least initially) of the legal restrictions.  However, while not being "illegal" per se, these new drugs can be extremely dangerous in that they can be several hundred times stronger than the drugs they are designed to imitate.  An example of how these drugs attempt to stay ahead of the legal restrictions is illustrated by the fact that when the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration declared MMDA (Ecstasy) to be a controlled substance in 1985, MDEA (Eve) showed up on the streets soon after to take its place. While these drugs are basically grouped together as "designer drugs" they differ from one another in their potency, speed of onset, duration of its effects, and capacity to modify moods with or without producing hallucinations.|}Paraphernalia for these drugs include syringes, tourniquets, rolled up dollar bills, straws, small plastic bags, and small bottles.|ЃHeaven
MDCA|Tablet or capsule

Taken orally or smoked|Initial effects include feelings of warmth and confidence, an exhilarating rush, and a sense of enhanced thinking.  Other effects may include chills and sweating, nausea, faintness and blurred vision.  Psychological effects may include paranoia, anxiety, and depression.  One dose is generally sufficient quantity to cause brain damage and possible death.|MDEA|[MDA and other such designer drugs, that include MDMA, MMDA (Ecstasy), MDEA (Eve), DOM and DOB are generally chemical variations of Amphetamines and Methampheteamines.  To circumvent the legal restrictions imposed on illegal drugs, these so-called "designer drugs" are chemical modifications that alter the original chemical structure of an illegal drug, thus creating a new drug that falls outside (at least initially) of the legal restrictions.  However, while not being "illegal" per se, these new drugs can be extremely dangerous in that they can be several hundred times stronger than the drugs they are designed to imitate.  An example of how these drugs attempt to stay ahead of the legal restrictions is illustrated by the fact that when the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration declared MMDA (Ecstasy) to be a controlled substance in 1985, MDEA (Eve) showed up on the streets soon after to take its place. While these drugs are basically grouped together as "designer drugs" they differ from one another in their potency, speed of onset, duration of its effects, and capacity to modify moods with or without producing hallucinations.|}Paraphernalia for these drugs include syringes, tourniquets, rolled up dollar bills, straws, small plastic bags, and small bottles.|ЃEve
MDEA|Tablet or capsule

Taken orally or smoked|Initial effects include feelings of warmth and confidence, an exhilarating rush, and a sense of enhanced thinking.  Other effects may include chills and sweating, nausea, faintness and blurred vision.  Psychological effects may include paranoia, anxiety, and depression.  One dose is generally sufficient quantity to cause brain damage and possible death.|AMPHETAMINES (MISC.)|`The two most prevalent stimulants are nicotine in tobacco products and caffeine, the active ingredient of coffee, tea, and some bottled beverages that are sold in every supermarket. When used in moderation, these stimulants tend to relieve fatigue and increase alertness.  They are an accepted part of our culture.  There are however, more potent stimulants that because of their dependence-producing potential are under the regulatory control of the CSA.  These controlled stimulants are available by prescription for medical purposes; they are also clandestinely manufactured for distribution on the illicit market.  Users tend to rely on stimulants to feel stronger, more decisive, and self-possessed.  Because of the cumulative effects of the drugs, chronic users often follow a pattern of taking "uppers" in the morning and "downers" such as alcohol or sleeping pills, at night.  Such chemical manipulation interferes with normal body processes and can lead to mental and physical illness.  Individuals who resort to stimulants for their euphoric effects consume large doses sporadically, over weekends or at night, often going on to experiment with other drugs of abuse.  The consumption of stimulants may result in a temporary sense of exhilaration, superabundant energy, hyperactivity, extended wakefulness, and a loss of appetite. It may also induce irritability, anxiety, and apprehension.  These effects are greatly intensified with administration by intravenous injection, which may produce a sudden sensation known as a "flash" or "rush".  The protracted use of stimulants is followed, however, by a period of depression known as "cra
shing" that is invariably described as unpleasant.  Since the depression can be easily counteracted by a further injection of stimulant, this abuse pattern becomes increasingly difficult to break.  Heavy users may inject themselves every few hours, a process sometimes continued to the point of  delirium, psychosis, or physical exhaustion.|yParaphernalia for these drugs include vials, small plastic bags, small bottles, syringes, rolled up dollar bills, straws, spoons, bottle caps, cotton balls, matches, and butane lighters.|ЂAmphetamines
Black Beauties
Cross Roads
Cross Tops
Eye Opener
Jolly Beans
Lid Poppers
Whites|Powder, tablets, or capsules

Taken orally, smoked, inhaled, or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Symptoms may include a feeling of increased energy and excitement, insomnia, dilated pupils, and trembling.  Long term effects can include paranoia, and violent behavior.  Overdose may result in death.

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|BENZEDRINE|`The two most prevalent stimulants are nicotine in tobacco products and caffeine, the active ingredient of coffee, tea, and some bottled beverages that are sold in every supermarket. When used in moderation, these stimulants tend to relieve fatigue and increase alertness.  They are an accepted part of our culture.  There are however, more potent stimulants that because of their dependence-producing potential are under the regulatory control of the CSA.  These controlled stimulants are available by prescription for medical purposes; they are also clandestinely manufactured for distribution on the illicit market.  Users tend to rely on stimulants to feel stronger, more decisive, and self-possessed.  Because of the cumulative effects of the drugs, chronic users often follow a pattern of taking "uppers" in the morning and "downers" such as alcohol or sleeping pills, at night.  Such chemical manipulation interferes with normal body processes and can lead to mental and physical illness.  Individuals who resort to stimulants for their euphoric effects consume large doses sporadically, over weekends or at night, often going on to experiment with other drugs of abuse.  The consumption of stimulants may result in a temporary sense of exhilaration, superabundant energy, hyperactivity, extended wakefulness, and a loss of appetite. It may also induce irritability, anxiety, and apprehension.  These effects are greatly intensified with administration by intravenous injection, which may produce a sudden sensation known as a "flash" or "rush".  The protracted use of stimulants is followed, however, by a period of depression known as "crashing" that is invariably described as unpleasant.  Since the depression can be easily counteracted by a further injection of stimulant, this abuse pattern becomes increasingly difficult to break.  Heavy users may inject themselves every few hours, a process sometimes continued to the point of  delirium,
psychosis, or physical exhaustion.|yParaphernalia for this drug include vials, small plastic bags, small bottles, syringes, rolled up dollar bills, straws, spoons, bottle caps, cotton balls, matches, and butane lighters.|ЂBennies
Purple Hearts
Roses|Usually in tablet form

Taken orally, smoked, or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Symptoms may include a feeling of increased energy and excitement, insomnia, dilated pupils, and trembling.  Long term effects can include paranoia, and violent behavior.  Overdose may result in death.

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|NEMBUTAL|]Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants and are similar, in many ways, to the depressant effects of alcohol.  To date, there are approximately 2,500 derivatives of barbituric acid of which only 15 are used medically.  The first barbiturate was synthesized from barbituric acid (malonylurea) in 1864, manufactured for medical use in 1882, and released in 1903 under the brand name Veronal.  The original use of barbiturates were to replace drugs such as opiates, bromides, and alcohol to induce sleep.  Barbiturates are broken down chemically within the liver and eliminated via the kidneys at different rates according to their types:  Slow-or long acting; intermediate, and ultra-fast--those producing unconsciousness in just a few minutes.  With regular use, the body develops a tolerance to barbiturates that translates into a need for larger and more frequent doses to attain the desired affect.  However, while the tolerance increases in terms of realizing a desired effect, tolerance to the lethal level does not.  Increases, thus bringing the frequent user closer and closer to the "lethal limit" as they continue to up their doses.  Barbiturate abuse can result in two kinds of dependence (addiction), Psychological dependence--that can develop very quickly and involves a commanding need or desire for the hypnotic or relaxing effects of the drug, and physical dependence--that takes longer to develop but is considerable more dangerous because the body reacts violently if the drug is stopped or the dose is sharply reduced.|zParaphernalia for this drug include small plastic bags, small bottles, syringes, spoons, bottle caps, cotton balls, matches, and butane lighters.|ЃCanary
Nimbie (or Nimby)
Yellows|Tablet form

Taken Orally|Symptoms may include a sense of excitement before sedation starts to take effect.  Symptoms also include slurred speech, lack of coordination, clammy skin, rapid pulse, coma, and possible death.

NOTE: Chances of death from overdose is significantly increased when taken in combination with alcohol.|SECONAL|]Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants and are similar, in many ways, to the depressant effects of alcohol.  To date, there are approximately 2,500 derivatives of barbituric acid of which only 15 are used medically.  The first barbiturate was synthesized from barbituric acid (malonylurea) in 1864, manufactured for medical use in 1882, and released in 1903 under the brand name Veronal.  The original use of barbiturates were to replace drugs such as opiates, bromides, and alcohol to induce sleep.  Barbiturates are broken down chemically within the liver and eliminated via the kidneys at different rates according to their types:  Slow-or long acting; intermediate, and ultra-fast--those producing unconsciousness in just a few minutes.  With regular use, the body develops a tolerance to barbiturates that translates into a need for larger and more frequent doses to attain the desired affect.  However, while the tolerance increases in terms of realizing a desired effect, tolerance to the lethal level does not.  Increases, thus bringing the frequent user closer and closer to the "lethal limit" as they continue to up their doses.  Barbiturate abuse can result in two kinds of dependence (addiction), Psychological dependence--that can develop very quickly and involves a commanding need or desire for the hypnotic or relaxing effects of the drug, and physical dependence--that takes longer to develop but is considerable more dangerous because the body reacts violently if the drug is stopped or the dose is sharply reduced.|zParaphernalia for this drug include small plastic bags, small bottles, syringes, spoons, bottle caps, cotton balls, matches, and butane lighters.|ЃPinks
Red Birds
Red Devils
Secs|Tablet form

Taken Orally|Symptoms may include a sense of excitement before sedation starts to take effect.  Symptoms also include slurred speech, lack of coordination, clammy skin, rapid pulse, coma, and possible death.

NOTE: Chances of death from overdose is significantly increased when taken in combination with alcohol.|AMYL NITRATE|\Discovered in 1857 Amyl Nitrite was first used in the treatment of angina pectoris, (angina pectoris is a condition marked by recurrent pain in the chest and left arm, caused by sudden decrease of blood supply to the heart muscle.), but has largely been replaced by longer acting, safer drugs--with the exception of its current use as an antidote for cyanide poisoning.  Amyl Nitrite, like other nitrites, has a pungent, fruity odor that when inhaled gives the user a sense of weightlessness and rapid rush of energy.  Additionally, some users purport sexual stimulation and intensified orgasm when using this drug.  The down side to Amyl Nitrite is that it causes rapid pulse, headache, involuntary passing of urine and feces, disorientation, violent behavior, unconsciousness and death due to suffocation or respiratory arrest.  Physical dependence is not likely with this drug but psychological dependence is common due to its stimulant effect.|sParaphernalia for this drug include handkerchiefs, paper bags (smelling of inhalants), aerosol cans,and buzz bombs (small metal cylinder attached to a pipe or balloon.)|‚Amyl Nitrate
Poppers (Amyl Nitrate)
Snappers|Clear to yellowish liquid in ampules

Vapors inhaled|Initial effects may include feelings of exhilaration, inebriation, disorientation, euphoria, and weightlessness.  Additionally symptoms may include rapid pulse, headache, coughing, sneezing, nosebleeds, loss of appetite, visual impairment, and involuntary passing of urine and feces.   Using large amounts, or deeply breathing in the vapors/fumes can cause violent behavior, unconsciousness, brain damage, and death due to suffocation.|METHAMPHETAMINE|`The two most prevalent stimulants are nicotine in tobacco products and caffeine, the active ingredient of coffee, tea, and some bottled beverages that are sold in every supermarket. When used in moderation, these stimulants tend to relieve fatigue and increase alertness.  They are an accepted part of our culture.  There are however, more potent stimulants that because of their dependence-producing potential are under the regulatory control of the CSA.  These controlled stimulants are available by prescription for medical purposes; they are also clandestinely manufactured for distribution on the illicit market.  Users tend to rely on stimulants to feel stronger, more decisive, and self-possessed.  Because of the cumulative effects of the drugs, chronic users often follow a pattern of taking "uppers" in the morning and "downers" such as alcohol or sleeping pills, at night.  Such chemical manipulation interferes with normal body processes and can lead to mental and physical illness.  Individuals who resort to stimulants for their euphoric effects consume large doses sporadically, over weekends or at night, often going on to experiment with other drugs of abuse.  The consumption of stimulants may result in a temporary sense of exhilaration, superabundant energy, hyperactivity, extended wakefulness, and a loss of appetite. It may also induce irritability, anxiety, and apprehension.  These effects are greatly intensified with administration by intravenous injection, which may produce a sudden sensation known as a "flash" or "rush".  The protracted use of stimu
lants is followed, however, by a period of depression known as "crashing" that is invariably described as unpleasant.  Since the depression can be easily counteracted by a further injection of stimulant, this abuse pattern becomes increasingly difficult to break.  Heavy users may inject themselves every few hours, a process sometimes continued to the point of  delirium, psychosis, or physical exhaustion.|Paraphernalia for this drug include vials, small plastic bags, small bottles, syringes, rolled up dollar bills, straws, spoons, bottle caps, cotton balls, matches, and butane lighters.|ѓBombitas
Businessman's Trip
Crystal (or Crystal Meth)
Meth (Methamphetamine)
Speed (Methamphetamine)
Splash|Fine crystal-like powder, tablet, or capsule form

Inhaled, taken orally, smoked, or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Symptoms may include a feeling of increased energy and excitement, insomnia, dilated pupils, and trembling.  Long term effects can include paranoia, and violent behavior.  Overdose may result in death.

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|DEXEDRINE|`The two most prevalent stimulants are nicotine in tobacco products and caffeine, the active ingredient of coffee, tea, and some bottled beverages that are sold in every supermarket. When used in moderation, these stimulants tend to relieve fatigue and increase alertness.  They are an accepted part of our culture.  There are however, more potent stimulants that because of their dependence-producing potential are under the regulatory control of the CSA.  These controlled stimulants are available by prescription for medical purposes; they are also clandestinely manufactured for distribution on the illicit market.  Users tend to rely on stimulants to feel stronger, more decisive, and self-possessed.  Because of the cumulative effects of the drugs, chronic users often follow a pattern of taking "uppers" in the morning and "downers" such as alcohol or sleeping pills, at night.  Such chemical manipulation interferes with normal body processes and can lead to mental and physical illness.  Individuals who resort to stimulants for their euphoric effects consume large doses sporadically, over weekends or at night, often going on to experiment with other drugs of abuse.  The consumption of stimulants may result in a temporary sense of exhilaration, superabundant energy, hyperactivity, extended wakefulness, and a loss of appetite. It may also induce irritability, anxiety, and apprehension.  These effects are greatly intensified with administration by intravenous injection, which may produce a sudden sensation known as a "flash" or "rush".  The protracted use of stimulants is followed, however, by a period of depression known as "crashing" that is invariably described as unpleasant.  Since the depression can be easily counteracted by a further injection of stimulant, this abuse pattern becomes increasingly difficult to break.  Heavy users may inject themselves every few hours, a process sometimes continued to the point of  delirium,
psychosis, or physical exhaustion.|{Paraphernalia for this drug include vials, small plastic bags, small bottles, syringes, rolled up dollar bills, straws, spoons, bottle caps, cotton balls, matches, and butane lighters.|ЂDexedrine
Oranges|Powder, tablets, or capsules

Taken orally, smoked, inhaled, or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Symptoms may include a feeling of increased energy and excitement, insomnia, dilated pupils, and trembling.  Long term effects can include paranoia, and violent behavior.  Overdose may result in death.

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|PCP|_PCP (Phencyclidine Hydrochloride) was first developed in 1959 as an anesthetic to be used during surgical procedures but, because of the adverse side effects that included delirium and confusion, it was no longer used on humans. In the 1960's the drug reemerged as a veterinary drug under the brand name Sernylan but was discontinued by its manufacturer in 1978.  In that same year, under Title II (known as the Controlled Substance Act), of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act (1970), PCP and its related drugs were reclassified from a Schedule III classification to a schedule II classification.  The reclassification to schedule II under the Controlled Substance Act means that according to federal law, PCP (etc.) is (1.) regarded as a drug with a high potential for abuse, (2.) currently accepted in medical use with severe restrictions, and (3.) when abused may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.  Note:  The "Schedule" classification is the legal premise of the Government's attempt to battle drug abuse.  Assigning a drug or substance to one of the five "Schedules" is based on the drugs medical use, potential for abuse, and safety or dependence liability. Drugs, for example, that have the highest potential for abuse would be classified as Schedule I, while drugs with the least potential would be classified as Schedule V.  PCP emerged in the 1960's as a street drug and soon became noted for its bizarre and volatile effects, making it a drug that most users elected to stay away from because the "bad reactions" were not worth the associated risks.  However, despite its unpleasant and often harmful effects, the demand for the drug has continued to grow throughout the 1970's, 80's and 90's.  The reason for this increase in use is attributed to the feelings of heightened sensitivity to outside stimuli, sense of strength and invulnerability, mood elevation, dissociation, inebriation, and relaxation, and
to some, a feeling of euphoria.  Note:  While some people continue to use PCP and its related drugs, others stay away from it because the adverse effects include feelings of agitation, paranoia, suicidal impulses, physical violence and aggression, feelings of slurred speech, psychosis, and death due to respiratory failure.  The immediate effects of PCP can begin anywhere from two to fifteen minutes after it is taken into the body, depending on how the drug is ingested (e.g. swallowed, smoked, etc.), and may last from four to six hours.  However, the drug induced psychosis may set in anywhere from 3 to 4 days after taking the drug.  (Note:  Psychosis is a major mental disorder in which the personality is very seriously disorganized and contact with reality is usually impaired.)|}Paraphernalia for this drug include syringes, small plastic bags, small bottles, and foil-wrapped cigarettes.|ЂAngel Dust
Crystal (PCP)
Embalming Fluid
Killer Weed
Phencyclidine (Analog)
Rocket Fuel
TCP|White powder
Rock Crystals

Taken orally, injected, smoked

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Symptoms may include a feeling of euphoria or numbness, muscle rigidity, loss of memory, feeling of isolation, convulsions, extremely violent and bizarre behavior that may lead to serious injury or death, and a temporary schizophrenic-like psychosis.  Death from respiratory failure is often possible.|MEPERIDINE (ANALOG)|^Meperidine, a narcotic analgesic, is an Opioid, (synthetic Opiate), and is widely known by the brand name Demerol.  Introduced into the medical profession in 1939 by Eislab & Schaumann it was used to reduce smooth muscle spasms in the small intestine and stomach.  Also known as Penthidine, it was later used as an analgesic and was initially thought not to be addictive as was the drug (Morphine) it mimicked.  However, as the drug gained in popularity it was later discovered that this supposition was false. The effects of this drug include pain suppression and a euphoric effect, though not as intense as the euphoric effect produced by Morphine.  Because this drug is a respiratory depressant it has sometimes proved fatal when used by people suffering from asthma.  In therapeutic doses the side effects from his drug are similar to those produced by narcotic drugs, such as sweating, nausea, and dizziness.  Larger doses can result in muscle twitches, tremors, and seizures.  Tolerance to Meperidine develops quickly and its short duration necessitates repeated administration to maintain the euphoric "high", resulting in Meperidine dependence.  Symptoms of addiction include cold clammy skin, extreme drowsiness, and respiratory depression, while abusive doses can include complete respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, and death.|}Paraphernalia for this drug include syringes, burnt spoons, bottle caps, skewers, cotton balls, tourniquets, eye-droppers, matches, butane lighters, small plastic bags, and small bottles.|ЂMeperidine (Analog)
New Heroin (Meperidine)
Synthetic Heroin (Meperidine)
PEPAP|White Powder

Inhaled or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Initial effects include a feeling of euphoria and well being.  Symptoms may include drooling, impaired speech, uncontrollable tremors, paralysis, irreversible brain damage, and possible death.|FENTANYL (ANALOG)|^Fentanyl is an Opium and Narcotic Analgesic derivative that is approximately one hundred times more potent than Morphine.  Generally used to induce brief anesthesia or for post-operative pain, its abuse is centered around its ability to produce sedation and sleep, with compulsive use becoming a possibility as the body develops dependence.  The street drug, based on the chemical structure of Fentanyl, is a designer drug known as Methylfentanyl with street names that include "China White" and "Synthetic Heroin".  Due to the increased potency of designer drugs, sometimes several hundred times stronger than the drugs they are designed to imitate, overdose with this drug is extremely possible.  Narcotic analogs such as Methylfentanyl can cause symptoms such as those seen in Parkinson's disease: uncontrollable tremors, drooling, impaired  speech, paralysis, and irreversible brain damage.|}Paraphernalia for this drug include syringes, burnt spoons, bottle caps, skewers, cotton balls, tourniquets, eye-droppers, matches, butane lighters, small plastic bags, and small bottles.|ЂChina White
Fentanyl (Analog)
New Heroin (Fentanyl)
Synthetic Heroin (Fentanyl)|White Powder

Inhaled or injected

NOTE: Use of contaminated syringes may result in AIDS, Endocarditis, and Hepatitis.|Initial effects include a feeling of euphoria and well being.  Symptoms may include drooling, impaired speech, uncontrollable tremors, paralysis, irreversible brain damage, and possible death.|TUINAL|]Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants and are similar, in many ways, to the depressant effects of alcohol.  To date, there are approximately 2,500 derivatives of barbituric acid of which only 15 are used medically.  The first barbiturate was synthesized from barbituric acid (malonylurea) in 1864, manufactured for medical use in 1882, and released in 1903 under the brand name Veronal.  The original use of barbiturates were to replace drugs such as opiates, bromides, and alcohol to induce sleep.  Barbiturates are broken down chemically within the liver and eliminated via the kidneys at different rates according to their types:  Slow-or long acting; intermediate, and ultra-fast--those producing unconsciousness in just a few minutes.  With regular use, the body develops a tolerance to barbiturates that translates into a need for larger and more frequent doses to attain the desired affect.  However, while the tolerance increases in terms of realizing a desired effect, tolerance to the lethal level does not.  Increases, thus bringing the frequent user closer and closer to the "lethal limit" as they continue to up their doses.  Barbiturate abuse can result in two kinds of dependence (addiction), Psychological dependence--that can develop very quickly and involves a commanding need or desire for the hypnotic or relaxing effects of the drug, and physical dependence--that takes longer to develop but is considerable more dangerous because the body reacts violently if the drug is stopped or the dose is sharply reduced.|zParaphernalia for this drug include small plastic bags, small bottles, syringes, spoons, bottle caps, cotton balls, matches, and butane lighters.|ЃDouble Trouble
Tuinal|Tablet form

Taken Orally|Symptoms may include a sense of excitement before sedation starts to take effect.  Symptoms also include slurred speech, lack of coordination, clammy skin, rapid pulse, coma, and possible death.

NOTE: Chances of death from overdose is significantly increased when taken in combination with alcohol.|AMYTAL|]Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants and are similar, in many ways, to the depressant effects of alcohol.  To date, there are approximately 2,500 derivatives of barbituric acid of which only 15 are used medically.  The first barbiturate was synthesized from barbituric acid (malonylurea) in 1864, manufactured for medical use in 1882, and released in 1903 under the brand name Veronal.  The original use of barbiturates were to replace drugs such as opiates, bromides, and alcohol to induce sleep.  Barbiturates are broken down chemically within the liver and eliminated via the kidneys at different rates according to their types:  Slow-or long acting; intermediate, and ultra-fast--those producing unconsciousness in just a few minutes.  With regular use, the body develops a tolerance to barbiturates that translates into a need for larger and more frequent doses to attain the desired affect.  However, while the tolerance increases in terms of realizing a desired effect, tolerance to the lethal level does not.  Increases, thus bringing the frequent user closer and closer to the "lethal limit" as they continue to up their doses.  Barbiturate abuse can result in two kinds of dependence (addiction), Psychological dependence--that can develop very quickly and involves a commanding need or desire for the hypnotic or relaxing effects of the drug, and physical dependence--that takes longer to develop but is considerable more dangerous because the body reacts violently if the drug is stopped or the dose is sharply reduced.||Paraphernalia for this drug include small plastic bags, small bottles, syringes, spoons, bottle caps, cotton balls, matches, and butane lighters.|ЃAmytal
Blue Angels
Blue Birds
Blue Devils
Blue Heavens
Blue Velvet
Blues|Tablet form

Taken Orally|Symptoms may include a sense of excitement before sedation starts to take effect.  Symptoms also include slurred speech, lack of coordination, clammy skin, rapid pulse, coma, and possible death.

NOTE: Chances of death from overdose is significantly increased when taken in combination with alcohol.|NITROUS OXIDE|\Nitrous Oxide, sometimes referred to as "laughing gas", is commonly used in conjunction with other more potent anesthetics because, by itself, it does not produce surgical anesthesia.  The primary danger associated with this drug is that it can produce hypoxia, (Hypoxia is an abnormal condition resulting from a decrease in the oxygen supplied to or utilized by body tissue.), and therefore is never used medically in concentrations above 80%.  Nitrous Oxide  has the lowest solubility in blood or any other anesthetic agent and therefore produces the fastest induction and recovery.  Nitrous Oxide is probably the safest anesthetic used provided it is used in conjunction with oxygen.  If not administered properly, as in the case of uneducated use or abuse, Nitrous Oxide use may result in death by asphyxiation.|rParaphernalia for this drug include handkerchiefs, paper bags (smelling of inhalants), aerosol cans,and buzz bombs (small metal cylinder attached to a pipe or balloon.)|‚Buzz Bombs
Laughing Gas
Nitrous Oxide

Inhaled|Initial effects may include feelings of exhilaration, inebriation, dizziness, euphoria, disorientation, and weightlessness.  Additional symptoms may include numbness of the face, severe headache, hallucinations, nosebleeds, sneezing, nausea, loss of appetite, and visual impairment.  Using large amounts, or deeply breathing in the vapors/fumes can cause violent behavior, unconsciousness, brain damage, and death due to suffocation.|BUTYL NITRITE|\Butyl Nitrite is an inhalant drug that first appeared in 1969.  Butyl Nitrite is similar to Amyl Nitrite in that they both belong to the drug class "Vasodilators".  Unlike Amyl Nitrite, Butyl Nitrite and Isobutyl Nitrite are not used medically.  Abuse of this drug centers around the feeling of weightlessness and a rapid high that seems to give the user a powerful sense of energy.  While the use of this drug may not result in physical dependence, prolonged use may result in producing psychological dependence centered around its stimulant effect.  Butyl Nitrite also causes rapid pulse, headaches, and the involuntary passing of urine and feces.  Deeply inhaling the vapors, or using large amounts over a short period f time, may result in disorientation, violent behavior, unconsciousness, or death due to suffocation or respiratory arrest.|sParaphernalia for this drug include handkerchiefs, paper bags (smelling of inhalants), aerosol cans,and buzz bombs (small metal cylinder attached to a pipe or balloon.)|‚Bolt
Butyl Nitrite
Locker Room
Rush|Liquid, normally sold in small bottles

Vapors are inhaled|Initial effects may include feelings of exhilaration, inebriation, disorientation, euphoria, and weightlessness.  Additionally symptoms may include rapid pulse, headache, coughing, sneezing, nosebleeds, loss of appetite, visual impairment, and involuntary passing of urine and feces.   Using large amounts, or deeply breathing in the vapors/fumes can cause violent behavior, unconsciousness, brain damage, and death due to suffocation.|CHLOROHYDROCARBONS|\Chlorohydrocarbons is a chlorine derivative of hydrocarbons.  (Note:  Hydrocarbons are any compound containing only hydrogen and carbon atoms).  Of all the industrial uses of chorine and hydrochloric acid, 80% is in the production of chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds (known as chlorohydrocarbons)  that are used in the production of solvents and cleaning agents in many of today's household products.  Chlorohydrocarbons are also used as the propellant in many aerosol sprays, making them at one point easily obtainable to the 13 to 15 year olds who frequently use them.  Like other inhalants, Chlorohydrocarbons give the user a feeling of vigor and a sense of weightlessness that some adolescents see as a viable substitute to consuming alcohol--alcohol that is generally much more difficult for them to obtain.  The down side of inhaling aerosol sprays and solvents is that the immediate negative effects can include nausea, sneezing, coughing, nosebleeds, fatigue, lack of coordination, and loss of appetite.  While the initial immediate effects can be unpleasant, they are often overlooked by those who, for whatever reasons, feel the "high" is worth the discomfort.  However, to those who continue to use the drug they soon discover it requires increasingly higher doses and/or more frequent use to attain the "high" they are looking for.  As this continues, the dangers increase.  Deeply inhaling Chlorohydrocarbons, or using large amounts over a short period of time, (as the user would be inclined to do when lower doses just don't work), may result in disorientat
ion, violent behavior, unconsciousness, or death due to suffocation or respiratory failure.|qParaphernalia for this drug include handkerchiefs, paper bags (smelling of inhalants), aerosol cans,and buzz bombs (small metal cylinder attached to a pipe or balloon.)|‚Aerosol Sprays
Cleaning Fluids
Spray Paint|Cleaning fluids, and aerosol paint cans

Vapors are inhaled|Initial effects may include feelings of exhilaration, inebriation, dizziness, euphoria, disorientation, and weightlessness.  Additional symptoms may include numbness of the face, severe headache, hallucinations, nosebleeds, sneezing, nausea, decrease in heart & respiratory rates, loss of appetite, and visual impairment.  Using large amounts, or deeply breathing in the vapors/fumes can cause violent behavior, unconsciousness, brain damage, and death due to suffocation.|HYDROCARBONS|\Volatile hydrocarbons are any compound, such as commercially available solvents and aerosols that include items such as glues, gasoline, cleaning solutions, varnish, paint thinners, nail polish remover, lighter fluid, and others, that are distilled from petroleum and natural gas.  As the hydrocarbons are inhaled into the lungs and absorbed, the vapors quickly enter the bloodstream and are distributed to the brain and liver.  Because most of these hydrocarbon solvents are fat soluble they almost immediately enter the central nervous system and consequently depress vital body functions such as the heart and lungs.  Abuse of hydrocarbon inhalants centers around a feeling of weightlessness and increased vigor that often accompany its initial effects on the body.  However, like other abused inhalants, deeply inhaling the vapors, or using large amounts over a short period of time, can result in disorientation, violent behavior, unconsciousness,  death due to suffocation or respiratory failure.  While the risk of physical and psychological dependence is relatively low when using these "drugs", tolerance usually develops and the user will require larger doses to achieve the same effect, thereby significantly increasing the risks associated with hydrocarbon abuse.|qParaphernalia for this drug include handkerchiefs, paper bags (smelling of inhalants), aerosol cans,and buzz bombs (small metal cylinder attached to a pipe or balloon.)|‚Gasoline
Paint Thinner
Solvents|Contained in various products including gasoline, glue, paint thinner, solvents, and aerosol can propellants

Vapors are inhaled|Initial effects may include feelings of exhilaration, inebriation, dizziness, euphoria, disorientation, and weightlessness.  Additional symptoms may include numbness of the face, severe headache, hallucinations, nosebleeds, sneezing, nausea, decrease in heart & respiratory rates, loss of appetite, and visual impairment.  Using large amounts, or deeply breathing in the vapors/fumes can cause violent behavior, unconsciousness, brain damage, and death due to suffocation.|–ZA blood clot formation inside a blood vessel is called a thrombus and is the result of a failure of the mechanism in the blood to keep it fluid.  This condition, thrombosis, is particularly dangerous when the clots are carried, as fragments called emboli, to vital organs of the body.  A very serious example of this is a stroke where a blood vessel in the brain is blocked by an embolism, e.g. emboli, cutting off the blood supply to that portion of the brain.  Arterial (white) thrombus are formed when platelets (thrombocytes) adhere to vessel walls. [platelets are any of certain round or oval, nonucleated disks, smaller than a red blood cell and containing no hemoglobin, found in the blood and are associated with the process of blood clotting].  Arterial thrombus grow as the platelets continue to build up.  Venous (red) thrombi form rapidly and lack the organization of arterial thrombus.  Venous thrombi are responsible for the floating debri (emboli) that may move on to cause pulmonary embolisms.|Anticoagulants inhibit blood coagulation, antithrombotics prevent platelet buildup, and thrombolytic agents reduce clots that have already formed.  Coagulation is a complex process requiring many factors.  Basically coagulation occurs in three stages.  Stage 1, thromboplastin forms.  In stage 2, thromboplastin combines with prothrombin, a plasma protein to form thrombin, an enzyme.  In stage 3, thrombin catalyzes the conversion of fibrinogen, another plasma protein, into fibrin.  Anticoagulants work in basically one of two ways.  The drug
Heparin, for example, prevents coagulation by preventing the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.  The anticoagulant drug Warfarin interferes with the synthesis of vitamin K dependent clotting factors.  Other drugs inhibit platelet aggregation.|Heparin


TPA|`]The primary symptom of depression is mood change.  The two extremes (depression and mania) are characterized by opposite behaviors.  Where depression involves intense feelings of despair, sadness, and hopelessness, mania involves absolute self-confidence, rapid speech, and impaired judgement.  Some people may also cycle between the two extremes (depression and mania) and are diagnosed as having Bipolar Affective Disorder.  Note:  While taking MAO inhibitors, avoid  all Tyramine foods completely.  Examples of tyramine rich foods are; cheese, fish, baked potato, yogurt, beer, wine, liver, and onions.  Ask your doctor or pharmacist for a complete list.|Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) is an enzyme [Note: An enzyme is a protein-like substance that acts as an organic catalyst in initiating or speeding up specific chemical reactions] found in nerve cells and other body tissues such as the liver.  MAO inhibitors inactivate the enzyme monoamine oxidase allowing an increase build up of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine in the synaptic space [the synapse is the space, or junction, between two nerve cells] causing the activation of the serotonin and norepinephrine receptors and an antidepressant effect.|Eutonyl
Tranylcypromine|\ZAntimicrobial drugs, such as lincomycins, are classified into one of two categories, Bactericidal and Bacteriostatic.  Lincomycins are a member of the Bacteriostatic class.  Bacteriostatic drugs, e.g. Lincomycins, interfere with the growth and replication of bacteria by allowing the body's own defense system (immune system) to attack and eliminate the bacteria.  The other classification, Bactericidal, e.g. Penicillins and Cephalosporins, actually kill the bacteria by selectively interfering with the synthesis or repair of the bacterial cell wall.|Lincomycins inhibit protein synthesis of specific organisms by binding to an area on the cell's ribosomes.  [Ribosomes are minute spherical particles composed of proteins and RNA that manufacture proteins for a living cell.  Ribosome are located throughout the cytoplasm of the cell].  Lincomycin is affective against most aerobic gram-positive cocci including staphylococci, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and other streptococci.  [Note: The Gram method is a means of classifying bacteria.  Bacteria are stained with a dye, (gentian violet, an iodine solution) and then treated with alcohol.  When the alcohol is applied to the stained bacteria, the stain is either lost or retained.  If the stain is lost, the bacteria is classified as being Gram-positive].|Lincomycin|mZHypertension is defined as persistently elevated pressure within arteries.  This persistent pressure on the artery walls may lead to arterial damage, kidney failure, stroke, and heart attack.  Hypertension (high blood pressure) is referred to as "primary" or "essential" hypertension when no underlying causes are apparent, and referred to as "secondary" hypertension when it is associated with other diseases, e.g. kidney disease, heart disease, etc.. [Note: normal adult blood pressure is around 120/80.  The top number, (e.g. 120), is the systolic pressure and essentially is a measurement of blood pressure during the contraction of the heart muscle.  The lower number, (e.g. 80), is the diastolic pressur
e and represents the blood pressure as the heart is filling (or resting, so the speak) between beats.  When blood pressure exceeds 145/90 it is referred to as hypertension or high blood pressure].|Presynaptic adrenergic release inhibitors are divided into two categories, "central" and "peripheral".  Central antiadrenergic antihypertensives act on the central nervous system to slow heart rate and relax bood vessels.  Some of these drugs, e.g. methyldopa, reduce the passage of impulses along specific nerve pathways and result in an overall relaxing of blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and less work for the heart.  Peripheral antiadrenergic antihypertensives prevent norepinephrine release from peripheral nerve terminals (like those that terminate on the heart muscles).  Some of these drugs, e.g. reserpine, work by inhibiting nerves that constrict blood vessels, relaxing them and allowing blood to flow more easily.|Clonidine
Pargyline|uZHypertension is defined as persistently elevated pressure within arteries.  This persistent pressure on the artery walls may lead to arterial damage, kidney failure, stroke, and heart attack.  Hypertension (high blood pressure) is referred to as "primary" or "essential" hypertension when no underlying causes are apparent, and referred to as "secondary"  hypertension when it is associated with other diseases, e.g. kidney disease, heart disease,etc.. [Note: normal adult blood pressure is around 120/80.  The top number (e.g. 120), is the sysolic pressure and estentially is a measurement of blood pressure during the contraction of the heart muscle.  The lower number, (e.g. 80) is the diastolic pressure and represents the blood pressure as the heart is filling, (or resting, so to speak) between beats.  When blood pressure exceeds 145/90 it is referred to as hypertension or high blood pressure.]|Both Angiotensin Coverting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and Calcium Channel Blockers are vasodilators.  Calcium Channel Blockers (also used to treat angina pectoris) work by inhibiting the passage of calcium into muscle cells.  Muscle cells need calcium to contract, so by decreasing the amount of calcium that can enter a muscle cell, both heart and blood vessel muscles can relax, thereby increasing the amount of blood and oxygen to the heart.  ACE inhibitors work by reducing peripheral vascular resistance (hypertension results from increased peripheral vascular smooth muscle tone).  ACE inhibitors disrupt a series of biochemical events that lead to tightening of the blood vessels.  Some ACE inhibitors, e.g. catopril and enalapril, are also used to treat congestive heart failure.|Benazepril
Verapamil|n\Hypertension is defined as persistently elevated pressure within the arteries.  This persistent pressure on the artery walls may lead to arterial damage, kidney failure, stroke, and heart attack.  Hypertension (high blood pressure) is referred to as "primary" or "essential" hypertension when no underlying causes are apparent, and referred to as "secondary" hypertension when it is associated with another dieases, e.g. kidney disease, heart disease, etc.. [Note: normal adult blood pressure is around 120/80.  The number at the top (e.g. 120), is the systolic pressure and essentially is a measurement of blood pressure during the contraction of the heart muscle.  The lower number, (e.g. 80) is the diastolic pressure and represents the blood pressure as the heart is filling between beats.  When blood pressure exceeds 145/90 it is referred to as hypertension or high blood pressure].|There are basically four types of diuretics used today to treat hypertension:  Thiazide, Loop, Potassium-Sparing, and Osmotic.  Thiazide diuretics work by increasing the amount of salt and water eliminated by the body through increased urination, and by relaxing the walls of smaller arteries allowing them to expand.  Therefore because water reduction decreases the volume of blood, and artery walls are dilated, blood pressure decreases.  Loop diuretics work by acting on a part of the kidney known as the loop of Henle.  Loop diuretics inhibit chloride reabsorption in the thick ascending loop of the Henle.  The result of this action (elimination of excess salts and water through urination) decreases the volume of blood flowing through the blood vessles and lowers blood pressure. Potassium-Sparing diuretics work like other diuretics (e.g. Thiazide and Loop) in that they too increases the elimination of salts and water from the body by urination.  This type of diuretic maintains the body's potassium level  and effects the "distal convoluted tabule" portion of the kidney.  Osmotic diuretics (e.g. Mannitol) osmotically (osmosis is the p
rocess of a solvent passing through the wall of  a living cell, e.g. the diffusion of fluids through a membrane or porous partition) inhibibit the reabsorbtion of water and salts throughout the nephron.  [a nephron is the functional unit of the kidney containing the various parts of the loop of Henle].|Hydochlorothiazide
Ethacrynic Acid
Mannitol|™ZAngina Pectoris essentially means pain in the chest.  Usually the result of narrowing of  the coronary arteries due to cholesterol deposits (atherosclerosis) but can also be the result of spasms in an artery.  Angina is not a heart attack (myocardial infarction) but should be interpreted as a strong warning.  Generally, during periods of emotional stress or physical exertion, when the oxygen needs of the heart muscle are greater, one can feel a dull suffocating pain in the center of the chest that indicates a sufficient lack of oxygen to the heart muscle.  The pain of angina is usually very brief, lasting from three to four minutes.  During this attack period the pain in the center of the chest may radiate to the neck and down the left arm.  Occasionally, the pain may move from the chest to the right arm, stomach, or back.  There are basically three types of Angina. 1) Stable Angina, a temporary condition that does not lead to detectable damage to the heart muscle.  In this type of Angina, the chest pain is the result of stress or exertion and ceases with rest. 2) Unstable Angina, more severe than stable Angina and can act up even during rest.  This type of angina can lead to permanent heart damage.  3)  Varient (Prinzmetal's) Angina, is caused by spasms in the arteries, as opposed to the narrowing of the arteries due to cholesterol deposits, and can occur while the body is at rest but often occurs about the same time each day.|There are basically three types of drugs used to treat Angina.  Nitrates, Beta-Blockers, and Calcium Blockers.  Nitrates, such as Nitroglycerin, Amyl Nitrate, and Isosorbide Dinitrate, induce vasodilation (dialation of blood vessels) within minutes, and work by relaxing the smooth muscle cells within the walls of the coronary arteries to increase the blood supply to the heart, allowing it to pump more easily.  Beta-Blockers are used  to reduce the frequency and severity of attacks and work by slowing the heart rate and reducing blood pressure, thus allowing the heart to pump muc
h more efficiently.  Calcium Blockers work by inhibiting the entrance of calcium into the smooth muscle cells of the arteries and heart muscle.  All calcium channel blockers are vasodilators and work by decreasing smooth muscle tone and vascular resistance.  The effect, lowering of blood pressure and widening of the coronary arteries, allows the heart to pump more easily.|Nitroglycerin
Amyl Nitrate
Isosorbide Dinitrate
Timolol Maleate|q]The underlying cause for seizures is a result of hypersynchronicity  (hyperactivity) of the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain.  In the case of epilepsy, seizures are classified into 4 major categories.  Focal seizures (consciousness is not lost); Absence seizures Petit mal (characterized by a sudden cessation of activity and blank stares); Generalized Tonic-Clonic seizures Grand mal (total-body lurching and arrested breathing that results in cyanosis); and Status Epilepticus (a series of continuous seizures without regaining consciousness.)  In addition to Epilepsy, seizures can be attributed to meningitis, head trauma, drug reactions, eclampsia, alcohol withdrawal, hypoglycemia, encephalitis, and hypomagnesemia.|The primary action of anticonvulsants is to elevate the seizure threshold of the central nervous systems motor cortex to electrical or chemical stimulation at the molecular level.  Stabilization of the cell membrane is not yet completely understood at this time.|Acetazolamide
Magnesium Sulfate
Valporic Acid|[ZAntimicrobial drugs, such as erythromycins, are classified into one of two categories, Bactericidal and Bacteriostatic.  Erythromycins are a member of the Bacteriostatic class.  Bacteriostatic drugs e.g. Erythromycins, interfere with the growth and replication of bacteria by allowing the body's own defense system (immune system) to attack and eliminate the bacteria.  The other classification, Bactericidal, e.g. Penicillins, and Cephalosporins, actually kill the bacteria by selectively interfering with the synthesis or repair of the bacterial cell wall.|Erythromycins inhibit protein synthesis of specific organisms by binding to an area on the cell's ribosomes.  [Ribosomes are minute spherical particles composed of proteins and RNA that manufacture proteins for a living cell.  Ribosomes are located throughout the cytoplasm of the cell].  Erythromycins are effective against the same organisms as the bactericidal drug penicillin G and is used in people who are allergic to penicillin.|Erythromycin|ZZAntimicrobal drugs such as tetracyclines are classified into one of two categories, bactericidal and bacteriostatic.  Tetracyclines are a member of the bacteriostatic class.  Bacteriostatic drugs, e.g. Tetracyclines, interfere with the growth and replication of bacteria by allowing the body's own defense system (immune system) to attack and eliminate the bacteria.  The other classification, bactericidal, e.g. Penicillins and Cephalosporins, actually kill the bacteria by selectively interfering with the synthesis or repair of the bacterial cell wall.  Clinical uses of tetracyclines are limited due to the widespread resistance by many bacteria.  It is also known that any organism resistant to one tetracycline is resistant to all.|Tetracyclines are protein synthesis inhibitors and may alter the cytoplasmic membrane [cytoplasm is the protoplasm of a cell outside the nucleus] of the organism and result in leakage of nucleotides from the cell.  While affective against many Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
, tetracyclines are ineffective against fungi and viruses.  [Note: The Gram method is a means of classifying bacteria.  Bacteria are stained with a dye, gentian violet, and iodine solution, and then treated with alcohol.  When the alcohol is applied to the stained bacteria, the stain is either lost or retained.  If the stain is lost, the bacteria is classified as  Gram-negative.  If the stain is retained, the bacteria is classified Gram-positive].|Tetracycline
Demeclocyline|_ZAntibacterial drugs, such as sulfonamides, are classified into one of two categories, bactericidal and bacteriostatic.  Sulfonamides are a member of the bacteriostatic class.  Bacteriostatic drugs, e.g. Sulfonamides, interfere with the growth and replication of bacteria by allowing the body's own defense system (immune system) to attack and eliminate the bacteria.  The other classification, bactericidal, e.g. Penicillins and  Cephalosporins, actually kill the bacteria by selectively interfering with the synthesis or repair of the bacterial cell wall.|All Sulfonamides are related structurally to para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) (a member of the vitamin B complex).  Sulfonamides rival PABA in the bacterial cell and prevent it from being incorporated into folate.  Because bacteria cannot absorb folic acid  (folate) and rely on their ability to synthesis it from pteridine and PABA, the action of sulfonamides prevents the synthesis of bacterial folic acid and results in their destruction.|Sulfadiazine
Co-trimoxazole|•ZAntimicrobal drugs, such as Cephalosporin, are classified into one of two categories, Bactericidal and Bacteriostatic.  Cephalosporin is a member of the bactericidal class.  While bacteriostatic drugs interfere with the growth and replication of bacteria, allowing the body's own defense system (immune system) to attack and eliminate the bacteria, bactericidal drugs (e.g. Cephalosporin) actually kill the bacteria by selectively interfering with the synthesis or repair of the bacterial cell wall.  Cephalosporins have the same manner of action and mechanism of resistance as that of penicillin.|Based on bacterial susceptibility patterns and resistance to lactamases, cephalosporins are classified as first, second, or third generation.  First generation cephalosporins are affective against Staphylococcal penicillinase, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae.  Second generation cephalosporins are affective against Haemophilus influenzae, Enterobacter coli, and Neisseria species.  Third generation cephalosporins are much less affective than first generation cephalosporins against gram-positive cocci but are particularly affective against gram-negative bacilli.  [Note:  The Gram method is a means of classifying bacteria.  Bacteria are stained with gentian violet, and iodine solution, and then treated with alcohol.  When the alcohol is applied to the stained bacteria, the stain is either lost or retained.  If the stain is lost, the bacteria is classified as Gram-Negative.  If the stain is retained, the bacteria is classified as Gram-Positive].  Due to poor oral absorption, all cephalosporins, with the exception of cefadroxil, cephalexin, cephradine (all three are first generation), cefaclor (second generation) and cefixime (third generation), must be administered intravenously.|1st Generation:
2nd Generation:
3rd Generation
Moxalactam|jZHypertension is defined as persistently elevated pressure within arteries.  This persistent pressure on the artery walls may lead to arterial damage, kidney failure, stroke, and heart attack.  Hypertension (high blood pressure) is referred to as "primary" or "essential" hypertension when no underlying causes are apparent, and referred to as "secondary" hypertension when it is associated with another disease, e.g.kidney disease, heart disease, etc.. [Note: normal adult blood pressure is around 120/80.  The top number, (e.g. 120) is the systolic pressure and esentially is a measurement of blood pressure during the contraction of the heart muscle.  The lower number, (e.g. 80) is the diastolic pressure and represents the blood pressure as the heart is filling (or resting, so to speak) between beats.  When blood pressure exceeds 145/90 it is referred to as hypertension or high blood pressure].|Beta-Adrenergic blocking drugs are used to treat high blood pressure as well as treatment for heart arrhythmias, angina, and migraine headaches.  Beta-blockers work by blocking adrenergic stimulation of the beta-adrenergic receptors within heart muscles and the smooth muscle cells of the vascular system.  By blocking certain nerve impulses, beta-blockers reduce the workload of the heart by reducing cardiac output.  Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped by the heart (approximately 6 quarts per minute).|Acebutolol
Betaxolol Hydrochloride
Carteolol Hydrochloride
Labetalol Hydrochloride
Metoprolol Tartrate
Propranolol Hydrochloride
Timolol Meleate|]ZInflammation is a normal response to injury of body tissues.  Inflammation is characterized by heat, redness, swelling, and pain.  The heat and redness are caused by an influx of blood to the affected area.  The pain and swelling are due in part to the increase of blood into the injured area but more so due to an influx of lymph into the area that distends the tissue, compresses nerve endings, and results in pain.  [Lymph is a clear, yellowish fluid resembling blood plasma, found in intercellular spaces and in the lymphatic vessels.  Lymph is the clear liquid given off from inflamed body tissue].  Because inflammation is the body's attempt at killing invading organisms (e.g.  bacteria), or to remove irritants and prepare the injured area for repair, it is an important part of the healing process.  Despite this protective reaction to injury, inflammation can be inappropriately triggered, e.g. by pollens or autoimmune responses.  Because injured tissues release prostaglandins, a hormone-like substance, that can irritate nerve endings and cause pain, anti-inflammatories such as (NSAIDs) nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs act by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins.  Unlike (NSAIDs), non-narcotic analgesics have very little anti-inflammatory activity but they do inhibit prostaglandin synthesis in the central nervous system.|Aspirin is said to be the prototype of (NSAIDs) in terms of its ability to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins.  The blocking of prostaglandin synthesis prevents the sensation of pain.  The three major actions of (NSAIDs) and aspirin are to reduce inflammation, reduce pain associated to inflammation, and diminish fever (antipyretic action).  The anti-inflammatory action inhibits cyclooxygenase (an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of prostaglandins) thus leading to the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis.  The analgesic action of (NSAIDs) is accomplished  by its ability to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis.  This is possibly due to the fact that prostaglandin sensit
izes the nerve endings to the actions of certain chemicals released by the inflammation process.  The anti-fever (antipyretic) effect of (NSAIDs) is accomplished by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandin and its release by the thermoregulatory center of the hypothalamus.  The thermoregulatory response is triggered by the fever producing agent (pyrogen) that is released by white cells that are inflamed, infected, or activated by hypersensitivity (as in the case of allergies).|Aspirin
Phenacetin|њZThe adult human heart is about the size of closed fist.  The heart beats an average of 70 times per minute for a total in excess of 2.5 billion times during a 70 year life span.  The human heart beat initiates in a small portion of the heart near the entrance of the superior vena cava (the vein that funnels blood from the chest, head, neck, and arms, back into the heart).  Inside this portion of the heart are a specialized set of cells (tissue) known as the Sinoatrial node (S.A.) that acts as pace maker of the heart.  The S.A. regulates the contractions of the heart by initiating electrical impulses that travel through the muscle fibers that make up the venetricles and atria.  Rhythm disorders (dysrhythmias) can be classified into two main categories.  If the heart is beating too slowly (less than 60 beats per minute) it is known as "Bradycardias".  If the heart is beating too rapidly (greater than 100 beats per minute) it is known as "Tachycardias".  Arrhythmias can occur when one or more sections of the heart beat too slowly (bradycardia); beat too rapidly (tachycardia); beats without the electrical impulses provided by the S.A. node: or when electrical impulses are mischanneled and inadvertantly depolarize portions of the heart out of sequence (known as A-V reentry).|There are basically four classes of antiarrhythmic drugs used today.  Class 1 drugs work by blocking sodium channels that are voltage-sensitive thereby stabilizing the electrical activity within the muscle cells of the heart.  This class of drug is known as Sodium Channel Blockers.  This class of anti-arrhythmics is further broken down into class 1b and class 1c.  Class 1b drugs are generally used in treating ventricular arrhythmias when heart cells are firing rapidly.  Class 1c drugs bind slowly with the sodium channels and result in a significant slowing of conduction  [conduction is the transmission of nerve impulses as in the transmission of electricity by the passage of energy from nerve cell to nerve cell].  Class 2 drugs are kn
own as Beta-Adrenergic Blockers and work by blocking the effect of Adrenaline on the heart muscles.  While this class is generally used for less serious types of arrhythmias, they work well to prevent the development of rapid heart rhythms associated with the atria  [there are two sections of the heart known as the atrium.  The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the superior and inferior vena cava.  (Superior and inferior vena cava return deoxygenated blood from the upper and lower body respectively) The left atrium is the portion of the heart that receives fully oxygenated blood from the lungs].  Class 3 drugs are known as Potassium Channel Blockers and work by repolarizing the heart cells by blocking potassium channels (diminishing the outward potassium current).  Class 3 drugs tend to prolong repolorization and are used for arryhthmias associated with the atria or ventricles, [there are two sections of the heart known as the ventricles.  The right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs (the pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs where carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen).  The left ventricle pumps fully oxygenated blood to the Aorta where it is carried throughout the body.] Class 4 drugs are known as Calcium Channel Blockers and work by decreasing the inward current carried by Calcium.  Calcium blockers suppress the excitability of the heart muscle and transmission of electrical impulses.  Other antiarrhythmics include drugs such Digoxin that slows conduction velocity throughout the heart.|Quinidine
Amiodarone|aZWhile protozoal infections are common to under developed countries worldwide, the occurance in this country is due primarily to the ease of world travel.  Diseases such as malaria, giardiasis, amebiasis, leishmaniasis, trichomoniasis, and trypanosomiasis should be a concern to all world travelers.  It is also important to note that many drugs used in the treatment of protozoal infections are not commercially available in the United States but can be obtained from the Center For Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia.  Protozoal infections are result of a number of various organisms that can manifest themselves and reproduce in many parts of the human body.  Amebiasis (also known as amebic dysentary) is the result of protozoa that invade and thrive in the human intestinal tract, feeding on the normal intestinal flora that live there.  Leishmaniasis is the result of bites inflicted by infected sandflies.  The protozoa transmitted by the sandfly enters the human cells, changes some of this physical characteristics, then multiplies and eventually kills the host cell.  Trypanosomiasis (also known as African and American sleeping sickness) are chronic and eventually fatal diseases caused by the protozoa trypanosome.  With this disease, the organism initially live and reproduce in the human cells and later move on to infect the central nervous system.  Toxoplasmosis is a very common infection caused by the protozoa Toxoplasma gondii.  This organism is transmitted to humans who eat raw (or inadequately cooked) meat that has been infected with the protozoa.  Malaria is caused by the protozoal genus plasmodium and invades the human body through the bite of the female anopheles mosquito.  When the organism enters the human blood steam, the parasites devour the red pigment and iron-containing portion of the blood cell.  With time the red blood cell ruptures and the cycle is continued as the parasites invade and destroy additional blood cells.|Antiprotozoal drugs work in a number of different ways depending on the spe
cific organism and the mechanism of the drug being used.  An example of this would be the therapeutic strategy employed to combat Amebiasis (Amebic dysentery).  Because this organism, Entamoeba histolytica, invades the human intestinal tract where it feeds on the natural flora that grows there, one way of disrupting its life cycle is to use a drug, e.g. tetracycine, that will eliminate the intestinal flora in the human intestine that the protozoa feed from.  Another example, in the case of malaria, the drug chloroquine appears to bind to the nucleoproteins within the organism and interferes with the protein synthesis necessary for its survival.|Metronidazole
Diloxanide Furoate
Sodium Stibogluconate
Chloroguanide| YHistamine is a chemical that is produced in many of the bodies of tissues with the highest concentrations in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and skin.  Within these body tissues are most cells and Basophils that actually release histamine in response to a number of various antigens.  [Antigens are enzymes, toxins, or other substance, usually of high molecular weight, to which a body reacts by producing antibodies.  An antibody is a protein produced in the body in response to contact of the body with an antigen, and having the specific capacity of neutralizing, hence creating immunity to the antigen.]  When histamines are released, they bind to either H1 or H2 histamine receptors resulting in a number of effects.  H1 receptors influence the lungs, veins, capillaries, adrenal medulla, and gastrointestinal muscles.  H2 receptors influence the stomach and the heart.  When both H1 and H2 receptors are stimulated they can influence the heart, capillaries, and arterioles.|The term antihistamine more often than not refers to the specific drugs that block H1 receptors in that they are the ones that are particularly effective in treating allergies.  H2 antihistamines are used to inhibit pepsin and acid secretion in the gastrointestinal tract and are often used to treat peptic ulcer disease.  Both H1 and H2 antihistamines compete with the released histamines in order to block its effect.|Diphenhydramine
Nizatidine|˜YViruses are unique in that they do not have a cell wall, a cell membrane, nor do they carry out metabolic processes. [metabolism is the physical and chemical processes continuously going on in living organisms and cells, comprising those by which assimilated food is built up (anabolism) into protoplasm,  and those by which protoplasm is used and broken down (catabolism) into simpler substances or waste matter, with the release of energy for all vital processes].  It is important to note that viral reproduction uses many of the host's metabolic processes and that many drugs can not forestall viral reproduction without also damaging the host cell.  There are basically three categories of antiviral drugs used today.  Drugs to treat respiratory viruses, drugs to treat herpes viruses, and drugs to treat human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV).  Drugs used to treat respiratory viruses, e.g. Amantadine, Rimantadine, Ribavirin, and Interferon are effective against influenza type "A" and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus).  Drugs used to treat herpes viruses, e.g. Acyclovir, Vidarabine, Idoxuridine, and Ganciclovir are effective against diseases that include viral encephalitis, cold sores, and genital viral infections (especially dangerous to newborns).  Drugs used to treat human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) are currently being used in the treatment of Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease (AIDS).  Additionally, patients who have transplants are particularly susceptible to a virus that causes Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and require intravenous therapy of Gancyclovir under strict hospital conditions.|The exact mechanism of antiviral activity for some drugs has not yet been fully established.  In some cases antivirals may prevent penetration of a virus into a host cell by inhibiting the uncoating of the virus thereby reducing the possibility of viral reproduction.  Some antivirals are belived to interfere with DNA synthesis and therefore inhibit viral reproduction.  Others, like Ribavirin, are believed to interfere with RN
A and DNA synthesis and subsequently inhibit protein synthesis and viral reproduction.|Acyclovir
Zidovudine (AZT)|ќ]The primary symptom of depression is mood change.  The two extremes (depression and mania) are characterized by opposite behaviors.  Where depression involves intense feelings of despair, sadness, and hopelessness, mania involves absolute self-confidence, rapid speech, and judgement that is basically impaired.  Some people may also cycle between the two extremes (depression and mania) and are diagnosed as having Bipolar Affective Disorder.|The Biogenic Amine theory purports that depression is the result of a deficiency of the monoamines (neurotransmitters) norepinephrine and serotonin at specific locations in the brain.  Contrawise, mania would be the result of an excess of these same neurotransmitters. [note: A neurotransmitter is a chemical substance, e.g. norepinephrine and serotonin, that transmits nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another at a synapse.  The synapse being the junction between the two nerve cells].  One possible action of both tricyclic and polycyclic antidepressants is the blocking of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine re-uptake (back into the presynaptic end bulb) at the synapse between the two nerve cells, thus leading to a greater concentration of these neurotransmitters in the synapse and an antidepressant effect.|Amitriptyline
Lithium Salts|џZThe primary purpose of sympathomimetics is to improve cardiac output and blood pressure, relieve bronchoconstriction, treat anaphylaxis, some types of arrhythmias, heart block, cardiac arrest, and paroxysmal atrial tachycardia.  Sympathomimetics are designed to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, that part of the body's nervous system that regulates most of the involuntary organs of the body (glands, heart, involuntary muscles, and blood vesels).|The action of sympathomimetics is to increase or stimulate the effect of norepinephrine and epinephrine (both hormones released by the adrenal medulla) on the alpha and beta adrenergic receptors within the sympathetic nervous system.  The net effect of this hormonal influence on the system is an increase of heart rate and blood pressure and is reponsible for the "fight or flight" response the body feels during an emergency.  There are three types of sympathomimetic drugs: direct; indirect, and mixed.  Direct drugs mimic norepinephrine and attach to adrenergic receptors without affecting the presynaptic neuron.  Indirect drugs influence the presynaptic neuron and force the release of epinephrine into the synaptic space and do not bind to the adrenergic receptors themselves as do the "direct" sympathomimetrics.  Mixed sympathomimetics have a combined effect or both "direct" and "indirect" sympathomimetics.|Dobutamine Hydrochloride
Dopamine Hydrochloride
Ephedrine Sulfate
Epinephrine Bitartrate
Epinephrine Hydrochloride
Ethylnorepinephrine Hydrochloride
Isoproterenol Hydrochloride
Isoproterenol Sulfate
Levarterenol Bitartrate
Mephentermine Sulfate
Metaproterenol Sulfate
Metaraminol Bitartrate
Methoxamine Hydrochloride
Methoxyphenamine Hydrochloride
Phenylephrine Hydrochloride
Prtokylol Hydrochloride
Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
Terbutaline Sulfate|Y[Fungi are found in two forms,  yeast and molds.  Disease caused by fungi are called "mycoses" and are usually chronic in nature. (Chronic is distinguished from "acute" in that a disease is considered chronic if it lasts a long time or is frequently recurring).  While bacteria are resistant to antifungal drugs, fungi are resistant to antibacteria drugs thereby making their treatment specialized.   Fungi have a unique rigid cell wall that serves as the target of opportunity for their destruction because of its permeability to certain drugs.  A great number of fungi infections are classified as superficial and only involve the skin.    However, when superficial infections invade the skin barrier they are classified as subcutaneous (beneath the skin) infections and become more serious and difficult to treat.|Antifungal drugs are divided into two categories of drug, drugs used to treat superficial mycoses, and drugs used to treat subcutaneous and systemic mycoses.  Superficial infections (called dermatophytes) have been successfully treated with Clotrimazole, Griseofulvin, Econazole, Miconazole, and Nystatin.  In the case of Griseofulvin, the drug enters the fungi cell wall and ultimately disrupts the mitotic spindle and inhibits mitosis.  [mitosis is the process of a cell reproduction/division where the chromatids within the cell nucleus split in half, forming two exact sets, then move apart to form two carbon copy nuclei and eventually two indentical cells].  Drugs used to treat subcutaneous and systemic mycotic infections include Amphotercin-B, Flucytosine, Ketoconazole, and Fluconazole.  In the case of Amphotercin-B (a polyene antibiotic) the polyene molecules bind to portions of the cell membrane and eventually form pores (or channels) that allow essential electrolytes (especially potassium) to flow out of the cell and result in its death.  A common fungus infection is that of Candida and often infects the vagina or the mouth (thrush).  In the case of  thrush, the usual treatment is with the
drug Nystatin.  For vaginal fungus infections, a common treatment is with the drug Miconazole.|Amphotercin-B
Pentamidine|\ZAntibacterial (antimicrobial) drugs are classified into one of two categories, Bactericidal and Bacteriostatic.  Bacteriostatics are used to limit the spread of specific micro-organisms and arrest infection while the body's own defense system (immune system) attacks and eliminates the pathogens [a pathogen is any virus or microorganism that can cause disease]  from the body.  The second class of antibacterials, Bactericidal, actually attack and destroy the invading pathogen by interfering with its growth or reproduction and do so without the aid of the body's immune system, unlike Bacteriostatic drugs.  Microorganisms can often by identified by knowing the site of infection and the gram-stain characteristics of the pathogen.  The Gram method of identification is a process where a bacteria is stained with gentian violet dye, an iodine solution, and then treated with alcohol.  When the alcohol is applied to the stained baceria, the stain is either lost or retained (depending on particular characteristics of the bacterial cell wall).  If the stain is lost, the bacteria is classified as Gram-negative.  If the stain is retained, the bacteria is Gram-positive.  Gram-positive Cocci live on the skin of most people and can poduce infections when introduced to open wounds (includes surgery sites) and catheters (indwelling).  Gram-negative pathogens are divided into four subgroups: Pseudomonas; Haemophilus influenzae; Neisseria; and Enterics (Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia, Proteus, and others that ordinarily live in the gastrointestinal tract) and are responsible for urinary and bladder infections, sinus infections, pneumonia, meningitis, and otitis media.  Another type of pathogen, Anaerobes, [anaerobes are microorganisms that live and proliferate where there is no free oxygen (as in some body tissues) and get their oxygen by the decomposition of compounds containing it], are both gram-positive and negative.  Anaerobic baceria are usually encapsuled in an abcess wall and produce a foul-smelling gas at the
site of the infection.  Anaerobes are primarily responsible for botulism and tetanus and are normally found on the skin, mouth, and gastrointestinal tract of most people.|Antibacterials work in a number of ways.  Some Bactericidal antibacterials kill bacteria by preventing repair or synthesis of the bacterial cell wall.  It is interesting to note that human cells lack cell walls and are usally unaffected by the action of this type of antibacterial, explaining why this type of antibacterial, e.g. Penicillins and Cephalosporins, have few adverse side effects (with the exception of hypersensitivity/ anaphylaxis) in some people.  Other Bactericidals, e.g. Aminoglycosides, are protein synthesis inhibitors and destroy susceptible bacteria by binding to a particular area on the bacteria cells ribosomes [ribosomes are minute spherical particles composed of proteins and RNA that manufacture proteins for a living cell.  Ribosomes are located throughout the cytoplasm of a cell.]  and prevent protein synthesis.  Another type of protein synthesis inhibitor drugs are Bacteriostatic and inhibit protein synthesis by binding (like some Bactericidals) to the bacteria's ribosomes.  These drugs, e.g. Erythromycin, Tetracycline, etc., are different from Bactericidals in that they do not directly destroy the bacteria.  Some Bacteriostatics, e.g. Sulfonamides, and Trimethoprim, inhibit RNA, DNA, and protein production by blocking the cells ability to synthesis Folate (Folic Acid) from Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA).  Some antibacterials, used primarily for urinary tract infections, are used because they are effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms common to the urinary tract.  These drugs, e.g. Quinolones, Norfloxacin, etc., inhibit DNA gyrase (an enzyme that is vital for bacterial reduplication).  It is important to note that this action (DNA inhibiting) is also a common mechanism of action for both anticancer and antiviral drugs.|Bactericidal cell wall inhibitors:
Aztreonam (Azactam)
D-Cycloserine (Seromycin)
Bactericidal cell wall Inhibitors (B-Lactam drugs):
Procaine Pen G
Benzathine Pen G
Penicillin V
Bactericidal Cell Wall Inhibitors (Cephalosporins):
Bactericidal Protein Synthesis Inhibitors (Aminoglycosides):
Bacteriostatic Protein synthesis Inhibitors:
Bacteriostatic Folate (Folic Acid) Inhibitors:
Sulfamethoxazole (SMZ)
Trimethoprim|•ZAntimicrobial drugs, such as penicillin are classified into one of two categories, Bactericidal and Bacteriostatic.  Penicillin is a member of the Bactericidal class.  While Bacteriostatic drugs interfere with the growth and replication of bacteria, allowing the body's own defense system (immune system) to attack and eliminate the bacteria, Bactericidal drugs (e.g. Penicillin) actually kill the bacteria by selectively interfering with the synthesis or repair of the bacterial cell wall.  Penicillins are the most widely effective and least toxic antibiotics.|Penicillins are used to disrupt the last step in the synthesis (building) of the bacterial cell walls by binding with the proteins on the bacterial cell membrane.  The proteins on the bacterial cell wall that bind with the penicillin are the enzymes that are responsible for the maintenance of the basic structural feature of the bacteria.  When exposed to penicillin antibiotics, the cell then undergoes lysis (the process of cell destruction) through the action of the lysin penicillin. [ A Lysis is any antibody capable of dissolving bacteria].|Penicillin G
Penicillin V
Other Bacterial Drugs Include:
Polymyxin B
Vancomycin|ibAdrenal Corticosteroids are steroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex.  The adrenal cortex is that part of the adrenal gland [adrenal glands are located attached to, and on top of, the kidneys.  The outer portion of the adrenal gland is referred to as the adrenal cortex, while the inner portion is referred to as the adrenal medulla] that secretes corticosteroid hormones (important for the body's metabolism).  The adrenal cortex is divided into three sections (zones).  The inner most zone (Zona Reticularis) produces adrenal adrogens (e.g. testosterone); the middle zone (Zona Fasciculata) produce glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisol) that affect the body's resistance to stress as well as normal metabolism; the outer most zone (Zona Glomerulosa) produces mineralocorticoids (e.g. aldosterone) that regulate water and salt metabolism.  Corticosteroids (e.g. cortisone, triamcinolone, prednisone, etc) are used to treat conditions such as adrenocortical insufficiency, inflammation, Addison's disease, Cushing's disease, bronchial
asthma, allergic reactions, etc.|Corticosteroids are the hormones that are actually secreted by the body's (adrenal cortex) or are synthetic analogs of those natural hormones.  Corticosteroids are produced in response to stimulation by the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.  ACTH stimulates the adrenal glands to secrete a greater than normal amount of all hormones normally produced.|Betamethasone
Triamcinolone|hYAsthma is a respiratory disorder that causes airflow obstruction due to inflammation of the bronchial wall, bronchiolar contraction, and excessive mucous secretion.  Asthma attacks can last from minutes to days and can occur at any time (even during sleep).  Attacks can be triggered by a number of different substances to include pollen, smoke, dust, mold spores, etc. When not allergy related, attacks can be set off by emotional stress, infections, strenuous exercise, or even breathing cold air.  Antiasthmatic drugs are designed to affect the central nervous systems influence on respiration, act directly on the bronchial airways by relaxing the bronchial smooth muscle, or by reducing bronchial mucous secretion.|There are a number of different drugs used in the treatment of asthma.  Adrenergic agonists such as epinephrine or isoproterenol can be used to treat acute attacks and are generally administered by injection or aerosol.  These drugs enlarge the bronchioles but can also overstimulate the heart and should not be used for extended periods.  Drugs like metaproterenol and terbutaline are similar to epinephrine and isoproterenol but have much less of an affect on the heart and can be taken orally.  However, drug tolerance can develop with these drugs making them less effective for future attacks if they are used for extended periods.  Theophylline can be used for extended periods but requires close medical supervision because the rate of absorption varies greatly from person to person, causing nausea and vomiting in those who build up toxic levels of this drug in their body.  Corticosteroids have been used to control asthma but may result in developing drug dependence in some people.  Additionally, adverse side effects of this drug can include elevated blood pressure, ulcers, and stunted growth in children.  Cromolyn is a drug that can prevent asthma attacks by inhibiting the release of histamines and is affective against both exercise and allergy induced bronchoconstriction.|Albuterol
Nedocromil|gbThe thyroid gland is located just below the larynx and is composed of spherical sacs called thyroid follicles.  The wall of each follicle consists of two types of cells:  follicular cells, and parafollicular cells (called "C" cells).  Follicular cells produce thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).  Both T4 and T3 are referred to as the thyroid hormones.  The parafollicular cells manufacture the hormone calcitonin.  Thyroid hormones effect the body in three ways: (1) control of metabolism, (2) governs body growth and development, and (3) regulates the activity of the nervous system.  Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) is the result of excessive amounts of thyroid hormones being produced.  The two most common forms of thyrotoxicosis are toxic multinodular goiter and Graves' disease.|Drugs such as methimazole and propylthiouracil inhibit the production of thyroid hormones T3 and T4 but have short half-lives and require several doses per day to control the situation.  Pharmacological doses of iodide decrease the supply of stored thyroglobulin.  [Thyroglobulin is a large glycoprotein molecule secreted by follicle cells in the thyroid gland in which iodine is combined with tyrosine to form thyroid hormones.  Tyrosine is an amino acid.]  Additionally, when necessary, hyperthyroidism can be treated by surgically removing all or part of the thyroid gland or with the use of radioactive iodine.|Methimazole
Iodine/Iodide|f]Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the central nervous system and generally affects people in the 60 year old range.  The disease is characterized primarily by uncontrollable tremors in the limbs and generalized muscle rigidity.  The cause of the disease is unknown.  However, the disease is a manifestation of a chemical imbalance in the brain.  The chemical imbalance is a result of insufficient dopamine, a chemical neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for sending impulses across the junctions between nerve cells.  Because the neurotransmitter dopamine cannot be directly absorbed into the brain, certain chemicals are used to bridge that gap (the blood-brain barrier) and help the brain produce more of its own dopamine.  Probably the most effective drug used today to treat Parkinson's disease is levodopa, or levodopa used with other drugs such as carbidopa to increase the availability of levodopa to the central nervous system.|Dopamine is a chemical that cannot be taken into the body (orally etc) and sent on directly into the brain.  Therefore, because dopamine is unable to pass from your blood into your brain, certain drugs are used (e.g. levodopa) to bridge the gap so to speak.  Levodopa, a precursor of dopamine, can readily be absorbed into the central nervous system and converted to dopamine in the brain.  Once converted it augments the low concentrations of this neurotransmitter in the corpus striatum and substantia nigra (parts of  the basal ganglia in the brain). [ Note:  Basal ganglia regulate the subconscious contractions of skeletal muscles.] Another group of drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease are antidyskinetics.  Like antiparkinson drugs, antidyskinetics help improve muscle control and reduce stiffness by helping to balance the chemical reactions necessary to send nerve impulses within the brain.|Amantadine
Trihexyphenidyl|e_Diarrhea is normally self-limiting and requires little or no drug therapy.  However, if cases involve diarrhea in infants, small children, or cholera, immediate diagnosis and treatment is essential to prevent excessive loss of electrolytes and dehydration. [electrolytes are compounds that separate into ions (positive or negative charged atoms) when dissolved in water and are able to conduct electrical currents.  Electrolytes serve three functions in the body. (1) many are essential minerals, (2) they control osmosis of water between body compartments, and (3) electrolytes assist in maintaining the acid-base balance required for normal cellular activities].  Diarrhea can be either "acute" or "chronic".  Acute diarrhea can be the result of many factors to include: infectious microorganisms (bacterial or viral); the influence of drugs, to include antibiotics that interfere with the normal intestinal flora living within the intestine, as well as high blood pressure treatments such as methyldopa, reserpine, and guanethidine; the result of toxins in your system such as botulism, ergotism, aflatoxin, and other food poisonings; and may even be precipitated by the ingestion of  fatty, spicy, or high roughage foods.  Chronic diarrhea is more difficult to diagnose and may be the result of laxative abuse, emotional disorders, endocrine disorders, lactose intolerance, or may even be a symptom of cancer of the rectum or colon.  The bottom line, is that diarrhea, either actue or chronic, is a symptom of a disorder and should be diagnosed for its underlying cause.|The oldest known treatment of diarrhea (not its underlying cause or causes) are the opiates.  Morphine (a major component in opium) increases the time it takes to move chyme, [chyme is the thick, semifluid mass resulting from gastric digestion of food; it passes from the stomach into the small intestine], through the intestine and colon and increases the tone of the intestinal muscles.  Diphenoxylate, chemically similar to Demerol, is an effective ant
idiarrheal and has a low abuse potential, making it a favored drug in the management of chronic diarrhea.  Anticholinergic agents, although not recommended for children because of the drugs narrow margin of safety, are used in the treatment of diarrhea because of their ability to reduce motility of the intestinal tract.  [motility is the spontaneous motion of the intestinal tract. ] This mechanical process is divided into two type types:  segmentation and peristalsis.  Segmentation is the mechanical process of mixing chyme with the digestive juices.  Peristalsis is the movement of the chyme on through the intestinal tract.  Absorbents, most frequently used in non-prescription antidiarrheals, basically consume or assimilate the toxic materials (e.g. bacteria, etc.) that are causing the diarrhea.  However, the absorbing capabilities are nonselective and these antidiarrheal agents also absorb some of the necessary digestive enzymes and assorted nutrients.  Commonly used absorbents include kaolin, bismuth salts and pectin.|Diphenoxylate and Atropine
Opium Tincture
Bismuth Subsalicylate
Cholesyramine|d]The definition of analgesia is the state of not feeling pain although fully conscious.  There are basically two classes of analgesics: narcotic analgesics e.g. codeine, methadone, morphine, etc., and non-narcotic analgesics, e.g. aspirin, acetaminophen, etc..  When body tissue is damaged by inflammation, infection, injury, etc., the body produces a hormone-like substance known as prostaglandin.  Prostaglandins combine with specific sites (known as opiate receptors) on the surface of cells in the spinal cord and brain.  Once the prostaglandin has attached itself to these cells, it creates a passage way, in effect, for nerve impulses to travel to the brain where the impulses are interpreted as pain.|Narcotic analgesics (referred to as opiates) are used in the treatment of severe pain, as opposed to non-narcotic analgesics (e.g. acetominophen)  that are effective only against mild to moderate pain.  Opiates interact with specific receptors on specific cells in the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system.  The greatest concentration of these receptors are located in five prevalent areas of the brain.  These areas are the Brainstem (where the receptors mediate nausea, coughing, respiration, vomiting, stomach secretions, blood pressure, and pupillary diameter), Medial Thalams, Spinal Cord, Hypothalamus, and Limbic System.  A comparative analysis of the analgesic properties of Aspirin and Morphine reveals that:  Aspirin is non-narcotic while Morphine is a narcotic; Aspirin is effective against mild to moderate pain while Morphine is effective against severe pain; Aspirin is a fever reducer while Morphine is not; Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory while Morphine is not; Aspirin is most effective against muscle and bone pain while Morphine is effective against pain in all areas of the body; Aspirin is not a cough suppressant while Morphine works well as a cough suppressant; Aspirin is an effective anticoagulant while Morphine is not; the drug action site of Aspirin is the Peripheral Nervous System w
hile the drug action site of Morphine is the Central Nervous System; Aspirin does not cause physical dependence while morphine does; Aspirin can produce mild to no psychological dependence while Morphine will; Aspirin is not effective against diarrhea while Morphine is; Aspirin has really no abuse potential while Morphine has a very high potential  for abuse, and; the chances of developing drug tolerance to Morphine is high while with Aspirin is not.  To illustrate the comparative pharmacological properties of both narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics note the differences between aspirin (a non-narcotic) and morphine (a narcotic).  [Note:  Narcotic agents can be grouped into four major categories:  (1) Natural Alkaloids of Opium (includes codeine and morphine); (2) Synthetic derivatives of morphine; (3) Opiods (Synthetic narcotics similar to morphine); and (4) Narcotic Antagonists (drugs used to combat overdose of narcotic analgesics.]|Codeine
Naltrexone|^bDiabetes centers around the function of the pancreas (located behind the stomach just in front on the backbone) and contains a group of cells called Islands of  Langerhans.  While the Islands of Langerhans produce insulin, other glands within the body influence the secretion of insulin from these cells.  These glands include the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, and the liver.  The lack of insulin [Insulin is a protein hormone that helps the body use sugar and other carbohydrates]  can result in basically two types of diabetes.  Type 1, Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, and Type 2 noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitis.  Type 1 diabetes is the result of damage to the Langerhan cells (beta-cells) and can result in kidney failure, hyperglycemia, weight loss, retinal damage, ketoacidosis and atherosclerosis.  Type 2 diabetes is the result of a diminished number of insulin receptors that leads to a decreased release of insulin or a decreased response of tissue to insulin.  The effect of type 2 can result in hyperglycemia.|Humulin (human insulin) is produced by recombiant DNA technology or is blended from porcine insulin, [porcine insulin differs from human insulin by one amino-acid.  Amino-acids are a group of nitrogenous organic compounds that serve as units of structure for  the proteins and are essential to human metabolism].  The objective of administering insulin to Type 1 diabetics is to maintain blood glucose concentrations to a normal level without wide swings in the blood glucose level.  The objective with Type 2 diabetics is to maintain blood glucose concentrations to within normal parameters.|Zinc Insulin
Semilente Insulin
Isophane Insulin Suspension
Insulin Zinc Suspension
Protamine Zinc Insulin
Ultralante Insulin

