Сборники Художественной, Технической, Справочной, Английской, Нормативной, Исторической, и др. литературы.

Компрессоры высокого давления от novotekpnz.ru это гарантия качества.

Index to 100 form letters

1LTSCHRA       Pay delinquent account
2LTSCHRA       Pay delinquent account
3LTSCHRA       Pay delinquent account
4LTSCHRA       Pay delinquent account
5LTSCHRA       Pay delinquent account

1SLPYBS        Pay delinquent account
2SLPYBS        Pay delinquent account
3SLPYBS        Pay delinquent account
4SLPYBS        Pay delinquent account
5SLPYBS        Pay delinquent account
6SLPYBS        Pay delinquent account
ABSNTRCD       Absentee record (poor attendence)
ACKNORDR       Acknowledge your order
AFTRSLSL       After proposal letter
APOLOGYC       Thanks for sending payment
BADCHK        Bad check
BDBHVR        Bad behavior
BDRSK        Bad credit risk
BLLNGMST       Billing mistake
BNKDPST        To bank depositor
BSAPPCTN       No to credit application
BSCLSD        You've been fired
CHRGACCT       Thanks for opening a charge account
CLAIMS        Acknowledge accident letter
CLLCTN        Extend time limit on bill
CMPLNTAD       To supplier of bad product
CNCLCNTR       Cancel order
COMPLNT        Complaint about product
COND        Sympathy for death of co-worker
COPLCY        No to request for donation
CRDTINFR       Request charge account
CRDTRQST       We have opened account for you
CRDTSTND       Bad credit risk
CRDTSUSP       Credit suspended for not paying bill
CRVOUCH        Cannot vouch for company
CSTMRTHS       Thanks for being a good customer
DCLDN        Decline dinner invitation
DLVRMTH        Credit for postal overcharge
DLYDCRD        Refund check mailed
DTHOTHER       Recent loss in family
EMPLMNT        No position for you
EXPNSVGT       Cannot accept expensive gift
FLLUPREP       Have you recieved our information
FLLWUP        Thanks for your interest
FNDRSNG        Cannot sponsor charity
FNDSLMT        Cannot donate to charity
FOLLWUP        Our representative will call
FURN        New furniture store has opened
GDCRDTST       Recommend credit for ...
GVNGLTR        Cancel service charge
HSPTYGFT       Thanks for hospitality gift
ILL        Ill / will not return to work
ILLHLTH        Resign for ill health
INACTVCS       Have we done something wrong
INACTVE        No order for some time
INCMTXCO       I can do your taxes
INCOMPL        Incomplete washing instructions
INJURY        Sorry to hear about your accident
INTROSLS       Salesman died ... new salesman
JBDNWL        Job well done
JBRSM        Job resume
LFINSRNC       Question about life insurance
LTDLVY        Order will be shipped
MNRNIMG        Cannot accept your gift
MSMTNG        Sorry I missed the meeting
NOINFRMT       Call with more credit information
NWCSTMR        Do you like our product
OPNACCT        Open credit account
ORDRCNFR       To place an order for ...
ORDRCONF       Place order for ...
PERSCRDT       Call with credit information
PERSCRE        Information about individual financing
PMPTPMNT       Thanks for prompt payment
POSUNSTE       No position at this time
PRCRDIT        Poor credit
PRCRDT        Cannot recommend company
PRPY        No credit for you at this time
PRQUOTE        Send price quote
PRSNLCRD       Cannot open credit account
QUESTNNR       Sample credit questionair
RECMMD        Cannot recommend company
REFPR        Explain pricing policy
REFRNCE        Can recommend company
REFUND        Sorry about our error
RESCHDLO       Can send your order sooner
RESIGN        Letter of resignation
RETRMNT        Congratulations on your retirement
RJCTREF        Cannot recommend this person
RSMJOB        Resume for job
SECYRCM        Can recommend this secretary
SERVCHRG       Must increase our service charge
SHRTEPMT       Cannot open charge account for you
SLS        Information about our equipment
SLSGRMTN       Sorry you want to cancel your contract
SLSLLPRD       Cannot accept returned items
SLSVLM        Congratulations on your sales
STATEMNT       Billing error
STMTER        Corrected statement
THNKYOU        Thank you for your order
UNSATCRD       Cannot recommend this company

    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

How can we try to persuade you to pay your delinquent
account?  We have tried many suggestions for extending the
payment period, for making the monthly payments smaller, for
getting help from lenders, and for at least discussing this
matter with us.

Now we have exhausted our own resources.  We have
to seek help from outside our own company.  We have consulted
with our attorney and he told us that we have several avenues
available to us for collecting our money.

We are very uncomfortable with the thought of going
to court and, therefore, have decided to extend your
credit for ___ (amount of time) -- ___ (number of days).

To avoid legal action, we must have your check for
____ (amount of money) on or before ____, l9__ (date).



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

____ (time period), just ____ (time period) is the
time our legal deparment tells us we should extend your open
account.  After that time -- ____ ((date) -- our legal staff
will have to take action to collect the balance on your
overdue account.

We have repeatedly written and phone your office asking
for payment.  We know that you understand, as a businessman, that
we can no longer by sympathetic.  We do expect your cooperation.

We expect a payment from you on or before _____ (date).




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

We have contacted you several times by letter and phone
and have discussed arrangements for the payment of your account.
The following items are still overdue:

No.   Date    Amount
No.   Date    Amount
No.   Date    Amount

So far we have not received any sign of your cooperation.
Therefore, we must insist on immediate payment.  Please use the post
past envelope that is enclosed for your convenience.