*Note:  Oral hypoglycemics stimulate insulin release from the pancreas, reduce serum glucagon levels, and  promote binding of insulin to specific tissues and receptors.|c]Local anesthetics are designed to block both the generation and conduction of impulses through all nerve fibers, particularly small unmyelinated nerve fibers that transmit temperature, pain, and autonomic activity.  [Autonomic: the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the central nervous system that controls the motor functions of the heart, intestines, lungs, lymph vessels, blood vessels, glands, smooth muscles, and other internal organs].  Local anesthetics are used for local nerve blocks, epidural nerve blocks, infiltration anesthesia, and spinal nerve blocks.  It is interesting to note that the first local anesthetic used in medicine was cocaine but has largely been replaced by synthetic agents.|It is believed that local anesthetics block the conduction of nerve impulses by diminishing the permeability of the nerve cell membrane to sodium, thereby increasing the threshold for electrical excitability within the cell.|Benzocaine
Butacaine Sulfate
Privlocaine|b_Antacids are inorganic salts, [inorganic compounds do not contain carbon and are usually derived from mineral sources e.g. magnesium, aluminum etc.] that dissolve in gastric secretions in order to partially neutralize stomach acid (gastric hydrocholoric acid).  Antacids have been classified as being either absorbable (systemic) or nonabsorbable (nonsystemic).  Systemic antacids, e.g. sodium bicarbonate, are very effective but can alter electrlyte balance or change the pH of extracellular fluid if taken in sufficiently high doses.  Nonsystemic antacids, e.g. aluminum, calcium, and magnesium salts, buffer the PH in the stomach and result in decreased pepsin activity.  [Pepsin is an enzyme secreted in the stomach that aids in the digestion of proteins.  This is accomplished by splitting the proteins into less complex proteoses and peptones].  Another type of antacid are the "mucosal protective agents" e.g. sucralfate and colloidal bismuth.  These antacids form a protective covering over the gastric surface to stimulate the secretion or mucus.  Sucralfate is particularly effective in the treatment of duodenal ulcers|Antacids are used for the relief and healing of peptic ulcers.  [Ulcers are an open sore or erosion on the surface of an organ or tissue.  The digestive tract is the most common site for the development of ulcers and are referred to as peptic ulcers.  Ulcers in the digestive tract can develop in the stomach, esophagus, and first segment of the small intestine, known as the duodenum].  The value (clinically of an antacid is its ability to raise the pH of gastric secretions.  [pH is a measure of the alkalinity or acidity of a solution and is measured against a "PH scale".  The pH scale ranges from 1 to 14 with 1 being the high end of acidity, 14 being the high end of alkalinity, and 7 representing a neutral.  [Note:  water is a 7 on the pH scale because it contains an equal number of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions. An atom becomes charged if it gains or loses an electron].  In terms of their
ability to neutralize a given amount of acid, in decending order, are Calcium Cabonate, Sodium, Bicarbonate, Magnesium Salts, and Aluminum Salts.  Note:  Antacids have the potential to interact with other drugs being taken and can significantly alter their effectiveness.|Sodium Bicarbonate
Calcium Cabonate
Aluminum Hydroxide
Magnesium Hydroxide
Sodium Carbonate
Magnesium Trisilicate
Magnesium Carbonate
Aluminum Phosphate
Magnesium Oxide
Dihydroxyaluminum Aminoacetate
Aluminum Carbonate
Dihydroxyaluminum sodium Carbonate
Magaldrate|—]The term emetic means "to vomit".  Vomiting can be provoked by many situations to include: intestinal flu, irritants in the stomach, morning sickness  due to pregnancy, and motion sickness, just to name a few.  The vomiting reflex originates in the brain stem [the brainstem is that portion of the brain that is located just above the spinal cord and is made up of the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain] and sends a nerve message toward the abdomen where it causes the diaphragm to push down and contract the abdominal muscles.  When this happens, it causes the esophageal sphincter to open. [the esophageal sphincter is the ring of muscle between the stomach and esophagus]. As the sphincter relaxes (and opens) the contents of the stomach are propelled upward to the mouth where it is expelled.  As the contents of the stomach are exiting, the epiglottis closes over the larynx to prevent the vomit from entering the lungs via the trachea.|Stimulation of the D2 receptors in the receptor trigger zone (CZT) of the brainstem with the neurotransmitter dopamine, can result in nausea and vomiting.  Drugs such as prochlorperazine and metoclopramide block the receptors that are stimulated by the dopamine and prevent the first step in the vomiting reflex, the message to the abdomen.  These drugs are useful in situations of cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy where nausea and vomiting are a continued problem.  Additionally, when situations like motion sickness are responsible for triggering the vomiting reflex some anticholinergics and antihistamines can be effective.|Benzquinamide
Trimethobenzamide|t\The most important natural progestin is progesterone and is produced by both males and females.  While this hormone is produced by both sexes in the adrenal cortex, it is secreted in the corpus luteum, (corpus luteum is a glandular body that develops from a vescular ovarian follicle after ovulation and secretes the hormones progesterone, relaxin, and estrogens), in the female primarily during the second half of the menstrual cycle.  In males this hormone is produced by the testes.  During the second half of the menstrual cycle, (the luteal phase), progesterone changes the uterine mucosa to become a more favorable environment  for the fertilized ovum.  Due to the high level of progesterone during this phase, the production of the hormone gonadotropin drops off and prevents further ovulation.  If conception is not attained however, the production of progesterone ceases and menstruation begins.  [Note: during pregnancy the placenta secretes approximately 10 times the normal monthly amount of progesterone in order to maintain the pregnancy.]|The primary use of progestin therapy is in combination with estrogens in contraception.  Other uses include treatment of endometriosis (the growth of endometrial tissue in abnormal locations, as on the ovaries or within the peritoneal cavity), and dysfunctional uterine bleeding.|Progesterone
Norethindrone Acetate
Ethisterone|p\Estrogens, (naturally secreted by the ovaries), and synthetic derivatives of estrogens, (used when the natural level of estrogens are inadequate or need to be augmented), are responsible for many of the physiological characteristics of the female body.  There are three major estrogens produced by women; estradiol, estrone, an estriol.  The ovary is the principle source of estradiol with the liver responsible for converting estradiol to estriol and estrone.  Additionally, it is the adrenal gland that changes testosterone and androstenedione into estrogen in men and postmenopausal women.  Estradiol is the most important hormone (estrogen) produced by the ovaries and is essential for the development of  the female reproductive organs as well as for the development of the female secondary sex characteristics, e.g. body fat distribution, breast development, skin texture, feminine voice, etc.|A major therapeutic use of estrogens is in the treatment of menopause symptoms that generally occurs in women between the ages of 45 and 55.  During this age, there is a gradual cessation in the ability of the ovaries to produce estrogen.  At the onset of this "change of  life" the symptoms associated with menopause can include anxiety, hot flashes, irritability, fatigue and involutional melancholia (a psychotic condition) and are best treated with natural or synthetic estrogen-like compounds.  (Note: there is an increased risk of  developing endometrial cancer (cancer of the uterus) in post menopausal women who use estrogen therapy for extended periods.)  Estrogens also have a limited anabolic effect and can cause the retention of sodium and associated edema and fluid retention.  Additionally, it is interesting to note that during pregnancy, the placenta becomes the main source of estrogens.|Chlorotrianisene
Diethylstilbestrol Diphosphate
Esterified Estrogens
Estradiol Benzoate
Estradiol Cypionate
Estradiol Valerate
Estrogenic Substances (Conjugated)
Ethinyl Estradiol|s\Oral contraceptive drugs are generally a combination of both estrogen and progestin ingredients and are believed to prevent conception by one or more of the following mechanisms: (1) preventing ovulation by preventing the release of certain hormones from the anterior pituitary; (2) inducing unfavorable changes in the cervical mucus that inhibit implantation of the fertilized egg; and/or (3), by making the cervical mucus impenetrable to the passage of sperm.|There are basically four major types of oral contraceptives: (1) Progestin implants (e.g. Norplant); (2) Progestin only pills, referred to as the "mini-pill"; (3) Combination pills, containing both estrogen and progestin; and (4) Postcoital contraception, often refereed to as the "morning after" pill because it is used within 72 hours of intercourse.  Implants are six small capsules that are placed under the skin in the upper arm.  This method releases progestin into the body for approximately 5 years and is totally reversible when surgically removed.  Mini-pills deliver a continuous low dose of  progestin when taken daily but may produce irregular menstrual cycles, often causing anxiety to the user thinking it may be a sign of pregnancy.  Combination pills are the most common type of oral contraceptive and employ the use of progestin and estrogen.  While the estrogen suppresses ovulation, the progestin produces a uterine environment unsuitable for the implantation of a fertilized egg and also makes the cervical mucus impenetrable to the sperm.  Postcoital contraception involves a high-dose of estrogen taken within 72 hours of intercourse and continued for 5 consecutive days (usually taken every 12 hours).|Ethynodiol Diacetate and Ethinyl Estradiol
Ethynodiol Diacetate and Mestranol
Levonorgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol
Norethindrone and Ethinyl Estradiol
Norethindrone and Mestranol
Norethindrone Acetate and Ethinyl Estradiol
Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol
Northyodrel and Mestranol|r]The definition of analgesia is the state of not  feeling pain although fully conscious.  There are basically two classes of analgesics.  Narcotic analgesics and non-narcotic analgesics.  When body tissue is damaged by inflammation, infection, injury, etc., the body produce a hormone-like substance known as prostaglandin.  Prostaglandins combine with specific sites (known as opiate receptors) on the spinal cord and brain.  Once the prostaglandin has attached itself to these cells, it creates a passage in effect for nerve impulses to travel to the brain where the impulses are interpreted as pain.|Drugs such as aspirin work as non-narcotic analgesics in that they block the production of prostaglandin in damaged tissue (e.g. cells) that go on to trigger the pain signals that are sent to the brain.  Drugs like acetaminophen work by blocking the impulses responsible for pain in the brain itself.  To illustrate the comparative pharmacological properties of both narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics  note the differences between aspirin ( a non-narcotic) and morphine (a narcotic). A comparative analysis of the analgesic properties of Aspirin and Morphine reveals that:  Aspirin is non-narcotic while Morphine is a narcotic; Aspirin is effective against mild to moderate pain while Morphine is effective against severe pain; Aspirin is a fever reducer while Morphine is not; Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory while Morphine is not; Aspirin is most effective against muscle and bone pain while Morphine is effective against pain in all areas of the body; Aspirin is not a cough suppressant while Morphine works well as a cough suppressant; Aspirin is an effective anticoagulant while Morphine is not; the drug action site of Aspirin is the Peripheral Nervous System while the drug action site of Morphine is the Central Nervous System; Aspirin does not cause physical dependence while morphine does; Aspirin can produce mild to no psychological dependence while Morphine will; Aspirin is not effective against diarr
hea while Morphine is; Aspirin has really no abuse potential while Morphine has a very high potential  for abuse, and; the chances of developing drug tolerance to Morphine is high while with Aspirin is not. |Aspirin (can also be classified as Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory)
Sodium Thiosalicylate
Phenacetin|o_Constipation can be the result of many diverse causes and include: disease, e.g. hypothyroidism, paraplegia, etc.). dehydration, insufficient bulk in your diet; old age, limited physical activity and the use of some drugs, (e.g. anticholinergics, opiates, anti psychotics (phenothiazine type), antidepressants (tricyclic); and others.  Laxatives are used to increase the movement of chyme through  the gastrointestinal tract. [Chyme is the thick, semifluid mass resulting from gastric digestion of food as it passes from the stomach into the small intestine] Peristaltic contractions of the muscles that form the small and large intestines move feces (in a fluid state) through your intestinal tract. During this action, the fluid is normally absorbed.  If the motion decreases, more fluid than normal is absorbed and the feces becomes more solid.|The exact mechanisms of action of laxatives are not yet known.  However, they are commonly classified based on their surmised mechanism of action and include: Stimulant, Saline, Bulk-Forming, Emollient (lubricants), Fecal softeners, and Anthraquinone.  Laxatives in the stimulant category increase the propulsive action of the peristaltic contractions by direct stimulation of  the intestinal smooth muscle.  Saline laxatives, through osmosis, cause the volume of water in the intestinal lumen to increase.  The increased pressure inside the intestine activates  stretch receptors that trigger an increase of peristaltic contractions.  Bulk-forming laxatives are basically non-digestible ingredients that are taken into the gastrointestinal tract where they absorb large volumes of water.  The resultant increase of bulk in the intestine stimulates the peristaltic contractions that in turn move the stool through the system.  Emollient laxatives, also known as lubricants, may act by lubricating both the lining of the intestine and the stool  to effect a smooth passage through the system.  Fecal softeners soften  fecal material by lowering surface tension and allowing water and  lip
ids (fats) to penetrate the hardened fecal material.  Anthraquinone laxatives are a group of stimulant laxatives that get their laxative action from hydroxymethylanthraquinone derivatives that occur naturally in some plants, (e.g., aloe, senna, cascara, and others).  The synthetic compound of this drug is Danthron.|Castor Oil
Glycerin Suppositories
Phenolphthalein (yellow)
Magnesium Carbonate
Magnesium Citrate
Magnesium Sulfate
Milk of Magnesia
Potassium sodium Tartrate
Sodium Phosphate
Sodium sulfate
Malt Soup Extract
Psyllium Preparations
Aloe and Cascara
Cascara Fluid Extract
Ennosides A & B
Mineral Oil
Dioctyl Calcium Sulfosuccinate
Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate
Poloxamer 188
Docusate Salts|Ї[Minerals are inorganic substances. [Inorganic is the term given to substances (matter) that are not animal or  vegetable.  Most inorganic compounds do not contain carbon and are derived from mineral sources].  Minerals are essential constituents of all cells and are excreted daily from the body, thereby requiring their replacement through food intake or in the form of supplements.  Because most people receive enough of these essential minerals from their daily diets, the taking of minerals supplements should only be used when a definite deficiency has been diagnosed, as excessive amounts may be harmful.  The most common  mineral supplement used is iron.  Iron supplements, that include drugs such as ferrous gluconate and iron polysacharide, are used in the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia or to augment the need for iron in women who are pregnant or breast-feeding.|Minerals make up about 4 percent of the total  body weight of a person and are found most heavily in the bones.  Minerals that are essential to life include: chromium, manganese, calcium, sodium, zinc, copper phosphorous, cobalt, and selenium.  Chromium is used in the utilization of some sugars and carbohydrates by optimizing the production of the hormone insulin.  Manganese is needed for the production of hemoglobin (the oxygen carrying portion of a blood cell), growth, urea formation, and the actions of various enzymes.  Calcium is needed for muscle and nerve activity, blood clotting, production and release of neurotransmitters, bone and teeth formation, and the metabolism of glycogen.  Sodium affects the distribution of water throughout the body through osmosis , and plays in important part of nerve impulse conduction.  Zinc is important in the metabolism of carbon dioxide, wound healing, normal growth, sperm count in males, proper functioning of the prostate gland, and is involved (as a peptidases component) in the digestion of proteins.  Copper is necessary, along with iron, in the synthesis of hemoglobin, and the formation of me
lanin pigment.  [Melanin is the pigment that gives color to the hair, skin , and choroid of the eye.]  Phosphorus is needed for muscle contraction, nerve activity, bone and teeth formation, is an important component of  many enzymes, DNA, and RNA.  Cobalt, as part of the vitamin B-12 is necessary in the process of developing new red blood cells.  Selenium prevents chromosome breakage and may prevent certain birth defects.  Iron, along with copper, is an important component of hemoglobin and is involved in the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that is essential to the life of a cell.  ATP is responsible for storing energy for the various cellular activities.|Ferrous Fumarate
Ferrous Gluconate
Ferrous Sulfate
Iron Polysaccharide
Sodium Fluoride|›ZRadio-Pharmaceuticals are radioactive substances that are used in the diagnosis of many medical conditions, e.g. cancer, heart disease, bone marrow disease, thyroid disease, etc.  Because the radioactive substances can be traced, the physician can chart the course of the substance through the body noting how much of the substance concentrates and where, giving him/her valuable diagnostic information.|Atoms of an element may be different from one another in their nuclear mass, (due to one  or more additional neutrons), but at the same time be chemically alike.  Each  chemically identical atom of an element with a particular nuclear mass is an isotope of that element.  Many isotopes are radioactive and emit particles or "rays" which can be detected by special instruments.  For this reason they are referred to as "tracers".  The diagnostic procedure of recording  the chemical activity of various tissues within the body is known as radioisotopic scanning.  The branch of medicine that specializes in the use of radioisotopes in the diagnosis and treatment of disease is known as nuclear medicine.  A sophisticated version of radioisotopic  scanning is known as positron emission tomography (PET). PET scanning traces short-lived isotopes through the body.  As it travels  through the body, it emits positively charged electron like particles called positrons.  These particles collide with negatively charged electrons in the body and release gamma rays that are detected and charted by PET receptors.|Cyanocobalamin Co 57
Cyanocobalamin Co 60
Ferrous Citrate Fe 59
Gallium Citrate Ga 67
Sodium Iodide I 123
Sodium Iodide I 131|xeAntihypercalcemics are used primarily in the treatment of bone disease such as Paget's disease, post menopausal osteoporosis, and as an aid to healing spinal cord injuries and hip replacement surgery.  Hypercalcemia is defined as having an abnormally high level of  calcium in the blood.  The hormone calcitonin (produced by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland) is responsible for maintaining the correct blood calcium level in the body.  Calcitonin reduces the amount of calcium and phosphate in the blood by inhibiting the breakdown of bone tissue and accelerating the absorption of calcium by the bones.  It is believed that this hormone lowers calcium and phosphate in the blood by inhibiting osteoclastic action  [osteoclasts are large, multinuclear cells that destroy or resorbed  bone tissue]  and parathyroid hormone (PTH).  [PTH controls the level of calcium and phosphate ions in the blood].|Etidronate is an antihypercalcemic used in the the treatment of Paget's disease.  This disease, known as osteitis deformans, is a condition where the normal breakdown and regeneration of bone tissue is greatly accelerated.  When this normal balance is somehow disturbed, the affected bones (usually the long leg bones, skull, pelvis, vertebrae, ribs, and collarbone), begin to breakdown and replace itself with dense fibrous tissue and blood vessels.  The action of Etidronate is to absorb to hydroxyapatite crystals and prevent or retard the development of heterotypic bone tissue during the active stage of the disease.  [heterotypic; the displacement of an organ or part (e.g. the original bone tissue) in the body].  Additionally, this drug significantly reduces the number of osteoclasts in the body.|Etidronate (generic)
EHDP|ћZHemorreologic drugs are used in the treatment of intermittent claudication.   Claudication, intermittent, is an extreme pain in the calf muscles that occurs during exercise, e.g. walking, that usually subsides with rest.  Claudication results from inadequate blood supply to the muscles of the legs and may be the result of an occlusion, arterial spasm, arteriosclerosis, or atherosclerosis.|The drug Pentoxifylline (brand name Trental) works by making red blood cells more elastic (or supple), allowing for better circulation especially in the smaller blood vessels in the extremities.|Pentoxifylline|e_Flatulence (the expulsion of intestinal gas), gastric bloating, and postoperative gas pains are most often treated with the drug Simethicone.  Intestinal gas (or Flatus) is a normal part of the digestion  process and in the large intestine is the product of the fermentation of food wastes by the bacteria that live in the colon.  Under ordinary conditions, a great deal of the flatus is absorbed through the intestinal wall while the balance is generally expelled through the rectum.  The reasons for excess gas can include the eating of certain foods that contain specific sugars (like those found in the bean family) that cannot be digested by the body but are easily processed by the bacteria living there.  Another reason can include a rapid peristaltic action of the large intestine that results in movement of food wastes through the intestine to quickly for gas absorption to take place.  [Peristalsis, peristalic action, is the contraction of muscles through the digestive tract (esophagus, small intestine, and large intestine) that move its contents through the body, from the mouth eventually through the rectum]|Antiflatulents, such as Simethicone, are effective in that they are anti-foam agents designed to prevent (or dispel) mucous-surrounded gas pockets in the gastrointestinal tract.  These drugs spread over the surface of the foam bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract, to form a film of lowered surface tension.  Th
erefore, as a result of the low surface tension on the gas bubbles, they collapse.|Simethicone-includes:
Extra Strength Gas-X
Phazyme 95
Phazyme 125
Riopan Plus
Silain|zcOphthalmic (having to do with the eyes) uses of Corticosteroids are not curative and should include a medical diagnosis to determine the cause of the inflammation and the best treatment for its elimination.  Applied topically these drugs reduce the inflammation response in damaged cells and can prevent scarring and resultant vision problems that are the result of thermal, chemical, and radiation burns or penetration of the eyeball with a foreign object.|The exact mechanism of action in the topical application of these drugs is unknown.  However, Corticosteroids used optically can result in an increase of intraocular pressure and induce or exasperate open-angle glaucoma.  As an anti-inflammatory agent, these drugs can inhibit edema and other facets of the "inflammatory response".  Corticosteroids are designed to prevent the release of  specific chemicals that initiate the symptoms of inflammation, e.g. redness, heat, pain, and swelling.|Betamethasone
Prednisolone|zdOtic (having to do with the ear), uses of Corticosteroids (applied topically) can provide symptomatic relief to the otitis externa (the canal that runs from the outer ear into the middle ear) due to inflammation caused by allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea, and other such inflammatory dermatoses.|The exact mechanism of action in the topical application of these drugs is unknown.  However, as an anti-inflammatory agent, these drugs are effective in reducing or preventing the release of specific chemicals that initiate the symptoms of inflammation, e.g. redness, heat, pain, and swelling.  Because corticosteroids are not curative, a medical diagnosis of the underlying cause of the inflammation is necessary to eliminate the problem.|Betamethasone
Hydrocortisone|yZLipids (fats) are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.  Lipids consists of two basic units:  glycerol and fatty acids.  A molecule of fat is produced when a molecule of glycerol combines with three molecules of fatty acids to make a triglyceride.  Cholesterol is produced by the liver when saturated fats are broken down in the body. [Note: saturated fats can increase your blood cholesterol level as much as 25 percent. Natural sources of saturated fats include: beef, pork, butter, cheese, whole milk, eggs, palm oil, coconut oil, and cocoa butter].  Cholesterol is vitally important for the production of steroid hormone; bile salts [bile salts emulsify fats before they are digested and absorbed.  Bile salts are needed in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E, K]; and plasma membranes [plasma membrane is the outer covering of  a cell, separating its internal parts from its outside environment].  Because cholesterol and triglycerides (fat molecules) cannot travel through the blood stream in their unaltered form, they combine with  proteins that are produced by the intestine and liver.  Once combined, this new form is called   a "lipoprotein".  There are basically two classes of lipoproteins: low-density lipoproteins (LDL) (these are the ones that can lead to coronary artery disease) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL).  LDL transports cholesterol to the various cells within the body and attaches itself to LDL receptors on the cell membrane.  Once attached, LDL is taken into the cell where it is broken down and the cholesterol is freed to become part of the cell and facilitate its needs.  Additionally, it is the LDL in the blood stream that, under abnormal conditions, attaches to the smooth muscle cells in the arteries and leads to coronary artery disease.  HDL on the other hand is believed to pick-up excess cholesterol from the body and deliver it to the liver where it is eventually eliminated from the body.  Another type of lipoprotein that is believed to contribute to atherosclerot
ic plaque and the development of coronary artery disease is very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL).  [Note: When the total cholesterol in the blood (HDL, LDL, VLDL) increases above 150 mg per one tenth liter of blood, the risk of coronary artery disease can begin to increase.  Above 200 mg per one tenth liter, the risk increases rapidly.]|Drugs used to treat hyperlipidemias (elevated levels of lipids in the blood) are designed to (1) increase the removal of cholesterol from the body: (2) decrease the production of lipoproteins; and (3) to increase the breakdown of lipoproteins in the plasma. (Plasma is the extra cellular fluid found in blood vessels; blood minus the formed elements).  Hyperlipidemia is divided into two categories: Primary Hyperlipidemia, where the individual is genetically predisposed to coronary artery disease and  Secondary Hyperlipidemia, where metabolic problems such as Hypothyroidism, Diabetes Mellitus, and excessive alcohol consumption lead to abnormally high levels of blood lipids.|Cholestyramine
Probucol|‹\Gonad stimulants are used to treat infertility; low sperm count in males and ovulatory failure in women.  The testes in males and ovaries in females are also called Gonads.  The Gonads make up part of  the Endocrine system and produce specific hormones, (Testosterone in males and Estrogen and Progesterone in females), and are controlled by the pituitary gland which is in turn influenced by hormones secreted by the hypothalamus in the brain.  The hormones secreted by the pituitary gland are known as tropic (or stimulating) and in effect tell the gonads when to produce, or cease to produce, their respective hormones.  The release of these tropic hormones by the pituitary gland are either stimulated or inhibited by chemical secretions from the hypothalamus known as "regulating factors".  When the pituitary receives stimulation from the hypothalamus it in turn transmits its message, to the gonads in this case, with hormones that regulate their function.  The hormones that regulate the function of the  gonads are known as gonadotropic hormones and include: Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), that stimulate the production of eggs and sperm in the ovaries and testes, respectively, and; Luteinizing hormone (LH), that stimulate ovulation and progesterone secretion in females and testosterone secretion in males. |Infertility in males and females that  are the result of a hormonal imbalance can sometimes be effectively treated with gonad stimulants such as Clomiphene.  When the infertility involves a failure to ovulate or inadequate sperm production, drugs such as Clomiphene and Clomid are used to stimulate the release of pituitary gonadotropins.  These gonadotropins, (FSH) and (LH), result in maturation of the ovarian follicle, ovulation, development of the corpus luteum (the corpus luteaum is a glandular body that develops after ovulation that produces the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and relaxin), and increased sperm production.  In females, when ovulation failure is the result of suppression of the pituit
ary secretion of (FSH) by circulating estrogen, Clomiphene blocks the estrogen receptor sites in the brain, and stimulates the release of (FSH).|Clomiphene
Serophene|Џ]Non barbiturate sedatives belong to a group of drugs known as "Anxiolytic and Hypnotic" drugs.  Non barbiturate sedatives, like the Benzodiazepine drugs, are used to treat anxiety.  Anti-anxiety drugs, also known as minor tranquilizers or anxiolytics, are effective in treating the symptoms associated with anxiety that include: sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat, and palpitations.  Because anti-anxiety drugs result in some sedation, they are also referred to as hypnotics (sleep inducers).  The advantage of non-barbiturate sedatives over barbiturates as sleep inducers is the reduced risk of addiction.  Barbiturate addiction often leads to abuse that may easily result in overdose.  Barbiturate overdose can cause death due to respiratory failure because of its potent depressant effect on the central nervous system.  However, extended use of any sedative may result in physical and psychological dependence and should be used as a very short-term treatment for insomnia. |The difference between a tranquilizer and a sedative is that tranquilizers reduce anxiety without inducing sleep.  Sedatives, on the other hand, are used primarily in the treatment of insomnia as well as to induce pre-operative sedation and relief of anxiety.  Non barbiturate sedatives like Chloral Hydrate have a depressant affect on the central nervous system similar to that of barbiturates, however, its mechanism of action is not completely understood.  In doses used to induce sleep, this drug produces mild cerebral depression and deep sleep.  Chloral hydrate is used most often for the sedation of children.  Additionally, some antihistamines such as Pyrilamine, Doxylamine, and Diphenhydramine (available in many over-the-counter sedatives) are also used to treat some types of insomnia.  However, due to the number of undesirable side effects, they are considered less useful than Benzodiazepine drugs, e.g. Clorazepate, Diazepam, Flurazepam, Temazepam, Triazolam, and others.  Note:  Nonbarbiturate sedatives are not used as much since the int
roduction of Benzodiazepines.|Chloral Hydrate
Antihistamine|“ZVasodilator drugs are designed to dilate blood vessels.  The contractility of a blood vessel or artery comes from the smooth muscle cells that make up part of their structure.  These smooth cells are innervated by sympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system.  When sympathetic stimulation occurs, the smooth muscles contract, squeezing the wall around the lumen, ( a lumen is the passage within a tubular organ, e.g. the interior of a blood vessel), thereby narrowing the vessel and is referred to as "vasoconstriction".  However, when sympathetic stimulation is discontinued, the smooth muscle cells around the blood vessels relax and the diameter of the lumen is increased.  The increase in lumen diameter is referred to as "Vasodilation" and the drugs that produce this action are known as Vasodilators.  Vasodilators are used in the treatment of  hypertension (high blood pressure), angina pectoris, heart failure, and peripheral vascular disease (insufficient blood supply to the extremities).|There are basically four types of drugs used as Vasodilators: (1) Sympatholitics, (2) Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, (3) Nitrates and, (4) Calcium Channel  Blockers.  Sympatholitics work by blocking nerve stimulation from the sympathetic nervous system to the muscles in the walls of the blood vessels.  These drugs are designed to bind with receptors on the muscle cells and prevent their stimulation by released neurotransmitters.  (Neurotransmitters are specialized chemicals that are released from nerve fiber endings.  These chemicals transfer the message from the nerve cell, across a gap known as a synaptic cleft, to the surface of the organ or tissue being affected).  ACE inhibitors work by inhibiting an enzyme in the blood that converts a chemical known as Angiotensin 1 into a chemical known as Angiotensin 2 (a powerful vasoconstrictor).  The absence of this (natural) powerful vasoconstrictor allows the blood vessels to expand, resulting in vasodilation.  Calcium  Channel Blockers work by b
locking the passage of Calcium into the muscle fibers around the blood vessels, allowing the vessels to relax and dilate.  This drug, as opposed to ACE inhibitors and Sympatholytics that block or interfere with nerve impulses, acts directly on the muscle cell.  Nitrates work much the same way as calcium channel blockers in that they too act directly on the muscle fiber.  While the exact mechanism of action is not fully understood, nitrates relax  vascular smooth muscle tissue and results in vasodilation.|Captopril
Isosorbide Dinitrate
Nitroglycerin|vZVasoconstrictors are drugs that  are designed to induce blood vessel constriction.  Probably the most commonly used Vasoconstrictors used today are those used to treat congestion (particularly nasal congestion).  These Vasoconstrictors, usually members of the sympathomimetic drug group, shrink the small blood vessels in the nasal passages and consequently reduce congestion.  Sympathomimetic (adrenergic) drugs work by selectively stimulating either the alpha or beta adrenergic receptors in the muscle cells.  Stimulation of the alpha receptors causes constriction (vasoconstriction) of the small blood vessels while stimulation of the beta receptors results in dilating (vasodilation) of the blood vessels in the skeletal muscles.|The contractility of a blood vessel or artery comes from the smooth muscle cell that make up part of their structure.  These smooth muscle cells are innervated by sympathetic branches of the autonomic  nervous system.  When sympathetic stimulation occurs, the smooth muscles contract, squeezing the wall around the lumen, [a lumen is the passage within a tubular organ e.g. the interior of a blood vessel, thereby narrowing the vessel.]  The decrease in lumen diameter is referred to as vasoconstriction. |Ergotamine
Epinephrine Hydrochloride
Xylometazoline|’]There are basically two types of  tranquilizers:  major and minor.  Major tranquilizers are used to treat Psychotic illnesses while minor tranquilizers are used to treat emotional tension and anxiety.  [Psychosis is a major mental disorder in which the personality is seriously disorganized and contact with reality is usually impaired.  There are essentially two types of Psychoses: (1) Functional; characterized by an apparent lack of organic cause, basically of the manic depressive or schizophrenic type, and (2) Organic; characterized by a pathological organic condition such as brain damage or disease].  Major tranquilizers, also called Anti-psychotics or Neuroleptics, are used primarily to treat Schizophrenia but are also effective against manic states and delirium.  Major tranquilizers are not curative and will not eliminate the fundamental cause of the disorder.  Minor tranquilizers, also known as anti-anxiety agents, are used to treat anxiety and includes drugs such as Meprobamate and Benzodiazepines.|Psychotic illnesses are thought to be the result of overactive brain cell activity brought on by the neurotransmitter Dopamine.  [Neurotransmitters are chemical substances, such as Dopamine and Acetylcholine, that transmits nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another].  All neuroleptic drugs block the Dopamine receptors in the brain, diminish the excitability of the neurons (nerve cells) and consequently produce an anti psychotic effect.  Because anti psychotic drugs block all D2 Dopamine receptors, the patient may experience some undesirable neurologic effects that can include: Akathisia (motor restlessness, acute dystonia (spasms in the face and neck); Parkinsonism (limb rigidity, slow heartbeat, and "pill-rolling" with the fingers); malignant syndrome (rare, however, sometimes fatal.  Characterized by stupor, catatonia, rigidity, fever, rapidly changing blood pressure, and dysarthria), and tardive dyskinesia (characterized by involuntary movements of the face, extremities, and trunk).  Minor
tranquilizers (anti-anxiety drugs) such as Benzodiazepines work by depressing activity in that portion of the brain that controls emotion.  These drugs increase the action of the neurotransmitter Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid (GABA).  GABA hyper polarizes the neuron, making it more difficult to fire when stimulated by other neurotransmitters, thereby alleviating the feelings of nervousness and anxiety.|Chlorpromazine
Oxazepam|‘bThyroid hormone is used in the treatment of thyroid hormone deficiency.  The thyroid gland is located just below the larynx with the right and left lateral lobes situated on either side of the trachea.  The right and left lobes are connected by an area of the thyroid gland known as the Isthmus that lies in front of the trachea.  The hormones produced by the thyroid gland have three principle effects on the body:  regulation of nervous system activity, regulation of metabolism, and regulation of normal growth and development.  The two main thyroid hormones are T3 (Triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine).  While not essential for life, inadequate thyroid hormone (known as Hypothyroidism) can result in poor resistance to cold temperatures, slowed heartbeat, hair loss, and physical and mental slowing.  Hypothyroidism in children can result in dwarfism and mental retardation.|Drug therapy for hypothyroidism is generally accomplished with synthetic thyroid drugs such as Liothyronine and Levothyroxine.  These drugs simply provide the body with a substance (thyroid) that it can't produce itself.  Because of the effect that a sudden increase of thyroid can have on the body,  caution is exercised when giving these drugs to the elderly and those with high blood pressure and heart disease.|Levothyroxine (T-4)
Thyroid|ђ\Sulfa drugs were first used in the early 20th century (circa 1930's) as antibacterials.  The largest group of antibacterials today are the Sulfonamides, (descendants of the original sulfa drugs), and are frequently used in the treatment of many urinary tract infections because of their propensity to reach high concentrations in the urine.  Additionally, sulfonamides are used to treat several disorders of the skin, ears, and eyes.  However, because of the availability of  Penicillin and the emergence of resistant bacteria, the use of sulfa drugs has somewhat diminished.|Because bacteria cannot absorb Folic Acid through their outer membrane, they must make their own from Para-aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) and Pteridine. [Note: Folic Acid is essential to the normal functioning and reproduction of bacteria].  Sulfonamides, because of their structural similarity to PABA, attaches itself to the enzyme (Dihydropteroate Synthetase) and blocks the attachment of PABA to that enzyme.  As a result of this blocking action set up by the sulfonamides, PABA cannot join up with the enzyme to produce its life supporting Folic Acid causing the bacterial cell to die.|Sulfadiazine
Mafenide|ЋcMydriatics are drugs used to dilate the pupils of the eyes.  Drugs that are used to constrict the pupil are known as Miotics.  Mydriatics are used in the treatment of the Uveitis, an inflammatory disease of the iris.  [The iris is the round, pigmented membrane surrounding the pupil of the eye, having muscles that adjust the size of the pupil to regulate the amount of light entering the eye.]  Mydriatics are also used by physicians to view the inside of the eye.|Opening and closing of  the pupil is controlled by muscles in the iris.  The iris consists of radial and circular smooth muscle fibers arranged to form a doughnut-shaped structure.  The black hole directly in the center of the iris is the pupil, the point at which light enters the eyeball.  Mydriatics dilate the pupils by either stimulating the radial muscle to contract, (using Sympathomimetics), or by preventing the circular muscle from closing, (using Anticholinergics).|Epinephrine
Tropicamide|Ќ`Muscle relaxants are used to treat muscle spasticity and muscle spasms and are often used in  conjunction with painkillers (Analgesics).  Muscle relaxants work by slowing down or partially blocking nerve impulses from the central nervous system  (the brain and the spinal cord) that stimulate various muscles to contract.  Other muscle relaxants, e.g. Dantrolene, work by directly inhibiting skeletal muscle contraction by inhibiting the chemical activity within the muscle responsible for its contraction.|There are basically two types of skeletal muscle relaxants: neuromuscular blockers and centrally acting drugs.  Neuromuscular blockers should be used only under direct medical supervision with emergency resuscitation support immediately available.  Neuromuscular blockers are generally used during surgery to facilitate complete muscle relaxation without having to induce deep anesthesia to the patient.  Centrally acting agents interfere with the passage of nerve impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the skeletal muscles, reducing stimulation and unnecessary muscle contractions.|Baclofen
Chlorphenesin Carbamate
Orphenadrine|ЉeGold Compounds (gold salts) are used primarily in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis when the condition fails to respond to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory treatment.  The cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis (or Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis when it afflicts children) is unknown, however, both environmental and inherited factors are suspected.  Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammation of the joints that may even spread to affect organs such as the lungs and heart.  Because permanent deformity and persistent pain are characteristic of this disease, the treatment objectives are to relieve pain and prevent or minimize deformity.|The drug Auranofin is the most recent gold preparation and is administered orally, as opposed to Aurothioglucose and Gold Sodium Thiomalate that are administered intramuscularly.  While the exact mechanisms of action (pharmacologically) of gold compounds has not been clearly determined in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, it is believed they act via the body's immune system and by decreasing the release of lysosomal enzyme.  Additionally, Auranofin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory activity in people with the disease.|Auranofin
Sodium Aurothiomalate|‰YExpectorants are agents used to facilitate the removal of secretions from the bronchopulmonary mucous membrane by promoting the coughing up of phlegm.  Coughing can be classified into basically two categories: productive or dry.  A productive cough is basically phlegm producing,  [phlegm is a thick mucus, especially from the respiratory passages]  while dry coughs do not.  Expectorants are designed to change the stickiness (or viscosity) of the phlegm, loosen it, and allow it to be easily coughed up.  [ Note: coughs that produce green-yellow phlegm, accompanied with difficult breathing and fever, may be a sign of a lung infection and should be reported to your doctor.]  Additionally, persistent coughing with increased phlegm, fever, fatigue, abnormal weight loss, and excessive sweating at night may also be the sign of a lung infection or inflammation and should be reported to your doctor as soon as possible.|Expectorants are seldom used alone but are found in combination with Mycolytics, [Mycolytics are used to make the mucus in the chest less viscous and easier to cough up] or Bronchodilators, (Bronchodilators work by dilating congested airways in the lungs, making mucus easier to cough up.).  Expectorants like Guaifenesin increase respiratory tract fluid, making it less viscous, and consequently easier to expel by coughing.|Guaifenesin
Hydriodic Acid
Iodinated Glycerol
Potassium Iodid
Terpin Hydrate
Theophylline|€aThe fungus "Claviceps purpurea", known as Ergot, grows on rye and contains a number of alkaloids, [alkaloids are colorless, crystalline substances found in plants and some animals], that are used for medicinal purposes.  The two  primary drugs produced from Ergot are Ergotamine and Ergonovine.  The fundamental therapeutic uses of  these drugs (Ergot Alkaloids) are in the treatment and prevention of migraine headaches and to control bleeding after child birth delivery.|Ergotamine is the Ergot preparation most frequently used in the prevention and treatment of migraine headaches.  Ergotamine is effective because of its ability to constrict enlarged blood vessels in the scalp during a migraine.  This drug is most effective when taken during the early stages of the migraine attack.  The drug Ergonovine is used to control postpartum bleeding or hemorrhage.  This drug increases the motor activity of the uterus by direct stimulation.  When the uterine muscles contract, the blood vessels are compressed and bleeding subsides.  Another Ergot preparation, Ergoloid Mesylates, are used in the treatment of various mental disorders in the elderly to include poor memory, depression, diminished alertness, and confusion.  Ergoloid Mesylates work by stimulating brain cell metabolism to increase the use of oxygen and nutrients.|Ergoloid Mesylates
Ergotamine|‡cOphthalmic, having to do with the eyes,  decongestants are generally used to treat irritations of the eyes caused by conjunctivitis, allergy symptoms, and cosmetics.  On occasion, the use of these vasoconstrictor agents [vasoconstrictors cause constriction of  blood vessels, narrowing their caliber and thus restricting blood flow], may cause sensitivity to light and blurred vision.  Antihistamines are also used to abate allergic symptoms in the eyes that can include watery discharge, irritation, and swelling.|Vasoconstrictors used as ophthalmic decongestants work by constricting the small vessels (arterioles) in the eye.  When drugs such as Naphazoline are applied topically to the conjuctiva, [conjunctiva is the delicate membrane that covers the eyeball and the lining of the eyes], the small arterioles become constricted and conjunctival congestion is temporarily relieved.  Antihistamines work by blocking the effect of histamine on affected tissues, e.g. the conjunctiva portion of the eye, and prevent the dilation of the arterioles, the cause of the redness and swelling.|Chlorpheniramine
Tetrahydroziline|љZDigitalis also known as cardiac glycosides or digitalis glycosides, are used in the treatment of various heart disorders from atrial fibrillation to congestive heart failure.  Digitalis itself is a derivative of the plant "Digitalis purpurea" (aka Foxglove) and because of its inherent dangerous potential is only available by a doctor's prescription.  Its use as a medicinal plant was first brought to the attention of the medical profession in 1775 by Dr. William Withering when he learned from medical herbalists it was affective in the treatment of heart failure. Digitalis drugs are used primarily to improve the heart's pumping action but are also used as an anti arrhythmic to help control irregular heart beat.|Digitalis preparations such as Digoxin (probably the most widely used) increase the efficiency of the heart by increasing the contraction force of the cardiac muscle.  The drug also allows the main chambers of the heart (the ventricles) to completely fill and empty with each heart muscle contraction.  This is accomplished by slowing the abnormally rapid electrical (nerve) impulses between the upper chambers of the heart (the atria) and the lower chambers of the heart (the ventricles).|Digitalis
Digoxin|…]The nervous system is made up of two major division:  Central and Peripheral.  Control of the entire nervous system is the function of the central nervous system (CNS) and is comprised of the brain and the spinal cord.  The Peripheral system is that portion of the entire nervous system that connects the CNS to the body's muscles, receptors and glands.  The breakdown of the entire system continues as the Peripheral system is divided into the Afferent system (made up of the nerve cells called neurons, that transmit information TO the CNS), and the Efferent system, (made up of nerve cells that transmit FROM the CNS).  Additionally, the Efferent system is subdivided into the Autonomic and Somatic nervous systems.  The Autonomic system is responsible for the involuntary, or automatic, nerve impulses (instructions) that are unconsciously sent from the CNS to the various muscles and glands of the body.  The somatic system on the other hand controls the conscious signals sent from the CNS to the body's skeletal muscles where, for example, an instruction might be to raise your hand above your head.  The nerve impulses, or signals that are transmitted from one nerve cell to another, are the result of certain chemicals produced by the neurons themselves known collectively as "Neurotransmitters."  After a neurotransmitter is produced by a neuron it is transported (within the nerve cell) to an area of the neuron known as the Synaptic End Bulb where it is stored for eventual use in small membrane enclosed sacs called "Synaptic Vesicles" until they are released as a result of nerve stimulation.  When these stored neurotransmitters are eventually released they are released into an open space between the adjacent nerve cells known as the "Synaptic (synapse) Cleft" where they cross over the gap and bind to receptors on the neighboring neuron, causing it to become stimulated and thus continuing the process.  Neurotransmitter disease are generally caused by too little or too much neurotransmission within the brain.  Too mu
ch neurotransmission can result in seizure disorders, caused by hyperexcitable neurons firing without appropriate stimuli, to psychosis where too many neurotransmitter chemicals cross the synaptic cleft and bind to the receptors on the post synaptic neurons.  Too little neurotransmitter chemicals crossing the synaptic cleft and binding to the receptors of the post synaptic neurons, results in conditions like Parkinson's disease and depression.|CNS stimulants are drugs that stimulate the central nervous system and are divided into three major groups:  Psychomotor stimulants; Convulsant and Respiratory stimulants; and Psychotomimetic drugs.  Psychomotor stimulants such as nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines, and others, create feelings of excitement and euphoria, diminish feelings of tiredness and fatigue, and increase motor activity.  Some amphetamine-like drugs such as Pemoline and Methylphenidate are used in the treatment of "attention deficit disorder" (ADD) in children.  ADD is characterized by restlessness, impulsivity, short attention spans, distractibility, and hyperactivity.  Convulsants and Respiratory stimulants such as Doxapram and Nikethamide are both used to stimulate respiration after an overdose of CNS depressants, such as in Barbiturate abuse.  Finally, Psychotomimetic CNS stimulants, also known as "Hallucinogens", include Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).  THC is the primary alkaloid found in marijuana and produces feelings of euphoria followed by sleepiness.  THC also diminishes motor activity, short-term memory, and muscle strength, and may cause delusions, visual hallucinations, increased appetite and acute sensory activity.  Another familiar hallucinogen is lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).  LSD induces hallucinations with vivid, almost brilliant, colors and produces altered (dream-like) perceptual states.  High doses of LSD may produce psychotic changes in some people that may be long-lasting.  One of the most dangerous and abused hallucinogens is Phencyclidine (PCP), also known as "angle dus
t".  PCP inhibits the re-uptake of several neurotransmitters to include Norepinephrine, Dopamine, and Serotonin.  PCP is an analog of the drug Ketamine, a short-acting non barbiturate anesthetic used primarily for children undergoing short medical procedures.  Individuals under the influence of this drug can become violent or completely withdrawn.  The physical effects of this drug are almost impossible to predict but can include lack of body control, eye tearing, cramps, sweating, slurred speech, suicidal impulses, paranoia, convulsions, nausea, vomiting, delusions of great strength and invulnerability to pain, coma, and death from respiratory failure.|Amphetamine
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
Phencyclidine (PCP)
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)|„cCarbonic Anhydrase inhibitors (diuretic), [Note: Diuretics are drugs designed to increase the secretion and flow of urine by inhibiting the reabsorption of water back into the body], are used primarily to treat hypertension, excess fluid retention (edema), and to reduce intracranial and intraocular (glaucoma) pressure.  Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors inhibit the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, a normal ingredient of plasma, resulting in increased excretion of  bicarbonate, water, potassium, and sodium in the kidneys.|In the treatment of glaucoma, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors block the action of carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme involved in the production of aqueus humor, a fluid produced in the anterior cavity of the eye.  The drug Acetazolamide, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor who's action is not diuretic, is sometimes prescribed as an anti-conulvsant, as is the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor methazolamide.|Acetazolamide
Methazolamide|ѓYBronchodilators are drugs that widen the airways in the lungs.  As air enters the lungs, via the trachea, bronchi, and ultimately the bronchioles, the tubes become increasingly smaller and smaller with the trachea being the largest and the bronchioles being the smallest.  As in asthma, when the victim feels breathlessness, the bronchioles have become smaller (in diameter) due to the muscle contraction around the bronchioles or because the bronchioles have become congested with mucus.  Either way, the result is less oxygen into the lungs and consequently less oxygen into the blood where it is ultimately carried to every living cell in the body.|Bronchodilators can be divided into three primary groups: Xanthine, Sympathomimetics, and Anticholinergics.  Xanthine bronchodilators relax the muscles surrounding the bronchioles by influencing the muscle fibers directly.  Anticholinergic and Sympathomimetic bronchodilator drugs relax the bronchiole muscles by interrupting nerve impulses directed to them through the Autonomic nervous system.  [the Autonomic nervous system is that portion of the central nervous system that is not consciously controlled.] The autonomic system transmits nerve impulses from the central nervous system to glands, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle tissue like those that make-up part of the structure of the bronchioles.|Aminophylline
Terbutaline|‚]Appetite suppressants are a group of drugs used primarily in the treatment of Exogenous Obesity.  [note: Exogenous: of or relating to the external factors, as food, that have an effect upon an organism].  Drugs that suppress the appetite, like central nervous system stimulants, are believed to work because of their effect on the Hypothalamus part of the brain.  These nervous system stimulants, such as Amphetamines, stimulate the cerebral cortex and may also effect the reticular-activating system in the brain.  [The reticular-activating system (RAS) is the "alerting system" of the brain, responsible for initiating and maintaining wakefulness and alertness.  RAS is the physical basis of consciousness].|Historically, amphetamines are the primary agents used as appetite suppressants (anorexiants).  Amphetamines stimulate the major portions of the central nervous system; cortex, medulla and brain stem.  The result of this stimulation can decrease fatigue, increase alertness, and diminish appetite.  However, continued use, or high doses, can be extremely dangerous and precipitate psychological dependence and lethal overdose.  While amphetamines decrease appetite (anorexigenic action) by blocking the appetite center in the lateral hypothalmus, the effect is generally short lived, as a tolerance develops in one to two weeks causing the suppression of appetite to disappear. (Caution: While the euphoric effect of amphetamines can last as much as eight times longer than cocaine, both drugs can produce tolerance (requiring higher doses) that can lead to addiction, dependence, and death).|Amphetamine
Phenylpropanolamine|Ѓ\Antiurolithics are drugs that are used to prevent the formation of kidney stones.  Kidney stones, also known as "renal calculus", are the abnormal concentration of calcium phosphate crystals, calcium oxalate, and uric acid that can develop in any portion of the urinary tract.  When these salt crystals normally found in the urine, solidify into insoluble stones they can begin to move through the kidney and become quite painful and/or obstructive.  If a stone becomes lodged in the uterer (the uterer is the connecting duct that directs the urine from the kidney to the bladder) it can produce extreme pain in the back, reproductive organs, and abdomen.  If the kidney stone is of sufficient size so as to block the uterer, urine may back up into the kidney and injure the urinary tract.  Regardless of their size however, even small kidney stones can cause damage to various portions of the urinary tract and the condition should be managed by a physician.|Antiurolithics are used to prevent the formation of new stones but do not dissolve existing ones.  Common antiurolithics include drugs such as  Tiopronin, and work by removing  high levels of cystine from the urine.  Cycstine is a crystalline amino acid produced in the digestion of proteins.  Other antiurolithics include Acetohydroxamic Acid that work by decreasing  urine alkalinity by prohibiting certain enzyme actions.  Finally a third type includes  Cellulose Sodium Phosphate.   Cellulose Sodium Phosphate prevents the formation of kidney stones by combining with calcium in food, preventing absorption into the blood.  As an alternative to the conventional surgical removal of stones that will not pass, a procedure known as "extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy" uses ultrasound waves to shatter the stones, facilitating their easy passing through the urinary tract.|Acetohydroxamic Acid
Cellulose Sodium Phosphate
Tiopronin|Ђ_Ulcers are an open sore or erosion on the surface of tissue or organ.  The most common ulcers are those associated with the gastrointestinal system and can be found in the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum, [the duodenum is the first segment of the small intestine].  When the protective layer of mucus that protects the lining of these parts becomes damaged, the acid in the digestive tract (stomach acid) begins to corrode the underlying tissue, a condition known as peptic ulcer.  Symptoms of this disorder can include vomiting, appetite loss, and abdominal pain.  Antiulcer drugs are designed to protect the ulcerated area from its highly acid environment and allow the damaged tissue to heal.|Peptic ulcers can be treated by a variety of antiulcer drugs to include:  Histamine H2 antagonists; antacids; mucosal strengtheners; and anticholinergics.  H2 histamines antagonists work by specifically blocking the stimulation of H2 receptors.  Such H2 histamine stimulation is responsible for the production of stomach acid, while blocking this action results in less stomach acid and its adverse effects on the unprotected tissues.  Antacids are effective in that they can substantially reduce the acidity of the stomach acid.  This neutralizing effect reduces the affect the acid has on the unprotected  tissue and aids in the healing process.  Mucosal strengtheners can work in two ways:  (1) Physically attaching  to the damaged tissue (the ulcer) and forming a protective barrier against the acid environment of the digestive system; and (2) by increasing the production of the natural mucus barrier that normally protects the lining of the digestive system.  Anticholinergics work in much the same way as H-2 histamine antagonists in that they too block the action of  the chemical neurotransmitter, acetylcholine,  responsible for initiating nerve impulses that trigger an increase in the production of stomach acids.|Aluminum Hydroxide
Magnesium Trisilicate
Magnesium Carbonate
Calcium Carbonate Mixtures
Pirenzipine|¬]Anticholinergics are designed to block the effect of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.  Acetylcholine is a chemical that is released from nerve endings that belong to the parasympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system.  The effect of the acetylcholine stimulus on nerve cells is a slowing of the heart beat, muscle contractions, and an increase of both mouth (saliva) and lung secretions.  [Note:  The central nervous system controls the entire nervous system of the body and consists of the brain and spinal cord.  The peripheral nervous system connects the central nervous system to the muscles and glands of the body.  The peripheral system is divided into afferent and efferent systems.  The afferent system is made up of nerve cells that transmit information (e.g. hot, cold, pain, etc.) to the central nervous system.  The efferent system is made up of nerve cells that transmit information from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands of the body, (e.g. the vomiting reflex is a signal from the brain to the muscles in the abdomen, telling them to contract, causing the esophageal sphincter to open and the contents of the stomach to escape through the mouth).  The efferent nervous system  is subdivided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.  The somatic system consists of efferent neurons (nerve cells) that transmit information from the central nervous system to the body's skeletal muscles.  These signals from the central nervous system are consciously controlled (e.g. your brain says, lift up your right foot, and your skeletal muscles comply]  The autonomic nervous system (the portion of  the nervous system that anticholinergics influence) is made up of efferent neurons that unconsciously, or involuntarily, transmit information from the central nervous system to the body's glands, smooth muscles, and cardiac muscle (e.g. increased secretion in the mouth and/or lungs).|Anticholinergics work by blocking the action of acetylcholine receptors, resulting in  decr
eased stimulation and a relaxation of  muscles in the intestine, bronchi, and bladder, as well as drying up both mouth and lung secretions.  It is for this reason that anticholinergics are often used in the treatment of asthma.|Atropine
Belladonna Alkaloids and Barbiturates
Chlordiazepoxide and Clidinium
Orphenadrine|_Antispasmodics are designed to reduce the pain associated with unusually strong muscle contractions in the airways, blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract.  Antispasmodics are generally prescribed for a condition known as irritable bowel syndrome.  Irritable bowel syndrome is broken down into two types: (1) spastic  colon, and (2) painless diarrhea.  Spastic colon is characterized by a dull aching pain in the lower abdominal area or cramping, both of which generally abates after a bowel movement.  Painless diarrhea is characterized by an urgent need for a bowel movement, particularly while eating, or just after, or when you just wake up.  Additionally loss of voluntary bowel control is also a problem associated with this type of irritable bowel syndrome.|It is believed that antispasmodics work by blocking the action of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine.  Acetylcholine stimulates muscle contractions (like those associated with irritable bowel syndrome).  When the normal muscle tone and motility (spontaneous movement) of the smooth muscles in the bronchioles and gastrointestinal tract has been reduced, the effect is said to be antispasmodic.|Belladonna
Dicyclomine|~[There are basically three major forms of skin inflammation: contact dermatitis; photo dermatitis; and seborrheic dermatitis.  Topical antiseborrheics are normally prescribed in the treatment of dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.  Seborrhea is characterized by inflammation and scaling of the scalp but may also appear on the face and other parts of the body.  [Note: in infants, this condition is known as cradle cap].  Seborrhea is the result of an excessive discharge from the sebaceous glands and excessive turnover of other cells that form the outer layer of the scalp.  (Sebaceous glands are found connected to hair follicles with the secreting portion of the gland in the dermis.)  Sebaceous glands not associated with hair follicles are located on the lips, eyelids, labia minor, and  glans penis.  Sebaceous glands produce and secrete an oily substance known as sebum ( a mixture of proteins, fats, inorganic salts, and cholesterol).  Sebum keeps hair from becoming dry and brittle, keeps the skin soft and pliable, and  prevents or inhibits the growth of specific bacteria.|Many of the drugs used as antiseborrheics are also local anti-infectives, e.g. selenium.  Selenium sulfide is an anti-infective agent with both anti-fungal and antibacterial activity.  Selenium is particularly affective against a yeast-like fungus known as Pityrosporum ovale that is a normal inhabitant of the scalp.  It is believed that this fungus feeds on the sebum trapped under the seborrheic scales (dandruff).  Selenium also has an anti mitotic action and results in slowing rapid cell growth of the skin, known as hyperkeratinzation.  [mitosis, mitotic action, is the process of cell division , or in other words, cell reproduction].|Chloroxine
Salicyclic Acid, Sulfur, and coal Tar|­]Anti psychotic drugs, also known as neuroleptics, anti schizophrenics, or major tranquilizers, are used to treat a number of disorders to include manic depression, schizophrenia, and paranoia.  Additionally, temporary psychosis, the result of mind-alter drugs and alcohol withdrawal, can also be treated.  The exact cause of  these disorders is basically unknown, but it is believed that the neurotransmitter Dopamine may be the key to the problems.  Because it is believed that some forms of mental illness are the result of excessive Dopamine stimulation, anti psychotics are designed to compete with the Dopamine for the Dopamine receptor sites on the surface of adjacent brain cells.  The effect of the Dopamine blocking drugs is to substantially reduce the hyper-excitability of the brain cells, thought to be a factor in producing abnormal behavior and thought processes, and in effect inhibit the communication between cells in the brain.|The primary use of anti psychotic drugs is in the treatment of schizophrenia.  The drugs are designed to alter or modify psychotic behavior, but do not cure the underlying cause of the disorder.  In schizophrenia, as in other psychotic disorders, the cells in the brain (theory) release too much Dopamine and result in over stimulation.  Schizophrenia is characterized by speech and thinking impairments, delusions, and hallucinations (generally in the form of hearing voices that are not there).  Drugs to treat psychotic disorders such  as schizophrenia are divided into five chemical classes:  Phenothiazines, Thiothixenes, Butyrophenones, Dibenzoxazepines, and Dihydroindoles.  Because anti psychotics have a significant potential of producing adverse side effects (because they also affect the normal balance of another neurotransmitter in the brain, acetylcholine)  they are used only in major psychiatric illnesses.|Acetophanazine
Loxapine succinate
Mesoridazine Besylate
Triflupromazine|wcGlaucoma is the condition where the pressure on the inside of the eyeball increases to an unusually high level.  The most common type of glaucoma is open-angle, where the pressure on the internal eye increases gradually due to a diminished ability to drain fluid from the eye.  Closed-angle glaucoma is the rapid build up of pressure caused by the iris completely closing off the drainage angle between itself and the cornea.   Both open and closed angle glaucoma can cause permanent eye damage.  Open-angle (chronic) glaucoma generally requires lifelong treatment to prevent further damage to the optic nerve and additional deterioration of eyesight.  Closed-angle (acute) glaucoma requires immediate medical attention due to the speed at which the pressure increases and the nerve damage that can result in permanent  loss of vision.  Acute glaucoma is generally treated by drugs designed to reduce blood pressure within the eye and surgery to preclude a recurrence of  the fluid blockage. [Note: eye pressure, called "intraocular pressure", is produced primarily by the aqueous humor].|There are a number of anti glaucoma drugs used to relieve the pressure caused by a build up of aqueous humor (the watery fluid that fills the anterior cavity of the eye) within the eye.  These drugs include:  Miotics, Beta Blockers, and Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors.  Miotics, when used to treat closed-angle Glaucoma, work by reducing the size of the pupil and result in pulling the iris away from the cornea, thereby allowing a normal flow of aqueous humor and a reduction of pressure in the anterior cavity of the eye.  (Note:  the larger cavity of the eyeball, located between the lens and the retina, contains a jelly-like substance known as vitreous humor and along with the aqueous  humor, maintains the shape of the eyeball.)  Beta blocking drugs act on the cells within the eyes that actually produce the aqueous humor fluid.  Because these fluid producing cells (known as the "ciliary process" of the ciliary body) are stimulated
by nerve impulses triggered by beta receptors on their surface, beta blocking drugs can bind to the beta receptors and block their influence on the cell, and prevent the release of additional fluid.  A third type of anti glaucoma drug are the carbonic anhydrasae inhibitors.  These drugs are designed to block the production of additional aqueous humor fluid in the ciliary body by blocking the enzyme carbonic anhydrase and its influence in fluid production.|Betaxolol
Physostigmine|{ZCancer is the uncontrollable growth of  new cells and is referred to as a tumor or neoplasm.  Neoplastic cells (cancer cells) are classified as being either malignant or benign.  Benign growths are generally less serious than malignant growths but can be dangerous if their size and/or location in the body make them interfere with healthy bodily functions or organs.  Malignant tumors (generally referred to as "cancer") are especially dangerous in that they actively invade and penetrate other cells in the body.   When these malignant cells travel throughout the body (via the blood stream) they are capable of invading, and subsequently setting up secondary growths in other parts of the body, and become especially difficult to treat.  When this transfer of dangerous cells from one location to another occurs, it is referred to as "metastases".  In chemotherapy today, there are a number of anti cancer drug types.  These include: Anti- metabolites; Antibiotics such as Dactinomycin, Bleomycin, Mitomycin, and others); Alkylating agents; Mitotic spindle poisons; and hormones (such as estrogens, tamoxifen, and others).|Anti metabolites are classified as cytotoxic. (Cytotoxic anti cancer drugs destroy cancer cells by preventing their growth and replication).  Anti-metabolites. e.g. methotrexate, 6-mercaptopurine, 6-thioguanine, 5-fluorouracil, and cytarabine, prevent cancer cells from metabolizing nutrients that are essential to their ability to replicate.  Anti-metabolites chemically resemble the internal compounds that are used by the cell in the production of the nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.  [nucleic acids are large molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.]  The basic unit of nucleic acids are "nucleotides" and are sugar, phosphate, an nitrogen bases.  Nucleic acids are divided into two primary types: DNA and RNA.  DNA is made up of repeating nucleotide units paired together to produce a double stranded structure.  The portion of the DNA structure that contains hereditary in
formation is called a gene.  Therefore, a gene is simply a segment of the DNA molecule within the cell.  The two primary functions of DNA are to control the activities of  the body's cells (to include reproduction) and to transmit hereditary instructions to future generations of cells.  RNA on the other hand is a single  strand of nucleotides and works with DNA to help regulate protein synthesis within the cell.|Methotrexate
Mercaptopurin (6-MP)
5-Fluorouracil (5-FU)
Cytarabine (ARA-c)
Fludarabine|”_Vitamins are organic molecules, necessary in trace amounts, that act as catalysts in the normal metabolic processes in the body.  Unlike the nutrients: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, vitamins do not provide energy nor do they serve as body building materials.  Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body and must be consumed in the daily diet or supplemented by pills, etc.  Vitamins like vitamin "K" are produced in the gastrointestinal tract by bacteria  that normally live there.  Some vitamins, like vitamin "A", can be produced by the body if certain ingredients, known as provitamins, are provided.  the provitamin of "A" is a chemical known as carotene, available in carrots, milk, liver, and spinach.  Vitamin deficiency in a diet is referred to as avitaminosis while excess vitamin in a diet is referred to as hypervitaminosis.  Vitamins are divided into two classes based on their solubility:  fat-soluble and water-soluble.  Fat-soluble  vitamins have to be absorbed along with ingested dietary fats.  Fat-soluble vitamins include A,D,E, and K and are absorbed by the small intestine into the body.  Water-soluble vitamins, e.g. vitamins B and C, are absorbed along with water in the gastrointestinal tract. [Note: Even though vitamins and minerals have a wide margin of safety, excessive amounts, particularly the fat-soluble vitamins that can accumulate in the body to toxic levels, can be dangerous].|Vitamins are basically regulatory substances that are essential in the digestion of  fats, proteins, and carbohydrates and are involved in every biochemical action in the body.  Vitamins, along with minerals and amino acids, control cell respiration and are essential to maintaining life.  The functions of fat-soluble vitamins include:  syntheses of glycogen; synthesis of specific hormones; synthesis of RNA; cartilage formation; protein metabolism in the liver; repair growth of cell membranes; maintenance of the reproductive system; and acting as coenzymes in the retina, bones, skin, liver, and adrenal glan
ds.  The function of water-soluble vitamins include:  tissue repair and growth; maintenance of muscle; nerve, heart, and digestive tissues; synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine; acting as an essential coenzyme in all cells (important in the process of releasing energy from carbohydrates); and acting as a coenzyme in the function of the liver.|Niacin (B-3)
Cyanocobalamin (B-12)
Ascorbic Acid (C)
Folic Acid (B-9)
Pantothenic Acid (B-5)
Pyridoxine (B-6)
Riboflavin (B-2)
Thiamin )B-1)
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K|}[Psoriasis is a skin disease that affects approximately one to two percent of the population and generally first appears in people from the mid teens to 30 years of age.  Caused by an exceedingly rapid replacement of new skin cells, psoriasis appears as silvery scales over thick, red, skin eruptions.  [Note: normal skin cells live about one month before they die and flake off]  Psoriasis is generally a chronic condition, [chronic is the term denoting a condition that lasts a long time or is frequently recurring] with no permanent cure.  However, despite the lack of a permanent cure, outbreaks of the disease can be controlled with a variety of antipsoriatic drugs to include Coal tar, Salicyclic Acid, Corticosteroids, Methotrexate, and a combination of drug and ultraviolet light therapy known as PUVA.|Most of the drugs used as Antipsoriatics are designed to slow down the reproduction of new skin cells.  Other drugs e.g. salicyclic Acid, are used to loosen and remove the scaly build up of dead skin cells (referred to as "plaques") .  Factors that can trigger the outbreak of the disease can include emotional stress, hormonal changes, trauma, infections, and seasonal changes (the winter months being the most difficult).|coal Tar Preparations (topical)
Salicyclic Acid
Etretinate|†YDecongestants, (nasal), are drugs designed to treat inflammation of the nasal passages.  Generally the result of an infection (more often than not the common cold) or an allergy related condition, e.g.  hay fever, the inflammation involves swelling of the mucus membrane that lines the nasal  passages and results in inordinate mucus production.  Additionally, the inflammation may also invade the sinuses and produce a condition known as sinusitis.  As part of the inflammation response the small  blood vessels within the nasal and/or sinus membranes become engorged, causing swelling and the production of additional mucus, making normal breathing sometimes difficult.|Many of the drugs used to treat nasal congestion are also used in over-the-counter cold remedies and can be dangerous to people who have heart disease.  The primary class of nasal decongestants are vasoconstrictor agents [vasoconstrictors cause constriction of the blood vessels, narrowing their caliber and thus restricting blood flow] such as sympathomimetic amines.  When these drugs are used they stimulate specific receptors on the smooth muscles of the small vessels in the nasal and/or sinus membranes.  The resultant shrinking reduces the swelling of the membranes and encourages drainage of the excess mucus, thereby making breathing easier.|Sprays, drops, mists:
Capsules, tablets, syrups:
Propylhexedrine|ЊZImmunosuppressants act to suppress the body's natural immune response to antigens. (An antigen is a substance that triggers the formation of antibodies.  Antigens can either be introduced into the body or produced by it.  Antibodies are the substance produced by specific cells in the presence of antigens.  Antibodies combine with the antigens to inhibit, neutralize, or destroy them).  Immunosuppresant agents, like Busulfan, Chlorambucil, and Cyclosporine, suppress the immune response in people who have had organ transplants.  Additionally, drugs like Cyclosporine are used to treat the rejection as well as prevent it. [Note:  tissue rejection , as a result of transplantation, occurs because the body recognizes that the proteins in the transplanted tissue or organ are foreign to itself and therefore produces antibodies against them.]  This phenomenon of tissue rejection can be partially reduced by matching the surface proteins, known as Human Leucocyte Associated (HLA)  Antigens of the donor organ to that of the recipient.  The closer the match between the HLA  Antigens of the donor to the recipient, the less likely tissue rejection may occur.  HLA antigens are unique to each and every individual with the exception of identical twins.|Immunosuppressive drugs lessen the overall effectiveness of the immune system by inhibiting the production of  white blood cells (lymphocyctes) by modifying their performance.  The importance of being able to override the body's immune response system is evident.  When the natural immune mechanism breaks down, a condition known as Autoimmune disease occurs, making it difficult for the body to distinguish between its own antigens and foreign antigens.  When this self recognition mechanism known as "immunologic tolerance" breaks down, Autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatic Fever, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Pernicious Anemia, Multiple Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, and Addison's disease can occur.  Anti cancer immunosuppressants work to slow  the
production of blood cells within the bone marrow.  [Bone marrow is the soft, sponge like material in the cavities of  the bones that is  responsible for producing new blood cells].  Cyclosporine immunosuppressants inhibit the action of "T" Lymphocytes without inhibiting the action of "B" Lymphocytes. "T" cells are responsible for cellular immunity while "B" cells develop into plasma cells that produce antibodies and provide humoral immunity.  Humoral antibodies are the circulating antibodies in the blood that attack invading antigens, e.g. bacterial and viral organisms.   Corticosteroid Immunosuppressants work by reducing action of both "T"  and "B" Lymphocytes.|Azathioprine
Lymphocyte Immune, Antithymocyteglobulin
RhoD Immune Globulin
Interferon||ZCancer is the uncontrollable growth of  new cells and is referred to as a tumor or neoplasm.  Neoplastic cells (cancer cells) are classified as being either malignant or benign.  Benign growths are generally less serious than malignant growths but can be dangerous if their size and/or location in the body make them interfere with healthy bodily functions or organs.  Malignant tumors (generally referred to as "cancer") are especially dangerous in that they actively invade and penetrate other cells in the body.   When these malignant cells travel throughout the body (via the blood stream) they are capable of invading, and subsequently setting up secondary growths in other parts of the body, and become especially difficult to treat.  When this transfer of dangerous cells from one location to another occurs, it is referred to as "metastases".  In chemotherapy today, there are a number of anti cancer drug types.  These include: Anti metabolites; Antibiotics such as Dactinomycin, Bleomycin, Mitomycin, and others); Alkylating agents; Mitotic spindle poisons; and hormones (such as estrogens, tamoxifen, and others).|Most anti cancer drugs work by preventing the proliferation of the radical cancer cells.  As such, there are basically four ways in which this is accomplished. (1) drugs that prevent the separation of the double stranded DNA molecules; (2) drugs that pair up alkyl  groups to the DNA bases to interfere with the repair of DNA molecules; (3) drugs that physically come between the base pairs of DNA molecule and subsequently impair and destroy the DNA molecule in the cancer cell; and (4) drugs that are chemically similar to the natural DNA bases are used by the cancer cell in making additional DNA or RNA that will be destructive to the cell. (Note: Nucleic acids are large molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.  The basic unit of nucleic acids are "nucleotides" and are sugar phosphate and nitrogen bases.  Nucleic acids are divided into two primary types:  DNA and RNA.
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) is made up of repeating nucleotide units paired together to produce a double stranded structure.  That portion of the DNA structure that contains hereditary information is called a gene.  Therefore, a gene is simply a segment of the DNA molecule within the cell.  The two primary functions of DNA are to control the activities of the body's cells and to transmit hereditary instructions to future generations of cells.  RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) on the other hand is a single strand of nucleotides and works with DNA to help regulate protein synthesis with the cell).|Methotrexate
Carmustin and Iomustine
Procarbazine|‹bAndrogens comprise the male hormone testosterone and its derivatives and are responsible for the development and maintenance of the male secondary sex characteristics that include voice deepening, muscle development, and growth of facial and body hair.  Androgens also have anabolic properties that stimulate repair and building of body tissues.  In males, testosterone is produced by the Leydig cells in the testes.  In females (to a much lesser extent) testosterone is produced in the ovaries by cells that respond to another hormone, luteinizing hormone, that is secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.  [luteinizing hormone is also responsible for stimulating ovulation].  One type of testosterone derivative, anabolic steroids, have been developed to treat some types of anemia, severe infections, cancer, osteoporosis, and speed up recovery from surgery.  Anabolic steroids have minimal virilization effect (unlike other androgens) yet retain their anabolic effect, increasing the synthesis of anabolic proteins.  Anabolic steroids stimulate the repair and building of body tissues through the retention of phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen.  While used by some individuals to accelerate the development of body mass, abuse in males can lead to liver and bone damage, shrinking of the testicles, edema, decreased sex drive, and result in a masculinizing effect on females that can include shrinking of the breasts, deepening voice, acne, and development of body and facial hair.|Androgens stimulate the production of cellular protein, establish a positive nitrogen balance, and restores hormone in androgen deficiency conditions.  Androgens bind to specific cytoplasmic receptors in certain cells where it enters the nucleus of  the cell and binds to the DNA where it activates the production of specific mRNA's.  mRNA (messenger RNA) is responsible for taking the information provided by the cells' DNA genetic code to the ribosomes where specific proteins are manufactured.|Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone Enanthate
Testosterone Propionate
Nandrolone Decanoate
Nandrolone Phenpropionate
Stanozolol|‘bThe thyroid gland is located just below the larynx and is composed of spherical sacs called thyroid follicles.  The wall of each follicle consists of two types of cells:  follicular cells, and parafollicular cells (called "c" cells).  Follicular cells produce thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).  Both T4 and T3 are referred to as the thyroid hormones.  The parafollicular cells manufacture the hormone calcitonin.  [Calcitonin is responsible for accelerating calcium absorption by bones].  Thyroid hormones effect the body in three ways:  (1) control of metabolism, (2) governs body growth and development, and (3) regulate the activity of the nervous system.  Hypothyroidism is the result of an underactive thyroid gland producing too little thyroid hormone.  This disorder during the growth years results in cretinism with symptoms that include dwarfism and mental retardation.  Hypothyroidism during the adult years results in myxedema (mix-e-De-ma).  Characteristics of this disorder can include slow heart rate (causing the heart to work harder and enlarge), weight gain, menstrual disorders, dry skin and hair, swelling of the facial tissues, weakness, cold intolerance, and anemia.|Treatment of hypothyroidism is generally thyroid hormone supplementation.  Drugs such as levothyroxine (T4) can replace normal serum levels of T4 and T3, but life long treatment can be necessary  and requires periodic follow-up to monitor treatment.|Levothyroxine (T4)
Liothyroxine (T3)
Liotrix (T4 & T3)|Ў[Acne, a skin condition known medically as acne vulgaris, has no known preventions or cure but can be treated in a number of ways.  Thought to be the result of hormonal changes in the body during the puberty years, the production of hormones, particularly the male hormone testosterone, stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin.  The sebaceous glands produce an oily substance known as sebum that normally exits the skin through the hair follicles.  If the exit passage (hair follicle) becomes blocked by hardened sebum or the accumulation of skin material, the sebum backs up within the follicle.  Eventually the backed up sebum becomes invaded by bacteria and causes inflammation to the surrounding tissues.  In severe cases, the trapped pockets of sebum become enclosed within scar tissue and form a condition known as cystic acne.  Note:  Acne can also be caused by other factors that include oily cosmetics and environmental factors.|Anti Acne medications are divided into two primary groups:  (1) medications applied directly to the skin (topically), and (2) medications that are taken orally.  When the acne is persistent but not necessarily severe, your doctor may prescribe topically administered drugs that can include salicylic acid, sulfur, or benzoyle peroxide.  These drugs produce a keratolytic effect that loosen the outer layers of the skin and allow their shedding.  If this treatment fails to produce adequate results, vitamin A drugs (also administered topically) like Isotretinoin and Tretinoin can be employed.  If the condition fails to respond to topically applied treatments the physician may elect to prescribe oral antibiotics such as tetracycline or erythromycin  [*Note refer to Drug Class:  sections on antibacterials, antibiotics/erythromycin, and antibiotic/tetracycline for additional information].|Benzoyl Peroxide (topical)
Erythromycin (antibiotic)
Isotretinoin (vitamin A)
Oxytetracycline (antibiotic)
Salicylic Acid (topical)
Sulfur (topical)
Tetracycline (antibiotic)
Tretinoin (vitamin A)|®\Spermicides are drugs that are designed to destroy viable sperm cells in order to prevent conception.  Spermatozoa (sperm cells) are produced at a rate of approximately 300 million per day and have a life expectancy of about 48 hours once they are introduced into the female reproductive tract.|Spermicides are usually used in conjunction with a device designed to serve as a barrier.  These can include diaphragms, sponges, or condoms. Probably the most widely used spermicide today is a drug known as Nonoxynol-9, the active ingredient in many contraceptive foams, gels, and vaginal suppositories.  When applied over the cervix in the form of a barrier, these devices block the entrance to the uterus, trap and absorb seminal fluid, and release the chemical spermicide that disrupts the cell membrane of the sperm thus immobilizing it.|Nonoxynol-9|ў]The primary symptom of depression is mood change.  The two extremes (depression and mania) are characterized by opposite behaviors. Where depression involves intense feelings of despair, sadness, and hopelessness, mania involves absolute self-confidence rapid speech, and judgment that is basically impaired.   Some people may also cycle between the two extremes (depression and mania) and are diagnosed as having Bipolar Affective Disorder".  Physiologically, depression is associated with reduced levels of specific neurotransmitters in the brain.  These neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine, are being constantly released and reabsorbed by the brain cells. The actions of antidepressants work to either increase the levels of neurotransmitters or to prevent their inactivation within the brain thereby allowing greater brain cell stimulation.|The exact mechanism of action of antidepressants is unknown. It is believed that tricyclic antidepressants work by blocking the re-uptake (absorption) of certain neurotransmitters, including serotonin and norepinephrine, back into the nerve cell ending (presynaptic neuron), thus allowing for a greater concentratio
n of the neurotransmitters in the space (synapse) between the pre and post synaptic neurons.  The increased neurotransmitter build up in the synapse leads to increased stimulation of the postsynaptic neuron and increased brain stimulation.  Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) inhibiting antidepressants increase the availability of the neurotransmitters necessary to increase brain stimulation by blocking the enzyme monoamine oxidase that normally metabolizes them.  Additionally, antidepressants that do not fall into the MAO inhibitor or Tricyclic category, such as Fluoxetine (Prozac) and Trazodone (Desyrel) work by blocking the re-uptake of serotonin.|Amitriptyline
Trimipramine|Ј[The most common parasitic infestation of  humans in developed countries are the sarcoptes scabiei (scabies), phthirus pubis (crab louse), Pediculus humanus capitis (head louse), and Pediculus humanus carporis (body louse).  Scabies, or skin mites, are a common skin parasite that live their entire life in the skin of their host, burrowing into the skin to lay their eggs and causing intense itching and the development of localized infection.  After a brief incubation period, the scabies larvae make their way to the skin surface of their host where they mature in approximately one to two weeks and begin the reproduction process once again.  Lice are unique in that there are three types, (mentioned above), each making its home on a particular part of the body.  Head lice live only for a few weeks but lay eggs daily, attaching them to the base of hair shafts, particularly around the ears of the host.  The incubation period is brief, taking about a week to produce a living larvae.  Body lice live and lay their eggs on the clothing of their host and visit the body only to feed; (Note:  lice and scabies live off the blood of their host).  Crab lice, usually passed from one host to another during sexual contact, lay their eggs (called nits) on the hair shaft of their host where they incubate for approximately one week before they hatch.|Though the exact mechanism of action is unknown, insecticides make their way into the insect in one of three ways:  Ingestion; surface contact; and inhalation.  Ingested poisons, also known as systemic or stomach poisons, are eaten by the insect, digested, and absorbed into the bloodstream where it effects the insects nervous system causing its death. Contact poisons pass through the outer surface of the insect (cuticle or exoskeleton) and enter the bloodstream where its toxic effect is spread throughout the insects body.  Other contact poisons work by causing suffocation. Inhalants, also known as fumigants, enter the respiratory system of the insect through breathing pores
and exert their toxic effect killing the parasite.|Crotamiton
Benzyl Benzoate
Copper Oleate
Gamma  Benzene Hexachloride
Sulfa in Petrolatum|¤\Gout is a hereditary condition associated with an  inordinate amount of uric acid in the blood that eventually crystallizes and deposits in the joints and kidneys.  When the uric acid accumulates in the body it tends to solidify into crystals that, when deposited in the joints, becomes known as gouty arthritis, or when deposited in the kidneys, produces kidney stones.  Additionally, crystallized uric acid may show up as deposits under the skin on the feet, hands, outer ears, and elbows and appear as white lumps under the surface of the skin.  Even though gout is hereditary, it is important to note that excessive use of diuretics, starvation, or dehydration can significantly aggravate the condition.|Drugs used in the treatment of gout can be divided into basically two categories:  drugs to prevent attacks and drugs to treat attacks. In the former category drugs like Probenecid, Allpurinol, and Sulfinpyrazone, work by lowering the level of uric acid in the blood.  [Uric acid is a crystalline acid occurring as an end product of purine metabolism. Purine is the end product of nucleoprotein digestion.]   [Note:  Purine is the name given to that part of the DNA molecule made up of nitrogen bases Adenine and Guanine.]  In the latter category, drugs like Corticosteroids, Colchicine, and Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIS's)  work by controlling the production and release of adrenal corticosteroid hormones.  NSAID's block the production of prostaglandins (chemicals released by injured cells)  and thus reduce pain and inflammation associated with gout.|Colchicine
*Non-Steroidal Inflammatory drugs:
Aspirin, Alumnia, and Magnesia
Buffered Aspirin
Tolmetin|Ґ[The primary function of hair is protection.  Hair protects the scalp  from injury and the effects of the ultraviolet rays of the sun.  Eyebrows and eyelashes protect the eyes from foreign particles, and hair in the external ear canal and nostrils protect against dust and foreign particles.  Hair consists of a shaft and a root.  The shaft, most of which extends above the surface of the skin, consists of three principle parts:  inner medulla, middle cortex, and the cuticle (the outermost layer).  The hair root, made up of the same three principle parts as the shaft, is the portion that penetrates into the dermis and sometimes into the subcutaneous layer below the skin.  The root is surrounded by the hair follicle.   The hair follicle is made up of an external root sheath and an internal root sheath.  At the base of  each follicle the follicle flares into an onion-shaped structure called the bulb.  The bulb is indented at the bottom (known as the papilla of the hair) and contains the blood vessels that provide nourishment and life support for the growing hair.|Male pattern baldness is determined by heredity and male hormones called androgens.  [Androgens are produced in the male testes and in the adrenal glands of both sexes.  The most dynamic androgen is testosterone.  Testosterone accelerates growth in tissues upon which it acts and stimulates blood flow.  Testosterone is also responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics].  In recent years, common baldness (male pattern baldness) has been treated with a topical application of a drug normally used to treat high blood pressure.  The drug known generically as Minoxidil, or by the brand names of Loniten and Rogaine, work by directly relaxing the arterioles (not veins) in the scalp and increases blood flow to the papilla of the hair bulb.|Minoxidil (topical)|k]Depressants, also known generically as "downers" in street slang, have been marketed in the United States  as far back as 1912.  Primarily  used in the treatment of insomnia
, relief of anxiety, and acute convulsive episodes, these drugs have been highly abused, and account for several thousand accidental and intentional deaths per year.  Depressants can be divided into six major categories:  Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Methaqualone, Ethchlorynol, Chloral Hydrate, and Meprobamate.   Barbiturates, a a good illustration, belong to a class of drugs known as "Anxiolytic and Hypnotic drugs.  It is believed that the mode of action of barbiturates interferes with sodium and potassium transport across cell membranes.  The result of this action is an inhibition of the reticular activating system (RAS) in the brain.  The RAS is located in the brain stem and controls the level of mental activity.  (Note:  Stimulation of the RAS produces wakefulness while inhibition of the RAS produces a sleepful state- Barbiturates inhibit the RAS).  Barbiturates cause depression of the central nervous system  and can produce effects ranging from mild sedation (a relaxed feeling) to deep coma, and death due to respiratory depression.  Basically, barbiturates work by enhancing the actions of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter.  (Neurotransmitters are chemical substances that transmit nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another, in effect allowing them to transmit information (messages) throughout the body.)  It is believed that GABA promotes inhibition of the central nervous system by hyperpolorizing (making more negative) the postsynaptic membrane of neurons.  When barbiturates are taken, the chemical bonds to specific receptors that are located adjacent to GABA receptors.  These GABA receptors are juxtaposed (having a common border) with chloride channels.  Because barbiturates (as well as benzodiazepines) enhance the action of GABA, GABA retention at the GABA receptor sites cause the chloride channels to open, allowing an increased flow of chloride into the postsynaptic neuron.  The result of this action induces sedation, euphoria, mood changes, sleep, and respiratory depress
ion.  (Note:  High doses can result in cardiovascular depression or death.)  Due to the inherent dangers associated with the use of barbiturates (as well as with the drug meprobamate) they have been largely replaced by benzodiazepines.|Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants and are similar, in many ways, to the depressant effects of alcohol.  To date, there are approximately 2,500 derivatives of barbituric acid of which only 15 are used medically.  The first barbiturate was synthesized from barbituric acid (malonylurea) in 1864, manufactured for medical use in 1882, and released in 1903 under the brand name Veronal.  The original use of barbiturates were to replace drugs such as opiates, bromides, and alcohol to induce sleep.  Barbiturates are broken down chemically within the liver and eliminated via the kidneys at different rates according to their types:  Slow-or long acting; intermediate, and ultra-fast--those producing unconsciousness in just a few minutes.  With regular use, the body develops a tolerance to barbiturates that translates into a need for larger and more frequent doses to attain the desired affect.  However, while the tolerance increases in terms of realizing a desired effect, tolerance to the lethal level does not.  Increases, thus bringing the frequent user closer and closer to the "lethal limit" as they continue to up their doses.  Barbiturate abuse can result in two kinds of dependence (addiction), Psychological dependence--that can develop very quickly and involves a commanding need or desire for the hypnotic or relaxing effects of the drug, and physical dependence--that takes longer to develop but is considerable more dangerous because the body reacts violently if the drug is stopped or the dose is sharply reduced.|Amobarbital
Secobarbital|¦_Emitics are used to prevent extensive absorption of poisonous substances that have been ingested.  Emitics are designed to induce vomiting but SHOULD NOT BE USED WHEN:  1.  When the victim is unconscious.  2.  When a caustic substance (e.g. bleach, acid, drain cleaner, lye..) has been ingested.  3.  When petroleum products or any product made from petroleum distillates has been ingested (including gasoline, kerosene, or insecticides).  4.  When the victim is pregnant.  5.  If the victim is drowsy or sleepy.|Oral ingestion of dangerous chemicals can result in damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract or may cause systemic toxicity after absorption.  Drugs such as Ipecac syrup induce vomiting by acting locally on the gastric mucosa or centrally on the chemoreceptor trigger zone.  [Note:  Chemoreceptors are receptors in the body that are sensitive to chemicals in the blood.  Chemoreceptors detect smell in the nose, taste in the mouth, and chemicals in body fluids, such as glucose, water, oxygen and carbon dioxide.]  The stimulation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the medulla, the area of the brain sensitive to pharmacological and chemical stimuli, induces vomiting.|Ipecac Syrup
Apomorphine Hydrochloride|§]Cholinergics, also known as parasympathomimetics, stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system.  The parasympathetic nervous system along with the sympathetic nervous system make up the autonomic, or involuntary, nervous system. Both components of the autonomic system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, transmit nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the smooth muscles, cardiac muscle and glands of  the body.  The nerve cells that make up these respective systems depend on specific neurotransmitters for their stimulation, stimulation that is responsible for transmitting signals from one cell to another.  The parasympathetic system relies on the neurotransmitter acetylcholine while the sympathetic system depends on epinephrine and norepinephrine.  Drugs that oppose the action of the parasympathetic system are called anticholinergics, as opposed to drugs that stimulate it, known as cholinergics.  Agonist drugs, particularly cholinergic agonist drugs in this case, are drugs that are designed to evoke the same response as that of  the body's natural chemicals.  This is especially important if the missing body chemical happens to be a critical part of the parasympathetic nervous system, such as the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.|Direct acting cholinergic agonists drugs include Acetylcholine, Bethanechol, Carbachol, and Pilocarpine.  While there are no therapeutic uses for the drug acetylcholine, its actions on the body include decreased heart rate and cardiac output,  decreased blood pressure, and increased motility (spontaneous motion) of the smooth muscle in the genitourinary tract.  The therapeutic uses of the cholinergic agonist bethanechol on the other hand includes stimulation of atonic bladder, particularly in postpartum or postoperative urinary retention.  The action includes increased intestinal motility and tone and stimulates muscles in the bladder, causing the expulsion of urine.|Acetylcholine
Physostigmine|Ё]Adrenergic drugs affect nerve cells that are stimulated by norepinephrine and epinephrine.  Adrenergic neurons (nerve cells) release norepinephrine as a neurotransmitter.  These nerve cells make up part of the central nervous system and are also an important component of the sympathetic nervous system.  The sympathetic nervous system, along with the parasympathetic nervous system, make up the autonomic, or involuntary, nervous system.   Both components of the  autonomic system transmit nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and glands of the body. The nerve cells that make up these respective systems depend on these specific neurotransmitters for their stimulation, stimulation that is responsible for transmitting signals from once cell to another.  Drugs that are designed to stimulate the sympathetic system are called adrenergics (or sympathomimetics) and are used to encourage the release of norepinephrine or epinephrine or mimic their effect.   Drugs that oppose the action of the sympathetic system are called sympatholytics, as opposed to those that stimulated it, called adrenergics.  Agonist drugs, particularly adrenergic agonist drugs in this case, are drugs that are designed to evoke the same response as that of the body's natural chemicals.  This is especially important if the missing body chemical happens to be a critical part of the sympathetic nervous system such as the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.|Direct acting adrenergic agonists drugs include drugs such as Norepinephrine, Dopamine, Phenylephrine, Isoproterenol, Terbutaline, Albutaline, Albuterol, and others.  An example of this drug class is Isoproterenol, a direct acting synthetic form of epinephrine and  norepinephrine (derived from the amino acid tyrosine)  that is used therapeutically to produce intense stimulation of the heart.  Because this adrenergic agonist drug is as active as epinephrine in its action, it is particularly useful in the treatment of cardiac arrest.|Epinephrine
Amphetamine|l[Information Not Available.|Information Not Available.|Information Not Available.|©]The action of an antagonist drug, such as a narcotic antagonist, is to prevent the stimulation of specific cells by blocking the influence of certain drugs.  Narcotic antagonists such as Naloxone, (considered a pure narcotic antagonist), are chemically very similar to narcotics but are devoid of their morphine-like activities, that can include adverse behavioral effects, respiratory depression, and sedation.  Because narcotic antagonists are as much as 10 to 100 times more potent than narcotics, they bind more readily to the specialized protein receptors on the surface membrane of certain cells, thereby blocking the effect of the narcotic and reversing its negative effects, such as respirator depression and adverse behavior.  Additionally, because Naloxone is a pure narcotic antagonist it is the drug of choice in the treatment of narcotic poisoning.|Narcotic antagonists are primarily used as antidotes for narcotic overdoses.  While the precise mechanism of narcotic antagonism is unknown, narcotic antagonists compete with narcotics for receptor sites, known as opioid receptors, located on the surface membrane of certain cells.  Opioid receptors are found in greatest concentration in five areas of the brain:  (1) the brainstem, (where they intervene in bodily functions that include stomach secretions, nausea, vomiting, control of blood pressure, and respiration); (2) the medial thalamus, (the thalamus is the principle relay station for sensory impulses that reach the cerebral cortex); (3) the limbic system, also known as the visceral brain, where the opioid receptors mediate various aspects of emotion and behavior; (4) the spinal cord, (where receptors are involved in transmission of pain stimuli) and; (5) the hypothalamus, where opioid receptors affect neuroendocrine secretion. [ When the hypothalamus detects various changes in the body it releases chemicals known as regulating factors that serve to inhibit or stimulat
e the anterior pituitary gland.  This in turn releases or holds back hormones that regulate a number of body's physiological processes.]|Levallophan Tartrate
Naltrexone|Є[Enzyme inhibitors affect a group of proteins that are known as enzymes.  Enzymes are extremely efficient Biochemical catalysts, capable of promoting, regulating, or increasing the rate of two substances reacting.  Sometimes by a factor of as much as 10 billion times the reaction rate without them.  In body cells, enzymes serve as catalysts to speed up chemical reactions that would normally take too long to sustain the life of the cell.  Enzymes interact with specific molecules that are called substrates, and each enzyme is extremely selective about what kind of substrate it interacts with.  Enzymes are normally capable of metabolizing anywhere from 1 to 10,000 substrate molecules per second but this number can go as high as 500,000 molecules per second.   While some enzymes consist only of proteins, such as pepsin, secreted by the stomach, most contain a protein called an apoenzyme that is inactive without its counterpart, a nonprotein component called a cofactor.  Together these two components are called a holoenzyme, or whole enzyme.  Enzyme inhibitors then are those drugs that are capable of attaching to the enzyme in lieu of the substrate thereby blocking the chemical change of  the substrate.|There are a number of different drugs that work by blocking the catalytic action of the various enzymes within the body.  One example, the drug Metyrosine, is an antihypertensive drug that works by blocking the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase, preventing the conversion of tyrosine to dihydroxyphenylalanine.  Another example is the drug Disulfiram, an antialcohol agent, that works by blocking acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, the enzyme that normally metabolizes alcohol in the body.|Metyrosine (Mexitil)
Disulfiram (Antabuse)
Hemin (Panhematin)
Alpha 1 Proteinase Inhibitor (Prolastin)
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor|‰YAntitussive agents are drugs that are used to treat coughing.  Coughing is a reflex action on the part of the body to clear the airways of phlegm, mucus, foreign objects, or irritants such as smoke or dust.  The cough reflex is triggered by stimulation of nerve endings in the trachea, bronchi, or bronchioles.  The nerve impulses caused by this stimulation travel along sensory nerve routes that ultimately lead to and stimulate the cough center located in the portion of the brain known as the medulla.|Antitussives suppress the cough reflex by acting directly on the cough center in the brain,  producing a local anesthetic effect on  sensory nerve endings.  Opiate antitussive agents such as codeine, hydrocodone, and hydromorphone work by decreasing the sensitivity of the cough center to the peripheral stimuli generated by the nerve endings in the trachea, bronchi,  and bronchioles.  Dextromethorphan, a synthetic morphine derivative, also suppresses stimulation of the cough control center but has no analgesic or addictive potential.  Additionally, dextromethorphan is less constipating than codeine.|Chlophedianol
Codeine (oral)
Diphenhydramine Syrup
Morphine|lXClass Not Available|Class Not Available|Class Not Available|lY|||«_Gallstones develop in an organ called the gallbladder.   The function of the gallbladder is to concentrate and store bile until it is needed in the small intestine.  Bile is produced by the liver and enters the small intestine through the "common bile duct".  The bile itself is an olive green liquid that consists mostly of water, bile salts, lecithin, and cholesterol.  The bile salts emulsify, or breakdown, fats and cholesterol that enter the small intestine.  When the small intestine is empty, a valve (known as the sphincter of  Oddi) closes and the bile backs up into the gallbladder for storage and eventual use.  During digestion, the stored bile again passes through the common bile duct back into the small intestine where it aids in the digestion of fats.  Gallstones form in the gallbladder when the bile contains excessive amounts of cholesterol.  When the cholesterol concentration becomes excessive it separates from the bile solution and forms stone like masses that are known as "gallstones".|A drug commonly used as a gallstone dissolving agent is Chenodiol, a chemical substance that is naturally found in bile.  When administered as a gallstone solubilizing agent Chenodiol limits the amount of cholesterol that passes into the bile solution by affecting the chemical processes within the liver.  Once the chemical processes within the liver reduce the amount of cholesterol contained in bile, the bile acids begin to breakdown and dissolve the stones.|Chenodiol
The first degree burn is the least damaging in that it involves only the outermost layers of the skin.  In a first degree burn the skin will turn red but will not burn through or blister.  The classic example of a first degree burn is a good sunburn.

Scopolamine and Butabarbital
Scopolamine and Phenobarbital
Belladonna and Amobarbital
Belladonna and Butabarbital
Hyoscyamine and Phenobarbital|Belladonna Alkaloids and Barbiturates|068\               Anaspaz PB
Belladenal Spacetabs
Donnatal Extentabs
Levisn with Phenobarbital
Levsinex with Phenobarbital Timecaps
Susano|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes: some

Belladonna Alkaloids and Barbiturates block parasympathetic nerve impulses to specific organs and glands, preventing muscle contractions.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take affect.  Unless otherwise indicated by your physician, the medication should be taken 1/2 to 1 hour before meals.|If within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose. Caution:  Do Not Double the dose.|This drug is an Antispasmodic, anticholinergic, sedative used to treat insomnia, anxiety and spasms of the urethra, bladder, and digestive system.|Life-threatening effects can include difficult breathing, restlessness, fast heart beat (tachycardia) and unusual excitement.  If this occurs Contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience dizziness, nausea, constipation, vomiting, and dry nose, mouth, and throat.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May involve an increase in the effect of Belladonna when used with Amantadine, small other Anticholinergics, MAO inhibitors, Meperidine, Methylphenidate, Orphenadrine, Phenothiazines, Quinidine, and Valporic Acid.

2. May result in a dangerous sedative effect when used with Antidepressants (Tricyclics), Antihistamines, Carteolol, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Pain relievers, Phenothiazines, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Sotalol, and Tranquilizers.

3. May result in an increased Barbiturate effect when used with oral Antidiabetics, Carteolol, MAO inhibitors, Sotalol, and Valporic Acid.

4. May result in a change in seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

5. May result in diminishing the effect of oral Contraceptives.  The use of this drug may decrease the affect of oral Anticoagulants, Aspirin, Beta-adrenergic blockers, Digitoxin, Doxycycline, Griseofulvin, Ketoconazole, Metronidazole, and Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs.  May result in an increase of internal eye pressure when used with Cortisone drugs, Haloperidol, and Nitrates.

6. May result in intestinal ulcers when used with oral Potassium tablets.

7. May result in death when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have bladder problems, severe ulcerative colitis porphyria, narrow-angle glaucoma, or are allergic to any Anticholinergic or Barbiturate.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have myasthenia gravis, epilepsy, peptic ulcer, asthma, angina, open-angle glaucoma, hiatal hernia, chronic bronchitis, enlarged prostate, anemia, thyroid disease, kidney problems, liver disease, chronic pain, or will be having surgery within the next 2 months (includes dental) requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under doctor's supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may result in lower body temperature, anemia, chronic intoxication and addiction.

7. Exercise caution while piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, blurred vision, confusion, hallucinations, irregular heartbeat, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Alprazolam
Triazolam|Benzodiasepines|051]               Alzapam
Diazepam Intensol
Tranxene T-Tab
Zetran|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes: some

Influences the part of the brain that controls emotions.|Allow approximately 6 weeks for maximum benefit.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until  your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double.|This medication is a tranquilizer (benzodiazepine) and is used in the treatment of insomnia, muscle spasms, anxiety, and convulsions.|On rare occasion some people may experience difficulty breathing and a slow heartbeat.  If this occurs cease using this drug and Contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Less serious, however not uncommon, some people may experience dizziness and drowsiness.  If this occurs consult with your doctor about these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May increase the effect of this drug when used with oral Contraceptives, Disulfriam, Dronabinol, Erythromycins, Ketoconazole, Nizatidine, and Probenecid.

2. The use of this drug may result in increasing the sedative effect of both drugs when used with Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Narcotics, Sleep Inducers, and Tranquilizers.

3. May result in central nervous system toxicity when used with Clozapine.

4. May result in an increased tranquilizer effect when used with Molindone.

5. May result in convulsions, rage, and excessive sedation when used with MAO inhibitors.

6. May diminish the effect of Levodova.

7. May alter seizure severity when used with Anticonvulsants.

8. May result in extremely low blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives.

9. May result in extremely heavy sedation when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have myasthenia gravis,  are allergic to any Benzodiazepine drugs, or are a recovering alcoholic, unless otherwise prescribed by your physician.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, porphyria, diabetes, lung disease, epilepsy, liver disease, or kidney disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Children under 6 months old should only use this drug under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience a feeling of hangover and agitation while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to liver problems.

7. Exercise caution while piloting aircraft, driving or working around machinery.|Overdose symptoms can include tremor, drowsiness, stupor, weakness,  and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately. |Acebutolol
Timolol|Beta-Adrenergic Blockers|013Z               Apo-Metoprolol
Apo-Metoprolol (Type L)
Betaloc Durules
Inderal LA
Lopressor SR
pms Propranolol
Visken|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes: some

Retards nerve impulses to the heart, reduces blood vessel contraction, diminishes the oxygen to the heart, and blocks some functions of the sympathetic nervous system.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember than continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Beta-adrenergic blocker used to treat high blood pressure, angina, and to stabilize irregular heartbeat.|Life threatening effects can include rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs cease using this drug and contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience an excessive drop in heart rate.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience sore throat, skin rash, headache, anxiety, breathing problems, hallucinations, fever, nightmares, chest pain, and insomnia.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor right away.|1. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Antidiabetics and Antihypertensive.

2. May result in dangerous sedation when used with Barbiturates and Narcotics.

3. May result in an added drop in blood pressure when used with Calcium Channel blockers, Clonidine,  Diazoaxide, and Nitrates.

4. May diminish the effect of Beta-Agonists.

5. May result in an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol.

6. Indomethacin may diminish the effect of this drug.

7. Molindone may increase the tranquilizer effect.

8. May result in congestive heart failure when used with Nicardipine and Nimodipine.

9. May degenerate congestive heart failure when used with Tocainide.

10. May result in an excessively slow heart rate when used with Quinidine.

11. May result in a blood pressure drop and excessive sedation when used with Reserpine.|1. This drug should not be used if you have asthma, are allergic to any Beta-Adrenergic Blocker, symptoms of hay fever, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, hay fever, emphysema, asthma, heart disease, over active thyroid, poor blood circulation (especially to the extremities), chronic bronchitis, diabetes, hypoglycemia, or will be having surgery (includes dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to weak heart muscle contractions.  Follow up medical exams should be discussed with your doctor.

7. Exercise caution while piloting aircraft, driving or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include breathing difficulties, drop in blood pressure, weakness, cold/sweaty skin, weak pulse, and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Atenolol and Chlorthalidone
Labetalol and Hydrochlorothiazide
Metoprolol and Hydrochlorothiazide
Nadolol and Bendroflumethiazide
Pindolol and Hydrochlorothiazide
Propranolol and Hydrochlorothiazide
Timolol and Hydrochlorothiazide.|Beta-Adrenergic Blocking Agents and Thiazide Diuretics|013Z               Co-Betaloc
Inderide LA
Lopressor HCT
Trandate HCT
Viskazide|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Lowers blood pressure by reducing body fluid, relaxes muscle cells of the smaller arteries, reduces the oxygen requirements of the heart, retards nerve impulses through the heart, retards blood vessel contraction, and blocks specific actions of the sympathetic nervous system.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.  Lowering blood pressure may require a matter of weeks.|If you remember within 4 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 4 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Beta-Adrenergic blocker, diuretic (thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure, angina, reduce fluid retention, and stabilize irregular heartbeat.  May also abate the frequency of headaches (migraine).|Life threatening affects can include an irregular heartbeat, chest pain, wheezing, seizures.  If this occurs seek Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally it is not uncommon for some people to experience nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, muscle cramps, mood changes, and a weak pulse.  If this occurs cease using this drug and contact your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used Alcohol and Antidepressants (Tricyclic).

2. The use of this drug may result in diminishing the effect of Allopurinol, Antihistamines, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, Potassium supplements, Probencid, Sympathomimetics and Theophylline/Aminophylline.

3. May increase the effect of Antidiabetics, Antihypertensives, Barbiturates, other Thiazide Diuretics, Narcotics, Propafenone, and Reserpine.

4. May complicate congestive heart failure when used with Tocainide and Nicardipine

5. May result in an increased diuretic effect when used with Bumetanide, Ethacrynic Acid, Furosemide, Indeapimide, and Metolazone.

6. Phenytoin may increase the beta-adrenergic effect of this drug.

7. May result in an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

8. May result an excessively slow heart rate when used with Quinidine.

9. May result in dangerous heart rhythms when used with Cortisone drugs, and Digitalis preparations.

10. May result in a dangerous level of sedation when used with Barbiturates and Narcotics.

11. The use of this drug may diminish the ability of Insulin and oral Hypoglycemics to lower blood glucose.

12. May result in a diminished hydrochlorthiazide effect when used with Cholestyramine. |1. This drug should not be used if you have taken any MAO inhibitors in the past 2 weeks, have asthma or symptoms of hay fever, or are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic drug or any Beta-Adrenergic Blocker.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have asthma, heart disease, liver or kidney problems, hay fever, poor circulation (especially to the extremities), over active thyroid, hypoglycemia, chronic bronchitis, gout, emphysema, problems with the pancreas, systemic lupus erythematosus, are allergic to tartrazine dye or any sulfa drugs, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.  May also experience a substantial loss of Potassium and dizziness while under the influence of this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in weaker heart muscle contractions and a dependency on high blood pressure medications.  Follow up medical exams should be discussed with your doctor.

7. Exercise caution while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include fainting, irregular heartbeat, confusion, seizures, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center.|Betamethasone||024b               Betnelan
Celestone Phosphate
Celestone Soluspan
Selestoject|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Lessens body's inflammatory response.|Allow approximately 3 to 4 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Cortisone drug (adrenal corticosteroid) used to treat blood disorders, corticosteroid deficiencies, asthma, kidney disease, and emphysema.|On rare  occasion some people may experience an irregular heartbeat, difficulties swallowing, hives, infections, and black or bloody stool.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and Contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.       It is not uncommon for some people to experience a loss of appetite, indigestion, nausea, constipation, vomiting, gaseousness, thirst, acne, diarrhea, coughing, dizziness, and hoarseness.  If this occurs make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Use of this drug may result in diminishing the affect of oral Anticoagulants, oral Antidiabetics, Cholinergics, Insulin, Isoniazid, and Potassium supplements.

2. The following drugs may diminish the effectiveness of this drug:  Anticonvulsants (Hydanoin), Antihistamines, Aspirin, Barbiturates, Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, Chloral Hydrate, Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Ephedrine, Glutethimide, Phenytoin, and Rifampin.

3. May result in a dangerously irregular heartbeat when used with Indapamide.

4. May result in a depletion of potassium when used with Butmetanide, Ethacrynic Acid, Diuretics (Thiazide), and Furosemide.

5. May result in glaucoma when used with Sympathomimetics.

6. May increase the affect of Cyclosporine.

7. Indomethacin and oral Contraceptives may increase the effect of this drug.

8. May result in a dangerous loss of potassium and toxicity when used with Digitalis preparation.

9. May result in stomach ulcers when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have thyroid disease, liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, diverticulitis, diabetes, tuberculosis, bone disease, stomach ulcer, colitis, herpes infection of the genitals/eyes/lips, or are allergic to any Cortisone drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if your taking any other medication (over-the-counter or prescription), have congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, infection, under active thyroid, glaucoma, diabetes, myasthenia gravis, blood clots in the lungs or legs, or peptic ulcer.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience osteoporosis, cataracts, as well as worsening ulcers, edema, and diabetes.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in glaucoma, diabetes, frail bones, retarded growth (children), cataracts, and may develop dependence on the drug.  Periodic medical exams should be considered while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, headache, and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Albuterol
Terbutaline|Broncodilators, Adrenergic|063Y               Adrenalin
Arm-a-Med Isoetharine
Arm-a-Med Metaproterenol
Bronitin Mist
Bronkaid Mist
Bronkaid Mist Suspension
Bronkaid Mistometer
Dey-Dose Isoetharine
Dey-Dose Isoetharine S/F
Dey-Dose Isoproterenol
Dey-Dose Metaproterenol
Dey-Dose Racepinephrine
Dey-Lute Isoetharine
Dey-Lute Isoetharine S/F
Dey-Lute Metaproterenol
Dispos-a-Med Isoetharine
Dispos-a-Med Isoptroterenol
Ephed II
EpiPen Auto-Injector
EpiPen Jr. Auto-Injector
Isuprel Glossets
Isuprel Mistometer
Norisodrine Aerotrol
Primatene Mist
Primatene Mist Suspension
Proventil Repetabs
Ventolin Rotocaps|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes: some
 * Available in generic form? Yes: some

Broncodilators, Adrenergic affect a decrease in blood flow, relax bronchial tube muscles, and prohibit the release of histamines. |Allow approximately 60 minutes  for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Sympathomimetic used to treat congestion, allergic reactions, and asthma (bronchial).|On rare occasion some people may experience chest pains, hallucinations, and an irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs ceases taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a rapid heartbeat, anxiety, headache, dry mouth, and trembling.  If this occurs make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit. |1. May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, Guanadrel, Guanethidine.

2. May result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure with MAO inhibitors.

3. May result in increasing the bronchodilator effect when used with Antidepressant (Tricyclic), Epinephrine, MAO inhibitors, Pseudoephedrine, Sympathomimetics, and Thyroid drugs.

4. May result in bronchodilator toxicity when used with Phenothiazines.  May also decrease the bronchodilator effect.

5. May result in a significant rise in blood pressure when used with Ergot preparations.

6. May result in serious heart-rhythm problems when used with Digitalis preparations.

7. May result in increased blood pressure when used with Methyldopa.

8. May decrease the effect of Antihypertensives. |1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Bronchodilator drug or Ephedrine.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have taken any MAO inhibitor in the past 2 weeks, have high blood pressure, over active thyroid, diabetes, urination difficulties, have taken Digitalis preparations  within the last 7 days, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either a spinal or a general anesthesia.

2. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience high blood pressure, angina, and heart-rhythm problems while under the influence of this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Extended use may lead to urination difficulty in men with enlarged prostate gland, and toxic psychosis.  Periodic medical exams should be considered while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include an irregular pulse, tremors, delirium, anxiety, confusion and rapid pulse.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Bumetanide||006\               Bumex|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Bumetanide affects elimination of water and sodium from the body.  |Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If applicable, take within 2 hours of having missed your dose.  If more than 2 hours late wait for your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Diuretic (loop) used to decrease fluid retention in the body. |On rare occasion some people may experience joint pain, hearing loss, muscle cramps, abdominal pain, irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure, fatigue, water diarrhea, mood changes, thirst, fever, appetite loss, skin rash, ringing sensation in the ears, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, dry mouth, tingling sensation in the hands or feet, and unusual bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible. |1. May lead to excess potassium in the blood when used with ACE inhibitors.

2. May result in an irregular heartbeat when used with Amiodarone.

3. May increase the effect of Amitriptyline.

4. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used  with Nicardipine and Nimodipine.

5. May result in an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

6. May result in decreased potassium when used with Corticosteroids.

7. May result in Digitalis toxicity when used with Digoxin.  

8. May result in increasing the blood pressure drop when used  with Antihypertensives.

9. May lead to lithium toxicity when used with Lithium.

10. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.

11. May result in a drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Bumetanide.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have gout, diabetes, kidney disease, impaired hearing, liver disease, are allergic to Sulfa, taking any other medications (over-the-counter or prescription), or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may result in diabetes, an imbalance of potassium, water, and salt in both body tissues and blood. |Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, thirst, deep sleep, confusion, stupor, weak yet rapid pulse, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Buspirone||051]               BuSpar|  * Addiction Potential? Unknown
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects the body's neurotransmitter system.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for maximum effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then continue on the new revised schedule.  CAUTION: Do not double the dose.|This drug is a tranquilizer used to treat nervous tension and anxiety.|Life threatening effects can include chest pain, pounding heart, and rapid pulse.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience nausea, dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, and restlessness.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in excessive sedation when used with Antihistamines, Barbiturates, Muscle relaxants, Narcotics, Sedatives, Tranquilizers, and Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Buspirone.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, kidney disease, have ever been addicted to any drugs, or are currently taking any other medication.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Consult with your doctor before giving to infants and children.

6. Extended use is not recommended.  Follow up medical examinations should be considered.  Consult with your doctor.

7. Exercise caution while piloting aircraft, driving, and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, small pupils, and unconsciousness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Busulfan||077^               Myleran|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Suppresses the body's immune system.|Allow approximately 6 weeks for full effect.|Take as soon as you remember, than continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antineoplastic, immunosuppressant used to treat some forms of cancer and to suppress the body's immune response system after transplants.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience lip sores, menstrual irregularities, sore throat, chills, fever, black stools, unusual bleeding, unusual bruising, or mouth sores.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in intestinal bleeding when used with Alcohol.

2. May lead to producing a toxic effect on bone marrow when used with Clozapine or Tiopronin.

3. May result in kidney or heart problems when used with Lovastatin.

4. May diminish the effect of Antigout drugs.

5. May increase the toxic effect of both Busulfan and Chloramphenicol.|1. This drug should not be used if you are hypersensitive to any Alkylating Antineoplastic drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, gout, have an active infection, ever had kidney stones, or have taken other Antineoplastic drugs or had radiation treatment within the last 3 weeks.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should only use this drug under strict medical supervision.

6. Extended use is not recommended.  May increase the risk of adverse effects.|Overdose symptoms may include fever, chills, bleeding, stupor, collapse, and seizure.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Cefixime||012Y               Suprax|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Kills bacteria susceptible to this drug.|Allow approximately 2 to 3 days for this drug to affect infection.|Take as soon as you remember and continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic (Cephalosporin) used to treat bacterial infections.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, some people may experience redness, skin rash, and itching.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience weight loss, weakness, severe diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, joint pain, fever, appetite loss, and convulsions.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in toxicity of the kidney when used with Alcohol.

2. May diminish the antibiotic effect of this drug when used with Chloramphenicol, Clindamycin, Erythromycins, and Tetracyclines.

3. May result in peptic ulcer when used with Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Analgesics.

4. May increase the anticoagulant effect of Anticoagulants.

5. Probencid may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Cephalosporin antibiotic.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have colitis, enteritis, kidney problems, or are allergic to any Penicillin antibiotic.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Extended use may result in secondary infections.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea with blood, abdominal cramps, and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Cellulose Sodium Phosphate||065\               Calcibind|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents calcium from being absorbed into blood stream.|Works Immediately.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antiurolithic used to prevent the formation of calcium kidney stones.|On  rare occasion some people may experience abdominal pain while using this drug.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible. |1. May decrease the effect of Magnesium in drugs containing magnesium.|1. This drug should not be used if you have hyperparathyroidism, bone disease, or have to little calcium in your blood.

2. Before using this consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease or heart disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with doctor before using this drug.

4. Not recommended for children under 16 years of age.

5. Extended use should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include muscle spasms, drowsiness, mental changes, and seizures.  If you suspect an overdose and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Cephalexin||012Y               Ceporex
Novolexin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Kills bacteria susceptible to this drug.|Allow approximately 2 or 3 days for this drug to affect infections.|Take as soon as you remember than continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic (Cephalosporin) used to treat bacterial infections.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience redness, skin rash, and itching.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience weight loss, fever, nausea, vomiting, cramps, tiredness, joint pain, appetite loss, severe diarrhea (blood in stool), and increased thirst.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in kidney toxicity when used with Alcohol.

2. May diminish the antibiotic effect of this drug when used with Chloramphenicol, Clindamycin, Erythromycins, and Tetracyclines.

3. May result in peptic ulcer when used with Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Analgesics.

4. May increase the anticoagulant effect of Anticoagulants.

5. Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Cephalosporin antibiotic.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have colitis, enteritis, kidney problems, or are allergic to any Penicillins.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience an itching sensation around the genitals and rectum while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Extended use may result in secondary infections.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea (blood in stool), abdominal cramps, and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Chlorzoxazone & Acetaminophen||055`               Arlon Forte
Chlorzone Forte
Chlorzoxazone with APAP
Paracet Forte
Pargen Fortified
Pyregesic Forte
Rofon Forte
Uni Para Plus|  * Addiction Potential? May be habit forming.
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects the hypothalamus portion of the brain in order to diminish pain impulses.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, than wait 3 hours before taking the next dose.|This drug is a Muscle Relaxant, Analgesic, fever-reducer used in the treatment of fever, moderate pain, and muscle spasms.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) an include skin rash, intense itching, hives and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience swelling of the tongue, face, or lips, and decrease urine output.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience drowsiness, dizziness, and lightheadedness.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in increased sedation when used with Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Mind-Altering drugs, other Muscle Relaxants, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep Inducers, Alcohol, and Tranquilizers.

2. May result in liver toxicity when used with Alcohol.

3. May increase the anticoagulant effect of Anticoagulant drugs.

4. May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

5. Consult with your doctor before using this drug with MAO Inhibitors.

6. Phenobarbital may diminish the effect of Acetaminophen.

7. May result in an increase effect on the central nervous system when used with Dronabinol.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Acetaminophen or Skeletal-Muscle Relaxant.  Should not be used if your symptoms do not improve after 2 days.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, liver disease, plan on becoming pregnant while using this drug, or are allergic to Tartrazine dye.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

6. Extended use of this drug may cause anemia.  Follow up medical exams are encouraged.

7. Exercise caution while piloting aircraft, driving, and while working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include fainting, difficulty in breathing, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, irritability, convulsions, increased sweating, headache, sensation of paralysis, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Cholestyramine||046_               Cholybar
Questran Light|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Removes excess bile acids by combining with it, preventing absorbtion.|Allow approximately 1 day for the reduction of cholesterol and approximately 4 weeks for bile-acid reduction.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihyperlipidemic, antiprurtic used in the treatment of excess bile-acids and the lowering of blood cholesterol.|On rare occasion some people may experience black tarry stool and severe stomach pain.  If this occurs seek Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some  people to experience constipation while using this drug.  If this occurs make your doctor aware of this during your next visit.|1. May diminish the effect or absorption of Dextrothyroxin, Digitalis preparations, Indapamide, Thyroid hormones, and Ursodiol.

2. May decrease the effects of Vancomycin.

3. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.

4. Thiazides and Trimethoprim may decrease the absorption of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Cholestyramine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have stomach problems, ulcers, angina, blood vessel disease, hemorrhoids, heart disease, constipation, kidney disease, are sensitive to Tartrazine, or will become pregnant while using this medication.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

6. Extended use may result in a decrease of Folic Acid absorption.  Follow up medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms may include experiencing the adverse effects of this drug.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ciprofloxacin||022^               Cipro|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Kills bacteria susceptible to this drug.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antibacterial (antibiotic) used to treat a number of different types of infections. |Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) an include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain or discomfort.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience pain while urinating, blood in urine, and back pain.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in kidney problems when used with Antacids, Probenecid, and Carbonic Anyhdrase.

2. May lead to toxicity of the central nervous system when used with Alcohol and Theophylline.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Nalidixic Acid, Norfloxacin, or Ciprofloxacin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have any central nervous system disorders.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

6. Exercise caution while piloting aircraft, driving, and operating machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Wear a sunscreen, may be photosensitizing.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Potassium Citrate
Potassium Citrate & Citric Acid
Potassium Citrate & Sodium Citrate
Sodium Citrate & Citric Acid
Tricitrates|Citrates|065\               Albright's Solution
Citra Forte
Efricon Expectorant Liquid
Lanatuss Expectorant
Modified Shohl's Solution
Tricodene NN Cough & Cold Medication
Tussirex with Codeine liquid
Urocit-K|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Facilitates the excretion of bicarbonate ions in order to increase the alkalinity of urine, thereby making it less acid.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hour late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This is a Urinary alkalizer, antiurolithic, used to treat some types of kidney stones and decrease the acidity of urine.|Life threatening effects can include irregular heartbeat, vomiting blood, intense abdominal cramps, shortness of breath, and black tarry stools.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience both nausea or vomiting while using this drug.  If this occurs consult with your doctor during your next visit.|1. May increase the effect of Amphetamines.

2. May lead to Citrate toxicity when used with Antacids.

3. May lead to the development of kidney stones when used with Calcium supplements.

4. May result in excess blood-potassium when used with Digitalis preparations.

5. May diminish the effect of Methenamine|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Citrates.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, heart problems, hypertension, diabetes, diseases of the adrenal glands, gastritis, chronic diarrhea, stomach ulcers, urinary tract infections, toxemia of pregnancy, or will be participating in highly strenuous exercises.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should only use this drug under strict medical supervision.

6. Extended use may increase the risk of experiencing the adverse effects of this drug.  Follow up medical examinations are encouraged.

7. Exercise caution while piloting aircraft, driving or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Clindamycin||003[               Cleocin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Kills bacteria susceptible to this drug.|Allow approximately 4 to 5 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antibiotic (lincomycin) used to treat bacterial infections and is a topical treatment for acne.|Life threatening effects can include wheezing, faintness, hives, itching, and coma.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion some people may experience stomach cramps, swollen joints, weight loss, jaundice, weakness, vomiting, and watery diarrhea with blood and mucus.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in augmenting the effect of Muscle Blocking drugs to a dangerous level.

2. Antidiarrheal drugs, Chloramphenicol, or Erythromycins may diminish the effect of this drug.

3. May reduce the antibiotic effect of Cefixime.|1. This drug should not be used if you have or had ulcerative colitis or are allergic to Lincosamides.  

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, allergies to anything, kidney disease, yeast infections of the skin/mouth/vagina, or will have surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Should not be given to infants under 1 month of age.  Infants older than 1 month and children should only use this drug under medical supervision.

6. Extended use may lead to diarrhea, severe colitis, and becoming more susceptible to infections.  Periodic medical exams should be considered.|Overdose symptoms include vomiting, severe nausea, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Clomiphene||047\               Clomid
Serophene|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Stimulates sperm production and ovulation.|Allow anywhere from 3 to 6 months for this drug to take effect.|If you miss a dose retake once you remember and continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a gonad stimulant used to treat men with low sperm counts and ovulation failure in women.|Life threatening effects can include an abrupt shortness of breath.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience abdominal pain, pelvic pain, and bloating.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasions some people may experience vomiting, skin rash, vision problems, jaundice, and itching.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the serum of Thyroxine (T-4) or Thyroglobuiln.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Clomiphene.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, unusual vaginal bleeding, ovarian cyst, inflamed veins, fibroid uterine tumors, or are depressed.

3. This drug is not recommended for people over 60 years of age consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used while breast-feeding.

5. Cease taking this drug at the first indication of pregnancy.

6. Extended use of this drug is not recommended and should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include experiencing the adverse effects of this drug.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Clozapine||070]               Clozaril
Leponex|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Retards Dopamine binding.|Allow approximately 6 hours for this drug to take effect. |If you remember within 2 hours of having missed a dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antipsychotic used to treat severe schizophrenia.|Life threatening effects can include seizures.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasions some people may experience confusion, abdominal pain, blurred vision, restlessness, muscle tremors, chills, difficulty urinating, insomnia, anxiety, and unusual bleeding.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  |1. May increase the risk of having a seizure when used with Lithium.

2. May lead to central nervous system toxicity when used with Alcohol or Central Nervous System depressants.

3. May produce toxic bone marrow problems when used with Bone Marrow Depressants.|1. This drug should not be used if you have glaucoma, bone marrow depression, or are mentally depressed.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver or heart disease, enlarged prostate gland, gastrointestinal disease, or have had seizures for any reason.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience difficulty urinating, confusion, dizziness, weakness, and excitement.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.

6. Exercise caution while piloting aircraft, driving, and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, hallucinations, drowsiness, heartbeat irregularities, and excitement.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Lavatar
Tarpaste|Coal Tar (Topical)|069[               Alphosyl
Balnetar Therapeutic Tar Bath
Cutar Water Dispesible Emollient Tar
Denorex Extra Strength Medicated Shampoo
Denorex Medicated Shampoo
Denorex Medicated Shampoo and Conditioner
Denorex Mountain Fresh Herbal Scent Medicated Shampoo
DHS Tar Gel Shampoo
DHS Tar Shampoo
Doak Oil
Doak Oil Forte
Doak Oil Forte Therapeutic Bath Treatment
Doak Oil Therapeutic Bath Treatment for All-Over Body Care
Doak Tar Lotion
Doak Tar Shampoo
Ionil-T Plus
Liquor Carbonis Detergens
Pentrax Extra-Strength Therapeutic Tar Shampoo
Pentrax Tar Shampoo
Tar Doak
Tarpaste Doak
T/Derm Tar Enollient
Tegrin Lotion for Psoriasis
Tegrin Medicated Shampoo Concentrated Gel
Tegrin Medicated Shampoo Extra Conditioning Formula
Tegrin Medicated Shampoo Herbal Formula
Tegrin Medicated Shampoo Original Formula
Tegrin Medicated Soap for Psoriasis
Tegrin Skin Cream for Psoriasis
Tersa-Tar Mild Therapeutic Shampoo w/Protein and Conditioner
Tersa-Tar Soapless Tar Shampoo
Tersa-Tar Therapeutic Shampoo
T/Gel Therapeutic Conditioner
T/Gel Therapeutic Shampoo
Zetar Emulsion
Zetar Medicated Antiseborrheic Shampoo|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required?  Some, Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Suppresses skin cell production and destroys certain fungi and bacteria.|Works immediately on contact.  Allow 2 to 3 days for maximum effect.|Reapply once you remember, based on the package instructions.|This drug is an Antiseborrheic, antisporiatic, keratolytic used to treat skin diseases such as eczema, seborrhea, and dermatitis.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience a stinging sensation on the skin when this drug is being used.  If this occurs consult with your doctor during your next visit.  May also stain clothes.|1. The use of this drug with Psoralens may result in a heightened sensitivity to sunlight.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Coal Tar.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have skin infections, or open lesions.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely when used topically. However, if this drug is taken internally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ethynodiol Diacetate and Ethinyl Estradiol
Ethynodiol Diacetate and Mestranol
Levonorgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol
Norethindrone and Ethinyl Estradiol
Norethindrone and Mestranol
Norethindrone Acetate and Ethinyl Estradiol
Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol
Northynodrel and Mestranol|Contraceptives, oral|036\               Brevicon
Genora 1/35
Genora 1/50
N.E.E. 1/35
Ortho-Novum 0.5
Ortho-Novum 1/35
Ortho-Novum 1/50
Ortho-Novum 1/80
Ortho-Novum 2
Ortho-Novum 7/7/7
Ortho-Novum 10/11
Triphasil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Suppresses pituitary hormones to prevent ovulation.|Allow approximately 30 days for this drug to take effect.|Consult with your doctor for additional information.|This drug is a sex hormone (female) oral contraceptive used to prevent pregnancy and regulate the menstrual cycle.|Life threatening effects can include chest pain, leg pain, severe headache, breathing difficulties, coughing up blood, and stroke.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion some women may experience frequent urination, headache, joint pain, abdominal pain, depression, bulging eyes, breast lumps, muscle pain, swelling in the legs, skin rash, fever, hives, jaundice, itching, hair growth, and enlarged clitoris.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less severe however, and not uncommon in some women, it is possible to experience vaginal discharge, fluid retention, acne, and brown discolorations on the skin.  If this occurs make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Ampicillin, Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Antihistamines, Barbiturates, Chloramphenicol, Meprobamate, Mineral Oil, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, Rifampin, Tetracycline may decrease the effect of oral contraceptives.

2. Use of this drug may diminish the effect of Anticoagulants, Antidiabetics, Clofibrate, Dextrothyroxine, Guanethidine, oral Hypoglycemic, Insulin, Terazosin, and Ursodiol.

3. Sulfadoxine and Pyrimethamine can reduce the reliability of oral Contraceptives.

4. May lead to toxicity of antidepressants when used with Antidepressant (Tricyclic).

5. May increase the effect of Meperidine.|1. This drug should not be used if you have liver disease, breast cancer, unusual vaginal bleeding, ovarian cancer, smoke cigarettes, uterine cancer, heart disease, stroke, blood clots, or are allergic to any female hormones.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, migraine headaches, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, cycle-cell anemia, endometriosis, fibroid tumors, are over 35 years of age, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. Extended use of this drug may lead to an increase in blood pressure, difficulty conceiving, and gallstones.  Follow up medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and vaginal bleeding.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Benzalkonium Chloride
Nonoxynal 9
Octoxynol 9|Contraceptives, Vaginal (Spermicides)|081[               Because
Conceptrol-Contraceptive Inserts
Conceptrol Gel
Gynol II Extra Strength
Gynol II Original Formula
Koromex Cream
Koromex Crystal Gel
Koromex Foam
Koromex Jelly
Ramses Contraceptive Foam
Ramses Contraceptive Vaginal Jelly
Ramses Crystal Clear Gel
VCF|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes: some
 * Available in generic form? Yes: some

Kills some types of fungus, yeast, bacteria, and viruses.  Also inactivates viable sperm, preventing conception.|Allow approximately 15 minutes for the suppositories and sponges.  Jellies, jells, and foam work immediately on application.|Consult with your doctor for additional information.|This drug is a Contraceptive (vaginal) used to prevent pregnancy and some sexually transmitted diseases.  |Life threatening effects can include skin rash, weakness, confusion, chills, fever, muscle pains, and redness inside the mouth/nose/throat/eyes/and vagina.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.|1. Vaginal douches may diminish the spermicidal effect of this drug.

2. Topical vaginal drugs may diminish the spermicidal effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Benzalkonium Chloride, Octoxynol, and Nonoxynol.

2. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3. Before breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. Extended use may result in irritation and allergic reactions.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.|Cortisone||024b               Cortone
Cortone Acetate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Replenishes Cortisone in people with adrenal deficiencies.|Allow approximately 4 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Cortisone, (adrenal corticosteroid) used to treat asthma, emphysema, blood disorders, inflammation, and corticosteroid deficiencies.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs consult Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion some people may experience an irregular heartbeat and blood in their stool.  If this occurs consult Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, well not as serious, some people may experience indigestion, nausea, vomiting, acne, and thirst.  If this occurs make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in a loss of potassium when used with Amphotericin B, Chlorthalidone, Ethacrynic Acid, and Furosemide.

2. May result in a dangerous loss of potassium when used with Digitalis preparations or Indapamide.  May also result in Digitalis toxicity.

3. May result in the development of stomach ulcers when used with Diclofenace, Alcohol, and Ketoprofen.

4. May diminish the effect of oral Anticoagulants, oral Antidiabetics, Cholinergics, Insulin, Isoniazid, Potassium supplements, Salicylates.

5. The following drugs may diminish the effect of Cortisone:  Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Antihistamines, Barbiturates (may cause over sedation), Chloral Hydrate, Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Ephedrine, Glultethimide, Mitotane, Phenobarbital, and Rifampin.

6. May result in the development of glaucoma when used with Sympathomimetics or Anticholinergics.

7. Aspirin, oral Contraceptives, Estrogen, and Indomethacin may increase the effect of this drug.

8. May increase the effect of Theophylline.

9. May lead to the development of infections when used with Cyclosporine or Attenuated Virus vaccines.|1. This drug should not be used if you have fungus infections, tuberculosis, herpes infection (eyes, lips, or genitals), or are allergic to any Cortisone drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes, had tuberculosis, glaucoma, peptic ulcer, under active thyroid, myasthenia gravis, or have blood clots in the lungs or legs.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience osteoporosis and cataracts.  May also provoke existing conditions of diabetes, edema, and ulcers.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended  use of this drug may lead to glaucoma, diabetes, growth impediments in children, functional dependence and bone and skin problems.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms can include fluid retention, headache, convulsions, and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Cromolyn||025Y               Fivent
Sodium Cromoglycate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits the release of histamines from affected cells.|Allow 2 to 4 weeks for this drug to take  full effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Anti asthmatic, anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal) used to treat asthma attacks and various allergic symptoms.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness. If this occurs consult Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion some people may experience wheezing, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, joint pain, hives, skin rash, weakness, sneezing, muscle pain, and painful or difficult urination.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Cortisone drugs.

2. Ipratroprium may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to dairy products, lactose, and Cromolyn.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, kidney disease, or will become pregnant during the use of this drug.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.|Overdose may lead to experiencing the adverse effects of this drug.  If you suspect an overdose or an allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Cyclosporine||076Z               Sandimmune|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits Interluekin II to affect T-Lymphocytes in order to suppress the body's immune response system.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Immunosuppressant used to prevent transplant rejections.|Life threatening effects can include wheezing, seizures, convulsions, and shortness of breath.  If this occurs consult Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion some people may experience sore throat, irregular heartbeat, confusion, shortness of breath, fever, intense abdominal pain, nervousness, weakness, and a feeling of numbness in the hands and feet.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Androgens, Cimetidine, Danazol, Diltiazem, Potassium-Sparing Diuretics, Erythromycin, Estrogen, and Fluconazole may increase the effect of this drug.

2. Anticonvulsants may decrease the effect of this drug.

3. May increase the risk of infection when used with Immunosuppressants.

4. May result in kidney toxicity when used with Ketoconazole, Gold Compounds, Sulfonamides, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, Tiopronin, and Vancomycin.

5. May result in damage to the heart and kidney when used with Lovastatin.

6. May result in hearing loss when used with Vancomycin.

7. May increase the risk of experiencing adverse reactions when used with Virus vaccines.|1. This drug should not be used if you have shingles or chicken pox.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, an active infection, and liver disorders.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Extended use can lead to kidney problems.  Periodic medical exams should be considered.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include seizures, irregular heartbeat and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Dexamethasone||024b               Ak-Dex
Dalalone D.P.
Dalalone L.A.
Decadron L.A.
Decadron Phosphate
Decadron Respihaler
Decadron Turbinaire
Desasone L.A.
Dexacen  L.A.
Dexone LA
Hexadrol Phosphate
Solurex LA|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Decreases inflammatory responses in affected tissues.|Allow approximately 4 days for this drug to take full effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Cortisone (adrenal corticosteroid) used to treat blood disorders, asthma, emphysema, corticosteroid deficiencies, and inflamation.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness. If this occurs consult Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, on rare occasion, some people may experience an irregular heartbeat and black or bloody stool.  If this occurs consult Emergency Medical Help immediately.|1. May lead to the development of glaucoma when used with Anticholinergics or Sympathomimetics.

2. May result in a dangerous loss of potassium when used with Digitalis preparations (may also cause Digitalis toxicity), or when used with Indapamide.

3. May result in a loss of potassium when used with Ethacrynic Acid, Furosemide, Amphotericin B, Chlorthalidone, and Thiazide Diuretics.

4. May diminish the effect of oral Antidiabetics, Cholinergics, Insulin, Isoniazid, Salicylates, Potassium supplements, and oral Anticoagulants.

5. May lead to the development of ulcers when used with Oxyphenbutazone, Phenylbutazone, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, and Alcohol.

6. Aminglutethimide, Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Antihistamines, Barbiturates (may also cause over sedation), Chloral Hydrate, Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Ephedrine, Mitotane, Phenobarbital, and Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.

7. Aspirin, oral Contraceptives, Estrogen, Indomethacin, and Theophylline may increase the effect of this drug.

8. May result in an increased chance of viral infections when used with Attenuated Virus vaccines.|1. This drug should not be used if you have fungus infections, herpes infection (eyes, lips or genitals), tuberculosis, or are allergic to any Cortisone drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, glaucoma, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, under active thyroid, blood clots (legs or lungs), myasthenia gravis, or have had tuberculosis.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience osteoporosis and cataracts.  May also provoke existing conditions of diabetes, edema, or ulcers.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should only use this drug under medical supervision.

6. Extended use may result in skin and bone problems, glaucoma, diabetes, cataracts, functional dependence, and impaired growth in children.  Periodic medical exams are encouraged while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include fluid retention, headache, convulsions, and heart failure. If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Digitalis
Digoxin|Digitalis Preparation (Digitalis Glycosides)|060Z               Crystodigin
Novodigoxin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Retards nerve impulses to the heart.|Allow approximately 1 week for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Digitalis preparation used to treat irregular heartbeat and congestive heart failure.  |On rare occasions some people may experience fainting, headache, lethargy, drowsiness (extreme), hallucinations, skin rash, heart arrhythmias, hives and psychosis.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Antacids, Calcium supplements, Carteolol (may also increase), Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Dextrothyroxine, Disopyramide, Laxatives, Metoclopramide, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenobarbital, Phenylbutazone, PTU/Metronidazol, Rafampin, Sotalol (may also increase), Sulfasaiazine, and Triamterene may decrease the effect or absorption of this drug.

2. Quinidine, Rauwolfia Alkaoids, Spironolactone, Tetracycline, Verapamil, Propafenone (may result in toxicity), Erythromycins, Nicardipine, Nizatidine, Amiodarone, Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), and Beta-Adrenergic Blockers may increase the effect of absorption of this drug.

3. May result in a dangerous loss of potassium and toxicity when used with Diuretics.

4. May result in heartbeat irregularities when used with Beta-Agonists and Sympathomimetics.

5. May result in raising blood pressure when used with Fluoxetine (May also cause convulsions and other adverse effects).

6. May cause a disruption of normal heart rhythms when used with Ephedrine or Epinephrine.

7. May result in  Digitalis toxicity when used with Hydroxychloroquin, Thyroid hormones, and Trazodone.|1. This drug should not be used if you have a slow heartbeat (less than 50 beats per minute) or are allergic to any Digitalis preparations.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, thyroid problems, liver disease, have taken Diuretics within the last 2 weeks, have taken other Digitalis preparations within the last 2 weeks, or will be having surgery (including dental) within then next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should only use this drug under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug should be punctuated by periodic medical exams.|Overdose symptoms can include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, hallucinations, confusion, vision problems, fatigue, and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Disopyramide||015Z               Norpace
Norpace CR
Rythmodan-LA|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Regulates heartbeat by delaying nerve impulses to the heart.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antiarrhythmic used to treat heart rhythm disorders.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness. If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion some people may experience psychosis and shortness of breath.  If this occurs cease using this drug and contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally it is not uncommon for some people to experience anxiety, fast heartbeat (tachycardia), nervousness, drowsiness, cold sweats, intense hunger, and pale/cool skin.  If this occurs cease using this drug and  consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in decreasing both blood pressure and blood sugar when used with Alcohol.

2. May increase the effect of Anticholinergics, Antihypertensives, Propafenone (may also cause toxicity), and oral Anticoagulants.

3. May increase the effect and toxicity of itself and other Antiarrhythmics.

4. May cause a dangerously slow, fast, or irregular heartbeat when used with Nimodipine or Nicardipine.

5. The effect of this drug may be diminished when used with Rifampin, Phenytoin, and Phenobarbital.

6. May result in toxicity of the heart muscle when used with Encainide.

7. May produce an irregular heartbeat when used with Flecainide.

8. May increase the risk of experiencing the adverse effects of both drugs when used with Tocainide.|1. This drug should not be used if you have heart failure, have second or third degree heart block, or are allergic to any Antiarrhythmic or Disopyramide.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, heart disease (past or present), low blood pressure, glaucoma, or have had an adverse reaction to any Antiarrhythmic drug, Myasthenia Gravis, enlarged prostate, or are currently taking Diuretics or Digitalis preparations.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience urination difficulties, lowered blood pressure, and constipation while under the influence of this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug should punctuated with periodic medical examinations.

7. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include apnea, lowered blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and unconsciousness. If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Disulfiram||090_               Antabuse|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Produces metabolic changes that react with Alcohol.|Allow approximately 12 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is used in the treatment of alcoholism.|On rare occasion some people may experience skin rash and jaundice while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience drowsiness while using this drug.  If this occurs make your doctor aware of this symptom during your next visit.|1. May be fatal when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in excessive sedation when used with Anticonvulsants, Barbiturates, Sedatives, and Methyprylon (possibly to a dangerous level).

3. May result in producing dangerous effects when used with Ethinamate.

4. May produce unusual behavior and coordination problems when used with Isoniazid.

5. May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

6. May compound the depressant effect on the central nervous system when used with Nabilone.

7. Avoid taking simultaneously with Paraldehyde.

8. The depressant effect of either drug may be increased when used with Guanfacine.|1. This drug should not be used if you have heart disease, have consumed any alcohol at all within the last 12 hours, have taken Paraldehyde within the last week, or are allergic to Disulfiram.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, kidney disease, diabetes, liver disease, have any allergies, are currently taking any other drugs, or will become pregnant during the use of this drug.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug should be punctuated with periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, memory loss, confusion, diarrhea, weakness, behavior modifications, and temporary paralysis.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Bendroflumethiazide
Thiazide Diuretics
Trichlormethiazide|Diuretics, Thiazide|006Z               Anhydron
Diuchlor H
Zaroxolyn|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes: some

Reduces fluid retention in body tissues and decreases tension in the muscle cells of the smaller arteries.|Allow approximately 6 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic (thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure and reduce fluid retention.|On rare occasion some people may experience skin rash or hives. If this occurs consult Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Less severe, however not uncommon, some people may experience muscle cramping while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol, Antidepressants (Tricycilic).

2. May result in the development of dangerous heart rhythms due to excessive potassium loss when used with Cortisone drugs or Digitalis preparations.

3. May increase the hypertensive effect of Antihypertensives.

4. May increase the antihypertensive effect of Barbiturates, Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, Carteolol, MAO Inhibitors, Pentoxifylline, and Sotalol.

5. May result in a significant blood pressure drop when used with Nitrates.

6. May result in decreased blood pressure when used with ACE Inhibitors.

7. May diminish the effect of Allopurinol, Potassium Supplements, Probenecid, and Terazosin.

8. May produce dizziness when used with Opiates.

9. May produce a blood pressure drop when used with Nicardipine.

10. May decrease the antihypertensive effect when used with  Cholestyramine, Colestipol, and Indomethacin.

11. Indapamide may increase the diuretic effect of this drug.

12. May lead to heartbeat irregularity when used with Amiodarone.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver problems, gout, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosis, kidney problems, pancreas disorder, or are allergic to Tartrazine Dye or Sulfa drugs.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to depending on this medicine the rest of your life to treat high blood pressure.  Follow up medical exams should be considered.

7.  Use a sunscreen while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include drowsiness, cramps, weakness, weak pulse, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Encainide||015Z               Enkaid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Stabilizes irregular heartbeat by heightening the refractory between the heart's muscle fibers.|Allow approximately 3 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antiarrhythmic used to stabilize irregular heartbeat.|Life threatening effects can include an exceptionally fast or irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion some people may experience skin rash, breathing difficulties, blurred vision (may include double vision), and chest pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce an increase of heartbeat asperates when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in heart muscle toxicity when used with Antiarrhythmics, Carteolol, Nicardipine, and Sotalol.

3. May increase the effect of Antiarrhythmics, Cimetidine, and Nizatidine.

4. Propafenone or Guanfacine may increase the effect of both drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you have an atrioventricular block (without pacemaker), or have a right bundle branch block.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, liver disease, sinus problems, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, recent heart attack, or variations in your blood potassium level.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Periodic medical examinations should be considered if this drug is to be used for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include seizures, weakness, exceptionally slow heartbeat, unconsciousness, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ergoloid Mesylates||058]               Hydergine
Hydergine LC
Niloric|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Innervates brain cell metabolism.|Allow approximately 4 months for this drug to take effect. |If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Ergot preparation used to treat poor memory, confusion, diminished alertness, and depression.|On rare occasion some people may experience fainting when taking this drug.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience stuffy nose, headache, and a ruddy or reddish coloring of the skin (blushing).  If this occurs make your doctor aware of this during your next visit.|1. May result in a significant blood pressure drop when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in an abating circulation to the extremities (arms, hands, feet, and legs) when used with other Ergot preparations or Sympathomimetic drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you have an unusually slow heartbeat (less than 60 beats per minute), systolic  blood pressure less than 100, or are allergic to any Ergot preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have or had low blood pressure.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Periodic medical exams should be considered if this drug is to be used over extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, weakness, vision problems (blurred), congestion (nasal), headache, flushed face, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ergotamine||058Z               Ergomar
Medihaler-Ergotamine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Shrinks blood vessels in the head in order to reduce the pain associated with migraines and other headaches.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember.  Wait 4 hours until your next dose then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Vasoconstrictor, ergot preparation used as a pain reliever for headaches (including migraines).|On rare occasion some people may experience weakness (arms and legs), vision problems, anxiety, stomach pain, chest pain, heartbeat irregularities, tingling sensation in the face, hands and feet, confusion, itching, intense thirst, and bloating.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and more frequent headaches while using this drug. If this occurs make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with Amphetamines, Ephedrine, Epinephrine, and Pseudoephedrine.

2. May result in abating circulation to extremities (arms, hands, feet and legs) when used with other Ergot preparations and Sympathomimetic drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Ergot preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, active infection, kidney disease, high blood pressure, angina, will become pregnant while using this drug, heart disorders, vein problems, allergic reactions to spray inhalants, or hardening of the arteries.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to muscle pain, gangrene (feet and hands), and cold skin.

7. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid pulse, numbness (arms, hands, feet, and legs), confusion, convulsions, muscle pain, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ergotamine, Belladonna and Phenobarbital||029]               Bellergal
Bellergal Spacetabs|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Blocks parasympathetic nerve impulses in order to prevent  specific muscle contractions and gland secretions.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours until your next dose.  Continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Analgesic, antispasmodic, vasoconstrictor used to treat nervous tension and anxiety.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience bloating, fever, drowsiness, redness of the skin, an increase in the frequency of urination.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience difficulty swallowing, skin rash, tingling sensation in the feet and hands, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, sunlight sensitivity, dry mouth,  and swollen feet.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in death when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in dangerous over sedation when used with Antidepressants (Tricyclic), Antihistamines, Mind-Altering drugs, Narcotics, Pain Relievers, Sedatives, Sleep Inducers, and Tranquilizers.

3. May result in a dangerous increase in blood pressure when used with Ephedrine, Epinephrine, and Amphetamines.

4. May diminish the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Antidepressants (Tricyclic), Aspirin, oral Contraceptives, Cortisone drugs (may increase internal eye pressure), Digitoxin, Doxycycline, Griseofulvin, and Metoclopramide.

5. Amantadine, MAO Inhibitors, Meperidine, Methylphenidate, Orphenadrine, Phenothiazines, Quinidine, and other Anticholinergics may increase the Belladonna effect of this drug.

6. Valproic Acid, MAO Inhibitors, and oral Antidiabetics may increase the Phenobarbital effect of this drug.

7. May change seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

8. May result in producing an increase of internal eye pressure when used with Haloperidol and Nitrates.

9. Guanethidine and Reserpine may diminish the Belladonna effect of this drug.

10. May increase the effect of Indapamide.

11. May result in producing intestinal ulcers when used with Potassium supplements.

12. May increase the risk of experiencing the adverse effects of Ergotamine when used with Troleandomycin.|1. This drug should not be used if you have ulcerative colitis, porphyria, narrow-angle glaucoma, enlarged prostate, stomach bloating, problems completely emptying your bladder, or are allergic to any Barbiturate, Tartrazine Dye, Anticholinergic, or Ergot preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have myasthenia gravis, open-angle glaucoma, epilepsy, liver disorders, kidney problems, chronic pain, high blood pressure, angina, thyroid disorders, tachycardia (fast heartbeat), asthma, enlarged prostate, peptic ulcer, any heart problems, chronic bronchitis, hiatal hernia, hardening of the arteries, may become pregnant during the use of this drug, have problems with veins, or will  be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to anemia, lower body temperature, constipation (chronic), muscle pain, addiction, gangrene (hands and feet), fecal impaction, and chronic intoxication.|Overdose symptoms can include dilated pupils, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, numbness (arms, hands, feet, and legs), muscle pain, slurred speech, redness of the face, convulsions, hallucinations, dizziness, agitation, rapid pulse, fever, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Erythromycin and Sulfisoxazole||009^               Pediazole|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits growth and reproduction of specific bacteria.|Allow approximately 5 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antibiotic (erythromycin), Sulfa (sulfonamide) used to treat specific bacterial infections.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience skin rash, dizziness, itching, headache, vomiting and appetite loss while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience difficulty swallowing, nausea, diarrhea, painful urination, muscle pain, swelling (neck), tiredness, abdominal cramps, and jaundice.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the Sulfa effect when used with Aspirin, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenylbutazone, Probenecid, Sulfinpyrazone, and Trinethoprim.

2. May result in damage to the liver when used with Alcohol.

3. May result in anemia when used with Isoniazid.

4. May lead to kidney blockage when used with Methenamine.

5. May diminish the bone marrow from producing blood cells when used with Flecainide or Tocainide.

6. May diminish the effect of Penicillins and Lincomycins.

7. May result in brain toxicity when used with Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin).

8. May increase the effect  of Aminophylline and oral Anticoagulants.

9. Aminobenzoate Potassium may decrease the effect of Sulfisoxazole in this drug.

10. May result in toxicity when used with Methotrexate.

11. Para-Aminosalicylic Acid may diminish the Sulfa effect.|1. This drug should not be used if you have or had liver disease, liver function disorders, or are allergic to any Erythromycin or any Sulfa drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have porphyria, kidney disease, liver disease, drug induced anemia, are prone to allergies, have ever taken Erythromycin Estolate, or are allergic to Thiazide Diuretics, Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors or oral Anti diabetics.

3. People over 60 years of age may  experience skin problems in the area of anus and genitals while using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug should not be given to infants less than 1 month of age.  Consult with your doctor before giving to older infants and children.

6. Extended use may lead to thyroid gland enlargement, and an increased susceptibility to infections.  Follow up medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, blood in the urine, abdominal pain, diarrhea and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Esterified Estrogens||035b               Estratab
Neo-Estrone|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Restores Estrogen to normal levels in body tissues.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug  is a Female Sex Hormone (Estrogen) used to treat prostate cancer, breast cancer, hormone deficiencies (female), menstrual-cycle irregularities, and menopause symptoms.|Life threatening effects can include excessive bleeding.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience stomach cramps. If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasions some may experience jaundice, muscle pain, joint pain, stomach discomfort, skin rash, blisters on the skin, and breast lumps.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May decrease the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Clofibrate, Dextrothyroxine, Insulin, Tamoxifen, Terazosin, Thyroid hormones, and Ursodiol.

2. Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Primidone, and Rifampin may diminish the  effect of this drug.

3. Meprobamate may increase the effect of this drug.

4. When used with Antifibrinolytic agents may increase the possibility of blood clotting.

5. May either raise or lower blood-sugar when used with oral Anti diabetics.  The effect is essentially unpredictable.

6. May increase the toxicity of Tricyclic Antidepressants.|1. This drug should not be used if you have liver function problems, unusual vaginal bleeding, have ever had a stroke, heart attack, or blood clots, or are allergic to any drugs containing Estrogen.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes, gallstones, asthma, congestive heart failure, or have ever had fibroid tumors, endometriosis, breast cancer, fibrocystic breast diseases, cancer of the reproductive system, epilepsy, migraine headaches, porphyria or will become pregnant within the next 3 months.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used while pregnant or taken within 3 months of pregnancy.

5. This drug should not be used while breast-feeding.

6. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of fibroid tumors.|Overdose symptoms can include breast enlargement and discomfort, vomiting, nausea, fluid retention, and unusual vaginal bleeding.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Estradiol||035b               Deladiol-40
Depo Estradiol
Estradiol L.A.
L.A.E. 20
Valergen|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Restores Estrogen to normal levels in body tissues.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug  is a Female Sex Hormone (Estrogen) used to treat prostate cancer, breast cancer, hormone deficiencies (female), menstrual-cycle irregularities, and menopause symptoms.|Life threatening effects can include excessive bleeding.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience stomach cramps. If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasions some may experience jaundice, muscle pain, joint pain, stomach discomfort, skin rash, blisters on the skin, and breast lumps.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May decrease the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Clofibrate, Dextrothyroxine, Insulin, Tamoxifen, Terazosin, Thyroid hormones, and Ursodiol.

2. Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Primidone, and Rifampin may diminish the  effect of this drug.

3. Meprobamate may increase the effect of this drug.

4. When used with Antifibrinolytic agents may increase the possibility of blood clotting.

5. May either raise or lower blood-sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.  The effect is essentially unpredictable.

6. May increase the toxicity of Tricyclic Antidepressants.|1. This drug should not be used if you have liver function problems, unusual vaginal bleeding, have ever had a stroke, heart attack, or blood clots, or are allergic to any drugs containing Estrogen.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes, gallstones, asthma, congestive heart failure, or have ever had fibroid tumors, endometriosis, breast cancer, fibrocystic breast diseases, cancer of the reproductive system, epilepsy, migraine headaches, or porphyria.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used while pregnant or taken within 3 months of pregnancy.

5. This drug should not be used while breast-feeding.

6. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.|Overdose symptoms can include breast enlargement and discomfort, vomiting, nausea, fluid retention, and unusual vaginal bleeding.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Estrogen||035b               Estrogen|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Restores Estrogen to normal levels in body tissues.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Female Sex Hormone (Estrogen) used to treat Des-induced cancer, Atrophic Vaginitis, Osteoporosis, Estrogen deficiencies, menstrual cycle irregularities, menopause symptoms, and "Morning-after" contraception.|Life threatening effects can include excessive bleeding.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience stomach cramps. If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasions some may experience jaundice, muscle pain, joint pain, stomach discomfort, skin rash, blisters on the skin, and breast lumps.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May decrease the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Clofibrate, Dextrothyroxine, Insulin, Tamoxifen, Terazosin, Thyroid hormones, and Ursodiol.

2. Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Primidone, and Rifampin may diminish the  effect of this drug.

3. Meprobamate may increase the effect of this drug.

4. When used with Antifibrinolytic agents may increase the possibility of blood clotting.

5. May either raise or lower blood-sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.  The effect is essentially unpredictable.

6. May increase the toxicity of Tricyclic Antidepressants.|This drug should not be used if you have liver function problems, unusual vaginal bleeding, have ever had a stroke, heart attack, or blood clots, or are allergic to any drugs containing Estrogen.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes, gallstones, asthma, congestive heart failure, or have ever had fibroid tumors, endometriosis, breast cancer, fibrocystic breast diseases, cancer of the reproductive system, epilepsy, migraine headaches, or porphyria.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used while pregnant or taken within 3 months of pregnancy.

5. This drug should not be used while breast-feeding.

6. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of fibroid tumors.  Follow up medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms can include breast enlargement and discomfort, vomiting, nausea, fluid retention, and unusual vaginal bleeding.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Estrone||035b               Estroject-2
Estrone 5
Femogen Forte
Foygen Aqueous
Kestrin Aqueous
Theelin Aqueous
Wehgen|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Restores Estrogen to normal levels in body tissues.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you miss an injection consult with your doctor.|Female Sex Hormone (Estrogen) used to treat prostate cancer, hormone deficiencies (female), menstrual cycle irregularities, and menopause symptoms.|Life threatening effects can include excessive bleeding.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience stomach cramps. If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasions some may experience jaundice, muscle pain, joint pain, stomach discomfort, skin rash, blisters on the skin, and breast lumps.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May decrease the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Clofibrate, Dextrothyroxine, Insulin, Tamoxifen, Terazosin, Thyroid hormones, and Ursodiol.

2. Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Primidone, and Rifampin may diminish the  effect of this drug.

3. Meprobamate may increase the effect of this drug.

4. When used with Antifibrinolytic agents may increase the possibility of blood clotting.

5. May either raise or lower blood-sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.  The effect is essentially unpredictable.

6. May increase the toxicity of Tricyclic Antidepressants.|This drug should not be used if you have liver function problems, unusual vaginal bleeding, have ever had a stroke, heart attack, or blood clots, or are allergic to any drugs containing Estrogen.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes, gallstones, asthma, congestive heart failure, or have ever had fibroid tumors, endometriosis, breast cancer, fibrocystic breast diseases, cancer of the reproductive system, epilepsy, migraine headaches, or porphyria.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used while pregnant or taken within 3 months of pregnancy.

5. This drug should not be used while breast-feeding.

6. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of fibroid tumors.|Overdose symptoms can include breast enlargement and discomfort, vomiting, nausea, fluid retention, and unusual vaginal bleeding.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Estropipate||035b               Ogen
Piperazine Estrone Sulfate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Restores Estrogen to normal levels in body tissues.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Female Sex Hormone (Estrogen) used to treat hormone deficiencies (female), menstrual cycle irregularities, and menopause symptoms.|Life threatening effects can include excessive bleeding.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience stomach cramps. If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasions some may experience jaundice, muscle pain, joint pain, stomach discomfort, skin rash, blisters on the skin, and breast lumps.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May decrease the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Clofibrate, Dextrothyroxine, Insulin, Tamoxifen, Terazosin, Thyroid hormones, and Ursodiol.

2. Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Primidone, and Rifampin may diminish the  effect of this drug.

3. Meprobamate may increase the effect of this drug.

4. When used with Antifibrinolytic agents may increase the possibility of blood clotting.

5. May either raise or lower blood-sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.  The effect is essentially unpredictable.

6. May increase the toxicity of Tricyclic Antidepressants.|This drug should not be used if you have liver function problems, unusual vaginal bleeding, have ever had a stroke, heart attack, or blood clots, or are allergic to any drugs containing Estrogen.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes, gallstones, asthma, congestive heart failure, or have ever had fibroid tumors, endometriosis, breast cancer, fibrocystic breast diseases, cancer of the reproductive system, epilepsy, migraine headaches, or porphyria.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used while pregnant or taken within 3 months of pregnancy.

5. This drug should not be used while breast-feeding.

6. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of fibroid tumors.|Overdose symptoms can include breast enlargement and discomfort, vomiting, nausea, fluid retention, and unusual vaginal bleeding.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ethacrynic Acid||006Z               Edecrin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Eliminates excess body fluids in order to lower blood pressure.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.  For one  a day doses If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Diuretic (loop), antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure and fluid retention.|On rare occasions some may experience skin rash, fever, mood changes, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, joint pain, irregular heartbeat, appetite loss, weakness, hearing loss, hives, ringing ears, jaundice, tingling sensation (hands or feet), unusual bleeding, watery diarrhea, dry mouth, stomach pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon to experience dizziness when using this drug.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effect of Allopurinol, oral Antidiabetics, Calcium supplements, Insulin, Potassium supplements, Probenecid, and Terazosin.

2. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Narcotics and Nimodipine.

3. May result in a significant drop in blood pressure when used with Antidepressants (Tricyclic) and Nitrates.

4. May result in a blood pressure drop when used with Nicardipine, Alcohol (avoid combining), and Barbiturates.

5. May result in heartbeat irregularities when used with Amiodarone.

6. May result in lithium toxicity when used with Lithium.

7. May increase the antihypertensive effect of this drug when used with Antihypertensives, Lisinopril, Sotalol, and Carteolol.

8. May result in a dangerous retention of salicylate when used with Aspirin and Salicylates.

9. Sedatives may increase the effect of this drug.

10. May increase the effect of Diuretics.

11. May result in dangerous heart rhythm problems when used with Digitalis preparations.

12. May result in a significant loss of potassium when used with Cortisone drugs.

13. Phenytoin and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs may diminish the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic Ethacrynic Acid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have hearing problems, kidney disease, diabetes, gout, liver disease, allergic to any Sulfa drug, are taking other medications (prescription or over-the-counter), or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may lead to diabetes.|Overdose symptoms can include muscle cramps (leg), confusion, nausea, vomiting, weak/rapid pulse, stupor, weakness, dizziness, lethargy, deep sleep, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ethinyl Estradiol||035b               Brevicon
Tri-Norinyl|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Restores Estrogen to normal levels in body tissues.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Female Sex Hormone (Estrogen) used to treat prostate cancer, breast cancer, hormone deficiencies  (female), menstrual cycle irregularities, menopause symptoms and prevents pregnancy.|Life threatening effects can include excessive bleeding.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience stomach cramps. If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasions some may experience jaundice, muscle pain, joint pain, stomach discomfort, skin rash, blisters on the skin, and breast lumps.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May decrease the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Clofibrate, Dextrothyroxine, Insulin, Tamoxifen, Terazosin, Thyroid hormones, and Ursodiol.

2. Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Primidone, and Rifampin may diminish the  effect of this drug.

3. Meprobamate may increase the effect of this drug.

4. When used with Antifibrinolytic agents may increase the possibility of blood clotting.

5. May either raise or lower blood-sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.  The effect is essentially unpredictable.

6. May increase the toxicity of Tricyclic Antidepressants.|1. This drug should not be used if you have liver function problems, unusual vaginal bleeding, have ever had a stroke, heart attack, or blood clots, or are allergic to any drugs containing Estrogen.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes, gallstones, asthma, congestive heart failure, or have ever had fibroid tumors, endometriosis, breast cancer, fibrocystic breast diseases, cancer of the reproductive system, epilepsy, migraine headaches, or porphyria.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used while pregnant or taken within 3 months of pregnancy.

5. This drug should not be used while breast-feeding.

6. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of fibroid tumors.  Follow up medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms can include breast enlargement and discomfort, vomiting, nausea, fluid retention, and unusual vaginal bleeding.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Etidronate||041e               Didronel
EHDP|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Aids in the formation of bone tissue.|May take several months for this drug to take effect.  Consult with your doctor for specifics.|If you remember within 6 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 6 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypercalcemic used to treat Paget's disease, Osteoporosis (Post menopausal), Spinal cord injury, and hip replacements.|On rare occasion  some may experience skin rash, hives, swollen feet, hands, lips, and throat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, diarrhea, and bone pain.  If this occurs make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Mineral supplements and Antacids may diminish the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Etidronate.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have colitis, kidney disease, heart failure, or any broken bones.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Famotidine||066_               Pepcid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits histamine action at H-2 receptor sites.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antiulcer, stomach acid inhibitor used to treat excess stomach acid, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, duodenal ulcers, stomach ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction and include chest tightness and rapid swelling of the eyelids.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion it is not uncommon for some to experience itching, rapid heartbeat, upper abdominal pain, skin rash and unusual bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Tamoxifen and reduce the absorption of Ketoconazole.

2. Alcohol may decrease the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have kidney disease.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug is not recommended.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug over prolonged periods.

7. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include rapid heartbeat, seizures, pounding heart, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ferrous Fumarate||039Z               Femiron
Span-FF|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes: with Folic Acid, No: without Folic Acid.
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Stimulates the bone marrow production of hemoglobin.|Allow from 1 to 3 weeks for maximum benefit.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a mineral supplement (Iron) used to treat iron deficiency anemia and as a dietary supplement.|Life threatening effects can include a rapid heartbeat and weakness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience nausea, vomiting, chest pain, muscle cramps, throat pain, heartburn, bloody stool, and diarrhea or constipation.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in excess iron in the liver when used with Allopurinol and other Iron supplements.

2. Use of this drug may decrease the effect of Acetohydroxamic Acid, Penicillamine and Tetracyclines.

3. Acetohydroxamine Acid may increase the effect of this drug.

4. Cholestyramine and Chloramphenicol may decrease the iron effect of this drug.

5. May result in organ damage when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have hepatitis (acute), hemolytic anemia, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, take iron injections, already have a high daily iron intake, or are allergic to any Iron supplement or Tartrazine Dye.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor  if you have had hepatitis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, colitis, stomach surgery, enteritis, or will become pregnant during the use of this medication.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience heart problems, liver damage, diabetes, bronze skin, and impotence.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.  Caution:  Overdose in children and infants are very likely and dangerous.  Keep out of reach and/or in a child proof container.

6. Extended use may cause hemochromatosis.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug for prolonged periods.|Overdose symptoms can include pallor, rapid heartbeat, convulsions, breathing problems (shallow), weakness, a blue discoloration of the hands, lips and fingernails, weak heartbeat, collapse, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Fluoxetine||082]               Prozac|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Interferes with the uptake of Serotonin in the central nervous system.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant used to treat depression.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction anaphylaxis and include difficulty breathing, skin rash, chest pain, and itching.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience convulsions when using this drug.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience swelling of the lymph glands, muscle pain, rapid heartbeat, blurred vision, abdominal pain, chills, excitability and chest pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in high blood pressure and adverse effects that can include convulsions, confusion, and agitation when used with Anticoagulants, Digitalis preparations and MAO inhibitors.

2. May result in experiencing adverse effects when used with Tryptophan.

3. May increase the depressant effect when used with Central Nervous System depressants.

4. May result in toxicity when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have either kidney disease or liver disease.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have or have had seizure disorders.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include agitation, seizures, and fierce vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Gemfibrozil||046Z               Lopid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Aids in the elimination of triglycerides from the blood.|Allow approximately 3 months for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihyperlipidemic used to decrease triglycerides in the blood.|On rare occasion some may experience nausea, vomiting, chest pain, bloody urine, skin rash, itching, irregular heartbeat, mouth sores, painful urination, chills, fever, and swelling of the feet and legs.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.   It is not uncommon to experience indigestion when using this drug.|1. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants, oral Antidiabetics, and Insulin.

2. Thyroid hormones may increase the effect of this drug.

3. Estrogen and oral Contraceptives may diminish the effect of this drug.

4. May result in Furosemide and Gemfibrozil toxicity when used together.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antihyperlipidemic.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, or currently have or had liver disease, peptic ulcer, or kidney disease.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include headache, muscle pain, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Auranofin
Sodium Aurothiomalate|Gold Compounds|056e               Gold Sodium Thiomalate
Ridaura-oral|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits certain disease functions (particularly associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis).|Allow approximately 6 months for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 6 hours of having missed your dose, retake, then continue based on the original schedule.|This is a Gold Compound used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, however rare, some may experience breathing difficulties, coughing, bloody stool, and seizures.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  In others, it is not uncommon to experience loss of appetite, vomiting, fever, skin rashes, diarrhea, hives, itching, and white spots or sores in the throat or mouth.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in kidney damage when used with Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs and Penicillamine.

2. May result in kidney toxicity when used with Cyclosporine, Tiopronin.

3. May result in elevated levels of phenytoin in the blood when used with Phenytoin.|1. This drug should not be used if you have kidney disease, are allergic to gold (or other metals), or have any type of blood disorder.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have Schogren's syndrome, lupus erythematosus, chronic skin  disease, or will become pregnant during the use of this drug.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug over extended periods. |Overdose symptoms can include a tingling or numbing sensation in the feet and hands, confusion, and delirium.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Guanabenz||004Z               Wytensin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Relaxes tension of muscle cells in small arteries in order to lower blood pressure.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion this drug can produce an irregular heartbeat and unsteadiness of the hands.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience insomnia, nervousness, weakness, accelerated heartbeat, drowsiness, dry mouth, or paleness.  If this occurs make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in over sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in dangerous over sedation when used with Methyprylon.

3. May result in experiencing adverse effects when used with Leucovorin.

4. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Nimodipine.

5. May result in raising the effects of Ethinamate to a dangerous level.

6. May result in excessive blood potassium when used with ACE inhibitors.

7. Other Antihypertensives and Diuretics may decrease blood pressure (cumulatively) with the use of this drug.

8. May result in central nervous system toxicity when used with Clozapine.

9. May increase the level of brain depression when used with Central Nervous System depressants. |1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Sympathomimetic drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, blood disease, heart disease, or will be having surgery (including dental) requiring either spinal or general anesthesia within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Extended use of this drug should be accompanied with periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include weakness, dizziness, fainting, slowed heartbeat, pinpoint pupils, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Guanadrel||004Z               Hylorel|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Relaxes muscle cell tension in small arteries in order to produce lowered blood pressure. |Allow approximately 6 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion some may experience sore throat, fever, chest pain, skin rash, shortness of breath, muscle tremor, blurred vision, chest pain and drooping eyelids.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience decreased sex drive, diarrhea, weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness and swelling of the feet.  If this occurs make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in elevated levels of blood potassium when used with ACE inhibitors.

2. May result in dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Nimodipine.

3. Central Nervous System depressants, Haloperidol, Phenothiazines, Sympathomimetics, and Alcohol can diminish the effect of this drug.

4. Antihypertensives can increase the effect of this drug.

5. Carteolol and Sotalol may increase the antihypertensive effect of this drug.

6. The use of this drug with Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, Diuretics, and Rauwolfia Alkaloids may result in adverse effects that can include fainting and dizziness.

7. May decrease the effect of Terazosin.

8. May increase the effect of Insulin.

9. May result in producing the adverse effects associated with oral Contraceptives when used together.

10.  May result in very high blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.|1. This drug should used if you have taken MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks or are allergic to Guanadrel.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, asthma, peptic ulcer, stroke, chronic acid indigestion, kidney disease (past or present), or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations. |Overdose symptoms can include fainting, slow pulse, excessive drop in blood pressure, weak pulse, cold and sweaty skin, and unconsciousness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Guanethidine||004Z               Apo-Guanethidine
Ismelin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Works by controlling nerve impulses along certain pathways, which results in the relaxation of blood vessels. This effect allows the blood to pass through more easily thus lowering blood pressure.|May require several weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure.|Some common adverse effects include diarrhea, dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness, slowing of heartbeat, stuffy nose, and sexual probelms in males.  Some uncommon effects are blurred vision, drooping eyelids, drymouth, skin rash, and hair loss.  If any of these effects continue, contact your physician.  Check with your physician as soon as possible if you notice swelling of the feet or lower legs, chest pain, or shortness of breath.|1. The effect of this drug may be diminished by  Amphetamines, Antidepressants (Tricyclic), oral Contraceptives, Haloperidol, Loxapine, Phenothiazines, and some nonprescription cold medications containing ephedrine, phenylpropanolamine, and pseudoephedrine..

2. May result in slowing the heartbeat when used with Digitalis preparations and Rauwolfia Alkaloids.

3. Other antihypertensives may increase the antihypertensive effect of Guanethidine.

5. May increase the effect of any antidiabetic drug.|1.  Because dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting may occur, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position, it may be helpful to rise slowly.  These effects may worsen when you drink Alcohol, during exercise, and during hot weather.

2. This drug should not be used if you have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks or are allergic to Guanethidine.

3. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a history of asthma, heart disease (past or present), stroke (past or present), kidney disease (past or present), peptic ulcer, chronic acid indigestion, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  A fever may increase the effect of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include fainting, sweaty skin, excessive blood pressure drop, weak/slow pulse, and unconsciousness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Guanethidine and Hydrochlorothiazide||004Z               Esimil
Ismelin-Esidrix|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Guanethidine works by controlling nerve impulses along certain nerve pathways, which results in the relaxation of blood vessels.  This effect allows the blood to pass more easily thus lowering blood pressure.  Hydrochlorothiazide is a diuretic that reduces the amount of water and sodium in the body by increasing the flow of urine.|Allow several weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic used to treat high blood pressure and reduce fluid retention.|Life threatening effects can include an irregular heartbeat, chest pain, and shortness of breath.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  It is not uncommon for some people to experience fatigue, weakness, swelling of the feet, and slowing of the heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, however rare, some may experience sore throat, fever, skin rash, jaundice, blurred vision, muscle tremors and drooping eyelids.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May decrease the effect of Allopurinol, Potassium supplements, and Probenecid.

2. May increase the effect of  antidiabetics and Lithium.

3. May diminish the effect of Guanethidine when used with some cold medications, oral Contraceptives, and Phenothiazines.

4. May increase the antihypertensive effect of this drug when used with other antihypertensives.

5. Cholestyramine and cholestipol may diminish the hydrochlorothiazide effect of this drug.  MAO inhibitors may decrease the effect of this drug.

6. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Antidepressants (Tricyclics) and Nimodipine.

7. May result in a significant potassium loss and dangerous heart rhythms when used with Cortisone drugs and Digitalis preparations.

8. Exercise caution when used with Alcohol.  May lower blood pressure.

9. May result in a significant drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.|1. This drug should not be used if you have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks or are allergic to Guanethidine, any Thiazide Diuretic or sulfa-containing drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have asthma, peptic ulcer, liver disorder, gout, pancreas disorder, kidney disorder, chronic acid indigestion, heart disease or stroke (past or present) or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Alcohol, hot weather, or exercise may increase the occurrence of dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting.

7.  May increase sensitivity to sunlight, therefore it is recommended to wear protective clothing, apply sunblock of at least SPF 15, and stay out of direct sunlight between 10am and 3pm.|Overdose symptoms can include sweaty skin, fainting, extreme loss of blood pressure, weakness, cramps, weak pulse, drowsiness, unconsciousness, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Guanfacine||004Z               Tenex|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Effects the sympathetic nervous system in order to affect a drop in blood pressure.|Allow approximately 1 week for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  If you miss your dose for more than 2 days, check with  your physician.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure.|Life threatening effects can include shortness of breath.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience irregular heartbeat, sleep disorders, chest pain, nervousness, and anxiety.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth decreased sexual ability, dry and itchy eyes, and unusual tiredness or weakness.    If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Nimodipine.

2. May produce dangerous effects when used with Ethinamate.

3. Sympathominetics, Estrogen, and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs may diminish the antihypertensive effect of this drug.

4. May result in producing a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

5. The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Terazosin.

6. Antihypertensives may increase the effect of this drug.

7. May result in a dangerous over sedation when used with Methyprylon.

8. May result in a blood pressure drop when used with Nicardipine.

9.  Carteolol, Lisinopril, and Sotalol may increase the antihypertensive effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have recently had a heart attack or stroke.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, liver disease, any heart deficiencies, or mental depression.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug over extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include breathing difficulties, dizziness, extremely slow heartbeat, and unconsciousness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Hydrocortisone (Cortisol)||024b               A-hydroCort
Hydrocortone Acetate
Hydrocortone Phosphate
Solu-Cortef|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Augments the Cortisone level in people with Adrenal deficiencies.|Allow approximately 4 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, take your dose.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.  If the dose prescribed is for once a day, wait until your next scheduled dose and then continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is a Cortisone drug (Adrenal Corticosteroid) used to treat asthma, blood disorders, kidney disease, emphysema, corticosteroid deficiencies and inflammation.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, however rare, some may experience an irregular heartbeat and/or bloody, black or tarry stools.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Rarely, while not life threatening, some may experience hallucinations, skin rash, tingling sensation in the hands or feet, and convulsions.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Antihistamines, Barbiturates (may also cause over sedation), Chloral Hydrate, Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Ephedrine, Glutethimide, Mitotane, Phenobarbital, and Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.

2. Aspirin, oral Contraceptives, Estrogen, Theophylline, and Indomethacin may increase the effect of this drug.

3. May result in the development of stomach ulcers when used with Alcohol.

4. May result in a loss of potassium when used with Amphotericin B, Chlorthalidone, Thiazide Diuretics, Ethacrynic Acid, and Furosemide.

5. May result in a dangerous loss of potassium when used with Digitalis preparations and Indapamide.

6. May diminish the effect of oral Anticoagulants, oral Antidiabetics, Cholinergics, Insulin, Isoniazide, Potassium supplements and Salicylates.

7. May result in the development of ulcers when used with Oxyphenbutazone, Phenylbutazone, and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs.

8. May result in the development of glaucoma when used with Anticholinergics and Sympathominetic drugs.

9. May increase the risk of infection when used with Attentuated Virus vaccines and Cyclosporine.|1. This drug should not be used if you have fungus infections, herpes infections, tuberculosis, or are allergic to any Cortisone drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, diabetes, under active thyroid, peptic ulcer, blood clots (legs or lungs), myasthenia gravis, glaucoma or have had turberculosis.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience the development of osteoporosis or cataracts.  May also experience an intensifying of existing ulcers, diabetes, and edema.  Consult with doctor before using.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to functional dependence, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, impaired growth in children, and bone and skin problems.  Follow up medical examinations are encouraged.|Overdose symptoms may include convulsions, headache, fluid retention and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Indapamide||006Z               Lozide
Lozol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects the kidney to reduce fluid retention.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|On once a day medication, retake if not more than 3 hours late.  If more than 3 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic used to treat high blood pressure and reduce fluid retention.|On rare occasion this drug may produce a weak pulse.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience extreme weakness or tiredness and muscle cramps.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Other adverse effects, however rare, can include skin rash, hives, itching and an irregular heartbeat. |1. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants, Nimodipine, Nicardipine, and Alcohol.

2. May decrease the effect of Allopurinol, Probenecid, and Terazosin.

3. Barbiturates, Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

4. May result in dangerous heart rhythm problems when used with Cortisone drugs and Digitalis preparations.

5. May result in excessive blood potassium when used with ACE inhibitors and Amphotericin B.

6. Cholestyramine, Colestipol, and Indomethacin may diminish the effect of this drug.

7. May result in heartbeat irregularities when used with Amiodarone.

8. May result in increasing blood sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.

9. Antihypertensives, Carteolol, and Sotalol may increase the antihypertensive effect of this drug.

10. May result in lithium toxicity when used with Lithium.

11. May increase the effect of Thiazide Diuretics.|1. This drug should not be used if you have kidney disease or are allergic to any Sulfa drug, Thiazide Diuretic, or Indapamide.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have lupus erythematosus, gout, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, plan on becoming pregnant, or will be having surgery (including dental) with in the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Periodic lab tests should be considered if using this drug over extended periods. |Overdose symptoms can include extreme tiredness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weak pulse, rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, and thirst.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ipecac||087_               Ipecac Syrup
Quelidrine Cough|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Stimulates the vomiting reflex in the brain.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|N/A|This is an Emetic used to induce vomiting in order to rid  the body of some ingested poisons and medication overdoses.|Life threatening effects can include an irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  |1.  Do not administer mile or cabonated beverages with this drug.

2. Activated Charcoal may improve the effect of this drug.

3. Other drugs used to cause vomiting may diminish the effect of this drug.

4. This drug should not be used to induce vomiting in Alcohol inebriated individuals.  May be dangerous.|1. This drug should not be used if you are inebriated from any source.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

5. Before giving this drug to infants and children, consult with your doctor or poison control center.|Overdose symptoms can include muscle rigidity, difficulty breathing and watery diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ipratropium||063Y               Atrovent|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Dilates bronchial tubes.|Works immediately|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Bronchodilator used to treat bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma.|Life threatening effects can include a pounding heartbeat.   If this occurs contact Emergency Medical help immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience hives, skin rash, and sores on the lips or in the mouth.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Cromolyn may diminish the effect of this drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you have a sensitivity to Atropine or Belladonna.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, dental problems, or prostate problems.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if large quantities are taken contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Liothyronine||052b               Cytomel|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Stimulates cell metabolism.|Allow approximately 2 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Thyroid hormone used to treat thyroid hormone deficiencies.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience insomnia, headache, irritability, or tremor.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience an irregular heartbeat, skin rash, vomiting, shortness of breath, hives, and chest pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in a irregular heartbeat when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants and Sympathomimetics.

2. May increase the effect of Amphetamines, oral Anticoagulants, Ephedrine, Epinephrine, and Methylphenidate.  

3. May produce elevated blood pressure and rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) when used with Diclofenac.

4. May diminish the effect of Barbiturates.

5. Cholestyramine and oral Contraceptives may diminish the effect of this drug.

6. Aspirin and Phenytoin may increase the effect of this drug.

7.  May decrease the effect of Digitalis preparations.

8.  May cause an increase in the required dosage of insulin or antidiabetics.|1. This drug should not be used if you have had a heart attack within the last 6 weeks.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have Addison's disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, adrenal gland deficiency, or are using Isoproterenol, Epinephrine, or Ephedrine for the treatment of asthma.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Periodic medical exams should be considered when using this drug for extended periods.|Overdose can include rapid heartbeat, irregular pulse, weight loss, muscle cramps, headache, irritability, insomnia, nervousness, heart palpitations, and hand tremors.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Lovastatin||046_               Mevacor
Mevinolin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Lowers blood cholesterol by affecting specific enzymes in the liver.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihyperlipidemic used to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, specifically low density cholesterol (LDL).|On rare occasion some may experience vision problems, muscle pain, and fever.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Immune System suppressants may result in producing kidney and heart damage when used with this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to Lovastatin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have an active infection, low blood pressure, liver disease, hormonal disorders, seizures, have been involved in a debilitating accident, or are taking Immunosuppressant drugs.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug for extended periods of time.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if large quantities are taken contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Mecamylamine||004Z               Inversine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Blocks nerve impulses to cells affecting blood vessels.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used in the treatment of high blood pressure. |On rare occasion some may experience breathing difficulties, confusion, tremors, and depression.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally some may experience blurred vision, dizziness, decreased sex drive, enlarged pupils, constipation, and dry mouth.   If this occurs make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May cause fainting when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Nimodipine.

3. May produce swallowing difficulties when used with Ambenonium, Neostigmine, and Pyridostigmine.

4. May reduce the antibiotic effect of Sulfa drugs and Antibiotics.

5. Antacids, Urine Alkalizers, and Sodium Bicarbonate may extend the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Mecamylamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, heart disease, gout, glaucoma, or have had a heart attack in the recent past.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include seizures, confusion, excitement, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Meprobamate||048]               Acabamate
Equanil Wyseals
Pax 400
Tranmep|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Produces a sedative effect on the portion of the brain that controls behavior.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Tranquilizer used to treat nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness. If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, however rare, some may experience vision problems, skin rash, sore throat, fever, hives, itching, vomiting, nausea, irregular heartbeat, breathing difficulties, diarrhea, and unusual bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Alcohol may cause this drug to produce dangerous effects.

2. Ethinamate may lead to experiencing the dangerous effects of this drug.

3. May diminish the effect of Anticoagulant, oral Contraceptives, and Estrogen.

4. May increase the effect of Tricyclic Antidepressants, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, and Tranquilizers.

5. May result in dangerous level of sedation when used with Methyprylon.

6. May result in excessive sedation when used with Antihistamines.

7. May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

8. Dronabinol may increase the effect of both drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Carsoprodol, Tybamate, Carbromal, or Meprobamate, or have had porphyria.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, epilepsy, or are allergic to Tartrazine Dye.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. This drug is not recommended for infants or children.  This drug should definitely not be used for children less than 6 years of age.

7. Extended use of this drug may be addictive and retard the production of blood cells.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, slurred speech, breathing difficulties, dizziness, stupor, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Methyldopa and Chlorothiazide
Methyldopa and Hydrochlorothiazide|Methyldopa and Thiazide Diuretics|006Z               Aldoclor
PMS Dopazide|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Decreases blood pressure by relaxing cell tension is small arteries.|Allow approximately 2 to 4 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic (thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure and reduce fluid retention.|Life threatening effects can include a weak pulse and irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, however rare, some experience abdominal pain, memory loss, vision problems, accelerated heartbeat, chest pain, fever, jaundice, breathing difficulties, sore throat, "black" tongue and facial paralysis.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in a significant drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Nitrates.

2. May result in dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations and Cortisone drugs.

3. May produce a dangerous loss of blood pressure when used with Nimodipine.

4. Acebutolol, Antihypertensives, Carteolol, and Sotalol, may increase the antihypertensive effect of this drug.

5. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Thiazide Diuretics, Levodopa, Lithium, and Tolbutamide.

6. May diminish the effect of Terazosin, Potassium supplements, and Allopurinol.

7. Amphetamines may diminish the Methyldopa effect of this drug.

8. May result in dangerous changes in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors and Tricyclic Antidepressants.

9. May result in excessive blood potassium when used with ACE inhibitors.

10. May result in excessive sedation when used with Haloperidol.

11. Indapamide may increase the diuretic effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic drug or will be having surgery (including dental) with in the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorder, liver disorder, pancreas disorder, or are allergic to any Sulfa drug.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience fainting, dizziness, or unsteadiness or exaggerate (or bring about) Parkinson's disease.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to fluid retention and anemia.|Overdose symptoms can include cramps, drowsiness, confusion, exhaustion, stupor, weak pulse, slow heartbeat and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Methylphenidate||020]               Ritalin
Ritalin SR|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Innervates the portion of the brain that controls alertness.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect on adults, and approximately 1 month for this drug to attain maximum effect on children.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Sympathomimetic used to treat narcolepsy and hyperactive children.|On rare occasion some may experience psychosis, fever, irregular heartbeat, blurred vision, convulsions, chest pain, fast heartbeat, skin rash, hives, joint pain, sore throat, unusual bruising, and uncontrollable movements.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the effect of Anticholinergics, oral Anticoagulants, Anticonvulsants, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenylbutazone.

2. May diminish the effect of Acebutolol, Antihypertensives, Central Nervous System depressants, Guanadrel, Guanethidine, Minoxidil, Oxprenolol, Nitrates, and Terazosin.

3. Acebutolol, Nitrates, and Oxprenolol may diminish the effect of this drug.

4. Dextrothyroxine may increase the effect of this drug.

5. May result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.|1. This drug should not be used if you have glaucoma, are younger than 6 years of age or are allergic to Methylphenidate.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, epilepsy, or are currently taking MAO inhibitors.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision (this drug should not be given to children under 6 years of age).

6. Extended use of this drug may retard growth during the growing years.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, rapid heartbeat, hallucinations, agitation, vomiting, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Methysergide||050Z               Sansert|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Blocks the neurotransmitter  Serotonin in the body preventing vascular headaches.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|Do not retake, wait until next scheduled dose.  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Vasoconstrictor used in the treatment of migraine headaches and other vascular headaches.|It is not uncommon for some to experience itching when using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience dizziness, chest pain, leg cramps, back pain (lower), redness of the face, loss of appetite, anxiety, groin pain, muscle pain, hallucinations and agitation.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May diminish the effect of Narcotics.

2. May either increase or decrease the effect of Ergot preparations.

3.  Concurrent Methysergide and Beta Blocker therapy may result in gangrene.|1. This drug should not be used if you have chronic lung disease, asthma, infections, heart disease, blood vessel disease, collagen disorders, kidney or liver problems, will become pregnant while using this drug or are allergic to any Antiserotonin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have ever had a peptic ulcer or are allergic to any Ergot preparation.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. May cause fibrosis when used for extended periods.  Follow up medical examinations are encouraged.

7.  This drug should not be used if allergic to Tartrazine or aspirin.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, incoordination, and unquenchable thirst.  While overdose is unlikely to be life threatening, if larger than prescribed doses are taken, contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Isocarboxazid
Tranylcypromine|Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) Inhibitor|002]               Eutonyl
Parnate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects the portion of the brain that controls emotions.|Allow approximately 6 weeks for to experience the maximum effect of this drug.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor, antidepressant used to treat depression and in it's generic form Pargyline, is used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion some may experience fainting, and expanded (enlarged) pupils.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience nightmares, rapid heartbeat, swelling of the feet and legs, slurred speech, insomnia, jaundice, fever, hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, and intense headache.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May be fatal when used with Amphetamines, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Guanethidine, Sympathominetics and other MAO inhibitors.

2. May result in dangerous sedation when used with Alcohol.

3. May result in toxicity when used with Bupropion and Phenothiazines.

4. May result in extremely low blood sugar when used with Insulin and oral Antidiabetics.

5. May result in central nervous system toxicity when used with Clozapine.

6. May result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with Maprotiline.

7. May increase the effect of Anticholinergics, oral Hypoglycemic, and Indapamide.

8. May produce seizures when used with Cyclobenzaprine and Carbamazepine.

9. May alter seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

10. May produce an excessive rise in blood pressure when used with Buspirone, Dextromethorpan, Guanadrel, Levodopa, Methyldopa, Methylpenidate, Narcotic Analgesics, Phenylpropanolamine, Pseudoephedrine, Tryptophen, Ephedrine, and Caffeine.

11. May produce exceptionally low blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives and Diuretics.

12. May increase the hypoglycemic effect of Insulin.

13. May produce dangerous effects when used with Ethinamate and Methyprylon.

14. May produce a heightened depressant effect when used with Central Nervous System depressants and Nabilone.

15. May increase the depressant effect of both drugs when used with Guanfacine.

16.  Should not be used with Fluoxetine or Meperidine.|1. This drug should not be used if you have liver disease, heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, heart rhythm disorders, or are allergic to any MAO inhibitor.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have asthma, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, epilepsy, schizophrenia, over active thyroid, adrenal gland tumor, are alcoholic, have had a stroke, or will be having surgery (including dental) with in the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. This drug is not recommended for people over 60 years of age or infants and children.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. Extended use may lead to liver toxicity.  Follow up medical examinations should be considered.

7.  Should avoid foods with a high Tyramine content.|Overdose symptoms can include irritability, difficulty breathing, agitation, fever, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, confusion, excitement, restlessness, insomnia, hallucinations, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.  |Hydralazine and Hydrochlorothiazide||005Z               Apresazide
Hydra-zide|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects the walls of blood vessels to lower blood pressure.  Also promotes the elimination of water and sodium from the body to reduce body fluid.|Allow approximately 2 to 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic used in the treatment of high blood pressure and the reduction of body fluid.|Life threatening effects can include weak pulse, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, and tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat).  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea and vomiting while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience jaundice, weakness, flushed face, skin rash, swollen lymph glands, swollen feet or legs, fever, and bloody tarry stool.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Nimodipine and Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May diminish the effect of Allopurinol, Potassium supplements, and Probenecid.

3. May increase the effect of Lithium, MAO inhibitors, oral Diuretics (of both drugs), and Antihypertensives.

4. May diminish the antihypertensive effect when used  with Acebutolol and Carteolol.

5. May produce dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations and Cortisone drugs.

6. May decrease the hydralazine effect when used with Amphetamines.

7. May increase the antihypertensive effect when used with Diazoxide.

8. May increase the diuretic effect of Indapamide.

9. May produce an excessive  drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates and Alcohol.

10. Barbiturates may increase the hydrochlorothiazide effect of this drug.

11. Cholestyramine may diminish the hydrochlorothiazide effect of this drug.

12.  May increase the effect of Propramolol, Metoprolol, and Oxprenolol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have a history of rheumatic heart disease, coronary-artery disease, or are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic drug, Tartrazine dye, or Hydralazine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney problems, chest pain, gout, liver disorders, pancreas disorders, are allergic to any Sulfa drug, have had a stroke or lupus, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use may result in psychosis, lupus, or a tingling sensation in the hands or feet.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms can include fainting, cramps, rapid heartbeat, extreme weakness, drowsiness, weak pulse, cold/clammy skin, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Baclofen
Orphenadrine|Muscle Relaxants,  Skeletal|055`               Banflex
Parafon Forte
Tega-Flex|  * Addiction Potential? Possibly
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes, for some

Blocks nerve impulses to the brain that produce pain.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours until your next dose.  Continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a muscle relaxant used to treat muscle spasms.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness, temporary loss of vision, intense weakness, and transient paralysis.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience bloody tarry or black stool and convulsions.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, on rare occasion, some may experience jaundice, hiccups, trembling, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, cramps, insomnia, headache, fever, skin rash, hives, and depression.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce increased sedation when used with Alcohol, Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Mind-Altering drugs, other Muscle Relaxants, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep Inducers, and Tranquilizers.

2. May result in toxicity to the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

3. May increase the effect of Dronabinol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have porphyria or are allergic to any skeletal-muscle relaxant.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are allergic to Tartrazine Dye, have had kidney disease, liver disease, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include breathing difficulties, diarrhea, headache, nausea, vomiting, extreme weakness, convulsions, a feeling of paralysis, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Acetaminophen and Codeine
Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen
Meperidine and Acetaminophen
Oxycodone and Acetaminophen
Pentazocine and Acetaminophen
Propoxyphene and Acetaminophen|Narcotic and Acetaminophen|029]               Aceta with Codeine
Anodynos DHC
APAP with Codeine
Atasol with Codeine
Capital with Codeine
Darvocet-N 100
Darvocet-N 50
Dolene-AP 65
Duradyne DHC
Empracet 30
Empracet 60
Exdol with Codeine
Hydrocodone with APAP
Lortab 5
Lortab 7
Myapap with Codeine
Phenaphen with Codeine
Pro Pox with APAP
Proxy 65
Rounox with Codeine
Senefen III
Tylaprin with Codeine
Tylenol with Codeine
Ty-Pap with Codeine
Zydone|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Blocks nerve impulse to the brain to reduce pain and coughing.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember then wait 4 hours until your next dose.  Continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Narcotic, analgesic, fever reducer used to relieve pain.|Life threatening effects can include wheezing, breathing difficulties, irregular heartbeat, or possibly a slow heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience bloody urine, hallucinations, confusion, muscle spasms, jaundice, sore throat, abdominal pain, vomiting, mouth sores, fever, blurred vision, painful urination, pinpoint pupils, flushed face, nightmares, constipation, and insomnia.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in liver toxicity when used with Alcohol.

2. Carteolol and Sotalol may produce dangerous sedation when used with this drug.

3. May increase the effect of Analgesics, Anticoagulants, Anticholinergics, Narcotics and Phenothiazines.

4. May increase the sedative effect when used with Antidepressants, Antihistamines,  Mind-Altering drugs, Sedatives, Sleep Inducers, and Tranquilizers

5. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

6. May result in over sedation when used with Terfenadine.

7. May result in dangerous toxicity when used with Selegiline.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Acetaminophen or Narcotic.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a liver disorder, bronchial asthma, kidney disease, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience constipation, dizziness, unsteadiness, and drowsiness while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction, and anemia.  |Overdose symptoms can include slow breathing, irritability, upset stomach, constricted pupils, convulsions, deep sleep, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Buprenorphine
Codeine and Terpin Hydrate
Hydrocodone and Homatropine
Promethazine and Codeine
Propoxyphene|Narcotic Analgesics|029]               642
Actagen-C Cough
Actifed w/Codeine
Actifed w/Codeine Cough
Adatuss D.C.
Adatuss D.C. Expectorant
Alamine-C Liquid
Alamine Expectorant
Allerfrin w/Codeine
Ambay Cough
Ambenyl Cough
Ambophen Expectorant
Anamine HD
Anatuss with Codeine
Aspirin Compound w/Codeine
Baycomine Pediatric
BayCotussend Liquid
Bayhistine DH
Bayhistine Expectorant
Baytussin AC
Benylin with Codeine
Biphetane DC Cough
Bromanate DC Cough
Bromphen DC w/Codeine Cough
Caldomine-DH Forte
Caldomine-DH Pediatric
Calmylin with Codeine
Citra Forte
CoActifed Expectorant
Codehist DH
Codeine Sulfate
Codiclear DH
Codimal DH
Codimal PH
Colrex Compound
Conex w/ Codeine Liquid
Coricidin w/Codeine
C-Tussin Expectorant
Deproist Expectorant w/ Codeine
Detussin Expectorant
Detussin Liquid
Dihistine DH
Dilaudid Cough
Dimetane Expectorant-C
Dimetane Expectorant-DC
Dimetane-DC Cough
Dimetapp with Codeine
Donatussin DC
Efricon Expectorant Liquid
Empirin w/Codeine
Entuss Expectorant
Entuss Pediatric Expectorant
Glydeine Cough
Guiatuss A.C.
Guiatussin w/Codeine Liquid
Histafed C
Hycomine Compound
Hycomine Pediatric
Hycomine-S Pediatric
Hycotuss Expectorant
Hydromine Pediatric
Hystadyl E.C.
Iophen-C Liquid
Isoclor Expectorant
Kwelcof Liquid
Mallergan-VC w/Codeine
Midahist DH
MS Contin
MST Continus
Myhistine DH
Myhistine Expectorant
Myhydromine Pediatric
Myphetane DC Cough
Mytussin AC
Mytussin DAC
Normatane DC
Nortussin w/Codeine
Novahistex C
Novahistex DH
Novahistex DH Expectorant
Novahistine DH
Novahistine DH Expectorant
Novahistine DH Liquid
Novahistine Expectorant
Nucofed Expectorant
Nucofed Pediatric Expectorant
Par Glycerol C
Pediacof Cough
Phenergan w/Codeine
Phenergan VC with Codeine
Phenhist Expectorant
Pherazine VC w/Codeine
Poly-Histine w/Codeine
Prometh VC w/Codeine
Promist HD Liquid
Pro Pox
Pseudo-Hist Expectorant
Pseudodine C Cough
RMS Uniserts
Robitussin with Codeine
Robitussin A-C
Roxanol SR
Ru-Tuss w/Hydrocodone Liquid
Ryna-C Liquid
Ryna-CX Liquid
Soma Compound w/Codeine
SRC Expectorant
Terpin Hydrate w/Codeine
Tolu-Sed Cough
Triacin C Cough
Triaminic w/Codeine
Triaminic Expectorant w/Codeine
Triaminic Expectorant DH
Triaminicin w/Codeine
Tricodene #1
Trifed-C Cough
Tussaminic DH Forte
Tussaminic DH Pediatric
Tussanil DH
Tussar SF
Tussend Expectorant
Tussend Liquid
Tussi-Organidin Liquid
Tussirex w/Codeine Liquid
Vanex-HD|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Blocks nerve impulses to the brain that produce pain and coughing.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake as  soon as you remember then wait 4 hours until your next dose.  Continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Narcotic Analgesic used to treat pain, coughing and diarrhea.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness, difficulty breathing, restlessness, seizures, and slow heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience hallucinations, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, slow heartbeat, irregular breathing, severe constipation, jaundice, fainting, and disorientation.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in death when used with Naltrexone or MAO inhibitors.

2. May increase the effect of Analgesics, oral Anticoagulants, Anticholinergics, Carbamazepine and Narcotics.

3. May result in dangerous over sedation when used with Sotalol, Carteolol, and Methyprylon.

4. Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Phenothiazines, Sedatives, Sleep Inducers, and Tranquilizers may result in increasing the sedative effect.

5. May produce dangerous toxicity when used with Selegiline.

6. The use of this drug may increase the intoxicating effect of Alcohol.

7. May produce dangerous ethinamate effects when used with Ethinamate.

8. Cimetidine, Molindone, Carteolol (dangerous effect), Narcotics, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, and Sotalol, (dangerous effect) may increase the narcotic effect of this drug.

9. Phenytoin and Rifampin may diminish the narcotic effect of this drug.

10. May lead to producing withdrawal symptoms when used with Pentazocine, Butorphanol, and Nalbuphine.

11. May result in producing a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

12. Nabilone may result in an increased depressant effect on the central nervous system when used with this drug.

13. May result in a significant drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

14. May result in toxicity when used with Cimetidine (may increase the narcotic effect).

15. Guanfacine and Fluoxetine may increase the depressant effect of both drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Narcotic or are experiencing diarrhea due to the toxic effect of poisons or drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have asthma, kidney or liver problems, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness, unsteadiness, constipation, or drowsiness.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include slow breathing, constricted pupils, slow pulse, deep sleep, seizures, and respiratory arrest.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Erythrityl Tetranitrate
Isosorbide Dinitrate
Nitroglycerin (Glyceryl Trinitrate)
Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate|Nitrates|007Z               Apo-ISDN
Glyceryl Trinitrate
Nitrocap T.D.
Nitro-Dur II
Nitrong SR
Peritrate Forte
Peritrate SA
Sorbitrate SA
Tridil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Increase blood flow to the heart by  relaxing blood vessels.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.  However, in spray or sublingual forms may begin working within 3 minutes.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antianginal (nitrate) used to treat congestive heart failure and angina attacks.|On rare occasion some may experience fainting, or skin rash.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible. Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, headache, dry mouth, and rapid heartbeat when using this drug.  If this occurs, consult with your doctor. |1. May result in an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants, Antihypertensives, Carteolol, Beta-Andrenergic Blockers, Sotalol, Narcotics, Alcohol, and Lisinopril.

2. May diminish the effect of Cholinergics and Sympathomimetics (may also diminish the effect of nitrates).

3. Ephedrine may diminish the effect of this drug.

4. Guanfacine may increase the effect of this drug.

5. May result in a decrease of blood pressure when used with Phenothiazines and Calcium Channel Blockers.

6. May result in an increase of internal eye pressure when used with Anticholinergics.|1. This drug should not be  used if you are allergic to Nitroglycerin or Nitrates.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, plan on becoming pregnant while using this drug, are taking any non-prescription drugs, consume alcoholic beverages, use marijuana, or have had an adverse reaction to any Vasodilator drug.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to the need of having to take higher doses.  Follow up medical examinations should be considered while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include fever, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, weak pulse, shortness of breath, a sensation of increased pressure within the head, blue lips and fingernails, and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Nizatidine||017_               Axid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents the release of histamines.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Histamine H2 antagonist used to treat duodenal ulcers and excess hydrochloric acid problems in the stomach.|On rare occasion some may experience unusual bleeding, confusion, sore throat, unusual bruising, weakness, muscle cramps/pain, irregular heartbeat, fever, skin rash, hives, and fatigue.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may increase the effect and toxicity of Alprazolam, Carbamazepine, Chlordiazepoxide, Diazepam, Flurazepam, Glipizide, Methadone, Metoprolol, Metronidazole, Morphine, Phenytoin, Procainamide, and Propafenone.

2. May increase the effect of Digitalis preparations.

3. Metoclopramide, and Antacids may diminish the effect of this drug.

4. Encainide and Anticholinergics may increase the effect of this drug.

5. When used with Labetalol may result in an increase antihypertensive effect.

6.  May decrease the effect of Ketoconazole.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to other Histamine H2 Antagonists or Nizatidine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are currently taking aspirin or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to liver damage.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, confusion, rapid heartbeat, slurred speech, and delirium.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Omeprazole||066_               Losec
Prilosec|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents stomach acid secretion.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antiulcer used to treat excess stomach acid, peptic ulcer, and gastroesophageal reflux.|It is not uncommon for some to experience itching and abdominal pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, on rare occasion, some may experience painful urination, sore throat, tiredness, dizziness, chest pain, muscle pain, headache, unusual bleeding and gaseousness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Alcohol may diminish the effect of this drug.

2. May increase the concentration of Diazepam and Phenytoin when used with this drug.

3. May increase the anticoagulant effect of Anticoagulants.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Omeprazole.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you currently have (or have had) liver disease, or are allergic to any other drugs, dyes, preservatives, or foods.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of carcinoid tumors if used for more than 2 months.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, extreme drowsiness, lowered body temperature, and seizures.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Papaverine||049Z               Cerespan
Pavabid HP
Paverolan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Expands blood vessel walls to increase blood circulation.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Vasodilator used to improve circulation or when injected into the penis to produce erections. |On rare occasion some may experience rapid heartbeat, jaundice, skin rash, vision problems, itching, and weakness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in increase sedation when used with Narcotics, Pain Relievers, Sedatives, and Tranquilizers.

2. May decrease the effect of Levodopa and Pergolide.

3. Sympathomimetics may reverse the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Papaverine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have Parkinson's disease, have had heart disease, heart attack, stroke, or angina, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms may include irregular heartbeat, fainting, weakness, flushing of the skin, sweating, and stupor.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Pentoxifylline||042Z               Trental|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Improves blood flow and flexibility of red blood cells.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 3 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 3 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Hemorrheologic agent used to treat leg pain brought on by poor circulation.|Life threatening effects can include an irregular heartbeat and chest pain.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience nausea, vomiting, laryngitis, abdominal pain, vision problems, lowered blood pressure, headache, swollen feet or ankles, itching, skin rash, and nasal congestion.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Avoid using with Alcohol, effects are not fully understood.

2. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.

3. May increase the effect of  Antihypertensive drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Pentoxifylline.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have angina, or are allergic to Oxtriphylline, Caffeine, Aminophyllin, Theophylline, Theobromine, and Dyphyllin.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.|Overdose symptoms can include flushed face, nervousness, drowsiness, fainting, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Acetophenazine
Triflupromazine|Phenothiazines|070]               Apo-Fluphenazine
Compazine Spansule
Largactil Liquid
Largactil Oral Drops
Mellaril Concentrate
Moditen Enanthate
Moditen HCI
Moditen HCI-H.P.
Nozinan Liquid
Nozinan Oral Drops
Permitil Concentrate
Piportil L4
PMS Thioridazine
Prolixin Concentrate
Prolixin Decanoate
Prolixin Enanthate
Serentil Concentrate
Stelazine Concentrate
Stemetil Liquid
Terfluzine Concentrate
Thorazine Concentrate
Thorazine Spansule
Trilafon Concentrate
Vesprin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Influences the portion of the brain responsible for controlling behavior.  Also inhibits nerve impulses that affect the brains vomiting reflex.|Allow approximately 1 hour to affect vomiting and nausea and up to 6 weeks to affect anxiety and agitation.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Tranquilizer, antiemetic (phenothiazine) used to treat vomiting, nausea, hiccups, agitation and anxiety.|Life threatening effects can include uncontrollable muscle movement.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience unsteadiness, and muscle spasms in both the neck and face.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Less severe and also not uncommon, some may experience drowsiness, restlessness, tremor, blurred vision, and muscle spasms of the tongue.  On rare occasion some may experience fainting.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. May result in dangerous over sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. May increase the effect of Anticholinergics, Antihistamines, Dronabinol (both drugs), Mind-Altering drugs, Narcotics, and Tranquilizers.  Guanethidine's hypotensive effects may be decreased.

3. May increase the sedative effect when used with Sedatives and Procarbazine.

4. May result in greater depression to the central nervous system when used with Nabilone.

5. May result in a dangerous effect on  the heart when used with Quinidine.

6. May diminish the effect of Levodopa, Lithium, and Appetite Suppressants.

7. May result in producing major seizures when used with Bupropion.

8. May produce toxic effects to the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

9. May result in symptoms of toxicity when used with Metyrosine.

10. Molindone may increase tranquilizer effect of this drug.

11. Tricyclic Antidepressants may increase the effect of this drug.

12. May produce extremely low blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives.

13. May produce blood disorders when used with Antithyroid agents.|1. This drug should not be used if you have bone marrow, or blood diseases or are allergic to any Phenothiazine drugs.  

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, asthma, prostate trouble, lung problems, emphysema, are taking any non-prescription drugs for asthma, ulcers, or any amphetamines, and if you will have surgery (including dental) with in the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience uncontrollable movements of the tongue, jaw, lips, and chewing.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug should not be given to children under 2 years of age.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to tardive dyskinesia.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, stupor, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Potassium Acetate
Potassium Bicarbonate
Potassium Bicarbonate and Potassium Chloride
Potassium Bicarbonate and Potassium Citrate
Potassium Chloride Potassium Bicarbonate and Potassium Citrate
Potassium Gluconate
Potassium Gluconate and Potassium Chloride
Potassium Gluconate and Potassium Citrate
Potassium Gluconate Potassium Citrate and Ammonium
Potassium Chloride|Potassium Supplements|039Z               Apo-K
K + Care ET
K-G Elixir
K-Lyte DS
K-Lyte/CI 50
K-Lyte/CL Powder
Kallum Durules
Kaochlor S-F
Kaon-CI 10
Kaon-CI 20
Kay Ciel
Kay Ciel Elixir
Klorvess 10% Liquid
Micro-K 10
Micro-K LS
Potachlor 10%
Potachlor 20%
Potassium Triplex
Roychlor 10%
Roychlor 20%
Slo-Pot 600
Ten K
Twin-K-CI|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Increases the body's potassium level.|Allow approximately 1 day for maximum effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, but Do Not Double the Next Dose.|This drug is a Mineral Supplement (potassium) used to treat potassium deficiencies.|On rare occasion some may experience fatigue, breathing difficulties, irregular heartbeat, hemorrhage, and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May cause a dangerous rise in blood potassium when used with Amiloride, Spironolactone, and Triamterene.

2. May produce stomach irritation when used with Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs.

3. Laxatives, Cortisone drugs, and Diuretic Thiazide (loop) may diminish the effect of this drug.

4. ACE inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

5. May result in the development of intestinal ulcers when used with Anticholinergics, Atropine, and Belladonna.|1. This drug should not be used if you have kidney disease (chronic or acute), or are allergic to any Potassium Supplements.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a stomach ulcer, heart disease, Addison's disease, intestinal blockage, Familial Periodic Paralysis, use laxatives, diuretics, any heart medicines, use low salt milk, or salt substitutes.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in anemia.|Overdose symptoms can include irregular heartbeat, convulsions, lowered blood pressure, arm and leg paralysis, coma, cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Prazosin||004Z               Minipress|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Lowers blood pressure by relaxing blood vessel walls.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat Raynaud's disease, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.|It is not uncommon for some to experience a rapid heartbeat when using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience breathing difficulties, itching, chest pain, shortness of breath, skin rash, and blurred vision.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol and Nitrates.

2. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Nimodipine.

3. Amphetamines, Estrogen, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, and Sympathomimetcis may decrease the effect of this drug.

4. Carteolol, Lisinopril, and Sotalol may increase the antihypertensive effect of this drug.

5. May decrease the effect of Terazosin.

6. May produce faintness and weakness when used with Nifedipine, and Verapamil.

7. Guanfacine may increase the effect of this drug.

8.  Other antihypertensives may increase the antihypertensive effect of this drug.

9. May produce a drop in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors and Nicardipine.|1. This drug should not be used if you have symptoms of depression, are allergic to Prazosin, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have coronary heart disease, stroke, are subject to depression, kidney disease, liver disorders, angina, reduced blood circulation to the brain, or have had adverse effects from any other Antihypertensive drugs.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include cold/clammy skin, weakness (extreme), rapid heartbeat, weak pulse, unconsciousness, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Prednisolone||024b               Articulose
Predcor 25
Predcor 50
Prelone|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Reduces the body's inflammatory responses.|Allow approximately 4 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Cortisone (adrenal corticosteroid) used to treat asthma, kidney disease, blood disease, inflammation, allergic diseases, emphysema, and to restore corticosteroid deficiencies. |Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience assorted infections, bloody black or tarry stool, and irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, also infrequent, some may experience fever, muscle cramps, tingling sensation in the hands and feet, skin rash, sore throat, and blurred vision.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in over sedation when used with Barbiturates.

2. May result in a dangerous loss of potassium and toxicity when used with Digitalis preparations.

3. May result in excessive potassium loss and dangerous heartbeat irregularities when used with Indapamide.

4. May produce a loss of potassium  when used with Thiazide Diuretics, Ethacrynic Acid, Furosemide, Amphotericin B, and Chlorthalidone.

5. The effect of this drug may be diminished when used with  Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Antihistamines, Barbiturates, Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, Chloral Hydrate, Cholestyramine,  Colestipol, Ephedrine, Glutethimide, Mitotane, Phenobarbital, and Rifampin.

6. The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Insulin, Isoniazid, Potassium supplements, Salicylates, oral Anticoagulants, oral Antidiabetics, and Cholinergics.

7. Aspirin, oral Contraceptives, Estrogen, and Indomethacin may increase the effect of this drug.

8. May result in the development of viral infections when used with Attenuated Virus vaccines.

9. May produce glaucoma when used with Sympathomimetics.

10. May increase the effect of Theophylline.

11. May produce ulcers when used with Oxyphenbutazone and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs.

12. May lead to stomach ulcers when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have herpes infection (of the genitals, eyes, or lips), peptic ulcer, thyroid diseases, kidney disease, tuberculosis, diabetes, liver disease, heart disease, glaucoma, fungus infections, bone disease, colitis, myasthenia gravis, diverticulitis, or are allergic to any Cortisone drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, high blood pressure, blood clots (legs or lungs), congestive heart failure, underactive thyroid, or have had tuberculosis.

3. People over 60 years of age may develop osteoporosis and cataracts while using this drug.  Additionally, the use of this drug may also worsen existing conditions of diabetes, ulcers, and adema.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of diabetes, glaucoma, brittle bones, functional dependence, thin skin, and impede the growth in children.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, headache, and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Hydroxyprogesterone
Progesterone|Progestins|034\               Amen
Gesterol L.A.
Hyproval P.A.
Provera|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Innervates cervical mucus to prevent pregnancy, inhibits ovulation, and prevents uterine bleeding.|Allow approximately 2 days for menstrual problems, 3 weeks for contraception, and 3 months for cancer treatment.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.  For contraception, consult with your doctor.|This drug is a Female Sex Hormone (progestin) used to treat hormonal imbalance (female), breast cancer, uterine cancer, menstrual disorders, and as a contraceptive.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives; and/or  faintness, and blood clots (lungs, brain, or legs).  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience jaundice, changes in vision, fever, leg pain (calf), stomach or side pain, skin rash, and extended vaginal bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Bromocriptine, oral Hypoglycemic, Insulin, and Phenothiazines.

2. Phenobarbital and Phenylbutazone may diminish the effect of this drug.

3. Rifampin may diminish the contraceptive effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have breast cancer, liver disease, uterine cancer, gallbladder disease, unusual vaginal bleeding, had stroke or thrombophlebitis, will become pregnant while using this drug, or are allergic to any Progestins.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, seizures, heart disease, migraines, kidney disease, or are subject to depression.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children (female) should use this drug only under medical supervision.|Overdose symptoms can include fluid retention, vomiting, nausea, breast discomfort, and vaginal bleeding.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Quinidine||015Z               Apo-Quinidine
Quinaglute Dura-Tabs
Quinidex Extentabs
Quinora|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Regulates heartbeat by slowing nerve impulses to the heart muscle.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antiarrhythmic used to treat heart rhythm disorders.  |Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, faintness, and wheezing.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience jaundice, difficulty swallowing, confusion, rapid heartbeat, joint pain, unusual bleeding, fever, headache, skin rash, difficulty breathing, dizziness, hepatitis, vision changes, lightheadedness, and fainting.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Cimetidine, Guanfacine, Nicardipine, Nimodipine, Phenothiazines, and Propafenone  may increase the effect of Quinidine.

2. Nifedipine, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, and Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.

3. May increase the effect the effect of Anticholinergics, oral Anticoagulants, and Antihypertensives.

4. May diminish the effect of Cholinergics.

5. May result in heartbeat irregularities when used with Pimozide and Flecainide.

6. May produce a toxic effect on the heart muscle when used with Encainide.

7. May result in Quinidine toxicity when used with Antiarrhythmics.  Effect may increase or decrease.

8. May interfere with normal heart rhythms when used with Rauwolfia Alkaloids.

9. May produce hypotension when used with Verapamil.

10. May produce extremely slow heartbeat when used with Digitalis preparations.

11. Urinary Alkalizers may increase the effect, and the toxicity or Quinidine.  May also slow the elimination of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Quinidine or currently have an active infection.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are currently taking any prescription, or over-the-counter drugs.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include fainting, confusion, lethargy, extreme drop in blood pressure, difficulty breathing, seizures, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Radio-Pharmaceuticals|Radio-Pharmaceuticals|040Z               Cyanocobalamin Co 57
Cyanocobalamin Co 60
Ferrous Citrate Fe 59
Gallium Citrate Ga 67
Indium in 111 Pentetate
Iodinated I 131 Albumin
Iodohippurate Sodium I 123
Iodohippurate Sodium I 131
Iothalamate Sodium I 125
Krypton KR 81m
Selenomethionine Se 75
Sodium Chromate Cr 51
Sodium Iodide I 123
Sodium Iodide I 131
Sodium Pertechnetate Tc 99m
Sodium  Phosphate P 32
Technetium Tc 99m Albumin Aggregated
Technetium Tc 99m Disofenin
Technetium Tc 99m Gluceptate
Technetium Tc 99m Human Serum Albumin
Technetium Tc 99m Medronate
Technetium Tc 99m Oxidronate
Technetium Tc 99m Pentetate
Technetium Tc 99m Pyrophosphate
Technetium Tc 99m Succimer
Technetium Tc 99m Sulfur Colloid
Thallous Chloride TI 201
Xenon Xe 127
Xenon Xe 133|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides a radioactive concentration of substances to specific organs of the body making pictures or measurements possible.|May vary.|Retake as soon as you remember.|This drug is a Radio-Pharmaceutical used to aid in the diagnosis of a variety of medical problems.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. Drug interactions are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to the specific Radio-Pharmaceutical being used.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are  allergic to human serum albumin or are prone to allergies in general.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.|Alseroxylon
Rauwolfia Serpentina
Reserpine|Rauwolfia Alkaloids|051Z               Demi-Regroton
Hydromox R
Wolfina|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits specific nerve impulses to blood vessels, relaxing them and lowering blood pressure.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, tranquilizer (rauwolfia alkaloid) used in the treatment of emotional and mental disorders as well as the treatment of high blood pressure.|On rare occasion some may experience stiff joints, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, stiffness of the muscles, bone stiffness, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, skin rash, itching, abdominal pain, unusual bleeding, sore throat, unusual bruising, bloody vomit, and shortness of breath.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness and depression when using this drug.  Inform your doctor of these symptoms.|1. May result in a dangerous blood pressure drop when used with Nimodipine.

2. May produce a dangerous increased effect of Ethinamate when used together.

3. May produce increase intoxication when used with Alcohol. Do  Not Combine.

4. May produce irregular heartbeat when used with Digitalis preparations and Quinidine.

5. May produce extreme depression when used with MAO inhibitors.

6. May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

7. May result in increase depression of the central nervous system when used with Nabilone.

8. May significantly alter seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

9. May increase the effect of Antidepressants, Antihistamines, and Dronabinol.

10. May diminish the effect of Aspirin, Levodopa, Pergolide,  and Terazosin.

11. May increase the antihypertensive effect when used with Sotalol, Lisinopril, and Carteolol.

12. May increase or decrease the effect of oral Anticoagulants.  Results are unpredictable.

13. May produce toxicity of both drugs when used with Loxapine.

14. Antihypertensives and Beta-Adrenergic Blockers may increase the effect of this drug.  May produce excessive sedation when used with Beta-Adrenergic Blockers.

15. Guanfacine or Fluoxetine may increase the depressant effect of both drugs.

16. May produce adverse effects when used with Leucovorin.

17. May produce a drop in blood pressure when used with  Nicardipine.

18.  Do not administer two or more Rauwolfia Alkaloids together.

19.  Hypotension, flushing, diarrhea, and manic reactions have occurred whn administered with Tricyclic antidepressants.|1. This drug should not be used if you have ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer, have symptoms of depression, or are allergic to any Rauwolfia Alkaloids.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, have had gallstones, peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, been depressed, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations. |Overdose symptoms can include drowsiness, lowered body temperature, pinpoint pupils, weak pulse, slow heartbeat, shallow breathing (slow), flushed skin, diarrhea, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Deserpidine and Hydrochlorothiazide
Deserpidine and Methyclothiazide
Rauwolfia Serpentina and Bendroflumethiazide
Reserpine and Chlorothiazide
Reserpine and Chlorthalidone
Reserpine and Hydrochlorothiazide
Reserpine and Hydroflumethiazide
Reserpine and Methylclothiazide
Reserpine and Polythiazide
Reserpine and Quinethazone
Reserpine and Trichlormethiazide|Rauwolfia and Thiazide Diuretics|006Z               Demi-Regroton
Diurese R
Diurigen with Reserpine
Enduronyl Forte
Oreticyl Forte
Serpasil-Esidrix|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits specific nerve impulses to blood vessels, relaxing them and lowering blood pressure.  Also reduces fluid retention by forcing sodium and water elimination.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take full effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic, tranquilizer used to control high blood pressure and reduce body fluid retention. |Life threatening effects can include bloody vomit, irregular heartbeat, black stool, hives, and weak pulse.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience blurred vision, fever, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, abdominal pain, joint pain, jaundice, unusual bleeding or bruising.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol and Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May produce dangerous heart rhythm irregularities when used with Cortisone drugs and Digitalis preparations.

3. May produce extreme depression when used with MAO inhibitors.

4. May seriously alter seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

5. May increase the effect of Antihistamines, oral Anticoagulants (may also decrease), Thiazide Diuretics, Dronabinol (both drugs), and Lithium.

6. May diminish the effect of Pergolide, Probenecid, Potassium supplements, Terazosin, Levodopa, and Aspirin.

7. May increase the hydrochlorothiazide effect when used with Barbiturates and MAO inhibitors.  May diminish this effect when used with Cholestyramine.

8. Indapamide may increase the diuretic effect of this drug.

9. Nitrates may produce an excessive blood pressure drop when used with this drug.

10. Carteolol, Lisinopril, and Oxprenolol may increase the antihypertensive effect.

11. May result in lowering blood pressure when used with Nicardipine.

12. May result in excessive sedation when used with Mind-Altering drugs and Beta-Adrenergic Blockers.

13. Antihypertensives and  Beta-Adrenergic Blockers may increase the effect of this drug.

14.  Should not be administered with another Rauwolfia Alkaloid.|1. This drug should not be used if you have ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer, symptoms of depression, or are allergic to any Rauwolfia Alkaloid or Thiazide Diuretic drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, gout, liver problems, kidney problems, pancreas disorder, have had gallstones, peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, suffered from depression, or are allergic to any Sulfa drug.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.  Consult with your doctor concerning the frequency of these follow ups.|Overdose symptoms can include lowered body temperature, weak pulse, cramps, pinpoint pupils, diarrhea, shallow breathing (slow), drowsiness, flushed skin, weakness, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Reserpine and Hydralazine||004Z               Serpasil-Apresoline|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits nerve impulses in order to relax blood vessels, consequently lowering blood pressure.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect. |If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, tranquilizer (rauwolfia alkaloid) used in the treatment of congestive heart failure and high blood pressure.|Life threatening effects can include irregular heartbeat, fainting, chest pain, rapid pulse, black vomit, and black stool.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience nausea and vomiting while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience skin rash, chest pain, abdominal pain, jaundice, joint pain, sore throat, unusual bleeding or bruising, faintness (especially when standing or sitting up), swollen lymph glands.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Nimodipine.

2. May produce excessive sedation when used with Mind-Altering drugs and Beta-Adrenergic Blockers.

3. May seriously alter seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

4. May produce extreme depression when used with MAO inhibitors.

5. May increase the effect of Antidepressants, oral Anticoagulants (may also decrease), oral Diuretics (both drugs), Dronabinol (both drugs), and Antihistamines.

6. May diminish the effect of Levodopa, Terazosin, Aspirin, and  Pergolide.

7. May produce a drop in blood pressure when used with Nicardipine.

8. Sotalol may diminish the antihypertensive effect of this drug.

9. Lisinopril, Carteolol, Diazoxide, and Antihypertensives may increase the antihypertensive effect of this drug.

10. Amphetamines may diminish the hydrazine effect of this drug.  Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs may also decrease this effect.

11. May produce an irregular heartbeat when used with Digitalis preparations.

12. May increase intoxication when used with Alcohol.  Do Not Combine.|1. This drug should not be used if you have rheumatic heart disease (past or present), peptic ulcer, coronary-artery disease (past or present), ulcerative colitis, have symptoms of depression, or are allergic to Hydrazine, Tartrazine Dye, or any Rauwolfia Alkaloid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, or have had peptic ulcer, stroke, kidney disease, gallstones, depression, ulcerative colitis, lupus, impaired kidney function, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to lupus, psychosis, and a numbing sensation in the hands or feet.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug. |Overdose symptoms can include cold/clammy skin, drowsiness, pinpoint pupils, weak heartbeat, rapid pulse, fainting, shallow breathing (slow), flushed skin, weakness, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Reserpine Hydralazine and Hydrochlorothiazide||004Z               Cam-Ap-Es
Unipres|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits nerve impulses to blood vessels in order to lower blood pressure.  Reduce fluid retention by promoting the elimination of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used in the treatment of high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and fluid retention.|Life threatening effects can include chest pain, irregular heartbeat, weak pulse, bloody or black vomit, rapid heartbeat, fainting, and black stool.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience nausea and vomiting while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience jaundice, chest pain, mouth sores, sore throat, blurred vision, abdominal pain, joint pain, skin rash, fever, unusual bleeding or bruising, hives, weakness, and the feeling of faintness when standing or setting up.|1. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants, Cortisone drugs, Digitalis preparations, Nimodipine, and Nitrates.

2. May produce excessive intoxication when used with Alcohol.  Do Not Combine.

3. May result in excessive sedation when used with Mind-Altering drugs.

4. May produce serious changes in seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

5. May diminish the effect of Levodopa, Aspirin, Pergolide, Potassium supplements, Probenecid, Terazosin, oral Anticoagulants (may also increase), and Allopurinol.

6. Amphetamines and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs may diminish the hydralazine effect of this drug.

7. May increase the effect of both drugs when used with Acebutolol, MAO inhibitors (may also cause severe depression), Dronabinol, oral Anticoagulants (may also decrease), and oral Diuretics.

8. May increase the effect of Antihistamines, Lithium, and Antihypertensives.

9. May increase the antihypertensive effect of Antihypertensives, Carteolol, Diazoxide, Lisinopril, and Oxprenolol.  Sotalol  may diminish this effect.

10. Indapamide may increase the diuretic effect.

11. Barbiturates may increase the hydrochlorothiazide effect of this drug.

12. May produce a drop in blood pressure when used with Nicardipine.|1. This drug should not be used if you have coronary-artery disease (past or present), peptic ulcer, rheumatic heart disease (past or present), ulcerative colitis, symptoms of depression, are allergic to Tartrazine Dye, Hydralazine, Thiazide Diuretics, or any Rauwolfia Alkaloids.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have neck, arm, or chest pains during physical exertion, epilepsy, kidney problems, liver problems, pancreas disorder, have been depressed, have had peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, stroke, lupus, gallstones, are allergic to any Sulfa drug, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to lupus, psychosis, and a tingling sensation in the hands or feet.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include cold clammy skin, drowsiness, weak heartbeat, shallow breathing, weakness, cramps, flushed skin, lowered body temperature, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Sucralfate||066_               Carafate
Sulcrate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Produces a protective covering over the site of the ulcer.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antiulcer used to treat duodenal ulcers.|On rare occasion some may experience diarrhea.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May aggravate the ulcer when used with Alcohol.

2. When taken simultaneously with Cimetidine, Phenytoin, or Tetracycline, Sucralfate may diminish their absorption.

3.  May increase total body burden of aluminum when taken simultaneously with aluminum containing antacids.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Sucralfate.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. If using this drug for extended periods (greater than 2 months) periodic medical examinations should be considered.

7. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if more than prescribed amounts are taken contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Sulfamethoxazole||053\               Apo-Sulfamethoxazole
Bactrim DS
Cheragan with TMP
Cotrim DS
Gantanol DS
Septra DS
Sulfamethoprim DS
Sulfaprim DS
Sulfatrim DS
Sulfoxaprim DS
Triazole DS
Uroplus DS
Uroplus SS|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Prevents the reproduction of bacteria by blocking their access to folic acid.|Allow approximately 5 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Sulfa (sulfonamide) used in the treatment of urinary tract infections.|It is not uncommon for some to experience skin rash and itching while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience sore throat, painful urination, bloody urine, jaundice, joint pain, muscle pain, difficulty swallowing, back pain (lower back), numbing sensation in the hands and feet, and blistering of the skin.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May decrease the sulfa effect of this drug when used with Aminobenzoates, Calcium supplements, and Para-Aminosalicylic Acid.

2. May increase the sulfa effect when used with Aspirin, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenylbutazone, Probenecid, Sulfinpyrazone, and Trimethoprim.

3. May produce a toxic effect on the brain when used with Anticonvulsants (Hydantion) or Antidiabetic drugs.

4. May produce a toxic effect on the liver when used with Hepatotoxic agents.

5. May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

6. May result in kidney blockage when used with Methenamine.

7. May cause anemia when used with Isoniazid.

8. May diminish the effect of Penicillin and increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.

9. May produce zidovudine toxicity when used with Zidovudine.

10. May diminish the antibiotic effect when used with Mecamylamine.

11. May increase hypoglycemic action when used with Sulfonureas.

12.  May increase Phenytoin concentrations.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Sulfa drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have drug related anemia (any drug), liver disease, porphyria, kidney disease, are susceptible to allergies in general, or are allergic to Thiazide Diuretics, oral Antidiabetics, or Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug should not be given to children less than 1 month of age.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to additional infections and enlargement of the thyroid gland.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms can include bloody urine, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Sulfonamides and Phenazopyridine
Sulfamethoxazole and Phenazopyridine
Sulfisoxazole and Phenazopyridine||011\               Azo Gantanol
Azo Gantrisin
Sulfafurazole and Phenazopyridine
Uro-Gantanol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Prevents reproduction of bacteria by blocking their access to folic acid.  Also provides an anesthetic action to the lower urinary tract to relieve pain and burning.|Allow approximately 5 days for this drug to take full effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Analgesic (urinary), sulfonamide used to treat lower urinary tract problems, prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis, and some infections.|It is not uncommon for some to experience skin rash and itching.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion  some may experience unusual bleeding or bruising, back pain, tingling sensation in the hands and feet, fever, sore throat, joint pain, difficulty swallowing, painful urination (possibly bloody), If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Aspirin, Phenylbutazone, Probenecid, Oxyphenbutazone, Sulfinpyrazone, and Trimethoprim may increase the sulfa effect of this drug.  Aminobenzoates and Para-Aminosalicylic may diminish the sulfa effect.

2. May produce a toxic effect on the brain when used with Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin) and Antidiabetics.

3. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants and Methotrexate may decrease the effect of Penicillin.

4. May produce liver toxicity when used with Hepatotoxic agents.

5. May produce central nervous system toxicity when used with Clozapine.

6. May result in anemia when used with Isoniazid.

7. May result in kidney blockage when used with Methenamine.

8. May diminish the antibiotic effect when used with Mecamylamine.

9. May produce increase hypoglycemic action when used with Sulfonureas.

10. May produce toxicity when used with Zidovudine.|1. This drug should not be used if you have hepatitis or are allergic to any urinary analgesic, or Sulfa drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have drug related anemia (any drug), porphyria, G6PD deficiency, kidney disease, are prone to allergies, or are allergic to Thiazide Diuretics, oral Antidiabetics, and Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug should not be used on children less than 1 month of age.

6. If used for extended periods may lead to anemia, yellow or orange skin, increased susceptibility to some infections, and enlargement of the thyroid gland.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include weakness, shortness of breath, bloody urine, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Tamoxifen||077b               Nolvadex
Tamone|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits cancer cell growth by blocking Estradiol.|Allow approximately 2 to 3 months for this drug to take effect.|Wait until your next scheduled dose and take.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antineoplastic used in the treatment of breast cancer in the advanced stages.|Life threatening effects can include shortness of breath and pains in the legs.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience sleeplessness, blurred vision and confusion.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Antacids, Estrogen, Famotidine, H-2 Antagonist Antihistamines, and Ranitidine may diminish the effect of this drug.

2.  May increase the effect of anticoagulants.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Tamoxifen.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have any blood disorders or cataracts.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not used for infants and children.

6. Periodic medical examinations should be considered if using this drug for extended periods.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Terazosin||005Z               Hytrin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces blood pressure by relaxing muscle cells in the arteries.|Allow approximately 15 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Take once you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution:  Never Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion some may experience rapid heartbeat, chest pain, nausea and vomiting, lightheadedness, and fainting.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness and headaches while using this drug.|1. May produce very low blood pressure when used with Alcohol.  Do Not Combine.

2. Diclofenac, Estrogen, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, Antihypertensives, and Sympathomimetics may diminish the effect of this drug.

3. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Nimodipine.

4. May cause a blood pressure drop when used with Nicardipine.

5. May increase the antihypertensive effect of this drug when used with Lisinopril.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Alpha-Adrenergic Blocker or given to children less then 12 years of age.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, Buerger's disease, chronic kidney disease, are prone to periods of depression or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug for extended periods.

7. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, abated reflexes, breathing difficulties, slow heartbeat, fainting and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Terfenadine||017Z               Seldane
Seldane D|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Blocks the release of histamine from the affected cells.|Allow approximately 3 to 4 hours for the maximum effect of this drug.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine, H1 receptor antagonist used in the treatment of allergic symptoms.|On rare occasion some may experience difficulty breathing and swelling of the lips.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience vomiting, nausea, itching and sore throat while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience nightmares, wheezing, increased urine output (frequency), and irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in over sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. Sotalol may increase the effect of this drug while Carteolol may diminish it.

3. May result in an increase depressant effect on the central nervous system when used with Nabilone.

4. May result in dangerous, possibly fatal, heartbeat arrhythmia when used with Ketoconazole (Nizoral) and Erythromycin (includes all related Erythromycin Antibiotics).  {Ref: Marion Merrell Dow Pharmaceutical Co. June 1992}|1. This drug should not be used if you have heart disease, liver disorders, or are allergic to Terfenadine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have asthma, glaucoma, enlarged prostate, are allergic to any drugs or medicines to include any other antihistamines, are pregnant (or will become pregnant while using the drug), are less than 12 years of age, will be undergoing skin tests for allergies, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia or have a history of liver or heart disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision (especially children under 12 years of age).|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, nausea, headache, and abnormal heartbeat rhythms.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Testosterone and Estradiol
Testosterone Cypionate and Estradiol Cypionate
Testosterone Enanthate and Estradiol Valerate||078b               Andrest
Androgyn L.A.
Ditate DS
Duo-Gen L.A.
Duogex LA
Duoval PA
T.E.-Ionate P.A.
Test-Estro Cypionates
Testradiol L.A.
Valertest|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Suppresses estrogen, innervates the production of red blood cells, and accentuates male sex characteristics.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|Consult with your doctor before retaking.|This drug is an Androgen-Estrogen used to treat symptoms of menopause and prevent the filling out of the breasts in mothers after childbirth.|Life threatening effects can include itching, bloody vomit, hives, weakness, and loss of consciousness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience breast tenderness, flushed face, and skin rash.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience abdominal pain, muscle spasm, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, and abnormal vaginal bleeding (or discharge).  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May diminish the effect of oral Antidiabetics (may also increase), Cholestyramine, Clofibrate, Colestipol, Nicotinic Acid, Terazosin, Thyroid hormones, and Ursodiol.

2. May increases seizures when used with Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin) and Carbamazepine.

3. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.

4. May either increase or decrease blood sugar when used with Insulin.  Effects are unpredictable.

5. May result in a diminished androgen effect when used with Chlorzoxazone.

6. May result in the increase chance of blood clotting when used with Antifibrinolytic agents.

7. May decrease both estrogen and androgen effects when used with Oxyphenbutazone or Phenobarbital.

8. May decrease both the testosterone and estrogen effect when used with Primidone or Rifampin.

9. May decrease both the androgen and testosterone effect when used with Phenylbutazone.|1. This drug should not be used if you have liver problems, take any male hormones, or drugs containing Estrogen, have unusual vaginal bleeding, or have had a stroke, heart attack or blood clots.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood calcium, liver disease, heart disease, kidney disease, gallstones, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, are planning to become pregnant (or are pregnant) within the next 3 months, have had porphyria, migraine headaches, endometriosis, breast cancer, cancer of the reproductive organs, epilepsy, fibrocystic breast disease, or fibroid tumors of the uterus.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience increased sexual activity, or experience the worsening of both blood pressure and heart disease while using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of kidney stones, jaundice, sore throat, continued growth of fibroid tumors of the uterus, fever, breast lumps, and an unusual deepening of the voice in women (and unnatural hair growth).  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|Overdose symptoms can include shortness of breath, chest pain, severe headache, loss of coordination, slurred speech, and vision changes.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Tretinoin (Topical)||080[               Retin-A
Retinoic Acid
Stie VAA
Vitamin A Acid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Accelerates skin cell production.|Allow approximately 3 to 6 weeks for maximum effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Anti-Acne (Topical) used to treat flat warts, acne, ichthyosis, psoriasis, keratosis, and folliculitis.|On rare occasion some may experience swelling, blistering, crusting, and burning while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible. |1. May produce severe skin irritation when used with topical Antiacne preparations, abrasive skin cleaners, skin preparations containing alcohol, and medicated cosmetics.