    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

We cannot accept any further delay in paying your
balance due.  Your ignoring our suggestions of working
together to get your account current is having a negative
effect on your credit record.  We must have a payment now!

If you cannot send at least a partial payment now,
call us so that we can come to a workable agreement.

    Yours sincerely,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

We are interested in our customers and are always trying
to find new ways to improve our service.  For these reasons, we
are inquiring if there is a reason for your delay in paying your
long overdue account.  If we can help - by making your payments
smaller or extending our terms or by recommending a loan
company -- please let us know.

We would appreciate a word from you -- as well as your



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Again, we must remind you of your open account that
is now ___ (number of days) days beyond our ___ (number of
days) terms.

Despite the fact that you have ignored our previous
reminders, you can no longer delay payment if you wish to
keep your account open.

Please phone us to discuss ways we can work together
to reduce this balance.  We will try to help you in every
conceivable way.

Don't fail your company and us now.  At the very
least, send us an explanation. A check will keep your
account open.

    Yours sincerely,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

You did not reply to our first reminder of your
overdue account but we are sure that you will send us a
check for _____ (amount) to make your account up-to-date.

Please use the postage paid envelope that is
enclosed for your convenience.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Is there a reason why you haven't paid?
Is there a reson why you haven't written?
Is there a reason why you haven't phoned?
Is there a reason why you have ignored your bills?

I am sure not! Please mail your check today for ____
(amount), covering invoices _______, _________, and _______
(invoice numbers).



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

We are sure that you will not object to this reminder
that there is a balance of ____ (amount of balance) on
your monthly account.

If you have not mailed your check, please do it now.  Then
your account will be up-to-date.



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Here is your second chance to pay these overdue invoices:

No.   Date     Amount
No.   Date     Amount
No.   Date     Amount

We know that you plan to pay them, so why delay?  If you
have a reason for not paying them, please let us know either
by letter or phone us at _______ (phone number)




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Please check the following invoices that are past due:

No.    Date     Amount
No.    Date     Amount
No.    Date     Amount

By taking care of this matter now, you will save yourself
the trouble of checking them again.  If there is a reason for
their not being paid, please inform us.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

Your work has been excellent.  However, your
absentee record is now overshadowing your work record.
I realize that your health has been poor but one of
our job requirements is regular attendance.  We have
difficulty scheduling when we cannot depend on your

We have discussed this subject with you
several times before.  Now your attendance must
meet our requirements or we will have to
terminate you.




Dear _____ (name):

With thanks we acknowledge your check and order dated
_______, l9 __, (date) for ______ (items) described in our
letter to you of _______, l9 __ (date).

Unfortunately, the demand for the ____ (item) has
been so great that we have no more on hand.  Despite the
fact that we have reordered this, these ____ (item), we
regretfully have no idea when they will be shipped to us.

Therefore, we will gladly return your check and
inform you when the new supply arrives.  However, if you
prefer, we will keep your check and forward you the ___
(item) as soon as it, they arrive(s).

         Very truly yours,



Dear ____ (name):

I am taking the liberty of writing you this letter
instead of interrupting you by phone.

Last week I mailed you a brief proposal.  Now I am
wondering if it suits your company's needs.

We wish to do business with you and would appreciate
it if you would let us know as soon as possible if we fit
into your plans.

        Cordially yours,


    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for sending your payment check on your _____
(month) bill.

Our collection letters proceed automatically and
occasionally a payment crosses in the mail.  This is obviously
what happened in your case.

Your check, of course, has been properly documented and
your account is currently marked paid in full.




Dear ____ (name):

This letter is to inform you that the check number ___
(number) dated _______, l9__ (date) drawn to me in the amount
of _____ (amount) has been returned from the bank with the
notation "No Funds."

We all make mistakes when it comes to bank accounts.
And since this is Christmas season, I am sure that this mistake
was just an oversight.

I am sure, though, that you understand that I would
like to have this situation rectified at once. Therefore,
please send me immediately a certified check for ______
(amount) plus _____ (amount) for protest charge (statement
enclosed) for which I was required to pay.

Your promptness will enable me to readjust your
account with the bank and return your original check.

   Yours truly,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

My behavior at your ____ (place) following  our
recent ______ (what kind of) meeting was deplorable.
I can assure you that it will not happen again.  I
was wrong.  I have no excuses. I am very sorry.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Thank you for your recent request to establish credit.
We appreciate your interest in ____ (name of store).

However, based on numerous credit information, we can
only make shipments to you when cash is received with the

We apologize for this but we know that you understand.
If we can be of service to you further, please let us know.




Dear ____ (name):

This letter is to inform you that recently there have
been many mistakes in our billing.  Can this situation be

I am sure that you would agree that if a little more
time, care and effort was made towards accuracy on the part
of your accounting department, we would mutually benefit.



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


Dear ____ (name):

As a _________ (name of bank) depositor, you are very
important to us.  Therefore, we are concerned when we see that
you have not used your account for some time.

Up to this time, we could only measure your satisfaction
by the use of your account.  Now, however, you can take advantage
of this easy-to-answer letter and tell us if you are taking
advantage of the bank's many other facilities or anything else
you would like to say!

Have we lived up to the standards that you had expected?
Have we served you adequately?

May be you haven't used your account because you have
moved or because you have misplaced your passbook.  (We will
gladly issue you a new one!)  Whatever the reason, please tell
us on the confidential form above.  Postage is not needed and
you do not have to sign your name.  Your input is always welcome.

          Respectfully yours,


    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ___ (name):

Thank you so much for your credit application at _____
(name of store).  We appreciate your confidence.

Your references are extremely good and your employment
record shows a strong future.  However, at present your financial
condition does not totally meet ____ (name of store's) requirements.
Therefore, we cannot grant you the $____ (amount of money) open
credit you requested.

Please feel free to come in and talk to me at your convenience.
I am sure that we can set up a gradual increasing credit scale that
will meet with your satisfaction.  Meantime, deliveries paid by cash
are made within ____ (number of days) days.

We hope to be hearing from you shortly.


    (title)      (title)

    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

I am sure you are aware of the poor economic
conditions.  Because of this fact, we have had to eliminate
certain positions.  Sadly, your position is one of those
to be eliminated.

We hope that as economic conditions improve we
will be able to consider you for another position.  We
wish you every success in finding a new position and
we extend our thanks for the good work you have done
for us.



          (your street
    city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name:

Thanks so much for opening a charge account with us!
You have placed your trust in us and, therefore, we hope
to see that you have complete satisfaction in your purchases.

Our showing of _____ (product) is comprehensive and
includes some of today's best designers.  They include the
following:   ______, _______, _____ (list of names).

We are most eager to have you get acquainted with
our store, products and associates.  We know that you will
be served intellectually and courteously.  Please feel welcome
to come into our store frequently.

          Cordially yours,



     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Thank you so much for your letter explaining the incident
on ____ (what i.e. bus) _____ (time period).  It is only when
people take the time to let us know about occasional slip-ups
that we can rectify problems and continue to serve the community
with courtesy and reliability.

The information in your letter is now under investigation
by our personnel office.  Proper disciplinary steps will be taken
to those persons involved.  We will try very hard to make sure
that there will be little chance of a similar circumstance

    Cordially yours,



Dear Sir or Madam:

We have a very uncomfortable request - we are asking for
an extension of time on our bill for ____ (amount).

We had been depending on a check from one of our clients
to cover this bill.  However, we have just been informed that this
check will not arrive until _______ (date).

Therefore, we must ask for your indulgence and grant us
a two weeks' extension of time on our bill.  We are sorry about
any inconvenience this may bring to you.




city, state, zip)

Dear Sir or Madam:

We have been receiving many complaints from our customers
about your ____ (item).  They have not been satisfactory and,
therefore, we have had to refund the purchase price on many of them.

The trouble seems to be with the last shipment.  The ______
(item) before seemed sufficient and we did not have any complaints
from our customers.

Please check to see if there was an error in making these
___ (item).  We would also like to suggest that you check to see
if they are being packed with enough protection for shipping.

We have ___ (amount left) left and we would like to have
you send us a replacement shipment.  We will wait for instructions
from you before returning this, these (item).




Dear Sir or Madam:

This certified letter is to cancel the order I placed
____ (any time within three days) with one of your door-to-door
encyclopedia salesmen. He was extremely pushy and I acted
impulsively.  After he left, I regretted my action.

Luckily, a friend pointed out the law stating that
there is a three-day "cooling off" period in this state in
which buyers may cancel orders placed with door-to-door salesmen.
I checked this information out with the Attorney General.

Enclosed you will find a copy of my contract.  I have
also told my bank to stop payment on the down payment check.

The above mentioned actions should conclude this matter.
I regret any inconvenience that I may have caused your company.





    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

The ______ (product) made for our last order,
No. _____ (number) are too much in variance from
the pattern we gave you.

We can correct these ____ (product) but we
cannot tolerate this for the future.




Dear ______ (name),

I was just informed by our office manager of your
_______ (relative's) death.  It is impossible to adequately
express my sincere sympathy at this most difficult time.

I had worked very closely with _______ (name) in
the office.  Therefore, I feel that I have lost a very good
friend as well as a fellow co-worker.

Please let me know if I can be of any help to you.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Thank you so much for your recent letter requesting a
donation to ___ (charity).  However, it is impossible to support
all the worthwhile causes in each area that our company has offices
in.  Therefore, our company makes an annual contribution to the
United Way Fund which then supports many local organizations.

Because of the above policy, we are unable to make a
contribution to the local ____ (charity).  It is a fine project
and we wish you luck in your endeavors.



    (your street

     city, state, zip)




city, state, zip)

Dear Sir or Madam:

We have been purchasing merchandise from you for

______ (period of time) C.O. D.  Now we would like the

convenience of a charge account.

Please let us know what information and references

are necessary as well as your credit terms.

          Yours truly,




Dear _____ (name):

Thank you for your recent request to open a charge account.

We have checked you references and am pleased to let you
know that each has recommended you very highly.  Therefore, an account
has been opened for you.  We are confident that you will use this
account soon and often.  You also have available to you the
convenience of ordering by telephone.

We send out statements at the end of each month and expect
payment sometime during the following month.

As a credit customer, you will be receiving advance notice
of special sales and other interest features.  We look forward to
having a mutually satisfying relationship.

   Yours truly,



Dear ____ (name):

As requested, we are replying to your recent letter of
querie regarding ________ (name) as a credit risk.

In all fairness to you, we regret that we cannot
recommend this firm.  Despite the fact that we granted
generous credit privileges for ____ (time period), they
did not meet their agreed upon obligations and were lax
in their payment.  Therefore, we withdrew these privileges
and now will only do business on a cash basis.

This is the only basis that we feel secure in dealing
with _______ (name of company).