2. May increase the risk of toxicity when used with Etretinate.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Tretinion, have open skin sores, are sunburned, or windburned.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have eczema.

3. This drug is not recommended for people over 60 years of age.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.|Overdose is not likely with this drug.  However, if taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Triamcinolone||024[               Amcort
Aristocort Forte
Aristocort Intralesional
Cenocort A 40
Cenocort Forte
Cinalone 40
Cinonide 40
Kenalog 10
Kenalog 40
Myco II
Myco-Triacet II
Mycobiotic II
Mycogen II
Mycolog II
Mykacet II
Triam A
Triamonide 40
Tristatin II
Tristoject|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Diminishes the body's inflammatory responses.|Allow approximately 2 to 4 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Cortisone (adrenal corticosteroid) used in the treatment of kidney diseases, asthma, blood disorders, inflammation, emphysema, and corticosteroid deficiencies.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience difficulty swallowing, irregular heartbeat, bloody black or tarry stool, and infections.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, also infrequent, some may experience convulsions, skin rash, hallucinations, tingling sensation in the hands and feet, and pancreatitis.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May cause dangerous heartbeat irregularities when used with Indapamide.

2. May result in a dangerous loss of potassium and possible toxicity when used with Digitalis preparations.

3. May diminish the effect of this drug when used with Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Antihistamines, Barbiturates (may also cause over sedation), Chloral Hydrate, Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Ephedrine, Glutethimide, Mitotane, Phenobarbital, and Rifampin.

4. May increase the effect of this drug when used with Indomethacin, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (may also produce ulcers), Aspirin, oral Contraceptives, and Estrogen.

5. May result in a potassium loss when used with Amphotericin B, Chlorthalidone, Ethacrynic Acid, Furosemide, and Potassium supplements.

6. May result in the development of ulcers when used with Oxyphenbutazone and Phenylbutazone.

7. May result in the development of glaucoma when used with Sympathomimetics and Anticholinergics.

8. The use of this drug may decrease the effect of oral Anticoagulants, oral Antidiabetics, Cholinergics, Insulin, Isoniazid, and Salicylates.  May also increase the effect of Theophylline.

9. May increase the risk of viral  infections when used with Attenuated Virus vaccines.

10. May produce stomach ulcers when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have heart disease, peptic ulcer, bone diseases, colitis, kidney disease, glaucoma, liver disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, myasthenia gravis, diverticulitis, fungus infections, tuberculosis, or are allergic to any Cortisone drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have myasthenia gravis, congestive heart failure, glaucoma, high blood pressure, blood clots (lungs or legs), under active thyroid, peptic ulcer, diabetes, or have had tuberculosis.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience the development of cataracts and osteoporosis.  May also worsen existing conditions of diabetes, adema, and ulcers.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to functional dependence, retarded growth in children, diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts, thin skin, and brittle bones.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, headache, and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Valproic Acid (Dipropylacetic Acid)||008]               Dalpro
Depakote Sprinkle
Myproic Acid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits nerve impulses to parts of the brain by increasing the concentration of gamma aminobutyric.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution:  Never Double the Dose.|This drug is an Anticonvulsant used to treat epilepsy and control petit mal seizures.|On rare occasions some may experience hair loss, double vision, swollen ankles feet and abdomen, skin rash, jaundice, and abnormal eye movements.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce extreme sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. May increase the risk of bleeding when used with Anticoagulants, Aspirin, Dipyridamole, and Sulfinpyrazone.

3. May cause bone marrow toxicity when used with Clozapine and Tiopronin.

4. May result in an increased sedative  effect when used with Central Nervous System depressants and MAO inhibitors.

5. May prolong seizures when used with Clonazepam.

6. May retard blood cell production when used with Flecainide and Tocainide.

7. May diminish the effect of Levocarnitine, Sodium Benzoate, and Sodium Phenylacetate.

8. May increase the risk of toxicity when used with Phenobarbital and Primidone.

9. May result in increased depression to the central nervous system when used with Nabilone.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Valproic Acid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, blood disease, kidney disease, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug for extended periods.

7. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Xylometazoline and Oxymetazoline (Nasal)||075a               4-Way Long Acting Nasal Spray
Afrin 12 Hour Nasal Spray
Afrin 12 Hour Nose Drops
Afrin Children's Strength Nose Drops
Afrin Menthol Nasal Spray
Afrin Nasal Spray
Afrin Nasal Spray Pump
Afrin Nose Drops
Allerest 12 Hour Nasal Spray
Coricidin Nasal Mist
Dristan Long Lasting Menthol Nasal Spray
Dristan Long Lasting Nasal Pump Spray
Dristan Long Lasting Nasal Spray
Dristan Long Lasting Nasal Spray 12 Hour Metered Dose Pump
Duramist Plus Up To 12 Hours Decongestant Nasal Spray
Duration 12 Hour Nasal Spray Pump
Nafrine Decongestant Nasal Drops
Nafrine Decongestant Nasal Spray
Nafrine Decongestant Pediatric Nasal Spray/Drops
Neo-Synephrine 12 Hour Nasal Spray
Neo-Synephrine 12 Hour Nasal Spray Pump
Neo-Synephrine 12 Hour Nose Drops
Neo-Synephrine 12 Hour Vapor Nasal Spray
Neo-Synephrine II Long
Neo-Synephrine II Long Acting Nasal Spray Adult Strength
Neo-Synephrine II Long Acting Nose Drops Adult Strength
Nostril Nasal Decongestant Mild
Nostril Nasal Decongestant Regular
Nostrilla 12 Hour Nasal Decongestant
NTZ Long Acting Decongestant Nose Drops
NTZ Long Acting Decongestant Nose Spray
Otrivin Decongestant Nose Drops
Otrivin Nasal Drops
Otrivin Nasal Spray
Otrivin Pediatric Decongestant Nose Drops
Otrivin Pediatric Nasal Drops
Otrivin Pediatric Nasal Spray
Otrivin With M-D Pump
Sinarest 12 hour Nasal Spray
Sinutab Sinus Spray
Vicks Sinex 12 Hour Formula Decongestant Nasal Spray
Vicks Sinex 12 Hour Formula Decongestant Ultra Fine Mist
Vicks Sinex Long-Acting 12 Hour Nasal Spray|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Reduces the size of the small arteries in the sinuses, eustachian tubes, and nose.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours before taking your next dose.  Continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Sympathomimetic used in the treatment of congested sinuses, throat and nose due to allergies and infections.|It is not uncommon for some to experience sneezing, irregular fast or pounding heartbeat, and stuffy/burning/dry nose.  If this occurs consult with your doctor concerning these during your next visit.|1. May result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

2. May diminish the effect of Beta-Adrenergic Blockers (both drugs), Guanadrel (both drugs), Minoxidil, Nitrates (both drugs), Rauwolfia, Terazosin, and Sympathomimetics (both drugs), when used together.

3. Tricyclic Antidepressants and Phenothiazines may increase the effect of Xylometazoline.

4. May increase blood pressure when used with Methyldopa.

5. Phenothiazines may diminish the effect of Xylometazoline.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any nasal Sympathomimetic spray.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, heart disease, over active thyroid, high blood pressure, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug should not be given to children under 2 years of age.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to irritation of the nasal membranes and increased congestion.|Overdose symptoms can include agitation, headache, sweating, rapid/irregular heartbeat and anxiety.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Zidovudine (AZT, Azidothymidine)||018Z               Retrovir|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents the reproduction process of some viruses.|Allow 2 to 3 weeks for this drug to take maximum effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antiviral used to treat people with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).|Life threatening effects can include swelling of the tongue and lips.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience diarrhea, anemia and chills while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, however rare, some may experience unusual bleeding, constipation, confusion, and fainting.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in bone marrow toxicity when used with Bone Marrow depressants, Clozapine, and Tiopronin.

2. Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Benzodiazepines, Cimetidine, Ganciclovir,  Indomethacin, Morphine, Probenecid, Sulfa drugs, and Thioguanine, may increase the toxic effects of this drug.

3. May produce convulsions  and lethargy when used with Acyclovir.

4. Ribavirin may diminish the effect of this drug.

5. Avoid taking with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Zidovudine or it's related ingredients (capsule form).

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, kidney disease or severe anemia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug for extended periods.

7. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include unsteadiness, abnormal bleeding or bruising, nausea and vomiting (severe).  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Acetaminophen||037Z               Abenol
Acetaminophen Uniserts
Actamin Extra
Alba-Temp 300
Aminofen Max
Anatuss with Codeine
Apacet Extra Strength
Apacet Oral Solution
Atasol Forte
Children's Anacin 3
Children's Genapap
Children's Panadol
Children's Ty-Tab
Children's Tylenol
Colrex Compound
Comtres Multi-Symptom Cold Reliever
Contac Jr. Children's Cold Medicine
Contac Severe Cold Formula
Contac Severe Cold Formula Night Strength
CoTylenol Cold Medication
Datril Extra Strength
Dorcol Children's Fever and Pain Reducer
Drixoral Plus
Drixoral Sinus
Exdol Strong
Feverall Sprinkle Caps
Fevernol Children's Strength
Fevernol Junior Strength
Genapap Extra Strength
Genebs Extra Strength
Halenol Extra Strength
Hycomine Compound
Improved Sino-Tuss
Infants' Anacin-3
Infants Genapap
Liquiprin Children's Elixir
Liquiprin Infants' Drops
Meda Cap
Meda Tab
Myapap Elixir
NyQuil Nighttime Colds Medicine
Nytime Cold Medicine Liquid
Oraphen -PD
Panadol Junior Stength
Panex 500
Pertussin PM
Robitussin Night Relief Colds Formula Liquid
Sine-Off Maximum Strength Allergy
Sine-Off Maximum Strength-No Drowsiness
St. Joseph Aspirin Free
Sudafed Severe  Cold Formula
Tapanol Extra Strength
Tempra Double Strength
Thera Flu/Cold and Cough
Thera Flu/Flu and Cold
Triaminicin w/Codeine
Ty-Cold Cold Formula
Ty Pap
Ty-Tab Extra Strength
Tylenol Cold and Flu
Tylenol Cold Medication
Tylenol Cold Medication, Non-Drowsy
Tylenol Extra Strength
Tylenol Junior Strength
Valadol Liquid
Valorin Extra
Vicks Formula 44M Multi-Symptom Cough Mixture|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Rquired? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Acetaminophen inhibits nerve impulses to the hypothalamus portion of the brain in order to reduce the sensation of pain|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then continue on revised schedule.|Acetaminophen is an analgesic, fever reducer used for the treatment of fever and moderate pain.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, it is not uncommon for some people to experience a sense of lightheadedness and possibly, however more infrequently, some trembling.  On rare occasion adverse effects can include sore throat, hives, itching, painful urination, blood in urine, jaundice and anemia.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the anticoagulant effect of oral Anticoagulants.

2. When taken with Phenobarbital there is a diminished effect of the Acetaminophen.

3. Can cause a toxic effect when taken with (AZT) Zidovudine.

4. When taken with Alcohol it may cause drowsiness, while long term use may have a toxic effect on the liver.

5.  May cause hypothermia when taken with Phenothiazine.|1. Should not be taken if allergic to Acetaminophen.

2. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3. Consult with your doctor before taking if you have a history of liver damage, bronchial asthma, or kidney disease.

4. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use may result in the development of anemia.|Overdose symptoms can include irritability, sweating, upset stomach, anorexia, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.  |Acetohydroxamic Acid (AHA)||022\               Lithostat|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Acetohydroxamic Acid reduces the alkalinity of urine.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antibacterial, antiurolithic used to treat chronic urinary tract infections.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience vomiting, loss of appetite, and nausea while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience a shortness of breath, slurred speech, chest pain, severe headache, leg pain, and an abrupt change in vision.  If this occurs, cease taking this drug and contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.|1. The use of this drug with Iron supplements may diminish the effect of both drugs.

2. When taken with Alcohol, may lead to the development  of a severe skin rash.|1. This drug should not be used if you have kidney disease, that is considered to be severe and chronic.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, or are anemic.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Using this drug for extended periods should be followed up by periodic medical exams.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting appetite loss, and tremor.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Acyclovir (Oral and Topical)||018[               Zovirax
Zovirax Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Acyclovir (oral and topical) prevents the reproduction of virus within a cell host without destroying the host cell.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|Orally - If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.
Topically - Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Antiviral used to treat herpes infections.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience diarrhea, skin rash, headache, hives, and joint pain while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience abdominal pain, confusion, vomiting, insomnia, hallucinations, dizziness, and trembling.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Interferon or Methotrexate may result in neurological problems when taken with this drug.

2. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist about any medications you may be currently taking that may result in kidney toxicity while using this drug.

3. May result in nerve damage when used with Zidovudine.

4.  Probenecid and Amphotericin may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Acyclovir.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have any kidney disease, nerve disorders,  or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. The use of this drug for extended periods should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include seizures, hallucinations, and possible shutdown of the kidneys.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Antipyrine and Benzocaine|Analgesics (Topical-Otic)|037d               Aurafair
Oto|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Analgesics (topical-otic) deaden the pain associated with otitis media by working as an anesthetic/analgesic on the eardrum.|Allow approximately 10 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you have remembered then continue on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Analgesic (otic), anesthetic used to treat the pain associated with middle ear infections.|On rare occasions some may experience an itching or burning sensation in the ear when using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Interactions are unlikely with this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any local anesthetic.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you suspect your eardrum is ruptured.

3. Extended use of this drug is not recommended|Overdose is unlikely when used as prescribed (topically).  However, if this drug is taken orally, contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Benzocaine (rectal)
Dibucaine (rectal)
Pramoxine (rectal)
Tetracaine (rectal)
Tetracaine and Menthol (rectal)|Anesthetic (Rectal)|031[               Americaine
Ethyl Aminobenzoate
Fleet Relief
Pontocaine Cream
Pontocaine Ointment
Preparation "H"
Tronothane|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes: for some
 * Available in generic form? Dibucaine: Yes

Anesthetics (rectal), block nerve impulses that cause pain.|Allow approximately 15 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember than retake on revised schedule.|This drug is an Anesthetic, (rectal), used to treat the pain, swelling, and itching associated with hemorrhoids.|On rare occasions some may experience hives, nervousness, blood in urine, trembling, and slow heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. This drug may diminish the anti-infective effect of Sulfa drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any topical anesthetic.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have psoriasis, eczema, bleeding hemorrhoids, or an active infection on the treatment site.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug is not recommended.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However if taken orally, contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Benzocaine (Topical)
Butacaine (Topical)
Lidocaine (Topical)
Triamcinolone in Orabase (Topical)|Anesthetics, Dental (Topical)|031a               Americaine
Baby Ambesol
Baby Orajel
Ethyl Aminobenzoate
Orabase with Benzocaine
Spec T
Xylocaine Viscous|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes: some brands
 * Available in generic form? Yes: Lidocaine

Dental Anesthetics (topical) block nerve impulses that cause pain in the affected area.|Should take effect on contact.|Retake once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Anesthetic, (topical) used to treat the pain associated with toothache, dentures, teething, braces, mouth sores, and to some extent, sore throat.|Life threatening effects can include a slow or irregular heartbeat, anxiety, nervousness, and unusual excitement.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a buzzing or ringing sensation in the ears.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Drug interactions are unlikely with this drug.

2. Alcohol may trigger adverse reactions associated with this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have ever experienced any problems with the brand and generic names listed.

2. Before using this drug consult  with your doctor if you have any active sores or infections in your mouth, had allergic reactions to anything, are currently taking medication for glaucoma, myasthenia  gravis, or are taking Sulfa drugs.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Extended use is not recommended.|Overdose symptoms (caused by over absorption) can include vision problems (blurred), drowsiness, dizziness, and seizures.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Benazepril
Ramipril|Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors|005Z               Altace
Zestril|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors abate arterial resistance in order to strengthen the heartbeat.|Allow approximately 90 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, ACE inhibitor used to treat congestive heart failure and high blood pressure.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience swelling of hands, feet, mouth, and face.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. The antihypertensive effect may increase when used with other Antihypertensives, Beta-Adrenergic blockers, Carteolol, and Pentoxifylline.  

2. May result in an increase of potassium in the blood when used with Amiloride or Nicardipine.

3. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure and excessive blood potassium when used with Nimodipine.

4. May result in kidney damage when used with Pentamidine.

5. May result in a significant drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

6. May result in a severe blood pressure drop when used with Diuretics.

7. May diminish the ACE inhibitor effect when used with Diclofenac or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs.

8. May result in toxic levels of potassium in the blood when used with Potassium Iodide.

9. May result in a significant blood pressure drop when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Lisinopril, Captopril, or Enalapril, have taken medication for cancer, are receiving blood transfusions, have autoimmune disease that include AIDS, or lupus, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver or kidney disease, have a high blood potassium level, have heart or blood vessel diseases, angina, are on a strict salt free diet, or have had a stroke.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may result in a decrease of white blood cells.  Periodic medical exams are encouraged while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include fever, chills, low blood pressure, sore throat, convulsions, fainting, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Alcohol and Acetone (Topical)
Alcohol an Sulfur (Topical)
Sulfurated Lime (Topical)|Anti-Acne, Cleansing (Topical)|080[               Liquimat
Tyrosum Liquid
Vlemickx's solution
Xerac|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Anti-Acne Cleansing (topical) drugs aid in removing excess oil from the surface of the skin.|Begins to take effect on contact.|Reapply once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Anti-acne, cleansing agent used to treat acne and oily skin.|On rare occasion some may experience skin burning, swelling, infection, rash and stinging sensation.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in skin irritation and excessive dryness when used with Medicated soaps, after-shave solutions and colognes, Isoretinoin, Mercury compounds, and other skin-peeling agents.|This drug should not be applied over damaged skin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are currently using Sulfur, Tretinoin, Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, or Resorcinol.

3. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

4. Extended use of this drug may result in severe skin drying.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug when it is applied externally (topically).  If taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Chloramphenicol (Otic)
Desonide and Acetic Acid (Otic)
Gentamicin (Otic)
Hydrocortisone and Acetic Acid (Otic)
Neomycin/ Polymixin B and Hydrocortisone (Otic)|Antibacterials (Otic)|022d               Chloromycetin
Neomycin and Hydrocortisone
Coly-Mycin S
Ortega Otic-M
Otic Tridesilon Solution
Tridesilon Solution
VoSol HC|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Antibacterials (Otic) kill some types of fungus, virus and bacteria found in the external ear canal.|Allow approximately 15 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antibacterial, (otic) used to treat infections of the external ear canal.|On rare occasions some may experience an itching or burning sensation when this drug is applied.  May also include swelling and redness during use.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Drug interactions are unlikely with this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Otic Antibacterial drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you believe you have a punctured eardrum.

3. This drug should not be used for extended periods.|Overdose is unlikely when used as directed.  However, if taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Chlortetracycline (Topical)
Clindamycin (Topical)
Erythromycin (Topical)
Meclocycline (Topical)
Tetracycline (Topical)|Antibacterials for Acne (Topical)|080[               Achromycin
Cleocin T
Topicycline|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Antibacterials for Acne (topical) kills surface bacteria on the skin and hair follicles.|Allow approximately 1 month for improvement.|Reapply once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antibacterial, (topical) used to treat acne causing skin bacteria.|On rare occasion, if too much of this drug has been absorbed through the skin, some may experience fever, nausea, thirst, appetite loss, abdominal pain, weight loss, and weakness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in skin irritation and excessive dryness when used with medicated soaps, after-shave solutions, and colognes, other topical Anti-acne preparations, cosmetics, Isoretinoin, Mercury compounds, and other skin-peeling agents.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Erythromycin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have ever experienced an allergic reaction to anything applied to your skin or if you are currently using Tretinoin, Sulfur, Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, or Resorcinol.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Extended use may result in skin irritation.|Overdose is unlikely if used externally (topically).  If taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Anisindione (Oral)
Dicumarol (Oral)
Phenindione (Oral)
Warfarin Sodium (Oral)|Anticoagulants (Oral)|001Z               Anthrombin-K
Warnerin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Oral Anticoagulants block Vitamin K's ability to increase the prothrombin content of the blood.|Allow approximately 2 days for this drug to become effective.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  (Advise your doctor of any doses you may have missed).  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Anticoagulant used to treat blood clots inside blood vessels.|On rare occasion some people may experience bleeding under the skin, bloody vomit, black stools, and coughing up blood.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Any other unusual symptom should be reported to your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The following drugs will, or may, increase the anticoagulant effect of this drug:  Acetaminophen, Allopurinol, Amiodarone, Androgens, Antibiotics, oral Antidiabetics, Antihistamines, (may also diminish the effect), Benzodiazepines (may also diminish the effect), Cefixime, Clofibrate, Dextrothyroxine, Fluconazole, Nicardipine, Nimodipine, Omeprazole, and Testolactone.

2. The following drugs will, or may, diminish the anticoagulant effect of this drug:  Aminoglutethmide, Antacids, Barbiturates, Calcium supplements, Carbamazepine, Contraceptives, Griseofulvin, and Rifampin.

3. May result in spontaneous bleeding when used with Aspirin.

4. May increase the risk of bleeding when used with Bismuth Subsalicylates, Diclofenac, Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and Suprofen.

5. May cause high blood pressure, confusion, and agitation when used with Fluoxetine.

6. May increase or decrease the anticoagulant effect when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used  if you have a bleeding problem, ulcerative colitis, active peptic ulcer, or are allergic to any oral Anticoagulants.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, liver or kidney disease, high blood pressure, are taking any other medication (prescription or over the counter), have longer than average menstrual periods, have a bladder catheter, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should  be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include bloody or black stools,  coughing up blood, red colored urine, and bloody vomit.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Paramethadione
Trimethadione|Anticonvulsants, Dione-Type|008]               Paradione
Tridione|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Anticonvulsants (Dione-Type), affect a portion of the cerebral cortex associated with controlling seizures.|Allow approximately 3 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Anticonvulsant, (dione-type) used to treat petit mal seizures.|On rare occasion some people may experience unusual weakness, jaundice, blood in urine, sore throat, vision changes, bleeding gums, fever, mouth sores, swollen lymph glands, unusual bruising or bleeding, and swollen hands, face, feet or legs.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in an increase and/or toxic effects when used with Amiodarone.

2. May increase the anticonvulsant effect when used with Anticoagulants.

3. May increase the chances of seizures when used with Antidepressants (tricyclic) or Antipsychotics.

4. May lead to blood toxicity when used with other Anticonvulsants.

5. May have a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

6. May result in a  dangerous Ethinamate effect when used  with this drug.

7. May result in an increased depressant effect when used with Guanfacine or Fluoxetine.

8. May result in a dangerous sedative effect when used with Methyprylon.

9. Due to the combined sedative effect, this drug should not be used with any other sedative e.g. (pain pills, sleeping pills, nacotics, etc.).

10. May result in toxicity when used with Sulfadoxine and Pyrimethamine.

11. May result in damage to the liver as well as seizures when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Anticonvulsant drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have blood or kidney disease, will become pregnant while using this drug, have an eye disease (includes diseases of the optic nerve), or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Periodic medical examinations should be considered if this drug is used for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include drowsiness, ataxia (loss of muscle coordination), nausea, bleeding, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Betamethasone (Otic)
Decamethasone (Otic)
Hydrocortisone (Otic)|Anti-Inflammatory, Steroidal (Otic)|045d               Betnesol
Corti-sporin (Otic)
Decadron|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Anti-Inflammatory Steroidal (Otic) drugs abate tissue inflammation of the external ear.|Allow approximately 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember then continue based on the  revised schedule.|This is an Adrenocorticoid (Otic), anti-inflammatory, steroidal (otic) used to treat external ear problems to include seborrhea and eczematoid dermatitis.|On rare occasion some may experience redness, itching, burning sensation, and possible swelling when using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Drug interactions are unlikely with this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any otic anti-inflammatory, steroidal drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you believe you have a punctured eardrum.

3. Consult with your doctor to determine the proper dosage for infants and children.

4. Not recommended for extended use.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely when used externally (topically).  However, if taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Methimazole
Propylthiouracil|Antithyroid|026b               Propyl-Thyracil
Thiamazole|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Antithyroid drugs prevent the excess production of thyroid hormone.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihyperthyroid used to treat hyperthyroidism (over active thyroid).|It is not uncommon for some people to experience itching and skin rash when using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience headache, fever, abdominal pain, constipation, muscle pain, joint pain, jaundice, swollen lymph glands, dizziness, swollen eyes, menstrual irregularities, and irritability.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the primary effect of Anticoagulants.

2. May result in suppressing bone marrow if used with Antineoplastic drugs or Chloramphenicol.

3. Clozapine or Tiopronin may result in bone  marrow toxicity.

4. May result in diminished Thyroid activity when used with Lithium.

5. May cause toxicity of the liver when used with Alcohol.

6. May result in toxicity of both the Antithyroid and Thioguanine when used together.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antithyroid drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have blood or liver disease, take Anticoagulants, or have an active infection.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may increase the likelihood of experiencing the adverse effect of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include jaundice, skin spots, bleeding, and unconsciousness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Azathioprine||076^               Imuran|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Azathioprine may be responsible for inhibiting the DNA and RNA synthesis that results in a body's rejection of a transplanted organ.|Allow approximately 2 months for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Immunosuppressant, anti rheumatic used to guard against the body's rejection of a transplanted organ (e.g. heart, lung, etc.).  May also be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis as well as other immunologic diseases.|Life threatening effects can include coughing, muscle and joint pain, fever, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.   Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience  painful urination, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, back pain, and fatigue.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in bone marrow toxicity when used with Clozapine or Tiopronin.

2. May result in malignancies or infections when used with other Immunosuppressants.

3. Allopurinol may increase the effect of this drug.

4. May result in a dangerous reaction to Vaccines causing the disease for which the vaccine was intended to prevent to become active.|1. This drug should not be used if you have herpes zoaster or chicken pox.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have an active infection, gout, kidney or liver disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Extended use is not recommended.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose is unlikely.  However, if greater than prescribed doses are taken contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Ethylestrenol
Testosterone|Androgens|078b               Anabolin
Anabolin LA  100
Anapolon 50
Andro 100
Andro-Cyp 100
Andro-LA 200
Andropository 100
Andryl 200
Dep Andro
Durathate 200
Hybolin Decanoate
Nancrobolic L.A.
Testamone 100
Testone L.A.
Testred-Cypionate 200
Testrin P.A.
Virolon IM
Winstrol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Androgens restore hormone inadequacies, quell estrogen production, promotes the production of red blood cells, and accelerates the development of  male sex features.|Depends on the nature of the problem.  May take up to 3 months for maximum effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Androgen and is used to treat aplastic anemia, osteoporosis, "male menopause" symptoms, dwarfism, undescended testicles in male children, breast-cancer, and breast pain after childbirth.  Also used to stimulate weight gain.|Life threatening effects can include weakness, intense itching, and coma.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On  rare occasion some may experience nausea, vomiting, yellow eyes or skin, headache, rapid weight gain, depression, skin rash, confusion, vaginal bleeding, swollen feet or legs, scrotum pain, and diarrhea.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. Chlorzoxazone, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenobarbital, and Phenylbutazone can diminish the effect of this drug.

2. May increase the effect of Anticoagulants and Antidiabetics.

3. May increase the antidiabetic effect of Insulin.

4. May result in liver toxicity when used with Hepatotoxic drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any type of male hormone.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have male breast cancer, liver or kidney disease,  prostate cancer, high blood pressure, epilepsy, migraine headaches, heart disease, or arteriosclerosis, or have a high blood calcium level.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience increased sexual activity while using this drug.  May also worsen heart disease, high blood pressure, and enlarged prostate problems.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a reduction of sperm and semen in males and lead to a voice deepening and unusual hair growth in females.  Follow up medical examinations are encouraged after extended use of this drug.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely, however, if larger than prescribed amounts are taken, contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Benzphetamine
Phentermine|Appetite Suppressants|064_               Adipex-P
Bontril PDM
Bontril Slow release
Marlibar A
Melfiat-105 Unicelles
Panrexin M
Panrexin MTP
Ponderal Pacaps
Pondimin Extentabs
PT 105
Rexigen Forte
Tenuate Dospan
Tepanil Ten-Tab
Uni Trim
Wehless Timecelles
X-Trozine LA
Zantryl|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Appetite Suppressants stimulate the hunger center of the brain.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|Long-Acting:  If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.
Short-Acting:  Wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Appetite suppressant used to suppress appetites in order to reduce caloric intake.|On rare occasion some may experience mood changes, pounding heartbeat, skin rash, hives, irregular heartbeat, and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less serious but not uncommon, some people may experience nervousness, insomnia, irritability, and sense of euphoria.  If this occurs consult with your doctor during your next visit and make him/her aware of these symptoms.|1. May result in a dangerous over stimulation when used with other Appetite suppressants.

2. May diminish the primary effect of Antihypertensives when used together.

3. May result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

4. May decrease the effect of Guanethidine, Hydralazine, Methyldopa, and Rauwolfia Alkaloids.

5. May cause an increase of the stimulant effect when used with Caffeine.

6. May result in increased sedation when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have a history of abusing drugs, have glaucoma, irregular or rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), are allergic to any Phenylpropanolamine or Sympathomimetic drug, used MAO inhibiting drugs within the last 2 weeks, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, heart disease, nervous tension, high blood pressure, overactive thyroid, use any non-prescription drugs, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. Do not give this drug to children under 12 years of age without medical supervision.  Consult with your doctor.

7. Extended use may diminish the effectiveness of this drug.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations, convulsions, trembling, irritability, fever, mood changes, insomnia, confusion, disorientation, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Acetohexamide
Tolbutamide|Antidiabetic Agents|030b               Apo-Chlorpropamide
Tolinase|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes:  some brands

Antidiabetic agents pique the pancreas to produce additional Insulin.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for maximum effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antidiabetic, (oral), sulfonurea used to treat diabetes insipidus and adult diabetics who have  problems controlling blood sugar by other means.|On rare occasion some may experience cold sweats, rapid pulse, hunger, anxiety, and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience constipation, loss of appetite, diarrhea,  heartburn, and stomach pain when using this drug.  If this occurs consult with your doctor and make him/her aware of these symptoms.|1. May result in an increase lowering of blood sugar when used with Androgens, Aspirin, Chloramphenicol, Cimetidine, Clofibrate, Epinephrine, Estrogens, Insulin, Labetalol, MAO inhibitors, Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenylbutazone, Phenyramidol, Probenecid, Ranitidine, Sulfa Drugs and Sulfaphenazole.

2. May result in a decreased lowering of blood sugar when used with Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), oral Contraceptives, Cortisone drugs, Diuretics (Loop, Thiazide), Guanethidine, Isoniazid, Nicotinic Acid, Phenytoin, Pyrazinamide, Rifampin, Beta Blockers and Thyroid Hormones.

3. May result in toxicity when used with Sulfadoxine and Pyrimethamine  together.

4. May increase the effect of Digoxin when used together.

5. May result in a radical drop in blood sugar when used with Fluconazole.  Monitor carefully.

6. Avoid Alcohol with this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have kidney or liver problems or are allergic to any Sufonurea drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, or have a major infection.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may increase the likelihood of experiencing the adverse effects of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include rapid heartbeat, nausea, anxiety, cold sweats, weakness, unconsciousness, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Diclofenac
Mefenamic Acid
Tiaprofenic Acid
Tolmetin|Anti-Inflammatory Analgesics, Non-Steroidal|014b               Aches-N-Pain
Advil Caplets
Anaprox DS
Children's Advil
Indocid SR
Indocin SR
Indolar SR
Midol 200
Motrin-IB Caplets
Nalfon 200
Naprosyn 500
Nuprin Caplets
Phenylone Plus
Telectin DS
Voltaren SR
Voltarol Retard|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:  Some
 * Available in generic form? Yes:  Some

Anti-Inflammatory Analgesics (Non-Steroidal) abate prostaglandin buildup in body tissue.|Allow approximately 3 weeks to achieve maximum benefit.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Anti-Inflammatory, non-steroidal used to treat dysmenorrhea, juvenile, rheumatoid arthritis, pain, and symptoms associated with gout and arthritis.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  This is especially possible in Aspirin sensitive people.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience mouth ulcers, intense abdominal pain, muscle  cramps, rapid weight gain, blood in urine, hearing loss, rapid heartbeat, painful urination, tingling hands or feet, vision problems, bloody stool, convulsions, and psychosis.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in kidney toxicity when used with Gold compounds or Tiopronin.

2. May result in stomach ulcers when used with Aspirin, Cortisone drugs, and Alcohol.

3. May result in dangerous adverse effects when used with Anti-Inflammatory pain relievers.

4. May diminish the diuretic effect of Diuretics.

5. May result in decreased pain relief when used with Antacids.

6. May decrease the effect of ACE inhibitors and Beta-Blockers.

7. May result in fluid and sodium retention when used with Terazosin.

8. May result in rising blood  pressure and producing a rapid heartbeat when used with Thyroid Hormones.

9.  May increase the effect of anticoagulants.|1. This drug should not be used if you have high blood pressure, asthma, gastritis, heart failure, peptic ulcer, enteritis, bleeding problems, ileitis, ulcerative colitis, are allergic to any Non-steroidal, Anti-Inflammatory drug or Aspirin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, liver or kidney disorders, or have been treated for mental illness.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to anyone under 15 years of age.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may result in weight gain, eye damage, hearing loss, fever, and sore throat.  Follow up medical examinations should be scheduled.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, agitation, severe headache, confusion, incoherence, stomach hemorrhaging, intestinal hemorrhaging, and coma. If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Betamethasone (Ophtalmic)
Dexamethasone (Ophtalmic)
Fluorometholone (Ophtalmic)
Hydrocortisone (Ophtalmic)
Medrysone (Ophtalmic)
Prednisolone (Ophtalmic)|Anti-Inflammatory, Steroidal (Ophthalmic)|044c               Ak-Dex
Econopred Plus
FML Forte
FML Liquifilm
Inflamase Forte
Ocu-Pred Forte
Pred Forte
Pred Mild
Predair Forte
Ultra Pred|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Anti-Inflammatory, Steroidal (Ophthalmic) drugs influence cell membranes to make them less sensitive to irritants.|Begins to take effect on contact.|Reapply once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (Ophthalmic);  anti-inflammatory, steroidal (Ophthalmic) used to treat eye irritations due to allergies and other annoyances.|On rare occasion some may experience eye pain and vision distortions while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Interactions with oral or injected medications are unlikely with this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Cortisone drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, eye infection (past or present), or tuberculosis or the eye.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug if it is used externally (topically).  If taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Astemizole
Pyrilamine|Antihistamines|017Z               Actagen-C Cough
Actifed DM
Actifed w/Codeine Cough
Alamine-C Liquid
Allerfrin w/Codeine
Ambay Cough
Ambenyl Cough
Ambophen Expectorant
Anamine HD
Anatuss w/Codeine
Baydec DM Drops
Bayhistine DH
Beldin Cough
Bena-D 50
Benadryl Complete Allergy
Benahist 10
Benahist 50
Benylin Cough
Benylin w/Codeine
Biphetane DC Cough
Bromanate DC Cough
Bromphen DC
Bronkotuss Expectorant
Bydramine Cough
Caldomine-DH Forte
Caldomine-DH Pediatric
Calm X
Calmylin w/Codeine
Carbodec DM Drops
Cheracol Plus
Chlor-Pro 10
Chlor-Trimeton Repetabs
Citra Forte
CCodehist DH
Codimal DH
Codimal DM
Codimal PH
Colrex Compound
Colrex Cough
Comtrex Multi-Symptom Cold Reliever
Contac Severe Cold Formula
Contac Severe Cold Formula Night Strength
Corcidin w/Codeine
CoTylenol Cold Medication
Cremacoat  4 Throat Coating Cough Medicine
Diamine T.D.
Dihistine DH
Dimetane-DC Cough
Dimetane-DX Cough
Dimetane Expectorant
Dimetane Expectorant-C
Dimetane Expectorant-DC
Dimetane Extentabs
Dimetapp w/Codeine
Diphen Cough
Donatussin Drops
Dormarex 2
Dramamine Chewable
Dramamine Liquid
Drixoral Plus
Efficol Cough Whip (Cough Suppressant/Decongestant/Antihistamine)
Efricon Expectorant Liquid
Father John's Medicine Plus
Gravol L/A
Guistrey Fortis
Histadyl E.C.
Histafed  C.
Histaject Modified
Histatuss Pediatric
Hycomine Compound
Hycomine-S Pediatric
Hydramine Cough
Improved Sino-Tuss
Kolephrin NN Liquid
Lanatuss Expectorant
Mallergan-VC w/Codeine
Meda Syrup Forte
Medatussin Plus
Midahist DH
Myhistine DH
Myphetane DC Cough
Nasahist B
ND Stat Revised
Nervine Night-time Sleep-Aid
Nordryl Cough
Normatane DC
Novahistex C
Novahistex DH
Novahistex DH Expectorant
Novahistex DM
Novahistine Cough & Cold Formula Liquid
Novahistine DH
Novahistine DH Expectorant
Novahistine DH Liquid
NyQuil Nighttime Colds Medicine
Nytime Cold Medicine Liquid
Nytol w/DPH
Oraminic II
Ornade Expectorant
Ornade-DM 10
Ornade-DM 15
Ornade-DM 30
Orthoxicol Cough
Par Decon
PediaCare Allergy
PediaCare 3 Children's Cold Relief
Pediacof Cough
Pertussin AM
Pertussin PM
Pfeiffer's Allergy
Phenergan VC w/Codeine
Phenergan w/Codeine
Phenergan w/Dextromethorphan
Phenetron Lanacaps
Pherazine VC w/Codeine
Poladex T.D.
Polaramine Expectorant
Polaramine Repetabs
Prometh VC w/Codeine
Promethazine and Codeine
Prominicol Cough
Promist HD Liquid
Pseudo-Car DM
Pseudodine C Cough
Pyrilamine Maleate Tablets
Quelidrine Cough
Robitussin A-C
Robitussin Night Relief Colds Formula Liquid
Robitussin w/Codeine
Rondec-DM Drops
Ru-Tuss w/Hydrocodone Liquid
Ryna-C Liquid
Rynatuss Pediatric
Sleep-Eze 3
Sominex Liquid
Thera/Flu & Cough
Thera Flu/Cold & Cough
Triacin C Cough
Triaminic Expectorant
Triaminic Expectorant DH
Triaminic Nite Light
Triaminic-DM Expectorant
Triaminicin w/Codeine
Triaminicol DM
Triaminicol Multi-Symptom Relief
Tricodene Forte
Tricodene #1
Tricodene NN Cough and Cold Medication
Trifed-C Cough
Trimedine Liquid
Trind DM Liquid
Tus-Ornade Spansules
Tussaminic DH Forte
Tussaminic DH Pediatric
Tussanil DH
Tussar DM
Tussar SF
Tussirex w/Codeine Liquid
Ty-Cold Cold Formula
Tylenol Cold Formula
Unisom Nighttime Sleep Aid
Vicks Formula 44 Cough Mixture
Wehdryl|  * Addiction Potential? Some
 * Prescription Required? Low Strength No/High Strength Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Antihistamines neutralize or inhibit the action of histamines of affected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used to treat symptoms of allergies, prevent motion sickness, induce sleep, and lessen the tremors and stiffness associated with Parkinson's disease.|On rare occasion some may experience skin rash, coordination problems, changes in vision, rapid heartbeat, nightmares, weakness, unusual bleeding or bruising, agitation, fatigue and confusion.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less serious and not uncommon, some may experience nausea, dry nose-mouth-and throat, drowsiness, and dizziness.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in excessive sedation when used with Antidepressants, other Antihistamines, Hypnotics, Mind-Altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers, and Alcohol.

2. May cause an increased effect of Anticholinergic drugs.

3. MAO inhibitors or Sotalol may increase the antihistamine effect of this drug.

4. May cause a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

5. May depress the central nervous system more than expected when used with Nabilone.

6. Dronabinol may increase the effect of both drugs.

7. Molindone may increase both the antihistamine and sedative effect of this drug.

8. May result in increased sedation when used with Procarbazine.|1. This drug should not be used if allergic to any Antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have asthma, peptic ulcer, glaucoma, enlarged prostate gland, kidney disease, or will be having surgery (including dental) with in the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. When using one of the various generic Antihistamines consult with your doctor about the specific effects and interactions you may expect.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. This drug should not be give to newborn or premature infants unless directed to do so by your doctor.

7. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

8. Extended use of this drug may lead to nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations, convulsions, red face, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Butoconazole (Topical)
Clotrimazole (Topical)
Econazole (Topical)
Miconazole (Topical)
Nystatin (Topical)
Terconazole (Topical)
Tioconazole|Antifungals (Vaginal)|021\               Canesten
Gentian Violet
Monistat 3
Monistat 7
Terazol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes: Some

Antifungal (Vaginal) drugs attack the cell membrane of fungus.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for maximum benefit.|Reapply once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antifungal (vaginal) used to treat fungus infections commonly found in the vagina.|On rare occasions some women may experience hives, skin rash, increased vaginal discharge, redness, burning sensation, and itching.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Drug interactions with medications taken orally or by injection are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any vaginal antifungal treatment or have liver disease.

2. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3. Infants and children use this drug only under medical supervision.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.|Clioquinol (Topical)
Clioquinol (Topical)
Iodochlorhydroxyquin (Topical)
Iodochlorhydroxyquin and Hydrocortisone (Topical)
Naftidine (Topical)|Antibacterials, Antifungals (Topical)|022[               Dermacomb
Vioform-Hydrocortisone|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes:  Some

Antibacterial, Antifungal (topical) drugs kill certain types of bacteria and fungus on contact.|Allow approximately 1 month for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember, then continue based on revised schedule.|This drug is an Antibacterial, antifungal, (topical) used to treat inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema  and athlete's foot.|On rare occasion some people may experience swelling, hives, stomach cramps, itching,  burning sensation, and  skin peeling.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Drug interactions are unlikely with this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Iodine or Clioquinol.

2. Before using this drug consult with you doctor if you have ever experienced an allergic  reaction to anything applied to your skin.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Consult with your doctor before using on infants and children.|Overdose symptoms can include diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Bacitracin (Topical)
Chloramphenicol (Topical)
Clindamycin (Topical)
Gentamicin (Topical)
Mupirocin (Topical)
Neomycin (Topical)
Neomycin and Polymyxin B (Topical)
Noemycin,Polymyxin B and Bacitracin (Topical)|Antibacterials (Topical)|022[               Bactine First Aid Antibioctic
Cleocin T
Topisporan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Topical Antibacterial drugs kill certain bacteria types by influencing their DNA and RNA.|Allow approximately 24 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antibacterial, (topical) used to treat skin infections.|On rare occasions some may experience a reddening of the skin and itching.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in hypersensitivity when used with other topically applied drugs.|1. This drug should not  be used if you are allergic to any topically applied drug or Gentamicin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have any open sores or skin lesions.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Consult with your doctor before using on infants and children.|Overdose is unlikely when used externally (topically).  However, if taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Chloramphenicol (Ophthalmic)
Chlortetracycline (Ophthalmic)
Erythromycin (Ophthalmic)
Gentamicin (Ophthalmic)
Neomycin (Ophthalmic)
Neomycin-Polymixin B and Bacitracin (Ophthalmic)
Neomycin-Polymixin B and Cortisol (Ophthalmic)
Neomycin-Polymixin B and Gramicidin (Ophthalmic)
Neomycin-Polymixin B and Hydrocortisone (Ophthalmic)
Sulfacetamide (Ophthalmic)
Sulfonamides (Ophthalmic)
Tetracycline (Ophthalmic)|Antibacterials (Ophthalmic)|022c               Achromycin
Chloroptic S.O.P.
Isopto Cetamide
Isopto Fenicol
Ocu-Sul 15
Ocu-Sul 30
Sodium Sulamyd
Steri-Units Sulfacetamide
Sulfair 10
Sulfair 15
Sulfair Forte
Sulten-10|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes:  Some brands.

Ophthalmic Antibacterial drugs prevent the reproduction of  certain bacteria.|Allow approximately 10 days for maximum effect.|Reapply once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antibacterial, (Ophthalmic) used to treat eye infections on the surface of the eye.|No adverse effects are likely with this drug.|1. Possible drug interactions are unlikely with injected or oral medications.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any antibiotic used on the skin, ears, rectum, or vagina.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have ever experienced any kind of allergic reaction to anything.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Extended use may result in developing a sensitivity to this drug.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug when used as directed.  However, if taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Resorcinol
Resorcinol and Sulfur
Salicylic Acid
Sulfur (Topical)
Salicylic Acid & Sulfur|Anti-Acne (Topical)|080[               Acne-Aid
Acnomel-Acne Cream
Acnomel Cake
Anti Acne
Aveeno Acne Bar
Aveeno Cleansing Bar
Clearasil Adult Care Medicated Blemish Cream
Clearasil Adult Care Medicated Blemish Stick
Clear Away
Compound W
Cuticura Ointment
Derma and Soft Creme
Fostex CM
Fostex Medicated Cleansing Bar
Fostex Medicated Cleansing Cream
Fostex Medicated Cleansing Liquid
Fostex Regular Strength Medicated Cleansing Bar
Fostex Regular Strength Medicated Cleansing Cream
Fostex Regular Strength Medicated Cover-Up
Listerex Golden Scrub
Lotio Alsulfa
Meted Maximum Strength Anti-Dandruff Shampoo w/Conditioners
Night Cast R
Noxzema Clear Ups
OxyClean Maximum Strength
OxyClean Medicated Cleanser
OxyClean Medicated Soap
OxyClean Regular Strength
Pernox Lemon Medicated Scrub Cleanser
Pernox Lotion Lathering Abradant Scrub Cleanser
Pernox Lotion Lathering Scrub Cleanser
Pernox Lotion Regular Medicated Scrub Cleanser
Propa P.H.
Rezamid-Acne Treatment
Salactic Film
Sastid Plain
Sastid Plain Shampoo and Acne Wash
Sastid Soap
Sebasorb Liquid
Sebulex Antiseborrheic Treatment and Conditioning Shampoo
Sebulex Antiseborrheic Treatment Shampoo
Sebulex Conditioning Shampoo
Sebulex Cream Medicated Shampoo
Sebulex Medicated Dandruff Shampoo
Sebulex Shampoo
Stri-Dex Maximum Strength
Stri-Dex Regular Strength
Sulsal Soap
Tersac Cleansing Gel
Therac Lotion
Xseb|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:  Some brands
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Topical Anti-Acne drugs accelerate  the process of renewing skin cells.|Allow 2 to 6 weeks for maximum effect.|Reapply once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Anti-acne, (topical) used to treat acne, folliculitis, psoriasis, flat warts, and ichthyosis.|On rare occasion some may experience skin swelling, blistering, skin burning, and crusting.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in harsh skin irritation when used with other Anti-acne (topical) preparations, medicated Cosmetics, Alcohol based skin preparations, and abrasive skin treatments.|1. This drug should not be used if the skin is already damaged by windburn, sunburn, open wounds, sores or lesions, or are allergic to Tretinoin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have eczema.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. Not recommended for people over 60 years of age.|Overdose is unlikely when used topically.  If taken internally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Captopril and Hydrochlorothiazide
Enalapril and Hydrochlorothiazide
Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide|Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors and Hydrochlorothiazide.|006Z               Capozide
Zestoretic|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

ACE inhibitors with Hydrochlorothiazide reduce body fluid, relax muscle tension of the smaller arteries to lower blood pressure, and consequently strengthens the heartbeat.|Allow approximately 6 hours for this drug to take effect and a few weeks to lower your blood pressure.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic (thiazide), ACE inhibitor used to treat high blood pressure, fluid retention, and congestive heart failure|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience muscle cramps, dry mouth, chest pains, skin rash and vomiting.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the antihypertensive effect of other Antihypertensives, Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, Carteolol, Lisinopril, and Sotalol.

2. May lead to blood disorders when used with Chloramphenicol.

3. May result in a diminished hydrochlorothiazide effect when used with Cholestyramine.  MAO inhibitors may increase the hydrochlorothiazide effect.

4. May decrease the effect of Allopurinol and Probenecid.

5. May result in excessive blood potassium when used with Amiloride, Spironolactone, Potassium supplements, and Triamterene.

6. May result in a dangerous blood pressure drop when used with Antidepressants (tricyclic) or Alcohol.

7. May result in an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

8. May result in a blood pressure drop if used with Diuretics or Nicardipine.

9. May result in  aggravating congestive heart failure and producing an irregular heartbeat when used with Nimodipine.

10. May increase the effect  of Lithium.|1. This drug should not be used if you are taking cancer treating drugs, are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic drug or ACE inhibitor, have any autoimmune disease, are receiving blood transfusions, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a high blood potassium level, angina, heart disease, kidney problems, gout, blood-vessel disease, liver or pancreas disorders, have had a stroke, are allergic to Sulfa drugs, or are on a strict salt free diet.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Periodic medical examinations should be scheduled if this drug is being used for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include weakness, cramps, drowsiness, weak pulse, and low blood pressure.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center Immediately.|Acetaminophen and Aspirin
Acetaminophen and Salicylamide
Acetaminophen and Sodium Salicylate
Acetaminophen-Aspirin and Salicylamide|Acetaminophen and Salicylates|037Z               Arthralgin
Buffets II
Goody's Extra Strength Tablets
Goody's Headache Powders
Rid-A-Pain Compound
Tenol Plus
Vanquish|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? No

It is believed Acetaminophen affects the pain center of the brain known as the Hypothalamus.|Allow approximately 20 to 30 minutes, can last up to 4 hours.|Retake once you remember and continue based on the revised schedule.|Acetaminophen and Salicylates are an analgesic, fever reducer used for the treatment of fever, mild pain, stiffness, and joint pain associated with rheumatism or arthritis.|Common adverse effects however can include discomfort while urinating, vomiting blood, jaundice, black stool, and nausea.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Antacids or Phenobarbital may diminish the effect of this drug.

2. When taken with Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Alcohol, or Indomethacin this drug may cause ulcers and stomach bleeding.

3. May cause an increased effect when taken with Methotrexate.

4. When taken with Cortisone drugs this drug is likely to increase the effect of the Cortisone and may lead to ulcers and stomach bleeding.

5. When taken with Aspirin or other Salicylates this drug may lead to toxicity.|1. Do not take if allergic to Acetaminophen or any of the Salicylates.

2. Do not take if you have any bleeding disorder or peptic ulcer.

3. Caution should be exercised not exceed the recommended dosage if you are over 60 years of age.  May cause liver, kidney, stomach, or intestine problems.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. May increase the risk of contracting Reye's syndrome if given to children under 18 years of age, especially if taken for viral illnesses, fever,  chicken pox, and the flu.

6. Extended use of this drug may cause kidney damage.|Overdose symptoms may include rapid breathing,  dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fever, ringing ears, hallucinations, blood in urine, sweating and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Alclometasone (Topical)
Amcinonide (Topical)
Beclomethasone (Topical)
Betamethasone (Topical)
Clobetasol (Topical)
Clobetasone (Topical)
Clocortolone (Topical)
Desonide (Topical)
Desoximetasone (Topical)
Dexamethasone (Topical)
Diflorasone (Topical)
Diflucortolone (Topical)
Flumethasone (Topical)
Fluocinolone (Topical)
Fluocinonide (Topical)
Flurandrenolide (Topical)
Halcinonide (Topical)
Hydrocortisone (Dental)
Hydrocortisone (Rectal)
Hydrocortisone (Topical)
Methylprednisolone (Topical)
Mometasone (Topical)
Triamcinolone (Dental)
Triamcinolone (Topical)|Adrenocorticoids (Topical)|024[               9-1-1
Ala-Scalp HP
Aristocort A
Aristocort C
Aristocort D
Aristocort R
Betacort Scalp Lotion
Betaderm Scalp Lotion
CaldeCORT Anti-itch
Cordran SP
Cortef Acetate
Cortef Feminine Itch
Dermolate-Scalp Itch
Dermovate Scalp Application
Dermtex HC
Ectosone Scalp Lotion
Florene E
Foille Cort
H2 Cort
Halog E
Metosyn FAPG
My Cort
Prevex B
Prevex HC
S-T Cort
Sarna HC
Texacort-Scalp Solution
Valisone Scalp Lotion
Westcort|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes: Some brands
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Adrenocorticoids affect the enzymes that produce inflammation.  This is a steroid, but cannot be abused.|Allow approximatey 20 to 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical,steroid) used in the treatment of itching, redness, swelling, hemorrhoids, and insect bites.|While life-threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience skin irritation, blistering, redness, and infections on the skin.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May decrease the effect of other topical Antibiotics.

2. May decrease the effect of topical Antifungals. |1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to any topical  Adrenocorticoid (cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, diabetes, or if you will become pregnant during the medication period.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience a thinning of the skin.|While overdose is  unlikely, if you suspect that this drug was taken either orally or inhaled, contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Aluminum, Calcium and Magnesium Antacids||032_               Camolox|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Aluminum, Calcium and Magnesium Antacids neutralize stomach acid, binds excessive phospate in the intestine, retards the protein breaking action of pepsin, and innervates muscles in the lower portion of the bowel.|Allow approximately 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember.  Continue based on the revised schedule.  Note:  This drug should not be taken simultaneously with any other medication, space doses 2 hours apart.|This drug is an Antacid and is used in the treatment of hyperacidity of the upper gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer, gastritis, hiatal hernia, esophagitis, and constipation relief.|Life threatening effects can include an irregular heartbeat in people already suffering from heart disease.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience a loss of appetite, constipation, distended stomach, and headache.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of Anticoagulants, Calcitonin, Chlorpromazine, Ciprofloxacin, Digitalis preparations, Iron supplements, Isoniazid, Nalidixic acid, Norfloxacin, Oxyphenbutazone, Para-aminosalicyclic acid, Penicillin, Pentobarbital, Phenylbutazone, Sulfa drugs, and Tetracycline.

2. The use of this drug with Diuretics may lead to an increase in blood calcium.

3. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Levodopa, Meperidine, Pseudoephedrine, Quinidine, and Salicylates.

4. Alcohol may decrease the Antacid effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have high blood calcium or are allergic to any antacid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have  symptoms of appendicitis, kidney disease, intestinal  or stomach bleeding, irregular heartbeat, or have chronic diarrhea, constipation or colitis.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age may experience constipation or diarrhea while using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to impaired kidney function, kidney stones, and weak bones.|Overdose symptoms can include weakness, dry mouth, diarrhea, shallow breathing, fatigue, and stupor.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Aluminum Hydroxide||032_               Alagel
Algenic Alka
De Witts
Dioval Ex
Kolantyl Wafers
Max-Ox 40
Neosorb Plus
Phillips Milk of Magnesia
Win Gel|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Aluminum Hydroxide neutralizes stomach acid, binds excessive phosphate in the intestines and retards the protein breaking action of pepsin.|Allow approximately 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Start retaking once you remember, and continue based on revised schedule.  Do not take simultaneously with other drugs.|Aluminum Hydroxide is an Antacid, Antidiarrheal medication used for the treatment of diarrhea, peptic ulcer, gastritis, hiatal hernia, esophagitis, as well as for symptoms of acid indigestion and heartburn.|Although no life threatening effects are likely some may experience a loss of appetite and or constipation.  However infrequent, the use of this drug may cause muscle weakness, lower abdominal pain, swollen ankles or wrists, and bone pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may diminish the effectiveness of the following drugs:  Penicillin, Sulfa drugs, Tetracycline, Phenylbutazone, Pentobarbital, Nalidixic Acid, Norfloxacin, Digitalis preparations, Anticoagulants, Chlorpromazine, Oxyphenbutazone, Ciprofloxacin, and Iron supplements.

2. The use of this drug may also increase the effect of both Meperidine and Pseudoephedrine.

3. Alcohol may diminish the effect of this drug as an antacid.|1. Should not be taken if you are allergic to any type of antacid.

2. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3. If over 60 years of age you might experience constipation or diarrhea.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Before taking this drug consult with your doctor if you have stomach or intestinal bleeding, symptoms of appendicitis, kidney disease, or chronic constipation, diarrhea, or colitis.

6. The use of this drug over extended periods may lead to a weakening of the bones.|Overdose symptoms may include dizziness, weakness, and fatigue.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Alumina and Magnesia
Alumina and Magnesium Carbonate
Alumina,Magnesium Carbonate and Magnesium Oxide
Alumina and Magnesium Trisilicate
Dihydroxyaluminum Aminoacetate and Magnesia
Dihydroxyaluminum, Aminoacetate,Magnesia and Alumina
Magnesium Trisilicate,Alumina and Magnesia|Aluminum and Magnesium Antacids|032_               Algenic Alka
Algenic Alka Improved
Amphojel 500
Diovol Ex
Gelusil Extra Strength
Maalox No. 1
Maalox No. 2
Maalox TC
Mylanta-2 Plain
Neosorb Plus
Rulox No. 1
Rulox No. 2
WinGel|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Aluminum and Magnesium Antacids neutralize stomach acid, binds excessive phosphate in the intestine, retards the protein breaking action of pepsin, and innervates muscles in the lower portion of the bowel.|Allow approximately 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect when used as an antacid.|Start retaking when you remember, and continue based on the revised schedule.  Avoid taking at the same time as other medications.|This drug is an Antacid used in the treatment of diarrhea, peptic ulcer, gastritis, hiatal hernia, esophagitis, as well as for symptoms of acid indigestion and heartburn.|Life threatening effect can be experienced by people with a history of heart disease and may cause irregularity of the heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  It is not uncommon for some to experience a loss of appetite, headache, constipation, and distended stomach.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may diminish the effectiveness of the following drugs:  Anticoagulants (oral), Chlorpromazine, Ciprofloxacin, Digitalis preparations, Iron supplements, Isoniazid, Nalidixic acid, Norfloxacin, Oxyphenbutazone, Penicillins, Pentobarbital, Phenylbutazone, Sulfa drugs, and Tetracycline.

2. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Meperidine and Pseudoephedrine.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to any antacids.

2. Before taking this drug consult with your doctor if you have a history of kidney disease, appendicitis symptoms, chronic diarrhea, colitis, constipation, or intestinal or stomach bleeding.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age may experience constipation or diarrhea.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. The use of this drug over extended periods may lead to a weakening of the bones.|Overdose symptoms can include shallow breathing, weakness, dry mouth, dizziness, fatigue, diarrhea, and stupor.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Alumina,Magnesia and Simethicone
Magaldrate and Simethicone
Simethicone,Alumina,Magnesium Carbonate and Magnesia.|Aluminum, Magnesium, Magaldrate and Simethicone Antacids.|043_               Alma-Mag 4 Improved
Almacone II
Alma-Mag Improved
Alumid Plus
Amphojel Plus
AntaGel II
Maalox Plus
Mygel II
Mylanta-2 Extra Strength
Newtrogel II
Riopan Plus
Simaal Gel
Simaal 2 Gel
Simeco|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Aluminum, Magnesium, Magaldrate, and Simethicone Antacids neutralize stomach acid, retards the protein breaking action of pepsin, and innervates muscles in the lower portion of the bowel.|Allow 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect. |Start retaking when you remember, and continue based on the revised schedule.  Avoid taking at the same time as other medications.|This drug is an antacid, antiflatulent used in the treatment of abdominal gas retention, relief or diarrhea or constipation, heartburn, acid indigestion, peptic ulcer, gastritis, esophagitis, and hiatal hernia.|People with a history of heart disease may experience a life threatening irregularity of the heartbeat.  If this occurs, contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Other effects may include a loss of appetite, headache, distended stomach, and constipation.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of the following drugs:  Anticoagulants (oral), Chlorpromazine, Ciprofloxacin, Digitalis preparations, Iron supplements, Isoniazid, Nalidixic acid, Norfloxoacin, Oxyphenbutazone, Penicillin, Pentobarbital, Phenylbutazone, Sulfa drugs, and Tetracycline.

2. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Meperidine, Levodopa, and Pseudoephedrine.

3. Alcohol may decrease the antacid effect of this drug.|1. Do not take this drug if you are allergic to any antacid.

2. Consult with your doctor before taking this drug if you have a history of kidney disease, appendicitis symptoms, chronic constipation, diarrhea, colitis, intestinal or stomach bleeding.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. May cause constipation in people over 60 years of age.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. The extended use of this drug may lead to a weakening of the bones.|Overdose symptoms can include shallow breathing, dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, weakness, diarrhea, and stupor.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Aluminum, Magnesium and Sodium Bicarbonate Antacids.||032_               Gas-Is-Gone
Triconsil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Aluminum, Magnesium and Sodium Bicarbonate Antacids neutralize stomach acid, binds excessive phosphate in the intestine, retards the protein breaking action of pepsin, and innervates muscles in the lower bowel.|Allow approximately 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, and continue based on the revised schedule.  Note:  This drug should not be taken simultaneously with any other medication, space doses 2 hours apart.|This drug is an antacid, antiflatulent used in the treatment of hyperacidity of the upper gastrointestinal tract, heartburn, indigestion, peptic ulcer, esophagitis, gastritis, hiatal hernia, diarrhea, and constipation.|Life threatening effects can include an irregular heartbeat in people already suffering from heart disease.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a loss of appetite, constipation, distended stomach, and headache.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of oral Anticoagulants, Chlorpromazine, Ciprofloxacin, Digitalis preparations, Iron supplements, Isoniazide, Nalidixic acid, Norfloxacin, Oxyphenbutazone, Para-aminosalicylic acid, Penicillin, Pentobarbital, Phenylbutazone, Sulfa drugs, and Tetracycline.

2. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Levodopa, Meperidine, and Pseudoephedrine.

3. Alcohol  may decrease the antacid effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any antacid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have stomach or intestinal bleeding, liver or kidney disease, high blood pressure, symptoms of appendicitis, congestive heart failure, chronic constipation, colitis, or diarrhea.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience diarrhea or constipation while using this drug.

6. The use of this drug over extended periods may cause a weakening of the bones.|Overdose symptoms can include weakness, fatigue, dry mouth, diarrhea, shallow breathing, dizziness, and stupor.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Benzocaine (Topical)
Benzoccaine and Menthol (Topical)
Butacaine (Topical)
Butamben (Topical)
Cyclomethycaine (Topical)
Dibucaine (Topical)
Diperodon (Topical)
Dyclonine (Topical)
Lidocaine (Topical)
Lidocaine and Prilocaine
Pramoxine (Topical)
Tetracaine (Topical)
Tetracaine and Menthol (Topical).|Anesthetics (Topical).|031[               Americaine
Butesin Picrate
Butyl Aminobenzoate
Ethyl Aminobenzoate
Mercurochrome II
Nupercainal Cream
Nupercainal Ointment
Pontocaine Cream
Pontocaine Ointment
Unguentine Plus
Unguentine Spray
Zostrix|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Topical Anesthetics are used to inhibit or block pain impulses from the skin to the brains pain center.|Allow 5 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect. |Use as needed or according to the package instructions.|This drug is an Anesthetic (Topical) used in the treatment of insect bites, sunburn, hemorrhoid itch, minor skin irritation, and abrasions.|While life threatening effects are highly unlikely, a rare few may experience hives, itching, trembling, dizziness, blood in urine, inflammation, dizziness, or blurred vision.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. This drug may decrease the effectiveness of Sulfa drugs.|1. Should not be used if you are allergic to any topical anesthetics.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have had severe psoriasis or eczema, bleeding hemorrhoids, or an active skin infection.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast feeding consult with your doctor before using.

5. Extended use of this drug (for more than 3 days) may lead to excessive absorption through the skin.

6. Package instructions should be strictly followed when used on infants and children.|If inhaled or swallowed overdose symptoms can include trembling, nervousness, dizziness, and seizures.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Alumina an Magnesia
Alumina and Magnesium Carbonate
Alumina and Magnesium Trisilicate
Alumina,Magnesia and Calcium Carbonate
Alumina,Magnesia and Simethicone
Alumina,Magnesium Trisilicate and Sodium Bicarbonate
Aluminum Carbonate Basic Aluminum Hydroxide
Calcium and Magnesium Carbonates
Calcium Magnesium Carbonates and Magnesium Oxide
Calcium Carbonate
Calcium Carbonate and Magnesia
Calcium Carbonate and Simethicone
Calcium Carbonate,Magnesia and Simethicone
Dihydroxyaluminum Aminoacetate
Dihydroxyaluminum Aminoacetate,Magnesia and Alumina
Dihydroxyaluminum Sodium Carbonate
Magaldrate and Simethicone
Magnesium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate
Magnesium Hydroxide
Magnesium Oxide
Magnesium Trisilicate,Alumina and Magnesium Carbonate
Magnesium Trisilicate,Alumina and Magnesia
Simethicone,Alumina,Calcium Carbonate and Magnesia
Simethicone,Alumina,Magnesium Carbonate and Magnesia|Antacids|032_               Advanced Formula Di-Gel
Algenic Alka
Algenic Alka Improved
Alma-Mag Improved
Alma-Mag #4 Improved
Almacone II
Alumid Plus
Alumid Plus II
Amphojel Plus
Amphojel Plus
Amphojel 500
Diovol Ex
Diovol Plus
Gaviscon Extra Strength Relief Formula
Gelusil Extra Strength
Kudrox Double Strength
Losotron Plus
Lowsium Plus
Maalox No. 1
Maalox No. 2
Maalox Plus
Maalox Plus, Extra Strength
Maalox TC
Maalox Whip, Extra Strength
Mag-Ox 400
Mygel II
Mylanta-2 Extra Strength
Mylanta-2 PlainMylanta-II
Newtrogel II
Pama No. 1
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia
Riopan Extra Strength
Riopan Plus
Riopan Plus 2
Riopan Plus Extra Strength
Rolaids Calcium Rich
Rolaids Sodium Free
Rulox No. 1
Rulox No. 2
Simaal Gel
Simaal 2 Gel
Titralac Plus
Tums E-X
Tums Liquid Extra Strength
Tums Liquid Extra Strength w/Simethicone
WinGel|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes:  Some

Antacids neutralize stomach acid an retard the protein breaking action of pepsin.|Allow approximately 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.  Avoid taking with other medications.|This drug is an Antacid used to treat gastritis, peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia, esophagitis and hyperacidity of the upper gastrointestinal tract.|Life threatening effects are possible in some with heart disease and include an irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience a loss of appetite, constipation, headache, and distended stomach while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasions some may experience vomiting, mood changes, bone pain, nausea, weight gain, dizziness, swollen feet and ankles, muscle pain, and increased urination frequency.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May reduce  or diminish the effect of Chlorpromazine, Digitalis preparation, Iron supplements, Isoniazid, Ketoconazole, Methenamine, Nalidixic acid, Nicardipine, Nizatidine, Oxyphenbutazone, Penicillin, Para-Aminosalicylic acid, and Tetracyclines.

2. May result in kidney problems when used with Ciprofloxacin.

3. May increase the effect of Levodopa, Meperidine, Pseudoephedrine, and Salicylates.

4. Alcohol can diminish the effect of Antacids.|1. This drug should not be used if you have a high blood calcium level or are allergic to any type of antacid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have intestinal bleeding,  diarrhea,  chronic constipation, stomach bleeding, irregular heartbeat, kidney disease, colitis, or have symptoms of appendicitis.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience constipation or diarrhea while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may result in kidney problems and elevate your blood calcium level to a point where it adversely effects your electrolyte balance.  Periodic medical exams are encouraged.|Overdose symptoms can include weakness, dry mouth, fatigue, shallow breathing, diarrhea, bone pain, and stupor.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Amphoteracin B (Topical)
Clotrimazole (Topical)
Econazole (Topical)
Ketoconazole (Topical)
Miconazole (Topical)
Naftifine (Topical)
Nystatin (Topical)
Tolnaftate (Topical)
Undecylenic Acid (Topical)|Antifungals (Topical)|021[               Aftate
Caldesene Medicated Powder
Flint SSD
Gordochom Solution
Mycelex Troches
Nizoral Shampoo
NP 27
Zeasorb-AF|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes: Some brands
 * Available in generic form? No

Topical Antifungals attack and destroy the protective cell walls that surround the fungus.|Allow  approximately 6 to 8 weeks to for maximum effect of this drug.|Continue use when you remember, following the recommended dosage and schedule.|This drug is an Antifungal used in the treatment of Fungus infections to include nail fungus, sun fungus, jock itch, scalp ringworm and athlete's foot.|While no life threatening effects are likely, some may experience an itching sensation, swelling and possible redness on the treated areas.  Note:  Creams may stain clothing.|1. None suspected.|1. Do not use if you have allergic reactions to Chlortrimazole or any topical antifungals.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a history of any allergic reactions to anything that touches your skin.

3. If pregnant or breast feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Consult with doctor before using drug on infants and children.|While overdose symptoms are highly unlikely, if a child happens to ingest this drug contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Aspirin||014Z               217
217 Strong
8-Hour Bayer Timed Release
A.S.A. Enseals
Acetylsalicylic Acid
Alka-Seltzer Effervescent Pain Reliever and Antacid
Alka-Seltzer Plus
APAC Improved
APF Arthritic Pain Formula
Arthritis Pain Formula
Artria S.R.
Ascriptin A/D
Bayer Timed-Release Arthritic Pain Formula
Cama Arthritis Reliever
Coricidin w/Codeine
Darvon Compound
Magnaprin Arthritis Strength
Maprin I-B
Mepro Analgesic
Norwich Aspirin
P-A-C Revised Formula
Zorprin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Aspirin suppresses pain by affecting the Hypothalamus part of the brain, retards the prostaglandin effect, and keeps blood vessels open and flowing freely.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on revised schedule.|This drug is an Analgesic, anti-inflammatory (salicylate) used in the treatment of fever, pain, inflammation, and symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Other symptoms may include vomiting and nausea and require immediate medical attention.  Less severe symptoms can include ringing ears  indigestion, and  heartburn.|1. The use of this drug may diminish the effectiveness of the following drugs:  Acebutolol, ACE inhibitors, Allopurinol, Antacids, Furosemide, Minoxidil, and Oxprenolol.

2. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Anticoagulants, Penicillin, Cortisone drugs and Methotrexate.

3. The use of this drug may lead to stomach ulcers and or bleeding when used with the following:  Cortisone drugs, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, and Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

4. The use of this drug with Alcohol may lead to stomach bleeding and irritation.

5. When used with Antidiabetics (oral) may lead to low blood sugar.

6. May produce Aspirin toxicity when used with other Aspirin drugs, Bumetanide, Ethacrynic acid, and Para-aminosalicylic acid. |1. Should not be taken if you need to cut down on the amount of sodium in your daily diet.

2. Should not be taken if you have bleeding disorders, or peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Should not be given to children under 18 years of age for viral illnesses such as the flu or chicken pox as it increases the risk of Reye's syndrome.

5. If over 60 years of age  may lead to stomach or intestine bleeding.

6. The use of this drug over extended periods may lead to kidney damage.|Overdose symptoms can include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, ringing ears, rapid deep breathing, hallucinations, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Atropine||068\               Arco-Lase Plus
Atrohist L.A.
Diphenoxylate Hydrochloride & Atropine Sulfate Tablets
Donnatal Capsules
Donnatal Elixer
Donnatal Extentabs
Lomotil Liquid
Lomotil Tablets
Motofen Tablets
Urised|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Atropine blocks the nerve impulses at the parasympathetic nerve endings.  Prevents muscle contractions and gland secretions.|Allow approximately 30 minutes to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antispasmodic, anticholinergic used in the treatment of bronchial spasms of the bladder, urethra, and digestive system.|While no life threatening effects are likely, it is not uncommon for some people to experience a rapid heartbeat, confusion, and delirium.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less serious effects can include nausea, vomiting, constipation and diminished sweating.  If this occurs, continue medication, but make your doctor aware of these reactions as soon as possible.|1. The following drugs may increase the effect of this drug:  Amantadine, Anticholinergics, Antidepressants tricyclics, Antihistamines, Disopyramide, MAO inhibitors, Meperidine, Methylphenidate, Ophenadrine, Phenothiazines, and Quinidine.

2. When used with the following drugs may lead to an increase in internal-eye pressure:  Cortisone drugs, Haloperidol and Nitrates.|1. This drug should not be used if you have narrow-angle glaucoma, stomach bloating, severe ulcerative colitis, or are allergic to any anticholinergic drugs.

2. Should not  be used before first consulting with your doctor if you have angina, liver disease, open-angle glaucoma, chronic asthma or bronchitis, peptic ulcer, enlarged prostate, hiatal hernia, myasthenia gravis, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. Extended use may cause fecal impaction.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

7. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include rapid pulse, rapid breathing, slurred speech, fever, confusion, hallucinations, agitation, dilated pupils, flushed face, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Amobarbital
Secobarbital and Amobarbital
Talbutal|Barbiturates|086Y               Alurate
Lotusate Caplets
Nova Rectal
Sarisol No. 2
Tuinal|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Barbiturates block nerve impulses at the nerve connections.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Sedative, hypnotic (barbiturate) used to treat anxiety, nervous tension, epileptic seizures, and as a sleep inducer.|On rare occasion some may experience skin rash, fever, sore throat, breathing problems, chest pain, swelling of the face jaundice (yellow eye and skin color), agitation, and a slow heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less severe, however common, some may experience drowsiness, dizziness, and a feeling of "hangover".  If this occurs make your doctor aware of theses symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in DEATH when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in dangerous over sedation when used with Antidepressants (tricyclic), Antihistamines, Carteolol, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotic, Pain relievers, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Sotalol, Tivalproex, and Tranquilizers.

3. May decrease the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Aspirin, Beta-Adrenergic blockers, Carbamazepine, oral Contraceptives, Doxycycline, and Griseofulvin.

4. Valproic Acid, MAO inhibitors, Carteolol, and oral Antidiabetics may increase the barbiturate effect of this drug.

5. Dextrothyroxine may decrease the effect of this drug.

6. May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

7. Nabilone may result in increasing the depressant effect on the central nervous system.|1. This drug should not be used if you have porphyria, consume any alcoholic beverage, or are allergic to any Barbiturate.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have anemia, asthma, epilepsy, chronic pains, liver or kidney disorders, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may result in anemia, addiction, chronic intoxication, lower body temperature, and should be followed up by periodic medical exams.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, weak pulse, deep sleep, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Belladonna||068\               Bellergal
Kinesed|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Belladonna blocks the nerve impulses at the parasympathetic nerve endings.  Prevents muscle contractions and gland secretions.|Allow 15 to 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antispasmodic, anticholinergic used in the treatment of spasms of the bladder, urethra, and digestive system.|While no life threatening effects are likely, it is not uncommon for some to experience a rapid heartbeat, confusion, and delirium.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less severe effects can include constipation, nausea, vomiting, decreased sweating, and ringing ears.  If this occurs advise you doctor the next time you talk to him/her of your reactions to the drug.|1. The following drugs may increase the effect of this drug:  Amantadine, Anticholinergics, Antidepressants tricyclic, Antihistamines, MAO inhibitors, Meperidine, Methylphenidate, Orphenadrine, Phenothiazines, and Quinidine.

2. The following drugs may decrease the effectiveness of this drug:  Guanethidine, Resperpine, and Vitamin C.

3. The following drugs may increases internal-eye pressure when taken with this drug: Cortisone drugs, Haloperidol, and Nitrates.

4. This drug may decrease the effect of Metoclopramide.

5. When taken with oral Potassium supplements may cause intestinal ulcers.|1. This drug should not be used if you have narrow-angle glaucoma, stomach bloating, severe ulcerative colitis, or are allergic to any anticholinergic drugs.

2. Should not be used before first consulting your doctor if you have angina, fast heartbeat, open-angle glaucoma, liver disease, chronic asthma or bronchitis,  hiatal hernia, enlarged prostate, myasthenia gravis, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. Extended use may cause fecal impaction.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|Overdose symptoms can include rapid pulse, rapid heartbeat, flushed face, slurred speech, fever, dilated pupils, dizziness, confusion, hallucinations, agitation, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Benzoyl Peroxide||080[               5-Benzagel
Acnomel B.P.5
Ben-Aqua 2 1/2
Ben-Aqua 5
Ben-Aqua 10
Benzac W 5
Benzac W 10
Buf-Oxal 10
Clear By Design
Clearasil BP Plus
Clearasil Maximum Strength Medicate Anti-Acne
Clearasil Medicated Anti-Acne
Cuticura Acne
Del-Aqua 5
Del-Aqua 10
Dermoxyl Aqua
Dry and Clear
Dry and Clear Double Strength
Fostex Bar
H2 Oxyl
Neutrogena Acne Mask
Noxzema Clear-Ups Maximum Strength
Noxzema Clear-Ups On-the-Spot
PanOxyl AQ
Persa-Gel W
PHisoAc BP
Propa P.H. Acne Cover Stick
Propa P.H. Liquid Acne Soap
Sti-Dex-Maximum Strength Treatment
Xerac BP 5
Xerac BP 10
Zeroxin-10|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Benzoyl Peroxide is used to cause both skin peeling and drying.|Allow 7 to 14 days for this drug to take effect.|Continue when you remember, based on the packaged instructions.|This drug is an Antiacne (topical) drug used in the treatment of acne.|While life threatening effects are highly unlikely, some may experience exceptional dryness of the skin and a rash.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. This drug may cause excessive skin irritation when used with other Antiacne (topical) medications or skin-peeling agents such as Salicylic acid, Sulfur, Resorcinol, and Tretinoin.|1. Should not be taken if you are allergic to Benzoyl Peroxide.

2. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3. Use over extended periods may lead to scarring or a permanent rash.|While overdose is unlikely, if this drug is ingested contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Bisacodyl||038_               Apo-Bisacodyl
Carter's Little Pills
Fleet Bisacodyl
Fleet Bisacodyl Prep
Fleet Enema
Theralax|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Bisacodyl is used to affect the smooth muscles of the intestinal walls in order to produce hearty bowel movements and relieve constipation.|Allow approximately 10 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.  Note:  This drug should not be taken simultaneously with other medications, space doses 2 hours apart.|This drug is a Laxative, stimulant and is used in the treatment of constipation.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience rectal irritation while using this drug.  On rare occasion some may experience a dangerous loss of potassium.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug with Antihypertensives, or Diuretics may lead to a dangerously low potassium level.

2. The use of this drug with Cimetidine, Famotidine, or Ranitidine may lead to irritation of the stomach or bowel.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any stimulant laxative, have symptoms of appendicitis, inflamed bowel, or intestinal blockage, and have missed a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, rectal bleeding, congestive heart disease, colostomy, ileostomy, laxative habit, or are taking other laxatives.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. The use of this drug over extended periods, (1 week), may lead to laxative dependency.

6. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms include vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Buclizine||033]               Bucladin-S|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No / Yes: in Canada
 * Available in generic form? No

Retards nerve sensitivity in the inner ear thereby blocking the feeling of motion sickness and the need to vomit.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember.  Wait 4 hours before your next dose.  Continue based on revised schedule.|This drug is an Antihistamine, antiemetic used in the treatment of motion sickness.|It is not uncommon for some to experience drowsiness.  On rare occasion some may experience hives or rash.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may increase the effect of both this drug and Anticholinergics, Antidepressants (tricylic), Narcotics, Pain Relievers, Sedatives, Sleep Inducers, and Tranquilizers.

2. Amphetamines may decrease drowsiness caused by this drug.

3. The use of this drug may cause a dangerous increase in the effects of Ethinamate.

4. The use of this drug may cause a dangerous increase in the sedative effect of Methyprylon.

5. MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

6. Dronabinol may increase the effect of this drug.

7. The use of this drug may increase the depressant effect of both this drug and Fluoxetine and Guanfacine.

8. The use of this drug with Alcohol may cause increased sedation.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Cyclizine, Buclizine, or Meclizine, or have taken MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have ever had an adverse reaction to any Antihistamine, have glaucoma, or have enlargement of the prostate gland.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age with enlarged prostate gland may experience impaired urination while using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, incoordination, drowsiness, shallow breathing, stupor, hallucinations, weak pulse, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Caffeine||061Z               Amaphen
Aspirin Compound w/Codeine
Citrated Caffeine
Excedrin Extra Strength
G-1 Capsules
P-A-C Compound w/Codeine
Propoxyphene Compound
Quick Pep
Wigraine|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Caffeine both stimulates the central nervous system and constricts the walls of blood vessels.|Allow 20 to 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a stimulant (xanthine), vasoconstrictor used in the treatment of migraine and vascular headache, drowsiness, and fatigue.|While no life threatening effects are likely it is not uncommon for some people to experience irritability, rapid pulse, rapid heartbeat, low blood sugar, hunger, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, and increased urine output. |1. When this drug is taken with MAO inhibitors it may lead to a dangerous rise in blood pressure.

2. The following drugs may increase the effect of this drug:  Cimetidine, Contraceptives (oral), and Isoniazid.

3. This drug will decrease the effect of Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers, and Alcohol.

4. This  drug may lead to over stimulation when used with Sympathomimetics or Cocaine.|1. Should not be taken  if you are allergic to any stimulant, have history of heart disease, or have an active peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, irregular heartbeat, or hypoglycemia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. The use of this drug over extended periods may lead to stomach ulcers.|Overdose symptoms can include insomnia, excitement, rapid heartbeat (slow in infants), convulsions, hallucinations, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Calcium Carbonate||032_               Alka-mints
Bio Cal
Calcitrate 600
Os-Cal 500
Pama No. 1
Pramet FA
Pramilet FA
Prenate 90
Tums E-X
Zenate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Calcium Carbonate neutralizes stomach acid, retards the protein breaking action or pepsin, and augments the body's need for calcium.|Allow 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antacid, dietary supplement used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, esophagitis, gastritis, hiatal hernia, hyperacidity of the upper gastrointestinal tract, and calcium deficiency.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience muscle weakness, lower abdominal pain, bone pain, and a swelling of the wrists or ankles.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less serious symptoms can include a loss of appetite and constipation.|1. The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Anticoagulants, Calcitonin, Chlorpromazine, Digitalis preparations, Iron supplements, Nalidixic acid, Oxyphenbutazone, Penicillin, Para-aminosalicylic acid, Pentobarbital, Phenylbutazone, Phenytoin, Quinidine, Salicylates, Sulfa drugs, Tetracycline, and Vitamin A.

2. This drug may increase the effect of Meperidine and Pseudoephedrine.

3. Alcohol may decrease the antacid effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken if you have a high blood calcium level or  are allergic to any type of Antacid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have an irregular heartbeat, appendicitis symptoms, stomach or intestinal bleeding, kidney disease, chronic constipation, colitis, or diarrhea.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to kidney problems or damage and electrolyte imbalance.|While life threatening reactions are unlikely, overdose symptoms can include dizziness, fatigue, weakness, and confusion.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Calcium and Magnesium Antacids||032_               Advanced Formula Di-gel
Spastosed|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Calcium and Magnesium Antacids neutralize stomach acid, retards the protein breaking action of pepsin, and innervates muscles in the lower portion of the bowel.|Allow 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.  Avoid taking at the same time with other medications.|This drug is an Antacid used in the treatment of constipation relief, hyperacidity of the upper gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer, esophagitis, gastritis, and hiatal hernia.|Life threatening effects can be experienced by those people with a history of heart disease and result in heartbeat irregularity.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help immediately.  Other symptoms not uncommon to some include a loss of appetite, headache, constipation, and distended stomach.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may diminish the effectiveness of:  Anticoagulants (oral), Calcitonin, Chlorpromazine, Digitalis preparations, Iron supplements, Isoniazid, Nalidixic acid, Oxypyhenbutazone, Penicillin, Para-aminosalicylic acid, Pentobarbital, Phenylbutazone, and Sulfa drugs.

2. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Levodopa, Meperidine, Pseudoephedrine, Quinidine, and Salicylates.

3. Alcohol may diminish the antacid effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to any antacid or have a high blood calcium level.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have symptoms of appendicitis, irregular heartbeat, kidney disease, bleeding of the stomach or intestines, or suffer from chronic constipation, colitis or diarrhea.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Use of this drug over extended periods may lead to kidney problems or damage and the possibility of electrolyte imbalance.|While life threatening reactions are unlikely, overdose symptoms can include diarrhea, fatigue, weakness, dry mouth, shallow breathing, and stupor.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Calcium Carbonate
Calcium Citrate
Calcium Glubionate
Calcium Gluconate
Calcium Glycerophosphate and Calcium Lactate
Calcium Lactate
Dibasic Calcium Phosphate
Tribasic Calcium Phosphate|Calcium Supplements|039e               BioCal
Calbarb 600
Rolaids-Calcium Rich
Super Calcium 1200
Tums E-X|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Some Brands
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Calcium Supplements provide additional calcium to the body.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antihypocalcemic, dietary replacement used in the treatment of osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets, or insufficient dietary calcium.|Life threatening effects can include a very slow or irregular heart rate.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some people may experience a loss of appetite, dry mouth, weakness, constipation, diarrhea, weakness, and headache.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of oral Anticoagulants, Calcitonin, Chlorpromazine, Digitalis preparations, Iron supplements, Nalidixic acid, Oxyphenbutazone, Para-aminosalicylic acid, Penicillin, Pentobarbital, Phenylbutazone, Sulfa Drugs, and Tetracyclines.

2. When used with Diuretics (thiazide) may increase the level of calcium in the blood.

3. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Meperidine, Quinidine, and Salcylates.

4. Alcohol may lead to a decreased absorption of calcium.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to calcium or have a high blood calcium level.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, kidney stones, diarrhea, malabsorption, or sarcoidosis.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.|Overdose symptoms can include bone pain, confusion, irregular heartbeat, depression, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Cascara||038_               Aromatic Cascara Fluidextract
Cascara Sagrada
Milk of Magnesia-Cascara
Caroid Laxative
Nature's Remedy|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Cascara is used to affect the smooth muscles of the intestinal walls in order to provide hearty bowel movements and relieve constipation.|Allow approximately 10 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you have remembered, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Laxative, stimulant used in the treatment of constipation. |It is not uncommon for some to experience some rectal irritation while using this drug.  On rare occasion some can experience a dangerous loss of potassium.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May cause irritation of the small intestine or stomach when used with Antacids or Ranitidine.

2. When taken with Digoxin, may cause increase toxicity due to a decreased potassium level.

3. May cause a dangerously low potassium level when taken with Diuretics.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any stimulant laxative, have symptoms of appendicitis, intestinal blockage, or inflamed bowel.  This drug should not be used if your bowel movement is only 1 or 2 days late.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have rectal bleeding, high blood pressure, a laxative habit, diabetes, congestive heart disease, take other laxatives, have colostomy or ileostomy.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. The use of this drug over extended periods (more than 1 continuous week) may lead to laxative dependency.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms may include vomiting.  While overdose is unlikely to be life threatening, if you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Acebutolol||013Z               Sectral
Monitan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Retards nerve impulses in the heart, blocks sympathetic nervous system actions, and reduces specific blood vessel contractions.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.  Allow 3 hours between doses.|This drug is a Beta-Adrenergic blocking agent used to treat high blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms.|It is not uncommon for some to experience a substantial slowing of the heart rate (below 50 beats per minute).  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience headache, anxiety, fever, skin rash, insomnia, difficulty breathing, nightmares, sore throat and hallucinations.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in an excessive blood pressure rise when MAO inhibitors or Clonidine are being used then discontinued.

3. May create blood sugar control problems when used with Antidiabetics.

4. The antihypertensive effect may be increased when used with ACE inhibitors, Anesthetics, Antihypertensives, Diuretics, and Pentoxifylline.

5. May deteriorate congestive heart failure when used with Calcium-Channel blockers.

6. The antihypertensive effect may be diminished when used with Ketoprofen and other Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs.

7. May result in decreased blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

8. May either increase or decrease heartbeat when used with Digitalis preparations.

9. May result in an increased tranquilizer effect when used with Molindone.

10. May extend the hypoglycemic effect of Insulin when used together.

11. May result in excessively slow heartbeat and blood pressure when used with Reserpine.

12. May decrease the effect of both drugs when used with Sympathomimetics and Xanthine Bronchodilators.

13. May increase the effect of both drugs when used with Verapamil.

14. Timolol eyedrops may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have asthma, hay fever symptoms, are allergic to any Beta-Adrenergic blockers, or have taken MAO inhibitors within the last two weeks.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have an overactive thyroid, asthma, emphysema, hay fever, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, poor circulation, diabetes, hypoglycemia, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to weakened heart muscle contractions.|Overdose symptoms can include weak pulse, breathing difficulties, lowered blood pressure, weakness, fainting, cold/sweaty skin, and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Castor Oil||038_               Alphamul
Fleet Flavored Castor Oil
Fleet Prep Kit
Kellogg's Castor Oil
Stimuzyme Plus
Unisoil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Castor Oil is used to affect the smooth muscles of the intestinal walls in order to provide hearty bowel movements and relieve constipation.|Allow up to 6 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember and then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Laxative (stimulant) used in the treatment of constipation.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, it is not uncommon for some to experience rectal irritation.  On rare occasion this drug may cause muscle cramps, difficulty breathing, headache, and a dangerous loss of potassium.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may cause a dangerously low potassium level when used with Antihypertensives or Diuretics.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any stimulant laxative, show symptoms of appendicitis, have inflamed bowel or intestinal blockage, or have missed a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before taking this drug consult with your doctor if you have rectal bleeding, have high blood pressure, have a ileostomy or colostomy, have congestive heart disease, or take other laxatives.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. The use of this drug over extended periods may lead to laxative dependence.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, overdose symptoms can include vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Charcoal, Activated||028_               Acta-Char
Acta-Char Liquid
Aqueous Charcodote
Charcoalanti Dote
SuperChar|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Activated Charcoal naturally absorbs poisons that may have been introduced to the stomach and intestines.|The effects of this drug begin almost immediately.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antidote (absorbent) used in the treatment of poisoning due to medication overdose.  This drug is also used in the treatment of diarrhea and gaseousness.|While life threatening effects are quite unlikely, it is not uncommon for some to experience black bowel movements.|1. When taken at the same time as any other medication this drug may diminish the absorption rate of that medication.|1. As an antidote this drug should not be taken with poisons that include ethyl or methyl alcohol, cyanide, iron, sulfuric acid (and other strong acids), lye, and other strong alkalis.

2. Consult with your doctor or Poison Control Center before using this drug to treat infants or children.

3. When using this drug to treat infants and children for diarrhea, consult with your doctor before continuing the dosage for more than 3 days.|While no life threatening symptoms are likely, if you suspect an overdose (taking a larger than required amount)  contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Clemastine||017[               Tavist|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Clemastine blocks the histamine action of affected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used in the treatment of allergic symptoms such as hives, itching, skin rash, and hay fever.|It is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness, dry nose and dry throat.  On rare occasion some may experience fever, nightmares, vision changes, irritability, rapid heartbeat, sore throat, fatigue, weakness, and unusual bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may cause excessive sedation when taken with Antidepressants, other Antihistamines, Hypnotics, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep Inducers, Tranquilizers, and Alcohol.

2. May increase the anticholinergic effect when taken with Anticholinergics.

3. MAO inhibitors may increase the effects of this drug.

4. Molindone may increase the antihistamine effect of this drug.

5. Dronabinol may increase the effect of  this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, asthma, glaucoma, enlarged prostate gland, peptic ulcer, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Not recommended for newborn or premature infants.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience difficulty urinating and decreased alertness.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may cause nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms may include hallucinations, red face, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Cyclizine||033]               Marezine
Marzine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No / Yes: in Canada
 * Available in generic form? No

Cyclizine retards nerve sensitivity in the inner ear and prevents motion sickness and the need to vomit.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then wait 4 hours before taking your next dose, continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antihistamine, antiemetic used in the treatment of motion sickness.|It is not uncommon for some to experience drowsiness while using this drug.  On rare occasion some may experience skin rash, hives, or jaundice.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May cause a dangerously increased effect of Ethinamate when taken with that drug.

2. May cause a dangerously high sedative effect when taken with Methyprylon.

3. May cause an increase in both drugs when taken with Anticholinergics, Antidepressants (tricyclic), Narcotics, Pain Relievers, Sedatives, Sleep Inducers, and Tranquilizers.

4. May cause increased sedation when taken with Alcohol.

5. May increase the effect of this drug when taken with Dronabinol or MAO inhibitors.

6. Amphetamines may diminish the drowsiness caused by this drug.

7. Guanfacine may cause an increase of the depressant effect of  this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken if you have taken MAO inhibitors within the past 2 weeks or are allergic to Cyclizine, Buclizine, or Meclizine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, enlargement of the prostate gland or have experienced an adverse reaction to any Antihistamine.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age may experience impaired urination with enlarged prostate.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, drowsiness, shallow breathing, weak pulse, incoordination, stupor, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Cyclophosphamide||076Z               Cytoxan
Procytox|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Cyclophosphamide suppresses the body's immune system and kills cancerous cells.|Requires approximately 10  consecutive days to become effective.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Immunosuppressant used in the treatment of skin disease, cancer, blood-vessel disease, and severe rheumatoid arthritis.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience a fever and a sore throat while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May cause anemia when taken with Allopurinol.

2. May increase the possibility of infections when taken with Cyclosporine.

3. This drug may increase the antidiabetic effect of oral Antidiabetics.

4. May cause increased effect of Insulin.

5. Phenobarbital may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken if you have an infection, bloody urine, are allergic to any alkylating agent, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

2. Before using this drug  consult with your doctor if you have had X-rays or chemotherapy, impaired liver or kidney function, have taken any cortisone medications within the last year, or have bone marrow or blood cell production problems.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should drink at least 2 quarts of fluid every day while taking this drug in order to prevent bladder inflammation.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to cancer, jaundice, fibrous lung tissue, swelling of the lower legs and feet, and infertility in men.|Overdose symptoms can include weight gain, fluid retention, bloody urine, and severe infection.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Naphazoline (Ophthalmic)
Tetrahydroziline (Ophthalmic)|Decongestants (Ophthalmic)|059c               Ak-Con
Clear Eyes
Degest 2
Estivin II
Muro's Opcon
Naphcon Forte
Visine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:  Some brands
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Ophthalmic Decongestants constrict the small blood vessels of the eye.|Allow approximately 10 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Decongestant, ophthalmic used in the treatment of eye strain, redness, itching, burning, irritation caused by allergies, rubbing, dust, colds, contact lenses, and swimming.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience an increase in eye irritation while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Interactions with oral or injected medications is unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any decongestant (ophthalmic) eye drops.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have eye disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, or take Maprolitine or Antidepressants.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should not be used for more than 3 or 4 consecutive days.|Overdose is unlikely when used as prescribed, externally.  However, if taken internally, contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Dehydrocholic Acid||038_               Bilax
Trilax|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Dehydrocholic Acid is used to affect the smooth muscles of the intestinal walls in order to produce hearty bowel movements and relieve constipation.|Allow approximately 10 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Laxative, stimulant used in the treatment of constipation.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience some rectal irritation while using this drug.  On rare occasion some may experience a dangerous loss of potassium.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May cause a dangerous loss of potassium when taken with Antihypertensives or Diuretics.|1. This drug should not be used if you have liver disease, symptoms of appendicitis, intestinal blockage, or inflamed bowel, are allergic to any Laxative stimulant, or have missed a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before using this drug consult with  your doctor if you have rectal bleeding, enlarged prostate gland, diabetes, congestive heart disease, ileostomy, colostomy, a laxative habit, or are taking other laxatives.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Extended use (more than 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.

6. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Dextromethorphan||093Y               2/G-DM Cough
Actifed DM
Ambenyl-D Decongestant Cough Formula
Anti-Tuss DM Expectorant
Balminil DM
Baydec DM Drops
Bayer Cough Syrup for Children
Baytussin DM
Benylin DM
Benylin Expectorant Cough Formula
Carbodec DM Drops
Cheracol D Cough
Cheracol Plus
Codimal DM
Codistan No. 1
Colrex Cough
Comtrex Multi-Symptom Cold Reliever
Conar Expectorant
Contac Jr. Children's Cold Medicine
Contac Severe Cold Formula
Contac Severe Cold Formula Night Strength
Coricidin Cough
CoTylenol Cold Medication
Cremacoat 1
Cremacoat 3 Throat Coating Cough Medicine
Cremacoat 4 Throat Coating Cough Medicine
Dimetane-DX Cough
DM Cough
DM Syrup
Dorcol Children's Cough
Efficol Cough Whip (Cough Suppressant/Decongestant)
Efficol Cough Whip (Cough Suppressant/Decongestant/Antihistamine)
Efficol Cough Whip (Cough Suppressant/Expectorant)
Father John's Medicine Plus
Guiamid D.M. Liquid
Halls Mentho-Lyptus Decongestant Cough Formula
Halotussin-DM Expectorant
Hold (Children's Formula)
Improved Sino-Tuss
Kiddy Koff
Kolephrin GG/DM
Kolephrin NN Liquid
Mediquell Decongestant Formula
Mytussin DM
Naldecon Senior DX
Noratuss II Liquid
Novahistex DM
Novahistine Cough and Cold Formula Liquid
Novahistine DMX Liquid
NyQuil Nighttime Colds Medicine
Nytime Cold Medicine Liquid
Ornade-DM 10
Ornade-DM 15
Ornade-DM 30
Orthoxicol Cough
PediaCare 1
PediaCare 3 Children's Cold Relief
Pertussin 8 Hour Cough Formula
Pertussin AM
Pertussin CS
Pertussin PM
Phenergan w/Dextromethorphan
Prominicol Cough
Pseudo-Car DM
Quelidrine Cough
Rhinosyn DMX Expectorant
Robitussin-DM Cough Calmers
Robitussin Night Relief Colds Formula Liquid
Rondec-DM Drops
Ru-Tuss Expectorant
Silexin Cough
St. Joseph for Children
Sucrets Cough Control
Sudafed Cough
Sudafed DM
Syracol Liquid
Thera Flu/Cold & Cough
Tolu-Sed DM Cough
Triaminic-DM Cough Formula
Triaminic-DM Expectorant
Triaminic Nite Light
Triaminicol DM
Triaminicol Multi-Symptom Relief
Tricodene Forte
Tricodene NN Cough and Cold Medication
Tricodene Pediatric
Trimedine Liquid
Trind DM Liquid
Tussar DM
Tussi-Organidin DM Liquid
Ty-Cold Cold Formula
Tylenol Cold Medication
Tylenol Cold Medication, Non-Drowsy
Vicks Children's Cough
Vicks Formula 44 Cough Mixture
Vicks Formula 44D Decongestant Cough Mixture
Vicks Formula 44M Multi-symptom Cough Mixture
Viro-Med|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes, some
 * Available in generic form? No

Dextromethorphan suppresses nerve impulses to the brain's cough center.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Once you have remembered, retake and then wait 3 hours for your next dose, and continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Cough Suppressant and is used in the treatment of coughs associated with bronchitis, flu, allergies and lung disorders.|While no life-threatening effects are likely, on rare occasion some people may experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, rash and stomach pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug with MAO inhibitors may cause a high fever, drop in blood pressure, disorientation, and a loss of consciousness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to Dextromethorphan.

2. Before taking this drug consult with your doctor if you have impaired liver function or asthma attacks.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. In people over 60 years of age this drug may cause drowsiness, constipation, or unsteadiness.  

5. Follow package instructions when giving to infants and children.  Do not increase the recommended dose without consulting with your doctor first.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations (both visual and auditory), euphoria, shallow breathing, decreased coordination, over activity, staggering, a sense of intoxication and stupor.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Dicyclomine||068\               A-Spas
Viscerol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Dicyclomine blocks nerve input at the parasympathetic nerve endings.  Prevents muscle contractions and gland secretions.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antispasmodic, anticholinergic used in the treatment of spasms of the bladder, urethra, and digestive system.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include faintness, skin rash, hives and intense itching.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience delirium, rapid heartbeat, and confusion.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The following drugs may increase the effect of this drug:  Amantadine, other Anticholinergics, Antihistamines, Buclizine, MAO inhibitors, Meperidine, Methylphenidate, Orphenadrine, Phenothiazines,  Quinidine, and Antidepressants (TCA).

2. May cause decreased absorption effect of Digitalis.

3. Antacids may diminish the absorption effect of this drug.

4. May cause an increase in internal-eye pressure when taken with Haloperidol, Nitrates, or Cortisone drugs.

5. May cause intestinal ulcers when taken with oral Potassium tablets.

6. May result in the diminished effect of Pilocarpine in glaucoma treatment.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to any anticholinergic, have narrow-angle glaucoma, severe ulcerative colitis, trouble emptying your bladder, or have stomach bloating.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, chronic asthma or bronchitis, angina, open angle glaucoma, hiatal hernia, peptic ulcer, myasthenia gravis, enlarged prostate gland, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to fecal impaction or chronic constipation.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|Overdose symptoms can include fever, rapid pulse, blurred vision, dilated pupils, flushed face, rapid breathing, dizziness, slurred speech, convulsions, confusion, hallucinations, agitation, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Dimenhydrinate||033[               Apo-Dimenhydrinate
Calm X
Wehamine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Dimenhydrinate blocks the histamine action of affected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used in the vomiting treatment of motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, symptoms of hay fever, hives, rash, and itching.  This drug is also used to induce sleep.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Less serious symptoms not uncommon in some people can include nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth, eye and nose, and dizziness.  |1. The use of this drug may cause excessive sedation when used with Antidepressants, other Antihistamines, Hypnotics, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers, and Alcohol.

2. MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

3. Molindone may increase the antihistamine effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to any Antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have enlarged prostate, asthma, kidney disease, glaucoma, peptic ulcer or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. In people over 60 years of age this drug may cause a decrease in alertness and difficulty urinating.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. The use of this drug over extended periods may lead to damage to both nerve cells and bone marrow.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations, red face, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Diphenhydramine||033]               Allerdryl
Ambenyl Expectorant
Benadryl Children's Allergy
Benadryl Complete Allergy
Benylin Cough Syrup
Nervine Nighttime Sleep-Aid
Nytol with DPH
Sleep-Eze 3
Sominex Formula 2
Wehydry|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Diphenhydramine blocks the histamine action of affected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used to treat motion sickness, allergic symptoms, tremors and stiffness associated to Parkinson's disease and may also be used as a sleep inducer.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience nausea, dry mouth, nose and throat, drowsiness, and dizziness while using this drug.  On rare occasion some may experience fever, sore throat, change in vision, nightmares, rapid heartbeat, agitation, irritability, weakness, fatigue, and unusual bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may cause excessive sedation when used when used with:  Antidepressants, other Antihistamines, Hypnotics, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers, Molindone, and Alcohol.

2. May increase the effect of Anticholinergics.

3. Oral Anticoagulants may diminish the effect of this drug.

4. Dronabinol and MAO inhibitors may increase the effects of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have asthma, kidney disease, peptic ulcer, glaucoma, enlarged prostate, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Not recommended for newborn or premature infants.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience diminished  alertness and difficulty urinating while using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may result in nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations, red face, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Diphenylpyraline||017Z               Diafen
Hispril|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? No

Diphenylpyraline blocks the histamine action of affected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used in the treatment of allergic symptoms and as a sleep inducer.|It is not uncommon for some to experience dry nose, mouth and throat, dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea.  If this occurs continue taking this drug and consult with your doctor on your next visit.|1. The use of this drug may cause excessive sedation when used with Antidepressants, other Antihistamines, Hypnotics, Mind -altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers,  Tranquilizers, and Alcohol.

2. Molindone may increase the effect of both drugs.

3. Dronabinol may increase the antihistamine effect of this drug.

4. Oral Anticoagulants may decrease the effect of this drug.

5. Anticholinergics may result in an increased anticholinergics effect.

6. MAO inhibitors increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, asthma, glaucoma, enlarged prostate gland, peptic ulcer, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Not recommended for newborn or premature infants, consult with your doctor.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience diminished alertness and difficulty urinating while using this drug.

6. Extended use may lead to nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms can include red face, hallucinations, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Docusate Potassium
Ducosate Sodium||038_               Afko-Lube
Laxinate 100
Modane Soft
Pro-Sof Liquid Concentrate
Pro-Sof Plus
Regulax SS
Therevac Plus
Trilax|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Docusate Potassium and Docusate Sodium increase the fluid holding capacity of stool in order to allow for easier passage through the bowel.|Allow approximately 3 days for these drugs to take effect.|Retake once you remember then wait 12 hours before taking the next dose, continue based on the revised schedule.|These drugs are laxative, emollients used to treat constipation.|On rare occasion some may experience a skin rash while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May cause liver damage when used with Danthron.

2. May cause toxic absorption when used with Digitalis preparations.

3. Should not be used with Mineral Oil.

4. May result in toxicity when used with Phenolphthalein.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any emollient laxative or have symptoms of appendicitis.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are currently taking other laxatives or believe your constipation may  be a sign of a serious disorder.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should drink at least 8 glasses of fluid a day while using this drug.