   Yours truly,



Dear ___ (name):

Thank you for your generous order received ___ (time period)
which you requested to have shipped immediately and charge to your

However, you have probably overlooked the fact that your
for ____ (period of time) your account has been past due.  Our
policy has always been to suspend credit until all past monies
are paid.  Therefore, we request that you remit the amount owed
from the previous statements.

After receipt of your check, we will promptly ship your

   Yours truly,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear Sir or Madam:

Although ______ (name of company) has been a customer of ours,
we do not have a sufficient enough relationship to feel
comfortable to vouch for them.

We have made ___ (number) of shipments to this company during
the past ____ (number of years).  Their payments have been timely.
The firm has a good reputation within the trade but we do not
have any knowledge of their credit standing.

I regret that I cannot give you more complete information.

    Yours sincerely,



     (your street
      city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

Just a quick 'thank you' for being one of our
customers this year.

We appreciate your business and we hope to
continue serving you during the coming year.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

______ (name of spouse) and I appreciate your
dinner invitation on ______ (date).  Sadly, though,
we have other plans for that particular date.

Thank you for thinking of us.  We hope to
be seeing you soon.



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

We shipped your order no. ____ (number) for ______
number and item) air express, special delivery instead
of parcel post because we thought that time was a
critical factor.

Because our assumption was our error, we are
mailing you a credit for the difference in delivery




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

I am sorry you had to wait such a long time for your
credit of _____ (amaount of money).  We have had trouble
tracing your sale and the return of part of the merchandise.

The refund check has now been mailed.  Again, thanks
for excusing the delay.

    Sincerely yours,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

We were saddened to learn of your recent loss.
_____ (name of person) was liked so much that it is
hard to believe that he is no longer with us.

His passing will be mourned by all those who
loved him.

    Respectfully yours,


    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Thank you for giving us the occasion to consider
you for employment.

We have carefully reviewed your background and
qualifications and find that we do not have an appropriate
position for you at this time. If one should develop,
however, we will be pleased to contact you.

We appreciate your interest in ____ (name of
company and wish you success in your search.



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

The ______ (gift) you sent goes well with the decor
of my office.

However, I am sorry that I have to return it.

I have a policy of not accepting expensive gifts from
clients.  An original _______ (gift) by _________ (name of
artist or manufacture) fits the catetgory of expensive.



          (your street
           city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):


Tell us whether you received our brochures?

l)  Whether it gave you all the necessary information?
2)  Whether you are still interested in ______?
3)  Whether you have made other plans?
4)  Whether you have any problems?

If the latter applies to you, please either write us or
stop in our offices.  I am sure that we will be able to help

If you have changed your plans or made other arrangements,
we will be happy to remove your name off our list and not send
further letters and literature.

A self-addressed, postage-free envelope is enclosed and
you may use the back of this letter for your reply.  We hope
to be hearing from you soon.

Thanks for your cooperation.

          Yours truly,




Thanks a lot, _____ (name)!

I appreciate your interest you have shown me.  Often times
I encounter difficult purchasing agents and sales managers.  That's
why a warm reception such as the one you gave me is a delightful

I hope that we will continue our mutually satisfying
relationship.  Thanks again!



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Please accept my sincere apologies for having to decline
the use of my name as a sponsor of ____ (name of charity).  I
feel uncomfortable about sponsoring something that I have not
put my energies in.  I now work with a few charities and I
just do not have the time to add any more at this moment.

Your cause has merit.  I wish you well in your search
to finding prominent names for your sponsor's list.  Thank you
again for asking me.

    Cordially yours,



    (your street
     city, state. zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

I am sorry that I cannot make a donation to ______
(name of charity) _____ (time period).

I am involved with several other charities.  I know that
your cause is genuine but my financial resources are limited.  I
have to make my own choices over the distribution of these

I wish you every success in your program.




      (your street
       city, st, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

The other day our representative, ____ (name) called you
when you were out.  Therefore, he has asked that we write you to
go over several important points discussed in the meeting of
_______, l9__ (date).

Since our business opened _____ (time) ago, we have learned
that it was not enough just to furnish quality _______ (kind of
products).  No matter how good the products, they will not be
reliable unless they are used properly.  Therefore, our products
are sold with a guarantee that one of our associates will be
available for advise and instruction as you need it.  For example,
_____ (name of representative) has been with us for over ____ (time
period).  He is very conscientious and will follow through whenever
you need his help.

Placing an order with _____ (company) assures you of quality
products as well as careful instructions and maintenance of the

          Yours truly,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ___ (name):

____ (name of store) has opened a wonderful new store
in _____ (name of county) at ______ (address). _____ (name of
store) has been satisfying home furnishing needs since ____
(year).  Our experience has shown us that when you shop, you
want selection, quality, avilability, and value.  ____ (name
of company) can offer you all this and more!

We have expanded our furnishings of over ____ (number
of rooms) room groupings to include ______ (name of grouping).
This collection features ______, ____, ____ (name of few brands)
as well as many other famous name brands that complete our _____
(amount of money) inventory.

As an introductory offer to our new _____(location) store,
we're offering you a ___(number of discount) discount on ALL
regularly priced merchandise.  We also have a "get-acquainted" gift
for you.  It is ______ (what the gift is) which is absolutely FREE
with any purchase of ______ (amount of money) or more. You have a
choice of ____ (number of your choice) to select from.

To make shopping even more of a convenience, ____ (name of
store) invites you to open _____ (type of charge) account today.  With
this card you can charge your purchases and not have to be concerned
about a down payment or tying up your other charge cards.  And your
credit card will be welcomed at any of our ____ (number of stores) other
stores across the United States.

All you have to do is complete the coupon below and return it in
the postpaid envelope that is enclosed for your convenience.  Why not
do it today!

    Cordially yours,




Dear ______ (name):

It is with a great privilege and pleasure to answer
your letter about _____ (name).

_________ (name) has been a credit customer of ours
the past ______ (time period). He has always paid his account
on time.  In addition, he has sent us several customers equally
reliable.  Judging from his purchases, he seems to be a man, woman
of considerable means.

We recommend _______ (name) to you with no reservations.

    Yours very truly,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ___ (name):

I guess you are right, ____ (name)!

Although I thought that our charges are justified, your
letter as well as a discussion with our service crew who
visited you has convinced me that you are partially correct.
The ____ (item in question) must have been defective and
that is why it has probably given you so much difficulty.

Therefore, I have told the bookkeeping department
to cancel all of last ____ (time period's) service charges.

Now I understand that all the equipment is working
smoothly.  Please let me assure you that we will continue
to stand by our product for the full ___ (time period).




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state,zip)

Dear _____ (name):

Your gift awaited us when we returned home.  It
reminded us of your warm and sincere hospitality.

We shall treasure the ______ (gift).  Most of
all, every time we ____ (use it, see it, etc.), we will
think of our friendship.

    Cordially yours,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

This letter is to inform you that we have received
your letter dated ____ (date) that was addressed to _____

_____ (name) has been ill and is not expected to
return to the office until about ____ (date).  When he
returns, I will bring your letter to his attention.

    Yours truly,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

When I took the position at ____ (company), I never
thought that I would be resigning so quickly.  However,
I must leave the position at the ____ (end, beginning)
of ____ (month).

Ill health and growing burdens have made it
impossible to conduct this program.  I only wish that
I can continue to work for such a worthwhile agency.



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

We are at a loss when we see that you are no longer
working with us in a business relationship.  Is there something
we have done, or for that matter, have not done?  Please take
a moment's time to write a brief sentence or two on the back
of this letter.  You can mail it in the envelope post paid that
is enclosed.

We have just expanded our warehouse and have increased
_____ (product line that would interest this customer) to serve
you more efficiently.

We value you as a business associate and hope that we
will hear from you soon.





Dear _____ (name):

In the past I have valued your patronage.  But despite
the fact that we have always enjoyed a mutually pleasant and
profitable relationship, you have not placed an order with me
in recent (time period).  Am I responsible for something said
or done that offended or displeased you?

Please let me know if anything is troubling you that
I can rectify. Just call on the phone so we can talk. I
definitely respect your insight and good will.

   Cordially yours,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

As an experienced tax consultant, I can probably save you
a great deal of money! By doing your tax return, I often can find
enough missed deductions to pay my fee and more.

Below is a list of questions and answers that should convince
you on using my services:

l.  Personalized Service.  No two people are alike and no
    two people possess the same tax returns.

2.  Reasonable Fee.  The basic price of ____ (price) is
    for an itemized state and federal return.  Business
    schedules, stock sales, and other complications are

3.  Fast, Confidential Service.  There is usually no
    waiting time for an appointment and your returns
    are returned within _____ (time period).

4.  Convenient.  This is an individualized owned business
    that is opened ______ (number of months) during the
    year for your convenience.

Wе woulд likе tп includе yoх aу onе oж ouт satisfieд Ќ
customers®  Pleasе placе thiу letteт witи yoхr taш paperу anд wheо Ќ
yoх arе readщ tп worл oо them¬ givе uу б call.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

We agree that the ____ (item) you returned shrunk
in the washing machine.  That ___ (item) was not washable
although many ____ (item) today are.  Our sales associate
should have explained these instructions to you.  Sometimes,
however, a clerk may forget.

Whether this was the case of not, ____ (name),
we are sorry for the inconvenience.

Please be assured that we will be very happy to
replace the ____ (item) or credit your account.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

I am so sorry to hear about your ____ (accident, injury).
I sure hope that you are on the road to a quick recovery.

Since you will be confined for a few ___ (time period),
I think you will enjoy this _____ (gift) on your hobby of
____ (hobby).




Dear ______ (name):

For a long time you have been a valued customer and
gave our salesman, __________, (name) a warm reception.
Regretfully, we must inform you that ______ (name) suddenly
died ________ (time).

This is a quick note to let you know that _________
(name) will be taking over _________ (previous') territory and
will be dropping in on you soon.  We think very highly of
_____ (name) and his knowledge of our product, _________ (name).

We are sure that you will continue to enjoy the same
profitable and pleasant relationship that you knew with
______ (previous name).

   Cordially yours,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

Thanks, ____ (name),

and all the other people working at ____ (name
of store) for a job well done during the past year
and most especially during the Christmas rush.

We appreciate your interest in ____ (name of
company) as well as the courtesy and cooperation
you have displayed.



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ Name):

In answer to your advertisement for _____ (job requested),
I am presently a _____ (job held now) with the responsibility for
________, ________, and _______ (some responsibilities held).

I have over ____ (number of years) of varied __________
(kind of experience pertaining to job requested).

My resume is enclosed.



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ___ (name):

I have several questions regarding my life insurance
policy No. ____ (number).  They are the following:

l.  What is the present death benefit?
2.  What is the current cash value?
3.  What is the present loan against the cash value?
4.  What will the death benefits be at ____ (date)?