6. Extended use may lead to damage of the intestinal lining.|Overdose symptoms can include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and appetite loss.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ephedrine||020Y               Benadryl w/Ephedrine
Ectasule Minus
Ephed II
Ephedrine and Amytal
Ephedrine and Nembutal-25
Ephedrine and Seconal
Pyribenazmine w/Ephedrine
Tedral|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Ephedrine constricts blood vessel size, relaxes bronchial tube muscles, and prevents cells from releasing histamines and suppresses the resultant allergic reactions caused by the release of those histamines.|Allow 30 minutes to 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Sympathomimetic used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, congested breathing passages, and allergic reactions.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache, nervousness, insomnia, paleness, and rapid heartbeat.|1. The use of this drug with Albuterol will increase the effect of both drugs and increase the chances of experiencing adverse effects.

2. The use of this drug with Antidepressants (tricylic) will increase the Ephedrine effect and cause an inordinate stimulation of both the heart and blood pressure.

3. The use of this drug with Ergot preparations may result in a significant rise in blood pressure.

4. The use of this drug with Digitalis preparations may cause severe heart rhythm disturbances.

5. The use of this drug with MAO inhibitors may result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure as well as increase the Ephedrine effect.

6. This drug may increase the effect of Epinephrine and  Pseudoephedrine.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Ephedrine or any Sympathomimetic drug.

2. Before taking this drug consult with your doctor if you have difficulty urinating, have diabetes, have high blood pressure, have taken any MAO inhibitor within the last 2 weeks or Digitalis preparations within the last 7 days, have an overactive thyroid, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age may experience heart-rhythm disturbances, high blood pressure, and angina.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. The use of this drug for extended periods may lead to toxic psychosis if the doses are excessive.  May also make urinating difficult for men with enlarged prostate glands.|Overdose symptoms can include muscle tremors, confusion, severe  anxiety, rapid heartbeat, irregular pulse and delirium.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ferrous Gluconate||039e               Apo-Ferrous Gluconate
Ferralet Plus
I.L.X. B-12
Simron|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No:  Without Folic Acid
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Ferrous Gluconate stimulates the production of hemoglobin (the oxygen carrying part of the red  blood cells).|Allow approximately 1 to 3 weeks for maximum effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Mineral Supplement (iron) used to treat iron deficiency anemia and diet.|Life threatening effects can include a weak, rapid heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, people using this drug may more than likely experience a graying or blackening of their stool.|1. May diminish the Iron effect when used with Acetohydroxamic Acid and Cholestyramine.

2. May cause organ damage when used with Alcohol.

3. May decrease the effect of Tetracyclines.

4. May lead to excess iron in the liver when used with Allopurinol or other Iron supplements.

5. Antacids may cause poor iron absorption.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any iron supplement, have hemolytic anemia, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, acute hepatitis, or take iron injections.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have colitis, peptic ulcer, enteritis, had stomach surgery, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.  Overdose is common and dangerous in this age group.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience hemochromatosis using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may lead to hemochromatosis.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, stomach pain, lethargy, pallor, weakness, weak and rapid heartbeat, shallow breathing,  convulsions, collapse, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ferrous Sulfate||039Z               Apo-Ferrous Sulfate
Geritol Tablets
PMS Ferrous Sulfate
Slow-Fe|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No:  Without Folic Acid
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Ferrous Sulfate stimulates the production of hemoglobin (the oxygen carrying part of the red blood cell).|Allow approximately 1 to 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Mineral Supplement (iron) and is used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia as well as dietary iron deficiency.|Life threatening effects can include a rapid yet weak heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience a graying or blackening of their stool while using this drug.|1. Cholestyramine and Sulfasalazine can decrease the iron effect.

2. Acetohydroxamic Acid can diminish the effect of both drugs.

3. Allopurinol may lead  to excess iron storage in the liver.

4. Antacids may cause low iron absorption.

5. Chloramphenicol may adversely effect the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells when used with this drug.

6. When used with Alcohol may result in organ damage.|1. This drug should not be used if you have acute hepatitis, hemolytic anemia, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, are allergic to any Iron supplement or tartrazine dye, take iron injections.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have had stomach surgery, pancreatitis, hepatitis, peptic ulcer, colitis or enteritis.

3. If planning to become pregnant, pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.  Overdose is common and very dangerous in this age group.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may result in hemochromatosis, liver damage, impotence, diabetes, and heart problems.  This drug should not be used for extended periods of time.|Overdose symptoms can include blue hands, lips and fingernails, weakness, shallow breathing, collapse, pallor, rapid heartbeat, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Folic Acid||073[               Apo-Folic
Novofolacid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:  High Strength
    No:  In Vitamin Supplements
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Folic Acid assists in the formation of red blood cells.
*Note:  Folic acid is available in many vitamin-mineral supplements.|The time allowed for this drug to take effect has not been determined yet.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule. Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a vitamin supplement used in the treatment of folic acid deficiency and is necessary for normal growth and development.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience a yellow coloring of their urine.|1. The use of this drug may be decreased when taken with Analgesics, Anticonvulsants, Chloramphenicol, oral Contraceptives, Cortisone drugs, Methotrexate, Para-aminosalicylic acid, Pyrimethamine, Triamterene, and Trimethoprim.

2. This drug may decrease the effect of Zinc.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Vitamin B.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have pernicious anemia or liver disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.|While overdose is unlikely and nor is it apt to be life threatening, if you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Guaifenesin
Phenylpropanolamine||057Y               2/G-DM Cough
Adatuss D.C. Expectorant
Alamine Expectorant
Ambenyl-D Decongestant Cough Formula
Anatuss with Codeine
Anti-Tuss DM Expectorant
Bayaminic Expectorant
Bayhistine Expectorant
Baytussin AC
Baytussin DM
Benylin Expectorant Cough Formula
Bronkotuss Expectorant
Cheracol D Cough
CoActifed Expectorant
Codiclear DH
Codimal Expectorant
Codistan No. 1
Colrex Expectorant
Conar Expectorant
Conex w/Codeine Liquid
Congess Jr.
Congess Sr.
Coricidin Cough
Cremacoat 2
Cremacoat 3 Throat Coating Cough Medicine
C-Tussin Expectorant
Deproist Expectorant w/Codeine
Detussin Expectorant
Dilaudid Cough
Dimetane Expectorant
Dimetane Expectorant-DC
Donatussin DC
Donatussin Drops
Dorcol Children's Cough
Efficol Cough Whip (Cough Suppressant/Expectorant)
Entex LA
Entex Liquid
Entuss Expectorant
Entuss Pediatric Expectorant
Father John's Medicine Plus
Fedahist Expectorant
Fedahist Expectorant Pediatric Drops
Glydeine Cough
Guiamid D.M. Liquid
Guiatuss A.C.
Guiatussin w/Codeine Liquid
Guistrey Fortis
Halotussin-DM Expectorant
Head and Chest
Histalet X
Humibid L.A.
Humibid Sprinkle
Hycotuss Expectorant
Isoclor Expectorant
Kiddy Koff
Kolephrin GG/DM
Kwelcof Liquid
Lanatuss Expectorant
Myhistine Expectorant
Mytussin AC
Mytussin DAC
Mytussin DM
Naldecon Senior DX
Noratuss II Liquid
Nortussin w/Codeine
Novahistex DH Expectorant
Novahistine DH Expectorant
Novahistine DMX Liquid
Novahistine Expectorant
Nucofed Expectorant
Nucofed Pediatric Expectorant
Ornade Expectorant
Pertussin CS
Phenhist Expectorant
Polaramine Expectorant
Poly-Histine Expectorant Plain
Prominic Expectorant
Pseudo-Hist Expectorant
Respaire-60 SR
Respaire-120 SR
Respinol LA
Rhinosyn-DMX Expectorant
Robitussin with Codeine
Robitussin A-C
Robitussin-DM Cough Calmers
Ru-Tuss Expectorant
Rymed Liquid
Ryna-CX Liquid
Silexin Cough
Sinufed Timecelles
SRC Expectorant
Sudafed Cough
Sudafed Expectorant
Tolu-Sed Cough
Tolu-Sed DM Cough
Triaminic-DM Expectorant
Triaminic Expectorant
Triaminic Expectorant DH
Triaminic Expectorant w/Codeine
Triphenyl Expectorant
Tussanil DH
Tussar SF
Tussend Expectorant
Vicks Children's Cough
Vicks Formula 44D Decongestant Cough Mixture
Vicks Formula 44M Multi-symptom Cough Mixture
Zephrex-LA|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No-some states, yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Guaifensin assists in the production of light mucus so that it may be absorbed or expelled by coughing.|Allow 20 to 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.  Maximum effect will require 5 to 7 days of continual use.|Retake when you remember, then wait 3 hours before you next dose.|This drug is a cold/cough preparation used in the treatment of hay fever, coughs and colds by loosening mucus in the respiratory passages.|Life threatening effects are unlikely, however, some may experience nervousness, insomnia, headache, restlessness, nausea, and gastric irritation.|1. This drug may lead to bleeding when taken with Anticoagulants.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to any cold or cough medication containing Guaifenesin.

2. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3. People over 60 years of age may be required to drink approximately glasses of fluids per day in order for this drug to work.|While overdose is unlikely to be life threatening, overdose symptoms can include nausea, drowsiness, vomiting and slight weakness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Hyoscyamine||068\               Anaspaz
Anaspaz PB
Levsinex Timecaps
Spastolate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Hyoscyamine blocks parasympathetic nerve impulses at their endings.  Prevents muscle contractions and gland secretions.|Allow 20 to 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antispasmodic, anticholinergic used in the treatment of spasms of the bladder, urethra and digestive systems.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, it is not uncommon for some to experience a rapid heartbeat, confusion, and delirium.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less severe effects can include vomiting, nausea, constipation, and a dryness of the nose, ears, and throat.|1. The following drugs may increase the effect of this drug:  Amantadine, other Anticholinergics, Antidepressants (tricyclic), Antihistamines, MAO inhibitors, Meperidine, Methylphenidate, Orphenadrine, and Phenothiazines.

2. The use of this drug may increase internal eye pressure when used with Cortisone drugs and Haloperidol.

3. Molindone may increase the Anticholinergic effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be  used if you have narrow-angle glaucoma, ulcerative colitis, stomach bloating, are allergic to any Anticholinergic, or have problems emptying your bladder.

2. Before taking this drug consult with your doctor if you have angina, open-angle glaucoma, hiatal hernia, peptic ulcer, enlarged prostate, liver disease, myasthenia gravis, chronic asthma or bronchitis, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

7. The use of this drug over extended periods may lead to chronic constipation or fecal impaction.  Caution:  Contact your doctor immediately if these symptoms occur.|Overdose symptoms can include dizziness, flushed face, dilated pupils, slurred speech, fever, confusion, hallucinations, rapid breathing, rapid pulse, convulsion, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Insulin||030b               Humulin BR
Humulin L
Humulin N
Humulin R
Humulin U
Insulatard NPH
Insulatard NPH Human
Lente IIetin I
Lente IIetin II
Lente Insulin
Mixtard Human
Novolin 70/30
Novolin L
Novolin N
Novolin R
NPH IIetin I
NPH Insulin
Protamine Zinc and IIetin
Protamine Zinc and IIetin I
Protamine Zinc and IIetin II
Regular (Concentrated) IIetin
Regular (Concentrated) IIetin II, U-500
Regular IIetin I
Regular IIetin II
Regular Insulin
Semilente IIetin
Semilente IIetin I
Ultralente IIetin I
Velosulin Human|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Insulin allows blood sugar to pass through cell membranes so that it can be used as energy.|This drug may take anywhere from 30 minutes to 8 hours to take effect, depending on the type of insulin used.|Retake as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours until your next dose. Continue based on the original schedule.|This drug is an Antidiabetic and is used in the treatment of diabetes.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. The  following drugs may decrease the effect of this drug:  Anticonvulsants (hydantoin), (oral) Contraceptives, Cortisone drugs, Diuretics, Furosemide, and Thyroid hormones.

2. The following drugs may increase the effect of this drug:  Nicotine gum, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenylbutazone, Salicylates, Sulfa drugs, tetracyclines, and MAO inhibitors.

3. Oral Antidiabetics may increase the antidiabetic effect of this drug.

4. Beta-adrenergic blockers may increase the difficulty of regulating the proper blood-sugar levels.

5. When used with Alcohol this drug may lead to brain damage, hypoglycemia, and an increase in the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken until you have been diagnosed and your treatment schedule and dose have been established by your doctor.

2. Do not use this drug until you are familiar with overdose and anaphylactic emergencies.

3. Before taking this drug consult with your doctor if you are allergic to any Insulins, take MAO inhibitors, have a low thyroid function, or kidney disease.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. People over 60 years of age need to be cautious not to become repeatedly hypoglycemic.

7. Consult with your doctor as to whether or not your specific dose will be a concern when piloting aircraft, driving or working around machinery.|The symptoms of Hypoglycemia (low blood-sugar) can include headache, nausea, rapid heartbeat, pale skin, cold sweats, anxiety, chills, drowsiness, nervousness, shakiness, unusual weakness, or tiredness.  If these symptoms should occur, eat some type of sugar (candy, fruit juice, household sugar, sandwich, etc.) immediately.  Contact Medical Help Immediately.|Iron Polysaccharide||039e               Hytinic
Nu-Iron 150|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No:  Without floic acid.
 * Available in generic form? No

Iron Polysaccharide stimulates the production of hemoglobin (the oxygen carrying part of the red blood cell).|Allow 1 to 3 weeks for maximum benefit.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Mineral Supplement (iron) used to treat iron deficiency anemia.|Life threatening effects can include a rapid yet weak heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, people using this drug will more than likely experience a graying or blackening of their stool.|1. May cause excess iron in the liver when used with Allopurinol or other Iron supplements.

2. May result in a diminished Iron effect when used with Calcium Supplements, Chloramphenicol, Cholestyramine, and Sulfasalazine.

3. May decrease the effect of Penicillamine and Tetracyclines.

4. Antacids may result in poor Iron absorption.

5. When used with Alcohol may result in organ damage.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any iron supplement or tartrazine dye, have acute hepatitis, hemochromatorsis, hemosiderosis, take iron injections, have hemolytic anemia, or already have a diet high in iron.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have peptic ulcer, colitis, enteritis, had stomach surgery, have hepatitis, pancreatitis, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience hemochromatosis using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may result in hemochromatosis.|Overdose symptoms can include shallow breathing, rapid yet weak heartbeat, weakness, pallor, blue hands, fingernails, and lips, convulsions, collapse, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Isopropamide||068\               Allergine
Pro-Iso|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? No

Isopropamide blocks parasympathetic nerve impulses at their endings.  Prevents muscle contractions and gland secretions.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antispasmodic, anticholinergic used to treat spasms of the urethra, digestive system, and bladder.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience delirium, confusion, and rapid heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The following drugs may increase the effect of this drug:  Amantadine, other Anticholinergics, Antihistamines, Buclizine, MAO inhibitors, Meperidine, Methylphenidate, Orphenadrine, Phenothiazines, and Quinidine.

2. May cause an increase in internal eye pressure when used with Cortisone drugs, Haloperidol, and Nitrates.

3. May cause  intestinal ulcers when used with oral Potassium tablets.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Anticholinergic or Iodine, have narrow-angle glaucoma, ulcerative colitis, stomach bloating, or have problems completely emptying your bladder.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have myasthenia gravis, liver disease, angina, open-angle glaucoma, peptic ulcer, enlarged prostate gland, chronic asthma or bronchitis, hiatal hernia, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to fecal impaction or chronic constipation.  If this occurs contact your doctor immediately.|Overdose symptoms can include slurred speech, blurred vision, dilated pupils, fever, dizziness, rapid breathing and pulse, confusion, hallucinations, flushed face, agitation, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Kaolin and Pectin||028_               Donnagel-MB
Pecto Kay|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No
|Allow 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antidiarrheal used in the treatment of diarrhea and intestinal cramps.|While life threatening effects are highly unlikely, some people may experience a mild form of constipation.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the absorption of all other oral medications.

2. The use of this drug may decrease the absorption of Digoxin and Lincomycin.

3. The use of this drug with Alcohol may result in increased diarrhea.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to pectin or Kaolin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a fever greater than 101 Fahrenheit.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug is not recommended.|While overdose may not result in a life threatening situation, it may result in fecal impaction.  However, if you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Lactulose||038_               Cholac
Portalac|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Lactulose draws water into the bowel, softens stool and promotes faster stool discharge.  Water is drawn into the bowel from surrounding body tissue.|Allow approximately 3 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember as long as it is 8 hours before your bedtime, (Do not take this drug at bedtime).  If it is within 8 hours of your bedtime, wait for your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Laxative, hyperosmotic used to treat mental changes associated with liver disease and in constipation relief.|It is not uncommon for some to experience gaseousness, diarrhea, increased thirst, and cramps while taking this drug.  If this occurs, continue  taking medication, but consult with your doctor during your next visit regarding these symptom.  On rare occasion some may experience an irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. When taken with other Laxatives, this drug may cause diarrhea.

2. Neomycin may increase the effect of both drugs in terms of mental changes associated with liver disease.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any hyperosmotic laxative, have symptoms of appendicitis, intestinal blockage, or inflamed bowel, and should not be used if you have missed a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, laxative habit, kidney disease, colostomy, ileostomy, rectal bleeding, a low galactose diet, or are taking another laxative.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use (more than 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.|Overdose symptoms can include weakness, vomiting, fluid depletion, and fainting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Magnesium Carbonate||032_               Alkets
De Witt's
Spastosed|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Magnesium Carbonate neutralizes stomach acid, retards the protein breaking action of pepsin, and innervates the muscles of the lower bowel.|Allow 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Once you remember, retake then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antacid, laxative used in the treatment of constipation, heartburn, indigestion, hyperacidity of upper gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia, and esophagitis.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience a loss of appetite and constipation.  On rare occasion some may experience swollen ankles or wrists, lower abdominal pain, and swelling, unusual weakness or tiredness, muscle weakness, or bone pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of Anticoagulants, Chlorpromazine, Digitalis preparations, Iron supplements, Isoniazid, Nalidixic acid, NitroFurantoin, Oxyphenbutazone, Para-aminosalicylic acid, Penicillamine, Penicillins, Pentobarbital, Phenothiazines, Phenylbutazone, Sodium polystyrene sulfonate, Sulfa drugs, and Tetracyclines.

2. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Levodopa, Meperidine, and Pseudoephedrine.

3. The use of Alcohol may decrease the antacid effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to any antacid.

2. Before taking this drug consult with your doctor if you have chronic constipation, diarrhea, colitis, kidney disease, intestinal or stomach bleeding, or have symptoms of appendicitis.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience diarrhea or constipation.|Overdose symptoms may include shallow breathing, stupor, diarrhea, and dry mouth.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Magnesium Citrate||038_               Citrate of Magnesia
Citroma|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Magnesium Citrate draws water into the bowel, softens stool, and promotes faster stool discharge.  Water is drawn into the bowel from surrounding body tissues.|Allow approximately  3 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, up to 8 hours before bedtime, (Do Not take at bedtime), then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Laxative (hyperosmotic) used in the treatment of constipation.|While no life threatening effects are likely, some may experience an irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of Chlordiazepoxide, Chlorpromazine, Dicumarol, Digoxin, Isoniazid.

2. The use of this drug with Tetracyclines may cause intestinal blockage.|1. This drug should not be used if you have missed a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days, have symptoms of appendicitis, have inflamed bowel or intestinal blockage, or are allergic to any Hyperosmotic type laxative.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have rectal bleeding, kidney disease, high blood pressure, heart disease (congestive), have a colostomy or ileostomy, have diabetes, have a laxative habit, or are currently taking another laxative.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug (more than 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.|While overdose is unlikely to be life threatening, symptoms can include fainting, vomiting, fluid depletion, and weakness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Magnesium Hydroxide||032_               Aludrox
Dolprn 3
Milk of Magnesia
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia
Win-Gel|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Magnesium Hydroxide neutralizes stomach acid, retards the protein breaking action of pepsin, and innervates the muscles of the lower bowel.|Allow 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake  as soon as you remember, than continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antacid, laxative used in the treatment of heartburn, acid indigestion, hyperacidity of the upper gastrointestinal tract, constipation relief, peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia, gastritis, or esophagitis.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience swollen ankles or wrists, abdominal pain and swelling, bone pain, and muscle weakness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less serious symptoms can include a loss of appetite and constipation.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of Chlorpromazine, Ciprofloxacin, Digitalis preparations, Iron supplements, Isoniazide, Ketoconazole, Lithium, Methenamine, Nalidixic acid, Nitrofurantoin, Norfloxacin, Oxyphenbutazone, Para-aminosalicylic acid, Penicillamine, Penicillins, Pentobarbital, Phenylbutazone, Sodium polystyrene sulfonate, Sulfa drugs, and Tetracyclines.

2. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Flecainide, Levodopa, and Pseudoephedrine.

3. Alcohol may decrease the antacid effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to any antacid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have symptoms of appendicitis, kidney disease, chronic constipation, diarrhea, colitis, or intestinal or stomach bleeding.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience diarrhea or constipation while taking this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include diarrhea, dry mouth, shallow breathing, and stupor.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Magnesium Sulfate||038_               Bilagog
Epsom Salts
Vicon|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Magnesium Sulfate draws water into the bowel, softens stool, and promotes faster stool discharge.  Water is draw into the bowel from surrounding body tissues.|Allow approximately 3 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, up to 8 hours before bedtime, (Do Not take at bedtime), then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Laxative (hyperosmotic) used in the treatment of constipation.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience an irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less serious effects can include diarrhea, cramps, thirst, nausea, and gaseousness.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of Antidepressants (tricyclic), Chlordiazepoxide, Chlorpromazine, Dicumarol, Digoxin, and Isoniazid.

2. The use of Tetracyclines with this drug may cause intestinal blockage.|1. Do not  use this drug if you have missed a bowel movement of only 1 or 2 days, have symptoms of appendicitis, are allergic to any hyperosmotic laxative, or have inflamed bowel or intestinal blockage.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have rectal bleeding, heart disease (congestive), diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, have an ileostomy or colostomy, laxative habit, or are taking another laxative.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. The use of this drug over extended periods (more than 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.|While overdose is unlikely to be life threatening, overdose symptoms can include fainting, vomiting, weakness and fluid depletion.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Magnesium Trisilicate||032_               A-M-T
Trisogel|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Magnesium Trisilicate neutralizes stomach acid, retards the protein  breaking action of pepsin, and innervates the muscles of the lower bowel.|Allow 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Once you remember, retake, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antacid, laxative used in the treatment of heartburn, indigestion, constipation, hyperacidity of the upper gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer, gastritis, hiatal hernia, and esophagitis.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience swollen ankles or wrists, abdominal pain and swelling, muscle weakness, and bone pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less severe effects can include a loss of appetite and constipation.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of Chlorpromazine, Cioprofloxacin, Digitalis preparations, Iron supplements, Isoniazid, Ketoconazole, Lithium, Methenamine, Nalidixic acid, Nitrofurantoin, Norfloxacin, Oxyphenbutazone, Para-aminosalicylic acid, Penicillamine, Penicillins, Pentobarbital, Phenylbutazone, Sodium polystyrene sulfonate, Sulfa drugs, and Tetracyclines.

2. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Flecainide, Levodopa, Meperidine, and Pseudoephedrine.

3. Alcohol may decrease the antacid effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any antacid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have symptoms of appendicitis, kidney disease, chronic constipation, diarrhea, colitis, or intestinal or stomach bleeding.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience diarrhea or constipation while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include shallow breathing, dry mouth, diarrhea and stupor.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Malt Soup Extract||038_               Maltsupex|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Malt Soup Extract absorbs water into the bowel from surrounding tissues to form softer stools.  Helps prevent straining during bowel movements.|Allow 2 to 3 days for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Laxative, (bulk-forming), used to treat constipation.|On rare occasion some may experience intestinal blockage, skin rash, itching, and asthma symptoms.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. This drug may diminish the antibiotic effect of many Antibiotics.

2. May decrease the effect of Digitalis preparations, Salicylates, and Aspirin.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any bulk-forming laxative, have symptoms of appendicitis, intestinal blockage, or inflamed bowel, or have missed a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have rectal bleeding, diabetes, a laxative habit, problems swallowing or are currently taking other laxatives.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use (more than 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Meclizine||033]               Antivert
Ru-Vert-M|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:  Liquid / No:  Tablet
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Meclizine retards nerve sensitivity in the inner ear thereby blocking the feeling of motion sickness and the need to vomit.|Allow 30 to 60 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then wait 4 hours before you take your next dose, continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antihistamine, antiemetic used in the treatment of motion sickness.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience a rash.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less serious effects can include drowsiness.|1. The use of this drug may increase both its effect and the effect of Anticholinergics, Antidepressants (tricyclic), Narcotics, Pain relievers, Sedatives, Sleep inducers and Tranquilizers.

2. MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

3. Alcohol may cause an increase in sedation.

4. The use of this drug with Guanfacine may increase the depressant effect of either drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Cyclizine, Buclizine, Meclizine, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have an enlarged prostate, glaucoma, or have had an adverse reaction to any Antihistamine.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations, shallow breathing, drowsiness, weak pulse, confusion, coordination problems, stupor, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Methylcellulose||038_               Anorex-CCK
Murocel|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Methylcellulose draws water into the bowel from surrounding tissues in order to form softer stools.  Helps prevent straining during bowel movements.|Allow 2 to 3 days for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Laxative, (bulk-forming), used to treat constipation.|On rare occasion some may experience intestinal blockage, skin rash, itching, and asthma symptoms.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. This drug may diminish the antibiotic effect of many Antibiotics.

2. May diminish the effect of Anticoagulants.

3. May decrease the effect of Digitalis preparations, Salicylates, and Aspirin.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any bulk-forming laxative, have symptoms of appendicitis, intestinal blockage, or inflamed bowel, or have missed a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have rectal bleeding, diabetes, a laxative habit, problems swallowing, or are currently taking other laxatives.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use (more than 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Niacin (Nicotinic Acid)
Vitamin B-3||073[               Diacin
Nicotinyl alcohol
Vasotherm|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:Liquid, Capsules / No:Tablets
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Niacin dilates blood vessels, decreases the production  of cholesterol, and augments Niacin in the daily diet.

Note:  Niacin is also available in many vitamin-mineral supplements.|Allow 20 to 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember.  Wait 4 hours for your next dose, then continue based on revised schedule.|This drug is a Vitamin supplement, vasodilator, antihyperlipidemic used in the treatment of pellagra, ringing ears, vertigo, niacin deficiency, premenstrual headache, and reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience pain in their upper abdominal area.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, some may experience a "Hot" flushed feeling that is not dangerous but may last a few minutes.|1. The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Antidiabetics, Probenecid, and Sulfinpyrazone.

2. The use of this drug may result in excessively low blood pressure when used with Beta-adrenergic blockers, Mecamylamine, Methyldopa, Pargyline, and Alcohol.

3. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Guanethidine.

4. Isoniazid may decrease the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken if you have liver problems, peptic ulcer, or are allergic to Niacin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have gout, diabetes, liver disease, gallbladder disease, or are sensitive to tartrazine dye.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to liver damage.|While overdose is unlikely to be life threatening, overdose symptoms can include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, fainting, weakness, lightheadedness and sweating.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Pantothenic Acid (B-5)||073[               Dexol T.D.|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Pantothenic Acid aids in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Note:  Also available in many vitamin-mineral supplements.|Allow 20 to 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Once you remember retake and then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Vitamin supplement used to treat or prevent Vitamin B-5 deficiencies.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience severe heart burn when using this drug.  If this occurs seek emergency medical help immediately.|1. No adverse drug interactions are expected with this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to Pantothenic acid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are hemophilic.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Extended use of this drug in large doses (more than 1 month) may lead to Vitamin B-5 toxicity.|While overdose is unlikely, if you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Pheniramine||017[               Cita Capsules
Citra Forte
Dri-Hist No. 2 Meta Caps
Dristan Nasal Spray
Poly-Histine D
S-T Forte
Tussirex Sugar Free|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Pheniramine blocks the histamine action of affected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Antihistamine used to treat allergic symptoms such as itching, rash, hives, and hay fever.|It is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness, dry nose, throat and mouth, drowsiness and nausea.  If this occurs, continue taking the medication, but consult with your doctor about these symptoms.|1. The use of this drug may cause excessive sedation when used with other Antihistamines, Hypnotics, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers and Alcohol.

2. Anticholinergic effects can be increased when taken with this drug.

3. Antidepressants (tricyclic), Dronabinol, and MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, peptic ulcer, asthma, glaucoma, enlarged prostate gland, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for newborn or premature infants.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience difficulty urinating and decreased alertness when using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include a red face, hallucinations, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Phenylephrine (Ophthalmic)||054c               Ak-Dilate
Isopto Frin
Prefrin Liquifilm|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:  Some strengths
 * Available in generic form? No

Phenylephrine (ophthalmic) constricts small blood vessels in the eye.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, than continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Mydriatic, decongestant used to dilate pupils and treat minor eye irritations.|Adverse effects are unlikely if you do not use more than prescribed amount.|1. Interactions with injected or oral medications is unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Phenylephrine or have glaucoma.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, irregular heartbeat, or currently take Antidepressants, Guanethidine, Guanadrel, Maprotiline, Pargyline, or MAO inhibitors.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be avoided.|Overdose is unlikely.  However, if swallowed contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Phenolphthalein||038_               Agoral
Ex-Lax Pills
Feen-A-Mint Gum
Trilax|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Phenolphthalein is used to affect the smooth muscles of the intestinal walls in order to produce hearty bowel movements and relieve constipation.|Allow approximately 10  hours for this drug to take effect.|Once you remember, retake, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Laxative (stimulant) used in the treatment of constipation.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, it is not uncommon for some to experience a discoloration of the urine (pink to orange), and rectal irritation.  On rare occasion some may experience headache, confusion, a dangerous loss of potassium, irregular heartbeat, rash, burning urination and muscle cramps.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. This drug may cause a dangerously low potassium level when taken with Diuretics or Antihypertensives.

2. This drug may cause Digitalis toxicity when taken with Digitalis preparations.

3. This drug may cause irritation to the bowel or stomach when taken with Antacids.|1. Do not use this drug if you are allergic to any Stimulant laxative, have symptoms of appendicitis, have intestinal blockage or inflamed bowel, or have missed a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, congestive heart disease, a laxative habit, rectal bleeding, a colostomy or ileostomy, or are currently taking other laxatives.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Extended use of this drug (more than 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.|While overdose of this drug may not be life threatening. symptoms can include and vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Phenyltoloxamine||017Y               Amaril D
Amaril D Spantab
Quadra Hist
Tulssionex|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Phenyltoloxamine blocks histamine action of affected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Once you remember, retake, then wait 3 hours for your next dose.  Continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used in the treatment of hay fever, symptoms of allergies and infections of the throat and nose.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience a rapid heartbeat, stomach pain, nightmares, irritability, and fever.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may cause increased sedation when used with  Narcotics, Pain relievers, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, and Tranquilizers.

2. Antidepressants (tricyclic) drugs may increase the effect of this drug.

3. The use of this drug may change the pattern of seizures (epileptic) when taken with Anticonvulsants (hydantoin).

4. The use of this drug with Alcohol may cause the rapid onset of extreme sedation.  Use Caution.|1. This drug should not be used if you have glaucoma, asthma attacks, difficulty urinating, or are allergic to any type of Antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia, have had problems with peptic ulcers, or have had an adverse reaction to any type of Antihistamine.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience impaired judgment, thinking or memory.  If prostate gland is enlarged there may also be an increase in urine output.  Additionally, some may experience both drowsiness and dizziness along with feeling  somewhat lethargic.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms in adults can include muscle tremors, confusion, drowsiness, incoordination, stupor and coma.  Overdose symptoms in children can include hyperactivity, excitement, hallucinations, and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Poloxamer 188||038_               Alaxin
Poloxalkol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Poloxamer 188 softens stool by increasing its fluid holding capacity.|Allow 2 to 3 days for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then wait 12 hours for your next dose.  Continue based on original schedule.|This drug is a Laxative, emollient used to treat constipation.|On rare occasion some may experience a skin rash while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in liver damage when used with Danthron.

2. May result in the toxic absorption of digitalis preparations.

3. This drug should not be used with Mineral Oil.

4. May result in Phenolphthalein toxicity when used with that drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any emollient laxative or have symptoms of appendicitis.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are currently taking other laxatives or suspect that your constipation may be a sign of a serious disorder.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age should drink at least 8 glasses of fluids a day while using this drug.

5. Extended use may damage the lining of the intestine.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and appetite loss.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Polycarbophil Calcium||038_               Equalactin
Mitrolan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Polycarbophil Calcium absorbs water in the bowel, eliminating watery diarrhea.|Allow approximately 24 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on the original schedule.|This drug is a Laxative (bulk forming), antidiarrheal used in the treatment of diarrhea and constipation.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience intestinal blockage, asthma, skin rash and itching.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less serious symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and the feeling there may be a lump in your throat.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of Digitalis preparations, Tetracyclines, Aspirins and Salicylates.|1. This drug should not be taken if you display symptoms of appendicitis, intestinal blockage, inflamed bowel, are allergic to any bulk forming laxative or have not had a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have difficulty swallowing, diabetes, rectal bleeding, are laxative dependent or are taking any other laxative.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug (more than 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug but if you suspect more than prescribed amount was taken (especially in children) contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Propantheline||068\               Banlin
Pro-Banthine with Phenobarbital
Propanthel|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Propantheline blocks the nerve impulses at the parasympathetic nerve endings.  Prevents muscle contractions and gland secretions.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antispasmodic, anticholinergic used to treat spasms of the urethra, digestive system and bladder.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience delirium, confusion and rapid heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The following drugs may increase the effect of this drug:  Amantadine, other Anticholinergics, Antidepressants (tricyclic), Antihistamines, Buclizine, MAO inhibitors, Meperidine, Methylphenidate, Orphenadrine, Phenothiazines, Quinidine and Terfenadine.

2. This drug may lead to increase internal eye pressure when used with Cortisone drugs, Haloperidol and Nitrates.

3. When taken with oral Potassium supplements this drug may cause intestinal ulcers.

4. Molindone may increase the anticholinergic effect of this drug.

5. This drug may decrease the absorption of Digitalis preparations.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any anticholinergic, have stomach bloating, narrow-angle glaucoma, severe ulcerative colitis, or have problems completely emptying your bladder.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have open-angle glaucoma, liver disease, angina, myasthenia gravis, peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia, enlarged prostate gland, chronic asthma or bronchitis or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may result in fecal impaction or chronic constipation.  If this occurs contact your doctor immediately.|Overdose symptoms can include fever, dizziness, rapid pulse and breathing, flushed  face, dilated pupils, blurred vision, hallucination, agitation, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Psyllium||038_               Cillium
Hydrocil Instant
Metamucil Instant Mix
Metamucil Instant Mix, Orange Flavor
Metamucil Orange Flavor
Metamucil Strawberry Flavor
Metamucil Sugar Free
Modane Bulk
Perdiem Plain
Reguloid Natural
Reguloid Orange
Serutan Toasted Granules
Versabran|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Psyllium draws water into the bowel to form soft bulky stools.  Prevents straining during bowel movements.|Allow approximately 12 hours to 3 days for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on the original schedule.|This drug is a laxative (bulk forming) used in the treatment of constipation as well as to prevent straining during a bowel movement.|While life threatening effects are unlikely some  may experience intestinal blockage, asthma, skin rash and itching.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less serious symptoms can include the feeling that there may be a lump in your throat.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of both Digitalis preparations, Aspirin and Salicylates.|1. This drug should not be used if you display any symptoms of appendicitis, intestinal blockage, inflamed bowel, are allergic to any bulk forming laxative or have not had a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, diabetes, rectal bleeding, difficulty swallowing, laxative dependency or are currently taking other laxatives.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug (more than 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.|While overdose is unlikely with this drug it is important that if you suspect that someone (especially children) has taken more than the prescribed amount, contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Pyridoxine (B-6)||073Z               Beesix
Tex Six T.R.|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Pyridoxine aids in protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism by working as a co-enzyme.|Allow 20 to 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on the original schedule.|This drug is a Vitamin supplement used in the treatment of Vitamin B-6 deficiency, some anemias and Cycloserine poisoning.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, some may experience headache, nausea, and numbness of the feet and hands.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The following drugs may decrease the effect of this drug:  oral Contraceptives, Cycloserine, Hydralazine, Immunosuppressants, Isoniazid, and Penicillamine.

2. This drug may diminish the effect of Levodopa, Hypnotics, Phenobarbital and Phenytoin.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6).

2. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

4. Extended use of this drug (more than 1 week) in large doses may lead to Vitamin B-6 toxicity.|While overdose is unlikely with this drug, if you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Pyrilamine||017[               4-Way Nasal Spray
Citra Forte
Codimal DH, DM, PH
Excedrin P.M.
Histalet Forte
Kronohist Kronocaps
Midol PMS
Napril Plateau
Nervine Nighttime Sleep-Aid
Poly-Histine D
Primatene, M Formula
Tussanil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Pyrilamine blocks histamine action of affected cells.|Allow 30 to 40 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used in the treatment of hay fever, nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, allergy symptoms that include skin rash, hives and itching.  This drug is also used to induce sleep.|While life threatening effects are unlikely some may experience nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth, nose and throat.|1. The use of this drug may cause excessive  sedation and should be avoided when used with other Antihistamines, Hypnotics, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep  inducers, Tranquilizers and Alcohol.

2. The use of this drug may increase the effect of both Anticholinergics and Dronabinol.

3. MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

4. Antidepressants (tricyclic) may increase the effect of this drug and result in excessive sedation.

5. Molindone may increase the Antihistamine effect of this drug and lead to an increase in the sedative effect.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, asthma, glaucoma, peptic ulcer, enlarged prostate, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used by newborn or premature infants.  Consult with your doctor before using.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience decrease alertness and difficulty urinating.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms can include red face, hallucinations, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Quinine||016`               Novo Quinine
Strema|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Quinine increase blood flow, abates skeletal muscle contractions, and disrupts the genetic makeup of the parasitic protozoan responsible for malaria.|Time required to take effect can vary substantially.  Consult with your doctor for specifics.|Treatment:  Take as soon as you remember up to 2 hours late.  After 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.
Prevention:  Take as soon as you remember up to 12 hours late.  After 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antiprotozoal used to treat or prevent malaria as well as for the relief of muscle cramps.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience blurred or changed vision when using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience difficulty breathing, fever, sore throat, skin rash, unusual bleeding or bruising, hives, weakness and angina.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Antacids with Aluminum Hydroxide can diminish the Quinine effect.

2. This drug may increase the anticoagulant effect of oral Anticoagulants.

3. This drug may increase the effect of Digitalis preparations and Digoxin.

4. Quinidine or Sodium Bicarbonate may produce toxic effects when taken with Quinine.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Quinine or Quinidine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, myasthenia gravis, asthma, hearing problems, eye disease, or plan on becoming pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may result in nausea, headache, temporary hearing loss and blurred vision.|Overdose symptoms can include delirium, diarrhea, shallow breathing, severe hearing and vision impairment, fast heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, confusion and apprehension.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Riboflavin||073[               Riobin-50|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) is a water soluble Vitamin B complex factor essential for normal growth.  B-2 is not produced by the body and must be replaced by foods or supplements.

Note:  Also available in many vitamin-mineral supplements.|Ribofavin requires regular use to be effective.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on the original schedule.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Vitamin Supplement used to treat Vitamin B-2 deficiency.  Riboflavin is required for normal growth and overall health.|It is not uncommon for some to experience a yellow coloring of their urine.|1. The use of the following drugs may diminish the effect of Riboflavin:  Antidepressants (tricyclic), Phenothiazines and Probenecid.

2. Alcohol may prevent the body's ability to absorb Vitamin B-2.

3. Anticholinergics may increase Vitamin B-2 absorbtion.|1. This drug should not be used if you have chronic kidney failure or are allergic to any B Vitamin.

2. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|While overdose is unlikely to be life threatening, overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting and dark urine.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Choline Magnesium Salicylates
Choline Salicylate
Magnesium Salicylate
Sodium Salicylate|Salicylates|014Y               Arthropan
Choline Magnesium Trisalicylate
Citra Forte
Doan's Pills
Improved SinoTuss
Kolephrin NN Liquid
Tussanil DH
Tussirex w/Codeine Liquid
Uromide|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:  Some brands
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Salicylates  retard the prostaglandin effect and decrease the viscosity of the blood, thereby allowing it to flow more freely.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|For fever and pain relief, retake as soon as you remember then wait 4 hours for your next dose, continue based on the revised schedule.
For relief of arthritis pain, retake as soon as you remember up to 2 hours late.  If more than 2 hours late wait until the next scheduled dose.  Continue on your regular dosage schedule.|This drug is an Analgesic, anti-inflammatory (salicylate) non-steroidal used in the treatment of pain symptoms associated with rheumatism and arthritis.  This drug is also used to reduce inflammation, pain and fever.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of ACE inhibitors.

2. The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Allopurinol.

3. Antacids may decrease the effect of this drug.

4. The use of this drug with Anticoagulants may lead to unusual bleeding.

5. The use of this drug with oral Antidiabetics and Insulin may result in low blood sugar.

6. The use of this drug with Aspirin, Furosemide, and Para-aminosalicylic acid can result in Salicylate toxicity.

7. The use of this drug can decrease the antihypertensive effect of Beta-adrenergic blockers.

8. The use of this drug with Cortisone drugs may lead to ulcers and stomach bleeding.

9. The use of this drug with Gold compounds can lead to kidney damage.

10. The use of this drug with Indomethacin can result in ulcers and stomach bleeding.

11. The use of this drug with Penicillins may increase the effect of both drugs.

12. The use of this drug with Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may lead to ulcers and stomach bleeding.

13. The use of this drug with Phenobarbital may decrease the effect of this drug.

14. The use of this drug with Methotrexate may lead to Methotrexate toxicity.

15. This drug may increase the effect of Phenytoin.

16. The use of this drug with Alcohol may cause stomach irritation and bleeding.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Salicylates, have bleeding disorder, peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach, or need to reduce the amount of sodium in you daily diet.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have nasal polyps, asthma, a history of gout or duodenal or stomach ulcers.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience stomach or intestinal bleeding, indicated by dark stools.

6. Extended use may result in kidney damage.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, hallucinations, ringing  ears, fever, deep and rapid breathing, dizziness, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Scopolamine (Hyoscine)||068\               Barbidonna
Scopolamine Trans-Derm
Transderm-V|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Scopolamine (Hyoscine) block parasympathetic nerve impulses and prevent certain muscle contractions and gland secretions.|Allow 20 to 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antispasmodic, anticholinergic used in the treatment of motion sickness, spasms of the bladder, urethra, and digestive system.  This drug is also used to relieve painful menstruation.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a rapid heartbeat, delirium and confusion.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less serious symptoms can include headache, constipation, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and difficulty urinating.|1. The following drugs may increase the effect of this drug:  Amantadine, other Anticholinergics, Antidepressants (tricyclic), Antihistamines, Buclizine, MAO inhibitors, Meperidine, Methylphenidate, Orphenadrine, Phenothiazines and Quinidine.

2. This drug may cause an increase in internal eye pressure when used with Cortisone drugs, Haloperidol or Nitrates.

3. The use of this drug with Encainide may result in toxicity on the heart muscle.

4. The use of this drug with Methyprylon may result in a dangerously high sedative effect.

5. The use of this drug with Ethinamate may result in increasing the effect of Ethinamate to a dangerous level.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Anticholinergic drug, have narrow-angle glaucoma, stomach bloating, severe ulcerative colitis or have problems completely emptying your bladder.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have myasthenia gravis, liver disease, peptic ulcer, angina, hiatal hernia, open-angle glaucoma, enlarged prostate gland, chronic asthma or bronchitis or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to fecal impaction or chronic constipation.  Should this occur, contact your doctor immediately.|Overdose symptoms can include flushed face, dizziness, fever, dilated pupils, rapid pulse, blurred vision, rapid breathing, agitation, hallucinations, confusion, slurred speech, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Senna||038_               Black Draught
Black-Draught Lax Senna
Fletcher's Castoria
X-Prep Liquid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Senna act on the intestinal walls (smooth muscles) and allow for hearty bowel movements and relief of constipation.|Allow approximately 10 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Laxative (stimulant) used to treat constipation.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, it is not uncommon for some people to experience a discoloration of their urine (red-violet or yellow-brown) and have rectal irritation.  On rare occasion some may experience difficult breathing, muscle cramps, confusion, irregular heartbeat, and a dangerous loss of potassium.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may cause a dangerously low potassium level when used with either Antihypertensives or Diuretics.

2. The use of this drug with Digitalis preparations may lead to Digitalis toxicity.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Laxative (stimulant), have symptoms of appendicitis, intestinal blockage, inflamed bowel, or have missed a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, rectal bleeding, high blood pressure, congestive heart disease, a colostomy or ileostomy, laxative dependency or are currently taking other laxatives.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug (more than 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.|While overdose is unlikely to be life threatening, symptoms can include vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Sennosides A and B||038_               Glysennid
Gentle Nature
X-Prep|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Sennosides A and B act on the intestinal walls (smooth muscles) and allow for hearty bowel movements and relief of constipation.|Allow approximately 10 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Laxative, stimulant used to treat constipation.|It is not uncommon for some to experience rectal irritation while taking this drug.|1. May cause a dangerously low Potassium level when used with Antihypertensives and Diuretics.

2. May result in Digitalis toxicity when used with Digitalis preparations.|1. This drug should not be used if you have symptoms of appendicitis, intestinal blockage, inflamed bowel, are allergic to any stimulant laxative or have missed a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, congestive heart disease, diabetes, rectal bleeding, colostomy, ileostomy, laxative habit or are currently taking other laxatives.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use (more than 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Sodium Bicarbonate||032_               Alka-Citrate Compound
Alka-Seltzer Antacid
Arm and Hammer Baking Soda
Bisodol Powder
Bromo Seltzer
Seidlitz Powder
Soda Mint|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Sodium Bicarbonate is a water soluble solid that neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the stomach.  Also retards the action of pepsin, an enzyme produced in the stomach that splits proteins into proteoses and peptones.|Allow 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake when you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antacid used in the treatment of heartburn, indigestion, hyperacidity of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia, gastritis and esophagitis.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, it is not uncommon for some to experience weight gain, constipation, loss of appetite and belching.|1. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Amphetamine, Flecainide, Meperidine, Levodopa, Quinidine and Pseudoephedrine.

2. The use of this drug may decrease the effectiveness of Ciprofloxacin, Iron supplements, Ketoconazole, Lithium, Methenamine, Nalidixic acid, Nitrofurantoin, Norfloxacin, Oxyphenbutazone, Para-aminosalicylic acid, Penicillins, Phenylbutazone, Sulfa drugs, and Tetracyclines.

3. Alcohol may diminish the Antacid effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any type of Antacid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, stomach or intestinal bleeding, congestive heart disease, chronic diarrhea or constipation or display the symptoms of appendicitis.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience constipation or diarrhea.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to excessive calcium in the blood.|While overdose is unlikely to be life threatening, symptoms can include dizziness, fatigue and weakness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Sodium Carbonate||032_               Rolaids|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Sodium Carbonate neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the stomach.  Also retards the action of pepsin in the stomach, an enzyme produced in the stomach that splits proteins into proteoses and peptones.|Allow 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake when you remember, then continue based on the package instructions.|This drug is an Antacid used in the treatment of heartburn, indigestion, hyperacidity of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia, gastritis, and esophagitis.|While life threatening effects  are unlikely, some may experience a loss of appetite and constipation.  On rare occasion some may experience muscle weakness, bone pain, abdominal pain and swelling, and swollen ankles and wrists.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may diminish the effectiveness of Chlorpromazine, Ciprofloxacin, Digitalis preparations, Iron supplements, Ketoconazole, Lithium, Methenamine, Nalidixic acid, Nitrofurantoin, Norflaxacin, Oxyphenbutazone, Para-aminosalicylic acid, Penicillins, Pentobarbital, Phenylbutazone, Sulfa drugs, Tetracyclines.

2. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Levodopa and Meperidine.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any type of Antacid.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, liver disease, kidney disease, congestive heart disease, intestinal or stomach bleeding, chronic diarrhea or constipation, or display symptoms of appendicitis.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience constipation or diarrhea.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to unwanted fluid retention.|While overdose is not likely to be life threatening, symptoms can include dizziness, fatigue and weakness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Simethicone||043_               Di-Gel
Extra Strength Gas-X
Riopan Plus
Silain|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Simethicone causes small mucus-entrapped air bubbles in the intestines to form larger bubbles that are then passed more easily.|Allow 10 to 15 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake as needed based on the package instructions.|This drug is an Antiflatulent used in the treatment of abdominal gas.|Adverse effects of any kind are highly unlikely with this drug.|1. Adverse effects of any kind are highly unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Simethicone.

2. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.|No overdose symptoms are expected with this drug.|Sodium Phosphate||038_               Fleet Enema
Fleet Phospho-Soda
Sal Hepatica|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Sodium Phophate draws water into the bowel from surrounding tissues.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|Take once you remember, providing it is not within 8 hours of your bedtime.  If so, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose or Take at Bedtime.|This drug is a Laxative, hyperosmotic used to treat constipation.|On rare occasion some may experience an irregular heartbeat when using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. This drug may diminish the effect of Chlordiazepoxide, Chlorpromazine, Dicumarol, Digoxin, Isoniazid and Mexiletine.

2. Used with Tetracyclines may result in intestinal blockage.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any hyperosmotic laxative, have symptoms of appendicitis, intestinal blockage, inflamed bowel, or have missed a bowel movement for only 1 or 2 days.

2. Before taking this drug consult with your doctor if you have rectal bleeding, high blood pressure, diabetes, a laxative habit, congestive heart disease, colostomy, ileostomy or are currently taking other laxatives.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug (more then 1 week) may lead to laxative dependency.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, weakness, fluid depletion and fainting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Sulindac||014`               Clinoril|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Sulindac reduces the prostaglandin effect, hormones in body tissue responsible for pain and inflammation.|Allow anywhere from 1 day to 3 weeks to become fully effective.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Anti-inflammatory, (non-steroid) used to treat symptoms of arthritis, gout, and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness especially in Aspirin sensitive people.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. The use of this drug may increase the risk of developing a stomach ulcer when used with Aspirin, Cortisone drugs, Oxyphenbutazone, and Phenylbutazone.

2. May diminish the effect of ACE inhibitors.

3. Beta-adrenergic blockers may result in  a decrease antihypertensive effect.

4. May decrease the effect of Diuretics.

5. May increase the risk of bleeding when taken with oral Anticoagulants.

6. Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

7. When taken with Thyroid Hormones may result in a rise in blood pressure and rapid heartbeat.

8. When taken with Alcohol may result in the development of a stomach ulcer or bleeding.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal or aspirin.  

2. Do not use this drug if you if you have heart failure, high blood pressure, gastritis, enteritis, peptic ulcer, asthma, ulcerative colitis, have recently had rectal bleeding, or are under 15 years of age.

3. Before using this drug consult with you doctor if you have Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, kidney disease or impaired function, or mental illness.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.  Should not be used by children less than 15 years of age.

6. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

7. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

8. Extended use may lead to weight gain, fever, eye damage, impaired hearing and sore throat.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, confusion, agitation, hemorrhaging from the intestine or stomach, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Terpin Hydrate w/ Codeine
Codeine and Terpin Hydrate
Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide and Terpin Hydrate||057Y               Chexit
Terpin Hydrate and Codeine Syrup
Terpin Hydrate Elixir
Tricodene #1
Tricodene NN Cough and Cold Medication
Tussagesic|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? No-Some states, yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Terpin Hydrate loosens mucus build up in the bronchial tubes.|Allow approximately 15 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then wait 4 hours before taking the next dose.|This drug is an Expectorant used to treat coughing associated with simple bronchial irritation.|On rare occasion, especially in children, some may experience symptoms of alcohol intoxication.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in increased sedation when taken with Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Muscle relaxants, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers and Alcohol.

2. May induce an adverse  reaction when taken with Disulfiram.|1. This drug should not be used if you are an active or recovering alcoholic or are allergic to Terpin Hydrate.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you plan on becoming pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. Extended use may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea and drowsiness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Theophylline, Ephedrine and Barbiturates||063Y               Azma Aid
Primatene "P"
Tedral SA
Theodrine Pediatric
Theofedral|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes:  Some
 * Available in generic form? Yes:  Some

Theophylline, Ephedrine, and Barbiturates work together to inhibit cells from releasing histamines, decrease blood vessel size and carrying capacity, mimics stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system and block nerve cell impulses at their connections.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Bronchodilator, sympathomimetic, barbiturate, sedative used to treat anxiety, nervous tension, symptoms of bronchial asthma, congested breathing passages and allergic symptoms.|Life threatening effects can include rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing and coma.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, nervousness, vomiting, abdominal pain, insomnia, headache, irritability and feeling of "hangover".  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug may result in a dangerous over sedation when used with Antihistamines, Antidepressants (tricyclics), Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Pain relievers, Sleep inducers, Sedatives, Tranquilizers, and may result in FATAL over sedation when taken with Alcohol.

2. The use of this drug may decrease the effect of Allopurinol, oral Anticoagulants, Antidepressants (tricyclic), Antihypertensives, Aspirin, Beta-adrenergic blockers, oral Contraceptives, Cortisone drugs, Doxycycline, Griseofulvin, Guanethidine, Lithium, Probenecid, and Sulfinpyrazone.

3. May cause serious heart-rhythm problems when taken with Digitalis preparations.

4. May cause a serious rise in blood pressure when taken with Ergot preparations.

5. May cause a dangerous rise in blood pressure when taken with MAO inhibitors.

6. May cause rapid heartbeat when taken with Rauwolfia alkaloids.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any barbiturate, bronchodilator, ephedrine, or sympathomimetic drug, or have porphyria or an active peptic ulcer.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have an impaired liver or kidney, take medication for gout, have diabetes, gastritis, asthma, anemia, overactive thyroid, epilepsy, heart disease, high blood pressure, chronic pain, problems  urinating, taken any MAO inhibitor within the last 2 weeks or Digitalis preparation in the last 7 days.

3. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6. People over 60 years of age may experience angina, high blood pressure, and heart rhythm problems while under the influence of this drug.

7. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

8. Extended use may lead to anemia, addiction, stomach irritation, toxic psychosis, chronic intoxication, lower body temperature, and difficulty urinating for men with enlarged prostate gland.|Overdose symptoms can include rapid and irregular pulse, anxiety, muscle tremors, confusion, restlessness, delirium and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Thiamine (B-1)||073[               Betalin S
Pan-B-1|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Thiamine (Vitamin B-1) aids  in the metabolism of carbohydrates.

Note:  Also available in many vitamin-mineral supplements.|Allow 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on the original schedule.|This drug is a Vitamin supplement used in the treatment  of Beri-Beri (a Thiamine deficiency disease), infections, alcoholism, burns, overactive thyroid, and cirrhosis.  Vitamin B-1 is also important for normal growth and overall health.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. Barbiturates can diminish the effect of Vitamin B-1.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Vitamin B.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney or liver disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose of this drug will intensify the adverse effects of this drug.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Tridihexethyl||068\               Pathilon|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? No

Tridihexethyl  blocks parasympathetic nerve impulses and prevents certain muscle contractions and gland secretions.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antispasmodic, anticholinergic used to treat spasms of the urethra, digestive system and bladder.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. The following drugs may increase the effects of this drug:  Amantadine, Anticholinergics, Antidepressants (tricyclic), Antihistamines, Buclizine, MAO inhibitors, Meperidine,  Methylphenidate, Orphenadrine, Phenothiazines, and Quinidine.

2. May result in an increase of internal eye pressure when used with Cortisone drugs, Haloperidol and Nitrates.

3. May result in intestinal ulcers when used with oral Potassium supplements.

4. Antacids may decrease the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any anticholinergic, have narrow-angle glaucoma, server ulcerative colitis, stomach bloating, or have problems completely emptying your bladder.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have angina, hiatal hernia, open-angle glaucoma, liver disease, peptic ulcer, enlarged prostate, myasthenia gravis, chronic asthma or bronchitis, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to fecal impaction or chronic constipation.  If this occurs contact your doctor as soon as possible.|Overdose symptoms can include rapid pulse and breathing, hallucinations, slurred speech, fever, dizziness, flushed face, confusion, blurred vision, dilated  pupils, agitation, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Tripelennamine||017[               PBZ
Ro-Hist|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Tripelennamine blocks histamine action from affected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used to treat allergic symptoms such as hives, skin rash, and itching.  May also be used as a sleep inducer.|It is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, dry mouth, nose and throat, dizziness and drowsiness while using this drug.  On rare occasion some may experience a change in vision, weakness, fever, agitation, sore throat, nightmares, rapid heartbeat, fatigue and unusual bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.The use of this drug may result in excessive sedation when used with:  other Antihistamines, Hypnotics, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Procarbazine, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers and Alcohol.

2. Molindone may increase the Antihistamine effect of this drug.

3. MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

4. Oral Anticoagulants may decrease the effect of this drug.

5. May increase the effect of Anticholinergics.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to any antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have asthma, peptic ulcer, kidney disease, glaucoma,  enlarged prostate, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Not recommended for newborn or premature infants.

5. People over 60  years of age may experience diminished alertness and difficulty urinating while using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations,, red face, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Triprolidine||017[               Actidil
Tripodrine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Triprolidine blocks histamine action from affected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used in the treatment of allergic symptoms such as hives, skin rash and itching.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, and dry nose, mouth and throat.|1. The use of this drug may cause excessive sedation when used with other Antihistamines, Hypnotics, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Procarbazine, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers, Alcohol and Antidepressants (tricyclic).

2. Oral Anticoagulants may decrease the effectiveness of this drug.

3. MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

4. Molindone may increase the Antihistamine effect of this drug.

5. Antidepressants (tricyclic) may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, glaucoma, asthma, enlarged prostate gland, peptic ulcer, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used for newborn or premature infants.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience difficulty urinating or decrease alertness while using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may result in nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms can include red face, hallucinations, convulsion, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Vitamin A||073[               Acon
Aquasol A
Sust-A|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Vitamin A is fat soluble organic substance essential for normal health and growth, protection of epithelial tissue, and prevention of night blindness.

Note:  Also available in many vitamin-mineral supplements.|Vitamin A requires continued use to be effective.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on the original schedule.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is Vitamin Supplement necessary for normal growth and overall health.  Vitamin A is especially important for healthy eyes and skin.|On rare occasion some may experience hair loss, headache, confusion, dry lips, dizziness, and skin peeling.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Neomycin may decrease vitamin absorption.

2. Large doses of this drug may increase the anticoagulant effect of Anticoagulants.

3. Large doses of Vitamin E may lead to Vitamin A depletion.

4. When used in conjunction with other Vitamin A sources, the combined effect may lead to Vitamin A toxicity.

5. Oral Contraceptives may increase the level of Vitamin A in the body.

6. Cholestyramine, Colestipol, and the extended use of Mineral oil can retard the absorption of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have chronic liver problems.

2. Before taking this drug consult with your doctor if you have any type of kidney problems.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should not be given large doses and should use this drug only under medical supervision.|Overdose symptoms can include an increase of the adverse effects associated with this drug.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Vitamin B-12  (Cyanocobalamin)||073[               Acti-B-12
Alpha Redisol
Betalin 12
Betalin 12 Crystalline
Rubramin-PC|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) is a water soluble organic substance essential in small quantities to normal metabolism.

Note:  Also available in many vitamin-mineral supplements.|Allow 15 to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on the original schedule.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Vitamin supplement used in the treatment of pernicious anemia, nerve damage, and vitamin B-12 deficiency.  Vitamin B-12 is necessary for normal growth and overall health.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. The absorption of Vitamin B-12 may be decreased if taken with Anticonvulsants, Cimetidine, Colchicine, Famotidine, H2 Antagonists, Neomycin, Potassium (some forms), Ranitidine, and Alcohol.

2. If taken simultaneously with Vitamin C this drug may be deactivated.  Separate the doses by 2 hours.

3. This drug may decrease the effect of Para-aminosalicylic acid.|1. This drug should not be taken if you have Leber's disease.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease or gout.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Unless directed by your doctor people over 60 years of age should not exceed 100 mg per day.|While overdoses is unlikely to be life threatening, overdose symptoms can include an increase of the adverse effects of this drug.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)||073[               Adenex
Redoxon|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is a water soluble organic substance essential in small amounts to normal metabolism.

Note:  Also available in many vitamin-mineral supplements.|Allow approximately 1 week for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on the original schedule.|This drug is a Vitamin supplement used in the treatment of anemia, scurvy, and other Ascorbic Acid deficiencies.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, on rare occasion some may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and anemia.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. The use of this drug can diminish the effect of Amphetamines, Anticholinergics,  Anticoagulants (oral), Antidepressants (tricyclic), Mexiletine, and Quinidine.

2. Vitamin C may increase the possibility of experiencing the adverse effects of Estrogens.

3. Aspirin, Barbiturates, oral Contraceptives and  Salicylates may  diminish the effect of vitamin C.

4. Vitamin C may increase may increase the effect of barbiturates.|1. This drug should not be taken if you are allergic to Vitamin C.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have anemia, gout, or have had kidney stones.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should not be given large doses and should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should restrict their daily intake to not more than 100 mg. unless under doctor's orders.

6. Extended use of the is vitamin in large doses (more than 2 months straight) may lead to the development of kidney stones.|While overdose is not likely to be life threatening, overdose symptoms can include dizziness, diarrhea, and vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Vitamin D||073[               Calciferol
DHT Intensol
Radiostol Forte
Rocaltrol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No-High strength: yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Vitamin D is a fat soluble organic substance essential in small amounts to normal metabolism, obtained by irradiating pro vitamin D with ultraviolet light.

Note:  Also available in many vitamin-mineral supplements.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Vitamin supplement used in the treatment of hypocalcemia associated with kidney disease, postoperative muscle contractions, and the prevention of bone diseases.  Vitamin D is also used as a daily vitamin supplement.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, on rare occasion some may experience increased thirst, psychosis, pink eye, intense abdominal pain, and an increase in urine output.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Anticonvulsants (hydantoin) Cholestyramine, Cortisone drugs, Mineral oil, Phenobarbital, and Rifampin may result in diminishing the effect of Vitamin D.

2. The use of this drug with magnesium Antacids may lead  to excess Magnesium in the body.

3. Vitamin D may decrease the effect of calcium-channel blockers.

4. Vitamin D may lead to irregular heartbeat when used with Digitalis preparations.

5. The use of Vitamin D with large doses of Calcium may lead to excess Calcium in the blood.

6. If taken with other sources of Vitamin D may lead to Vitamin D toxicity.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Vitamin D.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, epilepsy, heart disease, blood vessel disease, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should not be given large doses, consult with your doctor for proper dosage.

6. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose, while not likely to be life threatening, can include eye irritation and light sensitivity, nausea, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, intense abdominal pain, weight loss, mood changes, muscle pain, cloudy urine, bone pain, itching, and high blood pressure.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Vitamin E||073[               Aquasol E
Viterra E|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Vitamin E is an organic substance essential in small amounts to normal metabolism.  As an antioxidant it is important in the deactivation of free radicals and in the maintenance of the body's cell membranes.

Note:  Also available in many vitamin-mineral supplements.|The time required for this drug to take effect has not yet been determined.|Retake once you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Vitamin supplement used in the treatment of lung problems, circulatory problems,  sickle-cell anemia, fibrocystic breast disease, and Vitamin E deficiencies.  Vitamin E is also important in normal growth and health.|While life threatening effects are unlikely some may experience diarrhea and blurred vision.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Cholestyramine, Colestipol and Neomycin may diminish the absorption of Vitamin E.

2. Vitamin E  can increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.

3. Mineral oil can diminish the effect of Vitamin E.

4. Vitamin E can diminish the effect of Iron supplements, especially in people with iron deficiency anemia.

5. Proper doses of Vitamin E can increase the benefits of Vitamin A.|1. Do not use this drug if you are allergic to Vitamin E.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease or have had blood clots.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Extended use of this drug may lead to Vitamin E toxicity.|While overdose is unlikely to be life threatening, overdose symptoms can include fatigue, nausea and vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Vitamin K
Phytonadione||073[               Aqua MEPHYTON
Synkayvite|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Vitamin K is an organic substance essential in small amounts to normal metabolism.  Vitamin K promotes blood clotting by increasing the prothrombin content of the blood.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Vitamin supplement used in the treatment of hemorrhagic disease (in newborns), Anticoagulant overdose resulting in bleeding, and Vitamin K deficiencies.  Vitamin K is also used as a daily vitamin supplement.|On rare occasion some may experience skin rash and hives.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Neomycin and  Colestipol can diminish Vitamin K absorption.

2. Sulfa drugs and Mineral oil can lead to Vitamin K deficiency.

3. This drug can diminish the effect of oral Anticoagulants.

4. Cholestyramine can diminish the effect of Vitamin K.|1. This drug should not be taken if you have liver disease, G6PD deficiency, or are allergic to Vitamin K.

2. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.|While overdose is unlikely to be life threatening, overdose symptoms can include vomiting, and nausea.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Aminophylline
Theophylline|Xanthine Bronchodilators|063Y               Accurbron
Choledyl SA
Elixophyllin SR
Marax DF
PMS Theophylline
Primatene, P Formula
Quibron Plus
Quibron-T Dividose
Quibron-T/SR Dividose
Slo-bid Gyrocaps
Slo-Phyllin Gyrocaps
Theobid Duracaps
Theobid Jr. Duracaps
Theoclear L.A. Cenules
Theo-Dur Sprinkle
Theophylline SR
Theospan SR
Theostat 80
Theovent Long-acting
Uniphyl|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes:High Strength/No:Low Strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Xanthine Bronchodilators expand and relax bronchial tubes.|Allow 20 to 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Bronchodilator, (Xanthine), used in  the treatment of symptoms associated with bronchial asthma.|While life threatening effects are unlikely, it is not uncommon for some people to experience nausea vomiting, headache, irritability, insomnia, and stomach pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Aminoglutethimide, Beta-adrenergic blockers, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, and Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.

2. Cimetidine, Clindamycin, Corticosteroids,  Erythromycin, Lincomycin, Ranitidine, Sympathomimetics, and Troleandomycin may increase the effect of this drug.

3. The use of this drug with Probenecid or Sulfinpyrazone may increase the effect of Dyphylline.

4. The use of this drug with Rauwolfia alkaloids may result in a rapid heartbeat.

5. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Beta-agonists, Allopurinol and Furosemide.

6. Beta-agonists may increase the effect of this drug.

7. The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Lithium.|1. This drug should not be used if you  are allergic to any bronchodilator or have a peptic ulcer.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, peptic ulcer, gastritis, high blood pressure, history of kidney or liver problems or are taking medication used in the treatment of gout.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to stomach irritation.|Overdose symptoms can include delirium, restlessness, confusion, irritability, rapid pulse, convulsion, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Acetazolamide
Methazolamide|Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors|062Z               Acetazolam
Diamox Sequels
Neptazane|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Decreases fluid retention (and internal eye pressure) by preventing the action of carbonic anhydrase.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on the original schedule.|This drug is a Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used to treat insomnia, fluid retention, glaucoma, epileptic seizures, and shortness of breath.|Life threatening can include convulsions.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience ringing ears, irregular or weak heartbeat, fever, back pain, headache, hives, nervousness, nausea, vomiting, blood in urine, mood changes, confusion, hoarseness, trembling and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the effect of Amphetamines, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Quinidine and Sympathomimetics.

2. May diminish the effect of Aspirin, Lithium and Methenamine.

3. May result in toxicity when used with Digitalis preparations and Salicylates.

4. May increase the loss of potassium when used with oral Antidiabetics, Cortisone drugs and Diuretics.

5. May result in a loss of bone minerals when used with Anticonvulsants.|1. This drug should not be used if you have kidney disease, diabetes, adrenal gland failure, or are allergic to any carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have lupus, gout, are allergic to any Sulfa drug, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug should not be given to children under 12 years of age.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in jaundice, kidney stones, weight loss, vision changes, and a possible loss of both taste and smell.|Overdose symptoms can include a numbing sensation in the hands and feet, confusion, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, excitability and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Naltrexone||091]               Trexan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents the effects of narcotic drugs by binding to opiod receptors in the central nervous system.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|Follow instructions provided by your doctor.|This drug is a Narcotic antagonist used to treat narcotic addicts.|Life threatening effects can include very rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, hallucinations and fainting.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience pain in the joints, tenderness of the feet and nose bleeds.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in death when used with any Narcotic drug.  Check with your doctor before mixing this drug with any other medication.

2. Do not use with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have liver disease or are currently drug dependent.  Close medical supervision is very important while using this drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a mild form of liver disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug is not recommended.|Overdose symptoms can include seizures and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Astemizole||017Z               Hismanal|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

A non-sedating antihistamine that blocks histamine action of affected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used to treat symptoms of allergy, induce sleep, prevent motion sickness and some symptoms of Parkinson's disease.|It is not uncommon for some to experience nervousness, headache, dry mouth, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, dry throat, coughing, weakness, sore throat and nose bleeds.  Continue taking and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.  On rare occasion some may experience muscle aches, depression, hair loss, insomnia, tingling sensation in the hands and feet, menstrual irregularities and vision problems.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May diminish the effect of oral Anticoagulants.|1. This drug should not be used if you have glaucoma, asthma, stomach ulcers or are allergic to Astemizole.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have peptic ulcer, kidney disease, enlarged prostate gland or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for newborn or premature infants.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to liver damage.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations, flushed/red  face, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Azatadine||017Z               Optimine
Trinalin Repetabs|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Blocks histamine action of affected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used to treat symptoms of allergy and induce sleep.|On rare occasion some may experience slow or rapid heartbeat, vision changes, fever, nightmares, impotence, fatigue, agitation, sore throat and abnormal bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in excessive sedation when used with Alcohol, Antidepressants, other Antihistamines, Hypnotics, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers and Tranquilizers.

2. May increase the effect of Anticholinergics and Dronabinol.  Dronabinol may increase the effect of both drugs.

3. May diminish the effect of oral Anticoagulants.

4. May result in abnormal heart rhythms and a very rapid rise in blood pressure when used with MAO Inhibitors.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have peptic ulcer, asthma, glaucoma, kidney disease, enlarged prostate gland or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age may experience difficulty urinating and decreased alertness.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. This drug is not recommended for newborn or premature infants.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms can include flushed/red face, hallucinations, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Brompheniramine||017Z               Brocon
Dimetane Extentabs
Disophrol Chronotabs
Dura Tap-PD
E.N.T. Syrup
Histaject modified
Nasahist B
ND-Stat Revised
Oraminic II
S-T Decongestant
Symptom 3
Tamine S.R.
Veltap|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Antagonizes histamines at the histamine receptor site.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used to treat symptoms of allergy and induce sleep.|On rare occasion some may experience rapid heartbeat, vision changes, nightmares, sore throat, irritability, weakness, fatigue and abnormal bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

2. Tranquilizers, sedatives, and sleep inducers may increase the effect of this drug.

3.  Should not be used with alcohol.  May intensify the intoxicating effect.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have peptic ulcer, asthma, glaucoma, kidney disease, enlarged prostate gland and or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for newborn or premature infants.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience difficulty urinating and decreased alertness.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms can include a red/flushed face, hallucinations, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Amfebutamone
Bupropion||082]               Wellbutrin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Blocks the uptake of dopamine, a  neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.|Allow approximately a month and a half for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant used to treat extreme depression (mental).|Life threatening effects can include seizures.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience aggression, hallucinations, fever, fainting, fatigue, skin rash, chills, blurred vision and nightmares.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the chances of producing a major seizure when used with tricyclic Antidepressants, Haloperidol, Lithium, Loxapine, Molindone, Phenothiazines and Thioxanthenes.

2. Cimetidine may increase the effect of this drug.

3. May increase the chance of  Bupropion toxicity when used with MAO inhibitors.

4. May induce seizures when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have brain tumors, recent head injuries, seizures, spinal cord tumors, bulimia, or anorexia nervosa.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, abuse drugs, liver disease, kidney disease or have manic phases to your depression.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include seizures, confusion, irritability and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Carprofen||014e               Rimadyl|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces specific signs of inflammation such as pain, swelling, fever and tenderness, by keeping the blood vessels open and clear.|Allow approximately one hour for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then continue based on the original schedule.|This drug is a Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory used to treat ostearthritis, gouty arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.|Life threatening effects can include abnormal heart rhythms, confusion, depression, palpitations and heart failure.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience nervousness, tingling sensation in the hands and feet, bloody urine, frequent urination, difficulty breathing, hair loss, skin rash, itching, tremor and blurred vision.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Can be fatal when used with Methotrexate.

2. May reduce the effect of Beta-Blocking drugs.

3. May increase the effect of Sulfa drugs, Antidiabetics, Phenytoin, Lithium, Anticoagulants and Antiseizure drugs.

4. The use of Alcohol and Aspirin should be avoided when using this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Aspirin or any other Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease or stomach ulcers.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include headache, ringing ears, dizziness, confusion, nausea, vomiting, disorientation, drowsiness, stomach pains, blurred vision, tingling sensation in the hands and feet or lethargy.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Carteolol||013Z               Catrol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Impedes specific sympathetic nervous system actions and reduces the oxygen requirements of the heart.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.  However, if within 8 hours of your next scheduled dose wait and take at that time.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Beta-Adrenergic blocking agent used to treat angina pectoris and high blood pressure.|Life threatening effects can include shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience insomnia, joint pain, chest pain, sore throat, breathing difficulties, hallucinations and headache.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Theophylline, Aminophylline, Estrogens, and Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs may diminish the blood pressure lowering effect of this drug.

2. The effect of this drug may be increased when used with Nicorette, Cimetidine, Phenothiazine, and Molindone.

3. May produce a sudden increase in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

4. May increase the effect of Insulin and oral Antidiabetics.

5. May diminish the effect of Digitalis preparations.|1. This drug should not be used if you have a consistently very slow heart rate or will be having major surgery within the next week.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a history of upper respiratory disease, asthma, or heart failure.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience difficulty breathing, cold hands and feet, chest pains, changes in heartbeat and a general feeling of uneasiness.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, drop in blood pressure, slowed heart rate and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Cephradine||012Y               Anspor
Velosef|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Kills bacteria susceptible to this drug.|Allow 2 to 3 days for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember or double your next dose, then continue based on the original schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic (cephalosporin) used to treat bacterial infections.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience itching, skin rash and redness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience appetite loss, cramps, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, blood or mucus in stool, fever, joint pain, abdominal cramps, weakness and abnormal bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in kidney toxicity when used with Alcohol.

2. May increase the effect of Anticoagulants.

3. May result in producing peptic ulcers when used with Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs.

4. Prebenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

5. Erythromycins, Chloramphenicol, Clindamycin and Tetracyclines may diminish the antibiotic effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Cephalosporin Antibiotic.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney problems, enteritis, colitis, or are allergic to any Penicillin Antibiotic.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Extended use may lead to secondary infections.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, severe diarrhea (may contain blood or mucus), abdominal cramps and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Chlorhexidine Gluconate||022a               Peridex Oral Rinse|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Kills bacteria susceptible to this drug.|Allow approximately 24 hours for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution:  Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an oral disinfectant used to treat swelling of the gums, gum disease, minor mouth ulcers and irritations caused by dentures.|It is not uncommon for some to experience a loss or change of taste and tooth stain.  Continue taking and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.  On rare occasion some may experience a loss of tissue and minor mouth irritations.  This is particularly true in children.|1. This drug should not be used with any other oral drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Chlorhexidine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have any front tooth fillings (may result in the need for cosmetic treatment).

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for children less than 18 years of age.|While not intended to be taken internally, small children may sometimes swallow this solution and experience stomach pains and signs of Alcohol intoxication.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Chlorpheniramine||017Z               4-Way Cold Tablets
Acutuss Expectorant w/Codeine
Alka-Seltzer Plus
Allerbid Tymcaps
Allerid - O.D.
Cerose Compound
Children's Allerest
Chloramate Unicelles
Chlor-Trimeton w/Codeine
Chlor-Trimeton Repetabs
Citra Forte
Conex w/Codeine
Co-Pyronil 2
Coricidin "D"
DM Plus
Drize M
Guaiahist TT
Guistrey Fortis
Histor-D Timecelles
Hycomine Compound
Kronohist Kronocaps
Napril Plateau
Narine Gyrocaps
Neotep Granucaps
Novafed A
Ornade Spansule
P.R. Syrup
Partuss T.D.
Phenetron Lanacaps
Protid Improved Formula
Pyrroxate w/Codeine
Resaid T.D.
T.D. Alermine
Tedral Anti-H
Teldrin Spansules
Wesmatic Forte|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Some
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Blocks the histamine action of effected cells.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used to treat symptoms of allergy, motion sickness and to induce sleep.|On rare occasion some may experience rapid heartbeat, vision changes, irritability, fever, nightmares, weakness, abnormal bruising or bleeding and fatigue.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in excessive sedation when used with Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Hypnotics, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers and Alcohol.

2. MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

3. Dronabinol may increase the effect of both drugs.

4. Oral Anticoagulants may diminish the effect of this drug.

5. May increase the effect of Anticholinergics.

6. Molindone may increase the antihistamine effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have peptic ulcer, asthma, glaucoma, kidney disease, enlarged prostate gland or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for newborn or premature infants.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience difficulty urinating and decreased alertness.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms can include a red/flushed face, hallucinations, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Chlorzoxazone||055`               Algisin
Chlorzone Forte
Parafon Forte DSC|  * Addiction Potential? Possibly
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Blocks specific nerve impulses to the brain.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours for your next dose.  Continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Muscle Relaxant (Skeletal) used to treat muscle spasms.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and  faintness.  If thiis occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience black tarry or bloody stool.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience fever, skin rash, itching, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, weakness, depression and bleeding under the skin.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous increase in the effects of Ethinamate.

2. May result in a dangerous level of sedation when used with Methyprylon.

3. May result in increased sedation when used with Alcohol, Muscle Relaxants, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers, Mind-altering drugs, Antihistamines and Antidepressants.

4. Fluoxetine and Guanfacine may increase the depressant effect of both drugs.

5. May increase the effect of both drugs when used with MAO inhibitors.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Skeletal Muscle Relaxant.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you become pregnant while using this drug, have had liver disease or are allergic to Tartrazine Dye.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, a feeling of paralysis, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and severe weakness.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Cinoxacin||022\               Cinobac|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Kills bacteria susceptible to this drug by interfering with their DNA.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Anti-infective (urinary) used to treat infections of the urinary-tract. |Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience a numbing sensation in the hands and feet, joint pain, nausea, vomiting, double or blurred vision, skin rash, itching, stomach pain, seizures and psychosis.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in blocking the excretion of this drug through the kidneys when taken with Probenecid.

2. May result in a sense of disorientation when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have any seizure disorders or are allergic to Nalidixic Acid or Cinoxacin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have circulatory problems, have had liver disease or kidney disease or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to infants younger than 3 months of age.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include changes in behavior, upset stomach, convulsions, lethargy and stupor.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Clofibrate||046Z               Atromid-S
Novofibrate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Prevents the formation of triglycerides in the blood.|Allow several months for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is an Antihyperlipidemic used to reduce triglycerides in the blood.|On rare occasion some may experience angina or heart arrhythmia.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience chest pain, bloody urine, fever, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, chills, painful urination, irregular heartbeat, skin rash, lip or mouth sores, swollen feet and legs and anemia.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Oral Contraceptives and Estrogens may diminish the effect of this drug.

2. May result in toxicity of both drugs when used with Furosemide.

3. May increase the effect of Insulin, oral Antidiabetics and oral Anticoagulants.

4. May diminish the effect of  Ursodiol.

5. Probenecid may increase the effect and toxicity of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have ever had any liver diseases, or are allergic to Clofibrate.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, or have had kidney or liver disease, or peptic ulcer.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years old may experience flu-like symptoms while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to infection of the gall bladder and the possibility of developing stomach cancer.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include headache, diarrhea and muscle pain.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Clomipramine||019]               Anafranil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Interferes with the action of neurohormones called serotonin.|Allow 2 to 6 weeks for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antidepressant used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (with or without depression) and is occasionally used to treat narcolepsy.|It is not uncommon for some to experience tremors while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience convulsions.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. May result in death when used  with MAO inhibitors and Antidepressants.

2. Barbiturates and Carbamazepine may diminish the effect of this drug.

3. Cimetidine, Estrogens, Ranitidine, Fluoxetine, Estramustine, and Methylphenidate may increase the effects of this drug.

4. May diminish the effect of Guanadrel, Clonidine and Guanethidine.

5. May increase the effect of Cyclobenzaprine, Naphazoline, Loxapine, Haloperidol, Phenylephrine, Molindone, Pimozide, Oxymetazoline, Anticoagulants, Anticonvulsants, Antithyroids, Phenothiazines, Thioxanthenes, and Nervous system depressants.

6. May result in excessive intoxication when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you are recovering from a heart attack (within the last 6 weeks), have had convulsive disorders, heart disease, thyroid disease, epilepsy, glaucoma, urinary tract problems, have taken MAO inhibitors (within the last 2 weeks), or are allergic to any Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, over active thyroid, asthma, stomach disorders, enlarged prostate gland, intestinal disorders or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to children under 12 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include lowered body temperature, enlarged pupils, extremely low blood pressure, confusion, hallucinations, variations in heart rate, stupor, heart failure and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Clonazepam||051]               Klonopin|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Clonazepam affects the part of the brain that controls certain epilepsy.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Tranquilizer (Benzodiazepine) used to treat seizures and has occasionally been used to treat panic attacks.|On rare occasion some may experience breathing difficulties and slow heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience hallucinations, fever, chills, dry mouth, mouth and throat ulcers, depression, confusion, jaundice, skin rash, vision changes, itching and irritability.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Tranquilizers, Sleep inducers, Narcotics, Antihistamines, Alcohol, MAO inhibitors, Antidepressants and Anticonvulsants may increase the depressant effect of this drug.

2. May produce severe petit mal seizures when used with Valproic Acid.

3. Phenobarbital and Phenytoin may reduce the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are an alcoholic (or are recovering), have myasthenia gravis or are allergic to any Benzodiazepine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, liver disease, kidney disease, lung disease, epilepsy, diabetes or porphyria.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to infants less than 6 months of age.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience drowsiness and dizziness while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to liver problems.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, lowered blood pressure, confusion, poor reflexes, tiredness and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Aclumetasone Dipropionate (topical)||024[               Aclovate Cream/Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Amcinonide||024[               Cyclocort Cream/Lotion/Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Betamethasone (topical)||024[               Alphatrex Cream/Lotion/Ointment
Betatrex Cream/Lotion/Ointment
Beta-Val Cream/Lotion/Ointment
Dermabet Cream
Diprolene Cream/Ointment
Diprosone Aerosol/Cream/Lotion/Ointment
Maxivate Cream/Lotion/Ointment
Uticort Cream/Gel/Lotion/
Valisone Cream/Lotion/Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Clobetasol Propionate (topical)||024[               Temovate Cream/Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Clocortolone Pivalate (topical)||024[               Cloderm Cream|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Desonide (topical)||024[               DesOwen Cream/Ointment
Tridesilon Cream/Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Dexamethasone (topical)||024[               Aeroseb-Dex Aerosol
Decaderm Gel
Decaspray Aerosol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Desoximetasone (topical)||024[               Topicort Emollient Cream/Gel/Ointment
Topicort LP Emollient Cream|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Diflorasone Diacetate (topical)||024[               Florone Cream/Ointment
Florone E Cream
Maxiflor Cream/Ointment
Psorcon Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|`On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Fluocinolone Acetonide (topical)||024[               Fluonid Topical Solution
Flurosyn Cream/Ointment
Synalar Cream/Ointment/Topical Solution
Synalar-HP Cream
Synemol Cream|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Fluocinonide (topical)||024[               Lidex Cream/Ointment
Lidex-E Cream
Vasoderm Cream
Vasoderm-E Cream|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Flurandrenolide (topical)||024[               Cordran Lotion/Ointment/Tape
Cordran SP Cream|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Fluticasone Propionate (topical)||024[               Cutivate Cream/Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Halcinonide (topical)||024[               Halog Cream/Ointment
Halog-E Cream|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Halobetasol Propionate (topical)||024[               Ultravate Cream/Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Hydrocortisone (topical)||024[               Acticort Lotion
Aeroseb-HC Aerosol
Ala-Cort Cream/Lotion
Ala-Scalp Lotion
Alphaderm Cream
Anusol-HC Cream
Bactine Hydrocortisone Cream
CaldeCort Cream
Cetacort Lotion
Cortaid Lotion
Cort-Dome Cream/Lotion
Cortef Feminine Itch Cream
Cotricaine Cream
Cotrizone-5 Cream/Ointment
Cortril Ointment
Delcort Cream/Lotion
Dermacort Cream/Lotion
DermiCort Cream/Lotion
Dermolate Anti-Itch Cream
Dermtex HC with Aloe Cream
FoilleCort Cream
Gynecort Cream
Hi-Cor Cream
Hycort Cream/Ointment
HydroTex Cream/Ointment
Hytone Cream/Lotion/Ointment
Lacticare-HC Lotion
Lanacort Cream/Ointment
Locoid Cream/Ointment
Nutracort Cream/Lotion
Penecort Cream
S-T Cort Cream/Lotion
Synacort Cream
Tega-Cort Lotion
Tega-Cort Forte Lotion
Texacort Solution
U-Cort Cream
Westcort Cream/Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Methylprednisolone (topical)||024[               Medrol Acetate Topical Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Mometasone Furoate (topical)||024[               Elocon Cream/Lotion/Ointment|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Triamcinolone Acetonide (topical)||024[               Aristocort Cream/Ointment
Aristocort A Cream/Ointment
Flutex Cream/Ointment
Kenalog Aerosol/Cream/Lotion/Ointment
Kenalog-H Cream
Triacet Cream
Triderm Cream|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive actions.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once you remember.|This drug is an Adrenocorticoid (topical) used in the treatment of localized skin inflammation and other dermatological problems.|On rare occasion some may experience skin irritation, itching and a burning sensation.  If this occurs continue taking the medication and make your doctor aware of these symptoms on your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Adrenocorticoid (topical/cortisone) preparation.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers, active infections on the area to be treated, tuberculosis or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in a thinning of the skin and absorption into the blood stream and result in the adverse effects similar to taking oral Cortisone drugs.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if inhaled or taken orally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride||017Z               Cyproaine
Vimicon|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Counteracts the affects of histamine.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used to treat symptoms of allergy, prevent motion sickness, induce sleep and treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease.|On rare occasion some may experience double vision, nausea, vomiting, ringing ears, confusion, nervousness, irritability, lowered blood pressure, insomnia, palpitations, rapid heartbeat, appetite loss, blurred vision and convulsion.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  For some it is not uncommon to experience dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, and dryness of nose, mouth and throat.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May cause excessive drowsiness when used with Alcohol, Sedatives, Tranquilizers, Hypnotics, and Barbiturates.  Avoid mixing  these drugs with Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride.

2. MAO inhibitors may increase or prolong the effects of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to other Phenothiazine drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have stomach problems, liver problems, heart problems, Parkinson's disease or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for newborn or premature infants.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience difficulty urinating, confusion, drowsiness, faintness, irritability, excitement and nightmares.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms can include fixed or dilated pupils, depression or stimulation (especially in children), hallucinations, red/flushed face, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Dantrolene Sodium||055`               Dantrium|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents inordinate muscle contractions.|Allow several weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is a muscle relaxant, antispastic used to treat spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, stroke, cerebral palsy and regulate body temperature during some surgical procedures.|Life threatening effects can include seizure.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience rapid heartbeat, bloody urine, fever, jaundice, double vision, skin rash, hives, abdominal cramps, anorexia, painful/swollen feet, black or bloody stool, chills and chest pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in liver damage when used with Estrogens.

2. May result in excess drowsiness and should be avoided when using Narcotics, Sedatives, Tranquilizers, Muscle relaxants, Sleep inducers, Antihistamines, Antidepressants and other central nervous system depressants.

3. May result in producing the side effects of this drug when used with Warfarin and Clofibrate.

4. Tolbutamide may decrease the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any antispastic drug or muscle relaxant.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, are over 35 years of age, have emphysema, heart disease, lung disease or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations especially in Caucasians of Mediterranean heritage and Negroes.|Overdose symptoms can include chest pain, shortness of breath, bloody urine and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Demeclocycline||010Z               Declomycin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Interferes with the normal growth and reproduction cycle of invading bacteria.|Allow approximately 1 week for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antibiotic (tetracycline) used in the treatment of infections and acne.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience irritation in the anal and/or vaginal region, fever, chills, increased urination, hairy tongue, anemia and brown spots on the skin.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience vomiting, nausea, upset stomach, skin rash and diarrhea.  If this occurs make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. If allergic to Demeclocycline consult with your doctor before using Tetracycline, Aureomycin, Minocycline, Terramycin, Rondomycin, Vibramycin and other drugs in the Antibiotic (Tetracycline) classification.

2. May diminish the effect of Penicillins.

3. May increase the effect  of oral Anticoagulants.|1. This drug should not be used if you have liver disease, kidney problems, or are allergic to Demeclocycline or any Tetracycline antibiotic.  Note:  Do not use this drug after the expiration date, may cause serious damage to the kidneys.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are undergoing extended Demeclocycline therapy or will be exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for children less than 8 years of age.  May cause a permanent discoloration or malformation of the teeth.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may lead to liver, kidney or bone marrow disorders and should be followed up by periodic
medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, severe nausea and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Desipramine||019]               Norpramin
Pertofrane|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects the interaction between the brain and nerve cells.|Allow 2 to 6 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 3 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 3 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant (Tricyclic) used in the treatment of depression with or without anxiety symptoms.|Life threatening effects can include abnormal heart rates, convulsions, confusion and cardiac arrest.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience tremors while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience blurred vision, muscle spasms, anxiety, hallucinations, difficulty urinating, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, appetite loss, breast enlargement (male/female) and disorientation.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in high fever, convulsions, and death when used with MAO inhibitors.

2. May diminish the effect of Guanethidine.

3. May increase the effect of Barbiturates, Tranquilizers and other depressive drugs.

4. May result in excessive intoxication when used with Alcohol.

5. May produce abnormal heart rhythms when used with Thyroid medications.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Tricyclic Antidepressant, have had a recent heart attack (within 6 weeks), have glaucoma, consume Alcohol, or have taken MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, thyroid disease, glaucoma, thyroid disease, convulsive disorders, epilepsy or difficulty urinating.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to children less then 12 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include lowered body temperature, dilated pupils, extremely low blood pressure, abnormal heart rate, hallucinations, vomiting, high fever, stupor, coma and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Dexchlorpheniramine||017Z               Dexchlor
Polaramine Repetabs|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Counteracts the affects of histamine.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect. |If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihistamine used in the treatment of allergy symptoms and to induce sleep.|On rare occasion some may experience vision changes, rapid heartbeat, nightmares, fever, irritability, weakness, sore throat, fatigue and abnormal bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, and dry nose, mouth and throat while using this drug.  If this occurs make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit. |1. May result in excess sedation  when used with Alcohol, Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Mind-altering drugs, Hypnotics, Narcotics, Sedatives, Tranquilizers, Sleep inducers and a lessor extent Procarbazine.

2. Molindone may increase the antihistamine effect of this drug.

3. MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

4. Oral Anticoagulants may diminish the effect of this drug.

5. May increase the effect of Anticholinergics.

6. Dronabinol may increase the effect of both drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antihistamine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have peptic ulcer, asthma, glaucoma, kidney disease, enlarged prostate gland or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for newborn or premature infants.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience difficulty urinating and decreased alertness while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to nerve cell and bone marrow damage.|Overdose symptoms can include fixed or dilated pupils, red/flushed face, hallucinations, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Diclofenac||014b               Voltaren|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces the hormone prostaglandin in affected tissues.|Allow approximately 3 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal) used in the treatment of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, dysmenorrhea, gout and inflammation.|On rare occasion some may experience confusion, depression, nervousness, stomach pain, abnormal heart rhythm, tremor, blurred vision, palpitations and anemia.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness, headache, drowsiness, upset stomach and ringing ears.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May cause stomach ulcers when used with Aspirin or Alcohol.

2. Avoid using this drug with Methotrexate.

3. May increase the effect of Anticoagulants, Sulfa drugs, Antidiabetics and Phenytoin.

4. May lead to kidney failure when used with Thiazide Diuretics.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Aspirin or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (may cause an allergic reaction in Aspirin sensitive people).

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, epilepsy, mental illness or Parkinson's disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to fever, sore throat, weight gain, hearing loss and eye damage.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, headache, ringing ears, drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, stomach pain, blurred vision, lethargy and disorientation.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Diethylpropion Hydrochloride||064_               Tenuate
Tenuate Dospan
Tepanil Ten-Tab|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Suppresses appetite.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an appetite suppressant used to suppress appetites.|On rare occasion some may experience difficulty urinating, elevated blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, dry mouth, tremor, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, skin rash and itching.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some experience a false sense of well-being, restlessness, irritability and nervousness.  If this occurs consult with your doctor during your next visit.|1. May result in a dangerous over-stimulation when used with other Appetite suppressants.

2. May produce a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

3. May diminish the effect of Antihypertensives.

4. Avoid using with Alcohol.  May increase the sedative effect.|1. This drug should not be used if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disease, glaucoma, have taken MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, are allergic to any Phenylpropanolamine or Sympathomimetic drug or have a history of drug abuse.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, heart disease, high blood pressure, nervous tension, take over-the-counter drugs, have an over active thyroid or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to children less then 12 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age may notice a worsening of diabetes and high blood pressure while using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to a loss of it's effectiveness.|Overdose symptoms may include a rise or drop in blood pressure, shallow breathing, tremor, depression, hallucination, confusion, fever, cold/clammy skin, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Benztropine
Carbidopa and Levodopa
Trihexyphenidyl|Antidyskinetics|027]               Akineton
Artane Sequels
PMS Benztropine
PMS Procyclidine
Trihexy|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Proportions chemical reactions necessary for nerve impulses within the lower brain.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidyskinetic, antiparkinsonism used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease as well as the adverse effects of Phenothiazines.|On rare occasion some may experience paranoia, skin rash, delusions, hives, swollen glands (neck), faintness, weakness, eye pain, hallucinations, fever and amnesia.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, constipation and sensitivity to light.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in over sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. May produce behavior modifications when used with Phenothiazines or Haloperidol.

3. May produce Digoxin toxicity when used together.

4. May result in excessive sedation when used with Primidone or Tranquilizers.

5. May lead to the development of glaucoma when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants.

6. May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antidyskinetic drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have difficulty urinating, liver problems, kidney disease, heart disease, myasthenia gravis, glaucoma, and high blood pressure.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.  Older children should use this drug only under doctor supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience nightmares, hallucinations, impaired thinking and aggravated symptoms of enlarged prostate.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to glaucoma.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include rapid heartbeat, agitation, dry mouth, sleepiness, dilated pupils and hallucinations.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Diflunisal||014b               Dolobid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits the hormone prostaglandin in affected tissues.|Allow approximately 1 day for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal) used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and mild to moderate pain relief.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience nausea, vomiting, hepatitis, appetite loss, constipation, tingling sensation in the hands and feet, dizziness, dry mouth and nose, difficulty breathing, depression, hallucinations, disorientation, confusion, heart palpitations, muscle cramps and chest pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience stomach gas, skin rash, headache, diarrhea and insomnia.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May be fatal when used with Indomethacin.

2. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.

3. May increase the amount of diuretic in your blood when used with Thiazide Diuretics.

4. May diminish Acetaminophen in your blood by 50% when used together.

5. Antacids may diminish the effect of this drug.

6. May increase the chance of stomach ulcers when used with Aspirin.

7. Do not  take with over-the-counter medications containing Aspirin or Acetaminophen while using this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, Aspirin, have high blood pressure, gastrointestinal bleeding, heart failure, peptic ulcer, enteritis, ileitis, asthma and ulcerative colitis.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, kidney or liver disorders, mental illness or Parkinson's disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used by children less then 15 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to eye damage, fever, weight gain, hearing loss and sore throat and should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, rapid breathing, drowsiness, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, sweating, disorientation, ringing ears, stupor and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or an allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Digitalis
Gitalin||060Z               Crystodigin
Purodigin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Improves the heart's ability to pump properly and helps regulate heartbeat rhythm.|Allow approximately 1 week for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Digitalis preparation used in the treatment of congestive heart failure and irregular heartbeat.|On rare occasion some may experience heart arrhythmia, disorientation, headache, lethargy, fainting, hallucinations, psychosis, skin rash, hives and extreme drowsiness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Phenytoin, Antidiabetics, Barbiturates, Rifampin and Phenylbutazone may decrease the effect of this drug.

2. Metoclopramide, oral Neomycin, Colestipol, Kaolin-Pectin, Antacids, Kanamycin, and Cholestyramine may reduce absorption of this drug into the bloodstream.

3. Erythromycin, Anticholinergics, Quinidine, Nifedipine, Tetracycline, Verapamil, and Hydroxychloroquine may increase the effect of this drug.

4. May result in toxic side effects when used with Thiazide Diuretics, Bumetanide, Furosemide and Ethacrynic Acid.

5. May effect heart rhythm when used with Ephedrine, Procainamide, Calcium Salts, Epinephrine, Rauwolfia and Beta-Blockers.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Digitalis preparation, or have a heartbeat that is less then 50 beats per minute.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, thyroid disorder, kidney disease, have taken Diuretics or Digitalis preparations within the past 2 weeks or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include fatigue, irregular heartbeat, hallucinations, confusion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, halos around lights and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Digoxin||060Z               Lanoxicaps
Lanoxin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Improves the heart's ability to pump properly and helps regulate heartbeat rhythm.|Allow approximately 1 week for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  If you forget the dose for more than two days, contact your physician immediately.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Digitalis preparation used in the treatment of congestive heart failure and irregular
heartbeat.|On rare occasion some may experience heart arrhythmia, disorientation, headache, lethargy, fainting, hallucinations, psychosis, skin rash, hives and extreme drowsiness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Phenytoin, Antidiabetics, Barbiturates, Rifampin and Phenylbutazone may decrease the effect of this drug.

2. Metoclopramide, oral Neomycin, Colestipol, Kaolin-Pectin, Antacids, Kanamycin, and Cholestyramine may reduce absorption of this drug into the bloodstream.

3. Erythromycin, Anticholinergics, Quinidine, Nifedipine, Tetracycline, Verapamil, and Hydroxychloroquine may increase the effect of this drug.

4. May result in toxic side effects when used with Thiazide Diuretics, Bumetanide, Furosemide and Ethacrynic Acid.

5. May effect heart rhythm when used with Ephedrine, Procainamide, Calcium Salts, Epinephrine, Rauwolfia and Beta-Blockers.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Digitalis preparation, or have a heartbeat that is less then 50 beats per minute.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, thyroid disorder, kidney disease, have taken Diuretics or Digitalis preparations within the past 2 weeks or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include fatigue, irregular heartbeat, hallucinations, confusion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, halos around lights and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Dipivefrin (Ophthalmic)||071c               Propine Eyedrops|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Encourages the watery fluid (aqueous humor) that fills the space between the cornea and the crystalline lens in the eye, to move into and out of the eye equalizing pressure.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antiglaucoma (ophthalmic) used to treat glaucoma.|On rare occasion some may experience blurred vision, eye pain, high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, abnormal heart rhythms, faintness and paleness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a stinging or burning sensation in the eyes, watery eyes and headache while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Interactions with injected or oral drugs is unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antiglaucoma drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, eye diseases, heart problems, are allergic to Sulfites, or if you will be having either dental or eye surgery.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may be required.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely, however, if taken internally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Carbachol
Physostigmine|Antiglaucoma, Short-Acting (ophthalmic)|071c               Ayerst Epitrate
Isopto Carbachol
Isopto Eserine
Propine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes,  Some

Encourages the watery fluid (aqueous humor) that fills the space between the cornea and the crystalline lens in the eye, to move into and out of the eye equalizing pressure.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antiglaucoma (ophthalmic) used to treat glaucoma.|On rare occasion some may experience blurred vision, eye pain, high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, abnormal heart rhythms, faintness and paleness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a stinging or burning sensation in the eyes, watery eyes and headache while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Interactions with injected or oral drugs is unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antiglaucoma drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, eye diseases, heart problems, or will be having either dental or eye surgery.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may be required.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely, however, if taken internally contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Doxazosin Mesylate||005Z               Cardura|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Reduces blood pressure by opening up blood vessels.|Allow approximately 2 to 6 hours for maximum effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion some may experience ringing in the ears, abnormal heart rhythms, nervousness, difficulty breathing, nose bleeds, muscle pain, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, tiredness, skin rash, constipation or diarrhea, tingling sensation in the hands or feet, flushed face, fever, weight loss, rapid heartbeat, incontinence and a loss of sex drive.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache and dizziness.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May produce dizziness and fainting when used with Nitroglycerin or Calcium Channel blockers.

2. Indomethacin may diminish the effect of this drug.

3. Diuretics, Beta-Blockers and Calcium Channel blockers may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Terazosin or Prazosin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include very low blood pressure, drowsiness and poor reflexes.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Doxycycline||010Z               Doryx
Vibra-Tabs|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Interferes with the growth and reproduction of invading bacteria.|Allow approximately 5 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antibiotic (tetracycline) used in the treatment of specific infections and acne.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and sore mouth or tongue.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, however rare, some may experience headache, blurred vision, jaundice and skin rash.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. If allergic to this drug do not use any other drug in the Tetracycline class of antibiotics.  May result in a severe allergic reaction.

2. May diminish the effect of Penicillins.

3. Multivitamins containing minerals may reduce the antibiotic effect of this drug.

4. May interfere with Anticoagulant therapy.

5. Phenytoin, Carbamazepine and Barbiturates may diminish the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Tetracycline antibiotic drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have lupus, myasthenia gravis, liver disease, kidney disease, or will be exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods of time.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used by children less then 8 years of age.  May result in discoloration and malformation of the teeth.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Dronabinol
Marijuana||033a               Marinol|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects the portion of the brain that controls nausea and vomiting.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiemetic used in treating the side effects of cancer chemotherapy.|It is not uncommon for some to experience a rapid or pounding heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience difficulty urinating, frequent urination, depression, anxiety, hallucinations, shortness  of breath, fainting, rapid heartbeat, extreme mood changes, headache, nervousness and convulsions.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce dangerous effects when used with Ethinamate.

2. May produce a dangerous sedative effect when used with Methyprylon.

3. May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

4. May result in over sedation when used with Anesthetics, Anticonvulsants, Tricyclic, Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Barbiturates, Muscle relaxants, Narcotics, Sedatives, Tranquilizers, and Alcohol.

5. May produce adverse effects when used with Leucovorin.

6. Molindone may increase the effect of both drugs.

7. Fluoxetine or Guanfacine may increase the depressant effect of both drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Sesame oil, or Marijuana (in any form), if your chemotherapy is longer then 7 consecutive days or if the vomiting and nausea is NOT associated with the chemotherapy treatments.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are addicted to drugs, have heart disease, high blood pressure, are an alcoholic, have manic depression or schizophrenic disorder or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may be habit forming, and  should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include extreme mood changes, rapid heart rate, confusion, pounding heart, either high or low blood pressure, hallucinations, anxiety and nervousness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Dyphylline||063Y               Dilor Elixir/Tablets
Dyphlex Tablets
Lufyllin Elixir/Tablets
Neothylline Tablets|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Relaxes bronchial muscles and helps to reduce associated spasms.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Bronchodilator (xanthine) used to treat the symptoms due to bronchial asthma.|On rare occasion some may experience headache, vomiting blood, fever and dehydration.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting, headache, nervousness, insomnia, stomach pain, irritability and restlessness.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in dangerous side effects when used with other Xanthine drugs.

2. Cimetidine, Erythromycin, Flu Vaccines, and Allopurinol may increase the amount of Dyphilline in the blood and increase the risk of adverse effects.|1. This drug should not be used if you have an active peptic ulcer or are allergic to any Bronchodilator (may aggravate heart disease or stomach ulcers).

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a peptic ulcer, gastritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, liver or kidney problems, or are taking drugs for gout.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may lead to stomach irritation.  |Overdose symptoms can include black or tarry stool, irritability, irregular heartbeat, difficulty breathing, restlessness, vomiting blood, delirium, rapid pulse, convulsion, confusion and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Econazole Nitrate (topical)||021[               Spectazole Cream|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Kills fungus organisms on and below the surface of the skin by damaging their cell walls.|Allow approximately 8 weeks for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antifungal used in the treatment of fungus infections of the skin.|On rare occasion some may experience a burning, stinging and itching sensation on the area of the skin where the drug is applied.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Drug interactions are unlikely with this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antifungal (topical) drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are allergic or sensitive to anything that comes in contact with your skin.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug, however, if taken internally, contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Enalapril||005Z               Vasotec|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents the conversion of Angiotensin 1 (hormone) to Angiotensin II in order to reduce blood pressure.|Allow approximately 1 1/2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 8 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 8 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, ACE inhibitor used in the treatment of congestive heart failure and high blood pressure.|On rare occasion some may experience swelling of the mouth, feet, face or hands.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a loss of taste and skin rash.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Also rare, some may experience chills, sore throat, fever and cloudy urine.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  A dry hacking cough is common.|1. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol and Nitrates.

2. May result in the development of blood disorders when used with Chloramphenicol.

3. May result in a significant drop in blood pressure when used with Diuretics with the first dose.  May be dangerous.

4. May produce excessive blood-potassium when used with Amiloride, Spironolactone, and Triamterene.

5. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Beta-Blockers.|1. This drug should not be used if you are taking cancer drugs, receiving blood transfusions, have any autoimmune disease, are allergic to Captopril, Enalapril, Lisinopril or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have angina, high blood potassium, lupus, kidney disease, heart disease, blood vessel disease, have had a stroke, or are on a very restrictive low-salt diet.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include sore throat, fever, fainting, chills, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Enalapril and Hydrochlorothiazide||005Z               Vaseretic|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Relaxes the small arteries and eliminates excess body fluids to lower blood pressure.|Allow approximately 6 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 18 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 18 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic, ACE inhibitor used in the treatment of congestive heart failure, high blood pressure and the reduction of excess body fluids.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives,  faintness, irregular heartbeat and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience  weakness, muscle cramps, dry mouth, chest pain, skin rash, vomiting, coughing, tiredness and thirst.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience swelling of the face, mouth or hands.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol and Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May produce dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations and Cortisone drugs.

3. May result in blood disorders when used with Chloramphenicol.

4. May produce excessive blood-potassium when used with Spironolactone, Triamterene and Amiloride.

5. May diminish the effect of Allopurinol and Probenecid and increase the effect of Lithium.

6. Beta-Adrenergic blockers and Acebutolol may increase the antihypertensive effect of this drug.

7. May lead to a significant drop in blood pressure when used with other Antihypertensives.

8. Barbiturates and MAO inhibitors may increase the hydrochlorothiazide effect when used with this drug.

9. Indapamide may increase the diuretic effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are taking cancer drugs, receiving blood transfusions, have any autoimmune disease, are allergic to Captopril, Enalapril, Lisinopril or any Thiazide Diuretic drug, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, angina, kidney disorder, lupus, high blood potassium, gout, pancreas disorder, liver disorder, have had a stroke, or are on a restricted (low-salt) diet or are allergic to any Sulfa drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness and significant loss of potassium while using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include drowsiness, weak pulse, chills, cramps, sore throat, fever, weakness, fainting, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Estazolam||051]               ProSom|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Relaxes skeletal muscles and slows nerve impulses by increasing the effect of GABA, an amino acid, in the brain.|Allow approximately 2 hours to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is a sedative used in the treatment of insomnia.|On rare occasion some may experience a rapid heartbeat, upset stomach, depression, confusion, temporary loss of memory, nose bleeds, diarrhea, tingling sensation in the feet or hands, ringing ears and muscle spasms.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a hangover effect, nausea, vomiting, headache, nervousness, dizziness, muscle weakness and poor muscle control.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in an increased sedative effect when used with Alcohol, Antihistamines, Tranquilizers, Barbiturates, MAO inhibitors, Antidepressants and Anticonvulsants.

2. Probenecid, Oral Contraceptives, Cimetidine and Disulfiram may increase the effect of this drug.

3. Rifampin and Theophylline may diminish the effect of this drug.

4. May increase the blood level of Phenytoin or Digoxin when used with this drug.|1. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

2. This drug should not be used for children less then 18 years of age.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include slurred speech, confusion, depression, tiredness, loss of motor skills and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ethosuximide||008]               Zarontin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Retards nerve impulses from the brain to the muscle cells.|Allow approximately 3 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anticonvulsant (succinimide) used in the treatment of epileptic seizures.|On rare occasion some may experience gum swelling, fever, blood in urine, depression, vaginal bleeding, skin rash, sore throat, abnormal bruising or bleeding and confusion.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, stomach cramps and dizziness.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May initiate seizures when used with Alcohol, Antipsychotics and Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May increase the effect of both drugs when used with other Anticonvulsants.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Anticonvulsant (succinimide).

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have blood disease, liver disease, kidney disease,
are currently taking other anticonvulsants, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Etodolac||014e               Lodine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits prostaglandin biosynthesis.|Allow approximately 2 to 3 weeks for maximum effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then wait 3 to 4 hours for next dose.  Then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anti-inflammatory, (non-steroidal) used in the treatment of arthritis. |Life threatening effects can include heart failure.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience unusual dreams, lightheadedness, tingling sensation in the hands or feet, inability to concentrate, low blood pressure, nervousness, drowsiness, fluid retention and unusual bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience diarrhea (severe), nausea and vomiting.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Do not use this drug if allergic to Aspirin or any Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drug.

2. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Phenytoin, Sulfa drugs, oral Antidiabetics and Antiseizure drugs.

3. Antacids may diminish the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Aspirin or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney problems, hypertension or heart failure.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include acute intestinal or stomach distress.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Felodipine||005Z               Plendil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Blocks the passage of calcium into the heart and smooth muscle tissues of the arteries.|Because doses are individualized, consult with your doctor or pharmacist on the time required to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Calcium Channel blocker used to treat high blood pressure and occasionally for the treatment of angina pectoris, asthma and migraine headaches.|Life threatening effects can include extremely low blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, rapid heartbeat and heart attack.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience chest pain, tingling sensation in the feet or hands, anxiety, depression, dry mouth, nausea, sore throat, constipation and heart palpitations.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience swelling of the legs and feet and headache.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in heart failure, extremely low blood pressure and increased angina pain when used with Beta-Blocking drugs.

2. May increase the effect of other blood pressure lowering drugs.

3. Ranitidine and Cimetidine may increase the effect of this drug.

4. May increase the effect of Digoxin.

5. May result in abnormal heart rhythms when used with Quinidine.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Felodipine or are taking Beta-Blocking drugs (may result in increased angina pain and the development of heart failure.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug (especially those with liver disease).|Overdose symptoms can include a drop in blood pressure.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Flecainide Acetate||015Z               Tambocor|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces abnormal electrical conduction in the heart muscle.|Allow approximately 6 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 4 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 4 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiarrhythmic used to stabilize irregular heartbeats.|On rare occasion some may experience a shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat or chest pain.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience nausea, vomiting, jaundice, fever, skin rash, sore throat and shakiness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  For some people, it is not uncommon to experience dizziness or blurred vision while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in dangerous heart abnormalities when used with Disopyramide, Beta-Adrenergic blockers and

2. May result in adverse heart functions when used with Alcohol.

3. May result in the development of irregular heartbeat when used with other Antiarrhythmics and Digitalis preparations.  May also increase the effect of Digitalis.

4. May increase the chance of toxicity and effect of both drugs when used with Nicardipine and Propafenone.

5. Sodium Bicarbonate, Antacids and Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

6. May result in heart muscle toxicity when used with Encainide.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to local anesthetics or Flecainide.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a pacemaker, liver disease, kidney disease or have had a heart attack within the past 3 weeks.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include sweating, lowered blood pressure, rapid or irregular heartbeat, sleepiness or unconsciousness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Fluconazole||021[               Diflucan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits critical enzymes in cell membranes of particular fungi.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antifungal used to treat candidiasis and some types of meningitis.|On rare occasion some may experience blistering and peeling of the skin and possible skin rash.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in a serious drop in blood sugar when used with Antidiabetics.

2. May increase the effect of Cyclosporine, Warfarin and Phenytoin.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to other Antifungal medications.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver or kidney disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug, however, if greater then prescribed amounts are taken contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Flucytosine||021Z               Ancobon|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Acts directly on fungal organisms in the blood by inhibiting the uptake of Purine and Pyrimidine.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then wait 3 to 4 hours for next dose.  Then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antifungal used in the treatment of fungal infections of the blood.|Life threatening effects can include chest pains, difficulty breathing, weakness and heart attack.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience dry mouth, jaundice, headache, hallucinations, dizziness, confusion, skin rash and itching.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Amphotericin B may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Flucytosine or have impaired renal function.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have bone marrow depression, are receiving radiation or drugs to depress bone marrow, or have a history of these treatments.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience a partial loss of kidney function while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.|There is only limited experience with overdose of this drug.  Overdose symptoms may include experiencing the adverse effects of this drug.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Flunisolide||024Y               AeroBid Inhaler
Nasalide Spray|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces inflammation of the mucosal lining within the bronchi.|The time required to take effect may vary.  Consult with your doctor or pharmacist for specifics.|If you remember within 1 hour of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 1 hour late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Adrenal corticosteroid used in the treatment of chronic asthma, nasal membrane inflammation and other respiratory conditions.|Life threatening effects are rare and involve failure of the adrenal gland.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  However infrequent, some may experience fungus infections of the throat or mouth.  If this occurs consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience hoarseness or dry mouth while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Drug interactions are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any other steroid drug, or have transferred from systemic corticosteroids.  

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are receiving bronchodilators by inhalation, if you have glaucoma, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, high blood cholesterol, under active thyroid, bone disease, colitis, herpes infection or fungal infections.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with their doctor before taking this drug if you have glaucoma, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, high blood cholesterol, under active thyroid, bone disease, colitis, herpes infection or fungal infections.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include headache, sore throat, sore mouth and general gastrointestinal irritation.|Fluoxymesterone||078b               Halotestin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Replaces or augments male hormone.|Allow 2 to 3 months for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Androgenic (male) hormone used to treat, augment, or replace male hormone deficiencies.|In males adverse effects can include breast enlargement (gynecomastia), impotency, excessive duration and frequency of penile erections and restricted testicle function.  In females adverse effects can include menstrual irregularities, abnormal hair growth, male pattern baldness, enlarged clitoris and deepening of the voice and increased sex drive.  In both sexes the adverse effects can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, changes in blood cholesterol levels, acne, water retention, excitation and chills.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Androgen (male hormone).

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, liver disease, male breast cancer, kidney disease, migraine headaches, epilepsy, high blood calcium level, or prostate cancer.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. Males over 60 years of age may increase the risk of developing prostate enlargement or cancer while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may lead to kidney stones, reduced sperm count and unusual hair growth and voice deepening (in women).|Overdose with this drug is unlikely, however, if greater then prescribed amounts are taken contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Fluphenazine||051]               Apo-Fluphenazine
Moditen Etanthate
Prolixin Decanoate
Prolixin Enanthate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects the hypothalamus portion of the brain.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect in treating nausea and vomiting and up to 6 weeks in the treatment of mental disorders.|For nervous disorders:  If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  For vomiting and nausea:  Take as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours for next dose.  Then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Tranquilizer, antiemetic (phenothiazine) used in the treatment of anxiety, vomiting, nausea, agitation and hiccups.|Life threatening effects, although rare, can involve a condition know as Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome and include the uncontrollable movement of the legs, head, neck and arms.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience facial and neck spasm and unsteadiness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Also infrequent, some may experience fainting while using this drug.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. May produce dangerous over sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. May produce dangerous heart problems when used with Quinidine.

3. May increase the effect of Anticholinergics, Antihistamines, Dronabinol (both drugs), Mind-altering drugs, Molindone, Narcotics, Phenytoin, Sedatives and Tranquilizers.

4. Tricyclic Antidepressants may increase the effect of this  drug.

5. May diminish the effect of Appetite suppressants, Guanethidine and Levodopa.

6. May result in  increased sedation when used with Procarbazine.|1. This drug should not be used if you have bone marrow or blood disease or are allergic to any Phenothiazine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have lung problems, asthma, emphysema, are currently using over-the-counter drugs for ulcers, amphetamines, or asthma drugs or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia..

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to children less then 2 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience the uncontrollable movement of your tongue, jaws, lips and chewing. If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to a condition known as Tardive Diskinesia and should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, stupor and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Flurbiprofen||014b               Ansaid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces inflammation by lowering the concentration of prostaglandins in affected tissues.|Allow approximately 24 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal) used in the treatment of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, dysmenorrhea, symptoms of gout and arthritis, and the relief of pain.|Life threatening effects can include heart failure.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately. Adverse effects can include loss of appetite, nervousness, abnormal heart rhythms, heart palpitations, depression, confusion, tingling sensation in the hands or feet and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience skin rash, dizziness, upset stomach, drowsiness, headache and a ringing sensation in the ears.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May be fatal when used with Methotrexate.

2. May produce adverse effects when used with Aspirin or Alcohol.

3. May diminish the effect of Beta-Blocking drugs.

4. May increase the effect of Sulfa drugs, Lithium, Anticoagulants, Antidiabetics and Antiseizure drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or Aspirin, have asthma, peptic ulcer, gastritis, enteritis, ileitis, high blood pressure, bleeding disorders or ulcerative colitis.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to children less then 15 years of age and should be used on under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to fever, weight gain, sore throat, hearing loss and eye damage and should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, confusion, lethargy, ringing sensation in the ears, disorientation, stomach pains, blurred vision, dizziness and sweating.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Fosinopril||005Z               Monopril|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents the conversion of the hormone Angiotensin 1 to Angiotensin II thus lowering blood pressure.|Allow approximately one hour for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then wait 5 to 6 hours for next dose.  Then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used in the treatment of high blood pressure. |On rare occasion some may experience heartburn, heart palpitations, confusion, shortness of breath, angina pains, lowered blood pressure, jaundice, sunlight sensitivity, muscle cramps, eye pain, nose bleeds, mood changes, fainting, chest pain, stroke, and heart attack.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache, nausea, vomiting, coughing, diarrhea and dizziness when rising from a lying or sitting position.|1. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Beta-Blockers, Diuretics or any other drugs used to lower blood pressure.

2. Antacids and Indomethacin may diminish the effect of this drug.

3. May increase blood levels of Digoxin or Lithium when used together.

4. May increase blood level of potassium when used with Dyazide or Potassium sparing Diuretics.|1. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you kidney disease or diseases of the immune/collagen system.

2. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include dizziness, fainting and an extreme and rapid drop in blood pressure.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Halazepam||051]               Paxipam|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects the limbic system of the brain, the part that controls emotions.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Tranquilizer (Benzodiazepine) used in the treatment of nervousness.|On rare occasion some may experience breathing difficulties and a slowing of heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Also rare, some may experience irritability, confusion, hallucinations, depression, vision disturbances, skin rash and itching.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness and drowsiness while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in heavy sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. May produce deep sedation, rage and convulsions when used with MAO inhibitors.

3. May produce a significant drop in blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives.

4. May increase the sedative effect of both drugs when used with Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Dronabinol, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers and Tranquilizers.

5. Ketoconazole, Oral Contraceptives, Disulfiram, Erythromycin and Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

6. May diminish the effect of Levodopa.

7. Molindone may increase the tranquilizer effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are an alcoholic (or recovering), have myasthenia gravis, or are allergic to any Benzodiazepine drug.  

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, diabetes, kidney disease, porphyria, liver disease or lung disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to infants less then 6 months of age.  Infants and children over 6 months, should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience a hangover effect, agitation or rage while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to liver problems.|Overdose symptoms can include weakness, drowsiness, stupor, tremor and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Imipramine||019]               Janimine
Tofranil-PM|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects nerve impulses in order to treat symptoms of depression.|Allow 1 to 2 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 3 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 3 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant (tricyclic) used to treat obsessive, compulsive order, bed wetting, pain relief and symptoms of depression.|Life threatening effects, however rare, may include cardiac arrest.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Other adverse effects can include confusion, abnormal heart rates, hallucinations, anxiety, a tingling sensation in the hands or feet, tremors, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, breast enlargement (male and female) and disorientation.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in convulsions, high fever, and death when used with MAO inhibitors.

2. May increase the effect Clonidine and Guanethidine.

3. May increase the effect of Alcohol (excessive intoxication), Barbiturates, Tranquilizers and other depressive drugs.

4. May cause abnormal heart rhythms when used with Thyroid drugs.

5. May cause over stimulation when used with Reserpine.

6. Acetazolamide, Quinidine, Bicarbonate of Soda, and Procainamide may increase the effect of this drug.

7. May result in overdose when used with Ritalin, Phenothiazines, Thorazine, and Compazine.

8. May produce in delirium when used with large doses of Ethchlorvynol.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Desipramine, Doxepin, Amitriptyline, Protriptyline or Nortriptyline, have glaucoma, consume alcohol, experienced a heart attack within the last 6 weeks, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you asthma, enlarged prostate gland, liver disease, heart disease, intestinal problems, high blood pressure, over active thyroid or stomach problems.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to children less then 12 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include enlarged pupils, respiratory failure, fever, hallucinations, drowsiness, heart arrhythmia, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Isotretinoin||080[               Accutane|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces the production of sebum within skin follicules.|May take up to 5 months for this drug to have maximum effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anti-acne used in the treatment of cystic acne and other skin disorders.|It is not uncommon for some to experience a burning sensation in the eyes, itching eyes, red eyes, itching skin and nose bleeds.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience nausea, vomiting, headache, mood changes, abdominal pain, blurred vision, rectal bleeding, skin rash, infection and eye pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the amount of triglycerides in the blood and should be avoided.

2. May lead to the development of pseudotumor cerebri when used with Tetracyclines.

3. Increased risk of toxicity of both drugs when used with Etretinate.|1. This drug should not be used if you will become pregnant while using this drug (or of child bearing age), are allergic to Isotretinoin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes or if you (or members of your family) have elevated triglyceride blood levels.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to eye damage (cornea) and should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely, however, if greater then prescribed amounts are taken contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Iodinated Glycerol||057Y               Iophen
Iophen-C Liquid
Tussi-Organidin DM Liquid
Tussi-Organidin Liquid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Stimulates the production of normal respiratory fluids.|Works immediately.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Expectorant used to dislodge bronchial tube mucus.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience swollen glands in the neck below the external ears, sore gums, a burning sensation in the mouth, skin rash, eye irritation and a metallic taste.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May adversely affect the function of the thyroid gland when used with Lithium and Antithyroid drugs.

2. Alcohol may diminish the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to iodides (inorganic) or iodine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have thyroid disease, cystic fibrosis or adolescent acne.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. Extended use of this drug may lead to hypothyroidism, and should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely, however, if larger then prescribed amount are taken or if you suspect an allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Isradipine||005Z               DynaCirc|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits calcium into the heart and smooth muscles.|Allow approximately 2 hours or this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until  your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Calcium Channel Blocker used to treat high blood pressure and chronic angina pectoris.|Life threatening effects can include cardiac arrest.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasions, some may experience abnormal heart rhythms, depression, vision problems, angina, fainting, hallucinations, skin rash, tingling sensation in the feet or hands, stomach cramps, lowered blood pressure, and nausea.  If this occurs, cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache, heart palpitations, flushed skin, lightheadedness and swelling of the extremities (arms and legs).  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in angina pain, extremely low blood pressure and heart failure when used with Beta-Blocking drugs.

2. May increase the effect of Anticoagulants.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Isradipine.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have heart failure.

3.  If you are pregnant or are breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include drowsiness, nausea, extremely low blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, and slurred speech.  If you suspect an overdose, contact help and area poison control center immediately.|Ketoconazole||021[               Nizoral|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Interferes with the growth and reproduction of fungi.|Allow approximately 10 months for this drug to take full effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antifungal used in the treatment of specific fungus infections.|It is not uncommon for some people to experience vomiting and nausea while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience abdominal pain, skin rash, jaundice, dark colored urine (amber) and sunlight sensitivity.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in liver damage when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in liver toxicity when used with Cyclosporine.

3. The absorption of this drug may be decreased when used with Anticholinergics, Antacids, Atropine, Belladonna, Cimetidine Clidinium, Famotidine, Glycopyrrolate, Hyoscyamine, Methscopolamine, Nizatidine, Propantheline, Ranitidine and Scopolamine.

4. Phenytoin may modify the effect of both drugs.

5. Isoniazid and Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.

6. May increase the effect of oral Hypoglycemics and Methylprednisolone.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Ketoconazole.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease or achlorhydria.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while
under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ketoprofen||014b               Alrheumat
Profenid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces the concentration of the hormone prostaglandin from affected tissue.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for maximum results of this drug (for arthritis).|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Analgesic, antidysmenorreal (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic) used to treat juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, dysmenorrhea, pain and soft-tissue injuries sometimes associated with sports.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, faintness, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat and a feeling of tightness in the chest.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience a ringing sensation in the ears, nausea, headache, dizziness, drowsiness and depression while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.  On rare occasion some may experience abnormal bruising or bleeding, confusion, jaundice, intense abdominal pain, painful urination, skin rash, black or tarry stool, hives, blurred vision, convulsions and psychosis.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in stomach ulcers or bleeding when used with Alcohol or Cortisone drugs.

2. May result in the risk of internal bleeding when used with other Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs.

3. May result in Lithium toxicity when used together.

4. May produce a rise in blood pressure and rapid heartbeat when used with Thyroid hormones.

5. May increase the risk of bleeding when used with oral Anticoagulants.

6. May produce stomach ulcers when used with Aspirin, Oxyphenbutazone, and Phyenylbutazone.

7. May result in Verapamil toxicity when used together.

8. May result in toxicity when used with Methotrexate.

9. May result in Nifedipine toxicity when used together.

10. May diminish the effect of ACE inhibitors,  Minoxidil and Diuretics.

11. May diminish antihypertensive effect when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

12. Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have heart failure, high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, bleeding disorders, asthma, enteritis, ulcerative colitis, ileitis or are allergic to Aspirin, Ketoprofen, or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, been mentally ill, have had kidney disorders or disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for children less then 15 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to hearing loss, eye damage, weight gain, fever and sore throat.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, confusion, agitation, stomach hemorrhage, decreased awareness, intestinal hemorrhage and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Labetolol||013Z               Normodyne
Trandate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Selectively blocks both beta and alpha adrenergic receptors in the sympathetic nervous system.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect. |If you remember within 3 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 3 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive (beta and alpha adrenergic blocker) used to treat high blood pressure.|Life threatening effects can involve congestive heart failure.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience a drug induced systemic lupus erythematosus.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Also rare some may experience weakness, faintness (especially when getting up from a sitting or lying position), headache, skin rash, vomiting, abdominal pain, drowsiness, dizziness, fever, jaundice and bronchospasm.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol.

2. May conceal hypoglycemia and increase the antidiabetic effect of Insulin and Antidiabetics.

3. May produce tremor when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants.

4. May result in an extreme change in blood pressure when simultaneously discontinued with Clonidine.

5. May increase the antihypertensive effect when used with Nitroglycerin, Cimetidine, Phentolamine, and Diuretics.

6. Beta-Agonist may diminish the effect of this drug.

7. Antihypertensives may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have congestive heart failure, asthma, heart block or are allergic to any Alpha or Beta Blocking agent.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have an over -active thyroid, coronary artery disease, kidney disease (chronic), liver disease, have allergies or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may result in a weakening of heart muscle contractions and should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, fainting, and a slowing of the heartbeat (less then 60 beats per minute) and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Lindane||083[               G-Well Lotion/Shampoo
Kwell Cream/Lotion/Shampoo
Lindane Lotion/Shampoo
Scabene Lotion/Shampoo|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Kills parasites such as head lice, crab lice and scabies.|Begins to work on contact.|Reapply once you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Parasiticide used to treat scabies, crab lice, and head lice.|It is not uncommon for some to experience skin rash or irritation while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.  If while using this drug you become restless, irritable, or nervous, show signs of unsteadiness, start vomiting, have seizures, or develop an accelerated heartbeat, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Drug interactions are unlikely with this drug however the use of oils on the skin may accelerate the absorption  of Lindane into the blood, causing adverse effects and symptoms of overdose.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Lindane or have seizure disorders.

2.  This drug should not be used so as to get into the eyes or to remain on the skin for extended periods.  If accidentally introduced to the eye, flush immediately with water and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.  Not recommended for premature infants.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in central nervous system toxicity.|If taken orally, overdose symptoms can include convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Liotrix||052b               Euthroid
Thyrolar|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Speeds up the metabolism rate of cells.|Allow approximately 2 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is a thyroid hormone used in the treatment of thyroid hormone deficiency.|It is not uncommon for some to experience irritability, headache, insomnia and tremor.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, however rare, some may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, hives, itching and irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in rapid or irregular heartbeat when used with Sympathomimetics.

2. May diminish the effect of Barbiturates, Beta-Adrenergic blockers and Digitalis.

3. May cause irregular heartbeat when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants.

4. May increase the effect of Amphetamines, oral Anticoagulants, Ephedrine, Epinephrine and Methylphenidate.

5. Aspirin may increase the effect of this drug.

6. Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Oral Contraceptives and Estrogens may diminish the effect of this drug.

7. Cortisone drugs and Antidiabetics may require a dose adjustment when used with this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have had a heart attack within the last 6 weeks.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, Addison's disease, heart disease, had deficiencies of the adrenal gland, use Isoproterenol, Epinephrine, or Ephedrine for asthma.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include muscle cramps, sweating, irregular/rapid heartbeat, nervousness, a sensation of feeling hot, headache, hand tremors, irritability, diarrhea, weight loss, heart palpitations and angina.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Lisinopril||005Z               Prinivil
Zestril|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents the conversion of the hormone Angiotensin 1 to Angiotensin II thus lowering blood pressure.|Allow approximately 1 1/2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, ACE inhibitor, used in the treatment of high blood pressure.|It is not uncommon for some to experience skin rash, coughing, headache, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, lowered blood pressure and diarrhea.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Although rare, some may experience male impotence, loss of taste, tingling sensation in the hands or feet, fever, heart palpitations, stomach irritation, jaundice, vomiting, muscle cramps, chest pain, joint pains and muscle weakness.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in a serious drop in blood pressure when used with Diuretics, Nimodipine and Nitrates.

2. May lead to a  significant increase of blood potassium when used with Spironolactone, Triamterene, Amiloride, Potassium supplements and Potassium containing salt substitutes.

3. May result in Lithium toxicity when used together.

4. May require a dose adjustment of oral Antidiabetics an Insulin.

5. May cause an increase in the blood pressure lowering effect of Beta-Blockers and other blood pressure
lowering drugs.

6. May intensify electrolyte depletion when used with Corticosteroids.

7. May result in lightheadedness, dizziness, and vision disturbances when going from sitting or laying positions to an upright position when used with Alcohol, Barbiturates and Narcotics.

8. Do not use with over-the-counter stimulants, diet pills, or decongestants that are designed to raise your blood pressure.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Enalapril, Captopril or Lisinopril, have any autoimmune disease, are receiving blood transfusions, are taking cancer medications or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, liver disease, high blood potassium, heart disease, angina, blood vessel disease, are on a salt free diet or have had a stroke.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include fever, sore throat, chills, lowered blood pressure, fainting, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Lithium||051]               Carbolith
Eskalith CR
Pfi-Lithium|  * Addictve? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Alters sodium transport in nerve and muscle cells.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anti-depressant, mood elevator  used to treat Alcohol addiction and toxicity, manic-depressive illness and schizoid personality problems.|On rare occasion some may experience eye pain, irregular heartbeat, skin rash, ear noises, blurred vision, stomach pain and shortness of breath.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible. Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, dry mouth and tremor.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in Lithium poisoning when used with Alcohol.

2. May increase the chances of a major seizure when used with Bupropion.

3. May result in kidney toxicity when used with Tiopronin.

4. May increase Lithium toxicity when used with Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs.

5. May produce excessive sedation when used with Antihistamines.

6. May increase the risk of hypothermia when used with Diazepam.

7. Verapamil, Theophylline, Sodium Bicarbonate, Phenothiazines, Acetazolamide, Nicardipine and Nimodipine may diminish the effect of this drug.

8. Diuretics, Dronabinol (increases both drugs), Indomethacin, Methyldopa, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenytoin, Phenylbutazone and Tetracyclines may increase the effect of this drug.

9. May result in permanent brain damage when used with Haloperidol.|1. This drug should not be used if you have heart disease, kidney disease, or are allergic to Tartrazine Dye or Lithium.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, epilepsy, are on a salt restricted diet, low thyroid function, are taking any other medications, will become pregnant while using this drug, consume more than 4 cups of coffee a day or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to children less then 12 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to thyroid gland problems and should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, stupor, muscle weakness, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Loperamide||028_               Imodium
Imodium-AD|  * Addiction Potential? Yes:  If taken for extended periods of time.
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects water and electrolyte movement through the bowel, slowing intestinal motility.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidiarrheal used in the treatment of diarrhea.|Life threatening effects can include unconsciousness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately. On rare occasion some may experience nausea, vomiting, skin rash and fever.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the depressant effect of Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers and Alcohol.  Avoid using together.|1. This drug should not be used if you have colitis (severe or as a result of antibiotic treatments or infection).

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, or show signs of dehydration as a result  of diarrhea.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given infants or children less then 2 years of age.  Children over 2 years of age should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include lethargy, drowsiness, constipation and unconsciousness.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Malathion||083Z               Ovide Lotion|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Kills head lice.|Allow approximately 12 hours for this drug to take effect.|Reapply once your remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Pediculiside, scabicide used in the treatment of head lice and scabies infections.|On rare occasion, some may experience skin rash or irritation while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible. Note:  Malathion can be extremely harmful to the eyes.  If this drug is accidentally introduced into the eyes, flush with water immediately and consult with your doctor right away.  Note:  Malathion can be absorbed through the skin and may lead to the development of overdose symptoms.|1. May produce breathing difficulties when used with injectable antibiotics (Aminoglycosides).

2. May produce systemic side effects when used with local Anesthetics.

3. May result in producing the side effects of Echothiophate, Physostigmine, Isoflurophate, and Demecarium when used together.|1.  This drug should not be used if your allergic to Malathion.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have stomach ulcers, Parkinson's disease, asthma, low blood pressure, extremely slow heartbeat, had a recent heart attack, liver disease (includes cirrhosis), myasthenia gravis, seizure disorders, anemia, neuro-muscular diseases, dehydration, recent brain surgery, or malnutrition.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug is not advisable.|Overdose symptoms can include loss of both bladder and bowel control, weakness, seizures, dizziness, abdominal cramps, depression, twitching muscles (neck, face, and eyelids), trembling, watery eyes, drooling, and slow heartbeat.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.  NOTE:  Malathion is potentially deadly when taken orally, and may take up to 12 hours before the symptoms begin to appear.  Don't  wait for the symptoms to appear before taking action!|Mazindol||064]               Mazanor
Sanorex|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Stimulates the central nervous system.|Allow approximately one hour for this drug to take effect.|Wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Nonamphetamine appetite suppressant used to suppress the appetite.|On rare occasion, some may experience high blood pressure, muscle pains, fever, nausea, vomiting, tremor, heart palpitations, blurred vision, difficulty urinating, and headache.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience restlessness, euphoria, nervousness and trouble sleeping while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in over stimulation when used with other Stimulants.

2. May produce extremely high blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have glaucoma, heart disease, abuse drugs, have high blood pressure, thyroid disease, have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, have emotional problems, or are allergic to any appetite suppressant.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  This drug should not be used by children less than 12 years of age.

4.  People over 60 years of age may aggravate existing conditions of high blood pressure and diabetes while using this drug.

5.  Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations, fever, tremor, shallow breathing, vomiting, nausea, cold/clammy skin, confusion, convulsion, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Medroxyprogesterone Acetate||034\               Amen
Provera|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Transforms proliferative into secretory endometrium.  Prevents ovulation by inhibiting specific pituitary gland hormones.|May vary based on use.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose.|This drug is a female sex hormone (progestin) used to treat progestin imbalance, uterine cancer, breast cancer, apnea and as a contraceptive.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience jaundice, skin rash, extended vaginal bleeding, abnormal hair growth and voice changes in women, enlarged clitoris and stomach pain.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience changes in weight or appetite, weakness, tiredness or swollen feet and ankles.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May increase the effect of Phenothiazines.

2. May diminish the effect of oral Hypoglycemics and Insulins.

3. Oxyphenbutazone, Phenobarbital, and Phenylbutazone may diminish the effect of this drug.

4. Rifampin may reduce the contraceptive effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be taken if you have cancer of the breast or uterus, liver disease, gall bladder disease, abnormal vaginal bleeding, are pregnant, have had stroke, embolism or thrombophlebitis or are allergic to any Progestin hormone.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, diabetes, migraine headaches, heart disease, seizures or become easily depressed.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not used for male children, (female only) and should be used only under medical supervision.

5. This drug is not recommended for people over 60 years of age.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, breast enlargement (may include breast pain), fluid retention and vaginal bleeding.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Mefenamic Acid||014b               Ponstan
Ponstel|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis in affected tissues.|Allow approximately 2 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal) used to treat dysmenorrhea and as a pain reliever.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness (particularly in Aspirin-sensitive people).  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience intense abdominal pain, confusion, blurred vision, hives, chest tightness, breathing difficulties, jaundice, abnormal bruising or bleeding, skin rash, itching, rapid heartbeat, blood in urine, black, bloody or tarry stool, psychosis and convulsions.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience some nausea and dizziness while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in stomach ulcers or bleeding when used with Alcohol or Aspirin.

2. May result in the development of stomach ulcers when used with Cortisone drugs, Oxyphenbutazone, and Phenylbutazone.

3. May increase the chance of bleeding when used with oral Anticoagulants.

4. May produce a rise in blood pressure and rapid heartbeat when used with Thyroid hormones.

5. May diminish the antihypertensive effect when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

6. May diminish the effect of ACE inhibitors, Diuretics and Minoxidil.

7. May lead to toxicity when used with Methotrexate or Lithium.  May increase the effect of Lithium.

8. Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have heart failure, abnormal bleeding, asthma, high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, ileitis, gastritis, enteritis, ulcerative colitis or are allergic to any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or Aspirin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have been mentally ill, have epilepsy, Parkinson's disease or have had kidney disease or problems.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for children less then 15 years of age.  Children over 15 years of age should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to fever, hearing loss, weight gain, eye damage and sore throat.|Overdose symptoms can include agitation, incoherence, stomach hemorrhage, confusion, intestinal hemorrhage, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Megestrol Acetate||034b               Megace|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits pituitary gonadotropin production and reduces estrogen secretions.|Allow approximately 2 to 3 months to take effect in the treatment of cancer.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose...|This drug is a Progestational hormone used to treat endrometrium and breast cancer.|On rare occasion, some may experience; nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, headache, and back pain.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May interfere with the effects of Bromocriptine.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have had abnormal vaginal bleeding, blood clots in the veins, heart problems, kidney disorders, high blood cholesterol, depression, liver disease, convulsions, ectopic pregnancy, diabetes, migraine headaches, or epilepsy.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

4.  People over 60 years of age (especially those with liver disease) should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms may include experiencing the adverse effects of this drug.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Meperidine||029]               Demerol|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Suppresses the central nervous system.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as your remember, then wait 3 to 4 hours for the next dose.  Then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution:  do not double the dose...|This drug is a Narcotic analgesic used in the treatment of moderate to intense pain.|On rare occasion, some may experience shallow breathing, flushed face, appetite loss, difficulty breathing, hallucinations, agitation, euphoria, headache, heart palpitations, skin rash, jaundice, anemia, itching, rapid heartbeat, and disorientation.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness, vomiting, nausea, sweating, and lightheadedness.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.  Life-threatening effects can include respiratory arrest, shock, and cardiac arrest.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.|1. May result in respiratory depression, hypertension, extreme sedation, and coma when used with other Narcotic Analgesics, General Anesthetics, Phenothiazines, other Tranquilizers, Sedatives, Hypnotics, Barbiturates, Tricyclic Antidepressants, other Central Nervous System depressants and Alcohol.

2. May result in extreme low blood pressure when used with Phenothiazines.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Narcotic.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have either a brain tumor, head injury (or any head problems), or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants of children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving, and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, respiratory arrest, pin-point pupils, low blood pressure, cold/clammy skin, stupor, coma and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Mesalamine (Rectal)||014_               Mesalazine
5-ASA|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits the production of arachidonic acid in people with chronic inflammatory bowel disease.|Allow approximately 3 weeks.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal) used to treat lower colon and rectal inflammation as well as ulcerative colitis.|On rare occasion some may experience fever, abdominal pain, skin rash and bloody diarrhea.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Drug interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any drugs containing Mesalamine or Sulfasalazine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have had kidney disease (chronic).

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for children less then 3 years of age, children over 3 years of age should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience aggravated symptoms of enlarged prostate gland, have nightmares or hallucinations, or impaired thinking while using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.|Mesoridazine||051]               Serentil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Suppresses the central nervous system.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to affect vomiting and nausea and approximately 6 weeks to affect mental and nervous disorders.|Mental and nervous disorders:  If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  For vomiting and nausea:  Retake as needed, then wait 4 hours until your next dose, then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Tranquilizer, antiemetic (phenothiazine) used to treat hiccups, nausea, vomiting agitation and anxiety.|Life threatening effects can involve uncontrollable muscle movements of the face, tongue and other muscles as well as unsteadiness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience neck and face muscle spasms as well as unsteadiness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion the use of this drug may cause fainting.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.|1. May produce dangerous over sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. May lead to dangerous impaired heart functions when used with Quinidine.

3. May increase the effect of Sedatives, other Tranquilizers, Narcotics, Phenytoin, Anticholinergics, Antihistamines, Mind-altering drugs and Dronabinol (increased effect of both drugs).

4. May diminish the effect of Levodopa and Appetite suppressants.

5. Molindone may increase the tranquilizer effect of this drug.

6. Tricyclic Antidepressants may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have blood or bone marrow diseases, or are allergic to any Phenothiazine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have lung problems, asthma, emphysema, take over-the-counter medications for an ulcer, use drugs for asthma or Amphetamines or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to children less then 2 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience involuntary tongue, lip and jaw movement, if this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of tardive dyskinesia.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, stupor and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Metaxalone||055`               Skelaxin|  * Addiction Potential? Potentially
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Depresses the central nervous system.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours for next dose.  Then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Muscle Relaxant (skeletal) used in the treatment of muscle spasms.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience black, bloody or tarry stools.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience fainting, drowsiness and dizziness while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in increased sedation when used with Alcohol, Tranquilizers, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Narcotics, Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Mind-altering drugs and other muscle relaxants.

2. May increase the effect of Dronabinol and should be avoided due to the increased effect on the central nervous system.

3. Testosterone may diminish the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have porphyria or are allergic to any skeletal-muscle relaxant.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have had kidney disease, liver disease, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, extreme weakness, sensation of paralysis and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Methenamine||022\               Azo-Mandelamine
Trac 2X
Uroquid-Acid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides a mild antiseptic action in the urinary tract by producing formaldehyde which destroys specific bacteria.|Allow approximately 3 to 6 months of continual use for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 8 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 8 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Anti-infective (urinary) used in the treatment of urinary-tract infections (chronic).|It is not uncommon for some to experience skin rash while using this drug, if this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Also common, some people using this drug may experience difficulty urinating and nausea.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.  On rare occasion some may experience blood in urine.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in brain depression when used with Alcohol. Avoid.

2. May result in kidney damage when used with Sulfa drugs.

3. Antacids, Citrates, Sodium Bicarbonate and Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors may decrease the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have severe liver or kidney problems, are allergic to Methenamine.  You  need to discuss with your doctor concerning the acidity of your urine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, will become pregnant while using this drug, kidney disease or have had gout.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should never exceed the recommended dosage.|Overdose symptoms can include weakness, blood in urine, stupor, deep breathing and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Methotrexate||072[               Amethopterin
Folex PFS
Mexate AQ|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits abnormal cell reproduction.|Allow approximately 1 1/2 months for maximum effect.|Wait until your next scheduled dose, then retake.  Caution:  Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antimtabolite (antipsoriatic) used in the treatment of psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis (severe) and some cancers. |Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience bloody vomit, black stool while using this drug.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience convulsions and seizures while using this drug.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, also common, some may experience vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in liver damage when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in Methotrexate toxicity when used with Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Antigout drugs, Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenylbutazone, Phenytoin, Probenecid, Pyrimethamine, Salicylates, Aspirin, Sulfa drugs and Tetracyclines.

3. May increase the chance of liver toxicity when used with Etretinate.

4. May increase the chance of kidney and bone marrow toxicity when used with Tiopronin.

5. May produce a toxic bone marrow effect when used with Clozapine.

6. May increase toxicity when used with Diclofenac, Sulfadoxine and Pyrimethamine.

7. Folic Acid, Asparaginase and Flurouracil may diminish the effect of this drug.

8. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Antimetabolite.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have gout, are an Alcoholic, have kidney disease, blood disease, peptic ulcer, liver disease, colitis, have an active infection or plan on becoming pregnant within the next 3 months.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may lead to experiencing the adverse effects of this drug and should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include stupor, headache and seizures.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Methsuximide||008]               Celontin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits the paroxysmal three-cycle per second spike and wave activity associated with petit mal seizures.|Allow approximately 3 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Anticonvulsant (succinimide) used to control epileptic seizures.|On rare occasion some may experience confusion, skin rash, abnormal bruising or bleeding, swelling of the gums, sore throat, fever, depression, bloody urine, swelling of the eyes and vaginal bleeding.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, some may experience hiccups, vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, loss of appetite and abdominal pains.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May provoke seizures when used with Alcohol, Antipsychotics and Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May diminish the effect of Haloperidol and alter seizure patterns.

3. Other Anticonvulsants may provoke seizures and increase  the effect of both drugs.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Succinimide Anticonvulsants.

2. Before using this drug consult with you have liver disease, blood disease, kidney disease, will become pregnant while using this drug or use any other Anticonvulsants.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Methyltestosterone||078b               Android
Oreton Methyl
Virilon|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Stimulates cells responsible for the development of male sex characteristics.|May vary, consult with your doctor or pharmacist for specifics.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Androgenic (Male)  hormone used to treat male hormone deficiencies.|Life-threatening effects can include extreme weakness and unconsciousness.  Contact emergency medical help immediately.

Males:  Increased frequency and duration of  penile erections, breast enlargement, and reduced testicle function.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

Females:  Voice deepening, abnormal hair growth, clitoris enlargement, menstrual irregularities, and male pattern baldness.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

Both Sexes:  Stomach ulcer, vomiting, nausea, chills, diarrhea, flushed skin, acne, sleeplessness, and water retention.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any male hormone (includes:  Calusterone, Testosterone, Propionate, and Dromostanolone).

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, kidney disease, prostate cancer, high blood pressure,  heart disease, male breast cancer, arteriosclerosis, high blood calcium, liver disease, migraine headaches, or are pregnant.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 2 years of age.  Use only under medical supervision in children more than 2 years of age.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug.

5.  Males over 60 years of age increase their risk of developing prostate enlargement or cancer while using this drug.

6.  Extended use may result in the development of  kidney stones. |Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Metronidazole||016_               Apo-Metronidazole
Flagyl I.V.
Flagyl I.V. RTU
Metric 21
MetroGel (topical)
Metro I.V.
Metryl IV
PMS Metronidazole
Trikacide|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Enters microorganisms through their cell walls and interferes with the DNA, killing them.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antiprotozoal used in the treatment of susceptible infections and when used topically in the treatment of acne rosacea.|It is not uncommon for some to experience abdominal pain, loss of appetite and nausea while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience a tingling sensation in the feet or hands, sore throat, headache, skin rash, hives, itching, mood changes, mouth irritations, unsteadiness and fever.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce disulfiram reaction when used with Alcohol. Avoid.

2. May result in bleeding or bruising when used with oral Anticoagulants.

3. Nizatidine may increase the effect and toxicity of this drug.

4. May produce a reaction to Disulfiram when used together.

5. Phenytoin, Oxytetracycline and Phenobarbital may diminish the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have had bone marrow or blood cell disorders or are allergic to Metronidazole.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, nervous system disorders, heart disease, consume Alcohol or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, confusion, weakness and seizures.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Metyrosine||092Z               Demser|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces the synthesis of catecholamines to reduce blood pressure in people with pheochromocytoma.|Allow approximately 3 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antihypertensive used in the treatment of pheochromocytoma.|On rare occasion some may experience muscle spasms, itching, swelling of the feet, blood in urine and shortness of breath.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience tremors, diarrhea (severe), speech difficulties and drooling.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May produce tremors, muscle spasms and jerky movements when used with Alcohol.

2. May increase the risk of producing toxic effects of both Phenothiazines and Trimeprazine.

3. May produce an increased sedative effect when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Metyrosine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have Parkinson's disease, kidney disease, liver disease or depression (mental).

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations, shortness of breath (sudden), confusion, seizures and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Mexiletine||015Z               Mexitil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits the inward sodium current in heart tissues.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 4 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 4 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antiarrhythmic used to stabilize irregular heartbeats.|Life threatening effects can include irregular heartbeat, pains in the chest and shortness of breath.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience seizures.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience vomiting, nausea, anxiety, dizziness, heart burn and unsteadiness while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Phenobarbital, Phenytoin and Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.

2. May increase the effect and toxicity of both drugs when used with Nicardipine or Propafenone.

3. Alcohol may alter the effectiveness of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are using Digitalis preparations or are allergic to Tocainide, Lidocaine or Mexiletine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, liver disease, kidney disorders, lupus, have had seizures or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, convulsions, seizure, and heart attack.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Misoprostol||066_               Cytotec|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Decreases the production of stomach acids.|Allow approximately 15 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antiulcer used to prevent stomach ulcers especially in people using Aspirin and Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Analgesics.|It is not uncommon for some to experience diarrhea, and some abdominal pain while using this drug.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience headache, vomiting, nausea, gaseousness and constipation.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in severe diarrhea when used with Antacids containing magnesium.

2. Alcohol may diminish the effect of this drug.

3. May interfere with the absorption of Diazepam and Theophylline.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any prostaglandin, are pregnant or are of child-bearing age.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, epilepsy or diseases of the blood vessels.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for children less then 18 years of age.

5. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely, however, if greater then prescribed amount are taken, contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Moricizine||015Z               Ethmozine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Stabilizes heart tissue by making them less sensitive to excessive stimulation.|Allow approximately 1 to 3 hours for this drug to take effect.  Consult your pharmacist for specifics.|Take as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours for the next dose.  Continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution:  do not double dose.|This drug is an Antiarrhythmic used to treat ventricular arrhythmias.|Life-threatening effects can include abnormal heart rhythms, chest pain, heart failure, and cardiac arrest.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience vomiting, nausea, difficulty breathing, dizziness, fatigue, headache, and pain.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasions, some may experience jaundice or hepatitis while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in producing the dangerous side effects of this drug when used with Digoxin, Cimetidine and Propranolol.

2. May significantly diminish the effect of Theophylline.|1.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have heart disease (sick sinus syndrome), use an electronic pacemaker, have liver disease, kidney disease, or are switching from another anti arrhythmic to Moricizine.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  Use only under close medical supervision in children less than 18 years of age.

4.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, fainting, low blood pressure, lethargy, abnormal heart rhythms, heart failure, coma, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help an area poison control center immediately.|Mupirocin||022[               Bactroban|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Kills bacteria by interfering with their DNA and RNA.|Allow approximately 1 day for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antibacterial (topical) used to treat skin infections.|It is not uncommon for some to experience a burning or stinging sensation when the drug is applied, itching, skin rash, tenderness, swelling, and nausea.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Drug interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any topically applied drugs or Gentamicin.  This drug should not be applied to the eyes.

2. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3. Consult with your doctor before using this drug on infants and children.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely, however if taken internally, contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Nicardipine||005Z               Cardene|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Increases the amount of oxygen to the heart and inhibits calcium into muscle cells.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Calcium Channel blocker, anti arrhythmic, antianginal used to treat high blood pressure, prevent attacks of angina, and in the stabilization of irregular heartbeats.|On rare occasion some may experience skin rash, jaundice, depression, abnormally slow heartbeat, shortness of breath and coughing.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a sense of tiredness while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in congestive heart failure when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

2. May produce a dangerously low blood pressure when used with Alcohol, Diuretics and Nimodipine.

3. May result in heart muscle toxicity when used with Encainide.

4. May produce a dangerously slow, fast or irregular heartbeat when used with Disopyramide.

5. May produce excessive levels of potassium in the blood when used with ACE inhibitors.

6. May increase the effect of Antiarrhythmics (also toxicity), oral Anticoagulants, Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Carbamazepine (also toxicity), Cyclosporine, Digitalis preparations, Propafenone (also toxicity), Theophylline (also toxicity), and Quinidine.

7. Phenytoin and Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.

8. May diminish the effect of Lithium.

9. Cimetidine may increase both the effect and toxicity of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you have low blood pressure or are allergic to Nicardipine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart disease or liver disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include slow or fast heartbeat, unconsciousness and heart attack.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Nimodipine||049Z               Nimotop|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits calcium transfer into muscle cells, allowing them to relax and in the case of blood vessels, expand.|Allow approximately  2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Calcium Channel blocker used to treat subarachnoid hemorrhage.|On rare occasion some may experience angina pains and temporary blindness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience swollen abdomen, tiredness, flushed skin and swelling of the feet and ankles.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May be dangerous (in susceptible people) by aggravating heart failure when used with Beta-Blocking drugs.

2. May result in a dangerously low blood pressure when used with Alcohol, Diuretics and Antihypertensives.

3. May result in excessive blood potassium when used with ACE inhibitors.

4. Tocainide may increase the risk of adverse effects of both drugs.

5. May result in dangerous heart disorders when used with Disopyramide.

6. May increase the effect and toxicity of both drugs when used with Antiarrhythmics and Nicardipine.

7. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Anticonvulsants (Hydantion), Quinidine, Cyclosporine (may also increase Cyclosporine toxicity), and Carbamazepine (may also increase the toxicity of Carbamazepine).|1. This drug should not be used if you have low blood pressure or are allergic to Calcium Channel blocking drugs.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart disease or liver disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include slow or fast heartbeat, unconsciousness and heart attack.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Norfloxacin||022\               Noroxin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Retards  the growth and reproduction of bacteria.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 6 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 6 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antibacterial, fluoroquinolone used in the treatment of diarrhea, bladder infections, kidney infections and gastroenteritis (bacterial).|On rare occasion some may experience seizures.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a loss of appetite while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in the increased effect and toxicity of Theophylline.

2. Alcohol, Probenecid and Nitrofurantoin may diminish the effect of this drug.

3. Antacids may result in the decreased absorption of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Quinolone antibiotics.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for children less then 17 years of age.  Children over 17 years of age should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with their doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include seizures.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Nortriptyline||019]               Aventyl
Pamelor|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Mechanism responsible for mood change is unkown.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for this drug to take effect.|Once a day:  If you remember within 3 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 3 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antidepressant (tricyclic) used in the treatment of depression, bed wetting, pain relief and compulsive disorders.|Life threatening effects can include cardiac arrest.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience convulsions.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  |1. May be fatal when used with MAO inhibitors.

2. May increase the effect of Sedatives, Barbiturates, Tranquilizers and Alcohol.  Avoid Alcohol while using this drug.

3. May cause abnormal heart rhythms when used with Thyroid drugs.

4. May result in over stimulation when used with Reserpine.

5. Acetazolamide, Bicarbonate of Soda, Quinidine and Procainamide may increase the effect of this drug.

6. When used with Ritalin and Phenothiazine drugs may result in an overdose reaction to this drug.

7. May result in delirium when used with Ethchlorvynol.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Desipramine, Doxepin, Imipramine, Protriptyline, Nortriptyline and Amitriptyline or are recovering from a heart attack.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have difficulty urinating, epilepsy, heart disease, convulsive disorders, thyroid disease or glaucoma.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be used by children less then 12 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, extremely low blood pressure, hallucinations, enlarged pupils, lowered body temperature, abnormal heart rate, fever, vomiting, stupor and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Ofloxacin||022\               Floxin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Interferes with the bacterial enzyme responsible for cell reproduction and DNA synthesis.|Allow approximately 10 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 6 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 6 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Anti-infective  used to treat infections of the lower respiratory tract, urinary infections, skin infections, prostate infection and some sexually transmitted diseases (not used in the treatment of syphilis).|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience upset stomach, fainting, skin rash, high blood pressure and heart palpitations.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, fatigue, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, fever, dry mouth, vaginal irritation and abdominal pains.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in producing the adverse effects of this drug when used with Probenecid and Azlocillin.

2. Antacids and Anticancer drugs may diminish the effect of this drug.

3. Do not mix with Nitrofurantoin.  May antagonize the antibacterial effect.

4. May result in adverse effects and toxicity of Theophylline when used together.

5. May produce kidney toxicity when used with Cyclosporine.|1. This drug should not be used if you have seizure disorders, are allergic to Ofloxacin, or related drugs such as Nalidixic Acid and Cinoxacin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, have a history of seizures, or circulatory disorders (brain), or are taking drugs Probenecid or Theophylline.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children under 18 should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of secondary infections more resistant to this medication.|Overdose symptoms can include the same symptoms as those of the adverse effects of this drug.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Oxacillin||023Z               Bactocill
Prostaphlin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

A semisythetic penicillin designed to kill staphylococcal bacteria.|Allow approximately 2 to 3 days for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic (penicillin) used in the treatment of specific bacterial infections.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience fever, sore throat, abnormal bruising or bleeding, abdominal cramps, weakness and convulsions.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a discoloration of the tongue.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Increased risk of an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

2. May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Tetracyclines, Paromomycin, Troleandomycin, Erythromycins and Chloramphenicol.

3. Loperamide may decrease the effect of this drug.

4. Probenecid may increase the effect of all Penicillins.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Penicillins, Oxacillin or Cephalosporin antibiotics.  May result in a life threatening allergic reaction.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are using any Oral Contraceptives or are prone to any allergic reactions in general.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. People over 60 years of age may experience irritation in the area of the anus and genitals.

Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Olsalazine||014_               Dipentum|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Converts, when it enters the colon, into Mesalamine (5-ASA) and acts as an anti-inflammatory inside the bowel.|Allow approximately one hour to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose...|This drug is an Anti-Colitis used to treat ulcerative colitis.|Some people may experience fatigue, vomiting, nausea, stomach upset, dizziness, jaundice, skin rash, itching, headache, depression and fainting.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|Drug interactions are unlikely with this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Aspirin, or its related compounds.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.|Overdose may lead to experiencing the adverse effects of this drug.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Oxiconazole||021[               Oxistat Cream|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  No

Inhibits ergosterol synthesis in fungi which is needed for cytoplasmic integrity.|Allow approximately 6 to 8 weeks for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember then continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antifungal used to treat fungus infections on the skin.|Some people may experience burning sensation, irritation, redness, swelling, and cracking of the skin where this drug is applied.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor before continuing.|1. Drug interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Oxiconazole or its ingredients.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if taken orally, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Orphenadrine||055`               Banflex
Tega-Flex|  * Addiction Potential? Potentially
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Provides an analgesic effect on skeletal muscles to reduce pain and spasms.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 6 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 6 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Muscle Relaxant, anticholinergic, antihistamine, antiparkinsonism used in the treatment of muscle strain, muscle spasms and symptoms of Parkinson's disease.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and  faintness. If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience hallucinations, skin rash, itching, tremor, loss of hearing, dizziness, confusion, agitation and depression.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase central nervous system depression when used with Nabilone.

2. May result in the development of intestinal ulcers when used with Potassium supplements.

3. May produce tremors, confusion and nervousness when used with Propoxyphene.

4. May diminish the effect of Oral Contraceptives, Griseofulvin and Phenylbutazone.

5. May increase the effect of Nizatidine and Levodopa.

6. May produce low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) when used with Chlorpromazine.

7. May increase internal-eye pressure when used with Nitrates.

8. May produce increased sedation when used with Antihistamines and Tricyclic Antidepressants.

9. Avoid using with Alcohol.  May cause drowsiness.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Tartrazine Dye or Orphenadrine.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a peptic ulcer, heart disease, abnormal heart rhythm, enlarged prostate gland, myasthemia gravis, problems completely emptying your bladder or glaucoma.  

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for children less then 12 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use may lead to the development of increased internal eye pressure and should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, reading difficulty, blurred vision, rapid pulse, fainting, problems  swallowing, dilated pupils, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Oxtriphylline||063Y               Choledyl
Choledyl SA|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Relaxes the smooth muscles of the pulmonary blood vessels and bronchial airways.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not  double this dose.|This drug is a Bronchodilator (Xanthine) used to treat bronchial muscle spasms and bronchial asthma.|On rare occasions, some may experience irregular heartbeat, skin rash, hives, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and rapid breathing.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, sleeplessness, headache, nervousness, stomach pain, and irritability while using this drug.  If  this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May increase the risk of adverse effects when used with other Xanthine drugs.

2. May cause excessive stimulation when used with Ephedrine and other Stimulants.

3. Erythromycin, Cimetidine, and Allopurinol may result in raising the blood level of this drug and lead to possible adverse effects of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have a peptic ulcer and are allergic to any Bronchodilator.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, gastritis, kidney problems, liver problems, high blood pressure, peptic ulcer, or gout.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, irritability, delirium, irregular heartbeat, vomiting, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Oxtriphylline and Guaifenesin||063Y               Brondecon
Brondelate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Relaxes the smooth muscles of the pulmonary blood vessels and bronchial airways.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Bronchodilator (xanthine) used to treat symptoms of bronchial asthma.|Life threatening effects can include breathing difficulties as well as a fast or irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience skin rash, heart burn, flushed/red face, hives, twitching muscles and diarrhea.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience vomiting, nausea, headache, restlessness, drowsiness, and abdominal pain.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May increase the chance of bleeding when used with Anticoagulants.

2. May produce rapid heartbeat when used with Rauwolfia Alkaloids.

3. May diminish the effect of Allopurinol, Lithium, Sulfinpryazone and Probenecid.

4. Probenecid may decrease the effect of this drug.

5. May increase the effect of Ephedrine, Epinephrine and Furosemide.

6. Ephedrine and Epinephrine may increase the effect of this drug.

7. Troleandomycin, Lincomycins and Erythromycins may increase the bronchodilator effect of this drug while Propranolol may decrease it.|1. This drug should not be used if you have peptic ulcer or are allergic to Guaifenesin or any Bronchodilator.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver problems, peptic ulcer, kidney problems, heart disease, gastritis, high blood pressure or take drugs for the treatment of gout.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should make sure and drink approximately 10 glasses of liquid per day while using this drug.

6. Extended use of this drug may result in stomach irritation and should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include rapid pulse, irritability, delirium, vomiting, nausea, confusion, restlessness, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Oxybutynin||068\               Ditropan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Relaxes the smooth muscle of the bladder.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antispasmodic, Anticholinergic used to treat bladder disorders.|On rare occasions, some may experience nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, skin rash, dilated pupils, male impotence, heart papiltations, itching, and constipation.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to experience constipation, dry mouth, and diminished sweating while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in blurred vision and a extremely dry mouth (may lead to tooth decay) when used with Antihistamines and other Anticholinergics.

2. May increase the effect of Central Nervous System depressants.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Oxybutynin.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have ulcerative colitis, heart disorders, intestinal disorders, glaucoma, intestinal blockage, high blood pressure, overactive thyroid gland, heart disease, rapid heartbeat, abnormal heart rhythm, hiatal hernia, liver disease, or kidney disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 5 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include tremor, delirium, restlessness, fever, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, an increase or decrease in blood pressure, convulsions, hallucinations, paralysis, coma, and respiratory failure.  If  you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Oxymetazoline||020Z               4-Way Long-Acting Nasal
Allerest 12 Hour Nasal
Corcidin Nasal Mist
Dristan Long Lasting
Duramist Plus
Neo-Synephrine 12 Hour
NTZ Long Acting Nasal
Ocuclear (eye drops)
Oxymeta-12 Hour Nasal Spray
Sinarest 12-Hour
Sinex Long-Lasting
St. Joseph Decongestant for Children|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Constricts the smaller arteries of the nasal passages.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours for next dose.  Then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Sympathomimetic used to treat the symptoms of allergies and some infections.|It is not uncommon for some to experience sneezing, stinging, dry or burning sensation in the nose and a pounding heartbeat.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May produce a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

2. May produce the harmful adverse effects of both drugs when used with Sympathomimetics.

3. May increase the toxicity of, and decrease the effect of this drug when used with Phenothiazines.

4. May increase blood pressure when used with Methyldopa.

5. May decrease the effect of Rauwolfia Alkaloids and Minoxidil.

6. May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers, Guanadrel and Nitrates.

7. Tricyclic Antidepressants may increase the effect of this drug.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Sympathomimetic (nasal spray).

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, heart disease, over active thyroid, high blood pressure, have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug should not be given to children less then 2 years of age.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Extended use may lead to reduced effectiveness of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include anxiety, headache, rapid heartbeat, agitation, sweating and irregular heartbeat.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Oxyphenbutazone||014b               Oxalid
Tandearil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Reduces prostaglandin hormones in affected tissues.|Allow approximately 24 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal) used in the treatment of dysmenorrhea, arthritis, gout and as a pain reliever.|Life threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience chest tightness, skin rash, itching, blurred vision, stomach pain, blood in vomit, blood in urine, breathing difficulties, fever, sore throat, abnormal bruising or bleeding, heartburn, confusion and convulsions.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache, dizziness, upset stomach and swelling of the legs or feet.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May produce stomach bleeding or ulcers when used with Alcohol.  May produce ulcers when used with Aspirin and Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs.

2. May produce skin toxicity when used with Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine.

3. May result in Phenytoin toxicity when used together.

4. May produce bone marrow toxicity when used with Trimethoprim and Methotrexate.

5. May result in kidney damage when used with Gold Compounds.

6. May diminish the effect of Minoxidil, Cortisone drugs, Insulin and Digitoxin.

7. Barbiturates, Cholestyramine, Colestipol and Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.

8. May increase the chance of internal bleeding when used with Ketoprofen.|1. This drug should not be used if you have ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer, gastritis, ileitis, enteritis, are allergic to non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs or Aspirin.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, had mental illness, high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney disease, kidney disorders, polymyalgia rheumatic, asthma or temporal arthritis.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for children under 15 years of age, children over 15 should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of jaundice, eye damage, hearing loss, or bone marrow damage and drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, intestinal hemorrhage, stomach hemorrhage, agitation, confusion, convulsions, pain in the upper abdominal area, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Paregoric||028_               Brown Mixture
Camphorated Opium Tincture
CM with Paregoric
Opium Tincture
Pomalin|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Blocks nerve impulses as well as anesthetizes the surface layers of the intestine.|Allow approximately 6 hours for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours for next dose.  Then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Narcotic, antidiarrheal used in the treatment of diarrhea and intestinal cramps.|On rare occasion some experience hives, skin rash, itching, constipation, vomiting, abdominal pain, breathing difficulties and a slowing of the heartbeat.  If this occurs cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience difficulty urinating, dizziness, flushed face and tiredness.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May increase the intoxicating effect of Alcohol when used together.

2. May produce extreme sedation when used with Sedatives.

3. May produce dangerous sedation when used with Methyprylon.

4. May produce dangerous effects of Ethinamate when used together.

5. May increase the sedative effect of Antidepressants, Mind-altering drugs and Antihistamines.

6. May increase the effect of other Narcotics, Tranquilizers, Analgesics and Sleep inducers.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Narcotic.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness, constipation, unsteadiness and drowsiness.  

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction (both physical and psychological).|Overdose symptoms can include slowing of the pulse, warm/flushed skin, constricted pupils, slow breathing and deep sleep.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Pemoline||061]               Cylert
Cylert Chewable|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Stimulates the central nervous system.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Central Nervous System stimulant used in the treatment of hyperactive children, and some brain disorders.|On rare occasion some people may experience seizures while using this drug.  If this occurs contact Emergency Medical Help Immediately.  Also rare some may experience jaundice, depression, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, irritability, headache and hallucinations.  If this occurs, discontinue and use and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some people to develop insomnia while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May increase the toxic effects of both drugs when used with Loxapine.

2. May compound central nervous system depression when used with Nabilone.

3. May result in depression when used with Alcohol.|1. This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Pemoline.

2. Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney or liver disease.

3. If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for children less then 6 years of age, children over 6 years of age should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6. Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving and working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7. Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include fever, confusion, hallucinations, rapid heartbeat, convulsions and coma.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area Poison Control Center immediately.|Penbutolol||013Z               Levatol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces blood vessel contraction.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If you remember within 8 hours of your next scheduled dose, wait and take it at that time.  Caution:  Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Beta-Adrenergic blocking agent used to treat high blood pressure and angina pectoris.|Life-threatening effects can include congestive heart failure.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience a pulse rate slower than 50 beats per minute while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasions, some may experience nausea, vomiting, breathing difficulties, diarrhea, dizziness, personality changes, and emotional instability.  If this occurs, cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a sudden increase in blood pressure if used with MAO inhibitors.

2. May reduce the effect of Digitalis preparations.

3. Do not mix with over-the-counter cold, cough or allergy drugs.  May aggravate existing conditions of heart disease and high blood pressure.

4. Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, Theophylline and Aminophylline may diminish the effect of this drug.

5. May increase the effect of Insulin and oral Antidiabetics.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have asthma, hay fever symptoms,  have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, or are allergic to any Beta-adrenergic blockers.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have asthma, liver disorders, bronchitis, heart disease, overactive thyroid gland, hay fever, poor circulation (extremities), diabetes, emphysema, hypoglycemia, kidney disorders, or will be having surgery (includes dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience chest pains, breathing difficulties, lowered body temperature, and heartbeat changes while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.  Extended use may also result in weak heart muscle contractions.|Overdose symptoms can include low blood pressure, breathing difficulties, bronchial muscle spasms, and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help area poison control center immediately.|Nafcillin||023Y               Nafcil
Unipen|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Used against both penicillin-G-resistant and penicillin-G-sensitive  bacteria and microorganisms.|Allow approximately 3-4 days for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember and continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic (penicillin) used to treat specific bacterial infections.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If  this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience; abdominal cramps, swelling of the face, fever, blood in urine, weakness, and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a life threatening allergic reaction when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

2. May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Troleandomycin, Paromomycin, Tetracyclines, Erythromycins and Chloramphenicol.

3. Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

4. Loperamide may diminish the effect of this drug.

5. May diminish the effect of Sodium Benzoate and Sodium Phenylacetate.

6. May cause stomach irritation when used with Alcohol.

7. May diminish the effect of Oral Contraceptives.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Penicillin or Penicillamine drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are using any Oral Contraceptives.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus or genitals while using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may decrease its antibiotic capabilities.|Overdose symptoms can include; nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Dicloxacillin||023Y               Dycill
Pathocil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits cell wall synthesis in many gram-negative and gram-positive and microorganisms.|Allow approximately 3-4 days for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember and continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic, (penicillin) used to treat specific bacterial infections.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience; fever, blood in urine, face swelling,, abdominal cramps, weakness, and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a life threatening allergic reaction when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

2. May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Troleandomycin, Paromomycin, Tetracyclines, Erythromycins and Chloramphenicol.

3. Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

4. Loperamide may diminish the effect of this drug.

5. May diminish the effect of Sodium Benzoate and Sodium Phenylacetate.

6. May cause stomach irritation when used with Alcohol.

7. May diminish the effect of Oral Contraceptives.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Penicillins, Cephalosporin antibiotics, or Penicillamine drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are using any Oral Contraceptives.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus or genitals while using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may decrease its antibiotic capabilities.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Bacampicillin||023Y               Spectrobid
Penglobe|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits cell wall synthesis in many gram-negative and gram positive bacteria.|Allow approximately 3-4 days hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember and continue on your original schedule.|This drug is an  Antibiotic, (penicillin) used to treat specific bacterial infections.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience; fever, blood in urine, face swelling, abdominal cramps, weakness, and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a life threatening allergic reaction when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

2. May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Troleandomycin, Paromomycin, Tetracyclines, Erythromycins and Chloramphenicol.

3. Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

4. Loperamide may diminish the effect of this drug.

5. May diminish the effect of Sodium Benzoate and Sodium Phenylacetate.

6. May cause stomach irritation when used with Alcohol.

7. May diminish the effect of Oral Contraceptives.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Penicillins, Cephalosporin antibiotics, or Penicillamine drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are using any Oral Contraceptives.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus or genitals while taking this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may decrease its antibiotic capabilities.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Carbenicillin||023\               Geocillin
Geopen Oral
Pyopen|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Destroys a variety of both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.  Does not kill viruses.|Allow approximately 3-4 days  for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember and continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic, (penicillin) used to treat specific bacterial infections.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.   On rare occasion, some may experience; fever, blood in urine, face swelling, abdominal cramps, weakness and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a life threatening allergic reaction when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

2. May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Troleandomycin, Paromomycin, Tetracyclines, Erythromycins and Chloramphenicol.

3. Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

4. Loperamide may diminish the effect of this drug.

5. May diminish the effect of Sodium Benzoate and Sodium Phenylacetate.

6. May cause stomach irritation when used with Alcohol.

7. May diminish the effect of Oral Contraceptives.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Penicillins, Cephalosporin antibiotics, or Penicillamine drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are using any Oral Contraceptives.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus or genitals while taking this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may decrease its antibiotic capabilities.|Overdose symptoms can include; nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Cloxacillin||023Y               Apo-Cloxi
Tegopen|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits cell wall synthesis in many gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.  Used mainly against penicillin-resistant staphylococcal infections.|Allow approximately 3-4 days for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember and continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic (penicillin) used to treat specific bacterial infections.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.   On rare occasion, some may experience; fever, blood in urine, face swelling, abdominal cramps, weakness and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a life threatening allergic reaction when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

2. May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Troleandomycin, Paromomycin, Tetracyclines, Erythromycins and Chloramphenicol.

3. Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

4. Loperamide may diminish the effect of this drug.

5. May diminish the effect of Sodium Benzoate and Sodium Phenylacetate.

6. May cause stomach irritation when used with Alcohol.

7. May diminish the effect of Oral Contraceptives.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Penicillins, Cephalosporin antibiotics, or Penicillamine drugs (may be fatal).

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are using any Oral Contraceptives.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus or genitals while taking this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may decrease its antibiotic capabilities.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Probenecid||084\               Benacen
Polycillin PRB
Probalan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects the kidneys to promote the excretion of uric acid.|Allow approximately 3-4 months for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antigout drug used to treat gout and to increase the levels of Penicillin or Cephalosporin in the blood.|On rare occasion, some may experience; jaundice, blood in urine, fever, abnormal bruising or bleeding, chills, back pain, and face swelling.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it  is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, appetite loss, vomiting, and headache while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in kidney disorders when used with Ciprofloxacin.

2. May result in a harmful level of sulfa in the body when used with Sulfa drugs.

3. May increase the toxic effect of Dapsone, Methotrexate, Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, Thioguanine and Zidovudine.

4. Alcohol, Bismuth Subsalicylate, Thiazide Diuretics, Pyrazinamide and Salicylates may decrease the effect of this drug.

5. May increase the effect of Allopurinol, oral Anticoagulants, Cefixime, Cephalosporins, Diclofenac, oral Hypoglycemics, Nitrofurantoin, Para-Aminosalicylic Acid and Penicillins.

6. May result in producing the adverse effects of Indomethacin when used together.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have acute gout or are allergic to any Uricosuric.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a peptic ulcer, kidney disease (or kidney stones), blood cell disease, or bone marrow disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to children less than 2 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in kidney damage.|Overdose symptoms can include; nervousness, vomiting, difficulty breathing, delirium, seizures, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Primidone||008]               Apo-Primidone
Sertan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits nerve transmissions associated with seizure disorders.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose...|This drug is an Anticonvulsant used in the prevention of epileptic seizures.|It is not uncommon for some to experience breathing difficulties when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience; nausea, vomiting, fever, hives, joint pain, psychosis, and loss of appetite.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous sedative effect when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in toxicity of this drug when used with Phenytoin.

3. May increase the depressant effect of Central Nervous System depressants and Nabilone.

4. May increase the effect of Narcotics, Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers, Sedatives and Mind-altering drugs, and Antidepressants.

5. May alter seizure patterns when used with other Anticonvulsants.

6. May diminish the effect of Aspirin, Oral Contraceptives, Cortisone drugs,  Cyclosporine, Digitalis preparations, Estrogens, Griseofulvin, Metronidazole, Oxyphenbutazone and Phenylbutazone.

7. Isoniazid, Rifampin, oral Anticoagulants, Loxapine, Carbamazepine (may also increase), and Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors may decrease the effect of this drug.

8. MAO inhibitors may increase the sedative effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have had Pophyria or are allergic to any Barbiturate.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have or have had asthma, lupus, liver disease, lung disease, or kidney disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in the abnormal enlargement of both the thyroid and lymph glands, anemia, rickets (especially in children), and osteomalacia.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, shallow breathing, rapid (weak) pulse, deep sleep, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Probenecid and Colchicine||084\               Colabid
Col Benemid
Proben-C|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Increases the excretion of uric acid from the kidneys, inhibits the excretion of Penicillin and prevents uric-acid crystals from forming in joint tissues.|Allow approximately 2 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antigout drug used to treat symptoms of gout, dermatitis herpetiformis, familial mediterranean fever  The Probenecid increase blood levels of both penicillin and cephalosporins.|Life-threatening effects can include breathing difficulties, muscle weakness, burning feeling (skin/throat/stomach), bloody urine, and convulsions.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in over sedation when used with Sleep inducers, Tranquilizers, Sedatives, Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Narcotics and Mind-alerting drugs.

2. May result in toxicity with used with Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, Dapsone, Zidovudine and Thioguanine.

3. May result in dangerous levels of sulfa in the body when used with Sulfa drugs.

4. May increase the effect of Acetohexamide, Allopurinol, Anticoagulants, (may also decrease), Appetite suppressants, Cefixime, Penicillins, Para-Aminosalicylic acid, Cephalosporins, Diclofenac, Methotrexate and Nitrofurantoin.

5. May increase the risk of experiencing the adverse effects of Indomethacin when used together.

6. May diminish the effect of Antihypertensives.

7. Thiazide Diuretics, Pyrazinamide, Salicylates and Bismuth Subsalicylate may diminish the Probenecid effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Colchicine a Uricosuric.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have or have had, peptic ulcers, bone marrow disease, kidney disease, blood cell disease, liver disease, heart disease, kidney stones, ulcerative colitis,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to anemia, kidney damage, and hair loss.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include; fever, nervous agitation, muscle weakness, delirium, blood in urine, muscle weakness, seizures, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, stupor, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Probucol||046Z               Lorelco|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces blood cholesterol levels without lowering liver cholesterol.|Allow approximately 4 months for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antihyperlipidemic used to lower blood cholesterol levels.|On rare occasion, some may experience swelling of the face, hands, feet, or mouth.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience vomiting, nausea, flatus, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May intensify existing liver problems when used with Alcohol.

2. May diminish the effect of Chenodiol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Probucol.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have gallstones, irregular heartbeat, congestive heart failure, or liver disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug  should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact poison control center immediately.|Pediculisides (Topical)
Lindane, Malathion, Pyrenthrins & Piperonyl Butoxide|Pediculisides (Topical)|083[               A-200
PMS Lindane
Tist Blue
Triple X|  * Addiction Potential? No  
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  Some

Affects scabies and lice by being absorbed into their central nervous system, subsequently killing them.|Allow approximately 12 hours for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember.|This drug is a Pediculoside, scabicide used to treat scabies and lice infections.|On rare occasions, some may experience a skin rash (or irritation), while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in excessive absorption and possible toxicity when Antimyasthenics or Cholinesterase inhibitors are used with the generic form Malathion.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Piperonyl Butoxide, Lindane, or Pyrethrins.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you experience allergic reactions to anything that touches your skin or are using other drugs in the form of lotions, creams, oils, or ointments.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should only use this drug under strict medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should be avoided.|Overdose symptoms can include dizziness, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, muscle cramps, and seizure and is generally the result of excessive absorption through the skin.  Additionally, if  taken orally, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Pentazocine||029]               Talacen (Pentazocine and Acetaminophen)
Talwin compound (Pentazocine and Aspirin)
Talwin NX (Pentazocine and Naloxone)|  * Addiction Potential?  Potentially
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form?  No

Provides an analgesic effect to reduce pain, by blocking pain impulses to the brain and spinal cord.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose...|This drug is a Narcotic Analgesic used to treat moderate to intense pain.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (Anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, faintness, seizure, decreased heartbeat, and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience blurred vision, face swelling, double vision, hallucinations, irritability, abnormal heart rate, difficulty breathing, and a tingling sensation in the legs and arms.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Note:  Potentially lethal reactions may result from misuse of this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug with any other medication/drug.

2. May cause extreme sedation when used with Alcohol, Barbiturates and Sleep inducers.

3. May reverse the effect of Narcotic drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Narcotic or have a history of drug abuse.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have asthma, head injury, kidney disorders, liver disorders, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include low blood pressure, slow breathing, lassitude, constricted pupils, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Pentobarbital||086]               Carbrital
Wigraine-PB|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Interferes with nerve impulses (at nerve cell connections) to the brain.|Allow approximately one hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Sedative Hypnotic (Barbiturate) used to treat insomnia.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (Anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience drowsiness, feelings of "hangover", and dizziness while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.  On rare occasion, some may experience jaundice, fever, skin rash, hives, agitation, sore throat, swelling of the face, slow heartbeat, and breathing difficulties.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in fatal over sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in dangerous over sedation when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Pain relievers, Sedatives, Sleep inducers and Tranquilizers.

3. May alter seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

4. May diminish the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Antidepressants, Aspirin, Beta-Adrenergic blockers, Oral Contraceptives, Cortisone drugs, Digitoxin, Doxycycline, Estrogens, Griseofulvin, Metronidazole, and Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs.

5. Oral Antidiabetics, Disulfiram, Dronabinol (both drugs), MAO inhibitors, and Valproic Acid may increase the effect of this drug.

6. Rifampin may decrease the effect of this drug.

7. May increase the effect of Indapamide.

8. Molindone may increase the sedative effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have prophyria or are allergic to any Barbiturate.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have anemia, kidney problems, asthma, liver problems, chronic pain, epilepsy, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to anemia, chronic intoxication, and addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include weak pulse, deep sleep, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Pergolide||027]               Permax|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Stimulates nerves in the central nervous system normally stimulated by the hormone dopamine.|Check with your doctor or pharmacist for specifics.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose...|This drug is an Antidyskinetic used to treat Parkinson's disease.  Normally used in conjunction with Carbidopa or Levodopa.|Life-threatening effects can include chest pain, breathing difficulties, and seizures.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience hallucinations, abnormal facial, head, and tongue movements, and painful urination when using this drug.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasions, some may experience vomiting, nausea, weakness, unusual vision changes, and fainting.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.|1. May increase the risk of experiencing adverse effects when used with Alcohol.

2. Methyldopa, Molindone, Droperidol, Flupenthixol, Chlorprothixene, Haloperidol, Loxapine, Metoclopropamide,  Reserpine, Thiothixene, and Papaverine may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Ergot preparation or Pergolide.

2. Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have an irregular heartbeat or experience hallucinations.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  Caution should be exercised piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug. |Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if great than prescribed amounts are taken, contact area poison control center immediately.|Phenazopyridine||037\               AZO-Cheragan
Viridium|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Anesthetizes the lower urinary tract.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double dose.|This drug is an Analgesic, urinary, used to treat the symptoms of lower urinary tract infections.|On rare occasion, some may experience skin rash, bluish skin color, and jaundice when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a discoloration of their urine (red-orange) while using this drug.  This is expected and is not a concern.|1. Interactions are unlikely with this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any urinary analgesic or have hepatitis.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have liver disease or kidney disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in anemia and  a discoloration of the skin (yellow or orange).|Overdose symptoms can include weakness and breathing difficulties.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Phensuximide||008]               Milontin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  No

Retards nerve impulses through certain portions of the brain.|Allow approximately 3 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If  more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose...|This drug is an Anticonvulsant (succinimide) used to control epileptic seizures.|On rare occasions, some may experience vaginal bleeding, fever, swelling of the gums, skin rash, sore throat, bloody urine, confusion, depression, and abnormal bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience hiccups, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, drowsiness, and dizziness while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May initiate seizures when used with Alcohol, Antipsychotics, and Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May diminish the effect of Haloperidol and alter seizure patterns when used together.

3. May increase the effect of both drugs when used with other Anticonvulsants.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Succinimide Anticonvulsant.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have blood disease, liver disease, kidney disease, take other Anticonvulsants, or will become pregnant while taking this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, respiratory depression, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Phendimetrazine Tartrate||064_               Anorex
Bontril PDM
Bontril Slow-Release
Weh-Less Timecells|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  Yes

Stimulates the portion of the central nervous system that governs appetite.  Also raises blood pressure.|Allow approximately one hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose...|This drug is a Non amphetamine appetite suppressant used to suppress appetite.|On rare occasion, some may experience high blood pressure, tremor, vomiting, nausea, skin rash, sedation, muscle pain, diarrhea, chills, fever, headache, and blurred vision.  If this occurs, cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience euphoria, nervousness, insomnia, and restlessness while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Do not use with other Stimulants or Antidepressants.

2. May alter the effect of Insulin.

3. May decrease the hypotensive effect of Guanethidine.

4. May produce a dangerous raise in blood pressure when  used with MAO inhibitors.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have heart disease, glaucoma, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, have had an allergic reaction to other appetite suppressants, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.

4.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.  May aggravate existing conditions of diabetes and high blood pressure.

5.  Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug is not recommended.|Overdose symptoms can include cold/clammy skin, vomiting, nausea, tremor, confusion, fever, shallow breathing, hallucinations, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Phentermine Hydrochloride||064_               Adipex-P
Dapex 37.5
Phentrol|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Stimulates the portion of the central  nervous system that governs appetite.  Also raises blood pressure.|Allow approximately one hour for this drug to take effect.|If you  remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose...|This drug is a Non amphetamine appetite suppressant used to suppress the appetite.|On rare occasions, some may experience high blood pressure, tremor, vomiting, nausea, skin rash, sedation, muscle pain, diarrhea, chills, fever, headache and blurred vision.  If this occurs, cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience euphoria, nervousness, insomnia, and restlessness while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in producing adverse effects when used with Alcohol.

2. May alter the effect of Insulin.

3. May decrease the hypotensive effect of Guanethidine.

4. Do not use with other Stimulants or Antidepressants.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have heart disease, glaucoma, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, have had an allergic reaction to other appetite suppressants, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.

4.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.  May aggravate existing conditions of diabetes and high blood pressure.

5.  Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug is not recommended.|Overdose symptoms can include cold/clammy skin, vomiting, nausea, tremor, confusion, fever, shallow breathing, hallucinations, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Phenylbutazone||014b               Algoverine
Sterazolidin|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  Yes

Reduces the hormone prostaglandin in affected tissues.|Allow approximately one day for this drug to take effect.|If  you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anti-Inflammatory (non-steroidal) used to treat dysmenorrhea, the symptoms of gout and arthritis, and is occasionally used as a pain reliever.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If  this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasions, some may experience tightness in the chest, fever, heartburn, confusion, abnormal bruising or bleeding, sore throat, breathing difficulties, blurred vision, vomiting up blood, black stools, and blood in the urine.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience stomach upset and dizziness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in stomach bleeding or ulcers when used with Alcohol.  May also increase sedation.

2. May result in bone marrow toxicity when used with Trimethoprim and Methotrexate.

3. May cause internal bleeding when used with Ketoprofen.

4. May result in skin toxicity when used with Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine.

5. May decrease blood cell production when used with Flecainide and Tocainide.

6. May produce kidney damage when used with Gold Compounds.

7. May result in toxicity when used with Phenytoin and Penicillamine.

8. May result in the development of ulcers when used with Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, and Aspirin.

9. May diminish the effect of Acebutolol, Antihypertensives, Cortisone drugs, Digitoxin, Insulin and Minoxidil.

10. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants and oral Anti diabetics.

11. May diminish the antihypertensive effect when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers or Oxprenolol.

12. Rifampin may decrease the effect of this drug while Cholestyramine may decrease the absorption of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have any ulcerative colitis, gastritis, ileitis, peptic ulcer, enteritis, or are allergic to any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or aspirin.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, mental illness, have had high blood pressure, kidney disease or problems, heart failure, athsma, polymyalgia rheumatica, or temporal arthritis.

3.  This drug should not be used during pregnancy or breast-feeding.

4.  This drug should not be used by children less that 15 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in hearing loss, jaundice, eye damage, and damage to bone marrow.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, agitation, abdominal pain, (upper area), confusion, incoherence, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Pindolol||013[               Visken|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects beta receptors in the heart and blood vessels.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember at least 3 hours before your next scheduled dose, retake.  Continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is a Beta-adrenergic blocker used to treat high blood pressure.|Life-threatening effects can include congestive heart failure.  If  this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience a marked drop in heart rate while using this drug.  (less than 50 beats per minute)  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience pain in the joints, fever, insomnia, difficulty breathing, hallucinations, skin rash, sore throat, and nightmares.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol.

2. May significantly slow heart rate when used with Quinidine.

3. May worsen existing condition of congestive heart failure when used with Tocainide.

4. May result in dangerous sedation when used with Barbiturates or Narcotics.

5. May extend hypoglycemic effects when used with Insulin.

6. May produce depression and excessive sedation when used with Reserpine.

7. May increase the effect of Anti diabetics, Reserpine, Narcotics, Barbiturates, Antihypertensives and Verapamil.

8. May diminish the effect of Antihistamines and Beta-Agonists.

9. May result in lowered blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

10. Indomethacin, Phenytoin, and Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.

11. Timolol eyedrops and Betaxolol eyedrops may increase the effect of this drug.

12. May result in an increased antihypertensive effect when used with ACE inhibitors.

13. May either increase or decrease heart rate when used with Digitalis preparations.

14.  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may diminish the antihypertensive effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have any asthma, taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, experience hay fever symptoms, or are allergic to any Beta-Adrenergic Blocker.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have emphysema, heart disease, bronchitis (chronic), poor circulation in the arms or legs, asthma, diabetes, hay fever, overactive thyroid, liver problems, hypoglycemia, and kidney disorders.

3.  This drug should not be used during pregnancy or breast-feeding.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in weak heart muscle contractions.|Overdose symptoms can include cold/sweaty skin, drop in blood pressure, and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control immediately.|Podophyllum (Topical)||072[               Podofin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Destroys specific cells.|Allow approximately one month for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember, and continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is a Cytotoxic (topical) used in the treatment of venereal warts.|On rare occasion, some may experience vomiting, nausea, skin rash, abnormal bleeding, hallucinations, and diarrhea while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug  and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a reddening of the skin and burning sensation when this drug is applied.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the risk of central nervous system stimulation when used with Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used until the warts have been examined by your doctor.  (make your doctor aware if you have used this drug in the past.)

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  Extended use of this drug may lead to experiencing its adverse effects.|Overdose with this drug is the result of excessive absorption through the skin with symptoms that can include; difficulty breathing, excitement, abdominal pain, pain while urinating, irritability, dizziness, abnormal heartbeat, and seizure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Pimozide||070]               Orap|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects brain cells normally stimulated by the hormone dopamine.|Allow approximately  2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having  missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double dose.  |This drug is an Anti psychotic used in the treatment of Gilles de la  Tourette's syndrome and Schizophrenia.|Life-threatening effects can involve neuroleptic malignant syndrome and include muscle stiffness, fever, mood changes, sweating, abnormal heart rhythms, and changes in blood pressure.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, some may experience uncontrollable muscle movements in the face, neck, (and occasionally in the arms and legs), vomiting, nausea, depression, sedation, dizziness, dry mouth, salivation, chest pains, headache, menstrual problems, and breast secretions while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in the development of tardive dyskinesia when used with Anti psychotics.

2. May diminish the effect of Anticonvulsants.

3. Alcohol, Tranquilizers and other Central Nervous System depressants may increase the sedative effect of this drug.

4. May result in producing symptoms similar to Tourette's syndrome when used with Pemoline, Amphetamines and Methylphenidate.

5. May increase the risk of experiencing adverse effects when used with Antihistamines and Anticholinergics.

6. May result in producing adverse cardiac effects when used with Disopyromide, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Quinidine, Maprotiline, Phenothiazines, and Procainamide.

7. Phenothiazines may increase both the anticholinergic and depressive effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Pimozide or other Anti psychotic drugs.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have liver or kidney disorders, heart disease, or toxic depression.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult  with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision..

5.  People over 60 years of age may develop Tardive Dyskinesia while using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include restlessness, unusual body movements, difficult breathing, low blood pressure, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Pirbuterol Acetate||063Y               Maxair Inhaler|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Relaxes  muscles of the bronchial tubes by affecting beta-2 adrenergic receptors.|Allow approximately one hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Sympathamimetic Bronchodilator used to treat Bronchospasms and Asthma.|On rare occasion, some may experience irregular heartbeat, chest pain, muscle cramps, and hallucinations.  If this occurs, cease taking this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience insomnia, nervousness, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, headache, trembling and dry mouth.  If  this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. MAO inhibitors, Thyroids, Antidepressants, other Bronchialdilators and some Antihistamines may increase the effect of this drug and should be avoided.  May result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure.

2. May oppose the blood pressure lowering effect of Guanethidine, Reserpine and Methyldopa or other Beta Blockers..|1.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, prostate disease, seizures, stroke, diabetes, glaucoma, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.

4.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5.  Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include dilated pupils, hallucinations, lowered body temperature, drowsiness, stupor and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Pravastatin||046Z               Pravachol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces total cholesterol  and LDL-Cholesterol, increases HDL-Cholesterol and lowers VLDL-Cholesterol and triglycerides.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a cholesterol lowering agent, Antihyperlipidemic, used to reduce high-cholesterol levels.|On rare occasion, some may experience coughing, chest pain, muscle pain, and problems urinating.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach pain, diarrhea, fatigue, skin rash, constipation, and dizziness.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms.|1. May increase the effect of Colestipol and Cholestyramine.

2. Avoid using this drug with Gemfibrozil.

3. May result in muscle problems when used with Niacin, Cyclosporine,  Erythromycin and Gemfibrozil.

4. Consult with your doctor before using with Warfarin, Digoxin, Anti seizure drugs and Cimetidine.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have a history of liver disease, are allergic to Pravastatin, or have cataracts.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with  your doctor before using this drug.

3.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

4.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|If greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Promethazine Hydrochloride||017]               Anergan
Dihydrocodeine Compound
Mepergan Fortis
Phenergan Fortis
Phenergan Plain
PMS Promethazine
Promet 50
ZiPan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, wait 12 hours until your next dose and continue based on this new schedule.|This drug is an Antihistamine, tranquilizer (phenothiazine) used to treat motion sickness, induce sleep, and suppress the allergic symptoms associated with hay fever.|Life-threatening effects can include uncontrollable muscle movements (especially noticeable in the face).  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience drowsiness, restlessness, and tremor while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May cause a dangerous level of sedation when used with Alcohol or Methyprylon.

2. May produce over sedation when used with Barbiturates or Terfenadine.

3. May result in producing dangerous effects of Ethinamate when used together.

4. May increase the effect of Anticholinergics, Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Antihistamines, Dronabinol (will increase both drugs), Glycopyrrolate, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives and Tranquilizers.

5. May produce adverse effects when used with Leucovorin.

6. May diminish the effect of Appetite suppressants, Guanethidine and Levodopa.

7. May increase the depressant effect of both drugs when used with Fluoxetine or Guanfacine.

8. MAO inhibitors and Tricyclic Antidepressants may increase the effect of this drug.  

9. Antacids may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have bone marrow disease or are allergic to any Phenothiazine drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have Glaucoma, Asthma, Lung disorders, prostate gland problems, take Amphetamines, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to children less than 2 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age may develop Tardive Dyskinesia when using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of Tardive Dyskinesia.|Overdose symptoms can include convulsions, stupor, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Propafenone||015Z               Rythmol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Retards nerve conduction in the heart muscle.  Also desensitizes the heart muscle to stimulation by the cardiac nerves.|Allow approximately 3 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiarrhythmic used to stabilize irregular heartbeats.|Life-threatening effects can include an exceptionally fast or irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience shortness of  breath, skin rash, chest pain, and blurred vision.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May create heartbeat irregularities when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in producing a toxic effect on cardiac muscles when used with other Antiarrhythmics, Carteolol and Nicardipine.

3. May increase the effect of Cimetidine and Nizatidine.

4. May produce elevated levels of Digoxin in the blood when used together.

5. May increase the effect of Guanfacine when used together.  This combination may also increase the effect of Propafenone.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have "right bundle branch block" or atrioventricular block.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, "sick sinus syndrome", liver disease, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, changes in blood potassium levels, or have recently experienced a heart attack.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving to infants and children.

5.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Periodic examinations should be considered if using this drug for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include unconsciousness, extremely slow heartbeat, weakness, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Propoxyphene
Propoxyphene Napsylate||029]               Darvocet
Darvon  Compound-65 (with Aspirin and Caffeine)
Dolene AP-65 (with Acetaminophen)
Genagesic (with Acetaminophen)
Wygesic (with Acetaminophen)|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Produces analgesic effect on affected tissues.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as your remember, then wait 4 hours for the next dose.  Continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is a Narcotic Analgesic used in the treatment of mild to moderate pain.  May also be used in conjunction with Acetominophen or Aspirin.  Darvon and Dolene are Narcotic Analgesics, Darvon Compound-65 is a Narcotic and Aspirin, and Dolene AP-65, Genagesic, and Wygesic are Narcotic and Acetaminophen.  While all are used to relieve pain, the analgesics also treat coughing and diarrhea.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, difficulty breathing and fainting.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience irregular breathing, face swelling, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, hallucinations, constipation, disorientation, and jaundice.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience fatigue, dizziness, flushed face, and urination difficulties.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May increase the sedative effect of Alcohol, Narcotics, Sedatives, Hypnotics, Tranquilizers and Antihistamines.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Narcotic, misuse or abuse drugs, have a history of emotional disturbances, or suicidal tendencies.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

4.  People over 60 yeas of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5.  Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving, working around machinery or any activity requiring alertness  while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include abnormal heart rhythms, extreme sleeplessness, slow breathing, pinpoint pupils, stupor, convulsions, coma, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Protiptyline Hydrochloride||019]               Vivactil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  No

Mechanism of its antidepressant action on humans is basically unknown.|Allow approximately 2-4 weeks for this drug to take effect.|For medication taken once a day:  If you remember within 3 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant Tricyclic, used to treat some forms of depression.|On rare occasion, some may experience convulsions or involuntary facial movements (lips, tongue, jaw) when taking this drug.  If this occurs, contact medical help immediately.  Additionally, some may experience tremor when using this drug.  If this happens, cease using this drug and consult with your physician immediately.|1. May be fatal when used with MAO inhibitors.

2. May increase the effect of Barbiturates, Tranquilizers, other Depressants and Alcohol.  Do not use Alcohol while using this drug.

3. May produce abnormal heart rhythms when used with Thyroid drugs.

4. Acetazolamide and Bicarbonate of Soda may increase the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you consume alcohol, have glaucoma, have had a heart attack within the last 6 weeks, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last two weeks, or are allergic to any Tricyclic Antidepressant.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, convulsive disorders, thyroid disease, or difficulty urinating.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to children less than 12 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience headache, insomnia, seizures, shaking, dizziness, and hallucinations while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include extremely low blood pressure, abnormal heart rate, drowsiness, dilated pupils, convulsions, stupor, coma, and heart failure.  If  you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Quazepam||051`               Doral|  * Addiction Potential?  Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  No

Relaxes skeletal muscles and slows nerve transmissions by increasing the effect of the amino acid GABA in the brain.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2  hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Sedative, Hypnotic, used to treat insomnia.|On rare occasion, some may experience tremor, confusion, depression, blurred vision, lethargy, headache, disorientation, abnormal rhythms, and slurred speech.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Alcohol, MAO inhibitors, Antihistamines, Tranquilizers, Narcotics, Sleep inducers, Antidepressants, and Barbiturates may increase the depressant effect of this drug.

2. Theophylline may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have narrow angle glaucoma or are allergic to Quazepam or any Benzodiazepine drugs.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have open angle glaucoma.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Exercise caution while piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction and experiencing withdrawal symptoms when discontinued.|Overdose symptoms can include shallow breathing, confusion, sleepiness, lowered blood pressure, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Rifampin||022Y               Rifadin
Rofact|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits the reproduction of tuberculosis organisms (Mycobacterium tuberculosis).|Allow approximately 2 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antibiotic (Rifamycin) used to treat Tuberculosis.|On rare occasion, some may experience; vomiting, nausea, jaundice, skin rash, itching, flushed face, abdominal cramps, and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience red colored urine and diarrhea.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May produce liver toxicity when used with Alcohol, Isoniazid, Ketoconazole, and Probenecid.

2. May result in kidney and bone marrow toxicity when used with Tiopronin.  May produce bone marrow toxicity when used with other marrow toxic agents.

3. May diminish the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Barbiturates, oral Contraceptives, Cortisone drugs, Dapsone, Digitoxin, Disopyramide,  Methadone, Nicardipine, Nimodipine, oral Antidiabetics Theophylline and Trimethoprim.

4. May diminish the effects of both drugs when used with Chloramphenicol, Cyclosporine, Estrogens and Quinidine.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Rifampin.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, wear soft contact lenses, or are an alcoholic.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

5.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

7.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include cold/sweaty skin, shallow (slow) breathing, rapid pulse, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Ritodrine||089\               Yutopar|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits uterine contractions by stimulating beta-nerve receptors in the muscles of the uterus.|Allow approximately one hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a labor inhibitor beta-adrenergic stimulator used to prevent premature labor.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching hives,difficulty breathing and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help  immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a fast, irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in experiencing adverse effect when used with Alcohol.

2. May produce hypotension or heart arrhythmias when used with Meperidine, general Anesthetics and Magnesium Sulfate.

3. May result in producing fluid in the lungs (of the mother) when used with Adrenal Corticoteroids.

4. Beta-Adrenergic blockers may diminish the effect of this drug.

5. May experience the adverse effects of both drugs when used with Sympathomimetics.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have lung problems, heart disease, overactive thyroid, eclampsia, uterus infections, or bleeding disorders.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, pre-eclampsia, or asthma.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not used for infants and children.

5.  This drug is not used by people over 60 years of age.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while taking this drug over extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include shortness of breath and a rapid/irregular heartbeat.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Secobarbital||086]               Novo Secobarb
Tuinal|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  Yes

Inhibits the transmission of specific nerve impulses to the brain.|Allow approximately one hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed  you dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Sedative, Hypnotic (barbiturate) used to treat insomnia.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives and  faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience breathing difficulties, swelling of the face, fever, agitation, sore throat, slow heartbeat and jaundice.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience drowsiness, the feeling of "hangover" and dizziness while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in fatal over sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in dangerous over sedation when used with Antihistamines, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Pain Relievers, Sedatives, Sleep inducers and Tranquilizers.

3. May alter seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

4. May diminish the effect of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, oral Anticoagulants, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Aspirin, Griseofulvin, Beta-Adrenergic blockers, Cortisone drugs, oral Contraceptives, Estrogens, Digitoxin, Doxycycline and Metronidazole.

5. May increase the effect of Dronabinol (may increase the effect of both drugs) and Indapamide.

6. MAO inhibitors, Valproic Acid, and Disulfiram may increase the effect of this drug.  Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have porphyria or are allergic to any Barbiturate.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have chronic pain, epilepsy, asthma, kidney damage, anemia, liver damage, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under strict medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to anemia, chronic intoxication, lower body temperature, and addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include, weak pulse, deep sleep, hypotension, coma, and pulmonary edema.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Selegiline||027]               Eldepryl
Procythol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits monoamine oxidase (Type B) in the brain.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug us an antidyskinetic used to treat depression (mental) and Parkinson's disease.  Usually used with Levodopa and/or Carbidopa in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.|Life-threatening effects can include vomiting, nausea, neck stiffness, dilated pupils, and extreme chest pain.  If this occurs, contact emergency medial help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience problems urinating, mood changes, headache, unusual movements of the body, and hallucinations.  If this occurs,  cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience blood in stools, irregular heartbeat, swelling of the feet, wheezing, and chest pain.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.|1. May cause seizures, coma and death when used with Narcotics (especially Demerol and Meperidine).

2. May cause extreme toxicity when used with Alcohol.

3. May increase the chance of experiencing adverse effects when used with Levodopa.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Selegiline.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have, or have had, peptic ulcers.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include cold/clammy skin, muscle spasms (neck and heel) irregular (fast) heartbeat, sweating, agitation, chest pains, fainting, seizures, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Sulfacytine||053\               Renoquid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents bacterial growth by inhibiting folic acid, necessary for their growth and reproduction.|Allow approximately one week for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed a dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Sulfa (sulfonamide) used to treat specific urinary-tract infections.|It is not uncommon for some to experience skin rash and itching when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience blood in the urine, sore throat, fever, muscle pains, back pain (lower), tingling sensation in the hands or feet, jaundice, skin blistering, and pain during urination.  If  this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a toxic effect on the brain when used with Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin) and Antidiabetics.

2. May produce a toxic effect on the kidneys when used with Tiopronin and kidney blockage when used with Methenamine.

3. May produce a toxic effect on the liver when used with Hepatotoxic agents.

4. May produce anemia when used with Isoniazid.

5. Aspirin, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenylbutazone Probenecid, Sulfinpyrazone, and Trimethoprim may increase the sulfa effect of this drug.

6. May produce a toxic effect on the granulocytes system when used with Clozapine.

7. May increase the effect of Alcohol.

8. Calcium supplements and Para-Aminosalicylic Acid may diminish the sulfa effect of this drug.

9. May decrease the effect of Penicillins.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Sulfa drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have porphyria, drug related anemia, liver disease, kidney disease, are prone to allergies, or are allergic to Oral Antidiabetics, Thiazide diuretics, Loop diuretics, or Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to infants less than one month of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may lead to enlargement of the thyroid gland and additional infections.|Overdose symptoms can include blood in urine and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Sulfasalazine||053_               Azaline
Azulfidine En-Tabs
PMS Sulfasalazine
PMS Sulfasalazine EC
S.A.S. Enteric|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Prevents the destruction of tissues in the colon.|Allow approximately one week for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Sulfa (sulfonamide) used to treat ulcerative colitis.|It is not uncommon for some to experience skin rash and itching while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience blood in urine, sore throat, muscle pains, back pain (lower), tingling sensation in the hands or feet, jaundice, skin blisters, pain during urination.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce toxic effects on the brain when used with Antidiabetics and Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin).

2. May produce toxic effects on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

3. May result in kidney blockage when used with Methenamine.

4. May result in liver toxicity when used with Hepatotoxic agents.

5. May result in anemia when used with Isoniazid.

6. May produce Zidovudine toxicity when used together.

7. Aspirin, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenylbutazone, Probenecid, Sulfinpyrazone and Trimethoprim may increase the sulfa effect of this drug.

8. Antibiotics, Calcium supplements and Iron supplements may diminish the sulfa effect of this drug.

9. May decrease the effect of Penicillins.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Sulfa drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have porphyria, drug related anemia, liver disease, are prone to allergies, or are allergic to oral Antidiabetics, Thiazide or Loop Diuretics, or Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to infants less than one month of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may lead to enlargement of the thyroid gland and additional infections.|Overdose symptoms can include blood in urine, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Amiodarone||015Z               Cordarone|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Impedes nerve impulses to the heart.|Allow approximately 3 months for this drug to take effect.|If you miss a dose, forget that dose and continue your regular schedule.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiarrhythmic used to treat (or prevent) heartbeat irregularities.|Life-threatening effects can include coughing, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a tingling sensation in the hands or feet, fever, a feeling of shakiness, and weakness (especially in the extremities).  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce heartbeat irregularities when used with Alcohol, Diuretics and other Antiarrhythmics.

2. May decrease heartbeat when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

3. May result in heart block when used with Calcium Channel blockers.  Note:  (Heart block is a defect in  the electrical impulses of the heart, resulting in arrhythmia or heartbeat irregularities.)

4. May have a toxic effect on the heart muscle when used with Encainide.

5. May result in toxicity of both drugs when used with Nicardipine or Propafenone.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Amiodarone.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, kidney disease, thyroid disease, lung disease or liver disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under strict medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience leg pains while using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may cause discoloration of the skin (blue-gray).  Periodic medical examinations should be considered during prolonged use of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include unconsciousness, irregular heartbeat, and seizures.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Benazepril Hydrochloride||049Z               Lotensin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits angiotensin-converting enzyme.  Catalyzes the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II.|Allow approximately 6 hours for this drug to take effect.|If  taken twice a day and you forget a dose, retake as soon as you remember, then wait 5 or 6 hours before taking the next dose.  Then continue your regular schedule.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion, some may experience anxiety, stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, sore throat, mouth sores, chest pain, swelling of  the fact or throat, breathing difficulties, skin rash, abnormal heart beat, tingling sensation in the feet or hands, muscle cramps and heart palpitations.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache, coughing, dizziness, nausea, and tiredness while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Beta-Blockers and Diuretics.