Your prompt reply will be appreciated.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

We can definitely understand your annoyance in
not receiving the _______ (number and item) that you

Orders requiring engraving need ____ (time
span) for delivery.  Our salesperson probably did not
make that clear and we are sorry for that misunderstanding.

Your order will be shipped ____ (day and week
it will be shipped) and will arrive within ____ (time
period).  Please forgive the delay.  We know that
you will be satisfied with the final product.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _______ (name):

Your appreciation gift regarding the result of the
recent court decision was very thoughtful.

However, I must decline your kind offer.

As a civil court judge, I work very hard at
maintaining an image of impartiality.  Accepting gifts
could very well taint that image.

I do appreciate your kind gesture.

    Cordially yours,



     (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

There is absolutely no excuse for my not meeting
with you for ___ (breakfast, lunch, dinner) ______ (time)
or at least not getting word for you.  The appointment was
written on my calendar but somehow I thought our meeting
was for next ____ (day).

Please forgive me.  I am eager to talk to you
and will call on ____ (day) to see if we can arrange
a meeting before you leave town.  I will not let you
down this time.



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Thank you for your request to open a ____ (name of
company's) charge account.  We appreciate your confidence
in us.

Before new accounts are opened, we conduct a routine
credit investigation.  However, the information needed for
your credit application is incomplete.

Therefore, please call at the credit office on the
___ (what number floor) floor. At that time we are sure that
you can provide us with the necessary information to reconsider
your request.

We look forward to talking to you and meeting you

    Respectfully yours,


    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name)


A young man walked to a telephone booth and called a certain
number and had the following conversation:

Is this Mr. Jones?
I'm calling about the ad in yesterday's paper for the
_____ (kind of job).  Is it filled yet?
Is that person doing a satisfactory job?
Thank you.  Good-bye.

The drugstore clerk was very curious and asked this young
man if he had wanted to apply for the job.  "No," he answered. "I
have the job!  I was just checking to see if I was doing it adequately."

That's why we are writing to you today.  We want to see
if the ____ (product) that you recently purchased has been to your

We at ____ (company's name) pride ourselves not only on our
products but also on making sure of your continued satisfaction.




Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is requesting that I be allowed to open
a credit account with your organization.

I have been buying _______ (item) from your company
for ______ (time frame) on a C.O.D. basis.  Now I would
like the convenience of charging these purchases with payment
made within ____ (time frame - spelled out and then numerical
numbers in paranthesis) from receipt of the invoice.

My business has grown substantially during the last
___ (time) and I have recently added as customers (name a
few new customers).

I have my account with ______ (name of bank).  You
can speak to their _____ (officer), ______ (name) as a
resource.  In addition, I am listing ___ (number) of
references who will vouch for my business and personal

 city, state)

 city, state)

 city, state)

I am confident that the references given will prove
satisfactory and I look forward to your prompt favorable

      Yours truly,


.op  (date)

city, state, zip)

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please send the following as soon as possible and
charge to our account:




Thank you for your promptness.





city, state, zip)

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please send the following items as soon as possible
and charge to our, my account:




      Respectfully yours,


    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Thank you for your recent request of a _____ (name of
company's) charge account.  We appreciate your interest.

We routinely conduct a credit investigation before new
accounts are opened.  The information you supplied us to support
your credit application is incomplete.

Therefore, when it is convenient, please call the Credit
Office.  We are sure that you can provide us the needed information
to reconsider your request.

We look forward to talking to you and meeting with you

    Sincerely yours,


    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

I am sure that you have heard about Individual Financing.
This is our service that has been invented for individuals with
an above average income and credit standing.  I just thought that
you might be interested in hearing a little more about it.

With Individual Financing, you have independent control in
handing your own long-term credit needs.  And if your annual net
income is $____ (amount) or better and you qualify in other respects,
you will be given a credit line between $______ (amount) and $_____
(amount).  Then you can use it for family, personal, or household
purchases just by writing a special check of $____ (amount) or

Individual Financing can give you the flexibility you
want through the following benefits:

l.  No charge until you use it.
2.  You have the option of paying more than the minimum
    payment which would reduce the amount of future
    financial charges.
3.  No collateral is required.
4.  No prepayment penalties.
5.  No bank visits needed each time you need a loan.
6.  Credit life insurance of up to ______ (amount)
    is available.

Please take the time to complete and sign the enclosed
application and financial statement.  This information will be
handled in confidence. You are under no obligation.  As soon
as we receive your application, either a loan officer or I will
call you.

    Respectfully yours,



   (your street
    city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

In my work, I rarely come across accounts that are
in good standing.  Therefore, I am writing you personally
to let you know that ____ (name of company) appreciates
your promptness in paying your account.  You make my job
easier and more enjoyable.

If you ever have a problem with shopping at our
store, please do not hesitate to call me.  I will be most
happy to see that everything possible is done to make
your association with ____ (company's name) continue
to be mutually agreeable.

Thank you again for your consistent punctuality and

          Cordially yours,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)

city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (Name):

Your interest in ___ (name of company) is genuinely
appreciated.  I read your resume with interest.

However, after evaluating the resume with our
personnel and marketing departments, I regret that we
do not have a position open at this time that fits your

We thank you for your interest in ____ (name of
company) and I know that you will find a position soon.

    Respectfully yours,


    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Thank you for sending us your order of _____, l9__ (date)
for ____ (company's) _____ (product).

As you may recall, we had a great deal of difficulty
collecting payment for your last purchase.  As a matter of fact,
your account had to be turned over to _____ (name of collection

Of course, we know that times and conditions change and,
therefore, we should not be concerned. However, we would appreciate
your sending us a few current credit references and a recent statement
of your financial condition.