2. May significantly raise the level of potassium in the blood when used with Dyazide.

3. May result in Lithium toxicity when used together.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have renal artery stenosis, kidney problems, congestive heart failure, or are allergic to Benazepril Hydrochloride.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney function disorders.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Avoid hot weather conditions and/or intense physical exertion while using this drug.  May result in dehydration and a rapid drop in blood pressure.|Overdose symptoms can include a dizziness, fainting, and a rapid drop in blood pressure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Bendroflumethiazide||006Z               Corzide
Rauzide|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  No

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion, some may experience skin rash, and hives when using this drug.  If  this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some can experience fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, weak pulse, and blurred vision.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May result in dangerous heart rhythms when used with Cortisone drugs or Digitalis preparations.

3. May cause an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

4. May produce heartbeat irregularities when used with Amiodarone.

5. Bumetanide, Ethacrynic Acid, Furosemide, Indapamide and Metolazone may increase the diuretic effect of this drug.

6. Cholestyramine, Colestipol and Indomethacin may diminish the effect of this drug.

7. Antihypertensives and MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorders, gout, liver or pancreas problems, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, or are allergic to Tartrazine Dye or any Sulfa drugs.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience dizziness while using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, weak pulse, cramps, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Benzhiazide||006Z               Aquastat
Hydrex|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Encourage the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion, some may experience skin rash and hives.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, weak pulse, and blurred vision.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May result in dangerous heart rhythms when used with Cortisone drugs and Digitalis preparations.

3. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

4. May produce heartbeat irregularities when used with Amiodarone.

5. Furosemide, Indapamide, Metolazone and Bumetanide may increase the diuretic effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorders, gout, liver or pancreas problems, diabetes, systemic lupus, erythematosis, or are allergic to Tartrazine Dye or any Sulfa drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with  your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness while using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, weak pulse, cramps, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Bepridil Hydrochloride||007Z               Vascor|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Blocks the passage of calcium into the heart and smooth muscles.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Calcium Channel Blocker used to prevent the pain associated with Angina.|On rare occasion, some may experience depression, wheezing, heart palpitations, hallucinations, fever, loss of memory, sore throat, ringing sensation in the ears, breathing difficulties, insomnia, very rapid or slow heartbeat, and hallucinations.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nervousness, lightheadedness, dizziness, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in extremely low blood pressure and heart failure when used with Beta-Blocking drugs.

2. May increase the effect of Anticoagulants.

3. May result in serious adverse effects when used with Quinidine, Procainamide, Cardiac Glycosides, Tricyclic Antidepressants and other Antiarrhythmics.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have a history of abnormal heart rhythms or are allergic to Bepridil Hydrochloride.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart failure, liver disorders, or kidney problems.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age, especially those with kidney or liver disorders, should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include abnormal  heart rhythm, dizziness, confusion, nausea, extremely low blood pressure, slurred speech, and weakness.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Betaxolol||071Z               Betoptic sterile Ophthalmic solution
Kerlone tablets|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Blocks specific actions of the sympathetic nervous system.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.|Tablet:  If you remember within 8 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 8 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.  Eyedrops:  Reapply as soon as you remember, then continue based on the revised schedule.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Beta-Adrenergic Blocker used to treat glaucoma and high blood pressure.|Some people may experience hallucinations, low blood pressure, lightheadedness, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, depression, fever, and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, the eye drops can cause an unusually slow heartbeat, insomnia, depression, confusion, and sensitivity to light.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a sudden increase in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

2. May increase the effect of Insulin and oral Antidiabetics.

3. May diminish the effect of Digitalis preparations.

4. Aminophylline, Estrogens, Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs and Theophylline may diminish the effect of this drug.

5. Over-the-counter cough, cold and allergy drugs may aggravate some types of heart disease and high blood pressure when used with this drug.

6. Do not use Betaxolol eyedrops at the same time you are using Betaxolol tablets.  May result in experiencing the adverse  effects of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have heart block, heart failure, extremely slow heart rate, have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, or are allergic to any Beta-Adrenergic Blocker.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have overactive thyroid, diabetes, asthma, kidney or liver problems, bronchitis, or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, reduced heart rate, and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Chlorothiazide||006Z               Diachlor
Diuril|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensie, diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion, some may experience skin rash and hives.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, weak pulse, and blurred vision.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop  in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May produce dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations or Cortisone drugs.

3. May cause dizziness when used with Opiates.

4. May produce heartbeat irregularities when used with Amiodarone.

5. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Thiazide diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorders, gout, liver or pancreas problems, diabetes, or are allergic to any sulfa drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness, while using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug  should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, weak pulse, cramps, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Chlorthalidone||006Z               Apo-Chlorthalide
Uridon|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive Diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On  rare occasion, some may experience skin rash and hives.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, weak pulse, and blurred vision.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May produce dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations and Cortisone drugs.

3. May produce heartbeat irregularities when used with Amiodarone.

4. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

5. May result in excessive blood potassium when used with Enalapril.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorders, gout, liver or pancreas problems, diabetes, or are allergic to any sulfa drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness, while using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug  should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, weak pulse, cramps, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Hydrochlorothiazide||006Z               Aldactazide
Diuchlor H
HydrochloroThiazide Intensol
Timolol and HydrochloroThiazide
Zide|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 6 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 6 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On  rare occasion, some may experience an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and may include skin rash and hives.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, weak pulse, and blurred vision.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May produce dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations or Cortisone drugs.

3. May produce heartbeat irregularities when used with Amiodarone.

4. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

5. May cause dizziness when used with Opiates.

6. May lower blood pressure when used with ACE inhibitors.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic or Triamterene.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorders, gout, liver or pancreas problems, diabetes, are allergic to any sulfa drug, or will be having surgery within the next two months (including dental) that may require either general or spinal anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness, while using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug  should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, weak pulse, cramps, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Hydroflumethiazide||006Z               Diucardin
Hydro-FLuserpine #1 and #2
Salutensin|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On  rare occasion, some may experience skin rash and hives.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, weak pulse, and blurred vision.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop  in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May produce dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations or Cortisone drugs.

3. May cause dizziness when used with Opiates.

4. May produce heartbeat irregularities when used with Amiodarone.

5. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

6. May increase blood sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.

7. May lower blood pressure when used with ACE inhibitors.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorders, gout, liver or pancreas problems, diabetes, or are allergic to any sulfa drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness, while using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug  should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, weak pulse, cramps, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Metharbital||086]               Gemonil|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Retards nerve impulses at the nerve cell connections.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Sedative, hypnotic (barbiturate) used to treat convulsions.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, difficulty breathing and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience drowsiness, a sensation of "hangover" and dizziness.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.  On rare occasions, some may experience jaundice, breathing difficulties, fever, slow heartbeat, and agitation.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May be fatal when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in dangerous over sedation when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Pain Relievers, Sedatives, Sleep inducers and Tranquilizers.

3. The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Anticoagulants, Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, Aspirin, Beta-Adrenergic blockers, oral Contraceptives, Cortisone drugs, Digitoxin, Doxycycline, Estrogen and Griseofulvin.

4. The use of this drug may increase the effect of Indapamide and Dronabinol.

5. Valproic Acid, Disulfiram, MAO inhibitors and Dronabinol may increase the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have porphyria or are allergic to any barbiturate.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have anemia, kidney disorders, epilepsy, liver damage, asthma, chronic pains, or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should  use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to anemia, chronic intoxication, and addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include weak pulse, deep sleep, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Methyclothiazide||006Z               Aquatensen
Enduronyl|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On  rare occasion, some may experience skin rash and hives.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, weak pulse, and blurred vision.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop  in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May produce dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations or Cortisone drugs.

3. May cause dizziness when used with Opiates.

4. May produce heartbeat irregularities when used with Amiodarone.

5. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

6. May increase blood sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.

7. May lower blood pressure when used with ACE inhibitors.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorders, gout, liver or pancreas problems, diabetes, or are allergic to any sulfa drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness, while using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug  should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, weak pulse, cramps, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Metolazone||006Z               Diulo
Zaroxolyn|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On  rare occasion, some may experience skin rash and hives.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, weak pulse, and blurred vision.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop  in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May produce dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations or Cortisone drugs.

3. May cause dizziness when used with Opiates.

4. May produce heartbeat irregularities when used with Amiodarone.

5. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

6. May increase blood sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorders, gout, liver or pancreas problems, diabetes, or are allergic to any sulfa drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness, while using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug  should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, weak pulse, cramps, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Polythiazide||006Z               Renese|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember  within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your  next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasions, some may experience skin rash or hives.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience jaundice, fever, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, blurred vision and weak pulse.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop  in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May produce dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations or Cortisone drugs.

3. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

4. May increase blood sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.

6. May lower blood pressure when used with ACE inhibitors.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorder, gout, liver or pancreas problems, or are allergic to any sulfa  drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness while using this drug.

5.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving or working around machinery while under the influence of  this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.

7.  Stay out of sunlight.|Overdose symptoms can include, weak pulse, drowsiness, weakness, cramps and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Quinethazone||006Z               Hydromox|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until  your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion, some may experience skin rash or hives.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience fever, jaundice, vomiting, nausea, weak pulse, abdominal pain, and blurred vision.  If  this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

2. May increase blood sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.

3. May lower blood pressure when used with ACE inhibitors.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorders, gout, liver or pancreas problems, or are allergic to any sulfa drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness while using this drug.

5.  Caution should be exercised piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include weak pulse, drowsiness, cramps, weakness, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help  and area poison control center immediately.|Trichlormethiazide||006Z               Metahydrin
Naqua|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion, some may experience skin rash or hives.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience fever, jaundice, vomiting, nausea, weak pulse, abdominal pain, and blurred vision.  If  this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop  in blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May produce dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations or Cortisone drugs.

3. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

5. May increase blood sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.

6. May lower blood pressure when used with ACE inhibitors.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to any Thiazide Diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have kidney disorders, gout, liver or pancreas problems, or are allergic to any sulfa drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness while using this drug.

5.  Caution should be exercised piloting aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.

7.  Stay out of sunlight.|Overdose symptoms can include weak pulse, drowsiness, cramps, weakness, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help  and area poison control center immediately.|Thyroglobulin||052b               Proloid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Augments the decreased output of thyroid from the thyroid gland.|Allow approximately 2 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Thyroid hormone used to treat thyroid hormone deficiency.|It is not uncommon for some to experience insomnia, tremor, headache, and irritability while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with  your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience chest pain, breathing difficulties, hives, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, and skin rash.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May cause overdose symptoms when used with over-the-counter medications used to treat coughs, colds and allergies.

2. May result in abnormal heart rhythms when used with Maprotiline, Sympathomimetics and Tricyclic Antidepressants.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have experienced a heart attack within the last 6 weeks.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have Addison's disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, have had adrenal gland disorders, or take medications for asthma.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include; heart palpitations, diarrhea, muscle cramps, insomnia, tremors in the hands, angina, and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Tiopronin||065\               Capen
Vincol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Eliminates excessive cystine from the body.|This drug begins to take effect right away.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiurolithic used to prevent the formation of kidney stones.|It is not uncommon for some to experience itching, mouth sores or ulcers, and skin rash when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience pain in the joints, breathing problems, and chills while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in producing the toxic effects of this drug when used with Bone Marrow Depressants or Nephrotoxins.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Penicillamine or Tiopronin.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have had kidney problems, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, or aplastic anemia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age, (especially those with kidney problems), should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Drink plenty of water.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Tobramycin||022c               Tobrex ophthalmic ointment/solution|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Destroys susceptible bacteria.|Allow approximately 2 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antibiotic, (topical) used to treat specific bacterial infections of the eye.|It is not uncommon for some to experience swelling of both the eye and eyelid and itching when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1.  This drug should not be used for extended periods.  May result in additional infections.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  Do not touch tube with fingers after application--do not share with others.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if taken orally, contact poison control center immediately.|Tocainide||015Z               Tonocard|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects the speed at which nerve impulses influence the heart's ventricle.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 4 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 4 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anti arrhythmic used to stabilize heartbeat iregularities.|It is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness, vomiting, nausea, and lightheadedness when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience wheezing, headache, coughing, chills, trembling, disorientation, abnormal bruising or bleeding, and seizures.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in an irregular heartbeat when used with Alcohol.

2. May worsen existing congestive heart failure when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

3. May result in heart muscle toxicity when used with Clozapine or Tiopronin.

4. May increase the risk of adverse effects of both drugs when used with Nimodipine and other Antiarrhythmics.

5. Cimetidine may increase the toxic effect of this drug.

6. May increase the toxic effect of both drugs when used with Nicardipine.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have myasthenia gravis, or are allergic to Anesthetics or Tocainide.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you take medications or heart problems, take anti-cancer drugs, have congestive heart failure, have kidney disease, will become pregnant while using this drug, have liver disease, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include pulmonary depression, convulsions, and heart attack.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control immediately.|Trifluoperazine||051]               Apo-Trifluoperazine
Tripazine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects the hypothalamus portion of the brain.|Allow approximately 4- 6 weeks to affect anxiety.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Tranquilizer, antiemetic (Phenothiazine) used to treat anxiety.|Life-threatening effects include uncontrollable muscle movements.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience muscle spasms of  the neck and face when using this drug.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience fainting when using this drug.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.|1. May result in dangerous over sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in dangerous heart disturbances when used with Quinidine.

3. May increase the effect of Guanethidine, Tranquilizers, Sedatives, Phenytoin, Anticholinergics, Antihistamines,  Dronabinol, Mind-altering drugs and Narcotics.

4. May diminish the effect of  Levodopa and Appetite suppressants.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have bone marrow disease, blood disease, or are allergic to any Phenothiazine.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have prostate gland problems, asthma, glaucoma, take medication for asthma, or ulcers, use amphetamines, or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to children less than 2 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age may develop Tardive Dyskinesia when using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of Tardive Dyskinesia.

8.  Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, use a sunscreen.

9.  May discolor urine.

10.  Avoid hot weather.  May increase heat stroke.|Overdose symptoms can include; stupor, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Trihexyphenidyl||027`               Aparkane
Artane Sequels
Trihexy|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Reduces muscle spasms.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidyskinetic, antiparkinsonism used to treat both Parkinson's disease and the  negative effects of the drug Phenothiazine.|On rare occasion, some may experience hallucinations, skin rash, hives, fever, swelling of the glands in the neck, dizziness, amnesia, pain the eyes, delusions, and paranoia.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience vomiting, nausea, blurred vision and constipation while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms as soon as possible.|1. May produce excessive sedation when used with Tranquilizers or Primidone.

2. May produce behavior changes when used with Haloperidol.

3. May result in Digoxin toxicity when used together.

4. May cause glaucoma when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Antidyskinetic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have, or had, heart disease, glaucoma, high blood pressure, liver disorders, kidney disease, or difficulty urinating.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should  not be given to children less than 3 years of age.  All others should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience nightmares, hallucinations, and additional problems associated with existing prostate gland disorders.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of glaucoma.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations, dilated pupils, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, and sleepiness.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Trimethobenzamide||033_               Tebamide
Tiject-20|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the brain.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then wait the prescribed interval before taking the next dose.  Continue based on the revised schedule.|This drug is an Antiemetic used to treat vomiting and nausea.|On rare occasion, some may experience; convulsions when taking this drug.  If  this occurs, contact medical emergency help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience spasms of the neck, fever, tremor, depression, (mental), jaundice, vomiting, and seizure.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Narcotics, Sedatives and Tranquilizers may increase the sedative effect of this drug.

2 May result in over sedation when used with Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any local anesthetics or Trimethobenzamide.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have experienced adverse effects when using Antihistamines.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  May produce dangerous adverse effects when given to infants and children.  Consult with your doctor before using.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience lowered blood pressure when using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in bone marrow damage, tremors, and rigidity.|Overdose symptoms can include; confusion, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Trimipramine Maleate||019]               Surmontil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects on the central nervous system are unknown at this time.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant, tricyclic, used to treat some types of depression.|Life-threatening effects can include cardiac arrest.  If  this occurs, contact emergency medial help immediately.  On rare occasions, some may experience convulsions when using this drug.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience anxiety, a tingling sensation in the arms or legs, confusion, muscle spasms, fever, nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, insomnia, jaundice, diarrhea, discoloration of the tongue (black), and slurred vision.  If  this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May be fatal when used with MAO inhibitors.

2. May increase the effects of Tranquilizers, Barbiturates, Alcohol and other Depressants.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have taken any MAO inhibitor within the last 2 weeks, (may be fatal), have glaucoma, consumed alcohol, had a heart attack within the last 6 weeks, are allergic to any Tricyclic Antidepressants, or have a history of convulsive disorders or heart disease.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  This drug should not be given to children less than 12 years of age.

4.  People over 60 years of age may experience insomnia, hallucinations, problems urinating, shaking, fainting, and seizures.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug  should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations, dilated pupils, abnormal heart beat, respiratory failure, lowered body temperature, stupor, convulsions, coma, and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Warfarin Sodium||001Z               Carfin
Sofarin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Depresses synthesis in the liver of various coagulation mechanisms associated with a variety of diseases.|Allow approximately 2 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.  Note:  Keep your doctor aware of any doses you may have missed.|This drug is an Anticoagulant used as a blood thinning agent to reduce abnormal blood clotting.|On rare occasions, some may experience bleeding under the skin, blood in vomit, black stool, and coughing up blood.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience bloating while using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before using Warfarin with any other prescription or non prescription drug.  Warfarin can be extremely dangerous if not used properly.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have a peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, bleeding disorders, or are allergic to any oral anticoagulants.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, liver disease, abnormal menstrual periods (unusually heavy or extended), kidney disease, or will be having surgery, (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should be followed up by periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include coughing up blood, blood in vomit, bloody or black stool, or blood in urine.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Amiloride||006Z               Midamor|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 8 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 8 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a diuretic used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion, some may experience fever, chills, dry mouth, coughing, back pain, breathing difficulties, and black stools.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon to experience constipation, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, headache, and diarrhea.  If  this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Nicardipine or Nimodipine.

2. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates and Alcohol.

3. May result in Lithium toxicity when used together.

4. May result in excessive blood potassium when used with ACE inhibitors.

5. May result in heartbeat irregularities when used with Amiodarone.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Amiloride or if your blood potassium level is  higher than normal.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience excess potassium in your blood when using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include nervousness, confusion, weakness (extreme), and irregular (rapid) heartbeat.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Amiloride and Hydrochlorothiazide||006Z               Moduret
Moduretic|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic (Thiazide) used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion, some may experience skin rash, hives, jaundice, abdominal bruising, or bleeding.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a weak pulse, muscle cramps, tingling sensation in the feet and hands, and heartbeat irregularity.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Nicardipine and Nimodipine.

2. May result in Lithium toxicity when used together.

3. May lead to dangerous heart rhythms when used with Digitalis preparations or Cortisone drugs.

4. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Amiloride or any Thiazide Diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, kidney disorders, gout, diabetes, liver or pancreas problems, or are allergic to any sulfa drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under strict medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness when using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include; weak pulse, cramps, weakness, irregular heartbeat, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Amphetamines||061]               Amfetamine|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  Yes

Stimulates the central nervous system.|Allow approximately 1/2 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Central Nervous System stimulant used to treat hyperactive children and prevent narcolepsy.|It is not uncommon for some to experience a pounding sensation of the heart when taking this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience blurred vision, skin rash, chest pain, hives, dizziness, uncontrollable body movements, and irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, quite a few people experience euphoria, nervousness, dry mouth, irritability, and insomnia when taking this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Avoid using with Alcohol.

2. May result in seizures when used with Sympathomimetics.

3. May produce abnormal heartbeat when used with General Anesthesias, Beta-Blockers and Thyroid hormones.

4. May produce an extreme rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia, or are allergic to any Amphetamine.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, mental illness, heart disease, anxiety, blood vessel disease, or overactive thyroid.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to children less than 12 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include homicidal or suicidal feelings, high fever, rapid heartbeat, hyperactivity, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Amyl Nitrite Inhalant||049Z               Amyl Nitrate Inhalant|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Relaxes coronary arteries, allowing greater blood supply to heart muscles.|Allow approximately 5 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Use only as needed or as directed by your doctor.|This drug is a Coronary Vasodilator used to treat angina pectoris attacks.|It is not uncommon for some to experience restlessness, rapid heartbeat, rapid pulse, and headache when taking this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this dug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience dizziness and lightheadedness.  If  this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in dizziness or fainting when used with Antihypertensives.

2. Sympathomimetics may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have experienced a recent injury to your head.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, overactive thyroid, are anemic, or have had a recent heart attack.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.

8.  Very flammable, protect from heat.|Overdose symptoms can include rapid heartbeat, dizziness, breathing difficulties, a feeling of  increased pressure inside the head, a bluish color of the fingernails and lips, and fainting.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Anesthetics (Local/Ophthalmic)
Tetracaine||031c               Ak-Taine
Pontocaine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Blocks nerve impulses responsible for pain in the eye.|Works within seconds|N/A|This drug is an Anesthetic, local (ophthalmic) used to prevent eye pain during ophthalmic testing procedures.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (Anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If  this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience watery eyes, nervousness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a burning or stinging sensation when applying this drug to the eyes.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Interactions are unlikely with this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Ophthalmic Anesthetic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are allergic to Butamben, Benzocaine, Procaine,Chloroprocaine, Butacaine, Propoxycain, or any type of  sunscreen.

3.  Extended use of this drug may impede the healing process.

4. If pregnant or breast feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5. Infants and children should only use this drug under close medical supervision.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if  taken internally, contact area poison control center immediately.|Antiseborrheic (Topical)
Salicylic Acid-Sulfur and Coal Tar
Sulfur||069[               Buf-Bar
Head and Shoulders
Selsun  Blue
ZNP|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Some
 * Available in generic form? No

Retards cell growth in affected areas.|May vary, consult with your doctor or pharmacist for specifics.|Reapply as soon as you remember.|This drug is an Antiseborrheic used to treat seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.|On rare occasion, some may experience skin irritation and hair discoloration  when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in experiencing adverse effects when used with other medicated shampoos.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Clioquinol, Chloroxine, Iodoquinol, Edate Sodium, or your scalp is infected or blistered.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are prone to allergic reactions.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before administering to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should not experience any problems using this drug.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if taken internally, contact area poison control center immediately.|Antivirals (Ophthalmic)
Idoxuridine Drops and Ointment
Trifluridine (topical)|Antivirals (Ophthalmic)|018c               Herplex Eye Drops
Stoxil eye ointment
Viroptic|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents the reproduction ability of virus.|Takes effect immediately.|Reapply as soon as you remember.|This drug is an Antiviral (ophthalmic) used to treat viral eye infections.|On rare occasion, some may experience watery eyes, itchy eyes, eye redness, and swelling of both the eyes and the eyelids.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon to experience some stinging or a burning sensation when applying this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Idoxuridine or Trifluridine.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma or any other eye problems or disorder.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under strict medical supervision.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if taken internally, contact area poison control center immediately.|Bethanechol||088\               Duvoid
Urecholine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Strengthens the muscles of the bladder.|Allow approximately 90 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 1 hour of having missed your dose, retake.  If  2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Cholinergic used to treat reflux esophagitis and promote urination after some types of surgery.|On rare occasion, some may experience; wheezing, breathing difficulties, (shortness of breath), and a feeling of tightness in the chest.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in toxicity when used with other Cholinergics.

2. Nitrates, Quinidine and Procainamide may diminish the effect of this drug.

3. May lower blood pressure when used with Ganglionic blockers.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Cholinergic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, high or low blood pressure, asthma, ulcers (and other stomach disorders), blood vessel disease, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, overactive thyroid, had intestinal or bladder surgery within the last month, have intestinal  blockage, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include; tightness in the chest, breathing difficulties, wheezing, unconsciousness, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Carbidopa and Levodopa||027]               Sinemet
Sinemet CR|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects nerve impulses by re-establishing chemical balances.|Allow approximately one month for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiparkinsonism used to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease.|On rare occasion, some may experience; mental depression, uncontrollable movements, mood changes and dizziness.  An increase in blood pressure, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, nightmares, and heartbeat irregularities.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

2. May decrease blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives.

3. May produce weakness or faintness when used with Antidepressants.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Levodopa, Carbidopa, have narrow angle glaucoma, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a peptic ulcer, liver disease, diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, epilepsy, high blood pressure, skin cancer, or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of uncontrollable body movements.

7.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include; fainting, vomiting, nausea, confusion, diarrhea, twitching muscles, hallucinations, rapid/irregular pulse, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Aminobenzoate Potassium||090[               KPAB
Potassium Aminobenzoate
Potassium Para-Aminobenzoate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Increases a defective cells' ability to use oxygen.|Allow approximately 1-3  months for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is used to treat  fibrosis, Scleroderma, Morphea, Dermatomyositis, Pemphigus, and Peyronie's disease.|On rare occasion, some may experience; anxiety, accelerated pulse, hunger, and cold sweats.  If this occurs,  contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience skin rash, loss of appetite, fever, and nausea when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May diminish the effect of Dapsone and Sulfa drugs.

2.  Do not use with Sulfonamides.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Aminobenzoate Potassium or Para-Aminobenzoate Acid.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, low blood sugar, or diabetes mellitis.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include, both nausea and vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Bismuth Subsalicylate||028_               Pepto-Bismol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? No

Quickens the absorption of electrolytes across the intestinal wall.|Allow approximately 1 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember.  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidiarrheal, antacid used to treat diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, and acid indigestion.|On rare occasion, some may experience abdominal pain, confusion, headache, anxiety, ringing sensation in the ears, trembling, loss of hearing, and muscle weakness.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it isn't uncommon for some to experience black stools and a discoloration of the tongue.|1. May result in Salicylate toxicity when used with other Salicylates.

2. May increase the risk of bleeding when used with Thrombolytic agents or Anticoagulants.

3. May increase the effect of Insulin and oral Anti diabetics.

4. May diminish the effect of Tetracyclines, Probenecid and Sulfinpyrazone.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have bleeding stomach ulcers (past or present), or are allergic to Salicylates, Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, or Aspirin.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have had diarrhea for more than one full day, are on a low sugar or low sodium diet, or have had kidney disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to infants or children with fevers, or infants who have had diarrhea for more than 24 hours.  May cause constipation in children less than 3 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience severe constipation while using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in constipation

7.  Shake well before use.|Overdose symptoms can include muscle spasms, anxiety, headache, problems speaking, confusion, trembling, and depression (mental).  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Anthralin (Topical)||074[               Anthra-Derm
Drithocreme HP
Lasan HP
Lasan Pomade
Lasan Unguent|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Basically unknown at this time.  May reduce mitotic activity by binding with DNA.|May vary, consult with your doctor or pharmacist for specifics.|Reapply as soon as you remember.|Used to treat chronic psoriasis.|On rare occasion, some may experience skin irritation when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase a persons sensitivity to sun exposure with many drugs.  Consult with your doctor or pharmacist before mixing with other drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have skin infections or are allergic to Anthralin.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease or are prone to allergic reactions.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely, However, if taken internally, contact area poison control center immediately.|Butalbital, Aspirin and Codeine (Also contains Caffeine)||029]               ABC Compound with Codeine
Ascomp with Codeine No. 3
B-A-C with Codeine
Fiomore with Codeine
Fiorgen with Codeine
Fiorinal with Codeine|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Blocks nerve impulses to the brain and spinal cord that cause pain.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember.  Then, wait 4 hours until your next dose.  Continue based on revised schedule.|This drug is a Narcotic, analgesic used to treat anxiety, fever, pain, and inflammation.|Life-threatening effects include; constricted pupils, chest tightness, and wheezing.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience hearing loss, vomiting, (may contain blood), fever, jaundice, bloody urine, mental depression, mouth sores, and a loss of hearing.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness, euphoria, heartburn, drowsiness, and flushed face when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in fatal over sedation when used with Alcohol.

2. May alter seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

3. May result in abnormal bleeding when used with oral Anticoagulants.

4. May produce dangerous over sedation when used with Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Carteolol and Mind-altering drugs.

5. May result in ulcers and stomach bleeding when used with Cortisone drugs or Indomethacin.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have a peptic ulcer, porphyria, bleeding disorders, or are allergic to any narcotic or barbiturate drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have anemia, kidney damage, asthma, ulcers, epilepsy, liver damage, gout, chronic pain, or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. Extremely serious consequences may occur if this drug is given to infants or children.  Always consult with your doctor before administering this drug to children less than 18 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience stomach or intestinal bleeding, dizziness, constipation, drowsiness, and unsteadiness.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to anemia, kidney damage, chronic intoxication, lowered body temperature, and addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include; hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, weak pulse, fever, dizziness, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Carbol-Fuchsin (Topical)||021[               Castellani Paint
Castel Plus|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? No
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Destroys fungus and some types of bacteria.  Helps stimulate the growth of new skin cells.|Allow approximately one month for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember.|This drug is an Anti fungal (topical) used to treat fungus infections of the skin, toe nails and finger nails.|It is not uncommon for some to experience skin irritation when applying this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  If condition worsens, see your doctor.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1.   Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are currently using other prescription or non-prescription drugs to treat fungus infections.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  May stain clothes.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if  taken internally, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Chenodiol||096_               Chenix|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  No

Reduces excess cholesterol in the blood and dissolves gallstones in people unable to have surgery.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anticholelithic used to treat cholesterol gallstone disease.|On rare occasion, some may experience diarrhea (severe) when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in severe diarrhea when used with magnesium containing Antacids.

2. Alcohol and Laxatives may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have jaundice or atherosclerosis.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, pancreatitis, spastic colitis, or disease of the bile duct.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.

7.  Extended use of this drug  should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Chloroquine||016Z               Aralen|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits the reproduction of various parasites.  Also reduces joint inflammation associated with lupus and arthritis.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiprotozoal, Antirheumatic used to treat amebiasis, malaria, lupus, and arthritis.|On rare occasion, some may experience; fever, blurred vision, mood changes, sore throat, muscle weakness, and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience; abdominal pain, and a possible loss of appetite.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in liver toxicity when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in kidney or blood toxicity when used with Penicillamine.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have brain disease, psoriasis, liver disease, stomach disease, porphyria, seizures, blood disease, G6PD deficiency, intestinal disease, eye problems, consume more than 3 oz. of alcohol per day, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to infants or children, may produce dangerous effects.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in permanent eye damage.|Overdose symptoms can include headache, difficulty breathing, faintness, drowsiness, and seizures.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Chlorprothixene||051]               Taractan
Tarasan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects nerve impulse imbalances.|Allow approximately 3 weeks  for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Tranquilizer (thioxanthene) antiemetic used to treat anxiety, psychosis, vomiting and hiccups.|Life-threatening effects can include uncontrollable body movements.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience blurred vision, accelerated heartbeat, fainting and unusual (uncontrolled) muscle movements.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as  possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience fever, sore throat, skin rash, jaundice, abnormal bruising or bleeding, and abdominal pain.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce excessive brain depression when used with Alcohol.

2. May produce excessive sedation when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Barbiturates, MAO inhibitors, Mind-altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep inducers and Tranquilizers.

3. May increase the chance of experiencing major seizures when used with Bupropion.

4. May result in significantly lowering blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have Parkinson's disease, have blood disorders, or are allergic to Phenothiazine or Thioxanthine.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, kidney disease, heart disease, liver disease, epilepsy, high blood pressure, prostate disorders, consume alcohol regularly, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring ether spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in eye damage and the development of Tardive Dyskinesia.|Overdose symptoms can include; blurred vision, dizziness, rapid pulse, confusion, muscle stiffness, low blood pressure, tremors, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Clonidine||005Z               Catapres
Dixarit|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Stimulates the alpha-adrenoreceptors in the brain stem, causing a dilation of blood vessels.|Allow approximately 3 hours for this drug to take effect.|Once a day dose:  Retake as soon as you remember.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure, vascular headaches, congestive heart failure, and Dysmenorrhea.|On rare occasion, some may experience itching, skin rash, and an abnormal heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon  for some to experience lightheadedness, weight gain, drowsiness, and dizziness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May result in excessive blood potassium when used with ACE inhibitors.

2. May cause exaggerated blood pressure changes when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

3. May cause extremely low blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Nitrates.

4. May further depress the central nervous system when used with Nabilone.

5. May increase the dangerous effects of Ethinamate when used together.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Alpha-Adrenergic blocker.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, Buerger's disease, kidney disease, history of mental depression, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug could result in body-fluid retention and should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include reduced heartbeat, tiredness (extreme), fainting, dizziness, vomiting, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Clonidine and Chlorthalidone|Clonidine and Chlorthalidone|004Z               Combipress|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Encourages the excretion of water and sodium from the body, dilates blood vessel walls and lowers blood pressure.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure.|Life-threatening effects can include an irregular heartbeat and weak pulse.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience changes in mood, drowsiness, nausea, muscle cramps, vomiting, and dry mouth.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience abdominal pain, fever, jaundice, hives, mouth sores, skin rash, and pains in the joints.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in excessive blood potassium when used with ACE inhibitors.

2. May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants.

3. May result in dangerous heart rhythms when used with Cortisone drugs and Digitalis preparations.

4. May further depress the central nervous system when used with Nabilone.

5. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with other Antihypertensives, Diuretics, Nitrates and Alcohol.

6. May cause exaggerated blood pressure changes when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Thiazide Diuretics.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have gout, Buerger's disease, heart problems, liver problems, are allergic to Sulfa drugs, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to children less than 12 years of age.  Use only under strict medical supervision after age 12.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include; weak pulse, fainting, cramps, reduced heart rate, difficulty breathing, vomiting, irregular heartbeat and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Colestipol||046_               Colestid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Combines with bile acids within the intestines to prevent absorption.|May vary substantially (from 3 months to a year).  Consult with your pharmacist or doctor for specifics.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihyperlipidemic used to reduce blood cholesterol levels.|On rare occasion, some may experience gastrointestinal bleeding (evidenced by tarry-black stools).  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience skin rash, abdominal pain, (extreme) hives, and possible hiccups.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in kidney damage or hearing loss when used with Vancomycin.

2. May diminish the absorption of Digitalis preparations, Thiazide Diuretics, Penicillins, Tetracyclines and Ursodiol.

3. May diminish the effect of Dextrothyroxine and oral Anticoagulants.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to  Colestipol.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have jaundice, coronary artery disease, liver disease, peptic ulcer, or constipation.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract (fecal impaction).  If this occurs, or you suspect that larger than prescribed amounts have been taken, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Dextrothyroxine||046Z               Choloxin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Encourages the breakdown of low-density lipoproteins.|Allow approximately 2 months for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihyperlipidemic used to lower blood cholesterol levels.|It is not uncommon for some to experience insomnia, tremor, irritability, and headache when taking this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience chest pains, difficulty breathing, skin rash, and irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce irregular heartbeat when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2. May increase the effect of Amphetamines, oral Anticoagulants, Ephedrine, Epinephrine and Methylphenidate.

3. May diminish the effect of Barbiturates, Beta-Adrenergic blockers and Digitalis preparations.

4. Colestipol, Oral Contraceptives, Phenytoin, Estrogens and Cholestyramine may decrease the effect of this drug.

5. Large doses of Aspirin may increase the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have recently experienced a heart attack.  Consult with your doctor before using.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have Addison's disease, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or take medications for asthma.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Diethylstilbestrol (DES)||035\               Honvol
DES|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Replenishes estrogen to normal levels.|Allow approximately 1 month for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.|This drug is a female sex hormone used to treat menstrual-cycle irregularity, breast cancer, prostate cancer, hormone (female) deficiency, and prevent contraception.|Life-threatening effects can include profuse bleeding.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience stomach cramps when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience jaundice, muscle pain, skin rash, stomach pain, and skin blisters (containing blood).  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May either increase or decrease blood sugar when used with oral Anti diabetics.  Effect is basically unpredictable.

2. May diminish the estrogen effect when used with Carbamazepine and Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin).

3. May increase the toxicity of Tricyclic Antidepressants when used together.

4. May result in blood clotting when used with Antifibrinolytic agents.

5. May diminish the effect of Clofibrate, oral Anticoagulants, Dextrothyroxine, Tamoxifen, Terazosin, Thyroid Hormones and Ursodiol.

6. Meprobamate may increase the effect of this drug.

7. Phenobarbital, Primidone and Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have liver problems, unusual vaginal bleeding, are allergic to drugs containing estrogen, or have had a stroke, heart attack, or blood clots.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, fibroid tumors, kidney disease, high blood pressure, breast cancer, epilepsy, headaches (migraine), gallstones, asthma, cancer of the reproductive system, congestive heart failure, porphyria, fibrocycstic breast disease, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug is not recommended.|Overdose symptoms can include; fluid retention, abnormal vaginal bleeding, vomiting, breast enlargement, and nausea.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Dapsone||022[               Avlosulfon
DDS|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Antibacterial designed to destroy susceptible cases  of leprosy.  The mechanism of action in treating dermatitis is basically unknown.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for this drug to take effect and up to 3 years to affect leprosy.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antibacterial (anti leprosy) sulfone used to treat dermatitis herpetiformis and leprosy.|It is not uncommon for some to experience abdominal pains and skin rash when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience breathing difficulties, dizziness, anemia, jaundice, fever, swollen eyelids, blurred vision, skin peeling, burning sensation in the hands or feet. (may also be a tingling sensation), and sore throat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the risk of liver toxicity when used with Alcohol.

2. May result in blood toxicity when with Trimethoprim, Methotrexate and Pyrimethamine.

3. Rifampin may diminish the effect of this drug.

4. May result in Dapsone toxicity when used with Probenecid.

5. Aminobenzoic Acid may decrease the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, Thiazide diuretics, Furosemide, Sulfonamides, Sulfonureas, or have a G6PD deficiency.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, are anemic, have liver disease,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under strict medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include; vomiting, seizures, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Cyclandelate||049Z               Cyclospasmol
Cyraso-400|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Dilates blood vessels allowing increased blood flow.|Allow approximately 3 weeks  for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a vasodilator used to improve blood flow to the arms and legs.|On rare occasion, some may experience an accelerated heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Interactions are unlikely with this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Cyclandelate.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have had a stroke, heart attack, or have glaucoma, angina or hardening of the arteries.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include; flushed face, dizziness, headache (severe), nausea, and vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Danazol||047\               Cyclomen
Danocrine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces estrogen production by inhibiting both pituitary follicle-stimulating and lutenizing hormones.|Allow approximately 3 months for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Gonadotropin inhibitor used to treat breast disease, abnormal menstruation, endometriosis, and precocious puberty.|On rare occasion, some may experience jaundice, abdominal pain, chills, skin rash, vomiting, nausea, nosebleeds, and vaginitis.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience menstrual irregularities, acne, hairgrowth, decreased breast size, and deepening of voice when using this drug.  If  this  occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1. May diminish the effect of Insulin and oral Antidiabetics.

2. May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.

3. May result in extreme nervous system depression when used with alcohol.  Avoid.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have had breast cancer.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, epilepsy, migraine headaches, or used Oral Contraceptives.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.  This drug should not be used during pregnancy.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely, however, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Cocaine||031]               Cocaine|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Blocks specific nerve impulses to the brain.|Begins to take effect right away.|Consult with your doctor.|This drug is an Anesthetic (local) used to prevent the sensation of pain.|Life-threatening effects can include chest pain, cyanosis, irregular (weak) heartbeat, control loss over the bladder and bowels, and seizures.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience hallucinations, fever, chills, trembling, abdominal pain, headache, stuffy nose, irregular heartbeat, dilated pupils, psychotic behavior, and euphoria.  If this occurs, contact medical help as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous interaction when used with Alcohol.

2. May increase the chance of producing abnormal heartbeat when used with Anesthetics, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Digitalis preparations, Levodopa, Methyldopa and Sympathomimetics.

3. May produce heart block and high blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives.  May elevate blood pressure when used with Sympathomimetics.

4. May produce convulsions when used with Central Nervous System stimulants.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Cocaine.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma (or area taking medication for glaucoma), throat infections, take any other drugs, are prone to allergic reactions, have had heart disease, convulsions, liver disease, cancer, high blood pressure, overactive  thyroid, irregular heartbeat, or any acute illness.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to children less than 6 years of age.  Older children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience nightmares and hallucinations when using this drug.

6.  Do not  pilot an aircraft, drive or work around machinery while under the influence of this drug.  Wait 24 hours.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include irregular heartbeat, dilated pupils, chills, nervousness, abdominal pain, dizziness, bulging eyes, and confusion.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Dantrolene||055`               Dantrium|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents inordinate muscle contractions.|Allow several weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antispastic muscle relaxant used to treat spinal cord injuries, and muscle disorders, associated with stroke, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy.|Life-threatening effects can include seizures.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience jaundice, skin rash, difficulty breathing, (shortness of breath), chest pain, abdominal pain, chills, fever, bloody stools, and double vision.  If  this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May compound the sedative effect and lower blood pressure when used with Alcohol or Central Nervous System depressants.

2. May increase the effect of Dronabinol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Antispastic or muscle relaxant drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, lung disease, liver disease, are over 35 years of age,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under strict medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should  include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, chest pains, blood in urine, and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Fluorouracil (Topical)||077[               Efudex
Fluoroplex|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Interferes with the synthesis of DNA in affected cells thereby destroying cell division in over active cells.|Allow approximately 3 days for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember.  Continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is an Antineoplastic (topical) used to treat non spreading superficial basal cell carcinomas and pre cancerous actinic keratoses.|It is not uncommon for some to experience skin irritation and possible swelling when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. Interactions with this drug are unlikely.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Fluorouracil.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have had other skin problems or acne rosacea.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if taken internally, contact  your area poison control center immediately.|Flutamide||077\               Eulexin
Euflex|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits cells from using androgen.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antineoplastic used to treat prostate cancer.|It is not uncommon for some to experience; hot flashes, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and diminished sex drive, when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the chances of developing jaundice when used with Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have ever experienced adverse effects from it.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease.

3.  This drug is not used for infants, children, and women.

4.  Men over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken contact your area poison control center immediately.|Glucagon||030Z               Glucagon Injection|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Encourages sugar production in the liver.|Allow up to 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|N/A|This drug is an Antihypoglycemic, diagnostic aid used to treat low blood sugar and is an antidote for some types of drugs.|Life-threatening effects can include unconsciousness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience difficulty breathing, skin rash, and possible lightheadedness when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May increase the effect of Anticoagulants.

2. Alcohol may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have ever experiences adverse effects from it.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have pheochromocytoma or allergic to certain meats (e.g. beef and pork).

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include; cramps, nausea, vomiting, weakness, hoarseness, and irregular heartbeat.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Griseofulvin||021[               Fulvicin P/G
Fulvicin U/F
Grifulvin V
Grisactin Ultra
grisOwen|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Interferes with the reproduction of fungi.|Allow approximately 1 week for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antibiotic (antifungal) used to treat specific fungus infections.|On rare occasion, some may experience; jaundice, fever, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, stomach pain, fever, and tingling sensation in the hands and feet.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of this during your next visit.|1. May result in over intoxication when used with Alcohol.

2. May compound the effect of drugs that cause sensitivity to sunlight.

3. Barbiturates may decrease the effect of this drug.

4. May diminish the effect of Oral Contraceptives and oral Anticoagulants.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have liver disease, porphyria, or are allergic to Penicillin or Anti fungal drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have lupus, liver disease, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to children less than 2 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in additional infections.|Overdose symptoms can include; diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Hydrocortisone (Rectal)||095[               Anusol-H.C.
Rectocort|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Reduces pain, itching and inflammation around the rectum.|Allow approximately 15 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember.|This drug is an Anti-Inflammatory, steroidal (rectal) used primarily to treat hemorrhoids.|On rare occasion, some may experience skin rash, itching, blood urine, nervousness, and trembling.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May diminish the effect of Sulfa drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have ever experienced an allergic reaction to topical anesthetics.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have bleeding, hemorrhoids, active infections in the area of the anus, or have had psoriasis, eczema, or other skin disorders.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under strict medical supervision.  (May retard growth)

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug (more than 3 days) is not recommended.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if taken internally, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Nabilone||033]               Cesamet|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Influences the portion of the brain that controls vomiting.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiemetic used to treat nausea and vomiting.|Life-threatening effects can include hallucinations, confusion, fainting, pounding heartbeat, depression (mental) and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience dizziness, euphoria, headache, blurred vision, muscle pain, drowsiness and a possible loss of appetite.  If  this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May produce a dangerous central nervous system depression when used with Alcohol.

2. Compounds the depressive effect of other Central Nervous System depressants.

3. May diminish the effect of Apomorphine.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have experienced allergic reactions to either Nabilone or Marijuana or are Schizophrenic (expressing either manic or depressive states).

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, abuse drugs (or are dependent on them), high blood pressure, or liver problems.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, confusion, pounding heartbeat (may be either slow or fast),  depression (mental), delusions, hallucinations, nervousness, and fainting.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Ethotoin||008]               Peganone|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces the excitability of nerve cells by encouraging sodium loss from the fibers.|Allow approximately 1 week for this drug to take effect.|Once-a-day dose:  If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anticonvulsant (hydantoin), used to prevent epileptic seizures and stabilize irregular heartbeats.|On rare occasion, some may experience; vision changes, jaundice, fever, agitation, slurred speech, confusion, abdominal pain, swelling of  the lymph glands, and hallucinations.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting, constipation, dizziness, tender (or swollen) gums, and drowsiness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  Alcohol may diminish the anticonvulsant effect of this drug and should be avoided.

2.  May cause over sedation when used with central nervous system depressants.

3.  May increase Ethotoin toxicity when used with Cimetidine.

4.  May result in increased seizures when used with Oral Contraceptives.

5.  The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Cortisone drugs, Cyclosporine, Digitalis preparations, Disopyramide, Furosemide, Hypoglycemics, and Methadone.

6.  May result in the development of bone disease when used with Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors.

7.  May result in a change in seizure patters when used with Barbiturates.

8.  The use of this drug may increase the effect of Methotrexate, Propranolol, Quinidine, and  Sedatives.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have experienced an allergic reaction to any Anticonvulsant (Hydantoin).

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease (or disorders)  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in damage to the liver, bone weakness, and enlargement of the lymph glands.  Follow-up medical examinations should be considered when using this drug for prolonged periods.|Overdose symptoms can include; slurred speech, unusual eye movements (jerky), lowered blood pressure, shallow/slow breathing, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Hexobarbital||086]               Sombulex|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

May be responsible for blocking nerve cell impulses.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Sedative hypnotic (barbiturate) used to treat anxiety, nervous tension, and insomnia.|On rare occasion, some may experience; swelling of the eyelids, jaundice, breathing difficulties, fever, skin rash, or hives, sore throat, agitation, and slow heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience some dizziness, drowsiness, and a feeling of "hangover" when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May be fatal when used with Alcohol.  (may result in over sedation)

2.  May result in dangerous over sedation when used with Antihistamines, Narcotics, Mind-Altering drugs, Sedatives, Pain Relievers, Sleep Inducers, and Tranquilizers.

3.  May alter seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

4.  The use of this drug may decrease the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Anti-Inflammatory (non-steroidal) drugs, Aspirin, Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, Oral Contraceptives, Cortisone drugs, Digitoxin, Doxycycline, and Griseofulvin.

5.  The use of  this drug may increase the effect of Dronabinol and Indapamide.

6.  MAO inhibitors, Valproic Acid, and Dronabinol may increase the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have porphyria or are allergic to any Barbiturate.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have;  anemia, epilepsy, asthma, kidney damage, chronic pain, liver damage,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug  may lead to anemia, chronic intoxication, and addiction.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include a weak pulse, deep sleep, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Hydroxychloroquine||016Z               Plaquenil|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents the reproduction of specific protozoal parasites and decreases inflammation in joints affected by lupus, erythematosus and or acute chronic rheumatoid arthritis.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.  May take 7 months to expect full effect in treating rheumatic disorders.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiprotozoal, antirheumatic used to treat malaria, amebiasis, lupus, and arthritis.|On rare occasion, some may experience; blurred vision, muscle weakness, fever, abnormal bruising or bleeding, sore throat, seizures, and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience abdominal pain, headache, and loss of appetite when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in liver toxicity when used with Alcohol, Estrogens, and Penicillamine.

2.  May result in blood toxicity when used with Penicillamine.

3.  May produce skin rash when used  with Gold Compounds.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have porphyria, blood disease, liver disease, G6PD deficiency, psoriasis, seizures, intestinal disease, brain disease, stomach disease, nerve disease, eye problems, consume more than 3 oz. of alcohol per day, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is dangerous to infants and children. (May be fatal)

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in severe eye damage.|Overdose symptoms can include; drowsiness, difficulty breathing, headache, and seizure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Mefloquine||016Z               Lariam|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Exact mechanism is unknown, however, this drug acts as a blood schizonticide, destroying malaria parasites in the blood.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember and continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is an Antiprotozoal antimalaria used to treat and prevent malaria.|Life-threatening effects can include seizures.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience; depression, fainting, chills, dizziness, vomiting, heart palpitations, hallucinations, diarrhea, ringing sensation in the ears, and depression.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May produce heartbeat irregularities when used with Beta-Blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers, and Propranolol.

2.  May increase the risk of experiencing seizures and changes in heart rhythms when used with Chloroquine, Quinidine, and Quinine.

3. May result in liver toxicity when used with Alcohol.

4.  May decrease the effect of antiseizure drugs.

5.  May diminish the effect of  Valproic acid.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Mefloquine or similar drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if  you have heart problems, mental depression, or become pregnant while using this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug is not recommended.|Overdose symptoms can include; heartbeat irregularities and seizure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Methamphetamine||061]               Desoxyn|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required?Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Stimulates the central nervous system.  Also increases both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a central nervous system stimulant used to treat hyperactive children and prevent narcolepsy.|It is not uncommon for some to experience a pounding heartbeat when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Also common, yet not as serious, some may experience; euphoria, irritability, nervousness, and insomnia.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.  On rare occasion, some may experience a condition known as Pancytopenia that will result in fever, weakness, sore throat, and paleness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.|1.  May result in seizures when used with Sympathomimetics.

2.  May produce heartbeat irregularities when used with Thyroid or general anesthetics.

3.   May result in an extreme rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

4.  May produce an increase in blood pressure when used with Beta-blockers.

5.  Tricyclic Antidepressants, Barbiturates, Phenothiazines, Haloperidol, and Alcohol may diminish the effect of this drug

6.  Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors and Sodium Bicarbonate may increase the effect of this drug.

7.  The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Antihypertensives, Guanadrel, and Guanethidine.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Methamphetamine drugs  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, glaucoma, high blood pressure, mental illness, anxiety, blood vessel disease, overactive thyroid, tension, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include; fever, rapid heartbeat, convulsions, feelings of suicide or homicide, hyperactivity, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|A.P.C. With Codeine||029]               Aspirin With Codeine
Empirin With Codeine|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits pain impulses to the brain and spinal cord.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours before your next dose.  Continue based on revised schedule.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Narcotic Analgesic used to treat moderate pain.|On rare occasion, some may experience; weakness, disorientation, headache, appetite loss, rapid heartbeat, vision problems, skin rash, and itching, difficulty breathing, and jaundice.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience; vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, sweating, and dizziness.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May produce a heightened depressant effect when used with Barbiturates, Tranquilizers, and Sleep inducers.

2.  May produce stomach irritation when used with Phenylbutazone or Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Codeine, Aspirin, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or Salicylates.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have breathing difficulties or asthma.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience dizziness or fainting when using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before taking this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction or dependence.|Overdose symptoms can include; pinpoint pupils, cold/clammy skin, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, stupor, coma, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Acetaminophen & Propoxyphene Napsylate||029]               Darvon N 100
Dolene AP-65
Propacet 100
Wygesic|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Blocks pain impulses|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Analgesic used to treat pain.|On rare occasion, some may experience; headache, euphoria, constipation, skin rash, weakness, and stomach pain.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and sedation when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May cause drowsiness when used with Tranquilizers, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Narcotics, Antihystamines, and Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to this or similar drugs.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

4.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include; abnormal heart rhythms, sleepiness, pinpoint pupils, extremely slow breathing rate, stupor, coma, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Allopurinol||084\               Alloprin
Zyloric|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits xanthine oxidase enzyme to retard the formation of uric acid.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 6 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 6 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antigout drug used to prevent kidney stones and to treat chronic gout.|It is not uncommon for some to experience itching, skin rash, and hives when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience fever, jaundice, abnormal bleeding or bruising, and sore throat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May increase the effect of oral anticoagulants, azathioprine, chlorpropamide, cyclophosphamide, mercaptopurine, and theophylline.

2.  May result in excess iron in body tissues when used with iron supplements.

3.  Oral antidiabetics and probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

4.  Chlorthalidone, Thiazide diuretics, Ethacrynic Acid, Furosemide, Indapamide, and Metolazone may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Allopurinol.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a history of kidney problems.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Amitriptyline||019]               Amitril
Elavil Plus
Triavil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Restores to normal levels norepinephrine and serotonin in brain tissue.|Allow approximately 6 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 3 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 3 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant used to treat symptoms of depression.|On rare occasion, some may experience convulsions.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Also rare, some may experience; fever, hallucinations, agitation, heart palpitation, nightmares, fatigue, and irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience tremor when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May be fatal when used with MAO inhibitors.

2.  May increase the effect of Barbiturates, Tranquilizers, Sedatives, Alcohol, and Thyroid medication.

3.  May cause abnormal heart rhythms when used with thyroid medications.

4.  May cause overstimulation when used with reserpine.

5.  Sodium Bicarbonate, Acetazolamide, Quinidine, and Procainamide may increase the effect of this drug.

6.  May result in Amitriptyline overdose when taken with Ritalin or Phenothiazines.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have glaucoma, consume alcohol, had a heart attack within the last 6 weeks, are allergic to Tricyclic Antidepressants, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have asthma, are sensitive to any other Tricyclic Antidepressants,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia, or have heart disease, high blood pressure, overactive thyroid, glaucoma, epilepsy, diabetes, or prostate gland enlargement.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience fainting, seizures, hallucinations, difficulty urinating, forgetfulness, delusions, dizziness, and insomnia when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include dilated pupils, confusion, deep sleep, heart palpitations, tremors, stupor, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Amoxicillin||023[               Amoxil
Wymox|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Interferes with the ability of specific bacteria to produce new protective cell walls during reproduction.|Allow 3 or 4 days for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then continue your regular schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic (Penicillin) used to treat specific bacterial infections.|Life-threatening effects can include allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include difficulty breathing, skin rash, hives, intense itching, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact medical emergency help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience; fever, blood in urine, abdominal cramps, sore throat, severe diarrhea and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a discoloration of the tongue when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of this symptom during your next visit.|1.  May result in a dangerous allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) when used with Beta-Andrenergic  Blockers.

2.  Chlorampphenicol, Erythromycins, Paromomycin, Tetracyclines, and Troleandomycin may diminish the effect of both drugs.

3.  May dimish the effect of Oral Contraceptives.

4.  Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

5.  Loperamide may diminish the effect of this drug.

6.  May cause stomach irritation when used with Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any form of Penicillin.  May be fatal.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have ever had a reaction to Penicillin, have asthma, hay fever, eczema, hives, take Oral Contraceptives, or have had an allergic reaction to any Cephalosporin antibiotic.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus and genitals when using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may diminish its effectiveness as an antibiotic and make you more susceptible to certain bacterial infections.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Ampicillin||023[               Amcill
Totacillin-N|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Interferes with the ability of specific bacteria to produce new protective cell walls during reproduction.|Allow approximately 3 or 4 days for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then continue your regular schedule.|This drug is an antibiotic (Penicillin) used to treat specific bacterial infections.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include breathing difficulty, skin rash, intense itching, faintness, and hives.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience fever, blood in urine, abdominal cramps, sore throat, and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a discoloration of the tongue when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of this symptom during your next visit.|1.  May result in a dangerous allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) when used with Beta-Andrenergic Blockers.

2.  Chloramphenicol, Erythromycins, Paromomycin, Tetracyclines, and Troleandomycin may diminish the effect of both drugs.

3.  May diminish the effect of Oral Contraceptives.

4.  Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

5.  May cause stomach irritation when used with Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any form of Penicillin.  May be fatal.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have ever had a reaction to Penicillin, have asthma, hay fever, eczema, hives, take Oral Contraceptives, or have had an allergic reaction to any Cephalosporin antibiotic.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus and genitals, when using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may diminish its effectiveness as an antibiotic and  make you more susceptible to certain bacterial infections.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Carbamazepine||008]               Apo-Carbamazepine
Tegretol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Decreases the excitability of nerve cells in the brain.|Allow approximately 2 weeks to affect seizures or 3 days to affect Tic Douloureaux.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Analgesic, anticonvulsant used to treat seizures and Tic Douloureaux.|It is not uncommon for some to experience unusual eye movements, sore throat, fevers and chills when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion some may experience swelling of the lymph glands, pounding heartbeat, hives, skin rash, slurred speech, chest pain, difficulty breathing, numbness (feet or hands), confusion, hallucinations, jaundice, and uncontrollable body movements.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May cause psychosis when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2.  May cause dangerous over-stimulation when used with MAO inhibitors.

3.  May increase the dangerous effects of Ethinamate when used together.

4.  May result in greater depression of the central nervous system when used with Nabilone.

5.  Cimetidine, Erythromycins, Isonicotinic Hydrazide, Nicardipine, Nimodipine, Nizatidine, Benzodiazepine Tranquilizers, and Verapamil may increase the effect of this drug.

6.  May result in Carbamazepine toxicity when used with Nicardipine, Nimodipine, and Nizatidine.

7.  Phenytoin, Phenobarbital,and Primidone may decrease the effect of this drug.

8.  May result in bone marrow toxicity when used with Tiopronin and Clozapine.

9.  May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

10.  May diminish the effect of Oral Contraceptives, Cortisone drugs, Doxycycline, Oral Anticoagulants, and Mebendazole.

11.  May cause dangerous over-sedation when used with Methyprylon.

12.  Propoxyphene (Darvon)  may increase the toxicity of both drugs.

13.  Digitalis preparations may result in an excessively slow heart rate.

14.  Fluoxetine and Guanfacine may increase the depressant effect of both drugs.

15.  Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin) may decrease the effect of both drugs.

16.  May increase the sedative effect of Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, have had bone marrow or liver disease, or are allergic to Carbamazepine.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, high blood pressure, emotional disorders, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, or consume Alcohol on a regular basis.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in hair loss, ringing sensation in the ears, liver damage, decreased sex drive, and jaundice.|Overdose symptoms can include dilated pupils, irregular or abnormal bleeding, lowered blood pressure, stupor, flushed skin, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Cefaclor
Cefuroxime||012Z               Ceclor|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Destroys specific bacteria.|Consult with your doctor or pharmacist.  May take several days to affect bacterial infections.|Retake as soon as you remember. Continue regular schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic, (cephalosporin) used to treat bacterial infections.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include difficulty breathing, skin rash,  hives, intense itching, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience itching, skin rash, and redness when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience; fever, weakness, vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea (severe) and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  Erythromycins, Chloramphenicol, Clindamycin, and Tetracyclines may diminish the antibiotic effect of this drug.

2.  Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

3.  May increase the effect of Anticoagulants.

4.  May cause kidney toxicity when used with Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Cephalosporin antibiotics.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have enteritis, kidney problems, colitis, or are allergic to any form of Penicillin.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  There are no special precautions for infants or children.  Consult with your doctor before using.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus and genitals when using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in a decrease of its antibiotic capabilities.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea (severe-may also contain mucus or blood), abdominal cramps and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Cefadroxil||012Z               Duricef
Ultracef|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Destroys specific bacteria.|Consult with your doctor or pharmacist.  May take several days to affect bacterial infections.|Take as soon as you remember.  Continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic (cephalosporine) used to treat bacterial infections.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include difficulty breathing, skin rash, hives, intense itching, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience itching, skin rash, and redness when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience fever, weakness, vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea (severe), and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  Erythromycins, Chloramphenicol, Clindamycin, and Tetracyclines may diminish the antibiotic effect of this drug.

2.  Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

3.  May increase the effect of Anticoagulants.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Cephalosporin antibiotics.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have enteritis, kidney problems, colitis, or are allergic to any form of Penicillin.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  There are no special precautions for infants and children.  Consult with your doctor before using.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus and genitals when using this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may  result in a decrease of its antibiotic capabilities.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea (severe-may also contain mucus or blood) abdominal cramps, and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Chlordiazepoxide & Amitriptyline||051]               Limbitrol
Limbitrol DS|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects the portion of the brain (limbic system) that governs emotions.|Allow approximately 6 weeks for this drug to reach its peak effectiveness.|If you remember within 3 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 3 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant tranquilizer (benzodiazepine) used to treat nervous tension and symptoms of depression.|On rare occasion, some may experience fever, blurred vision, confusion, mouth or throat ulcers, jaundice, tremors, fainting, hallucinations, irregular heartbeat, and depression.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience insomnia, constipation, drowsiness, fatigue, dry mouth, and weight gain when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.  Life-threatening effects can include breathing problems and decreased (slow) heartbeat.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.|1.  Oral Contraceptives, Disulfiram, Erythromycins, Diuretics, Ketoconazole, and Probenecide may increase the effect of this drug.

2.  Barbiturates may diminish the effect of this drug.

3.  May cause dangerous oversedation when used with Narcotics and Sedatives.

4.  May result in convulsions, deep sedation, and rage when used with MAO Inhibitors.

5.  May result in excessive sedation when used with Cimetidine.

6.  May increase the sedative effect of both durgs when used with Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Sleep inducers, and Tranquilizers.

7.  May produce an irregular heartbeat when used with Quinidine and Thyroid Hormones.

8.  May result in bone marrow damage when used with Antithyroid drugs.

9.  May produce excessively low blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives.

10.  May increase the risk of experiencing seizures when used with Anticonvulsants.

11.  May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Sympathomimetics, and Anticholinergics.

12.  May diminish the effect Clonidine, Guanethidine, Levodopa, Methyldopa, and Phenytoin.

13.  Dronabinol may increase the effect of both drugs.

14.  May result in excessive intoxication when used with Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have glaucoma, myathenia gravis, are allergic to any Benzodiazepine or Tricyclic Antidepressants, taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, are recovering or active alcoholic, or have experienced a heart attack within the last 6 weeks.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, epilepsy, kidney disease, enlarged prostate, lung disease, heart disease, liver disease, asthma, porphyria, intestinal disorders, overactive thyroid,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to children less than 12 years of age.  Over 12 should be under medical supervision.

5.  May experience difficulty urinating while using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to liver problems.|Overdose symptoms can include hallucinations, dilated pupils, tremor, drowsiness, fever, vomiting, convulsions, rapid heartbeat, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Chlordiazepoxide & Clidinium||068]               Apo-Chlorax
Lidox|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required?Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects the portion of the brain (limbic system) that governs emotions.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antispasmodic, Anticholinergic tranquilizer (benzodiazepine) used to treat muscle spasms and nervous tension.|It is not uncommon for some to experience drowsiness, delirium, and dizziness while using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience skin rash, jaundice, fever, blurred vision, memory loss, vomiting, hallucinations, insomnia, sore throat, and confusion.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Life-threatening effects can include breathing problems and a change in heartbeat (either shlow or accelerated).  If this occurs contact emergency medical help immediately.|1.  May result in convulsions, deep sedation, and rage when used with MAO inhibitors.

2.  May result in excessively low blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives.

3.  May increase internal eye pressure when used with Haloperidol and Nitrates.

4.  May result in the development of intestinal ulcers when used with Potassium supplements.

5.  May increase the sedative effect of both drugs when used with Antidepressants, Narcotics, Antihistamines, Sedatives, Sleep inducers,and Tranqulizers.

6.  Amantadine, Anticholinergics, Oral Contraceptives, Erythromycins, Ketoconazole, Meperidine, Disulfiram, Methylphenidate, Orphenadrine, and Phenothiazines may increase the effect of this drug.

7.  Antacids may decrease the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have narrow-angle glaucoma, ulcerative colitis, stomach bloating, myathenia gravis bladder problems, are a recovering or active alcoholic, or are allergic to any Benzodiazepine or Antichoclinergic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have chronic bronchitis, kidney disease, epilepsy, open-angle glaucoma, lung disease, angina, asthma, peptic ulcer, porphyria, diabetes,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to children less than 6 months of age.  Older children should be under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in chronic constipation and liver disorders.|Overdose symptoms can include tremor, hallucinations, dilated pupils, fever, slurred speech, flushed face, rapid breathing, stupor, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Cimetidine||017_               Apo-Cimetidine
Tagamet|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits the release of histamine in order to reduce the amount of acid secreted by the stomach.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Histamine H-2 antagonist used to treat duodenal ulcers.|On rare occasion, some may experience an irregular heartbeat, skin rash, muscle cramps, weakness, hives, abnormal bruising or bleeding, fever, and confusion.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache, dizziness, hair loss, diarrhea, and decreased libido.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May increase the effect and toxicity of Alprazolam, Carbamazepine, Chlordiazepoxide, Diazepam, Flurazepam, Glipizide, Methadone, Metoprolol, Metronidazole, Morphine, Phenytoin, Procainamide, Triazolam, Nicardipine, Verapamil, and Nimodipine.

2.  Anticholonergics and Encainide may increase the effect of this drug.

3.  Antacids and Metoclopramide may diminish the effect of this drug.

4.  May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Bupropion, Digitalis, Labetalol, Propafenone, Propranolol, Quinidine, and Theophylline.

5.  May diminish the effect of Ketoconazole and Tamoxifen.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have had an allergic reaction to any Histamine H-2 Antagonist.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you plan on becoming pregnant while using this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in liver damage.|Overdose symptoms can include rapid heartbeat, confusion, difficulty breathing, slurred speech, and delirium.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Estrogens|Conjugated Estrogens|035\               Conjugated Estrogens
Premarin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Replenishes estrogen in body tissues.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a female sex hormone (estrogen) used to treat female hormone deficiency, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and menstrual-cycle irregularity.|Life threatening effects can involve uncontrollable bleeding.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience stomach cramping, leg pain, shortness of breath, headache, leg swelling, or chest pain when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, stomach pain, skin rash, skin blisters containing blood, and muscle pain.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May decrease the effect of Oral Anticoagulants, Clofibrate, Dextrothyroxine, Insulin, Tamoxifen, Terazosin, Thyroid Hormones, and Ursodiol.

2.  May increase the toxicity of Antidepressants (Tricyclic).

3.  May increase the possibility of blood clotting when used with Antifibrinolytic agents.

4.  Anticonulsants (Hydantoin), Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Primidone, and Rifampin may dimish the effect of this drug.

5.  Meprobamate and Vitamin "C" may increase the effect of this drug.

6.  May result in an increase or decrease in blood sugar (unpredictable) when used with oral Antidiabetics.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have abnormal or unexplained vaginal bleeding, liver disorders, are allergic to Estrogen drugs or have had a stroke, blood clots or heart attack.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have had porphyria, headaches (migraine), epilepsy, breast cancer, fibroid tumors (uterus or endometriosis), fibrocystic breast disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, gallstones, asthma, kidney disease, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in the growth of uterine fibroid tumors.|Overdose symptoms can include; breast enlargement, vomiting, nausea, fluid retention, and unusual vaginal bleeding.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Diphenoxylate & Atropine||028_               Diphenatol
Nor-Mil|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Blocks nerve impulses to the digestive tract.|Allow approximately 24 hours for this drug to take effect.|Take dosage after each loose stool.|This drug is an Antidiarrheal used to treat intestinal cramps and diarrhea.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience nausea, vomiting, accelerated heartbeat, dry mouth, headache, fever, stomach pain, and constipation.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

2.  May increase the dangerous effects of Ethinamate.

3.  May result in a significant rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

4.  May result in dangerous oversedation when used with Methyprylon.

5.  May increase the level of brain depression when used with Alcohol.

6.  May increase the effect of both drugs when used with Barbiturates, Sedatives, and Tranquilizers.

7.  May result in increased sedation when used with Narcotics.

8.  May trigger withdrawl symptoms when used with Naltrexone.

9.  Fluoxetine and Guanfacine may increase the depressant effect of both drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have jaundice infectious diarrhea, are allergic to Atropine Narcotics, Diphenoxylate, Anticholilnergics, or have antibiotic associated diarrhea.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have any medical problems, liver disorders, ulcerative colitis, take any medications prescribed or not, or will become pregnant during this use of this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to children less than 2 years of age.  All others should be under medical supervision during the use of this drug.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include; shallow breathing, pinpoint pupils, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Dipyridamole||001Z               Persantine
Pyridamole|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits the action of specific enzymes.|Allow approximately 3 months for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having mised your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait for your next scheduled dose. Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor used to treat attacks of angina and to prevent blood clotting.|On rare occasion, some may experience headache, chest pain, and fainting.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of this symptom during your next visit.|1.  May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.

2.  Aspirin may increase the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have had a recent heart attack,  have had an allergic reaction to Dipyridamole, or have uncontrollable high blood pressure.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have low blood pressure or liver disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4. This drug is not recommended for infants and children.  May cause excessively low blood pressure.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug  should include periodic medical examinations.

7.  Should be taken one hour before meals.|Overdose symptoms can include cold/clammy skin, lowered blood pressure, accelerated pulse, nausea, vomiting, stomach irritation, and fainting.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Doxepin||019]               Adapin
Sinequan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

May restore norepinephrine and serotonin to brain tissue.|Allow approximately 2-4 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 3 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 3 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant (tricyclic) used to treat symptoms of depression.|It is not uncommon for some to experience tremors when taking this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience; confusion, hallucinations, restlessness, jaundice, and abnormal bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience; skin rash, insomnia, nausea, headache, dizziness, and indigestion when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May be fatal when used with MAO inhibitors.  Requires strict medical  supervision.

2.  May increase the effect of Barbiturates, Tranquilizers, and Alcohol.

3.  May increase the effect of Thyroid Hormones.  May also result in abnormal heart rhythms when used together.

4.  May result in over-stimulation when used with Reserpine.

5.  Oral Contraceptives may reduce the effect of this drug.

6.  Quinidine, Sodium Bicarbonate, Acetazolamide, and Procainamide may increase the effect of this drug.

7.  May result in overdose when used with Phenothiazines and Ritalin.

8.  May produce delirium when used with Ethchlorvynol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have narrow-angle glaucoma, had a recent heart attack (within the last 6 weeks), taken any MAO inhibitors (Type A) within the last 2 weeks, or are allergic to Doxepin.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have a history of enlarged prostate, diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, epilepsy, overactive thyroid  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience agitation, hallucinations, confusion, and disorientation when using this drug.

6.  The use of this drug is disqualifying for piloting aircraft.  Exercise caution while driving or working around machinery.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include dilated pupils, confusion, hallucinations, drowsiness, tremors deep sleep, heart palpitations, stupor, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Erythromycin-Base
Erythromycin Estolate
Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate
Erythromycin Gluceptate
Erythromycin Lactobionate
Erythromycin Stearate||009Z               E.E.S. 200
EryPed 200
EryPed 400
Pediazole|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Prevents the growth and reproduction of specific bacterial organisms.|Allow approximately 1 week for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic, (erythromycin) used to treat specific bacterial infections.|On rare occasion, some may experience a loss of hearing, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May diminish the effect of Lincomycin and Clindamycin.

2.  May result in producing Theophylline toxicity when used together.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have liver disease or disorders, or are allergic to any form of Erythromycin.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

4.  People over 60 years of age may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus and genitals while using this drug.

5.  Extended use of this drug may decrease its antibiotic effectiveness.|Overdose symptoms can include; abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Fenoprofen||014`               Fenopron
Progesic|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Reduces concentrations of the hormone prostaglandin in tissues.|Allow approximately 24 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anti-Inflammatory (non-steroidal) used to treat symptoms of gout, arthritis, and dysmenorrhea.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) in Aspirin sensitive people, and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience an accelerated heartbeat, confusion, blurred vision, jaundice, psychosis, chest tightness, blood in stool, blood in urine, abdominal pain, and convulsions.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache, nausea, and dizziness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in stomach ulcers when used with Cortisone drugs, Aspirin, Oxyphenbutazone, and Phenylbutazone.

2.  May increase the of toxicity Lithium and Methotrexate.

3.  May result in a rise in blood pressure and rapid hearbeat when used with Thyroid Hormones.

4.  May increase the risk of bleeding when used with Anticoagulants.

5.  May diminish the effect of  ACE Inhibitors, Diuretics, and Beta-Andrenergic Blockers.

6.  Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should  be used cautiously if  you have a peptic ulcer, colitis, heart failure, enteritis, asthma, high blood pressure, gastritis, bleeding problems, or are allergic to Aspirin or any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have Parkinson's disease, kidney disease, epilepsy, kidney disorders, or mental illness (past or present).

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 15 years of age.  Older than 15 years should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in fever, weight gain, hearing loss, and damage to the eye.|Overdose symptoms can include agitation, confusion, convulsions, stomach or intestinal hemorrhaging and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, or allergic reaction contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Fluocinonide (Topical)||024[               Lidex
Lidex E|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Affects inflammation producing enzymes.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember.|This drug is a topical corticosteroid used to treat eczema, psoriasis, swimmers ear, pityriasis rosea, skin rashes and burns.|On rare occasion, some may experience dryness and redness of the skin, irritation and itching when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  Drug interactions are unlikely.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any topical cortisone drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have tuberculosis, diabetes, stomach ulcers, have an active infection on the area of the skin you intend to treat, or will become pregnant while using this drug.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience a thinning of the skin when using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may lead to experiencing the adverse effects of this drug.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered during prolonged use of  this drug.

7.  Wash hands after application, avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if taken internally, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Bumetanide
Ethacrynic Acid
Furosemide||006Z               Apo-Furosemide
Lasix Special
Uritol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Promotes the elimination of both sodium and water from the body.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Diuretic, (loop) antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion, some may experience; abnormal bruising or bleeding, low blood pressure, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, loss of appetite, muscle cramps, tingling sensation (hand or feet), fever, and irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of this during your next visit.|1.  May increase the blood pressure lowering effect of Antihypertensives.

2.  May result in Digitalis toxicity when used together.

3.  May result in serious heart disorders when used with Digitalis preparations.

4.  May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Nimodipine and Narcotics.

5.  May result in an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants and Nitrates.

6.  May result in excessive blood potassium when used with ACE Inhibitors.

7.  May result in dangerous Salilcylate retention when used with Salicylates and Aspirin.

8.  May result in dangerous potassium loss when used with Amiodarone, Cortisone drugs, and Digitalis preparations.

9.  May result in a loss of potassium when used with Corticosteroids and Potassium supplements.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have experienced an adverse or allergic reaction to this drug or any other Loop Diuretic.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have gout, kidney disease, diabetes, liver disease, hearing disorders, are allergic to any sulfa drugs, take other drugs (prescription or non-prescription),  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of diabetes.|Overdose symptoms can include; confusion, muscle cramps in the legs, weakness, deep sleep, nausea, vomiting, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Haloperidol||051]               Apo-Haloperidol
Haldol Decanoate
Haldol LA
Peridol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Specific mechanism of action has not been clearly established as of yet.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Tranquilizer, (antipsychotic) to treat anxiety (severe) and psychotic behavior.|Life-threatening effects can involve; Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, and include uncontrollable muscle movements (particularly in the face and tongue).  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  For some, it is not uncommon to experience; muscle spasms, blurred vision, and restlessness.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with  your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience; unusual tongue movements, warm/dry skin, sore throat, skin rash, fever, jaundice, hallucinations, and abdominal pain.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May  cause psychosis when used with Methyldopa.

2.  May alter seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

3.  May increase internal eye pressure when used with Anticholinergics.

4.  May cause an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives.

5.  May result in excessive sedation when used with Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Barbiturates, Narcotics, Procarbazine, Sedatives, Alcohol, and Tranquilizers.

6.  May result in toxicity when used with Lithium.

7.  Dronabinol may increase the effects of both drugs.

8.  Fluoxetine may increase the depressant effect of both drugs.

9.  Loxapine may increase the toxic effect of both drugs.

10. May decrease the effect of Guanethidine.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have Parkinson's disease, suffer from depression, or have had an allergic reaction to this drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, prostate problems, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, alcohol, had liver or kidney disorders, or are taking any medications.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 3 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in the development of tardive dyskinesia.|Overdose symptoms can include; extremely low blood pressure, weak/rapid pulse, tremor, slow breathing, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Hydralazine||049Z               Apresoline
Ser-Ap-Es|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Expands the walls of blood vessels to lower blood pressure.|Consult with your doctor or pharmacist for specifics.  May require several weeks.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.|It is not uncommon for some to experience; vomiting, nausea, and heartbeat irregularities.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience; jaundice, sore throat, joint pain, faintness, swollen feet or legs, skin rash, fever, swollen lymph gland and chest pain.  If you experience any of these symptoms, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, some may experience a loss of appetite, diarrhea, painful urination, and headache.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  Amphetamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may decrease the effect of this drug.

2.  Other Antihypertensives, Carteolol, Diazoxide, Lisinopril, and Sotalol may increase the the antihypertensive effect of this drug.

3.  May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Nimodipine.

4.  The use of this drug may diminish the effect of Terazosin.

5.  MAO inhibitors may increase the effect of this drug.

6.  May result in a blood pressure drop when used with Nicardipine.

7.  May increase the effect of both drugs when used with oral Diuretics or Guanfacine.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have ever had rheumatic heart disease, coronary heart disease, or have experienced an allergic reaction to Tartrazine Dye or Hydralazine.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you will be having  surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.  Or if you have had lupus, kidney disease, stroke, kidney disorders, or experience arm neck or chest pain during physical activity.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in the development of psychosis, lupus, and a tingling sensation on the feet and hands.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered while using this drug for prolonged periods.|Overdose symptoms can include; rapid/weak heartbeat, weakness, cold/clammy skin, and fainting.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Hydrochlorothiazide & Triamterene||006Z               Apo-Triazide
Novotriamzide|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Promotes the elimination of water and sodium from the body and relaxes arterial walls to lower blood pressure.|Allow approximately 5 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 6 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 6 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Diuretic used to treat high blood pressure.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintess.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  For some people, it is not uncommon to experience muscle cramps and changes in mood when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience hives, fever, blurred vision, chills, jaundice, sore throat, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal or muscle pains, an unusual bleeding or bruising.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1. May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Antidepressants, Nicardipine, Nimodipine, and Alcohol.

2.  May result in acute renal failure when used with Indomethacin.

3.  May result in a dangerous retention of potassium when used with Amiloride, and spironolactone.

4.  May result in a significant drop in blood pressure with the first dose of Lisinopril.

5.  May cause excessive potassium when used with Potassium Supplements.

6.  May cause weakness and fainting when used with Opiates.

7.  May cause an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

8.  May increase the effect of Thiazide Diuretics.

9.  May decrease the effect of Probenecid and Allopurinol.

10.  May decrease blood pressure when used with ACE Inhibitors.

11.  May result in dangerous heart rhythms when used with Cortisone drugs and Digitalis preparations.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have kidney or liver disease or are allergic to this drug or any Thiazide Diuretic drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, are allergic to Sulfa drugs,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience a significant loss of potassium when using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before use.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in the development of heart rhythm irregularities.|Overdose symptoms can include; weakness, nausea, vomiting, cramps, lethargy, low blood pressure, weak pulse, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Levodopa||027]               Dopar
Larodopa|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Not totally understood.  May enter brain tissue and convert into dopamine.|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiparkinsonism used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.|It is not uncommon for  some to experience uncontrollable body movements when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, itching, skin rash, insomnia, vomiting, nausea, headache, nightmares, and fainting.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May produce a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

2.  May result in heartbeat irregularities when used with Albuterol.

3.  May result in weakness and fainting when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants.

4.  Anticonvulsants, Antihypertensives, Haloperidol, Methyldopa, Molindone, Papaverine, Phenothiazines, Phenytoin, Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine), and Rauwolfia alkaloids may diminish the effect of this drug.

5.  Antiparkinsonism drugs may increase the effect of this drug.

6.  Guanfacine may increase the effect of both drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have narrow-angle glaucoma, have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, or are allergic to either Levodopa or Carbidopa.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have, or have had, heart disease, peptic ulcer, lung disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, malignant melanoma, epilepsy, liver disease, kidney disease,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in the development of uncontrollable body movements.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug for prolonged periods.|Overdose symptoms can include; spasms of the eyelids, vomiting, nausea, fainting, irregular pulse (may also be fast), diarrhea, confusion, hallucinations, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Maprotiline||019]               Ludiomil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Restores nerve impulse transmitter norepinephrine to normal levels in brain tissue.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for this drug to take effect.|Daily dose:  If you remember within 3 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 3 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant used to treat anxiety and depression.|Life-threatening effects can involve seizures.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  For some people, it is not uncommon to experience tremors when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience jaundice, tardive dyskinesia (involuntary facial movements), eye pain, nightmares, blurred vision, sore throat, and irregular heartbeat.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in dangerous oversedation when used with Narcotics, Sedatives, and Methyprylon.

2.  May produce an irregular heartbeat when used with Procainamide, Quinidine, and Thyroid Hormones.

3.  May result in fever, delirium, and convulsions when used with MAO inhibitors.

4.  May increase the depressant effect on the central nervous system when used with Nabilone.

5.  May produce delirium when used with Disulfiram and Ethchlorvynol.

6.  May increase the dangerous effects of Ethinamate when used together.

7.  May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

8.  May result in increased sedation when used with Anticholinergics, Benzodiazepines, and Central Nervous System depressants.

9.  May increase the depressant effect of both drugs when used with  Fluoxetine and Guanfacine.

10.  May increase blood pressure when used with Levodopa.

11.  May increase the effect of Antihistamines and Sympathomimetics.

12.  May increase the effect and toxicity of Maprotiline when used with Cimetidine, Methylphenidate, and Phenothiazine.

13.  May diminish the effect of Clonidine, Guanethidine, and Methyldopa.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have glaucoma, consume alcohol, experienced a recent heart attack (within the last 6 weeks), have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, or are allergic to Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, enlarged prostate gland, stomach disorders, heart disease, asthma, liver disease, overactive thyroid, intestinal problems,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience hallucinations, difficulty urinating, dizziness, fainting, insomnia, and headache.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include; drowsiness, fever, heart arrhythmia, muscle stiffness, tremors, stupor, convulsions, deep sleep, hallucinations, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Methyldopa||004Z               Aldoclor
PMS-Dopazide|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Expands small arteries to lower blood pressure.|Allow approximately 1 month for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, if close to next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose as scheduled.|This drug is an Antihypertensive used to treat high blood pressure.|On rare occasion, some may experience; jaundice, fainting, chills, rapid or slow heartbeat, fever, abdominal pain, decreased alertness, chest pain, "black" tongue, skin rash, and swelling of the abdomen.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache, nightmares, fluid retention, depression, drowsiness, and swelling of the feet and/or legs.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms|1.  May cause a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants and MAO inhibitors.

2.  May produce a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Nimodipine.

3.  May increase the risk of heart block when used with Sympathomimetics.

4.  May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol.

5.  May produce a drop in blood pressure when used with Nicardipine.

6.  May produce excessively slow heartbeat when used with Digitalis preparations.

7.  May produce dangerous oversedation when used with Methyprylon.

8.  May increase the depressant effect on the central nervous system when used with Nabilone.

9.  May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

10.  May result in excessive blood-potassium when used with ACE Inhibitors.

11.  May produce dementia when used with Haloperidol.

12.  May increase the toxic effect of both drugs when used with Loxapine.

13.  May increase the depressant effect of both drugs when used with Fluoxetine and Guanfacine.

14.  May produce the dangerous effects of Ethinamate when used together.

15.  May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants, Antihypertensives, and Tolbutamide.

16. May decrease the effect of Pergolide and Terazosin.

17.  Thiazide Diuretics, Carteolol, and Satalol may increase the effect of this drug.

18.  Aphetamines may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if   you will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not used for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may develop or intensify Parkinson's disease when using this drug.  Over 60 may also experience dizziness and fainting when using  this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using Methyldopa.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may produce anemia and severe fluid retention.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered during prolonged use of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include stupor, drowsiness, slow/weak pulse, and confusion.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Methylprednosolone||024Z               A-MethaPred
dep Medalone
Solu-Medrol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Inhibits the normal defense functions of specific white blood cells.|Allow approximately 4 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.  Once a day dose: Wait until your next scheduled dose and double the dose.|This drug is Cortisone (adrenal corticosteroid) used to treat blood disorders, asthma, kidney disease, emphysema, and corticosteroid deficiency.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, and faintess.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience fever, sore throat, muscle cramps, hallucinations, blurred vision, and convulsions.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May produce oversedation when used with Barbiturates.

2.  May produce a dangerous loss of potassium when used with Digitalis preparations and Indapamide.

3.  May produce stomach ulcers when used with Alcohol.

4.  May produce ulcers when used with Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, Oxyphenbutazone, and Phenylbutazone.

5.  May result in Digitalis toxicity when used together.

6.  May produce glaucoma when used with Anticholinergics and Sympathomimetics.

7.  May result in potassium depletioin when used with Amphotericin B, Thiazide Diuretics, Ethacrynic Acid, Furosemide, and Chlorthalidone.

8.  The effect of this drug may be increased when used with  Aspirin, Oral Contraceptives, Estrogens, and Indomethacin.

9.  The effect of  this drug may be diminished when used with Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Antihistamines, Barbiturates, Choral Hydrate, Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Ephedrine, Glutethimide, Mitotaine, Phenobarbital, and Rifampin.

10.  May diminish the effect of oral Anticoagulants, oral Antidiabetics, Cholinergics, Insulin, Isoniazid, Potassium supplements, Salicylates.

11.  May increase the effect of Theophylline.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have a peptic ulcer, herpes infections (eyes, genitals, lips), diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, colitis, kidney disease, bone disease, fungus infections, glaucoma, thyroid disease, diverticulitis, tuberculosis, myasthenia gravis, or are allergic to Cortisone drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, congestive heart failure, diabetes, myasthenia gravis, high blood pressure, underactive thyroid, blood clots (arms/legs), or have had tuberculosis.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience aggravated effects of edema, ulcers, and diabetes.  Over 60 may also develop osteoporosis and cataracts while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before taking this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in functional dependence of this drug, inhibit normal growth in children, and cause diabetes, glaucoma, bone fragility, cataracts, and thinning of the skin.|Overdose symptoms can include; convulsions, headache, muscle weakness, increased blood pressure, stomach irritation, and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Metoclopramide||033_               Clora
Reglan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Relaxes stomach muscles and accelerates emptying of the stomach into the intestine.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|Take when you remember.  If close to next dose, just take next dose.  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiemetic, dopaminergic blocker used to treat/relieve nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.|On rare occasion, some may experience; abnormal facial movements, shortness of  breath, depression, wheezing, and Parkinson's disease like symptoms.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a feeling of restlessness and possible drowsiness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May produce the dangerous effects of Ethinamate when used together.

2.  May produce trembling when used with Thiothixines, Butyophenone, and Phenothiazines.

3.  May increase the toxic effects of both drugs when used with Loxapine.

4.  May produce dangerous oversedation when used with Methyprylon.

5.  May increase the depressant effects of both drugs when used with Fluoxetine and Guanfacine.

6.  May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

7.  May produce unpredictable changes in blood glucose when used with Insulin.

8.  May increase the depressant effect on the central nervous system when ued with Nabilone.

9.  May produce excessive sedation when used with Alcohol and Central Nervous System depressants.

10.  The effect of this drug may be diminished when used with Anticholinergics and Narcotics.

11.  May diminish the effect of Bromocriptine, Digitalis preparations, Nizaatidine, and Pergolide.

12.  May increase the effect of Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Levodopa, and Lithium.|1.  This drug should not be used if   you have had an allergic reaction to Metoclopramide, Procaine, or Procainamide.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, liver disease, intestinal obstruction, kidney disease, are taking Opioid Analgesics, Atropine drugs, or Antipsychotics,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children may develop Parkinson-like symptoms when using this drug.  Use only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include follow-up medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, muscle spasms, confusion, drowsiness, and jerking movements of the head and face.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Metoprolol||013Z               Apo-Metoprolol
Betaloc Durules
Lopressor SR
Novometoprol|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form?  No

Blocks specific actions of the sympathetic nervous system and reduces blood vessel contractions in the heart.|Allow approximately  4 hours for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, and allow 3 hours before taking your next dose.|This drug is a Beta-Adrenergic Blocker used to lower blood pressure, stabilize irregular heartbeat, and reduce angina attacks.|On rare occasion, some may experience; anxiety, depression, chest pain, and shortness of breath.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience cold hands, dry mouth, and a tingling sensation in the hands and feet.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol.

2.  May result in dangerous oversedation when used with Barbiturates and Narcotics.

3.  May worsen congestive heart failure when used with  Tocainide.

4.  May have a toxic effect on the heart msucle when used with Encainide.

5.  May excessively slow heart rate when used with Quinidine.

6.  May increase the effect of both drugs when used with Indapamide, Reserpine, and Verapamil.

7.  May diminish the effect of this drug when used with Indomethacin, Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, Phenytoin, and Rifampin.

8.  May increase the effect of this drug when used with ACE Inhibitors, Levobunolol (eyedrops), Betaxolol (eyedrops), and Timolol (eyedrops).

9.  May increase the effect of ACE inhibitors, Antidiabetics, Barbiturates, Antihypertensives, Insulin, and Molindone.

10.  May diminish the effect of Antihistamines and Beta-Agonists.

11.  May produce a drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, have symptoms of asthma or hay fever, or are allergic to Beta-Adrenergic Blockers.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have asthma, hay fever, overactive thyroid, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, liver disorders, poor circulation (extremities), emphysema, kidney disorders,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include; low blood pressure, cold/sweaty skin, weakness, convulsions, coma, and congestive heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Miconazole||021[               Micatin
Monistat 7
Monistat Derm|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Destroys specific fungi by damaging the cell walls of the fungi.|Allow approximately 4-8 weeks for maximum effect|Reapply as soon as you remember and continue your original schedule.|This drug is an Antifungal (topical) used to treat fungus infections of the skin, vagina, and blood.|On rare occasion, after intravenous injection, some may experience diarrhea, vein irritation, skin rash, vomiting, nausea, appetite loss, and fever.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  After vaginal application, some may experience (also rare), a burning sensation, hives, skin rash, itching, pelvic cramps, and headache.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  Drug interactions are unlikely.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any topically applied Antifungal drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have experienced any allergic reaction to anything that comes into contact with your skin.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only after a consultation with your doctor.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if taken orally, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Minocycline||010Z               Minocin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Prevents the growth and reproduction of specific bacteria.|Allow approximately 1 week for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember.  If close to next dose, skip missed dose and take at next scheduled dose.|This drug is an Antibiotic (tetracycline) used for bacterial and protozoal infections and severe, resistant pustular acne.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, faintness, and wheezing.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience; fever, abnormal bruising or bleeding, asthma, and swollen joints.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May diminish the effect of Penicillins.

2.  Mineral supplements may diminish the effect of this drug.

3.  Should not be combined with Anticoagulants.

4.  May produce toxic effects of Digoxin when used together.

5.  May increase the effect of Insulin when used together.

6.  Consult with your doctor before combining with Lithium, may effect blood lithium levels.

7.  May alter the effects of Oral Contraceptives.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have systemic lupus erythematosus, are taking any penicillin or anticoagulant drugs, have a history of kidney or liver disease.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are  pregnant, breast-feeding, or are allergic to any tetracycline.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Children less than 8 years of age may experience permanent discoloration and deformity of the teeth.  May also inhibit normal bone growth and development.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus and genitals when using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may decrease its effectiveness as an antibiotic. Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug for prolonged periods.

7.  Take with plenty of water.

8.  Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.|Overdose symptoms can include; nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose, or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Minoxidil (topical)||085[               Rogaine (topical)|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Stimulates hair growth by dilation of superficial scalp blood vessels|Time varies with the individual.  Consult with your doctor for specifics.|Reapply as soon as you remember.|This drug is a hair growth stimulant used to treat male pattern baldness (alopecia androgenetica)|Life-threatening effects can be caused by (rarely occurs) excessive absorption and include a fast, irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Also rare, some may experience dizziness, burning sensation of the scalp, rapid weight gain, swollen face, and headache.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in excessive absorption when used with topical Adrenocorticoids, topical Petrolatum, and topical Retinoids.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to Minoxidil.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are naturally prone to allergic reactions.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if  taken internally, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Aspirin & Codeine
Buffered  Aspirin & Codeine
Drocode & Aspirin
Hydrocodone & Aspirin
Oxycodone & Aspirin
Pentazocine &  Aspirin
Propoxyphene & Aspirin|Narcotic and Aspirin|029Z               A.C. & C.
Anacin with Codeine
Coryphen with Codeine
Cotanal 65
Darvon Compound
Darvon with A.S.A.
Darvon-N with A.S.A.
Darvon-N Compound
Doraphen Compound 65
Doxaphene Compound
Drocade and  Aspirin
Empirin with Codeine
Margesic A-C
Novopropoxyn  Compound
Pro Pox Plus
Talwin Compound
Talwin Compound-50|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Dilates the small blood vessels in the skin and prevents the small blood cells (platelets) from combining together.  Also decreases the effect of prostaglandin.|Allow approximately 1/2 hour for this drug to take effect.|Retake once you remember, then wait 4 hours before your next dose.|This drug is a Narcotic, Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory (non-steroidal) used to treat fever, pain, and inflammation.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include; skin rash, intense itching, hives, faintness, and wheezing.   If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Another life-threatening effect can include seizures, pinpoint pupils, cold feet or hands, and a lump (or pain) over a blood vessel.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help  immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience severe headache, vomiting blood, and a slowed heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience; abdominal cramps, confusion, blood in urine or stool, swelling of the face, jaundice, and irregular breathing.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May cause stomach bleeding and ulcers when used with alcohol, cortisone drugs, Indomethacin, and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs.

2.  May cause severe toxicity when used with Selegiline.

3.  May produce dangerous oversedation when used with Carteolol and Sotalol.

4.  May result in excessive sedation when used with Terfenadine.

5.  May produce an increased sedative effect when used with Antidepressants, Sedatives, Sleep Inducers, and Tranquilizers.

6.  May increase the risk of bleeding when used with Anticoagulants.

7.  May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

8.  May produce kidney damage when used with Gold compounds.

9.  May result in Aspirin toxicty when used with other Aspirin containing drugs, Bumetanide, Ethacrynic Acid, Furosemide, Salicylates, and large doses of Vitamin "C".

10.  May diminish the effect of Acebutolol, ACE Inhibitors, Allopurinol, Minoxidil, Probenecid, Spironolactone, Sulfinpyrazone, and Oxprenolol.

11.  May increase the effect of Anticoagulants, Cortisone drugs, Methotrexate, other Narcotics, Penicillins, Phenytoin, and Valporic Acid.

12.  May result in low blood sugar when used with oral antidiabetics.

13.  May diminish the effect of this drug when used with Antacids, Phenobarbital, Propranolol, and Rauwolfia Alkaloids.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have peptic ulcers, (stomach or duodenum), bleeding disorders,or are allergic to Narcotics.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have gout, asthma, stomach ulcers, liver disorders, nasal polyps, kidney problems, duodenal ulcers,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience; dizziness, drowsiness, constipation and bleeding in the stomach or intestines.  If you observe dark colored stools, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in kidney damage and/or addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include; hallucinations, deep sleep, vomiting, nausea, flushed face, pinpoint pupils, fever, dizziness, ringing ears, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Nicotine Resin Complex||094Y               Nicorette|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Acts as an agonist at nicotinic receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems.|Allow approximately 1/2 hour for this drug to take effect.|Follow the instructions provided with the drug.|This drug is an Anti-smoking agent used to treat addictive smoking habits.|On rare occasion, some may experience; abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience salivation (excessive), muscle soreness, mouth irritation, and irritability.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in excessive absorption of Bronchodilators when used together.

2.  May increase the effect of  Furosemide, Caffeine, Cortisone drugs, Theophylline, Imipramine, Phenacetin, and Pentazocine.

3.   May result in excessive absorption of Propranolol when used together.

4.  May result in excessive Insulin absorption when used together.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you  have recently experienced a heart attack, are or will become pregnant while using this drug, or smoke..

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have peptic ulcers, coronary heart disease, angina (severe), or active temperomandibular joint disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be used by infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in toxicity and addiction.

7.  Do not chew over 30 pieces of gum per day.|Overdose symptoms can include; abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, excessive salivation, headache, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Nifedipine||005Z               Adalat
Procardia|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Increases oxygen to the heart muscle, prevents spontaneous spasm of coronary arteries. |Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a calcium Channel Blocker, antianginal used to treat high blood pressure, angina, Reynaud's disease, and esophagus spasms.|On rare occasion, some may experience; increased angina attacks and temporary blindness.  If  this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Also rare, some may experience chest pain, wheezing, jaundice, depression (mental) fever, abnormally fast or slow heartbeat, skin rash, difficulty breathing, and psychosis.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in a dangerous drop in blood pressure when used with Alcohol, Antihypertensives, Diuretics, and Nimodipine.

2.  May produce dangerous effects on the heart when used with Disopyramide.

3.  May worsen congestive heart failure when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

4.  May increase the effect and/or toxicity of oral Anticoagulants, Cyclosporine, and Quinidine.

5.  May diminish the effect of Lithium and Quinidine.

6.  May reduce angina attacks when used with Nitrates.

7.  May increase the risk of experiencing the adverse  effects of both drugs when used with  Tocainide.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have extremely low blood pressure or are allergic to this drug or other Calcium Channel Blockers.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, liver disease, heart disease, or kidney disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include; an abnormally fast or slow heartbeat, unconsciousness, and possible cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Nitrofurantoin||022\               Apo-Nitrofurantoin
Urotoin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Destroys specific bacteria by interfering with their enzyme systems.|Allow approximately 2 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antimicrobial used to treat infections of the urinary-tract.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, wheezing, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience breathing difficulties, vomiting, chest pain, nausea, chills, fever, diarrhea, coughing, appetite loss, and abdominal pain.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience jaundice, burning sensation of the mouth and face, skin rash, fatigue, asthma, hepatitis, and lung inflammation.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have liver disease, kidney disorders, have experienced an allergic reaction to this drug,or consume Alcoholic beverages.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have chronic anemia, G6PD deficiency, diabetes, liver or kidney disorders, are allergic to any Nitrofuran drug, or pregnant.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to infants less than one month old.  Older children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience nausea, vomiting, skin rash, and constipation when using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in coughing, difficulty breathing, and chest pain.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered when this drug is used for prolonged periods.|Overdose symptoms can include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose, or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Penicillin G/Piperacillin||023Z               Ayercillin
Bicillin L.A.
Duracillin A.S.
Wycillin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Destroys specific bacterial organisms by preventing their ability to produce new protective cell walls as they multiply and grow.|Allow several days for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember and continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is an antibiotic (penicillin) used to treat bacterial infections.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, wheezing, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience a dark or discolored tongue, abdominal cramps, sore throat, weakness, abnormal bruising or bleeding, and fever.  If any of these symptoms occur, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May increase the risk of experiencing an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) when used with Beta-Andrenergic blockers.

2.  May diminish the effect of oral Contraceptives.

3.  May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Chloramphenicol, Erythromycins, Paromomycin, Tetracyclines, and Troleandomycin.

4.  Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

5.  The effect of this drug may be diminished when used with Chloesteyramine, and Colestipol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have experienced an allergic reaction to Cephalosporin or any other form of Penicillin (may be fatal).

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are prone to allergic reactions or are currently using oral Contraceptives.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus and genitals when using this drug.  Consult with your doctor if this occurs.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include follow-up examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include; vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction , contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Penicillin V||023Y               Apo-Pen-VK
Ledercillin VK
Novopen VK
Pen Vee
Pen Vee K
Robicillin VK
V-Cillin K
Veetids|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Destroys specific bacterial organisms by preventing their ability to produce new protective cell walls as they multiply and grow.|Allow 1-2 weeks for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember then continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic (penicillin) used to treat infections of susceptible organisms.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, wheezing, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience abdominal cramps, sore throat, blood in urine, weakness, face swelling, abnormal bruising or bleeding, ankle swelling, and fever.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon to see a dark or discolored tongue when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of this during your next visit.|1.  May increase the risk of experiencing an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

2.  May diminish the effect of oral contraceptives.

3.  May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Chloramphenicol, Erythromycins, Paromomycin, Tetracyclines, and Troleandomycin.

4.  Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.

5.  The effect of this drug may be diminished when  used with Cholestyramine, and Colestipol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to this drug or any other form of Penicillin (may be fatal).

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are allergic to any Cephalosporin antibiotic (Ancef, Anspor, Ceclor, Ceporam, Ceporex, Kafocin, Keflex, Keflin, Kefzol, Loridine, Ultracef, and Velosef) or are naturally prone to allergic  reactions.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus and genitals while using this drug.  Consult with your doctor if this occurs.

6.   Extended use of this drug should include follow-up medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include; vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Phenylephrine||020a               Anamine HD
Citra forte
Codimal DH
Codimal PH
Colrex Compound
Colrex Cough
Conar Expectorant
Dimetane  Expectorant
Dimetane  Expectorant-C
Dimetane Expectorant-DC
Dimetapp with Codeine
Donatussin DC
Donatussin Drops
Efricon Expectorant Liquid
Entex Liquid
Father John's Medicine Plus
Guistrey Fortis
Histatuss Pediatric
Hycomine Compound
Hycomine-S Pediatric
Improved Sino-Tuss
Mallergan-VC with Codeine
Novahistex C
Novahistex DH
Novahistex DH Expectorant
Novahistex DM
Novahistine DH
Novahistine DH Expectorant
Pediacof Cough
Phenameth VC
Phenameth VC with Codeine
Phenergen VC
Phenergan VC with Codeine
Pherazine VC with Codeine
Prometh VC with Codeine
Quelidrine Cough
Respinol G
Respinol LA
Robitussin Night Relief
Robitussin Night Relief Cold Formula Liquid
Ru-Tuss Expectorant
Ru-Tuss with Hydrocodone Liquid
Rymed Liquid
Trimedine Liquid
Tussanil DH
Tussirex with Codeine
Tussirex with Codeine liquid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required?No-Low strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Enlarges airways by constricting blood vessels in the nose, sinus and throat.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours until your next dose.  Continue based on revised schedule.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is a Sympathomimetic used to treat congestion associated with allergies, sinusitis, and colds.|It is not uncommon for some to experience a fast/pounding heartbeat when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience insomnia, nervousness, headache, and a burning or stinging sensation inside the nose when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with MAO Inhibitors.

2.  May result in toxicity when used with Phenothiazines.

3.  May increase blood pressure when used with Methyldopa.

4.  May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers, Guanadrel, and Oxprenolol.

5.  May result in an increased stimulant effect  when used with Sympathomimetics.

6.  May diminish the effect of  Digitalis, Sedatives, Rauwolfia, and  Tranquilizers.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Sympathomimetic drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have diabetes, heart disease, overactive thyroid, high blood pressure, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks (may cause a dangerous rise in blood pressure).

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may lead to functional dependence and irritation of nasal membranes.|Overdose symptoms can include; vomiting, slow pulse, headache, increased blood pressure, and heart palpitations.|Phenytoin||008]               Dilantin
Dilantin Infatabs
Dilantin Kapseals
Diphenylhydantoin|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Promotes the loss of sodium from nerve fibers thus inhibiting the repetitious spread of electrical impulses along nerve pathways.|Allow approximately a week to 10 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anticonvulsant (hydantoin) used to stabilize irregular heartbeats and prevent epileptic seizures.|On rare occasion, some may experience; abdominal pain, skin rash, confusion, swollen lymph glands, hallucinations, jaundice, slurred speech, fever, and abnormal bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting, slight dizziness, constipation, and swollen/tender gums.  If any of these symptoms occur, make your doctor aware of them during your next visit.|1.  May alter seizure patterns when used with Barbiturates and Valporic Acid.

2. May produce an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Nitrates.

3.  May result in oversedation when used with Central Nervous System Depressants.

4.  May increase the effect of Anticoagulants, Estrogens, Griseofulvin, Methadone, Propanolol, Quinidine, and Sedatives.

5.  May increase the effect and toxicity of  both drugs when used with Propafenone.

6.  May have a toxic effect on the heart muscle when used with Encainide.

7.  The effect of this drug may be increased when used with Chloramphenicol, Disulfiram, Fluconazole, Isoniazid, Methylphenidate, Molindone, Oxyphenbutazone, Para-Aminosalicylic Acid, Phenothiazines, Phenylbutazone, Sulfa drugs, and Trimethoprim, and Nicardipine.

8.  The effect of this drug may be diminished when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants and Alcohol.

9.  May increase the risk of bone disease when used with Carbonic Anydrase inhibitors.

10.  May diminish the effect of Carteolol, Cyclosporine, Dextrothyroxine, Digitalis, Disopyramide, Furosemide, Potassium Supplements, and Probenecid.

11.  May increase the effect and toxicity of this drug when used with Nizatidine.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have experienced an allergic reaction to this drug or any other Anticonvulsant.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have low blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, are taking other medications  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in unusual eye movements, liver damage, bone damage (weakened), swollen lymph glands, and tingling sensation in the feet and hands.  Prolonged use should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include; low blood pressure, slurred speech, hand tremor, jerky eye movement, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, shallow breathing, stupor, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Pilocarpine||071c               Adsorbocarpine
Isopto Carpine
Minims Pilocarpine
Ocusert Pilo
Pilopine HS
P.V. Carpine
P.V. Carpine Liquifilm|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Promotes the elimination (drainage) of excess aqueous humor (fluid) from the eye in order to lower internal eye pressure.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Reapply as soon as you remember and continue based on your original schedule.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiglaucoma used to treat glaucoma.|On rare occasion, some may experience nausea, vomiting, headache, eye twitching, muscle tremor, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience some eye pain and blurred vision when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  Belladonna (ophthalmic) and Cyclopentolate may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have experienced an allergic reaction to this drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have acute iritis, asthma, conjunctivitis, or are taking other medications.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with their doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug should include follow-up eye examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include (if taken orally), difficulty breathing, vomiting, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and unconsciousness.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Piroxicam||014e               Feldene
|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Suppresses the production of prostaglandins.|Allow approximately 2-4 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anti-Inflammatory (non-steroidal) used to treat symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and treat juvenile arthritis.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), and include; skin rash, intense itching,  hives, wheezing, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience blood in urine, abdominal pain (severe), blurred vision, skin rash, jaundice, breathing difficulties, bloody stools, chest tightness, and psychosis.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache, nausea, and dizziness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in stomach ulcers when used with Aspirin, Cortisone drugs, Oxphenbutazone, Phenybutazone, and Alcohol.

2.  May increase the risk of  bleeding when used with oral Anticoagulants.

3.  May decrease the effect of ACE inhibitors, Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, Diuretics, and Monoxidil.

4.  May increase the effect and toxicity of lithium.

5.  May result in toxicity when used with Methotrexate.

6.  Probenecid may increase the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used with caution if  you have asthma, high blood pressure, nasal polyps (caused by aspirin), liver disease, gastritis, bleeding disorders, peptic ulcer, kidney disorders, heart failure, ileitis, enteritis, ulcerative colitis, or are allergic to any Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, or Aspirin.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 15 years of age.  Older children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

4.  People over 60 years of age may experience confusion, dizziness, impaired memory, fluid retention, and constipation when using this drug.  If any of these symptoms occur, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

5.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may  produce hearing loss, fever, weight gain, sore throat, eye damage, and  anemia.|Overdose symptoms can include a ringing sensation in the ears, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, agitation, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Potassium Chloride||039Z               Cena-K
Kay Ciel
S.K. Potassium Chloride
Klotirx (Wax Matrix)
K-Tab (Wax Matrix)
Slow-K (Wax Matrix)
Kaon-Ci (Wax Matrix)
Potassium C (coated)
Micro-K Extencaps
K-Lyte C1
Koachlor Eff|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Replenishes potassium in cells to their normal levels.  Affects stomach secretions, kidneys, nerve cells, heart and skeletal muscle cells.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember, then continue based on  your original schedule.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a mineral supplement (potassium) used to treat potassium deficiency.|On rare occasion, some may experience lowered blood pressure, tingling sensation in the feet and hands, listlessness, confusion, heat rhythm changes, and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in toxicity when used with Spironolactone and Triamterene or ACE Inhibitors.|1.  This drug should be used cautiously if  you have severe kidney disorders, or disease, are allergic to potassium supplements, or are using any drugs that contain Amiloride Spironolactone, Tramterene or ACE Inhibitors.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have  intestinal blockage, heart disease, stomach ulcers, Addison's disease, chronic diarrhea, familial periodic paralysis, use diuretics, heart medications, laxatives, or salt substitutes.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age must maintain your potassium level within strict parameters.  Consult with your doctor to determine correct dosage.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in anemia.  Periodic medical examinations should be  considered when using this drug for prolonged periods.|Overdose symptoms can include; an irregular heartbeat, drop in blood pressure, arm and leg paralysis, convulsions, coma, and heart attack,  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Prednisone||024Z               Apo-Prednisone
Prednisone Intensol
Winpred|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

As an anti-inflammatory, this drug may inhibit the normal defense function of specific white blood cells.|Allow approximately 2 to 4 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.  Once a day dose:  Wait for your next scheduled dose and double it.|This drug is a Cortisone drug (adrenal corticosteroid) used to treat blood disorders, kidney disease, asthma, emphysema, corticosteroid deficiency, and reduce inflammation.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, wheezing, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience an irregular heartbeat, infections, difficulty swallowing, and tarry, black, or bloody stool.  If any of these symptoms occur, seek emergency medical treatment immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience acne, dizziness, a change in appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion, increased thirst,  hoarseness, and constipation.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in a dangerous loss of potassium when used with Digitalis preparations and Indapamide.

2.  May result in the development of ulcers when used with Alcohol, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, Oxyphenbutazone, and Phenylbutazone.

3.  May result in a loss of potassium when used with Chlorthalidone, Thiazide Diuretics, Ethacrynic Acid, and Furosemide.

4.  The effect of this drug may be diminished by Anticonvulsants (Hydantoin), Antihistamines, Barbiturates, Chloral Hydrate, Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Ephedrine, Mitotane, Glutethimide, and Rifampin.

5.  The effect of this drug may be increased by Aspirin, Oral Contraceptives, Estrogens, and Indomethacin.

6.  May diminish the effect of oral Antidiabetics, Cholinergics, Insulin, Isoniazid, Potassium supplements, and Salicylates.

7. May increase the effect of Theophylline.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have peptic ulcers, herpes simplex virus (of the eyes, lips, or genitals), tuberculosis, heart disease, bone disease, liver disease, kidney disease, glaucoma, thyroid disease, myasthenia gravis, iderticulities, colitis, diabetes, or are allergic to any Cortisone drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, blood clots (legs or lungs), congestive heart failure, thyroid disorders, or a history of tuberculosis or thrombophlebitis.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience a rise in blood pressure, stomach ulcers, cataracts, osteoporosis, fluid retention, as well as intensify existing diabetes, ulcers, and edema.  If any of these symptoms occur consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in the development of glaucoma, thinning skin, diabetes, loss of bone strength, cataracts, and retarded growth and development in children.|Overdose symptoms can include; muscle weakness, facial flushing, increased blood pressure, swollen leg and arms, irritation, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Procainamide||015Z               Procan SR
Pronestyl SR|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Delays the transmission of electrical impulses through the heart muscles.  This drug aids in reestablishing the correct heart rate and rhythm.|Allow approximately 1 hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiarhythmic used to stabilize irregular heartbeats.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, wheezing, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience; joint pain, jaundice, confusion, painful breathing, hallucinations, psychotic behavior, muscle pains, fever, sore throat, mental depression, hemolytic anemia (look for dark colored urine and symptoms of jaundice).  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting diarrhea, a bitter taste in the mouth, and a loss of appetite.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May have a toxic effect on the heart muscle when used with  Encainide.

2.  May cause extreme muscle weakness and impair breathing when used with Aminoglycosides, Kanamycin, and Neomycin.

3.  May cause heartbeat irregularities when used with Pimozide.

4.  May increase the effect of Antihypertensives and Anticholinergics.

5.  The effects of this drug may be increased when used with Acetazolamide & Cimetidine.

6.  May increase the risk of adverse effects when used with Antiarrhythmics.

7.  Guanfacine may increase the effect of both drugs.

8.  May increase the effect and toxicity of this drug when used with Nizatidine.

9.  May increase the effect andt toxicit of both drugs when used with Nicardipine and Propafenone.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have a second or third degree heart block (determined by an electrocardiogram), myasthenia gravis, or have experienced an allergic reaction to this drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have myasthenia gravis, liver disease, kidney disease, enlarged prostate gland, heart disease, low blood pressure, lupus erythematosus, low blood platelet counts, have taken any Digitalis preparations, are allergic to local anesthetics,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience unsteadiness and lightheadedness when using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in the development of lupus erythematosus-like syndrome.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms can include irregular heart rhythm, nausea, vomiting, weakness, faintness, confusion, lowered blood pressure, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Propoxyphene Hydrochloride||029]               Darvon
Darvon Compound-65
Dolene AP-65
Wygesic|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Acts as a depressant on specific brain functions.  Suppresses pain and the emotional response to pain.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then wait 4 hours before taking your next dose.  Continue based on this revised schedule.|This drug is a Narcotic (analgesic) used to treat mild to moderate pain.|It is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness, headache, euphoria, nausea, vomiting, and unusual fatigue.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May increase the effect of  Sedative drugs, hypnotics, narcotics, Alcohol, Antihistamines, and Tranquilizers and should be avoided.|1.  This drug should not be used during an acute attack of asthma or if you have experienced an allergic reaction to Propoxyphene in the past.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver or kidney disorders, are taking sedatives, have chronic lung disease, a history of drug or alcohol abuse, or have experienced an allergic or adverse reaction to any narcotic.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience drowsiness, dizziness, unsteadiness, and constipation.  If this occurs, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in addiction and psychotic behavior.|Overdose symptoms can include bronchial muscle spasms, lowered blood pressure, slowed heart rate, and heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Pseudoephedrine||020a               Actagen-C Cough
Actifed with Codeine Cough
Actifed DM
Afrinol Repetabs
Alamine-C Liquid
Alamine Expectorant
Allefrin w/ Codeine
Ambenyl-D Decongestant Cough  Formula
BayCotussend Liquid
Baydec DM Drops
Bayhistine DH
Bayhistine Expectorant
Carbodec DM Drops
Children's Sudafed Liquid
CoActifed Expectorant
Codehist DH
Congess Jr.
Congess Sr.
Congestac N.D. Caplets
Contac Severe Cold Formula
Contac Severe Cold Formula Night Strength
CoTylenol Cold Medication
Cremacoat 3 Throat Coating Cough Medicine
Cremacoat 4 Throat Coating Cough Medicine
C-Tussin Expectorant
Deproist Expectorant with Codeine
Detussin Expectorant
Detussin Liquid
Dihistine DH
Dimetane-DX Cough
Dorcol Children's Cough
Dorcol Children's Decongestant
Entuss Pediatric Expectorant
Fedahist Expectorant
Fedahist Expectorant Pediatric Drops
Halofed Adult Strenght
Head and Chest
Histadyl E.C.
Histafed C
Histalet X
Isoclor Expectorant
Mediquell Decongestant Formula
Midahist DH
Myhistine DH
Myhistine Expectorant
Mytussin DAC
Noratuss II Liquid
Novahistine Cough & Cold Formula Liquid
Novahistine DH Liquid
Novahistine Expectorant
Nucofed Expectorant
Nucofed Pediatric Expectorant
NyQuil Nighttime Cold Medicine
Nytime Cold Medicine Liquid
Ornex Cold
PediaCare 3 children's Cold Relief
Pertussin PM
Phenhist Expectorant
Polaramine Epectorant
Promist HD Liquid
Pseudo-Car DM
Pseudodine C Cough
Pseudo-Hist Expectorant
Respaire-60 SR
Robitussin PE
Rondec-DM Drops
Ru-Tuss Expectorant
Ryna-C Liquid
Ryna-CX Liquid
Sinufed Timecelles
SRC Expectorant
Sudafed 12 Hour
Sudafed Cough
Sudafed DM
Sudafed Expectorant
Triacin C Cough
Triaminic Nite Light
Trifed-C Cough
Tussar DM
Tussend Expectorant
Tussend Liquid
Ty-Cold Formula
Tylenol Cold Medication
Tylenol Cold Medication, non-drowsy
Vicks Formula 44D Decongestant cough Mixture
Vicks Formula 44M Multisymptom Cough Mixture
Zephrex-LA|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes-high strength
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Reduces the volume of blood to nasal tissues, shrinks affected tissues, thus enlarging the airways.|Allow approximately 20 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a sympathomimetic used to treat throat, nose, and sinus congestion.|On rare occasion some may experience seizures and hallucinations, if this occurs contact emergency medical help immediately.  Also on rare occasion, some may experience difficulty urinating, irregular heartbeat, tremors, slow heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, seizures, and hallucinations.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience insomnia, loss of appetite and agitation when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in excessive heart stimulation when used with Epinephrine.

2.  May cause irregular heartbeat when used with Digitalis preparations.

3.  May result in a serious rise in blood pressure when used with Ergot Preparations.

4.  The effect of this drug may be increased when used with  MAO Inhibitors, and Sympathomimetics.

5.  May diminish the effect of both drugs when used with Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, Guanadrel, Guanethidine, and Nitrates.

6.  May diminish the effect of Antihypertensives, Rauwolfia, and Terazosin.

7.  May result in toxicity when used with Phenothiazines.

8.  Phenothiazines may diminish the effect of this drug.

9. May increase blood pressure when used with Methyldopa.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Sympathomimetic drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have an overactive thyroid, heart disease,  high blood pressure, diabetes, use Digitalis preparations, have difficulty urinating, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the lst 2 weeks.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only  under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with a doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include; nausea, vomiting, confusion, nervousness, sweating, rapid/irregular heartbeat, anxiety, muscle tremors, delirium, hallucinations, and convulsions. If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Ranitidine||017_               Zantac|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits the secretion of stomach acid in order to aid in the healing of peptic ulcers.|Allow approximately 3 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Histamine H2 antagonist used to treat duodenal ulcers and to reduce stomach acid.|Infrequently some may experience diarrhea, skin rash, and confusion when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may develop jaundice when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some may experience dizziness, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, and constipation.  If any of these symptoms occur, make your doctor aware of them during your next visit.|1.  May result in toxicity when used with Procainamide.

2.  May increase the effect of Glipizide, Theophylline, and Warfarin.

3.  Alcohol may diminish the effect of this drug.

4.  May diminish the effect of  Tamoxifen.

5. Antacids and Ketoconazole may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Histamine H2 antagonist.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are allergic to Cimetidine, or have liver or kidney disorders.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants and children.

5.  People over 60 years of age consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  This drug is not recommended for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include muscle twitching, rapid breathing, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Spironolactone & Hydrochlorothiazide||006Z               Aldactazide
Spirozide|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Promotes the elimination of water and sodium from the body while relaxing the muscle cells of small arteries.|Allow approximately 6 hours for this drug to take effect.|Once a day dose:  If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihypertensive, diuretic (thiazide) used to control high blood pressure and reduce fluid retention.|Life-threatening effects can include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, and weak pulse.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience nausea, vomiting, jaundice, fever, constipation, blurred vision, sore throat, skin rash, abdominal pain and breast tenderness.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience headache, muscle cramps, thirst, drowsiness, and abdominal cramps.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of the symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in dangerous levels of potassium when used with Potassium supplements and Triamterene.

2.  May result in excessive Potassium when used with Potassium Iodid (may be toxic) and Cyclosporine.

3.  May cause dangerous heart rhythms when used with Cortisone drugs.

4.  May increase blood sugar when used with oral Antidiabetics.

5.  May increase the effect of this drug when used with Antihypertensives, Barbiturates, Carteolol, Indapamide, and MAO inhibitors.

6.  May diminish the effect of Allopurinol, oral Anticoagulants, and Probenecid.

7.  May increase the effect of Lithium.

8.  Diuretics may increase the effect of both drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Thiazide diuretic drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have gout, kidney disorders, liver or pancreas disorders, had liver or kidney disease, are allergic to any Sulfa drugs,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience a significant loss of potassium and dizziness when using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in irregular heartbeat, confusion, potassium retention, and weakness.  Follow-up medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms can include; nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, thirst, irregular heartbeat, lowered blood pressure (excessive), weak pulse, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Sulfisoxazole||053\               Apo-Sulfisoxazole
Sulfafurazole|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Prevents the growth and reproduction of specific bacterial organisms by interfering with their need for folic acid.|Allow approximately 5 days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Sulfa, (sulfonamide) used to treat urinary tract infections.|It is not uncommon for some to experience skin rash and itching when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible. On rare occasion, some may experience fever, skin blisters, blood in urine, back pain (lower), abnormal bruising or bleeding, sore throat, difficult swallowing, muscle aches, jaundice, swollen neck, and a tingling sensation in the hands and feet.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, also common, some may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of the symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in a toxic effect on the brain when used with Antidiabetics and Hydanton Anticonulsants.

2.  May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

3.  May result in kidney damage when used wth Methenamine.

4.  May result in liver toxicity when used with Hepatotoxic agents.

5.  May decrease the ability of bone marrow to produce new blood cells when used with Tocainide and Flecainide.

6.  May increase the effect of this drug when used with  Aspirin, Oxyphenbutazone, Phenylbutazone, Probenecid, Sulfinpyrazone, and Trimethoprim.

7.  May diminish the effect of this drug when used with Calcium Supplements, Mecamylamine, Para-Aminosalicylic Acid, and Aminobenzoates.

8.  May diminish the effect of Penicillins.

9.  May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are allergic to any Sulfa drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, porphyria, drug related anemia, kidney disease, are naturally prone to allergies, or are allergic to oral Antidiabetics, Thiazide or Loop diuretics, or Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should not be given to infants less than one month of age.  Infants and children over one month of age should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience skin irritation, sore throat, fever, reduced urine output, and abnormal bruising or bleeding when using this drug.  If any of these sy mptoms occur, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6. Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of goiter and excessive loss of vitamin "C'.  Follow-up medical examinations should be considered.|Overdose symptoms can include; dizziness, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, fever, abdominal cramps, blood in urine, coma, and kidney failure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Terbutaline||063Y               Brethaire
Bricanyl|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Dilates the bronchial tubes that are in continued constriction, thereby making breathing easier.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Sympathomimetic used to treat bronchitis, bronchial asthma and emphysema.|On rare occasion, some may experience; a rapid/irregular heartbeat, weakness, cramps, nausea, vomiting, intensification of angina, increased blood pressure, and drowsiness.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience trembling, headache, nervousness, and restlessness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in a dangerous increase in the effect of this drug when used with MAO inhibitors.

2.  May result in excess cardiac stimulation when used with  Ephedrine or Epinephrine.

3.  May result in dangerous side effects when used to Albuterol.

4.  May increase the effect and toxicity of both drugs when used with Theophylline.

5. Sympathomimetics and Antidepressants (tricyclic) may increase the effect of this drug.

6.  Beta-Adrenergic Blockers or Nitrates may decrease the effect of both drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are experiencing irregular heart rhythms, have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, or are allergic to any Sympathomimetic drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, overactive thyroid, high blood pressure, diabetes, had seizures, are currently using Epinephrine, Digitalis preparations, or any Stimulant drugs.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.  Over 12 should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include; chest pain, nervousnes, rapid heartbeat, tremor, headache, and vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Tetracycline, Demeclocycline, Doxycycline, Methacycline, Minocycline, Oxyetracycline||010Z               Achromycin
Achromycin V
E.P. Mycin
Vibratabs|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required?Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Prevents the growth and reproduction of specific bacterial organisms.|Allow approximately 5 days to effect infections and 4 weeks to have an effect on acne.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antibiotic (tetracycline) used to treat a variety of bacterial and protozoal infections.  Also used to treat severe, resistant pustular acne.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, intense itching, hives, wheezing, and faintness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Nausea, vomiting, sore mouth (or throat), and diarrhea are not uncommmon to some people using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor immediately.  On rare occasion, some may experience, jaundice, skin rash, blurred vision, and headache.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May damage the liver when used with  Alcohol.

2.  The effect of this drug may be diminished when used with Antacids, Bismuth Subsalicylate, Calcium Supplements, Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Mineral Supplements, Cimetidine and Sodium Bicarbonate.

3.  May diminish the effect of Cefixime, Oral Contraceptives, and Penicillins.

4.  May increase the effect of Oral Anticoagulants, Digitalis, and Lithium.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are pregnant, breast-feeding or are allergic to any Tetracycline drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have systemic lupus erythematosus, myesthenia gravis, kidney disease, liver disease, currently using Penicillin or any Anticoagulant drugs.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug may cause permanent discoloration or malformation to the teeth of children less than 8 years of age.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus and genitals when using this drug.  Report any adverse effects to your doctor as soon as possible.

6.  Extended use of this drug may also result in the development of additional infections.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered during prolonged use.|Overdose symptoms can include; a burning sensation in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Theophylline & Guaifenesin||057Y               Asborn G
Asborn G, Inlay Tablets
Glyceryl T
Mudrane GG2
Slo-Phyllin GG
Theolate|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Expands bronchial tubes and reduces the viscosity of mucus in respiratory passages.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Bronchodilator, expectorant used to treat symptoms of bronchial asthma.|Life-threatening effects can include an uncontrollable heart rate, breathing difficulty, and unconsciousness.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting, headache, insomnia, irritability, nervousnes, drowsiness, and restlessness when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience diarrhea, hives (or skin rash) loss of appetite, and a red or flushed face.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in central nervous system toxicity when used with Ciprofloxacin.

2.  May increase the effect of both drugs when used with Ephedrine and Epinephrine.

3.  May increase the effect of this drug when used with Erythromycins, Lincomycins, and Troleandomycin.

4.  May diminish the effect of this drug when used with Propranolol.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have an active peptic ulcer or are allergic to Guaifenesin.

2.  Before using this drug consult your doctor if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disorders, gastritis, liver disorders, or are taking medications to treat gout.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consume at least 10 glasses of fluid per day while using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may produce stomach irritation.|Overdose symptoms can include; weakness, irritability, delirium, nausea, confusion, restlessness, rapid pulse, vomiting up blood, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Thiothixene||051]               Navane|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

May inhibit the action of dopamine|Allow approximately 3 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Tranquilizer, (thioxanthine) antiemetic used to treat psychosis, anxiety, agitation, vomiting, and hiccups.|Life-threatening effects can include; uncontrollable muscle movements, (especially of the face and tongue).  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  It is not uncommon for some to experience blurred vision, rapid heartbeat, fainting, restlessness, and involuntary body movements.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experience abdominal pain, fever, skin rash, jaundice, sore throat, abnormal facial movements, and unusual bruising or bleeding.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, also common, some may experience nasal congestion, increased appetite, dry mouth, constipation, drowsiness, muscle spasms, dizziness, and weight gain when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in excessive brain depression when used with Alcohol.

2.  May produce excessively low blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives.

3.  May result in excessive sedation when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Barbiturates, MAO inhibitors, Mind-Altering drugs, Narcotics, Sedatives, Sleep Inducers, and Tranquilizers.

4.  May result in increased sedation when used with Procarbazine.

5.  May alter seizure patterns when used with Anticonvulsants.

7.  May increase the effect of Anticholinergics.

8.  May decrease the effect of Bethanechol, Guanethidine, Levodopa, and Pergolide.

9.  Dronabinol may increase the effect of both drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have Parkinson's disease, breast cancer, liver disease, blood disorders, bone marrow disorders, or are allergic to any Thioxanthine or Phenothiazine drugs.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disorders, kidney disorders, diabetes, heart disease, glaucoma, high blood pressure, epilepsy, prostate problems, seizure disorders, or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.  Children over 12 should be under close medical supervision when using this drug.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience lethargy, constipation, dizziness, and lowered body termperature when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6.  Extended use of this drug may lead to the development of eye damage and involuntary facial movements (Tardive Dyskinesia).

7.  Avoid over-heating, this drug makes you sweat less.|Overdose symptoms can incluide deep sleep, tremor, weakness, blurred vision, confusion, dry mouth, dizziness, rapid pulse, shallow breathing, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Thyroid||052b               Armour Thyroid
Thyroid Strong|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Increases cell metabolism in all tissues throughout the entire body.|Allow approximately 1 week for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Thyroid hormone used to treat thyroid deficiency.|It is not uncommon for some to experience; insomnia, tremor, headache, and irritability when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experiene chest pain, hives, skin rash, shortness of breath, vomiting, and a rapid/irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, also common, some may experience nervousness, leg cramps, fever, diarrhea, changes in appetite, and menstrual irregularities when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May cause irregular heartbeat when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants and Sympathomimetics.

2.  May increase the effect of Amphetamines, oral Anticoagulants, Epinephrine, Methylphenidate, and Ephedrine.

3.  May diminish the effect of Barbiturates, Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, and Digitalis preparations.

4.  The effect of this drug may be decreased when used with Cholestyramine, Colestipol, oral Contraceptives, and Estrogens.

5.  May increase the effect of this drug when used with Aspirin (continuous use).

6.  May require a dose adjustment when used with Antidiabetics and Cortisone drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have experienced a heart attack within the last 6 weeks.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, Addison's disease, adrenal gland disorders, or take medications to treat asthma.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.  (May be sensitive to thyroid hormone).

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include hand tremors, irritability, muscle cramps, nervousness, sweating, diarrhea, rapid/irregular pulse, sensation of feeling hot, angina, and congestive heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Thyroxine (T4 Levothyroxine)||052b               Eltroxin
Synthroid|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Increases cell metabolism in all tissue throughout the body.|Allow approximately two days for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 12 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 12 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is a Thyroid hormone used to treat thyroid hormone deficiency.|It is not uncommon for some to experience; insomnia, tremor, headache, and irritability when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  On rare occasion, some may experiene chest pain, hives, skin rash, shortness of breath, vomiting, and a rapid/irregular heartbeat.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, also common, some may experience nervousness, leg cramps, fever, diarrhea, changes in appetite, and menstrual irregularities when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May cause rapid heartbeat when used with Sympathomimetics.

2.  May cause irregular heartbeat when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants and Sympathomimetics.

3.  May increase the effect of Amphetamines, Oral Anticoagulants, Ephedrine, Epinephrine, and Methylphenidate.

4.  May dimish the effect of Barbiturates, Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, and Digitalis Preparations.

5.  The effect of this drug may be decreased when used with Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Oral Contraceptives, Estrogens, and Phenytoin.

6.  May increase the effect of this drug when used with Aspirin (continuous use).

7.  May require a dose adjustment when used with Antidiabetics or Cortisone drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have experienced a heart attack within the last 6 weeks.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, Addison's disease, adrenal gland disorders, or take medications to treat asthma.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  should consult with your doctor before using this drug.  (May be sensitive to thyroid hormone).

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include hand tremors, irritability, muscle cramps, nervousness, sweating, diarrhea, rapid/irregular pulse, sensation of feeling hot, angina, and congestive heart failure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Trazodone||082]               Desyrel
Desyrel Dividose
Trialodine|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

May increase the availability of serotonin a nerve impulse transmitter.|Allow approximately 4 weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant (non-tricyclic) used to treat anxiety and depression (mental).|On rare occasion, some may experience hallucinations, confusion, anger, nightmares, low blood pressure, impaired memory, fainting, and irregular heart rhythms.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience some drowsiness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of  this during your next visit.|1.  May cause excessive sedation when used with Alcohol.

2.  May cause an excessive drop in blood pressure when used with Antihypertensives and Barbiturates.

3.  May produce toxic effects when used wth MAO inhibitors.

4.  May cause excessive drowsiness when used with Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Narcotics, Sedatives, and Tranquilizers.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you are recovering from a recent heart attack, are allergic to Trazodone, have taken any Type "A" MAO inhibitors within the past 2 weeks, or display signs of being suicidal.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have, or have had, liver disorders, kidney disorders, heart disease, epilepsy, heart rhythm problems, alcoholism, are taking any other antidepressant drugs.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Children less than 18 years of age should use this drug only under strict medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience agitation, confusion, disorientation, restlessness, and forgetfulness when using this dug.  If symptoms occur, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Periodic medical  examinations should be considered when using this drug for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include an accelated heart rate, low blood pressure, chest pain, seizures, tremors, confusion, respiratory arrest, stupor, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Amitryptiline
Nortriptyline Hydrochloride
Trimipramine|Tricyclic Antidepressants|019]               Adapin
Vivactil|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Restores to normal levels in brain tissues the nerve impulse transmitters norepinephrine and serotonin.|Allow approximately 2 weeks  for this drug to take effect.|Once-a-day dose: If you remember within 3 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 3 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidepressant, (tricyclic) used to treat symptoms of depression, bedwetting, pain relief, and obsessive compulsive disorders.|On rare occasion, some may experience convulsions when using this drug.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Experiencing tremors is not uncommon for some when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience eye pain, jaundice, have nightmares, sore throat, fever, chills, blurred vision, hallucinations, joint pain, inflammed tongue, irregular heartbeat,  hair loss, and abdominal pain.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Less serious effects, not uncommon, can include anxiety, dry mouth, nausea, excessive sweating, diarrhea, insomnia, fatigue, and indigestion.  If these occur, make your doctor aware of them during  your next visit.|1. May result in oversedation when used with Central Nervous System depressants and Narcotics.

2.  May result in heartbeat irregularities when used with Dextrothyroxine, Procainamide, Quinidine,and Thyroid hormones.

3.  May produce delirium, fever, and convulsions when used with MAO inhibitors.

4.  May produce delirium when used with Disulfiram and Ethchlorvynol.

5.  May result in excessive intoxication when used with Alcohol (includes medications containing alcohol).

6.  May increase the effect and toxicity of this drug when used with Cimetidine, Methylphenidate, and Phenothiazines.

7.  May increase the effect of Oral Anticoagulants, Anticholingergics, Antihistamines, and Molindone.

8.  May diminish the effect of Clonidine, Guanabenz, Guanethidine, Phenytoin, and Methyldopa.

9.  May result in increased sedation when used with Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, and Metyrosine.

10.  The effect of this drug may be dimished when used with Barbiturates.

11.  Fluoxetine may increase the depressant effect of both drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have experienced a recent heart attack (with the last 6 weeks), have glaucoma, consume alcohol, have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last 2 weeks, or are allegic to any Tricyclic Antidepressants.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, prostate enlargement, liver disease, stomach disorders, overactive thyroid, intestinal problems,  or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.  Over 12 should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience seizures, dizziness, headache, difficulty urinating, insomnia, hallucinations, and fainting.  If any of these symptoms occur, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6.  Caution should be exercised while piloting an aircraft, driving, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include; dialted pupils, fever, drowsiness, hallucinations, respiratory failure, heart arrhythmias, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Trimethoprim||022\               Apo-sulfatrim
Cheragan w/ TMP
Uroplus|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Prevents specific bacterial growth and reproduction in the urinary tract.|Allow approximately 5 days for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember then wait 5 hours before taking another dose.|This drug is an Antimicrobial used to treat bacterial infections of the urinary-tract.|It is ot uncommon for some to experience severe dermatitis (with peeling skin) when using this drug.  If this occurs, seek emergency  medical treatment promptly.  On rare occasion, some may experience breathing difficulties, and a bluish color in the skin, lips, and fingernails.  If this occurs, seek prompt emergency medical treatment.  Additionally, also rare, some may experience jaundice, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, anemia, and abnormal bruising or bleeding.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May increase the effect of Bone Marrow Depressants.

2. May prolong the effect of Oral Antidiabetics and blood thinning agents (e.g. Warfarin).|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have a folic acid deficiency resulting in anemia, or are allergic to any Sulfa drug or Trimethoprim.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver or kidney disorders, or a history of folic acid deficiency.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug should be used with caution by children less than 2 years of age.  Over 2 should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience anemia and skin irritation in the area of the anus and genitals when using this drug.  If this occurs, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in anemia.  Follow-Up medical examinations should be considered.

7. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.

8. Drink a lot of water.|Overdose symptoms can include; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, depression, dizziness, jaundice, and headache.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Verapamil||005Z               Calan
Calan SR
Isoptin SR
Verelan|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

May block the normal passage of calcium through specific cell walls thus slowing the spread of electrical activity through the heart's conduction system.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an antianginal antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive, calcium channel blocker used to treat high blood pressure, angina attacks, and stabilize irregular heartbeat.|On rare occasion, some may experience difficulty breathing, fainting, skin rash, wheezing, abnormally fast or slow heartbeat, depression (mental) jaundice, and psychosis.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience some tiredness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of this during your next visit.|1.  May result in congestive heart failure when used with Beta-Adrenergic blockers.

2.  May increase the effect of Oral Anticoagulants, Hydantoin Anticonulsants, Carbamazepine, Digitalis, Quinidine, and Theophylline.

3.  May diminish the effect of Lithium.

4.  The effect of this drug may be decreased when used with  Calcium (large doses), Rifampin, Phenytoin, and  Vitamin "D" (large doses).

5.  May increase the effect and toxicity of both drugs when used with Antiarrhythmics, Nicardipine, and Propafenone.

6. May result in Cyclosporine toxicity when used together.

7.  May reduce angina attacks when used with Nitrates.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have very low blood pressure, liver disease, "sick sinus" syndrome (without an artificial pacemaker), second or third degree heart block, or are allergic to Verapamil.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver or kidney disorders, high blood pressure, heart disease, suffered a recent heart attack or stroke, have had heart rhythm disorders, congestive heart failure, drug induced liver damage, had an adverse reaction to any Calcium Blocker drug, or are currently using any other medications (especially Beta Blockers or Digitalis preparations).

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.  Over 12 should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age  may experience dizzines, weakness, and faintness when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

6.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include lightheadedness, low blood pressure, flushed/warm skin, rapid heart rate, unconsciousness, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Erythromycin||009Z               Akne-myciin
PCE Dispersatabs
Wyamycin E
Wyamycin S|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Prevents the growth and reproduction of specific bacterial organisms.|Allow approximately 1 week  for this drug to take effect.|Take as soon as you remember, then continue based on your original schedule.|This drug is an Antibiotic, (erythromycin) used to treat specific bacterial infections.|On rare occasion, some may experience vomiting, jaundice, abdominal cramps, loss of  hearing, skin rash, and diarrhea.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience some nausea when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of this symptom during your next visit.|1.  May cause liver damage when used with Alcohol.

2.  May increase the risk of bleeding when used with Warfarin.

3.  May diminish the effect of Penicillins, Lincomycins, and Cefixime.

4.  May increase the effect of Aminophylline and Caffeine.

5.  May result in Cyclosporine toxicity when used together.

6.  May increase the blood levels of Oxtriphylline and Theophylline.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have liver disease or are allergic to any form of Erythromycin.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you are allergic by nature (asthma, hay fever, etc.), or have taken the Estolate form of Erythromycin.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age may experience skin irritation in the area of the anus and genitals and possible hearing loss when using this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may decrease the antibiotic effectiveness of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose, contact medical help and area poison control center immediately.|Diltiazem||005Z               Cardizem
Cardizem SR|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Affects the movement of calcium into heart and blood vessel cells, relaxing them and allowing an increase in the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart.  The net effect reduces the workload of the heart.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake. If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:   do not double the dose.|This drug is a Calcium Channel Blocker used in the treatment of high blood pressure, angina, and irregular heartbeat.|On rare occasion some may experience jaundice, shortness of breath, fainting, depression, abnormally slow (or fast) heartbeat, skin rash, or psychosis.  If any of these symptoms occur, cease using this drug and consult with your physician.  Also rare, however not as serious, some may experience hair loss, constipation, headache, difficulty urinating, dizziness, insomnia, and tingling sensation in the hands and feet.  If these symptoms occur, make your doctor aware of them during your next visit.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience a sense of tiredness when using this drug.|1.  May result in dangerous loss of blood when used with Alcohol, Nimodipine or Diuretics.

2.  May result in dangerous heart problems when used with Disopyramide, Beta-Adrenergic Blockers, or Encainide.

3.  May result in excessive blood potassium when used with ACE Inhibitors.

4.  The use of this drug may reduce the effect of Lithium.

5.  The use of this drug may increase the effect of Theophylline, Carbamazepine, oral Anticoagulants, Antiarrhythmics, Quinidine, Nicardipine, and Digitalis preparations.

6.  May result in increased toxicity when used with Nicardipine, Propafenone, Antiarrhythmics, Carbamazepine, Encainide, Theophylline, and Cyclosporine.

7.  Phenytoin, Vitamin D, Rifampin, and mega doses of Calcium may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you suffer from extremely low blood pressure or are allergic to any Calcium Channel Blocker drugs.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with  your doctor if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease, or kidney disorders.

3.  If pregnant or breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include abnormal heartbeat (fast or slow), unconsciousness, and cardiac arrest.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Ursodiol||096_               Actigall|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Retards the production of cholesterol by the liver.|May vary, consult with your doctor for specifics.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose. Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Anticholinergic used to treat cholesterol gallstones in some patients.|On rare occasion, some may experience diarrhea.  If this occurs consult with your doctor during your next visit.|1.  Colestipol, Estrogens, Clofibrate, and Progesterone may diminish the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have experienced problems with other bile acids.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have bile duct problems, or have had liver or pancreas problems.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

5.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical exams.|Overdose symptoms may include severe diarrhea.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Difenoxin and Atropine||028_               Motofen|  * Addiction Potential? Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Decreases spasms of the smooth muscles in the digestive system.|Allow approximately one hour for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember.  If you are close to your next scheduled dose, skip the late dose and wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antidiarrheal used to treat severe diarrhea and smooth muscle spasms of the digestive system.|Life-threatening effects can include agitation, nervous tension and breathing difficulties.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience dizziness or sleepiness when using this drug.  Make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

2.  May produce dangerous effects when used with Ethinamate.

3.  May increase internal eye pressure when used with Cortisone drugs, Nitrates, or Haloperidol.

4.  May result in intestinal ulcers when used with Potassium Supplements (oral type).

5.  May produce dangerous over-sedation when used with Methyprylon.

6.  May initiate withdrawl symptoms when used with Naltrexone.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have narrow-angle glaucoma, ulcerative colitis, stomach bloating, or are allergic to any Anticholinergic drugs.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have peptic ulcers, open-angle glaucoma, angina, myasthenia gravis, liver problems, asthma, hiatal hernia, or bronchitis.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may lead to chronic constipation.|Overdose sysmptoms can include fever, slurred speech, dizziness, rapid pulse, dilated pupils, hallucinations, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Amantadine||027]               Symadine
Symmetrel|  * Addiction Potential? No
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Increases the amount of  Dopamine released in brain cells.|Allow up to 2 weeks.|Retake as soon as you remember then wait 4 hours before taking the next dose.|This drug is an Antiparkinson drug also used to treat type-A flu infections.|On rare occasion some may experience irregular heartbeat, fainting, skin rash, and vomiting.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May increase the effect of Levodopa.

2.  May cause hallucinations and delirium when used with Anticholinergics.

3.  May cause fainting when used with Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Amantidine.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have had eczema, liver disease, siezures (including epilepsy), peptic ulcers, heart disease, mental disorders, or heart failure.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may produce swelling of the feet, blotches on the skin, shortness of breath, and a rapid gain in body weight.

7.  Caution should be exercised while driving, piloting aircraft, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include toxic psychosis, drop in blood pressure, confusion, and slurred speech.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Aspirin, Butalbital and Caffeine||037`               Axotal
Fiorgen PF
Vibutal|  * Addiction Potential?  Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

This drug combines the analgesic attributes of Aspirin with the muscle relaxant properties of the barbiturate Butalbital.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Non-Narcotic Analgesic combination used in the relief of symptoms and pain associated with muscle tension.|Life-threatening effects can involve an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and include skin rash, hives, wheezing, cold sweats, low blood pressure and cardiac arrest.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  On rare occasion some may experience fever, vomiting blood, confusion, mental depression, vision problems, and slurred speech.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with  your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience drowsiness and dizziness.  Make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May be fatal when used with Alcohol.

2.  May result in dangerous over-sedation when used with Antihistamines, Narcotics, Pain relievers, Tranquilizers, Sedatives, Sleep inducers, Anti-Psychotics or Anti-Anxiety agents.

3.  May result in Aspirin toxicity when used with high doses of Vitamin C, other Salicylates, or any products containing Aspirin.

4.  May alter seizure patterns when used with anticonvulstants.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have porphyria, peptic ulcers, or are allergic to Aspirin or any Barbiturate.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have had gastritis, ulcers, rheumatic fever, heart or blood vessel disease, asthma, kidney or liver problems, high or low blood pressure, or will be having surgery (including dental) within the next 2 months requiring either general or spinal anesthesia.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to children less than 18 years of age due to dangers of Reye's syndrome.

5.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while driving, piloting aircraft or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include a ringing sensation in the ears, hallucinations, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hypotension, confusion, coma, and respiratory depression.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Acetaminophen, Butalbital and Caffeine||037`               Fioricet|  * Addiction Potential?  Yes
 * Prescription Required? Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

This drug combines the analgesic attributes of acetaminophen and caffeine with the muscle relaxant properties of the barbiturate Butalbital.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution: Do Not Double the Dose.|This drug is a Non-Narcotic analgesic combination used in the relief of symptoms and pain associated with muscle tension.|On rare occasion some may experience light-headedness, nausea, vomiting, confusion and mental depression.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience drowsiness and dizziness when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May be fatal when used with Alcohol.

2.  May result in dangerous over-sedation when used with Narcotics, Pain Relievers, Antihistamines, Sedatives, Tranquilizers, sleep inducers, central nervous system depressants, Anti psychotics, Narcotic Analgesics, or anti-anxiety agents.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are mentally depressed, have suicidal tendencies, or are allergic to any Barbiturate or Acetaminophen.

2.  If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

3.  This drug is not recommended for children less than 12 years of age.

4.  People over 60 years of age may experience confusion, depression, or marked excitement when using this drug.  Consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5.  Caution should be exercised while driving, piloting aircraft or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may lead to addiction.|Overdose symptoms can include confusion, nausea, vomiting, general malaise, hypotension, coma, and respiratory depression.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Bromocriptine||027`               Parlodel|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Reduces concentrations of serum prolactin by preventing the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland.|Allow approximately one month to 6 weeks for maximum benefit.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiparkinson drug used to treat the symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease; Acromegaly; and female infertility.|On rare occasion some may experience hallucinations, headache, vomiting, dizziness, rise in blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and psychosis.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, mood changes, or diarrhea.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during  your next visit.|1.  May result in a dangerous rise in blood pressure when used with MAO inhibitors.

2.  Guanfacine may increase the effect of both drugs.

3.  Papaverine, Haloperidol, Phenothiazines, Methyldopa, Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine), Oral Contraceptives, and Rauwolfia Alkaloids may decrease the effect of this drug.

4.  Levodopa may decrease the effect of this drug.

5.  Other Antiparkinson drugs may increase the effect of this drug.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Ergotamine or Bromocriptine, have narrow angle glaucoma, or have taken any MAO inhibitors within the last two weeks.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have epilepsy, peptic ulcers, diabetes, will he having surgery, including dental, within the next two months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia, or have had heart disease, liver disease, lung disease, kidney disease, or high blood pressure.

3.  If pregnant or breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5.  This drug is not recommended for infants or children less than 15 years of age.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in uncontrollable body movements (including the face, mouth, and tongue).  Follow up medical examinations are recommended during prolonged use.

7.  Caution should be exercised while driving, piloting aircraft, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include fainting, weakness, nausea, vomiting, rapid pulse, confusion, agitation, muscle twitching (can include the eyelids), irregular pulse and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center immediately.|Chlorambucil||077Z               Leukeran|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Used to supress body's immune system.|Allow approximately one month to 6 weeks for maximum effect.|Consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you miss your scheduled dose.  Caution:  Never double the dose.|This drug is an Antineoplastic, immunosuppressant, used in the treatment of some forms of cancer and to suppress the body's immune response after organ transplants.|It is not uncommon for some to experience black stools, chills, back pain, unusual bruising, fever, mouth sores, menstrual problems or irregularities or abnormal bleeding.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in intestinal bleeding when used with Alcohol.

2.  May result in kidney or heart damage when used with Lovastatin.

3.  May result in bone marrow problems when used with Clozapine or Tiopronin.

4.  May result in infections when used with Immunosuppressants or Cyclosporine.

5.  May decrease the effect of antigout drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have experienced a sensitivity or reaction to Antineoplastic drugs.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have kidney problems, liver problems, active infections, gout had kidney stones, or have received radiation treatment or taken other Antineoplastic drugs within the last 3 weeks.

3.  If pregnant or breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5.  Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include ataxia (muscular incoordination), chills, stupor, fever, abdominal pain, bleeding, and seizures.  If  you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Colchicine||084e               Col-Benemid
Col-Probenecid|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Prevents the deposit of uric acid in body joints.|Allow up to 2 days for this drug to take effect.|If you miss your scheduled dose, consult with your doctor before retaking.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antigout drug used to treat Dermatitis Herpetiformis, Familial Mediterranean Fever, and the symptoms associated with Gout.|It is not uncommon for some to experience abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible|1.  May result in bone marrow problems when used with Clozapine, Levamisole, or Tiopronin.

2.  May result in toxicity of the gastrointestinal system when used with Alcohol.

3.  Diuretics may decrease the effect of this drug.

4.  May result in gastrointestinal ulcers when used with Phenylbutazone.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Colchicine.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, have had either ulcerative colitis or peptic ulcers, or will have surgery, including dental, within the next two months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

5.  If pregnant or breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Caution should be exercised while driving, piloting and aircraft, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.

7.  Extended use of this drug may result in tingling sensations in the hands and feet and may also result in permanent hair loss.|Overdose symptoms can include muscle weakness, stomach pain, diarrhea, stupor, fever, blood in urine, breathing difficulties, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Cycloserine||022Z               |  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Destroys specific bacteria by inhibiting their ability to produce a cell wall.|Allow approximately 4 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antibacterial used to treat tuberculosis and infections of the urinary tract.|Life-threatening effects can include seizures or uncontrollable muscle movements.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, however rare, some may experience suicidal feelings when using this drug.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  For others it is not uncommon to experience anxiety, depression, headache, nightmares, confusion, and dizziness when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May increase the chances of a seiziure when used with Ethionamide or Alcohol.

2.  May result in adverse central nervous system effects when used with Isoniazid.

3.  May significantly reduce the effect of Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine).|1.  This drug should not be used if you have convulsive disorders or are an alcoholic.

2.  Before using this drug consult withi your doctor if you have kidney disease, suffer from mental depression, or have feelings of severe anxiety.

3.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  People over 60 years of age should consult with  your doctor before using this drug.

5.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in anemia, liver, or kidney damage.|Overdose symptoms can include seizures.  If you suspect an overdose contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Danthron and Docusate||038_               Regulex-D Doss|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  No
 * Available in generic form? No

Effects the muscles of the intestinal walls causing hearty bowel movements.|Allow up to 10 hours for this drug to take effect.|Retake as soon as you remember.|This drug is a laxative, stimulant, used to treat constipation.|On rare occasion some may experience difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, muscle cramps, confusion, diarrhea, irritability, and weakness.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in liver toxicity when used with Docusate or Calcium or  Docusate Sodium.

2.  May result in dangerously low potassium when used with Diuretics or Antihypertensives.

3.  May result in Digitalis toxicity when used with  Digoxin.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have symptoms of intestinal blockage or appendicitis, are allergic to any stimulant type laxatives, or have experienced constipation for only one or two days.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, rectal bleeding, congestive heart disease, have an ileostomy or colostomy, are taking other laxatives or have a laxative dependency.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  If pregnant or breast-feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

5.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in  laxative dependency.|Overdose symptoms can include vomiting.  If you suspect an overdose contact your area Poison Control Center immediately.|Diphenidol||033]               Vontrol|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Blocks nerve impulses that originate in the inner ear that result in triggering the vomiting reflex.|Allow approximately one hour to take effect.|Retake once you remember then wait 4 hours until taking the next dose.  Continue based on revised schedule.|This drug is an Anti-emetic used to treat nausea, vomiting, and to prevent motion sickness.|On rare occasion some may experience confusion or hallucinations when using this drug.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Also rare, some may experience jaundice, skin rash, (possible hives), or mental depression when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May increase the sedative effect of both drugs when used with Tricyclic Antidepressants, Sedatives, Antihistamines, Tranquilizers, or Narcotics.

2.  May result in increased sedation when used with Alcohol.

3.  May result in Atropine toxicity when used together.

4.  Anticonvulsants may increase the effect of both drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to either Diphenidol or Meclizine, or have a serious kidney disease.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have heart disease, kidney disease, low blood pressure, glaucoma, enlarged prostate, intestinal obstructions or ulcers, or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next two months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Check with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.

5.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Exercise caution while driving, piloting an aircraft, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include weak pulse, confusion, shallow breathing, drowsiness, stupor, incoordination, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area poison control center and emergency medical help immediately.|Divalproex||008]               Depakote
Epival|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits nerve activity by increasing the concentration of the neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid.|Allow approximately 4 hours to take effect.|Consult with your doctor or  pharmacist.  Caution:  Never double the dose.|This drug is an Anticonvulsant used to treat epilepsy and control petit mal (absence) seizures.|On rare occasion some may experience hair loss, bruising, jaundice, vision problems (seeing double), skin rash, blood spots under the skin, and swelling of the feet and legs.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, abdominal cramping, vomiting, weight gain, and diarrhea when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in deep sedation when used with Alcohol.

2.  May increase the risk of bleeding when used with Sulfinpyrazone, Aspirin, Anticoagulants, and Dipyridamole.

3.  May be fatal when used with Valporic Acid or its derivatives.

4.  May prolong seizures when used with Clonazepam.

5.  May result in toxicity when used with Phenobarbital or Primidone.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic to Divalproex.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, kidney disease, or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3.  People over 60 y ears of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.  Not recommended for children less than 2 years of age.

5.  If pregnant or breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.

7.  Caution should be exercised driving, piloting an aircraft, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|1.  Overdose symptoms can include deep coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Estramustine||077\               Emcyt|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Destroys cancer cells by preventing them from growing and dividing.|Allow approximately one full day for this drug to take effect.|If you miss a scheduled dose, forget it and wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Never double the dose.|This drug is an Antineoplastic used to treat prostate cancer.|Life-threatening effects can include chest pains, shortness of breath, slurred speech, and pain in the legs.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience skin rash when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible|1.  May result in liver toxicity when used with Hepatoxic drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have active thrombophlebitis, chicken pox, herpes zoster, or have had a recent heart attack.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have migraine headaches, jaundice, peptic ulcer, mental depression, or have had thrombophlebitis.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose is unlikely with this drug.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact your area poison control center immediately.|Ethinamate||051]               Valmid|  * Addiction Potential?  Yes
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Promotes sleep by diminishing nerve activity within the brain.  The exact mechanism of action is unknown at this time.|Allow approximately one half hour for this drug to take effect.|If you miss your regularly scheduled dose, forget it and wait until your next dose.  Caution:  Never double the dose.|This drug is a Sedative, Hypnotic, used to treat insomnia.|Life-threatening effects can include coma.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience confusion and incoordination when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in dangerous over-sedation when used with Alcohol or Methyprylon.

2.  May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

3.  Central nervous system depressants may increase the dangerous effects of this drug.

4.  Fluoxetine may increase the depressant effect of both drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are an alcoholic or abuse any drug.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have ever suffered from serious depression.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

5.  If pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug may result in addiction.

7.  Caution should be exercised while driving, piloting an aircraft, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include slow heartbeat, breathing problems, over-sedation, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area poison control center and emergency medical help immediately.|Etoposide||077^               VePesid|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Inhibits the nucleic acid "DNA" in specific types of cancer cells.|Consult with your doctor for specifics.  May vary substantially from person to person.|If you miss your scheduled dose, forget it and wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Never double the dose.|This drug is an Antineoplastic used to treat Hodgkins disease and other forms of cancer.|On rare occasion some may experience chills, fever, blood in urine, back pain (lower back), black stools, and easy bruising.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with y our doctor as soon as possible.  It is not uncommon for some to experience vomiting, nausea, and appetite loss when using this drug.  Make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  May result in bone marrow toxicity when used with Tiopronin or Clozapine.

2.  May increase the risk of kidney damage when used with ACE inhibitors or other Antineoplastic drugs.

3.  May increase the risk of adverse reactions when used with Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if  you have herpes zoster (shingles) or chicken pox.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have either kidney or liver disease.

3.  If pregnant or breast feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.

5.  Extended use of this drug may result in ulcers in the mouth.  Periodic medical examinations should be considered when using this drug for extended periods.|Overdose symptoms can include difficulty breathing, rapid pulse, fainting, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Etretinate||074[               Tegison|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Exact mechanism of action is unknown at this time.|Allow approximately 6 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake,  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antipsoriatic used to treat psoriasis (arthritic symptoms) and ichthyosis.|It is not uncommon for some to experience an increased sensitivity to sunlight (may cause eye irritation), and bone or joint pain.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in increased toxicity when used with Vitamin A, Isoretinoin, or Tretinoin.

2.  May result in liver toxicity when used with Methotrexate.

3.  May result in producing the adverse effects of Etretinate when used with Tetracyclines.

4.  May result in liver damage when used with Isoniazid.

5.  May cause hypertriglyceridemia when used with Alcohol.|1.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, diabetes mellitus, blood vessel disease, heart disease, are an alcoholic, have high plasma triglycerides, or have immediate family members with heart or blood vessel diseases.

2.  This drug should not be used if you are going to become pregnant while being treated with this drug.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

5.  If pregnant or breast feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.

7.  Caution should be exercised while driving, piloting and aircraft, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms for this drug have not been documented.  If you suspect an overdose, or if greater than prescribed amounts have been taken, contact your area Poison Control Center immediately.|Flavoxate||068\               Urispas|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Prevents muscle contractions in muscles of the urinary tract.|Allow approximately 30 minutes for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antispasmodic used to treat problems of the urinary tract.|On rare occasion some may experience a shortness of breath when using this drug.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, for some it is not uncommon to experience a rapid heartbeat, confusion, and delirium when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in dangerous over-sedation when used with Methyprylon.

2.  May produce a toxic effect on the central nervous system when used with Clozapine.

3.  May result in producing the dangerous effects of Ethinamate when used together.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have narrow-angle glaucoma, difficulty urinating, ulcerative colitis (severe) stomach bloating, or are allergic to any Anticholinergics.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have liver disease, angina, enlarged prostate, open-angle glaucoma, hiatal hernia, peptic ulcer, asthma, myasthenia gravis, chronic bronchitis, or will be having surgery, including dental, within the next 2 months requiring either spinal or general anesthesia.

3. People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under medical supervision.

5.  If pregnant or breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use may result in fecal impaction or chronic constipation.|Overdose symptoms can include rapid pulse, flushed face, fever, hallucinations, dilated pupils, agitation, rapid breathing, convulsions, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your are Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Furazolidone||016_               Furoxone
Furoxone Liquid|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Works by interfering with protein synthesis, cell-wall synthesis, or enzyme systems of susceptible organisms.|Begins to work immediately.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antiprotoxoal used to treat giardiasis as well as other bacteria found in the gastrointestinal tract.|On rare occasion, some may experience joint pain, sore throat, abdominal pain, fever, and skin rash.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.  Additionally, for some it is not uncommon to experience nausea and vomiting when using this drug.  If this occurs, make your doctor aware of these symptoms during your next visit.|1.  MAO inhibitors, Sympathomimetics, or Tricyclic Antidepressants may result in a serious and sudden rise in blood pressure.

2.  May result in fever, breathing difficulties, and a feeling of tightness in the chest when used with Alcohol.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are sensitive to Introfurazone, Furazolidone, Nitrofuratonin, or have G6PD deficiency.

2.  Before using this drug make your doctor and pharmacist aware of any other prescription or non-prescription drugs you are taking.

3.  This drug is not recommended for infants.

4.  If pregnant or breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely.  However, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact your area Poison Control Center immediately.|HMG-COA Reductase Inhibitors
Simvastatin||046Z               Epistatin
Zocar|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Alters enzyme activity in the liver in order to prevent the production of certain lipids from fatty acids.|Allow up to two weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antihyperlipidemic used to lower blood cholesterol levels.|On rare occasion, some may experience blurred vision, sore muscles, and fever when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in damage to the heart and kidneys when used with Erythromycin, Niacin, Gemfibrozil, Cyclosporine, or any Immune System Suppressants.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic or sensitive to Lovastatin.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have an active infection, low blood pressure, seizure disorders, had a recent organ transplant and are taking any immunosupressant drugs, or have an active liver disease.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

5.  If pregnant or breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|While overdose with this drug is unlikely, if greater than prescribed amounts are taken, contact your area Poison Control Center immediately.|Hydroxyurea||077Z               Hydrea|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Destroys cancer cells by preventing them from growing and dividing.|Allow approximately 2 hours for this drug to take effect.|If you miss your scheduled dose, forget it and wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Never double the dose.|This drug is an Antineoplastic used to a number of cancers to include: leukemia, ovarian, cervical, melanoma, polycythemia vera, and others.|It is not uncommon for some to experience back pains, skin rash, fever, chills, and coughing when using this drug.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May be dangerous when used with vaccines designed to provide immunized protection against disease.

2.  May result in a dangerous suppression of the bone marrow function when used with bone marrow depressants.

3.  May result in bone marrow depression when used with Levamisole.

4.  May have a toxic effect on bone marrow when used with Clozapine or Tiopronin.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have singles or chicken pox.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have gout, active infections, anemia, or kidney disease.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.  Effects are undocumented.

5.  If pregnant or breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include tarry, black-colored stools, seizures, and fainting.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Isoxsuprine||049Z               Vasodilan
Vasoprine|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? Yes

Stimulates that portion of the nervous system that controls the expanding and contracting of blood vessels.|Allow approximately one hour for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.|This drug is a Vasodilator used to improve blood circulation and control premature labor.|It is not uncommon for some to experience nausea, vomiting, and appetite loss when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|Interactions with this drug are unlikely.  Consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you are using other drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have any bleeding diseases or are allergic or sensitive to any Vasodilators.

2.  Before using this drug consult with your doctor if you have glaucoma, high blood pressure, heart disease, will become pregnant while using this drug, or have any disease that causes hardening of the arteries.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

5.  If pregnant or breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include fainting, vomiting, headache, sweating, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and coma.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Lomustine||077Z               CeeNu
CCNU|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Destroys cancer cells by preventing them from growing and dividing.|Begins to take effect immediately.|Take as soon as you remember based on your doctors instruction.  Caution:  Never double the dose.|This is an Antineoplastic used to treat various forms of cancer.|On rare occasion some may experience a shortness of breath when using this drug.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in liver damage when used with Alcohol.

2.  May result in bone marrow toxicity when used with Clozapine or Tiopronin.

3.  May result in bone marrow depression when used with Lavamisole.

4.  May result in drug toxicity when used with other Antineoplastic drugs.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have shingles or chicken pox.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, active infections, or have received radiation or chemotherapy treatment for cancer.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Consult with your doctor before giving this drug to infants or children.  Effects have not been documented.

5.  If pregnant or breast feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.

7.  Caution should be exercised while driving, piloting aircraft, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose symptoms can include black (bloody) stools, chills, high fever, and kidney failure.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Mechlorethamine (topical)||077[               Mustargen|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Destroys mycosis fungoides by attacking their cells.|Begins to take effect right away.|Consult with your doctor for specific instructions concerning missed doses.|This drug is an Antineoplastic (topical) used to treat mycosis fungoides.|On rare occasion some may experience an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) when using this drug.  Symptoms can include cold swats, difficulty breathing, hives, rash, coma, and cardiac arrest.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.|None expected.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are allergic or sensitive to Mechlorethamine.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have skin infections, chicken pox, or shingles.

3.  If pregnant or breast feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Extended use of this drug may result in a greater risk of sensitivity or allergic reaction.

5.  Caution should be exercised while driving, piloting an aircraft, or working around machinery while under the influence of this drug.|Overdose with this drug is unlikely when used topically.  However, if taken internally, contact your area Poison Control Center immediately.
|Melphalan||077Z               Alkeran
Phenylalanine Mustard|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Destroys cancer cells by cross-linking strands of DNA, thereby inhibiting cell replication.|Allow from one month to 6 weeks to take effect.|Retake once you remember based on the missed dose instructions.  Caution:  Never double the dose.|This drug is an Antineoplastic used to treat some forms of cancer and to suppress the immune system after organ transplants.|It is not uncommon for some to experience chills, fever, mouth sores, back pain, black stools unusual bleeding or bruising, or menstrual irregularities.  If this occurs, cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  May result in intestinal bleeding when used with Alcohol.

2.  May result in bone marrow toxicity when used with Tiopronin, Probenecid, or Sulfinpyrazone.

3.  May result in kidney or heart damage when used with Lovastatin.

4.  May produce a toxic effect on bone marrow when used with Clozapine.|1.  This drug should not be used if you are hypersensitive to any Alkylating Antineoplastic drug.

2.  Before using this drug consult with y our doctor if you have an active infection, kidney or liver problems, gout, or have taken any other Antineoplastic drug or had radiation treatment within the last 3 weeks.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  Infants and children should use this drug only under close medical supervision.

5.  If pregnant or breast feeding, consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include fever, chills, bleeding, stupor, and seizures.  If you suspect an overdose, contact your area Poison Control Center and emergency medical help immediately.|Nalidixic Acid||022\               NeGram|  * Addiction Potential?  No
 * Prescription Required?  Yes
 * Available in generic form? No

Forms into ammonia and formaldehyde when it enters the urinary tract, destroying both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms.|Allow up to two weeks for this drug to take effect.|If you remember within 2 hours of having missed your dose, retake.  If more than 2 hours late, wait until your next scheduled dose.  Caution:  Do not double the dose.|This drug is an Antibacterial used to treat infections of the urinary tract.|Life-threatening effects, however rare, can include an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) and involve hives, cold sweats, difficulty breathing, coma, and cardiac arrest.  If this occurs, contact emergency medical help immediately.  Additionally, it is not uncommon for some to experience vision problems, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting when using this drug.  If this occurs cease using this drug and consult with your doctor as soon as possible.|1.  Antacids, Probenecid, Calcium supplements, or Nitrofurantion may diminish the effect of this drug.

2.  Vitamin C may increase the effect of this drug.

3.  May increase the effect of oral Anticoagulants.|1.  This drug should not be used if you have any seizure disorders or are allergic to Nalidixic Acid.

2.  Before using this drug, consult with your doctor if you have kidney disease, diabetes, liver disease, Parkinson's disease,  hardening of the arteries, or will become pregnant during the treatment with this drug.

3.  People over 60 years of age should consult with your doctor before using this drug.

4.  This drug is not recommended for infants or children.

5.  If pregnant or breast feeding consult with your doctor before using this drug.

6.  Extended use of this drug should include periodic medical examinations.|Overdose symptoms can include psychosis, stupor, lethargy, upset stomach, and convulsions.  If you suspect an overdose or allergic reaction, contact your area Poison Control Center or emergency medical help immediately.|Vaccination certificate is required of travelers arriving from ALL COUNTRIES, except as indicated in notes for individual countries.|Vaccination certificate is required of travelers arriving from INFECTED AREAS, except as indicated in notes for individual countries.  INFECTED AREAS are reported in the biweekly "Summary of Health Information For International Travel" (also known as the Blue Sheet).|Vaccination certificate is required of travelers arriving from a COUNTRY, ANY PART OF WHICH IS INFECTED, except as indicated in notes from individual countries, INFECTED COUNTRIES are reported in the biweekly "Summary of  Health Information for International Travel" (also known as the Blue Sheet).|For travel to areas of risk where Chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum has NOT been reported, once-weekly use of chloroquine alone is recommended.  Chloroquine is usually well tolerated.  The few people who experience uncomfortable side-effects may tolerate the drug better by taking it with meals, or in divided twice-weekly doses.  As an alternative, the related compound hydroxychloroquine may be better tolerated.  Chloroquine prophylaxis should begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas.  It should be continued weekly during travel in malarious areas and for 4 weeks after a person leaves such areas.|For travel to areas of risk where chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum exists, use of mefloquine alone is recommended.  Mefloquine prophylaxis should begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas.  It should be continued weekly during travel to malarious areas and 4 weeks after a person leaves such areas.|Northern Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Morocco, and Tunisia) is characterized by a generally fertile coastal area and a desert hinterland with oases that are often foci of infections.  Arthropod-borne diseases are unlikely to be a major problem to the traveler, although dengue fever filariasis (focally in the Nile Delta), leishmaniasis, malaria, relapsing fever, Rift Valley fever, sandfly fever, typhus, and West Nile fever do occur.  Small foci of plague have been reported in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.  Food borne and waterborne diseases are endemic; the dysenteries and diarrheal diseases are particularly common.  Typhoid fever and viral hepatitis A are common in some areas.  Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) is very prevalent in the Nile Delta area in Egypt and in the Nile valley; it occurs focally in other countries in the area.  Alimentary helminthic infections, brucellosis, and giardiasis are common.  Echinococcosis (hydatid disease) may occur.  Other hazards include poliomyelitis, trachoma, rabies, scorpion stings, and snake bites.|Sub-Saharan Africa (Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zaire, Zambia, and Zimbabwe).  In this area, entirely within the tropics, the vegetation varies from the tropical rain forests of the west and center to the wooded steppes of the east, and from the desert of the north through the Sahel and Sudan savannas to the moist orchard savanna and woodlands north and south of the equator.  Many of the diseases listed below occur in localized rural foci.  They are mentioned so that the international traveler and the medical practitioner concerned may be aware of the diseases that may occur.  Arthropod-borne diseases are a major cause of morbidity.  Malaria in the severe falciparum (malignant) form occurs throughout the area, except at over 3000 meters altitude and in the islands of Cape Verde, Mauritius, Reunion, and Seychelles.  Various forms of filariasis are widespread; endemic foci of onchocerciasis (river blindness) exist in all the countries listed except in the greater part of Kenya and in Djibouti, Gambia, Mauritania, Mozambique, Somalia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the island countries of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.  However, onchocerciasis exists in the island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea.  Both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis may be found, particularly in the drier areas.  Visceral  leishmaniasis is on the increase in Sudan.  Human trypanosomiasis (sleeping-sickness) mainly in small isolated foci, is reported from all countries except Djibouti, Gambia, Mauritania, Somalia, and the island countries of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.  Relapsing fever and lousse, flea, and tick-borne typhus occur.  Natural foci of plague have been reported from Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Zaire.  Tungiasis is widespread in western Africa.  Many viral diseases, some presenting as severe hemorrhagic fevers, are transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks, sandflies, etc., which are found throughout this region.  Large outbreaks of yellow fever occur periodically in the unvaccinated population.  Food borne and waterborne disease are highly endemic.  Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) is present throughout the area except in Cape Verde, Comoras, Djibouti, Reunion, and the Seychelles.  Alimentary helminthic infections, the dysenteries and diarrheal diseases, including cholera, giardiasis, typhoid fever, and viral hepatitis are widespread.  Guinea-worm infection occurs in isolated foci,  Paragonimiasis (oriental long fluke) has been reported from Cameroon, Gabon, Liberia, and most recently from Equatorial Guinea.  Other diseases.  Poliomyelitis is endemic in most countries except in Mauritius, Reunion, and the Seychelles.  Trachoma is widespread.  Among other diseases, certain, frequently fatal, arenavirus haemorrhagic fevers have attained notoriety.  Certain arenavirus hemmorrhagic fevers, frequently fatal, have occurred.  Lassa fever has a virus reservoir in a commonly found multimammate rat.  Studies have shown that an appreciable reservoir existing some rural areas of West Africa; people visiting these areas should take particular care to avoid rat-contaminated food or food containers, but the extent of the disease should not be exaggerated.  The Ebola and Marburg hemorrhagic fevers are present but reported only infrequently.  Echinococcosis (hydatid disease) is widespread in animal-breeding areas.  Epidemics of meningocococcal meningitis may occur throughout tropical Africa, particularly in the savanna areas during the dry season.  Other hazards include rabies and snake bites.|Southern Africa (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, St. Helena, South Africa, and Swaziland) varies physically from the Namib and Kalahari deserts to fertile plateau and plains and to the more temperate climate of the southern coast.  Arthropod-borne diseases such as Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, malaria, plague, relapsing fever, Rift Valley fever, tick-bite fever, and typhus-mainly tickborne-have been reported from most of this area except St. Helen, but exept for malaria in certain areas, they are not likely to be major health problem for the traveler.  Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) may occur in Botswana and Namibia.  Food borne and waterborne diseases are common in some areas, particularly amebiasis and typhoid fever, Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) is endemic in Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland and South Africa.  Other hazards.  Snakes may be a hazard in some areas.|North American (Bermuda, Canada, Greenland, St. Pierre and Miquelon, and the United States of America with Hawaii) extends from the Arctic to the subtropical cays of the southern USA.  The incidence of communicable diseases is such that they are unlikely to prove a hazard for international travelers greater than that found in their own country.  There are, of course, health risks, but in general, the precautions required are minimal.  Plague, rabies in wildlife including bats, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia, and arthropod-borne encephalitis occasionally occur.  Lyme disease is endemic in the northeastern United States and the upper Midwest.  Other hazards include poisonous snakes, poison ivy, and poison oak.  In the north, a serious hazard is the very low temperature in the winter.  In the USA, proof of immunization against diphtheria, measles, poliomyelitis, and rubella is now universally required for entry into school.  In addition, the school entry requirements of most States include immunization against tetanus (47 states), pertussis (38 states) and mumps (34 states).|Mainland Middle America (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama) ranges from the deserts of the north to the tropical rain forests of the southeast.  Of the arthropod-borne diseases, malaria exists in all eight countries, but in Costa Rica and Panama, it is confined to a few areas and in Mexico, mainly to the West Coast.  Visceral leishmaniasis occurs in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico.  Onchocerciasis (river blindness) is found in two small foci in the south of Mexico and four dispersed foci in Guatemala.  American trypanosomiasis (Chagas' disease) has been reported to occur in localized foci in rural areas in all eight countries.  The food borne and waterborne diseases, including amebic and bacillary dysenteries and other diarrheal diseases, and typhoid fever are very common throughout the area, but cholera has not yet, during the current pandemic, occurred here, nor in the Caribbean.  Viral hepatitis occurs throughout the area.  Helminthic infections are common.  Paragonimiasis (oriental lung fluke) has been reported in Costa Rica, Honduras and Panama.  Brucellosis occurs in the northern part of the area.  Many Salmonella typhi infections from Mexico and Shigella dysenteriae type 1 infections from mainland Middle America as a while have been caused by drug-resistant enterobacteria.  Other diseases.  Poliomyelitis is reported from all countries except Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama.  Rabies is reported from all countries except Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama.  Rabies in animals (usually dogs and bats) is widespread throughout the area.  Snakes may be a hazard in some areas.|Caribbean Middle America (Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Netherlands, Antilles, Puerto Rico, St. Christopher and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, and the Virgin Islands (USA)).  The islands, a number of them with mountains peaks 1000-2500 m high, have an equable tropical climate with heavy rain storms and high winds at certain times of the year.  Of the arthropod-borne diseases, malaria occurs in endemic form only in Haiti and in parts of the Dominican Republic; elsewhere it has been eradicated.  Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis was recently discovered in the Dominican Republic.  Bancroftian filariasis occurs in Haiti and some other islands and other filariases may occasionally be found.  Human fascioliasis due to Fasciola hepatica is endemic in Cuba.  Outbreaks of dengue fever occur in the area, and dengue hemorrhagic fever has also occurred.  Tularemia has been reported from Haiti.  Of the food borne and waterborne diseases, bacillary and emebic dysenteries are common and viral hepatitis is reported, particularly in the northern islands.  Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) is endemic in the Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Puerto Rico, and Saint Lucia, in each of which control operations are in progress, and it may also occur sporadically in other islands.  Other diseases.  Most of the islands are free of poliomyelitis, but it is still endemic in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.  Other hazards may occur from spiny sea urchins and coelenterates (coral and jellyfish) and snakes.  Animal rabies particularly in the mongoose, is reported from several islands.|Tropical South America (Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela) covers the narrow coastal strip on the Pacific Ocean, the high Andean range with numerous peaks 5000-7000 m high, and the tropical rain forest of the Amazon basin, bordered to the north and south by savanna zones and dry tropical forest or scrub.  Anthropod-borne diseases are a main cause of ill health in rural areas.  Malaria (in the falciparum, malaria, and vivax forms) occurs in all ten countries or areas, as do American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease), and cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis.  There has been an increase of the latter in Brazil and Paraguay.  Visceral leishmaniasis is frequent in north-east Brazil, with foci in other parts of Brazil, less frequent in Colombia, and Venezuela, rare in  Bolivia, and Paraguay, and unknown in Peru.  Endemic onchocerciasis occurs in isolated foci in rural areas in Ecuador, Venezuela, and northern Brazil.  The bites of blackflies, the vectors of onchocerciasis, may also transmit other filarial parasites or cause unpleasant and sometimes severe hemorrhagic reactions.  Bancroftian filariasis is endemic in parts of Brazil, Guyana, and Suriname.  Plague has been reported in natural Foci in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru.  Among the arthropod-borne viral diseases, jungle yellow fever may be found in forest areas in all countries except Paraguay and areas east of the Andes; in Brazil it is confined to the northern and western states.  Epidemics of viral encephalitis and dengue fever occur in some countries in this area.  Bartonellosis, or Oroya fever, a Sandfly-borne disease, occurs in arid river valleys on the western slopes of the Andes up to 3,000 meters.  Louse-borne typhus is often found in mountain areas of Colombia and Peru. Food borne and waterborne diseases are common and include amebiasis, cholera, diarrheal diseases, helminthic infections, and viral hepatitis.  The intestinal form of schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) is found in Brazil, Suriname, and north-central  Venezuela.  Paragonimiasis (oriental lung fluke) has been reported from Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.  Brucellosis is common and echinococcosis (hydatid disease) occurs particularly in Peru.  Other diseases include rodent-borne arenavirus hemorrhagic fever in Bolivia.  Poliomyelitis is reported form all areas, but at a low incidence from French Guiana, Guyana, and Suriname.  Rabies has been reported from many of the countries in this area.  Meningococcal meningitis occurs in epidemic outbreaks in Brazil.  Snakes and leeches may be a hazard in some areas.|Temperate South America (Argentina, Chile, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), and Uruguay).  The mainland ranges from the Mediterranean climatic area of the western coastal strip  over the Andes divide  to the steppes and desert of Patagonia in the south and to the prairies of the northeast.  The anthropod-borne diseases are relatively unimportant except for the widespread occurrence of American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease).  Outbreaks of malaria occur in northwestern Argentina, and cutaneous leishmaniasis is also reported from the northeastern part of the country.  Of the food borne and waterborne diseases, gastroenteritis (mainly salmonellosis) is relatively common in Argentina, especially in suburban areas and among children under 5 years of age.  Typhoid fever is not very common in Argentina, but viral hepatitis and intestinal parasitosis are widespread, the latter especially in the coastal region.  Taeniasis (tapeworm), typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, and echinococcosis (hydatid disease) are reported from the other countries.  Other diseases.  No cases of poliomyelitis have been reported in recent years from Argentina, Chile, or Uruguay. Anthrax is an occupational hazard in the three mainland countries.  Animal rabies is endemic in Argentina; it has increased in the last five years but is confined mainly to urban and suburban areas.  Isolated cases of trachoma have been recorded in the north-east of Argentina and rodent-borne hemmorrhagic fever is endemic in a limited zone of the pampas and in the center of the country.|East Asia (China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Mongolia, and the Republic of Korea).  The area includes the high mountain complexes, the desert and the steppes of the west, the various forest zones of the east, down to the subtropical forests of the southeast.  Among the arthropod-borne diseases malaria now occurs only in China.  Although reduced in distribution and prevalence, bancroftian and brugian filariasis is still reported in southern China and the Republic of Korea.  Visceral leishmaniasis and plague may be found in China.  Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome-rodent-borne, Korean hemorrhagic fever--is endemic, and epidemics of dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis may occur in the area.  Mite-borne or scrub typhus may be found in scrub areas in southern China,  certain river valleys in Japan, and in the Republic of Korea.  Food borne and waterborne diseases such as diarrheal diseases and viral hepatitis are common in most countries.  Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) can be acquired in many watercourses of southeastern and eastern  China along the valley of the Chang Jiang (Yangtze) river and its tributaries; active foci no longer occur in Japan.  Clonorchiasis (oriental liver fluke) and paragonimiasis (oriental lung fluke) are reported in China, Japan, Macao and the Republic of Korea, and fasciolopsiasis (giant intestinal fluke) in China.  Other diseases, Poliomyelitis has not been reported in recent  years from Hong Kong, Macao and Mongolia, and part from China, the incidence is believed low in other countries in the area.  Trachoma, brucellosis, and leptospirosis occur in China.|Eastern South Asia- (Brunei, Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar (formerly Burma), the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and  Vietnam).  From the tropical rain and monsoon forests of the northwest, the area extends through the savanna and the dry tropical forests of Indochina peninsula, returning to the tropical rain and monsoon forests of the island bordering the South China Sea.  The arthropod-borne diseases are an important cause of death throughout the area.  Malaria and filariasis are endemic in many parts of the rural areas of all the countries or areas-except for malaria in Brunei Darussalam, and Singapore, where only imported cases occur.  Foci of plague exist in Myanmar.  Plague also occurs in Vietnam.  Japanese encephalitis, dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever can occur in epidemics in both urban and rural areas.  Mite-borne typhus has been reported in deforested areas in most countries.  Food borne and waterborne diseases are common.  Cholera and other watery diarrheas, amebic and bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever and viral hepatitis may occur in all countries in the area.  Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) is endemic in the Southern Philippines and in central Sulawesi (Indonesia) and occurs in small foci in the Mekong delta.  Among other helminthic infections, fasciolopsiasis (giant intestinal flu) may be acquired in most countries in the area; clonorchiasis (oriental liver fluke) in the Indochina peninsula; opisthorchiasis (cat liver fluke) in the Indochina Peninsula, the Philippines, and Thailand; and paragonimiasis in most countries.  Melioidosis can occur sporadically throughout the area.  Other diseases.  Poliomyelitis is reported throughout the area, but the incidence is low in Malaysia and it has not been eliminated in Brunei Darussalam and Singapore.  Trachoma exists in Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.  Other hazards include rabies, snake bites, and leeches.|Middle South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka).  Bordered for the most part by high mountain ranges in the north, the area extends from steppes and desert in the west to monsoon and tropical rain forests in the east and south.  Arthropod-borne diseases are endemic in all these countries except for malaria in the Maldives.  In some of the other countries, malaria occurs in urban as well as in rural areas.  Filariasis is common in Bangladesh and India, and the southwestern coastal belt of  Sri Lanka.  Visceral leishmaniasis and Sandfly fever are on the increase.  Cutaneous leishmaniasis occurs in Afghanistan, India (Rajasthan), the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Pakistan.  Tick-borne relapsing  fever is reported from Afghanistan, India, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and typhus occurs in Afghanistan and India.  Epidemics of dengue fever may occur in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka and the hemorrhagic form has been reported from the eastern part of the area and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever from the western part.  Another tick-borne hemorrhagic fever has been reported in forest areas of Karnataka State in India and in a rural area of Rawalpindi District in Pakistan.  Food borne and waterborne diseases are common throughout the area, in particular cholera, and other watery diarrheas, the dysenteries, typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, and helminthic infections.  Giardiasis is said to be common in the Islamic Republic of Iran.  A focus of urinary schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) exists in the southwest of the Islamic Republic of Iran.  Foci of  Guinea-worm infection occur in India and Sri Lanka.  Brucellosis and echinococcosis (hydatid disease) are found in many countries in the area.  Outbreaks of meningococcal meningitis have been reported in India and Nepal.  Poliomyelitis is widespread.  Trachoma is common in Afghanistan, India, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nepal, and Pakistan.  Snakes and the presence of rabies in animals are hazards in most countries in the area.|Western South Asia- (Bahrain, Cyprus, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.  The area ranges from the mountains and steppes of the northwest to the large deserts and dry tropical scrub of the south.  The arthropod-borne diseases except for malaria in certain areas, are not a major hazard for the traveler. Malaria does not exist in Kuwait and no longer occurs in Bahrain, Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, or Qatar.  Its incidence in the Syrian  Arab Republic is low, but elsewhere is endemic in certain rural areas.  Cutaneous leishmaniasis is reported throughout the area;  visceral leishmaniasis, although rare throughout most of the area, is common in central Iraq, in the southeast of Saudi Arabia, in the north of the Syrian Arab Republic, in Turkey and in the west of Yemen.  Murine and tick-borne typhus can occur in most countries.  Tick-borne relapsing fever may occur.  Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever has been reported from Iraq.  Limited foci of onchoceriasis are reported in Yemen.  The food borne and waterborne diseases are a major hazard in most countries.  The typhoid fevers and viral hepatitis exist in all countries and cholera has been reported from many of them.  Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) occurs in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the Syrian Arab Republic, and Yemen.  Guinea-worm infection is found in some of these countries.  Taeniasis (tapeworm) is reported form many of the countries.  Brucellosis is widespread and there are foci of echinococcosis (hydatid disease).  Other disease.  No cases of poliomyelitis have been reported from Cyprus in recent years, but is endemic in other countries.  Trachoma and animal rabies are found in many countries in the area.  The greatest hazards to pilgrims to Mecca and Medina are heat and water depletion if the period of the Hajj coincides with the hot season.|Northern Europe (Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark (with the Faeroe Islands), Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Russia, United Kingdom (with the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man). The area encompassed by these countries extends from the broadleaf forests and the plains of the west to the boreal and mixed forest to be found as far as the Pacific Ocean.  The incidence of communicable diseases in most countries is such that they are unlikely to prove a hazard to international travelers greater than that found in their own country.  There are, of course, health risks but in most areas very few precautions are required.  Of the arthropod-borne diseases, there are very small foci of malaria and cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in southern Russia, and tick-borne typhus in east and central Siberia.  Tick-borne encephalitis, for which a vaccine exists, Lyme disease, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever may occur throughout Northern Europe.  Rodent-borne hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is now recognized as occurring at low endemic levels in this area.  The food borne and waterborne diseases reported, other than the ubiquitous diarrheal diseases, are taeniasis (tapeworm) and trichinellosis in parts of northern Europe, diphyllobothriasis (fish tapeworm) from the freshwater fish around the Baltic Sea area.  Fasciola hepatica infection can occur.  Other disease.  Rabies is endemic in wild animals (particularly foxes) in rural areas of northern Europe except Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.  A climatic hazard in part of northern Europe is  the extreme cold in winter.|Southern Europe (Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bulgaria, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Portugal (with the Azores and Madeira), Romania, San Marino, Spain (with the Canary Islands), Switzerland, and Yugoslavia). The area extends from the broad-leaf forests in the northwest and the mountains  of the Alps to the prairies and, in the south and southeast, the scrub vegetation of the Mediterranean.  Among the arthropod-borne diseases, sporadic cases of murine and tick-borne typhus and mosquito-borne west Nile fever occur in some countries bordering the Mediterranean. Cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis and sandfly fever are also reported from this area.  Tick-borne encephalitis, for which a vaccine exists, Lyme disease, and rodent-borne hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome may occur in the eastern and southern parts of the area.  The food borne and waterborne diseases-bacillary dysentery and other diarrheas, and typhoid fever are more common in the summer and autumn months, with a high incidence in the southeastern and southwestern parts of the area.  Brucellosis can occur in the extreme southwest and southeast and echinococcosis (hydatid disease) in the southeast.  Fasciola hepatica infection has been reported from different countries in the area.  Other diseases.  Rabies in animals exists in most countries of southern Europe except Gibraltar, Malta, Monaco, Portugal and Spain.|Australia, New Zealand and the Antarctic.  In Australia, the mainland has tropical monsoon forests in the north and east, dry tropical forests, savanna and deserts in the center, and Mediterranean scrub and subtropical forests in the south.  New Zealand has a temperate climate with the North Island characterized by subtropical forests and the South Island by steppe vegetation and hardwood forests.  International travelers to  Australia and New Zealand, will, in general, not be subjected to the hazards of communicable diseases to an extent greater than that found in their own country.  Arthropod borne diseases (mosquito-borne epidemic polyarthritis and viral encephalitis) may occur in some rural areas of Australia.  Among the food borne and waterborne diseases, amebic meningoencephalitis has been reported.  Other hazards.  Coelenterates (corals and Jellyfish) may prove hazardous to the sea-bather, and heat is a hazard in the northern and central parts of Australia.|Melanesia and Micronesia-Polynesia (American Samoa, Cook Islands, Easter Island, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelua, Tonga, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and the Wallis and Futuna Islands).  The area covers an enormous expanse of ocean with the larger mountainous tropical and monsoon rain forest-covered islands of the west giving way to the smaller originally volcanic peaks and coral islands of the east.  Arthropod-borne diseases occur in the majority of the islands.  Malaria is endemic in Papua New Guinea and is found as far east and south as Vanuatu.  Neither malaria nor anopheline vectors are found in Fiji or the islands to the north as far as  French Polynesia and Easter Island in the east, nor in New Caledonia to the South.  Filariasis is widespread but its prevalence varies.  Mite-borne typhus has been reported from Papua New Guinea.  Dengue fever, including its hemorrhagic form, can occur in epidemics in most islands.  Japanese encephalitis has been reported.  Food borne and waterborne diseases such as the diarrheal diseases, typhoid fever and helminthic infections are commonly reported.  Biointoxication may occur from raw or cooked fish and shellfish.  Other diseases, Poliomyelitis occurs in Papua New Guinea and trachoma in parts of Melanesia.  Hazards to bathers are coelenterates, poisonous fish, and sea snakes.|Yellow fever vaccination required to enter country.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.|No vaccinations required to enter country.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.|The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.|All areas within the country are considered a Malaria risk.|N/A|Confirmed Choroquine resistant area.  Use alternate form of malaria vaccination prophylaxis.|None|Suspected|Probable|Yellow Fever|Cholera|Yellow Fever|Cholera|Malaria|Dengue Fever|Hepatitis|Onchocerciasis|Poliomyelitis|Trypanosomiasis|Typhoid|Typhus|Plague|Leishmaniasis|Meningitis|Schistosomiasis|Encephalitis|Others|Very limited risk in Sahara region.|Rural areas near Bolivian border, i.e. Salta and Jujuy Provinces|All areas except the city of Dhaka.|Northern and Eastern borders|Rural areas with the exception of the central coast District of Belize|Rural areas in districts bordering India.|Rural areas only, with the exception of highland areas, i.e. Oruro Dept. and Province of Ingavi, Los Andes, Omasuyos, and Pacajes (La Paz Dept.) and Southern and Central Potosi Dept.|Northern part of country (North of 20 degrees latitude).|Acre and Rondonia states territory of Amapa and Roraima, parts of rural Amazonas, Goias, Maranhoa, Mato Grosso, and Para states.|Rural areas only.  No risk in northern provinces bordering Mongolia and in the western provinces of Heilungkiang, Kirin, Ningsia Hui Tibet, and Tsinghai.  North of  33 N latitude transmission occurs July to November; between 33 and 25 N latitude transmission occurs year-round.|Confirmed in Southern China. Travelers visiting cities and popular rural sites on usual tourist routes are generally not at risk, and chemoprophylaxis is, therefore, not recommended.  Travelers on special scientific, educational, or recreational visits should check whether their itineraries include evening or night time exposure in areas of risk, or in areas of chloroquine resistance.  Travelers to most areas of risk within China should note the following. For travel to areas of risk where Chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum has NOT been reported, once-weekly use of chloroquine alone is recommended.  Chloroquine is usually well tolerated.  The few people who experience uncomfortable side-effects may tolerate the drug better by taking it with meals, or in divided twice-weekly doses.  As an alternative, the related compound hydroxychloroquine may be better tolerated.  Chloroquine prophylaxis should begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas.  It should be continued weekly during travel in malarious areas and for 4 weeks after a person leaves such areas. Travelers to areas of chloroquine resistance should note the following.  For travel to areas of risk where chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum exists, use of mefloquine alone is recommended.  Mefloquine prophylaxis should begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas.  It should be continued weekly during travel to malarious areas and 4 weeks after a person leaves such areas.|Rural areas only.  No risk in Bogota and vicinity.  Risk exists in rural areas of Uraba (Antioquia Dept.), Bajo Cauca-Nechi (Cauca and Antioquia Dept.), Magdalena Medio, Caqueta (Caqueta Intendencia), Sarare (Arauca Intendencia), Catatumbo (Notre de Santander Dept.) Pacifico Central and Sur, Putumayo (Putumayo Intendencia), Ariari (Meta  Dept.), Alto Vaupes (Vaupes  Comisaria), Amazonas, and Guainia ( Comisarias).|Limited risk in rural areas except there is no risk in central highlands, i.e. Cartago and San Jose provinces.|All rural areas except no risk in tourist resorts.  Highest risk in provinces bordering Haiti.|All areas in the provinces along the eastern border and the Pacific coast, i.e. Esmeraldas, El Oro, Guayas (including Guayaquil), Los Rias, Manabi, Morona-Santiago, Napo, Pastaza, Pichincha, and Zamora-Chinchipe Provinces.  Travelers who only visit Quito and vicinity, the central highland tourist areas, or the Galapagos Islands are not at risk and need no prophylaxis.|Rural areas of Nile Delta, El Faiyum area, the oases, and part of southern (upper) Egypt.|Rural areas only.|All areas with the exception of Addis Ababa and above 2,000 meters|Rural areas only with the exception of central highlands|Rural areas in the southern interior and northwest coast, i.e. Rupununi and north west regions.|Rural areas only.|All areas with the exception of parts of the States of Himechel Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Sikkim.|For travel to areas of risk where chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum exists, use of mefloquine alone is recommended.  Mefloquine prophylaxis should begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas.  It should be continued weekly during travel to malarious areas and 4 weeks after a person leaves such areas.
Malaria transmission in Indonesia (except for Irian Jaya) is largely confined to rural areas not visited by most travelers; most travel to rural areas of Indonesia is during the daytime hours when there is minimal risk of exposure.  Chemoprophylaxis is recommended only for those travelers who will have outdoor exposure during evening and nightime hours in rural areas.|Rural areas only in the provinces of Sistan-Baluchestan and Hormozgan, the southern parts of Fars, Kohgiluyeh-Boyar, Lorestan, and Chahar Mahal Bakhtiari, and the north of Khuzestan.|All areas (including game parks) with the exception of Nairobi and areas above 2,500 meters.|Very limited risk in two small foci in southwest of country.|Peninuslar Malaysia and Sarawak (NW Borneo) malaria is limited to the rural hinterland; urban and coastal areas area malaria free.  Sabah (NE Borneo) has malaria throughout.|For travel to areas of risk where chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum exists, use of mefloquine alone is recommended.  Mefloquine prophylaxis should begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas.  It should be continued weekly during travel to malarious areas and 4 weeks after a person leaves such areas.
Note: Malaria transmission in Malaysia (except Sabah) is largely confined to rural areas not visited by most travelers; most travel to rural areas is during daytime hours when there is minimal risk of exposure.  Chemprophylaxis is recommended only for those travelers who will have outdoor exposure during evening and nightime hours in rural areas.|All areas with the exception of the northern region, i.e. Dakhlet-Nouadhibou, Inchiri, Adrar, and Tiris-Zemour.|Rural areas only with the exception of Rodriguez Island.|Very limited risk in rural areas of coastal  provinces.|Rural areas only.|For travel to areas of risk where chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum exists, use of mefloquine alone is recommended.  Mefloquine prophylaxis should begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas.  It should be continued weekly during travel to malarious areas and 4 weeks after a person leaves such areas.
Note: Malaria transmission in Myanmar (Burma) is largely confined to rural areas not visited by most travelers; most travel to rural areas of Myanmar is during daytime hours when there is minimal risk of exposure.|All areas of Ovamboland, and Caprivi Strip.|Rural areas on Terai Dist. and Hill  Districts below 1,200 meters.  There is no risk in Katmandu.|Rural areas only, however, risk exists in outskirts of Chinandega, Leon, Granada, Managua, Nandaime, and Tipitapa.|Rural areas of the eastern provinces (Darien and San Blas) and the northwestern provinces (Boca del Toro and Veraguas).|Confirmed in areas east of canal zone including San Blas Islands.|There is no risk in the Canal Zone or in Panama city and vicinity.  Travelers to rural areas west of the canal zone should note the following:|Rural areas bordering Brazil.|Travelers who will only visit Lima and vicinity,the coastal area south of Lima, or the highland tourist areas (Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca) are not at risk and need no prophylaxis.  Risk exists in rural areas of  Dept.  of Amazonas, Cajamarca (except Hualgayoc Province), La Libertad (except Otuzco, Santiago de Chuco Provinces), Lambayeque, Loreto, Piura (except Talara Province), San Martin and Tumbes, Pronvinces of Santa (Ancash Dept.), parts of La  Convension (Cuzco Dept.) Tayacaja (Huancavelica Dept.), Satipo (Junin Dept.)|Confirmed in northern provinces bordering Brazil.|For travel to areas of risk where Chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum has NOT been reported, once-weekly use of chloroquine alone is recommended.  Chloroquine is usually well tolerated.  The few people who experience uncomfortable side-effects may tolerate the drug better by taking it with meals, or in divided twice-weekly doses.  As an alternative, the related compound hydroxychloroquine may be better tolerated.  Chloroquine prophylaxis should begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas.  It should be continued weekly during travel in malarious areas and for 4 weeks after a person leaves such areas. Travelers to the northern provinces bordering Brazil who will have rural exposure during evening and nighttime hours should note the following For travel to areas of risk where chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum exists, use of mefloquine alone is recommended.  Mefloquine prophylaxis should begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas.  It should be continued weekly during travel to malarious areas and 4 weeks after a person leaves such areas.|Rural areas only with the exception of the Provinces of Bohol, Catanduanes, Cebu and Leyte.|Confirmed on Luzon, Basilan, Mindoro, Palawan, and Sulu Archipelago.|Malaria transmission in the Philippines is largely confined to rural areas not visited by most  travelers; most travel to rural areas in the Philippines is during daytime hours when there is minimal risk of exposure.  Chemprophylaxis is recommended only for those travelers who will have outdoor exposure during evening and nighttime hours in rural areas.  Travelers at risk should note: For travel to areas of risk where Chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum has NOT been reported, once-weekly use of chloroquine alone is recommended.  Chloroquine is usually well tolerated.  The few people who experience uncomfortable side-effects may tolerate the drug better by taking it with meals, or in divided twice-weekly doses.  As an alternative, the related compound hydroxychloroquine may be better tolerated.  Chloroquine prophylaxis should begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas.  It should be continued weekly during travel in malarious areas and for 4 weeks after a person leaves such areas.  In areas of chloroquine resistance travelers should note: For travel to areas of risk where chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum exists, use of mefloquine alone is recommended.  Mefloquine prophylaxis should begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas.  It should be continued weekly during travel to malarious areas and 4 weeks after a person leaves such areas.|Yellow Fever #2 Cholera #2|Refer to the Center for Disease Control "Blue Sheet" for specifics.|All areas in the western provinces except in high altitude areas of Asir Province (Yemen border) and the urban areas of Jeddah, Mecca, and Taif.|Rural areas (including game parks) in the north, east, and western low altitude areas of Transvaal and Natal coastal areas north of 28 S latitude.|All areas with the exception of  Colombo.  Risk exists in districts of Amparai, Anuradhapura, Badulla (part), Batticaloa, Hambantota, Jaffna, Kandy, Kegalle, Kurungala, Mannar, Matale, Matara, Moneragala, Polonnaruwa, Puttalam, Ratnapura, Trincomalee, and Vavuniya.|Rural areas only with the exception of Paramaribo District and coastal areas north of 5 N latitude.|All lowland areas.|Rural areas with the exception of southern and western districts of Deir-es-zor, and Sweida.|Check the Center for Disease Control "Blue Sheet" for specifics.|Rural areas only.|All areas within the country are considered a Malaria risk.  Malaria transmssion in Thailand is largely confined to forested rural areas principally along the borders with Kampuchea (Cambodia) and Myanmar (formerly Burma) not visited by most travelers; most travel to rural areas in Thailand is during daytime hours when there is minimal risk of exposure.|Southeast Anatolia from coastal city of Mersin to the Iraqi border. (Cukorova/Amikova areas)|Northern Emirates with the exception of the cities of Dubai, Sharjah, Ajmam, Umm al Qaiwan and Emirate of Abu Dhabi.|All areas with the exception of  Fortuna Island.|Rural areas of all border states and territories and the southeastern states of Barinas, Merida, and Portuguesa.|Rural areas with the exception of the Red and Mekong Deltas.|All areas with the exception of the two northwestern provinces of  Sada and Hajja.|Check the Center For Diease Control "Blue Sheet" for specifics.|All areas with the exception of the city Harare.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

A certificate is also required of travelers who have within the previous 6 days been in a country infected with yellow fever.  Note:  Australia is not bound by the International Health Regulations.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  No certificate is required from travelers in transit at Santa Maria.|Yellow fever vaccination required to enter country.

A certificate is also required of travelers arriving from or transiting-AFRICA: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d' Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan (south of 15 degrees north), Tanzania, United Republic of Togo, Uganda, Zaire, Zambia.  AMERICAS: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guinea, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela.  CARIBBEAN: Trinidad and Tobago.|Yellow fever vaccination required to enter country.

Note:  Bolivia recommends vaccination for all travelers from non-infected areas.|The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

Yellow Fever vaccination is required of all travelers greater than 6 months of age.  Certificate is also required from travelers arriving from AFRICA: Angola, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Nigeria, Sudan, Zaire.  AMERICAS: Bolivia, Columbia, Peru.  Note:  Brazil recommends vaccination for travel to the rural areas in Acre, Amazonas, Goias, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Para and Rondonia States and Territories of Amapa and Roraima.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

A certificate is also required from travelers transiting yellow fever endemic zones within the preceding 6 days.  Note:  Refer to "options" maps/yellow fever endemic zones.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  No certificate is required from travelers arriving in Boa Vista, Maio, Sal, and Sao Vicente.|The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

Chad recommends vaccination for all travelers greater than one year of age.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

A certificate is also required of travelers who have within the previous 6 days been in a country infected with yellow fever.  Note:  Christmas Island is not bound by the International Health Regulations.|Yellow fever vaccination required to enter country.

While no vaccination is required, Columbia recommends vaccination for all travelers to the middle valley of the Magdalena river, eastern and western foothills of the Cordillera Oriental from the frontier with Ecuador to that with Venezuela, Uraba, foothills of the Sierra Nevada, eastern plaines (Orinoquia) and Amazonia.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from or transiting-AFRICA: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d' Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia (south of 15 degrees N latitude), Tanzania, United Republic of Togo, Uganda, Zaire, Zambia--AMERICAS: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela.  CARIBBEAN:  Trinidad and Tobago.  Note:  Air passengers in transit coming from these countries or areas without a certificate will be detained in the precincts of the airport until they resume their journey.  All travelers arriving from Sudan or required to possess a vaccination certificate or a location certificate issued by a Sudanese official center stating that they have not been in that part of Sudan south of 15 N latitude within the preceding 6 days.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from countries in the yellow fever endemic zones.  Refer to "Options" maps/yellow fever endemic zones.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from--AFRICA:  Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d' Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Tanzania, United Republic of Togo, Uganda, Zaire, Zambia.--AMERICAS: Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela.|Yellow fever vaccination required to enter country.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from--AFRICA:  Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d' Invoire,  Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia,  Mali,  Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Tanzania, United Republic of Togo, Uganda, Zaire.--AMERICAS: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela. |Yellow fever vaccination required to enter country.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from or transiting-AFRICA:  Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d' Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan Tanzania, United Republic of Togo, Uganda, Zaire, Zambia.--AMERICAS: Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela.--CARIBBEAN:  Trinidad and Tobago.  Note:  Any person (except infants up to the age of 6 months) arriving without a certificate within 6 days of departure from or transit through an infected area will be isolated for up to 6 days.  A Cholera certificate is required only from travelers proceeding to countries which require a certificate.  (check your itinerary against the Center for Disease Control "Blue Sheet" prior to departure).|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

A certificate is required also from travelers arriving from countries in the yellow fever endemic zones.  Refer to "Options"-Maps yellow fever endemic zones.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

Note:  The risk of Yellow Fever is confined to the northwestern forest areas.|Yellow fever vaccination required to enter country.

Also includes transiting travelers.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

No certificate is required from travelers in transit at Funchal and Porto Santo.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

A certificate is required from travelers arriving from countries in the yellow fever-endemic zones.  Note:  Refer to "Options" maps/yellow fever endemic zones.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

No certificate is required from travelers who arrive from a non-infected area and stay less than 2 weeks.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from countries in the yellow fever endemic zones.  Refer to Options-Maps/Yellow Fever Endemic Zones|Yellow fever vaccination required to enter country.

A certificate is  also required from nationals and residents of Myanmar departing for an infected area.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

A certificate is required from travelers arriving from countries in the yellow fever endemic zones in Africa and South America.  Refer to Options Maps/Yellow Fever endemic zones.  A certificate is also required from travelers on unscheduled flights which use airports other than those used by scheduled airlines.  Children under one year of age may be subject to surveillance|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  Cholera vaccination is not required, however, travelers from infected areas are required to complete a form for the use of the health service|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

Niger also recommends vaccination for travelers leaving the country.|Yellow fever vaccination required to enter country.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from countries in the yellow fever endemic zones.  Refer to Options Maps/Yellow Fever endemic zones.  A certificate is not required of infants less than 6 months of age if the mother's certificate shows she was vaccinated prior to the birth of the child.|The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

Note:  Panama recommends vaccination for travelers who are destined for the province of Darien.|Yellow Fever vaccination is required of all travelers greater than 6 months of age.  A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from countries in the yellow fever endemic zones.  Refer to "options" maps/yellow fever endemic zones.|The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

Yellow Fever vaccination is required of all travelers greater than 6 months of age.  Note:  Peru also recommends vaccination for those who intend to visit any rural areas of the country.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Children under one year of age arriving from infected areas are subject to isolation or surveillance.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Cholera vaccination is required to enter country.|A certificate is required only from travelers over one year of age arriving from infected areas who area destined for the Azores and Maderia.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

No certificate is required from travelers who arrive from a non-infected area and stay less than 2 weeks.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from countries in the yellow fever endemic zones.  Refer to Options-Maps/yellow fever endemic zones.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from or transiting countries in the yellow fever endemic zone.  Refer to Options-Maps/Yellow Fever Endemic Zones.|Yellow fever vaccination required to enter country.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from countries in yellow fever endemic zones.  Refer to Options-Maps/Yellow Fever Endemic zones.  A certificate is also required from travelers on unscheduled flights which use airports other than those used by scheduled airlines.  Children under one year of age may be subject to surveillance.  They may not proceed to Natal or to the Lowveld of the Transvaal within 6 days of leaving an infected area.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from countries in the  yellow fever endemic zones.  Refer to Options-maps/ywllow fever endemic zones.  A certificate may be required from travelers leaving Sudan.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

Note:  Risk in northwestern forest area only.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from countires in the yellow fever endemic zones.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

A certificate is also required from travelers arriving from countries in yellow fever endemic zones.|Yellow fever vaccination required to enter country.

Note:  A Yellow Fever certificate is required only if  the traveler is greater than one year of age and is coming from  infected areas and arriving in or destined for that part of Zaire south of 10 S. Latitude.  Zaire also recommends Typhoid vaccinations prior to entry.|Yellow fever vaccination required for all travelers greater than one year of age.

Note:  The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.

Note:  Yellow Fever risk is confined to the northwestern forest area only.|Yellow Fever vaccination is required of all travelers greater than 6 months of age.|In general, rural areas only, except high risk in all areas of Irian Jaya (western half of island of New Guinea).  No risk in big cities and the main resort areas of Java and Bali.|All areas of northern region, i.e. Duhok, Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninawa, Sulaimaniya Provinces.|All areas with the exception of the city of Vientiane.|All areas within the country are considered a Malaria risk.  Note: coastal areas are the highest risk.|Yellow fever vaccination is required of all travelers greater than 6 months of age.  Children less than 6 months of age arriving from an infected area may be subject to isolation or surveillance.|Rural areas with the exception of District Federal and the states directly north and northeast of the capital (Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Mexico, Queretaro, Tiaxcala) and the U.S. border states of Baja California Norte, Sonora and Coahuila.  Note:  Although chemoprophylaxis is not recommended for travel to the major resort areas on the Pacific and Gulf coasts, all travelers should be advised to use insect repellents and other personal protection measures.|Yellow Fever & Cholera certificates required|No vaccinations required to enter country.

Note:  The Center for Disease Control recommends yellow fever vaccination for all travelers greater than 9 months of age who go outside urban areas.|AIDS|Data Not Available|Data Not Available|

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