If you are in a hurry for the ____ (product), please send us
a check for ____ (amount of money).  We will then promptly deliver
your ____ (product).

Thank you again for considering us and we look forward to
hearing from you soon.

    Cordially yours,



Dear Sir or Madam:

We regret that we cannot vouch for the reliability of
____ (company).  Our experience dealing with this firm has
been unsatisfactory.

During the past ___ (time period) that we have been
having a business relationship with ______ (company), they
have repeatedly failed to meet their financial obligations.
In fact, right now they owe us ________ (amount) for purchases
made over a period of _________ (time).

We know that this information will remain in confidence
and we hope that it will be helpful to you.

         Sincerely yours,


    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

To tell you the truth, many of our customers prefer to
make their purchases by cash.  This alleviates the anxiety of
having to make late payment charges.  I would like to  recommend
this method to you because, as much as I have tried, I cannot
find a way to add you to our list of credit customers.

Our gathered information indicates that your payments
this year have been getting more and more behind.  Of course,
this may be a result of your having a particularly bad year.
But, we ethically cannot add to your outstanding debts.  We,
of course, hope your condition improves.

We do appreciate your considering us as a supplier and
would be pleased to do business with you on a cash-with-your-
order-basis.  Our service and products continue to be outstanding!




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

We are currently developing a program of vendor sources.
Therefore, we would appreciate a quote from you on the items
listed below:


Please return your quote in the prepaid envelope that
is enclosed for your convenience.





    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Thank you for your interest in ---- (name of company) and your
request for a credit line.

Unfortunately, we are unable to grant you the open credit you
requested.  This was decided based on the information you
gave us as well as from our normal sources.  However, if you
can supply us with additional references and current financial
statements, we will be most pleased to reconsider our decision.

In the meantime, we will welcome any orders made by a cash payment.

    Sincerely yours,



Creditability and Reputation_________________________________
How long have you worked with him?___________________________
Highest credit on:  Charge account___________________________
Highest credit on:  Installment credit_______________________
Present amount owed:  Due now________________________________
Present amount owed:  Past due_______________________________
Meeting obligations promptly?________________________________
Present Address______________________________________________
Signed________________________  Date________________________

Length of time known?______________________ Age______________
Single or married__________________________
Character________________ Community Reputation_______________
Occcupation______________ Employer's Name____________________
Employment steady?_______ Monthly Income (estimate)$_________
Amount owed you:  Due now$_______________ Past due$__________
Meeting obligations promptly?________________________________
Present Address______________________________________________
Signed_______________________  Date________________________


Dear Sir or Madam:

The ____ (firm, company, association) mentioned in your
letter of ____ , l9__, (date) has had very few dealings with us.

This is a reliable and reputable firm as far as we know
but we cannot ethically vouch for their credit standing since
this firm is not well known to us.

We are sorry that we are not able to be more helpful.




I wish I could but I cannot!

When _____ (firm's name) set up the ____ (year) price schedule
in the ____ (season), we  tried to keep the prices on each item
as low as possible.  We also set up a discount based on the
quantitщ purchases®  Wе  explaineд to our customers that these
pricing schedules were based equitably on maximum value.
So you can see, if we charged your shipment less, we would
have to charge someone else's shipment more.  And that would be
unfair to our other customers!

I know that you will understand our one-price policy.  This is,
obviously, the only fair way that we can operate.  It is a policy
that assures all our customers the maximum value for every
dollar that they spend.



     (your street
      city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear Sir or Madam:

The _______ (name of company) has been one of our
customers for the past _____ (time period).  During that time,
they have promptly made their payments.  They discount bills
within ____ (time period).  Their purchases average __________
(amount) during the height of the season.

The president of the company, ____ (name of president)
has a fine reputation in this area.  Therefore, we are most
pleased to provide a reference for him.




Dear ____ (name):

We are in receipt of your letter regarding the merchandise
purchased _____ (time) and then returned.  You noted in your letter
that one of our store associates had made a mistake and you
received the incorrect package.  As you can imagine, we deal
in a high volume of sales.  Therefore, occasional errors such
as the one you experienced do occur.  However, we are proud of
the fact that these errors are few and far between in number.
We are enclosing a check for the full amount of your purchase.

Your patronage is highly valued.  Please drop in again and
let us see that your next purchase is handled correctly.



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

On _____, l9__ (date) we sent you our purchase
order number ____ (number) for ____ (number and item).
You confirmed the requested delivery date of _____
(delivery date).

Due to forecasted changes in the ____ (whatever
the reason for requesting the change), the ____ (item)
will be available ____ (time period) earlier.  We will
need ____ (number) boxed before ____ (date) and the
balance completed by ____ (date).  Could you reschedule
your production line to work in at least ____ (amount)
to meet the earlier delivery date?  I realize that your
production schedules are full at this time of the year
but a profitable ____ (time of year i.e. harvest) is
dependent upon boxing the ___ (item) as soon as they
are ripe.

We certainly appreciate your help.  We do not
want to split the order with another supplier. Please
let me know immediately if you can handle this for us.

    Best regards,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)

city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

I have just been offered a position that includes
a wider range of responsibilities and that will lead into
a supervisory position.

Therefore, I will be leaving ______ (name of company)
as of ________, l9____ (date). Meantime, I will place my efforts
into training a replacement.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (Name):

Congratulations and best wishes for your retirement
_____ (time period).  We commend you for your ____ (number of
years) of productive service.

Many of your ideas have been instituted within our
company.  We will surely miss you but know that you will
enjoy your leisure.  Come see us often; we look at you
as part of our family!




Dear _____ (name):

I find it rather difficult to answer your letter about
_____ (name).  I like him personally but in fairness I cannot
recommend him to you.

Without a doubt ________ (name) is a talented young man.
He was (position held) with us for ____ (period of time) and
he certainly knows his business and can do a fine job when he
wants to.

But that's where his difficulty arrives - he does not
always want to.  Instead, he starts to drink and then he becomes
very undependable.  He will literally walk out of the job for
a period of ____ (time period) and let somebody else take over.
In fact, that is why he is no longer employed with us.

These facts really distress me because ____ (name of person)
is very talented and has great ability.  In fact, he would probably
be one of the best _____ (name of position) if he did not drink.

Perhaps if you discussed the situation with him and told him
that he would be fired if he drank, that might make a difference.
I think this would be a worthwhile approach because he has so much
to offer.

If I can answer any other questions, please do not hesitate
to contact me.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

This letter is in response to your advertisement in
the ____ (name of place advertisement found) on ______,
l9__ (date) for a _____ (job requested).  I have _____ (years)
experience in the ______ (field).

I am ready for long hours and travel required to be
an effective _____ (job requested).

My resume is attached for your resource.




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

______ (name of person) is highly recommended as a
highly qualified secretary.  She worked for me for _____
(time period). During that time, she proved to be
efficient, well organized and tactful with all those
people she had to deal with.

I do not hesitate for a moment to recommend her.

    Sincerely yours,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

There has been a rapid rise in labor and
operating costs.  Because of these facts, ____
(name of compay) reluctantly has decided to
increase service charges on ____________, ___

These service charge increases will vary
depending on the service your company uses.

We appreciate your patronage and look
forward to continuing our business relationship.

If you have any questions, please call
us at _________ (phone number).

    Most sincerely,


    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Thanks so much for your recent charge account application
at ____ (name of company).  Unfortunately, after much consideration
we find that the information furnished by you does not meet our
credit requirements.

Perhaps we can consider your application request when
your circumstances change.  Our decision is based on the

Length of employment
No credit file

Meantime, please feel free to take advantage of our
layaway service.  And, of course, our quality selections are
available for cash.




Dear ____ (name):

We were so pleased to receive in today's mail your
inquiry about our _________ equipment. This is definitely an
indication of an intelligent and sensible approach to your
entry into the dental profession.  You will be the one to
use the equipment; therefore, it is up to you to examine and
judge each piece on its own merit before making a valid

Our enclosed catalog tells the background information
about _____ equipment. We hope that it will prove helpful and

Thank you so much for your letter and consideration.  We
feel that our _____ equipment will meet your needs and more!




    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear _____ (name):

We are sorry that you wish to end our sales agreement
that has been in effect for ____ (time period).  We do
understand your position.

Even though you did not state it in the letter, I
assume that you wish to terminate as of ________, __
(date) without the ____ (number of days) day cancellation
mentioned in the contract.

I have enjoyed working with you, ____ (name of person),
and I know that our paths will cross again in the future.



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Thank you so much for writing us about the ____ (product)
you purchased on ____, l9__ (date) that you wish to return for
credit.  However, these are the ___ (product) you ordered and,
in fact, paid for them early and took our ____ (number) percent
cash discount.

As I understand it, you would like to return this ____
(product) because they have proved to be a slow seller.  We
cannot accept this proposal because we discontinued this line
____ (time).  Most of our dealers found them to be good sellers
during the ___ (season) promotion that we sponsored.

We are sending you additional promotional ideas and
materials that have been successful with other dealers.  Our
salesman, _____, (name of salesman), will also be calling on you
____ (time period) with additional suggestions.

    Sincere regards,


    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

Congratulations for doing such a fine sale effort.
We at ____ (name of company) now have an annual sales volume
of ____ (amount).

We know that your efforts in securing the ____
(name) account has definitely helped us continue our

    With best regards,



    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

The error in your ____ (month) showing a
change of ____ (price) for a shipment of ____
(item) was due to a billing error.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.
A credit memo to cancel the billing is enclosed.





    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear ____ (name):

We are enclosing a corrected statement of your account.
We are sorry about the error and hope that it has not caused
you too much inconvenience.

Please accept our apologies.   We appreciate your
giving us the opportunity to be of service to you.



    (your street
     city, state, zip)

city, state, zip)

Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for your order for _____ (item) that
was advertised in the ____ (newspaper) on __________,
l9___ (date).

Unfortunately, we are not set up for C.O.D.
orders.  Therefore, please send us a check or a
money order.  The price of the ____ (number and
item) is ___ (price).

Meanwhile, we are holding your order aside
with instructions to rush shipment as soon as we
receive your payment.

    Truly yours,


    (your street
     city, state, zip)


city, state, zip)

Dear Sir or Madam:

With much regret, we cannot give you a satisfactory reference
for the ______ (name of company).  During the ____ (number of
years) that we have been conducting business with this
company, our experience has been very unsuitable.

Our normal credit terms are ___ (number of days) net.  But their
account has been from ____ (number of days) to ____ (number of
days) in arrears during much of the time that we have had a
business relationship. Their present balance of ________
(amount) includes purchases made as long ago as ________
(time period).

Of course, this information has been shared to you in confidence
and we hope that it will prove helpful to you.

    Yours sincerely,


Яндекс цитирования